#i mean technically i can do both of those things but....idk if i ever will
iggy-hands · 2 years
Stede rescues the crew from the island, they pile into that dinghy like it's a clown car
They search for a little while, but the show's logic of "you can easily find anything you're looking for" fails them. Blackbeard doesn't want to be found.
So they decide to regroup at the Republic of Pirates, atleast they might be able to pick up some resources and intel there, maybe even get in a little r and r.
But they still don't have a ship, and Stede can't just buy whatever they need anymore, but what he does still have is his ~charm and wit~ which leads him to conclude, "We'll join a crew! Some dastardly pirate must be looking for some strong and capable sea-men! We're a catch!"
They eventually get wind of some dark, mysterious stranger post up in Spanish Jackie's, looking for only the most competent, experienced, and fearsome of pirates. So of course, Stede feels they're the perfect fit!
They'll join a new crew! Stede can get some real pirating in now that he's not too preoccupied being in charge! They'll be so successful at plundering and pillaging that they'll surely have enough for their own ship in a matter of weeks! Maybe the captain will be so impressed with them that he'll give them his ship!
So Stede strides over to the dark corner indicated to him. He may not have the full "Gentleman Pirate" ensemble anymore, but he carries himself like he does - first impressions are important! - the rest of the crew trailing hesitantly behind.
He reaches the table at which the man sits, still in shadow. "I hear you're looking for a crew...!" Stede announces, only the slightest quiver in his voice, he really has come a long way.
The man let's out a deep, rasping sigh as he slowly picks up his bottle and swallows down the remaining liquid. He lifts the bottle high over his head and - all of a sudden a loud SMASH as he brings the bottle swiftly down and it connects with the edge of the table, shards of glass spraying everywhere as the man springs forward. Stede stumbles back but he can't get far, inadvertently penned in by the crew around him. The sharp edge of the glass is pressed to the side of his neck, his eyes squeezed shut in anticipation-
"Stede. Fucking. Bonnet." snarls out Izzy Hands.
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scoutswritingcorner · 2 months
More Papa Headcanons!
PLATONIC Papa!Alastor & GN!Child!Reader
Angst Flavored~
First Part
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TW: ANGST- Just a teeny tiny bit. For the soul. Oh and Susan is mentioned.
A/N: Enjoy~
I usually leave this part up to you guys, the readers of my ramblings, but what if you were born out of wedlock? You are technically Alastor’s bastard child. Especially during that time period? That was greatly frowned upon and you never knew who your mother was! But despite all of that, Alastor and his Mom adored you. (Don’t get me wrong she probably chewed his ass out for it but she adored you.) 
Now, as you grew older people started saying it to your face, even kids at your school. But everytime you brought it up to Alastor he got angry, not at you, so he teaches you how to defend yourself and makes sure that you know to never start a fight. 
But once in hell, the name still sticks. Susan once overheard Alastor and Rosie’s conversation about it and called you that to your face. (Mean ass old woman right there.) And to say you were upset was an understatement, you knew better than to get into adult’s business but you just ran to your Papa sobbing cause you had thought you escaped that treatment. Despite being in Hell. You’re just clinging to his pants as you try your darndest not to cry but gosh the words keep echoing, both Rosie and Alastor are immediately worried about you. Cause you never cry or cause too much trouble!
Once they hear what Susan said? Rosie has to keep Alastor from flipping his lid. You stay by his side the rest of the day too scared to go play with the other kids in Cannibal Town. It shouldn’t bother you too much but you’ve been called that your entire few years of living and now it’s followed you down to Hell? What if the others start doing such a thing? 
Not to worry, Auntie Rosie shuts the whole thing down if she even catches a whiff of it. 
Full credit to @aceblaze01 for the idea of Vox being in Child!Reader’s afterlife! Especially when he and Alastor were hanging out(idk if I should call them partners). He was like an odd Uncle to you! Also 100% would let you watch kids cartoons on his screen, but you were so confused by it that you stood there staring at him before finally getting comfortable to sit down and watch those weird picture shows your papa talked about. He would totally put on Disney films for you. 
You watched Bambi once and ended up crying. He had to hold you and calm you down before Alastor was alerted. After that he stuck with everything else but Bambi. 
You sometimes go with Alastor to Overlord meetings and sit next to him drawing, not paying any mind to what’s going on either. You mostly draw your Papa and Auntie Rosie but you’ve started to draw Vox and that man cries when you hand him the drawings of him with very shaky handwriting and misspelled words. He loves it and keeps it hung up on his wall framed and everything. You gave a drawing to a lot of the nicer Overlords as a thank you for letting you join with your Papa. You gave one to Zestial, Carmilla and many of the unnamed ones that didn’t look too scary..you gave those to your Papa so he can give it to them. 
Even after all those years and Alastor’s falling out with Vox as a whole, he kept your drawings still safely framed. He doesn’t have the heart to get rid of them. Valentino said one bad thing about them and got the shock of his afterlife. That’s the last time he brought it up. He still checks up on you, makes sure you're alright. Even though he can’t physically be next to you cause Alastor would lose his fucking shit, he makes sure he has people check up on you. 
Vox has killed people who even thought of putting a hit out on you before Alastor ever caught wind about it. He’s not a man to play around with when it comes to you- his little niece/nephew/nibling (gender neutral term for niece/nephew).
During exterminations? Alastor stays with you the whole time. He doesn’t need anything hurting you. He keeps you in his room with books and anything else you want to bring. When you're in the hotel and extermination is around the corner, while the hotel is relatively safe. He still makes sure you stay far away from any doors leading to the outside. 
Oh boy, you are the only one able to sit in his tower with him while he works! He has a chair designated for you and will answer any and all questions about his work (even if they do get silly and repetitive). You’ll fall asleep sometimes when he’s on air and he doesn’t miss a beat wrapping his jacket around you as he continues to talk.
Taglist: @littledolly2345, @aboyscriminalrecord
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caineinthecorner · 2 months
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Languages (The Others)
★ Based on my language general hcs + the brothers' hcs.
Hi I am sleep deprived. Behold part two of my shitty hc delusions wooooo.
"Caine you missed some" yeah I'm lazy (+ don't know their characterization well enough). If you want to add hcs for the guys I skipped you can but in the meantime I'll go with the basic bitch options
Gentle reminder I make shit up. (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
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★ Solomon.
Okay so like I said with Asmo he knows french (and they're both nasty with it)
Basically he rizzed up Asmo in french
Using the dude he was in based out of he also knows English (native probably), Welsh, German, full-ass Demon Tongue and like some latin for magic bs. Idk
(bcs the guy lived nearby those countries in ye old Europe(tm) and something something immortal so why tf not learn languages while at it)
(also of course he learned demon tongue. He wants to rizz up demons and what better way to do that)
He learned demon tongue from random demons and a lot of trial and error
Plus he knows japanese if we are under the pretense that mc is japanese.
So like Solomon tries to use language rizz to get close to you as the other human student in Devildom. So basically using the Asmo trick with you.
... He's kinda painfully obvious with it
(how tf did Asmodeus fall for this shit?)
If you don't speak any of the languages he is fluent in his ass will ABSOLUTELY pick 'em up and be like "hey I want to learn:)"
He uses language as a tool to get what he wants basically
No wonder him and Asmo get along
If you know a language that is not loquar-translatable and he speaks it as well prepare to get secret-talk'd a lot.
Not having people spying your convos is a incredibly valuable asset in Devildom
Especially since you're around the brothers almost 24/7 and they're fucking VIGILANT
Oh also he 100% knows that Asmo fakes being shit at English.
But he's a simp so 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠  ⁠)⁠ㄏ
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★ Luke.
Yes he doesn't need Loquar to communicate with you since he's an angel BUT
For some reason (cough your heritage cough) he keeps messing up in which language speak to you with.
Angel instincts are telling him to just use whatever language with you but the thing is that You Don't Know Whatever Language
Which is odd because that's something he only does with fellow angels????
But you are human so
He doesn't think much of it. He's probably just confused because he's around mean demons! >:T
(His basic subconscious instincts are harder to control since he's low ranking and his Angel brain is going "You = angel = language doesn't matter")
But since he keeps somewhat messing up around you he decides to gesture to hell when talking to you just in case
so you get the gist through his mannerisms in case his words get fucky
His least favorite language ever is Demon Tongue. Even outside of Not Liking Demons he doesn't like how throat-y and intensive it is.
↑ that is a popular Angel opinion btw. Demon Tongue in general is just annoying to use for them and barely any Angels use it outside of in-the-moment communication with Devildom natives.
If you ask him his preferred language he'll say some form of Latin since it's the preferred language of most high ranked angels, as well as Michael's.
But it's actually English.
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★ Simeon.
Since he is was a high rank angel, he doesn't mess up what language speak to you with. He has real good control of stuff like that that comes with experience and age.
(in fact he's very confused why Luke keeps messing up so bad around you but doesn't think much of it since Luke is technically still a fledgling)
I already said this but yeah his preferred language is Archaic Latin (shared it with Lucifer pre-fall).
Ever since Lucifer's fall he switched to plain English and that's the answer he'll give you if you ask.
Only Angel that isn't bothered speaking demon tongue and will do so at his own leisure.
If you try to learn the demon language he is unironically so helpful because he isn't a spiteful bitch like Lucifer and actually teaches you shit without throwing you into the wolves
In fact Simeon is amused as hell over the fact that Lucifer is making you learn the hard stuff first. That is so him.
He's like the good cop of the learning dynamic. Cool substitute teacher vibes
Simeon finds accents to be the cutest thing ever since it is an inherently odd concept for someone fluent in Everything Ever
He has (jokingly) cooed over Luci's accent when he speaks Latin nowadays. Lucifer is not at all amused.
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★ Barbatos.
He knows every language.
... Yeah that's it that's the list
Look at me dead in the eyes and tell me this motherfucker does not speak Sumerian
Ofc he knows every human language ever. And Devildom's. He knows™.
Funniest thing is that he doesn't even need Loquar to talk to you. He just deadass speaks your language with full fluency and you Never Notice
You only notice one day while having a normal convo with him and then Diavolo walks in speaking full deadass gibberish somehow and you're like ????? and Barbatos says "oh apologies I forgot to apply Loquar to you here you go"
Like deadass he would fuck with you so hard when it comes to languages.
Do not go to this man for language advice he will teach you proper stuff in the most incorrect way possible
(Probably! Or probably not! It depends! On what? Who the fuck knows™!)
He's deadass a roulette of proper, legitimate advice or literal shitposting
He wrote the Voynich manuscript. It was a housekeeping journal he was keeping in a dead Devildom idiom that ended up in the human realm by accident
He didn't retrieve it solely because seeing humans go insane over it was funny as hell and he has a secondary copy anyway. That book has nothing relevant in it besides like two recipes.
He did go to check back on it once to write down a meat pie recipe Diavolo's father liked bcs he didn't have on the copy
Barbatos is the definition of "wtf what language was that" "yes."
He and Lucifer have random days where they just pick a language to speak to each other. It helps to maintain fluency.
Barbatos jumpscared Satan once by going, full ass unprompted mid convo, "Oh right you speak Tagalog."
He knows what languages everyone speaks like a white girl knows zodiac charts
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★ Diavolo.
Ok so he probably knows English since it is Solomon's native and humanity's current universal(ish) language
Like of course he wants to communicate with humans! Of course he'll learn their language!!!
Unlike Barbatos and Lucifer who are very impressive Polyglots he's realistic in his language stuff. The more down-to-earth of the three
His English is hilarious
Not particularly because he says things wrong but his accent and tone just makes it sound incredibly funny
He sounds exactly like a dubbed-over superhero doing a friendship monologue At All Times
He is so earnest with it that you don't have the heart to explain why you're laughing
Anyhow fun fact:
Loquar for some reason translates what he says in Demon Tongue the most literal ass sense possible for literally no reason
Which is odd(tm) but mostly just funny as all hell
Everyone has been troubleshooting whatever the fuck happens to Loquar Ad Vos with Diavolo but no idea so far.
The phrase "have you tried unpapplying it and applying it again" has been uttered more than once unironically
The working theory is that since Diavolo is royalty and Loquar Ad Vos was created with the sampling of normal demons it works wrong on him since there's something different(tm)
Reverse engineering the Loquar spell to work on him has been in the works for a while. Loquar is drafted like shit since it is an old human-oriented spell (Basically like spaghetti code needing to be rewritten), so it proves a bit troublesome.
You later find that Diavolo speaks in a very uniquely pronounced manner
↑ Think of it like Devildom royalty has a very distinctive Way Of Speaking. Like an accent but also not. Probably magic related in some way(?)
"do you want to consume nourishment" ← Diavolo's ass getting mistranslated
So yeah Barbatos or Lucifer kinda have to lend a hand when you two communicate.
If you're English speaking then you two kinda communicate that way sometimes. You reassure him on his accent and help him along if he gets anything wrong.
(he's fluent-ish in Japanese as well if we are running in the assumption that the reason why MC's canonically japanese is because they needed someone who A) speaks a language translatable by Loquar Ad Vos B) is also a language Diavolo knows and C) is not of the same social background as Solomon)
He will get so unapologetically excited when you start learning demon tongue. You two can!!! Communicate even more!!!!!
Demons will be genuinely mortified if you gain Diavolo's accent while speaking demon tongue. Why does this random ass human speak like royalty ತ⁠_⁠ತ
Very (un)subtle way to tell everyone that you're besties/partner/whatever of the literal prince of Devildom.
Something something dragon being possessive something
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moongothic · 2 months
I do kind of wonder if One Piece might end with two "Pirate Kings"...
Like Luffy is 100% going to become Pirate King, without a doubt. You don't just build up the protagonist's adventure to reach their goal for 20+ years and then Not Deliver on it. Luffy's gonna be King, no doubt about it.
But as we already know, to Luffy being "Pirate King" simply means "being the most free person in the world". When Rayleigh asked Luffy if he thinks he can become the ruler of the seas (New World specifically), Luffy explicitly told Rayleigh he's NOT going to "rule over anything".
So Luffy could and will become the most free person in the world and gain the title of Pirate King, but he's not going to become The Ruler of the Seas.
Which leaves me wondering... could someone else ALSO become "Pirate King", some kind of a (Luffy-approved) benevolent ruler of the seas while Luffy goes off on more adventures to enjoy his life?
And if so... who? Who would be suited for that position, who might accept that role (in Luffy's stead)? And mind you, I do mean specifically a King for Pirates; even if/when the WG gets overthrown and replaced by whatever system the Revs may be preparing, it doesn't mean all the pirates of the seas are going to bend to the New Government's will.
Right now, of all known characters I feel like Shanks might be the most suited for it technically speaking, but I'm not sure he's up for it. Shanks is a man of many a mystery as are his goals, but yeah IDK if he'd want to take the throne, it remains to be seen.
Hilariously. Buggy's also a fucking option. Not only has he very recently claimed he'd like to be Pirate King mayhaps, but also during Summit War he did make his funny little predictions about becoming Shichibukai, Yonkou and finally Pirate King himself. And we know two of those predictions have already come true. So between making his final predicition also come true and keeping Buggy's trend of Falling Upwards going, it would be funny as fuck if Buggy did become The Ruler of the Seas. Thing is, between Buggy arguably not being genuinely suited for the job (though being easy to dethrone could be a perk), we need to ask if Buggy does TRULY want to become Pirate King himself. Like yes, he may have dreamed of claiming One Piece one day, but also, his entire BEEF with Shanks has to do with how Buggy wanted to follow Shanks and watch HIM become the King after Roger. Buggy says he wants to be the King, but does he truly? Or would he rather just let Shanks have the throne instead?
But that might be a bit of an issue that just runs in a circle; if neither Shanks or Buggy wants the throne then who the hell would take it then?
And like... No matter how I think about it, the only other option I come to is like... god damn fucking Crocodile. Because (say it with me now) if Crocodad Real, it could make sense thematically. Depending on whatever character arc the bastard might go through first. If he was put into that role then you'd think (and hope) he'd find himself surrounded by people who trust him and he can trust back (Pirate King's crew and all) (oh hey what's this Cross Guild thing?). Not to mention if Luffy wanted to give up the job of actually ruling the seas to someone else, the only way he'd ever willingly give that fucking job to Crocodile of all people, would be if their father-son relationship improved first (you know how I feel about that) and Croc actually like proved himself to be (trust)worthy. Not to mention, Crocodile would get to reclaim the dream he had abandoned so long ago. But also, he'd get to reclaim it while his sweet baby boy's dream also came true; they'd both get to be King together. That would be so fucking adorable and sweet. And don't let me get started on the Sobek-Ra symbolism (Sobek = protector god (a crocodile), Ra = sun god (=Nika=liberation=Luffy); Sobek-Ra = fusion of the two) (Also let's be real, Crocodile would be weirdly suited for the job. Like he's stronk enough but also he can run operations and boss people around etc)
Like I feel so delulu even suggesting that but also it would make sense. It makes so much sense it makes me a little bit mad lmao
But in the end, what other options would we even have? Of the known characters I don't think there's many who would fit into the role AND want the role, and I feel like we're a bit late into the series to introduce any completely new characters for this purpose in particular.
I just. I dunno the thought just haunts me
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mtkay13 · 10 months
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So I made those as requested by abscess chemical on twitter and figured it may be fun to share them on tumblr as well. And you know what? Share a break down of my choices as well, because why not! I tried doing it seriously haha.
Zhou Zishu:
Intense - 6/10: He can be very intense, re the things or people he's invested in, but he also has a chill and detached quality to him, a way of being at peace with things that he won't blow things out of proportions.
Complex - 9/10: I think that he's a very nuanced, multi-faceted and deep character, but I guess I didn't go 10/10 just because there's also a very straightforward and easy to get part of him (esp. from WKX's perspective.
Fruity - 2/10: I think the guy's very gay but not the most bombastic about it LBR.
Angst-lord: although it's not as obvious in TYK, QY gives us some EXTREMELY tasty ZZS angst and a good look into how ZZS can process things through anxiety. It definitely got more lowkey post-QY canon, but...
Flavor container: IDK what that means really but I wanted to tick it
Soft and sweet: I actually didn't check it on the twitter version initially (but published an erratum). He is described as soft on the inside by too many people not to check it.
Braincell haver: self-explanatory, the guy's brilliant
Chew toy: literally!
Tragic backstory: if QY can count as a backstory, then everything that happened with Jiuxiao works.
Frequently violent: duh
Sidekick owner: WKX is ZZS's sidekick from everyone else's perspective (or vice-versa) and my opinion abt it won't change ever.
Pet stray animals: ZCL, for one, and for two we all know he pets cats and raccoons
Chronic insomniac: technically, in TYK, the nails do force the insomnia, but we know from QY that he had a lot of trouble sleeping at night.
Murderer: well
Just some guy 95%: clearly he's a natural-born NPC/side character
Too many thoughts 100%: he overthinks everything!!
Awful company 15%: I think that a goofy drunkard like him is fun but not the best company, especially when he goes all grumpy shifu/shixiong
Beloved by all 60%: most characters REALLY like him (and the others don't even know he exists) and often praise how sweet he is. Charming against his will and attempts at being invisible uwu
Trauma x1000 10%: again, I think that the Jiuxiao story left deep scars.
Helps others for fun 70%: pretty much the plot of TYK
Scary-smart 80%: I think he's really brilliant but then you have these moments where he's just clueless abt stupid stuff and clearly doesn't care/doesn't want to know or try so those 20% left are the deliberate goof I guess.
1000 weapons and tools 50/50: it's both!! every rock is both a tool and a weapon and he just keeps pulling random shit from his bosom--
At peace with life 48%: I think, for the most part, he is--at peace with both life and death, until he decides that keeping on living is just the best option in the end.
Break the rules 80%: I had no idea w this one but... in TYK he pretty much does whatever he wants, so---
Extra comments: The way the "evokes" ticks every boxes for me to various degrees of intensity... sigh It was difficult for the "want them to have" section since I think he has everything post-canon, but I tried seeing it from a mid!canon perspective.
Wen Kexing
Intense - 9/10: While WKX's feelings are generally cold, they seem equally intense to me, just like his eyes or his stare. He's intense about his love, about his revenge, about his plans.
Complex - 6/10: I've had interesting convos about how WKX is... nuanced, of course, but not as complex or deep as it may seem on the surface. That doesn't take anything from how interesting he is, but he is rather straightforward in what he is, ultimately.
Fruity - 8/10: I MEAN--
Enemy of the State: he's literally THE main Jianghu villain
Flavor Container: I still don't know what it means but it felt right once again
Braincell haver: the guy is EXTREMELY smart and outsmarted everyone in TYK so yeah
Tragic backstory: can hardly do worse than parents murdered in front of you, ate your dad to survive, took care of a child in the wildest, most dangerous part of jianghu, fought to reach the top while "serving" the previous master........ He scored it all!
Orphan: again, fully checks out
Frequently violent: yes
Has enemies: in SPADES
Sidekick owner: GX and ZZS are WKX's sidekicks 100%
Murderer: yes
The antagonist of life 70%: had to change from protag to antag because he IS the TYK antagonist (if TYK had been a traditional wuxia from ZCL's perspective...); of course it ends up being subverted but you know
Too many thoughts 75%: I think he's a big thinker as well
Awful company 85%: Let's be real guys
Hated by all 30%: I think he's too underestimated or not even really acknowledged enough to be hated, but I am pretty sure that more people dislike him than the opposite
Trauma x1000 60%: well.......... I think he has a bunch!
Sadistic for fun 15% : I doubt he's one to like helping and we know him to have those sadistic tendencies
Scary-smart 80%: same reasoning as for ZZS
1000 weapons or tools: mostly bare handed for everything save for the occasional whip or walnut shell but---
Enemy of god 35%: I have to be honest I don't really know what that means but I guess he's defied death a few times!!!
Break the rules 95%: WKX shits on the rules
Additional notes:
Mostly ticks everything in the "evokes" categories as well, but I unticked "symptoms of projection" because I don't feel like I project much of anything on WKX... maybe? (save for the ZZS lewding.. LOL) always hard to say, IG we always do a bit of that on every character, eh
and The Horny ofc because i'm kinda known for not really lewding my good WKX atp
I want a lot of things for him during canon, but again, all I can think of is how post-canon WKX really got it and then I gush and am simply happy for him.
That's it thank you for reading this mostly unnecessary breakdown!!!! Edit, following a comment asking for the sheet:
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moodymisty · 6 months
mkay so I have 2 Warhammer ideas? requests? sticking in my head that I can't decide on one so I'll throw both out there and you can pick one (or neither since I already threw a request at ya lol) to chew on. also a lot of my lore knowledge comes from the wiki and lore vids so sorry if I get things wrong.
first, if I'm remembering right you've said that the blood angels get a smidge yandere over Sanguinius' partner. so I'm thinking, how the hell would they act towards them after ol Sangy gets murderized by Horus? what about the black rage? would they recognize them? maybe her being present around a raging blood angel somehow makes them even more feral, desperate to protect them from "Horus". or maybe it helps mellow them out, can't decide which I like better lol. also what if she's pregnant or has had Sanguinius' kid? idk just poor grieving widow surrounded by these also grieving giants who mean well but are kinda unhinged lol.
OR maybe some thoughts/ headcanons for your blorbo Sevatar lol. I don't know much about atm but reading the little thing you made of him made me think he's like one of those boys who picks on the girl he likes but heaven forbid someone else tries to pick on them.
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author's Note: I know you said do one, but I'ma do both. Keep an eye out for the Sevatar one soon. I'm not going to pass up a chance to write about not only my crazy husband Sevatar, but also my yandere vamp boys. I really like both ideas of Sangy's lover either mellowing them out or making it worse. I chose that it's made worse in this snippet however. There's other yandere tendencies I could get into, but I decided to primarily do black rage stuff here. I hope you enjoy.
Summary: Guilliman visits the lover of Sanguinius for the first time since the Heresy reached it's murderous apex.
Relationships: Sanguinius/Fem!Reader (no pronouns just the title 'legion mother')
Warnings: Major Character Death technically, Sanguinius haunts the plot because that's what he do, Increasingly yandere Blood Angels
Word Count: 1116
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It will have been the first time since the Siege that Guilliman has laid eyes on the Legion Mother of the Blood Angels.
He boarded the Red Tear with a small gathering of Ultramarines, though when he reaches the entrance of the room he's due to meet you in, he turns to his lieutenant and speaks.
"Stay out here."
The Lieutenant instantly begins to put up resistance, standing up even more rigid than he already had. His helmet is off, hanging on is belt and showing slight disbelief on his face.
"But My Lord, I-" Guilliman cuts him off.
"I am not going to bring a small army of Astartes to speak to a widow in mourning." He takes a breath and calms himself. "If I have need of you, you will know."
The marine quiets, and then the Primarch enters the room. The door closes right behind him, and two Blood Angels part for him; They had clearly been guarding the interior of the entrance. In the middle of the large room is you- in front of a massive table of maps and parchments, separating you and him.
"This is a surprise, Primarch Guilliman." You look up at him from across the room as he steps closer. This room was designed with Astartes and Primarchs in mind, so his height fits quite comfortably.
"Do you have need of the Blood Angels?"
You speak proper and polite, but not cold; It's a behavior that reminds him of Sanguinius, and for a moment he wonders if the Primarch had ever prepared you had you needed to ever command his legion.
Guilliman notices a well armored captain at your immediate left, and a few other Blood Angels standing guard in the room. More than he would've put in a room this size, though he thinks that perhaps it hadn't been your idea, judging by the captain's face. He looks across at you.
You look terribly, horribly lost. A young woman with her lover dead, thrust into a leading mantel of a legion in mourning. Belarius is serving as the Chapter Master of the Blood Angels now, but even he still looks to you as if you're an extension of Sanguinius. Something more.
He doesn't envy your position. For once he might see himself almost more fortunate than you; As despite circumstances, he has the genes of his creation assisting him, you do not; You were not make for the role cast upon you.
The Blood Angels standing guard are tense- unbelievably so. Guilliman suspects if he made even a somewhat fast movement, they'd have their bolters all pointed his way.
The weight of Sanguinius' death has weighed heavy on you all. All of you live in mourning. That drive in them now channels fully to making sure their Primarch's beloved stays alive.
"I wished to give you my condolences before you return to Baal."
You smile at him, weak, before it fades a bit as you loose yourself in thought. Then, you turn to your men.
"Leave us alone for a moment, if you will." The captain at your side speaks up. You shush him before he has a chance to say much of anything on the matter, and Guilliman suspects that this isn't the first time. You've clearly been growing frustrated at their obsessiveness already; You wish to mourn in peace, but this is how the Blood Angels have decided to.
"It will only be for a moment. I am sure nothing will happen in the ten minutes I would like to have a conversation without eight other pairs of ears listening." He can hear the strain of irritation and sleep deprivation in your voice. He moves to take his final strides closer and come fully up to the table that stands between you.
One step away however, he stops.
In the corner of Guilliman's eye, he notices in the back of the room that one Blood Angel turns rigid. With how tense his neck and jaw is it's like he's gritting his teeth into dust. He makes a move closer, his hand slipping down the barrel of his bolter towards the trigger-
Guilliman can't see a thing but rage in his eyes.
His own hand twitches in preparation, but the marine's partner in guard roughly grabs his pauldron. He whispers something the Primarch can't hear. As they all move to leave, it almost looks like he's dragging him out. Guilliman notices you watching the scene with a particular look on your face. Like you've seen it before, and you're unsurprised but displeased to see it again.
When they're all out of the room, his posture relaxes ever so slightly. As much as it can in his armor, at least.
"Thank you for visiting, Guilliman, but it wasn't needed. I'm sure you have many other duties to attend to." You smile, but it's forced. He's familiar with the gesture.
"The Ultramarines are always occupied. However I still wish you a safe journey." The smile on your face becomes a bit more sincere.
"Thank you. And I'll be sure to think of the Ultramarines have I any need of assistance." Guilliman has had nothing but respect for the Blood Angels, and a request of yours would be one he would consider.
"Very well. Do take care of yourself."
Guilliman wants to say something about Sanguinius, but he can't bring himself to. instead he gives you a nod, and turns away to leave. He does so silent other than the sound of his footfall, and you're left alone in the room. But only for a moment. Your captain that was here previously enters not long after he leaves, standing in front of you. Rubbing your tired eyes, you look up at him.
"How is he?"
You say in reference to the Blood Angel who'd snarled and almost attacked Guilliman moments ago. The captain shakes his head.
"Not well. He is just barely holding onto his sanity. He'll be in Death Company post haste." You sigh.
"Did any of the Ultramarines see?" Much to your relief, the captain once again shakes his head.
"No. We barely got him out of earshot before he started yelling about saving Primarch Sanguinius and you from the Arch Traitor."
Arch Traitor. How quickly everyone has begun refusing to even utter Horus' name.
You nod to the captain in thanks for his quick reactions in the matter, your face tired. Sleep has been a rarity; You feel sick, and mourning isn't an emotion that welcomes rest.
And no one can know about the Rage, or the Thirst. You suppose that's your duty now. You just hope you can hide it as well as Sanguinius had.
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larcenywrites · 1 year
Tony Stark x Reader
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Summary: When Tony singles you out at one of his many parties, he doesn't mind that you have a ring on your finger. The question is: do you?
Warnings: 18+ | heavy petting | infidelity/cheating | feminine reader? idk you wear a dress
Word Count: 1.5K
When your husband dragged you out here for work, the last thing you expected was to end up being dragged out to some party or event hosted by Tony Stark himself. And then subsequently left alone after a passive-aggressive whisper-fight when he wanted to go off with the few people he knew from work when you didn't know anyone. And from the looks of it, you weren't sure if you cared to know anyone. 
That is, until someone unexpected caught your eye, or maybe you were only seeing him because you had caught his. It was the devil himself, and now technically your husband's boss. That interested stare from across the room had you feeling like a deer in headlights, weak legs and all. You pretended too late not to notice, attempting to go about your business that you never had in the first place. He took it has his opportunity, swooping in on unattended prey.
"I don't think we've ever met," a voice that could only belong to one person right now chased after you. A hand carefully cupped your elbow, drawing your attention to the man behind you. You quickly got lost in that too-polite smile, and for all the sin that you knew hid behind those innocent eyes, there wasn't even a trace. 
"No, but I've heard a lot about you," you teasingly warned, shyly looking down for a moment to try and chase away your already nasty thoughts, hopefully with him in tow. His touch drifting its way to your hand didn't help. 
"Nothing good, I hope," he retorted playfully, not so subtly tilting your hand and glancing at the ring around your finger. There was no apprehension in those eyes when they looked back at you. If anything, they held a new anticipation that had him holding his head a little higher. There was a power in his confidence that was hard to ignore. One that knew he could take what wasn't his. "Haven't seen you around," Tony started, eyes shamelessly drifting over you as if to prove a point. "It's usually the same crowd." 
Maybe it was just code for: I've already slept with everyone here and now it's boring! And you were the perfect candidate. It should have been an alarm bell, but you'd ignored all of the others thus far.
"I just moved here." Even after trying your best to keep your stare in check, you couldn't fight the urge to give him a once-over. And maybe a second, just to take note of the glass of whiskey in his hand and the fingers curled around it. "My husband came out here to work for you, actually," you informed him, knowing he wouldn't have any idea or care who worked under him anyway, and that word had just as little effect on him as your wedding band. 
"Oh, you mean the guy that just left you alone at a party?" He ignored the topic you were pushing and steered toward what he did care about with a sarcastic bite under his tone, dark eyes waiting for your reaction and bringing his glass to his lips. You were a bit taken aback.
"You don't have to make it sound like such a bad thing," you reasoned with a smile, keeping your tone lighthearted.
"Is it a bad thing?" He feigned innocent curiosity, but you both already knew his intentions. You thought about the question. It was an invitation to something far more tempting- he would make sure it wasn't a bad thing. You just had to give in to those eyes that were already undressing you and thumb rubbing circles into the top of your hand when they could be doing so somewhere else.
"It doesn't have to be," you said lowly. It must have been the right answer because that polite grin now smirked down at you—the type of grin that found satisfaction in getting up to no good. "Let me get you a drink." 
"If you can behave," you joked, letting the hand cuffed around your wrist lead you along. He turned to you with a challenge gleaming in his eyes. "Can you?"
Neither of you behaved. 
You lifted yourself onto the cold marble of the bathroom counter when he caged you into it, your legs instantly parting to give him room. You barely even got a good look at him in the dim lighting before lips crashed onto yours. It was a mutually and instantly rough connection, with a bourbon-flavored tongue licking into your mouth and heads tilting almost infuriatingly to find the angle that would have you drowning in him. The hand palming up your back and tangling into your hair only helped that goal. 
One long press against your lips and he harshly pulled at your hair, forcing your head back with a whimperish moan and diving into your neck. You regretted that you weren't his to mark up. He generously avoided any conspicuous evidence of your current infidelity with wet open-mouthed kisses and barely grazing teeth. But as disappointing as it was, the hot tongue on your pulse and soft lips working at your jaw were still more than welcome to continue.
Your short dress was definitely a blessing for him, easily able to feel up your thighs and press himself between your legs. You flinched at the quick nip below your ear that just couldn't keep holding back and melted at the hot breath making its way across your cheek. It teased at the corner of your mouth, but cruelly drifted away when you turned to meet him. The grip you had on his suit was now tugging at him, begging him closer again with your lips still parted and pleadingly looking up at him. The apprehension that should have been there earlier gazed back. 
But thankfully before either of you could get your thoughts straight, lips finally crashed back to yours, and a hand gripped your jaw to keep you from escaping in case you'd thought about it. You didn't have time to think anyway. You didn't even think about it before you were suddenly working at his belt buckle, almost expertly undoing it alongside that pesky button and zipper. You barely brought his pants down his hips, just enough to have better access to his thick length straining to find the extra room in boxers that were now far too tight. You palmed at him, his grunt shooting straight to your core and curling two fingers around what you could, semi-stroking his clothed erection with your thumb and forefinger. His fingers dug into your thigh, feeling a smug excitement at seeing that flash of gold on the hand desperate to get him off. 
You couldn't keep it up for much longer, eager to have him fully in your hand and feel him inside you. But he caught your wrist as soon as your fingers found the band of his briefs, thumb digging uncomfortably into the center of your palm. You quickly looked up at him, worried you'd done something wrong. His expression was unreadable, but hungry eyes lingered over the space between your thighs that was still barely covered by your dress. There was a short sigh when he looked back up. "You have someone else to go home with." Those sharp eyes searched yours as if deciding what to do with you. The words shattered something. He'd nearly made you forget. You weren't sure why he was suddenly taking the moral high ground, perhaps rethinking the thrill of getting caught. You didn't have the strength to even care about scolding yourself about it. 
He made up his mind when he finally let go of your wrist, instead reaching into his jacket and taking out a business card and pen he'd been hiding. You instinctively lifted your chin up when he pressed it to the space below your collarbones, gently scribbling his personal number (or maybe even a burner). You doubted he cared enough to carry those around other than for convenience in a situation like this. 
"You should call me sometime," he casually suggested, never breaking eye contact when he lifted your dress. There was barely a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips when he pulled at the top of your panties, carefully sliding that card in and letting the lace snap back against you. 
He gave your wide-eyed stare a wink before stepping back. Neither of you said another word as he pulled his pants back up; the way he pulled and fastened his belt was almost tortuous, locking you out. He spared you one last glance before checking himself over and leaving you still sitting on that cold marble counter in your hot and bothered daze. You were almost envious of how easily he could keep his cool, going back out as if nothing had happened. He was giving you a way out of whatever he was inviting you into, but let's be honest: you both knew you couldn't leave after being pulled in so hard.
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justallihere · 2 months
And now for my absolute falling apart over this wonder that you're  writing and that gives meaning to my life :
when I read it... I melted
I felt like it was there specially for me 🥹
I was so happy!
And then it lasted 0.5 seconds because violet found out! (Idk if you answered this before: does she go back to sleep with Xaden after she finds out?)
AND boy oh boy how she found out! I am totally on board with the second signet theory. I will be shocked if cannon disagreezzz
I loved how you wrote the conversation about Xaden's second signet. I am surprised at myself for saying it, but it was less angsty than I expected... (Nvm I reread a bit and I was crying for Xaden, but that was my first impression lol, I guess that goes to show what a monster you made of me 😈)
If I were Violet I would be more upset about the second signet than about the venin (but maybe she is and I didn't  read it right?). What I mean to say is that the distance that Violet puts between them feels a bit forced, because she knew there were secrets there from the beginning. I would get it if she made clear it was about Xaden and not about the whole venin thing, but I don't think she did...?
But maybe i'm just among the few that want Xaden to suffer less :))) Or because her heart isn’t in it? She actually wants X closet not further but she wants to prove a point? :))))
What I love the most about how you handeled this AU is how they actually became friends before they ever get to the lovers part. See :going partying! together and walking! in chantara and  shopping! and sparring and planning heists!
I love them!  🥹🥹🥹
I have to go reread everything again now because I feel like I wrote this without doing my homework :)))
I am so NOT prepared for the suffering that is coming. I need it to be over fast so we can get to the fluff faster AAAAAAA!
Again, ALL THE LOVE! 🥰
Thank you so much—I loved their cuddling. It’s what they both deserve tbh. Violet does technically get back in bed with Xaden after she wakes up from the dream and realizes about the venin but she doesn’t sleep—there’s a sort of throwaway line about it in the chapter after.
I’m glad you like the second signet theory. With what we’ve been given in canon so far there isn’t anything else that makes sense to me right now.
Okay so I just dug up this ask about Violet’s reaction that I think is a little more articulate about her feelings on the venin/Xaden/all the things but you’re pretty spot on in that she doesn’t really want to push him away but feels like it’s best for her in that moment to have some space between them while she works through all her feelings.
Their tentative friendship is SO important to their relationship development. Those moments that are mostly platonic but are the foundation for something more are the reason the slow burn works lol. They have to trust each other with the everyday things first.
Chapter 34 is the last of the major suffering and then we start in with the comfort finally 🫶🏻
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loremaster · 7 months
rain code dlc thoughts
watched em all (spoilers obviously)
can't believe this guy literally tried flirting with a child. he has gone unchecked for too long. we need to beat him up
enyne is good. i would love to see her in a cool thief outfit
not worth $5
the interactions between the detectives were cute. but i wish she'd gotten a chance to shine more on her own
it was kind of aggravating how slow they solved the mystery though. all that wondering about what the numbers could possibly mean... y'all the die was right there
not worth $5
kind of a shame that this one was the only actual investigative one. it was great!!! i liked the mystery setup and i liked figuring out how the culprit pulled it off even if the identity of the culprit was obvious the moment he showed up
"Good girl, Sugar" lololololol
good to know halara can be bought with cats instead of shien. love that yakou's totally onto their shit
and the cat they have a picture of is REAL!!! IT'S NOT A RANDOM JPG FROM THE INTERNET (WHICH I HAD ASSUMED)
worth $5
i love how before it came out we were all like "please... one conversation with yakou... even just a mention of him would be okay" and then we got hit with a flaming rainbow fist #LoveWins
vivia all like "i wish i had something in this world to care about" and yakou literally forcing open the doors to his cold dead heart in response
the way he keeps flashing back to all the little things yakou has done to care for him... vivia you can't deny the truth anymore. you can't run from these gay thoughts
fellas is it gay to be another man's reason for living? (only if you share an umbrella)
for those who don't know, sharing an umbrella is like the most romantic thing you can do in japan. the only way this could have been more explicitly textually gay is if one of them pointed out how beautiful the moon was.
where's my Melt amv
'i'll enjoy the scenery along the way' *yakou seductively swaying his hips back and forth* HELLO???????????????????????
i hope after that is when vivia finally agrees to that dinner date
honestly up until now i've been very attached to the idea of vivia being head over heels for yakou the whole time and yakou not ever really noticing but now???? my god. this chief really can bisexual
speaking of bi i'm also not opposed to the idea of vivia/ryo... them both being like 'i'm interested in you' 'i'm interested in you too' oh are you now? hmmmm...
and they were both ghosts (oh my god they were ghosts)
I was saying to my friends while we were playing it that it makes sense the first suicide was 5 years ago, before the blank week incident... because otherwise she wouldn't have been a ghost at all, just a walking corpse
loved that line btw. 'all humans are just walking corpses' good news vivia, you're among peers here in kanai ward
worth $5. i mean technically since vivia/yakou dlcs are bundled together (gaaaay) it only cost $2.50 so it's extra worth it.
the amount of fanfiction that will inevitably come out of this is worth way more than $5
his hips still do the little wiggle even as a zombie. can't slay the sashay away <3
him thinking of all the other detectives.... UUU....
yuma's flashback is from ch5 after yakou's already dead (but clearly there's still enough of him left...)
desuhiko's... is it from the dlc? idk. he said "i won't cause any problems" and then went on to cause many problems
halara's scene from the dlc is clearly a moment that made a big impression on yakou LMFAO... i mean if halara nightmare sat in MY chair it would make an impression on me too :flushed:
fubuki's i'm pretty sure is from ch.4 as yakou is dying on the floor?? he must have felt so bad, hearing her cry so much while he was fading away and couldn't do anything about it... his last moments UUUUUU
vivia gets the FUCKING aforementioned umbrella scene. sad wet cat man. learning to accept kindness and finding something (someone) worth living for... the exact moment vivia falls in love with him lmfao. and this is the moment that sticks out in yakou's zombie brain. seeing someone in need and actually being able to reach out and help them (for once). ;_;
and then SHE!!!!!!! SHEEEEEEEEEE
i shrieked when i saw her
mad she STILL doesn't have a name but oh man. i love her. i mean i already loved her when i saw the labcoat + turtleneck combo but the GLASSESSSSSS. and her VOICE AARGGGHHH they picked the perfect va for her
She must've given him the glasses while she was still alive, since he's the one wearing them in The Photo. good call, he looks naked without them
and now we really understand why yakou is as pitifully broke as he is, because he can't bring himself to make the corrupt choice that screws over innocent people for the sake of money. love that for him. he suffers so much for the sake of his city
very funny that he couldn't recognize his childhood friend (i'm assuming she recognized him immediately from across the room lmao). love the idea that she's trans. they're t4t your honor
she asked the most useless man to be her bodyguard but we all know who's protecting whom lmao
i feel like she must have been the one who proposed to him. or at least knowingly coaxed him into it haha
AND THE BADGE... UUUUUU.... and her ghost led him to it.... she had such an important job to do...
need to see vivia talk to her now. ghost 2 ghost communication. yakou simp 2 yakou simp
i think she would tell yakou to go kiss that goth boy silly
and most importantly... the medicine. the research... her dream lives on... i thought it was stupid that makoto literally cancelled everything about the homunculus research - sure they didn't need to make any more but how about research into alternate diets? or uv protection beyond like. sunscreen. WHAT ABOUT HER RESEARCH MAKOTO. PLEASE
so the existence of a possible cure for zombie homunculus begs the question... what's next for yakou? we thought his story was done but turns out it's far from yakouver, bitches. he's coming back one way or another.
what will he do with this magical macguffin - bring it to somewhere they can analyze it and duplicate it, or just take the pill himself? how complete is this untested theoretical cure? will yakou Come Back Wrong? is he gonna struggle to speak? (though that'd be a waste of kaiji tang)... is he gonna struggle with the urge to, you know, eat human flesh? i think that would be pretty hot cool
of course there's the chance it won't work at all. or will just straight up kill him, speedrun to reuniting with dead wife
definitely worth $5. or $2.50.
but at the same time since it actually does continue the main plot of rain code in an interesting way (or hint at it) i think they should bundle it with the main game instead of vivia's dlc
i mean if i had it my way they'd ALL be free but... i get it. they gotta gauge popularity somehow (and pay the devs/vas for extra work)
anyway. i should be working on homework but no. this game has absolutely ruined me
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melodygatesauthor · 9 months
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Okay guys, I can't believe it's been a full year since I published the first chapter of my first fanfiction story and I'm still going strong today. - (Side note...it was actually yesterday but I wanted to get all my fics posted to AO3 so I could get an accurate word count and tell you all what I've done so...it took me an extra day)
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This is going to be a really long post, and I thank everyone in advance for reading all the way through if you make it. I'm taking a moment to allow myself to talk about my accomplishments over the last year, my goals for this next year, and gas myself up just a bit. As an artist, it's really hard to talk about myself in a positive light without being critical, but I'm going to do it anyway. No one asked, but this is one of the ways I wanna celebrate my ficversary so...I'm gonna do it lol.
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My First Fanfic Ever
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I'd like to start by sharing my beginnings with writing. If I really think back to the very first fanfiction I wrote, I thought it was a Gorillaz fic (which I still have a handwritten copy of in my closet lol), but it wasn't. I think the very first fanfic I wrote technically was a Pirates of the Caribbean fic when I was 11. I didn't even realize that's what it was, I just knew that I was SO into POTC that I wanted to write about it. It had just come out by the way, so I'm really dating myself. This was...2003.
We had this thing we had to do for school, it was like a writing assignment or something, one of those big ones that they gave you, a standardized whatever. I managed to find a way to spin it into a POTC related thing and I went OFF writing this story. It had its own twists and turns unrelated to POTC, but it was a fanfic through and through.
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The Beginning of My Fan Art
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When I was 12 I started listening to Good Charlotte, to a point that it was my entire personality. Everyone who knew me, knew I loved them. Every fucking art project I had in middle school (7th and 8th grade) was revolved around this band, particularly Joel Madden.
My love for them has come and gone, but I still remember how I felt at the time (not unlike how I feel toward Oscar Isaac now lol). I mean my art teacher literally had to be like "I want you to branch out, you can't make everything about them." And as an adult, I'm wondering -why the fuck not but- ...I digress.
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The First Fanfic I Ever "Published"
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When I was 12 (or maybe closer to 13), I became OBSESSED with the Gorillaz. When I say obsessed I mean...I listened to the album Demon Days on repeat until it fucking broke. I changed my G's when I would write by hand to match the G in their logo. I made tons of fan art and it was a damn vibe. This was the first time I really discovered fanfiction and learned what it was.
I remember reading one fanfic from some girl on this website (I'm really dating myself here, some of you will know what site this is...) Quizilla. Quizilla was THE site at the time (other than LiveJournal I think, but I never used LiveJournal and didn't know it existed at the time) for fanfiction and what you would now call "buzzfeed quizzes". This girl's writing inspired me to write my own fanfic, which I handwrote and kept in a green folder which, as I said, I still have to this day sitting in my closet.
My very first fic, and yes at 13, included some romance, some non-con (don't fucking ask me why idk even how I knew about that at 13. I was never exposed to this type of thing as a child fortunately) and other nonsense. I published it on this site, and it made me really happy. I don't remember if anyone ever read it or not tbh, but it will forever hold a place in my heart <3
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My Best Friend/Emo Era
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I met my best friend in high school when I was about 14. She and I are still close to this day. Not as close, but I can still tell her my most unhinged thoughts and she loves me regardless. We met because we both wrote fanfiction and lost our minds over the fact that we did. Thus started my emo era.
She was into My Chemical Romance, and I was into The Used. 2005 was a time lol. The two of us had either a binder or a composition notebook where we'd handwrite our fics and pass them back and forth between classes. I still have the ones I wrote tucked away in my house. When we'd read them she and I would leave little notes in the margins like we all leave comments today.
Most of these fics never got published, they were just for us to enjoy. I did, however, publish a fic when I was about 15, that I wrote to completion. Quizilla ended up going down, and most of us moved to Mibba.com instead, which is still a website.
Edit: I looked at Mibba, and it looks like the website is still there, but you can't search for anything, so Mibba is gone too. Not gonna lie, broke my nostalgic heart just a bit to see...Some fics I wrote on there will be gone forever. Maybe for the best, but it's still kinda sad.
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The Avenged Sevenfold Era
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When I tell you that Avenged Sevenfold has been my favorite band since I was 15, I'm dead ass. Are they the best band ever? Not by a long shot, but damn the way I still lose my shit over them is unhinged. Anyone who was around during this time fucking knows...they were fucking HOT. Matt Shadows really had the bulky but not shredded body type going on, they all kinda did, and I'm so here for it.
Why I'll never post any of the fics I wrote during this time, even if I get my hands on them...
I wrote them when I was 15, and I was writing about things 15 year olds shouldn't write about.
You don't know cringe until you've read those fics.
It's about real people and I'm not a fan of rpf anymore. I'm all for writing whatever you want and fiction being fiction but there's something that gives me the ick about real people fiction. No offense to anyone who writes it, that's just my feelings.
The way these guys had a hold on me for the next 5 years was ridiculous. I wrote about them a lot, by hand, on my laptop, however I could. I had so many unhinged ideas and stories it's insane. I loved every minute of it, and I always look back on this as my true start into fanfiction.
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The End of an Era
All good things come to an end. After graduation, my best friend and I stayed in touch, but grew apart. I went to college and continued writing fanfic. I was pursuing a major in graphic design with a minor in creative writing. I was convinced that even though I was writing fanfiction, I was going to write a book too and it would be a bestseller.
As time went on, probably when I was about 20 or 21, I kinda stopped writing fanfiction all together. My friend wasn't really writing it anymore, and the community around Avenged Sevenfold was slowing down. I was also in the middle of a breakup and it was a whole thing, so I kinda stopped writing around this time.
I'd also, unfortunately, felt like fanfiction was for kids/teens, so didn't feel the need to continue writing anymore. I didn't want to seem like a loser writing fanfiction in my twenties...so I didn't.
For the record, you're not a loser for writing fanfiction. It's a very valid artform and it's fun. We only live for so long, so enjoy it doing what makes you happy, period. I'll probably be writing in my 50s I fucking hope lol.
Anyway, at that time, that's how I felt. I now know it's bullshit to think that way. So fanfiction fizzled out for me, and I kinda moved on to other things.
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My Not-fanfiction Era
What was I doing instead of writing? Going through an emotionally and mentally abusive relationship, working on trying to build what I thought was the 'dream' (marriage, kids, a house, e.t.c.), working and playing video games.
Fortunately that relationship ended. After years of therapy (which he told me I needed because he gaslit me into thinking I was crazy lol), I grew the balls to finally tell him to fuck off and leave. It was the best decision I ever made, especially considering this was JUST before COVID hit. I shudder to this day thinking about the fact that I was almost stuck in a house with that freak during lockdown.
When that relationship ended I moved back to Maine to be with my family. I missed them and had spent basically my entire 20s in another state with some loser.
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Back to Fanfiction - Kylo Ren Era
So how did I get back here? How did I get back into writing and creating fan art? The truth is, a switch literally flipped in my brain over this guy right here...
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I mean...
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The funny thing is, I wasn't SUPER into Star Wars before this. I liked it, I'd seen the sequel trilogy in theaters, but to me it was just a movie series. I was literally watching a Sam Collins video on YouTube where he made fun of a Kylo Ren cosplayer's thirst trap on TikTok and was like...oh that's actually kinda hot.
Thought nothing of it though, just moved on with my day...until I dreamt about him too. And then I felt this spark inside me that I couldn't shake. I literally was like...👀 something is happening here.
So I remembered this feeling from when I was a teen and recognized the impending obsession immediately. I actually googled "is fanfiction still relevant" and "is it ok to write fanfiction as an adult?"
The short answers are - yes - and - of course it is -. This was how I discovered the VERY popular Kylo Ren fic Fix Your Attitude by Kassanovella. I read it in a matter of a week, and in that time I started writing my own fic. I also rewatched ALL the Star Wars movies, and then continued rewatching the sequel trilogy on repeat just so I could get Kylo Ren's character down. I wanted to make sure I captured his voice and personality perfectly. - When I say I watched the sequel trilogy 20 times, it's not an exaggeration, I had it on constantly.-
The fic I wrote was called, Yes, Master
The first chapter of that fic was published on 09/05/2022 (one year ago today), and the last chapter was published on 10/14/2022 with a word count of 100,701. Not only is it the longest fic I've written of all the fics I've done, but it's the one I wrote the fastest. I was posting a chapter a day every day until it was finished. I mean...I literally went OFF on this story. I was so proud of it that I went to lulu.com and made myself a physical copy of it that I intend to read as part of this celebration I'm doing lol.
Wondering if anyone would be interested in me revamping this story (rewriting and updating it) and posting here? I would definitely do it if there was enough interest.
I then wrote a sequel called By Your Side which taught me SO MUCH. Here's what I learned when creating this sequel...
Not everything needs a sequel.
Writing a chapter a day isn't realistic.
I should've planned a full outline before diving into this fic.
I'm not into pregnancy fics/domestic fics all that much as far as longfics go.
It's okay to genuinely dislike something you've written and you should try to learn from that.
By Your Side is still to this day one of my least favorite fics (if not my LEAST favorite). I am still proud of myself for finishing it, (it sits at a hefty 85,599 words). I don't have to love it though. I'm just grateful for what I learned in the process of writing it and proud of myself for finishing it despite being sick of it by chapter 8 and still writing 20 chapters after that.
I also wrote my very first Yandere fic, Just You. It's a bit darker, in my opinion, than The Fractured Moon. This fic was a blast to write, and it felt very freeing to write something so disturbing. It was fun to just let myself get into a dark headspace without holding back and not feeling bad about it. It was more
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The Rainbow Six Siege Era
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During my time writing for Kylo, I went back to a video game I used to play a lot, Rainbow Six Siege. My Oscar Era bleeds into the Kylo and R6S era a little but I'll talk about that soon.
The Siege fandom was an interesting one...one that I'll probably not go back to much, though I may still write a little fic for it here and there as I feel inspired to. I won't dive too much into this as I know most of you are Oscar fans, but I'll mention my accomplishments here and the things I learned.
I wrote another novel-length fic for this fandom called The Recruit and the Hunter which has another 83,888 words. I actually LOVE this story, and still look back on it fondly. It was a fun one to write, and I really challenged myself to write less smut for it, and I succeeded. It focused heavily on the relationship that built between the main pairing and in my opinion it's one of my better slow-burns I've done.
Why did I leave this fandom?
Well, I'm not going to throw shade, I don't like doing that unless I have to, so I'll keep it brief. The long and the short of it is this...
The readers were getting EXTREMELY demanding. I have comments on RATH of people saying things like "I'm going to be upset if you don't give us a happy ending" and "there better be smut or I swear...". It can get really discouraging as a writer when people seem to say "I love your fic but I'll only continue to love it if you do xyz." It puts us in a dilemma, and makes it hard for us to find a balance between providing fan service, and doing what's fun for us to write. It definitely changed the outcome of RATH and I'm not happy that I gave in like that.
The requests I got were confusing and downright weird. I didn't do some of the really weird ones, and I'm not meaning to kink shame, but it was just very niche things that I couldn't get myself into. I think part of why I felt obligated to provide fan service like I mentioned in the point above, and why I caved and wrote some fanfics for these more unique requests, is because this fandom is very small, and I felt an obligation to provide.
Some of the other writers in the fandom are fucking rude. I'm not going to mention names, like I said, but I had very poor experiences with several writers in the fandom, and since I was also integrating into the Oscar fandom at the time, I could see a stark difference in the way I was being accepted in one, versus the way I was being pushed away in the other. There aren't a lot of x reader writers in the R6S fandom, and I was one of them, and there seems to be some animosity between the people who ship characters, versus the people who write x reader and that's where this mistreatment came from. I don't know, I tried making friends over there, and felt like I was getting pushed out.
So anyway, it's not for me anymore, but I still think back to certain parts of it fondly, and I may write a little more here and there as I see fit.
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The Oscar Isaac Era
This really is THE era, isn't it?
As I was working on the last 10 or so chapters of Yes, Master, and after my 12th time rewatching the sequel trilogy movies, I started to fall for Poe Dameron, naturally. How could I not? I mean look at him...
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So I decided that I would give Poe a prequel to my Yes, Master story called One Hell of a Pilot. This fic was so fun to write, and it's how I became involved with the Oscar Isaac community in the first place. Immediately I started following Dee, and through her I found Mona, and it was just snowballing from there. Whitney and Romana were some of the first to follow me and my shenanigans.
In December, which is when I started writing One Hell of a Pilot, another novel-length fic that ended with 80,517 words, is when I started reading Dee's fics, along with Mona's and many others. I saw their interactions and felt excited by the prospect of making new friends who were just as into some of this stuff as I was. A place that I could be myself and lose my shit over this idiot and not be judged.
I had no idea what the hell I was getting myself into.
It all started with a fic that Dee had written, I can't remember which one, probably a dbf!Santi fic, and I asked the innocent question of...
What movie is this from?
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Oh shit...I didn't realize what the fuck I was getting myself into. After she told me it was Triple Frontier and I should watch it, my brother and I watched it right away. I told him a friend of mine suggested it. The way we spent the entire 1.5 hours laughing at how bad it was is still a memory I hold dear to my heart. I still didn't know at the time that this loser (Oscar my beloved) would hold a place in my heart from that day on.
My first Santi fic was a headcanon about Santi w/ a plussize reader that I called Preciously Plump. A headcanon that later got a full fic, appropriately named Preciously Plump the One-shot.
So then I read something about Moon Knight, and between Dee and Mona shoving me into it (peer pressure ftw) I caved and watched the show.
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That gave way to the first Moon Knight fic I ever wrote, How Unexpected which came out on January 3rd, 2023 of this year. I was sure that between Steven's adorable nerdy behavior, and Marc's tough exterior, I'd be head over heels for those two. I was nervous to even TOUCH Jake, because I didn't know shit about his character, and the last thing I wanted to do was write a character without it sounding like them.
I was also afraid at the time of writing the Moon Boys with DID because I didn't know anything about it, and I didn't want to misrepresent something like that. After some time went by, I got my bearings, and started working on A Bit Dodgy.
ABD is definitely one of the fics I'm most proud of. I had learned a lot from my past fics I'd written, Yes, Master, e.t.c., and figured out what it was that works best when I'm writing to not only keep myself interested, but to create a good balance between smut for smut's sake, and pushing the story forward.
When I first started writing ABD, I was sure it was going to be a 30-40 chapter fic, but as I started writing it more, I realized quickly that a lot of the chapters were just porn. Is there anything wrong with that? No...but as someone who's written nearly a million words in this past year, I don't feel the need to draw my chaptered fics out with smut just to say I wrote something x chapters or x words wrong.
That's why ABD ended up getting cut down SO MUCH from my original plan. I just made some decisions that I felt maximized the story more and used the smut as a major plot device, rather than the fic revolving around smut as the plot...if that makes any sense lol. I'm happy to say, that as of today, A Bit Dodgy has concluded, though it's the only fic I've ever finished with such a heavy heart.
I was an Oscar stan HARD after that, diving into Sucker Punch and other silly little movies filled with that silly little man whom I love so so much.
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Numbers aren't important when it comes to kudos (AO3) and likes (Tumblr) so I'm not focusing on those. What I am going to focus on...is my personal accomplishments. Like I said, I don't normally toot my own horn, but I fucking wrote A LOT this year, and I'm going to take a minute to pat myself on the back.
So NOT including my random blurbs (since I'm not bothering to cross-post those)...
My total word count from 09/05/2022-09/05/2023 is (drumroll please):
791,829 words
I had thought I would've hit a million by now but I am NOT going to complain. By the grace of the horny demon that runs the smut factory in my brain, I've written more than I ever even thought possible.
In the Moon Knight fandom alone, I've written:
238,950 words
I think the only fandom I've written more for is Star Wars, but I'd have to add it all up and I'm not doing that rn haha.
Just kidding it's:
368,566 words
I wrote 6 novel-length fics, a total of 147 works, MK holds the record for most fics I've written at a whopping 82 fics!
It's shocking to look back and see what I've accomplished, and to look forward to seeing what else I can do. I know that this next year I won't have the same word count, probably not even close.
I'm focusing a lot on drawing now as well as writing, plus I'm working on my first novel that I'd like to publish so things will definitely be slowing down. I'm going to continue writing, but the speed at which I churn out fics will be slower in the future.
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In Conclusion
Thank you all for the support throughout this year. There's no way in HELL I would've had the drive and desire to continue writing if not for the amazing community (most the Oscar Isaac community lol) behind me. It's not just the kudos and the reblogs, it's the people who I've grown to know since joining the world of fandom.
I never had a ton of IRL friends, and I live alone (happily btw) with my dog. Being able to make some friends here that I genuinely call friends, not just people I know online, has meant the world to me. I would list everyone out, but I have a fear of accidentally forgetting to tag someone despite how much they mean to me so I'll leave it at...those people know who they are.
And to my readers (I hesitate to use the word "fans", that makes it sound so conceited), thank you to the moon and back. Without out, I wouldn't have had the drive to keep going. Kudos, Likes and Reblogs aren't everything, I can't stress that enough, but they do help keep the drive alive. (Particularly the comments). Without the little boost of excitement I get when I see that other people are just excited about what I'm doing as I am, I probably would've given up ages ago.
You all are the reason that this was even possible.
With all that being said, I have a small celebration planned that I'll announce later tonight. In the mean time, stay amazing. You keep supporting me, and I'll keep providing the fics that you all love so much
Love, Melly
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fire-fira · 3 months
IDK if you've been keeping up with the Trujillo Blue Beetle run, but they put Jaime with some random Horizon girl named Oo'li and it really feels like some half-assed attempt to prevent him from ever falling in love with Khaji, I don't know, maybe I'm running on some insane troll logic here, but the writers really put Jaime with a girl who's connected in some way to the Reach, when Khaji Da is RIGHT THERE! Do not ignore please, I really wanna hear your opinion on this.
While I will agree that the relationship with Oo'li feels shoe-horned (and that detail honestly isn't helped by the breakneck narrative pacing, which may be reflective of a time crunch those involved with this most recent run might be dealing with), I think it's important to step back and take stock of some things.
The vast majority of comic writers-- and presumed comic readers-- aren't likely to even consider Jaime/Khaji Da as a ship because they're sharing a body. For better or worse, there are a looooooot of people out there (both in fandom and outside of it) who can't or haven't wrapped their minds around the concept of a ship where one character is the host body to the other; if they've put any thought into that kind of ship at all, they may have difficulty conceptualizing how a romantic/queerplatonic/committed relationship of that type can even work when the characters involved technically can't do things like hold hands, kiss, or sit across from each other while having a candlelit dinner. (Yes I realize that example may be a little cliche in this instance, but I think it's the best way to convey one of the big stumbling blocks for some writers when it comes to this kind of ship.)
It's fandom where these concepts have really been hashed out and played with, so of course as fans we're going to see the obvious potential and the ways it could work, but writers for officially published works generally should not read fanfiction-- especially of anything they're actively working on-- because doing otherwise invites the possibility that someone might feel their own work is being stolen and repurposed by a company to make money, which can lead to a lawsuit. Ergo, if they're not already familiar with the concept of how such a ship could work (or they haven't come to that concept on their own), then the chances of them even thinking to do so in their writing for DC is slim.
And for as much as Eddie Brock/Venom has put forward the idea of a host/symbiont ship more broadly in the public imagination, that reach is still limited by who would be interested in seeing those movies, and if those people were or are able/willing to recognize the host/symbiont ship as even being a possibility. And even if they did, Khaji Da is a dramatically different character than Venom in temperament and personality; we also have no guarantee that anyone looking at the movie/various-tv-series Khaji Da has been in will think to consider Khaji Da as a fully realized character instead of an AI-that-is-maybe-'sub-human'-in-personhood-but-more-advanced-than-anything-we-have-and-so-should-be-respected-as-'kind of'-an-individual (and the siri-voice in the movie probably won't have helped change that perspective). The point is, with that dramatic character difference, it might not even occur to any of them that Jaime/Khaji Da as a ship would be believable or that the characters could even have the potential motivation to share that mutual interest.
We also have no clue if Trujillo or anyone else currently working on Blue Beetle have seen any of the Venom movies to even plant the idea of a host/symbiont ship in their heads. We literally have no idea if they're even aware of the concept. And even if they are, they're in the business of trying to sell comics. I don't know the ins-and-outs of the comic industry by any means, but I think it's fair to assume that introducing a host/symbiont ship in canon might be a risky venture-- even without the breakneck narrative pacing they currently have going.
I'll be honest, with the current pacing trends I don't think they'd be able to do justice to the Jaime/Khaji Da ship in building it up into something that would make sense and have readers-- who weren't already-- get invested. Host/symbiont ships are a hard sell, so there HAS to be a believable buildup, but when the pacing's shooting by like the reader got fired out of a cannon and has to rapid-fire take notes about what they pass within seconds so they can only record the broad strokes and nothing in between, then all of that buildup crumbles into nothing. (Case in point with relationship buildup crumbling into nothing: the whole thing with Oo'li.) Physicality can kind of override some of that in a narrative, but that requires the characters to have separate bodies so they can externally interact and separate from time to time-- and Jaime and Khaji Da, by the very nature of what Khaji Da is, don't have access to that narrative override.
In terms of them trying to sell comics with the lack of decent pacing and time that DC is pushing, it's probably financially safer for them to not put the effort in to try for that kind of narrative buildup; it would take time they don't have to do it justice, and trying to force it anyway might lose them buyers due to said buyers getting put off by poorly done stories.
Yeah, as a fan to whom the possibility seems obvious and who is heavily invested in these characters, it's frustrating. I get that, and I don't blame you. But on the flip-side, DC has made plenty of wtf decisions of late (don't even get me started on the absolutely ridiculous number of Batman or Batman-adjacent books they're currently putting out right now, to the point where Bat-everything is drowning out damn near everything else), and with the lousy pacing and quick turnaround on comics they currently have going I'm honestly glad that they're not currently tackling a Jaime/Khaji Da narrative. I don't want to see what they would do to it at this time, I don't trust them to do it justice.
And speaking as someone with at least one fave DC character who has shown up in all of 94 issues total, sometimes you're honestly much better off looking to fandom and fanfiction for what you want to see. At least then you know you have a solid chance of seeing it done really well rather than getting hit with frustration or disappointment over not seeing it at all.
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what are, in your opinion, the best ships involving Sannyo? I'm easily influenced by canon so I'd say mamizou is pretty good. i saw what you said about seiga and while it's true i hate seiga with a passion
[All art used is sited with the reliant link at the bottom]
Truth be told, I'm not much of a shipper personally, but I have a lot of fun seeing it from different people and thinking about where it comes from.
But this will be fun. So fun, that im going to take this thought way further than i need to. Hopefully I'll have a good number of ships by the time I'm done over analyzing this.
(I actually mentioned that about Seiga because its the only time I've ever seen that ship before, let alone seen any art for it, and was thinking up how it happened, it was cute art after all)
There's actually a much more common ship with a similar character chemistry pairing Sannyo with Yachie,
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but this ship makes a bit more sense because not only is Sannyo a dragon fangirl, Yachie even looks a lot like her pipe. In fact, if you used her tail with its length in Touhou 19 you could probably even stretch Yachie into its exact shape, plus a bonus shell.
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(A pretty fun mental picture)
Anyway, the over analysis starts here
Obligatory Disclaimer:
[Any Readers keep in mind, that even though I said you can think these up using canonical sources as a basis, that does not mean I'm claiming any of them are canonical relationships beyond possible friendships. There are also plenty of other ships that are possible with characters shes not likely to interact with that have just as much potential for cute dynamics]
Ships that can be thought up from the canonical sources.:
Well, first I'll do the ones from Lotus Eaters.
The easiest one to pick is definitely Mamizou. The entirety of Lotus Eaters Chapter 30 was more or less them having a fun and cheeky back and forth.
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There is also Miyoi if you want to think of it that way since they are business partners and it's cute seeing her get both encouraged and picked on by Sannyo.
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If you want to really be funny, and really stretch the imagination, you can joke about the Ponytailed Yamawaro with the surprising amount of screen time, since Sannyo helped her cool off when she was yelling, and more or less helped her when she was crying.
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I mean look at that sad face
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Those are the ones from Lotus Eaters.
Now Unconnected Marketeers gives us a few more things to build off of,
Sannyo has a funny back and forth with Sanae, and they both knew about each other before the incident, so that could be interesting.
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(Though people can understandably find interactions with any protagonist to build off of if they see it that way)
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The next one is since Sannyo lives at Heavens Shelf right beside rainbow dragon cave, Sannyo therefore lives very close by the dragon eater Momoyo too, which is definitely funny.
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A surprisingly popular one is Sannyo with Misumaru, this one makes more sense then you might initially think, it comes from Sannyo's dialog implying she's been asked to keep humans out of rainbow dragon cave by someone. That person could only have been Misumaru. Idk how she'd have met her though. One particular artist really loves this ship
Misumaru doesn't technically live in the dragon cave but she definitely uses it sometimes and they both have some mentor energy going for them. My impression of Misumaru just from in game is she has some really proud but also no nonsense aspects to her personality. So it might be fun to see how she could interact with Sannyo.
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For the same reason of being nearby, people could potentially ship her with Takane. She lives nearby the Yamawaro and they are both business ladies after all. I think the reason I haven't seen that one is Takane is a bit more hard professional and might not have as good of a back and forth with Sannyo. Especially when Takane has the far more obvious option of Nitori.
She lives nearby the Tengu too, so if someone decided that was enough to go on then they could ship her with any Tengu.
She even says "it's no wonder That Tengu has a high opinion of you" to Sanae.
[We can assume "That Tengu" is Megumu but people can definitely interpret that as someone else if they want. I think ive seen someone assume she was talking about Aya back during the Demo even]
Making it possible to have an argument for Megumu, Aya, Hatate, maybe even Momiji. But given Sannyo's : "you don't need to know about that......., actually i don't know either" flavor interactions with protagonists, it might be hilarious to see her interact with the Tengu.
Unfortunately there is no Sannyo x All Tengu picture to use so have the Megumu laugh Scene from Lotus Eaters:
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Thats it for the ships you could extrapolate from UM interactions.
The last ship based on canon sources is Nemuno, they are different versions of the same Yokai species, Nemuno being a Yamanba, and Sannyo being a Yamajorou, a more outgoing version of the species. They both live in the mountains so it's possible for Sannyo to give her a visit if she wants, but Nemuno probably wouldn't travel too far personally.
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In conclusion:
Finally I'll actually list my favorites:
My favorite ship though is easily with Mamizou. Mamizou and Sannyo had some really fun interactions.
Despite generally not often thinking about Misumaru, I've seen so much cute art of this ship on Pixiv that it makes me kinda like it. They do have compatible personalities so I can't say it's unreasonable.
I feel like she could have potential with Megumu. A Daitengu might be above Sannyo's metaphorical pay grade, but it could be fun. And they apparently are on speaking terms. Plus, you can read Megumu Iizunamaru as Dragon, and thats fun.
[But that's a tough sell, Megumu already is pretty cute with Chimata, has Tsukasa Mythology, and that great running dragon joke with Momoyo]
I think the mental picture of stretching Yachie out into a pipe shape might have sold me on that ship just now too.
So anyway, that's what I came up with for favorites.
Sannyo x Yachie art by: stank
Nemuno fish art by :0-DEN
Nemuno soy sauce by: atoki
Mamizou x Sannyo art by Biyon
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intermundia · 11 months
Sorry to bother you but I'm curious to know your thoughts on this.
I know it's not technically canon but the novelization does at point depict anakin wanting to leave the order to raise his kids and padme encouraging him to stay. I know he's his own person and all but having his wife pushing him to keep up the lies and secrets is kind a factor in his decisions I would say. Having someone you care for so deeply tell you to keep living a lie is definitely something that would mess with your brain and influence your perspective on things.
Idk. Just something that I feel is overlooked sometimes in the discussion of Anakin’s decision in not leaving. I would really love to know your thoughts on this.
“Anakin, not here. It’s too risky.” “No, here! Exactly here.” He drew her against him again, effortlessly overpowering her halfhearted resistance. “I’m tired of the deception. Of the sneaking and the lying. We have nothing to be ashamed of! We love each other, and we are married. Just like trillions of beings across the galaxy. This is something we should shout, not whisper—” “No, Anakin. Not like all those others. They are not Jedi. We can’t let our love force you out of the Order—” “Force me out of the Order?” He smiled down at her fondly. “Was that a pun?” “Anakin—” He could still make her angry without even trying. “Listen to me. We have a duty to the Republic. Both of us—but yours is now so much more important. You are the face of the Jedi, Anakin. Even after these years of war, many people still love the Jedi, and it’s mostly because they love you, do you understand that? They love the story of you. You’re like something out of a bedtime tale, the secret prince, hidden among the peasants, growing up without ever a clue of his special destiny—except for you it’s all true. Sometimes I think that the only reason the people of the Republic still believe we can win the war is because you’re fighting it for them—” “And it always comes back to politics for you,” Anakin said. His smile had gone now. “I’m barely even home, and you’re already trying to talk me into going back to the war—”
yeah so i think that padmé's encouragement to live the lie is deeply unhelpful. if i recall correctly, there are two key times anakin thinks about leaving the order, both of which are in her presence, and yet she is the one who offers pressure back toward staying. the above passage is taken from right after they are reunited, and it is so telling to me. padmé loves him as her husband, yes, but she also sees him as larger than life, and says things that absolutely feed his ego. she encourages him to think the rules don't apply to him, because he is so important and special.
she doesn't take his commitment to the order seriously with respect to what it means to be a jedi, but she wants him to stay there anyway. i think that this kind of encouragement is rather similar to palpatine's manipulations, though she definitely has less sinister motives, the result is the same. her permission to break rules exacerbates the potential weaknesses in his character that lead to his fall. it compounds with sidious's maneuvering. her pressure makes him feel like not only a tool of the jedi but also the democratic opposition, unable to have what he wants because of politics and duty that he doesn't personally care about. all he cares about is getting what he wants.
i honestly don't know if he was ever genuinely serious about leaving the order. he clearly does not take his commitment seriously, but he also craves the power that having high status in the order brings, both in terms of access to force training and the glory of being the youngest council member. he thinks of leaving only when he's directly looking at padmé, not otherwise. so basically it's unclear to me whether or not he actually meant to leave, but what is not unclear is that padmé absolutely pressured him and flattered him, manipulating him and trying to use him (not with bad intentions! with the best of intentions!), and it encourages him to the edge of darkness. his perspective is absolutely shaped by her words.
i just believe that they make each other worse. that is the tragedy of their relationship imho. they love each other, and it harms them both.
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correctproseka · 8 months
So @queer-prosekai told me to do my own top 10 list of the sets + my favorite card of each, so here's some rules i set for myself
1- i have to REALLY like the full set, not just really like a card but a little less to the others (cough Saki in no seek no find, for one example. Though other sets have also triggered this rule)
2- i also am judging by card only, not the story, however. I am not completely good at this because a lot of the cards that are already good get to be way better because of the event behind it.
3- only counting the trained cards, not untrained, it would be a very different list.
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Oh my poor child are you okay??? Going past how much i like this event. Which would get me here writing for hours mind you. I also just really like the set. The dark colors and the fact that in all 3 cards you can barely see color- its black and then each has their own color showing up, An has red, Toya has blue and Rin has white. It just gives a fucking impact on you looking at them. Would not change a thing, really.
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Anyone else remembers qhen this set just totally broke us? Oh my god. I do. Shizuku in a suit. An in this pretty ass dress. I just cjsjcjsmcjsncjdj. It was mainly those two that really hit for me, specially An. But when it hit it hit hard man
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It was the first lim set, so it was really simple compared to what we get now. But simple doesn't mean bad. I really love the colors and idk man i have a soft spot for it i cant defend everything my brain is a dvd logo bouncing around😭
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Angel Minori is one of the prettiest sets ever, it just isnt higher because personally i like some others more, doesn't mean this shit isnt fucking gorgeous. The lightning, the setting. I love this mmj card with everyone in it bc this is such a beautiful place???? Just. Licks this set like an ice cream then cries bc i ate the pretty ass set.
6: Someday, from the depths of despair
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Lowkey i did not expect this one to be this high before i made this list. But it is just gorgeous setting, gorgeous lightning. It just makes my brain go brrrr looking at it.
5- What lies behind lies ahead
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The hermit set has people in a chokehold for years, and for good reason. The hairstyles are pretty, the au ideas one can get out of it are yummy. AND THE CARD THEMSELVES ARE SO CKSJFKDK. All of them having this golden thing around as if hermit was a story told to us by images. It just could be a poster. Its certainly pretty enough to.
4: Our escape for survival
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Sorry for the amount of niigo here. It will happen again. Niigo never misses. Anyways i just love this set sm. The lightning, muffled colors and backgrounds just hit so fucking hard. The rain shared on the 3 cards from the set is so symbolical and so is the clock and the engines on Mafuyu's and Luka's card. It tells us a story before we even read the event and that is beautiful.
3: Close game offline
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I had to skip this set and i am still sad about it. Man the the the cmsucksjcjx aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa viddygame and neon.
2- Unnamed Harmony
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I like silly, your honor. I also like water. Saki's card has both /hj. No but really i just really like the outfits and colors and just everything in this set it would be a CRIME to not have this here as a Saki stan. Just look at it!!!!
1: Draw your bow in this white world
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.. so, who's surprised? I can barely even find a favorite card in this set. From Kaitos . Kaito. (Does he need more?), Shizuku's gracefulness and beautifulness and Mafuyu just pretty and badass breaking the "screen"/mirror/window with an arrow. Its just soooooo ancjamvjsjchsjxncnsicjsv chomps.
Knock the future, which light up the fire took it off on a technicality (i like 3/3 cards on light up the fire and 2/3 on knock the future bc Honami is very meh compared to the others to me)
Anyways if anyone else wants to do this as a challenge id love it. And @probably-not-niigo i challenge u to do the same
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boneinator · 5 months
Hope this doesn’t bother you a lot, but can we get some headcanons of the teachers? I was curios about ur vision for them
Dw it doesn't bother me !! I love getting asks ^^
Anyway it's going under read more bc this feels like a long one
• she/they enby, omnisexual (<- me when I'm projecting)
• mentor figure for the newer teachers
• gives drawings and crafts as gifts, might or might not have various voodoo dolls
• uses Colin as a monitor for digital art
• he/him, bisexual
• you CANNOT tell me he doesn't drink tea 24/7. Most British mf I have ever seen
• weird hearing, very sensitive to loud sounds but can barely hear normal talking tones. Applies to his own voice too so that's why he screams a lot
• kind of an inferiority complex for the decaying use of clocks over technology lol
• gay and homophobic idgaf
• aware of the harm he's doing but genuinely loves his cult- "family" a lot
• likes telenovelas, granny type of beat
• he/it Libramasc, pansexual (here I am, projecting once again)
• has haphephobia but is working on it (this one might as well be canon idk)
• everyone has a computer day, so even if you see him every day you only get screentime once a year
• autism 🫵
• his tail is retractable
• has SO MANY viruses, that's why he glitches and talks slow
Healthy band
• doing them all together bc how can you think of them alone :[ don't separate them
• common fanon of them being a family ykn the drill
• their "birthday" (or date of release lol) is actually fridge and steaks anniversary
• depending on the day they either make the most rancid bizarre food or a 5 stars, Gordon Ramsay approved meal
• running on the same luck, fridge can either be filled with normal groceries, nothing (you have to buy groceries) or gore. Like those are his guts leave him alone
• everyone hiding inside fridge is apparently a normal bonding experience
• bread boy is transfem !! (Should we start calling her something different?)
• spinach is also a she/they enby, nobody in here isn't lgbtq
• he/him but doesn't really care, pansexual
• has been trying to be sober but he's already very fucked up, that's why he's like That™ in the TV show
• the other teachers we see in his episode are his party friends
• absolutely watches the others dreams, likes to bother them about what they mean
★ ok now the TV show ones
• has an absurd amount of skills, barbie kind of ridiculous
• lives with his brother and sustains them both
• workaholic
• was mr.petersons before red guy
• actually not that bad he's just really fast paced, genuinely just lost the trio on the fabric
• he/him goth gf <3
• doesn't like music AT ALL. And is very mean about it
• besties with the tissue box !!
• originally only used his hush tone for work but it slowly morphed into his normal voice
• pretty bad PTSD
• very kind with kids and people in general tbh, it might be something useful for his job but it's just how he is really
Lily and Todney
• I don't think about them a lot sorry
• they know what they are doing and that their whole family dynamic is pretty fucked but they genuinely just really want a mom tho ,,,
Warren the wo-Eagle
• genuinely just hate him so I don't think about him a lot either lol
• had no power over the trio because he was fired and not technically a teacher anymore
• his whole Thing (ykn) comes from bullying and a feeling of inferiority. He still sucks tho
• well. I guess I just don't think a lot about the newer teachers
• was actually a really nice teacher before still going to work at 120 years old
• nobody really liked him but he was the other's only way of going outside the house so they endured him
• there was a fight over his will. People died
• she/they enby n°3, lesbian
• really scared to touch her batteries now, has caused her to get cranky but still refuse to change them until forced
• puts up light shows for her friends
• huge sci-fi and videogames in general fan
• Colin's cousin. Actually all electronics are related
• wanted to be a music teacher but her biology said no
★ this is more of a general one but all of them are somewhere in the aroace spectrum !! I think it comes with the object nature. I have not defined where all of them fall tho
That's it I think. This is so long I am so sorry I just enjoy them a lot so I have a lot of thoughts
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stevethehairington · 12 days
20 Questions For Fic Writers
i was tagged by @scimitar-and-longsword, ty Lolo for the tag!! 💕
How many works do you have on ao3? 118
What's your total ao3 word count? 667,938
What fandoms do you write for? the most recent fandom i've written for and posted for is stranger things, and i am still writing for it! i have also recently been dipping my toes into writing for both the terror and challengers (though i have not posted anything ~officially~ for either yet)
Top five fics by kudos:
good for my boy - steddie; wayne pov, the first time wayne meets steve! | 4,4,564 kudos
can't hide the way you make us glow - steddie; sequel to good for my boy, also wayne pov, this time how wayne finds out steve and eddie are together | 3,154 kudos
i want to hold your hand - steddie; steve has a crush on eddie and really reaaallly wants to hold his hand | 2,361 kudos
sloe gin fizzy, do it till you're dizzy - steddie; steve and eddie make a habit of getting high together... and also making out | 2,204 kudos
the world will follow after - steddie; steve accidentally kisses eddie on his way out the door | 2,000 kudos
Do you respond to comments? yes!!! i'll admit, i'm suuuper behind on this (a combination of being ridiculously busy and not having my laptop for a hot minute) but i absolutely do respond to every comment at some point! the way i see it is if you're kind enough to take the time to say something nice i'm gonna take the time to say thanks!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? ooh angstiest ending? i fear i end all of my fics happy haha, but i suppose... well, i suppose keep you on a rope would fit the bill. this one is my tommy pov hs reunion fic, and tommy sees steve happy with eddie and then goes home drunk and upset soooo yeah that's a pretty unhappy ending for him lol.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? god, like everything else i've ever written?? lmfaoooo. i truly don't have one specific answer here because ALL my fics are happy endings if i can help it.
Do you get hate on fics? nah. i've gotten like a couple dumb comments before but they haven't been like mean outright hate or anything. i hope to keep it that way!
Do you write smut? hah, so, technically yes. but it's been a REAL hot minute, and every time i've tried to write smut recently i feel like i just get so stuck with it and then give up. soooooo.
Craziest crossover: i Do Not Like crossover fics so none! lol
Have you ever had a fic stolen? ummmm, i don't think so?
Have you ever had a fic translated? i've had a couple people ask before, but honestly idk if they ever actually did? so maybe lol
Have you ever co-written a fic before? i've tried! several times! but the, like, motivation/inspiration for those fics sort of fizzled out before they could be finished, so nothing has ever been posted.
All time favorite ship? oh man!!! this is a hard question!!!! because like, my favorite ship is obviously going to be the one i'm most invested in at the moment, but like i do still hold a very special place in my heart for the ships of the past i've fallen out of the fandoms for.
the current ships i'm coo coo for cocoa puffs over at the moment are steddie, fitzier, and tashi/art/patrick (honestly do not know what the "official" ship name for them is lol)
but if i had to pick my favorite out of all the ships ive ever written for... man i think i have to go with stucky!! there's just something about that ship that reaaaaally hits, and even though i don't really write for it anymore, just thinking about it makes me go bananas and feel so much, so yeah, stucky my beloveds.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? HAH okay i have an answer for this one: my steddie two night stand au!!!!! it was going to be my fic for the steddie big bang but i had to drop out of that bc irl got in the way, but i have like. at least half of the fic written already and a solid plan for the rest and i was totally loving what i had for it, and ive been DYING to write a two night stand for literally any fandom i've ever been in so i REALLY want to finish this one at some point... i hope i will!!!
What are your writing strengths? i would probably say my characterization!!! i try really really hard with that and i've gotten lots of comments that have pointed this out specifically, which makes me extra proud!
What are your writing weaknesses? i feel like sometimes when i get too in my head about things i end up, like, getting kind of repetitive, like i'll start using "smile" or describing eyes too much lol. i always try to like fix this when i edit before posting, but it's definitely something i notice myself doing.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? i don't really have an opinion on this, like, whatever fits your fic best, so long as there's a translation somewhere that is easily accessible to the reader!
First fandom you wrote in? skam!!
Favorite fic you've written? oooh okay. i think i'm either going to go with keep me on a rope or under my umbrella!!
i'm going to tag: @withacapitalp @steddielations @henderdads @stevesbipanic @greenlikethesea @toburnup @thefreakandthehair @heybluechild @steddieasitgoes and anyone else that wants to do this!!
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