#i genuinely love love love talking to you guys on here through messages
sexynetra · 4 months
Hi Rachel, I'm so sorry that happened to you... It's crazy because with the fics we've been living in a world of characters, not bothering the real people with them. Hope you feel better! Also, Marcia deleting the tweet kinda means she cared enough to not spreading the negativity towards you.
Thank you 💕 I’ve been very careful about keeping the two separate so this was. Very uncomfortable and demoralizing. But everyone has been so sweet and supportive (on here I am not looking at twitter you can’t pay me enough) and I have a lovely support system and I have decided I am not letting a shitty hating ass bitch who literally READ my novel length story keep me from writing this story I’ve dedicated so much time and blood and sweat and tears into. I’m really grateful Marcia deleted the tweet. I don’t know her intentions posting it and I don’t know her intentions deleting it but I’m glad she did it quickly and I hope that if she had a genuine issue with fic being written about her she would actually say something serious about it and I would of course listen and respect that! But for now. The post is down (from her), people here are helping keep me afloat, and this is all just a blip that will blow over soon (I’m praying)
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kowabungadoodles · 9 months
How to spot a (heart wrenching sad cat) Charity Scam
So I've been get a lot of requests for money in my askbox lately, from users I have never seen before! Usually sad cats, sometimes gender affirming medical bills, a queer person being made homeless etc etc... and guess what? None of them are real! It's scammers who have learned how to work tumblr's userbase and prey on our general sense of community and charity.
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Here it is, so sad! So tragic! But let's note a few things:
It's generic. They don't know me, I don't know them. it's addressed to 'friend', no use of nicknames or usernames.
Even the cat and the problem are generic 'little kitty' who has 'urgent needs'. This is not how real people talk, this is because this scam is being used over and over with different accounts a different 'cats'.
Praying (uh huh.)
Asking you to reply privately- This is so people don't spot the scam and point it out the mark and because if too many people posted replies to the same message it would beome really obvious that this is a scam. If they're looking for 'boosts' so badly, then why do they need you to reply privately?
Now that I'm suspicious, let's investigate.
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Sent me an ask and then followed me! Sounds like they're just hitting up anyone and everyone, but even more likely they have a list they're working from.
(I get so many, I'm probably on a mail-out list a mile long, just being hit up for cash. Likely I fell for one of these once and got my name added to every scam list for miles, but oh well.)
So let's see if they're a bot or a real person!
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The blog looks genuine enough, they've got a bio, a fandom etc. And it says they're an artist!
And of course there's that sad cat post, pinned right to the top, so I don't have to look any further through the blog for verification... Looks super legit, pics of the cat, pics of the bill... of course anyone can print out a bill and take a picture of it...
As I do scroll futher, it's full of reblogs making this look like an active user. So how can I tell it's not genuine?
Well, if they're an artist they probably post right? Doodles? Pictures? Let's have a look at their origional posts.
The fastest way to do this is by using an outside tool like Original Post Finder.
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just type in the suspicious username and go...
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Voila! As suspected, the only post this bot account has ever made is Sad Cat Post.
Confirmed: Scam. Do not give your money to these guys, it looks so real but they're just here to make you feel like a bad person for not handing over everything you can. Charity is wonderful, supporting friends is wonderful, but tbh save it for people you actually know irl/ mutuals you have an actual relationship with. Don't believe any rando who comes knocking!
Love and kisses, stay safe out there.
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Thinking about baby daddy!Miguel O’Hara that starts to invite you over to do activities more often during his weeks with Gabriella, saying it would be good to show your daughter that you both still had a good relationship with each other. Which struck you as odd since you two genuinely have always gotten along anyways but you decided to ignore it and brush it off.
Baby Daddy!Miguel who invites you over to his place on a hot summer day, saying that he’s having a pool party with a bunch of your friends. Insisting you bring the guy you’ve been talking to so he can finally meet him and totally doesn’t want him there to prove to him that he’s not worth your time.
Baby Daddy!Miguel who can’t keep his eyes off you when you come out to the backyard after having changed into his favorite a bikini, asking Mj to help you apply sunscreen on your back. Wishing it was his hands rubbing it into your skin instead.
Baby Daddy!Miguel who rolled his eyes when your not-boyfriend-but-more-then-a-talking-stage guy finally arrived over three hours late with the wrong type of beer, seeing him come in with a pack of Bud Light when Miguel was strictly a Modelo man. “Accidentally” squeezing his hand a bit too tight when he shakes it.
Baby Daddy!Miguel who made sure to keep telling stories about you two from your time together, not sparing any details as he and all the guys/dads gathered around the grill while Miguel turned over the carne asada y Pollo asado he was grilling. Not even caring about the looks your new boy toy would throw at him. His best friend Peter and his brother Gabriel both shooting each other a knowing look.
Baby Daddy!Miguel who took the aux from Peter and switched the music over to his spanish playlist, totally not on purpose starting off with the song Que Malo from Bad Bunny, then immediately after the playlist start to play Eres Mía from Romeo Santos, you didn’t even have time to think about the song choices before Miguel dragged you over to dance per your daughter’s request.
“I’m sorry Peter, but if I have to hear you play it wasn’t me from shaggy again, I’ll lose it.” Miguel exasperated as he unplugged his friend's phone mid song, earning a protest from Peter, but Miguel just shook his head as he plugged his own phone. “You’ve placed that song at every function since we were 18.”
You couldn’t help but let out a small squeal of excitement as Bad Bunny took over the backyard. Singing along to the song as you pass around another round of drinks to the guys at the grill, completely oblivious to the subliminal message that Miguel was sending you as you recited Ñengo Flows part. A new modelo in each one of the guy’s hands (well except your talking stage, he had a Bud light), it seems that your new little friend didn’t seem to understand a lick of Spanish, the message of the song completely flying over his head as he nodded along to the beat mindlessly.
Once the song ended, the new one played, Eres Mía, your brows scrunched a bit at the sudden genre changing. You were in the middle of crossing the grass lawn to where Miguel’s phone was sitting next to the speaker to change it, when you suddenly felt the small fingers of your daughter’s hand dragging you back.
“Mami! Ma! Baile con Papi! I love it when you two dance to these songs.” She begged, you usually wouldn’t mind doing so when she asked you too, but since the guy you were talking to was here, it would feel awkward if he watched you dance something as intimate as bachata with your ex. (Mommy ! Mom! Dance with dad!)
“I-I don’t know Gabi-“ You started, once you finally stopped in front of Miguel, your face filled with a bit of confusion on what to do. Miguel noticed and waved his hand as if reassuring you it’s no big deal.
“He won’t care, right bud?” He said as he nodded towards your guest, but before he could say an answer Miguel’s hands were already wrapped around the small of your back, as he started to guide you through the dance.
You just decided to go along with it, it’s not a big deal right? It’s only one dance.
Part 2<
Part 4<
Not proofread.
Word count: 700
Taglist: @ginnysculture @mishaglass @wusyanamee @mangoslushcrush @queerponcho @bunnibitez @miguelzslvtz @migueloharastruelove @dahehow @sinners-98-world @othersideoftheparadise @toyfortoji @yeshajane @yvesbi
(If you Would like to be added pls say so, I’m sorry if I missed anyone lmk if I did!)
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11cupid-tarot11 · 10 days
Late night conversations with your future spouse.
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1 -> 2
How do guys feel about the name "Love Bugs"? I've been considering calling you guys that, I think it's cute 🥹 I want to do something cool with it in the future- stay tuned guys!
In honor of reaching 100 followers I want to do something special! I want to do a follower's request! So comment down below, message me privately if you want, whichever way you prefer! This will still be a general reading for everyone, but I'm excited to see what cool and unique topics you guys can come up with!
Take care!!
- Cupid 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪.
I'm open for private readings! DM me!
$5.55 per question
C@sh app and PayPal payments only!
Cash tag- $minnieplant3
Tips appreciated!
Love y'all!
- Cupid 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪.
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Pile 1- Four of coins, The hierophant in reverse, The world, Eight of swords, The sun, Queen of wands, Five of cups.
You guys will talk about the future a lot! You guys will like talking about planning, how to save more or trips, dream vacations. Just your dream life together.
This is a moment when both of you can be in pure silence even and just enjoy each other's company, you both could have busy schedules so making time for each other might be a little rough, but at night time it's y'all little bonding moment basically.
I'm hearing something about not having to really use your brain as much lol. Maybe someone works in a field that requires them to think a lot or it's very mentally challenging or even draining so they get to finally be at rest as well, the conversations will always be light hearted and just lots of laughter and child-like energy here because neither of you really want to take this moment that serious. I'm also seeing you guys could opt for doing other activities instead of talking, like watching a movie and for some of you your person took it to a 18+ level lol.
You guys will really like to talk about how much you want to explore together, where you want to go, I think this person wants to give you the world so you'll be thinking this is just random playful talk but he'll bring it up again when the moment is right to make these dreams and talks come to life!
If you guys have had a bad or gloomy day they'll wanna talk about it so they don't feel so stuck in bad energy, they really don't want to carry it on till the next day so they'd rather talk and get all of the negative things out of the way so you both can sleep peacefully.
You both love talking to each other a lot, about everything and there's no judgement here, you guys could even fall asleep mid way sometimes because I'm seeing you one of you will be so tired (I think it's definitely from a tiring job or schedule, weekday nights will be a lot different than weekend's, weekend will definitely be longer, you guys will talk more or do more activities together because that's y'all's little bonding time! Cute 🥹.
Your person will love hearing about your day! They'll want you to tell them about everything you did. They're definitely the type to ask how your day was, they genuinely care too, they're not asking just to make conversation they'll really want you to go into details! They'll want to emotionally support you through thick and thin.
Random, but someone has a six pack? They might be shirtless a lot too lmao.
You guys will definitely use this as a moment as well to talk about anything within the relationship that you want to work on, I don't think your person appreciates toxicity so they try to eliminate as much as possible, if there is a problem or they've noticed you've been grumpy all day they'll want to discuss in details before bed, this person really hates going to sleep with low vibrations not only for themselves but for the both of you, they think you both deserve a happy good night's sleep! Adorable! 🩵
I hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to do the poll at the bottom and I'll see you later! 💖
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Pile 2- Four of wands, Ten of cups reversed, Knight of cups, The tower reversed, Three of coins and The wheel of fortune.
So this person is kinda dramatic lol. I think by the end of the day they're really tired and some days aren't able to stay up like they wish. They say they feel like a zombie some days :(
They'll still be very expressive with you, they'll explain this. They don't want you to think they're making up excuses or don't want to spend time with you or anything. I'm seeing this might be part of the late night conversation, they'll tell you exactly how they're feeling and why. This is only for certain days, it will not always be like this energy.
I think your person's kinda flirty though? Like they're keep you laughing for sure, they have a lot of passion and just like to be near you at night! You guys could end up just cuddling and sitting in silence without even realizing you're both falling asleep. It's very comfortable energy, you'll feel so good cuddling up with this person you guys might just forget about the conversation at hand and drift off, freaking adorable!
This person loves how calm everything feels with you at night, everything's peaceful and they can just relax and let loose, sleep to their hearts content. I think this pile just might really like sleeping? There could've been a thing one of you had trouble sleeping before getting together, it could just be your person's energy but take it how it resonates!! But now whoever had trouble sleeping before can sleep so peacefully so it's their favorite thing to do, you guys can't wait to get in bed to get all nice and warm and get a good night's sleep.
Maybe they'll ask you questions about what you did all day, they'll check up on you, use this as a time to get insight on you I'm hearing.
They'll want to tell you about the wacky things that happened to them out of the blue, if something funny, crazy or even slightly out of normal happens they just have to tell you! They'll gossip a lot, tell you everything! Like best friends at a sleepover.
I hope you enjoyed!! Don't forget to do the poll below, see you soon! 💕
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cooki3face · 9 months
your first time alone with your spouse 🖤
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I finally sorted out a content schedule for my tarot readings, Instagram page, and TikTok account so I’ll be posting large tarot readings every other day, and in the days in between I’ll be posting things like channeled messages from your person and three card pulls over on my Instagram and TikTok. If you don’t follow me on my Instagram account already go check it out, @cookiefacetarot where I post channeled messages from your person, divine masculine and divine feminine channeled messages, divine masculine and divine feminine energy updates and affirmations for those of you who are in high-level soul mate connections or twin flame connections. I’ll also be doing mini-channeled messages from Spirit as well as horoscope forecasts on Mondays. I love you so much, thanks for reading this little blurb before I get into the reading! 🖤
I'm so excited about these readings, I can feel the love and the energy entering the room. 🥹
This person is going to spend a lot of money to make this night extra special, they may go the extra mile to figure out where you're going to go, where you’re going to honeymoon, they’re going to be thinking about the food, the music, it’ll be a whole production. I’m also hearing spirit telling me that you’re not going to want to make a spectacle of your marriage or your wedding night right away. There’s something specific coming through for a handful of you about the things you’re going to achieve with this person or the moments you’re gonna share together that you’ll want to wait to share with the world because you never want to take something that’s developing or is meant to be protected and give everyone access to it right away. Your first pregnancy you’ll probably want to wait a while to announce. Your engagement you’ll probably want to keep a secret for a while or at least until you guys are married, you guys may marry very quickly because you guys just can’t wait. I’m hearing “private until it’s permanent”
I see this person not making quick moves or even having any particular intentions toward you or expectations for this wedding night. We all know what goes on between a couple on the night of the wedding but I see this person really wanting to slow down and enjoy your energy and enjoy the energy that comes with being married. The sun card in reverse talks about one’s inner child. You may have known this person for a long time here or had a very long process of coming into union with this person once and for all and this is such a wish fulfillment for them and they could’ve dreamed of the day you were married a long time. This person values you, they want to spend time with you. I’m hearing “Life isn’t near long enough a sentence to be with you.” If this person could they would ask for more time when it was their time to pass on so they could spend it with you. This person adores you, this person wants to go where you go.
I see this person going out of their way to use their connections and resources to make this night as special as they envisioned it to be. They’ve been manifesting a long-term commitment with you for a long time and then getting it is proof they're meant for something in this life or that the universe loves them I’m hearing. This person fully intends to sit with you and enjoy you all night long. I hear you guys staying up all night together and talking about your memories, laughing, genuinely enjoying your time together, and shifting into the energy that will be there and be shared within your life together. There’s genuine love here, genuine affection, and support. This person couldn’t be happier and they may tell you this that night. You guys could share a lot of intimate embraces this night as well. Feeling each other's skin, feeling each other's touch in deep profound ways because you know that the worst is over and your time to be together and spend the rest of your lives together has finally arrived. I’m hearing “At Last” by Etta James but particularly Beyoncé’s version because I prefer it. When you’re really in love you listen to Beyoncé’s version. When it’s bittersweet and you want to cry a little you listen to Etta’s version.
This night will give the two of you the space and the time to finally be done with any heartbreak and really truly put the past behind you and rejoice now that your connection is harmonious and has reached the point the two of you’d been wishing for and working towards all along. This connection will be so harmonious and you guys will compliment one another so well and empower one another that this single connection will birth an entirely new reality for the two of you. Enlightening the both of you spiritually, giving the two of you the power to join forces and go after life as a unit and bring prosperity and abundance most people could not even dream of. You and this person will be a power couple or may even grow to do something that will help many people. Individually and together. There couldn’t be a better match.
This Union will bring about such powerful change and enlightenment and alignment for the two of you. Bringing about the release of any self-limiting beliefs and fears. I’m hearing once the two of you are open, you’ll remain that way. Your higher selves belong to one another, you’ll feed off of each other's energies, ideas, courage, and love.
You’ll be rich together. In love and in finances.
The months of August and September as well as the fall and winter months and those seasons may be significant to you or connection. 🍂
This person wants to love you down pile two. I see this person planning a really intimate and romantic wedding night with you. They know they want to make love to you. I’m also getting you’re going to look so good on your wedding day that this person is going to want to get hot and heavy as soon as you guys get in the door. This person is so passionate about you. And not in a negative way like that’s all they see you as but they’re so passionate about you, nobody turns them on like you do and they’ll instantly be ready to show you just how much. With the fool card in reverse they could’ve been holding back all day or for a really long time, the two of you could’ve waited till marriage to be intimate or could’ve abstained from sex for a little while while you were waiting to be married.
This person has very romance novel esc fantasies about you lol they may enjoy romance novels or enjoy romance as a genre as a whole. And I think this person feels as though they’d be taking a risk by coming towards you in this way or revealing how much they desire you to you pile two. You may not have ever seen this person in this light or seen how passionate they can be or what the other side of them is like. This person could be like night and day. Very sweet on the surface, very passionate and sexual within. You may not have had a lot of sex with this person, your relationship could’ve been really emotionally intimate or really heavily influenced by emotions and just being sweet and gentle with this person but this person desires you in ways you don’t know the real scope of I’m getting. This person craves being one with you and I think that their sexually charged energy is really a deep desire to be extremely close to you and become one.
This person wants to feel deeply connected with you and on your wedding night, they will. You’re this person's ten of cups. You’re this person's true divine love and harmonious connection. This person knows your the one and has known it for a long time and the way they see it, no matter the distance, no matter what happens, you’ll always be their person and they’ll always love you no matter what. The wish fulfillment of being wed to you only makes them wish to be close to you more, which only makes them happier. This person could really like it when you do things for them or really enjoys it when you take care of them, it makes them feel incredibly special and loved. This would be the person who would take care of you for the rest of your days just to return the smallest gesture you did for them like three years ago, January 2nd at 3:30 pm because they love you so much.
This persons feels indebted to you for the rest of their life just because you exist and it’s an honor to be indebted to you in their eyes. The appreciation and devotion this person has with you is truly unmatched. I’m hearing “I wouldn’t rather be any place else or with anybody else.” This person could’ve told you this before or had been telling you this for a long time.
This person has never had to think about if you were the one or not or question their love for you. They’ve always felt safe by you, they’ve always wanted nothing more than to be loved by you.
I see you getting everything you deserve on your wedding night pile three, you could even be nervous or unaware of a surprise or something that's being prepared for you behind the scenes by your partner but it'll be everything you could ever wish for. You could be heavily manifesting a specific outcome but your person really has your back and they’ll come through for you. You may not have met the person you’re going to marry yet but this person is going to invest so much time into really getting to know you and really studying you. This person will be so incredibly romantic and creative. This person knows what you need. You may even be stressed out while planning the wedding or on the day of the wedding and you may even have conflicts with others, guests, a mother-in-law, a father-in-law, or even have some disagreements with your partner about what is that you want to do but I’m hearing that this person knows you beyond your fears and they may even know you better than you know yourself and when they come to the rescue and plan things out for you you always really enjoy what they’ve put together even if you were worried about it in the beginning.
You could be really particular about things and sometimes indecisive but this person knows you so well that they bring your deepest manifestations to fruition without you even having to communicate what you need and what you want. This person completes you, the two of you fit together like puzzle pieces. I’m hearing this person is going to make your wedding night extremely relaxing for you and make your honeymoon extremely relaxing. They may draw you a bath the first night, help you take your shoes off, or help you take down your hair, take the clips out of your hair, and get unready. This person will help you decompress before they help themselves decompress because in this person's mind their purpose is to make sure you’re cared for and happy. No ask is too big for this person.
You may have trouble in your love life or have had bad experiences with relationships and not getting everything you deserve but this person isn’t going to be like that for you and that’s why you’re marrying them because this person will show up and prove to you how worthy you are of care and affection without you having to ask for it or compromise. This person would never let anyone hurt you, and they would never hurt you. I hear they’d do a good job of standing up for you and showing the world and everyone else how much they love and appreciate you. You’re a top priority to this person. There’s nobody better. There’s nobody more worthy. You may cry a lot or be someone who is very emotionally driven and very easily stressed out or moved and this person will be the most perfect support system. I’m hearing you don’t need any more friends and family lol this person IS friends and family.
This person moves mountains and any blockages out of your way. This person is very passionate about you. Whatever they can do to make your life soft and easy they will. I’m hearing “spoiled.” This person is going to spoil you and really make sure you feel overly loved and safe. Especially heard and seen. You may have grown up being ignored or invalidated constantly by parents, family members, or even friends and this person is going to allow your inner child to heal and allow you to shed the limiting idea that you’re really not truly worth being listened to or that other peoples needs are more important than yours. You’re the whole world to this person, you could not ask for a bigger role in this person's life.
This person is going to be very gentle and patient with you. Any time you have a hard time expressing yourself, they’re going to be there to help you and understand what’s going on. Anytime you’re stressed out and can’t handle the weight of something they're going to be there to carry it with you. This person is going to allow you to be able to pause and release things and receive effortlessly. Don't settle. This person will come.
Beautiful piles today, these were all very sweet and emit such strong energy of safety and stability and I can’t help but be happy for everyone lol I love you. Thankyou for coming to visit me, make sure you come back soon and bring your loved ones. If you’d like to book a personal reading with me you could find my booking link in my Instagram bio. Thank you. 🖤
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kairismess · 5 months
🏐 genre: fluff !
🍰 summary: he might've pushed you a little over the edge, and when you gave him the silent treatment, he couldn't handle it. he's gonna make it up to you, somehow.
🍥 author's note: is this just an excuse to make an smau? yes no
atsumu miya
atsumu tends to be very annoying when you're ignoring him. you used to think he was aware on how clingy and irritating he can be in hope to get your attention, but no, you have a feeling that–with how much he's been blowing your notifs up, he's probably unaware of how insufferable his apology is. but in a way, it becomes a little... sweet. just a little bit.
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fast forward to a few hours later, and he's at your doorstep with all your favorite foods. he calls you, and in a sweet (yet unbearably smug) voice, tells you, "see, sweetie? it's not easy to ignore me... now please don't ignore me ever again, i can't take it... and let me in, please? i wanna apologize! and maybe... make out with you as an apology?"
he's looking up at you with desperation in his brown orbs, with a smile that really hoped you'd let him in and correct his mistakes; and show you that he loves you too much to let you stay mad at him for so long.
tooru oikawa
oikawa isn't the best at communication, despite being so charismatic and able to charm so many of his fans, he has always been scared of losing you. he has had exes before, but he never wished to make one out of you; he loved you too much, he couldn't imagine his life before he met you anymore or had you as his own. hence, he did everything in his power to get you back... through messaging you desperately.
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surprisingly, this worked.
and the next day, he was at your beck and call. he'd carry your bag and things for you, take you to your every class, compliment you here and there, treat you to your favorite snacks, buy you things to keep you from getting angry at him, and dedicating every serve at practice for you, despite the other guys on the team (specifically iwaizumi) wanting to punch him for indirectly showing off his lovely girlfriend.
but, no matter, as long as he fixed his mistake and made you happy again... he was okay with it all.
rintaro suna
this boy had a tendency to anger you, and being his girlfriend, you were basically forced to be the butt of all his teasing. one day, he went too far on accident, and you ignored him for almost a week. if this was anyone else, suna would just shrug it off and wait until they'd talk to him again.
but you weren't just anybody. you were the one to suna, even if he didn't show it–he loved you, and he missed having you by his side. he knew he needed to talk to you again, no matter how awkward it'd be.
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and he did just that. he facetimed you in the middle of practice and apologized to you over the phone with his classic neutral face. but his tone was slightly different, it carried an air of genuine apology–and his eyes bore into yours, not tearing his eyes away from you for even a second.
he hopes he can be with you tomorrow at school, so he can admire all your beauty the next day. he'll cut back on the teasing, for now, he'll just compliment you and tell the truth: you're too gorgeous for him to handle (while showing you atsumu and osamu's latest brawl).
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hannieehaee · 3 months
i would like to request possesive (lowkey toxic) bsf minghao like a short five or a drabble bcs i read your toxic mingyu one and it was sosososo good!!
tysm (i love your fics btw they’re so good)
18+ / mdi
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content: toxicbsf!minghao, friends to lovers, he's toxic but its fine bc i have a crush on him so, manipulation, afab reader, smut, mentions of oral (f receiving), reader is a virgin, loss of virginity, penetrative sex, etc.
wc: 2064
a/n: thank uu!! im obsessed with toxicbsf!svt ive been wanting to write more of it since my mingyu fic tysm for requesting!!
sometimes it stressed minghao out how sweet and innocent you were. how easy it was for a guy to catch your attention and for you to fall for anyone showed the barest amount of decency towards you.
well, it's not like minghao could really blame you. throughout the many years of being best friends, you had never really been in a serious relationship. there had been a quick fling here and there, but they never went far. not if minghao had anything to say bout it.
it wasn't that minghao wanted to get in the way of your relationships. he was simply protective. whether you realized it or not, he knew better. he knew the filthy ideas guys could get in their heads, specially when a pretty and sweet girl like you showed interest in them. which was why minghao always ran guys off one way or another before things bad a chance of going too far.
now, minghao wasn't dumb. he never made it known that he had been the one to somehow scare away (or sometimes frustrate away) possible suitors for you. he would simply speed up the inevitable. he knew they'd eventually use you and throw you away like most men tended to do to sweet girls like you.
despite your temporary sadness over the constant failed relationships, minghao knew that this was for the best. he wasn't about to allow some filthy man come in and sweep you off your feet just to defile your innocence when they could never love you in a pure and genuine way – in the same way that minghao did.
the task of keeping men off you got harder through the years. you were simply too beautiful to resist. that's how minghao first fell for you anyway (but, of course, he then fell for every other detail about you). you had men asking you out left and right, even ignoring his presence whenever he just so happened to be there. you were always shy and sheepish about it, accepting the compliments but always looking to minghao while seeking his approval of the guy in question (which he never gave, seeing as there was no man who deserved you).
however, there were occasions in which a guy would slip through the cracks, somehow charming you enough to concede to a date or to some flirtatious text messages without minghao's knowledge. the discovery of these instances would always lead to spats between the two of you, with minghao claiming that you clearly did not love him in the way he did you if you were so easily willing to hide things from him. these nights would usually end in you apologizing to him and telling him he was the only guy you needed.
but that did not happen every single time. currently, an anomaly had occurred, causing minghao to be disgusted by recent developments that had occurred in your relationship.
being as sweet and innocent as you were, it was clear to minghao that even a single second away from him would lead you to fall into the arms of some guy. which was what had happened a few weeks back, when you had enthusiastically agreed to a date with some boy you'd met at a party during the ten minutes in which minghao had left you unsupervised.
surprisingly, you had asked minghao to let you try things out with him. you were aware of minghao's protectiveness towards you (although not the full extent of it), but minghao was still surprised when you shyly asked him to let you see how things would go between you and this guy.
the two of you had been talking every day during those few weeks, even going on a few dates which minghao had to be made privy of as you came home overexcited after each one. he hated watching your temporary happiness with some loser who didnt deserve you. he knew it wouldn't last, but it still made him scowl at the thought.
the whole situation reached a crescendo the day you came back from yet another date with the guy, sheepishly telling minghao that you thought it was time for the next step in the relationship. this was, of course, something minghao was not willing to let you go through with.
since you had asked him to not get involved (not even allowing him to meet the guy thus far), he had left the situation alone with the hopes that it would crash and burn on its own, – after all, no man was good enough for you, nor did they compare to the way in which minghao treated you – but unfortunately for minghao, the past three weeks had gone well for the two of you. and now it was time for minghao to step in.
despite his initial anger at your revelation (anger which he kept hidden from you), he allowed you a safe space to talk to him about your 'relationship' and what you intended to do next, which then revealed a window of opportunity for minghao.
"i ... i'm nervous, hao."
"hmm? what makes you nervous, angel?", he was sitting beside you on your shared couch, with your legs basically intertwined.
"i dont know, i've just never ... you know ..."
he knew. you'd never outwardly spoken about it. but he knew you to be a virgin in every sense of the word.
"i dont know, angel. you're gonna have to be more specific."
"i've never had sex. i've never really done anything .."
as expected from his good and innocent girl. but the satisfaction of hearing you say those words died as soon as he remembered the context of the conversation. you were seeking advice in order to have sex with that guy whose name minghao had never even bothered to learn.
"that's okay. you don't have to if you're not ready," he assured you.
"no, but i am! i just ... i wont know what to do when it's time to ... you know, actually do it."
"what if i disappoint him? or what if he thinks im a freak for never having done anything?", you lamented, "am i? is it weird i've never done it? it's just ... it's never worked out between me and any other guy and– fuck you must be exhausted of hearing me lament myself every time i ultimately fuck things up before even leaving the talking stage," you chuckled at yourself in what seemed to be pity.
and minghao did somewhat pity you. despite being direct cause of many of those failed talking stages (something he would never let you find out), he still felt bad that you were feeling unseemly because of his doing.
"angel, no. stop. it's okay. you can always talk to me, you know that. and no. you're not weird for being a, a virgin, you're ... you're so special. no guy should ever make you feel pressured to do it. who is this guy anyway? is he making you– "
"no! hao. it really isnt that! it's me. i'm ... i just dont wanna embarrass myself. i dont ... i have no idea what i'm supposed to do. i ... i've wanted to, but i'm just scared," you pouted, looking down into your lap rather than at him.
he knew the perfect solution for this. it was the most obvious thing, but he needed to approach it in a way that worked out in his favor. he could not risk scaring you away. you were just vulnerable enough in this moment for minghao to finally rid himself of the nuance that had been in his way for these past weeks and finally have you for himself.
"well, i ... i cant help you? if you want. i could show you whatever you're curious about. and then you wont feel nervous anymore", he suggested, now having moved closer to you.
"isnt that cheating?"
he chuckled at the adorable confusion in your tone, reaching out to caress your cheek with his hand, "no, angel. id just be teaching you. as a friend, yeah?"
"oh ... a– are you sure? i dont wanna make you uncomfortable or anything ..."
"you could never make me uncomfortable, beautiful. so what do you say? hmm? let me help you?"
you silently nodded as you scoot even closer to him, giving him the green light to finally have you in the way he'd always wished.
"how about we start by kissing so you can ease into it, yeah?"
you nodded again, already too lightheaded to respond to him with words. minghao felt immense arousal at your innocent demeanor, adoring how your eyes fell directly to his lips the moment he mentioned kissing.
as gently as he could, he connected your lips, staring off with an innocent kiss before letting escalate further.
it was hard for him to control himself, so he didnt. he only gave you a few seconds of gentleness before beginning to kiss you with the fervor he had always wanted to, drinking in your adorable whines of arousal.
somehow your mewls became even prettier when his lips went south, now savoring the taste of your skin as he licked and nipped at your soft neck. his hands were not left unoccupied as they felt you up in ways that could not be defined as anything less than filthy. but you didnt seem to care. you seemed quite into it, actually, moaning endlessly in the way a girl deprived of pleasure would.
in this moment, minghao knew his wait had been worth it, as he now had you in his arms for his taking. and there was no way he would ever let you go after this.
it was only a short while later that minghao would finally reach his ruin.
minghao finally had you bare and willing under him as he hovered over you on his bed. after having eaten you out to completion, he was almost completely spent from just the view of your gorgeous body receiving such pleasure for the first time. and now he could finally have you in a way that only he ever would.
"angel ... are you ready?" he breathed as his lips pulled away from your own.
your gaze was completely empty, clearly gone to the pleasure that minghao had such given you and the pleasure you knew was yet to come.
"please ... need to feel you so bad ..."
"oh? but i thought this was about learning, angel? what happened?", he emphasized his words by grinding against your bare core, whispering his teasing words into your ear.
"n– no ... it's not ... just want you ... please."
that was enough for him to finally plunge in, groaning at the slight resistance you showed despite having prepared you beforehand.
your body arched against his as you cried out his name for the nth time that night.
"oh, angel ... feel so fucking good. is it good for you, beautiful? am i teaching you well?"
"y– yes, fuck ... h– hao! feel so fucking good ..."
he ground into you mercilessly, in a way that would make anyone think that this was not your first time together. except it was the first of many.
"does it always feel this good? will it always make me want it like this?"
"no, beautiful. it will never feel this good. you know why?", his hand went to play with the tiny pearl between your legs, making you cry in response, "because you're mine", he speed up in his thrusts, matching the pace of his hand, "and only i can give you this pleasure."
"hao! fuck ... gonna– "
"i know, angel. me too. gonna cum with my pretty angel, yeah? be good for me and cum with me, beautiful."
"love y– you!," your wet cries and stutters already had him gone, but your declaration was what truly did him in, causing him to bury himself as deep as possible as he released him inside you, groaning at the way you pulsed against him as your own orgasm took over you.
upon regaining your breaths and laying together, minghao turned to you, cradling you into his chest as he felt you breathe against him.
"you're mine now, aren't you angel?"
"always," you softly peck his chest, cuddling right back into him.
there was no longer need for minghao to worry about your nameless fling, nor any that would've come after. he had finally kept you all to himself.
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astrophileous · 7 months
fem!reader x derek morgan, where they're like really flirty and i mean like kissing, holding hands, reader sits on his lap.
and after a case hotch is like yelling at derek because they had a disagreement, and reader comes in and was like "stop yelling at my best friend!" and he freezes because he genuinely thought that they were dating.
and they get teased n shit, and later reader cant sleep so derek is playing with her hair and he mumbles "i love you." and she says it back, and her words are slurred because shes so tired.
ty for the request honey!! I changed a few details abt it, I hope that's okay?? The main gist is still the same tho so I hope you like this ❤️
Warning(s): fem!reader, profanities, angst a lil bit bcs Derek is having inner turmoil, mutual pining (they're both idiots)
This blurb was written as a part of the "Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K" celebration.
Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
"It wasn't his fault."
Your voice cut through the silence as an unforeseen rapier. Every pair of eyes in the station fell on you in instinct. You despised the attention with every fiber of your being, but in that moment, there was nothing you wouldn't do to save Derek from being appointed as the fall guy, including offering yourself up as a temporary human spectacle as you stepped forward to where the three men were huddled up.
"Agent (Y/L/N)," Hotch warned in his familiar commanding lull.
"Sweet girl," Derek's voice came a little quieter, "what are you doing?"
You ignored your two fellow teammates as you faced the tall man between them. "I'm sorry, Sheriff. We never intended to overstep your authority. We didn't know the witness was one of our UnSubs when we visited his house. Agent Morgan was only acting in favor of my safety, so really, if there's anyone you should be mad at, it should be me."
The sheriff assessed you with rancorous eyes before turning back towards Hotch. "Get your team under control, Agent. Remember that y'all are a guest here."
With that last message, the sheriff walked away and disappeared into his office. Hotch turned to you and Derek following the sheriff's departure. "We'll talk about this later."
Once Hotch was out of earshot, Derek pulled you towards him. The rest of the station had already returned towards their previous tasks, safe for several pairs of eyes belonging to your other team members who seemed too eager to catch a snippet of your conversation with Derek. Before you could reprimand them, Derek's voice suddenly erupted, "What the hell are you doing?"
You turned your head and frowned. "What?"
"Why did you say all of that stuff to the sheriff, sweetheart?"
"Because it's the truth? You did make that call because you were protecting me, right?"
"I did, but you still didn't need to do any of that. I can take care of it myself."
"Derek—" you sighed, plopping your hand right on top of his shoulder, "—I know you can take care of pretty much everything by yourself, but I don't want you cleaning up my mess just for the sake of our relationship. Let me handle it on my own, okay?"
A hot remark was ready on the tip of Derek's tongue, but the words were soon forgotten when he heard the single word that cut off the circulation completely from his brain. Dumbfoundedly, he stared at you as he said, "Relationship?"
"Well, yeah." You smiled, dragging your hand upward from his shoulder until you were cupping his cheek. "You're my best friend, Derek."
Just as fast as you had flown him to the clouds, you sent Derek plummeting straight towards the ground where he imploded into pieces. The man could barely register the feeling of your lips on his other cheek before he watched you stride away, leaving him standing in the middle of the station like a deer caught in headlights.
"You're my best friend, Derek," Emily teased from where she was standing a few feet away. Behind her, JJ and Spencer were laughing along. "Seriously, why don't you two just make it official already?"
Derek flipped the three of them off, earning another series of laughter from his coworkers before he walked off towards the direction of the pantry. In the back of his head, Emily's question lingered like a shallow wind.
Seriously, why don't you two just make it official already?
Maybe because Derek thought you were official.
But apparently, according to you, you weren't.
So what the hell did that kiss that the two of you shared at the end of your last movie night even mean?
For the rest of the team's stay in Pasco, Florida, the ambiguous status of your relationship became a permanent fixture in Derek's mind. It haunted him even after he boarded the BAU's jet, preparing for the flight back home towards Quantico, Virginia. He was too lost in his own world that he didn't realize you had been calling out his name until your hand touched his cheek.
"Hey, you okay?" you asked worriedly.
Derek was sitting on the long sofa at the end of the cabin; and you, as always, were lying on the same sofa with your head resting on his lap. He still remembered the first time the two of you assumed this habit on the jet, receiving cheeky glances and playful jabs from the rest of the team in the aftermath. The teasing had dwindled significantly by now. Everyone was so used to the sight that it didn't warrant a surprised reaction anymore.
Derek, on the other hand, didn't think he could get accustomed to this.
As he stared down towards your inquisitive eyes, Derek realized that the sight of your face still took his breath away as much as it did the first time he laid eyes upon you. He brought down a finger and ran them up and down your cheek, his heart inflating when you rewarded him with a gleaming smile.
"Wanna come over tonight? We didn't finish that movie last week," you offered.
At the mention of your last movie night, Derek's mind traveled back to the memory of your kiss. It was nothing grand, just a five-seconds heaven where Derek's tongue had tasted remnants of the wine you shared and a little something else that he was sure had uniquely belonged to you. He sealed it with another peck on your forehead after that, wishing you a good night rest and a fantastic dream as he left the comfort of your apartment.
Derek couldn't sleep that night. After all, that was the best kiss the man had ever had in his entire life; but it looked like you hadn't felt the same way as him about it at all.
This knowledge was a stake right through Derek's heart. Everything tasted bitter as he swallowed, and perhaps that was reason enough to why the next words tumbled out of his lips in a reply, "Sorry, sweet girl. I've got errands to run. Next time?"
Derek pretended not to see the way your face collapsed in disappointment at his answer.
Back at his own apartment, Derek proceeded to spend a whole hour flipping through TV channels until his hand was numb. Many of his nights lately were spent in your company, and as the surrounding solitude closed in on him, Derek realized that he didn't remember how to spend nights by himself anymore. He was absentmindedly changing the channel yet again when his finger suddenly stopped frozen on the remote.
Your favorite movie was showing on the TV screen.
Perhaps it was ludicrous to claim that seeing the movie he had always associated with you appear on his TV was a celestial omen, but Derek deemed it an enough sign for him to get his ass off the couch and drove all the way down to your apartment. He stood in front of your door not even twenty minutes later, having sped through traffic as if he were invincible to every threat on the roads. You opened the door for him on the third knock, your eyes blown so widely out of proportion when you spotted him standing on your doorway.
"Derek? What are you doing here?"
"Sweet girl, are you... have you been crying?"
"Don't lie to me." Derek took two steps forward, closing the front door behind him as he was finally standing inside your apartment. "What's going on, sweetheart?"
His question managed to break the last dam in your ribcage, sending you straight into another flood of uncontrollable tears. You leaped into Derek's arms out of the blue, cramming your face into his chest as your tears soaked the front part of his shirt.
"I'm sorry, Derek. I'm so sorry."
"Sorry? What are you sorry for, sweet girl?"
"T-The kiss. We shouldn't have done that. We shouldn't have k-kissed. It was a mistake."
Derek's stomach crashed squarely towards the ground. "A mistake?"
You nodded against his chest, pulling away to stare directly at Derek's face. Your eyes were red and puffy from hours of crying, and yet, Derek still thought you were the most heavenly creature he had ever seen in his entire life.
"That's w-why you've been acting strange, right? The kiss? Y-You're mad at me because of the kiss?"
"Wait. What—"
"I-I didn't... fuck—I didn't mean for everything to come to this. I never meant t-to make you run from me like this. I'm so, so sorry."
"I can pretend! Please, I can pretend like it never happened. T-That's what you want, r-right? I can forget about the kiss as long as—"
You didn't have the chance to finish your sentence.
Not when Derek suddenly pressed his lips against yours, seizing the words and the breath thoroughly out of your throat.
Butterflies erupted in the pit of your stomach. Nothing else mattered in the world except for Derek's hands on your skin and the way his tongue danced with yours as he deepened the kiss even further. You could've spent the rest of eternity kissing him like this if it weren't for the need to come up for air. That was the singular reason why you even agreed to pull away at last, albeit reluctantly.
"Derek?" Your voice was thin and fragile amidst the quietude of your home. "I don't understand... I thought—"
"No, sweetheart," Derek cut you off, leaving a quick peck on your lips because he couldn't help himself. "Remember in Florida when you called me your best friend? I thought that was your way of telling me you regretted the kiss."
"What? So... you weren't mad at me?"
"No, of course not." He scoffed incredulously. "How could I ever be mad at you?"
"I just thought—"
"Hey, look at me." Derek tilted your face by the chin until you were looking directly into his eyes. "I'm yours, (Y/N). Do you understand?"
"Yes," you whispered. "I'm yours, too, Derek. Forever."
Derek spent the night at your home afterward. Although it wasn't the first time he stayed over, something about it felt fresh and brand new as he lay on your bed as officially yours while you lay next to him as officially his. He nuzzled your body flush against him, entangling every inch of your limbs with his own as he listened to the steady intakes and outtakes of your breathing.
"I love you, sweetheart," Derek murmured against your hair, playing with the end of the strands as he heard you let out another tired sigh. "You know that, right?"
"Hmm? I love you, too," you mumbled blearily, burrowing yourself deeper into his warmth before sleep finally took over your whole being.
Safe to say, you had the best sleep that night than you ever did in your entire lifetime.
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marvelstoriesepic · 3 months
Learn his way
Pairing: College!Bucky x Reader
Summary: Bucky is more interested in learning about you than biology
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: none; just fluff and flirty Bucky
author‘s note: I love College!Bucky so much! This was fun :)
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“Barnes!” You sent the guy sitting right beside you - somehow moving closer to you every single one of your sessions - your signature glare, not the first one that day. “Biology!” you scolded, nodding at the textbook lying in front of Bucky and you. His pen had been poked in your side more times than you’d be willing to count.
“Oh come on doll, we’ve been talking about biology since-” He took a quick glance at his phone lying beside him, “25 minutes. We only have another 20 so let’s talk about you.” He leaned back in his chair and put his hand on the back of your seat, clearly done with learning about the evolution of organisms. He locked his eyes on you, a playful smirk on his lips.
You groaned, rolling your eyes at him, as his smirk only grew, the corners of his mouth pulling up in his cheeks.
“We’re not here to talk about me Barnes, I’m trying to help you here.” You don’t know why you were even trying at this point. The textbook was still staring at you, unused for probably the rest of this session.
Bucky's phone, still lingering on the table in front of you, lit up with messages every few minutes, though he didn’t pay it any mind. His gaze set on you, biting his lip.
“You are helping doll,” he sounded strangely sincere and you narrowed your eyes at him. “But I hate that I know more about biology than you by now.”
You snorted to which he lifted a brow, mocking offense. “You should know more about biology than me though. Knowing me won’t help you pass the exam.” You now leaned back as well, folding your arms over your chest and holding his gaze.
Bucky straightened up, not holding back his smirk, amusement gleaming in his eyes beside something else you couldn’t quite place. A softness in his expression that didn’t really make sense to you.
“Tell you what,” he started and replaced his hand on the backrest of your chair, moving it further up. You could feel it touching your back. “For every right question about biology, you give me a fact of yourself.”
You roll your eyes again, breathing out a sigh. “Alright,” you nod reluctantly, “Fine.” You grabbed your textbook and browsed through the pages, trying to decide what to ask him.
He moved both his arms to his chest, crossing them in the front, and turned his body to you completely, his whole attention focused solely on you. He watched you intently searching through the pages, a soft smile on his lips.
You seemed to have found something because you lowered the textbook and looked back at him, a challenging smile forming on your lips.
“Nitrogen-fixing bacteria and cowpea demonstrate an ecological association known as-” You looked at him raising an eyebrow to indicate he was supposed to finish the sentence, grinning sweetly.
He looked at you a few seconds longer before knocking his head back followed by an overly exaggerated groan. “Come on now doll that’s an unfair one,” he exclaimed, the corners of his mouth still twitching upwards, despite his protests.
“You want to know something about me, you gotta earn it Barnes.” You tilted your head, grinning widely back at him.
Bucky stared back at you for a few seconds but broke the eye contact breathing out a laugh. He took in a deep breath, cleared his throat, and faced you again. The smirk was back in an instant.
“Still waiting for an answer,” you sang
“Alright sweetheart, lemme think.” He clenched his jaw, and narrowed his eyes on the wall behind your shoulder, looking deep in thought.
He looked like he genuinely tried to remember what he could have known by now if he’d listened to you instead of poking his pen in your side and drawing a dog on your arm which he still claimed to be a wolf.
“Mutualism!“ he expressed after a while.
Your surprise matched his for a few seconds until his look morphed into a wide grin. Eyes sparkling, the corners of his mouth bringing up his cheeks, crinkles forming at his eyes. “That’s right, isn’t it? See doll, I learned!”
You hummed in contemplation, narrowing your eyes at him. “You cheated!”
He let out a sound of disapproval, his hand moving to his chest to lay over his heart. “You wound me doll, I would never!”
You took a deep breath in. “Alright whatever, that was right.” Looks like he did listen to you.
Bucky moved forward on his seat, one arm extending to lay over the backrest of your chair again. “Time for your part of the deal sweetheart. Tell me something about yourself”
You took a second to think of something insignificant to tell him. “I like pasta.”
He made sure to save that information in the back of his mind, already thinking about what he could do with it. There was this nice, cute pasta place he went to with his family after his sister got her driver's license and they wanted to celebrate. He’d love to take you there too since he doesn’t really get to talk to you outside of these tutor sessions because you always look so busy and stressed and he sure as hell doesn’t wanna worsen it. He was glad about anything you’d give him now that you were basically supposed to focus on him. And now that he had a small glimpse he just wanted more and more.
It continued like that. You asked him questions about biology, important for the exam in a week, and would grant him with a small fact about yourself as regards. He got more eager with every bit you gave him. Even if it was as simple as your favorite color. He knew exactly which sweater he’d wear the next session with you.
You told him about how you preferred cactuses because they didn’t require to get watered every day. You’d just forget. You shared a laugh after that. Bucky again taking notes in his head.
You told him about how you loved to read worn-out and used books because they already told a story themselves. You were a little sheepish after telling him that and he found it endearing. Fondness laced his features. He felt the sudden urge to search his grandparent's bookshelf for a book of your liking to gift to you. His grandparents surely wouldn’t notice but he assumed it’d be a little too early in your relationship - whatever it was - to give you a gift like that.
Spurred on by all the new things he found out about you and the small bond he felt arise, there was a spurt of confidence coming up within him. He reached out to brush the strands of your hair back behind your shoulder that had fallen in front of your face while leaning over the textbook. You looked up at him at the movement, eyes locked on one another.
“Give me another question doll,” he spoke slowly, a little nervous, his voice lower than before. His hand, still in your hair behind your shoulder slowly moved away, back against your chair. His gaze remained locked on yours. “And if I get this one right as well you gotta go out with me. What do you say?”
His gaze was careful, searching your face for a reaction. You couldn’t help the surprise etching on your features, eyebrows lifting. You sat up straight and looked away from him trying to formulate an answer, mouth opening and closing again.
“You don’t have to doll! You could just tell me something about yourself again. Anything really, I’m happy with tha-”
“Bucky!” you cut off his nervous rambling, sensing how tense he became. His arm brushed your back lightly with the way he shifted on his seat. Not wanting to see that troubled look on his face any longer you continued talking again. “I’d like that.”
Eyes growing wide, he let out a breathy laugh. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You smiled back at him.
A new sort of energy surged through him and he rubbed his hands together before steadying himself on the table with one hand and on his chair with the other. He took a deep exaggerated breath and turned to you, feigning a serious expression though his eyes kept sparkling, betraying his act.
You let out a laugh and again searched for something to test him with. However, if you were being honest with yourself, you asked him something you were certain of him already knowing. Based on the sly smirk on his lips and the seconds he took to study you before providing you with an answer - the right one - he noticed. But he didn’t complain. And neither did you.
Guess he would be seeing you outside of your tutor sessions after all.
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cerise-on-top · 22 days
Hii please can you do family hcs for soap, graves and rodolfo (sorry if thats two meny) like as in having kids being married and stuff x
Hey! I don't write about children, so I wrote general marriage HCs for the lads :-)
Marriage HCs for Soap, Rodolfo and Graves
Soap: As soon as you’re engaged he’s never taking that ring off again. It’s a small but lovely reminder that the two of you are bound together forever. To be frank, he loves the feeling of being married to you. His bonnie and him are finally married, what more could he want? He’s actually a surprisingly good husband, always taking care of you and getting you whatever you need. Insists on going on vacation with you for a week to ten days once a year. It’s his way of unwinding. Plus he really wants to see the world with you, make as many memories as possible as well. Very dutiful too, if you ever tell him to do something then he’ll do it. Rarely ever does he complain. After all, his beautiful spouse needs him, and what is more wonderful than that. If you’re not allergic to them, then he insists on getting a dog with you. They’re loyal, they’re sweet, they’re adventurous. They’re kind of like him and he jokes about that too. If you love Soap then you’re going to love a dog as well. However, sometimes he gets a bit overwhelmed with love for you and will just hold you tightly for a bit. He doesn’t talk, he doesn’t even move, he just holds you and takes in your warmth and your scent. Once he’s almost done feeling sappy, he’ll sigh, put your face in between his hands, give you a big smooch and tell you how much he loves you. It gets especially bad once you’re married. He can’t help it, though, he simply adores you.
Rodolfo: He never would have thought he’d find someone willing to marry someone like him. Sure, he’s flattered and flabbergasted, even, and that sometimes gets to him. Once you’re married, he’ll try his best to be a good husband for you. Gets up before you do so he can make you some breakfast, cleans your home as long as he can be quiet, hell, he’ll even try to use the washing machine and wash your clothes. If you’re awake somehow and want to join him, he’s over the moon. There’s just something so domestic about doing house chores together, he loves it. At one point he’ll insist on going on a roadtrip through Mexico together so you can see all the most beautiful sights together. He loves his country and he loves you too, so he’d love nothing more than to combine both of those things together. It’s not optional either, he’ll bring it up again and again until you finally relent and let him plan everything. I don’t think he’d be too much of a dog person, but you could probably convince him to get a cat. He wouldn’t admit it, but he thinks they’re kind of cute. Will also try to be your cat’s favorite by feeding it some snacks here and there, just to brag that it loves him after all. One thing he’ll also start doing once you’re married is send letters to you. You don’t have to respond, but he just wants to send you something more personal every once in a while. Besides, it’s something sweet too, isn’t it? Not very many people send each other letters anymore these days. They’re more personal than a simple text message.
Graves: He’s a cocky but loveable guy most of the time, but he actually becomes a bit calmer once you’re married. Sure, he’ll still tease you when he can, but that’s just how he is. Back then, he may have told you he loves you by teasing you, but nowadays he genuinely just holds you close and gives you a heartfelt “I love you” from time to time. Not too fond of doing chores, even with you, but he’ll do them anyway because he can’t just leave all the work to you, even if he wouldn’t mind hiring a maid to do so either. Will want to buy a big house for the both of you to live in together. He has too much money on his hands anyway, so he does it anyway. It’s not going to be too remote, but it won’t be in the heart of a city either. If you’re not American then he’ll convince you to live with him in the States. It’s his home country, he’s a proud American and he wants you to be with him. He’s not too open for a pet, in all honesty. Even if he can’t really name a reason as to why. It’s not like he’s allergic or anything, he’s just not the biggest fan of pets. Most he can do is a fish. But trust me, he’d actually take really good care of that fish. It would likely be overfed, but he’d deny ever feeding it and caring for it. If he thinks you’re not around then he’ll actually talk to it about how great of a spouse you are and how lovely it is that you’re taking care of him and it. Yes, he gushes about you to the fish. If asked he doesn’t even know you have a fish, though.
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rallamajoop · 3 months
Resident Evil 7 and Mia's secrets
(Oh, did you think I was done talking about Mia? Not even close! >D)
Coming into this fandom late, I was surprised that popular fanon has it that Mia never does come clean to Ethan, post-RE7. Sure, RE8 depends on Mia not having told Ethan he died in Dulvey, but that has nothing to do with her own past with the Connections (and far more to do with Ethan's own denial, but that's a whole other thing).
Myself, I’d taken it as given that the scene where Ethan learns the truth must have just happened off-screen. Because, disappointing as that omission is, the whole damn game is leading up to it.
And having replayed RE7 lately, I realised there'd be no better way to explain my take than to catalog every time the game spells out to us that Ethan knows Mia’s keeping secrets and wants answers, and that Mia herself wants to come clean.
Heck, it’s just about the very first thing we learn about them.
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“Ethan... You were right. I did lie to you. I shouldn’t have, but…”
Ethan's not actually stupid, and Mia's secrecy has obviously strained their marriage for some time. And as soon as Ethan finds her, he’s asking questions.
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Here, he’s mostly asking who did this to you; it's way too early for real answers. But then Eveline takes control, shit goes down, and next we see her, it’s in her recorded message from the “Mia” video tape.
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“There’s so much you need to know.”
When Ethan finds Mia again under the old house, he’s angry and has every right to be, and he doesn’t pull any punches.
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“I always wanted to tell you…”
But Mia’s memory’s still a mess, and Lucas interrupts. Ethan’s next chance to ask questions comes in the boat, and he wastes no time.
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“You had something to do with this, didn’t you?”
Mia’s a little more defensive here, but she’s not lying about the holes in her memory. The game’s gearing up for the big reveal anyway, and the writers aren’t about to let her spoil it early.
If you choose Zoe instead of Mia, Ethan spends the boat ride asking all the same questions, only louder.
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“I knew Mia was hiding something.”
But in the end, what do we get?
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Whoever you choose, Ethan only gets a few brief moments with Mia after she frees him from Eveline’s mould, and no explanations are offered. But if you do pick Mia, then we end with Ethan flying away with her in the helicopter, saying only, “Mia's back and she wants to start over,” and I’m left going, wait, what? Haven’t we skipped something here?
In defence of the fanon consensus that Ethan never finds out the truth, that does seem to be the ‘canonical’ intent ‒ at least inasmuch as there's this one throwaway bit about Mia not wanting Ethan to know buried in a bonus text file only available with this one overpriced DLC for RE8. That’s it, that’s as much explicit recognition as this thing ever gets, one way or the other. And fucking hell, but that's a let down.
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Even if we assume that Mia’s desire to come clean goes away once her memory comes back, why would Ethan just stop asking? He’s been asking questions the whole damn game – was clearly asking questions long before the game began! Knowing that Eveline was controlling people doesn’t explain what Mia had to do with it all. Now he’s suddenly all, ‘killed the bad guy, saved the girl, everything’s fine’? Was all that ‘a door closed’ bullshit supposed to be him accepting he’d never get answers? Why?
There are workable ways to spin Ethan never finding out. You could suggest he just accepts that Mia’s memory is gone (hell, for all we actually see of the ending, Mia genuinely might have lost her memory again after Eveline sucked her back into the mould). After all the trauma Ethan’s been through, you could also suggest he’s gone directly into denial, refusing to face anything that might threaten his ‘happy ending’ with Mia. You could even suggest that that bit with Eveline saying 'I can make him love you' is her actively wiping Ethan's suspicions away. There's some lovely, subtle horror in any of these possibilities ‒ I would genuinely love to see all of them explored in fic! But none of them actually come through in the ending we get, and that omission is the single biggest issue that makes that conclusion to RE7 unsatisfying to me.
The whole damn game has been building up to the big confrontation where Ethan finds out the truth and (eventually, if not immediately) finds a way to forgive Mia, so we can still have our happy ending. As much OTT hate as Mia gets, the game is consistent in portraying her as someone who is painfully aware of how bad she’s fucked up, regrets it, and is committed to doing everything she can to protect the man she loves from the fallout of her mistakes.
I cannot overstate how willing Mia is to die to save Ethan, from the very moment she realises she's infected. She does die to save him if you choose Zoe over her. It's so much of why I ship them do hard.
But most frustrating of all, denying Mia the chance to come clean denies her any chance to explain herself. How did she get involved with the Connections? Did she know from the outset who she was working for? Did she genuinely buy into the idea they were finding ways to win wars without losing soldiers on battlefield, that the human casualties of all their work was worth it? If not, why did she keep working there? Was she slowly frog-boiled down to the deep end, did they have dirt on her, did she fear they might kill her if she tried to leave? What excuses did she make to herself as the months or years went on?
It's possible Mia’s the kind of hypocrite who doesn’t care about the human casualties of her employer, just as long as she and hers are okay, but nothing we see from her sells me on that interpretation. And even if she ever was, it's even harder to believe she's still that person after all she's been through.
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It aggravates me that the games never gave us answers, not just because I want explanations that cast Mia in a sympathetic light, but because not giving us answers leaves this huge hole in her character. I'd even take explanations that cast her in an unsympathetic light, as long as it all ties together.
It irritates me even more because, even if Capcom wasn’t up for giving Ethan and Mia the big emotional confrontation they deserved, the solution was so simple: let Ethan find Mia’s diary on his way out of the ship. The whole goddamn franchise is filled with diaries and documents where characters lay out their backstories and motivations in ludicrous detail – why does Mia never get one? Just give us a handful of entries dated over the years, laying out her own feelings and anxieties about the job she’s doing. It would’ve been so easy!
It irritates me nearly as much that, even in the few corners of this fandom sympathetic to Mia, no-one seems to be very interested in answering these questions in fic or shared headcanons (and if there are examples out there I don't know about, please do link me to them!) How much did Mia know about what she was getting into when she started working for the Connections? Was it the job she kept telling herself was just until she could find something better, only for that ‘something better’ to never come along? Did she have stains on her record that made it hard to find another job? How much of her lying was a misguided attempt to protect Ethan, and how much was simply about protecting herself? There's so much to explore here!
This is also where I mention that I've already put my money where my mouth on this one, and written up my own take on Mia's backstory, and how Ethan might have found out the truth. You don't have to agree with my version, of course ‒ I mean it when I say I'd love to see other people's ideas too. Heck, I'd even be up for versions where Ethan ultimately can't forgive her, just as long as people come at it from the angle of looking at Mia as a character, not just a one-dimensional-villain.
But of course, I'd still prefer to think about versions where these two do find a way to make it work. It takes a lot to make me ship het this hard, but these two stealth-badasses have pulled it off with style.
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blaxcunicorn · 3 months
A Business Proposal
Hiii! I just drafted a random Eren smut as I found nothing to read. If you have any series you recommend, please let me know! (I prefer cannon shockingly haha) I hope you enjoy this one! Also, thank you for all the lovely messages you have left me. I know I'm not the most active user (I'm very shy, haha), but I really appreciate you guys for saying hi.
Content: fem!reader, NSFW warning, established relationship, forbidden love, pet names, lmk if I have missed anything
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The masquerade ball was in full swing, with the soft glow of fairy lights casting a dreamy aura over the grand ballroom. You took a deep breath before entering the room to breathe out some of the stress. The ball is filled with the most influential people in New York, and you are right now representing your father and his business with your parents. You wore a wine-red dress hugging your curves and a v-neck teasing some of your full breasts. You see your parents talking with the Braus. Most likely, they are trying to seal a deal with the wealthy family. You walk over and peck your father on the cheek. “Here is my diamond,” he said proudly. The Braus welcome you with warm smiles while their son couldn't stop drooling. You looked too damn good in that dress. He gently raised your hand and kissed your palm “You look absolutely stunning tonight”, he said with a rasping voice. A burning sensation crept on your cheeks. “Thank you”, you respond calmly, trying not to reveal any form of nervousness. 
You are interrupted by a loud laughter coming from the other side of the room. Your mother rolled her eyes at the sight of the Jeager family standing there in all their glory. The laughter came from the family patriarch’s youngest son, Eren. It was like he wanted the room to know his presence. The family were mingling with the Arlet family. “That boy has no manner.” Your mother whispered to you. Your families are great rivals, and the tension increased even more when Grisha, with the help of Eren’s friendship with Armin, managed to hijack the deal your father was about to make with Armin’s grandfather. You turn your head to see Eren toasting a glass towards you. You rolled your eyes in annoyance, turning your focus back to Reiner, who hasn’t stopped admiring you. 
Your father recognised the potential for connection, "Why don't you two take a stroll outside? The night is beautiful, and it's an excellent opportunity to get to know each other better." He suggested. Reiner gladly agreed, and the two of you linked arms as he escorted you out. You could feel the burning sensation of two green eyes following you. The two of you found yourselves walking through the elegantly landscaped gardens surrounding the ballroom. The enchanting melodies from the ballroom faded into the background as you and Reiner found yourselves lost in conversation. Reiner, with a genuine curiosity shining in his eyes, took the opportunity to learn more about your adventures. "So…" he began, a warm smile gracing his features, "I've heard you've traveled a lot. Got a favorite spot that's close to your heart?" Your eyes lit up with excitement as you reminisced. "Oh, definitely Cuba! It's got this energy you can't find anywhere else, plus the people got the warmest souls you'll ever meet." Intrigued, Reiner leaned in, his heart beating faster as he admired the beauty that was you. "Tell me more," he encouraged. Your enthusiasm bubbled over as you described the streets of Havana, the lively music, and the genuine hospitality of the Cuban people. As you spoke, Reiner found himself captivated by your words and the radiant glow that poured out of you. The way your full lips curved into a smile and how the moonlight cast a soft glow on your highly melanated skin. "Hey, how about we keep this going? Would you be up for grabbing a bite or something?"
As the idea of a date with Reiner popped up, your mood took a dip. You felt a knot tighten in your stomach. Sure, you liked Reiner, he is a nice guy, but the idea of dating him stirred up conflicting emotions. You didn't want to disappoint your dad, who was trying to build bridges with the Braus family, but you weren't sure if going out with Reiner was the right move. Putting on a smile, you excused yourself, muttering something about needing a break.
Alone in the restroom, you leaned against the sink, trying to sort through your thoughts amidst the soft hum of the ballroom outside. You slide down against the wall and sit on the clean concrete floor. How am I  going to solve this problem? is all you can think. You turn your heard towards the door as your problem walked into the bathroom.
“Eren! Someone might walk in!” You whispered loud at your boyfriend. “Babe, relax I paid the security off to watch over the bathroom door. One one will enter.” He said reassuringly as he sat down opposite to you. “What is my beautiful girl, thinking about.” He said leaning his upper body towards you. You place your heel on his chest and push him back to his starting point. “How my boyfriend made a loud obnoxious laughter and gave me a toast. What if my parents saw that? They would have gotten suspicious!” You hissed the last part. “You look absolutely stunning tonight” He quickly responded mocking Reiner’s voice.
“What can I say? Being forced to watch my beautiful diamond getting drooled over by a mindless titan wasn’t the peak of my night. Besides after almost 6 years, your parents are still obvious to their precious daughter’s mischievous behavior.” You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help smiling at his remarks. 
Eren grabs the ankle of the foot still pressed on his chest. He releases this chest and pulls you towards him, having your hips sandwiched between his legs. You can smell the crispy citrusy of the cologne you bought him for Valentine’s day. He kisses your forehead and you close your eyes taking him in. His hands slides slowly down from your knees to each side of your hips.  Knowing you boyfriend this was not an innocent act. Your eyes shoot open as your boyfriend slowly pulls your panties of you not breaking eye contact.
“Eren wait, someone might come in or hear us.” You say nervously lightly pushing his chest with both hands. Eren leaned into your right ear and whispered “Why should I wait? Mmmh...It's just you and me here... No need to be shy...” He grabbed your wrist and planted two kisses on your hand in an attempt to wipe away any sense of Reiner on it. He slides your red dress up to your hips, exposing your bare cunt. You can feel him circle your needy clit as he kisses you. The kiss turned sloppier as you invited his tongue to play, you suck his tongue as he pulled away. You moan as you can feel your orgasm build up. “Oh... Yes... Moan for me, sweetheart... You like it when I rub your clit don't you? Look at how much your hips are thrusting forward... Begging me to touch you more.” He chuckled, looking at one of New York’s most elegant women being a total mess because of him. He peppered kisses all over your shoulders and the exposed parts of your chest. You bite your underlip in a failed attempt to hold back your moan as you orgasm. “My sweet baby girl…” He whispered, giving you a gentle peck on the lips.
“Do you want me to put my fingers in?” You nod. Eren, over the years of your relationship has gotten to know your body and your needs to a point where he is almost in sync with your body. “Use your words, honey... I'm your servant tonight…” He said softly. “Yes”, you managed to blur out, feeling embarrassed. Your whole body was quivering as he slid two fingers in, pumping them in and out, increasing the speed for each pump. You felt so wet and slippery inside, Eren had to taste you after this. The second orgasm was slowly building up, and you rolled your head in pleasure. Eren took it as an invite and licked your neck, ending it with a kiss behind your ear. “Did you walk out with Reiner to make me jealous, hmmm?I bet he wanted to do this...But no... You belong to me...Just as much as I belong to you” he groaned. “No I-” You bit Eren’s shoulder to hide the screams as the orgasm washed over you.
You heavily pant to catch your breath, Eren on the other hand can’t wait to taste you. He kissed your knee then your inner thigh, you stopped him right before he went in for the kill. “Eren, please. I don’t think I can handle one more” you almost begged. “Shhhh... It's okay. Don’t worry…lemme take care of you,” He whispered, placing your hand on his bun and burying his face against your cunt. He licks over your clit before sucking it into his mouth. You clench your fist shut around his locks, which riles him up. You could hear him groan, and then, his mouth was all over your cunt, lapping up all your juices. His teeth grace your bundle of nerves, nipping gently but hard enough to make you cry out. He continued to lap your juices, feeling you drip down his chin. He pulled your leg over his shoulder and buried his tongue deep inside of you. You screamed in your free hand as your third orgasm took over, you squirted all over his mouth. “You taste delicious sweetheart…” He whispered, letting you taste yourself with a kiss. You felt your cheeks burn at the comment, “you look so adorable when you're flustered…” He chuckled.
You reached for his hard bul, but he gently grabbed your hand and kissed the lower side of your pinky finger.  “Don't worry about my pleasure sweetheart.I'm extremely happy right now...The way you look at me right now... It's all I need.”  That wasn’t enough for you, you also wanted him to feel good. “I want you to fuck me, Eren.” You whispered in his ear, sucking his earlob and making him groan. “You want me to fuck you now? You can barely stand up babe…”
You didn’t need to reply as he picked you up like the princess you are. When it comes to one thing in this relationship, is that Eren Jeager will give you what you want. He placed you on the counter next to sink and you spread your legs wide open for him. The strap on your left shoulder had slid down to your upper arm, your makeup was by God’s grace still intact and your eyes were drunk of the Greek god standing in front of you.
Eren wanted to die on the inside, you looked like a painting belonging to Sandro Botticelli. He kissed you gently and unbuckled his pants revealing himself. He placed his tip at your entrance rubbing against it before entering it slowly. “Ahhhhh....Your pussy is so tight... It's gripping me so hard.” He hissed trying to compose himself. You on the other hand grabbed his shoulder as you felt a familiar burning. “Are you ready?” He asked breathlessly. You nod and he thrusts inside with slowly, building up the pace. You crossed your legs behind his back, pulling him in as deep as possible.
“You're so god damn gorgeous...There's not...A single thing…I don't love about you.” He groaned between the trusts. A pang of guilt spreads around you; everything about the relationship was perfect, but the two of you have grown too old for fooling around behind your family's back. “Don’t say that” you said low. ���Why? It's the truth,” he groaned. He grabbed your hips to chase down your orgasms. “Touch yourself” he demanded as he was close to cum. You did what you were told, and you bite his shoulder to muffle up your screaming. Eren’s strokes became slow and hard as you felt him fill you up.
He rested his forehead on yours to catch his breath. In that moment it was like time itself had stopped and the world had melted away.  At that moment, both of you felt whole as your two souls became one. “I'll... try harder for you...So... please don't leave me...I love you…” He kissed your forehead, before pulling up his pants leaving you alone in the toilet. A familiar buzz coming from your purse filled the silent room. You got up and with shaky legs grabbed your phone from the purse. Your eyes widened at the message. 
Eren:  Business proposal plan - Jaeger Co. x L/N Ltd Doc.
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wheatnoodle · 11 months
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i love you, evangeline.
robin’s been staring at it all night.
eddie munson. their third of a trio bestie they haven’t seen in years. eddie munson is asking about a girl he thinks he doesn’t know. she hasn’t said a word to evie, doesn’t even know how. that’s not something you can just drop into conversation.
“hey that guy you were like gay in love with but never told just asked if you’re single but doesn’t know you’re you, goodnight!” NO!!
so she lays in her full size bed (literally feels like she has so much room compared to her twin bed back in hawkins), contemplating what the good lord above would want her to do. it’s just gone one in the morning when she makes her decision.
robinabucks: hey eds :)) so here’s the thing
robinabucks: yes, she’s single. but,,,i would prefer it if u didn’t reach out to her or anything
robinabucks: ima be honest, idk if she’s ur type n i don’t want her to get excited
seen pops up under her final message only two seconds after it’s sent and she’s slamming her phone down on her mattress.
eddieisdead: robbie!! hey!! :D
eddieisdead: i get what u mean :/ but i also know my type better than u do
eddieisdead: just seeing as like. im me LOL
eddieisdead: gimme a CHANCE bro ill worship the fuckin ground she walks on i swear😭😭
robin can’t stop the little smile quirking the corners of her lips. her evie has been through too much to be treated like anything less than a queen. she knows eddie’s a good guy. but it’s his possible feelings on evie’s…history…that has her placing herself between the two. she knows he’s not homophobic, he tries to set her up with every lesbian he meets, plus he likes kissing boys himself. but they’ve never had the transgender talk. never had the “is a trans woman a woman to you?” talk that has robin building walls before there’s a chance to think of breaking them down.
robinabucks: eddie im serious
robinabucks: i genuinely don’t know if she’s ur type and it could go bad
robinabucks: like bad bad
eddieisdead: so can everything else
robinabucks: eddie
eddieisdead: robin
eddieisdead: i will do the best i can to not hurt her, sergeant🫡
she starts typing a response but watches as his status changes to offline.
dammit munson.
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artydonsgf · 8 days
hello my sweets, as promised, here is first time saying i love you headcanons with art, tashi, and patrick !!
Art Donaldson
- he said it first
- it was the night of your six month anniversary and you were out for dinner
- he kept looking at you all weird and you thought maybe he felt sick so you asked him if he wanted to go home
- he gets even more freaked out and basically shouts that he’s fine
- you hold his hand and ask him what’s the problem so he takes a deep breath
- and says that he loves you
- you both go silent and you’re freaking out cause the boy you’re in love with loves you too and he’s freaking out because you look shocked
- immediately backpedals and explains that you don’t need to say anything back
- you cut him off with a fat kiss to the lips in the middle of fucking applebees and tell him you love him too
- he breaths the biggest sigh of relief and kisses you again
- he tells you after you both calm down that he’s been in love with you since before he started dating you
- he has notes in his phone where he wrote down every time he wanted to say i love you
- they literally date back to your third date. he’s genuinely crazy
- half of them are drunk messages where he’s just ranting about how much he loves you or they’re stone cold sober n he’s talking about “i want to tell her i love her but im gonna look crazy, keep it together art”
- extremely obsessed with saying it to you, says it when he hangs up, when you’re literally just going downstairs to grab something
- loves you with his whole heart n is so excited that he can say it
Tashi Duncan
- you guys say it the same time
- well, you both plan on saying it the same night
- for your 6 month anniversary, she plans an at home dinner where she cooks everything
- it’s a candlelight dinner with the low lighting and romantic music in the back
- you both start to talk at the same time, telling each other there’s something you want to say
- you insist she goes first and with rosy cheeks and a shy smile, she tells you that she loves you
- you laugh out loud n the smile on her face drops
- you’re trying so hard to stop laughing but you’re near tears from how hard you’re laughing
- you’re quick to correct, telling her through laughs that you were literally going to tell her the exact same thing
- she’s giddy, you’re giddy, dinner is basically forgotten
- she slips it into the convo shyly from there on out but slowly says it way more as she falls deeper in love with you
Patrick Zweig
- you said it first
- it was a month in and for some reason, you felt like it was the absolute perfect time
- you’re cuddled up on the couch and it just falls out
- he freezes and you instantly assume you came on way too strong
- he asks you to give him a second because he feels like he’s making this up in his head
- you inform him that no, you love him and you’ve loved him since you met him
- he jumps up (dropping you on the floor in the process) and dances around
- once he regains his senses, he picks you up, kisses you a bunch, and tells you that he loves you too
- he told you he was way too scared to actually say it and thought maybe he was saying it too soon
- turns out you’re both crazy n seem to think saying i love you one month in is totally normal!
- win win situation
- he says it all the time but he also shows you too!
- kisses to the shoulder when he hugs you in greeting, genuine thank yous when you pack him lunch, back massages when you’re tired after a long day of work
i wrote this because i’m crazy n in love with all of them! hope you’re also crazy n in love, enjoy!
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averytirednerd · 4 months
Oh yeah, time for a big rant about Hazbin Hotel!!!
I haven’t really had much of a chance to sit down and write about this since I watched the episodes, so things I say are probably going to reflect what others have said. I’m just writing this to gush about the things I love about some particular songs in HH. 
I didn’t have any big expectations going into the first episode, because I’d mostly heard negative reviews of the show so far. I had heard that the songs, however, were bright spots, so I really looked out for the songs and listened in every time we were graced with one. The characters are truly the best versions of themselves whenever there’s a song going on, even if they aren’t the main focus of the song. It’s amazing to see, especially since my favorite thing about this show is the characters themselves.
My favorites are “Loser, Baby” & “Stayed Gone” and will probably be the main focus of this post because <3333
“Stayed Gone” is sung by Christian Borle (Vox) and Amir Talai (Alastor) and I could not be happier about it. Their voices are amazing here, and my favorite bits of this song are on repeat in my head.
I also love little visuals like the mug Vox has in the talk show format, the scrolling text in the news show format, or Vox’s error message toward the end of their bantering. 
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(The scrolling text says: “I’m totally not worried about this guy and neither should you be. I totally wrecked his sh*t last time he tried me.”)
Alastor really gets under Vox’s skin and it makes me kick my feet every time. Their dynamic truly is everything, and I’m so excited we got this song that showcases it perfectly. 
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He clearly enjoys it too, what a little jerk.
Speaking of these two, Vox definitely had/has a thing for Al at some point, right? I mean…inviting him to the Vees for a start. Not to mention just the v i b e s. Poor guy though, it’s definitely one-sided.
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I love Al’s use of…modern…lingo. Truly a spectacle. That on top of it being a reveal of Al’s rejection to Vox’s offer 💀 I love this man <333
Last thing about this song, promise, but also I love the casual little lore drops and more pieces to the puzzle of the past that we get. Very exciting! Can’t wait to see how everything fits together once we find more pieces.
Okay okay, moving on. “Loser, Baby” is amazing musically as well as visually. 
Keith David’s voice definitely fits Husk in my eyes now, I see it, it works. He’s amazing. Does a fantastic job.
Not to mention Blake Roman’s performance was, of course, incredible as well. 
The big, upbeat, brassy sound in this song is amazing and I’m loving the trumpet in it especially (any fellow trumpet players? no?)
I love everything about this song. The visuals, voices, instrumentals, lyrics, message, all of it!
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Husk slowly going from “yeah you kinda suck lmao, but so do I” in order to not make Angel feel like he’s not being genuine, to sneaking in a better message of “we’re not perfect but it’s okay, don’t be so hard on yourself” (and getting Angel to believe/go along with it too!!) is amazing. It’s a perfect example of these characters being the best versions of themselves during musical numbers. 
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This song is what solidified Husk as number 2 in my rankings (and I’m sure I’m not the only one). I mean…just look at the way he moves, it’s so silly.
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(We’re going to ignore the Videoshop watermarks, okay?)
Overall, I’m loving this show so far despite some obvious issues with pacing n such and an overall rocky start. Especially loving the songs, which I think kinda make the show rn. 
If anyone wants to add anything (because I definitely didn’t cover a whole lot, just surface level stuff because even this took a while to type out) then please feel free to! Also ask me any questions you’ve got for me concerning stuff that has/will happen(ed) in Hazbin Hotel. I love HH discourse!
Thanks to those of you who read all the way through, sorry for such a long post lol <3
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genericpuff · 4 months
Hello, brazilian anon here! So I have been following criticisms of LO for a while now, and Psyche and Eros caught my attention in special, because their relationship is legit a racist trope commonly applied to indigenous people: Woman of color is put in a arranged marriage or pressured into marrying a guy from her village/tribe but "falls in love" with a white dude who "saves" her from her abusive and "uncivilized" family. Think of Disney's Pocahontas. This trope is commonly used to dehumanize non-european/anglo-saxon cultures and portray them as barbaric, and is rooted in colonialism and its direct heir, imperialism, as a means for colonizers to justify and sugarcoat raping and forcing women of color to marry them. So not a good look for Rachel.
(you just opened Pandora's Box by mentioning Pocahontas around me LMAO)
It's even more egregious when you consider how Rachel changed the original myth from Psyche undergoing trials on her own to her ... being turned into a nymph servant for Aphrodite. Like huh. Is that really your final draft, Rachel? Have you thought this through?
I made a very spicy post about this like a year and a half ago and honestly I think it's still worth talking about because it's incredibly telling that Psyche had her entire story uprooted and replaced with a version where she's transformed into a non-POC character to disguise herself as a servant to a woman who's already racist towards nymphs. It's got that issue of "take the black character and transform them into an animal/other being that isn't black so that we don't have to have a black character onscreen for more than 10 minutes."
And yeah, you can tell how much Rachel is absentmindedly taking from Disney without challenging what those stories were portraying or asking deeper questions to get to the heart of their messaging. Pocahontas is rightfully panned for being a very white-washed version of a story that was written in the blood shed by Native Americans at the hands of colonizers. "Pocahontas" herself, even, was not some independent native woman who fell in love with the "one good white guy" on the boat, she was a teenage girl, whose life was spared but made worse when she was forced to travel overseas to be used as a prop to justify their continued actions in murdering and colonizing the "savages" overseas; she was then forced into marriage and had to carry the children of her captors, all while being treated as an exotic spectacle by the people around her who would undoubtedly kill her at the first sign of disobedience.
Her name was Matoaka. Her life and story is not something that should be romanticized. It's a tragedy and much of what instigated it is still alive and well today. She only lived to be 21.
I don't know if Rachel intentionally referenced or ripped off Pocahontas in Lore Olympus the same way she clearly has with Hercules and Beauty and the Beast. But it's incredibly telling in how she treats the racial divide between nymphs and gods and how she's twisted the Eros x Psyche myth into what it is that even if she did watch Pocahontas, she probably never realized how problematic it is at its core in the way that it's told.
In the original myth, Psyche is a woman who's meant to represent the fickleness of vanity - the loneliness it can make one feel to be admired and not truly loved, and the destruction that can be brought about in jealousy - and her pursuit in finding genuine love in Eros, a journey she travels alone, thematically with the rest of the story.
In Lore Olympus, she's an illiterate woman of color whose only purpose is to be Eros' wife, robbed of all agency so that she can be a trophy for him to earn, a test for him to pass. It's boring and really icky when you really peel back the layers of it with Psyche's character design in mind. Even when she finally does get more agency in her task to bring down Apollo - or at the very least, keep an eye on him - it's still at the behest of Zeus who gives her immortality not as a reward for overcoming the trials she set out to pass, but so she can be his errand boy. So once again she's not capable of doing anything motivated by her own best interests (especially when she already knows how dangerous Apollo is, why is she the one who has to follow this guy around?)
So yeah, no, not a good look at all LMAO
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