#holding you still while you try to run away from her cock because it's too much
masonmontz · 11 hours
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heeey, how are you? english is not my first language but i really wanted to write something about mason, so if you see something wrong, i’m sorry ):( hope you like it
funny + hot (just some acts and thoughts)
While on Tiktok you saw again that trend where someone sends a dirty text to their partner in front of family or friends to see their reactions. It's an old trend and you used to watch the videos that people made during the pandemic, but now they are doing again and you laugh so much watching all those videos.
And this is a perfect night to tease Mason.
Just because he likes to tease you. He deserves.
Debbie invited you two for her birthday in London and taking advantage of the fact that Mason has a few days off, you decided to travel from Manchester to his parents house.
You and Mason moved to Manchester and most of the time is just you two there, since your family lives in London too. Tonight you attended your mother-in-law's birthday and tomorrow your parents invited you two for lunch, and you will have no rest until you return home.
You are standing next to Jaz in the stairs, paying attention to what she says about Summer’s new school, and you can see Mila sleeping on the couch while her big sister colors the princess book that you and Mason bought for her.
Debbie is sitting next to Mason talking happily, probably happy because her baby boy is home again after a long time. Tony and Lewis are sitting with them on the couch, and you can see them laughing about something Lewis is talking about, maybe one of his crazy travels.
You pick up your phone when you see Mason taking his, but you can’t see what he’s doing because he is sitting in front of you.
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You turn off your phone and put it back in your pocket, looking at Mason to see his reaction.
You can see perfectly when he is reading the message, because he paralyzes for thousandths. You see him gulp and he turns his gaze to you.
You send him a shy - and false - smile, pretending like you didn't send him a dirty text twenty seconds ago while his mom is by his side.
Mason shakes his head and can’t hold back a smile, picking up a pillow and placing it on his lap, so no one can see his hard crotch under his pants.
“What are you doing?” You can see his lips move, but you shrug, still looking inocent.
You turn to Jaz and answer her about Summer’s birthday next month. You look again at Mason and he pretends paying attention about what his mom is saying but you can see perfectly how he presses the pillow against his crotch.
He raises his gaze to yours once again.
“I need to go to the bathroom” You say to Jaz and she agrees, moving herself to the couch with everyone.
You laugh alone because of Mason. He always try to tease you in public or anywhere else, but it's so funny to be able to get revenge knowing that he will be embarrassed for getting a hard-on around his family.
You pass through the hallway and go to the bathroom, knowing that your boyfriend will appear in a few seconds. You stare yourself in the mirror just to check the makeup, and when you are are washing your hands, Mason appears.
“What the fuck you think you’re doing?” He says, closing the door and pulling you by the waist. He presses his hard cock against you and you can't help but sigh.
“Have you lost your mind, Y/N?” He kisses your shoulder and rubs his hips against you again. “I’m so hard, I hope none of them saw my pants tight because of my dick.”
“Well, good luck getting this over with.” You say and move away from him.
“You know, just a trend I saw on Tiktok.”
“You better be kidding me.”
“Sorry, Mase.” You smile at him, watching him run his hand over his pants to ease the pain. “I wanna suck your dick and maybe be fucked in the bathroom, but right now is just a revenge for all those time you teased me in public.”
Mason closes his eyes and he lets out a laugh. You approach him again and help him, running your hand up and down his dick quickly.
He's so hard that you get turned on, but you take your hand away when you hear him whimper.
“I have to go” You open the door and smile at him one last time. “Lock the door, please.”
“You will definitely kill me, Y/N.” He says and walk to the door. “You better prepare yourself ‘cause I want to fuck you all night.”
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My Girls. - OC Story
pairing: F!OC: Kathleen "Brass" Moore x John Price extra: moot OC!Camilla Price x Rodolfo Parra words: 1.9k~ cw: baby fic, parenting, parenting insecurities (from John, about not being present enough), father's day dinner, flirting, insults, banter.
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June 20th, 2021.
Father's Day.
Fatherhood might just be the most exhausting mission John Price has ever had to fight.
And if Kathleen ever heard him say that out loud, she'd take one of his pistols and empty all the magazines in his skull while he's sleeping.
But that's the only explanation he has as to why he finds himself waking up at 1100 on a Sunday.
It has to be exhaustion, right? After all, he spent all afternoon yesterday running around after Charlotte in the garden, playing all sorts of games with the rambunctious girl...
And then a full hour and a half trying to get Olivia to go down, the baby too fussy due to colic because John forgot to burp her after feeding.
In his defense, it was hard to focus on burping a baby considering Roxie had sent a vase of Kathy's flying onto the flower while jumping onto the shelf, and Charlotte was running around barefoot.
John brushed his teeth and washed his face in the mirror, running water over his hair as well and rubbing it in with his hands to make him feel a bit more fresh.
Then, still yawning, he made his way down the carpeted stairs to the living room, finding the house... suspiciously quiet, though the TV was on.
Rounding the corner, he found the reason why. Sprawled on the couch laid Kathleen, still in her pajamas and a robe, her hair just barely combed out of the way into a practical ponytail.
The flatscreen TV was playing some sort of cartoon, not very loud, mostly just to fill the silence.
Olivia laid belly down on Kathy's chest, eyes closed and napping, as she tended to do as part of her late morning routine, Kathy's hand holding and rubbing her back gently;
And Charlotte was lying against Kathleen too, her head resting on mummy's chest, sucking away at her pacifier and watching TV quietly, seeming more so like she was about to fall asleep than properly awake, while Kathy played with her short brown hair.
There was something so domestic about it... so heartwarming and safe, of seeing his girls cuddling together on the couch on a lazy Sunday morning...
"Morning, Kat..." John greeted softly, keeping his voice low as he approached, gently pressing a kiss to Charlotte's head, and then one to Kathy's lips, before rubbing Olivia's little head.
"Morning..." Kathy whispered. "There's breakfast for you in the kitchen, love." She told him.
"Thank you. I'll eat in a bit." John replied.
His wife's gaze trailed the way Charlotte reached her hands for daddy, allowing him to scoop her up and bring her to snuggle against his chest as he sat by his wife, surrounded by his girls.
"Lottie, don't you have something to say to daddy, poppet?" Kathleen encouraged in a sweet tone, causing the girl to nod and pull out her pacifier.
"'appy Daddy's Day, daddy!" Charlotte cooed sleepily, her hands grabbing John's beard face before pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"Awww... thank you, poppet..." John replied and pressed a myriad of kisses to his eldest daughter's forehead. "I'm the luckiest daddy ever."
"I have tea reservations at a café..." Kathy murmured as she leaned over to whisper in John's ear, not wanting to disturb both their sleepy daughters.
"Oh, do you?" John asked with a raised brow. "Since when do you care about father's day?" He teased Kathy a bit.
"Since I think you've been doing a... not terrible job at it." She ended up saying, cocking a brow at him playfully.
"Be careful now, Mrs. Price. Going to give me an ego." He quipped, a smirk taking over his lips as she scoffed some more and rolled her eyes at him.
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John didn't know how they did it. How they succeeded in both bathing both of the girls, dressing them, showering (and shaving) and putting on clothes (and make-up in Kathy's case) and making it out of the house and to the café in time for the reservation.
But they did.
For once John was wearing a button-up and slacks with boots, and had his beard properly styled...
And Kathy had been able to do her hair, put on make up and put on one of her pretty little blouses and skirts, the ones he hadn't been able to see her wear in ages.
It was unfortunate, how parenthood made it that most of the time, they lived in either their work uniforms or their other work uniforms, aka hoodies and workout pants.
John sort of missed those times when he could put on an outfit like this and take Kathy out to dinner without having to schedule and prepare weeks in advance to coordinate with family who is going to keep the girls and for how long and the routines and the naps and the food and the-
It was a conflicting feeling sometimes.
And it became more conflicting when he pondered his wife.
He left Kathy alone too often. His job was demanding and if before it was the loneliness that he worried would get to her, now, it was the stress.
Leaving her to manage a home, two children under 5, a cat, a career... He felt guilty now, whenever he had to leave.
He worried that every time he stepped on a helo, he would be returning in a body bag, and leaving Kathleen to fend for herself while dealing with the grief, and imagining how she'd have to plan a funeral, and explain death to Charlotte who wouldn't understand why daddy wasn't coming home...
"Daddy?" Kathy called out for him, since they were in front of their children, drawing his attention back to her across the table.
She had Olivia on her lap, the little one banging her small hands on the tabletop, while Charlotte sat to her mum's left and John's right, sipping from a sippy cup.
"Hm?" John beckoned as he raised his tea cup to take a sip, watching her over the rim.
"You're quiet. What're you thinking of?" She prompted.
John shook his head and smiled at her. "About how much I love my girls." He lied.
Kathleen's brow cocked up, knowing her husband too well by now to believe that. "Uh-huh." She nodded, feigning she believed him, her voice dripping sarcasm.
Then, she looked away again, grabbing her own tea cup to sip from, glancing at John with suspicion in her eyes, knowing better than to poke and prod him in a public place...
But her eyes, just as fiery as the day he met her, told him she was not going to let this go very easily.
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Sitting in the garden of his parents' house, John watched Charlotte running around after their ratty old dog, Nibbles, while the old pup ran for dear life to get away from the child.
His mother, Virginia was inside preparing dinner for the family, his father Charles currently across the garden, on the phone with his sister Camilla, who had called to wish Happy Father's Day from Mexico.
"How's Lottie doing?" Kathleen murmured as she approached from behind, coming to stand beside the bench John sat at.
He raised his head and turned to look at his wife. The sun was shining on her from behind, hitting her like a halo, and bouncing off her earrings, and her bracelets and her wedding ring...
God, she was such a stunning woman, and he felt like such a knob, leaving her to raise their children alone...
"Love, you have that look in your eye again." Kathleen called his attention, causing him to snap out of his train of thought.
"Sorry." He murmured, watching as she rounded the bench and came to sit beside him. "Is Livvy okay?" He asked her.
"Out like a light." Kathy replied. "Are you okay, though?" She returned the question.
John sighed and nodded, looking toward Lottie again, watching her as she had stopped running and now sat on grandpa's lap, who let her see Aunt Camilla on the phone screen.
"I'm sorry." The Captain ended up saying as he glanced at his wife.
"Well, it's about time," Kathy joked a bit. "But just so we're on the same page, what are you apologising for?"
John scoffed a bit at her this time, but couldn't hide the little smile that formed on his lips.
"Leaving you alone all the time." He ended up saying, surprisingly sincerely. "Missing so much of their lives... Leaving you to take care of them alone... Running yourself ragged..."
Kathleen's eyes softened a bit and she sighed. "It's a part of life, John." She said as she gently patted him on the shoulder.
"It's not. Normal families get both parents in the home all the time, not the father always gone, leaving, and the mother raising the children alone." He replied as he sighed, looking away and resting his elbows on his knees, his hands hanging limp.
"Right. But we're not normal, John. You're a Special Forces operator, I'm an Army Nurse. We're not normal." She reiterated as she leaned forward too, to look him in the eyes. "It comes with being a military wife." She said with a shrug.
John groaned a bit and ran a hand over his lower face, rubbing his mouth and mutton chops with his hand in frustration.
"Besides, are you trying to imply I'm not strong enough to rear 2 daughters all by myself?" She added, her tone feigning offense, which caused John to groan in exasperation.
"Oh shut it." John groaned and rolled his eyes, feeling amused again. "I'm just worried that if I'm gone too much, they'll grow up to be like you, you evil woman." He teased.
"I hope they do. It's already bad enough they have your last name, I'll start a riot if they have your personality too." She added, enjoying the smirk that took over his lips, his mind seemingly less set on his worry about her, about them.
She knew she needed to distract him. He wouldn't in good conscience be able to continue working if he was worrying about his girls back home. It would put him in danger.
"You have my last name too, Mrs. Price. Or did you forget that?" John retorted as he leaned back to look at her, resting a fist on his thigh as he manspread a bit, losing the tension on his shoulders.
Taking his more open stance as an invitation, Kathleen shifted her weight and scooted over, leaning against him and wrapping her arms around him.
"Oh, no, I didn't forget. I was hoping that by taking it, people would start mixing it up and then one day I could just get rid of you and steal your identity." She joked a bit more.
John chuckled this time. "You're such a cunt..." He grunted under his breath as he pulled her in for a kiss, pressing his lips to hers.
"And you're a bastard..." She retorted as she returned the kiss gently and fondly.
She cupped his face after a moment and looked him in the eyes, her brown ones stern and determined, but full of love for him.
"Don't worry about us, okay?" She assured him. "We've got this. I've got this." She nodded at him. "And you're doing a good job as their father." She added.
John's brows furrowed at the reassurance from his wife, the sweetness of her words, so unlike her usual self... And he knew then she meant it, with all her heart.
So, he nodded. He pulled her close and let her rest her face against the breast of his coat, pressing his lips onto the crown of her head.
"I love you." He cooed at Kathy.
"I love you too." She replied.
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rottiens · 28 days
Stepmom Yuki has severe breeding kink 😔✊️
she fucks you nice and deep, putting her hands on your belly looking adoringly at the way the cock separates your slippery folds and she would love nothing more than to fill you to the last drop. she in fact, debates whether she would love to cum in your folds or so deep inside you. her thumb moves from your belly button to your clit and strokes it sweetly as she takes the leg above her shoulder and kisses your calf, moving her hips in such a way that she manages to get even deeper.
the idea of her seed inside you, your tits swollen from pregnancy and her lips on your sweet sensitive nipples is what makes her cum silently, calling your name as she bites your skin.
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buckyalpine · 8 months
Winter soldier x reader ft sex pollen
Unhinged winter soldier with sex pollen. This is wildly inappropriate (with some fluff?...) but I thought of it so you must all suffer with me. Imagine Hydra filling the room with sex pollen immediately after Buck is wiped, sending him out at in his most feral state in hopes that the winter soldier will lose control and give into the urges they've forced into him. They need him to breed another super soldier since they were unable to replicate the serum in his veins.
As soon as the dust fills the room, his pupils dilate, his tac suit far too hot, his veins pumping so hard they feel like they're going to burst. The straps holding him down release and his chest is heaving, trying to calm down the primal needs hes feeling, pain prickling his skin the longer he stays in the room. He grunts, striding out of the room and into the night, chasing a craving he has to get out.
He moves without a soul detecting him, until a sweet scent catches his attention. Floral, natural, innocent. Fertile. He's suddenly hyper focused on the thing his body is screaming for, following the unsuspecting woman, his teeth grinding through the pain. She enters a building and he observes each window before seeing a lights turn on, her nude silhouette appearing through the curtains.
It takes no effort for him to climb up the fire escape, easily prying the locked window open only to be met with the sound of the shower running. Her scent permeates all his senses and he nearly strips off all his clothes then and there, the pollen causing lust that makes his bones ache. The water shuts off and hes waiting like a predator waiting for its prey, sitting perfectly still while the door clicks open. She gasps and freezes in place and he sight alone makes him growl.
Pathetic little bunny.
"Who-who are you" she whispers, clutching her towel tightly together though it's not like she didn't know. Tears fill her eyes seeing the deadly soldier people spoke about, unsure if he even existed, the very rumor now sitting on her bed. He doesn't anything, groaning at the feeling of his arousal steadily dripping from his cock, palming his erection.
"Please-don't" She shakes her head, seeing his hardness pressing against his pants, his large presence suffocating because she knows there's no where to run. He slips his mask off, revealing his dangerously handsome face, his eyes wild with lust and need.
"But I have to" He grits out, stalking over to her and grabbing her by the waist, burying his nose in her freshly washed hair, deeply groaning at the scent of her bodywash, "mne eto nuzhno, zayka" [I need this, bunny]
"No-I-I'll do anything-" She trembles, squeezing her eyes shut feeling his warm wet tongue lick up her neck as his mismatched hands rip her towel away, pulling her hips flush against his cock. The rough material of his tactical hear scratches her soft skin, making her whimper when when he bites her shoulder.
"takoy myagkiy krolik" [such a soft bunny] He throws her like a doll, her ass bouncing off the mattress, flat on her back back while he undoes his pants, pulling his cock out. She squeezes her legs shut, shaking her head, his fat bobbing length taunting her as he pumps himself while crawling onto the bed.
"It hurts bunny" He groans, forcing her legs apart, her natural scent nearly causing pain as he stares at her pussy. Her button between her legs involuntarily twitches and he pinches it hard making her squeal, the sound causing a drop of precum to spill out.
His head is so focused on getting his release, he doesn't bother prepping her, shoving his cock into her tight cunt, grunting and forcing his length in when he feels resistance. He stars to fuck her hard, holding both wrists in his metal hand, keeping her pinned under him while he splits her open.
"Hurts-too much-to big-stop-" She gasps out her pained cries melting into muddled moans of pleasure, her own body betraying her, feeling her own warmth wetting his cock making it easier for him to slip in and out. "Oh god-soldat-stop-don't-
"You're wet" He hisses, almost accusatorily, pounding her harder, faster until the bed shakes and scratches the floor, the serum pumping in his veins making his cock sensitive.
"I need this-I need it" Sweat beads at his forehead, his balls feeling heavier than usual, the pollen causing his body to produce more semen than he naturally would.
"YA chuvstvuyu zapakh, kakoy ty mokryy, zayka" [I can smell how wet you are bunny] His balls throb painfully, his cock ready to burst as his thrusts become more erratic. He snarled against her neck as pleasure starts to lick up his spine, the bruising grip on her wrists tightening as he starts to pump her full of his load without warning.
She whimpers feeling shame for the delicious stretch of his cock, her cunt fluttering, swollen from his abusive pace. She finds herself flipped over with her ass in the air, her face pressed against the sheets, his cock rock hard again, prodding at her puffy folds.
"Not done-need more" he growls lowly, stripping his clothes off, his body heat dialed to 100. His crotch is covered in cum, a mix of his and hers, the smell of her driving him insane as he grabs her hips and slams her to meet his thrusts again. He has more power at this angle, fucking her like a mad man, groaning with his head thrown back, eyes rolled to the back of his head, only focused on pleasuring his cock.
"Ty shlyukha Zimnego soldata, ty voz'mesh' to, chto ya tebe dayu" [You're the winter soldier's whore, you'll take what I give you] He's at his most unhinged, grunting and groaning, fucking her like an animal, her muffled screams only causing his cock to swell more. "Make me feel good, make it go away bunny"
"Soldat please stop-too big" she begs and he fucks her harder, making her moan, pulling another orgasm out of her body even if she fought against it. His thighs meet the back of hers, rolling and rocking his hips, hitting her cervix until her sweet juices squirt out of her, obscene sounds of skin on skin filling he room. "SOLDAT"
"I have to breed you bunny" He shakes his head, unwilling to leave until he's sure she's pregnant with his child, forcing every bit of his cum into her. "My fertile little bunny" He nips your skin, running his hands over her tummy, imaging it firm and round with his baby growing inside. He loved the thought of such an unsuspecting, sweet angel carrying the child of he soldier, all of his cum making a mess in her pussy.
By the last round, the pollen has started to dissipate and the cloud is lifting. He pants, still rutting into her pussy, something tugging at his conscious, shaking his head when the lusty animalistic haze weavers.
"T-tell me your name" He rasps, his heart beating wildly, loosening his grip on her. She whimpers from pain and to her surprise, he slowly down, still grinding himself in, burying her face into her neck. "zayka, pozhaluysta" [bunny, please]
"Y/n" she whispers, unsure of why she told him, her voice catching in her throat when his lips press against her skin. She's limp in his hold, the smell of sex permeating the room, the sheets soaked with his cum, but nothing more full than her cunt.
"Y/n" He moans, his body trembling as he nears the end of his final release, stilling till he's milked himself dry, her soft body worn under him. Something is wrong, he can feel it, the emotionless control he had before, slipping from his grasp. He yearns to hold the woman in his arms but he can't .Something stops him.
His movements are robotic as he pulls away and slips his clothes back on, memories unfamiliar to him flashing through his mind.
He wasn't the soldier.
He was-
Her soft snores pull her from his spiral, looking up to seeing her sleeping form, fucked out from the way he'd ruined her. He frowns at the unfamiliar feeling of concern he's experiencing, pulling the covers over her body.
"Thank you bunny" He whispers, making her whine in her sleep, calling for the soldier.
He shakes his head, his previously wild replaced with those of a young man from Brooklyn.
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torukmaktoskxawng · 8 months
the perfect fit
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Pairing: Aged up!Ao'nung x Aged up Fem!Metkayina!Reader
Request by: @froggieface
Warnings: NSFW, minors DNI, aged-up characters, rough smut, p in v, mentions of choking, nudity, creampie, cock warming, dirty talk, etc.
Words: 3k+
Taglist: @aonungmyaddiction (because you wanted to be tagged in anything Ao'nung related. I hope that's still okay!)
Prompts used: #17, Stealing or Sharing Clothes
Na'vi Words: ilu - plesiosaur like animal, marui - home/pod, tewng - loincloth, yawne - beloved, tsaheylu - the bond
A/N: Doesn't correlate with any Kinktober prompts, except for choking but we already surpassed that lol. Thanks for the wait and enjoy my first avatar x reader smut :) I did stray away from certain aspects from the original request so I'm sorry about that, was desperate to get it done.
It all started when Ao'nung had been in an ilu incident earlier that week. When helping herd a predator away from the reef, his ilu was startled and began to buck and swim wildly to the point where the poor thing couldn't figure out which way was up or down. Amidst the chaos, Ao'nung had been flung and shoved into bystanding coral, cutting up part of his right arm. His hunting party brought him home immediately after scaring away the danger. It was only a superficial, non-threatening wound. The cut was long but not deep, and Ao'nung had barely bled, but to refrain from swelling, his mother advised him not to wear his usual adornments on his arm for the rest of the week.
This brings Y/n to her current predicament, trying to find something new to wear for tonight's upcoming celebration for the new season. Scrounging around hers and Ao'nung's shared marui, she was partially frustrated that she hadn't made something new for this event even though she had known about it for weeks. Rummaging through her things, she had come up with some old tops and loincloths she hadn't worn in a while and thought they would be perfect for tonight's event. She might as well refresh her old style and make it new and exciting as she wanted to stand out, but over the years, she had started changing her style so much to the point where none of her current jewelry matched the older clothes. So now she was frustrated with herself that she, yet again, didn't make anything new for the festivities. 
She decides to rummage around her mate's things and immediately finds his armband, the one Ao'nung always wore but currently wasn't due to his small arm injury. Y/n beams while holding the armband, running her thumb over the sea hemp weaving and the scattered iridescent shell chips. She goes to place the band on her respective arm and feels a small pang of disappointment when she realizes it was too large. At the same time, she felt amused, and her cheeks felt warm, knowing that her mate's arms were more prominent. Scrambling for ideas on what to do with the armband instead, a small, devious thought crossed Y/n's mind.
Later at the celebration, Ao'nung will see what devious thought that would be for himself. He hadn't been able to meet back up with Y/n before the day turned to night and the festivities rolled around.  The communal fire was set ablaze, and the drums and singing had already started before Ao'nung finally caught a glance of his lovely mate.
He and Rotxo were standing off to the side and watching the dancers swirl around the fire like a wave, working forward and back on the shoreline. Ao'nung was looking around to see if he could spot Y/n among all the dancers before Rotxo nudged him, grabbing his attention. His friend is pointing off to the long row of dancers, eyebrows scrunched in confusion and recognition.
"Hey. Isn't that your armband?"
Ao'nung follows Rotxo's gaze and his finger, finally finding Y/n in the crowd. She was wearing a beautifully beaded top and a matching loincloth that Ao'nung didn't recognize, but greatly appreciated the way the outfit looked on his mate's body, admiring how the band holding up her loincloth hugged her hips and accentuated the color of her skin, making the cloth itself look as though its covering Y/n by itself. The top was made of seagrass dyed a light blue color, so light to the point where it nearly blended in with the rest of Y/n, giving off the impression she was practically nude. Many bystanders' jaws dropped and they had to look a second time just to realize that she was, in fact, clothed, then they all continued to watch her in awe. Y/n was none the wiser, more focused on the dancing than the people around her.
And settled around her neck, acting as a choker, was Ao'nung's favorite iridescent shell armband.
Ao'nung's eyes could not leave her neck, gaze completely fixated on that very familiar armband that Y/n was treating as a necklace. It was a perfect fit, he noted in amazement and a growing fascination. A band that could easily fit over his arm was now perfectly snug against his mate's beautiful neck and Ao'nung almost envied it. He envied the fact that his armband was currently wrapped around Y/n's neck and whatever warmth that was growing in his gut made it known. The flash of hot jealousy blazes through Ao'nung's body, heating up his skin in a way the communal fire couldn't, his envy perfectly residing alongside the hot desire he also felt. He had to refrain from gaping like a fool by clamping his mouth shut, forcefully swallowing back whatever stupid sounds he nearly let out at the sight of his woman.
Y/n could feel eyes on her, all around the ceremonial fires. So many people were looking at her, and while she didn't visibly show it, her skin was hot under so much attention, but her mind was only focused on one. Her gaze flicks to the spot where she last saw Ao'nung, and to her delight, he was already staring at her, unwavering while Rotxo was none the wiser. Y/n knew that look from anywhere, and a warm stirring made itself known between her legs, fired by the heated gaze that was her mate. Suddenly, Y/n didn't feel up to dancing anymore. At least, not the public celebrating kind.
She easily slipped away from the party without any protests, waiting until the song changed to swiftly break from the dance circle. Her skin cooled as she drew further away from the bonfires, walking into the night, her feet sinking into the sand. Y/n made her way to the nearest floating pathway and lifted herself up, standing up straight and peering over her shoulder back the way she came. Sure enough, another figure had crept away from the celebration, and her adrenaline stirred once more when she recognized the hair and tattoos anywhere. The figure was heading toward Y/n, picking up speed, and so, while barely containing her excitement, the young woman turned and sprinted down the walkways weaving through the village, never taking the time to look back again until she could get to the marui.  
Not a second into stepping into her home, Y/n was ambushed by the figure that caught up behind her, a laugh forced out of her lungs when large, strong arms wrapped around her from behind and carried her further into the pod. Catching her breath, Y/n's laughter was quickly replaced by breathy moans as Ao'nung swiftly hid his face and kissed her neck. He didn't start off slow or gentle, his teeth only determined to mark and brand, especially around the area where his armband rested around her neck.
The moment she tried to grind her backside against his loincloth earned a low growl from him before he purposely pulled away, spinning her around to face him. Y/n immediately leaned in for a kiss, but instead, Ao'nung grabbed her arms and shoved her down onto the sleeping mat, just hard enough to get her to gracefully trip and get his point across. Once lying on her back, Y/n's heart stuttered with the way her mate stood over her, strong shoulders rising and falling with his heavy breaths, muscles clenching up and down his arms as his hands curled into tight fists. He looked feral, teeth grinding together to further show just how much he was restraining himself from practically tearing her apart, only doing so with his eyes, the color in his orbs vanished in exchange for the deep-rooted hunger.
Ao'nung watches his woman for a moment, her body laid out on the mat, squirming under his gaze, eyes completely fixed on him. Her top was barely covering her hardening nipples, her breasts rising and falling quickly to compliment her small, excited gasps of air. She makes a subtle movement, her knees knocking together as she closes her legs. She thought Ao'nung wouldn't notice, but all of his senses were heightened in his arousal and his eyes quickly darted to the small movement. Y/n whimpered, wishing to rub her legs together for some much-needed friction, but felt her whole body freeze under her husband's gaze, unwilling to move without his permission.
The marui slipped into silence while Ao'nung's eyes raked up and down her body, analyzing her, before another growl slipped out of his lips and he knelt down, crawling over his mate's body and pressing his hips to flush against hers. She lets out a small gasp, arching her back to meet his body heat, wishing more than anything to grind against his loincloth. Aside from pressing down onto her, he doesn't move the way she needs him to. Instead, he ducked his head back down into the juncture of her neck, his words hot and prickling her skin, "You have no idea what you do to me, wearing that around your neck. Do you have any idea how much self-control I had to quickly gain before I could foolishly march over to you and put my hand around its respective spot, right around your throat?"
She felt her whole body shiver, closing her eyes as she tried to imagine it. Her womb definitely flutters at the idea of Ao'nung marching up to her in the middle of a party, not caring if other people see when he wraps his hand around her neck and squeezes. She imagined other things, too, like Ao'nung taking her right in the middle of that celebration, never letting up until she orgasmed at least three times. 
Her thoughts are cut short as he begins to kiss down her body while his hand lightly rests on her collar, just shy of her neck, "Imagine all the restraint I had to possess before I could make it known how jealous I was to see my armband around your throat when my hands are literally right here, ma'yawntu."
His kisses reach below her belly button and her legs move on their own to create room for him, spreading apart despite the desire to rub together and create friction. She finds comfort in his weight pressing down between her legs, pushing her tewng aside as she sighs up at the ceiling, "I'm sorry. You can wrap your hands around me now, husband. Right where they belong."
"No," she squirms and whimpers as his hot breath fans over the wetness that began to slowly leak from her pussy, "You don't get whatever you want after pulling a stunt like that. You don't get to have the rush of my fingers tightening around your throat tonight. You should've thought of that before taking my armband as a replacement," his fingers that lay on her collar faintly tap the shells of her new choker, "Now, as punishment, you get to keep wearing this... and only this."
He pulls away from the heat of her cunt and she softly cries at the loss. He moves his way up her body again, removing both of their clothing as he goes, until there is nothing left between them other than the choker, as promised. And Eywa above, the moon was peeking through their home and reflecting off of the damned piece of jewelry, hugging Y/n's neck gently and glowing as if it was made of magic. She looked like a goddess, her cheeks flushed and hair in disarray, the glowing necklace further complimenting the lust in her eyes, half-lidded while looking up at her mate. Ao'nung would normally take the time to memorize this moment, distracted by her beauty and wishing to draw out every soft sigh and moan out of her perfectly formed lips. But the glint coming off of the choker quickly reminded him of the possessiveness he felt earlier, and suddenly he was going back to ravaging her body, relentless in making her squeal and move either away or toward his mouth wherever he kissed or bit down. He was charged up and barely able to form a clear thought through the haze in his head, his instincts only focusing on one thing.
She was so caught up in the bites and kisses mapping out her skin, she failed to notice that Ao'nung had moved his other hand down his own body and ran his fingers along his bulging slit, urging his huge, leaking erection to slip out. She's not given a warning before she feels his large cock slowly push into her, a little snug and making the most obscured squelching noises. Y/n stutters out a loud gasp, squeezing her eyes shut, "Ah-- agnh-!"
She's barely wet enough to make the intrusion easy, so there's a pleasant pain mixing in with the pleasure, that familiar tightness deep in her gut slowly forming, warm with a promise of undeniable pleasure. With her eyes closed, she's unable to see when Ao'nung will be fully seated into her, so the sensation that he was still slowly pushing in only heightened her desperation for more. Imagine her surprise when she thought he was all the way in and he still kept going. It was agonizingly slow and she held her breath through it all, right up until she felt the tip of his cock prod against the soft wall of her womb, his pelvis now flushed against hers once again, finally fully seating him inside her tight, warm walls.
There wasn't any time for adjusting as Ao'nung quickly pulled out and thrust back in, moving his mate up the mat at the force of his hips. Y/n could only take it, knowing her own hips would bruise in the morning by the strength of his thrusts, pistoning in and out of her wet heat, "Ah-- Ao'nung! W-Wait--"
Her words had the opposite effect, and Ao'nung's hands reached down to tightly grab hold of her legs, lifting them up into the air and pressing them down against Y/n until her knees were practically hugging her head, folding her in half. It's just the leverage he needed to go faster, mercilessly pounding into her body, showing off his fangs as he watched his cock spread her glistening lower lips apart, the tight muscle ring hugging around him now puffy from the abuse. The stretch is erotic and borderline painful, filling Y/n without any chance of leaving any room inside while her hands frantically look for a perch to hold onto. One hand grabs the back of her own thigh while the other finds its home around the back of Ao'nung's neck. The pinch of her eyebrows that usually represents pain finally smoothens out into pleasure around the same time Ao'nung noticed it was getting easier to thrust in and out, the wet slick from her pussy drenching both of their thighs and sticking whenever their hips meet. 
Ao'nung slips out a groan when he feels the tightness of her walls clenching around his length, gripping him in waves of ecstasy, "Feels... so good..."
"Don't stop," Y/n tilts her head back to lean against the mat, her neck fully exposed and presenting that sinful armband that got this whole thing started, "Oh, Eywa, please don't stop!"
"First you wanted me to wait, now you don't want meet to stop," the glint in his eye was dangerous as a grin slowly formed on his lips, presenting his fangs again. He clicks his tongue while shaking his head, "Tsk, which will it be, yawne?"
"Mmf!" Her answer is silenced by the sharp thrust of his hips pushing into hers once more, the tip of his cock hitting just the right spot to make her see stars, "O- Oh! Do that again, please! Feel so good, Ao'nung-! So strong and--"
She cuts herself off when his cock thrusts back in and hits her sweet spot once more, drawing an elongated moan out of her lips. Taking a deep breath, Y/n pleasantly feels her new choker gently hugging her neck when inhaling, only for the air to get knocked out of her again when Ao'nung pulls out and shoves his way back into her dripping pussy, gritting through his teeth when feeling his length begin to tighten and leak, "And?"
Tears began to prick in the corner of her eyes. Her peak felt so close and yet so far away like a crash waving that was quickly receding back and forth, back and forth, denying her that climax, "Big! It's so big. Please, my love, please don't stop!"
A coil snaps and Ao'nung's movements suddenly turn primal. He stops thrusting for only a moment, making Y/n cry and spill her tears, desperate and frustrated for her release. He makes quick work to lie down on his side and pull Y/n into his arms, his cock still buried to the hilt inside of her. Tightening his strong arms completely around her body, he's got his mate completely restrained, pressed tightly against the front of his body as he finally moves his hips again, quicker than before and pounding into her bruised cunt without any sign of stopping. Y/n's cries and hot pants in his ear only drive the animal out of him, his arms further tightening around her like a constricting snake, taking whatever he wants without any room for denial. His cock was so unbelievably hard now and pulsing, desperate for release, his thrusts becoming sloppy and erratic, "Yawne... fuck, yawne I need you to cum before me. Can you do that? Can you cum on this cock before this cock cums inside you?"
The promise of Ao'nung finishing inside her thrills Y/n to the point she felt lightheaded, her imagination running wild with her pussy clenching around his cock at the very thought of it, drawing out another string of curses from him. He has one of her legs wrapped around his waist in this position, splitting her open on his fat cock and dragging his length against her walls over and over again, each time hitting her cervix with his tip, right where he knows will have her seeing stars. Her thighs begin to tremble, unable to writh against him with his arms so tight around her.
She whimpered as he purposely stopped and dragged a slow, long thrust in and out of her, not speeding up until she finally remembered to answer, "Yes-- Yes! I wanna cum on your cock, Ao'nung. I need it so bad, fuck! I need you to cum inside of me. Please, claim me."
His hips pick up speed again and she has to bite her tongue to refrain from screaming, instead letting choked-out whines escape her throat. On top of his hips thrusting in and out of her, Ao'nung also uses his arms to move Y/n up and down on his cock, her nipples dragging up and down along his chest as he does so and driving her to gasp and spill all sorts of words out of her lips, praises and nicknames and curses and none of them entirely put together. The coil in her belly is wound so tight, practically oozing out the warm honey within, but not snapping and releasing. It's all too much and not enough to the point that Y/n is dumb on words and spewing nonsense. 
All she could smell was sweat and arousal and him, eyes still stinging with tears while the inside of her thighs are full of slick and Ao'nung's cock, pulsing inside her whenever he thrusts in, just as desperate to let go. She tilts her head up to look at him and watches as he grits his teeth, eyebrows furrowed together with eyes screwed shut, trying to focus so as not to cum early. He's whining and moaning, hissing between his teeth, his sweat sticking his curls to his face. He opens his eyes and looks down, seeing her eyes on him. Without a second thought, he reaches a hand up and curls into the hair on the back of her head, pulling until she bares her neck to him. Pain blooms where he pulled her hair and further blooms on her neck as he sinks his teeth into it, his growl vibrating into her skin and sending shockwaves down her body, "Cum for me, mate. Cum on my cock now."
She screams, holding onto him for dear life as the coil finally snaps, sending both herself and Ao'nung over the edge. Her walls were sporadically fluttering around him as she climaxes, strangling his cock until Ao'nung let out a guttural noise and his cock finally spills everything inside her, coating her walls and spurting thick ropes into her cervix. He couldn't help the loud panting groans he let out into her neck as his balls continued to empty, keeping it all trapped inside his mate.
He initially tries to stop, stilling his hips while continuing to pump and fill his love to the brim, but then her hands find his waist and urge him closer. Her voice is broken and a little hoarse as she desperately grinds down onto his dick, "Keep going... keep going, please!"
He does what she begs for and it's fucking amazing. Ao'nung had to grind his teeth together so that his moans and whimpers weren't heard outside of their marui, his cock now oversensitive from the continuous friction, a feeling he's never felt before since he's never fully ridden out his high. The friction also hits Y/n's clit with how close they're pressed together, and her eyes roll back into her head as another wave of pleasure runs through her, though more calm and minuscule compared to the last.
Ao'nung finally slows to a stop but doesn't pull out, keeping his softening cock inside of her, too warm and comfortable to even think about moving, her walls now rhythmically pulsing around him. The exhaustion doesn't hesitate to take over, arms and legs wrapped around one another to a point where it's uncertain where one begins and another ends. Y/n pleasantly wonders if she should wear Ao'nung's armband more often, and perhaps the next time he decides to fuck her to oblivion they will remember to form tsaheylu before they get too desperate to properly think.
A/N: Y/n's ceremonial outfit is a small nod toward Marilyn Monroe's "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" dress, when the dress gave off the initial impression that Marilyn was nude and sent the audience gasping in shock when she walked on stage and took off her coat.
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dirtyvulture · 1 year
Wanda Maximoff x Beefy!Fem!Reader
18+ only, read at your own risk
Summary: Uh…
Your back slams onto the mattress and your vision is obscured by a curtain of red hair as a hot mouth presses hard against yours. Arousal shoots through your core when her hands wrap around your biceps, not quite able to get around their entire size, holding your arms against the bed as she brackets your waist with her legs, grinding her wetness against your abs.
“Oh fuck,” you gasp, fighting not to accidentally buck her off.  
“You feel that, baby?” Wanda asks. “That’s all because of you.” She leans back and widens her legs even further, revealing her shiny wetness that makes your mouth water. “You want a taste?”
You can practically smell her arousal, but for some reason, you hesitate.
“Y/N,” Wanda snaps. “Don’t you want to take care of Mommy?”
“I–Uh, yes, yes, I do,” you hurry to answer, not wanting to disappoint her. Wanda slides up your body, her slick coating your chest, and lets her heat hover over your mouth. She’s practically dripping and you eagerly crane your neck up to bury your tongue into her, wrapping your large arms over her thighs to pull her down into you. 
“Hold on, did I say you could touch?” Wanda asks, struggling to get out of your grip. She flicks her fingers and red streams of magic pour out of her fingertips, looping around your wrists like ropes and tugging your arms back to lay flat on the bed. You tug against your restraints, surprised by their strength. Wanda smirks down at you. “Not too tight?” 
“No.” You shake your head quickly. 
“Good. Now put that mouth to better use.”
She finally lowers herself onto your face and you waste no time lapping at her juices, straining your neck and shoulders to push your tongue into her center as far as you can. You feel her walls clench around you, still able to hear her moans even though her thighs around your ears muffle the sounds. You tilt your head back to trace your tongue through her folds and find her clit, wrapping your lips around it and sucking hard.
“Fuck, that’s my good girl. Just like that,” Wanda praises, holding onto the headboard while she rides your face. Your shoulders ache from trying to push yourself off the bed, and while you feel that Wanda is only using you for your own pleasure, you’re determined to get her to return the favor once you’re done.
When Wanda starts pressing down on you harder, her arousal thick on your tongue and the only thing you can smell, you know she’s close. She doesn’t give any warning as her cum gushes into your mouth, and you hurriedly clean her up, not wanting to waste a drop. By now, your own core aches with need, but Wanda still has you tied to the bed so you can’t do much to relieve yourself.
Unless she does.
Wanda leans down to kiss you, sucking on your tongue to share a taste of herself. Then she pulls away, crawling down your body and sitting between your legs. “God, you look so good like this,” she comments, rubbing your thighs and your body tenses in anticipation. “Do you like my magic, baby? Because that’s only the beginning of what I can do.”
She waves her hand and a red cloud swirls over the area between your legs and you feel something push down on your pelvis. When the magic clears, you find yourself wearing a thick strap. Wanda wraps her hand around the strap and your stomach bottoms out like she’s run her fingers over your center.  
“What’s wrong, baby?” Wanda asks as she continues to stroke the strap. “It’s not too much, is it? You’re gonna be able to feel everything like this is real, and I can’t have you losing control so soon.” Wanda’s hand around you already has you panting with need and you yank helplessly at the magical restraints. Wanda lifts herself up and teases the tip of your cock with her pussy. The heat that surrounds you is incredible and you’re afraid you won’t last more than a few seconds once you’re inside. 
“Oh my God, can I…can I…” You can’t even think in the haze of arousal fogging your brain as your hips jerk upwards desperately. 
“What? What do you want?” Wanda plays dumb. She rests her hands on your abs, her nails curving into the blocks of muscle there.
“I want to fuck you,” you beg. “Please?”
“You don’t have to ask, baby. Come and take me,” she teases. She leans back, taking only an inch of you and you lose all sense of restraint, pulling at the magical ropes with so much strength, if they were physically tangible you would have cut your wrists. Wanda sinks down another inch and a whine escapes you at the rippling sensation around your cock. You sit up, your entire body flexing as you try to free your arms. You aren’t sure if it’s from your actual strength or because Wanda loses her focus, but suddenly the red ropes disappear and you grab Wanda’s hips with your hands, wasting no time flipping her over so she’s on her hands and knees.
You line your cock up with her pussy and press your chest against her back to whisper into her ear, “Like this?”
You don’t even wait for her to respond before you plunge into her, moaning at the incredible heat that wraps around you. You fit into Wanda so perfectly it makes your head spin. “Oh fuck, you’re so tight and warm,” you grunt, your pace sloppy and uneven. 
Wanda pushes back against you, humming as her butt rubs your muscular thighs. “That’s right, baby. Fill Mommy up with your fat cock.”
You wonder if your cum will come out of the cock, and the thought of being able to properly breed someone drives you absolutely feral. You snap your hips harder and faster, the coil in your stomach ready to explode.
“Fuck, just like that,” Wanda pants. “Don’t stop, baby. You feel so good, you’re gonna make me cum so hard–”
“Me too,” you moan, burying yourself to the hilt with every stroke. The hot velvet that surrounds you massages every inch of you and you know Wanda can feel you throbbing as you ready for the biggest release of your life. “Oh, God, that feels so good Wanda–”
Natasha frowns as she feels the excessive bouncing of the bed. It takes her eyes a few moments to adjust to the darkness, but she feels your body draped over hers, your legs bracketing one of hers as you rub yourself against her.
Normally, Natasha would laugh at how desperate you are for her even in your sleep, but then you mutter something that makes her shoot up in bed and shove you awake.
“Oh, God, that feels so good Wanda–”
“Y/N. Hey, Y/N. Wake up!” 
“What? What?” you gasp, rubbing your eyes blearily and instinctively pushing yourself away from Natasha. There is an unfamiliar ache in your core, but it can be easily ignored when you see your girlfriend glaring daggers at you. “What’s wrong?”
“What were you dreaming about?” Natasha demands.
“Uh…” You had been pulled out of your sleep so abruptly you remember virtually nothing. “I…I don’t remember.”
“You said Wanda’s name,” she accuses.
“Oh.” You close your eyes as if this will help summon your dream. “Well, I don’t remember the context…”
You can tell Natasha doesn’t believe you, but you’re not sure what else to do. You circle your muscular arms around her waist but she wriggles away from you with a grunt of unhappiness.
“Nat?” you ask, now more confused than ever.
“I’m getting up,” she says, although her alarm won’t go off for another 20 minutes. 
“Okay.” But now you can’t go back to sleep, and wait for her to leave the bedroom before getting out of bed yourself. You dress in your gym clothes and find Natasha eating a bowl of cereal in the kitchen. You don’t say anything to her as you grab your jar of protein powder and add a few scoops to the blender along with some fruit before turning it on. You wish she would elaborate more on why she’s so angry with you, but you know better than to ask this early.
“Good morning!” Wanda enters the kitchen, practically glowing and looking unusually excited for someone who doesn’t consider herself a morning person. “Have a good sleep, Y/N?” she asks, coming up to you and pouring herself a glass of your smoothie.
“Hmm, yeah it was all right,” you mumble, while Natasha watches you two interact with great interest.
“I don’t know about you, but I had the most incredible dream last night–” Wanda goes on.
“You son of a bitch,” Natasha growls, standing up and shoving the table away from herself.
“What?” Wanda asks innocently.
“I know what you did.” Natasha comes over and stands in between you and Wanda, while you are completely lost as to what they’re talking about. “Stay away from Y/N or else.”
“Haven’t you ever heard of April Fool’s, Nat?” Wanda laughs, but she starts backing away from Natasha. “It was just a joke–”
“No, it wasn’t! Stay out of Y/N’s head!” 
Suddenly, Wanda bolts out of the kitchen and Natasha chases after her. They disappear around the corner and you have half the heart to go after them, but then your stomach growls, so you take your smoothie to eat along with the rest of Natasha’s cereal.
Just another day at the Avengers’ Tower.
AN: April Fool’s! Thought I’d do something different to mess with y’all, but writing this felt like cheating, so please do not ever ask me to write W*nda smut again lmao. 
Thanks to @mostlymarvelsstuff for betaing and making sure someone was in character, since I don’t write her much. :)
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pedge-page · 4 months
i love your preggo wife drabbles soo much!!! could you write one where joel takes care of reader with her morning sickness? 🫶🏻
Joel dealing with Preggo Reader: Morning Sickness
Tumblr media
Notes: Idk why I keep making reader so mean but he's such a trooper! I'm also no pregnancy expert obviously so plz take my minimal effort in research with a grain of salt.
Warnings: mean reader, language, vomitting, morning sickness
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"I hate your penis."
Joel rolls his eyes. It's only the 11th time you've said it today while being hunched over the toilet, with Joel caringly hovering over you, holding your hair out of the way as you take a deep breath and hurl the breakfast he made you this morning.
"I hate—"
"I know, sweet pea. Just breathe."
You nod in an almost drunken state. He knows its because you've got no energy in you to really fight him, with the baby giving you all the first batch of hell in the life long journey of headaches in child bearing.
He rubs over your spin, caressing the shivers raking over your body so you can focus on not dying right now.
"I hate your toes. I hate your shampoo. I hate your fingernails. I hate your toast.  I hate—"
"Ah huh..."
At first he was pretty upset and angered by how much you loath him, but at some point he's tuned it out and just holds and shushes you. While you pout your disdain for the man, you don't oppose his touch.
For now.
"Doin' so good, baby. It's only temporary, baby's just making sure you're a tough momma—"
"Shut the fuck up and get me some water."
Joel stands, his knees reminding him of his less than youthful age, before running downstairs and grabbing a bottle.
You were both a little surprised that all the morning sickness you were warned about hadn't really given either of you trouble in your first trimester. It came with a surprise by the middle of your second, and comes and goes on a daily basis. Today is honestly not so bad: it's your attitude shift that really gives him whiplash.
By the time he gets back up, you're already meandering out of the bathroom like a lost soul with puffy, sleep deprived eyes, and over to the bed, slowly crawling over the mattress, muttering "too tall". You feel his hand supportively on your back, but you snap "fuck off" and get in the bed yourself. He goes to tuck you in with the sheet, but again your hand slaps his away and you close your eyes into darkness.
You can still feel his annoying presence. "What!" You yell, eyes shooting open to see the bottle dangling from his hand. You snatch it without a thank you and gulp.
Joel's just got his hands on his hips, staring at you.
"Kern I hEp ouu, Hondah?" You gurgle through your water sloshing in your mouth.
He just chuckles to himself. "You're cute like this."
You swallow. "I'll fuck you the fuck up."
He laughs even harder, seemingly unserious in your threats. To him, you looked even smaller than before, despite the obvious roundness growing in your tum tum. You seemed like some small puppy finding her growl, or toddler pointing her finger trying to be intimidating but unaware of how badly you're failing.
"So amusing? Why dont you make yourself useful and rub my feet," you demand.
"You need to eat food, baby girl."
"BaBy GiRl" you mock with puppet hand mouth. "NAG nag NAG. I Don't WANT food. I want my FOOT. In your HAND. before I put it up your ASS."
Joel can tolerate the baby cock-blocking him for a few weeks and the endless assult of your words, but he puts his foot down when your basic needs arent being met. "I need you to eat food. You need energy. Baby needs energy."
"Fine! Crackers, you crackhead. Then—" and you thrust your leg in the hair and wiggle your foot in his face so he gets the picture.
"Okay okay!" And he walks out the bedroom.
Joel spends a record 4 minutes downstairs hurriedly putting together a fancy array of cracker options, from Saltines, to Townhouse, to Ritz. He also pops a few cubes of diced ham in his mouth and then holds a few in his hand to snack on later since he too had to abandon breakfast to service you.
By the time you're conplaining "it's been hours!" He's trotting up the stairs, you wiggle your bum so you sit upright in bed, hand over gurgling belly as he brings the tray to you.
Just as youre about to feast on these dry ass cardboard squares, your nose twitches. You see Joel chewing something in his grasp, popping one cube of pale meat quickly into his mouth, and it takes all of 2 seconds for the smell to travel to your brain before you're throwing the tray on the ground, crackers spilling all over the carpet and b lining to the bathroom again to throw up.
As he hears your dramatic gasps and hurls, Joel pulls out his little note pad he's been documenting your pregnancy so far. He writes "no ham" in the lines , right under "hates my penis", before tossing the paper on the bed and stroking your hair lovingly again as you empty your entire organs in the toilet.
By the time you finish, you've got snot and tears running down your face. "but I LOVED HAAAMMMMM" You screech.
It's true. You used to wrap a thick spread of cold butter on a slice of cheap deli ham and eatnit like a cannoli— something he thought was a weird aquired taste BEFORE he even got you pregnant.
Joel grabs a tissue and plants it firmly in your face, and you squeeze your eyes tight and blow right into his palm like a little snot nosed trumpet. He rubs his fingers in your nostrils to get all the boogers out before tossing it and helping you up to your feet again.
All the while you're bawling "l-l-loved—my hh-ham—n cheese" with gross babbling as he tucks you back in the duvet. You were fine with giving up other aversions like tomatoes, pizza crust, and yogurt. Even sex (occasionally). But your beloved ham is one baby step too far.
"Your—"sniffle— "big—"hiccup—"ugly—"choke—"WORM —" cough—"DID THIS TO MEEE," you accuse his crotch and wail into the air.
Then you hiccup very loudly and go quiet entirely.
You look around with curious eyes, fresh tears suddenly unbothering you at the moment.
"Mmmmmmmn crackers," you moan. "Gimme that one," and you point to the mess on the floor.
"What one?"
"That one!"
He bends down and picks up a piece.
But you shake your head. "No that one."
"No." "No the other." "No."
"Which one!" He shouts, unable to contain the lace of frustration.
"The one I'm pointing to, stupid!"
He finally picks up one hes pointed to 3 times already and you clap your hands.
You snatch it out of his grasp, pull a hair off its curved cracked edge before munching on it happily.
He looks at with uncertainty on his face.
You swallow the dry mushed bits and hum contently. "Mmm. Salty."
Not even 12 hours later  you two are getting ready for bed, and you mood has completely changed. Still sick, but instead of being unable to stand Joel's entire existence, you praise it.
"Joel, honey? Can you please prop my feet up Under this pillow. I'm sorry. I just can't seem to reach it myself."
"Baby? I'm a little thirsty. Can you get me some water?"
"Im so sorry, Joel. I just can't stomach this food, I know you put so much effort into it. Ugh! I loved this, I really did! I don't know what's wrong with me."
You rub over the discomfort in your slightly swollen tummy and try to be a brave girl and fight the tears, as Joel's been so attentive to your needs, aches, cries and cravings, only to hurl them back up.
You sniffle and look up to him.
He's a bit tense, almost in a fight or flight stance with fear behind his eyes.
"W-whats wrong, Joel?" you ask with a honey song voice.
"Who are you and what have you done with my wife?"
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Permanent taglist :
@harriedandharassed @lola8888673 @its-nebuleuse @zliteraturehoe @merz-8 @joeldjarin @pascalscoffin @pedroshotwifey @ghostslillady @innerpersonunknown @missladym1981 @mrs-oharaxx @survivingandenduring @milla-frenchy @cockykookiee @fairytale07 @daddy-din @pedropascalsbbg @spookyxsam @somehopeatlast @millercontracting @pedrostories @mishala005 @theoraekenslover @animez96
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be-my-sunrise · 6 months
pairings: bf!haechan x fem!reader
genre: smut, minors pls dni
word count: 637
warnings: oral (m receiving), deep throating, reader gives him head in a car full of people, cum swallowing
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"Babe, can't you just wait until we get to the villa?"
Haechan spoke in a hushed tone, not wanting to alert the others. You press your palm against his crotch and massage the growing bulge in response. A shiver runs through his spine when you lick the spot below his ear before whispering softly.
"But I want you right now, Hyuckie. Please?"
You give him your best pout and pleading eyes. Haechan glances around the car while you continue to pepper kisses on his neck. Mark has his full attention on the road, Jaemin–who sits on the passenger's seat–is busy picking which song to blast through the speaker next, Winter has her earphones in and is too engrossed in the movie playing on her phone to notice anything, and Giselle is asleep next to her. The two of you are sitting at the very back, so technically, it should be fine.. right?
"Fine. But if they hear–"
"They won't, baby." 
Wasting no time, you quickly pull the zipper down and take his cock out before he changes his mind. You lean down to lick stripes up and trail the tip of your tongue along the veins of his cock. Haechan shifts on his seat, slightly sitting sideways because he wants to look at your face when he stuffs it full with his cock.
You swirl your tongue on the tip of his cock, tasting the precum before closing your lips around it. You hollow your cheeks to suck the tip while pumping his length as well. He almost let a moan slip when you start bobbing your head, but he managed to hold it back.
He brushes your hair, collecting each strand in his fist, making it into a makeshift ponytail. He grabs his phone and opens the camera app to take pictures of you. Once he's satisfied with the pictures, he puts his phone away. He pushes your head up and down while you massage his balls. He bites hard on his lower lip, trying to suppress his moans. You can hear him panting quietly, but it was still loud enough for you to hear. 
Haechan's breath hitches in his throat as you hollow your cheeks once more. He thrusts his hips, basically fucking your mouth at this point. His abdomen tenses as he's nearing his release, so he pushes your head down all the way, holding it in place. Your eyes start watering as you struggle to fit his entire length in your mouth. He closes his eyes, enjoying the warmth of your mouth.
You look up at your boyfriend through your lashes and the sight of him makes you moan, sending vibrations through his cock. Chest heaving, his head leaned back, eyebrows knitted together, lip slightly parted, and bonus points because his bottom lip is a bit swollen from him biting down on it. His hips jerks up from the sensation, pushing his cock even deeper, your nose pressing against his lower abdomen.
You almost choke when he shoots his load down your throat, but you manage to catch every last drop. You even show him that you swallowed everything. Haechan smiles as he drags his thumb to wipe off the saliva pooling on the corners of your lips.
"Good girl."
You straighten your back and fix your hair while he tucks himself back in his pants. He turns to you, cradling your face softly and pulls you closer for a kiss. You break the kiss and lean your head on his shoulder. Haechan looks around the car,  eyeing his friends once more and lets out a small sigh of relief, knowing that his friends are oblivious.
But little did he know, someone did catch your naughty act, silently wishing to join the two of you. After all, Haechan wasn't exactly discreet about it.
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melodic-haze · 1 month
how do you feel about sub arlecchino in boss form?
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!boss form!Arlecchino x dom!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Implied that reader has a cock/strap though it can be taken as fingering or oral, whatever's your preference 🤷‍♀️, does this count as monsterfucking, magic bondage??
☆ — NOTES: Arlecchino might be the only spider I will never be afraid of please take her away from me
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HOW DO I FEEL??? YOU SHOULD BE ASKIGN HER❗️❗️❗️❗️ Joking I'm unfit as hell so realistically I would probably die but ohhhh I am SO sure I'm gonna at least try
Idk if you guys understand (you probably do if you've seen my other Arle posts) but the thought of absolutely bringing such a powerful being to my knees SOOOO easily even though she could like kill me or reverse our positions in less than a second is so????? Top it off w the fact that she does it willingly ohhhhhhmygod hold me back or else I'll go insane
But like it's funny when!! The Traveller couldn't do ANYTHING to her and yet the moment you say jump she basically flies
Being allowed to be the closest to Arlecchino's very heart and soul meant knowing every single facet of her being and cherishing her: from her harsh duties as a Fatui Harbinger to her past and the two girls that died with it, only for just one of them—her—to come out of it reborn and alive.
Or at least, almost every single facet of her being.
"I am unsure about this, my love."
"Why's that?"
"You do realise that you are asking me to.. not hold my power back, yes?"
You nodded, "That's what I said."
You had known of her alternate form for a while now. Her unleashing even just a fraction of her true potential, manifesting into the form of a tall sillhouette akin to a spider bathed in crimson and the dangerously oppressive air of nothing but fear. She's used it to show those that oppose her just how unequal the scales are in their battles against her, she is as lethal as she is beautiful...
And you, on the other hand, are curious.
So you brought it up in the midst of your little.. téte-a-téte. A suggestion, of course, nothing demanding because you wouldn't want to pressure your dearly beloved into doing what she didn't want to do—such power did come with a great curse.
Arlecchino was vehemently against it at first, of course. And for good measure too; you KNEW it wouldn't just be a slight increase of strength. But the case you made.. admittedly had a curious appeal. And the power you had over her, the control she had submitted to you? She was willing to do whatever you asked (usually within reason). So she suggested to shelf the experimental matter for now and let her think on it, which you do.
And now, after a few days of consideration on her part, your current situation is the result of such a suggestion.
Your lover looks at you with furrowed eyebrows and narrowed eyes, not due to disappointment at your lack of concern for yourself (though actually there may be a little bit of that too) or cold anger at your insistent provocation to get your desired result (she could never be mad at her dearest). Rather, it is due to her flabberghasted state of confusion, "I have said this before but I could hurt you despite it being unnecessary. Why do you risk your life to sate such curiosities?"
"Because I trust you, Peruere."
She stills—you had dropped her title and opted to use her true name instead, a privilege only reserved for a very select few, with one of them dead. When she doesn't speak in turn, you walk up to her and hold both of her hands, dark and cursed yet so very beautiful to your eyes, just like her.
"Just like you trust yourself to me, I trust myself to you." You lifted one of her hands to tenderly kiss her knuckles, "I want to see every single side of you, including the ones you try to keep from me. I didn't run away when you revealed your status as a Harbinger, did I?"
"Exactly. Plus," you gave her a lighthearted grin, "I haven't necessarily scolded that side of you for hurting your children, have I?"
Her expression relaxes at your remark, though she does look confused—akin to a lost puppy when she tilts her head the slightest bit, "You have done so already, have you not? And it was but a light scuffle, I have taught them well enough that they aren't as injured as they would have been otherwise.. even if their attacks were pitiful."
"Arlecchino!" You chuckled out her title despite the loud bemusement of your voice, "Come on."
Her face never really shows all that much emotion, but you do see the slightly humorous glimmer in her crossed-out eyes, "I speak of the truth. They should have given a better performance."
You rolled your eyes, "That aside," and you give her a soft, reassuring look, "do you feel a little better now?"
She takes another pause.. and then nods. "Yes," she agrees, "I do. But I urge you to tell me if something feels wrong, alright?"
"Of course." You lean in to press another kiss, on her lips this time, before drawing back as fast as you came, "I wouldn't want to worry you further."
And so now you are faced to faced with this monstrous being. But that's what you've been wanting the entire time, isn't it? Lol sorry I'll get out of the weird monologue speak IT ABSOLUTELY IS THE MOMENT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FORRR
You start off slow, obviously—caressing every inch of her. This is new, and you wouldn't want to worry your lover, do you? It's best not to rush into it even though ik you guys just wanna get into it idk 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Your hands graze her skin, your fingers trace new lines and markings.....and if you're a fashion nerd you probably inspect her clothing's transformation too, though you don't really have to be a fashion geek in order to take it off
THOUGH.......actually? Tell her to strip for you, to give you a show. Tell her you want to see her full body bare. I meant what I said when I told you she would willingly follow your every command, as if she were more devoted to you than the Tsaritsa herself, and that includes this
Just lean back and watch her as she slowly strips herself down, every inch of her body visible for you to see. You see her eyes glow crimson too, a physical manifestation of her pyro domain responding to her desire for you
Methinks that in this form specifically, she while she's a lot more strong and a lot more durable, she's also a lot more sensitive bc she'd be much more connected and hyper-aware of everything that's happening. This is my own take on how it feels to be in the form she's in btw idk how it'd work but anyway this means!! A lot of good things for you :3
If you try to put her fingers in your mouth you'll notice that she's warm. And I mean like REALLY fucking warm—her body doesn't stay at that temperature too. As you lick and suck on her digits, you'll notice that her skin, her fingers, get warmer and warmer the longer she watches you and feels you
Not just her fingers too 🥰🥰 if your touch goes down and you feel her cunt, it's HOT to the touch, though not scorching that'd be wild as hell. The shock would probably take you off guard though, and she'll probably be worried at first but like reassure her that you haven't been hurt or anything and that you're perfectly okay!!
Acc reassure her a LOT. Sure, yeah, she's the one that holds the power and she DOES have impeccable control over it, but she doesn't want to risk like yk. Accidentally killing you somehow and essentially throwing away someone so undoubtedly special to her just bc you wanted to monsterfuck out of curiosity 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ like that's such a way to go
Weak domtop reassuring op subbot during sex is like a silly trope I love it can you lot tell I think you can tell
Anyway it's not like she'll leave you to do all the work either; she can't leave you all unsatisfied like that, she wants you happy too :( so her free hand goes all the way down and she returns the favour. She does it amazingly too, like she's very careful with it but the heat on her hands basically does most of the heavy lifting as well anyway, and by now she probably knows of all the different ways to get you moaning out with her 🫶
Going down on her, fucking her is all well and good......but YOU KNOW WHAT YOU CAN DO TO MAKE IT BETTER???? Yk the. When the Traveller couldn't move bc of her pyro web things. That. Except on her. Do you guys like see my vision I hope you do
Having her restrict herself as you go in and out of her in any way you like ougjfhgh.......I think it's the fact that she could just easily dispel it and even reverse it on you bc IT'S HER FUCKING ABILITY and yet she doesn't bc she wants to be all good for you. So she struggles in HER OWN WEB as you're essentially free to do whatever you want with her
Her like. Those extra appendages she has in her boss form too. Some of them are twitching and flailing about as you fuck her silly, others are simultaneously trying to hold you closer to her body, returning the favour even further by touching you everywhere she can AND trying not to hurt you by squeezing you too hard or accidentally burning you or anything
Just the whole struggle to not hurt you but her senses are getting muddled with pleasure I keep going back to this but it's just SOOOO ugh. Yo ugysdont understanddd I'm like probably malnourished so to dom someone who can snap me in half is mmmmmmmmMAN 🤤🤤🤤eys please
God she definitely has more stamina and libido than she already did before too??? Bc of like the heat and the strength increase. So holy fuck you're going to be going at it for AGESSSS.......Not like constantly though, she WILL make you take breaks and that will acc be the ONLY time she uses her web ability thing on you bc she is still concerned for your wellbeing no matter what 🥰🥰🥰
When you're acc all done though, which is. Not for a LONG time, you both kinda sit there, spent (more you than her probably) and her detransformed. Prepare yourself for GODLY aftercare by Father herself 🙏🙏 she like treats you to even more pampering than usual, not letting you lift a FINGER to do anything and her treating you personally if you got any burns at the end of your session
"I care not if you like my fire's sting, my dearest," she gently yet firmly tugged on your arm, "I will not stand for it if such an injury that I accidentally inflicted gets worse."
"Aww..." You sighed goodnaturedly, "I guess at least it makes for a good scar."
"Whaaaat? I'm right!"
She shook her head, though the corners of her eyes crinkled, "Come here and let me treat you."
As risky as that was on you, not only has your curiosity has been more than sated, but Arlecchino finds herself.. wanting to repeat the experience. Shedding that extra layer of herself in such a moment felt.. much more intimate than usual. It was addicting
That won't be for a good while though—she'd agree to doing it once every few months :3
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bandgie · 7 months
That Seungmin ficccc 😍, if you can/ are comfortable with it can you do a mini part two when he does use y/n in her sleep, and slightly gaslights her into thinking it is a dream. Only if your comfy with that type of stuff. Amazing writing tho, have a good day!! 💙☺️
a/n: hi anon yes! thank you so much (fic anon is referring to here)
warnings: MDNI 18+, NONCON SOMNO, intoxication (fem!&male!), just read the ask man
1.1k words
Truthfully, Seungmin just liked watching you sleep. It was just relaxing to him. How gently your chest would rise, how still you would be deep in slumber. You looked peaceful, content, pretty.
Just like now, though Seungmin's intentions are far less endearing. Both of you had drank a decent amount last night due to the baseball game on. No, you didn't know a whole bunch about the sport, but you'd never pass the opportunity to have a drink or two.
He's kneeling at your bed, watching your face. He's making sure there's no sign of you waking up, no twitch in your eyebrow to indicate that you're still somewhat awake. Seungmin deems you sound asleep once he blows on your face and you give no reaction.
Standing to his feet, Seungmin makes his way to the foot of the bed. He carefully places a knee on the bed, feeling how the cushion dips under his weight. He pauses for a few seconds before continuing, crawling over your lower half.
You're laying flat on your back, head turned to the side with your hands limp besides your head. Your nude legs are slightly parted, a simple underwear covering your cunt. Seungmin can see the mound, the sight making his mouth water.
He manages to get on his knees. Seungmin wastes no time in pulling his boxers down, pulling out his flaccid cock. 
This is wrong. This is dirty. Yet, he can't find it in himself to stop as he pulls your panties to the side. 
Fuck, you're so pretty. Your pussy lips tucked nicely, clearly not aroused in the slightest. Mindlessly, Seungmin pumps himself with his other hand. No amount of cameras could compare to the beauty of your physical body. So warm, so soft, so pliant. 
Seungmin carefully hovers over you just enough so the tip of his cock can rub against your clit. He quietly moans at the feeling of your hot cunt, daring to dip his dick just a little deeper.
Then you move, a quick jolt in your leg. 
He freezes, holding his breath as he patiently waits for you to stop moving. 
Idiot, he thinks. Of course she'll wake up.No, no. Not if you're careful.
Seungmin pulls his cock away from your cunt and replaces it with his thumb. Maybe his dick is too much, he might just as to settle with using his hand. 
He rubs your nub in gentle circles, round and round until he starts doing it to himself. 
What are you doing!? He screams at himself internally. Stop before you get caught! You won't get caught. The other voice soothes him. If you just do it slowly, she'll stay asleep.
The internal battle in Seungmin's mind persists. It seems as though he has a winner though, because his thumb had grown gold and dipped a little further. 
He can feel your entrance, how it slightly twitches. Seungmin has one hand rubbing your pussy and the other hand rubbing his cock. It's so easy for him to get lost in the feeling of your warm cunt and his building pleasure. He doesn't even seem to notice how much harder he's begun to rub circles and how you've started to stir awake. 
"Ughhh," you groan tiredly. It takes a long time for your eyes to adjust to the darkness. Your head slightly pounds from your abrupt wakefulness. You have to blink a few times before you make out the figure over you. 
Oh shit. He stops. A million excuses run through his mind when he locks eyes with you. What should he say? What should he do? He can hear that same voice in his head saying 'I told you so' while the other is desperately trying to come up with lies.
"Sleeping," he finally manages to say. "It's just a dream. Shh~, go back to sleep."
You would normally question your dream Seungmin further, but the sleepy paradise you were in calls to your attention more. You nod drowsily, "Mmm, k." You lay your head comfortably on the pillow, relaxing your legs to let dream Seungmin continue.
"Feels good," you hum.
To say that Seungmin is shocked would be an understatement. He can't bother to move as he watches you fall back asleep. It looks as though you're smiling, as if happy he's there violating you. Maybe you are happy, you did say it felt good after all.
As a test, Seungmin places his tip back into your pussy, waiting to see you move.
You don't.
There's no patience in him while he humps you. His length sinks low enough to collect your slick before bringing it back up to your clit. Everything's gotten slippery, making it all the easier for Seungmin to glide his cock against you.
He uses one hand to apply pressure on his dick. He softly groans at the feeling. Seungmin's hips move at a quick pace, a complete 180 from how gentle he was previously being. This time, he wants to hear you, he wants to see how your body reacts to him.
Putting it in may be a bit too much. There's no way he could find his way out of that one. Even then, Seungmin is more than content to use with you like this.
You've started to move just a bit more. Hips jolting upwards and mewls leaving your tired lips. Your reactions get Seungmin riled up. The last remaining underwear you have is getting soaked in both of your arousals. It's soon to be soaked with his cum from how close he's getting.
Seungmin voices a sequence of moans before finishing on your cunt. The ropes of cum color you pussy a pretty milky white, your panties sharing the same hue. He uses his cock to spread the orgasm even more, watching how your pussy twitches from the stimulation.
It's not enough for Seungmin to get his cum on your clit no, he needs to put in you too.
With a slender finger, he collects droplets of cum before it vanishes deep into your cunt. He prods at your opening before sliding his finger in. 
Seungmin gasps at the feel of your pussy, how much it's convulsing. He feels bad for leaving it neglected. You wanted something to clench on so desperately, you're taking just one of his fingers so eagerly.
He thrusts the cum deep inside you, wiggling his digit within your walls. 
You whine when he pulls away, slipping your stick underwear back on. Seungmin shoves his half-hard dick into his boxers before getting off the bed. He makes sure to cover you with your sheets, he doesn't want you getting sick.
He does, however, leave you confused in the morning. You're sitting in crusted underwear from what you can only assume is your own cum. And a weird, vivid memory of Seungmin.
a/n: hope you liked it! and happy thanksgiving lmaoo
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pandoraslxna · 3 months
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Lo‘ak x female omatikaya reader x Spider
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⋆。° ✮ Minors dni 🔞
⋆。° ✮ Masterlist
⋆。° ✮ Warnings: explicit smut, cuckolding, oral, masturbation, edge play, teasing, friends with benefits
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Its Lo‘ak who suggests it, because of course it is.
His eyes send a shiver down your spine that isn’t the same you get when you’re alone with him. Because that hot mouth that nibbles lightly along your pulse point isn’t his. But the eyes that are staring at you from the seat across the bed are.
Lo‘aks grin is dangerous and he licks his lips as he watches his best friends hand run along your body, the other holding an almost vice-like grip on your thigh to keep you spread. The shiver runs like cool water, and you want so badly to be able to cant your hips up against the stimulation, to let go and just come.
But there's an obvious dynamic here.
Spider is allowed to give; give as much as he wants, as much as he physically can. And while you’re allowed to take, take everything he has to offer to satisfy your curiosity in the human man, you’re not allowed to come unless it’s on Lo‘aks command.
The hand on your thigh moves under your ass and over towards your cunt and Lo‘ak chuckles at your squeak when Spider slides three fingers in slowly, letting you feel the stretch.
"F-Fuck, oh fuck Spider, please!"
Spiders mouth makes an obscene popping noise as he pulls away from your throat and you know for sure that it‘ll bruise. "C’mon bro, you heard her", Spider laughs, glancing up at Lo‘ak to check for any sign of mercy. "Let the poor thing come, she’s so wet she’s making a mess on my sheets."
"Not a chance", he responds with a slow shake of his head. His fangs peek out from under his lip, pointy canine poking his bottom lip as he bites on it, completely lost in the sight of you. His cock is hard and heavy in his hand and he gives it a lazy tug, squeezing to tip until pre-cum beads at the slit.
Spider shrugs and with that, he sets back to work, his head now disappearing between your thighs.
He’s focusing more on your clit now. The suction makes your legs shake and the fingers inside you twist the pleasure towards what could be the most intense orgasm you’ve ever had.
Spiders moans vibrate against your clit, muffled words of praise over your delicious taste cause you to arch your back some more, forcing him to smudge his face harder against you.
His three fingertips hook upwards and you groan through gritted teeth, not trusting yourself with words. Of course, Lo‘ak notices.
"Don’t want to beg anymore, is that what it is, baby?" He laughs. "You begged so nice for him earlier. C‘mon, let me hear you. Maybe I’ll finally give you what you want."
You burn bright as he points out the obvious, flush spreading down your chest. "Just– Just fuck me, please. One of you, I don’t care, just please. I need to come so bad", you whine and squirm.
Spider chuckles. The thrusting of his fingers continues after a moment, harder, but still too slow.
"I always liked your little princess attitude." The blonde leans in to nip at your inner thigh. "God, I can’t wait to break you in." Then he glances over to Lo‘ak. "Can I?"
"Not yet, bro." His words make a shudder run down your spine and you groan in frustration.
"Lo’ak p-please, I- I can’t, I need to–" Your words are cut off by a moan when Spider closes his lips around you clit again and sucks, his fingers simultaneously thrusting in and out of your clenching hole.
"Shh, it’s okay", Lo’ak tells you, "You can hold it a little while longer, can’t you?" You frantically shake your head, hands clawing at Spiders dreads as you begin to grind your pussy against his face. "Thought you wanted to show Spider how good you can be, hm?"
"Yes, it’s- it’s just–" You struggle to find the right words, let alone concentrate enough to even know what you were trying to say, because the other man’s tongue swirls around your sensitive little nub and his thick digits nudge against that sponged spot deep inside you that makes you gasp a moan.
Lo‘ak gives a tight stroke to his cock, feeling it throb in his palm as he watches the scene unfold before him. He can tell that you’re close and no obedience in the world could keep you from coming on his best friends fingers if he didn’t intervene soon.
"Okay bro", he says and even though Spider rolls his eyes over the fact that he has to separate his lips from such a delicious meal, he doesn’t hesitate to lift his head back up, kissing your clit a final goodbye. "Why don’t you get on top and ride him, how’s that sound?" Lo‘ak then suggests you, making Spider grin as he leans back to eye your reaction. "If you can make yourself come, then I won’t hold you back."
You exhale a shaky breath and nod. Looking over your shoulders you meet Lo‘aks gaze, before it drops down to where his cock visibly pulsates in his hand. His balls are drawn tight, the tip a dark purple and you can’t help but swallow the salvia that pools in your mouth.
"Go ahead, baby", he tells you with a wink. "If you put on a nice show for me, I might even join you later."
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just-jordie-things · 9 months
[part fifteen] to build a home - gojo satoru
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word count: 5.8k warnings: !!manga spoilers!! swearing, jjk-verse style fighting series summary: when (y/n) (y/l/n) catches wind that the notorious sorcerer killer, toji fushiguro, has children, she makes it her personal mission to find them. the catch being she couldn't tell a soul about them- the risk of the zen'in clan learning about them was too great. keeping the secret isn't the hard part, it's lying to her friends, shoko ieiri, geto suguru, and of course gojo satoru, that she struggles with. especially when satoru has suddenly become so keen on keeping an eye on her lately.
series masterlist
[part fifteen] : “The Whole Truth”
She’d been in this room before, more times than she could count on both hands, but standing here now, (y/n) suddenly is overwhelmed with the anxiety that she’s invaded a very private space.  Despite the fact that she was asked to come in, despite the fact that she’s there with one of her oldest friends- if she could still consider him that- when she’s standing before him, she’s overcome with the urge to find an excuse to leave.
Her fingers curl around the paper bag that’s still in her hands, the parting gift she’d gotten for him, and she comes back to earth for long enough to extend it to him.
“I got you mochi,” She says softly.  Satoru takes the bag to inspect its contents.  “From that place you like that’s always way too busy”
Still holding the bag open, Sartoru’s eyes slide upwards, peering over the top of his sunglasses questioningly, already feeling a motive behind the random gift.
“So busy you had to wait overnight?” He questions, and (y/n) frowns.
“I picked them up this morning,” She says, the previously level tone she’d kept her voice at dropping, just enough to let him know that his comment irritated her.  “So they’d be fresh”
Satoru nods, before rolling the top of the paper bag shut and setting it on his desk.  (y/n) doesn’t say a word as he lets out a huff, his peace clearly disturbed by her already, before he leans back against his door and crosses his arms.
“What’s this all about then?” He asks, in an uncharacteristically bored tone.  “Is it an apology..?” He shakes his head as though he couldn’t fathom the idea.  “Because I don’t need an explanation, I’ve heard enough-”
“Satoru, I don’t want to-”
“Fight?” He finishes her thought with a scoff, a bitter laugh escaping him before he looks over her again, her nervous stance, her tired features.  His annoyance quickly burns into something uglier.  “I mean, was it worth it?”
(y/n) blinks in surprise, and hearing the same question that Suguru had asked her just a few weeks ago has her blood running cold.  What a bitter feeling of deja vu.
“I don’t expect you to understand,” She says quietly, ducking her head so that she didn’t have to look at him while she spoke.  “And… and I don’t expect you to forgive me.  I know I wouldn’t,”
That has Satoru’s muscles relaxing, and he doesn’t cut her off this time when she speaks.  He lets curiosity get the best of him as he hears her out.
“But I… I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t even try to tell you how sorry I am before…” She trails off, her teeth gnawing on her bottom lip to keep her from saying too much.
Her throat feels like someone had just poured lighter fluid down it and dropped a match.
Satoru leans off the door then, his head cocked and his eyebrow arched as he tries to fill in the blanks she’d left.
“Before what?” He asks.
(y/n’s) eyes nervously meet his but it’s fleeting before she turns away again, this time fixing her gaze on a single photo taped to his wall.  It displayed all four of them, having a picnic during their first year.  
For a brief moment, she’s transported to the memory, remembering the way Shoko had giggled as she held out the camera, her face barely in the shot but the peace sign she held her fingers in front and center.  Satoru has his arm slung around Suguru’s neck, pulling him into view as they both grin wide.  He has his other arm wrapped around (y/n’s) middle, forcing her to be in the photo as well.  She remembered trying to scramble away before Shoko could snap the shot, and how tight but not uncomfortable Satoru’s hold on her had been.  She remembers squealing as she tried prying his arm off her, but in the picture, it looks like she’s grinning happily, clutching his arm almost lovingly.  It looks like she not only gives into his hold, but embraces it.
It brings a sad smile to her face now, and she wonders if she had embraced it, no matter how hard she tried to tell everyone she didn’t.  
“(y/n),” Satoru steps forward, jarring her thoughts as she whips her attention back to him.  “Before what?” He repeats his question.
Her lips part, an excuse writing itself on her tongue, but she can’t bring herself to say it.  In the grand scheme of things, one more lie meant nothing.  Satoru already thought so little of her that it wouldn’t matter how much more damage she could create.
But she just couldn’t do it.
“I’m…” Her voice fails her, and she clears her throat before trying again.  “I’m leaving”
Her voice still cracks when she says it, but she tries to maintain eye contact so that he knows she meant it.  This wasn’t another act of deceit, which he believed it to be as the words first processed in his mind, but the longer he stares at her and sees that her expression is unwavering, the more he realizes she had meant it.
He would have preferred another lie.
“No you aren’t” He says in disbelief, hoping, praying she’d finally fucking learned how to lie and he could call her bluff.
(y/n) nods her head in a small motion.
“Yes, I am,” She says softly.  “I just wanted to try to make things right before I-”
“No- no, you’re fucking explaining yourself this time,” Satoru cuts her off, his arms falling from their defensive stance over his chest.  “You don’t get to just- fuck- are you quitting? Is this about Suguru?”
That seemed to catch her attention, as her face fell as she shook her head adamantly.
“No,” The word comes out solid, and it’s the loudest she’s spoken since she’d come into his room, even though she still hasn’t reached a normal speaking volume.  “It’s not about him, at least, not entirely.  It certainly hasn’t helped-”
“Then why? Why do you have to go?” He asks, his words coming out in such a rush they almost slur together.  “Where are you going? What is this about?”
“I…” She wants to explain herself, but there’s nothing for her to say.  “Satoru, I can’t…”
It’s quiet for a moment, while he hopes she could just find the words to tell him, to help him understand why she’d been pulling away so much, why it had brought her to the point of leaving entirely.  He waits, impatiently so, while his eyes search hers desperately for some kind of reasoning.
After a minute, it dawns on him that she won’t explain it to him.  Even now, she won’t tell him the full truth.  He wants to hate her for giving him scraps of clues of what’s been going on in her world, he wants to tell her off, tell her to leave just as she’d told him.
But just as she can’t tell him the whole truth in fear of hurting him, he can’t tell her to leave in fear of hurting her.  It was a vicious cycle they had been putting themselves through.
A thought comes creeping up in his head, and he doesn’t want to speak it into existence, but he does anyway.  If she really was leaving, he might as well try to uncover the truth.
“It’s them, isn’t it?” He asks, quietly, afraid that it was the truth.  “The Zen’ins?”
(y/n) fights the urge to show any expression of emotion, but it’s not enough.  Satoru is quicker, and catches the flicker of recognition in her eyes.  He’d guessed correctly.
“What is it then?” He asks dejectedly.  “They’re moving you into their weird fucking compound of a house? Are they arranging your marriage? You’re just going to skip along and follow their old, backwards lifestyle? Do you really want that?”
He gets carried away rather quickly, the reality of the situation hitting him the longer he thinks about what her life would become if she really did go down that path.
(y/n’s) breathing is rapidly increasing, and she realizes that no matter what she’d done, if she’d continued with the lie or admitted the truth, Satoru was always going to be hurt.  Tears prick her eyes as she tries to come up with a solution that would put him at ease, at least until she flees first thing in the morning.
When she doesn’t say anything, Satoru takes quick steps forward to close the remaining space between them.  (y/n) has to tilt her head up to look at him properly, her eyes wide at the sudden action.
This was the part where he told her everything he’d said in her nightmare, she thinks as she stares up at him.  This is all your fault.  This is what you deserve.
He’d meant to tell her that this was her mistake to make, that he wouldn’t stop her if she went through with it, even if he found it ridiculously foolish.  But then he got a good look at her, at the way she was holding back her tears, even in her physical exhaustion, she fought the will to cry.
And Satoru softened.
He pauses before her, and everything around them pauses for a moment as he kept watch of those eyes he’d been staring at for years.  He’d seen every flicker of emotion one could in them.  He’d seen the way they brightened when she smiled, how they crinkled when she laughed, how she looked when she was surprised, or angry, and he’d seen them sad before, too.
But he’d never seen them helpless.
And although everything she’d been saying had been in an effort to push him away, there was something swimming in those irises that was trying to communicate something else entirely.  She was lost.
With a sigh, Satoru pushed his sunglasses to the top of his head. Not caring that they got tangled in his hair.
“Oh, sweetheart,” He huffs, and (y/n) blinks in surprise at the affectionate nickname.  “What’s going on?
She blinks again, but she keeps her lips sealed shut.  Even if she tried to speak, she’d be a sputtering mess.
“You know…” He speaks carefully, making sure to pick just the right words.  “You know that you don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to, right?” The question comes out in a whisper, as though there were prying ears to hide from.  “And if you need help-”
“It’s not like that”
Just as she suspected, her voice comes out in a strained whimper.  Satoru frowns.
“You’re crying,” He states the obvious.  “And you’re telling me that you’re leaving but you’re still not telling me why”
“Because I can’t,” (y/n) speaks again, and this time is no better.  “I just can’t, okay? I’m sorry-”
“Well you’re going to have to,” He says decidedly, his hands wrapping around her shoulders.  “Because something isn’t adding up, and I can’t just let you go when you’re like this,”
Against her will, a tear slips down her cheek as she looks up at him.  She shudders as she takes a deep breath.
“Please, (y/n/n),” He says softly, “Who’s done this to you? Who’s hurt you?”
Another shudder rattles through her as she tries to breathe normally, and she curses him internally when a warm hand touches her cheek, wiping away the stray tear and bringing her an undeserved amount of comfort.
“I… I can’t,” She mumbles, closing her eyes as she draws her face away from him, before she steps away from him altogether.  “I can’t bring you into it” She finishes, her voice barely above a whisper.
Satoru shakes his head, filling the distance she’d tried to put between them.
“Well it’s too late for that, so you may as well tell me anyways,” He says, trying to sound comforting, and he has no idea just how much she longed to be comforted by him.  
She drops her head so that she couldn’t be tempted by him again.
“(y/n),” He tries to bring her to look at him again, but she won’t.  Hesitantly, he reaches his hands out to her, his fingers grazing over her knuckles.  “I won’t know rest until I know you do,” He admits.  “So I’m begging you, okay?”
She sniffles, and closes her eyes tighter while his fingers carefully wrap around hers.
“I can’t hurt you anymore” Her voice still shakes, and Satoru doesn’t know how much more of this his heart could take.
His resentment towards her these last few weeks had been washed away so easily by his overwhelming need to protect her, and he’s never felt so strongly about doing so until this moment.
This wasn’t how he’d seen her cry before.  This wasn’t how she’d behaved when Haibara Yu had passed.  This wasn’t how she’d behaved in her desperate rage to push him away.  This wasn’t her.  He knew deep down something was terribly wrong, and he didn’t care what it was, he just wanted to make it go away.  He just wanted her to be herself again, to be okay, to be happy.
“You won’t,” He murmurs, still unsure if it was a lie.  “You won’t,” He repeats himself with fervor.  “There’s nothing you could tell me that would hurt me, sweetheart, okay? So just… just tell me what he’s done, and I’ll fix it”
(y/n) looks up at him then, realizing now that Shoko must have filled in the gaps of her lies between them, and that Satoru truly does believe she’s gotten into trouble with a suitor of some sort from the Zen’in Clan.  Any thought of lying through her teeth escapes her mind, as she looks at him now, all she can find in his eyes is pure honesty.
He’s serious, and it’s almost tangible before her.  She fears that he really would do anything to put her at ease, and she fears that she would do the same for him.
She fears that she’s in this situation because she’d tried to do the same for him.
She doesn’t know why, she doesn’t understand the feeling, but she chases it, in hopes that it would guide her to do right by him.
“I’m not seeing someone from the Zen’in Clan”
It’s the clearest she’s spoken in a few minutes, but Satoru hesitates as though he still had to make out what she’d said.  (y/n) doesn’t blame him.  She’s just as surprised by herself as he is.
“You’re not?” He mumbles in disbelief, his brows drawing together in a confused knot.
“I’m not,” She whispers back.  “I… I never was” She adds with a small shrug of her shoulder.
Satoru blinks a few times, his eyes flickering between hers, just to be sure that she was once again telling the truth.  He doesn’t find an ounce of insincerity on her, but it still doesn’t bring him much comfort.
Suddenly, his hands are squeezing around hers, and he’s bringing them to his chest, holding them close as though the action alone could convince her to stay.  (y/n) almost stumbles from the action, but catches her footing before she could fall into him.
“Then why are you leaving?” He asks the nagging question on his mind.
Her tears threaten to spill over her lashes, and her hesitation tells him she still isn’t ready to give him the full truth.  She tries to think about Megumi, about Tsumiki, and everything she was going to do to ensure their safety.
“There must be a reason if you’re going to put yourself through this much trouble,” He voices his thoughts while (y/n) tries to blink her tears away.  “What is it, sweetheart? You have to tell me”
“Sa-toru,” She chokes on his name, her eyes falling shut as a last ditch effort to keep all of her tears from falling.  She tries to pull her hands out of his, but he keeps them in a firm grasp, and she doesn’t have the will to snatch them back.  “I just can’t- please, please forgive me,”
She hiccups, and closes her eyes tighter, even though she can feel wetness racing down her cheeks.
“I just have to protect you, I can protect all of you, but you have- you have to let me-” She’s cut off by another hiccup, and when she opens her eyes again all of the tears she’d tried to hold back are streaming down her face.  “I know it’s not fair, but it’s the only way I can keep you safe”
Satoru’s eyes blink wide in surprise, his brain desperately trying to connect the dots, trying to figure out who she’s talking about, who she’s protecting, and from what?
He doesn’t rush to ask her these questions, instead he shushes her gently, and brings her over to his bed so she could take a seat.  She wants to fight him, but she doesn’t.
“Alright,” He hums, releasing one of her hands so he could catch her tears against his finger, flicking them away before they could stain her cheeks.  “Alright sweetheart, let’s start slow, alright?”
She shakes her head, unwilling to drag him down with her.  Satoru tries again anyway.
“There’s nothing you could do to jeopardize my safety, okay?” He tells her, wishing she’d look up at him.  When she doesn’t, he hooks his finger under her chin and gently lifts her head so she could see he meant it.  “Okay?” He asks again.
(y/n) lets out a shaky breath, and her eyes fall from his, landing on his throat.  She takes a few more breaths before finding her voice again.
“You’ve been hurt by my mistakes before,” She whispers.
He’s certain he couldn’t have heard her right, but he doesn’t try to speak over her.
Her eyes don’t move as she continues.
“I just can’t hurt you again,” She sighs.  “I’ve done it too much and… and it hurts me too” She admits the last part in a voice that barely reached a whisper, but he hears her clear as day.
“I understand,” He hums.  “But you have to understand that I can’t ignore this anymore, (y/n).  Whatever this is, it’s killing you.  And I can’t just let that happen”
“I had a chance to kill Fushiguro Toji,”
Her voice is raw, sore from her crying, strained from her whispering, but she forces herself to speak anyways.
“The day we were sent after Riko Amanai,” (y/n) continues, still staring at the spot on his throat where he’d shown her Toji’s blade had cut clean through.  “When we parted ways that day, I ran into him,”
Satoru hung onto her every word, wondering where she could possibly be going with this, and why she hadn’t told him sooner.  Although so far, the truth didn’t seem too harmful, there was a nagging pull on his heart that led him to believe somewhere, sometime, things had gone completely wrong.
“Just by accident,” (y/n) continued, shrugging her shoulders in thought.  “Or maybe it was fate, I don’t know what led me to him that day, but…”
Finally, her eyes flickered up to his, and she swallowed the remaining lump in her throat before speaking again.
“I overheard a conversation he was having, on the phone,”
Satoru nods, understanding the story so far, while he waits patiently for her to continue.
“He mentioned… he mentioned children,” (y/n) said through a shaky exhale of breath.  “And I just… I just had to follow him, I had to learn more, I don’t know why, but it just nagged at me, and I…”
She turns her head, her eyes landing on that photo on the wall again as she thinks back to that day.  The way she felt in the beginning of this all, desperately searching for Megumi and Tsumiki like their lives, her life, depended on it.  And now, because of her, they did.
Satoru watched her as she stared at the photo for a long moment, trying to collect her thoughts.  He was on the edge of his seat, but he didn’t say anything to rush her into explaining further.
He looked down at the hand that still sat in his, limp and clammy from her nerves.  He squeezed it gently before running the pad of his thumb over the back of her hand.
(y/n) looked back at him right away, almost jolted by the small gesture, but Satoru kept his focus on the small motion of comfort.
“He had children,” She whispers out the truth like it was a damning piece of information.  “Two children.  Young.  A girl, and a boy”
When Satoru finally meets her gaze again, she’s no longer crying, but she’s still giving him that hopeless look, as though she’d done something terrible that she couldn’t take back.
“That’s where you were when you disappeared that weekend?” He finally spoke after listening to her so intently.  (y/n) chewed on her lip as she slowly nodded her head.
“I followed him but I… I lost him..” Her eyes trailed back down to his throat, and now he understood what she’d been staring at.
She’d been watching the place on his throat where Toji had stabbed him that day.  Oh, he realizes, all too slowly, she blamed herself.  As soon as he puts the pieces together, he squeezes her hand again, as though requesting her attention again.
“That wasn’t your fault”
“I could have-”
“That wasn’t your fault”
“But I was there”
“(y/n),” Satoru’s voice is firm now, and she snaps her mouth shut.  “You couldn’t have known,” He tells her, sure of every word he spoke.  “There was nothing that you could have done differently to prevent it.  There was nothing I could have done differently to prevent it,”
She sighs, her eyes falling to her lap as that dreaded feeling of uselessness washed over her.
“And need I remind you, I’m fine?” He adds, pulling her hand upwards, gently laying it at the base of his throat while keeping his palm over her hand.  “Just a little mark,” He whispers while (y/n’s) eyes linger on the spot.
This must be his most vulnerable spot, she thinks, after what happened, no matter what he says, he must have some trauma from the incident.  And yet, he lowers his infinity, and lets her rest her trembling fingers there.
Her eyes meet his unsurely.
“I need you to believe me when I say it’s not your fault”
“Okay,” She whispers back.  “Then I need you to believe me when I tell you I have to go”
Satoru shakes his head, his fingers curling around hers again, dropping her hand from his throat and against his leg.
“I can’t do that, sweetheart” He sighs.
“Why?” She whispers back, her eyes flickering between his, trying to figure out why it was he cared so much about this.  “I’m… I’m going to do a terrible thing tomorrow”
Satoru raises a curious brow.
“Is that so?”
She nods back at him, frowning.
“It will be unforgivable,” She whispers.  “But I don’t have a choice,” Her voice cracks again, but this time it’s just the reality of her situation crushing down on her.  “I can’t lose them”
“Lose who, sweetheart?” Satoru asks, his brows furrowing now, as he was missing a vital piece of information she hadn’t shared yet.
“I found them,” She whispered, almost gravely.  “I found Fushiguro Toji’s children”
The confession processes slowly, and then all at once, and (y/n) watches as he begins to put all the pieces together in real time.
Those children weren’t just poor abandoned things left to live their days out in some broken, unjust system society deemed charitable.  No, they weren’t your average non-curse users.  They were property.  Valuable property.  
They were Zen’in property.  And it was only a matter of time before the clan would come to collect them.
“I see,” Satoru hums.  “So you…”
“I’ve been sneaking off campus for eight months to take care of them” (y/n) whispers.
Every time he caught her in an odd lie, every time she’d go missing as soon as classes were out, the tutoring, the dodging of plans, it all came flooding back to him now, in a completely different light.
“Oh…” He mumbles, leaning back slightly as he was still processing it all.
“Yeah,” (y/n) sighs, hanging her head.  “They’ve sent a notice that they’ll be collecting the boy, Megumi.  His cursed technique has begun to manifest… just like Zen’ins to care when there’s enough power involved”
“What is it?” Satoru mumbles, his gaze fixed on a spot on the floor.
“Ten shadows” (y/n) answers, also refusing to look at him.
Satoru runs his free hand over his face, trying to come up with a solution and fast, because he didn’t know how much time they had to keep him from the Zen’in’s greedy clutches.
“I’m to bring him to them tomorrow,” (y/n) says.  “They don’t have an interest in the girl, she was born a non-curse user.  And the two can’t bear to be split apart so…” She trails off, nervously looking Satoru’s way.  “So I’m going tomorrow to… make my case”
“Make your case?”
Satoru repeats the words back to her in disbelief, because he knows just as well as she does that the Zen’in Clan don’t just hear people out.  They’ll take what’s theirs by whatever means necessary, and if she went to them tomorrow then-
It hits him then as he looks back at her, her glossed over eyes and frowning lips, he knows exactly why she’d come to tell him goodbye.
“No, you’re not-”
“I have to”
“(y/n) that’s a death sentence” Satoru stands up from the bed now, her hand falling from his as he stands before her.  Her expression doesn’t falter, not once.
“I’m not losing them” She tells him, clearly, and he knows she means it, but he can’t possibly accept this.
“And that cost is your life?” He raises his voice, although he tries not to yell, he can’t help it as it all sinks into his veins, the situation she’s in.  
Why couldn’t she have come to him sooner?
He begins to pace in front of her.  (y/n) remains calmly sat before him, letting him process however he needed to.  As much as it had hurt, she’d made her peace with it all.  It’s simply what she had to do.
“It doesn’t matter how much you train yourself to death, (y/n), if you walk in there tomorrow with any malicious intent, they’ll strike you down.  They’re an entire clan, (y/n), do you understand that?”
“I do” She whispers with a small nod of her head.
He shakes his head at her, his hands on his hips as he huffs and moves about the room sporadically.
“No, you can’t possibly understand it, because you wouldn’t just be sitting here right now-!”
“Satoru,” She calls his name softly, and while her voice is much smaller than his, he quiets immediately.  “I do understand,” She tells him with another nod.  “I love them,”
His features fall, softening as he sees her small smile begin to break through a painfully hurt exterior.
“I do.  I love them so much.  And I won’t let anything hurt them for the rest of their lives,” She tells him while he’s still frozen in front of her.  “So I have to go.  I have everything prepared, I’ve left them as much money as I can, a few cursed tools I’ve given them and hidden in their house that I’ve imbued with my cursed energy to protect them even if I…” She trails off, not wanting to admit the dark fate that would be in store for her come tomorrow.  “But now that you know, can you promise me something?”
Satoru doesn’t answer, still stuck in front of her, hearing her horrid confession play on repeat in his head.  She was really planning on this? She really was going to go through with this?
“Promise me you’ll keep an eye out for them?” She asks, and no matter how much she tries to keep her breaths even, he can hear the shakiness in the exhale she lets out.  “You don’t have to watch their every move but… just make sure they’re safe, here and there?”
Her brows draw together as she stares at him with utter hope.  She knows that she doesn’t deserve a favor from him, after everything she’s put him through, but if she had to, she’d beg him to make sure her kids were safe when she’s gone.
The room is silent for a few beats, before slowly, Satoru kneels himself to the ground before her, bringing himself to her eye level.  (y/n) stares at him steadily, and he’s close enough that she longs to reach out, to hold him by his jaw and make him swear he’d do her one last favor.
“You’re not doing this,” He tells her, quietly.  “I can’t let you”
“I have to”
“You don’t”
“I don’t have another choice,” She’s quicker with her words, more decided, unwavering in her choice.  “The Zen’ins, they sent men to the house this morning, to intimidate me, or scope out the area, I don’t know.  But they aren’t just going to back down now.  They’re going to take Megumi whether I try to stop them or not”
“We’ll think of something else” Satoru says surely.
“There’s no time,” (y/n) whispers back.  “Tomorrow I’ll put as strong of a curtain over their house as I possibly can and then I’ll go face Zen’in Naobito myself,” She tells him her plan in hopes that he would accept this was her final decision. “So I… I need you to promise me you’ll check in on them”
Satoru’s eyes don’t leave hers as she says this, and he can see that she means every last word.  He’d never pegged (y/n) as someone to have the stomach for cold blooded murder, but he can see now that something had changed, and the love she had for these children would drive her to do anything to protect them.
“You’ll die” He whispers back, knowing that she’s well aware.
(y/n) musters up the courage to give him a small smile, although it still carries the weight of her sadness, it is genuine.  She only hopes to bring him some semblance of comfort in knowing that this was her decision and hers alone, and that she’d found solace in it.
“Promise me,” Is all she replies with, followed by an even softer, “Please”
Was mochi supposed to make up for all of this? Satoru wonders as his eyes flicker between hers.  
While he’s sitting here fighting the urge to completely break down in front of her, she was trying to convince him that she was okay with this plan, that throwing herself into the wolf’s den in the name of love was her only choice.  He wants to tell her she’s completely deluded, that he’d chain her down and keep her here if he had to in order to keep her from making the sacrificing play.  And a part of him knows that he would really do it.
Satoru pinches the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes as he takes a deep breath and tries to run through every possibility on how this could end.  He doesn’t like what he comes up with.
“Satoru,” (y/n) calls softly, and when he looks up at her again, her hand is hesitating over his shoulder.  It takes her a minute before she lays it there, and she lets out a deep sigh before speaking again.  “I’m sorry,”
Her eyes follow the trail of a single tear slipping down his cheek, and she has to remind herself why she has to do this.
“If by some miracle I live, I’ll send you a postcard” She means to jest, but her voice is too soft, and the way her eyebrows sink as her eyes meet his again tells him she barely believes her own words.
Her hand falls from his shoulder as she stands from the bed, and Satoru’s quick to get up to his feet too, stopping her before she could leave.
“Stay,” He says before he can think of something better to say.  “Don’t go yet, stay, please, let’s think of a better plan, together, okay?”
He’s rushing through his words again, desperate to keep her here long enough that he alone could solve all of it for her.
(y/n) opens her mouth, no doubt to protest, but Satoru cuts her off before she could even start.
“Let me help you,” He pleads, stepping closer to her, leaving little to no space between them.  Her eyes noticeably widen at this, but she remains silent.  “You didn’t have my help before, I could get you out of this, we can come up with a way to keep the kids and you safe, okay?”
She’s frowning at him, but she doesn’t walk away from him either, so Satoru thinks he has a chance at making her cave.
“Please?” His hands grab onto hers, the action harsher than it had been before, desperate, even.  “Please, (y/n), I just can’t accept this.  You can’t do this… not without at least talking about it first, okay?”
(y/n) ducks her head and slowly begins to pull her hands out of his, although she longed to stand there with him holding them for the rest of time, as he’d always reminded her that she would never find comfort in another person the way she felt it with him.  She knows that if she stays any longer, then she’ll never leave.
And it was the right thing to walk away, right?
Satoru lets her pull her hands back to her stomach where she could wring them together as some form of control over her nerves.  He doesn’t mind that she tries to pull away from him, because he’s quicker.
When she feels the warmth of two palms resting on either side of her face, lifting her head so she’d look at him properly, (y/n) knows right away that she wouldn’t be walking away anytime soon.
Satoru’s hands are warm, smooth, and no matter where they are on her they still bring her that same blanket of comfort.  They’re so delicately firm, cupped around her face to keep her looking at him.  They’re so solidly gentle that she couldn’t break away from them if she wanted to.
She already knows her answer as soon as he speaks, although she can’t quite explain how she folds so easily, she decides to blame it on her overwhelming physical and mental exhaustion.
taglist: @whats-humanity-lol @malinq-ashida @mor-pheus@bekahtaylorgriggs@pookiea@megumimind@thealchemical@pearlstiare@niallerhere@96jnie @purpleguk @peqch-pie@yukinemaroop@makis-girl@sadtoru​ @kamikokii​ @nerdiel-has-no-braincells​ @googlesheetshoe​ @vzleria​ @hilzup @cole-silas @iam-mia9 @stxrrielle @ezrahour @whatamidoing89​ @idioseasworld​ @yuuuumii​ @l0diluvs​ @miffysoo​ @chibiizzy​
xoxo ~ jordie
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lizzieisright · 2 months
right???? me too! I want Abby to have my kids
female alpha!reader x omega!abby
Palestine: what can you do
Tags: dead dove: do not eat. a/b/o universe (female alphas have dicks), modern AU, absolute filth, breeding kink, reader goes into rut.
There's one thing Abby loves the most about your ruts: you absolutely lose control. Her sweet, patient, ridiculous alpha has so many restraints - you can try to hide it all you want, but Abby knows. She knows it when you grip her thighs too hard and then immediately release her, because you're scared to hurt her. She knows it when your bites are a little harsh and your growling is a lot louder. 
But no matter what Abby does, she can't break you on normal days - she might beg you when she's in heat and you will get a little rough because whatever Abby wants during heats, Abby gets, but you never show your full alpha with her. 
(“It goes against my nature.” you tell her when Abby asks you why you don't let yourself let go. 
“You're an alpha, baby, it is your nature.” Abby smirks.
“And you're my omega, so I can't hurt you. I almost had a heart attack when you fell on your skates last week, I can't handle smelling your hurt and know that I caused it.”
Understandably, Abby drops to her knees and makes you cum down her throat. You have no idea why, but talking about how much you care about her makes Abby so fucking horny.)
But then your rut comes, and every time Abby notices the change in your scent, she gets excited. And horny. 
You smell her lust and it drives you absolutely crazy when you're in pre-rut. You're more territorial and smelling how much your omega wants you makes you want to fuck her literally everywhere. You can't stop scenting her, constantly rubbing against her, and it only makes Abby hornier. So it makes you hornier. 
Ellie stays away from both of you, because you make her horny and because she and Dina still dance around each other, she can't do anything about it. Plus you start growling at her like an idiot every time she gets too close to Abby. (It makes Abby laugh, so you don't feel too bad about it)
This time your rut starts when you and Abby are cooking dinner. It hits you so hard you almost cut the meat through the board, and Abby grunts quietly when your scent gets into her nose. 
“Shit. Fuck.” You pant. Your hands are shaking, but you keep cutting. “We need to finish cooking first.” You tell Abby and she nods, suspiciously obedient. “Fuck, did I use my voice on you?”
“Yup.” Abby sighs shakily. “We need to finish this fast. No talking. If we talk, we will fuck.” 
You chuckle, but agree with Abby. Right now you can only think about how and where you want to fuck Abby, and you can smell her getting hornier - getting wetter - and if you open your mouth, you'll end up fucking her on your dinner table. Or on the counter. Or just standing, fucking her from behind-
Yup. This is exactly why Abby said no talking. 
It's amazing how fast you finish cooking. Abby sighs, relieved that you managed to do everything and not burn the kitchen down, but then there's heavy silence. She takes a sniff and looks at you. 
You're barely keeping it together: eyes red, fangs lengthened and you cock making a tent in your joggers. Abby has the sudden urge to run and she swallows. You look dangerous - like any alpha in rut, all your instincts are in overdrive, so you watch Abby like she is your prey - and it makes Abby wet. 
“Wait.” Abby tells you when you step closer, and you stop. God she fucking loves seeing you like this, half-animalistic. One day you'll sync and Abby will enjoy it thoroughly. 
And then Abby bolts out of the kitchen. You stare after her for a second, but then your instincts kick in and you run after her. You catch her before she can get inside the bedroom and press her into the door, holding her hands behind her back with one hand while you growl into her ear and grind against her ass, your other hand gripping her hair. Abby didn't think it would actually work, but your control doesn't exist anymore, and this is exactly what she wanted.
“You're not going anywhere.” Abby whimpers and presses her butt into you. “Oh, it's what you wanted, huh?” You gently bite her neck and Abby whines.
“Yes-fuck.” Your pheromones are so heavy Abby can't think, get head full of horny fog. “Breed me, alph- uh!”
You sink your teeth into Abby's shoulder so hard she thinks you fucking mated her - and the thought of it makes her cum immediately. She shakes and whines in your arm while you lick your bite and hump her ass. 
“Mine.” You growl and pull Abby closer, supporting her weight since her legs are wobbly. You let go of her hair and pinch her tit. “I'll never let you go, you're mine, no one can have you.” Abby groans and wiggles one of her arms so she can stroke your cock, making you grunt into her ear. “Love you so fucking much.” You growl and give her cunt a squeeze before opening the door and pushing Abby inside. 
You don't give her time to do anything, ripping the clothes off her, but Abby is so horny she gets absolutely stupid, mesmerised by the wet patch on your pants where your cock has been leaking. It makes you smirk: it looks like your rut makes Abby more desperate than her heat. You look into her pretty golden eyes and feel like you'll tear her apart. 
Abby claws at your clothes and gets rid of your t-shirt, happy there's no bra underneath and she can watch your pretty tits with no time wasted. She latches on one of your nipples and you grab her hair roughly, making her moan. You don't have patience for foreplay right now.
“Lie down.” Abby moans louder: she loves when you use alpha voice on her in bed. 
Abby lies down and opens her legs for you, showing her soaked cunt, and your eyes get darker. You can't wait - usually you'd at least fuck her with your tongue or fingers first, but rut makes you selfish - you hurriedly take your pants off and free your cock. Abby watches the drop of precum slide down and bites her lip, she needs you.
Abby strokes her cunt to get her hand wet and then wraps her fingers around your cock, pumping it just like you like it. You groan and pinch her nipples, making her jump - she is sensitive when she is pheromone high. 
“You're so fucking wet.” You smirk and align your cock with her soaked hole, pushing inside in one thrust. Abby whimpers and throws her head back, not ready to be stretched like this, but enjoying it so much. “Just like that, baby, take it.” You murmur as you bottom out. 
Abby tilts her hips trying to get you deeper, moaning your name, and you finally break. You pin her thighs and start thrusting into her hard, not giving her time to adjust, and Abby is in heaven - your cock feels amazing, but the way you treat her feels even better. 
You can't help your moans: Abby's pussy feels so good, so wet and hot and tight, her walls clenching on you like she doesn't want you to pull out. 
“Look at you, you're not letting me go.” You growl into Abby's ear and she clings to you, buries her nose in your scent glands, while you fuck her deep and hard. “Want my kids so bad, huh? Want me to breed you like a good omega you are?”
“Please, oh god! Yes, breed me, mark me, please!” Abby whines into your ear. “Want you to knot me so fucking bad.” 
You growl and start rubbing Abby's clit, her moans and whimpers echoes through the room. It takes two more thrusts for her to cum and you smile at her, absolutely feral as you watch her coil and shake under you, her walls trapping you inside her. 
“God, you feel it, baby? Don't worry, I'll cum inside, make you so full of me that next time when I fuck you with my tongue I'll be able to only taste myself.” 
Abby moans and her scent spikes, making you fuck her harder, bite her harder - she mewls and arches into you, submitting fully. It's the most addictive feeling in the world when you're in rut, and you can't help yourself but to wrap your hand around Abby's throat firmly, holding her in one place while you fuck her. Abby bares her throat in response and your pace stutters for a second. You're close. 
“Wanna be the mother of my children?” You grunt in Abby's ear and she whimpers, little “mm”s of agreement and you bare your fangs. “Gonna take my knot, baby?”
“Yes! Shit, please- knot me, make me yours, please-” 
You hiss and thrust especially hard, and Abby claws at your shoulders and chest, overwhelmed. She feels your knot catching on her hole and drives her crazy. 
You lean down to nuzzle into Abby's scent glands while you chase your own release and Abby wraps her legs around you, pressing you closer. She feels your fangs on her neck and shudders, desperate.
“You're so fucking big-” She whines and you thrust deeper, making her choke on her own moans. “Alpha-” 
You groan, weak to Abby calling you alpha, and smash into Abby, pushing your knot inside her and filling her up with your cum. Abby feels your cock pulsate inside her and starts rubbing clit, clenching around your knot, whining like a bitch in heat. You groan and lick her neck, collecting her pheromones on your tongue, and something in your brain explodes. 
“Cum, baby. You're gonna be so tight around me not even a drop will leak.” Abby shudders and whines more, the rumble of your voice vibrating through her. She groans loudly and cums, her whole body squeezing you: her cunt and her legs and her arms, while she bites your shoulder like a kitten. “Fuck yes, pretty girl.” 
For a few minutes you both just shake and whine as the aftershocks hit you. Abby keeps clenching around you, and your cock twitches inside her, pressing on her sensitive walls while you knot stretches her. You keep rocking your hips as much as you can, still cumming, and Abby opens her legs wider, letting you sink even deeper and you moan. It's fucking perfect. 
The pheromone stench eases up and you feel more relaxed, more clear. Abby giggles under you and brushes her soft fingers over your back. 
“Shit.” Abby sighs and you kiss her tit. You frown: you neglected her pretty tits the whole time. Unacceptable. “Already?”
“You know how horny I am during my rut.” You murmur and take her nipple into your mouth while Abby pats your head. She sighs and tilts her hips, changing the pressure on your knot, making you grunt. “And I love when you cum on my knot. Feels fucking amazing.”
“That's because you wanna knock me up, sweetheart.” Abby chuckles and moans when you bite her nipple. 
“Like you don't want it too.” You smile and snake your hand between your bodies to rub her clit. Abby sighs happily and relaxes: you're slow and gentle right now. “You know what.”
“I'm hungry.”
Abby laughs and you both hiss when she clenches as her abs contract. You run your fingertips over her taut muscles, marvelling at her lines and curves, and Abby hums. 
“Pick me up, big strong alpha, and we can eat.”
“I hate you.” You whine when your cock twitches at her words. Abby snorts and kisses you. 
“No you don't.”
“No, I don't.” 
Abby is still shocked that you can actually pick her up, but you carry her to the kitchen with ease, holding her up by her butt as she holds a blanket over the both of you. You don't even get plates, just two forks so you can wolf down the food, sharing the pan. 
It's a miracle you manage to eat fast enough before your knot eases up and you slip out of Abby, because when you see your cum flowing down her thighs, you eat Abby instead of your dinner. 
She doesn't complain.
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mina-saiyat · 4 months
Twice Interactive Story Part 1214 Closer (Jihyo)
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After saying goodbye to Nayeon, you head back to home immediately as you know Jihyo has been waiting for so long, you nearly forgot what Nayeon has just told you, only the mirror in the carpark reminds you what Nayeon did to your face.
You try to get rid of the mark by washing your face before heading home to Jihyo. You stop by a convenience store and buy some snacks for Jihyo. You double-checked yourself as you arrive home and start bringing the groceries inside.
'Jihyo? Are you there? Jihyo?' You calling her name but you have not heard any response from her.
'Jihyo?' You put down all the staff in the kitchen and you see Jihyo is inside.' She has changed into another custom already, her bare back immediately catch your attention, her bra top is just supported by a little sting, the knock knock sound of her heels seems knocking in your heart. She's too sexy.
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You place the groceries on the floor and sneak up behind Jihyo. You put your hands on her waist and pull her in close. "You're looking good, Jihyo. You have such a nice back." You kiss Jihyo's neck while your hands move up and down her body, "sorry I took so long, but I got everything."
Jihyo just enjoying your caresses silently, letting your hands run through her body, squeezing every curve she has. 'I am really working hard in gym, I want to give you a surprise.' Jihyo keeps grinding her ass on your crotch, she can feel how hard you are.
'But we should prepare for the dinner first, right?' Jihyo turns around and hooks your neck, ready to kiss you. However, she stops right before your lips meet. 'Who have you met on the way home? The perfume is not the one that you are using?'
"I ran into Nayeon and her mom in the grocery store. I ended up talking to her in the store's cafe because her mom told us to. It was pretty awkward." You reply as ypu keep your hand on Jihyo's waist. "It’s hard to deny her mom's wishes when she's always been so nice to me."
'You could have told me at the beginning... Fine, today is our day, so let's not talk about others.' Jihyo gives you the kiss that you are waiting for before letting you go.
'Let's prepare for the dinner, should we?‘ Jihyo asks as she starts organizing the groceries in the kitchen.
You give Jihyo another kiss, "Alright, let's get started. Can you be my dessert?" You squeeze her ass before going to get the groceries.
'As you wish, babe.' Jihyo says as she helps you to organize the groceries and unpacking them.
Seeing your eyes are still fixed on her, Jihyo smiles shyly. 'Seems my workout is really successful.' She walks closer, squeezing your bulge. 'Do you believe I can finish you at the kitchen right now by 5 minutes? Seems you won't be focusing on cooking if I am here.'
"I'd like to see you try." You say, squeezing her tits. "I still get my dessert later, right?" You kiss Jihyo's neck as your hands run down her body. "I'll need to really focus if we want to eat dinner any time soon."
'Perhaps I should give a try then?' Jihyo smirks, her hand squeezes your bulge even harder. 'I hope cumming one time is enough for you to stay focus?'
You two making out passionately and Jihyo pushing you to the table, your already loss your patience, your hands are invading inside her bra top.
'Babe, if you can hold on for 5 minutes, your reward is to unlock a new position with me tonight.' Jihyo whispers to your ears before kneeling down in front of you, unzipping your pants, and keep caressing your full hardened cock, the precum makes it even shiny.
"You have a deal." You set up a five minute timer on your phone and put it on the table. You kiss Jihyo's neck, running your tongue along it slowly. "I can't wait to share our bed tonight. We'll get to do that new position."
Jihyo pushes you away and kneels down again, 'Have you thought about what position you want tonight?' She seems totally not in a rush, showing the confidence.
Jihyo slowly removes her bra top, her big pair of mounds pop out, attractive as always. Your hand automatically cupping them, feeling their warmth. 'Wait a second.' Jihyo smirks seductively, still jerking your shaft slowly while another hand of her is searching her pockets, and it comes out with a bottle of massage oil.
She pours nearly half of it on her tits, your hands are also covered by it. 'Now enjoy Mommy's work.' Jihyo puts your hand away, and grabs your cock inside her cleavage. It's not the first time you fuck her tits, but with the aid of the oil, it feels so much better. You accidentally leak out a moan, giving Jihyo a little boost, she speeds up her titjob further, milking you quickly.
"Your tits are the best, Jihyo." You moan as you pinch her cheeks. "But I'm still going to win this little challenge. I've been thinking about the mating press position." You let Jihyo do her titjob watching her with a smile as you enjoy the feel of her big tits.
'I doubt that you can try it tonight, babe.' Jihyo keeps teasing you but never stops her titjobs. She let out her tongue, so every time your tips popped out from her cleavage, it would hit her tongue, giving you extra pleasure.
'Two minutes left babe, how much you want to fuck me in mating press huh? Perhaps we can try even more positions if you can hold on.' Jihyo moans occasionally, in order to trigger you more. You could feel the sweat dripping through your forehead. All you could do is prevent any eye contact with Jihyo, you bite your teeth hardly, and look up to the ceiling, buying yourself more time from her marvelous titjob.
"We'll hardly get any sleep tonight, Jihyo." You tell her through gritted teeth. "We should go on a date soon. It's been too long." You say, trying to distract Jihyo just enough for her to stop for a few seconds. You’re determined to hold on just past the five minute mark so you can tease Jihyo all night.
'No no no, we will talk about it later. Are you going to distract me huh?' Jihyo gives you a smirk and presses her tits even harder. 'You can't hold for 5 minutes, babe, you are going to cum anytime soon.'
Jihyo sucks your whole tips all at a sudden, the pleasure overtakes your mind and you lost the ability of speaking, you just moan hardly, telling Jihyo what a good job she is doing.
Feeling your cock starts to throb in her mouth, she shows a victory smile and spit it out again. 'Cum for me, babe. Give me a pearl necklace.'
"Not yet," You grunt as you push your hips forward and make Jihyo suck on more of your cock. "I can last a little bit longer." You stare at Jihyo's hungry eyes. "You're so beautiful, Jihyo."
'You sure you are going to try mating press tonight. There are many more positions we can try.' Jihyo starts to lap her tongue with your underside instead of sucking it, she knows how to make you cum after being with you so long. 'Or you think mating press will be easier to breed me, huh, naughty boy.'
'Why don't you look at me? I want you to look at me when you cum.' Bubble starts to form from the fiction from the titjob, you strugglely debating yourself should you meet her eyes, you know you will cum immediately if you look at her face.
You watch at your phone, luckily there's only 10 seconds left, your nearly succeed. However, Jihyo still not in a rush, rubbing your cock with a correct rhythm. 'Cum for me babe, I love you.' You know you have lost once you hear her confession, your whole body starts jerking, you feel like your cum has reached your tips, but your muscle don't have any power to resist, Jihyo's 'I Love you' has completely make you fallen.
"Fuck, I love you Jihyo." You moan as you cum over her neck and chest. You look deep into Jihyo's eyes as you cum, and see how dirty you left her. "I should take a picture, you look amazing like that. I hope you like your pearl necklace, sweetie." You say at the end as a joke. You grab some napkins and help clean Jihyo up afterward.
Jihyo stops your hand, instead she gets some cum from her chest and put it in her mouth. 'This is my appetizer. but you really wanna take a picture?' Jihyo asks with a little unsure, 'he used to take pictures and video everytime we have sex, but I... sorry for mentioning about him.'
"No, no, that's okay Jihyo." You smile at Jihyo. "I don't need a picture when I have the real person in front of me." You kiss Jihyo's forehead and ruffle her hair. "I'll get started on dinner. You should eat your appetizer." You say with smirk as you start grabbing all the ingredients you 'll need.
'You can prepare the dinner by yourself, right? Then I am going to take a bath first.' Jihyo finished all your cum on her chest and showing you her emptied mouth.
'Do it quick or I will join you.' You slap her ass playfully and sending her out before start cooking.
You set up everything and just waiting for Jihyo, the steak, the wine, the bouquet this morning and the candle, you found everything so familiar that you are in detail vu, that's what you do with Nayeon everytime when she sleep over here, the memory of the past occupied your mind.
You shake your head in an attempt to clear your thoughts. You try to find something to do while you wait for Jihyo. You start to think of something you could do for Jihyo that would be special for you two. you start thinking of maybe doing a day trip somewhere fun like the beach.
'Hey babe, what are you thinking?' The call of Jihyo wakes you up, she cups your cheek and kisses you before sitting down. You debating should you tell her to back for her family for a day as Nayeon insisted she will be the only woman in your house tomorrow.
Jihyo does not change her outfit, her heavy tits are putting on top of the table, her cleavage looks even longer under the dimming candle. 'You still thinking about unlock a new position with me? Perhaps I can let you do it if you behave good today.'
"It'll be hard when you're wearing that, but I'll behave." You tell her as you start eating. "Jihyo, what does your schedule look like for the next few days?" You ask her, trying to see what's she's doing without sounding too suspicious.
'So desperate to unlock a new position with me, haha?' Jihyo can't hold her laughter when she hears your answer. 'OK, but not mating press since you fail the challenge, choose another one. I have been practicing Pilates, maybe we can try something more difficult.' Jihyo finishes her glass of wine and pours herself a new one.
'I don't have anything planned, I am just doing housework and workout every day, a typical housewife, Am I too young for this?'
"Maybe a little, you should be going out a little, having fun." You tell her. "As for what we're doing later, I have a few ideas of what we can try, but you might not be able to handle them." You joke. You take a deep breath, "I'm glad to have you back, Jihyo. I’m happy to have you here."
'After all this time, we are still together. We should definitely celebrate it. Cheers.' Jihyo grabs her glass, inviting you to drink with her.
Your glasses matched and the wine is finished again, 'Should we take a trip together after you back from Chaeyoung? Or you still busying on the new company? I know you are working very hard for Mina, but I don't wanna see you being exhausted again.'
"We should do that. After I come back from Chaeyoung's we'll go on a trip together. Just you and me." You tell her as you pinch her cheek. "Oh, there was one other thing. Nayeon said she was to see the house tomorrow and that she wanted to be the only woman. What are we going to do?"
'So what are you going to do then?' Jihyo asks you again without even thinking. She just peacefully eats another slice of steak.
'What do you want me to do tomorrow. Just tell me, babe. I know Nayeon may not want to see me. I am happy that you could tell me first, at least. I don't wanna be abandoned by my men again... I know you love me.' Jihyo empties her glass again and gets herself a new one. Her face starts to be red as she drinks the alcohol too quick.
"I do love you, Jihyo. That's why I brought this up. Nayeon said she wanted to be the only woman here when she came, but this isn't my home anymore. It's our home." You say as you place your hand over hers. "We decide what to do together. If you want to stay for the day, stay. I'm not going to force you to do anything. I'm not going to hide you. What do you think?"
'I don't wanna make you two having any argument, I will back to my parent's house tomorrow. So after all she could stay with you for a night.' Jihyo seems thinking drinking the wine in glasses is too slow. She takes the bottle and drinks it directly. The wine dripping from her lips is going down to her tits
'Men always want harem do they? No matter Daniel or you, am I doing bad?' Jihyo seems start to be drunk. 'At least I know I am in your heart, so I accept to share you with others.'
"Jihyo, don't drink so quickly." You get up and sit beside her, holding the bottle down. "Jihyo, is that really what you want? Do you want to leave our home? Don't think about Nayeon or any argument that can happen. Be a little selfish, if you want to stay, stay here."
Jihyo grabs the bottle from you again and asks you to drink with her. 'Don't worry, I am not going to drunk so easily.'
'If I am being selfish, I don't want any of them to be with you again. I have to be your wife, I want all of your love and care.'
Jihyo hooks your neck with both of her arms. Every time she speaks, you can feel the smell of alcohol splashing all over your face.
'Am I that bad? I have a good body, and I am not bad at all, right? Why did everyone I date could not just love me only?' Jihyo leans on you even closer, her soft tits pressing you even harder, under the effect of alcohol and her teasing, you feel you are getting hard, your breath becomes heavier, your sight becomes aggressive on her.
The proximity allows Jihyo to feel your change so easily. She smirks loudly and pushes her tits to you even closer. 'My body is really good, right?' Her face is just now right in front of yours. Her smiles on her face are too bright to be ignored.
'My body is not bad at all. A lot of man wants me too.' You could feel you are losing self-control if Jihyo keeps teasing you, but all in a sudden, Jihyo pushes you on the ground and sitting on your lap, her holds your cheek and start kissing you.
You hold onto Jihyo's waist and look into her eyes. "You are beautiful. You have a great body. You're kind and understanding." You lean up as you break apart and cup Jihyo's cheeks. "I love you, Jihyo, and for tonight only you." You say as you kiss her neck and run your hands along her back.
'I will make sure to drain you tonight so nothing will be left for Nayeon tomorrow.' Jihyo says in desperate and sneaks her hands under your clothes, playing your nipples, the itchy feeling makes your body jerk, encourage her to do it harder.
'You are not loving Mommy's tits only. You love mommy playing with your nipples too?'
"Why don't we make you a real mommy tonight? You say as you kiss Jihyo. "I love everything you do." You squeeze Jihyo's ass before moving down to her thighs, "I love every part of you, mommy."
'Let me be a real mommy. Give me every cum you have.' Jihyo leans to kiss you with tongue again. 'Next year we will celebrate the born of our baby.' She starts to undressing you, throwing your clothes all over the dining room.
'Bring me back to the room, I wanna drain you dry on bed tonight.' Jihyo starts playing trick with your cock, rubbing her hand with your tips, forcing you to jerk with the pleasure.
"Let's go make you a mommy." You say as you tighten your grip on her thighs and slowly get up. "We're not gonna stop until you are." You tell her as you carry her to the room. You push open the door and drop her onto the bed, leaving hickeys along her neck.
'No, not here.' Jihyo pins your head on her neck, forcing you to leave more hickeys on her. 'Go to my room, I don't wanna see Mina's things tonight.' You are confused at a second, but when you look around, you could see Mina's things all around the room, from the penguin doll she left here, the pictures of you two and even the lingerie that Mina hangs next to the wardrobe are hinting her existence in the house, just like the female master of the house as she shares the room with you.
'Babe, go to my room please, can you?' Jihyo caresses your cheek and looks right into your eyes. 'I want to be your only one tonight.'
"As you wish." You tell her as you pick her back up and carry her to her room. "You have such nice legs, Jihyo. I love how they feel." You say as you walk into her room. "It’s just you and me." You kiss Jihyo and run your hands along her body.
'I will make sure my thigh lock you deep inside when you cum.' Jihyo smiles as she hears your compliments.
Jihyo keeps kissing you and jerking you at the same time, feeling your hardness in her hands makes she wet. 'Are you ready to be drained by mommy tonight? Moan for mommy baby. I will be your genie tonight.'
You moan Jihyo's name and cup her cheeks before you kiss her. "What do you want to do first, mommy?" You ask as you squeeze her tits gently, moving your thumb around to find her nipple and rubbing it with your thumb as you wait for her to respond. Your knee rests between her legs, right below her pussy.
'Mommy wanna ride my baby boy, mommy wanna milk him hard until he empties his ball.' Jihyo let go of your cock and flip you over before you move.
You could not believe a drunk Jihyo would be so aggressive, she aligns your cock with her clit, slowly rubbing it before starting on you. 'Baby, I am so full. Mommy can feel how hard you are.' Jihyo moans loudly as she starts riding you, she did not even try to hold her moans as no one else is here. 'How much you wanna breed me, what position you want to unlock tonight, tell mommy! Ah!' Jihyo keeps rubbing your nipples with her thumbs, providing a double pleasure to you.
"I don't care anymore. I just want to be deep inside you. I want to put a baby in you, Mommy." You moan as you buck your hips and pull Jihyo into a kiss. "I want to stir up your insides and give you every drop."
Jihyo pushes your down again while keep riding you fiercely, 'Fuck, you are so big, Mommy loves it so much. Ugh! Mommy is going to conquer you little monster today!' Jihyo arcs her back backwards, so she could rides you harder, the circular motion is giving you even more pleasure than the traditional riding, you can feel her walls are drawing circle around your cock, pressing you in every angle.
'Moan louder, baby. Mommy wanna hear your moan, Mommy wants you to beg her.' She holds your hands on her breasts and let you play with them. 'Tell Mommy how much you wanna cum in her.'
You squeeze Jihyo's tits roughly, pinching her nipple between your pointer finger and thumb. "Fuck, I wanna fill you with my baby batter. I want to put a baby inside, mommy." You moan as you buck your hips again. "I want to cum inside you Jihyo."
'Call me mommy, but you need to ready for this baby.' You do not understand what Jihyo is warning you, but the pleasure does not give you time to think, you keep moaning from the riding.
However Jihyo caught you off guard again, her walls become so tight suddenly just she is going to press your cock into a plant, the pleasure nearly pushes you over the edge. 'Do you like it, baby? Mommy clamping her walls?' Jihyo stops the riding and just moves her hips in circular, teasing you but not letting you cum yet.
"I love it, mommy. It feels so good." You lean up and capture Jihyo's nipple, swirling your tongue around the hard bud. "I need to make mommy feel good too." You say before focusing on her nipple. Your hands move down to Jihyo's ass, squeezing her cheeks and giving them a slap.
'Mommy knows you gonna cum soon. Do you want Mommy to clamp her walls again? Beg Mommy to let you cum. Beg me' Jihyo hugging you in her arms, forcing you to suck her tits.
'Yes, bite Mommy, do you want milk? If you cum in Mommy then you may drink next year. Now Beg Mommy.'
You buck your hips, moving your cock around inside her. "Please let me cum, mommy. I want to cum inside you. I want to drink your milk, mommy." You beg as you gently bite her nipple.
'Beg me harder, baby. Beg Mommy like I am your queen.' Jihyo clamps her walls, again bringing you a step to cum, you don't know when did she learn to edge you with her pussy, but you are definitely enjoying it.
'Beg until Mommy satisfied, otherwise you are not going to cum.' Jihyo pulls your head away from her tits and kiss your forehead, the movement of her hips becomes slower, preventing you to cum as you are on the edge for too long.
"Please mommy, please let your baby cum inside you. It's all I want. I want to cum in mommy's pussy." You say begging her to finish you off. You wrap your arms around her back and pull her into you as you continue begging.
'Cum for me, baby. Breed mommy!' Jihyo moans loudly when she approaches her orgasm, she intentionally clamp her walls again, pushing you over the edge at the same time. 'Yes, cum for mommy.' Jihyo moves her hand down to your ball, keep massaging you so you can cum even more.
You hold onto Jihyo's waist and pull her down while you buck your hips wildly. "I'm cumming mommy. I'm cumming!" You moan as you thrust into Jihyo. "Have my baby," You cry out as you feel her walls squeezing your cock.
'Mommy is so full... Mommy is gonna have a baby.' Jihyo whispers.
Her walls are clamping so tight as she wants to milk you, 'Cum every drop to mommy.' The intense orgasm makes you keep cumming in her, not mentioning her hands are playing your balls at the same time. 'Do you like Mommy's new trick?' Jihyo collapses slowly and lays on top of you.
You wrap your arms around Jihyo. "I love it. That was the best." You say before kissing Jihyo. "But I don't think Mommy is going to get pregnant with only one creampie." You slowly roll Jihyo onto her back. "May I mommy?" You say as you push and pull your cock out of her slowly.
You slowly thrusting in Jihyo, however you did not hear the answer you would like to hear. You look up to her and find Jihyo has fall asleep already, still humming your name.
You chuckle and kiss her cheek. "I'm going to push you for falling asleep, Mommy." You grab Jihyo's legs and put her into the seashell position. Pulling out of Jihyo, you leave the tip inside her waited for a second before slamming yourself inside to see if she wakes up.
Jihyo still sleeps calmly even you try to fuck her hard, perhaps she is just too drunk, but this also means she is the food on the table, you could do anything to her, maybe unlocking more than one new positions.
You move Jihyo into the mating press and start thrusting, deciding to get one more orgasm before sleeping with her. You groan, feeling Jihyo's walls remain tightly wrapped around your cock as it pushes deeper into her.
No matter how hard you thrust, Jihyo is still in her sweet dream. However, her walls are still reacting to you normally, everytime your cock gets in, it's wrapping you so tight, making it difficult for you to withdraw from her.
You fucking Jihyo like a driller, the mating press position allows you to push until her deepest part, your hips move like a swing, the sound of your body's clapping is echoing in the room. The excitement of fucking Jihyo in unconscious is too high, you keep groaning her name although she can't hear, her breaths are starting to be heavy, you know you are going to fuck her to the orgasm even she is sleeping.
You continue to pound Jihyo, driving your cock as deep as it will go. "I love you, Jihyo. We'll start a nice big family together." You whisper into her ear, even though she's sleeping. You feel your orgasm coming and speed up. Jihyo's walls clamp down on your cock as she gets close to an orgasm too.
'Born a baby for me, Jihyo!' You moan loudly as you feel the entrance of Jihyo's womb is kissing your tips, and you cannot hold on for any longer. Your cum splash in her womb directly, her walls massaging you with rhythm, seducing you to cum more in her.
After you've poured everything into Jihyo, You roll her over, having her lay on top of you. You move her hair behind her ear and kiss the top of her head. "I love you, Jihyo. Goodnight." You run your hand down her back until you fall asleep with her on your chest.
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jensettermandu · 4 months
-𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡𝙨 𝙜𝙤 𝙩𝙤 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣, 𝙗𝙖𝙙 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡𝙨 𝙜𝙤 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚-
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content warning; MDNI, morally grey characters, toxic relation/situationships, domestic abuse, violence, substance use/abuse, mentions of weight/toxic beauty standards, dubcon, a lot of smut (spitting, spanking, bondage, choking, rough sex, etc. appears), age gap (legal), mentions of sensitive topics, not made for glorification of toxic relationships.
wc; 18k+ (sorry, it's just this chapter, a lot of smut ig :/)
Jennie groaned at the hands that were tugging on her hair as she kissed along the girl's inner thighs, taking in the scent of lotion that was lingering all over the vixen's skin. Her patience was running thin though with the impatient girl who kept whining and telling her to fuck her already. The more dirty words that Y/n spewed the more her cock pulsed with need, but it didn't make her hurry up.
"What're you doing?" Y/n murmured, getting pissed when Jennie pulled away fully from her. Her eyes trailed Jennie who was still in her sweats and shirt, the print of her dick was prominent as she didn't have anything else besides the sweats on. All that Y/n was left in were the soaked-through cheeky underwear. Lying exposed and waiting for Jennie to do what she asked for, each little thing had started to leave her mind, not caring about whose hands her fate was left in. It didn't matter what she did since it wasn't in her own hands.
With her eyes on what she needed, Jennie moved up, getting on top of Y/n and straddling her waist. "Taking full control." She simply answered and Y/n's head tilted back to see Jennie grab hold of the fairy lights. Before she had the time to ask or complain, Jennie yanked them off the headboard, the plug getting ripped out of the output all at the same time as they clattered.
"What the fuck?"
"You're not fooling anyone, they just collect dust."
Y/n was about to push herself up, but the air got knocked out of her when Jennie's palm landed against the clavicle right above her chest. She forced her back down and quickly grabbed hold of her wrists.
"Make it easy for me and stop struggling because I am not going to stop, Y/n."
"It will fucking hurt and bruise."
The complaints were for nothing, Jennie wasn't listening to her at all and Y/n was unable to move because the woman was straddling her and putting all her weight on her. She started to wrap them around her wrists after forcing them above her head.
"That's exactly what it's supposed to do, hurt, but you will be too fucked to notice it in a while."
It was making Y/n's heart rate spike up, she could never know what Jennie had on her mind, but that was all part of it. It made everything more enjoyable. The fact that at each turn was either heaven or hell, it didn't matter what it was because she always ended up in the middle after a while. Her eyes looked at Jennie, hissing at the tightness of the string and the lights digging into her skin. The older's eyes focused on tying it around her wrists, only shooting a glance at Y/n.
The woman got off of the tied-up girl after making sure she wouldn't be able to get out of the lights wrapped around her small wrists. She grabbed the rest of the string and moved over to the headboard where the girl had installed anti-shake because of how wobbly it was and the complaints from the neighbour of banging late at night. It had only started when Jennie began showing up more often at her place after Asher would leave for practice and tournaments, trusting Y/n to keep his home a home and not invite others. 
"That's unnecessary," Y/n grumbled as her hands were forced to stay above her head, her fingers threaded into the sheets, trying her best to ease the numbing feeling in her fingers as Jennie had made them too tight. She should have known that the woman wouldn't care at all when she asked her to not leave any bruises. Jennie never cared about these things, she always had to do it her way to prove that she was in charge and that Y/n never had any true say in anything. When they parted ways, something was always bruised, either her hips, waist, wrists and at times throat because Jennie didn't seem to control her strength. At times it worked more as a turn-off than anything else because it left her dissociating because of the pain.
"Better than having a needy whore tugging, scratching and pulling on me because she can't go a minute without being stuffed by my cock." Y/n watched as Jennie's tongue poked out at the corner of her lips, toying with it as she looked at the girl she had gotten all tied up. That control it gave her surged right through her each vein before shooting to her cock. It gave her a higher sense of herself. Y/n was all for her to ruin. 
No matter what, her gaze always made Y/n feel like prey. She could see by the look in Jennie's eyes what went through her head. How bad it was, and how much worse it was that she still stayed to watch it happen despite knowing what was going to happen. How she would regret it one day and it would be too late to go back to normal because this was her normal now. 
Her palm planted beside her head as she sat beside her on the bed. Her eyes trailed into the eyes that always held something different. The way they got so empty at times, it was as if Y/n wasn't even in the same room as her. She loved how broken the girl was, how she had broken her because this wasn't the same person she met almost five months ago. This was the person she had made out of her. This was her broken star that would always shine in her eyes. It was almost close enough to make Jennie feel bad about what she had done to Y/n and her life. Y/n was so empty, she was just like Jennie, and Jennie couldn't help but want a person that was just like her. 
"Show me your pretty tongue," Jennie coaxed, her other hand running over the girl's cleavage. The skin was warm, smooth and soft under her palm, she could feel the pounding of her heart when she brushed over the spot where it was resting. That spot where she didn't belong but still made herself comfortable.
Y/n swallowed before opening her mouth and showing off her tongue, the one that Jennie loved having in her mouth or working around her cock. Her hand reached her slim throat and she gently wrapped her hand around it. There was no going back. That had never been an option. Jennie has had her choking grip around Y/n's throat since they met and she was the only one she could rely on to breathe. She couldn't breathe without Jennie, she was the air Y/n needed, and would always die just to breathe. 
Jennie leaned forward, her hair falling around them as her thumb caressed Y/n's pulse point, the veins throbbing under her fingers. She could feel them pound harder and faster the closer she got when she let her spit fall on the girl's tongue before she leaned over to her ear. She could feel the girl shiver in the hold that she had on her when her lips brushed her ears.
It took no more and Y/n swallowed the warm spit Jennie had let fall into her mouth. It was all shooting even more heat to her clit as her bent knees touched and she tried to get some sort of friction at how uncomfortable it was to not have anything done about her arousal.
"I'm so wet for you." She whined.
Jennie was busy kissing along her ear which was making the girl squirm as she hummed into it before tugging with her teeth at the top.
"Do you want me to eat you out? To lick at your pussy until your legs are shaking?"
The words were doing unimaginable things to the girl as she couldn't think straight from how overwhelming it was starting to get. Jennie pulled away and looked at the girl whose eyes were turning docile, begging her with just her eyes as she had a small frown. Y/n willingly became the lamb to Jennie's lion, doing everything just to be eaten up until there wasn't anything left of her, not even a single bone as Jennie was always greedy and took everything, leaving nothing for anyone else.
"I will, under one condition."
Her eyes eagerly watched the woman who reached for her wallet, waiting for whatever the condition would be. It made her stomach drop in the worst way possible. Those colourful pills were grey this time. That control she thought she would have when she first started to take these drugs was all gone. She knew she wouldn't deny it. Her brain was already suffering from how she had taken ecstasy a good five times in just two months. She had yet to recover from last month. Y/n had no control and it was eating at her, Jennie maybe had some control, but what truly had her in a chokehold were the drugs. 
They controlled her life.
"Grey Maserati, we share one because they are dosed at 300 each."
"It will keep me up."
She tried to reason, but Jennie was already taking out one of the five pills in the small zip-lock bag. Nothing was stopping her, Y/n hadn't said no, but just thrown out a reason. She always threw reasons but had a hard time saying no, especially to Jennie, especially to drugs. 
"To around 3 or 4 am since it's already 11, your friends are coming late."
The sound of the pill being broken in half shot to her ears and she looked down as Jennie put the two halves of one pill onto her heaving stomach before she reached for the bottled water on the bedside table. She didn't want it but she couldn't either say no as she watched Jennie take the grey pill into her mouth and wash it down with water. The older woman took the other pill that lay on Y/n's warm stomach and turned fully to the girl.
She couldn't figure out why she couldn't just say no. She wanted to say no, but the urge to say yes was stronger despite knowing the consequences. Her days were already filled with dread, with the doom of one of these days being the last because she couldn't say no. It was hard to say no to something that made her life bearable, to something that made it okay even if it was for five hours before it got worse than it was before she took them.
"Open up, I will make you feel even better, baby. Trust me, it's what you need." She reassured her and Y/n already knew how much better it would all feel. Her mouth opened, and the chemicals spread on her tongue as she waited for Jennie to give her the water too. Jennie loved it when they were both drowning in substances, it made everything so much easier in her life and she knew it was the same for the girl. It worked, it made everything work and feel better. The water spilled from the corners of her lips, the cold running down to the sheets and she swallowed with no turning back.
It felt hopeless in her world. It truly felt like there was no turning back no matter how much she would cry for the past to not take the turns it did. What she could do was try to cry for a better future, but it overwhelmed her. So the only option left was to live in the present and possibly not have a future. 
She put the stuff back onto the bedside table and took the girl's hair tie, putting her hair up. Jennie wasted no more time as she got back to where she had been from the start, her hands running over Y/n's knees and making the girl spread her legs for her. It would kick in within a good 15 to 30 minutes and the arousal they both felt at the moment would increase and everything would feel much better.
The pain would be gone.
The agony, and despair. 
The dread of tomorrow and the doom followed by what happened before what's to come. 
It would all go away.
She was fixing her broken star, she was taking all the pain away by placing herself between her legs after removing her underwear, taking the pain away with the drugs, sex, and alcohol.
Jennie was fixing her selfishly, she was fixing Y/n for when she was there. Jennie was making sure that the girl would only be fixed when she was there, to live in the delusion that she would only feel good when Jennie was there. That when she wasn't there her life was painful and empty and that only Jennie filled those painful voids. It always worked because she would feel even worse tomorrow and Jennie wouldn't be there and the pain would be associated with her loneliness and not Jennie.
The two were addicted to it all.
Whatever mindless sex it was, it turned into a game.
Jennie held back the groan that wanted to push past her throat when her hard dick pressed against the mattress as she laid down on her stomach. She licked her lips, unable to control the way her hips bucked at the view of the pink and wet pussy in front of her, glistening with slickness.
Y/n closed her eyes, fingers gripping onto the sheets as she drowned in Jennie's lips softly kissing along her inner thighs. Her one leg was guided over Jennie's shoulder as she wrapped her arm around the other. Lips gently dragged along her skin, leaving them quivering in anticipation, teeth nipping and dragging over her. It was all there, slowly bringing her to the best place in her dark world. A small gasp followed at the slick tongue that licked up her folds, the firm and warm muscle dragging over her cunt.
Jennie drowned in the taste of the girl, something she had grown addicted to as she could eat her out for hours. She hummed and dipped her head once again, the tip of her tongue teasing around the clenching and leaking hole before she licked back up, gathering the wetness around the swollen clit she circled. It elicited a light moan from the girl who arched her back and tried to push her hips further into Jennie's face–to no avail.
She trailed her hand over the slim stomach that got sucked in at the touch, running back and caressing her thigh. Her tongue still working through her folds, teasing her clit. Lost all again. Jennie's lips wrapped around one of the lips, sucking on it gently–it was all making Y/n let out sighs, whines, whimpers, and moans. She was sensitive to Jennie's touch, so sensitive to it, that it always made her vocal, sounding like she was in bliss which she was. Her mouth continued to work languidly through the girl's aching cunt. The slickness slowly becoming a mess around her mouth and she loved every second of it. 
"Jen, please."
"Tell me what you need, baby."
She mumbled, her lips brushing over the girl's skin and she looked up from between her legs. Y/n's chest heaved, her stomach sucked in and she lay at the perfect arch with her eyes on the ceiling. She planted kisses along her inner thighs, waiting for the response while nuzzling into the warm skin that was scented like flowers. 
"I need you."
"Do you?" Jennie asked to make sure that she was all that Y/n needed. 
Y/n hummed at those words, something between a whine and hum as she closed her eyes in anticipation, tugging on the restraints on her wrists. Jennie could feel her body tense up at the anticipation as she pulled into her.
It was all that Jennie wanted and needed to hear as she went right back, her tongue slowly dragging up once again, the thighs tensing around her. A breathy moan fell from Y/n's plump lips when Jennie wrapped her lips around her clit. Her tongue flicked at the bundle of sensitive nerves, her tongue skillfully working the girl whose breathing picked up in seconds. It wasn't hard to know what the girl liked, Jennie had taken her time to take notice of every reaction and knew what made her scream. She had learned the way Y/n's body functioned. 
The vixen hummed, her back arching as she pushed herself more into Jennie's face, the way the warm and smooth tongue continued to flick at her clit in just the right direction was making her stomach tingle. Her wrists twisted, unable to open her eyes as she was buried deep in the pleasure. Jennie's messy eating of her cunt filled her ears as the woman between her legs was moaning herself. Her tongue lapped up the slickness, smearing it and flicking at her swollen clit like it was what would save her life. 
"So good, it feels so good– your tongue is so fucking good."
Her hips stuttered, unsure of what to do as she was losing control of her body, Jennie harshly suckled, her face buried deep between Y/n's legs, trying to get impossibly closer. A whimper followed and Jennie pulled away, her nose rubbing against the swollen clit as her tongue worked to get more juices to get them up. It smeared on her chin, her tongue not stopping for a second as she came back up and pressed her tongue against the throbbing clit. Her hands gripped tightly onto Y/n's thighs, squeezing the flesh in them and pulling her harshly back down as her hips were lifting, fingertips digging into the girl's skin as Jennie got just as lost in it. 
"I love your mouth."
"You taste so good, I want to live between your thighs," Jennie grumbled in between the strokes of her tongue, her lips coming right back and tightly wrapping around the bud. She tugged on it gently before flicking at it as fast as she could before slowing down. The thighs around her head were quivering more and more, each moan becoming louder and more beautiful than the other. Jennie's cock was throbbing as her body started to get warmer and her hips gently moved, slowly humping the mattress as she couldn't contain herself when eating Y/n's cunt out and listening to the sounds.
Her movements increased, Y/n's body running hot at the warmth of Jennie against her. Her body being held down by the woman as she was slowly losing control. It didn't matter where it was but Jennie always held her down. Y/n's breath hitched, and her eyes closed as the heat became stronger at how Jennie was fucking her using her mouth. It burned, it burned but in the best way possible as the cries were starting to fly out of her mouth unable to hold back.
"Oh my God, fuck–" Y/n's breath fell short, her body convulsing as the orgasm crept up on her. Her thighs shook around Jennie, her back arching, the woman making sure to hold her down as she looked up through her lashes at the dark-haired vixen who was assaulted by the intense orgasm. She pulled onto the restraints, her hands closing into fists as her vision flashed with white, her ears ringing, and any control of her voice was lost as the train of high-pitched moans came out from her parted lips together with Jennie's name.
She heaved, panting for air after not taking in any oxygen for what felt like a good minute but was a few long seconds. Her body didn't get to relax as Jennie wanted to hear her moan her name like that again and continued to abuse her clit with her tongue. Y/n's walls were pulsating, tears gathering in her eyes and spilling from the corners as she tried to find the words to tell her to stop as it was painfully and pleasurably coming right back before she could fully come down.
Her clit was in pain, her walls going through painful aftershocks and Jennie continued to flick at her. Her brain was unable to choose what to feel as her body felt overwhelmed, heating, heart pounding like bricks being dropped on her ribcage. Y/n tried to pull her hips away but she had nowhere to go as Jennie was holding onto her tightly. The whimpers that left Y/n's mouth drove her further, her heat pressing against the mattress while throwing Y/n off an edge she had no clue would come. This time Jennie's name left her in a cry of that line between heaven and hell, it wasn't as intense, but it was painful.
Jennie slowly stopped moving her tongue and kissed her abused bud, it was enough to make Y/n jolt and hum a whine. She moved down, licking up whatever she could as Y/n panted under her, feeling the legs continuously tensing up and relaxing.
"Too much," Y/n tiredly mumbled and the brunette finally pulled away, unable to do more than to use her words as she was held back in all ways. She was powerless and at Jennie's mercy.
Jennie groaned at how uncomfortably erect she was as she had been so for a good 30 minutes now. She had started to grow hard when Y/n had gotten back to the room. Her hand grabbed hold of her thick cock through the sweats, gently caressing it as she used the collar of her shirt and lifted it to wipe her chin and mouth from whatever was left glistening on her.
She finally opened her eyes and looked at Jennie who was already looking at her, Y/n's pupils were already blown and covering all of the grey, leaving them pitch black. It was like looking at someone in a trance, her eyes were drawing Jennie in. Jennie loved everything dead and messed up, especially if she got to further play with it. 
Y/n pulled her legs further up and closed them to try and ease the aftershocks as her stomach was cramping. "It hurts." She complained and Jennie looked over the naked body in front of her before she looked at Y/n's flushed face. Her own body was already warm and she reached for the hem of her shirt, pulling it off, knowing that the E had managed to kick in just a good minute or two ago for her.
"Everything good comes with something bad," she mumbled and those words drilled themselves into their heads. 
"Do you need anything?" Jennie asked as she got off the bed, tossing the shirt onto the chair and walking over to the window. She cracked it open slightly to let in fresh and cool air.
That soft cloud engulfed her body and she felt those feelings she always buried deep and suppressed in herself. The one she would force behind a door whose room was filled to the brim, everything desperately trying to push out but she desperately held it all back. Jennie wasn't supposed to feel, she had learned to be numb and wanted nothing more than to continue it. Although, the problem was that certain things had started to bring her warmth and she had started to long for it every time it went away because somehow she grew fond. Of Y/n.
That cloud of ecstasy formed around her body, hugging her until her body was clammy and each strand of her was standing and taking everything with so much intensity. It coaxed everything out of her and her eyes drifted away from the reflection of herself that she caught in the window where the dark city was illuminated by lights. She swallowed the lump. 
"Remove them, it's hurting,"
"I can loosen them, but they are staying."
Y/n frowned, feeling her body drown into the mattress that was caressing her like feathers. The only thing ruining it was the restraints around her wrists. Jennie walked over to the bed and sat down beside her.
"Why not?"
"'Cause I said so," Jennie answered, her fingers running along Y/n's arms until she reached the lights wrapped around her wrists. She pushed her fingers under them and tugged, slowly loosening them around her and Y/n could feel the blood somewhat flowing back.
"Pretty, star." She whispered and leaned down, catching Y/n's soft lips with hers, melting into each other with sighs falling from their lips as their tongues met. It was so soft, it felt like heaven all over again, it felt good and Jennie opened her mouth further, swallowing Y/n whole who moaned into the kiss. She ran a hand over Y/n's body, exploring the skin that was like silk until she reached her chest and cupped a breast in her hand. Her fingers tugged at the pierced nipples, Y/n moaning and pushing her chest further into her as Jennie toyed around with her chest and nipples.
Their heads tilted, taking each other further in, Y/n sucking on Jennie's tongue, making the older groan and squeeze her breast in her hand. Y/n's whimpers were muffled by the way Jennie was pushing inside her mouth, the two unable to get enough of the softness and wetness that felt too good to be true. Jennie's fingers nimbly worked on Y/n's nipples, tugging on them, pinching and toying around.
She pulled away and looked Y/n in her eyes that were like diamonds, worth more, they were unobtainable stars and held all the life and emotions to them now. It would then all wash away and leave them lifeless again. She loved watching it happen, she was always there. 
Jennie pulled away fully, her heart picking up once again into an unsteady rhythm and she grabbed the water, unscrewing it and taking a few sips as Y/n squirmed beside her. She then proceeded to slowly pour some into the younger one's mouth before placing it right back and standing up.
She couldn't wait much longer as she stripped out of the sweats she had on. Her bright red tip was leaking with precum, Y/n's eyes trained on the thick and long cock that always stretched her out in a painful way unless Jennie was nice enough to stretch her out beforehand with her fingers...It didn't seem to be the case as the brunette let her hair back down and got on the bed.
Y/n tried to twist and looked at the bedside table. "Jennie, the condom." She reminded her that she didn't have any protection.
"We don't need it."
Y/n closed her knees together and Jennie grabbed hold of them.
"We do."
"No, we don't and you know it. Whatever you're trying to do isn't going to help your dignity, baby." Jennie forced her knees apart and held her legs spread as Y/n tried to push her away. The struggle was minimal and the girl slowly got on top of her by forcing her to hold them open, now leaving her completely unable to even try and close her legs.
"Please, Jennie." Y/n pleaded, inhaling deeply as it left her in an even bigger conflict. What was happening was horrible enough, but all she wanted was to save a piece of her dignity and not let them get to a part that's that intimate, something she only let her boyfriend do. She exhaled with her eyes on the ceiling, unable to think clearly as the warm emotions were too strong, that forbidden thing winning over her each time.
"I can pull out."
Jennie ignored the girl as she kissed along her neck, her cock resting heavily against her cunt as she slowly moved her hips, her scalding dick getting covered in the slick. Her eyes closed as the pleasure felt too good to be allowed for a human to feel. Despite bringing out all those suppressed emotions, it cured her of everything and let her feel happy, it removed the pain. That serotonin and oxytocin was spreading through her whole body from top to bottom. She sighed and stopped, resting her face in the crook of Y/n's neck as she took calming breaths.
"It will be fine and feel better, you want me to fuck you don't you?"
"I do, but not without a condom."
"You don't trust me, do you?" She whispered into her neck, sighing again as her weight completely settled on Y/n and she snuggled closer. Gently wrapping her lips around Y/n's warm skin, sucking it before letting go and licking. "Do you trust me, Y/n?" She questioned, the question was genuine and not just about this as their bodies grew warmer together. A hot puff of breath fanned Y/n's neck who was going through a battle that was lost before it even got to start–all those no's she's always said, they were impossible to say when all those things got freed. She always caved into Jennie because the woman broke down every barrier she tried to put up. 
"I do, but this has nothing to do with trust." She didn't know when Jennie forced her walls down, but she trusted the woman, but she had no clue if that was the right choice. She trusted her with certain things. She trusted Jennie with her dignity, her biggest secret, with her body, and she trusted her with her shame and self-hatred even if Jennie trampled all over her at times. The behaviour got excused in Y/n's head because the woman took her for the person that she is so the least she could do was take Jennie as she is.
"Let me, I want to feel you raw without anything in the way."
She started to pepper kisses along her skin, pushing herself up on her forearms. Jennie pulled away and looked up at the girl. Y/n's heart was picking up once again as she looked into Jennie's eyes that were gazing into hers with what she only got to see when the woman was fucked up on drugs. That was the only time she could see something in her eyes aside from all those negative emotions. There was something genuine in them, but she couldn't tell what exactly it was and she couldn't tell if she wanted to know either. It scared her, Jennie scared her when it came to certain things.
Jennie was scared of whatever that was. 
Y/n's back arched, a gasp falling from her lips as she pulled onto the restraints, thighs tensing up around Jennie when the painful stretch came. Jennie removed her hand from between them as she had pushed her tip inside, her whole body shuddering at the feeling and she let out a muffled whine. It made her catch Y/n's parted lips, shoving her tongue into her mouth.
Her breaths turned ragged as she did her best to slowly fill the girl up and give her time to adjust this time. Y/n's walls were warm and slick, throbbing around her, greedily sucking her in. The cock slowly split her open and pushed further. Jennie's mouth trailed off, kissing along her cheek and jawline, pulling out before pushing in once again, doing her best to not ram her whole cock inside the tight walls right away. The vixen's sopping pussy snugly gripped onto her dick, clasping around her and clenching.
Y/n's chest heaved, picking up as she fell to the deepest pits of pleasure and pain. Jennie's warmth right on top of her and inside her, feeling her deeper and deeper with each slow thrust. The girl was able to feel each detail, the moment driving her further into despair of what would be after. However, it clouded her mind the way Jennie was moving her hips in fluid motions, inching deeper and deeper with each thrust and being able to feel the throbbing of her vein and the way her tip was curved and rubbed perfectly against her g-spot. 
"You're taking me so well, like a good girl, no matter how many times I fuck your tight little pussy you're still so tight, baby." She mumbled, her head dropping into the crook of Y/n's neck when she filled her to the brim. She hummed at the feeling of nothing being between them, having her leaking member stuffed in Y/n's pussy, feeling everything so much better.
"Jennie–" Y/n whined and the latter moved her head up, slowly rolling her hips. She fell short of breath at the feeling of Jennie's dick raw in her cunt. Able to feel every little texture of her cock, from the vein to the pulsating of her tip, how it dragged against her walls and she tugged onto the restraints, whining. Jennie was so deep that it hurt in a way she was used to and found pleasure in now, touching those sensitive spots deep within her and fucking until her stomach hurt. Jennie knew how to make her feel many things.
"What is it, baby?"
"Take them off, please, I want to hold you, please."
By the way Y/n's breathing picked up she could tell that she was losing her patience and the frustrations were flooding in. She clenched her jaw as she reached her hand up, still rolling her hips against the girls, each thrust deep and hard. With some struggling, they loosened and Y/n managed to slip her wrists out. What Jennie thought would be the girl pushing her away was Y/n wrapping her arms under her arms with nails digging into her back.
"It feels so good, fuck your cock feels so good, Jennie...I love it, I love how you fuck me."
It was enough to shoot it all to the woman's cock, making it twitch with some of the words. Jennie's jaw clasped and she balled up the sheets in her fists. Another gasp escaped Y/n's mouth when the thrusts turned rough, Jennie wanted nothing more than to ruin the girl as she slammed her cock inside her, pistoning in and out of her squelching pussy. It felt like she had gotten enough adjusting. The vixen's moans were fueling the frenzy that she had fallen into, breath ragged and the bed and Y/n squeaked with each harsh thrust.
Those low and carnal-like guttural moans and groans came right from between Jennie's lips. "Tell me how good it feels, fucking tell me, Y/n. Say it all because I fucking own you and your pussy. Only I can make you feel these things." Her harsh words were spoken by the whimpering girl's ear, Jennie getting lost between the pain of nails painting her skin red and soft, velvety walls clenching around her, suffocating her cock in the best kind of way. There was no other place she would rather be, no other person to be with, no other girl to fuck. 
"It hurts, but it hurts so good,"
Her pelvic bone slapped against Y/n's skin and she reached her hand down, grabbing hold of her thigh and making her wrap it around her waist. She fucked deeper into her, fucking deep enough to let Y/n feel her where she never thought she would feel anyone. Her lips found her neck, not caring what the girl wanted as she sucked on the damp skin, licking and biting. The younger girl was unable to register any of it as she was being nailed to the mattress, her teeth digging into Jennie's shoulder at how it was all coming over her.
The bed found itself squeaking more for mercy, Y/n whining at how her whole body moved with each thrust. It hurt, but the incoming orgasm was washing it away and her brain had a hard time registering what to focus on. Jennie's thick length was spreading her, each thrust only making the mess bigger, leaving the vixen's thighs to tremble and hips to push into the older for more. It was too much yet too difficult to push her away when she felt Jennie's tip hit deep within her, the wet slapping got louder and hurt as it left them both sore. 
Jennie's moans turned more breathy the longer she pounded into Y/n, trying her best to keep herself from busting already. The exhaustion was taken in rather quickly yet she continued to push to make the feeling last longer. 
Her whole body tensed up with each thrust, twisting the sheets in her hands with veins bulging as she pulled away to look at Y/n. The girl's face was twisted into something that made Jennie groan at how her head was thrown back, chest pushing into her as it moved with each thrust. Lips parted, spilling those erotic moans that drove Jennie more carnal, sweat covering them both. Y/n could feel the muscles flex under her palms with each of Jennie's movements, nails only further digging into the woman's back for grip.
"I'm so close–" Y/n breathed out, the rest of the words getting stuck in her throat as she couldn't control the moans. The lewd sounds of their conjoined heat, moaning, and skin slapping were all bouncing off the walls.
"Can you feel how my cock stretches you? Feel how deep inside you I am baby, I could fucking knock you up right away, have you take all my cum, my babies, make you a mommy the way you call me daddy, hm? "Jennie grabbed hold of Y/n's forearm, pulling away the hand from her back that was stinging as the sweat that covered her body got in the fresh scratch marks. She grabbed hold of the top of her hand and guided it between their bodies as she looked up at the girl whose eyes were hooded, barely kept open.
"Fuck." Y/n exclaimed at the pressure Jennie put on her lower stomach using her hand as she held hers above Y/n's, the cock deep in her hitting her g-spot much better when she pressed down. Each deep thrust into her she could feel her stomach bulge out because of the deep penetration that Jennie provided with her length. Y/n was slowly at the edge and ready to fall off and Jennie could tell that she was right there from how the moans turned into whiny almost cries.
The girl's body convulsed and Jennie looked down at her as she threw her head back, her back arching and she could feel how much her pussy was thudding around her cock. The tight cunt clasped even tighter around her as Y/n cried out a moan, making Jennie groan into the air. Nails dug even deeper into her back and both her thighs shook around the woman.
She let go of Y/n's hand and reached further down, finding the swollen clit with ease and quickly rubbed circles to give her a better orgasm. The moans turned to whiny ones, sounding so light and erotic that Jennie's balls tightened and her erect member hardened more, ready to spill all of her cum. 
Y/n's ears were muffled, and her vision went white as she got lost with no control over her body once again. The warmth was so strong that it felt like her body would melt from how good it felt, being ten times more intense than the other two. Her body was flying from the euphoria. Jennie flexed her stomach, ignoring the banging coming from the neighbour as she could only focus on the girl who was making her heart pick up at how close she was, with her breathing becoming harsh and deep.
As the moans died down she slowed down her pace and only stopped fully once Y/n was whimpering in discomfort under her. She did her best and pulled out right on time as she sat back on her heels. Her lips parted as her moans fell soundless, one stroke and her dick spurted cum all over the pink and sticky pussy where her eyes were trained with her hips stuttering into her hand. Jennie's whole body heaved with each breath, covered in a sheen of sweat, leaving her clammy and exhausted.
"Oh fuck–" This time a whimper fell from her lips, shooting more cum than she expected, her dick throbbing in her hand until the only thing happening was the cum that was left was oozing out of her tip.
Jennie slumped back, her dick growing limp, trying her best to figure out what she was feeling as the emotions felt almost foreign and they always did with the vixen–making her feel things she never did with anyone else. 
The only sounds were their heavy breaths, the one more thud from the other side of the wall and something along the lines of 'shut the fuck up' before it was just them. She took Y/n's hand and helped her up when the girl started to push herself up. Wordlessly she grabbed the girl's shirt that was still on the bed and quickly wiped off her cum from her before throwing the shirt to the side.
"Thank you."
"Don't thank me."
Jennie mumbled as she sat back and pulled Y/n to her, pulling her legs over her own as hers were spread out. She let go of her thighs and reached out to cup her face, her thumb caressing her skin as she pulled her in. "You're beautiful," the woman whispered and kissed her lips. Y/n's hands found their way to Jennie's neck, palms running over her skin that was scorching under her palms. The two took in the feeling that was like brushing feathers gently over their bodies as they without any particular lust soothed each other's bodies and lips.
That rough world, the lust, and those carnal desires disappeared and all that was left was the longing for something deeper. Something that could soothe the pain that lingered on their sore bodies. It was enough to forgive and forget without any words, not caring about any mistakes when they came with this after. It soothed, it got rid of the loneliness they both shared, that emptiness deep within them that they filled with this and hatred.
They pulled away, and Jennie ran her thumb over Y/n's eyebrow, trailing her thumb over her nose, their faces still mere inches away. They gazed into each other's euphoric eyes, stars sparkling, eyes black as massive black holes, sucking each other in. Her thumb ran down further to her plump and pink lips that felt like pillows. Jennie let go of her face and grabbed hold of the hands on the sides of her neck.
"I just want to hold you." She mumbled as there was no stronger desire in her than holding the girl close to her for hours on end. To hold her and keep her right beside herself. She wanted nothing more than to be affectionate with the girl and not just fuck her. Sex wasn't on her mind anymore as she gently kissed the red wrists, soothing them as she gently rubbed them with her thumbs. That desire to make her feel safe because Jennie knew that even if she hurt her, she could make her feel safe, she could make her feel warmth and content. That was all she wanted to do for Y/n even if it was for the night. To make up for the cold ones she wasn't there.
Y/n watched, basking in the feeling as the affection felt overwhelmingly good, not wanting more than for Jennie to leave soft kisses all over her body and hug her. Nothing felt better than when she was high with Jennie. When she was with Jennie in general. Because even if she made her feel the best but also the worst type of things; made her cry, break down and want to die as that felt like the only way out, at least she made her feel. She made her feel that high before it all came crashing down and she couldn't leave it alone because, despite all the bad, only Jennie could bring her back up to that euphoric high without any drugs.
The older left those kisses that she wanted, kissing her wrists softly, in a way no one else ever had even if they needed or didn't need to be soothed. It warmed her from the inside out.
Jennie had all the control because Y/n was addicted to the highs she brought her before she took them away. It left her waiting, anticipating for the woman to give her them again, each time coming to a high before then crashing back down and going through an unbearable comedown. The loneliest she felt was when she was coming down, that was when she needed Jennie the most. It was worse than drugs. Whatever Jennie did and gave her felt better than drugs but tore her apart in the long run much worse than any substance. The vixen couldn't stop chasing after the rush the brunette was able to provide though.
It was an intensity that they both always craved, too far gone in the toxicity of each other to part ways. It had burned their skin and damaged it too much to be able to go back to normal if the scars were to stay forever. It had left them both so ugly together. The longer they stayed the more lost they got and the worse it became and they knew it. They knew how bad it was as they brought out the worst in each other. However, whenever they looked at it; at the ugly in one another, they both just found it more beautiful and addicting every time.
Their flaws felt flawless.
It was a rush that they were addicted to. The constant feelings of being on the edge before falling off and then climbing back up to the edge and waiting for the fall to come again even if it was painful. It was a game of bringing each other up before bringing each other down again.
Y/n hated Jennie because of the control that she had and only let Y/n touch the control now and then. It left the vixen deluded into thinking that she had some sort of control when most of the time it was Jennie.
[Three weeks ago]
"It was so weird," Lisa mumbled and Y/n hummed confused at those words as she handed the lit joint over to her friend. She blinked her eyes off the dryness and reached for the iced tea on the coffee table.
"What was?" The vixen knew that Lisa always had something weird on her mind after smoking, but she couldn't know what it would be this time. She had come over an hour ago and not empty-handed. At this point, if the girl tried to stay away from pills and powders, weed seemed to get her mind off of those things, but barely as she still found herself craving for it more than for food when starving. It felt like she would die if she didn't get a dose. It was itching.
Y/n glanced at her phone when it went off, seeing that it was Ash saying he had arrived–visiting his mother for the weekend. She'd reply later. Y/n's excuse was not feeling good and deciding it would be better to stay. The real excuse would be that she would feel ashamed to see his parents in the state that she was in, she would feel ashamed if she was high around them. Even more ashamed to look them in the eye all while knowing that she was cheating on their son.
At least they had talked it all out after the Summerfest ended and she still felt the relief of knowing that he didn't break up with her but still loved her. That they would fix what wasn't working out and it was all back to normal. They were, but not Y/n.
She felt stuck in a place of hopelessness, and dread, and without the will to live anymore.
"You were weird– you're just being weird in general. Are you okay?"
It made Y/n chuckle as she put her drink back down, but her body language said it all as she pulled her feet up on the couch and her knees to her chest. She closed herself off visibly as Lisa's eyes gazed over her with her eyelids a bit swollen. In the end, she managed to catch Y/n's bloodshot ones. The girl still smiled, there was so much in that smile, not behind it, it was all in the smile as it was a smile that showed how at peace she was with her life crumbling, how she would smile through it and not do anything about it.
"What do you mean are you okay?" Yet she wouldn't admit that she was in agonising pain and that only Jennie fixed her for a few hours before she was left sobbing in the shower. Her tears were like tears in the rain to everyone because she wouldn't cry in front of them anymore. She was too scared to show that she was weak, she couldn't do it anymore, especially not after seeing what someone could do with her weakness. What Jennie did with it. 
"It was maybe weirdly formulated–" Lisa started and Y/n agreed as she nodded, taking the joint that got handed to her. This time she took a bigger drag, letting the gasoline taste fill her lungs to the brim before letting out a cloud into the air that was dim from the smoke that wasn't making it out. "What I mean is...You and Ash seem off, were at least, the whole deal with staying at another hotel room." If it was anyone else Y/n would have snapped, this wasn't Lisa's relationship, but Lisa was her best friend and she listened to her. She let her point these things out because she knew that Lisa cared as her best friend.
Yet this type of care wasn't enough anymore because she couldn't feel the content of someone caring about her. It was void.
"That's that, but you're just down and don't lie because I know that you have been lying for a while now."
"Everyone is down now and then...Me and Ash have worked it all out now." She shrugged out and took another hit from the joint before reaching over to the ashtray to ash it. She sat back and Lisa heaved a sigh in the smoke-filled living room. Her best friend moved along the couch, crawling over to the girl before sitting face-to-face with Y/n. "You've been down for longer than usual, I'm just worried and want you to know that we can talk. We're always here for each other, babe." Lisa pressed and Y/n groaned, throwing her head back against the backrest.
She stared at the ceiling, blinking away the tears in her red eyes, swallowing the sticky lump, and reached the joint to her lips, taking another hit before passing it to Lisa who had her elbow resting against the backrest with her head propped up on her palm.
"I know and you too should know that I would talk to you if it was really necessary, but I am handling it. Just a lot going on with school, work, and a relationship." It was all lies, the handling part because she was coping with it all using drugs and meaningless sex with a woman she was cheating with on her boyfriend. She was handling it by ruining herself even more than she already had. That self-destruction had always worked until it no longer did. It was just a step away from it being her last.
"I feel like I am losing my mind here." Y/n pushed herself up at that and took the joint away from Lisa as they had smoked quite a bit by now. "You're greening out." She seriously said, taking the joint for herself as she didn't need a paranoid Lisa under her care once again.
"Since when is your tolerance so high–" She grumbled and reached over for the bottle of iced tea before leaning back and resting her head on Y/n's shoulder. The TV was playing in the background, but they had been so lost in each other that they hadn't been able to catch the noise from it. Y/n knew her tolerance had rocketed after nearly smoking every day now. The same went with everything else as her nose had gone runny and red, if not bleeding at times.
"Would you suck dick for a career?" Y/n giggled at the question while leaning her head against Lisa's with the joint still burning. Her other hand played around with the bic that she used to even it out.
"No? I don't know."
"I would."
"For real?" Lisa hummed at that. "I know how it sounds, but it's one blowjob for whatever career you want and then you live your life...It's like making a wish except–"
"The genie is in a dick you have to rub instead of bottle." The words that came out of Y/n's mouth made the already giggly Lisa fall into a fit of laughter. Y/n rolled her eyes and this time she reached for her phone in an instant when it buzzed, seeing that it was a message that was private and only one person's messages were on her phone.
It was stupid, but it was a long and boring Sunday and Asher had left in the morning to take the flight to San Francisco. She had texted the woman a few hours ago, but without a reply back and she called Lisa knowing the girl had no work today. The vixen had forgotten the message she sent about two hours ago and hadn't said anything else.
3:22 P.M. im all alone
5:30 P.M. Comin over, just landed Be there in ten
Y/n looked at her best friend who had calmed down and was high as a kite. She'd feel bad if she were to throw her out without a reason, but she hadn't seen Jennie in two weeks. The last time they had been together was on Y/n's last day of the Summerfest and Jennie had flown out to Vegas after for something. She tried to get the girl to come with her but the idea was ridiculous for so many reasons. The biggest wasn't even what she would say to everyone, but travelling and spending even more time with Jennie.
She couldn't deny that she enjoyed the life Jennie brought to her.
She couldn't either deny that besides herself still crumbling with each passing day, her relationship with Asher looked much better after not seeing Jennie.
It did come with constant texts from Jennie–Y/n had assumed she wouldn't even think about her since she tended to not think too much about Jennie. Every time she thought she had forgotten her, the brunette came right back to remind her of who she was. Of what place she now held in her life, the control she seemed to have even when she wasn't there.
Jennie was demanding; Y/n was somehow still obeying, being a willing victim of Jennie, of her power and control. 
Despite the pain and regret, Y/n couldn't stop, they had become her best friends.
Lisa was long gone after an excuse of being called in for a replacement shift at work.
The pain and regret went away with Jennie though, the feline replaced them as she had everything she needed. She was able to replace her best friends, pain and regret.
They had barely managed to start a conversation before Y/n was on her knees as Jennie sat on the couch with the girl between her legs. She released a deep sigh, relaxing on the couch at the mouth working her length. It was hard to say how good it felt to have her dick in Y/n's mouth, the way she would suck on her tip, swirl her tongue, and take her into her throat. The teasing of her tongue, the build-up and the release that made her toes curl and her body convulse, each time losing her vision. Her hand playing with her heavy balls, if not taking them into her mouth. Jennie hadn't gotten to experience such care before and she had realised that she had been looking for love in the wrong places.
Whatever love even was, it held different meanings for everyone.
Pleasure was what she loved.
Y/n only glanced up at the woman who was busy making white lines on her phone using a black card. It was hard not to notice the bruises on her knuckles, the scratches and marks on her neck. It made Y/n work twice as hard. She closed her eyes, stroking down Jennie's cock before moving down and engulfing more in her mouth. Her tongue was flat against the underside and she trailed the pulsating vein as she hollowed her cheeks, moving back up with such suction that Jennie groaned, thighs trembling.
"Fuck–" She breathed out, looking down at the girl whose hair was falling in front of her face as she slurp and sucked around the throbbing hard cock. "I've missed you–this, I've missed this." Y/n hummed and pulled away fully to get a proper breath. Jennie stopped herself from looking back at the coke on her phone and watched the girl guide her mushroom tip over her plump, pillow-like lips that were pink and perfectly wrapped around her every time.
"Say that to every girl back home?"
"What?" Jennie breathed out as Y/n only shrugged and opened her mouth, looking up at Jennie through her lashes. It made her lightheaded as she watched her stick her tongue out and slap the swollen and pinkish tip against her tongue. Y/n wrapped her lips around it, pressing her tongue against the slit, caressing it and pulling back out, looking Jennie right in the eye. The woman always went into overdrive, speechless when she got to see Y/n on her knees with her cock in her mouth. Watching the girl slap it against her tongue again.
She dipped her head, taking Jennie back into her mouth, this time her other hand let go of the woman's thigh and reached inside her boxers. Jennie's chest was heaving, each breath becoming deeper and heavier as she did her best and took the rolled-up bill while Y/n played with her hard balls in one hand, her mouth wrapped around the tip. 
She swirled her tip, looking up as she watched Jennie snort up a line. Her thighs clenched, she found the older woman hot in so many ways, but one thing she truly loved was the dominance she portrayed. The way Jennie was rough, but tender between the lines, there was something different about her touch. The way it all felt like kisses deep within her soul even if they bruised and hurt. Jennie cared.
Her hand worked along Jennie's length, this time a hand coming into her hair, fingers pressing into her scalp as Jennie groaned. "Come on, use your throat for me, baby." She encouraged, knowing that Y/n could do more.
The vixen hummed, slowly working her mouth down before coming back up. She could feel Jennie's eyes on her, the tip was throbbing on her tongue. It wasn't an easy task to get Jennie's whole length down her throat, but she still made it look effortless. It elicited a pathetic whimper from Jennie when Y/n loosened her throat muscles, moaning as she in one smooth motion engulfed the six inches deep in her throat. The feline's thighs trembled, her hand gripping for her life in the hair at the way Y/n's throat had her tip in a chokehold without gagging the slightest.
"Oh fuck," she could only breathe out when Y/n released her cock from the tight grip of her throat. It fueled Y/n on, wanting to be good for Jennie. It didn't end there as she repeated the motion without taking a breather, it made her eyes water the slightest. Jennie's hips buckled up as her feet planted hard against the floor, her hand moving through the dark locks, using both hands to do a makeshift ponytail. She gripped it in one hand, the hair removed from Y/n's face.
Now she was able to see the tears running down the girl's face whose eyes had been bloodshot ever since she entered. Spit covered her chin as it ran down further, her cleavage being in view because of the spaghetti strap top she had on with a push-up bra– it enhanced her small breasts. Jennie's whole length throbbed at the mess she was on her knees in front of her. There was something so hot about the girl in general, but especially in this position as Jennie thrust her hips into her relaxed throat because the vixen didn't resist. Y/n provided her with her throat, letting Jennie fuck it as she massaged her balls in her hand, playing with her hard and big balls. 
"I'm gonna cum, I'm so fucking close now–god, you're such a fucking slut the way you suck cock. It's like you were born to do this." Jennie let out through her heavy breaths with her hips stuttering as she watched the younger girl who was getting her throat stuffed, the way Y/n's eyes rolled back, the lewd sounds of her slurping, spit creating a mess on her cock and Y/n's chin. The grip on her hair was tight as she continued to bob her head to match the thrust, taking Jennie into her throat, reaching her base, and tickling Jennie's stomach with her nose before being pulled back.
She felt the heavy balls tighten in her hold, she managed to slip out of Jennie's grip and pulled her mouth away unfortunate for Jennie. She didn't have time to complain when Y/n's hand quickly jerked at her cock, squeezing around her tip and her balls. It was the least Y/n could do to not have to swallow everything and get Jennie mad again. She knew better by now. Her body convulsed, making her bite down on her fist to stop the sounds that tried to push through the back of her throat. The cum spurted out from the slit on her tip, thick ropes of white and thick warm cum flew and Y/n leaned closer, closing her eyes and sticking her tongue out.
The dick that had been pulsating in her hold slowly grew soft and Y/n twisted her hand up one last time, making Jennie wince and slump back. Her eyes were on Y/n who had that white release on her face, taking it on her pink tongue too. The vixen winced but swallowed it down before she reached for the napkins on the table where the bag with weed was lying and the one with coke that Jennie had taken out.
"What happened to your hands?" Y/n finally managed to ask as she wasn't getting her throat abused by the woman who was always rough with her—in some instances, she wasn't, but Y/n didn't mind either as long as she got pleasure from the woman which she did get in many ways. 
She couldn't help but wonder what it was that had happened. It was a curiosity that didn't want to go away no matter how hard she tried not to care, but she did for many reasons. She somehow felt the urge to want to know what went on in the billionaire's life and she didn't like this intruding urge. The girl wiped the still-warm cum off of herself, still cringing at how she swallowed it, but it felt like she had no other choice. 
Was all she got as a reply, looking up at Jennie who was fixing her pants, adjusting herself before zipping them up. She cleared her throat and looked down at Y/n who was already looking up at her, the woman's body covered by a sheen of sweat and her brown eyes black from her pupils that had grown from the coke, cheeks flushed and her heart pounding. One of the bruised hands reached down and she pulled Y/n up and into her lap.
"They're bruised, something did happen." Jennie hummed at that as Y/n was right since her knuckles were sore and bruised. Her hand ran down to Y/n's ass, gripping it through the sweatpants as she sniffled, her nose stuffy from the powder and she picked up her phone that she had placed on the couch. Y/n looked at the screen that was black with two more lines on it. She gestured with her head towards the rolled-up bill and Y/n picked it up without any complaints, she had trouble saying no when she knew that she should, but didn't want to. 
Her eyes watched the girl who took a line like a pro, still looking as hot and perfect when doing drugs with her. She had started it slow, but now it was a constant when she saw the girl, they would get high because Jennie got high every day and she always made sure to leave stuff for Y/n. It was out of good heart because she knew the girl would need either coke or speed to get through a day now. Y/n was like a car now, only working when she was fueled, and Jennie made sure to fill her with all these things. It left Y/n coming to one person and one person only for fuel. Leaving her dependent on Jennie to be able to function.
"I got attacked by a girl's boyfriend because of a misunderstanding."
Y/n got her reply at last when she finished, the powder smoothly travelling through her nose, leaving a bitter taste after running down her throat and leaving her mouth numb, her face numb. Jennie took the rolled-up bill from the girl who frowned at the words. Her eyes scanned Jennie, looking for whatever answers she would probably never get because she had no clue who she was sitting with. 
It was as if she knew Jennie, but then she did these things that Y/n tried to push away and separate from the Jennie she wanted to know and not the Jennie that she was. She painted those red colours green whenever they came to light, it made it easier to deal with. It made it easier to stay.
"Mhm, for fucking her too good?"
She was used to the model of a girl's attitude, she liked it, she also loved putting the girl in her place which was almost an impossible task. The question did catch her off guard because the girl had never really said anything like that before, if so she had encouraged her to walk out and fuck someone else. Which Jennie did at times, but some problems had started to happen in her sex life. Jennie felt embarrassed and humiliated, it had all brought her to a new low in her life and she had no clue what to do about it. It was too much to look for help because it had already hurt her ego.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Despite it all, Jennie played it off the way she had always done in her relationships even if she wasn't in one with Y/n. It just kicked in from how close they were and this was someone she wanted to keep around. She placed the things aside and snivelled, wiping her nose as her heart was beating in an unsteady rhythm, her body warm and sweaty, the dangerous emotions spiking tenfold, making her a much easier fuse to ignite because she was filled with fuel.
"The scratch marks on your neck and the one on your cheek. Sure had fun tussling in bed didn't you? Until her boyfriend caught you two." Y/n reached her hand up to Jennie's face as there was one red streak on her cheek as if a cat had scratched at her face. The blood was dry and the wound was healing. She hadn't cared when they first started to fool around and she started going behind her boyfriend's back. Jennie would have some sort of marks all the time–albeit less now or none at all most of the time–but they felt like a big fuck you to Y/n's face now.
Her thumb brushed along the mark on her cheek before she glanced down at the ones on her neck. It felt stupid to leave any marks of her own if they would only get mixed up with the other ones. Did Jennie fuck every girl the same way she did with Y/n? Did she put the same effort into every girl she ran across? Was Y/n just another fuck with no distinctive difference? Was she just another one of her girls? 
It felt degrading. It didn't feel right to be feeling this way, but it didn't feel right to know that Jennie was possibly treating Y/n like one of her other girls.  
"I'm telling you the fucking truth, aren't I?" Jennie snarled and yanked Y/n's hand away from her face, her eyes hard at the accusations thrown at her. It didn't make Y/n falter or apologise for asking more questions even if Jennie insisted on telling her the truth. However, it was the truth to something Y/n hadn't been asking her about. She wanted to know if she was just another girl she fucked in the city.
"But you were in bed with her," Y/n stated as a matter of fact, slowly feeling her pulse go up from the cocaine coursing through her bloodstream. Her mind was brought to a different euphoria although it didn't push away these other things, it enhanced them. It made everything worse.
"So what if I was?"
She gazed into Y/n's eyes, waiting for the girl to give up the fight she was starting and apologising for starting it in the first place.
"I'm just fucking asking."
Y/n had snapped at last because of the answer she got and felt anger shoot right through her as she yanked Jennie's hands away from her body. She proceeded to get out of her lap and stand up. The woman was irking her now, not just the woman, the state she had come in made everything crawl over her the second Jennie entered. 
Y/n knew that they weren't together and that she had a boyfriend, but she didn't like being part of a cycle that probably consisted of a hundred other girls that Jennie wet her dick in. It was even more disgusting and annoying when Jennie saw her almost every week. It made Y/n feel used and dirty, like just a toy for Jennie to release into and feed her ego for the day, knowing she was fucking someone hot.
"Don't fucking raise your voice at me and—" Jennie got cut off when the door to Y/n's bedroom slammed closed and Jennie hadn't even been able to finish her sentence. It spiked her anger ten times more as she shot up from the couch because the disrespect was getting hard to handle. She wanted to get her point across, make Y/n realise and say that Jennie could fuck whoever she wanted to when she was away while Y/n would patiently wait for her like her doll. That she wouldn't try anyone else aside from Jennie unless she wanted to end up hurt.
Y/n's attitude was one that Jennie wanted to handle and be able to tame, but it always made her threads snap and she always exploded. Her fists were already clenching in anger as her tongue had all types of profanities ready to be screamed at her.
She tried to open the door– "fucking open before I break it down, Y/n," she gritted out. Unable to contain the anger going through her veins, overweighting the cocaine that probably made it worse using the side of her clenched fist she hit it. It made the door shake, but it didn't make Y/n open nor did it make her reply.
"I told you to open it!"
It made Jennie bang at it harder and once again before doing it again and again until her chest started to heavy in more anger. She felt unvalidated because the girl wasn't opening it. She wasn't reacting, but Jennie was and it only irked her more. Y/n was supposed to be crumbling under her and not sitting silently, silence was threatening to Jennie. She couldn't know what it meant and it only made her lose it more.
"Punch my door one more time you fucking junkie."
And Jennie did because the last thing she was going to do was listen to the girl or do as she said. There was no way that Jennie would take orders like these from someone else, she made sure to do it extra hard by kicking at it instead. The words that pointed out her addiction only added to a fire that was out of control, one that would be hard to get under control as she felt it all coming, it was a mistake to point out her denial.
The door got yanked open and Y/n looked at her door to see a dent from the kick.
"What is your problem!?"
"My problem is your fucking attitude!" Jennie screamed right back and blocked the door from getting closed in her face by blocking it with her forearm. She forced it open and pushed her way inside as she grabbed hold of Y/n's forearm, her grip was twisting the skin from how harsh it was, wincing pain coating Y/n's skin. The pain buried itself deep within her and she was slowly finding solace in Jennie's violence that felt like peace, that felt like kisses and love yet it stung. 
She forced her onto the bed–the girl wasn't going to tower her in this scenario. Jennie would make sure she knew who was the one who called the shots. Show Y/n who was the one who was supposed to be respected. She'd go on and on until she would understand and be nothing but someone who got down on their knees for Jennie because she would realise how big Jennie was compared to who Y/n was. Y/n was no one compared to her in the end.
"No one is telling you to fucking stay and put up with it like some masochistic perv. You can busy yourself by leaving and fucking someone else."
"Don't fucking scream in my face."
Jennie pushed Y/n back down, the force echoing when her palm collided between her collarbones, a squeak coming from Y/n and she wasn't allowed to stand up. Jennie was stronger. Y/n would always be weaker, there were certain fights she would never win, but she would put up a fight for as long as possible even if it only dug her grave deeper. 
Her finger pointed right in Y/n's face as she warned her. She towered the girl who had to lean back to look up at Jennie. Y/n heaved a sigh as she looked at Jennie with a scowl of anger and uncertainty about what to do. One thing she was certain about was that she didn't like Jennie's finger in her face. Another thing she knew was that it rang bells she couldn't pinpoint, but it evoked fear in her and it was nostalgic but she had no clue why. It was a blur, and her mind only dissociated in fear of what could happen. She didn't want to feel more pain of Jennie shouting at her and treating her with bruising kisses. It made it easier to forget after if she dissociated. 
"Get your fucking finger out of my face." Y/n spat out.
"What're you going to do about it?" Jennie challenged her, not moving an inch. "You don't fucking tell me what I'm going to do, do you understand?" She continued, her finger still in Y/n's face who was starting to feel like she was being humiliated because of how Jennie was keeping her in this place. She did like it when someone kept her grounded, but she didn't like it when all her control was taken away. It was suffocating, it only scared her further, and it only pushed her into breaking down and begging to be allowed to breathe. 
There was no meeting halfway between them though. No compromising as they were both stubborn.
"I'm not your fucking dog, so get your finger out of my face or just get the fuck out of my place altogether."
"Don't fucking try me, Y/n– you either understand or I fucking make you understand."
"Then fucking make me! What are you going to do? Fucking beat me up like the boyfriend!?" Y/n raised her voice and shoved the hand away from her face. The gesture ignited the fuel that had been added, the fire reaching the path that was filled with it. Jennie was twitching to do what Y/n asked her for. It was all so close, but she knew what happened when she went there, Jennie's bruises were still healing, and she still wanted to have Y/n. At this point, she couldn't tell if the girl would leave or stay if she took it there. It felt like she was so dependent that she would stay and Jennie was seconds away from testing her luck.
"I might fucking do it if you continue to test my patience with you, whore!" It sparked so much anger in Jennie when the girl wasn't listening. When she pushed Jennie away. When she continued to test unknown waters. She grabbed hold of her jaw and forced her back onto the bed before she even had the chance to try and get up. The struggle worked little when Jennie pinned her down on the bed. She took advantage she would always have of being stronger than Y/n physically, and mentally too. There were battles Y/n would never win and she only needed to learn which ones.
Jennie was willing to show her.
"Fucking do it, Jennie, I fucking dare you to do it. I want you to go through with your empty fucking threats for once." Y/n continued to add fuel to the fire they had both started a long time ago. The one that was out of control and they only seemed to make it bigger. She gripped onto Jennie's forearm, but her grip wasn't budging from her jaw and her weight was on top of her. It maybe would give her a reason to throw Jennie out of her life once and for all if she went through with those empty threats. At least she hoped it would. She was scared that Jennie would go through with it and it would register as love and care in Y/n's brain.
"Shut the fuck up!"
"Just do it or are you too much of a fucking pussy. All you do is talk and act big when you are nothing but a scared fucking cunt. Who do you think you're fooling?" Y/n hissed, the grip was getting harder on her jawline and she stared Jennie in the eye. The anger was swirling in both of their eyes, their hearts beating in a rhythm of what was a messed up march song for a war neither of them had the right to partake in. That  Y/n dared to look her in the eye, that she did so in a challenging way was only making sparks fly and the sky was filled with dark grey clouds of toxic smoke. They were both inhaling it like drugs.
"I told you to be fucking quiet!"
"I told you to go through with your empty threats."
"Who do you think you are? You're just another fucking girl on my dick so know your place."
"Do it, you fucking bitch."
The throwing of words continued as they were screaming in each other's faces. Nothing they said made much sense anymore as the screaming had gotten out of control. They weren't even fighting about what it started with, but it had turned meaningless yet it meant the world to both of them to be right at the moment. To be in control. To win. To not know when to stop because they could only stop when the other gave up. It didn't matter if their throats were sore and their skin bleeding, leaving them dry from the words that continued to cut through their skin and leave scars for them to admire later on.
"Listen to what I am telling you, Y/n, listen to me you low life of a fucking bitch that I spit on!" She bellowed, the patience was gone now. "Fucking whore that spreads her legs every occasion and would fuck anyone with a status because you're worth nothing." Jennie's voice was a harsh rasp, her grip only tightening as her other fist clenched and she had no clue what to do with it. It was itching, it was moving, it was rising and it was falling, fighting an internal battle for the girl while also fighting with her. It was overwhelming Jennie, but she had yet to get her point across. 
"You're nothing but an entitled and coke-addicted junkie–"
It finally happened and Y/n flinched, closing her eyes and looking away as her whole body tensed up. She didn't know what to do or how to react when Jennie–didn't punch her–punched the mattress right beside her head. It was so close to her face that she felt the wind of it, that she could feel it by her ear. It made the fear wash over her and Jennie felt the grip loosen on her forearm. Y/n shaking under her, trembling and barely breathing. She had been scared the second Jennie pinned her down because she knew that she had no chance against the woman when it came to strength and at some point, she would have to give in. 
Whatever that unsteady rhythm was, it turned into one that was heavy and her throat closed up, that lump killing her. She knew that she had been pushing her buttons, but Jennie had been terrible towards her. Jennie was always terrible towards her. She put up with it because the billionaire was amazing towards her just as much as she wasn't. Jennie maybe left Y/n trembling in fear, feeling sick from it as it built up and she could throw up from how weak and scared Jennie truly made her feel. It was as if her limbs gave up, knowing they would never win.
Jennie felt her heart drop as Y/n didn't pull away or fight back but only used her forearm to cover her eyes. The older had a hard time understanding it as everyone always pulled up a fight, they always continued after, but Y/n just collapsed right under her. It scared Jennie. Why couldn't Y/n put up a fight, be more than just prey, and make Jennie look less horrible? Why was Y/n shaking instead of shouting, and trying to fight Jennie back with more than words? The vixen wasn't leaving any marks on her.
Jennie could still catch the way her lips trembled, the girl taking in a shaky breath. "Let go of me," that was a tone she never wanted to hear from the girl. That was a tone she had never heard from anyone. She sounded scared, terrified even, she sounded broken in a way Jennie didn't want her broken, in a way that would make her leave. It was an actual docile plea for mercy. It didn't make Jennie feel in power, it made Jennie widen her eyes and watch how their world crumbled right underneath them. 
"Y/n..." Her tone faltered and she let go of the girl's jaw.
"Please just–" Y/n couldn't finish it as she felt stupid enough already and didn't want her voice to tremble in front of Jennie. It felt like the woman would use it against her. Whatever weakness she would show would make Jennie trample her even more. Scared Jennie would hurt her even more if she started to sob. 
The weight on top of her disappeared and Y/n turned to her side as she curled up into herself to try and understand what had happened. She had hoped they had been empty threats. She didn't want to believe that Jennie could be this bad person when she made her feel so good too. It didn't make sense that someone who made her feel so good, could make her feel so scared, it left her conflicted about figuring out what Jennie was. If she was good or bad, or maybe both. She had no clue what to do if she were to figure it out.
For the first time in ages, Jennie's numb self from the drugs, the death that she was inside out, disappeared. The drugs not being enough to numb her, she wasn't able to numb herself the way she did with everyone else. The way she didn't care about anyone else, but herself ever since she got a taste of her new life. She felt the lump in her throat as she nervously rubbed her palms against her thighs while sitting on the bed beside Y/n. She did her best to put all her anger aside which was always hard, but the other emotions were overwhelming and made it easier. Y/n made it easier, the thought of her walking out made it easy.
"I–Y/n..." Jennie started and reached out for the girl who blanched at her touch. She could hear the sniffling and suppressed sobs as she had her face buried in one of the pillows. Y/n's body shaking from how she tried to keep it in. Her jaw trembled as she opened her mouth to come up with words, but she looked away from Y/n and at the door. 
Would it be better to run away or stay? Jennie had no clue how to deal with these things, with the consequences of her actions. Her sweaty palms continued to rub against her thighs, taking deep breaths while trying to think, trying to calm down and not get more scared than she already felt. 
"I didn't mean to scare you like this. I swear, it's—it's from the coke, it makes me angrier than I am...I would never hurt you, I mean—" Jennie tried to find the words, tried her best to find a good enough excuse for this as she was going out of her way for the girl. Jennie was trying her best to find an excuse that would work, not an apology, but an excuse. She couldn't apologise for things she didn't control, could she?
She moved off the bed and quickly walked to the other side with her knees shaky. She kneeled on the floor and reached for Y/n's hand who tried to pull away, but Jennie couldn't stop her stubbornness. She still wanted Y/n to listen to her and she held onto her hand with her both.
"Please, I didn't mean that. I would never hurt you, you know that because...I didn't hit you or hurt you." In the end, Jennie could have beaten Y/n to a pulp if she wanted to. She was quite sure that what mattered was that she didn't and that was enough. That made her good enough if she could, but didn't. She would never hurt Y/n that way even if she could.
The hold on Y/n was gentle now and the girl still covered her face with her free forearm. The gentle hold only confused Y/n further.
"It was from the coke, I care about you. It's okay since I didn't hurt you, Y/n, please, you're aware of it." She continued to desperately plead with the girl, trying her best to convince Y/n of the words that she lived by.
Y/n tried to pull her hand away, but Jennie held onto it. Something made Y/n's stomach still twist in a both good and bad way when she felt Jennie place her lips against her knuckles before cupping her hand and resting her forehead against it. "I didn't mean to do that." She excused herself as she couldn't figure out what more she should do. She genuinely felt terrible and didn't want to lose the girl even if she didn't have her to begin with.
"It won't happen again."
It went silent, the room being filled with the small sniffles and their hearts continued to pound. Y/n's body was warm and despite these bad things her body was always in euphoria and it took away from the bad, it left no bad in the memories. Her body was still pulled to the source of the only good left in her dull and lifeless life that she didn't want to live unless it was right by the source of life.
"I promise." Y/n let Jennie cradle her right after and soothed her pain by being in Jennie's arms, she kissed every little red mark that she left on her. She held her, and she did so gently while helping her calm, helping her feel safe in her arms. The woman made sure to show her why there was so much left to stay for despite the mistakes she committed. God, she held Y/n so gently, she kissed it all away so softly that the girl fell asleep in her arms and stayed in them the whole night, not wanting Jennie to leave.
Jennie didn't keep her promise though, but Y/n had grown used to it and she could tolerate it as long as Jennie hadn't laid a hand on her. It did start in the hotel room when she for the first time showed this side when fighting, but it only escalated. It was fine though. It was fine to scream, punch surfaces and call her names as long as Jennie didn't land any of those forceful punches against her. She got used to them flying right by her face and Jennie then excused it while Y/n would cry and break down on the floor unsure of where she was supposed to go.
The two were each other's prisoners in the end.
Jennie's eyes were stuck on the girl in her arms as Y/n was hugging around her waist, resting with her head on her chest. The sex had played a minor part now as the woman wanted nothing more than to hold Y/n and be close to someone. It was the ecstasy working, but it brought out the things she wanted to do too and she knew about but avoided. Jennie had always longed for someone to hold, but it never worked. Y/n was too good for her and Jennie would be there for her even if it meant like this, in a way that wasn't supposed to be. 
She didn't want it to end though and she knew that she had made many mistakes. Y/n still kept her around. It only meant that Y/n took her for who she was and no one else did. No one else let Jennie hold them and she had always been empty and alone until Y/n showed up.
"Do you have any aspirations left?" Y/n mumbled, melting into Jennie's touch who ran her fingers under the tee she had on, caressing her back gently. She traced her ridges, the skin that was hot as they lay above the sheets. Her touch was soft and gentle, but it could be cold and agonising. Y/n dwelled in both.
Jennie craned her neck to look down at Y/n and the question left her thinking deeper than she usually did. It dug up the answer she avoided, the things she never talked about because she was scared, she was embarrassed and didn't know how to talk about. There had never been anyone to listen and even if there was she was scared they would make fun of her for being vulnerable.
The drugs or not, she always numbed it, but then being with Y/n and being on molly took away the numbness and brought everything to life. She exhaled through her nose and hugged the girl closer to her.
"Business-wise, there will always be new things to achieve, I think it's outside of it that I have aspirations, goals and things I want to reach, things I want to become aside from who everyone knows."
Jennie pouted to herself, still finding it hard to bring up as it always brought a lump to her throat and made her eyes hot when they never should be. She wasn't supposed to be this way. Her walls weren't supposed to come down, but they somehow cracked around Y/n. The girl was so gentle with it, she didn't force them open, and she made them crack with such care that it didn't hurt Jennie. It was the opposite of how she tore Y/n's walls, forced them down and trampled all over them all while hurting her to get out everything from Y/n.
"I think...I want to change, be better, and stop committing the same mistakes because they always cost me someone I care about." It was the short answer of it all, but she couldn't bring herself to give Y/n the longer one. She had yet to come through through those cracks in her walls. "Do you have any?" Jennie asked, fingers running along Y/n's warm spine.
The question back hit Y/n right in the guts, her stomach tied in knots and turned inside out before getting dragged through broken glass. She had no clue. She had lost track of her life a few months ago and nothing mattered anymore. Nothing seemed important. Her will to chase after something, anything had died. She had the drugs to suffice, but how long could they keep her satisfied until her life would make even less sense?
"I don't have any–I don't know what I want,"
She wanted to break out of the loop. The loop that she was stuck in, but couldn't break. The one of drugs, parties, and Jennie.
"I feel lost and like there's no going back now, Jennie–" She stopped as it washed over her for the first time. It had been present, but only now did she truly realise where she was with her life. What her life had turned to. Jennie tried to hold onto the girl who pushed herself up and sat, making Jennie follow suit as she sat between her legs. Y/n's life was over, there was no turning back. She had lost to drugs and Jennie. It was over for her, wasn't it? She would be stuck here all her life with no digging herself out of her grave because all it would do was dig deeper. 
"I keep hurting someone I love, I am this person I never thought I would be, but it's like I was this way all along and it just took time to come out. My life feels lost and I am fucking looking for solutions in places I won't find them because only I can fix it, but can't seem to do...I feel–" She felt more than lost. Y/n felt like she had died already and was just wasting her time on earth. There was no place for someone like her because she wouldn't do anything good with her life anymore. This was it. All she could do was rely on and hope that the people she had wouldn't abandon her. That Jennie wouldn't leave.
Jennie inhaled at the feeling that made her jaw clench as she wrapped her arms around Y/n. She buried her face in the back of her neck and hugged Y/n close. Jennie proceeded to do what she liked to do when her mind spat the truth at her. She painted a deluded picture because her life was supposed to be perfect. It never had been and it felt like it never would be, but she still wanted to change herself even if she maybe wouldn't be able to quit everything like the drugs and parties, at least she could quit the person she was. Jennie wanted to run away from herself and be someone perfect–if that meant having someone.
"It's okay."
"Nothing is, Jen. Life just became meaningless all of a sudden and I no longer want to live my life."
"You're too young to end your life, Y/n."
"I already did when I got involved with you."
Jennie hummed at those words as Y/n played with the woman's fingers who had her arms wrapped around her waist. Jennie knew what she had done to the girl and Y/n knew what she had allowed to happen.
"You're the only one that makes me feel alive," Y/n admitted. Because despite feeling dead from the inside every day. Jennie made her feel things, she made her feel alive and made everything else disappear. It crawled over her, although in the best way possible when Jennie moved her hair to the side and gently kissed the side of her neck. Y/n couldn't lie, she loved the way Jennie made her feel, the highs she brought her to and the way she made her life feel so much better. It was all Jennie, no one did it better.
"You're the only one who has stuck for so long," everyone left, no one stayed forever aside from the people she paid to stay. Jennie knew why they left. She was the sole reason as to why she was alone and why no one wanted to stay. Jennie only had herself to blame but couldn't lower her ego and do it.
"I don't think anyone will stay if they find out." Y/n turned her head and faced Jennie who lifted her head. Their eyes which were filled with euphoria and pain ignited a spark that always connected them and Jennie leaned in. Her nose brushed over Y/n's before their parted lips brushed over each other too. "I'd always stay," Jennie reassured the girl and closed the small gap between them.
Jennie stayed even if she knew all these things about Y/n, the same way Y/n stayed despite knowing what Jennie was.
It wasn't long until dawn came and that was when the night ended for them.
Y/n woke up the next morning to an empty bed and a distorted mind with her world spinning from the come down after taking ecstasy. She knew that she shouldn't take any for over a year as she had been taking the pills once or twice a month if not more at times. It had left her dissociating, losing her memory, and more depressed than she was before she started to abuse them. Suddenly they were the only thing that brought serotonin to her life and Jennie.
3 P.M. was when the girl woke up and found herself in the bathroom and before she could get in the shower her glossed-over eyes landed in the mirror. She couldn't figure out how far rough was supposed to go because it went to different lengths with Jennie. Her hips and waist had small bruises from her fingertips, her wrists looked like they had been strangled, and she was too drained to feel anger, but more so despair at the hickeys left on her neck. The only thing that hurt was Jennie still lingering between her thighs and wrists. At times it felt like Jennie was just taking out all her feelings on her, but she ignored it because it was better than Jennie possibly taking it all out in a different way.
Her phone went off a few times again as it had been buzzing since she woke up. She decided on the most important person at the moment which was Lisa since she and two other friends were coming over. It was a text saying she was on the way and would be there in 30 minutes. That 30 minutes were spent getting ready and covering every bruise before Lisa showed up.
"You don't look too good," Lisa commented and walked into the bedroom where Y/n was slumped on the bed which sheets she had changed. She busied herself with her phone as she had a message from Asher.
9:12 A.M I hope everything is fine, call me if you need to talk or something. I will be home on Monday morning The games are starting soon. Love you so much baby
Y/n sighed as she looked at the texts and looked up at Lisa who threw her bag to the side and crawled on the bed.
3:33 P.M. love you and good luck
She had no clue how else to reply. Every single reply sounded forced when she wrote it and she decided to keep it short to not make it even more obvious. She did talk to him last night and it was enough. It was hard to express herself the same way she used to as the words didn't come as easy anymore. Those love you's, I care about you, miss you and more. It no longer felt right and the shame and guilt made it worse.
Y/n huffed when Lisa slumped down on top of her because she didn't get a reply from the girl who looked like she was in the deepest hole in her life.
It was riveting to see her best friend this way.
Y/n looked different, and not from her looks, but something else.
"See, you still look like a black cat, but more of a depressed one."
Y/n groaned and looked back at her phone that she held away from Lisa to make sure she wouldn't get a glimpse by accident. It wasn't like her friend was peeking, but she wanted to see what the private messages were. She had fallen asleep around 6 am with Jennie.
1:12 P.M. Had to leave for the new work thing Left you a little boost, figured you might need it if you are going out Text me if you need something or can't get in somewhere Just text me if you are going out or doing anything
Y/n quickly reached for the bedside drawer and Lisa lifted her head, looking up from her phone at the abrupt movement. She watched the vixen under her rummage blindly through the drawer until she pulled out a small bag of white powder.
She knew Jennie had started some new branch in her company, expanding for more than owning a billion-making stockbroker company. Somehow she knew what was going on in the feline's life because she included her whenever they met.
Then came the wanting to know when she was out or with whom. It also came with getting in everywhere because of Jennie.
"Is this like a new thing?"
"What do you mean?" She questioned as she inspected the bag; it was snow.
Jennie always left her these drugs whether she asked or not. She knew the girl would feel like shit for the coming days or however long the come down would last. It would make her feel better even if it only made everything worse in the long run. She didn’t want Y/n to go through terrible withdrawals.
Lisa gazed at Y/n worriedly who put her phone aside, leaving the texts from Jennie on read.
"You're on a coke diet." Lisa deadpanned her suspicion because she could see it on her.
"How would you know?"
"Dated Philip who became a coke addict. You've lost weight that you aren't able to afford to lose when you are already fucking tiny Y/n." Lisa exclaimed the obvious and pushed herself up onto her knees. Y/n sat up and leaned back against the headboard, putting the bag on the bedside table. She knew that she had lost weight she wasn't supposed to lose.
"It's like 5 pounds, I'm 110 now." Lisa rolled her eyes at that as the 5'8 girl was always trying to justify things that weren't right.
"First of all I'm not addicted and second of all, what if I've lost some weight it happens." Y/n went on defending as she wasn't addicted to cocaine or any drugs. She was sure that she would be able to stop the second she wanted to, but she would have to want to do it first.
There were many reasons as to why she didn't want to stop it. It killed the pain, it let her feel better when she wasn't with the only person who seemed to take her as she was. It killed the guilt and shame when she was high and she didn't feel like killing herself until she did and re-dosed to make it go away.
"Then why are you so defensive about it?" Lisa calmly asked to not anger the girl because it seemed like it was stepping on her nerves. The topic was sensitive which let her know enough–not enough as there was more than coke to it all.
She didn't know about Jennie and what Y/n's life truly had become aside from the partying, drugs and alcohol. One thing she did know was that Y/n wasn't someone who could afford a cocaine addiction as it wasn't cheap.
"Because you are forcing something that isn't true onto me."
Y/n looked down at her hands and played with her fingers. It was heavy on her chest and she wanted nothing more than to tell Lisa everything. To confess her sins and get rid of the burden on her, but she couldn't. She felt too ashamed and it was killing her, she was killing herself because it was all her fault.
"Your nose is red, you come high to classes, work, and everywhere else I see you."
"You do it too."
She continued to try and justify it, but she knew that she couldn't go through a class without being high or doing a shift without crashing unless she was high. It was as if it was her lifeline and she couldn't function without it. Y/n continued to tell herself that she wasn't addicted though and that she could stop because she knew that she could, but the withdrawals would be too much at a time like this. She couldn't stop now when she needed to work and finish school.
It wasn't an addiction.
It was just helping her until she was done and then would be able to go through withdrawals without them getting in the way of her life.
"When we go out and not every time–" Lisa said and reached for her friend's hands, taking them in hers. She knew that she was guilty of taking drugs too when going to parties, but it wasn't all the time, unlike Y/n. It felt like every time she saw Y/n she was either high or going through a comedown. "Where do you even have the money to afford doing coke so often?"
"I work just like you."
"I'm just worried."
Y/n pouted, she slipped her hand out of Lisa's grip and reached for the small bag.
"It's pure." She prompted and despite the concerns and not wanting her friend to go through tough times Lisa gave in in an instant as she reached for her cardholder.
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dirtyvulture · 11 months
The Inspection
Natasha Romanoff x Beefy!Sergeant!Reader
18+ only read at your own risk
Summary: It’s time for your first uniform inspection, and of course Natasha will not make it easy for you.
Word count: 2210
AN: Reader has a penis, no pronouns used.
This is Part 2 in my Sergeant Beef series. Read Part 1 here.
“Where have you been?” Sam Wilson asks, almost knocking you down as he rushes down the hall. 
“Uh, just…Sergeant Romanoff wanted to see me,” you answer, tugging down the front of your shirt and making sure the button placket of your shirt lines up with your belt buckle and zipper.
“You spend a lot of time in her office,” Sam notes, narrowing his eyes at you. You shrug helplessly. “Well, whatever, just make sure you’re not late for inspection.”
You check your watch panickedly. You still have ten minutes, but you don’t have time to go back to your bunker and freshen up. Instead, you stop off at the bathroom, splashing your face with water and wiping off the brass name tag on your chest. You button the wrists of your sleeves, trying not to move too fast because of how tightly your biceps stretch out the fabric, but you prefer a tighter uniform because of how much bigger it makes you look. Making sure that all the creases in your uniform look extra crisp and lined up, you’re ready to head out when you suddenly double over like you’ve been punched in the stomach by an invisible man.
“Oh God,” you gasp, reaching for your belt and hastily undoing it. You pull down your pants, not even thinking about how you’re ruining the creases, and hear a low buzzing sound emanating from your boxers.
“You are not going to touch this or take this off until I say so. Do you understand?” Natasha says, pulling your cock through a tight silicone ring until it sits snugly at the base of your shaft. 
“Yes, ma’am,” you whimper, your eyes glued to her hands as they gently put your cock back in your underwear and zip your pants up. Natasha holds up a remote control.
“If you do well in your inspection today, I won’t keep it on for too long,” she says, and you gulp. “But no promises.”
“Y-Yes, ma’am,” you respond, standing on trembling legs. The cock ring isn’t even on yet and your head is already spinning at the thought of being completely at your staff sergeant’s mercy. 
“Good. Now get the hell out of my office.”
You feel the cock ring vibrating around you, strongly enough to make your dick swell to attention. The sensations practically take your breath away and you see a spot of wetness on your boxers already. 
How in the world are you going to get through an entire uniform inspection with this on?
You back into a stall to sit down on the toilet, barely able to stay standing, when the cock ring suddenly turns off and you breathe a huge sigh of relief. Natasha must be somewhere close by, unless the ring has unlimited range, which you don’t doubt. You pull your pants back up, doing your best to rub out the new wrinkles on your thighs, but not having the capacity to care for long. You don’t want to be late to the inspection.
You practically run down the hall to the classroom where the inspection is being held, finding many of your colleagues already waiting there.
“Where did you go off to now?” Sam asks, coming over to you. “And why are you so sweaty?”
“I…I…just don’t feel too well,” you say, which isn’t a complete lie.
“You better go lie down after this,” he responds. “Tell Sergeant Romanoff to leave you alone for five minutes,” he adds with a chuckle, but you’re not laughing. While your cock ring is off for now, you already have a feeling Natasha is going to turn it on at the worst time imaginable.
Everyone lines up and stands at attention just in time for the brass to stroll in with heavy footsteps: Captain Rogers, Staff Sergeant Romanoff, Commander Hill, and General Fury. They break up and start going after individuals, nitpicking the tiniest specks of dirt or invisible wrinkles on their uniforms. 
You stare straight ahead as General Fury approaches Sam, clenching your jaw as the general tears your friend a new one, knowing that you’re about to be next as he goes down the line. 
“Sergeant Y/N!” General Fury barks. “What are you smiling at?”
The color drains from your face. “Sir, I’m not smiling, sir!” you shout, continuing to look straight ahead.
“You think it’s funny that Wilson has dandruff that’s flaking all over his uniform?” General Fury asks.
“Sir, no, sir!”
“You better start sharing your shampoo with him, or he’s going to have a greater snowfall than the Swiss Alps!”
“Sir, yes, sir!” You think your jaw is going to crack from not laughing, but you hold it back. General Fury moves down the line and you relax, having been spared from his intense scrutiny. Suddenly, the vibrating in your pants starts again and you squeeze your legs together, trying to subtly move your cock into a position where the ring isn’t affecting it so much, but it’s a waste of effort. 
“Sergeant Y/N!” Natasha shouts, the top of her head barely coming into your field of view because she’s shorter than you. You stare over her, clenching your fists tighter by your sides. Blood rushes down between your legs at the constant stimulation and you try not to let your panicked breathing show.
“What’s wrong with your pants, Sergeant?” Natasha asks, and for a moment you wonder if she’s asking about what’s inside of them rather than what’s on the outside.
“My p-pants, ma’am?” you respond, your voice cracking when the vibrating intensifies. You’re at full hardness in seconds and your cock pokes uncomfortably against the back of your zipper, threatening to split it open. Natasha steps closer to you and you can feel her breath on your neck. 
“You look like a slob,” Natasha says. “You’re setting a very poor example for your trainees, Sergeant.”
You don’t know if you should apologize or just keep your mouth shut. Sweat pops on your forehead as arousal builds in your stomach that you can do nothing to relieve. Your cock is aching for release so badly it hurts. 
You feel Natasha touch the pant wrinkles on your thighs, and then her hand brushes across your bulge on purpose and you almost explode right there. 
“Sergeant,” you choke, trying to consider your next words carefully, but the task is much more difficult at hand when you can’t focus on anything but the sensation of the cock ring. “Please, I–”
“What?” Natasha snaps. 
You swallow, noticing that your legs are shaking. “I’m sorry for setting a poor example, Sergeant!” 
“I’m not looking for an apology,” Natasha says. “I want to see you back in my office after this.” You go light-headed at the thought. Maybe she’ll have mercy on you, or she might be more ruthless than ever. “Tsk, tsk, Sergeant. Very embarrassing to fail your first uniform inspection. This is not going to look good on your record.”
“I’m sorry, Sergeant!” you squeak, but Natasha is already walking away. 
She doesn’t turn the cock ring off, but leaves it on at a lower setting, just enough to keep you throbbing and aching. 
“Why do you look like you’re going to pass out, Sergeant?” Commander Hill asks, attacking you next.
“I…I…” you respond weakly, not sure what to say.
“Stop locking your legs.” Commander Hill nudges your boot with hers, scuffing the toe, and you bend your knees exaggeratedly, trying to relieve the pressure in your groin. She offers you no other criticism and moves on. 
You can barely listen to Captain Rogers giving the entire room a verbal lashing on the importance of grooming and appearance, feeling like you are truly on the verge of passing out. You wonder if Sam or anyone else in your vicinity can hear the buzzing of your cock ring, but the layers of your boxers and pants muffle the sound. When Captain Rogers finally dismisses the group, you’re practically pushing people out of the way as you run towards Natasha’s office. As desperate as you are, you still take the time to knock and wait for her to let you in.
“Get in here, Sergeant Y/N,” she snarls from the other side, and you don’t hesitate to help yourself. Natasha is waiting on the other side of the door and she grabs you by the collar, roughly pushing you onto her couch. 
“You are such a disappointment,” she says, her hands clawing down your uniform and popping the buttons, misaligning the ribbons on your chest. 
“Please Sergeant,” you beg, all formalities going out the window. She straddles your lap and your hands automatically go to her hips, but she swats you away roughly.
“Did I give you permission to touch me?” she snaps.
“No, ma’am,” you groan with frustration, keeping your arms to the sides and holding onto handfuls of couch cushions to stop yourself from touching her again.
“You’re an embarrassment,” Natasha says, pushing off the outer layer of your uniform and then yanking the white undershirt over your head and tossing it away. “Your superiors stuck their necks out for you to get approval for your promotion, and then you go and show up to your first inspection like a day-one recruit?” 
“I…I’m sorry, ma’am,” you pant. Her hands are hot against your bare chest, and her hand wraps around the chain of your dog tags, jerking your neck up at an angle where you’re forced to look into her fierce green eyes.
“I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.” In her other hand, she holds up the remote that controls your cock ring. “I hope you know that I’ll have to punish you for your performance today.”
“I know,” you squeak, although privately you wonder if she’s humiliated you enough today. 
“I’m going to fuck you now, and you are not to cum until I give you permission. Do you understand?” Natasha says, with the same authority she uses when addressing the recruits.
“Yes, Sergeant!”
“Don’t let me down more than you already have.”
You watch while holding your breath as Natasha undresses herself, then undoes your belt and zipper, pulling your pants and boxers down to free your cock. Even you’ve never seen yourself so hard before, the tip a dark red and leaking pre-cum, the veins on the sides visibly pulsing. You hold back a moan when Natasha takes you in her hand, stroking you lightly and you bite on your lip to focus on not cumming already.  
The cock ring vibrates harder, causing your hips to jerk off the couch. You desperately try to keep still as Natasha glares at you, not speaking as she lines her entrance up with the head of your cock. You already know that the combination of the cock ring and being inside of her will be too much for you; you’ve been teased enough today and have been on edge for hours. If Natasha is going to punish you for cumming too early, you’re completely willing to accept it at this point.
“S-Sergeant,” you pant, quieting the second she sinks down on you.
“Oh fuck!” Natasha moans as you fill her, your size stretching her out pleasurably. Your thighs flex as you use every muscle in your legs to keep yourself grounded on the couch. Natasha lifts herself until only your head is inside of her before she slides down again, taking you all the way until she can directly feel the vibrations of your cock ring against the insides of her thighs.
“Sergeant, I can’t,” you beg, the coil in your stomach ready to snap at any second.
“Yes, you can,” Natasha demands, yanking on your dog tags like they’re a leash. The metal bites into your neck and the pain is just enough to keep you from tumbling off the cliff. “I get to cum first.”
“Y-Yes. Yes, ma’am.”
Natasha bounces on your waist, using you like a toy of her own, as you lay there, tensed to your breaking point trying not to cum before she says you can. Your pre-cum lubes up your own cock and the vibrations from the cock ring stimulate her as well, so all you have to do is hold on long enough for Natasha to catch up.
“Are you going to fail your next uniform inspection, Sergeant?” she asks, moving her hips sloppily. She lets go of your dog tags, digging her nails into your shoulders. 
“No, Sergeant!”
“Good.” Her walls flutter around you and you know she’s close. “Are you ready to cum?”
“Oh God, yes.”
“Go ahead. I want every drop inside of me.”
Your vision goes white as you lose control, spilling into Natasha in hard, heavy spurts. Your entire body is shaking as you empty yourself and you don’t think you’ve ever cum more in your life. You don’t even notice Natasha reach her own orgasm at the same time you do, so focused on finally getting your release, that it isn’t until you’re slumped back on her couch, your thighs coated in your combined body fluids, that you realize what happened. 
Natasha gets off your lap, removing the cock ring and patting your limp cock. 
“I can’t wait to use this again,” she smirks.
AN: Please like, reblog, and comment! Follow for more content. 🥰
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