#i immediately after doing the last one crashed and i have to recover from doing digital work LOL
gothicfool · 9 months
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AUGH ok july wiped me out in a lot of ways but!! artfight attacks! (newest-oldest)
was hoping to do more this year than last but literallyyy shit happens lmao ^.^ still had a lot of fun with it and enjoyed the interactions!
0 notes
thevioletcaptain · 2 months
So I've been quiet on here a lot longer than planned.
The reasons are many. The reasons are varied.
The reasons are mostly fucking horrible.
Under a cut because it's long. Check tags for content warnings.
First was the expected absence: my parents came to visit me in Los Angeles over my birthday, so I spent the first half of October showing them around whenever I wasn't working a shift at my shitty department store day-job, or in class at UCLA.
Then, almost immediately after they went back to Australia, I got a second job working as a personal assistant for a composer. This was (and is) an extremely fun and rewarding job, but meant having one more thing on my weekly schedule, which was an adjustment.
Given that until halfway through last year, I'd been out of work since I immigrated in 2019, it took a while for me to get used to having so many concurrent responsibilities, and I'd just started to get a handle on things when I got sick right before the holidays. I took many covid tests -- all negative -- and eventually determined that it was just last year's strain of flu, which I hadn't managed to find time to get the shot for due to the aforementioned super busy schedule. I'm almost positive it was thanks to a particular customer at the aforementioned shitty department store job who coughed hard enough in my direction for their germs to get through my n95.
Anyway, last year's flu was a monster, and I spent a week in bed with a fever, then several more weeks being utterly drained and with a horrendous cough to match. It took a full month for me to recover, and then in mid-January, almost as soon as I started to catch up on all the things that had fallen behind while I was sick, things got bad, then good, then worse, then better, then much, much, much worse.
Basically, it starts with my dad being diagnosed with prostate cancer. He'd told me in October when they came to see me, but the surgery was scheduled for the tail end of January.
The surgery happened on a Monday, and it was a complete success. They got it all in one go. No chemo or radiation or further treatment needed at all. I spoke to him on the phone after he woke up, and he was in good spirits. Happy to have been given the all clear by his doctors.
I told him to watch Star Trek: Strange New Worlds & Evil while he rested up at home, because I'm writing specs for both this year and wanted him to be able to read them and know what was going on. He's the one who got me into sci-fi and horror, after all.
He went home.
He was home for two days.
He started feeling a bit rough on the Thursday. Short of breath. No appetite. Mum took him back to the hospital, just to be safe.
Turns out he'd had a mild heart attack. They couldn't figure out why. The echocardiogram didn't show any issues with his heart.
Then over the next couple of days, his breathing got worse. They took a scan of his lungs, and found that they were extremely inflamed. They'd given him covid tests but they came back negative. We told them about a work accident he had about 20 years ago, where a switchboard he'd been working on exploded in his face, and he'd suffered from inhalation burns among other things.
They thought that maybe something during the prostate surgery had caused irritation in his already damaged lungs, which put stress on his heart and caused the mild heart attack. He's never had any issues with his lungs since that accident, but they thought that maybe he'd just adapted to the damage over the years without realizing.
They kept trying different treatments to help his lungs heal. Nothing seemed to work. His breathing kept getting worse. They had him on as much oxygen as possible without intubating him, but it wasn't enough, so over that weekend they decided that they'd need to move him to another hospital with a more specialized lung unit.
When they were preparing to do that on the Monday night, he crashed. Another heart attack. Bigger, this time. They intubated him. Sedated him. Called my mum and told her to come in right away because things looked so bad.
But then he rallied. By the morning, though he was still sedated and intubated, the doctors were confident that with the right treatment at the specialized lung unit at the other hospital, he'd be okay. He was still in a rough condition, but stable. They transferred him to the other hospital.
He was given another covid test. This one came back positive.
My mum and brother called me once it was a reasonable time in Los Angeles to let me know what was going on, and the next day my brother booked me a flight back to Australia. I had to leave for the airport about five hours after my ticket was booked.
I got to Melbourne on February 1st.
For the next two weeks, dad was intubated, sedated, and in an isolation room. Every few days, they scanned his lungs again, and they were slowly improving.
Finally, he stopped testing positive, and was moved to a regular room in the ICU. Then he healed enough for them to extubate him and wake him up.
On February 13th, he was conscious enough to squeeze my hand when we went in to see him. On February 14th, he was conscious and capable of talking enough to ask a nurse in his ward to bring him his phone, and called mum first thing in the morning to wish her a happy Valentines Day.
Two days later, on Friday 16th, his lungs looked good enough on scans that they felt it was safe to do an angiogram, which they wanted to do just to double check that there weren't any issues with his heart that they missed with the echo.
They did the test. They found massive blockages. 90% blockage in one artery; significant blockages in two others.
Even though he'd barely recovered from covid, the blockages were bad enough that they scheduled him for open heart surgery on Monday 19th. They said without surgery there was a 100% chance that the blockages would cause another massive heart attack that he would not survive. They said there was about a 20% chance that he'd have complications, but only about 4% that they'd be serious/life threatening.
Like before, the surgery went well. Triple bypass, in the end. We got a call late on Monday afternoon to say that he was in recovery and looking good. His heart was functioning perfectly. They'd bring him out of sedation that night. Keep him in the ICU one or two days just as the standard post-op procedure. He'd spend a week or so in a cardiac ward after that, then head to a physical rehab ward for a couple of weeks until he could build back the muscle mass he'd lost while sedated.
We went in to see him the next day. Tuesday 20th. His 66th birthday.
He was tired, but looked good. Color in his cheeks. He made a couple of jokes. We left after about 45 minutes because he was pretty worn out, and we wanted to let him get some rest.
But then after, that his breathing started to get bad again. By Wednesday morning, they'd switched out the oxygen prongs in his nose for a big, high-pressure mask again. They called to let us know they were going to intubate him again so he could rest while his lungs recovered a bit more.
They struggled to get the tube in.
His lungs were deteriorating badly. He kept getting worse. We couldn't go in to see him because they were working on him all day.
At 9pm we got a call to say that he was just getting worse. They had him on 100% oxygen. He just wasn't absorbing it. His entire body was under massive strain. They were doing everything they could, but he just wasn't improving.
They said we should go in right away.
We got there by 10pm. My brother and his wife arrived about the same time. We went in to see him. He didn't look good. He looked pale. But he was warm, and he'd come back from the brink before, and we were sure he could do it again. We stayed with him for about an hour, and left not long after 11pm. Went back to my brother's place because they live closer to the hospital.
We were there about half an hour before they called us again. Just after midnight. He was gone.
That was about a week and a half ago, now. It still doesn't feel real. He was only 66. He hadn't even retired yet. He was working full time up until the week before Christmas, and had planned on going back to work a few days a week after he'd recovered from surgery. He never had any heart trouble, or lung trouble. He was active. He was fine.
My wife Zel and her mom flew in a couple of days after it happened. I barely remember anything from the past two weeks. Everything just feels fake.
I've been trying to write something to say at the funeral, which we've finally been able to arrange for next week -- it was delayed because we had to wait for dad to be released by the coroner. I don't think I'll be able to do it.
Anyway. That's where I've been.
It'll probably be a little while longer before I'm around here much, let alone posting with any regularity, because I'll be in Australia helping my mum & and my brother sort everything out. I have no idea how long I'll be dealing with stuff, or when I'll be able to make words cooperate enough to post anything, but I'll be back eventually.
I'm trying to keep an eye on Discord (I'm violetmatter over there) so you can find me there if you want. But yeah, I just wanted to let you guys know why I've been so quiet.
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AL-12, M4A1, and SPAS-12 reacting to their Pilot S/O who should be in the infirmary recovering from an injury suddenly pulling them out of a tight spot!
(GFL) AK-12, M4A1, and SPAS-12's S/O saving them
...Sorry, had to get all those references out of my system.
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12 hears the unmistakable noise of Griffin's Black Hawk approaching her location.
Her glowing pink eyes glance over to the distance and indeed see extraction was coming in hotter than expected.
(AK-12) "Clear the LZ. Anti-Air threats are to be taken care of first."
The other members of DEFY comply with her orders and take down the enemies surrounding them with startling efficiency.
Their ride out of the area doesn't even get a chance to touch down before everyone quickly hops on and nail every single gunner attempting to shoot them down.
Finally escaping and getting out of the combat zone, 12 turns back on her emotional processors, her eyes closing and a smile returning once the mask goes back down onto her neck.
Seeing who the pilot was made her mood all the better.
(AK-12) "Well now. Not that we don't appreciate the lift, but you should be back in base."
S/O chuckled as the bandages on their arm slightly shifted.
(S/O) "Not without you girls. Figured I could do one last fly before I take a well earned break."
12 and RPK-16 chuckled at that, AN-94 simply nodded while AK-15 sighed.
(AK-15) "Taking influence off her, I see."
12 ignored her comment and gently caressed their injured arm.
(AK-12) "Thank you, S/O. I'll make sure we put in a good word for you.~"
She sits herself in the co-pilot seat to help out, the Black Hawk escaping into the moonlight.
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(S/O's Voice) "M4! Coming in hot!"
(M4A1) "What?!"
Hearing the unmistakable noise of the Black Hawk's rotors, M4 turned to the rest of the AR team.
The four of them pin their enemies down with concentrated fire, making sure they couldn't aim at their extraction.
After getting on, they continued to open fire until they were out of immediate threat range.
Finally getting a breather, ST AR-15 and M16A1 closed the doors as M4 approached S/O, realizing their leg had makeshift bandages.
(M4A1) "What are you doing?! You could have been hurt worse than before!"
(S/O) "Thought I'd take a page out of your books and try a suicidal rescue. Commander gave me the green light, if it makes you feel any better."
M4 opened her mouth, but quickly found she had no retort. Admittedly, AR Team did have a tendency to do that.
She put a hand on their shoulder as she nodded in defeat.
(M4A1) "...Fair enough. Thank you, S/O."
S/O put a loving hand on hers before returning their attention back to the controls.
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Using her shield to take the oncoming gunfire, she and the rest of her echelon backed further into cover as the Black Hawk came in, letting them all hop on.
Her shield acted as a makeshift barrier, as some of the other T-Dolls fired back, using SPAS as cover.
She had no issue, her shotgun would be ineffective at this range anyway.
Once her scanners indicated they were out of the combat zone, she breathed a sigh of relief.
(SPAS-12) "Whew, thanks for getting us ou-...S/O?!"
(S/O) "Hey, SPAS. Glad to see everyone's doin' well."
Her eyes immediately saw their head which had a bloodied bandage still on.
(SPAS-12) "You're not, the heck are you doing?!"
(S/O) "Heh, don't worry. I'm not gonna crash, autopilots helping pull the weight too."
(SPAS-12) "B-But you can't just!...You might have gotten-"
Before she could say anything else, S/O gave them a gentle smile before pulling out a bag of chips, enough for the echelon.
She pouted but took the chips and smiled back.
(SPAS-12) "We're having dinner after we get you back resting in the medbay. Got it?"
(S/O) "Deal."
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hopepetal · 6 months
A bit of writing I've done for @tibby-art and I's au!! :D
It wasn't often that Mumbo woke up in a featureless gray room– was it concrete? Probably, judging by how his back ached as he slowly pushed himself up off the hard floor, wincing at the pain that shot through his bruised body. It was too dark to really see anything, and although light seeped in through the cracks of an iron door, Mumbo found himself almost completely blinded.
He felt the floor around him, frowning as he noticed little bumps and grooves in the material. A little further back, Mumbo noticed as he turned around, was a chair. Probably wooden, but it was still too dark to make out the details. His eyes had begun to adjust to the darkness, flitting around anxiously as his breathing began to pick up.
Okay, Mumbo, think. What happened? Why are you here?
“And for goodness sakes, where is my jacket?” he muttered out loud, after noticing he had lost the black coat that usually went over his white shirt. He felt cold without it, a little more bare– something that made him feel a little less secure.
He thought back to last night. How he had stepped outside briefly for something he couldn't quite recall at the moment. He had been well aware of the attacks happening around Boatem recently, but– oh. Of course. He'd been attacked. And, to top it all off, kidnapped. Apparently.
Mumbo could hear the faint sound of footsteps approaching from outside, freezing up as they got closer and closer. Whatever was happening, hopefully he was about to get a bit of a clue.
Or die. Which would suck, but hey, respawns.
The door opened up, and Mumbo stood– perhaps in a moment of adrenaline and courage stupidity– ready to face whoever was coming in through that door. A foe? A stranger, who didn't belong on hermitcraft? Or maybe a friend, and this was some kind of elaborate prank.
Mumbo blinked rapidly, trying to make out the person's face in the faint torchlight that seeped in from the hallway. His eyes lit up, and he heaved a great sigh of relief. “Oh, Scar! What are you doing here, mate? Or, I guess–” He chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck– “What, exactly, am I doing here? Is this some– some sort of joke?” Laughter, again. This time more nervous, high-pitched. “Mate?”
Scar, silent as an oncoming storm, took a few steps forward. Mumbo, in his anxious haste, stumbled back and nearly tripped over his own feet. “Scar?” he asked again, his voice pitching higher, “Scar, mate, you're scaring me.”
Electric blue sparked in Scar's eyes as too-sharp teeth shone in the faint light. Surging forward, he practically pushed Mumbo into the chair, which creaked under the sudden weight. Mumbo let out a yelp as he crashed into the chair, staring up at Scar with wide and terrified eyes. For a moment, they remained like that– silent, eyes locked on each other's.
Then, Scar reached out and fluidly grabbed Mumbo's tie, pulling him a little closer as he leaned forward, crooked grin colder and sharper than ever before. “Oh, Mumbo, Mumbo, Mumbo...” he crooned, and Mumbo had to bite back a full-body shudder, “did you really think I'd let you get away with it? That I'd let you be CEO of boatem?” He chuckled, in a voice that was nothing like Scar. “You? In all your bumbling incompetency?”
Immediately, Mumbo knew something was wrong. Well, not just with Scar, that had been obvious– but that wasn't the reason this was happening. Mumbo wasn't really sure how he knew, but... he certainly did! Know, that is.
He had to get to the others. If he was in this situation, then it was more than likely that Pearl, Grian, and Impulse were as well. And none of them would do too well alone.
Well. Only one way out of this!
Mumbo kicked Scar in the shins, and ran for it while the man yelped and stumbled back. But... The kick hadn't been that hard, and Scar really shouldn't have taken that long to recover, and why wasn't he chasing after Mumbo why was he laughing–
Mumbo found out the reason for Scar's casual reaction very quickly, when he took one step out into the hallway and was slammed into the wall by a wave of magic.
“Oh, Mumbo...” There stood Cub, wearing a very familiar mask and the same grin as Scar, his eyes glowing bright blue from behind the mask. Faint blue wings shimmered behind him as he stepped forward. “Now, that wasn't a very good idea.”
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dragondemoness · 2 years
LOVE YOUR WRITING SM!!! you probably could've guessed this was coming by now but could you please do the motive prompt w the drv3 cast please? Keep up the amazing work!!! 💞
Thanks so much! I appreciate that! And yes, I completely and totally saw this coming😁And I finally finished it!
So sorry for making you wait, but I do hope it was worth it!
This got so long, I'm surprised Tumblr didn't crash😅 So I put a "keep reading" under here
Monokuma's Motive - DV3 Edition
It had been a couple days since the last motive.
Nobody had attempted anything, and Monokuma seemed to have backed off of everyone, so everyone was at ease.
And it was all thanks to you.
Thanks to your charisma and friendliness, you managed to convince the others not to give in to despair and kill their classmates. Without any recent motives, it was even easier.
But all that was thrown out the window when Monokuma summoned everyone to the gym.
You exchange an anxious look with your significant other before heading there together. 
And there was Monokuma, along with his Monokubs.
"Well! Hello, hello, my wonderful students!" Monokuma greeted everyone.
"Hey, you bastards! We have something to say to you!" Monotaro started.
"Yeah, um... Our father is very displeased with you all." Monophanie added.
"Yeah, it's been what, a whole fuckin' week, and nobody's done shit! We've been sittin' on our asses, waiting for the next kill, but nothing's happened!" Monokid shouted.
"We've been waiting patiently, but nobody's done a thing! So now, you bastards are in for it!" Monosuke finished.
Monodam said nothing.
"That's right! You've all done nothing but sit on your butts for this past week! After I worked so hard on those motives, too..."
Monokuma looked down in an almost convincing display of despair. But he recovered quickly, and you were sure he shot you a glare.
"But not to worry! I have a shiny new motive all ready to go, but this time with a twist!"
Everyone stiffened anxiously, waiting for Monokuma to elaborate.
"This time, there is a selected target you must kill. There is one person, and only one, that you can kill. Any other kills don't count and will count as a rule violation! And you all know how I feel about breaking rules..."
"A target?"
"Wonder what that could be..."
"It could be anyone..."
Your classmates began muttering and mumbling amongst each other while you froze, looking at Monokuma with a bewildered expression. Your significant other took your hand with a concerned look, but you barely noticed.
You knew what was coming, and that sadistic grin Monokuma gave you told you everything.
"And now, your target... is (Name)!"
Your blood turned cold at those words.
Shuichi Saihara
"What?! Why?? They didn't do anything!"
Except get in Monokuma's way
Now poor detective boi is on the edge now
After the meeting, he quickly pulls on your hand and takes you to his room
His anxiety is clear on his face and his stiff posture
He can't even hide it from you
You let him fall asleep on your chest that night, and it makes him feel at ease
But he still can't help but worry
He holds your hand at all times, and doesn't leave your side ever
He doesn't fully trust anyone with you either
He prefers to just stay in his lab or either of your rooms for most of the day
He wants to avoid the truth as best as he can
But he knows Monokuma won't let up until something happens to you, no matter how much you try to avoid it
Which is exactly why he's so scared
Rantaro Amami 
"What? Why? Why (Name)?"
He only appears mildly shocked, but on the inside, he's terrified
He doesn't even try to hide it
When you leave and go to his room, he immediately takes you into his arms
He holds you like you'll disappear the second he lets you go
He falls asleep on your chest that night
After that, he'll be very protective over you
He'll act cold, sometimes rude, towards the others when they get too close to you
He doesn't mean to, but he's not taking any risks
Then he'll take your hand and pull you away
He acts very stiff when you're out, afraid of the future
At night, he lays beside you, holding you tightly while laying on your chest as you stroke his wonderful avocado locks
This is not gonna be easy for either of you
Kokichi Oma 
For a second, a brief second, his playful demeanor wavers
He stands in shock, staring at Monokuma
But as quickly as it happened, he lets out a fake laugh while pretending he doesn't care
But the second you return to your room, he jumps on you and latches onto you like a koala
You bring him to his bed and hold him as he releases his fears
The next day, his clinginess is multiplied by ten
He prefers to stay in your room with you all day
He doesn't want to let you leave
If you try to, he wraps his arms around your waist while giving you puppy dog eyes
"Whaaaat? You wanna go outside? Whyyyy? Don't you wanna stay here with me? Aww, you're so meeeeann!"
He plays it off as him just being cute and clingy, but he's genuinely terrified for you
If you reeeeallly wanna go outside, he'll begrudgingly let you leave, but only when he's with you
He either holds your hand or hugs your arm
And if anyone gets too close, he face darkens and he wears a sadistic smile
"You'd better stay away from them before I sic all my D.I.C.E members on you."
They think he's bluffing, but he's dead serious
Then at nighttime, he clings onto you while either laying on top of you or having one of you lay on the other's chest
He prefers not to talk about the whole situation, so he'll either comfort you or ask for your comfort
He'll run his fingers through your hair while promising to keep you safe
When he's laying on your chest, he just stays silent
These moments are when he's at his most honest
Whether that's verbally or non-verbally
Kokichi is a very protective, very clingy koala
Kaito Momota 
"Wha-? What the hell are you talking about?!”
He is not pleased
You'll need to hold his arm back from shoving his knuckles down the bear's throat
Then you'll have to pull him back to your room
He's fuming, but he's doing his best not to let it show
Then he'll sit next to you on the bed and wrap his arms around you
You can feel the fear and anxiety in how tightly he holds you
You gently guide his head to your chest as you go to sleep
Like Kokichi, he would much rather stay inside with you
Anyone would, honestly
But if you have to leave, he'll act as your personal bodyguard
If anyone acts funny, he'll glare at them and crack his knuckles
And if Kokichi cracks any jokes, he's immediately gonna get a face full of pain
He doesn't trust anyone, even Maki
He tries not to let his fear show, but he's as obvious as it gets
He's not very good at hiding his feelings
Kaito does his best to comfort you, but sometimes, he'll need it too
He doesn't like talking about the situation, and would much rather just chill inside with you
He desperately wants to keep up his cool, upbeat personality, but it's difficult
He's dreading what's to come in the future
Gonta Gokuhara 
Starts tearing up right on the spot
"What...? Why scary bear choose (Name) as his next target...?"
The moment you leave and go back to your room, he picks you up and holds you close to his chest
You feel your shoulder dampen, and you can tell he's crying
You take this to the bed and he holds you close to him, like a teddy bear
And the next day, he goes from gentleman to gentlemanly bodyguard
If anyone gets too close, he kindly, but sternly asks them to leave you alone
He feels bad for not being more like a gentleman, but you're more important now
Then at night, he holds you tight and close to him
He wants to make you feel safe, and it makes him feel safe knowing you're there
But he has a sinking feeling that it won't last long
Korekiyo Shinguji 
"I beg your pardon...?"
You can't really tell by the mask, but he is very shocked
You can see his eyes widen
When you leave and return to your room, he just kind of sits for a minute, processing the whole thing
Then he takes your hand in his
"This is quite the horrifying situation, dear. But I promise that I will not let anything happen to you. I swear on my life."
He is probably the most chill, despite being so worried
He doesn't act overprotective, but he'll give anyone he doesn't trust a good glare, and it'll have 'em running
He may not look it, but he is very worried
He prefers to be the one comforting you, believing you need it more
But at night, while he holds you, if you let him rest on your chest, he will melt into it
At some point, he considers committing a murder to lessen the amount of contestants of killing you
He knows it will get him killed, but maybe it'll be worth it...
But for now, he'll stay by your side and protect you, in any way he can
No matter what happens, he will keep his word
Even if he has to kill to do it
Ryoma Hoshi 
"You bastard. You did this on purpose, didn't you?"
Indeed he did
Monokuma wanted to be rid of you
When you leave the room, Ryoma just stands in front of the door for a second, frustrated and worried
He may land a punch to the door a couple times
Then he sits beside you on the bed and takes your hand in both of his tiny ones
"Hey, kid. I know this situation is super scary and whatnot, but even though I'm small, I'm not letting anyone lay their hands on you. I'll be damned if things go Monokuma's way."
He knows he can't do much, so he just stays inside with you most of the time
If you need anything, he'll just go and grab it for you, making sure the door is locked
He's not normally a fan of this, but he'll let you hold him close to you, like a teddy bear
He knows this must be terrifying, so he'll do whatever helps you
Ryoma may be small, but he'll do protect you in any way he can
Over his dead body will anyone take you out
"H-Huh?! Why would you pick them?! They didn't do anything wrong!"
Not to Monokuma
Kiibo doesn't understand why he would target you
I mean, you've been the one keeping the peace the whole time
But that's exactly why Monokuma needed to be rid of you
Kiibo has no idea how to process this, or what to do
But he can see that you're worried about it, so he pulls you close and hugs you
"Don't be afraid, (Name)! I'll protect you!"
He's confident in his abilities as a robot
He won't force you to stay inside, but he will strongly suggest it
If he's bothered by someone's presence, he will politely and meekly ask them to leave
He considers asking Miu to upgrade him so he has more accessories he can use to protect you
Then he worries that she might break him somehow
He wants to be there to protect you, and he doesn't want to take any risks
But then, getting an upgrade may be the thing he needs
At night, he'll hold you to comfort you if you need him to
Or he'll use any of his robot accessories to entertain you or comfort you somehow
In the end, whether Kiibo gets an upgrade or not, he's still gonna protect you
Kaede Akamatsu 
"Huh?? Why (Name)?! What did they ever do to you?!"
Put a damper on the killing game, that's what
You can see her body stiffen and an expression of fear on her face
When you leave, she basically immediately runs into your chest
You'll bring her to sit on the bed and let her rest on your chest for a little
She tells you how afraid she is of the situation, and of losing you
You'll go to sleep with her laying on your chest, but she doesn't go to sleep yet
She watches you sleep, delicately stroking your face with her thumb, thinking about everything
Then when you start to separate from her, she'll pull you into her chest instead
From then on, she swears to keep you safe
She prefers to stay inside with you while you spend the day together
Whether that's you resting on her shoulder while she plays piano, her watching you play a game, or just enjoying each other's company, she's happy
But if you need to leave for whatever reason, you'll go together
If anyone she doesn't trust approaches you, she'll ask them to leave you alone before pulling you away
She doesn't trust anyone, not even Shuichi or Rantaro
At night, she likes to play soothing melodies on her piano before you sleep
And she'll let you sleep on her chest
But if you offer her comfort, she will resist very little
Then she'll sleep on your chest too
Kaede often feels like she can't do much, but she will do whatever she can to keep you safe
Maki Harukawa 
"Do you wanna die?"
The one time she means it the most, and she can't even say it with the same unbothered demeanor
Her voice sounds so small, so weak
She sounds so vulnerable, even though she means it for real
When you leave, Maki kind of just sits, looking down at the floor
She's processing the news while wondering what she's gonna do about it
You tap her on the shoulder and ask if she's alright
She looks at you before slowly shaking her head
You wrap her arms around her and pull her close to you
She confesses that she's horrified of losing you, and that she feels powerless
That night, she falls asleep laying on your chest
The next morning, she becomes hellbent on making sure you survive this BS
She much prefers staying inside, to keep you away from the "idiots"
But if you insist on leaving, she'll begrudgingly come with you
Anyone who approaches you is immediately met with a death glare
That's usually all it takes to make them leave
Then you do what you need to do and go back to your room
She has a knife and a pistol on her at all times
And she has her lab locked tightly so no one attempts to break in
She seriously considers just going on a killing spree just so your chances of survival are higher
She'll do it, just say the word
She will put her true talent to good use with no question
But you can tell what she's thinking, and just ask her not to do anything rash
She promises to use her talent to protect you, in a very vague manner
She doesn't say how she's gonna do it, just that she'll do whatever's necessary
You don't like this, but you decide to just keep your mouth shut
At night, she always holds you close to her chest
For your comfort, and because it makes her feel that she can protect you, which is reassuring
But she is very stubborn about letting you do the same for her
She doesn't like accepting comfort
It makes her feel weak
But when she finally gives in, she realizes that it actually feels really nice
In the end, Maki is hella protective over you
She doesn't want to kill anyone, but she'll be damned if Monokuma's motive comes to pass
She'll do whatever is necessary to protect you, and make sure you survive
Miu Iruma 
"What the fuck?! Why the fuck are you picking (Name), you shitty piece of scrap metal?!"
She is fuming
She'll definitely spout some swears and insults at the bear
But she doesn't waste her time with violence, despite her many threats of dismantling him
After the meeting, she just takes your hand and pulls you away
Upon returning to your room, she walks in circles while ranting angrily about the situation
Then she'll look at you and sigh before sitting with you
She'll wrap her arm around your waist and pull you close while you lay your head on her shoulder
"Hey, babe. I know you're probably scared shitless right now. But I'll be damned if any of these thots try anything. You bet your ass that the gorgeous girl genius is gonna keep you safe." 
That night, she'll have you lay on her chest and stroke your hair while holding you close with her other arm
After that, she'll spend a lot of time working on inventions that can be used to protect you
You express concern over this, but she snaps back that she's "doin' this for you, dumbass!"
But if you try to go outside, she'll demand that you stay inside
"Hey, you'd better keep your ass in here! You don't know what those flat-assed fools are planning on doing to you!"
It takes a lot of convincing to pull her away from her work, but if you sit next to her, she'll wrap one arm around your waist without looking away
Eventually puts together a robot bodyguard to walk with you when you need to leave for whatever reason
And she makes a security system for the door, the room, and outside the room
Then she starts panicking that it's not enough, then you cup her cheeks and tell her that all you need is her
And finally, she'll step away and just be there for you
When you go outside, you'll go together
She'll scream at anyone who approaches you before pulling you away
At night, she's one of the few people here who will immediately indulge in your comfort
She's probably more stressed then you are, honestly
She loves laying on your chest at night
But if you say the word, she'll pull you into hers
Overall, Miu is horribly stressed out about this, and you'd best believe she'll be putting her talent to good use to help you
Himiko Yumeno 
"Nyeh?! Why? What did they do?"
She doesn't act super emotional, but her eyes widen in shock
When you leave, she's not really sure how to process the whole thing
But she is very worried about you dying
So she climbs into your lap and wraps her arms around you and lays on your chest
"Nyeh... I know this is super scary. But   don't be scared. If anyone tries to kill you, I'll put a curse on them! Or... Turn them into a frog! Or frogs...? I dunno, but I'll do something."
You can't help but smile at how cute she is
You fall asleep with her on top of you, holding each other tightly
The next day, she kinda just treats it as a normal day
Whether you stay inside or not is kind of up to you, honestly
If you want to stay in, she's fine with it
She either sleeps, performs tricks, or does one or both while being with you
If you need some fresh air, great
She'll walk with you while you both do your thing
Either way, she's not leaving you alone
Staying together is the best method of safety
And she doesn't trust anyone with you
Not Angie, not Tenko
If anyone approaches you, she'll kind of just pout at them and pull you away
At night, she just cuddles up to you like normal
If you need to be comforted, she'll let you sleep on her chest
But when you offer to do the same, she insists she doesn't need it
When she practices her magic, she's trying to conjure up a powerful spell she can use to protect you somehow
It's kind of her main focus, besides you
Whether or not it turns out a success, Himiko will still be by your side, and will do whatever she can to protect you
Angie Yonaga 
"What? Atua did not warn me of this..."
She kind of just stands in shock for a moment
Then when you return to your room, she returns to her sunny, cheerful self
She'll sit with you on the bed and take your hands in hers
"Do not worry, (Name)! Atua will protect you! And so will I! You have nothing to worry about!"
And then she'll hold you close and comfort you
After that, she kind of just treats it like a normal day
She'll do her art pieces and you'll do your thing until you want to leave
She'll usually say something like, "No, (Name)! Atua wants you to stay inside! It's much safer for you!"
But if you really need some fresh air, she'll come with you
She doesn't particularly distrust anyone, but if someone comes up to you and gives her bad vibes, she'll quickly scare 'em off
She'll widely smile at them and threaten to use their blood (or them as a whole) as a sacrifice to Atua
That quickly has them running for their money
Then she'll apologize, but not regret it
"My apologies, (Name)! But Atua tells me that we shouldn't trust them!"
Then you'll go back to your room and continue going about your business
Angie may act completely unconcerned or unbothered about the whole thing, but she actually is a little worried
But she believes (and hopes) that Atua will help you survive in the end
Kirumi Tojo 
"You are truly deplorable. How could you just blindly choose my significant other?" 
Oh, it wasn't blind at all
It was purely intentional
Kirumi is not happy
When you leave, she starts dusting the window to distract herself
Ends up breaking the duster because she was holding it too tight
Then she sits beside you on the bed and takes your hand
"I know this must be scary for you, love. But I will do whatever I must to ensure your survival. Not only as your maid, but as your partner. Please, tell me what I can do."
You ask her to just hold you that night, which she gladly obliges
The day after, she insists you stay inside to increase the chances of safety
She'll stay in with you, and occupy herself by doing chores
She also checks on you very often, asking if you need anything or if you need her to do anything
But if either of you needs something from outside, she'll begrudgingly leave, but have you stay inside
She'll go get whatever she's looking for and come back to you as quickly as possible, her panic rising the longer she's away
For once, she'll ignore any requests from anyone else
She's not their maid anymore
She's yours
And you're her top priority now
Then she'll be relieved that you're alright and both of you will continue to go about your day
At night, she'll hold you close to your chest, play with your hair and whisper soft words to you for as long as you want
She wants to be the one giving you comfort
It'll take a lot to convince her to relax and let you comfort her, but when she gives in, you hold her the exact same way she's been doing
In the end, Kirumi may be a maid, but she's your maid
And she's not letting anyone lay their dirty, crusty fingers on you
Tenko Chabashira 
"What?! Them?! You degenerate bear! I'll use my Neo-Aikido on you!"
You'll have to hold her back from drop kicking the bear
You'll go to her lab instead of your room
She needs to get her anger out
Once you leave, she'll start kicking and punching the practice dummies she has in her lab while ranting angrily
It won't take long before she's exhausted and the fear sets in
And then she immediately tackles you in a hug, crying into your chest
She's horrified of losing you
But that night, when she holds you tight to her chest, she decides that she'll do anything to prevent that from happening
She would much prefer to stay inside with you, but if you must go outside, she'll stick to you like glue the whole time
She is very anxious and very paranoid
She doesn't trust anyone near you, not even the girls
And God forbid one of the boys dare approach you...
They're getting a very sharp uppercut
She'll keep her hands off the girls, but she still can't trust them
And her clinginess is increased by 20%
She's holding onto your arm every single second you're out
And when you go back in, she tightly wraps her arms around you while laying on your chest or shoulder
Even more so at night
She prefers to give you comfort, but she won't resist you giving her some too
In the end, Tenko will not let anyone kill you
And she sure as hell isn't letting anyone kill her either
She needs to be by your side to keep you safe
She will do whatever it takes for the both of you to survive, no matter what
Note: I omitted Tsumugi because she's the mastermind, so I had no idea what to put for her. Hope that's alright
But if y'all want her really bad, just gimme some ideas on what to put for her section, and I'll add her in
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ughthisisntright · 10 months
This is For Us | Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader | Part 5
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Summary: You tend to Bradley as he's in the hospital.
Warnings: Hospitals?
Word Count: 2,359
Next Part
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The next few hours were a blur to you. You had nearly lost Bradley and gotten him back within the space of an hour. Then it was a flurry of tests and bandages and doctors and nurses while he was given a full work-up. You simply sat at his bedside while the doctors explained to him his restrictions for the next couple of weeks, and when the nurses lectured him on how to properly use the call button - a luxury they were a hair’s width away from revoking.
You were simply in shock. You hadn’t experienced such an emergency before. And you were positive this wouldn’t be the last time this happened while he was in your life. You could hardly imagine a life after Bradley. The very thought of him getting deployed and killed in action wrenched your gut. And today was only a small fraction of how that would feel.
Once it was the two of you in the room, an uncomfortable silence fell over you. Well, at least it was uncomfortable for you. Bradley was screwing around with his I.V. hookup and you were staring at your hands, lost in thought. You heard him clear his throat after a couple of minutes and you looked up slowly.
“You still here?” He asked softly. You only nodded your head, but he could tell there was something on your mind. “Talk to me,”
“I was so scared Bradley,” you started. “I didn’t know what I was going to be met with when you were being brought in. No one would tell me anything. No one would explain anything. I just… My mind immediately went to the worst.”
You babbled for a while, Bradley listening calmly and allowing you to feel what you needed to. You finished and finally met his gaze - soft, brown eyes with a sweet smile. He took your hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“You know,” he said softly in that deep, raspy voice of his. “The way I crashed… It was like I was reliving my father’s TOPGUN days.” You tilted your head curiously.
“What do you mean?” Your voice was soft.
“Remember how I told you my father died when I was a kid?” He questioned. You merely nodded. “It was exactly like that,” he choked out. “He was just about to graduate like I am. He and Maverick… His best friend… They got into an accident during a routine hop. Admiral Kazansky, Iceman, he flew by- whatever, they got caught in his jet wash. That’s like wind shear from a car, but worse because it can seriously mess with the aircraft’s flight path. Anyway,” he continued, tears finally brimming his gorgeous eyes. “Put them into a flat spin… Maverick was fine but my dad…”
You could tell he was having trouble getting through this. You placed your free hand on his arm gently.
“Take your time, Bradley,” you whispered softly. He nodded once and you could see the way his jaw clenched. He seemed to be struggling internally to get through this story. Till now, he’d just told you that his father died while training at TOPGUN. He was a couple of weeks from graduating and there was an incident. You didn’t know that it was as serious as it was turning out to be.
“When they ejected, the canopy hadn’t cleared all the way yet. My dad got ejected straight into the glass. Head first. His parachute deployed no problem, but he was already gone…” he continued.
“And Maverick?” You asked softly. You took note of the tear drops that fell onto the scratchy blanket covering his lap and the way his lip twitched upwards as though he was suppressing a snarl.
“Maverick was perfectly fine,” he grunted, choking himself up again. After a minute, he continued. “If he hadn’t tried to recover it, my dad would be alive.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry, wow,” he started to wipe his tears away but you caught his wrist.
“Bradley,” you said softly. Then, just as fast as he tried to wipe the tears away, they poured stubbornly down his cheeks. He pulled you into a tight hug, clutching you as though you’d fade away if he didn’t.
“I saw my dad’s face when I was going down, Peaches,” he sobbed. “All I fucking saw was his face.”
You soothingly rubbed his back and allowed him to cry. You knew he was rattled. He could only be strong for so long. And God knows the things he’d seen before you came around. He sucked in a shattered breath and continued.
“I saw my mom, my dad, both looking at me with smiles. It was the end, baby. It felt like the end…”
“Oh, my God…” You breathed. “You must have been so scared. How… How did you even manage to get yourself out without panicking?”
“It was easy once I decided…” he paused before looking up at you, tears still streaming down his face. “Before deciding this wasn’t just about me anymore.”
“What does that mean, Bradley?”
“It means,” he started with a serious look. “That even though I saw my parents smiling at me in my mind’s eye. I saw you, too.”
You couldn’t help but feel a lump growing in your throat at those words. You’d never had a near-death experience before. And even if you had, you weren’t sure it would ever come close to having to eject out of a $50 billion aircraft at high speeds.
“Your smile, cast over your shoulder casually - effortlessly. Your laugh and how genuine each one is. I saw the way you walk, the way you make big hand gestures when you’re excited, the funny way your lips purse when you’re concentrated. I saw the pretty packaging and everything contained within.
“I gotta be the best there is for us. Not just for me, or for my mom and dad, or anyone or anything. It’s about you and me. Peaches…”
Peaches. That sickeningly sweet nickname he gave you. It sounded like a spell he was trying to cast on you as he spoke. You felt tears pricking the corner of your eyes as he spoke to you. The only real side of Bradley you’d ever seen was the strong and loving exterior he had. Now, as you got a peek inside his mind, you realized there was some merit to the phrase “still waters run deep”; and God did you want to swim in his. 
“This is for us, now. Since I met you, baby, the only reason I get up anymore is to make you proud. Because you’re here. You’re real. Not some guardian angel watching over me from heaven or wherever. I only care about you now, Peaches,” he took your hand and brought it up to his lips, voice rough with emotion. “Is that okay? Can you handle that?”
Could you handle that? He’s worried about you? You shook your head in disbelief and pulled his hand to your lips next. This man - this perfect, loving man was more worried about you being able to handle the way he feels about you than he is about having just ejected himself from a plane. You couldn’t recall if you’d ever had something that sweet happen before. The tears fell freely and you nodded your head at him.
“I’ll do anything I can to show you that this is perfect, what we have,” you said with a broken voice. “In such a short amount of time… You’ve become important to me. You’ve become too important to walk away from, Bradley…” He pulled you up so you were sitting next to him on the bed. He pressed his forehead to yours, the two of you closing your eyes, and sharing this moment together. “My trickster.”
“Peaches,” he grunted softly. He pressed his lips to yours in what started as a chaste kiss. You knew you couldn’t go too far yet. At least not in the hospital. But you two had basically pledged yourselves to each other. What else was there to do? You eagerly accepted every kiss from him as he made his heart monitor beep a little faster in response to his heart rate increasing. You had to admit your heart was beating just as fast, but you knew any longer and the nurses would come running in to see what was going on. You broke away from him and heard the low groan of protest rumbling in his throat.
“When you get released,” you started while running your fingers through his already-mussed curls. “I’m gonna stay with you for the first few days to make sure you’re looked after.”
Bradley’s eyes widened slightly and you realize you may have suggested such a thing too soon. Your face fell, eyes wide and heat rising up to your cheeks. You very quickly opened your mouth to clarify, to soothe whatever nerve you appeared to have just struck. He was faster, though, and his hands came to hold the one you rested against his chest.
“That sounds perfect,” he beamed. If you’d asked him he would have told you he’d been waiting for days to ask you to move in with him. Fast, yes. But when you know, you know. And he knew. But, this wasn’t moving in. This was simply a safety thing. He’d treat it as such, but he would be keeping in mind that this could be a test-run for when the time came. 
“Perfect,” you said back, breathless. “I’m gonna go pack a bag while you’re having the last few tests run. I’ll be back to pick you up later. Sound good?”
He nodded, wrapping you in a gentle hug and stroking your back gently. You nestled your head against his and closed your eyes as you savored this moment. You tried to memorize the feel of his rough hands smoothing over your shirt as they roamed about your body, but the hug had to be cut short in order for this to move the way you had planned.
You pulled away and smiled down at him. You brushed his hair back and placed a gentle kiss to his forehead before picking your purse up and slinging it over your shoulder.
“I love you, trickster,” you said softly. You’d never seen Bradley grin so wide.
“I love you, too, Peaches.”
You returned to the hospital later that evening with Bradley’s favorite fast food in-hand. Your bag was in your backseat along with some other groceries you figured you’d need while staying with him for a couple days. He may need to eat, after all. And let’s face it, he’s a thirty-something-year-old guy. Not exactly much to work with in the kitchen.
You strolled into his hospital room and smiled widely, holding up the bags of food triumphantly. You would have thought you’d brought him a Happy Meal from the way his face cracked into a smile.
“You’re my hero,” he gasped, reaching for one of the bags. “The food fucking sucks here.”
“Yeah, hence-” you gestured to the bags. He tore one from your hands and almost tore the bag as he dug out the food you’d gotten him. He munched away happily, letting a borderline-pornographic moan escape his lips at his first taste of “real food.”
“They’re printing my discharge paperwork right now,” he said behind a mouthful of food. “I can’t wait to get you home.” He winked poorly and kept eating. All you could do was laugh and try not to choke on your own food.
“Get me home?” You managed to force out through your laughter. “I think it’s the other way around, sailor.”
“Ah, technicality,” he waved his hand dismissively. “I’m taking you home and making sweet love to you all night.”
“You ejected from an airplane not twelve hours ago and you’re already trying to get back into the action?” You smirked at him, thinking he must be doped up on a fresh dose of pain meds by now. The look in his eyes, though, suggested he was completely lucid.
“You haven’t seen you the way I see you,” he said after swallowing the rest of his food. “Wanted you since the first date. But I’m a good girl, I don’t put out on the first date.” Your giggles were torture at this point, all your energy driven towards not choking. He really was just a big kid at heart.
The nurse returned with his discharge paperwork, explaining aftercare to the two of you and having him sign the paperwork where it was necessary. Bradley skimmed the paperwork while you listened to the nurse speak, making note of anything specific to his care she mentioned. Bradley basically shoved the paperwork back into her hand and started to stand up.
“Whoa, tiger,” the nurse said with a laugh. “Gonne go make copies of this and then you can leave.” She then turned to you with a small smile. “Gonna have your hands full with this one, I can already tell.”
“Yeah,” you said with a laugh. You looked at her badge - Alisha. “You’ll have to excuse my boyfriend, Alisha. He seems to think he wasn’t just in an accident.” The two of you shared a laugh before she left the room to make copies of the paperwork. You turned to Bradley and playfully smacked his arm.
“Chill out, you’re starting to act like one of those difficult patients!” You laughed as he gave you a playful pout and rubbed his arm dramatically.
“And you’re like nurse ratched! Hitting the man you’re supposed to be taking care of!” He laughed with you and the nurse - Alisha - came back in with a beaming smile. “Okay, Lieutenant. You’re cleared for takeoff,” she winked at you and handed you the paperwork. “Be good to her,” she warned before leaving.
You watched Bradley closely as he stood up from the hospital bed. He seemed a little wobbly but otherwise okay. He slipped his shoes on, grabbed the pitiful little plastic bag his belongings sat in and hooked his arm with yours.
“Let’s go home, Peaches.”
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Dedicated to you, @roosterscock <3
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piglet26 · 5 months
Star Wars Rewatch: TROS
Oh, God.
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Palpatine come back and ruining Anakin Skywalker's redemption. Why? How? Cloning, okay, so this Palpatine isn't the real Palpatine?!
We get to see Supreme Leader Kylo Ren for about 4 minutes before he's immediately benched by Palpatine as co-pilot. Why? I get they didn't want Kylo Ren as the big bad, but this is just lazy writing.
Green goblin, I remember you don't last long.
R2D2, they never wash him or nothing?
Maybe the First Order should win. They take hits and keep on knocking. They take losses and recovered, quickly and well. They always seem to have intelligence from somewhere. In short, they are competent.
Poe and Finn, have a great dynamic.
Rey is finally training for everyone who had a boner for two movies about her having a rocky fight montage.
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They moment where Ren is praying over Darth Vader's mask and his mind bridges with Rey is a great reminder that these two are connected.
This film did something most franchise should never, it responded to criticism in real time.
Poe, you fucked up Han's ship. Stop attacking like she doesn't have a reason to be annoyed. Also, Rey is currently the sole Jedi in the galaxy, she should be training, not running off on every errand you have to do.
Colin Travano (whatever his name is) I wouldn't have wanted his script. Like at all. Poe and Rey do have chemistry though and you can tell they enjoy needling one another. It's just not endgame.
That Finnrey hug was awkward. It's a church hug with their butts sticking out. I'm Reylo to the core, but I have place for FinnRey in my heart. They're soulmates in a different way than Reylo is. Also, Daisy Ridley and John B are adorable and you can tell they enjoy working together.
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In a flawed film, Rose Tico being sidelined was a wise decision.
Rey, Poe, Finn, Chewie and 3PO are cute. JJ Adams did seem to love friendships developing and for the third film we needed to see all these characters together on an adventure.
Kylo Ren is forging this dumb ass mask again. Look it worked initially, character wise and so forth, but at this point?! He smashed it and moved past the need for it. The audience liked that he smashed it. We have to see his face for emotional scenes. Why is it back? Oh I know! Because JJ Adams good juvenile friend was sad his mask wasn't in the film anymore. General Hux and Kylo are magically little bottle of goodness. We got so little.
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We leave one planet for another planet but I keep forgetting what planet we're on. Title cards too much to ask?
Ren is actually pursuing Rey or The Scavenger because yes he wants her for himself. but he also wants to protect her from Palpatine. Their first force bond......... yeah. I've read the novelization so I understand it's been a minute since they've seen one another, but if I just watched the movie would I have known that? No. There is much they saying yet it's stiff and doesn't make much sense without context.
General Pryde. Why did we need him when we have General Hux?
I think Billie D Williams filmed all his scenes sitting down. He looks happy to be there but tired as hell.
Race through the desert of Pasaana. I like it. This crew does work and it feels like a fun adventure. There are cute, whitty moments between all of them and it works.
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She heals a snake - Two halves of the dyad should only have been able to heal one another, but here we are.
The Trio and Co find the evil sith ship or whatever. The Knights of Ren gotta walk while Ren is flying. Ren tries to run down Rey, again this make sense in the novelization and not at all in real life. After Rey injures his planes, he crashes and the majestic prince emerges out of the flames. Seriously?! Why the hell are you covering this guy up?!
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In a rip off of The Last Jedi we get a tug-o-war scene between the ship Chewie is on. It's not as great, but it's a good scene and we see how Rey's powers have grown. We know it's a waste of time though. They're evenly matched. It's a nice surprise when the lighting shoots out. Okay, I don't mind her being a Palpatine. I mind the retconning. I mind Palpatine magically coming back.
Rey confesses to Finn about her dream of her and Kylo Ren on the Sith Throne. Where? We would have liked to have seen this.
This is a nice FinnRey scene. Despite her display of "dark power", her killing Chewie presumably, Finn doesn't look at her any different. She's still Rey to him. He's patient and present and she describes her challenges. We still don't acknowledge Finn is force sensitive. Why isn't he training with Rey?
We are blazing through this movie. That's part of the problem we're just pushing plot points at this point. The movie needs to be more selective about slowing down and concentrating on character development. Something painfully lacking in this film. Even the Reylo scenes are about pushing the plot forward rather than pushing the characters forward.
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3PO actually has a storyline this movie. Good for him. Look secondary characters in a trilogy, you get your moments and it ain't gonna be every film.
Zorri and Babu are nice additions. I like Zorri and the fact that Ren kicking her ass actually made her like her. Women supporting women. Were Zorri and Poe a thing. What's a spice runner? A space drug dealer?
Rey's social skills lack a bit. but she's great with Droids.
Wait, Chewie and Ren were both on Ren's Destroyer and they didn't even have a scene together?! Chewie's like an uncle to Ren.
Ren, show up in your boss ass destroyer to get your girl.
Standout lines -
Poe: 3PO! Move your metal ass.
3PO: How dare you we just met.
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Finn, Poe and Chewie cowboying through the destroyer. Nice scene, doomed for failure I'm afraid.
Second Reylo forceskype is exposition. First real Reylo scene is exposition. Hey, movies gotta get it done haha but Ren literally is like here's the plot of the movie and everything you've been confused on up until this point. I will say watching the progression of the force bond that their spaces are now physically bleeding into one another. Nice touch. It's also nice to see what they each see when looking at one another through the force bond.
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General Hux is the spy. Could've gone farther with this. RIP Dawg
Another FinnRey scene where you begin to understand Rey is pissed off and darker than possibly Finn thought.
Palpatine and Ren scene. I'm so annoyed Palpatine is in this movie.
We meet a ragtime band on horses surprise their former stormtroopers. All of them. From the same company. Sure Jan.
Seeing the death star again, so odd and doesn't look a thing like the original. We see scavenger Rey again.
Reylo fights again because Rey is the denial queen and she's free to take out her aggression on Ren. He likes feral Rey. In another less PG film, they've fought and then boned, but Leia died. Also, Dark Rey.... I'm here for it. Mostly cause it looks cool.
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The film makers did the best they could with Carrie's Fisher passing. I thought they handled it with class and dignity while incorporating it into the film.
After Leia's passing and Rey healing it. Ren in his ever presented conflict nature overlooks the water when his father appears. It's poignant and character driven scene. It's beautiful scene about the enduring love of a parent. A flawed parent but a loving one nonetheless. Ben had two of those and he seems to finally understand that now.
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Poe has a good scene with Leia's body about being a leader. Something that, despite all the bravado, he finally admits he doesn't know how to do. This would've been a great scene with her alive. Part of the issue people have the sequel trilogy of the lack of respect paid for previous generations. As if they are flawed and bigoted. On screen and off screen. A scene where Finn, Poe or Rey paid respect for the accomplishments of previous generations. Their courage and their bravery. Billie D. feels like just a stand-in.
Palpatine army blows up yet another planet. yawn.
Finn is a general bestow as such by Poe. Good choice. Sanitation worker aside no one knows more about The First Order than someone who was a stormtrooper. Finn reveals Palpatine wanted Rey alive...... then why tell Ren to kill her? Because if Rey didn't go dark then Ren was the fall back or vice versa?
So far it's not a bad film, just a disappointing film. The stuff that made my blood boil is about to come.
Rey isolates herself on Acht-to, burns the ship and we see ghost Luke. Why? She saw herself on the dark throne and she's afraid of herself. This might have meant something. At one point. It just feels like a retcon at this point. She's a Palpatine but Leia and Luke didn't care? Then what the hell were you worried about Ben for? If blood and legacy means nothing.
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I'm not one of those people that need everything in a movie to make sense. It's also a space fantasy film, but damn.
Rey leads the Resistance to Exegol, she just doesn't know it. That was handy. No, really the way the movie sliced that together worked very well. Poe and Finn make a great speech about the resistance. Not as rousing as I'd like.
Exegol being the basis for the Sith religion is actually really cool. Wish we could've learned more. Empress Palpatine sounds like a boss ass name.
I hate everything about the ending of this film.
Rey once again goes into the enemy territory without a plan. The resistance doesn't really have one either except gumption.
Ben Solo is back! He's great. He's a hero. He's got great hair. He's likeable. We haven't seen him for 20 minutes, he doesn't say a word except "Ow" We have a beautiful Reylo moment where we Rey and Ben see each other through the Force Bond and she looks at Ben with such relief, joy and love that he's there with her. Ben fight like hell to get to her. This is it! Bendemption. We've waited three films for this. Then they tossed him off a cliff.
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While it's a great scene of Rey listening to the previous Jedi's and rising up. I'm so confused how the dyad coming together empowers the devil. Ben has been made completely irrelevant.
I mean, we got a Reylo Kiss! It was epic and then it was over. We were lucky to get that considering Disney started to shy away from Reylo due to all the "controversy" I just hate this so we'll move on.
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The hug was nice!
Rey Skywalker?
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And that's that
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brooooswriting · 1 year
hey. i have been loving all of your stories so far! what about a scarlett x reader hurt/comfort story with some fluff. scarlett gets badly hurt on set or something and reader freaks out. then reader comforting and helping scarlett recover.
It was a normal day for both, you and Scarlett, as she left the house early to get to the set on time while you got ready for the shoot you had today. It was a rather important one.
So it was around 3 pm when your Assistent crashed the shoot with your phone in hand. “Miranda, what’s going on?” You asked kindly as it seemed important and in all honesty you were a huge fan of her. “Elizabeth called, Scarlett got hurt on set and theyre waiting for the doctor right now” she rambled but you zoned out after hearing that she’s hurt.
“Gotta go” was the last thing you said while sprinting out of your room and grabbing your bag. The good news: the set was barely 5 minutes away and due to the fact that you may have been speeding you got there in under 3.
“Where’s she?” You asked as you crashed into the set just like Miranda did a couple of minutes ago. But you were a lot angrier. “Y/n” Chris Evans ran towards you nearly as freaked out as you were. “What happened?” You questioned while getting to her. “Two of the ropes that were supposed to hold her up broke and she fell like 3.5 meters onto a mat but she only screamed in pain before blacking out” he explained.
When you arrived the paramedics where already there hosting her into the car. “Wait, that’s my wife” you screamed and ran towards them immediately grabbing her hand. “If she’s your wife, you’re allowed to drive with her” one of them told you and you quickly climbed in and sat next to her.
“We can’t do anything until we’re at the hospital, it seems like she broke her leg and blacked out due to pain but we can’t say more” the other one explained as you kept stroking Scarlett’s hair and whispering reassuring nothings into her ear.
You sat anxiously in the waiting room while your wife was in the operation room. “Here, I got you a coffee” Elizabeth said as she sat next you wrapping an arm around you. “She’ll be fine y/n, she’s strong” she reassured you. You cried into Elizabeth’s arm, something just felt wrong.
After an hour and a half, a doctor came to you and you jumped up. “Miss Johansson, it’s seems like your wife twisted her leg but also has a brain trauma, we are trying our best to stop the bleeding. I’m sorry” he said before disappearing again. You broke down crying, sobbing, until Elizabeth came and pulled you into a hug. At one point you were so exhausted from crying that you fell asleep.
And two hours later, still nobody came to tell you that she was fine. God, you could only hope that she’d be fine. The thing that woke you phone ringing. You didn’t know the number but still picked up. “Y/n Johansson?” The person on the other side of the line asked. “It’s the stunt apartment. We’d like to discuss some things with you over the accident” the person kept talking but you couldn’t contain your anger.
“You gotta be kidding me, my wife is in the hospital because YOU fucked things up and NOW YOU want ME to come to you so we can talk about the accident?! You can be happy if I don’t sue you until you do not have a penny left! And you better not think that you’ll keep your job! She could have died!” By now you were screaming causing the whole waiting room to look at you. You hung up and mumbled a short sorry to the people around you.
“Miss Johansson?” A doctor called out and you immediately ran toward him. “I’m sorry, but we can’t promise that she’ll wake up. If she doesn’t wake up in the next 24 hours we can’t do anything for her. She’ in room 304 if you wanna see her” you mumbled a thank you before turning to Lizzie with tears in your eyes.
“Y/n, what did he say?” She asked after wrapping her arm around you. “If she doesn’t wake up in the next 24 hours…” you broke down sobbing, again. “Come on, let’s go and see her huh?” Elizabeth carried most of your weight until you entered the room.
You got to Scarlett’s side and glided your hand over her cheek before lightly kissing it. “Do you want me to stay or give you some time alone?” Liz asked. You couldn’t decide so she did for you “I’ll get you some things to wear and a toothbrush okay?” She asked and you nodded.
“Scar, baby, please you gotta wake up. I can’t live without you. I love you so much” you stayed the whole time, the only breaks where when you had to go to the bathroom. Lizzie brought you your stuff, Chris brought you drinks, Miranda brought you some things to work on so you could have a distraction and Florence cooked you food. They were great but I’d didn’t change the facts.
It did not change that the 24 hours were over now and that she did not wake up causing the doctors to return. “Miss Johansson, we are sorry but you should think about plugging out the machines…” you immediately denied. “No, I want to keep them on! I’m not ready to let go” you mumbled and while the doctors weren’t really convinced they left the room.
So the days passed and every day was the same. Your friends and family visited around noon, Lizzie was there to bring you breakfast while Flo was there for dinner. You never left the room and barely showered in those 3 weeks, Scarlett looked so pale and hurt that you were starting to believe that turning off the machines may be the right thing.
After the fourth week the doctors came back to you. “You should really think about turning off the machines, we know that this is hard but the possibility that she wakes up is around zero.” One of them told you. “I… just a day longer, I… I can’t… I don’t think that she’d just leave me like that. Please, I’ll pay the double but don’t plug them out just yet” you cried causing them to agree.
You fell into the chair next to her and decided to call her parents. “Melanie, Karsten, hey… uhm this is really hard, but the doctors want to turn off the machines. So you could come say goodbye” all of you were sobbing and they told you they’d be over later when they could drive again.
Then you told the rest and everyone came to say goodbye. At one point the room was full with people that were close to her and all of you were crying. They all said their goodbye but left you alone at some point so you could really say your last goodbye.
One last time you wanted to fall asleep with her, so you put on one of her hoodies that Lizzie brought you and laid next to her crying yourself to sleep.
You woke up to a hand stroking over the skin of your side. Nails lightly scratching over your hip like Scarlett always did. That’s when you suddenly sat up turning to look at her. There she sat wide awake looking at you. Her cheeks were now rosy and she looked so alive. When you finally realized you threw yourself into her arms. “You’re alive, I was so scared. I thought you’d never wake up again” you cried into her shoulder as she hugged you tight to her body kissing your forehead.
“I’m alright love, I could never leave you. I’m so sorry I scared you” she mumbled until you suddenly sat up again. “I gotta get the doctors, and I have to call everyone… and and” you were stumbling over your words causing her to chuckle. “I already did all of that, but I didn’t want to wake you so come back here!” She giggled when you fell back into her.
“So you stayed here the whole 4 weeks huh?” She asked with a grin. “Of course, I could never leave you” you said hugging her tighter.
“I love cuddling you but do you think you could help me go and brush my teeth? I really wanna kiss you” you giggled before helping her up and caring almost of her weight. You helped her brush her teeth as she sat on the counter. The moment she washed out her mouth she pulled you between her legs to kiss you which quickly turned into a make out session until the door suddenly opened.
Yup, even with 28 it was embarrassing when parents caught you making out. “Hun, it’s so great to see that you’re alive” her dad said while you made space for them to hug her. Her cheeks were red while she hugged them back. “Don’t be embarrassed, it’s great to see that the two of you are still in love like that” her mum said causing the both of you to turn eben redder.
It was a long way until everything was going to be okay again but you’d do everything to be with her forever.
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backtraf · 1 year
Kelvin keeping on scratching his ears, despite the blood being cleaned up, feeling itchy or uncomfortable
Tim worrying about it and after some prying, Rob let’s him take a look to help him.
Now either his ears still had some crusted blood inside and Tim has to hold on a squirming Kelvin while he cleans the inside the best he can with cotton and tweezers from a recovered medkit, not a great experience but afterwards Kelvin won’t feel that itching/irritation sensations
A bug actually crawled (yes it can happen) in, causing the itchiness, and Tim has to fish it out immediately so his ears don’t get severely infected by an insect who is probably mutated like half of the island
This whole time, Robbie can’t see Tim’s face, all he can see is his body tensing, a sense of urgency and a very uncomfortable sensation in his ear canal
Doesn’t help if he’s ticklish too
It had been a few days since the crash, and every now and then, Tim noticed Kelvin flinching and pulling at his ears, scratching them, and making irritated noises. He was getting worried. It wasn't until Kelvin scratched so hard that he cut the lobe of his ear and caused it to bleed that Tim decided to step in.
He pulled out his notepad and wrote down in it. "What's wrong? You're hurting yourself."
Kelvin grimaced and took the notepad offered to him. "The inside of my ear itches, and it won't stop."
Tim looked at him, and he looked like he was on the verge of a breakdown.
"Hold on, I'll be right back."
He ran to the supplies sitting by the fire and dug through them. It had to be dried blood sitting in his ears, causing the irritation. He pulled out a first aid kit and hoped that there were swabs in it. He dug through it and felt relief wash over him with he saw the small paper package holding two swabs sticks neatly inside. He grabbed the swabs and a bottle of water before running back over to Kelvin.
Tim sat next to him, and Kelvin looked at him curiously, looking like he wanted to ask what he was doing, but he waited patiently. He trusted Tim. After a moment of getting settled, he wrote down on the notepad again.
"I'm going to clean out your ears. You probably have dried blood in them."
Kelvin took a moment before nodding hesitantly. He didn't really want his ears to be messed with more, especially inside. Sensing his hesitation, Tim smiled reassuringly.
"I will be careful, I promise."
It took him a moment longer, but Kelvin finally nodded again and braced himself. Tim wet one of the swabs in the water and, with great care, began cleaning out the inside of his left ear. Kelvin tensed and shuddered. The itching increased for a moment before relief came. A few more moments passed before Tim pulled the swab out of his ear, the tip saturated in blood.
Tim wrote down on the notepad. "Feel better?"
Kelvin nodded, eager to get the other one cleaned. Tim smiled and moved over to the other side, wetting the other swab and cleaning the ear like he did the last one, being as gentle as he could. Kelvin jerked away as a particularly strong itching sensation came over him, and he tried to mumble an apology to Tim, though he couldn't be sure if Tim understood it.
Tim took a few moments for Kelvin to get settled again before moving back in to finish cleaning. Once he was done, the look of relief on Kelvin's face made Tim chuckle lightly. He patted his shoulder.
"Please let me know when you're in discomfort. I'm willing to help you."
Kelvin nodded and smiled, the two taking the next while to relax.
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usafphantom2 · 1 month
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I have received THE Actual audio recording of what they said to each other in the cockpit of SR-71 974 WHEN THEY KNEW THEY HAD TO BAIL-OUT Pilot Dan House and RSO Blair Bozek are the voices in the audio. Dan does most of the talking . I think you’ll be impressed with how when they were facing possible death (the ocean was full of sharks.) they remained professional and unafraid. I know I was impressed.
Their calm demeanor and professionalism should be noted when you listen to this audio; there are a few cuss words, which are very appropriate in this context—just a warning. You’ll hear that they could give the exact crash location before they both bailed out. The pilot bails out first, which is unusual. Blair said he wanted to go second, but I’m unsure why. The pilot, Dan, yells to Blair, “Do you want to go out over land or water?” his response is the water. They could not make it to Clark Air Force Base as the airplane had seized up, and Dan had lost control. There was a Russian Navelship near the crash scene.
This happened on April 29, 1989, over the South China Sea and is the last loss of any Blackbird.
Pilot Lt Col Dan House, flying at Mach 3+, said the left engine seized (engine compressor bearing froze, causing disintegration), and shrapnel from the engine hit the right-side hydraulic lines, causing a loss of flight controls.
The pilot descended to 10,000 feet and 400 Kts before ejecting. House and RSO Blair Bozek ejected and came down safely into the ocean.
They had been able to broadcast their position before abandoning the Blackbird. They came down 200 yards off the coast of Luzon Island in the Philippines. Native fishermen immediately rescued the crew.
It took some time before the rescue squad could find the crew. The fisherman insisted on taking them to the mayor of their town. I was told by a woman who lives in the Philippines, that the mayor of the town has one of the ejection seats in his house. I’m not sure if both seats were recovered after the accident but that’s what I was told .They did try to make a phone call but believe it or not, they couldn’t because there was a long line at the payphone! When they did make contact to ensure they were not the Russians( remember, they had a ship nearby), they were asked to tell unique code B318, which was the number of the room where the SR 71 crewmembers would often have a party. They certainly did have a party that night after they were rescued. This was a sad ending to the SR 71 program by having this crash, but the good news is the crew survived. sr71habu.com/17974/17974_Tr…
Linda Sheffield
Thank you, Ron Girouard and Robert D Hall III for your help with the audio.
@Habubrats71 via X
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chenfordsbby · 1 year
"Crash Course"
I am back!!!! I want to start by saying a huge thank you to everyone who actually read my first every blog drop and took the time to respond and interact with me and my thoughts and feelings, it truly means so much!!! I have never felt the way I do about this show and Chenford ever, and I have loved the community that I have found among all of you guys! I hope you guys continue to stick around for the next 98 blog drops throughout our hiatus, however long it shall last (& we are all okay with however long the strike lasts no matter how it affects our shows because the!! writers!!! deserve!!! to!!! get!!! paid!!!! #WGA).
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Season 1, Episode 2: “Crash Course”
“Talia forces Nolan to confront his personal moral instincts after he encounters a kidnapping victim; Lucy is temporarily placed with a new training officer who tests her patience; Jackson must confront his failures head on”
Written By: Alexi Hawley
Directed By: Adam Davidson
Original Air Date: October 23, 2018
Let us get right into it, shall we?!
It has only been one episode so far, but I do appreciate the “Previously on The Rookie” recap.  Not enough TV shows do that these days anymore. Of course, nobody would ever dare to miss an episode of this show but they did it from the beginning and they kept up with it, which is nice!
The episode begins with John and Talia in a car chase through the streets of LA which eventually ends at the Hollywood Sign.  John is taken aback by the driver when it turns out to be a runaway bride, which was the last person either of them were expecting. His emotions automatically kick into high gear and he uses his personal experiences to relate and literally talk her off the ledge (classic Rookie comedy). I will give credit where credit is due, and that is to John Nolan because he has a way with his words and communicating to strangers and that’s a nice quality for not only a person, but a cop to have.  It is what brought him to the police academy in the first place.
It’s clear that Lucy didn’t immediately take Talias advice and end things with John because they are waking up in bed together with cringeworthy pillow talk. I don’t know what shifted for them between Episode 1 and 2 but something did because I did not feel as put off by them just an episode ago as I do now. I want to like this couple, I really do, but there is something very familial of them being in a relationship- it gives off those vibes and that is not good, in any way.
I understand why the writers started the show with John and Lucy already in a relationship; the execution of them is just very poor and not well received, but it is not their fault.  Who knows how long their romance will last, but I think it is for the best that Talia intervened as early as she did because I don’t know how long people would sit through their relationship.
Lucy telling John that she wants to keep it casual is the best answer she could’ve given him no matter how much that was not what John wanted to hear.  This relationship was doomed from the start. 
Tim is recovered from surgery and is being released from the hospital, albeit alone, or so he thinks. His wife is MIA and as far as we know, there is no other family.  Any other person would have an audience of family members jumping at the chance to be there for their release, but we know that Tim Bradford is nothing but normal in the best way possible.  Who shows up for him, none other than his unconventional family: Talia and Angela.  Family doesn’t always have to be blood and they prove that to him simply by being there and showing up for him and that genuinely shocked him in the best way possible.
Talia continues to put the pressure on Lucy and I am glad she is.  It’s been only 2 episodes, but you can tell how much Lucy wants to be a cop.  Talia makes a fair point to Lucy that by dating a fellow police officer she is only self sabotaging her career and its like a lightbulb went off atop Lucy’s head.  You can tell how much being a cop means to Lucy and she doesn’t want anything or anyone getting in her way of that.
And Lucy diving out of the way of John’s bouquet throw was a nice touch!
I feel bad for John when it comes to his not quite there relationship with Officer Grey.  It is evident that this job means something to John and he is also trying to build something with Grey but the feelings are not reciprocated. All Grey can see is a walking talking joke and he doesn’t want any part of it.  He can’t understand why someone of John’s age wants to become a cop and he refuses to do so.  At this point in time, there seems to be no hope for this friendship..
I like that this show gives more than just the action and the line of duty of being in the police force.  What goes on after coming back to the precinct, which shows: how an intake happens, how the paperwork is done, how the numbers are calculated, etc.  For someone who has no idea about anything regarding the police, its a nice touch (how much of it is accurate, lets leave that up to our imaginations!)
Lucy’s on-duty hair style doesn’t suit her, in my opinion. 
This episode makes you start to question if Jackson has a true passion in wanting to become a trained police officer or if he is going through all of these motions just to please his family and especially his father.  Does it make Jackson happy or does it make his father happy?  We still are seeing him freeze up when it comes to his gun and using it.  IN the back of the Quick Mart shop he uses anything but his gun to take down the offender: His fists, his body and his baton.  The first thing that you see when Angela comes barging in, is her gun in her hands.  The question remains, why is Jackson afraid?
With Tim still out of commission from his surgery, Lucy is assigned a temporary T.O officer for the time being, Officer Wrigley.  Right off the bat he does everything for her that Tim would make Lucy do for him.  A huge difference in T.O officers, but is it a good different?  They haven’t been in the shop together for no more than 5 minutes and Wrigley already has spoken of his appraisal of Lucy and she has yet to hear that from Tim.  It is different for Lucy though because instead of going head first into the action, she gets but on the back burner and is succumbed to traffic citations with Wrigley, much to her dismay.  Lucy is impatient, bored and eager.  You can tell how much she wants to be a cop and loves this work.  She isn’t meant to be writing tickets, she’s meant for the action and there isn’t anything wrong with that just like there isn’t anything wrong with wanting to go home to your kids every night, which Wrigley does, and that is fine, it’s just that is not the type of police officer that Lucy wants to become.  
With Lucy stranded at the diner, it’s a surprise to her when Tim also shows up at the very same diner.  At first Lucy thinks he is there to check up on her but is shut down when Tim is just there to pick up his lunch.  Even with Tim on leave, he still somehow manages to be the training officer that Lucy needs.  She doesn’t know how to handle Wrigley, so when the call comes in regarding the shoplifter, Lucy wants to jump at it but is hesitant. It doesn’t matter that she doesn’t have a car or a T.O at that moment, she has Tims encouragement to go after him and that’s enough for her and she hits the ground running, literally and she does a hell of a job at catching him too. 
Lucy being assigned to Wrigley was solely at the hands of Tim and his undying love of Tim Tests.  It isn’t until the day is over when Lucy realizes that it was a Tim Test and I’m glad she didn’t figure it out any sooner.  Wrigley showed her the kind of cop that he wants to be and Lucy showed him exactly the kind of cop that she wants to be as well, which in turn showed Tim as well.  I think it was one of his better Tim Tests, it was a baby step in the right direction for the start of their friendship.  I do think this is the first time that we see Tim smile.  And an authentic smile at that too.  His “boot” passed one of his Tim Tests, and with flying colors as well and it makes him giddy.  He isn’t going to be training some eventual burnout.  He now knows that Lucy is in it for the long haul and her be damned if he trains her with anything less than excellence.  THE SMALL SMILES FROM BOTH TIM AND LUCY. SWOON.
The first crack in Tims hard exterior and its from Lucy Chen. It is a very small one, but it is there none the less.  Tim’s heart grew a size bigger that day without even knowing it and all because of Lucy Chen. This is the first smile we see from Tim, especially since his heartbreak the last episode.  
I like how we haven’t sen much of Captain Anderson but what we have seen of her, she has everyone’s back and is there for all of her officers, new and old.  
Two episodes in and I like every single character, yet Talia still has yet to make me like her as much as I like everyone else.  I don’t know what it is with her character, but I don’t feel it quite just yet, maybe I will soon…
You can tell that Jackson wants approval from his T.O Angela just as much as Lucy wants it from her T.O Tim and there isn’t anything wrong with that.  Angela and Tim were once Rookies themselves and went through exactly what Lucy and Jackson are going through so it’s inevitable that they want some type of approval or recognition from them.  It is admirable.  
This episode is very John Nolan centric, which is to be expected considering the premise of the show is about him and his life as a rookie police officer, BUT now that I know there is an ensemble cast with a ton of other characters to watch and learn more about, I don’t think every episode has to feature John so heavily.  Let us viewers get to know more about all of the other characters, both on and off duty, in this police precinct of Mid-Wilshire!
Honorable Mention: Shirtless Tim! I’m sorry, I had too!
Episode Peak: Everyone’s street style starting to show! We love to see it!
Episode Pit: 6 minute and 07 second mark…what..was..that…
Quote of the Episode:  “With all due respect Sir, you’re a pain in my ass” — Lucy Chen
Episode Rating: 7/10- Only of the fact that, besides a few key moments here and there, not much really went on in this episode that gave me the “WOW” factor.
Until the next drop on “Get in the Shop”.... ;)
Please give me your honest feedback!!!!! I LOVE interacting with you all of you guys!!!
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getsojaded · 2 years
part iii: non-refundable || calum hood
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word count: 3.9k+
warnings: swearing, people are drunk, briiief mention of weed, tiny tiny underlying mention of sex lol
a/n: hello, me again :) this one is def a bit longer than the last two and nowww we finally have some slight action from cal and y/n (ik it was a slow start for this story i am soz). i hope u guys like this one! xo
“So, you’re just gonna go with him?” Gab questions through Y/N’s headphones, as she walks through the aisle containing all the little travel-sized necessities. Her (not-so) anticipated trip with her ex-boyfriend was now less than a week away, Y/N coming to the realization that she should probably get her shit sorted out before it’s too late.
“I mean, there’s nothing else we can do. We tried getting our way outta it Gab, trust me,” Y/N responds as she grabs the first toothpaste that catches her eye. “Are you not fucking terrified?!” Gab asks. “If I were you, I’d be straight up shitting myself and crying. Aren’t you like, still in love with this guy?”
Y/N sighs at Gab’s response. Gab knows everything about her, and most definitely saw her at her worst when she left Calum. Poor Y/N couldn’t even get out of bed for at least two weeks, only listening to her favorite songs of his, and scrolling back to the thousands of photos they had together – she hadn’t deleted any of them.
After all, how does one recover from a three year, intensely loving relationship? All crashing down because of a lack of communication?
“Yeah, but… he doesn’t need to know that. It’s only a two and a half week trip. I don’t need to mask my feelings for that long, no?” Y/N asks not only Gab, but herself as well. “You’re right ; it’s not that long of a time period, however it’s two and a half weeks of spending the majority of your time with your ex, staying in the same room, potentially in the same bed, pretending like you wouldn’t take him back in a heartbeat if he asked.” Gab states, and Y/N groans at her amazing logic. As much as she hated to admit, Gab was completely right, doubting herself at how long she can keep the act up of being moved on.
“I fucking hate you bro,” Y/N starts, frowning at her best friend on her phone. “Why do you have to be so - oh fuck!” her sentence gets cut off by her walking to a broad figure. “I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to run into… Calum?” 
“Lovely seeing you here, Y/N.” Calum responds, with a small smile on his face. Y/N’s heart jumps, flutters, and sinks all at the same time as she quickly tells Gab that she’ll call her back later, before ending it and putting her attention back towards him. “Sorry for crashing into you, I was totally looking at my phone.”
“Was that Gab Gab?” Calum asks Y/N, her slightly giggling at the old nickname he used to call her best friend. “The one and only,” she sighs, picking up some small, empty plastic bottles for her shampoo and conditioner. “I’ve missed that insanity of a human being,” Calum responds, remembering how rowdy Gabriella was at their gatherings. She had always had a strong, outgoing personality, and it didn’t help that she was the most lightweight person ever. Two shots in, and the girl was gone for the night. “Anyways, I’m assuming we’re both here for the same things?” 
Y/N takes a quick glance at Calum’s shopping basket, and then hers. It’s practically the same, tiny sized items, Y/N having just a bit more than Calum, but that was totally expected. Calum always told her on their trips that it was overpacking, but Y/N countered his statements by saying “it’s called being prepared!” 
“Why’d you get the shittiest mouthwash? You know Listerine is the best one.” Y/N jokingly shits on Calum, receiving an offended look from him in return. “Listerine is two dollars more! I’m trying to save some money here,” he scoffs, pointing to the two different price tags. “You say that as if you’re not a multi-millionaire, bab- Calum..” 
Y/N fucked up. Y/N let that stupid, basic slip out of her mouth and she immediately feels heat rush to her cheeks as she realizes her little slip up. But Calum’s not dumb, he hears that switch up of names all too well, his face almost falling once he hears his full name. To save her embarrassment, he pretends to not hear it and continues the conversation, ignoring the fire starting in his chest. 
“Money is money, I could totally be using those two dollars for something extremely important. What if we’re short two dollars for touring and I need to pitch in the extra?” 
Now Calum has fucked up. He knows he was trying to make a lighthearted joke out of everything, but the topic of touring was always a sensitive one, for the both of them. It’s practically the whole reason they were no longer together — constantly being away from each other. Calum and Y/N both take notice of the tension almost immediately, as she tries to blow the whole thing off.
“You’re such an idiot,” she quietly laughs, looking down. Calum’s about to reply, but he feels a vibration in his front pocket. “Hold on, Mike’s calling.” Y/N looks back up at the sound of Michael’s name, her eyes lighting up. Not only has she missed the boy standing right in front of her dearly, but his three brothers as well.
“Hey, what’s up? .. I’m at Walmart .. I ran into Y/N. … Tonight? Yeah sure .. You want me to? … Yeah, I’ll ask her. … Alright, I’ll see you later. Love you,” Calum’s conversation is short and sweet, ending the phone call less than a minute later. He looks back to Y/N, who’s currently inspecting the two small bottles of mouthwash. 
“I know this is a bit odd, but Mike’s headed to Australia for a little bit and today is his last day in LA. We’re gonna spend a little bit of time with him at his place tonight, and he asked if you wanted to come along.” 
Y/N doesn’t think twice before responding. She loved spending time with all of them, and she’d love to reunite with all of them. “Yes! I’ve missed them so much!” She excitedly responds, before her smile turns into a frown. “But I didn’t drive, I walked here.”
“I drove, I’ll t-take you.” Calum stutters, internally facepalming himself at the nerves that instantly filled his body. “O-okay, thank you,” Y/N responds, feeling the exact same things that Calum does. “I’m finished here now, can I grab a small snack to bring to Michael’s though?” She asks. Calum gives her a quick of course before he follows her to the bakery aisle. “Chocolate chip or oatmeal chocolate chip?” She asks for his opinion, holding up the two plastic boxes contained with cookies. 
“Well, safest option, regular. But for you and I, hundred percent oatmeal.” Calum responds, thinking back to the countless amount of times they’d devour a 12 pack of oatmeal chocolate cookies a joint or two in. Y/N flashes a grin at Calum, and he swears that he breaks a sweat. So fucking beautiful, he thinks to himself, before his thoughts get cut off by her voice. “You’re right. I’m the one paying for these anyways.” 
After quickly making their way to the checkout line and paying for their items, Calum and Y/N make their way back to his car. “I’m a bit nervous,” Y/N admits, as Calum opens his trunk. “You are? Why?” “I mean, I haven’t seen them in what — six months? What if they think I’m all weird and annoying now..” she trails off, and Calum’s hands find their way to her shoulders as he forces her to look her in the eyes. 
“Hey,” Calum begins, and he struggles to continue his sentence the moment she looks up at him, all doe-eyed with a scared little look on her face. “There’s no need to worry ‘bout that shit. They’ve always loved you and loved having you around, and they’ve missed you dearly.” Almost as much as I do, he thought. “Mike’s the one that asked me to bring you along as well, no? Don’t you worry, okay? They’ll be very happy to see you.” 
Y/N’s nervous face immediately turns into a soft smile once Calum’s reassuring words fill her body with warmth. That’s one thing she had always adored about him throughout the entirety of their relationship – his way with words. Calum can barely contain his smile once he sees her grin up at him, softly responding with an “okay” before he lets go of her shoulders and lets her walk to the passenger seat of his car, unaware of her tiny smile that has now turned into a big one as she buckles her seatbelt. Y/N’s also unaware of the cheeky grin he makes after letting go of her body, the stupidest smile planted on his face while he closes the trunk. 
As Calum starts the car, he passes Y/N his phone. “Take it away, Miss Aux Cord.” The both of them laugh at what he says, as they both remember that was the one sentence Calum had always said to Y/N as they were about to head off on a drive, no matter the distance. Y/N was always great with music, having the best playlists on her Spotify account and always being given the aux at functions. “Let’s hope I’m still good at this.” She giggles, going onto her account and clicking one of her random playlists, settling with The Sound by The 1975. “Straight banger!” Calum exclaims, as they sing the first few lines of the song.
“You’re so conceited, I said that I love you. What does it matter that I lie to you?” 
“I don’t regret it, but I’m glad that we’re through. So don’t you tell me that you just don’t get it ‘cause I know you do!”
The two of them get to Michael’s place not too long later, Y/N’s cookies in one hand as she knocks on the door with the other. In the car, Calum said that she “should knock on the door and be the first one that they see so it’s more meaningful”, in which she happily obliged. 
“Hey Cal what’s u- Y/N!!” Ashton greets at the door, immediately giving Y/N the biggest hug. She giggles into his chest, as he sways the two of them back and forth. “It’s good to see you, Ash!” She exclaims, Ashton pulling away to dap Calum up. 
“No fucking way Y/N is here,” the three of them hear a voice call out from the top of the stairs, seeing an extremely excited Sierra run down. Y/N runs towards her, engulfing her in another big hug once Sierra is an arms length from her. “I’ve missed you so much!” Y/N groans, and she feels another body to the side of her. “What’s good, little miss thing? I’ve missed you.” Luke happily says, patting the top of her head. 
“Aw, I wanna get in on this!” Michael exclaims once he walks out of the washroom, rushing towards the little group hug that was forming in the centre of his living room. Ashton had already gotten his but, but he didn’t want to miss out on it either. 
Calum watches the little group hug about three feet away from him, admiring the sight. All his friends loved Y/N so much, and it’s safe to say that that hasn’t changed. His heart feels full, and he’s glad to see all of them get along as if she’d never left. 
His thoughts are cut off by Luke’s voice saying “Cal, get the fuck over here!” and Calum happily partakes in the hug, groaning in contentment. “Happy reunion!” Y/N’s happy voice echoes throughout the room, the rest of the group cheering in union. 
After pulling away and getting settled, Y/N places the cookies on the little table that the couches are surrounding, taking a seat in the only available spot — in between Calum and Michael.
Sierra gets up from her seat, opening the bottle of champagne and pouring everybody a glass, passing the first one to Y/N. “Take it girl, I think you need it.” Y/N laughs at the underlying jokes within that statement, gladly taking the glass from her. “You have no fucking idea.”
“So Y/N, how have you been? Update us on everything!” Luke says, all eyes darting on Y/N. All her nerves have dissolved by now, immediately feeling comfort with the group she had once been in. “Everything’s been pretty well, for the most part! Came back from a business trip in Wisconsin about two weeks ago? Now I have a month and a half off, thank God,” she exclaims, leaning back into the couch, which happened to be where Calum’s arm was laying. Ashton and Luke take notice of what had happened, winking at each other and dapping each other up. 
Three bottles of champagne and two hours of conversation later, it’s safe to say that everyone was pretty drunk. Everyone except for Calum and Luke, that is, being designated drivers for the night. Y/N and Sierra had taken over the TV, running their fifth game of Mario-Kart, and Ashton and Michael rummaging through his kitchen, after eating the majority of the cookies and still being hungry. 
Luke takes a seat next to Calum on the couch, who’s currently playing with Petunia. “So, pulling up with Y/N? What’s up with that?” Luke asks in a low voice and smirking, resulting in Calum groaning and throwing his head back. “It’s not even like that, mate. Ran into her at Walmart buying some stuff for next week and Mike called while I was talking to her. Asked her if she wanted to come as well.” “You gonna make this girl yours again by the end of your trip? I know you want to.” 
“Of course I do, there’s nothing else I want more than to do that. But, we haven’t talked about anything in that sense and quite frankly, I’m not sure if I want to, I’m scared. We broke up for good reason, we couldn’t see each other as much as we wanted to. And from the looks of it, she seems happy. We’re both happy. Don’t wanna fuck that up.” Calum responds honestly, glancing at Luke who has a frown on his face. 
“You guys didn’t break up for good reason, because you guys couldn’t see each other. You broke up because you two didn’t bother acknowledging the problem. You broke up because you gave up the moment things got hard, without trying to fix it. Now’s the time to make things right! You’re gonna be with her for almost three weeks, just the two of you. You have all that time to show her you can be a better man for her. Why pretend like you don’t love her when you still do? And don’t give me that we’re happy now bullshit. You haven’t even bothered looking in a woman’s direction since Y/N had left. You still want that girl more than anything.” Luke responds, and Calum hates him for being right. Calum’s never one to cause problems, constantly walking on eggshells in certain situations. But he loves her with everything in him, he always did. He doesn’t want to start any issues on a trip that’s supposed to be carefree and laid-back, but Luke’s right ; it’s the perfect time and place to show her the love he failed to do so, before she left. 
“Yeah, just DO IT!” Michael yells, bent over where his head is in between Luke and Calum’s. The two boys sitting on the couch jump, snapping their heads towards him. “Mate, how long have you been there?” Luke asks, grabbing his heart that was currently beating irregularly. “Long enough to know that Cal’s gonna try and get his ex back. Wish you the best of luck mate, text me when it happens!” Michael drunkenly responds, a little too loud for Calum’s liking, causing him to shush at him. “Sorry sorry, forgot she was there for a sec.”
“YES!!” Sierra screams as a sulking Y/N sits back at her spot on the couch, arms crossed with a pout on her face. “What’s wrong?” Calum asks her, wrapping his arm around her. He locks his eyes with hers as she leans her head into his chest. “I keep losing! I’ve lost the last three times against Sierra. I need to stop using Pink Yoshi! He’s bad luck!” She complains, visibly upset. “Guess I gotta beat up Pink Yoshi now,” Calum whispers, running his fingers through Y/N’s hair. “It’s okay Y/N, don’t be sad, it’s just Mario-Kart.”
“I HATE PINK YOSHI!” she yells, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. “No no no, don’t cry. I’ll make sure that Pink Yoshi never makes you lose another game again, okay?” Calum responds, him and Luke trying not to giggle at her drunken distress over her choice of Mario-Kart character. “You gotta use Red Yoshi, love. He’s the best.” Luke says to Y/N. She looks up at him from Calum’s shoulder, intrigued. “Red?”
“Yes. I use him every time, and I win everytime. Ask Michael, he can’t beat me.” He responds, and Y/N shifts her eyes to Michael, who’s eating a bag of chips. “Heeey,” he groans, “Red Yoshi just has a bunch of superpowers that Toad doesn’t have! You just cheat!” Y/N giggles at Michael’s statement, pointing at Luke. “Cheaaater.” Luke scoffs with a smile on his face, “It’s not my fault you suck, Mike.”
Calum just sits there and scopes out the situation, wondering how the hell he’s kept up with these people for so long. Luke and Michael continue their argument about if Red Yoshi or Toad is better, and Ashton has replaced Y/N’s spot in Mario-Kart, switching to Red Yoshi after eavesdropping on their conversation. Calum stays put with a soft smile on his face, stroking Y/N’s hair and softly rubbing her scalp. He almost doesn’t realize that she’s dozing off in his arms, lips slightly parted and breathing a bit heavier than usual. 
“You tired, sweet girl?” Calum asks the girl comfortably laying on him, not even caring that he let one of the pet names he called her slip out. She nods lightly, nuzzling her face into his chest. “I’m sleepy, Cal.”
Cal. He’s heard that nickname millions of times, but he hasn’t heard it from her in what feels like ages. He hasn’t heard her call him that in a while, and he fucking loves it. He smiles at her, slowly getting up from the couch and bringing her up with him.
“Let’s go home, Y/N.” 
Him and Y/N quickly say goodbye to their friends, wishing Michael a safe flight back to Australia tomorrow. 
“Thanks guys. You two have one as well, alright?” Michael jokes around, earning a snort from Ashton and Luke clapping his hands together. “Oh fuck off,” Calum laughs, giving Michael a hug before they take off. 
Y/N stumbles her way to the car, Calum rushing over towards her and grabbing her by the waist, trying to stabilize her. “I got you,” He whispers, opening the door for her and helping her get inside. He jogs to the driver’s seat, starting the car and passing her his phone. “Take it away, Miss Drunk Aux Cord.” 
She giggles at the change of sentence, clicking Softcore by The Neigbourhood.
“I’m always gone, out on the go. I’m on the run and you’re home alone. I’m too consumed with my own life, are we too young for this?” she sings softly, sighing. Calum only now realizes how much the song she played resonated with the both of them. He wonders if the reason she sighed is because she had also come to the realization of that, as well. 
Calum gets to Y/N’s place less than ten minutes later, parking in front of her house and assisting her with getting out of the car. She wraps her arm around his waist, hoisting her up. “Drank too much,” she groans, stumbling towards the door and clutching her stomach. 
“Just grabbing your keys,” Calum reaches into her jacket pocket, taking her keys and unlocking the door. They kick off their shoes, as Y/N frowns at the sight of the multiple stairs she has to go up. She is way too drunk and tired for this. To her benefit, Calum notices her frown at the stairs and decides to pick her up bridal style, making his way up the stairs. “I got you, don’t worry.” “Second door on the left,” she whispers once he reaches the top of the stairs. He kicks the slightly open door, placing her lightly on the bed. She smiles at the comfort, turning to her side as Calum removes her hoodie. “Hey, we’ve seen each other for a day since we broke up. Not yet,” She half jokes, Calum immediately letting go of the hoodie. “I’m joking, can you pass me that shirt over there?” She asks, pointing to the shirt laying on her desk chair. 
Passing the shirt to her, he realizes that it’s his Nine Inch Nails shirt, smiling at her once she puts it on. “So that’s where the shirt went.” “Never asked for it back.” She responds, getting under the covers. 
“I’ll head out now, it was good to see you Y/-“ “Wait,” Y/N cuts Calum off, extending her arm to reach for his hand. He walks back towards her, grabbing her hand and interlocking it with his. She doesn’t know what’s come over her, and she’s a little nervous to ask. But she’s drunk, and she has nothing to lose. “It’s late, Cal. Stay here tonight.“
“Are you sure?” He asks her cautiously. Everything in his body is telling him to stay, but she’s drunk and he doesn’t want her to regret it the next day. “It’s late,” she repeats, “And we’ll be sleeping in the same bed at the same time next week. Come here.” She pats the empty spot beside her, flashing him a tired smile.
He walks towards the empty side of her bed, taking off his shirt and crawling into bed with her. She shuffles closer to him, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck, wrapping her arm around him.
It’s quiet for a few moments, and Calum’s about to doze off, before her quiet voice speaks up again. “Missed this… missed you, Cal.” 
His eyes widen, and he whispers a “what?” in response but by the time he asks, she’s fallen fast asleep. He looks down at her, caressing her cheek before he hears the door open softly.
“You home - Cal?!” Gabriella whispers softly, walking over towards him and giving him a slight side hug. “It’s been a while, Gab Gab. How’ve you been?” He whispers in response. “Been good, just getting by, really. What about you? Is Y/N okay?” She asks. 
“I’ve been okay, as for Y/N… she had too much to drink tonight. Ran into her at Walmart and asked if she wanted to spend some time with everyone at Michael’s and next thing you know, she almost broke into tears over losing Mario-Kart while using Pink Yoshi.“ he explains, Gabriella facepalming at her sleeping friend. “I’m assuming she asked you to stay as well.” She states, him nodding in response. 
“Alright, I’ll head off to bed now too, goodnight Calum.” 
“Night, Gab Gab.”
Gabriella starts walking out of Y/N’s room, turning back around before closing the door. “Oh, and Cal?”
“Get your girl back already.”
taglist: @someinsanefangirl @lucyjafari @i-s-a-b-e-l-l-a-o @valesnicks @juhvette @perfctcalum @bohemianhargrove @fobodob @wldflwrbby @wiiildflowerrr @fangirl-candy @asmilinghopefullromantic @jazzymariexoxoc @caramelcalum @imightcry-blog @leomoonbaby @dreaded-awakening @mytlrh @noraskaar
177 notes · View notes
theworldvsyoshiko · 5 months
Raid #7 is another siege, maybe a day after the last raid. This at least means that everyone's had a bit of time to heal up. They're still sore, but not, like... limping.
Like everyone else, these guys discover that it's actually pretty hard to set up camp when people are shooting you with sniper rifles.
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Raid #8 drops into the living room mere minutes after #7 finishes. And they land on the masterwork table that Umeko has been hauling around almost since the start. Those bastards will pay for this.
And they do, because now they're in close quarters combat with two rhinos. Unfortunately, the rec room is left in shambles. Lewis, who's still fighting an infection, gets incapacitated by pain almost immediately, and Umeko and both Rhinos get roughed up pretty badly. Once again, Choco is up all night playing mom.
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After the fight a guy named Von crashes outside, so the kids stick him the only place they really have room:
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If he wants to stick around after seeing this, I can't say he doesn't know what he's getting into.
And the group gets maybe twelve hours to recover and clean up before Raid #9 appears.
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It's a melee raid, so they managed to deal with it without too much hassle, but...
Raid #10 arrives immediately, before the last retreating members of #9 are even off the map. The kids hole up and let the trap gauntlet soften it up, and Umeko's so exhausted that I let her sit out the actual fight. The fight, which takes place at the front door of the base itself, because the kill box is ruined from multiple waves of grenadiers.
Perry please I need like a day and a half to recover.
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At this point the kids are running days behind on even, like... hauling all the corpses out of their living area so they don't have to look at them all day. It's about this point that I start giving everyone ambrosia regularly, because their moods are all about one paper cut away from flipping out and setting the base on fire. I might have to start giving them wake-up and go-juice. Got a big supply from the raiders.
Raid #11 actually does give me about a day and a half, which is enough time to patch the holes in the killbox. It's another siege. At this point the sieges are setting up camp next to previous, abandoned siege camps.
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Lewis manages to provoke them into giving up on the siege with a single mortar shell. It hits... a pirate who was actually here for a previous siege, where Lewis shot her nose off. So I guess it's understandable that she's short on patience.
Raid #12 appears concurrently with #11. Like the guys from #11 are only just starting to head for the base when #12 lands. This is actually kinda nice, because the two groups are hostile to each other. And Vaov is wandering around in a fugue from the stress of all of this, so the kids are only at 75% combat power.
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The two groups soften each other up enough that the remaining three kids are able to hold them off without using the traps, with only minor injuries. For the humans, at least. These rhinos are in pretty bad shape.
Three days to go. Meanwhile Von's still just hanging out in the rec room, recovering from a bruise.
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spyderschaos · 10 hours
CHAP 2!!
Chapter 2 - The Spider
“No this can’t be!” - a metal leg crashes into concrete, another one against a desk, sending its contents overboard. -“No, no, no, where is it?!”- glass shatters hitting the floor, and sheets of paper scatter everywhere. Impossible! Impossible, he says! It was right there, right on his screen, a glowing dot indicating the location of his spider. His last spider, the only one that wasn’t destroyed in that “lab accident” not two days ago. Yes, “lab accident” in quotations, he refuses to believe it was fully an accident, he does not make mistakes like that! Something else must’ve been at play! Sabotage! Had to be!
No, stop. No use in thinking of that, he’s getting off track. 
The spider. The spider was his only chance to recover at least something from his wrecked research. At the start of his project, he had made sure to tag every single one of his subjects, along with a tracker in case any was ever misplaced or happened to escape. Just that morning he had tracked it to Midtown High and didn’t think much before heading out to find it… and maybe he destroyed the place a bit in the process but details, details, that’s irrelevant! What’s relevant is that he was not able to find it, and when he made it back to his super secret underground lab lair hideout, – better name in the works – the tracker on the spider was gone. The bright, green, flashing dot had just vanished entirely, leaving an empty map behind. 
He spends hours searching for it, looking everywhere in New York, typing in new codes in case the old one was faulty, restarting his program to see if that blasted dot appeared again. But it was no use. There were only two potential scenarios he believes could’ve been the cause of this: either the spider was dead, or somehow its tracker was damaged. However, a scientist like him would not accept a simple answer like the former, no, he knows that arachnid was out there. He stands up straight, staring daggers into the computer screen. He raises a mechanical arm holding a glass terrarium in front of his face. 
“And I’m going to find that pesky spider, if my name isn’t Doctor Octopus!”
Glass shards litter the floor. 
“So.. you have no idea how this happened.” 
Immediately, Amber lets out a very very over-the-top dramatic sigh as she throws herself face-up on the bed next to Gwanda - “No, Gwendolyn I do not know what happened, I woke up like this, no explanation to go along with this.. fabulous new bod. 
Gwanda pushes Amber off the bed. 
“That is not my name and you know it!”
“That’s what you’re caught up with?” - says Pete, spinning around in Amber’s desk chair - “...Ok, so, what do we know?” - he questions after a few moments - “Your hands are sticky and you’re really strong?”
“That’d be about it, yeah…” - This wasn’t going anywhere. What did she expect them to do? Just magically know what happened to her? Amber sighs again, rolling onto her stomach on her spot on the floor. She turns her face to the side, her gaze falling under her bed, when she spots it. - “Oh my god, it’s my favorite hoodie!” - She bolts up holding the piece of clothing in both of her hands - “Wow, I thought I had lost it! Hadn’t seen it since…”-  A small something falls out of the hoodie, stopping Amber in her tracks. She bends back down and picks it up, wondering what it could be.
“It’s a spider.” 
“No shit, captain obvious.” 
“Ok, well, no need to be like that, Gweny, it was simply an observation.” - Amber snarks back. She stares at it in her hand for a bit, turning it around, and poking it at, her thoughts coming to a stop when she realizes. 
“The spider.”
“Yes, we went through this, it’s a spider.”
“No, no, no, the spider, it was the spider. Remember? I felt something bite me when we were in my uncle’s classroom. It was the spider. That’s why it was on my hoodie, I took it off the second I got home and hadn’t pulled it out since. Last week this spider bit me at school.” - She rambles franticly, like she doesn’t know how to explain what’s going through her head at the moment.
“Wait” - It’s Pietro who realizes next - “Are you suggesting it’s the spider that… did this to you?”
“Yes! Yes, that’s exactly it! Think about it. I’ve felt sick ever since that day, but I haven’t left my house all week, and now my hands are sticky, and then this falls out of my hoodie. It has to be that!” - She stares back down at the spider sitting on her hand, finally realizing she doesn’t know what to do with this newfound information. No but really, what do you do in this situation? They have no idea where this spider came from, or what else it could’ve done to her. Amber’s kind of freaking out, she’s not going to lie. She hears Gwanda and Pete argue over the chance of it even being true but she doesn’t care. She knows this is what happened, it makes sense in her head… in a way. Got bit by a spider and now she’s a spider mutate with freaky spider-powers. Of course.
Outside of the room, a jingle of keys in the front door’s lock can be heard. Amber’s dad just got home from work. 
“Look” - Gwanda stands from her spot on the bed and takes a step towards the door - “How about we go to your dad? He’s an adult, maybe he can help ‘cause frankly, I don’t got a clue of what we could do. So let’s just- “
Her dad? No way! This is the kind of thing people keep secret, like in shows, and books, and movies. What kid’s first thought is “let’s look for the adult”? 
Before Gwanda gets to finish her sentence, Amber lets out a quick “No!” and extends her arm towards Gwanda with her palm facing up and her middle and ring fingers bending towards her. She doesn’t know why she did it like that, call it a reflex or instinct maybe, but her fingers touch her palm and with a “thwip” a weird, light yellow string shoots out of a tiny hole in her wrist she hadn’t noticed before. The substance — a web maybe? —, lands on Gwanda’s hand, gluing it to the doorknob.
The room falls silent, everyone shocked. Jaws dropped all over the room. 
Gwanda’s the first to snap out of it - “How the actual hell did you just do that?!?”- she whisper-yells, as to not signal Amber’s dad, because maybe now really isn’t the time.
“Bro… no tengo ni la más puta idea!” - Amber states unhelpfully.
“What do you mean you don’t know?!” - asked Gwanda as if this wasn’t also Amber’s first time dealing with this. She tries pulling her hand, but the yellow web doesn’t budge! Guess it’s official, it does, in fact, have something to do with the spider. Gwanda gives up, knowing her hand is not unsticking any time soon. She looks back at Amber, staring in silence for a few seconds, then - “Why wouldn’t you just let me tell him? Your dad is a nice dude, man.”
“¡Amber ya llegué!” - Her dad calls out from the other room, interrupting the conversation.
“Ok!”- Amber answers 
“¿Están los amiguitos tuyos?” 
“¡Diles que se queden a comer!” 
The room falls silent again, and for what feels like the fiftieth time today, Amber sighs - “I know that, it’s just… you know how people treat mutates and mutants, people like… me now.”
“But your dad wouldn’t do that, you know that right?” - Gwanda insists. 
“Yeah but… he’s terrible at keeping secrets. What if he slips up at work? Or tells a random barista at a café when ordering? He can’t know, he can’t, not yet at least.
They look at each other, gazing into each other’s eyes, and Gwanda gets it. This isn’t her choice to make, so she won’t. - “Ok.” - she stops before continuing - “Ok, I won’t tell him. But what now?” -
That’s the question, isn’t it? What now. Amber could just choose not to do anything. Accept her powers as part of her but just… not really do anything with them and move on with her life. She could do that, yes, but what if she could do more? She thinks this through, sitting back down on the bed. Amber looks down at her hands, tracing her thumb over the small scar-like bump on the inside of her wrist, where the webs came from. She thinks back on her uncle, on that day, on whoever did that to the school… Wait. 
“Hey” - It’s quiet, barely audible. She’s still looking down, chewing the inside of her lip before looking up.
“Hmm?” - Gwanda looks away from the webs keeping her stuck to the door, she had distracted herself with it, trying to peel it off unsuccessfully. Pete looks up as well, he had also been staring at the webs Gwanda really wanted to get rid of, but not doing anything to help. They look at Amber, who, in turn, looks back at them, staying like that for a bit before finally speaking again.
‘Did they… did anyone find out who kil- destroyed the school?” - She decides not to mention her uncle, it’s not like it was a direct attack on him anyway. 
“No.”- Both Gwanda and Amber turn to look at Pete - “They didn’t. They tried following him but the guy was fast. Ben has some friends at the station, says they last saw the guy running into the sewers, then they lost track of him there. There’s no security footage of him either, so he’s either really good at avoiding cameras, or he erased everything.”- While he speaks, Pietro takes his phone out of his pocket and opens the photo app - “It’s crazy, the only reason people think it might be real is cause some senior took a shitty pic of it and posted it.”- He lands on what he’s looking for and turns his phone around, showing a blurry, off-center, photo of a person with their back turned towards the camera, wearing a dingy lab coat with metal tentacles coming out of it, and that’s all you can tell from the photo. 
“So he’s still out there.”- It’s said as a statement rather than a question. Amber gets this determined look in her eye, like she’s planning something. She opens her mouth to speak and-
“No” - Gwanda immediately shuts her down.
“What? I haven’t even said anything yet!” 
“The answer is no.”
“But I can go after him!” - Amber stands up from her bed abruptly - “I can go after him.” - She says this like it’s a given, like there no other choice here.
“No, see, that’s why I said no, Amber, that’s stupid! Going after him? How would you even- Is there even a plan? You don’t even know where to find the guy. He destroyed the school! Sticky hands won’t save you from that!” - No, Gwanda refuses to go along with this, she already said it but it’s stupid, dangerous even. She can’t just go out there and… they’re not the X-men! Or any other superhero group! Or anything like that at all! However, this won’t stop Amber. 
“No, listen to me! This- we- I, I could do something, I can help people, I can find the guy and let the police deal with him-”
“Then why not just let the police deal with him in the first place?!” - The two argue in a low voice, remembering that Amber’s dad is just a few doors away. Gwanda wishes she could walk closer to Amber and use her hands freely for emphasis, but alas she is still webbed to the doorknob.
“Because we know they wont be able to find him!”
“We don’t know that, Amber.” 
“Yes we do.” 
“No, we don’t. So why risk your life for someone else’s job?” - That quiets Amber, even if just for a bit. Because it’s true, it’s not her job. Gwanda, logically, is in the right.
“Because I have this power.” - And that’s the root of it all, isn’t it? It’s why the argument even started. Because she has these powers and she can do something with them so why wouldn’t she. 
Gwanda doesn’t look convinced, Pietro is though. Honestly, he’s been convinced for a while, it’s why he hasn’t jumped in yet and just chose to observe from his spot in Amber’s desk chair. Gwanda looks up at the ceiling and closes her eyes, breathing deeply for just a moment before looking back down at Amber. She still has that determined look in her eye, and Gwanda knows this argument is going nowhere. There’s no convincing Amber, there’s no changing her mind, not from this. She’s going out there, either with their help or without it. 
“You’re doing this either way.” - It’s not a question.
“I can’t stop you.”
“You can’t.”
“Then you’re going to need a suit” 
“Wha-” Amber’s left dumbfounded, her eyes set on Gwanda. That’s it?
“Oh, fuck yeah!” - Their eyes snap towards Pietro. 
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frankwoods · 3 months
Re: your tags on my post - I'd love to hear more about Frank x Luke if you ever felt like sharing!
of course! i love talking about my boys! (even tho I struggle to put my thoughts in a coherent way most of the time lmaooo)
some ramblings below
Basic run down is:
Luke get drafted to Vietnam, and through his wits and sniper skills, he gets placed into Frank's team (since he was one of the leaders of MACVSOG)
Although Luke would get on his nerves often, Frank liked having someone has honest as him. And even thought it would piss Frank off when Luke would go on his anti-military/anti-government rants, at least he knew how Luke truly felt at all times
Slowly, the two got close, Luke becoming one of Frank's right hand men alongside Alex and Joseph. The two eventually come to the conclusion that they both needed to blow off steam and ended up turning to each other for "private" meetings
Supposed to be no strings attached, but alas it didn't quite work out that way. Other marines could catch onto Frank's favoritism
Luke essentially confess first, which lead to an argument. Frank basically saying Luke should look somewhere else, that he can find someone better
Things become bitter between the two, Luke being short with Frank and Frank secretly kicking himself for it, progressing into what would be the "Crash Site" and "Payback" missions. Luke manages to escape separately, given they kept him from the other 3. He comes across Bowman's dead body and the remnants of Alex and Frank's escape
He's found by other marines and Jason Hudson, and when he learns of Alex and Frank's "deaths", he convinces Hudson to let him leave Vietnam. Hudson tries to convince him to work for the CIA, impressed by his work in Vietnam but Luke refuses.
"Bring them [Frank and Alex] back and I'll become an agent"
Before Luke leaves, he finds out that Frank at the last second officially made him part of his family so if anything happen to him, Luke would get any of his remaining belongings. I like to think that Frank probably had old military portraits that he immediately hid that Luke would gladly take as a reminder
1972 - Hudson informs Luke of Frank's survival. Luke heads to the hospital that he's located asap. Frank couldn't believe that Luke would come to see him, figured that Luke never wanted to see him again. When Frank is discharged, Luke takes him under his care.
And from there, the two come forward with their feelings. Frank is especially feeling it because no one has ever got to this degree (aside from Alex of course) to take care of him. Man is head over heels, and the two officially become an item when Frank starts feeling better
When Frank goes back into service, Luke goes with him. Neither one is happy about it, Luke for obvious reasons and Frank not wanting to put Luke in danger again, but Luke agreed he would sign on to be an agent if Hudson gave Luke closure
Luke has a son that Frank is almost always the father of (in most universes). Ideally, Jonathan happens shortly after Frank is fully recovered but I can't make up my mind on timelines lol
And of course, like I mentioned in the tags, I have a ton of aus for them. My most recent is my "hide and seek" au. Takes place in the early 90s with Luke as the "new" Ghostface and Frank a discharged marine doing vigilante detective work. When a another killer takes to the streets, Luke and Frank become unlikely allies, and then more...
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goldensunset · 2 years
i notice more and more things every time i rewatch parts of dark road. like how impressive it was that both bragi and xehanort figured out baldr was a lying villain in such a short amount of time spent with him. (bc i sure didn’t, but in hindsight i totally get why their instincts were acting up even that early.)
���baldr shows up in scala and meets with everyone for the first time since Stuff Happened; tells the others what’s been going on (false edition); seems to be coping with such tragedy really unusually well; immediately takes everyone to the coliseum
•xehanort eraqus and bragi split off into a group together, while baldr goes with urd and hermod, presumably both groups are fighting in the same area but not quite together as one
•the groups are briefly reunited for like 2 seconds before they’re split up into the same trios again in the underworld
•xehanort eraqus and bragi run into baldr (alone??? where are urd and hermod??? did anyone else think this was suspicious even on their first time seeing the scene???) for like 2 more seconds in the middle of battle
•baldr tells x + e to go on ahead and that he and bragi can handle this ((why exactly are you trying to separate their group, hmm??? why single out one person?? why do you think having two people fight the beast instead of three or four is a good idea?? especially because you yourself claimed you were still recovering + rusty from a week of downtime in the infirmary??? and what’s the hurry for somebody to go on ahead and find the classmates? they’re not on a time limit here, why not take your time and ensure the safety of the whole group??? mad sus…)) i thought this plan seemed illogical the first time i saw this scene but i never suspected blatant malicious intent
•xehanort agrees to this plan. but he addresses bragi and baldr differently before parting ways. he says ‘bragi, be careful. baldr, i’ll see you later. count on it.’ (haha…COUNT on it.) why might he say this? why not say both things to both of them? almost like he doesn’t trust baldr enough to leave him alone with bragi…
•i noticed this strange difference in how xehanort spoke to them the first time around, but i didn’t know what it meant. in hindsight, i realize it’s because xehanort had already started suspecting baldr… but didn’t say anything to anyone or protest this plan. you fool. this is why people gotta communicate and act before it’s too late. a part of xehanort already knew he was saying goodbye to his friend for the very last time, and yet he still left him alone with that killer polar bear. sigh
•so then xehanort and eraqus run into urd and hermod, dizzy and confused, lying on the ground (CRAZY sus.) honestly this didn’t even turn out to be something baldr was responsible for, for all we know, bc otherwise he either would’ve killed them outright there or they would’ve been able to tell x + e that baldr had attacked them. unless baldr did something to them to momentarily knock them out (and make sure they wouldn’t remember it) so they wouldn’t interfere with his plan to go single out bragi.
•alternatively, all three of them were knocked out/ at least kinda messed up upon crash landing in the underworld, but baldr recovered much quicker than the other two because he’s pumped up on darkness adrenaline. evil juice. those powers that he’s accepted make him superhuman or something. so he got up first, feeling just fine, and instead of taking care of his friends, he left them behind. in any case, he must’ve purposefully separated himself from urd and hermod
•xehanort’s probably thinking something along these lines at the same time. mentions to eraqus that there’s something he’s concerned about. does not elaborate at present on what that thing might be. at all. why, xehanort. why.
•xehanort has urd and hermod go after bragi and baldr though. good work xehanort. it didn’t end up working out but it was definitely the right idea
•edit: and xehanort specifically says ‘make sure bragi’s all right.’ didn’t even mention baldr!! like he was worried specifically about bragi’s safety!!! man
•meanwhile, bragi and baldr are on their own, still fighting the beast. baldr is wiping the floor with cerberus. (presumably bragi as a secret keyblade master was doing pretty well too; no wonder the two of them took it down so easily.) baldr says something weird about how since the darkness here is so thick, bragi’s normal battle strategies and powers are nulled. friendly advice, or a threat?
•baldr seems terribly powerful for a guy in recovery. for any underclassman at all. and terribly cheerful and confident for someone who should be clouded by intense grief and guilt right about now. something doesn’t add up here… and that’s when bragi knows for certain something is terribly wrong with baldr.
so yeah, basically, they barely spent any time with this guy between him getting overtaken by darkness and them realizing that he had been overtaken by darkness. everyone else was totally fooled, and i can’t completely blame them for wanting to only see the good in their friend.
but xehanort and bragi were totally on the ball that day. maybe it’s bc xehanort is apparently some hardcore empath/mind reader and luxu is just way too good at detecting dark influences after years and years of his job. but i also think the two of them are just smart people in general
still wonder if bragi had any strange suspicions even before getting to olympus, and if that somehow factored into him being weirdly assertive about the way the teams would be divided…
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