#i need clouds okay theyre very important
aviul · 2 years
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nap time
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system-of-a-feather · 5 months
Relating to this post and this post, but I feel there is this stigma around "being triggeered" an acting in a way that is charged by the fact you are "triggered" as though it undermines your actions, invalidates your actions, or makes you wrong because its some "mental health symptom"
But being triggered literally has no weight to it and while it provides context, does not inherently make anything right or wrong, good or bad, valid or not.
In fact, I would even make the claim that being triggered really isn't inherently even a negative thing to be in all situations. Often times? Yes. Sometimes though? Its adaptive, appropriate, and useful to handle situations.
The difference? Control, awareness, and moderation - as well as just generally how deeply triggered you are. (cause if you are having full on flashbacks and full dissociative freeze, theres little 'control' you can put to that level of triggered; for the point of this post, I am talking about emotionally triggered / passively triggered)
There is nothing inherently wrong with operating in / from a mindset informed and charged by past experiences. Can it be excessive? Yes. Can it cloud judgement? Yes. Can it get out of hand and become self destructive / harmful and add more stress and harm to oneself if left to fester? Yes. Are any of those inherently going to happen if you indulge and allow those feelings to have space to air and inform your decisions? Absolutely not.
Cause here's the thing - especially with DID - being triggered can take up a fucking huge part of your life if you have C-PTSD or a CDD - thats just the facts of the life. If you have DID, you might have parts and fragments that in the very essence of them, are going to be triggered cause theyre trauma holders, EPs, fragments, and what not. Some of them literally don't exist outside of the constant internal existence of what they've been through. If you are going to wait until you are "not triggered" to live your life, you are never going to get anywhere. If you treat being triggered as this moral failing or intellectual failing, you are going to deeply struggle to build a loving relationship with the hurt you've been through.
The ways you act when you are triggered had / have a purpose. Even if the behavior is 99.9% of the time maladaptive and unhealthy, at least ONCE in your life it was adaptive and served to tell and communicate something stupid fucking important - otherwise it would not be there.
The challenge is figuring out what that stupid fucking important thing is beyond the stress that those 99.9% maladaptive behaviors and mindsets while triggered are, but every part and every trauma response is there to tell you something you need to know.
If you are able to be okay with being triggered, know where it comes from, know what its trying to tell you, know where it intends to go and what it will want to do, and you are able to walk away from it when you realize it is no longer serving you, being "triggered" can be an aid in your recovery and life in the occasional moments when that percentage of "adaptive behavior" presents itself.
XIV 1.0 was a pure solid EP who literally only experienced sadistic high from causing problems and screwing over established structures and would ACTIVELY look for things to be annoyed at / mad about and people making silly exploitable mistakes so that he could make them regret it and so he could get a high of some ambiguous concept of "dominating" and thus crushing people. It stems from the fact that in our household it was eat or be eaten and the most aggressive manipulative and intimidating person controlled the house, including safety, security, food, and if our dad was going to rage and hurt people. Having that insane high and joy from sadistically dominating people the second they make a single exploitable mistake is something that SEVERELY saved our ass growing up when we were a preteen left to figure out how to make sure our parents didn't get us killed.
Upon fusing with Rayku years ago I really realized as FUNNY and FUN as all that shit still registered to me, as much of an addictive high it gave me, the only place that shit was going to get me was an early grave and hurting everyone else in the system so I put a few years into learning to put that skill and joy on the shelf to use if it is ever needed again.
And every so often? Someone gets power hungry and abusive in a way that is fucked up and needs to be shaken, torn down, and have the small little mistakes exploited to punish shitty people behavior, and yeah, I'll be running off of a similar mindset to my trauma environment. Yeah I'll be having almost the same feelings and disproportionate focus and adrenaline. Yeah I'll essentially be having a passive emotional ""flashback"", but at any point, anyone in the system can say "hey XIV thats enough" and I literally can take a deep breath, sigh, and put it aside and go "yeah you're right"
I can choose to allow this to fester and direct my actions and I can choose to put it away as we see it necessary.
So yeah I am probably technically "triggered", but thats honestly by intention. Its helpful and adaptive. It lets me take down shit I find disgusting. I can put it away whenever I want to, I just simply choose to not, because in this moment, being triggered is far more helpful and adaptive to my current goals in life than being placated and peaceful. Plus, because we can turn it on and off as we need, everyone else can just exist as they do while I sit and indulge this when I feel the need to and trust that others will just tell me to cool it if I ever get too deep.
Cause honestly, its also this openness to indulge "being triggered" that is like... honestly the crux of being able to fuse and unfuse at relative will. It's how Chunn and I fuse and unfuse like every few weeks. We choose to indulge our exaggerated corners of the brain when we want to be seperate and shrug it off and let them meld when we want to be together.
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honeybeekao · 2 years
okay take everything with a grain of salt because im not the izumi expert but here's my madness with izukao i was half asleep (slightly edited i had to fix typos and add a Little. for my sake.)
it's impossible for me to be normal when izukao exist. like Good lord theyre such a messsss
because okay. Izumi's like this guy who conceals his emotions and avoids sentimentaiity through Working and reaching his own standards. and his attitude is the embodiment of tough love. he's mean and nice at once and holds himself so highly because he has no choice. at least that's what he thinks. and it keeps his sense of self intact. without his faux confidence he may very well be nothing. i digress, he's not easy to love. he also has this deep seated fear now of ruining people so theres that..
kaoru's a normal guy going through the process of figuring out what he needs exactly. i think smth important about him is that friendship and connection is inherently vital in his existence. he learns to be loved for real by becoming closer to kanata and through that love he learns what it's like to not be so lonely. or at the very least, what being lonely together can mean. his intense loneliness doesn't have to plague him forever, maybe growing up is about learning just that.
he's a sweetie he's thoughtful and cares a lot for certain people.. he's always trying to brighten a room no matter what. knows holding himself to his dad's expectations is fruitless but he kinda does it anyway . god his self worth for awhile was so bad
i think izukao work because neither of them are perfect, they're so messy and complicated. in different And similar ways it's just so. whfhg they cant Fix eachother, i'd hate if that was how they were. but they definitely can help a lot. while also navigating this weird limbo of trying to learn who the other really is.
at first they have a friendly rivalry. being yumenosaki's Pretty People and all. (socially they've got Reputations) i think izumi really benefits from lighthearted carefree ppl interacting with him. again it's not easy to love izumi.. so the fact that kaoru does start treating him like a friend means something. kaoru's so good at tearing ppl's heads out of the clouds. cough rei cough
and basically zumi can learn So much from him. how to appreciate more, maybe feel more. Yeah. just feel. stop being stoic and face your fears idiot. once youve worked yourself to the bone til all your emotions run dry, it won't even be worth it.
izumi helps kaoru with self confidence in his own roundabout izumi way. it's like..basic skills Be more sure of yourself you're being a pushover, don't be naive— oh that was a stupid thought pattern i see.. thanks. and at first kaoru can't tell if the guy even likes him (he rants to rei abt this and rei finds it amusing but helps regardless) but eventually he decides on "he likes me he's just weird"
izumi and his bottled up emotions, he also conceals Any fear with a wall of stone. and so him not communicating this is an issue (not that kaoru is the best with communication early on either. they're both scared)
they teach eachother how to stop hiding so much.. and izumi learns to like the sound of the ocean
they hold hands and take candid photos of eachother! they kiss passionately and go on suffocatingly romantic dates. they hang out indoors when it's raining as if it's their last day on earth. thank you for reading
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handbagman · 1 year
may I hear about the lore to your ocs (you don’t have to answer this but I just think your ocs r cool)
thank you 4 asking herws a braindump from what i can rmemebr 😭😭
charlie is a cloud god and his son mariel is a little water dude abd also the prince . charlies eye is also Fucked up(cause of stupid grandpa lore LMDAOOO) and its so like. dense i guess(????) that half of his body is slowly disintegrating. he gets help from A Doctor but doesnt actually pay attention cause of the disintegration so he just gets his medicine and never takes it. after a while of not taking the medicine he doesnt notice anything wrong until He starts Rapidly Disintegrating
okay hes not Rapidly rapidly disintegrating hes just getting fucjed up faster so he calls a cool company over to give him a body guard and his bodyguard is a guy named sirius vega (who is. importabt later LMFAOOO)
when he still has a bit of him left sirius (<- guy for later) literally has to give him like. 40 million stardust (<- important later) pills a day just so that he could stay conscious (<- ALSO IMPORTANT LATER)
when he gets rapidly disintegrated the only surviving parts arw the side of his body with the eye so he just lost his left brain left arm most of his heart his leg its like that one tiktok audio where its like "his leg got turned inside out" LMFOAOAO the reason he isnt dead is because of the jackload of stardust (<- still important) he had to take
sirius starts having to watcg mariel and keep charlie in check . problem is that sirius also has basic (not-human) needs and sleeps as well so whenever he sleeps charlie goes like "oh its time to get silly" and then starts grabbing people from Down Below (the planet below has other kinds of people) for experiments and also killing them 😭
mariel hears all this shit and as a little like. 14 year old (damn i never said his age) he goes in to investigate (when charlies not there) . when he sees all the deadbodies and Very Sad People hes like "NAHHHH" and runs out the room .
charlie is about to enter the room when that happens so hes just like "damn bro 🤣 wanna help" and mariels like "DAD WHAT THE FUCK" and charlies like "🤣🤣🤣🤣"
their house castle thing is coincidentally on the Edge of the Highest level of cloud so mariel just runs out the house (sirius still sleeping like a boat engine LNFOJAOA) and Jumps off and charlie watches like "damn ☹️"
the next day while charlies getting in a argument wirh sirius "WHERE THE FUCK IS HE" "BRO HE JUMPED OFF" "HE WHAT???" mariels on The Planet.
on the planet theres 2 other types of dudes the fire and the plant dudes (long story short he doesnt actually know much about these guys other than whatever he got in school and the last thing he remembers is The torture room so he doesnt think about it). mariels about to make the third kind on Complete accident
LONG LONG LONG story short stardust gives life to people theres cool star guys that live in space that dont actually kill people by heat and stardust is like dandruff to them so it just gets Everywhere and everyone has Some stardust in them
EXTRA LONG STORY SHORT water people (from the clouds) are made from fish. how are the fish made? idk 😭 when water people evaporate (grow up) the fish slowly die and they turn into cloud people . since mariel is Not in the clouds his ass is NOT gonna evaporate for a while
AANNNYYYWAAAYYYYSSS jesus christ okay so mariel starts crying over the river when he sees that he cant live the rest of his life as a little fish guy and fish have started gathering around him and when he cries theres Little Bits of his Stardust in the tears so when they hit the water the fish (that are already alive) come alive as well (cause now. the water is alive(???))
the fish are like "what the fuck is rhis what happened" and mariels like "AHHHHHH AHHHHHHH AHHHHHH" cause hes like 14 and all tjat Other Stuff
the fish cant go back into the water and because theyre all like. 2% mariel (the stardust) (like skim milk!) they vaguely understand the world around them . and considering The World Around Them for 100% of mariels life was living in a little castle with a king in a monarchy thats what the water people start making with mariel as their leader
fastforward like 5 years the waterpeople kingdom shit were doing. alright. not horrible. they started making their own water people and stuff very fun. mariel didnt really do much (cause he didnt need to do anything) and nobody actually attacked each other cause most the fish beef was with the fish personally and not the water people themselves
what mariel Doesnt know is that his dad was actively trying to find his ass in the last 5 years . when he got in that argument with sirius (sirius got forced to stay in the castle with him) (+ felt like he had to so that charlie doesnt kill anyone else) sirius was like "TELL HIM YOU'RE SORRY FOR SHOWING HIM DEAD PEOPLE OR SOMETHING??? WHAT THE FUCK????" and charlie was like "oh but i have to find him to do that" and sirius was like "ohhh my god GO FIND HIM THEN"
his dad Finally found him with a cool ass telescope and was like "hmmmm yes. maybe when i say sorry i can also tell him to come home"
charlie doesnt actually Know what hes apologizing for but he gets sirius to go sneak in there and give a envelope to some guy that passed it over to mariel and mariel was like ".Well."
charlie actually was gonna apologize and he even made a Cool Lightning Bolt to do it
sirius was still on the planet so he kind of just. watched from a distance as mariel went over to this hill
charlie wanted to be Dramatique with that shit so he was gonna shoot a lightning bolt down before he came down
problem is 1. shooting lightning is hard 2. he only has 1 (VERY BLURRY) eye to see out of 3. hes fuckinf stupid
so. mariel gets there. and charlie Shoots the lightning bolt Right At His Arm and Demolishes it Entirely
sirius is obviouslt panickinf now cause hes like ">,9!,]@0?@0" got out his hiding spot to try and help and mariel is just laying there like the familg guy death pose
sirius gets over to his dead body and is like "😭" (<- literallt he starts crying)
1. sirius is the doctor from before thats how he knew how to help-ish with the meds
2. he got kicked off the doctor team for wanting to Actually Help Peoplw
3. he was a Very Good Doctor so people actually requested for him before he got fired
4. he got shot in the head by said doctor team but still lived + multitude of other injuries
5. he lived because Hes not actually fully cloud
- His ass is actually a star guy covered in cloud skin. Long long long story short this star person was beefing with some other star person and lost So Fucking Bad that they defied the laws of. space i guess and fell onto the planet below. as soon as the star person fell they got attacked and i guess some cloud guy had a Very sharp spear so it cut a small piece of the star off
- that small piece of star is sirius, whos stardust slowly brought the cloud ground (cause they live on clouds. cause theyre cloud people) alive and wrapped himself in it
- the very large piece of star Still doesnt know what happened
- random fact but stars in space have 1 set form but stars in any place with gravity can get as big or small as they want . the star person 100% couldve killed everyone on the cloud land they just Didnt Know where it was or what they were doing
-said star person lives under the top layer of cloud and (yeah it filters in light and rain LMFAOO) helped mariel get on the planet withoit him dying
6. also sirius is trans the reason charlie didnt properly recognize him is cause doctor him was pre transition
7. whenever sirius feels Very Lots of Emotion he starts "bleeding" (literal liquid star starts leaking) from every cut in his body + his eyes
when mariel got hit with lightning it also fucked up BOTH his eyes (made them the same thing his dad has)
since starDUST brings people to life and sirius is a Literal Star Wrapped in a Cloud Coat (not like he knows that) when he cried he cried Over tje body and his liquid star stuff brought mariel straight back to life but it also fucked him up heavily
long story short sirius runs away from the castle Properly, mariel rips his cloud eyes out ans abandons his water dudes out of panic + blindness and charlie is now fixated on getting his son back
there is. more. but i have to go now so if anyone actually read this fsr and read rhe entire (i didnt count how many woeds it is) thing Thank You LMFAOOO
doesnt really matter though cause i dont even talk about my ocs rhat much on here
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gikairan · 1 year
Man, there are people actually excited about this stupid Apple Vision thing and just....
why? 🙃
Its literally Google Glass, but worse. It will fail for the same reasons Google Glass never got off the ground. From privacy concerns about the cameras on someones face, to people finding out that staring at a screen SO close to your face is an actually Awful experience.
I've seen people go "Theyre not the same!!!" and like... they are. They really are. They are both designed to do very similar things, except ones got an Apple logo on it. If anything, Apple Vision is worse because its got the form factor of a VR headset. Something already considered bulky and uncomfortable for long-term use. The form factor of VR is one of the major reasons it is likely to remain niche.
I've seen people say "you poo-pooed the iPad and the Watch and now look!" And like... okay i get it. Everyone really did poo-poo on the iPad. But i'd argue the original presentation focused more on "you can do everything on your phone, but on a bigger device!" rather than "hey, heres a smaller, thinner device that will replace your laptop, that runs the apps your phone does". Like, i remember people making fun of it because it was an oversized iPhone. Who wants a giant face-sized device to make phone calls? No-one. And thats why it was ridiculed. And i dont remember people making fun of the Watch, because.... by the point the Watch was released (2015)... the Pebble Smartwatch was already around (Kickstarter was in 2012, release was 2013). It hadn't just done well on crowdfunding, its still in the top 10 highest grossing kickstarters of all time.
These things have proven their use since their release. I really doubt Apple Vision is ever going to justify its use to the normal consumer.
It will absolutely have niche applications, dont get me wrong. The Hololens already exists, but most regular normal people likely didnt know it released. Because its not tech for the general public. The Kinect isn't actually dead- its got its use in some very niche applications, and Microsoft just tried to force the tech into gaming to make it more widespread (probably to justify actually creating it?). There will likely be industries that find AR extremely useful (I keep hearing about surgeons and AR. Though i also think architecture and construction might find a lot of use for this)
In terms of the video Apple showed off, theres very little I can see on it that will actually improve someones life.... Sure you can relive your memories in 3d.... but you've got to wear a bulky pair of ski goggles to record it in the first place. You can relive the memories of your children after the divorce!! .... And you lost that human connection during the actual moment itself, because you obscured the top half of your face for a giant screen. The best "use" i thought was obscuring the view of a busy plane around you. ... Except in reality, obscuring such view would likely be awful.... So the thing only has about 2 hours of battery life and needs to be plugged into an external battery with a wire. Given the bulky nature of the device, thats... really bad. The video showed a woman on a plane watching Everything Everywhere All At Once. The film is 2 hours and 19 minutes long. .... You cannot watch that entire film on a single charge. Then theres the fact we see most of her field of vision obscured by pretty sunset clouds. And the idea of getting rid of a peripheral vision of A Flight sure sounds nice. ... Until you realise how much you rely on that vision during a flight.... For a long flight - you'll need to see when the flight attendants are coming around for drinks, food etc. You'll need to know when people sitting around you might want to get up. Obscuring 100% of your vision is maybe not the best idea? Even for a short flight, obscuring all your vision might cause you to miss important announcements. Or, you know, your neighbour who just wants to pee? Then theres how the movie window is going to work full stop. We see earlier in the video that you can put a window in front of you, and a window to the side that you move your head to look at. Are you going to be able to put windows in a 360 degree circle around your head, and you just spin around in real space to see them all? ... If so, will the movie player stay in one space in "real space", or will it stay in the same place according to the screen? Imagine if a movie player on a small screen in front of your eyes stayed in the same place relative to real space, and every time you adjusted yourself in your seat... you had to physically move the window to see it. And think about how often you do minor changes to how you sit, how your head is positioned etc etc....
Most of the rest of the announcement seems to just be office related stuff. Controlled by hand gestures.
... You know why hand gesture devices have never caught on? People hate using them (: Have you ever used a Kinect before? You'll find your body got tired quite quickly trying to just navigate menus. We dont like holding our hands/ arms up all the time to navigate digital menus. It feels worse than a mouse, a controller, or just tapping a screen. Its just awkward. People will try it for work and then go "wow just using my mouse & keyboard is way easier" and then never put on the stupid goggles again.
All in all, this thing is just... bad. Its not good. It wont catch on. It'll be an extremely niche product that will only every really have a handful of uses. And none of them will be for the general public.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
This highkey might be one of my favorite fics I’ve ever written. I adore Julian (as you could probably tell from my header) and it’s always wonderful when I can fit him in! SW credit goes to @lumosinlove <3
It was his birthday, and Jules was…well, honestly, kind of bummed. The string of his party hat itched the underside of his chin and he picked at his cake—his mother had made it the night before, and he had been looking forward to it all day. Now, though, it just tasted bitter.
His friends skated around with bright smiles and loud laughter, racing each other around the ice with reckless abandon in some weird version of tag that looked pretty lame. Jules had really tried to have fun, but the disappointment was crushing him.
Sorry, buddy, but we’ve got a game, Remus had said over the phone three days prior. We’ll come and see you as soon as we can, though, okay?
And Jules had said ‘okay, love you’ even though he wanted to cry a little, because he was eleven and that made him a grownup. Remus had never missed his birthday before.
A heavy hand squeezed his shoulder and he looked up from his paper plate. “Hey, kiddo, why aren’t you out on the ice?” his dad asked. He was smiling, but Jules could see the concern on his face.
He shrugged and pulled his hat off. “Takin’ a break. My legs were getting tired.”
It was a lie, and a poor one, but the bummer clouds were getting thicker and his birthday cake was tacky in his mouth. “Eleven’s a big one,” his dad tried again, sitting next to him on the bench.
“And all your friends are here.”
“Yeah. I don’t want to kill their mood, but…” He pressed his lips together and licked more frosting off his fork. It was chocolate; Remus would have loved it.
“Tell you what: I’ll tell people we’re having a second round of cake, and you can help me cut it instead of sitting here all by yourself, okay? That way nobody will get bummed out.”
“Thanks, Dad.” Jules pulled his feet out of his skates and wandered over to the table with his plate, sniffling a little.
“Hey, baby,” his mom said, giving him a quick side hug. “Are you okay?”
“I miss Re.” His voice wobbled and he cleared his throat. “But he’s got a game, so—”
“He sounds like a real loser, actually,” a new voice said drily behind him. Jules froze. “I mean, not showing up to his little brother’s birthday party? Yikes.”
“Next time you see him, you should kick him in the shin,” someone else added. There was a light smacking sound and a quiet laugh.
Jules slowly turned around.
Remus’ skates hung loose from his hand as he leaned against the wall, casual as you please; next to him, Sirius was barely hiding a smile. He raised an eyebrow when Jules looked at him. “Oh, hey, Jules. Fancy seeing you here.”
“Remus,” his mother scolded, though she didn’t sound very upset at all. “You could’ve said hello like a normal person.”
“You came,” Jules blurted, still in shock. Whispers were starting to spread out on the ice. “But—but you—you came out for my birthday?”
Remus gave him his most annoying big-brother look. “Duh.”
Jules was running before his brain even caught up and he flung himself at Remus, who dropped his skates and hoisted him into the air for a tight hug. “You came,” he repeated, suddenly close to tears as he wrapped all his limbs around his brother.
“Of course I came,” Remus said quietly, holding him just as close. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
“I thought you had a game,” Jules sniffled, pulling back to get a good look at his face. It didn’t seem real.
“I had to make it a surprise somehow, right?” Jules punched him in the arm. “Ow!”
“I was upset!”
“Sirius, will you be my new brother?”
Sirius snorted. “Sure, Jules, that sounds great.”
“We came all the way out here just for you to replace me?” Remus asked with fake indignance, tickling Jules’ sides. “You little rat!”
“I hate you!” Jules laughed, wiggling out of his hold. Most of his friends had gathered at the boards in a clump of shock and awe—he puffed his chest out a little. Hell yeah, that’s my older brother. “Everyone, this is my brother Remus and his fiancé.”
“That’s Sirius Black,” Devin whispered, his voice cracking. Sirius waved and his jaw dropped. “Jules, that’s the Sirius Black.”
“Cool, right?” Remus flicked his ear lightly, and he stepped on his foot. “Oh, and there’s more cake if anyone wants it.”
The rest of the cake remained untouched as ten kids mobbed the newcomers; Jules perched on his bench and laced up again, grabbing his stick and sliding onto the ice once more with a smile so wide it made his cheeks hurt. Remus ditched Sirius to get his own skates on and quickly joined him, passing a spare puck over with ease.
“I didn’t think you’d come,” Jules said after a minute of short passes.
Remus’ face fell a little, all previous teasing gone. “I’ve never missed your birthday, buddy.”
“Well, yeah, but you said you had a game.” He shrugged with one shoulder and poked Remus in the thigh as he passed. “Your job kinda needs you there—”
“Jules.” He stopped short as something tugged his jersey; Remus pulled him around gently, already crouching down to his level. He looked serious in a way Jules didn’t see very often. “Hockey is never going to be more important than you, okay?”
Remus gave him a look. “I need you to believe me on this one.”
“It’s your job, Re.”
“I don’t give a shit—” He wrinkled his nose in instant regret. “Don’t tell mom I said that. My job takes second priority over family. Your birthday is important to me. You are way more important to me.”
Jules’ lower lip trembled. “Okay.”
“C’mere.” Remus pulled him in for another hug and Jules scooted as close as he could. “I love you so much, Jules.”
“Love you, too, Re.”
“I’m really, really sorry for making you think I wouldn’t be here.”
“It’s alright, I’m over it. The surprise was cool as f—ow!”
Remus rolled his eyes as Jules rubbed his wounded ear. “Watch your language.”
“Fine, mom.” They pulled apart and Jules pretended not to see the dampness of Remus’ cheek that he quickly swiped away. Sirius was looking a little distressed under the onslaught of questions and gave Remus a pleading look from the bench. “I think he needs help.”
“Nah, he’s fine.” Remus grinned and blew him a kiss. Sirius pointed to something across the rink, then flipped him off as soon as Jules’ friends looked away.
Jules doubled over in laughter until a puck hit the back of his skates and nearly toppled him. He whipped around, but Remus was already skating backwards with an irritating little smile on his face. “What was that for?”
“Rule number one of hockey: don’t get distracted.”
“You little—” Jules suppressed a scream as Remus took off in the other direction, laughing at his frustration. “You can’t be mean to me on my birthday!”
“If you catch me, I’ll play goalie!” Remus called back.
Being a smart and innovative eleven-year-old, Jules found a loophole. It only took five minutes of all his friends—plus Sirius—getting in Remus’ way for him to catch up and hit the back of his knees with his stick. “I hope you brought your mouthguard,” Jules panted as they laid side-by-side on the ice, both out of breath.
Remus dissolved into laughter, and Jules wasn’t far behind. Best birthday ever, he thought as Remus clambered to his feet and headed toward the goal posts.
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hetalia-reacts · 3 years
allies plus spain and austria revealing that theyre nations to their s/o? Love ur writing btw <33
Thank you (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
Alfred wouldn’t be that nervous to tell you the truth
Y’all have been together for a while now and he thinks that this will change nothing between you guys
He just tells you nonchalantly during another conversation
Like “yes you have absolutely have to pour the cereal first t h e n the milk oh btw I’m a country haha”
Alfred would get serious though depending on your reaction
If it’s good and you kinda believe him/roll with it/laugh it off he’ll be more assertive and show you proof of what he is
If you have a bad reaction and you get mad and ask why he never told you/what this means for your relationship Alfred gets super serious and takes your anger or grief maturely
Either way he wants to do all that he can to make you believe him while also keeping you as a S/O
Matthew takes a more serious and thought out approach
He thinks this conversation will change everything between the both of you
That’s what he’s so scared of and why he needs to take this super seriously
He’s gonna tell you that you both need to talk
Once he tells you he waits for your reaction to see if he can lighten up or if he needs to keep the serious atmosphere
If you need proof Matthew has it on him
If you need time to process he’ll give you how ever long you need
And if you’re scared of him/what’s gonna happen to your relationship he will do everything in his power to make you feel safe and secure again
The last thing Matthew would want from this is to lose you or your trust
Arthur is so serious it’s scary
I mean you can tell he’s been thinking about this for a while now because his mood has been down for the past few weeks
He’s just terrified of what you might do or think of him
He knows his past can be questionable, he knows his immortality can be scary to think about, and what bothers him the most is that he knows nothing about what your reaction could be
So he just sits you down over breakfast and tells you outright what he is while showing you pictures of him, France, Canada, and America to further prove himself
Arthur would be surprised if you had a good reaction to this, he would be expecting yelling not a gentle and accepting reaction
If you starting yelling or seemed to be panicking Arthur would try to calm you down but he’s also starting to panic and worry himself to death
No matter the reaction Arthur will try his hardest to remain calm and collected so it’s easier on you to process and hopefully accept
Francis wants to take a lighter less serious approach to this
He feels sitting them down for a serious talk will freak them out or make them think him being a country is a bad thing
So Francis decides to tell you at the end of a good day
He brings proof and keeps his tone light and calm in hopes to keep you level headed
He would be the most understanding and best at consoling his S/O if they were angry or overcome with worry about this
This isn’t his first rodeo after all
If you take the news well he politely asks if you want him to stay with you or leave for now so you can think some more without him there to possibly cloud your judgement
Francis is among the most worried about the decision you make after processing this
He’s been left behind before for many different reasons and hopes that the only reason you may leave him is because of old age
Ivan has no idea how to start this conversation with you
He’s terrified of what you may think of him, if you’ll view him like everyone else does after you knew the truth
Might unintentionally lock himself away in his office so he can think and try to curb his worry
It doesn’t work really but he eventually invites you into his office for a serious talk about your relationship
Ivan then proceeds to tell you literally everything, his proof is the way he retells everything he’s ever done with a scary amount of details
Reacting badly is what he expects, he won’t try to calm you down at all
Ivan will let you yell awful things at him, hit him, curse him, and blame him for everything if that’s what makes this easier for you
If you take the new well and even tell him you don’t mind/care about him being a country Ivan might cry on the spot
He isn’t used to people truly caring for him like that so having you say that and want to stay with him is more than anything he could’ve ever asked for
Yao isn’t going to beat around the bush
He doesn’t joke while reveling his true self to you
but he isn’t going to sit you down and talk all serious like
Yao just thinks he needs to tell you seriously enough so you believe him but not give you unnecessary stress by making it seem super important or scary
If you get mad and start yelling he may yell back
Yao just feels it’s unfair of you to get mad at him as if he asked to be a country and how he was supposed to tell you before hand when he wasn’t even supposed to be telling you now
If you take the news well he’ll just try to continue having a normal day with you
If you can’t do that he can respect that and give you space and time to think about the relationship and what you want to do now that you know
Antonio is similar to America in the sense that he doesn’t think it’s a big deal
He’s not fool enough to believe it won’t change anything between you at first, but he has hope it won’t end the relationship or leave a lasting scar
He brings up his status as a country very nonchalantly, showing you pictures and journals as if he was showing you an embarrassing family album
It’s going to be hard to get mad at Antonio after he tells you everything
He pretty much tells you the truth about him and his past immediately and tells you why he kept it a secret for as long as he did
If you do react badly he won’t blame you and he’ll be really sympathetic and feel guilty for dumping all this on you
If you react well and are okay with him being a country Antonio will just thank you, clear out his photos and journals, and then act like he didn’t just revel a huge secret to you
Roderich wants to take a serious approach to telling you this
He makes it really official feeling, possibly even asking you to meet with him in his office
He explains everything to you as soon as you sit down
Leaves no details out
tells you exactly who his friends Feliciano, Ludwig, and Elizabeta really are, and even shares some of the more unsavory parts of his past just so you know he’s not trying to con you or deceive you
Roderich hopes from how he put everything on the table that your reaction will at least be more confused or weirded out instead of angry or sad
If you do lash out Roderich keeps his cool and tries to talk you through it until your calm enough to think rationally
If you are confused/weirded out or take really well to the new information he will either leave you to your own thoughts until you want to speak or ask if you’d like to have some tea with him
Roderich really wants things to at least end civilly between the both of you if you won’t stay with him after learning what he is
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strfd · 3 years
clerith u v u
send me a ship. always open. ( mobile )
vomit / don’t ship / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell 
i have to admit that this ship was not a ship i had originally . probably cause while playing the game originally my head was like brrrrr tifa & cloud & zack & aerith .... but after like ... looking deeper at their relationship and finiding out how MUCH they go through together & like ... rewatching the scenes in the remake , and just getting a better grasp on cloud i think i have a better understanding of how IMPORTANT aerith is to cloud . it's hard for me to explain other than exolaining that its definitely a refined taste for me . i DON'T automatically ship them . but i think from what you & i have been able to plot & discuss & write , i realise now that i fucking love & adore the ship a lot . but ... you already knew that im lowkey a bitch for cute ships & will ship anything if the chemistry & vibes are there .
theyre very cute though . adorable . & honestly i absolutely LOVE that cloud would get himself into uncomfortable or stressful situations for aerith . she definitely helos him loosen up and i want you to understand that he really needs that in his life . aerith helps him open up . & it's not like he actually HATES anything she does . he might act like he doesnt like it but . honestly ? if he really didnt like it , he'd do something about it . anyway . i think theyre very wholesome together . 😭
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sometipsygnostalgic · 3 years
What did you think about the vamps (the 5 from stakes)
Best villains in the entire series, easily!! The vampires were all evil but so quirky.
Gum family in s10 were way less entertaining. Probably why they thought giving them backwater motivations and "deaths" was okay. A shame really.
Anyway, back on the vampires - While some were in better eps than others, all of them (barring the Fool) felt really solid to me! And they were so different from one another.
I loved the Heirophant and how he's an oldschool vampire surrounded by vamps more willing to change, who holds a grudge against the King. His shapeshifting powers were super dangerous and nearly killed Marceline, but ultimately he fell to his own values - he wouldn't have been dusted if he didn't believe it should happen! This was also a very fun ep with everyone working together rather than Marcie running of by herself or ditching the others which, while part of her character, really got on my fucking nerves. Like she did that a million times across the show. Nightosphere, Sky Wich... She even did that in Obsidian. Marceline, when people need your help or you need theirs, you dont tell them to fuck off. Im glad she learnt her lesson... maybe. She stayed for the Finale at least and came back in Dark Cloud/Obsidian.
The Moon was surprisingly scary, tons of comedy in her ep. OPEN PIGS!! Take Her Back was also pretty emotional even if the storyboarders tried to tone down the feelings. It was the most important ep building up to the minieries finale and the New Status Quo with the girls getting back to their normal lives with their new insights about themselves. It's the one where bubbline became pretty much canon too. You cant NOT see them as in love after seeing this. I think it's when they realised they still loved each other too, or when things got more serious than in their first relationship. Pb smoothly tried to ask Marcie to move in at the end of the miniseries, and in Broke His Crown theyre obviously dating.
And I LOVE the Vampire King. So unpredictable and powerful. He seemed chill. He had an evil plan the whole time and expected to become a vampire cloud. But he took great risks spinning the wheel of fortune. Marceline may have staked him, or Pepbut may not have dropped him. And in the end Marceline was able to overcome his plan, defeating him with the power of self respect!!!!!! So in his last ditch panic he broke his word and bit her, then decided to fall back within her mind, leaving her be... until she called for his power in the Finale.
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Side Tracks opinions part 2: Virgil
(Here we go again! I think I may have less to say about Virgil’s than Janus’, so I’ll try to make this one shorter)
1) Sunrise, Sunset: This ones about Virgil when he was with the darksides. Virgil is beginning to get tired of his life as a darkside and the monotony of it (“sunrise, sunset, swiftly go the days. Sunrise, sunset you wake up then you undress, it always is the same”). He feels like something is changing in him, but doubts that he will ever be able to escape the routine that he’s been living in for so long (“Because you've changed, Yeah, you've changed” “from a cradle to a casket, there is no way to escape” “The sunrise, the sunsets, you're hopeful and then you regret, the circle never breaks”).
2) Let’s Kill Tonight: Some of Virgil songs can be very vague and it can be hard to pinpoint who the song is focused toward (this is one of them). My interpretation of the song is that this takes place during Virgil’s first appearance with the light sides (“Make room we're taking over here” “Show them all you're not the ordinary type”) Perhaps the dark sides were aware of Virgil leaving and so Virgil’s initial view of the light sides was a bit more spiteful and angry than we thought. With this interpretation I like to assume that it was Janus’ plan to let Virgil out, perhaps in an attempt to get all the dark sides accepted, but it backfired when Virgil realized that the light sides weren’t as bad as he was raised to believe.
3) Sally’s Song: After the last song, this song shows Virgil’s realization that perhaps he does want to be with the light sides. He really cares about Thomas and wants to be with him, but he’s worried about whether or not he’ll be helpful and worthy (“And though I'd like to stand by him, Can't shake this feeling that I have” “And will he see? How much he means to me. I think it's not to be” “All though I'd like to join the crowd, In their enthusiastic loud. Try as I may It doesn't last”)
4) It Ends Tonight: Virgil is starting to be accepted, woot woot (“When darkness turns to light, It ends tonight, it ends tonight” “A weight is lifted on this evening”). Virgil seems to start to feel a lot of anger towards the other dark sides at this point. He feels as if he’s been tricked by them and that Thomas needed him all along (“A falling star, at least I fall alone”). He’s now showing anger and frustration towards the dark sides that really hasn’t been prevalent in the playlist up until this point. I think he’s realized that they’ve either been using him, lying to him, or fooling him (“I look at you with such disdain” “Now I'm on my own side, It's better than being on your side”).
5) I’d Hate to be You When People find out What this Song is About: Now that Virgil is with the light sides, he’s worried that he may not be good enough or helpful enough for Thomas (“Well, I'm thinking of the worst things That I could say to you” “But I'm tongue tied and terrified of what I'll say” And I'm sorry that this wasn't easy, When I asked you believe me” “I could only sing you sad songs”). He’s so worried about hurting Thomas because of his dark side origins that he doesnt understand why Thomas is trying so hard to accept him (“You never let go, But I let go”). He also refrains from telling Thomas about his true past probably out of fear or worry that Thomas won’t want him anymore (“But I never told you everything, I'm losing hope and fading dreams”).
6) A Decade under the Influence: Virgil is anxious™️. Despite how worried he is about his ability to help Thomas, he knows that he has to try and that he has to protect Thomas from the other dark sides (“Well, I've got a bad feeling about this, I've got a bad feeling about this” “To hell with you and all your friends, To hell with you and all your friends” “I’m a nervous wreck”).
7) Thnks fr th Mmrs: HUGE, SASSY middle finger to Janus. Honestly, thats it. Virgil has been fully accepted by Thomas and the light side gang and he is LOVING it. This song is just Virgil rubbing it in Janus’ face how much better off he is without him and the dark sides (“Who does he think he is?” “Thanks for the memories even though they weren't so great”). He also flaunts the fact that Patton is a much better parent/authority figure than Janus ever was (“He tastes like you, only sweeter”).
8) Be Calm: This ones cuteeeee. Virgil has been with the light sides for some time now and has begun to understand that he can be helpful to thomas (“As I walk through the streets of my new city, My back feeling much better, I suppose”). The entire song just feels like Virgil helping Thomas through an anxiety attack or some panic of sorts. He relates to Thomas on the feeling and tries his best to help him relax (“I close my eyes, I tell myself to breathe” “And be calm. Be calm. I know you feel like you are breaking down. Oh I know that it gets so hard sometimes. Be calm.” “Take it from me, I've been there a thousand times.” “You hate your pulse because it thinks you're still alive” “It just gets so hard sometimes”). Theyre starting to bond and finally understand each other and that is just super sweet 💜💜💜.
9) I’m not Okay (I Promise): Honestly... I’m not super sure about this one. It’s another vague one as to who it is aimed toward, but I’m just gonna assume it’s either Thomas or Patton. Virgil is feeling like he isn’t being listened to and needs to be taken more seriously (“I never want to let you down or have you go” “I told you time and time again you sing the words but don't know what it means” “I held you close as we both shook for the last time” “You said you read me like a book, but the pages all are torn and frayed” “But you really need to listen to me, Because I'm telling you the truth”).
10) Imaginary: Despite now being a light side, Virgil still worries about the darker sides that are hidden within Thomas (“In my field of paper flowers And candy clouds of lullaby. I lie inside myself for hours And watch my purple sky fly over me”). He knows that they will try to get out at any moment and may be harmful to Thomas, so he has to keep his guard up. (“Don't say I'm out of touch, With this rampant chaos your reality” “I know well what lies beyond my sleeping refuge” “Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming, Cannot cease for the fear of silent nights”).
11) Soft Shock: Oof guys... I really, really don’t know here. This song is SO romantic that it’s hard to even imagine why it’s on Virgil’s playlist to begin with. There is also a vague “you” referenced like in most of Virgil’s songs and I frankly have no clue who it’s supposed to be. I’ll just list some lines that I think are important and maybe you all could help me figure it out. “Well it's a shock, shock to your soft side” “Summer moon (this is like a period of summer where its very warm and things are in bloom)” “Better, back together” “Catch your shut eyes in my room”.
12) The Good that Won’t Come out: Virgil is still worried about his dark past and how that will affect the others and Thomas. He knows that he needs to tell Thomas, but he’s worried that if he does, Thomas will only be able to see the bad things that Virgil brings with him (“I do this thing where I think I'm real sick, But I won't go to the doctor to find out about it 'Cause they make you stay real still in a real small space As they chart up your insides and put them on display. They'd see all of it, all of me, all of it” “All of the good that won't come out of me And all the stupid lies I hide behind. It's such a big mistake, Lying here in your warm embrace”). He finishes the song out by comparing himself to his past, dark side friends (“Let's talk about all our friends who lost the war” “It's all of the good that won't come out of them And all the stupid lies they hide behind”).
13) Sick Sad World: Again... I’m sorry guys but this song doesn’t seem that deep to me (at least nothing stood out. Basically, all I got is that Virgil knows he makes a lot of mistakes, but he does his best to fix them (“My head's a permanent mess And I can't think for the stress” “I close my eyes and pretend That the ground beneath me has disappeared” “Rewind and overwrite, Hope life begins at twenty-nine”). Virgil also still seems to think that he isn’t being listened to enough and that he isn’t helping as much as he wants to with the light sides (“So what, is this is as good as it gets?” “So won't you let me in”).
14) Ignorance: Another Janus song! Whose shocked? Anyone? Yeah, me neither 😂. But this one is SUPER interesting as it gives us some insight into what Janus and Virgil’s relationship was like before Virgil left. The two seemed to be very close and perhaps had similar pessimistic views on the world (“Yeah, the friends who stuck together. We wrote our names in blood”). Virgil knows that the change in him was for the better and he wants Janus to realize this too, but he isnt about to feel bad for Janus if he refuses to see the truth (“But I guess you can't accept that the change is good” “If I'm a bad person, you don't like me, Well, I guess I'll make my own way” “This is the best thing that could have happened. Any longer and I wouldn't have made it. It's not a war, no, it's not a rapture. I'm just a person, but you can't take it” “The same tricks that, that once fooled me, They won't get you anywhere. I'm not the same kid from your memory, Well, now I can fend for myself”). Now, a line that I’m sure people will see as confirmation of Ignorance being the next side, has a different meaning to me: “Ignorance is your new best friend”. To me, this proves that Ignorance is a part of Janus. Virgil believes that Janus will be stuck in the dark forever because he is ignorant to what the real world brings. Janus is so stuck in his hatred for society and his lack of trust for others that he ignores information that could prove his thoughts wrong. That is ignorance at it’s core, and Janus is being intentionally ignorant to the fact that Virgil becoming a light side was a good thing.
15) The Ice is Getting Thinner: Another song that solidifies that Virgil and Janus were actually friends at one point (“We're not the same, dear, as we used to be. The seasons have changed and so have we”). Virgil knew that him and Janus were growing apart back when he split from the dark sides and he knew it was for the better, but it still hurt him (“There was little we could say, and even less we could do, To stop the ice from getting thinner under me and you” “And it saddens me to say, But we both know, well, it's true. That the ice was getting thinner Under me and you”). This perhaps shows that the ill-will between the two is not really due to Virgil hating Janus, but instead a sort of broken heart dynamic. Virgil knew he needed to leave, but Janus may not have been ready and may not have understood why someone he cared so much for would just leave him for the others.
16) Overkill: This one seems fairly straight forward to me. Virgil is scared of the dark sides and the implications their acceptance may have for Thomas. He can feel them lurking close by and is on edge because of it. He wants to protect Thomas from them, but at the same time thinks that he may be overreacting (“I can't get to sleep. I think about the implications” “Especially at night. I worry over situations. I know we'll be alright. Perhaps it's just imagination” “Day after day it reappears. Night after night my heartbeat shows the fear. Ghosts appear and fade away” “Especially at night I worry over situations that I know will be alright. It's just overkill.”
17) Under pressure: This ones a bit hard to decipher, but I’ve got an idea. Virgil really respects and values Patton as one of Thomas’ sides, but the other dark sides seem to disagree. Virgil wishes that they would be able to see Patton in the same way that he does and perhaps then they would be accepted by Thomas (“Watching some good friends screaming "Let me out!"” “Can't we give ourselves one more chance?” “Why can't we give love that one more chance?”). Basically, I think the reason that Virgil was accepted by the light sides was because he understood Patton (love and feelings) and what he means to Thomas. Janus has now shown after being accepted that this could be the case (seeing as he was accepted only when Patton accepted him, the other sides didnt really play a part).
18) Everything is Alright: When reading my thoughts on this song, keep in mind that it is connected to the next song. Virgil basically is very anxious about menial things in life that he shouldn’t be anxious about (“Because I hate the ocean, theme parks and airplanes, Talking with strangers, waiting in line..”). Virgil doesn’t feel like things are okay and he doesn’t feel safe, but he asks the person in the song to tell him that everything is okay anyways. Now a while back, I remembered Joan mentioning in a livestream that Janus would be the one to lie to Thomas about things being alright even when they’re not, so this got me thinking. Perhaps Janus and Virgil got along so well in the past because Janus would lie to Virgil whenever he was having a panic attack in order to calm him down. Virgil may have found comfort in this as lying to himself may have been the only way to escape his episodes (“‘Someday you'll be fine..’ Yes, I'll be just fine.” “Tell me that you're alright, everything is alright. Please tell me that you're alright, everything is alright.”). Idk It just feels like Janus trying to calm Virgil down to me.
19) The Middle: (remember how I said this was connected to the above song? Yep, keep that in mind) So right after the last song, this song began to play and at first I thought the two songs were basically about the same thing. Virgil is anxious and needs reassured that things are okay. This song seemed to have a different tone though. The speaker is reassuring Virgil, but in a different way. They’re not lying to Virgil and telling him just what he wants to hear, but they are feeling with Virgil and comforting Virgil with truth and honesty (“Hey, don't write yourself off yet. It's only in your head, you feel left out” “Don't you worry what they tell themselves When you're away.” “It just takes some time, Little girl you're in the middle of the ride. Everything, everything will be just fine. Everything, everything will be alright.” “You know you're doin' better on your own” “Live right now, just be yourself. It doesn't matter if it's good enough For someone else.” “Don't worry what their bitter hearts Are gonna say”) That’s right. This song is about Patton doing the exact same thing that Janus once did for Virgil only better. Not only that, but he’s reassuring Virgil about his worries regarding the dark sides. That must sting for Janus...
20) Vindicated: I think this song takes place right after Virgil confessed his past to Thomas. He’s scared that Thomas will reject him, but he explains that he’s trying his best to be better for Thomas despite the many flaws he may have (“I am selfish I am wrong. I am right, I swear I'm right. Swear I knew it all along And I am flawed, but I am cleaing up so well”). Despite his fear of rejection he has hope that Thomas will accept him as he’s begun to see things in himself that someone (probably Patton) has seen all along (“Hope dangles on a string, Like slow-spinning redemption” “I am seeing in me now the things you swore you saw yourself”).
(And there you have it guys! I realize this one is probably just as long as the last one, so I’m sorry about that 😂. Please let me know your thoughts 💜)
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thatweirdsideblog · 4 years
They know theyre getting sick, from that first morning where they wake up only to find a heavy weight of malaise clouding their head and slowing their thoughts. They even warn the others that they're getting sick so no one will get too close and catch it. But they cant afford to rest yet.
They just dont have TIME for this crap. If they can make it to the end of the week, they'll have plenty of time to recover, but for now their schedule is just too full with too many important deadlines.
They make absolutely no effort to conceal their symptoms, and their bag is so full they might as well be a walking pharmacy. They conscientiously keep to themselves. They get very quiet, conserving their energy by all means necessary. Not once do they complain about their predicament. At most they will sigh when someone else asks if they are sure they are okay.
"Well I'm here arent i?"
They might look a mess and they might be particularly grumpy but they have no time to let pride or doubt get in the way. This is just how its gonna have to be and the others will have to deal with them being here whether they like it or not. They just need to make it to the end of the week.
But perhaps sheer willpower isnt always enough to get the job done
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might-guys-acorn · 5 years
Do you do hc's? If you do, could you do Akatsuki relationship hc's please?
Ive never done hc's before, but Im gonna do my best :) hope they turn out okay! -🦎
P.S. this post will be super long, so my apologies in advance folks❤
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Super quiet baby.
Shows his affection through actions, not words
Has difficulties showing his emotions, but genuinely tries his best.
Isnt sure how to be in a relationship, so is very awkward. Stutters a lot when talking to or about you: "Uh.... Y/N.....I think you look, uh, s-stunning today."
Blushes all the time.
You love it
So you do literally anything in your power to cause it. Brushing his hair out of his face, complimenting him in front of others, kissing him on the cheek randomly, etc.
Loves kissing in the rain. It overwhelms his senses, from the feel of the drops on his skin, to the smell of your hair, to the light shiver he can feel run down your spine after a while. He loves every second.
Will do anything for you. Legitimately ready to end the world for the one that he loves
Super sentimental type
Talks about her past a lot, and wants to hear all about yours.
Emotional connection is an absolute must, looks are always second in her book
Want you to get along with her friends, specifically Pain. You two are the most important people in her life, so its essential that you get along.
Thinks its precious that youre interested in her hobbies. Plenty of nights will be spent trying to help you learn origami, but at the end of the day, theres just a bunch of lopsided cranes and crumple flowers around the two of you asleep on the carpet.
I dont think shed be much of a cook, so meals are a must for you. She'll always compliment you on it though : "Y/N, this breakfast looks lovely. How'd I end up with a catch like you?"
She does make a mean cup of tea though
Likes to leave little notes or origami figures around for you to find when shes away :)
Super obnoxious ngl
Likes to show you off to everybody. Like. Everyone. Other members, enemies, people on the street. You name it.
Theres never a quiet moment with him
Especially right before bed, when he starts to babble nonsense because hes tired. You never knew a person could have so many thoughts until he never let one pass without it leaving his mouth
His babbling is pretty endearing though, because he is forever thinking about how amazing you are
But the only way to shut him up is to kiss him
Luckily, hes an incredibly good kisser
Will forever refer to you as his muse. And model many an artwork after you. Its very sweet until he makes them explode to show off the 'true beauty'
Very detached at the beginning
Doesnt like having ties to this world
But he soon realizes there's no way to get rid of you, and he doesnt particularly want to either.
After that realization, he spends as much time with you as possible
Expect lots of cuddles, quiet nights, and endless hours of talking. About his past, his parents, his puppets. He wants you to know it all, because he feels like with all of it, he has to be unlovable
Is very shocked when you stick around and accept him, becomes very attached to you afterwards.
Doesnt do dates often, but on the occasional one, hes incredibly punctual and expects you to be
Hes very insecure about his "heart". He absolutely melts if you take time to let him know that its wonderful, just like him
Overall, hes just very relieved to have you in his life
Truly surprised to be in a relationship at all
This isnt part of his mission
100% soft boi™️
Loves to hold your hand, kiss your knuckles, gaze into your eyes, all of it. Anything he has to do to remind himself that youre real, and that you love him.
Becomes a literal puddle when he realizes youre trying to name and differentiate all of his crows
Lets you feed them regularly and marvels at how sweet they are to you
Doesnt understand how someone so pure could be with someone like him, but wont complain simply because he hates the thought of losing this light he's found in his life.
Spends all his time making sure youre happy. Taking care of you when your sick, reading to you on long nights, cuddling you when you get sad. He just wants you to feel better
Doesnt give gifts often, so when you find your favorite one of his crows (Midnight, youd named it) sitting on the table with a red bow around his neck, you cry for hours.
He gets confused and thinks hes done something wrong, but you just kiss him and tell him that its perfect.
Doesnt realize hes fallen for you until he sees you wading in a river late at night, singing softly to yourself
Really likes holding your hand
Has some jealousy problems, but not because he doesn't trust you. He just doesn't trust everyone else.
Lots of beach dates
Thinks it's adorable how he has to convince you to get out of the water when its gotten dark and cold
Prefers you don't give him nicknames, just really likes the way his name sounds when it comes out of your mouth
Loves that youre not scared of Samehada, and thinks its precious when you talk to it like its a pet and not a sword
Is even more smitten when Samehada coos back at you, its loyalty to you both means the world to him
Insists on your belief in Jashin
Wants you to believe and become immortal with him
The eternal Bonnie and Clyde
Also the kinkiest of the bunch
Has zero issue talking about bedroom business in front of anybody
Likes how you blush when he brings it up in front of large groups of people
"Aw look at how red your cheeks get, thats so cute"
Does things to get on your nerves, because he loves watching you react. Seeing how flustered he can make you is a frequent game he'll play, cuz your anger is just as cute as your smile
Likes to casually hand you his scythe even though its too heavy for you to handle
Watching you try to hold it up makes him laugh, and you yelling at him for laughing only makes it worse honestly
Will try to get you to go on missions with him, simply because you two work together better than anyone else. No one knows him like you do, so sacrifices are always more fruitful with your presence.
The most distant of the organization
Will be very difficult to connect with
But when he realizes that you seem to know the bingo book better than he does, will insist that you work on his team
From there, he'll see your personality and be thankful for all the hearts he has, because there can be an extra to give to you.
Your smile makes his day, and seeing the way you squeal when the pay comes in for a takedown melts every heart he's got
Thankful that youre just as much of a tightwad as he is, it means you make a very cheap date
Appreciates your intellect, and is happy to have a partner that is as smart as they are attractive, unlike his past partner Hidan.
Silences are an essential part of the relationship, but niether of you mind. Your presence is all he needs to feel at ease, rather than filling the air with meaningless small talk
Never fails to laugh at your jokes
Enjoys making you laugh, even if it means making himself look like an idiot
Definition of silly romantic
Will spend lots of time telling you that youre special to him, even if its in a way that doesnt make sense
"I dont need gravity when Im with you, Im always on cloud 9"
Likes to mess with you when you try to touch him by tranferring his body to other dimensions
"Youll have to try harder if you really want to hold my hand, Y/N"
When he does get serious, though, he'll pull you to his other dimension to talk. Its quieter and theres no risk of interruptions
Likes to hug you from behind, and always has a dumb joke on hand if he ever sees you crying
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lifedxbt · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. 
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant to the main story?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant to the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?
I use canon as a base to grow from. Ofc a lot of my characterisation is HC based, or taking tiny bits of canon and twisting it a little. I try to follow canon where I can on Tseng -- but a lot of that is trying to analyse lines and mannerisms that might mean absolutely nothing.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutual.
He has so much depth and detail -- His entire character is based around two ideas; Nothing is more precious than a life AND Anything to complete a mission. The mental conflict is so fun to write and play with, its so fun to pick him apart
He cares so much about the people he deems worthy. He would kill for you, if you make yourself special for him.
Really dark content 
Beautifully composed and controlled asshole 
He’s so fucking pretty like look at this man???? He’s so pretty hes so hot
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  
He’s very much an asshole and can be quite aggressive
Hes really hard to ship with in a romantic sense if you’re writing anyone other than like... three muses. Even then??
Really dark content 
It’s can be really hard to write with him considering he’s quite... Uncontactable? I suppose. It’s hard to put him in certain situations
Because he’s an important character in the lives of other characters(in particular; Aerith, Zack, the Turks), my Tseng might absolutely conflict with the Tsengs people write into their backstories and thats so valid 
What inspired you to rp your muse?  
I really wanted to write a Turk. I really wanted to write someone within ShinRa because there are so many wonderful ShinRa blogs and I wanted to interact with them from the same side, not as Cloud. And Lazard and Angeal weren’t giving me that so... A new muse. Reno was out because my partner is going to write him eventually -- even if I have to bully them into it. And then Tseng wasn’t going to be my choice either because I know a friend had mentioned writing him once? And i didnt want to step on toes. But Rude isn’t my type and I kept getting drawn back to Tseng. 
So I made a blog for a character I barely knew and fell in love with him entirely
What keeps your inspiration going?
I really love meta. I love having a character I can deconstruct and pick apart and just completely unravel. Tseng is really good for that and.. It’s not overdone? I started getting really self conscious about my Cloud because there are so many Clouds. With Tseng I feel a little less lost in a sea of duplicates. -- I don’t follow any duplicates on this blog because Tseng was such a new muse and I was terrified of accidentally stealing HCs and ideas. 
So yeah deconstructing canon is really fun for me. But so is talking to people, plotting with people and building characters relationships. 
And honestly, people keep praising my dialogue and I cannot put into words how much that inspires me to keep writing. Dialogue is one of my favourite things to write and I’m so so glad people think it’s good. 
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO. - I actually think I do and I’m proud of myself for that
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO.
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO.  - Bully me into writing more
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO.
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?
Not really. Mostly because the things I write tend to be based off layers of unseen headcanons and thoughts. I feel like, if I got criticism that I didn’t request, I’d end up rambling and trying to justify myself and then feeling very off. I don’t write for anyone besides myself and my writing partners. There are other Tsengs you can write with if you don’t like mine. 
What I do accept tho, is suggestions. More from people I write with but like ‘hey instead of X have you considered Y’. 
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  
Yes please give them please please
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  
Theyre welcome to disagree with me but i dont see the point of making that known. I don’t expect everyone to agree with what I write - but I don’t necessarily need them to tell me.
The exception here is backstory. Personally, I have headcanons around Tseng being the one to teach Rufus to shoot. Thats not blog canon because I don’t put people in weird positions. If its headcanon based on other muses and the muns of said muses dont agree, im more interested in that discussion. 
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?
I truly dont mind. I write Tseng how I want to write him and thats that. Though people dont need to tell me they dont like my content. I dont know why people feel so entitled to that. just unfollow me and move on
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?
I don’t care? People are allowed to hate characters. Just dont like, aggressively hate my muse @ me? 
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  
Yeah but preferably whoever im writing with
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?
Yeah I’m just... chill. Im very low maintenance as a friend too, you dont need to talk to me a lot or anything to keep me interested. 
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by:  @gyahahahaha this was v fun thank Tagging: for once im gonna tag someone cause @unattainabledreams is back and i wanna bully them
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insomnihan · 5 years
han’s Entire Thoughts and Feelings on Dreamcatcher’s “Deja Vu”
there are no read mores here so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
THE SONG OKAY LETS JUMP RIGHT INTO IT i wasnt expecting something lowkey sad BUT im not mad at it!!!!!!!!!! i had conflicting emotions when i desperately wanted to cry but also headbang?????? HOWEVER thanks to force and air the tears in my eyes were drying as i headbanged- LIKE this song really PUT ME THROUGH IT like that chorus didnt have tO DO ME LIKE THAT™!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT THEN THE VERSES AND THE PRE-CHORUSES WERE SLOW (and the bridge but bridges be like that in nearly all songs) WHICH IM ACTUALLY REALLY INTO it was like being in a roller coaster with the verses being the slow hill and the chorus was the fall THAT PIANO GOES HARD...................... but like in a soft way????? DONT ASK ME WHAT IM SAYING IS IM A HOE™ FOR PIANO THOSE DRUMS DURING THE CHORUS STOP IT I CANNOT I FELT THEM VIBRATE THROUGH MY BONES
like i DEADASS have nothing to criticize or change about this song its PERFECTLY FINE AS IT IS (except for like more gahyeon and dami????? pls??????)
gaaaaaaaahhhyeeeeeooonnnn her voice is so pretty!!!!!!!!!!! BUT I WANT MORE!!!!!!!!!! HOWEVER youre the second one to sing with this beautiful gentleness of a part and to be honest this part paired with siyeon starting it really eases you into the song and its quite the blessing to hear thanks- and then yknow this part right after handong........................... Heaven™
SPEAKING OF HANDONG LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE AMOUNT OF LINES SHE HAS MAKES ME WANNA CRY OKAY THIS PART RIGHT HERE............................. PLS.............. (i think its just me but theres a smaller voice singing like right under her voice????) HER PRE-CHORUS PARTS ARE LITERALLY THE BEST PARTS IN THE WHOLE SONG TO LISTEN TO pls believe me when i say this its NOT bc shes my ultimate bias like i genuinely like her parts the most
sua pls i was already prepared for softer vocals and you really gave that to me and then this is absolute perfection they were beautiful and amazing OF COURSE got me feeling like i was floating on actually clouds god TAHNK YOU AND THEN YOU JUST HAD TO HIT ME WITH YOUR PART RIGHT HERE???? i understand its just the chorus but I Felt That™ okay!!!!!!
JIU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i stand by saying how your voice be powerful as hell still even during these lines VERY short but VERY effective and very good leading into the chorus i love- and then your bridge....................... B I C T H really put me in my feelings but i welcome it with EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING and with open arms.......................
YOOHYEON AKA THE OTHER QUEEN OF SINGING CHORUSES I MEAN..................................... I LITERALLY DUNNO WHAT TO SAY!!!!!!!!!!! LIKE THEIR BEAUTIFUL SOUNDING HER VOICE GOES WELL WITH THEM like i really like the parts she sings after siyeon like................. Y O O F if a feather became a voice-
i need more dami too..................... P L E A S E like obviously with their other songs i was expecting dami to be in the second verse and with a smooth rap section and the former was correct HOWEVER to my pleasant surprise SHE SANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! her singing voice suited this SO MUCH and im actually glad there wasnt a rap part at all in this song especially that SECOND PART.................. Heaven™ 2x
my favorite lyrics (x): i know i said handongs were my favorite to listen to but i like these lines dont hurt me
난 이 숨결이 허락되는 날까지 As long as I can breathe 다신 너를 놓을 수 없어 I can’t let go of you again 우린 모든 순간 함께 할 테니 We’ll be together for every moment 내 곁에서 beside me
THE DANCE OKAY IM GONNA DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT ill be referring to THIS PERFORMANCE can we pls talk about how loud the fanchant is im crying and really take it in and all of their talented glory ANYWAY OF COURSE the choreography F UKCING SLAPS just so many different position changes and just alwaYS SO IN SYNC WITH EACH OTHER ITS INSANE ill just list them briefly and keep the points short this is long enough:
handongs majestic spin
this and this with how the formation changes and how their arms swing AND the kick
ALSO in those parts in the last bullet i dunno why but i like that move jiu does when she sings IT HITS
i recall sua spoiling literally the first move of the chorus dance in that vlive THE CHORUS DANCE ALL THOSE FORMATION CHANGES LITERALLY MESS ME UP and THIS most important move in the entire choreography and they line up and its SO COOL to look at
when they lie on each other doing yoohyeons lines
handongs part again when theyre in the line and how satisfying it is to watch
sidenote: can we talk about how handong and dami?????? literally spin during their parts????? and they sounded super clear??????
THE VISUALS SO.......................... if you had asked me two days ago (maybe a little bit of yesterday) about how i felt about this video.................. i wouldve mentioned some unpopular opinions regarding the videos look............ i mentioned to gwen @loonapunk that i wasnt TOO into it............ BUT- after finally sitting down to do this long ass post i dont hate it!!!!!!!!!!!! i think bc i have to remind myself that this song (album???? well song-) is for that kings raid game and all the visuals AND story are based off that????? i dunno BUT WHAT I DO KNOW IS I LIKE TO WATCH IT
AND THEN THIS ONE THAT WAS ORIGINALLY FROM TWITTER i dont follow her so im not gonna @
AIIGHT IMMA GO CRAZY WITH THESE SHOTS (with only small one/two sentence captions this is LONG ENOUGH):
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this is what the calm before the storm looks like
went back to the mv film making video and turns out they got slippers on under that table love that for them
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how in the hell am i supposed to interpret this exchange
okay longer section i think im supposed to interpret this more as a sister bond than a romantic one?????? i remember being taken aback and believed this to be something gay BUT 99.9% OF INSOMNIAS say its gay subtext so ill just put it like that i dunno but like i just wanna say they have beautiful smiles and im love them!!!
a youtuber reacting to this mv saying it just looks like theyre shading each other.................... anyway-
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i CANNOT i repeat I CANNOT EXPRESS TO YOU how Shook™ i was when i saw this for the first time i basically jumped out of my chair i couldnt i-
this mv really led me to believe jiu was the evil one.............................
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THE DANCING SCENES WITH THE TEASER OUTFITS...................................... AT EASE.....................
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L I S T E N KIM MINJI YOURE A FULL PRINCESS this pink fluffy dress with the flower crown in this picture............................ i may have cried- like a lot of people were trying this look to persephone and im HERE for that concept for her and like the white outfit AND black outfit is probably super symbolic again im too Big Stupid™ anyway when i saw that black outfit in the teaser........................... i was attacked jiu with a sword is just EVERYTHING i wanted and more
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LITERALLY I CANNOT- her hair being wavy looks SO GOOD on her THIS BLACK DRESS WITH THE FLOWERS she is always a Serve™ WE KNOW THAT but her visuals just HIT DIFFERENT this time lighter colored hair really suits her and then of course she looks FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC in the dance scenes in the white and the black that low pony tail pls
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purple on this woman just shoulders and collarbones out being Beautiful™ ALL THE WHILE staying ON BRAND with herself and was wearing pants good for her G O D i just love the way her hair looks in the white and gold outfits like it just LOOKS PRETTY to me i dunno how to describe it also her with a pony tail WHAT ARE YOU SO PRETTY FOR-
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i just................... want closer shots of this.................. CLOSER SHOTS IN GENERAL OF HER ACTUALLY like LOOK HOW BEAUTIFUL™ SHE LOOKS HERE I WANNA SEE MORE OF IT??????? PLS??????? nothing gets me weaker than her hair being styled exactly like in the picture i just love that her royalty and regal vibes and looks were FINALLY realized and WAS BROUGHT TO THE FOREFRONT
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THIS MV MUST CONVINCE ME SHE IS EVIL BY SHOWING HER FOREHEAD first of all the first outfit turning her into an Actual Entire Princess™/Queen™ that red one i dont really understand SHE MAKES IT WORK THO THEN THAT BLACK OUTFIT LISTEN yo it was like getting hit by a whole truck full speed i wasnt ready and i just wanna admire that yoohyeon and gray colored hair is an actual match made in heaven i just have to say-
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i love this suit and the patten on it so much this outfits color (what is that teal????) and her hair color is such a GOOD PAIRING and on her SHE JUST KILLED ME WITH HER SOLO SCENES i wish i had more to say about her and her outfits but what else can i say other than that she is INSANELY ATTRACTIVE AND I WANT HER TO STEP ON ME???????
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she really broke my neck when i saw her the first time LIKE DEADASS LOOK AT THIS PICTURE i had fallen for her and i cannot get up when i saw this outfit in the other shots like the black top and the see through sleeves but her skirt is like different colors she really Served™ in this outfit bangs usually look cute but in her solo parts she was coming for my heart like miss lee gahyeon pls-
BONUS TIME: B-SIDE TRACKS (just short thoughts and point out specific parts i liked lmao)
their intros always slap are you kidding me-
The curse of the Spider
i wasnt ready for this bop to slap me in the face on my spotify that chorus didnt have to do that to me THAT GUITAR DIDNT HAVE TO DO THAT TO ME i love the way dami and handong sound in this song i mean wrow-
favorite lyrics (x):
소름이 끼칠 만큼 It’s chilling 도망치고 싶어질 it makes me want to run away 그런 두려움일 테니 such is this fear
Silent Night
B I H C T i knew when i heard this in the highlight it was going to be my favorite one IT REALLY WOKE SOMETHING IN ME these lyrics i cant- gahyeon and handong hurted me with their lower registers Y AL L YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE HURTED ME THAT D R O P DID
favorite lyrics (x):
겨눈 칼 끝은 a blade directed at someone 결국 돌아오게 돼 eventually returns 더 다가오지 마 don’t come closer
this song is as if i was wrapped in the thickest blanket i got and im resting on the softest bed in the world with a fireplace going nearby and i could finally rest peacefully bc the lord knows i need it- i really cried a little bit listening to this pls leave me be i legit cant pick a specific member i liked the most for this song i just love it and everything it got
favorite lyrics (x):
그게 너라서 행복해 I’m happy that it’s you 그 많은 인연 속에 Among those numerous connections 수많은 사람 중에 Among those numerous people
LIKE im so completely satisfied with every song on this album and im completely in love with it!!!!!!!!!! the only ‘issue’ i really had was with the mv visually but as you read i warmed up to it lmao LIKE IM JUST SO PROUD OF THESE WOMEN AND HOW TALENTED AND HARDWORKING THEY ARE like i have to say the japanese release?????? and this????? being so close to each other????? you telling me they learned TWO (2) different choreographies one after the other???? i absolutely love this album and i desperately desperately DESPERATELY want so much more success for them bc ITS WHAT THEY DESERVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is supposed to be just about the overall mv and deja vu but i might as well just type what i feel lmao
i have to bring this back its relevant again:
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otterplusharchive · 5 years
i love u all good morning everyone i hope that youre all safe and feeling okay so far today!! its the start of a brand new day, a new week, and a new month.
i know that the end of the year can be a strange and stressful time and i know its easy to look back on the past year and feel like you havent accomplished anything, but i promise you that youve come further than you realize and youve grown in ways you might not be able to see this year.
the fact that youre here and alive at all is amazing and im glad that youre all here and alive, the world is better with you all in it and even if you feel like you havent accomplished anything youre still doing enough.
you and your life always have infinite worth & value and you never have to do anything to earn or prove that worth. youre already enough.
today ive been trying to find things that i appreciate and remind myself that i appreciate them.
while getting ready for school this morning i sat with my cat willie and thought about how much i appreciate him and his presence in my life, ive thought about how i appreciate the sun shining through dark morning clouds, how i appreciate the shape of the trees on the horizon.
i know these might be small things but theyre still important to me and taking note of how i appreciate them helps my mindset as i go through the day a lot.
i want to encourage you all to remind the people in your life that you appreciate them today, remind people that you love them and care about them or just ask people how theyre doing.
you never know when a simple act of kindness can help someone keep going. please be kind to yourselves today and take things one step at a time, know that youre not alone in your struggles and theres people who care about you in life.
youre always so very loved and i hope that today youll feel some of that love. i believe in you all and i hope that today will be wonderful, if you need anything im here
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xitzcaathewstj0nesx · 5 years
"y/n... i dont know how to say this....." cacker whispered his voice breathey.
"w-what is it??" you gasp looking at cacker in all her glory. cacker took a depe breathe."
"i love you y/n" said cacker with agoy. come with me to sanfransisco and we will live inn my condo by the beach. wecan stay together forrevre." cacker looks at you with despurashun. "please y/n... i..... i dont wanna loose you....."
you look at cacker disbelefingly "im sorry cacker.. but.... i cant....... i cnt go with you..... i need to stay here where im from....... i cant go to sanfransisco with yo" cacker crys "please y/n i cant bare to be with out you"
"im sorry cacker" "dont leave me" "i have to" cacker falls to her knees and sobbing.
you look at cacker "stop crying you say your being a baby about this" cacker crys harder. "ok the oh well im leaving goodbye" you shout and start walking to the door
suddenly you see light from behind you. "what is going on here" a voice says. you turn around and cacker turns around. "bellatorta what are you doing here" says cacker. "no roleplaying in chat this is spam" she says "read the rules"
"who are you" you say
"i am bellatorta angriest of all cats protector of the chat rules"
"cackre how dare you cheat on me" you say "what" says cacker" "you know what i mean" says you.
"y/n i dont know what you mean"
suddenly a voice says loud "club recruit"
"well then who are you to cacker" you say to bellatorta
"i dont know but im giving birth" said bella. "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
"oh my god so you had a child with bellatorta!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!! HOW DARE YOU" you say
"that is not my child" said bellatorta "i am not the parental figure to this thing i do not pay child support"
"its not mine either" said cacker. they played hot potato with baby spyro_chan
"STOP BICKERING OVER THE BABY NOBODY CARES" you yell. how dare they worry about that there are so many other important things! you take the baby and throw it in the crib
"ok" said bellatorta
"im leaving" you say
"no my love dont go" said cacker "please'
"taxi" you say  you get in the taxi "where do you want to go" says your taxi driver wafflefishes. "new players chat room 1" you say. "okay but i dont have a license" wafflefishes slams the gas pedal and you go speeding off. suddenly someone is on the road. "oh no watch out for eccentric 20" you shout.
waffles tries to hit the brakes but misses and stomps through the floorboard. something thuds under the car. you get out of the car "oh wow" said wafflefishes. BANG suddenly she drops to the ground she is dead. "oh my god" you scream.
king blows the smoke from the hole of his gun "she has been dealt with. she always tried to get rid of my ex wife, mr lollipow, but i wont let her do that anymore. hes too hot to die. also he paid me" suddenly a cloud of ospreys and pelicans and puffins and owls soar down from the clouds. king makes all of their calls at the same time as he is lifted away into the clouds.
you are scared and lost. "psst" a voice whispers. "whose their" you ask. "come here" it says. you walk towards the voice."i am bubbies youre safe with me follow me". you follow bubies. suddenly there are lots of people. "welcome you are safe here. we are the bubs. the super smash bubs" says bubbies. suddenly you are grabbed by the arms. "the cat game gods will protect you" says bubbies. "no let me go" you yell. you are put on a stake
"we sacrifice to the gods today. they are named staff. let the staff be appeased" says moontrain the second in command of the cult. "yes huzzah" the cult members cheer. "burn them all, theyre all fat and gay" says the other cult leader desbee. "wilted wants to see them burn" says wilted rose
"no dont burn me" you say. another stake is lifted up beside you. "dont worry the gods will protect us" says Vanya_Hargreeves. they set her on fire. "AHHHHHHH" she screams. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH". the cult blows party horns and cheers.
suddenly cacker arrives. she has a sword and is fighting with her sidekicks prayerlynx, moon cloud, denmother, and cheshie. they fight the cult members off. "hurry" you yell "im comeing" says cacker and she cuts away the ropes "lets go" says cacker and you run with her away from the fight. you find cheshie waiting for you and cacker and the rest in a cat. "get in we need to leave NOW" she says. you get in and hold cackers hand and you drive off
you stop at a restaurant to eat. "what can i get you" says yawndere the waiter" you all order and she leaves. you decide to move to sanfransisco with cacker. "cacker i want to go with you to sanfransisco" "i knew you would" said cacker.
you get the check and go home. "have fun" says everyone and they dirve off leaving you and cacker alone. "cacker......." you say "im...... im-" "shh its okay" says cacker pressing a finger to your lips "you dont need to say anything i know what you mean" you share a passionate kiss
"what is this" says saes. "WHY ARE WE ALWAYS INTERRUPTED" YOU YELL. leon chan and loki965 eavesdrop. "sorry about them" says cacker "ill tell them to leave" she says "GET OUT" yells cacker.
"are you going to spend the night y/n?" cacker asks. "yes, i dont really have anywhere ellse to go" "okay but youll have to stay in my bed because we dont have room anywhere else"
you are sleeping when the door opens very quietly footsteps get close to you. you sit up fast and suddenly a knife is pressed to your throat "get up" says a voice. you obey and follow them downstairs. they sit you in a chair. its leon chan! edgy mcgee is also there. "you shouldnt be here" they say "were going to get rid of you we dont want you here " "cacker" you yell scaredly. "cacker wont help you" "ill leave if you want me to" you say. "you have nowhere to go we know that" says edgy. "how" loki steps forward looking akwward. "im sorry" says loki. "its okay" you say. "im not talking to you" says loki. suddenly she throat punches edgy mcgee and leon chan.
"HOW DARE YOU" edgy mcgee roars. she doesnt have any chance to do anything though because cheshie smacks her in the head with a table. "take THAT" she says. cacker runs down the stairs "whats going on? oh no!" she says. cheshie and loki fight the two kidnappers "ill come back" says leon chan running off. cacker chases them with a bat.
cacker comes back sweaty and glorious "are you okay" she askes "yes im fine. lets go to san fransisco i dont want to be here anymore" "okay says cacker "i love you y/n" she says and kisses "i love you too" you say back
you get a plain to sanfransisco with cacker and live with her happily ever after. cheshie, prayerlynx, moon cloud, and denmother protect you from any bad things like cults. you knoew your safe when you hear the cry of five different birds as king-pelican sors overhead.
the end
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