#i am pretty sure i can actually Feel the thing they found in my neck and if this Is it um. it feels pretty solid to me teehee
risaonda · 1 year
I am so fucking angry. teehee
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thegettingbyp2 · 2 months
It's Really Happening
Summary: Elvis comes back home to you after meeting about the Comeback Special and celebrates with you
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When Elvis came bursting through the front doors to Graceland, you were pretty sure that you hadn’t seen him looking so happy in a long time. He seemed lighter and the excited glint that you saw in his eyes when they found you told you that something had just gone very well in his meeting.
‘There she is,’ he said, making his way over to where you were curled up on the long sofa, reading a book. He sat down next to you, pulled the book from your hands, making sure to set it on the coffee table and gathered your face in both of his hands to kiss you.
‘You seem happy,’ you said when he pulled away from the kiss, looking at you with a big grin on his face. ‘It’s nice to see you like this again,’ you added softly, lifting your hand to cup his cheek, smiling when he turned his head to place a kiss on the inside of your palm.
‘I am happy, baby,’ he replied, speaking in a low tone even though it was just the two of you in the room. ‘I’m coming back.’
‘What do you mean?’ you asked, your brows furrowing ever so slightly, the smile still playing on your lips.
‘I’ve just been and had a meeting with these two guys who are going to let me record a TV special but it’s not going to be like this Christmas thing the Colonel wants me to do. These guys are going to let me sing my old stuff, gospel, anything I want!’ he explained, his grin growing as he spoke.
‘That sounds amazing!’ you exclaimed, finding his excitement infectious. ‘How did you get the Colonel to sign off of it?’
‘He doesn’t know, I think it might be time to call it quits with him. If these guys are going to actually let me do what I want, I need to work with them.’ You watched as Elvis lowered his eyes to where both of your hands were intertwined in his lap and you knew that he was feeling guilty for thinking of leaving the Colonel when he was the one who had been with him for pretty much his whole career.
‘It’s probably for the best, baby,’ you agreed, never having liked the Colonel in the first place.
‘It’s really happening, baby,’ Elvis said, his eyes focused on you, ‘everything’s going to get back on track and I can stop doing those stupid films. Everything’s gonna be good again.’
‘Hey, I like those films,’ you protested, causing Elvis to yank you into him until he had you straddling his lap, your hands resting on his shoulders before sliding down to his chest, making him hum happily.
‘You have to say that,’ he murmured, his eyes trained on your lips.
‘I really don’t,’ you replied before closing the gap between your lips. Elvis’ arms tightened around you as your lips parted against his, allowing him to deepen the kiss. Elvis hummed happily against your lips and he let one of his hands drop down to your thigh, squeezing softly underneath the fabric of your skirt.
‘I wouldn’t be able to do any of this without you, you know,’ Elvis murmured against your lips, smiling against you.
‘Yes, you would,’ you disagreed, pulling back and running your fingers through his hair, tugging lightly which made Elvis groan quietly and buck his hips into you, making you bounce in his lap.
‘It wouldn’t be as fun, though,’ he replied cheekily before sliding his hand to the apex of your thighs, his eyes darting up to meet yours when he realised that you weren’t wearing any panties. ‘What’s this?’ he asked, raising his eyebrows at you as a smirk grew on his lips.
You felt your cheeks flush with heat as you buried your head in his neck, breathing in the familiar and comforting scent of your boyfriend. ‘Wanted you,’ you mumbled into his neck.
‘Yeah? You gonna ride me, pretty girl,’ he asked, pulling your head out of his neck to rest his forehead against yours. You nodded quickly, making Elvis grin at you before he lifted your skirt around your waist and slid a finger into you.
Elvis’ arm wrapped tightly around your waist as your hips began to buck against him while he thrusted his finger into you, his thumb coming up to rest on your clit, rubbing tight circles on the sensitive bundle of nerves. Your arms draped over his shoulders, holding yourself close to him and breathing him in while you tried to move against the vice-like grip he had on your waist.
His finger moved slowly, keeping you on the edge of your orgasm as he listened to your whimpers and whines, smiling to himself at the knowledge that only he could pull these sounds from your lips. Pulling his finger out of you, he quickly undid his belt and pushed his trousers down just enough to free his cock, chuckling when he felt your body jolt as the tip of his cock, hit your clit.
You pulled yourself up onto your knees, still straddling his lap as he lined his cock at your entrance before helping you slide back down until you were seated in his lap once again. ‘You take me so well, baby,’ Elvis muttered when he felt you clench around him as you tried to adjust to his size.
When you began to grow impatient you lifted yourself up a couple of inches before letting yourself slide back down, pulling moans from both of you as you started up a rhythm of bouncing up and down in his lap, Elvis’ hands resting on your waist guiding your movements.
Due to him keeping you on edge, you found yourself hovering over your orgasm in no time and your whines and the way your fingers clenched on his shoulders told him as such. ‘You close, baby?’ he asked, smirking at you, knowing that you were.
You couldn’t speak so you replied only with a broken moan and a shaky nod, feeling your legs begin to give out from where you’d been bouncing on him. Elvis was quick to wrap an arm around your waist and slide his other hand up your back, keeping you steady as he planted his feet on the floor and began to thrust up into you.
From his angle he was continuously hitting that spot inside you that had you seeing stars and the only word you could utter was Elvis’ name as you let yourself tip over the edge, trusting that Elvis had you. While you were still floating in your post-orgasm haze, you felt Elvis thrust into you three more times before stilling, his forehead resting on your shoulder as you felt him fill you up.
You both stayed in the same positions for a few moments before Elvis lifted his head up to look at you, a hazy smile on his lips. ‘You okay, Satnin?’ he asked softly, moving one of his hands to your cheek, pulling you in to drop a soft kiss on lips.
‘Of course I am,’ you replied, looking at him fondly. ‘And I’m so proud of you, you’re going to be amazing in your special.’
‘Thank you, baby,’ he said, pulling your arms back around his neck and kissing you deeply.
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babyleostuff · 9 months
Omg your Minghao soft hours absolutely have my HEART. If you’re up for it, could I request a PT.2? Maybe reader wakes up in the morning feeling a bit better and gives Hao kisses as a thank you?!
the thought of kissing or making out w hao and having puffy pink lips after will forever drive me i n s a n e
kisses for hao | xu minghao
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a little extension of this soft hour thought
genre | fluff [is a bit suggestive]
author's note | blonde hao is so fucking pretty, i just want to run my finger through his hear and kiss his pretty lips, god help me
Your eyes fluttered open, as the rays of the morning sun seeped through the curtains, warmth grazing your exposed shoulder, which Hao’s shirt failed to cover. You couldn’t  remember the last time you woke up so content, but you were sure that the body pressed to your back had something to do with it. 
Slowly, as not to wake the sleeping man next to you, you rolled over to your back, so you could fully take in the figure of your boyfriend, who looked as happy as you - even in his sleep. It wasn’t often that you got to wake up next to each other, your crazy schedules, his tours and endless flights made it almost impossible. 
His newly dyed blond hair made him look like an angel in the morning light, contrary to his toned upper body and perfect arms that the bedsheet failed to cover that made you think of anything else but angelic things. 
You carefully swept back the hair that fell onto his face, gently threading your finger through the soft strands. Almost as he could sense your featherlight touch, Minhgao stirred in his sleep, his perfect lips letting out a content sigh. 
“Good morning, bǎobèi,” he murmured, his eyes still closet, but with an evident smile on his face. 
“Mmm, it’s definitely a very good morning seeing you like this,” you giggled at how fast he opened his eyes, immediately noticing how most of his body was uncovered. 
“Isn’t it too early to think about how perfect I am?” You couldn’t believe you actually had this man in your bed, the annoying smirk on his face with a body out of your dreams. 
“It’s never too early, Hao,” you laughed, and put your hand on his chest, scratching lightly the expanse of his naked skin with your nails. He giggled as if you said the funniest joke ever, something you could listen to 24/7. 
“Thank you for last night. Thank you for taking care of me,” you said in a more serious tone, looking him deeply into his golden brown eyes. “You have no idea how much I needed that.” 
“I’ll always be there for you, darling. No matter where I am, you can always count on me,” Minghao said, his tone mirroring yours. As he raised his arm, his fingerstips grazed your arm, sending shivers down your back, only to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“I know, but-,” before you could finish your sentence, Minghao suddenly lunged at you, crushing you with his entire weight, making you let out a genuine laugh of joy. 
“W-what are you doing?” you asked, feeling his wet kisses all over your collarbone and neck, as his hands found their way under your (his) shirt. 
No matter how many times stuff like these led to sex, there was nothing sexual about it now - you were like two idiots in love, grateful that you could finally spend a perfect morning together, exchanging not so innocent touches and kisses in the comfort of your shared bedroom. 
“I should be the one kissing you,” you kept on laughing, as his kisses neared your lips. 
“Why?” he smiled at you, placing another one on your cheek, this time more gently. “Because of what you did for me yesterday,” you said, placing your hand at the back of his neck. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if you weren't there.” 
The way he smiled could light up even the darkest days, you would never find the right words to express how grateful you were for him, so you hoped that at least your kisses could convey a small part of it. 
You lifted yourself on your elbow, and pulled him closer to you with the hand that held his neck, as he placed his own on your cheek, stroking it with his thumb. You took a second to admire his face now that you could be near him, noticing all of his imperfections that made him so perfect. 
“I love you,” you whispered against his mouth, placing a sweet kiss on his perfectly plump, pink lips, that you’d never be tired of kissing. “I love you even more,” he whispered back. 
For a second, as your eyes met, the world around you seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you, tangled in your bedsheets, in your own little universe. With a gentle, almost hesitant approach, you leaned in closer, sealing your lips in another heartfelt kiss. 
Your mouths moved together in perfect harmony, and the taste of morning lingered on your lips - a mixture of crisp air and the promise of a new day.
taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star @hanniehaee @wonwooz1 @byprettymar @edgaralienpoe @staranghae @eightlightstar @itza-meee @immabecreepin
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thestarrynightslover · 10 months
The Day You Finally Caught a Break
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Word count: 1,574
Warnings: FLUFF. Mentions of sex crimes and crimes involving special victims (all very slight).
Summary: After living in a boring routine, the detective (y/n) (y/l/n) catches a lucky break with her colleague Jay Halstead.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the One Chicago shows, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: So, this is my first fic in a while and I am aware that it is very cheesy but I just felt like writing something cheesy. Anyways, I hope you like it!
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
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The day started just like any other would: waking up earlier than necessary, going for a run, doing some yoga, reading, and finally getting ready to go to work. Sure, to a lot of people that might have been a great morning, having all that time to do all that stuff… The only thing was: you’d been running on nothing beyond routine — one that had become quite boring, to be honest — for a couple of years now. Which made you that weird cop who actually enjoyed the worst cases just because it gave you some sort of purpose, some sort of change. Holding that thought, you were supposed to feel lucky once you and your team got deeper into your current case. But, even with the most boring of lives, a person — a decent human being — couldn’t feel lucky for even knowing something like that happens in the world, much less for having to know every sick and twisted detail of a case that involved sex trafficking, pregnant women, all sorts of assault and child abduction.
After it was “over”, around midnight, all of Intelligence seemed to silently agree on staying as long as necessary to finish their reports. Everybody thinking the same way: finishing this today, I can get outta here, get drunk, and put it in a box in the back of my head — where it’ll stay forever. As soon as someone would finish the paperwork, they’d grab their coat, mutter something resembling a goodbye, and rush out of there like the room was on fire. Molly’s wouldn’t be open anymore and none of you really wanted to spend time with each other to risk having to talk out what had happened. And then something strange happened.
Instead of just leaving like your partner Kim and his partner Kevin before her, Ruzek just stood at the door frame, waiting. For Upton. What? He kept looking at her desk so it was pretty obvious but the confirmation came when the detective got up saying: “Hey, Jay, I’mma get going now. You okay if we do our thing some other day?”
By the time Halstead looked up, she was almost reaching Adam which shocked the shit out of you but didn’t seem to faze him much, who only answered: “Yeah. Sure. Night, guys.” And then there were two—the only two Intelligence members who never exchanged more than a couple of polite measures.
Nevertheless, your gossip-starved soul got the best of you, who ended up blurting out a “They’re together?” to no one less than Jay Halstead. For a minute or so the other detective just looked around the room, as if expecting someone to jump out of nowhere and answer your question. But, after your eyes eventually met, he decided on answering.
“Eh… I don’t really know”, he started, while scratching the back of his neck, “I mean, it’s not like I’ve asked, you know?”
“Ah…” Was all you found to say after he stopped for a moment, but he continued.
“That’s just not really how it works between us. But the other day he did show up at her place late at night, which was suspicious. To say the least.” The words just flew right out of his mouth, surprising both of you, who started chuckling awkwardly at the recognition, “this is the first actual conversation we’ve had after all this time working together, isn’t it?”, he asked, ultimately.
“Yeah, I think it is,” you said, now full-on laughing. “God, I can’t believe that the first time I worked up the courage to actually talk to you was to ask for gossip!” You exclaimed, knowing that your cheeks were probably burning up with embarrassment.
“To be honest, I kinda needed to share that with someone. Especially after this moment here.” He confessed, making you laugh and forcing himself to laugh a bit more to try and hide the fact that he couldn’t stop staring at you. It just went wrong when his mouth betrayed him by saying: “You look so damn cute right now!”
"Well, it isn't every day that one finds out that the detective Jay Halstead is a gossip. Which makes me wonder who the cute one really is…"
"Oh, so that's where you're going with this?" He asked with his eyes twinkling. "Because I can prove just how not cute I am…"
"Oh?" You replied simply wondering what kind of proof he could provide against that.
"In fact, I have just the perfect idea, but, for that, you'd have to agree on going out with me first." Jay himself couldn't believe he finally managed to invite you out.
"Ooh, as in a d- date?" Who were you? Stuttering? C'mon!
"A date, yes." He answered, making you feel relieved and nervous again all at the same time.
"Yeah, I, uh, I wouldn't mind that at all. We can try and think of a date that works for both of us…" You suggested.
"Well, on Wednesday I'll be off, how about you?" Jay asked quickly.
"Oh no, that day I have somethings Platt wanted me to do. How about next Monday?"
"That's a no for me, 'cause I'm pulling doubles next week.*
“Maybe this is a crazy idea but have you finished your report yet?” He asked quizzically.
“Uh, hitting the send button right now. Why?
“Then what if we do it now?”
“The date thingy?” You asked shyly, afraid that had been just a momentaneous thought that came out of his mouth too fast.
At that, he looked at you in awe, mesmerized by how adorable you were. “Yes. The date thingy.”
A million thoughts crossed your mind, including the one that that was a lifetime opportunity and that you should be better dressed, but figuring that saying something like that would only make you miss the opportunity, you settled for asking: “But where would we go? Like, it’s past 1 a.m., Jay, I don’t think there are a lot of places open…”
“Well, I might have a few ideas… Do you trust me?” He asked, holding his hand out to you, who grabbed it at the same time as you grabbed your jacket and purse with your other hand.
“Do you really need to ask that?"
And, like that, some time later you found yourself pulling up to the address Jay had texted you, which was in Canaryville, and it turned out to be an old movie theater that apparently was doing a week of classics with sessions at all times of the day. How Jay knew about that, though, was a mystery to you.
"Hey!" You heard him calling as he crossed the street. "You made a better time getting here than I did!"
"Yeah, well, my car might be faster than your old one," you replied, shrugging innocently.
"Haha, very funny," he deadpanned.
"Hey, this is a cool idea but how did you know it is happening?" You asked, genuinely curious. "I mean, you just don't seem a lot like a movie nerd to me."
"Well, there are still many things you don't know about me. But this one specifically is because I grew up around here and the owner is a friend of my family, so he always lets Will and I know about what's going on with the place."
"Hmmm, that explains it!" You exclaimed with a tad of satisfaction for not being too far off about him.
"But I do enjoy movies, okay?" You made a face of disbelief at him. To which he replied with: "It's true, alright? I'll admit that these days I haven't had much time for it but when I was growing up around here, this place was practically my second home!"
"Oh, so you've brought many others here, I'll assume!" You teased, suddenly feeling more comfortable and consequently more confident.
"Don't! Don't assume that! Growing up I wasn't very successful with the ladies and after that changed I haven't come here often…"
"Ooh, so that means that I'm your first?" You mocked, putting your hand to your heart, "Wow, I'm truly touched now!"
"Yeah, sure, have your fun with me all you want! All I really care about is the fact that I finally managed to get you to go out with me, so I can only hope you'll enjoy yourself." Him saying that, while gazing so intently at you, was making you weak on your knees and got you blushing a bit as well. So you tried to get the attention off you.
"Okay! Then let's pick a movie and watch it already, 'cause tomorrow's probably not gonna be any shorter."
A couple of hours later you and Jay were walking down the street towards a Waffle House while chatting and laughing about the movie like two best friends, which felt really nice but also made you a little confused about the being a date of that date the two of you were on. But, after you both had cleaned your plates at the diner, Jay came onto your bench to clean the corner of your mouth with a napkin, and next thing you knew, you were kissing very passionately in public like a couple of teens, forgetting about the rest of the world altogether, which made you realized, once more, how dull and colorless your life was previous to that moment so you held on to it and you held on to the man behind it.
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mashiraostail · 4 months
Me sitting sooooooo nicely
Could you possibly do “you can sit on my lap” from the prompt list with Fatgum? As NSFW as your heart desires, but I loooooove how you write him! (Ngl your depressive episode reader fics got me through some tough times here and I treasure them with all my heart)
omg thank you for sitting nicely!!!!
A quiet day in seemed to be exactly what you needed, it was all the more delightful that Taishiro was there. You were glad he'd found the time to spend with you, even moreso to spend it lolling around your. place together. You'd ran a few small errands during the day but ultimately came back together in the afternoon, content to enjoy each other's company. You're sitting on the couch, watching some silly television program when you decide to start washing up. You announce it as you stand.
"I'm gonna wash my face and stuff, maybe put on some PJs."
"PJs?" Taishiro sounds excited, "maybe I'll follow your lead."
You grin and stand in front of his seat, "we can't go to bed too early."
"I know, I know, I wanna spend as much time together as possible too, but we might as well be comfy while you tell me all your work gossip. I swear I'll stay awake, and if I don't I owe you big time....but I will stay up."
You laugh at that, a quiet lilting sound that Taishiro feels like he's always chasing. His hands rest on the back of your thighs and he leans his head into your stomach, "go on, I'm excited to talk to you some more. You're leaving me with a crazy cliffhanger with that HR lady."
"She works in finances." You chuckle as you kiss his brow, "but sure."
You make fast work of washing up it wasn't anything major, just washing the oils from the day off your skin and changing into a comfy set of shorts and a teeshirt. You didn't look when you reached into your pajama pile, and the shirt you produced was a bit smaller than your average bed time tee shirt but it wasn't too tight or restrictive and you figured it would be nice to have some more exposed skin for Taishiro to brush his fingers against anyway.
When you emerge again Taishiro looks surprised.
"What?" You prickle, "you know I don't have any matching sets or-"
"No it's good, a good 'woah.'" And he's being honest, all of your newly exposed skin looks equally tantalizing from your thighs to the sliver of your belly showing over your shorts. He realizes how close you'd been all day and how little he's actually be able to touch.
"Come here," he eggs you on, "don't torture me now, I'm just a man."
You go to him, no real reason to deny him popping up in your immediate thoughts. In fact all you can thing of are reasons to indulge him.
"You look pretty as a petal." He's smiling, grinning impishly at you, "'re you gonna let me touch you?"
You flush, surprised at his change of mood but not at all displeased, "of course I am."
"Lucky me." He huffs out a quiet laugh, "come on, you can sit on my lap." The motion is so practiced and easy, you'd dare call it muscle memory.
"That's perfect." He's already sliding his hands into your shirt, the devil.
"Is this what you've been waiting for this whole time?" You laugh a bit, unable to even feign anger with him.
"Oh no," He assures you, "I was just...listening to you talk with that pretty voice of yours all day, watching you play with you hair, and smile at me like you do." His hands are gliding up your back pulling you closer to him easily.
You don't mind the direction this is going in, you indulge him, maybe a bit selfishly. You kiss him, hands holding on his shoulders and sliding down his chest. You enjoy the feeling of his lips wandering down your jaw and neck, and his hands sneaking lower to your belly then your thighs. You don't mind taking off the pajamas you just put on, and he certainly doesn't mind undressing and shifting his own clothes to get as much skin to skin contact as possible.
For all intents and purposes you liked being in his lap, you felt surrounded by him, and something about the idea of him watching you, egging you on along the way lit a fire inside you. And watch you he did, he liked having you on his lap just as much. He could touch and guide you but also leave you to your own devices and he could watch. He liked to let you set the pace, especially at a time like there where he would just like to ravish you with attention from all fronts. For now he'll huddle you close, and follow the roll of your hips while he continue to kiss around your lips and jaw. When you work yourself up to a climax he'll welcome you, slumped over into his chest, and he'll stand, taking you with him. He'll clean you off and bring you to bed and you won't have to say a word if you don't want to. He'll huddle you even closer under the covers and rub circles in the nape of your neck until you doze off for the night.
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munsonsduchess · 2 years
Girls Got Rhythm
summary: eddie fucks you in his van after a show w/c: 2206 warnings: 18+ only no minors, praise, swearing, oral (f recieving), unprotected sex (you're smarter than that), slight spoilers for Vol 2 authors note: so how are we feeling Eddie Nation? That season finale was ... something huh? Anyway this is probably going to be the first of quite a few fix it fics from me because like Nick Fury said "I recognise that the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid ass decision I've elected to ignore it" Not beta'd all mistakes are my own and add flavour. We die like heroes. Please reblog it really helps me out!!
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(moodboard by me)
The atmosphere in the bar was electric, bands had been playing all night and now finally it was Eddie's turn, they were the headline act in the Hideout that night. Long gone were the days of playing to five drunks and a group of hicks that wouldn't know good music if it slapped them in the face. 
Turns out being wanted for and then acquitted of murder was actually something of a reputation builder in the metal music community. It gave Eddie a kind of street cred he didn't have before and now people were coming from all over to watch Corroded Coffin play.
Throughout it all though he had you, his number one fan. As you'd tell him again and again. You'd been there through Spring Break 86, through Vecna, him almost being mauled alive by those demobat things. You'd never once left him or dipped out when things got out of control and there you were now standing right in front of the stage in possibly the most sinful outfit you could have conjured. Eddie felt his cock stir in his jeans just looking at you, of course that was a pretty regular occurrence on its own but seeing you standing there with your homemade Corroded Coffin  shirt, the shortest mini skirt imaginable not to mention your legs wrapped in fishnets leaving nothing to the imagination and Eddie didn't have to imagine what was waiting for him underneath that skirt. 
You smiled up at him as he took his place front and centre on the stage, the spotlight shining on him giving his fuzzy brown curls a halo which was at odds with the devilish smirk on his lips as he began playing. The crowd had been waiting for this all night and they were going wild for Eddie and for the band, this was everything either of you could have wanted. You'd both remember this moment in time for the rest of your lives. 
It hadn't been easy getting here, putting in hours in the bar waitressing and behind the bar. It was really the only place that would hire you both since you'd made it abundantly clear that unless both of you were hired then neither of you would work wherever it was and having been rejected by everywhere else you'd applied for, even the video store which Harrington assured you both would be an easy place to get hired, you were more than willing to put in whatever hours the management of the bar needed you to if it meant for one night a month Eddie could stand on that stage like the Rock Star he was always meant to be and play to his devoted fans. Even if most of them only came to see the guy accused of murder in such a small town. 
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
After the set you knew Eddie would be helping the rest of the band carry the equipment back to his van since as big as they were in Hawkins no one else was going to help them carry their gear. Sure enough you found Eddie stood by the stage door slash delivery entrance. HIs hair was stuck to his forehead and the back of his neck with sweat but the smile on his face told you that he couldn't care less about that,
"Hey, can I get an autograph? I'm your biggest fan" you called to get his attention, "honest I am" 
"Baby you can have anything you want" Eddie grinned at you holding his arms open so you could slot yourself against him, "anything at all" 
"Name it" 
"Well in that case" you leant up on tiptoe to kiss Eddie softly, the leather in your boots squeaking as you did so, "you looked so good up there baby" 
"You look better" Eddie said, snaking an arm around your waist to pull you closer to him, "couldn't keep my eyes off you. I thought I was gonna have to jump off the stage at one point and let everyone know you're mine" 
"I think the amount of hickies you leave should tell people that" 
"Yeah but then you cover up all my hardwork with these" Eddie laughed, his fingers playing with your necklaces, "I think I'm gonna have to prove it again" 
You didn't need to ask what he meant. You could feel how hard he had gotten through his jeans and you'd be lying if you  said watching him on the stage hadn't had the arousal dripping down your own thighs. You loved watching him play whenever, wherever and tonight was certainly no different.
"So what are we waiting for?" 
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
You had thought that perhaps Eddie would have told the rest of the guys that he'd arrange another way for them to get their stuff out of the bar that he'd take you home to your crappy little one room apartment and the murphy bed that squeaked so much your neighbour thought it was an infestation of some kind. 
You should have known better. Why would Eddie bother driving all the way home when his van was right there? 
Which is how you found yourself on your back with your skirt pushed up around your hips while Eddie knelt between your legs, eyes dark and hooded as he stared at your exposed pussy,
"Baby? No panties?" he breathed, casting his eyes upwards for a second to catch the way you bit your bottom lip as his fingers slipped through the mesh of your tights and ran through the slick forming between your thighs, "you're already so wet, is this all for me?" 
"All for you Eddie, love you" 
"I love you too sweetheart, I'm gonna love you so much" 
Before you could form a sentence your brain short circuited with the sound of Eddie ripping your tights and giving himself better access to your dripping pussy. You let out a moan when he used two ring clad fingers to swipe through your folds collecting your slick and using it to push a finger into your warm wet entrance.
A few mumbled obscenities fell from Eddie's lips as he watched his finger being sucked back into your waiting cunt again and again. How your hips bucked and searched for more, he never got enough of seeing you like this. 
Adding another finger he watched as you writhed beneath him, Eddie used his thumb to swipe against your clit and reveled in the broken moan that bubbled out of your throat. He knew he wasn't going to last long but he wanted to be sure you at least got off once before he did,
"Eddie, wanna feel you" you begged, "please baby, just wanna feel you" 
"Ssh it's gonna be ok" Eddie reassured you before readjusting his position so he could lay between your legs and lick a stripe up your weeping cunt. Removing his fingers so both hands could grab at your hips and bring your core closer to him. 
Eddie loved to go down on you. Loved the way your hips moved on their own and tried to ride his face. Loved the whimpers and moans and cries of his name you made as he tongue fucked your entrance, his fingers drawing fast circles on your swollen clit.
Your hands found purchase in his curls as Eddie sucked on your clit, his tongue drawing obscure patterns as your hips moved in a rhythm all their own chasing the high you could feel coiling in your gut. That white hot heat spreading through your veins as Eddie curled his fingers inside you hitting that spot that had you seeing stars and clenching around his fingers like a vice ,
"So good for me" Eddie praised, his fingers slowing their movements before pulling out. You held yourself up on your elbows long enough to see Eddie cleaning off his fingers before releasing them with a wet pop, "god you taste fucking amazing" 
"Eddie - " 
"It's ok love. I just - I need you ok?" 
You nodded, this is what you'd wanted too while you watched him on that stage. Your legs squeezed together as you dripped slick onto the floor of the bar, which wouldn't be the worst thing cleaned off that floor tonight all things considered. 
You reached out and helped Eddie to undo his belt buckle and the zip on his jeans. He was painfully hard and he needed to be buried inside you. To feel those velvet walls clamp around his cock was the closest feeling to heaven Eddie was sure he would ever experience. 
He shimmed out of his jeans enough to push them around his ankle, you noticed he'd also chosen to go commando tonight although that might have more to do with the fact that both of you had been ignoring the every growing pile of dirty laundry in your apartment but you didn't care what his reasoning was. Right now all that mattered was there were less pieces of clothing between the two of you getting what you wanted. 
Eddie lined himself up to your entrance and leant down to kiss you as he pushed himself inside. Both of you grabbing at the other, your  kisses all tongues and teeth as Eddie bottomed out inside you, he waited for a moment so you could adjust until you rolled your hips to signal him to start moving. 
Neither of you was interested in taking this slow it would  seem as Eddie set a brutal pace almost right away. Pulling almost all the way out before slamming back in harshly filling you up to the brim each time. His tip kissed your cervix as he searched for that spot inside he'd reached with his fingers earlier. The spot that had you clawing at his back, thanking whatever gods that he'd chosen to play that night in a loose black tank top instead of his usual layers of shirts and jackets. 
The sounds of moaning and skin slapping against skin filled the back of the van and you were sure people would have noticed the movement inside from the outside but if anyone did notice what you two were up to they said nothing. 
You could feel that coil in your stomach tightening again as Eddie's cock brushed against your sweet spot,
"M'close Eddie" you gasped, "m'so close" 
"Cum for me sweetheart" he breathed into your ear as his fingers circled your clit harshly once again drawing your climax. You clenched around him as your back arched and you came with a cry of his name on your lips.
With your sweet walls milking him for all he was worth Eddie's own release wasn't far behind yours as he filled you with his hot spend. Your walls fluttered around him as warmth spread through your limbs, nothing but fog and static in your brain as your orgasm took a hold of your body. 
When you came back down you found Eddie knelt between your legs again, polaroid in hand as he snapped a picture of your mixed release dripping out of your puffy pussy, "so fucking beautiful" 
When he had taken enough pictures Eddie sat the camera back down before gently using his index and ring  fingers to scoop up your mixed fluids and push them back into your swollen cunt, 
"Eddie" you whined, 
"I know sweetheart I know" he placed a chaste kiss on your cheek before fishing some cigarettes out of the glove box, lighting one and offering it to you which you took gratefully. 
Eddie watched as you inhaled the smoke before exhaling it in small clouds. He loved watching you smoke, loved the way you held the cigarette so carefully in poised fingers, the way you'd close your eyes when you drew in and the way you exhaled because you'd seen Frenchie do it in Grease and taught yourself to exhale exactly like she did.
"You're staring Eds" you teased, breaking him out of his revelry, "my tits aren't even out" 
"Do I need an excuse to stare at my beautiful girlfriend?" he shot back, his smile lighting up the small space between you, "that's what I thought" 
You laughed and Eddie wondered if he could record the sound and just play it forever, like the Mayfield kis and her Kate Bush tape,
"Hey, I was thinking" you said, sitting upright and stretching slightly to alleviate the kink in your back from being railed in the back of the van, "you wanna see that vampire movie tomorrow? Since we're both off" 
"Whatever you want Princess" Eddie agreed instantly, he would do anything she asked of him,
"Good cause Steve wanted to double date with this girl he's been seeing - " Eddie cut you off with a loud groan and flopped dramatically onto the floor of the van, 
"Why do we have'ta go with Harrginton? Why can't it just be us?" 
"Tell you what if you say yes to this I'll say yes to anything you want to do tonight when we get home" 
"Oh you're on princess, you're on" Eddie's eyes sparkled with mischief and you laughed again.
 God you loved this over dramatic dork. 
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pipipyuni · 1 year
hii! could i request a lo’ak x fem!metkayina!reader who like just absolutely LOVES his hands. like, will just hold his pinky whenever he feels bad about it, and genuinely just thinks it is the coolest thing? (bit strange ik but anyways 😇) <33
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With These Hands, I'll Give you the World
wc: 1105
gender: fem
cw(s): none! all fluff
pairing: lo'ak x metkayina!reader
an: shimmy shimmy yay shimmy yay shimmy ya--anyway, i love lo'ak!!
content can be read below the cut!
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All Lo’ak wanted to do was help out a little around the village, really. What he wasn’t expecting was to run into you, the pretty daughter of a fairly well-respected fisherman, much less for you to ask for his help.
He’d seen you around before, sure, but he never really got the chance to actually, well, talk to you before. Between his swimming lessons and other misadventures, he hadn’t found much time to explore the village.
So when he finds you struggling to pull in what seems to be a fishing net, he can’t help but want to offer his assistance.
“Need some help there?”
Your head jerks toward him, eyes wide with shock as your mouth hangs open dumbly. With flattened ears and a downcast gaze, you offer him a small nod, moving over to make some room beside you on the net.
He finds the evident blush on your cheeks adorable despite his own cheeks being set ablaze. It’s only when you turn to him questioningly does he clear his throat and turn his gaze back to the heavy net.
Three tugs is all it takes for the two of you to pull the net from the water. It’s full of flopping fish and the occasional seaweed, but your eyes sparkle with joy nonetheless.
“Thank you so much!” Your smile is blinding, rendering Lo’ak almost speechless if not for the small choked hum of agreement that falls pathetically from his throat. He raises one of his hands to bashfully rub the nape of his neck–a habit he picked up from Neteyam in their younger years.
Your gaze follows his hand, and you gasp once your eyes land on the extra finger. He freezes at the sound of your gasp, trailing your line of sight back to his hand. He can feel his jaw clench as shame bubbles deep within his gut. 
He didn’t choose to be born different, and if he did have the choice, he sure as hell wouldn’t have chosen to have extra fingers of all things.
Though, he can’t help but feel sad at the thought of losing yet another potential friend.
Stupid fucking pinky. What kind of name is that anyway?! Who in their right mind–
“No wonder you’re so strong!”
What…? He snaps his scowl away from the sand only to find you beaming and practically shaking from excitement. Your eyes are so wide with curiosity and bright that he feels as though even a thousand suns pale in comparison.
“That’s so cool! Sometimes I wish I had an extra finger… It would help with weaving, I think? I don’t know. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t. Do you weave? I like weaving, it’s relaxing! Especially nets, they’re my favorite. They’re just so easy–oh, Great Mother, am I rambling again? Father says I have a problem with talking too much when I’m excited.”
Upon noticing his silence, you bring your hands to your mouth in order to stop yourself from uttering another word. 
Oh no, had you offended him?! That wasn’t your intention, truly. How inconsiderate of you! The poor boy has probably heard enough about his hands, and there you go, most likely furthering his insecurity!
Through your admittedly dramatized inner monologue, you fail to notice the slow flick of his tail, or how his ears flatten against the side of his head, coated with the same purple hue that dusts his cheeks. 
“You think they’re cool?” His voice is barely above a whisper as if he’s afraid to ask–like his ears had lied to him, or something of the sort. There’s a glimmer in his eyes that you can’t quite place.
Infatuation? Adoration? 
Regardless, you nod fervently, smiling brightly despite your flushed and strained cheeks. Lo’ak watches your reactions carefully, the shame in his gut blooming into something lighter—something that catches his throat and clenches his heart painfully.
Cute. The thought returns at full force at the sight of your smile. His mouth parts, a small smile unintentionally tugging at the ends of his lips. He brings his hand from behind his neck, flipping between his palm and the back of his hand.
“Yeah…I guess it is.”
Your giggle is a symphony to his ears, and for once, Lo’ak feels seen as more than the boy with demon blood, or Toruk Makto’s son.
Before you part, the net of fish carefully thrown over your shoulder, Lo’ak catches your free wrist.
“I, uh, never caught your name,” he unintentionally tightens his grip around your wrist as he waits with a bated breath.
“[Name]… My name is [Name].”
Alone, and in the safety of his family’s marui, Lo’ak finds himself staring longingly at his pinky fingers. 
“...Lo’ak!” Kiri stands in front of him, her hands planted on her hips as exasperation paints her features. Seeing her brother finally look up from his hands, Kiri lets her hands fall limply to her side, softly sighing as she takes a seat by her brother on the floor. “I’ve been calling you for at least two minutes, skxawng.”
She looks down at her hands, inspecting them, just as Lo’ak had been doing just moments prior. There’s nothing off about them, to her, at least. With pursed lips and furrowed brows, she turns her gaze back to her brother. Once again, she finds him staring longingly, though, this time it’s out a window. 
Kiri smirks knowingly, “So, who’s the unlucky person?” She grabs his shoulders, shaking him lightly. Lo’ak brushes her hands off, a scowl pulling on his lips as he hisses at his sister. Kiri’s smirk falls into a soft smile at her brother’s sudden bashfulness, pulling at his downturned cheek, earning yet another hiss from him.
Swatting her hands away, Lo’ak blushes, “No one!”
“No one, huh?” She points outside the window at someone. At you. “Then why were you staring at her, skxawng?”
There’s a beat of silence between the two before Kiri stands, stretching her arms above her head before ruffling Lo’ak’s hair, “I was going to ask if you wanted to swim, but it’s clear you’ve got things to sort through on your own.”
“You aren’t as slick as you think, little brother.” She winks, snorting slightly at his wide eyes, “Buut, if you want my advice, I say go for it. I’m pretty sure I heard Tsireya talking to her about a crush…”
“You were eavesdropping?!”
She leaves promptly without answering his question, sticking out her tongue playfully one last time before she’s fully out the door.
Once again alone, Lo’ak stares at his hands.
…Maybe his extra fingers were a blessing in disguise.
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©pyuni 2022 — do not copy, steal, repost, or translate any of my works on tumblr or any other site
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jynxeddraca · 8 months
Hi yes, more Baldur's Gate brainrot. Sorry not sorry.
First of all look at my Tav:
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She's adorable yes?
So fun fact I did not at all realize that 'Tav' is the default name given to all custom origin characters. I thought it was randomized and liked it so I kept it. So meet Tav Moonridge y'all!
Tav is a tiefling bard who grew up in the Outer City of Baldur's Gate, lives in the Lower City, basically raised her sister - Temerity Moonridge, and is currently 'on an adventure' that she really didn't want to be on and desperately wants to get back to her sister. I am also picturing her as like 5'2"/157 cm and often described as "willowy" or "reedy".
And now head canons of Tav interacting with the other characters. There are some spoiler-y things ahead.
No one has any idea how or why she ended up leading them, not even Tav. Tav is constantly baffled why anyone listens to her, but accepts it if it means she can talk everyone out of killing each other.
Tav broke Astarion's nose when they met via headbutting him in the face.
Karlach and Tav gossip in Infernal at camp. They never use anyone's names while doing so, but Astarion has a suspicion about which phrase might refer to him. Spoiler, it's Infernal for 'pretty boy' and it absolutely is referring to him.
Tav is a flirt when she's been drinking and kissed Shadowheart (during her first romance scene) and felt awful about it the next morning.
When they found the hat that is located near Alfira, Gale was able to tell it was enchanted but not really sure how. Tav laid claim on it and wears it at night to cover her eyes when she doesn't want Gale to bother her because he doesn't really get social cues and she doesn't want to hurt his feelings by just telling him to leave her alone for a bit. Gale thinks she's doing it because she had a headache or is about to go to bed.
Tav winds down in the evening by using her long tiefling talons nails to essentially fingering out tunes on her lute, without actually plucking the strings, and quietly humming along. She often does this leaning back against a stump or a rock with her eyes closed. She hasn't noticed that the camp tends to get quieter around this time because everyone likes to hear the humming - even if they refuse to admit it. She sometimes does this while wearing the hat.
When Astarion accidentally reveals he's a vampire and Tav ends up offering her neck to him - he ends up concluding that Tav has zero survival instincts. She also jabbed him in the armpit with her thumbnail to keep him from making her a corpse.
Tav fully is aware Astarion's flirting and seducing is him using her - but she thinks he's using sex as a way to secure blood from her willingly rather than his actual plan.
Lae'zel, after having to save Tav's ass one too many times, teaches Tav how to use a sword. Wyll helps out. Everyone learns that Tav is not good with blades and she is informed that she is to stick near Astarion and snipe using her crossbow.
Halsin can pick Tav up one handed and has done so to keep her from rushing into potential trouble without a plan. Tav deeply dislikes when he does this and Shadowheart has compared her acidic looks to him to a disgruntled cat. Karlach calls this 'air jail'.
Karlach will also put Tav in 'air jail' from time to time after her heart gets fixed. Astarion nearly doubled over laughing at Tav's betrayed expression when it first happened.
Astarion constantly thinks Tav has some ulterior motive for letting him drink her blood that she is really good at hiding. He eventually begrudgingly accepts that she doesn't.
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imtrashraccoon · 7 months
Gah! You guys were so awesome on my previous two posts. It was a huge surprise to wake up to this morning! So here is the next one, enjoy!
First Day, Previous Day, & Next Day
Day 3: Scarfs
Frisk seemed to really like Doomfanger. As the days went by, you often woke up to find the cat had somehow squished herself between you and Frisk on the couch. Her purring was what woke you up every time as a result of Frisk just drenching her with attention. It was a good thing you weren't allergic to cats but getting all of her fur off your clothes was nigh impossible.
Today had been no different and after breakfast, Frisk had gone hunting for her again. They'd found a piece of string somewhere and got her to chase it across the living room. You couldn't help but chuckle watching their combined antics. Deciding to leave them alone for a bit, you wandered into the kitchen to get a drink of water.
Papyrus was washing up the breakfast dishes and by the look of his uniform, he was probably heading out on patrol as soon as he was done. Rather than continue on your initial quest, you hesitated for a moment in the entryway of the kitchen, silently watching him work.
You had slightly mixed feelings about him, well, you felt that way about both brothers actually. While neither brother had been openly hostile towards you or Frisk, they had been rather passive or cold at best. This was pretty normal though, considering how rocky your first meeting had gone and how different their personalities were from your own.
Yet, you couldn't help but wonder if there was something between you and Papyrus. While it was hard to tell what he was thinking or feeling since he didn't exactly have conventional facial expressions like humans did, he had been much kinder than you expected. He checked to make sure both you and Frisk were doing alright, as well as acting like a good host, making you feel welcome in his home, even if he was still a bit distant.
Papyrus must've sensed you watching him because he suddenly turned halfway around and spotted you. "Is Everything Alright?" he asked quietly.
You felt your cheeks grow warm with embarrassment and glanced away. "Yeah, we're alright. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare at you like that..." You rubbed the back of your neck and chewed your lower lip slightly.
"Apology Accepted." Papyrus returned to his current task, apparently unbothered.
You entered the kitchen and got a glass out of the cupboard. Quickly filling it from the tap, you leaned up against the counter and sipped at it.
"I do really like your uniform by the way. It legitimately looks really cool on you, especially your scarf," you commented, focusing on the remaining water in your glass while you spoke.
Out of the corner of your eye, you thought Papyrus smiled slightly at that. He didn't say anything for a moment, but you hadn't really been looking for a conversation and had just wanted to clear the air.
"I Made It Myself," he finally said as he finished washing the last pan.
"Really? That's pretty impressive," you responded and glanced over at him again.
Papyrus dried his hands and pulled his long gloves back on. "Well, Mostly By Myself. I Bought The Materials And Then Put It All Together."
"Can I touch it?"
Papyrus studied you before nodding. "Go For It."
Setting your glass on the counter, you moved closer to him and lightly ran your fingers over the tattered edges of the end of his scarf. It was way softer than you'd expected, almost like cotton, but thicker than any similar garments you'd felt before.
"It's sort of like the texture of cotton, but not? What's it made from?" you asked curiously.
Papyrus tilted his skull thoughtfully. "I Am Not Familiar With Cotton, Since We Do Not Get A Lot Of Human Clothing Down Here. We Make Our Own Textiles From Various Materials Like Plant Fibers, Fur, Or Hair. There Is Also Spider Silk, Although It Is Rather Pricey So Most Are Not Able To Afford It."
He chuckled and added, "However, I Am Not Most People And As You Can See, I Spared No Expense. Besides The Obvious Softness, Cloth Made From Spider Silk Is Much More Durable Than Other Materials."
Your eyes widened with surprise and you examined his scarf slightly closer. "No way... That's so cool! I would love to have something made from spider silk, but it just isn't feasible on the surface."
Papyrus smiled at your enthusiasm. "I Imagine It Is Not, Considering There Are Only A Few Spiders That Supply Silk For The Entire Underground."
He left for work not long after the conversation ended, although the it seemed to have put him in a good mood which made you happy. You were genuinely impressed that spider silk could be that soft and a small part of you was really tempted to "temporarily borrow" his scarf at some point to try it out for yourself.
(Edit: Second last one I swear! @scrambledmeggys )
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earako · 10 months
Ughhh okay this idea won't leave, short form for now may expand on it later
It wasn't fair.
It just wasn't fair.
"Love, you're being dramatic."
"You're not being dramatic enough," Ambrosius shot back, aiming a totally-not-a-pout at his -totally-not-laughing-at-him boyfriend. His not-pout deepened at Ballister trying and failing to calm down his snorting laughter
"It's really not that serious," Ballister managed to finally get out through his laughter. Ambrosius shook his head at him.
"It is that serious, Bal! This is is like, a right of passage for couples!" Ambrosius exclaimed, almost slapping Ballister with his own hoodie sleeve.
Although Ballister was the slightly shorter one of the pair his clothing was always just a little bit oversized on Ambrosius. Not enough for Ambrosius to look like he was swimming in Ballister's hoodies, just enough to look baggy on Ambrosius' frame.
He loved wearing Ballister's hoodie, of course it could never beat the real thing, but during the few days or nights were duties [a.k.a rebuilding an entire bloody society] kept them apart Ballister's hoodie felt like a warm embrace and smelled of home.
To put it in less poetic terms, wearing Ballister's clothing made Ambrosius feel safe and loved.
And he wanted to do the same with Ballister.
Too bad Ambrosius shoulders said no.
Now, Ambrosius was aware that Ballister was more broad shouldered than he was, but he figured his hoodies could stretch and they tended to sit pretty loosely on him. So when Ballister relinquished on of his hoodies to Ambrosius Ambrosius took off his own hoodie and offered it to Ballister.
It didn't fit.
It couldn't even get over Ballister's shoulders.
Ballister of course, shrugged it off, but to Ambrosius this was the height of unfairness and, "Stop laughing, Ballister!" Ambrosius said, pulling his giggling boyfriend into his arms and beginning to pepper his face in kisses. "You wanna laugh? Fine, I'll give you a reason to laugh!" Ballister shrieked in glee as he was lovingly assulted with kisses all over his face, nose, neck, hands.
"What's gotten into you today?" Ballister asked though breathless giggles. Ambrosius managed to answer him through his little kiss attack.
"You always let me steal your hoodies. You also deserve the boyfriend hoodie experience."
"Am- lover it's not your fault I have big ass shoulders."
"Still wanna see in my hoodie," Ambrosius pouted into a kiss he placed on the hollow of Ballister's neck. He felt a puff of air above him, most likely Ballister sighing.
"If it means that much to you, you ridiculous man, we can figure something out. Does seeing me in your clothes mean that much to you?"
"Alright then."
The next day the couple went rifling through Ambrosius closet, surely there had to be something large enough to fit Ballister.
After what felt like hours of digging Ambrosius finally found an old, stretched out, oversized sweater he used in his teen years. Back then when Ambrosius was feeling lazy in the winter months he'd just throw on two or three sweaters instead of trying to move around in his bulky winter coat.
He looked at the sweater, then at Ballister. He grabbed his boyfriend's ankle and dragged him over, earning a yelp and a startled "AMBROSIUS!"
Without a word, and really just Ballister being an indulgent boyfriend, Ambrosius bundled Ballister into his old sweater.
He sat back to admire his handiwork.
It fit over Ballister's shoulders alright. It actually managed to look baggy on him, the sleeves entirely covered Ballister's hands and if he were standing Ambrosius imagined the hem would fall to maybe just past Ballister's mid thigh.
Suddenly, those t.v shows and movies his classmates watched where the boyfriend would just stare at his girlfriend wearing his shirt made sense.
The baggy sweater combined with Ballister's doe eyes and the blush on his face...
"Adorable." Ballister's blush deepened. "You're biased-hey!" Another shriek emerged from Ballister as Ambrosius dove to cuddle his boyfriend nuzzling his face into his lovers chest.
"Adorable, Bal. So cute. So pretty. Love you."
"Not another kiss attack!" Ballister groaned though he only laughed and reached up to hug Ambrosius closer to him.
Through the numerous kisses Ambrosius was littering him with, Ballister finally managed to ask, "So...we fair on the boyfriend hoodie thing?" Ambrosius paused in his kisses and stared down at Ballister with a cheeky grin.
"Wait what-"
"Need to buy some over sized hoodies, gonna wear em for a week then put them on you!"
"Am- you are a ridiculous, silly man do you know that?" Ambrosius leaned up to place a kiss on Ballister's nose.
"I'm -you're- ridiculous, silly man."
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Here is the villain au as promised! Chapter one of Inverted Confrontation! You can read it here same day or read it on ao3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52496971/chapters/132803554
Click read more for the chapter! Hope you all enjoy!
An abnormal mission. That’s what this was.
Usually, nobody would be alone. They tended to pair up if possible. However, it was a special case. Donnie picked up four huge mystic energy signatures that seemed similar to their own.
He was ecstatic that he could finally be proven right about his multiverse theory. That, and to actually be able to meet their alternate selves. The things he could accomplish would be revolutionary.
So they split up to find them. They were paired up in a way that had them finding each other. They could have just found their own counterparts, but Donnie wasn’t sure if they’d explode or not if they met yet.
Mikey had to find the energy similar to Donnie’s, Donnie had to find Leo’s, Raph had to find Mikey’s, and Leo had to find Raph’s. Comms and check ins were strictly enforced. They couldn’t be sure if they were friendly or not until they actually met them.
Raph was pretty nervous about this. He had to be somewhat alone with only his brother’s voices over the comms to keep him from going savage.
He also wasn’t the best out of his brothers in stealth. That would be Leo. He managed to avoid getting seen in Big Mama’s hotel until he could save them after all.
So watching from the shadows to make sure this Mikey wasn’t evil might be difficult.
The machine Donnie whipped up for all of them to track the energies started flashing. The energy similar to Mikey’s was really close.
“Alright, you’ve got this Raph. Just see if he’s a bad guy or not.”
He walks more cautiously, ready at any moment for an attack. He’s also about to let the others know he found him.
Until he hears the telltale youngest brother crying.
His oldest brother skills kick into high gear and he almost completely forgets that it’s not his actual brother crying.
He soon sees a turtle curled up in a fetal position next to some trash. His arms were wrapped tight around his legs. Raph focused heavily on the distressed parts of him and less on everything else.
That included how this Mikey didn’t wear a ninja mask on his face. Also how he had something around his neck and neon paint on his face. His marks glowed all over him.
Even though he wasn’t focusing on it, he still noticed and his heart ached a little. He remembers when Mikey was younger and would get paint all over himself.
Raph slowly approaches him. He doesn’t get seen until he accidentally kicks a can.
The other Mikey snaps his head up and falls backwards in surprise.
“Please, don’t hurt me!”
“Woah woah, I’m not here to hurt you little guy! I promise! Raph just wants to help!”
He walks into a more well lit part of the alley.
The other Mikey’s eyes widen.
“Yeah, buddy. I mean I’m not your Raph but I am a Raph and Raph is always here to help.”
The other Mikey slowly stands up a sniffles.
“I…I lost my brothers….I got roughed up getting here and everything hurts…!”
He starts crying louder, big fat tears dripping down his face.
Raph rushes forward to hug him.
“Don’t worry, Raph’s got you-!”
A canister suddenly smacks him in the face and when he breathes in he starts choking harshly on gas. The canister drops to the floor but the gas continues spreading around him.
He tries to move, but his legs aren’t cooperating. They feel like sandbags. The world begins spinning around him. He sways back and forth, his arms hanging uselessly at his sides. He can’t even try to cover his mouth, or soften his fall at all as his plastron makes contact with the bags of trash in front of him.
He glances up with the last bit of energy he has left.
The other Mikey had long since stopped crying and a gas mask was pulled up on the lower half of his face. He kneels down to look at Raph.
“Actually, I think I got you. Nighty night, Raphie.”
Raph’s eyes forcibly close.
Donnie realizes something is wrong as Raph misses the check in. He’s not sure exactly what is wrong but he knows it has to be bad. He didn’t alert them that he found anyone, but he might not have had time. Or he went savage and needed help before something else happened.
“Raph isn’t answering his phone. We need to go get him.”
“What’s his location? I’ll portal myself there to see what’s up.”
Donnie cuts himself off from answering Leo to dodge a sword coming at him from the darkness of the night. It crashes right through his phone.
He immediately spins his tech bo around to avoid anymore projectiles that close to him again.
“You just had to be evil. My first alternate universe experience is tainted because of you.”
The other Leo casually strolls out from the darkness. He wore a sleeveless hood that was a mix of dark blue and black. The color contrasted heavily against his red markings that were glowing brightly. He had a black shirt that went all the way up to over his mouth.
Like his Leo, he wore gloves that covered his forearms. Unlike him these gloves were reinforced with some kind of metal. His socks looked the same, the material seemed so flexible that it almost seemed like a metallic pattern and not real metal.
From the other Donnie no doubt.
He also two packs, one on each side of his hips. Donnie didn’t think these held medical supplies.
“Every Donnie is at least a little evil. That’s my bet, anyway. Sure you could build a machine to save humanity, but do they deserve it? Your genius? Wouldn’t it be fun to just go to town with a bomb filled to the brim with uranium?”
“Gasp. Do you have uranium?”
“Dee never runs out. He’d just love to share it with a fellow mad scientist. Think of what you could do if you just forget about if something is ethical or not. Lethal, semi lethal, aren’t either of those way more fun than non lethal?”
“Nardo keeps me from going fully lethal all the time- wait wait, you won’t convince me! You did something to Raph!”
“He’s safe, I swear. I can show you.”
“Don’t doubt my genius right after you praised it. I won’t go anywhere with you.”
“You don’t have to.”
The other Leo pulls out a phone and taps it a few times.
“Just texted my little bro. He’s sent a video.”
Donnie stares hard as the other Leo gingerly reaches the phone out to him. He didn’t seem to have anything else on his person so he reaches for the phone, but the other Leo suddenly lifts it up and slams it into his neck.
Electricity burns through his whole body as he spasms and jerks around violently. The current only stops when the other Leo pulls the fake phone away.
Donnie’s legs give out and he falls to his knees. The other Leo kneels down and has him lean on him so that he can press a cloth to his mouth and nose.
“Have a nice little nap. When you wake up, you’ll all be together again.”
Donnie can’t do anything as his consciousness fades and he passes out in other Leo’s arms.
“Donnie! I knew we shouldn’t have split up, that only ever works on Scooby Doo and even then they always get chased by a monster!”
Leo huffs.
“Two brothers down, I gotta get to Mikey.”
He calls him.
“Mikey! You still okay?”
There’s nothing but crackling coming in and a bad feeling takes root in his stomach.
What happened to his brothers? What was he supposed to do?
What if they were injured?
He starts breathing heavily.
No, stop it! They’re not dead, they need your help! Snap out of it!
He spins around to run back from where he started to head one of the ways his brothers went instead. When he turns a corner though, he slams into what feels like a brick wall.
He stumbles back and almost falls. A large grabs the strap around his plastron to prevent it. He blinks in confusion and looks up at who he almost broke his face with.
A taller, bigger version of his Raph. That was saying a lot because his Raph was already a big guy. He had a red mask but there weren’t kind eyes in it, just completely white and cold ones. Just like savage Raph.
He had what looked almost like football gear on him. Red shoulder pads that also covered his chest with black spikes.
That seemed like overkill since he’s was already plenty spiky.
“Going somewhere, little guy?”
His voice was low and harsh, like when Raph realizes Leo only got three hours of sleep over 4 days.
“I….uh….was looking for you, actually!”
He tries to stand up but the other Raph doesn’t let go of the strap.
“Ya found me.”
He lifts Leo up by the strap. Leo grabs at his large hand and kicks his legs in the air.
“Woah woah woah, let’s talk about this!”
“Champion said you’d figure it out already. No point tryin to pretend.”
“I swear I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“Well, ya will.”
The other Raph digs into a small pouch on his side and pulls out a dart with his free hand.
Leo panics and pulls out his sword.
The other Raph drops him and grips his hand tightly instead.
“Let go.”
“You first!”
“Don’t make me hurt you.”
“I’m not making you do anything!”
The other Raph tightens his grip enough for it to be painful. Leo shouts in pain and has to let go. The other Raph pulls the sword away and hits him in the side of the head with the handle.
The hit was hard enough to send him flying into a wall. His shell slams against it painfully, but the pain in his head is worse.
“Dammit Red, you did it again….sorry about the concussion. I think you got it now at least, that’s what Champion usually says happens.”
All Leo can do is whine in pain. He’s not even really registering what other Raph is saying.
The other Raph lifts him back up, this time bridal style. Leo let’s his head lull to the side. The other Raph presses the dart into Leo’s arm.
Leo would normally try to struggle against this wave of sleepiness washing over him but he just didn’t have it in him.
“Wait, are ya supposed to sleep with a concussion-“
He’s out within moments.
“Guys? Anyone?” Mikey anxiously tries calling them all again.
He’s met only with static.
“What am I supposed to do now? Raph is gonna go savage if it’s broken for everybody else too!”
He sighs in annoyance and looks the tracking device. That signal showed it the energy coming up to where he is quickly.
When he glances up, he can spot someone in the distance.
“Hey! Other Donnie!?” He calls out and waves.
“Yes! It is I! “Other” Donnie! Other Michelangelo?” Other Donnie shouts and waves back.
“Yeah! Welcome to our universe!”
Mikey smiles and watches him walk over.
When he gets more into view Mikey can see what he’s wearing. His goggles, similar to what his Donnie wears, are down and over his eyes. He’s got a top hat on and Mikey is almost jealous because man is he rocking it.
He’s also wearing a long, white scientist looking jacket, black pants, big boots, and big gloves.
It reminded him a lot of a mad scientist from an old comic.
The other Donnie is grinning widely as he approaches Mikey, leaning over as he adjusts a goggle and examines him.
“I can immediately name at least seven differences between you and my brother but other than that, this is an incredible success!”
“Wait until you meet my Donnie! He’ll be so excited. You guys could analyze each other and do a bunch of experiments.”
“Of course, that will come soon enough! First, do you want some snacks?”
He pulls a baggie of what looks like fruit snacks from his coat pocket.
“Oooo, heck yeah! My blood sugies were starting to get low.”
He takes the baggie and pops the fruit snacks into his mouth.
“You’re really cool, other Donnie.”
“Interesting. I thought they were fast acting.“
Mikey’s legs buckle under him and he drops the baggie.
“I-I can’t feel my legs!”
“It’s only temporary. Struggle if you want, that would be valuable data.”
“You’re from an evil universe!”
“Scoff. If you call science evil. Morally dubious maybe.”
Mikey feels the numbness spread and falls over.
“I actually prefer being called a mad scientist. It has a dramatic flair to it.”
Robo arms come out from his back and pick Mikey up.
“And I think I just got a new assistant.”
Mikey wants to insist that he’s not, but all his words die in his throat.
Darkness overtakes his vision.
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jawllines · 2 months
I have so many things I want to highlight so here’s a big ol list of em. But first I need you to know that I’m at the end of my period and I feel like all of my weepy emotions are the same as they are at the beginning of my period lol. And tbh I think that worked in your advantage!!! But without further ado, The List:
All of Harry’s texts to y/n:
I’m always thinking about you.
Miss you.
You never have to thank me for anything.
I'm just happy to be able to help you, you know?
And don't worry about that at all. Take your time, I understand.
I’ll always wait for you.
The way they get after each other for being out of bed/being out in the rain
“I don’t have someone to look over me. I only have myself.” 
Harry shook his head, “You always have me,” he set the thermometer down on the table, then grabbed for the medicine, “Even. . .even if you hate me, you always have me.” 
Literally every single time Harry told her he missed her.
Niall pouted when he saw him the other day, flicking his shoulder, inquiring where all his luster went.
"You know where it went," Harry whined quietly.
Harry’s thoughts (the entire section but I’ll just write the first part):I love you – he wants to say, I love you, I love you, I love you. I love you so much that it hurts me to be away from you…”
Harry thinking, “you’re my person – even if the stars don’t think so, I know it.” And then her thinking this after Harry tells her he loves her: “You’re my soulmate, even if it’s not written in the stars.” ***THIS RUINED ME WHEN I PUT IT TOGETHER***
Y/n deciding getting to be with him now was better than never being with him. How she would rather be vulnerable and get hurt so she could experience love. How she was ready to build herself into his life as a permanent fixture even if he found his soul mate.
When (I think) she got her mark:
“It feels like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, or like her body had converted all the bitterness and sadness and general upset over her situation into something light and fluffy. Like the marshmallow you scoop out of a jar, or what clouds should feel like. It’s nice. She isn’t sure if it was making up with Harry that did it, or (THIS!!!) finally appreciating the outcome of her ability (CRIES) – touching and caressing the mark that will forever stay on his skin – but it felt. . .like something had clicked. Something made sense, that night, and it alleviated a pain that Y/N had been lugging around with her for so long” — when it clicked I think she got her mark!
Let’s be honest. The whole picnic scene. I can’t pick a part of it because the whole thing was perfectly and beautifully written and made my heart SO squidgy. But okay if I had to pick it’d be this line:
“Y/N thinks, that maybe the ‘something good’, is how wide his smile is after she says it.” — I’ve never been in love but it seems like it really is the little things 🥹
Harry pressing his hands on her bum when they go uphill on their hike
The entirety of Harry finding her mark. Being able to physically feel his emotions because of your writing. Being able to perfectly picture his face. How tender y/n is with him when she’s worried something wrong.
How nervous she was about finding out if it matched. I could feel the (crisp) trepidation. I felt like *I* didn’t know if it would match or not (even though you only write happy endings!!)
How perfectly you describe how she felt when she found out the matched. Pretty sure I actually let out a sigh of relief and my whole body unclenched. I could physically feel the peace she felt! How everything felt calm and clicked into place.
Them taking a picture of the mark!!! The second it was revealed it was on her neck I was like “TAKE A PICTURE TO SHOW US!!” Like I am in this with them.
How confident Harry was all along that she was his soulmate.
Everything about how sweet the sex is. I’m a sucker for sweet and gentle smut I can’t even lie. Makes me teary every time.
“We can stop here. I just wanted to make you feel good” “if you don’t get inside of me, I’ll scream” written like a true girl about to start her period
Of course him flipping her over. He’s so obsessed with her mark. He’s going to only ever want her to wear her hair up so he can touch it and kiss it and admire it.
How much ferret and Dolly love Harry and y/n more than the person that actually keeps them alive. The way they chirp when they see them. How they always have to go pick up the other cat because they can’t be left behind!! They truly became their own characters and added so much to the story.
This is so long but I could go on all day. Truly your best writing I think. These feel like the most believable characters. Everything about them was so well balanced. The way they felt and their emotions. How raw and vulnerable they were. How they both were messy but in the most normal human ways. Ugh how eager Harry was!!! I think he made me believe in true love lol. But he was just so sweet and gentle and eager and caring. And how there was always this almost lingering feeling protectiveness that y/n had over Harry?? How quickly it seemed like she’d fall apart if he was hurting or sad and when she was angry at him for not telling her the truth but she needed him to be looked after. UGH
Okay I have to be done because I’m about to cry again hahaha. So good. I’m obsessed and I wish I could read it all again for the first time. Thank you for sharing your gift with strangers on the internet 💛💛💛
(I never sign these things off but I’ll sign this one off lol 🐇🫀🫶🏼)
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chainsawctopus · 2 years
What do u think of yoshiden
Oh boy. If you're here on my account then you probably already know who I am and how absolutely insane I am for them, but I'm gonna ramble anyway LOL thanks for giving me the opportunity to show people on Tumblr how insane I am ‼✌😁 If people who don't know me from twitter find this, hi I'm TK! I may be a little deranged for Yoshiden, just a tiny bit y'know- Yoshiden means a lot to me for various reasons but I'll just put down all my insane ramblings down belowwww [CSM Spoilers if anime onlys/new readers find this post somehow] [Serious Section] -Denji's distrust/disliking for men/straight up internalized homophobia is most likely because of his past abusers being male (the mafia and his father), so if he starts to trust Yoshida throughout the course of part 2 and they end up forming an actual bond, whether it's romantic or platonic, it kind of helps Denji get over his distrust and help him cope with that trauma knowing that hey not all dudes are that bad actually, this guy's pretty nice. (You could say that Beam already did that and they had a good bond too but Beam is... y'know... *finger across neck* bleh... and Denji still emphasizes he wouldn't let a dude sit on him in 104 so...)
-Surprise surprise, I'm in on the bi Denji agenda because I'm bisexual and all my favs have to be bi 😁😁/hj But seriously, bi Denji is a pretty good concept cause aside from getting rid of his internalized homophobia, it also helps him get over/cope with his trauma as I said above. Part 1 was all about Denji learning about different kinds of love (familial love from the Hayakawa family, romantic love from Reze, and the mess that is sexual->maternal->abusive love from Makima, etc etc), so exploring his sexuality in part 2 could be a nice little addition to that. (Bonus points for the new kind of familial love he has for Nayuta now that he's her older brother/father figure; bonus BONUS points if Yoshida's the other dad LOL) [Delusional Absolutely Normal Section] -Yoshida's canonically a pretty boy as stated by another guy, so maybe if Denji stares at him long enough he'll realize guys can be as pretty as girls too and think it's fine to find guys attractive LMAO
-We all agree Yoshida's gay or at least mspec mlm leaning/preference right? Right. -Anyway, I'M A TOTAL SUCKER FOR ONE-SIDED LOVE STORIES LOL I'd like to think Yoshida has coworkers who could've taken the job of watching over Denji but he deliberately asked to do the job because he found him cute back in part 1, though realistically he probably only got chosen for the job cause he knew about Denji's identity already and he's also in high school, but we're not here for realism, we're here for gay people. (Gay people being Hirofumi Yoshida.) (Did you see him at the table with Angel while Denji and Power were talking about barf and stuff? Dude was smiling while listening to them talk about random shit, he probably became interested in Denji then and there; hell, even the goddamn onigiri scene where Denji still eats it after it fell to the ground probably made him go 'woah this guy is sick in the head I'm in love') Back to the one sided thing, the idea of Yoshida being willing to die while protecting Denji is???? insane??? and I love it because it really shows how devoted he is not only to his job but to Denji in general. He's never truly lost his temper at Denji, even when he used his bare hands on the cake, even when he let himself get sat on by girls, and even how he only wants to reveal himself as Chainsaw Man just to get a girlfriend. Sure, he called him hopeless in the recent chapter, but he never raised his voice or fought back. He's always trying to be patient with him even when he's being completely ridiculous. Copypasting what I've said on twitter here: If someone started scooping and eating the cake I bought with their bare hands, I wouldn't just sit there and go "Aaaaaah!", I'd definitely get pissed. Yoshida has FEELINGS for this boy, I swear. He said NOTHING about it. NOTHING. No "Why the hell'd you do that?" or "Dude that's gross" OR ANYTHING, he immediately just goes back to talking about trying to prevent Denji from revealing his identity. If someone I liked, however, would eat cake with their bare hands, I'd just be embarrassed but also find it cute so I'd let it slide. (Tested and proven 👍)
If, miraculously, Yoshida canonically confesses to Denji, he'd probably still pine for him even if Denji turns him down, which he probably will. Yoshida realizes, after being his bodyguard for a while, that he really enjoys Denji and being around him; he'd get too attached to those feelings and still shower him with appreciation even if he knows it'll never be reciprocated. Just knowing that Denji's being given the love he deserves is enough for him, even if Denji doesn't want or care about that love. It's kinda selfish of Yoshida, but he doesn't care, all he cares about is that he likes Denji and he's willing to keep that up until he dies. -Anywayyyyy, even though they're both good in battle they're both absolute fucking losers LOL Yoshida getting thrown out the window is and will always be my favorite scene from him. Denji got called a loser by Asa, so maybe if Denji just turned his head 90 degrees after that rejection, he would've seen another loser and they could've been the most pathetic loser4loser couple in existence, it's great, c'mon Denji just accept you can like men already
-I kinda maybe kin Yoshida soooo- 💀 I mostly started kinning him for his appearance and how he's visibly deranged in part 1 LOL, but seeing his attitude towards Denji in part 2 really made me like wow he just like me fr‼ I'm sick in the head for this cute guy who is also kinda sick in the head‼ So yeah that really added to my appreciation for yoshiden LMAOSKJSDKF Ok that's all it's almost 6am and my brain is empty, maybe I'll add to this later, hopefully that answers your question anon 😁👍‼‼‼💥💥💥 I dunno if you expected an essay but BOOM, I hope I get a good score LOL
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clare-with-no-i · 5 months
Hello I totally agree with your explanation of “Deddies” and I love it so much. Can I SOLICIT a director’s cut for back to the old house? (If you feel like it!)
kelsey omg! pls you know I am always one to chitchat about my fics (I am narcissistic). thank you for asking! the entire time I was writing I kept thinking CHANNEL KELSEY CHANNEL KELSEY CHANNEL KELSEY so I hope this connects with you! I knew from the get-go that I wanted to write you something Order-era, because I know you enjoy those stories :) I also knew it was going to be a little angsty, a little contentious between James and Lily. there had to be some distance between them to create conflict. and you said you liked canon divergent! so!
The new recruits don’t know that the potions closet has a spring-loaded trap fashioned onto the doorknob.
the first sentence is actually one of the most important of the whole fic. I wanted to try and set up a few things right off the bat: first, that there's a new group of people entering the scene who are important to the story. second, that the narrator (shortly, you'll find out, it's James) is in a position of authority over them, and is intimately familiar with the setting. third, there's going to be some interaction between wizarding concepts (the potions closet) and muggle technology (spring-loaded trap on the doorknob).
essentially, this one sentence captures the essence of the entire plot: a new recruit (lily) not knowing that muggle tech is going to be key to an Order operation which James is running. I rewrote this sentence a few times, and once I landed on it, I ended up writing a lot of the story around it.
When he was little, before he mastered any sort of magic, he used to bandage the broken wings of birds he’d find in the back garden, gauze nicked from the muggle-junk cabinets his mum kept, fumbling fingers dumping alcohol wherever he saw blood. One of the housekeepers told him that he might just be prolonging their suffering instead of helping them like he thought. He was too young to understand what she meant, or maybe too headstrong to care about anything past what he thought was right. He would always release them, but now that he thinks about it: did any of them ever fly?
another passage I found really important. James has a bloated sense of responsibility in this story, which is something I usually write him with across all of my stories, especially in canon. we see him agonizing over whether he's coddling these new recruits too much, almost to the point of being neurotic about it. he's an unreliable narrator, as we'll learn: he wants to blame himself for things, or try and fix things over which he has no purview. here, he's getting upset with himself for trying to help animals as a child. like, hello? lmao
The eyes he meets when he looks in front of him are Lily Evans Green — she has a patented shade, or at least, he’s always thought of them that way, somewhere between hunter and sea — and narrow. The last time he saw her was at Leaver’s Ball. She’d been a wisp, a moment, an apparition between bodies in ornate robes and gowns. He doesn’t jolt, but he knows from a sudden crick in his neck that he doesn’t stay still, either.
the "he doesn't jolt" sentence is another favorite primarily because we're pretty sure he did actually jolt. you don't just end up with a crick in your neck from barely moving. but it's so fun to see him downplay his reaction to seeing Lily (at least it was for me), and that was part of the reason why I tried to indicate across the story that she sort of knew that he had feelings for her, at least at some point in their lives. he's way more transparent than he admits.
She mumbles a quiet thank you in cadence with the rest of the lot, as though they’re really strangers, as though he’s just a tour guide and she’s not at all surprised to see him, as though she doesn’t care at all that he’s in front of her, except the tips of her shoes point at him for a few delayed seconds, long after the others have walked away. One of her socked ankles fidgets.
I pulled from one of my favorite new girl episodes for this haha. the 'a man's feet point toward what he wants' thing with nick and jess is so cartoonishly stupid but just the right amount of delusional that it felt really authentic to have him fixate on it. especially now that she's given him this bodily reaction of fucking his head, where before he was speaking above his audience. it also gives us a little distance from lily, again: we don't know if she's looking at him or not, or what her expression might be.
A glass bottle full of brown hydrangeas wobbles. The label’s been ripped off, but it was Firewhisky before it housed dead things, and its wide, stained edges keep it from tipping over.
another important sentence here is the firewhisky bottle line, which I've talked about a bit before. the central motif of the story is vessels: houses, primarily, as this all takes place in this house-turned-headquarters, but also bottles — for potions, for alcohol — and to me, in this moment, the firewhisky bottle was just a gigantic metaphor for the entire Order of the Phoenix. all of the Order members had identities before they became soldiers cloistered in this house, and it's those little indicia of their past selves ("wide, stained edges" from holding firewhisky) that keep them from collapsing entirely. James's resilience and humanity; Sirius's humor and fighting spirit; Lily's cleverness and kindness. I promise I actually thought about that as I wrote it and am not just now doing a close reading hahaha
“Hang on.” Inexplicably, James holds his hand up to stop him. The scrolls crinkle as Jeremy clutches them back against his chest as though looking for a threat James has identified. Instead, James elaborates, haltingly, “You’re—uh. You’re going to take up the whole dining table with that.”
it was important to me that this moment was ambiguous in meaning: whether James was trying to keep the plans a secret or whether this was just him reverting to a schoolboy crush by forcing Jeremy to keep the maps in his hands so that Lily has a place to sit with her tea. could be either or both :)
He gets up, suddenly and almost entirely against his will, thinking of the way her lips flattened and unfurled as she whispered, magnets, magnets.
he just wants to be around her! this is the thoughtless beauty of liking someone — you just want to be around them all the time, right? you want to stick to them like, pardon the obvious reference, a magnet.
“You can’t tell me that we weren’t…I thought we were starting to get close in sixth year, is all.” To say that he has a physical reaction to this wouldn’t be inaccurate, but just as well, he’s the longest-serving member of the Order currently living in this house, and he has spent years learning the art of avoiding disarmament.
this is a turning point for a number of reasons: we finally get an insight into how Lily feels, and we James refuse to process it and instead just make immediate reference to his work in the Order, something about which he is confident and assured. I had to find a good enough reason for them not to be together or even really be on speaking terms, and the only catalyst I could think of was to have this big, destabilizing event (James's parents' deaths) really personalize the war for him earlier than it might have done in canon. of course, we know that he would have joined either way just because it was the right thing to do — and so does Lily — but I tried to give the impression that he's not sure, and it's a point of insecurity for him. it was also important that I get across the "oh my god he was just a kid!!!" perspective here from Lily as a proxy for the reader. because now that I've altered the timeline of canon, we presumably won't have that happening with Harry; it's all been transferred to James.
There is an acute sensation which James has experienced only in this room, in the last six months, of realizing that being beholden to a movement and a person are two very different things.
the moment with Dumbledore in his office is where we get a little bit more information about what's going on, albeit in these distorted/fractured formats. Remus is doing work that requires him to be away from his friends; it's at Dumbledore's behest; the mission that we later learn involves Sirius, Marlene, Fabian, and Gideon living undercover in Malfoy Manor has been going on for roughly six months.
“I just think I’m better suited in the field,” one person says. “I can’t be stuck here mixing herbs all day.” “I know. You’d think they’d ask us instead of us having to ask them. I mean, were we recruited to pass out flyers?” “Or fold the clothes they left in the closets.” “Bloody hell.”
another little easter egg here, which connects to something in the first scene! we know that there are four empty rooms in the house. we now know that there are clothes left in the closets in them. we don't know where Sirius is, or why James has this undercurrent of panic beneath his internal narration, but at this point hopefully the pieces started to come together.
When he leaves the lab, he shakes out his overwarm hands, watching the crescent imprint of a fingernail disappear from his palm.
this was my 2005 pride and prejudice hand-flexing-scene moment, in all candor
“You don’t want to be healing me,” he posits, slurring his words a little. “I don’t want you to be hurt,” she replies in her top pupil voice.
I felt pretty comfortable giving Lily the more blunt-force romantic lines here because of the setting and because of how completely frazzled I make James in her presence. we see her have her moment of reckoning earlier, when she's out smoking, basically putting it all together that he didn't just stop liking her in sixth year — he had this massive traumatic event that he didn't even think he could tell anyone, and he had Dumbledore pulling strings in the background to get him to fight for the Order. so, coupled with how blatantly clumsy he acts around her (despite him thinking otherwise) and how often he seeks her out, it would be pretty easy to surmise that he still has residual feelings for her. but, again, we're not getting the full story from him, and she doesn't know what's going on with the mission, so I hoped to create this sense that she couldn't really discuss their relationship until all of his cards were on the table.
Her eyes stay closed for a good few seconds. He can’t tell if he’s fantasizing or reading her expression correctly when he thinks that she’s sitting in the moment, luxuriating in it. He feels at once completely in himself: in this twenty-year-old version, learning what it’s like to have something and let it have you in return. The leaves of a nearby tree cut through the sunlight and splotch their bodies with shade. The wards are down, for just a little while.
after they finally kiss (!), it was important to me that we see him actually start to believe that they're as close as he wishes they would be. he's starting to trust in the face-value reality in front of him: that she's just sitting in this moment, entirely comfortable with where they are, and with him. hopefully the buildup here has been sufficient, but I thought it was a poetic sort of resolve here, that he's been able to fulfill this wish that he's had since he was sixteen, this age where he became stunted in his emotional growth because he was adopted into this grassroots war effort.
earlier in the story I refer to him as a "time-turner body," because he has this incredibly curious, contradictory relationship between certain parts of his identity. he's grown up faster than his peers in that he's become a senior member of the Order after fighting for four years. he became an orphan at sixteen but was taken under Dumbledore's wing. he has this unrealized teenage crush which he has been forced to confront after she becomes a soldier. he's been run ragged by worry and by fear as his friends take on these roles that he can't help with. so here, finally, he's at peace with his twenty-year-old self: his friends are all in one place, he's gotten to fulfill this one-who-got-away romance from his teenage years after getting to know her as an adult.
finally: the wards were my other big motif, essentially just giving visual representation for how trapped James feels by his environment. we know that someone had to "let Lupin in" from the previous scene, AKA take down the anti-apparition wards, and now they're down until the mission is over. finally, he sees into the outside world, a world not limited to this house and this war.
woohoo! thank you to any and all who read this absolute phd thesis. my god. kelsey as per usual you are too kind to ask me for these things and I appreciate you!! and another HUGE shoutout to Hafsa for organizing this wonderful wonderful event!
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
Hey Bibliomom. So I've had CFS/ME for the past 13 years or so, and I've only just been diagnosed. My feelings on being confirmed to have an incurable disorder rather than something that is in my head(and a personal deficit that I am therefore theoretically capable of overcoming) are... Complicated. Can you recommend any support groups/groups for people trying out and reporting on the effects of various treatments? I have been taking LDN for a few months, and I've recently started on bi-weekly b12 shots. I know it's to be expected but I always feel so gutted when a new treatment doesn't just... Fix Me. I'm looking into mestonin, stellate ganglion blocks, and getting my microbiome mapped and altering my diet based on that. It's all so much money and spoons for a complete crap shoot every time. Have any particular treatments worked well for you?
Unfortunately, there is no Fix Me cure for Me/CFS, there’s just things that help and maybe increase your baseline of wellness. Chief among them, resting while in an active flare to avoid PEM (Post Exertion Malaise.). You can do all the fanciest most expensive treatments, but if you’re not resting enough to avoid PEM, you’re just throwing money away.
The jury is still out between my doctors on whether I have ME/CFS. Some say no because I got substantially better after pernicious anemia treatment and that fatigue is a symptom of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, and what I have is chronic fatigue, not chronic fatigue syndrome.
Some of my other doctors say that’s just splitting hairs. Especially when we now know I have multiple genetic disorders that were made infinitely worse following viral infections and other physical injuries.
Either way they all agree that avoiding PEM is vital at all costs. This means tailoring my physical rehab to very specifically to not push beyond my limits. If I wake up more tired than usual, I cancel physical therapy that day because going through with it can set me back days, sometimes even weeks.
We’ve also found that stabilizing my neck through physical therapy has been beneficial, as cervical instability and things like tethered cord syndrome have also been linked to ME/CFS (Jennifer Brea is a famous example.)
I’m also being assessed this week by a neuro-eye specialist to see if there’s something wrong with my eyes that a regular eye doctor might miss, just on the off chance that a misalignment is the cause of my chronic migraines, and potentially a lot of fatigue as well.
Other than that I take a crap ton of methylated micronutrients under doctor’s orders because my body struggles with the methylation process, and also I just don’t absorb food properly thanks to the EDS and MCAS, so I’m pretty much always deficient in something. Also making sure I’m properly hydrated at all times helps. It’s amazing how crummy low electrolytes can make you feel, even when you think you are adequately hydrated.
As for groups, I find the r/cfs subreddit helpful. The r/CFSplusADHD has also been helpful, though less active. Other than that I recommend following along with the ME Action Network. They post a lot of research and can be a good way to find other people in similar situations.
And to answer your other question about mast cell stabilizers: I rotate between Cetirizine and Levocetirizine at the moment (both h1 blockers), and also Famotidine (h2) when needed. I don’t find Famotidine as effect as Ranitidine, but unfortunately, Ranitidine is still off the market due to a recall concerning product instability.
I’ve also found Ketotifen (h1 blocker) helps to reduce my fibromyalgia type pain, but unfortunately I don’t tolerate it very well and it makes my migraines worse. Same with Cromolyn Sodium. That one actually brought me out in hives when I tried the oral route, but I suspect the dosage was too high. I tolerate the eye drops though.
I also take a high dose of Vitamin D3 every day under doctor’s orders. That has really helped my mast cell symptoms over the last year. It’s amazing what being low on Vit D can cause to fuck up in your body.
Other than that it’s avoid triggers, avoid stress and get plenty of rest.
I hope that helps.
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windblume-wishes · 1 year
I think I speak for the other Deuce stans in the server- who am I kidding we both have fun watching them suffer-
So please give us Deuce who's practicing how to dance for the masquerade with reader please?
𝔾𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤, 𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕣 𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕣! 𝕀𝕥’𝕤 𝕒 𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕒𝕔𝕔𝕖𝕡𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥! ♡︎
Ahah! Sure thing! I realized a good lot of you are Deuce simps/stans because he is a big sweetheart! I’ll happily write this for you!
𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚖𝚊𝚢 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚌𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚎, 𝙸’𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚊 𝙶𝙽 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛. 𝙸 𝚍𝚘 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝’𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝, 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚛!
𝕃𝕖𝕥’𝕤 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕟𝕠𝕨, 𝕀 𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕖 𝕘𝕠𝕖𝕤 𝕒 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖…
Deuce Spade x G/N Reader - Masquerade Ball
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As the bells chimed loudly from the bell towers of Noble Bell College, Deuce found himself staring at the Soleil River from the bridge. It was a pleasant night, all seemed quiet as he watched couples float along the river in their boats and occasionally kiss one another underneath the star-lit sky, ah yes, here it seemed that romance was always in the air- and the scent of freshly baked croissants but no matter.
The faint sounds of music played as he continued to stare at the water, thinking about you- he could not shake you from his mind, he loved you too much to even dare not think of you. You were his everything and being in this city just made him crave you more. Deuce never knew he could hold such feelings towards someone, he supposed it was normal and all because of the television programs and because of late night movies his mum would watch but be never expected himself to feel so- his heart did so many flips it about sent him mad.
The images of you in that gorgeous masquerade costume made his cheeks flush and his ears flare red, of all the people to send him into such a state it had to be you- of course it had to be you. The rare gemstone from another world no less, oh such a precious gemstone you are to him. With the Masquerade ball fast approaching he had to win you over, but how? Surely it would be hard to impress you? His grades as of recent certainly have not so what good would a dance do?
“In all those fairytales and stories from our history there are tales of handsome princes finding a pretty princess and dancing with them at a ball… I’m no prince but… maybe I can learn?” Deuce mumbled to himself, staring at his reflection in the water as the sun set slowly on the horizon.
“I thought I heard someone here, it appears to be you, Deuce.” Came a soft voice, it was Silver of Diasomnia dorm- the very young man that Cater compared to a prince, what luck!
“S-Silver! I’m sorry… I was just thinking out here- don’t worry!” Deuce stuttered.
“You seemed quite lost in thought, something about impressing someone? Did you by chance meet a fair maiden in town today?” He asked with his soft princely smile. “My old man has taught me a thing or two on how to be an ideal prince- I may not be one myself but these skills may help you.”
“Your dad taught you all that? Why?”
“He said one day it may win me a fair maiden of my own, one I’ve met once upon a dream but now is not about me, but about you. Tell me, who is it?”
“Well��� it’s actually (Y/N)…” Deuce blushed as he brushed the back of his neck in embarrassment.
“(Y/N) you say? Well, personally I suppose you should just be yourself- but, if you truly wish to impress them I will more than happily teach you some of what my father taught me.”
“Y-yeah! Please do! If you teach me what I gotta do then I will surely pass, right….?”
Silver smiled and nodded softly, his princely smile never fading for a second.
“Well, one thing I learned is that you must harmonize with them if they begin singing, if they lead in song you must surely follow. Take their hand and lead them into a dance.”
Deuce took out his phone, typing all Silver said into the notepad feature, not wanting to miss a single step.
“Secondly, though this may not be possible, a prince should ride in on a white horse- no exceptions. Not sure where you would find a horse on such short notice but… anyway, another thing my father taught me was if they were dreaming of true love’s kiss you must find a way to make it so.”
“K-KISS?! Mate, I don’t think we have gotten THAT far! How do you even kiss?! F-forget it! Kissing is gross…” Deuce sputtered, face turning cherry red as he buried his face in his hands, earning a small, rare laugh from Silver.
“In the Briar Valley, the kiss of true love is extremely important, it’s something many of us look forward to- even dream of, nothing to find disgusting. Even as a child I dreamt of having a fair princess awaken me from a long sleep…”
“D-dude… that’s-” Deuce was officially at a loss of words for his upperclassman, surely a soul so pure should not be enrolled at Night Raven.
“Lovely? Yes, it would be, living happily ever after in our cottage in the woods.”
“I was gonna say a little too fairytale but to each his own I guess, anyway, Silver, any other tips?”
“My father said that an ideal prince must have shimmering white teeth- perhaps it was just for that era but I suppose that would fall under looking your best.” He smiled softly with a small shrug, Deuce nodded and typed that into his phone- wanting to have any form of valuable information, no matter how silly it sounded, every little bit helped in the end.
“Alright... now for the hard part- how do you dance? I’ve never danced with anyone before so I dunno...” 
Silver looked at him in surprise, he was under the impression that someone as handsome as Deuce would have scored a dance with someone. “You never danced with anyone before? Very well, I can help you, it is not difficult- my animal friends have used laundry to mimic a person for me to dance with- the bunnies used my father’s shoes and the birds used his cape- it was actually quite fun.”
Deuce only stared at the silver-haired lad, there was no way a person like him could be Night Raven College material- he was too- pure and “princely”- definitely unlike the rest of his peers. 
“Silver, forgive me for asking this but who exactly are you...?” 
“Hm? I’m not sure I follow, Spade, but lets get to dancing shall we? Come, take my hand and I will teach you.”
Deuce danced for hours with Silver’s guidance, he looked almost princely himself as he waltzed across the stone path in as much grace and beauty as his senior. Silver was an excellent tutor, teaching him how to dance even to the his smooth humming, humming an old Briar Valley tune once sung by a certain prince and princess and sung to him as a lullaby. 
“Deuce, your dancing is wonderful, you certainly will amaze (Y/N) with your skills, you learned to dance quite quick- I’m truly impressed.”
“If only I could learn my lessons in school this quick...”
“If you apply yourself hard enough and truly believe in yourself you can pull through, you have determination and a strong will, now, be the fairytale prince for (Y/N) has met once upon a dream.”
“Yeah! I will!”
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