#i need a miracle and some peace of mind
ancient-reverie · 10 days
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I'm fine. I'm doing fine. I'm not thinking about HER. I'M FINE. I'm not manic I'm just having mood swings and not in a depressive episode. I'm F I N E.
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shadesoflsk · 4 months
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ft: Leon Kennedy x Fem Reader summary: Leon experiencing fatherhood. From the day his little miracle's heart started beating to her first steps. warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, self doubts but overall this is just fluff and nothing more! wc: 1.4k author's note: Hello! This is me once again bringing dad Leon content. The last time I wrote him was for Christmas hehe. I don't really know what I did here since this like a combination between headcanons and mini drabbles but hey, it's something. Anyway, take care!
Leon who ever since you announced you were expecting he switched to dad mode. All of his friends needed to know that he was now a father to be. Claire? The first one to know. Chris? He needed to know that he may as well be the godfather of his little blessing. 
Leon who was next to you at every ultrasound appointment. He couldn't even make out where this little bean was but he already called them the most perfect thing. Because, after all, it's the perfect combination of both of you.
Leon who is the first one to buy parenting books. He often told you not so common facts as he read in the middle of the night. Do you know that babies are born with the ability to swim? He made sure to tell you even if you were fast asleep.
“Darling…” Leon gently shook you, his voice was hushed yet it was enough to stir you from your sleep and say goodbye to your precious dreams. “Mhm…? What is it?” Being woken up in the middle of the night wasn’t something you were looking for. Especially since you already grew used to Leon’s schedule. However, you tried not to show any signs of grumpiness.  “Do you know that our baby can recognize music? So… if we put some headphones on your stomach they might know what we usually listen to!” His voice was barely a whisper but it wasn’t enough to hide his excitement.  “Go to sleep Leon…”
Leon who has all the money in the world to buy the most expensive and glamorous crib, yet he wanted to experience how it was to build it. So, he made it from scratch. Of course, with Chris’ help. Even though both of them ended up with splinters in their fingers.
Leon who would rarely argue with you. But when the time comes when you disagree about something and go to bed a bit mad at each other, he would place a hand on your belly as he whispered: I'm mad at you, not at them. Eventually, both of you would forgive each other, even if the argument was just a silly disagreement.
Arguing with Leon was obviously something doomed to happen in your marriage. As much as you wanted it to be peaceful and problem-less, your personalities sometimes crashed. It never led to an actual fight. But Leon was… stubborn, even if he knew you were right, he'd never admit it. So, as you lay on your side hoping that sleep comes faster, you feel a strong and calloused hand over your belly.  “I'm not angry at them so this is only fair.” Leon said, rubbing and caressing the skin that was starting to stretch as it gave the baby more space to grow. After a couple of seconds of silence, Leon started to feel guilty for not giving you attention. You were carrying his baby, he couldn’t act this immature. “Sorry…” Leon sheepishly apologized for his previous banter. An argument should never make them go to bed angry at each other. “I'm sorry too.” You finally responded as drowsiness started filling your mind and body.
Leon who responded “I just want them to be healthy,” when someone asked him about his baby. But he was a bit too happy when you announced to him that he was going to be a girl dad. In his mind, he wanted to have two beautiful princesses next to him. And now, heaven is allowing him to achieve his dreams and leave behind his sorrowful previous life.
Leon who may as well go bankrupt since he buys everything he sees at the shop. Tiny pink dresses and teddy bears are his favorite things to buy. His little princess deserves the world, she’s already his whole world.
Leon who would speak to your bump, his words full of promises and wishes for his baby. And even when you were asleep, he would go on for minutes, expecting his little miracle to hear him.
“You will be so loved… Everyone is waiting for you.” He said one night, a hand caressing the side of your belly. “I have already bought so many toys you will be playing with. Daddy loves you so much.”
Leon who has to go on missions, he can’t just quit. But, he keeps a photo of your ultrasound in his wallet, next to yours. A totem of his love, a physical item that reminds him he needs to return home. 
“Shit…” He hissed as the nurse helped him sit down on one of the chairs. He had recently just come back from a mission which took a toll on him. It wasn’t especially hard since he had help from his new team, yet he believed his age was starting to show in his body. “Mr. Kennedy, your belongings…” The nurse spoke to him for the first time as she picked up Leon’s jacket which had fallen as he sat down. Leon thanked her before he started searching for something in one of its pockets. For a while, he paid no mind to the nurse ministrations. The alcohol swab stung just a bit as she cleaned an injury on his side. Eventually, he found what he was looking for. He pulled out his wallet and there they were, the photos he always carries with him. A proud smile showed on his face as he was reminded that he had succeeded in another mission which meant Heaven granted him one more day to live. He was alive and ready to continue living..
Leon who would practically faint when you told him the baby was coming, that the time has come. He had previously made scenarios about this situation, thinking that he was prepared but dear God… he wasn’t. 
Dad Leon who sobbed when he heard his baby’s cries for the first time. However, this time, those sounds didn’t come from someone who was suffering as he is used to hearing in his line of job. Those cries were the living proof that he was once again, given a second chance in life.
The first one was when you agreed to marry him. He held himself from grabbing his daughter out of the nurse’s arms. It’s not that he didn’t trust the medical team, but he has waited almost 9 months to see, to hold his miracle.  And even though a part of him fears that his hands are too stained from his job, from his past, and from the near future, he knows that his and your hands will be the ones guiding your baby.
Dad Leon who doesn't know what to do once you were discharged from the hospital. He couldn't spend one second away from the both of you, always checking if you needed something.
Dad Leon who speaks with his daughter as if she was already a grown-up. Her babbles and his words fill the living room as they both engage in a serious conversation.
“Bwaaah” “Yeah, I get it. But you have to understand my point too. If we increase the price of milk people are going to buy even less. “Bwah…” “No need to get so political, miss. I’m simply offering some feedback about the supply and demand of this product.”
Dad Leon who wears matching outfits with you and his daughter. Is the little one wearing pink today? Guess everyone else will too. 
Dad Leon who tries so hard to teach his baby how to say dada. Da-da Da-da, that word is starting to haunt his dreams. However, life works in funny ways since his little one decided that her first world would be “No.”
Dad Leon who is terrified when his daughter starts walking. Those wobbly steps make him have a heart attack each second. 
Dad Leon who hates it when his kid falls and cries. He would literally just look the other way for a second and boom, his daughter fell to the ground. Between the sobs of his little one, he could hear how she says she got a boo-boo. God, he hates gravity. 
Dad Leon who sometimes cries from happiness. Watching his baby girl grow fills his heart with so much joy and pride. The world was a messed up place but whilst he lives, he’ll make sure that no danger ever comes across you two. 
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adviceformefromme · 4 months
How to re-programme your subconscious mind…(tried and tested)
When the retreats don’t seem to have a lasting effect, you’ve done therapy, prayed, been to see healers, meditated… but for the life of you, stilllll have wounds so deep that they might appear to be resolved but the moment you meet someone who is wow you suddenly feel unworthy. Maybe not even suddenly, but your relationship wounds are running deep. Relationships trigger you. You end up feeling the same 90% of the time. Unlovable, unwanted, and rejected. The key to remember is that it started with you. With the mind, with your thinking. At whatever point in your childhood (or even later) you took on the belief that you're not worthy, your needs were not met. You took on behaviours that play out still to this day. Maybe it was hiding yourself, maybe it was lashing out? Whatever it is, the same way it started with you, with your thinking, with your processing of events. Is the same way you heal your self. Here are some steps: 
1] Forgiveness. Forgiveness is going to free you from your past. Write a list of all the people and situations that caused you pain from your earliest memory to this very day. Whatever pains are etched in your mind, write them down. Once your list is collated, start going through each scenario, sending love and forgiveness to yourself and whoever was involved. Imagine yourself as a loving carer healing the parts of you that were vulnerable, hurt and not safe. Visualise giving yourself love in each scenario. Creating peace. Once you’ve been through a scenario and feel truly at peace with the situation scribble it out and once you are completely done with the papers you can burn them and set yourself free. (this process can take weeks / months depending how long your list is but it's not to be rushed).
2] Whatever is still lingering, use your journal to clear this out. For example, if I asked you right now if the man of your dreams was to appear.. would you feel worthy? Right now as your are? It might not be a man, it might be a job, a salary. Whatever it is, start challenging your old beliefs. You might not feel pretty enough, you might not feel like you are deserving… whatever it is start questioning old ideas you have about yourself. Challenge them..
3] This is the most important step… Once you’ve done the above. You’ll start to see some themes, maybe in your forgiveness list you realised your voice didn’t matter as a child, and that you were silenced, and that you hid yourself as a way to feel safe…whatever you uncover. 
3.1 - You are going to write a script, in simple terms - something a child would understand and make sense of and you’re going to write out new beliefs to re-programme your mind. Example ‘I am willing to forgive those who hurt me, I am willing to forgive myself for the hurt I went through, I am no longer hiding myself from the world, I am choosing to be seen , to be celebrated, I am allowing my voice to be heard, my true voice, I matter’ - you want to cover all basis. Every old belief about not being enough, you need to re-write.
3.2 - Record yourself on your phone in a very slow peaceful loving tone reading your script. 
3.3 - You need to listen to this recording every single night for at least 1-4 weeks. (It’s usually 21 days, but I did a recording for 1 week on feeling safe and I felt truly healed as if it was a miracle). I was able to LOOP the recording using Mac...I sent the voice recording from my iPhone to my MacBook using airdrop and then opened the sound file in iTunes and pressed repeat. This allowed a short recording to loop all night as I slept. It’s really important to play this on a loop as you want to IMPRESS your subconscious mind with the new beliefs. It’s your own voice, its your own re-wiring. 
I hope this helps! The deeper healing work is crucial if you really want to remove those old wounds that seem to be stuck and not budging!
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ailithnight · 1 year
So! Giving my reblogs to this amazing art by @providencehq their own post so I can keep adding on to this fic at my own leisure.
Please don't ask to be tagged. I'm relegated to mobile and simply cannot keep up with a taglist. All additions will be going in the reblogs on this post, though. So feel free to come back here periodically to see if I've added more.
I'm currently up to 3 chunks with 1 more in planning.
So, without further ado:
Caught and Content
Daniel James Fenton had died at 14.
And every day since then he has counted as a blessing. Especially the good ones, but even the bad ones. The terrible ones. The days so horrid that Danny wouldn’t wish them on the worst beings in the universe. Danny treasured them still. Because every breath, every too slow heart beat, even the ones that pulsed with terror and exhaustion and agony, every one was a miracle. A moment of life that Daniel James Fenton wasn’t meant to have any more.
Borrowed time.
That’s what it was.
Danny had been living on borrowed time since he was 14. And he had long since made peace with the fact that his borrowed time would some day run out.
He’s 20 now. 6 whole years he wasn’t meant to live but did anyway.
A few more months and Danny would be 21, old enough to buy his first alcoholic drink. But even if he lived that long now, he wouldn’t get the chance. The GIW would ensure that. Tuck had celebrated his 21st a couple months ago, and Sam a few months before him. Danny would never get to celebrate his with them.
But that was okay. As said, Danny had long since made peace with the uncertain nature of his borrowed time. He didn’t need to go out to a bar with his friends and celebrate that he had survived 21 whole years. It would have been a lie anyway.
Daniel James Fenton had died when he was 14.
He was in the Watchtower now. Power suppression cuffs and collar making his already battered body feel even more weak and achy. Batman was staring at him. Superman and Wonder Woman seemed to be telling him things. Or asking. Interrogating. Danny paid them no mind. No answer he’d given them before seemed to satisfy. And he already knew what would come next.
These were government sanctioned heros. They were bound to the law. And the law said Danny must be turned over to the GIW. And since Danny had already escaped them and his parents once, he doubted they’d be keen to lock him up again. Research be damned, Phantom was too dangerous to be left alive. Or whatever facsimile of alive Danny existed in right now. Daniel James Fenton had died when he was 14.
So Danny ignored the government sanctioned superheros. He didn’t let his mind wander to tomorrows he’d never have. He had made peace with his death. So now he took every moment left of his breathing beating blessing to turn his gaze out the large Watchtower window.
Nothing else mattered as Danny beheld, breathed in, drowned in the last he’d ever see of the infinite beauty of the cosmos. He let himself relax, smile, and relish in the miracle of being here, of being allowed to see it one last time. And up so close, too.
And when the heros grew tired of Danny’s distraction. When they led him to a new room without any windows to peer out of. Danny stayed relaxed. Stayed smiling. He closed his eyes and waited for his borrowed time to run out. Even as Batman stared and Superman and Wonder Woman interrogated and the power suppression devices drained him of excess energy and he’s pretty sure the GIW were on their way to arrange his execution; he was contented.
Danny was not afraid. He was happy. At peace. Why would he be scared? After all, Daniel James Fenton had died at 14. Every moment since has been a blessing he has been grateful to have.
Daniel James Fenton had died at 14.
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thelov3lybookworm · 26 days
Summary: everyone is happy
Tw: heavyyyy angst, sad lil fic (literally what i named this before i came up with a title), mental health issues, depression, feeling unworthy of love, panic attack, self harm, self hate. thats all i can think of right now, but let me know if i need to add anything
A/n: based on this and this poetry by @gardenofrunar 🤭 you couldnt tell it was me could you pookie?
also, there is not really a bat boy our reader is supposed to be with, so im tagging this as all three of them. there will most probably not be a second part to this, but still, lemme know hat you all think
AND, im not trying to glorify what reader is going through in this fic. if you are going through something, please talk to someone. you are not alone, my loves ❣️
anyways, enjoyyyy!!
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It was happening again.
The breathlessness was starting to creep up again on her.
And the worst part wasn't the fact that she felt like she was dying.
It was that she was alone. Again.
No one was coming. No one cared. No one would even realise she was gone until it was too late, and maybe that was a miracle.
The haze cleared slightly, and gasping for breath, Y/n stood, somehow making it to the stairs leading to her bedroom before her lungs constricted again.
She had no other option as she crumbled on the stairs, the hard wood digging into her sides and thighs.
She could not breathe.
She could not think.
She could not move.
She could not breathe.
A cruel laugh broke through her consciousness, the sound so familiar yet so foreign, Y/n could not help but sob.
You deserve this.
Azriel. It was him, no doubt. But the longer she sat there, other voices started joining in.
First Cassian. Then Mor, Rhysand. Amren.
Feyre, Nesta. Elain.
"Stop." She whispered, her hands shaking as she rose them to her ears, pressing as hard as she could. But no matter how much she tried to ignore it, the clearer the words became.
You deserve this.
You don't deserve us.
It's your own fault.
In an attempt to get away, to get some peace and quiet, she reached out, clutching the stair. The wood grains whispered against her palm, their sound lost to ears filled with taunts and laughter.
Still, she dug in her fingers, her nails screaming in protest, her heart yelling back in a horrific screech, beating loud enough to almost drown out her family.
Pulling herself up, she reached out her hand, ignoring the pain as she did her best to haul her dysfunctional body up the hard terrain, trying to make it to her bed before she lost herself fully to the dark depths of her mind, losing all sense of her being.
Somehow, having no recollection of the climb, Y/n collapsed at the landing, her breathing erratic as she stared at the blurry paintings on the wall, gifted to her by Rhysand's mate.
Had they always been this blurry?
In the back of her mind, she realised that they were never blurry. There were just tears in her eyes, but she didn't think too much about that as she crawled forward, miraculously crossing the threshold to her room, the familiar smell of flowers Elain had gifted her last week pulling her out of her misery for a moment, enough to let her get up and stumble into the plush material of her bed before tears again erupted in her eyes.
They then came back, screaming in her ears about how much of a disappointment she was, how she deserved no happiness.
And she agreed with them.
But still, it hurt her heart to hear the people she cared for voice thoughts she only limited to the darkness of night, under the gentle presence of the moonlight.
You don't deserve happiness.
She knew the inevitable onslaught of her self hatred was about to break over her head, knew it was unavoidable and would probably have her moping for days.
Her mind started wandering, which in itself was alarming because as much as she wanted to stop thinking about her miserable life, she knew that any and all thoughts she had at these times would only work against her.
Rhys's tear stained cheeks, his bloodshot eyes and his quiet sobs as he clutched Y/n's hands between both of his, Y/n's soft cooing as she tried her best to soothe his wounds after his mother and sister's death.
As she held him after his return from under the mountain.
This was going to be a long night, she was sure.
Cassian's grumpy self refusing to eat after one of the Illyrians had again bullied him for not being good enough. Y/n's cheeks aching from how hard she was trying not to smile as she tried to convince the overgrown illyrian to eat something.
Azriel's shaky hands as she held onto him after a particularly bad nightmare that usually started keeping him up around the time his hands were burned, the anniversary o the time where an innocent little boy realised that the world was filled with cruelty.
Y/n being the first one to find out about Mor's liking in women and helping her sneak out to meet her lovers.
Y/n dragging gallons of fresh blood to Amren's apartment under the cover of the night when she knew the ancient being hadn't had the time to feast.
Her hands scrambled to find something to tether herself to, to remind her that this was not real and that it would pass. That her family did love her, and that they would never hurt her or want her to think this way of herself.
They would never hurt her the way she hurt herself.
They just wouldn't... would they?
Rhys's wide smile as he admired his mate while she spoke to a grinning Cassian, who in turn turned to Azriel to tease the blushing Illyrian. Mor, giggling over her glass of wine as she mumbled something to Elain, Nesta and Amren conversing in hushed tones next to the window, happiness shining on both their faces.
And Y/n watched on, huddled in her own little corner as she gulped down another glass of champagne, trying to focus on the burn in her throat as the liquor travelled down. Trying not to think of the way her breathing started coming in shorter pants, her lungs constricting in the too small rib cage that were set on killing her.
Trying to ignore the tang of copper in her mouth as she bit her own tongue, not wanting to speak and draw attention to herself, to ask for help because she was too unused to suffering in silence. Her family had always been there, and she had never had to go even a day without their constant nagging. She always had at least one of them guiding her through the worst of her days.
Trying not to think of how no one even glanced up as she exited the room, tears prickling her eyes, feeling like she was nothing but an intruder, watching from outside the warmth of the house, standing knee deep in the cold snow as she tried her best to keep warm by looking at the happy faces of her family, no matter how much she was freezing on the inside.
Her fingers curled around the lumpy material of her comforter, and she pushed forward, trying to ignore the tears that rolled down her warm cheeks and buried her head in the soft fabric.
And then let out the ear piercing scream she had been holding in, uncaring that she had let down the sound shield around her room.
She knew no one was around to hear.
She knew no one would come.
They were all too happy to worry.
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Her stomach was grumbling, and she was glad it was because otherwise it would've been the cause for concern, considering she hadn't eaten in almost a day.
She was still so tired and wanted to do nothing but lay in bed all day and cry, but she needed to eat too.
And so here she was, chopping up some vegetables in a daze, not really paying attention despite wanting to focus on something that took her mind off of her thoughts.
It was not easy to stop thinking, so when suddenly the fog in her mind cleared, she glanced down.
The red of her blood was bright, and the longer she stared, the quicker the pain came, but it was only a tiny sting, nothing more than the bite of an ant in the shape of a knife.
She stared, and stared.
And then, she lifted her eyes, her gaze settling on her dagger, unprompted.
She smiled.
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Writing was one of the parts of Y/n's responsibilities. Writing a letter to help the relations between the courts. A report for the high lord.
It was one of the things that broke her out of her own mind's torture, one of the things that made her feel like she wasn't entirely useless.
So here she was, just scribbling away senseless words in her journal, knowing she would hide it away before anyone saw it. Saw the blood stains.
For the first time in weeks, she was smiling, no tears to be found in her eyes as she lay on her stomach on the bed, her legs in the air behind her as she began doodling little flowers in the corner of the page, her inkpot next to her and her dagger in her other hand.
She went to dip in her feather pen in the ink, frowning a little as it created spots of ink on the crumpled paper, mixing with the dark red liquid that still dripped slowly from her fingers, little rivulets running down from her wrist.
As she continued, a tap on her mental walls had her pausing, and after a brief conversation with Rhys, she got up, closing her journal and beginning to clean the cuts on her wrist and around the journal and then donning a flowy, simple white gown.
It wasn't long before a knock sounded at her door, and she hurried to open it to find Cassian standing on her front porch, smiling.
"Hey Y/n, Rhys asked me to pick you up-"
Y/n nodded. "Yes I know, let me just grab my things and then we can go."
He shrugged, leaning against the doorframe.
She ran up the stairs and to her bedroom, grabbing the little bag she had put all her pens and previous reports into, deciding to carry them with her just in case.
She hurried back out within a few moments, but she saw that Cassian had moved, standing near the gates. Which was suspicious, but not too alarming as she stepped onto the porch.
"Let's go."
Before she shut the door Y/n turned and glanced around the house for the last time. Why, she didn't know. But she couldn't shake the feeling in her gut that something was wrong.
And she had known to always trust her gut.
But she turned around, locking the door before leaving.
Not realising her journal was missing from the table.
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"I really don't want to pressure you too much Y/n, so if you don't want to be a part of this research, I understand-"
"Rhys, this is no burden. I'm actually honoured you even considered me for this project."
His brows furrowed, his smile turning confused. "What are you talking about Y/n? You're one of the smartest people I know. Of course you are included-" he trailed off, his eyes filling with understanding. "How have you been Y/n?"
Y/n blinked, pretending not to understand what he meant by that. Of course Rhys knew she struggled with feeling worthy of her family, and of course he made that connection.
"I've been good, Rhys." Y/n mumbled, an easy grin on her face as if Rhys's concern was ridiculous.
"Have you had any recent episodes-"
"Guess what I found!"
He paused, both their heads turning to where Cassian's booming voice floated through the cracked door.
Y/n's whole body ran cold, and before she could even question the reaction of her body to something that wouldn't have concerned her before, she was stumbling out the door, following Cassian's voice to the sitting room, where everyone else was gathered.
Cassian was grinning as he explained to them how he had gone to pick Y/n's up from her house, and how he found-
Her secret diary.
Y/n's eyes widened, her legs refusing to move as her gaze locked on the book Cassian held in his hand.
"Oh, look, she's here too!" He turned to her, his expression carefree and inviting. "Never knew you had a diary Y/n. What will I find if I read through it? Your secret lover's name? His-"
"Cass." Y/n warned, finally getting herself to move forward as he danced back, his hands beginning to crack open the book.
"Will I find your secret fantasies-"
He stopped dead in his tracks, all the emotions gone from his face as he stared at the page he had opened, his features hard. Y/n waited with bated breath, her head turning to gauge everyone's reaction.
Mor sat with Nyx in her lap, bouncing him as she glanced between Y/n and Cassian. Feyre and Azriel exchanged confused glances before Azriel stood, stalking towards Cass.
Panicked, Y/n jumped forward, but before her hand could wrap around her journal, he pulled away, face pale.
"What is this?"
"None of your business."
Azriel had stopped, his eyes wide as he stared at Y/n.
That's when Y/n realised he had smelled the blood she left on the pages.
Damn it.
Y/n stepped back towards the exit as she felt all the eyes on her, panic starting to dig its claws in her gut and begin its ascent up her throat as the shadows curled around Azriel's ear and his eyes went to her wrist, covered by the long sleeves of her dress.
Y/n turned to find Rhys standing in the doorway, his eyes filled with tears.
She glanced once at everyone, tears starting to fill her own eyes, her face flushing in embarrassment, mad that she had started crying over nothing, and pushed past Rhys, running towards the front door.
They will be mad.
You deserve it.
Y/n fled the river house, ignoring the concerned looks thrown her way by the people on the streets as she ran straight to her house.
They hate you.
The door slammed shut behind her as she leaned against it, gasping for breath as her lungs started contracting painfully, refusing to let her breathe.
The breathlessness was starting to creep up again on her.
It was happening again.
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Acotar Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686
@cassie6392 @kennedy-brooke @tele86 @miluiel1
@hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @piceous21
@mybestfriendmademe @saltedcoffeescotch @eve175 @starsinyourseyes
@starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @byyalady @lilah-asteria
@girlswithimagination @gardenofrunar @girlswithimagination @sunnyspycat
@artists-ally @riddlesb1tch @milswrites @berryzxx
Azriel Taglist: @darthdumbasss @foreverrandomwritings @azrielsmate3 @celestialend
@stqrgirlies-blog @tele86 @bakananya @xyzmeh
@st4r-girl-official @caraaaaugh @nacho-nat @allllium
@fandomarchiveilyd @nickishadow139
Cassian Taglist: @moonlwghts @samslittlespoon @nickishadow139
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m2ok · 3 months
Golden Salvation
Pt.1 Pt.2
Cowboy!ghost x m!reader
A/N: The final part is here !! This series has been so fun to do that part of me wants to do another cowboy AU but with Price. I might do some smaller fics first, we’ll see. Anyways! Enjoy my loves! Mwah mwah 
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Simon slept late into the next morning, lost to the world in a rare moment of utter relaxation. Skin scrubbed clean of its usual dirt and stubble, he looked almost boyish - troubled brow smoothed, dense frame gone lax in your arms. An image of vulnerable peace you’d wager few had witnessed in all his storied years. 
Stirring faintly as you subtly moved, Simon nestled closer with a contented sigh, arm reflexively tightening its protective hold around your frame as if even in his sleep he sought to shield you from further harm. 
Exhaustion had etched itself deep in him, but in the dull light seeping past lowered lashes you could see shadows beginning to fade from his features. A sight to lift even the most wounded soul’s spirit, seeing one who guarded others so staunchly finally finding solace in another’s care. 
You would smile softly as you ran your thumb across his brow, smoothing away the rest of his worries as you cupped his cheek. You were careful not to wake him with the gentle touches, content to just watch him slumber for as long as he chooses.
You felt lucky to see him like this, and a large part of you thought taking a bullet was worth it. To be able to see him so relaxed and content was something you never thought you would be able to witness. It was like the eighth wonder of the world seeing him so…at ease. 
You were hopelessly in love with this man, feelings that ran so deep it almost ached to feel them entirely. Your heart was filled to the brim with absolute adoration for Simon, and it was the one thing in your life you knew would never change, you would always be his. 
Simon began to stir slowly as if sensing your tender gaze, even submerged in dreams. Blearily his eyes flickered open to meet your smiling face, and for a moment he simply blinked in bemused confusion - as if certain this couldn't be real. 
But no, you were there. Warm and soft and smiling down at him like he was some kind of miracle himself. It still struck him dumb sometimes, the purity of your emotion shining through despite all he’s put you through. That you could look upon a wreck of a man like him and feel anything close to what swelled in his own heart. 
Wordlessly, Simon reached up to lightly brush calloused knuckles against your cheek, drinking in every beloved feature like a dying man granted water. He didn’t deserve your forgiveness. Didn’t deserve the love shining in your eyes, warming him through like sunlight, but he'd be damned if he wasn’t going to spend every last day making sure you never regretted giving him a place beside you. 
“Mornin’, Sunshine,” he rumbled, voice sleep-rough but smoldering with intent. Leaning up to capture your lips in a gentle kiss, Simon silently swore to spend his every waking moment showing you just how much you meant to him. 
You would smile softly into the kiss, languid and slow in order to make up for lost time. It was only when you both needed to breath that you pulled away, a smile on your lips and eyes crinkled in happiness as his taste lingered on your tongue. You ran a hand through his bed tousled hair with a soft hum.
“Good morning, Si. Slept well, hm?”
Simon stretched out with a groan, nuzzling into your gentle touch like an oversized housecat. Your presence alone was enough to chase the last clinging shards of dreams from his mind, grounding him fully in this blessed moment. 
“Mm, best sleep I’ve had in ages, darlin’,” he rumbled, pressing a lingering kiss to your palm. 
Meeting your gaze steadily, Simon spoke softly, “from here on out, you’ll have me guardian’ your rest same as your safety. Ain’t no one gonna lay so much as a finger on you again, not while I still draw breath.” A gentle brush of calloused thumbs swept away imaginary tears, etching promise into your skin.
“Im settlin’ down for good, if you’ll have me,” always cautious of hoping, but trusting you to see straight to what lived beneath scar and grit. 
Your heart stuttered at his words, nearly stopping as you took a minute to take in his statement. 
“If I’ll have you,” you laughed softly, “as if I’ve ever wanted anything more.” Your words were firm, no space for him to think twice about the truth behind what you were saying. 
Simon’s brows hiked in delight and disbelieving relief at your response. A brilliant, boyish grin broke across weathered features - for once unburdened by ghosts of his bloody past. 
“Then I’m yours, darlin’. Mind, body and soul.” He pledged fervent promises between peppered kisses. “Gonna make you so happy you’ll forget I was ever nothin’ but a no-good outlaw.”
Rolling fluidly, Simon maneuvered your form beneath his bigger one, caging you safely in rough hands and walls of corded muscles. Gazing down at your beauty with something akin to wonder in whiskey eyes, he pressed his brow to yours. 
“My light. My home,” he rumbled, pure affection sending shivers down your spine. Happiness felt strange on features so used to scowls - but by God, Simon was going to savor every sweet moment for all he was worth. 
You giggled softly at his words and the ticklish feeling of his hasty kisses on your skin, a warm smile near permanent on your lips as you soaked up all the love you had missed out on these past years. 
With a brain too fuzzy with pure affection, you spoke words you’d been wanting to for years, “I reckon we head North.” You said, heart once again speeding up as you realized the gravity of your words, you continued, though with waning confidence, “We could find a small plot of land - build ourselves a nice little home and a small barn and coop.” You were rambling as you reached under his arm to grab an envelope tucked into the bedside drawer, “these past couple of months without you here..I’ve been takin’ extra shifts at the saloon. Reckon I’ve got enough here for all that if we’re careful,” you said, hands shaking with fear of rejection as you held out the envelope as if worried he wouldn’t believe you. 
Simon’s eyes widened into saucers at your proposition, heartbeat stuttering to a gallop in his heaving chest. For a long moment he could only stare in disbelief - scarcely daring to hope this was real. But then your shy explanation sunk in, washing over him with such a profound surge of pride and love he thought surely his seams would burst. All this time spent in your light, you’d been preparing your future without him even having a clue of knowing. Trusting that in hope when he’d scarcely trusted in himself. 
Without warning Simon was clutching you tight against his pounding heart, raining desperate kisses across your sweet face near frantic with tender emotion. “Darlin’ you- this is more’n I ever dreamed could be mine,” he choked, rough thumbs wiping away tears he didn’t remember shedding. 
Pulling back just enough to claim your lips in a long, slow glide of unbridled joy, Simon poured every ounce of reverence, gratitude, and love into the kiss for your blessing him so. “North it is, my light - and I’ll spend the rest of my days makin’ you proud of me.”
You would gasp at his sudden movement, holding on tight to him as he peppered kisses across your smiling face before eventually catching your lips with his. 
With a soft, relaxed sigh you melted into the kiss, body melting in his hold as you looked up at him with shining eyes. You would cup his face, his cheeks squishing under your hold to create an almost laughable look as you moved your thumbs gently across scarred cheeks with loving ministrations. 
“Was hoping you’d say that,” you whispered, giddy with the thought of starting a new life with this man. 
Simon grinned unrepentantly down at you, “and what would I say but yes to the sweetest darlin’ this side of creation?” he rumbled, nuzzling fondly into your palm like some great, affectionate bear. 
“North we’ll go then, just as soon as you’re on your feet,” Simon declared, pressing a lingering kiss to your brow. His hands swept reverently down your sides, lingering protectively over the slowly healing wound before tipping your chin up to meet his steady gaze. 
“I’ll start preppin’ for the trip straightaway, and you just focus on getting your strength back, y’hear?” Low and intent, brooking no argument - but shining with a tenderness to disguise any threat in his words. 
You would nod at his firm words, tucking yourself under his chin, “Can’t wait to see the mountains… and the pretty trees.” You said with a happy sigh, “oh! And snow! We’ll have to get cold weather gear - add that to your list.” You said as you grinned up at the man.
Simon listened with rapt attention, holding you close as vision of your bright future danced before his eyes. 
“Snow, eh? Can’t say I’ve seen much of that white stuff before…” He mused thoughtfully, already calculating additions to be made to your little home to withstand Northern winters. Wool blankets aplenty, a sturdy chimney, thick oak doors - he’d ensure not a single draft could creep past your cozy walls. 
“We’ll have the warmest cabin this side of the mountain, darlin’ - not a soul we’ll envy, I promise ya that.” Calloused fingers carded gently through your hair. 
“Cabin or not, there ain’t a soul I envy as long as I have you, Simon.” You said almost immediately, words tumbling out so fast you didn’t remember even thinking them first. 
Simon huffed a soft, affectionate laugh at your sweet words, cupping your cheek to brush a grateful kiss to your lips. 
“And I you, darlin’. More’n any future this wanderin’ soul coulda dreamed.” 
He would follow you to the end of the earth. 
“Now, you just focus on healin’, Sunshine. I’ll go rustle us up some supplies proper,” with a soft parting kiss Simon crawled out of the warmth of the bed. With a soft promise to be back quick he left the cabin, boots crunching surefooted trails into the dusty streets. Townsfolk surely sensed the change in their resident outlaw. 
True to his word, within quick hours supplies were stacked neat as you please - all necessities for your healing, the journey north, and simple homestead pleasures. Duty was done. Gently slipping back into covers rosy with sleep-warmth, he curled protectively around your rested form, home again at last where he belonged. 
The next few days were spent with careful planning, mapping out safe routes and stops for supply refills should you need them. 
The morning you were set to leave you were giddier than a child in a candy shop. While the wound still had tender healing to go through, the worst part had healed. There were a few aches here and there should you move too quickly, but nothing like the searing pain it once was. 
“I’m ready, Simon!” You said, nearly skipping over to where he was packing the carriage. 
Simon grinned wide as a cheshire at your bouncing excitement, spirits lifting further at your every sweet sound. You shone brighter than the rising sun, lighting his heavy heart like dawn breaking on winter’s gloom. 
Gently steadying the horses with practiced care, he turned brown eyes alight with warmth and promise upon your rosy face. “Then let's be off to our future, Sunshine - I got a feelin’ It’s gonna be brighter’n any we left behind” 
Kicking the team into a steady amble after climbing on, Simon settled back with a content sigh, surveying the dusty trail unfurling ahead like a red carpet rolled out just for their feet. Nothing but open sky and promise as far as the eyes could see - and each mile would bring them closer to simple joys he’d never dared dream. 
Calloused fingers found yours, tangling together in bonds stronger than any chain. With your light to lead him true, Simon swore not a demon from either hell nor earth would tear him from you. 
The journey was tiring - days spent riding along dirt roads and nights spent tucked away in the back of a little cart, straw bedding doing little to cushion against the splintered wooden planks. 
Yet you wouldn’t trade it for the world  - not with Simon by your side to keep you warm and safe, to regale you with tales of his past life and adventures. 
As you made your way through the northern mountains your body seemed to relax even more than it had been, gazing out upon the sacred land as you inched ever closer to your destination. 
Each mile marker fell away like shackles, yet still Simon was loathe to see the journey end - if only to keep your radiance shining beside him a moment more. 
Nights found him awake long after your restful breaths smoothed to dreams, watching over your slumber as stars wheeled endlessly beyond paper-thin walls. You were here, smiling still as dawn kissed snow capped pines in greeting, two weary souls near to their destination and all the hopes therein. 
By mid-morn a cheer went up as a familiar clearing broke through evergreens. Turning brown eyes bright as brandy, Simon rumbled softly, “ Welcome home, darlin’.” He said, voice near a whisper as he took in the magnificent sight in front of him. 
You would gasp as you finally reached the little plot of land, eyes wide as you took in the scene of gorgeous mountains behind and trees abound ahead. 
The plot had been cleared just enough for all you talked about, including a little garden. A perfect dreamy homestead just waiting for your caring hands to create. 
Simon let loose a rare, boyish whoop of delight at your awestruck expression, every hardship and dark deed weighing his heavy soul suddenly justified a thousand times over. 
“I know it’s a sight a bit rougher than your sunny smile, but just you wait’ll I get my hands to work!” Brown eyes gleamed with fierce passion and promise, already thinking about feats of forestry and framing his calloused fingers itched to create.
With care belying his bulky frame, Simon quickly began unpacking essentials for a cozy camp - sparse but sufficient until more permanent lodgings could be raised from rich wood. 
“For now let's get you fed and rest all proper,” he rumbled, pressing a doting kiss to your cheek. 
After a humble meal of game Simon caught and red wine from a nearby town, you both fell asleep that night happy and looking forward to the next day when you could find helping hands to start making your perfect home. 
It was about a month and a half later when you were done, with the help of many new kind folk, there standing proud and bright was a quaint cottage big enough for the two of you with a bit of extra room for hobbies. It was painted a soft shade of blue, a red wood door adorning the front and a cute little wrap around porch protecting your new shared home. 
You stood outside, hands now rough and calloused from hard work resting on your hips as you stared at the building. 
Simon slotted the final beam true, wonderment stealing his breath away as months of toil melted beneath the aching brilliance of your smile, every callus and strain of muscle well repaid. 
Striding to your side, broad hands gently encircled your waist until foreheads met in shared bliss, eyes aglow with all the tender hopes this home’s thick walls now sheltered. 
“Darlin’, I do believe we’ve gone an’ built us our own corner of heaven here,” he rumbled softly, thrilling to feel your heart swell against his in answer. No finer reward than seeing the light in your face nourished by comforts his hands had wrought. 
Too choked with tears to respond, you took his hand and stepped inside the new home. The fresh scent of cedar and pine filling your nose as you explored each and every room with child-like wonder. Simon watched with a gentle smile as you explored your new domain, following dutifully behind as he too studied each detail with a sharp painter’s eyes, mentally furnishing each bare space with memories and comforts yet to be. 
Turning you gently in well worn hands when the tour came to an end, Simon gazed upon your sweet face with all the devotion of endless skies. 
You all but smirked up at him, planting a soft kiss on his lips before encircling your arms around his neck to press warm bodies together. 
“Reckon we need to uh… christen that new bedroom of ours, hm?” You teased, a hint of something mischievous in your voice as you batted long eyelashes up at him. 
Simon let out a low chuckle, eyes already turning dark as rich barley fields at your siren’s song. Fingers trailing feather-soft along the flawless planes of cheek and jaw long dreamed of, he peered deep into eyes overflowing with all he once believed himself unworthy of. 
Scooping you up with practiced care, never breaking contact save to brush a reverent kiss to willing lips, Simon turned towards the bedroom with a purposeful stride. 
“An’ why darlin’, I reckon that’s the finest idea I’ve heard in many a year,” gently shouldering through freshly hung door to deposit treasure of beyond calculating worth amidst downy rumples waiting to cradle your joinings, Simon gazed upon the angel fate had seen fit to place within his blessed and devoted keeping. 
The night was spent with soft moans filling the room, Simon near worshiping your body as he pulled every whine and whimper he could out of your sweet lips. He was intent on showing you just how deeply he loved you, no doubt leaving you nearly unable to walk the next morning because of it. 
As you lay in the bed, the only furniture in the house, you gazed out the window with a weary yet blissful gaze - body content with the pleasure it had been blessed with before you fell asleep with a happy hum, spent bodies pressed against one another as you drifted off into a peaceful slumber. The next days and weeks would bring their own hardships, but here in this moment you were safe and full with love. With Simon holding you close and protective in his arms you were happier beyond belief, and you felt more than lucky that you would get to feel this same way for the rest of your new shared lives. You had saved Simon from damnation, your golden light pulling him from the dark. You were his salvation, his everything. 
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mixiury · 10 months
Here with you — Wanderer x GN! Reader
Summary: After a long walk with Wanderer, you ended up exhausted, taking a small nap with your companion in the middle of the forest.
A/N: I corrected some typos I noticed after reading this again. I am dyslexic and English isn't my first language so I'm sorry if there is still some. Please feel free to point them out!
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"Come here, lie with me."
"Why would I? To get my clothes dirty like yours? No thanks." Wanderer answered to your request almost instantly, showing little interest in changing his mind.
Both of you have been walking for hours now, enjoying the cool breeze that the trees of the Sumeru forest release.
It's hard to keep track of time in a place like this, especially when the silence and calm stretches out in its entirety and all you can hear is the soft melody of the birds with the snapping grass and leaves you are stepping on the ground while you walk.
But even though your hiking companion doesn't need to take breaks and the beautiful views of the landscapes along the way help in motivating you to continue exploring, you soon end up finding your feet and legs demanding you to rest, lying down on a small and comfortable hill, while Wanderer reluctantly agrees to wait for you a few minutes.
"Are you sure you don't want to join me? The sun is nice." You know what his response is going to be, but you keep insisting anyways, hoping that some miracle will happen that would make him change his mind and rest alongside you. However, as was from being expected, his head just turned away, ignoring your request with the same stubborness that characterizes him.
Defeated, you find solace in the warm sunlight and fresh grass you lie on, slowly imbuing yourself in its trap as your eyelids fight to stay open.
It is not until he notices how quiet you have become that Wanderer's gaze finally returned to your sleeping figure, noticing each deep breath you take as your chest rises and falls steadily, with nothing to interrupt you from falling into your calm, soft slumber.
It's annoying how you allow to put yourself in such a comfortable state in the middle of nowhere. As if, in this precise moment, nothing else mattered.
It seems like you don't know how easy of a target you are right now, not worrying about your surroundings and all the dangers that are around you. It only takes a few seconds to end a human's life and it's much easier when you're in such a vulnerable and peaceful state that you wouldn't even be able to react before you feel the pain of your aggressor hurting you.
And yet, the mere thought of it makes him feel sick and jealous of you at the same time. How can you live your life so carelessly? Is it because you don't have any self-prevention instincts inside that empty brain of yours? Or are you just so naive that, even knowing how he can easily leave you to your own devices, you still trust him enough to allow yourself to be in this position?
Knowing you will probably never tell him, he decides to search the answer by himself, quietly approaching you and laying down next to you, hoping that the sound of the grass rustling next to you won't wake you up or interrupt your dreams as he watches you in complete silence.
And it's only now, after he finally gave into your request, that he understood what you were talking about.
The faint rays of the sun really feel like a bliss the moment they caress your face, intense enough to embrace you with their warmth but not to the point of burning you. Contrasting with the cloudy and gloomy Inazuma mornings he had grown used to.
It has been so long since he felt this warmth and calmness, still staring at you steadily and letting himself enjoy the peaceful nature of the moment.
It feels illegal that him, out of all people, could experience an instance like this. He, whom from the day of his creation the only birthright that has been given to him was an eternity of grievance, shame and solitude, simply lying on the grass without any other concern but you.
He doesn't understand it but he wants to. Your presence itself has already helped him understand a hint of your normalicy, something that he had spent decades chasing and longing for but was never able to hold for long enough to call it his. And yet, he lets himself fall into your trap and comfort, finally taking a break from all the thoughts that have been stuck in his mind as he simply rests by your side.
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jazeswhbhaven · 5 months
Fa La La La La Michael's on Sale (Christmas Miracle L-Card PROLOGUE Spoilers II)
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Before you proceed!!! Check out Part 1 here ->
if you've already saw that, let's dive back in for the remainder of the prologueeee
So we left off at the auction, and Daddy Mammon was being Daddy Mammon. But he also explains how he views buying stuff in general, including being forward that the "gifts" MC assumed were gifts are things that they needed for the function lmao
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Damn if that's a necessity to you then a gift is like....probably very very expensive or heartfelt or something like that. At least to Mammon. He even explains his buying process to them
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So how he sees it, everything in this world is already his and he's just sharing it with everyone and allowing them to enjoy it as well. When he pays the store or anyone for anything it's basically him rewarding them for keeping his stuff safe until he needs it again later regardless of the reason, he wants it for. He's adorable.
So while all of that is happening and he's trying to see what it is that MC would want to buy, Michael literally fucking plunges from the sky into the building like nothing.... Like when I tell you that's the funniest shit I've read for both prologues where the angels literally just fell from the sky forcefully and they were probably just minding their business for the day, it's Christmas so they're like meh we're chilling, gonna wait til the day after and Y E E T bam down the hell for whatever reason lol
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So here's a couple rumor lore for our seraph boi. Apparently out of the three, he's really cutthroat and doesn't give a fuck about it. His judgment usually ends with him killing you basically because no one is pure in his eyes. SO at this point everyone is hauling ass trying to escape before he gets murder happy.
He notices that MC is there and acknowledges their presence, and his forever crying eye because he's always like that is dripping tears (I like to make a joke he has allergies....to sin....)
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So Mammon tries a sneak attack and it seems to not work against him and he's like confused, MC is confused, EYE am confused because wtf is Michael suddenly invincible???
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So he's referring that Mammon is the most sinful devil king...I guess in his eyes being greedy is too much and should be punished right away. I guess he just doesn't see the potential in the other kings huh? /j
So Mike here starts shooting bolts of energy, blades of light, everything he's got toward Mammon and MC, none of it lands or hits. Everyone is watching confused YET again and Mammon is the only one that seems to get it.
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A what now?????
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So remember in the beginning where Minhyeok basically sat up there and wished for peace wherever MC was so they could have a peaceful Christmas? I mean canon-wise he's been to hell before and knows exactly how rough it is for MC and the others, so he made this wish thinking about that and turns out...
The rules of "Santa" work in Hell when it comes to wishes. Mammon can't attack Mike and Mike can't kill any devils for the day.
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That's right buddy, no murder party for youuuuu <3
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I love his angry face here, he's so pissed off lmao. But basically what happens shortly after...since he's powerless and pretty much fucking useless, the devils gang up on him and chain him up and such. Mammon threw out the idea of "wonder how much he would cost?" and now...angel boi is part of the fucking auction lol
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So they're having MC 'test' out the product which in this case is Michael. Apparently in the past Solomon tested out various products before they were auctioned off and so they are having MC do the same. Honestly, the expectations put on MC are so odd sometimes. Like come on their granddaddy from centuries ago was from a different time and had some crazy magical powers and shit and so far MC has only been able to tap in like a 4th of that power. Maybe not even a 4th T^T But regardless they're eating up Michael with their eyes and he's of course being a brat about it.
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It appears that during the scuffle, the devils were able to pitch together and come up with an info card, only had to use minimal chains, a golden gag (I assume he was fucking biting people lmao) and well...I'd like to think now that the angels automatically have their cock/chastity cages just by default. The design of their cages remind me of 'Dick Fight Island' hahaha. And MC is just like damn, I guess it wouldn't hurt having a little taste??? Just a small one? And it's just like yeah I'd probably figure out how to unlock that cage and tease his cock a bit... But also this is giving some pretty triggering content based on the fact clearly....Michael is against this, because he's glaring at MC like he could murder them on the spot. He was outnumbered, chained up, and now being sold as a possible sex slave. But oh take a look at his sprite!
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Even his sprite is not having a great time lmao he is p i s s e d. Pretty much rabid and can go off any moment. But the reason I want his card is that in Secret Club.....I know he's going to react to our touches and he makes that delicous pleasure face like he can't help it and mmmm this is fueling angel headcanons all over the fucking place for me. I swear I gotta make a self indulgent fic about how angels react to being touched after their cage is removed.
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And this is so fucking cute of Mammon....MC is just standing on stage ready to doing their thing and Mammon is waving at them like "Hi sweetie, you're doing great <3 Luv youuuu"
This is why I love him. But anyways the prolouge ends with MC unbuttoning Mike's shirt and I'm just sitting here like UGHHHHHHHHH at this point I'd pay for each story that comes out as a whole just so I can skip this whole you have to unlock it in the unholy board stuff....because honestly if PB told us "hey if you'd like to buy Michael's L-card story, pass us like $30 or $5 per chapter" I'd find a way to pay for that. I just want the stories at this point, this grinding stuff is wearing me out lol
I DIGRESS though. From the prologue alone it looks like this story is going to get s p i c y and if I'm right??? MC is probs gonna make him cum in front of the audience, so it's exhibitionism, humiliation, and degradation (really for all of the angels cards it seems because they're in a public place)
So it looks like I'm done reacting to this <3 Later today I'll try to get Raphael's done. Thankuuu for sitting with me
(´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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hollowwrites · 4 months
Ominis x MC
Summary - I wanted to write something with cheeky, teasing Ominis and it quickly devolved into Ominis in love. I like the idea of these two being really mature and serious but when they’re together they’re just comfortable and silly.
50 house point to anyone who catches the Baldurs Gate reference
Warnings - None (Fluffy, comforting goodness)
Word Count - 3200
This was getting a tad ridiculous.
Ominis couldn’t really say much. He was the King of sleeping at all hours of the day and in a manner of different locations.
But this was starting to concern him.
On at least five occasions over the last month he had found Evelyn completely passed out. In the Common Room. In the Room of Requirement. On one occasion he’d almost tripped over her legs, splayed forward outside one of the Defence Against the Dark Arts Classrooms. Like she was on her way to the Undercroft but simply didn’t make it.
It seemed as well that himself and Sebastian took it in turns to find her, bringing her back to somewhere she could properly get some rest before she started all over again the next day.
See, as soon as Evelyn made her return to Hogwarts, the beginning of her sixth and arguably her first proper year there, she hadn’t stopped. Essays, Assignments, extra curricular activities, extra lessons. Anything the school had to offer Evelyn was in.
That was the only way she could see herself catching up to her fellow classmates.
What she failed to see was that she’d already surpassed so many of them in most of their lessons. Whilst simultaneously learning an entirely unknown field of magic alone and saving Hogwarts from certain doom.
Not bad for someone who didn’t know what a Quaffle was.
But it was that lack of common knowledge that kept her thinking she was below average. Kept her busy.
So when Ominis managed to catch her it was a miracle.
Wrangling her in was something else entirely. Usually he could tempt her into more studying and from there would simply distract her away from her studies until they both collapsed from exhaustion and too many bags of Honeydukes fudge.
They’d made a habit of reading in the tiny lobby of the Room of Requirement, tucked up on the sofa in front of the cosy crackling fire. A blanket over their legs and books in hand, they’d often spend any available free time holed up this way. Whether it was a shared blanket or separate, sat besides each other or at each others feet. Books firmly planted in their laps or, more often than not, precariously dangling from fingers when one of them nodded off.
That cosy warmth is what often coerced Evelyn to sleep after a long day of studying.
And because of that, Ominis had grown accustomed to the dull weight of her head on his person. Leaning on his thigh, or even his chest if they lay at a funny angle. Most commonly was his shoulder.
He paid it no mind. The soft thud of her head falling to his shoulder normally indicated it was time to relax, no longer needing to keep an ear out for her. She was right there.
Where she belonged.
This time is was the gentle hum of his wand that sent her off. The moment he had produced the novel he was engrossed in and the thrum of magic radiated from his wand as it dictated its words to him, her eyes grew heavy. It was often the case, like the soft low drone of his charm was associated with peace.
Although it wasn’t just her. They both found their comfort within each other.
For her, it was his wand and the way it hummed with potential magic. The almost velvety lapels of his robes. The subtle scent of bergamot and black tea.
For him, it was her hair. Yes, he enjoyed the delicate rose that fell around her like a halo, but it was her hair that sent shivers down his spine.
After long days studying, naps and spell practise, her normal prim and proper bun, piled high on her head, began to droop. Tiny hairs escaped it confounds and fell over her face. Of course he only knew of this from the flyaways caressing his cheek as she lay there. And he’d be lying if he said, the small annoyed puffs of air didn’t amuse him as she blew them away. But he much preferred removing those offending strands himself, allowing its soft, barely wavy locks to slip through his fingers like silk.
When she was awake, said act was accompanied by a heat rising in her cheeks, the like of which he could only feel when his fingers eventually dropped from her face. The minute change in her temperature and the way she would stutter out her thanks were pure joy for Ominis.
Whilst she was asleep, he didn’t get the gratitude. Just a disembodied mumble and her soft breath falling over his neck in slow sharp huffs. As though she knew he were there.
It was moments like those, in the quiet when it was just them, that he realised he had fallen for her.
He wasn’t entirely sure when he stopped craving her attention as a friend and started needing it as part of his daily life. Sebastian insists it was from the moment they’d met, teasing him endlessly about being jealous and wishing to court her.
Maybe he had been right.
It didn’t matter now.
She was his friend. An established friendship that he cherished and he hoped she did too. He wasn’t about to lose one of the only people he cared about because of…what? Love?
He would.
He definitely would.
He’d do anything for her.
But so would his family. And he couldn’t allow that.
Besides…how does one approach your best friend and tell them that you love them, whilst simultaneously not wishing to actually be with them for their own safety and due to your own families prejudices? There wasn’t exactly a step-by-step guide…even in the Restricted Section…
So…at least for now, he would enjoy these moments with her where he could pretend. Pretend that she reached for him in her sleep because she loved him too. Pretend that nothing outside of these four walls could harm them. Pretend that they could live that happy fantasy life they read about so often.
Happily ever after.
He didn’t feel the exact moment she began to stir in his lap, her head rolling to look up at him. He was too distracted by his own thoughts, his own imaginings. Too busy distracting himself with her.
There was no indication to Ominis just how long she lay awake for. Her breathing unchanged, movements slow and lethargic. But it was long enough for her to watch the tangle of his brows grow harder, the knot grow larger.
Then a long dainty digit poked his brow. Directly in the middle, where he could feel his frown becoming deeper and deeper. Dwelling on thoughts of what ifs and maybe’s.
That knot was willed away with a single prod of her finger.
“Moody” she grumbled, the familiar husk of her sleepy state melting away the last little bit of negativity in his head.
Gods…I’m so in love her
The thought scared him somewhat. The unknown possibilities, the hurt, the rejection. No, Ominis was very much a creature of habit. He could remain as he was rather contently…for now.
His ever growing smirk became impossible to hide behind the thin veil of annoyance he wore across his features. His lip twitched upward as he tried, and failed, to control his grin. Tutting, with faux exasperation, he shifted his focus down towards his lap.
“Tsk…You can’t just point it out and expect it to go away” he scolded. She’d heard him tell her off before. Most memorable being the unfortunate Undercroft incident. This was a far cry from those times.
“Sorry, it’s just…” she mumbled, still sounding half asleep. Then came another poke to his brow and he could no longer control the easy and airy laugh that left his lips “…I don’t like it when you’re brooding”
“I am not brooding” Ominis pouted upon hear that word. He’d heard himself described as that many times and he couldn’t quite understand why. It wasn’t his fault his face naturally settled into a frown. From what he understood about Evelyn’s visage, hers was much the same but no one called her broody.
“Besides…” he continued after hearing her playful giggle. He hated being called that but somehow when she said it, it wasn’t half as bad. “…if I was brooding, you can’t stop it by simply poking it away. You’ve tried enough times, I would have assumed you’d have understood that fact by now”
His smirk grew to a wide arrogant grin as he teased her. At some point, he wasn’t really aware of when, but his fingers made their way to ends of her hair. Twirling and twiddling the soft strands around his digits, delighting in the tiny morsels of information he gathered from it.
She had longish hair. Thick, far thicker than any he’d felt before. Like a heavy fog laying over his hands.
Her voice suddenly snapped him out of his reverie. A fast and sharp reminder he didn’t live in his fantasies where she was his.
“Then why are you smiling?” She turned her head in his lap to look at his features square on.
Yes, definitely a smile…
“I’m smiling….because you’re, you” he said simply and confidently, not realising it caused a fiery flush to blossom across her cheeks. He just smiled in that half aware, half vacant way that he did. Easy. “…It is still rather irritating though…”
“Anyway…” he continued on, unaware of the bashful way she looked up at him “What disturbed you? I was having such a peaceful evening until you woke up…” He teased, the familiar crinkle on his nose appearing as his smile grew wider.
“Oh…I had a very odd dream…” shortly after she spoke, her head pulled up and out of his lap, a vague sigh leaving her lips causing Ominis to raise a pointed brow.
“Everything okay?” He asked softly, tilting his head towards her, as he always did.
“Mmm…” she hummed, shaking her head as though trying to rid the memories within “…yes, just…dreamt that I was falling”
“Ah…” Ominis replied with a smirk tugging back at his lips. His wand returned to the pages of his book, resting on the cushion beside him “…do you know the old wives tale that if you hit the ground in your dreams, you supposedly die?”
Evelyn glared at the side of Ominis’ face with enough contempt it could burn through him. And he felt it, causing the smirk to widen on his face, a flash of teeth peaking through.
“Wonderful. I trust you’ll wake me before I perish then” she jabbed him softly in the ribs as a low chuckle left him.
“Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe I shall let you fall. That way I don’t have to clean drool from my robes every other day”
That struck a nerve.
She shot up in her seat, clambering onto the cushions to get a better look at where she had laid her head.
“I don’t drool!” She exclaimed as she padded around his thigh and knee.
“You most definitely do. I already got rid of it. I’ve become quite proficient at the Drying Charm since becoming your friend” he grinned, wide, teeth bared like a cat as he bathed in her annoyance.
“I do not drool”
“Dribble then. Call it what you will-“
“I don’t dribble either” she muttered, folding her arms over her chest and slumping against the backrest. The distinct little huff as she pouted only caused Ominis to laugh loudly.
“I suppose I should go back to the Dorms…” she groaned as she stretched upwards “…wouldn’t want to dampen your robes any more than I already have”
“Wait…” Ominis exclaimed suddenly, feeling the weight of the cushions beneath him shift as she rose from their seat. He quickly grabbed for her, aiming for her upper arm or forearm, but timed it too late and caught her palm perfectly. His long fingers slid over hers as he grasped for her, neither pulling her down nor standing himself. Just keeping her there, whilst his brain racked for an excuse.
“Is everything okay?” Evelyn asked inquisitively, the concern for his sudden shift in behaviour bled quite heavily into her tone.
“Everything’s fine…I just want to talk to you”
“Okay…” he relaxed once more when he felt her return to her position next to him “…What about?”
Gods damn it…
“…I don’t have a topic in mind…” he scrambled. though you would never know. His voice, as always carried him with confidence, no stammering or stuttering. If it weren’t for the slight upturn of his brows…one would never suspect anything was wrong.
“You’ve been difficult to tie down as of late…” he continued “…I’ve missed you, missed your voice. I’d…just like to hear you speak”
“Okay…” she says softly, shuffling closer and leaning back into his arm. And the sigh that left him upon her acceptance was…heavy. As though he had just gotten in from a long day shopping around Londons markets, feet aching and awaiting a warm cup of tea. “Where to start…” she murmured to herself, hearing the slight tap of fingers as they drummed against her cheek in contemplation .
“Oh! Well…I read this book recently……”
This was perfect.
Ominis couldn’t imagine a better way to spend an evening. The slow crackle and pop of the fire wood. The soft cushioned nest he sat in. The gentle yet excitable tone in which she spoke.
All of it was so…comforting.
So homely.
He was home.
And as she continued, prattling on about this novel, he listened. Intently. Didn’t interject. Didn’t interrupt. Just listened. Hung up on every single word that passed by her lips.
It was a romance. And though he never expected her to enjoy those sorts of stories, he liked that she was so passionate about them. The cliches, the cringy dialogue, the overused tropes. She babbled on about them all. Though he could tell by the way she stumbled and over explained every tiny detail that she was embarrassed for liking them. Every sentence came with a justification tacked onto the end, as though it needed it.
Those words on those pages made her happy.
Therefore Ominis was happy.
Mainly for the manner in which she spoke.
He knew she talked with her hands. A visual mannarism of hers he never usually got to experience. But as she leaned into his arm, reluctant to let him move, the small twitches of her fingers and sway of her hands, accurately conveyed what she was saying. It was nice to witness her passion bubbling forward in another way.
And her laugh. Gods…
If the sound alone wasn’t enough to cause him to fall for her, her movements were. The way she leaned into him as she threw her head back. The vibrations of mirth sweeping through her whole being shifting the robes between them like kindling. He had to stop himself chuckling along with her from fear she assumed he was laughing at her. But her laughter was infectious, his willpower working overtime to not catch her bug.
It was like she was made for him. The way she laughed with her whole body. Gestured wildly with her hands, a flurry of excitement and joy or frustration and anger. Audibly thought through things, with little hums and ‘erm’s and ‘What to do’s.
She showed him, in her own way, everything he couldn’t see.
Her tone picked up. No longer the lull of softness as she explained characters, plot twists, plot holes, everything.
“-I didn’t think I’d enjoy the book. It’s rather cliche and not very well written but…I finished it in one night. I just couldn’t stop. That probably isn’t helping, me falling asleep around the castle…”
Evelyn pulled herself up and turned her head towards Ominis, finally finishing her mad rant about the silly little book she loved. His eyes were closed, head resting against the cushions, and a wistful smile on his lips.
“Ominis? Are you alright?” She whispered meekly, worried she’d knocked him out with her boring lecture.
But he simply smiled wider and opened his eyes, the glassy blue orbs settling over the fire. “I’m fine, I’m just…enjoying your company.”
Though his focus never wandered from her, or her words, he slowly shifted his gaze back towards her. He let out a relaxed sigh and sank further into the cushions, listening intently to the steady slow thump of her heart, the gentle breathes that sound more like tiny sighs.
“I’ve missed you. Missed your voice…I know I’ve already said that but…listening to you just then really emphasised it”
He was met with a simple scoff, a force of air that sounded just annoyed enough for Ominis to worry.
“You’ve finally gone mad...” She declared, her tone indicating amusement. So why the scoff? “…my voice is shrill. At best”
“I’ll admit when we first met…” Ominis started, unable to stop himself from teasing her just a little. “…I thought you were somehow half human, half mandrake but-“
“Hey!” She whined playfully smacking his arm, his smug chuckle making her own smile widen. She’d known him for a little over a year now and this was the most she’d ever seen him smile.
“BUT…” he said defensively, throwing his arms up in surrender “…I’ve since learned to love it. It’s comforting. Like listening to music.”
“Well…thank you” she said sweetly, unconsciously proving his point with her soft and gentle tone.
“I know you said that book was terribly written but I wouldn’t mind giving it a read. Do you still have it?”
“The Magister and his Mistress?” She asks inquisitively with a curious tilt to her head “Well well well, Mr Gaunt. I would never have took you for a Hopeless Romantic”
He rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he chuckled at the name.
“There is more to me than the Dark Arts and Curses”
He could hear her rummaging around, presumably in her bag or robes pockets, until her fingers wrapped around his wrist, guiding him towards a freshly bound book. The smell of its paper sent a shiver down Ominis’ spine. There was nothing better than the smell of books.
As he took it from her hands, their finger brushed against each other, delicate and deliberate. Neither flinched nor pulled away but that was expected.
They already pushed the boundaries of what was considered okay for ‘friends’. Especially for the normally standoffish Heir of Slytherin. Within a week of them knowing each other they walked arm in arm around Hogsmeade and the castle. So this casual and accidental caress most likely meant nothing. And he shouldn’t read into it.
“Thank you…” he murmured, taking the book and pushing down any thoughts that she may feel the same.
There was no point.
They couldn’t be together anyway so why bother torturing himself over it?
Her sudden yawn caught his attention once again and he turned back to her, a soft smirk pulling at his lips.
“Tired already?” He asks impishly
“I’m always tired”
“Perhaps we should get you back to the dorms. Have you sleep in a bed…for once”
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thefallennightmare · 8 months
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Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings/Tropes: forced proximity, slight enemies to lovers, slow burn, smut, angst, fluff, mentions of death, and swearing.
Summary: Reader is the merch girl for Bad Omens. It wasn't what she wanted to do with her life but when her mother got sick with Alzheimer's, reader took a job where she could to help with the costs. She thought it would be a one-time gig but the longer she was on the road with them, the harder she fell for Noah Sebastian; even if he wanted nothing to do with her. She needed a miracle to save her mom and her future.
Author Note: I wanted this to be a slow burn/enemies to lovers but god damn it's so hard to write because I already want Reader and Noah to get together.
Tags: @ada-clarence @nonamessblog @thescarlettvvitch @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @theoneandonlykymberlee @yumikitten @blackveilomens @cherrymedicine13 @thebadchic @notmaddihealy @jay02bo @beaker1636 @jakekiszkasguitarpick @punk-pr1ncessxoxo
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With a loud sigh, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and walked towards to front end of the bus. On this bus, I shared it with Davis, Matt, and Bryan, and sometimes one guy from the band would pop in every once in a while: except Noah. At least if he did, it was when I was asleep or not around. Especially lately, Noah and I avoided each other. After the disaster of a dinner a couple nights ago, I refused to speak to him even about work. I went to everyone else instead of him if I had a question, which I didn't often since I knew what I was doing.
I didn't want to think about Noah right now. Not when my mind should only think about my mom.
Lana told me that even though my mom was having a lot of good days, she still refused to speak to me. I'd be lying if I said my heart didn't break but I couldn't cry about it. I needed to focus for work and not give anyone a reason to figure out something was wrong.
We were close to the next city, less than an hour away, and we would hang out in Dallas for two days before heading out once more. Matt mentioned he had a surprise for everyone so called for a bus meeting which is where I found everyone with two surprise visitors.
Folio and Noah.
Giving a small smile to the former, I sat next to him at the table and he returned a smile. Noah was sitting on the long couch of the bus, chatting quietly with Bryan. They must have joined when we stopped last and I was asleep.
Noah's eyes burned hot at the side of my face but I ignored him as I bumped shoulders with Folio. We had been texting a bit the last couple days and have gotten pretty close; no romantic feelings involved. Folio had been a great friend and someone to vent too. I never told him about my mom, though. That was something I would take to the grave.
"Where's Jolly and Nick?" I asked.
"They stayed on our bus. They wanted the peace to sleep."
I nodded before pointing to Matt, who was standing at the front of the bus rubbing his hands together. "Any idea what this is about?"
"No fucking idea," Folio chuckled.
With my phone buzzing in my hand, I dared a peak at the notification to see another subscriber to my Only Fan's page. I didn't have many followers but enough to keep some money coming in. I could pay Lana her first paycheck and the extra income coming in was nice. I wasn't rolling in money but wasn't struggling on how to pay for things. With being constantly surrounded by the guys, I wasn't able to post much, just one other video and a few provocative pictures. I never showed my face, only from the neck down and never naked. I always had some short of clothes or underwear or an arm covering the private areas. Maybe that was the reason I had little subscribers, but it was the rules I set for myself when I started this.
"So, I bet you're all wondering why I called this meeting," Matt spoke while clapping his hands.
Folio muttered a joke to me under his breath which earned a loud laugh from me. Everyone looked our way, and I leaned back into the booth cheeks on fire.
"What's so funny?" Matt quirked a brow.
Noah's eyes pinned me to my spot as I glanced over to him. Something flashed behind those brown iris' while his jaw ticked.
"Nothing, Mr. Dierkes. Please continue with class," Folio joked with a smirk.
I had to bite my lip so I wouldn't laugh again.
"As I was saying," Matt began ignoring Folio. "It's been a week on tour and we've all been working tirelessly to make sure every show fucking rules. But there has been some tension within the group."
"I don't think you feel the same tension as some of us do," Noah said with his eyes on me.
Our eyes matched with intensity, and I let out a deep breath wondering what he meant by that.
Tension? Of course, there was tension between us but that's because we disliked each other.
Folio noticed I was ready to speak, so he pinched the bare skin of my shoulder which caused me to yelp out in slight pain.
"What the fuck was that for?" I seethed.
He nodded towards Matt to continue on, who looked displeased at being interrupted by our antics yet again.
In our days of texting, I told Folio about how it irritates me how Noah acts around me when we're alone versus when others are around. I also may have told him about my tiny feelings for Noah, which Folio told me it was pretty clear how I felt. While I thought no one noticed, Folio saw the stolen glances, the way my body reacted differently when Noah was around, or the way the corner of my lips curled up when Noah spoke or sang.
Always so perceptive.
I tried to get out of him why Noah was so upset about that night in Chicago but Folio refused. He said that was Noah's secret to share.
I tasted blood with how hard I bit my tongue and reluctantly gave Matt my attention.
"Since we'll be in Dallas for a few days, I rented an Airbnb for us to stay at as a way for us to bond or whatever the fuck. There's a pool and grill we can have a pool day on our off day," Matt said with a smile.
My heart sunk deep into the pits of my stomach. At least when we stayed in hotels, I had my room, sometimes doors down from Noah. But now, all of us staying in a house means it would be harder to avoid him.
"Is that necessary?" I questioned.
"Yes," Matt deadpanned. "If you want a hotel, book it on your personal card."
Low blow.
"Whatever," I grumbled while crossing my arms.
He simply gave me a large smirk before speaking again. "The only issue is that there aren't enough beds so some people will have to bunk together or sleep on the couch."
"You've got to be kidding me," I muttered while running a hand down my face.
I didn't care the house situation, I would sleep on the floor if I had too if that meant I wouldn't share a bed with anyone, especially Noah. I liked these guys but not that much.
Folio patted my shoulder and whispered low in my ear.
"Maybe you and Noah should bunk together. Team bonding or whatever."
"Fuck off, Folio," I playfully smacked his chest before rising to my feet, his arm falling away from me. Noah was still staring at me and I knew with how close Folio and I had been, he wasn't happy. His jaw clenched so tight, and his hands balled into fists in his lap.
I didn't bother giving him another glance as I turned my back to him to retreat into my bunk to mentally prepare for this team bonding bullshit Matt set up.
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Okay, I had to admit. This house was fucking sick.
There were large floor to ceiling windows that looked out onto a beautiful backyard and if you looked past that, you could see the city down below the hill the house was on. It was a large open floor plan with a living room, kitchen, and bar with a pool table off of the dinning room. Upstairs was an open loft area with a large sectional couch and four bedrooms.
While I was in my bunk on the bus, the room situation had been decided by drawing matching straws. No one bothered to ask for me to draw because somehow by the Gods below, Noah was the last to pick and was only left with the color red.
Jolly and Nick.
Bryan and Davis.
Matt and Folio.
Noah and I.
When Folio told me the sleeping arrangements, I wanted to cry in anger. It seemed as if no matter how hard I tried to avoid Noah, something yanked us back together. Folio offered to swap with me but I declined, already deciding that I would sleep on whatever couch was provided.
A warm presence encased around me, making the hairs on my arm prick, and I peered up to my left seeing Noah standing next to me in the house's entryway.
"You can have the bed. I'll sleep on the couch," he said.
I blinked, somewhat surprised that he offered that. I fully expected him to lock me out of the room.
"I'm smaller than you. It might be better for you to sleep on the bed," I offered.
Was I being nice?
My body shivered at the thought.
Noah shook his head then hoisted his back over his shoulder. "Take the room, angel. You're the only girl here. You should have some privacy."
Was he being nice now in front of the others? They all stood less than a few feet from us.
Did I wake up in the twilight zone?
When I went to protest yet again, he shot me a look that caused my lips to pull tight together. We stood in silence for a few moments and I let out a soft breath.
"Thank you."
Noah made a noise in his throat and his eyes glittered as they darted between mine. His large hand brushed away hair from my face and I leaned into his touch, all the pent up anger between us melting away.
The question weighed heavy on my tongue as I pursed my lips a few times.
"Why do you call me angel?" I finally croaked out.
His hand was now wrapped around the back of my neck, the pads of his finger pressing deep into the skin, and shrugged.
"It feels right."
I raised a brow. "What if I don't like it?"
"Too bad. It stays, angel," he dragged out the last word with a large grin.
Irritation flared inside of me but before I could say anything, the warmth around my neck was gone as Noah walked away. I blinked after him, watching as he tossed his bag onto the couch before stepping outside into the large backyard.
"Soundcheck is in one hour!" Matt called out, his voice carrying through the open space.
With that, I forced my feet to take me upstairs to the bedrooms so I could get ready. The only room left was the closet one to the stairs and directly across the long sectional couch. If Noah would sleep here tonight, he'd be able to look right into my room and see me laying in bed. The thought made something ignite in my stomach but I ignored it.
This was the only room with a bathroom attached which made me wonder if the guys purposely gave me this room. As I placed my things throughout the room since we were going to be here for a few days, my phone rang loudly from its spot on the bed as I was in the bathroom and rushed to answer it in time.
"Hello?" I asked breathless
"Hi dear. How're things?"
I smiled into the phone at Lana. "Good. I'm going to be heading to the venue soon to set up. Everything alright?"
"Well," Lana started.
My ass fell into the bed with a groan and prepared myself for what was about to come.
"What happened?"
"Your neighbors found your mother in their bathroom this morning; in their shower."
I pinched my eyes shut with a groan. "Please tell me it was the Johnson's. They know what's going on with her so they would understand. Well, as much as I hoped they would."
"Yes, thankfully. I was able to bring her back home without incidents."
"Good," I let out a long breath. "How is she now?"
"She's fine, in her room resting but-."
"I don't like the sound of that but," I noted.
"Y/N, I know you love your mother and want the upmost best care possible for her."
I nodded. "But."
"But I think your mother would be better in a home where someone can watch and monitor her twenty-four hours of the day. I can only do so much especially when she takes off."
I swallowed the lump in my throat, not wanting to cry. This conversation was one I knew I was bound to have at some point. My mothers Alzheimers was getting progressively worse and soon, I feared there might be a time where I couldn't handle it.
But now wasn't that time.
"I'll think about it," I said after a few beats.
It wasn't a lie, per se. I would think about it, way down the road.
"I'll see if she wants to talk," Lana said.
"No, it's alright. I don't want to bother her."
I couldn't stop the sob that escaped my lips.
"Alright dear. I'll call you tomorrow."
After we said our goodbyes, I let my phone clatter to the floor at my feet then plopped down onto the bed. Tears pricked at my eyes and I dug my palms into them, hoping it would force the tears away. My mom was the most important person in my life. We were all each other had after my father died, so being so far away from her when she needed me the most made the guilt rip me apart.
Was this job worth it? Was the money worth it?
These questions kept replaying in my mine over and over as I laid on the bed staring up at the ceiling. A few tears escaped drying to my warm cheeks. The money was worth it; it had to be. I still wasn't making a lot of money from Only Fans so whatever I made doing this, I needed.
There was a soft knock on my open door and my breath hitched when I noticed Noah leaning against it. How long had he'd been there? Did he hear my conversation with Lana?
I sat up in bed while covertly drying my eyes.
"The manager at the venue said the set up for merch has to be in the hallway downstairs. Is that alright?"
I shrugged. "Yeah, I've been put in weirder places so it's fine."
Noah gave a curt nod while crossing his arms over his chest. I suddenly felt small under his eyes and rose to my feet hoping that watching me gather my things to get ready it would be a silent dismissal. But no, he continued to watch every single movement I made.
"Is there anything else you need, Noah?" I asked with a sigh, finally looking at him.
His black shirt clung to the thick muscles of his arms and chest. His brown hair had fallen into his face in a tousled mess from being on the tour bus the majority of the day.
Noah was breathtaking in every single way, and my core practically begged for some kind of friction.
Not now, traitor.
"Have I mentioned how much I love hearing my name coming from your pretty little mouth?," he mused while licking his own.
My legs squeezed together, my body screaming with that small release against my core, but I refused to let him know how bad he was affecting me.
"Is that it?" I asked.
Noah said nothing as he walked over to my open suitcase and riffled through it, obviously looking for something.
"What are you doing?"
My heart raced as I watched him, knowing that if he picked up that red t-shirt, he would find the variety of sex toys I use for my videos. What he found, though, was something I hadn't expected him to. An old shirt of his that I borrowed from the last tour. It was the second night and Bad Omens played a sold-out show. The crowd was alive the entire night and every one of us was buzzing with excitement. Once we returned to the hotel that night, we all jumped into the outdoor pool even though it was pretty chilly that night. Noah offered his dry shirt to me so I could warm up which at the time I took gratefully.
That night was before the night in Chicago. Before Noah's attitude toward me changed.
It got buried along with my other things after the last tour and forgotten about.
I may have worn it to bed some nights; so much so that his scent had faded while ago.
Noah tossed the shirt over to me and I caught it just before it hit me in my face. My lips stuttered trying to come up with an excuse because I still had it.
"Wear that."
"Excuse me? I asked irritation lacing my words. "Since when do I take orders from you on what I wear?"
He closed the distance between us in two large steps, his fingers tilting my chin up towards his face. Our lips were so close, I could almost taste the beer he must have had before coming into my room. And the hint of bourbon and spice from his cologne filled my senses.
So warm and familiar.
"There's a reason you kept it, angel. Might as well wear it."
Noah's voice was dark and heavy, laced with something I could pinpoint. His eyes were just as dark as his words and I swallowed hard. My body flared with desire, heat pooling between my legs, and I let out a breathless whine eventually nodding.
"Good girl," he breathed across my lips.
His eyes darted from mine down to my lips where it stayed for a long moment before he dropped his hand from my face then left me standing in the room with a heavy wetness and an ache between my legs.
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kseung · 6 months
Wednesday Addams x Reader
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Warnings: Mentions of self-harm, vague descriptions of wounds.
Words: 1226~
Back after a long time. 10 months hiatus, and now I am done with school for a bit.
Waking up next to Wednesday was like a blessing to you. She looked peaceful while asleep. Regrettably, she had to get ready for either school or personal shenanigans, as did you. That was precisely what made you anxious, daily, since the moment she opened her eyes. For being so perceptive, it was a miracle she hadn't found out about your scars yet. You weren't sure you wanted her to. She'd probably say something along the lines of "Delightful scarring of the tissue. I wonder how it'd look fresh." But, being your girlfriend, maybe she'd say something more akin to "Despite appreciating scars, I'd rather your skin be conserved pristine." It could go either way, really. You wanted to sigh, but you held it in. If you stared any longer, she'd wake up. You closed your eyes, enjoying the moment with your girlfriend. But it was too late, and Wednesday was wide awake. —Morning. It was said with a rather monotonous voice, which scared you a little. Typical Wednesday shenanigans. It was so suddenly said that you were startled. You opened your eyes to look at Wednesday. —Morning, Wednesday. You smiled before getting up. Cuddling wasn't a thing between you, and you were quite fine with that. Lying next to her was, admittedly, a big step for you—much like it was for her. Wednesday was staying at yours this time, so you only needed to go pick your clothes. It was nice, having that privacy. You'd hate for her to find out that way. Or any way, to be honest. She noticed you were being weird, of course. Or well, weirder than usual. She couldn't not see it. Yet, she said nothing. She thought that letting things play out may lead to interesting results. ¤¤¤¤¤ The morning continued as usual, uneventfully strange. But strange was usual at a place full of outcasts. You sighed, rolling your sleeves back down for the nth time that class. Wednesday noticed that too, of course. There's not much she doesn't see. But, as Wednesday herself, she's not one to talk about her observations so openly. Some time later, when it was time for another class, she quietly observed. You were there, yes, but you weren't there. And she thought that the pensive look of your eyes, melancholic and solitary only made you look ethereal. —Nails for your thoughts? —I'd rather much receive a penny. She was not a fan of that response, but she let it slide. It was you after all... She bit back her tongue. —Tell me what's going on. She had that way of speaking, truly Wednesday. It made you chuckle, resting a cheek on a propped up hand. She stood there with a straightened back, looking at you intensely. —Not much, Wednesday. It's more like I'm not thinking of anything. Well, she couldn't really understand that. There was always something to be thinking of, to be aware of. She gave you a look, a knowing, distrustful look.
—I won't pry for more. But just you know, I'm not that gullible. She gave a half turn, walking away as she does, dramatic end to the scene. It was nerve-wracking. But you had it in mind to keep the scars unnoticeable. You were far more careful for the rest of the day, keeping yourself from moving all that much. You knew she'd be observing you, preying on you like a vulture does a carcass. Exactly because of that, you kept yourself even more static than usual. She seemed busy with Enid... or well, it looked like she was being kept there as an unwilling participant in their conversation. It was just the perfect opportunity to slip away and back to your room. You sighed, locking the door behind you. Having alone time was the best thing that could happen. You took off the suit jacket Nevermore had given you, and then the hoodie, and then you were standing there with a short-sleeved shirt. You weren't really used to being like that —uncovered—, in fear that anyone would know just how bad your mental health had been. But just this time... You lied back down on the bed, covering yourself. You were tired after all... homework was for later. ¤¤¤¤¤ She was just outside your room, feet directly in front of the door. She had lock-picked it minutes ago, but she hadn't entered. It seemed both wrong and right, but it's not like her moral compass was up to date. She slowly opened the door, making sure it wouldn't creak much. Her steps were light, just like the sound of your slow breathing. You were there, she could see, covered in sheets and sleeping peacefully. So that's what you were doing, taking an afternoon nap. You stirred, feeling eyes on you. You pushed yourself up, the cold air caressing your skin like a suffocating blanket. It took some time to be able to open your eyes, the curtains not being too good at blacking out the tired sun.
—Wednesday?—, you asked. Your voice was warm, unfiltered with bits of seeping sleep. —What are you doing here? She kept quiet, taking in everything she could from all the senses she had. You looked good, sounded good, and she was sure you'd feel even better. The thoughts made her feel even stranger. —I was looking for you. You covered yourself again, lying back down. —'Kay... In such a sleepy and bare state, below such a perceptive gaze, your scars were on full display. Wednesday noticed, of course. The lighter scars and faded marks contrasted with your tanner skin, as did the much newer ones. She, of course, decided to stay in silence. She wasn't against speaking her mind. Quite the contrary. But she knew you'd be too sleepy. Instead, she closed the door and sat on your bed. Her hand was somewhat hesitant, but soon enough, her fingers combed your hair. Soft, soft. As soft as you made her, regrettably, feel. —Sleep well. We may talk later. ¤¤¤¤¤ Later came back all too soon, only minutes after she started caressing you. It made you sleepy at first, and then you suddenly remembered the state you were in. It shocked you awake. —H-hey!
You sat up quickly, making the covers slide down even more. She knew it was coming, as she does usually. So, she nodded, calmly, despite your panic. —I saw. I don't mind. Was that the normal reaction? Was that a good reaction? What would be a normal reaction anyway? Was that even the reaction you expected? At least Wednesday didn't judge... —I, uh... —Hm? You don't need to say anything—. She took some seconds to think. —I'm not adept with comfort, as you know. However, if you ever need my... presence, advice, or... something, I am here. It was too much. You didn't really expect her to comfort you, no. You knew she was a cold individual. But knowing that she truly did care about you, enough to make her say that she could possibly comfort you? That was truly a lot. Tears spilled before you noticed, nodding. Silently, they made trails on your face just as you did with her fingers on her hand. She let it happen, making your heart impossibly warm. —I appreciate it, Wednesday. She nodded. —I know. Maybe, just maybe, cold could be warm too.
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vitaminseetarot · 6 months
PAC Pick a Fruit: Something To Look Forward to in 2024 ❄🎁🎊
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Sup y'all, I'm finally back again! I have not been as active on this blog as I've wanted to be these past two months, but hopefully that will change a little bit as the year settles to a close for winter.
I'm also excited to use my Tarotwave deck which just arrived in the mail this past week. I'm grateful to have backed it on Kickstarter! I know this is gonna be one deck of cards I'll be very amped to use on this blog. It's like an early Xmas gift ^^
2023 has been a bumpy ride for many people (and yours truly), and the biggest thing most of us want to know is how our next year is going to be, and if there's anything good in store. So I made sure to focus on asking for only the most positive and beneficial things that will bless you in this reading, because I want 2024 to be exciting for you and I wanna hype you up.
Pick one of the squishable fruits below to find out a hint or two about what you have to look forward to in 2024.
1 - Strawberry 2 - Orange 3 - Banana
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Pile 1: Strawberry
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Queen of Cups + VI The Lovers, IX The Hermit, Eight of Wands; Trillion, Anything is Possible, Guidance
For you, pile 1, 2024 is gonna be filled with pleasant little surprises that could appear out of nowhere. The Trillion card is connected to Aquarius and talks about living by ones own truth, but the zodiac is also connected to Uranian forces, helping us receive out-of-the-box insights to whatever challenge we're facing.
I think this pile has spent a great amount of time working on themselves. I don't know if you relate to the word "shadow work" or not, but this feels like you're in the tail end of that cycle. You've grown a lot in emotional maturity over the past months, and perhaps have released some form of major karmic or generational baggage that was weighing on you emotionally. Now it's going to become easier for you to express who you are because the extra emotional burden will not be there as before.
I'm sensing a vast expansiveness to this pile as a result, a willingness to be open to life. It's a calm and steady feeling. This is "come whatever may" energy. 2024 will be a chance for you to settle into the quiet, because that's where the miracles will appear. I feel like this is a quiet that's been anticipated, more relieving than boring. This is a space of being in the flow with life and being ready for whatever comes next without mental resistance.
For some, this could be a romantic reading. I tend to think of strawberries as a rather flirtatious fruit! And we have the Lovers here too. Typically the Lovers talks about decisions, but I don't feel here like you're in a position to be making some kind of clear cut choice at the moment. This is more emphasizing on loving the feeling of love itself. This is a carefree disposition to allowing your heart to guide you when things look overwhelming on the surface.
There's no need or pressure to rush into any kind of decision even if there's an eagerness to do so. You're being encouraged to fully take time out and explore your feelings so you can create a better alignment with the type of person you desire in your life. You're allowing yourself to be curious and open minded without the unnecessary input that others may give you unsolicited. The Hermit is in an empowered position here.
I think 2024 will give you time to lean back rather than pursue, which is not the same as being avoidant. We have the eight of wands here; when the opportunity strikes, it can strike hot! But the key is that you're taking in this energy rather than chasing it. In the meanwhile, you're filling up your cup and learning how to be fulfilled with this peaceful space, and you'll find it easier to be patient when it comes to finding whatever you've been seeking.
You're learning that you have all the time you need to stay in this calm state, and that rushing with everything doesn't always speed up fate. The sense of having more time to sleep and nurture yourself will greatly benefit you when the time comes to receive this incredible spiritual insight, love, or blessings in the material world.
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Pile 2: Orange
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XI Justice + 2 of Cups, 4 of Cups, 5 of Swords; Single, What You Seek is Seeking You, Stories
For pile 2, the biggest keyword here is Clarity. If you've been in the fog about something for a while, that may start to clear up in 2024. Something that seemed difficult to tackle before will be greatly simplified for you. The Single card is Mercury energy and talks about beginnings in a conventional sense. So you'll look forward to starting over with something next year, perhaps from scratch, so it'll be better than before. You can deal with issues with a fresher mindset.
This is a specific message for a few, but if lately you feel like you've been involved in rumors, gossip, or some form of negativity spread through word of mouth, I see this dissolving in 2024. It will swing back around. Perhaps whoever is spreading the rumor will receive one in return. No hexing done here, but it looks like karma will put in the work to show that you or someone you know is innocent. If someone you know is gaslighting or spreading lies, they will feel the brunt of this. Any negativity sent to you will simply spin around and cancel itself out. So don't worry about other peoples' perceptions in 2024, they will undergo a big shift.
For others in this pile, you may have had some disagreements with your love or even business partner. Either one large disagreement that's been on the back burner for a while, or it's little ones that add up. It'll be different amongst you. But in 2024 these tiny issues will be more easily resolved. Things won't seem to complicated to untangle once any given situation is figured out.
Your energy is spent a lot more here on moving forward and looking for something new next year than dealing with conflicting relationships. With the four of cups, you're ready to move past whatever company or crowd is messing with your mood because you know better shit is on the way and you don't want to waste your emotional currency on anything draining or inherently unsatisfying.
You would rather move into what is right for you than deal with the drama, though I think there will be times when it circles back around and you may have to confront it again… It won't be as difficult as it was in the past, however. You're not dealing with so much confrontation in 2024, especially if you're actively prioritizing healthy relationships and practice healthy boundaries with others.
This may look to be the year where the art of setting mental boundaries is perfected. Mental boundaries means choosing what you'd rather think about than let your mind run loose. No longer trapped in the undertow of other peoples' nonsense, you're starting to get your life fully together. This will spill outwards into the outer world, and this will greatly help ease off the kind of bothersome encounters with people that may have popped up in 2023.
Some of you may identify as people pleasing, which is something that I see less of for you next year. It's almost like the vibe of seeing a kid watch a bunch of other children bully each other during recess, only for that lone kid to decide to go their own way and read a book. He might even make a new friend that way, who knows? 2024 will give you the chance to shrug certain expected worries off your back like water off of duck's feathers. Citrus is clean and refreshing. You can expect only the simplest and cleanest interactions moving forward (yes, I have Simple and Clean inside my head now, oof). It's all about keeping your eye on the prize that awaits ahead.
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Pile 3: Banana
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9 of Cups + XIV Temperance, XVIII The Moon, 7 of Wands, Prism, Projections, Power
Wow, so much lunar energy in pile 3's cards! I see bananas as lunar because they're shaped like crescents (and to go bananas is to be a lunatic!). Then you got two different version of moon cards on top of one another!
In this deck, the Moon has a softer and more subtle approach than the RWS. There's a greater emphasis on dreams and intuition with this card. Have you been connected to or manifesting with the lunar cycles? Or creating a dream journal to track your visions? If you've been interested in doing so, now would be a good time to look into it, as a confirmation. You're in alignment to receive!
This pile is really feeling the buzz of desires fulfilled and is pushing beautiful energy out into 2024. I'm not seeing specific desires listed here, just the overall potency of manifestation magic. This could possibly be a big year for you even. Just try not to get too carried away with the need to make 2024 into a particular kind of good year. Even if great things are lined up, allow room for the uncertainties to occur. These moments will happen to test you, and you'll need to stand your ground and be firm with what you want without your worries getting the best of you.
Pile 3, with Projections and Power? You are gonna look forward to 2024 being like a canvas for you to paint on. You can decide to paint whatever you wish, for a window of time as brief as the full moon. That's why your other three tarot cards are trying to slow you down a little bit, lol. Even if great luck is offered to you, be careful with how it factors into your life. You're being asked to have modesty, which must mean you're set to achieve or receive something very nice. But yeah, a sense of humbleness and gratitude will really help you here.
You're being reminded with the Moon that you don't have all the answers right now, and it's okay. Oftentimes the wish doesn't get granted until we lose our attachment to it or get sidetracked with life, then it's able to come in more easily. When we try to act resistant and overly arrogant with the seven of wands, it can bite back against us.
I'm also getting a message here about being humble with your blessings so to not attract unwanted attention from people. You could end up in a position where some may throw a lot of projections on you, but you will need to remind yourself of your Prism qualities. Prism is like pure spirit, it's the card of being spiritually aligned with one's self. You will be reminded that beyond good and bad fortunes, the pure spirit of self doesn't change. That is your power source.
Another thing you may look forward to are psychic upgrades. If you've been working on your psychic talent, you could receive a major boost this year. You may experience more clairsenses or messages in your dreams. These experiences and abilities will allow you to find the right time to act or wait on certain choices in your life. Your intuition is being greatly sharpened and amplified in 2024. Use this power with great care.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2023, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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feelbokkie · 6 months
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☀️Feelbokkie M.list ☀️
Orange: Energy, Happiness, Vitality
genre: domestic fluff, comfort fic (minho receiving)
pov: 2nd person
description: At the end of the day, all he needs is you.
pairing: minho x gn!reader
warnings: none?
word count: 577
©feelbokkie (2023) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
🖍️Crayon Box M.list🖍️
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"Min?" You call out in confusion when you hear your front door open.
You live alone, but your boyfriend Minho spends the night often. The problem is, you weren't expecting him today. You weren't expecting him for a while actually. He's been busy with promotions and starting choreographing Stray Kids' next comeback, you knew he was going to spend more time at the dorm than he would with you simply because the dorm is closer to the company. And he doesn't want to wake you up all hours of the night coming in.
Your heart settles in your chest once Minho comes into your line of sight. You start to sit up from your lying down position on the couch when you see the state of him. His face is bare, you can see the dark circles that normally hide behind his makeup. His face is paler than you're used to, even paler than he is with makeup on. His eyes are dead, almost as if he's a zombie. He drops his things where he stands and sluggishly walks over to you, ripping his face mask off. Your heart aches for him.
Before you can completely sit up, he's crawling on top of you. He situates his torso between your legs. His head falls on your chest, his ear pressed directly above your heart. His arms tightly snake their way around your waist, like you would a teddy bear. You gently place your phone on the floor and bring one hand to his scalp, your other hand on his face.
"Sorry, I should have at least texted you to say I was coming." He mumbles. He must feel your heart settling back to a normal rhythm.
"It's okay, this is as much your home as it is mine." You reassure him softly as you begin to scratch his scalp.
He falls quiet, you're almost certain that the combination of listening to your heartbeat and playing with his hair is lulling him to sleep. You don't mind. It's been a while since you've felt his warm embrace. Since you two have had a moment like this. He's been busy nonstop this year, peaceful moments like this are so rare. You almost feel selfish for taking advantage of his exhaustion. Almost.
"Did something happen today?" You whisper, as he lets out a sigh. You had a copy of his schedule, but you can't remember what it is he had to get done exactly today. There are so many interviews, photoshoots, and show appearances going on, you can hardly keep track. How he's able to is a miracle.
"Just...tired," He nestles further into your chest if that's even possible. It's almost like he's trying to be absorbed by you.
"Let's go to bed then. You'll be more comfortable and have more space." Your hand that's on his moves to tap his nose to get his attention.
"I'm comfortable right here," He slightly pouts, face scrunching up as you touch his nose.
"Yeah, but you could be so much more comfortable in some loser clothes and in that big, warm bed."
"Shh," He lifts his head to look at you. He cracks one eye open to a squint like he's looking at the sun. "I'm recharging."
"What are you? A phone?" You laugh? He must be tired if he's talking like this.
"Mhm, and you're my charger." You mumbles as he drops his head back on your chest, quickly falling asleep.
Buy me a coffee?
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infinitydivine · 2 months
Baby, you light up my world like nobody else!!!! 💜💜💜PAC reading- How do you light up everyone's life? ✨
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Hello everyone, I am back again with a new PAC reading. Thank you all for loving my previous PAC, I appreciate it.
*This reading is just for entertainment purposes*
Please leave feedback as comments reblogs, or Asks. It helps me to improve myself. And if you want you can tip/book reading with me because I am saving up for further education.
Choose your pile intuitively. Take what resonates and leave the other things. If you think this reading is not for you then choose another pile. If still it doesn't resonate then this might not be your reading. There are two Piles.
***If this reading resonates with you, DM me to book a reading with me. You can pay through Paypal or you can visit my Kofi shop too.
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(●'◡'●)Hello Pile 1 and Welcome to the reading (●'◡'●)
From Gateway Oracle cards- Mending Bridges, Giving Birth, and Stepping into Stillness
Pile 1, you are a natural-born healer. You are the bridge that connects people. You are a natural diplomat who can solve any problem with diplomacy. You are a mender. You help others mend bridges in their lives. But there are wounds inside of you that need to be forgiven too. You are a creative person who has a soul and mind full of different ideas. I am also getting empath vibes here too. There is something about your ideas and thoughts that helps people a lot without you even knowing. I didn't do Tarot for this reading but I am seeing the Sun tarot card here for this pile. Words are not enough to describe how people are genuinely thankful to you for being there in their lives. You are not a dramatic person and you like to stay away from them as much as you can. You avoid dramatic confrontations too and would like to resolve a situation by peaceful methods. Your approach to life is very practical. (I am getting chills for this pile but the windy one). I am getting a lot of calmer vibes here, some of you might have prominent water placements in your chart, especially Pisces. You handle situations very well and you are an old soul too. You are wise beyond your age and people might often come to you for your pieces of advice and solutions.
Thank you for your support ✨
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(●'◡'●)Hello Pile 2 and Welcome to the reading (●'◡'●)
From Gateway Oracle cards- Igniting Courage, Revealing radiance and Expecting Miracle
Pile 2, you are the Magician Tarot card. The one who can manifest things easily for yourself and for the people around you too. You are strong, valiant, and courageous. I think you guys are someone who fights for social justice for example if someone is getting bullied you will not just stand there and watch. You will step out and speak against it. You believe in change and the quote "change starts from within". You are a firm believer in "doing" things. Your fearlessness is what makes people attracted to you more. Your positive light shines from within and people can just see it. Although they might not know what is it about you that makes you so extraordinary, they are attracted to you just like a moth to the flame. You are a light bearer for others. There is something about your aura that stands out most to me. It illuminates others and brings light to the darkness. Your radiance also acts as a sacred beacon that calls the bounty and support of the Universe to you. Some may even call you "Miracles of their lives" because you might have helped them when they were struggling to get them out of their darkness. You don't hold yourself back when you are expressing yourself and it is very impressive to others. People around you might even think of you as their role model or someone to whom they can look up to.
Thank you for your support ✨
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serafilms · 6 months
song 25! hope ur ok (olivia rodrigo) + jason todd requested by @feralsecondchild (spotify wrapped event)
but god, i hope that you’re happier today, ‘cause i love you, and i hope that you’re okay
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There was a boy you knew once when you were young.
His name was Jason, you recall. Jason Peter Todd. He was your best friend.
You first met him at ten years old. At that age, you had only just begun to grasp the idea that there were horrors in the world, so when you wandered into the wrong side of town on your way home from school, you were an easy target. Or you would have been, if a boy with jet black hair and pale blue eyes hadn’t dragged you away to his hideout. You kicked and almost screamed until he whispered his name and a promise that he was helping you.
Jason was scrawny and malnourished, but where any older or more condescending of a person might have pitied him, you were in awe. With a crowbar clutched in his hand and eyes alert, he looked brave to you. And you told him as much, vowing to bring him gifts as often as you could to show your gratitude.
He told you you were stupid, but he still escorted you out of town and was the first (and thankfully, only) one to greet you when you returned the next week. You’d snuck in an extra two fancy sandwiches your mother had mass made and put in the fridge because you thought he’d like to try some, and brought along your homework, because you needed to do your homework.
Jason was interested by both, apparently, and you decided from there on out that it was your sworn duty to bring this boy food and an education every few days. It was probably a miracle you made it out of there unscathed every time, you think now. But you loved those days.
You’d read with him, and laugh with him, and cry to him, and eventually he opened up enough to cry to you too. Your heart broke as his eyes filled with tears, and that was the first time you realised how cruel the world could sometimes be.
Then, a day after your twelfth birthday, he disappeared. Some old items remained, but his most personal belongings were gone, including the copy of a book you’d given him.
“Jason?” you whispered to the air. There was no reply, and you left with nothing in your heart but worry and disappointment.
It was a few months later when you saw him again, looking completely different but entirely the same, and his name left your lips for the first time since the night you’d found him gone.
He was here, at Gotham Academy, your school, wearing your uniform.
He turned and looked afraid for a moment, but your face broke out into a smile and so did his, and he spoke your name before you ran and tackled him in a hug.
“You’re here,” you exclaimed, “but how?”
He’d been adopted by Bruce Wayne, he told you (“Bruce Wayne!” you cried, envious and excited all at once) and now he was doing better and he was enrolled at Gotham Academy.
That meant that you spent almost single day together, in much the same way you used to, but this time in a much better situation. It didn’t bother you much that Jason couldn’t stay long after school. You figured he had a lot to deal with adjusting to this new life and a new father figure.
When you got a little older, though, you started to find it strange. He was awake at odd hours of the night, but sometimes wouldn’t text you back for hours. He’d show up to school with bruises and you began to worry. He assured you he was fine and even invited you to Wayne Manor to prove it, an invitation you accepted in part to ensure your peace of mind and in part because you just really wanted to see where Bruce Wayne lived.
“You must be Y/N,” Bruce Wayne said, greeting you. He was intimidating, with a large stature and something in his eyes that told you not to mess with him, but when you shakily greeted him, he laughed and you realised that he wasn’t all that bad.
You were well received by Alfred as well, and Jason seemed very pleased by the whole afternoon, but wouldn’t tell you why.
Then at fifteen, on the eve of your 16th birthday, Jason Peter Todd was declared declared.
You cried more than you’d ever cried in your life. Your parents didn’t really know how to comfort you. They didn’t understand the depth of your connection with Jason, since you’d neglected to tell them about the two years before he joined your school. Bruce Wayne delivered the news in person, his eyes tired. His tears had dried out. When yours did eventually did, you weren’t tired, but angry.
How could this happen to him? To Jason, the best person you’d ever known? He deserved better. You couldn’t believe it. It couldn’t be true.
“I held him in my arms,” Bruce told you. “He’s gone.”
That was when you decided that there was no more good in the world.
But sometimes you would dream of a boy, with a hair and face just like Jason’s, waking from a deep sleep, or wandering around, lost. He looks just like your Jason, but his eyes are darker, a startling shade of green.
You would hear a call of your name in the night, in a voice that sounded exactly like his, and look around in a panic only to find nobody there.
A manifestation of your grief, said the psychologist your parents made you see. “It’ll get better.”
It did, for the most part. You don’t hear his voice anymore, except occasionally in your dreams. You rarely dream of him, but in your sleep you sometimes see a man who looks eerily like what you imagine he’d look like now if he had lived. You tell yourself it’s just a face you’ve seen on the street, just a stranger who looks similar. Your Jason had blue eyes.
You try not to think about him as much, but sometimes, you whisper his name into the wind, just to hear it out loud and remember how the syllables feel on your tongue. You send all your well wishes and prayers along with it. You feel like you still don't know what happened to the little boy with eyes of salt, but you hope that wherever he is, he's okay.
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a/n: it’s almost 3am here but i totally fixated on this fic and needed to finish it bc i love this song sm and it made me sad and i just felt so good writing this???? anyways stream hope ur ok it samples the atla avatars love song at the end and i listen to it every time i need to sleep
update: read the sequel here!!!!
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denaliwrites · 7 months
His Love is All in Me
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Aziraphale x GN!Reader x Crowley
Summary: It's not every day you compete with a demon for the affections of an angel.
Soundtrack: The Boy is Mine by Brandy & Monica
Requests: Open!
Warnings: Jealousy. Unrequited Love. Choking. Crowley is a Dick.
Upon further reflection, maybe Crowley had been right to call you an interloper. Sure, you hadn't meant to intrude on the good thing he had with his angel that fateful, rainy evening in December when you'd first wandered into Aziraphale's shop. You also hadn't meant to steal the angel's attention. Hadn't meant to keep going back day after day. Hadn't meant to get attached.
But now here you were, deeply seated not just in a plush armchair in the angel's bookshop several months later, but also in the angel's life.
Which meant, for better or for worse, you were deeply seated in Crowley's life as well.
And he hated you.
He made it impossibly clear any time the two of you were alone, and though he pumped the brakes a little when Aziraphale was around, he didn't do much to hide it then either. You tried not to let it show, both for Aziraphale's peace of mind and so that Crowley wouldn't get the satisfaction of knowing he'd upset you... but it did weigh on you.
But no matter how much weight you can hold, eventually there's a point where it's too much and some (or all) of it goes tipping over.
Aziraphale was leaving for the weekend.
He said something about having to travel to the States to get a book he'd been after for years, darling. You were on board until he put you in charge of the shop. That would be... stressful. But manageable. And then Crowley walked in, and Aziraphale lit up, and told him that he was in charge too.
The glare Crowley sent you the moment the angel turned away made you want to wither and die.
Before he left, Aziraphale handed you a tray of freshly baked treats -- ones he knew you loved, your most favorite treats that you'd probably kill for.
"To remember me by," he said before leaving.
Once alone in the shop with Crowley, you threw him a wary glance. You wanted to say something -- anything -- but nothing came to mind. Nervously, you set the tray down on the table beside your usual chair before dipping behind the counter to grab the book you'd been reading.
You heard a snap, and when you looked back over, the tray of treats was on fire.
"Crowley!" you yelped, barely managing to set the book down before frantically looking for a fire extinguisher. There wasn't one -- somewhere in the logical part of your brain, you figured it was because the angel could just miracle a fire away. But that didn't help you, a mortal, right now.
"C-Crowley," you whimpered as you finally came to a halt, simply staring at the fire in defeat.
You looked up at the sound of another snap. You could see out of your peripheral that the fire was gone, but your main focus was on Crowley's infuriatingly smug expression.
It pained you to look away, but you forcefully pulled your expression off of him to look at the tray -- the fire had burned every single treat into inedible embers.
As you looked, some sound that vaguely resembled a laugh came out of Crowley, and you whipped around to glare at him.
"What is your FUCKING problem?!" you growled, storming up to him.
He easily could've overpowered you, killed you, done literally anything, but he let you slam him up into the nearest wall, let you press your arm to his throat. Not that he needed to breathe, but it was satisfying all the same.
"Ever since that first day you have had it out for me! I've been nothing but nice, and helpful, and accommodating to your stupid mood swings! What the fuck else can you possibly want from me, you fucking asshole!?"
"I want you gone," he replied simply.
Oh. On further reflection, you should've seen that coming.
"The angel doesn't love you. He can't. You're but a fleeting little infatuation -- a pet. The moment you start withering, start showing your cursed humanity, he'll lose interest."
"Why do you even care?" you asked exasperatedly. "You've had six thousand years with him and you'll have six thousand more, infinite times over. Why do you care if he's distracted for a few years out of eternity?"
"Because he's mine!" Crowley hissed. "He's my friend. My Angel."
"This whole fucking time," you said with a sigh. "This whole time I thought you hated me for a real reason -- but you were just jealous? This whole time, you only hated me because you can't stand the idea of Aziraphale liking anyone else."
Suddenly, the tables were flipped and you were the one pressed to the wall. Unlike Crowley, though, you did need air to breathe, and his hand was nearly crushing your throat.
"C-Crowley--" you wheezed desperately, but his hold didn't let up.
"Listen to me, you insolent little speck of insignificant cosmic shit," Crowley hissed above you, "I don't care about the angel's pointless dalliances with mortals. We blink and you're dead and it's like no time has passed at all."
You were getting lightheaded, delirious.
"What I care about is you humans stupidly worming your way into his heart, only for you to inevitably die and break it."
Just as suddenly as it was there, the pressure on your windpipe was gone, and your body collapsed and instinctively dragged in desperate gasping breaths.
Crowley watched you disdainfully as you sucked in breath after breath, until eventually you evened out.
"Th..." you tried to speak, but every few breaths one still came out as a gasp.
Crowley knelt before you, looking you over. His hand neared your face and you jerked away, yet he persisted. You were surprised when the touch that landed on your chin was gentle. Limply, you let him tilt your chin up, giving him a view of your neck. A couple soft clicks of his tongue and a snap later, and your throat and lungs no longer burned.
"Wh-what did you--"
"I don't want you dead," he said with a sigh. "In fact, I'd much prefer you live a good, long life. Just... somewhere away from Aziraphale. And me."
You blinked up at him, before you let out a pained, wheezing laugh. "Y-you want me to live a 'good, long life'? You hate me!"
"You humans," he groused, looking around like some form of help might magically appear before him. "You're so -- smallminded. You don't get it."
"Get what?" you asked, voice suddenly weak. He looked genuinely worried, and that surprised you.
"You think that love and hate are mutually exclusive. Even when you love and hate something! Like -- like you. You love and hate romance novels. I've seen it! You love and hate them, and yet you cannot fathom the idea that I could love and hate humanity -- love and hate you."
"Sorry," you wheezed, "you love me?"
"Well -- hgk."
You laughed at the sound he made in the back of his throat, and yet again he surprised you. His lips actually pulled up, just a little, in response.
"Yeah, I do. In the way I love every other human," he said after a moment. "But I love you because Aziraphale does, too."
"Yet you want me gone?"
"Because I hate seeing his heart get broken."
"Some things are worth getting your heart broken for, Crowley."
His stunned blinks told you he'd never considered that.
"I know I'm not going to live forever. I know you two will outlive me by eternity. I'll spend the rest of my life with you, and for you, it'll be a second on the cosmic clock. Less, probably."
His eyes met yours, thoughtful, sad, considering.
"Don't you think it breaks my heart too, knowing I'll only get so much time with you before I'm gone? That I'll have to leave him behind, and he'll have to deal with that pain?"
"Then why stay?"
"Because I love him, and people do stupid things for love. Sometimes they do selfish things for it, too. And sometimes, the people involved are perfectly capable of making their own decisions and have considered the outcome and think that the pain they'll experience is worth it."
He looks away in shame, then.
"Aziraphale's not an idiot," you say, reaching out a hand to tilt Crowley's face towards you. "If he didn't want to feel that loss, he wouldn't keep getting attached to humans. But he sees something in us worth going through that pain for. Maybe instead of treating him like an infant who can't understand the consequences of his decisions, you should respect that -- like it or not -- he has his own reasons for doing things and he's more than capable of choosing to do them."
"I can see why he likes you, now," Crowley said softly, and you blinked. "You... hgk. He's fallen for many humans, but you may be the best of them."
Coming from him, that surprised you, but it also warmed your heart. "Oh, he does love me back?" you asked with a laugh.
"Oh, yes," Crowley sighed dramatically. "Didn't understand why before but... now I do."
"And what about us?" you asked.
The sound that came out of that demon's mouth was -- well, it was something. Something that made you cackle.
"Us?" he finally managed, baffled.
"Yeah. Like. Are we okay? Are we cool? No more hating and trying to chase me off and stuff? Can we be civil?"
"Oh," he said, but you saw the moment the realization actually sank in. "Oh! Yes, yeah, we're fine. You're... you're good."
This made you smile. Without warning, you grabbed the demon and pulled him into a hug. "Maybe we can even be friends," you said, delighting in the way his body stiffened against yours.
"Oh, no, no -- I don't -- I don't do that -- that's the angel's thing --"
Despite Crowley's best attempts at insisting that he didn't befriend Aziraphale's "pets" and that he'd much rather stay as far from you as possible, when Aziraphale returned home at the end of the weekend he found the two of you in one of the armchairs -- Crowley's favorite, in fact. You were asleep with a book hanging limply and precariously from your hand. Crowley was... well, it was hard to tell, with his glasses on, but he had his body sprawled across yours, one leg thrown over the back of the chair and one laid over your lap in what Aziraphale would dare say was a protective gesture. He smiled, miracling a blanket over the two of you before he went about settling back into his home routine.
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