#hey besties. you reading this. send me some asks!!!
castformation · 2 years
Fidough Fun Facts!
Fidough that produce different strains of yeast have been bred for various purposes over the centuries, whether for baking, brewing, or winemaking. While these pokémon are generally no longer involved in the process of food or drink creation, these breeds are still around today, and are easily identifiable due to their distinct appearances and temperment.
Some companies, especially the smaller or more artisanal ones, still utilize fidough in the creation process; one well-known breeder is currently attempting to breed a fidough variety that can aid in the creation of kombucha.
There's an old wives' tale that a fidough not allowed to sample food or drink made with its yeast would feel disrespected, and would curse those who consumed it with terrible food poisoning. For this reason, it was once customary to offer fidough a taste of any product it helped make. It's well known today, however, that fidough cannot process large amounts of grain or alcohol. Experts strongly advise against indulging in this long-standing tradition!
A group of fidough is called a roll!
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My mom just sent a message to the family group chat suggesting that my siblings download the 'For the Strength of Youth' magazine on their Gospel Library app and talked about how much the youth magazines helped her testimony growing up and like, cool. Fine. Don't know why the 'sending random spiritual thoughts in the gc' thing started out of nowhere when it hadn't been a thing for a decade but this is just another one of those, and you're ofc allowed to talk about things that are significant in your life.
I don't think sending the 'What I Did When Someone Close to Me Challenged My Faith' article right afterwards was strictly necessary though 🙃
#hi bg mutuals 👋 i'm gonna vent about this from time to time. if any mutuals dont want to see it block the 'apostake' tag#trying not to read too much into it b/c I think I did last time something like this happened#and i dont want to make an ass of myself even if neither time would actually be in front of my parents#but like...i know that they know that one of my sisters is clearly PIMO#they went through her phone a couple weeks ago and i have no idea if they read my texts w/ her#but if they did they probably saw the conversation i had with her about some of the really common shelf-breakers#and telling her to take looking into it at her own pace b/c it's scary and overwhelming#(a conversation SHE started btw)#and when i talked to my parents about the larger context of that whole situation i talked about not having space to step back#and their response was that they give plenty of space b/c they dont make her go to seminary???#that's not the same thing as letting her openly question & potentially leave the church idk what to tell you#like. besties i dont know for sure what caused it (which is NOT making things better. it just feels potentially passive aggressive)#but from my end? it sure looks like it might be a reaction to that. probably not JUST that (friends exist) but.#if you think I'm whispering anti-mormon rhetoric into my siblings' ears just ask me. i'm very much NOT doing that#i'm just. talking? to them? when and if they come to me with questions?#and not making my answer 'well there's a reason our parents raised us in the church! ☺️'#(an actual argument given in the article my mom sent)#hate it. thanks#apostake#jay rambles#ok to interact#im not challenging anyone's faith. my patience though? INCREDIBLY challenged#gotta figure out how to work my way around a 'hey please dont send spiritual thoughts to the gc *I'm in*' talk tactfully#they've been pretty chill about me leaving over-all?? at least to my face#haven't pushed me to go to church w/ them; was fine with me not visiting for easter; didnt try to convince me to not drink coffee; etc#it's just. frustrating that they're not giving my siblings that still live with them that same grace#my sister's 17 ffs#it's very possible im way overreacting to the article. but what is tumblr for if not screaming into the void#religion#mormonism
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calicoheartz · 20 days
Please write something where paige x teammate!reader is on a live with KK, and then someone asks along the lines of "Are you gay?" and KK starts reading it, and paige and deader both go "don't. " almost like that one live. 💀
And then later the night KK goes on live at a bar or party and then you can accidentally see paige and reader make out in the back ground 👀
-🦢 (ily too)
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꣑୧ — summary | basically the prompt !!
wc ; 637
— warnings | mainly fluff , somewhat suggestive !
my master list ㇀♡
a/n : anon , you are ALWAYS keeping me fed with your requests !! enjoy besties!:)
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Paige and you are sitting in her dorm room, laughing over some inside joke as you scroll through your phones. The off-season has given you both some much-needed downtime, and tonight, you’re planning to relax with a spontaneous Instagram Live. KK, another teammate, joins in from her own room, and soon, the three of you are streaming to your fans.
“Hey, everyone!” KK greets the viewers, grinning widely. “It’s a chill night with your favorite Huskies!”
The comments start pouring in, with fans sending heart emojis, asking questions, and generally expressing their excitement. You and Paige wave at the camera, adding your own comments to the chat.
“So, what should we talk about tonight?” you ask, leaning closer to Paige, who’s reading some of the comments aloud.
“Oh, someone wants to know what our favorite pre-game rituals are,” Paige says, her eyes twinkling as she reads aloud. “I guess we can share that.”
KK jumps in, sharing her ritual first, and then it’s Paige’s turn. You’re about to share yours when a comment catches KK’s attention, and she starts to read it aloud.
“Are you gay?” KK begins, eyes widening slightly.
Before she can continue, both you and Paige, almost in unison, exclaim, “Don’t!”
KK quickly shuts her mouth, a mischievous smile tugging at her lips. “Okay, okay! Moving on,” she says with a laugh, clearly amused by the synchronized reaction.
The rest of the Live continues smoothly, with more light-hearted questions and fun interactions. Eventually, you all say your goodbyes and end the stream, laughing about the close call.
Later that night, the team decides to unwind at a local bar. The music is loud, the atmosphere electric, and you’re having a great time. You and Paige stick close together, your usual comfort zone, but there’s an underlying tension, a shared look that seems to convey everything you’ve been feeling.
KK, always the life of the party, decides to go live again. She’s capturing the energy of the night, showing everyone dancing, laughing, and just having a good time.
You and Paige find yourselves in a quieter corner of the bar, the noise around you fading into the background as you lean in closer to each other. The moment feels right, the mix of alcohol and the charged atmosphere giving you both a bit of courage.
As you glance over, you realize KK’s live feed is still rolling. She’s panning around, talking to other teammates, and then her camera inadvertently captures you and Paige. Without even realizing it, you lean in, and Paige meets you halfway, your lips meeting in a kiss that feels like it’s been a long time coming.
KK, still chatting away, doesn’t notice immediately. But the viewers do. The comments explode with reactions, and when KK finally notices, her eyes go wide. She quickly turns the camera away, laughing awkwardly.
“Uh, looks like everyone’s having a good time!” she says, trying to cover up the slip.
Meanwhile, you and Paige pull back, both of you blushing but unable to stop smiling. The cat’s out of the bag now, but in this moment, you can’t bring yourself to care. You’re just happy to finally share this with Paige, no matter how unexpected the reveal might have been.
Later, as you walk back to the dorms together, Paige squeezes your hand. “Well, that’s one way to come out,” she jokes, her eyes shining with amusement.
You laugh, leaning into her. “Yeah, not exactly how I imagined it, but I’m glad it happened.”
Paige stops walking and turns to face you, her expression serious for a moment. “I’m glad too,” she says softly, before pulling you in for another kiss, this one slower, more meaningful.
As the night ends, you know that things might be different now, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
cami and her low-key short fics >>>> ... as always thank you so much for reading !!
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klipkillakai · 4 months
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|pt 2|
humming the smooth melodies of jhené aiko’s music, you slowly walk down the aisles of the bookstore, picking up books and looking at the back reading the synopsis, this morning you woke up and decided you wanted to go to the mall..
usually you go with your bestie but she’s been in florida all week, so you decided to go by yourself, this was a little anxiety inducing but you went straight to your safe haven.. barnes and nobles.. where you can pick any escape you want
you decided you wanted to pick up some romance novels, it probably having to do with it being february and your new found crush but your gonna be delusional and pretend that’s not the case..
you think about him as you look through the books, you haven’t seen him at school all week and you feel worried? it’s odd because you wouldn’t have noticed before but now it’s different..
you haven’t attempted to text him out of fear, but you notice he hasn’t texted you either, it hurts a bit and deep down you can’t help but feel like it was too good to be true..
you shake the thoughts away and collect your books and head to the cashier..
connie silently follows the guards as they lead him out to intake, he’d been locked up the past few, some bullshit about a warrant.. he knew that was a lie.. he knew they needed to get him on something, but unfortunately for them he has one the best lawyers in the country..
he smiles when the guard roughly uncuffs him, muttering for him to get dressed.. the guards leave and immediately he shoves off the jumpsuit wrapped around his waist pulling on his cargos and tee he was last in, he opens the ziplock baggie with his phone in it, calling his employee, he tucks the phone between his ear and shoulder and laces up his shoes
“im out, send the car”
connie hangs up and shoves the phone in his pocket along with his keys and wallet and zips up his jacket, before pressing the button notifying he was done changing—
you hop off the bus, and start walking back to your house, you carry the few bags of things you bought and shiver at the bite of the cold
“oh nah” you whisper and start to walk a bit faster
a few blocks in you feel the urge to look behind you, you peep a hellcat going slow down the street but you don’t recognize it exactly, you think that’s odd so you keep walking silently keeping note, starting to feel paranoid you turn around again and it’s still following you.. not knowing what to do you keep walking faster until the car finally pulls up next to you and rolls down the window, you prepare to tell the whoever in the car off until you hear
“hey mama”
you stop dead in your tracks and turn to look at the man you’ve been thinking about this whole week
you walk closer to the car and he puts it in park and gets out, before leaning on the door, he smiles
“you missed me?”
wanting to say yes you shrug and say
“where you been? i haven’t seen you at school since last week”
he slowly slides his hands in his pockets and looks at you for a beat and says
“i was locked up, got pulled over on a warrant or sumn, but i got out quick because they had nothing to stand on”
you brows slightly furrow “jail? what kind of warrant did they say it was?”
connie slowly walks closer to you and, softly grabs the bags from your hand and nods towards his car..
“cmon, take a ride wit me real quick”
he goes around the other side of the car opening the door, before you slip inside, he places the bags on your lap and mutters a “seatbelt” and shuts the door quickly walking around to his side and looking around before slipping in the car, the car starts and plays loud drill music before he quickly turns it down and pulls off..
“you didn’t answer my question..” you say softly looking at him
his jaw ticks for a second and his thumb taps the wheel, “ion want you to worry about that aight?” he shoot’s a lazy look towards you..
“should i worry about it” he shakes his head no and you ask..
“is it gonna happen again?” he softly licks his lips and says “i’m gonna make sure it doesn’t”
you look in his eyes as he says that and you get the slightest flash of something sinister behind them, that erupts butterflies in your belly and you softly squeeze your thighs together
“okay” you whisper, and he looks at you again with a slight smile..
after 20 mins of driving you finally ask with a little laugh “where we going?” he pulls up to a parking garage entrance and pulls in before saying
“my crib” your heart skips a beat and, your feel yourself get a bit hot.. “oh” you whisper
“is that okay?” he asks with a teasing smile, pulling into a parking space, “yea i just didn’t expect that”
“don’t worry your safe, your always safe wit me”
you look up at him with a bright smile, and connie nearly wants to fall to his knees, he looks at the brightness in your eyes before it quickly lowers to your lips and he looks away, almost wanting to laugh at how smitten you’ve gotten him..
he opens your door, taking your hand and you walk away hearing the car lock, he leads you to an elevator, and he presses the fob to the button and presses the 10th floor..
you feel his thumb softly go back and forth on the back of your hand “you cold?” he says softly and you nod.. “i could tell when you were outside” he shrugs off his big carthartt jacket and drapes it over your shoulder.. the elevator dings and he pulls you into the hallways stopping at his apartment door, pulling out his keys, unlocking it and nodding you inside
you walk through the door looking around, it smells just like him, the fresh masculine smell, slightly twinged with weed, he kicks he shoes off and you do the same, pulling off your hot pink crocs and neatly placing them next to his shoes…
“so did you just get home today?”
“yea a few hours ago actually, i haven’t been home in a week, i fucking missed it” he pulls off his hoodie causing his shirt to lift under it and you catch a glimpse of his happy trail.. you want to scream because you find that so attractive but you look away fighting back a smile..
you walk further into the seemingly large apartment, looking around at the masculine decor, the black couches and large tv mounted on the wall, you slowly turn and notice a book shelf, you slowly walk towards it, hearing connie in the back opening a fridge.. you graze your fingers on the books about finance, stock investing… and your finger stops on a book about secret society’s.. you look back at connie before you keep scanning the books.. others filled law.. others about cars and guns…
“you like to read?” you ask connie
“that’s how i learn, knowledge is power” connie says as he stands behind you, slowly dragging his hand up your arm.. then slowly moving your braids to one side.. and dragging his lips up your neck inhaling your sent at the same time..
you let out a slow breath.. and you feel his large hands slowly press against your lower belly, and you feel heat slowly pool there..
“your so beautiful you know that?”
you softly smile.. “sometimes i don’t”
he softly pause before slowly turning your face towards his.. “i’m gonna ensure you do”
he looks in your eyes for a beat before letting your face go, “im gonna hop in the shower rq, then we’re gonna dip aight?”
you let a breath “mhm” you nod for reassurance and he smiles a bit before turning around and walking down the hall..
10 mins later you sitting on his couch tapping through stories.. you start to think about who connie is.. he got out of jail today and you still have yet to know what.. and.. and that phone call! the last time you were in the car together he told you the same thing “don’t worry about it” do you trust him enough to not worry about it? are you going to let curiosity kill the cat?
you hear the bathroom door open cutting your thoughts short, you look up at connie.. the towel wrapped around his waist, water droplets rolling down his abs.. gold chain dangling around his neck.. and his tattoos.. god you love his tattoos.. a snake winding around his arm.. a cross on the side of his neck and a large chest and back piece..
“i can feel you staring pretty girl”
you immediately look away feeling your body heat up from embarrassment.. he laughs a bit and shakes his head.. “it’s okay.. i stare too” you softly turn towards him and look in his eyes.. “i really like your tattoos”
“oh yeah?” “yeah” you whisper back shyly and he smiles at that, connie likes making you nervous.. he likes catching you stare and that little dazed look on your face..
“your gonna come wit me to pick sumn up, and we gon get food after or sumn aight?”
“you know.. you never ask.. you just tell” you say with a teasing smile..
“would you like me to ask? even if i knew the answer already”
“what makes you think i’ll say yes?”
“you haven’t said no yet..”
“maybe i will”
“well let me know when you decide to do that”
you roll your eyes and connie slightly smirks before walking into his room and changing clothes, he goes into his closet looking behind him before grabbing his piece and tucking it his pants, he covers it with his shirt and grabs a thick jacket and pulls on his timbs..
he sprays some of his cologne and slips on his rings and opens his nightstand and grabs his other phone slipping it in his pocket and leaving..
he walks out the room and sees you still patiently waiting on the couch, hearing your nails tap against the screen.. “cmon mama”
he watches your pretty head snap up, you quickly hop up, pulling up your pink sweatpants and rounding the couch walking towards him..
he grabs your hand and you walk out the door together, heading to the elevator and eventually ending up in the parking garage again, this time getting into a different car, he quickly pulls out, nodding to the security guard and pulling into the street..
he zooms pass other cars as he picks up his phone from the cup holder, calling someone..
he looks around before he turns, and starts to speak
“im pulling up, have it ready” soon after he pulls into a warehouse building, you hear his tires crackle against the the gravel and a man stands there holding a large black duffel bag, connie rolls down the window, dapping the man up before reaching down and opening his trunk, silently plopping the back the trunk and shutting it, without another word he begins to walk inside, connie pulls out the driveway pulling out into the street again..
you almost open your mouth to ask what’s in the bag but you choose not too, do you really want to know? do you need to know? it seems connie doesn’t think you do.. so you stay quiet..
connie softly looks over to you.. “whatchu want to eat?” you smile a bit thinking about it “mmm i dunno you pick” he shrugs and smiles “i don’t care about what i eat, i’ve been eating prison food for a week”
you think about it, and you smile getting an idea “let me cook for you” connie slightly pauses and looks over at you, his heart slightly soars and he says “forreal?” “mhm” you nod and connie looks at you with an amused expression on his face, like there’s an inside joke he’s having with himself..
“aight, bet” he quickly makes a u-turn zooming pass cars and soon after pulls into a whole foods.. he parks and nods for you to get out too, you walk hand in hand inside the store and you grab a basket quickly pulling on his hand, leading him to where you need to go..
you stand in the aisle looking at different types of beans as connie stands close behind you, softly rubbing your back “what are you making?”
“rice and beans with jerk chicken” he groans softly and whispers “sheesh” you smile and continue shopping, quickly grabbing all the ingredients and heading to self check out, connie helps scan and pays of course and you quickly put the bags in the car and head back to his place..
the tv is playing in the back as you cut up vegetables, the meat is already marinating in the fridge, and your just focusing on the rice and beans at this point, connie is standing next to you washing the rice..
connie loves this, cooking with someone, allat wifey shit.. that gets him bad, he hears you giggle at a joke from the show and he smiles, when you proposed the idea of cooking for him he almost fell in love with you on the spot, he likes that wifey shit because he knows he can match that energy by providing, he’s always wanted to be that.. a provider.. it’s just in his nature, he knows dudes who want a wife but act like bums when the opportunity arises, nah he’s gon take care of you back.. always.
he finishes cooking the rice and looks over to you “you need me to do something else?” you finish giggling at the joke and shake your head no “no thank you” you say sweetly.. and he nods before pressing a kiss to your cheek.. “i’m gonna be in my room aight?” “mhm” you nod and he walks down the hallway as you cook..
an hour later your rolling balls of cookie dough and placing them on the baking sheet in front of you, you hear the door open and connie’s comes out the room, he changed into grey sweats and a wife beater he smells the kitchen “damn it’s smells good in here”
you smile and grab the sheet, placing it in the oven and go to the sink to rinse your hands off “we can eat the food is done, i was just making some cookies”
he walks behind you, reaching up grabbing two plates and forks handing them to you, you go over to the pots on the stove and start making his plate..
“you eat alot? you ask and he walks up behind you softly rubbing your lower back “mhm” he hums and you start to put more rice and another piece of chicken and you hand him his plate before making yours..:
you end up on his couch, he puts on a movie and you start to eat.. “you wanna smoke?” he asks and you smile “you stay trynna get me high” he laughs and shakes his head before reaching on his coffee table, grabbing a box and starting to roll up, he sparks it and hits it before passing it to you, you pass it back and forth until your both faded and you start eating
connie takes his first bite and groans softly, pointing and nodding at the food “this is so fucking good mama” you smile knowing that it’s good and you take your fist bite “shiiit” you say and you both laugh high asf..
you talk and eat for the rest of the evening, you open up about yourselves, telling each other things about your insecurities, your outlook on life.. who you want to be as people, and that draws you closer, you both begin to understand that your just people that want love, and company and support.. and that connects with both of you, both of you falling deeper and deeper and not even realizing it..
you and connie cuddle, both wrapped around each other eating the warm cookies fresh out the oven, the high still hitting, you feel his hand softly rub small circles on your hips, and you feel butterflies erupt in your belly, and heat slowly trickling down..you softly adjust yourself, and connie notices looking down, he softly smiles and against his better judgement he slides his palm down, softly rubbing your lower belly, his pinkie lightly grazing under the waistband on your sweats and you softly bite your lip..
you reach back softly, and rub his hand on your belly, softly rubbing it, connie softly presses a kiss to your cheek, slowly moving down to your neck, nipping and sucking softly, your eyes lower and you shudder, you softly turn around, sitting up and connie follows,
you slowly climb on his lap, and his hands immediately finds your waist, you both hold eye contact only breaking it it look at each others lips,he leans in looking up at you for consent, you softly nod and he captures your lips in a kiss, you kiss him back the kiss is slow and sensual, as if your both making a map, slowly figuring each other out.. his tongue grazes your lower lip and you open your mouth , you tongues now dancing around each other, you slowly roll your hips into his his, and that sends a sharp shiver down your spine.. you almost gasp at it..
he hands slides up your chest and up to your neck, grabbing it and squeezing it, pulling you closer, the pace of the kiss becoming faster, more passionate..he softly pulls back softly biting your lip before kissing you again.. you wrap your arms around his neck, your nails grazing against the nape of his neck, causing him to shudder and his bulge under you twitching, this slightly intimidates you.. your a virgin and all of this is new to you.. your just going with the flow.. but damn does it feel good.. it feels better than any words you’ve ever read when reading your silly little romance novels.. even better than when you touch yourself late at night..
you slowly pull away, a string of saliva connecting you both, not wanting you to separate, his eyes are low and filled with lust.. he leans back and groans softly rubbing your ass “you gonna drive me crazy mama” your face heats and you smile “yeah?” you whisper sweetly while you softly rub his chest..
he watches you, and you lean in, laying your head on his chest, he softly rubs your back.. this combined with the weed and food, starts making you sleepy, your eyes begin to lower and connie notices..
“you can sleep baby, i’ll drop you off later” you sleepily nod and you feel connie pull a blanket over you and press a kiss to your forehead.. and you drift off to sleep, feeling safe and warm..
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yalll! did you miss me?? hehehe i don’t think you guys understand the bull i just went through!!! tumblr dead deleted half my draft! i’m officially traumatized guys! i see why you guys write in word or like google docs or sumn! but i just wanted to say thank you for over 1000 notes on soft thug 1!! like ermmm i did NOT expect that thank you so much guys!! ily 🩷
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joeys-babe · 3 months
Joey B Imagines: I Can’t Help Myself*
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Summary: While Joe��s away doing foundation stuff, there's an overwhelming amount of photos of him popping up on Twitter and Instagram. All of them had you patiently waiting for your fiance's arrival home.
Warnings: Smut
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagines Universe: Just the Two of Us
A/N: Apron and shirtless Joe have me feral, had to speed-write this.
March 3rd, 2024
It all started with an innocent text from my bestie.
Attachment: 1 Image… Tumblr is going crazy over this right now!
At that moment, I shook my head with a laugh at my best friend's text. She was on Tumblr to keep up with her celebrity crushes, but one day, she jokingly looked my fiance's name up. She would never give me details about what was on the ‘tag’, but she'd now and then tell me what was up with Joe Burrow Tumblr.
Joe had left the house earlier today for a foundation event at a soup kitchen here in Cincy. Robin and Jimmy, Joe’s parents, had come from Athens and were going with him.
By the looks of the picture my best friend sent, Joe wasn't having as bad of a time as he anticipated he would. This morning was full of endless grumbles before I eventually shoved Joe out of the door, but he was smiling in the picture as he poured some soup into a bowl.
He seriously looked adorable. The Guinness hat gives him an oddly innocent look, while the apron he's wearing adds to the cuteness factor.
I'm so buying that man an apron to wear when we're cooking. I thought to myself, giggling out loud.
After sending my bestie a quick response back, I pulled up Joe’s contact.
Nice apron, cutie. 😉
Naturally, It was a while later when Joe answered, but his response set butterflies off in my stomach.
Depending on the intentions behind the wink emoji, I could ask to bring one home if it works ya up.
Taking a few moments to calm down, I shot a nonchalant response back to Joe.
The hat too?
The hat too. I draw the line at the plastic gloves, though. I gotta feel you with no barriers, baby.
How this man can control every pulse point in my body with just his words will never fail to amaze me.
Shit, my mom was reading that beside me. 😬
My stomach dropped at the thought of Robin reading her son practically dirty-talking to me. That's next-level embarrassment.
I'm joking, babe. See you later, with an apron and hat.
Omg, Joe! If I was with you right now, you'd get smacked in the back of the head. I love you, though. See ya later!
Love you too. 😘
This morning, Joe woke up ready to go. I'm not talking about being ready to go to the foundation event, I'm talking about sex.
Joe woke up most mornings wanting a quick romp to start the day, so it had slowly become a part of our daily routine.
It was a different story today, though.
Still naked from the previous night’s lovemaking session, Joe had pulled me into him as our lips met. I'd just gotten close enough to grind on his erection when Joe’s phone rang on the nightstand.
“You should probably get that.” - you said between kisses
Joe groaned out of annoyance when he pulled away and grabbed his phone, rolling his eyes when he saw the caller ID.
“Who is it?” - you stroked his chest
“My mom.” - Joe
“Why'd you roll your eyes then?” - you
He sighed and pulled me into his chest, moving his hips away, knowing any friction would make him lose control.
“She treats me like a little kid every time we have one of these foundation events.” - Joe
“You're her baby, Joe. She’s just looking out for you.” - you
Joe nodded with a sigh and accepted the call.
“Hey Mom, yeah I'm awake.” - Joe
His deep, raspy morning voice made my cheeks heat up, and I hid my blush in his chest.
“My shirt’s been ironed, yes. y/n ironed it and laid it out last night.” - Joe
The silence gave me the ability to hear what Robin was saying, and the words she said only made my heart flutter.
“You better have thanked her. Joe, I don't think you realize how lucky you are to have that woman by your side.” - Robin
“I'm very lucky, Mom. Wouldn't be who I am without her.” - Joe
“Make sure she knows that. I'll see you later, sweetie!” - Robin
“Bye, Mom.” - Joe
I cuddled closer to Joe, listening to him mumble a quick “Yes, I love you too” before hanging up.
“Wouldn't be where you are without me, huh sheisty?” - you laughed
“Shut it.” - Joe rolled his eyes
A few seconds of content silence passed before Joe cleared his throat and sat up.
“Okay, I'm like super horny right now, but I'm gonna push that away because I've been thinking about something.” - Joe
“What's that?” - you
“We still haven't told anybody that I proposed. I told you we could wait till we got back to Cincy, and we've been back for weeks. I'm trying to say that we need to tell our families soon.” - Joe
“Oh ok, that's fine. Whenever you want to, I'm down.” - you
“Actually? Just like that?” - Joe
I giggled and gently reached out to comb back the curls that had fallen over on Joe’s forehead.
“Yeah, just like that. It's been fun keeping it just between us, but I want nothing more than telling our family we’re gonna get married.” - you
“Can I also ask you about something else?” - Joe
“Mhm.” - you
Joe sighed and took a second to clear his thoughts.
“You okay?” - you
“Yeah… I'm just trying to pay attention, it's kinda hard to, you know…” - Joe
He flicked his head down toward the tented sheet covering his lap.
“Focus, babe.” - you laughed
“Okay, uhm… what if we got married earlier than this coming offseason?” - Joe
“What do you mean?” - you tilted your head to the side
“What if we got married at the courthouse, no one else there? Just you, me, and the judge. It could be as soon as next month or as late as a week before our actual ceremony.” - Joe
I let his idea sink in, thinking about how sweet his idea of getting married soon is.
“I’m listening.” - you smiled
“We won't do our big vows or even exchange rings yet, just the license saying we're married, and hopefully your name change.” - Joe grinned
“y/n Burrow.” - you
Joe grinned from ear to ear, a blush on his cheeks as he heard my first name paired with his last name.
“Always thought that sounded perfect. I remember thinking about it on the first day of college during roll call. I couldn't take my eyes off of you after our professor said your name, and I thought about your last name as Burrow.” - Joe
“You're adorable.” - you
“Thanks.” - Joe
A few seconds went by without either of us saying something, but Joe broke it with a sigh.
“Are we going to continue what we were doing before your mom called?” - you
“Sadly, I have to start getting ready. Waiting will make tonight even better, though.” - Joe winked
“How do you know I'll even want it later?” - you
“You will, baby. You always do.” - Joe
Now, here I was, staring at a picture of my fiance pouring soup into a bowl.
Something about the moment just screamed husband.
Maybe it was the adorable apron. Or hat. Or plastic gloves.
Whatever it was, I wanted more of it. More of him. All of him.
My thoughts lingered to the most intimate moments with Joe. Catching myself before I got too worked up, I pulled up my phone to scroll through Instagram.
As soon as I did, though, my plan of a distraction was shot to hell.
Justin Hillard made a post of the Arizona trip the boys went on and one of the last slides showcased a sweaty, shirtless Joe.
“Where's Joe when you need him.” - you groaned
What felt like hours later, I heard the garage door open signaling Joe was home.
A minute later, his tall frame was striding into the kitchen. I watched him look around for a second before his eyes landed on me.
A grin formed on his lips as he walked up to the couch. Joe dropped to his knees in front of me and leaned in for a kiss.
When I went to pull away, Joe grabbed the back of my neck to keep me in place. After a few minutes of making out, Joe finally pulled away.
“Sorry, I really needed that.” - Joe sheepishly smiled
“It's alright, I did too.” - you smiled
“How was your day? I didn't leave you too bored, right?” - Joe
“My day was good, and no. I spent most of it obsessing over the new pics of you.” - you
“Felt like I never left then, huh?” - Joe
“Dead wrong. Staring at the pictures only made me miss you more.” - you
I watched as Joe teasingly licked his lips, never once breaking eye contact.
“Why's that?” - Joe
“Cut the shit, Joe. You know exactly why.” - you
“Because we didn't have sex this morning? That's why you missed me?” - Joe
“Well, that's not the only reason why. I naturally hate being away from you, but yes sex has something to do with it.” - you
Joe reached out and placed his hand on my inner thigh, nestling his hand against my crotch.
“Wanna go upstairs then?.” - Joe
I nodded, and Joe was quick to stand up and pick me up bridal style.
Giggles flew from both of our lips as Joe hurried up the stairs to our bedroom.
Soon, Joe was laying me on the bed and crawling on top of me.
“I love you.” - you said between kisses
Joe smiled and returned the sentiment, my arms wrapping around his neck as we kissed.
“Listen let's just get straight to it. I've been looking forward to this all day.” - you
“You don't want the tongue & finger combo first?” - Joe
I laughed at his bluntness before nodding my head.
“I need you inside me.” - you
“Fuck, I love hearing you say that.” - Joe
Joe placed his lips back on mine and shifted his weight onto one arm, lifting the other hand to unzip his fly.
I helped him shed his pants off, but Joe took my hand away when I reached for his boxers. He sat back on his knees for a second to pull his shirt over his head, quickly returning to his position above me when he was done.
My arms were around his shoulder as Joe slowly dropped his hips to grind on me. Just seconds later he'd pull away to take my clothes off.
When we were both naked, Joe’s lust-filled eyes scanned over my body before reversing course and locking with mine.
“God, you're beautiful, baby.” - Joe
After Joe lined himself up to my entrance, he slowly pushed inside. Making sure I felt every inch of him.
“You feel so good.” - Joe groaned
“You too…” - you
“So hot and wet for me, baby.” - Joe
Joe didn't move for a minute, just savoring the feeling of my walls wrapped around his hard cock.
“Joey, move, please?” - you
I watched him nod before he leaned down and pressed a tender kiss to my cheek. Joe formed a path of kisses from my cheek to my lips.
Once he met my lips, Joe slipped out of me before slamming his cock back inside.
Both of us moaned loudly when his tip hit my cervix, my walls squeezing Joe’s thrusting cock as he set a rough pace.
“You feel insane.” - Joe moaned
“I've been dreaming about this… all day.” - you
A few minutes later, Joe and I were still locked together at mouth and crotch.
“I'm not gonna last much longer.” - Joe moaned
“Me… neither.” - you
Joe’s face contorted as the overwhelming pleasure coursed through his body. His cute nose scrunching as his eyes are clenched shut.
“Oh, fuck!” - Joe grunts
Seconds later, with a shaky hand, Joe reaches down to where we were connected and rubbed my clit with his thumb. His thrusts became uneven but never once unsatisfactory.
“Joey! I'm gonna cum!” - you moaned
It wasn't much longer after that when I fell over the edge, moaning Joe’s name through my climax.
Joe continued his thrusts before rushing to get as deep as he could.
His head fell back, and his mouth fell open. A moan and grunt of my name leaves his pretty pink lips as he cums.
After his orgasm, Joe fell forward and on top of me. Burying his face in my neck as he stayed inside me, fading out the experience.
I reached a hand up and cupped the back of Joe’s head, slowly running my fingers through his unruly curls. The comforting sounds of our mutual heavy breath and the ceiling fan created a soft moment.
“You really liked that apron, huh?” - Joe
“Yeah.” - you giggled
Joe stayed there for a bit, enjoying being cuddled before he eventually pulled out and hopped out of bed.
My eyes lingered on his perfectly plump butt as Joe walked into our bathroom, later returning with a washcloth to clean us both up.
He strode up to me as I stayed lying in the bed. Joe softly caressed my thighs while gently spreading my legs apart.
I hummed in contentment at the feel of the warm washcloth, and Joe only smiled at the sound.
After cleaning himself up too, Joe slipped on a pair of clean boxers.
“Do you want one of my shirts to sleep in? Panties too, maybe?” - Joe
“Just one of your shirts will be fine.” - you smiled
Joe nodded and disappeared into the closet. A few seconds later, he walked back in with one of his pregame shirts that was from a previous season.
“Lean up for me, baby.” - Joe
I did his bidding and Joe slipped the top over my head, making sure my arms went through the sleeves.
“Comfy?” - Joe
He walked around the bed and climbed into his side.
“Very, and it smells like you.” - you grinned
“I hope that's a good thing.” - Joe laughed
“It's a very good thing, you smell delicious.” - you
Joe chuckled as he pulled me into his chest, one of his big hands running over my back as my head was hidden in Joe’s neck.
“I love you.” - you
“I love you more.” - Joe
He lovingly stroked my hair, providing tender words of affirmation and holding me tightly in his arms during their comforting aftercare ritual.
“Oh shit, do you know what I just realized?” - Joe
“What?” - you
“My apron is down in my car. I forgot to show you.” - Joe sighed
“It's okay. You can show me tomorrow.” - you giggled
“Guess what.” - Joe
I narrowed my eyes, trying to see his expression in the dark but failing.
“What?” - you
“I grabbed one for you too.” - Joe smiled
“Oh my god.” - you laughed
“I couldn't help myself!” - Joe
He laughed along with me before we both paused, coincidently yawning in sync, which ended in another laughing fit.
“Goodnight, baby.” - you
“Goodnight, my love.” - Joe
Authors note: because Joe was illegally fine that day.
Came from my own head! 💞
344 notes · View notes
ohniki · 3 months
𝜗𝜚 Beginning of Us || s.jy
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~ Sypnosis: It’s only when you leave that you begin to realize you need them
~ Genre: strangers to friends to lovers, college au, fluff, angst, smut
~ Warnings: Smut!! oral (f. receiving), missionary, doggy, fingering, bathtub sex, breast fondling, tummy bulge, unprotected sex, soft sex, rough sex, slight sub jake, trust issues, they are very toxic for each other mentions of infidelity, Jake being a dumbass bf 😒, alcohol consumption, aussie line (skz) cameo, oc is soooo delulu, she doesn’t know better 🤦🏻‍♀️, bestie sunoo n heeseung 🥹, heartbreak (on many different occasions) 😞, oc js wants to be loved 💔 major angst THEY ARE TOXIC FOR EACH OTHER
• currently playing: if it’s not you by PRYVT
~ wc: 21.7k
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It is the start of exam season; the snow is starting to fall from the sky, and it’s become cloudy most days. The walk from your dorm to your class was so cold that you had double-layered for today’s weather. On your way to class, you get pushed back by someone. Before you could turn around to scold whoever it was, he bolted.
“Fucking bitch” you muttered under your breath. You only got a glimpse of his brunette hair and red jacket. He was tall and had a lean figure, he’s not someone you’ve seen around campus. Picking your things up you make your way over to class. Days like these make you regret not taking online courses.
After class, you texted your best friend Sunoo to meet you for lunch. The café you entered was warm; unlike outside, you ordered yourself a hot chocolate to warm your body up. After you pick up your order you bump into someone for the second time today, Looking up you see it's the same man who bumped into you earlier. The burning sensation of the hot chocolate hits your skin through your jacket. “Fuck,” you whisper under your breath “Watch where you’re going, asshole!” The man turns to your standing frame and frantically grabs napkins from the counter. “Oh god, I’m so sorry.” His eyes go wide as he pushes the napkins into your hand “Please let me buy you another one, I’ll even buy you a new jacket”. The voice that comes from his lips takes you by surprise.
He has an Australian accent; It’s an accent you haven’t heard from around here before. The unfamiliar voice sends shivers down your spine. Raising your head from your jacket to the man standing in front of you, you find dark brown eyes looking into yours; ‘he’s so pretty’ you think. You have to pause for a moment to search your mind for something to say back to him.
“Please, buying me new clothes is unnecessary, but I would appreciate it if you bought me another drink. Just watch where you’re going next time,” you tell him
“Yeah, of course. What did you order? I’ll pay for it,” He begins to pull his wallet out to get ready to pay for his and your order.
“A hot chocolate” He walks over to the barista and orders.
After paying for the food he turns to you again and bows his head down, a look of shame spread across his handsome face. “Look I’m sorry again”
“It’s okay really. Stop with the apologies, buying my drink is enough”
“Order for Jake!” the barista calls out.
After getting your drink from the boy, Jake, speaks up again.
“Can I take you out to lunch? For one last apology?”
Before you can answer him your phone rings. The name read ‘Sunoo’.
“Maybe another time, Jake” You smile at him and answer your phone.
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Catching sight of Sunoo as you walk into the restaurant, Sunoo looks up from his phone and waves you down.
“Hey! Why are you so late I thought we said 12:30,” he says in a sassy tone.
“Something happened at the café I was at. Some guy bumped into me, and I spilled my drink all over myself. He ended up paying for it, but he asked me to lunch. I kinda told him no because I was already on my way to see your ass and I already had plans.” You explained the whole ordeal that had gone down.
“Was he cute?” he asked
“He was” You smile down at your fidgeting hands.
“He had an accent too; I don’t think he’s from around here,” you think out loud.
Sunoo looks at you with a dumbfounded face “Yeah, no shit Sherlock, of course, he’s not from around here. Who else have you met with an Australian accent around here” he rolls his eyes playfully.
You laugh at him. He begins to talk about how his day had gone so far. “Oh my god, Heeseung is driving me insane.” He talks about his roommate. “He’s been blasting his speaker so loud with his goddamn guitar while I’m studying for my thousands of upcoming tests.” He speaks with a sarcastic tone. “Sometimes I wish I said no to being roommates with him” Sunoo and Heeseung were the first friends you made at the new high school you went to during your senior year.
Being friends with them for a handful of time was like having a party every day. They’d drag you out of your house to get you away from studying and keep your mind off school for a while.
“Why don’t you tell him to shut up? It works when I do it” you shrug at him.
He tilts his head up and sighs. “It only works because it’s you, he always listens to you but not me” he gives a side-eye.
“Then I can’t help you there buddy” You ruffle his hair. 
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Thankfully, today your schedule was free. Your shift at the library didn’t start until one o’clock this afternoon so you were stuck studying for the rest of your tests you had coming up. It was only ten, and you called up Sunoo and Heeseung and asked if you could stay at their place until you had to go to work. Of course, they agreed and you made your way over.
The frost in the air hits your skin as you walk out of your apartment. The sky was gloomy, but the sun peeked through just a bit. Gloomy days always make you feel cozy. They made you want to stay inside and curl up in your blanket. But today you needed to be productive; you had shit to get done.
Walking up the stairs to their dorm you already had a spare key they gave you “in case of an emergency” as they said. You unlock the door and hear the obnoxious noise Sunoo was talking about, Heeseung’s electric guitar. When you walk in Sunoo is sitting on the floor working on top of the coffee table in front of the T.V. He was wearing a thick hoodie due to the cold air blowing through their room.
“Hey,” you shouted over the loudspeaker.
“Finally! Can you please tell him to turn off the speaker and shut the fuck up? I can’t fail this semester, or it’ll be the end of me.” Nodding your head at him you stomp your way to Heeseung’s room.
“HEESEUNG” you yell as loud as you can. He hears nothing. Too focused on his guitar you walk up to the plug of his speaker and unplug it.
“Hey!” before realizing that it’s you his expression changes.
“Oh, hi ___” he smiles at you.
Sunoo walks in behind you next to the door.
“Oh so, you listen to her and not me? You’re such a little shit.” He whips his head and walks back to the living room.
You snicker at him.
“We are trying to study. And you should be too, don’t you have exams coming up next week?” you ask.
“Yeah, but I wanted to practice playing a little before I started.”
You walk up to him and drag him by his arm to where Sunoo is waiting for you.
“Well practice is over, hurry and get your things. I’ll help you.” He sits down beside you and pouts as he takes his books from under the coffee table.
It’s been about two hours since you started your study session. It was almost time for you to leave for work.
“Okay, now that you know the formula for this make it into a simplified equation”
Heeseung looks at you with confusion written all over his face.
“Are you kidding me right now, Hee, we’ve been over this for the past hour how do you still not get it.” you deadpan.
“Because he doesn’t have a brain” Sunoo butts in.
You sigh heavily as you start to collect your things. Sunoo looks up at you and begs “No! Don’t leave me here with him. If you do, I’ll fail my exams because I’ve lost brain cells listening to him talk about nonsense.” You look down at where he’s sitting, and you laugh at him
“You’ll be fine, if anything come by the library and study there. I’ll be in until six. And you too.” you point a finger at Heeseung.
“We have books in there that will help with your exam,” you tell him.
“Alright, fine if you’re working tomorrow, we’ll swing by,” Heeseung says.
“Good. I’ll see you guys tomorrow then!”
You put your shoes on and your coat closing the door behind you. You make your way to the library.
“I hate you” Sunoo stares at Heeseung.
It’s getting closer to the time you’re supposed to clock in. Making it just a few minutes early you go through the door, and you’re hit with a gust of warm air. The library was packed with students. Now that it was getting closer to exam time, this was the busiest time in the library.
As you make your way behind the desk you meet with someone already sitting in your seat.  It’s the same head of brunette hair you bumped into a few days ago. Walking towards him, he catches you from the corner of his eye and smiles at you. 
“Hey” you smile at him
“Oh, hey. Sorry, I didn’t mean to stay this long for overtime” he apologizes.
“It seems every time we meet you’re always apologizing for something.” you chuckle
“Yeah, sorry about that” you laugh at him this time.
“No, it’s okay. It’s cute” At that he smiles. His cheeks are rosy from the blush.
 “So, when did you start working here?” you ask him to make conversation.
“I started working here a few days ago actually” You get distracted by his accent. There was something about you and your accents. You had always found them attractive. And his face? God, he was so pretty; you couldn’t take your eyes off him. Shaking out of your daydreams you snap back to reality.
“Oh, so that’s why I haven’t seen you around here,” you say curiously
“Yeah, I just transferred here from Australia. I had better opportunities here.”
“Ah, I see. How do you like it so far over here?” you ask him. You had never met a foreigner before; he seemed like an interesting person to you and you wanted to know more about him.
“Did you move here with your family or are you on your own?” you look at him. He speaks to you while holding eye contact.
“No, I’m not alone actually. Her name is Layla. I brought her with me, so I wasn’t by myself.” Your heart sinks a little. You expected him to be single since he offered to take you out for lunch.
Curiously you ask, “How long have you been with her?”
“Ever since she was born,” he says
What? Is he? No.
“I’m sorry what?” caught off guard you ask him “What do you mean since birth”
He looks at you and laughs “She’s my dog. I’ve had her since she was a puppy”
Your eyes widen. How embarrassing, of course, he has a dog named Layla. You laugh loudly at your mistake
“Oh my god, I thought... ugh this is so embarrassing.”
“Nothing to be embarrassed about” he shakes his head slightly and reassures you
“What about you? Do you have any pets?”
“No, I don’t” you chuckle
“I do have two best friends though, Sunoo and Heeseung”
“They’re guys?” he gives you a look that makes you feel slightly off, but you shake it off.
“Yep! I take care of them, make sure they’re doing well.” You say sarcastically. “They’re my best friends. They’re like my older brothers, they look out for me, you know?”
The conversation flows as you continue to talk to him. You don’t notice the time flying by when you look out the window near the front desk. Your eyes graze over to the clock and it’s already past the time you were supposed to clock out.
Hastily collecting your things and pushing the chairs in as you stand up and walk over to the lights. “Sorry, I spent so much time talking about myself I didn’t even notice the time passed by” you chuckle nervously.
“No, don’t apologize. I enjoyed spending my time with you. Plus, barely anyone walked through the door today. Helped pass the time”
When you smile up at him your cheeks flush with red. Eyes rising to look at him up close made you realize how handsome he was. You notice his prominent cheekbones when he smiles. And the glow in his eyes in the light of the lamp next to the desk.
Checking back into reality, you both make sure everything is shut off before leaving.
“I think we should head out now, it’s getting pretty late, and I have an early class tomorrow.”
“Yeah, me too,” he says softly. He bends down to pick up his bag from the floor. Jake throws it over his shoulders and turns the last light out on the desk.
As you make your way through the door you’re hit with the cool breeze of December air. You turn to Jake and look up into his eyes. The moonlight hits him just right. Highlighting his prominent cheekbones and his bright brown eyes. It’s quiet for a moment. You don’t realize how close you have gotten to him. Breaths inches apart. Your eyes glide down to his lips for a second before you catch his eyes again. 
“So, I’ll see you on Wednesday then?” a smile slowly appearing across his face.
“Yeah, I’ll see you”
You nod your head and head back to your dorm. He regrets not asking for your number that night.
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Your morning was off to a horrendous start; you had woken up late and ended up being late to class for about thirty minutes. The lecture was an hour long, so you still had time to get some information out of it. You had been so tired the night before you had overslept and missed your alarm.
Rushing out of your door, you had forgotten to prepare your breakfast the night before. There was no time to stop now. When you walk through the door of the auditorium the door slams shut behind you and all eyes are on you. Embarrassingly walking over to your seat the professor calls for your name, “Please if you’re going to be late, try to do it quietly. I don’t need you distracting my students” Bowing your head slightly your ears turn red out of embarrassment. 
You silently walk past a few students with your head down. Jake discreetly looks at you from one of the seats closer to the top. He smiles at the way you cover your face as you look for a seat. Finally, you sit down and listen to what's left of the lesson.
Walking out of class, you hear heavy footsteps from behind you. Your name comes out of someone’s mouth and you look over your shoulder to find the culprit.
“Hey,” Jake puts his arm around your shoulder.
Looking up at him, he has a smile on his face as he looks down at you.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you if you wanted to hang out, you know, outside of work?”
Your face lights up at the suggestion. He takes notice of the bright glimmer in your eyes. Moving your head down you laugh lightly and tuck your hair behind your ear
“Yeah, sure. I’d like that” turning your head up to look at him. 
“Okay great, are you free this afternoon? For lunch?” he asks
You pause to think about the mental calendar you have set in your head. 
“Uhm, let me check”
Not recalling any texts or calls from Sunoo you smile up at him 
“Yes, I can do this afternoon,” you say to him.
He smiles to himself; he can hear his heart beating in his head. The adrenaline pumps through his veins as he thinks about things he can do to spend his time with you. 
“Okay, cool. I’ll see you around twelve?”
“Meet me at the coffee shop near the science building,” he finally decides as he slowly moves his arm from your shoulder. You nod your head and make your way to your next class as you part ways. When you stop in your step you realize you don’t have his number. Before you could call out for his name he had already disappeared to class. You’ll just have to wait for him to show up.
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It was nearing lunchtime; some students had already left campus. After walking out of class your feet guide you to the coffee shop Jake had told you to meet him at. Today’s weather was nicer than most days. It was sunny outside but still somewhat cold. Turning the corner of the building you see the coffee shop, but no sign of Jake.
When you stand outside many people walk past you. It was now 12:20. You turn around from where you’re standing and that’s when you see Jake running around the corner. Slowing down his pace you realize he is out of breath from running. 
“I’m sorry I’m late,” he says catching his breath. You stare at him as you wait for him to explain.
“Professor had me stay in to help him sort out some documents and I didn’t pay attention to the time, and I didn’t have your number to text you”
Deciding to let him off the hook you chuckle lightly and place a hand over his shoulder to reassure him.
“It’s okay, I was planning on asking for your number when you asked me out today, but you were gone before I could even ask you,” you tell him softly.
“Sorry about that too, I was going to ask you that day at the library, but I chickened out,” he admits
“Well give me your phone, so we have some sort of communication when we're not together” You hold your hand out for him. He pulls his phone out and hands it to you.
When you hand it back to him, he reads your name with a butterfly emoji. Smiling down at his phone he hears your phone ding with an unknown number. You save it as Jake’s number.
“There, now if we need something we can call or text each other!” you say with enthusiasm
He shakes his head at you and guides you into the café. You walk in and find a seat to sit at, Jake ends up pulling your chair out at the table near the window. Thanking him you place your jacket on the back of your seat and he takes his seat, and you spark up the conversation.
“How are your classes so far? Have the professors given you a hard time?” you ask him. He waits to respond, thinking about his answer.
“They’ve been a bit stressful; I just think it’s because I’ve transferred so late into the year. And the professors? They’re just like every other professor, assign way too many assignments and look like they don’t want to be there.”
You laugh at that.
“What about you? Are you from around this area?” He asks you the question this time.
“I’m originally from Cali, I applied for college over here because I’ve always wanted to explore Korea,” you tell him.
“One of my friends had told me about his trip here and it sounded like he had so much fun,”
“Ah, well both of my parents are from here.” He explains. “I wanted to get to know more of where I come from. They moved us over to Australia when I was about five years old” Thinking about his hometown, he begins to miss his mom’s homemade food and his old hometown friends.
“I’ve wanted to travel to a bunch of places. I just never found the time.”
He begins to go on about the exciting places he wishes to adventure. You spend most of your afternoon with him. You’re starting to enjoy spending your time with him and you end up asking him to hang out again the next day.
As you walk out of the café the cold air hits you once again.
“I have to get going for my next class. But if you’re free, do you maybe, wanna hang out again tomorrow?”
“Yeah, yeah I’d like that.” he smiles at you
“Okay great! I’ll see you around the same time as today, then?”
“Yes, and I’ll make sure to make it on time” Laughing at him you nod your head.
“Bye, Jake”
You walk away and make your way over to class.
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Exams were getting closer, but on the brighter side winter break was just around the corner. You and Jake had been hanging out a lot more since that day he asked you out to lunch. Your shift at the library started and you had Sunoo and Heeseung stick around to study one last time. Heeseung agreed–against his will, to tag along but he’d much rather practice his guitar skills than be at the stupid library studying for exams.
Jake told you he wouldn’t be in today because he had to sort some things out in one of his professors’ classes. You agreed to take on double the time in his place.
Sunoo and Heeseung sat at the table near the front desk where you were sitting. You were talking about classes when Sunoo suddenly brought up Jake’s name.
“What’s going on between you two?” he asked
“Nothing, we're just friends,” you say nonchalantly 
“Ah I see, and paying for everything and asking you out every single day is being ‘just friends’, sure”
“Sunoo, you’re being delusional. He’s just being a nice person”
“Whatever you say” he raises his eyebrows and shrugs his shoulders.
“I mean he’s cute, but I don’t think we’d become a thing; I met him not even a month ago,” you say as you add the last things to your notes.
It’s been hours since any of you spoke; focusing hard on your studies. The door opens as a gust of cold air is pushed your way. You look up to see who it is. Jake stood there, wearing his puffer; and his messy brunette hair sticking out in places due to the wind.
He walks over to your seat and greets you. He puts a hand on your back and sits down in the chair next to you. Sunoo and Heeseung watch the whole interaction.
“Hey,” he smiles. Taking you by surprise, he brought you dinner. “What’s this?” he places the brown bag down next to you on the desk, placing his arm around the back of your chair.  You look up at Sunoo as he’s eyeing you, waiting for you to introduce them. Giving you a look that says, ‘Just friends?’. You shake your head and focus your attention on them.
“Jake this is Sunoo and Heeseung. The best friends I told you about.” you move your hand gesturing to them.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you guys. I’m Jake.” he holds his hand out for them to shake.
“I know who you are.” Sunoo smiles at him and puts his hand under his chin.
Jake slowly pulls his hand back and laughs under his breath
“I’ve heard quite a lot about you actually” he looks over at you and grins. You roll your eyes at your best friend.
“I’m Heeseung. It’s nice to meet you too” he says politely smiling at him; unlike Sunoo 
Bringing your attention down to your phone next to you you realize the time. It’s starting to get late, and you want to be in your bed and snuggle into your blanket considering the cold weather. Gathering your stuff, you excuse yourself.
“Wow, look at the time. It’s getting late. You guys should get going too, don’t you have early classes Hee?” you ask
Heeseung nods his head at you and picks up his books. Then, he stuffs them in his backpack.
“And thank you for the dinner, Jake. It was sweet of you.” When you smile at him you notice a subtle blush growing on his cheeks. He rubs the back of his head and smiles back at you.
“It was no big deal. But why don’t I walk you home? I don’t want you out this late at night alone.”
Agreeing to his proposal you pick your things up and bid farewell to your friends.
Just as you’re about to turn around you see a shit-eating grin on Sunoo’s face, you turn to flip him off and make your way out of the door. Jake holds it open for you and a few other people behind you leaving the library. With the final person out, you make your way over to your dorm.
The walk is silent for a while. Jake takes in a deep breath, takes the wheel, and guides the flow of a conversation “Your friends seem nice. I like Heeseung. I mean we barely said a sentence to each other, but he seems nice.” he says. And then he brings up the blabbermouth.
“And Sunoo? Was it? He said he’s heard a lot about me?” he says with a smirk on his lips.
“Do you talk about me?” He brings it up again. You start to feel the embarrassment creep up from your chest to your face. You can feel your ears start to warm up as they go unnoticeably red. Your hands go up to cover them, Jake stares at you for a moment as you walk.
“Hmm?” you pretend to think
“I don’t think I talk about you THAT often” you laugh it off
“But you do happen to come up in a sum of conversations”
“Sure” he leaves it at that. Nearing the building of your dorm, Jake stops as you get closer to the entrance.
“Well this is my stop” You tilt your head to look at his features smiling at him
“And, thank you for walking me home; and for the dinner” You lift the bag.
“I told you it’s no big deal. I enjoyed my time walking with you. To be completely honest I enjoyed every time I’ve spent with you.” he pauses to think about what to say to you next.
“I’m less alone than I thought I’d be since I met you”
This makes you blush; hard. The feeling in your stomach is making feel things. Like butterflies erupted in your tummy. You felt a sense of pride after hearing him say that about you. Your heart, rapidly thumping in your chest.
“I’m glad I was the person you bumped into that day or else I would’ve been stuck with Sunoo and Heeseung” You roll your eyes playfully.
“Oh c’mon, they can’t be that bad”
“Please, try being with them 24/7 for four years. It’s like I’m babysitting two toddlers”
He laughs at that. He starts to feel the same way you do after he sees your smile. It's not your normal smile. It’s that big bright smile you show when you’re belly laughing. He finds it so adorable he could just kiss you. And he might just do that. Because you see him lean in after you’ve calmed down from your high of laughter. Looking up at him you finally realize what he’s doing.
And you do nothing to stop it, you’re already leaning into him too. When you close your eyes, you feel his soft lips against yours. The kiss is soft and gentle. He feels your smile against him, teeth clashing, and it causes him to do the same as well. Jake’s hand is placed in your hair and the other is placed on your neck. The butterflies have made their way to your chest.
This feeling ignites something new in you. A feeling you haven’t felt in a while. Finally, pulling apart, he leans his forehead against yours and stays there for a minute before he says something.
He chuckles under his breath and says “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that” You giggle into his chest and place a small peck on his lips. When opens his eyes he feels you pull back from him. “Thank you again for tonight. Text me when you get home, safely” you tell him as you walk backward to the door.
“Goodnight Jake”
He stands there still in shock about what had just occurred. Not believing he had just had his first kiss with you. After registering what you had said, he nods his head and turns around.
“Goodnight,” he says under his breath.
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Today is full of exams, right after today is the start of your freedom. You called Sunoo and Heeseung over to help them study for one last and final time. When you hear Sunoo’s knock on the door you walk over to your door and open it for them.
“Did you guys fuck?” is the first thing he says to you. Unbelievable.  You shake your head at him and push him into your room.
“Jeez Sunoo, let the girl breathe. You were just ambushing her with questions about him yesterday. When is it enough?!” he exclaimed.
Sunoo and you pause for a minute and look at each other. Then, you both burst into laughter at your friend’s outburst. Heeseung gives you both an annoyed look as they both walk into the living room. Sunoo waits patiently for you to spill your guts on what happened between you and the boy. As per his request, you explain and finally spew what had happened.
“We kissed”
“I knew something happened between you two!” He starts jumping around the room, his hands balled into a fist out of excitement
“Okay calm down, you’re acting like they’re getting married,” Heeseung says.
You go to sit next to Heeseung pull your laptop out of its bag and begin studying. Sunoo finally calmed down, he walked into the kitchen to get snacks for the time being
It’s been over an hour since the boys came over. Your phone suddenly rings and when you turn it over to see who was calling; Jake’s name appears on the screen. 
“Hey, are you doing anything right now?”
You look back at your friends, they seem to be occupied with their work. You stand up from your seat and walk to the kitchen. Making sure Sunoo wouldn’t eavesdrop on your conversation
“No, I’m not doing anything, why?” you ask curiously
“Great, do you wanna hang out?”
A smile starts to spread across your face when you feel that same feeling you felt the other night erupt in your stomach.
“Yeah, just give me a few minutes and text me when you’re here”
By the time you're finished getting ready, Sunoo looks up at you with a confused look.
“And where are you going?”
“Out where?” he raises one of his eyebrows
“With Jake?”
You stay quiet, and you start to feel a smile creep on your face.
When your phone dings with a notification, your heartbeat picks up. The text read ‘I’m here’.
“Bye, guys!” 
“Wait-” Before you could let him continue his sentence you close the door and walk down the stairs to Jake.
When you walk out the door you can see Jake standing next to the bench near the door, on his phone, patiently waiting for you to emerge from your dorm. Your last exam started around late afternoon; you had the time to spend with Jake. Neither of you had discussed what happened between the two of you the night before.
When you open the door Jake can feel his heartbeat speed up at the thought of you. Turning, he’s face to face with you now before he can stop himself, he has his arms wrapped around your waist. He barely pulls away and your faces are so close your lips are touching. You lean in, peck his lips in a quick action, and smile.
“Hi,” you say quietly
You look so adorable. Your cheeks have gotten red due to the cold outside. He smiles at you pulls away and grabs your hand walking beside you.
“So where are we going?” you ask curiously looking up at him
Without answering he smiles and takes the lead.
“It’s a surprise,” he says with a smirk on his face
“What do you mean surprise?” you ask. An unsure smile appears on your lips
“Trust me, hmm?” Taking a deep breath and taking a leap of faith in trusting him. Walking over to his car he opens the door for you. Thanking him he closes the door and walks over to the driver's seat.
It’s been about an hour since Jake picked you up from your dorm, and you end up in the middle of a gorgeous cherry magnolia tree. The white petals slowly fall from the branch. There’s a bridge leading up to a forest of them you gasp out loud bringing your hands up to your mouth and letting go of his. Walking across the bridge you take in the sight of the white flowers growing on the branches. This has to be the most beautiful thing you’ve ever come across. Turning back to Jake, you ask him “How do you know about this place? It’s so pretty, I didn’t even know this was here”
He looks around at the trees and makes you wait for a response
“I don’t know, had a couple of friends help me pick out a place you’d like. Plus I did do a little bit of digging. And by digging I mean I asked Sunoo what your favorite flower was”
At the mention of his friends, you think back and rack your brain, trying to remember if Jake ever mentioned any of his friends. Now realizing you’ve never met any of them. Remembering Sunoo mentioning this place, he wanted to visit sometime over winter break. You smile at the thought of Jake going to your friend for advice.
Caught up in your thoughts you don’t notice when Jake walks up behind you. A shiver runs up your spine when you feel his warm hands run along your waist, softly digging his face into the crook of your neck. Taking in the scent of strawberries, and looking around at the trees; you can’t get enough of how pretty the trees are during this time.
They must be even prettier during the springtime, you think. Fallen magnolia flowers pile near a bench, you walk over and take a seat pulling Jake by his hand to follow you. He pulled out his phone opened the camera app and snuck a few snaps of you. You looked so beautiful to him that he couldn’t resist, he set a reminder in his head to add it to your contact. Watching you made him feel so many things; things he’s never felt before for someone.
When you look back at him you pause for a moment, the look on his face makes you blush. Unconsciously he slowly leans into you faces close so close you can feel his cold breath against his, foreheads touching, finally lips touching. The taste of your sweet lips on his makes him burst with warmth.
The feeling of his soft lip against yours makes your tummy do summersaults, and your body feels immune to the cold as the warmth radiating from his body makes you feel like you are sitting next to a fire. Slowly, pulling away his big brown eyes look into yours. Crinkled at the corners as you smile at him. Breathing in you begin to question what your situation is now
Do you put a label on it? Are you guys boyfriend and girlfriend? Does he think this is just you ‘fooling around’? All those questions disappear when you speak up
“So what does this mean for us?” you ask
“Will you be mine?”
Finally, after waiting for so long. Nodding your head in response a big smile forms on your precious lips and you throw your arms around him. Feeling nothing but joy and happiness at this moment you get to share with your boyfriend
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With finals out of the way and winter break starting Jake was over at your place for hours on end. Intimacy has been out of the picture for quite some time now. You wanted to see where this would go first. He took you out on dates around the city and he would even drive you out of town to show you some places he had seen while mindlessly scrolling on Tiktok and wanted to take you there.
Sitting on the couch with your boyfriend you both agreed to stay in today and put on traditional Christmas movies. Your head lay on his chest while his hands settled on your lower back. His hoodie was covering his long brunette hair, and his glasses over his features. In the small silence of the room with the movie quietly playing in the back, Jake starts to move his hands lower. Your hands end up moving up to his neck as you look up at him and scoot closer, you're face to face with him. Faces inches apart you slowly move your way closer to him. Your lips land on his and you move into a slow kiss. His soft lips melt into yours.
Moving his tongue between your lips for access; you grant him what he needs. The room is filled with the smacking of your lips. Sitting up Jake pulls you over his hips and he places his hands on your ass and squeezes.  You let out a small whine when his cold hands make their way under the thin sweater you wore and make contact with your warm skin.
As he moves his hands upwards, the sweater starts to ride up your stomach making its way over your head the sweater is left on the floor now. Letting out a small gasp as your perked nipples come in contact with the cold air. Jake leans down and places his lips over your chest, the sensation makes you wet. You grind your hips over his hard-on; his loud groan filling the room.
Moaning into your chest, he kisses his way up over your neck. He stays there for a while, sucking and licking. You can feel your panties getting wetter from his actions he flips you over throws his glasses off onto the table, and lifts his hoodie off over his head. The sight of his abs makes you rub your thighs together to relieve the ache between them. Jake hooks his fingers on the waistband of your pants and pulls them down. Not before he asks, “You sure you want this?”
“Please, Jake. I need you so bad”
This turns him into a madman. He tears your pants off along with your soiled panties. He makes fast movements, bringing his fingers down to your heat and glides them through your folds.
“All this for me baby? Did I do this to you? So fucking needy you have your panties drenched for me? Huh, darling?”
“Only for you” you moan as his thumb comes in contact with your clit. Whimpering lowly, Jake makes his way down kissing your stomach, he stops at your pelvis. He looks up at you with his lower lip hanging low, jawline so fine he can through the tension between the two of you. He takes in the sight of your fucked out expression and moves his head under the blanket you shared.
He kisses your thighs and hooks his arms around them his lips hovered over yours, gripping his hair, needy for him. Finally, he digs his face into your sopping cunt, his tongue finds your clit and slowly he draws slow circles, teasing you.
“Jake, please”
“Be patient, baby. I swear I’ll make you feel so good”
Trusting his word, you let him do his thing. His tongue glides through your pussy making you quiver. Pulling your hips closer to his face, making sure you don’t move. Eating you out like it’s his last meal he rapidly flicks his tongue over your clit, your thighs shaking beside him from the pleasure. The sloppy sound of your pussy is the only sound in the room, the sound of the TV blocked out by the pleasure. Moving your hand up to your soft tit, you roll your nipple between your fingers moaning his name, not giving a care if you are too loud or not.
“Ugh, Jake you make me feel so good”
Gripping his hair hard you start to feel the burning sensation in your lower stomach. Chasing after your orgasm you start to blank, forgetting your own name his digits find your entrance. Dwelling in the feeling of your wet cunt against his lips he slowly enters you. Whines spew from your throat as you arch your back, looking down at him. Taking in the sight of his tongue repeatedly lap your cunt.  You bite your lip so hard you think you're bleeding. Letting out a loud gasp you pull him up by his hair and bring him back to you; kissing his lips, you can taste yourself on his tongue.
“I need your cock, so bad” you say softly
Pulling away from you he pulls his sweats down along with his boxers. Impatient, he pulls his throbbing cock out teasing it against your entrance. Swollen, dripping, red tip, needy for your cunt.
“Do you have a condom?”
“I’m on the pill, it’s okay.”
Leaning in and giving you a sweet peck against your lips he sinks in slowly. His pace is slow at first, letting you adjust to him. You can feel every inch of him sinking in, getting deeper with his slow motions. His hands are on either side of your head holding himself steady. Finally, he bottoms out. Slowly but surely picking up his pace, you can feel every vein rub against your aching walls. Slamming his hips into yours, your back arches into him, head tilted back as you moan his name out, forgetting everything in your mind as you solely focus your attention on the pleasure. As he's moving in and out, he kisses you roughly. Teeth clashing against each other; the rough sounds of his hips pushing into yours make you feel that same sensation you had felt minutes ago.
Jake lays his face in the crook of your neck and kisses your collarbone. “Who’s making you feel so good, huh? Say my name, baby c’mon” he whispers into your ear. The feeling of you wrapped around him makes him pick up his pace at an animalistic speed. Never wanting to stop, he brings his thumb down and rubs against your clit, and for the second time tonight, you reach your high. You go lightheaded, seeing stars once again, and you whine as you reach your climax.
Three final thrusts, he pulls out and finishes on your stomach. Looking down you swipe your finger against his come and bring it up to your mouth. Sucking on your finger he pulls it away and kisses you.
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You wake up the next day and lay in your bed. You had a t-shirt thrown over you with a fresh set of panties. You turn to your side to find your boyfriend peacefully sleeping. Moving your arm over his shoulder he places a hand on your wrist and kisses it. Sleepy eyes looking at you; he rolls you over and places his face on your neck.
“Good morning,” he says with a sleepy voice
“Hi, baby,” you say back to him.
Looking at the clock it read 10:00 am. You both had  nowhere to be so you decide to stay in bed for a little while longer.
“How’d you sleep last night? I hope my bed was comfortable enough” you say
“It was plenty” he smiles with his eyes closed
Humming you go to walk over to the bathroom but you feel a tug on your arm. You land on his chest and he wraps his arm around you.
“Stay in bed for just a little while longer, love”
Now, finally out of bed. You and Jake made breakfast together but he soon had to go. He made plans with a friend he made while at the library. “My friend’s planning on throwing a Christmas party to celebrate the end of exams and the beginning of winter break,” his mouth still full of pancake. “You wanna come with me? You can even bring Heeseung and Sunoo along, too” Only thinking about it, Heeseung isn’t big on partying. Maybe you should ask Sunoo if he wants to go, you’re sure he doesn't have any plans. Swallowing what's left of your breakfast you perk up in your chair and give him your final decision. 
“Yeah, I’ll text Sunoo and ask if he wants to go” he picks up his and your plate and walks it over to the sink to wash them. “Okay, great! The party starts at 8, I’ll pick you up around 7:30” he explains as he puts away the now-washed plate next to the drying rack by the sink. Walking over to pick up his jacket hanging from the back of his chair he leans down and pecks you on your forehead. You rise from your seat and walk him out to the front door. When he’s done putting on his shoes you place a hand on his shoulder and rise on your tiptoes to place a small kiss on the corner of his mouth. But he moves in for a proper kiss. “I’ll see you later” Waving your hand goodbye, you watch him disappear around the corner.
With your dorm void of your boyfriend, you decide to call up Sunoo to come over. Heeseung was out of town visiting his family for the holidays so it was just him in the dorm. The phone rings three times before he picks up.
“Sunoo, are you doing anything right now?” you play with your hair as you talk to him
“Nothing. Why?”
“You wanna hang out today at my place? I’m bored. It takes him a few seconds until he responds.
“Okay I’ll be over in a few”
Sitting in silence with a movie playing in the background you suddenly say “We fucked”
Sunoo is left speechless, which confuses you because ever since you have mentioned Jake all he can talk about is if you’ve gotten dicked down yet. His mouth is hung open as he tries to process what you just said. After a few minutes of silence from him, he finally yells into the air and jumps around the room like a bunny rabbit. “Oh my God! All of a sudden?! Tell me everything!” you begin to explain the whole story to him. From your date to the magnolia trees to him asking you to be his girlfriend. Talking about makes you feel all giddy all over again. Sunoo, being your best friend and all, was so unbelievably happy for you.
You would need to tell Heeseung when he got back, but knowing Sunoo he would probably tell him right when he returned to their dorm. Thinking back on everything that’s happened to you in the past months has you feeling blessed. Jake has made you feel things you haven’t felt in a long time. But, sometimes you’d like to think everything is going so well. But what do they always say? There’s always a calm before the storm, is it?
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“Hey, honey” your mother called you over the phone
“Hi what’s up?” placing your phone on your vanity as you touched up your makeup
Today was the party that Jake had told you about a few days ago. From what you heard from Jake, the party wasn’t supposed to be big. Just close friends of his and maybe a few other guests. You asked Sunoo if he wanted to come but long story short he had already made plans the day of but he also didn’t feel like third wheeling. He would be at his parent’s house anyway for the holidays.
“Are you coming over for Christmas? We miss you over here” From the tone of her voice you can imagine a pout forming on her lips
“Yes, Mom I already told Dad that I’d drive down to the airport and take the first flight out” You had missed your parents dearly, when you told them you wanted to go to school down in Seoul they supported you 100%. The flight from Korea to your hometown was a long way away. You were a bit disappointed that Jake wouldn’t be joining you, but understandingly he had told you that he already made plans to fly out to see his parents in Australia. 
Guessing you would just have to wait you’d till you were both back to exchange gifts. 
“Okay, Niyah misses you too she won’t stop asking for her Cuddle” ‘Cuddle’ was a name your niece gave you because she wasn’t able to say your name. Cuddle just stuck and she’s been calling you that ever since. “Tell her I’ll be back soon and that I miss her too” Smiling at the thought of your baby niece. 
“I need to go Mom. I’ll call you when I board the plane, I love you” 
“Okay be safe, I love you too” 
Your phone beeps indicating of the voice call ending. Music starts to vibrate through your room again after your abrupt phone call from your mother as you stand from your desk and walk over to your closet. Before you can look through your closet for something to wear for the party a knock is heard from the front door. Jake stands on the other side of the door with his hands behind his back waiting for you patiently to let him. 
A small “Hi, baby” comes from your mouth as you softly lean yourself against him. He places a hand behind your head and leans down, pecking your lips. “Hi, my love”
Stepping to the side you walk back to your room as he follows you. He walks over to your bed and lays down. Placing his hands behind his head as if he were relaxing in paradise. 
“Jake” you call out for his attention. Standing in front of your closet once again you pull out two dresses. A red satin dress and a simple black one
“Hm?” he says with raised eyebrows.
“Which one looks better? The black one or the red one? I can’t decide” you ask him. He looks back and forth between you and the dresses. Turning to the mirror you put both of the dresses up to your body. The ruffling of sheets can be heard behind you. You can see Jake push himself off the bed and walk towards you
Jake sneaks his hands on your waist and looks at you in the mirror. “You look good in anything, baby. But maybe the black one. I think it suits you better than the red one.” he tells you. You turn in his arms raising your arms to wrap around his neck. His sleeves are rolled up to his elbows and he squeezes around your waist. Tilting your head back you look at him his smiling face looks down at you, his eyes searching over your soft features. 
He leans in to kiss your forehead, then down your nose, and then your lips. “Okay” Detaching your body from his, you walk to your closet to put the red dress away and put on the black one Jake had chosen.
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 Jake is waiting outside in your living room as you finish up the last of your makeup and making sure you look presentable; this is your first time meeting his friends. When you walk out of your room, he looks up to the sound of your door closing and watches you in awe. You look stunning, stopping his heart for a second with the way you look tonight. A radiating smile glows on his face as he can’t seem to take his eyes off you.
He walks closer to you and stands there admiring your form. Completely breathtaking. Inching closer to you he can’t hold himself back from touching you. Slowly wrapping your arms around his waist as his hands come up to cup your cheeks.
“What?” you laugh
He softly pulls you in for a soft kiss. It’s slow and comforting, never failing to make your heart stop at every little touch. He pulls away and breathes in your scent. “You look so beautiful, darling.” Maybe you shouldn’t have added blush while you were doing your makeup. Your face was completely flush by the warmth of your dorm and the warmth he brings you every time he compliments you.
“Let’s get going now” he holds your hand and leads you to the front door. But not before you pick up your bag and you coat.
When you pull up to the party, there are a lot more people than you were told. It was more like a house party. Walking through the door, loud music was bumping through the air,  sweaty bodies were being pushed up against one another.
Jake’s holding onto your hand making sure he doesn’t lose you in the crowd of people. “Let’s go to the kitchen, you want something to drink?” he yells over the music. Barely making out what he had said you nod your head at him and let him take the lead.
You don’t see many familiar faces around. Maybe some of the students you see at your lectures but that’s it. When you walk into the kitchen, Jake makes out a few familiar faces and walks over to them. He greets the many friends that he made over the past few weeks. “Hey, man,” his friend said leaning in for a hug. His eyes make their way over to you and scans you up and down. He points at you and says “Who’s this” with a smile on his face.
“Ah, guys. This is my girlfriend” he tells them your name and introduces you. “This is Chan, Jay, and Felix” He points to the one who couldn’t take his eyes away from you, Jay, and you nod your head at them as a greeting.
“It’s nice to meet you all,” you say
Jay speaks up and looks at you as if he knows you. “We have the same afternoon class, right? You always sit in that same seat up in the front,” he says with a smirk. “Yeah, I think we do. But I don’t think I have ever seen you” He makes a face as if you’ve shot him the heart “Oof, well to be fair I do keep to myself a lot” 
“I’m always sat in the back. We should sit together, it’s nice to know I’ll have someone in that class that I know” Jake watches the whole interaction. He clenches his jaw as he sees the way Jay keeps looking at you up and down. You haven’t noticed it as you continue to laugh at what he says.
“Yeah, we should. I don’t know a lot of people in that class so it’s nice to know that I know at least one person”
You feel Jake’s hand pull you closer to him by your waist. You look up at him to see his irritated expression. You place a hand on his cheek and turn his head to you. “What’s the matter, baby?” His jaw is locked as he has an iron grip on you “Let’s go to the living room”
He guides you to one of the couches with heavy music blaring in your ears. He takes his seat and places you on his lap. Wrapping your arm around his neck he digs his face into the crook of your neck. You can feel his lips skin over your skin, and you feel goosebumps all over. “Are you okay” you whisper into his ear for only him to hear.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Looking into your eyes they scan over your face and land on your soft lips. He turns his head to deepen the kiss and he slips his tongue through your lips. Breathing in your flowery scent his hands glide down to your ass, pushing lightly on his chest so he could let you go. You realize you’re in public with other people around. Looking at your surroundings your eyes randomly fall in line with Jay. His eyes were already on you, Jake follows your line of sight and catches Jay looking at the both of you. He pushes you off him softly and excuses himself. “I need a drink,” he says in an almost growl. Chasing after him you place a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
“Wait, are you mad at me?” you say in a small voice. He only shakes his head and cups your cheeks. “No, I’m not mad at you baby. I’m just a little tired. You know I’ve been a bit stressed, having to pack and plan out all my stuff to visit my family tomorrow.” You know when he’s lying, but not wanting to fight any further, you listen to him. “Why don’t we go home then huh? We can go back to my place?”
Nodding his head at your suggestion he places his hand on your lower back to guide you to the exit. Before you can make it past the door, Jay stops you and wraps his arm around Jake’s shoulder. “Leaving already,” he says “The party just started” Jake shoves his arm off and rolls his shoulder. “Look, man, I’m not in the mood right now, so why don’t you just fuck off and leave us alone” Irritation can be heard in his tone, his brows furrowed, jaw clenched. This is the angriest he’s been around you.
Thinking back to his tone, you begin to realize how rude he was. When you walk out the door you walk a few steps behind your boyfriend as you try to keep up with him you run up to him and clasp your hand with his, but he immediately pulls back. What the fuck was with him? Did you do something to upset him? You couldn’t have, he told you nothing was wrong He looks down at you with an angry look on his face. “I’m not in the mood right now. Can we just go to your apartment?”
Nodding your head lowly you begin to walk in silence
When you walk through the door to your dorm Jake walks in behind you. It’s silent on his end, not a word coming from his mouth. He places his coat on your desk chair and sits on your bed on his phone. The vibe is off in the room that you can feel the tension seep in between the two of you. You don’t like it; you despise sitting in silence not knowing how to bring up what happened at the party. Taking a seat in front of him where your desk chair is you look at him until he looks up from his phone and at you.
Your arms are folded over each other on the back of the chair as you lay your chin over them. “Baby,” you say in a small pout. He hums in response his attention focused on his phone. This action only infuriates you. You tug on his arm and he looks up at you with an irritated expression his eyebrows furrowed.
“Hey, what’s the matter with you why are you so mad?”
“I’m not mad, what are you talking about”
You stand and you can feel your blood start to boil. The atmosphere of the room makes you feel unsettled.
“What am I talking about? What the fuck are you talking about Jake? I’m not the one that has a problem here”
“Neither do I!” he shouts back at you. Now he’s starting to irritate you.
“You do, what the hell is bothering you so much that you’re yelling at me?!” The room starts to feel hot, and the feeling in your stomach makes you want to hurl. You don’t like fighting with Jake. You hate this feeling rising in your chest. You have never fought with Jake before. It would only be about small things like who left the sink on or who didn’t close the refrigerator door. 
“At the party,” finally you get an answer out of him. “Are you s out of this world to see that Jay was eyeing you all night and he was clearly flirting with you” What? What is he talking about? Yes, you saw him glance over to you for a second but you completely ignored him. It’s the first time fighting with him and it’s over something completely stupid. Was he jealous?
“No, I did not see him looking at me because I was solely focused on you the whole night. I’ve had my attention on you because why would I even bat an eye at him when I’m with you?! That doesn’t make any sense to me Jake” It takes you a while to figure out what was going on. Jake couldn’t let go of the fact that Jay was looking at you the whole night.
“Are you seriously jealous right now? I was trying to get along with your friends. Nothing even went on but a small conversation between two people and you’re seriously jealous,” The tone in your voice is raised and you can feel your blood boil up your skin. Jake turns and picks his jacket off your chair walking away from the conversation. You can practically see steam coming out from his ears.
“Look, I can’t do this right now. I need to get my stuff together before tomorrow.” he says
“Oh! So you’re walking out is what you’re doing. You’re not even willing to talk this out?” 
“Yes, I am. I cannot argue with you, my head is pounding and I just can’t deal with this. I need to leave” he says sternly
“Merry Christmas” he walks out the door leaving nothing behind. You can hear your heart shatter in your ears. The door slamming behind you, Jake walks out the door along with your heart.
“Merry Christmas to you too,” you say softly under your breath
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When you see your family again you feel everything disappear from the night before for a moment. You haven’t spoke to Jake since he walked out on you last night. Not a single phone call or text from him. The feeling of no contact from him sets an uneasy feeling in your stomach.
The day after Christmas your sister, Mia, walks into your old room and takes a seat at the foot of your bed.
“What’s wrong?” you look up at her. Her face has a look of sorrow. You hadn’t been that obvious, had you? That fight shouldn’t have affected you as much as it did. You’ve only been going out for a little less than a month. So why do you feel so distraught?
“Nothing, why?” you respond to her.
“Well, you’ve been a little quiet since you came home a few days ago and you’ve been kind of down. Did something happen?”
It takes you a moment to collect your thoughts. Thinking back to the argument you and Jake had, you about the things that he said and you realize how stupid this whole argument is. Another thing you realize is that your family does not know that you have a boyfriend.
“Um, I haven’t told anyone yet because I know if I did Mom would freak the fuck out and make a whole scene about it and I’m trying to get away from drama at the moment.”
Mia furrows her brows in confusion and thinks about the things you’ve talked about since you got back.
“What did you not tell us?”
You’re laid on your side on your bed facing away from your sister you reply softly in a small voice “I have a boyfriend”. You say it in an almost whisper she almost doesn’t catch it the first time. “You have a what!”
Sitting up from your bed frantically you put a hand over her mouth and shush her. “Be quiet! I told you mom doesn’t know yet and I don’t wanna tell her until later”
A smile creeps up on her lips and she starts to scream. She quickly lowers her tone when she realizes just how loud she’s being. “Oh my God, what’s his name? How did you guys meet? How long have you been together? OH! Did you guys do it yet?”
Her constant questions get you to burst out laughing. You miss when you were able to tell her everything that goes on in your life. But that changed when you went off to college and she started working and started a family.
“Oh god, Mia, calm down please. I’ll tell you everything later. But right now I’m kinda in a rough situation.” You continue to explain the whole argument to your sister and she sits and listens to you.
“Is he a fucking idiot? Does he not trust you enough to know that you only have eyes for him? Look, if he doesn’t come up to you and try to resolve the issue between you two is he worth pining for? Is he worth your tears and your energy?” Before you can respond to her she cuts you off before you can get your first word out
“No, I didn’t think so. Think about it babe you’ve only been dating this guy for how long and he’s already messed up because of something stupid,” 
“I know, but what I feel for him is real. It’s so real to me that it scares me how much I care about him” You can feel tears well up behind your eyes. Thinking this deeply about your feelings toward Jake makes you realize how much of a constant he has become in your life. You don’t remember living life before you met him. And that scares you.
“I want this to work out for us. I’ve never felt this way for someone before. He makes me feel so happy,” This comes out in a small voice. You have never been this genuinely happy with someone before
A beat of silence passes as Mia tries to accumulate her words. She sighs and places a hand on your shoulder. “Babe, I just want what’s best for you, you know that. If you think waiting for him is the right thing to do, then wait. If he ever hurts you and makes you unhappy I swear to God call me and I’m bringing my ass down there to kick his” Laughing with tears in your eyes you pull her in for a tight hug.
“I will, I love you”
“I love you too, sis”
The drive back from the airport to your dorm was awful. Cars piling on the road from coming home from holiday ended in unbearable traffic. You had caught a cold from your niece and the weather didn’t help with your symptoms either. Sunoo offered to pick you up, but you declined his offer because Jake had said that he would be picking you up from the airport. Now you are starting to regret your decisions. You hadn’t heard from him in a while. Before the argument he had told you he was coming back the day before you. So, you had some hopes of meeting him when you first arrived home. But to your dismay, you were met with an empty drop-off area and baggage claim. You had to lug around your suitcases until you finally found an Uber driver.
When you reach your dorm, you’re met with a bouquet of magnolias lying next to your door. Dropping your bags on the floor you pick up the flowers in search of a note. It looks like it’s been here for a while. Some of the pedals are a bit wilted but still pretty, nonetheless. A small white piece of paper is found in the middle of the beautiful flowers. Putting your hand in to fetch it out you unravel it and read what was displayed.
My baby, I’m sorry for what happened before we parted. I was being immature, and I wasn’t thinking straight. I’m sorry for ruining your Christmas and not checking up on you. Just know that I was thinking about you during the time we couldn’t spend together I just felt so guilty for the way I acted I felt I didn’t deserve to talk to you yet. I’m ready to talk whenever you want to
Please call or text me when you get these. I’m sorry.
-       Jake
The words written on the piece of paper pull on your heartstrings. You truly did miss him. He went through the trouble of buying you flowers and writing a note? Opening the front door to your dorm you pull your things in along with the flowers inside. Your heart nearly jumps from your chest when you hear rustling come from your desk. The body perks up and turns to face you. Jake had been sitting there since the day he came back from his hometown, waiting for you to come back home to him. He stands there taking in your presence. He had missed you, so much. Slowly walking over to you, not sure whether he’s allowed to touch you.
The tension between you seems to have dissipated from the time you’ve been apart. It’s quiet. Waiting for him to speak up. Waiting for him to apologize for what he’s done. Waiting for him. Dreading the days to see him again and reconcile your damaged feelings.  Finally, after what felt like hours but in reality were only a few seconds. Jake finally pulls you in bear hugging you tightly as if he hasn’t seen you in years. He buries his face into the crook of your neck and inhales your scent. Oh, how he’s missed you. His arms tighten around your waist when you slowly bring your hands up to his shoulders.
“I missed you, love” he whispers into your cold skin. You sniffle due to your cold but also due to the tears you feel once again. The touch of his breath against your skin makes chills run up and down your body. You had been pining for him for days now. Finally, in the arms of your lover, you begin to feel a bit at ease. But you still felt uneasy not talking about the issue that has occurred between the two of you.
“I’ve missed you too,” you say in barely a whisper. He pulls away and he stays close to you. His hands are on your elbows, and he looks down at you. His brows slightly fall when he hears your nazely voice. He places his warm hand over your burning skin. “Did you catch a cold?” he says in a worried voice. Moving your hands, wrapping them around his wrist you calm down his worries. “Yes, but I’m fine. Nothing but hot soup will cure me” you say with a small smile on your face. 
After, getting changed into more comfortable and clean clothes Jake wraps you in your blanket on your bed and sits by your side as he nurses you back to health. 
“Did you see my note?” His head down in shame as he waits for your answer. You only nod your head in response. He’s playing with the sleeve of your sweater and looks back up at you again. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m so sorry I acted the way I did. I was being stupid, and I had alcohol in my system and I was thinking straight.’ It’s silent before you say anything. Thinking about what to say to his apology you look up at him and try to read his expression.
You could see the sorrow in his eyes; those cute puppy dog eyes that you’re so used to seeing everyday. He had a look of defeat on his features. You’ve never seen this side of him, this vulnerable side of him. Speaking up you say, “Jake that doesn’t give you the right to assume things about me. Do you not trust me?” he interrupts you in the middle of your speech. “I do trust you, my love. I just don’t trust him.”
“Baby, the only person you should be trusting is me, okay? I’m your girlfriend. I’m the one you should be trusting, not him. For us to work there needs to be trust between the both of us. If you can’t do that then there is no us.”
This makes his heartbeat pick up. Of course, he trusts you. But the way that Jay had kept his eyes on you the whole night just made him so angry that he started to blame you for reasons that he didn’t quite understand. He wants so badly for this to work out between you two. You’re impossibly the best thing that’s happened to him since he moved here.
Frantically, his grip on your sleeve becomes a bit tighter. Like he’s scared if he doesn’t hold on tight enough you’ll dissipate into thin air “I do trust you, baby, believe me I do. Okay. Can we please just forget this whole thing? Will you accept my apology? I miss you.” he moves his hands up from your wrist gently grazing your neck until they land on your cheeks. The look in his eye is now desperate. He needs you in his life, just like you he can’t recall living his life before he met you. He can’t screw up now. Finally, nodding your head he smiles that big smile that he always sports and pulls you in for a kiss.
Finally, things are back to the way they were for now.
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Classes have started up again but thankfully your professors have taken it easy on you. The downside of this new schedule is that you haven’t gotten to spend as much time with Jake as you had before. With his schedule being completely different from yours you always manage to find time for him. He told you he was going to start being a better boyfriend for you ever since that fight. Often you would come home to takeout on your front door handle with a little note that he would write for you.
It was nice coming home to little things from him. The only times you got to spend time together was when he would come over when the both of you had a clear schedule. That time spent with him was your favorite.
Sitting at your desk, you hear keys jingle at your door. You gave Jake a spare key to your room whenever he felt like coming over, to save you the trouble of having to get up from your desk and answering the door yourself. At this point, he was living with you. He spent most of his time at your dorm while you were at classes and barely any time was spent at his. He had made your home his home. You would sometimes come home to him snuggled in your blanket asleep. Of course, Layla was cuddle next to him
You can hear his footsteps from behind you as you work on your laptop. Feeling his hands wrap around your shoulders and his face leaning into the side of yours, you can feel your heart rate pick up. Everything has gone so well between the two of you. It almost seems unreal.
He pecks you on your cheek and snuggles himself into your side.
“What are you doing, love”, turning your head to face him, you smile deeply at him and peck his lips. Moving your attention back to your laptop you reply back to him “Working on this midterm paper. Classes have been so hectic I barely have time to take a break.” Upon hearing this Jake reaches his hand over to the screen of your laptop and shuts it closed, you turn to him with a look of confusion.
“What are you doing?”
“Giving you a break” A small grin placed on his face, and he brings his face closer to yours. He places his soft lips against yours and moves in slowly. His hand is under your jaw caressing softly. He pulls away and looks into your wide eyes. “I’m gonna draw you a bath relax a bit baby you’ve been working hard for the past few weeks I haven’t seen you step away from your work once. How does that sound?” he tells you softly. “ You’re right, hmm. That sounds amazing thank you, baby”
He turns and makes his way to your bathroom. You hear the faucet of the bathtub begin to run. Jake’s phone was left next to where you were sitting and it’s only then that you hear it buzzing with a notification and your heart sinks for a moment. The name read ‘Amelia’ honestly, the only friends you have on campus are your best friends and Jake. You have never heard of this name before. Even in your lecture halls you have never once heard of this person. The name doesn’t ring a bell. But in order to also make a relationship work you need privacy, so that’s what you do. You ignore the constant buzzing of his phone and walk over to the bathroom where Jake is waiting for you
The sound of the water sloshing and the steaming bathroom make you feel warm inside. Jake’s sitting at the edge of the tub waiting for you to finish up in the other room. Your hand falls to the hem of your shirt and you slowly glide the fabric up your torso. Next, your sweats fall along with your panties. Jake sits as he watches you undress yourself. He can feel himself grow hard and his pants become unbearably tight. He suddenly stands up and takes long strides walking over to you. His hands land on your naked waist and you look up at him and bring your hands to the clasp of your bra. Finally undoing it Jake’s eyes fall to your soft breast. Nipples perking as your chest is hit with the slightly cold air in the room. You can see the drool fall from his lips.
“Why don’t you join me?” you raise a brow at him; teasing him. Immediately he tears his shirt and pants off as he guides you to the tub. Lifting his leg to get in first, he takes your hand softly and guides you on top of his lap. You can feel his hard cock against your thigh. His arms wrap around your middle, and you can feel his lift place soft kisses on your shoulder. His right arm manages to take hold of your tit and the other slowly glides down to where you need him the most.
His hand grazes your thigh and you shiver at the touch. The kiss on your neck makes you sigh out in lust. You have never needed him so badly; completely forgetting everything that’s happened in the last twenty minutes. Finally, his finger makes contact with your clit rubbing figure eights. Whimpering his name in a low breath makes him even more wired.
“Yeah, baby? You like that? Huh?” He says into your ear. Licking up to your jawline his plants kisses just beneath your ear and back down to your neck. The wet muscle circles as he sucks and bites with his teeth. Placing a love bite on your skin leaving a mark. His finger enters you slowly; you let out a low moan out of pleasure. His speed begins to pick up as he adds in another. Pleasure building in the pit of your stomach. His right arm moves across your chest, so your tits are pushed up against it.
 “Oh my god, Jake. You make me feel so fucking good” You moan into his ear. With that, he turns you so you’re facing him now. “Fuck I can’t. I need to be inside of you” His hand wraps around his cock. The tip is red and throbbing you can see his veins. Stroking it once, twice, he teases at your entrance. The sloshing of the water is the only sound heard in the bathroom from your squirming. Sliding his cock between your folds; you look down at where you connect and moan his name. “Please, I need you in me. Need you to cum in me, Jake, please” you beg for him.
At this, manhandling you so your turned to him. Chest against his and he finally enters you. The stretch of his cock has you whining from how good he feels. The feeling of him inside of you has you starstruck. You’ll never get used to the way it makes you feel. His hand finds the bottom of your ass and he moves you up slowly. Your hands wrap around his shoulders as you dig your face into his neck. “Move. Please” you plead into his burning skin
“If you say so,” he says in a teasing voice. He bounces you on his cock and he meets you halfway. You bite onto his shoulder to muffle your sounds. You get enough noise complaints from the students in the building, you don’t need another one. The pace is fast, and animalistic, you can feel him prod deeply into you. He can feel himself in your stomach. He brings your hand to where he can feel himself inside of you.
“You feel that baby? So fucking deep in you I can feel myself” Moaning louder you can feel the burn build up in your tummy. Your thighs begin to burn and your hold on his shoulders become tighter. You feel yourself cum all over his cock. And with three last thrusts, he paints your walls in white as he finishes inside of you.
Sitting in silence, catching your breaths and coming down from your highs his hold on your waist tightens as he lifts you from the tub and grabs a towel to clean you off. His cock softens inside of you; you moan at the loss of being connected to him. Jake walks you to the bed and lays you down. He places a small kiss on your neck and tells you, “I’ll be right back” You smile at him and watch him walk away. But you see him grab his phone and look at it.
The unfamiliar name drags you back to that feeling from earlier.
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Heeseung was back from his trip, and he invited you over to catch up on recent events of each others lives. Being apart from your best friends made you realize how much you’ve missed them. You sat on the couch as he was getting something ready in the kitchen. “Hey, how was the trip?” you ask him. He walks back with a tray in his hand and places it in front of you. It was an assortment of snacks he had brought back from his hometown.
“It was good, Lina’s doing good. I haven’t seen her in so long I missed her so much.” Lina, Heeseung’s girlfriend of almost a year, they met through you. She had asked about your friend and wanted to know if he was single. You put them on a date and, bam, they’re in a long serious relationship! Simple as that. It’s good to hear that she’s doing good. You hadn’t seen her in so long.
“Ahh, I miss her too. I haven’t talked to her since the last time I saw her. That was probably before summer break this year.”
Heeseung changes the subject to you now. “So, what’s up with you? How’s your family? I know you haven’t seen them in a while either.”
“They’re great. I got to see baby Aria again. She’s grown so much and she's walking now” You smile thinking about your niece.
Your phone suddenly buzzes with a notification from Sunoo.
Sunoo: Hey, wya rn?
Me: At ur place why? Did something happen?
Sunoo: Meet me at the café in 5 min
The serious texts makes your heart beat pick up. What happened? Did something happen to him?  You look up to Heeseung and his focus is on the TV now. “Hee, I gotta go. Sunoo said he needs me for something” you tell him.
“Oh okay, what happened” He watches as you rise from your seat and collect you things to leave. 
“I don’t know he won’t tell me. I’ll talk to you later” bending down to peck his cheek you place your bag over your shoulder and leave through the door. Hoping nothing bad has happened to your friend
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After almost crashing a dozen times you make your way to the entrance of the café. Sunoo is sitting at one of the tables in the back waiting for you. He has a drink next to him and your usual next to the seat that’s supposed to be yours.
“Hey,” you greet him. He looks up at you with a look you can’t explain.
“So are you gonna explain to me what’s going on or what, your text earlier scared the shit out of me and I’m still a little on edge so can you please hurry and explain what the hell is going on” you say with a faux small on your face
“Hey, I’m sorry if I freaked you out but I need to tell you something.” He pulls his phone out from his back pocket and shows you a picture. You can feel your heart stop to your stomach. The color completely drains from your face as your shaky hands reach out to take ahold of his phone.
Displayed on the screen is a picture of Jake, with his hand on a girl’s waist, and they seem close to each other. You scroll, and there’s yet another picture of them. He’s smiling at her, and his face is close to hers nearly lips touching. The tears that swell in your eyes threaten to spill out. You can barely make out words to say. Completely in shock of what you see. It’s your boyfriend and a girl that isn’t you in his arms. You want to scream at the world for being so blind to this. You want so badly to hit something. You need to get out of here
There’s no way. He said that he was going to be better, and he said that he wanted to make this work. How could he betray you like this?
You stand from your seat abruptly making the chair squeak against the floor. Eyes fall on you as you quickly grab your things.
“Sunoo, I need to go,” you say in a small voice. He nods in understanding, and you rush towards your car. You look down at your phone and see his name pop up on your screen. ‘Hey baby wya? I miss you.’ the text reads. This only makes you angrier. You need to calm down before you crash and get into an accident.
The next thing you know your at his apartment complex. You walk up the stairs and storm into his living space. Jake jolts in surprise and looks at you. Fiery in your eyes you make your way to him and push at his shoulders, hard. “How could you? You said you were going to be better. You said that you wanted this to work” You pushed him again. “Why would you do this to me?” your lungs begin to burn from the constant yelling. Pushing him after each word your tears falling from your eyes. The pounding of your heart is heard in your ears. You’re screaming at the top of his lungs waiting for him to explain.
“Baby, what are you talking about?” He takes hold of your wrist trying to calm you down. Again, pushing him away you retaliate and keep your distance from him. His act only pushes you to the edge “I saw the pictures, Jake. I’m not fucking stupid” He can feel his heart drop when he finally realizes what you’re talking about. “I can explain”
“No, what is there to explain? I could see how close you were to her and the way you held her. You’re supposed to hold me like that. Not anyone else!” you yell at him. Hurt and anger are laced in your voice. “I need to get out of here,” you say in a quiet tone. Digging your hands in your hair, frustrated with yourself, with Jake. He tries to reach out to you, but you only push him away.
“Don’t touch me,” Pushing him back harder he stumbles back. You make your way to the door and walk back to your car. It’s silent. Unleashing the pent-up emotions inside of you; you sob into your hands. Your head begins to ache because of how much you cry. Your head hits against the wheel as you begin to shake from anger. You’ve never hurt this much. All your love was wasted into something, someone that wasn’t willing to give you that same love back.
The feeling of your phone buzzing in your pocket grabs your attention. Lifting your head you pat your pockets searching for the device you turn the screen over to read the name of the incoming voice call. “__?” 
“Sunoo” you sob his name out 
“Can I come over?”
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It’s been a few weeks since you last spoke to Jake. Your phone has been blowing up with texts and calls from him. Telling you how sorry he is; that he  needs to talk to you and that he messed up. You can’t bear the thought of talking to him face to face. Thinking about him hearts you as much as he already has. Sunoo and Heeseung drop in every other day, taking turns to make sure you were okay and you were eating properly. It hasn’t gotten easier, but you still managed to get out of bed and get to class.
As usual, you almost end up falling asleep in class from the sleepless nights. It’s not until you feel a tap on your shoulder that you perk up. Turning around you met face-to-face with a familiar face. Jay? Was that his name? You can’t be bothr to remember the face of the one person that started the argument between you and your ex-boyfriend. His chin is lying on his arms resting on the back of your chair. “Hey,” he says in a whisper, trying to keep his voice low. Rolling your eyes you look away and try to focus your attention back on the lesson. Without realizing the time class was over. 
Heavy footsteps could be heard from behind you. Jay appears on your side and he places a hand on your shoulder. “What’s wrong? Did something happen between you and your boyfriend” Looking at his face makes you feel disgusted. Only reminding you of one of the worse times in your relationship. 
“Hey, hey, hey” placing his hands in front of you to stop you in your tracks. From the corner of his eye, he can see Jake, throwing daggers at him. Jay looks down at you and pulls you in. His lips barely touch you before you shove him away. “What the fuck, Jay?!” Before Jay could look back to see Jake, he had already fled. “What? It’s not bad to switch it up sometimes. Plus I heard that you’re not with Jake anymore. You know, moving on is a natural thing to do after you break up with someone” he says with a smug look on his face. “Fuck off asshole” 
Shoving his shoulder as you walk past him. Tears start to stream down your eyes as you pick up your steps through the halls to make it to the library. You had a shift today after school. When you walk through the door you half expect Jake to be there. Seeing his usual seat empty your hopes are crushed. You forget why you’re even in the situation that you are in with him for a moment. Everything begins to come rushing back. The girl texting him things a girl shouldn’t be texting a guy in a relationship. You can’t even begin to see him the same way you used to see him. 
Pushing everything to the back of your head you sit down and wait for people to come up to the desk and help them out. Hours after your shift started Jake walks through the doors, with a neutral look on his face. Not with that usual happy look on his face radiating joy. You haven’t communicated in any way for weeks. He walks over to his usual spot. He only looks at you for a split second before he looks over to the manager, fixing the used books on a cart. 
“Hey, um, Jungha, can I talk to you for a second?” With a shake of his head, he motions his head to follow him to the door behind the desk. Following him with your eyes, you begin to wonder when your shift ends. Being stuck here with him for the next two hours is going to be hell. You called in sick for about two weeks. Jungha was nice enough about it and let you off and give yourself some time to heal. About 15 minutes later, Jake walks out of the room but he doesn’t stop at his usual chair next to you, no, he walks to the door and leaves. What? Did he take the day off or something? You shouldn’t care about what he’s doing with his life, but you do. How can you not? You were in love with him. You still are. Holding back your tears you turn your attention back to your work. Your phone vibrates next to you, Sunoo texts you asking if you want to come over. You look over at the clock and realize just how much time has passed. Your shift was ending in a few minutes. Texting Sunoo back, you collect your things and shut down a bit earlier today. You walk out the door and call Sunoo to tell him you’re on your way.
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Jake hadn’t come into work for the last couple of days. You had secretly been waiting for him to walk through the door but his cute puppy dog-like eyes haven’t made their appearance yet. Lazing around at your desk with your head held in your head and making little doodles on the piece of paper in front of you. Jungha catches sight of your dull expression and he places a gentle hand on your shoulder. 
“I need to tell you something.” This gets you to perk up. Did something happen to him? “Uh, I know that you guys were together and he told me not to say anything to you but you were going to eventually figure out eventually why he isn’t here anymore.” he pauses. 
“The reason why he wanted to talk the other day was because,” he takes the seat next to you and looks down at his hands. “He said that he wanted to quit. He couldn’t sit here for hours knowing that you guys wouldn’t talk. And just to let you know these are his words not mine. He also said he couldn’t stand the fact that he wouldn’t enjoy being here knowing that you were angry with him.” All this new information brings new emotions. Did he quit because of you? If anything it should have been you who should have quit. 
“Oh” is all you say. What else are you supposed to say? You don’t want to seem pathetic for crying over your ex-boyfriend in front of your manager, that would be too embarrassing for your own good. You shake your head and get back to drawing your little doodles. Trying to distract yourself the best you could. You couldn't handle the thought of not seeing Jake anymore at work. Not seeing him at all.
At the end of your shift, you make your way to Sunoo and Heeseung’s place. You can’t bear the thought of being alone for the night; you need the comfort of your best friends. You open the door with one of the spare keys they had given you when they first bought the place. To Heeseung’s surprise, you make your way over to him on the couch and plop yourself down face-first on the other couch. “Hey,” he says with his furrowed brows. Placing a gentle hand to the back of your head.
“You okay?” Sitting up properly you shake your head. After hearing all the noise from the living room Sunoo emerges from his room and finds you sitting on his couch. “I don’t remember inviting you over” He says in a joking manner. You look over to the voice of your best friend. “Stop acting like you don’t love having me over” He rolls his eyes and walks to the kitchen to grab a snack. 
“How do you feel today? You look even more down than you do most days. Did something happen?” He speaks from behind the fridge. You wait for him to turn the corner so you don’t have to yell. You don’t want them to get a noise complaint because of the shouting. “Jake quit at the library because of me,” you say blankly. Some silence passes and Sunoo shoots from his seat on the couch. “Is he out of his goddamn mind? Why did he quit? It should have been you who should have quit not the other way around. What the hell? He wants to die because I swear to God the last thing he’ll see is my fist in his face” 
Looking at him with your jaw slack after the long rant you just witnessed. “What the hell are you looking at? I’m being so real right now. What makes him think he needs the time away from you after what he did to you,” The room goes silent. The only sound reverberating through the room is the TV playing the back. Heeseung sits watching the scene, completely in awe of the way that Sunoo is acting. And then out of the silence, Heeseung bursts out laughing. Then you’re in tears of laughter. Sunoo looks at the two of you like you’re the ones that are crazy. “Look I’m just stating facts if he wants to be a little pussy then he can be one but I won’t have my best friend looking dumb because of some guy that she met not that long ago.” This catches you off guard. Sure Sunoo never genuinely liked Jake.
But he tried his best for you. Because he wanted what was best for you. But this was drawing the line. “What are you talking about Sunoo? Do you have any idea how happy I was when I was with him?” you begin to argue. The laughter has far died down. “Yes, I understand that but look at the condition he left you in,” he exclaims. “For fucks sake you had to take two weeks off of work because of that asshole. You weren’t eating properly, fuck you weren’t even taking proper care of youself” You’re left speechless. You want to believe that there is still something there. Even after everything that’s happened, you still have hope. “Maybe I should just talk to him about it because he never even gave me an explanation because I walked away” Raising from your seat you walk towards the door.
“I just want what’s best for you” Sunoo speaks from behind you. “I need you to completely understand what you’re getting yourself into. I don’t want you to walk into a toxic factory and get yourself stuck in something you can’t get yourself out of” This tugs at your heart. You know that Sunoo talks from his heart, he’s only looking out for you. 
“I love you so much Sunoo, but I know if I don’t do this and get the closure I need I’ll eventually lose my mind” The only thing he can do now is shake his head. “Okay, if anything happens call me” His steps are slow and he takes you in his arms for a tight hug. You shake your head and agree to call him. You wave at Heeseung and make your way out of their dorm. 
Your next destination is your ex-boyfriend. 
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Jake was lying on his bed scrolling through new job listings. He needs to somehow find a way to provide for himself. A soft knock is heard from the front door. It was nearing almost midnight, he furrows his brows and pushes himself off his bed. Who could be knocking at his door at this hour? There, you stand with a confident look on your face, hair wet from the pouring rain. “__?” You can see his tired eyes his phone clutched in his hand. “What the hell are you doing here” the anger in his voice brews confusion in your head. 
“I need talk to you” you say in a stern voice 
“There’s nothing to talk about. I need you to leave” He slowly begins to close the door in your face but you refuse. Moving your hand forward you place in front of the door. Your legs have a mind of it’s own as you push past him into his apartment.
“What are you doing? There’s nothing to talk about” 
“There’s everything to talk about Jake,” you exclaim. How can he say this? Your phone has non-stop buzzing with notifications from him for the past few weeks and now that you are here there’s absolutely nothing you can talk about? Now you’re confused. 
“I came here to talk to you about that fucking girl in your phone. Who the fuck is that, Jake?” He runs his hands through his messy hair and begins pacing around the small living room. You can start to feel that sharp feeling in your chest. You start to stress over the fact that he hasn’t begun to explain himself at all. 
“Fucking answer me Jake, who is that” Tears begin to form in your eyes again. 
“You’ve been begging me to call and text you back. Now that I’m here, standing in front of you, ready to talk, you’re silent now. Now answer me who is that girl?” The built up tears are now streaming down your face. You begin to feel frustrated with him. With yourself for not being able to communicate how you felt all those weeks ago 
This gets him to start talking. His eyes widen at the thought of never being in contact with you. He cannot begin to think about life without you. 
“Okay! Okay, she’s this girl that I met over break while I was away in Australia. We were broken up–” 
“We were not broken up Jake, we were in the middle of an argument and we were heated. We never broke up or even said the words ‘break up’. Just because we were in an argument means that we’ve broken up? That’s not how relationships work. Not with me” 
He stands there, only staring at you, trying to process the words that slipped from your lips. Angry tears slide down your cheeks.
“Okay,” he says in a low voice. This somehow fuels the anger you already feel. The single word only infuriating you further
“That’s all you have to say? ‘Okay’?” Your voice begins to raise. “You are so pathetic” you say in a low voice. Turning in your spot you make your way over to the door to leave. Before you could reach the handle his hand grips your wrist and pulls you towards him. His soft hand lays on your cheek, his lips land on yours. Then, you feel something wet on your cheek. He’s… crying? Your lips move softly against his. All of these strong emotions make you sob against him. 
He pulls away and rubs his thumb over your cheekbone. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m tired of fighting with you. I swear I didn’t do anything with her. We just talked and that’s it. I would never hurt you in any way.” 
You fail to believe a word he says. “You wouldn’t have hurt me if you’d have understood our situation during that argument. You wouldn’t have hurt me if you just kept to yourself and hadn’t talked to her,” you say against his lips softly. You pause before you begin again. 
“You wouldn’t have hurt me if you would have just trusted me, Jake.” 
He leans in a kisses you again. He makes his way down to your neck and sobs. “I’m sorry, honey. Please, please, please forgive me. I’ll never hurt you I promise. I can’t live without you. I need you” His words are intoxicating. Something about him always seems to pull you in. And you can never escape him. His hands find their way under your shirt and land on your waist. He pushes you against the wall and he lifts your shirt from your body. 
Then your bra is off. The cold air that hits your perked nipples makes you whine. You wrap your hands around his neck. Your fingers find home in his messy hair and you tug as he sucks on your bottom lip. He lifts you off the ground and carries you to his bedroom. Slowly, he lays you down on his soft bed. From the hem of his shirt, he lifts it over his head. His abs are out on display. He finally leans down and takes your nipple into his mouth. Gasping from the pleasure. His hands fall to the waistband of your jeans. 
He pulls them down along with your panties. His fingers find purchase on your clit. Moving in small circles. You moan into his mouth and this turns him on even more. “Let me make you feel good. You deserve the most out of everyone. Let me show how sorry I am, baby” 
Kissing down your stomach he places small kisses over your pelvis. His lips hover over your clit. His breath hits your cunt. Whimpers fill the quiet room. The first touch of his tongue sliding through your folds. “Agh, Jake” He wraps his arms around your thigh pulling you closer to him. Your right hand digs into his hair, tugging. 
The vibrations of his moan send shivers throughout your body. Your other hand tugs at your nipples. Pushing yourself up from the bed and looking down at him. The sloppy sounds reverberate in the small room. You can feel your juices slipping down from your pussy. His thumb presses harsh circles over your clit. “Yes, yes, yes!!” 
His sweats begin to feel uncomfortably tight. Moving against the bed to relieve himself. Palming himself through his pants. He moves to plant wet kisses against your thighs, making his way up. Face to face with him now, he rubs his nose softly against yours. Smiling against your cheek, he moves his finger to your red and swollen cunt sliding through your folds. His finger finds your entrance, slowly sliding in. 
You gasp against his mouth. Pulling him in to taste yourself on his tongue. “Yeah? You like that? Am I making you feel good, love?” 
“Mmmh, yeah, you always make me feel good” wrapping your arm around him and playing with the soft hair at the nape of his neck. He leans down to capture your lips, teeth clashing together, his tongue tasting you. His pace begins to pick up. You start to feel that burning sensation in your lower belly again. He knows when you’re about to finish. “Gonna cum on my fingers? Go on, show me how good I make you feel” he says in a low voice. The rapid rolling of his thumb on your clit tips you over the edge. 
Jake pulls his fingers to his lips, wrapping them around his digits. “You taste so good. Just as sweet as I remember” Looking up at him, you desire something more from him. “Fuck me” This gets him wild. Standing to quickly pull his pants along with his boxer off. His hard cock hits his lower abdomen. You drool at the sight. Reaching out to take him into your grip. “Wanna suck my cock? Hmm?” 
Looking up at him with a sultry look in your eyes “I want you to fuck me, Jake” you say in a soft voice. Smiling down at you he pushes you on your back, his bog body hovering over you. “I’ll do whatever you ask me to,” Taking his hard-on in his hand, giving himself a few strokes before rubbing himself against your spent cunt. “Fuck, oh my God” your eyes roll to the back of your head when he slowly lowers himself to you. Connecting your lips. 
Entering you, taking his time with you. Sliding his hand into yours, grasping yours pushing it to the side of your head. His pace starts slow, and passionate, he’s sticking to his word about taking his time with you. “Faster” you whisper in his ear. His soft lips grazed your cheek, his breath hitting your ear. He places his hands on your waist and turns you onto your stomach. 
Wrapping his arms around your front to hold you up. Quickly stroking himself, then entering you again. “C’mon baby, come for me. I know you can” The pleasure becoming too much with his pace. He’s fucking you hard, sloppy, messy, just like you asked. It all becomes overwhelming and you finally come all over his cock. Heavy breathing and panting fill the room once again. 
After some seconds of catching your breath, you lie on your back, and Jake finds comfort on your chest. Staring at the ceiling everything starts to come back to you. The fight that lead you to this point. You realize that you didn’t do what you came here to do. Softly stroking his hair you speak up in the silence that you're left in. “Jake” you call out for his name. He moves his head to look up at you, humming in response. “What’s going on between us?” You’re left unanswered for a while. To be honest, you aren’t sure what you’re doing here, lying in his bed. Inhaling deeply he rises from your body and walks over to his bathroom. 
He comes back with a wet towel in his hand and walks back to your lying figure on his bed. Gently parting your legs he wipes down your swollen cunt, being careful. You twitch slightly from the sensitivity. “I want us to be okay” he finally says. “I don’t like fighting with you. It breaks my heart knowing that I put you through hell and I’m not there to help fix it” throwing the towel into the basket next to his desk. 
“If you want this to work,” you look at him. He stares at you waiting to hear the key to win your heart over again. “I want you to trust me. And you need to prove to me that I can trust you” you say sitting up and pulling his shirt over your head to cover yourself. Nodding immediately he pulls you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you, tightly. “Okay, I promise. I promise I’ll never put you through that again. I promise I’ll do everything I can to prove to you that I care for you, so much.” Only looking at him as he speaks. 
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“Baby” Jake has been spending most of his time at your place. Barely spending any time in his own home. You don’t see it as a burden, but you do feel like he’s only doing it to make up for his past actions. “Let me take you out,” He says as he lays on your chest, pulling your hands to run through his soft hair. “Okay, what do you want to do” looking down softly at his face. His hands hug tightly around your waist as he digs his face into your soft stomach.
“There’s a carnival downtown. We can go there, if you want” He waits patiently for your answer looking up at your face, glowing in the sunlight peeking through the blinds. “Yeah, we can go there” you agree. Jake excitedly pushes off the bed and walks over to the drawer where he has kept some of his clothes. 
After the both of you finish getting ready you walk out of your dorm and walk down the steps. Hand in hand you begin your journey into town. Everything in your town is within walking distance, something you loved about it when you moved here. It was midday and shops were busy, everyone hustling to get everything they needed for the upcoming holiday. Being even more busy with the carnival in town. 
A flower shop catches your eye, letting go of Jake’s hand you’re drawn to the pretty flowers of spring. When you walk into the shop you are instantly hit with the smell of flowers. Racks are filled with lively green plants, some tilting over their pots from being overgrown. This is one thing you will forever cherish in life. The life of growing plants. How they always manage to come back to life even after not being properly taken care of. The strength they have to keep going
While you were away admiring the beauty of the flowers you’re surrounded by, Jake walks up behind you. Placing a hand on the small of your back, he pulls from behind his back a small bouquet of magnolias. He must have bought them while you were distracted. Turning in his arms you wrap yours around his neck pulling him in closer to you. “Thank you, they’re beautiful” He places a small peck on the juncture of your neck. “Of course, baby. They’re beautiful, aren’t they? They always remind me of you” 
Your lips form a small pout. Standing on your tip toes to place a delicate kiss on his lips. Sometimes his compliments only causes your heart to stop beating for a moment. Walking out of the flower shop you notice the sun beginning to set behind the busy town. “The carnival should be starting soon, we should get there now before it starts to get crowded.” He tightens his grip on your hand, making sure you don’t get lost in the crowd of people and guides you to the noisiest part of town. 
The lights of the lively carnival glow brightly in your eyes. Hand clutching Jake’s in excitement, he looks down and smiles brightly back at you as you walk ahead of him. Impatiently running towards the game booths you pull him by your side, a way of telling him to hurry his slow pace. “Hello! Come on up and win a prize. Two balloons will get you this teddy bear,” The booth worker pulls out a small teddy plush from behind the counter, “Or~ Pop six balloons to win this plush!” he says with much enthusiasm. The man points to a bunny plush hung above the other small prizes. Jake steps before you and pulls out a ticket he had stored in his wallet. “How much?” Digging through the pockets he takes a few out to hand to the man. You watch as they exchange items, Jake holds ten darts in his hand and watches his aim. Throwing one of them, the loud pop of the balloon makes you jump slightly. 
He goes on to throw another and another, until he gets down to his last dart. He misses, but he still manages to pop five balloons. “Congratulations! You’ve won yourself one of our small prizes, if you’d like to give it another go please come forward” Jake reaches his hand out for the small teddy bear and politely declines the man’s offer. He turns around to you, pushing the small plush into your arms. Looking down at the plush and up to him, he watches as a small smile grows on your lips. He wishes he could capture this moment and paste it into his head for the rest of eternity. Your illuminated features make him go crazy, making him experience feelings he’s never felt before. 
Before he could say anything to you, you pushed off your heels to kiss his soft lips lovingly. “Thank you, baby” Grabbing his hand again you proceed to look around at the carnival. Lights are strung along different booths, the sound of children laughing can be heard all around, and the warmth in your chest begins to bloom. Feeling that warmth radiate off of you, dispersing among the many young souls surrounding you. Tugging Jake closer to you, once again pulling him with you, you point at the ferris wheel gesturing to the ride.
He agrees and lets you drag him towards the spinning wheel. The operator opens the door for you when the wheel comes to a stop. Jake steps in first and grabs your head to help you in. The ride begins to move again, the cold wind blowing through your flowing hair brings chills up your arms. Goosebumps appear up and down your arms. “Are you cold? Here,” he moves forward to take his jacket off and places it around your shoulders. The fabric engulfs you from how big it is compared to when it was wrapped around Jake’s body. “Thank you” tugging it closer to you. 
The wheel stops at the very top; the view is breathtaking. But something else catches Jake’s attention, the way you look out over the town. The lights of the buildings of the town make it seem more alive. Something about that makes you feel content with where you are now in life. Moving forward for once instead of back. Turning your head to look at Jake again you find him already staring at you; admiring you. Your face falls into the palms of your hands as your cheeks turn red from embarrassment. “What?” he laughs. Moving his hands to pry your hands away from your face. 
Peeking through your fingers you see his radiating smile. A soft giggle makes its way out of your mouth as you look at the adorable sparkle in his eyes. “Nothing, I just got shy” This gets him to laugh, pulling your cold hands into his warm ones on his lap. “There is nothing to be shy about, baby. It’s just me” Looking into his deep brown eyes, butterflies erupt in your belly. “That’s why,” you say. He looks at you with confusion written on his face. Your hands hold on to him just a little bit tighter. “Because it’s you Jake. You make me feel so many different things at once sometimes I refuse to believe that you’re real to me” laughing slightly. Jake still has no idea where this is coming from. 
“I love you, Jake,” you say under your breath. The look in your eyes is close to pleading. Waiting for him to say it back. He only looks into your eyes until the ride comes back to life the grip you have on his jacket only becomes tighter than before. Your knuckles are white and crescent moons are indented into your skin by your nails. The ride stops at the bottom and the worker opens the door for you once again. You stay there for a moment until you realize that you are holding up the line. Thankfully, the worker was patient and still waited for you to exit the cart. 
You can hear your heart pumping at a rapid speed in your ears. Throwing the jacket off of your shoulder you flee from the cart. Leaving Jake, by himself in utter silence. He feels frozen in his spot, not able to move. “Sir? We have other people waiting” Snapping out of his daze he collects his things and leaves, completely left in distraught.
Running, you can barely see. Your eyes clouded with tears, streaming down your face. You needed to get out of there. Tripping over a small rock you hiss out in pain. Looking down at your scraped knee you you cradle it in hopes of making it feel better. But you know it will do nothing. Nothing hurts more than how you feel right now. 
He didn’t say it back. 
He didn’t say it back 
He didn’t say it back 
Like a broken record, it repeats in your head. Jake doesn’t love you back. And there’s completely nothing that you could do about it. 
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It’s been weeks since the carnival, and you haven’t heard anything from Jake since then. Not a text, not a phone call, not even a note. It’s like a never-ending cycle, just like Sunoo said. You can’t seem to find a way to escape it. Just like the last time you hide yourself away from the world. But only this time it’s worse. Your phone has been buzzing with notifications but from the person you’ve been pining for the most. Sunoo can’t help but be worried about you. 
He’s been calling every day but he can’t get a hold of you. Avoiding your phone is the best option for now. Distancing yourself from anyone who has a connection with Jake is in your best interest. You can’t risk bumping into him, just the thought of his face further hurts your aching heart. Standing up from your bed you walk over to the kitchen to eat a somewhat decent meal. You’ve been rotting away in your bed for days now, being productive for just one day would be a step forward in healing. 
“I don’t know what to do” The small cafe is close to empty, with only a few people sitting at tables scattered across the area, it’s well early into the morning for anyone to be out and about. Jake’s hands are connected to the top of the small table. One of his many friends, Sunghoon, is sitting across from him. Receiving a call from Jake he woke up bright and early to help his friend deal with what he considered ‘a major crisis’. “Well, do you love her?” The question is simple. But Jake can’t help but dwell on it for a minute too long. “I don’t know” Staring into the table as if his answer would show if he looked just a bit harder. Sunghoon sighs out of frustration, Jake has been a complete mess ever since you told him you loved him. Stuck in his own head, guilty, frustrated, regret spiraling through his body. You don’t deserve any of this. You deserve much more than what he has to offer. Malicious thoughts consumed his head. 
“I think you should talk to her, man” Sunghoon finally speaks up in the quiet space. “She deserves closure, at the very least tell her how you feel for her. You can’t leave her hanging like that, I know that it’s crushing you from the inside that you can’t talk to her,” He’s right. He knows that he’s right. He hasn’t even tried to reach out to you in the weeks passing. “I know, I just can’t bring myself to face her knowing how much I’ve hurt her” 
“Take a chance, talk to her.” After a few minutes of thinking, Jake nods his head. “I’ll see you later Hoon,” Before he could turn to leave he looks back to Sunghoon. “And thank you” Giving a tight lipped smile and a slight nod of his head he says “Anytime” The jingle of the bell on top of the door rings. Jake determined to talk to you and fix whatever he caused. 
Loud banging resounds through your dorm as you were about to curl up in your blanket. “Go away Sunoo,” you yell in hopes of ridding him from your door. “Let me in” Your heart drops when you hear that familiar accent you were used to hearing all those weeks ago. Immediately shooting from your bed you grab your sweater and slowly walk over to the door. Watching your hand reach for the doorknob as if you were put into slow motion. Turning the handle, you look through the small crack of the door. Sad eyes meet yours. 
The door now fully opened, Jake’s tall figure towers over yours. Eyes pleading you to let him in. “Hi,” comes from his mouth, the same coming from yours. “Can I please come in?” Your eyebrows furrow in confusion and slight anger. “Why? There’s no reason for us to be together, not anymore” You begin to close the door but he arm comes out to stop you. 
“Please, __. I need to talk to you” The tone in his voice is desperate. Reluctantly you agree, stepping to the side you watch him walk past you into your living room closing the door and following behind him. It’s silent for sometime, arms crossing over your chest you grow impatient. “You said you wanted to talk, so talk. If not I’d really like for you to leave-”
“I’m sorry” Finally, after what felt like an eternity he speaks up. “I’m sorry that I’ve hurt you. I am so sorry I’ve hurt you in so many ways you and I’ve been nothing but shit to you” his voice breaks. A burning sensation builds up behind your eyes. Swallowing thickly he continues “You deserve nothing but love in this world and I can’t give you that. I’m messed up,” roughly pointing to his head. Tears streaming down his face. “I want to give you all the things that you deserve but I can’t do that because I don’t know how,” You flinch at his rising tone. You stand still, all you can do is listen to him. 
“I want so much for us to work, baby but I-” He holds his hands out. Pleading for you to reach out to him. Quickly, taking a step forward you pull him into your arms. Your tears fall over him as he tightens his grip on you. “Shh, it’s okay. I can help you, but I need you to let me help you” you say calmly into his ears. Your shirt dampens as he sobs. His hands clutching onto you as if you’d disappear. 
“Let me help you”
Separating from your body he looks at you. Sadness seeps from his eyes, and sniffles are the only thing heard in the small living room. “Let me love you, and when you’re ready you can do the same” Searching for anything, you hold his face and bring him down to your lips. Kissing his lips softly you pull away and lean your forehead against his. Sending him a loving look you look into his eyes, “Will you let me?” Nodding against you, you pull him in and he stuffs his face into the crook of your neck, softly kissing the skin there. 
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The sun is shining out in the warm summer air. Jake wanted to take you out once more before he had to head back to Brisbane. He had been planning to spend a few weeks there during the summer. Talking about those plans bring you back when you and him were in bed, hot skin against each other. Relishing in one another “I promise I’ll take you there, one day. You can meet everyone. My parents have been dying to meet you, you know,” Smiling at him his eyes seemed to be focused on your hands playing with his. “I’d like that” you say with a small giggle. 
You wish for that day to come soon, but you will just have to wait. Right now, you want to focus on the last remaining time you have left with your boyfriend before he’s off boarding a plane and wishing him a safe flight. That’s something for you to think about in the future. But this is now, he’s brought you back to the very first date he took you on. The magnolia forest, it looks much different than how it did in the winter. They look much more lively, swaying the slight breeze mother nature is kind enough to give them. 
You both stop at the bench that brings you bittersweet memories. Sitting down, taking in the fresh air of summer, Jake watches you as if you’re some goddess sent down from heaven. Feeling his stare on you, you turn your head to catch him in the act. “What?” a smile appearing on your beautiful face. “What? I can’t stare at my girlfriend that I won’t be able to see in a few weeks? I need to take in how beautiful you are in person. I mean, I’ll only be able to see this pretty face over a screen,” he glides his hand down your cheek resting it on the nape of your neck. 
“Ugh, don’t even remind me. I’m gonna miss you so much” pouting at him. He laughs at your adorable face and leans in to place a peck on your pouting lips. “I’m gonna miss you too, baby. More than anything” You can see a sparkle glow in his eyes as he scans over you face. Leaning in once again to kiss him. But this time, the kiss is full of passion, love. Pulling back your faces inches apart, you sigh as you open your eyes again to face your lover. 
“I love you” Your breath hitches in your throat. The biggest smile grows over your features. The foreign words escape his mouth, smiling proud of himself to express his unconditional love for you. “What did you say?” you sit up from your slouched position on the bench and turn your body to completely face. “I said I love you __, so much”  Throwing your body as him you smash your lips against his. He can feel a smile grown against his lips. 
Finally, words are written on paper. This is your beginning
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johnsgunbelt · 4 months
Hey love! Forgive me if I'm spamming your ask box because this is second request in one day.
But hey WHAT IF GHOST BROKE UP WITH HIS WOMAN giving her an excuse like - "I'm a ghost and you know it." (I was listening to heartbeat by childish Gambino and the lyrics are behind the inspiration for this ask)
And she's reluctant to take him back even though her love for him is undying! (She wants him to realize how much he hurt her by his actions)
Yet, we know if Ghost comes begging for us to take him back, we would. (don't tell my bestie I said this. She'll have my head for this. 🤫)
Angst with a bit of smutty fluff. Please. 🙏🥺🛐
Ex's never stay ex's - Simon 'Ghost' Riley
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Pairing: Ex!Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Fem!Reader MDNI.
Warnings: Smut-fluff, Oral F receiving,Angst,Little crazy Ghost?, Stalkerish?, Angst-Fluff
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Ex!Simon Riley Who broke up with you about 4 months ago, his excuse? Him being a “Ghost” And you knowing the risks it came with. Needless to say you were pissed. But you did miss him dearly.
Ex!Simon Riley Who saw you out at a bar nearly 2 months later after he broke up with you, he approached you seeming to want to catch up. You gave him some small talk here and there. But then he saw your new boyfriend approach you. “Babe! I just wanted to introduce you. This is Simon, my ex. Simon this is Michael. My new boyfriend!” Michael shook Ghost’s hand and nodded as Ghost took up the hint and left.
Ex!Simon Riley Who after that encounter was PISSED. It was only then when he realized how much he missed his sweet girl. And how much he missed your laugh,smile,the way you smelt,the way your nose scrunched when you were mad.
Ex!Simon Riley Who reached out around 2 weeks later asking to meet at a coffee shop. You accepted because it was a public space so he wouldn’t do anything…Right?
Ex!Simon Riley Who proved you wrong. He tried talking about how nice it was to hear your voice and to see you smile after so long. You just rolled your eyes at the comments. And then it felt like a bus had hit you. “I do miss you, please let me prove I can come back sweet girl.” “What..?” You tried looking around the coffee shop for an escape. You ended up having Ghost drive you home after an awkward drive. He passed you a note, he didn’t say to read it but you just took it and got out of the car. Maybe you’d read it or maybe you wouldn’t. 
Ex!Simon Riley Who sends you flowers to your house every week, you couldn’t lie you did enjoy them. But it seemed your boyfriend didn’t. “Babe he sends you flowers isn’t it weird? Isn’t he odd..?” “Oh relax! You know my heart only wants you. Plus they make the kitchen look nice.”
Ex!Simon Riley Who now 4 months later, heard his phone ring. And he knew exactly who it was. Would it be wrong to smirk even a little bit? Maybe. It was just he had known you were gonna look at that paper eventually. And he was glad it was now you decided to finally call.
Ex!Simon Riley Who picked up the phone to intense sobbing. He couldn’t say it then but he was relieved because he knew exactly what this meant. “Si-” “Yeah I know, doors unlocked.” “Thank you.” He heard you hang up the phone. Oh he was so glad he bought a phone that had no contacts on it, just yours when you called. 
Ex!Simon Riley Who heard his door open as he walked over to see you wiping away tears. He held out his arms and you shamefully embraced him. Sobbing into his chest as he soothed you and rubbed your back.
“I just don’t understand how he could do this to me! With my best-friend even.” “Forget that douchebag yeah? You came to my house for a reason. Why are you here?”
Ex!Simon Riley Who tried to hide his smirk when you asked to spend a couple of nights at his house just to be safe from Michael, but it didn’t mean anything. You’d even sleep in the guest room. He agreed and walked off to get you some old pajamas you had forgotten there when you had broken up. You smiled as he handed them to you as you placed your bag down in the guest room and went to the bathroom to change.
Ex!Simon Riley Who hid a tiny little camera outside your window and his front door, you know just in case Michael came around. But right now he was only worried about you. 
Ex!Simon Riley Who couldn’t say he was shocked when you came into his bed late at night, 2:30 A.M. late. “Can I-” “How could I ever decline such an offer.” Then he unwrapped his blanket and patted a spot right next to him as you crawled in and snuggled into his chest. “This doesn’t mean a thing.” “Whatever makes you feel better Lovie.” You paused for a moment as tears began to well in your eyes and you tried to hold them back as you spoke up in a shaky voice. “Why do you care now? Why did you leave me? I loved you, I gave you all I had.” He caressed your cheek and lifted your head to make eye contact. “I was stupid. I should’ve never let you go, I regret that decision everyday. And yeah maybe the flowers were too much but I couldn’t sleep without my sweet girl. I missed you and I still do. Can I make it up to you and then we’ll talk more tomorrow?” You knew exactly what he was asking and you thought about it only for a second but you already knew the answer. “Yeah, I guess so.” He then gently laid you on your back and smiled.
Ex!Simon Riley Who proceeded to talk to you while he ate you like a starved man on their first ever meal they’ve had in weeks. You were a moaning mess and you were gripping onto his arms, definitely leaving marks but he could care less. “M’sorry sweet girl, so sorry.” He was mumbling into your pussy as he felt you get closer and closer to your release. Your legs started to shake. And you felt your orgasm hit you like a train. He licked you clean and made sure you were okay after.
Ex!Simon Riley Who watched you peacefully fall asleep after and cradled you in his arms. He heard your phone ring from the night-stand on your side of the bed. Not wanting to wake you, he picked up the phone knowing all too well who it was. “I saw your location, you bitch! I’m outside right now come outside now we're gonna figure this out you can’t ignore me-” Ghost being the gentleman he was, replaced his body with a pillow not to wake you as he stood outside on his back porch seeing the lights of the car from the front. “Listen, you can tell I’m not who you're trying to reach and if you don’t mind pulling out of our driveway? My girl just came home. I'm not letting her go ever again.” “You fucking freak! I’m not leaving until she comes out here.” “Hm, that sucks.” Ghost went out through the front door as your now ex-boyfriend jumped out of the car hanging up the phone, seemingly wanting to fight Ghost. Needless to say, Ghost beat his ass. The dude ended up blocking your number in front of Ghost and swearing never to come near you or contact you ever again.
Ex!Simon Riley Who placed your phone back on the nightstand after your ex left, he’s taken care of the issue. It was now 6:30 A.M. and you began to stir awake as he slid back into bed. Knuckles all bruised up. Your eyelids began to open as you pressed your face into Ghost. “Simon..Why are your hands bruised up?” “Had a little problem, solved it.” You didn’t press for questions as you began to sit up and check your phone only to see a message from Michael that said he wouldn’t contact you anymore and that he swore never to come near you. Ex!Simon Riley Who won’t tell you why Michael messaged you that but you knew he had something to do with it. Then you put two and two together and it clicked…He came to Ghost’s house and Ghost beat his ass. And in that moment you thought about everything. You were never really happy with Michael, Simon made you happy. And now all that mattered was you were back home. And he was ready to take care of you and care for you. And you couldn’t be more thrilled.
Ex!Simon Riley Who looked down at you as you snuggled up to him again and spoke up. “Maybe me coming here did mean something.” “Hm, did it now?” “Shut up! You wanna have me back or-” “Yes. Is that even a question my sweet girl, you’re my girl and I’ll never lose you again.”
Ex!Simon Riley Who smiled as you got up to go to the bathroom, he picked up his phone and disabled that tracker he had on your old phone, he’d buy you a new one. He just had to make sure his girl was safe for the couple of months after the bar encounter. But you didn’t need to know, he has you back now and that’s all that will ever matter.
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AGHHH I adored this ask, I'm so sorry for my brief break I hope this makes up for it...
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chaithetics · 24 days
Fics for Palestine! 🖤❤️🤍💚
Hey, beautiful Tumblr besties!
Do you want a fic and to support a good cause? A super specific fic? Want to ensure you are fed those Monkey Man fics you're needing? Or have you sent me a request and want me to hurry up and write it (Sorry I do take my time with writing)? THEN READ
I will write and prioritise requests from you and have them posted on Tumblr NO LATER THAN MAY 31ST!!!!
All you need to do is send same day confirmation to me either in the ask box or as a message of donating to a fund or organisation on the Operation Olive Branch list! This could be a family's Go Fund Me page for evacuating Palestine, the UNRWA fund, or eSims for Gaza etc.
This is the Operation Olive Branch's linktree page
I don't know what the response will be to this, if miraculously so many people were interested that I was too overwhelmed I would come up with a new date or close temporarily and 'reopen' for June. We'll see how this does, but I will be regularly updating this!
I will write for the following characters:
Any Pedro Pascal characters
Any Oscar Isaac characters
Any Dev Patel characters
Any Fallout characters
Any Succession characters (not Old Guard or Greg lol but even Tom!)
Tommy Miller (TLOU)
Any The Bear characters
Marvel characters like Matt Murdock, Wanda, Bucky etc.
And more I just can't think of, you're more than welcome to ask about a certain character in comments, DMs or in my inbox before donating as well 🫶
What I will write:
I'll write fluff, angst, smut, or any combination! I will write plus size readers, poc readers, disabled readers etc. I will write female readers, and gender-neutral readers, I'm bi/queer so am happy to write wlw fics if you desire Shiv or some Wanda with an f reader or more straight ones- whatever you want! Requests can be as vague or as specific as you want!
If you want Kendall and Stewy's conversation the night before his wedding to Rava with some angst, you got it! If you wanted to request a plus-size reader to go on a bookstore date with a contemporary Ezra, you got it! It's pretty open to your dreams!
I won't write fics that are nonconsensual, 'dark', heavy kink, gore, vore, paedophilia, and nothing with under-18 readers or characters (this includes characters 'aged up' for a fic).
My masterlist is here for navigation and if you aren't familiar with my work but want to get an idea!!! Chaithetics Masterlist
Moving on.....
If you donate 5 USD, CAD, GBP, EURO whatever currency that fund is in:
I will write a fic with your request that is at least 500 words long and is posted no later than May 31st.
If you donate 10 USD, CAD, GBP, EURO whatever currency that fund is in:
I will write a fic with your request that is at least 1,000 words long and is posted no later than May 31st.
If you donate 50 USD, CAD, GBP, EURO whichever currency that fund is in:
I will write a fic with your request that is at least 4,000 words long and is posted no later than May 31st.
Why is this important?
We need to help out and do our part to not be complicit in Israel's genocide against the Palestinian people. Palestinians are begging for our attention and aid, since October 7th 2023, Israel has murdered over 35,000 Palestinians, displacing the survivors so many and committing numerous war crimes. Israel's expulsion, ethnic cleansing and war crimes have been terrorising the Palestinian people and land since 1948. We all have a part to play, so get involved with this if you like, please contact your local representatives and government, keep engaging with Palestinian content and voices, support the funds if you can- I know that's not accessible to everyone, attend rallies, protests, and vigils in support of Palestine. Do what you can, what is physically, emotionally and financially accessible to you.
I'd love it if you could share this as well, especially for my mutuals and others in these fandoms with much bigger platforms (I have a humble 300 followers, that I adore) and also for other writers to consider doing something like this! Thank you for reading this far, let's stay empathetic and support each other in these trying times 🖤❤️🤍💚
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n3xii · 1 year
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What state are you currently in?
Hey besties, I'm trying to shift the focus of my readings to stop (intentionally or unintentionally) encouraging the idea that the cards control your fate, tarot and oracle cards mirror your inner atttitudes and how those attitudes are reflecting in your daily life. The reflect what state you're in and this is that is todays readings topic. This reading will be helpful for people to become aware of what state they may be perisiting in unintentionally. Choose an image from above and go to your pile <3 don't force messages to resonate if they don't. My cashapp to tip is sarahx2x
Also, if you have ideas for pick a cards related to law of assumption send it to my asks!!
Tip and ask a question in my asks for a personal reading !! Put username in message
♤♡Pile one
(7 of swords and 6 of pentacles)
You may be in a state of avoidance, dependence, and a scarcity mindset, you're running away from your current reality instead of living in the state you want, and conversely you're in the mindset of someone who feels like they need to deserve or "earn" their desires. You may feel that theres not enough to go around and placing limits on your manifestions. Some of you are on some level dependent on the benevolence of an external source to fulfill you. This isn't true, there is nothing you have to earn or avoid to achieve what you want. You may be avoiding thoughts or things in your reality that make you afraid that you'll manifest the opposite, this is living in a state of fear, that is giving power to external forces to control you. You are not dependent on an outside force to give you what you want, the power of divinty and limitless is already in you. you don't need to earn it or work hard for it. Understand the limitless and vastness of creation, become aware of your own limitlessness
♡■Pile two
(Queen of swords, the sun)
You are in a very positive state, a state of joy and freedom. You place you're awareness on the things that bring you geninune emotions of joy and the that make you feel infinte. The sun tarot card is traditionally associated with deity and deity worship, so one could say you are in a divine/God like state. In modern times, the sun tarot card is associated with consciousness (as its counterpart is the moon, and it focuses on unconsciousness) you are very intentional and aware of where you consciousness flows, and I see that you have flushed out old states of mind that are outdated. The queen of swords is aware of ignorance and bias, she rises above old ideas. you are in a state of recognizing when your thoughts are reflecting old states of mind and you are capable of rising above them.
♡○Pile three
(The heirophant reversed, the magican reversed, the page of swords)
This is a very intresting pile, for many of the people who felt drawn to this pile they have lost their faith in manifestion, theyve lost faith in the divine that dwells within them, they feel out of control with their reality and they're in a state of doubt. They may also be in a state of limitation and frustration. The page of swords is the investigator card of tarot, they are skeptical and alert. So this futher affirms to me that this pile is in a state of doubt, skepticism and powerlessness. The magican is a card of bending reality to your will, it's associated with channeling the divine and ones own will to manifest whatever one wants into materlizing from nothing, the magician card is associated with mecury which is the planet that represents thoughts, speaking words and communication. So I feel that people who chose this pile haven't been committed to aligning their thoughts and words to the desire they have. The heirophant reversed indicates falling out of routines and being noncommittal. In the tradtional meaning if the card, people may have lost their faith in manifestion because it condradicts their spirituality or religious pratice, they theyre too stubborn with their old beliefs. I also feel that people who chose this pile were learning from sources, coaches, teachers etc that were wrong or too harsh, but that won't be for everyone.
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His Love
|Aegon II Targaryen x Fem!Reader|
Part Fifteen
Master List of Series
Summary: Being a bastard born in the slums of Flea Bottom was all you were known for. Not the streak of white you had in your dark hair, the violet ring around your pupils, or how your sharp tongue and skills with the blade resembled your father, Daemon Targaryen. You were just a bastard, nothing more, but to him, to Aegon Targaryen, you were everything. You were his love.
Author's Note: Hey, besties! Guess who passed their State Board Exams…? ME! I DID! Now, all I gotta do is fill out some paperwork, and I'll be licensed. I've started working already, but it's only three days a week right now, so pretty good! Don't hesitate to comment or ask me questions. I love hearing them and seeing others discuss them. Happy reading, everyone, and let the celebrations commence!
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Chapter Warnings: Violence
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The celebrations of Aegon's birth had finally arrived. All the Great Houses were expected to come—all but one. The Velaryons and part of the Targaryen faction were not extended an invitation. Rhaenys had taken this as a political slight by Queen Alicent. She was collateral damage in the cold war between Rhaenyra and her old friend. Guilty by association.
Lord Corlys was still fighting for control of the Stepstones and had put his loyal Lady Wife on the Driftwood throne to rule in his stead. The alliance of the Triarchy and House Martell of Dorne was of much concern, and without the aid of the King's fleet, the battle was all but lost. Yet, through it all, the Sea Snake remained on the collection of islands, fighting tooth and nail against those who wished control of his rightful territory.
Princess Rhaenys did not know of your efforts inside the Keep, slowly but surely attempting to send help to the losing battles. The day she was crowned the "Queen Who Never Was" came to mind. She felt abandoned by her cousins, Daemon and Viserys, for refusing to take a stance on the insurgents. Baela was her only solace, her heart missing the pieces her children used to occupy. She would never forgive them if her husband died.
You sat at the exponentially smaller desk in your room, the maids you had yet to become familiar with brushing your silky hair as you read two pieces of parchment.
Jace and your father had sent you letters. Daemons were curt, mentioning nothing about how he missed or thought of you while away. It was as if he was speaking to a fellow warrior, not his daughter. Only ensuring you were still on track with your efforts, wanting to know how far the influence of the Hightowers reached and when to expect words regarding the Stepstones. You ignored him for now, folding it in threes and placing it in the side drawer of your desk as you read your brother's.
"Dear Sister,
Jealousy became me when I bid you farewell a few days ago. I knew what I said was wrong as the words lept from my tongue. I am not proud, and regret has haunted me since. I express my sincerest and deepest apologies.
You have always been open and honest with your emotions, and I wish to do the same. I love you, sissy, despite what my words may have alluded to. You have experienced hardships that no child of that age should witness, and you did not grow to resent your family for it. I cannot say the same for me if something similar happened.
I wish the Queen did not invite you to Kings Landing, not because I am jealous, but because I haven't a clue what I mean to do without you. Father wants me to be strong, like you. He wants me to practice swords like you. He wants me to listen to Mother's audiences like you, but I am not you. I am a boy whose lineage is clouded with stolen kisses and an accidental fire.
I wish you were still here so I could feel your embrace. I do not believe I can handle Daemon for much longer. How have you done it for so long?
The days cannot go fast enough as I await your return. I intend to give you a proper apology once you are home. Perhaps we can spend some time in Aegon the Conqueror's Garden as I grovel? I will arrange a picnic for when I do. I don't want to beg on an empty stomach.
Missing you,
Jacaerys Velaryon, your wretched little brother."
His endearing letter did not help the ache for Dragonstone. A smile burned your cheeks as you rubbed the dry paper between your fingers. You could smell the brimstone on the fibers, the sulfuric scent taking you home.
"My Lady," a servant gained your attention, taking your focus off the sweet words. "The men should be returning from their hunts in the Kingswood soon. I would suggest we start readying you for the tourney later today."
You nodded wordlessly, giving them a tight-lipped smile as you put Jace's letter next to Daemon's. You will be sure to write them both later.
You were confident Jace would love to hear how the tourney went. He had always gravitated toward stories of knights in shining armor valiantly jousting for a lady's favor. He had spoken several times about wanting to participate in the events. That was the only thing that pushed him to pursue the sword, other than your mother's and father's orders.
You could picture your little brother atop a white steed, armor resembling a dragon with a lance in his hand, asking for the favor of one special noble girl. The image brought a genuine grin to your face. Jace was always the gentleman his Mother taught him to be.
You wanted to stand out amongst the crowd of green royals you were sure to be seated with. It was to be your first public appearance since your legitimization, and you had to make an impression. You allowed your ladies to bathe you, and upon your exit from the tub, you requested one to show you the variety of gowns you had brought. Black was always the most innovative option, representing the colors of your House, and there were plenty to choose from, thankfully. It was only a matter of which one.
You decide to help your decision by considering the weather and environment. Most of the gowns you had were thick for the constant chill of Dragonstone and would indeed have you draped over a chair with a fan to cool off despite the changing seasons. That had only left you with a few options, which immensely helped. It had revealed a dress you once deemed too scandalous to wear in your family's presence.
It was not typical Westerosi fashion. Rhaenyra had commissioned a tailor in Dorne to create a gown when you officially became of bedding age.
You could tell it was something she had longed to wear as a girl, a freeing and rebellious design, but etiquette and her position would not allow her to wear such exotic clothing. You did agree with her that it was stunning. The deep plunging 'v' of the neckline certainly accentuated your breasts and made them much more pleasing to the eye as your maids tightened the strings in the back.
The fabric was a combination of red with an overlay of black lace. Golden thread held the seams together, and a matching cape to your shoulders, leaving your arms bare. Pieces of Aurelian were sewn on the shoulder pads of it, looking like crumpled yellow leaves that cascaded down your biceps. A circled belt of silver was delicately snitched around your waist, the excess of the metal resting between your legs.
After you were dressed, the servants ushered you to the vanity, holding the draping fabric so it did not catch as they began to fix your ebony hair. They elected not to put it in its usual braided style, instead rolling and twisting the long strands onto themselves until they reached the base of your head, pinning it to your head. It was simple, and you immensely enjoyed the freedom it gave to your range of motion.
Next, they adorned you with matching jewelry and a delicate headpiece that arched over the crown of your head. A necklace of a curled golden dragon wrapped around the hollow of your throat, a long needlelike chain attached to it as a polished metal fang hung at the end. They then slid a hammered bronze cuff on your wrist and rings of the same color, dragonglass, and rubies for its gems. The ladies applied the final touch of makeup to your skin, a fine powder to rid the shine from your nose, a dusting of rouge, and a hint of rose-colored balm to your lips.
You felt like the Targaryen princesses of centuries past, the blood of old Valeryia pumping your heart.
You would give anything for your Mother to see you now, dressed in the traditional colors of her House. Though you couldn't hide your relief in Daemon not being here, you were sure he would've made you change or barred your door to stop you from escaping in such scandalous garb. You stood, finding the dagger Daemon had gifted you and the belt it was connected with. You hooked it around your waist, adjusting it to be just out of view.
Your servants stared at you in awe, more amazed by their work than you as you grabbed the wreath of black charm lilies and black crystal pansies you requested to give your favor to the knights who asked. You didn't believe any of them would but knew it was proper to have one nonetheless. You smiled at your ladies, conveying your gratefulness through your unusual eyes. You turned, facing the three women, your cape resembling a waterfall.
"I believe I haven't inquired of your names yet," you prompted, looking them over. The youngest of three fiddled with the hem of her white apron, avoiding your gaze. "I do apologize for that. You all have been very kind to me."
"I am Jeyne," the oldest spoke first, giving you a curtsy. Grey hair poked from under her servant cap, wrinkles creasing the corners of her eyes.
"I am Fiora," the next one spoke, bowing. She appeared not much older than you, with bright green eyes and a splash of tan freckles on her nose and cheekbones.
You would guess the youngest girl, around Jace's age, continued playing with her clothes, muttering a meek "Dyana" and quickly bending her legs. You frowned at her response, sensing her anxiety, and reached for her tiny fingers, rough and dry with callouses.
"You need not be frightened, Dyana. I am not as wicked as the whispers claim me to be," you jested with a grin. She returned it, but it did not reach her eyes. A pang of sadness struck your chest as your gaze flicked over her as if you could understand the reason for her apprehension at a glance.
"My Ladies," you said, standing and clasping your hands in front of you as you bowed your head. "It is a pleasure to become acquainted finally. I am sure we will become close during my stay here." You smiled at all of them once more, your attention resting briefly on the meek fair skinned girl. "If any of you need something from me in the meantime, no matter how small or trivial, I will be at your service as you are to me."
The three shared bewildered expressions, Fiora's mouth agape as all muttered their thanks.
You supposed their reaction was understandable. They had never been treated like people before, almost making you feel bad for your motives.
Your plan would not hurt them in the long run. If anything, they would most likely be grateful to have a princess as an ally. Most nobles did not realize how much of their life depended upon the people serving them, not considering that they saw and heard everything within their homes. You would be a fool not to take advantage of that during such tumultuous times.
"Well," you clapped your palms together, giddy to finally have that out of the way, "I have grown rather famished and wish for some snacks before I watch men get rammed with sticks." Jeyne grinned, and Fiora bit her pink lips at your crude words. "I know that this is not proper, but I truly am in the dark. If you would not mind, could you lead me to the kitchens? I frequented them much at Dragonstone, as midnight snacking is a vice of mine, and wish to know where they are when the cravings emerge."
Knowing your next moves hinged on their response, you had planned those words carefully. You needed to tell them something that they believed was a secret. Daemon had told you once that revealing something one would deem embarrassing, that displaying vulnerability to a fellow human would have them drop their defenses, but if they were smart enough to realize this, it would ruin everything.
Fiora gave a toothy grin, nodding vigorously before looking at her companions. The other two shared the same smile. Through those actions, you could quickly tell what her personality was. She was a giddy and sweet girl, albeit a bit more susceptible than someone of her age should be. The other women followed along. Her joy was contagious as they approached the kitchens with you on their heels.
A self-satisfied smirk replaced the kind smile you wore for your servants.
Everything was going according to how you imagined it. Your maids took kindly to you, and as you traversed the long hallways and steps of the Keep, each passing nobleman and servant noticed your presence. One Lady gasped as you rounded a corner and met face-to-face, quickly scurrying away like a scared field mouse. A man who stood over a full head taller than you raked his eyes over your form, his attention staying on your breasts long enough for Jeyne to notice. She silently stepped before you could truly capture his face, only noting his long black hair and eyes.
Servants bustled throughout the kitchens, some throwing large pieces of dough on a floured table, others running with plates of food and ingredients in their hands. None of them paid attention as you entered, hidden behind the uniformed girls, having to duck beneath a misplaced stone in the stairwell ceiling.
Jeyne, Dyana, and Fiora led you through an archway into a room filled with even more people who still did not notice you, peeling carrots, potatoes, and other vegetables. You felt your chest deflate in defeat at your seemingly unimportant presence, not anticipating them to continue their tasks and not spare you a glance. It was not every day a member of the royal family graced them with their appearance.
It almost felt like the servants of the Keep did not see you as a Targaryen but as just another one of them. Your mouth soured at the thought, digging your nails into your palms until they left imprints. It would be best if you were happy to see them collectively agree you were not like the rest of your kin, but still, not receiving the recognition you tried so hard for was gutting. You could feel your body deflating, curling in on itself as your previous confidence dwindled.
No matter, you told yourself. This can work to my advantage.
They saw you as not someone to be feared, and perhaps you could extend those same opinions toward your Mother. Rhaenyra needed everyone who resided in the Red Keep to be on her side when she ascended the throne, the nobles who lived at court, and the knights who protected and defended the Targaryen name. Everyone was needed.
Jeyne handed you a peach from off the wooden table a male servant used to cut some vegetables, smiling as your thumb stroked the fuzzy skin. You could still remember when fruits such as that were unavailable to you, though these memories were faint and grew more difficult to recall as time passed. Dyana then found a jug of cider, filling a small goblet up to wash down the sweet taste that danced on your tongue, and Fiora used the corner of her apron to wipe the stray juices that dribbled out of the corner of your mouth. You smiled at them both gratefully, fighting on the inside not to swat their doting hands away, feeling like a child again.
You sucked the last bit of the pulp from the large seed before removing it from your lips and throwing it in the bucket they used for scraps. You continued to sip on the brass goblet Dyana had given you, following them from out of the kitchens and into a courtyard you had never seen before. It was lined with pens filled with livestock. Sheep, pigs, goats, and chickens belting, chirping, and snorting as you passed.
You were still determining exactly where the tourney would be held but had yet to hear of the vast and spacious arena it was. You knew you would be sitting inside the royal box next to the other noble members of your family, and you couldn't hide how less than joyful that made you feel. You did wonder if the King would be there, knowing that what the Maester and Otto said were complete lies about his health. Some of you still held onto hope that there was some truth in their deceitfulness. Indeed, they couldn't be so bold as to say something that could easily be disproven with one's eyes. The next Council meeting would undoubtedly be an eventful one.
Your ladies led you back inside an entrance of the castle you had never seen before, urging you to follow their steps and assuring you were close. Soon, the low rumbling of voices could be heard. Different pitches and accents all melted into one continuous barrage of sound as you ascended the stairs to your seat.
The first leg of the tourney was set to begin in a short while, and most of the royal family had already made their appearance. Even the eldest prince sat in a high back chair, practically falling asleep with a cup of wine in his hand. A slight grin formed on your face at the endearing sight, appearing as if you were looking at a babe rather than a man grown. His perfectly pink lips stuck out in a pout, a sigh escaping as he adjusted in his seat.
You were standing above him diagonally on the top riser and could see every huff, and every scoff he made as his Mother spoke to him, but Aegon could not see you. Queen Alicent said straight ahead, not looking at him as you saw her permanent scowl. It was her firstborn's name day, which should be celebrated with nothing but smiles and laughs. One would think she would be happy for such an occasion.
Aegon said something to his Mother that made her snap her head in his direction, ready to offer him some choice words as she saw you.
You could hear the gasp leaving Alicent clutching the pointed star of the Seven glued to her neck. You swore by the sound she made she had not seen you but the Stranger himself as her face paled. The Queen whispered something as she quickly looked away. Aegon was just as shocked as you regarding his Mother's reaction. He thought she might faint as he swiftly turned to see what it was all about.
Your gazes looked at one another, and your cheeks reddened under his stare. You felt your heart flutter in your chest, offering him a quick curtsey as you walked to an open seat at the lowest riser, crossing your legs as you adjusted the dagger at your hip.
Aegon had died. Well, it certainly felt like it when he laid his eyes on you. For once, his vision was clear and not yet clouded by the drink, and he could see your perfectly crafted body. He immediately went to the plunging neckline of your dress; how could he not? Your breasts were right there where he could see, noticing how much bigger they were than he initially imagined. He then noticed the curled golden dragon around your neck, reminding him of his own, Sunfyre. Had you chosen that for him? Did you purposefully put that on with him in mind? Aegon could feel his cock harden at the thought.
He watched you descend the giant stone steps, holding your skirts up so you did not trip as he saw your bare ankles. He could hardly contain the twitch of his hips at the sight. Aegon had been with many women in his life, too many to count, and yet seeing just a peak of your hidden skin had him nearly spilling in his breeches.
He thought back to your moment in the Godswood. Underneath the Heart Tree, the fragments of the sunrise peeking through the leaves dotted your skin with beautiful rays of yellow. One had been over your eyes, and Aegon had seen your pupils shrink and reveal more of the purple that bathed there. He never wanted to leave that moment with you. He wanted to stay forever underneath that tree, trace the scars on your skin, and kiss every part of you until he had you squirm underneath him.
Aegon remembered how your breathing hastened as your jaw trembled at his touch, your face contorted into a gorgeous pout as he pulled your lip with his thumb. He noticed how you were clenching your thighs together even though you had no idea. Nothing had changed between the two of you, he realized. Aegon knew you desired him as much as he desired you. You just did not know it yet.
Gods. He wanted to take the empty seat next to you so badly but knew what his Mother would say if he did-- what she would do if he did. So, instead, he signaled for a serving girl to fill his chalice to the brim, drowning his sorrows in Arbor Red.
You felt rather pathetic as you shifted in your seat, the wood creaking with your weight as you still held your wreath of flowers. You could sense everyone's eyes on you and the empty chairs positioned at your sides. No one wanted to sit next to the bastard, you mocked in your head, feeling as if your eyes would pop out of your skull if you rolled them any harder.
It was the fifth round of the tourney, and five men had been knocked off their horses, but no fighting had ensued. Bracken, Tully, Arryn, Tyrell, and Blackwood boys had to skulk back to the stables knowing they had lost.
The King had still yet to show if he was ever going to, and you had given a fierce glare at Otto Hightower a few rows up when he announced the tournament had officially started. You had caught the stare of Princess Helaena in the process and immediately softened, returning her kind smile before the One-Eyed Prince stole her. You made a mental note to see her at the feast the following evening, perhaps share a dance or two.
With the end of the fifth round started the sixth, and the vibrant lion banners of House Lannister were prominently displayed as Ser Tyland entered the arena. He sat atop his chestnut horse, trotting over to the squire that held his lance. He approached the royal box, and you thought for a moment he might ask you for your favor. You couldn't hide the distance as he smiled up at you but turned his face away, looking at someone behind you.
"I am Ser Tyland of House Lannister," he announced.
Yes, you twat, you said internally, we know who you are. You live here.
"Princess Helaena," he called, and she looked up from her fingers to the man below her. His voice nearly made you vomit. "Would you do me the honor of bestowing your favor for the next round, Princess?" he asked chivalrously.
She glanced at her grandsire beside her, and he nodded in approval as she stood, her pale yellow dress shining in the autumn sun.
"Of course," she smiled, walking to the steps to place her ring of white and blue flowers on the pole of his lance.
"I thank you, your Grace," he replied and then trotted back to the waiting young squire.
Helaena stood there momentarily, her eyes glassy as she looked at you. It didn't feel like her gaze was on you, but more looking through you as she whispered. "Heed the beast within the deep. Rock runs red, and rocks bleed."
You looked at her confused, brows furrowing, and reached for her hand, asking her to speak louder. She quickly smacked it away, her eyes widening in fear as if she was suddenly woken from a dream, and she hurried up the steps.
You didn't have time to dwell on Helaena's outburst as Ser Tyland Lannister's opponent entered the wring. His armor was an impenetrable crepuscule steel and as shiny as the scales that covered your dragon's flesh, a helmet the same color with a mane of yellow hairs spanning from his crown to the base of his neck. His banners were ones you had only seen on paper. Most of the fabric was black, just like his thick armor, but the sigil was a deep golden kraken with ten long tentacles, nearly spanning the entire flag. The squid-like beasts of House Greyjoy were said to terrorize the depths of the oceans and sink the ships of those unsuspecting.
You were unsure of which Greyjoy it was. Dalton or Veron or maybe a cousin or some distant kin that shared the name. You didn't care who it was. They were just another lord or knight seeking fame inside a wood and dirt stadium.
You signaled for a servant, and he gave you a chalice of wine as you slumped in your seat. You didn't want to cloud your mind with alcohol, always the one to be alert and observe things other people may not notice, but this was getting rather irksome, and you needed something to do other than sit and look pretty.
"Ser Dalton of House Greyjoy," the knight said, his horse a dusty grey color as he lifted his helmet off his head. You ignored him with confidence that it was not you he was speaking to, taking another gulp of wine as you swirled the drink.
Dalton was a fierce and ruthless man. You had heard his stories of his youth sailing the Basilisk Isles with his late uncle, pillaging the towns there. He had somehow claimed a Valyrian steel sword named Nightfall during those plunders. At one point, he had aided in the battle of the Stepstones as a sellsail, where his uncle was murdered. It had been rumored in a fit of vengeance, he killed every enemy within his sight and emerged from the battle victorious and drenched in blood. Since then, he bore the title of the Red Kraken.
"I come seeking the favor of the bastard girl the court speaks so much of." A collective gasp sounded in the royal box, shocked at his words.
You barked out a laugh at Ser Dalton, attempting not to choke on the liquid you just swallowed. You should have been insulted at him for calling you such a name. In the eyes of the law and the Seven, you were no longer a bastard, but clearly, that did not stop people from claiming you as such.
"You have found her, Ser Dalton of House Greyjoy," you mocked, crossing your legs as you began to play with a small leaf. You smiled as you noticed the maroon outline of his House sigil on his breastplate.
Everything thing about him was dark and menacing. He radiated an aura of malevolence from the inside as if you would cut him open; he would not bleed the same red. "Though, I do not think you deserve my favor after calling me such a name." Men and women released more gasps, and you could hear someone muttering a soft "Gods be good" under their breath.
You waited for the following apology, but it did not come, leaving you sitting there like a fool. You hummed in disapproval, pushing yourself upright.
"I am no longer a bastard girl," you stood, holding the flower wreath between your fingers, "but that of a woman born from a night of sinful heat and passion. I am skilled with the blade and well-read. I study history, philosophy, and the politics of the realm." Ser Dalton's onyx gaze crept from your leather slippers to the white streak in your hair. He watched you step closer and lean over the railing so only he could hear you. "I am not just a simple fucking bastard girl."
He watched the words roll off your tongue, gripping his lance tighter with parted lips as you placed the circle of black and wine-colored flowers on it.
You fixed your spine, staring down your nose at the bannerman before you. "Win this joust Ser Dalton of House Greyjoy, and I will forgive the slight you have made upon me. For I am afraid if you do not, the sand of the Iron Islands shall turn to glass, and your Salt Wives will finally be free. You have my favor and my luck." You flicked your wrist as you walked back to your seat. "Off with you."
"Thank you, Princess. You honor me deeply." He lifted the fist that carried his helmet and crossed it over his chest, bowing his head with an amused smirk.
You sat down, grabbed the cup you had been working on, and asked the servant to fill it again, unbothered with his courtly manners. Ser Dalton placed his helmet back on and readied his horse for the first bout.
You almost chuckled at the sight, drink to your lips. Sitting on his horse, he looked like a nasty black pony with a yellow mane, ready to bite and kick anyone nearby. His whole get-up was quite ridiculous as you continued to watch.
Ser Tyland's armor was so very much... Lannister. There was no other word to describe the style. He wore a long red flowing cape, his dense silver breastplate trimmed with gold in the shape of a lion.
An announcer with a sizeable brass horn stepped onto a wooden platform a few meters before the royal box. He wore a plum-colored hat with a dyed feather and an off-white tunic dampened with sweat and stained with dust as he shouted the outlining phrases for the beginning of this round. He introduced each House and their respective ranks within them.
"Ser Dalton of House Greyjoy, Lord Reaper of Pyke, conqueror of thirteen Salt Wives, Lord of the Iron Islands," he boomed into the sky, swaying his hand to the right side of the arena to where the man was. He paused to let the crowd shout their praises.
Screams and hollers of people echoed loudly, drowning out the announcer as he introduced Tyland next. You could see the proud Lannister boy's ego was hurt at the apparent favoritism, and you feigned a pout at the sight.
Finally, he blew his horn, signaling they could begin. Ser Dalton did not waste a breath in fear as he charged at Ser Tyland, his yellow-striped lance already bent and ready to take his opponent off his horse. You scoffed, taking another sip of the sickly sweet wine.
If he planned to knock Tyland down on his first try, he clearly did not comprehend the point of a joust. You did not understand why the audience would love him if he intended to get this over swiftly. This was supposed to be entertainment and not battle. It was meant to be a spectacle for the crowd, a break from the mundane life of the court.
At the last second, as Dalton and Tyland were about to collide stick to the chest, Ser Dalton lifted his lance straight. Ser Tyland's breezed past his rival, completely missing his goal with a cheer from the crowd. You mirrored their sentiments but did not show it on the outside, only adjusting in your seat with a soft sigh. You saw Dalton to the left now, and if you did not know any better, smirked at you. Arrogant, just like the Lannisters.
They went at it again, the hooves of their steeds thundering on the packed earth. This time neither of them started with their poles down, only for Ser Tyland to raise it at the last moment and knock Ser Dalton in the shoulder. Sadly, he did not fall off his horse and only lost his grip on the lance, dragging a line in the dirt. You laughed, pleased to have witnessed at least some bruising to the man's pride.
You tried your best to ignore the stares of those behind you. They had been on you since you sat. No doubt, if you looked, you would only be met with aversion and disgust. You steeled yourself, moving from your slouched position to rest your hands on the arms of the chair.
Aegon was part of the stares, though his expression differed significantly from the others. His Mother had cast him a sidelong glance at his reaction, and only then did he outwardly calm. He had been inside his mind until the squid boy approached you, asking for your favor. He even had the gull to call you a bastard! In front of nearly the entire court of the Red Keep! Oh, how Aegon wanted to call his dragon and burn the fish to pieces.
It also did nothing to soothe him when he saw you lean over the box fence, telling the squid boy only something he could hear. He knew your breasts were on display for the man judging by his hungry gaze. At one point, Aegon swore he saw him adjust his stance in the saddle.
Aegon was furious. His nails dug into his seat's material, feeling splinters wedge underneath them. He stole a pitcher of wine from a servant, keeping it on his lap so he could have continued access to it.
He was so, so furious as he watched your sudden interest in the tournament. He knew you were only mesmerized by the men in front of you because Ser Dalton gave you attention. Aegon wasn't upset over that; no, he was upset over the fact that the Lord of Pyke had won the round by hitting Tyland Lannister straight into the chest, sending him flying into the dust. He noticed how your shoulders lifted with barely contained excitement as he watched Ser Dalton send a bow your way.
He groaned, not filtering his discontent for the rest of the rounds that unfolded, which, sadly, each one Ser Dalton was the victor of. Eventually, the final bout started. His opponent was a Glover boy from the north, unsure of which one, but it didn't matter as he witnessed the Red Kraken get thrown from his horse. Aegon couldn't help but cheer theatrically at the sound of the lance splintering when colliding with his stomach.
He had caught your sudden gaze then, brown eyes flitting over how he stood and clapped his hands. You didn't smile but gave him a look of confusion, your thick brows furrowing. He had felt his jubilance subside, but only slightly.
Suddenly, Ser Dalton shouted, yanking a sword and shield from his squire and challenging the victor to a duel. Aegon felt his stomach sink into his chair as a strand of his blonde mane obscured his vision. Oh, splendid, he mused; the squid has pride.
The Glover had taken up the challenge without strife, still proudly wearing the banner of his House on his back. Aegon wondered if you had ever witnessed a duel before. He knew you had taken a life, but it was not the same as watching someone do it. Selfishly, he dreamed you would turn away at the sight and seek comfort from him, but that was all it was... a dream.
You watched with surprise as the Glover's and Dalton's swords clashed, the clang ringing in your ears. Each slash and thud of their metal longswords sent a jolt through your bones, curling your toes and squeezing your drink in a vice-like grip. You hated to admit that you felt nervous, your heart beating just a little too fast to be considered normal.
Ser Dalton's swings were wild but held a skillful precision, connecting with the Glover's side. It knocked the wind out of the poor boy's lungs and had him raising his shield as Dalton kicked it, sending him stumbling further.
He was so savage, so bloodthirsty that it made you shiver. You finally understood why he was called the Red Kraken, and you feared for the Glover's life. Surely, he wouldn't kill the boy; you hoped he wouldn't. The poor lad looked like he had just become a man. He was much shorter than Dalton but still taller than you, and he looked like this was his first tourney. You wished he would yield.
Ser Dalton swung at the boy, his armored fist connecting to his jaw with a nauseating crunch of bone and metal. Confidently, he kicked to disoriented teen in the stomach, knocking him to the ground, his sword falling just out of reach. He went to pull his shield to defend himself, but Dalton stomped on the arm that carried it. You could see how the Kraken stood over the Armored Glove, unable to hear what he said to him. You didn't need to. You knew what came next, and it did not frighten you. The Glover lost the duel as the Greyjoy raised his sword, cutting off the words that attempted to leave his tongue with a blade to the throat.
It was bloody. So very bloody. The essence of the Glovers' life force spurted from his body onto the face of Ser Dalton Greyjoy, dripping from his chin. You heard the gasps of those around you, a platter dropping at the horrific show as the ground became saturated with red. You didn't feel sad as you watched two people drag his body away, the crowd bursting into cheers and applause. In fact, you felt hardly anything, sitting as if nothing had happened as the announcer raised Ser Dalton's hand in triumph. You were used to death by now.
To the outside person, you looked alright, but Aegon knew you were anything but. Your knuckles blanched around your drink, resting it in your lap. He felt foolish to think you would shy away from such things. He knew you were much more robust than that, but still, he hoped you would run to him.
Everything next seemed to happen in slow motion. Aegon watched the crown of roses intended for the Queen of Love and Beauty be placed into Dalton's bloodied palms, strutting over to the royal box as he called out the most beautiful name he had ever heard... Yours.
His little one. His love.
Aegon went to jump out of his seat, but the firm hand of his Mother yanked his arm, abruptly pulling him back down before he could mock the royal family with his outburst. He wanted to rip his Mother off him and run to you. He wished to hide you from the hundreds of eyes staring at you. This wasn't right. He panicked. This cannot be right. You were his, and he was yours until the end of days.
He pictured what Ser Dalton's head would look like on a spike as you walked down the stairs and onto the small platform below. He watched the Salt Lord's eyes rake across your body as he placed the crown on your head, whispering something that made you clench your fists.
Everyone knew what this meant grandiose display meant. The Lord Reaper of Pyke intended to court his pretty girl and make a Salt Wife out of her. No, Aegon thought. That will never do.
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I hope y'all liked this chapter. It's an exciting one! We've met a new character, Dalton Greyjoy. He plays a big part in The Dance of Dragons. I won't spoil it for anyone, but let's say his heart runs black… The next chapter is the feast for our baby boy's 20th birthday! Let's hope Aegon gets everything he wishes for.
Tagged Peeps:  @zeennnnnnn, @malfoytargaryen, @targaryencore, @justasmallbean, @alexandra-001, @omgsuperstarg, @sommornyte, @silverslive, @unclecrunkle, @prettykinkysoul, @duesobabe, @djlexi, @ynbutbetter, @honestlykat, @graykageyama, @legolas017, @iiamthehybrid, @brezzybfan, @dd122004dd, @ladybug0095, @millies0bsimp, @kalfild, @sheislonelyalways, @tempt-ress, @bellameshipper, @minttea07, @trikigirl271, @esposadomd, @buckylahey, @justarandomflowerchildofthenight, @partypoison00, @please-buckme, @pastelorangeskies, @joliettes, @existential-echo, @priyajoyy, @valaenatargaryensdragon, @merovingianprincess, @rachelnicolee, @candy12110, @w3ird11, @ruhjkie, @fatalewomen, @somemydayy, @ariana-dumbledore8, @marikkjj, @zillahvathek, @sunfyresrider, @sunny-boy-06 
Bold means I couldn't tag you for some reason :(
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spacecowboyhotch · 3 months
hey bestie! for your little blurb thing how about mountains with marc spector? i’m excited to see what you come up with <3
about this: marc spector x gn!reader. prompt: mountains. cw: meetcute, awkward flirting, coffee mention. wc: 918. not beta’d!!
send me a prompt from this list + a character!
There could be a lot of things wrong with the man in front of you right now. He certainly is much stronger than you, possibly faster. Usually, running into a person on these trails— especially a man— would make you bolt back the way you came. You come here for solitude, are always hopeful for safety. But, there’s something about him that’s different.
Endearing even.
He’s built well, with broad shoulders and hands. He’s holding a map, his thick eyebrows furrowed together as he attempts to read it. His full mouth is moving, like he’s whispering to himself, talking through where he is. He looks so incredibly serious— not to mention handsome— but even so, something about him seems calm. Gentle.
As you wonder how to approach him you shift slightly, and he looks up at the sound of your sneakers scraping together. All of that gentleness is overflowing in his deep brown eyes, and it sends a round of butterflies through your stomach.
The two of you simply stare at each other, like two startled animals. When you think about it…that’s exactly what you are. You smile at him sheepishly but still, your mouth moves to say nothing. You think he tries to smile back, though it seems he’s a little out of practice. It makes you curious, and a little sad.
“Hi,” He says finally, awkwardly. His voice is much softer than you anticipated even with your kind conceptions about him. It’s sweet.
You clear your throat, twisting your hands together, “Hi. First timer?”
He grimaces, “That obvious?”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone with a map on these trails.”
He gestures around with one of his hands, the softest edge of playfulness in his voice, “Everyone just knows where to go, huh?”
You grin, shrugging, “Something like that. You aren’t from around here I imagine?”
“No. Chicago.”
“You’re a long way from home,” You murmur curiously.
He shrugs, his eyes going past you as if he’s thinking about something. Then he says, “Home is where you make it.”
Humming softly in agreement, you take another step toward him. “Want some help?”
Marc hesitates but then your smile widens, head tilting in encouragement. He sniffs, nodding, “If it wouldn’t be too much of an inconvenience.”
“Not at all. Where are you trying to go?” You ask, coming to stand beside him to take a look at his map.
“If I’m reading this right, there’s supposed to be a coffee cart about 10-15 minutes from here.”
“Yeah, here,” You agree softly, pointing to the landmark on the map. “It gets a little convoluted around this part with all the different shoot-offs. I was headed that way, I can just walk with you.”
Marc looks up from the map to glance over at you, his cheeks tinging a soft pink at your offer. It’s been a long time since he’s been interested in anyone, and though he doesn’t expect this to go anywhere his heart flutters in his chest. So far removed from any action that just a stranger simply asking to help has his palms sweaty— Steven and Jake will never let him hear the end of this.
“Sure. Yeah. I’d appreciate that,” He nods, quickly folding up the map.
You and Marc start the correct way, exchanging names as you put one foot in front of the other. You point out how confusing it can be to pick the right path as you all pass a bunch of off-shooting trails. It makes Marc feel a little better about being turned around, though your kindness has been helpful in batting away his shame.
The walk flies by, conversation coming much more easily than either of you anticipated. Marc is reluctant to let you go, wishing that the coffee cart would materialize a mile away. There are few patrons in line, waiting to order so you both linger— you’re not quite ready to end your time with him either.
“Uh, thanks for helping out there, usually I’m not so turned around,” He says after a few beats of silence.
“Hey, no problem. If you keep heading this way you should make it back to the beginning of the park.”
“Right, yeah. Thanks,” He holds out his hand to you.
“It was really nice to meet you, Marc,” You say earnestly, shaking his hand firmly— it’s warm, a little calloused, fits perfectly in yours.
“Yeah, you too,” He says, and he means it. For the first time in a long time, Marc is content to interact with someone other than his alters. It feels like a breath of fresh air.
You give him a genuine smile despite your disappointment in him not asking you to join him, the tiniest wave before you start back the way you two came from. He watches you, watches as the first person to make him really feel something in ages starts to walk away from him.
This whole hiking though the mountains, getting in touch with nature thing was part of his soul searching after everything. And though he hadn’t been completely sure what he was going to find when he stepped onto this trail that much is clear now.
“Could I buy you a cup of coffee? You drink coffee don’t you?” He calls after you before you can get too far.
You let out a breath you don’t realize you were holding in then, turn back toward him, the smile on your face returning. Nodding softly you call back, “Yeah, Marc, I drink coffee.”
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fabbyf1 · 6 days
I’m not sure of this is how to go about this correctly.
I’m not sure what your position is on others drawing inspiration/directly from your incredible fan fiction writing but, on Ao3 there is a fic called ❤️lestappen- One shorts💙 by lestapeeen. The most recent chapter (14) is very similar to the monza chapter of long live(twwct) specifically the piggy back and proposal promise. some of the dialogue is exactly the same.
I figured you should know. If it’s a cool with you or if you knew already, sorry to be a bother.
DISCLAIMER: This post, by no means, is asking for ANYBODY to send this author mentioned (and tagged) below hate. On anon or main. I have been pretty damn clear with my feelings on the matter below. They know what they've done, and I won't stand for it. Nobody needs to make this worse by sending them death threats. With that out of the way, let's deep dive, shall we?
First off, god bless you, bestie. God BLESS you. I want to smooch you on your incredibly wonderful forehead. Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention. I cannot be everywhere at once and cannot possibly read every fanfic posted to AO3, but it's not fucking cool for people to straight-up plagiarize my shit.
Secondly, I'd like to ask that if ANY of my followers come across something that looks very suspiciously similar to my fics, please let me know. You can for sure send it on anon, or send me a dm.
Now, with that being said, I clicked on this fucking fic not knowing what to think. I went into it with a pretty open mind, knowing that there are quite a few authors currently posting fics that are verrrrrrrrrrry similar to my writing style. I've gotten pretty close to calling a few of these authors out but haven't for a few reasons.
Fanfics based on the same ship, in the same canon setting, are always going to be... let's use the word "similar" here. The plot can only change so much when you're following canon events, you know? I don’t write AUs, so I’m only going off canon-inspired fics. My fics generally follow along with canon timelines and therefore, other author’s fics that follow the same timeline are going to be... similar. I get that and accept that.
Characterizations are bound to be... well, fuck it, let's use that word "similar" again. I'm gonna be pretty forgiving when someone's Max is damn near the same as my Max because one: I'm a good and forgiving person, and two: I think my characters (while totally fucking fictional) are very life-like to the real person. So, with that in mind, when I read a fic with characterizations similar to mine... I will usually give somebody grace... and accept that maybe, just possibly, they see Max Verstappen (the person) the same way I do (fictionally) and it’s a big old coincidence that our fics read so similar. You know? Does that make sense?
But with all that being said, I’m not a fucking idiot. 
And honestly? I give more grace than I should on this goddamn website. (lmfao, respectfully.) This is sadly not the first time that somebody has very much written in my likeness, and I know it won't be the last. But this is definitely the boldest version of plagiarism I've seen. I haven’t clicked on any chapter except for 14, and I heavily skimmed the first part, but let’s take a little deep dive into some of the highlights. Because I will show the receipts, bestie.
from their story:
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from long live:
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..... right, let's move on.
from their story:
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from long live:
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okay................. sure
from their story:
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from long live:
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If you're going to plagiarize my shit... you could at least put it in a different font, so to speak. "Hey, can I copy your homework?” “Sure, but change it up a bit.” 
Girlie pop, you stopped even trying to change it the fuck up. 
Let me be clear: I do not authorize anybody to translate, re-post or distribute my work without my written consent. This is in a disclaimer (that I will post below) in every single one of my fics. Taking MY dialogue is NOT okay. 
Direct quote from the beginning note of Long Live:  DISCLAIMER #4: This is 100% fictional, and I do not own any person, team, or sponsor referenced in this story. I mean no offense to any person(s) mentioned and characterized in this story. I am not affiliated with any part of Formula 1 or its subsections. Please do not translate, re-post, or distribute my work without my written consent. I will cry.
To sum up, writing is not easy, and it takes time and effort. Time away from my friends, my girlfriend, my family. Time away from my job and my other hobbies. Long Live is 76 thousand words and took me countless hours to write.
To have somebody so blatantly and disrespectfully post MY SHIT as their own and not even try to give me credit? To not write a note that said, “Heyyyyy go read long live, which I [clearly] really enjoyed!” or even a “Some of this dialogue was inspired by @fabbyf1” or even just a “lmfao some of this i didn’t write but the rest i did” really pisses me off.
Why did it ever have to come to this?
I am SO disappointed right now.
Happy fucking Friday, I guess.
For full transparency, here is the link to their fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55255699 and here is the link to their tumblr: @l-estappen
Here is the link to MY fic, which was posted on April 2nd, 2023, and written in Google Docs with revision history about a month before that. I have receipts out the fucking ass, my dear. https://archiveofourown.org/works/46190509/chapters/116284915
Be well.
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yuri-is-online · 6 months
Sometimes the Wallpaper is Just Yellow: A Heartslabyul Color Analysis
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This research was inspired by this post by @mothman-files! I am so sorry for @ing you please let me know if you want me to remove it and I will do so ASAP. Thank you for sending my head into a tail spin, I've learned a lot of stuff.
After reading mothman's musings, you might be thinking to yourself like I did: "hey, there is something familiar about red, blue, yellow, and green color coding." And it is, as mothman correctly points out in the notes of their post it is an extremely common trope in anime. The reason was both exactly and not not at all what I expected after I resurfaced from this little detour I took from fic writing.
How well do you know the colors of your oni? Because that's more important than card suits for this particular trope, but to make it all make sense I am going to go through each of the Heartslabyul boys one by one saving Cater for last. With that being said, pack your bags and grab some beans we are going to learn some meditation techniques.
Setsubun and the Beaning of Life
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No seriously. It all relates back to beans. As a refresher for those unaware, Setsubun is a Japanese festival celebrated at the start February, the day before spring starts on the Japanese Lunar calendar. It is typically part of Lunar New Year celebrations today, and if you know anything about it from anime you probably know that it's that holiday where the Japanese throw beans at demons to chase them away so they can start the new year without their evil influences. What kind of evil influences? Well according to Buddhist belief there are five main ones that are referred to as the five hindrances: sensory desire (i.e. greed), ill-will (i.e. anger), disquietude (i.e. anxiety), sloth (i.e. unable to make decisions), and doubt (i.e. self explanatory).
Now why is this all relevant? Well I saw it repeated again and again, on some articles about Setsuban that the oni who appear during the festival are COLOR CODED and fucking finally thanks to this beautiful, beautiful person called Matthew Meyer (the Yokai Guy) on Patreon of all places! I found out why. Because a professor of History named Yagi Tōru said so and I am inclined to believe as he is the president of the World Oni Study Society! Which is a thing! And he has written textbooks?!?! I get that this might be a tangent but it is important to me you understand I am not pulling this out of my ass, there is scholarship on this I am not lying to you. So what are those colors?
Red Oni (Greed) Blue Oni (Anger)
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The only reason I even tried looking at this angle was because of these two. Everyone say thank you to Aduece. You might have heard "the Red Oni Who Cried" folktale in an anime or two (My Love Story is the first that comes to mind for me) and it is thought to have spawned a sort of character trope in anime. There's a hot headed red coded character and their intellectual blue bestie, or maybe they're twins (FFXIV and Tokyo Rev jump to mind), one of them jumps first and the other asks all sorts of questions, both now and later. When I first saw Aduece I thought they were a clever twist on that trope because they're both trying to fit those color molds but... aren't really making it.
Ace wants to portray himself as an easygoing guy who doesn't think too much about things, but we know that's not true. He is extremely smart, he just refuses to put in maximum effort unless forced. I don't think it's too much of a stretch to classify him as greedy either, but when you are sharing the stage with Azul it can be easy to forget that greed isn't always accompanied by a great work ethic. Ace cheats at cards, makes a deal for a study guide he doesn't need, and sucks up to his senpai's all to make things easier on himself. What he actually needs to do is work bitch and when he does that and only then will he realize his true potential.
Deuce, poor ex-delinquent Deuce. He does think about things before he does them and constantly lectures Ace for just doing whatever he wants without thinking, but he is far from naturally intelligent and prone to outbursts of anger. As soon as he looses his temper, he also looses his rational thought, but he accepts that about himself. That's what allows him to discover his unique magic, he knows he has his own sort of intelligence and is determined to work on what he does not.
Green Oni (Sloth)
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I don't really think it is revolutionary to say Trey is a bit of a slacker when it comes to addressing interpersonal issues. He finds it easier to try and keep the peace or manage the fallout than directly address the problem at hand, and he is resistant to doing additional work not assigned by his housewarden. Or required by the school, just look at how "excited" he was to be a starsender. If he was any more unhinged he would have started throwing hands. Sloth as a sin isn't strictly just about being lazy. Apathy, a lack of reaction towards something like say, your friend's control freak tendencies that is clearly him acting out his own trauma can qualify as sloth.
I would like to add, though, that I don't really think it was Trey's responsibility to tell Riddle he was going overboard. That should have been Crowley's job, but that's another post. For now just take green as a sign of dodging emotions and let's go.
Yellow Oni (Disquietude)
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As pointed out by mothman-files, Cater is supposed to be yellow, but he is more often portrayed with reds and oranges, pinks even, than yellow. Like them, I don't think it is a coincidence he is associated with orange when that's what happens when you mix red and yellow together. Cater is taking on what he perceives to be the identity of his dorm, and he is extremely dissatisfied, disquieted, and anxious because of that.
Something I think should be considered, NRC freshmen are sixteen years old. Cater is a third year, he's spent around two and a half years at NRC, two and a half years that were relatively stable compared to what he tells us about his previous schooling. I think that he has some genuine dissonance in him that is getting harder for him to ignore because he has played this role longer than the ones he has played previously. Cater the Heartslabyul student, the NRC mage, that is who he is now, and I wonder if he knows how he got to this point or if he feels like he just woke up in someone else's body someday and doesn't know if he likes it.
What's worse is I think he does like his friends, and he is suddenly confronted with how little they actually know about him, what could be more anxiety inducing than that.
Black Oni? (Press X to Doubt)
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I don't think Riddle is meant to be the black oni, but I do think it's interesting that the color black is associated with doubt and loss of ones convictions when that is essentially both the cause and color of an overblot. Idia and S.T.Y.X. seem to be focused on emotion + extreme magic use to be what's causing the blot... but the more I roll chapter 7 and all the reading I did for this post around in my head it seems to me that overblots like the ones at NRC seem to be tied to a loss of identity and the shattering of one's perceived reality.
I would also like to mention that I have no idea if any of the cited folklore has anything to do with Yana Toboso's mindset when she created these characters. She seems to be someone who does a lot of research and thinks deeply about symbolism, but this color coding and its associated vices can be found in a lot of anime. She could have just picked up on it from that.
I hope you found this descent into madness informative, and if not at least entertaining. Thank you for your time, I am going to go eat a cookie.
Semi Unrelated Fun Facts:
A lot of this brainrot was inspired by Amnesia, as I stated in a post I already made, but I also was thinking about the song YELLOW by Yoh Kamiyama which I don't fully understand the meaning of, but think it is supposedly about being trapped in a false reality from some of the things I've read.
Back to Amnesia, the yellow diamond in that Visual Novel (I haven't watched the anime adaptation because they did my man Kieth dirty) is the yandere route. Which made me start to think about how often yellow is used as a color for characters with identity issues, like Sailor Venus from Sailor Moon and Amu from Sugo Chara! and led to... this mess
According to this thing I found while trying to look for the professor Yagi Tōru he has a son who is a male voice actor???? I don't have time to look this up someone else do it please.
Please check out the Yokai Guy. You can join his patreon for free, his art is lovely and he saved my sanity. I cannot read Japanese so I almost didn't bother saying anything about this because I knew I wouldn't be able to provide an academic source for it, and that's important to me as someone who has a love of history. Also he has a kick-starter up for an illustrated book of folklore, did I mention his art is lovely?
And lastly a lovely hello to @somany-fandoms-solittle-time who kindly asked to be tagged in this post (つ≧▽≦)つ I hope you liked it.
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ssinboo · 1 year
down bad.
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summary: You and your long time bestfriend smoke together
in reply to this lovely ask!
pairing: DJ!Bad boy!Vernon x Fem!Reader
word count: 1.6k (8~ minute read)
warnings: drinking, partying, weed, very explicit making out, extremely inaccurate drug use (I have asthma, i have never come even close to a single weed)
a/n: Sooo incredibly thankful for the unending love on my previous fics! The past two months have been so hectic and all your comments gave me so much joy!! I apologise for being M.I.A, but I am working on the second part of As it was! as well as some very abandoned wips!
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With a hypnotising smile, Vernon Chwe waltzed into your life like he belonged. A part-time DJ at the place you waited tables during your first semester, he was a womanising, chain smoking, asshole.
He was also your best – read: only, – friend.
You just got each other. his awkward, out of this world kind of humour was just up your alley. It wasn’t uncommon for you to burst out laughing at a stupid meme sent in your chat.
Tonight, he was DJing at a new club, a high-stakes sort of place downtown that had lines that wrapped around the block every Friday night.
This could very well be the moment he will make it to stardom.
Heading straight for the venue after your shift, you make quick work of wading through the crowd to find your bestie. And he’s talking to a guy, looking all important.
You blow him a kiss, which he makes a show out of catching and placing his palm over his lips.
The stubborn butterflies that find your stomach don’t go unnoticed.
You did have a teeny, tiny, itsy, bitsy, little crush on your best friend. Maybe it wasn’t so little, after all. Not when he plagued your mind 24/7 with flirty smirks and caring gestures.
Vernon was a touchy guy by nature, his hands always finding their way to your body; Which wasn’t an issue at first but quickly developed into a problem as you found yourself falling for him.
“Hey, handsome,” You greet him, immediately getting pulled into his arms.
“There’s my girl,” Not a cell in your body can resist his warm words, you were his girl and would always be. Vernon wraps his arm around your neck, kissing your cheek.
You’d picked out his fit for tonight, an all-black ensemble with a knitted black top and cross jewellery, your favourite. But it still messes with your heart to see the chain draped over his collarbones.
“Thought you weren’t comin’.”
“Oh, please, I couldn’t miss your biggest gig yet.”
He smiles, nuzzling against your temple.
“Didn’t know you had a girlfriend,” The guy he was previously talking to finally makes his presence known.
“Nah…” Vernon laughs, “Man, you know I don’t do relationships– This is my homegirl, my best friend. She’s my ride or die.”
There’s only so many times you can hear those words and still have a reaction.
You force a smile, telling the stranger your name.
He’s a little shorter than Vernon with a slender figure and a defined chest that is visible even through his shirt. Bleached blond hair that falls over his forehead flawlessly and bedroom eyes. God, hot people only hung out with hotter people.
“I’m Chan, nice to meet ya.”
“Chan’s a dancer, you have to see him, man. He’s fucking amazin’” Despite his arm not leaving your shoulders, Vernon emphasises his words with large gestures, sending your head crashing against his chest more than once.
You slap at his arm, smoothing down your hair before turning to acknowledge Chan.
“Well, I’ll keep my eye out for you.”
Chan smiles.
You hear Vernon’s name being called out.
“That’s my cue,” He kisses your hair, and reaches out his hand to fist bump Chan.
“Give em’ hell, pretty boy,” You cheer, watching him walk away.
Before you can even dread the awkwardness of losing your common friend, Chan is easing you into conversation.
“Come on, let me get you a drink? I’ll show you the best spot on the floor.”
He takes you to a corner close enough to the stage where you can see Vernon but not insanely close to the booming speakers. You’re more than happy to have room to breathe in the packed club.
Chan returns with your drinks; he brings you a fruity cocktail with pretty colours and an undertaste you can’t be bothered to figure out.
Vernon is a master at reading a crowd.
He can and will pick out the exact song to fit the mood, he knows by heart every timing to drop the beat and get the best reaction. You always find your body moving against your will when you watch him.
“Do you dance?” Chan leans over, having to scream in your ears over the music.
You shake your head vigorously, denying this mischievous look he bears.
“Come on?” He reaches for your hand and since your drinks have long been discarded, you don’t have an excuse.
Chan escorts you to the floor, where it is a lot more packed than your excluded corner. The blinking LEDs are almost blinding, especially when they follow the beat.
Once you stop caring about your own inability to dance, you realise how right Vernon was: Chan is a fucking dancing machine.
His body is moving in ways you could never imagine someone could, every turn of his hips dripping in precision. Now, with the alcohol simmering in your bloodstream and Chan’s contagious moves, you can’t help but find yourself swaying along with the pounding bass.
Two hours.
That’s how long you’re having fun on the dance floor with Chan to the sound of Vernon’s carefully curated playlist.
You were so enraptured by the ambience, you happened to miss the way Vernon’s eyes did not leave your figures once.
And you think you might have gotten yourself a new friend. The night was so much fun in his presence and as Vernon is walking toward you both, it can only get more fun, right?
You smile, jumping in your place with open arms to congratulate him.
“You killed it!” You exclaim, clinging to his arm.
Vernon is burying himself in your arms, nuzzling at your neck.
“Dude, you are the best DJ they’ve ever had,” Chan taps at his shoulder, joining in on your praise.
“Oh, I’m sure of that!”
“Seriously?” Vernon questions, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. He can smell the lingering fruity scent of your drinks.
“Of course!” Chan agrees.
You nod.
“I’ll trust your judgement, then,” He chuckles. “Wanna get outta here?” Vernon turns to you before looking at Chan.
Shrugging, you both look at Chan – Who has the slyest smile ever.
“Oh, hell yeah, I got something for you.”
You weren’t a big smoker. Sure you ‘dabbled’ every now and then, mostly whenever Vernon had some and you were in the mood to relax. OKay, maybe every now and then means twice and the last time, you thought you were going to die because you stood up too fast and got dizzy.
But Vernon and Chan are so into it right now.
Vernon is splayed out on his beaten up couch, laying against you with his legs over the second-hand coffee table you had to gorilla glue back together after it broke during moving.
And Chan is spread over the armchair, blunt between his pointer and thumb as he talks about the artful choreography of Michael Jackson’s thriller – Though, you zoned out minutes ago.
It’s only when Vernon is nudging at your side, offering you the blunt when you wake up.
“I’m not sure…” You whisper quietly, “You remember last time, it was too much.”
Vernon licks at his chapped lips, leaning back straight. He glances at Chan for a second before he stares back at you. “ We can try something else, might be better than pullin’ straight from it.”
You have no idea what he means by that, but you trust him.
So when against your better judgement, Vernon brings the burning bud to his lips, chest rising as he pulls, you’re surprised. But he doesn’t inhale or exhale, no.
He reaches for your cheeks, pulling your lips toward his. So close, untouching yet you can feel him so clearly.
The smoke tickles at your lips, stinging at your eyes until you say fuck it and inhale. You feel its warmth at first, following its path through your system, lazily pooling into your lungs with its languid daze.
And you think it’s all he will do, just so you will smoke and that was the plan. But when Vernon watched your eyelids droop above your adoring gaze, he couldn’t hold it anymore.
So he crashes his tongue into your parted mouth, devouring your taste with an unfound hunger; Specially when you’re humming so sweetly into his lips. It’s nothing near a chaste peck. Saliva drips from your connected lips, his grip on your neck tightens, bringing you further into him so he can ravish every bit of your eager tongue.
There’s a heat that burns in your chest, hotter than the blunt he holds between his pointer and thumb. And you melt into the shape of his body, dripping, seeping into every crevice, fingers reaching for his chest, curious touch mapping out every inch of his skin you can grasp.
You’re moaning against his lips, brain hazy under the intoxicating drug that he exudes. You wrap your arms around his neck, closing yourself off to the world and diving deeply into the perfect bubble he has created for you two and leans into you, chest rising and falling into yours.
And when the kiss ends, you’re panting, lips covered in a mixture of your saliva and his, reddened and swollen with his attention. Vernon smiles, running his tongue along your lips.
“Do you feel it?” He whispers, pressing kisses along your jaw.
Oh, you feel nothing but the bubbling desire that pools along your stomach, burning through your veins with its lingering longing. By kissing you, Vernon has given you a taste of heaven, so how must you go on, knowing what his lips feel like?
You’re so busy with your thoughts of his kisses, you don’t notice the show Vernon makes of running his lips along your neck or the wink he sends Chan.
Vernon liked to say he wasn’t a possessive person, especially when it came to material assets, he wasn’t attached to his laptop or phone, and would happily lend his clothes to friends.
But when it came to you, there weren’t limits to his possessiveness, you were his from the moment you first smiled at him.
“…Fuck,” Chan grunts, looking down at his very obvious hard-on.
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“Swimming lessons” (Aonung x Sully!Reader)
@ollieollie0-0 @jellyscreamer @hyperfixatedfandomer besties look at me coming out my comfort zone 😩
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A/N:This I’m first time trying to write an actual story 😭 and yes I did write this with the Aonung aid roleplay bot. I’m pretty sure it’s gender neutral but it’s not proof read so take that with a grain of salt. You’d think after taking AP English I’d be a better writer 🙄
WARNING :fluff, teasing, mentioning of bullying, probably OOC Aonung cuz I’m not a good writer
WORD COUNT: 1,432 words
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"I can't believe I'm asking you this but... can you help me practice swimming?" You utter avoiding looking at the taller Na’vi.
It’s pretty obvious to anyone with eyes that you and Aonung are not on the best of terms. Who could blame you after Aonung bullied your sister and fought with your brother before sending him to a death trap. However, father insists you make peace with the boy.
Aonung looks you up and down with a confused look. He looks back down at the knife he was carving before sighing.
“Do you really expect me to do that?” He asks, looking back up with a raised eyebrow. He’s clearly annoyed at having to deal with your request. He has a small smirk on his face that grows as you notice. “What do I get in return?”
You sigh, of course it wasn’t gonna be this easy.
“I don’t know, what do you want?” You say putting your hands in your hips. He scratches his chin, his eyebrows raised and his lips forming a small smile, as if he’s considering your request deeply.
“Well,” he takes a breath, and then his smile grows.
“Being nice wouldn’t kill you, I want you to say please.” Aonung crosses his arms before he scrunches his face, trying not to to burst into uncontrollable laughter, he knows he might be pushing his luck, but he’s curious how this will go.
You look at him in slight disbelief crossing your arms, “Will you help me practice swimming please.”
You can’t help but feel the smugness as he says, “Of course I’ll help you,” before he turns away to the reef and begins to swim.
“Follow me!”
You roll you eyes and follow him into the water. You both spend the next hour bickering over your “swimming lesson.”
Although you two constantly argue, Aonung still makes the lesson a decent one. He gives you tips how to kick your legs and move your arms. When you are good enough at that, he teaches you how to float, the correct form for diving properly. He even gives you a few pointers on how to hold your breath for long periods of time. Although a little snarky and passive aggressive, he’s good at his job.
You emerge from the water, after just swimming to the bottom of the ocean floor 20 feet below, smiling at you accomplishment before turning your attention to Aonung.
“Not bad for a tree hugger.” He teases but you can’t help but notice the smile on his face.
“Whatever Fish lips.” You laugh.
At this point eclipse is right around the corner, pinks and purples paint the clouds. He turns his attention to it and breaths it in.
“I love this time of the day,” he remarks before turning his attention to you “It’s really pretty, isn’t it?” He asks.
You’re slightly taken aback by his change in demeanor. “I- uh… yeah it is.”
He grins, “I haven’t really ever taken the time to enjoy the colors, but today I had some free time. It’s beautiful.” He says with a small smile before turning to you. “It matches your eyes” his voice is genuine, like he hasn’t spent the past hour teasing you. He means it, and you can tell. He looks away, not knowing what to say. Awkward silence fills the air. The two of you continue to stare at the water, watching the sunset until it slowly begins to become less vibrant.
Aonung eventually turns back to you, not entirely sure what to say. A smile sits on his face, almost to try to clear up the situation,
"H-hey, this is a one-time thing only. don't let me being nice to you get to your head." He states trying to bring back his tough persona. Although his tone is more serious, his eyes betray what he is really feeling just like the smile he is trying so hard to hide.
You chuckle, “sure thing Aonung.”
As the night continues to loom over, Aonung looks towards the night sky. “Do you want to hang out again?” Aonung asks, sounding surprised as the words come out of him. He shakes his head lightly when he says it, his cheeks flushing. Aonung is used to being alone; he doesn’t like meeting many people, and certainly doesn’t make new friends very often. But he is curious about you.
“I- sure.” You smile at him. “Just don’t tell anybody, I don’t want people to think I’m friends with you or anything.” You joke looking at him.
“Oh, because it’s so embarrassing to be friends with me?” He replies with a smirk, his tone clearly playful and sarcastic, his eyebrows raised in faux horror, although he has a small smile on his face, clearly enjoying your company, but not wanting to show it.
“Duh, I don’t want to be associated with your horrendous looking group of friends.” You giggle.
He scoffs, “Horrendous? Are you saying we are not a handsome bunch?” He chuckles his voice is full of fake confidence, his eyes dart to the side for a moment before resting on yours, looking at you body wading in the water. He pauses for a few seconds “You on the other hand…” he says with an eyebrow raised, smiling.
“Don’t you dare!” You gasp playfully. He moves closer to you and looks you deep in the eyes. “You are not horrendous, no. You are absolutely hideous.” He says with an absolutely straight face. He continues to look you in the eyes for another few seconds until he can’t hold his laughter anymore and he starts laughing. He covers his mouth with his hand as he continues to laugh. “Sorry, sorry.” He laughs, looking away. “Skxawng” You laugh, “If I’m hideous you’re revolting.” Teasing him back. “Well if I’m revolting then you must be atrocious.” He looks up to you again, a twinkle in his eyes, and he can’t help but smile lightly. “It’s good you can dish it back.” He remarks. “It’d be boring if I didn’t.” You say.
He looks out to the reef. “We better get back, it’s getting late.” He motions to you. “Race to the land?” “You’re on.” you say before diving underwater to get a head start. He looks at you with a smirk before diving into the water. You hear him surface a bit behind you before he swims ahead and you get a glimpse of his smirk before he speeds off.
Although you try your best, he ends up beating you to land. “Too slow.” He teases. You playfully shove his shoulder, “shut up.” His smirk grows. “You were never going to beat me.” He teases, “But at least you tried. I guess I can respect you a little,” he says with a small smile. “A little respect goes a long way.” He winks with a small chuckle. You roll your eyes before tilting your head to the side to squeeze the excess water out of your hair.
“You know if took those braids down your hair would dry a lot quicker.” He tells you referring to the Omatikaya hairstyle.
“Oh really, so you’ll do my hair next time I take it down?” You say sarcastically before shaking your head.
Aonung glances at you before bursting out laughing. “Sure,” he laughs sarcastically, “Maybe I will.” he laughs again, looking up at the night sky. You can tell he wants to make a move, but you can’t tell what it is. He looks down before turning to you. “So…..You uh… really wanna do this again sometime?” He adds, his blush growing. You giggle, “I already told you yes silly.” You say before walking closer to him. He looks to you as you approach.
A small smirk grows on his face, although his face is completely red. “Wait you weren’t joking?” He asks with a small frown. He raises an eyebrow, his look of uncertainty is adorable. You playfully and dramatically sigh “No Aonung, I wasn’t joking.” Grabbing his hand lightly, “I hate to admit it but I had a lot of fun hanging out with you.” He blushes again and smiles. “I hate to admit it, but I did to,” he smirks before letting go of your hand and looking up to the star. “Maybe it can be a weekly thing?” He suggests, his tone sounding playful, but you can tell his nervous of being rejected. You cup his cheek and direct his face to look at you before kissing him softly.
You smile as you pull away, “how about a daily thing?”
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Hi!! Since everyone is sending in fluffy prompts, let’s change it up and add some angst *evil laugh* but not so much cos I can’t handle it. Can I request a Larissa x teacher!reader where they both have a crush on one another but they’re friends so no one says anything. They’re always together on their free time but lately, since a new teacher transferred, it seems like Larissa is always with them (because the teacher has a crush but Larissa is just helping them get settled). R isn’t really the type to get jealous so they’re just sad and pulls away from Larissa, opting to spend time with another teacher (in a besties way) but it makes Larissa jealous so they confront reader and they finally end up telling each other how they feel. This was long. I’m sorry. Thanks though!
Larissa weems x reader
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Sorry if this isn’t exactly what you wanted ❤️ not proof read
Fluffy/angst/not really angst :)
Gods, you loved her. Yes, of course she was your friend, maybe even your best, but it was so much more than that. What you would do just to hold her in a much more vulnerable way. To hold her face and be the one to reassure her, but the risk was too big. You’d be damned if you lost her simply because you couldn’t contain your feelings.
You two were set to meet in her office for your usual glass of wine in front of the fireplace. Typically, you’d ramble about your day, random mischief that your students would get up to and she’d tell you all about the new sponsors, events, or ideas for the school. Today though.. today, she mentioned a new hire in the administrations office. She went on about how bubbly her character was and how much of an addition she presumed she would be. She’s just being an enthusiastic boss, so why are you jealous? “Goodness, honestly! She couldn’t have arrived at a more appropriate time,” Larissa chuckled as she began to down the remainder of her glass. “I’m sure! She seems like she’s quite the woman, huh?” You forced out a strained smile. You two finished your glasses and ended the night in a tipsy, silly haze.
Finally the weekend arrived. Usually, you would spend your Saturdays enjoying the the scenery that the academy provided, or you’d go with Larissa to the Cafe for a cup of tea. Greeting colleagues, you waltzed your way to the courtyard. “Morning, Rissa!” You spoke. Looking beautiful as ever, she grinned, “Good morning, Miss Y/L/N. How are you doing? This is our new hire, Miss Green,” turning back to the shorter woman. Miss Green waved as you spoke, “I- uh. Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Green,” you attempted to conceal the confusion in your tone. You weren’t sure why she referred to you as if you two were still working. “I wanted to see if you’d like to come get some tea with me like we usually do,” rocking back and forth on your heels, you looked up at her. You loved the lines that formed when she smiled down at you. It was as if an artist carefully put a pencil to her features. Shading her lips and defining the apples of her cheeks.
“I’m terribly sorry, Miss Y/L/N, Miss Green and I are going to take a trip around Jericho,” she spoke with a smile. You couldn’t help the furrowing of your eyebrows, she had always loved going to the town with you. Even when she went with others, she always asked you to join. “Oh…okay. Hm well, I guess I’ll see you later… Miss Weems?” Unsure about how to address her. You politely said bye to the new woman, spun around and headed back in, opting to relax in the library for a little instead. “Haven’t read this one yet,” you mumbled to yourself, picking up a small novel. “Hey, Stranger!�� Shooting backwards at the sudden voice, you tumbled into a bookshelf. “Oh my god! Don’t do that! You scared me,” clutching your necklace in an attempt to steady your breath. “Pfft, sorry! I didn’t mean to, really. What’re you doing in here? I thought you were going to the cafe with Larissa,” Marilyn bent down to pick up some of the fallen books.
Sighing, you told her about how she said she was going out with the your new colleague. “I don’t know, it was just weird. I understand she’s busy sometimes and her life doesn’t revolve around me, but..she just,” unable to find your words. Marylin decided she was on a mission to make you smile. She went through jokes, comparing books, and even made a poor attempt at a portrait of you. It may have looked more like a sheep who put on a milfs business suit, but the heart was there.
What felt like minutes turned into hours of laughter and bonding between two good friends. Unbeknownst to you, Larissa and Miss Green had arrived back at Nevermore a couple hours ago. Miss Green retired to her quarters early and Larissa spent the rest of the afternoon looking for you. She wanted to tell you all about her trip with Miss Green. She knocked at your door, checked in your study, and wondered around the courtyard. She even glanced into her office to see if you were there waiting for her. “Where the hell is this woman?” She thought to herself. Suddenly, just as she was walking past the library, she heard an eruption of laughter. One that was unmistakable to her. It was a laughter that she could play in her mind like the bumps in an old music box.
“And she did! She actually went up to this poor guy and made him dance with her,” Marilyn spoke through broken laughter. With both of you wheezing, you didn’t notice the tall figure whose presence filled the empty corner in the library. You were practically folded into yourself, tears making their way down your cheeks. “Sounds like you two have had quite the time today,” There was a tinge of disdain in her voice. “Larissa! Hello! I heard you went with the new girl to visit Jericho,” Marylin smirked as she leaned and pushed against her knees to stand. “Ah. Yes, that we did,” clenching her jaw as she closed the distance between you three. “How was it? Have a good time?” She spoke as she packed her two chosen novels into her bag. “Yes, it was lovely. Good weather,” giving a short response, grabbing your book from the table and examining the cover. Marylin had bid adieu to you both and gave you a look as she exited the library.
Pulling your mouth into a thin line, you bit the bullet and spoke first, “Im glad you had a good day.”
“Thank you. Um so..you and Marylin seem to be pretty close,” her face stuck in a constant furrow. Silence took over the room again. Larissa sat down next to you on the seat, fiddling with her fingers. “What is it about her?” She questioned. “What?” Squinting at her question, you didn’t understand what she was talking about. “Marylin. I was looking for you for a while, only to find you in here with her. You’ve never been one to stay inside on Saturdays. And the way you laughed, that was your real, full laugh and it seemed effortless for her to make you-“ her rambling came to a halt as she felt your hand grab hers. Offering her a soft smile, you reminded her to take a breath. “Well..I- earlier today, when I spoke to you?” waiting for her acknowledgment. She nodded. “You turned down tea with me, which is okay, you know. I know I can’t have you all the time, but then you referred to me as Miss Y/L/N. I was just a little hurt and it made me sad so I decided maybe I’d just gather myself here. Marylin scared me,” chuckling at the memory, “I ended up bumping into a shelf and knocking down a few books. We’ve been here since.”
“I made you sad? How did I-“ stopping to think. You could’ve melted with the way she looked at you, holding your hands. Taking a deep inhale, “You referred to me very professionally. Normally that’s fine, when we’re working, but we usually spend most of our time together. I felt as if maybe you didn’t want Miss Green to know that..I don’t know, I guess I thought maybe you were embarrassed of having me as a friend or maybe you saw something in her and didn’t want her to think that we were involved? Like romantically? So.. I- I came here.”
You heard her sigh, feeling her hand come up to hold your face. Leaning into her touch, you closed your eyes. “Look at me. Y/N, please,” She swept her thumb across your cheek. “I would never be embarrassed of you and I’m sorry that I made you feel negatively. It was never my intention, I promise. And as for being interested in Miss Green.. she’s lovely and her work ethic is phenomenal, but if there’s anyone that I’d have a desire to be with, it’s you,” a blush creeping upon her features at her admission. Grabbing her face, you nearly lost yourself in her eyes, looking for an ounce of malicious intent or a lie. You found nothing but truth, nothing but love as she committed your every blink to memory. Before for you knew it, your mouth was on hers. She tasted like the strawberry chapstick she faithfully put on over her signature red shade. Moving her hand to the back of your neck, she deepened the kiss. You two would’ve been there for hours if you hadn’t pulled away, swollen-lipped, at the sound of someone clearing their throat.
“Took you two long enough,” Marylin must’ve forgotten something in the library. She chuckled as she made her way back out of the door. Both of you busting out in laughter.
You and Larissa decided to head to her office for your usual glass of wine, giddy like two teenagers who just had their first kiss.
Turns out you got to hold her the way you wanted to, after all.
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