#i love supportive emotionally mature conversations so that's what we have here
saras-almanac · 17 days
BuckTommyWeekend Day 2: A figure from their past
BuckTommyWeekend Day 2: A figure from their past
Title:  What we have
Fandom:  911 (ABC)
Pairing:  Buck/Tommy
Summary:  Buck had complicated feelings after they run into Abby. Luckily, Tommy is there to comfort him. For the prompt: A figure from their past for @bucktommyweek
Notes: I have a lot of thoughts about Abby and her relationship with Buck (plus just thoughts on her character in general). And this is a part of something much longer I’d written but it was just bits and pieces—the meeting, the aftermath, Tommy talking with Athena or Maddie, this scene—just too much going on and too much to write in a day when my brain was still coming up with the actual idea for this. So this is what I’ve got.  
Tommy hadn’t thought much of this meeting Abby at the time. Apparently she was in town for some meeting or other for one of her stepdaughters and him and Evan had happened to run into her as they were leaving the restaurant they had brunch at.
Evan had gotten a bit quiet but smiled and politely introduced him as “This is Tommy,” before Abby started telling him about her life. It was about three minutes of a quick catch up before Evan and him continued on their way out and honestly, Tommy hadn’t thought it was strange.
But now It’s been over a week since he’d last seen Evan and he was trying not to worry or get caught up in his own head about what this all might mean. He was off today, so maybe Tommy could convince him to meet up for lunch or at least just talk later today.
Thankfully the doorbell rang at that moment, pulling Tommy out of his potential spiral.
He opened the door and there stood Evan, holding two coffees and a bag of food.
“I brought coffee and burritos,” Evan said.
Tommy ushered him in and followed him to the kitchen. “It’s been a minute. But I’m happy to see you.”
“Me too.” Evan set everything on the counter, dropping his duffel on the floor, and then turned to him, basically wrapping himself around Tommy.
“Is everything all right?”” Tommy asked.
“Yes,” Evan said. “I mean, it’s getting there?”
“Would you want to tell me about what you’re thinking about?” Tommy asked, pulling away and gently pushing Evan toward the stool by his counter. “While you eat a little something.”
Evan sat down but made no move toward his food. He sighed. “I told you about Abby. My ex. The one we ran into a couple weeks ago.”
Tommy nodded. “Yeah. I mean, a little.”
“Right, well seeing her sort of threw me off—Not because I’m dating you or freaking out about my bisexuality and stuff,” Evan rushed to reassure him. “It just… I guess it just brought a lot of old feelings, things that trigged some old insecurities. And I wasn’t expecting it. I mean, it’s been years and looking back, it’s not even like we were really together together so I don’t know really what happened.”
“Feelings can be surprising,” Tommy said. “They come back around in the strangest ways sometimes.”
“Yeah,” Evan said. “But I don’t even think about her anymore. I don’t. I’m not like in love with her or want her back or anything--I swear.”
“I didn’t think you did, but thank you for the reassurance,” Tommy said. “Seeing people who used to play a big part in our lives brings up a lot of emotions. And that’s okay.”  
“That’s what Dr. Copeland said too,” Evan said shaking his head. “I called her because it just triggered a lot of feelings, feelings of insecurity that I thought I’d dealt with. But when you come face-to-face with your biggest failure those feelings can come back.”
“You and Abby not working out is not a failure,” Tommy said.
“I know that. Now,” Evan said. “But it’s what happened when I saw her again. It was my first relationship where I did everything right. I followed everyone’s advice, everyone’s ideas, followed Abby’s lead. I did everything I was supposed to. And she left anyway. Which, I don’t have to tell you made me panic and worry about you, about us.”
“Well, I’d argue that we haven’t’ done anything right in the way that other people would have it or do it,” Tommy said, nudging Evan with his shoulder. “But I also can’t’ say that we’ve done nothing right because a look where we are, what we have.”
“That’s what I realized,” Evan admitted. “At least part of it.”
“What’s the other part?” Tommy asked.
“So it’s like this,” Evan said, amping up and already starting to gesture with his hands. “I think I thought so highly of Abby for so long, right? She was this woman who was mature and knew what she wanted and had a whole life and still wanted me; it’s like she made me better or at least want to be a better man. And after she left, I was terrified that she’d taken that part of me with her, the mature Buck, the guy who was dependable and worthy.”
Tommy clenched his jaw because he hated hearing Evan talk about himself in terms of worthiness or usefulness. Granted, it was a bit of the pot calling the kettle black, but Tommy usually operated under a “do as I say, not as I do” policy.
“And seeing her again, seeing her with you just put so much into perspective for me,” Evan said. “I always thought of her as my first real relationship, but seeing her next to you, knowing what we have, how you treat me, it finally dawned on me that we didn’t have a relationship. Or we did, but like not the one I wanted, the one I thought we had.”
Tommy gently moved the coffees out of the way. “And what was that?”
“I thought we had this amazing relationship where we could be ourselves, someone I could share myself with and someone who wanted that too,” Evan said. “But I think I was just a physical presence for her during a hard time in her life. Someone who was there, who helped shoulder some of the weight, and then someone she just left behind because I didn’t matter to her. Not like I wanted to.”
Evan sighed. “And then I just saw her standing next to you and couldn’t help but think about all the things you know about me, the things you like about me, and I realized that she never really knew me at all.”
“It doesn’t sound like she did,” Tommy said gently, carefully. “Because if she had, I doubt she’d have been able to leave.”
“See and that,” Evan said, reaching over to grab Tommy’s hand. “You’d never do that to me. To anyone really. You’d never just take off, knowing you were done with me, without telling me. Yeah, it would crush me to lose you, but you’d still at least tell me. You wouldn’t leave me hanging on, waiting for any words of our future when you had no plans to come back.”
Evan squeezed his hand between both of his. “I just, I love you so much and I feel so lucky to have you in my life that sometimes I panic that I’m not quite good enough for you. And I want to be.”
Tommy reached out, cradling Evan’s cheek in his hand. “You are good enough. You’re more than good enough for me.”
“Even when I’m having a crisis and stupidly keep myself from you for 12 days?” Evan asked.
“Even then,” Tommy assured him, pressing a quick kiss to his forehead.
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m1ssunderstanding · 4 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day Four
"Lennon's late again" says Paul, as he walks in late. And sweet Ringo just gently, "between ten and eleven is the time" Which means: "Chill babe. He'll be here."
One thing that always gob smacks me is how bored George and Ringo are watching Paul pull Get Back out of the ether. They literally see him do this shit all the time which is insane to me.
His voice is so so so pretty!!! And he's just so completely in his own world. The hunched shoulders. The twitching. The gibberish. The tapping. The twisting.
Obviously this is a song with the original central feeling being let's go back to before everything went wrong but he wants to make it into a meaningless song with both story bits and almost walrus-esque bits. But why is the first lyric he comes up with about gender? Thinking of @scurators posts on Paul and gender.
Ringo's customary quiet really does add significance to his voice, so him singing along with this so quickly says something I think about his support for the song and for Paul in general.
When John walks in he's greeted with a little cocky nod and smile like "look what I've just done while you were late." And then Paul sings "get back to where you once belonged" directly at him before breaking the eye contact. It's one of those heartbreaking Lennon/McCartney miscommunications because Paul is doing this to get John back, but actually it's scaring him away, you know? Paul thinks he has to prove to John how good he is, but John's exhausted with how good Paul is.
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STFU Michael Lindsay Hogg
Paul really does love the idea of being forced out of parliament by cops and honestly so do I. Would've been iconic and might've kept them together.
John's so quiet today and also Yoko is not here. Correlation or causation I wonder.
"They say don't they say charity begins at home?" I love you forever, George. His humor is always so well-placed and so dry (even though he's clearly cracking himself up here). And it steers the conversation away from a direction he was not happy with without poking any bears. In fact, everyone's laughing. Clever boy.
"I've decided that the whole point of it is communication. And to be on TV is communication and we've got a chance to smile at people like all you need is love or something so that's me incentive for doing it." Wise, egalitarian John making a lovely appearance.
And then there's Paul. "I'm here cause I wanna do a show." Lol I love them.
Why do they say "Mr Epstein?" Is it because they're on camera and they want people to know who they're talking about? Does it have something to do with the maharishi telling them certain ways to talk about Brian? Does anyone have any thoughts about that?
Okay so you know how I just said last time how emotionally mature George was? I still think it's generally more true of him than the others, but this right here? This is not it. "I don't want to do any of my songs in the show because they'll all just turn out shitty." Man has issues.
I think it's important to recognize that George and Paul have both said the literal word "divorce" and it's NBD. But when John does it, Paul takes it as "the groups really over and I have to go into hiding and not get out of bed and maybe od who knows." Why? There's another puzzle piece here that we're missing.
"Should we leave you for a while?" "YES!"
On the one hand I'm like "working on Maxwell is the last thing you guys should be doing with this time alone." But on the other thing maybe it's the only thing they can do at this point.
"Mal? You should get a hammer. And an anvil." As he's walking away. Main character in a contrived mad genius biopic. Except it's real.
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"Joan" sounding suspiciously like "John" ... And then he goes "fool, Maxwell fool." Aka one of their ~special words~ New theory. John hates Maxwell because he dies in it. And Paul's the killer.
"Take it away Johnny." Even though it was George and John whistling before wasn't it? Did George get cut from the whistle chorus? Another straw on the camel's back.
I LOVE that John just does not know any of his own songs. Across the Universe my beloved!
On the glyn/Paul moment featured below, I have three thoughts. 1. Whore. 2. John Lennon villain origin story. 3. The fact that glyn didn't just tell John is striking.
"I wish it fucking would". "Cause I'm down." This lyric going from a self-soothing reassurance that his people aren't going to leave him that he'll always have this beautiful dream he's created with them. To this? I hate it here.
So there is a big emotional and energy difference between their Beatlemania selves singing "Rock and Roll Music" and their current selves. And part of it is due to the fact that they're just not as happy as they were then. But I think most of it is really just that they thrive when they're performing for an audience.
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finelinevogue · 2 years
Blurb idea for LI - from before they made it official - what about Harry and YN having a chat about their previous relationships and kind of discussing why they didn’t work out and what they are looking for in a future partner?? - ⛱
okay after my last blurb this is a heavy change of pace :)
“How did you sleep?” You asked Harry, both of you snuggled up on the terrace for a moment of quiet within this storm.
“I hate sleeping without you, I’ve discovered.” Harry said, kissing your forehead softly.
“Me too. Bed’s too big without you.”
“I’m gonna cuddle y’so hard in bed when we’re re-coupled.”
You smiled a big grin and hugged him a little tighter. It was a mystery as to how you had obtained a guy as good as Harry in the villa. You could’ve been with a liar and cheater in here, but you were blessed enough to find Harry.
“Mhm?” He said and without looking up at him you could tell that he was looking down at you. You often caught him looking at you, often for no reason other than to take you all in.
“What are you looking for in a relationship?” You asked.
“Bit late to have this conversation now.” Harry joked, because normally this conversation was had on the first day.
“Well we were just too into each other to talk about it. I don’t think we really cared, but I am a little curious.” You explained.
“That’s okay. Um, I mean without being biased towards you. I guess I want someone who makes life worth getting out of bed for in the morning. Someone who will make me laugh, but also be a shoulder for me to cry on when I need an extra hug. Definitely someone who can be mature enough to ignore people who steal their boyfriends away from them in a recoupling—”
You hit Harry in his ribs when he started to get sidetracked, laughing anyways.
“You said you wouldn’t be biased.”
“Well how can I not describe you and how you make me feel when I literally have the fattest crush on you?” Harry giggled, making his chest rise up and down.
“So you’re saying I’m worth getting out of bed for in the morning?” You spoke softly.
“Very much so.” He kissed your head again.
A few tears started to gloss over your eyes and you bit your lip, after rolling it in your mouth, thinking about just how lucky you were. It was a miracle that you had found Harry and it was a dream to get to call him yours.
“Hey, sit up for me.” Harry spoke softly and untangled his arms from around your body to help you sit up.
Harry remained manspreading his legs, but allowed you to sit closely next to him with your legs tucked closely to your chest. He pouted when he saw your glossy eyes and shook his head very slightly, as if to silently tell you that you didn’t have to cry. When you looked into Harry’s eyes you saw peace and it was enough to calm you down.
“No. Don’t apologise to me. Just, talk to me?” Harry offered you a hand and you took it instantly.
“I swear all I do is cry on this show.” You laughed ava Harry chuckled too, but only with you because he was still concerned over what was making you upset.
“Good job I’m here to provide tissue and hug support.”
You nodded in agreement. “So, you know I have one ex?”
“Well he was actually a pretty abusive ex.”
“Oh, baby.” Harry gulped back his own tears now, feeling really protective and angry over you all of a sudden.
“Not physically, I mean. Emotionally. Mentally.”
“Don’t play it down like that’s any worse than being physically abused, love. It’s different for everyone and your should never soften what you went through just because you believe someone else might’ve gone through something worse.” He squeezed your hand.
You nodded, letting out a loud sniffle.
“And after him I honestly started to believe a lot of what he had told me, about having no worth and being more of a chore and a task to be with rather than just someone he could love easily.”
Harry nodded attentively, wanting to listen to you rather than cut in just yet.
“Um, so my friends actually set me up to come in here. Kind of as a joke actually,” You chuckled thinking back, “Because I was really low and they thought that some good old summer sun with no outside world contact might be great. Turns out it was the best thing I could’ve ever done, because I met you. Being with you is so easy and it’s shown me that I’m worth a lot more than what I used to believe.”
“Wow, uh. Um, thank you for telling me.” Harry spoke between little clear ups of his throat, a telling sign that he was trying his best not to cry.
You leaned forwards and initiated a hug between you both, holding on to him just for a little longer than normal because you both just needed each other. It was frightening to be so reliant on each other, but also exciting and new.
“Thank you for listening.”
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oraclekleo · 1 year
@luniesaturn + Bang Chan (Stray Kids) - Sweet Romance Tarot Reading
All celebrity readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Before requesting, read the pinned post and appropriate linked post
Tarot readings are my hobby - I’m not obligated to accept any of the requests nor to complete them, it’s my choice, not duty
Waiting time is long, even several months
If you can’t wait, please, seek other tarot reader
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: @luniesaturn
Deck(s): The Mythic Goddess Tarot
Spread: Sweet Romance
The eyes meet across the room… (What captivates them about you)
Sweet scent lingering in the air… (What pulls them closer to you)
Only the brave ones… (What motivates them to approach you)
Words as sweet as honey… (What enchants them about you)
Lips like petals of a rose… (What makes them kiss you)
Love is a form of insanity… (What makes them fall in love with you)
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Bang Christopher
Stage Name: Bang Chan
Group: Stray Kids
DOB: 03.10.1997
Blood Type: O
Sun Sign: Libra
Chinese Sign: Fire Ox
Life Path Number: 3
Masterpost: Stray Kids
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@luniesaturn + Bang Chan (Stray Kids)
Christopher Bang
Deck: The Mythic Goddess Tarot
Spread: Sweet Romance
The eyes meet across the room… (What captivates them about you) [23] - King of Cups
You are emotionally mature and at the same time you have healthy boundaries set. You have managed to find the perfect balance between your heart and head and people might turn to you for advice and emotional support because you are both practical and empathic. You’re not prone to panic or getting hot under the collar, you know how to stay focused on the core of the issue and you rarely get swept by your emotions. It can happen but you rarely act in the heat of the moment. Bang Chan is the man searching and aspiring to balance himself and it’s very likely that this calming and mature aura of yours will captivate him and ignite his interest in you.
Sweet scent lingering in the air… (What pulls them closer to you) [56] - Knight of Cups
Despite the overall practical nature, you are a dreamer, too. You relentlessly dream about a better world, better self, better future and you do your little bit to get there every day. No matter how many times humanity disappoints you, you will always try to be the best version of yourself and to help others who are in need. Your heart is so very romantic deep down and you probably believe in true love. Bang Chan is like a moth attracted by your rose pink romantic flame and he can’t keep his distance, he’s gotta know whether he could become THE ONE.
Only the brave ones… (What motivates them to approach you) [3] - Page of Swords
Communication is the key! Your voice, your tone, your words of wisdom and kindness are likely to convince Bang Chan to step to you and start the conversation. Maybe you don’t agree on everything, maybe you have different opinions on some topics but your chemistry in discussion makes it easy for the two of you to communicate your ideas and points of view. Bang Chan might find out that there’s so much more to you than you let know on the surface and feel like an explorer of the vast oceans of your mind and soul.
Words as sweet as honey… (What enchants them about you) [27] - 5 of Swords
Haha! Here we go with the dispute. Believe it or not but Bang Chan is actually thrilled by the differences in your opinions. Maybe he likes the way how passionate you are about the topics that are close to your heart, maybe he finds it cute how your eyes sparkle when you disagree with him and how your cheeks blush when you try to explain your point of view to him. Or maybe Bang Chan simply likes to expand his own knowledge, keep his mind open and consider other people’s opinions. Whatever the reason, the discussions where you disagree are the ones that put a spell on him and make his heart beat faster.
Lips like petals of a rose… (What makes them kiss you) [67] - Knight of Wands
Expect the unexpected! When Bang Chan kisses you it’s out of the blue, not really planned or premeditated. He acts upon the rush of emotions and in the heat of the moment. It might happen in the middle of a dispute or when you are passionately talking about something. You are focused on your thing, immersed in the train of your thoughts and little you know Bang Chan is slowly losing his ability to concentrate on what you are saying and shifting his focus on how you are saying it. And whatever it is he sees at that moment, it makes him cut your words and thoughts in the middle and kiss your lips. You either completely forget what you were talking about when he finally lets you catch a breath again… or you’re going to scold him for playing unfairly and trying to win by using his charms rather than valid arguments. All in jest, of course.
Love is a form of insanity… (What makes them fall in love with you) [2] - Ace of Pentacles
The abundance of connection and feelings Bang Chan feels is simply taking his breath away. He’s not really good at hiding his emotions from you and it’s likely you notice the signs of Bang Chan’s love declaration beforehand. He’s likely to do it in a more traditional and romantic manner - think romantic dinner with candles and ambient music in the background, Bang Chan holding your hand looking into your eyes and confessing his feelings for you being serious. You gasp for air, blush, maybe a little tear of happiness runs down your face, Bang Chan leans to you, you kiss, darkening of the scene and credits roll. Wrapped and sealed. Did I overdo it? Take what resonates with you.
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thestobingirlie · 8 months
hi! i’m the anon who asked about your opinion on stancy and nancy’s selfishness a few days ago. thanks so much for your reply! i saw the tags your reblogged to that ask, and i actually wanted to add one something to the discussion.
i hope this doesn’t come across as trying to counter your answer. that’s not at all what i want to do. i actually completely agree that if nancy worked on some of here tendencies, stancy could be a pretty decent ship, and i also like the parallel of her presence wanting stve to be a beter person, and the opposite happening. i also agree that nancy’s relationships with other people have a lot of unexplored potential and that many of her issues are due to the writing.
i think the part where my opinion differs is because without the narrative supporting nancy, i have a hard time seeing stancy without steve’s anger, at least initially, about the way he was treated in their relationship. he knows nancy was using him, to an extent, when she called thier relationshp bullshit. she said they both murdered barb. steve may or may not know about the cheating, but he does know she got together with jonathan within a few days of their fight/break up, which would have raised some questions. and for me, i think this anger is as important as nancy’s grief over barb was, in that i can’t see stancy without it, in fandom or canon.
i guess robin is another example, although hostility, instead of anger, may be a better word. robin and nancy know each other as steve’s friend and steve’s ex. robn holds grudges; she was pissed at steve for eating a bagel wrong. it doesn’t make sense for her to follow around the girl who dumped him with starry eyes. i can’t really buy any of robin and nancy’s s4 friendship, because, for me, robin’s hostility should have been central to it. yes, nancy is a traumatized teen, but she's not the only traumatized teen the group.
again, i hope this doesn’t come across as me trying to counter your answer. i love your more positive takes on stancy, and i honestly think that having more positive views of characters can lead to a much better fandom experience.
i wanted to send this in more for discussion. i thought it was interesting how focusing on slightly different aspects of a character or their relationships (i.e. the potential for nancy and steve to grow vs focusing on steve's anger) could result in very different ideas on how we want their storyline to go. if you have any thoughts on this, i’d love to hear them!
thanks in advance :)
hey anon, that’s actually a really good point!!
i think when it comes to steve’s reaction to the break up at large (i’ll get into the cheating in a second), i can more forgive it than the way nancy’s actions are treated elsewhere because steve is just so totally in love with her. he can accept that he’s not the one she wants because he just wants her to be happy. which is why he steps aside. his love for nancy overrides any resentment he may feel.
i do however think as he gains distance from the relationship, he would kinda think… maybe i deserve better than that. maybe nancy shouldn’t have stuck by me if she thought we killed barb. maybe she should’ve just waited for jonathan. but i think with time and the two of them growing as people, this is totally something they can have a conversation about, and look back on more maturely etc.
but the cheating is slightly different. even if you only recognise it as more emotional cheating than physical, it’s still a major issue of steve’s. especially if the person cheating is someone he wants a long, serious relationship with. i don’t think steve would go nuclear like he did in s1, he’s grown a lot emotionally since then, and he cares a lot more for nancy, so i just don’t think he’d want to do that to her. but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t affect him. at what point, and who he found out from would depend on how deeply he was wounded. i do think it’d probably make him take a step back, and reevaluate the relationship. and i think if it wasn’t nancy that told him, that could really have a bad impact on stancy. i kinda waver on whether i think nancy telling him in s2 vs s4 would be better. in s2 it’s a lot more raw, but at least he would know immediately. and in s4, he’s healed more from the relationship, but it’s been kept from him for so long.
but regardless (if it was one of better reveal options), i do ultimately think it’s something they could come back from. they’re young, and they’ve both made mistakes, and i think if nancy totally admitted she fucked up with the cheating, their relationship could recover. though i do think if we allowed steve to truly feel betrayed and angry, stancy wouldn’t be getting together anytime soon. at least until steve’s gotten over his mommy and daddy’s issues lmao.
and i think you’re totally right about robin too. it would make so much sense for her to hold a little grudge against nancy. for a couple reasons: 1. stancy shit. 2. nancy not knowing her at starcourt despite being in the same grade. 3. the barb shit (if we go by the books, which i wish we did!!!! makes them so much more interesting). i just think friction between robin and nancy could elicit so much growth for nancy. less so for robin i suppose, because i think a lot of her friendship with steve did that kind of work, but it would still have impact!
and don’t worry! i do really love discussions like these! focusing on characters in a more positive light is really enjoyable, but it can still be fun to pick apart the more fucked up things they’ve done. and i’m a hater at heart so ❤️ lmao
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mejomonster · 1 year
okay so FINALLY i finished season 2 of Black Sails last night, and I’m in season 3 now. anyway:
When Miranda says what she does to Ashe? She is so right. So beyond right. Her rage is so present. Her rage drove this story. Her grief. She loved Thomas, James loved Thomas, and they are in agony that their friend Peter betrayed their beloved Thomas. Peter got Thomas killed. Yes, Peter Ashe is also why they ultimately left for this place, and left their old lives, but the most painful thing is that Thomas died. They lost HIM. The person they loved most. Both the beloved man, and the idealistic hero who was the one who WANTED this dream of a self governing Nassau and pardoned pirates. They’ve been trying to fulfill his dream since, and Peter apparently is why Thomas is not alive to be the leader in this. (Who should be governor, Peter asks? It’s awful, Thomas should be. Thomas is dead. And it’s your fault.) And its SUCH a painful situation because James wanted to make this deal work more than anything in the world, even if he had to do the thing he wanted to do LEAST in the world like Peter suggested... he might have. But the line James and Miranda cannot cross? Forgiving who killed their beloved. It’s a phenomenal character study, its walking these characters to the extent they can stretch and then showing here, right here, is where they can’t go. They would no longer be Them if they agreed, they could only ever fail this task. Peter could only ever fail them, James could never get the reasonable meeting he wanted (as we see in a moment), and Miranda could never let go of her grief and give up revenge if presented with the ultimate perpetrator of that loss.
Miranda’s speech to him is my favorite in the whole series so far. It was terrifying finding out the clock used to be hers, be Thomas’s, in their home. She’s a ticking time bomb from the moment the clock is in the scenes. The writing too, the foreshadowing where she’s told not to get closer to Ashe or she’ll be killed, told she’s seen as a dangerous threat (and she is a dangerous threat). The absolute pain, in the difference between Ashe asking to talk to them alone at dinner and THEM ASSUMING safety. Them assuming a SAFE conversation, an honest conversation, all respected as people. When in the end Miranda and James were never seen as people by Ashe’s men, by Ashe never seen as equals. Just casualties to Ashe’s path, just like Thomas. And Miranda’s speech. She deserved to say it. It was frightening, and heavy, and I wanted her wish to come true. As awful as her wish was, it was all her pain let out at the person left who caused it. It showed WHY she came with James, what she’s contemplated in these yeats, why she feels so different from her old life Just Like James. And unlike James McGraw, now James Flint to temporarily retreat within... she is still Miranda. She is Miss Barlow, and maybe its an identity to become too, but its not something temporary like James thought the Flint persona could be. She IS this person she’s become, she can’t separate it, and we finally see that toward people she doesn’t love. She’s kind to kind people (I loved Abigail’s entire portion of narration by the way), she understands James and he understands her, and she’s hurt and hurting the civilization, casting out that civilization, that failed her by destroying her loved one.
Her death hurts. It hurt me more than any of the others. 
I get why it happens. 
I also think this episode really reminded me WHY I loved her so. Why I love James and Miranda as a team. How this show really does have 2 very lovely polyamorous trios at its heart. James and Miranda ARE best friends, family, and they look to each other and check in emotionally. Support each other emotionally. Speak honestly with each other. Feel safe with each other. They truly are partners and close. They’re like Jack Rackham and Bonny, except i’d argue at this stage in their lives a little more mature than the former two and better at communicating. (Perhaps they’re an indication of what Jack, Bonny, and Max can become as they grow closer and more honest?). My point is... they truly love each other. When Flint says later, in season 3 “They took my woman. My friend.” that cuts deep. Miranda was the woman he cared about, the woman that was HIS family, not in the sense of lovers or wife or what have you, but in this world if a man’s responsible for women then she was the one in his life he felt responsible to: to keep in contact, to support emotionally, to listen to and understand, to share in the journey of life in, to understand each others pain, to take this path of revenge and hope in. She was HIS Partner (again the parallel to Jack and Bonny partners till they’re dead). She was HIS FRIEND. His dearest, closest, most understood friend. I see now that this is why Miranda wanted to kill Peter Ashe. Thomas was that dearest friend to her. How could one forgive the murderer of such a dearly beloved friend? How. 
And now that Miranda is gone? How could James Flint, James McGraw, forgive the civilization and system that killer HER. Not him, the pirate who sinned and knew what he was throwing away and risking. But her. The civilian who had not killed, who was even weighing the option of peace with the country that killed her dear friend Thomas and was willing to lay down her hatred in the sand if it meant realizing Thomas’s dream? They killed her. After that? If I lost my dearest friend, who understood me and went through all of that with me, who had done nothing while I had committed all sins in the civilization’s rules? I’d be beyond broken.
Thomas didn’t deserve to die. He was good. And planning to Do Good things for the world. Miranda was understandably pained by losing him. And then for her to be lost too? A good woman, a woman James wanted to survive, knew Thomas would want to survive, a woman James took the sins of on himself and did himself so that Miranda might not be driven to on her own. And she still dies. Well, where does that leave James. How can James ever surrender to an evil that’s taken away from the world these two people?
The depth of those three’s relationship. 
So Miranda, in her speech, says she wants Charlestown destroyed. Peter Ashe dead, and she wants to do it herself. And this episode, this writing, its the kind of show you know if someone says something it WILL pay off later. Ashe’s guard said he’d kill them if they got closer to Ashe, and that happens as stated. You know once he says it that James and Miranda are in danger in the plot and will likely cross that line and be under threat. Miranda says her speech? And you know Charlestown will be destroyed. Somehow.
That was probably my favorite pay off so far. Flint saying if you want me to be your monster, then I will be it. Then destroying charlestown. Just like Miranda wanted. Making Peter Ashe, as he’s dying, look at Miranda’s body. The death Peter caused, the second death of another person James considered good in this world and so precious. And telling Peter that Miranda gets the last word here. She was killed saying she wanted this, killed because of Peter’s men and Peter’s actions and only here over the ocean cause of a stream of things Peter had done. And she will get this, in death, because it’s what she said. Killing her won’t escape the fate she wanted Peter to suffer. He will MEET what Miranda wanted brought upon him. I think it was the best send off Miranda could want. When Peter asks “think of what Miranda would’ve wanted” and so James gives the world Exactly what she said she wanted.
Miranda was one of my favorite characters, especially on rewatches of the parts of season 1 and 2 I did. My heart aches she’s gone. Her being gone makes me understand how her and James must’ve felt when Thomas was gone, in a way I didn’t really get before. I loved Miranda.
Unrelated. The buildup of the crew trusting Silver, Silver oddly noticing he’s begun to do things to save THE CREW over himself, him losing his leg to save his crew, his crew saving his life in return for it and all being there to support him and treat him, them voting for him as their Quartermaster, those sequences all played out so well. The writing of this show is so satisfying if you like payoff. Characters and writing point to the direction they’re headed, and you can trust it, and the joy is in seeing how they get to that direction they’re now sailing towards.
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Season 1. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Season 2. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Season 3. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Season 4. Part 1 Part 2
Mike Character Analysis - Season 4 Part 3
I wrote about Mike talking to Will and El in Lenora here. Mike is deep in thought about something at the breakfast table and decides to go talk to her. He's clearly thought through everything that's happened and is in a much more level-headed place about it. Mike starts off this conversation in an emotionally mature way. He tries to connect with her and brings in something personal to the conversation - his bullying. Finally! They talk about something personal! Or Mike tries to anyway, El shuts him down and he gets defensive and the conversation rapidly devolves into fighting. Mike is trying to emotionally connect with El in a way we never saw him do before (except that one scene in season 1). I don't believe he has romantic intentions with this at all. Judging by his insecurities later this season I think he was trying to be her friend, just like he was in that scene in season 1. He worries he won't have a place in her life if they break up because they never formed a friendship. Only she rejects him because she is not only upset about the bullying but she's upset with Mike.
Mike hasn't been telling her he loves her and she practically begs him to. While El has been receiving letters from Mike (6 of them. Once a month. Not the book of letters Will jealously indicated he sent her) she is feeling emotionally neglected by him. Because he clearly wasn't showing her he loved her and he certainly wasn't telling her. I think this is because Mike realized he wanted to break-up and kept their letters pretty basic and void of anything too deep. Not that these two ever have conversations like that but the fact that he isn't writing love or indicating that he does in any way is intentional. He doesn't want to lead her on. I think when Mike started this conversation he was trying to lay the groundwork for a break-up. He is trying to connect with her as a friend here and be nice to her. He's trying to comfort her and make her feel better. Only El puts him on the spot and is forcing him to say something he isn't able to say. And he's not ready to tell her he's gay. Especially when she's mad. He cares about her but he isn't in love with her and he doesn't want to lie. Only this conversation is not going the way he wanted it to go when he came in.
It's clear Mike feels guilty when she gets arrested. He always feels responsible for saving her even though she doesn't need saving. He can't figure out what role he has in her life otherwise. Because it's not as a friend and he doesn't want to be the boyfriend. The letter she sends him is her dumping his ass (from El) and he knows it. He's not upset so much as he is shocked because this whole thing did not go the way he wanted it to.
Will and Mike have what is the first of many heart-to-hearts this season in Jonathan's room. Will's ranting about the situation and Mike, just like in the beginning of the season, is staring intently at this letter El sent him. Will tries to reassure him and Mike THROWS HER LETTER IN THE TRASH. This is the second time he does this (he did this with the first letter). I think this indicates that Mike isn't keeping any of her letters. He isn't attached to them.
Mike and Will start talking and they sit very closely together and start getting flirty. The thing that is most notable about this scene is Jonathan. Because this is Jonathans room and the door is open and he is awkwardly hovering in the doorway smirking at them. Like he realized he was interrupting A MOMENT a little too late and couldn't back away fast enough without someone noticing. The funny thing about Jonathan constantly interrupting these moments is that he would be their number 1 supporter since he's a Will Byer's Fangirl. If he had only stayed in the kitchen a bit longer they would have probably been making out on his bed by now. They were heading in that direction. The three of them come up with a plan. They are going to sneak out and drive back to Hawkins to help everyone. They aren't worried about El. She went with Owens voluntarily and they believe she's safe. So now Mike and El are broken up and Mike and Will are about to spend the next few days having a road trip back to Hawkins. Mike's pretty happy about this. The two of them have yet another heart-to-heart and it is once again flirty. Very flirty. Because while his break up with El didn't go the way he wanted it to, it is very clear he may not see her again at the very least not for a while, and he has his best friend back. Mike initiates this conversation with Will. He is the one who set the tone and started telling Will how much he missed him. He apologizes for his behavior (a thing he never does with El) and the two of them are in a good place. And did I mention the flirting? Mike definitely checks Will out at one point. But Jonathan interrupts them again and we are left wondering what would have happened with these two if he hadn't. Because they are on the verge of something all season and dancing around it.
Once they get attacked their mission changes and now they have to find El because she's in danger. Suddenly Mike's mood is different. He's seeing El sooner than he was expecting. But him and Will have another heart-to-heart and this one is about how it's scary to open up to people and show them your true self because they may not like it. It's Will talking and giving advice to Mike but he's clearly talking about himself. And MIKE AGREES WITH HIM. Mike understands what Will is saying because he is worried about the same thing. That El (and everyone else) won't accept him if he's his true self. He nods and is about to respond when they get interrupted again. Seriously, the second these two are able to have an uninterrupted conversation they are going to get together. Because it's about to happen several times this season and they wouldn't need to go with the interruption trope if there was nothing to interrupt. They are delaying this storyline for the final season.
(Edit: I forgot to add here that before Will gives him advice Mike is saying how he should have said that thing and explained maybe she would have taken him with her. He's feeling guilty that he didn't explain himself before even though he wasn't ready to in that moment. He's been trying to connect with her like a friend and he still believes he has to protect her because he doesn't fit into her life otherwise. He keeps trying to establish a connection with her and she keeps shutting him down. I don't think she understands (at least at the beginning of season 4) that they can be friends. They never had this kind of dynamic before. Mike feels guilty anytime something happens to El. That's been true since season 1 and most of the time it isn't his fault. Yes he could have explained himself better, but she isn't listening to him or allowing him the space to talk and say what he needs to. She chose to go off and leave him that emotionally void letter and it's not his responsibility to protect her but he feels like it is.)
I want to talk about Susie's house here briefly. Mike and Will communicate with each other wordlessly when they are trying to come up with a lie to tell her. Which is kind of funny because they were in the car for hours and they didn't come up with a plan? So what did they discuss in the van? But Mike's body language in this house is interesting to me because he seems a little uncomfortable. He is standing with his arms crossed which isn't how he normally stands. And when Susie's dad is stomping up the stairs, he practically throws himself over the railing trying to get away from him. Now her dad's yelling and pissed and Mike has problems with male authority figures so it could have just been this. Will glances at him outside the house and he seems worried about him for a second. It almost like something is going on here.
Part 4
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ginnsbaker · 10 months
This chapter was so juicy omg lets get straight into it
Agatha literally embodies me 😂 everything shes said i’ve either said or thought. From her saying she never had faith in reader’s relationship with yelena to calling it a rebound. She’s exactly right and i’ll come back to those two quotes a little later. The other thing about sparky being a mastermind is something I genuinely thought earlier on i was like aw damn the dogs bringing them back together but I didn’t say anything and now i really wish i did cos same agatha same 😂
Im gonna speak about wanda briefly here and then I’ll come back to her affer. But in that whole conversation with agatha she’s very mature about the whole thing considering reader kissed her. She’s not getting excited about it out of respect for readers relationship(that’s already over but she doesn’t know that yet) shes also being cautious because of what happened last time with reader.
Im glad Valkyrie apologised and that wanda didn’t string her along honestly did not want another reader yelena relationship for lack of better words.
Vision is gone thank fuck for that he will not be missed.
Natasha. Quite possibly one of the saddest parts of the series. Nothing hurts quite like a friendship breakup between best friends. I said it last time and my views haven’t changed. Nat is supposed to be readers friend, while I completely understand why shes angry it makes sense yelenas her little sister and i get it but reader is also her friend. It a complicated situation because its very difficult to be neutral. Reader shouldn’t have cheated full stop. However, if we’re being realistic some could argue reader has been emotionally cheating since the start considering the love for wanda was always there. But back to my point this relationship should never have happened to begin with or at least not when it did. Yelena shouldn’t have pursued reader and reader shouldn’t have dated her either especially not without having the therapy that is so desperately needed. Im not blaming yelena or saying nat’s reaction is wrong because i truly understand both sides its just really sad that this is how its ended. Im not sure what your plans for nat are for once i genuinely dont have a clue.
I think its very ironic that at the start of this wanda didn’t really have that big a support group but now thats kind of the reverse because reader now has no one. I also think its very like idk what the word is “impactful” i guess that now reader’s lost everyone but wanda is still there for them.
Back to wanda. Idk how to feel because we know what happened to wanda last time they entered this sort of arrangement and i really don’t want it to again because she has made so much progress. On one hand i feel like she won’t let herself go back that far but the ones we love can be our weakness sometimes. And on the other hand it seemed different this time less aggressive like the way reader cushioned wandas head. But one thing I didn’t like was reader leaving with no aftercare i saw someone else say it and I definitely agree. PSA to everyone aftercare is so so so important okay? Good. And i also don’t like Wanda missing therapy because of this arrangement it feels like a step backwards (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing in terms of story writing cos like i said last time recovery is not a linear path and its really validating that you’ve included that)
And finally pietro. Oh dear god the anticipation is killing me. Ive been dying for chapter 17 and its almost here. He knows why wanda missed the sessions (or at least suspects) and i think hes got a picture of wanda in the hospital or maybe after he found her (im not quite sure who found wanda after she overdosed I don’t remember but uno what i mean💀) and hes gonna send it to reader maybe saying back off
I swear im in love with your brain youre incredible I can’t wait for chapter 17
Reading your comments/thoughts is always a favorite habit of mine whenever I post an update. Like, srsly dude, I look forward to it.
There's something you highlighted that I did not even intended in the story: I think its very ironic that at the start of this wanda didn’t really have that big a support group but now thats kind of the reverse because reader now has no one. I also think its very like idk what the word is “impactful” i guess that now reader’s lost everyone but wanda is still there for them.
I guess that happened naturally. I mean, when you're maintaining a positive vibe in life and taking care of yourself in general, suddenly there's room for people in you life who also want to share the same outlook in life. You attract good energy. You're able to take care of relationships around you because you're in a good place. I guess that's what happened :)
Yes, aftercare is really important. R is neglecting herself, wasting away, so she really is incapable of thinking about another person's needs at this point.
My mind?? Look at your mind! Look at what you'll think Piet would do O_O
Once again, thank you! I super enjoy reading your points!
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elliegoestodownton · 2 years
I’ve seen your post about how you keep watching CF after last episode and I feel like I finally see someone else who feels the same! I’m heartbroken for Violet, I’m gonna miss Hawkins like crazy but at the same I’m glad (maybe it’s not the best word to describe it but I can think of any other right now) that they decided to do that so early into new season. It was unpredictable and powerful (if it wasn’t we wouldn’t be feeling all this grief and anger and sadness). It opens so many opportunities- I want to see storyline with Violet and Sev where they can share their trauma about loosing someone you love right in front you and not being able to help it.
I might be cruel but nothing gives more life and energy to the show than a dead body
Hi, anon! Thanks for your message.
Full disclosure: I still haven't watched the full episode, only clips. As usual, I might wait for when it becomes available here (but if anyone knows of any way to stream it in *cough* less legal ways *cough* that won't mess up my computer...). Yet, even from the clips, I really feel heartbroken for Hawkami and especially for Violet. I had some issues with them last season, but I was happy that they were back together and happy and in love!
But I get what you're saying. Yes, glad is not the right word perhaps, but I am always open to new narrative possibilities. I hadn't thought about the parallel with Severide and those two don't interact that much in general, but I would absolutely LOVE to see this conversation happen, for example. And you wouldn't have it without a catalyst like this.
I only hope that now Haas and co. will make this storyline justice and actually explore Violet dealing with her grief (I've seen rumors circulating about Violet's parents appearing on the show and if that's the case I would be thrilled to meet them and learn more about Violet's background), being supported by 51 as a family. And at the same time grow as a person and as a professional.
A few people are concerned this is just a ploy to get her back with Gallo and, let me tell you, I would not be happy about that because it would be three steps back for both of them. Violet deserves the kind of love she had with Hawkins, maybe even better, and someone who supports and respects her. And Gallo needs to keep growing. He's on the right path, I feel, and it would be fantastic to see him mature even more emotionally. And I am sure there is someone out there who isn't Violet for him as well. They can be still there for each other as friends (and actually that would provide a means to show Gallo's growth as he supports her through her grief).
And, as I said, I've kept watching shows despite terrible deaths or when they became complete disasters in the worst possible way. CF is far from that. Also, let's keep in mind this is a drama, but it also uses some soap opera conventions at times and a sudden death is not uncommon in that kind of writing.
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fangirlandtheories · 2 years
hiiii steve protector anon here. i wanted to say that yeah i agree i definitely imagine eddie as more emotionally mature than he would be. however i think he would probably read about those things for the people in his life after seeing himself and everyone so messed up over what has happened. or he wouldn’t. we dont know too much about him. however i love imagining him this way because we need someone like this for steve. idc either. love your works 💙💙
Hiiii Steve Protector Anon! Steve Protector author here 😂 Sadly we don't have any more info than what the suffer bros gave us, but luckily that means we get to make him our own 😉 he's definitely a complex character, that's part of his charm, so for me I think I'll always write him a little ooc just to have that extra emotional intelligence. Thank you so much for your love, support, and conversation. I love it all so much 💛
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teamfreewill56-blog · 2 years
Tanjiro and Senjuro’s bond
Even though Senjuro told Tanjiro that he would send Kaname if he learned anything new about Sun Breathing I would wager that Tanjiro was the one who sent a letter first and started the penpal set up between them. We saw in the Entertainment District Arc that when Tanjiro thinks about Kyojuro he also tends to think about Senjuro and Shinjuro. Visiting the Rengoku Estate, and especially talking with Senjuro, played a huge role in Tanjiro working through his grief and getting out of his depression. And in only a couple of hours of knowing Senjuro --if not less--just like he did with Kyojuro, Tanjiro grew attached to the younger Rengoku. I could see Senjuro being a little nervous when Tanjiro’s crow shows up first, because he hasn’t found out anything yet, it’s only been a couple weeks.
But instead Senjuro gets a letter not asking about the research at all. Instead it’s full of : How are he and his father doing? Is Shinjuro being nice to him? Does Shinjuro hate his guts because of him head-butting him into unconsciousness? He still feels awful about that. Is there someone who needs a Headbutt? Was Senjuro still struggling with his grief from losing Kyojuro? Tanjiro is thinking of him, of Shinjuro and still thinking of Kyojuro, he hasn’t forgotten Kyojuro-aniki or his new resolve. And there’s nothing at all asking about Senjuro doing research for him. Because just like Kyojuro, Tanjiro cares about Senjuro as a person, and not what Senjuro can “give or contribute”.
As a sibling himself, and having had to wait two years for Nezuko to wake up, basically being separated from her in a sense because she was unconscious--and also having had family killed--Tanjiro would understand and be able to truly empathize with Senjuro’s feelings of loneliness and missing his brother. Senjuro is one of the first new friends that Tanjiro made who wasn’t an active member of the corp. He doesn’t get to see him as often, and even though Tanjiro understands why Senjuro can’t come with them, he probably still wishes that Senjuro could. But since he can’t, the closest Tanjiro can do is sharing stories with him.
Tanjiro shares Kyojuro’s traits of being inquisitive and earnest, he would be curious about what Senjuro is up to and I could see him wanting Sejuro to tell him in depth about his day, his schoolwork, etc even if it seemed “trivial”. Because like Kyojuro, to Tanjiro it’s not trivial. What is going on with Senjuro, what Senjuro cares about matters a lot to Tanjiro. He would be excited about Senjuro’s achievements in school and what he’s learning about, and still be gentle about whatever emotional struggle Senjuro decided to share with him. Kyojuro can no longer be here in person for him, so Tanjiro makes sure that he can, to the best of his ability. I wouldn’t be surprised if Senjuro was the person that Tanjiro was transparent with about his struggles and feelings. He and Senjuro in that first visit had a very emotional conversation where they shared vulnerability with each other, and it was a positive experience. Because of that they would be more comfortable and willing to be emotionally honest and vulnerable with each other. In a way that Tanjiro probably can’t do as often with Zenitsu and Inosuke--Senjuro is on a different maturity level than both of them, and closer to Tanjiro’s maturity. And think about what that means for Senjuro and how it must make him feel. He gets to support Tanjiro emotionally the way that Kyojuro did for him, and in a way he probably felt he didn’t for Kyojuro, he gets to share wisdom that Kyojuro taught him. And even though Tanjiro is an older brother like Kyojuro, because of his relationship with Kyojuro, he gets to see almost eye to eye with Senjuro just as much as with Kyojuro. They were both younger brothers to Kyojuro, so Tanjiro understands Senjuro on that level now, and vice versa. I love so much that Tanjiro didn’t come to care for Senjuro out of sympathy, or just because he was Kyojuro’s little brother but from having a genuine connection with him and making that conscious decision to build on that relationship.
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sentinelpri · 3 years
Intervention, Baby
Unlike many of his Autobot counterparts, Prowl adored organics- especially the ones on earth, whether that be the plants, animals, or humans.
His favorite, though? You. You by far. 
After arriving on earth, Prowl had become obsessed with people watching, usually taking long strolls around the city or going to public parks to watch how humans lived their daily lives. Something about the human species by itself was captivating, but when he’d seen you for the first time, (e/c) eyes and (h/l) (h/c) hair shining under the bright sun as you walked into the local flower shop, he had been completely and utterly enthralled. He’d known that he was supposed to avoid interactions with humans that weren’t necessary according to Prime, but he hadn’t been able to help himself that day. So, he’d gone into the flower shop and sparked a conversation with you to figure out exactly what it was that had him so interested; what it was about you that was so different than the other humans he watched.
You had just moved to Detroit from your hometown for a new job, which explained why he hadn’t seen you before that, and as he’d talked to you that day, he became more and more intrigued. You’d started renting a house nearby, with your very own flower garden, which you showed him that day. He hadn’t been able to tell you much at the time about Cybertron for security reasons, but what he did tell you about himself, you listened to intently. You were a great listener, with kind eyes and a bright smile that made his spark stop at times.
Prowl had been a cautious bot. Whatever caution he had maintained since being on earth had flown out the window with you, though, as he fell quickly, often sneaking away from the Autobots to spend time with you at your house or visit you at your job. A strong friendship was quickly formed, and with how much he was gone, his teammates quickly became suspicious.
It started with questions, the others asking where he was all the time and why he was suddenly so interested in stopping by flower and gardening shops whenever they were out. Naturally, Optimus was the first to figure it out, asking if he’d met someone and then leaving the subject alone when Prowl avoided the subject. However, Bumblebee was the next to catch on, and he had no sense of personal boundaries, so he dragged Bulkhead along to follow him to your house. While it wasn’t the best first impression, that was how you met Bumblebee and Bulkhead, and eventually Optimus and Ratchet as well- since the secret was out in the open now and no one seemed to disapprove of you, Prowl had started bringing you around the Autobot base.
The rest was history, but the more Prowl developed his relationship with you, the more fearful he became for the future. He was a wise and emotionally mature bot, he figured, but he didn’t know how to handle his feelings for you. He had fallen in love. He was cybertronian, you were human, and it wouldn’t be fair to you to initiate anything- not that he thought you returned the feelings anyways. No, you were too pure and sweet, kind and beautiful, fragile and soft. He feared hurting you most of the time. He feared falling deeper. He feared starting something he couldn’t finish and leaving you hurt in the end, but each day he spent with you only made it worse.
Why did he love you? Why couldn’t he have fallen for another Autobot? Why a human? The thoughts plagued his processor constantly, but when you reached over to grab one of his digits and pull him along to show him something in your garden or smiled up at him, he couldn’t help it. You were so soft and delicate, but you still treated him like you would anyone else. You weren’t scared of him, you always offered a listening ear when he needed it, and you opened up to him in return.
Warm, bright, radiant- Prowl felt like you were all of the things that he wasn’t, and as he returned to base and walked into the main room, he couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief. Spending time with you seemed exhausting nowadays. He always left with a troubled processor and an uneasy feeling. Was it right to keep seeing you when he knew it wouldn’t go anywhere? Would his unresolved feelings get in the way of your friendship? What was he to do at this point? As much as he’d tried to simply make the feelings go away, he couldn’t; couldn’t develop an interest in anyone else, couldn’t think of anything he didn’t like about you to kill his attraction, couldn’t will it away. Nothing worked, so he drowned himself in it, and while he would have loved to sulk for a little bit, his attention was captured by his team.
He’d walked into... Something, though he wasn’t quite sure what that something was yet. His entire team was crowded onto the living room couch, silent, staring up at him. Seeing them all in one room at the same time was rare when they weren’t sharing energon or working against the Decepticons, but seeing them all in one room and quiet? Something was wrong. 
“Where did you just come from, Prowl?” Bumblebee, who was sitting in the middle of the couch with Bulkhead to his right, crossed his arms as he asked the oddly accusatory question and leaned forward.
“(y/n)’s, why?” Prowl answered. He was so uneasy that he found himself shifting his weight from one pede to the other and averting his gaze. While he wasn’t normally avoidant like that, when it came to you, he couldn’t help how nervous he got.
“Don’t worry about it, but-” Bulkhead started, letting out a nervous chuckle.
The atmosphere was tense and awkward. Optimus Prime, next to Bulkhead on the edge of the couch, wouldn’t even look at him. Meanwhile, Ratchet, who was on the other side of Bumblebee, appeared to be growing increasingly agitated with each second that passed. 
“What is the meaning of this?” Prowl finally demanded, which made Bumblebee stand up and point right at him with a huge grin.
“Intervention, baby!” The yellow bot cheered.
“Intervention? I’m not abusing substances if that’s what you’re-”
“No, no, that’s not what we’re getting at, you bucket of bolts!” Ratchet groaned and face-palmed. “We’re here to talk about you and (y/n)!”
There were two ways this could go, and Prowl wasn’t sure which one he hated more.
One, his team could be concerned about him spending so much time with a human who had nothing to do with their cause. It was a valid concern and he knew it- spending so much time with you put you in at risk of getting involved with the Decepticons like Sari, and unlike Sari, you had no key or Cyber-organic powers to protect you. You were simply human, and it wasn’t fair to you to put you in danger the way he was. But he was selfish.
Two, his team could be concerned about his feelings for you. Whether for the aforementioned reasons or because they had to watch the two of you interact all the time, he wasn’t sure, but it would make sense. He certainly hadn’t expected them to call an intervention over either issue, though, so all he could do was stand there.
They were staring at him. 
It was... Embarrassing, to say the least.
“I don’t see why this would be considered even remotely appropriate- And Optimus, Ratchet,” Prowl glared at the two older bots, knowing damn well that they knew better than to do this to him. “I expect it from these two, but you? I thought you were more mature than this, but I see I was mistaken.”
“Don’t come at us with your maturity spiel when you can’t even mech up enough to tell (y/n) your true feelings,” Ratchet spat.
“Ratchet, you could have phrased that with a bit more tact, but I do believe you are correct,” Optimus agreed with a small nod and offered a smile, glancing at Ratchet and then at Prowl. “While we don’t have the right to dictate what you do, Prowl, it’s become obvious to everybot what’s going on, and... We all support you. You should be honest with (y/n) and tell her the truth. Love is something that should be appreciated and cherished, not hidden away.”
“Yeah! Plus, it hurts to watch you two dance around each other when it’s so obvious what’s going on,” Bumblebee argued. “She likes you back-”
“No, she doesn’t, and even if she did, how would this work?” Prowl raised his voice without meaning to, and the moment he heard how loud his volume was, he paused to take a deep breath and reflect. His team had good intentions, they wanted him to be happy and enjoy a relationship for once, but he was so scared. Why couldn’t they leave him alone? With a sigh, he spoke again, not daring to look at any of his friends. “I’m Cybertronian and she’s organic, and we could have to go back to Cybertron any day now- or, even worse, the Decepticons could kill us. Would it not be selfish of me to confess my feelings for her, start a relationship, and then leave or die? Assuming that she wants anything to do with me, that is.”
“Listen, I get where you’re coming from, but you’ve heard the saying here on earth that it’s better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all, haven’t you? (y/n) would be more upset if you left or died without telling her the truth than she would be if you told her beforehand. No matter what happens in the end, at least she’d have some closure that way, because she does love you too,” Bulkhead insisted.
“No, she doesn’t,” Prowl mumbled, not having any other defense. Did he think you loved him like that? No, but did he have definite proof that you didn’t? Also no, so he was left without a solid defense, but too stubborn to concede to his friends’ (valid) points. “You’re wrong.”
“Yeah she does, dude, you’re just wrong,” Bumblebee walked over to him and put a servo on his shoulder, meeting his optics, uncharacteristically intense- borderline angry. “How can you even know if you haven’t talked to her about it?”
“How can you know?” Prowl defended and jabbed a digit into the younger bot’s chest plate. The two continued to stare each other down for a few moments before Bee finally sighed and looked away.
“Because I’ve talked to her about it.”
“...Oh. I see,” The black and gold bot took a step back and fidgeted with his servos. He had never expected for you to confide in Bumblebee about such a matter, but then again... Aside from Prowl himself, Bumblebee was your best friend and always had been since he’d started bringing you around. The two of you were similar; innocent, kindred souls with similar interests. Unlike Prowl, the yellow bot brought out your more energetic, fun side, making you laugh constantly, but... He hadn’t been aware of the fact that Bumblebee was a confidant for you, too. Part of him was jealous, but he tried to shove that down with a tense swallow. “I’m going to take my leave, then.”
“That’s what I thought,” The smaller bot smirked, earning a glare from Prowl in return.
“Get bent.”
That entire night and the day after were spent locked in his room reflecting upon everything; his feelings, you, the advice that his teammates had given him during their little “intervention”, the potential consequences of what he was about to do.
Whether he wanted to or not, he knew that he needed to confess. What if one of you died without ever saying anything? What if he went back to Cybertron without ever having the chance to tell you the truth and regretted it? What if you had to leave Detroit someday? It was too big of a problem to leave unresolved given how chaotic and unpredictable your lives were, even if he was scared of what could happen. Plus, half the battle was you loving him back, and if Bumblebee told the truth the day prior, you already did.
So, Prowl sat on your roof. Waiting. You were outside for whatever reason despite it being midnight on a Tuesday in human time, laying in your backyard and admiring your flowers. Since it was a warm fall, they were growing quite well, your pumpkin crop in particular thriving. He’d been watching you for a while; (s/c) skin glowing as the moonlight shone upon your body, (f/c) shorts and a black sleepshirt hugging your frame. Your (e/c) eyes were currently trained on your rosebush, though he was sure you had noticed his presence- even though he wasn’t visible behind your chimney, you had an amazing knack for being able to feel when he was there, visible or not. 
“(y/n)?” The Autobot finally spoke, emerging from his hiding place and jumping down into your backyard to stand next to where you lay. 
You sat up to look at him with a tired smile. It was late and you had work tomorrow... Something must’ve been on your mind, too. Perhaps the two of you were in sync with your recent concerns.
“Hey, Prowl, you’re up late. Why don’t you lay with me?” Unable to say no to you, Prowl did just that, joining you on the grass and laying with his back on the ground. The stars that littered the sky were fogged up by the city lights, but while he normally would’ve been agitated by it, you were better to stare at, so he didn’t mind too much. “You sat on my roof for a while and didn’t even talk to me. What’s keeping you?”
“Ah, it’s nothing, I just-” The ninjabot started, close to denying everything flat out and ignoring the subject of his feelings yet again before realizing that’s what the problem was. He couldn’t open up to you and it was making everything convoluted, so with a sharp breath, he gathered all of his willpower and spoke to you again. “No, you know what? I’m tired of this.”
“What?” You looked shocked at the sound of his agitated tone, eyebrows furrowing together as you sat up and glanced at him, making him sit up as well. Your (e/c) eyes burned into his ocean optics in that moment, and a brief silence washed over the two of you before he spoke again.
“I’m tired of us hiding from each other,” Unable to help himself, Prowl leaned closer to you and reached over to rest a servo on one of your hands. “Be honest, what are your feelings towards me?”
You stopped, your breath visibly catching in your throat. The black and gold bot could immediately tell you were nervous, terrible at hiding your negative emotions like you had been since he’d met you, but he let you have as much time as you needed.
“Prowl, it’s a bit sudden for you to ask something like that out of nowhere. You know we’re friends-” You started, but when you looked closer at his face, you gave him a defeated sigh that made him realize; you knew he knew. “Who told you?”
“So it’s true,” He stated, holding your hand tightly and giving a soft frown. Your face was painted with the same fear and anxiety that he’d felt over loving you for so long now. 
Part of him was happy that you loved him back. The other part almost wished you didn’t, wished you could live your life happy and blissfully unaware to avoid the risk of getting your heart broken.
“I’m sorry,” You apologized.
“What do you have to be sorry for, sweetspark?” Prowl asked, tone gentle as he used his spare hand to caress your cheek and leaned in to rest his helm against yours. “I’d be a fool not to reciprocate, but I want to hear it for myself before I do anything. Tell me how you feel.”
“I’m in love with you, Prowl,” You admitted. A couple of tears welled up in your eyes and flowed down your cheeks, those of which Prowl wiped away with his thumb. “I’ve been captivated since the moment I saw you, and I never planned on telling you. I’m afraid of you getting attached to me and not being able to handle it if we ever have to separate because I’m sure there will be a day when you have to go back to your home planet. You can’t stay forever, and I can’t go with you.”
“I feel the same way... I love you too, (y/n)- so much that I don’t think you understand. I held off because I fear having to leave you someday, but I realized that we should take advantage of what time we have left and try our best to make this work,” In between his words, you let out what he assumed was a sigh of relief, making him do the same. Prowl quickly felt the weight of his anxieties leaving his chest and shoulders. He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss against your plump, warm lips, then withdrew to press a few more against your cheeks and forehead. You giggled; a sound he would listen to for the rest of his life if he could. “I think we’ll be alright in the end.”
“I...” You grinned and leaned into him with another laugh. “I think so, too. But who told you?”
“That’s... Quite the story. You see, yesterday afternoon, I got back to the base after visiting you and...”
Prowl smiled as well as he started his story. Things were complicated, and he knew this was risky, but you wrapping an arm around one of his and gripping his hand made him realize just how worth it you were. 
Maybe that intervention hadn’t been too bad of an idea after all.
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kanmom51 · 3 years
lmfao to the anon who asked for me back, I appreciate that you thought I was well spoken and logical (its me! apparently I get to call myself logical anon!)
You asked what else is in my head and honestly I think I let most of it out (I actually ranted more vaguely in another blog's anon's a few hours ago). It's mostly just this: none of this exists in a vacuum. I can dig up a million examples of BTS members reading and recognizing social media pertaining to themselves and their relationships. They know what happens here, they know what we freak out about, and they know what we trend (JM and JK both coming home the day of hickeygate? about as subtle as a brick to the face, y'all aren't slick boys). They know about fanfic tropes and fandom jokes and exactly what the western sphere at large says about them (for better or worse, mostly worse).
Jikook don't give a fuck. If they didn't want people to think they were together, they would have stopped SO long ago. Every single moment that we get happens in context of all the others and in the context of absolutely everyone involved knowing what the world at large is saying. Other 'ships' in the group have pulled back, and I'm not just talking about TK.
Guess who hasn't stopped. Yeah.
For almost all of the Big KM things (the GCFs, Rosebowl, JK's hand tattoo, "I was with JK at 4am", the 2019 cross-continent birthday flight, etc etc etc) They're powerful enough on their own, taken individually, but if you pull them out of context (like a lot of fans do) they're not nearly as impactful as they are when you consider the fact that each of those things builds on the previous things they've done and said into this pretty irrefutable picture and timeline that spans YEARS.
There is just no way that they are unaware. You'd have to believe they were genuinely stupid to think that they don't know what goes on and what these moments imply. You'd have to think that perfectionist, detail-oriented, romantic JK has this massive blind spot where he's just accidentally making all this incredibly sweet queer coded art about his one Bro (and that he conveniently forgot that one Bro's initials when he went to go get a very permanent very visible tattoo). You'd have to think that emotionally intelligent, incredibly private JM just somehow loves to share details about his One Bro and One Bro Only? Nobody's ever told me how long Hobi's showers are, JM you're holding out on me.
Which leads to two outcomes, its 'fanservice' or its just genuine interactions between two people (who are in love, jikook gay, boyfriends, married with nine children, sorry i had to get that out of my system). We all know how weak the "they're doing it for the money!!!" fanservice argument is.
And honestly? If I'm going to be here and supporting them, and adoring the work the band makes as a whole? I'm not going to believe that they would belittle me and people like me and use us as some kind of godawful marketing tactic to help straight girls get their rocks off. I couldn't stan people like that. (I also genuinely don't think that Outspoken Queer Allies Bangtan would stand to be in a group that continued to use homoeroticism as a marketing tactic, especially not now that they're all more mature and obviously have more power over what they're doing, but what do I know? Min Yoongi I'm counting on you here.)
Maybe that's naive, but if you look at the fanservice that they actually DID do? I'm talking Banket Kick stages, variety show stuff, maybe even arguably the full BS&T choreo? They haven't done anything like that in years (or I have a selective memory, feel free to sound off in the comments people. For what I hope are obvious reasons, I don't count the MMA 2020 Black Swan stage.)
There's another conversation to have here about fanservice, "queerbaiting", homoeroticism, homoromanticism, skinship and how some people obviously have no idea what it looks like to have friends. But this ask is already SO long lol.
Back to my original point, if I'm wrong, I would much rather have spent my time in this fandom believing in love and that the boys are intelligent, purposeful people who act of their own agency. Maybe that's just me. That's another thing I come back to. If I'm wrong, and I can ALWAYS be wrong, at least my worst sin is seeing love where it wasn't, both with OT7 as an incredibly close group of friends, and KM as a couple.
I don't think I'm wrong. Occam's razor, right? The simplest explanation? You don't need to believe in any conspiracies to believe in KM.
Logical anon said it all.
I'm closing up shop now.
Bye bye, it was great while it lasted, lol.
But seriously now, anon is spot on. Thank you for coming back and sharing your thoughts with us. One more level headed voice out there.
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soulmate-game · 3 years
Useful Part 2
fluff with a little hurt and comfort. If you want answers as to the lack of angst, look through my recent posts for an explanation. 
—* — * — * —* —* 
“Wait, you have a WHAT?” were the first words that the rest of the Gotham-based vigilantes heard when they finally were able to track down where Damian had gone. Dick looked over at Bruce, who was noticeably tense. No surprise there, the man had just found out that he had a second biological child. One who was apparently a superhero already, without his intervention, and also apparently had a tragic background in the League of fucking Assassin Assholes. Not to mention that Damian’s track record with meeting siblings wasn’t great, even if this one wasn’t actually new to him. Nobody had any real fear of Damian relapsing on his no-kill rule, they knew he had matured far too much to be at risk of killing for something as immature as sibling rivalry anymore. 
But there was still fear. Because this new Wayne was an Unknown Factor, and as a rule the Bats hated Unknown Factors. And they had no idea what the relationship between the two had been before they had been separated, or what it would become now. 
“That wasn’t Damian’s voice,” Dick helpfully pointed out the obvious. Bruce only frowned, doing his best (and failing) to hide his anxiety about what they would find. Silently, the group inched forward to the edge of the abandoned building they were on top of so that they could look over at what was happening. What they saw was a girl, presumably the same one who had been in a ladybug onesie and had fearlessly begun to ask them to leave Paris— until she had laid proper eyes on Robin and fled, that was. That girl was sitting down next to an unmasked Damian, who had his arm around her shoulders and let her lean into his side. He even smirked cheerfully at her question before continuing to speak to her. 
“A dragon-bat. I knew you’d love hearing about him, I’ll introduce you when you come visit the Batcave. His name is Goliath,” Damian admitted smugly. Despite the familiar attitude and pride behind his words though, his spying family couldn’t help but notice that he kept periodically rubbing the girl’s (they really needed to find out her name) shoulder in reassurance. None of them missed the tear tracks on both of their faces, or how red the girl’s eyes were. Clearly they had missed something big. 
But nobody wanted to try to figure that out yet. This scene was too precious, too breathtaking for them to interrupt just yet. They had never seen Damian this vulnerable around someone outside of their little circle before, someone from the Time Before Bruce, no less. Most of the time, only Nightwing was able to see this side to Damian. And usually the roles were reversed, with Damian being the one consoled. They had never seen him in the position of the comforter before. The pillar of support. 
It really cemented just how far he had come. 
So they watched silently as the girl flinched, pulling away a bit and hunching in on herself. The laugh she let out was small and overflowing with self-degradation. 
“You make it sound as if the rest of your family actually wants me to visit,” she replied sourly. Damian gently cuffed her over the head, frowning. 
“Two things,” he held up two fingers from his free hand. “One: They will. They accepted me, and I was— well, you remember how I used to be. Once they actually meet you, and process the fact that there’s another Wayne now, they will bombard you with more welcoming than you will know what to do with. Two: It’s Our family, Marinette. Not mine, ours.”
Well, at least they had a name now. But it seems like they had bigger issues now, like Marinette’s clearly damaged sense of self. Jason and Tim traded knowing glances; it wasn’t hard for them to guess where, or how, she might have been damaged enough to think so lowly of herself. 
They watched as Marinette shook her head. 
“I don’t know. It’s one thing to try to… to get to know you again. We used to be close before… everything,” she haltingly argued, voice small and frail and uncertain. But she never once looked away from Damian’s eyes, trying to convey as best as she could what she was feeling. “But they’re different. They don’t have any reason to trust or like me, Dami. And I’m bad at, well everything, but especially,” she waved her hands frantically as if indicating the whole situation they were in. “I mean, listen to me! I can barely articulate right now, and I’m talking to someone I’ve known my whole life! I’m a mess. Nobody wants a mess.” 
It was Damian’s turn to snort, and he pulled her right back into his side. “Please. If anything, that’s exactly the type of child Father goes looking for. We’re all a mess. Especially Father, trust me.” 
“You’re just trying to make me feel better,” she accused suspiciously, but sank into his sideways embrace anyway. Damian chuckled. 
“No, I’m being honest. He’s terrible at emotions, not that I really have much room to talk. We all are pretty bad with them. But he’s the most obvious when it comes to that issue,” Damian smirked over at his sister conspiratorially. “For example. He still tries to tell people that he works alone, and pushes people away because he has this intense desire to protect, but doesn’t know how to say “I don’t want you to get hurt, stop worrying me,” so instead he says “Go away, I don’t need you,” only for us to see through that nonsense and remind him that the amount of people in his team is in the double digits already. He doesn’t want to admit he cares about us and is vulnerable—”
“Sounds familiar,” Marinette teased with a watery grin, startling a short laugh from her twin. He nudged her a little roughly (but not to roughly) and playfully glared at her. Marinette just giggled.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he lied with a grin before waving his free hand in dismissal. “Anyway. Another example. He has no idea how to tell a stranger, “hey, I’m your father and I will not reject you. In fact, I’m completely willing to adopt you right this moment and whisk you away to Gotham and relative safety and hire an entire team of therapists to help you and buy you half the world if you asked for it,” so instead he and the rest of our emotionally constipated family just lurks on the edge of a building in broad daylight eavesdropping on us and expects us not to notice.” 
“Wait what,” Marinette’s gaze instantly whipped up towards the sky, taking only half a second to locate the aforementioned eavesdroppers. Everyone except Bruce at least had the courtesy to duck down and pretend not to be there when they noticed she had seen them, leaving Batman standing seemingly alone on the concrete roof. Marinette blinked once. Twice. Then turned to Damian. “I’m gonna blame the fact that I didn’t notice them on emotional turmoil, because there is no way I’ve gotten THAT rusty.” 
Damian smiled, but didn’t laugh. He knew that was a deflection to try and distract from Marinette’s quickly resurging self-consciousness. Her hands were already trembling again, and the fear from only minutes ago had resurfaced. The insecurity. He could practically see the words “I’m not good enough,” written in her irises. 
“You’ll be fine,” he whispered, standing up and pulling her with him. “If anyone has to worry here, it’s me.” 
“What the hell are you talking about?” Marinette whisper-hissed right back, eyes wide in disbelief and confusion. “You’re— You! Mister Perfect!” 
Damian rolled his eyes, and his self-deprecating smirk matched the laugh Marinette had given just a few minutes earlier. “For the League, maybe,” he shrugged. “Never the Wayne family. Which is why I know you’ll be fine. If they put up with everything I’ve done and still call me one of them, they’ll accept you with barely a second thought.” 
Marinette’s next argument was cut off by the sound of a dozen soft footfalls stirring up dirt not far ahead of them. The BatClan had landed from the rooftop. 
Marinette gulped. 
But if there was one thing— one thing she still remembered from her days as Marie Al-Ghul, it was how to fake pride and confidence. She straightened her shoulders automatically, lifted her chin, and pulled away from Damian’s supporting arm around her shoulder. Damian let her. 
A little bit of old resentment flared up in him as he saw Batman walk up close enough to comfortably talk with them. Resentment that he no longer held onto, but that had haunted him nearly every night of the first two years he spent with his dad. The realization that maybe his twin was the one that was meant to be a Wayne. Marie had the blue eyes, the compassion, the more specifically detective-oriented mind. The calm head. Sometimes. Marie was exactly who he imagined when he thought of a naturally born member of the BatClan. Stubborn, clever, morally just. She had risked immediate death just because she refused to fight him, for crying out loud. Because she didn’t want to hurt the boy who used to be her best friend. The only ally she had ever had, growing up. 
Meanwhile, he still had issues reigning in his anger sometimes. He had too much blood on his hands, he was more of a battlefield tactician than a long-term strategist. Still stubborn, but also completely unaware of the pain he brought others with his words or actions a lot of the time. He used to be such a rage fueled little demon, and thinking about how his sister fit the classic Wayne outline more thoroughly than he did had made him destroy more than a few practice dummies in frustration. 
But now, looking at Marinette trying so hard to appear strong and proud when he knew she was still so shattered inside, relief overpowered the old and dull resentment. This was what she needed, he could sense that easily. She, just like him all those years ago, needed Bruce and the others to start to heal her and reforge what the League had badly molded. 
“... Marinette, I suppose?” Damian nearly facepalmed at his father’s awkward attempt at a conversation starter. Marinette herself was clearly too keyed up and overthinking things to even register any amusement at the lame attempt, merely nodding with an overly serious expression on her face. 
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Monsieur Wayne. Or that’s my name nowadays, that is,” She stumbled a little in her response before clenching her fists and forcing herself to continue as calmly as she could muster up. “My birth name was Marie Al-Ghul.” 
Bruce’s eyebrows visibly furrowed underneath his cowl. “Was?” 
“I…” Marinette finally looked away, shame creeping back onto her face. “I was explicitly told that I was stripped of the Al-Ghul name and would be killed if I ever dared lay claim to it again. So I not-so-legally changed it. And I was later adopted.” 
Several sharp gasps or the hiss of breath through teeth bit through the quiet breeze. Nobody was necessarily surprised, Marinette could see it when she looked through her eyelashes and examined the winces and sympathy on the faces of the vigilantes before her. Batman’s shoulders were stiff, as if someone had paralyzed only his shoulder blades. 
“And the people who adopted you?” Batman pursued. Marinette couldn’t read his tone very well, but it sounded vaguely angry so she quickly raised her hands in a placating gesture and her eyes widened significantly. 
“They’ve been amazing! They don’t know anything about my past, or who raised me, but they are endlessly patient with me. I mean, honestly! Sabine caught me when I was trying to steal one of her gold bracelets in Hong Kong— and I know I’ve never been as good of a combatant as Dami, but I’ve always been better at sleight of hand and stealth so honestly that’s impressive— and she saw my dirty eight-year-old face and for some reason decided, ‘yeah I want this one as my daughter’ and roped Tom right into it and next thing I know they somehow tailed me to my hideout? I still don’t know how the hell they managed that, but Tom had a huge plate of steaming buns and I was so hungry and suddenly it’s two years later and I’m adopted and we’re on a plane to Paris—” Marinette threw up her hands. “I still don’t fully grasp what happened sometimes.” 
She belatedly seemed to realize that she had just gone on an entire breathless rant at the speed of sound, and slapped her hands over her mouth before lunging into a deep bow. “I apologize! I spoke horridly out of turn!” 
To her surprise though, she was met with a soft laugh instead of a scolding. She jerked in surprise, whipping her head up only to see Batman holding a hand over his chin to hide his large grin. It only took another second for the boys behind him to laugh a lot LESS softly. Nightwing strolled over casually and swung an arm around both her and Damian’s shoulders, playfully nudging her brother with his knee. 
“I think she fits right in, don’t you little D?” 
“Of course,” Damian scoffed, though his eyes were playful. “She is a Wayne by blood. She ‘fits in’ more than you strays.” 
“Dami!” Marinette whipped back to him and puffed out her cheeks. “That was uncalled for!” she barked. Damian held his hands up in surrender. 
“Relax,” he said as soothingly as he could manage. “They know I’m joking,” he dropped his hands and a knowing smirk took over his face. “And besides, now you’re relaxed so my plan worked,” Marinette could only blink at that. She… did feel more relaxed, actually. “Also. I told you you’d be accepted easily. They already consider you one of us.” 
“Wha— there’s no way—” she frantically looked at each of the older men around her, but each of them just shot her a smile or grin and a short nod. Her shoulders and jaw both fell, and it broke a little of everyone’s heart. 
Marinette looked so utterly shocked, bewildered to be accepted as if it was still something profoundly foreign to her. And there was that disbelief in her eyes, that distrust that screamed that she expected some sort of lie here. That told that she thought this would all crumble away at any second. If anyone had any reservations about bringing her into their inner circles, it vanished right that moment. She needed support, or she’d crumble away and they all knew it. 
“How about we start by talking about the situation with Hawkmoth?” Red Robin spoke up, walking forward to stand beside Batman. “I assume that’s a little more in your element?” 
Damian silently vowed to thank Tim later for that. In a silent, completely anonymous way of course. Couldn’t have Tim thinking they were friends or something now, could he? Marinette instantly straightened up and nodded, her confidence returning with a little more sincerity this time. 
“Yeah. Yeah, let me transform again. It’ll be easier to explain.” 
It was three weeks later, on Marinette’s third now-weekly visit to the Batcave, when the question finally came up. Jason had asked to spar with Marinette for the first time, having seen her in action as Ladybug and wanting to test the girl when she didn’t have superpowers to rely on. Damian hadn’t been down in the cave to warn him, and the result was Jason’s gut sinking as Marinette scrambled as far away from him as she could, eyes wide and chest heaving in the beginnings of a panic attack. 
“Shit,” Jason muttered before he quickly knelt down and did his best to talk her down, to calm her until her breathing slowed and her pupils were back to normal. It wasn’t long afterwards that Marinette started hugging herself, refusing to look at him. But he wasn’t going to just back down, he wanted to solve this issue. If even the mere suggestion of a spar was enough to set her off, he needed to figure out why and fix it. 
So he carefully lowered himself so he was sitting only a foot away from her, resting his arms across his knees casually. 
“Sorry,” he apologized. “Didn’t think it would be a sore subject. That’s on me.” 
Marinette just shrugged, but didn’t answer him. She just buried her face in her arms and took a shaky breath. 
Jason let the silence linger for a while before trying again. “Does this have to do with certain Asshole Assassins?” 
That startled a slightly hysterical bark of laughter from her, and she had to wipe away a few tears when she raised her head and finally turned it in his direction slightly. Not enough for her to be looking at him,  but just a subtle turn to show that she was listening and speaking to him. “Yeah.” 
“You know, you never told us why you got disowned,” Jason tried to make his words as casual as possible, but wasn’t surprised when Marinette still stiffened and took a sharp breath. He didn’t push. The stage was set, and he’d wait until either she took the opportunity to open up or told him to leave well enough alone. Her tongue flicked out to wet her lips, and her foot tapped on the ground a bit. Clear signs of her anxiety around the subject, and Jason’s hopes vanished a little. He would probably have to wait longer for her to be ready to share.
But, to his pleasant surprise, he was wrong. She took another few minutes to gather her thoughts, but she did eventually open up to him. 
“I refused to fight Damian,” she admitted. “It was… We were seven. It wasn’t supposed to be a fight to the death, but it was a very important spar. We were using live weaponry, and we were told to fight until we couldn’t anymore. Whoever fell first would be relegated as a mere soldier, and have to fight for status like any other assassin in the League. The winner would officially be named as G— as Ra’s Heir. I didn’t want to fight, because I knew Damian would win but I also knew that it wouldn’t be as easy as Ra’s probably expected if I gave it my all like he wanted. I knew both Damian and I would be heavily injured if I did as he asked, and it wouldn’t be worth it. If I misjudged anything, any single hit, I could have accidentally injured Damian permanently and ruined his worth in Ra’s eyes, and that wasn’t an option. I didn’t care that throwing the fight was as good as giving up my life, because at least I could be sure that Damian kept his. I could make sure that he was treated well, or as well as anyone could hope for in the League anyway. I could, with only a few words, make sure he became indispensable. Ra’s and Talia never liked me as much as Damian anyway, I figured… I figured it was nobody’s loss,” She swallowed heavily, clenching her eyes shut. “I was always just the spare. The extra. Damian was their crown prince, the one with actual value. Even to me. I saw him, and I saw everything I wanted to be. I… I tossed down my weapons and let him stab me, because I figured I owed it to him for being such a failure in comparison to him. That I owed it to him to do everything I could to make things easier for him, since I was just an unnecessary obstacle—” strong arms wrapped around her, and she turned to sob into Jason’s chest as he just silently held her. 
“Idiot,” Damian whispered, making Marinette jump. Her twin sat only a few feet away, though only Jason would have known when exactly he had gotten there with them. He shook his head at her. “I never would have gotten as far as I did without you,” he whispered, looking up at the cave ceiling. “You were the only real rival I had. When you left, everything was either too easy or nearly impossible, nothing was the same as trying my best against someone who was just as good as me. And when I got here and met the others, I didn’t think any of them were worthy of taking your position, you know,” he scoffed a bit as he got lost in his memories. “That’s why I hated Tim for so long, I think. He reminded me of you so much that I wanted nothing more than to punch him for daring to replace you—”
“Heh, the Replacement twice over, huh?” Jason joked. Damian chuckled with a small eye roll. 
“Plus, he just has a really punchable face,” Damian added, trying to distract from the emotion behind everything he had just admitted. “Part of me thought you were dead. The other part refused to believe that. And seeing Tim and how some of his mannerisms were the same as yours,” Damian shrugged a little. “It stung. Especially that second year, when I started to regret that you never had the chance to come here and join them with me. Meet them with me.” 
Marinette sniffled. “... Who are you and what have you done with Dami? He’s never this sappy.” 
Damian flicked a pebble at her head with a good natured glare, successfully diffusing the serious air a little. Marinette wouldn’t ever be normal, and it would take a while before she was no longer fragile, but she could get there. Especially now that her bridges with her brother had been mended, and and a whole new family had cropped up to help support her. 
She was glad Damian had convinced her to try, again.  
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delu-jean · 3 years
hi! so I just wanted to send in an Erwin x reader ask where basically Erwin survive shiganshina and they basically end up becoming parental figures for historia and guide her. thanks!
𝐄𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚 (𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚)
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(Erwin x fem!/reader) -> Mentions of Historia! -> Fluff -> 1.6k 
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Request: hi! so I just wanted to send in an Erwin x reader ask where basically Erwin survive shiganshina and they basically end up becoming parental figures for historia and guide her. thanks!
Notes: After the interaction the two had (somewhere in season three), I literally head cannoned him being her father! The chemistry between the two would be so sweet if they were!! The concept for this request was so adorable!! Thanks for the request, and enjoy! ^^
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“We did it...we have the colossal now,” you’d say, knees shaking after all of the casualties. Erwin then caught you. Seeing how shocked you were, he tried to calm you down the best he could. 
“Yes Y/n...we did...but at a great cost.”
“Was it really one worth all of this trouble?” You said being unsure with such a loss. 
“Of course it was. For the sake of humanity.” 
“Right...for the sake of Humanity.” 
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Many had died during the mission to Shiganshina. A lot of your comrades lost, along with your dearest friends. You mourned over such a thing, but ultimately, were glad for the ones who had survived. Levi, Hange, your dearest and most closest friends, still breathing as you spoke. And Erwin, your lover for gosh knows how long. Even after the stunt that was pulled, he still managed to survive. You were relieved that such a chaotic man...had escaped such a brutal mess. 
You were also glad that he saw what he had eagerly wanted to see. The basement that Eren had the key to. After hearing about some vague details from the commander, along with the other four who had entered, it gave you a mix of emotions. Both ecstatic to know there was more out there, yet terrified that such things were most likely forgein obstacles. Ones that would be hard to get rid of. 
Regardless, you were now heading back. Delivering both the books, along with yourselves, and whatever else you had left. At the entrance of wall Sina, there you see Historia waiting. She seemed ecstatic yet composed when greeting you all. And when seeing both you and Erwin, she seemed even more pleased. 
You see, even though Historia had her own birth parents, they never felt like her actual ones (based on the tragedies they caused). She’d been neglected...never feeling like she had someone to look up to. But when entering the Survey Corps, though it took a while to warm up to you, she ultimately did. It wasn’t that she couldn’t talk to you, rather, it took some time for her to see you as a mother figure. 
You were maybe 15 years older than her, but even that being the case, you saw her as your own. Though she wasn’t calling you “mom,” nor were you calling her “your daughter,” you both had the relationship. Labels weren’t needed to understand such a thing. 
Since she grew up without the affection of her mom, she took your affection very seriously. She was thankful to say the least. Thankful for the nights you would console her, give her advice, and hear her out. Though Ymir had done the same, the difference was that you spoke the words of a mother. Erwin had also come around to this concept, and tried getting to know Historia on a more personal level. 
He saw how attached you were to such an extraordinary girl. That being the case, he too wanted to experience the joy you two shared. You of course encouraged such a thing, and therefore, he did his best when getting to know her. It was a good practice for him since for most (if not all of ) his soldiers, he considered them pawns. So that being the case, you took this as an opportunity for him to think otherwise. 
Another reason as to why Erwin was doing this, was because of his own personal experience. Though he did have his father, he was (eventually) taken away from him at a young age. He didn’t want Historia to go astray like he did in his teenage years. So, he tried building a connection. Hoping his input could help her in the best way. 
Though it wasn’t as easy going compared to the both of you, he did his best, and she appreciated the effort put in. He’d usually have conversations with her about life. The most simple, yet complicated philosophy out there. Maybe he would even pop in his childhood memories, and theories he had. Truly making the most of their time. And she enjoyed their interactions. You adored how close the two were. Though one was more tense than the other, the affection was clearly there. Just seeing them together, made you wonder as to how Erwin would be with his own children. Possibly yours if we’re being specific. 
Erwin then approached the girl on his steed. Bowing to the queen to be, along with the rest of you. 
“Princess Historia, we made many discoveries during our mission. Ones that we can discuss privately whenever it is to your liking,” Erwin said, composed with a respectful tone. 
“Of course Commander. Before we do, I think you could all rest. It’ll be best if you do, after all...it seems as if you could use it,” she took note of the lack of numbers, but decided not to bring it up. 
“Of course,” Erwin agreed and everyone left. Well...except the both of you. Hirstoria then invited you both into the castle. The three of you sat in a room, the two of you on one couch, while she sat on the other. Face to face as she took a sip of tea. 
“Forget about formalities, I’m glad you’re both alive,” she smiled and you did the same. 
“I don’t think it’s appropriate if we do...after all, you will be the Queen soon.” 
“Nonsense. Even when that does happen, nothing will change between the three of us.” 
“I guess not,” Erwin chuckled as she sighed in relief. 
“Now that that’s over with, let’s discuss the details over your findings.” 
“Sounds good, Queen Historia.” 
“Oh stop it Y/n,” she pestered as you giggled. 
“So, Historia…”
Erwin then went on about their findings. How there was an entire civilization across from them, how you all were subjects of Ymir, about the nine titans, and whatever else they had left to say. He seemed stern during his conversation, not only that, but you could sound the passion which rang through his words. He looked somewhat relieved that he saw such an extraordinary finding. Not only was it one step closer to saving humanity, but one step closer to fulfilling both his wants, and needs. 
You didn’t know what you would have done if he hadn’t made it out alive. The guilt of him not being able to see such a sight, nor Historia...would’ve crushed you if anything. You know that the both of you would have missed him dearly...and if anything, she would have felt responsible for his death. Something that was never predicted, yet under the control of the Scout regiment. A power that she had ruled over. 
Though this thought lingered, it was one that had not come true. And hopefully, things would stay that way. He was here with you. Safe and sound. Maybe a little bruised but hey, handsome either way. You then put your head on his shoulder, caressing his thumb. Though he tried keeping composure, he eventually gave in. Relaxing his body while in the warmth of your touch. 
“I see, interesting…” she nod to then say:
“Erwin, Y/n, you know how much I love the both of you. Because of that...when I do become queen...please don’t let our dynamic change. I find comfort in it, and hope that we can continue to have the relations set.” 
To your surprise, Erwin spoke first. His eyes soft, and his speech gentle. Staring at the young girl before him, who was now becoming an adult. 
“Of course. If that is what the Queen allows, I’ll be sure to do my part. For both humanity, but importantly, you Historia,” you then placed your own cup down, accompanying Erwin: 
“I agree. Of course, our manners will have to prosper when needed...but if we’re alone, or even if we’re not, feel free to come to either of us. We’ll care for you no matter what, okay?” she teared up a bit and then walked to the both of you. You both stood up, and grasped her. The mood felt both joyful, yet teary. 
“I’m glad you both made it. Please be careful out there,” Erwin, though reluctant, then placed a hand (A/n: the only one-) on her head. 
“Don’t worry, you can count on us, your majesty.” 
‘Ah my little girl...so grown and mature,’ she tightened her grip on your torso, as your arms were still wrapped around her.
“Yes...don’t worry. You can most definitely count on us.” 
As time progressed Historia got crowned. That being the case, she had more responsibilities on hand. Constantly working her hardest to help her people. You were glad to see such a young person blossom into such a strong woman. Though she did most things on her own, you and Erwin guided her when possible. Even when it came to the little things like if her drapes should be red, or green. 
There would also be moments where it was just the three of you, or you two alone. Now that she was queen, her time was of value. So you tried to spend it in the wisest way possible. Talking about politics could wait, those were the times where you all could express things heart to heart. Being honest about how she felt, versus how things ran. Expressing her love for the people she rules, and even the deep thoughts that kept her up at night. 
Both Erwin and you did your best to guide her through these emotions. Wanting to teach her both politically, and most importantly, emotionally. Prepping her for the duties she would have as both Queen, and herself. Raising her to be the person she wanted to be, and supporting her to the utmost of your abilities. 
“I think I understand now, what we have to do against Marely. Though it is just one step, it’s one step closer to saving the people of Ymir.” 
“Yes, yes it is...Historia,” Erwin said as he held your hand. 
“It definitely is...Historia.” 
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jatp-angst-week · 3 years
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Calling any and all angst creators!
Do you love to make our favorite himbos and their wrecking ball of a leader suffer? Does it bring you joy to create fictional pain? When people yell at you about how much they cried over something you’ve made, do you feel at peace? (lookin at you @angelofarts​) If you answered yes to any of these questions, help us bring even more pain (and maybe even a little joy) to this fandom during The JATP Angstravaganza!
Angst week will run from the 7th through the 13th of November 2021! You can participate with art of any kind - fanfics, drawings, playlists, moodboards, etc. If it’s angsty and JATP related, we wanna see it! 
Our list of rules and the prompts for the week can be found under the cut!
No whitewashing/orange-washing
This show has several POC characters and they should be represented as such. Whitewashing or orange-washing of any characters, whether written or drawn or in gif form, will not be tolerated. If you need an example of whitewashing/orange-washing and how to avoid it jatpsource has a very helpful post here!
No extreme angst / Keep content SFW - (i.e. no graphic depictions of violence or abuse, no conversion therapy for any queer characters)
Yes, Reggie’s parents can be verbally/emotionally/even physically abusive, but it must happen off screen. Yes, Alex’s parents can be homophobic, but we are not going to traumatize him with conversion style therapy of any kind. There are limits to angst and we are not looking to push the boundaries into traumatizing territory. If you want to write hardcore you can, but we will not associate or promote it with this event.
Please keep the ratings to M and below
At the end of the day, this is a show targeted towards minors so we want to be mindful of that with our event. We understand that some of the subject matter that might be covered in fics like these could fall under the “Mature” category, but at the same time we would like this event to feel inclusive to the parts of this fandom that aren’t comfortable with super explicit content. All M-rated fics should still be SFW, and all fics will be vetted by our mods to make sure they don’t contain any of this content. Any fics that include NSFW content, or content that does not match what we are willing to support, will not be backed by our event.
All triggers should be tagged accordingly!
This is very important, especially when it comes to angst writing! We can put these characters through the ringer while also respecting that some things may be triggering for readers. This is a great post regarding how to tag on AO3. If we want to follow the golden rule of fanfic (don’t like, don’t read) we have to warn potential readers accordingly.
Sunday, November 7th - Day One - Canon Day
Let’s start off the week by screwing around with canon! You can either expand on a sad/angsty moment from canon, create something canon compliant, or create something that could have been really angsty but didn’t actually happen in the show - canon divergent!
Monday, November 8th - Day Two - Relationship Day
Whether it be romantic or platonic or familial, today’s theme is about angst within relationships! Breakups, pining, tension, arguments, unrequited love… Feel free to explore this dynamic in canon or an AU of your choice.
Tuesday, November 9th - Day Three - AU Day
Incorporate angst into an AU of your choosing! This day is basically a free for all. Put our favorite cast of characters into different settings not yet explored in canon and then BRING THE PAIN
Wednesday, November 10th - Day Four - Death Day
Molina Murderers, Sam ‘n Ella enthusiasts, here’s your time to shine! Create something that includes at least one canon, or fanon, character death. This could be Rose related or hot-dog centric, or it could be a creation of your own making! (Looking @ all of you people killing Carlos) Please remember to tag your deaths with the appropriate trigger warnings!
Thursday, November 11th - Day Five - Hurt/Comfort Day
Today’s the day to put somebody Through It™, and have someone else there for support! This can be either physical or emotional hurt/comfort. Think sickfics, heartbreak, death day anniversaries, guilt spirals, misplaced blame or post-fight comfort (both verbal and physical fights are okay as long as any physical scenes aren’t graphic or are kept appropriate for a T rating).
Friday, November 12th - Day Six - Character Centric Day
Create something based around one character, a study if you will. Do you want to explore what it must have been like for Alex living with his parents after coming out? Maybe you’d rather delve into Luke’s fights with Emily or Julie dealing with the aftermath of Rose’s death? Would you like to experience a day/night in Reggie’s house or wonder why Willie is so afraid of Caleb? Today is the day for you! Can be pre, during, or post canon.
Saturday, November 13th - Day Seven - Flangst (Fluff/Angst) Day
As a wind-down for all the angst, and so that @flynn-taylor​ doesn’t completely disown all of us, create something with both fluffy and angsty elements! Think of flangst as a reverse sour patch kid - first it’s sweet, and then it’s sour. This type of angst is meant to be interwoven with moments of soft fluff. As our resident anti-angst mod has so lovingly referred to it, this is a bit of fluff deception.
We can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with for this event! We hope you all have fun with it— please make sure to follow the rules and water your plants when the spray bottles come up!! Feel free to reach out with any questions you might have. Our ask box will always be open!
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