#human torch x male reader
supercap2319 · 8 months
"I can't believe you, Johnny! You gave Y/N a handjob on top of the Baxter building. What were you thinking?" Sue asked her brother, pushing her glasses up towards her face.
Johnny looks up at her and smirks. "I was thinking... 'Damn. The kid shoots far. Wonder what would happen if I stuck my fingers inside his tight virgin hole alongside jerking him?'"
Sue huffed. "You're disgusting, Johnny."
"I know. And I know that Y/N is right outside listening to us. What do you say, Y/N? Another handjob with me fingering you from behind?"
Y/N came into the room with his face all red.
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fandomnerd9602 · 2 months
Y/N walks into the lab…
Y/N: Reed can you make me some fireproof clothing?
Reed: why? Can’t stand getting close to Jane?
Y/N: no the opposite
Reed: huh?
Y/N: she keeps burning my clothing on purpose
Jane walks thru and gives Y/N a sly wink…
Jane: see you tonight hot stuff
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For @jacelion
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iliumheightnights · 8 months
Being a magical prankster and altering Reed's perception so he thinks Johnny is his spouse instead of Sue
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I mean...yeah you can.
But why do that? Why not make it so Reed and Johnny both think YOU are their husband? You get the rubber band man AND the match stick man! It's the best of both worlds!
(Also Reed and Johnny actually ARE a canon couple in one of the universes. But it's not a happy one.)
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
Male fox spirit x female reader (nsfw)
Disclaimer which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
Commission #4 in the list of 5! Thank you for trusting me with your prompt:  female reader saves a dying fox on her way home from work, who turns out to be a fox spirit. I hope you like it!
Contents:  Fox suffers a spinal injury when hit by a car (not the reader’s); there’s some magic; some domestic fluff; oral sex, fingering, him coming on her; and a sweet, fluffy ending.
Wordcount: 4400
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Driving rain greeted you full in the face as you shoved open the main doors of the building and burrowed down into your coat, drawing the hood tight around your head in a vain attempt to keep the weather out. Nights like this — cold, damp, and at the tail end of winter before Spring took a proper hold on the land — were truly miserable.
Your fingers were half frozen by the time you had fumbled the keys out of your pocket and clambered into your car, and you fired the old thing up with a hopeful grimace that it would start. It coughed to life and you uttered a little prayer of thanks to whichever gods or spirits out there might be listening. “Now if only you could do something about my pathetic love life as well,” you said to yourself as you reversed out of the parking space and headed towards the main road. “Wouldn’t that be perfect?”
Half an hour outside of town, your headlights flashed over something lying on the side of the road, sprawled halfway across the white line, and you swerved instinctively to avoid it. Mercifully there was nothing coming in the other direction, or you’d have caused a serious accident. Adrenaline spiked through you and you slammed on the brakes.
The flash of golden-red you’d glimpsed had told you it was a fox, but it had had its head raised and it had been looking at you with its eyes flaring yellow in the headlights, but the expression on its face had struck you to the core. It had looked… resigned. Like it knew you were going to hit it. Like it knew it was going to die.
“No,” you said through gritted teeth.
You had some old work gloves in the back of the car from when you’d taken a load of stuff from the garden to the dump a week before, so you put your hazards on and slid out of the driver’s side door and into the worsening storm. You cursed softly, squinting amid the stinging rain as it struck your face like little iron nails in the gusty night. You cleared a space in the trunk for the fox, spreading an old picnic blanket out and grabbing those thick leather gloves. No need to get rabies if the thing bit you before you could get it to an animal clinic in the morning.
You knew it was a stupid thing to do, that cars hit wildlife all the time, and you really weren’t equipped to deal with it, but you couldn’t just leave it there when it had looked so sad; black ears drooping, eyes wide, mouth slightly open.
Making your way along the edge of the deserted road with only your phone torch to light the way, you found the spot where the fox was still lying on the asphalt, and crooned softly to it. “Hey there,” you said, feeling a bit silly. “It’s ok. I’m not going to hurt you. It’s alright. Let me help you out… Let me take you home and see if I can take you to a vet in the morning…”
When your light found its back legs though, your heart sank. They lay limp and slightly twisted to one side. Its back had been broken by the impact with a vehicle.
“Oh baby,” you said, fighting sudden tears. “It’s going to be ok…” you lied.
Was it like with humans? Should it not be moved with a spinal injury? It would probably die anyway, or they’d recommend putting it down. You could at least take it in and keep it warm for its last few hours. When you knelt nearby, it just laid its cheek down on the cold tarmac, defeated, and let out a long, broken whimper.
“I’m going to pick you up, ok? Please don’t bite me. God, this is such a stupid thing to do…”
The fox licked its shiny black nose and just blinked slowly at you.
When it made no move to attack you or snap at you when you got nearer, you scooped it up and marvelled at how light it felt in your arms, its lovely, russet fur damp and matted.
“There,” you said, cradling it in your arms as you carried it back to your car. ‘Him’, not ‘it’, you saw when you set him down on the blanket and stroked his head and neck. He murmured softly, the sound almost a purr, and you swallowed thickly. He was so weak, you wondered if he’d even survive the journey home.
Five cars overtook you as you drove on after that, all beeping and honking their horns and flashing their lights to get you to go faster, but you absolutely would not be bullied into making this last car ride hell for the little, injured fox.
It didn’t take very long to set up a cosy den of blankets and towels in the kitchen by the radiator, and when you were satisfied that it was as comfortable as you could make it — and that any mess would be contained in an area with tile floors — you went back for him. He was still lying on his side, exactly as you’d left him, but his eyes seemed brighter and more focused, and his ears pricked up when you opened the trunk up and gazed down at him.
“Alright?” you asked and he gave a soft snuffle that was half-sneeze and half-chuckle. “You’re awfully perky for someone who’s just gone head-to-head with fast-moving traffic, buddy,” you smiled. “Maybe you will be alright. Ready to go inside?”
You had your gloves on but it didn’t feel like you really needed them, and when you settled him down on the veritable blanket fort inside, he heaved a great sigh and nuzzled his cheek against the fabric with a rumbling moan of contentment.
“You hungry?” you asked. “I don’t have much that’s fox-friendly, but I think there’s some ham in the fridge. Let me check.”
You offered him a saucer of water first, holding his delicate head up as he lapped steadily at it until he’d had his fill, and then you fed him little slivers of cooked ham which he took from your fingers like an absolute gentleman. “Aren't you dainty,” you chuckled as his small, sharp teeth pulled the next piece carefully free of your gloved hand.
He fixed you with such a flat, patronising look that you had to laugh.
The fox flicked an ear and looked away.
“Oh I’m sorry,” you said in a baby voice. “Don’t be grumpy with me, you precious thing… Here, have some more…”
He sneezed, then looked back at you and opened his mouth, head tipped back like a baby bird awaiting a worm.
“You’re not going to take it? You want me to feed you?”
He just stared at you without moving.
“Fine, your highness,” you said. “Anything for you.”
You let the piece drop into his tilted jaws, and then chucked him affectionately under the chin with your finger after he’d chewed and swallowed it.
He caught the leather of the glove’s fingertip in his teeth in a move that was so fast you didn’t even see it, but then tugged gently, insistently.
“I’m not taking this off,” you frowned. “You could have rabies for all I know.”
A tiny, rattling growl, like the world’s tiniest chainsaw, rumbled out of him and he folded his ears back indignantly before pulling on the glove again. Then he let go, his ears pricked about as far forward as he could get them, and he stared expectantly at you.
“No way, friend,” you said, and stood to put the empty ham packet in the rubbish bin.
With your back to the kitchen window, a golden light flooded the room, and for a wild moment, you thought someone was driving straight at the house, headlights blazing. When you whipped around though, you froze. The light was coming from… from the fox.
“The fuck…?”
Your heartbeat started to race, and you weren’t sure if the ringing sound was coming from your own blood pounding in your ears or from something else in the room. The brightness reached such an intense crescendo that you had to look away, shielding your eyes with the crook of your arm until the chiming noise stopped and you lowered it cautiously back down, blinking.
There, standing in the centre of the room, was a man.
You took a step back, fear crashing in on your senses.
You looked around for something you could use as a weapon, but a warm, gentle voice said, “Wait, I won’t hurt you. I swear it.”
Again, you went still, and after taking a steadying breath, you turned to face him again, wide eyed and shaking. “What the hell?”
“Not hell,” he smiled, and you saw that he had warm, tan skin and dark, golden eyes. His hair was a russet colour, and it fell in soft waves around his ears to the nape of his neck. He was slender, not especially tall, and he was quite possibly the most beautiful human being you’d ever laid eyes on. Except… there was still a kind of glow around him, like an aura, and his clothes looked like they belonged at a Ren Faire or something, though the dark green, belted and embroidered tunic was finely tailored and his dark brown boots looked soft and well worn. Tiny points of light, like fireflies, twisted slowly through the air surrounding him before vanishing into a miniature, glittering starburst.
“You’re not human,” you said, despite how crazy it sounded.
“No,” the man replied with a smile. “No, I’m not. But you didn’t know that when you took in an injured fox and cared for him.”
“You’re the fox,” you blurted without thinking.
“I am. Sort of,” he smiled, and you saw that he had perfect, white teeth, with slightly more pointed canines than humans usually did. “I’m a fox spirit. There are all sorts of us, and we’re known by many names all over the world, but the most famous is probably the ‘kitsune’ thanks to modern media.”
“Oh,” you said, only half aware that your vision was darkening around the edges until it was too late. The blood roared again in your ears and your knees went out from under you. The last thing you saw was a flicker of a frown on the man’s — kitsune’s — face before he lunged towards you with hands outstretched, and the world went black.
You stirred and found yourself lying on the sofa in your sitting room, with your feet raised about a foot or so off the seat cushion, and a stranger in green standing over you, holding your legs up by the ankle. The kitsune. The fox spirit.
“Got to say, that’s the first time someone’s actually fainted because of me,” he said with a smile, lowering your legs back down and stepping back. “Are you alright?”
“I fainted?” you asked stupidly, pushing yourself upright and swinging your legs slowly off the sofa and onto the ground. You swayed a little, but didn’t pass out again.
The fox spirit nodded, his lovely hair shining with strands of bronze and copper in the low light of the room, gold eyes glowing as if back-lit. “Thank you for saving me,” he said in a quiet, earnest baritone.
“Did I, though?” you asked, staring openly at him. “I mean… you’re… magic, right? I saw the way your legs were just… Your back was broken…”
“If you’d hit me with your car, or simply left me there for the next driver to do the same, then I wouldn’t have survived. We’re tough, and our magic can heal most things, but not that.”
“Oh.” And then your cheeks went hot and you looked at the carpet, “I’m sorry I baby-talked you like you were an actual animal.”
He laughed; a beautiful, bright sound like dry autumn leaves in clear sunlight. His head tipped a little way back and he looked truly delighted. “You weren’t to know,” he said, still chuckling. “And you’re not the first.”
“Oh,” you said, like a broken record.
From where he stood nearby, the fox spirit smiled at you and then inhaled deeply. “I… should go,” he said, his golden eyes turning a little sad. “Let you return to your life…”
“Wait,” you called from the sofa as he turned away. “What’s your name?”
He cast you a look over his shoulder and the smile he gave you was wry and amused. “You may call me Rowe.”
There was a nuance there that you weren’t understanding, but you told him your name in return, and he inhaled suddenly as if you’d struck him.
“You would part with your name so carelessly?” he whispered, brows pulling together into a frown of utter confusion. “You…” and then his expression cleared and his shoulders dropped. “You have never had dealings with the fae, have you?”
“The… fae?” you stuttered. “Like… fairies?”
The smile that replaced the frown was patient and amused in equal parts, and he sighed and shook his head. “Well, here’s your first lesson. Never tell your true name to a fae.”
Again, all the sound that escaped you was a dull, “Oh.”
He exhaled and approached you, and you tried not to lean back, to lean away from him. This whole night had gone from bad to utterly bizarre in the blink of an eye and you felt a little sick from the whiplash.
To make matters all the more confusing, the strange man knelt before you, sweeping his long, otherworldly tunic out of the way as he sank down onto one knee like he was going to propose or something, and he bowed his auburn head. “You saved my life without thought of debt or repayment, and in recognition of the gift, I give one of my own. I bind your True Name to my heart and hold it there in silence. I may never speak your True Name aloud unless you give me leave so to do. This I swear upon my spirit and my magic and my own True Name.”
The air in the room prickled like static and you had to fight the urge to see if your hair was standing on end. Goosebumps flickered along your arms and legs, and you drew in a shallow breath. “Anything else I should know about?” you asked faintly.
He looked up at you and shrugged. “We’re allergic to iron,” he suggested. “And we’re overly fond of cream and sweet cakes…”
“Sweet cakes,” you repeated thoughtfully, eyes drifting towards the kitchen where you’d bought a strawberry sponge cake just the day before, and an idea half-formed in your head.
Rowe smiled and your heart slipped sideways in your chest for a moment. He was so beautiful it was almost hard to believe he was really there and really standing in front of you. Well, technically he was kneeling like a knight in a fairytale. Fairytale indeed, you thought.
“You don’t have to go,” you whispered.
You were afraid of sounding childish, that if you spoke too loudly, he would think you desperate and would laugh at you, but all he did was tilt his head to the side the way he had done as a fox, and he nodded once. “Alright,” he said.
“I mean, don’t feel like you have to stay either,” you babbled, making a rather pathetic, flapping gesture in front of you with your hands. “I just meant… you’re welcome to stay if you want to. I was going to cook some dinner and watch a movie… eat cake for dessert. I thought… I thought since you’ve had kind of a rough day, you might like to just… chill out with me for a while.”
“May I help you cook?”
“If you… If you’d like to?” you said, standing carefully and holding your hand out to him to encourage him up off the floor.
He slid his warm fingers into your palm, and got to his feet with the grace of a prince, and offered you another smile. “I’d like that very much.”
Rowe stayed with you for a week. You explained that you had to go to work or you’d get fired, and when you came back on the first day, you expected him to have gone, leaving you wondering if the whole thing hadn’t been a hallucination brought on by the combination of a stressful week of work and the awful weather. But no, Rowe was there that evening, curled up as a fox on the impromptu bed you’d made by the radiator while the rain hurled itself at the window pane above him.
“Rowe, you don’t have to sleep on that!” you gasped, dropping your bag by the door and making him startle awake, ears pricked, tail fluffed up in rather adorable alarm.
In a flash of gold light, he was human again, standing beside the bed and smiling at you. “I don’t mind,” he chuckled. “It’s comfortable, and when I’m a fox, I don’t think in quite the same way as I do when I’m in this form. That’s how I got hit by the car in the first place… Please, don’t fret.”
You scowled at him, but relented, and asked him about his day. It seemed he’d spent most of it in his fox form, either out and about in the woods near your house, or sleeping by the warmth of the radiator.
“Didn’t you get bored here?” you asked.
“I could have done the housework for you,” he smirked. “But I thought that might have been an intrusion on your privacy.”
You laughed. “Thanks?”
After three days of sharing your space with him — he sleeping contentedly as a fox on the pile of blankets and you upstairs in your bedroom — you cleared your throat that evening as you sat together on the sofa like old friends, and said, “You know… uh… I… I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to come upstairs with me… I don’t want you to feel like you have to sleep down here like you’re a…” you trailed off, flushing hot with awkward embarrassment.
One russet-brown eyebrow climbed a little higher than the other. “… a what?”
“Like you’re some kind of pet… you know…”
Rowe laughed and, as it always did, your heart skipped a beat. His cheeks dimpled and Adam’s apple danced in his exposed throat and you ached. It felt like a long time since someone had touched you; since you’d been held, let alone kissed. He had a beautiful mouth, like he’d been made just to tempt you.
Some of your thoughts must have shown on your face because the laughter died in his throat and he fixed you with a look that was all concern. He murmured the name you’d given him permission to use when it was just the two of you and asked, “What’s wrong? I’m not upset about the animal comment,” he said, reaching for your forearm and trying to reassure you, but you shook your head. “Then what?”
Tears came unbidden to your eyes and you turned away. His hand felt hot through the fabric of your hoodie, but his grip was feather light. It would take nothing at all to pull yourself free, but the thought of it seemed overwhelming. “It’s nothing,” you choked, pressing your lips together and hoping he’d let the matter drop.
He didn’t. His eyes flared bright gold and he scowled at you when you risked a glance at him. “The fae can always taste a lie,” he said with the slightest growl to his voice. “And I can tell you’re hurting. We were laughing, and then… you weren’t. What changed?”
“It’s —”
A short, animal growl echoed in his throat but he bit it back, shut his mouth with a click of teeth, and glared at you.
“Ugh, fine,” you huffed, standing up and pacing across the room. “It’s been a long time since it’s been this easy around someone, ok? And it’s not every day that a handsome, cute guy with a great sense of humour shows genuine interest in me. I just wished, for like half a second, that you might be interested in me, but I get it. You’re not even human. I was nice to you. You probably feel obliged to stay here. You… You should probably go soon anyway.”
His expression turned from concerned to carefully neutral, and he stood. “If that’s the way you feel,” he said, “Then I can leave. But you should know that I’ve had a wonderful time with you, and…” he swallowed and took a breath, “I think you’re beautiful, through and through.”
“Please,” you scoffed. “Don’t bother trying to spare my feelings.”
“We can taste a lie, but we cannot tell one,” he said evenly. “I could not tell you that your clothes are yellow when they are not, nor that the sky is green, nor that you are not beautiful.”
You turned slowly around to look at him, and found him glowing gold again, those points of light spiralling lazily in the air around him. The slight shape of fox ears seemed to be picked out in two, brighter lines above his copper hair and behind him you saw a golden tail swaying back and forth. His eyes blazed bright like burnished bronze, and he was staring directly at you as he spoke.
“I would very much like to stay with you, and share your bed, and, if you would let me, I would bring you pleasure too.”
Your breath hitched and you licked your lips. He even spoke like he was out of a fairytale. “You mean it?”
“Ok,” you smiled.
Together, you tidied up the sitting room, and he followed you upstairs, still glowing softly, as if he were utterly contented and couldn’t help it.
Rowe undressed with you in your bedroom, baring a body like polished bronze; all lean lines and languid muscle, and you almost couldn’t look away. He asked if he could shower with you, and gently washed you and touched you, cupping your breasts and trailing his hands down your sides with reverent care. He passed his thumbs over your hardened nipples and kneaded your breasts until you gasped and tipped your head back, eyes closed. He teased between your legs with his fingertips, and then when you turned the shower off, he kissed your forehead. In a rush of magic, both your bodies were completely dry and your skin glowed softly with a thousand, dewy, golden sparkles. You beamed up at him, and he kissed you.
When he drew back, he led you by the hand into the bedroom and you lay down on the bed, heart racing. He knelt between your parted knees and you stared openly at his beautiful body. He looked like a statue come to life, and his cock had been more than half-hard ever since the shower, even as he turned his attention wholly on you and skimmed his palms up your thighs. You parted your legs a little wider for him and he bowed forward to kiss along your inner thigh until you shivered and lay back on the pillow behind you with a gasp.
He kissed you and tasted you, moaning softly before letting his tongue sweep up over you. He took your sensitive clit between his lips and kissed you there as well, and then he slid his arms under your thighs, lay down on his front, and you lost yourself to the pleasure of his mouth.
You lost count of how many times he made you come that night, with his tongue and with his fingers, but he never asked for more than you were ready to give.
“Come on me,” you murmured. You had no idea how well your current contraception would withstand a magical fae, but you were pretty sure you were safe with that, and when you asked, he nodded.
His fingers were slick from where he’d made you come, again, and he closed his hand around his cock with a low groan that dissolved into a gasp as he brought himself to the brink. He glowed gold again and you saw those ears made of light and the tail gleaming vividly behind him just as he spilled over your stomach with a muted grunt and another beautiful moan.
The golden light suffused the room, and you watched his expression as he came — open and vulnerable and achingly beautiful — and wished more than anything that he would stay.
When you woke in the morning, you expected to wake alone, but the warm pressure of Rowe’s body pressed against your back and the weight of his arm across your waist drew a little inhale of surprise from you. Apparently that was enough to wake him, because he kissed the back of your head and mumbled a sleepy good morning into your hair.
He was hard too, you realised, and you deliberately rocked your hips back against him.
Rowe let out a grunt and his hand shifted to your hips, drawing himself closer to you with a languid, answering roll of his hips.
“I don’t know if the fae have weekends,” you said, “But today is Saturday. I don’t have to go in to work…”
“Good,” he said. “I’m not sure I could let you go anywhere today after last night.” He said it with a laugh that told you he would let you do anything you liked, and you rolled over to face him. The softness in his smile brought one of your own to your lips, and he slid his hand down over your breast and then down between your legs.
Your eyes fluttered closed as he slipped his fingers easily inside you, and you rolled onto your back as he started a rhythm that would end in the kind of pleasure you had only ever dreamed of before him.
He smiled and kissed your cheek without his fingers once faltering, and whispered in your ear, “I’ll stay with you as long as you want me.”
You gasped and bucked, and almost missed his promise.
“I’ll stay with you forever.”
Thanks for reading this story, and I hope you’ll consider reblogging it (as well as leaving a like) if you enjoyed it, since that will help others find it.
Take care, and I hope you have a lovely day/night wherever you are, and whenever you read this.
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 months
𝕹𝖔𝖇𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝕶𝖓𝖔𝖈𝖐 𝕸𝖞 𝕭𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝕺𝖚𝖙
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𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚘𝚗 𝙻𝚘𝚔𝚒 𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚏𝚎𝚢𝚜𝚘𝚗
𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚑𝚊𝚜 𝚖𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍. 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚟𝚊𝚞𝚕𝚝 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚛 𝚒𝚜 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚐𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚜. 𝚂𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚜 𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗.
𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚘𝚙𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚊 ~ 𝙰 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚙𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚊 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚗 𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚍𝚞𝚊𝚕 𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜 𝚜𝚎𝚡𝚞𝚊𝚕 𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚊𝚕 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚐𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚘𝚛 𝚠𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚝𝚑.
Relationship: Loki Laufeyson x top!male reader
Words: ~1.5k
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (m/m sex, unprotected anal sex), top male reader, bottom Loki, SMUT!!! 18+ ONLY!!
A/N: I am in love with bottom Loki, oh my fucking gaaaaaawd 😮‍💨
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You were finishing your daily public audience when you heard the rush of wind through massive wings outside the castle window, letting yourself smile behind your goblet of wine when the dragon’s roar shook the stone walls and made the recalcitrant lord who was standing in front of you go pale.
“I trust you will have the levies brought to the capital post haste, Lord Jurgen,” your smile widened when he nodded at you, your posture relaxing slightly before you dismissed him. “Who else has a matter they wish for me to address?”
The rest of the day’s audience went through without incident, though it was a bit boring. It’s not as though any of your vassals would truly be able to bring conflict to you when one of the most powerful beings in the world was bound to you. As soon as your courtiers had dispersed you made your way to the passages below the mountain, taking a torch for yourself from a brace at the top of the stairs before beginning your journey to the bowels of the castle where your love made his lair.
You could hear him humming with happiness as you traveled lower and lower, the sound bringing a smile to your face. When you finally laid eyes on him he was still in his greater form, his green and golden scales glittering under the light as he slithered through the pile of riches he had acquired for himself and for your kingdom. He was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. Every time you looked at him your breath caught in your throat and you wanted to give him everything he desired. And the knowledge that he reciprocated your feelings only made your devotion to him that much more intense.
Loki must have heard you approach, one of his bright green eyes opening and a smile splitting his face as he rolled to face you. His body began to shift and change as you gazed at each other, growing smaller and leaner as his skin smoothed over. As beautiful as he was in his greater form, he was just as beautiful in his human form, with thick black hair that fell in waves to his shoulders and perfect ivory skin that was offset by his startlingly green eyes. When he had to accompany you to court as your consort he appeared fully human, but alone with you he kept some of his reptilian traits. His horns still rose from his forehead and the ridges of his spine were more pronounced. His teeth were just a bit too sharp and scales were still present at his temples and shoulders and the jut of his hips. He preened as you enjoyed the sight of him, stretching his naked body on his mountain of gold and sighing as you strode towards him.
“The north gave its taxes up without issues then, my love?” You began to disrobe, continuing to smile warmly at him.
“They always do, my king,” Loki rose to his knees when you were standing in front of him, moaning into your mouth when you leaned down to kiss him as your fingers ran through his hair. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, love,” as soon as your tunic was gone you stretched your body over his, keeping your lips molded to his while he wrapped his legs around your waist. “It’s so cold without you.”
Loki gasped when you dragged your tongue along the column of his throat, rolling his hips up to meet yours and reaching between the two of you to begin undoing the laces of your breeches. His forked tongue slipped into your mouth and your grinned against his lips, cooing softly when he whimpered as your fingers wrapped around his cock.
“Should I just make you come like this, precious?” You leaned down to bite his ear when he tilted his head back and moaned as you began to stroke him slowly. “You’re so sensitive, I’m sure it would hardly take any time at all.”
“No, no please,” he gasped when you squeezed him right below his swollen tip, his back arching as he gave himself over to you. “I need you inside me, don’t tease.”
“Never,” you took a small vial of oil from your pocket and poured it all over your cock before lining yourself up with his quivering hole. “I’ll always give you what you need, my precious one.”
Loki groaned and his eyes fluttered as you pushed inside him, his claws dragging down your back until you were fully sheathed inside him. He was so warm inside it felt impossible, his muscles flexing and releasing around your length as he adjusted to your intrusion and panted into your ear. You kissed the hinge of his jaw when he started purring and rolling his body against yours, your own hands holding his narrow hips and digging into the soft flesh of his ass while you moved slowly within him.
Every noise he made was full of wanton delight, soft and lilting while his body writhed sensuously underneath you. His heels locked together at the small of your back when you drove even deeper, his head turning so he could nuzzle at your cheek and trace the shape of your ear with his tongue while you fucked him in long, smooth strokes. When you slid a hand up his body so you could tenderly hold his face he smiled at you, chasing after your lips when you leaned back with a desperate whine that made your chest feel warm. He got even warmer as your cock thrust against his prostate, his chest almost glowing as the low purrs of his pleasure vibrated through his entire body. The look in his eyes was full of intensity and passion as he gazed at you, a flush creeping over his pale cheeks as his long fingers trailed along the curve of your spine.
“Don’t stop,” Loki leaned up to capture your lips with his when his cock started to throb and leak where it was pressed between your stomachs. “Please don’t stop, my king. I want everything.”
“I know,” you rested your forehead against his and nudged his nose with yours, grinding your hips into him and groaning when you felt him clench around you. “My precious boy is so greedy. How I love to spoil you, though.”
“Oh yes,” his eyes fluttered closed when you began to thrust faster. “Yes, spoil me, please. I’m so greedy.”
“The greediest,” you began peppering kisses all over his face and pressed the hand that wasn’t cupping his cheek against the small of his back so his body was molded to yours. “Which is why I let you bathe in as much gold as you could ever desire. And why I fuck you every time you bat your beautiful eyes at me. And why I worship your precious cock. Because you deserve it, my love.”
Loki choked on his tongue and mewled when every muscle in his body drew tight, shuddering when he released and his hot, sticky cum shit all over your stomach as his cock twitched and throbbed. You cooed into his mouth while he tossed his head through his climax, gripping his hair and kissing him passionately as your hips started to thrust into him at an almost vicious pace. His hands scrabbled over your back as he struggled to catch his breath, every exhale leaving him in a soft whine that made you want to ruin him even more.
“Tell me you want it, precious,” you nipped at his bottom lip and growled when he clenched around you again. “Beg me for it.”
“Fill me, my king,” Loki gasped into your mouth and wriggled when you nuzzled his nose with your own. “Give me your seed. I want to be overflowing with it. I need it.”
You groaned as your balls pulled tight and your stomach clenched, crashing your lips against his while your climax overtook you and made your entire body shudder with your release. Loki whined when he felt your warm cum being pumped deep inside him, his inner muscles milking your cock as he let you fuck his mouth with your tongue. Even once you had ridden it out you stayed sheathed deep inside him, sagging against him and rolling so the two of you were laying face to face on his hoard as you caught your breath.
“Are you satisfied, my love?” You chuckled when he bit his lip and shook his head, letting him tuck his face into the crook of your shoulder while you wrapped your body around his. “Not to worry, precious. I’ve plenty more ways to spoil you.”
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spicyspiders · 5 months
A buried and a burning flame
Johnny Storm x male reader smut.
2k words.
I recently rewatch both of the old Fantastic Four movies and it reminded me of how down bad I was for Johnny Storm. Warning for smut and unprotected sex.
You had met Johnny a few years before he became the Human Torch. He was already a busy man– always on the go and usually surrounded by a group of onlookers, but it all seemed to ramp up once he gained his powers.
After you had met, Johnny always recognized you and greeted you with a warm smile and a hug, a fact that always made you hope to run into him at events around New York.
“There he is!” Johnny says when he sees you walk outside. He pulls you into a quick hug, his blue eyes crinkled at the edges when he pulls away with a smile on his face.
“Hey, Johnny,” you respond, sending him a matching smile.
You were almost hesitant to go to Sue and Reed’s wedding again. It turns out that trying to tell the place you rented your tux from that the jacket had been destroyed when a silver man on a silver board would only leave you with a pissed off employee angrily holding out his hand for your card to charge you for the destroyed jacket.
“What was this place called?” Johnny asks.
“I don’t remember,” you did remember, but really, you just wanted to forget all about the situation. You’re surprised there isn’t some type of insurance for people who are friends with superheroes to replace damaged items just from being in their vicinity.
“If you remember,” Johnny presses his finger into your chest, “you let me know. No one messes with my friend,” his tone and expression are serious until it melts away as his facade breaks into a smile.
“It’s fine, Johnny,” you reassure, “it’s just a jacket,” you say with a laugh. “But if you sister asks why I didn’t bring them a gift, tell her that’s what I had to spend it on.”
Johnny’s head tips back as he lets out a loud laugh. He stays close for the rest of the day keeping you at arms length. During the moment Sue tosses her bouquet into the air, his arm wraps around your waist as you watch the display. When you look back over at Johnny after clapping for the women who caught it, he already looking at you, a warm look in his eye.
That was the closest you thought you would get, but by the time the reception was dying down and you left after saying your goodbyes and congratulations to the happy couple, you found yourself even closer to the other man.
With how close he was to you throughout the day, you almost thought it would be crazy to leave without kissing him, but luckily, Johnny had the same idea in mind as he crowds you up against the door to your hotel room. Even under the expensive tux he wore, Johnny felt like a wall of hot, hard muscle as you pulled him closer as your back met the door.
You let out a soft noise from your chest when Johnny’s tongue moves into your mouth. His mouth feels even hotter than his skin, making your cock twitch at the thought of where else his mouth would end up through the night.
You’re panting when the kiss ends, only to be pulled back into another kiss as you stumble to the bed. Johnny lets out a grunt when his legs meet the edge of the bed and he falls back, he laughs up at you as the kiss abruptly ends.
You chuckle down at the man before you pull off your blazer, “hey! Easy!” Johnny says after you toss the blazer into one of the corners of the room, “I know you’re eager,” he says and you let out a laugh before he continues, “we don’t want to pay for another blazer, do we?”
You roll your eyes at the man as you continue pulling your clothes off, trying your best to keep going while also trying to watch as Johnny begins taking his off. He sends you a smirk each time he catches you looking, his eyes full of mischief.
Once you’re both down to your underwear, Johnny gathers you into his lap. You moan into his mouth when you grind against his clothed cock, his tongue running wetly along yours. Much like how he kept you throughout the day, Johnny’s arms wrapped tightly around your body to keep you close. His hands start at your body and trace down your skin, but then they’re grabbing handfuls of the globes of your ass to grind your cocks together.
“Johnny,” you moan when his hands go beneath the waistband of your underwear to make skin-on-skin contact. His hands are hot, and the feel of his fingers holding handfuls of your ass tightly only causes you to moan louder. You gasp when one of his fingers dips into the crack of your ass and runs along your hole, and you push back into the contact.
“Do you have-”
“Yes,” you respond quickly.
“You don’t even know what I was about to ask,” Johnny says back with a laugh.
The smile falls from his face when you pull yourself from his arms, and you’re tempted to immediately get back into the spot you left and kiss away his frown. You’re quick to grab the lube and condoms you brought and toss them down beside Johnny’s leg.
“Did you expect this?” Johnny asks as he pulls you back down into his lap.
“I always come prepared,” you respond against his mouth before your lips are against his.
While your lips are locked together, you hear the sound of the cap to the lube opening. You let out a light noise into Johnny’s mouth when you feel one of Johnny’s lubed up fingers at your hole.
You exchange kiss after kiss as Johnny gets you ready. Your tongue runs against his as one finger becomes two, and when a third joins the others, a string of spit is connecting your mouths when Johnny pulls away.
Johnny pants against your mouth when you reach a hand down between your bodies to wrap your fingers around both of your cocks. When his three fingers brush your prostate, your hand jerks, pulling a groan from Johnny’s throat.
“Won’t be able to fuck you if you keep going,” Johnny says, his hips jerking towards your hand to get more.
You pull your hand away slowly and bring it up to your mouth. The salty taste of Johnny’s precome hits your tongue when you lick over your fingers, and when you’re done, Johnny pulls you into a wet kiss. You both groan at the exchange of the taste, and the kiss ends when the taste is nearly gone down your throats.
“Taste good?” Johnny asks, his hand goes to your throat to trace his fingers along your Adam's apple as you swallow.
You nod quickly as you grab for the condom. Johnny watches you with dark eyes as you get the condom out and rolled down his cock.
Once you’ve lifted yourself up, Johnny holds your asscheeks apart, making you feel open and exposed. You gasp when the head of his cock breaches your hole, then it’s all left to gravity.
“Holy fuck,” Johnny moans, “so fucking tight and hot. And come from me,” he groans as you clench down on his cock, “that’s saying something.”
If it was anything like the hot line of Johnny’s cock inside your hole, you believed him. The burning line of his cock almost made it feel like there was no condom, like it was just skin-on-skin and nothing in between.
Johnny’s hands move into the same position that they were before you sank down on his cock to aid you as you lifted yourself. You placed your hands on his hairy chest for balance as you went back down.
When your pace quickened, Johnny fell back onto the bed, his hands at your hips. Your head fell back and your eyes closed when Johnny shifted his hips and on each downward motion, his cock hit your prostate.
“You’ve got it,” you hear Johnny say to himself, and then the pressure of his hands are gone, and you’re left to lift yourself up and bring yourself down. You open your eyes to look down at Johnny, taking in a fucked out appearance.
With his arms behind his head, his hair messy, and his eyes dark and half-lidded, Johnny laid there and let you do all the work. Thankfully, his sturdy chest made it easy to lift yourself up and then fuck yourself down onto his cock.
“Gonna make me do all the work?” You ask down at Johnny.
Johnny sends you a smirk, “it seems like you got it. Sure feels like you do, too,” he responds.
You let out a breathy laugh, “that’s fine,” you say before slowing down. Your pace slows into a slow grind. You wrap your fingers around your cock as you circle your hips slowly. Your eyes close once more as you pull at your aching cock.
Johnny’s skin goes hotter under your fingers as he growls. You let out a yelp in return, and your eyes fly open as Johnny pulls you off his cock and flips you onto your back onto the bed.
“Little fucking shit,” Johnny says, his voice low. He lifts your legs to his shoulders, and nearly bends your body in half before he thrusts back inside. With the angle feeling deeper than before, you both let out moans as he gets back inside.
“This what you need?” Johnny questions after he sets up a brutal pace. The slap of your skin coming together rings throughout the hotel room, sending a thrill through your body as it gets louder. You hope no one is in the rooms surrounding yours, knowing that the sounds of what you’re doing can be clearly heard through the walls. You can’t decide what would be more mortifying: getting a call from the front desk to quiet down, or them trying to call, and not being able to hear it from how loud you’re being.
You nod eagerly, unable to use your words as your mouth is too busy letting out moans and groans. The closest that you get to words is mixes of curses and Johnny’s name.
“Gonna burn this condom off and-”
“Take it off,” you whine after finding your voice.
“Want me to come inside you? Fill you up?” Johnny growls, his hips coming to a halt against your ass.
Yeah, you did, but also you were pretty sure condoms were highly flammable. You didn’t know how in control Johnny was of his powers, but you didn’t want to risk it. Really, you probably shouldn’t have been a condom the entire time. It’s too bad you were currently too turned on to stress over it.
After Johnny pulls out, the condom sails over the side of the bed and lands on the floor, and you hoped it landed far away from your blazer. A second later, the worry leaves your mind as Johnny thrusts back inside.
“So fucking hot, baby,” Johnny moans after he bottoms out. His mouth meets yours in a wet, sloppy kiss as he resumes his brutal pace.
Your nails dig into his back as his cock nails your prostate over and over again. It only takes a handful of thrusts for your cock to be spurting messy white ropes up your chest as your orgasm rocks your body.
Johnny answers your loud moan with one of his own after his thrusts stutter off and then still as his orgasm hits. Like he had done before pulling off the condom, his hips still against your ass, coming as deep as he can inside your willing body.
“Holy fuck,” you moan, much like how Johnny had earlier. His come was so hot that you could actually feel it shooting inside you. That’s new.
“Should’ve warned you,” Johnny slurred out in post-orgasmic bliss. He presses a soft kiss to your lips before he pulls your legs from his shoulders and lays himself onto your chest, “sorry,” he says after pressing another kiss to your lips.
“It’s okay,” you say softly against his mouth.
Johnny rolls you over so you can lay against his sweaty chest. “Can you ever forgive me?” Johnny says into your hair as his hand runs down your back.
“For burning my insides? I guess I can, just this once,” you say into his chest as you run your fingers through his sweaty chest hair.
“Just once?” Johnny asks, his hands move to your ass, and you can barely contain your shiver when Johnny’s fingers run through the mess leaking from your hole.
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heavenlyysstuff · 5 months
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A Sign From Eywa.
NETEYAM.s x avatar!fem!reader
summary , your first encounter with a na’vi.
a/n , older Neteyam. Basically Jake and Neytiri all over again, this is the first time humans have come to Pandora. Jake is full na’vi in this.
Italics is speaking na’vi
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It was just a few hours ago you were in the safety of the lab, where multiple avatars just like you were waking up. You didn’t plan to be out so long, you were just sent to gather some samples with some scientists before you shortly got separated.
And now here you are.
Silence is even more common now, with the lack of yelps and grunts from his attack, all you could hear was the distant sounds of the forest, and the burning wood of your makeshift torch. You take a step to reach for it, but he gets there first.
The second the flame is in his hand he tosses it into the river stream, being rid of your only source of light.
“Hey, What are you doing?!” You speak the first words, wary to be quiet. He turns to you, looks you up and down before grunting and storming of.
“I…wait!” You whine, taking some quick steps to catch up, now only just behind him.
“Do not follow.” He keeps walking.
“What?” You utter in almost disbelief, “…You saved me back there, thank you.” You refer to the small creatures that almost resembled rabid dogs.
He huffs before halting his walk, you collide into his back but quickly take a step back as he turns around, “Go away. Your fault.”
You stutter on your words for a second, “My fault? They tried to kill me!”
“Your fault!” Emphasising his words as he furrows his eyebrows and looks you in the eyes, they soften for a moment, but too quickly for you to notice.
“…alright, sorry, for whatever I did.”
“They did not need to die. You’re like a baby, making noise, don’t know what to do.” His tone remains stern, you feel like a little kid being scolded.
“We’ll if you liked them so much why’d you save me?” You sas back.
He straightens his posture, processing your words, “why save you?”
He’s silent again for a moment, and his face slowly softens when he looks to you again, “you have a strong heart.”
Your stance relaxes, taken back by his sudden kindness, but just as quickly as the compliment came,
“But stupid. Ignorant like a child.” You huff, can’t help but quietly laugh, covering your mouth as to not seem so rude. He rolls his eyes and starts to speed walk away once again.
“Hey wait!…” you jog to catch up as he starts to walk across a trees root that stands high from the ground, you don’t have time to hesitate as you only care for his answer, “if I’m such a child maybe you should teach me.”
“No, sky people cannot learn, they cannot see.”
“Then teach me to see!”
“Impossible.” He doesn’t stop his stride.
You stop for a second as you nearly take a wrong step, but immediately get back on your feet to follow him. “Hey, where’d you learn English? A school?” Your the closest you’ve been to him as you nearly fall backwards off the side of the roots.
His hand grasps bicep and makes you steady, “you’re like a baby.” He curses under his breath, finally standing still.
His eye are only held on yours for a moment before a glow above takes his attention, you follow his gaze.
Small white wisps lower themselves towards you, hovering over your shoulders and head, you flinch at the unknown creature, but the male steadies you again, “stop!… Atokirina’…”
His hand relaxes on your arm, “Atokirina’…” you visibly calm down at his infatuation with the floating creatures, as more come and hover over your arms.
Your breath shudders, quickly glancing at him then back at the wisps, “what are they..?”
“Seeds of the sacred tree, very pure spirits.” He takes his time with the answer, clearly admiring the creatures as they slowly part from you.
When they all depart into the darkness of the forest, you turn back to the male, “what was that about?”
His eyes dart to yours as you break him out of his trance, “follow.” then rushing to grab your forearm to pull you with him, “come!” He ushers.
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You follow him for what is really only a few minutes, “where are we going?” You shout, he’s much faster than you.
He doesn’t stop to answer, not turning to face you, just continuing to run to the unknown destination. “What’s your name?” Another question as to get an idea of who exactly you’re travelling with, he still doesn’t answer.
Just as your look up from your feet and up to him to continue following, a bundle of rope with rocks gets thrown harshly to your ankles, tripping you and ultimately making you fall off of the platform to land on the ground.
“Shit!” You hiss in pain at the fall, You don’t see it, but the male who had been guiding you turns to see your state and hisses in realisation, turning around to come get you.
When you untangle the ropes around your feet, you look up to see a group of… horses, or creatures that somewhat resemble a horse, they are all mounted with Na’vi.
You quickly stand up, turning to escape through the glowing bushes when another Na’vi emerges from it, armed with a bow. Even more make their presence known as they all come out from hiding and aim at you.
They all form into a circle around you, and at this point you can’t do anything but surrender, putting your hands up to show it.
The male Na’vi you acquainted with jumps down from the high branches, grunting at the landing, then looking towards his people. “Mawey na’vi, mawey!” He shouts in sternly, and the people don’t pay too much mind to him.
Until a female gets off the horse creature, her posture confident and face stern, “what are you doing, Tso’ha.” The male grunts.
“Demons are not aloud here. You know that.” The female states. You note her importance to the people around her as they look to be following her every command.
“There has been a sign.” He sates back. “This matter is for the Tsahik to deal with.”
The woman stays silent and looks to be processing the information, even if you don’t know what they’re saying, you feel like she isn’t going to be so violent now, and you note yourself to thank the male when you get the chance. “Bring her.” She says to the na’vi. And suddenly your arms are being grabbed by the many people, forced to move forward.
You quickly look towards the only male that you had known, he doesn’t spare you a glance that you can see, he rushes in front of the people that manhandle you as the horses gallop to lead the way.
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It’s not long before your arms feel numb against the harshness of the grip the na’vi have on you. You groan at the lack of hospitality. But thankfully it looks like you’re close to the end of your long journey as the na’vi lead you under the large form of a tree, this looks like the entrance.
Once you look up, you see a crowd of na’vi, they look towards you in curiosity and you finally feel the sets of hands on you release. You rub your biceps and hiss at the pain.
You still feel your long briad being held behind you, also sensing a knife close to your neck, it’s probably best to stay calm.
The crowd of people makes a clearing around you and the male in front of you. For some reason your glad you have someone you recognise, even if you don’t truly know who he is, he still brings some comfort.
“Sir.” He says, with a tone that you recognise to be calm. He brings his hand up to his forehead and then down.
Another, older male comes closer towards you. Circling you for a moment, you bow your head slightly in respect. This male must be a higher up, you assume when you scan his attire.
He backs away from you, walking up to the na’vi that had brought you here in the first place. “What is this, Neteyam?”
The male only a few feet away from you exhales, looking towards the ground, “I was going to kill her, but there was a sign.”
“I have said that demons are not aloud here.”
He signs once again, slowly turning his face to see you. “My father is deciding weather to kill you.”
“Oh, great.” You whisper to yourself sarcastically. You look around you to distract yourself, but a strong voice pulls you out of the trance.
“Step away, I will look at this alien.” A woman yells from above, walking down towards her people. Based on her clothing you assume she is also in higher power. You also can’t help but notice how pretty she is, is she and the other higher up male together? They seem like they’d be a perfect couple.
When she finally reaches you, she circles around you just as the man did, grasping your long braid for a brief moment which makes you shudder, as well as twirling your tail. The she stands in front of you. “What are you called?”
She makes you feel nervous, somehow, being in her presence makes you feel intimidated. “Y/n.”
She takes in your appearance, seemingly looking over your clothing in disapproval. “Why have you come here.” She demands
“To learn…”
“We have tried teaching sky people before, it is hard to fill a cup that is already full.”
“Oh trust me, my cup is empty.
“What are you.”
You hesitate, trying to come up with the best answer, “I was in the navy… a warrior, of the… beetle clan.” They don’t exactly pick up on your small lie.
“A warrior? I could kill her easy!” You recognise the female from before, you don’t know what she said but you have a feeling it’s a retaliation against your words, how did she understand that? You hear a few yelps of agreement form other na’vi, but it’s shut down by the higher up female.
“No. This is the first sky warrior we have seen… we must learn from it.” She sighs, turning to face her son.
“You will teach her. To talk and walk as we do.”
“Why me? That is not fair—”
“Is has been decided.”
The male turns to look at the ground and hisses, his mother isn’t phased.
The woman turns to you again, “Impress me. Or you will be leaving just like the other demons.”
You sigh in relief and bow your head to thank the woman.
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It wasn’t long before you were roped straight into the introduction of the na’vi ways, that started with clothing.
You tug and the small bottom of your clothing and are wary with the placement of your top. You’ve never worn something so revealing, but you suppose this would be nothing out of the ordinary for na’vi.
You are guided by the only familiar face into a crowd of sitting na’vi, you try your best to make way through without trodding on any tails.
Finally you sit down, thankfully next to the male you had began to know, he begins eating. “Y’know, I never got your name.” You prompt conversation.
He slows his chewing before swallowing, then glancing to you, “Neteyam.”
“Nateyem…” you repeat to feel familiar with the foreign sounds.
He cringes at your pronunciation. “Neteyam.” He says, emphasising each syllable.
“Neteyam… it’s nice to meet you, Neteyam.” You smile. To be completely honest, you are beyond thankful for his welcome, even if he was a bit harsh, your glad you didn’t die within the first day of being in your avatar.
He furrows the space where his eyebrows would be, and gives a smirk, before returning to his food.
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dotster001 · 1 year
Summary: Lilia x gn!reader. Lilia has lived multiple lifetimes with you. But where have you been?
CW: reader has been multiple genders previously, but is currently using gn!pronouns. Discussions of death and illness. Angst to comfort.
Chapters: two
"You'll find me when I come back. I know you will."
That was the last thing you'd said to him when you died in your first lifetime. Even he was young then. A young fae soldier on a mission, days away from being promoted. 
You were a male human soldier, who'd been in the company that "captured" him. You'd treated him with respect. You cared about his well being, and he never had the heart to tell you how the other soldiers treated him.
On your way to take him to the palace, you'd talk. You fell for each other on the journey, even though everything in him knew the end was coming. 
He'd told you his plan, and asked you to flee with him. You'd told him you both had a duty to your people. But you couldn't hate him. And, at the end, he held you in his arms, you'd told him you were certain he'd find you again.
He'd felt you come back fifty years later. He waited until you would be an adult, then went searching for you. You were a woman this time, a maid to a human Queen. 
He visited you at night, a stranger from the woods. You'd fallen for him again, and began to make plans to start a family together. 
Then you'd fallen ill, taken down by one of the numerous human ailments, and, on your deathbed, had told him the same thing.
"You'll find me when I come back. I know you will."
Fifty years, like clockwork. Fifty years after your death, he'd feel you return. He'd wait until you'd reached adulthood, and then he would come find you. You'd been multiple genders, had multiple appearances, and lived in multiple places. 
It hadn't been until your fourth lifetime that you'd been able to live longer. And even then you'd never make it to your happily ever after. But everytime,  you'd assure him that you knew he'd find you. And your hope kept him going. 
He was so excited this time. Raising the young prince, he had a head start with the family you'd always talked about…but he never felt you.
A long, long, time had passed since you were supposed to have returned. Many lifetimes, actually, had come and gone, and nothing. 
He added Silver, then eventually Sebek, to his little family. But by then he had finally lost hope that you were coming back.
He was all dressed up in his ceremonial robes for the opening ceremonies, and looking for his silly prince, who had once again not been informed that something was happening. He had been searching around Ramshackle when he felt it. Felt you.
And he ran. All sense left his mind as he ran toward the familiar feeling. He couldn't even process his own thoughts anymore, only pure joy and excitement.
He felt he was drawing nearer and was so lost in his revery he nearly bumped straight into Riddle and Azul. 
"Vanrouge? Is everything all right?" Riddle raised an eyebrow. Lilia froze for a moment seeing the collared cat thing that Azul was using his hand to keep from yelling.
Startled back to reality, he heard murmuring and yelling in the mirror chamber.
"What's happening?" He asked, trying to seem normal.
"Some student arrived late and this creature tried to set Kalim on fire," Riddle sighed.
The creature looked to be trying to protest, but Azul was doing a good job keeping him from talking.
"Are you here to pick up the new Diasomnia students?" Riddle tried after he stayed silent.
"Ah yes. Seems Malleus wasn't informed again," he laughed lightly, gave a nod, and entered the mirror chamber, where he felt your soul burning brightly for him like a torch.
His eyes fell on you immediately. Standing next to Crowley, shouting and trying to explain something. The room became aware of his presence and all eyes were on him, even yours.
Even if he couldn't feel you, he'd have known it was you. Right now you looked scared, tired, stressed, confused, and everything in between. But your eyes. No matter who you were or what you looked like, your eyes had the same glint in every lifetime. Like you knew a secret no one else knew. Though, you yourself never seemed to know what it was when he asked.
And now those eyes were on him. No recognition, of course, it was rare for you to remember a past life outside of a dream here and there. But still, you were here! And, even if he had to do his duty first, he still felt a joy he hadn't felt in a long time.
He'd kept his promise.
He'd found you.
Tag list-@shytastemakerthing @leonia0
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yandere-writer-momo · 11 months
Yandere Baki Short Stories:
The Dragon’s Bride
(full piece)
Yandere dragon Hanayama Kaoru x Princess reader x Orc Jack Hanma
Took me a long time to do this, but it’s here. I felt so bad not allowing Jack to get a proper ending and there will be no part 2. Enjoy the 400 follower special!!!
5.6 k words
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A young girl shyly hid behind her mother’s dress as her big (eye color) eyes gazed at the young boy being introduced to her. She was mesmerized by the small black horns on his head that were still coming in and his small black wings. She couldn’t believe she was meeting a dragon face to face…
His mother pushed him forward as (your name)’s mother pushed the shy girl in front of him. The two children staring at each other in curiosity.
“(Your name)? This is Hanayama Kaoru. He’s going to be your protector until you’re twenty.” Queen (Mom’s name) smiled down at her shy little princess.
“H-hello.” (Your name) softly told the boy with a blush on her cheeks.
“Hello.” Kaoru replied without his face showing much expression. It seems he was the quiet type.
The two mothers smiled at each other fondly. They were happy that the tradition between the Hanayama and the (last name) family would continue for a second generation. The friendship between the two royal families was powerful, dating back for centuries with Kaoru’s mother’s side. But this was the first time a male dragon would be guarding a princess in the tower. Usually his mother would have done it, but lately her health hasn’t been well so she passed the torch to Kaoru.
Kaoru’s mother had utmost faith that Kaoru would make sure nothing happened to (your name). Dragons are extremely possessive over beautiful things after all.
Over the years together in the tower, Kaoru got tired of (your name)’s antics. She always greeted him with a bright smile whenever he came back from a dispute with other creatures or even just a short flight outside. How she always dresses his wounds and made him meals. Kaoru hired servants to make sure she was properly taken care of because he tried to stay as long as he could away from the tower. Lately he’s been leaving her for about a month in the tower.
Kaoru had no romantic interest in a weak human girl. He always coldly rejected her advances and yet she still persisted. She was like an annoying little fly he wasn’t allowed to squash.
And today, he reached a breaking point. Now he was thrilled that she no longer tried to hug to touch him, but she still always greeted him whenever he returned.
“Kaoru!” (Your name) happily greeted him when he flew down and landed on his perch. “I was worried about you when you didn’t come back for a month but I’m glad to know you’re okay-“
“I’m fine.” Kaoru hissed as he flashed his teeth at (your name) who frowned. She held her hands close to her chest as Kaoru continued, “Just leave me alone. I don’t want to see you anymore.”
“Im sorry…” She replied softly as she held her arms. “I just-“
“We are not friends. We are not anything.” Kaoru growled as smoke came out of his nose. “Just because our mothers were does not mean the same for us. They’re both gone now so we don’t have to carry on that stupid tradition. You don’t have to make meals for me, that is for the servants. And you don’t have to hum your stupid little tunes, I sleep just fine on my own. You’re nothing more than a weak little human and I have no interest in any sort of relationship with you.”
Kaoru then turned on his heel and stormed off, leaving a teary eyed (your name) behind. The young woman sighing softly.
“Okay… okay.” She then went back into her room and shut herself in there. The young woman taking her diary and putting it into the burn pile along with all the letters she tried send Kaoru when he went into small battles for more treasure. “I’ll give you what you want.”
(Your name) then decided from that day forward, she wouldn’t bother him again.
Sure enough, Kaoru didn’t see much of (your name) anymore. There were no more greetings or smiles towards him, no more meals made, and no more letters sent. Just silence. It made the tower feel… empty. It’s been weeks of silence.
Kaoru roamed the tower’s halls to check on (your name). Her coming of age was approaching in a year and she would be leaving the tower soon… which meant she’d be getting married off to someone.
Kaoru peaked into her room and saw her standing on her balcony gazing down below. She didn’t turn her head to greet him when he knocked on the door, her eyes transfixed on the forest below. She was ignoring him again.
“I’m going on another trip.” Kaoru told her in his gruff voice. His obsidian eyes gazing at her for any sign of acknowledgment but she didn’t react to him. “It could take awhile.”
(Your name) made no movement towards him and didn’t speak, causing Kaoru to huff. How long was she planning on this silent game? She could at least tell him to be safe- no. Why would he care if she wants him to be safe.
Kaoru stormed off to exit the tower. His body shifting into that of a giant black dragon’s. He was a massive dragon with obsidian scales and long black and red horns that curved back on the top of his head. His obsidian eyes now a bright ruby red.
Kaoru flew up into the sky but not before glancing at (your name) who was still standing on the balcony. Her face looked so… sullen.
Kaoru shook his head. Why did he care if she looked gloomy? It’s not like he cared about her or anything… right?
Kaoru flew off in his pursuit of treasure, leaving (your name) behind once again. Unaware of the danger she would be in…
(Your name) left the tower to sit by the river she always watches from her balcony. The servants didn’t really talk to her and neither did Kaoru so she was usually alone…
(Your name) began to pick some swan river daisies by the water and slowly turn them into bracelets and flower crowns. A smile on her face for the first time in weeks. She only had one more year… one more year in the tower and then she’d be married off to a prince… she hoped maybe then she’d have someone to love.
(Your name) was completely immersed in her flowers that she didn’t notice the honey colored eyes observing her from the bushes. He was enamored with this human woman. She always looked so sad standing on her balcony… this was the first time he’s seen her out of that tower and so defenseless… he was going to take advantage of this opportunity.
A large creature slowly approaching her as she worked on her flower crowns. A large shadow now lingering over her.
(Your name) glanced up and was surprised to see an orc standing before her. His large, muscular body only covered with a green loin cloth, a pair of ill fitted shorts, and some leather gauntlets. He was definitely an orc warrior… but what was he doing here?
“Hello?” (Your name) softly greeted the orc, hoping not to upset him. The orc didn’t seem hostile despite the numerous scars that covered his body.
“Hello.” The orc greeted her back as he slowly went to sit a few feet from her. His honey colored eyes watching her closely. “My name is Jack. Jack Hanma.”
“My name is (your name)…” (your name) softly introduced herself to Jack. Her eyes sparkling under the sunlight as she smiled brightly at Jack. This was the first time she has spoken to another man other than Kaoru… and also the first time someone introduced themselves first to her… she was excited of this potential friendship.
“I always see you in that tower but I’ve never had the chance to talk to you…” Jack muttered as he looked away in embarrassment. “Are you a prisoner?”
(Your name) blinks at him before laughing a bit. “No. I’m not a prisoner. I’m a princess.”
Jack blinker before frowning. “But why are you in a tower?”
(Your name) thought for a minute before answering. “It’s a family tradition for my family to be locked away in a tower until we come of age. It’s a weird way to protect me until I am married off.”
Jack hummed in thought. He guess it made sense to want to protect a princess’s purity but at the same time, she looked so miserable. He couldn’t imagine being locked in a tower with no company… he never sees her talking to anyone in the months he’s been watching her. She always looked so sad and alone… just like him.
Jack had been alone for most of his life. Everyday he had to fight to survive and to become stronger so he could defeat his father… but a part of him craved love. He longed for the way he’s seen other creatures hold each other.
It was pure luck he spotted (your name) and saw he trying to speak to that scarred dragon for years. It gave him hope. Hope that she could love someone like him.
“(Your name)? I don’t live far from this river so you can come see me anytime.” Jack tells her with a hopeful tone in his voice. Jack nearly jumped up in the air when she placed a hand on his arm.
“Thank you… it’s been a long time since I’ve spoken to someone.” (Your name) smiled at Jack who blushed in response. She was so pretty… how could someone be so pretty?
“You can speak to me anytime.” Jack whispered. He’s had his eyes on her for months and he was so happy she wasn’t afraid of him…
(Your name) smiled at him. “I’d love to.”
Kaoru glanced expectantly at his window each day. Wondering when the bird was going to bring him a letter from (your name). She always sent letters whenever he was gone… always.
But over the last week, he had yet to receive one… why wasn’t she sending him letter? Was she okay?
Kaoru paced in his castle in thought. This was the longest they’ve went without an interaction in the decade they’ve known each other and he was going mad.
When the bird landed on his window, he practically leapt at it and snatched the message off the leg. His heart clenching when he realized it was just a message from her family informing him that (your name)’s coming of age party was coming up.
Kaoru threw the letter to the ground as he sat in his chair. He leaned his head back as he sighed.
He had successfully gathered all the jewels and treasure he wanted on this trip and yet he still felt so empty… why did he feel so empty…
Kaoru sighed as he rubbed his forehead. What on earth was going on with him? Why did he miss (your name) so much?
Over the next few weeks, (your name) began to see Jack as much as she could. The two sharing meals she made together and stories. Sometimes (your name) would sit beside Jack and read with him.
For the first time since she’s been in the tower, she has a friend. A real friend.
(Your name) smiled at Jack as she made him a flower crown. The orc happily accepting the crown as he sat beside her by the river.
“There. Now you’re a prince.” (Your name) smiles at Jack who laughs with her.
“I’m a ferocious warrior prince.” Jack snickers. “My brethren would have a cow if they saw me like this.”
(Your name) leans her head on Jack’s arm as they sit by the water together. They became so close over these last few weeks, if feels like they’ve known each other for a lifetime.
“I think you’re neat.” (Your name) tells Jack. “I admire you a lot, Jack.”
Jack blushes as he turns away. He hates how soft he is for her but at the same time, he loves it. He loves her.
Jack just hates how out of place his reflection looks next to her. He’s an orc and she’s a princess… they’re from two very different worlds.
Jack glanced at (your name) who was smiling as she made more flower bracelets. He wanted her… he wanted her almost as bad as he wanted to defeat his father. And damn it, he’d do anything for her… anything.
“Jack? I made us some sandwiches to enjoy.” (Your name) reached into her bag and pulled out some little sandwiches she made.
Jack smiled, his tusks almost digging into his cheeks from how wide it was.
“You spoil me, sweet cheeks.” Jack felt like he needed to gift her something… maybe she’d like a new fur to keep warm with before the cold months hit…
Kaoru threw a chair across the room when he received a letter back from the servants in the tower. (Your name) had befriended another man… the servants wrote that they share meals together and they’re always laughing.
Kaoru couldn’t stand it. Why was she doing that… she must want to upset him. She wants him to be jealous… that’s what it had to be. She would never move on. They’ve been together for a decade.
Kaoru glanced at the neatly wrapped gift he had gotten for her. He was sure she’d love it… she used to always talk about wanting this…
Kaoru decided to head back home with his plunders. It was time to go back to (your name) and this time, he’s give her all the attention she wanted.
(Your name) lightly sung as she worked on another meal for her and Jack to enjoy by the river. A bright smile on her face as she imagined his gracious expression. Jack was always so happy whenever she came by to visit him. He was such wonderful company.
The door creaked open but (your name) paid it no mind. She figured it was just a servant.
At least not until the large form of Kaoru stood beside her.
“I’m back…” Kaoru muttered as he stood beside her, his obsidian eyes gazing at her expectantly. As if he was waiting for something.
(Your name) set the bowl down as she turned to look at him, the smile on her face gone. She didn’t understand what he wanted from her.
“Okay.” She replied before getting back to work, but Kaoru put his hand on the bowl.
“You… you didn’t send me any letters…” Kaoru whispered as he held the bowl down on the counter. “I… I was safe.”
(Your name) frowned at Kaoru’s behavior. The princess moving away from him. She didn’t understand why he was talking to her.
“Okay.” (Your name) replied again. She didn’t know what to say to him.
“I brought you something.” Kaoru told her as he went over to the door and grabbed a present. The dragon presenting her the gift with a soft expression.
(Your name)’s brow furrowed in confusion. Why would he bring her something? He’s never brought her anything before…
(Your name) slowly opened the gift before he eyes widened at the contents. This was… this was a gown she had wanted a few years ago… why would he give his to her?
“Do you like it?” Kaoru asked, his eyes hopeful as he trembled. It was as if his eyes were telling her, ‘look at me. Look at what I did. Look at me.’
“You didn’t have to get me this…” (your name) whispered as she covered the gift back up with the lid. She remembered how Kaoru had told her that she wouldn’t ever be able to wear something like that because it wasn’t like he was ever going to take her dancing. He convinced her it was a stupid want and now she didn’t have a desire to dance. “It’s impractical. I’m never going to go dancing until my coming of age.”
Kaoru felt his breath hitch at her words. How could he forget how he told her that she’d never be able to wear this dress… god he was awful.
“Well you can wear it.” Kaoru told her. “I… I could teach you how to dance-“ (Your name) shook her head and handed Kaoru back the gift.
“No. You have no desire for any kind of relationship with me, remember?” (Your name) sighed as she decided to abandon her cooking to get away from Kaoru.
Kaoru lunged forward and grabbed her shoulders, causing (your name) to gasp.
“I didn’t mean it…” Kaoru whispered as he held her in place. “Please… I didn’t mean it.”
Kaoru pulled (your name) into a hug as he buried his nose into her shoulder. The dragon sighing at her scent.
(Your name) pushed him back as she stepped away from him.
“I’m sorry. The damage is done… I don’t think I want to be near you. I’m sorry.” (Your name) then walks to her room. Kaoru standing there shocked.
She wasn’t supposed to reject him… she always loved him. Always. Why didn’t she love him anymore?
Kaoru made his way up the stairs to her room but he paused when he saw a notebook in the burn pile. His curiosity getting the better of him.
Kaoru’s clawed hand flips through the pages before his obsidian eyes widen in realization. This was her diary…
Kaoru took off to his room to go through the pages. His heart beating erratically in his chest when his eyes glimpses at how often his name was in here. He couldn’t wait to find out all the contents in this book…
Meanwhile, (your name) snuck out of the tower to go see Jack. The orc waiting for her by the river. The orc trying to hide something behind his back with a blush.
“Oh! You’re here!” Jack didn’t want to admit to her that he was counting the seconds. It wasn’t like him to be so impatient to see someone, let alone a girl. “I got you something.”
Jack presented (your name) the fur coat of a white tiger. He had been extremely careful not to completely destroy the animal, but he was able to keep most of it intact after his attack. He kept the meat for himself, but he carefully carved the pelt for (your name). It would be a perfect gift for her before it became cold… the pelt should keep her warm.
(Your name)’s eyes sparkled at the beautiful pelt. Her hands touching the soft fur in awe. It was beautiful…
“It’s so beautiful, Jack…” (your name) thanked Jack as she held the pelt in her arms. “I can’t believe you got this for me…”
Jack gave (your name) a toothy grin. He was proud she loved his gift. She deserved beautiful things.
(Your name) blushed as she held the pelt up to her body. The fur was warm and it smelled like Jack… his scent of musky and pine was so comforting to her.
Her relationship with Jack was starting to make her realize what love and care truly was. Perhaps she simply had a crush on Kaoru because those feelings were nowhere near the magnitude of what she felt for Jack. But she still had the wound of rejection, she was afraid to tell Jack how she felt…
Jack took in a deep breath as he observed her soft expression. He loved her… he loved her so much, it was scary.
“(Your name)?” The princess looked up, brown eyes meeting (eye color). Jack gulping down the lump in his throat before continuing. “I’m… I’m only half orc.”
(Your name) blinked as she glanced at Jack’s skin color. She had wondered why he had more of a human skin tone rather than the bright green she’s heard of orcs having, but she didn’t question it. Either way she didn’t care about something as minuscule as Jack’s race.
“That’s okay, Jack-“ Jack leaned his head on (your name)’s shoulder as he sighed.
“I was not born out of love… I was born out of conquest.” Jack softly told her as he wrapped his large arms around her. “I struggled to fit in with humans and orcs for years… I was a horrible monster for so long but I was so lonely…”
(Your name) frowned as Jack shared about himself, she patiently waited for him to continue sharing what he was comfortable with.
“I came to this forest to slay a dragon. To prove I was capable of defeating my father and taking over he orc hoard… but then I saw you.” Jack grabbed her shoulders and turned her upper body to face him. His honey colored eyes full of emotion. “I’m not trying to sound strange but… I’ve been watching you for a long time… how you were treated, rejected, and constant cast aside. I sympathized with you. I went through that as well all my life…”
“Jack…” (your name) held his cheeks in her hands as she smiled up at him. The orc leaning his scarred cheek into her right hand as he sighed dreamily. His eyes gazing into her with so much love, she thought she’d melt.
“I wanted you for months. I didn’t waste the opportunity to finally talk to you… I was so happy you talked to me and we’ve been seeing each other over these last few weeks.” Jack whispered, unsure if he should continue but with a nod from (your name), he felt more confident in proclaiming his feelings for her. “(Your name)? I’m in love with you.”
(Your name) felt her breath hitch when Jack pressed his chapped lips on her right wrist to give it a tender kiss. Her cheeks now a bright red as he stared longingly at her.
“I love you too…” (Your name) smiled up at Jack. It was the truth. In the two months she’s known Jack, he had shown her the love she had always desired. The kind she read about in story books… Jack was perfect. He may not be the picture description of the typical Prince Charming but he was charming in his own way.
Jack snakes his arms around her as he held her close. His forehead pressed against hers as he smiled brightly, his ivory tusks glistening in the sunlight.
“I’m so happy…” He had always lived a life of violence and anger… yet here he was finally embracing someone who cared about him. He no longer lived in the days of war and inflicting fear. He could finally be happy…
Jack pressed his chapped lips to the top of (your name)’s head. The two cuddling as (your name) smiled warmly at him.
And so began their secret relationship. (Your name) deciding she was going to run away with Jack instead of marrying a prince like she was supposed to.
It was just a shame Kaoru wasn’t going to let her go…
Later that night, Kaoru sat in his study flipping through (your name)’s diary. He has been reading through it all day…
Kaoru ran his clawed fingers through each page with love sick eyes. He had no idea how fond the princess was of him… how much she admired and cared about him. How could he be so blind?
(Your name) was the perfect little mate. Kaoru was sure he could find a witch or a wizard to be able to turn her into a dragon so she could be with him… just like she always wanted!
Kaoru made his way to his board of treasure. The dragon scooping through it excitedly as he began to pick out beautiful gifts to court her with. Some golden necklaces catching his eye.
Kaoru then made his way up to (your name)‘a tower with the necklaces in hand. His hand knocking at her door as he held the necklaces close to his chest.
“Who is it?” Kaoru smiled when he heard her soft voice from the other side of the door.
“It’s me…” Kaoru whispered back, the door slowly opening to reveal (your name) in her nightdress. The princess using a blanket to cover herself from his eyes.
“Oh. I wasn’t be loud or anything was I?” Kaoru frowns when she doesn’t look at him at all. Why wouldn’t she look at him? She loves him… so her eyes should always be on him.
“No… I have something for you.” Kaoru then held up the gold necklaces too (your name). The princess raising a brow at him. “I think you’d look lovely in gold…”
(Your name) tilted her head at Kaoru’s strange behavior. He never brought her gifts before… ever. So why was he trying to gift her things now?
“Oh… but where would I wear something that nice? I’m stuck in this tower for six more months…” Kaoru frowned at her subtle rejection before ultimately deciding to persist.
“You can wear them while here…” (Your name) stepped back when Kaoru pushed forward and entered the room. “Here, let me put them on for you.”
(Your name) sighed before sitting on her bed and using the blanket to cover up her body, except for her neck. Kaoru swinging the necklaces over her neck before clasping each one.
(Your name) shivered when his claws lightly brushed against the soft skin of her neck.
“You smell nice and your skin is so soft…” Kaoru whispered huskily in her ear as he turned her body to face the full body mirror in front of her bed. “And you look so beautiful in gold.”
(Your name)’s (eye color) eyes were wide at the sight before her. Kaoru’s large body sat behind her as he ran his claws through her hair. His nose pressed into the locks as he gave a few strands some kisses.
“Thank you.” (Your name) thanks him softly before gently pulling her hair away from him. She felt extremely uncomfortable. She was confused on why he was giving her so much attention suddenly.
Kaoru suddenly leaned forward and wrapped his large arms around her. Kaoru pulling her body to lean back on his as he purrs. (Your name) had no idea dragons could purr… it was a strange discovery.
“Why are you being so distant? Aren’t you happy?” Kaoru asks as he leans his head into the crook of her neck, his brow furrowing at the strange scent that was mixed with hers. Kaoru snapped his head away from her shoulder as his obsidian eyes flashed a bright ruby red for a second. This was a masculine scent… a monster scent. “Who were you with? Who?”
“Oh, I made a friend by the river…” (Your name) gulped when Kaoru’s eyes were now a bright red with thing black slits… the look on his face was terrifying… her body trembled as she tried to speak to him again. “His name is Jack-“
One of Kaoru’s hands swiped at one of the wooden bed posts on her bed. (Your name) screamed when the wood flew off and crashed into the wall from the force behind his swing. She covered his head as she trembled like a leaf. She could smell smoke…
(Your name) nervously glanced up at Kaoru who had smoke leaving his nose and his lips. He looked so angry… why was he angry?
Kaoru took in a deep breath before calming down. Kaoru pulled her close to his chest as he pressed a kiss to her head. “I’m sorry, dear. I didn’t mean to frighten you. I just got a little angry is all.”
(Your name) was as still as a stone as Kaoru caressed her. The dragon muttering her reassurances.
“I’ll get you a new bed frame and new bed posts… how about one of those canopy beds with the sheer curtains? Won’t that be lovely?” Kaoru offered her as he nuzzled her neck, making sure to rub his scent all over her.
(Your name) just trembled as she held the blankets close to herself. She didn’t know what was going on with Kaoru but she was afraid… she was so afraid…
(Your name) went down the tower to go out to see Jack, only to realize the door was melted… Someone welded the metal door completely shut… she couldn’t go out now.
(Your name) felt tears gather in her eyes as she tried the door. Only to sigh in frustration. The only ones who could get in and out of the tower now were the servants but that was because they were also dragons…
How was she going to see Jack now? How was she to let him know she was now truly trapped in his tower…
(Your name) went to go back up her tower and she ran into Kaoru. The dragon smiling softly at her as he held up some silk sheets in his hands.
“I got you that new bed. I’m going to get rid of all your blankets.” Kaoru then leaned forward and whispered in her ear. “Especially that fur. To smells disgusting-“
“Please don’t take the fur.” (Your name) grabbed Kaoru’s shirt. “Please not that… just let me keep that… please.”
Kaoru froze before sighing. It seems she grew some sort of attachment to that orc outside… nonetheless he must get rid of it.
Before Kaoru could speak, he felt (your name) hug him. His breath hitching at the gesture, his arms snaking around her waist to pull her closer to his body.
“I’ll do anything… please don’t.”
“Anything?” Kaoru felt dazed. Anything… she’d do anything for that sad little fur… “Then let me lay beside you tonight. I want to sleep in your bed with you.”
“…okay.” (Your name) whispered. Kaoru was so happy… he was so happy his little mate accepted him again. He’d never mistreat her again…
Now all he had to do was ask for her hand in marriage from her parents…
Kaoru was gone the rest of the day. He had flown off somewhere so (your name) used this time to try to figure out how to contact Jack.
The servants all left for the day but even then… Jack was too far away to hear her scream.
(Your name) felt a sob rack through her body. She felt hopeless… just like a damsel in distress…
“(Your name)?” (Your name) perked up at her name and ran to her balcony to see Jack. She waved her arms at him.
“Jack! Jack I’m here!” (Your name) felt tears fall down her face as she smiled. “Kaoru welded the door shut! I can’t get out!”
Jack furrowed his brows before walking around the tower. There wasn’t a way in besides that door and the windows that were high up… Jack was going to have to climb…
“I’ll figure a way to get you out! I promise.” Jack shouted up at her as he glanced up at the sky. “I think he’s coming back so I’ll have to plan a way to get you out safely! I’ll save you, I swear!”
Jack then dashed back into the forest before Kaoru saw him.
The large black dragon transforming back into Kaoru as he landed on her balcony. A smile on his face when he saw (Your name).
“Were you waiting for me? I made sure not to be gone for too long.” Kaoru wrapped his arms around (your name) as he sighed in contentment. His sweet little mate was waiting for him… he couldn’t wait to tell her the news…
(Your name) held him back a bit just to satiate him. She didn’t want to upset him in anyway…
Kaoru lead her into her room as he presented her some more gifts. This time she accepted them without hesitation. She didn’t want him to destroy her new bed…
“I paid your family a visit.” Kaoru whispered with a smile. “They’re not going to get you back now like they were supposed to.”
(Your name) freezes. This wasn’t the agreement… she was supposed to leave this tower in a few months and then runaway with Jack… why would the terms change?
“I burned down over half of that kingdom but they’re going to let me keep you.” Kaoru smiled as he placed his head into her shoulder and inhaled her scent. “You’re going to be my wife. Aren’t you happy?”
(Your name) felt her blood run cold. Kaoru wasn’t supposed to fall in love with her… he never cared about her before…
Kaoru played with her hair with a smile. (Your name)’s eyes wide in shock.
“We’ll love the rest of our days together. You’ll be my lifelong mate.” Kaoru explained softly. “I’m having Kizaki work on finding a witch or wizard who would be able to turn you into a dragon, just like you’ve always wanted.”
How did he know that she used to want to be a dragon to be with him? Unless… no…
“Kaoru… did you read my diary?” (Your name) whispered as Kaoru smiled at her.
“I did. You wrote about how much you care for me… how much you love me.” Kaoru took her hands in his. “How could I not be moved by your declarations and efforts? I swear I’ll never mistreat you again. From now on I’ll be the perfect mate. The perfect husband and provider.”
Kaoru pressed his forehead to hers. “I realized how important you were to me once you stopped your affection. You are my most valuable treasure, dear. I’ll treat you well, I swear.”
This had to be some sort of sick joke… Kaoru never wanted her before. Yet even she knew Kaoru doesn’t joke. He’s a very serious man.
Kaoru was obsessed with her and he was never going to let her go…
Dragons were extremely possessive of their treasure, after all.
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zaceouiswriting · 6 months
Easy corruption of the straight, Human Torch and Mister Fantastic (2)
Character: Johnny Storm x male reader, mentioned Dr. Reed Richard
Universe: Fantastic four/Marvel
Warnings: Heavy Smut, pain kink, degradation and more
Authors note: Hello guys! It's been a while, but I finally finished the second part of this request. Let me tell you something: it took much longer to finish this than I'm willing to admit. @innerpiratefun I hope you are happy with the second part and its length because I hope the final part will be shorter! :D
Johnny's warmth always makes you dizzy. He's so needy. Ever since you fucked him in his place, he's become a total slut. Always close to you, his hands never leaving your crotch, massaging your cock until you finally give him what he needs. No, craves!
But sometimes, you just couldn't be brought into a state of complete lust for him. You hit him more than once. He was hurt then, but much to your chagrin, he loves it as much as your gentle touch. To him, it was all just foreplay, a way to get what he wanted because if he didn't stop, you would still fuck him, just not the way he wanted.
"Damn, you're a stupid, easy whore, aren't you?" Your voice was hoarse as you hugged Johnny from behind in the kitchen. He hadn't touched you once all day. But his looks and almost ghostly touches over your sharp jaw, chiseled chest, or thighs drove you crazy. 
It finally pushed you past the limit of your patience, and he knew it. 
"I don't know what you're talking about!" His smug smirk was audible, but he tried to cover it with an innocent undertone, even going so far as to turn his head and stare at you with wide puppy eyes.
You, on the other hand, made it with his little game. With a speed and force that made it impossible for him to organize his thoughts, you banged his head on the marble countertop. Only to put one of his more flexible legs on it a second later. The pants he was wearing - which he wasn't allowed to wear because they were difficult to take off - were just another trick of his because they were so tight, leaving nothing to the imagination. They only existed to tease you anyway. It made him moan in excitement and ecstasy.
"Just like I thought: a stupid fucking whore, eager for my touch. So beautifully pathetic!" Wasting no time, you buried your already hard cock - which had popped out of the tightness of your pants - deep into Johnny's insides. "Ohhhh- shit! So damn good!”
Johnny was a mess once you bottomed out. His head was still on the counter sideways so you could look into his eyes. Which you've only been doing for about a month. For the longest time since you've been fucking his tight ass, you've been uncomfortable looking at him because while you love to fuck him, you're not in love with him.
Your heart is still captivated by the doctor who so recklessly had broken up with you.
Your hands were formed into fists and rested right at the end of his back, just above his peachy-sweet bottom, wrapped around you so tight and warm that he flattened his body against the cold countertop.
His eyes were glazed, his tongue stuck slightly out, and some spit slowly dripped from his open mouth. It became easy for you to fuck him completely stupid in a few moments now that you know how to fuck him. You know every sweet spot of his delicious body.
But Johnny also learned a lot. Even if his brain isn't working properly, he knows when to tighten his hole around your big cock so he can feel every throbbing vein inside.
Fucking the human torch hard and deep - that supposed womanizer - made you go wild after moments of his needy moans. He was butter in your hands, and you were using it to your full advantage, hammering him almost through the thick countertop. But as soon as you could hear the cracks, you pulled him back by his hair until his body was curved, making it easier for you to fuck even deeper.
Until you suddenly felt something strange. A sinking feeling, like someone was watching. You had to be careful. Only two more people lived in the shared apartment, and Ben could be heard moving. So as not to unsettle the pervert, you quickly increased the speed again, making it seem you had no idea someone was watching. You slammed into Johnny even harder, forcing him to moan so beautifully that, for a second, you forgot anyone was watching.
You pulled him flat against you, wrapped your forearm around his neck, and squeezed him. His moans subsided a little as not enough air could reach his lungs. "It's what you wanted. Isn't it? To be put back in your place by your Master… my little bitch.”
You kissed his cheek for the first time, and out of the corner of your eye, you could see Johnny blushing even more than he already was. Your other arm wrapped itself around his midsection, just above his rock-hard cock, not touching it because he didn't deserve any relief.
The intensity of those looks increased even more after your lips left Johnny's cheek. At this point, you were already caught the pervert's eyes without him noticing. Jealousy was evident in his warm brown eyes.
It got you smirking in victory. Knowing that the man watching you bang someone else still has feelings for you made you feel warm inside. Now all that was left to do was make sure he would stay that way for a while, hopefully forcing him to slip up sooner than later.
Just thinking about your sweet doctor almost threw you over the edge and fuck Johnny mercilessly. Just seconds before you were about to unload into his perfect little ass, you pulled out. It made your fuck toy whimper with dissatisfaction.
“Stop whining and get on your knees, whore!”
When the stability you had given him was gone, he fell to his knees - too weak and no longer able to support his weight. But you didn't care at that moment. You just grabbed his head and pulled him over your big cock, by his ears.
At first, you moved his head to satisfy yourself, but his mouth was just too good. It was so good, in fact, that you had to lean against the opposite countertop. He eagerly followed your cock without letting it leave his mouth even once. His tongue danced over the veins of your cock and your cock head and even tried to enter the slit.
That was too much for you. You placed both hands on the back of his head and pushed him down on your cock until you could see it bulging in his throat.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" You yelled loudly as you came straight down his throat, letting it flow down into his stomach. "Ohhhh... fuck!" you screamed again, quickly pulling your still-hard cock out of his mouth.
“God, your mouth is even better than your sweet ass... shit!” You ruffled his hair, chuckling. "Good boy."
He raised his head in less than a second. He immediately looked straight into your eyes while beaming with happiness. “Thank you, sir!” He said, stuttering. There was a bright smile on his face. 
But you were pissed. Before he could ask what he did wrong, you grabbed him by his hair, held his head, and slapped him so hard that the echo bounced from wall to wall in the hallway, even a few seconds later.
Now his eyes glittered because of the tears welling up in them. 
“Now let’s try again, okay? Because you're apparently so fucking stupid, it's ridiculous. What am I?"
“Si-” When he saw your hand raise again, his eyes widened. “Master. Master!”
A satisfied smile was back on your face, your hand gently stroking his now deeply red cheek with your visible handprint again.
"You learn quickly. At least that's something, considering you're useless in any other way than being my little toy, isn't it?"
Secretly, you were still angry that one of his attacks accidentally almost burned you alive when you were out in the field, which only increased your desire to make him do something he never thought he could or would do.
You grabbed his head up by his hair and pulled his head back as he stood in front of you again, forcing his mouth open with your other hand. You spat straight into his mouth. With gratitude in his eyes, he swallowed your spit without question.
“Now, be a really good boy and listen carefully.” Your hand that had held open his mouth down his back, and in the same movement, two fingers immediately plunged into his wide-open hole. "Now you go to your room, clean yourself from top to bottom, use lotion to make your skin even softer, and I want you to look your best than ever, hairstyle and everything. Then you will put the chastity device on your little cock and put on the harness, got it?”
His eyes widened even more than before, you knew he wasn't ready to become that kind of slut, but you didn't care, he's yours, and he needs to understand that his opinions and feelings are unimportant. But he nodded anyway. 
“I understand, Master.” 
His voice was quiet, but you loved it. You almost could go again, but you barely had the strength to hold yourself back.
Satisfied with his submission, you leaned forward until your lips were almost touching his. You could see the desire in his eyes as you stared at him, aware that a kiss was all he wanted. You used it as much as possible to get everything you wanted.
“And you won’t come at all. You won't touch your little cock at all. The only thing you're allowed to do is clean your dirty whore hole. If you are not pristine, I will punish you severely. Understood?” 
Johnny nodded but remained silent.
Forcing some distance between the two of you again, you grabbed his head with your hand, moved it to his cheek, and slapped it gently. 
"Good boy, now open your mouth." 
As soon as you ordered, Johnny did so. You inserted the two fingers that were in his ass - full of your cum.
Laughing to yourself, you walked away, your hard cock wiggling in front of you, slowly becoming limp.
Johnny was left alone in the kitchen. As he slowly recovered from his high, he realized how dependent he actually was on you. His heart is full of love for you, but he has accepted that he is nothing more than a hole to you. He also knew that he had to keep you happy so that you would stay by his side.
The thought alone was more than enough for Johnny to do anything to keep you. It didn't matter what he needed to do as long as he could feel you.
He walked quickly into his room, aiming for his own bathroom, where he scrubbed his body completely clean. Afterward, he applied lotion to it and let it sink in. It made his body even smoother. Every hair on his body was gone except for the stubble on his face, which you told him you liked several times, turning his boyish charm into something more sexual. But his face also had a lot to do with that.
It took a while, several hours, for the cleaning to be fully completed. But finally finished, he stood before his bed and looked down at the chastity device. He knew you would want the key, which is why he hesitated to put it on.
His eyes wandered to the leather harness he had put on without thinking. Looking in the mirror opposite his bed, he was pleased with himself. He looked good, very good even.
His dick hung down. He touched it and wondered if it was really so small. In comparison to yours? Definitely. But other men? Women did nothing other than moan and scream his name. Just thinking about them made him hard.
At first, he thought nothing of it and even lazily jerked off a little. Until suddenly, a shiver ran down his spine. You could be anywhere if you wanted, and if he was honest, even though he's in love with you, he's afraid of you at the same time. Knowing that he wasn't that important to you and that you could easily get another toy to play with, he stopped his movements, turned around, and picked up the chastity device. With one last look in the mirror, his cock exposed, he wrapped the device around himself.
After that, he couldn't look in the mirror anymore. His gaze fell over the cage he now wore. It would take a while for him to accept his new reality, but if it meant keeping you to himself, he would live with it.
Just as the sun began to set, Johnny finally left his room, a robe hiding his nakedness from prying eyes. He went straight to your room and knocked. There was no sound coming from your room. You didn't ask him to come in or anything like that. But as he pushed down your doorknob, it opened slightly.
Confused and surprised, he watched as the door opened completely. When he looked inside, he couldn't see you. He walked into your room. After all, you had asked him hours before to be ready for you, which made him think you had left your door open for him.
After getting Johnny back into his place in the kitchen, you went to the gym, a public one. You never like to workout alone - sometimes it's necessary due to your powers - so you try to do your usual workouts in public gyms. Which sometimes even led to hot, steamy encounters in the shower. Johnny's ass is tight, tighter than any you've ever had, but to take a little more pressure off your balls, all you need is a good-looking fitness guy.
During your intense workout that made some of the most muscular guys blush with embarrassment, you suddenly felt like something was wrong. You tried to push the feeling away until you couldn't anymore.
You threw down the two hundred kilograms in your hands. So you picked up your towel and water bottle, anger radiating through you, not knowing why you walked out without showering first.
You walked out of the gym with all your stuff, strolled around a corner, and suddenly, you disappeared and reappeared in your shared apartment with the rest of your team.
As soon as you entered, you sensed that something was wrong - something was terribly wrong. You tripped over your feet as you ran. Quickly, you moved through the apartment. Going from room to room, opening every door you could find. That was until there was a noise behind you - just a few steps away - from behind a door you didn't open as it was locked, as always.
Emotions raced through your body, fear pounding through your heart at who it could be, anger that someone dared go in there, and madness at what that person could find.
Without thinking twice, you pushed your bedroom door open so hard that you slammed it against the wall, causing the handle to dig into the stone, rendering it useless until you pulled it back out.
Your eyes looked over your room. Nothing strange on the right, just your video game consoles, your PC, and all that good stuff. But when your gaze wandered to the left side, where your large bed was, your blood started to boil. Heat rushed through you like a vulcan.
“Get up!” you ordered Johnny, the anger evident not only on your face but also in your voice that boomed through the room.
Johnny was startled by your loud, demanding voice. He jumped off the bed and almost jumped into your arms. You forcefully grabbed his jaw and forced him to look up at you.
“Did I allow you to enter my room?” You looked threateningly at him, bloodlust evident in your eyes – something you had developed recently towards him since he accidentally attacked you on that one mission.
"No, I- Your door- it was open and I just thought-“
His difficulty forming a simple sentence annoys you even more. So much so that out of a reflex, your hand shot forward, grasping his throat. Johnny had to look down to meet your eyes for the first time.
“My door is never open!” You told him aggressively.
"I- I thought- thought- the same thing, but-" Now it was thanks to your hand that only a few words came out of his constricted throat. 
You didn't believe a word he said. Most of the time, he just rails you up so you would punish him or simply fuck him stupid. But a few times, he does it to challenge you. He still had that idea that one day he might actually beat you, only to be thoroughly humiliated by you.
Both ideas made you even angrier, but eventually, you just let him fall to the ground. You didn’t even realize how long you had been depriving him of oxygen. Not until Johnny fell to the ground, like a sack of potatoes gasping for air.
“For once in your miserable life, make yourself useful and suck my cock. You can at least try to make me forgive you for this breach of trust!”
Johnny was too preoccupied with panting and gasping for air, so you took matters into your own hands by grabbing the back of his head and placing his mouth on your clothed cock.
“Stop being such a pussy,” you rolled your eyes in annoyance, disgusted by this display of weakness, “and open your mouth. I’m not going to make it easy for you, bitch!”
And as you told him, you pushed his mouth even closer to your hardening cock.
“Open up!” you hissed angrily. Finally, Johnny slowly opened his mouth. You quickly pushed his open mouth over your hardening dick. “Fuck, wider!” And he did. Groaning in satisfaction, you moved his head to the prominent bulge in your short gray sweatpants. “Want to taste my sweaty cock, boy?”
He was older than you, but you realized early on that it was the only right thing to say to a pathetic guy like him. That question alone was stupid, and you knew it. Of course, he loved it, like all the other straight guys before and during the time you used him.
"As soon as a real man comes along with a real monster cock, all your pathetic 'alpha males' womanizers by day turn into such eager cock sluts by night. It's just pathetic!" You mocked his former lifestyle with a big grin on your face. After all, you knew well that you ruined him for anyone else. He could never fuck a woman without having your cock on his mind and feeling inadequate.
Soon you pulled your cock out and stuffed his face full of it, not caring as he choked on it. You just kept pushing it in while holding his head in place until his gag reflex went away again. At this point, you've done it to him so many times that his body no longer reacts as aggressively as it did the first couple dozen times.
Your already sweaty body glistened with new beads of sweat as you pounded his head vigorously with your eyes closed, bathing in the excitement of the moment.
It was almost impossible to notice, perhaps because you were drunk with lust, but you saw something strange out of the corner of your eye as you opened them slightly. Out there in front of your open door, barely poking above the doorframe, you could see a pair of eyes staring at you and Johnny. The same eyes you've seen many times before when you fucked Johnny or someone else. Aside from those eyes, only a small piece of forehead was visible, making it impossible to be Ben. His boulder head, is far too prominent.
You have not faced those eyes or done anything to indicate that you have seen them. Instead, as planned, you turned Johnny around so that he was lying on his stomach, his face pressed deep into your mattress.
“I have to punish you because you just don’t seem to be learning,” you whispered in your toy’s ear.
With barely enough energy, he successfully turned his head, mouth still wide open.
"What do you mean?" he asked with fear in his eyes.
A rare smile appeared on your face. You gently caressed his cheek and dipped your thumb into his mouth, only to coat his lips with his own spit. But instead of answering him, you forced his head back into your mattress.
You told him to lie there and not move. He did it out of fear of you, not wanting to upset you any more than he already had. He could hear you rummaging around your room. It wasn't what he thought, though. You were making all those noises to make him suffer without being able to run or talk. You tried to pique his curiosity. You wanted him to move so you could punish him even harder.
Minutes later, while he was wiggling around, you finally came back to him and touched his shoulder, telling him silently to stay still. He immediately stiffened.
"I'm going to take off your robe now." Before you had finished your sentence, your hands were already on his robe, slowly pulling it off his perfectly smooth, hairless body.
As soon as the leather harness became visible, your mouth started watering. 
“That’s exactly what I needed!” You moan loudly. Johnny grinned to himself when he heard the satisfaction in your voice.
But then it happened for the first time. A burning sensation ran through Johnny as he turned around in shock. He saw your grinning face, but your eyes were cast down. As he followed them, he realized the reason for this strange burning sensation: on his peachy ass, he could see a red, painful mark in the shape of your hand.
“Put your damn head back down!” you bellowed, scaring poor Johnny. With his head back where you wanted it, you found yourself staring at that delicious, toned, muscular body again. The leather showed off his muscles even more than before. Something you always missed about your handsome doctor was just that. submissivity.
Gently, your fingers followed his spine down to the leather belt of the chastity belt. There, you dig your fingers a little into his flesh so that they can get under the belt. With a swift motion, you pulled him a little closer to you. Eager to please you, he followed your movements instantaneously. But instead of having him on all fours like Johnny thought, you pushed him back down again.
“You’re too eager to please, boy. One of the reasons you’re just a pathetic little toy to me.”
The words echoed in Johnny's head. Everything else fell silent afterward, a humming drowning out every other sound. For a short moment, he even felt like he was leaving his body.
A snort from you was the first thing he heard again. With a sudden burst of anger, disappointment, and pain, he tried to move, to punch you in your 'stupidly handsome fucking face,' but he was unable to do so. His attempts to squirm free were unsuccessful.
"Stop moving so much. Otherwise, the next part of your punishment will be much harder than necessary!" you whispered darkly in his ear, sending another cold shiver down his spine.
Somehow, he found a way to look behind him while you distanced yourself from him. With horror in his eyes, he saw the paddle in your hand, and as soon as your eyes met his, he tried to get away again. But his bonds held him tightly.
It had only taken you that brief moment of him being far away in his mind to put handcuffs around his hands and tie them to his harness and chastity belt.
Without a word, the first collision of leather and skin was heard in the room and the adjacent hallway, echoing through most of the large apartment. It wasn't the place for such acts, but you had to get the spy's fascination to catch him.
Johnny tried to stay strong to impress you. But when the leather paddle with the wood inside landed on his skin for the third time, he screamed, a scream of pleasure and pain - something he never thought he would experience with you.
The fourth, fifth, sixth hit, and so on gave you the same honey-like sound you relish like nothing else. His skin was already red. When you touched it after the tenth time, the skin was already heated, but it wasn't enough for you.
There was only one thing you could do to satisfy your needs. Give Johnny another ten blows with the paddle across his deliciously red skin.
The eyes from the open bedroom door became more intense the more you spanked Johnny with the leather paddle, at least for a bit. But after a while, the intensity weakened.
So you had to do something else, so you threw the paddle away and pulled Johnny up in the same motion. His heated ass cheeks burned against your thigh. But you didn't leave it at that. You grabbed him hard by his hair and pulled his upper body backward. With his head resting on your shoulder, you place your other hand on his stomach and press him fully against your body.
Holding him there, you rested your chin on his shoulder. You moved your big cock lazily between his asscheeks that glowed like rubies.
“God, your ass is so fucking smooth and hot.” You moan lowly into his ear, nibbling on his earlobe. It elicited a moan from his throat, so deep and lustful that you wanted to ravage him then and there. You could only barely stop yourself from doing so.
“You know you're my favorite toy, right?” Suddenly, your voice was so soft that Johnny melted into your touch again. Just as gently, you stroked his cheek down to his neck, but suddenly, your hand touched the underside of his chin, gripping it rather forcefully. Slowly but not carefully, you forced him to look to the side so you could stare down into his pretty blue eye. “So pretty and all mine, isn’t that right?”
For a while, Johnny hadn't said or done anything. His mind was fuzzy, and his body was too weak to contain his feelings for you anymore. It wasn't until you gently slapped him that he returned from his dreamland.
“I’m all yours, sir.”
“You finally understood when to call me what. Interesting.” You licked your lips, feeling how dry they had become, as you still stared open-mouthed at Johnny’s blissfully contorted face.
Something had clicked in your head. Only for you to lean forward and kiss the tempting lips before you for the first time, you could tell that Johnny was more than surprised to feel your warm, wet lips on his own. Feeling his shocked eyes on you during the kiss you gave him with your eyes closed - as it should be - was more than enough satisfaction for you at that moment.
You opened your left eye a little for half a second. Seeing the burning anger in the spy's eyes only added to your satisfaction. Before anyone could notice what was happening, you were gone. 
As you stood in Reed's room, you saw his body, with his pants at his ankles and his hand furiously jerking himself off. His rather sizable cock twitched under his warm touch.
As you grinned down at his body, with his head out of the open door, you felt even more satisfaction knowing that you were irresistible to the older doctor. You slowly touch his shoulder with your left and let it slide down his bare skin down to his crotch while you massage his lean body with your other hand.
How he didn't immediately notice that something was going on was above you, but you were having fun until it would finally happen. You grasped his hand with your larger hand, effectively helping the doctor jerk off.
The man had never moved so quickly before. He pulled his head back at tremendous speed. Your grin never faded. From where you stood, you could see and hear him gulp loudly before finally turning towards you.
“Hey, doctor. Did you like the show?” you asked him teasingly. To your dismay, he tried to look away in shame. But you didn't let that happen. You grabbed his head and forced him to look at you. “Don’t you fucking dare look away from me!” You growled at him. He looked up at you in disbelief. “I’ve had it with you! You won't kneel for me? Okay, but then don’t fucking spy on me if I have someone who does it in your stead!”
A second later, the two of you were in your bedroom. Johnny was still lying on his stomach, head tilted to the side, waiting for you.
“What a good boy!” you said softly.
Your voice made Johnny look over to you. His smile faded as he saw Dr. Richards at your side. He struggled to his feet, trying to hide his beautiful naked body.
“Lie back down!” You ordered him. Without protesting, Johnny did as he was told.
You looked back at Reed with a superior grin. “I know how much you’ve always wanted his beautiful, smooth body. But it wasn't you who tamed him, but me.”
His head was red with embarrassment. How you could find out that he had always longed for Johnny, even when his late wife was still alive, was a mystery to him. The only thing worse was that you had Johnny and not him and that Johnny had you and not him. He always wanted both you and Johnny for himself. Now, he was on the outside, and his two crushes were intimate with each other.
But what could he have done? He wanted to have you on your knees and pleasure him, but he knew you would never do such a thing. He didn't know back then. He thought you would come around and see that he deserved to be worshipped and you should be his loyal follower, but when the rumor reached him that you were a steel top, never even letting anyone near your behind, he had to distance himself from you.
“Sit down, Reed. You’ll watch me destroy my little toy, and after I pump my cum into his holes, we can speak further.”
In a daze, he did as you told him. Not for reasons of superiority, at least that's what he told himself, but because you knew the truth. When he sat down, his hands were already around his cock again, tugging away furiously.
“Oh, and you won’t touch your cock!” You told him warningly. His hands were immediately on the arms of his chair. "Good boy."
When Reed heard this nickname, which was condescending to him, he slowly came to his senses and realized what was happening. The humiliation he felt increased when he realized he enjoyed being bossed around by you. It destroyed the image he had of himself. His eyes fell on his aching cock, which was now twitching even worse from just your order.
With a smug smile, you didn't take your eyes off Reed as you effortlessly plunged your massive cock into Johnny's loose hole. You showed just a second of joy, with your eyes slightly closed, a happy smile on your face as your head fell back into your neck. But after that second, your smug smile reappeared, but you kept your head at that angle and turned to look at Reed again.
Dr. Richards was harder than he had ever been in his life. A thick vein pulsed on the side of his cock. It fascinated you, but you still smugly told yourself Reed was smaller than you in length and girth.
With your arms behind your head, you sloppily fucked your little toy, not really caring how he felt about it. But his soft moans and pitiful gasps were all you needed to know.
“You want to see me destroy him?” You asked Reed, your voice dripping with arrogance.
Even though Reed nodded his head, you didn't change anything. Disappointed, the doctor almost burst into tears of frustration because you hadn't done what he wanted to see.
“Come on, Reed. I want to hear it.” You teased him further. Your smug smile grew even wider.
“What do you mean?” he asked you, barely able to speak because of a lump in his throat.
You could only scoff and wonder how dense a man with an intelligence like his could be.
"Call me what you've always wanted to call me." A panicked look crossed Reed's face. "The name you call me in your dirty dreams!"
Without touching himself, Reed suddenly came like a fountain, painting his slender body with his own cum. It was just too much for him. He gasped, his muscles gave out, and his eyes rolled back into his head.
“Open your eyes, little bitch!” Reed, even though he had just cum, forced himself to get himself back together. “Good. If you cum again without my permission, I will punish you too, understood?”
“Yes, sir!” he murmured quietly, not realizing what he was saying.
But you heard it, and it made you grin because it made it official that you were superior to the other man who considered himself a dominant top.
As soon as you heard the title, you knew you would force Reed to call you by it forever. Railed up by the situation, you grabbed Johnny's muscular waist with both hands and rammed into him like a wild bull, making your toy scream in pleasurable agony. You pulled him off your cock until your cockhead was visible. Before you could feel the cold air on it, you fucked back into him. This made Johnny moan like a bitch in heat.
For a while, you were using Johnny as your personal fleshlight, but when you suddenly move a little, your cheap little whore screams and cums without your permission.
“You stupid bitch!” you shouted, your voice full of anger as your foot stomped angrily on his head. “Can’t even contain the pathetic lust inside you!”
Pulling on the leather harness with one hand while still pinning him with your foot on his head, you fucked him so hard that his eyes rolled back in his head. At this point, you were panting and had to keep from cumming yourself.
Even though you really didn't want to, you slowly pulled out of his burning wet hole. His hole glistened in the light of your precum, begging for you to fuck him. Johnny even went as far as to squeeze it to make it more tempting, but you weren't done with his punishment yet.
You stood upright between your toy's spread legs and told Reed to come closer, and when he came within reach, you grabbed his shoulder and placed his left hand on Johnny's perfect round ass.
In your dizzy state, you teleported all three of you to a place you kept hidden from everyone, even those lucky enough to be taken there by you.
Your blue room: Your playroom, with everything your dirty heart desires. Even though you call it one room, it is actually multiple rooms.
Once you get there, you let go of the other two. You could tell Reed was dizzy. He leaned forward, almost showing you the meal he had eaten not an hour before. 
All the while, Johnny fell to the ground with a loud thud that made you cringe and smile simultaneously.
“Reed, pull yourself together.” Grumbling, the man straightened his back again. “Pick Johnny off the floor and put him on the bed!”
"Yes, sir!" he murmured as quietly as he could. The fact that he would be so easy to take down left you unsatisfied. You wanted to slowly dismantle him piece by piece and then rebuild him like you wanted him to be, as you did with Johnny. But someone else did it before you, which upset you a little.
Reed just stood before Johnny, obviously not knowing how to touch Johnny, which is why you had to do it yourself. You grabbed him by his leather harness and pulled him up effortlessly while Johnny could only groan slightly in discomfort. You walked around the bed and threw him carelessly onto it, but when he landed face up, you groaned in annoyance. Only for a second, though, because when you saw his drunken, lustful face with his tongue sticking out and even a little saliva dripping from it, you let your anger disappear and replace it with untold amounts of lust of your own.
“Turn him over and place all the handcuffs around his limbs. I’ll get the equipment!”
Although you could see the confusion on Reed's face, you ignored him just before heading to a hidden door. When you come back into the room, you roll a cart with lots of different tools laid out, hung, or somewhere in between so you can choose.
"Long or short whip?" You asked the other man, deep in thought. You wanted to whip Johnny as hard as possible with the long whip to reach a larger area. But the long whip was hard to handle, so maybe the short whip would be better for Reed's first time. Before the other man could answer, you had already given him the short whip. "I don't think you've ever used one of these, so let's start smaller."
Looking down at his still-open cock and then at yours, Reed immediately understood the backhanded comment.
Seeing the angry look in his eyes, you warned him not to try to attack you because of his bruised ego if he didn't want to suffer more punishment, maybe even similar to what Johnny was going through now.
He swallowed hard and let the whip down a little. As his mind became clear again, his position began to falter again. He was inferior to you in every way, and he knew it. He had even given you his pride, so why was he so angry? Maybe it was because he's a man, a stud no less, as many women assured him, and not like Johnny, a mindless slut who will do anything to be satisfied by a big cock.
And yet, every time he looked over at your monster, he felt a tingling sensation in a place he didn't even know he could feel something like that.
He pushed those wishes and thoughts aside and positioned himself behind Johnny, who was already prepared by your big cock. Johnny lay on a cube, but only with his stomach and chest, while his head had to be held up using his own strength. His ass was visible - his wide open, gaping hole, still wet with your precum, trying to tempt the doctor now. 
“Don’t even think about his hole. Maybe I'll let you fuck him later, but only if you were a good boy.“ You move behind Dr. Richards. He immediately froze, not daring to move a single muscle as you wrapped an arm around his chest while, with your other hand, you grabbed his arm that held the whip, your lips slightly higher than his ears. “Can you be that for me, Reed? A good boy?”
"Yes-Yes, sir!" Reed said suddenly, breaking another part of his pride.
“I-I can be a good boy for you, sir,” he told you, quieter this time, not yet ready to fully accept his sudden devotion to you. But deep down, he knew that this was all he ever wanted to do. Since the day you've tried to pop his cherry, to ravage him and making him scream your name into a dark, silent night. But he wasn't willing to show you his weak side because he always thought that wasn't what he was supposed to be.
You guided his hand and hit Johnny with Reed's hand first while the man was still deep in thought. The sound of the leather hitting Johnny's skin snapped him out of his head. His eyes widened in shock as he saw the deep red stripe across his gorgeous reddish ass. 
“It's delicious, isn't it? The sound of Johnny trying to suppress a scream of pleasured pain and the red streak shows off his ass even more.” 
Before Reed could react, you guided his arm again and whipped Johnny a second time, a third, and a fourth time. Never in the same place because you didn't want to break his skin. You perfectly hit always go either over or under the other streaks, giving the impression that you've paddled Johnny instead of whipping his lovely butt.
While guiding Reed's hand, you lazily moved your massive cock up and down between his ass cheeks, smearing it with your precum. At some point, you bit his shoulder because of the extreme desire that had built up inside you. Reed, to your shock, moaned in absolute ecstasy.
"You're not much of a top after all, are you?" You chuckled darkly in his ear. The hand that had guided his hand was now on the lower part of his stomach. "Imagine how nice it would feel for me if I could feel my cock right here like I do with my toy over there."
Despite all the lust growing within you and Reed, the older man was able to break free from you. Shock was visible on your face for the first time as you looked into his eyes.
“I’m not a slut like him!” he expressed with much conviction.
However, all you could do was smile. You took a step forward, and he took a step back. This continued until the bed was at the back of his knees. When he felt it, he was so shocked that he fell onto it. You place your hand gently under his chin, forcing him to look back up at you and not stare at your hard monster in front of him.
"Of course, you're not a slut like my toy because you're so much more to me." You caress his cheek, leaning down and kissing him softly, biting his bottom lip and tugging it gently as you straighten your back.
Smugly grinning down, you saw now absolute devotion in his eyes. 
„Now open your pretty mouth. I don't want to hurt my toy by going back in dry.“ 
Holding your massive cock in your right hand, you brought it up to his lips, his eyes still looking into yours. With your left hand on the back of his head, you pushed his head closer. Automatically his lips opened just a little bit, enough for your cockhead to get in. But even this was already too much for him, as you could feel his teeth scraping over your sensitive head. 
Instead of pain, it send a rush of excitement down your spine, knowing you were big enough to fill this man's big mouth out. Neither of you broke eye contact as you slowly used his mouth for your own pleasure.
Even after minutes, you could hardly get more than the glans in. You started getting impatient and tried to force more into his mouth, but you couldn't. His gag reflex was just too strong.
“Fuck, you’re useless!” Hard you pulled his head from your cock and pushed him away. 
You climbed over the bed to Johnny's head and shoved your cock in just as hard. As you felt his mouth around your cock and, shortly after, the root against his face, you were in heaven. “God, yes, that’s the shit!” You moaned loudly.
You soon pulled out of Johnny's warm mouth and moved to his ass, where Reed was still sitting on the bed, wide-eyed.
"If you're going to sit there like a pathetic little cuck, pay close attention to how you fuck someone!" A mischievous grin on your face as Reed's face reddened immensely.
In one singular, quick movement, your massive cock disappeared into Johnny's eager, loose hole. Your toy moaned deeply, causing you to give him a nice slap on the back of the head, only for you to grab him by the hair and pull him up, making him groan in slight pain. Your other hand quickly moved to his throat, almost entirely encircling it, but because that wasn't enough, you had to let go of his head to wrap it around his neck as well. Fully enclosed, you pulled him further back, flat against your own hard body. You not only had control over the speed at which you effortlessly returned him to his empty state of mind, but you also had his life in your hands with your hands squeezing his throat.
“You would look perfect with a choke collar so I could choke you whenever I want. That should be your main thought, shouldn’t it?”
Johnny could only nod, almost completely gone. He didn't have to speak or even try to. You could feel it in the way his hole tried to clench around your cock, but also because of his special spot that you intentionally penetrated whenever you pulled out and pushed in again.
As you lazily fucked into your lovely, wet toy, Reed's eyes were glued to the point where the two of you collided. Looking over at him, you winked, only for you to suddenly start to fuck your toy like a machine. You rammed into him like there was no tomorrow. For minutes you fucked like this. You just wanted to finally cum and start the next phase of your plan.
Feeling your balls tighten, you prepared yourself for the orgasm of your life as beads of sweat streamed down your face. All too suddenly, as you prepared, your body couldn't take it anymore. Pumping like a fountain, you filled the delicious hole around your hard cock. Your lips between your teeth, you tried to stifle your moans even though your eyes were already rolled back in your head, only for it to escape muffled and broken.
It took a while before your body stopped spasming, but as it did, you fell onto Johnny’s back, and with him together, you fell to the bed, almost entirely hiding the once exceedingly muscular man. He was still muscular but not as big anymore, but still nicely tight and juicy.
Still breathing heavily, your eyes slowly wander to the first man you wanted in your bed. “Reed, come over here!” You ordered him.
For a moment, nothing happened. Your eyes were on the doctor the whole time. In his eyes, resistance. You mockingly straighten your back and painfully slowly pull your big cock out of the loose hole. Johnny moaned so deliciously. But as soon as your cock was out, he started whining like the slut he had become, thanks to your guiding hand.
You slid off the bed and stood strong and tall in front of the doctor. His eyes focused on both the giant cock hanging between your legs and your cum flowing out of Johnny's tight little ass.
As you walked around the chair Reed sat in, you crouched behind him. One of your arms wrapped around his neck.
“I’m sure Johnny would love it if a talented tongue fucked his ass and helped him get all the fluid out of him,” you whispered softly in his ear, sending shivers down his body, “And if Johnny is happy with you, I’m sure he’d love another cock in him too.”
It didn't take long to feel the resolve breaking in the handsome older doctor. But when he got up, you had to stop him from falling back and even help him walk over. All that confidence he showed before was gone. He was butter in your hands.
Not so secretly, you felt his ass up, groaning internally, only wanting to show him that the two of you could have been a couple all along by showing that you were the man from the start. But you had to be careful not to overwhelm him.
But to your utter surprise, he was already spreading Johnny's butt cheeks as his hands touched the soft bed, giving you a pang of jealousy. You watch with fiery rage as Reed dives in without a second thought, licking Johnny's loose hole and fucking him with his long tongue. But worse? It sounded like his tongue was more talented than yours because Johnny almost screamed with overwhelming arousal. You watch, steaming with anger, standing next to it. The only reassurance was Johnny moaning your name, but that didn't help much.
It was hard to contain your anger because you didn't want to let Reed slip through your hands again.
So you watched Johnny lose his mind as Reed fucked his smooth ass with his long, pointy tongue. Again and again. Realizing that Reed's face and mouth were filled with your potent cum, pure satisfaction came over you, so hard that it was almost too much for you.
It brought a sly smile to your face and new blood pressure to your cock. It wasn't the scene itself, though. You had long since lost the ability to appreciate other people having sex. For this reason, you take every opportunity to empty your balls several times a day, and because, since you got your powers, you produce cum at an extreme level, so much so that you would probably never run out, even if you fuck a hundred holes a day.
You were only absent for a moment, but when you returned, Reed already had his cock between Johhny's cheeks. He moved his cock back and forth in between them as his precum smeared his already wet hole.
You gently place one of your large hands on the doctor's ass and lean against him.
“I allow you to fuck him.”
As you told him this, he stared deeply into your eyes, and without looking down, he slid into the ass in front of him - Johnny's hole was loose enough - but to Reed's surprise, he fell onto the younger man's back as his cock completely disappeared into his hole with ease. 
“Fuck!“ Reed moans loudly.
“I have never heard such dirty words from you. I like it!” you whispered seductively. You were so close to him, one of your knees on the bed between his legs, as you leaned down to his ear. 
Meanwhile, with the hand still on his ass, you began kneading it more and more aggressively, sending immense pleasure through you.
Reed was so overwhelmed that he didn't move since his cock disappeared into Johnny's ass.
“Come on, fuck him before the bitch starts whining again!”
It was hard for the older doctor to push himself up or move, but with a little help from you, he got to a point where he could slowly fuck the hole that seemed to be aggressively sucking him in.
His slow movements quickly became faster and harder. You knew this was the right moment to do what you had planned. As you whisper encouraging words in the doctor's ear, you also slide your other hand down his muscular back, down to his butt, and even through his crack.
Reed shuddered under your touch and immediately turned his head towards you.
“Shhh... shhh... shhh, everything is fine. You finally put your cock in Johnny's sweet hole, remember? We both know how much you wanted to fuck him even when you were married to his sister, so enjoy it now, okay?”
It wasn't a question. But he still wanted to argue. So you had no choice. You took both hands from his ass, cupped his face, and kissed him. Not just any kiss, but one that undoubtedly showed him who was in charge in this relationship.
When you parted, you could see Reed's eyes unfocused, drunk with all the pleasure he was feeling, almost as helpless as Johnny whenever he saw you.
“Now enjoy your victory,” you said to him.
He finally let himself do what he always wanted without any further inhibitions. He began to brutally fuck the young man, finally receiving the loud moans he had always dreamed of.
But you? You became angrier than ever when you heard Johnny moaning for anyone but you, even if it was your name that fell from his sinful lips. Even though that was always your plan, you couldn't stop yourself from getting furious.
So after you pulled Reed into another kiss, this time he had a submissive attitude towards you, which tempered your pride a bit. Not enough to dissuade you from your new plan, though.
The kiss only lasted a moment before you pushed his face forward again.
Immediately after, you trailed kisses from his neck to his ribs, down to the mountain of an ass he had hidden for so long. You couldn't resist any longer and bit into the smooth, warm flesh. A sudden loud moan erupted from the endless groans coming from Reed's soft lips.
You took it as an invitation. You dove in nose first and licked his sweet, tight hole with your big tongue. But what shocked you was that it was sparkling clean. There wasn't even the slightest smell of anything unpleasant. Did he wash there? Did he go further? You would only find out if you go deeper.
You did this by pushing the tip of your tongue through the confinement. Not only did it feel washed, but it also tasted sweet. Either he planned this, or he's just a clean freak. The latter felt more like Reed.
Soon you pulled the tip back out and marveled at the roundness of the ass you had wanted to fuck for years. You can finally break him down, showing him where he truly belongs, and this time, you won't let him get away! Even if he started fighting, it would be too late by now.
As you slapped his ass cheeks pretty hard, he groaned loudly and pushed himself deeper into your toy. Johnny, by extension, also moaned louder as Reed's cock plunged deeper into his bowels, molted by your massive cock.
You enjoyed kneading his ass since it was big, he obviously, he had been training it for a while.
Your eyes never left his hole. You massaged it with your thumb, trying to get in, but he was too tight. You didn't have the patience to open it slowly. Anger still boiling in your stomach.
But you didn't want to break him either because he needed to enjoy his first time and remember who had taken away his last innocence. He had to become addicted to your touch, and by God, you will do whatever it takes to force him to worship you.
Even though your anger was dangerously close to wanting to kill the entire city, you went back in, tongued his hole, licking it and plunging deeper and deeper into him, lubricating it until you could finally push your index finger slowly in. As soon as the tip of your finger released the tightness, an airy moan escaped Reed's open mouth. You began to watch his face as he looked back, his eyes shining.
One of his hands ran through your hair, holding you lightly in place and wordlessly telling you not to stop. You grinned widely, knowing you had him where you wanted him.
You stuck a second finger in him and a third a few minutes later, searching for something with your middle finger, and soon you found what you were looking for. With a few masterful thrusts of your finger against his prostate and a few strokes of his cock inside Johnny, Reed poured his seed into Johnny, moaning like a slut. His hole was shaking, as was his whole body.
Seeing him completely fall apart, falling onto Johnny's back, made your cock hard like never before.
Before you knew it, you had jumped up and positioned yourself over Reed, who was still trying to catch his breath with your cock in your hand. You couldn't hold back any longer. You had your first taste of him. And now you need to have the whole meal before you go insane!
Without a second thought, you held your cock head against his too-tight hole. He wasn't properly prepared, but you didn't care. After all, he needed to be punished after you had to work so hard to get him into your bed!
You placed one of your hands on his back and pushed him and Johnny harder into the bed. So he couldn't escape when you finally broke him in.
You slide your cock head over his hole a few times, smearing your pre-cum over it, hopefully making it a little more slippery.
You gripped your cock tighter and pressed it harder against Reed's tightness. But you didn't break through. Annoyed by the situation, you applied even more pressure. You didn't even care about the strange noises coming from Reed. His face was hidden by Johnny's back anyway.
You pressed and pressed, but the first ring wasn't budging. Your tip was seemingly just too large. Stopping your aggressive attempts to break him in, you leaned back for a second, thinking of another way to get what you wanted. Only to suddenly lose your balance and barely be able to hold yourself upward by putting your other hand on Reed's back before crashing onto it.
Confused, you looked around for the reason for your sudden movement. You didn't even realize your tip had broken through Reed's rings of muscle, opening up a new world and meaning of tightness. But how could it be that you didn't feel it right away? Now that you were aware of it, you could feel the extreme tightness and heat, but it should have invaded your mind and rendered you unable to think clearly.
All thoughts vanished from your mind as you could feel Reed's heat sucking you in deeper. “Fuck it,” you thought to yourself as you violently bottomed out.
With your entire massive cock now buried deep in Reed's ass, you had to stop for a second and calm yourself from immediately cumming deep into his bowels. But his obscene moans made it almost impossible for you. You've never broken into such a tight hole before. Not even Johnny's, since you prepared him well.
The thing was, though, Reed apparently loved it too because there wasn't the slightest discomfort in his moans, just pure pleasure.
You exhaled sharply, the air tickling Reed’s skin. It elicited another moan from him.
As you looked down at the slutty, moaning doctor, you couldn't take it anymore. With aggressive thrusts, you pull your cock almost all the way out and ram it back in even harder. Their smooth, rough rhythm, which seemed endless, was so fast that you wondered how you kept it up for even a minute.
You started fucking him like a beast, getting more brutal with every passing moment. Both of your hands dug deep into his waist as you held him right there. His entire upper body swayed in all directions. Whenever you saw his face, it was relaxed, his eyes glossy with passion.
He looked almost as good as Johnny. But somehow, the magical feeling you once had was no longer there. The thrill of dating another man similar to you was gone now that Reed was broken, shaking, and drooling under your statue, impaled by your dominating cock.
That doesn't mean you hated it. It was all different now. Almost the way you felt with Johnny. Like he became your toy. Your toy. But Johnny was already your boy, your stress reliever. You would protect him from everything and everyone. But what exactly would Reed be?
You didn't have to think about it for long. You felt the same way about Reed. After all, his previous strong, dominant exterior had crumbled, revealing what he always was: a slut. A hole only you can use!
Your body became damp because you couldn't stop fucking the man you always wanted to be with. And now he wasn't the only one.
When you think of Johnny, your eyes suddenly dart over to him. His eyes were barely open, a wide grin on his face. You pulled one of your hands away from Reed's waist and gently caressed Johnny's cheek. He immediately went into the warm, familiar touch. It made your heart beat faster.
Suddenly the image of Johnny and Reed kneeling side by side in front of you, wearing jockstraps and enjoying the taste of your cock, came to mind.
That was too much for you. With an animalistic groan, you cummed into Reed's bowels. Pump after pump, you shot into him, marking him as yours, just as it always should have been.
Out of sheer exhaustion, you fell onto his back and pushed Johnny even deeper into the mattress than he already was.
“Shit!” you muttered, excited for what the future would bring you. After all, you already have two sluts who will surely do anything to get your attention.
Reed and you were breathing heavily. The whole time, Johnny just smiled. When you placed your hand between Johnny and Reed, exhausted but curious, all you could feel was hot cum between them. You must have pulled Reed's cock out of Johnny's wide-open hole, and he came again.
You chuckled and pushed yourself off Reed, almost crawling out of bed because the exhaustion was deep in your bones. You stretched a little while standing. Prepare to teleport all three of you back to your apartment.
That was until a sudden dizziness hit you, and you swayed from side to side.
“Shit,” you mutter under your breath, “Not now!”
But before you could even try to steady yourself, you fell to the ground, the world spinning faster and faster until you fell unconscious.
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supercap2319 · 1 year
"He's a virgin?!" Johnny asked and laughed at the same time.
Susan 'Sue' Storm-Richards looked at her younger brother, Jonathan 'Johnny' Storm. A visible frown on her features. She moves a strand of hair out of her face and huffed. "It's not funny, Johnny. I think it's sweet that Y/N hasn't had sex yet. You could learn a thing or two from him."
"Or he could learn a thing from me." He grinned. "Like how to suck my dic—"
"Don't even think about it, Johnny. He's a nice guy and I don't want you trying to get into his pants. I mean it." Susan warned.
"Yeah, yeah." The Human torch waved her off.
Susan rolled her eyes and left the room as Johnny grinned, putting on some black shades on his face as he chuckled. Y/N would be his greatest conquest yet. A virgin. He hasn't had one of those in a while, especially a male. "Flame on!" His whole body erupted in flames as he flew out of the room and out the window towards Y/N's house.
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fandomnerd9602 · 2 months
Jane Storm(genderbent Johnny Storm) x Male!Reader
Jane slides up to Y/N…
Jane: hey hot stuff
Y/N: hey Jane
Jane: is it hot in here or is it you?
Y/N: I’m pretty sure it’s you
Jane: aww you say the sweetest things
Y/N: your internal temperature is rising. You are hot
Jane: thank you. So are you (winks)
She strips off her jacket and goes to lounge on the nearby couch…
Jane: why don’t you come over here and cool me off?
Y/N gets up and quickly joins her on the couch…
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Fan cast: Grace Van Dien as Jane Storm / Human Torch
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mychemicalbarrett · 3 months
Hiii! Could you maybe write a gerard x male reader fic where gerard is just rambling about comics and basically just geeking out while the reader is just listening to him??
ABSOLUTELY!! Luckily my dad's a comic book nerd so I know a bit about comics. Definitely not a lot though.
Infodumping || Gerard Way x m!reader
Tw// none
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"So, the first Marvel branded comic was technically a Human Torch comic!" Gerard said, sitting on his bed facing (Y/n) with a huge grin on his face.
"Really? I would've expected it to be Spiderman or something." (Y/n) giggled at how cute his partner was, info dumping about comic books. He didn't particularly love comic books, but he certainly loved his partner. And seeing Gerard this happy made his heart nearly explode.
"I know, right! Spiderman didn't debut for another year! Marvel became officially Marvel in 1961, and Spiderman became... Spiderman in 1962."
Gerard got off his bed to go grab some of his comics. "This is one of the first comics Spiderman was ever in," he handed the comic to (Y/n), who skimmed through the pages. "...I've drawn some of the pages if you want to see."
(Y/n) nodded. "Oh, absolutely, Gee."
Gerard put the rest of the comics he was holding down and grabbed one of his sketchbooks. "See? I didn't get the hands exactly right, though."
"I think it's wonderful!"
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what-big-teeth · 1 year
Unearthed (Male Dragon Boyfriend x GN Reader)
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Note: GN = gender-neutral
With some magick and a bit of luck, your family has lived comfortably for generations, serving as guides for numerous travelers the realm over. But the truth behind your inherited life lies under your feet, waiting to be found…
The weather was promising, as the year’s almanac assured. No need to pack more than just the essentials this time around. A readied torch, rations, directional markers—
“Hail, friend!”
Your eyes met the statuesque figure approaching you with a wave. Bronze skin glowed around a bright smile as he adjusted his bow sling. It was your temporary employer. You returned the gesture with a pleasant smile and focused on your pack again.
“Was the tavern to everyone’s liking?” you asked.
“Very much so! The food and drink reminded us of home, even though we’re all from different parts of the realm.”
“I’m glad to hear that.” 
With one last nod to yourself, you closed the flap of your pack and stood. 
“Can I ask more about your group’s mission? You mentioned something about the Duke of Rapan in your letter…”
“Milord asked for a general survey of his lands. To learn of any new going-ons from the last venture.” 
“N’ that better include some valuables for the takin’, Lockon!”
And on that boisterous note: you watched as the rest of Lockon’s teammates approached. A female elf with pale skin, two other humans with deep brown complexions (the married couple, you recalled), and one gnome, none other than—
“Bradrol the Breaker has never returned home empty-handed! This guide better be worth their damn weight in gold!”
Lockon flashed you an apologetic smile then turned to his comrades. As he calmed the others with gentle reminders to focus, you slung your bag onto your back. He wasn’t the first loudmouth traveler you’ve dealt with and he wouldn’t be the last.
“Apologies for the delay, friend.” Lockon stepped forward towards you, assuming his leadership position. “We are ready when you are.”
You nodded, letting your eyes scan over each person.
“As Lockon has told you, the Labyrinthine Path is the only way to press forward. But as the name implies, there’s more than one path. Some are viable, some aren’t. And all paths grow more confusing over time. It’ll be my job to guide you without incident, just like my relatives have done for many others numerous times before.”
“So ya say,” Bradrol chimed in. He tugged at his wiry, red beard. “None ‘a my dwarven contacts ever heard ‘a your folks. Favager…kinda family name is that?”
“Bradrol…” Lockon began; he was quickly ignored.
“Where’s ya proof?”
Gods above if this wasn’t your favorite part of your job. Reaching into your tunic’s breast pocket, you pulled out a small, intricately cut gem. Sending a frisson of magick into the stone came naturally to you.  
A projected image of the reigning queen forced Bradrol’s mouth closed with a sharp click. The way his face reddened and his eyes twitched as her undeniable penmanship praised and heralded her approval of your family’s profession was a lovely bonus, too.
“Do you have any other concerns, sir?” you ask.
There was no reply. You smiled beatifically. 
“Shall we begin our trip?”
Once Lockon agreed, you began leading the way.
The trip past the massive entrance and into the tunnel system fared well, as the others did before. Following the magicked pigments, the signs only you could find, left behind by your ancestors was simple in task. When it came to the happenings further inside, however… 
You’d never seen one man look so utterly embarrassed…and near ready to kill another. Lockon did everything in his power to keep Bradrol under control. Bribery, power dynamics, begging. But every attempt was met with arguments, snide remarks, and blatant stares of hostility. The latter was aimed at you, mostly. He was probably still sore about the queen’s praise and all. Somehow, perhaps through the gods’ grace, your group pushed forward over the next two days; sleep was quick to claim the shorter traveler due to his excessive doings, allotting everyone else a needed break. 
Apologies from the others filled your ears as pallets were unfurled and the campfire was snuffed out. You accepted each one, all while assuring the group you’d dealt with worse before. Still, Lockon’s offer to increase the amount of gold owed you was tempting. You wanted to sleep on the proposal, maybe see if Bradrol would let up since the exit was so close at hand. Or rather, you would have, if not for the strange, muffled clang needling your ears. 
With the embers of the campfire having died out, you gathered just a bit of magick into your fingertips. As the shape you wished took form mentally, the energy reflected your desire. Wisps of light curled into little glowing motes in your palm. All were large enough to illuminate but not so harsh as to wake the others. With the stealth gained from traversing this dangerous trail, you followed the sound until you found its source. A sharp heat bubbled up to a boil inside your body.
“What in the seven hells are you doing?!” you hissed.
Bradrol blatantly ignored you, continuing to chip at the very unstable wall in front of him. Tantrums and childishness you could handle; blatant disregard for safety you could not. The well of magick inside you flooded your body, coursing through your veins and over your skin, charged, until it released from your opposite, pointed finger. A bolt of energy flew at Bradrol, barely missing his cheek to strike his small pickaxe. With a yowl, he dropped the tool, now glowing red-hot and sizzling. He quickly stuffed his fingertips into his mouth.
“Ya owe me a new pick, ya brat!”
“Shut it! If you’d kept chipping away at that wall, you’d soon be trapped under boulders and rubble. And who knows how long it’d take to get your sorry ass out!”
“Bah! Just an excuse to hoard away all the gold! Guide my ass,” he said, standing up. “Everyone knows there’s treasure somewhere in this damned maze. And your family knows where it is!”  
“I thought you didn’t give a damn about my family! And there is no gold, you fool!” 
“A likely story, brat!” He reached down, grabbed a standard pickaxe, and hefted it high. “Now tell me where it is ‘fore I start swingin’!”
He froze, the fire in his eyes dying until nothing was left. Lockon slowly yet steadily closed the space separating the gnome and himself, anger gouging his face.
“I’ve given you courtesy enough, old friend. The Duke will hear about this and any punishment he deems worthy I will support. Completely.”
“But Lock—”
“Enough. Head back to camp. Now.”
With one last huff, Bradrol relented. Lockon heaved a deep sigh, pinching the bridge of his wide nose. 
“How much?” he asked.
You lifted your mote-filled hand to assess the damage. Chips and cracks riddled the uneven stone, many which could grow with time given any minor shifts or drastic weather changes. 
“It wouldn’t be enough,” you said. 
“Still, you’ll be doubly compensated. I’ll ensure it. And my apologies again, friend. Shall we?”
With a shake of your head, you led the way back to camp. 
The final day was blessedly uneventful. Lockon paid you double the original amount without issue. As you accepted the sack of gold coins, he stated loudly and clearly that any additional funds would be earned through odd jobs. Many, which he implied, would be done by the most boisterous of the group. Giving their thanks and farewells, Lockon’s band ventured forward, leaving you to return the way you came.
The morning sun shone from just above the horizon in a sky unmarred by cloud cover. A welcomed sight, but you couldn’t enjoy it fully. Bradrol’s mining attempts needed a deeper assessment.
Traveling the Labyrinthine Path alone had its perks. You intimately knew how much your body could stand when undertaking large distances. And the few shortcuts you memorized, ones you rarely shared with other travelers for safety’s sake, recouped enough time for you to arrive home early. This time depended on what could be done by the unexpected damage glaring back at you.
Your innate sense of timekeeping estimated it to be midday. Early enough that hunger would resurface soon, but far off to not be an immediate concern. Just enough to see and decide. 
The deep breaks in the tunnel wall and floor had spread as you feared. Simple pocks and breaks in the stone now gave way to thin, long cracks; even down onto the tunnel floor. The integrity of this area was horribly compromised with no way to repair it. Brilliant magickians your ancestors were, but their talents lied mostly in specially coded directions and signs. 
You clicked your tongue, ignoring the bitter twinge skirting the back of your mouth. A quick, viable path was now lost to future customers lost thanks to one self-assured idiot. You edged closer to the damage. You’d have to add a new magically imbued marker and update the family’s maps, but for now, all you could do was—
You were falling before you could even react. Your backside collided with rough, slanted stone; you yelped. It acted as a slide, funneling you down deeper. Stale air whipped at your face. You tried to dig your heels into the stone to no avail. Down, down, down until your back slammed into icy wetness. Your addled mind drudged up the word “water” just as your body started to sink…
Your eyes flew open. 
Deep warmth and calming darkness greeted you instead of drowned clothes and rushing water. And, even stranger, you felt comfortable, as if you belonged where you were. But that shouldn’t have been possible. So how…?
“Finally awake, are we?”
You froze. The voice echoing in the cavern was much too deep, too powerful to belong to a human, let alone another humanoid. But a creature…
Something right next to you breathed audibly. Yawned, actually. Tendrils of golden light lit up the darkness above your head and illuminated the pitch black, scaled leg cradling your body in its bend. The razor, white claws attached to the massive trunk scratched at the ground, chipping away at stone. Why were they so sharp?
“Prior maintenance, mainly. And my kind’s hibernation can be useful when necessary.”
“...Did I say that outloud?”
The creature beside (on was it below?) you hummed, low and deep.
“I certainly didn’t read your mind if that helps.”
“Ah,” you breathed. You focused on your pulse attempting to leap from your throat. Breathed in for four counts then out four more. Peered out into the lit surroundings, filled with piles of gold, silver, copper. Towering stacks of jewels and gems, sprawling numerous tomes and scrolls; sumptuous undefiled silks… Gods be damned.
“The bastard was right.”
“As cute as you are, I was hoping for a more riveting, eye-to-eye conversation. It’s the least you can do since I fished you out of the lake.”
You swallowed your fear and gingerly sat up. No aches or pains; not even a single sign of a scrape. Magickal healing, perhaps? You weren’t sure and you didn’t know if your rattled mind could handle any more surprises. Shuffling your body, you turned to face your rescuer. Molten gold met your gaze straight on, the centered slits widening slightly. The same pitch-black scales covered his entire body, save for the brilliant ivory horns adorning his reptilian head and the folded wings resting against his back.
A dragon. You were staring a living, breathing dragon right in the face.
His regal bearings faded when he grinned to reveal large, sharp teeth.
“Hello there.”
“Um, hi.” Do not freeze in front of the dragon, do not freeze… “Have you seen my pack?”
He paused. Breathed deeply then snorted. He burst out laughing, his head rearing back bit by bit. The noise alone shook the cavern. You climbed to your feet to stand on shaky legs then continued (massive predator before you be damned).
“It’s very important! All of my supplies are in there! My magickal pigments are useless if they get wet…a-and the torch! Do you know how much I had to spend on getting the right oil to prepare it?!” 
Instead of relaxing in the comfort of your home, here you were: squawking up a storm instead of talking. But at least your fear was slowly subsiding. As fierce and massive as he was, this dragon hadn’t tried to harm you. So far, so good. With one last long heaved sigh, his maw clicked shut.
“I haven’t laughed like that in centuries,” he said. “But yes, little traveler, your items are here and unharmed. But in return for their location, may I know your name?”
You told him, sighing out one last calming breath and brushing gravel dust from your shoulders. The rest would have to wait until a proper bath. He repeated your name, and it sounded as if he were savoring each syllable. Best not to think about that now; your mind was still working to understand the circumstances so far. 
“I am called Masin. And this place…let us call it my temporary abode.”
From what few records you came across concerning dragons, they preferred to claim and stay in one place. Moving was rarely an option, if ever.
“Not permanent?” you hedged. “Even with your hoard here? Unless there’s more than one…”
The last bit was a muttered thought, but Masin’s snout edged closer to you. What a heavy stare to have focused directly on you.
“This is it,” he said plainly. “The only so-called ‘hoard’ I possess, locked away here.” 
Like you? Was the unspoken question. You shook your head to rid yourself of the thought. 
“Thank you,” you said, instead. You honestly meant to express true gratitude and hope he heard it.  “For your help.” 
No reply. Not surprising since you were trespassing in some way. You quickly inquired about your pack’s location. Hunger was gnawing at your body and jumbling whatever coherence you still had. He directed you to its general location with a pointed claw. As promised, your supplies were completely intact. But the leather bag itself would need replacing sooner than later. And did you even have enough pigment to note all of this for future generational knowledge? Probably not. Yet another issue to tackle in the days to come. For now, your stomach needed quelling.
But leave it to your past self to want a ‘treat’ during another guiding job. Your pre-made rations would stretch best with the aid of a stoked campfire. However…
“Is there…” You licked your dry lips and commanded the knot in your stomach to loosen. “Is there somewhere I can safely build a small fire? Maybe with some kindling around here?”
Masin yawned massively and flicked the tip of his tail at one of the massive, sprawling piles off to the side. Lots of parchments and papers; that looked promising. Nearing closer, your eyes scanned over a series of sealed, massive scrolls, tomes, journals, ledgers (?). All of it was haphazardly thrown together and towered over you. But from your vantage point, not a bit of rot or age stained the seemingly-new parchment. That wasn’t impossible; just very improbable. Time and age ravaged many things…save for those affected by magick. 
“Is something wrong?” 
Your fingers reached out to touch the pile but stopped short. Right, your tinderbox….
“Just how old are these?” you asked, rummaging through your pack.
Masin huffed out a golden plume of warm air. You were fairly sure a muted chuckle was hidden beneath the action.
“Younger than me, but old enough to lose my interest. They’re little more than tinder to me. So go on.”
You held your flint and firesteel in hand, but didn’t stoop down to continue.
“This feels sacrilegious.” 
A quick glance over your shoulder found Masin grinning.
“An astute observation. They’re religious scriptures,” he says. “From the Neo-Eredian Period…give or take a millennium? They were never meant to end up in my grasp, if I remember correctly. But an offering is an offering.”
“I’m about to destroy lost, historical artifacts?!”
“Either that or let your adorable self starve. Which would be both a shame and a waste, in my opinion. But the choice is yours.”
Heat flooded your face as your shoulders lifted, horribly stiff. 
“S-seriously? We literally just met!”
“And yet I speak the truth. Which is best due to our respective situations, yes? By the way, if you need aid staying warm—”
The sparks from your toolset couldn’t work fast enough. Which is stupid, because they did so wonderfully earlier. Eventually, the sparks caught onto the small pile of paper you gathered and carefully arranged for maximum control. Blessedly, as you heated up your rations, Masin remained quiet. But you felt his weighty gaze on your back. It added more heat to the fire crackling before you, surrounding you completely. 
Warmed food in hand and your canteen at your side, you turned towards Masin. He held your gaze, having seemingly shifted and craned his neck around to watch you earlier. 
“So,” you began. “I’m…not meant to be here. Or rather, I’m not meant to be in this part of the tunnel system. I didn’t even know it existed. All of this is new to me.”
“As it is for me.” Masin curled his tail around his body. “I didn’t want to be trapped here, yet I was. Waking up here wasn’t part of my original plans, either. And I assume a great deal of time has passed since I fell asleep?”
No hints of joking or teasing; that was good. You provided the day, month and year for reference. Without warning, Masin’s front claws gouged the ground as if it were paper. You flinched. With a low, long growl, he relaxed and released the chunks of earth he held.
“My apologies. It seems I was asleep much longer than originally thought.” His line of sight dipped down, breaking his focus on you. “How much things have changed…it’s unfathomable.”
“Then how about a trade?” You honestly weren’t sure if this idea would work, but being stuck with no one coming to your aid, what did you have to lose? Living alone was the main risk of your inherited job, one your late parents always reminded you of. “In return for trespassing and using your space, I can tell you about the world outside. And maybe, if what I say is interesting enough, then we could go?”
You nibbled at your food as Masin’s gaze fell onto you again. Took a sip of fresh water, realizing just how parched your throat was. If this cavern wasn’t his true dwelling, then maybe he’d be interested in finding his true home.
“Interesting as you are charming,” he said. “I agree. However, you need to rest and I need to fully awaken. When we meet in the middle, let’s see what the future holds.”
You nodded, blaming the fire behind you for the excessive heat.. 
With your hunger and thirst dealt with, you settled in with some reading while Masin dozed. The scrolls you spared from becoming kindle were very interesting. The offered dogma explained some of the realm’s current religious trends and beliefs, but not all. You’d probably have to dig deeper into the mountain of documents to gain more historical context. But you were much too tired for that and had your fair share of safety hazards for the day. A post-lunchtime nap sounded amazing, honestly. But first, the proposed trade.
“Are there any questions I can answer for you?”
One of Masin’s eyes slowly blinked open. 
“Are dragons still common? Have any others been spotted?”
Quick and right to the point, unfortunately. But not surprising, if your assumption about this place being his prison was correct.
“No, they aren’t. And there hasn’t been any word of any others like you.”
That bleary stare shifted off to the side as a strange groan emanated from his chest. It sounded somewhat sad.
“But honestly,” you continued, “they could be hidden away from sight, like you were.”
Even with the numerous shadows flooding the space, you caught the edges of Masin’s mouth lifting slightly.
“A fair guess, one that may be true.”
And that’s how you and Masin began spending your time together: sharing stories and mentions of the similarities between the two different worlds you inhabited. At times, Masin would thank you by explaining the place and lands of origin concerning his hoard. Yet once, only once, he called the many riches “offerings”. You tucked that piece of information into the back of your mind. 
Nighttime fell, at least according to your body and its growing sluggishness. At Masin’s encouragement, you created a bed from the numerous silks and fabrics gathered in the cave. It was ridiculously soft from the feel alone, and therefore, costly; maybe more than the Queen’s entire treasure trove. As you settled in, you managed to wrap up your story for the night.
“...That’s only the summary of the royal family’s lineage, though. There might be better documents I can borrow later to show you, if you want.”
“My own personal, cute historian. An intriguing idea,” he hummed.
You rolled your eyes, not minding the slight tingle that swept across your face and neck. That was a first.
“I’ll think about it,” he finally said.
The last thing you heard before falling into slumber was Masim gently bidding you a good night’s rest, a greeting you returned. 
The following day, since you first met him, Masim stood up. He stretched out his limbs as you finished up your lunch, releasing a series of thunderous pops and cracks. The results of literal fatigue for a thousand years, according to him. You grinned.
“Since you’re more awake, are you up for another story? Or maybe more questions?”
“Not now,” he said. “But I am feeling hungry.”
“And that’s good, right?” No matter how much you inquired, Masin didn’t divulge much about draconic biology. Only the bare minimum. Mainly how he was warm-bodied, what determined the coloration of his scales; things like that. The rest, to your disappointment, he kept to himself. 
“Yes. It means my body is finally catching up with my awakened mind. We may be leaving soon enough, after I fill my belly with fish.”
“Good hunting, then,” you bid. 
Masin stalked away with a strange grace to his movements further from your shared space. Your own hunger was sated, but you were now alone and there wasn’t much to do to pass the time. You could check out the various piles of “offerings” dotting the areas. The tomes hadn’t been disturbed, and you could find a cozy spot to settle in. Everything about this space just felt calming.
Comfortable, as if you belonged. 
With Masin gone, the remnants of magick you felt remained. Originally, you believed he was the source as you woke up without any injury, thanks to him. Because the many items in his hoard were free of any decay or rot. But Masin’s magic only extended to those riches; the sensation his personal magick gave off felt entirely different. For the first time since you’ve been inside this deep cave, now that his body was no longer blocking the area, you looked down.
Dulled, yet colored pigment stared back at you. An intricately mesh or reds, yellows, blues, greens, whites! And stemming from the pigments as they all harmonized to seize hold lull sedate sleep. This was your family’s innate magick. The way the intricacies from the spell sang to your blood, coaxing it to flourish, and how it in turn did so was proof. So was your body healing from its fall into the lake. Family ties through magick ran deep; all users worth their power knew that. 
Your want to explore the rest of the cavern swiftly faded into nothingness.
When Masin returned, his black scales glittered from the water clinging to his body. The few campfires you made earlier to better illuminate the area proved that true. 
“...What is this?” Your voice sounded so weak, much to your growing anger.
“You know of your family’s magick, don’t you?”
“Not that, damnit! “The ‘offerings’, you being trapped here, you being asleep for so long! You wanting to know more about the outside world but not saying anything about you being here! You’re hiding something and it involves me!” You swallowed around the ragged breaths your lungs managed to pull in. “ Masin…please tell me what’s happening.”
Instead of going back to where he once lay, Masin sat down before you. Leaving the magickal array out in the open.
“As you wish.” His gaze fell down to the array that separated the two of you.
“With luck and time, certain lineages can last thousands of years down the line. You’re proof of that. But you’re not the first of your line I’ve met. A thousand years ago, there were two others. A pair of brothers. The notion that we dragons were considered living gods never sat well with them. How easily followers divested themselves of their personal riches in hopes of receiving luck, love, fertility, good crops, and many more things. 
“The final offense for your ancestors was losing everything, as they angrily informed me. Their homes, their families, their riches—all these things they refused to forfeit as offerings were forcibly taken from them without warning. Mind you, my kind never condoned murder or thievery.”
“But you didn’t stop the offerings before it got to that point, did you?”
A tense silence.
“No…I didn’t. When power is given freely, it is difficult to cast aside. I understand that now.”
A part of you noted how sincere Masin sounded. Another, questioned how a thousand-year-long sleep could do just that. You quickly regained your focus.
“Keep going, then.”
“As a result, the families of the brothers were given to me as gruesome, unwanted sacrifices. I won’t…divulge the details. Just know this final offense spurred the brothers to act. Together, they vanished from the land only to return years later wielding a new magic they carefully developed. They used it to lure me here, deep into the tunnels, and sealed me inside. 
“To keep myself from aging, I forced myself into a deep magickal hibernation, unaware of how long I would have to sleep. That same magick I cast, it would seem, affected my immediate surroundings. The rest from that point onward is unknown to me.”
Your mind swiftly filled in the blanks from there. One of the brothers moved on and re-wed, beginning a new familial line. From there, your family’s detailed history helpfully provided the rest. Someone of that line returned to these lands, supposedly to use their magicks to aid travelers through the dangerous Labyrinthine Path. But in reality, it was to keep Masin locked away. To ensure he remained trapped deep beneath the earth. 
Yet down the road, thanks to mishearings and misunderstandings, somehow, the lie became the truth. And Masin was left to be forgotten and cast away with the other myths of the realm. Until now.
You stared at the magickal array sitting before your feet. Dulled as it was, it was still there, doing its job. But magick could decay with time if it fought against another type of magick. Masin’s own magic. If he tried, Masin probably wouldn’t be able to leave, even if he wanted to. But by having a descendant of his captors from so long ago…
“So was it all a lie, then?” A searing, fissure of heat flooded your body. “Once you had a once-in-a-lifetime chance, you decided to take it so you could be freed?!”
“Not at all.”
Masin said this with no hesitation, no signs of playfulness. This was probably the most serious you had seen him.
“Sorry, but I’m having a hard time believing that. Even if you are telling the truth.”
“Then allow me to prove myself for however long it takes. Let me start anew. No more secrets, no more omissions.”
You held back a bark of bitter laughter. But it was aimed at yourself, not Masin. Because as stern you needed to be for your livelihood to be successful…now, you felt yourself going soft before this massive, living myth. All because of a few heartfelt words and the truth. 
…Gods damnit all. You shook your head, ignoring the sharp inhale coming from across the way.
“Your nature as a dragon isn’t something that can be hidden so easily. Unless there’s something you can do about that.”
“Once I’m freed, it will be dealt with. I assure you.”
You slowly sat down before the array and crossed your legs. 
“I don’t suppose you have a knife in that hoard, do you?”
Instead of replying, Masin moved. He deftly leapt over you and the array. You watched as his claws stabbed int the piles of the jewels and gems. As he rifled through the wealth, coins, gems, and other valuable items flew through the air to dot the area. Some were even flung into the campfires you’d made over time for lumination. But Masin made no attempt to save them, leaving them to their fates. 
With a new mess spread around the cavern, Masin returned to your side and presented you with an ornate dagger. You took it and examined the fingers of your opposite hand. Masin quietly called out to you, but you shook your head.
“It’s alright. I just have to pick the lesser of the most annoying fingers and…!”
Carefully, slowly, you pricked the tip of your chosen finger, hissing. As a bead of blood welled up, you held your outstretched hand over the array with the injury facing down. 
“Blood calls to blood and magick to magick,” you said. “It’s part of what saved me, alongside you. With the right command at the right time, it can be changed to perform another task. And now, because of that…”
You turned to face Masin as the array began to glow with its respective colors. You smiled up at him. 
“I get to help you.”
A bead of blood hit the array. It shattered like glass, a literal showing of just how weak the magick had grown over the years. As it faded to leave the plain ground behind, Masin gasped, huddling into himself. You shot to your feet.
“Masin! Are you okay? Can you speak?”
As Masin trembled, his form seemed so small to you. No, not seemed. It was smaller. With each passing second, the giant, regal dragon before you shrunk down to a much more familiar form. Humanoid. Deep brown skin accented with a golden undertone gleamed in the firelight. He no longer bore a tail or ivory horns, but the mass of intricate, pitch-black tiny braids brought his scales to mind. And his hands were tipped with thick, white claws. Even curled in on himself, you knew he’d tower over you if he stood to his full height. The trembling continued as you knelt down, your hands clasping at his bare shoulders. But the trembling didn’t keep your attention. It was his laughter.
Joyous, boisterous laughter filled the cavern and nearly threw you off balance. As you swayed, Masin’s muscular arms wrapped around your torso and pulled you close. 
The same golden eyes from before, just a bit muted, met yours as he grinned widely with slightly, sharpened teeth. 
“As much as I like my draconic form, this one is useful in many ways. If you’d like to later learn how—!”
You swiftly lifted a hand and muffled his next words. 
“If you have the energy to flirt, then you have the energy to walk. Let’s get going, shall we?”
But Masin’s arms didn’t budge. They actually tightened, but not enough to be painful as he whispered your name. 
“Thank you. For this second chance.”
You settled in his arms. There was something more to Masin’s statement, which remained unspoken. But it encouraged you to return his embrace all the same. 
As you worked together to emerge from your sudden entrance point, and return to the true entrance of the cavern tunnels, daylight greeted you. As you stepped forward, Masin walked beside you. 
You couldn’t wait to see how that second chance would play out in the end.
130 notes · View notes
cvlutos · 1 year
"Divine nor Forsaken" Ch.One
| 01.17.23 | 4.9 K | Rated R |
Multi-Character X GN!Reader [TWST: DEMON AU]
GENERAL LIST: | Characters 18+ | Dark Content | Yandere | War | Death | Violence | Blood | Gore | Body Mutilation | Abuse | Threats | Smut | Noncon/Dubcon | Consensual | Horror | Poly | Etc. | Proceed with Caution, Dearest. |
T.Manor.Notes: This is extreme dark content and these warnings don't apply directly to this, but overall. This list may very well grow. Please head warnings.
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| Masterlist | Male Version | Female Version |
| Overview | Ch.One | Ch.Two |
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Green flames flicker and dance wildly, uncontrolled and free.
Placed upon black metal torches with silver engravings of dragons. Small and so unnoticeable, yet each placed within the great throne room, made of obsidian and dark cobblestone with towering pillars of black marble and tall ceilings. A throne chair that sits above all others, with seven wide steps. He leans back, a bored expression upon his pale face, as a thorn crown sits upon his head. He counts the seconds, waiting for the old grand clock to chime with ancient golden bells. He can hear the turning of gears as the heavy black oak throne doors prepare to be opened. He can hear a pair of hurried footsteps. One which is anxious, while the second also hurried, yet calm, unbothered almost. The doors to the throne room creak as they open slowly on their own, which is far too slow for the impatient one of the duo so he merely pushes the doors open without issue. Just as the clock chimes. It sends a shiver down the King’s spine and seems to shake the entire castle.
Seven chimes for the seventh morning hour. The king lets out a thoughtful sigh, a mental note to have someone repair the old gifted clock. He pulls his attention from his thoughts, turning his gaze upon his two most loyal knights. Both dressed in black clothing with trims of green and buttons of silver. Yet a metallic smell radiates off them.
They just arrived back from the battlefield.
"My King—" the taller of the two knights, yet the younger of the pair, straightens his posture. Giving an impossibly deep bow that the King is sure slightly hurts. Yet trying to persuade the knight to relax within his presence always falls on deaf ears. The knight’s voice is deep and assertive, yet slightly wavers as if ashamed.
"My King." The older one bows, yet not as deep. His loyalty is unwavering, yet doesn’t need to hurt himself to prove his everlasting devotion. His voice is monotone and gives nothing away.
The king deeps his chin in acknowledgment, waving his hand for them to speak. The younger knight steps forward, with light-green hair. He clears his throat, pulling a thick piece of yellowed parchment paper from his coat. It’s most definitely a long list of all that transpired the week while they were away, and the nudge he receives from his elder gives the knight the impression to simply summarize and only tell the important parts.
"It was an ordinary week, with few incidents from the humans—" The King nods as the knight’s serious yellow-greenish eyes dance across the several pages before his brows raise slightly upon finding something. He almost hesitates and shifts in his place, before looking at the King. "We have found traces of the traitor, Dire Crowley, My King. The first and fifth armies last saw him moving to the South. While the sixth and third armies believe to have seen him head in the direction of the Ramshackles."
Dire Crowley. Ruler of the North and said to have fled amongst the first wave. Like a coward. The King hums in thought, thinking of multiple reasons as to why the traitorous crow would flee. It’s not death he fears. Yet who could know that old crow could possibly be thinking? He acts more on whims than he does on plans.
Letting a hot exhale from his nose, the King reveals nothing upon his face as he looks at the older knight with unreadable light-blue eyes that depending on the light could look light-purple. He doesn’t need papers, having oddly enough a good memory for things that are of high importance. "Within the Ramshackle. We have found the pact bearer. Scouts say to have stumbled upon a person. I, myself, have checked. What they say is true. "
This catches the King’s attention.
He sits up slightly straighter. His eyes run over the silver-haired knight for any sign of lies. There is none. "Though Crowley has already had contact with them." Another voice. A man of short stature appears standing before the King with black hair and hot pink highlights. Large magenta eyes that were clearly fascinated and entertained. The King doesn’t need time to think over his options, opening his mouth for the first time this evening, his words firm.
"Force the pact bearer from their home. Send them in the direction of the first army. Tell them nothing of the pact bearer. If what you say is true, then they should easily form a pact—Is there any more to discuss?"
The King’s right hand clears his throat, moving closer to the King, a sudden seriousness upon his face. This has the king wordlessly send away his two knights. Before turning his full attention to the magenta-eyed demon.
"The armies are becoming restless. Some even think you’re unfit. The pact bearer could very well be your undoing."
"Or fix all that is broken." His words are curt, and the man bows before the king. Steeping away as the King rises, stepping from his throne and down the steps. It has been long since a pact bearer existed, the one to uphold the balance between the divine and the forsaken.
A balance that King Draconia wants to restore, this time with the scales in his favor.
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You awaken to a knock.
One hard and fast, that has you groggily rubbing your eyes and completely dazed as you stumble out of bed. Recklessly putting on your slippers and wrapping a thin blanket around you, using your hands to clutch it close as you lazily bumble through the dark. Your fingers glide against the patchy wallpaper wall, leading you down the creaky wooden steps and toward the front door.
This isn’t an unusual occurrence. Being awoken sometime during the night. Occasionally those from the village make their way to your cottage with urgent news. News that always involves demons. News that you hate receiving, yet you take each message with a mummer of thanks.
Other times, it’s villagers, those you knew and were close to, saying final goodbyes, with everything they have packed into a rickety wooden cart pulled by an old horse. Always speaking on how’ll they’ll travel south. To lay within the safety of angels and the Divine.
Yet more times than not, they’ll return, with less than when they left. Or only their belongings returned, yet no bodies followed.
You shake off the thoughts, exhaling through your nose and undoing the metal locks, before opening the door. You blink in surprise.
A man, tall and dressed in a black cloak with black feathers poking from the fabric. He had messy black hair, and a mask, golden, that reflected in the light of the moon. You step back.
It’s rare to get strangers.
“Hello~ See I was just passing by,” he points to the path behind him, yet he has no bags, no horses, no carriage, and not a single lantern, none that you could see within the dark forest. The wind blows and you shiver.
“—and I am oh so hungry. And oh so thirsty.” He seems unfazed by the cold. Your brows furrow and you have every right to turn away this strange man, yet you know better. Your mother always spoke about spirits that could grant wishes to those who showed them kindness. It’s a silly notion, yet as you step inside, forcing a small smile upon your lips, you can’t help but listen to your mother even while she’s away.
“Oh, thank you! You are so very kind!” As he enters your home, feathers drop every time he walks as he takes a seat at your old dining room chair as you move to the kitchen. “Such a… quaint home~”He seems to struggle to find a word, before landing on ‘quaint’.
“Thank you?” Your home is old, with creaky oak floors and wooden beams that lined the roof, with chipping wallpaper, even if it’s been rebuilt by your father, and the layering wallpaper, yet you love it all the same.
You bring him a wooden cup of water, before moving a heavy bronze pot from the makeshift freezer, struggling for a moment to place it upon the kitchen fire, using flint and steel to start up the flames, using a metal hook to keep it suspended over the fire. Removing the heavy lid, you use a wooden label to stir the mixture of thicken milk, potatoes, chicken, and rice. Before re-covering it and wiping your hands upon a kitchen towel. You turn back to the dining table, finding the seat empty and the cup drained, and you step out of the kitchen.
You hadn’t heard him move. You step into the living room, finding the man tending to the dwindling embers within the fireplace. Before, in a hot flash, as fire shoots from his palm, the fire is alive. Magick.
“Is this your first time seeing magick in person?”
He puts on his glove and tilts his head to smile at you, and you nod. Magick isn’t common within the Ramshackles. Most you’ll see and interact with are the Adventurers who cross through, or bottle magick, which is usable for the average non-magick user. “Well, it is always a pleasure to entertain!” He gives an oddly graceful bow, and you can’t help but stare at this man in curiosity. He’s eccentric like your father—who’s quite odd in his own special way. “Now a question for a question. Tell me, do you live alone? For a house this big, I am sure you have siblings. Parents?”
You have a feeling that if this man wanted to kill you, he would’ve already.
“No siblings... But I do live with my parents. They’re away.” Your eyes drift out the window, it’s dark beyond the glass, “they wanted to help in the North. So, I haven’t seen them in a few years.”
“That’s very brave of them—” He pauses as if in thought, before looking at you expectantly. “Your turn for a question!“
“… Where are you traveling from?”
He almost seems to preen himself as he glides down his feathers, which ultimately does nothing since they merely pop out once he pulls his hands away, yet he doesn’t seem to notice. Far too proud of himself. “The North. The Capital, to be exact. But I escaped. Quite a task, yet, alas, I did.” Your brow furrows.
North. He managed to escape. You take a hesitant step toward the window, then it is completely possible to survive and escape. The sound of whistling snaps you out of your thoughts, catching your attention. The stew was ready.
“That smells absolutely splendid! I had quite the journey, [Name].” He settles himself into the dining room chair, oblivious to your staring. You hadn’t told him your name… Did you?
“… How do you know my name?”
You step around him, suddenly aware of how dark your home was. Even with the fire bright, it felt like it was creeping in, surrounding you, choking you— “It’s written on your door.” The darkness seems to halt and you blink. Everything is as it was. You nod, making your way to the kitchen and preparing a bowl. Shaking your head, and murmuring under your breath for being so paranoid. The warmth of the soup spreads through your palms as you carry it towards the table, placing it in front of the crow-like man, and readjusting your blanket. “You said a question for a question… May I ask another?”
“Of course~” There’s a hint of mischief in his voice.
“What is it like… The north… Has it truly fallen..?”
The man eats slowly, pausing for a moment, before resuming with a slow drawn-out bite. “It has.“ Your heart sinks and you step from the table, moving over to the window. It’s an automatic response, one that you’ve trained yourself to do since the war started. Since your mother and father left.
“With each day, another portion of the North is swallowed by fire, followed by floods. Carried upon the winds are the howls of people, and you can smell nothing but blood and ash. The North has truly fallen…” He says the last line with slight hesitance, if more to confirm the fact to himself than to you. You search the dark woods, searching upon the horizon, beyond the mountain line that you knew existed beyond that shroud of darkness.
Your parents are out there.
You know that they could possibly be—you shake the idea from your head. They would come back, as they always did. As they promised. You listen to the fire crackle, and you let out a sigh.
“Worried that they’ll come here?”
“What?” You turn to the man, whose bowl is completely empty. He tilts his head from you and then out the window. “Worried? You are awfully quiet.“ You exhale.
“…It’s been a long night…” You force a smile, and he waves with a laugh, moving to plop down on the dilapidated couch. Patting the old velvet cushion beside him. “Sit. Sit.” More of a command than a suggestion. And one you listen to. You sit beside him, wrapping the blankets further over your arms. “You never answered my question.“ He almost sings the words, tilting his head towards the flames, yet his eyes are still on you. Observing you. Taking note of who you sit, of how you fidget and clutch the fabric of your covers. Yet he says nothing.
“…I am… The only thing that separates us is a mountain range…” And your parents. Yet you can’t say that.
“Then leave.“ Your brows furrow, deeply offended with the mere thought, lips drew together and you almost sneer at the strange man. It’s nearly impossible to leave. And you have a home, one your father and mother built and restored, you can’t leave it all behind. You can’t. The man seems to notice your conflicted feelings and the slight bitterness that bubbles within your gut and he clears his throat.
“If I may provide comfort… You won’t die.” He states with such certainty that you can’t help but grimace. How would he know…? How could he promise that…? Yet a portion of you believes him. That this odd man has some truth to his words. Since all the most trusting of truths come in all odd ways. “How do you know?”
He seems to light up. Patting himself down, revealing the clothing he wore beneath his cloak. Elegant and sofisticated. Made of silk and lace. Ones that would cost a fortune to own. He has money. Lots of it. Shuffling in his seat, he searches various pockets and mutters under his breath, before producing a thick envelope with an almost gleeful shout, which sounded similar to a bird squawking. He passes you the letter with a proud grin, which is more for himself for carrying the letter than giving it to you.
Your name is on the letter, messily written, yet familiar, with a hurried forest green wax. Unbroken. Dread fills your stomach as your fingers graze against the parchment. “Welp! I’ll be going. Until me meet again~”
“Wai—” You look up from the envelope, only to find the man gone. He was gone. Yet black feathers remained in his spot. You let out an exasperated gasp, brows furrowing as you stand from your seat. You step over the feathers and moved towards the window. Nothing was out there. You tap the letter against the glass before stepping away.
You needed to sleep. You stiffen a yawn, making sure the doors were locked, before tossing the letter onto the dining table. Sparing a glance, before heading back upstairs. You’d read it in the morning.
══════ ♡ ══════
Morning comes faster than you’d like, the events of last night merely a fog in your memories.
Barely dressed for the day, wearing a simple dark cyan button up shirt and black loose fitting pants, standard uniform for your job. Blinking the sleep from your eyes as you attach your white apron around your hips, you lazily make your down the creaky steps. Moving to the kitchen, your body on clear autopilot, as you grab a clay cup and filling it with water, before drinking it carelessly.
You have a throbbing headache. You’re sure that you’ll be late for work, but at the moment you don’t care. Almost slamming the cup down, you let out a loud, tired groan. Your boss, he’ll forgive you. He always does. You let out a tired cough, leaning against your counters, running a hand over your forehead. You’re sure you don’t have any more painkillers, having used the last two pills a week ago since your last headache.
“Mr. Gerken should have some… Or ill walk it off.” You speak aloud, pushing from the counter, moving over to your coat rack, and wrapping the cloak over your shoulders, using the leather strings to secure it. Sliding a thin scarf around your neck. You grab a familiar brass key, tucking it into your apron pocket and your small coin purse, before glancing over the room, seeing if you had forgotten anything.
Suddenly remembering the letter from last night. You multi-task, putting on your leather shoes as you hop over to the table while using the sunlight to look over the envelope. You contemplate for a moment, before sighing. If it’s important, then you don’t want to risk it around desperate people trying to find a way to survive. You place it back on the table, opting to grab your wooden basic before leaving your home.
Fresh mountain hair fills your senses, cold air rushing into your lungs making you shiver. It was sometime early morning. You block the sun from your eyes as you look up at the clear sky. There were hardly any clouds.
Your gaze moves the mountain line far in front of your home, thick black clouds, slight and threatening. It grows bigger every day…
Letting out a puff of air, you’re turning to face your door, yanking the door shut, which rattled the windows. This door always fought against being closed. Making sure the door was secured, you pull out your key and lock both locks on the door. Pulling the cloak hood over your head and the scarf over your nose, you step away from the door. Your mother and father’s name faded yet still there, while your name stood boldly. As if it was just painted with your mother’s curly handwriting. You were sure the paint had faded off years ago. Your fingers touch the old wood, glazing over the letters of your name.
You hope your parents are alright. You tuck the metal key into the pockets of the apron.
You spin around, eyes trailing along the familiar walking along the old stone steps. One a bright grey now dull and worn, your father placed the old steps years ago, before you were born possibly. Yet anytime you stepped out of the house, he let out a dramatic sigh and spoke of an artist who was so great. So grand. To create such marvelous and everlasting stones. Your mother would sometimes indulge him, swooning over the craftsman, speaking about how’d she marry the artist? Other times, she would ignore my father and purposely ignore the steps with an impish grin.
You smile at the memory. While your father could carve the most beautiful things into the weirdest of objects, your mother could weave stories from air. Each step is engraved with a different animal, each with its own story.
A rabbit, who was always late yet a messenger. Who never led those astray, but had quite the temper.
A lion, with a cunning personality and a heart of gold, yet trapped beneath stone.
An octopus, benevolent yet tricked those to fall into its trap, yet was shy.
A snake, a trickster that offered wishes only to screw your words, yet if given the chance, the snake was a loyal companion.
A raven, beautiful and majestic. With onyx wings and poisonous words that could enchant anyone, yet was so lonely.
A hound, with three heads that tore and ripped through flesh and feasted upon poor souls, yet lost a dear family member, so the hound lost its way.
Then, dragon, you step on the last stone. Your mother’s favorite stone. About a lonely, lonely dragon who could never love nor be loved. There was no redeeming qualities for the dragon. Your mother believed that those who would do good would do good, but this dragon, this dragon, would never do good. Therefore, there was no redemption.
There are some things, my little dove, that we cannot change— “Such is the way with people.” You finish your mother’s quote, your voice merely flying away with the wind. She, within every story she told, would weave lessons and morals. Yet you never knew why, why your mother loved these seven distinct animals. Using your shoes to kick off the dirt. Staring at the large coiled dragon, one that took your father days to finish, and several broken stone slabs.
It was dirty. You make a mental note to clean it once you return. Shifting the empty basket in your hold, you continue on. Stepping off the final stone and walking through the forests. Glancing through the trees, you could see the distant town. You remember the walks.
══════ ♡ ══════
“Gotcha!” He let out a satisfied shout, causing you to shriek in laughter, kicking your legs as your father held you in the air. Pretending to bite your stomach, tickling you in the promises. Your cheeks hurt from laughing and smiling, unable to fight against your father.
“Gotcha!” Your father yelps, clutching you to his chest as your mother attacks from behind, nails digging into his sides and ticking, a ferocious grin upon her face. Her basket of goods is placed along the stone steps, as she joins in on the fun. “Escape!” She laughs as you break from your father’s grasp, causing him to shout, unable to get you as you run across the pseudo-front lawn. You catch your breath, watching your father turn the tides on your father before she could run to you. He grabs her yet ends up tripping on their own feet. They land with a thud, the air knocked from their lungs. Yet your father protects your mother’s head as he lies on her. You let out a giggle, running across the lawn, and joining the pile, which makes your father wheeze and your mother laugh.
“Hello my little dove~” She rises a hand to caress your face, gently pinching your cheek, eyes filled with so much happiness and love. As leaves and twigs got into her. Yet your moment is ruined when your father stretches his arm back to secure you as he got up with a chuckle. Your arms wrap around his neck, as he helps your mother with a laugh, kissing her cheek.
══════ ♡ ══════
You blink from the memory, since as long as you can remember, your mother and father truly loved each other. How they met is a mystery to you, cause every time you ask, they’d tell you it was fate. Fate that tied them together. Your father said it was the Divine that the moment he laid eyes upon your mother, he was smitten. While your mother was apprehensive, yet overtime gave in.
When thinking back, you remember the pain when your mother spoke of it. Though she has no regret in loving your father, but you assume it was forbidden. They arrived in the Ramschackles 21 years ago, eight months before your birth. Getting everything together for their bundle of joy. You have no doubt in your mind that they loved you more than anything. The ground crunches beneath your feet as the wind fans your face. You look out as the town grows closers. Your father was a blacksmith. He once spoke of fancy golden balls and festivals fit for the Gods. He worked with every metal known to man, yet threw it all away for your mother. Who, very proudly, exclaimed how would do it all again and again. While your mother, you don’t know much. She was a farm girl, yet had to leave behind her home. You don’t know why.
Letting out a sigh, the sounds of chatter and music growing louder and louder, the smells of food and sweets wafting into your nose. Your stomach grumbles. You pick up your pace, jogging the rest of the way down the mountain. Smiling at the familiar sights before you, carriages pulling along the roads, carts, and livestock. It was busy as conversations mixed. You shimmy through the crowd before spotting a familiar brownstone building. ‘Mr.Gerken’s Finest‘ is a large popular tavern. You slip through the open doors, and two common patrons waving or nodding in hello as you slip over your scarf and cloak.
“Good Mornin’ Robin. Hilton.” Slipping into the back as you hung up your outerwear before glancing around. Mr.Gerken wasn’t here at the moment and it seemed to be just you. You move back to the front, standing behind the bar and checking through needed supplies. The night shift had cleaned properly.
“Any plans for the weekend?” Hilton, an old man, with blonde hair with streaks of grey, he’s been going to this tavern since you could remember. He always orders a simple whiskey that he hardly touches. “Uh, not really…. Tending to the garden, I guess. Or working“ You grab a rag, choosing to wipe down the counter in boredom. The two men laugh. “You plan to get a boyfriend?” Hilton asks with a smirk, “or girlfriend! We don’ judge.” Robin, slightly younger, with messy black hair and stubble, he looks half asleep, yet snickers with Hilton as if they’re school boys. You can only roll your eyes.
“[Name]! There’s my favorite [Name], and only [Name]! Been lookin’ all over! And here you are, workin’.” Mr. Genkin is a short, plump man, who’s significantly balding, yet has a large beard and mustache.
”Sure am!” You don’t plan to correct him, letting him laugh happily. As he moves to the back, you can still hear his laugh. The morning passes slowly, with only Robin and Hilton occasionally heckling you, or playing cards, which Hilton is horribly bad at and lost nearly 50 gold. Soon the afternoon rolls around, and the empty tavern slowly becomes busier as two more workers arrive. Sam, a happy middle-aged woman with brown hair and two ten-year-old twins, and Tom, an older teen who always rants about how much he hates working here, yet is one of the best workers.
“Darlin'~ Ya hear? Some say the town up in the west got attacked.” Sam’s voice is a whisper. The Ramshackles isn’t one big town. There are multiple, spread out all across the dense Ramshackle forests, yet surrounded on all sides by thick mountain ranges. The western village was one who resided near the western mountains. You’re not supposed to speak of the war in the Tavern, one that Mr. Genkin had been insanely serious about. But Sam is a chatty woman who can’t help herself.
“When?” Your voice sounds slightly panicked, and Sam notices. She waves her hands and shakes her head eagerly. As if just remembering she’s not supposed to talk about demons and war while working. “Nope. Nope. Ma lips are sealed!” You let out an exasperated sigh as he darts off, grabbing trays to hand out orders.
You continue to busy yourself. Making drinks, and chatting with familiar faces, until you feel like someone is watching you. Your eyes try and subtly dart across the room, as you listen to the customer rant about his recent divorce with his wife. You let out hums, hardly listening, till your eyes land on lime-green eyes.
You both stare, neither one of you making a move. The air seems to chill, and you feel air leave your lungs, yet they don’t return. You can hear muffled calls of your name, yet your lips can’t move.
The thing blinks and you gasp for air, nearly stumbling over. The bar helps stabilize you. You’re sure that without it, you would’ve fallen over. Men and women had ran up to the man, yelling at him for being weird and creepy, to stop staring at you, defending you—You need them to stop—Demanding he leaves or else. The air feels tense, as if electricity shot through you. He’s mad.
The man rises from his seat, shrouded in all black, yet his sneer is prominent. He grabs the first man by his shoulders, glancing at you as if to make sure you were looking. You can see the corner of his lips quirked upward. He’s grinning.
The tavern falls silent, followed by a thud. You can feel it on your skin and your stomach lurches. Pale hands. Clothing. Face. His face. Get it off. Get it off. There’s red. Red. The man before him split in two. Ripped apart. Blood. You can feel it on you. Get it off. A scream, shrill and loud, snaps everyone out of the scene that unfolded before them.
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ⓒ 2023 love-thanatopsis — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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quietplace26 · 1 year
Ghostwire: Tokyo x Reader series~
Akito: Kitsune
Mari: Kitsune
Erika: Nekomata
Rinko: Byakko
KK: Okami
Yokai au (3)
When reader arrived into this town eariler that day, they honestly expected nothing interesting to happen.
In fact, the town felt so dull that they couldn't wait to leave, but alas, the bus that could take them out this dull place wouldn't be back till next week!
So with boredom on their mind, they asked what they could do around here. Hiking was really their only answer.
The hike was supposed to be fun, supposed to be safe. It wasn't.
Fuck me that hurt..." Reader groans as they carefully pushed themselves up into a sitting position. What... happened?
Glancing up at the light above them they remembered. They were just finishing up their hike when the ground suddenly collapsed underneath them, causing them to fall through!
Looking around they could see they were in a huge cavern. Like really huge! There was even a small lake in there! Also, there was something in the middle of the lake. It looked like a... temple?
Curiousity filled their soul. They wanted to explore that temple!
They knew they should've been trying to find a way out this cavern but their curiousity was more important than escaping!
"Shit!" As they went to stand up, they hissed in pain. Oh well this wasn't good. It looked like their ankle was sprain...
They glanced back at the temple with a pout. Screw it. They've dealt with worse pain before. What's another sprain ankle to add their growing list?
They carefully limped over to the lake, which they discovered wasn't really a lake at all as the water barely went passed their ankles, and began walking toward the crumbling temple.
Limping up the steps they couldn't help but wonder how this hadn't been discovered yet...
"Woah..." Inside they find something amazing. A huge wolf statue.
They limped closer to it, studying it with interest. They couldn't help themselves. They touched the statue.
*Crack* Reader stumbles back and falls to the floor in shock as glowling cracks suddenly began spreading across the statue!
"Wh-?!" The statue explodes and light fills the temple, blinding the reader as well.
A howl is heard and the light goes away, letting them get a look at what happened to the wolf statue. Thing was... it wasn't a statue anymore.
A huge, living black wolf stood before them. There was marking on them as well. Glowing lines decorated it's front paws, muzzle, and back!
"Holy shit." Their whisper of disbelief catches the wolf's attention. and to their horror, it jumps at them with a snarl.
"You! What the hell are you doing in my temple human!" A male voice snarls. It takes a moment for them to realize the voice came from the wolf.
"Y-your temple?" They winced as the wolf growled again. "Yes. My temple. Now answer me!"
Usually they would sass anyone that spoke to them like this but as of right now they were scared. Shakily they told the wolf what happened all the while they curled in on themselves.
The wolf was silent for a moment, but to their relief, it moves off them with a huff. "Fine. I believe you. Since you freed me I'll let you go this time so LEAVE!" The wolf roars.
Reader scrambles to their feet only to fall back to the floor with a pained noise. Fuck! Their ankle!
"Oi! I told you to-" The wolf cuts off as the pain/stress of everything became too much for reader and they pass out.
"H-hm?" Reader wakes up feeling warm. They... were under a blanket? And their ankle didn't hurt anymore?
"So you're awake." They tense up at the familar voice of the wolf.
A sigh was heard and light filled the room. To their surprise, there was no wolf in the room, only a man... who had wolf like features! Like fluffy wolf ears and a bushy tail!
The man had an almost awkward look on his face as he lit some torches with his hands! "Relax... I'm not going to hurt you."
With the room lit up, the man plops down beside them and awkwardly apologizes, explaining he was the deity of this temple and the last humans he meet before reader weren't exactly nice.
They badly injured him somehow, and in an desperate attempt to not die, he sealed himself in this temple, becoming a statue in the process.
"It was only meant for a few years, but I get the feeling it's been much longer than that..." The wolf god glances at them warily before his expression became curious.
"Your face... I never seen anyone with features like yours." The wolf deity pinches their cheek and pulls at it, causing them to whine.
"Ow! Stop it!" He stops and they glare at him while rubbing their red cheek. "It's cause I'm not from Japan! I'm from ***!"
The wolf deity becomes rather interested in that fact. He demanded to know everything, inculding everything he's missed out on since his slumber.
Even though they were technically fully healed, they ended up staying with the wolf deity for a full week.
Over the week they were stuck in the wolf deity's temple they got to know him more.
His name was Kazuhiko. They nickname him KK for short. He never stops them~
He was seriously grumpy but never once took his grumpiness out on them.
His powers were no joke. Etheral weaving is what he called it and it was amazing!
And his wolf form was really fluffy! "Will you stop it!" KK growled at them as they petted his ears. "Make me!" They sass him. He just grumbles as he leaned into their pets. His tail was wagging~
Oh, and he was also unfairly handsome... Not like they would ever tell him that. His ego would grow even larger than it already was!
"KK?" The deity, who was currently in his wolf form and had his head resting on their lap, looks up at them. "What is it?"
They sighed as they looked away from the deity. "I can't stay here forever." Faintly they wondered if anyone in town had noticed that they were missing yet...
KK quickly shifted back into their human form and frowned at them. "Why not? My temple, while old, has everything you could ever need! Why would you want to leave?"
He was right. His temple had everything you needed to survive. Food. Clothes (Though most were fancy looking kimonos). Hell, there was even a running bath!
"I need to finish what I've started KK. I need to see all of Japan!"
Human and deity glared at one another before the deity sighed. "Fine. I'll let you leave." His eyes suddenly harden. "But only if you take me with you!"
They gapped at the wolf deity. They couldn't believe it. KK wanted to come with them?!
"KK... Why?" The deity rolls his eyes at the question and hugs them, causing the human to squeak. KK smirks. "Because I need to keep an eye on you, make sure a stupid human doesn't take you away from me."
Reader blushes cherry red, squeaking the deity's name loudly. "KK! You dumbass!"
The deity laughs and they couldn't help but laugh as well.
Having a wolf deity as a traveling buddy was something never expected to have, but could quickly get used the idea.
Especially if the 'buddy' part becomes something more later down the line...
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