#i didn’t like the original formatting ok
yeehawbvby · 1 year
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Made a new friend in my Sims 4 x Stardew save
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violet-fluff · 6 months
💙 Levi x Injured! Reader
Stay Awake
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You were originally part of Hanji’s squad, but with your excellent 3D maneuvering skills, Erwin had you switched over to Levi’s squad as they need only the best on the front lines.
You and Levi were already good friends as you both trained with each other during your youth time in the scouts. Now that you are with him twenty-four seven on his squad though, the both of you have become inseparable.
“You two might as well just hook up.” Oluo sneered as he drinks from his water pouch.
Petra squeezes the bottom of the pouch, causing water to rapidly spurt into Oluo’s mouth, making him choke. “Stop being stupid, and don’t talk dirty about your Captain and squad mates.”
You laugh but continue to pour hot water into two tea cups. Before bed, you and Levi liked to chat over tea. “Thanks, Petra. And for your information Oluo, Levi and I are just great friends. We’ve known each other since you were still a child most likely.”
“How romantic. The perfect beginning to a beautiful love story.” Gunther chimes in jokingly causing Eld to cover his grin.
You roll your eyes and finish fixing up your tea tray. “Well I’m headed out for the night. Goodnight everyone.”
“Don’t forget to add that love potion in his tea.” Gunther shouts, causing Petra to yell at him and the rest of your snickering squad.
“These guys are too much.” You whisper to yourself, half annoyed and half tender as you still love these bozos to death.
Making it to Levi’s office, you notice his door cracked open. A small quirk Levi does so you can easily open the door with your foot while holding the teas.
You swivel the door open with your foot and smile as Levi looks up at you from his desk. “It’s about time you got here.”
“Sorry,” You say and place the tray down on his desk, “I got caught up with Oluo and the other two being idiots again. Petra helped me cut it short.”
“Hm,” Levi grunts and starts to fix his tea, “What were they being stupid about?”
You blush and look down to fix your own. “Nothing. Just stupid guy talk I guess.”
Levi watches your face go red from embarrassment. “If they said anything stupid to you I’ll beat their asses.”
You laugh softly. “Don’t worry about it. Anyway, are you ready for tomorrow? You should get some sleep tonight.”
Levi huffs and looks down at his blue print. “We have the perfect formation down. Everything should go fine if everyone sticks to it.”
“And by everyone, you mean Erwin?” You ask while eyeing him from the rim of the tea cup as you take a sip.
“That bastard better not change anything last minute out on the field this time. He nearly got Hanji’s squad killed.” Levi grimaces on the memory.
“I’m sure with the earful he heard from both you and Hanji, he won’t do it again.”
Levi clicks his tongue. “I hope so. Is your 3D gear back from the shop yet? I can get you a new one.”
You wave him off as you lean back in the chair. “No it’s ok. Keep the new ones brand new. I’m sure mine will be done by tomorrow. I don’t think it needs that much fixing anyway.”
“It doesn’t need that much fixing?” Levi asks with a raised brow. “Your grapple wouldn’t shoot out a few times. It nearly caused you to fall.”
Levi was always protective over you. When you opted to get your gear fixed instead of replaced, he didn’t like the idea very much.
“The trigger is just faulty, not completely broken. It probably just needs to be rewired.”
He clicks his tongue. “You’re testing that shit out once you get it back. I don’t care if everyone has to wait.”
You smile but agree to ease his mind.
The next morning everyone is suiting up and gathering their horses when a cadet comes and brings you your gear.
“Y/N, right? The technician had to take another job, so he told me to bring you your fixed gear.” They say while handing you the bulking metal.
“Oh! Perfect!” You thank the cadet and strap the gear to your harness, but freeze when you hear someone clear their throat behind you.
You turn around to see Levi with his arms crossed and you roll your eyes. “Yes, I know the drill…”
The two of you walk towards a tree line and you position yourself to a tree farther away. Turning on the gas cans, you pull the trigger and your grapple shoots out to latch on the tree, pulling you to it. “It works!” You shout to Levi with a thumbs up.
He stares at you, still skeptical as his gut doesn’t have the best feeling, but if he saw with his own eyes your gear working correctly then there should be nothing to worry about.
The mission starts to finally come to an end after a grueling six hours. You all need to clear the designated areas outside of the walls as the government wanted to expand the outer notch of Wall Maria.
In the distance, you see an abnormal titan.
“Ahh, the last titan of the day.” Oluo yawns.
You shoot a red flare in the air, signaling to Hanji’s squad a mile behind you that there is an abnormal ahead.
“Y/N and I will handle this one. The rest of you lay behind.” Levi orders as you two snap at your horses to run faster.
“I’ll get its attention as you cut the nape?”
Levi nods. “Sounds like a plan.”
You stand on your horse and shoot your 3D gear into a nearby tree and fly past the abnormal. It quickly swings its arm at you, but you wrap around the tree and dodge it’s first attempt.
“Wow it’s fast.” You say to yourself and you hover in the air for a second.
It swings at you a second time so you quickly push on your trigger to shoot out another grapple, but the trigger stalls.
You anxiously push on the trigger more as you start falling, and your eyes widen as you see a giant arm in your vision. You scream when you feel it impact with your body and you go flying into a tree before falling and hitting the ground.
You were conscious enough to feel one, maybe more, of your limbs twist and the pressure of yourself hitting the ground making your ears ring before seeing black.
“Oh my god! Y/N!!”
“Petra! Don’t touch her!”
You are able to faintly hear your friends next to you, causing you to muster up enough strength to barely open one eye and fuzzily watch as they loom over you.
Petra has tears coming out of her eyes as Oluo holds her back.
“Captain! Don’t!” You hear Eld yell.
Suddenly, you feel the upper half of your body being lifted and your arms falling back behind you as you don’t have the strength to move them. Someone grabs your face and turns your head towards them.
It’s Levi.
You can barely make out his face.
“God-dammit! Look at me!” He says through gritted teeth, shaking your face with his hand. “Say something!”
Hanji’s squad catches up and she jumps off her horse before it even stops. “Hey!? What happened?!”
Levi is still holding your body tightly against him and trying to shake you awake. “She won’t get up!”
Hanji notices Levi is in a great state of distress, and notices the back of your head wet with blood.
She slowly kneels down next to Levi and squeezes his shoulder. “Levi, let’s put her down for a second, ok? I’ll…I’ll help her.”
Levi looks down at your disheveled face but nods and slowly lowers you back to the ground.
All of your senses are blurry and fuzzy, but you feel someone open your eye more and then force the other one to open for a split second before letting it close again.
“Her pupils are different sizes. I’m sure she just has a concussion. A bad one, but something she can heal from.”
Hanji has Moblit wrap your head in a bandage while she examines the rest of your body. “She has a broken arm and a sprained ankle. I’m not sure if her ribs are fractured. That’s something I’ll have to check back at base.”
Levi was seething with rage. “That idiot technician was supposed to fix her gear. I want him fucking dead.”
“Let’s not get too hasty right now, Levi. Let’s make sure Y/N is taken care of first.” Hanji says as she tries to calm him down.
You senses start to come back a little more as you start waking up from your black out and you hear Levi yelling.
“L-Lev…” You try to mutter out his name.
Levi quickly hovers back over you. “Y/N? Can you look at me?”
You weakly open your other eye slowly and see Levi in double vision.
“That’s good. I need you to stay awake.” He orders you.
“Hurt…” You squeak out.
Levi sighs. “I know, but we’re taking you home, ok?”
While Hanji was checking you over earlier, Gunther shot a black flare signaling a formation was down. This causes an emergency team to come assess the situation and they bring along a wagon of supplies.
They would use this wagon to haul you back to base as a horse would be too bumpy of a ride.
Levi sits in the wagon, holding you across his lap and talks with you to try to keep you awake.
“Hanji said you’re not allowed to sleep with a concussion, brat, so stay awake for me.” He orders as he moves hair out of your face.
“What…happen?” You try to ask but the more you start waking up, the more dizzy your head feels.
“Don’t worry about that right now.”
All you wanted to do was take a long nap. You start to close your eyes and drift off when you were snapped back as Levi shook your cheek a bit.
“Hey, I said stay awake. Why don’t you tell me what you use for my tea. You never told me.” He asks to try to keep you busy.
“The tea…I put lavender…” You tell him.
He furrows his brows. “Just lavender? Is that a secret ingredient?”
You manage to give a tiny smile. “Yes.”
A few days pass by and you are now fully awake but still admitted in the medical clinic on base.
“When can I leave?” You huff at Levi.
“When the doctor says you can.” He scolds.
The doctor said you had quite the concussion and wants to monitor you for a few days. Along with the concussion, you went through the pain of them trying to realign your broken leg and wrap your sprained ankle. Luckily your ribs weren’t fractured but you did develop deep bruising all over your body.
“Don’t make a fuss about leaving. You’ll be bed ridden in your room anyway.” Levi says.
You roll your eyes. “But I’d rather be bed ridden in the comfort of my room than in the medical clinic.” You grab his hand. “Levi…you don’t need to stress anymore. I’m fine.”
He scoffs. “How can I not stress when some idiot technician didn’t do his job. He almost got you killed. How can I even trust the others?”
The technician that was supposed to fix your gear forgot to, and instead of saying so, he lied and said the gear was fixed. In his head, corps members going outside the walls were as good as dead anyway.
He was promptly fired…after getting a major ass whooping from Levi.
You frown as well as scrunch your eyebrows in anger. “Kiss me.”
Levi’s eyes widened as he stared at you in silence. “What did you say?”
You grunt and hold your arm as you sit up more. “I almost died without telling my feelings for you. Since I’m still alive, I want to tell you them. But first, I want you to kiss me.”
Levi stared at you longer, contemplating what to do in his head, before he leans forward and puts his lips against yours. You sigh contently against his lips as you grab a hold of the front of his shirt, and he grabs the back of your neck to deepen the kiss.
After a few moments, you feel Levi’s lips quiver and a wetness on his cheek.
Levi pulls away and leans his forehead against yours. “I thought you were going to die.” He chokes out, tears falling down his cheeks.
You wipe away his tears and hold his face. “Well I didn’t. I’m here with you and I’ll always stay by you. I live for you.”
Levi smiles and kisses you again. “I live for you too.”
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
In celebration of my new writing sideblog, I decided to share a snippet of the expanded version of my first prompt fill. Original can be found here. Brief synopsis: Tim and Danny became online friends when they were both neglected and lonely ten/eleven-year-olds. Before Robin and before Phantom. They have been fully open with each other since they first met and that doesn't change, even after it probably should. (This segment is a chat fic.)
Prompt from @gremlin-bot
IKnowYourSecrets = Tim's username
-xXPolarisXx- = Danny's username
Typos in chat are intentional.
Edit: I don't know why the color text is being weird. Each time I get everything to work, new random letters are black.
Edit 2: formatting finally fixed. That took way too long.
Danny had been playing mindlessly when he got a message from Secrets.
IKnowYourSecrets: Thank god your on
That was odd. Secrets was always laid back and chill.
-xXPolarisXx-: Secrets? Whats up
IKnowYourSecrets: something big has happened IKnowYourSecrets: like top secret big IKnowYourSecrets: and I need advice IKnowYourSecrets: ive set up a private chat IKnowYourSecrets: one that cant be hacked so easily
-xXPolarisXx-: dude youre freaking me out -xXPolarisXx-: whats going on?
IKnowYourSecrets: :sends link: IKnowYourSecrets: not here. Ill explain
Danny clicked the link and put in his username when prompted. He had never even seen this chat room server before. Not that he spent a lot of time on chat rooms. He preferred in-game chats.
-xXPolarisXx-: ok dude spill -xXPolarisXx-: wth is going on
IKnowYourSecrets: I know who Batman is
“What!” Danny couldn’t hold back the shout. He started typing a reply, deleted, started typing again.
“Danny?” asked Jazz from the kitchen table where she was doing her homework. “Everything ok?”
He waved his hand at her. “Yeah! Everything is fine! My friend and I were just killed by something I didn’t even know could be dangerous.”
“Don’t play too long. You still have homework.”
“I know! I’ll be good.”
-xXPolarisXx-: good one secrets -xXPolarisXx-: you got me for a minute
IKnowYourSecrets: :image attachment: IKnowYourSecrets: :image attachment: IKnowYourSecrets: :news link: IKnowYourSecrets: :news link: IKnowYourSecrets: :image attachment:
The links and pictures started coming through even faster. The first was a picture of a family of acrobats and one of the links was to the story about how the parents died in an accident while performing.
The next link was about Bruce Wayne adopting a child followed by one only a few months later discussing Batman’s new side kick, Robin. Then a picture of the Graysons’ son in his circus costume next to a picture of the first Robin. Which were entirely too similar.
“Holy…” whispered Danny. But the links and images were still coming.
Robin stopped being spotted when Dick Grayson moved out. And not much later Nightwing appeared. And then there was a new Robin and a new adoption. And then Jason Todd-Wayne died and Robin disappeared.
-xXPolarisXx-: what. The fuck -xXPolarisXx-: why are you even looking into this -xXPolarisXx-: Secrets! ????
IKnowYourSecrets: your a real friend, right? IKnowYourSecrets: I mean weve known each other for like 2 years now IKnowYourSecrets: no catfisher’d stick around this long
-xXPolarisXx-: course I’m real -xXPolarisXx-: though thats also what a catfisherd say
IKnowYourSecrets: I live in gotham IKnowYourSecrets: Batmans changed since Robin IKnowYourSecrets: Since Jason died IKnowYourSecrets: he needs a robin I think IKnowYourSecrets: hes mean and harsh and people dont feel safe
-xXPolarisXx-: … -xXPolarisXx-: youre planning something
IKnowYourSecrets: help me figure out how to convince dick to go back to being robin IKnowYourSecrets: I think they had a fight IKnowYourSecrets: from what i can find online their last several meetings have ended in fights
Danny stared at his screen, mouth open. Secrets couldn’t be serious. This was too much. But he knew his friend. He might joke during a gaming battle, but he’d never joke about this. Not to Danny, or well, Polaris.
-xXPolarisXx-: Youre gonna chase down Nightwing?? -xXPolarisXx-: isnt he only out at night??? -xXPolarisXx-: dude youre gonna get yourself killed -xXPolarisXx-: how’ll you even find him? -xXPolarisXx-: do NOT tell him you know his secret identity -xXPolarisXx-: what do vigilantes do to ppl who learn their identities?
Danny watched as the dots appeared to indicate Secrets was typing. They stopped. Picked up again.
IKnowYourSecrets: awww IKnowYourSecrets: you like me ❤ IKnowYourSecrets: im not gonna die! IKnowYourSecrets: NIGHTWING will be there IKnowYourSecrets: and I can find him bc I know his patrol routes IKnowYourSecrets: easy peasy IKnowYourSecrets: im going tonight IKnowYourSecrets: just need to figure out what to say
-xXPolarisXx-: dude really??? -xXPolarisXx-: do you even know why they fought?
IKnowYourSecrets: Gotham needs batman IKnowYourSecrets: and batman needs robin IKnowYourSecrets: hes a hero he should want to help
-xXPolarisXx-: Well start with that, then -xXPolarisXx-: if youre going to be an idiot -xXPolarisXx-: and go out in gotham at night -xXPolarisXx-: tell nightwing youre worried about batman
IKnowYourSecrets: worried about nightwing as well IKnowYourSecrets: hes not as bad IKnowYourSecrets: but its clear something is wrong
-xXPolarisXx-: im just a kid from a small town -xXPolarisXx-: how am I supposed to know how to talk to superheroes?
IKnowYourSecrets: they aren’t superheroes IKnowYourSecrets: no powers
-xXPolarisXx-: not the point -xXPolarisXx-: I guess -xXPolarisXx-: start by asking how hes doing -xXPolarisXx-: and how batmans doing -xXPolarisXx-: and say youre sorry about robins death -xXPolarisXx-: but most importan STAY SAFE -xXPolarisXx-: i dont even know your name to follow any news stories
IKnowYourSecrets: its Tim if you wanna know
-xXPolarisXx-: mines Danny -xXPolarisXx-: idk why but Tim fits you
IKnowYourSecrets: dont use it on public forums IKnowYourSecrets: but were safe here IKnowYourSecrets: Danny. I like it IKnowYourSecrets: thanks for the advice!!! IKnowYourSecrets: im gonna use it IKnowYourSecrets: ttyl IKnowYourSecrets: gonna track down dick and talk to him IKnowYourSecrets: he usually starts patroling in like an hour and a half IKnowYourSecrets: and it’ll take me about that long to get to bludhaven
-xXPolarisXx-: lemme know what happens -xXPolarisXx-: im gonna check this chat and the game any chance I have at the computer
IKnowYourSecrets: will do IKnowYourSecrets: by danny
-xXPolarisXx-: stay safe tim
Danny stared at the chat box as Secrets, as Tim signed out. What. The. Hell.
“You all right there, Danny?” Jazz was looking at him from their kitchen table and Danny quickly closed out of the chatroom. No one could be allowed to see that information.
“Yeah, course. Just talking with my online friend Secrets.” Whose name he now knew. “He had to go, though. So I guess I’ll start my homework.”
“Were you two playing that game you like?”
He couldn’t tell the truth, so he decided to lie. “Yeah. We’re hoping to beat this boss so we can get a rune stone that’ll let us craft this super awesome weapon! Then we might stand a chance in the arena.”
Jazz smiled at him. “I’m sure you two’ll get it. What’s this arena?”
Danny described the game on autopilot as pulled out his backpack and books. Holy hell, he knew Batman’s identity.
Part 2
I also hope to start doing WIP Wednesdays if there's any interest. Probably not every week and they won't all be for this fic, but I've got a few things I've been working on that I hope people will enjoy.
Tag List (I hope you're still all interested so many months later. XP)
@bonebrokebuddy, @britcision, @lady-time-lord-, @welcometosasakiworld, @akikkobara, @phoenixdemonqueen, @dolfay, @skulld3mort-1fan, @nutcase8691, @dreamingasters, @xysidhequeen
I'm sure there's people I'm missing. So let me know if you want to be added or if you want to be taken off the list. I won't be offended either way.
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bbybluemochi · 10 months
bbybluemochi's F.A.Q. ✧・゚
Hi! Arun here! I thought that instead of answering your submissions one by one I’d gather all the frequently asked questions and answer them in a single post (this is a mix of art/OC/commissions related q's)!
Please note that I do read all your messages and I’m so grateful for every one of them!!!! I keep all your words really close to my heart, thank you for liking my art and loving my Ocs as much as I do, it means the world to me <3
What’s the name of your OCs?
They’re called Cotton (the blonde one) and Puppy (the dark haired one). The original idea for them was to make some silly wolf/bunny OCs (that’s why Cotton is called like that, it was supposed to be a joke about her tail…) but somewhere along the way they took over and became something completely different!
Is there a webcomic for your OCs?
Not currently! I don’t have the time or the skills (for now) but I’d love to give it a try in the future! 
I was wondering if you mind people using your OC art as character art/inspiration for DnD?Just games with friends that are for fun, nothing for commercial.
Go ahead! I find that really flattering.
Just out of curiosity, are any of your OCs bisexual?
Both Cotton and Puppy are lesbians. That’s what I feel comfortable drawing since I’m a lesbian myself. If I ever do draw a bisexual OC I’ll make sure to mention it! <3
I think you said Cotton was a dominatrix in a previous ask, but is Puppy on the opposite side of the spectrum or is she just glad to be there whichever way?
Puppy is very much a sub. They both switch (Puppy as a service top and bottom and Cotton as a top and power bottom), but the dom/sub dynamic never changes. Also I wanted to mention that these dynamics do not transcend outside of the bedroom that much, there’s more to them than their kinks but I do love to draw them deep in their submissive/dominant headspaces. 
Are one of the lesbian fairytale characters trans?
I didn’t design either of them with that in mind, but I’m super OK with people headcanoning them as trans!
May I use your art as a header/icon?
Of course! Remember to credit me tho~
Do you allow people to use your art freely?
I don’t allow reposts of my work (not that it matters that much, since almost all my art has been already reposted a million times ))): but I’d really appreciate it if you just shared my posts instead of reposting my art). As for phone backgrounds/wallpapers or stuff like that, yeah!
Do you have an instagram account or other social media, I would love to follow you there.
My main platform is twitter (same @), I post all my drawings there and I’m usually more active over there. Tumblr is kind of like an archive. I really like the community here but I find it easier to reply/interact with people on twitter! As for instagram, I do have an old art account (same @, again) but I haven’t posted in so long. I may start posting there soon if a certain rich guy decides to keep destroying the bird app tho. 
I’ve always thought about this… how do you think it’d look if the aesthetics/styles [of your OCs] were reversed?
I’ll have to explore that in a future drawing, I haven’t thought much about it! 
Do you write fics for your characters or has anyone else written fics about them?
Not yet! A couple of my friends have offered, tho! I usually like to stick to drawing because that’s what I do best, I don’t wanna subject anyone to my writing (it’s not very good,,,,). When I share some of my Ocs stories, I think it will be in comic format. 
What's the story behind your OCs? 
There are several, actually!! I like to put my OCs in different universes. As for now, there’s the Fairytale AU, the modern setting AU (this is the original one), and now the Werewolf/Vampire AU. I also did a drawing of them as spiderwoman and black cat but I don’t think that AU is gonna make a comeback for a while. I’m also planning a scifi AU but I’m not sure I’d be able to pull off that aesthetic with my current art style so I’m still working on it. 
The Fairytale AU is the one I’m working on most of the time. I wanna release a small artbook with their story + illustrations. That was my main goal for 2023 but life got in the way, so maybe,,, 2024??? *crosses fingers* 
Is your shop down? It’s saying that it’s not available.
I open my shop for 1-2 weeks every now and then, that’s why it’s closed most of the time! My plan is to open the store again in september, if i manage to finish all the merch in time! I’ll announce it on my twitter and tumblr account when I do. 
Would you ever share a tutorial on how you make your art?
Yes, of course! I’m not very good at explaining my drawing process but If it helps anyone I’d love to! Just let me know what part of the drawing process you’d like me to focus on, because If i try to make a full illustration tutorial it’s gonna be too long/difficult to follow. 
May I ask what brush do you use for your lineart?
I use a different brush almost every time I start an illustration, I’m not very consistent when it comes to that (I think it’s mainly because I haven’t found the perfect brush yet!). But let me know what illustration you’re curious about and I’ll try to remember which one I used!
Do you come up with poses off the top of your head or do you use some type of reference? I always struggle with them.
It depends on what I’m drawing! Some of my drawings are reinterpretations of paintings (I’m obsessed with pre-raphaelite painters and arthurian legend paintings in general), so in those cases I try to adapt the poses to my art style. Even If I’m trying to recreate an already existing painting I end up changing the poses/proportions a lot along the way to fit my personal taste/art style. 
Other times, I just sketch from imagination (this is more entertaining, I think, since looking at references can make the drawing process a bit tedious). If I find it hard to draw a certain pose/part of the body I will look up references on printerest, no shame in using pictures! If I still can’t find the pose I need I’ll just take a picture of myself (this is like, a last resort for me. I’m too lazy for this). 
My personal advice would be to use references for the pose and then tweaking the pose and trying to make it more personal 
I love the way the armor was designed and rendered! Can you share some tips on designing armor? 
Drawing armor is something I still struggle with most of the time. I think I’ve learned a lot in the past year (please don’t look at my armor drawings from 2022,,,,, sigh) but I still struggle to draw certain poses/angles. My advice is: don’t hesitate to draw non-functional armor!!! There’s always gonna be someone like “actually, that armour makes no sense :)” well !!!! it looks cool as hell so who caresssss !!!!! 
I think it’s more important for you to get comfortable drawing armor before you start beating yourself up for not drawing accurate ones. It takes a lot of practice (I’m still learning!!!), especially if you’re trying to draw historically accurate ones, so start by having fun, and then work your way up from there.
Most of the tips I can think about are really hard to explain without a visual example, so let me know if that’d be a tutorial you would be interested in and I’ll try to make one (I’m cringing a little just saying this bc I swear, my armor skills are so bad compared to some amazing artists out there………..).
Do you allow cosplays your OCs?
YES…. YES PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM BEGGING YOUUU ILL LOVE YOU FOREVER !!!!!! *rattles my cage* 
Do you allow fanart of your OCs?
Again,,, PLEASEEEEEEEEE !!! Just tag me so I don’t miss it and remember to give me credits if you do !!!!!!!!!!! :D
I was wondering if you use procreate , clip studio, or similar apps?
A mix of both. I used to draw on procreate only until I got a tablet and now I’m a clip studio user (csp sponsor me please), and now that’s all I use. I’m so used to drawing on PC now that I don’t think I’d be able to go back to procreate, but I still like that app a lot! All my drawings (even the ones I do on csp) always get retouched on procreate because I like some of the effects (*dreamy sigh* chromatic aberration filter,,, love u). 
I wanted to know if the marks Cotton has on her waist are tattoos or like a scar? 
Those are tats! Puppy is a tattoo artist ~~~ (I’m actually not sure if i’ll keep the waist tats on Cotton or if I’ll end up redesigning them,,,)
I was wondering if you take commissions?
Not right now. I also don’t have any plans of opening commissions any time soon! When I do, I’ll post a google forms on twitter and here on tumblr with the prices and type of comms I do. But there’s nothing scheduled. 
Even tho I'm not doing commissions atm, I’m currently looking for illustration jobs (specially book covers), so don’t hesitate to email me at [email protected]
That's all for now, thank you for reading!! I think I covered most of the questions, I'll make another q&a post in the future! Bye~~
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outlawedmando · 1 year
pairing: modern!aemond targaryen x reader
warnings: aemond is a warning himself ok
summary: leviathan, your beloved cat is always putting her paws where she shouldn’t be.
a/n: i am obsessed with this silver long-haired boy. also that sapphire eye does something to me…am i right??
also! would really appreciate reblogs + comments!!
word count: 900+
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The wild wind howled as you made your way inside the apartment block. Straight towards the elevator, the button pressed and resounding ding encompassed the space. It was a desolate sort of silence. Standing in all your lonesome with only the generic elevator music playing in the background. What was only a couple of seconds felt like a never-ending tunnel, caging you in its depths. 
You sighed. You began to make your journey towards your apartment. Your keys jingle by your side as the door unlocks, letting in the warmth of your home to comfort you. Yet, there wasn’t a welcoming home like you expected.
“Levi? Here, girl!” You entered your space, tore your boots off and unwrapped your scarf. You hung your coat near the door, making your way deeper into your home, “Levi…Levi?”
The apartment held no life, no living creature. She must have escaped. Oh, Levi. What am I going to do with you? You checked the empty apartment for any sign of evidence. Nothing. Levi didn’t leave anything in her disappearance. What was supposed to be a calm evening filled with relaxation turned into the opposite. It was time to backtrack, boots put back on as the door shut behind you, and the lock clicked in place.
You hurried across the hall to Mr Salinger’s. He was an old man, lonely but he always asked about your day when passing by the mailboxes in the mornings. With two quick knocks and a moment of silence, Mr Salinger opened the door in his tired state.
"Sorry to bother you, Sal. But, is Levi here with you?"
"No, she is not." He opened the door wider, more inviting than when he first answered.
"Shit," your hands fidgeted all over your face, sliding down until they met the curve of your neck. "Okay, thanks for letting me know."
"I'll be on the lookout for you, dear. Don't you worry."
"Thanks, Sal."
The door shut. You sighed and continued. You walked across to the apartment next to Mr Salinger's. You knew someone lived there, but never saw who he was, it was obvious that a man lived in apartment 409. There was a significant memory of a man arguing outside his door once. He seemed to be drunk off his face spewing nonsense about not wanting to take over the family business.
You braced for impact as soon your knuckles met the wooden exterior. Looking down at your feet; tapping one foot with the other. Hearing a soft "hmm" made your head shoot up like a pin rod as you finally gazed at this stranger of a man. 
He was beautiful and terrifying at the same time. Terrifying in the way that his entire being would make you fall to the ground for him. His dead-straight hair fell gently against his body, all white in its glory. A stark contrast to his full black outfit, a structured fit that hugged his body in all the right places. However, your gaze lifted to his eyes and how one was covered with a loved but worn eyepatch. You bit your lip as you continued to admire him, eyebrows furrowing at this man.
He coughed. Your keen observation of him was broken. His lithe voice continued, "Hmm...402, never knew I held such sentiments from you."
"You know my number?"
"What? are you suggesting that I am stalking you?" he tilted his head, "I am merely observing my surroundings."
"Didn't know I could make a woman so tongue-tied."
You glowered. "Do you happen to know where my cat Levi is? She decided to leave home and now I cannot seem to find her."
"What would I get if I help you find her?"
"A pat on the back."
He leaned against the door, "Hmm..."
"Well, 409. Thanks for your ever-gracious self and help."
"It's Aemond."
"I don't like that you referred to me as a number. I am a human being too."
"You called me 402."
"Yes, because I don't know your name. Unless, you want me to call you, Spitfire."
"Don't you dare!"
"Spitfire, I do quite like that name."
After shouting out your name to Aemond, he started chuckling. He opened his door further and a black cat came into view relaxing on his armchair, "Is this your Levi?"
"You could have just led with that. That you had my precious Leviathan!"
"How was I supposed to know you won't cat-nap someone else's cat?"
You rushed into Aemond's apartment straight towards Levi. Levi cuddled in layers of blankets draped over his emerald green armchair. Levi purred contently. "What did you give her? She doesn't like most people."
"Nothing," he smirked, "you jealous?"
"Pfft, please."
"I am waiting for my reward. I helped you find your Levi. I wonder what I am going to get?"
"You'll be getting a slap."
"Ohh, Spitfire. I just met you."
"Not like that, you pervert."
The candles in Aemond's living room started flickering. A warm golden shadow passed onto the wall creating an even cosier environment.
"Well..." You scooped up Levi into your arms as she purred contently once again, head burrowing into your neck.
"I'm waiting for my reward, Spitfire."
"Not in a million years, Aemond."
You looked back at him and thanked him quietly for taking care of her in the time that she disappeared from your home. Aemond shook his head and said, "you think me of a monster, don't you?"
"No. I do not," you whispered. "How about I treat you to coffee...or tea? I don't know what you prefer. You know, as your reward for helping me..."
"I'll take you up on that offer, Spitfire."
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fornshinoyaz · 11 months
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ you are my starlight...
a tobio kageyama social media au <3
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★  — PAIRING   kageyama x fem!reader, slight oikawa x fem!reader if you squint
★ — GENRE   social media au, college au
he was your sun, the center of your universe. you thought you were the sun of his world too. but tobio kageyama was always too selfish for his own good. with both of you being bitter exes, sparks fly when you become the boys’ manager for your ex’s rival volleyball club. 
                    or where bitter exes turn into bitter rivals & kageyama can never seem to stay away from you even if it feels like choking on stardust.
★ — TAGS   lovers to enemies to rivals to friends to lovers, kageyama is DUMB, a little silly so a little ooc, fluff at times but kageyama is dumb, but not too much, slight fuckboy!kageyama, second chances, mutual pining, bad communication, angsty i’m sorry but it gets better after the first half, slow burn, kageyama slander ok but not that ok, but he’s a sweetheart when it counts, no love triangles that are taken SERIOUS, will update tags as i go
★ — WARNINGS  will update as i go, swearing, can have slightly suggestive moments but nothing graphic, slight inaccuracies when it comes to university in japan for plot sake, some ooc moments but it’s fine, death jokes/threats used by characters
★ — STATUS  ongoing! (started 7.18.23)
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                                          tokyo university hotties.
waseda university bros.
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★ — CHAPTERS!     (will feature written portions).
00. prologue 1 ✵ prologue 2
01. 6:30 in tokyo
02. can i get a shoutout?
03. it only gets worse
04. the chipmunks
05. old & new stalkers
06. girlfriends
07. welcome home
08. surprise visit (features written)
09. 4:30 in tokyo (features written)
10. the real streamers
11. kill me after i graduate
12. made me double take
13. knock knock
14. baby, you’re dead to me (features written)
15. japan didn’t miss you (features written)
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a/n: here it is! i’ve been working on this for a record amount of like 24 hours. now i can breathe. i have some chapters already planned. i’m excited to see where this series goes! i was rlly torn on who should the li should be, but here i couldn’t help myself. this was originally an oc of mine, but i changed it to fit the reader. alrightttt, i hope whoever enjoys reading this as much as i enjoyed making it!!!
icons used are not mine, nor of the images used in this fic. thank you~. this page’s format was heavily inspired by @idlerin​. their smau’s are so cute n rlly did push to me to try to make one of my own, anyone who reads this should def check theirs out! thank you! 
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plumadot · 15 days
ok here it is! cleo fic with formatting yay!! -🍳
>You are a traveller. 
>Your footprints stain the path behind you, imprints in the slick mud. Rain is lazily pouring down from mushy clouds, and the sky does little to light your way. 
>You wish that your hometown was closer, but alas, it’s still a day’s walk away. You won’t make it with this rain, so the smarter choice would be to look for shelter. Somewhere warm and well-lit.
> Also dry, you think, as a cold raindrop meanders down your back. 
>Thankfully, you can see small lights in the distance. A glistening town lies in front of you.
>You walk faster.
>Within the town, it’s easier to hide from the rain that tormented your journey. Lamp posts give the air a soft glow as your search for some place to hide away for a while. 
>The first sign you see reads “The Crastle”. It connects to a small yet lively tavern that smells of ale and cider. It seems safe enough (a quick glance assures you of no shadowy figures or incapacitated drinkers), so you enter. 
>Instantly the warmth of a fire and closely packed bodies floods over you. You let out a sigh of relief, shrugging off your wet coat onto a nearby coat rack.
>You approach the bar and find an empty stool. The bartender and another patron are talking, and you decide to let them finish before interrupting.
>The bartender’s hair drapes over her face, so you can’t see what she’s whispering to the man with a green cloak (is it…fuzzy?). He fidgets with a few small blue flowers before placing them gently in her fiery locks. When he’s done, she musses his hair (which produces a sound close to a squawk) before turning to you.
>Cleo: Welcome to the Crastle! Name’s Cleo, how can I help you?
>You: Uh, I can get something to eat? Preferably warm.
>Cleo: Storm got to you?
>You nod.
>You: Yeah, it came in while I was traveling. I’m soaked to the core.
>Cleo: Of course, of course! Let me find something for you in the kitchen.
>You: Thanks.
>They turns around to get your food, and that’s when you notice their sleeves-or rather lack of them. 
>What you had originally taken for long, detached sleeves is actually…skin. Almost purple in tint, but skin nonetheless. You didn’t notice at first, but now it sticks out like a sore thumb. Painfully obvious.
>The stitches holding her bicep together stretch as they balance a tray skillfully. They hand the first bowl to a masked man (who accepts with careful hands and a small nod) before they hand the second to you. 
>Cleo: House stew, hot off the stove!
>You take the bowl off her hands, look up to thank her, and notice that her eyes have no whites.
>You: Th…thank you.
>Cleo: ‘Course! 
>Cleo: …
>Cleo: Do I have something on my face?
>You say nothing. CLEO turns to the same cloaked man from earlier. 
>Cleo: BDubs, do I have something on my face?
>The man scrunches his nose up in concentration.
>Bdubs: Uh, you have eyes, a nose, eyebrows, lips? What am I looking for?
>Cleo: Something out of place! Like a food smudge or bloodstain.
>BDUBS squints his eyes.
>Bdubs: Nothing out of the ordinary, but…
>He turns to look at you, then back at CLEO. You, then CLEO, a few times. 
>Bdubs: Your stitches. And eyes. 
>Cleo: Oh, my stitches! No wonder.
>They turns to you.
>Cleo: I’m undead! Technically a Hollow One, but most people just say undead. The stitches are normal, and so are the eyes, don’t worry.
>You: Oh. Sorry for staring.
>Cleo: Nah, you’re good! All newcomers stare a bit. 
>You: And thank you for the stew. 
>Cleo: Of course, of course! I’ll be back to my duties, but holler if you need me!
>You nod, and CLEO walks off to assist another customer. 
>Throughout the evening and into the night, CLEO tends to customers, embroidered robes swishing around her knees as she walks.
>BDUBS, apparently the other worker for the tavern, waits tables during the dinner rush. You notice that the flowers on every table are visibly brighter each time he passes by.
>Everything about this tavern is a little strange. The fire burns in pastel colors, the food tastes like memories, and the singer on stage has a chair that looks like…a spider. He notices your lingering gaze and waves. You wave back.
>But it’s nice. No one seems to care about the state of their clothes or the shape of their ears. They just want to drink some beer, eat some food, have a good time. 
>You have seconds, then thirds of the stew. CLEO smiles each time you ask for another.
>Cleo: I’m glad you like it! Etho brought the recipe back from one of his quests. Isn’t that right Etho? 
>The masked man (presumably ETHO) nods.  
>You: Well, it’s really good. Thank you.
>ETHO nods again, and you think you see a flush of pink behind the mask. Seeing the stoic man blush with compliments was quite satisfying. You should try giving them out more often.
>The comfy atmosphere in the tavern, combined with the mixture of stew and ale settling in your stomach, makes you sleepy. Eventually you ask to rent a room from CLEO, give them pay for the night and for the food, and head to bed. You’re asleep the moment your head hits the pillow.
>Soft sunlight filters through the closed shutters as your eyes flutter open. You prop yourself up to a sitting position and yawn. That was the best sleep you had gotten since you started your journey. Even still, the warm blankets tempted you back to the land of dreams. But you are a traveler, and your journey is not over.
>When you head back to the bar, CLEO is still there, exactly where you left them last night. Now they’re cleaning dishes, plates and bowls and silverware that pile up on both sides of them. 
>Cleo: Hey you! Looks like you’re up bright and early. Heading back on the road?
>You: Yeah, I still have a day’s walk ahead of me. Do you serve breakfast here?
> She smirks and hands you a bowl of…stew. 
>Cleo: If you don’t mind leftovers. 
>You’re too hungry to care, digging into the cold stew almost immediately. CLEO laughs.
>Cleo: Ha! I guess you don’t! 
>She continues to laugh, and then you’re trying not to laugh with her, which is unsuccessful and only results in you spitting out a mouthful of stew, which magically transforms her laughs into guffaws, and then you’re laughing so hard you have to put down the bowl and clutch your sides. Somewhere in between, a sleepy BDUBS shuffles in.
>Bdubs: What in the WORLD is going on here??
>Cleo: I finally found someone who likes cold scraps as much as Etho, if you can believe it!
>Bdubs: Well, you interrupted my schreep. Apologize.
>CLEO rolls her eyes overdramatically, but her laughing smile never leaves her face.
>Cleo: I’m sorry I interrupted your beauty sleep, princess. Will you ever forgive me? 
>BDUBS slouches onto CLEO’s shoulder.
>Bdubs: Only if we can take a nap later. With Etho, because he makes a better pillow than you.
>Cleo: Deal. 
>CLEO ruffles BDUBS' hair as he wraps his arms lazily around their neck. It’s sweet and intimate in the way close friends usually are around each other, and you can’t help but feel like you’re intruding on some morning ritual of theirs (not that they seem to mind). You eat faster to make up for it, then walk back to your room to start packing while CLEO and Bdubs continue their embrace. 
>You leave the Crastle with a heavy bag but a light coin purse. You can’t find it in you to regret it though, because the experience was far better than any musty hostel room you’ve been to. It felt like an actual rest, and not a waiting place where you anxiously waited to begin your journey again.
>You hope to see CLEO and BDUBS again, smiling, laughing, loving. You hope you can come back and find something to compliment ETHO on and watch him blush and fidget with his shirt collar in embarrassment. Because all those things reminded you of safety, comfort, home.
> But home wasn’t here. Home was a day’s walk away, and if you wanted to get there before sundown, you’d have to start now.
>After all, you are only a traveler. 
secondly!!!!! i love the way you wrote this!!!! it's like you're the dm and i'm the player and clethubs are the loveliest npcs i will ever meet. which is true!!!!! they are so soft and gentle and sweet and lovely and mysterious and cool and strong and open and friendly and charming!!!!!!! aaaaaa the little things like cleo not immediately noticing why the traveller is staring at them, bdubs making flowers bloom brighter with zero effort, etho seeming a little absent from the conversations but still being included in his own little way... AND SCAR PROVIDING STELLAR BACKGROUND MUSIC,,, the crastle is just such a lovely... ecosystem in this, definitely homely vibes even though it might not actually be "home",,, it feels wonderful and magical but also light!!!! whimsical!!!!!!!!! i love it i love it i love it,,, i love THEM!!!!
ahhhhhh thank you for this gift... i hope the traveller finds a place to call home too...
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mapileonxputellas · 2 years
Little Sister (Mapi Leon, Alexia Putellas x Reader)
Request and description found here. Wanted to get a little something out this weekend. 2.6k words. Enjoy x
TW: head injury and mentions of blood
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Moving to the other side of the country at just 18 was one of the hardest but best decisions of your life. You’d impressed at your local team and the u17’s for Spain but you knew that you had to make the most of the current hype and consider all the options you had for your first professional contract. There was a lot of pressure having been described as a ‘generational talent’ but you couldn’t allow that to get to you.
When Barca come calling it is hard to say no, but you knew your parents wouldn’t be able to make the journey with you, they were both settled in their jobs, your younger siblings were settled in school and they couldn’t leave your elderly grandparents. But all of that left you just over a year ago stood outside the training centre in Barcelona knowing no-one and wondering if all this has been a mistake.
1 year ago….
You’d arrived at Barcelona a few days before pre-season started and though you’d originally planned to try and look round the city, you didn’t realise how lonely it would be on your own. So in a way you were grateful to meet the players but that meant meeting some of your idols as well. Being an out and out centre forward you’d grew to model your game on the efficiency of Hermoso, the creativity of Putellas and the delivery of León.
They were all behind those doors, waiting for everyone to gather but it was almost as if you couldn’t move your legs. The nerves had paralysed you, but you were brought out of the trance by a soft hand on your back.
“Hola.” It was fair to say you were embarrassed that the one and only Alexia Putellas had been the one to catch you in this state. “You must be Y/N.”
“Hola. Yes that’s me.” You confirmed shaking her hand.
“What are you doing out here then, come inside. We really don’t bite, well other than Patri. Come on”
If it hadn’t of been for Alexia you probably would have been stood there all day, but she was the one to take you inside, introduce you to everyone and make sure you were settled in the dressing room. Which is where you met Mapi, as she insisted you call her when you stumbled out Maria, who took you under her wing on the training pitch. Partnering up with you for the exercises and talking tou through what was going to happen next.
“Here’s our numbers.” Alexia passed me a piece of paper as the three of us walked outside after training. “If you need anything or just need someone to speak to please use them. Iit must be daunting being here alone.”
“Thank you.”
“How are you getting home?” Mapi asked.
“Oh, I was planning on walking. It’s only like 20 minutes.”
“Nonsense, come on I’ll give you a lift.” Mapi almost instructed me, taking the bag out of my hands as she walked to the cars lined up outside. “I’ll pick you up for training tomorrow as well.”
“Thank you, really you don’t have to do this.”
“I know, now come on.”
That became the routine of your pre-season, Mapi would pick you up and drop you off after training. You went out for the team bonding sessions and made friends with the girls closer to your age, but by the end of the night you were always found with one or both of them making sure you got home safely.
You made several cameos in the warm up games, but you knew you would have to be patient and just wait for your time to come. That came sooner than you thought it would as in the final training session, Jenni appeared to pull up at the end and Jonatan pulled you to the side.
“Jenni cannot play tomorrow so we’re going to put you in from the start. Are you ok with that or do you want me to change formation? Are you ready?”
“I’m ready, I promise I won’t let you down.”
“I know you won’t.”
So that’s how you found yourself at 18 years old making your debut for Barcelona in the first match of the season, granted it was a team who barely scraped relegation last season but it was an opponent none the less.. With that came the expectation and therefore the nerves as you made your last few preparations to get ready.
“Give me those.” Alexia shooed your hands away as you tried to lace up your boots for what was probably the fifth time, each time the laces twisting in your hands and not quite falling right. “Look at me. I watch you every day in training and you’re amazing, I’m not lying. Just go out there, be yourself and enjoy it. You’ll be fine.”
“I don’t want to let you all down.” You admitted.
“You won’t.” Mapi obviously was listening in and slid her arm around your shoulder. “No-one can ask for anything more than you just trying your best. Run hard and don’t let your nerves stop you.”
“Thank you, both of you.”
“No worries baby.”
Everything was a whirlwind after that moment, from walking out onto the pitch to giving it your all in the first half to help the team get 3-0 up. You’d tried to get on the end of a few crosses and driven at the defence but nothing was just quite working.
The manager kept his faith in you and left you on the field for the second half and finally your hard work was rewarded. A free kick was awarded just outside the box and Mapi was stood over it. Not being the tallest you were stood in line with the back post on the edge of the box and watched as the defender got her head to it but only cleared the ball as far as you. It was like time stood still as you put as much power onto the ball as possible and watched it curve into the far corner of the net past the oblivious goalkeeper.
You were brought back down to Earth as a pair of arms wrapped around your waist, immediately giving Mapi away as the culprit, flinging you into the air. “You did it!”
After everyone else had congratulated you, Alexia and Mapi wrapped their arms around your shoulder to walk back to the other side.
“See I told you, just believe in yourself.” Alexia said.
“I couldn’t have done it without you two.”
“We know.”
Fast forward a year and the bond between the three of you had only grew stronger. When you couldn’t afford to go home for Christmas, Alexia’s family had invited you into their family home for the day and you were a regular at Mapi’s for a takeaway after a game. The two of them were very protective of you but they were also the first to congratulate you as you made progress throughout your first season and became known as the impact substitution.
The heartbreak of Alexia’s ACl injury gave you the opportunity to repay every favour she’d given to you, keeping her company in days immediately before and after her surgery, running to the store whenever she needed anything and trying to take her mind off the hard journey she had ahead.
The second season was where you knew you had to make an impact, Jenni leaving left the door open for you to make a firm impression in the league and you knew you had to step it up in training. Everyone noticed a difference in you, from your professionalism in preparing for every session to the intensity and discipling you trained with, it was obvious how focused you were and how much you wanted to improve.
It was eerily silent as Mapi and Alexia pulled up outside of the training centre, the two of them running late as they had been chosen to attend a league sponsor event.
As they were walking over they noticed Patri and Irene stood by the doors with a look on their face that they couldn’t quite read. “Hey what are you two doing out here?” Alexia asked as they tried to enter the building but were stopped by the two of them blocking the entrance.
“Oh we managed to finish training early so we thought we’d save you the trip inside, you can go home.” Irene told the two but her eyes were elsewhere, as if she was looking out for something behind them.
“We can go? We don’t even have to speak to Jonathan, does he not want to know how the event went?”
“Oh I’m sure you can tell him tomorrow.”
Alexia was beginning to grow annoyed as Patri once again blocked her path inside. “Cut the crap, what’s going on? You two are acting suspicious.”
“Nothing.” But the look of panic on their faces became visible as ambulance sirens grew lounder and louder behind them until an ambulance came into view. “Shit.”
“What’s going on? Has something happened?”
“We didn’t want you to worry, she’s in the safest hands and we knew that you two would only panic and she needs to stay calm.”
“Who needs to stay calm?” Mapi asked but was just met with silence. “Who?”
Patri and Irene gave up the fight at that point, almost running to keep up with the ambulance crew and the other two players as they raced through onto the field whilst trying to explain the situation. “She was trying head the ball and collided with the post, she’s got quite a big cut on her hairline and she started complaining about her neck so they’ve tried to stabilise her neck. She’s 19, we’ve tried to reassure her but she’s very panicky.”
“You should have called us sooner.” Mapi was angry at the whole situation but at the moment Patri was taking the frustration. “We could have reassured her, she’s probably frightened.”
“We didn’t have much of a choice.”
Mapi and Alexia broke into a sprint as they came into view of the situation with the medical department around you and the team watching on from a few metres away.
“Mapi…” Irene tried to stop her from going over but it was no use as the defender shook her off.
“No, she needs me.”
The situation was a lot more serious than they ever could have expected, blood completely coated your face and shirt as one of the doctors continued to apply pressure to the wound. Another one holding onto your neck as they tried to talk to you.
“Hey babe.” Mapi and Alexia knelt down next to one side of you so the medical staff could continue on the other side, your eyes immediately finding their own as they gripped your hands. Tears evident in your eyes as you squeezed their hands. “Can’t leave you alone for one minute.”
“It really hurts.”
“I know it does, but the doctors are here and you’re going to be fine.” Alexia reassured her. “Where’s the pain coming from?”
“Mostly my head now.”
“That’s good.” Mapi could see the massive gash on your head as the paramedics tried to wrap it up. They’d seen enough head injuries now to know that the majority of the worry right now would be coming from the neck situation and any potentially career threatening injury there. “Just keep talking to us, keep that neck still and they’ll sort everything out.”
“I was speaking to my mum this morning and she wanted to invite you round at the weekend.” Alexia tried to distract her from the situation. “I think you’re definitely her new favourite daughter.”
“She’s the best.”
“Bagheera has been lost without you these last few weeks.” From looking out for Alexia, you’d started hanging out at Alexia’s place as a three rather than Mapi’s which left you missing a certain car. “She misses your cuddles.”
“Oh I love her.”
“Right we’re going to try and move her now and get her to the hospital.” The two girls looked up as the paramedic instructed everyone. “Is anyone coming to the hospital with us? Any family?”
“I’m not leaving her.” Mapi and Alexia both insisted. “We’re practically her family.”
“She has no immediately family in the area.” The club doctor confirmed. “These two will be able to calm her down the most.”
The two of them didn’t leave your side, from moving you onto the ambulance, to arriving at the hospital and getting the initial checks done. Thankfully the scans on your neck had come back clear and they put the initial pain down to the impact of the collision with the post.
They wanted to keep you in longer to check for any longer lasting concussion damage but the final nurse finally left the three of you alone after stitching up the wound leaving you with a giant bandage across your forehead. It must have been in the early hours of the morning now but neither of them had made an attempt to leave yet.
“Wow, we leave you along for one session and this happens?” Alexia teased as the two sat either side of you finally alone after the long day.
“I don’t think that goal post and I can be friends anymore.” You tried to joke but the tears only started again. “I thought that was it for me today. I’ve heard about people suffering from spinal injuries and it only ever ends with their careers ending. I thought that was it and there was so much blood. I could see the panic in their eyes as they tried to treat me and the blood was just soaking everything.”
“It will take more than a goal post to stop you from becoming the best.” Alexia said. “Stop worrying about that now, all the checks have been double checked and everything has come back clear. I know it’s frightening in that moment but thankfully we’ve got through it.”
“We’re just upset we weren’t there for you,” You could see the struggle in Mapi’s eyes as the rarely emotional girl got upset. “I promise if you ever need me again then I’ll be there.”
“Don’t worry.” You were the one doing to the reassuring now. “You’re here now and that’s all that matters. I don’t think I would have liked to have been Irene and Patri trying to stop you though.”
“Mapi almost charged them down.”
“Are you feeling ok now? Do you need me to get you some more painkillers?” Mapi asked.
“No, it’s more just like a dull headache now. Thank you both so much for today, you don’t know how much I needed you both today and to know you’ve stayed with me this entire time…”
“And like I’ve told you a million times before we’re your sisters now.” Alexia reassured her, climbing up onto the bed, so you could rest your head on her shoulder. “I told you on that first day we’d be here if you ever needed us and you needed us today.”
“I love you both.”
“We love you too.” Mapi said, not quite managing to squeeze onto the bed but she held your hands together. “Just don’t scare me like that again.”
“I’ll try not to.”
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crazymadredfox · 11 days
DCST S3E10 Dub: A genuinely impressive feat of adaptation
As I tend to be late with most dr stone stuff someone might’ve already talked about this but whatever i had to make my own post. Last year when i watched this ep and the dub wasn’t out i didn’t give the scene where Gen interprets the note sent by the spy team much thought; but as i’ve since then had some more translation work at uni, and am currently rewatching some episodes, i immediately went to check the dub cause i was ridiculously curious what they did with the scene 
Dr stone dub has always been great, but how they handled this challenge legit made me gain so much more appreciation for it
So under the cut, some of my observations and gushing about it:
Ok, as it goes science team gets the message written with pictograms and work out how to interpret it 
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All the versions of the manga i could find just offer the literal translation of this scene, with all the necessary translator notes and romanizations so the reader can understand what is being written in japanese, which is of course fine, especially in this written, static format that makes it easy to follow and understand
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Subbed episode also uses this form of translation (although without spelling out most of the japanese words in brackets or something similar - which is honestly not that important so i fully understand the choice to omit it as to not crowd the subtitles), and carries the exact meaning fine, especially with the graphic representation on the screen 
But the dub… 
The dub opts for something completely different and gives us a brilliant example of adaptation in translation (which means it changes the original text in some creative or innovative way to better express the meaning it’s supposed to convey, taking into account the context of its audience) 
This is oftentimes (as is in this case) necessary, but it’s always a brave thing to do and takes a lot of thought and creativity to pull off, but dr stone exceeded all my expectations!!! Twofold: gives an articulate, completely cohesive english solution to the riddles; AND arguably (in my opinion of course) offers a more plausible way for Gen to interpret the last drawing 
So let me get a bit into that, i transcribed the dub segment (contrasted by the manga/sub version in the pictures above) to show why i like the choices made so much: 
Plastic -skipping this one cause it stays mostly the same
[Next up we have some sort of splotch. It isn’t there by accident; the shape is too specific. It looks to me like tinder you’d set up for a fire.]
In the sub, Gen interprets it as blood, because it’s an intentional blood stain. And that’s fine, it’s true, but taking into consideration that all other elements of the message are drawings, it makes sense to try to see it as also a drawing. Likewise, it makes sense for Gen to consider ‘tinder’, cause Senku himself also associated it with ‘melting’ earlier when he tried to decipher it. While he does consider it a puddle, it’s the same area of association, and gives the choice to use ‘tinder’ more credibility. 
[The drawing of Hyoga emphasizes his spear, which would normally represent something that inspires fear. Perhaps “strong,” “long-ranged,” “scary.” Though I doubt Ginro would have the guts to cut his finger, so if we’re thinking from Kohaku’s perspective, the spear is a nuisance at best.]
I really love Gen’s logic in this. 
In the manga, by establishing that Ginro is too cowardly and it must’ve been Kohaku drawing with blood (which is information necessary for the last drawing’s interpretation), that assertion is used only to discard the possibility of ‘scary’ as the thing the spear is meant to represent. Additionally, what caught my eye is that while the necessity of taking into account Kohaku’s perspective, the word used in japanese ‘nagai’ (long) - which is the literal presentation of the drawing: the spear Kohaku drew is long, and her intention might’ve been literal in that sense (she could’ve circled the spear to show it’s meant to be emphasized, not draw it long). But then it kinda neglects Gen’s own rule about the specific perspective by using the actual literal characteristic of the drawing 
While in the dub it serves all those functions of establishing who is drawing, then why it disregards the notions that inspire fear (and by association all the following words Gen thinks of, that Kohaku wouldn’t use) AND gives a very believable word (‘nuisance’) that makes sense when paired with Kohaku 
[And finally, an engine. Or so it looks, but Kohaku may not remember every single invention. It could be a furnace, or a refrigerator for all she knows. With that in mind, perhaps it’s supposed to be something more generic like “machine,” which is my bet.]
But this I think is my absolute favorite choice and where most elevation from the source material can be seen. The idea that Kohaku didn’t mean engine is essential in both manga and dub, but they take it in completely different directions. In the manga Gen uses it to decipher that Kohaku means furnace instead of engine, because by drawing engine she just means invention, and the most important invention for her is the furnace. And then through her associative net, she uses it as a substitute for one of the characteristics of a furnace. This is fine, it makes sense, and it’s impressive that Gen gets it. 
Sounds they decipher from this are from ‘attakai’ (warm) that will fit within the sentence Kohaku wrote in the form of additional words besides platinum (I’ll elaborate on this a bit more soon)
But the way dub tackles this completely differently: Gen assumes the same thing, that Kohaku doesn’t mean engine specifically, because she doesn’t remember all the inventions, but rather than zeroing in on a specific assumption of the furnace, Gen concludes it’s any, more complex, mechanical invention. And I think this is absolutely brilliant. It follows a much more sound logic with less logical leaps:
Engine -> Kohaku doesn’t remember all inventions -> it could be any of them so it must be general -> machine 
Rather than: 
Engine -> Kohaku doesn’t remember all inventions -> invention she and the village gained most from is furnace -> she must mean furnace -> warmth
Here it makes sense considering Kohaku’s character, she is sentimental and cares deeply about the village, and Senku does kinda brute-force his way to deciding it’s warmth BUT my point is that this is more convoluted than dub’s solution 
(Again, to reinforce: both of these are great and they make complete sense, and manga makes Gen more impressive for being able to string that path of thought, but dub is more logical)
And on a more general note but still tied to the last drawing the most: dub makes the choice of having Kohaku spell just “platinum”, while manga goes for a sentence, which of course means it uses more characters ergo it’s harder to guess. But solely based on the efficiency they know how to exhibit, I truly believe just spelling “platinum” is enough to carry the meaning to Senku (it’s not like he has any platinum to send them; they came to the island searching for platinum). For this dub just needed the m from ‘machine’
Manga goes for a sentence, and most of the word for warmth spells out the verb, which I believe to be unnecessary for Senku to get the picture 
ANYHOW, this has been going on for too long: the point of this is to try to convey how impressed i am with the way the translation team handled the very difficult challenge of depicting such a complex logical and linguistical problem to the viewers and maybe inspire appreciation for this commendable work, because as i’ve learned, trying to make it believable and natural for something that is already so complex in the native language is hard, and all the choices the translation made are sooooo well suited for the audience
I love this scene in all its reiterations and I love Gen <333, i just wanted to put these thoughts i had into a post or they wouldn’t leave me alone
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crispylilworm · 2 months
last i’m posting about this xoxo sorry about the watcher spam recently but i feel the need to put my 2 cents in since my opinion on this doesn’t align with the vocal majority on this site
gotta admit my first youtuber drama experience was a 0/10 not because of what the creators did but solely because of the insanity of the fandom. because…wow. i have never seen a group of people throw around demands and accusations of betrayal in such a dramatic way lol. maybe i’m in the minority here but i felt the majority of responses and criticism just were any lacking basis at all.
my first thoughts with the announcement were literally “oh good for them new streaming service, i won’t be going for it, but maybe after a few months i’ll consider paying for a 1-time sub to catch up on everything”. sure some disappointment i wouldn’t get regular updates but overall excited for the new content this pay structure would give them the flexibility to create.
maybe because i didn’t get into youtubers until the pandemic when watcher was already it’s own independent thing i don’t have that same (*cough cough* parasocial) level of connection, just really enjoy the videos they put out. maybe because i go through subscription-of-the-month stints of paying for a patreon or twitch or other creator channel and rotate what i watch, this didn’t feel outrageous to me. i hate the subscription world we live in so i go out of my way to never pay more than a strict budget limit per month because that’s my ability and that’s my mentality on this. i thought at best maybe i’d consider rotating this in when they put out more.
don’t like the idea of it? you don’t have to pay for it. can’t afford it? i understand the disappointment from this aspect but creators don’t actually owe you anything for free - even if it was free in the past. overall and for whatever reasoning you have: it wasn’t that deep.
if anything i am in a way thankful that they rescinded on their decision because that means me & others will continue to enjoy videos for free. but overall i’m disappointed that this means they’re sacrificing their own creative wants and financial needs of whatever they had planned. we won’t actually know the extent of what, if anything, this prevents them from creating because y’all wouldn’t even let them attempt to try this next phase out.
fans saying “well we don’t want high-budget content” well maybe they want to explore more than what they’re currently able to do? maybe they want to create more beyond their buzzfeed-format videos they know will rack in views from the nostalgia-obsessed side of the fans? i, too, personally love their humor and would just enjoy them chatting and being silly, but i do also think this holds them back. remember those hilarious self-made commercials from their most recent videos? that's probably just a glimpse of what new flavors of content they’re able to think up.
this whole fan response was just disappointing (and pretty scary ngl) to me, and i know saying that is like kicking a hornets nest but i really think if they continued with the plans from their original announcement it would have been ok. i actually think it would have been more than ok! but the response imploded so hard i’m sure we’ll never see them try something new again lol.
my personal thoughts are that if your opinion in any way revolved around something they “owe” to fans, feelings of “betrayal”, thinking they’re “sell outs” for wanting to transition to paid content - i think you really need to take a step back and reflect, and i mean that with zero malice. watcher is a business, not your friends, not “the boys”, not your guaranteed source of a specific type of content either. ultimately they made a business decision that they thought would help them grow that would have either succeeded or failed, that's it. for better or worse, we wont get to watch that play out.
i will continue my quiet enjoyment of their videos, and happily move on past what i frankly think was the most unnecessary internet drama i’ve seen in a minute lol. the takes overall were dumb but tame, i only blocked a handful of accounts for posting things i thought were totally out of line that i won't get into but i'm sure you've either seen or heard people discussing.
i didn't even get in to my hot takes lol like how this plays into the dangerous trend of the expectation of art to be free....and the overall devaluing of creatives and why AI is thriving in these areas...but ill defend that thesis another day lol. y'all aren't ready for that.
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presidenthades · 5 months
Once again, I am doing a series of my behind-the-scenes thoughts for The Golds while I do light edits for formatting, typos, and continuity. Here’s Chapter 7!
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My original expected chapter count for this fic was 7 (one stanza of “The Song of the Seven” for each chapter title), but as I started increasing the number, I realized I needed to get creative with chapter titles. For this chapter, I picked the penultimate lyric “close your eyes, you shall not fall” because much of the chapter consists of Aegon helping Jace not “fall” into a further downward spiral, and there’s a certain amount of faith required by all parties that everything is going to be OK in the end.
Originally, Jace’s road to recovery was going to be even rougher than in the final version. She refuses to eat or drink anything, and her family gets pretty desperate to the point of doing stupid things to get her to eat. But I felt like that was unnecessary angst and trauma, and she’s already been through enough, so I dialed it back.
Similarly, she was going to have bad perinatal depression up until and after she gave birth, and there was a sequence where she refused to even hold Cheeseball for some time after he was born. But again, it made me feel like I was whumping on Jace and Aegon for unnecessary pain, so I focused more on the “comfort” rather than the “hurt” part.
This chapter is in Aegon’s POV because it was originally supposed to be the second half of Chapter 6 before I realized it was way too long. After I cut it in half, I debated rewriting it in Jace’s POV, but she’s stuck inside her head a lot this chapter whereas Aegon has a lot more action and growth. We return to Jace in Chapter 8 when she’s feeling more like herself but still recovering.
Orwyle is not a popular character in the fandom, which is understandable. He only gets like one minute of screen time, but that one minute made me think a lot about his character. When he’s a junior maester, he suggests a new poultice to try on Viserys instead of the traditional leeching method, and he shows a bit of doctorly compassion to Rhaenys when Vaemond’s body is being prepared. In the book, Orwyle’s defining trait is that he’s cowardly (he literally rewrites history to make himself look better to the Blacks, and he flees from the ship taking him to the Wall). But I was intrigued by how he ends up working at a mid-level brothel and teaches the girls there to read (how he gets caught later). He didn’t have to teach them how to read, but he chose to anyway (to his own detriment).
Overall I consider Orwyle as someone who’s very talented at his job (healing and teaching), and is actually a pretty empathetic person (good quality in a doctor), but he’s not strong-willed and is willing to cave on his principles to stay alive. Not exactly a villain, definitely not a hero either. So he’s going to do his job and do it well, regardless of his patient (especially in this AU verse where there’s less conflict).
After three years in the Stepstones, I’d be shocked if Aegon didn’t learn first aid (same with Aemond). He’s not necessarily interested in healing and such, but he’s capable of basic combat-adjacent medical tasks. So he knows how to clean and bandage wounds, and he can recognize common healing herbs.
I don’t think I need to explain that Westeros has a pretty poor understanding of mental health and doesn’t know what therapy is 😅. For most people who’ve undergone trauma, they would probably be told “carry on, as you were, etc” and they have to just “get over it.” But Jace is a princess who doesn’t have to worry about earning a living, has an overprotective husband, and is pregnant with a very important baby so her health and comfort are of paramount importance. So she luckily has a supportive environment dedicated to her recovery.
As is stated later in the chapter/fic, Jace fires her remaining LIWs because she’s convinced herself that it’s her fault they were injured/killed, and sending them away from her service will keep them safe. Irrational to be sure, but Jace has always been prone to blaming herself for things. She’s also worried that firing the LIWs will reflect poorly on them, hence her trying to compensate them monetarily. But the offer is insulting to Rhaena, who acts as a LIW primarily out of love. If Jace were more herself, she would’ve realized the implications of her offer equating Rhaena’s love/loyalty with a monetary value.
Initially, Jace’s list of “safe people” is very short: Aegon and Luce. Aegon is self-explanatory. Of all her sisters, only Luce makes the initial list because a) they’ve always been very close and b) Luce was there when they found Jace at the Garden, so there’s an added feeling of security. Although Aemond was also at the Garden, he isn’t on the list because their prior relationship wasn’t nearly as close as the other two.
When Rhaenyra touches Jace’s face while trying to feed her, Jace flips out because the Tyroshi grabbed her face when forcing down the dreamwine and later during his attempt with moon tea.
A little irony in Aegon offering to be Jace’s taste tester, when you think about how he dies in F&B 😢.
During Chapter 7 of the Handbook, Luce picks up three dragonglass daggers from the blacksmith. I mentioned them in the Handbook commentaries, but I’ll reiterate that she intended for Jace, herself, and Joff to each have one, as the three full-blooded daughters of Rhaenyra and Laenor. Jace clearly hasn’t been using her dagger, except to display it on her mantel maybe.
Daemon has decided to develop an emergency protocol in case any of the Targ girls are kidnapped again. I’ve been debating writing a oneshot about it.
Castle kitchens are hot, loud, messy places, and a princess would have no reason to ever go there. In a castle as large as the Red Keep, there are probably multiple kitchens. I imagine the Holdfast has a king’s privy kitchen and queen’s privy kitchen solely for prepping their food, and probably other kitchens too. I imagine the largest kitchens to be in the main part of the Red Keep, and that’s where Aegon puts Gyles and Ronnel. It’s a longer walk to get the pies to Jace and Aegon, but Gyles and Ronnel have a much wider social circle of other servants. It’s also where Aegon has his little office of petitions, and he likes being able to run out and grab pies whenever he wants.
Gyles and Ronnel are used to Aegon, so they’re relatively chummy with him. But they’ve never met Jace before, have only ever seen her at 1000% gorgeousness during her wedding parade, and have heard plenty of Aegon’s stories about how perfect she is. Of course they treat her with more respect and awe than they treat Aegon 😛.
I like to think that Ronnel does become a knight one day, and he wins a tourney in Jace’s name 🥰. And he’d probably take on a house name like Baker to honor his father.
I was trying to figure out how orange juice was made before things like juicers were invented. England had cider presses for apples, but citrus wasn’t really a thing for them back in the Middle Ages. Eventually I stumbled across the citrus reamer, which is definitely something they could’ve carved/created back in the day, but I COULD NOT get over how phallic it looked 😂. Naturally, Aegon finds it hilarious. I’m debating whether Gyles truly is innocent or if he’s messing with Aegon and has a great poker face.
I lingered on the details of how the pies are made because it’s important that Jace sees the process for herself and internalizes that pies are safe foods, they aren’t drugged, Gyles is trustworthy, etc.
I wanted to make sure that Jace wasn’t in a depressed, traumatized torpor all the time, because that isn’t how it works. She can have “good” moments when she’s moving around and seems normal, and then there can be “bad” moments when something triggers her, or she’s having an off day, and she spirals. The important thing is that she’s overall making progress, and it’s OK if she has days when she takes a few steps back.
We got more info in Chapter 8 on what Jace and Luce talk about in the garden. Luce is thinking about her upcoming nameday, which is the earliest date that Rhaenyra will allow her to be betrothed. But then there’s another year until her sixteenth nameday, when Rhaenyra will allow her to get married. Luce is pretty impatient, so she wants to figure out how much canoodling she can get away with during the year in between. So she asks Jace, because she’s positive Aegon didn’t keep his hands entirely to himself before the official wedding 😏.
Aegon is now very loath to ever let Jace out of his sight again, unless he’s 100% sure she’s safe in their room. The Joff incident in Chapter 9 probably doesn’t help.
Luce always haggles, even if it’s about how much distance Aegon has to stay behind her and Jace.
Aegon immediately gets bored of guard duty. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had some form of ADHD: Impulsive, restless, moody, hyperfixation (usually on Jace, but he can get really into his sleuthing).
Hypersexuality sometimes occurs after trauma/sexual violence, hence Jace’s uncharacteristic behavior after the garden scene. And knowing Jace, she’s probably (wrongfully) blaming herself somehow for “leading on” the Tyroshi.
Luce heard the Langward knight gossiping about Jace and got upset, then Aemond beat up the knight to make her feel better, as one does.
Court life means people are always going to gossip and run with the most salacious rumor possible, and it reignites Aegon’s desire for a private life, where he and Jace can live according to their own devices without worrying about what other people think. Unless he pulls a Maegor, he can’t do anything to stop the courtiers from acting like courtiers. So he comes up with the Dragonstone solution, but it’s only a temporary solution. As Otto says in Chapter 10, they are inextricably a part of the game, and Aegon and Jace can only hide away in Dragonstone for so long.
When they were kids, Aegon came up with many plans that got them all in trouble, so Luce recognizes the face he makes 😝.
Aegon has a very soldier mindset of “just pack some clothes and leave,” without thinking about how complicated it is to actually pack a princess’ household. Luckily Luce knocks some sense into him!
I don’t know what winter roses are supposed to look like except that they’re blue, but I liked the idea of petals close together huddling for warmth. And I completely made up Valyrian roses. Not sure if they actually came from Valyria or if it’s named just for the appearance.
Despite everything that happened, Jace is STILL WORKING 😭. What else do we expect from a girl who worked on her wedding night, I guess…
KL has a well system (it’s a big deal during Jaehaerys’s reign), but I imagine the public wells and fountains get real dirty real fast, especially in poorer parts of the city. When Jace was at the Garden, I imagine the girls had limited clean water to offer her for drinking and washing because they have to walk pretty far for good water. So Jace is thinking about that as she writes her well cleaning proposal.
I’ve been thinking a while about writing an Otto POV fic, and one of the ideas I jotted down for myself was that Otto is secretly a nerd about public infrastructure and sanitation. Oldtown seems to be a much cleaner and better run city than KL. I like to think about Otto adopting pet projects that make the capital less smelly and dirty. So Otto is naturally a supporter of a well cleaning project, and I’ve mentioned before that he likes Jace. Also he’s very invested in the pregnancy being successful, so he’ll do his part to reduce stressors.
Once again, the key to influencing/manipulating Jace is not by appealing to her own desires, but by appealing to the happiness and well-being of her loved ones. Aegon knows this, and it’s a good thing he adores her too much to use this power for evil.
Aegon’s household is basically just Gyles and Ronnel, so his departure preparations are quick. I’m sure he has personal servants assigned to him who handle his laundry and such, but he probably bribed them years ago to leave him alone so he can have privacy and sneak out. And he became rather self-sufficient in the Stepstones (although as royalty, he would’ve had servants there too for menial stuff), so he doesn’t want anyone helping him dress or shave or bathe or whatnot.
Aemond is such a bro, holding down a knight so Aegon can beat him up 🥲. Aegon knows Jace would disapprove of him breaking someone’s jaw for gossiping so he’s careful not to leave any evidence on his person.
Aegon also knows how to push Aemond’s buttons, so he easily convinces Aemond to join the Dragonstone vacation. Aemond would probably have invited himself anyway once he found out about the guest list.
While Jace has been reducing the governing work she does during pregnancy, Rhaenyra has been doing more of it. In canon, Rhaenyra seems content to isolate herself with her family at Dragonstone, so I carried over that attitude of savoring domestic bliss into this verse. But here, Jace is an overachiever, and I think her example kickstarts Rhaenyra into being more active too. So Rhaenyra has work obligations, and social ones as she’s been ingratiating herself at court again. It would be difficult to pack up her entire household (much larger than Jace and Aegon’s) and disappear to Dragonstone for 2-3 months, so she can’t immediately leave like the kids can.
Like Aegon, Rhaenyra is a bit paranoid now about letting Jace out of her sight. She’s also had a longstanding petty grudge about Jace picking Aegon as her #1, so she strongly disapproves of Aegon’s plan to take Jace away, even though Dragonstone is very close and technically her castle.
Aegon is not what I’d call emotionally mature, and he’s a troublemaker by nature. So he deliberately responds to Rhaenyra with things he knows she’ll hate hearing. And in the end, he forces Rhaenyra’s hand by telling Jace “of course Rhaenyra would love for us to go to Dragonstone” 😇.
Poor Daeron is too pure for Daemon’s Torture 101 class. Meanwhile Joff has an avid clinical interest in human anatomy, and Daemon is having the time of his life. Targ family bonding!
The Tyroshi put a collar on Jace, so Daemon put a collar on him to make things fair.
The Tyroshi knows he’s never going to escape, and he’s already endured an awful amount of torture/mutilation. At this point his goal is to die swiftly, so he tries to provoke Aegon into killing him.
I haven’t 100% decided the Tyroshi’s backstory, but I’m imagining him coming from one of the powerful conclave families in Tyrosh. There was absolutely no need for him to go to Westeros and make money through usury and slavery; he chose to because he thought it’d be fun to “get one over” the Targaryens by conducting a trafficking ring in their own capital (I imagine Tyrosh having an ancestral hatred of Valyrians, even though a lot of their culture was inherited from them as a result of being part of their empire). Just in case it wasn’t clear what kind of sadistic sociopathic person he is.
Joff has been brooding a lot about Laenor’s death ever since they found Old Willow, and now her guilt is carrying over into recent events with Jace.
We will learn more about the wet nurse in Aegon’s memory in future fics 👀. She calls him “Uncrowned One” because in this verse, he’ll be another Aegon the Uncrowned.
“Three children you shall have with your wife, black or green or something in between.” In canon, Aegon has three kids with Helaena. In this verse…well, I feel like I’ve dropped a lot of foreshadowing about him and Jace 😊. “In between” refers to how there isn’t a strong black/green divide in this verse, but there’s a new faction (gold) that includes people on both sides.
“All of them shall break like your legs and wings.” In canon, all of Aegon and Helaena’s children die terribly, and Aegon and Sunfyre end up crippled. In this verse, there is a close call during Cheeseball’s birth; if the maester and midwives had chosen to save Jace, the process for extracting a stuck baby is really gruesome.
“Unless you keep this little shadow close to the sun.” Jace has gotten a lot of sun imagery in this fic, and Joff is kinda obviously the shadow. It’s because of Joff’s intervention that the birth ends well. So there’s a way to avoid the “broken” part of the prophecy, but the condition must be met.
Aegon is a skeptic when it comes to witchcraft and prophecy, but there’s a reason his subconscious brings to the memory at this moment. Don’t leave Joff behind!
Aemond finds it extremely undignified that Vhagar, the largest dragon in the world and a veteran of multiple military conflicts, has been relegated to delivering baggage.
The stained dancing slippers that Jace finds in her room at Dragonstone are the same slippers that someone (Luce) accidentally ruins in Chapter 3 of the Handbook.
Valyria is strongly inspired by Classical Greece and Rome, so I decided to give them Roman-style bathhouses, which were often decorated with mosaics and has a hot room, warm room, and cold room. The Targs (or whoever built the castle) imported this to Dragonstone, and the volcano means they can get hot water very easily. Aegon was in the guest quarters last time he visited so this is his first time seeing the family bathhouse.
Some commenters suggested that Luce and Aemond are probably canoodling during their trips to the Dragonmont. There might be some of that going on, but Aemond is a huge dragon nerd, so I can imagine him geeking out about exploring the Dragonmont while Luce is disgruntled about him being oblivious to her attempts to make out 😂.
Gerardys is hoping that Jace will be OK with him and the midwives helping her by the time it’s time to give birth. But in case she isn’t OK, he decides to put one of the Targ girls on a midwifery fast-track. He picks Baela because she’s the strongest of the bunch, and acting as a midwife can be very physically exhausting.
Meanwhile, the mysterious bangs in the tower are Joff and Daeron trying to figure out ways to light the glass candle. This involves blowing up some stuff along the way.
Hyrkoon the Hero is part of ASOIAF lore, one of the potential alternative names for Azor Ahai. I decided that he’s the main character in quite a few fairy tales/myths, and every hero needs a sidekick. I invented the sidekick Santus the Swine by combining a half-pig character in Chinese folklore and Don Quixote’s Sancho Panza (whose name is supposedly derived from the Latin Sanctus), and it wasn’t until afterwards that I thought about the Pink Dread (which never happened in this universe because Jace stopped Aegon). I guess Aemond really can’t escape the pig references in any universe 🐷.
Anyway, Aegon’s really lucky he didn’t get himself and baby Jace killed when he shoved their wagon down their stairs. And Jace not being cut by the Iron Throne is a sign, maybe??? 👀👀👀 And yes, there is much symbolism in little Aegon helping baby Jace climb up the throne 🥺.
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demi-shoggoth · 11 months
2023 Reading Log pt 7
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31. Rare Trees by Sara Oldfield and Malin Rivers. OK, so apparently that whole “less books about plants” pledge didn’t take. In my defense, this book is really pretty. It’s also very good; it’s about efforts for tree conservation around the world, and is published both as a public report and a fundraiser for the Global Trees Campaign. If you want to know what boots on the ground conservation work is like, its successes and its challenges, this is an excellent resource. And, like I said, the photographs are very pretty. The first chapter is about the overall history of forest conservation, and then future chapters discuss trees categorized by uses and by phylogeny. Honestly, I kind of wish they had picked one or the other of those organization schemes instead of splitting the difference, but that’s a quibble.
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32. How To Survive History by Cody Cassidy. I’ve recommended some of Cassidy’s other books before (Who Ate the First Oyster? and …And Then You’re Dead), so I’m happy to report that this is his best yet. The theme is, what does science and the historical record tell us about how you could survive various catastrophes, or just hostile environments? I knew I was going to like it from the first chapter, How to Outrun a T. rex, which treats dinosaurs as just animals rather than kill crazy monsters. It also does an excellent job of summarizing Very Bad Times like the Donner Party expedition and the Magellan circumnavigation, and I learned a lot (like about how Magellan’s slave Enrique was the first person to actually circle the globe, having been captured by slavers in the Philippines and then being brought back around… and getting his revenge when he wasn’t freed as Magellan’s will proclaimed).
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33. Snakes in American Culture: A Hisstory by Jesse C. Donahue and Conor Shaw-Draves. I didn’t expect this to be a searing indictment of the American medical profession of the early 20th century when I started the book, so that was a pleasant surprise. The first half or so is the story of how (white, upper class, male) “experts” denied that venomous snakes in the USA were really all that dangerous, while people (mostly poor, ethnic minorities and children) were dying in large numbers. Antivenin was only developed in this country as a side effect of the United Fruit Company’s desire to keep laborers from dying in the fields from snakebite, and the development of said antivenin was mostly done by volunteer labor and then marked up for tremendous profit by pharmaceutical companies! The back half, unfortunately, isn’t nearly as good, although it doesn’t go full conversion with its fairly sympathetic portrayal of snake handlers (which is something I’ve run into before). My biggest complaint is that this was written by humanities professors, and they needed a trained biologist to go over their draft. For example, they can’t format scientific names correctly, and don’t know enough about the history of science to understand that “virus” and “venom” were used interchangeably by some authors in the 19th century.
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34. Marvelous Microfossils by Patrick De Wever, translated by Alison Duncan. Worst book I’ve finished this year? I think so. This book was originally written in French, but I can’t blame its problems on translation issues. It’s about plankton and other microfossils, what they can tell us about geology and how they’ve influenced art and culture. To start with the good, the book is gorgeous; each page is well organized, and it has lots of electron micrographs, photos and engravings by Ernst Haeckel. And that’s the first problem. The author seems to be a modern devotee of Haeckel’s science and philosophy, when both were full of garbage (Haeckel is the “ontogeny recapitulated phylogeny” guy, and one of the codifiers of scientific racism). His use of terminology is stuck firmly in the 19th century, and he doesn’t seem to care about modern cladistic phylogeny at all. And he has lengthy quotes from architects and philosophers instead of, you know, modern scientists, including lines specifically about how “we understand all there is to know” about plankton from like 1910. So I get huge “reject modernity, embrace tradition” vibes from this author, and that makes my skin crawl.
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35. Nicole Angemi’s Anatomy Book by Nicole Angemi. Another “searing indictment of the American medical system”, only this one is more modern. The book is a loosely A-Z collection of pathologies, with case histories and photos. So this one is super gross, just a head’s up. Why I say it’s a searing indictment is that about 1/3 of the case studies talk about how the patient was ignored by their doctors initially, and had to spend time seeking second opinions taking them seriously, and how a number of things that could have been fixed more easily turned into huge, life altering (or ending) problems. The book is written by a pathologist’s assistant, and the introduction/biography would make a good “see, you can follow your dreams and get a career that you love later in life” inspirational story. I’m keeping a copy of this for my classroom, because I have plenty of students who are interested in medicine but not necessarily medical school, and because teenagers love gross pictures. Seriously, some of the descriptions of cysts and tumors made even my stomach turn.
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aquaquadrant · 6 months
Hi there. I’m going insane and it’s your fault. Like I discovered your absolute emotional masterpiece of a fanfic the other day and it’s all I think about anymore I’m so obsessed; I downloaded tumblr bc of you and I don’t really know how this site works but I do know how to click the ask button so that’s your problem now. I got words for you
First off: HOLy the writing and the voices are so good??? Like the characters say things the way their irl counterparts would say it? How?? Teach me your ways? Actually tho what did you do to learn to do that, is it innate, do you practice?
Second: “He wouldn’t have known the sight of Tango’s pale skin flushing bright red all the way down his chest.” That sentence just kinda stuck out to me from the last chapter… for some reason... anyways (idk what my point is here but it sure has got me thinking thoughts :P )
Third: I said I was obsessed, and I think it was an understatement. I didn’t study for my chem final because of this (still got an A tho so dw) and I went to bed for three days straight thinking about it and I woke up every morning thinking about it. (It took a solid hour to snap myself out of it when I actually needed to get work done lol) And on the plane ride home for break I drew some things so I’ll just leave these here if you don’t mind (umm ignore the tango faces on the first page and his left hand on the second, there's something Wrong™ about them I gotta practice, ok?)
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idk if the formatting is good or whatever but here they are
As you can see I love love love the scene after the nightmare. If I remember correctly, Tango started wearing the gloves to protect his claws so they could heal after he escaped, and then when Jimmy gets hurt he just instinctively gives them to him?? Hello, the symbolism??? Tango just surrenders his own protection, both physically, because he would rather protect Jimmy, but also emotionally bc it immediately reveals what he considers a flaw in himself, monstrous, hideous. And Jimmy sees him throw the walls up again, “He quickly shoves the gloves at Jimmy, moving to get up. “I’ll uh, I’ll get another pair tomorrow-”” but Jimmy won’t let him, instead looks at what could be considered Tango’s entire soul —his trauma, his Hels origin, the feral, blaze side of him, the side that lies and hides and lashes out at any who get too close, the “ugliest” parts of him —and loves him despite it? Even sees the beauty in him? Yea, no, I’m normal about that—
Anyways idk how long these things are supposed to be but I have a couple more thoughts so you’re still stuck with me. Ummm let’s see… I adore your impulse design. So I’m taking that, thanks. (If that’s ok) also was thinking about how Jimmy would wear shirts with the wings getting in the way (see bottom of 2nd pic), and then thought maybe that’s why he’s so good at embroidery or sewing in general, cuz he has to make custom clothes. And then I thought what if he made some *cough* outfits and had Tango judge them… or asked for help putting on/taking off a particularly difficult shirt... haven’t had time to draw that yet but ya know… one day. Aaaaand the blaze rods could theoretically make a pretty cool fire crown when Tango's angry, also blazes do damage when you touch them, but I don't think you get set on fire? So it must be the blaze rods themselves doing damage, so I imagine when Tango's fighting they swirl around him both to attack whoever gets too close and to block any incoming projectiles (see middle left of 1st pic). +gradients on the blaze rods :]
Last thing, I showed my sister the fic last night and she’s already read through it twice so you’ve infected two of us. We were theorizing on what’ll happen next chapter. We both think that the others will piece together, to some extent, Tango’s backstory before they figure out how to remove the collar, what with the cuffs he wears, the comments Atlas made about a farm, Atlas’s mentioning about using Jimmy that way for his feathers, etc etc. and the comment that Tango can hear everything? Yea, no, when that collar comes off he’s gonna be distraught, I’m wagering that everything immediately bursts into flames around him or something (cuz that’d be cool). I think he'll probably try to run away, too, but we'll see
Anyways, that’s not all my thoughts but this is getting pretty long, so maybe I’ll send another ask later if that’s alright. Have a good day! Post again soon! Please. Please I'm begging you. For my sanity plea-
(actually tho take ur time. quality is worth it, and this is nothing but quality)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg welcome. this was genuinely SUCH a lovely ask to read, but i wanna take the time to properly answer it so i’m gonna continue under the cut cause boy can i ramble
first off: HELLO, you got a tumblr bc of HTP?? incredible. i’m honored that this gay angsty little block man au was your introduction to the hellsite (affectionate). and don’t worry, i welcome asks no matter the length (tho i might not get to everything in a timely manner)
second of all: i’m SO happy you enjoyed my character voices. that’s definitely something that’s taken a bit of practice, especially for more understated characters that don’t have super obvious or unique vocal traits/vernaculars. i find it helpful to a) have spent a decent amount of time watching the source material and b) always go over my dialogue with the character’s voice in my mind, and see if it sounds like something they’d actually say. ofc, sometimes liberties can be taken based on the plot/setting of a fic but generally i spend a lot of time and effort on getting character voices right, so i appreciate the appreciation <3
thirdly: i like that particular sentence too ;0
fourth: THAT ART THO??? oh man. impulse looks amazing (i’ve always loved demon!impulse and gotta credit @lunarcrown for bringing that vision to life 💃) and the wings are SO well done, like you conveyed that leathery thin bat skin texture perfectly. the various tangos are SICK, i luuuuv seeing him in full blaze rage mode, using those blaze rods to their full effect. and those hands… goddamn. not only do i respect the hand anatomy but the ROSES… the shackles and their metallic texture… the gradient on tango’s claws… chef’s kiss 💋👌 and THANK YOUUU the post-nightmare scene was one of my favorites from that chapter, and you’ve summed it up beautifully.
moving on: as with all of lunar’s designs, she’s happy to inspire so BEHOLD, DEMON IMPULSE UPON YE (that’s a yes from both of us LOL) i love ur idea about jimmy making custom shirts to work around his wings, that’s one of those little details i never put much thought into but it fits so nicely with him being into embroidery. so jimmy def makes a lot of his own clothes (and occasionally some for tango), co-signed and approved. and ur on the right track about tango’s blaze rods- most of his defensive fire comes directly from them, doing that crazy swirly fireball thing that actual blaze do, but he does also have the ability to produce fire from his hands, he just doesn’t do it often. it takes a bit more concentration and practice, and he spent so long trying not to use his abilities that it doesn’t come second nature to him anymore. he was way more of a fire starter as a kid in hels.
last but not least: AWW it’s so sweet u got ur sister into the au (lord knows i’ve dragged mine into many a fandom 😂) glad y’all enjoyed it so much, AND now u have someone to theorize with 👀 i won’t say anything more on the matter other than i hope to get the next chapter out over the next couple weeks, so stay tuned…
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kyuziipon · 4 months
wait I feel like I missed something what is the promise of the cherry blossoms im so curious
Ok so the promise of the cherry blossoms is my oc story about a highschool basketball club!! I named it that because cherry blossoms are a huge signifier of change and new beginnings, and I want a big part of the overall theme of the story to be that there’s always hope, there’s always room to grow, and you’re never stuck where you started, you can have a new beginning. I haven’t made any actual materials for the story (yet) mostly because I struggle with which format would be best to tell it in.
The story itself focuses on each member of the club, as well as the two managers and their coach. Every character has their own personal story, usually intertwining with some of the others in some way. The other main theme of the story is the idea that what you see on the surface isn’t always everything to a person, and there’s a lot more to them than meets the eye.
The characters:
Starting with the players on the team, we have the captain, Soga Umeno (his surname is subject to change cuz I don’t like how it flows). He’s in his third year, and cares very deeply about the other members of his team, but struggles with how at home he was practically forced to become a parent to his three much younger siblings.
After Soga, the vice captain is a third year named Seki Matsuda (aka Matsu). While Soga is very warm and caring, he is extremely cold and harsh. He believes putting 100% of your effort into everything you do is the best way to be, to the point of it being extremely detrimental to his well being. He is extremely sleep deprived, extremely exhausted, and extremely stuck in his own head. He’s very autistic and has ocd. He’s also (fallen out) childhood friends with the next character.
Onto the other two third years on the team, Kazuha Yumeno (aka Kazu) is the token pretty boy. He’s spectacularly gorgeous, but also spectacularly self centered and vain. Similar to Matsuda, he strives to be the best, but instead of in everything, it’s specifically in beauty. He has an eating disorder and hates himself so so much, and he sacrifices a lot of his life in the name of his beauty, which was a major factor in his and Matsu’s falling out.
For the final third year, we have Akihito Tsukimori. He was one of the first characters I made, when I still didn’t know what I wanted the story to be, and he’s not as fleshed out as the others. He’s a really laid back, cool type, who is a passionate musician who is stuck under his parents’ thumb and cannot pursue his dreams due to their desire for him to follow in family tradition and have some boring normal job, like a doctor or something (I never decided lol. He’s not my fave tbh). He plays trumpet.
For second year, let’s start with Yuta Ito. He was originally the main character before I got rid of the concept of a protagonist in this story. He’s a (mostly) pre transition trans guy who just transferred to this school and has always dreamed of being a professional basketball player, and goddammit he will stop at nothing to be allowed on the boys team and prove he’s just as good (if not better) than all of them. Spoiler, he is better than all of them, not for special reasons, everyone else just kind of sucks.
Next is Kiyohiko Suzuki (or, later in the story, Kiyoko). She was the second character I made and I LOVE her. Upon Yuta’s arrival in the club, she’s introduced to the idea she may not be as cis as she thought, and begins experimenting, only to discover she is in fact a girl. She really struggles with her family in this regard, but especially her relationship with her two older sisters, and the fact that her family favored her for being the “only son”. There’s a lot more to the sisters but that’s too much for this little blurb lol.
For the final second year (there’s supposed to be a fourth but I just… have never made him), we have Hideyoshi Akazuma (aka Hide). He’s pretty much a shoe-in to be the next captain, and he’s essentially perfect at everything he does. He and Yuta don’t get along, especially due to Yuta’s similarities to his twin brother. Hide is extremely pressured by his parents and teachers to uphold this perfect persona, and it puts a lot of tension between him and his peers, but more importantly, between him and his brother.
The first years are arguably my favorite, so let’s start with Daishi Edogawa, as he’s the easiest. Daishi is by far the tallest on the team, and is extremely awkward and nervous. He grew up raised by his mom and grandma, alongside his little sister, Tsuna. Due to this, he never really had any male role models in his life, and now is struggling with his relationship to being a man and his masculinity, and what all of it even means. He also has a crush on the following character, Madoka.
Madoka Kume is everything. He is my boy. I love him. He’s the second smallest of the cast, and matching to his appearance, he has a very strong childlike innocence (for the most part) and naïveté. He was raised by his older sister Utaha, after his mother decided she hated him and severely neglected him. Utaha could have her own section with all this stuff… anyway, Madoka is very aware that his disposition can make it a lot harder on his sister, and desires to become stronger and more independent to ease her burden, but throughout this develops an avoidance to asking for help. He is also autistic, dyslexic, and possesses some other ambiguous learning disabilities.
Following on to my ACTUAL favorite, Hotaru Ibe (previously known as Haruka). He is a former child model who was extremely talented and beautiful, but also very lonely and desperate for human connection. Due to this he experiences some of the horrors of the industry with a photographer acting as his friend and taking advantage of him. After a particularly bad incident, Hotaru quits, decides he’s never doing this again, changes his name and his entire look, and does his best to repress all his trauma with the desire to be “a completely normal kid”. He’s got a lot of shit going on.
And the final player, Ryuunosuke Itori (aka Ryuu), Hotaru’s best friend (Ryuu has a hella crush on him btw). Ryuu is the top of his class, and is extremely similar to Hide and Matsu. He works hard and is is very smart, but the stress starts getting to him. When his delinquent cousin moves in with him, Ryuu finds himself becoming friends with some unsavory types, and soon finds himself spiraling out of control after getting involved in some drug related shit and becomes more and more apathetic and less and less of who he was before. His and Hotaru’s stories (which are actually very intertwined) are probably the heaviest topics.
Onto the two managers, let’s start with Shunichi Itori, a third year, and Ryuu’s older cousin. He’s a delinquent involved in some gang stuff, and after getting detained overnight, his parents are finally fed up and tell him he’s not welcome in their house anymore. His aunt and uncle offer to take him in, if he agrees to put all of that behind him. He takes the offer, and at first he keeps doing bad shit behind their back. They force him to join the basketball club so Ryuu can keep an eye on him, but after he accidentally gets Ryuu involved with his friends, he seems to realize what he’s doing is kind of fucked up, and starts to work on becoming a better person and putting all that stuff behind him, with the help of the other manager.
Aiko Tachibana is a first year, and she’s the third character I made! Her story has shifted a lot, and I have yet to find one that works perfectly. She’s similar to a lot of other characters, she’s very childish but hates being seen this way, has strict parents with high expectations for her, and struggles with her identity. She has anger issues and hates when people don’t take her seriously and struggles with her self image over this. She also has a crush on Suzuki, and believes she likes “mature women”, which factors into her desire to be less childlike.
And of course we have the coach. Her name Maki Ikegami, and she’s an ex professional basketball player who’s career was ended prematurely after an injury. She’s a relatively new addition to the cast and I haven’t worked on her much yet, but she struggles with the new route her life has taken and the way she’s been completely displaced. There’s also supposed to be a club advisor, but I haven’t made them yet oops.
We also have a ton of side characters, such as Utaha Kume (she could have her own section she’s probably the most fleshed out side character), Kiriko and Kaoru Suzuki, Tsuna Edogawa, Ryuu’s currently unnamed prostitute friend (I can’t think of anything that fits her), and many other siblings and family members.
I’m also just now realizing how major a role sibling and family dynamics play in most of these plot lines (unmentioned is how Kazuha and Yuta’s respective brothers are major parts of their characters, among other things).
Sorry for rambling so much I just. Love this story so much and I get excited when anyone asks about it hshdhdjdh
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#5— 07/24/2022 12:53 AM
Ok so Idk what y’all said about that video, but I’ve deduced that this interesting piece of cut content was leaning towards:
1) Lola probably having broken up with Bugs
2) Bugs being in oblivous/in denial of her spite towards him and looniness
3) Bugs actually being very conscious of not being “in the spotlight”
4) and a more development between Bugs and Lebron’s icy tension (like a bump between two control freaks)
I honestly would’ve been into some elements of this version of the story being used instead of what we ended up with.
Lola being fed up with Bugs makes sense since in SJ, she really didn’t have looniness in her. She was very bland to say the least. This version of their dynamic would be a lot more tragic when you know TLTS exists (where their relationship there was thriving). But otherwise, it would’ve opened up a lot of opportunity for a more fleshed out version of SJ Lola.
Her being annoyed with Bugs’ looniness is understandable if you were in her shoes. Like, realistically, not just anyone could tolerate Bugs’ chaos day to day. Plus, she did seem like she was gonna get written with more emotional depth than what the looney tunes cast are usually on brand for.
So her having an added arc of wanting to permanently separate herself from the toons would’ve been so much more interesting for her character. And also the fact that Bugs seemed more overtly fixated on the basketball game being what will bring them back to the spotlight in a semi-metatextual sense.
Bugs in this video is a tad more unlikable and fallible than he usually is for better or worse. And he seems more at odds with Lebron. Even if it’s not really staying true to Bugs’ character — it would’ve been fun to see more angst and implied rocky relations between the toons. I would’ve preferred that over the whole basketball game format tbh.
Present day thoughts:
Lola was plenty looney in the original Space Jam. At the time of this original ramble, my standard for looniness was based on characters like Daffy and Wile E. Coyote. But nowadays, I've kinda concluded that she was just as looney as any other looney tunes love interest more or less. The movie went ahead and straight up retconned what little distinct personality she had.
Also, I still believe this premise would've been more interesting than the final story we got. I'm not particularly invested in the preservation of the looney tunes' characters in something as corporate as the Space Jam movies so might as well lean into the ooc-melodrama of it since the final film was just Lebron-lip service atp.
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carakook · 2 months
I just wanted to make a quick post regarding Bloom.
I have had a few comments mentioning how much they don’t support cheating, and no matter what how wrong it is. Full disclaimer, I agree. As I mentioned in the intro, I started writing this as a way to cope with the fact I was cheated on by my fiancé. I DO NOT condone cheating at all, I never would cheat, not even with flower boy himself. It is one of the most selfish things you can do to a person; in my opinion, if you start having thoughts of cheating, you either need to tell your partner or leave. This story isn’t meant to romanticize cheating, and as it goes on, you will see the consequences of their actions.
Yes, it is a sweet and tragic little love story (because again I WAS COPING and I needed it to be a lil sweet and tragic from my POV, ya know?) but that doesn’t make it ok. It’s also meant to show that you can love someone but you can also fall out of love with them. You can have forever planned with someone, but that doesn’t mean it’ll last. Things change, people change, everything changes. Just like flowers that grow, bloom, wilt, and die.
Cheating still isn’t ok.
Again… this story isn’t meant to romanticize cheating, but to show how it happens, why it may happen, and how fucked it can make everything. Please don’t misunderstand this story for saying cheating is ok. I have this entire story mapped out, all of the questions as to why things happened this way and why certain decisions were/were not made will be answered!
But also remember that it is just a story. It’s supposed to have twists and turns and drama. It was heavily inspired by a K-Drama I was watching after my breakup called Love Ft. Marriage and Divorce. The entire show is literally FULL of drama and cheating and a bunch of plot twists lol. Iykyk. Check it out if you haven’t yet. But anyway, point is, this isn’t real, and it’s meant to tug at your heart strings and make you feel mixed emotions. It’s like playing pretend, just for fun! But also learn a few things along the way. Just know that I don’t agree with cheating, never have, never will.
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Now for a few updates! ⬇️
With that being said, I know I said Metamorphosis would be released this past weekend, but I am still working on it. I had that little mishap with my computer where I re-wrote and edited the chapter, and then all of that got deleted. So I had to redo all of that. I will be honest, I never expected to release that story. It was also originally written from the readers perspective, which I changed because I feel this story is a bit too niche for Y/N. With that, just know that I am working on it. It’s one of those stories that I want to be really well written, so I’m taking my time on it. Like Bloom, there are a lot of lessons to be learned with this story, and it is a tear jerker. 🥲
In the meantime, I have some drabbles/oneshots that were requested and those will be uploaded periodically. Of course I am working on chapter 7 of Bloom too! Before I upload anything else though, I’m going to upload a master list to make things easier for you guys. I had to figure out the best way to format it but now I have it down, and it will be posted. I’m sorta new to uploading on tumblr so please be patient with me, I didn’t realize formatting things could be so difficult??💀
I love you guys, and thank you so much for reading my silly little stories, I never thought I’d have someone like my writing. So thank you, thank you, thank you.
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