harutanizawa · 5 years
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harutanizawa · 5 years
Just...I’m sorry, Kuninobu...For all your losses...I can’t even imagine...
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harutanizawa · 5 years
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This sucks.
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harutanizawa · 5 years
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harutanizawa · 5 years
Thanks for the run last night, Haruka! Got me real sweaty and all!
Ha. That was the endgoal. Glad you enjoyed it.
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harutanizawa · 5 years
Another personality test!
Quiz: Here ((Written part doesn’t matter. You can just fill the space with nonsense and it will work anyway))
Tagging: @yumiko-kusaka​
Primary Type Wiring: 6
Starring Role : Loyal Skeptic, Trooper, Trouble Shooter, Defender, Guardian, Questioner, Devil's Advocate
Tritype Wiring : 6-8-3
Instinctual Wiring: Self-Preserving
Instinctual Stack :  Self-Preserving,  Social, Intimate
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Your Worldview
Core Wiring | Type 6
You want to be safe, secure, fit in, and belong; but most importantly, you want to have certainty, a trusted friend, or a known system to put your faith in. You are the true devil's advocate and can always see both sides of every issue. You may struggle with feelings of fear, doubt, and/or anxiety, and risk undermining or blaming others to protect yourself. You may manage your fear by focusing on what could go wrong and by avoiding perceived hazards. Alternatively, you may face your fears and take calculated risks to prove that you are not afraid. Secretly, you still prepare. You feel that the world is a dangerous place. Most people have hidden agendas, so you must focus on security, loyalty, and trustworthiness. At your best, you are courageous, supportive, engaging, dedicated and loyal.
Tritype Wiring | 6-8-3
You are ambitious, inquisitive and protective. You want to be accomplished, loyal and straight-forward. Verbally adept and a good reader of people and situations, you have the ability to identify unjust authority, rebel against tyranny and verbally spar against it. You want to get along with others but can struggle with being too outspoken.
Instinctual Wiring | Self-preserving
You think about you need to do to feel safe and secure. Most of all, you secretly worry about being unable to make it on your own. You are wary of others that are not friendly and responsive. Yo can be warm, friendly and industrious. You are attentive to those to whom you are attached. You choose your friends carefully and like long-term relationships built on trust that stand the test of time. Secretly,  you run high anxiety and routinely track your resources and supplies.
Inner World of Type 6
Core Fears
Your core fears are of being blamed and punished for something you didn’t do, and being misled or unsafe in a dangerous world. This may be expressed as either fearing authority and becoming passive-aggressive or challenging authority and becoming provocative and aggressive. You may have a fear of being alone, unsupported and/or unprotected. You may also have a fear of fear -- thinking that if you are afraid, you might become paralysed and cowardly- unprepared and unable to defend yourself and others when needed.
Core Desires
To be safe, secure, certain, protected, and supported, as well as to have clear structures and a sense of belonging so you can take calculated risks and contribute to a noble cause.
Core Needs
You need predictability and the security of feeling like you belong. You long for trustworthy guidance to manage your feelings of fear and doubt. You're a "proof junkie" who tests people, ideas, and beliefs numerous times to see if they merit your loyalty. You tend to need reassurance, encouragement, and positive feedback from friends and loved ones.
Core Beliefs
The world is chaotic, unpredictable and easily-angered. It's best to stay alert, be vigilant, and prepare for all worst-case scenarios. I must seek trustworthy friends to make myself a support group to keep my world safe and predictable.
Outer World of Type 6
You scan for problems and inconsistencies to prepare for all worst-case scenarios. You doubt and question, seeking reassurance and guidance from trustworthy sources. You are hypervigilant, thinking and analyzing instead of acting.
Impact of Strategies
Having conducted a sweeping analysis of the environment for threats, you feel you have enough confidence, information, support, and trustworthy guidance to feel safe, certain and secure.
What’s Great About You
You are warm, friendly, curious, loyal, dutiful, committed, and dedicated. You are a faithful and dependable friend, co-worker, and family member. When necessary, you are brave and courageous.
Attention goes to…
Your attention goes to feelings of fear, doubt and scanning the environment for danger and hidden motives or agendas. You have a tendency to focus on the worst-case scenario. Your fears and doubts can keep you from taking action and/or trusting yourself and others. You may at times be overly phobic and at other times overly counter-phobic.
Journey to Higher Self
Spiritual Path
Your spiritual path is to reclaim your sense of faith and courage and see unity instead of differences. In your search for security, remember that the only real security lies in cultivating faith and trust in yourself.
Journey of trasformation
Your transformation journey involves:
1. Realizing that overthinking, second-guessing and analyzing what can go wrong doesn't actually change anything and that you must take steady, appropriate action to actually change your situation. 
2. Trusting the natural intelligence of the universe.
3. Recognizing that all the guidance and authority you need is already inside of you.
As you learn to relax and trust yourself, fear will often turn to excitement and courage. You need to remember that people are far more alike than they are different. Learn to embrace what is new and unfamiliar as an opportunity. Instead of idealizing those who rescue or protect others, overcome your tendency to hesitate or doubt and take action instead.
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harutanizawa · 5 years
Looks pretty close to the actual thing.
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harutanizawa · 5 years
Hahaha. Come on, now. Am I that scary?
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Yes. Of course, we are. Nothing could tear us apart. Except maybe for sex on her couch...What about you and Yukiko?
Like I’d ever dare to threaten the Haruka Tanizawa! I’ve seen you on the court too and it had me shaking in my pants.
Yukie still plays too? And you’re at the same uni? Sounds like lots of fun! You’re still best friends then?
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harutanizawa · 5 years
 I’ll be there soon.
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D-Dear Lord…
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harutanizawa · 5 years
Is that a threat?
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Glad to hear that! I remember seeing you on the court. Would have been a waste of talent if you dropped out.
Yes, I’m on my university’s team too. Along with Yukie. 
Hey everyone! I thought it was about time for me to reconnect with some of my old classmates too. Sorry it’s taken so long! I hope you’re all doing good. 
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harutanizawa · 5 years
Looks like you’ve already canceled out Kuramoto’s arrival. That’s good start.
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I’ve been good, thanks. What have you been up to? Still into softball?
Hey everyone! I thought it was about time for me to reconnect with some of my old classmates too. Sorry it’s taken so long! I hope you’re all doing good. 
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harutanizawa · 5 years
(Previous replies here))
Not the kind of help we were looking for.
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harutanizawa · 5 years
Hey, Yumiko. Good to see you here. Always cool to see someone pop up to balance the great people/assholes ratio. How’ve you been? 
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Hey everyone! I thought it was about time for me to reconnect with some of my old classmates too. Sorry it’s taken so long! I hope you’re all doing good. 
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harutanizawa · 5 years
Not to brag, but we really did an awesome job. Thanks to everyone! (Minus Keita. Your insistence on trying to unpack our underwears slightly offputting) We’re gonna have a blast, my girls!
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And no, Yukie, that sign is not going anywhere our bathroom!
After days of hard work and a tiny bit of bickering (I still want that sign installed in the bathroom, Haruka!), I’m happy to announce you that our new apartment is finally ready! This new place represents a new beginning, a fresh start for @harutanizawa, @izumi-kanai and myself and I hope our new home will soon be filled with love, laughter and friendship! I can’t wait to welcome you all here, to add a little spark of happiness to an already perfect home!
Until then, I’m offering you a little sneak peek into our new apartment! Here is the living room! We really tried to make it as warm, welcoming, colorful and trendy as possible! Take note of the two aqua books on the bookcase on the center left of the picture! They are one of the two rule books Haruka and Izumi have yet to read! I’m sure they will remedy to that in no time, haha! I also would like to remind one of my dear reader who shall remain anonymous (Of course, this is not @mitsuko-souma69, not at all), right now, that any sort of sexual activity will be strictly forbidden on that couch!
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Here we have the kitchen and dining room! We wanted this room to be peaceful, light and airy! Is there no better way to start a day than to sip coffee in such a pretty kitchen?
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Here is Izumi’s bedroom. Always a paragon in good taste and trends (much less in actually moving objects and not waiting for the others to do it, haha!), Izumi went for a decidely girly, yet classy atmosphere! Take note of the French touch in the room!
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Next, we have Haruka’s modern and sleek bedroom. She had a hard time fitting all her athletic prizes and rewards, but she managed to in a very pretty fashion!
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Here is my bedroom! I worked hard for it to represent my warm and colourful personality! I already love it so much and I can’t wait for a special someone to spend the night there, haha!
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Here we have the guest room, ready to receive our friends for a night or two! 
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To top it off, here is our beautiful and clean bathroom that I certainly hope will remain that way! And that includes the shower walls!
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Finally, I want to thank @yamamotokazuhiko, @tatsumichi-oki, @keitaiijima, @yuka-nakagawa & @noriko–nakagawa for the precious help and support they gave us! It is much appreciated and I’m sorry most of you didn’t get to have a taste of the free pizza we got you since it mysteriously disappeared! I will make it up for it, I promise!
I would like to take the occasion to invite you all to a casual, yet classy housewarming party next friday. Dress code will be casual chic. I hope to see you in great numbers to celebrate this fresh start in good company!
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harutanizawa · 5 years
That would be something. Asking kids to make to lift the heavy things when you refused to lift one box of cushions because it was too heavy.
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Some godmother duties inbetween the moving today.  ♡
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Thank you @noriko–nakagawa and @shuyananahara for letting me borrow them for a fun sleepover. We are building a little fort in aunt Izumi’s new bedroom tonight! 
And I promise, I’m not making them lift any of the heavy things.
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harutanizawa · 5 years
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harutanizawa · 5 years
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