#how is thinking a bottom is a bottom like how are you pro trans and have zero gaydar do you just lack girldick in your life??
Hey remember the time I was put on a terf Google Doc blocklist because I said Aziraphale is a bottom lmaoooo
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secondbeatsongs · 2 years
Hello! I'm Julie from Cariona and I just want to ask if you're interested in doing ads/promotions here on Tumblr? If yes, how much do you charge per reblog?
For proof of legitimate promotions, you can check @catchymemes, @sulfatto, @isnt, and many others.
Website for reference: http://cariona.com Over 200 five star Facebook reviews: https://www.facebook.com/carionaproducts/reviews
Please feel free to respond here or reach out to us on [email protected] for more details! Thank you once again and have a great week!
absolutely fascinating that you decided to send this as an ask, when you also DM'd me. unfortunately, you may realize that this was a mistake - you see, asks can be responded to publicly.
so, allow me to respond:
hi, Julie! I'd never heard about Cariona before, so I decided to go poking around, and I learned something!
well, I learned a few things, actually. from your site, Cariona seems to be a small business that sells reusable menstrual products. and while I will never advertise a product that I haven't used, there's nothing wrong with wanting people to promote your company.
I have, however, found a few problems.
the first thing I found was this post by @crafiet from May 12th of last year, saying that shortly after making a purchase on your website, her debit card info was leaked, and used to make facebook ad purchases.
it seems that at least back then, your payment system was insecure. I'm really hoping you've fixed that, because. yikes.
and when I messaged crafiet to ask if it was okay if I linked to her post, she also mentioned that even though your website says you ship from Georgia, her package came shipped from China, and took a long time to arrive.
that's pretty sketchy.
the next thing I found was some folks talking about receiving cards with their orders that have a QR code on them with the words "Scan For God's Message To You", and that on the other side, have this bible verse:
O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is. Psalm 63:1
fun fact! that's from the King James Version (which I have a lot of thoughts about, but I'm not going to get into that right now).
additional fun fact! that particular psalm is from that time David fled to the wilderness because Jonathan's dad was trying to kill him.
and that's why I have to talk about the verses that follow it:
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(ID in alt text; link to the NIV version if you want it)
so...are we like 100% sure it's god that David is thinking about here? because...I mean...that's pretty horny, right? and all of this while on the run from his boyfriend's dad?
I'm not saying anything, but like...¯\_(ツ)_/¯
it's a weird verse to choose for this, that's all.
anyway, back to you, Cariona: after seeing people talking about the bible verse cards, I decided to poke around your website more, and allll the way at the bottom of it, finally found your "About Us" page, which ends with this:
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...look. there's nothing inherently wrong with being christian. but to say "we do not wish to impose any beliefs on our customers", and to then put bible verse cards in people's orders? that's sneaky, and I don't like it.
I also think it's a bit sneaky that you've flagged your tumblr account as pro-trans on shinigami eyes. at least, I assume you flagged it yourselves, because I didn't find a single post on your blog that mentions trans issues.
(though you have, entertainingly, reblogged some stranger things fanart, and a castiel cat cosplay)
and while your website uses very gender-neutral language, your "About Us" page doesn't say anything about being inclusive of trans people, just that you don't "discriminate against anyone who has a different belief than ours."
unfortunately, that's not good enough for me. I have this sneaking suspicion that "trans people are the gender they say they are" counts as a "different belief".
lastly, since you say on your website that people can message you asking about your faith, I had a friend do that!
baptists. you're baptists, which is a pretty conservative denomination.
and according to you, part of that 10% you donate goes to your local churches, and some missionaries. who are also probably baptists.
in the end, I just...don't trust you? I don't trust that the 10% you're donating is going to organizations that aren't homophobic or transphobic. I don't believe that you're not trying to impose your beliefs on others, because that's what you're obviously doing. I mean, your "About Me" says that one of the reasons you built this company is to spread the gospel.
and I especially don't like it that you reached out to me (an openly queer person) for promotion without mentioning that you're an evangelical company.
so to answer your question, Julie: no. I am not interested in doing ads or promotions for you on tumblr. and honestly, you probably picked the wrong website for this kind of thing.
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
Honestly, there’s something that I’m struggling with, I’m like salmacian, and I have bottom dysphoria, that’s like really really really bad, and I’m planning on getting bottom surgery, but honestly, I kinda don’t know how I’m gonna deal with the whole isolation aspect of it all. Cause like, the queer community HATES us bro, so while I love the idea of finally feeling free in my body it sucks because it makes me feel like I have to choose between my life and my community; my bottom dysphoria has been making me wanna kms, I mean like literally curl up in a ball and drop dead, and then you see people on Twitter and shit saying “if you feel dysphoria in this way you *SHOULD* kill yourself” and that’s really challenging for me, I can’t really go to irl queer spaces or transition right now (toxic family situation) but it’s crazy for all these queer spaces to be about “being your true self” just “NOT LIKE THAT” I hope IRL queer spaces will be better, but like I can’t just die because other queer people don’t like my dysphoria, but it’s also kinda hard to find others like me.
Like, what do I even do here?? Do I just pretend I’m cis? Do I publicly ID as nonbinary and pretend I’ve never had bottom surgery, do I pretend I’m like binary transmasc, and also like, in this vein, I think it’s funny (horrible) how nonbinary people literally get hate no matter what we do, we don’t transition? Then we’re bad cringy transtrenders and the reason cis people hate trans people, we transition? We’re evil incarnate, we just can’t win lmaooo. 💀
First of all, I’d recommend distancing yourself from spaces that promote anti-salmacian bigotry and trying to engage yourself in online pro-salmacian spaces as much as possible. Do whatever you have to in order to disconnect from the people who hock the idea that salmacians are bad or salmacian transitions are somehow immoral. If you haven’t checked out r/salmacian, I would highly suggest it– its the biggest (and really, only) community of salmacians I’m aware of and it can be really refreshing to be in a space entirely centered around us and our desires and needs. Connecting with other salmacians can be so healing, especially getting to see people who have physically transitioned and reminding yourself that it is possible to have that body and be happy. It also reminds you that there are so many of us out there– pretty much everytime I talk about being salmacian on here, I see new people who have never realized that “its a thing” and there’s a word for it. It is so much more normal to be salmacian than bigots will make it seem. 
This post on the subreddit talks about dating as salmacians, and the consensus seems to be that the trans dating scene seems to be pretty accepting of salmacians– obviously that’s not going to be the case everywhere, but weird queers have existed since time immemorial. When you are surrounded by (especially online) regressive bigots, it really warps your view of reality and makes it hard to truly believe that that isn’t the universal standard. Its near impossible to thrive when you are in the situation, which is why its so vital to surround yourself with proof that that isn’t the standard. I promise you that you will be able to find a community that will find the idea that your dysphoria is “evil” to be fucking ridiculous and support your salmacian identity– you might even find other salmacians, or help other people realize its an achievable option! 
I strongly agree with how nonbinary people get treated re: transitioning. Obviously binary people are not overall treated better but it really does suck there’s no way to be nonbinary that doesn’t involve hate– either you don’t transition (or don’t “really”/”fully” transition) and get seen as a transtrender who doesn’t know what its REALLY like, or you have a “weird” transition and get treated like a weird fetish-chaser or a TLC short and not, like, a person who just wants to control their own body. Tbh I would love to see more nonbinary/genderqueer-centered community stuff, along with more discussion of exorsexism that isn’t just “diet transmisogyny/transandrophobia” or “general transphobia.” Ik a lot of post-bottom surgery trans people feel disconnected from the trans community, and I myself have thought about how I’m going to go about… engaging with others and identifying myself post-op. Honestly I would love a salmacian4salmacian relationship but idk if that will ever be in the cards!
& when it comes to salmacians & exorsexism there’s so much stereotyping us as horny freaks (which is a bad thing apparently!) whose dysphoria/euphoria is Evil and Twisted and like… 1. thats just Transmisogyny 2: Electric Boogaloo 2. as if its our fault that 99% of salmacian rep is in fetish porn, so there are so many of us whose only exposure to the concept of being salmacian is through that lens. Or as if its inherently evil to feel sexually satisified with a body that brings you joy? (also this doesn’t even get into the way that so much discussion around transness is not prepared for altersex transitions & the reality of nonbinary people who are physically androgynous and how no, you can’t just slap binary theory onto our bodies and assume its going to cover our experiences, which is why while I would not call myself intersex I do feel a strong sense of solidarity with intersex people bc of the shared “stop assuming your forced rebinarization of myself and my body is okay or coherent”… but anyways!)
I’d love to see a stronger salmacian community, and know that you (or anyone else!) can send me asks about being salmacian, whether to learn more or for advice or just to share experiences/vent and I will be overjoyed to respond. I love talking about being salmacian and helping other people learn about it.
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that-bookworm-guy · 1 year
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A rainbow stack of Trans Books
I've rewritten this caption over & over. I've researched & written stats for trans, as well as queer hate crime. I've written about my own experiences. I wanted something with impact, to make people think & hopefully make a tiny difference. Except I won't make a difference, & that's okay
I'm tired of hearing about all the anti LGBTQ+ bills. I'm tired of hearing about trans hate. I'm tired of experiencing hate. I'm tired of my family being scared for me every time I go out. I'm tired of constantly fighting between being a proud queer person or living stealth. Both have their pros & cons, but I shouldn't have to pick, I should be allowed to just be
I was trying to write about how just 1 person supporting us makes a difference, how calling something out for being transphobic, homophobic, ableist, racist, etc, can help. But I've written about it before, other people have said it too. We can keep trying. We will never give up, but right now, I'm tired from it all
This pride month, I'm tired. I know others are too & that's okay
But we have 2 of the most powerful tools, books & social media. There is power in reading banned books. They are banned for reasons. We can have a quiet revolution. Read queer books all year. Read queer books from different countries, read fiction, non-fiction, read poems, & fan fiction. Read & share books. Read about different identities & different experiences. Educate yourself, because right now, that knowledge is power. Don't let them erase us. I've seen how this community can pull together.
So, bookblr, I ask 1 simple thing. Please keep reading & sharing queer books all year, not just pride month
For those reading this, you are never alone 💙
Books in stack:
1. The Strangeworlds Travel Agency - L.D. Lapinski
2. The Transgender Issue - Shon Faye
3. Trans Like Me - CN Lester
4. Top to Bottom - Finlay Games
5. The Gender Games - Juno Dawson
6. Trans Britain - Edited by Christine Burns
7. A Trans Man Walks into a Gay Bar - Harry Nicolas
Books standing to the left of the stack:
8. Gender Euphoria - Edited by Laura Kate Dale
9. What's the T? - Juno Dawson
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trying414 · 1 year
Maribat Prompt
This was titled post-idea, and i literally just copy-pasted my note, so thats why theres the crying prompt thing at the bottom.
Also, none of this is meant to be offensive or anything. I wholly support all genders/sexualities. And I'm pro-choice. So if this is offensive, I'm so sorry, and please let me know (gently, im sensitive) so I can try to correct myself ❤️
Damian ladybug, Marinette black cat
"Father, I have acquired a kitten. I'm keeping her. She's MINE." (Stake his claim so no adoption occurs. But also the kitten joke because he loves animals.)
"Holy shit, it's hereditary." (I've definitely seen this line with Mari being a cat, but she's always with a bird. Not a bug. Which is fun for the cat-who-got-the-canary plays, but not what I'm going for with this idea.)
He can become red bird or something, I don't know. He can't be ladybird. I know that would relate, but he's not a lady.
Maybe he does it just to spite people
And take down sexist, discriminating assholes
He might
His brothers would laugh, but they would get behind the cause
It would seem so out of character
But he would enjoy trolling people
Maybe the bats mention ladybird strategically
People are looking for a female
And then as soon as one starts talking shit, BAM!
(Those two lines were a reference to a play I was in when I was in high school and they fit perfectly 😂)
😘 drink your respect women juice, kids
And accept all.
Oh my God, though.
I know this started as damian, but could you imagine dick or Jason? Maybe even Tim. I feel like damian is just the least likely to pull this shit.
"Ladybird is a dude wtf"
Cue fake tears "I'm TRANS you PRICK"
he's not, but he supports whole heartedly and that will teach them not to assume one's gender
Suddenly, gothamites have united for Trans rights. Pride month is bigger than before. And gothamites protect their own. Someone says shit about their "Trans" bat? Oh FUCK no. And all the Trans gothamites finally feel represented. Whichever batbro is playing that part takes pride in helping them feel represented. He may not be Trans himself. But he knows how important it is to feel like you matter.
Bonus if it's Jason because he lived on the streets. He knows what being Trans and unaccepted can do to people, whether it be murder or suicide or rape. He's seen them turn to "hormone therapies" found on the street because they can't afford proper medical help or their family doesn't support it and the drugs are a bad batch or laced with something or not even the correct drug at all, and the next thing he knows, they're addicts or dead. Fuck yes he's going to represent.
Give him a more tragic backstory. Maybe he had a trans friend on the street that wasn't accepted by their family. Maybe he tried to help them get the drugs or tried to talk them out of it (having seen his own mother). And they died for it. So when he has the opportunity to represent, he takes it. No one knows if he's mtf or ftm. Maybe he's nonbinary or genderfluid (though I'm pretty sure that's not trans? I could be wrong. And if I am, please gently correct me. I want to learn, not be attacked.) Hell, maybe he's nb or genderfluid outside of the mask. I don't know. I don't think he would be trans, if I'm being honest. The only one I think I could really see as trans is Tim. Though, I'm sure there are great ways to spin Jason as trans, and no hate on that. Just not for this au (though if someone wants to run with this idea and make him trans, I have no problem with that, and I will happily read it 😊)
Fuck, I just wrote a whole goddamn prompt 😭
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thebreakfastgenie · 5 months
thoughts on Inga?
I wrote all this from my memory of the episode, but it's kind of bugging me that I don't have time to rewatch it right now. So when I get a chance I'm going to rewatch it and update this with any new thoughts!
I think Inga is a good episode! I like it! I think it's slightly OOC at times, because it goes in on Hawkeye being sexist and downplays the sexism of other characters to emphasize it. BJ and Potter are sexist too, we see it all the time in other episodes, and it's what you'd expect for men from that era. Hawkeye is also sexist in specific ways that aren't totally consistent with his character. I can rationalize "when you go dancing, who leads?" in a million ways, but it's never going to really make sense for a character who has openly asked Margaret to step on him to react that way to a woman taking the lead in bed. And Hawkeye has never been traditional when it comes to sex, he's always been in favor of women taking an active role. And I know Alan Alda knew that because he's the one who was playing him that way for seven years.
Other things about Hawkeye's behavior in Inga feel exactly right to me. Hawkeye loves that she's smart, but freaks out that she's smarter than him. That feels consistent with who he is and also very realistic to how men often behave. The scene where Margaret takes him down is great and a great use of Margaret.
That being said, I think Inga is the way it is for a reason. Alan Alda was making a very important point about sexism, misogyny, and the way women are treated, and I think he prioritized that point over characterization. And honestly I'm okay with that. He was using the show and the characters to say something important, which is kind of what MASH is for. Hawkeye is Hawkeye, but he's also representing men as a class. I also really admire him for making Hawkeye, the beloved protagonist, his character, the cad who learns a lesson about respecting women. That takes a certain level of humility and commitment. The audience may not want to see an episode about how much their womanizing hero sucks, but they need to. It's important, though, that womanizing isn't Hawkeye's crime here. The exact nature of Hawkeye and Inga's dynamic is great and I think a lot of shows wouldn't have done it.
Hawkeye is excited at the prospect of hooking up with Inga, and when she arrives, she's totally into it! Inga likes sex! She wants to have sex with the hot male doctor! Showing a woman who's confident and successful and enthusiastic about a hookup was pretty significant for the time. Inga is totally into Hawkeye until he blows it by acting obnoxious. And she forgives him once he learns and grows and apologizes, but they run out of time and miss their chance to hook up. And that is so important. It would have completely undercut the message of the episode if Hawkeye had actually gotten to sleep with Inga.
I love them though and I do like to imagine maybe they run into each other again someday. Also Inga is gorgeous.
There's one specific thing not related to the main plot that always fascinates me about this episode, and it's Inga mistaking Klinger for a trans woman. Klinger is not especially pro-trans in that scene, though it's easy to read it kindly as Klinger just being freaked out because that's not what he wants and because people who are unfamiliar with it are often kinda weird about bottom surgery in general, even if they're not especially anti-trans, because people are just very protective of their genitals. If I'm being completely honest it can also be easily read as a joke that Klinger, for all his dress wearing, is still not onboard with the idea of a "sex change." But what interests me in that scene is Inga. Inga makes the reasonable assumption that Klinger is pursuing a medical transition and offers to help, and the comedy comes from Klinger freaking out and running away. Inga never approaches the topic as any other way than a doctor offering assistance. And that means something to me because this entire episode is about proving Inga right and showing her as "more advanced" than Hawkeye. Inga is vindicated by the narrative, so medical/surgical transition is vindicated by the narrative. Just not for Klinger. There's also a bit of behind-the-scenes trivia that provides some context for this, in my opinion. Dr. Walter Dishell, the medical advisor for MASH, was a medical advisor on several shows as well as a practicing facial plastic surgeon. His practice treated trans women and he mentioned being inspired by them to pitch episodes featuring trans patients to some of the medical shows he worked on. The way he speaks about trans people is very "cishet man in the 70s" but it's positive. I always wonder if this influenced Inga's line.
I think it's kind of funny that Inga is the one Alan Alda won the Best Writing Emmy for, because I think he wrote other episodes that showcase his writing talent better, but I'm glad the "respect women!!" episode won.
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xx-slug-xx · 10 months
Slug | He/They | 22
Hey, welcome to my stupid side blog! If you’ve been on proship tumblr within the past year, then you probably know me as that guy who was making a paper on proshipping! I’m not doing that anymore lol but I’m still here!
Here to talk about proship stuff and my other views on things, fandom-related or otherwise! I’m pretty open minded about things, and I love a good discussion!
I’ll be talking about a lot of topics that could trigger people, but I always try to provide a tw on the posts that discuss those things! I also try to tag things appropriately so people can avoid my posts! Feel free to block me if you would like, I really don’t mind if you don’t want to see my content!
Things About Me
OSDD1b system
LGBTQ+ (aegosexual, biromantic, nb, trans masc)
Pro kink (even the scary ones! Pet play, abdl, ddlg/ddlb, and the like are all fine and cool as long as it’s with consenting adults!)
Para neutral (big three is NON CONTACT but I don’t care what gets you off if you aren’t hurting people lol)
Radinclus (not radqueer though)
Comship, but most of my ships are pretty basic lol
Self ship (ask me about my f/os IF YOU DARE)
I hate the government (all of them)
Proship in the way I’m 100% anti censorship, but I personally don’t like certain types of fictional content and I’m against harassment if it purely involves opinions over fiction.
Fiction can affect reality, but fiction affects everyone differently. Fiction should never be taken at face value. Some people just lack critical thinking skills and they let fiction affect them in a way that dictates their real life morals, or the other way around :/
Fandoms I Like To Talk About Sometimes
Listed, top to bottom, from most to least relevant btw lol
Homestuck AND Beyond Canon
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
Undertale Yellow
Steven Universe
South Park (not in the fandom, but used to be lol and I still enjoy it)
Invader Zim
I like a lot of things though, feel free to share your interests if ya want :D
People I don’t really like
Not a dni, but serves a similar purpose of expressing who I don’t agree with. Not all of these people are disliked equally, some are disliked more than others. And I may not even dislike people in this category at all, as I may just be uncomfortable and that’s it. Y’all can interact all you want, but I won’t agree with you when it comes to certain things in this list lol
Self harm community (is there a name for it? Idk)
Anti mogai/xeno gender/neo pronoun
LGBTQ+ exclusionist
Anti ace-spec
Pro harassment
Endogenic systems (I don’t hate y’all, I promise. I’m just a traumagenic system and it makes me uncomfortable)
Anti shippers (depends on how you personally define that term though lol)
Anti recovery
Anti kink/sex negative
Pro contact para/supporter
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Apparently telling someone that the issue isn’t the Harry Potter game and wishing death on every player isn’t okay. And that the real issue is the governments especially the US one and asking why they aren’t getting angry at them. Commenting to the governors instead of getting mad at strangers online who don’t want to crucify their 50+y dads. Could result in them proving they are worse then the game players.
(There is a poll at the bottom)
Telling someone you will watch as they get raped and killed doesn’t make you a good person. I believe people mad about the game are good people. Y’all have reason to be. I just look at the situation differently that the government is a hugely different problem. And it’s proving so. If someone disagrees with me I’m okay with that. But to tell me to die. Or kill myself or that you will watch as I get raped by Nazis. Tells me. You are not as good a person as you think you are. You are just as bad as the Nazis. Cause that is beyond messed up to say to someone.
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Even said to me that I’m a traitor to my gender and the community doesn’t accept me. That’s also fucked up to say. Not as much. But still not good. You pretend you have the moral high ground. But ignored everything I said in these comments. Which tells me I’m right. It’s not that you have the moral high ground. You want to feel as you do. Because people that actually care. Would care about how Florida wants to kill parents who let their kids be trans. Or one state banned all reaffirming care for everyone under 18. And if above are not allowed to have any mental illness. Or that trans people are not allowed in the correct bathrooms. And have to put their lives in danger just to go to the bathroom. Cause a dad might not understand why a buff man is using the woman’s bathroom. Or what’s happening to Zooey Zepher. Or the fact that all “pro trans” business have been really quiet and proving they aren’t really. Except funny enough. BudLight
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Anyone who wants to read the full Exchange it’s under one of my posts explaining where Sirona comes from (also before anyone sparks that again. It’s not a transphobic name. But was a horrible choice for them to do)
For everyone wanting to learn more about real issues going on that are really anti trans here’s a link of all anti trans laws they are doing
I would post more articles but the apps not letting me paste atm so feel free to google it
To address some of the other stuff expressed to me in the comments.
Someone told me the whole gaming and media industry isn’t needed and that they would be okay if the whole thing collapsed. I will explain why it is needed. People watch/play for many reasons. It builds serotonin. Entertainment and joy are vital in helping lowering suicide and depression.
And the media industry is one of the biggest in the US and it is hugely vital for the economy. The writers strike will help cause another depression (not blaming the writers but the asses that refuse to pay them) and people don’t even realize that outside the writers that are striking. Thousands of others are losing their jobs. Editors. Animators. Costume design. Set design. My sister. (No seriously she lost her job editing frames for shows)
If the entire industry collapsed so would the US. and even other country’s. The sad part is when I explained that. They didn’t even care. They don’t care that people will go homeless and starve with their families. It was messed up.
Or one person said they hoped everyone who played the game or worked on it dies.
Saying stuff like this shows me you are on a false moral high ground. That you are just as bad or worse then the people you are upset at.
Disclaimer: I do not support jk assface. She is a cunt and a bitch. I understand why people are upset about the game. I am not disagreeing or mad at you. I personally have never played the game. Will I someday? Idk. Probably not. I am Non Binary and Pan. I am more upset at the US government then my elderly father.
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raikkonens · 1 year
i need to know your trans kimi thoughts honestly i am so curious-
ok this is literally copied and pasted from my messages with bas from like 2 months ago. think sauber kimi or even kimi pre-f1. i'll put reference pics at the bottom
Got top surgery and is saving up for bottom surgery. Doesn’t know where bottom surgery/recovery fits into his f1 career or if it’s even possible; it’s not really a priority right now for him but if he can find time or take time off, he wants to do it.
His family was supportive - he’d always be their baby. He was into more dangerous, “masculine” things (sports, fishing, hunting with his dad) from a young age so his decision to officially transition didnt come as a surprise. maybe there wasn't even an "official" transition 
Kimi’s been considered a boy by his family and friends since he was about 9 or 10 (he/him pronouns, masculine clothes, etc.) 
Bc kimi passed from a young age, his dad managed to enter him into karting races as a boy (dont ask me how this works idc about logistics)
As for when he started t……idk. i was initially thinking 1999/2000 just before joining f1 but i did some research and now im thinking 16......and maybe he started taking hormone blockers earlier (which would contradict the first point and mean he didn't get top surgery, right? idk i think info from actual trans person could help me here)
A little confused about his sexuality, thinks he might be bisexual but hasn’t been with a girl for a really long time and also has never been with a boy..?? women kinda confuse him but he still finds them attractive.
He’s s bit insecure about how he looks without a hat on. he had longish hair until he was about 18/19/20 (ignore young kimi pics where he has short hair to keep this hc alive pls) but cut it short when he went pro. he likes how he looks with short hair but he’s still getting used to it, hence the hat.
Mika is the only one on the grid who knows he’s trans (idk…in this imaginary world, only the FIA, kimi’s TP, trainer, and manager need to know he’s trans). maybe michael too, and later...seb?
He’s done a lot of work to protect the fact that he was born female. he's not ashamed of it, but he knows what will happen if that info comes out. You can’t really find anything about young kimi – maybe a karting photo here or there but nothing about his personal life. no one finds this odd though bc kimi's very quiet and private in general
sorry this is way more than 5 hc's but here's bb kimi for reference
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mclaren kimi experimenting with the no hat look but the contractual obligation to represent the brand and sponsors blah blah blah means that he has to wear the hat a lot (which he's thankful for)
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and kimi tries growing out his hair in 2009 and actually kinda likes it?? he basically just stopped giving a fuck (not even an hc, just a fact) and kept it long during his non-f1 ventures in 2010 and 2012
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eldorr · 1 year
Non-Dysphoric Flag
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I had made dysphoria type flags back in September 2020 on my original blog. I didn't really like how I did two of the original flags so I decided to remake all of them.
Anyone who who is non-dysphoric can use this, minus if you're cis/transn't individuals (anyone who doesn't ID as trans/nonbinary or generally are only 100% (percent) cisgender).
The colors don't really mean anything other than I associated purple with non-dysphoria and used them on the flags as such. I guess you could consider the white stripes as standing for self-love? No clue what I said about the colors on the original posts since they're long gone lol
I'm also making a dysphoric flag, semi-dysphoric flag, and a dysphoriaflux flag. They'll be on separate posts.
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[ID] A flag with 7 horizontal stripes, the first two and last two are the same sizes, the third and fifth stripes are very thin, and the fourth stripe is thicker than the third/fifth but not as think as the rest. The colors from top to bottom are as follows: dark red, dull red, light gray, purple, light gray, greenish teal, dark greenish teal. The colors are desaturated. [/End ID]
[ID] A DNI (do not interact) banner with a very faded galaxy background. On the left of the banner there’s a flag as with a rounded side, the circle inside it showing an image of a cone tornado at the end of a road, the flag being the (General) Neurodivergent flag. The rest of the image is filled with white text that reads: “DNI (Do Not Interact). Against Good Faith Self Identification Or “Contradictory” Identities, Transmed, Sysmed, Group Arospec under Acespec, Anti-Educated Self-Dx, Call Mspec identities “Bispec”, Anti-Alterhuman, Anti-Otherkin, Anti-Chronosian, Against the term Transandromisia (or similar terms), Anti Aldernic, Anti-Altersex, Pro-Contact harmful paras, TransID,  Anti-Anti, Proship, “Consang”, Anti-SFW Agere, Demonize Cluster B disorders, Anti-BLM, Anti-ACAB” [/End ID]
Below these IDs is a cut, underneath the cut is where I put flags that may trigger eye strain, migraines, etc. due to colors or stripe patterns. Proceed with caution if you struggle with anything like that.
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[ID] A flag with 7 horizontal stripes, the first two and last two are the same sizes, the third and fifth stripes are very thin, and the fourth stripe is thicker than the third/fifth but not as think as the rest. The colors from top to bottom are as follows: dark red, persian red, white, dark purple, white, greenish teal, dark spring green. The colors are vibrant. [/End ID]
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 for the violence ask game lol
- @nsfwitchy
Since I don't think we share any other fandoms, Danganronpa it is!
1.) the character everyone gets wrong
There are so many, since I suspect the reading comprehension of the average Danganronpa fan is subpar. (If I haven't blocked you, then this jab isn't at you, dw.)
But Mikan is the most glaring. People take her defense mechanisms at face value, and write her inner monologues the same way as they write her dialogues. No way is she consistently that nice. She knows shes a doormat. I perceive that Ch3 is closer to her true feelings than 99% of the fandom thinks, even if Junko undoubtedly makes her worse.
2.) a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
I'm not really that into the PWP aspects of fandom, but pre-sauna scene lines heavily imply that Taka is the top here. You'd think that'd be the fandom default, but nah.
Also, bottom not equal submissive, but most bottom Kokichi fics are WILDLY OOC. If he bottoms, he's bratty and a pillow princess not "uwu soft boy".
3.) screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
There are so many, how can I possibly pick one.
DRV3 spoilers ahead, since idk if you've played that.
hmm. Danganronpa isn't pro incest since Kiyo's backstory is made up by Tsumugi. Okay then, explain Dr3 Mukuro. Explain Leon's FTEs. Explain the multiple pretty heavily implied ships where they call each other siblings. (Looking at you, Soapies and Ishimondo.) Explain why Kodaka CHOOSE to have Tsumugi pick that specifically for his backstory.
4.) what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
I cannot stand a lot of the people that headcanon Chihiro as trans (I do too, I just dislike the other fans) and act like its fucking canon, when it explicitly isn't. Is it a highly trans-coded narrative? Yes. Is it squicky to some people for that reason, yes. Are people being transphobic for enjoying what actually happened in canon? No you dumbass.
5.) worst discord server and why
(A shitton of Danganronpa servers have problems with blacklists, actually.)
Then there was this other time, where I campaigned hard to have a part of the server where people can talk about blacklisted material, since over time that becomes 99% of ships and characters.
And then the server decided that kinnies and people with DAs have the right to not have shit mentioned even in that section of the server. Goodbye!
I'm otherkin too. If you can't stand people talking about you, stay the fuck away from the fandom. Y'all are entitled little pissbabies, and if you tell me what I can and can't write (asking for better tagging is understandable) I will write it to spite you.
6.) which ship fans are the most annoying?
Komahina, 100% Tenmiko is a close second. Yes, its semi-canon. People are still allowed to enjoy other ships w/o being homophobic.
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listlessnessss · 5 months
Instead of amab/afab and msoc/femsoc, which has some people really hashtag triggered, i'm going to just be more brutally honest and call things, people, and experiences malebrained/fembrained because it gets to the heart of what people are gesturing at when they say amab/afab, doesn't correlate 1:1 to assigned sex, and can be changed if one so wishes. now that type 2 trans people are transitioning because they genuinely want to and now we know that gender identity, sexual orientation, and gender stereotypes are different things, we see a mix and match resulting in, for example, fembrained ftms.
Now to discuss a recent twitter dot com controversey. (I unironically think twitter is the most toxic place on the internet, because more people inc normies use it, and are not anonymous and can receive public figure status). a tguy made a comic about his experience with toxic masculinity and the QRTs essentially showed him toxic masculinity proper (ie. you're not a real man statements) and the leftist internet would 9/11 itself if those insults and behaviors were happening between or directed towards cis men. okay like yes i do think there can be a bit of a malignant learned helplessness among ftm-spectrum people due to fembrained upbringing and socialization. (see how much better it works) BUT this does not mean men should not be fembrained, and when you're criticizing feminity, you're missing that positive femininty exists within any and all genders. The malignant learned helplessness thing is much overplayed by people who have a bone to pick with ftm-spectrum people in the first place, and by the more normie "TMAW" cis contingent...
Such malignant learned helplessness is a highly specific negative trait correlated with a small but real percentage of ftms (and cis women, but curiously nobody seems to have a problem with them behaving like that... transphobia. I gather that people find it uncanny and offensive, or unfair, in some way when people who behave like this identify with manhood, and I'm a cis they them woman who's crypto so I don't really get a say in the social dynamics... but.) But it is not characteristic of nor necessary for transmasculine self-identification. The transandrophobia crowd would do well to listen, at least sometimes, to cis feminine and or gay men, on some issues. If they want their own tguy space, I think that's fine, too. I'm really live-and-let-live on these types of social issues. But people should be able to make a kind of informed consent when it comes to their behaviors, to fully weigh the pros and cons with the understanding of how such behaviors will be received by the outgroup and within the ingroup.
I do agree that there's some lack of guidance/theory/writing on the effects of toxic masculine expectations and the norms of the "universal malebrained" and how they can negatively impact ftm-spectrum people's understandings of themselves. I myself saw myself to be at the bottom of this kind of totem pole, an anomaly, a shut-out, and knowledge of social uncanniness has served as the limiting factor for my self-understanding moreso than fears about physiological uncanniness (although I am for sure bonepilled, too). The solutions on offer are to 1.gaymaxx(?) (say that you're this way because you're a gay man), 2.identify with lesbianism and gain social support there, 3.be proud of looking/seeming trans. Some of these solutions are good, but they cannot with 100% accuracy lead to an elimination of 'negative feminity'.
You're free to tell me I have no fucking idea what I'm talking about... but food for thought on how msoc/femsoc, amab/afab, etc, are just more fembrained ways of saying "malebrained/fembrained". I think it is absolutely possible to psychologically transition from one into the other and to understand how you are received. Being fembrained has, for me, been not an innate quality which myself nor anyone else possesses/lacks, rather, a logic about oneself which external forces have tried to pressure me into internalizing, and which I have, in different circumstances, found myself embracing or resisting. My fembrain is an elaborate social mask.
Ultimately, it's far more important to resist characterization of that twitter guy as not-a-man (definitionally, transphobia) than to offer bizarre explanations for the complex motivation behind such backlash against him from within the ingroup.
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yandere-class-1a · 6 months
💗 Anonymous Asks
I am perfectly fine with anyone using anonymous asks, I personally use them a lot. However if you use anonymous asks, please put a emoji(s) or a letter(s) as your signature. Just put it at the bottom of your ask and I'll add it to the list
Used Letters:
Used Emojios:
💗 I will write
Different AU's: I can do all diffrent types! Pirate, mafia, villan, no quirk, pro hero, hybrid, fantasy, royalty, mermaid, soulmates, mall workers, vampires, ghosts, ect. Or if you have your own AU and would like me to do somthing with it I can tolltally do that to.
Omegaverse: I know not everyone likes this trope but iI'm a absaloute sucker for it. I can do Alpha, Beta, or Omega for charecters or Reader. I do write heats but not in a sexual way, i personally write them kinda like a human period but replace the blood with increased body tempetures.
Any Gender: I am personally genderfluid and AFAB so those are the two that I would have the most experience with. However if you want me to do somthing like a trans reader or AMAB reader than I can try my best. Don't be afraid to make it specific to you, everone is diffrent and I understand trying to look for something that fits you more than the stereotypes.
Crossovers: I don't see a lot of creators in any fandom doing crossovers a lot. I see like *Insert charecter* x reader with *insert other character* personality but not really crossovers. So feel free to request a crossover of a diffrent show. If I don't know much about a charecter I may message you or look it up on Google to get more info, however I will try my best to complete the requeat. I actually have a personal work where bill chipher from gravity falls is my dad and I'm dating class 1-A... so defenitaly don't be embarrassed asking for a crossover.
Any skin color: I love having variety in my writing so I will do any skin colors. I can do basic skin colors, from pale peach to dark brown. I can also do exstream versions like skin that is nearly paper white from how pale it is or skin that us nearly space black from how dark it is. I can also do unnatural skin colors, like Mina!
Alterhuman Reader: Ok so I see absaloutly no alterhuman reader fanfics out there so i'm here to change that. I'm not personally a alterhuman but I do have a few freinds that are. If you want me to do a specific one instead of basic I can also do that. Like instead of a dragon kin I can do a dragon kin with space wing and starts eyes with claws that glow in the dark ect.
Body Marks: I personally have stretch marks, moles, freckles, and odd placed birthmarks so I can do any of these or others if you would like. If you are specifically extra self-conscious of your body marks than I can add extra levels of love to specific part if you would like :)
Feel free to requests anything as long as it's not in my will not write list!
💗 I will NOT write
Abuse: I will not do the character inflicting pain on the reader or the reader inflicting pain on the charecter. I can do mentions of past abuse, such as a charecter or reader flinching at touch orloud noise.
Cheating: character doing it to reader or reader doing it to character is just a big no. I never understood cheating, if you don't love somone jus break up with them. If you can't do it for safety reson than find a support system to protect tou in dangerous situations.
Abortion: I don't really have a side here but I don't like the though of writing it as it makes me uncomfortable.
Misscarage: I have lost three sibling to this and I still cry at night thinking of them, please don't ask me to do anything to do with this subject. If you do I will give you 1 warning and then I'm blocking you.
Rape/SA: I don't feel comfortable doing this subject. I can not do mentions of it as I have not personally experienced it and don't want to miss somthing or do something wrong.
NSFW: I may be a yandere blog but I do not wish to do anything sexual on this blog, only romantic and platonic here.
Note: Don't worry about being cringe with me! As long as your not hurting anyone than why should I stop you from having fun? Fell free to be your authentic self and request somthing super specific if you want.
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Choose violence game.
You know what. I'm very curious about your opinion about ALL OF THE NUMBERS
Wow, you chose violence, my friend. And I appreciate it!
These answers are mostly exclusively for Marvel/X-Men fandom. Be warned, I blab on forever. I cut out questions I already answered.
the character everyone gets wrong
I would love it if writers and fans stopped treating Sebastian Shaw as a sexist strawman.  I think the most ridiculous recent example was Shaw arguing against Curse’s resurrection in X-Men Green, and Kitty accusing him of having problems with powerful women he can’t control, and name-dropping Jean “Fire and life incarnate” like that’s supposed to intimidate Sebastian.  Give me a break, are we really girlbossing Curse?  I think Sebastian opposes Curse’s resurrection because she went a killing spree that makes her a liability to Krakoa.
It's also…..interesting to me that Sebastian is treated like the epitome of rich white male privilege.  I mean, I get it, he is rich and white and male, and he acts like he spends all his free time swimming in the money bin, but he also grew up in poverty.  There are plenty of rich characters born into wealth who don’t get this treatment.
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
All my faves do both.
3.screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
I’m assuming this means just fandom related, not real world issues.  But if I can veer away from X-Men fandom for a second, I really, really hate the way English-speaking manga fans have picked up the word fujoshi and turned it into “those awful women who fetishize MLM”  The original meaning of fujoshi, or “rotten women,” was misogynistic and homophobic male manga fans insulting any woman who was a big fan of anime/manga, and especially women who shipped M/M.  Japanese female fans embraced and reclaimed the term as a kind of badge of honor.  And now English-speaking, mostly Western fans on Tumblr have snatched up the term, which they don’t fully understand, as a way to differentiate themselves, the “good” M/M fans, from those awful fujoshi, the “bad” M/M fans.  I honestly think it’s racist to use the word that way.  You don’t get to enjoy Japanese BL/yaoi manga (or ship characters from manga) and also steal a word from Japanese fandom and use it incorrectly to bash on other fans.  If you want to talk about female fans fetishizing gay men, that’s a conversation we can have without taking a word out of context from another culture.  Personally, I think the main thing that really matters is how people treat actual, real life LGBTQ people.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
Aside from those friendly pornbots, the main people I block are random strangers that I see having shitty opinions on threads reblogged by people I follow (the people I follow are generally reblogging a refutation of the shitty opinion).  So anyone posting, say, anti-trans stuff gets a block immediately. 
I’ve never blocked a mutual or someone that I previously followed, it would take a lot to get me to do that.  There was one blog that I had bookmarked and frequently read back before I had a tumblr account, because they mostly posted about a character I like.  Their posting got gradually more and more red-pilled – they started posting Jordan Peterson videos, then it was pro-Trump stuff.  I don’t know what the hell happened, they had seemed like an intelligent and empathetic person.  I never officially followed them on tumblr, but last time I checked their blog, they were whining about SJW.  Blocked.
5. worst discord server and why
I’m barely on Discord, aside from talking to a couple of IRL friends.  I prefer this Discord. 
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And this one.
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6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
I think it all comes down to the individual fans.  Any ship can be annoying if it gets large enough that it sort of dominates fandom, but I still don’t mind if the fans are well-behaved.  Ship wars in general annoy me – ship and let ship, as far as I’m concerned.  I probably get more annoyed with people who make a big deal about hating a particular ship.  I don’t mean just disliking it, or making a few posts venting about the ship or fans being annoying, I totally understand that. I mean constantly posting about how much they hate the ship, like it’s their own personal crusade.
9. worst part of canon
That Pyro and Avalanche have not kissed yet.
10. worst part of fanon
That not enough people have written about or drawn Pyro and Avalanche kissing.
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
None.  I don’t really bother.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Morph from TAS.  Look, here’s this upbeat and cheerful mutant (who is also kind of annoying, admittedly), who is “killed” while trying to protect their friend, and then goes through absolute hell being manipulated and tortured and turned against their own team and having to confront their own dark side because they did terrible things, that’s an interesting character right there.  And Exiles Morph shows that TAS Morph has a ton of untapped potential in their powers.  Not to mention, we know so little about the character and their background, you can project whatever fanon you want onto them.  (Slaps roof) This bad boy can fit so many headcanons into them!
While I’m at it, I’ll also give a shout-out to Spyke from Evolution, a cute and likable kid with very cool powers, who also goes through an interesting arc with his powers visibly mutating his body, and he goes underground to live with the Morlocks and becomes their protector (which is nice, given that the X-Men mostly ignore the Morlocks).  And unlike Morph, Spyke was actually a main cast member on the show.  No offense to X-23, but how is it she got imported into the comics as a major character, despite only appearing in two episodes, and Spyke never really did?  (I know the answer – it’s because she’s a Wolverine.)
13. worst blorboficiation
Leah Williams completely re-writing Blob’s personality.  Don’t get me wrong, I like a more thoughtful, sensitive Blob, I like chill bartender Blob living his best life on Krakoa, I don’t like a personality change that barely resembles the old character.  I like Blob’s big and loud personality, even when he was often an obnoxious jerk, and I think there are ways to write him more sympathetically without completely losing that.
To be honest a lot of Leah Williams writing is just…..a little too Tumblr for me?  (Outside of other issues)  Like I totally love and appreciate the jokes and memes people make on here, but I can’t stand Jubilee using the phrase “juicy dumper” to describe having a nice ass.  Not because Jubilee can’t talk about sex or her body, or be vulgar, she’s a grown adult mother.  Just that “juicy dumper” sounds so fucking stupid, even for Jubilee, who is a slang queen.  It’s speech that works online, but people shouldn’t actually say it.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
If we’re talking about things that annoy me, the obvious influence of TV or movie versions of characters when people are supposedly writing the comics version.  Or people tagging all possible adaptations, even though those have wildly different versions of the characters.  I don’t mind people being creative and adapting various versions of the characters, I do mind people claiming they’re writing the comics character, and it’s obviously the movie/cartoon version.  Or going into a fic not knowing at all which versions of the character I’m going to get.  That’s probably my most petty, gate-keeping fandom opinion.
15, that one thing you see in fanart all the time
I really don’t have a problem with most fanart. I do get tired of Madelyne Pryor fanart being all evil-sexy-boobs-out Goblin Queen, but in fairness, that’s how the comics have been depicting her for years.  And unless you tag it as Maddy, or put her in her flight suit or Anodyne costume, it’s hard to know it’s her otherwise.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
The Wolverine/Jean/Scott “love triangle,” I’m so tired of it, but Wolverine writers will never let the whole Jean thing go.  I think fandom is actually pretty divided on it at this point, but there are plenty of people that still seem to love it, or want some kind of poly thing between them.  (I don’t have an issue with a poly relationship in comics, I just have an issue with Jean/Wolverine.)  I hate it because it feels forced, because Wolverine has had many partners and it seems like writers just want him to be the cool guy who gets all the women, and because they want some of the conflict between Wolverine and Scott to revolve around Jean, even though it’s already an obvious conflict between team leader and Guy Who Hates Authority.  I have never read any kind of attraction on Jean’s part that has convinced me, it just feels like Wolverine either pining for or chasing after a woman who is not interested, and who is already with someone else.  I’d much rather see Wolverine/Storm, or Wolverine/Storm/Nightcrawler if people want a poly ship.  That’s actually a romance growing naturally out of friendship and mutual respect, not “The cool rebel guy likes The Girl, and therefore he should have her.”
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Pyro and Avalanche kissing, obviously.
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
Shinobi Shaw.  He’s a hot bad boy with a history of being abused, he’s the son of a prominent villain, he’s bisexual and has an amazing fashion sense (when he’s not in Marauders).  He’s a poor little meow meow.  He has all the qualities that should make Tumblr latch onto him, but for some reason people haven’t.  Maybe because he hasn’t had much to do in the Krakoa era outside of Marauders, and he didn’t really get to do much in Marauders, either.
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
I’ve been trying to read some of the original X-Men issues, like the stuff from way back in the 60’s, and wow is it a slog.  I’m honestly mostly bored with the original five, I like Jean and Bobby, but I think the book gets way more interesting when the Giant Size X-Men show up.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
Big comics events, editors please stop making writers interrupt their stories every few months for the latest “event.”
But the recent specific thing is Mr. Sinister.  He’s a fun and entertaining character, but he or one of his clones have played SUCH a big role in the Krakoa books, and we just had an entire event about him taking over, and it seems like his story still isn’t over, I’m honestly just tired of him.  I’m glad classic Sinister went into the Pit, but there are still three clones running around to fill the void, and they’re not that interesting either.  I don’t want Sinister to leave the books entirely, I just want him and his variants to GO AWAY for a little while.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Phantazia.  Where are you, Eileen?
Also, why has no one put Pyro and Fabian Cortez together as a musical duo when they both can canonically play instruments.  (Or at last, Fabian says he can…..)
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
I can’t think of any ship I actively dislike that I’ve been convinced to like.  But I have been introduced to ships that I hadn’t thought about before, like Maximus/Namor, or Gambit/Quicksilver, or Unus/Blob.  I was already into Sam/Bucky, but fans have got me liking it even more.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
Things aren’t so bad on Tumblr, but on other social media like Reddit, any time a character in super-hero comics is LGBTQ.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a pre-established character coming out, or a completely new character, all the assholes come crawling out of the woodwork to explain why they totally don’t have a problem with gay characters, they just don’t like the way this particular one is written.  Every time.  There is no winning with these fans.  If it’s an established character coming out, then we get “Just make a new character, don’t change an established one!”  Even though comics are full of other types of character retcons.  Even though creators were restricted in depicting gay characters for decades (and to some extent probably still are), and a lot of meant-to-be-queer characters got straightwashed.  Even if it’s a minor recurring character whose sexuality was never previously established.  If it’s a completely new character, then they are an example of comics going “woke” and caring more about agendas than storytelling.  If the character’s sexuality is not a major part of their storyline, then they’re a token, if it is a major part of their storyline, then the character’s whole personality is about being gay.  There is no “right way” to write LGBTQ characters for these fans, because they really just don’t want gay characters in their super-hero comics.
This also applies to just about anytime a character is something other than a straight white dude or a conventionally hot woman.  “I just want good storytelling, not forced diversity!” people say about Kamala Khan, a popular and well-written character who has carried her own book with a great supporting cast for years.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Anything negative about the inclusive nature of A03.  Use the damn tags, or else go construct your morally pure fandom archive somewhere else.
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cryptidshadows · 1 year
I saw the post you made yesterday, and I'd like to take you up on your offer. I'm female to nonbinary, and I just started microdosing testosterone on March sixth. My main objective is bottom growth, which my doctor said can take as much as two years on this dosage; but I have a couple of questions she, as a cis person, can't answer:
I know there's no predicting what effects I'll get on T, but I'm a classically trained mezzo-soprano, and I worked hard for the voice I have. What is the likelihood, do you think, that I'll retain my upper registers if my voice deepens? I know of one man whose voice did that.
I'm not thrilled about the idea of facial hair. Do you have any suggestions for products or procedures that will keep it at bay, or do you prefer to let it grow? I'm in West Virginia, one of the states where trans rights are particularly under attack, so I need to be able to fly under the radar to some degree, even though I really want to be out and proud.
Last set of questions: did you have top surgery? If so, how much did it cost, how did you pay for it, and how long did it take to recover? I live on my own, so I'm concerned about being able to take care of my apartment while I recover.
Thanks for putting yourself out there for questions like this. I've been dealing with dysphoria for almost 44 years, and I'm finally in a place where I can do something about it, but I want to know what I'm getting into from someone who has actually experienced transitioning rather than just observed it from an outside, clinical perspective, you know?
I’ll do my best to answer each of these as best I can, but I’m no medical pro, and went on T with the intent of living full time as a man!
You’ve said your main objective is bottom growth - are there topical solutions or other things you can look into, rather than testosterone via injection? I’ve heard mixed results regarding the use of a vacuum pump, to stretch tissue (usually recommended 2-3 times a day, for 10-15 minutes). Of course there’s a lot of debate on whether or not it produces permanent effects, but it’s often requested by surgeons for bottom surgery preparation to give them as much natural length and tissue as possible.
The biggest issue with microdosing T (which you recognize yourself which is good to hear) is that it’s unpredictable. You’re still likely to get all the effects of a regular dose of testosterone, just more slowly - so your growth will likely begin to get larger alongside more of a substantial voice drop, body hair growth, etc. There are also trans men who experience little to no bottom growth, even on a standard dose, while gaining a deeper voice and facial hair. A lot of the effects of T, even on a lower dose, can’t be easily reversed, so if your current voice is very important to you, that’s something to really think about! You can train your voice to be higher, as many trans women have, but the thicker vocal chords are typically permanent. I have known trans men who have trained themselves to sing with a pretty impressive range, it’s just the entire range has, of course, dropped lower than before. It’s pretty similar to how a cis boy singer has to retrain when he goes through puberty!
I was very excited to be able to shave my face, so I did want facial hair (and now I only ever trim it, lol)! Again, I’d caution that the use of T will be hard to hide over time, and I think it’s good to be prepared for how you will handle those changes being recognized at work, in town, with people who are close to you, etc. That’s why I wonder if there’s another way for you to get certain secondary effects without testosterone as a prescriptive substance, as it’s virtually impossible to have full control over which effects you get. (You could end up with tons of body hair, a deep voice, and no bottom growth - we all just react so differently to it.)
I mentioned in a previous answer that I had a lot of growth from exercising, especially weight lifting while on a higher protein diet. I’m not sure if that’s something you can do, but many female bodybuilders tend to be more well-endowed, because they’re naturally boosting their body’s androgens - but it comes with a lower likelihood of developing a significantly deeper voice or facial hair!
I actually have not have top surgery - I’ve debated it, but my biggest issue was the risk of sensation loss. I’d get t-anchor or something to that accord if I did, and I would look into local surgeons due to my insurance and the quality of care in my state. I live in Massachusetts now, and most trans care is covered by insurance here if you have a medical need for it. I know that’s not the case in West Virginia unfortunately, but if you have a workplace that has insurance, it would be good to call your provider and see - and some workplaces offer HSAs, which are pre-tax accounts you can contribute part of your paycheck to in order to save up for medical expenses. I do have a friend who had top surgery while living alone, and he just made sure he had everything in easy reach - nothing placed above waist level in the apartment! Many surgeons will advise or even require that you have some help for the first day or two or even week though, so if you can arrange for someone you trust to stay with you for a little bit, that would likely be a huge help, even if just to be sure you don’t have any complications or emergencies that you can’t handle on your own!
I hope that some of this is useful, and again this is all just from MY point of view, so take it all with a grain of salt! I think it's a really good thing though that you're doing your research and due diligence to prevent going down a path of changes that you aren't sure you want to have. There's always more than one way to go about something, and it's possible that you could get some of the results you're looking for through other means than HRT!
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trixeraptops · 2 years
My second ever commentary post how fun
This time it's Enola Holmes 2
This is a live reaction so there is no context, suffer.
Warnings for swearing and all capsAnyways let's hop in the carriage and travel back to Victorian(?) England.
Ooh letter burning for the logo fun
Ok I doubt any of this is true don't lie to me bitch
Why is she running away from the police?What did she do
I will say she looks good
Yeah you should explain and I do remember you
Oh yay she opened a detective agency
Awww she kept Dash how cute
But didn't she give it Sherlock in the end of the last movie?
She forgot how sexist and ageist her time period is lmao
Hah they all just want Sherlock221B!!!!!
Trying not to draw attention, blows up a mailbox
Tewksbury is champion for change and progress I love it
Girl you have time for a little distraction you fucking tsundere
Oh her agency is already shut down
2who is it
Aw a little girl she's so. Cute I love her scarf
Ooh the cinematic shot
Enola looks so out of place lol
I hope this is pro Bono I don't think this girl has much
Enola don't look so put off, not everyone is rich as you
Ew rat
We weren't sisters in the usual way, love that
It soesnt mean anything to the Lil one but to Mae it clearly does
Aw this is so sweet
The game is afoot Jesus your finding a missing person not hunting one
Changed her name to Hilda
They're looking for disease at the entrance omg
Bruv you're gonna get yourself and bessie in trouble bruv
That was smart tho
Ooh torn pages that's sus
She stole the pages?
Oh that woman has such a soft voice it's so pretty but I can't hear her
Mae definetely knows somethingMae was involves in the theft o.o
Haha 'young lady I'm afraid I'm married'
Damn she's in a bar and it's fucking rowdy in here
Mae is a showgirl isn't she?
She is
That was a fun jaunty number
The missing worked with Mae as a showgirl
Jesus Mae
Lol fake knife
False bottom! I knew she was a top lmao
It's a sappy romance poem
She ran away to marry someone didnt she?Ooh drama
Dun dunbdun mysterious blurred fellow in the background
Ew he's following her
He hid but he's very loud what is cane made of metal?
Sherlock! He's drunk
Lol roasted
His bullshit tips are everything
Now sh I'm thinking you should write that down
You shouldn't get so drunk ehen you have no way home write that down
Wait is she gonna live with her brother or is this is a John reveal?
Jesus christ he's really fucking observant even when drunk and hungover
I don't need tour help! But I'm still taking the food you offered
Don't speak with a mouthful
Ooh she sits where he walks to work so they can run jnto each other.
She looks so upset after making a joke
That was so awkward lmao
Feel a need?
It's a coded poem! Open mouth
She's so excited
You didn't have to say you don't sew bruv we get it your not like other girls
I doubt this case will get media coverage
The doors open o.o
Suspecious...But not as sus as her for breaking into someone's house
Oh this shows a struggle and abandonment
MAE she's dead!
This case just got alot more interesting
It'd mr.clangy
Sarah is wanted oof
Oh he tried to be respectful but superintendent is a bitch
I hate this guy I'm calling him mr.clangy forever now
Lestrade is so fucking calm, your boss just got punched in the gut
Hah he doesn't remember you bruv
Just a friendly visit cause your sis is running away from the cops
I cant I can't, maybe I can
He's such a fangirl omg
Damn she roof hopping
Shit she almost fell, she gone die
Wait what the fuck
Enola Holmes is turning all the men in England trans lol
I wonder if the cases are related
Wait Moriarty maybe?
I'm a slut for BBC Sherlock so forgive all the speculation that's purely based on BBC Sherlock, I know they aren't related
He has this walk
Immediate recognition lmao
Enola looks weirded out
You tell Sherlock! She made it bout herself, she wants media attention not to help
Haha callback
He just walks past them lmao
I think Poppy might be a chick but I could be wrong
A hat! Dun dun dunnn
It's not a date it's a place!
Williams for reds not a Poppy at all
I'm going to a ball yay! Ew
Smh Enola
I love her cloak
Her dress is so pretty
Why is the music so sus when they light the cake
Lol the chaperone
She keeps forgetting what her society is like
Bitch you live here how do you forget this shit
He's actually leading Sherlock in a dance lmao
Oh she gone get caught
Tabitha Timothy lol
Fan language!!! Oh thats so clever and cute!
But she doesn't know fan language hahaha she immediately messed up
Omg Tewkesbury
Of course he's doing something with plants
This is so weird and cute i love their little relationship
Haha I love her
You're a man when I say soShe's such a bitch
She's a natural at dancing or maybe just with Tewksbury
What does that mean lmao
Don't touch the ginger cake!
Wait dance cards are an actual thing lmao
ID the writing ON SIGHT
jealous bitch
Cicely seems nice, she complimented Enola even if she had an outdated dress
Dislocated and I'll scream, ICON
He knows Bessie!
Ooh a secret meeting how funBunch of random letters returns
I hope their as gay as the BBC
Not the police barging in
She gave him her evidence! How sweet
Cecily is the only one who looks concerned for her everyone else is making fun of her
Keep silent Enola!
Shut up mr.clangy no one likes you
Oh no he's gonna kill Bessie isn't he :(
His job is to kill match girls who are needling out the corruption?
Oooh mr.clangy stopped Sherlock from getting her
Those fingerprints are blurry at best
Ohmygod I was typing the last line then Sherlock kicked a fucking sign and scared a cat
It's the jujitsu woman!
It's ok you can say it
Ew I don't like how that guard looked at Enola
Wtf whyd they push her into the center?They're gonna hang her? Or beat her? What?
No its jujitsu lady
Prison break bitches
Her mom really likes bombs huh
Carriage chase carriage chase
Theure giving people typhus or something
He's gonna jump on isn't heNot anymore lol
Mr.clangy you bitch stop shooting st them
You go girl
Holy shit he just broke their wheel
I hope the horses are all right
Probably are they disappeared with the crash
Fuck off you bitch
Aw they changed her into new clothes how nice
Her mother is initiating boy talk
He ain't my Boi
I love that's she's acknowledging her part in Enola self isolating
She's encouraging her to get allies ♡
I love these women
She just winked? Why?
Get a haircut as your parting word lmao
I knew it
They're killing the match girls by giving them typhus through the MATCHES
And Sarah figured it out
She and Mae were expirementing eith it
They tested flies, mice, plants
Extraordinary I love them
She went to Tewkesbury!!!
His flat is filled with flowers and plants ♡♡♡♡
I love him
Yay their allies
Jealous bitch
Shut up you awkward bruv
To be fair they spelled it out
She sent Ily to William too
We live we laugh we love
Just tell em your a lord, I am, then they'll believe you omg
The contempt in their voices I love this sibling dynamic
I knew they were connected I KNEW
Is that guy dead
He is
Moriarty is dead :(
Haha Tewkesbury
It's a set up!
Is Moriarty actually alive
He is
Ooh William thankyou for golding onto that
It's a letter isn't it
Nope map
Dora Dora Dora the explora
He can't fight lol
She's just beating him up until he pussies up and fights her
After she punched him multiple times lol
They're so cute
Secret treasure
She was wearing a wig this whole time damn
Uh oh they have to tell her he's dead
Aww poor Sarah ♡
Ew mr.clangy
Tewksbury is getting fucked up
Ooh but he's got a sword now
Fuck off clangy
Did Sherlock just kill someone?
How many bullets has he got? It's a small gun can't be too many
Retractable knife for the win!
Ah shit she got knicked in the head real bad
Yes Tewkesbury fuck him up and get your girl
Shit clangy is dead Enola full ass killed him
Now that murder charge is valid
Sherlock you dramatic bitch
Go off queen! Tell him, dick him down verbally
Society creates yet another villain
For now at least, love thatOh no is the bad guy gonna win?
He paper burning is beautiful though
But the movie isn't over yet
Shut up boss man
Sometimes an inspiring speech doesn't work
At least not right away
Yiu go Bessie I love you girl
This is amazing I love this
I think this music was at the end of the other movie too
She runs her agency out of the fighting place now :)
Holmes and Holmes ♡♡♡♡
But I glad she refused
The running write that down gag ♡
They're gonna meet with jne another ♡
Ah they're so cute
I love them so much
Ohhhh the true part was Match Girl Strike that makes more sense
I thought I heard of match girls before
♡♡♡♡/5 I loved this movie
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