#i keep making merlin crack post i m so sorry it is the only thing i can do at this point
tongjaitongjai · 1 year
Immortal Merlin, who lives through many names and identities to the point that he comes up with the most ridiculous fake names that ever existed because what’s the point of being immortal if you can’t have fun? By 2023, his new identity is one of the most respected medical scientists and a prestige university professor with triple PhDs, and his name is Professor Megatron Excaliburson.
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frost-queen · 3 months
Starcrossed lovers // part 3 (Reader x Peter Parker) NWH
Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn, @minimin1993, @narniansmagic, @benonlinear, @canthebest1, @mellowdreamlandpost-blog, @thewhitewolfmarvel, @freek12569, @bookloverfilmoholic, @cigarettedaydreamsandcofee, @qalijahbydior, @gabriella-aesthetic, @fallenxjas
Summary: Peter would do anything to get back to you. Hoping with the help of the sorcerer of his earth, he will reach his goals. Will he venture through earths? If so what would he find beyond? [ part 1 & part 2 & part 4 & part 5 ]
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Aunt May knocked on Peter’s door. There wasn’t an immediate response so she was hesitant to go in anyways. – “Peter?” – she spoke knocking once more. Listening in on the door, she still had no response. Having a bit enough of it, she tried to open the door, only to be greeted by a blunt force. The door wasn’t budging as far as she wanted. Something in front of it preventing the door from opening more. – “Peter! What is blocking the door.” – she called out through the crack.
She kept pushed the door in an attempt to get the thing in front of the door to move. She gave it a hard push, hearing books drop to the ground. – “Peter!” – she repeated being able to open the door a bit more, seeing the ravage in his room. Books and papers scattered around like mad man’s house. Peter sat on his bed, lifting his head up with confused hum.
The moment he saw Aunt May trying to havoc her way through, he jumped up to assist her. He picked up some books, laying them aside on another piling stack on his desk to clear the way. – “What is the meaning of this?” – she asked too stunned to understand more.
Peter picked up some paper from the floor, holding it in his hand. He chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head. – “It’s a hobby.” – he answered sheepishly. Aunt May looked around, her expression with disgust. – “More like an obsession.” – she muttered trying to make her way further into his room. She picked up a book to read the title. – “Dimension travels?” – she questioned loudly, holding the book up to Peter.
“That’s… that’s…” – Peter answered making his way over to her. He snatched the book from her, keeping it close to his chest. Her eyes fell on some drawings as she showed them to him. – “Portals? Space travels? Peter what are you on about?” – she asked desperate. Peter took the drawings from her, looking saddened down at them.
“You… you wouldn’t understand.” – he simply said. – “Then let me try? Peter you’ve been neglecting your life with this obsession.” – she lectured hating to see him like this. – “It’s not an obsession!” – Peter shouted at her, losing a bit of his temper.
It startled Aunt May. He immediately regretted losing his temper like that against her. – “I’m… I’m sorry Aunt May.” – he apologized. Aunt May sympathized coming closer to him. – “I know you are struggling after Y/n’s death…” – she said touching his cheek. – “But you have to let her go.” – she begged wanting to hug him.
Peter backed away, not wanting her pity. – “I can’t.” – he told her. – “Peter look around! You’re going down a path I cannot follow. Y/n is gone and you have to accept that.” – she slightly raised her voice to get through to him. – “Don’t say that!” – he shouted back at her, not wanting to hear it.
You were not gone. You were just on another earth, far away from him. – “Peter!” – Aunt May yelled losing her composure. – “Y/n is dead and you are just going to have to accept that! Now get dressed and get to work!” – Aunt May finally had enough. She had snapped and acted it out on Peter.
Peter moved towards her, grabbing her by the arm to push her out of  his room. He shut the door hard in her face. He had never done this and felt a bit ashamed of it. It was just, she wasn’t understanding it. How could he move on from you, knowing you were alive on another earth. Now that he had tasted sweetness, he craved more.
Peter looked down at the drawing of Strange’s portal he had drawn himself ever since he came back. Strange. His eyes widened realizing something. Peter got dressed and ran out of the house. – “Peter?” – Aunt May asked as he completely ignored her and rushed out. She sighed soft, hoping she wasn’t too harsh on him and that he soon forgave her. Peter hopped onto the first subway, taking him to his destination. If your earth had a Spiderman, his earth should have a Dr. Strange as well. Right?  
Only one way to find out. Peter stared out of the window as the subway rushed past. He briefly looked down at his phone, lighting his screen up with a picture of you and him. – “I’m coming for you Y/n.” – he whispered blackening the screen again. Finding Strange wasn’t easy. He had little information of the man. He searched the streets thoroughly. Looking at each face to one that would match the description of the wizard he had known on your earth.
When that was a wild goose chase, he decided to focus on the building. Something Peter, your Peter had told him. He tried searching it up with little results. Groaning frustrated, he started to wonder if he even existed here. – “Where the hell is this man!” – Peter called out, making some by-passers turn their head and stare confused at him.
Feeling a bit lost in a foreign city, Peter was ready to give up. He seated himself down on some stone steps leading to a big door. Exhaling deep he let his head fall back against the door. Closing his eyes, he didn’t want to cry. The feeling of letting you slip through his fingers again was agony. It was pure hell. Being so close, yet not close enough. The door knob turned as the door opened. Peter’s eyes widened open as he felt the space behind him disappear.
He called it out when he fell backwards. With a loud oof he hit the hard floor. Opening his eyes a bit, he was greeted by a face looking down at him. Excitement reached him as he pointed heartly up to the man. – “You’re… you’re Strange!” – he exclaimed recognizing the same features of the man from your earth. – “That is doctor to you.” – Strange answered in a deep voice.
"Now get off my doorstep kid!” – Strange called out, ushering him away. – “No wait Sir!” – Peter replied waving his hands in front of him. Strange was about to close the door on him as Peter looked further back into the mansion. Stretching his arm out, he let out a web, letting himself be dragged inside right through Strange’s legs.
Strange stared stunned at the empty spot, turning his head rapidly back. – “How did you?” – he said both stunned and annoyed. Peter jumped to his feet. – “I need to talk to you.” – Peter started, panting a bit. – “Okay bye, bye kid.” – Strange said opening a portal that would flung itself at Peter. Peter gasped jumping up as he kept his hand on the ceiling. Strange’s portal passed right under him.
Strange looked surprised up to his ceiling, seeing the boy hang on it with just one hand. – “You are one annoying kid.” – Stephen sighed out. Peter dropped down on the ground. – “Listen sir… doctor.” – he corrected himself seeing the quirked eyebrow of Strange. – “I need your help. I need you to let me travel through one of your portals.” – Peter began.
Stephan laughed loud. – “I don’t have to do anything, and certainly not for breaking in kids like you.” – he pointed at Peter. Stephen turned away to a table to set himself a cup of coffee. – “Doctor please… I need to get to her earth.” – Peter explained with desperation.
Stephen spit out his coffee, turning a warningly eye at Peter. – “Did you just say her earth?” – he repeated to be sure, he had heard it correctly. – “Yes.” – Peter expressed approaching him. – “I need you to take me to her earth. You see I travelled through earths before… not so long ago some kid brought me to their earth.” – Peter explained further. Stephen hummed loud, scratching his jaw.
“I found out that someone from my earth is still alive there. She would’ve been here if it wasn’t for you!” – Peter accused. He swallowed nervously at the sudden stern glare from Strange. – “I mean your other you… not you doctor…” – Peter said to clarify. Stephen sat his cup down on the table.
“So you are telling me you travelled through earths and this other me… did this?” – Stephen asked so he was sure he understood. Peter nodded. Stephen hummed loud thoughtfully. – “So this other me travelled through parallel worlds?” – he asked.
“I don’t know… I guess… I did for sure.” – Peter replied. Stephen hummed again, deep in thoughts. – “Will… will you help me?” – Peter asked. Stephen grabbed Peter firm by the shoulder giving it a hard squeeze. – “First I need you to tell me everything!” – he led Peter further into the mansion. Peter swallowed nervously, suddenly not so sure of this man’s intentions, but he was his only hope to getting back to you. Peter explained his experience fully to him.
He told him about the portal. The other Spiderman, the villains, you. He told him everything. He explained his cause for him to understand better. – “So… so can you help me?” – Peter questioned nervously. Stephen stared at him. – “No…” – Strange answered getting up and turning his back to Peter. – “But you said!” – Peter called out, getting up as well.
“You said you’d help me!” – Peter tried to get Strange to stop walking away from him. – “Stop running!” – Peter shouted shooting a web at him. Strange’s hand got attached to the doorframe, stopping him from going any further. – “I need her! You… you have no idea what it’s like to lose someone!” – Peter called out angry that he was going to do nothing.
 “I do!” – Strange replied harsh, looking over his shoulder to him. – “But… but earth travel…” – he wanted to turn more to Peter, but was prevented cause of the web. He cursed at the web, trying to pull it off. – “Get this thing off me!” – he yelled making Peter rush at him to help him free. – “Earth travel is a dangerous thing kid. It’s not because she died here, you can simply replace her with another copy.” – he told him.
“She’s not a copy!” – Peter made clear with a glare. Stephen moved his hands up as a way it wasn’t meant for him to get defensive. – “She won’t belong here. What do you think the people would say that knew her? Her family? Their daughter risen from the dead?” – Stephen explained trying to reason with him. – “I’ll just move to another city with her.” – he answered. – “It’s not that simple kid.” – Strange sighed out. – “Please… just let me try… I just need you to open a portal to her earth, allow me to get her and bring her here.”
“And how do you think you’ll get back? I have no glass orb that can see when you are ready to leave kid.” – Stephen said giving another stomp in Peter’s dreams. – “I…I don’t know…” – Peter sighed out letting himself fall in a seat. Stephen took a deep breath, approaching him. – “Look I get it kid, you would do anything to get her back, but it isn’t that easy. It could create some serious issues.” – Stephen went on to explain.
“You can’t save everybody, kid.” – Stephen placed a hand on Peter’s shoulder. – “I have… I have to try… I won’t forgive myself if I haven’t tried it at least.” – with desperation and sorrow, looked he up to Strange. Begging him to give him a try. To let him try it. – “Wouldn’t you try it if it was about the one you loved? Wouldn’t you give everything just to be with her again?”
“I would.” – Strange answered thinking back of Christine. The girl he let slip through his fingers because of his own mistakes. His own bitterness and rudeness had pushed her away. He took her for granted and now all was lost. Married off to someone else, that never could be him. Peter felt hopeful from Strange’s reaction. Stephen clapped loud in his hands. – “Alright kid! Let’s break through the walls of space.” – he announced.
Peter jumped back up following Strange with a new hope. It took them several days to get even close to their mission. Figuring out a good plan to get Peter in and out along with you. To find a way to travel through earths. Finally the day had come for their experiment. Peter stood ready, anxious to enter your world once more. – “Here.” – Strange said holding out a watch.
Peter accepted it questionable. – “It will allow you to open your own portal once you have her.” – he told him. – “Where did you get this?” – Peter asked. – “An ant gave it to me.” – Stephen answered with a chuckle, leaving Peter confused. Peter put on the watch over his spiderman suit.
“What earth was she on again?” – Stephen asked. – “Earth-199999.” – Peter replied, having remembered the numbers so thoughtfully. Stephen looked at the drawing Peter had made of the very place he entered your earth first. – “Let’s hope this works kid… if not… it was nice knowing you.” – he commented casually making Peter gulp. –“Thank… thank you Doctor.” – Peter said holding his hand out.
“Please…” – Stephen answered grabbing his hand to shake. – “Call me Stephen.” – Peter smiled feeling as if he had made an alley, perhaps even a friend. All those days spend with him using his wits on science and Strange’s wits on sorcery brought them closer. – “Ready?” – Stephen asked. Peter put his mask on. – “Ready.” – he breathed out.
Stephen moved his hands across, circling a portal open. Tiny sparks frizzled in the centre. It made Peter nervous and anticipating the moment he’d see you again. The sparks grew bigger as Peter took a deep breath. Slowly he could see the other side as he slowly started to recognize it. He smiled underneath his mask. This was it.
The portal grew wider as it was wide enough for him to step through. With one last deep breath, he stepped forwards, traveling through earths. On the other side sat Ned at the table, eating cereal. His jaw dropped as his spoon clattered against the bowl from having fallen out of his hands. Peter took off his mask upon seeing Ned. He looked around to see if it was the room he remembered.
It was just as he remembered. – “Ned!” – Peter called out excited. Ned’s eyes widened in fear. – “You… you know my name…” – he said stuttering. – “Yes, Ned It’s me Peter Parker… I was here not so long ago… well I’m not sure just how long with all that space jumping.” – Peter replied, muttering the last bit to himself. Ned pointed at Peter and let out a loud scream of help. It startled and confused Peter.
“No, no, Ned. It’s me.” – Peter answered as Ned’s chair fell as he backed away. Ned screamed again in fear. – “Ned!” – Peter called out moving closer to him. Ned took off as Peter shot a web out to him. Ned got stuck against the wall. – “Sorry.” – Peter apologized with his hands up. – “You were panicking Ned. I can’t have you panic.” – Peter went on, nearing Ned. – “I don’t have any money.” – Ned squeaked out, struggling against the web. Peter frowned. – “I don’t want your money.”
Peter sighed feeling as he wasn’t going anywhere with him. – “Look…” – Peter said pinching his nose bridge. – “Just tell me where I can find Y/n.” – Peter asked. – “Y/n? What do you want with Y/n?” – Ned questioned suddenly less fearful. – “Are you going to use her for your evil plan?” – Ned called out. – “Evil plan? What no Ned!” – Peter answered confused. – “I am just looking for her.” – Ned turned his head. – “I won’t tell you anything villain!” – Ned shouted, confusing Peter more.
He started to realize something might be wrong, but he had no time for it. – “Just tell me where she is!” – he called out desperately grabbing a hold of Ned. Ned sobbed out the address. Peter thanked Ned, releasing him once again before going after you. He shot out a web, flying above the city between the buildings to reach his destination sooner. Excitement took over as he felt himself smile. Finally he was going to be reunited with you again. His pride and glory.
Peter dropped down on the ground, staring at you through the window. There you were. Just within reach. Sitting down in a small coffee shop surrounded by books. Taking a deep breath, he let himself in. Not caring one bit if people stared at his costume without the mask. He neared your table. You sensed someone approaching, slowly looking up. – “Hi.” – he spoke almost fragile. – “Hi.” – you responded. The person smiled saddened.
You kept smiling at him, till it felt a bit awkward. – “I’m sorry, am I taking in your spot?” – you asked. Peter’s smile dropped, shaking his head confused. – “What.. no…” – he sputtered out. He had expected you to jump in his arms. To be rejoiced at his return, yet you remained seated. Staring a bit strange at him. – “Y/n… it’s me.. Peter… Peter Parker.” – he said feeling silly to remind you of it. You tilted your head a bit with furrowed brows.
You then laughed loud. – “Funny joke. You look nothing like that nerd Peter Parker. Also what’s with the costume? It’s far from Halloween.” – you told him. Peter blinked confused back at you. – “Don’t… don’t you remember?” – he asked softly. – “Remember what?” – you questioned. – “Me?” – Peter pointed at himself with desperation. You smiled soft. – “I think I would remember meeting someone like you, but I don’t… sorry…” – you replied.
Peter turned around with a disappointed exhale. Why didn’t you remember him? Unless… - “Strange’s spell.” – Peter blurted out.
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don't worry a next part will come
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ameliora-j · 3 years
twin flame ii // gw x reader
words: 2k
warnings: angst. like a LOT. bestfriend breakup, mention of blood
a/n: this one is significantly shorter than the first,, sry besties :)
part one | part three | part four
your heart twisted itself in pained knots, increasing the pounding of your head tenfold. it had been this way for days now. christmas with the weasleys came and went and the tension between you and george was thick. you could barely even look at each other without passing hard glares. you had all planned to go to the field at the back of the burrow and play quidditch, and you were currently tasked with collecting george. you knocked gently on the twins’ door before opening it. “hi georgie,” you beamed.
“hello butterfly,” he spat the nickname bitterly and you were taken aback. you ignored the twinge of pain in your chest as you stepped further into the room.
“um… we’re all gonna go and play quidditch. if you wanna join,” you offered a smile. “i need my broom partner,” you had never learned how to fly a broom. you figured life should be lived on the ground, the way merlin intended it to be.
“no thanks,” he grumbled.
“c’mon georgie, we’re the dream team!” you persisted.
“why don’t you ask charlie to be apart of your dream team. seems he’s already replaced me with everything else in your life,” the last part was muffled, not intended for your ears, but you still heard it. you furrowed your brows slightly before answering.
“don’t be silly georgie, i can’t play quidditch without my partner. you can’t break up the dream team,” you pushed, ignoring your confusion.
“yn, i’d really rather not watch you eye-fuck my brother. go ask him to be on your team. or better yet, learn to fly a broom. it’s truly not that hard of a task, even a simpleton such as yourself should be able to catch on quickly,” he seethed.
your heart skipped a beat as it sunk to your stomach and tears pooled at your bottom lash line. you nodded once and pivoted on your heel to leave the room. you sniffled quietly as you closed the door to his room and went downstairs. “george?” fred asked as you came into view.
“he doesn’t wanna play,” you murmured half heartedly as you pushed passed the group of people to go outside. you released a sigh as you plunked yourself down onto the grass, lying back and throwing your arms over your eyes as you forced yourself to keep your tears at bay.
“hey, ynn, c’mon you can fly with me,” charlie offered with a smile as he held a strong arm out to you.
“nah, ‘s okay charlie. i’ll watch with fleur and hermione,” you murmured softly.
charlie’s brows furrowed slightly. you had never called him ‘charlie.’ it was always ‘char char.’ “you okay?” he asked and you simply nodded in response. he released a sigh as he jogged to the center of the field where his other siblings, and harry, were at.
“what happened mon amour?” fleur asked you softly.
“he called me stupid,” you sniffled. “said i replaced him with charlie but i didn’t,” you whimpered softly as you confided in the two girls sat on your sides. “he hates me. this was a stupid plan. ‘m just gonna go home,” you sobbed softly, causing fleur to pull your head to her lap as she trekked her fingers through your hair.
“i’m sorry, yn. i didn’t know he would react like this,” hermione spoke softly.
“not your fault, mione,” you murmured half heartedly as you stood and wiped your eyes. “‘m gonna go home,” you released a shaky breath as you pushed yourself to stand.
you dusted your bottom off as you walked back into the burrow. you waved your wand, packing your stuff neatly in your bag before you wrote a note, thanking molly and arthur and left it on the counter. you grabbed your bag and headed to the fireplace, throwing the floo powder and taking yourself to your childhood home.
“hey yn!” your older brother greeted. “thought you were spending break with the weasleys?” he asked, confused.
“yeah,” you murmured despondently as you walked up to your room.
“okay?” his brows furrowed slightly. when you got to your room, you took out a pair of sweatpants and a gryffindor sweatshirt that you stole from george’s wardrobe and forced yourself to shower.
the water was hot. boiling even. you should have flinched at the heat. screamed. cried. something. but you didn’t. you couldn’t. you were uncomfortably numb. so you just stood there, unmoving, staring at the shower wall as the scorching hot water fell over your body. your breaths came out irregularly as you stood there. your body was screaming for you to get out. to turn down the heat of the water. to do something to stop the pain of the burns. but your mind told you that you deserved this. you needed to feel something other than the pain twisting around in your chest.
by the time you stepped out, your skin was tinted with a slight pinkish color. you took a ragged breath in as you dried yourself off and pulled on the sweatpants and sweatshirt. you didn’t even bother brushing through your hair as you pulled up the hoodie and tied the strings tightly. you whimpered soft as your tears made a trail on the floor on your trek back to your room. you crawled out of your window and climbed up to the roof. you ended up falling asleep on your roof, exhausted from the weight of your tears.
you spent the rest of your christmas break—and longer—at your own home. you didn’t return untill fred had owled you telling you had three more days of paid vacation for the year. you flooed to your shared apartment with the twins and changed into your uniform, brushing through the knots in your hair that had accumulated over the days you laid in bed, sulking. you walked down the stairs into the shop as you pulled your hair into a ponytail and took your post at the till. “sorry ‘m late,” you murmured to fred, who appeared to be filling in for you at the present moment.
“you okay, bunny?” fred asked as he slid over so you could take over. you could only manage a despondent hum as you began working.
“thank you for shopping with weasley’s wizard wheezes, were you able to find everything okay today?” you asked the young wizard at the counter with a smile that didn’t reach your eyes.
that’s basically how the rest of your day went. forcing your tears back everytime george had to speak to you and being only half present with the customers instead of your usual lively self. when the day had ended and george locked the doors, you walked into the twins’ office and handed fred an envelope. “what’s this, bunny?” he asked you.
“my two weeks,” you murmured softly.
“you’re quitting?” he asked with raised brows.
“yeah,” you murmured. “found a job uh… closer to home. my brothers will be by to collect my stuff tomorrow,” you told him. “‘m gonna go pack,” you didn’t let fred say more as you quickly turned on your heel and walked back up to the apartment. “sorry,” you murmured as you bumped into george on your way up. he only gave you a distracted grunt in response.
as you walked up the stairs, you heard the argument brew between fred and george on your behalf. “fix her!” fred demanded.
“i didn’t do anything!” george defended.
“you broke her,” fred pushed back.
“she’s fine,” you could practically hear george roll his eyes.
“she’s quitting.” fred deadpanned.
“what?” george asked, shock lacing his tone.
“and she’s moving back with her brothers. so go and fix her. make this right,” you decided to end your eavesdropping here and rushed upstairs and into george’s room, where all your things were kept. you knelt on the floor as you took out your suitcases. you were halfway done when you heard the door creak open.
“butterfly?” your heart twisted and tears stung the backs of your eyes at the nickname you hadn’t heard in over a week. “whatcha up to?” he asked.
“packing,” you murmured softly, but he heard. and boy did he miss your voice like hell.
“for what?” he asked curiously as he sat on his bed.
“‘m moving back home. got a new job,” never once did you look up from your task, for you knew if you did, you would break.
“where at, butterfly?” he knelt on the floor in front of you as he began to help you fold your clothes.
“some muggle bookstore. ‘s close to the house,” your murmurs could barely be heard over the loud thumping of both of your hearts. however, george picked up on every word. he grasped your hands in his, effectively stopping your progress. “george please,” you whispered.
“look at me, butterfly,” he demanded softly.
“george,” you repeated a little bit louder.
“look at me. and tell me this will make you happy. and i will let you walk out that door.” you didn’t. you couldn’t. you knew that this isn’t what you wanted as well as he did. “you can’t, right? because it won’t,” he pointed out.
“i can’t be here, george. i don’t want to be,” you told him, still refusing to meet his gaze.
“why? because of me? because i will leave. yn, if that’s what it takes to make you happy, then i will walk out of that door and go back to live with mum. you only ever have to see me in a professional setting. and i’ll communicate with you through fred at work,” he spoke seriously.
“i don’t want that, george. and neither do you,” you told him.
“i don’t, but if it makes you happy then that’s what you’ll get,” he told you.
“no george!” you shouted.
“then what do you want?!” he shouted back.
“you george!” you yelled, finally meeting his gaze. “i want you! i’ve only ever wanted you but you’re too fucking stupid to see what’s right in front of you! i mean merlin’s beard george i’ve been in bloody love with you since fifth fucking year but you’re never seen it!” you finally released all the emotions you’ve been holding in for years. “i just wanted you,” you whispered softly, your voice cracking as tears fell.
you pushed yourself to stand from the floor and waved your wand, packing the rest of your stuff as you grabbed your suitcase. “butterfly, i-“ you quickly cut him off.
“don’t, george.” there was acrimony written all over your tone. “i don’t want your pity.” you sniffled and hastily wiped your eyes. you passed fred on your way out.
“yn?” he asked softly.
“bye fred,” you murmured softly. “i changed my mind. my resignation is effective immediately. i won’t be in tomorrow.”
“yn wait,” fred called.
“please don’t,” you shook your head. “d-don’t try and get me to stay. please just… just leave me alone,” you sniffled.
“i’m sorry…” he spoke softly. you just shook your head and wiped your tears away as you flicked your wand to apparate back home. when you landed on the road a few miles away from your house, you let out a wail of agony. your arm had splinched during the apparition process. you took a deep breath and pushed yourself through it. you knew this was a bad idea. every wizarding book in history advised against it. even a muggle would know not to. but you pushed past the thoughts to apparate into your living room.
“yn!” your older brother shouted as he saw you, blood pouring from your splinched right arm. you were only able to take two steps before you fell to the floor of your living room. you let out a soft groan and a whine of agony before closing your eyes, letting the feelings consume you. the pain in your arm cancelled out the pain in your chest as you let darkness overcome you, falling into the void, listening to the frantic screaming voices of your siblings.
stupid feelings. stupid boys. stupid george weasley. stupid twin flame.
twin flame. it’s almost laughable now. what a lie.
tags: @i-love-scott-mccall @ellerosie2332 @rmvb24 @astralpcrker @daisybloommm @maybeisthemoon @moonliightbabes @stormi-ames @jochim322 @coninl @melonoptimist @lunajoyce3 @clairdemoony @mangoberry99 @imclueless @enya-2004 @prongsyy @lol-whoandwhat-is-dis @burnfleur @anything444ourmoony @horrorxweasley @alicecullens-gf @theincredibledeadlyviper @georgeweasleyshoe3697 @narwhalebaby
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imagines-by-rose · 4 years
New Recruit - FINAL
Hello, lovelies! I’ve decided to go ahead and post the last of the fic as one big finale rather than break it into small chapters. Thank you all so much for reading!
Summary: Y/n is brought into Kingsman as Lancelot after the events leading to Roxy’s death, and Eggsy is furious. As the two work together to stop a notorious jewel thief, however, attitudes change - and feelings develop.
Pairing: Eggsy Unwin x Reader
Genre: Angst w/ a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Near Death Experience, Cursing, Blood
An ‘out of body experience’ wasn’t exactly how y/n would’ve described it.
She was very much in her body, but it wasn’t hers. The now foreign limbs felt unimaginably long as her consciousness nestled itself fully behind her eyes; two enormous windows that cut through the darkness, showing her an unknown, yet vaguely familiar world. She looked on passively -- curiosity her only motivation, if one could even call it that.
He was crying, she noticed, his trembling hands firmly pressed against a wound that was now miles away.
It all seemed so strange to her. She felt nothing; her pain long forgotten. Why was he still trying to staunch the bleeding? Didn’t he know it wasn’t her anymore?
How odd.
Indifferent, she continued to watch him attempt to fix the empty body. Sometimes, if she focused, she could even hear his pleads echo in the fog around her.
“Please, y/n! I love you. Please don’t leave me--”
She almost pitied him. He looked so...sad, wasting his time on someone who didn’t even exist anymore.
It was only when those windows began to close that she truly remembered fear. She may not have felt any attachment to the world in view, but she dreaded the boredom that she knew would surely come with oblivion.
She let out a silent scream -- for a moment she thought she heard him scream with her -- as the waning light was finally snuffed out, leaving her in darkness.
*  *  *  *  *  *
Eggsy could only watch helplessly as her eyes closed, her body now completely limp.
He cried out in horror, his instincts letting him do little else.
“NO! No, no no no! I can’t lose you, too! Stay with me. Open your eyes, y/n, come on! Please. Please!”
Her wound continued to weep blood, mocking his attempts to slow it.
“Merlin! Where the fuck is the damn evac team?!”
“They’re going as fast as they can, Eggsy! They’re nearly there, just a few more seconds!”
“She hasn’t fucking got seconds!” he bellowed. “I need them here NOW!”
His whole body was shaking. It was all he could do to apply more pressure to her chest. He felt useless.
“Please, baby” he begged, “don’t you fucking die on me. You can’t leave me like this, love. I need you here. I need you.”
Just then the doors burst open, a rush of Kingsman medics racing toward them.
Eggsy sobbed in relief.
*  *  *  *  *  *
The first thing she saw was the clock.
She had no idea how long she’d been staring at it, her consciousness coming in waves. She could’ve sworn the minute hand sat by the three, but now it was hovering near eleven.
Where am I?
As her awareness grew, her eyes traveled around the room. Fluorescent lights were embedded in the tiled ceiling, and she noticed a track that carried a thin blue curtain. There was a window to her right -- is it nighttime? -- and a doorway to her left. Various medical instruments stood everywhere, a faint electric ring sounding every few seconds.
A hospital. So I’m alive, then.
She continued taking in her surroundings when she noticed a light pressure on the bed. She looked for the source, her eyes landing on Eggsy. He was sat in a chair, his head resting on her bedside as he slept. He held her hand so close that his soft breaths landed on her knuckles and his stubble just brushed against her fingers. He must not have shaved in a week, at least.
Still in a daze herself, y/n watched him sleep, admiring how peaceful he looked.
It occurred to her, then, why she was there in the first place. She had been shot, and Eggsy had been the one to save her. With guilt she remembered his desperate cries as he did everything he could to keep her awake. She could see now how worn his features were despite his relaxed state.
He must have been through hell.
Pain shot through her and she sucked in a choked breath, her senses fully returning. Eggsy’s sleep must not have been as deep as it appeared, as he was immediately upright and fawning over her with concern.
“Y/n? You’re awake. What can I do? How can I help?”
She tried to sit up. A pained cry left her as her ribcage screamed in protest. Eggsy’s hand came to rest on her shoulder, preventing her from moving any further.
“Woah, hey, easy now” he cooed. “Don’t try to move too much, yeah? That’s what the bed’s for, love.”
Strong arms carefully held her as if she were glass. Eggsy propped cushions behind her, hoping to make her as comfortable as possible while the bed readjusted to a more upright position.
“That better?” he asked after easing her back onto the pillows. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
Y/n nodded, her movements strained.
“T-thank…you” she managed through harsh breaths.
I feel like I haven’t spoken in days. How long have I been here?
“I’ll call the nurse. They can give you something for the pain.” He pressed a chaste kiss to her cheek. “I’ll be right back, y/n.”
Y/n tried to take even breaths, focusing on moving as little as possible. It wasn’t long before Eggsy returned, followed by a woman in a white coat. Y/n didn’t miss the Kingsman insignia on her clipboard.
“I've brought the doctor, love” Eggsy said, taking her hand. “You’ll feel better in no time. Promise.”
The doctor spoke in a kind voice. “Hello, y/n. I’m Dr. O’Malley. Glad to see you’ve finally woken up, Eggsy here hasn’t left your side at all these past ten days, you know. Maybe now you can help me get him off my nurses’ backs, hm?” she laughed good naturedly.
Y/n managed a smile, but she was sure it looked more like a grimace.
Ten days? I’ve been here for ten days?
No wonder she felt so weak.
Dr. O’Malley put something in y/n’s IV drip -- has that been in my hand this whole time? -- and the pain was almost immediately overtaken by a soothing warmth.
“There. That should feel better.”
Y/n sighed in relief, her body relaxing. “Much. Thank you.”
“This medicine can cause fatigue, so don’t be alarmed if you begin to feel groggy. I’ll give you a while to adjust, and then I’ll be back to run a few quick tests to see how you’re improving. Sound good?”
Y/n nodded.
“Great. Call if you need anything, you two.”
The room was quiet when she left. Eggsy was rubbing gentle circles into y/n’s palm. His eyes were somber and he looked like he wanted to speak, but his mouth kept closing as if he couldn’t.
He took in a shaky breath. “Y’know…you gave me a real scare, love. I don't want to think of what could've happened, if-- "
Eggsy’s voice cracked. His lips pulled into a tight line, brows furrowed.
Y/n brought her free hand to his face, prompting red-rimmed eyes to meet hers. He looked miserable.
“Oh, Eggsy…”
She pulled him into her, guiding his head to the crook of her neck and rubbing soothing circles on his back. He was careful of her injuries, even then, making sure not to put too much weight against her. She held him while he processed everything that had happened.
Y/n kissed his head. “Eggsy, you’ve been through so much. I don’t even know how to thank you.”
He sat up, y/n’s hand affectionately following to wipe his tears. He put his hand over hers. “You don’t have to thank me, love. You went through the worst of it, anyway. I’d do it all again if I had to.” He turned to kiss her palm, his lips lingering over the soft skin. His eyes closed in relief.
She’s awake. She’s okay.
He threw her a sideways glance. “That doesn’t mean you have permission to get shot again, you know,” he teased.
Y/n chuckled. “I won’t make a habit of it, I promise.” Her expression grew dark as the severity of what happened settled in. She felt her own eyes well with tears. “But I’m serious, Eggsy. I’m sorry you had to go through that. I remember everything. You were so upset.” She sniffed. “I just-- I wish I could’ve-- ”
“I was upset because I love you.”
Her eyes widened.
Eggsy’s gaze never faltered and he threaded his fingers with hers. “I love you, y/n.” He quirked a brow. “Didn’t you hear me in the museum? And here I thought you remembered everything.” He faked offense, pulling their entwined hands to his chest and closing his eyes, drawing a tearful laugh from y/n. “I confessed my heart to her and she doesn’t even remember. I knew she was a wicked woman!” he shook his head.
“Oh, shove it. I love you, too, cheeky. And I already told you, I’m lovely, so don’t you start that nonsense again.”
He leaned forward, grinning. “You’re wonderful, love.”
They shared a tender kiss, Eggsy’s free hand lightly caressing y/n’s cheek as he rubbed her tears away. Y/n rested her head on his shoulder when they reluctantly parted, exhaustion beginning to overtake her.
“‘M Sorry. Guess those miracle drugs are finally kicking in, huh?”
She felt his chuckle resound in his chest. “S’alright, sweetheart. You should get some rest.”
Her head tilted up towards him. “And what about you? Dr. O’Malley said you’d been here ten days. You need to take better care of yourself, Eggsy. Have you eaten? Tell me you haven’t slept in that chair every night.”
He pressed a quick kiss to her nose.
The woman’s been shot and she’s worried about me. What am I gonna do with her?
Eggsy laughed, peppering y/n’s face with kisses while he spoke. “I have eaten. Merlin made sure of that. He says hi, by the way. And you win -- I won’t tell you that I’ve slept in the chair every night,” he smirked.
Y/n sighed, exasperated. “Baby, no, that’s not fair,” y/n tutted in protest, but the grogginess in her voice did little to make her sound commanding. Eggsy helped her lie back while he readjusted the bed. She squeezed his hand with what little strength she had left. “Don’t sleep in the chair again, s’not good for you. This bed is big enough, you should come up ‘ere with me. I’ll scoot over.”
Eggsy laughed. “Don’t you worry about me. I’m messing with you, love. They have cots here so I’ll be just fine. You caught me nappin’ is all. I can rest easy now that you’ve woken up.”
Y/n closed her eyes, her voice growing faint. She sighed into Eggsy’s touch as he softly brushed his fingers through her hair. “M’kay. Promise me you’ll eat something. And tell Merlin hi.”
“I promise, sweetheart. And I will.”
Eggsy brought his lips to her forehead. His smile was the last thing y/n felt before drifting off to a restful sleep.
A/N: That’s it! I had a lot of fun writing this, and I really appreciate all of you who’ve read/liked/reblogged my posts! It really means a lot. I plan to keep writing and have a few imagines in mind, and who knows? Maybe I’ll start taking requests soon ;)
‘Til next time!
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faustrinus · 4 years
* Drarry (TW: mentions of blood and injuries). This is my second time posting this haha I am sorry. “Bloody hell, Potter.”
Harry lifted his head, staring at the blood pooling from his torso, “Yeah, it’s really bloody,” he agreed, “in case you couldn't tell.”
“This is no time for jokes, you git!” Draco rushed over, fumbling for his wand. “What did you do?”
Draco staunched the bleeding with a flick of his wrist and sighed, trying to assess the damage. How did I end up here? He asked himself for the hundredth time. Finding your Auror partner bleeding out on your driveway should be a strange sight, but it was one that Draco was all too familiar with.
“Where is the injury?” he asked, siphoning the blood off the ground with his wand.
“'m fine,” Harry slurred, mumbling something incoherent under his breath.
“Bullshit, where is it?”
Harry huffed. “Torso. Right side.”
The injury was starting to bleed again, so Draco didn't waste any more time. The slash across his ribs had torn a hole in Harry’s robes, so Draco used his hands to widen the hole to get a better look at the area. By now, the blood was pooling again- and the way Harry was squirming like a fish out of water was making it worse.
“Stop moving!” Draco snapped, using his hands to press on Harry’s ribs.
“It hurts.”
“I know, but it will hurt a lot more if you keep moving. Just listen to me for once in your bloody life.”
“Fine, just-” Harry gestured with a limp hand. “try and make it quick.”
Are you really in the position to be bossing me around? Draco shook his head, trying to remain calm. Healing was easier when you were calm, and Draco needed a steady grip on his wand for this to work.. He couldn't let Harry die, not like this.
Draco pointed his wand at the wound, forcing his arm to stop shaking as he began muttering an incantation that made Harry wonder if Malfoy was singing to him at that moment by the tone every word was pronounced, the wand tracing the long injury slowly, it seemed like he knew exactly what he was doing, coming from some knowledge buried deep down in his memory. The flow of blood got slower and there was less, provoking a breath of relief from Draco, the spell was repeated one more time before the wound started to knit itself, making Harry flinch in discomfort for the suddenly burning sensation in the area. At least he's alive. “Now that you're not dying, could you tell me what on Merlin's beard happened here?”
“Thieves. They were trying to get into your house.”
“Potter. While I appreciate the concern,” and Draco coughed to hide the fact his heartbeat was louder than he expected it to be, “I am, in fact, fully able to defend myself.”
“Even without magic? The Ministry wouldn't like knowing you performed magic in front of muggles.”
“I would have managed.”
Harry raised an eyebrow, “Really?”
“That doesn't matter. Why were you outside of my house?”
Harry tried to shrug, wincing from the movement and biting back a whimper, “I was just checking on you.”
“Checking on me? Why?”
“I haven't seen you at work in a few days. I wanted to find out if something happened to my partner.”
My partner. Draco was thankful that the streetlights were dim enough that this blush was hidden. "Luckily, it seems like no one saw anything," Draco changed the subject, "so if you could get up-" Draco cut himself off as he got a better look at Harry's face. "Is that a black eye?"
“Ehm.. yes?” Harry prodded at his eye, “I think so.”
“You think so?”
“Well, I dunno, you're the one who can see me,” Harry grumbled, he made no move to get up.
Draco pinched the bridge of his nose. Did Harry have any survival instincts? He'd survived dozens of harrowing situations- both during and after Hogwarts- and yet here he was, bleeding and bruised on Draco's driveway. If Harry always acted like this when his life was at stake... it was a wonder that he hadn't been killed yet.
“Come on, let's get you inside," Draco sighed, "before someone sees.”
“You didn't mind that earlier. When I was drowning on my own blood.”
“That's because I wasn't interested in your blood staining my best rug, Potter," Draco said dryly, "besides, your life is a little more important than the Statute of Secrecy.”
“Thanks for that, I think. Can't wait to see your fancy rug.”
Draco huffed and slipped an arm under Harry's back to help him sit, cringing inwardly at the blood that soaked through his robes. He just needed to get Harry inside and make sure he wasn't about to die- and then he could worry about the states of his clothes. “I think I'm okay,” Harry grunted, relying heavily on Draco to stand.
“Careful,” Draco said sharply, “the wound is only knitted. It'll still hurt. “
”'m fine,” Harry insisted, but he let Draco wrap his arm around his waist anyways, "What about my glasses?”
“Draco cast his eyes to the ground, but he couldn't see anything in the darkness. “I'll find them later." he said.
Harry nodded and shuffled forward, and he would have fallen over if it wasn't for Draco supporting nearly his entire weight.
“You alright?” Draco asked tentatively.
“Yeah,” Harry grimaced, "doesn't hurt so bad."
Draco nodded, pretending not to notice the way Harry was gritting his teeth. He resolved to use a pain relief spell as soon as they were inside.
They both started walking towards the black door that opened itself with a flick of Draco's wand. Harry felt a wave of warmth envelop him as they passed the threshold, like a welcoming hug for his shivering body. From the outside, Draco's house looked like it'd be similar to what time ago was the Malfoy manor, but on the inside, it was the total opposite. Rugs covered the dark wood floor under each piece of furniture, and despite the monochromatic (green, of course) colour scheme, it was still very home-like.
“Your house is much nicer on the inside," Harry said, trying to fill the awkward silence.
“I have a lot of wards to keep things warm,” Draco explained, slowly guiding Harry to the sofa, "mostly for when winter comes around since I'm generally a pretty cold person.”
Harry huffed a laugh, “cold, as in personality or…”
“Right, that too, Potter.” Draco rolled his eyes.
The candelabrum hanging above the living room was what reminded Harry the most of the Malfoy manor, with its expensive design and sparking metal accents. The sofa that Draco lead him was clearly expensive, too- and there was a certainly reason for its price. Harry sighed with relief when his body hit the soft cushions. It even smelled good- he sighed deeply as mil citrus scent- Draco's scent- surrounded him.
“I like your sofa,” Harry murmured.
Draco arched an eyebrow, the corner of his mouth quirking up in a smile, "I noticed," he said, rolling up his sleeves, and kneeling on the ground next to the sofa, "You look like a mess."
Harry tried to laugh, but he felt dizzy instead- like the world had stopped for a moment before getting back on route. His eyelids dropped, and the last thing he saw before losing consciousness was the worried expression across Draco's face. “Potter, stay here.�� And then everything went dark.
When Harry woke up he felt weak, the type of weakness where you move a little and your body sends a big alarm reminding you you're going to faint if you try to move a lot. It was annoying to feel so useless when there was probably someone out there needing his Auror services.
Well, the good thing was that he did faint once, so it wasn't that probable for him to do it again. And seeing how the wound was already recovering thanks to what seemed like Draco healing abilities, Harry's spirits lifted up, it looked so much better and it also didn't hurt half as much. It was a really well-done work.
But of course, his muscles were still aching like he had run some type of marathon.
“You're awake.”
His eyes tried to focus, but it was hard when his classes were nowhere to be able to reach them, “Did you get my glasses?”
“Good morning to you too, Potter. And yes, yes I did,”
“Morning...?” Harry mumbled, looking around for a window to check if it was truly a new day, “How much time did I sleep?”
“Like fourteen hours? It was a lot. I don't know how you can sleep so much.”
Harry yawned and looked at Draco, who was sitting on the ground next to him, a blanket covering his legs- it wasn't really clear, but Harry could see the pillow laying on the floor and the rug wrinkled under it. Connecting all the dots was easy.
“You slept on the floor?”
“Yes, I stayed to make sure you didn't die in your sleep.”
“Sweet,” He answered rolling his eyes, “Thanks. You are very good at healing.”
Draco searched for Harry's glasses and handed them over to him, they were shining clean and looked more new than ever, “I fixed and cleaned them. They probably broke when one of the … assholes yesterday hit you.”
“You're acting very nice to me,” He started putting on his glasses, “Is it because I almost died?”
Draco ignored the comment and cracked his knuckles softly, his gaze noticing how messy Harry's hair got. It was cute seeing it sticking out in different positions and falling in a funny way on the man's face, “You were saying I'm good at healing?”
“Oh, yes. You are, the wound almost doesn't hurt anymore.”
“I'm glad. I had a lot of practice, I guess I became good without noticing.” Harry knew exactly what he was talking about- the whole sectumsempra thing. He knew Draco could not have healed himself that time because of how badly injured he was at the time, but he assumed he had to learn how to treat his own wounds after it happened.
“I'm sorry about that.”
Draco tilted his head, “Sorry about what?”
“The whole... “ Harry coughed, “curse thing.”
“You weren't talking about that?”
“Not necessarily. But I guess it came to my mind now that you say it.”
Harry tried to make himself more comfortable to carry on the conversation, shifting around the couch, “Did it… leave scars?”
“Why are you asking?”
 “Knowing if I left some mark on you thanks to how irresponsible my actions were is something I deserve to know. Right?”
“You want to make sure you have reasons to feel guilty?”
“Potter…” Draco tried to convince him subtly to change the subject, but Harry was a stubborn bastard and he was about to start complaining again if Draco didn't tell him, “Yes, it did. Only one though, It wasn't healed fast enough I'm guessing..”
“I'm really sorry...Draco,” Harry tried to sit correctly, groaning when he felt a pull to the side due to the wound, “Can I see it?”
“What makes you so interested? I don't get it.”
“I don't really know. I guess…. to make sure you're okay?”
Draco couldn't help but laugh a little, “It was years ago. Why wouldn't I be okay?”
But Harry was still staring at him to what looked like his attempt of puppy eyes- how old was he again? ten?
“Just because you almost died doesn't mean now you get everything on a silver plate.”
“We haven't seen each other in a long time. As Aurors we need to have a bond.”
He really wasn't giving up.
Draco mumbled something and grabbed his wand that was laying next to him and muttered some spell. It took a few seconds for Harry to see it, there was a long scar going up from his neck to what it seemed down his chest. It wasn't really striking, but it was noticeable at a close distance. That's why Draco used a glamour charm- they were always working side to side, Harry would have already noticed and asked about it.
“It reached your neck? Merlin, it had to hurt a lot.” Draco denied softly and sighed, maintaining the charm drained his energy sometimes, “It's okay. Stop worrying about stupid things.”
Harry furrowed his eyebrows, “I almost killed you. It's not stupid.”
“I think we can both agree it's too early to talk about this, Harry.”
Harry grunted but nodded anyways, letting himself relax a little. You almost die a few times and you get all sappy he thought, brushing the thoughts away. They stayed in silence a few seconds, and Harry could sense how his heart was beating a little bit faster than usual- how was he still paranoid after what happened yesterday? It was Draco's house, both of them were there, it was safe. Yet he still could hear his heartbeat bouncing around like it was a goddamn party in his chest.
“You know… Now it's my second bad memory with a knife, not really fond of them.”
“Well, I'm glad. I would be worried if you were fond of them.”
Harry giggled softly, making Draco smile a little when he saw he had enough strength to do it. “Well, what was the first memory?”
Draco decided to get up, stretching his legs while Harry was getting ready to say whatever he was thinking about. His eyes were squinted as he searched for the memory probably already forgotten, but when the light hit his eyes Draco saw it- he remembered.
And Harry swallowed, because he actually did not want to remember it. He was trying to keep an interesting conversation, but he had exposed himself without noticing.
“I remember that when I was living with my… The Dursleys, a lot of things happened, to be honest,” Harry started, trying to ignore Draco's stare, “clearly, they weren't the nicest people on earth. I remember this one time where I was cooking and my Aunt Petunia told me she would chop off my fingers if I messed up.”
“It's not a big deal. But for some reason it stayed in my mind after all these years.”
Draco felt himself getting angry, “How old were you?”
“I don't remember. Seven? maybe eight.”
“Merlin's beard,” Draco eyes got wide, “You were a child, Harry, of course it stuck with you. And who in their right mind makes a seven-year-old cook?”
“I thought every kid had to do it. And I assumed Dudley didn't because well… he was their son.”
“And what were you? their servant?”
Harry shrugged, “I don't know. Something amongst those lines.”
Draco huffed, playing with the rings that adorned his fingers, “It sounds horrible.”
“But here I am,” Harry tried to play it off, but it was noticeable the subject was affecting him somehow, “all okay.”
Draco nodded and they stayed in an uncomfortable silence until he yawned, gaining Harry's attention- if he slept like fourteen hours, how many did Draco?
“...Did you sleep the same amount as me?”
“I can't hibernate like you, Potter.”
“So… you didn't sleep at all?”
“I slept a reasonable amount.”
Harry patted the empty space next to him, “How much is a reasonable amount?”
Draco hesitated a bit before slowly sitting next to the man- he would notice he was looking a bit tired. Well, it wasn't easy looking extremely bright when you spent most of your night making sure The Chosen One didn't die on your couch.
“...two hours.”
“What? Why? two hours is nothing. How are you even alive?”
“I have survived with less, thank you very much,” and with that the conversation was done, of that he thought until Harry tugged on his sleeve a little bit stronger that Draco could have expected, making him fall against Harry's body, he blushed instantly, pushing, “What are you doing?”
“Making sure you get some sleep.”
“And you are planning to hold me?”
Harry yawned, “Yeah, pretty much,” he tugged again, making sure Draco stayed laying on top of him comfortably, “C'mon. Sleep.”
“I'm not your dog, Harry.”
“Then stop barking and get some sleep with me.”
Draco tried to push again, but Harry was holding him strongly. If he wanted to, he could have used a spell to get free of his grab- but it was rather comfortable to lay there. For a recently injured person, it was surprising Harry wasn't complaining about how he was closely brushing his wound, “What about the wound?”
“It's okay. It doesn't hurt.”
 Draco accommodated himself, “If one Auror knows we…”
“Cuddled until we fell asleep?” Draco nuzzled his face into Harry's neck “Yes, that. If one Auror knows that, I'm going to hex you.”
“Sounds like a deal. Good night.”
“How are you still sleepy?”
Harry was already closing his eyes, “I save my tiredness in a little box in my brain and then I set it free.”
At the end, Draco stopped trying to ignore the idea. “Fuck it,” he mumbled, closing his eyes and letting his head rest on Harry's chest, hearing his heartbeat.
“Oh, wow. Now you're the one interrupting my sleep.”
“It's not that.”
“Then what?”
“You lied to me about something.”
“You're actually warm.”
“I don't understand.”
“You're warm,” Harry repeated, sighing, “I like it.”
Draco rolled his eyes, but the faint smile drawn on his lips couldn't lie.
Maybe being warm wasn't that bad when Harry Potter was cuddling you.
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lins-fandom-hub · 5 years
For family (post HPHM)
"Lin? Report for duty, miss."
"Present. What's the mission?"
"There was a raid that happened earlier today at a house near the bay. I would like you and Miss Tonks to investigate it. I'll give you the address."
"On it. Thank you."
The house was unlike anything Clara had ever seen--almost unfamiliar from her immediate memory. Dislodged bricks cascaded down the side of what was left of the walls, shattered glass glistening on the concrete paths. The once pristine garden, blossoming under her father's care, was now littered in fragile ruin. The roof, thankfully, remained intact, but there was nothing Reparo could do to the rest of the wreck.
"Wotcher, Clara." Tonks appeared at her side a moment later, her face falling the minute she saw the house. "You recognize this place?"
"This...Tonks, this was my house," the other girl told her. "The Snatchers must have raided it last night."
"And look at this wreck!" Tonks cried, looking around at the ruins. "God, Professor Sprout would not have been pleased to see the petals all over the place."
Clara sighed, a fast rush of air escaping her slightly chapped lips. "My father loved Herbology," she recalled. "He loved it enough to take such good care of any garden, even raise one for his own. Even in his busiest times, he'd take some time to water the flowers, hum a few tunes..."
No. The tears were coming, fast and thick as they brimmed in her eyes. With a quick shake of her head, she stepped over a broken flower pot and carefully travelled through the wreckage until she reached the front door.
"Alohomora," Tonks intoned, pointing her wand at the lock.
Nothing. There was no click, nothing unhinged.
"It must be unlocked," Clara murmured, twisting the knob and pushing the door inward. Sure enough, the door gave way and swung open, silent enough to enter undetected.
The inside of the house didn't look any better. Papers were torn and littered all over the tiles, the chandelier in the hall snapped by the chain and broken in millions upon millions of crystal shards. Photo frames of her family hanging on the walls--her parents, Jacob, herself, and little Em--had cracked glass spider-webbed from where something miniature hit it. Ink stains now decorated the pristine white walls, silhouetted images completely unrecognizable.
"Blimey. You'd have thought they wanted to take this house for ransom, and all because of you and your brother's exploits with the Cursed Vaults," Tonks remarked quietly, stepping in after Clara and almost tripping immediately on an umbrella stand. Clara had to hold fast to her friend's arm to stop her falling.
"They probably had a thing against those who gained a reputation so early in life," Clara responded wistfully, picking up a picture frame that held her parents on their wedding day. "My mom a writer, my dad a Herbologist, my brother a Curse-Breaker, and my sister a Potioneer...we found our purposes so early on in life." She stowed the wedding photo away in her pocket, along with an undamaged frame holding her entire family--the five of them smiling and waving eagerly in front of a camera. "It was all under my mom's influence that we figured out anything in our lives at all."
Tonks nodded silently as she strode into the study--Clara's mother's old study where she did all her writing. The books there remained untouched, weathered under use but intact nonetheless. The ink pots were gone, but otherwise there was no sign of a raid there in sight.
"Whoa," Tonks said as she pulled open a drawer to reveal a thick brown portfolio. "Did your mom really write all this?"
"Hmm?" Clara glanced over from the parlour, where she was performing Reparo on the old family piano. She recalled the joy she once had playing it, the days when music filled the empty halls and her family would feel at ease with the melodies. Her fingers lingered over the ivory keys for a moment before letting them fall to her side. "Yeah. My mother kept all her manuscripts when my brother went missing."
Tonks nodded as she put the portfolio in a messenger bag she slung over her back. "At least these meant something to your mom," she said. "She still had something to hold onto when he was taken into that portrait in the Vault."
"Yeah. But she ended up taking the worst of the impact when my brother went missing," Clara reminded her. "People started hating on her, write bad reviews for her that drove her to tears. One critic told her that she was incapable of taking care of her family, and should die for her incompetence."
"What?! No!"
Clara nodded sadly. "I have no idea how she ended up holding herself together. One way or another, she still picked herself up and sought another career. She's working with the Ministry now, too--with Tulip's parents, ironically. The Department of Magical Law Enforcement."
Suddenly, she stood up straight as a slight rustle came from her right, in the kitchen. With an uneasy glance at Tonks, she entered the kitchen on silent feet, her wand held out in front of her.
Cups and plates were moving on their own--a sight she had never seen before in all the years she stayed here. She raised her wand, flicking her wrist.
"Homenum Revelio."
As the spell wore off, she stood face to face now with an older woman with shorter black hair and brown eyes, wearing a scarlet dress that went down to her knees. Her feet were bare, yet silent as they moved across the stone floor. A closer look at the woman made Clara gape a little, while Tonks kept her wand raised.
Mrs. Lin turned to her daughter now, completely overjoyed. "Oh, Merlin! It's just you!" she cried in relief, hugging her daughter tightly. "And you must be...?"
"Tonks." Tonks smiled ruefully as she saw her friend reunited with her mother, safe and sound.
"Thank Merlin. I was only up and early making breakfast for your sister--it's the first day of her fifth year, after all--and then those imposters just broke into the house! Said they were looking for a man named Sirius Black."
"I thought something happened to you!" Clara exclaimed. "The Ministry told me it was an emergency mission!"
"Ah, yes. I keep forgetting my middle child has become a wonderful Auror!" Mrs. Lin said in awe. "No, they just...showed up out of nowhere. Men in long black cloaks and black bandannas, and masks...and they had a huge sack."
"At least tell me little Em's safe!" Clara cried. "If something happened to her..."
"I'm right here," little Em piped up now as she entered the kitchen, where her mom, sister, and friend were standing. "So, you heard of the raid?"
"I thought something happened to all of you!" Clara repeated, tears reappearing in her eyes but this time glistening in sheer relief. "We were just making sure nothing important was taken."
"No, dear. They just wanted to make sure the prisoner was caught again, sent back to Azkaban." Mrs. Lin shivered at the thought of Azkaban. "I don't want to go working there again."
"What--ohhh." Tonks only nodded as she recalled what happened that sent her to Azkaban--not as a prisoner, but more or less a detective.
Clara simply put her stowed relics back on the counter, and Tonks also put the portfolio down too. "You can repair this, can you?"
"Of course. You'd be surprised at what Reparo can actually do--or any spell, for that matter."
Mrs. Lin took out her wand and gave it a quick swish. Instantly, everything reorganized itself in its orderly place--picture frames resealed themselves without a crack, the chandelier reattached itself to the ceiling, even the papers were tucked away neatly in a nice pile on the desk in her study.
"Wow. I think I might need that spell to save my life," Tonks remarked in awe, stepping back to admire the handiwork only to bump awkwardly into little Em. "Whoops. Sorry."
"No harm done," little Em said lightly, fastening her Hufflepuff cloak around her. She then took over the stove, whipping up some porridge and toast for everyone, and in moments the four of them were eating breakfast together on the recently fixed table.
"Mm. This tastes really good," Tonks said with a full mouth. "Then again, that might be because I haven't had breakfast yet. Still, though..." She swigged some milk down and smiled. "You cook wonderfully, Em."
"Thanks, Tonks. I've been experimenting with new recipes this summer," little Em responded. "Hopefully I can become an accomplished Potioneer and a cook at the same time!"
"You still need help with the packing?" Clara asked her sister now. "Or are you just about ready?"
"I'm just about done, actually. Just need to coax Cheddar out of hiding, and then we'll be ready to go." Little Em nodded at her sister as she took the empty plates and put them in the sink, then went upstairs to find her cheese-coloured rat.
"I'm surprised she left her rat with its cheese-coloured coat after the spell you did on it," Clara said in awe, glancing at Tonks who just shrugged.
"What? I couldn't come up with a better welcome gift for her than a change in colour for her rat! And that was years ago," she replied. "At least it was better than Diego who offered to duel with her when she learned enough spells."
"Ah, yes, Diego Caplan. I'm happy he's managed to channel his hype into dancing."
Moments later, little Em came bounding down the stairs with her suitcase in one hand and Cheddar in another. Her Hufflepuff cloak hung lopsided over her shoulder, but she was smiling nonetheless. As she straightened herself though, Clara noticed something gold glinting on her cloak, and her eyes widened.
"Alright. I'm ready," little Em stated with a smile.
"Wait." Tonks peered closely at the little gold pin on little Em's cloak. "You're a Prefect now?"
"Yup! One of Hufflepuff's finest Prefects. And yes, I know Clara became one for Gryffindor," little Em said with a laugh. "Who knows, maybe the status would grant me more opportunities in the future to stop all crime in the wizarding world."
"Ah, maybe. But you'll love the Prefect's Bathroom at least," Clara said. "That's a luxury that comes with the badge."
"And disciplining others," little Em reminded her. "Now that would be cake. Considering mom does it all the time to us, of course. Hey, you don't mind if you and Tonks can send me to school? I know you were only here on a mission, but..."
"Hey, of course. I won't turn down sending my sister back to Hogwarts for anything," Clara responded with a nod.
And moments later, she found herself back at Platform Nine and Three Quarters with her sister and her friend, her Auror's uniform billowing as they travelled.
"Lin? Was everything okay?"
"It was just a raid to locate Sirius Black by a third party. Residents there are unharmed."
"Clever. Tell your mother she's excused from work today."
"Will do."
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fanfic-ebooker · 5 years
Title List - Merlin
The second part of the list of titles I published in my Dropbox a couple days back. Again, organized by fandom, then by genre/pairing if applicable (which in the case of “Merlin” is not--I really only read Merlin and Arthur bromance), then by series, then by title.
A Reunion by amz1e - (It's been years since Arthur's death, but he's still waiting, still catching glimpses of golden-blonde hair and a muscled physique. When he trips on a paving stone, he remembers a fondly mocking voice in his ear and grins unnaturally wide to keep from frowning, deliberately puts an extra spring to his step to keep from crumbling.) Post 5x13, Merlin/Arthur Gen
A Sparkle of Starlight series by carinims01
    A Sparkle of Starlight - Collection of one-shots that could contain anything from angst to friendship, whump to comfort, and/or anything in between with any or all characters. No slash.
    One Step at a Time - Continuation of 'A Sparkle of Starlight,' Chapter 4 - When Merlin gets home later that night, Arthur confronts Merlin about the letters Gwen found, in addition to the other letters addressed to them. Things quickly unravel and now it's Arthur's turn to be there for Merlin. Post 5x13, future fic! No slash; bromance only.
Achilles Heels by Ocean Mint Leaves - 'Prophecies do not lie.' And there is but one way to submit a man that is all powerful. BAMF! Merlin. Big Reveal Fic. No Slash.
Admittance by FlyingMachine1 - When Arthur's punishment for losing a bet leads to a fight between Arthur and Merlin, the knights of the Round Table take it upon themselves to fix their broken friendship. Arthur and Merlin bromance with a healthy dose of the knights! Two-shot.
All That Is Left by Winter Blake - Merlin has tried and tried to kill himself. But now he finds Arthur reincarnated. ((Terrible) summary by Amy de l’ABC, as I can’t find the story posted anywhere anymore)
Another Ghost by Sydelle Rein - season 2 spoilers Morgause is at it again. But this time, it's not Arthur she's after. There's one way to Merlin's heart and she intends to exploit it. But Arthur's confused. Why would Morgause want to recruit Merlin? Merlin/Freya
Another’s Crime - When a set of important documents goes missing Merlin takes the blame, but the punishment is much harsher than anyone expected. Set early in the 2nd season
Arthur’s Silent Guardian series by Sydelle Rein
    Arthur’s Silent Guardian - A powerful sorcerer named Emrys resides in Camelot, a silent guardian to Prince Arthur. But why would any sorcerer protect a Pendragon? Candun intends to find out, even if it means kidnapping the prince of Camelot as bait. No Slash!
    On Shaky Ground - Sequel to Arthur's Silent Guardian! With the unknown identity of his sorcerer-protector plaguing him, Arthur is unsure how to deal with this new knowledge. Meanwhile, a series of mysterious earthquakes is threatening the safety of Camelot. No Slash.
    3rd ebook coming soon!
Cast Me Gently Into Morning by BeyondTheStorm - It starts with a choice. After promising that when the time came he would choose wisely, Arthur never once thought that he would make the wrong choice, but the choices that matter most aren't always what we think. *Post season 3* Oneshot, 2 parts.
Consequences by EmrysTheMerlin - There are always consequences for our actions. Even small actions not to mention those as large as rewriting the laws on magic. But King Arthur Pendragon is about to discover that those consequences don't always hurt the one who acted. Sometimes the fires we start burn those closest to us. Violence and pain... not a lot but enough for the rating.
Curiosity Killed the Knight by Ultra-Geek - Or, How to Drive Merlin Completely and Utterly Mad. Gwaine finds out about Merlin's magic and Merlin ponders the moral implications of turning friends into toads.
Defense by FlyingMachine1 - Merlin defends Arthur and Arthur defends Merlin. A two-shot. Lots of bromance feels! Now with a third chapter!
Don’t you dare think otherwise by That Gryffindor Flame - Post-reveal--what will Arthur’s reaction be to knowing that Merlin has magic? (Summary by Amy de l’ABC as I can no longer find this story posted)
Each Step series by Fyoex
    Each Step - Prequel to The Same Stars. Even though he was now blind, Merlin was not broken. He never lost hope, hope that he would return home to Camelot, and be with Arthur once again. One-shot with a sequel? Slightly whumpish Blind!Merlin, slight angst, slavery, no slash (sorry). Oh and Merlin can sing.
    The Same Stars - Sequel to Each Step. After so long as a 'pet' to King Lucan, being back home in Camelot felt like a true blessing. But it seems the tricky dragon has an everlasting gift to give. Sequel one-shot? Previous slavery, slight angst, humour. Platonic love only! (Unless you squint)
Exaggerations and Overreactions by Ultra-Geek - Merlin and the Knights of the Round Table are led to believe that Arthur is dead. Merlin doesn't take it very well. BAMF!Merlin
Father’s Tale by Autumndragon - "Merlin. What was your Father like?" There was no denying the crack in Merlin's voice. Arthur was stunned when a wave of realization and dread washed over him. oneshot.
Harmony by sarajm - Only those of the nobility have ever been considered for musical apprenticeships. When Camelot's Master Musician comes on a search, he discovers that unknown to everyone, including Merlin, the servant is a prodigy.
Hell Hath No Fury - During season 2 episode 2 when Gwen is telling Arthur off for the horrible way he treats people. She scolds him for the way that he treats Merlin, and fluff and confessions ensue. For Arthur and Merlin's friendship and bromance.
How Not to Conduct a Manhunt by kriadydragon - In which a criminal is quite good at hide and seek, Arthur is at his wits end, and as much as he would like to think Merlin is drunk, he's starting to suspect that he most decidedly isn't.
I Still Need You by safijo - A missing scene from 4x4 'Aithusa' in which Merlin remembers his father and he needs Arthur even though he can't talk to him about what is troubling him.
Immortality is Worse - Arthur comes to comfort Merlin on the shore of the lake, and Merlin learns that he won't get to follow him into death. He doesn't want immortality. It's terrifying to know you'll be left alone in the end. Post 5x13. Spoilers
Just Like You by Saber Wing - When Arthur is caught commissioning a birthday present for Merlin, Uther is predictably displeased. This time, however, Arthur just doesn't want to take it anymore.
Leon and the Servant by sarajm - As he watches Merlin go through a difficult time, Leon is forced to question everything he knows about duty and responsibility and the places of servants and nobles in society. Set very early in season 1 canon. Rated T for some abuse.
Machinations of a Puddle by pingipenguin - An alternate take on your typical whump!/reveal!fic. Set just after S3.
Meet Me In This Broken Place by Bundibird - Arthurian Legend spoilers. It's centuries since Camelot fell to dust, and now Merlin waits, lying in the grass where her castle stood tall and proud so many years ago. Once has past and the Future is now, and it's time for Arthur to rise again. Oneshot. No slash. No Season 5 spoilers.
Northumbrian Culinary Assassins by Literaria - Because one never knows when someone might poison the prince's meals... or maybe Arthur has an ulterior motive for having Merlin eat half his breakfast.
Of Hunith, Hugs, and Horrendous Hats by Literaria - Hunith’s first reaction, upon seeing her son ride into Ealdor at a full gallop, was to panic. "He knows!" Merlin shouted, and her heart stuttered to a halt. Then he turned, and she saw the grin that encompassed every feature of his face.
Of Knights and Neckerchiefs by FlyingMachine1 - "Suddenly, a shadow fell across the servant and he looked up to see the three knights looming over him. Sir Hector knelt down and said in a sickly sweet voice. 'Because you're not a knight, so stop pretending to be one.'" In which Merlin is bullied, a neckerchief is lost, and Arthur is protective of his servant. No slash. Two shot.
Often So Much by Ultra-Geek - Freya gets sick of Arthur and boots him back into the world a decade ahead of schedule. Post 5x13.
On the Right - Arthur always sleeps on the right. But this night is cold, and Arthur realizes that he might have to keep the man on the left warm. Inspired by the deleted scene for series 5. Not slash. Merlin and Arthur friendship.
Overlooked by sarajm - Arthur is well on the way to becoming the type of leader Merlin had always hoped he'd be - one who cares for all of his people. But even so, preparations for Yule festivities along with some unforeseen circumstances result in Merlin taking on too much work. Unfortunately nobody notices until it's almost too late.
Pieces series by MockJayPhoenix12
    Pieces -  Short prequel to 'Laughlines.' Shortly after Arthur's return, Merlin realizes how broken he is. One-shot, non-slash.
    Laughlines - After a fifteen-hundred year wait, Arthur has finally returned. All Merlin has to do is overcome the fear that it's somehow too good to be true. EmotionalWhump!Merlin, Worried!Arthur. Non-slash.
    Looking Back - Merlin and Arthur have a long, much needed discussion concerning the past, and together, face the present. One-shot. Non-slash.
    Guilt - Few things deeply affect Arthur, as Merlin well knows, but there's one feeling that's too strong to be ignored. Drabble, one-shot, non-slash.
    Drencan - After waking in the middle of the night, a worried Arthur searches for Merlin. One-shot, non-slash.
    Se Forhtung - The only clear thought in my head is that I must get to Arthur- but where is he? Non-slash.
Protecting Merlin by FlyingMachine1 - Arthur doesn't want Merlin to have to witness something this horrible. Merlin shoudn't have to watch this. Not slash, just strong friendship!
Sincerity by Alligates - "'I'm sorry,' he said again, with so much sincerity it brought tears to Arthur's eyes as the warlock burrowed his head into his neck." Merlin, in defeating an enemy, has revealed himself to all the nobles in the throne room—including Arthur. But will the King hold his friend's life below his father's laws? Oneshot, optional slash. Warning; fluff and hair stroking.
Sit In by Literaria - Not entirely surprisingly, Merlin ends up in the dungeons again... but the Knights of the Round Table never abandon one of their own.
Someone Called Freya by DiaDuitCluaiste - Arthur finds out about Merlin and Freya. Merlin/Freya, Arthur/Merlin friendship. Some touching bromance. Very bad summary. One-shot.
Teasing and Repentance by Laree England - Merlin is ticklish. Arthur naturally takes full advantage of this. He soon discovers his rough-housing has gone too far. A story told in three parts. Merlin and Arthur friendship.
The Boundless Day by Ocean Mint Leaves - Merlin's endless night is finally over. Birthday Gift! fic for Captain Ozone. Reunion! fic. No slash.
The Hurt and the Healer by sing.us.a.song.21 - "I, Arthur Pendragon, find you guilty of treason and must sentence you to death." And when Merlin looks up to glare at the sick king and he sees that look his heart plummets and his throat constricts and his eyes prick with tears already cause he'd sworn the first time he saw the ice creep over those blue eyes that he never wanted to see that look again. No slash, after 4.03.
The Stage is Set for the Drama by TruffleHead - Merlin falls asleep somewhere he’s not supposed to be. (Summary by Amy de l’ABC, as I can no longer find this fic posted anywhere.)
The Trouble with String by OneDarkandStormyNight - Arthur was a dog-lover. He had five of them, big ones, each one more slobbery than the next, and he didn't think it was possible for any species of animal to be better-suited for him...until his trouble-prone manservant gets turned into a cat. Pure fluff
The Voice in the Dream by OneDarkandStormyNight - Merlin, calling himself Colin James in this lifetime, has been lost, alone, and searching for purpose since the death of Arthur a thousand years ago. When Mordred and Morgana suddenly appear, reborn, his loneliness and despair draw him to the bargain they offer: the end of his immortality for Excalibur. Little does he know, Arthur Gregory is a young London heir with strange dreams.
The Welshire Quest by Felicity P - Arthur, Merlin, & the knights, depart on a quest to rid the northern villages of some magical beasts. The journey takes a turn when Merlin is injured. To far from Camelot to turn back, the group must press forward in order to save both Merlin and the outlying villages. Their journey is fraught with peril, alliances are made, and secrets are revealed. Story is fully illustrated.
They Say It’s Your Birthday by 96 Hubbles - Stuff happens. Some funny and some terrible. I cordially invite you to read and find out. Warnings: some language and a spoiler for episode 4x03 in the first chapter.
Together Again by Laree England - It has been a thousand years since Arthur's death, and Merlin is still waiting for him. Until he wakes with a renewed sense of purpose, which could only mean one thing: Arthur has returned. A reuniting fic for Merlin and Arthur's friendship.
Travel Sized for Your Convenience by Ultra-Geek - Merlin gets cursed and shrunk down to only four inches tall. But the important bit to remember was that it was not Arthur's fault.
Try, Try Again by Ultra-Geek - In which Arthur tries, several times, to name Merlin as Court Sorcerer, and things just keep going wrong. Expanded 'Fractions' 95 by llLethell.
Twisted Heartstrings by outfaircandle - Arthur always knew Merlin had the emotional stability of a girl's petticoat. Their most recent incident proves it. Magic reveal. No slash.
What Is It? by Laree England - Merlin and Arthur return to Ealdor, and Arthur can't help but notice how much Merlin hugs the people there. And he can't help but wonder... Why doesn't Merlin ever hug him? Merlin and Arthur friendship.
When I Least Deserve It by Literaria - Merlin is convinced he has to die for Arthur again. Arthur gets wind of it and is having none of it. Desperate times do as such times are often wont to do, and produce desperate measures. Spoilers for S4. Very light T.
Windows to the Past by Winter Blake - Arthur remembers. (Summary by Amy de l’ABC, as I cannot find the fic posted anywhere anymore.)
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carryonmylovelies · 7 years
Guess Who’s Sleeping On The Couch Tonight?
Summary: Baz tricks Simon into eating a scone that isn’t a sour cherry one. Simon brings on the wrath of a thousand suns and Baz gets in trouble ;))))
Word Count: 1735
Rating: T
Tags: Baz Pitch, Simon Snow, Oneshot, Post-Carry On, Domestic Fluff, Baz is in trouble, Lovers Quarrel, Simon has such willpower, Baz is a sneaky lil wanker, Sour Cherry scones are beauty, This got sorta trashy, sorry not sorry, adorableness
I wrote this a couple months ago and posted it on ao3, but then I thought I could post it on here! Enjoy! :D
“I don’t know, Baz … it doesn’t look right,” Simon says as he eyes the scone in front of him suspiciously. “What are you plotting now?”
I roll my eyes and shake my head at him. “Crowley, Snow! Can’t I get my boyfriend -who I love very much- a scone without being accused of plotting something?!” (He’s right though. I got him a raspberry mint scone instead of his beloved sour cherry scones. He refuses to try any other scone, even if I tell him he would really like it. I want to see his face when he figures it out. Just because he’s my wonderful, terrible boyfriend, I can still have some fun, right? …  Fuck, I’m gonna be in so much trouble.
“I still don’t know … it’s just from a different bakery, right?” he picks up the scone and sniffs it, obviously still unconvinced.
I sigh, exasperated, and start to leave the kitchen. “Fine, Snow. Don’t eat it. Let my nice gesture go to waste.”
“No Baz, wait! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ll eat it okay? See?” I can hear him stuffing the scone into his mouth. I slowly turn around, the corners of my mouth creeping up into a mischievous smile, as I watch his reaction. At first, he’s really confused and he starts to chew in slow-motion, concentrating on what he actually put into his mouth. But when clarity flashes across his face and he looks absolutely horrified, Simon sprints over to the trash and spits out his mouthful of soggy, already-been-chewed scone. He whips around, his eyes a fiery blue and a low growl in his throat, as I put on the most innocent look I can manage.
He stalks forward, flushed red, as his eyes silently dare me to speak. Simon growls roughly and a small shudder escapes me. (I can’t help it; his growls are really, really hot.) I stand my ground, even as he grows dangerously closer. Suddenly, he lunges forward, and clenches my shirt tightly in his fists, as he shoves me against the kitchen wall.
“What. Was. That. ”
I smile brilliantly and answer him. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Snow.”
“Yes you do, you little wanker. You know exactly what I’m talking about, so, I’ll ask you again. What. Was. That.” His eyes are burning blue and I can’t think properly with him this close.
I blink innocently and give him a small, secret smile that shows more than I’m saying. He growls again, and steps between my legs, pressing his thigh against me, hard. I gasp and he presses harder. “Baz. What. Did. You. Give. Me.” Simon pushes closer and I just about lose it.
“Fine, fine! I gave you a raspberry mint scone instead! I just wanted to see you reaction,” I say, breathless.
He lets go of me all at once, and steps back as he looks at me furiously. “How dare you? Sour cherry scones are my one true love, Baz,” He spits my name like poison and I can’t believe how dramatic he’s being. “I love nothing else and you dare to give me some disgusting excuse for a sour cherry scone?” (He’s trying so hard not to smile at this point: his eyes are shining and the corners of his mouth keep curving up, despite his best efforts. He can never stay mad at me for too long, never. It’s pretty adorable.) “I can’t believe you would do this to m-” I cut him off with my lips and he almost kisses me back. Almost. It takes him a second, but he playfully shoves me away and doesn’t let me kiss him again. I crack.
“C’mon Simon. Please? I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry!” He shakes his head stubbornly, and doesn’t meet my pleading eyes. “C’mon baby, please?” Simon’s a sucker for me calling him ‘baby’. I know it, he knows it, and yet, he still shakes his head and tries to push me away. Crowley, he’s so bloody stubborn!
“ Oh no, Baz. You’re not getting off that easy. No way.” My lips curl up into a smirk.
“Awww,” I tease, placing one hand on my hip and using the other to wag a finger at Simon. “What are you gonna do, tell Penny on me? Put me in timeout? Send me to my room?”
He thinks about this for a second, then his eyes light up and he runs out of the room, grinning like an idiot and bronze curls bouncing wildly. He’s mental. Completely mental. Simon re-enters the kitchen, and pelts a small pillow and a couple blankets at me. Luckily, I have lightning quick vampire reflexes, and I catch them easily.
“Snow, what the hell are these for?”
He smiles wickedly. “Guess who’s sleeping on the couch tonight?”
That handsome bastard tried to reason with me many, many times, but I resisted. He begged and pouted and whined so much I almost forgot this was the great Tyrannus Basilton Pitch I was dealing with, and not a bratty child.
“Hey Simon.” Baz leans against the doorway to our bedroom, his shoulders resting on the frame with his long legs crossed in front of him.
“I love you,” he says in a low, drop-dead sexy voice.
“I love you too,” I say cautiously, not knowing where this conversation was going.
“You know I’d do anything for you, right baby?” I swallow thickly. Baz has already walked up behind me and wrapped his lanky arms around my waist, pulling me closer. He places feather-like kisses all over me, on my curls, my jaw, my neck, my nose. No, no, no, be strong Simon, be strong. His hands move up to my shoulders, gently massaging them with cool, slender fingers. “Anything at all,” he purrs as his hands start to slide down, down, down…
“Nope!” I shout, breaking his dangerously intoxicating spell. He groans, and falls back onto the couch behind us, messy, raven hair covering his face. “You have five minutes in the bedroom to get into pyjamas before I banish you to the couch. Go.” I stated, pointing at the door to our bedroom and listening to him groan again, louder this time. He drags himself from the couch and stomps into the room miserably.
“You are a bloody prat, Simon Snow.”
“I know,” I reply sweetly, winking at him as I saunter across the bedroom and into the bathroom. I turn on the faucet and grab my toothbrush, listening to Baz rummage through his drawers. Or mine. (He loves to steal my clothes and parade around the house like some bloody supermodel. I tell him it’s weird, but I secretly find it super hot.) Merlin, what isn’t super hot about Baz?
“Hey Snow! C’mere for a second!” Speak of the devil.
“This better not be another attempt on me changing my mind!” I call, my words jumbled by the toothbrush hanging out of my mouth. I step out of the bathroom, ready to ask what the hell he wants now, but no sound comes out of my mouth. My breath gets caught in my throat and I can’t breathe. Correction; I’ve forgotten how to breathe. Or move. Or speak. But none of those things are even necessary right now. Why would you even want to breathe when you have Basilton Pitch, standing in front of you, wearing nothing but the smallest, tightest pants in all that is holy and good in this world? The toothbrush falls out of my open mouth and stains the carpet with toothpaste, but honestly? I didn’t give one flying fuck.
Baz wasn’t wearing a shirt or trousers. He was wearing black pants that were so tight and so small, I could see just about everything. His raven hair hung loosely around his collarbones, and his extremely toned chest glowed in the dim light coming from the lamp in the corner. His long legs were carved with strong, flexing muscles, and I ached to be between them, beneath them, wrapped around them, anything at all having to do with those damn legs. I hadn’t even looked at his face yet. Shallow, I know. I raised my head ever so slightly… and immediately regretted it. His lips are curled into a downright dirty smile, his eyebrows are borderlining on pornographic, and his smoky grey eyes are burning with desire and lust. Merlin, Morgana, Aleister Crowley, any other god that exists please, I’m begging you, don’t let me be weak. I want to be weak so bad but I can’t. Please, give me the strength to walk away from the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I can’t do this, Jesus Christ.
“Fuck, Baz, why are you doing this to me?”
“I’m not doing anything, Simon. But I could be,” he whispers, and I’m this close to shoving him on the bed and ripping off those fucking pants. But apparently there’s some part of me that isn’t completely hard, because I have the strength to take Baz by the shoulders, peck him lightly on his lips, and shove him out the door.
I scream in frustration, and kick at the door Simon just closed. How in the bloody hell does he have that much will- My thoughts are interrupted by frantic scrambling, and then the bathroom door slams shut. I smirk, knowing he’s busy doing other things. That makes me feel a little better (okay a lot) but I’m still feeling pretty rejected. I slink over to the couch, prop up the pillow Simon threw at me, and spread the thin blankets over myself. I let my head fall back onto the pillow, and I realize it’s his. I smush it against my face and breathe deeply. It smells like cinnamon and sunshine and boy. I fall asleep, mumbling about scones and Simon.
I don’t know what time it is when I feel the heavy warmth against my chest. My eyes flutter open to see a bundle of bronze curls and tawny moles, pressed against me on this stupidly narrow couch. I pull him closer, and he tucks his head under my chin, wraps an arm around my neck and wraps the other around my waist, all the while being only half-awake. He never fails to impress me. And that’s how we fall asleep, legs and hips and arms tangling together hopelessly, on that wonderful little couch.
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swlbarnes · 7 years
A New Home - Merlin x Reader
So I already post imagines on Wattpad and AO3 under the same name but since I hate myself I decided to post them here too. Here’s a little Merlin (BBC) x Reader for you guys! This was also posted to my AO3 account a while ago but I’m too lazy to write anything new now
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
Your feet stomped painfully against the ground, and your heart felt as if it was pounding out of your chest. Your lungs were filled with fire and there was an aching pain in your side, but you refused to stop. You couldn't stop, especially not if they were still behind you. You couldn't be entirely sure whether they were still following you or not, but you would rather be safe than sorry.
You also couldn't be entirely sure how long you had been running, but you knew it had been a while. Perhaps a few hours? You knew your body couldn't handle much more, but you also knew that your body wouldn't be able to handle being burned at the stake. You wished you could cry, or scream, or do anything except for run, but you couldn't. Your throat burned too much to breathe properly, let alone scream. You had run out of tears to cry many miles back. Now all that you could do was run, run for your life and don't look back until you reach safety.
You burst out of the woods and came into a large grassy clearing. Your feet came skidding to a stop and your legs promptly collapsed underneath your body, leaving you in a quivering heap of cloth and limbs. Soon enough you felt the tears pricking at your eyes again, and you wanted to stand up and continue running, but your body refused. The best you could do now was curl up in the grass and hold your legs against your body in hopes that no one would find you any time soon.
Every crack of a branch or crunch of the leaves had your fingers twitching with the instinct to utilize your magic to its full potential. The familiar tingling in the palm of your hand was growing by the minute, and you kept forcing it down. It was magic that got you into this mess, and it would hardly be wise to use magic to get you out.
Minutes turned into hours, and soon night had fallen once more. The dim light of the full moon illuminated the clearing with just barely enough light for you to hobble to your feet and survey your surroundings. Your eyes widened in surprise as they settled on the looming structures in the distance. A grand stone castle kept watch over the buildings and forest lands below it. Your squinting eyes could barely make out the images of royal knights making their rounds to protect their kingdom, but you need not fret about your inability to see the emblem etched into their flowing red capes. You knew this to be none other than the kingdom of Camelot, ruled by the great Arthur Pendragon after his father Uther fell.
Your lips quirked upwards in the beginnings of a smile at this information. You had heard wonderful tales of King Arthur's never ending kindness and generosity, and you knew that Camelot was overall a fair and just kingdom. It was a well known fact that the use of sorcery was punishable by death, but that meant nothing to you now. You did not need magic to live. All you needed was a fresh start, and Camelot was as good of a place as any to get that. The only thing keeping your feet from moving forward, however, was the nagging reminder of the people you had left behind only a day or so before.
You were abandoned as a child after your parents realized that you possessed magic. They felt it unsafe to raise you in their own village because of the danger the other townsfolk would bring you, and thus they left you in the hands of the Druids. You were raised by the Druid people, and you spent so much time with them that you often thought of yourself as a Druid, though you were nothing of the sort. When Odin's men ransacked your quaint little corner of the forest in hopes of gaining more land for his kingdom, your adoptive family encouraged you to flee for your life.
You had heard quite wonderful things of King Arthur, but it came to a point that you realized his mercy had not been spent on the Druids. In his time as a prince he had been known as a great enemy of magic, and he had led attacks on peaceful Druid civilizations before. Could you truly live in a land and serve a king that held such a resentment against the people you grew to know as your family?
Part of your mind was pushing you to turn back into the forest and find someplace else to begin anew, but another part was reminding you that such an attempt was foolish and unnecessary. Where would you even go? You had no food, no water, and no means of protecting yourself aside from your magic, and you decided it best not to use your magic under the danger of execution. You had no where to go but forwards. No one to guide you but those you would soon meet. You had nothing, and perhaps continuing on would bring you something to hold on to.
With that thought in mind, you pushed your legs to begin shuffling forwards. You had lost your shoes long ago, so with each step came a sharp pain that shot all the way up your leg as the wounds on your feet came into contact with the ground. You were lucky to have found a river that ran towards Camelot for a good part of your journey so you did not leave a trail of blood behind you, but that fact did little to help your aching feet now. A gust of wind whirled around your body, causing a violent shudder to shake your entire frame. You could hear your teeth chattering together in the silence of the night, and all you wanted at that point was to mutter a quiet, "forebearnan," and relieve yourself of the chilly night air, but you refused to do so. No magic means no magic.
You were not sure at this point whether the shaking of your hands was due to the biting cold or the emptiness of your stomach, and truthfully you didn't care. The more you focused on your hardships, the more impossible they seemed to overcome. Instead you decided to set your sights back to the grandeur palace fitted perfectly to the horizon. It seemed as safe a place as any, and it looked far more secure than the bundle of trees you called home with the Druids.
You fell into a bit of a daze after that. Your thoughts circulated through different memories of your childhood and all of the wonderful things the Druids had done for you. Your body was practically on auto-pilot, so you didn't notice the pair of Knights riding up to you on their horses until one of their blades was pressed against the nape of your neck.
You sucked in a frightened breath as the cold metal pressed against your skin. Its brutally sharp edge threatened to slice into you with any slight movements you made. The pins-and-needles sensation returned to your hands with an overbearing ferocity, and it took everything in you to force your years of self defensive magic training into the back of your mind. You balled your hands into fists and squeezed them tightly before your knees buckled underneath you, forcing you to kneel. The sword traveled right along with you, much to your displeasure.
"Who are you? Show yourself!" A rough edged voice shouted. You winced at the man's tone. Growing up with the Druids was quite the peaceful upbringing, so this experience was a new one by far.
"M-My name is (Y/N), and I swear I mean you no harm," you managed to stutter out. Each word came out shakily, and your throat threatened to close up in fear.
The sword's force against your neck lessened ever so slightly. "What business have you in Camelot?"
"I was seeking refuge, Sir Knight. He killed them all, I had no where else to go!" You pleaded, squeezing your eyes shut.
Suddenly, the other knight spoke up. "Leon, let her up." The sword didn't budge. "Come on, what harm can she do? She can hardly remain standing, so I doubt she would be able to do any damage."
Finally, the blade was removed and you were able to breathe out a sigh of relief. Your once tense shoulders slumped in exhaustion, and your head followed suit in hanging tiredly. You slowly stood up on your shaky legs and turned to face the men.
One man had what seemed to be somewhat long reddish-brown hair, the same color as his beard. He held his sword at the ready, so you could only assume that this man was Sir Leon. The other man was muscular and tan, and his brown hair was styled into a buzz cut. He also seemed to have no sleeves to his armor, which seemed quite peculiar to you.
The man with the buzz cut gave you a soft smile. "I'm Sir Percival, and this is Sir Leon. Now, who is this man you are running from?"
You gave them both a quick nod before replying. "King Odin and his men. They ransacked our village and stole anything of value. My family, we refused to give them anything, and they began slaughtering us all. I fought as hard as I possibly could, but we are a poor people that cannot afford weapons of such high prestige. When I realized that... That my family was all gone... I fled." You peered up at the knights to find them both eyeing you sympathetically. Leon's sword was now sheathed, and you allowed yourself to relax further. "Please, Sir Knights. I wish only to live in peace. I have done no wrong, I swear to you."
The pair glanced at each other momentarily before Sir Percival extended his gloved hand towards you. You reached out and grabbed his hand, allowing him to pull you up behind him on the horse's back. You wrapped a tentative arm around Percival's waist, only adding the second one when instructed to do so for your safety. He gave a quick nod to Leon, and you were off.
"So, (Y/N)," Leon spoke up a couple of minutes into your ride. "Would you prefer to go ahead and rest tonight, or would you like to speak with King Arthur now?"
Your heart began hammering in your chest, and your grip on Percival's armor tightened. "K-King Arthur? Sir Leon, I don't want to cause a fuss. There is no reason for me to speak with the King," you assured him with a feeble attempt at a confident voice. Percival chuckled.
"There's no need to be scared," the muscular knight informed you. "Arthur is nothing if not just. No harm will come to you. The only ones in danger at this point are King Odin and his men."
Leon laughed and grinned, nodding in agreement. "You should sleep for tonight. We'll bring you to the court physician then have Merlin bring you something to eat once you're settled in for the night."
You fell silent for the rest of the ride. As much as you appreciated their kindness, you knew you couldn't speak to the King. You had no doubts about his kindness, but you also knew that that kindness was often not extended to people of magic. Once he realized that the village that was attacked was one of the Druids, you would surely be executed.
Percival aided you in dismounting the horse as well. The men led you down the halls of the castle until you reached was you assumed to be the court physician's chambers. Sir Leon rapped his knuckles on the wooden door.
An old man with long white hair opened the door. He seemed to be in the process of making dinner, judging by the food laid out across one of the many tables inside. The room was rather large in reality, though the clutter on the tables and floor made it seem far smaller than it was. The scents of various herbs and tonics drifted into the halls.
"Gaius, she requires your assistance. She has been attacked by Odin and his army, and has been fleeing them for hours," Leon spoke up with a sense of urgency. Gaius's eyes scanned over your frame quickly before he stepped out of the way and hurriedly motioned you all inside.
Percival helped you to the bed and you laid across it with a light groan of pain. A violent shiver ran through your body once again, and Leon quickly tossed a blanket over you.
About halfway through Gaius's examination and treatment, a young black-haired man walked in. He donned a dark blue shirt with a red neckerchief around his neck, and a brown jacket to top it all off. As soon as his tired eyes landed on the scene in front of him, his face contorted in concern.
"What's going on?" He asked, tossing his jacket off to the side and scurrying over to join his friends. Gaius didn't even look up as he responded.
"Ah, Merlin! It's a good thing you're here. I need you to do something for me." The man continued to speak as he gave Merlin his instructions, but you didn't hear any of it. You were far too focused on the strange feeling stirring in your gut. It was... Magic. But from where?
You gazed in wonder at Merlin as he listened to Gaius's every word. Your thoughts floated back to the legends of Emrys you had been told as a child, as well as the far more recent stories that he was in Camelot. But there was no way that Merlin could be Emrys... Right?
You snapped out of your daze when Gaius applied some sort of cream to the torn soles of your feet. You hissed in pain as soon as the mixture touched your wounds, but Leon quickly reached out and grabbed your foot before your reflexes could retaliate. You sucked in a sharp breath.
"Sorry," you muttered in apology to Gaius, who simply gave you a quick smile before going back to work.
As Gaius finished his work, you allowed your mind and eyes to wander back to Merlin. There was no doubt that he carried strong magic with him, but the question was how. How could he work under the King of Camelot and possess such strong magic? This thought alone gave you hope that you, too, could survive and live happily in this new kingdom.
Around an hour and a half later, you were patched up as best as you could be and you had retired to your chambers. The room was fairly small, yet elegant and impressive nonetheless. The bed sheets were softer than anything you had felt in your life, and you couldn't help but sprawl out on the large bed like a starfish. A content sigh passed your lips, but soon you scrunched your eyebrows in confusion. You could sense magic somewhere close by, and it was drawing nearer.
A soft knock sounded at your door, causing you to quickly scramble off of the bed and smooth out your nightgown you had borrowed from one of the servants. "(Y/N)?" Merlin's voice called out from the other side of the door. "It's Merlin. I have some food for you, if you'd like it?"
At the mention of food, you rushed towards the door and flung it open. You were met by a surprised Merlin holding a silver tray. The scents coming from the tray filled your nose, and it took everything in you to keep from snatching it away then and there.
Merlin smiled and stepped into your room, placing the tray down on your table and getting everything set up for you. You were entranced by the look of complete concentration on his face, and the small smile that played on his lips sent your stomach into a frenzy. The scent of the different fresh foods he was setting out drew you closer as your mouth began to water.
"I hope you're comfortable in here," he commented on a friendly manner. He flashed you a quick smile as he peered up from his work. "If you need anything, just ask for me. I'll be happy to help."
You smiled pleasantly at him and nodded your head. "Thank you, Merlin."
A beat of silence followed your words as he finished setting up your dinner. He motioned for you to sit down, to which you happily obliged and began to slowly eat. He started to walk out of the room, when a word mindlessly passed your lips.
"Emrys..." You whispered softly. Merlin froze in place, his jaw dropping open in shock. Every muscle in his body was tensed, and your own eyes widened as you realized what you had done. "M-Merlin, I-" you tried to speak, but you stopped abruptly as the man whirled around to face you.
"Where did you hear that name?" He asked you in an urgent whisper. You swallowed the lump in your throat as you peered uncertainly up at his intense gaze. His eyes burned into you, and you wanted more than anything to get up and run down the halls, away from this situation.
You averted your eyes from him. "M-My family, they told me the stories of Emrys. They told me how he'll bring peace and unity to Albion, and they told me how he's the greatest sorcerer to ever live."
You refused to meet Merlin's gaze in fear of seeing the same fiery expression you had seen before. He tucked a finger under your chin and tilted your head up so you were forced to look at him. Your muscles relaxed ever so slightly as you were met with a pair of far softer eyes than you had encountered before.
"(Y/N), are you a Druid?" He asked you softly, his eyes scanning over your face as if he would find the answers to all of his questions etched into your skin. You shook your head in response.
"No," you replied, "but I was raised by the Druids." He remained silent, so you decided to continue. "When my birth parents realized that I had magic, they knew that they couldn't raise me safely, so they left me in the hands of the Druids. They're the only family I've ever known. They taught me everything I know."
Merlin blinked at your for a moment before he decided to pull out a chair and take a seat at the table. "So, they taught you magic?"
You chuckled and shook your head again. "I learned it from an old man on the outskirts of my village. I was only a child, so I didn't know that what he was teaching me was dangerous for me to possess. I haven't seen him in... Years. I know he taught me with the best intentions, but he never did explain the dangers of his teachings." You scratched your fingernail lightly over the wooden surface of the table, tracing the patterns of the wood.
Merlin smiled giddily as he sat up straight in his seat. "Well, I'm glad to have you here. It's been difficult keeping it a secret to everyone I meet. Be careful, though: magic is punishable by death, and I fear Arthur will go through with the punishment if you reveal yourself too early," he warned you, placing a careful hand on your shoulder. You smiled down at his hand.
"Of course, thank you Merlin. I have faith that you can change that soon. You alone can bring peace and equality to Albion. We will be free soon, I just know it," you proclaimed proudly, causing Merlin to chuckle lightly.
"I'm trying, but when the king is an utter clot pole, it's a bit difficult."
At this you let out a pleased laugh. "I don't doubt that for a moment."
"Speaking of Arthur," Merlin transitioned smoothly. "You can't tell him about the Druids. You know that, right?" He peered into your eyes with an intense and serious gaze. You swallowed carefully and nodded.
"I know. I know of the dangers of possessing magic in Camelot. The king seems like a kind man, but I fear his judgement is clouded when it comes to people of magic. His father's hatred consumes him," you muttered softly, turning your gaze to the food in front of you. You pulled off a bit of bread from the roll on your plate and popped it into your mouth.
Merlin turned his eyes downwards as well. "He isn't a bad man," he assured you. "He's really quite a great king, god forbid he ever heard me saying that, but he still lives in the shadow of Uther. He isn't his father, so please don't treat him like such."
A small smile graced your lips as you realized how much Merlin cared for the king. You glanced up at him and tilted your head to the side. "Of course, Merlin. Besides, in Uther's kingdom I wouldn't have been shown this much kindness. In fact, I would probably be dead by now." A soft chuckle passed your lips, and you let out a sigh of relief as Merlin also began to chuckle.
"I suppose you're right," he agreed with a nod of his head. You pushed the plate towards him a bit in an effort to not seem selfish, but you quickly snatched it back when he gave a dismissive wave of his hand. "What are you going to tell Arthur tomorrow?"
You shrugged and popped a grape into your mouth. "Same thing I told the Knights, I guess," you replied simply. "I'll tell him that my village was attacked by King Odin and his men, and that I barely escaped with my life. Besides, it's not a lie. That's what truly happened, but I just won't tell him that my village consisted of Druids."
Merlin turned to you with a concerned gaze. "Are you not worried he'll learn the truth?" He asked warily. You peered back at him with a serious gaze, one that made him squirm a bit in discomfort.
"Are you?"
At your words, he pursed his lips and let out a huff. You finished eating and bid each other farewell, all the while with you hoping you had not lost his trust with your snappy remark. He left out the door with your now empty plates and allowed you to collapse onto the bed once more. You weren't sure what the morning would bring, and truthfully, you could not care less. All you wanted at that point was to rest. May God be with anyone that tried to disturb you from that.
You awoke the next morning to the sound of a door slamming. You jumped slightly from gut instinct, but soon enough your groggy limbs collapsed once more, allowing you to sink into the soft bed beneath you.
"Wakey wakey! Rise and shine!" Merlin's accent filled your ears with a cheery tone. You let out a load groan and grabbed the nearest pillow, pressing it against your ears. Merlin rolled his eyes and opened the curtains to allow the sun's burning rays to stream through. An annoyed grunt uttered in your throat and you chucked another pillow sitting nearby at the serving boy. He ducked easily and smirked. "You're almost as bad as Arthur in the mornings. Now, come on! The king is ready to meet with you!" He urged you to get out of bed, finally settling for grabbing the sheets and yanking them away from you.
"Hey!" You shouted, leaping up and trying to take your blankets back. He simply shook his head and tossed them onto the floor behind him with a satisfied grin.
"Good morning to you too," he joked. You huffed and rolled out of bed, being careful not to put too much pressure on your right foot. The bottom of your foot had been severely infected, and Gaius had warned you not to make it any worse. You couldn't promise anything, but you would at least try to listen for a day or so.
Merlin raised an eyebrow as he watched you hobble towards the wardrobe, which had been stocked with Lady Morgana's old clothing by the queen for you to wear for now. "You know," he began, "you could fix that quite easily with magic."
You sighed and nodded as you sifted through the various dress choices you had. "I know, but I can't do that. If I do, then everyone would only be more suspicious of me. If my foot suddenly healed, what would everyone think?"
Merlin smiled in approval. "Good to know you're being careful. You passed the test." You let out a light laugh. Of course he was testing you. "But really, none of the Knights are suspicious of you. In fact, they all feel quite bad for you. They've been buttering the king up all morning to keep him in a good mood for when you see him. They're all trying their best to keep you safe."
A soft smile rested on your lips, and you tossed him a glance over your shoulder. "Really? Is that true?"
He nodded with a smile. "Of course. Now, I'll let you get ready. Don't be too long!"
You waved to him as he left your chambers and began getting ready for the day. It was strange to be getting dressed into such upscale clothing. The dress you chose was an elegant (Y/F/C) dress that reached the floor. It had a gorgeous belt of jewels around the waist, and the sleeves reached around three fourths down your arm. You had no makeup of any kind in your room, so you decided that the king could deal with your bare face. Your hands worked carefully as you fixed your hair up into a mediocre up-do.
You took a step outside of your chambers and peered down the hallway. You quickly spotted the retreating back of a knight making his way down the halls, so you stepped all the way into the hall.
"Sir knight?" You called out to him. He immediately stopped and whirled around to face you, his shoulder length chestnut hair swishing in perfect unison with his cape.
His brown eyes filled with realization and he made his way over to you in a few long strides. He cast you a dashing smirk. "You must be the lovely (Y/N) I've heard so much about. I must say, you are somehow far more beautiful than I pictured you."
You fought the blush off of your cheeks and instead shot him an award winning grin. "I dread to think of how you pictured me before," you joked lightheartedly, causing the knight to chuckle.
He offered you his arm, which you gladly took. "My name is Gwaine, it's wonderful to meet you. I assume you're ready for your audience with the king?"
You gave Gwaine a nod. "I hope I'm not causing any trouble, Sir Gwaine."
He smiled and shook his head. "Of course not. Arthur would skin us all if he figured out that we allowed this to happen to you without doing anything in retaliation."
You sighed softly. "That's exactly what I'm afraid of," you admitted quietly. Gwaine furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
"And why is that?"
"I just... I wish the violence between the kingdoms would end. Is there not already enough pain in this world? Why must we create more through war and battles?" You pointed out with a vague shrug of your shoulders. You didn't notice the proud grin on the knight's face as he looked down at you.
"You're going to fit in here quite nicely. I assume you've met Merlin?" He asked, turning his eyes ahead with the smile still present on his face. You nodded, knowing he saw you out of the corner of his eye.
"I have," you replied with a light laugh. "He really is quite the character. A bit of a mystery, from what I've seen so far."
Gwaine nodded quickly in agreement. "For sure! The boy, he's a wonderful man indeed, but he's a bit peculiar. In a good way of course, but peculiar. Arthur would never admit it, but we all know that Merlin is always one step ahead of everything. Not only that, but there's something about him that just makes you wonder who he truly is." The knight turned to you as you reached a set of doors and smiled. "Ah, well I guess we may never know. Merlin is Merlin, and hopefully that never changes. Are you ready?"
You were so caught up in your thoughts of last night's conversation with the young sorcerer that you almost forgot where you had been walking towards. Your eyes widened as they flickered from Gwaine to the set of doors. Gwaine, seeing your hesitation, placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
"You'll be fine, don't worry. Arthur might be a princess, but he's also fair and kind. Don't tell him I said that, though- don't want his ego growing any bigger than it already is." He cast you a sly wink before turning and opening the doors. You wiped the amused grin from your face as the doors opened into the large throne room. You swallowed the lump in your throat and stepped forwards, following Sir Gwaine.
"King Arthur," Gwaine called out the the young king sitting at the other end of the room. The man looked up at the knight and flashed a quick smile.
"Gwaine, it's good to see you didn't drink too much at the tavern," the king greeted teasingly. Gwaine chuckled and shuffled to the side to reveal your form behind him.
"This is (Y/N), as you requested her presence," the knight introduced you with a wave of his hand in your direction. Arthur's eyes focused on you and he nodded.
"I trust you slept well last night, yes?" The king wondered aloud, his questioning tone directed towards you.
"Yes, sire. Quite well indeed. I am eternally grateful for your kindness," you thanked him with a bow of your head.
"It was nothing, truly. If you would please, tell me what happened," he requested.
Your eyes glanced quickly around the room. Knights stood on either side of you, each one with a pleasant smile on their face as they looked at you. Leon and Percival flashed you a reassuring smile, each one nodding their head a bit to urge you on. Gaius stood to the right side of the room, his hands clasped together in front of him. He, too, was giving you a soft smile. Finally, your eyes reached Merlin, stood directly beside Gaius. He had hardly changed his outfit, you finally noticed, his neckerchief and shirt only having switched colors. He smiled as well, and even added in two thumbs up to keep you encouraged. A soft smile graced your lips at this, and you turned your attention back to the king.
You retold your tale to him, making sure to keep all references to the Druids and magic out of it. No one in the room dared speak while you were speaking, and Arthur began to lean forward about halfway through. His eyebrows furrowed together and he nodded every so often, a sign that told you that you were doing well.
Your words were cut off as you reached the point in your story that you had to flee. Your throat closed up momentarily as tears fought their way into your eyes. Your hands began to shake and you quickly clasped them together to keep them still. You tried as best you could to regain your composure and continue on, but it had just truly hit you that you were alone. Your family was gone. Your home was demolished. Everyone you knew was... Dead.
Before you could register anything that was happening, a pair of arms wrapped themselves around you. You happily turned and buried your face in the blue neckerchief you were met with, tugging Merlin closer to you as you wept. Gwaine placed a hand on your arm in reassurance, and Leon and Percival both stepped forward to console you as well.
When you finally regained your composure and turned towards the king, you were met with his pair of sympathetic eyes. Merlin's hand still grasped your own, and he squeezed it lightly. You wiped the tears from under your eyes and began to speak again, but quickly halted when the king raised a hand.
"I don't need to hear anymore. (Y/N), you have been deeply wronged, and I know you have lost much. I welcome you to stay in Camelot. You may serve under Queen Guinevere as her servant. I'm sure she would be delighted to have you." You smiled, and Arthur immediately  smiled back.
"Oh, thank you, my lord! I owe you my life, truly. Thank you all!" You cried joyously. Leon pulled you into a tight hug as he laughed happily.
"Welcome to Camelot!" He cheered.
You were met with a chorus of welcoming voices and an unceasing amount of hugs. Gwaine leaned down and pressed a kiss to your cheek, causing you to blush. You felt Merlin's grip on your hand tighten, and only then did you realize that you were still holding his hand. You finally turned to the warlock and smiled at him.
"Thank you, Merlin. Truly. I don't know how I could ever repay you," you spoke gratefully. He chuckled and smiled happily at you.
"Well, I have an idea," he began. You tilted your head in confusion. Seeing this, he leaned forward and explained, "You could have dinner with me."
Your eyes widened, but soon a smile spread across your face. "I think that's doable."
He grinned and tugged you closer to him and wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace. You could hear the Knights muttering excitedly behind you.
"I told you they were perfect for each other!" Percival claimed in a matter-of-fact manner.
"Pshh," dismissed Gwaine. "You might have said it, but I made it happen! Did you see how jealous he got after I kissed her on the cheek?" He boasted proudly. Leon let out a chuckle.
"Well, I found her, so technically I did all of this," he pointed out.
"But you also almost drove a sword through her."
Merlin huffed. "I'll drive a sword through all of you if you don't shut up," he warned, not letting go of your embrace. You laughed and buried your bright red face in the sorcerer's chest.
Yes, you had lost your family and your home, but that didn't mean you were alone. Perhaps good can, in fact, come from the bad. It was without doubt that you would feel the loss of your family for a great time to come, but you didn't have to get through it alone. You had found a new home, with people who cared. You were hardly going to give that up very easily.
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