#i don't think i baked it quite long enough (and it's already been out of the oven long enough to not be able to go back in)
overmorrowpine · 29 days
challah :D
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[image ID: two photos of eight-strand challah bread. the left is before being baked, and the right is after being baked. end ID]
i haven't been able to make challah from scratch before so doing it today is really really nice (even if my grandma did a lot of the cleaning up bc i couldn't). like, i made that!! i made challah the day before shabbat in a tradition going back centuries!! very very cool
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 10 months
newly-mated cassian x reader or azriel x reader finds out his mate is pregnant, and his primal protective instincts go crazyyyy,overprotective isn’t even the word, like if someone looks at her funny he has a knife to their throat. or imagine someone pushes her and she falls and he just beats them to the brink of death
Baby daddy
Let's be real Azriel is protective in general. This man makes it his mission to keep you safe. With all the fears of past and present enemies getting their hands on you... No, he simply won't let it happen. Not on his watch. So add a baby on the way to the mix. That's a recipe for an overly protective fea male.
And it's safety that involves anything and everything. It's not just him having his shadows on watch 24/7. It's not just him having a weapon on him constantly. It's not just him making sure that you constantly have someone watching over you. And no it's not only him growling at Madja when he notices even a slight sight of discomfort on your face during an appointment.
No, it's Azriel putting all the snacks in the bottom drawer because the night he saw you climbing the counter was the night he aged five hundred years and got a handful of greys. "Get off, get off", his shadows are all over you before he even steps forward, "But chocolate chip cookies, Azriel", you say. He's only shaking his head, "No spider mama, nonsense. You ask or you don't get any", and he means it lovingly but you're sobbing so much that he knows there has to be a compromise in this.
Bet you his shadows are spawning in front of you with a glass of fresh herbal water every thirty minutes and you have black blobs just patiently waiting for you to take it. Following you are until you do, "Tell your dad, I'll be peeing all night because of him", you mutter but all you get in response is a cool caress from the dark creatures.
And even if Azriel is not a naturally touchy person his hand is always on your bump now. Even before you're showing. It's there and it never leaves. Slowly stroking your skin. I feel like his brain would explode when he starts feeling a bump forming there. And that his palm is now moving in a somewhat round surface.
It's an ever-watching Azriel. His senses are a thousand times sharper. And it does lead him to step out of line. A baker looked at you funny because you bought four loaves of bread instead of one and asked for an extra butter spread. Well, congratulations the old man is now on the death list and Azriel's dagger is buried in the wooden counter. "You have an issue?", the words are so venomous. And the look. The spymaster look. The shadowsinger look on his face. And the baker only shakes his head. Adding an extra baked good for you. And you're walking down the street munching on it happily. Not noticing the chaos Azriel had awoken behind you. The shadows that are spooking the poor man shitless.
Don't get me wrong. I don't think that he would go as far as to lock you up. He knows his limits. And he knows he can be overbearing. But it comes from the heart. Az had already lost so much. Life had only been taken away instead of giving him anything. So now that he has you. And the baby. That quite frankly his whole world. His whole life. He's living for you two. So nothing is too much in his eyes. More like, nothing is enough in his eyes.
I feel like the people of Velaris would start calling you the goddess of darkness. Because once again half of Azriel's shadow population is with you. Twirling around you as you walk. Covering you from the harsh midday sun. Pouring all around you. And I see his shadows as literally creatures of their own so you would always have these little buddies keeping you company. Dragging the juiciest gossip from all over. And carrying all the baby bits you end up buying. And covering for you when you buy a little bit too much. Shhhh... don't tell Azriel.
And I doubt Azriel would go on long missions or assignments. Like half a day is the longest. No matter what he has to be home by dinner. There's no way he's agreeing to anything that breaks that rule. Because evenings are for him and you, and the baby. With him lying by your tummy, pressing light kisses all over your bump as he talks about his day.
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strawberrycrushes · 3 months
"Ei..." You mumble softly, letting the back of your fingers graze her cheek. "Ei, I'm sorry. Please cheer up now. Haven't you been upset for long enough already?"
Meanwhile your girlfriend huffs and turns her head, swatting away your hand pettily.
"Ei," You chuckle, "It was an accident, I swear."
Ei whips her head around with a pout on her face. "How can it be an accident? I wrote my name on the box!"
You give her an apologetic smile. The Fontainian treats she had been looking forward to enjoying, it was true that you finished them off, but... "I'm truly sorry Ei, you know I am, but the box only had three sweets left. I didn't think you'd mind this much."
Ei bit the insides of her cheek. Saying it aloud like that really did make her seem quite childish. But still! Those were limited edition, and she was planning on savouring each and every bite.
Nonetheless, she thought as she stole a glance at you, perhaps you had been apologetic enough.
"I will forgive you." Ei begun, but raised a finger up just as your face was about to blossom into a bright smile. "On one condition."
You looked at her curiously, "What condition is that?"
"You have to bake me your brownies again." She spoke resolutely and you blinked. "That's it?"
Ei nods, "I have judged your crimes to be of little consequence in the grand scheme and have as such, decided to let you off with a light sentence." She says grandly and you smile.
"My god truly is merciful." You kiss her hand.
The next time Ei finds you, you're hard at work in the kitchen and she feels a bubble of guilt surface inside of her. Her demand for your hand baked treats seemed fair while she was giving it out, but now that she thinks about it, don't you have to work super hard to make things like that?
Having no experience when it comes to these matters, the efforts behind these common, menial tasks were rarely on the forefront of her mind. So when she saw your focused expression, the impulsivity of her foolish display caused her cheeks to flush deeply.
She approached you from behind and wrapped her arms around your waist, hooking her chin on your shoulder.
"Dear..." She gently grabs your hand and your attention altogether, "I apologise for my...less than appropriate behaviour earlier. You don't have to actually go through with this. I was being ridiculous."
Your eyes widen before a sweet expression dawns your face and you shake your head helplessly, resuming your prior actions. "I'm making these for you because I want to, not because you 'ordered' me to or something. Seriously, you have such ridiculous worries at times Ei." You chuckle and lightly flick her nose, causing her to scrunch her face. "Even still, I should at least help out right?"
You pause.
"Ei...the last time you helped out you burned the kitchen halfway through. And that was when I asked you to boil water for me."
Ei straightens her back as her pride prickles, "I have no idea what happened there. I looked away for barely a second and then..."
You laugh and press a kiss to the bridge of her nose. "It's alright, the incident was hilarious enough to make up for itself in any case." You sigh, relaxing against her hold as your movements slow down.
Ei had always been someone quite self conscious of her actions. It was difficult to nurture her pride and inexperience alongside one another, especially since her skill was really only deeply rooted in the battlefield. Even despite that fact she still tried to handle you with love unfamiliar to her, spoiling you to no end with gifts and affection galore. Her efforts always made your heart skip a beat, yet as her lover you were not immune to the urge of spoiling her as well.
"Ei." You suddenly cupped her face, catching her momentarily off guard as you kissed her, "Don't worry about me so much. This is a small thing, and I want to do it for you." You speak firmly in such close quarters that Ei feels a sense of warmth blooming from inside her, causing her legs to go light.
Suddenly you remove Ei's arms from yourself and walk her out of the kitchen.
"Now shoo." You tease, "I have work to do. Come back to me in say...half an hour more. I'll be done by then I'm sure."
Ei turns around, "But-"
"No buts." You finish off with a laugh, cupping your face with her hand. "I want to treat you. I ate your sweets so it's only fair that I pay you back with something sweet in return. Unless..." you trail off ominously, "You're saying that you actually just don't want them."
"No!" Ei's eyes widen and you laugh at how quickly she changes her tune. "I'll let you get to work." She straightens up and dusts off her clothes, quickly walking off.
Archons you loved that woman.
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justporo · 6 months
From savoury to sweet
All your friends are invited for winter festivities and you're doing your best to prepare everything for a big reunion. But a certain vampire keeps testing your patience until it ultimately snaps...
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Author's Note: Written for the "Delicacies" prompt of the BG3 Winter Holiday challenge and since I'm running this challenge I'm cheating a bit and also fill the "Holiday spirit" with this - because I guess everyone knows the feeling of feeling stretched thin when the end of the year comes around with all the joy and stress it has to offer... And sadly I don't have a sassy vampire to pull me through it *sighs* Happy holidays to you all!
Pairing: Astarion/GN!Tav (You) Warnings: none Wordcount: 1,5k ~~~
The little townhouse in Baldur’s Gate you and Astarion lived in was filled throughout with delicious smells: mulled wine, freshly baked pastries, simmering gravy. Together with everything being neatly decorated with holly, candles and more wintery decor it made for a very cosy and festive atmosphere.
Unfortunately, the comfy mood was disrupted by smells of burning and colourful curses being spat.
Gale and you had been bustling around the kitchen cooking, baking and making preparations, meanwhile Astarion sat at the long table there - one leg lazily dragged up onto the bench. He was reading something and kept stealing brandy infused cherries out of a bowl that always seemed to magically find its way back into his reach - no matter how often you moved the bowl away from him.
The wizard had come over to help you prepare a whole bunch of food. And of course there had been a very good reason behind all of this.
Somewhen when winter had rolled around and the Midwinter holidays had come closer, a thought had entered your mind and been stuck there ever since - and with that a wish.
It had been quite some time since you had seen all the other members of your little adventure group last - or friends rather because that was what they all had become. And you missed them all deeply. But fortunately there could be something done about that.
So, you had brought up the idea to Astarion to invite them over for the holiday to have a nice festive evening together.
Immediately, the vampire’s nose had scrunched up in distaste: “You’re not becoming all sappy all of a sudden, are you? I didn’t sign up for this.”
You had swatted his arm and pouted profusely, feeling a little hurt by his immediate rejection of your idea.
This had been a dream of yours for a long time: having a really fancy and enjoyable holiday festivity with someone to actually share it. Because you never had the chance to have that when you had grown up on the streets of Baldur’s Gate.
The closest you’d ever gotten to a holiday celebration had been sharing a stolen pie with some other urchins while you had huddled somewhere under tattered blankets, trying to escape the cold.
When you had painted that picture for Astarion (maybe purposefully laying it on thickly), his sassy attitude had immediately fallen. You had seen some of your past hurt mirrored in his red eyes. With a small sigh he had hooked his thumb on your chin and promised you to give you the holiday festivity you had always dreamt of.
“But”, he had immediately added when you had already started jumping up and down joyfully, “no one and I mean none of them will stay with us, darling. I had enough of sharing camp with all these buffoons for a lifetime - for all of immortality even.”
You had brushed off his sarcastic words quickly and had sent out letters to all your friends the following day. Answers had come in slow and sporadically since then - but that surely only meant that everyone was just very busy. Right?
But once you had started to think about what dishes you all wanted to prepare for this evening, how to get everything festive and whatnot, all these worries had quickly been forgotten. Gale had immediately been enlisted as your aid to tackle the massive task - obviously not taking no for an answer.
So there you were: a prodigy wizard and a former thief slaving away in the kitchen for almost a whole day in preparation for holiday dinner. Meanwhile a vampire was contributing nothing to the efforts - except if you counted his snide remarks (and of those he contributed many).
Every surface in the kitchen was filled with already finished dishes, loose ingredients or heaps of dirty pots, pans and utensils. Together with Gale you had prepared little filled pies as a starter, a variety of sides for the main course of different picks of meats and fish and sauces to compliment everything.
Almost all of it was done being prepped for dinner.  Now only your baked dessert was missing. And of course that had been where things had went awry. Your nerves had been on edge already, stressing how everything would go. Gale had not been helping with his unhelpful-helpful commentary. And not even to mention your vampire just lounging there on the bench like a cat, making it a point to annoy you even more with his sassy manner.
And you had reached your breaking point when you had pulled a completely burnt cake from the oven, covering up the delicious other smells while a small smoke cloud had erupted in the middle of the kitchen and Astarion hadn’t been able to keep his mouth shut about it.
“Oh love, I mean, I am no expert by any means, but I do think that’s a bit dark even for a dark chocolate cake,” he’d commented while he had barely even lifted his eyes from his book, one elbow propped up on the table and head placed on his hand while he popped another cherry into his mouth.
And that had also been the reason why he’d been hit with a small bun. Caused by your already thin stretched patience finally snapping you had grabbed the nearest throwable thing and had hurled it at the vampire’s head. That thing had happened to be a bunch of sweet rolls you had made as a side. Your impeccable aim had made sure that you hit your mark - and the screech you had let out had probably given it even more force.
Without even checking Astarion’s reaction you had sunk down on the bench opposite of the vampire and had buried your face in your hands while you tried to not let tears overwhelm you.
Astarion reflectively hissed and swatted the gnarly pastry away from him. But then he took in the scene and quickly realised that he had rightfully brought this onto himself.
Gale, who had taken a step back from you in caution with hands lifted defensively, threw the pale elf a sour look now while you suppressed sobs. “Incredibly supportive, Astarion, a job well done”, the wizard scolded the vampire who at least had the good grace to look ashamed of himself.
The wizard sat down beside you and started rubbing your back while he kept throwing Astarion looks. The vampire shuffled around awkwardly for a few moments, not being used to and not enjoying having to apologise.
With a sigh he finally got up and moved around the table and with a “shoo shoo” motion chased Gale out of the kitchen so he could be alone with you for a moment or two.
“Love, I’m sorry,” Astarion whispered as he sat down beside you and looped an arm around your shoulders. Immediately you let yourself fall into his touch. You really didn’t want to be mad at him. Under different circumstances you would have just laughed at his comment.
“I’m sorry I upset you with the stupid thing I said, forgive me?”, the vampire added and softly nuzzled his nose into your hair as you buried your face at his chest.
“I forgive you - sorry I threw baked goods at you”, you mumbled into his chest but you knew he had understood you when you felt the soft rumble of his laughter run through his whole body.
“It’s all good, my love. I got what I deserved and may I add: incredible aim. You’ve not lost your touch since the end of our grand adventure”, Astarion added and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
You relaxed a little and just sat there with him for a few moments as you felt that your breathing slowly became normal again and some tension leaving your body. Astarion just held you.
After a while the vampire dragged over the bowl of liquor drenched fruit he’d been stealing out of. “Cherry, my sweet?”, he asked and with that made you look up again. He was holding the sticky fruit between his thumb and index and winked at you.
And for some reason that made you laugh. But when you didn’t immediately answer, Astarion shrugged his shoulders and popped the little treat in his mouth. You whacked his hand.
“No, Astarion! And stop eating those, we still need them!”, you scolded him as your partner pouted at you for being told off.
“Alright, no more cherries, but only if you agree to come with me and get some fresh air”, Astarion proposed. You wanted to protest but the vampire hushed you. “I’m sure Gale can be trusted to not burn the house down for like half an hour alone”, he continued.
You looked at him with some suspicion: “Unlike you to trust Gale with anything but walking in a straight line.”
Astarion rolled his eyes while he already got up and made to drag you along.
“Well, unusual circumstances and the like - you know”, he went on and let his free hand draw circles in the air. You just shrugged, honestly being happy to be dragged outside for a while.
“Now come, love, get your cloak - you need a break from all the sweet and savoury dishes here”, Astarion said and patted your butt for some motivation.You grinned at him: “Alright, except for that one sweet snack, my dear.”
Tag list: @spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess @darlingxdragon
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First thanksgiving (Kelley O'Hara x Reader)
I don't celebrate Thanksgiving, but I wanted to write something about it. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it!
I don't know if this is any good and it's barely edited, but I hope you enjoy :)
Combination of these two requests:
I don't celebrate Thanksgiving so I think it would be cute if the player (I don't know who, can be anyone) teach R about the tradition and the foods and maybe R try to cook a family recipe and everything just been cozy and cute!
r x Christen or Kelley meeting c or k's family for the first time at thanksgiving, because r isn't a soccer player.
Words: 3.2k
Kelley headed for me as soon as she got home, slotting herself against me and the back of the couch. I had been lying down watching tv, but turned toward her to wrap my arms around her, pecking her lips. "Hi love. How was your day?"
"Long, but could have been worse. I missed you today. How did your interview go?"
I held Kelley closer, kissing her forehead, "I missed you too Kel. I think it went pretty well. They said they'll get back to me after thanksgiving. I'm still thinking about saving a bit more money and starting my own business. I already have a good chunk away."
"If you do, I'll support you every step of the way. I think you'll make a very sexy boss."
I rolled my eyes, pinching Kelley side making her squeal before leaving a lingering kiss against her lips, "Of course you do."
"Hey um talking about thanksgiving. I hope it's okay, but I told my parents about us and they invited you to thanksgiving. So um would you want to come?"
We had been together for quite a while, but our relationship had started out a bit complicated and I was gone the majority of the time so Kelley had avoided telling her family until things were a bit more stable. "Why would that not be okay? If you want me there then of course I will come."
"I know you don't know anything about it or celebrate it, but I would like you to come."  
"Then I'll be there."
There were ingredients and stuff scattered all over the kitchen, it was a mess so was I, but I was determined to make the best apple pie and pecan pie I could. Despite never making either or ever trying a pecan pie. Kelley said her family loved them so in an anxious, overthinking moment, I had decided to attempt it in hopes of impressing them. Kelley walked in, just stopping and staring at me for a few seconds. 
"What are you doing baby?"
"Um well you said your family likes these pies and I'm a half decent baker so I thought I would try. Maybe impress them. I um I'm going to make some small ones so you can try and tell me if I should just throw them out or not."
Kelley wiped some flour off my cheek before pecking my lips, "A bit nervous are we? Babe my parents will love you regardless of if you baked them a pie or not."
"Two pies actually."
"You're really determined aren't you?" I nodded, feeling a bit embarrassed by what a mess I was over this. "Why don't I help you? I've made them with my parents enough to know how they like it."
That help turned out to be Kelley sitting on the counter, talking about random things and constantly distracting me by pulling me in for make out sessions. The only real help she provided was telling me that her family liked more cinnamon in the apple pie and smaller pieces of pecan. If I actually thought about it, I would have realised she was doing it to stop me overthinking so I could actually enjoy the baking process. Of course it worked. Kelley always had a way of making me calm down, of stopping or at least reducing any overthinking or panicking thoughts. Given my time in the military, it wasn't an uncommon occurrence. 
With the pies in the oven and the timer set, I decided it was time to clean up. As soon as my hands entered the water, Kelley's hands covered my face. Though, her hands happened to be covered in flour. "Oh you little shit." I spun around, bubbles in hand, smearing them over her face. Kelley squealed, trying to run away, but my arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her into me before she could. I rubbed my face against hers transferring some of the flour. 
Kelley turned around in my arms, giggling her ass off, "You look ridiculous."
"Love, you don't look much better."
"We could make it worse." Kelley suggested with a smirk, letting me push her against the counter, lips connecting. Kelley ended up on the counter, me standing between her legs as we lazily made out. Since I got back we had definitely been making up for all the lost time. Pretty much every spare minute was spent either cuddling or kissing in someway. When the timer went off, I pulled away quickly, there was no way I was letting these pies burn. Kelley tried to pull me back in with a whine, but I gently pushed her away, "Nope. Get off, I can't burn the pies."
"You love it."
Later that night after the pies were baked and everything was cleaned up, Kelley and I were relaxing in the bath, her back against my front as I ran my fingers up her arms. Kelley had reassured me multiple times that my pies were pretty much perfect and that her family would love them. I only just believed her, but was trying to push my anxiety away. 
"So what exactly is thanksgiving? I know you eat a bunch of food with family."
"It's pretty much that. Thanksgiving is a time where you spend time with family, eat good food and be thankful to the things you have in your life. That's the short version anyway and all you really need to know."
"I'm thankful for you everyday Kel."
My leg had been non-stop bouncing since we left the house. I had met her teammates a few times, but this was different. This was the first time I had ever met any of my partners parents and ultimately Kelley's parents were the most important. Kelley was the only person I had ever imagined spending the rest of my life with, or actually wanted to spend my life with. For that reason I needed Kelley's parents to like me. I knew she loved me, but she also valued her family's opinions over pretty much anything. 
A hand on my knee stopped the bouncing and the lingering kiss momentarily settled the nerves.  "Baby, it'll be okay. Just be yourself and my parents will love you because I love you. Stop thinking too much into it and try to enjoy yourself. When you're ready we can go in okay?"
There was no point in pushing it out any longer so I took a few deep breaths and got out of the car before I freaked myself out more. Kelley laced her fingers with mine, squeezing gently as she knocked on the door. Who I assumed was her mum answered the door, pulling Kelley into a hug before inviting us inside where her dad was waiting.
"Mum, dad this is Y/n. Y/n my mum Karen and my dad Dan."
I held my hand out for her dad who took it with a slightly harder than normal grip, "It's nice to meet you sir." Before moving to kiss her mums cheek, "You look lovely ma'am, it's lovely to meet you."
Karen waved me off, pulling me into a hug instead, "You make us feel old with that sir and ma'am stuff darling, you can call us Karen and Dan."
"I made you some pies."
"Oh yes, Kelley told us you did. Thank you, they look wonderful."
I found myself alone with Dan as Kelley and her mum were doing something in the kitchen. Honestly, it was not a position I wanted to be in especially after only just meeting her parents. The anxiousness was bubbling up again, but I did my best to use my training and hide it. Being anxious in front of Kelley was one thing, being anxious in front of her parents was not ideal. 
Dan sat across from me on the couch, stern look upon his face. I shifted so I was sitting up straighter, legs crossed. "So Y/n, Kelley hasn't told us much about you. What do you do?"
"Um nothing at the moment," I admitted, quickly realising by the look on her dads face that it probably wasn't the right thing to say. I quickly spoke up again, "I was a medic in the army, my contract just ended and I chose not to reenlist. After 16 years, the majority of that away, I decided to take some time to just spend with Kelley and my family. I've started job hunting now."
"I could have guessed that one by the way you greeted us. You'll fit right in, I'm ex-navy and Kelley's brother is currently in the Navy. Are you going to do something healthcare related?"
"She did mention that. When I was younger I wanted to do something healthcare related weather it was a nurse or a doctor, but I joined the Army at 18 instead. There were some things that I experienced that definitely changed my desire to pursue it. I'm currently interviewing for security positions and looking into starting my own company a bit down the road. My dad used to have his own security company and I quite enjoyed hanging around and learning from him when I was a teenager."
He nodded along in understanding before his stoic, stern look reappeared, "How long have you been dating my daughter? What are your intentions with her?"
How long we had been together was a bit complicated. We had been talking to each other and seeing each other when I was on leave for about 2 years before we started officially dating. We were practically a couple during that time, just without the commitment. I didn't want Kelley to have to wait for me every time I went away and couldn't give her what she needed. My past relationship had ended with my ex cheating on me because of that so I didn't want to go through that again.
Kelley later revealed that she had never so much as looked at another person in that time and she had always considered us together. Then she had forced my fears out of me and convinced me to take a chance on her. It was the best decision I had ever made. I wasn't exactly sure what to say, I didn't know what Kelley had told them. Knowing Kelley though she probably included out non-committed dating. "Four years. My intentions are simple, I just want to love and support her for as long as she'll let me. I want to continue to make her laugh over stupid stuff, cheer the loudest at all her games and anything else she chooses to do. I hope to-"
"Dad stop interrogating her," Kelley spoke up, sitting on the arm of the couch, arm wrapping around my shoulders. 
"It's okay love. I can handle it."
Thankfully the interrogation stopped, instead moving into easier questions about my life and relationship with Kelley. The longer we talked the more relaxed I started to feel. They didn't seem to hate me which was a plus. The only thing left was to meet her siblings, which was still causing anxiety, but Kelley was either playing with the baby hairs on the back of my neck or with my fingers. It was enough to keep me in the moment, it always was. I slipped out to use the bathroom only to find my way into the kitchen where Kelley's mum was working on dinner. 
"Do you need any help Karen? I've never made most of this stuff so I can chop stuff up or something if you like."
"You can peel and cut those potatoes then slice the brussels sprouts in half if you like."
"Sure. What sort of food are you making?"
Karen started moving around the kitchen showing me all the different food she was making. There were a few things I had never tried like green bean casserole and stuffing. There was also a few things that I didn't like, one of them being the main component which was turkey. I would eat it anyway out of respect for Karen. Afterall, she was spending hours preparing food for us. After cutting up anything needed, I decided to stay and watch how things were made. There may come a day where Kelley and I hosted thanksgiving so I wanted some idea of what to do. Karen didn't seem to mind as she happily talked through what she was doing, giving me instructions to stir something or hand her things. 
"Mum, have you seen Y- nevermind she's there. What are you two up to?"
My arm wrapped around Kelley's shoulder, lips meeting her temple, "Your mums teaching me things."
"She's a pretty good assistant this one. I don't want to overstep, but I've been meaning to ask why you're not with your family for thanksgiving?"
"No, no not at all. We don't actually celebrate it. We moved here when I was younger and never picked it up, but it's important to Kelley so I'm trying to learn about it."
Kelley smiled up at me, squeezing my hand that still hung over her shoulder, "Erin and Jerry are here. Mum, can I steal your assistant away?"
Karen shooed us out of the room, but I pulled us to a stop just outside, out of the view of anyone. The nerves had hit me once again. Her parents seemed to like me or at least not hate me, now I had to make a good impression on her siblings. It was a lot of pressure because I knew how much Kelley's family meant to her. Kelley looked at me for a second before pulling me in for a tight hug, fingers running through my hair. "You're okay, this will be okay. I'll be right by your side. We can go when you're ready."
I found myself cuddled up under a blanket with Kelley outside as she caught up with her siblings. After the initial nervousness of meeting them, we had gotten to talking pretty much instantly. They had asked the same sort of questions as Kelley's parents, just less intense. Thankfully, they seemed to not hate me as well. 
They were doing most of the talking, while I just listened and fiddled with Kelley's fingers. Seeing how happy Kelley was with her family, made me happier than I could express. Her smile was one of my favourite things about her and even after four years, her laugh still made the butterflies in my stomach erupt. 
Just before my mind drifted back to marrying Kelley, her sister spoke up. "About time our girl brought someone home to meet us."
"What's wrong with her?" 
I wasn't sure what to make of that, if it was an insult or not so I kept quiet for now. Kelley on the other hand, didn't. "Jerry! What the hell?"
He put his hands up in surrender, "Sorry, I didn't mean that seriously, it's just you hid her from us for four years, there's got to be something wrong, extra toe? Hidden tail?"
"You're a dork. No, Y/n doesn't have an extra toe or a tail. Maybe don't tell mum and dad this, but things were a bit complicated to start with, I mean we were good, just complicated. Then she was gone on and off for the past two years and things just didn't line up."
"You did long distance?"
Kelley squeezed my hand, cuddling further into me. This time I decided to answer. "We did. I was deployed more than I would have liked, but we made it work."
"Now she's back and she's not allowed to leave me again."
"Wouldn't dream of it."
When Kelley was distracted with her siblings, I approached both her mum and dad, "Hey, can I talk to you guys in private for a minute please?"
They lead me to the outside seating area, sitting down across from me as I took a breath to calm me down. "Dan, you asked me earlier what my intentions were with Kelley and I never got to fully answer because she came in. Now I'm not asking permission because I'm not sure she would want that and ultimately it is Kelley's decision. In saying that I did want to let you know that I am planning on proposing to her. Kelley's it for me, there's no one else in this world that I want to spend my life with."
They looked at me for a few seconds before Karen smiled, standing up to hug me, "Good. She loves you so much Y/n. I've never seen my daughter look at anyone like she does you. She's happy, keep her that way and we won't have a problem."
Dan approached me, same stoic look from earlier before holding his hand out to shake, "We appreciate you letting us know. You continue to treat my daughter how she deserves and we'll welcome you to the family with open arms. Do you have a plan?"
"The only thing I want is for her to be happy. I don't have a plan yet, I've had the ring for a while, had it on me constantly since a week or so after I got back. I'm just waiting for the right time I guess. She deserves the best."
Karen smiled, "Maybe you'll find the right time while you guys are here, surrounded by family."
"You'd be okay with that? Me hijacking thanksgiving to propose to Kelley."
"Of course we would. It's a special moment in her life and we want to be apart of that if you want us to be."
"I thinks that's perfect. Do you do that thing where you go around saying what you're thankful for?"
"Not everyone does, but we do."
"Then I have an idea. We should get back though because I can see her looking at us through the window."
Kelley wrapped her arm around my waist to cuddle into my side. If you ever lost Kelley, she would likely be cuddled against me in someway. Every chance she got, she was attached to me. While I used to hate touch, I loved hers. "What were you guys up to? Were they interrogating you again?"
"Your parents were showing me around and we were talking. I wouldn't call it an interrogation so don't worry."
We sat around the dinner table filled with food and my nerves were starting to skyrocket again. It was a different type of nerves though, they were more a mixture of excitement, fear and anticipation compared to the anxiety and fear I felt earlier. I was about to ask Kelley to marry me. It was never my intention to do it the first time I was meeting her parents, but they had suggested it. I knew Kelley would love them being there.  Everyone went around saying what they were thankful for before Karen turned to me with a knowing look.
"Y/n, your turn."
My fingers laced with Kelley's which rest on my knee to stop the bouncing, "I'm thankful for a lot in my life, but I'm most thankful for the women who makes me complete. I'm thankful you stayed by my side over the years, even though I know it hasn't been easy. I'm thankful for all the times you make me laugh, the times you've wiped my tears and held me close. There's no one I'm more thankful for than you Kelley. I'm thankful that I get to love you and be loved by you. I love you Kelley, more than I ever thought possible. I will be forever thankful if you would say yes to this question," I stood up, dropping down to one knee and presenting the ring as tears shone in her eyes, "Kelley O'Hara, will you marry me?"
Kelley laughed, pulling me into a tight hug, "Yes, yes of course I will marry you."
"Did you guys know about this?"
Karen smiled, hugging Kelley, "She may have told us earlier. Welcome to the family Y/n."
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rogersideup · 1 year
Nice to be Kneaded
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Chapter 6:
Series Masterlist
previous part: Absdoughlutely next part: Beautifully Natured
Word Count: 5,150
Warnings: My blog is 18+ only. All minors or blogs without an age in bio will be blocked. Minors DNI. Descriptions of injuries, mentions of blood, anxiety, and domestic abuse.
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"Hello!" Your favorite voice bounced off the walls all throughout the quiet and empty bakery after the sound of the bells above the door chimed.
"Hey, honey! I'm in the kitchen!" You called out, a sickeningly delightful smile smeared across your face as you could hear his foot steps quickly approaching.
Since you we're facing away from the doorway, busy peeling and chopping apples on the big stainless steel countertops, you felt him before you saw him.
Steve's big arms engulfed you from behind as he peeped at what you were up to from above your head. "What's cookin' good lookin'?"
You laughed at his question before setting the big, freshly sharpened knife on the cutting board and ripping off your vinyl gloves. "Well for now it's just apples, but hopefully in an hour or two it'll be a whole tray of apple crisp bars ready to go for morning rush."
"Well it already looks delicious" He commented with a lopsided grin as you tossed the gloves into the trash for an opportunity to give him a proper hug.
You wrapped your arms around each other and lingered there for longer than an average hug, but who could blame you when he smelled so nice and held you so close and snug against his built chest. "They're just green apples, Honey"
"I love green apples" He stated as a matter of fact.
"Well today is your lucky day, because we have far too many so eat away" You released Steve from the hug and finally got to admire him.
It seemed as though every t-shirt he owned was one wrong move away from bursting at the seams, all while his legs just went on for miles and miles an-
"Soooooo, how can I help?" He asked, running his hand through his hair to pull it off his face.
"However you want" You smiled knowing that was his favorite answer.
If there was nothing blatantly obvious that needed to be done, he always found tasks that he loved to do. From organizing the cookie cutter bins by category in alphabetical order, to rearranging all the spools of ribbon on the long hanger to be in order of the color wheel, he always did it with a smile on his face.
At first you found it a little unnerving as if he felt pressured into needing to do something rather than just hang out with you, but after a few weeks of insisting, you finally understood he really did enjoy keeping busy any way he could. Anything that could occupy his hands and mind kept him one step closer to sanity.
"Ohh!" He lit up. "Can I finally fix that light in the bake case?"
He's quite literally been begging to fix it ever since he noticed one of the tiny lights in the bake case had been out. It wasn't enough for a customer to notice, nor was it a dire issue so it kept getting pushed to the back burner. It also wasn't as simple as just replacing the bulb, there were screws and wires and some weird metal pieces attached to weird plastic pieces...
"Be my guest, I know that would make you so happy"
"Just think of how beautiful your apple crisps will be in the morning under all of the lights, rather than all of the lights except for that one that's been out for weeks!"
"What would I ever do without you, Stevie?" You giggled as you snapped on a new pair of gloves to continue your apple chopping. "The bake case would be so dull... much as every passing day"
"Ugh, you're so lucky to have me." He joked with a sigh. "Screw driver?"
"Tool box is in the supply closet, very top shelf, back left corner." Your smile prevailed. "Did you lock the door?"
"Yes ma'am, and closed the blinds."
"Wow, at this point you're my best employee."
"And don't you forget it" Steve threw you a casual wink before disappearing into the lobby.
The light was an easy 15 minute fix, well, it would've been about five had he not lost a screw that took 10 minutes to find but he would never admit that. As he was finishing up, he heard what was almost a hissing sound coming from you in the kitchen, followed by clanking as if something had been dropped onto the metal countertops.
The sounds piqued Steve's concern, so he closed the case back up. But as he was walking back to the kitchen, he heard your little voice call out to him.
"Steve?" It was shaky and scared, something he had never heard from you before. Needless to say his walking pace turned into a jog, and when he made it through the doorway he saw you holding your hand in the other.
Your face was white as a ghost and your eyes were spacey, but the closer he got he noticed you were squeezing a bunched up paper towel to your hand and slowly swaying. He looked over to your apples to see a red puddle and the knife where it shouldn't be.
He recognized that glossy facial expression, he had seen it millions of times before on battlefield and training rooms. So he offered you a comforting smile as he approached to keep a hand on you. If you were about to pass out, he would be there to catch you.
"I um..." You started, but you couldn't quite get the words out without your internalized panic becoming very, very external. "Was cutting- then the knife slipped and I...caught it..."
"Are you okay?" He rubbed your arm as all his extensive first aid training from his days as an Avenger came flooding back to him.
"Bleeding" You stated, blinking your eyes as fuzzy darkness started to overtake your vision in invasive swirls. "A lot."
"Feelin' dizzy?" He questioned gently.
"Very." You nodded.
"Alright sweet girl, let's get you sitting down." He encouraged. You took one wobbly step before Steve stopped you in your tracks. There was no way you were going to make it to a chair by the will of your own two feet. "Okay I'm just going to pick you up."
You nodded in agreement and he swooped you into his arms like a rag-doll. You didn't even feel the need to hang on in case he dropped you, you just focused on keeping firm pressure on your hand as he took you to the front and set you down on a padded booth.
"Can I see it?" Steve questioned as he squat down in front of you. Once again you nodded and slowly pulled the paper towel away from your hand to reveal a nice slice right in the cushioned part of your palm beneath your thumb.
He inspected it the best he could but there was too much blood to even see what was going on beneath it, and when you curiously took a peak at your own hand, the black fuzzies invaded more of your vision.
"I think- I think I'm going to pass out." You mumbled.
Steve's eyes met yours in an instant when you admitted that, and he saw your ghostly white complexion had turned into bright pink cheeks and your head barely standing still. He pressed the paper towel back into your palm to block your injury from your eyesight.
"It's okay, lay down. Deep breaths." He reminded you, and assisted you on a slow and careful journey downwards on the booth. He reached over and grabbed a throw pillow from one of the lounge chairs and slipped it under your head. "Where's the first aid kit?"
"B-bathroom." You mumbled.
"Keep putting pressure on this, I'll be right back." He told you, guiding one of your hands to the other so you could firmly press them together.
You tried your best to stay awake even though you had to fight through the tunneled ringing in your ears and you lack of ability to see anything beyond the dizziness. However, you did hear his feet moving quickly around the store and the hand washing sink running.
Less than a minute later he was back and sitting on the floor in front of you, and setting down everything he had grabbed. You looked down to see him snapping on some gloves that barely fit his big hands, along with a whole roll of paper towels and both first aid kits. The calm expression on his face reminded you of exactly who he was, and what he did for most of the years of his life before he even met you.
"Here, take a few sips of water." He instructed you, cracking open a cold plastic bottle he took from the drink fridge. You did as you were told before placing the cold bottle against your hot cheeks as he sandwiched your injured hand between his two. "I'm going to see what I can do with what I have here, okay?"
"Do I need stitches?" You asked.
"I don't know yet, but I'll try my best to avoid that." He grinned before pulling the bloody paper towel off your hand. "Did you wash this already?"
"Ran it under water" You sucked in a breath as you felt gushes of thick warm liquid as he left it uncovered. Having not learned your lesson the first time, you looked again. "Oh my god..."
"Don't look at your hand, look at me." He advised you as he wiped away at the blood. It really wasn't stopping or slowing down at all, so he sandwiched your hand between his again and held it with firm pressure from both sides. "We're just going to hold hands for a while."
His reassuring smile as his eyes met yours made you feel like you could breathe again. "Well this is nice."
"Walk in the park" He agreed. "Does it hurt or can I squeeze harder?"
"Harder is okay" You agreed, so he did. It was just enough to feel your hand throbbing in his hold but not enough to cause more pain than you were already in.
"So, how was your day?" He questioned nonchalantly, trying to pull your mind away from your hand in attempts to calm you down. Plus he knew he needed a good amount of pressure to stay there for a little while.
"It was fine-busy." You answered shortly wanting to cut to the chase. "You're like, medically trained? You can give me stitches?"
"I'm trained enough to stop bullet wounds from bleeding out, and I've given stitches more times than I even remember." He reassured you. "But I have nothing here to work with, and I don't know enough to medically decide what kind of stitches would be best for this. If you need them, the best hands to be in will be a doctor's" He explained.
"Does it hurt?"
You worried eyes were killing him, but setting realistic expectations for what was to come seemed to be the best way you knew how to deal with your own fears, so he was happy to answer. "Another benefit of a doctor is that they'll numb you before. A few little shots around your hand and you'll barely feel a thing. It definitely doesn't hurt more than catching a falling knife."
You nodded with a gulp before an anxious, almost guilty admission slipped past your lips. "I'm really scared of the hospital. I know that probably sounds stupid to you but-"
"That's not stupid." He shook his head. "Most people only find themselves in a hospital when a bad thing happened to them or someone they loved. It's easy to be scared of a place like that."
"I'd rather you sew my hand together with a needle and thread and no pain killers then have a panic attack by myself in the emergency room." You continued to express your fears.
It was apparent to him now that the panic in your voice wasn't necessarily over the injury itself, but the thought of having to seek medical treatment. His first words without much thought would've been 'you won't be alone, I'll go with you', but you were smarter and more thoughtful than him. Stepping into a hospital with cameras around every square inch of the building and high security would be like locking himself in a cell.
You could see his wheels turning, trying desperately to find a solution to ease your mind before he let go of the pressure on your hand to check in on the cut. "It does actually seem to be slowing down a bit, but it looks pretty deep. Even if it closes on its own it's going to keep ripping open." He sighed.
You could tell he was contemplating the most morally correct option. He could do this himself and it would be fine, or he could encourage you to seek medical help and you'd have a not so fun night in the emergency room by yourself.
"Please" You pleaded, tears pooling in your lash line. "Georgia hates me, I have no family here, and I don't feel comfortable going with any of my other friends. We both know you can't step foot into a hospital."
"Can I ask what exactly you're afraid of?" Steve questioned gently, one of his hands still squeezing yours while the other rubbed up and down your arm to try and comfort you.
"I had a lot of really bad nights by myself at Greenwood medical." You started, unsure of how much you actually wanted to confess because you hated the way people looked at you when they found out. But Steve, maybe he would be different. Maybe he wouldn't look at you that way. "My ex-boyfriend he... wasn't very nice. And going there just reminds me of all of those times I was there alone because of him and I just- I can't go there."
His eyes softened, and his eyebrows tried hard to hide his inward emotion but he was still sympathetic. There was not much detail, but he got it now. He was done asking questions until you were ready to tell him more, and he was going to make sure you didn't have to step one single foot anywhere alone tonight.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that." He sympathized, still rubbing your arm. "I have a lot of first aid supplies at home, I think I can make it work. I have a few things we can try before I sew it up, but just in case I do have a sterile needle."
You quickly nodded, accepting his offer to play doctor for you. "I'll just clean up the kitchen really quick-"
"No" He giggled as you started sitting up. "You stay here and keep putting pressure on it , I'll clean up the kitchen then take you to my house."
"I'll be fine" you insisted, but as you fully sat up a whole new wave of dizziness hit you once more.
"Just stay here." He smiled, wrapping your hand up with lots of gauze and tying cotton wrap around it as tightly as he could. "I'll be right back."
He disappeared through the kitchen door way, leaving you to lean your head back against the wall and take in some deep breaths to calm yourself down. You could hear the fridge opening and closing, the three compartment sink running, and the contents of the sanitizer bucket being dumped out before he came back to you.
He handled you with such tenderness and care as he helped get you into the car and back to his place. You didn't really even have a chance to process the new environment you were in as he urgently rushed you up the stairs and sat you on top of the en suite bathroom counter with your hand dripping blood over the sink.
He started rummaging through the cabinet and advising you to look away once more before he snapped on a new pair of gloves and aided the best way he knew he could.
Through the whole ordeal he told you exactly what he was doing before he did it, let you squeeze his hand as he sanitized it as you both knew the stinging was going to hurt like hell, then at the very end he was just as happy as you were that a bit of super glue and some butterfly closure bandages saved you from that sterile needle he told you about.
When all was said and done, it was nearing 10pm and he could just see the emotional and physical exhaustion dripping off of you. So the second the final wrapping was secured on you hand and he knew you were on the road to a smooth recovery, he gently raised the back of it to his mouth and gave it an exaggerated kiss just to make you smile.
"All better?" He asked, your eyes opening to look at him when you felt his mustache tickle your skin.
"Thank you, Doctor Rogers" You softly smiled, not having much energy left. "Your services are greatly appreciated."
"It's easy to be a great doctor when you have a great patient" He admitted. "I'm sorry, I know that hurt. On a scale of one to ten, how much of an asshole do you think I am now?"
"Zero" Your smile stretched beyond what you thought was possible. "Far less painful than the alternative."
"Good, that's all I could've hoped for." He let go of your hand. "Are you okay?"
Though the question was played off as surface level, you knew what he was really asking. Instead of answering the question with a lie, or forcing yourself into the emotional intimacy of telling the truth, you simply stuck your arms out for a hug.
He didn't hesitate to step between your legs and let you lean forward onto him before he protectively wrapped his arms around you.
The two of you stayed there for a while, but he didn't mind one bit. He ate up every second of it considering human contact in the past year of his life was few and far in between before meeting you.
"Why do you have so much first aid?" You questioned with your chin resting on his shoulder, arms happily keeping him close.
"Nat, Wanda, Sam... they all know exactly where I am. If they need a place to hide away I just want to be prepared." He explained. "Just in case something happens."
"You're a good man, Steve." You told him confidently. Somehow, talking about your hard realities felt easier like this. Being so close yet not having to see the worried facial expressions of each other as you talk about it. "Does Tony know?"
"Yeah" his voice broke, almost as if he was whispering. "He knows Bucky is in Wakanda too. He knows I broke everyone out of the raft, and didn't do anything about it when he got the call. Even if he hates me, I think there's a part of him that understands why I had to do what I did."
"How is Bucky doing?" You questioned.
"They cured him" Steve told you. "I got to talk to him yesterday. He's doing good, but even though the winter soldier is gone he has a lot of healing to do."
"Does it make you happy when you get to talk to them?" You asked knowing how much guilt he held onto.
"It does, I get a lot of peace of mind. It seems like everyone is making the time to work on themselves. Do things they've always wanted to do but haven't gotten to yet because avenging got in the way." He explained as he relaxed into you once more.
With each honest answer, you found yourself wanting to be more honest with him too.
"How about you?"
"I'm doing better. I slept through the night last night- anxiety levels are starting to creep down. I feel like I'm starting to accept that Captain America isn't who I am anymore, and that's okay." His answer sounded genuine to you. "So, I ask you again. Are you okay?"
"I wasn't." You confessed. "For a very long time, I was in a very bad place. I thought I was doomed to a lifetime of never being able to move on from how he hurt me. But I got there, and I'm doing a lot better. It's just sometimes things happen that remind me of how bad it really was, and it makes me panic out of fear of feeling how I used to. But I'm okay now."
"Where is he now?" Steve tightened his grip on you, nestling the side of his head into yours.
"Do you want me to drive to Arizona and cut off his dick?" Steve offered, earning a heavenly laugh from you.
"It's okay, all that drive time isn't worth three inches." You smiled.
He laughed right in your ear before letting out a sigh. "You're right, three inches is more embarrassing than nothing at all."
You slowly let go of him and leaned back against the mirror, though Steve didn't feel ready to stop touching you yet so his hands make their way to the sides of your thighs.
"You're so sleepy" He grinned, being unable to hide how adorable he truly thought it was.
"I've been up since 4 this morning, of course I'm sleepy." You agreed.
"I'm mad at you, by the way." He stated with a sigh, mischievously raising an eyebrow.
"Oh yeah? What'd I do?" You questioned, hyper-aware of his warm hands squeezing your legs.
"You make me enjoy your company so much that no matter how much time we spend together it's never enough." Steve explained. "And when you leave? I miss you. Why did you do that to me?"
"M'sorry." You apologized disingenuously. "What are you going to do about it? Call the police?"
"Mhm, report you for harboring a fugitive." He joked.
"How dare you?" Your eyebrows playfully furrowed and your lips tugged upwards. "Then what would happen to my stupidity handsome fugitive? I'm pretty sure he survives off of chocolate chips and almond croissants. He'd wither away without the bakery"
"He'd have to run far, far away. Find a new bakery in a different town and cry over how lame the almond croissants are compared to yours."
"How do I keep you from dialing 911?" You asked. "How could I possibly spare you from a dull life full of mediocre pastry?"
"It's simple, just stop making me miss you so much." He shrugged.
"I think that's something you'll have to work on within yourself, sweet cheeks."
"Bucky did always say I have quite the knack for becoming far too attached to the people around me." Steve explained. "But this? This was never supposed to happen. Not when I told myself I wouldn't trust anyone until I could figure out how to absolve my criminal status."
"Well told myself I'd never let another man sneak his way into my heart, but here we are." You shrugged, cheeks warming at your own words.
"Is that what's happening?" Steve asked.
"We're either living in a cloudy bubble of naïveté, or maybe we were both supposed to end up right here, right now." You sleepily let your thoughts spew out of your mouth.
You watched the well oiled gears in his brain turn and crank until he deflated. "I really care about you."
"But?" You asked, feeling your heart sink to your stomach.
"I'm going to have to leave one day." He reminded you. "I don't want to hurt you like that."
"I know that." You nodded as you took his hand into your non injured one. "But you've been on the run for almost a year now, Steve. That's a whole year of your life that you'll never get back just because you don't know where you'll have to go or what you'll have to do next. Tell me, how much longer do you think you'll have until you leave Greenwood?"
"I don't know." He whispered, trying to understand your point.
"How long until you're forgiven?"
"I don't know."
"How long until the world needs their Steve Rogers back?"
"I don't know."
"How long has it been since we've been dancing around whatever is going on here just because time is so uncertain?" You laced your fingers with his, and his thumb nervously traced stripes into the back of your hand.
"Since the moment I saw you." He admitted, cheeks glowing pink.
"It's been a long time. A really long time. Months" You reminded him. "Whether we have a whole life time ahead of us, or only five more minutes, I'd rather spend the rest of my time with you being genuinely happy instead of dully dancing around the inevitable."
"Are you going to hate me when I go?" He questioned softly. You could see the concern smeared across his face. The fear flooded his eyes and sunk his eyebrows, he really couldn't handle one more person he loves hating him.
"Nothing could make me hate you." You denied. "I understand that this can't be forever, and that's okay. I just want it for now."
His free hand made its way up to your hair before gently pulling the strands that didn't quite make it into your ponytail away from your face and behind your ear.
Thoughts were firing out of every corner of his mind and ricocheting off every surface they could. It caused a chaotic sea of emotions, and paralyzed him with lack of words as the only outcome he could think of in this moment was closing his eyes and leaning forward hoping you'd meet him halfway.
And you did. His hand traveled along with your movements, caressing the side of your face as your soft lips met his.
The kiss was long, gentle, and sweet. Both of you couldn't remember the last time butterflies filled your stomach that didn't involve cutting it really close in hand to hand combat or just barely escaping a man that wanted to do you harm.
Most people loved to offer unsolicited advice when they learned of the situation with your ex. They all advised you, butterflies aren't some romantic feeling that was meant to sweep you off your feet, it was anxiety warning you to run.
But this, this was different. They were calm, slow flutters that made you feel so warm and relaxed that running wasn't even an option. You were more so melting into his hands like a popsicle on a hot summer day, you felt like the chunks of butter atop a crumble in the oven; slowly melting and turning a good thing even better.
When you mutually pulled away because the unfortunate human need to breathe was just too much, your foreheads and noses stayed pressed together.
"I think you're braver than me." Steve admitted, thou could hear the sadness in his voice.
"Why is that?"
"You've already accepted that this can't be forever, yet I already miss you even when you're right in front of me." His throat felt like it was closing, and his heart was slowly being ripped apart in his chest.
You kissed his lips once more, then again, and again. "I'll miss you too, but we shouldn't keep wasting such a good thing while it's right in front of us. Our time together is so precious, we have a chance right now to make the most out of it." He kissed you this time, then you continued. "Sunflowers still grow when the moon is out."
"I don't know if I would still be surviving this without you." The confessions wouldn't stop flowing passed his lips at this point. "I guess that makes you my sunflower in the dark."
"You'll make it home one day." You pulled your forehead off of his. "You'll be forgiven, you'll get your family back, and when it happens I'll still be cheering you on."
"I'll tell them all about Greenwood, and how I risked everything for a sweet little baker that catches falling knifes and hides away criminals." His sadness started to dissolve when he saw how yours never arrived.
It did, but you did a good job hiding it for the sake of his own mind.
"I'm not hiding away a criminal, I'm hiding away my best friend. Big difference."
His smile stretched impossibly wide. "They'll never believe me, by the way. All of them will make jokes about it until I find my way back to you and they see it with their own eyes."
"If that's the case, you'll need to fill me in on what kind of desserts Avengers like to eat because I'll have to win them over somehow." A yawn took over the end of your words.
"Do you want me to walk you home?" Steve questioned.
You shook your head. "Don't want to miss you that much."
"Okay, then how does Cars 2 and some real cuddles this time sound?"
"Like a dream come true." You smiled before taking another opportunity to steal a kiss.
"Come on, let's get you cozy." He offered you a hand to help you off the counter.
You both changed into some cozier clothes after he found you a shirt and some sweatpants of his that might've had a fighting chance at staying on your body. It earned a good laugh when you had to roll up the waistband a few times and tie the drawstring tight, but your efforts to still look a little cute in a super soldiers clothes were diminished when his shirt swallowed you whole.
Although Steve's clothes looked much better on him, you couldn't even begin to deny how comfortable you were as you slipped into his bed in his surprisingly well decorated bedroom and found yourself wrapped up in him once more.
"Tomorrow I'll help you change the bandages on your hand and drive you to work." He exclaimed while running his fingers through your hair that was now out of its ponytail and flowing freely.
"That's some real princess treatment." You drowsily mumbled, soaking in his body heat.
"I'm pretty sure that's the bare minimum of human decency." Steve challenged.
"I told the girls that I got injured at work and that I'll be going in late." You informed. "We can sleep in."
"Good, you deserve more than 12 hours between workdays."
"Nobody in the entire world would be able to wake me up before the sun if this is what I'm falling asleep to." You smiled as your eyelids were forcing you to keep them shut.
"I'm happy to have you here" Steve kissed the top of your head.
"I'm so happy to be here." You reaffirmed. "Goodnight, honey."
"Sweet dreams, Sunflower."
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Next Part: Beautifully Natured
Tag list: @patzammit @bemysugarbean @buckymydarlingangel @happinessinthebeing @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @differenttyphoonwerewolf @themotherof10 @lokislady82 @talesofadragon @spikeluv84 @xxxalicerogersxx @avid-fic-reader-05 @royalwriteroftheuniverse @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @bitchy-bi-trash
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𓆩♡𓆪 being a workaholic is going to kill you one of these days. thankfully, lee comes in with quite a helpful solution. or so it seems. MINORS DNI!!
cw. afab!reader, reader is the doctor, double dragon dicks, slight dub-con, hypnosis (reader is into it but makes fun of lee lmao), dilf, age difference, scent kink, deepthroating, cumming untouched, sensory overload & genital slit/retractable dicks.
lati. thank you so much to the very lovely person who commissioned me for this!! they wished to remain anonymous but i hope you read this and are satisfied with this yummy fic bc i had a helluva time writing it :D
wc. 5325
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Your head is going to explode—you're so god-awfully exhausted and stressed that death might as well be imminent. You're going to die from overworking and the endless stacks of papers would be your tomb. Oh god, you're too young to die from work; you haven't even really done all the stuff you've always wanted to do—actually, wait, how old are you again? You don't know.
Kal'tsit and Amiya never really went into any specific details about the kind of person you were before you awoke in Chernobog (well, you think you have a good enough idea of who you once were, but thinking about it makes your head hurt), and they most certainly did not inform you of your age. Well, Amiya did bake you a cake for your birthday and sang happy birthday, but had placed a small handful of colorful candles across the cake that did not indicate your age. And if Kal'tsit knew, then she certainly was in no rush to tell you just how long you'd been around.
But anyway, that's not the point. The point is that you're gonna die. And if you don't die from work, then Kal'tsit would most certainly hang you from the rafters if you didn't finish your work.
It feels like no matter how many recruitment permits you sent off or battle records you reviewed, the pile of documents on your desk was never-ending. It was already so late into the night, and judging by a glance at the clock, most of Rhodes Island should be asleep in their dorms, in the comfort of their beds. Fuck, just thinking about a bed is making you sleepy.
You leaned back in your chair, for a quick breather, and totally not because you're trying to keep yourself from passing out on the spot. Wincing at the sound your back makes in the process—a consequence of having been hunched over for so long. 
Man...looks like an all-nighter at this rate. You can feel your sanity shrivel up at that realization. If you could have a stress cry session, then you absolutely would, but even you know that crying won't get you anywhere.
Your oh woe is me! thoughts are interrupted by the sound of your office door opening. Huh? Who else would be awake at this god-forsaken hour other than yourself—?
"Why are the lights all on at this hour... oh?" There stood at your doorway, was no other than Lee. Wait, why was he awake at this time? Was he unable to sleep and decided to go for a stroll around the landship?
He looks a little surprised to see you still perched behind your desk, but his expression quickly shifts to his usual playful and lax demeanor. "Ah, (name). Are you still processing battle records? Well, I never thought you were such a workaholic. I'm impressed," he whistles, sauntering towards your desk and leaning over to peek at what you'd been working on.
After his quick inspection, he exclaims, "But! You'd better turn in sooner. It's not worth it to break your body doing it."
"While the concern is greatly appreciated Lee, I still need to get this all done or Kal'tsit will have my head," you huff out a tired laugh in response. "Cause... she said she could do that and I believe her."
"Why not ask your assistants for help? I'm sure they'd be glad to be of aid to the esteemed Doctor. I could even be of assistance to you (name), I'm rather good with paperwork." At that last remark, you visibly deadpanned—Lee was the last guy you'd ever ask for help on paperwork. You were all too familiar with his many attempts to avoid doing too much work.
"The last time I tried to ask you for help, you coincidentally got a headache and told me I could handle it by myself."
"But I still help around the office, don't I? I'm quite handy during missions even if I'm no good in a fight." Lee seems quite proud to prattle on about how he's such an excellent little helper at your side, but you're not buying any of it. He may be a smooth talker and, you're not ashamed to admit, have quite the attractive face and demeanor, but you're not exactly keen on letting him boost up his ego.
"Lee, in the last mission I didn't see you anywhere in the fight and when I asked, you said you were the moral support," you groan, lips turned downward in feigned annoyance.
"I sense some hostility towards me, (name)," his tail swishes behind his tall frame vigorously as he pouts almost childishly, but you can tell that he's anything but offended. Knowing the old fish, he was amused by your little jabs and didn't mind entertaining you to alleviate your stress levels.
"Good, feel the hostility you old carp," you were trying to appear annoyed, but the second you made eye contact with the titular old carp, you started snickering and even let out a few laughs, with Lee joining in with chuckles of his own. God, it feels good to throw harmless jabs and just laugh without a care in the world. "Sorry Lee, but even if you lend me a hand, we'd have to be multitasking like nobody's business."
"At least take a break if that is the case, (name). It's no good to keep an engine running on fumes," Lee hums, circling behind your chair to place his hands on your shoulders, applying the most welcomed pressure on your sore muscles. "Why not take a step away from this battlefield of a desk, and relax a little on the couch while I go and make us some tea."
"After all, it would be a shame to let those good tea leaves you keep go to waste."
"Ugh, fine," you whine, making a point of dramatically dragging yourself off of your chair before dragging your feet as slowly as you can. Lee places a hand on your lower back and hurries you along to the couch, to which he takes it upon himself to sit you down with hands that weigh down on your shoulders. You're almost a bit embarrassed to feel how swiftly and easily you sink into the sleek leather, sighing in relief as your tense muscles ease up.
"See, not that hard to relax, now is it? Now sit tight while I go make us some tea." He makes a point of patting your head, and you whine in defeat, unable to bring yourself to swat away his hand.
Satisfied, he saunters off to the mini-kitchen, humming a song that you find somewhat familiar. You don't remember the words, but you certainly find the melody to be familiar. Maybe it was playing on the radio when you'd paid a visit to Aak in his little lab, and Lee might've just heard it playing on a loop everywhere.
Even though you're supposed to be relaxing and thinking about anything that isn't work-related, the workaholic in you is screaming and wailing like a banshee. You're practically having an internal war, and the workaholic is currently winning the bloody conquest. Figures, you could never put away your duties until you were freed by your own passing out from exhaustion or an operator forcing you to take a step back.
The internal struggle is just too much for you to bear any longer. Just...one little signature wouldn't hurt, right? It wouldn't kill you just to sign one measly little signature. Besides, Lee isn't paying any attention right now and if you were quick enough, then he wouldn't know. That's how that old saying goes right? What you don't know can't hurt you. It totally applies to this situation right now!
Having made up your mind, and taking a quick glance at Lee to make sure he wasn't looking, you scurry to your desk like a subway rat. As quietly and quickly as you can, you snatch the pen you'd left on a small stack of papers, and with a sharp click that makes you wince at how much more resounding it is, you scribble your name onto the blank space. It's a sloppy signature, but it looks decent enough to pass by without raising any eyebrows. Yeah, that's—
When you nervously lift your head, there stands Lee. Except he's no longer smirking. He looks almost, impatient. No, he looks pretty mad. Or is it disappointment? You seriously can't tell, but whatever he's feeling, it's clear that he's not happy.
"Heeyy Lee. What a nice night it is, am I right? Say, why don't we drink the tea now, yeah? Haha..." Crap, he's not answering. Trying to bullshit your way out of this one wasn't going to work, but it was worth a shot, right? "Y, you're not mad are you?"
"No." Yep, he's mad. Ugh, if someone says that they're not mad in that tone, then they're seriously mad! And it's even scarier because you've never seen Lee mad before! "Why would I be mad?"
"That's exactly what a person who's mad would say," you nervously quip, fiddling with your fingers and scratching at your skin. You always do that whenever you get anxious, it’s a really bad nervous habit of yours, even if you always end up peeling back skin right from the corners of your nails and have to snip the small peel of flesh off with your nail clippers.
"I worry that you don't take things to heart, (name). It's like you don't consider others' opinions.." he sighs, sounding more like a parent scolding their boisterous teen for the nth time. Fuck, you're seriously feeling super guilty right now; guess Lee had a bit of practice with three certain operators on the wonders of parental guilt-tripping. "And for that, I fear that you'll need more than just a stern talking to."
"Wait wha--"
Ignoring your confusion, Lee fumbles around the hidden pockets of his coat as he searches for... something? You're tempted to just sidestep him and just lie down on the couch and feign exhaustion. Yet something inside of you wanted to see where this would go, keeping you rooted to the ground. And because Lee would see through your bullshit immediately (curse his keen detective skills).
He mutters an 'ah, there it is,' before quickly yanking his hand out and holding some circular object by a mere thread that you suspect may give out at any moment. You may have only seen the device for a few seconds, but you'd recognize that black-and-white spiral pattern anywhere. Anyone would, given that it was always on those weird hypnosis videos you'd come across on the Internet.
"..Hypnosis? Seriously? What kinda scams are you getting into, my dude..?" While hypnosis and mind control weren't exactly sensational news for you, given what Amiya had experienced with Mephisto and his undead herd, it feels rather silly for it to be used in a situation like this. But seeing Lee's impatient posture and the way his tail restlessly swishes behind, you figure that you might as well humor him.
As Lee raises the circular device to your eye level, you can't resist the urge for an eye roll at the absurdity of this situation. He doesn't need to really tell you what to do, you know that you're supposed to look in the center and let the spiral do its magic or whatever. Like, make your head empty and have no thoughts, right?
"Lee, if this doesn't work and I'm not some bread-dead zombie or whatever, I'll--"
Lee snaps his fingers.
Your body relaxes.
All the racing thoughts in your mind cease.
"There we go. Just focus on my voice, (name). Don't think about anything or anyone else, alright?" His crooning voice echoes in your head, and it suddenly feels like your brain is being physically rearranged. At the same time, it was as if your brain was melting, being numbed with a strange fog that left you feeling empty——No...no, empty wasn't enough to describe this strange mental hollowness that dominated every cell in your body.
"Just relax. Once I snap my fingers, you'll go back to normal. Okay?" Vacuously, you nod your head, the motion akin to that of a rag doll being shaken about. A little unnerving, yes, but it's a rather humorous sight nonetheless. "Good, good. Not so hard to just kick back and relax is it?"
Lee ruffles your hair, inwardly chuckling as he notices more stray hairs begin to stick up from the mass. It truly completes the workaholic and sleep-deprived image that he’s heard so much about from passing conversation he just so happened to overhear. Though, now that he has you like this, he isn’t all too sure what he really wants to do to you. Or perhaps he does know, but he’s just too accustomed to pushing those thoughts to the back burner.
As his hand trails south before resting against your cheek, his thumb comes to rest against your chapped lips—that was no surprise since he’d seen you lick them so much—and he absentmindedly rubs along the uneven surface.
Lee swallows hard and mutters a small ‘pardon me.’
He dips his thumb past your lips experimentally, circling the thick digit around and coating it in your spit. The warmth of your mouth, the wetness of your tongue, and the titillating tension of this situation chip away at something deep inside Lee. Yes, he was quite the trusted comrade whom you'd seek out whenever he made his visits to the landship. But he knew quite well that there was always a bit of tension between the two of you. It wasn't bad, heavens no, but Lee would have to be a fool to not pick up on the playful smiles, the suggestive remarks thrown his way, how you so teasingly expose the more sensuous parts of your body by bending over...Those were just a few he could list off the top of his head right now.
He could name a couple more, but he's getting distracted by the minuscule whines you produce as he continues to probe your tiny mouth. A part of him wonders if you're responding this way simply because it's him touching you. 
He's decided. Why waste an opportunity as good as this? He grabs your shoulder and guides you to the couch, which he eagerly plops down upon—yeah, he’s pumped full of excitement, who wouldn’t be? Lee makes sure to spread his legs nice and wide; he’s at least kind enough to not make you spread them apart yourself.
"On your knees." Lee winces a bit at how suddenly you drop to the floor, and he's rather inclined to stop and check for any bruising or irritation. But you don't even so much as flinch, hardly showing any sort of reflexive response to the discomfort. Hesitantly satisfied, the detective relaxes the tension in his body. Well, at least you'd simply have to suffer through some scuffed kneecaps, but nothing too serious that would require the attention of a medic.
"Undress me. Waist down," Lee blinks hard as if thinking over his command, watching as you sluggishly fumble with his belt and attempt to push away the countless accessories that adorn his lower half. Somehow, you manage to undo the leather strap and pull the zipper down, revealing grey boxers. Upon noticing you attempting to pull his pants down even further, he seems to realize something. "Actually, scratch that. Just.. just pull my pants low enough. It'll make clean-up easier..."
He mumbles that last part to himself, but thankfully you pay no heed and instead hook a few fingers into the waistband of his underwear to pull it down. What awaits you is a thin slit, though two pink tips of sorts have begun to slowly slide out.
"Well go on. They won't come out if you just keep staring. Make sure you really use your tongue, okay?" You duck your head dangerously close to the protruding tips and swipe a tiny lick that has Lee's hips jolt ever so slightly. Your blunt little tongue teases him relentlessly, easily covering the tips from view and even occasionally dipping into his slit. The detective groans at that, swallowing down the urge to cum right then and there.
"Oh yeah, I don't want to see you touching yourself in any way. This is your punishment Doctor," he ordered, eyeing your hands just in case you got a bit too into this and decided to get yourself off. He couldn't allow that, now could he?
But you remain obedient, latching onto his slit and coating it in your spit in a bid to ease out his cocks. Lee has to admit that you look adorable with your mouth so lovingly devoted to him, and he's almost tempted to order you to touch yourself, to see you satisfying your own base desires without any shame. Almost.
You should be scared. You should terrified out of your mind, feeling your own body acting your will and unable to do anything about it. But, you’re not. Okay, maybe you’re a bit nervous, but it’s the kind of nervousness that borders on feeling good. Normally, you'd be waayy too scared and end up fumbling over yourself in these kinds of situations, but that's not the case here. Your head is all fuzzy, but it feels, like, good? Your entire body feels warm and relaxed, and while that might've been a bit scary to others, all you can feel is a strange pleasure that induces heat to pool into your belly.
Maybe it’s the hypnosis making your brain feel all funny, or maybe it’s because you just like Lee so much, but you find that following Lee’s orders comes rather easy. Then again, it’s just the hypnosis scrambling your brain, right?
With a sudden pop! that sounds perversely wet, the two tips push forward and expose the rest of his manhood in all its glory. You don't react, don't pull your head back out of surprise, and as a result, his cocks push right up against your face. It'd be comical if you'd reacted with any sort of surprise or nervousness, but there were no such expressions on your face.
He's..he's really big...♡ He has two cocks, both shaped like elongated teardrops, and have a sort of pinkish-red color to them. They look really smooth, save for a few prominent veins that pulse rapidly. Even despite your relaxed body, you can't help the small pang of anxiety at the thought of those... going inside of you. Would they even fit..? Your cunt clenches up just thinking about taking his cocks all the way inside. He'd... he'd really break you if he was gonna fuck your cunt with them...♡
"Suck." Lee watches quietly, his face expressionless as he awaits your obedience. Sluggishly, you nod, and slowly press your lips against the left one—well, your left. Your earlier guessed observation of his shaft's texture proves correct, as the almost unnaturally smooth surface seamlessly slides against your lips, and dribbles of precum stick to your skin. You open up your mouth and begin to suckle on the tip, the sleek texture of his cock allowing it to slide into your mouth more easily. 
Lee jolts, clearly being rather sensitive right there. “Fuck, that’s--shit!”
His cocks have a really funny smell; it's all musky and thick and it makes your head spin every time you breathe. It's the kind of smell that you can't help but get addicted to, wanting to breathe it in more even if you're supposed to find it off-putting. Acting on your desires with nothing to stop you, you inhale an extra bit of air as you bob your head up and down on his shaft. Who knew that just the smell of his shafts would turn you on even more? Lee doesn’t seem to notice your strange scent obsession, and if he does, he gives no sign of stopping you anytime soon.
"Excited are we?" He breathed out, hitching a noise that suspiciously bordered on a sensual moan as you pushed your head down to the base. When you repeat that motion, this time Lee moans, a husky and rumbled noise that strikes straight into your core. "Q...Quite gifted with your mouth, aren't you? I wonder where you learned to be so skilled?"
He sounds a bit mocking as if the possible scenario of you on your knees before another man really grates on his nerves. His jealousy wasn’t really rooted in much plausibility, though, since you had often spent countless daydreams conjuring up scenarios like these with Lee in mind. Maybe that’s why you’re so enthusiastically sucking him off even with the hypnosis supposedly making you more robotic—it simply allowed you to act on what you’ve always wanted to do.
Thanks to Lee's little hypnosis trick, your gag reflex is practically nonexistent, evidenced when the pointed tip of his cock hits the back of your throat and all you react with is a muffled moan. Though you’d be ashamed to admit that you’d secretly been testing your gag reflex with a banana whenever you were alone in the break room. It was for science, you swear! And you can get away with saying that because you technically were a neurologist! When scientists do this, it’s an area of interest, not a fetish.
He’s beginning to leak a lot more, salty and oozing pre-cum starting to dribble out in thicker amounts, both inside the confines of your throat and his other cock dripping on your clothes. It even tastes funny too, all salty and bitter and thick—was this even really his pre-cum, or is Lee just really pent-up to the point where he’s leaking out so much? The wise Mr. Lee really was just a perverted old man in the end.
Well, you’d be a hypocrite at this point since you aren’t exactly faring much better either. Your cunt’s been practically melting, slick juices rapidly pooling down and drenching your panties to the point where it’s already started to ooze through. On reflex, you start rubbing your thighs together the best you can, but with how your legs are spread, it comes off as an awkward little butt wiggle. It’s barely enough to even really stimulate you, much less properly get you off, but what little friction you can work up soothes that aching heat, if only barely.
Lee’s moaning a bit louder now, your tongue rubbing the underside of his dick with the kind of pleasurable tickle that makes him want to cum already. But it’s not enough for the detective. He needs more than this. His other shaft is just awkwardly rubbing against your face, with hardly any stimulation other than the feel of your skin. And that couldn’t have possibly been enough, now could it?
“Hey, d-don’t leave this one all alone,” he mumbled, jutting his hips forward in an attempt to get your attention on his other cock, all lonely and unattended to. Though all he succeeds in is shoving his dick further down your throat. “Give it some attention too. Use your hand.”
Giving him a moan of obedience, you clumsily raise a hand to wrap around his poor ignored cock and begin to pump. After barely even a few pumps, when your hand comes back up to enclose the pointy tip, your palm, and fingers are coated in thick globs of pre-cum. They make the motions of your hands easier, the wet glide allowing you to better pleasure him and give the tip that soft squeeze that makes Lee ooze more juices. You can feel a few veins that add a texture to the smooth wet surface, and when your fingers rub against them, Lee shivers a bit.
It’s still a bit difficult to comprehend that he’d be this pent-up to be leaking so much—maybe it was a Lungmenite thing, they were technically dragons after all. But another whiff of that addictive, musky smell and you stop thinking about it.
Clearly, the double stimulation was proving to be too much for Lee, because he orders you to “stop” with a shaky voice, completely different from how smug and charismatic he usually was. You obey, with his dick still stuffed down your throat and his other dick being gently held at the base. He has to take a few moments to breathe in deeply before he gives you his next order.
“P…put both of the tips in your mouth and jerk both of them off at the same time until I cum.”
Your compliance is immediate, and you have to pull his dick out from the depths of your throat (which makes Lee jolt and groan at the loss of heat) and pull at his other dick so it’s angled towards your mouth. He winces at the tugging on his cocks, but as soon as your tiny mouth simultaneously licks on both tips and your hands begin to jerk off both lengths, he forgets all about the discomfort. He’s more focused on your frantic movements and the building crescendo of muffled moans as if you’re moving in tune with his reactions and approaching orgasm.
But in reality, you’re on the verge of bursting yourself; that burning hot coil in your lower belly has become unbearably tight and even if your brain is all fuzzy and feeling weird, you still feel of pang of desperation to reach your climax as well. Your body acts on those desires for you; sucking harder, jerking faster, licking all the sensitive spots—
“Dammit, you—(name),” he panted, expression all scrunched up,” make sure you drink it all up. Don’t… spill!”
He shuddered and dug his fingers so hard into your skull that he’s probably leaving imprints behind on your scalp, but that’s the last thing on his mind right now. From the way he pulls down, your teeth grazing against his tips—he wants to keep them in there as he finishes in your mouth, grimacing hard enough to reveal sharp canines and wheezing your name, the sensation clearly is a lot for him. It’s enough that you gag a little, greedily gulping down the gooey release as best you can to keep up with the excessive amount that floods into your mouth.
There’s just so much; would he fill your belly with lots of thick cum when he fucked your pussy?♡ If he came this much from a simple blowjob and handjob, then how would there be when he finally worked his way to your cunt. You… you’d definitely get knocked up with his babies if he came inside...♡ Just the mere thought of Lee possibly impregnating you with his potent seed is all it took, and you were coming for him, seizing up and sobbing with a few selective moans—incoherent and sweet.
It takes a bit longer for Lee to come down from his climax, your warm mouth milking his dick for a few more spurts of his release, but he practically collapses against the couch once it’s over. It was most certainly the strongest orgasm he’s had in quite a long time, so he just needed a minute to calm down, that’s all. So he sucks in a nice deep breath from his stomach (diaphragmatic breathing was certainly beneficial for the lungs!) and breathes out heavily—
The audible sound of gulping quickly snaps him out of his stupor, and when he glances at you, he catches a glimpse of your cute stubby tongue swiping at the excess release on your skin.
"Did you—?" Lee jolts forward like he's been hit by a lightning bolt and for a moment he looks flustered, his thumb pressing your jaw down without any resistance as he scans your slack mouth. He'd been so focused on the high of his orgasm that he forgot that he was going to order you to spit it out. "Hah, you really swallowed it all, huh?"
You don't answer him, hazy eyes staring up at him blankly as he thumbs away the small streaks of his release on the corner of your lips. It felt rather strange to see you so quiet, considering that it was commonplace for you to be throwing teasing remarks his way. Well, if he ignored the fact that you were hypnotized—
"Oh right, forgot you're still hypnotized. Sorry about that," he murmured, mostly to himself. Heh, look at him, forgetting that he'd hypnotized you and had to snap you out of that trance. He really is getting old if he can't keep track of that. With a graceful flick of his wrist, Lee finally snaps his fingers, the sound as crisp as the crunch of an autumn leaf that resounds in the empty room.
Like a switch, the haziness in your eyes fades away, and the familiar twinkle returns. You blink. Once. Twice. Your eyes dart around the room, seemingly a bit nervously before they land on him. Realization seems to hit you and—
"You are such a horny fuck, y'know that?" Yeah, there you are. You're certainly back to normal, with no repercussions whatsoever. Well, except for him getting a bit of an earful from you, though Lee can just smile as your words go in one ear and out the other.
"Ugh, you dirty old man, my underwear's all sticky now," you hiss, shifting your thighs and grimacing at how slick your inner thighs are now. Lee breathlessly chuckles, flashing you a lazy smile as his body sinks into the couch. When you attempt to lift yourself up, you huff once the familiar pins and needles feeling makes itself apparent in your legs. "And I can't feel my damn legs, and—ow, my fuckin' knees..."
Hearing the metal clink of his belt, you realize he's attempting to slip on his pants in a somewhat presentable fashion. Oh, you thought he would touch you even more, and—wait, were you seriously disappointed by him not going further? Geez, what's wrong with you?! This wasn't like all those hentai stories where the girl becomes a slut for the guy's cock—everyone knows that hentai has the worst logic imaginable when it came to sexual happenings!
Besides, Lee would have to at least take you out to dinner and wine and dine you before you can officially admit that you'd be a willing slut for his cocks. You have standards!
"Now now, no need to fuss (name)," Lee hums, paying no mind to your rather cute attempt at a threat, having long gotten used to your little quips. "Have some tea, it's still warm; it'll soothe your nerves."
"You seriously think a cup of tea is gonna calm me down?" You gawk at him incredulously, grunting as you force yourself to stand up. Grumbling a quiet thank you as he places a steady hand on your hip, you plop down unceremoniously on the couch next to him. "Because you're right. Gimme that."
You hold out your hand like a child asking for a cookie, and Lee places the cup in your open palm, but not before shaking his head and snorting at your childish mannerisms. After pouring himself a cup and inhaling the rich aroma of the tea, he finally takes a sip and sighs in contentment.
As you sip at the lukewarm tea and bask in the atmosphere, you ponder whether these late-night relaxation sessions will occur regularly. Heh, you suppose that you're a bit of a masochist if you find this stern admonishment enjoyable and something to look forward to. Perhaps next time, Lee will go even further than what he did this time. A delicious shiver runs up your spine at the thought of all the ways the laid-back detective could toy with your body.
If that was the case, you were looking forward to next time.
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© latimeriafellfromheaven
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itsjaywalkers · 2 months
hi laurie <3 i, too, am all aboard the bartylily train. that said, would you possibly spare some of your bartylily hcs?
hi han beloved <333 I LOVE TO TALK ABOUT THEM SO I'D LOVE TO SHARE SOME HCS i already posted some of them a while ago and u can read them here !! but that being said . here are some more
lily's friends completely despise barty and they never manage to get along with him, while barty's friends accept lily and hang out with her quite often !!
bc of this, i really think that there would exist some distance between lily and the marauders once she starts dating barty.. i feel like she's still very close to mary and marlene despite them not being fond of barty but . it'd be more difficult with james and the rest . for obvious reasons (until james starts dating reg and he also has to suffer barty on a regular basis)
barty is fucking obsessed with her.. he teases her and they bicker a lot but his cool act is just that: an act. he's screaming inside his head the whole time
they fuck a lot and they're real nasty about it. lily lovessss to let go and allow barty to take control, she becomes vvvv submissive and needy when she's horny and barty lives to make her feel good and fucking worship her
barty drives with one hand, cigarette twisted between his fingers, while the other stays on lily's thigh, always way too high to be considered respectable
he tries to be Better just for her bc barty believes lily deserves the very best and he's not That he's never been but lily loves him in all his trashy lame dirty glory
they have study dates and make out sloppy style during their smoke breaks
barty's mum absolutely adores lily and nothing brings barty more joy than seeing them getting along and spending time with each other
barty loves seeing lily get angry or be mean
and lily loves when barty is violent (especially if it's for her) and gets into fights
she always patches him up afterwards and kisses every single one of his injuries
they look like they don't belong together bc she's so princess-like, with her cardigans and her skirts and her gloss and her long red hair, and he's the guy your parents always warned you about, with his band shirts and his ripped jeans and his dirty untied converse and his piercings
and yet . they're Perfect . they balance each other out, and i genuinely feel that this is the relationship in which barty is his Sanest
don't get me wrong he's still a fucking weirdo and kind of unhinged but i feel like lily calms him down in the sense that he feels safe and seen enough to be able to drop some of his devil may care + nothing can touch me attitude
i've talked about this a hundred times but the whole point of their dynamic is that . they can leave their respective masks behind around each other . they're not Lily Evans The Saint or Barty Crouch Jr The Failure . they're just lily and barty!!! you know??
they always smoke after sex
barty bakes with his mum and brings every new thing they make to lily when he goes to pick her up from work
holding hands at all times!!! and she always sits on his lap when they're out!!!!
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tellnotalespod · 1 month
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TNT S1 E1 - Not For Long came out on 2nd May 2022, which means Tell No Tales turns two today!
(and if we're being honest, TNT being in the terrible twos explains a lot about how emotionally fraught it's been recently)
Going ahead with this show is the best decision I've ever made, and it changed my life for the better. I'm so incredibly grateful for this community for welcoming me in 💜
I got a little nostalgic and found an old voice note (from almost three years ago!) that's posted under the cut. I sent this to Michaela (one of our ghostie VAs) almost immediately after having the idea for the show. It's edited a lil to keep it down to a reasonable length, because much like Leo Quinn, I sure can Yap.
[Image ID: A whatsapp voice note sent by me, followed by another message by me that reads "oh I think I've decided the name of the main character is going to be Leo, bc hell if I'm going to do this completely self-serving project for no other reason than the enjoyment of creating it then I'm damn well gonna use the name I'd use if I ever decide to change to a more masc sounding name." The following messages sent by Michaela on 4 July 2021 are sent in quick succession, "omggggggggg yesssss" "I want to listen to thisss" "I am 100% happy to help" "I love this idea" "so much" "pls do it" /.End ID]
Note: audio quality changes around a lot because I was, I think, dyeing my hair at the time
Voice note transcript:
 I have a… an idea. And it might be really stupid and it will probably never come to anything. However, I'm really excited about it. So... hear me out (LAUGHS). My idea is, uh, I want to write a podcast about an ex-employee of a ghost hunting company, and the- the basis of the podcast is... I literally just had this like half baked thought like five minutes ago, so bear with me while I talk this through. This character works for a quite renowned institute, company, whatever, organization that hunts ghosts. Uh, they destroy the ghosts whenever they're called to it, but the main character is starting to get suspicious of the fact that some of the ghosts that they're called to don't necessarily seem violent, and some of them are completely harmless and they just want to exist and so they have been working on a recording system that can capture the voices of ghosts. And they start off as an assistant to like the head of this company, but they're already starting to feel complicit in what they're becoming kind of more and more aware is potentially a very evil operation. And it's gonna alternate between like their their notes and the recordings of interviews with ghosts that they are sent to hunt, but don't. They sit down and they get their life story instead and then either leave them be or try to help them move on peacefully or whatever. And there's gonna be a bit of a, like a, an overarching plot in that the organization that they work for is corrupt, but not in the way that they think. And I'm thinking the main character is trying to, like, capture enough evidence, basically, before they can quit this organization- t hat's, that's, that's their intention, is they want to make sure that this recording system is completely functional. They want to capture enough evidence of completely harmless ghosts. They want to have like a huge backlog of stuff to use against the head of this company, and to do that, to have access to ghosts and all of that kind of stuff, they have to continue working for it, which they hate, but that's the only way that they see themselves being able to achieve good in the long run. So, the first season is going to be them, like, trying to work on this project in secret while you get glimpses of the boss doing some, like, shady shit. And like... who's to say that I need to finish my novel this month anyway? You know?? But fuck it, this is... I'm really excited about this, so I'm gonna give it a shot.
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legendofmorons · 1 year
Bruised knuckles and whole hearts (Four)
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Pairing: Four x reader
Rating: T for blood and creepy men
Summary: You are a BAMF and Four had heart eyes
Warnings: a little blood, a little harassment, you knock a man out because he insulted four
Four tries to have a good day - or at least an okay day as often as he can. This is often ruined, but he tries.
Today, his plan to have an okay day is ruined by rude and creepy people in the market. Courtesy of alcohol if the way they smell is any indication.
The crowd is just this side of thick as ypu and the boys walk through the market square.
Four is holding your hand happily as you all browse the stalls, the people all background.
You seem right at home- though to be fair this is your hyrule.
"Huh, guess we lost the others," You say, looking around curiously.
"Yeah, I guess so."
You turn to look at him, smiling warmly.
He knows it's sentimental and sappy, Vio is always quick to call them on it... but he likes when you smile at him like that- the smile you only ever seem to have for him.
You smile at others like that sometimes- but it's not quite the same. You smile like mean the world to you.
You smile at him like he is your world.
Which isn't to say you don't have a life outside of him, that would be unhealthy. But you jist- you smile brighter at him.
Or maybe he's just biased.
Also totally possible.
"(Y/n)!" A voice calls from the right, earning a groan from you.
Four looks to you in concern.
You fix a polite smile on your face, "Hello Jim."
"It's been a while." Jim says, looking like the type of man who finds himself very charming.
The way you smile a little sharper betrays your unspoken 'not long enough '.
"It has been. " You say, already sounding uninterested. "Did you need something from me?"
"Just your time. You really are beautiful -"
"I've told you before, Jim. I really am not interested in anything like that."
Four decides in this moment that he might actually resort to violence against a fellow Hylian. This man has obviously done this before.
And you're obviously told him no before. Which means he's being rude and pushing boundaries.
"Aw, come on, (Y/n)." Jim says, leaning forwards so he can set a hand on your cheek.
Oh violence. Violenve for a million reasons. All the colors are raging.
You just grab Jim's wrist with your free hand and push his hand away before dropping the offending limb.
"If you touch me again, I will knock your lights out." You say evenly.
Four has to agree with you on this. He'd punch the man himself- except he knows that'd make a scene.
He squeezes your hand- the one still in his. He wants you to know he's here and supports you.
Jim laughs, reaching for you again.
"Come on, babe, we all know you are just playing hard to get."
He touches your shoulder gently- intimately.
Oh. Okay. He has chosen death.
You growl, letting go of Four's hand so you can ball it up and slam your fist into Jim's nose.
The resounding crack is more than satisfying as he doubles over with a groan.
"You fucking asshole!" Jim snarls out, holding his nose as blood seeps towards his chin. He's looking up from his vent over position and looks enraged.
"They warned you." Four says, not bothering to fight of his smug grin.
You are amazing and Four thinks he has every right to fall more in love with you for this.
You wipe your hands off on your pants as if Jim is little more than an unpleasant tea bag to be thrown away.
Turning away you take Four's hand again.
"C'mon, love." You say gently, always so much calmer with Four than any other.
"You kicked his ass. I doubt he'll bother you again." Four says, smiling up at you with the softest eyes and half-baked plans of your future together
"Shut the fuck up kid, if you weren’t so young I'd kick your ass." Jim says through his bloody nose and pig headed pride.
Four turns to say something back, but is stopped short as you drop his hand and walk back to Jim.
You grab the man by his dark hair, snarling viciously as you sock him in the nose again.
"You will not insult my boyfriend like that."
Jim groans, eyes rolling back. And something in Four swells at how quickly you defend him.
You drop him, and the man falls like a sack of potatoes.
"Holy shit." Four says, unsure if he should be concerned that you were so enraged you knocked a man out after breaking his nose. Or if he should feel the warm emotion in his heart that he does.
"You okay?" You ask, moving back to four.
"Yeah. Just- suprised... I knew you could fight- but that was something new."
"Oh.. yeah. Sorry."
"It's okay. I was probably gonna kick his ass too."
You just smile, wiping the blood off your hand and onto your pants. "Let's go find some lunch, I'm starving. "
"Sounds perfect. "
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dduane · 1 year
Hi! This might end up a super weird question, sorry in advance!
So just came across your twitter today and seeing your profile pic my brain is now convinced that you were the person who years ago shared this one really good bread recipe with oven baked garlic in it? Is it actually you? I tried to look through your tumblr but I didn't find anything so I'm so sorry if it's not you? But man that was the best bread I ever ate so I really want to find the recipe again! Thank you so much in advance... QvQ
No, it's not weird at all! Don't sweat it. :)
I've been baking for a long time, and have posted enough recipes now, here and there, that it's hard to keep track of them all sometimes. So I feel your pain. :)
...That said: I don't think I've done a recipe that involves actually baking garlic in the bread. ...Roasting garlic and then squeezing that into or onto already-baked bread, that I've seen around... though not in any of my own recipes. (Not that it's not a good idea: I just haven't been down that road myself.)
... @petermorwood just sent me this really quite sensual-looking garlic bread TikTok that does involve the roasted and squeezed-out garlic approach. I'll reblog it after this post, as I'm not sure how to pull the embed out of his.
Meanwhile, here's a garlic bread thread I did on Twitter some time back. (Pulling the images and contents into this post, because who knows what's going to happen to Twitter in the medium term...? But the thread starts here for those who want to link to that.)
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"Tonight's garlic bread. Method follows. :) "
"...RIGHT. So this is based on many warmed-over/reheated Manhattan-based pizzeria dinners back in the 70s, when I was still doing hospital work and you were glad to either (a) reheat what you had from last night, or (b) make something very like it, but hotter and fresher.
"The basic approach: Buy in small cheap store-baked baguettes. (There is no POSSIBLE point in you using good homebaked bread on these. Buy cheaply made spongy bread that will SOAK UP THE GARLIC BUTTER SOONEST.)
"Slice each one more or less into five or six thickish slices (NOT all the way through, just 5/6 of the way to the back of the loaf.) Warm them a bit in the oven or microwave if they're cold.
"Mix together: Six to eight cloves of freshly chopped garlic: at least 300g but maybe more like 500g of butter. Some coarse-ground pepper: some salt: a little bit of onion powder. Herbs to your preference (oregano, parsley, whatever...).
"Additionally, as we did tonight: brown 6-8 slices of bacon by your preferred method. (I did it in the microwave because I could *not be arsed* to get involved with the frying pan.)
"Set up each sliced baguette in a piece of foil big enough to fold loosely around it (to keep the butter in) and undo without a whole lot of trouble. Pry the bread slices apart and stuff at least a teaspoon of butter or two between each pair of slices. (OR MORE.)
"(In our tonight-variant: Stuff a crumbled slice of bacon into the garlic butter between each slice.) Preheat the oven to sort of 180C/375F. Put each baguette and its foil in a baking tray. Shove the whole business into the oven and give them 10 minutes or so with the foil on.
"Pull the garlic breads out and unfold the foil from around them. Shove them back into the oven and give them another 10 minutes, keeping a close eye on them so they won't burn. (f you want to put some cheese on top of one, this is your time.)
"Pull them out and let them cool enough not to destroy the human beings intending to eat them. After they cool (if anything's left) put a *faintly damp* tea-towel/dishtowel over them to keep them nice. If coming to them again later, heat them gently at first, then FIERCELY.
"...And now the pics. Mine:
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"His (with the cheese):
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...The roasted-garlic garlic bread follows in the next post. :)
("Why is this shot like a porno?" someone says plaintively in the comments. Well, why indeed? And why not.)
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spaceratprodigy · 17 days
D, F and H for fairh and max hehe <3
@hibernationsuit — [ The Fluff Alphabet ]
More Faith and Max content? Don't mind if I do <3
D. Domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they with cooking and cleaning?)
I mean, realistically yes. Considering how their lives have been since meeting and even before that, they've been through a fucking lot. They want some rest, they want a peaceful life for themselves to be possible, but there's so much work ahead of them before that can ever be done. But the moment they can have it they are relishing in every moment together that they can, finally being able to breathe and relax their shoulders for the first time in their entire lives.
So, my own personal standing is that canon Faith and Max don't have children. It's not something they want, it's not something that happens for them, and they are more than happy about it, because being together is what's most important. However, I will humor the thought because y'all already know in several AUs they do have a daughter together :]
Faith is quite good at cooking! It's a bit rough for her having to acclimate to exclusively Halcyon food, and often needs Parvati and Max to remind/encourage her to eat, but she enjoys cooking for sure. She does have a preference for baking, having quite the sweet tooth, herself. Max is not that into sweets, but he will try anything she makes. It's fine, it tastes better when it's off her lips anyway. Max I think is fine at cooking, not bad but not the greatest either. He cooks just enough that is satisfactory for his own needs. But if he's cooking for Faith, he puts a noticeable amount of more effort into it.
I think they're both pretty good at keeping clean generally. Too much clutter and lack of organization would bother Faith and she would end up tidying up anyway, but their space is most definitely lived in. They have their own things here and there, their own projects left out for when they return to them in a bit, some books and schematics sitting around, things like that, but not anything that's unbearably messy.
F. Fiancé (how do they feel about commitment? how fast do they want to get married?)
Their story is genuinely a slow burn despite me always getting right to the good stuff. By the time they do realize what's going on between them and how very real their feelings for each other are, it is suffocating for them. They are terrified. This is such a new experience for both of them and they don't really know how to handle it, and then Fallbrook Arc happens and it makes everything even more complicated. Because now they're faced with the thing they were trying to avoid acknowledging blowing up in their faces and how they now might lose the best thing that's ever happened to them if they don't wise up and get it together.
But once reciprocation and reconciliation on Scylla happens, they cannot be pried apart ever again after that. Marriage isn't exactly a thing that's on their mind for a long while afterwards, they're just so blissed out of their minds having each other and being together that that's all that matters.
What does spark marriage talk, however, is Gorgon. Let's just kinda skip to the end of these thoughts. Nobody walked away from Gorgon feeling okay. The entire crew was miserable, depressed, hollow, they stayed huddled in the kitchen for days together, no one wanting to be alone after that mission, after everything. Faith and Max were holding each other tighter at night after that.
One day, they need to talk about it. Not really any specific conversation in mind, just needing to get anything off their chests about that place and everything they saw, everything they discovered, what it did to so many people and how it continues to haunt Halcyon. Something leads to another, Max brings up how Faith would feel about making their companionship a little more permanent. How after everything, everything they've been through, and whatever more is to come, if some fate is to befall them, they die with no one to doubt how deeply their love ran for each other, they die not ever being alone, they die knowing they were each other's.
Without a word to anyone but themselves, they start wearing matching rings.
H. Hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it, and what are they like?)
Faith is Very Weird about being touched in most cases. She likes physical intimacy, but she isn't exactly a people person and it's very hard for her to find that kind of comfort within someone. She doesn't trust or feel safe around most others to put their hands on her in any way. There are few exceptions as her story progresses, but the safe bet is to let her initiate any kind of physical contact.
I think Max is in a similar boat of physical touch not exactly being his strongest love language. So even tho I don't think either of them are super mushy gushy, I do think every touch between them is so charged and intoxicating. They are definitely more private about it.
As for the hugging, I can see it being a very deep experience whenever they do. This long desperate need they didn't realize they craved for so long, the starved feeling that comes with it as they hold on, melting into each other and not wanting to let go, not wanting to lose that comfort. When was the last time they felt something like this? It is a huge sign of love between them to do this.
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evesaintyves · 8 months
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for @remadoramicrofics 10/5 prompt, "Midnight." Nine 100-ish word drabbles. Read below or on AO3 🍻
The streets are shiny with all-day drizzle and they double the colour of the neons and the traffic lights and and the creature-eyes of cars. Young girls flocking down the avenue like calling birds. The fuzz and whine of a band tuning. And Tonks's eyes are smokey dark—Remus can't tell if she leaned into a mirror to line them with kohl, or simply squeezed them shut and changed them from within—and her lips are like glossy red lacquer. She's smiling, pulling his lapels to make him stumble into her. He's stumbling. He's letting it happen.
It's already midnight and he's due at work by four. He's just started, hasn't been paid yet, so Sirius is buying drinks. If she knows, she's been nice enough not to mention it. It's been months of this uncomfortable charity and Remus has been lying awake thinking of what happens when it dries up. The plan is to squirrel some cash into the bag he keeps always-packed out of habit for whenever things fall apart; the reality is, he's never been good at that. There's always some crisis or some hundred small exigencies eating his savings until they're gone.
He's thought about telling her. Not just tonight because he needs to get some sleep, but because he entertains a silly fantasy of her dropping by when it's slow, of slipping her an espresso and one of his chelsea buns, and her delighted face: Lupin, you made this? Leaning over the counter, playing with his apron strings. It's idiotic, and it's not how that would go. There'd be questions ( working for muggles? Do you need the money that much? ) and there'd be the tacit admission that this, baking rolls and tweezing biscotti into piles, really is about the best he can do.
She mentioned, once, that she worked at Madame Malkins' for four days before being sacked.
Well, she said, cracking a licorice snap, it was partly because I altered the uniform—horrible long frumpy thing. I made it shorter, nipped in the waist. I also made it lime green.
And... the other part?
Told a customer to suck my dick.
She played the line completely straight, which made him laugh so hard he inhaled a mouthful of the crisps she'd brought him, and the two of them had sat chuckling, in the dead of night on a surveillance mission, for an absurdly long time.
But when he thought later about the various reasons he'd been sacked—too ill to work, or worse, too ill and showed up anyway, bosses thinking he was dopesick or high, bony arms and knackered clothes making it hard to argue—it left a sour taste in his mouth. He has smiled through rudeness, through undisguised smouldering contempt, to keep a paychecque coming in. Dignity is a luxury.
When they stop for pizza the place is slammed, the slices take an age to reheat, and Tonks rolls her eyes and mutters unbelievable when the kid hands over their greasy paper plates.
There was a girl at a bar, long ago when he was twentyoneish and still trying, who pulled at his clothes quite like Tonks is and let him kiss her in the fog of last-orders cigarettes outside. He was drunk, absolutely trollied, and when she yanked back from kissing him to look him in the face he could see that she was too.
You reek of chips, she told him, and hailed a cab.
He'd lost his job at the chippie moping about it in bed all week. Fifteen years later, he still worries that he has that stench on him—not just of shit work, but of desperation. Loneliness.
She buys an entire packet of fags to smoke one and throw the rest away.
I'll smoke them all if I don't, she shrugs. Three hours until work. He's sobering up, but she still has this glow about her, luminous and hazy as the bar-lights reflected on the street.
I ought to get you home.
Out of money?
She presses up against him. Her smoke gets in his eyes. There's no lipstick on the cigarette butt; it must just be her.
I don't want to go home, she says. I'm having fun. I could kick around on the street with you for hours.
He almost tells her, then, standing by the rubbish bin on the corner, bass vibrating the pavement, being jostled by hen-nights and lads in packs walking four-and-five-abreast. But tonight has been so lovely he'd like to preserve it under glass, keep it on a shelf, look down into the electric colour of it forever. If he told her, there'd be fumbling explanations, she'd muster herself to seem excited for him, the way she does. Not tonight. Not this one night.
So he bends to kiss her cherry lips instead.
He hates the taste of cigarettes. Still, it's heavenly. She slides her hands under his jacket and around his back.
Four-sixteen. He flips the switches. Fluorescents buzz like a headache. He's late because he indulged himself to brush his teeth and shave. Buns out to proof, then into the oven. Coffee grinding, that head-clearing smell. Closing shift left the milk out. Down the sink.
Before he flips the OPEN sign, when it's dark outside the windows and the café is just a bright box in a black void, it's easy to imagine: the bun fresh and steaming, her blue fingernails clinking on the little espresso cup. She takes a bite, makes a tiny wordless sound. Closes her eyes, lost in pleasure.
image by me
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jellyluchi · 2 months
What are focaccia's relationship with other LS members?
Ohhh I believe I have some of it saved up. As her lore progressed, not much has changed about how I initially felt on her relationships with the rest of LS so here they are!
Risotto: finds him the most intimidating at first for obvious reasons. But as she gets to know him she founds out he's actually pretty kind. He doesn't hurt civilians and gives her a space to stay never forces her and makes his intentions clear plus gives her the opportunity to better her stand. She sees him as a benevolent man eventually, feeling bad about how he got into passion and supporting his cause to take it down. They become good friends after finding out their both prefer silence and a good book in each other's company.
Prosciutto: 2nd most intimidating, mostly bc of is personality. At first she thinks had he not been the way he is she would think he's a nice guy and fall for him. Over time his more nurturing side is unveiled (during 'training') which brings out really strong emotions in her. She's definitely never had a proper mentor figure and she quickly figures out she really likes his approval and praise. She mistakes it for wanting to get better at her stand power but it quickly becomes unrelated to that. Like wanting to make him feel better when he's stressed, wanting to make him laugh, see him smile, kiss him- oh no.
Pesci: Her first true friend! She finds out he's also under Pros' wing and isn't very experienced with his own stand. Plus, he's much more nicer to her than the rest of the guys. They both like drinking milk (Pesci bc of health reasons) and she defends him against the dudes when they make fun of him. She supports Pesci when he's insecure and vice versa so they got a lot of mutual support going on and he likes to bake while she likes to help him during that which is always fun. Hangs out the most together as friends.
Formaggio: She thinks he's the typical sleazy guy and she should stay away from him. But he def makes her laugh quite a lot and she starts enjoying his company. He's one of the ppl that make her feel more comfortable around LS as she gets to know them and she eventually finds a good friend in him too with his laid back nature he's pretty easy to talk to and a lot of the times he initiates contact which is why she eventually doesn't mind initiating contact with him either he kind of brings out the more carefree less reserved side of her.
Illuso: at first bc he's pretty quiet too she thinks maybe they could be similar and maybe she'd find a friend in him but he opens his mouth and his arrogance falls free she doesn't say anything but internally she thinks he's annoying for that but as she gets closer to LS she enjoyed hi company too next Formaggio but she doesn't like when those two argue unless it's a silly argument.
Melone: At first she thinks he's creepy obviously but finds out he's really easy to open up to and talk to. He's not judgmental and likes to talk about literally anything (and also stuff like zodiac signs etc) so she finds herself taking to him for a long long time. It's very unexpected for her to find friendship in him bc of how she saw him at first. Even after finding out how his stand works she still saw a genuine person in him.
Ghiaccio: oh man she's intimidated yes but also irritated as hell she really doesn't kike shouting and she tolerates his presence at best. Usually when he's not shouting he's not bad. But she finds herself walking on eggshells bc of him and she doesn't like that. She has to leave the room if he shouts and makes it clear how much shouting and yelling triggers her anxiety (smth both Ghiaccio and pros work on later)
Sorbet and Gelato:. They don't pay her much mind but are friendly hey enough with her. They're the only two members that confirm to be a mystery to her especially bc she thinks of they're already so wrapped up in each other she couldn't even have space for friendship in there but they've showed her some kindness here and there helping her out sometimes. Though some of the stuff they say still creep her out.
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fangbangerghoul · 4 months
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What Did I Get Myself Into?
My Time at Sandrock fic Fem!builder Ghoul x Owen Ghoul finds the confidence to try to socialize like the rest of the Sandrockians WC: 993 Chapter 1: Playdate?
New mini fic up and live on Ao3! Just like the previous one I am challenging myself to keep each chapter under 1000 words. I won't lie it's been a little hard. I always feel the urge to write 10 more paragraphs but have to stop myself.
Please enjoy the first chapter under the cut and feel free to click on the link within the title to show it love on Ao3!
The sun was baking the sweat against her skin as she dragged a pile of old dusty wood back towards her shop. This particular wood pile had a few boards in it that would prove to be quite useful to her for her current project. Once Ghoul was inside the fenced area of her home she gave in and dropped the heavy boards, letting them fall to the ground and trying to wipe some of the dust off her hands. It was still only nine in the morning but she felt done for the day. Ghoul wasn't sure why she decided to drag the boards across the desert like that and a part of her felt like she should have chopped them up into smaller pieces. 
She knew it didn't matter now because the deed was done and her lips and tongue felt as dry as the area that surrounded her. Ghoul pushed her green bangs out of her face and looked out towards the Blue Moon Saloon that was basically her only neighbor. She could see the faint build of Owen and he seemed to be waving out towards her. She felt flutters in her stomach, anxious and unsure if he was waving at her or not. She gave a small shy wave back. 
Owen seemed to do a different motion with his hands now. She couldn't quite tell from this far but it was enough to beckon her forth. She looked around herself trying to decide whether she should pack up the wooden boards or not but ultimately decided that they would be fine where they were for now. 
Ghouls feet lead her to the saloon and Owen was standing there beaming at her as she walked up. 
“I hope you aren't working yourself too hard in the morning.” The warmth of his voice caused the redness in her cheeks. “I must admit I slept in today but if you've been out for a while already care to come in for a drink?” 
“I think I can afford to stop for a moment.” She said sheepishly. She always was a bit angry at herself for how small she felt around him and how easy it was to suddenly not know how to speak. It wasn't his fault, directly at least. 
“I have a few commissions I need to finish before the evening but I must admit I am thirsty.” Her tongue licked her lips subconsciously as she said this to him and she couldn't help that her eyes were focused on the bulkiness of his broad shoulders. Thankfully she thought he didn't notice. 
“I won't hold you up for too long then.” He winked at her, flashing a toothy grin. She followed his lead as he held the door open for her and stayed close behind. The saloon smelt of the usual fresh herbs, cooked food, and oak wood. Owen went ahead behind the counter and started to grab glasses to fill. Ghoul reached into her pocket and grabbed some gols to pay him. 
“Don't you dare.” He warned her playfully. The large glass full of root beer was ready on the counter. “You can come and buy some dinner tonight but this drink is on the house.” 
Ghoul looked at him suspiciously, always feeling slightly uncomfortable when he gave her things for free. She was never sure how to repay him and no matter what she gifted him, his response was always the same. It had gotten to the point where she made a little game out of it for herself and started to give him random pieces of old parts and berries. 
“You're too kind.” Was all she could manage and as she sipped on her foamy glass he sipped on his own. His eyes always seemed to stay glued on her when they were within proximity, watching to see if she enjoyed herself. She placed her glass down after drinking half of it down. It coated her throat with cool sugary sweetness. 
“Would you…” Ghoul began, tapping her index finger on her glass handle. She was trying to find the courage and the words for what she wanted to ask. “Would you want to hang out today?” 
She regretted it as soon as she said it, the vulnerability of it. Asking for companionship was something she didn't do very often and she expected him to say he was busy today anyway. There was even a small part of her that did wish he would reject her offer so maybe her face would stop flushing when he spoke to her or the flips her stomach would perform would cease to be. She finally looked at him after asking and his brows were raised in surprise and his mouth slightly parted. Ghoul wondered if he was trying to find a gentle way to reject the request. 
“Yeah, I would love that.” He spoke with a small sigh as if the pressure within him finally spewed over like steam within an engine. “I think Grace can take over for a few hours. It has been awhile since someone asked me to spend the day with them.” 
Her heart faltered for a moment before revving back up to its regular beat. She was surprised and now even more anxious because she hadn't fully expected him to accept nor was she sure what in the hell she could take them to do. There were those commissions she had to finish and deliver and perhaps he would be willing to give her company during that. She chugged the rest of her drink before letting the glass fall back to the counter then wiped the foam off of her mouth. 
“Well…um..let’s head out when you are ready then.” She tried to sound confident but she was still bewildered that he even agreed to her offer. 
“After you builder.” Owen gave the willful command as he put both their used glasses behind the counter. 
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kangaroosmile · 2 years
Sweet Tooth - Chan, Jisung, Felix
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description: After a long time being away, Jisung and Felix visit you and Chan. Because you are so exited to see them again you bake a lot. And of course they have to try it, no matter that they are vampire's and don't even need human food anymore. They overdo it a bit.
pairings: Bang Chan x gnreader x Jisung x Felix
genre: vampire, polyamory, relationship, boyfriend Chan, baking, food, tummy, belly rub, eating, taking care
triggerwarning: food, eating, stuffing, weight gain, mentioning of weight loss, blood
word count: ~3,7 k
A/N: I'm not 100% happy with this oneshot but just because I don't like it to 100% doesn't mean you will not like it. So here am I uploading it. I hope you will like it.
No proof read!
You can find more of my stories under Stray Kids Masterlist
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"Jisung and Felix should arrive in about half another", Chan announced when he stepped into the kitchen. You placed down your plate with cookies you just baked, faced Chan and started to smile.
"I'm happy to see them again. They were away for so long", you whispered. Slowly he stepped closer to you and hugged you.
"That's true. I'm happy to see them again too. I missed them", he whispered. For a moment you played your head on his shoulder and pulled him closer to you. You could now feel his sweet little tummy pressed against you. You started to smile widely. Chan gave you a soft kiss on your cheek and you two stayed this way for a good amount of time.
"Oh Channie before I forget it, do we still have enough blood bags?" The other one let out a whispered curse.
"Oh shit, I forgot to check. Since I'm drinking from you when I need blood I don't have in mind whether we have some or not." With some hesitation, he let go of you.
"Should I already take a speed order?"
"No, don't do that. We should have a few bags of blood in the basement fridge", he muttered before leaving. Instead of just standing there, you started to decorate the table a little, lit up a few candles and placed flowers you picked earlier in the middle.
With a little huff, Chan stepped into the kitchen again. "I found a few bags", he told you with a smile. Happily, you started clapping and walked up to him to kiss him.
"Love you, Channie", you whispered against his lips.
"I love you too", he answered with a smile on his lips. "But let me put the blood away." Slowly you step back a bit and watch as he placed the blood in the fridge.
Sometimes it still felt surreal that you were now with Chan, the person that you loved so much. It had not always been easy for the two of you. Especially because Chan had been so anxious about commitment because of what he was. It had taken you months till he finally opened up and agreed to go on a date with you. Back then you didn't understand why he hesitated for so long but now you understood him very well. Still, it was worth it. You two lived together for about a year now and you could not be happier.
"What are you thinking about?", Chan asked next to you again, wrapping an arm around you.
"About the past", you simply stated and before Chan could ask anything more, your doorbell rang.
"They are here!" Chan's laugh filled the kitchen as he watched you getting all excited and running towards the door. You opened the door and the two men into a tight hug. Needless to say that they were quite overwhelmed by your action. You could hear a light laugh escaping Felix's lips.
"Channie-Hyung help us, we are gonna be crushed", Jisung whined and looked at the older man behind you. Chan giggled before he walked up to you three end started to hug Jisung and Felix from the other side.
"Now you can complain about getting crushed", he whispered, messing up Jisungs hair, which made you laugh. After a moment both Chan and you let them go. They got out of their shoes and followed you into the living room.
"I'm so happy to see you again", you muttered as soon as you all sat down.
"We missed you here", Chan added, which made Jisung smile widely.
"Naww Channie-Hyung missed us. Did you hear that, Felix?" Of course, Chan tried to not let the teasing get under his skin but he failed and soon his cheeks were all red. He let out a little huff and bit his under lip.
"I will never say that again", he mumbled against your shoulder and pulled you closer.
"We all know that this is a lie", you whispered and patted his cheek, which was followed by Jisung’s and Felix's laughter. Chan didn't answer you but you knew that he was probably pouting.
"How did it go?" Chan asked, trying to change the subject. He was talking about the reason why your two friends were away for so long.
"It was an absolute mess and they were a pain in the ass but in the end, they agreed to the agreement. It could have been much easier if they just agreed right in the beginning but no that would have been too easy", Jisung explained.
"A few of us died but there were a lot more losses on their side. I just don't get why we are still fighting like we are in the middle ages. Shouldn't we be all old enough now to know it better?" Felix shook his head. You nearly laughed when you heard him talking about age.
"Well, I guess not. Maybe you have to wait another hundred to two hundred years", you joked and then looked at Chan who was oddly silent the last few minutes.
"I still feel bad that I let you go alone", he confessed.
"Hyung", Felix said and started to smile at him warmly. "We talked about it and agreed that it would be safer for them if you stayed by their side." Softly you nodded, remembering the long nights when the three of them talked in the kitchen while you sat in the living room or slept already.
"I know… I still feel bad for letting you two go alone", Chan nearly whined. "I mean look at you. There is a long new scar on your neck and you look so…", Chan stopped himself from saying what he was thinking. He didn't want to be rude and he knew how much words could hurt. But you knew what he meant. You noticed it too.
"We haven't had the chance to eat a lot lately. The negotiations went on for hours and then the next thing happened. There was just no time", Jisung explained, continuing Chan's thought. Slowly Chan nodded.
"I'm sorry. I was just concerned. I want you to be healthy and well."
"We know that Hyung", Felix answered with a soft smile while Jisung started to smirk.
"You mean as healthy and well as you?", he teased, nodding towards the soft little tummy that was visible due to Chan's quite body-fitting black shirt. All you could do was to pat his soft cheek lightly and giggle. Chan placed one hand on his tummy and started to laugh light-headed.
"Well someone", he looked towards you "decided to start baking as a hobby and you know I have a sweet tooth."
"Now it sounds like it's my fault", you muttered and poked your finger on his softer side. With pink cheeks, Chan rolled his eyes, while Jisung and Felix watched you two amused.
"But you need to taste what they baked then you know why I gained weight. It just tastes so good." Chan was now pouting again. You gave him a soft kiss which seemed to satisfy him.
"As long as you are happy that's all that matters", the youngest of the three men said.
"Yes I'm happy", Chan replied, smiling at the younger ones. "And I tell you, you would look like this too if you lived under the same roof as them."
"Oh you mean they would have a sweet little tummy too?", you asked teasingly and patted Chan's tummy felt so soft under your touch.
"It looks good on you. You look good", Felix confessed with red ears. But before anyone could say something a loud rumble could be heard.
With big eyes, you looked at Jisung who was holding his tummy.
"I'm sorry but I'm quite hungry and there is a human that smells good", he muttered, sending you an apologetic look.
"Oh, no problem. We still have a few bags", you answered, standing up already. "AB positive, Jisung? And 0 negative, Felix?", you asked.
"You still remember that?" Felix asked, surprised.
"Of course. I will heat them. It will not take long." You walked into your kitchen, grabbed the blood bags from the fridge and warmed them up. You also grabbed two straws and then got back into the living room. You placed the big bags in front of Jisung and Felix who stared at you with big eyes. They looked adorable, you thought.
"Come on, eat before it gets cold again."
"Where did you get them? Are those 1,5-litre bags?"
"I have a friend in a hospital that owned me." You sat down on Chan's again. While Jisung and Felix started to drink greedily, Chan started to kiss your neck softly. You found his hand and pressed it once to let him know he could bite you. The first few times it hurt quite a lot and you were a bit anxious but now you know Chan knew the limit and would stop way before that. He loved you and didn't want to hurt you.
"Drink up", you said when you saw that Felix stopped drinking, his lips all red. "We can't let the blood go to waste, that would be a shame, don't you think?" He huffed once but then started to drink again. Meanwhile, Chan stopped drinking and kissed the bite one more time.
"Thank you", he whispered, humming in satisfaction. He must feel all warm now with the blood in his tummy. Softly you stroked his cheek.
"Should I get the sweets now?", you asked Chan. With bright eyes, he nodded.
"I wanted to try the cookies you baked today since they came out of the oven." You couldn't hold back a laugh.
"Of course, you wanted some. I saw it in your eyes but today they are also for Ji and Lix", you replied. "But luckily you, I baked a lot more than usual."
"Love you", Chan whispered and then let go of you so you could stand up. You gave him a short kiss on his forehead as an answer and walked out of the living room. You heard the three mumbling but couldn't grab on to what they talked about. You disinfected the bite and placed a band-aid on top of it.
Then you placed the cookies you just baked, a cake you made yesterday, some pralines and some candied fruits that you bought yesterday, on a tray. You overdid it but you were just so excited to see the two other men again that you backed more than enough.
"Alright. I baked way too much. If you want you can take something with you", you said as soon as you enter the living room. Carefully you placed down the tray and sat down next to Chan on the floor.
"It looks amazing", Felix whispered, placed the empty blood bag down and rubbed his full tummy. "But I'm not sure whether I can try one. I'm not hungry anymore. The blood tasted good, by the way. I feel much better now", he told you with a little smile.
"Good to hear that you feel better now", Chan said with a big smile on his lips. "But you have to at least try one of these things. You will not regret it!"
"If I really have to try some I need a belly rub", Jisung whined and held his full tummy. Without any hesitation you crawled next to Jisung and placed your hand carefully on his full tummy. With wide eyes he stared at you and then at Chan as if he was checking whether Chan would get angry or not. While you took care of his tummy, going in small circles over his bloated tummy, Chan placed a piece of cake and a cookie on each of the other mens plates while he grabbed a cookie for himself. He winked at you before he bit into the cookie.
With a satisfied smile he leaned towards you and gave you a kiss on your lips.
"You did a great job. It tastes amazing." You mouthed a thank you before you focused on Jisung and Felix who closed the distance between you two a bit. Now you could also take care of his tummy. He had a big pout on his lips and red cheeks but he couldn't say anything.
"Come here", you giggled, softly patted his cheek and then placed your free hand on his tight little tummy. Felix let out a small sigh as you started to massaged his tummy. You could feel Chan's eyes on you and looked up. He met your glance with a found smile which made it clear that he was not jealous of what he was seeing.
After a while Jisung leaned forward and grabbed the plate. First, he took a bite from the cookie you baked.
"This… this is good", he muttered, eating the cookie in one go, which made you laugh.
"You sound as if you didn't believe it would taste good", Chan said what you were thinking.
"I'm sorry", Jisung said with a pout on his lips. "I should have had more faith in you."
"Wow you are an amazing baker", Felix muttered. He had taken a bite from the cookie too and was now chewing happily.
"I'm happy you like it", you replied with a wide smile on your lips and a warm feeling. It made you happy that they enjoyed what you baked. While you took care of their tummy, Chan placed cookies, pralines and small pieces of cake on Jisung’s and Felix's plates of course not without stealing some of them. He really had a sweet tooth, even as a vampire that didn't need to eat any human food anymore. He was now sitting next to Felix, with his back against the sofa and a slowly full looking tummy. From time to time he stroked his tummy letting out a little huff. Felix was now leaning against the elder, carefully stroking own tummy. He looked really cute, you thought. Both of them did.
"I'm full. I think I overdid it a bit", Jisung whined rubbing up and down on the side of his swollen tummy. "But I now understand you, Hyung. Everything tasted so good. It's been ages since I last ate human food."
"See I would never disappoint you." Jisungs lips escaped another whine and he pressed his eyes together.
"Come, let me help you", you whispered, sitting on his lap.
"What are you doing?", he asked lightly and with panic in his eyes. For a moment he stared towards Chan and then at you. Slowly you placed your hands on the sides of his tummy. His slim waist and his cute very full looking tummy looked amazing next to each other.
"Poor baby", you whispered and you started to rub his belly that felt warm even through the shirt he was wearing. With red cheeks Jisung closed his eyes and let out a soft groan. From the corner of your eye you saw how Felix held a cookie that Chan carefully took between his lips and ate it. Seeing them like this warmed your heart.
"Oh Sungie, you did so well. I'm happy that you ate. Soon you will be like before you went away", you whispered, also carrying his cheek.
"And I didn't even try. It happened by accident that I ate so much", he said with a sigh. "It's your fault for being such a good Baker." You leaned forwards a bit and patted the side of his tummy.
"Of course it's my fault that you enjoyed my baking so much you overdid it", you said teasingly. With big eyes he stared at you and just now noticed that you two were rather close now.
The next thing you knew were Jisungs lips on yours. They felt soft and warm but as fast as they were placed on your lips, they were away again.
"Oh god I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to kiss you", Jisung muttered with his eyes wide open. "Hyung I'm sorry." That was towards Chan. Jisung looked anxious. You met Chan's glance for a second and even without talking you two communicated. You knew his thoughts and his wishes and he knew that you had a soft spot for both Jisung and Felix.
So before Jisung could start to get even more panicked, you leaned forward and placed a short peek on his lips. With big eyes he stared at you.
"What…?", he muttered touching his lips with his fingertips for a moment as if he could not understand what just happened.
"That's not fair I want a kiss too", you heard Felix whine. Chan leaned forward. One of his hands stroked softly over Felix's bloated tummy before it landed on his hip and stayed there before he connected their lips with each other. You could hear a surprised sound from Felix and only could smile at it. When you turned toward Jisung again you noticed him staring at Felix and Chan with a little smile on his face.
"Why did you do it?", Jisung asked, when Felix and Chan parted.
"Do what?", you asked while you still stroked over his heavy looking tummy.
"You are in a relationship. Why would you kiss us?", he muttered, trying to make some space between him and you, which was nearly impossible considering you still sat on his lap.
"It's not like we didn't do it before", Chan whispered, looking a bit confused and nervous at the same time. You only could roll your eyes at that. Usually Chan was very careful with his words but that was absolutely invalid.
"But back then you were not in a relationship, Hyung! You were single and that's nearly 90 years ago!", Jisung hissed.
"Ji please calm down", Felix whispered, softly grabbing the other one's hand.
"Felix no! I can't. I kept silent for so long."
"Jisung", you mumbled softly. "I know that you kissed and even slept together in the past. Chan told me about it. But you know what he also told me?" Jisung looked at you, waiting for an answer. "He told me that he loved you. Both of you. Long before he started to love me. I think he even did before you all turned."
"Is this true?", Felix asked with big eyes.
"It's true. I love you. All three of you. Back then I was too afraid to act and then it never was the right time", he explained.
"And what is with you?" Now Felix's eyes fixed you with curiosity.
"To be honest from the first moment I met you, you had a special place in my heart. And everytime we met I think I fell a bit more for you. Slowly but continuously."
"I'm happy in this relationship but I also always knew that I would also be happy in a polyamory relationship. We talked about it and…", Chan passed a moment, trying to meet your glance to seek comfort. You gave him a small nod and a big smile. "And we would be happy to call you a part of this relationship."
"Just to be clear, this is not a joke?"
"That hurt, Jisung. I would never do such a thing. I thought you know me well enough", Chan muttered, looking all sad. Fastly Jisung leaned forward and gave the older one a shy kiss.
"I'm sorry, Hyung. Please forgive me."
"I will think about it, if you kiss me one more time." You couldn't hold back a little giggle, when Jisungs ears got all red. But then without hesitation he gave Chan another kiss.
"Can I kiss you too?", Felix asked you shyly. You nearly melted at that. You slided down from Jisungs lap and surrounded him. You cupped Felix's face into your hands and kissed him. You felt all warm and happy. When you two separated you noticed Chan and Jisung looking at you and felt heat getting up on your cheeks.
"Naww look at you", Chan cooed, stroking through your hair and smiling fondly at you.
Before you could say anything a loud yawn escaped Felix's lips.
"Tired?", you asked. As Felix nodded you slowly got up and held your hand out.
"Then let's get you to bed." With your help Felix got up.
A low groan escaped Felix lips, while he held his tight tummy.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes but I just noticed how much I ate. I really overdid it. But it was so good." You smiled at him. Meanwhile Chan helped Jisung up.
"You get them in your bed. I will place everything away", you whispered into Chan's ear, kissing his cheek and letting your hand wander over his chest and shoulder. Chan nodded and led them towards your bedroom. As fast as you could, you put everything away but before you left the kitchen, you grabbed a cookie for Chan. When you returned all three men were laying in your big bed, already under the sheets. In the middle layed Felix, Chan on the one side and Jisung on the other. Felix was already half asleep. You walked on the side where Chan layed, giving him a kiss.
"Love you, Channie", you whispered and then pressed the cookie gently against his lips. Your hand found their way towards his sweet little tummy that was all bloated but still felt soft. "You are so cute."
"I love you too", he answered as soon as he swallowed the cookie. For a moment you stroked up and down his tummy, you wanted to make sure he would get all the love he deserved. With one last kiss you went to the other side of your bed and got comfortable next to Jisung. Immediately he cuddled into you and hugged your waist. You placed a soft kiss on his forehead, stroked Felix's cheek and then intertwined Chans and your fingers.
Feeling all warm and safe, you closed your eyes and drifted into sleep.
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