#i don't have a tag for tom/harry but yeah
Lately I've been thinking more about Tom eventually managing to rope Seven into the polycule... and the situation between her and B'Elanna remaining fairly charged anyway so neither Tom nor Harry can touch that situationship with a ten foot pole. Tom tries to defuse the tension sometimes (and fails miserably), while Harry knows how to actually listen but boy does he wish he knew less about the latest drama between B'Elanna and Seven
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moinsbienquekaworu · 1 year
RAM MY BELOVED hello hi happy Valentines (if you celebrate) hi
I just drove home while listening to my tomarry playlist and i need to tell you, i love themb so much and this song (Carnivore by Bear Attack! If the link doesnt work) is such a themb song and omg. I need to go reread love is touching souls. I need to finish typesetting it. I need to stop procrastinating buying printing materials and just bind it into a physical book. Themb.
But also, i was thinking about this fic thats currently sitting partially done in my google docs, thats endgame tomarry but currently drarry. And basic context: Harry becomes the DADA prof after a few years of being a failure of an auror and he and Ginny just finalized their divorce (nothing was Wrong Per Se, Ginny just realised shes a lesbian), and Hermione sets him up with Draco but theyre not really Great together theyre more just meh as a couple, but then Harry accidentally time travels back to 1945 (give ir take a few years) and teaches DADA during Tom's seventh year, and they get together and Harry knits Tom a Weasley sweater and etc etc etc BUT i couldnt figure out how to get them both back to The Present Day while not breaking up Harry and Draco BUT BUT BUT i realized i can just make it hella poly and itd still be cute!
Im telling you all of this as the person who got me into tomarry plus the first person i thought of when i put this playlist on, i hope this hinged-ness finds you well i love you <3
Love the idea of introducing someone else to the Tomarry relationship because we've all seen Tom and how he feels about sharing. Like I feel like any work with Tomarry + another character is like, 40% getting Tomarry together (all the Hurdles and Problems and such with those two) and then 60% Harry slowly making Tom stop hissing at whoever else because he has to share Harry with them and that's his soulmate. Yes even if he likes them too he's just Like That. He's so very not suited to polyamory, it would be extremely entertaining reading a fic trying to make it work.
I remember reading a fic back in Ye Olden Days that was a Drarry snippet with Severus looking in from the outside wishing he could be with Harry but Knowing Deep in his Soul that he was Wrong for him. I'd link it but I'm like 90% sure it was in french and I don't want to go looking through FFnet for it right now haha. Drarry just made me think of it. Oh and there was One good Drarry fic I loved, still in french, by and author who wrote banger after banger (all in french, yeah) on FFnet that introduced baby me to Supermassive Black Hole and the fact that you don't put two condoms on. It's Nothing Else Matters by Rose Malefoy if you want to look at the page and not understand the text haha (yes Malefoy with an e that's how it's spelt in french) Oh and my first Snarry was amnesiac Harry who was with Severus and forgets it so he gets into a relationship with Draco but then remembers and leaves him I think? It's been a while. I used to be into Drarry more but it's been years since I read some, since I discovered Snarry and all.
I think we should combine our poly Tomarry AUs to inflict the maximum amount of Situations on theses guys. Like throw in Draco throw in Severus and then let them take years and a lot of therapy to disentangle that mess and make a working polycule out of it. A bit like when you plop Sims in a house with full autonomy and wait for them to do something cool like starving themselves or making out with their brother's wife, except here I hope they'd figure it out and get a good ending at some point. Anyway.
Oh and in Tomarry news if you haven't tackled Draw me after you (let us run) by Toastranger you should go for it because now after about 200k words and 44 chapters Things have been Happening 👀 (I'm not subtle, they finally kissed is what happened) extremely fun fic, highly recommend once again. That said it is a time investment because I love long works
Your song rec is actually making me realise I don't have Tomarry songs? I have Obikin songs I have plenty of Snarry songs I have Johnlock songs and Kylux songs but nothing for these two. Ah well. I mean I guess The bog in the valley by the Irish Rovers is kind of a Harrymort song because it's a part of Dark Livestream but that's not very Tomarry specific. OH WAIT NO I do!! In the Daylight Again by Duplicity is named after a line from Salt and the Sea by the Lumineers so. One (1) Tomarry song. Good fic too, I can't make myself rereading it because it hurts my feelings :(( but it's really good
Cool song you got though! I've added it to my current playlist, love finding songs through other people and associating them to random stuff like that.
Anyway love you hope you have a good evening come back whenever you want <3
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pinktom · 5 months
i was smeared on twitter! xD
This morning, I was delighted with a series of fascinating screenshots.
I'm being smeared on Twitter! By someone I don't know, who hasn't even read Lover's Spit, because I do not want to spoil aspects of my own fic.
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And it didn't stop there, friends!
Obviously you can tell by the "18 Likes" there were at least 19 people outing themselves as haters. 😔
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Let's be clear: if you're twiggered 👉👈 by seeing Tom Riddle bottom, block me and move on
Not because I'm out here publishing smut left and right (I'm not even a smut writer), but because there is absolutely no way you could possibly enjoy my content if you're a fixed shipper.
Is it about who tops and who bottoms? I don't know. Really, at least half of the time, I prefer top!Tom. My enjoyment of a fic is not contingent on whether one character or the other gets dicked down. Of my top favorite fanfics that I can think of offhand, Tom doesn't even bottom in any of them.
That said—I am drawn to stories where Tom Riddle is in a central role, and nobody fixated on bottom!Harry could ever possibly deliver. So yeah please go ahead and block me. ಠ_ಠ
Also, the accusation that I "want engagement" is goofy
If I was driven by engagement, the fic would be straightforwardly on the Top Tom tag, feature a lot of smut, and probably have twice as many hits.
I don't write for engagement; of the 6 fics I have published, 2 are rated G and only half of them even have ship tags at all.
And regarding Lover's Spit specifically, it would absolutely spoil the story if I went on Tumblr rambling about how they're going to fuck. I have more respect for the lovely people who read the story as it is than random potential readers who feel they cannot engage with a story on the off chance their t/b preferences aren't met after 150K of non-smut content.
Yes, fixed shipping preferences can be sexist and homophobic
If your preferences are informed by your belief that Tom Riddle is "too powerful" to ever bottom (!!!) and "submit" to Harry, you're embarrassing and regressive.
You're tacitly admitting that women—that people without penises—are fixed in a state of submission; and you're also insinuating the same of gay men who prefer to bottom.
Sex is a lot of things - not just a power exchange. Sex, as I see it, is about intimacy, vulnerability, and expressing love. That is how I write it, and why I do not want to share "spoilers" about how sex will play out in my fic.
Ultimately this slander is just the product of entitlement
Though Lover's Spit has a lovely, inspiring, and engaged bevy of readers, it is by no means a popular fic. It's a wee little niche fic.
I can see no reason why someone would bother publicly slandering me except that they're just deeply entitled and butt-hurt that I'm not complying to their whims, even though I am a teensy weensy small-time fic writer with no following whatsoever. It's so batshit.
If fixed shipping matters to you, block writers who don't tag. Simple as that.
Anything you'd like to add my dear @k3uuu?
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justarandombrit · 1 month
Okay, so in case anyone couldn't make it to the livestream (and just because I wanted to), I wrote down some notes while watching it, so if anyone wants to read them, they're below the cut. (Also sorry ANI fans, my dad came in to borrow a pencil while the ANI segment was happening, so I missed a lot of it)
. There was a 4 minute long intro voice over before AVPM
. James watched AVPM
. 600,000 and Lauren plays the green screen piano
. 700,000 and Lauren does an architectural digest on the green screen house
. Jon really loves Ready To Go
. Darren keeps letting Joey know he sounds like shit on old recordings
. Pinball Pete’s burnt down 🙏🙏
. MAMD was the first student produced album to make the charts
. A Very Potter Sequel’s name came before A Very Potter Musical
. They accidentally wrote Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
. James gave Julia Albain leg splints
. During Starship the entire cast was breathing fibreglass
. Starship was called “knowingly amateurish”
. Darren was supposed to write 15 songs for Starship, but he got cast on GLEE
. Darren flew in to join a rehearsal as a surprise, ran in singing Beauty and everyone was so pissed
. Everyone still loves Kick It Up A Notch
. Nick: “Which was Holy Musical B@man-
Lauren: “Fuck yeah”
. They made up Sweet Tooth, and then found out he was an actual Batman villain
. Matt came up with “Calendar Man, your days are numbered” in his dream, and it was so good it forced him awake to instantly call Nick
. Everyone thought the flying machine joke was the best AVPM joke
. Goin' Back To Hogwarts Reprise made everyone cry
. AVPSY was five hours long
. Curt saw AVPSY
. Darren arrived 2 hours before the show and didn't get a chance to read through a lot of the script
. Darren came up with “I hope you find that swimming pool”
. Joey ate one banana on the day of AVPSY and during Sidekick went “I'm losing my vision”
. They had to pay the hotel union $11,000 to use THEIR OWN microphones, and Darren's STILL BROKE
. Jeff accidentally washed out his Aladdin hair dye
. A.J. Holmes had the same agent as Jafar's original VA, and they got him to do the intro and say “pee” and “poop” in Jafar's voice
. ANI was, as we know, expected to be a hit, and, as we know, it was not
. TTO was, as we know, expected to fail, and, as we know, did not
. TTO had a batshit cast party
. Pierce used to ask Matt insanely complicated questions before bed, e.g, “How did WWII happen?”
. Firebringer was a really old concept
. Literally no one questioned why the “I don't really wanna do the work today” clip had loads of people dressed as cavewomen + cavemen
. Firebringer was the first show Jon saw live
. They made up all the Hatchetfield shows at the same time
. Nick kept making sure Paul was having fun
. The song from the Pirate Show, “Born To Be Wretched goes so fucking hard. Like if a sea shanty was a musical theatre song essentially
. Mariah: “Rich gays, please give”
. Lauren choreographed Show Stoppin' Number
. People actually gave Lauren their phones when she asked in Inevitable, and they would take them backstage and take selfies before giving them back. One time it was locked and she shouted “WHAT'S THE PASSCODE?!?!?”
. Joey: “I'm in the middle of Wiggle”
. Everyone was ill during Black Friday
. Bryce saw Black Friday
. Nick told her “Interesting things happen here” when showing her to the seat
. Ahhh when Jeff played Tom…
. Angela was in Jaime’s improv class
. Angela is no longer on vocal rest
. Angela had to kill Sherman with a finger gun one night
. Will was 100% ready for NPMD
. Will was at a party they went to during A Very Starkid Reunion
. Rip Kim
. The Docks of Troutspear is sung by Matt’s favourite character (it also slaps)
. The Pit Stop in Hatchetfield livestream is going to be a tag team deathmatch
. I love Starkid so much
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annab-nana · 9 months
hiya ! i'm so excited for your blurb sleepover! i wanted to request “Stop being grumpy, it’s lame.” with tom holland please <3
- alltoowelltom
hey love!! thank you @alltoowelltom <3 i did one similar to this here but let's do it again but ✨ differently ✨
warnings: not proofread, being on your period, having mood swings, mentions of drinking
❀ masterlist ❀
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"what's up with you?" tom questioned when he came over to you in the kitchen, getting a refill and checking in on you. "you aren't glued to the floor in here, are you?"
the music was too loud, fuelling your already raging headache. your gut felt like it was at war with itself. you were so tired that you could probably fall asleep right where you were standing up. but, that was a lot to say and you didn't have it in you to explain it all.
"i'm just not in the party mood," you offered weakly, but tom wasn't having it. he knew you were normally the one that he had to pull away from the party, not pull into it. especially for sam and harry's birthday, you would never isolate yourself in the kitchen. they were your best friends.
tom held out his hand to you. "come on. stop being grumpy. it's lame."
you know he meant it jokingly. you knew that. but you felt like you were being a major party pooper on the birthday of two of your favorite people in the world and with your period, the mood swings were heavy. tears sprung to your eyes and you felt your face crumple. in an attempt to save yourself from embarrassment, you turned to face away from him, but he had already seen your reaction.
"hey, hey, hey," he spoke soothingly, taking a step closer to you and placing a hand on your cheek. "i was just kidding. please don't take it to heart."
you shook your head. "i know you didn't. it's just..." you let out a sigh before you continued to try to calm yourself down. "that time of the month so i don't feel good and clearly don't have control of my emotions."
tom looked around to make sure no one was near—it was pretty evident you didn't want someone to see you upset—and when the coast was clear, he pulled you into his side and led you up the stairs.
"tom, where are we going?" you inquired when you two reached the top of the stairs. you watched his eyes lock on a door before he walked you that way.
"sam's room because it's cleaner than harry's and he has..." tom trailed off while searching through the bedside table drawer for something. a few seconds later, he tossed some medicine bottles onto sam's comforter. "i'll go grab you a water bottle. do you need anything else from down there?"
"tom, i'm fine. you don't have to-"
"it's okay. the boys will understand." he backed up toward the door before flashing you a grin. "so, just a water?"
you couldn't help the smile that crept onto your lips. "uh, yeah. that'd be great. thanks."
his grin widened. "alright, be back in a minute."
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remember to support writers & reblog :)
turn on notifications for @annab-library to be notified when i post something new or join the tag list here!
tag list: @bradleybeachbabe @marjorie189 @lifeineverycolor
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alltoowelltom · 2 years
Thirty Reasons I Love You (t.h)
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summary: tom struggles to find a meaningful gift for your birthday
fluff, established relationship, small mentions of NSFW gifts, boyfriend!tom
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
When it came to your birthday, Tom was stuck. It wasn't like he couldn't afford to buy you a luxury gift, clearly. His problem lay in finding you a meaningful gift. In past years, he'd usually resorted to a nice necklace with an extraordinarily high price tag, along with a large bouquet of flowers and a box of fancy chocolates. You always appreciated his gifts with a grin and a kiss, but never without the reminder that it wasn't necessary. You'd be just as happy with a handwritten card and a chocolate bar from the store. Tom usually rolled his eyes with the explanation that he just wanted to spoil you, but this year he was determined to listen.
His plan begun by dragging Harry and Harrison any number of luxury gift stores, pulling his beanie lower over his curls when he was met by paps who might spoil where he was shopping for you.
"Mate seriously, she'll like anything you get her." sighed Harry, scuffing his shoes along the floor as he trailed after Tom.
"Yeah, why don't you just get her this?" asked Harrison, pointing to the nearest gift on display, a floral patterned box boasting a large collection of moisturizers and expensive hair products.
Tom glanced at it, sighing in defeat.
"It just doesn't scream Y/N, you know?"
"I know what screamed Y/N too many times last night for me to get any sleep." muttered Harry as he flopped down onto a sofa, wincing at how uncomfortable it was.
Harrison nudged him, knowing teasing Tom wouldn't get them home anytime quicker.
"What if you made her something?" he suggested.
Tom quirked one eyebrow.
"Like what?"
"Uhmm," Harrison panicked, not expecting Tom to even allow him to elaborate. "A drawing? Something that tells her how much you love her."
Tom scoffed lightly, before blinking as he fully took in what Harrison was saying and the skeleton of an idea began to form.
"Right you divs, let's get out of here." he said, yanking Harry up who cheered.
"We've got to go to the craft store." he grinned, causing Harry to simply flop onto the floor in despair.
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
"Open Tom's next." suggested Tuwaine, picking up the flat gift and handing it over. The group had retired to the conservatory in the late afternoon to eat cake and watch you open your gifts. You'd already received gifts in a varying range of stupid, funny and dirty from the boys and only Tom's gift was left.
You wiggled your eyes at him as you shook it gently, trying to decipher what could be inside. As you flipped it over and began to slip your nail underneath the tape, Tom suddenly reached out to grasp your wrist.
"Wait!" he yelled and you blinked in surprise. "Can you- can we- can you open this one in our room?" he asked, receiving hoots and wolf-whistles from the boys.
"It's a sexy gift!" cheered Harrison. "Good for you Tom, I didn't think you had the balls for it."
Tom rolled his eyes.
"I have the- nevermind. Love?" he guided you to stand up, bringing you inside and leading you down the hallway.
"Is everything alright?" you asked, sitting down on your side of the bed with Tom next to you.
"Yeah," he said uncertainly. "I just didn't want you to open it around all them in case you hate it."
Intrigued, you peeled the tape off and slid off the thick wrapping paper, gasping when around thirty small cards fell out, spreading over your and Tom's laps.
"Shit, sorry" you said as Tom chuckled, picking the cards up and depositing them back in your hands. He didn't say anything, only watching your face intensely as he tried to gage your reaction.
You picked up the first card, tracing a finger over the wobbly words written in bright shades of glitter glue.
Thirty Reasons I Love You
You slid the card to the back, inspecting the next one on the pile
You always watch Love Island with me even though you say you despise it.
You giggle, moving onto the next card.
You look sexy even when you're doing the dishes or washing your hair.
You always listen to my problems and know when to help me find a solution and when to just let me rant.
You come to golf with me and the boys even though I know it's not your thing.
You always tell me how proud you are when we go to a premiere of a movie I'm in.
You're the best cuddler and always hold me if I wake up in the night and can't get back to sleep.
You look after me and I trust you with my life.
You're my best friend.
"Tom," you say quietly, sniffling.
"Do you like it?" he asks worriedly. "I can get you something else too if you want. We could go shopping, or-"
"Tom." you interrupt him, placing a finger over his lips. "I love it," you whisper. "This is the sweetest thing anyone's ever given me."
Tom blushes as he pulls you closer, pressing his lips to yours softly and tracing the outline of your cheek with his hand.
After a minute you pull away, hearing the boys getting rowdy outside as they waited for you to return.
"We'd better get back," you whisper, resting your head on his shoulder.
Tom nods, rising to his feet and offering you a hand to pull yourself up.
"Thank you for the gift, baby. I'll keep it forever." you say into his ear as he wraps an arm around your shoulders leading you out of the room. He presses his lips to your forehead, squeezing you into his warmth.
"Happy birthday, baby."
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
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bchanslvr · 1 year
New Year's Day [hp x gn!reader]
word count — 669
warnings — one kiss, sickly sweet fluff & not proof read.
summary — new year's day with harry.
a/n — yeah i know i'm late but i wanna start the year with my bf <3
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Gosh Harry hated parties. Everyone was always staring, even when they thought they were slick with it, Harry could always see right through it.
He hated the people, the clothing, the intrusive conversations, the spotlight surrounding him, everything about it was stupid and he just wanted to go home.
But no you insisted on going to this New Year's Eve party, and that was the only reason he was here.
He was so goddamn lucky to have found you. An honest, and incredibly beautiful person from the inside out that loves him so much. Even through his flaws and scars.
He didn't know how he scored you but ever since he felt your unconditional love, nothing in the world mattered more than coming home to you dancing around the kitchen listening to a mainstream song as you cooked dinner.
You grounded him. From the distraction of all that outside of your home.
So that's why he willingly put aside every thought to be here with you on the floor tonight.
To be honest you were pretty neutral with parties. You only came tonight as an excuse to wear your most lavish clothes, and because some friends invited you and how could you say no?
And well, it gave you a chance to boast about your husband. Because who wouldn't when God gave him a beautiful face and the body of a prince.
Eventually came late night as people finally started leaving in their bougie cars and or lifts. You got the cue and managed to drag Harry home after 10 whole minutes of people saying goodbye to him.
Once you got home you rid yourself of any jewels and shoes before dashing for the bathroom to change into the comfort of your night clothes.
You wanted to shower but it was almost midnight and you were exhausted, so you opted for a morning shower once you woke up.
You swiftly did your night routine before collapsing onto your shared bed. Harry following a few minutes after.
You pulled the blanket over your bodies, and layed your head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around your waist. His face resting on your soft hair.
He kissed the crown of your head as you drifted off to sleep in his arms. Yet he still layed there, wide awake and staring at the ceiling.
"Love?" He asked softly as you let out a sleepy "mhm".
"I love you so much. I know I don't say it often but I really do. Do you know how lucky I am going into another year with you? The light of my life."
Your sleep faded as you kept listening to his words. Usually you would slap him on the arm telling him to go back to sleep if he woke you in the middle of night, but not this time.
You clang onto every word that left his lips. Soft in the heart as you pulled him closer to you in an embrace.
"Harry. You don't have to say 'I love you' because I know you do in your actions. Every single day I'm grateful to have a person like you to call as my husband. You're so selfless in everything you do. I don't know how I deserve you but God am I glad because I don't think I can let you go after everything that we've been through so far. "
"Y/N..." He whispered as tears pricked his eyes. Never ever in his life did he think he'd find someone so kind and loving like you.
All those nights as a kid as he stared out the window in his dorm wishing for love never went to waste.
He held you impossibly tighter as fireworks went off in the background as New Year's Day came.
You both lay there, lost in a trance of pure love.
"I love you Harry. Always will. I can't wait to spend another year with you." You say, turning around to gently kiss him on the lips.
harry taglist - again i have no one to tag right now except the people i already know like my works because i made a new taglist which is in my navigation so if you'd like to be tagged in future works check it out! anyways @ronsbadidea @ladyvesuvia @heythereangels @hmupotter @toms-diary
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Hi, you probably don't remember me, but you reblogged my art a few years back! Since the 2nd of September, 2022, I could not stop thinking about the tags you left on this post:
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I mean that in a good way! I have no idea who you are, but I promised myself that I would remake my art better and make a pizza combination that would make you proud... (and yes, I have NOT stopped thinking about it in the last 2 years. in fact, I go back to this past just to giggle at the tags you left every so often) So, you can respond to this if you like, but what would YOU think is the best pizza combination if Tom and Harry were to order one? P.S. Asking this since I'm revamping my banner and I so badly want to change their pizza order, who better else than to ask you what would do them justice? (I've also updated the art so if you wanna check that out LMAO)
hiii, I definitely remember your art, and I’m flattered that my very silly comments that I made when I was probably half awake and sleep deprived at a very late hour managed to make you giggle.
“what would YOU think is the best combination if Tom and Harry were to order one?”
Man, I honestly don’t know 🤔…
I saw this ask like a few hours after you sent it, and I was like hmmm, and I spent quite a bit pondering on it, and I’ve been pondering on it since, but i’m still not sure..
Yk, I feel like he (Voldemort, that is, or Tom) probably doesn’t like pizza. idk. he just doesn’t seem the type. if he did, he’d probably like something like Prosciutto e funghi, Margherita, and..maybe a veg pizza? with like, olives and stuff? maybe not?? idk.
thin crust or thick crust? thin.
Harry, I think he’d like Caprese, Pepperoni, Margherita, Quattro Formaggi, etc (maybe even pineapple and ham?? 👀)
and thin crust or thick crust? probably both. maybe…I noticed that in the uk, thin crust is more prevalent over thick, thick crust seems to be more of an American thing…i think he’d prob still like it tho, he’d demolish a deep dish pizza anytime.
So if they were to order a combo, maybe it could b a combination of some of these. Anyways yeah.
honoured that u value my opinion enough and thought to ask me.
(Btw, I went to look for the updated art u mentioned, but I couldn’t find it…I bet it’s just as cute and nice as the original though! I rlly like ur artstyle)
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shrikebrother · 7 months
what YA books i think the succession characters would like if they were lonely teens going to the school library
(according to a YA enthusiast)
tom: looking for alaska by john green. i feel like i don't really need to explain this one. he thinks he's miles halter & the whole "anti manic pixie dream girl" message kind of went over his head
roman: forgive me, leonard peacock by matthew quick. i think he'd enjoy leonard's character voice & his teen self would relate to him a lot, especially in a certain part of the book that i'm not going to spoil
shiv: she would've secretly liked twilight by stephenie meyer. i feel like she definitely went through this "not like other girls" sort of phase when she was a teen, which is part of why she'd like twilight & also why she'd never admit it to anyone
kendall: 13 reasons why by jay asher & i'm not even sure what my reasons are for this choice. i just feel it in my gut. the whole time reading it he'd be thinking "wow... girls go through so much... i would have supported her" . sometimes he fantasizes abt killing himself & doing what hannah baker did
greg: i don't even know if this counts as YA but i guess maybe the harry potter series? i don't think he would be a super fan or anything. he would just be like "oh um yeah i read those books... uhh 3 points for gryffindor am i right? haha" in conversations when he doesn't know what else to say
some extra commentary in the tags
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racfoam · 1 year
Rarepair tag game
Rules: List the top rarepairs that you like outside of your OTP, and why you ship it! (Criteria for what makes a rarepair is up to your own discretion.)
Thank you for the tag @limonium-anemos ! I read a lot of rare ships by divida, and I’m pretty much up for anything, really.
Female Voldemort/Harry - This one is my favourite. I know, it probably isn't considered a rare ship since it's still Tomarrymort, but this is my favourite. You all have Vish @youknowmevj to thank for it and their fic Closer The Better
Volmione (Voldemort/Hermione) - I mean snake-face Voldemort with Hermione. Which I think are rare, therefore it's here. The one that introduced me to Volmione itself (though I was very much searching for snake-face Voldy & Hermione) is the greatest fucking Volmione fic by the absolute genius @mrmxlemons Apple Of My Eye. It is everything I ever needed in Volmione. Poetry and prose and beautiful descriptions.
Also, another Volmione rec is The Ivory Tower but fair warning, it ends with Voldy dying.
Harry/Delphini - Listen. Delphini being obsessed with Harry just like her father was and sneaking around to make him hers does something for me, all right? Again, there is a wonderful fic by @youknowmevj Like Father, Like Daughter that got me into the ship.
Delphini/Albus - Albus and Delphini together are the cutest. I read a fic and I always liked the idea of these two together and divida's work just made me very happy because we got some very good content. 
Harry/Barty - This would be such an interesting dynamic to explore, if Barty found out Harry is Voldy's Horcrux he'd be getting on his knees for Harry and treat him like royalty.
Teddy/Delphini - I love them together just as much as I like Albus & Delphini together. They are my favourite next gen ship. Teddy is cute, Delphi is a bit mean but very direct on what she wants. I don't think Teddy could refuse her — not that she’d give him a choice. 
Voldemort/Albus - Voldemort corrupting Harry's son… hell yeah.
Voldemort/Lily Luna - I don’t think this one is popular, if at all? If there is something better Voldemort can do to get revenge on Harry, it would be taking Harry’s only daughter. I like the thought that Lily would be interested in meeting the Dark Lord. Of course, he’d use that to his advantage. But I think Lily wouldn't be that easily fooled, but also, she'd be a cutie. If I were to have a fic idea, it would be Voldemort surviving the battle and time-skipping to where Lily has to take care of him because he’s old and grouchy and she's a Healer and insists everyone deserves to get health care. I think Voldemort would loathe her at first, be annoyed with her because she is Potter’s spawn, but later he’d tolerate her. 
Tom/Abraxas - I think they’re neat.
Tom/Dolohov - Same as above. Murder boyfriends. Absolute chaos.
Harry/Nagini - You heard me. Two of Voldemort's Horcruxes together? Sign me up.
Delphini/Harry/Voldemort - I have no explanation for this. None. Zero. 
Harry/Merope - I don’t know why but I like the idea of time-travelling Harry saving Merope from the Gaunt shack before she meets Riddle Sr or helping her after Tom Sr leaves her. Without the love potion plot. I did read a fic where Merope love-potioned Harry and even though it is Tomarry, I liked the potential for a darker side of the relationship Harry must be going through with Merope.
Hermione/Fleur - Need I say more? Two girl bosses girl bossing.
Voldemort/Tom - He's enjoying himself (pun intended)
Harry/Cedric - I don’t know if it’s considered a rare ship but I definitely love them.
No pressure tags: @maidenwychelm , @isalisewrites , @youknowmevj , @tommarvoloriddlesdiary ,@riddlemeharder , @loneamaryllis , @purplewitch156 , @itsevanffs , @cordeliawrites , @crowcrowcrowthing , @shouldertallabyss , @mishqua , @louveclaviere , @rudehellion, @monsieurclavier, @metalomagnetic, @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger
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duplicitywrites · 1 year
thank you @joeys-piano for inviting me to do this! happy holidays and a happy new year to you 🌹🌹
post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular),
your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year,
your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year,
your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year,
and your number 1 favorite line you've written this year!
tagging: @cindle-writes @clarasghosts @crowcrowcrowthing @dividawrites @itsevanffs @latteloves @louveclaviere @phantomato @the-paper-monkey @vivantesopales or anyone else who wants to do this!
top five listed below, and everything else under the cut. nothing is in any particular order, but i do think the WIPs are probably the most interesting ones...
okay, this was a hard choice. if i spent some more time on it, i could probably change my answer a million times. but if i had to rescue five fics from a burning house, i hope it would be these ones(?)
the eternal flame (21,925 words) | WIP
Harry raising Tom is a dynamic i LOVE to explore, and this is my latest go at it. there will be another new one in 2023, you can bet on it
Fight Fire with Fire (14,275 words) | Complete
this is just chaotic fun LMAO and bottom tom, always a treat 😌💕
Terms and Conditions May Apply (16,822 words) | WIP
first person POV! retired voldemort! and some of the funniest jokes i've ever written. idk what is wrong with me when i write this story but i hope it happens again
We Still Have Time (9,053 words) | Complete
other people changed my mind about this one so it gets an honorary spot for that reason 💖 not to mention blood, sweat, and tears went into writing this 😭
sweet everything (1,360 words) | Complete
tomdric! beloved! i find myself really enamoured with them and with second person POV. this work has a lot of phrasing that i'm proud of.
have some WIP! some of these have proper summaries, some don't. we get what we get and we don't get upset, etc 😭
mary (working title) | fem!tom riddle x harry potter
Troubled young women have a tendency to marry men like their fathers. At least, that is what Tom had been told. What they never told her was how, exactly, the union of her parents had come to be. Or: Tom Riddle meets Harry Potter. She decides she has to have him, no matter the cost.
apotheosis | harrymort, pov draco malfoy
Growing up side by side with Harry, Draco learned two very important things: One, Voldemort was a god, terrifyingly monstrous and more powerful than any wizard on the planet. And two, Harry Potter was his.
tempered in darkness | harrymort, vee wins AU
working summary: harry is chosen from a lottery pool to have his dirty blood purged by lord voldemort
like his father (working title) | harrycest, mod!harry
“Are you—my dad?” You open your mouth to say no. You should say no. James Potter is long dead and not even time travel can fix that. But all your life, you’ve been told how much you look like your father. And now, looking into your own eyes, you couldn’t bear to see them disappointed. “You look like me,” Harry adds in a mumble, as if he’s trying to convince himself. “Yeah,” you croak, dropping to your knees and taking the boy’s tiny hands in your own. “Yeah, Harry, I’m your dad.” You sway closer, brushing the child’s messy bangs aside, and place a kiss to the left of your famous lightning scar. “You can call me James.”
i have learned to take my time with writing! i've done a lot more editing this year than i have in the past, painstakingly scrapping a lot more words than i used to. but i believe the end results are better and i'm happy with almost everything that has been posted this year 💕
i'm not sure if this can be stated as an improvement, though i'm sure some people will beg to differ, but i started writing more smut this year LOL
simply put, more writing = better 😌 practice doesn't make exactly perfect but it does produce visible results!
i don't like making resolutions, but here are some general ones i shall try to abide by
to write only what i am passionate about
finishing what i can, and accepting the rest as they are 😌
okay this one is just impossible lmao. i wrote so much and i have more that i haven't even posted, so i am going to list a bunch and maybe someone can tell me which one is the best
He has no urge to kill what has already been buried. (the eternal flame)
It feels fair, then, that Tom Riddle will be both the love of his life and the aching close of it. (Hallows, Not Horcruxes)
Comments like this reminded Harry why he sometimes had to pay attention to Tom even when he didn’t want to. (2 Tame 2 Boyfriend)
"[...] If someone came into this house to murder us, I would let the murderer kill you, and then, once I was sure that you were dead, I would kill the murderer." (Terms and Conditions May Apply)
For the first time in his cold, unfeeling life, Tom hoped that Dumbledore was right and there was an afterlife waiting for him so he could still rail Harry at least once. (Nevermind)
Lost in the richness of Tom Riddle’s gorgeously exceptional life, his world has never looked so bright. (resurfacing)
Tom Riddle was a hollow child turned hollow man; Harry was all the heart he had. (like angels put in hell by god)
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evernkillian · 1 year
HP Fanfiction Recs | One- Shot Edition; Part 1
Standard Rec Lists Disclaimers Apply: Please for the love of God read the tags and Author's Note/s, This is NOT the ultimate rec lists or whatever, the fics below are my cup of tea.
Also, I tried my best to make the Quotes I included spoiler free but if you think it is just tell me!
(also, I have more fic recs! Here)
1. r/AITA by Seagate
G | 2k Words | Hermione / Draco
Summary: A budding relationship seen through the eyes of Reddit posts
Hermione POV. Well, Reddit Post Style. Hermione's a good friend 🥹🥹🥹 Actually, most of her posts are about Harry, seeking advice on how could she make sure that he won't get hurt/make sure that he's in good hands. ALSO ALSO they keep interacting in the comments so READ THEIR USERNAMES IT'S FUNNIER IF U KNEW WHO IT IS. To this day whenever I remember Voldemort's comment I laugh. I love Hermione's characterization- she's loyal, and she takes no shit. I laugh a lot reading this because Hermione sounds so serious but it's funny. Also my favorite quote:
I don't buy it for a second. The kicked puppy look, the lost baby blue eyes, and pouty lips? I was there when he perfected it. When he used the fake remorse to get out of trouble with the professors. 
I slammed the door in his face. I'd rather get murdered, thanks.
2. Do Not Collect 200 Dollars by KittySmith
T | 11k Words
Summary: It isn't Voldemort who is reverted to baby form from the Final Super Spell - but why is Harry still alive?
Is Voldemort... cooing?
Crack fic. Like, really crack. I reread this fic when I need a laugh. Voldemort's mind is a beautiful place it's so funny. I love how oblivious Voldemort is with Snape's kidnapping attempts LAUGHING CRYING SOBBING the interactions of these 3 are my favorite parts because of its peak comedy. Voldemort as the most bizarre doting parent ever. Oh, yeah, it's a Voldemort Wins AU. He's just taking care of Harry and researching. What an icon. ALSO MY FAVORITE QUOTE:
He examined the banana he had left consideringly, checking its heft before he threw it directly into Severus’ terrified face with a flat, “Bitch.”
3. Heartbreaking Confession by LiquidLuckandStuff (@liquidluckandstuff )
M | 1k Words | Harry / Tom|Voldemort
Summary: After the war, Harry visits Voldemort's grave after a bad day with a Mind Healer.
He confesses something he is too scared to tell even his closest friends.
Just Harry having a bad day and talking to Voldemort's grave. About Almosts, what ifs, what could've beens. This fic shows that Voldemort and Harry understood each other very much. The ways they've shown it while they're enemies, while one of them is dead. Also my favorite quote!!! It's longer than this, 3 paragraphs but i think that would be too spoiler-y so here it is!
Quietly, Harry whispered a terrible secret. “Sometimes, I want to crawl in there with you."
4. Breaking More Taboos by Destiny_Of_A_Dragon
M | 3k Words | Harry / Voldemort
Summary: The first time Harry broke the taboo, he’d been beyond starving, with little to no choice. The second and third times were much the same.
But the fourth?
That’s when everything changed.
HOLY MOLY THIS FIC!!!! MAKES ME FERAL!!! It's so unique and I've reread it lots of times!!! Can't say more because spoilers but!!! If you've read this scream about it with me. Sadly I can't put my favorite quote here since I don't wanna ruin the surprise factor but!!! Just know I have a lot of them!!!
5. Lightning Heart by Clarisse (transnymphtaire)
G | 1k Words | Harry / Tom
Summary: The first time you touch, a matching symbol is left behind where skin met skin.
ROLE REVERSAL AU!!! DARK LORD HARRY GRRRRRRRR. ALSO GRYFFINDOR TOM. Also Luna's part is brief here but she's a badass I love her. And!!! Harry giving tom gifts for courting. And they're soulmates! Favorite quote:
"Did you know that Gryffindor was my old house?” Harry ask conversationally, as if they’re not under the school, with a mirror hiding the Philosopher’s stone.
“It’s why I chose it over Slytherin.” Tom answers.
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hirukochan · 4 months
i’m sad that your tears finally soon to come to completion, but i’m glad that i was part of the waiting journey of this amazing fic to read our 2 protagonists finally get their happy ending!
buuuuut excited from your upcoming fic astrea x voldemort snippets, they got me salivating would you count this as reverse harem? 🫣 i’d love to read the dynamic differences of each voldemort from various of time frames, and to read them beefing over astrea or his horcruxes insulting voldemort like “you can do better that that” for losing the first war(i can see a little shit teenager tom riddle saying it), it makes sense that his worthy competitors are his own self/creation. will voldemort lose his shit over that? cause i love me some unhinged snake face voldemort😏
will you reveal in the tags a as voldemort wins au? and the type of ending? or are you going to keep the reader on their toes, letting the characters move on their own in your mind?
though i got a feeling this will be a merry-bad ending (fucked up tragedy from outsiders’ pov but the main characters themselves are happy)
Thank you so much! And what a journey it was! There were so many sub-plot I didn't see coming but that worked so well within the story I couldn't just *not* write them.
For the upcoming fic, yeah, I'd say it's reverse harem even it's technically the same person but...three times. There is sweet, innocent Astrea, sixteen-year-old Tom Riddle and Voldemort and then some time later Mr Gaunt joins into the fun as well. It'll be a dark fic. Voldemort isn't nice and his past selfs certainly weren't either.
Voldemort is pretty much the same as I write him always, very manipulative, charming and he can be 'nice' if he wants to.
Tom Riddle is certainly influenced by the years he has spend with Astrea already, I think consuming someone's soul leaves its traces lol. He is trapped in that moment right after killing Myrtle with the Basilik and creating his first Horcrux. So he's ofc also emotionally stuck at sixteen.
Mr Gaunt, the locket, was created some time before Voldemort's downfall, I put it somewhere between 1965 and 1970 personally. He is older, has a more 'refined' taste in cruelty and was at the height of his power before his 'death'. He still has his human features but he isn't quite human anymore. Kinda uncanny valley style. Astrea can feel that something is off and it scares her.
All Voldemorts find her fear entertaining but all Voldemorts have their own aspirations and all Voldemorts are jealous and wildly possessive - even towards each other. I am very much looking forward to writing them interact and exploring different facets of the same character. Voldemort is such an interesting character!
They are each unhinged in their own way! And Tom, because he has already spend so much time by Astrea's side, already considers her 'his' so that'll result in some delicious conflict.
I am not sure yet if the other Horcruxes make an appearance too. Nagini is there but her Horcrux is different, it doesn't seem to really manipulate the world around her like the diary does - same goes for Harry. I like the idea of the diadem, cup and ring joining but idk if I could make more than three believable and yet different versions of Voldemort. Also the whole name thing would get confusing. Thomas, Riddle and Marvolo perhaps but eh.
The fic is both canon-divergent and a Voldemort-wins-au. The diary never reaches Hogwarts so the entire second year wouldn't happen like it does in the novels and the adults act...more intelligent lol xD Astrea herself also influences several events.
I have an idea how the fic will end but that might still change, I can see this fic getting potentially quite long 😅 So I will for now not say much about that other than that I personally don't like bad endings full of misery and death and hopelesness.
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anatee · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
@thegreatwicked thank you so much for the tag! ♥
1. How many works do you have on AO3? Seven, I have all of them here as well.
2. What's your total A03 word count? 114,650
3. What fandoms do you write for? Star Wars & Harry Potter (across all media). I guess Moon Knight counts, too, but I only have one so far. Honestly, I prefer writing for Star Wars (or anything else) here (smut), since all my Wattpad is Harry Potter-themed.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
You can read all of these from my masterlist here!
These are all smuts.
Fantasy | Kylo Ren
Bloody Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker
A sweet way to go | Anakin Skywalker
Insufferable | Armitage Hux
The Cockpit | Poe Dameron 
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes, but only when I have anything to add. But I absolutely love reading comments.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I hate angst, I don't like reading nor writing it, but ig Bloody Skywalker has kind of an angsty ending for some because - spoiler - Anakin still turns to the dark side. To me, it's a win, but I saw some people being sad about it 😅 I have a Harry Potter fic about an OC x Death Eater that ends pretty angsty though.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Almost all of my fics have happy endings, like I said, I hate angst. But let's say my Cedric Diggory fanfic in which he does not die and then has 5 children, a cottage and a wife with a tea shop.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not really, but now that I had my first book published - which started as a fic originally - I'm sure I will 🥴
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes, that's why I'm here on Tumblr. I'm a good girl on Wattpad and a smut freak here. All kinds of smut. I kinda want to try writing a threesome since I never wrote it before and that will take some courage 😆
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? No, I'm not a big fan of them, but a Moon Knight crossover in which Marc's next personality is Poe Dameron sounds very tempting.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yep, multiple times on Wattpad.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? By myself, yeah 😆
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, and that would be a nightmare for me. I don't agree with myself, let alone someone else...
14. What's your all-time favourite ship? I usually hate canon x canon ships, because I always hate one of the characters, that's why I write x OC/x readers only.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Oh, for the love of Khonshu, the list is longer than the Nile.
16. What are your writing strengths? Based on thr compliments I usually get, I'd say it's describing emotions (which I hate doing) and sticking to the canon in fics (and not making OOCs).
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I forget about things I know I should apply - like show, don't tell rule - and I hate proofreading.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? Depends. Sometimes it works if the reader isn't supposed to understand either, but you gotta make sure it's correct and not too much.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Monster High, when I was like what, 11, 12?
20. Favourite fic you've ever written? Insufferable for Hux aaaand Pact With The Devil for Tom Riddle.
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childotkw · 1 year
Hey do you know if there a term or trope name for Harry Potter time travel to Tom Riddle just out of Hogwarts era like Voldemort rising but not seen as a dark lord yet?
Not sure if there's an official term or trope for it, but you could try a series of tags if you're on AO3?
Something like:
'Time Travel'
'Time Travelling Harry Potter'
'Pre-Dark Lord Tom Riddle'
'Pre-First Wizarding War with Voldemort'
'Hogwarts Graduate Tom Riddle', etc.
Some of them might not have been used, but AO3 is normally good at picking out similarly worded tags, and then you can narrow it down with relationships or alternative tags?
But yeah, I don't know if it has a wildly used trope name. Sorry!
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itsevanffs · 1 year
Rarepair Tag Game
Thanks for the tags <3 I'm not gonna tag anyone because that's too much effort for my sickly victorian twink body (as my wife puts it) but I guess I'll extend an open invitation to anyone who wants to do this as well.
Rules: List the top rarepairs that you like outside of your OTP, and why you ship it! (Criteria for what makes a rarepair is up to your own discretion.)
Um. I barely read anything outside tomarrymort, but these can never ever go wrong with me:
1. Tom/Tom Sr
Yes. His dad. Lord Voldemort and his dead corpse of a dad. I'm not particularly into necro which is why I like them underage, like I did in Malachi 1:6. If you know me you kind of saw this one coming 😌
2. Tom/Tom
Yes. Himself. My first foray into Tom-centric fic was one where I made him fuck his own reflection in a mirror. Masturbating with a clone I guess. I think he deserves himself
3. Tom Sr/Harry
Yeah. If Harry can't get Tom he should get his dad. On that note
4. Tom Sr/Harry/Tom
Harry can also just get both of them. No loss for me. I enjoy some good old spitroasting and double penetration and this father/son duo is perfect for that. Also I headcanon Sr is just as bad as his kid we just never got to see it
(Wow. I really have a trend... I'm gonna shake it up a little. Look:)
5. Hedric. But only when Cedric is evil, possessed by vee/a horcrux or just vee/a horcrux in disguise
I think this one is fairly self explanatory. I do think it's a rarepair, and I'm clearly always right. Amanda is the best for making a fic about it especially considering I am too disorganised to make my own
...Yeah. I mean I guess I'm pretty loyal to tomarrymort and its adjacents so even my rarepairs don't look very different. I tried to get into tomdric for a bit and crow did a fucking spectacular job with that gore snuff fic and vonn did an incredible job with the tomdric prefect bath art in converting me, but that click isn't quite there... yet. Who knows? Maybe I'll have -counts on fingers- six rarepairs soon beside tomarrymort.
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