#his hair post-timeskip is amazing
iturbide · 1 month
31 and 32 for the 3H ask game!
What is your favorite pre-timeskip character design or outfit?
I honestly really love Mercedes' pre-timeskip design, between her long hair with the striped bow and the shawl that captures the softness of her character, she just has such a charming design that really stands out among the cast of students.
What is your favorite post-timeskip character design or outfit?
Dorothea. In spite of the metal on skin and the essentially open back, I absolutely love the red, black, and silver color palette and just her outfit overall. I also really like how dark the color scheme is, overall, which I think provides a nice hint at her post-timeskip mental state.
(also honorable mention to the fact that all the Golden Deer together basically make a rainbow, I love seeing them on the screen together)
50 Questions for FE3H
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maxwell-grant · 6 months
So is Worm good from what you have read
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"Yes" doesn't begin to cover it but yes. Worm is a brain-rewiring mobius strip disguised as a bible disguised as a superhero web serial that either cured your cancer or shot your dog or both depending on who you ask, and it has many extremely dedicated, brilliant scholar priest surgeons publicly dissecting it on this platform on the regular to the point I don't think I have much to add to the conversations surrounding it, even if I do have some The Thoughts about it. I had never even really seriously thought about superhero prose before and Worm isn't a thing I go back and reread frequently but it did a complete and total 180 on the way I think about superheroes and even fiction, and I've never stopped thinking about it since I've read it.
It is a monumentally impressive story with completely absolutely incredible characters that I cannot stop thinking about. No matter where it was going, even past stretches that were less interesting or more of a slog to read or worse, I could not put the story of Taylor Hebert down for one minute. Tattletale fascinated me every step of the way, I had to keep up with her. Rachel Lindt was a character I feel like I'd been waiting my whole life for. What was I gonna do, not see them through? I feel like Worm easily loses you if you don't particularly connect with the characters enough to justify to yourself the amount of time you'll spend with them, but man, I could not unglue my eyeballs from these people enough (I love all the core Undersiders, to be clear, I'd say it's Rachel > Taylor > Tattletale > Aisha and Alec and Brian, there are very small gaps between these, I just don't go berserk for the last three like I do for the first three, I'm taking Bitch and Skitter to the grave I'm dead serious)
Worm irreparably destroys your ability to engage with superhero fiction the same way ever again, as evidenced by the fact that it destroyed the author's own ability to engage with his own superhero fiction ever again. And everybody who read it has one or several gripes with it with some major dealbreakers in the mix. Tumblr's kinda the only place online where you can really talk about them at length without the spectre of John Wildbow hanging over the discussion, which enables discussion to the point where yes, maybe it does look like to outsiders that nobody can agree on whether Worm is good or what is it even about or whether it even has worms in it (it has at least one, although it's a very big one).
And it is good, it has the Undersiders in it and the Undersiders are one of the greatest groups of characters ever put together, but everyone has at least one major point of contention with Worm whether it's the timeskip or the length or the racism or the gross fatphobia or aspects surrounding the Dallon-Pelham Torment Nexus and etc. I'd say it has maybe the most racist vision of Latin America I've ever seen in a superhero text a hair short of pro-colonial tracts in Golden Age comics and that is a tall fucking order by any metric (part of why I started WEON4 as a project was motivated by spite, to try and make my own stories about non-American superheroes even if just as practice). It is Complicated, and that winds up making it so fascinating to talk about.
Worm has self-sustaining ecological systems of posts up here, far away from the Spacebattles and Reddit battlegrounds where it has different ones and that's not getting into Weaverdice or the sequel or Wildbow's larger body of work, which I haven't gotten to and probably will not any time soon because Worm was enough of a commitment as is. Do I recommend Worm to everyone? It is certainly not to everyone's tastes and I personally find it difficult to describe it simply enough to make it sound appealing or not like a pyramid scheme. But yes I do think it's good, in fact great, in fact, amazing, except when it isn't, and except it Plainly Sucks, but then something like Taylor vs Mannequin or Kevin Norton's interlude or "You needed worthy opponents" happens and it fucks harder than anything has ever fucked before and you don't walk away from it the same, so yes I guess "good" will have to do now.
It's certainly a lot but I definitely found it worth my time to read and then read the texts written about it here. You'll have to take my endorsement of Worm as proof of it's quality and proof of how deranged it makes it's readerbase, they're not mutually exclusive. If you can make it, Worm and the wormosphere has layers and layers to wade through and talk about and enjoy, despite how we're all so very small in the end *gunshot*.
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rkiveinmarvel · 4 months
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pasilyo. - black leg sanji (18+) des. fluff-angst-fluff. you and sanji's relationship is bound for a heavy turn. notes. pre and post-timeskip, mentions of wci and wano island, f!reader is related to zoro, heavily referenced marry my husband (kdrama) at the end. smut (if you squint--minors go away, pls). small mentions of violence. the straw hats shenanigans pt 99999, i miss sanji 24/7.
hello ppl! 'tis i. i just finished my midterms so, here you go. I heavily referenced a scene in marry my husband on this one like the moment I saw the scene i immediately went--what if we make it as sanji--then bam, here it is. the story contains smut (if you squint) and it's my first time writing one, so yeah. enjoy!
Pasilyo is a Filipino term that means corridor or passageway. -- it is also a popular song in the Philippines: PASILYO - SUNKISSED LOLA
w.c: 1.7k
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You and Sanji never had anything in common. He likes to smoke, you like to drink tea–he loves  to cook, you love to eat, he uses his legs and feet to fight–you use your hand. You and him never had anything in common, yet the way you called his name–send shivers on his back, the way he calls your name calms the storm in your mind—yet despite the differences and in the deep sea of all blue—you and him have something in common. 
The day you met him at Baratie, it gave away that Sanji wears his heart on his sleeves–the way his eyes lingered at the table where you and Nami sat, the way his hands ghostly shadows your plate as he served the food–he was mesmerising and breath-taking. As he continues to unravel everything about him, he fits perfectly as the cook of the crew. With him being the best cook in the East Blue, it’s not doubt that the future pirate-king needs someone like him in his crew, it’s not doubt that a pirate demon hunter finds the blonde’s cooking amazing, it’s no doubt that the certain liar of the crew praises his cook, it’s no doubt that the great navigator finds his cooking remarkable—and there’s you, it’s funny, how you kept quiet when he waits for your reaction–hell, everyone’s waiting for your reaction, as you gave him a small nod and a laugh.
He wore your laugh in his mind—wishing he could make you laugh every time he cooks. As the days passed by like the straw-hats voyage in the sky, land, and sea; he would notice himself looking for your presence–yes, he falls for every woman he sees, but something about you is pulling him in, that despite him making Nami and Robin smile, he yearns for yours, he wished he can see yours.
He watched in the deck as you spar with the green haired swordsman, how he chuckles to himself that you’re making Zoro sweat and thrive hard yet a part of him was mad that you’re spending time with the marimo and not him. But a part of him is quite warm as he saw you dance in the presence of the crew, that none of them knows that in the middle of the night–you told him stories he never heard off, he made you tea you never knew existed. That side of yours–he’s thankful, he’s the only person who can see it.
So, it surprised him, when he saw your eyes fill with relief when you saw him again at the edge of Skypiea, at Enies Lobby, at Thriller bark. It baffled him, when he saw you looked like you’re about to cry as you saw him–damn, if only he knew who gave you the wound in your head, lips, and arms, he would’ve kicked everyone, including Zoro. But it washed away, when you were alone with him on those nights–as you mutter that you’re thankful he’s okay. That you both are alright. 
With all the fights and wars the crew had faced–the thing that scared Sanji and you the most, was the time when the crew didn’t see each other for two years–he wondered if you have eaten yet, wondered if you sleep okay, and wondered if you would still be the same the next time he sees you; you wondered is he’s doing okay, you wondered if he ever muttered your name, and you wondered if he still remembers the way you like your tea.
“You’ve grown taller…” You whispered as you saw each other again after two-years, with a nosebleed, he chuckled. “I did.” 
He loved that he’s back, you’re back. As the night deepens, you’re there with him again.
“How was it?”
“Two years.”
“I don’t know, it’s great that I got stronger but it sucked.”
“Why does it sucked.”
“You weren’t there, Sanji.”
“Oh.”  He swore to his dickhead dad, he died right there. You chuckled as his red cheeks reached his ears, as he grins deeply.  But before he can say anything in your words–he felt your lips on his as you leaned on the counter as he prepared your tea.
He felt the cup become warm as he stopped pouring your tea. You’re about to pull away as you want to drink your tea–the cook leaned closer, he missed you and he had you, you smiled in his kiss. As you two pulled away for air; he chuckled loudly. “Wipe that stupid grin and nosebleed on your face, curly brows.” You teased as you took the cup and drank your tea. 
That night changed everything, the crew didn’t missed the way he treats you differently the way he treats Robin and Nami, the way he would sit closer to you while enjoying the bliss of sunset in the ship–how he would not let Brook, Franky, and Usopp stare at you for too long. He hates how you still choose Zoro to spar with—
“You know we’re related, right?” 
“You and marimo?!”
God, he missed that.
But—his heart breaks as remembers how he stood there in aisle at whole-cake island, he hated it–how your eyes breaks the moment he sees you again: how his heart breaks when he hears you sobbing in his chest when he came back–how you slapped him across his face when you found out that he let Luffy starve–how his chest tightens when you pulled him into a kiss: the deepest kiss you gave him.
As your soft breaths reach his lips–he knew you thought you almost lost him. In the room where it’s just the two of you, his clothes were on the floor and so was yours. As you mutter his name as if he was a saint sent only for you. How his hands marks and caress every part of you as you kiss every inch of him as you memorise everything in his body. You kissed him again, again, and again–how you wish you would still taste him as you close your eyes.
You looked beautiful as he stared down at you, he felt tears as he placed his hand on your cheeks yet you muttered that you love him under your breath, he blamed himself as you cried in this sacred moment, he wanted to stop and hold you but–you want him. 
“Please…’Ji..” You muttered again as he moved with your body in sync, at that moment, his breath got rigged, your breaths were catching themselves, his hands were holding your hand tight, as you felt the heat of the room. He whispered a praise or somewhat a prayer to you.
“I love you too.” He chuckled as he ghostly kissed your neck as you nodded softly. You left some kisses on the crown of his head as he collapsed into you. As your hand dances in his golden hair–he continues to utter his apologies to you in which you forgive him.
Things turned differently after that time–after the whole-cake island–and fighting side-by-side in Wano. You felt the sunlight enter the room as your eyes fluttered, you saw Sanji’s sleeping state. With a smile on your face, you listen to his heartbeat as he sleeps, while looking at yours and his intertwined bodies inside the blanket–as the events of last night lingered when you saw your hand marks on his chest.
“Mon amour, what’s wrong?”
You placed your chin on his chest. “Nothing. We won.” He smiled sheepishly and nodded as he gave you a morning kiss. “We won.” He nodded once again. You two laid there for a while as you heard Franky cheering that Zoro and Luffy are awake–with a cheer, the entire city of Wano threw the biggest banquet there is–cheers, beers, and food are present everywhere.
A swamp of girls fell into Sanji’s arms–his eyes lingered to yours. He chuckled as you just raised your cup and gave him a flying kiss. In which, he melted into. As the night dips deeper in the moon, he notices that you and Franky are guiding back the drunk ass of Zoro and Usopp in their room, with a smile, he stole you from Franky.
When he stole you—he walked with you in the forest of Wano as lights of fireflies guided the two of you. You two enjoyed the presence of each other in silence. 
“What’s with the stare?”
“Nothing. You just look pretty, my love.”
“Me? I look like a mess, Usopp was holding dearly for his life on my shoulder as we walked him and Zoro.” you rubbed your temples. In which he chuckled.
As you two sat down and found a nice view of Wano–you leaned your head into his shoulder. “I’m glad we’re fine. You and I, and the crew.” You admitted. In which, he just hummed. As he ghostly kiss, your hand.
“Zoro told me what you told him to do…” There’s a hint of disappointment in your voice. In which, he was about to speak but you cut him off. “If you still think you’re going to lose your mind—just know I’ll pull you back and please, don’t wish for death.” 
In your words, he finds himself not being able to breathe. He just nodded. “I finally found my family in the sea, ‘Ji, and you’re part of them–so, don’t think you’ll get rid of me that easily…” He enjoyed you being like this, being able to take the words out of his mouth. 
“I don’t plan to, darling.” He kissed your head and held your hand tightly. 
“We should get married.” You responded as you turned to look at him. With a smile, you were surprised when you heard him sigh in disappointment—”What?” it left you confused, he pushed you off him.
“You’re unbelievable.” He uttered as he stood up and walked away. You were confused and on the brink of tears. “It doesn’t need to be now! I mean I want to marry you–just—did he hit his head so much?” You asked yourself, as you sigh in defeat and a pout. 
You were surprised to see him walking back towards you with a small flower in his hand. “You always surprise me…” He said as gave the small flower to you.
“You can do anything to me–whatever you want.” You stood up and stared at him as he knelt down on one knee.
“Just don’t ask for marriage–that’s my queue. So, mon amour…”
You felt tears stinging yours and his eyes.
“Will you marry me?”
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i am having a hard time if i should post angsty luffy or not huhu
⚘ masterlist 1 | 2 | 3
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thepepsislvt · 4 months
-🌷 the Eustass and Killer (and barto ofc) obsessed Tulip
nobody will understand how much i miss the pre time skip killer fit like he looks good in post timeskip but GOD.
Warnings: Cursing, kid being a dick
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dating both Kid and Killer there will never be a dull moment
Kid is loud and rowdy and Killer is quiet
you and Kid bicker and poke fun at each other like you’ve known each other your whole life
When you and Eustass are at each other's throats it's Killer who comes and steps in to break the fight
Acts like a mom and is like “I don't care who started it I'm going to finish it”
Because you're too damn stubborn and Kid has such a thick skull Killer has to separate you more than not
Kid may not seem like he cares but he does
he shows it awfully though
he pull up to your bedroom door at an ungodly time of night before going to bed himself
he barges in and bangs on the open door just to wake you up
after your initial reaction which was to grab a weapon and hide under your bed you finally realize its just him
you crawl out and give him a nasty glare
“What is it Eustass? cant it wait until morning?”
“i made this for you asshole”
he gives you a new bracelet or necklace he made himself before leaving without another word
he leaves your door open just to annoy you
you slam the door before returning to bed
the noise from the door being slammed woke Killer awake and he knows exactly what happened
when you all wakeup you get an earful from Killer about being quiet at night because the crew needs to sleep in order to function properly
Killer is almost the exact opposite from Kid
any fights you have with him he will resolve in a normal, calm manner
he lets you sit in the kitchen with him while he cooks
you can talk his ear off and he wont butt in or interrupt you
he does get his piece in when you pause for a moment
most nights he cuddles with you since Kid stays awake pretty late
and if you do stay up late like Kid, Killer will sleep on whatever furniture available and just hold you in his lap
Killer is insecure about his laugh and face so when you first started dating he would only let you kiss his hands or mask
but slowly he warms up to the idea of you seeing his face and every now and again he moves his mask up his face more when you want to give him a kiss
when he does eventually remove his entire mask you cover his entire face in kisses and tell him hes perfect to you even if he doesnt think so
Killer loves it when you play or brush his hair
you help him style it and always puts it into a ponytail for him when hes cooking
Kid lets you kiss him only if you can reach his face
he will make you climb on furniture and jump around just to do so
when hes done making you work so hard he squats down only to tease you even more
“can you reach now, Tiny?”
“well now youre not getting a kiss for that”
“Im not giving it to you for that!”
hes so demanding
when Killer sees Kid giving you shit for being shorter than him Killer will push the back of Kid’s head down so you can reach him
You kiss Kid’s cheek and then go hug the blonde while Kid complains that having Killer help is cheating
on nights where Kid is just worn out and actually decides to go to bed when you and Killer do its an amazing cuddle session
Killer has to separate sleep in the middle which he doesnt mind but only does this because you and Kid will Bicker about anything and everything
“STOP laying on me you big red asshole”
“well youre cutting off my oxygen when you lay on my chest” (you dont he just wants to have the last word)
“God you act like you cant bench triple my weight”
“you two fight like children just shut up and go to sleep” Killer had to physically move either one of you to the other side of him just so the poor guy can sleep
there are some nights you and Kid can sleep next to each other without fighting but you two are always up till 4 in the morning giggling and laughing about the most random ass things
“okay would you rather spend 24 hours in an abandoned mall with 10 cobras or 1 gorilla but you cant use your metal arm or devil fruit”
“Well obviously the gorilla because i feel like i could fight it without those”
“i didnt know youre that dumb”
“oh really what would you pick?”
“the snakes obviously”
“you dont know where they are though! one could drop from the ceiling and theyre harder to hurt! at least you can see the gorilla”
“Snakes are more afraid of you than you are of them if you leave them alone you will be fine”
“But if they bite you youre done for”
“Youre done for if you try and fight a gorilla!”
“i personally think i would intimidate it”
“Kid you cannot intimidate a gorilla, you would be better off with the snakes like they said now shut up”
you and kid do shut up for exactly 4 minutes and 56 seconds then start yapping again
Killer and Kid are the best boyfriends that anyone could ask for
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cottonlemonade · 4 months
Happy Valentines
word count: 860 || avg. reading time: 4 mins.
pairing: post-timeskip Bokuto x chubby!Reader
genre: smut, established relationship
warning: mdni, nsfw
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Bokuto was standing at the stove, stirring the sauce he had been diligently working on when you came home.
“What are you doing here?”, you squeaked, dropping your bag and jacket on the floor and ran over for an ecstatic hug and a kiss.
“Came home early this morning. I figured I’d treat my love to a nice early dinner, so we have enough energy for what I plan on doing with you later.” He gave you a playful wink.
You only smiled widely and took a breath of the bubbling goodness he was simmering down, your heart melting as you spotted the huge bouquet of your favorite flowers already sitting in a vase on the counter.
When you started dating two years ago, Bokuto had made it his mission to at least learn (and perfect) your most favorite dishes.
“It smells amazing, babe.”
“Why thank you.”
For a moment you just watched him grate some cheese and had to swallow at the sight of him, the veins and muscles in his arms and the concentrated look in his eyes. Three weeks he had been away for a training camp in America with the team. Three long weeks in which you had both been growing steadily more needy for the other’s touch.
When he added a splash of red wine to a pan with onions you had enough.
Snaking your arms around his waist from behind you said quietly between his shoulders, “You’re so hot when you cook.”
You could feel the grin on his face as he turned around, “Oh yeah?”
He leaned down to catch your lips.
The kiss was supposed to be quick and loving, but you pulled him closer by the collar of his shirt and he automatically opened his mouth a little wider to deepen the kiss.
Catching his bottom lip softly between your teeth, you ran your hands through his hair.
He felt you groping around for something beside his hip and broke away.
“What are you doing?”, he asked, breathing heavily.
“Turning off the stove.”
“So you can fuck me. Please…”
He didn’t need to be told twice. He pressed you against the kitchen counter and groaned when you pushed your body against him.
For a couple of long desperate moments you stood in the kitchen, trying to touch as much of the other as possible. His hands wandered from your full hips to grab handfuls of your ass, then your breasts. When he pushed his thigh between your legs and you gasped he almost lost his mind. God, how much he had missed you.
“Baby, I’m so hard, please let’s go.”
Almost running to your room, he already took off his shirt and started to work on the zipper of his jeans.
In his haste he threw you on the bed, causing your dress to ride up and expose the cute cotton panties underneath. His eyes darkened when he saw how drenched the fabric was already and crawled on top, ready to devour you.
This was not a time for teasing, he just needed to be inside you. Impatient fingers unbuttoning the top of your dress, he yanked at the cups of your bra to put his lips around your nipples. He’d always wanted to ravage you in this dress. With your soaked panties simply pulled to the side he quickly pushed a finger into you, swearing softly against your skin when he felt no resistance at all.
You were so very wet just for him.
After a few pumps he added a second and finally a third finger, loving your soft cries and how you pulled his hair. His hand trapped between your plush thighs he sucked a hickey between your breasts.
“I need you, Kou. Enough… please… I need to feel you...”
You fumbled for a condom in the bedside table and helped him put it on before he finally sank into you.
All the pent up lust you two had felt while you were apart fueled your movements. The room was filled with panting and moans.
Urging him to go faster, you clenched deliciously around his length.
He filled you up so completely…
You threw her head back, covering your mouth with your hand.
“No, baby, moan for me. Come on, let me hear you.”
“Make me.”, you gasped and his thrusts became a little slower but much much deeper, his hand sneaking between your legs.
Bokuto’s eyes glazed over when you called his name.
“Baby, I’m gonna cum!”
“Yes… nnngh… cum with me, Kou.”, you sounded so sweet, so… deprived. As if you would die if he didn’t give you what you wanted. He increased the pressure between your legs and the speed of his movements.
You clung to him, legs around his waist, fingers digging into his shoulder, teeth grazing his skin trying to muffle your climax.
With a final long grunt he relished in his release, collapsing on top of you - blindly, weakly kissing the crook of your neck.
“Happy Valentine’s Day…”, he muttered, then joined in your giggling.
art: from the manhwa the villainess reverses the hourglass
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sunnyangy · 8 days
Could you please do maybe a post-timeskip Headcanon where Umemiya and his significant other are married and have a family together with kids? I really want to see that guy happy and have his own family again 😭😭😭 (and it’s up to you if he still has something to do with Bofurin or just keeps in touch with the members!)
Family Headcanons 🍃
- Umemiya 🌱
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• After 5 years of dating in high school, from 17 to 22, he proposed to you during a trip he planned to the beach. He couldn’t go out of the country because of his duty, but made sure to take you to a nice place. He proposed on the first day of the trip, in a nice rooftop restaurant. He got on his knee next to you, holding out a beautiful diamond ring.
« Y/n, it’s finally time for me to ask you this, even if I knew since a long time I want to spend my life with you. My beautiful girlfriend, will you marry me and become my wife for life ? »
• You got married in your city, a casual but magical wedding.
• Of course he fucking cried like a baby when you walked down the aisle.
• You only had kids in your 30s, as Umemiya wanted to be sure and ready, to have a steady life. He works as a kindergarten teacher, in the local one.
• You have two kids, a boy and a girl. Umemiya is the best father, always playing with his kids, teaching them things, showering them with care and gifts. He is the fun type of dad, always making them laugh.
• He isn’t Bofuurin’s leader anymore, as he let the next generation replace him. But if there ever is a big conflict, they will contact him and require his help. He stays as the fondator of Bofuurin. He is still in contact with all of the other members and even the new ones, often organizing barbecues with what he grows.
• And speaking of this, your garden is HUGE and FILLED with plants, fruits, vegetables, anything he can grow. And he will always ask you to cook things with it.
( • Sexy asf even in his 40s with his glasses when he reads.)
• He always reads a story to the kids before sleeping, leaned against their bed. He will stay with them if they’re sick, without ever sighing.
• He is still as romantic and as caring with you, never letting you on the side.
• This is the happiest he has ever been, his role as big brother (now more as a dad) finally being fulfilled. He is proud to have two amazing kids, and the best wife anyone could ever ask for.
• He helps his kids with homework, but sometimes gets frustrated because he doesn’t understand some questions. He will pinch the bridge of his nose, adjusting his glasses as if they were the problem.
• For a time, he grew his hair longer, like shoulder length, but then cut them again like before, to refresh himself. Both suited him very well.
• He always is the cool dad at school, especially in kindergarten where he is everyone’s favorite teacher.
• Everyone knows his position in the city, and everyone respects his kids.
• Both of his kids then became themselves the leaders of Bofuurin for their generation, fueled by their dad’s ideas, but also influenced by « Uncle Sakura ».
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Umemiya with glasses 😩 @hell-hoound
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kimbapisnotsushi · 7 months
here have a medley of miscellaneous timeskip pro team headcanons bc WOW i haven't posted in a while and this is my only stress outlet other than binging new series <3333
starting off strong with ejp raijin LET'S GOOOOOO
washio 🫱🏼‍🫲🏼suna 🫱🏼‍🫲🏼komori: being EXHAUSTED from carrying the pro team world on their backs
no no i'm kidding. mostly
they keep a tally of other pro team matches in which their former teammates go up against each other and are REALLY smug if their respective teammate wins. which means you get shit like this
komori, cheerfully: "so how about that hornets v falcons game last night, huh?" suna: "oh shut UP tell iizuna tsukasa that aran-san could kick his ass any day of the week you little SHIT - "
they ARE united on the jackals front tho. all three of them want the adlers to go down HARD.
is suna nursing a grudge against ushijima from high school? yeah. is he ever going to get over it? probably not.
only komori feels bad bc he is fond of kageyama, but, hey, family's family
they ask washio why he hates the adlers and he looks them dead in the eyes and goes "hoshiumi kourai . . . he is a man that requires constant vigilance"
actually wait i know we all saw everyone watching and talking about the game (which makes me wanna cry SO bad) but god. how fucking funny would it be if players from monster gen convinced everyone else on their very professional and very mature teams to take sides
ejp raijin captain, who's been friends with hirugami fukurou for like ten years: "okay so explain to me again why we need to blow our entire team budget on jackals merch when we're not even going to the goddamn game?" komori: "well, it started on a cloudy but beautifully crisp spring day in 2012 - "
hakuba joins the team, sees aran, and IMMEDIATELY starts texting the old kamomedai group chat
altho tbh i don't think there's no way that the "who-from-where-made-WHAT-pro-team" news never breaches the high school circuit. like come ON you know everyone's keeping up with the third year stars when they graduate
by the time the first years are third years they've got everyone pinned down on a fucking MAP. they have a shared file where they update each other on EVERYTHING. it's way less creepy than it sounds they're just a really passionate bunch okay!!!!
well that AND they can't help but brag about their amazing upperclassmen
okay sorry back to it. so it really goes more like
hakuba: "HOLY SHIT OJIRO ARAN FROM INARIZAKI IS HERE" suwa: "hakuba, we already knew that. i linked the article when it first dropped, remember?" hakuba: "yeah but it's still so WEIRD like it's OJIRO ARAN from INARIZAKI" hoshiumi: "lol atsumu told me he talks in his sleep, go find out if it's true"
aran actually does recognize hakuba mostly because gin paid him a compliment ONE (1) time and then aran had to listen to atsumu complain incessantly about the "stupid wall of muscle with stupid hair and his stupid height and stupid arms" ever since
ALSO. i think people get hakuba and hyakuzawa mixed up a lot. they've both got a similar height and build and hairstyle and play the same position
(not to mention the similar backstories)
it becomes a running joke throughout the pro leagues and makes for a fun time with falcons v warriors matches
in the event of a hyakuhina hookup (which i feel like actually could happen) they somehow get onto the topic of "haha it'd be even harder to tell them apart with your eyes closed!" and hinata, without thinking, goes "well, i probably could" and everyone is like "WHAT"
he digs himself an even deeper hole by saying "no, i just meant - i know hyakuzawa's body really well!!!" and everyone immediately starts screaming
poor hyakuzawa is dying on the inside
i think shibayama (MY BELOVED) kind of occasionally forgets that he also has his own fanbase and is sort of semi-famous as the libero of tokai heavy industries esperanza bc. he knows kenma and yaku and lev and komi and yamamoto and fukunaga and, in general, a bunch of people that he believes are much more well-known than he is
he's always so flattered whenever someone stops him in the street to ask for a pic or when he sees posts online gushing about him
this is extra funny bc he never talks about his friends like they're famous so all of his teammates don't really know that shibayama is friends with all these other famous people
and then one of them, an avid kodzuken fan, spams their group chat when kodzuken's newest video is released and shibayama shows up in it
(shibayama's second year. they'd been dealing with things. it worked out, in the end. even if they had to lie to nekomata and naoki about why all their jerseys ended up with holes in them.)
i love the pro teams you guys they're so fucking funny
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sakuraryomen01 · 2 years
Lost Lamb /OG Sukuna x Female Reader/ .12 [ Final Chapter ]
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✧ Warning: Og Sukuna Ryomen, servant reader, Master x Servant, protector/predator x reader kind of relationship, mention of marriage post-timeskip, aftermath, kissing, timeskip, children ("hiers"), father Sukuna, mother reader, Uraume as a maid/caretaker of the kids for a few moments, short chapter/sweet ending
✧ Reader: Female Reader
✧ Plot: A Master x Servant Fanfiction in which Sukuna, the king of curses, finds you snooping in his temple and he makes you pay for your crimes for the rest of your life..
✧ Words: 2.93k
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fic masterlist :: .o1 .o2 .o3 .o4 .o5 .o6 .o7 .o8 .o9 .10 .11 .12
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·A/n: Already got a new fanfiction started. Another Sukuna one, ik, but it's had a long time coming, I've posted a newsletter of sorts about it. If you wish to be tagged in the future, ask through requests, the announcement, and the last Lost Lamb chapter. I love you all, and can't wait to start a new journey with you~
♡ Thank you for reading this bit! Enjoy! ♡
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Unable to get enough after one night, Sukuna's hands were on you from the moment he let you lay on the bed for some rest. His four armed, cursed King body unable to leave yours as you rested in that massive bed.
The smell of sex, arousal, and lust still thick in the air as he panted and kissed over your swollen and red lips. You looked beautiful..
"Mnn.." You mewled from underneath the curse, suckling on his lip all the while. Breathing heavily and holding onto the sheets as you let your body shiver and calm.
Buzzed on drunken love by the King of Curses.. What a life you've got. Feeling his lips against yours, the warm and suppleness they held, even the tangy taste of your arousal still on his lips and tongue, it was amazing. Delicious.
Sukuna cursed again, chuckling to himself while you giggled. Cooing and eventually just staring into your eyes. Silence being held as his became lidded, feeling tired after a long night of love-making.
"Here, rest your head on my chest," He said, laying back and pulling the blankets up to cover your bare form.
No one was going to be able to see you like that, not while he was around. With a content sigh, Sukuna's lower arm is automatically wrapped around your back end. Fingers tracing circles on your hip as you snuggle into Sukuna's side. The curse gave a smile, seeing your eyes begin to close as you got comfortable.
Watching you smile and hum with satisfaction, Sukuna and you began to talk about the next day. What you would do and where you would go, the things and the sights you wanted to see.
Though, there was one question that was still on his mind beside all others. One he wanted to ask you for a while, and now was probably the best time he'd get to ask you.
"Y/n.. will you marry me?"
The question shocked you, your head quickly craning upwards as you sat up on your hands and knees. Sukuna was shocked, seeing your face full of wonder and amazement as you thought about what he had said.
"Uhm, is that a yes?" Sukuna asked, blinking a few times as you nodded. A smile on his face as he cupped yours in his hands. Sitting up and kissing your warm lips as if he wasn't just kissing them moments ago.
"I want a big wedding, just for us. I want to walk you down the aisle as my wife with my hands in yours.. I want children and a life together, I want to be with you and be yours forever, love."
Your cheeks are reddened at this, your eyes glazing over with emotions. Feeling Sukuna's lips press against your forehead and a low coo pouring from his chest as you looked up at him.
"I want you to be my queen, lamb."
. . 20 years later . .
"Uda, stop messing with the flowers!" Uraume ordered, their hair still messy from this morning's altercation. "Your mother worked hard on these!"
"Fiiiine!!" The pink-haired little maniac groaned, sitting himself on one of the large stones that had been set for him.
This was Uda Ryomen's favorite play area. A little paradise that's full of flowers that smell amazing, and different little critters that'd come scurrying into the gardens looking for food. Some rabbits and deer, but there's also an occasional fox that would come visit.
Sometimes, if he was lucky, he saw a stray red panda that's probably wandered too far from it's original home.
"When's momma getting back from the village?" Uda asked as the monk fixed their white and red hair. Pulling leaves and stray bits of food that had been tossed at them this morning, a grimace on their face all the while.
"She'll be back when she's back, around noon," They confirmed, thinking about you waddling around with your pregnant belly.
How could you even do it? Deal with these little monsters you called 'offspring' and 'children'?
"But it is noon!" The little monster in question cried, his big red eyes narrowing at his babysitter. The annoyance that he inherited from his father obviously being shown to try and get his way.
Spoiled. The both of them will be spoiled.
"I want dad!"
"You won't be getting your dad yet. He's with your mother, visiting the chief for the next moon's payment."
The little half-curse gave another sigh of annoyance as he stood, crossing his four arms and stomping throughout the gardens to try and calm himself. He didn't like being alone. He was like you that way. Always wanting to see more than what was just past the shrine's doors.
A curious little half-curse that was always willing to run around and play. Thankfully, he'd have a playmate soon..
So, as Uda quickly became happy and found a few animals to play with, Uraume sat on a chair that they'd put at the edge of the gardens. Their eyes focused on the little mortal as he ran around, chasing after frogs and other assorted wildlife as he disrupted their peace. Sounds a lot like he father.
Eventually though, Uraume's eyes wandered towards the shrine's path. Finding you and your plump little belly in Sukuna's large and strong arms. The two of you looked so awkward as you waved over at your friend, wanting to go visit with your son and the monk.
Uraume gave a sigh of gratefulness, seeing the mother to the little annoyance that they loved a little too much.
Sukuan gently placed you on the ground next to the monk as they stood, giving you the seat and smiling brightly.
"How was the doctor's visit?" Uraume asked, sitting on Uda's special rock and placing their face on their palms. "Any idea when it's due?"
"About a month or two," Sukuna answered, his neck craned for his older heir and spotting him quickly.
Uda was playing with a crane.. odd.
You gave a nod and patted your swollen tummy. "Mhm, they'll be due eventually! And the chief said he'd pay Sukuna with more than one cow this time, seeing as Sukuna's love for beef has grown recently."
Sukuna gave a small huff, crossing his arms and keeping an eye on his child. He may not care for kids that much, but his would be better than any normal human child would. He knew it, they knew it; it was a fact.
Soon, Uda had stopped playing with the crane and ran over to you, his arms outstretched. "Momma!"
You gave a giggle and bent over to pick up the little boy. His lips connecting with your cheek immediately as Sukuna scoffed, rolling his eyes and sitting. Watching the small curse get affection from you, his mother, and snuggling into your neck as he gave you a tight hug. As you began talking to Uda about the baby, his eyes practically shining with excitement, Sukuna rested his chin on his fist.
Sharing you wasn't exactly his favorite thing to do..
"Did momma bring me anything?" Uda asked, climbing from your lap to his dad's. His bright eyes are full of wonder and amazement as you pulled a little stuffed toy and book from your bag.
The toy fox you had bought was especially made and requested a few months ago for Uda. You knew he had a love for the creature and wanted to make this visit worthwhile. The fur for the toy was soft and could be brushed through, and easy to clean and sleep with.
The book you had handed him was somewhat small, but full of information about foxes, the different kinds and breeds, and all the other wonderful things your son loved about them. Sukuna didn't understand this whole love for animals, but he just shrugged and let you handle it.
Like you said, he wasn't very good with 'hobbies'.
He had ripped out a flower one time trying to garden with you, embarrassingly. It hasn't been discussed to this day.
"A fox and a book about them," You said, handing the items to the child. He began looking through the book as soon as it was in his hands. "It's got information about their habitats, and what they like to eat! There's more than one breed too, it's all in there!"
He loved reading, even if it was the same thing he had seen before. Sukuna's library was his second favorite place to be. When it was raining, Uraume always took him to the library to teach him how to write bigger words and how to say and use them properly.
Just recently, he learned how to say 'pregnancy'.
"Oo~" He cooed, curling up against Sukuna's tummy and flipping through the pages.
Sukuna didn't pay no mind, his eyes glued to yours half lidded but full of love. He had a son, a wife; a family.
Happy wasn't a good way to describe this newfound feeling inside him, but he was happy it didn't have a label. He didn't want it to. He was glad that he couldn't place a word for the feeling.
Seeing your eyes full of pride and wonder at the world you had created for yourself, and the fact it was with him, was feeling enough.
You had become his little wife. The Queen to his King. The mother to his father. You were a little special prize just for him and him alone.
Hell, creating Uda was a special event in itself. Fucking like bunnies til every last drop of his semen was pumped into you. Sukuna began to drool over the idea of more children, more heirs, more little half-span running around with his last name.
Though, destroying your insides would be the best part..
"Sukuna, Uraume's asking you a question," Your voice chirped. Your smile broke his thought process as he blinked a few times and shook his head, turning to the sly little monk that had witnessed his little perverted train-ride.
They never missed a beat, did they?
"I was wondering what you wanted prepared for dinner tonight," The monk asked again, their eyes narrowed with a coy smile.
"I want chicken dumplings with veggie skewers!" Uda announced, wanting his presence known amongst the adults. His proud little smile is a copy-and-paste from the King of Curses very own.
"Ha.. if that's what the little prince desires."
Sukuna and you laughed at this, seeing Uraume lift the prince from Sukuna's lap and walk inside the shrine. The sounds of birds chirping and the hot springs water trickling in the distance. Though, that place has become more like a pool for your child.
Hopefully, your next would love your home like you did.
"Hey, Sukuna?" You questioned, your eyes staring at the sight of simply the forest and the sunlight that shone through the canopy that had grown the past years.
So many years..
"Yes, love?" Sukuna's voice drew your eyes towards him, a raised brow and glimmering eyes.
You gave a small smile in return, all the love and affection in your heart grew as the smile grew wider. There was a small kick from inside your belly, though you didn't pay mind as you placed a hand on your husband's face.
Your small palm warming what little area it could on his cheek, rubbing your thumb against his skin. Sukuna couldn't help but chuckle, holding your small hand against his face, awaiting your words as the sun went down.
The soft glow of warm orange and red makes your face shine like it was a moon. So happy..
"Thank you for letting me serve you."
The King gave a chuckle, standing from his place and dusting off his yukata, holding a spare hand out for you to take with a smile. "Let's head inside, love."
Giving a nod, you stood, holding his hand and your belly, as Sukuna led you inside the shrine. It was like that dream you had had so long ago.
The white wedding, the flowers, the villagers.
It was you. It had always been. You were seeing what the future had in store for you and your life that was going to unfold. Unable to keep in the smile, you let it out.
You let it shine bright as you walked up the temple's stairs like you did twenty years ago. From rags to riches.. is that what this story is?
From a thief to a wife. From a slave to a love.
Heh.. funny isn't it?
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a/n:: To every single one of my Lost Lamb fans and followers, thank you. You've all been so kind to me throughout this process and I wanted to say I love you all. It's been an honor creating such a story that you all loved so much. I dearly hope you all have a humble and blessed day/night/evening and have great fortune and luck! I wish to create more like this and hope you enjoy the next few fanfictions in the future!
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Chapter Theme Songs: —JAWNY - Honeypie (Lyrics) — Nicky Youre, dazy - Sunroof (Official Music Video) — Alan Walker - Darkside (Lyrics) ft. Au/Ra and Tomine Harket — Zedd - Clarity (Feat. Foxes)
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taglist for Lost Lamb:: @okkotsufav, @gojoscprsaviour, @cafeinthemoon93, @im-a-killer-queen, @lucyrocks86, @pulchritxde, @watermelon-online, @xx-intothevoid-xx, @taetropchou, @pipopeew, @noblemaidenheart, @aepinkoutsold, @tojidilfs, @mageyboo, @zatrinaxxx, @north-st4r, @itadowriii, @pulchritxde, @kawaiipenguin20, @bontenbunny, @delphinefrancis, @tsupi, @hxlalokidottir, @satoritendoucultsacrifice, @justanotherj9, @amigoferal3, @vampirebloodfallen, @hail-homucifer, @xeno-fond, @k-indie, @mzladyd, @agirlisnow, @xxnghtclls, @dr-skazka
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last chapter || final chapter
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milaisreading · 2 years
Yandere!MSBY 4 x Kageyama Twin!Reader Side couple: Komori Motoya x Reader
Warnings: Yandere behavior, possessive and obsessive behavior. Manga spoilers. Takes place during the Nationals and post timeskip. Minors don't interact!!! I made the reader 176 cm tall here, btw.
Part 2:
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"Woohooo! Nice kill,Suna-san!" (Y/n) cheered along with the crowd, trying to be as loud as possible. Due to her busy schedule with Uni, she didn't have a lot of free time to watch Raijin's games in real life, so when she did have those opportunities, she used them to the fullest. Suna and Komori, hearing her familiar voice, turned and sent her a grin, along with Watari, who just waved at her. 'Amazing... They already won the 1st set, and only 5 more points are needed to finish this one!' (Y/n) blushed in excitement as she kept watching her boyfriend's team, not noticing four pairs of eyes watching her every move.
Hinata was having a great day, he really was. He woke up feeling refreshed, went to train with the rest of the MSBY, and later on they drove to Shizuoka City for their match against one of their long time rival team.Everything was ok for the professional player, until he saw the youngest Kageyama walking down the hallway of the gymnasium.Now, Hinata did like and enjoy (Y/n)'s company, he has been in love with her since before they entered Karasuno. And the moment he saw her, he wanted to run up to the taller woman and hug her, confess the feelings he never had the chance to.
But what made him stop was nobody other than Komori run up to her, kissing her cheek as soon as he reached her side.Hinata would have found the display of affection cute, if it wasn't for the fact that it was between (Y/n) and that libero. The rage and bitterness was slowly taking over his body as he watched the unsuspecting couple.
The orange haired man was aware of them dating. Heck it all went down in their final year at Karasuno, and magazines in Japan and even some in Brasil were fawning over how cute they were, once they found this out.No matter what Hinata did, he couldn't escape it, and the sadness he felt over time became something dark. Something twisted...something nobody would dare to call love...well except for him and 3 of his other teammates.
He will forever remember the rage and betrayal he felt when he found out about them.
Hinata remembered the day he met (Y/n) very clearly. It was the day he made a long term frenemy with her brother. He remembered how kind and sweet she was to him when he promised Tobio he would defeat him on court. Hinata was flabbergasted when he found out the tall beauty was not only the king's twin, but also went to the same high school as he did. Ever since he joined the club as the middle blocker, and (Y/n) as their manager, he went above and beyond to prove how good he was. Which pissed her brother off at times, since Hinata would jump at random moments and not watch where the ball would fly. (Y/n) would of course try and calm them both down, so that they can focus back on either training or on a match.
It was during the Nationals in their 1st year that Hinata felt threatened. Sure, he did see other boys from their school and other schools try to approach (Y/n), but their advances were either ignored, or Tobio would shoo them away with a glare. But this time was different, not only did Tobio greet the newcomer so openly, but (Y/n) also was more talkative than she usually was with strangers. That day, Hinata came across the boy who would cause him so much pain and anguish for years to come.
"Hinata, maybe you should slow down with the food? Nobody will steal it from you, and your stomach will hurt." (Y/n) warned the shorter boy, who kept showing the onigiri into his mouth.
"I am really hungry and nervous! I can't help it! This match against Nekoma that is coming up is making me nervous." Hinata whined. (Y/n) smiled softly at the boy and patted his head, causing Hinata to smile at the affection he was receiving.
"You worry too much. Tobio, you and the rest of the team prepared for so long, there is no way you will lose. Believe in yourself a little more." (Y/n) said softly, shortly after returning back to her own food.
Hinata sighed, blushing brightly as he looked at (Y/n), who was concentrating on the Fukurodani match.
'So pretty...'
"Stop doing that." Kageyama commented as he pinched Hinata's cheek, to which the shorter cried out in pain.
"What was that for?!"
"You know exactly, Boke!"
"Bakayama not making sense, like always!"
"Keep it down you two! Everyone is looking!" (Y/n) shushed them, returning back to the match as the two boys sent each other side glances.
"Ahh Kageyama, I knew that was your voice I heard!" Komori said as he approached the trio.
"Yeah sorry, he can be an idiot at times." Tobio commented, pointing at Hinata.
(Y/n) looked up at the brown aired boy, taken aback by his cute appearance.
"Oh! I am Komori Motoya, libero from the Itachiyama Institute!" The boy said cheerfully to Hinata and (Y/n).
"Komori-san was in the same youth camp like me." Tobio added as (Y/n) nodded her head.
"A libero? And you were at the youth camp, you must be among the best ones in the country then!" (Y/n) spoke up, Komori sending her a grin.
"Well I wouldn't say that, but I try my best. You are Kageyama's twin, (Y/n)? We heard about you from him."
"Yeah, my cousin Sakusa, he is our ace, was with us during the camp."
"Oh I see... Wait, Sakusa Kiyoomi, the no 1 ace in the country?!"
Hinata watched with an empty look in his eyes as the duo chatted. This was the first time he witnessed (Y/n) be so open with a stranger, and that Tobio didn't say a word or even glare a the older boy.
Slowly but surely, he came to realize that a rival finally arrived, and it was in the form of this boy, who not even Tobio can dislike.
"You seem to really like this Komori guy." Hinata comments bitterly as Tobio shrugged his shoulders.
"Komori-san is a good guy. He is fine, in my opinion."
The basically direct approval made Hinata nervous, hoping that nothing big or important will come out of this small talk.
In his final Nationals game, Hinata felt on top of the world. They made it to the Nationals for a 3rd time and placed 3rd in the match. The orange haired boy felt like he could move a mountain.
"Hinata you were amazing as always! I am so proud of you 4!"
The said boy grinned brightly as he felt (Y/n)'s arms wrap around him.
"We wouldn't be here without your help, you know."  Hinata spoke softly, hugging back, drowning in the scent (Y/n) carried.
'Now is my time...' The boy gulped, letting go of the girl. Over the years she got even more beautiful to him, and he wasn't sure how to speak for a moment.
"Hey uh...(Y/n)..."
"Yes?" She asked.
"You know how we are graduating all in a few months and...well I wanted to say... that...I am-"
Just as Hinata was about to confess, Tobio's voice interrupted him.
"(Y/n), Komori-san is here." Kageyama said boredly from behind Hinata. Quickly looking up, (Y/n) grinned as she saw the older boy approaching them.
"Sorry Hinata, just a second."  She said and left the boy's side.
In horror, orange haired boy watched as (Y/n) jumped into the libero's arms, kissing him on the cheek.
"Woah! Well that's one way to be greeted." Komori joked as Hinata, along with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi watched their exchange.
"The two are dating?" The tallest of the three wondered, turning to look at Kageyama.
"Yeah, since summer or so."
"Since summer?!"
While the three were talking, Hinata kept silent, watching as the girl he loved, heck even worshiped was laughing in another guy's arms. His heart broke on that day, but his sanity was in for a long ride.
Since then, Hinata tried, he really did, to get over his feelings for the younger twin. He made sure to work on his volleyball skill, left for Brasil to learn and became a better player. And he thought he got over her, he thought he could be happy for his friend. It was selfish for him to think she dated Komori to hurt his feelings, since he was never clear with them. But, he just couldn't, (Y/n) was the one he loved, wanted and needed. And during his flight back to Japan, he made a promise to himself. He will do anything in his power to get his (Y/n) back. Hinata was more than willing to share with his other 3 teammates, they loved her equally and would keep her safe.
Hinata clenched his fists as he watched Komori and (Y/n) kiss, and Suna tease them both.
'(Y/n)...it should have been me who you said that to...Not HIM!'
Now Bokuto wasn't a smart person when it came to love. His intelligence when it came to studying was average, his game sense was top notch, his social skills were on par with Hinata and Atsumu, but love... that wasn't smth on his plan.
Well, or so he thought till his 3rd year at Fukurodani. Not only did he meet the Karasuno team, people he considered today as close friends or rivals on court, but also her.
(Y/n) was pretty shy back then, and stayed mostly around her brother, Kiyoko, Hinata or Tsukishima, basically anyone from her team... well, she was pretty close to Kenma, but that's besides the point.
In short, Bokuto saw her as a potentially good friend at the time, and he would try to get a few conversations out of her, ignoring the other Kageyama's glares at times.
And the few conversations he had with her were nice, great even. Not only was she nice, but her game and strategy senses were beyond what he would expect from a high school manager. And the more time passed, the more he grew interested. His heart would beat faster, his breath grew shallower and his hands shaking when he felt her watch his games during the Nationals. It was this way even during the qualifications, because he knew she would be watching this game on her TV, she was making Karasuno's strategies, and it was only normal for her to watch the possible rivals. Later on, his sister told him what he felt was love and gave him some advices on how to handle his emotions and confess.
Bokuto listened carefully, and over the years tried to come up with the perfect confession strategy. And just when he built up the needed courage,it all crashed when he saw the haunting scene playing out in front of him.
It all happened during Karasuno's last game at the Nationals, when they placed 3rd with Yamaguchi as their captain. Bokuto was impressed with his skills and how much he grew from the 1st year, as well as the other four. He would grin whenever (Y/n) would yell some encouraging words or warnings at the boys. He loved seeing how well she took care of the younger ones in the team, watching as she calmed some down over the loss. The rest, were more than happy with the results of their hard work.
As everyone was leaving or going to congratulate the players, Bokuto gripped onto the flowers he got for (Y/n). He decided to be nonchalant in his approach, after all, they weren't strangers to each other.
But the college student stopped in his tracks as he watched (Y/n), the girl of his dreams, run into the arms of the familiar Itachiyama libero.
In horror, Bokuto saw how she kissed him on the cheek, saw the love he held for her and overall, the strong relationship they shared.
Bokuto wasn't stupid, he knew what was going on, but he couldn't help his thoughts.
'What is going on?'
Slowly, he turned around and left.
Throwing the flowers into the garbage, he walked home. Ignoring his sister's questioning, Bokuto went into his room and finally let all the tears,he held back fall.
That night, something inside of Bokuto switched, the thought of (Y/n) being with someone caused anger and resentment in his heart. Every time Bokuto saw anything remotely about the couple in the magazines, he would rip those pages apart.
Hurt, anger, envy and his love for the younger girl clouding his mind.
And now,with a successful career as a athlete, with all the money, fame and fans, Bokuto felt like the helpless and heartbroken boy all those years ago as he watched Komori run up to (Y/n) after the last point was made.
Bokuto held his tears back, keeping a neutral as possible way as he watched the (h/c) woman kiss the man.
'Why him? Of all men, why did it have to be him?' Bokuto clenched his fists, opting to follow Meian as he solemnly told them to go and change, clearly upset with the loss of the game.
Atsumu wouldn't consider himself as a jealous person. Competitive? He sure was. With his twin, which was their thing since forever, with rival players during Junior High, and with his newest addition being Kageyama Tobio.
But now, now he for sure can say the gnawing feeling in his chest, and it took everything in him to not go where Komori and (Y/n) were standing, take her in his arms and show the brown haired man who she belonged to. Who could treat her right. And that was him, Atsumu Miya. One of Japan's top athletes.
It was during the time he was supposed to serve. Before that, everyone witnessed the ace of Karasuno being booed by Inarizaki's crowd, causing him to mess up and losing the point.
(Y/n) didn't initially say anything, seeing as the crowd from Karasuno and Kiyoko kept quiet, and she only heard Ukai and Takeda comment about the ordeal.
'They do that to EVERY team?! How is that fair? And Asahi-san looks genuinely upset over this too...' (Y/n) thought, sending a thumbs up at the ace, hoping he won't beat himself up over this.
The girl kept quiet tho, she didn't know how to even respond to this, and her shyness held her back from standing out from the crowd.
But what broke the camel's back, was when it was the Atsumu's turn to serve.
She watched in confusion as he held his fist up, and the whole crowd from Inarizaki grew quiet.
"They shut up?" (Y/n) questioned, catching Ukai's attention.
"Yeah, I heard of this anomaly from them. They will boo the opponents, but will be quiet as a mouse when it's their team's turn. Something about them needing to concentrate." Ukai explained, causing rage to grow in the girl as she watched the setter score a point.
The same was about to repeat itself, but (Y/n) wasn't going to let that happen. They all, especially the boys worked too hard to get here, and she won't let foul play stop their journey at the 2nd match.
Taking a deep breath, and with adrenaline pumping high, (Y/n) got up from her seat, causing Kiyoko to look up in surprise.
Kiyoko jumped up, just like Takeda, to calm the girl down, but Ukai stopped them both from doing so.
Karasuno looked at their usually quiet manager in shock, never seeing her raise her voice before or glare.
Tobio looked at his twin, then at Inarizaki, being on the lookout if something happens.
Atsumu stopped in his tracks, sending a dirty look towards the girl as she interrupted him.
"(Y/n), calm down-"
"I will not calm down! Otherwise they will treat you guys this way for the rest of the game!" The younger interrupted Daichi, glaring at the referees.
"This can't be called fairness in any way! They are booing our players and causing them to mess up! Who can possibly concentrate when all the cheers are drowned out by them?! Inarizaki is not in any shape of form above us on this court for you to let this slide!"
Taking a deep breath, (Y/n) turned to look at her team, face red, but the same angry look in her eyes was present, scaring the team a little.
"And you guys better get it together! I know we are all nervous, but you all trained for too long to let some cowards run this show! You played against Ushijima of all people, so get it together! You can do just as good against Mustard hair and Co!Please, Karasuno has your back... right?" (Y/n) finished, sounding a little softer as she turned to look at the cheer squad.
Ukai looked af his friends, who quickly got out of their shocked state, and nodded their heads fast.
(Y/n) smiled thankfully at the two men, then looked back at the court, sending a thumbs up and nervous smile at her team.
"You got this. Show them what Karasuno is made of."
Daichi's shocked expression softened and he nodded his head, turning back to his teammates.
"Alright. Let's do this,swift!"
"Sure thing, Daichi-san!"
"Oi Boke, stop making googly eyes at my sister and focus on the game." Tobio commented, causing the orange haired boy to look away from the flustered twin, and glare at the setter.
"Shut! I wasn't! Let's finish this and move on to the next game!"
"Are you doing alright? Your face is quite red." Sugawara asked, giving the girl a unused water bottle. (Y/n) took it and nodded her head, the realization of what just happened finally hit her.
"Y-yeah... I don't know what came over me to be honest."
"Well whatever it was, it sure helped us. The boys seem more determinated now." Ukai commented with a satisfied smile as the game resumed, with Karasuno's cheer squad now louder than ever.
"Good job, (Y/n)! But now let's sit down and watch the game." Kiyoko said, guiding the girl to the bench.
"Yes! This will all end well, I trust them to win." (Y/n) cheered smiling as she watched Tanaka score a point.
The whole time, as she cheered and assisted Kiyoko during breaks, Atsumu kept glaring at her.
'Stupid squealing pig, not only did I mess up my serve, but now Karasuno won't stop cheering when we serve...'
Atsumu took a sip from his water bottle, and looked over at Osamu and Suna, who were chit-chating quietly.
"What are you two planning now?" Kita questioned.
"You know... Karasuno's manager had a point."
"Which is?" Omimi asked, Aran already knowing what this might be about.
"Tsumu's hair looks like mustard. Not even the good quality one at that."
"SAMU YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Atsumu yelled as the third years tried to stop the fight.
"What is going on over there?" (Y/n) rose an eyebrow as she handed Hinata his water bottle.
"Who know..."
The game ended with Karasuno taking the win, everyone cheered loudly in happiness and relief. The game was tiring for everyone, and seeing it end was sweet for some and saddening for the others.
"What?" Tobio grumbled as he noticed Atsumu glaring at him, clearly disappointed with the outcome.
"Ya know, I honestly underestimated you, scrub. Thought you were some goody-two shoes, but you are up for dirty tactics."
"What is he even talking about?" Hinata questioned, confused with the whole interaction.
"Doesn't matter, but Shoyo-kun." The orange haired boy looked up at the loud blonde.
"One day, I will be the one setting for you, but until then, I will defeat you at the Interhigh and make sure to outdo you in your own tricks."
Atsumu was about to turn around and leave, only for Hinata's question to stop him.
"How is he going to do that, when (Y/n) came up with those?"
"Hm? Who?" Atsumu questioned, causing the two boys to look at him.
"(Y/n), she is our manager and mostly works with the two of us-"
"Tobio! Hinata! You two were amazing!"
Hinata's explaining got interrupted by the said girl cheering and jumping to hug them both, causing them nearly to fall over.
Atsumu looked at the scene in front of him, glaring harder as he noticed it was the same girl who yelled at him during his serve.
"I am so proud of you two! That was amazing, especially the final point!"
(Y/n) cheered as she let go of the two. Hinata blushed a little from all the praise, but kept his cool. Tobio, seeing how silent Atsumu was, turned to look at him.
"Is there something else you wanted?"
Atsumu snorted and shook his head. The other two looked at him now as well, wondering what he wanted to say.
"No. Just mark my words, during the next match, I will make sure you regret for underestimating my team."
Atsumu pointed at (Y/n), before he eventually turned around and left.
"He is weird..."
(Y/n) said, holding Hinata back, who tried to attack Atsumu over pointing at her.
"Weird, yes. But an awfully good player."
Her twin said back.
A year later, at the Nationals the story was a little different. Atsumu kept on grinning as he watched the defeated Karasuno team packing. He felt elated, nearly satisfied with showing Tobio and Shoyo who the better setter, the better team was.
But his satisfaction wasn't to the fullest without seeing the loud mouthed manager crying.
"Atsumu, where are you going?" Ginjima asked as he watched the captain walk towards the exit door.
"I need to use the bathroom." He simply answered.
"More like going off to see if the Karasuno manager from last year is upset." Osamu commented as Suna snickers.
"Still holding a grudge? You are pretty childish, Atsumu."
"Shut up! You won't understand!"
The trio watched the blonde walk off, a little concerned over the younger girl.
"Atsumu seems... a little obsessed with her, don't you think?"
Ginjima wondered, looking over at Osamu.
"More like seeing her upset above anything. He just won't shut up."
'Where is that squealing nonsense-'
"Yeah, the game was quite tense and really everyone was playing well...No, we are leaving tomorrow, Ukai-sensei said we will have dinner tonight and leave tomorrow during noon. Yeah, we asked to watch Nekoma's match before leaving." Atsumu grinned as he heard the girl talk behind the corner.
He waited behind the wall, hoping to hear her cry or whimper during the phone call.
"Hmm? Our opponents were from Inarizaki tonight, man they came a lot stronger this year. Guess the loss last year hurt their ego a little." (Y/n) chuckled.
'Why...why is she joking and not crying?!'
"Huh? I am a little bit upset, but nothing major. In volleyball you win or lose, and that's fine. Besides, I was pretty impressed with how well the Inarizaki team played this year, it was nice seeing them not relay on their cheer squad..."
Atsumu had about enough at that point, ready to make his presence clear and yell at her.
"Their twins tho...they were quite something. Yeah, the gray haired Miya had some nice strikes, and as much as that blonde one annoys me, I have to admit he is a good player. I can see why he is one of the best setters in the nation."
Atsumu stopped in his tracks and looked at the girl in shock, face slowly turning red from her words. Well, more like how she was saying it, with absolutely no malice or envy. Just pure honesty.
"Yeah I will tell Tobio that, see ya tomorrow!"
The blonde shook his head as (Y/n) walked back to the court, but stopped when she noticed Atsumu standing in front of her.
"Did you need something?" The girl wondered. When she didn't get an answer, she shrugged her shoulders, walking off to her destination,only to be interrupted by Atsumu.
"You aren't upset? On the verge of crying? Your team lost."
"Hmmm... I am upset, but not to that extent. Besides, volleyball is meant to be enjoyed, at leat to me. You take this too seriously, and it doesn't seem healthy for you. There is more to the game, ya know!" (Y/n) said, looking at the older in boredom for one last time, before going back to her previous attempts to get back to her team.
Atsumu watched her silently as his face grew warmer and warmer. The indifference when she talked about the loss was disappointing, but also... refreshing?
He was used to seeing his opponents pissed, distraught or straight up crying, this was something new. Something he was willing to change.
Atsumu wanted to see her...break, be distraught and look at him in awe while crying.
He liked that thought, but for now he will have to work harder for that to happen.
Atsumu smirked and took his phone out, looking at some of the pictures he made Suna find for him.
'Just like that Goody-two shoes of her brother...absolutely no social media or posts. Well, better for me. At least I know that no unknown guys can see her.'
Atsumu wasn't jealous in the past, but now... ever since Suna told him (Y/n) was dating Komori, jealousy was his closest friend. He waited, hoped that the libero would slip up eventually, look at a woman long enough for paparazzi to see, but nothing. The man was fully loyal and devoted to (Y/n), and the she to him. It pissed him off, but also made him fawn over how cute she is by playing the loyal girlfriend.
'I will find a way to break you two up. No relationship is perfect and then... then she will be all mine. As it should have been a long time ago.'
Sakusa wasn't much of a people person, well for loud people like Atsumu and Bokuto maybe, but he did have his fair share of friends, his cousin Komori being one of them.
Love wasn't something he was looking for, nor was he interested in it much. He had volleyball and his studies, and that was enough for him.
Well, until his 2nd year at the Nationals.
He heard of (Y/n) from her brother at the youth camp, thanks to Komori's shenanigans.
Back then he didn't know that the same exact girl would cause him so many sleepless nights and resentment for someone.
Sakusa thought over the past as he glared at his cousinp, who was chatting away with with Suna over God knows what.
'He should be with (Y/n)...protect her and make sure she doesn't get sick. What kind of a boyfriend is he?'
Sakusa's stone cold eyes then turned to gaze at (Y/n), who was talking with a woman he came to know as her older sister. Probably decided to accompany her, he guessed.
His first impression of Tobio wasn't much, a very skilled player who seemed to mostly mind his business. Nothing unusual or special. He wanted to know just one thing, and that was how a no name school like Karasuno, won against Ushijima.
But he could sadly not get a word of interest out of the raven haired boy, only that Ushijima was on top of his game that day, and so was Karasuno.
Komori, being a little uncomfortable with the situation his cousin caused, jumped in and defused the situation.
Sakusa honestly would have gladly stayed away from the setter after, but Komori wasn't having the same idea.
So now he was forced to eat lunch with Komori, Tobio and Chigaya, a middle blocker from Shinzen.
While him and Tobio stayed quiet for the most part, Chigaya and Komori kept on talking about anything that came to their minds.
"Kageyama, you have been a lot on your phone. A secret lover or something?" Komori teased, causing the said boy to quickly look up from his device.
"Huh? I didn't know you were dating." Chigaya commented, surprised by Komori's words, meanwhile Sakusa kept quiet as he ate his lunch.
"No...this is just my sister texting me. She usually does that when going home alone."
"Ah (Y/n)? How is she doing? I am surprised they didn't invite her as a manager."
Chigaya commented, remembering the younger twin from the Tokyo training camp.
"Sister?" Komori wondered as Sakusa looked over at the two.
"Yeah, she is my younger twin and one of Karasuno's managers. I need to call her, sorry." Tobio quickly got up from his seat and went to the hallway.
"I didn't take Kageyama to have a twin, he seems kind of a loner." Komori commented.
"Really? Didn't look like that back with Karasuno. But yeah, she is also really nice, helped out our manager as often as she could. But is pretty quiet." Chigaya said, recalling the memory of the girl.
"So pretty much a copy of Kageyama, except the nice part." Sakusa suddenly said, surprising the libero and middle blocker.
"Well... I guess. The two are both passionate about volleyball, I can say that. While he is more involved in the play on court, (Y/n) manages the tactics and tricks to confuse the other players. As far as I can remember,she came up with some of the tactics used on the court with Shiratorizawa."
That part caught Sakusa's attention, thinking that maybe he is finally on the right track on figuring out what made Karasuno so resilient against the elite school.
'I will have to watch some of their other matches...seems like there was a miracle force from outside, working for them.'
Sakusa thought, watching Kageyama approach their table.
"Ahh...I made a mistake of calling Kageyama over..." Komori commented as he watches his cousin glare at the said setter.
With all the teams arriving at Tokyo's Metropolitan Gymnasium,he did expect Kageyama to show up sooner or later, but not when Sakusa was already in a foul mood.
"Tobio, we need to go. Daichi-san will get upset if we make them wait for too long."
A girl's voice was heard from behind the libero, and he turned around to look at a fairly tall girl, clad in Karasuno's black tracksuit.
Komori blushed a little, finding the girl quite cute, not noticing
"Huh? Oh yeah, sorry (Y/n)." Tobio sounded, turning to look at his sister, who looked nervous with Komori's and now Sakusa's staring as well.
"Well anyways, good luck with your games today."
Tobio said his goodbye and followed his sister to where the rest of Karasuno were.
Sakusa kept looking at (Y/n) retreating figure, his heart beating a little faster than usually.
'So that's the person behind all of those tricks...' The black haired boy thought, then turning his attention to Komori.
The boy, to Sakusa's surprise and disdain, kept on looking at (Y/n)'s figure with a red face.
"What's with that look?"The ace grumbled.
"Kiyoomi...she is beautiful."
'She sure is...' Sakusa thought as he shrugged his shoulders, not liking the way his libero cousin talked about her.
'I need to know more about her!'
And a sure lot he did find out thanks to some of his connections with Fukurodani and Nekoma. The more he found out about her, the more some type of weird and unhealthy love grew in his heart.
Sakusa would do his best to attend as many games Karasuno had after the Nationals. Watchin (Y/n) grow from a shy girl who barely spoke, unless spoken to, into a girl not afraid to speak her mind when needed. While he was displeased with all the boys giving her attention, especially the orange haired boy, he will deal with it soon enough.
Sakusa had already a whole plan set, first he would get to know her, become friends, and he will slowly start isolating her from everyone. Then she will be his, and his only. But one thing he didn't take into account, was her getting close to Komori during the Nationals in their 3rd year, exchanging phone numbers when he wasn't paying attention. And with them both seeing each other less, he was less aware of the little meetings they would have, where Komori would either travel to Miyagi,or (Y/n) to Tokyo.
It was during the last match Karasuno had with his former school. They became a lot stronger, and placed 3rd this year. And while everyone was cheering for the players, Sakusa was watching (Y/n) congratulate her friends and calming the two younger managers down.
It was cute, she reminded him lot of a mother.
'How may kids could we have...maybe 5? That sounds like a good number, she will be so cute carrying my kids.' Sakusa sighed.
Komori looked over at his cousin, and with a heavy heart finally spoke up.
"You like (Y/n), don't you?"
The black haired college student jumped up at the statement and looked at his cousin, not saying a single word.
"Thought so..." Komori grumbled as Sakusa rolled his eyes.
"And if I am? What does it mean to you?"
There was a pregnant pause, and Sakusa stared at his cousin, who was clenching his fists,before he slowly looked up. And the look in Komori's eyes said everything he needed to know.
"(Y/n)...she and I have been going out for the past 6 months. And I am serious about her, I want to spend the rest of my life with this girl."
Sakusa felt his world shatter as he listened to Komori's words. His sweet, beautiful (Y/n)... going out with a germ like Komori?! He saw red, but kept his calm.
Komori got up as the people slowly walked away from the area, nobody paying much attention to them.
"With this, I am not asking for your forgiveness or anything, just... Have some respect and move on. One day, you will find someone who will love you...but (Y/n) is mine, got it?"
Sakusa clenched his fists as he finally spoke up.
"Why...why (Y/n)? You couldn't have picked anyone else?"
"I didn't realize your feelings for her till a month or two ago. The way you would bring her up from time to time and... the look you had on your face when she would show up for a second on the TV..." Komori sighed and looked down at (Y/n) again, his glare turning into a soft smile.
"I can understand why you like her, who wouldn't, but it has to stop. I want to bring her over to meet aunt and uncle one day. She is my dream girl."
Komori finished his speech and walked down the stairs to where (Y/n) was.
Sakusa, heartbroken and enraged watched as (Y/n) jumped into the Itachiyama alumni's arms, kissing him on the cheek.
Punching the seat in front of him, the black haired boy got up and walked into the closest washroom.
Since that day, Sakusa was just counting the days a slip up or a crack in the relationship would show, but nothing of those sorts happened. Eventually, Komori introduced (Y/n) to his and Sakusa's parents, the day that happened was his darkest one. She looked so angelic and... ethereal really, Sakusa wanted to yell how much he loved her and how much he deserved to be with her, but he needed to keep his calm. He needed to earn (Y/n)'s trust, because one day something might come up, and he will be there to hold her.
'Motoya...' Sakusa growled as all four glared at his form leading (Y/n) away from them.
"What's so special about your cousin,Omi? What could he possibly have that I don't?" Atsumu growled as they waited for their team to change.
Sakusa shrugged his shoulders, not having an answer either. There was nothing special about Motoya! Sure, he was a professional athlete, but so was he! A even better and more recognized one, so how (Y/n) could pick his annoying cousin was beyond him.
Bokuto kept quiet, the sight of (Y/n) and the libero kissing just killed his already bad mood, and now he just wanted to sit somewhere and cry.
"We need to do something!" Hinata spoke up, all the pent up jealousy, anger and lovesickness, that he built up over the years was killing him.
"And what would that be?" Sakusa wondered.
"Anything! Listen, there is no say if Komori will propose to (Y/n), all those gossip magazines and be himself keep hinting to it! We need to make him loom bad in (Y/n)'s eyes or else..."
Hinata shuddered at the thought of the love of his life marrying someone else.
Atsumu got up from the bench, smirking as an idea finally hit him.
"And I have the perfect plan. Omi, you and your cousin will have a nice long night out." Atsumu giggled as Sakusa looked at the setter in worry, but at this point he'd do anything to break those two up.
Tag list(Idk, it's the people who liked the previous post. If anyone else wants to be added,pls telle me):
@kei-tsuki21 @thebrunetteavenger @sicklyinlove @kittykatiekat @torriblack97 @locogvrl
Thanks for reading,part 2 will be up in a few days! Have a great day/night!
222 notes · View notes
Tooru Oikawa (Haikyuu!) vs Michael Kaiser (Blue Lock)
Tooru Oikawa
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Sport: Volleyball
Appearance: (1): brown hair, brown eyes, japanese (2): Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown Height: 184.3cm (pre-timeskip), 185.5cm (post-timeskip) Nationality: Japanese --> Argentinian
Propaganda: (1): Now you might have heard of Oikawa Tooru. The so-called "Great King" of volleyball. An exceptional setter. An unbelievable player. He is one of the most talented players in the series. On the surface, that may just sound like "Oh so he's just really good at volleyball big deal." But we have to take into account HOW he got good at volleyball and how that interacts with the others around him! Let's take into account one the most famous lines regarding his character: "Talent is something you make bloom. Instinct is something you polish." This is a very huge line in the series. Oikawa, like many of us, is very aware that anywhere you go, there are "geniuses." These are people who appear to be naturally gifted, those who are better than their peers effortlessly. Oikawa is not one of those people as it has been directly stated that "Oikawa Tooru is not a genius." He sees the value in his own training, improvement, and dedication. And it is that mindset that propels him to be one of the best. (2): Oikawa Tooru has had a great passion for volleyball ever since he was a child. After watching a professional setter play, he has followed his dream. He's described as someone who would continue playing volleyball for the rest of his life, by his childhood friend, and it's exactly what he does! He traveled across the world to play volleyball on a world stage as during his school days, his team could never make it to a national tournament (due to very strong opponents in their area preventing them from participating in a country wide competition). He got to play in the Olympics! Isn't that great!!! He's someone who is attuned to his team and brings out the best in the other volleyball player teams!! He works hard!! Has learned not to push himself too much, and ultimately remembers that the sport he loves is fun :)
Michael Kaiser
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(Image by @variabels here I was given permission to use the image, please do not use it without the artist’s consent)
Sport: Soccer
Appearance: Blonde hair with blue streaks, light blue eyes, German
Propaganda: Kaiser is a character that most people hate at first, only to later reluctantly accept how amazing he is. He is arrogant, but he has every right to be so. He’s a prodigy forward in the under-20 division and is regarded as one of the top 11 best players in the world in his age group. He has amazing spatial awareness and great shooting skills. In one chapter of the manga, he literally kicked the ball in midair with a bicycle kick (where you’re upside down), and the ball then passes under a defender before landing into the goal. With strength like that, you can’t help but close an eye on him being an asshole. But although I keep roasting his personality, he also has his good points. He is quite charismatic when you’re on his side, and this is best displayed in his relationship with Ness, his partner midfielder. In one match, Ness was on the verge of breaking down in fear of losing, but Kaiser easily pulls him back up. He tells Ness to just move like how they practiced and leave the rest to him. And seriously, who wouldn’t feel relieved when someone offers to remove the pressure off their shoulders and tells them, “And believe. For me, nothing is impossible.” Kaiser is such a complex character that even my feelings for him are complex. I hate how he treats Ness like trash most of the time, I hate how he keeps getting in the protagonist’s way, and I hate how he’s always so full of himself. But at the same time, like Ness, I can’t help but be drawn to him. Aside from being an insanely good player, he’s also a very compelling character. We are yet to get his backstory, so I really wonder how his superiority complex came to be. Right now, I am following the manga, eagerly waiting for the moment I see him break and lose it.
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sanaserena · 9 months
As promised, more screenshots! This time from Episode 3. Of all episodes, this was one of the slowest for me, but not by much!! There are so many things to like about this episode (but comparatively, Episode was more exciting). This episode marks the beginning of Usopp's recruitment to the Strawhats. So, good things I liked from this episode (a complete series overview review later, including some hiccups I didn't love, but wasn't a dealbreaker for me):
Not just for this episode, but I loved the music. As someone who has always been primarily manga over anime, I really enjoyed the take on the music for this entire series! It's literally been stuck in my head all week... Even more, I really did enjoy the themes and motifs for each character! We even get a hint of We Are or Overtaken at crucial moments in the live action!! (One of which was the introduction to Going Merry!) It's interesting, I loved the moments when these appeared, but did not immediately catch that they were versions of the Anime OST, because evidently, I don't watch the anime as often...
Helmeppo. Have I said it yet? Even if I have, I'll say it again. Aidan Scott does such an amazing job as Helmeppo. He's a complete ass, yet he's become a likeable ass (and no!! I don't mean that literal scene from Episode 1! Some days I wonder if the choice to include was like a metaphor for his character...it probably wasn't but still!) Nonetheless, this guy has so many facial expressions and pretty damn perfect for Helmeppo. I like that we get to see more of him (and Koby and Garp) as we get to see how they grow from their roots to post-timeskip in the manga.
Nami, Zoro, Luffy. Again, Episode 3 gives us more development of their dynamic as a crew. They're still not together yet, but this is also one of the reasons I really enjoy Episodes 3 and 4. You can't have the Nami, Zoro, and Luffy of live action as they are in Episodes 7 and 8 without these two episodes. Because it's in 3 & 4 that we really get to know each one and they each get to know each other. There are so many great moments. Like when Luffy is idealistically optimistic about how to get a ship, and Nami is characteristically cynical, with Zoro totally agreeing with her. And like those two moments between the three: 1) Nami asking for Luffy and Zoro's opinion on her outfit (they just don't get it), and 2) Nami and Luffy making a bet (I love this moment because we get such a lovely conclusion of it in the next episode.)
Usopp, and almost immediately we get strong Usopp and Luffy camaraderie. Which was fantastic. You can see they're almost cut from the same cloth.
Btw, have I mentioned yet how awesome Mackenyu is at Zoro. Right from the get go, I was super happy that he was cast as Zoro (despite people's complaint that Taz's hair was too short and Mackenyu was too pretty).
Inaki is great at Luffy. His Luffy isn't exactly the same as Luffy in the manga, but we're looking at two different mediums here. In essence though, he makes a wonderful Luffy. He has all the core values of Luffy, loves and hates, and seriously, Inaki gives Luffy some really wonderful faces throughout the live action!
At first, I was a bit hmmm over Klahadore's costume. it felt a bit much. But the more I watched the actor act him out, the more I forgot about the costume and focussed on the man. And well, I can say I was fully convinced.
Kaya's mansion. I do love the idea that we see events taking place at the mansion, rather than on the hill in the manga. I mean I adore that fight in the manga too, because it has many funny moments, but the live action variation does a great job bringing a different location alive. (And I love that I now know that there's electricity in One Piece... which was a question the Production designer Richard Bridgland had asked about.) I love Kaya's wardrobe. It's insane, but so wonderful to look at. Her bedroom is adorable. Her dining room tells a story. The kitchen is definitely a kitchen. And so on.
Once again, I couldn't fit all the images in this post, so look for Part 2 here: Link
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fandomz-brainrot · 1 year
Racing Hearts (Tenya Iida x Male Reader)
Originally posted: August 19 2019
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(Y/N)'s quirk: Wind. This quirk allows the user to manipulate wind. However, they will have to use their own oxygen, and will be fatigued and out of breath by the time they stop.
Iida P.O.V School had just ended for the day, so I walked out to the empty field a little bit away to meet (Y/N). It was something we always did after school. We'd race each other to a nearby tree (although I'd always let him win), and we'd just sit in the shade and talk. It was quite nice.
I stood at the place we usually met, a little log that had been there for as long as we could remember.
I've know (Y/N) for my whole life, we had grown up together. He was my best friend, although for a while I've wanted us to be something more. It was rare for me to develop feeling for anyone, but he just seemed... Special for some reason.
I waited for him, the wind messing up my dark blue hair. I sighed, trying to fix it when i heard a familiar cheerful voice call from a distance a way. "Hey, Tenya!!" (Y/N) called, smiling brightly and jogging over to me. I grinned. "Hello (Y/N)". He smirked as we both got into our starting positions like usual. "1... 2... 3... GO!" He cried, bolting off. He used his quirk to push him along, ocassionally stopping to catch his breath.
I refused to use my quirk, and i let him win again.
When we reached the tree, he pumped his fist into the air triumphantly, and grinned at me. I smiled back, as we both sat under the tree like we usually did.
"Hey..." The (H/C) haired male started, glancing at me before returning his gaze to the ground.
"Yes, (Y/N)?" I looked at him, my head tilted slightly to the side. He took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes. "Would you... Would you like to go on a date with me?"
I was taken aback. I hadn't expected this. I fidgeted with my hands, my face flushing red. "W-well... O-of course!" I stuttered out. He smiled, and hugged me. I hugged back, running my fingers through his hair. We then planned out the date.
---timeskip to the date---
We had decided on a little picnic in the spot we'd always talk at. It held so many memories that it was an obvious choice.
I sat there, waiting for the boy i had fallen for to arrive. Soon enough, there he was. He looked amazing, even though he hadn't dressed up or anything. God that sounds gay.
"Hey!" He called cheerfully, jogging over to me and sitting down by my side, wrapping his arms around me in a hug. I blushed, returning the hug with a small smile.
"What food did you make??" He asked. I had prepared our food, not wanting him to go through any trouble and, to be honest, he wasn't the best cook anyway.
"Just some sandwiches, some drinks, strawberries, watermelon, cookies, and some ice cream. It's going to get kind of hot, and i don't want you to overheat" I explained, him smiling brightly at me. It was truly adorable. "Aww, thanks!! I'm sure it will be great" I smiled at the compliment, muttering a small thank you to him.
He grabbed a sandwich, and the date progressed.
A few hours later, the sun started to set. He smiled softly, resting his head on my shoulder as he nibbled a cookie. I blushed.
"Wow, the sunset looks lovely" I said, hesitantly draping my arm across his shoulder.
"Yeah... It almost looks as good as you" (Y/N) says smoothly, looking at me with a mischevious smirk. My blush darkened, as he giggled and ruffled my hair. I crossed my arms, a small smile on my face.
"Oh come here, you big teddy bear~" he said teasingly, gently cupping my face in his hands. I looked at him in surprise, our faces only inches apart. I was confused as to wether i should pull away or close the distance. He made the decision for me.
He gently pressed his lips against mine in a tender kiss, my arms wrapping around his neck on instinct. My face was bright red.
Although the kiss only lasted a few seconds, it was perfect. We pulled away, a soft smile on both of our faces.
"I think I'm going to like this. We should do it more often" he said, his face still very close to mine.
"Y-yeah, we should"
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thesherrinfordfacility · 10 months
hello! just saw your tags on the post regarding Crowley's sunnies changing after e2, saying the sunglasses theory isn't dead. I've not heard of this one before, would you mind explaining it? much love ❤️
LMAO hi @doctorqueensanatomy, strap yourself in it's a wild ride!!!✨
so, i noticed from the trailer and some photos that we got that crowley seemed to swap sunglasses and sideburn lengths during different points/promos, and basically came up with this. i felt it was indicative of a timeskip, and given that the trailer gave us the 'im back' scene, i thought a timeskip somewhere in the show would be because they'd had an earlier falling out, possibly related to gabriel.
now the loml Laure, @theeminentlyimpractical, added to it (there are multiple of our back-and-forth rbs in the thread!!!) and backed it up with more promos and 'evidence', and we looked into all the content we had pre-s2, to try piecing it together. unfortunately, we couldnt fully establish a timeline from what we had, because there would be some random scenes where crowley had different-length sideburns all with the same ep.
then more clips came out, and it mucked up the theory further - but also then s2 got released and it threw it completely out the window. iirc, neil was even asked about it - and said a) the snake moves with the hairline, it likes to be visible, and b) crowley essentially just switched up what he wanted to wear (ie sunglasses) on different days/at different points.
so there hasnt, beyond that, been a clear explanation. the issue we had though is that this is prime. even given when the show was filmed, the attention to detail by and large has been intricate and accurate, a real testament to the talent and love for the show involved.
neil has admitted in other asks to some goofs in accuracy (most recent i think concerned the record that aziraphale has - which doesn't have the correct hole size for jukebox play, but also the clock in the background of the kiss having a continuity error), but crowley is a main character. he has a heck of a lot of screentime - so to me, it's either:
david may have been lined up for another job necessitating different hair and some of the scenes where he has different length sideburns might have been filmed later on in AP, or scenes were shot out of sequence and the ones where he has longer sideburns were filmed towards the end (and hence when david might have been going into another role). and its explained as a character quirk
something fishy is going on but is a major part of s3 and can't be spoiled.
im mindful to respect the show with the view that i find it hard to believe it's something they'd miss, as amazing as the whole team evidently is... but at the same time, i can't imagine how tough filming was during COVID, and therefore am somewhat happy to just have it be canon that crowley is just That Guy.
hope that explains somewhat!!!✨
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snivyleague · 2 years
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(You’re the) Best Part
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Post Timeskip!Bokuto Koutarou x GN!Reader
wc: 1.4k
summary: waking up in the middle of the night? sucks. love of your life coming to the rescue? sucks less!
content warnings: none! maybe mentions of insomnia and anxiety, pet name ‘baby’ used like once I think? seriously this is just tooth rotting fluff, so so self indulgent
A/N: lightly inspired by the song “Best Part” by Daniel Caesar featuring H.E.R !! just such a pretty love song :) also hi I missed writing so I’m dippin my toes back in
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Sleep was hard to find on nights like these.
It was strange, you think, how even when the night was at it’s calmest, sleep still evaded you. You could hear it, your boyfriend sound asleep in the next room, his rhythmic breathing echoing through the stillness of your shared apartment. It should be calming... you should be asleep alongside him. But quite honestly, sleep avoided you the most when it was like this.
You could never truly understand. Realistically, this was the perfect night to be getting the best night’s rest. You and your boyfriend both had a day off tomorrow, it was nice and cool outside and within the apartment. You’d had an amazing dinner before bed, the both of you working in tandem to cook it. Bokuto had spilled some soy sauce all over the counter, and the pout on his face had been so adorable you couldn’t stand it. You watched one of your favorite movies, Koutarou’s head cradled in your lap, your fingers tangled in his hair. He’d laid there perfectly contented, littering kisses to your wrists and thighs as he pleased, pulling little giggles from your chest. It had been such an amazing night.
So why were you awake?
Simply put, you felt a sort of restlessness on nights like these. When everything was perfect and warm and fuzzy. A sort of anxiousness settled in your bones, making it’s appearance when you least expect, or least desire. And the only remedy you’ve found is to get up.
Normally when this happens, you get up out of bed to make yourself some tea. No easy feat, with Koutarou in the bed with you, of course. When he sleeps, he likes to wrap himself around you, get as close as he can to you without actually settling beneath your skin. It was one of your favorite things about him... until you actually had to get out of bed.
But you’d been together for quite some time now, so you’d almost become a master. Especially considering on days he didn’t need to be up for morning practice, he’d sleep until noon if you’d let him. You always got up before him on shared days off, to make him some coffee and wake him up with kisses littered to his face. You supposed considering the time, this time was no different.
Once you slip away from bed, you begin your sort of ‘go back to sleep’ routine. You shuffle your slippers onto your feet, and as quietly as possible you make your way to the kitchen to brew some tea.
The apartment was so quiet, comfortable in the same way rereading your favorite book is. It soothes you to some degree, scanning your tired eyes across your living room.
It was a little messy, but you preferred to call it ‘lived in’. There were blankets and pillows strewn along the couch where you and Bokuto had been cuddling last night, the dvds still stacked on the coffee table. You could remember so clearly his boisterous laugh from yesterday, when the movie had reached your favorite scene, and you’d laughed so hard you snorted. It brought a soft smile to your face as you remembered it.
The water on the stove begins to boil, and you carefully select your tea bag, something herbal, calming, taking the pot off the hot burner and settling it near the back to steep. The smell alone was helping soothe that strange midnight anxiety. The restlessness you couldn’t explain. You turn off the stove and wait patiently for your tea. 
You were so absorbed in watching the water slowly turn golden with the addition of the tea bag, you hadn’t heard the shuffling steps down the hall, coming up behind you.
Two strong arms appear around your waist, hugging you back into a broad, warm chest. You startle a little at first, but you’d know him anywhere of course. You knew his body better than your own, most days. You lean back into him, relaxing as he sets his head atop yours. Making a space for himself there against you, breathing you in.
“Kou, what’re you doing up? You should be asleep.” you murmur, and you meant it to be firm but it just comes out all soft and fond. He huffs against your hair.
“No, you’re s’pposed to be asleep. What’re you doin’ up?” he mumbles against the crown of your hair. His fingertips had slipped beneath the hem of your sleep shirt (his shirt, actually), settled warm against your bare skin beneath. It makes you smile, despite your sudden and annoying bout of insomnia.
“Can’t sleep. Go back to bed, love, I’ll be there soon, don’t worry.” you hum, but with the way his hold tightens around you just a bit you have a feeling he wasn’t partial to that.
He nuzzles into the side of your neck then, pressing kisses there, and you? You were helpless. Even half asleep, he was quite convincing in his tactics. Knew exactly how to get you to melt every time.
“Can’t sleep when you’re not there. Come be awake in bed with me. I’ll stay up n’ keep you company.” He mumbles against your skin, trying to sound convincing, sure of himself. You huff out a quiet laugh.
“Kou, you’re half asleep right now.” He whines softly in complaint, and your heart aches with just how in love you are with him.
“Am not. M’wide awake. Come to bed.”
He was, in fact, not wide awake. Anyone with eyes and ears could tell, but it was so incredibly adorable, hearing him mutter soft pleas into your skin.
But alas, you were really looking forward to this tea, your midnight sleep remedy. And you knew if you’d let him drag you off to bed too soon, you’d just lie there awake until it was acceptable to get up again.
“But I already made my tea...” you pout over your shoulder at him, hoping to be convincing.
“It’ll only be a minute or two to drink it. Then I’ll come to bed, I’ll be all yours.”
“But then I’ll have to wait! and I’ll miss you. And if I miss you, I can’t sleep. Then I’ll be tired and cranky at practice tomorrow.”
“You have the day off tomorrow, remember? We both do.” Both you and him knew his argument wouldn’t hold water, but indulging him was one of your favorite activities. Especially when he was being so cute. 
“...I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Koutarou...” you had moved past bargaining, getting alarmingly close to the inevitable acceptance of your fate.
“C’mon babyyyy... you said we have the day off tomorrow, right? All the more reason for you to come lay with me n’ lemme love on you. We can sleep in tomorrow.” He draws the nickname out into the cutest little whine and you can feel your soul melt from the warmth it brings. 
A sigh falls from your lips, and you could feel his smile pressed into the juncture of your neck and shoulder. He’d always been alarmingly good at breaking you down just enough to drag you back to the comfort of your bed. And he had you right where he wanted you.
“Alright fine. You win. But you have to be the big spoon.” you murmur, a playful defeat. And he may have been half asleep, but by god the sleepy grin on his face seemed somehow triumphant. Truth was, Bokuto had experience with this exact situation.
You’d wake, slip away from bed, and Bokuto truly couldn’t sleep well when you weren’t there. He’d rouse from sleep and pout, then seek you out. You were always in the kitchen, and somehow, he’d always find away to convince you to cuddle him until you fell asleep again. Just as you were a master of escaping the bed in the morning, he was a master at coaxing you back to sleep.
As soon as you gave him the go ahead, he was already in the process of pulling you away from the stove, through your ‘lived in’ apartment, back to the sanctuary of your bedroom.
The restless feeling would never truly go away. It’d come back every now and then in the middle of the night, rouse you from sleep like always. But Koutarou would always be there to keep that feeling at bay, as long as you let him.
Plus, you could always warm up the tea again in the morning.
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synergysilhouette · 1 year
Remaking X-Men: Evolution (Timeskip)
I've actually been trying to repost my work, but I've actually just done so for seasons 1, 4, and 5; you'll just have to check out the other seasons via their original posts I made in October 2022. Anyway, We’ve hit the time skip! In the original series, the show ended with the Apocalypse Arc, which was the main focus of season 4 and part of season 3, with season 4 giving us a glimpse into the future. Now that I’ve done all the canon episodes, I’m now coming up with new ideas, and I will be adapting the “Dark Phoenix” saga. I imagine it’s more PG-13, and now the characters are college-aged, along with new costumes, including some of the Brotherhood and Acolytes. Take a look:
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Cyclops’ current blue look is my favorite of his–just remove the cowl. Jean’s 2021 Hellfire Gala look is too good to ignore, while Rogue’s Legacy look is AMAZING. Kurt’s Legion of X look is awesome, though I'd probably remove the facial hair (and keep his hair long), and Storm’s Extraordinary X-Men look was great, but I loved the redesign someone did with Doll Divine for her. Magik’s would be her classic black look, while Iceman’s is his newest look that I am IN LOVE with. And Havok’s 90s look is underrated--just use the black and white color color with his symbols instead of the "X." Actually, remove the "X" from everyone's costumes except for Jean's shoes.
As for the Brotherhood...
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Magneto would adopt a white outfit, as it’d be a cool and unique look; Mystique and Destiny would stay the same while Quicksilver wears his Uncanny Avengers suit and Wanda is in her 2022 Hellfire Gala look. Toad adopts a more classic look (but maybe make it green), and Avalanche takes on an X-Corps look–but again, remove the helmet and replace it with a mask.
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It's Adel's turn =)
Thanks @onyxedskies for the fe3h oc template
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Character Info: Adel von Hresvelg
Names and aliases: 
        Name (English): Adel
        Full name (English): von Hresvelg 
Biological Information:
        Gender: male
        Race: Human
        Birthday: 18/10
        Fodlan birthday: 18th of the Wyvern Moon (which is pure coincidence but also Amazing)
        Age: 20 before timeskip - 25 post-timeskip
        Relatives: younger brother to Aline von Hresvelg , older brother to Edelgard von Hresvelg and Loki Blaiddyd von Hresvelg 
        Nationality: Adrestian Empire
        Hometown: Enbarr 
        Residence: Garreg Mach Monastery
        Factions: Imperial army/ Knights of Seiros (formerly)
        Occupations: Wyvern Knight, brother 
Early Life/Academy phase:
Adel was born with a minor Crest of Seiros, and is the child of Emperor Ionius and one of his noble Adrestian concubines, who always cared more about her status than her kid. As such, his relationship with both of his parents has always been strained and he's been mostly raised by his other siblings. As a kid, he was absolutely obsessed with wyverns- and he also became pretty good at waltz, which he taught to Edelgard.
The experiments he went through with his siblings left him blind, and he lost part of the power of his crest, which was transferred to his then-crestless sister Aline. He started to suffer from schizophrenia, which he takes medication for.
At the start of the game, Adel gets entry in the monastery under the false identity of Adel von Hrym as a part-time Black Eagle student, part-time intern in the Knights of Seiros, in order to see who he could possibly sway to his sister's side- a time during which he develops a friendship with Alois.
After the events at Remire, he finds an orphaned baby wyvern close to the village and finds out she's deaf. He adopts her and names her Mirabelle.
 He betrays the Church along with Edelgard at the Holy Mausoleum, regardless of whether he has been recruited to another class.
Timeskip Phase:
Even if he has been recruited, Adel sticks by Edelgard's side and fights with her. In the meantime, his hair, which was white during the academy phase, begins to regain its natural light brown color.
War Phase:
During the war, Adel fights as a member of the Black Eagle strike force. He also has a dislike for Dimitri, since he sees too much of his own struggles with his mental health in him, but they are on opposite sides of this war. The fact that Dimitri is also Loki's older brother adds to the uneasiness he feels at their being so similar. If a golden route existed in FE3H, Dimitri and Adel's support conversations would probably address that issue.
After TWSITD are defeated, Adel keeps helping his siblings out as much as needed. He opens his own animal sanctuary, mostly aimed at wyverns and former military wyverns, but he welcomes any other animal.
     Adel has always tried to be the funny older brother, at the same time as reliable; that sometimes causes him to put his own feelings of unrest and depression to the side in order to lift other people's spirits. He also struggles with not feeling good enough to protect his siblings, although he constantly works on that feeling.
He is a kind person, sometimes a little snarky, and he absolutely hates spending time cooking, something which he only does for the people who are very close to him. At first, and as result of his trauma, he struggles to understand why anyone who knew why Edelgard is doing what she's doing would disagree with her, but he ends up making peace with the knowledge that even though the Black Eagle strike force might think that this war is for the best, other people who are impacted and/or victims of this situation might live it very differently. His support with Aline would be centered around making peace with that fact, something she has already accepted long ago.
 it's better for everyone's sanity if i don't try to do stats i know nothing about ; but he's a Wyvern Knight. His physical defense and speed are pretty strong.
He is recruitable to other classes during the Academy phase, but just like Flayn in Crimson Flower, he will desert to join the Empire at the Holy Mausoleum.
Gift List: 
Pretty sure he'd love any kind of food you threw his way. He'd dislike gifts related to the Goddess though, because he has stopped believing in her a long time ago.
Meal List: 
The dude likes pretty much everything- he does have a weak spot for soups of any kind.
Lost Items:
Red neckerchief: an old neckerchief, dyed a vivid red color.
Red and gold earring: a red and gold earring that looks familiar.
Reins: reins like the one people would use to ride on horses or wyverns.
In The Monastery:
Choir Practice:
Boooring… anyone wanna slip out of here and go grab some ice cream ?
I'm only doing this because it's you.
I wish I could do more for my allies. Sometimes it feels that all I do is bring them down.
I'd like to get along with some former enemies who have changed sides recently, but I am still upset with them, even though I know this is irrational. How do I get over this resentment ?
Dining Hall:
With Aline: Come on Aline, the only reason I play with my food is because you were the one who taught me.
With Edelgard : This is so good ! It brings back memories, doesn't it Edel ?
With Loki: Another delicious meal we didn't have to prepare.
That's awesome ! Thank you a lot. I mean it.
Neutral: That was a nice thought, thanks !
Disliked: Hu… okay, I guess ? Why not.
Lost Item:
Not theirs: I've never seen this thing in my life. Literally and figuratively.
Theirs: Thank the Goddess, I was going crazy searching for this.
Tea Party:
General: Thanks for inviting me ! This is nice.
Favorite Tea: Southern Fruit blend, Dagda fruit blend, Honeyed-Fruit blend
Favorite Teas: “Thanks for thinking about this ! I'll let it cool a little before I drink."
Observe: What are you doing, breathing down my neck like that ?
End: That was great. I'll take you on a wyvern ride to thank you for this !
Group Tasks: 
Stable Duty (with Edelgard):
Adel: Horses are really just wyverns without wings, and I think that's a shame.
Edelgard : Does everything have to be wyvern-related to you, Adel ?
Adel: I thought you knew me better than that, Edel. Of course everything needs to be wyvern-related to me.
Weeding (with Aline):
Aline: Did you know some of these weeds are edible ? It's fascinating, isn't it ?
Adel : Really ? Actually, that sounds pretty rad. Think you could make something of it ?
Aline: Probably. I'll read up on some recipes.
Sky Watch (with Loki):
Adel: Hold on tight, princesse ! 
Loki: I trust you and Mirabelle not to drop me to my death.
Adel: I’ll always be there to catch you.
Good: Of course it was, with a time like us !
Battle Quotes:
When selected: Let's go !
War phase:
Full health: Let’s do this, Mirabelle !
Medium health: I must stay on my guard…
Low health: Please just die !
War phase:
For my siblings !
 You had it coming !
 I'll drive you into the ground !
  I soar, you go down !
Facing a named enemy:
I can't let you lay a finger on Edel's head.
War phase, defeating an enemy:
That was a close one !
To the next one !
 Sorry about that.
 Great job, Mirabelle !
 I'm glad this is over.
 It’s time they got what they deserved.
Ally Defeats Enemy:
That was cool !
Need a ride ?
 I'm glad I don't fly solo !
  Stay on your toes !
 Way to go !
That was badass. I taught Loki that word.
Retreat Quote:
War Retreat: I can't do this… Mirabelle, get us out of here !
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