#i didnt intend this as romantic but you know how it is
venic-of-paper · 24 days
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Based on that one bojack meme.
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rubylovessharks · 5 months
floyd leech x fem reader x jade leech smut warning: this has some yandere details and this is smut. kinda dark (?) reader is fine with it though. this didnt start with an established romantic relationship with the twins but did end with one. from my (very short) research i have found some stuff about how moray eels get to the point of mating, which is to have enough food, for the water temperature to be warm and if i remember correctly the ok sign for them to mate is their mouth being open (?) so ive been thinking of this scenario for the past few days. this was longer then intended :(
You were in the Monstruo Lounge with your friends after you all finished all of your tests for this semester, you all wanted to celebrate together. So here you are talking and waiting for your orders but you feel eyes on you. I mean it makes sense because you are in a dorm full of scheming guys, so you can never tell what any of them is thinking. Yet the unnerving feeling of being watched doesn't seem to end. Little did you know that a set of twins were looking your way from not too far preparing you and your friends order.
"Ughh I just don't get why shrimpy hangs out with those guys! Like are they better then us? no!" The taller of the two pouts his face as he talks with his twin. "Now now Floyd, there's no need to worry. I know she prefers us a lot more then her..." he pauses for a moment there as to find a better word then the one he is thinking, "friends." his signature smile on his face as he finishes making your food. "how about you help me get these orders to the customers and then we'll call our lovely pearl for a little..talk?" "ohhh~ that sounds sooo much more fun then handing out orders!"
And here was your food. Delivered by the Leech twins. Their smiles uncanny yet charming, you think to yourself. It really was true that you like them over your friends. Your fantasies just as twisted as theirs, you wouldn't even mind if your food was spiked just so they could take you down into the depth of the sea.
"I hope you all enjoy your food and drinks." Jade says with a smile. His head then turns to you, "i hope you won't mind if he had a chat after you finish your dish? Me and Floyd had something we wanted to talk to you about." It wasn't everyday you were called to a one on two chat with your crushes, you nod a bit to fast with a smile that was too wide. "We hope you enjoy your meal! We worked reaaal hard on it, we even got you extra!" Floyd says as he waves to you while he and his brother walk away.
You finish your food quickly as you were excited for your interaction with the twins. You bid your friends farewell and walk to the Monstruo Lounge bar table to find the twins, instead you are greeted by Floyd. "You actually came! Saves me work. C'mon Jade is waiting in our room!" He tells you, seeing your confused look he adds, "what you didn't think we wanted to talk here. With all of those hungry eyes on you."
as you walk over to their room Floyd takes your hand roughly, squeezing it. He is also tagging you a bit but other then the rough treatment nothing really happens on your way to their room. Although you seem to notice that Floyd's eyes are on you and not the way ahead. Once you get Infront of their door Floyd slams it open, not enough to break it but you are sure they'll need to fix it later...
In the room Jade is standing there with a bunch of different stuff mostly food and bottles of water, and there's even more on their tables. "I brought them!" Floyd takes you as if showing his brother a prize he won, big smile on his face. "Floyd i am sure you are leaving a ton of bruises on them...You should let them go a little." Jade says as he finishes putting all the stuff he had in his hands on the table and turns back to the both of you. "oh come onn.. We are gonna leave marks on them anywaysss! Why not start now.." Your face turns to one of confusion after what Floyd said, what did he mean by 'we are gonna leave marks anyways'...?
"My Floyd you are scaring the poor thing." Jade gives Floyd his usual calm face. "Do not worry pearl, it won't hurt too much." he looks at you now, yet his words don't help you understand the situation any better. "I do hope you ate all of the food we gave you. We would be very upset if you didn't." He gives you a hurt face "yeaah we worked so much just to keep you from bein' hungry in our lil' session~" now you are even more confused.. "Oya? It seems she doesn't know what we are talking about. My did you not tell her brother?" "huhhh? Was I supposed tooo.."
"Alright then, dearest I hope you noticed the temperature this season. Eels don't have an actual mating cycle. We get to mating when the water temperatures are warm, that there's enough food to eat and we have all of these conditions." Now you get it...All that extra food, that talk about marks.. All of it was their natural instincts. Wait- what does that mean that they took you for that?!
"ahha! Red fits you well shrimpy~!" "It seems our little prey has understood their situation." You weren't actually listening, still trying figure out how you got both of your crushes to pick you as their mate you don't even notice as Floyd pushes you over to his brother who pushes you on the bed. "Do not worry pearl, we will take good care of you." Jade smiles at you as he starts taking your uniform off. "Can't we just rip it though?? Like she won't need it anyways if she is gonna be staying here.." "my brother where are your manners."
You try to ask what is it that they mean by that and you immediately feel small after asking. They laugh at your question, your stupid, stupid question. "My shrimpy you are so silly!" Floyd gets closer as he says that, "you won't need to go outside when you are our mate. All you need to think about is being a good lil' wifey or us, yeah?" "Floyd's right dear. The outside is no place for you, with all of those hungry, hungry people just wanting even one bite out of you! You are a lot more safer here with us." they flash a smile at you, one that should be considered creepy yet you aren't afraid at all. Instead you give one smile of your own, maybe not as creepy and sadistic, yet still a smile that says a lot from how you feel about your situation.
"Oh what a cute smile you've got there shrimpy! I just wanna squeeze you to death!!" Floyd falls on top of your body as he says that and immediately starts to touch your squishy parts. You guess that he isn't a huge fan of your clothes as he starts to claw at them trying rid of them. "Oya oya Floyd no need to claw at her clothes." The shorter twin tries to calm his twin down yet to no avail as the taller one broke the fabric with his unkept nails, scratching a bit of your skin in the processes. Seeing as he already got to break down some of your uniform he continues until he finishes destroying the piece of clothing off your body, leaving you naked and easy for the taking.
"See! I told you it'll be better if we just cut her clothes to pieces!" Floyd tells his brother, big smile on his face. His brother looks at you before answering Floyd, "my, I guess you were correct." As you look at Jade Floyd gets to work on your body, his not so human tongue all over your neck and some of your chest, licking and licking until he puts his mouth on your body.
Sharp teeth nibling on your body threatening to draw blood, as he gets closer to your most sensitive spot and he bites it. And he bites it HARD. You let out a small scream as tears well up in your eyes and you immediately feel a set of fingers on the top of your head. "shhh. As I said before this doesn't hurt too much, please try to endure for us love." Jade pets your head trying to keep you from thinking too much about the pain. You try to keep yourself from making any more pained sounds as Floyd's mouth lets go of the spot, Jade shoos Floyd to let him comfort you further as he licks the wound.
"Hey hey shrimpy now even if someone sees you they'll know who you belong to! Ain't that funn~?" You nod at him as your hand reaches to Jade's head as he still licks your wound from Floyd. "YEAH!? Greatt!! I'm so happy to know we both agree this is for the best" his smile grows wider by the second. You suddenly feel a soft kiss being placed on another sensitive spot of yours, Jade loooks up at you from his spot before speaking. "Now I want to warn you before I mark you as well love, I promise to be gentle just bear with me, alright?" you nod at his words preparing yourself before the second assault, and as Jade promised his bite is indeed more gentle then Floyd's yet it still hurts a lot.
"Heyy shrimpy how 'bout you jerk me off as Jade continues to mark you up?" You look over to Floyd as he already has his pants off and his dick out. So now you have one hand that is clenched on Jade's hair and the other is jerking Floyd's cock. You take time to take in the details of his privates, a lot more girthy then long, it gets more red as it gets to the head it would probably hurt to take into your mouth. Yet you don't think you will be against it. The closer Floyd is to orgasam the louder his noises are.
You feel Jade stop what he was doing and his head's direction turns to Floyd. "Don't you want to have your first orgasam of the session inside of her Floyd?" "ugh get off my back I can paint both her outside and insides white. It doesn't matter!" Even though it is clear Jade doesn't approve of his twin's way of thinking, he can do nothing as Floyd releases his come over your stomach and chest.
"Heyy Jade think lil' shrimpy could take the both of us in the same time?" Floyd looks over to Jade with a sadistic smile, "my not with her dry her flods are!" your privates are in fact not dry at all, how wet do you even have to be to properly take them?! "Oh don't worry love. I'll make sure you can take us both as soon as I finish eating you out." "whatt? I was hoping I could eat her out first!" "you can take her mouth if you'd like. I'm sure it's just as fun."
Right when they finished arguing they both got into position. They lay you down on the bed so your head would stick out for Floyd to have easy access to your mouth, and for Jade to have an easy access to your privates. Jade's own mouth is skilled enough to please you to orgasm after a short while of just some licks and tongue fucking, while Floyd abused your mouth and throat already getting close to his second orgasm.
That's what your few next hours looked like. Sucking on Floyd's cock as he throat fucks you and his balls slap your face. Having Jade in between your legs fingering you, sucking on your clit and of course, tongue fucking you. You came so many times by now you have lost count! Of course Floyd isn't any different.. Stuffing and messing your throat, mouth and face with his sticky cum.
"Don't you think she is ready to finally take us both?"
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mayearies · 9 months
SPIDERMAN CLASSIC …. miles morales ⟡
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… ꒰ঌ ໒꒱
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#MILESMORALES brooklyn’s one and only spiderman!
⟡ genre: fluff | warnings: platonic/romantic pov, implied aged up જ⁀➴ note!: first time actually using miles as a graphic wow also hype up my 1610 fics more damn
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the large metal doors shut behind you as the music became muffled. your makeup was nicely done, your dress beautiful, but not for the one it was intended to be seen by.
yup. you got stood up at prom.
he was this guy you liked, you considered a friend. and he stood you up. the grey message from your screen illuminated on your face as you leaned against the alleyway. you were disappointed, yeah. but nothing to cry about. the thing to cry about is how humiliating it was.
you left after a few drinks, you friends toning down your sadness. but it didn’t last long. you just wish-
well, this was a surprise. here laid infront of you was the infamous spiderman who saved your city every day. or spiderman 2, most people called him. the only thing different was he was wearing a suit with a bowtie and flowers. and it matched your dress. coincidence? also he was upside down. that’s normal.
“yeah! that’s me,” he rubbed the nape of his neck “sorry, is it weird to see me out of character like this?”
“more or less. why are you so dressed up?”
“long story short— i’m finding a prom date last minute.”
that was both true and a lie. the boy behind the mask was finding a prom date last minute, yeah, but it was purposeful in a way. you could have swore he was younger. he sounded like a freshman or sophomore to you.
“um.. yeah. that’s all im really in for. what are you doin’ out here? arent you cold?”
“a little. i got stood up tonight by my date. sucks, huh?”
he nodded like he didn’t know. you didnt hear it from me, but, that was no mistake. he webbed the guy to a nearby alleyway a few blocks down. apparently he had been that pickpocket going around all throughout this week.
a win is a win in miles’ eyes.
“…would you like to be my date? you can say no of course i was just asking-!”
“that.. would be nice. amazing, actually.”
his lenses went wide, taking up most of his mask which was pretty cute. underneath, he could feel his face warming up. and not because he was upside down.
“yeah! then i can brag to my friends how i went to prom with spiderman or something, it would be fun.”
“.. would you go with me if you knew who was under this mask?”
“mmm. depends. you seem sweet. my parents say you’re a jerk. you know, that week that rhino destroyed my dad’s car and blamed you? i saw the whole thing so i thought different.”
his face was heating up more, definately not because he wasn’t right side up.
truth was, miles may have been stalking you for a while. he liked you a lot but was too shy to directly confront you, so he watched from the sidelines. found out everything you liked. everything you loved. he just wishes he was a part of that list.
“also, you sound familiar. have we met?”
“what? nonononono- i’ve never seen you in my life!”
“uh huh.”
you did wonder who was underneath, now. you never suspected it would have been someone you knew, but the drastic change in tone once he dropped the fake deep voice made you wonder.
you wanted to pull his mask above his eyes to see if you did know him, but he waved his hands at the point where it reached over his nose. he seemed like a really shy guy, despite him being the hero of brooklyn.
you hummed in contentless, “well, my friends might hear an earful from me about this encounter. and how i’m going to be dancing with the savior of new york. so thanks for that, spidey.”
you gave him a small kiss on the cheek and he froze, fully expecting a kiss on the lips. peter told him about this whole ‘spiderman kiss’ thing and he wanted to try it. its how he won over mj, after all.
even if it didn’t turn out the way he hoped.
“didnt expect that?”
“absolutely not!”
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afterwards notes: rewrote this twice also hype this up wtf
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©hiimayee loves you !
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paintbrushnebula · 12 days
Just now realized that we're gonna get to see what Gwen intentionally *trying* to flirt looks like
bc like the few times when she said really sentimental things to Miles in ATSV weren't her intending to be romantic. Like the part where she said "What I always think: You're Amazing" was the most affectionate thing she's said to Miles so far, but that was her being unusually candid out of the heavy emotion she was feeling at that moment, not genuine flirting (at least not to her).
But if she's gonna be trying to make up with Miles and maybe doing some mmhmmhmm rizzing...
And I just think that will be Very Funny to watch.
Because you see the thing with Gwen is that she's not used to being open and vulnerable, so she isn't used to just saying how she feels about someone. I think that's why her love language is physical touch.
This is probably totally me projecting, but I always interpreted that physical touch is Gwen's default way of showing affection because expressing affection with words is much more difficult for her to do. It's like her way of expressing love where words fail her. It's kinda all she thinks she's capable of giving.
(Anyone who knows me knows I'm rather touchy too. With my siblings, parents, family, etc. It's always kisses, hugs, gentle arm squeezes, all that. So I relate to this aspect of Gwen's character a lot)
But obviously, physical affection isn't enough anymore. It's cute and highly appreciated, but it won't reveal everything that lies in the heart, or explain what she believes. It's pretty clear by the end of atsv that Miles will need some words from her. Some good words.
Now what's funny to me about Gwen's rizzing potential is that we've seen what it looks like when Gwen is trying to impress someone without knowing how good her chances are. She tried to make a good impression with Miles' parents, but got really awkward and cringed at herself after every attempt at banter or friendly conversation. This was different from how she interacts with the people at the Spider Society because superheroing is her element. It's something she knows she's good at, so there's no self doubt. But Gwen's a fish out of water in domestic situations. I mean, think about the scene where Gwen invites Miles for a swing around New York. The scene that follows very clearly resembles a date, despite the fact that it's not what Gwen meant when she called him out of his window. I think that Gwen had thought about how this could've looked like she was asking him out, then proceeding to shut down any thoughts like that, denying herself that they were on a date, despite that that might've been where her mind had been. Sidebar, I headcanon that during that scene, Miles did allow himself to pretend they were on a date. But anyway, this moment still has Gwen in her element because she's calling him out to swing around the city as spider-woman. It's certainly not the same as asking to casually hang out in civilian clothes to grab a bite or whatever, which would've been much more domestic, which would've been much more difficult for Gwen to attempt at. Gwen knows what the odds are when she's Spider-Woman, but she doesn't know the odds when she's Gwen Stacy.
Gwen not knowing the odds of something working out is what actively keeps her down throughout ATSV before she returns home. She acted with pessimism, and if the chances weren't high, she didnt want to commit herself to trying something that might not work out in the end--a similar outlook I had and still kinda do have, albeit toward my creative endeavors, not romantic relationships (I don't really have experience in that arena tbh)
But now after ATSV she's throwing caution to the wind with Miles, she's gonna face the music and use words this time. And some of those words, might be romantic! Gwen is gonna have a lot to say to Miles, there's so much she'll want to express to him--has been wanting to express to him for 2 years now! A lot of gushy mushy sweet stuff perhaps! Perhaps some rizzy words, yknow? And knowing Gwen, they're probably gonna have a hard time coming out the way she'd like! And it'll probably be very funny!
for us anyway
Ahh, the mythic struggle beauty of being an introvert.
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selfishmachinez · 3 months
this request was inspired by someone else who wrote it with Adam but idk I can’t find the post I think they may have deleted it or smthn😔
anyway- reader x Lucifer , Adam, and mammon (romantic, seperately) who plays that “best brother ever ” prank on them in public? i just think it’s really funny😭 if you don’t know what I’m talking about this is what I mean: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLevxYyu/
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notes: STOPP I SAW THIS ITS SO FUNNY😭 this trend kills me everytime omg
also hours after posting this i realised it was flopping cause i didnt add any tags someone bury me😔
warnings: adam and mammon being themselves (assholes😇); mammon being a bitch (kinda nsfw for him? idk you'll be the judge of that); not proofread
word count: 339
Lucifer 🍎 —
okay so for all 3 lets say your relationship isnt out to the public yet, but people just kinda figured it out already
poor baby was so clueless😭
i dont think hes very up to date with pranks/trends/all that
"well youre not an angel NOT LIKE THAT youre TECHNICALLY not an angel so we cant really be,, siblings,, BUT im glad you think of me like that i just thought we had more going on???"
if you keep the prank going he'll gen be hurt
you had to sit down and explain the joke to him
all you got out of him was a nervous chuckle and a "oooohhhhhhh..."
give my man some time ok hes old as hell (pun intended) 🧍‍♀️
Adam 🪽 —
first of all how DARE you
hes usually the one pulling the pranks on you
bro was flabbergasted 😭
he gives you that stare he gave lucifer after he said "and now i am going to FUCK you >:)"
second of all he kissed you back ok but when you said THAT???
"dont say that, you crazy bitch."
"i love you big bro, cmon."
he pushed you after that one ok🥰
after you tell him you were jk he was like "fuck was that for??? you wanna ruin MY reputation???? do you know who i am" bla bla bla
hes not gen mad just a little pissed at best
Mammon 🃏 —
"youre the best big bro ever!"
his reaction is fairly close to adam's imo
except hes not mad and actually plays along
"you into that stupid ass roleplay thingy now, eh?"
shit got heated for a second😨
"is it now?"
had you genuinely panic
that horny bastard istg!!!!!!!
he saw the trend already so he knows youre just playing
the kiss kinda threw him off tbh, he didnt want your relationship being public yet (cause he outed asmodeus and fizz and didnt wanna be seen as a hypocrite etc)
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i-heart-hxh · 2 months
Hi so i was thinking,is it really a shinju is gon didnt consent to it? U need two people for it to be a shinju, and i have a feeling killua was half joking when he said he wouldnt commit shinju w gon, because he wanted it but gon didnt,its not a shinju if both didnt consent to it, and therefore does it mean it has no implications?
Hi! It's true that if Gon wasn't aware of it, it wouldn't be a shinjuu (lovers suicide). However, it's possible Killua planned to propose this to Gon at the last minute if it became clear they weren't (or Gon wasn't) going to survive, but he was keeping that possibility as a last resort.
I also think Killua was framing it in this way as a form of comforting himself. If they couldn't be together in this lifetime, he was hoping maybe they could be together in the afterlife/next life. And I'm sure he couldn't stand the thought of Gon dying without him, so this was the best Plan B he could think of if all else failed. I bet the thought of whether Gon would even agree to it if it came down to it weighed on him heavily, with his concerns about whether Gon even saw him as a teammate or a friend at the time, but it's not like he had another possibility to fall back on in that case--he just desperately wanted to be with Gon no matter what it took, even to the point being willing to die with him rather than live in a world without him.
Regardless of Gon's probable lack of awareness that Killua was thinking this way, I think it's very, very telling of the nature of Killua's feelings that he framed the potential for them both dying in this way rather than describing it any other way.
On a more meta level, it's also very, very telling that Togashi chose to have Killua use this word, because he certainly knows what the implications of it are. It would have been easy to phrase it differently (like the English translations did...) if he didn't intend for it to have the romantic implications that it does, and, as usual, when you consider how much romantic subtext already exists between Gon and Killua, there's definitely no way he unknowingly chose this word.
So, Gon's probable lack of awareness doesn't remove any of the implications, really.
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ode-to-spring · 2 years
diluc is worried when you come home late from an expedition, you do all you can to comfort him
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ੈ♡˳ diluc x reader (romantic ♡)
ੈ♡˳ category :: kind of hurt/comfort?? diluc is worried and gets comforted does that count, established relationship !
ੈ♡˳ warnings :: again hurt/comfort, diluc assumes the worst happens but nothing rlly graphic is described, everything is fine in the end
ੈ♡˳ a/n :: written instead of my algebra homework
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"where have you been?"
diluc's worried voice nearly echoed throughout the halls of the dawn winery. other than him, the whole mansion was devoid of any sign of life-- the maids and butlers had already finished their duties and gone home, the place tidy and clean for the night. from where you stood at the large doorstep, you could see a flame crackling in the fireplace, the embers burning brightly as if they've been newly re-lit. and finally, a shadow traveled through the wooden floors of the mansion, it's owner hurriedly making his way to your direction.
in an instant, you felt yourself held by the shoulders, worried eyes piercing into yours before scanning every part of you for injuries. "do you have any idea what time is it? theres a storm outside, not a star in the sky-- the knights promised you'd all be back by sunset, are you hurt? did something happen?"
"diluc, i'm fine," you started, cutting off his concerned mantra. "the rain slowed our travel, but we didn't run into any problems," you swiftly shook yourself from his near iron grip, putting some distance between yourself and his flood of questions.
you told the truth, of course. you went on a quick expedition with a few knights of favonious to the neighboring nation of liyue, and the turbulent weather made the trip longer than intended. your proof was the drenched coat dripping rainwater all over the hardwood floors under you, but diluc didn't didnt seem to buy it.
"but still, are you sure you aren't injured? i should never have let you go without me, what if you got ambushed? the bandits in liyue are especially known for being notorious, you could've gotten separated from the rest of the knights, and--"
before he even realized what was going on, diluc's troubled monologue was interrupted by a pair of lips on his. the kiss was soft, passionate, as if pouring everything you wanted to say without uttering a word. it served as your personal way of reminding him that you were right there, you were together, and you were okay.
for a moment or two after he simply stared at you in surprise, then relief, then affection. he held complete disregard for your sopping wet clothes when he suddenly held you in a tight embrace without breaking your kiss. you could feel his hot breath intermingling with yours, as if he was trying to calm himself down for you.
due to numerous less than happy experiences in his life, it was no surprise that he'd expect the worst in every situation-- especially those that involved your safety. he had enough trust in you to know that you can handle yourself well enough, even personally helping you with knight training (despite his initial distaste for your chosen occupation, but he'd support you anywhere you went nonetheless), but he could never stop his own mind from drifting off to the darkest places. he held onto you tightly to ground himself, remind him that you were right there in his arms, just like you promised you'd always be.
absentmindedly, your slightly wet fingers started carding through his fiery red hair. you found it comforting, in a way, and it helped both of you stay in the moment. an unspoken promise was interlaced within what otherwise was loving affection: no matter how long it'd take, no matter where either of you went, you'd always find a home in each other to come back to. and just like that, soaking wet at the doorstep of the dawn winery, you stayed for several moments-- a comfortable silence enveloping the both of you, as if flooding out all the feelings neither of you could put into words.
"i'll always come home to you."
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not-goldy · 5 months
We know JK didnt write the songs from his album, but he made very clear in interviews that he made sure to look for translations of the lyrics and to learn what the songs are saying before choosing them.
Oh so he got all translations and understood very well but still went with those fuck ass songs like 3D ? There's a line between sexy/explicit songs vs vulgar songs. 3D was very vulgar with many appropriate comparisons about women and sex... and JK still chose to sing them and include in his album. Forget they are all about him fucking women and orgasm but I thought he said none of songs is about him personally? Or is 'jikook song' narrative is only when it feeds the delusions ?
I love that this is what is stressing you out🤣🤣🤣
Let's get somethings straight..... pun intended
The Jungkook wrote a het song narrative was beget by you and yours- I and other 'Jikookers' debunked it and Jungkook confirmed our assertion that he DIDN'T write it.
So you and yours delulu point number one.
Check mark please.
Now here you are spinning the narrative into well he understood the lyrics blah blah blah blah 🙄
To that I say, OF COURSE HE DID.
We, the true stans of captain private Jungkook do know, BEEN KNEW, been always aware of the FACT he does check out the lyrics to the songs he covers and sings and he always understands what it is that he sings about or recommends.
Which is why we've always said he's queer coded as fuck because of certain covers certain song choices certain artistic lens and expressional point of views- he may not have written there for you but he sure as hell understood what the song meant its romantic connotations, it's queer artist and its queer codes and he superimposed that on Jimin as the object of his lens.
BOY I'm holding on to something won't let go of you for nothing. I'm running running just to keep my hands on you- is pretty much a rewrite of standing next to you one would say. Or perhaps the vice versa.
Jungkook is drawn to certain themes in music either gay or straight and he's selected one that talks about boy love gay love as layover over a footage of another man he filmed- I'm glad we can agree, you and I that that is something because he is neither ignorant of or stupid to know how such a content would be understood by the General public especially those outside Korea.
So I do agree with you, all jikookers agree with you that Jungkook checks out the lyrics of the songs, that he understands what they mean yadda yadda yadda.
The only delusional person I see here, is the individuals who fail to read any queer meanings into GCF tokyo and the many other queer coded moments of Jikook- wait that's you isn't it?????
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Oh and FYI, we also know he's dated WUHMEN in the past and said he didn't particularly enjoy it or understand what the hype was about and never felt real love while dating the girlies.
Yet I think he found real love with Park Jimin and it knocked him off his feet. Gay love. Mh mh mhh
Love it for him.
Edit: and in case you missed the point here, 3D is a very commercial project not very personal to him. He had to choose and do what will sell....
Compared to a personal projects such as GCF in Tokyo where he didn't care how it was going to be received by fans or the commercial market- hell when he was advised to choose another member to generate clout and buzz he refused. He chose a gay song for that instead to promote same love.
That's how personal it was for him. No?
So there's that. What do you think about that too?
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bug-bites · 8 months
whatcha lookin at buddy? :3
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tw: none!! just some silly fluffy romantic hcs, also not edited bc im just an eepy lil guy
pairing: rodolfo "rudy" parra x gn!reader
summary: uhhh your boyfriend shares his silly little late night habit with you or something
characters: rodolfo "rudy" parra
notes: i never know what to title these things also i know the formatting is ugly!! i wrote this in my notes app and was too lazy to make it look decent,, <(_ _)>
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rudy never was one to sleep early, in all honesty he seemed to do the complete opposite. he would always go to bed hours later after you. you never understood why.
it wasn't anything that made you suspicious, he wouldnt go far, most of the time he would still be at home, just outside. it was just odd, but it didnt seem like anything bad?
one night you woke up and there was an unfamiliar emptiness beside you, rudy wasnt there next to you like he was right before you fell asleep
its the middle of the night what else would this guy be doing at 2am??
so you're panicking a bit, you wake up and your boyfriend isnt next to you. sure maybe hes just pissing but you're tired and logic isnt the first thing that comes to mind
you call out for him, your throat a bit dry after you've just woken up and it comes out a bit more panicked than you intended
you sit up, eyes scanning the room looking for him- any sign of him
a sigh of relief leaves your lips, he's there. he's in your bedroom, back turned to you as he gazes upwards, out the window.
as soon as he hears his name his head whips around, why are you panicking?? whats going on?? did something happen? did you have a nightmare? most importantly, are you okay?
but he hears your sigh and you mumble something under your breath. he closes the curtains and walks towards you, gently cupping your cheek
"qué pasa?" "sorry i just- you weren't next to me and i just panicked" "nothing to be sorry for."
his voice is soft, barely above a whisper. he runs his thumb along your cheekbone, holding your cheek so tenderly it feels like you're about to melt
"it's okay. im right here."
"what were you doing?" you ask him, its about damn time he tells you anyways and you're getting curious about his strange nighttime habit "you'll find out tomorrow. its better if its a surprise." he kisses your forehead and climbs back into bed with you. "what if i dont want it to be a surprise?" "well thats not up to you. now go to sleep, cariño"
one his arms snake around your waist, the other making its way under your head, like a pillow but better
the next night, as soon as it gets dark he finally lets you in on his not so secret secret.
he grabs your hand, your fingers intertwining with his and leads you outside to a picnic blanket
"its a bit late for a picnic." you say with a yawn
he rolls his eyes as he walks over to the blanket, lying down flat on his back. you do the same, curious to what his next move was.
"stop looking at me and look up" he says with a chuckle
you listen to him and look up, hundreds of stars scattered in the distant sky. its calm, the sounds of the crickets chirping, his hand in yours, your back flat against the picnic blanket, its so serene you almost forget to breathe
"i used to do this all the time when i was younger." rudy says, breaking the silence "i would set up a mat outside and me and alejandro would lie there for hours until my mamá would yell at us to come back inside"
you look over at him, just for a second and catch him smiling as he reminisces
"i like to look at the stars when i get overwhelmed. reminds me i how small i am in the universe" "thats a bit melancholic, dont you think? the idea that we're so much smaller than the universe. like we dont matter as much as we think" you say, "i dont think of it like that. its like the world is bigger than my problems, it continues and theres so much more than just my troubles." he replies, eyes fixated on the stars "well when you put it that way, it sounds pretty nice"
the next few minutes are spent with rudy teaching you some basic constellations like the big and small dipper and then moves onto the more complex ones like ursa minor, andromeda and orion.
each constellation he points out comes with a story, as great as they look you cant help but watch him as he tells you all about them. its something he loves so deeply, you can tell from the way the corners of his mouth turn upwards as he describes them to you, the look of amazement in his eyes even though he's seen the stars hundreds of times. you cant help but fall more for him with every word he says
"i wish we met earlier. before when i was younger you could see so much more than just ...this. i wish i could've shown it to you" his tone becomes slightly bittersweet.
you don't exactly know what to say, you just wrap an arm around his torso, you mutter a soft "i know" right before you press a kiss to his cheek
the next time you two go stargazing its when you go camping together, although sure its not just in your backyard its as close as you can get with just enough clarity in the sky to see everything rudy wanted to show you :]
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taglist: @pygm4li0n
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loser-jpg · 1 year
Saw you wanted a writing request. How about GN Yuu who has rlly bad nightmares? It’s too the point where they get scared to go to bed (I used to have bad nightmares as a kid and I had one tonight so it’s on theme). With Azul, Rook and Leona (plus anyone else you want) please 😋
i wrote these with the idea that the characters care for Yuu more than it seems through the game dialogue, can be read platonic or romantic but was intended more romantic.
Azul also probably has nightmares, but not to the extent Yuu does. He notices as Yuu starts to look more and morw tired and how they deflect when asked about it. He confronts them himself one day and is able to get them to tell him about the nightmares.
You best believe the second he knows hes out searching for anything that can help. The twst version of Google is this mans #1 hope and the search bar is filled with multiple versions of "how to get rid of nightmares forever??!?!"
At one point or another he probably just goes "You uh...wanna talk about it?" and then immedietly regrest saying that and wants to crawl back into his octo pot.
The tweels would probably tease him for trying to help Yuu so much, but hes a little to preoqupied trying to get their regular sleep schedule back on track.
This man is a level 1 stalker and knows the SECOND Yuu isnt sticking with their normal sleep schedule. He probably finds out the answer too without having to even confront them. Mans just...knows things.
Once he does know Yuu best be ready to just have stuff show up at Ramshackle. Some really expensive looking tea? Howd that get there :D. Rook would probably try to like, drug them or something to get them to sleep if he didnt realize that was majorly messed up.
He probably cries to Vil about how "Mon Trickster is having nightmares, and now it is having an effect on their radient glow ToT." If Yuu sees Vil walking toward you angrily, they should run.
Doesnt ask if Yuu wants to talk about it, but would totally be willing to listen if Yuu aproached him. Hed probably find it entertaining.
He probably notices Yuus avoidence of sleep when he tries to use them as a nap pillow. The switch from "fine whatever" to "no. must avoid chances of sleeping at all cost." is pretty drastic. Theres probably one day where he drags them to the botanical garden anyway and they fall asleep there, and Leona has to witness them seemingly having a panic attack while still alseep.
After that its pure clingyness. Whats the best way to cure a messed up sleep schedule because of fear of nightmares? Being forced to nap with someone of course 👍. Honestly he probably has had nightmares of his own, and had wanted nothing other than for someone to just be there. not necessarily to talk but just for the company.
Strangely enough it probably works and now Yuu no longer is afraid to sleep but refuses to sleep if Leona is not in arms reach. Congrats now youve got two co-dependent sleepy people.
Leona probably doesnt seem like he cares much, but its more of a silent care, knowing that its nothing too bad and that its something that can be fixed.
(yeah i wrote Leonas very self indulgent. I am a simp and it contaminates all my writing)
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troutfur · 7 months
Tonight is Writer's Choice night because I said so and because I binged the whole of the new book over the course of my day off and it gave me ideas.
Tomorrow we're back to taking prompts from the audience, in accordance with my guidelines, but as a clarification since I've got more than a handful: Mapleshade's Vengeance is in fact one of the books I haven't read. And I'm not sure it's a book I even want to read. After the whole "yeah it's totally a good idea to write an article telling kids that if they don't jump into a flooding river to save someone else they're going to Hell, just get social media to shut up" fiasco from last year it just has left a sour taste in my mouth.
Preamble out of the way, enjoy Sunbeam's ThunderClan polycule, feat. pfurr dynamic worldbuilding:
On the night Nightheart went missing, Sunbeam went into her new nest feeling dejected. The whole of ThunderClan had been buzzing with a celebratory atmosphere but hearing her mate had left had her double-guessing herself at her decisions so far. The cryptic reassurances from StarClan Squirrelstar conveyed to to her had for sure not had remotely close to the intended effect. With no clear reason why he was gone she was left wondering if Nightheart’s wenwi --his maternal grandmother-- was even telling the truth or just trying to save face for her awbyyo --her bloodline.
As she settled in to sleep, Sunbeam felt a paw prodding at her side. “Hey.” Sunbeam raised her face to see the tortoiseshell face of Nightheart’s sister.“I know you haven’t officially joined the pfurr, but... would you like to sleep with us? At least until my brother’s back.”
“I...” Sunbeam was a bit taken aback. She turned her face towards two other cats cuddled with each other, their faces expectantly towards her. Those must be her empf --her nestmates-- Sunbeam guessed. “I thought Nightheart slept alone. He did mention you but with how he spoke I thought he was a--”
“Oh no, no!” the molly was quick to interject. “StarClan no, he’s not nearly bad enough to be a hug’koo.” In their language that was a word meant ‘cuckoo’, but it could also mean a cat that had been expelled from a nest. “He just has fallen into the habit of sleeping on his own. Being made a warrior late and all.”
“But he left his Clan to court me,” Sunbeam protested. Having let that slip out she wanted to swallow back her tongue. Berryheart would certainly have thought that an offense grave enough and she hoped upon reconsidering Finchlight wouldn’t agree with that view.
“And he’s not going to lose his place in his birth pfurr from that,” Finchlight said with a shrug. “You just try again the other way ‘round. The elders may say it’s disrespectful but I’ve always thought it was jus the smart thing to do.”
“It’s not like I have a sibling to share a nest with who I care about offending,” Sunbeam mused, rising to her paws as she followed Finchlight back to her nest.
“Really?” she asked. “An ul-arramew? You don’t very much act like one.”
“No, it’s not like that,” Sunbeam said. “I have two brothers in fact. But one of them took a SkyClan mate and the other was not very pleased. And so...”
“Oh,” Finchlight said. “I’m sorry I pried.”
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Sunbeam said. “What’s the courtship period for if not for meeting your soon-to-be mate?” The word she used there was empf for in their language there’s no distinction between one’s romantic partner and any other cat one share a nest with.
“Settle in,” Finchlight offered as she carved her space between alongside the other two cats, a golden tabby tom and a pale brown molly, who were already settled on their nest. “It should be enough for all four. We had it expanded for Nightheart forever ago but since he insists on being by his lonesome.”
“Hey,” Sunbeam greeted with a flick of her tail which the other cats responded to in kind. Though everyone in the nest was cozy and fit rather neatly the atmosphere didnt’ seem yet conducive for actually going to sleep. “So... Nightheart never mentioned any other empf other than her sister. When did you all start courting?”
Myrtlebloom and Bayshine went wide-eyed in surprise for a moment before clarity dawned on them and they gave an amused purr.
“We didn’t court,” Bayshine --the tom-- clarified. “We’ve just... kinda always shared a nest.”
“Pryyp?” Sunbeam piped up.
“Our wipfurrs” --that means mothers-- “were always close. And Sparkpelt had not been in the right mindset to nurse or take care of Finchy or Nighty towards their first moon or so. So they nursed with us and the habit of sharing a nest just kinda stuck.”
“Did he never tell you?” Finchlight asked.
“No, he didn’t,” Sunbeam said in surprise. “That’s lovely of her and lovely of you. When he spoke of ThunderClan he always stressed other things.”
“Typical,” Bayshine said with an eyeroll. “Such a complainer that Nightheart. There was once towards the beginning of our apprenticeship when he...”
The nest continued gossiping about their missing member until sleep overtook them. As she drifted off into sleep, with her head rested on the soft fur of her soon-to-be empf she began to give off a purr. There may be a piece of their nest missing but now she could work on loving and being loved by the rest of them.
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burningvelvet · 3 months
to cope with my post-binge blues from watching black sails, i just finished the treasure island audiobook. it's my first time with any treasure island media - now i have to watch the muppets movie. any way here are my thoughts:
- i knew the character of trelawney had to be based on the romantic era edward john trelawny of byron/shelley fame and I WAS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sources: WONG, AMY R. “The Poetics of Talk in Robert Louis Stevenson’s ‘Treasure Island.’" A Sandison Robert Louis Stevenson and the Appearance of Modernism
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- i know that black sails isn't fully intended to be a perfect prequel or meant to be taken as filling in all of the gaps to treasure island but i'm still going to compare & contrast the two lol
- billy spending his whole life obsessed with flint and having alcohol withdrawal induced hallucinations about him. OMG. and i'm shocked that they just casually dropped that he visited flint in georgia to get the map like did flint request to see him before he died, was it just about the map, or did he want closure about the whole thing, did billy seek flint out, why didn't they kill each other, how the fuck did that whole thing go? i need more information dammit
- saw another post on here talking about how in black sails flint has that speech about the drunk guy named flint asking his grandpa for rum before disappearing into the sea and then in treasure island we find out flints last words were asking a "darby mcgraw" for rum before he died SO IN THE BLACK SAILS UNIVERSE DARBY IS HIS GRANDPA and so im wondering DID FLINT 1.0 EVER EXIST AT ALL OR WAS IT SIMPLY FORESHADOWING ALL ALONG but at the same time it doesnt matter because the black sails creators said the ending is intentionally canonically up to interpretation and black sails canon and treasure island canon dont match up any way but still it gives us so much to think about bc we never canonically find out who the fuck darby is
- the doctor is the funniest character ever and him giving zero shits about billy or silver is hilarious LMAO
- rly enjoy the descriptions of the contents of billy's pockets and chest. i love old shit and that whole nautical aesthetic ugh. im currently wondering about the significance of the five sea shells billy had (jim wonders abt them too) if they were souvenirs from the island or what... but we never find out!!
- and what the fuck was up with those black spots I NEED ANSWERS! It worked on Billy but not Silver?
- having grown up on PotC i'm very enthused at the references (the song, the rum, "dead mens chest," etc)
- wish we saw more of jims mom, she was lowkey a badass for a moment there telling everyone off and willing to face the wrath of the pirates with her son lol
- love how the men just take jim on for his valour and then decide to make him a cabinboy and the mom just gets a replacement son to help her around the house lmaoooo i wonder if that was a common thing for single women to do though?
- long john silver has a sort of jekyll/hyde personality (btw the author stevenson also wrote jekyll/hyde for those of you who dont know!) - also why the fuck did they leave him to his own devices toward the end and not have a gun on him 24/7 like? i was also shocked that he didnt run off with all the gold only some of it. most chaotic character ever
- my biggest questions are why did black sails take out the alcoholism and the sea shanties? but importantly the alcholism - if they were going for gritty, as they were? flint and billy's alcoholism is integral to their characters (defines their characters actually) in the book as contrasted by silvers moderation & thats rly interesting. and the lack of singing is just boring - pirates rly did have sea shanties - however i can understand for time constraints per episode and whatnot them taking out the singing for practicality - but the alcoholism again is integral to those characters as well as being historically accurate and realistic & would have added a lot imo
EDIT: immediately after posting this i realized that since there are a few years between the treasure burial and flint's supposed death in georgia, he could have become a drunk in that time if we're creating a black sails to treasure island timeline, and billy wouldn't have become a drunk til later on since black sails is set roughly 20 yrs before treasure island.
HOWEVER - by the talks of it in treasure island, and all the pirates referring to flint as a drunk etc., it would still seem that flint was always that way when they knew him, prone to drinking... but at the same time i guess you could say all the characters are jollier than in black sails as indicated by their singing and their more stereotypical piratey ways.
however i still think the alcoholism & addiction theme would have added an extra layer to everything especially after flints sad drunk scene with eleanor. also in toby stephens deep fathoms interview he said flint is essentially like an addict when it comes to his delusion & desires. anyway i digress
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transcript here, audio is on youtube: https://www.justsaypodcast.com/blog/2018/12/18/transcript-interview-with-toby-stephens-of-black-sails
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gold-rhine · 3 months
Out of curiosity, how would you go about writing a neuvi/furina fic? I agree that there is a lot of potential for really good fics but for some reason the fandom waters it down (pun not intended but cyno would be proud). However, I've noticed that with other ships in the fandom too. They have interesting potential but then I'll look for good food and get morsels 😭 of what I'm looking for. Like I have had to comb through some alhaitham/kaveh fics that were uh very different from canon characterization. And it's like I JUST WANT GOOD FOOD PLS.
hmm. i personally would be really interested not in shipping them, but in like. snippets of interactions throughout the ages, from establishing roles to settling in a routine to then how these respective roles are getting in a way of genuine contact. bc like there are points where they try to reach out, but it fails in a mundanely tragic way. like. in furina's note, she says she told him thousand times to go out and interact with "our" ppl. like she clearly was well intentioned and tried to be nice. but like. it didnt work! he never did go out and interact with humans until post AQ, when in lantern rite he says he was just indifferent before. bc like, from his perspective its not "his" people, and also its his boss, whose also his colonizer, being like "haha you should get out more lol!" ofc he was like "idk what she's even thinking about", which is what he says about her note. but furina both didn't know the vishap context and was kept in constraints of self-absorbed goddess role, so the way she tried to be nice would never work like that.
i think ppl focus too much on how furina suffered more than jesus and forget why, which is bc she had to play the role of an entitled asshole and she had to interact with others thru that role, despite being mortified at how horrible she sounds. this is why she now thinks he hates her and all her coworkers too. she never had luxury of being kind or nice to ppl before, and if you take that away, her character loses a lot of complexity.
i think itd be interesting to explore her trying to be good to ppl while trapped in an asshole attitude, and sadly fail.
if i was paid like 100 bucks to write them romantically, i think id write the retrospective i was talking before for early chapters, but then take one of two options:
either keep canon story and explore them interacting thru excrutiating awkwardness post AQ
or as more interesting option, id re-write AQ a bit to add their interactions and let some of these interactions actually connect. i'd also let furina find out the truth about sovereign and what it means in relation to archons stealing his power. also, i'd restructure canon confrontation so that neuvi takes focal point instead of traveler. and then i'd go ham with drama on that archon trial, but also re-do meeting with focalors bc gurl. talk to your humansona pls.
btw i strongly dislike fandom being like oh, furina\rizzley was the reason neuvi saved humanity, like nooo its missing entire point. he saved humans without any selfish reason to do so, in fact, against his motivation for revenge, making that decision about a single human ruins neuvi's character. so in this furina\neuvi case i'd make conflict like. they don't know if she's gonna survive is focalors dies, bc then choosing to save fontain becomes the-nonselfish choice for him again and she gets to be the one with agency to decide to risk it
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bizlybebo · 3 months
as i intended ghostkicks
also for funzies all 4 pd boys i just dont know their name
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GHOSTKICKSSSS HAS THE MOST SPECIAL PLACE IN MY HEART. i love it so fucking. much akhefpofndsawkefnrejqkgqh especially because of the implications of just. everything. they’d live for each other they’d die for each other aiufejrjw something something undying devotion so strong it literally gets your heart beating again like hello. also dakofa throwing william around like a sack of potatoes in every episode is so funny
POLY PDDDD (i tihnk thats what theyre called) means so much to me. I know that Canon Canonically it probably wouldnt be likely but. I think theyre all poly. To me. are they platonic? romantic? they dont fucking know, theres a giant meatball in the sky and more important matters to get to.
and then the bonus: DEMOCNDSJKGJKGHFSEGJLKDSABGLKJFEAHGHKAFLEHGAPI DEMONKICKS. I KNOW. I KNOW IT DIDNT HAPPEN AND PROBABLY AOULD NEVER HAPPEN CANONICALLY. BUT THERE HAS NEVRR BEEN A JRWI SHIP TO MAKE ME MORE UNWELL THAN DMEONKICKS. DO TOU UNDERSTAND. DO YOU HEAR ME. THEY SHARE THE SAME GRIEF. THE SAME GUILT. wheeres that post thats like “if i had a loser bf id go inside before him and tell everyone you better fucking clap for him or im blowing this place up”. Becauswe like. That is dakota, he makes sure everyone is nice to his loser ass girlfriend who never touches grass.
MEGA PD SPOILERS BELOW CUT. SEASON 1 FINALE AND S2 EP15 ? (ep named trick up my sleeve)
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beesmygod · 2 years
i had this typed up for my newsletter im working on lol. i solved one of my health mysteries. tl;dr: food allergy
having a completely fucked up sleep schedule goes hand in hand with having a fucked up food schedule, which means my last meal is when the sun comes up and i dont get hungry until late in the day. any attempts to break this pattern risk waking up ravenously, eating-raw-meat-out-of-the-freezer hungry in the middle of what was supposed to be my sleep cycle. i do whatever the opposite of torpor is. i invented a worse way of mammalian living. do NOT steal.
so anyway, every night before i go to bed, i would fill my empty tummy with a delicious peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwich. this is because strawberry is the tastiest, most accessible jelly. let me explain: when you go to a diner and search through the little jelly basket with all the jellies in it, you will see these flavors and these flavors ONLY!!! (ranked by deliciousness):
orange marmalade
mixed berry
the putrid concord grape
orange marmalade is a distant second to the only good jelly on this list. i like strawberry jam.
in the mornings, i started eating special k cereal (red berries, again, the only good one) hoping the vitamin c would cure whatever was causing me to feel so fucking sick and miserable on a daily basis. every day i would wake up exhausted and every night i would go to bed in terrible pain from my entire chest down. it was hard to explain my symptoms outside of just feeling like total shit generally. to be honest, i thought it was just the result of bad living. my chest was often tight but i attributed this to how freakishly tense my body is from years of letting anxiety run ramshod over my brain and body. ive had this problem for over a decade.
recently, i went on vacation for a few days to d.c. with my boyfriend, adam. on the evening of the second day, as we shared a plate of fried chicken livers as romantically as possible, i told him, "i feel so good. this is the best i've felt in a long time!". and i really meant it. the rash on my face had cleared up significantly, my stabbing chest pain i had attributed to heartburn/dying was gone, and best of all, i felt like i could breathe. my chest no longer felt like it was being crushed and my lungs didnt feel like they were sticking together instead of inflating. my legs didnt even hurt as much when i walked, which seemed like a massive achievement to me.
i came home from d.c. late in the evening and returned to my nightly ritual sandwich. that's when i noticed, for the first time ever (now that i was unburdened with terrible pain elsewhere), that my mouth was burning and tingling in a way that might be textbook anaphylaxis.
i thought back to the time when my sister told me she liked the taste of bananas but they were too spicy for her. and how i laughed at her and said "what the hell are you talking about", which in turn lead to the discovery of her birch allergy. i also thought back to high school when i suddenly started feeling very ill, tired, and weak almost every single day. but i would still *~bravely~* find the strength to go into work nearly every day. i would be sooooo hungry by the time i got to my job immediately after getting out of school and wouldnt get to eat until i got home at 9pm. so i would commit a little corporate theft and eat some sample sized special k (red berries) intended for patrons. hmm. a pattern is emerging.
now i have an epipen and blood work being processed by a doctor who expressed mild horror at how frequently i was dosing myself with a little bit of near death experience just for delicious strawberries. as it turns out, you feel a lot better once you stop poisoning yourself on a daily basis. at no point did i ever think i was going to die from any of my various problems despite having every symptom that obviously points at a reaction. i dont know. i thought i just rolled some bad genetic dice and got stuck with the shitty body lol.
i did sort of eat the rest of the sandwich tho. it was good. no ragrets
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soyeah-anyways · 2 years
there is something i’ve been wanting to talk about for a while now. it's been on the back of my mind and i feel like it’s something that should be thought about. this post is less of a forceful sort of “you should think like this!” sort of thing but more of a food for thought. everytime ive seen ship wars (especially ships that haven’t been confirmed canon) there are always people who bring up certain moments that convey romantic attraction of two or more characters based on assumptions of the viewer. they then use those moments as a means of telling the other person in the argument “hey, this moment that i thought was romantic is proof that this ship has more chances of being canon than yours!” and vice versa.
in general, this is fine. i feel like if you’re having a discussion with somebody on the probability of a ship being canon, it would make sense to bring up moments between the two or more characters as way to prove your point. so overall, this is perfectly logical. the problem is, these tactics aren't always used during civilized discussions or arguments, these are used as attacks towards the other person. the attacks become even more aggressive if they(the aggressor) have more people on their side. because suddenly, the second more than one person agrees that a moment is romantic, the ship is canon. 
this has always bothered me because people who believe that truly think that the creator of the show would agree. i've learnt over time that this isn’t the case. majority of the time, creators don't have the mindsets that fandoms have. and more often than not, they see their shows from a surface level point of view. meaning that they don't look into or analyze things NEARLY as much as fandoms do. even if it seems so blatantly obvious that whatever scene that conveys an emotion in the fans, is intended. there are many examples i can think of when these sorts of things happened but a big one that sticks out to me is the idea that pacifica is abused by her parents in gravity falls. 
when the northwest mansion mystery came out(and even before that episode) people wholeheartedly believed that pacifica was abused. it was one of the main things that EVERYBODY talked about(myself included!) there was an abundance of fanfictions, and posts, and ideas, that revolved around the whole concept of pacifica being abused. it made perfect sense too, i mean you gotta be really messed up in the head if just listening to a literal BELL scares you. but then it was confirmed by alex hirsch that this wasn't the case. on the northwest mansion mystery commentary(available on yt) with alex hirsch, featuring matt braly and jackie buscarino(va for pacifica). it was confirmed that pacifica wasn't abused at all. alex hirsch was appalled that people would even think that, he made it clear that in his mind, pacifica's parents were just douchey people that do douchey things. alex hirsch couldn't wrap his head around as to why people would even think that. of course fans were allowed to do what they wanted, and if they connected with pacifica because they thought she was abused, that’s okay. but alex hirschs’ commentary really shows you how creators really think about their shows. 
this isn’t even the only example i can think of, there were SO MANY cases of fans seeing things that the creators wouldn’t have even thought about! i mean just seeing how owen dennis(the creator of infinity train) didnt consider lake being non-binary until fans made the connection shows you how little creators/writers think about those kinds of things. the only person i can think of that even CONSIDERS viewing their show from a fandom mindset is dana terrace. THIS is why moments that could be seen as romantic could be completely unintentional. you really don't know whether something is canon or not unless you get explicit confirmation by the creators or scenes within the show. although, like i previously stated, there is nothing wrong with assuming or even believing that moments are romantic. my problem is with the people who choose to use moments like that as weapons to attack others' beliefs. quite frankly, i think it’s pretty stupid to do anything of the sort, especially considering that the second they(the aggressor) are proven wrong, they refuse to take accountability over the fact they harassed somebody over a SHIP. but even if they WERE right in the end, that still doesn't excuse this sort of behavior. I don't care what the circumstance is or how obvious it seems that the ship will be canon, you have no right to harass somebody over the probability of a ship being canon or not. there is no need to be hostile. 
i really do think that if people like this went outside and spoke to a real person for more than 3 minutes, they would understand that ships being canon or not are not important in the grand scheme of things. maybe i'm wrong, maybe this is something that is normal or at least should be considered normal. but for everyone's sake, could you at least try to be respectful about sharing your opinions? thank you.
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