#his shirt is so comfyšŸ˜
seilahscopium Ā· 11 months
tr men dating y/n who has big breasts
ā™” I grant a wish for whoever summons me and take one thing as a payment ā™” Featuring: Manjiro, Rindou, and Ran ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ā°šŖManjiro Sanoš‘‚Ā° ā™” he likes to use them as a pillow when heā€™s napping with you ā™” as iā€™ve headcannoned him before, he loves cuddling with you and ends up falling asleep ā™” so when Mikey is getting on top of you and getting all comfy, his head will fall onto your chest with a content hum ā™” itā€™s just so soft! can you really blame the guy? itā€™s the perfect pillow in his opinion ā™” Mikey doesnā€™t lay first into your chest, heā€™s laying so that his cheek comes into contact with softness of your boobs ā™” and if he scoots over just a little...there it is. ā™” the sound of your heartbeat which never fails to lull him to sleep ā™” depending on the shirt you're wearing; you can feel a bit of his drool spill onto your mounds ā™” some people may find it gross, but it just shows how comfy he is with you and allows his guard to go down and rest ā™”this would continue into his Bonten era. ā™” he wouldn't be laying on top of you. this time heā€™d be laying side by side, facing you, and you are the one who presses him to your chest and cuddle him. ā™”itā€™s a routine that stays for literally every single night. Ā°šŖRindou Haitaniš‘‚Ā° ā™” you know how Rindou can be after a long and annoying day of work. and you always want to help him out ā™” and the best way to deal with steam is by talking about it! :)) ā™” he gets on the couch that you're sitting on and smushes his face into your chest, hands firmly gripping your hips so that you won't leave him because right now he really needs you :(( ā™” he then talks about it all right into your chest. honestly it doesn't matter if you can't hear it all or if you do, he just needs to fucking say everything on his mind ā™” at this point he's just mumbling but he finds security in your chest as you play with his hair a little ā™” heā€™ll definitely do that cute thing where heā€™ll peak up from you from your chest and sayĀ ā€œoh my god and ran was being such an ass hat todayšŸ˜¤ā€ ā™” HE EVEN TAKES A DEEP BREATH BEFORE GOING BACK INTO YOUR CHEST TO RAMBLE ABOUT HOW RAN PISSED HIM OFF THAT TODAY Ā°šŖRan Haitaniš‘‚Ā° ā™”Ran is a bit different (he's different than the other guys šŸ˜ā—ā—) ā™”he uses them as mindless stress toys or just something to keep his hands busy at the very least ā™”god, he can be doingĀ anything,Ā and heā€™ll still find his hands around your mounds to squeeze at them ā™”sometimes he doesn't even realize he's doing it either. it's kind of like how heā€™ll squish Rindouā€™s cheeks to annoy him but now he just does it because why not ā™”like heā€™ll be scrolling on his phone and then completely groping you and pinching your nipples ā™”one time he even tried to do it in public because it was a natural habit. but then you noticed and quickly slapped his hand away Ā  ā€œYou canā€™t do that. Weā€™re in the middle of a restaurantā€ you told him Ā  ā€œBut you're mine. so, it's no one's concern what i do to you. and you seem to not mind when weā€™re homeā€ heā€™ll murmur.Ā ā€œBut of course, it's always different when weā€™re out in publicā€ Ran will add with an eye roll ā™”whatā€™s funny is that at one point when he was playing with your mounds when you were watching a movie, he finally caught the sound of your little whimpers ā™”he either does it mindlessly, out of stress, or does it to mess with you and pretend he didnā€™t mean to affect you this much
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fandoms--fluff Ā· 8 months
Poly cg mikaelsons x little reader where she got sad about something and how would they cheer her up
Sad little reader x caregivers Mikaelsons Headcannons
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Flufftober, October 17th
A/n: the fact that I wrote this in under fifteen minutes once i got itšŸ¤«šŸ˜
They'd all be worried and want to just bundle you up and never let you go
^but then again, that's what they're thought for everything is about
Kol would get you intranced into a movie that you both love or a game
And sometimes when the timing is perfect, he'll rope you into a prank
Which that always ends with getting himself a lecture, same with you for agreeing with the youngest sibling. Usually from Elijah, and sometimes Klaus
If the prank so happens to be on Rebekah, well then Kol definitely gets yelled at while she holds you in her arms like you were a victim of it
If it's clear your still sad after, Kol will build a whole pillow fort and bring all your stuffed inside, and you guys can relax and cuddle
That always cheers you up not just when your sad.
Rebekah turns softer than she already is (which is jars to believe) to you.
She'll pick you up and rock you in her arms
She'd bring you to her bedroom and snuggle with you under all the soft blanket all day is she has to
^which she won't complain about
You'll snuggle into her chest and place your ear right over her heart to hear the rhythm of her heart
If your still sad later on, you'll usually pull at the collar of her shirt down. Which she knows exactly what it means.
She'll take both your guys' shirts and bras off, leaving you to snuggle into her comfy and warm chest. Skin to skin contact always calms you down, especially when it's with your Mommy
Elijah would bring you into his arms and hold you close when he sees your saddened face when he walks into the room
He'd play with your hair, and sometimes put small braids in it
His go to activity for when you're down, is to read to you. His voice always calms you down and makes you sleepy, which us why you love when he tells you to pock out a book from the shelves
The book usually tends to be a fantasy one, but he doesn't mind and always will read the book you choose (as long as the content is decent)
You'll be entranced into the book, and soon enough Elijah will have a snoozing little girl cuddling into his shoulder
Klaus' immediate thoughts would be someone did something to you before you, to the best of your abilities, explain that no one did nothing
^but if someone did, I pity that poor soul for what's coming for them
He would try to get you to talk about what wrong, and why your sad. And if that doesn't work, like most times, he brings you into his art studio
He'd distract you with having you make your own art and him guiding you through using the paint brush. Sometimes, he brings out the 'fun paint' which you use for finger painting
Finger painting always puts a smile on your face and Klaus' aswell. At the end he'll have to give you a whole bath to get the paint off, but you and he don't mind.
As long as you had fun and no more sad thoughts
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saltofmercury Ā· 1 year
omg yas fluffy kƶnig can we have domestic scenes of him and reader just doing stuff around the house wearing his casual tshirt and sweatpants šŸ«£šŸ˜
yeahā€¦.. I went a little overboard but I love him and I love you.
Pairing: Kƶnig x reader
A/N: hope you like :)
Summary: domestic scenes of your week with Kƶnig.
When Kƶnig comes back home, he falls back into routine with youā€¦
Since itā€™s the start of the week that he gets back from a mission, he starts slowly going back to routine. Heā€™s already been up since 4AM at the gym, working out and decompressing from the mission. He knows you wonā€™t be up until 6:45, so he has plenty of time to be at the gym, come home and shower.Ā 
When he showers, he uses a citrus body wash, (because you had mentioned that orange/citrus body washes are good for waking up) and if heā€™s staying home, he wears a fitted white t-shirt, gray sweatpants, and black socks. He knows heā€™s going to be lounging around the house, so he makes sure heā€™s comfortable.
He always does laundry on Monday, because heā€™s a believer in getting boring things done before the weekend. (Same thing with dinners, he eats his ā€˜boringā€™ food first, then gets to the good stuff,)
By the time youā€™re awake, heā€™s got a lunch packed for you and your coffee in a to-go cup.
Most of Monday is laundry, and putting it away, while he naps and waits for you to come home.
When you do get home, you two order take out and have dinner together. His excuse is ā€œbecause youā€™re being hit with the reality of the start of the week, it must be hardā€, so he just wants you to feel at home.
After dinner you two get cozy in your pjs and get in bed by 8:30pm. You were NEVER one to be in bed early, youā€™re more of staying up late but Kƶnig has dragged you into his early routine saying constantlyĀ 
ā€œYou can be on your phone in bed, come on, it feels lonely without you.ā€
Then nagging you aboutĀ 
ā€œThat will ruin your circadian rhythm you knowā€
Even though he's always watching something on his iPad in bed.Ā 
Tuesdays are grocery days. You werenā€™t sure WHY Kƶnig insisted on Tuesdays, it seemed odd enough going into the store on this day, but it wasnā€™t until you two both went that you realized there are less people in the store this particular day. Which could be why. You like leading the way while he reads the list and pushes the cart behind you.Ā 
Every time you pass the produce aisle, he looks at you with so much love and adoration, he gently taps you with the cart, so that youā€™re looking back at him as he always brings up ā€œremember when we first met here?ā€ and of course you do, because it was humiliating for you, but Kƶnig melted knowing someone wanted to get to know him. Now look at you two, going through the aisles and practically living together?Ā 
He likes watching how you pick the fruit and then sneak bites of grapes on sale. Heā€™s also a punk and loves to shout things like ā€œI think sheā€™s stealingā€ whenever you take another grape. You shush him, feeling your face turn red, and he lives for this because he loves seeing you blush.Ā 
Tuesdays are soup days, no matter the weather. Kƶnig remembered you mentioning that your mom used to make different kinds of soups when you were younger and how it brought you so much comfort after coming home from school. SO he picks a new soup every week for you to try. He tried asking you a couple times about the kind of soup your mom made, but you always give little to no detailsĀ 
ā€œItā€™s just veggieā€
ā€œWe had garlic bread with itā€
ā€œSometimes it was chickenā€
Wednesdays you get the luxury of working from home. Itā€™s your favorite day of the week.
This is also one of Kƶnig's favorite days.
He's up early before you, makes you a cup of coffee as you brush your teeth, you wrap your hair up away from your face, and get into comfy sweats.Ā 
He places the coffee on your desk, and he gets to baking. Kƶnig always has some sort of recipe he wants to try. Baking reminds him of home, so heā€™ll always bake bread for the week, and a dessert you two share at dinner.Ā 
He needs to have something to do or else heā€™s constantly near you and you two get distracted. One time he didnā€™t know what to do with himself when he got back from a mission and he just sat in your office asking youĀ 
ā€œWhat's that?ā€
ā€œWhat are you doing?ā€
ā€œWas that the lady with the mass email mistake?ā€
He always walks into the room pretending he loses things muttering things like, ā€œWhere could I have placed it?ā€
Followed by,
Ā ā€œOH RIGHT I found itā€Ā 
He sneaks up behind you, grabs a hold of your chin, and goes in for a deep kiss. You canā€™t help but giggle because heā€™s so cute and clearly soooo bored.Ā 
You guys take a break, have lunch together, and you try to sneak open the oven to see what he made for dessert for tonight. Heā€™s so quick to pick you up and lead you to the table.Ā 
Sometimes he surprises you because heā€™s not a judgy person or will say mean things so when youā€™re talking his ear off about the first couple of hours of work, you hear the ā€œwhat a fuckerā€ or ā€œthat guy is a shitheadā€ youā€™re always taken aback but ALSO youā€™re kind of happy heā€™s taken a little bit of a mean side to do that.
Dinner usually is made by both of you. He likes to watch you tell him what happened at work today apart from your lunch break. He loves seeing you animated, throwing your hands in the air, how your eyebrows almost touch your hairline, the way your mouth curves when you call someone ā€œstupid.ā€ He loves that you share the rest of the day with him even though he can hear most of it down the hallway.
When it comes to dessert, no matter HOW many times heā€™s made you something new, Kƶnig gets so shy about showing you.
He looks at you and says ā€œok tell me if you donā€™t like it.ā€ and you can see his nerves in him, how he will not make eye contact with you, but will focus on your lips instead watching you take the first bite. He chews on the left side of his tongue, and then looks up at your eyes when you moan about how good it is.
ā€œReally?ā€ he says, wide eyed
ā€œYes really!ā€
ā€œYouā€™re just saying that.ā€
ā€œBabe I'm notā€ as you have another spoonful of it.
Thursday is Kƶnig day. Apart from your usual morning routine, he likes to get into sports on this day. He likes all kinds of sports. Football, baseball, basketball, soccer, rugby, tennis, even golf.Ā 
Heā€™s constantly watching something from any country, any sport. He also likes to have this day to play video games. Heā€™s always playing a game online with Hornagi.
ā€”Horangi, who he always thought was just a work friend, became his new fantasy football friend, an online game friend, and best friend.
When you come home and sneak up behind him, Horangi mutters onlineā€”
Ā ā€œwell game overā€ and Kƶnig is quick to turn around to hug you and welcome you home. Before you get into a heated makeout session, you break the kiss to say hi to Horangi,Ā 
ā€œHiiiii Horangiā€Ā 
He waves at you, but heā€™s still talking on the headpiece to Kƶnig who is relaying messages to you.
ā€œHe says, hi and if we can have 20 more minutes.ā€ Kƶnig is smiling and holding back laughter while you nod ā€œnoā€ towards the screen and Horangi is running his hand through his hair.
You take the headset off and grab his face, and tell Kƶnig
ā€œ1 hour and weā€™re having dinnerā€ you smile, wave at Horangi and leave the room.
During dinner, Kƶnig gets so animated telling you about all the things he and Horangi were playing today. The line up they have in their fantasy football, the updates on whichever sport they had been watching. You love hearing the jokes Horangi tells which make Kƶnig almost spill his water when heā€™s retelling them. Youā€™re so happy to see that he has a friend he can talk to and is interested in his hobbies.
After a long day of work, coming home to Kƶnig dressed up in a tight knit sweater, dress pants, and dress shoes kind of makes your heart race. Itā€™s so fun seeing him not in his usual sweatpants and t-shirt when heā€™s at the house, or in his work uniform covering his face. He looks so good wearing a watch, with his hair combed to the side. He always feels/seems out of place, because heā€™s never had to dress up for anybody, or go anywhere, but he knows dating you is important and he tries his best to take you out, spend time with you, and give his full attention to you. Plus he likes how you blush when you come home and look at him. He knows it's a rare thing to see him like this. He does like the attention from you.
Kƶnig has a list of completing small things with his social anxiety. Friday is date night and you two always go out for dinner. During the car ride there, he tells you what he usually wants to accomplish. Sometimes it's small things like asking for extra condiments, ordering for himself, (which he's able to do but sometimes he just prefers you do it) ((accents)) or even just getting the attention of the waiter. So you try to help him reach his goal for the week/day. Youā€™re really supportive of him trying to get his goal done.Ā 
After dinner you guys walk around and eat ice cream, come back home, and settle on starting a new show.
Farmers Market day! This happened when one day Kƶnig was complaining about the honey tasting weird.
ā€œThis isnā€™t organic, this tastes weirdā€
Kƶnig went online to try and find a supplier that could deliver good honey.
After constantly searching and searching, he told you that you two needed to go to the farmers market so that you could try this so-called organic and sweet honey.
Once there, you two were on the search for the honey stand, stopped by several vendors selling breads, produce, handmade candles, jewelry, soaps, and you two eagerly tried the samples people gave out.
Now that has happened, it became routine for you two to come on Saturday mornings, get a coffee from a french press stand, shop around for things for dinner, and then get breakfast at a truck.
Sunday you leave for cleaning. Sunday you love to put on a pot of coffee, put your earphones on, and just clean away. Sunday is when Kƶnig gets to ā€œsleep in.ā€ He tried to help you one time but you werenā€™t exactly happy with his version of cleaning, so he stays out of your way, only coming out to either have lunch with you, or to throw the trash away.Ā 
It doesnā€™t take you long to clean, so after cleaning your house, you shower, get comfortable in his shirt, and lay down on the couch together. If youā€™re not watching something together, heā€™s laid out on the couch, you in between his legs reading a book while he plays with your hair.Ā 
By 4pm, you start to get the Sunday blues of going back to work, so Kƶnig tries to distract you with lists heā€™s already created to help you. You two have a dinner of leftovers or take out, and spend the rest of the afternoon lazily hanging around, stealing kisses from each other, or glances toward one another.
Kƶnig still canā€™t believe he would have ever had someone living with him, someone he looks forward to seeing every morning and afternoon, someone he shares a space with, and hes glad heā€™s found his person he can do all these things for, because whatever his life was before this, it wasnā€™t truly his life.
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lias-writings Ā· 1 year
Feminine girlfriend headcannons
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request: no
pairing: bella ramsey x fem!reader
tw: fluff, feminine!reader, mentions of public affection, mentions of men,
summary: headcannons of Bella having super feminine girlfriend <3
a/n: before anything, i do not want people to think I am gendering makeup, dresses etc. ā€œfeminineā€ becase idk how else to call it and regardless of if youā€™re a female/male/non-binary you can dress/wear makeup how ever you want, okay I hope you understand, enjoy<33
šŸŽ€ first of all I just know bella would love watching you getting all dolled up even to just go shopping
šŸŽ€ bella being hot, rich actor would definitely spoil you as much as he can, they would buy you any clothes or makeup you desire
šŸŽ€ sometimes she would let you do their makeup or skincare but just becase he canā€™t say no to you
šŸŽ€ I feel like bella would love when you wear mini skirts/dresses, but hate when others, especially men are staring!!
šŸŽ€ even tho your closet is mostly pastel-coloured, you love wearing bellaā€™s baggy tomboy t-shirts
šŸŽ€ and they would love you wearing them even more
šŸŽ€ most of the time bellaā€™s amazed with the magic you can do with makeup or the complicated hairstyles youā€™re able to create on your head
šŸŽ€ whenever you get the opportunity you love to curl their hair cuz they look amazing with the waves (the gifšŸ§ŽšŸæā€ā™€ļø)
šŸŽ€ bella loves to show you off so whenever she has some event going on, they take you to the red carpet with her and always make sure you two are matching
šŸŽ€ if you are also famous sheā€™s at all of your important events/premieres!!
šŸŽ€ one of bellaā€™s love languages is gift giving so whenever he sees you admiring a new bag or a fancy dress, few days later you have it laying on your bed in a gift bag/box with a small gift-card from your lovely partner <33
šŸŽ€ whenever a dude in a public is staring at you they always wrap an arm around your waist and hold you closer to them
šŸŽ€ bella loves shopping with you, their favorite part is when you get home and youā€™re trying on all the stuff you bought putting on a little show
šŸŽ€ you have matching bracelets you made for the two of you awwh
šŸŽ€ talking about bracelets bella loves buying you a fancy jewelry, they definitely got you a promise ring on your either b-day or anniversary
šŸŽ€ letā€™s stick to the rings; whenever you buy a new ring for bella they wear it for next interview and whenever the interviewer mentions their ring sheā€™s always like ā€œyeah, my gf got me this!ā€
šŸŽ€ bellaā€™s definitely a sucker for thighs so when youā€™re wearing short skirt itā€™s hard for them to keep their hands to themselves
šŸŽ€ if youā€™re the type of person that would say ā€œthere is nothing in thereā€ while staring at the closet filled to bursting with clothes theyā€™d would just raise an eyebrow and give you one of their comfy grey sweatshirt <33
šŸŽ€ matching earrings!!!
šŸŽ€ you stealing one of their t-shirts and them asking you after like 6 moths if you donā€™t know where that t-shirt is
šŸŽ€ when you and bella officially announced that you are a couple people were shocked cuz you ā€œdidnā€™t look gayā€ ( no because how are we fem!lesbians/bi/pan girls supposed to look gay? )
šŸŽ€ if you are not famous, you definitely had a social media and dating an actor kinda helped raising the numbers up so you may or may not started thinking about posting grwmā€™s/makeup tutorials if you do bellaā€™s always commenting something like ā€œfirstā€ or ā€œcan I get a hišŸ„ŗā€
šŸŽ€ last but not least you two would definitely became the ā€œit coupleā€ as the perfect example of masc! and fem! or some shit like that. šŸ˜
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leaentries Ā· 11 months
jack hughes x chubby!reader headcanons
a/n- this has been a long time coming. also i want to apologize iā€™ve been kinda MIA recently, iā€™ve just been super busy with life!
SFW & NSFW under the cut!
iā€™ve discussed this briefly, but i think jack found his love for the chub on accident.
like he never thought heā€™d be into it, until next thing he knows, he canā€™t get enough of your rolls and curves
thinks they are so warm and squishy
loves to nestle and bury his face in your plushy tummy cause itā€™s just so so soft and comfy. definitely the type to lay all his weight on you and take a nap for hours.
you are his favorite place to sleep, so get used to it. he will actually just fall asleep on you everywhere, and i mean everywhere.
he loves your boobs. and everything about them.
how squishy and warm they are, how even though they donā€™t fit right or look perfect in everything you wear they still somehow manage to poke out a bit. he is super into the way they spill out slightly near the crease of your arm and shoulders. heā€™s so weak for your tits, bro.
sometimes if you are wearing a low-cut shirt or tank top and your boobs are showing he will literally just poke them
same goes for the cute rolls on your sides. dude loooooves them side rolls. he loves to grab, poke, squeeze, squish, bite, you name it.
his favorite thing is to sneak up behind you and grab your sides and tickle you, what an asshole.
being able to do little domestic things with you has his heart doing flips. like being able to buy groceries with you, cooking you dinner (when he tries), cleaning the apartment, he loves it all
he especially loves being able to wake up with you in the morning. the way your body keeps him warm. heā€™ll grab your round hips and pull you into his frame as far as you can possibly be. the type of guy to want to crawl into your skin, yk?
heā€™s just such a softie cuddly love bug when it comes to you. he can go from šŸ˜  to šŸ„ŗšŸ˜ in a matter of seconds when you walk into the room
although we ALL know that he isnā€™t just a softie. baby boy knows how to fight. aho can attest to that firsthand.
i dare anyone to say anything bad about you in front of him, heā€™s immediately jumping to defend you. let someone say something to him on the ice? heā€™s dropping the gloves and helmet immediately.
his mood depends on your mood. if youā€™re not happy, heā€™s not happy. if youā€™re cranky, heā€™s cranky. he will do anything to see you happy and see your cute chubby cheeks light up with that gorgeous smile he lives for.
as iā€™ve already established, he loves your tits.
so itā€™s only natural that heā€™s very big into playing with your boobs during any kind of sexual act.
BOOB JOBS. he will lose it in 30 secs. ngl he used to get embarrassed about how quickly your boobs could make him cum, until he realized the power trip it gave you and how good you felt that you could do that to him with just your tits.
but donā€™t worry, just the sight of your heavy breasts covered in his release is enough to get him hard again.
his favorite position is cowgirl. i know, i know, cliche. BUT he gets to feel all your weight on top of him AND see your tits bounce in his face. dude is in heaven.
he loves to hold your hips in place and fuck up into you šŸ˜‹ heā€™s just so silly like that
#1 goal is to get you so fucked out to the point where you canā€™t hold yourself up anymore and collapse into him cause he just loves the feeling of your soft rolls against his stomach and chest.
hickeys, hickeys, and more hickeys. wants to cover you in head to toe with them. disclaimer- you better invest in a good concealer
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jasonthetoymakesmybbg Ā· 5 months
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Sweetness is a Tasteful thing. (1/??)
Yep, back immediately cause this man is legit invading my mindset and I can not-like heā€™s actually so fine šŸ˜šŸ™
Patrick Hockstetter x Female/Male Reader
I am making this cause a scenario kinda went into my head like what if Patrick and his mom met your guys family and stuck around your house for a bit, but yā€™all are kinda like enemies and heā€™s forced to be in your room so yā€™all get along, and like he starts talking about horny shit. Then he started touching himself while staring you dead in the eye, casually moaning your name? I might make a second thing for this adding the rest of the Bowers Gang but,Like bro-HE WONT LEAVE MY HEAD šŸ˜­ and for male like he decides to leave Fem flabbergasted and bumped into Male room, then kinda walked in and yeah?
Another day passing, a peaceful weekend, meaning not having to deal with the Bowers Gangā€¦is what I thought but this day became stressful for me.
I was peacefully in my room drawing who knows what, mostly just random doodles of cats or silly goofy things cause why not? I heard a knock on my door and I look up, seeing my mom.
ā€œSweetie? Weā€™re having guest, get a shirt on.ā€ My mom said quickly, closing my door again, oh yeah forget to mention I was chilling in a pair of shorts and bra cause I was comfy, but who could be visiting?
I sigh and get up, getting a long sleeve shirt on, I grumble as I left my room to see who is was, and who do I see?
Hockstetter and his mom standing inside our living. In my home? Fuck this-before I could slip away back to my safe space my dad spoke up.
ā€œAnd thereā€™s one of my kidsā€ He said that on purpose? Fuck you dad.
Hockstetter turned and saw me, smirking a bit, damn it why is he so submissive and breedable looking but is a sadistic asshole thatā€™s a tad aggressive?-
(All Y/n as siblings cause yeah)
ā€œHiā€¦Iā€™m [Fem]Y/nā€ I grumble a little, feeling all my stress appearing again and I barely left school.
His mom simply waved, greeting me and probably clueless of what her son was planning, meanwhile I felt like killing myself.
My brother walked in [Male] Y/n and he looked in disbelief seeing Patrick, he glanced at me and I shrugged.
ā€œAh, thereā€™s my sonā€ my dad spoke up, damn it.
ā€œWhy donā€™t you hang out with them?ā€ My mom said looking at Patrick, he shrugged and walked over to me, meanwhile my brother left already, really said ā€˜ladies firstā€™ we walked to my room, dread touched my heart.
Opening to my glorious room filled with randomly shit that related to my interests or gore art on the wall I pinned up. I sat on my bed, Patrick closed my door, damn it. He smirked lightly sitting in my spinning chair.
ā€œYou seem so tense..why is that?ā€ He lightly mocked, I glared.
ā€œWhy the fuck are you here?ā€ I grumble to myself again, glaring in hatred.
ā€œMaybe..I mightā€™ve said something about you to my mom to convince her to come overā€ he grinned.
ā€œā€¦bitchā€ I said lowly, he smirked at my hostile attitude, but heā€™s low key hot-stay focused.
ā€œYou knowā€¦I bet you would look so good bouncing on my dick.ā€ I choke on my spit, not expecting that-well it was expected but it was so random.
ā€œYou heard me.ā€ He stared, his eyes were burning into my soul and all I felt was lust waving over him.
ā€œ..image me fucking your thighs, then finishing on your stomach, or me fucking you senseless with a knife to your neck..image all the things I could do to you.ā€ He had said so casually, i wasnā€™t used to a guy telling me his fantasies.
ā€œSometimesā€¦I wanna fuck you from behind while you suck off Henryā€ he had continued.
Wow-wait? Henry? Damn, I knew it-he was most definitely bi. Probably gets off to fucking or pleasing girls while watching a guy.
ā€œOrā€¦suck Henry while you ride me I donā€™t complainā€ I cock a eyebrow at his words.
ā€œā€¦soā€¦your just spilling your bisexual fantasies?-ā€œ he simply nodded, I notice his hands started caressing near his bulge, but now I finally notice his bulge was erect.
ā€œLook at that..all hard, and just the thought of you makes me all hot and bothered..even though sometimes I just wanna slit your throat.ā€ He let out a low growl, he lightly started to rub his bulge, I gulped knowing I wanted out.
He moaned softly, ā€œY/n~..got me all excited~ā€..so how do I feel watching this go down?..mixed feelings. My heart jumped when I notice him unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants. Letting his length come free he gripped it a tad tight while stroking.
ā€œFuck.~..I wanna feel you so badly. Ngh~ā€ I was not gonna make eye contact with his cock, but he made me nervous looking him in the eye, good thing the walls are thick.
He was just touching himself while looking at me, he bit his lip.
ā€œAw, whatā€™s the matter? Canā€™t handle seeing me want release Y/n?~ o-ah~ā€ He closed his eyes for a second feeling the moment, it was a surprise he was so peaceful while masturbating.
He stopped suddenly, simply fixing his pants he got up and left my room, I was just-wow
ā€œHuh?-ā€œ was all I could say, I was speechless.
[Male] pov
I was chilling in my room, laying on my bed with music blasting through my headphones, eyes closed. But I wasnā€™t aware of the devil literally finding me and coming into my room, not even noticing he closed my door.
I jumped when I felt a hand on my chest, my eyes open immediately and I sit up. Patrick..what the fuck?-
ā€œWhat does your bitch ass want?ā€ I ask, taking my headphones off.
ā€œActually donā€™t answer that.ā€ I quickly said.
Before I could move much his hand gripped my thigh to prevent me from leaving. My cock twitched in confusion, but I didnā€™t wanna react to much.
ā€œ.you arenā€™t gonna leave.ā€ He said lowly, before smirking again, he leaned in to the crook of my neck and started laying kisses down. My breathe lightly hitched at the feeling.
ā€œHuh?-ā€œ I was confused why he was showing a form of affection when he isnā€™t affectionate at all. I felt him lightly rest his hand on my thigh again, his thumb lazily rubbing against my bulge to get me excited. And yet it did, my cock started to harden at the sensation, I felt his smirk grow bigger in my neck.
He let out a chuckle, ā€œfucking knew itā€
ā€œKnew what?-ā€œ I cock a eyebrow,
ā€œYou would enjoy me touching your dickā€¦slutā€ and there it was, the word I hated being called But liked it so much.
ā€œWhat you call me?-say it againā€¦i-like..hearing you call me thatā€ I had shared, Patrick laughed at my words.
ā€œAw..the slut wants to be humiliated huh? Would you allow me to call you it in school?.~ā€
I nodded, ā€œyes-if it means to hear you say it..ā€ my body was begging to be stripped and fucked, he knew it to.
ā€œFucking prepare cause when the rest of the gang get here-ā€œ
ā€œā€¦what?ā€ I side glance, my eyes went wide.
ā€œYeah..theyā€™re planning to tag along here..mostly to play with you and your siblings.ā€ He casually said, laying on his side comfortably.
ā€œLet it sink in slutā€ the way the word slid off his tongue made me excited.
ā€œJesus fucking Christā€ I rubbed my eyes.
ā€œ..your so-hot?ā€ I randomly say, Patrick was amused by the way I was acting.
ā€œI can tell I am in your eyesā€¦also to let you know I randomly masturbate in front of your sisterā€ that made my jaw dropped.
ā€œThe fuck?-ā€œ I tried processing what he said.
ā€œHow did she react?-ā€œ I ask
ā€œFlabbergasted and confusedā€ he shrugged his shoulders
ā€œSounds accurate enoughā€
(And here we are, one part done.)
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andrei's headcanon discovering pregnancies, please! šŸ˜
there are quite a few of these as you and andrei canā€™t seem to stop having kids! broken up by kid and bonus! middle names for the babies! šŸ„° under the read more bc itā€™s long lol
evgenia andreyevna svechnikova
you take the test the day before andrei comes home from an overnight trip because your boobs are killing you and your normal coffee tastes like garbage
when itā€™s positive, you cry for an hour, thrilled, before jumping into action to find a cute way to tell andrei
you have literally no ideas, but decide to run out to the pro shop and buy a teeny canes onesie, wearing a hat pulled low over your face just in case you see someone you know
the onesie and the positive pregnancy test get wrapped into a gift box and you leave it on andreiā€™s pillow when you see heā€™s less than an hour away, distracting yourself by making dinner
andrei comes into the house exhausted and drops his luggage at the door, kissing you hello enthusiastically - itā€™s all you can do to not blurt out the secret
when he goes inside to shower and get comfy, you hold your breath until he comes back out with the box. ā€œwhatā€™s this?ā€ he holds it up and rattles it a bit
ā€œopen it,ā€ you grin and he does, blinking stupidly at the contents for a second until it clicks. he looks between you and the onesie that looks even smaller in his huge hand and a dimpled grin erupts on his face
ā€œa baby?ā€ you nod and he wraps you up in his arms, spinning you around before kissing you deeply
alina katerina svechnikova
again you take the test while andreiā€™s out of town, this time for a longer west coast swing so you have time to buy a ā€œbig sisterā€ shirt for evie
he doesnā€™t notice the shirt right away, distracted by getting all the hugs and kisses from evie
she insists he look at her new shirt, proudly repeating ā€œnew shirt, papa! new shirt!ā€ until he reads the sparkly pink glitter letters and his mouth drops open
with evie still on his hip, andrei crushes you to his chest with his other arm in a hug, kissing you all over your face
ā€œi canā€™t wait for her to have a best friend,ā€ he tells you later, caressing your stomach and whispering against your skin in russian
kira elena svechnikova
andreiā€™s finally home for this one
a stomach bug brought home from school by evie takes out the whole house and the four of you are laid out, posted up in the den watching movies and puking up a storm
after three days, both girls and andrei are feeling better and not puking every ten minutes, but youā€™re still struggling
he raises an eyebrow at you and says carefully, ā€œyou donā€™t thinkā€¦ā€
ā€œyouā€™d better go to cvs,ā€ you murmur, after a minute of doing the math in your head
he brings back five different types of tests, explaining with a shrug, ā€œi didnā€™t know which to pick or what the difference is.ā€
after peeing, you sit on andreiā€™s lap on your bed to wait. the girls are napping and he plays with your hair idly. ā€œi kind of hope itā€™s a boy,ā€ you say, already accepting that youā€™re pregnant without having to look at the test
ā€œeh,ā€ andrei hums, ā€œi like being a girl dad.ā€
when the timer on your phone runs, andreiā€™s the one to pick up the test and flip it over. a slow smile spreads across his mouth, dimple popping and missing tooth showing. you giggle, totally shocked but not at all because your husband is the hottest man youā€™ve ever seen
dimitri andreievich svechnikov
six weeks to the day after andreiā€™s 1000th game ceremony, you throw up after breakfast
andrei hovers in the doorway of the bathroom, car keys already in hand
ā€œcelebration baby,ā€ you rasp, laughing
ā€œi told you that i put a baby in you that night,ā€ he grins smugly, ā€œbut you didnā€™t believe me.ā€
maskim igor svechnikov
an oops baby, but not really
once dimitri was born, youā€™d been thinking a lot about andrei and genoā€™s relationship and wanting dimitri to have a brother
when dimitri is a year old, you tell andrei that youā€™re open to having one more baby and thatā€™s it, thatā€™s final, do not even suggest a sixth
three months later, andrei takes one look at you and knows that your pregnant because ā€œyour boobs are huge, solnyshkaā€ and ā€œiā€™m feeling very possessive of youā€
sure enough, the three tests are positive and andreiā€™s bragging about his super dick that he got you pregnant in three months
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sleepyrainart Ā· 4 months
Little Bits of Valentine's.
A small series featuring little stories including either OP/JJk characters.
Summary: Trying on Shank's top and trying to sneak away from Benn Beckman.
Female reader.
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Stepping out of the misty bathroom and into your room. Hearing the vague sounds of the party still going strong. You knew it would continue until the crew passed out. But you didn't want to spend another night on the beach. Thinking about sand getting everywhere. No, thank you.
You grab one of your boyfriends shirts, big and comfy. Arms sliding through the long sleeves. Tugging it over yourself. You go to button it up. But your fingers only meet fabric. Moving them around, just in case you missed the little buttons. You look down. Pulling the shirt to your face. Is this sharpie? Are the buttons drawn on? No wonder his shirts are always open. The buttons are missing.
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Waking in an awkward position. Against the warm body of a man. His strong arm wrapped around you. Fingers stretched across your hip. His warmth almost pulling you back to sleep.
But reality hits you hard. You don't know this man. His name may have slipped your mind. What can you say, you're bad with names. Also, you were tipsy, so it wasn't your fault.
Just imagining the morning makes you wince. Oh god, no, you would not survive the embarrassment. Sneaking out was your only option. But that was made a lot harder by the fact you were touching. What are you going to do? Was he a light sleeper? You hope not.
Slowly grabbing his palm and waiting with bated breath. Nothing happens. Gently prying his fingers from you before placing his hand on the bed. Waiting a few seconds before detaching yourself from him. The cold air ambushing you.
Disgruntled, you move over his arm, climbing off the bed. Legs weak under you, nearly giving out. But thinking about how bad it would be to fall right now. You manage to hold yourself up. Thanking whoever was watching over you.
Grabbing whatever you could to cover yourself. The silky material of his cape drapes over you like a blanket. Helping a little with the cold. Searching as quietly as you could for your clothes. You find a pile of his. Where were yours?
ā€œWhat are you doing?ā€ His gruff voice asks, and you inwardly curse. What have you done to deserve this? Why were you so unlucky? Does the universe hate you? Why? Why? Why?
ā€œNothing much, you?ā€ Replying when the silence stretches for a bit too long. Once again, mentally cursing yourself. Why did he wake up? You were so quiet. You didn't even fall. Eyes locking onto the door. Your escape from this situation. Your salvation was only a few steps away.
ā€œWell,ā€ he starts before you hear the flick of a lighter. The smell of nicotine drifting over. ā€œI was trying to sleep. But then I felt the pretty girl leaving.ā€ His gruff voice doing unspeakable things to your insides.
ā€œOh.ā€ You can't stop the nervous laugh. Not really knowing how to respond. Subtly edging closer to the door. Your escape from this awkward situation. Hearing the covers rustle. The bed springs shift with his weight. Startling you before freezing up.
ā€œUsually the girls I take to bed can't even stand. Let alone walk straight.ā€ He says from right behind you.
ā€œCool story, bro.ā€ Slips from you before you can even think.
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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed.šŸ˜
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nicoline1998enilocin Ā· 9 months
I'm on my knees for your young and cute tony šŸ˜ I would like see kinda a part two of "the love of my life" (your college student!tony stark x college student!female!reader).
I thought about they sleeping at his parent's house that day and this would be the first time they slept together. At night, tony got snacks and chocolate for them to watch a movie cuddled up in bed, but they start to make out, leading to them having sex, tony is the most romantic, shy and cute guy, but he's also kinky and have a dirty mouth too (romantic, shy and cute tony with dirty mouth and kinky? yes, I need this), they are so lost in each other, that they don't care about the noises and the possibility of his parents hearing them šŸ˜‚ in the next day, they all have breakfast together and enjoy the summer day! Thanks in advance ā¤ļø
The love of my life | Part 2
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PAIRING | College student!Tony Stark x College student!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You and Tony are spending the night at his parents' house, but the evening takes a delightful turn when you offer to watch Fifty Shades of Grey together. What follows is the perfect first time for you and Tony, and the two of you are even more in love with each other than you already were.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Smut [ D/S dynamics (Soft!Dom Tony & Sub!Reader), grinding/dry-humping, sir-kink, breeding kink, oral (F receiving), protected sex, squirting, dirty/filthy talk, squirting, fingering, implied aftercare ], swearing.
A/N | Oh, sweet Nonnie, I can't believe you are all trying to bring out my inner hoe with young Tony, but I'm not at all mad about it! I can't wait to find out what you think of the route I took with this one šŸ–¤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated šŸ’š
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | 18+ only banner is made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | AU Masterlist
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You and Tony are in his bedroom at his parents' house since you'll be staying the night after the barbecue his parents hosted. Since it isn't safe to drive home for a long time, his parents prepared his bedroom, and now you two are getting ready to watch a movie together.
''Any preferences for the movie you'd like to watch?'' Tony asks, and the first movie that comes to mind immediately has you rubbing your thighs together for some relief.
He's standing in front of his closet to get you something comfortable to lounge and sleep in, so he grabs you one of his band shirts and a pair of pajama pants for himself.
''How about Fifty Shades Of Grey?'' you ask innocently as you can.
''What?!'' Tony says, and in his hurry, he hits his head against one of the shelves above his head with a loud thud.
''Oh my god, are you okay?!'' you ask, the movie completely forgotten about, instead making way for worry about your boyfriend.
''Y-yeah, I'm sorry. Did you suggest we watch Fifty Shades?'' he asks, still unsure if he's heard you correctly even though he is entirely correct. That is precisely what you said.
''Well, yeah? I've never seen it, and I thought it might be nice to watch together...'' you say as you shrug your shoulders, your cheeks red at the confession that you want to watch such a dirty movie with him.
''Let's change that then. I'm just going to grab some snacks; if you want, you can change into my shirt and get comfy in bed,'' Tony offers, and you nod.
He leans in for the softest kiss you've ever felt, and your heart might explode with all your love for him.
''Can't wait to have you back again,'' you say, and he gets the cutest shy smile on his face, and you love his shy side.
''Now get me some snacks, or I'll start without you!'' you joke, and he runs to get them.
You change out of your sundress and put Tony's shirt on, which is still long enough to act like a dress, making you giggle. You stand in front of the mirror that hangs on his closet door, and when Tony walks back into his room, he spots you looking at yourself.
''Do you like what you see, Sunshine?'' he asks, standing behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you close.
''I do. But I bet I would look even better when I'm cuddling with you in bed,'' you say as you turn around in his hold.
''Hm, I'm not sure about that, but there's only one way to find out!'' he jokes, grabbing the backs of your thighs, lifting you, and carrying you to the bed after you wrap your legs around him.
''Tony! Careful!'' You squeal as he throws you on the bed, and it's a good thing he has such a soft mattress; otherwise, it would have gone entirely different.
You get comfy under the covers while looking at the snacks he brought on a serving tray: popcorn (both caramel and salty), chocolate, M&M's, Reese's Pieces, and some drinks to wash it down.
''Hmm, you really know how to treat your girl,'' you say, and you can't help but sneak a peek or two when Tony's changing into his pajamas.
''How could I not treat you like this when you're nothing but perfect for me?'' he asks, and when he turns around, you can see the love sparkle in his eyes. God, you're so completely and utterly in love with this man.
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It didn't take long into the movie for you to end up on Tony's lap, grinding onto his hardening length while your tongues fight for dominance and your hands explore each other's bodies.
His hands have found their way under your shirt and home on your ass, where he kneads softly to encourage your grinding even more, making him groan softly at the feeling.
''Fuck, Sunshine, you're gonna be the death of me if you keep this up,'' he says as you pull his shirt over his head and throw it onto the floor, but before you can go any further, he stops you.
''Are you sure about this? I mean, I want you to be comfortable and not do anything you're not ready for,'' he says as he rubs your arms slowly and lovingly.
''I'm sure, Tony. I want you,Ā all of you,'' you tell him, and your heart skips a beat at how he looks at you. Adoration, love, it's all visible in the soft features of his face. You cup his cheek with your hand and let your thumb rub gentle circles while you get lost in his eyes.
''I love you, Sunshine,'' he says, and nothing else needs to be said; the moment was perfect. His hands slide under your t-shirt, and he moves it up and over your head, uncovering theĀ dark green lingerieĀ you're wearing underneath.
You can hear Tony's breath hitch in his throat as he first lays eyes on the lacey fabric that's lying perfectly on your skin, all your curves accentuated to make you look angelic. And Tony? His jaw is practically on the floor right now.
Your hands slide over his abdomen and chest until they're wrapping around his neck, and you pull him in for a deep kiss, using the moment to your advantage by sliding your tongue into his mouth right away.
You moan into his mouth as he takes control almost immediately, and he pulls you flush against his chest, needing as much skin-to-skin contact as possible.
Your mind slowly gets a little fuzzy, your inner Sub taking over with the amount of dominance Tony shows, but it only makes you wetter by the minute.
''S-Sir...'' you moan softly when he starts kissing your jaw and hearing you say that makes his cock twitch in his underwear.
''Yeah,Ā fuck, keep calling me that like the fucking slut you are,'' he says, and you moan loud at the words, combined with his kisses along your neck and over the tops of your breasts.
His hands slide over your back and find the clasp of your bra, which he unhooks in a smooth motion while you keep grinding onto him, his rock-hard cock sliding deliciously over your clit to give you the friction you're longing for.
When your bra falls, he throws it on the floor, eager to attach his mouth to your nipples and hear your delicious whines and moans.
''Hmm, sounds like an absolute angel for me,'' he says, and you're getting closer to reaching your orgasm from grinding on him, but you can't get there yet.
''Please, sir, need to cum!'' you moan, and Tony's hand slides between your bodies, his long fingers finding your clit and applying just enough pressure to get you to fall over the edge with a loud moan of his name.
''Hmm, those panties are soaked for me. I'm going to have an amazing feast with that,'' he tells you, and his eyes darken; your own are half-lidded as you look through your lashes at him. Your brain has turned to complete mush with that first orgasm, and all you can think about is him and how good he makes you feel.
''C'mon Sunshine, sit on your hands and knees for Sir,'' he says, pulling you off his lap, manhandling you onto your knees, and yanking your panties down and off your legs.
''Holy fuck,'' he whispers to himself as he sees how the slick drips out of your soaked cunt and onto your thighs, and he can't help but slap on each of your ass cheeks simultaneously.
You let out a high shriek, which only aroused you more, precisely what Tony had hoped for.
''Such a beautiful cunt for me to wreck, Sunshine. Can't believe you've been hiding this beauty from me this entire time,'' Tony says, and without warning, he attaches his mouth to your pussy, licking a stripe from your clit to your entrance.
Your arms give out, you fall forward and present yourself even more for Tony, and he lets out a deep groan that crawls up your spine and goes straight into the fuzziness in your head.
''S-sir!Ā Fuck-Ā feels good!'' you moan as you try and push back against his face. His fingers find your clit once more, and he pinches and rolls it between his fingers, which makes your whine loudly, but neither of you cares about how loud you are being.
Tony keeps lapping at your cunt, his cock straining against his boxer briefs so he frees it, giving himself a little release by wrapping his free hand around the base and squeezing softly, pre-cum leaking from his reddened tip.
His tongue keeps working its way inside you, and you're already nearing your orgasm again.
''Need to cum, Sir! Please,'' you beg, and Tony isn't made of stone, so he permits you to do so.
''Cum for me, Sunshine, cum all over my fucking tongue and fingers. Need Sir's permission to cum, huh? Yeah, you do, you little slut,'' he says, and within no time, your legs start shaking as he picks up the pace, making you squirt all over his face and the bed with a loud moan.
''Sir, please-'' you say as he keeps going, drinking every last drop of your cum that he can, already addicted to your taste. When it's becoming too much, you push him away with the bit of power you have left since your limbs have turned to jelly.
You need a few minutes to regroup, and Tony happily gives you the time; the two of you have all evening.
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He gently guides you on your back and lays down beside you, your heart fluttering as he pulls you into his arms and cuddles with you while whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
After some cuddles, kisses, and sweet words, Tony's hand glides down your stomach and finds your cunt, still soaking from your orgasm. His fingers slide through your folds at a lazy pace, and you gasp from the feeling when he sees your clit again.
''Hmm, still so wet. And is that all for me? Is my needy slut still wet for Sir?'' he asks, and you can't answer because words are getting stuck in your throat because of how good you feel. Instead, you let out something between a moan and a whine.
''Gonna make you feel so good you can't think straight for a long time, Sunshine. Going to fucking ruin you for anyone, and you'll be mine forever. Yeah, you want that, huh? Wanna be Sir's little cumslut?'' he asks, and even though you probably shouldn't enjoy this as much as you are, you can't help but get even more aroused because of it.
''S-sir!'' you gasp as two of his fingers enter your entrance, curling immediately and hitting your perfect spot directly.
''Can't wait to pump you full of my cum, plug you up and let that cum stay inside until you're pregnant with my babies. Yeah, I'm going to keep you stuffed full, so you're always going to carry my babies,'' he says as he picks up the pace; you can almost taste the orgasm with how close it is, and your moans are getting desperate.
''Yeah, does my cumslut need my cum pumped inside her? And when it leaks out, she wants it stuffed back in? Fuck, CUM!'' he demands, and without a second thought, you do, again squirting but this time all over his hand and the bed.
''Jesus, such a good girl for me. Doing so perfect when you squirt for me, it's the hottest fucking thing I've ever seen,'' he says, and his cock throbs with anticipation, but he's going to wait just a little longer to touch himself, wanting to feel every single pull and squeeze of your tight cunt.
''Want Sir to stuff you with his cock, huh? Is that what my needy fucking slut needs?'' he asks, and you can't help but whine, tears forming in your eyes from all the pleasure of how good Tony makes you feel.
''Y-yes, please,'' you whisper, and within no time, Tony has grabbed a condom, opened the package, and rolled it on so he could fuck you senseless in his own words.
''I'm gonna go slow for you, Sunshine,'' he says, slowly pushing in, folding your legs and letting them wrap around his back so he has the perfect angle to slide in.
''Fuck, such a tight fucking cunt for me to use, gonna fucking wreck you, Sunshine,'' he says, and you moan softly while he stretches you out, making you feel somewhere north of heaven.
Once he's entirely in, he lets you adjust before setting an agonizingly slow pace to make sure he doesn't cum right away, but he also needs to tease you just enough to give you the most mindblowing orgasm, though that isn't too hard judging by how he fucked you dumb already.
''Gonna move now, Sunshine. God, I already fucked you completely dumb, and I hadn't even put this cock inside you yet. Can't wait to see what a dumb cumslut you're going to be on this fucking thick dick,'' he says, picking up the pace without warning.
''F-f-fuuuuuuck, Sir, yes!'' you scream out as he's pounding into you with a brutal pace, hitting your sweet spot repeatedly until you cum again, but it's not enough for Tony.
''Need one more, Sunshine,'' he says through gritted teeth, groans coming from deep within his chest, and with a few more strokes, he has you right where he wants you to be, right on the edge along with him.
He bends over and never falters his pace, capturing your lips in a soft and sweet kiss, opposite from the way he pounds you into oblivion, and it makes your head reel, but you're enjoying this so much.
''G-gonna cum!'' he almost roars, and with that, he cums inside you, and you're falling over the edge with him, again squirting from the force of your orgasm, and you're entirely spent while you're on cloud nine.
The two of you cuddle for a while until you're back on earth with him, and after, the two of you shower together to clean yourselves off, making sure the sheets are clean, too.
He plucks his shirt off the floor and pulls it over your head before capturing your lips in a sensual, loving kiss, and you've never felt better after having sex with someone.
''God should've done this way sooner,'' you whisper against him as he carries you to bed, having just pulled one of his boxer briefs onto your butt.
''I know, Sunshine. But I'm glad we finally did it. Right now felt like the perfect moment, and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way,'' he says, putting you down so you can crawl under the covers, followed by Tony.
The two of you fall into a deep sleep and only wake up once the sun shines on your faces, telling you a new day has arrived.
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''G'morning Sunshine,'' Tony says, and he places soft kisses on your face so he can gently wake you up.
''Morning Love,'' you tell him, and he gets a huge smile, making him look incredibly handsome with the sun shining down on him.
''How did you sleep? And how are you feeling?'' he asks, his hands ghosting a small trail over your thigh, leaving a path of goosebumps behind.
''Slept like a log; you wore me out last night. And other than feeling sore, I'm good. Never been better, actually,'' you tell him, and he's happy to hear it. He gives a few soft pecks on your lips before the two of you cuddle some more, and it's officially time to get up.
You get up and put on your underwear this time, followed by theĀ striped sundressĀ that Tony goes wild for.
Tony wears aĀ casual summer outfit, and once you have finished your hair and decided against wearing makeup today, the two of you go down to the kitchen, where Tony's parents are already preparing breakfast.
''Mornin' lovebirds!'' Maria says your cheeks turn red, realizing they must have heard everything you did.
''Don't worry darling, it's normal,'' Howard assures you, but it doesn't make it any better, so they decide to leave it at that and not embarrass you any further.
''Tony, will you set up the outside eating area? I thought we could all enjoy a nice breakfast outside before enjoying the rest of our day,'' Maria asks, and he nods. You walk outside with him while bringing some plates and cutlery, and he tells you to sit down.
''Don't worry, Sunshine. You can sit that gorgeous butt of yours down and relax. You're a guest in our house, and I refuse to let you lift a single finger if you don't have to,'' he says, giving a small kiss before walking inside and leaving you behind with a huge grin.
''So, what do you guys think of Y/N?'' Tony asks when he walks back into the kitchen, and Maria immediately pulls him in for a hug.
''Don't you dare to let that girl go, Tony. She's the best thing that ever happened to you, and the two of you are made for each other,'' she tells him, and he nods when they pull apart.
''Don't worry, I won't. I plan on marrying her one day,'' he tells his parents, and they have the biggest smiles.
''And when that day comes, we will be right there by your sides, just like we were from the beginning,'' Howard says, and that's the last thing they say before having breakfast outside.
Howard and Maria see how much you love each other; it drips off you. They give each other a knowing look and then continue the conversation like nothing happened, and you immediately feel at ease again.
After breakfast, Howard and Maria went to do some groceries, and you and Tony decided to swim in his pool and take advantage of the beautiful day.
''I love you, Sunshine. I still feel like an idiot when I think about how many times I tried to ask you to dance, but I'm so happy I did it. You're the piece I was missing, and now that I found you, my life is complete,'' he says, and you're getting tears in your eyes.
''I love you too, My Love. I feel like the luckiest woman on this earth to call you my boyfriend, to have you by my side through everything. And I can't wait to grow old with you and start a big family together,'' you say.
The two of you are in a tight embrace for a while, not ready to let each other go yet, but when Howard and Maria are back from the shops, you both get out and help them put everything away.
You still can't believe how fortunate you are, and you feel the most happy and loved when you're with these three people. They all make life worth living, and you thank your lucky stars daily.
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embyrinitalics Ā· 5 months
Hi šŸ˜
Hap hap new year!
How is the novel going? Are you enjoying the process?
This is so sweet! Thank you for asking!
Since this is the first original novel I'm actually approaching seriously and my process is totally different from normal, I'm going to use this ask as an excuse to journal about it. So, fair warning, you're probably about to get way more info than you bargained for. šŸ˜ ONWARD!
I think first and foremost the process has been weird because I don't KNOW these characters. I've been writing Link and Zelda for 20+ years and even when I throw them into alternate universes or give them personality transplants I still can just dive right in. Starting this from scratch has been a lot of world building and a lot of taking my characters out on "dates" which aren't so much dates as they are writing excursions into the emotionally tormented unknown to see how they react. šŸ˜‚
I jot down all the ideas that randomly strike me in this handy dandy notebook that I carry around everywhere just in case:
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And that's a bit of a funny story. I love having notebooks to write stuff down in, but I recently discovered thanks to the course I took that I place very low value on my writing (and by extension myself in general I guess oops) so I never bought myself a nice notebook just for story notes because that would've been a waste of 5 dollars.
But between Emma Dhesi's course pushing me to assign appropriate value to myself and Ellen Brock's Intuitive Pantser video assuring me that my urges to compile all my notes into a notebook was good for my brain and not just a waste of time and paper, I eventually went out and spent that 5 bucks (actually $20ā€”three notebooks for future endeavors!). And I LOVE MY NOTEBOOK! šŸ„°
Another thing I wouldn't have spent the money on in the past but took the plunge on is the Atticus program.
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It's a project organizer, word processor, and book formatting software. I'm really enjoying it! It has a toggle window on the side where you can see how your book will look on various devices or in print, and easy buttons for things like writing sprints, word count goals, deadlines, and the like. It also makes me feel fancier than google docs ever did, so there's that. šŸ˜Ž
Emma Dhesi is also a big proponent of Goal Anchorsā€”small things you accomplish and surround yourself with that cyclically trains your brain to believe that your dream is possible, and you are in the process of achieving it. (It also gives you goals you can do that move you closer to finishing your book that isn't actual writing, in case that feels intimidating.)
So I made an image of the title page the background on my phone, to remind myself that it's real and it's happening. I decluttered my writing room and started finding items to make it a comfortable creative space for myself. I went to the store for the express purpose of purchasing a special tea to drink while I write. I spent time making a playlist of songs with just the right vibes.
I also found the best candle scent ever, only wear these super comfy slippers in there, and just got myself this slammin t-shirt from Gideon's Bakehouse to wear. (Her name is Poppy. She's on a new path of self-discovery and adventure, just like me.)
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But most of all, Emma insists that confidence comes from doing, and that the best way to write a book is to make a routine of it. She suggested starting with 20 minutes three times a week. I was up to between 1-2 hours a day starting at 7am, 5-6 days a week before I went on vacation and upended everything. šŸ˜‚
So I guess that means I'm enjoying it! It's still scary and frustrating and directionless sometimes but more than anything it's just happening, which is the coolest thing ever.
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squippy360 Ā· 2 years
Sam Wilson x Tiny!Male Reader x Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
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Cw:(fluff, no smut, kinda sucks, comfort, kinda quirked up,)
I had just come back from a long day of kicking the ass of people who had gotten in my way on a mission. They had sprayed a weird smelling liquid on me before I had promptly knocked them out. Now I was in the shower washing the liquid off and relaxing.Ā 
I let out a sigh as the warm water soaking into my skin and I finally turned off the water. I reluctantly got out and quickly dried off, wanting to hop into bed. I let out a yawn and threw myself onto the mattress with a long groan. I texted my dorky boyfriends good night.Ā 
Good night BuckyšŸ–•šŸ’•
Good night SteviešŸ’žšŸ’–
Good night Sammy love šŸ˜šŸ’“
They sent back a text.Ā 
Good night, dumbassšŸ’¤
Good night, DarlingšŸ’–
Nighty night, boo bear šŸ˜
I plugged my phone in after I was done goofing off. I curled into the blankets and fell into a deep sleep.Ā 
Steve's p.o.v
Me, Sam, and Bucky had finished our shift a couple of minutes ago and were now dragging ourselves back to our room. We stumbled through the door and quickly changed into our sleep clothes.Ā 
"Look~" Sam cooed and pointed to M/n. My heart melted at the sight of his face squished into the sheets. Sam wiggled into bed behind M/n. Bucky wiggled into bed in front of M/n.Ā 
I scolded Bucky quietly as he started smirking when M/n groaned and buried his head into Bucky's hair because Bucky wouldn't stop squishing his cheeks. I cuddled against Bucky's back and wrapped my arms around his waist. Sam made sure everyone was comfy and we all fell asleep soon after.Ā 
(Morning M/n p.o.v)
I let out a whine at the loud snores coming from these dumbasses. I groaned and woke up. I looked around and started panicking when I saw Bucky's face staring at me. 'Why is his head so big?!?!" I thought and looked around. Everything was so big. I looked down at my body and saw I still had my pajamas on. 'What the hell is going on?!' I thought. I wobbled and tried to stand up on the oversized fabric. I made my way over to Bucky and started trying to wake him up.Ā 
"Bucky?? Buck!!" I yelled and hit his face, trying to wake him up. He groaned and squinted awake. "W-Whaā€¦" He rumbled. "What's happening?? Wake up !!" I yelled. The others started stirring awake too. Bucky sat up and stared down at me with a confused and tired look. His normal hand gently picked me up and held me in his hand. "M/n? Am I dreaming? Why are you so small?" He mumbled with a yawn. I felt a little guilty for Wallington up on our rest day but it's an emergency. "No. This is real. I don't know why I'm small!" I said, my hands gripping my arms and curling into myself.Ā 
"Hey. Hey. It's ok. Don't cry~" He cooed and gently pet my head with his index finger. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. "What's going to happen?" I breathed out and clung onto his thumb. "What's going on?" Sam mumbled before groggily sitting up, rubbing his eyes. "What's happening?" Steve groaned on the other side of Bucky.Ā 
"We have a tiny boyfriend." Bucky said and showed me to them. They stared at me with confusion. "What the hellā€¦" Sam mumbped and poked me. I smacked his finger and curled into Bucky's hand. Steve gently put me in his hand. "Are you ok? Are you injured anywhere?" Steve's 'motherly instinct' kicked in and he gently checked out my body. "I'm fine, still tired but I'm ok." I said and giggled when his finger ran over my tummy. He let out a sigh. We all stayed silent for a bit, thinking about what to do.Ā 
"I'll carry him." Bucky said. "What? No! I will!" Sam argued back. They started bickering at each other. Steve sighed and got out of bed with me. "Come on guys. Let's get ready." Steve yelled at them and we all got ready for the day. Sam secretly wore a long sleeve shirt with a pocket on the left side of his chest. All of us went for a jog around the local park. Sam put me in his pocket as he tried to keep up with Steve and Bucky's speed.Ā 
"C'mon Sammy! You've got this!" You cheered and curled into his pocket. "You can be quiet now." Sam grumbled as Bucky and Steve caught up with Sam again. "On your left!" Steve yelled to Sam. "On your right!" Bucky laughed and ran around the trail again. Sam growled in frustration and took a break on the bench. "How do you freaks have this much energy!" Sam groaned. I patted his chest. "It's ok, you'll get there eventually." I encouraged him.Ā Ā 
"Maybe I should leave these jackasses here and have them figure out how to get back to our room." Sam mumbled. I rolled my eyes. "Oh come on, it's not your fault you're getting old~" I teased. "I should leave you here too." He glared at me.Ā 
He soon got back up and started running again. After a while, we made our way to a local shop and ordered some cupcakes and muffins. I took a nap in Sam's chest pocket for a bit.Ā 
(Bucky's pov)
Sam and Steve were staring at M/n who was silently napping in his chest pocket. "So adorable~" I purred as we got into the elevator. "I wanna hold him now, you had him all day." I said as we got off. He rolled his eyes. "Jealous~" Sam smirked. I huffed and went to our room. We left some stuff on the counter for the others and sneaked to our room.Ā 
Bucky all turned the TV on and put on a show. "Is It Cake? Really?" Sam mumbled.Ā 
(Timeskip to later)
"It has to be cakeā€¦!" Bucky exclaimed. Bucky and Sam watched with wide eyes as the knife cut through the cake. "What?!?!?!" Bucky yelled as Sam cheered. Steve giggled at their antics. You had woken up from your little nap and were silently watching Bucky lose his sanity over some cake. "Suck it, Loser!" Sam said and booped Bucky's nose. Bucky swatted his hand away and stormed back over to the bed, jumping in next to Steve and cuddling into his side. "I can't take it anymore! What is and isn't real!!" He yelled. Steve giggled. "That tickles." He hummed.Ā 
I flopped over into Bucky's head and played with his hair. "Softie~" I purred and laid face down on his hair, inhaling the scent of his conditioner. Sam soon joined us and sat on the other side of Bucky. He wrapped his arms around his waist. Sam moved his hair away from Bucky's neck and kissed his neck lightly. Steve gasped and cooed when Bucky tried to hide his obvious blush. "Aww~ Lemme see, Bucky~" I cooed as he shook his head. Steve moved his messy hair out the way. "C'mon Buck, Let us see that pretty face~" Steve cooed. Bucky looked up, his face an obvious shade of red from embarrassment. I peppered his face with tiny kisses. He whined and tried to shake me off. I yelped and landed next to Steve's legs.Ā 
I yelled out when a sudden pain took over me. I was growing back to my normal size but it hurt. Steve sat me in his lap. "It's going to pass over soon, just wait a minute. You're almost there, Baby~ " Steve whispered. Sam held my hand and Bucky lightly kissed my skin. After a couple of agonizing seconds, I returned to my regular height. I let out a sigh and relaxed into them. I smirked at Bucky and pinned him to the bed. I peppered his face with normal kisses and giggled at how his face turned red again. We all cuddled together and continued arguing about 'Is It Cake?'
Next up: Jensen ackles x Male Reader smut
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mando-forgive-me Ā· 4 months
Out of curiosity how much did your newest piercings hurt? Was it awkward? How is sleeping with them? Sorry for all the questions I've been thinking about getting mine done but still on the fence
Hi bby! šŸ˜Œ No need to apologize at all, I love talking about my piercings!
For anyone who doesnā€™t know, I got my nips pierced a couple days ago. I went to a shop that I absolutely love and feel very comfortable at, which helped a lot with the pre-piercing jitters. For whatever reason, I was pretty nervous about this one, maybe even more so than my VCH. I talked to the lovely people at the shop about this and they recommended having both nips pierced at once, which was a HUGE help! It was much easier to get both done at once.
I showed up for my appointment, confirmed they had the jewelry Iā€™d picked out (round iridescent beads šŸ˜), and they got me settled into a private room. When I was ready, they had me take my shirt and bra off, and then they cleaned the area with iodine and marked where they were going to pierce with marker. I laid down, they used some kind of tool to hold my nips where they wanted them (which didnā€™t hurt at all), then told me to take a deep breath in, then they did the piercing. It was more hot than painful, quicker than a cartilage piercing, and not as ā€œshockingā€ as the vch (that one made me jump lol). The pain was really brief, just a bit intense, but it went away almost immediately. Even having the jewelry put in didnā€™t hurt, which it sometimes does with a new piercing. And once it was as all done I felt like such a badass AND had some gorgeous new sparklies to show off. I was a very happy corvid lol.
It wasnā€™t awkward at all, and I say that as someone who does usually feel awkward af lol. But my piercers are pros and we all had a common goal, plus it was nothing they hadnā€™t seen a thousand times. I will say that finding a shop/piercer youā€™re comfy with is key, so you might want to shop around a bit, maybe try getting an ear or other piercing before this if youā€™re still on the fence.
Sleeping has actually been a lot easier than expected! I hate wearing a bra to bed, but it helps them not catch on anything which is ESSENTIAL. Theyā€™ve been incredibly well-behaved - only a tiny bit of aching, and no blood after that first day. So far at least, healing has been a breeze and Iā€™m so, so happy I went through with it!
I hope that helps you make a decision, but feel free to ask if thereā€™s anything else you want to know šŸ’•
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septemberrie Ā· 11 months
About It was just red and Battle lines: would you tell us a little bit about each characters' (fashion) styles? I usually don't care much about these things but your stories, especially the characters, are so real and dear to me that i feel like there's still more things i want to know about them šŸ˜Š. If you could tell us or use pictures to show how the golden trio & co used to dress as teens or in later years (when they weren't in their uniforms lol), or Farah and Bloom in Battle lines (i don't think saul ever wore anything but his uniform šŸ˜). Or if you'd like to talk about other stuff, little bits of trivia like what kind of music saul likes or what class farah or ben failed at when they were at alfea or Andreas' guilty pleasure... i'm all ears šŸ˜‰
omg šŸ˜ what a fun question, anon!! I love thinking about this and I'm so flattered you're also not ready to let go of either of these fics bc that's the bestest compliment from a reader, and also same here lol you can pry my beloved characters from my cold dead hands!!
I would also love to hear your opinions on all these things!! What am I missing? what am i not thinking of, besides that Andreas absolutely had ...Baby One More Time on repeat?
Anyway, lots of clothes and excellent fashion beneath the cut. Also apologies these are shitty screenshots from Pinterest lol.
Battle Lines
I was about to post and reread your message and realized you asked about Farah and Bloom, not Farah and Saul, but I already wrote about Saul so I'm keeping it in šŸ˜…
Alright so as you already mentioned, Saul pretty much only ever wears his uniform. I'm also an evil capitalist and never gave him a day off the entire time he worked for Domino lmao. But when he does get days off, he rocks Roy Kent, black slim-fit t-shirt look, maybe throws a black leather jacket if it's cool (I'm really threading the "vow of poverty" needle here lmao).
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The two times I call out his outfits as something besides his Alfea uniform (which I visualize as very similar to the show, black long-sleeve shirt and black pants) were after he gets shot and he gets to slouch around in a comfy hoodie for a change.
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And of course... the masquerade tailcoat. Seen here before it gets covered in blood šŸ˜Œ
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Farah I visualized as, basically, "classy girlboss (affectionate)." Lots of form-fitting but otherwise unrevealing cuts; bold colors but very few patterns; quite similar to her S1 look but a little more dressed up. I don't see her as eschewing function for form--both dresses and dressy trousers are fair game.
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Bloom is much more of a free spirit than Farah. I see her in also-form-fitting but unstructured cuts, and much more casual than Farah. Jeans, but otherwise neutral colors to counter her hair and personality.
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It was just red.
In the depths of my blog I actually talked about the fashion of the adults when they were in Alfea, which falls squarely in the mid-to-late 90s if you ascribe to the tenuous timeline we're told. But to recap/keep going:
I actually have a really hard time pinning Farah down fashion-wise in this. I love her in casual stuff that's practical for living under Rosalind's first regime. But I also see her having hand-me-downs that are actually quite fashionable although she doesn't really realize it.
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Saul has the Joey Tribbiani "comfort + practicality" going for him, lots of plaids/sweaters/jumpers and always with an undershirt; based on some hairy men in my life who are insecure of their chest hair (even though I think they should slut it up, please) I hc Saul as self-conscious that he's not a hairless mole rat. Hey you asked for trivia anon, you're getting it šŸ˜…
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I love Andreas being extremely tryhard although he tries to play it off like he isn't. He actually has done this exact pose in front of Ella in hopes she'd take his picture so it could make it into the Alfea yearbook under "We'll Remember These Days" or "Our Seniors Take Wing."
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honajoong Ā· 10 months
Beep! Beep!
Iā€™m glad you had an awesome shift I hope you have one today as well!
I am excited too! He will be in all our thoughts. Iā€™m excited to see what the concert has planned for him!
Aye! Iā€™m glad youā€™re getting a rest day! You deserve it!
The answer is a fence!
I love you question! Letā€™s see
I have a few for all of them!
ā€¢you know the big hit photo shoot they had. Everything about him during that shoot was beautiful.
ā€¢his pink iconic hair!
ā€¢His lolla look from last year
ā€¢Lo$er=LošŸ«¶šŸ¼ver lookS
ā€¢his blonde hair
ā€¢his amas the all black was everything!
ā€¢Dior last year where it was him and Yeonjun
ā€¢Soobins hi guys bye ladies live I love me a man in simple clothes!
ā€¢idk if itā€™s even necessary to say this but Beomgyu skunk hair???EVERYTHING!!!! (The headbands for his long hair were so iconic)
ā€¢Red hair while wearing all blackšŸ˜šŸ˜ there is this one stage where heā€™s wearing all black his shirt is silk and he has red hair when I tell you I am obsessed I am obsessed!
ā€¢there is this one live beomgyu did where he was wearing all black and a white fitted cap that look does things to me
ā€¢beomgyu in Temptation SERVED
ā€¢Beomgyu in GBGB where heā€™s wearing that green looking top and his black choker???
ā€¢There is this clip of Taehyun that is always resurfacing. Itā€™s the one where heā€™s wearing a tight turtle neck and his black hair looking like a whole meal ready to be devoured.
ā€¢Taehyun Temptation the beach one where heā€™s wearing white LOVEEEEEEE
ā€¢Taehyun in Lo$er = LošŸ«¶šŸ¼er was to dieeeee for he looks sooo good onggggg
Huening Kai-
ā€¢Blue hour shoot where heā€™s wearing the white smiley face shirt!
ā€¢his blonde hair is another one of my favoritesss
ā€¢I really really really love when heā€™s in his sweaters he looks so comfy and cuteee! He is a homebody so I get heā€™d want to be comfortable and I am all for the comfy looking look so anytime I see him in normal clothing or what he wears in lives I LOVEEE!!
I know this is a lotttttty but I I have wayyyyyyyyy more so this isnt that bad lol
Share this with everyone else there might be a hint on who my bias is!
Next riddle!
I can be cracked. I can be made. I can be told. I can be played. What am I?
Hint: Laugh
Vroom! Vroom!
I had so much fun with this, I honestly want to know everyoneā€™s ideas on this as well šŸ˜‹
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emjiroki Ā· 1 year
Hey, anon that asked about enji and his hero name, Iā€™m back again with more thoughts bc I totally agree with everything you said and it made me wanna talk about it more haha! But that also got me thinking of his partner being bratty with him a little, teasingly calling him ā€˜endeavorrrrrā€™ or even how heā€™d feel if his partner wore his merch like an oversized flame sweatshirt or a pair of blue and Orange booty shorts (or even a skin tight cosplay bodysuit šŸ«£)! Iā€™d love to hear your thoughts sorry for the long message I hope youā€™re having a lovely day šŸ’•
Hi Anon! Glad to have you back and hope you're having a lovely day as well šŸ„° I had to put this under a cut cause it got long ā¤ļø
Okay so I know for sure that he (and probably every other top ranking pro hero) gets free merch as the PR teams produce them; so there is never a lacking of clothing merch clogging up a spare closet!
I just have this thought in my head of him coming home with a big box filled with new shirt and hoodie designs. He would absolutely hate it lol loves watching his partner get excited and dig through the box and loves it even more when you wear the too big shirts around the house, lounging the hoodies and sweat pants.
I KNOW THEY MAKE PRO HERO DESIGN UNDERWEAR! I KNOW IT IN MY SOUL! So yeah if they made endeavor flame design comfy boxers and pretty panties, they are being special ordered and used to tease him in one of his too big shirts!
He would absolutely go crazy if his partner did any sort of cosplay but good luck keeping it on šŸ„“ it makes him flustered and he doesn't know exactly how to feel except that he is turned on and throbbing in his pants. We're gonna give him a heart attack šŸ˜
and please BRAT TAMER ENJI?! My life blood. I need him to spank me. Don't even get me started šŸ„“
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demon----dean Ā· 1 year
Tag Game to Better Know You
Send this to people youā€™d like to know better!
I was tagged by @tennessoui which is surreal beacuse I admire her so much and she is a fandom superstar to me. (In case you are reading this Mrs.Kit: Hi! Thank you for the tag! šŸ˜)
What book are you currently reading?
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Does this count as reading?
Whatā€™s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year? I didn't really make it to the cinema but out of the movies released I would say The Northman
What do you usually wear? Something comfy like joggers and a T-shirt, layering it up according to the season. I would describe my style as echoes of goth and urban utility.
How tall are you? It should be 5ā€™6 in 'Murica measurments.
Whatā€™s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? Cancer. I share my birthday with USA's Independence Day. One year I had such a crazy birthday I ended up drinking my way to the local US ambassador's fancy reception party.
Do you go by your name or a nickname? My family shortens my passport name and friends call me a short or long version of my chosen name.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child? In a way. I always wanted to be able to fix stuff and now I work in construction.
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one? Not in any official relationship, but I have someone in the winds, maybe one day there will arrive a chanche to make it work. Meanwhile I am looking disrespectfully at Ewan and Hayden.
Whatā€™s something youā€™re good at vs. something youā€™re bad at? I think I am pretty good at staying calm (at least on the outside) thanks to having been forced to work in customer service. I am bad at making connections and opening up to people.
Dogs or cats? Both! But really -- raccoons. The best of both worlds.
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If you draw/write or create in any way, whatā€™s your favorite picture/line/etc from something you created this year?
Ugh, I am my own worst crictic but I guess if I had to choose I would say this bit from the Impossible crossroads:
Now you find yourself standing at the impossible crossroads. Do you choose duty and honour over love? Abandon the person who cares about you the most for the greater good?
Force had fallen quiet. The moment was drifting away, their paths solidifying. Anakinā€™s to remain on Coruscant and Obi-Wanā€™s heading for Utapau.
Obi-Wan had always chosen the Jedi. Over and over again. No matter what they asked. Anakin had always chosen him.
Whatā€™s something you would like to create content for? I love writing for small niche pairings so I am chewing away on Roman Sionis/A.J. (Hayden's character from the Takers). Like the dissapointment of seeing a great pairing and finding they have 0-3 fics on AO3 is crushing so I am trying to do my civil duty.
Whatā€™s something youā€™re currently obsessed with? Obikin (gasp! surprise, I know). Also some work stuff I have to learn that I haven't had the chance to do before so I am watching a crazy amount of tutorials trying to teach myself.
Whatā€™s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year? Summer. It was a bummer.
Whatā€™s a hidden talent of yours? Not sure if it counts as talent but I grew up on a farm so I know how to milk a cow and cut sheep's wool with oldschool shears.
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Are you religious? "Responsibility is the dark side of freedom. When you realize that you are completely responsible for your decisions, actions, and beliefs, how can you not be overcome by anxiety? To try and escape anxiety by ignoring, denying your freedom, your responsibility? But doing that only means youā€™re ignoring or denying your actual situation. You succeed only in deceiving yourself."
I am forever in love with this quote by nyxocity.
Whatā€™s something you wish to have at this moment? Stability.
I don't know if you've already done this but if not then I tag @that-gay-jedi @wibzen87 @fishnamedsushi @tunglo
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