#he’s somehow mysteriously the ONLY one you’re gonna leave out?
artschoolglasses · 9 months
Every time I see fanart of the Baldur’s Gate origin characters and Wyll is the only one conveniently left out. 🙃
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cntloup · 2 months
one-night stand your first date :)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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“Hey!” you greet him with a welcoming smile, your gaze lingering on his scar-adorned features and his mysteriously alluring eyes, nearly knocking the air out of your lungs. 
“Hey...” he responds, holding your riveted glare as if you’re the most enchanting soul to ever walk the earth. 
(you both just stand there like idiots staring at each other with heart eyes for a good few minutes) 
He called you to say he’s gonna take you to the pub with his mates. 
He didn’t even ask you, only told you to message him the address and that he’s gonna pick you up. 
(what a freak! I love him!! and yes he takes you to meet the lads on your first date because they're the closest thing to a family he's got so he wants you to meet them asap and he's already planned your wedding in his mind!!) 
“Umm... these are for you!” he mumbles, holding out the bouquet of flowers he got you, his unwavering stare still fixated on you. 
(he asked Gaz what to get you and he said the simple old-fashioned flowers are the best way to go)
“Oh! These are beautiful! Thank you so much!” you exclaim, almost tearing up as you take the flowers with a grateful nod.
(spending a good few more minutes staring at the flowers while sobbing, the poor lad thinks he did something wrong!) 
“Fuck! Sorry! I love them! Thank you... again!” you ramble and chuckle nervously while furiously wiping your tears with your sleeve and turn back to go inside and put the flowers in a vase. 
“So? Where to?” you ask excitedly when you walk back to the door, “To the pub. Near my place. About 20 minutes from here.” he states matter of factly, yet somehow it sounds intriguing. Maybe it’s just his voice that makes everything sound so... so... (idk man his voice just does something to me) 
He leads you to his car, a Range Rover Velar, suitable for a guy like him; it holds an intimidating and mysterious aura paired with a rough and tough attitude, yet maintaining a sense of style, captivating. 
He opens the door for you and the moment you step inside, a mixed aroma of whiskey and leather reaches your nose, intoxicating. 
He lets you pick the songs during the whole drive and sing along off-key while he chuckles at you, surprisingly not annoyed one bit. On the contrary, his heart might just burst out of his chest. 
Once you arrive at the pub, he has his hand on the small of your back, leading you to their usual cozy spot. 
You take a seat in the far corner of the booth and he sits beside you, resting his arm on the back of the chair behind your head and leaning closer to you to introduce everyone through the loud music. 
The faint smell of pine, bourbon and tobacco takes over your senses, the low timbre of his voice and the soft brush of his fingers on the back of your neck, already making your head cloudy and your heart flutter. 
As night carries on, you can feel the warmth in your heart turn into seething flames, engulfing your soul as he shifts closer and closer to you, his arm now wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you impossibly closer to him. 
His head is turned towards you all throughout the night, occasionally making sarcastic remarks and smiling proudly as you laugh, your beautiful laugh making him adore you even more if that’s even possible. 
He takes you back home before midnight, his paranoia creeping up on him out of nowhere and cursing himself for endangering your life even though nothing even remotely dangerous has occurred. 
He kisses you at your doorstep, his kiss so sweet and tender, melting your heart right at the spot. 
“Good night, dove.” he murmurs while softly caressing your cheek, “G’night, Si.” you whisper back with a hazy smile as if in a trance, absolutely smitten, bewitched even. 
He stays by your door and asks you to text him when you’re inside. 
He stays a few more minutes after you text, observing the surroundings to make sure no one has followed you. 
And he leaves with a newfound emotion enfolding him, reviving his cold, dead heart as he thought it was. 
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dawnisdreamlanding · 6 months
Ghost x Reader x Konig
(Neighbour!au and Roommate!au cause I can't get enough of them hehe)
Also like for this fic just don't mind how this would actually never happen in real life + don't think too much about the logic in this story. It's all purely fictional and for your entertainment :)
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You want to go home.
Your apartment keys jingle as they hang from your fingers. Room 409. You sigh. It’s been a long day, to say the least. All you want to do is to just relax and unwind like you would any other Friday with a glass of wine and that dumpster fire of a Netflix show that is ‘Emily in Paris’. You let out another long sigh waiting for the elevator to reach the lobby. At least Emily lives a much more exciting and drama-filled life than you did with your 9 to 5 job.
You stare at your feet, trying to find something to pass the time that seems to drag on for forever. Your feet are already killing you from your high heels that you’ve been wearing for over 9 hours. Usually, you would be home by 7 — it’s 11 — especially on a Friday. Laura, a close coworker of yours went on pregnancy leave, meaning you’re working more hours to cover her absence.
Your phone buzzes with a reminder from your calendar app — oh great, it’s already 12. ‘RENT PAYMENT DUE IN A WEEK.’ You haven’t found a roommate to occupy that extra bedroom in your apartment even after 2 months of your listing being put online. Granted, you should’ve started looking for a new roommate the moment your previous one told you they were moving out, but you were too busy for that! You tap your foot impatiently. How long does it take for an elevator to travel up 2 floors from the carpark to the lobby?
The elevator doors open with a ‘ding!’ and you’re met with the giant of a man that is this mysterious guy wearing all black. His brown hair and matching brown eyes make him dashing and the scars littering on his face adds on to his good looks somehow. “’s rude to stare, love.” His gruff voice snaps you out of it. “R-right, sorry.” To say he was intimidating was an understatement, but god was he good looking.
When you’re both in the elevator, the usual smell of the clean, bleached scent is replaced with the smell of cigarettes and an undertone of gunpowder? Whatever it is, you much prefer it over the smell of bleach you’ve been used to for months. The elevator ride is silent and you both get off the same floor to go our separate ways… except he was following you!
You get a little bit nervous as anyone would if a tall, maybe 190cm buff guy was following you a few steps behind. “What apartment you in?” You say with panic filling your body with each step. Oh god, you don’t wanna die yet! “410.” He responds. “Oh.” Well, that makes more sense.
“I’m your neighbor then! Nice to meet you.” You smile and introduce yourself. He hums in response. “Simon Riley.” He says, nodding at you in acknowledgement. You would like to chat with this guy more, but he doesn’t strike you as talkative, as if his short replies didn’t already tell you that.
You both turn the locks on your own apartment doors. “Next time, you should really run if you think you’re in danger.” He chuckles a little to himself. You turn to look at him in shock, only to find he’s already disappeared into his apartment. So he did know! Asshole. You shake your head and enter your own apartment.
After showering, you scroll your phone on Instagram mindlessly when a notification pops up on your phone. Oh my god, someone responded to your listing! You waste no time in responding to them, despite it being ass-o-clock. You arrange to meet up with them in the afternoon, and you head to sleep hoping whoever this guy is will be a good roommate for you.
When you wake up, you’re a little behind schedule. Scrap that, VERY behind schedule. You haven’t cleaned up the apartment and made it presentable to your possible roommate yet, and you’re gonna meet him in 20 minutes downstairs! You hurriedly stuff all the clothes you find lying around in the living room into your own bedroom and clean the kitchen counters — you know the drill.
As soon as you’re done arranging the last piece of furniture in the living room, you rush out of the door, bumping into that neighbor you met last night. You give him a quick, “Morning, Simon!” before rushing past him, not even giving him time to greet you back.
Somehow by the grace of god, you’re right on time to meet the guy. You agree to meet him at the café right across your apartment complex, and holy fuck. There’s no way this 2 meter guy is your roommate. You both stare at each other awkwardly before you decide to go up to him. “Konig?” I say, and he nods. Oh he is.
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silverstonesainz · 8 months
─── the one where carlos can't seem to get enough frat!carlos x reader 2.6k words 18+, minors dni (warnings under the cut)
d rambles. . . once again. i have lost the plot. i got the word insatiable and this is where we ended up. hope u guys like it, and sorry it took so long.
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warning(s). . . dry humping & a bit of titties. this is pretty tamed for what it could be
carlos is annoying. he might be across the room, but somehow he still manages to set your every nerve on fire. and the worst part of all this is that you can’t be annoyed. 
how can you be annoyed that he’s basically chest to chest with some girl when you’re wrapped up in someone else. mark, you think is his name. you aren’t even sure. he yelled it in your ear when he was chatting you up but if you were being honest, you only indulged because you wanted to prove a point: you can play his game too.
“do you want another drink?” mark— god you hope his name is mark— asks, thumb rubbing your side. 
you feign a sweet smile, shaking your head. “no i’m good. i have to head home soon anyways.”
the boy chuckles, “you can always spend the night… i do have a room here.” 
you laugh, maybe a little too hard from the way the boy’s face contorts to one of embarrassment. you shake your head, patting his chest as you slyly pull yourself from his hold. you set your empty solo cup on the messy bar top before turning to him, “i’d rather be caught dead than to sleep at a frat house.” 
mark nods, sipping his drink. the house is quiet, the kickback dwindling down as people begin to turn in. lando continues to play his mix, the led lights paint the room different colors, and the party seems to continue even if people were attached to the ends of the room in conversation or being led upstairs. you want to turn in, god your eyes burn with exhaustion, but your pride and ego coax you to stay. you just want to see if carlos would bring the girl up to his room. 
he has every right to. why wouldn’t he do it? she’s pretty and he’s… he’s not yours. 
that’s a point you both made the morning after a silly hook-up. just sex, nothing more. it’s why you leave after all is said and done, why you don’t take him up for coffee, or even sit with him in the library to study. it’s just sex, nothing more. 
you try to remind yourself that as you watch carlos lean down to say something in the girl’s ear, watch as the girl laughs a little too loudly. you roll your eyes. he’s not even that funny. 
“you plan on leaving anytime soon?” your head snaps back towards the boy, shaking your head to answer his question. “well maybe i can entertain you elsewhere while you’re here.” 
before you can answer, you feel an arm sling over your shoulder. you look up to find alex, who doesn’t pay you any mind and directs his attention to the boy in front of you. 
“george is looking for ya matt.” oh… it’s matt. “upstairs.” 
the boy stares up at the older brother, nodding. “uh.. yeah right. i’ll see you around.” he says to you. you smile curtly, watching as the boy scurries away and disappears up the stairs. 
alex pulls his hand from your shoulder, chuckling softly, “now tell me why you were chatting up the pledges. you know you’re way out of their league.” 
“just bored.” you shrug, arms crossed over your chest. you take a peek behind alex’s tall frame, frowning to find that carlos and the girl has disappeared. you huff a sigh, “i’m gonna go. i have an early morning.” 
alex nods, “i’ll walk you out.” 
you do your rounds, say goodbye to friends and other familiar faces. alex follows you, nearly to the door, before he’s whisked to the mystery that goes on upstairs. you don’t mind though, making your way out the door and shutting it behind you. you stuff your hands in your pockets as you make your way to your car.
“you know, it’s a bit rude not to say bye before you leave.” 
you turn around, taking a few steps backwards before coming to a stop. you stand at the end of the walkway, watching as carlos messes with his hair as he makes his way down to you. you roll your eyes, repositioning your arms to cross your chest. “you seemed a bit… occupied.” 
he chuckles at the way you say it, like it’s sour on your tongue. “celosa?”
“no.” you hum, pulling out your phone to order an uber. “so where is your new friend?” 
carlos reaches out to you, hand swiping your phone from your grasp before taking a peek at your screen. “she’s not my friend.”
“so girlfriend then?” he shakes his head. “fuck buddies?” he scowls.
“she’s no one. why are you ordering an uber, i can just drive you home.” 
“don’t you live here?” “and?”
you bite down on your lip. on the one hand, you’d be saving a bit of cash and yourself an awkward car ride home at two in the morning. but on the other hand, you’re still annoyed with carlos. but the boy doesn’t give you the chance to ponder your options, pulling out his car keys from his back pocket and clicking the dark blue ferrari unlocked. it’s parked a couple cars ahead of the driveway, between alex george’s own. carlos hand you your phone back with a soft c’mon. you inhale sharply, taking the phone from his grasp and stuff it back into your jacket pocket. 
he opens the passenger door for you, shuts it, before running over to his side and turning on his car. the car ride was… well it wasn’t comfortable. you didn’t intend on picking up a conversation with your— with him— the image of him and that girl still fresh in your mind. truth be told, you’re a little more frustrated with yourself than you are with him, because you know what being with carlos means: it means not really being with him at all. it means being with him when he’s in the mood to be with you. and you can lie to yourself and say that it’s fine, that you can live that arrangement. and maybe in the beginning you could but now you find yourself slipping. drowning. 
but carlos doesn’t like the quiet tonight. 
“so you and matt?” 
you can’t help but roll your eyes. “what about it?”
“when did that happen?” “what’s it matter to you?” 
carlos’s head snaps in your direction for the briefest of moments. you see him in your peripheral, the way his head flicks up and down in the short second he stares at you before returning his gaze to the road. “just a question.” 
he makes a turn towards your apartment, and you’d never been so relieved to see home. but then he stops. carlos parks against the curb and turns off his lights. you scowl, fingers curling into your palm. “carlos.” 
“why are you upset?” “i’m not.” 
he raises his brow at you, and your narrow your eyes at him. “i know you. you are.” 
“okay and if i am?” you snap. “it doesn’t matter.” 
he scoffs, “of course it matters.” 
you almost let him fool you. almost believe that he cares more than he lets on. almost. 
you huff an annoyed breath, zipping your jacket all the way. “i’m gonna walk.” 
“oh for fucks sake,” he leans over you, pulls the cracked open door and shuts it. “you’re not being fair.” 
“carlos i want to go home.” 
you glare at him. the anger bubbles in your chest when you clock the calm expression on his face, his wide brown eyes scanning your features before his hand comes up to rub his face. he says your name so softly, so gently, says it in a way you long to hear it forever. 
“we were just talking.” he’s referring to the girl. your glare falls, gaze moving to the denim that hugs your thighs. “ai mi bichito, its wasn’t anything.” 
“it never is.” 
“because it’s not.” carlos tucks his index finger under your chin, pulls your eyes back to him. “don’t be upset with me bug.” he leans in, his cologne filling your senses as you he presses his lips to your cheek. “okay?” another kiss, then again to your jaw. “please?” 
the butterflies come alive in your stomach, makes you nervous as carlos continues to move along your jaw and down to your neck. he readjusts his hand, his fingers now combing through the hair on the side of your head to hold you closer to him. he hums your name against your skin before he places another wet kiss on your neck. another plea to stop being upset as he pulls the silver zipper down your jacket and popping it open. 
he pulls away, leaving you high and empty. you inhale, suddenly remembering to breathe. carlos’s thumb strokes your cheek, the pad of his thumb rough against your skin, while his wide eyes plead for some sort of forgiveness. and you should walk home. thank him for the ride and walk away. 
but instead you close the gap, lips crashing against his. the kiss is hot, feverish, needy. it’s teeth clashing while hungry hands pull the other closer than allowed. his fingers weave themselves into your hair while yours are desperately grabbing at the back of his head. you moan softly as carlos bites down on your bottom lip, tongue slipping into your mouth. warm, wet, bold as it dances along with yours. 
“too far.” he breaks the kiss to pull you over the middle and onto his lap. his lips are quick to reattach themselves back on your neck, hands pushing your jacket down your shoulders and off your arms, leaving you in a black cotton tank-top. 
you’re sure that you’ll have a reminder of your weakness later, but it was too good to stop. you enjoyed the grazing of his teeth, the way he pulls away to lick along your skin before sucking again. you hum, grounding your hips into his. carlos hisses, hands moving to grip your hips to a halt. 
“don’t start something you can’t finish baby.” 
you smirk, “you doubt me?”
a pause. just a beat of silence before he laughs, shaking his head, “never.” 
you smile, dipping your head to meet his lips. your hands cup his cheeks as you kiss him deeply. he releases your hips, allowing your to rock against him. he grows hard beneath you, hear him grunt as you speed up the motion. he detaches his lips from yours, moving to your collarbones. you feel his fingers dance along the skin of your shoulders, pulling the flimsy straps of your top and bra down. he pulls and pulls and his lips chase the neck line of your shirt until your breast spill out. the cold air of his ferrari sends a shiver up your spine, hardens your nipples. 
carlos bites down on his lip, eyes bright as he stares at your chest. “pretty tits.” 
you bite the inside of your cheek, watching expectantly as he beings to squeeze them in his hands. he massages, kneads, before pulling one into his mouth. he looks up at you while you feel his mouth around you. his tongue traces circles lightly around your bud, flicking it up and down before sucking. his opposite hand pays equal attention to your other tit, pulling and kneading, fingers rubbing your nipple before pinching lightly. 
you throw your head back, moving your hips faster, desperate to chase a kind of pleasure you’re not even sure you can achieve. your legs were beginning to ache and your jeans were beginning to hurt. but the pleasure, his fucking mouth, outweighs the discomfort. 
he bites down on your nipple, make you help. he chuckles against you, kissing your breast before switching to the other one. sucks and sucks, before he pulls away and kisses along the supple skin. he sucks, leaves marks that would surely bruise within the hour. you look back down, watch him with his eyes squeezed shut as he marks your delicate skin. 
“need you” he mumbles. “want you.” 
he releases you, leans back to watch you move against him as he reaches down to pull his shirt over his head. and in the midst of it all, you see it. the purple bruise below his collarbone. a hickey, one you know you didn’t leave for him. its a shot to your ego, makes you uncomfortable in the moment and sucks all the fun you were just having. 
“i-“ you choke up on your words, swallow tightly as you clear your throat, “i can’t.” 
carlos pulls his shirt off, brows furrowed. “what’s wrong?” 
you pull the straps of your bra and top back onto your shoulders, reaching over for your jacket. “nothing. nothing just… i can’t. not in your car.” 
carlos watches you pull yourself together on his lap, pulling your jacket back onto your shoulders. he looks confused, stares as he tries to guess why your mood has suddenly shifted. you look back up at him, the stupid thing on his chest staring right back at you. you smile thinly, lips pressed together tightly. 
“well can i come up?” 
you shake your head, “early morning. but next time… i’ll ah… i’ll make it up to you.” 
against better judgement, against the voices screaming in your head to run, you lean down to press a soft kiss against his lips. you try to leave things open, to give him a bit of relief that everything was okay even if it really isn’t. and maybe even to as a way to ensure that you could still return to him when your feelings are no longer hurt. 
how fucking pathetic. 
carlos holds onto the back of your head to kiss you for a moment longer than you intend. then he releases  you. “let me just drive you.” 
“it’s fine. i cant walk, it isn’t far.” 
“i’m not gonna let you walk alone at almost 3AM. if you won’t let me drive you, then i’ll walk with you.” 
you sigh, nodding as you breathe a reluctant okay fine. you open the driver door, climbing off his lap and out of the car. cold air kisses your warm skin as you stand there, waiting for carlos to climb out of the car. you both walk the short distance to front door of your complex. you hum, digging for the keys in your pocket before looking up at him.
“thank you for the ride.” 
carlos nods, reaching up to tuck a hair behind your hear. “of course… so when am i gonna see you again.” 
his phone rings before you can answer. he picks it up, and you catch a glimpse of the screen before he pulls it towards him. mindy. mindy, at three in the fucking morning. 
carlos presses on the power button, ending the call before looking back up at you. “i’ll see you tomorrow?” 
you chuckle dryly, shrugging, “busy tomorrow.” 
“okay so thursday?” 
“i dunno.” 
you laugh, shaking your head. “god, you’re insatiable.” 
he smiles, its wide. so wide you see the small dimples above his upper lip, so wide his cheeks round out and eyes squint ever so slightly. “only when it comes to you.” 
you rock on your feet. heel to toe. heel to toe. you almost forget. the girl. the hickey. mindy. he smiles, says shit like that and you almost forget that he’s not yours. 
but he isn’t that girl’s. he’s not mindy’s. he’s not anyone else’s. 
and maybe you could live with that for just a little longer before it crushes you. 
“i’ll call you.” you reassure him. stupidly reassure him. 
he nods, leaning down to press a soft kiss on your lips. “okay. text when you get in.” you nod, kissing him once more and he smiles. “goodnight mi bichito.” 
you smile, allow the flutter in your stomach to warm you up and wrap up your wounded ego. “goodnight carlos.” 
come to the house party!!
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ornii · 16 days
|| My Kind of Crazy: 2 ||
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(Sorry for taking so long for Part 2!)
Part 2: Tension (mostly Sexual, Totally diagnosed by a Real licensed Therapist.)
The Squad mount up in the Helicopter and all are strapped down and in, Red Sits between Harley and Boomerang and Flag waits. Someone else finally arrives as well, a woman. Dawning a mask and a mysterious katana.
“You're late. This is Katana. She's got my back. She can cut all of you in half with one sword stroke, just like mowing the lawn. I would advise not getting killed by her. Her sword traps the souls of its victims.” He explains, Red Hood eyes the woman, Harley extends her hand.
“Harley Quinn. Nice to meet ya. Love your perfume. What is that? The stench of death?” She smiled, Katana turned to Flag and sat next to him.
“She seems nice. Harley whispers to Red Hood, who tries to ignore Harley. Harley turns around and looks out the window.
“Ooh. Look at the pretty lights! Are you guys seeing this?” She said, Red Hood decides why not and also looks, it was black clouds, gathering nearby a square and lighting surging through it, this was bad.. very bad.
“What happened?” Deadshot turned to Flag.
“Terror attack. Dirty bombs, bad guys shooting up the place with AKs. You know, usual shit.” He said, but Flint can see though the lie, and they argue.
“Right. Yeah, you're a bad liar. I don't know if they told you, but I'm a hitman. I'm not a fireman. I don't save people.” Flint shrugs and Flag calls him out.
“Anything for a dollar, right?”
“You know the dark places, too. Don't act like you don't.”
“I'm a soldier! And you're a serial killer who takes credit cards. When the shooting starts, and it will, you'll cut and run.” Flag glares at Deadshot, Red Hood turned back to his seat. “That isn’t a terrorist attack.. you’re probably a good soldier, terrible liar.”
Bullets tear though their hull, someone down on the ground fires at them, killing the pilot and forcing the helicopter to spiral.
“Six-one is going down. Six-one is going down hard!” The vehicle crashes and begins to flip, Red Grips the seat and holds himself tight. The helicopter finally halts down and the second carrier lands and soldier flood put to assist the living crew. The S.S and Flag somehow survive with minimal damage. Red Dusts himself off and looks around, city’s evacuated. This definitely isn’t a terrorist attack, something much darker is happening.
They begin to walk though the empty street, Red taking long looks around to figure out what’s going on, before he can, he hears shouting from behind. Turning around he gripped his pistols and watched as Katana Held Boomerang by her sword, Slipknot trying to grapple and rappel away. Flag shook his head and tapped the device on his wrist, and Slips head went splat, exploding. His corpse hangs on one of his grappling hooks. A grim reminder of just how quickly his life can end.
“You wanna keep playing the Hollywood Squares version of "I'll Blow Your Fuckin Head Off"?” Flag looks at the other inmates, all silent. “You next, Deadshot?” Flags attention turns to Deadshot, who points at him. “You just threatened me? Oh, yeah. He just threatened me.”
They all continue to walk. Deadshot, Red Hood and Harley in a trio.
“All right, I'm gonna kill him.” Deadshot grumbled.
“Well, you better make it quick 'cause he's gonna kill all of us one by one.” Harley adds in.
“I'm gonna drop him, the sword lady, five or seven of these SEALs. After that, I'm gonna need some help. You down?” He asked, and Red cuts him off. “Ain’t gonna work.”
“Why not?” Deadshot replies, Red Rubs the chin of his mask Coyly. “Well.. if only had to guess, Waller isn’t the type to leave well enough alone. You kill Flag and make a break for it, she’ll probably pop your head before you reach a block. She probably has a detonator too. Watching our every move. Red Hood explained, and Deadshot stopped him from walking further.
“You seem real calm, like you already got a plan..”
“I do.. If the HVT is who I think it is, we just have to bide our time. Keep your head on your shoulders and you’ll be fine. But I can’t say that for everyone.” Red picks up the pace and walks, they cut to another block and down a collapsed street. Flag and his men move forward and take a firing line behind a police vehicle, The Squad post up behind them a few feet back, watching. Flag gives an order and a large portion of soldier split off into the alley nearby, leaving him and a few men.
“Hey. I like these odds, mate. You just say the word.” Boomerang eyes Deadshot
“Yeah, uh... Hold that thought.” Red Walks forward to see what they’re focusing on, using his helmet he activates detective mode, standing against Flags men was a soldier who looked, not human. His body oozing black liquid and his head now nothing but eyes, glaring.
“Hm.. Terrorists, right?” Red sarcastically asked Flag, who didn’t say anything. Deadshot approaches too, looking and whatever this was.
“The hell are they?”
“You cut and run, I'll blow your head off.” With a scream a chunk of the charge at the soldiers and squad and the red hood attacked, his duel pistols tearing through the stone like heads of the former soldiers. A trained soldier by Batman made easy work crushing them.
After pinning one down with a judo throw and planting a slug in their face, Red Looks up to see Flag being dragged off by four of the stone monsters, he aimed his handgun and was cut off by one dropping down onto him, his chest clams against the hard asphalt, before Red can counter, a pair of sneakers was near his face, all he heard was a grunt, swing and stone hitting the ground. He pushed the dead soldier off him to Harley toying with her bat, she turns to Flag.
“Good riddance. Am I right?” She smirks at Red, who shook his head and loaded his pistol.
“He dies, we die!” He screamed, she rolls her eyes and the two storm over, laying fire and death on the stone soldiers. Flag looked up as they help him.
“Thanks—“ He starts
“Go Fuck yourself.” Red walks off, ready to lay more fire down. But he didn’t need to, he and many others watched Deadshot mow down soldier after soldier with pin point precision. Dropping the one at a time until they all lie there full of bullets. Deadshot drops down back to the crew, walking past Flag.
“That's how I cut and run.” Deadshot catches up to Harley and Red, as he leans against a car with his arms folded, watching Harley bash in the skull of whatever these monster soldiers were.
“Having fun?” He asked Sarcastically.
“Yeah.. good stress relief.. you should try it..” Harley smashes another head.
“No im good, trying to not be a full blown psychopath id rather just watch you go crazy.” He replies, Harley stoped mid swing and turned to him with a smile.
“Oh, you don’t want to smash heads in.. but there is something I know you can~” she mocked him, which had a flirtatious tone. She stopped her swinging and approached, leaning into his helmet slightly.
“Let me guess, you wear the mask as some type of symbol against the world that’s wronged you, and you do that… by killing bad guys?” She asked.
“I kill because heroes are too weak willed to put the dogs down.”
“But if you kill like they do, makes you just as bad.” Harley finds the perfect flaw in his logic.
“It makes the world a better place.” He retorts and Harley giggled, “A Sociopath with a Savior Complex, original.”
“I am nothing like any of you..” he thought, Harley can see the gears turning in his head. She smirked, and leaned in past his helmet. “Well.. if you want we can sneak away and you can show me just how different you are—“
“E-E-Excuse me?” He stammered slightly, Harley shrugged. “It seems like you have a lot of repressed sexual tension that you need to release, and I.. also might have ulterior motives but, a wins a win right?” Harley poked his chest, and she bats her psychotic eyes, she’s crazy, his type of crazy.
“Hey. Hey, come on.” Deadshot frowns, Harley moves away from (Y/n), who was trying to play it cool under his helmet. Harley kicks the corpse.
“What? I saw it move. See? It flinched. I think. Red agrees with me, right?” Harley kicks the corpse again, Red looked at the corpse in more detail and saw something that began to set more in motion, a dog tag. He shook his head and Approached Flag. “What are they?” He said, in a slight growl.
“I don't know.”
“Bullshit. We’re shooting soldiers, your soldiers.. aren’t we?” Red said, Flag for in the face of red who wasn’t backing down. And he heard Croc’s growl. Flag backs up and walks, “We got a job to do. We're moving.” Flag walks off and leaves Red to think, He shook off the cobwebs and follows, entering the building Red Made his way to the small desk, and checks the CCTV recordings to see nothing there. Boomerang laughs
“Whoo! Looks like we have a spot of luck, eh? Be a walk in the park. Easy peasy.”
“Stop talking” Red Grumbled, he looked up to the sound of dinging, as Harley takes the one working elevator. “Son of a…” they rush up the stairs, they await at the end for Harley, the door opens to her just fine, with dead stone soldiers at her feet. She smiled, and stepped out without a scratch. They kick open the door to the office and from the ceiling soldiers drop though it, another firefight breaks out, and Red begins to notice a pattern. Specifically flag.
Their focus on him makes this story more and more complicated. As the bullets settle, the group make their way up via a flight of stars, Red followed behind slowly, and Harley looks over the railing her eyes hazy, lost, devoid of love. Red Approached from behind.
“Harley?” He asked confused, she turned and drew her handgun, the magnum aimed right at his head. He didn’t flinch, he didn’t feel fear
“… Have you ever been in love?” She asked, sad, the question actually caught him off guard. Red saw flashes of someone in his life, just for a moment.
“I did.. once, not anymore..I don’t think I can love.” He admits.
“Bullshit.. it, has to still be in there, somewhere. What changed?” And asked, and a single manic laugh ringed in his ear.
“Joker..” he said with such scorn and evil, he gripped his gun. “That’s what changed… I don’t have the innocence to love anymore. Do you?” He walked past Harley.
“I wish I do.” She replies. Red turned around and looked at her, “You really love him.. don’t you? You’re a victim.” He turned back and went up the stairs, with, pity on his heart. They go to a large floor and a door beyond it. Before they can go in, Flag turns to them.
“Wait here, Please. I don’t want to give this dude a heart attack, okay?” Flag walks to the door and with caution, enters.
“Aww he’s embarrassed of us.” Harley jokes, but Red Hood turned to Deadshot.
“Remember when I said about the HVT? You want a chance to escape, it’s through that door.” Red Points to the door, and Deadshot approaches, as if to expect some evil monster, what he got.. was much worse.
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gratelove · 3 months
You Know You Can’t Resist Me
Tangerine x Reader
Warnings: 18+, p in v, cursing, rough, fighting, blood
You’re set on a mission to retrieve a briefcase for your boss. Little do you know someone else is sent to do the same thing. Someone you have way too much history with. Someone that you know you can’t resist.
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You push through the crowded train car, trying to find the package you were sent to retrieve. You were hired by an anonymous billionaire to take out the White Death’s son and bring back a briefcase. You were an assassin and thief for hire, so you never asked many questions. You did the jobs and got paid big. That’s all you ever cared about. The train was way more populated than you had expected, but thankfully you knew what the White Death’s son looked like. Everyone in this business does. The White Death is the most well known criminal there is.
You make it to the next train car, continuing to look through a sea of heads, hoping to spot him. You then see a guy sitting by himself in a booth with large, pink, bug eye glasses on. He is wearing a furry blue coat and looks to be asleep. The glasses are starting to fall off of his face and you see a recognizable tattoo on his right temple.
“Bingo,” you say to yourself and walk over, taking a seat in the spot next to him. You look around to make sure no one is watching. You pull out your dagger and put it to his neck. “Hey, wake up asshole.” The guy makes no movement. “Hey,” you push on his shoulder. The glasses fall off his face to reveal blood pouring down his cheeks from his eyes. “Oh, fuck. Who got to you first?” You ask yourself out loud and put the glasses back on his face. You stand and open the cabin head doors, hoping to find the case in there.
“Looking for this?” You hear a British, male voice behind you. You spin around and whip your dagger to the mysterious man’s neck. Your eyes widen in surprise. “I thought it was you, sweetheart. Almost didn’t recognize you with clothes on.” A smile appears behind that too familiar mustache. You then look to see he has a silver briefcase in his hand.
“Tangerine? What are you doing here? I haven’t seen you since Spain.” You and Tangerine go way back. You’ve done multiple jobs where he just so happens to be after the same thing, but always for different people. You’re never on the same side, always at odds, and somehow you two always end up getting a little too friendly, but not this time. This time your on one missions and one mission only. You won’t let him distract you from that.
“Well, it looks like the same thing as you, love.”
“Seems like it. You still with Lemon?”
“Yeah I am. Actually, he’s in the next train car.” He nods his head in the direction of Lemon.
“Oh good, you can give me the briefcase and then go finish sucking each other’s cocks like you do. Don’t forget to tell him I said hi.” You smile at him, reaching for the item. He pulls it away slightly.
“Not gonna happen.”
“You forget I’m the one with a knife to your neck.” You remind him as you motion your eyes toward the dagger at his throat.
“You forget that we’re in a train car full of people.” Tangerine quickly reminds you.
“Well, I’m not leaving without the briefcase.”
“It looks like you are.” You quickly put your dagger in its sheath on your hip. You squint your eyes in concentration, thinking about your next move. “So, what’s it gonna be, doll?” You smirk and put your hands on his shoulders. You lean in close to his face. “We’re getting to it already, huh? I thought there’d be a little more foreplay.” You let out a small laugh at Tangerine’s words as you lean even closer. You both start tilting your heads in opposite directions, as if to kiss, and as you see his eyes flutter closed you lift your knee right into his groin, using the hands on his shoulders to push him into it. Tangerine groans in pain, falling to his knees on the train floor. You chuckle and grab the briefcase from his hand.
“Is that good enough foreplay for you, sweetheart?” You mock his nickname for you and the look on his face lets you know he is fuming. “Thanks for this by the way.” You pat the case and spin around, jogging through the aisle to reach the next car.
You know he won’t be far behind you and the next car you enter is an empty bar. You turn and look through the small window to see Tangerine is already up and heading your way. You think quickly at where to hide the case. Your eyes dart between cabinets and you decide on one right under the bar top. You slide it behind several alcohol bottles. You grab a bottle of vodka and then swiftly close the door, and just in time for Tangerine to enter the room.
“There you are. What took you so long? You need a drink, baby?” You pout your lip out at him as you pour the clear alcohol into a shot glass and hand it to him. He slaps it out of your hand and it spills on the carpet floor.
“Where is it?” His eyes burns holes through you. He is infuriated, and you find it incredibly hot.
“It’d be no fun if I just told you,” you say and take a shot. The alcohol burns as it runs down your throat and you throw the shot glass to the ground. Tangerine reaches over the bar and puts his hand around your throat, pulling your face close to his.
“Y/N, where is it? I’m not fucking around.” His grip gets tighter around your neck.
“Neither am I.” You rear your head back, and smack it right into his nose. His grip loosens and he stumbles back. He looks up at you and reaches his hand to his face. His gaze turns to his hand and he rubs the red liquid from his nose between his index finger and thumb. Tangerine laughs and wipes the back of his hand across his face, removing the small amount of blood coming from his nose. He suddenly pulls the gun from his waist and points it directly at your forehead. “There he is. I thought you went soft on me, baby.”
“Let’s dance, sweetheart.” The minute those words fall from his mouth you grab the gun and twist his wrist. You leap over the bar and your foot meet his chest. He falls back, but quickly recovers, lunging at you. He takes a swing that you barely dodge. Then another comes that you’re not prepared for. It connects with your mouth and you feel an instant sting to your bottom lip. You have the familiar taste of copper in your mouth and spit. Blood lands on the floor and your head whips toward him. “You done yet, love?” Tangerine asks. He is sweating and his curly brown hair is sticking to his forehead.
“We’re just getting started.” You lunge at him pulling out your dagger. You slice toward him cutting his shirt and exposing his chest. He grabs your arm and puts it against the bar top, hitting your hand against the edge so you’re forced to drop your dagger. He then pushes you until your back hits the train car wall. He has you pinned with his legs pressing against yours and your wrists held tight. You’re both breathing heavy and you feel his warm breath hitting your cheeks. You are flushed and wet from sweat. Tangerine makes eye contact and holds your stare. He leans in so close that your lips are almost touching.
“I love you in this position,” he whispers against your mouth. You try hard to not get hot and bothered by his words. He’s so close and you can’t help but feel the need to kiss him. You smash your lips against his in a rough and hungry kiss. He pushes his tongue into your mouth and you moan. His grip around your wrists loosen and he moves his hands up your arms, down your breasts, and finally stops at the bottom of your skirt. You feel his hands start to run up your thighs and you get the instinct to push him off. You shove his shoulders and he looks at you with confusion.
“No, not this time. This always happens, but not this time, baby. I’m here for one thing only,” you say to him, and really try to stick to the promise you made yourself when you realized he was here. He starts to laugh at your words.
“Come on, sweetheart. You know you want me.” He pushes you up against the wall by your shoulders, and once again has you pinned. You try to push your hands against his chest and it’s a short battle before he has your hands pinned above your head. “Stop resisting. You know you can’t resist me. Just like I know I can’t resist you.” Just his words make you wet and you hate yourself for that. You know he’s right. This happens every time you meet him at a job. You wish you could control yourself, but when he’s around, all you can think about is him fucking you. “Are you gonna be a good girl for me now?” He takes both your wrists in one hand as his other hands finds its way back to your thighs.
“I’m never a good girl,” you say to him and he smirks are your words. His smirk alone makes you drip.
“I know, sweetheart. That’s my favorite thing about you.” He breathes as he runs his fingers over your clit through your panties. You shutter at the feeling and a distant sensation tingles through your thighs. He pulls your underwear to the side and runs his index finger between your folds. “You’re already so wet for me. I knew you wanted me,” he breathes. He finds your entrance and slowly pushes two fingers inside you. You gasp and spread your legs open so he has better access. He starts by slowly pumping his fingers in and out of you. You throw your head back against the wall and your eyes flutter shut. He picks up the pace and you feel your legs start to get shaky. The sensation suddenly stops and you’re lifted up off the ground. He’s carrying you over to a booth. He sets you down on the edge and gets on his knees. He pushes your legs open by your knees and rips your panties down your legs. “Oh my god,” he whispers and you look at him staring between your legs in awe. He licks his lips and wraps his arms under your thighs, getting a tight grip on your body. He lowers his face in between your legs and you feel his warm tongue run down your center. You shiver at the feeling. His tongue starts to move faster up and down you. He does this several times before stopping at your clit. He pushes two fingers, roughly back into you and takes your clit between his teeth. You moan loudly as his tongue swirls around your sweet spot. Chills rush up and down your body. You can’t help but squirm as the sensation intensifies.
“Oh my fucking god,” you scream and grab handfuls of his curls. You tug on his hair and his grip tightens around your thighs in attempt to hold you still. “Tan, I’m gonna cum. Oh my fucking god, I’m gonna cum.” You throw your head against the seat as your eyes roll back in pleasure. You feel a wave of release wash over you. Tangerine laps up your juice. He lifts his head, flicking his hair back from his face.
“God, you are so fucking sexy, sweetheart.” He wipes his mouth. You lift yourself up and reach for the zipper of his pants and waist no time pulling them down. You see him bulging through his boxers, and are eager to feel him inside you. You pull those down swiftly and he grabs your wrists, pulling you up. He hoists you up onto one of the tables. His large hands wrap around your hips and he lines himself up with your entrance. You feel him slowly enter you and you can’t hold back the moan that comes out as he stretches you. You wince a little as he fully enters you. “You okay, love?” He stops moving. You bite your bottom lip.
“Mmhm,” you nod. He grabs your face, crashing his lips into yours. You being to move in sync and he slowly pulls out of you, and then shoves back in. You gasp mid kiss and Tangerine rests his forehead against your. You can feel his wet hair against your just as wet forehead. He repeats the motion again, making you moan louder. You throw your arms around his neck. He picks up pace and starts pumping into you. Your nails dig into his back and he goes deeper and harder with every thrust.
“You feel so tight.” He groans and grips your waist again, squeezing hard. Those words make you even more hungry for him, if that’s even possible. You wrap your legs tightly around his waist as he pounds into you. Your moans soon become screams of pleasure. Your whole body is numb with sensation and you dig your nails deeper into his skin. “God, you’re gonna make me cum.” He groans into your neck and starts to suck on your sensitive skin. You bite his shoulder to try to suppress the overwhelming sensation. This makes him let out a loud moan. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” He warns and his pumps pick up pace.
“Fuck baby, I’m gonna cum too.” You moan in his ear. His head is thrown back with one final thrust and he suddenly pulls out. He cums onto your bare thighs and groans, his upper half falling limp on top of you. You both are a mess of heavy breathing and sweat for a pause. Tangerine then lifts himself up, placing an arm on either side of you.
“That was fucking amazing,” he says and you giggle.
“Yes it fucking was.” He leans in and gives you a long kiss.
“God, I needed this.” You lean in and give him another kiss in the lips. You don’t know the next time you will see him after this, so you take in what you can.
“You know, once I catch my breath I’m gonna kick your ass. That briefcase is still mine.” You smirk at him. He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and smiles at you.
“We’ll see about that.”
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐫: 𝐡𝐱𝐡 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏/𝟑)
extra incentive • c. lucifer
synopsis: your study buddy has always been the laid back type, never really showing interest in anything other than books…that is until the two of you decide to relieve some stress before an upcoming exam.
“You know what they say about the quiet ones. Is it true?” “You’re more than welcome to come find out.”
content warning: modern/college au, black fem reader, fingering, hair pulling, corruption (ish) kink unprotected sex, oral sex (f. receiving), riding, squirting, choking, nerd!Chrollo, talk of sex/inexperience
word count: 3.8K
this is the first installment to a three part commission from @annie-franny. Thank you so much for your support and entrusting me with this piece! HunterxHunter is my all time favorite show and I’m happy to be writing for some of my favorite characters. Hope you enjoy, love! 💕
faint raindrops rang outside the windowpane of the fourth floor dormitory..co-ed and co-opted by bright eyed, eager attendees of Yorknew State College. A learning facility of the highest caliber; regarded in the ranks of Cambridge and Oxford in terms of intelligence. Among those in the top bracket of brilliant minds were none other than Chrollo Lucifer. A prodigal genius who came from very humble beginnings and managed to secure a full ride scholarship to the school due to his exceptional educational achievements. Including two award winning literary dissertations on inequality and disproportionate educational opportunities in lower income neighborhoods. A life he knew all too well. Doing so while only being a senior in a vocational school. A man who was as handsome as he was mysterious, leaving many to wonder how he ended up at such a prestigious place. His knowledge only ascended from there and now, he sat as a shoe-in for valedictorian and alongside him was the only person who could probably be considered his equal and quite honestly, one of his only friends.
(Y/N) (L/N), a bright eyed beauty with a kind soul and kindred spirit. Born with an innate gift for reading and all things literature related, you excelled above your peers in no time, surpassing even the most intelligent in every subject. You would spend your lunchtime in the library, grasping every novel, book or composition pertaining to the studies of history; more so specifically your own that the school system refused to teach. Such a curious mind so it came as a surprise to no one when doing college applications, you were among the first to receive an acceptance letter from Yorknew State College nonetheless. Somehow, someway..you and Lucifer ended up intertwining and crossing paths in the campus bookstore. Where a bond formed and you’ve been close ever since, bouncing off ideas, sharing your love of reading and always studying together..hence why now, he was seated in the middle of your floor, cross legged and glued to a textbook as he tapped the back of his pen to the edge of the small table in front of him.
“Damn, Chro. You’re gonna drive me up a wall with that. You’ve been doing it for the past ten minutes.” An obviously irate (y/n) blurting out from the comfort of your bed, knees cradled to your chest with your laptop secured on top of them. You weren’t one to be on edge ever but in comparison to this man, he’d make even the most serene person look mad. Never even getting angry once in all the time you had known him, he truly had the patience of a saint. Oftentimes leaving you to wonder would anything make him tick..
“Oh, I’m sorry, (y/n). Didn’t even realize it. I’ll stop.”
but today, you were both a bit nervous, due in part to a huge assignment coming up in your most important course. One that would determine many things going forward for both of you. More so in terms of personal achievements but important nonetheless. In a frustrated huff, you’d close your computer and slump over, releasing a whiny sigh. “Ugh, I can’t wait for this stupid test to be over. I can’t take it anymore. I feel like I’ve read at least ten different books in the past two days. My head is about to explode.” As dramatic as it sounded, Chrollo most certainly mirrored your sentiments, even if he wasn’t as expressive of it. An exam with over two hundred questions pertaining various works throughout time on random subjects and you’d have to quote excerpts, pick out lines from precise chapters and remember not only the details but page numbers as well. It was so much. “Patience, my sweet (y/n). We’ll knock this exam out of the park and it’ll be done before you know it.”
but luckily you had one another to bounce ideas off of and keep each other accountable. However, it wasn’t lost on you that it was Saturday evening and you were spending it holed up in a room, studying. Normally, it was something that never really crossed your mind. Truthfully, a lot of your peers lacked focus and drive. Not too worried about their failures or fuck ups because they had a silver spoon awaiting them if they couldn’t feed themselves. It infuriated Chrollo and thus, he withdrew even more from his classmates. Isolated and feeling like a loner, he clung to you like a moth to a flame shockingly. So much so, he had eyes for no one else. Even when girls all around campus practically threw themselves at him constantly and had paid them no mind. Dating, relationships, hookups…it all seemed like such a hassle. Trivial things that served him no purpose. He much rather be nose deep in a book, expanding his knowledge than doing anything else. Still, he’d be lying if he said his mind didn’t wander from time to time…
about that girl with these wired rim, round glasses…concealing those dark, deep set eyes. Black coils setting pretty atop your head, skin like honey of the richest variety…needless to say, Chrollo was rather smitten and it wasn’t an honor that he wielded loosely. It took a lot to catch the eyes of the prodigal genius. So when you posed a rather peculiar question, he was a bit nervous to answer.
“Hey, Chro?”
turning his attention towards you with his signature flat smile..those handsome boyish looks that always caused a flutter or two in your heart. Jet black tufts fluttering on either side of his porcelain smooth face, tied by a headband to keep strays tucked back. Tonight, sporting a hoodie with the school insignia along with a pair of gym shorts covering his lanky frame. It was easy to see why he had everyone’s attention.
“Why don’t we ever go to any parties? Are we like the only ones on campus reading like an old couple on a Saturday night?” However, it wasn’t something that phased him in the slightest and rather than being offended, Chrollo would just laugh and flip to the next page of his very intriguing novel.
“You’re free to go if you’d like, no one’s stopping you from attending any of them.” Stating so matter of factly without so much as even glancing in your direction. To most, things like that came off as condescending but you knew that he just didn’t show much emotion about anything. If you asked him a question, he’d simply answer it with no motive or malice behind it. It was something that initially frustrated you but that you had now grown to love. As with many things about this enigma of a man. Slouching off of the bed, (y/n) crawled a few feet over to him, slinging an arm around the back of his neck in a flustered huff. “I knowww, but they wouldn’t even be fun without you.” “I couldn’t understand why. I’m not much for gatherings so I’d be nothing more than a wallflower..if anything, I’d be rather boring." That's when you’d probe him with another question, still hanging onto his slender frame..your head resting on his back. With your hands coiling his chest, you could feel his heart racing and obviously, nothing ever got him excited but it was something so different about you. He wasn’t much for affection or physical touch but somehow, he didn’t mind when you held him. You guys were incredibly close and comfortable so it came as no surprise that you’d ask him such a thing with no shame. “…Chro..are you a virgin?”
causing the dark haired man to choke up in laughter. You two rarely ever kept secrets from one another but then again, most information relayed between you guys was pertaining to academics and knowledge. None of this trivial nonsense. However, something must’ve sparked this sudden curiosity about his intimate life. “That’s a bit invasive, don’t you think?” “Just answer the question please.” obvious that you were going to persist on this, he’d release a deep breath and shut his book, turning to properly face you as he gave you his response. “If you must know…no, I am not a virgin.” He was, however, completely celibate until the proper person came along and changed it. Even so, it shocked you and he’d cackle, wondering why your mouth was agape.
“What? Are you surprised?” And as horrible as it sounded to admit, you were a bit taken aback. “A little bit! Just doesn’t seem like it’s something you’d be into. No offense.” You figured him to be completely clueless on the topic of sex but alas, he had been with two people in his young lifetime. Some woman he lost his virginity to and a girl he hooked up with in a one off exchange. Neither time was some profound experience that kept him coming back for more or even drew him closer to the girls. It was just something that happened and it wasn’t something that he had ever pondered on. However, spending the last year or so growing closer to you had his mind wandering. Believe it or not, he was rather smitten with you. The only one to really make him take a second look nowadays. Watching you switch around in those frilly dresses and tight little skirts, looking all cute and bubbly. He’d oftentimes find himself blushing as he watched you part your curls, moisturizing them after wash day. Even offering to help..just because he enjoyed your presence. Carrying your stuff to class and always lingering around, waiting on you to get out as if you were still in high school. How you hadn’t seen it yet was beyond him. Hence why he didn’t do random hookups..you were the sole object of his carnal desires when they arose. Like this current moment.
“None taken. But I have to ask, why the sudden inquisition?..something on your mind?” Questioning so casually with that soft smug smirk on his face. He had to know where this was coming from. Roping a hand around his shoulder blade and collar bone, (y/n) teased his black wefts between your fingertips and giggled. There were a lot of things running through your mind at this point. Things that you weren’t certain you should say out loud…out of fear of rejection or sounding too forward. But since you could trust one another so well…there was no point in hiding it.
“You could say that..I guess what I’m trying to say is..I could use a distraction for a while.” Admitting as you teased your fingertips across his chest. And it didn’t take long for him to pick up the hint you had so blatantly thrown down. Flicking his tongue across his lips, Chrollo ogled back at you for a moment, turning to tip your chin up. It was obvious that there was rising tension between you two that could only be solved one way. That festering desire wasn’t going to disappear unless one of you acted on it.
“So what you’re saying is..” talking so smoothly that in one fell swoop, Chrollo was able to spin and capture you in his grasp, landing both of you on the carpet, his body atop yours and your faces only mere inches apart. “You want me to fuck you? Is that it?” Having never heard him use such brash language. Either way, it was so attractive and sexy. There was a certain glare in his eyes, as if he too had been waiting on this moment. Snaking a hand up your outer thigh, he’d crawl slowly between your parted legs. He wanted you and desperately, all you had to do was give him the say so and he’d dispel any and all preconceived notions you’d had about him. “I mean…I’m simply hoping to test a theory. You do know what they say about the quiet ones. Is it true?” “You’re more than welcome to come find out.”
with that, it was all the declaration you needed. The two of you began engaging in a heated makeout session. Cupping your hands to his face, shoving your tongues into each other’s mouths…trying to peel back layers of one another’s clothing. Swirling them around one another in a flustered haze. Moaning and whimpering whilst things became much more intense. It didn’t take long for either of you to render the other nude or even find your hands roaming all over your entangled bodies…his hands on your hips, running along the seams of your clothing. Sharp gasps elicited by subtle neck sucking; the warmth of his breath brushing against your skin…even whimpering and tossing your head back when he’d glide down to your nipples, faintly licking them just to make you shudder. He’d then work his way between your thighs, glaring up at you with those usually cold, dark eyes; so full of life and lust as he hungrily parted your thighs. His primal instincts took over in an instant. As were your own. “..look at that. So sexy..” in reference to that slick covered slit and swollen pearl protruding through those plump lips. A sight like he had never witnessed before; it was beautiful. “You won’t be mad if I get a taste, will you?” Shaking your head with a slight whimper, anticipating his next move. Mere seconds later, you’d find him greedily feasting on your soaked sex. Flicking his tongue so delicately throughout the sensitive area; teasing the clit, sucking on those folds and leaving soft kisses on that pretty pussy of yours. “Haah!—ahh, Chro! Fuck!..” crying out in a fit of pleasure, sandwiching his head between your hands. Curling your fingers through his soft hair, gently tugging at them but trust, he needed no assistance. “You taste so sweet, my love.” Not with the way he was sloppily spitting and lapping on your cunt. He was so skilled and intricate with the way he did it, you were sure you’d be seeing stars. “Mmmm! Ahh..” making all of those pitiful babbling noises that were only further fueling his desire to devour you. Fucking you tirelessly with his tongue. Feasting until your legs began to shake violently and those sweet nectar-like fluids could no longer be contained and you’d find yourself coming on his tongue..squirting from his impeccable oral. You’d cover your face, in half embarrassment and shock as it riddled your body. “Don’t be shy now, let me see that pretty face..” It wasn’t until he came up for air, his hands softly groping at your breasts did it really dawn on the two of you what was transpiring. But it was a tad bit too late to back out now. Instead, he’d shift to his side midway, propping your smaller frame up on his thigh as to balance you against it. That docile demeanor seemed to dissipate before your eyes and a side you’d never think to see began to awaken..one you’d like very much.
“You see, my sweet (y/n)…what I lack isn’t knowledge, not by a long shot. But experience..experience with the right person.” declaring so sweetly as he stroked the side of your face to help you calm down from your climatic high, only to induce another. Working those pale, slender digits between your jaws and whirled them around. “See..I know things that would make your body tick. Things that would send you into shock and make you cry my name out to the heavens. I would make love to you in ways that would cause your soul to erupt into flames. Every little movement, I’d make certain you fell deeper for me..so addicted that you won’t even dream of another man touching you..alas, I never found that person.” was a mere taste of what I’m capable of.”
all the while he was speaking to you, filling your ear and head with perverse thoughts, Chrollo’s opposite hand snaked around your throat and his eyes averted downward. By now, you were a drooling mess…letting that trail lube your already dripping folds as he shoved those same digits inside of you..working them around. “Hnghh!” “Shhh..just relax.” But he wouldn’t be the only one at work. Soon, he’d instruct you to grasp at his exposed member and coil your fingers around his shaft, slowly working it over. Not for nothing, but he wasn’t lacking in size either..girthy and thick but long also. That pink tip emitting pearlescent white precum. You were so needy and impatient, wanting to feel him right away but it wasn’t plausible. He doubted that you couldn’t even take it…
“That is until now. Until I met you, (y/n). I’ve dreamed of this moment and having you all to myself..now I’ve gotten it.” grunting into your ear, sucking on his teeth as you continued to massage him between your fingertips. Neither of you could maintain this charade of teasing much longer so with one final kiss to your temple, Chrollo hoisted you up ever so slightly, barely breaking the contact of your skin and gave one last command:
“Go ahead, put it in yourself.”
something about that primal energy he was tapping into really turned you on. Making you yelp while you worked yourself down to his aching tip. Pulsating as it split you open..causing you both to audibly gasp once it met the silky warmth of your insides. He had to all but restrain himself from hammering up into you but it had been quite some time since he felt a sensation like this one. “Mmmm…God, you’re so tight. But don’t worry..I won’t go too fast. We’ll take our time until you can fit all of me. We won’t rush it.”
talking you through those movements his palms placed to your hips and your back to his chest. It was while you were becoming one and getting acclimated with those strokes did he begin to buck upward very gently; meeting you halfway while giving you steamy, sloppy tongue kisses. You couldn’t stop moaning into his open mouth and he couldn’t keep his hands to himself. He wanted to squeeze on those beautiful breasts, pinch your nipples between his fingertips and especially, massage that swollen clit. Although, he’d save that last one for the right moment. You’d more than likely come entirely too quickly. So he’d settle for giving you affirmations to keep you going. Bouncing up and down on his dick, trying to eventually make it disappear inside of that pretty pink flesh. But as it stood, you could only take it about halfway to the hilt. Sounds of squelching and colliding flesh filled your tiny room and right there on that floor, your bodies clashed in heated ecstasy and bliss. Eventually, he was able to push it in a bit more before you found an established rhythm. “Keep going. Yes..you’re doing so good. Riding me like this…and you’re creaming all over it. Are you going to milk me too, sweetheart?” Cooing whilst sucking on his teeth, tossing his head back in pure pleasure. That pussy was something special and he wanted to savor it for as long as possible.
“Yes, ‘wanna make you come for me…fuck!” Whimpering so pathetically and sweetly, it made his cock twitch..that throbbing, continuing to fill your flesh. By now, the two of you had established a synchronized rhythm and pace. (Y/N) riding him, rolling your hips and subtly shaking your ass; standing atop your tiptoes even, when he fucked you. “Ooh, just like that. Look at how nicely you’re taking me now. Opening up so good..” now gripping the thick of your plump ass, now starting to thrust upward. He was enjoying your little tricks and show but he couldn’t hold back any longer. Having not been releasing pent up energy or realizing that he needed to, Chrollo was coming undone by the second, rutting his hips into you with that firm grip. “You don’t have to hold back, sweetheart. Come..make a mess of me. Let it all out..” with that affirmation, you’d release every drop of your sweet, squirting cum..as well as any stress or agitation in your body. Those much needed endorphins rushing through your systems. Spent and out of breath, you’d collapse against one another right there on the floor..panting and laughing. You couldn’t remember the last time either of you had felt this good.
“That was…something.”
“Yes it was..”
most certainly agreeing on that front. Something that was beneficial for the both of you. Now he felt as if they were able to conquer anything after that. And so did you!..clutching your arm, he’d gently caress it and kiss your forehead. “Well I suppose that’s one way to clear your mind.” Making the joke as he turned to face you, staring at you in a way he’d never stared at anyone in his entire life. Because in all honesty, he had never shared a connection like that with anyone. He’d never been one for a relationship or even casually hooking up..his sole focus was academics but after this? He felt as if he could make an exception for his favorite person perhaps. Clasping your fingers together, Chrollo made another declaration, one you couldn’t refuse. “I don't know about you, but I’m ready for this test now. My head is ten times more clear than it was.” “I’m glad to hear it. Tell you what…pass it and I have much more where that came from.” Just then, your features illuminated with a sparkle he had never quite seen in those beautiful eyes of yours..
“Mmm..I don’t think that’ll be much of a problem.”
giving you all the extra incentive you need.
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btsbling · 4 months
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💋 | “May I have this dance?”
💋 | Pairing: Jungkook x reader
💋 | Genre: Angst to fluff
Every time his gaze wanders towards her. Your heart clenches, eyes shift away in sadness and your whole body slumps.
he comes in waves. Your heart pounds hard against your chest whenever he smiles at you, a rarity to behold. But in the end, you’re always reminded of the fact that he retreats to her.
You’re reminded of the fact that his heart, goes to her.
Not you.
You weren’t aware of the reason, but you knew that his heart belonged to her.
Your senior, whose grades were astounding unlike yours. She has the perfect body, hair and voice, it wasn’t shocking that the person he fell for would be someone who is as attractive as he is
But funny how you realise where his eyes wander.
but don’t realise how his heart points to you.
You’re sure, 100% sure he hates you. You and Jungkook have known each other since day one of college. It has never been the same
It was never peaceful between the two of you, either the frosty ice-cold glares or the heated bickering.
There were a few times you’ve wanted to murder that one but at the same time there were instances where he made you heart beat a hundred times faster
there were a few things to note about Jeon Jungkook
1. He’s annoying
2. Head over heels for his senior
3. hella attractive
4. he’s annoying
5. should not make your heart race but somehow still manages to find a way to do so
You twirled the sparkling champagne in your grasp. You should’ve never come.
you couldn’t understand why. Why of all men you had to fall for him.
The man with gorgeous slick black hair, thick pink lips, adorable bunny smile and a voice that could bring anyone to their knees.
The only reasonable explanation you could count on; Life works in mysterious ways and the heart longs for the things it can’t get.
So here you are, sitting at the corner bar of the ballroom, your stilettos long forgotten, strewn on the floor below your barstool. Your hair was wavy and styled to perfection and your dress complimented your natural curves.
But, as always, he would only spare you a glance before rushing you along to the ball, his heart beating excitedly for another individual.
“Y/n hurry it up, we’re gonna be late” he says, checking his watch. He was anxious. You could feel it, literally. Anxious to see her
You sighed, quickly grabbing your things but paused as you felt him slide his coat over your shoulders.
“it’s going to be cold silly” that was all he said before he left the door first.
It was, stupid, and embarrassing but you couldn’t help but snuggle further into his coat, enjoying the scent of his cologne and it’s warmth.
But you realised, how these things only lasted for a few minutes, and these are the things he do, not for you but out of his goodwill.
When you arrived to the destination, you were immediately bombarded with compliments from the rest of his friends, them not being familiar to the sight of you in a formal dress.
You blushed as they greeted you with hugs and complimented you on your dress.
And you could’ve sworn the hold that jungkook had on your waist, tightened.
But as she walked in, his hand slipped away, immediately going to her and leaving you behind.
You actually know her, the senior that jungkook was definitely in love with. She was beautiful and kindhearted, even helping you with some unclear topics since she was a year above you. You greeted her with a smile and let the others welcome her.
and as he talked to her, you could see how happy he was and how you would never be able to make him as happy as she could.
It was easy to slip away, not bothering to tell anyone. You found the bar and grabbed a champagne flute before exploring the place.
It was a charity event that your university had collaborated with and most of the students were invited.
It was magnificent to say the least.
Sipping on your champagne, you leaned on the balcony as you stared at the starry sky. How you wish upon a star, that you could be the girl he was in love with, the girl who could make him smile brightly.
You smiled sadly at the sky, regretting coming to this event in the first place
“Hey” someone called out
you whipped behind to find Namjoon, holding a similar flute.
“Oppa” you smiled before standing straight and greeting him again.
“What are you doing alone out here y/n, the rest are inside chilling” he asked you
Namjoon has always been a insightful senior whom, in many instances, literally blessed you with the ability to pass your exams.
You shook your head, “nah, just...not really feeling it” you told him truthfully. You couldn’t bare, watching him gush over her.
“It’s because of kook isn’t it?” he glanced at you. “You know, he looks at her with admiration. He looks at another girl with eyes filled with love”
you snorted, shaking your head.
“Thanks oppa, but it’s hard to believe that’s true” you whispered
even if it was true, the possibility of him ever harbouring feelings for you would be a big fat zero.
“My dear, stubborn junior, he should know his limits, i mean i am dating said senior” now that made you choke slightly and your eyes to widen.
Namjoon pat you gently while chuckling.
“You’ll see, soon enough when he decides to actually man the fuck up” Namjoon said while shaking his head and snickering
you were confused by his response but decided to remain silent. you gave him a half-hearted smile in slight respect and then looked out into the scenery
However much you wanted to jump out of the balcony, scale the wall like a fucking parkour master and race home, the view in front of you was worth not accidentally breaking your bones.
The sun had set hours ago, giving way to a serene and beautiful night sky. The moon gleamed gorgeously and the stars filled the blank, dark canvas, and the stars sparkled like diamonds.
You stared at the sky above you, wishing the stars and moon would listen to your wish
i wished he looked at me the same way he looks at her
“There you are, i was- hyung” Jungkook entered, stopping when he saw the two of you. his eyes narrowed, and even thought you don’t notice, his hands clenched together into tight fists, teeth clenching together.
“that’s my cue, to my two stupidly idiotic juniors, i hope you find your way.” Namjoon announces as he stands up, adjusts his tie and head back to the main hall. “aka jungkook just tell her” he shouts as he starts running
immediately a blush paints the colours of Jungkook’s face, and he immediately shouts back, “Yah, hyung!” eyes filled with panic and slight annoyance.
At this point you were hella confused. The cool breeze caused the trees to sway and rustle and you immediately felt goosebumps forming on your arms. Cursing yourself for not bringing a coat or something of that sort, you desperately rub your arms up and down in hopes of minimal warmth.
You felt his suit drape across your shoulders, and Jungkook huffs while taking you into his arms and cuddling your face into his chest. immediately his warmth envelopes you and his scent makes you blush and push your face further into his chest.
Just enjoy it for a while
Jungkook slightly rocks the two of you together making you giggle. “dance with me” he says, eyes filled with something you called unfamiliarity. You but your lip and you feel your face get hotter with embarrassment, “i-i don’t know how to dance” you whisper, eyes not meeting his. Damnit you couldn’t even dance, she probably knows how to
Jungkook chuckles as he tilts your chin up, placing his hand on your cheeks. This was seriously the first time he had ever showed this much “affection” to you, it was as if the Jungkook who bickered with you, literally sticking his tongue out at you in an argument had been buried
“step on my shoes y/n” you widened your eyes at his words. and couldn’t help yourself when you muttered out, “i’m sorry what?”
Jungkook groans and tightened his hold on you, his arms resting on your waist. “Step on my shoes and i’m not repeating it”
“b-but i’m”
“y/n” he says softly. Something shines through his eyes, his stare makes your heart race faster in your chest. You step lightly on his shoes, as he smiled down at you and starts to move.
Jungkook guides you literally, as the two of you dance the the soft melody of the band playing in the main banquet, under the gleam of the moon.
You giggle, loving the moment and Jungkook flashes you a grin that takes your breath away.
You smile, though sadly, thinking about the fact that after this, the two of you would go back to being friends? sorta enemies? you’re not even sure
but you cherished the moment you spent with him, no matter how painful your heart cries at the fact that you’ll never be his.
“hmm?” you hum, resting your head on his chest, his neck resting on your head.
“i have something to tell you”
“yeah?” you mumble absentmindedly loving the warmth his body is emitting
“y/n look at me”
this was when you realise, what his eyes was trying to convey.
“you know how i said i would never like someone like you” his said without any hesitation
Your heart twists and already your eyes stung with tears you tried to hide as you looked down at your shoes
“yeah?” you whisper painfully
he once again tilt your head to look at his eyes. His beautiful fucking eyes.
“the reason is because i’ve already fallen in love with someone like you”
your eyes widen and you open your mouth to reply but he takes the opportunity to kiss you on the lips. Holy smokes
his hands gently pushes your neck closed towards him, deepening the kiss as your hands slid up his back, intertwining at his neck. Your heart was ready to leap out of home base and your swear your knees was going to fail you at any given moment.
He pulled away, leaning his forehead against yours. You relished in the moment, as he smiles brightly.
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iliektehhaxs · 7 months
Part three of the baker AU, introducing Baker! Bi-Han!
As the first son, Bi-Han inherited the bakery from his father. He works as the store manager, but he started out like a baker, just like the rest of his brothers. He grew up knowing that when he was of age he was going to take over the shop, a task which he graciously accepted. He wasn’t the most excited about it, but if not him, who else? Like hell he was going to trust Tomas and Kuai Liang to do it.
Over the years the bakery’s reputation has also instilled a deep sense of pride, and despite his grievances he actually does run the shop well, the back wall decorated with an array of various awards. It’s the one part of the shop he can safely say he enjoys looking at, if only to stroke his ego before he goes back to managing the back of the house.
Kuai Liang has noticed that recently he’s been in a more foul mood, and he thinks it’s because he’s no longer a baker, instead of being behind an oven he now spends his time behind a desk. In Tomas’s own words, stagnancy has done Bi-Han no favors.
“Come now, you have to lighten up a little!” The younger brother says, wiping his hands on his apron.”
Bi-Han only scoffs in response, fixing Tomas with an ever-present scowl. “Unlike you, I do not make it a habit to get distracted at work. Idle hands do no one any favors.”
He can hear Kuai Liang sigh behind him. “If you’re talking about our newest regular—“
He stops his brother before he can say another word. “Do try to remember that our duty comes first.”
Yes, in Bi-Han’s eyes idle hands do no favors, especially when you are the source.
He catches you talking to Tomas and Kuai Liang a couple times, just standing back and watching them fawn over you, arms crossed as he silently judges you from across the store. You’re just a girl to him, one who’s managed to distract his brothers somehow.
Needless to say, he’s not impressed. He doesn’t understand how you’ve caught the eye of his siblings until he actually talks to you for the first time.
For one reason or another, the two are out for the day so Bi-Han’s running the front of the house. You’re not gonna lie, he intimidates you. An ever-present scowl on his face, just his size and sheer stature make you feel like an ant standing next to him. You’ve circled the store at least four times before he finally cuts through the red tape.
A gruff voice calls out as you look at the brownies for the fifth time today. “Are you going to order or do you enjoy running laps around my store?”
You turn around quickly, looking at the tall man timidly. You get the sense that his temper is on a short fuse, a far contrast from the other two employees.
“I will, I’m just thinking—“
“You’ve been at that same display five times now.”
No nonsense, he calls you out with no hesitation and you’re finally forced to greet the mysterious stranger at the counter.
“It is about time,” he utters, hands on the counter. “I was beginning to think you would never leave.”
You’re not sure what you’ve done wrong, but he doesn’t seem to like you. You decide to get your order as fast as possible to save the both of you any trouble.
“I think I’ll have the m&m brownies,” you say, reaching into your bag for your wallet. “Tomas recommended them to me last time I came here—“
“He did, did he?” He interrupts. You freeze as if you’ve said something wrong.
A huff of laughter escapes the stoic man. “A juvenile choice. I’m not surprised coming from Tomas.”
Only slightly peeved at his jab towards your new friend, you ask: “What would you recommend then?”
A raise of his eyebrow, as if to silently judge you, and then he answers. “What I would recommend is not on our menu.”
He goes on to list off the ingredient and baking process and with how fancy it sounds it makes you question on whether or not you can afford it. You guess your confusion is written plain on your face because after a while he stops, tells you to “stay here” and leaves. He soon returns with a tiny dish in his hand and places it on the counter.
It turns out for all his posturing that it’s an apple tart. A rather fancy apple tart, but still an apple tart nonetheless. Shaped like a rose, lightly dusted with powdered sugar, you’d be a liar if you didn’t say it didn’t look good.
“Oh wow, that’s...”
“Much better than a brownie, isn’t it?”
A look is exchanged between the two of you, and beneath his callous exterior you think you see...pride?
You buy it, a decision the man in front of you seems to approve of.
“A wise choice.”
From the first bite you actually like it, a lot. It tastes as good as it looks, flaky and crunchy and oh so sweet, you say as much and it’s like you can physically witness his chest puffing out, voice like gravel as he speaks.
“I should hope so, I made them after all.”
“You did?” You ask. “I didn’t know you were a baker too.”
“Formerly,” he says with a hint of frustration. “I own the store now. I let my brothers handle that responsibility.”
Your ears perk up at that. “Brothers? So you’re related to Kuai Liang and Tomas?”
“I am.”
It’s silent for a moment, but with a sigh he puts his hand forward. “My name is Bi-Han, the eldest.”
You shake his much larger hand in your own, not shocked that his grip is firm. You try to respond in kind but the attempt only amuses him, barely a smirk gracing his features.
“I’ve seen you before, talking to my brothers,” he begins, opening the register. “You have a great talent for distracting them.”
You grow more embarassed by the second. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—“
“Do not blame yourself. Their faults are theirs alone.”
He rings you up and hands you back your change. Before you leave you leave Bi-Han with a final message.
“Thanks for the apple tart! If it means anything, you should try baking again.”
The door closes just as he turns to look at your form leaving the store. He never thought about it, but the look of enjoyment you had while eating his food...when was the last time he felt that proud?
He looked to his awards, then looked to the plate where the tart once stood, barely any crumbs left after you had devoured it.
Maybe this new girl has some taste after all.
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writingseaslugs · 1 year
Che'nya: When He's Sick
Che’nya, my baby girl! Of course I had fun writing Che’nya, it’s always a blast when I write something for him. Also the scenario was just too funny to pass up in my head, so here we go. Hope you enjoy this little headcanon list of Che’nya being sick.
Disclaimer: All characters in this series are aged up. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please do a quick read of THIS post. 
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Che’nya: When He’s Sick
When Che’nya gets sick, everyone is going to know. He’s not subtle about it, and he’ll be telling everyone he knows that he’s dying and to prepare for his funeral. He’s dramatic at times, but does find it hilarious when Riddle actually gets concerned thinking that he was being serious about it. Once it’s discovered that he just got a cold from staying out too late in the rain, he gets less concerned, which is no fun for Che’nya. Wanna know who is fun though and will probably take pity on a poor cat? The Ramshackle Prefect…aka you.
You’re gonna wander in from class to find a sick Che’nya on your couch, telling you how unfair life is and how you should take pity on him. In truth, he does look like shit. His shirt is barely hanging on and he has a thin sheen of sweat on him and a flushed face. Not to mention the red nose and tissues scattered around him. Poor boy is dealing with a horrible cold and probably does need someone to take care of him or else he’ll just rot away. He’s not going to mention how he can totally take care of himself.
He doesn’t like medicine, period. Sadly he chose you to go to in his time of need, so he’s having to take some or else he’s getting booted back to his own damn school. He’s going to be muttering about it as he downs the gross liquid and gagging at the taste. Why did they feel the need to make something like NyQuil so vile in the first place? Thankfully the sleepy feeling takes him over soon enough and he’s passed out on the couch so you can begin patting him dry with a towel and placing a chill one on his forehead to help alleviate the fever.
He only wakes up because of his stomach grumbling and notices he’s somehow been transported to one of the spare bedrooms you have. Whether you carried him there or got one of your friends is a mystery, but at least the mattress and blankets are more comfortable than the couch was. He’ll be dragging himself onto wobbly feet to your kitchen to see if he can snag something, only to be greeted by some soup and a note to say to eat it slowly while you’re away at class. Oh you’re just the sweetest, he made the best decision to crash here while he recovered, even if his campus is probably in a panic about where one of their students went.
Once he’s better he’ll be ditching to head back to Royal Sword Academy, but not before leaving you a small note as thanks. Expect him to visit a few times throughout the week to surprise you with thank you gifts. They’ll be the most random things he can find as well, but it sends a very clear message that he’s thankful you took the time to take care of him. Next time though, he’ll make sure to tell someone on campus that he’s going to be gone for the day so they don’t send out a search party. Honestly that in itself was a nightmare to explain when he got back, and of course you had some explaining to do of your own. Mainly because your own little cat made a comment about someone crashing on your couch.
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bambina-lita · 6 months
imagine being at one of those old dive bars in town with friends, and after a few drinks in, you get dared to take an egg from the giant glass container of fermented, pickled eggs. only thing is, you’re an absolute lightweight when it comes to alcohol, so in your buzzed brain, you somehow misinterpret the dare as to take them all. this container is absolutely huge, mind you, at least half your body weight. the bartender has no idea how old it is, he says it’s been there since they started working, and this is an older gentleman whose been here a long time.
while the bartender and many others as distracted by an ongoing game on television, you manage to lift the entire container and tip it back in your mouth like its a drink. again, in your drunken stupor, you think you can handle this like it’s a drink. so the softened eggs come rolling in down your mouth, down your throat, one by one. you can’t even decide how they taste, because you’re just blindly sucking it all down. gulp gulp gulp. loud, obnoxiously slurping sounds as your throat bobs visibly taking in each egg and all the fermenting juice. and the effect is almost instantaneous. your stomach protrudes like a slow rising dome. it peeks out from your sweater, and then before long, the massive, gravid bump is pushing back the whole fabric. halfway through, you are stuffed beyond measure. but you keep going. you want to finish the dare, don’t you? so you spread your legs a little to adjust to the growing new weight — a literal globe distending from your belly —and keep going. it’s a good thing you’re drinking the fluid too, otherwise your belly would be awkwardly shaped from all the eggs squishing and crammed inside you. instead, the additional bloat allows for them to slosh inside. chug chug chug, your idiotic brain is chanting as you keep going.
by the time you finish, a highlight of the game is over and the bartender realizes what you’ve just done. he shakes his head disapprovingly. some of the patrons notice your apparent late-end pregnant belly that was definitely not there when you first arrived. they all shake their heads, as if in agreement. what a stupid, attention-seeking girl. she’s gonna pay for it later, for sure.
you wobble your way back to your friend circle; half of them are mortified, the other half are mystified. someone playfully slaps your drum-tight belly playfully, it elicits a hot, hearty burp you didn’t even know was welded up in there. the alcohol is preventing you from feeling any pain over your error; you just feel so warm, so stuffed, so packed. is that such a bad thing on this cold night? it’s not. but what is bad is how distracted you are from all the mystery gases brewing and churning inside. your friends can hear it when they curiously place an ear beside your bump. it’s just like the patrons all said before — you’re gonna pay for later.
when it’s time to leave, one of your friends mercifully helps you shuffle towards their car. the bump hasn’t gone down by any means. you’ve been stifling burps for the last few minutes. swallowing them back down means you’re only keeping in all the air you foolishly sucked down, on top of the fermented egg jar. now you’re acutely aware of the tightness too. everything hurts. you’re shamelessly moaning open-mouthed, leaning back miserably in your car seat. your friends are just barely able to get the seatbelt around your distended middle. they tell you that they’ll be home soon. but at some point, they hit a bump. that jostles you terribly. your painfully stuffed stomach jostles and sloshes loudly for everyone to hear. and then;
frt. frt. frrrrrt.
it’s like an air leak from a balloon. you don’t do anything to stop it. the plethora of little noxious farts slips one by one in quick succession. everything is bubbling up inside of you. burps soon accompany it. you can taste the stench of the pickled eggs and your liquor. each burp, each fart, grows shamelessly louder and louder. your friends whine and moan, windows are immediately rolled open for the mercy of fresh air. at least the air being released is somewhat helping with the bloat. somewhat. barely. no, honestly, it’s barely made a dent in the damage you self inflicted.
one of your friends sitting next to you rubs your belly in small circles, as if to coerce some more air out. they’re one of the only ones who is sympathetic to your plight. that is, until they whisper in a voice which only you can hear; “i think you can handle more, don’t you?”
the one fragment of common sense remaining in your head screams no. that’s absolutely insane. why would you go any further than this with mindlessly stuffing yourself? you’re already a ticking time bomb, your belly is ready to implode from being so overly packed.
but you dumbly nod your head, a cute little squeak-fart following. in your head you’ve somehow conjured up the image of those pickled eggs as being your own brood now, so you’ve gotta eat for two now. or two hundred, or whatever the number was.
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strangerquinns · 1 year
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Deadly Reunion | Chapter 3
Eddie Munson x female!reader // a stranger things apocalypse au
summary: You and Eddie have been best friends since childhood. But when the outbreak happened five years ago, you were torn from one another in the chaos. but now you're left alone, after your group was killed by another radical crew, leaving you to seek out what was once home.
warnings: angst + adult themes w/ descriptions of violence, blood, torture + other zombie apocalypse related issues
word count: 2.1k+
⪻ previous chapter | next chapter ⪼ | stranger things masterlist
Six Years Before The Outbreak: Summer 1987
You stood on the booth of the table reserved for the boys bouncing and dancing along with the music. Sweat dripped down along your temples and along your body. Nothing was stopping you with the free feeling of alcohol through your veins and Corroded Coffin blaring through the speakers.
“Get down! You’re gonna hurt yourself,” a voice screamed, somehow overpowering the music to meet your ears.
        When you looked down your eyes met with Sarah Hoppers. Outside of Eddie, Sarah was another that you were nearly attached to at the hip. The two of you best friends since preschool and stuck all the way through high school. Even with joining cheerleading and becoming part of the popular crowd, Sarah made sure to never forget you and her were friends from the start. She tried to get you to become friends with Chrissy, Jason, and the rest of the group she’d become acclimated with. But it never worked out.
Instead, the two of you hung out during occasions like tonight. Just you, Eddie, and Sarah.
The three of you together like old times.
“No!” You shouted back with a giggly, drunken smile on your lips “Come on, have some fun!”
Sarah sighed heavily, a curse slipping through her lips along with your name, “You are going to break your neck, I don’t think that’s a way you want to spend your birthday.”
        You pouted down at Sarah before slowly moving down from the cushioned seat, only now noticing that it was covered in spilled beer and other mysterious liquids. Your boots met the floor of the bar, swaying slighting into Sarah. Thankfully she was quick to catch you before your face was met with the nasty floor. The drink in your hand sloshed slightly causing some of it to spill on the front of your shirt.
“Ah, man,” You pouted and weakly tried to wipe it away.
“Thank you, everybody! We are Corroded Coffin!” Eddie screamed into the mic as their set came to an end.
        The crowd around you erupted into near chaos as they screamed and cheered. The wet spot on your shirt was quickly forgotten as you joined in. Sarah was beside you giggling and clapping her hands as the band took a bow, before exiting. Sarah’s hand moved to grab tightly to yours, before soon, she was pulling you through the bodies. You stumbled after her with the world starting to spin around you. People giving you dirty looks as Sarah barreled through them. Sarah might’ve been tiny, but she held some power and showed it when needed.
        It wasn’t long till you were out of the tight, heated confines of the bar and into the cooler greenroom of the Hideout. The noise didn’t die down much with the guys hooting and hollering, their energy on a high from the stage. The moment the sound of the door opening cut through the room, Eddie turned to see you and Sarah stumbling in with wide smiles on each your faces.
“Holy shit that was so awesome!” You laughed before stumbling into Eddie. His laughter met your ears as his arms wrapped around you.
“That was the best we’ve ever fucking played,” Eddie smiled, grabbing your face before bending down to kiss your cheeks.
His face was nearly split with how wide and bright his smile was. The clear pride he had for not only himself, but his bandmates was clear in his body language. Eddie’s arm stayed wrapped around you, his sweaty body pressed against yours. You didn’t care at all.
Sarah looked over at you with a knowing look and a wink as she watched the two of you.
Sarah was the only one, to your knowledge, that knew of your love for Eddie. Sarah was your best friend, no question. But Eddie, the feelings you had for him went way beyond ‘best friend’. You knew, deep down, that you were in love with Eddie.
 But too scared to say a damn thing about it.
Garrett came through passing shot off to everyone in the room, “To the best motherfuckin’ bandmates, we played our hearts out tonight…and I just know…somethin’ is coming from this!”
        Everyone let out a cheer before clinking the glasses together. Eddie looked down toward you with a smile, his glass hitting against yours, before the two of you knocked them back. The sweet burn of the alcohol moves down your throat before settling warmly in your belly.
“Don’t forget,” Eddie spoke loudly, catching everyone’s attention as he took a step away from you. “Sweetheart…”
“Eddie…don’t you dare,” You giggled, your drunken state causing you to slur your words, your eyes glazed over.
“Happy Birthday to you,” Eddie started the song, the rest of the room following along quickly into the chorus.
        Your face hurt from the smile that never seemed to leave your face, watching as your room full of friends erupted into song.
“You guys are such losers,” You spoke once the song came to an end.
“Not every day you turn 21, sweetheart,” Eddie spoke, before walking over and grabbing a beer for himself.
        The energy of the room died down slightly but didn’t fully go away as everyone broke off with their drinks and separate conversations. You watched as Sarah slid into Jeff’s lap, and her arm wrapped around his shoulder.
“Wanna smoke?” Eddie asked coming up beside you, a pack sitting between two fingers, his head knocking toward the back door.
        You nodded your head quickly and followed him into the warmth of the night. The hot summer day from earlier still lingered in the air. But it was cooler than inside the bar, the sweat kissing along your skin cooling instantly.
        Eddie pressed his back against the aged brick of the building before bringing a cigarette to his lips, the sparks of the light lit up his face slightly, before bringing embers to the end of the stick. Eddie took a long drag, before passing it off to you. You weren’t much of a smoker and took a few drags from Eddie’s whenever you drank. Instead of wasting an entire one, you two always shared.
“You guys were awesome tonight,” You spoke, after blowing the burnt smoke from your lips, leaning against the building beside him. “It’s like you were on another level,”
Eddie chuckled “Trying to say we normally suck?”
You rolled your eyes and knocked against his shoulder, “You know damn well I don’t mean it like that.”
        Eddie shook his head, bringing the cigarettes to his lips, the same smirk still on his lips. You couldn’t help but keep your eyes locked on him. Hypnotized by him almost.
“Show wasn’t all for nothing,” Eddie shrugged “There was a scout in the crowd, got a heads up from Craig that someone was calling around looking to see when we were playing this weekend.”
Your eyes bugged out as you stared up at him, “You’re kidding? A scout?”
“Yeah, I don’t want to jinx it, so didn’t say anything before,”
“Eddie! That’s amazing!” You moved to wrap your arms around him, hugging him tightly. Eddie moved quickly to catch you, a laugh slipping through even with the cigarette between his lips. You leaned back away from Eddie, using his tall frame to stabilize yourself, as you looked up at him. “Don’t go forgettin’ me once you become big and famous.”
        It was now Eddie’s turn to roll his eyes. He brought the two fingers holding the burnt-down cigarette to your lips, holding it for you as you took a drag. Your eyes stayed locked with his as he pulled it away slowly.
        It amazed you how over the years you watched Eddie become more and more of the man that stood before you now. It wasn’t till middle school when the two of you met – right when he moved in with his Uncle Wayne and transferred to Hawkins Middle School. While the other kids exiled him and treated him like an outsider. You saw him as another friend.
The two of you grew close quickly, of course, with Sarah joining in the friendship. But the years passed, and he became more and more himself. Sophomore year was when you first noticed how beautiful he was to you. Then Junior year you fell hard. The first round of senior year for Eddie is when you fell harder and completely in love.
But now, now he was a man. Still with the long hair and dark clothes, more tattoos covering his skin than before. But now there was a ruggedness to him.
“Now how in the hell am I gonna forget my favorite girl, hmm?” Eddie asked.
“When you get all the groupies climbing all over ya,” You spoke, a frown pulling on the ends of your lips.
        You pulled out of Eddie’s hold and stumbled back away from him, catching your footing before you fell.
You didn’t catch the way Eddie’s face fell as you moved out of his arms, missing the feeling of your body pressed against his. Cause like you, he was in love, bad. And too scared to speak a word of it.
Would whether have you as a friend than anything else.
“There’s not gonna be any groupies,” Eddie spoke, a slight hardness to his voice that you didn’t catch.
“Yes, there will.” You scoffed “Already gott’em now.”
“Well, I don’t give a shit about ‘em.” Eddie shrugged, throwing the end of his cigarette to the ground, and grinding his boot against it. “Now come on, let’s go and celebrate. It’s your birthday, sweetheart,”
        Eddie reached forward and grabbed your hand tightly, lacing his fingers through yours and pulling you back into the building. The bar moved over to a radio blaring through the speakers. The front of the stage turned into a dancefloor, and when you two walked back out, you quickly spotted Sarah, Jeff, Garrett, and some others on the floor.
“Come on,” Eddie shouted over the music before pulling you onto the dance floor.
        The rest of the night mostly moved like a blur of dancing, drinking, laughing, and having a good time with your friends. When 2 a.m. rolled around and it was closing time, you all piled into Eddie’s van. He’d stopped drinking hours before he’d be able to take most of you home. Jeff and Sarah leaving in a taxi a few minutes before the rest of you. Garrett was first before Eddie started towards Forest Hills Trailer Park.
“Come on, baby girl,” Eddie spoke as he helped you up the front steps of the trailer.
        His arm was wrapped around your waist as he helped you inside, thankful Wayne was working an overnight shift as the two of you sloppily walked inside. The door closed behind him tightly as the two of you made it toward his bedroom. You let out a groan as your body slumped against the soft sheets of his bed.
A small, happy moan like noise came from you as you were surrounded by his scent. A musky, woodsy cologne mixed with cigarettes and a little Irish Spring.
        Eddie couldn’t help but smile as he moved to kneel at your feet, working quickly to remove your boots and toss them off to the side. He walked over to his desk and opened one of the drawers, you had some makeup wipes and other things needed for when you slept over. Which, lately, was a lot with your parents arguing becoming more and more frequent.
Eddie grabbed the wipes, before moving to sit beside you, bringing your head to rest in his lap. Your eyes blinked up towards him, humming happily again as Eddie came into your view.
“Eddie,” You giggled with a slur.
“Hey baby,” Eddie laughed, working with removing the smudged makeup from your face and eyes. “Gotta get you cleaned up before bed.”
“Sleepin’ over?” You asked innocently.
“Of course,”
“Always take such good care of me, Eddie.” You spoke, your hand reaching up and caressing along his face gently, causing him to pause, “…such good care of me…”
“Why wouldn’t I?” He asked, his brows pulled together tightly.
You shrugged and closed your eyes, moving to nuzzle into him slightly, “I love you,”
“I love you too,” Eddie whispered softly,
“No…no…in love...you, Eddie,” You slurred, more so from sleep over taking your mind than the alcohol coursing through you.
        But Eddie sat there dumbfounded with your head resting in his lap as you slept soundly.
AN: Hope you enjoyed the little flashback moment before we go back to the dark apocalyptic future. Wanted to give some backstory to the reader and Eddie's friendship pre-outbreak. People have been wondering why they weren't together when it happened - and that will be a chapter/conversation. So don't worry that question will be answered.
Please leave your thoughts and feelings in the chapter. Seeing comments make me smile and give me some motivation. Come chat in my ask box too! I love getting messages from readers since it doesn't happen often :)
tag list: please let me know if you would like to be added (if your name is crossed out your @ is broken)
@mopeymopeymouse / @aris-house / @brxkenartt /@akiratoro420 / @stylesxmunson / @aactuaaltraash / @fandomgirl17 / @ches-86/ @chaoticcancer / @munsonology / @bellamy-barnes / @theonlyh3artbreaker / @idkidknemore / @familyvideowithsteve / @eddiesdingus / @thefemininemystiquee / @the-world-is-a-mess-and-so-am-i / @xdarkcreaturex / @lunr-flwr / @cherry-omi / @im-emma22 @munson-enthusiast / @munsonmecrazy / @jupitar-jul / @katiemrty / @maddie-luvs-eddie /
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siriuslysatorusimping · 2 months
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Semi-Grade (Another Level - Installment 4)
“Rinko-chaaaan,” Gojo’s voice in her phone called, a smirk still in his voice. “Did you hear me? You’re gonna be a Semi-Grade 1." “You’re a manipulative bastard,” she said drily. “Technically, I agreed to this under duress.” “That so?” he hummed, his voice dropping to a whisper. “Big talk from the slut who still didn’t tell me to stop.” He had her there. He’d asked her color whenever he thought it might be too much, which was often. She’d said green every single time.
AN: I once again combined the two parts into one. So this is the entirety of the installment. Say 'fuck you' to the old geezer, everyone 😂
Also, don't let the header fool you, Gojo and Rinko still gettin' a lil spicy in this one 👀👀
Prev - Let Me Know You | Another Level Masterlist | Kiko's Masterlist
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Semi-Grade 2010
“Why am I not surprised to see that you put your number in my phone?”
She could hear his lighthearted laughter as she paid for her sweet plum senbei. He’d also named the contact ‘Best Friend 💦🥵😍Satoru.’ The photo was him holding up a stupid peace sign, sunglasses in place, and a giant goofy grin on his face. She’d officially learned to never leave her phone near him without supervision.
“You’re welcome!” he said, a smile in his voice. “It’s good to hear from you too!”
“Gojo,” she said, a warning in her voice.
As much as she enjoyed his antics, she was wary of him calling her so suddenly. 
“What do you want?”
“Well, since you asked,” he hummed. She felt her eyes narrow as he spoke. “I want your tight pussy-”
“Tell me that isn’t why you called me,” she deadpanned, ignoring the small spark in her cunt at his statement. She’d been planning on having a nice day to herself, buying some groceries, and making a simple dinner before she spent the evening watching TV. They’d had maybe a single conversation that didn’t end with him inside of her, taking her apart. And that was the opposite of the simple, relaxing, solo evening she had planned. “Because if it is, I’m hanging up.”
Pushing past a small group blocking the path, she approached the last stand she needed to visit before leaving.
“Wait!” he called, and she let out a heavy sigh. Waiting for him to continue, she pointed at the fresh takenoko bamboo shoots and held up three fingers. “That isn’t why I’m calling. Though, if you’re offer-”
“Goodbye, Gojo.”
She hung up, stuffing her phone back into her pocket as she accepted the bag containing her vegetables.
“Can I get four of the kamo eggplants as well?” she asked, already pulling her money out as they nodded. “Thank you.”
The bruises had finally faded from her neck, having taken two weeks to fully disappear. Not that she was complaining too much. Her uniform covered them almost completely, and when she wasn’t working, it was cold enough to justify the large, bulky scarves she wore. And just a bit of effort to hide the bruises he’d sucked onto her neck was well worth the absolute ruin he’d inflicted upon her to earn them.
Not only had she been right when she assumed she wouldn’t be able to leave first thing the next morning, but he’d somehow - it wasn’t that big of a mystery - convinced her to stay the entire weekend in his bed.
She ordered some yakitori to hold her over until dinner, taking a bite as she continued walking home. The small smile that had been tugging at her lips since she’d seen his contact when he called finally won out, and she released a quiet chuckle as she munched on her snack.
He was absolutely insufferable. But she knew he would say the same about her.
The sound of her phone ringing again made her roll her eyes. Answering it wordlessly, she waited for him to speak.
“That was rude, Rinko-chan,” Gojo said, a pout in his voice now. “But I’ll forgive you this time.”
She stayed silent still, waiting for him to get to the point.
“I have some great news!” he finally continued. “Kurisaki Rinko will be a Semi-Grade 1 sorcerer by the end of the week!”
Her eyes narrowed, remembering how he’d gotten her to agree to let him recommend her promotion.
“Do you need to cum, Rinko-chan?” his voice asked, his teeth biting at her ear. His hips didn’t stop moving, continuously hitting that sweet spot inside her that made her feel like she was being ripped apart. “Hm?”
Her moan made him chuckle, fingers speeding up as he rubbed her clit insistently.
He’d tied her hands to the headboard, a smug grin on his face as he said that he’d untie her when she agreed to accept his recommendation.
“Tell me what I wanna hear,” he murmured, moving to her neck to suck her sweaty skin between his lips. “Just a few simple words, Rinko-chan.”
“You’re such a manipulative-”
The slap to her clit made her back arch into him, a scream falling from her lips as she fought against the ties at her wrists. He groaned deep in his throat when she clenched around him desperately, still tugging on her arms.
“Give in, baby,” he growled, thrusting into her harshly and stilling as he nudged against her cervix. “I can leave you on the edge all night long, sweetheart. Make you my personal little cumslut and not let you cum once.”
Her whine was long, prompting a single, deep thrust as he grinned down at her. His eyes were bright, shining down at her sinfully as he delighted in her completely wrecked state.
“You know you want to,” he taunted, his face just a breath away. A laugh escaped him when she unconsciously tried to lean up to kiss him. “Come on, baby. You know what I wanna hear. You need to cum? Want me to kiss you?”
She slammed her head back against the bed, another moan escaping as he started to move slowly. The head of his cock brushing her gspot was just enough to send a shiver through her.
It wasn’t going to work, she’d told herself stubbornly when he’d started his game. He wasn’t that good. His ego sure as hell didn’t need the boost. She wasn’t going to let him fuck her into agreeing to-
A sharp thrust, paired with another slap to her clit and him biting her neck had her relenting in a broken sob.
“Fine!” she cried, her body shaking with the pain and pleasure combination. “I’ll accept it. I’ll let you recommend me! Please just- fuck!”
He’d leaned back as she finally gave in, a smug grin on his face as he sped back up and rubbed tiny, quick circles on her clit.
“Good girl,” he cooed, capturing her lips with his, pulling her tongue into his mouth and sucking on it. “Such a good girl. Cum for me.”
She whimpered against his lips, her body falling over the edge so quickly she barely registered it happening. The pulses of her cunt squeezing him pulled a low groan from him, and he let out a cruel laugh when she tried to pull her hips away from his fingers still teasing her clit.
“Keep going, baby,” he murmured, pecking her lips sweetly. His eyes were glinting as he leaned back just enough to stare into hers. “You’re gonna keep cumming for as long as you held out.” The mirth in his eyes made hers widen. “That’s right, sweetheart, you held out for so long. Did such a good job edging yourself. Now, you get rewarded for giving me what I wanted.” He paused his thrusts to grind his hips against hers. “Now, be a good little slut and take it.”
“Rinko-chaaaan,” Gojo’s voice on her phone called, a smirk still in his voice. “Did you hear me? You’re gonna be a Semi-Grade 1.”
“You’re a manipulative bastard,” she stated drily. Ripping another bite of meat from the skewer in her hand, she willed herself to keep her thoughts from how many times he’d forced her to cum that night. She’d screamed her throat raw, unable to form coherent thoughts as he wrung her dry. Her clit had been a swollen, overused bundle that hurt by the time he was done with her. “Technically, I agreed to this under duress.”
“That so?” he hummed, his voice dropping to a whisper. “Big talk from the slut who still didn’t tell me to stop.”
He had her there. He’d asked her color whenever he thought it might be too much, which was often. She’d said green every single time.
“When’s my first assignment?” she asked, changing the subject. “Who am I shadowing?”
“Tomorrow,” he replied, his amused tone telling her he knew exactly what she was doing. “And you’ll be with Nanamin, just like I said you would.”
“Am I supposed to wait until he contacts me?” She stopped walking, taking the final bite of her snack and tossing the wooden stick into the nearby trashcan. “Or are you giving me the details?”
“Both,” he replied, voice still amused. “I’m calling to tell you that you can meet me afterward, if you don’t take too long, for dinner.”
“Am I staying here or coming there?” she asked, immediately regretting her choice of words. “Don’t you even dare say what I know you want to say.”
She’d opened the door, but she was slamming it right back shut. Still, her lips curled up in a smile when he let out a knowing laugh.
“Fine, fine,” he relented, still chuckling. “Here. This one will be a two-parter, so you’ll need to be here for a few days. You can stay with me if you want.”
“Why do I feel like this is a ploy to trick me into bed with you?” she teased, her smile growing when he scoffed.
“Baby, I don’t need to trick you into my bed,” his mock offense was driven home by his haughty tone. “You’ll come to my bed willingly, and we both know it.”
Most likely, she mused to herself. But she hadn’t really poked at him in a while.
“Maybe Nanami will offer-”
His growl was quiet, but she heard it, and she would deny the twitch her pussy gave at that sound until the day she died. It was somehow more fun to rile him up the more she got to know him.
“If you want to be bored to death,” he replied, his voice nonchalant. There was a dull edge to it that was quickly sharpening. “I’m sure he’d love to have you. But I know you wouldn’t leave me hanging on my birthday, Rinko-chan.”
Raising her eyebrows, she pulled her phone away from her ear to look at the date, realizing that he wasn’t joking. His birthday was tomorrow.
“Hm,” she murmured, climbing the stairs of her apartment building. “I supposed I can try to squeeze you in tomorrow evening. Think you can fit me into your busy schedule?”
He hummed, voice immediately losing its edge.
“Baby, for you?” his voice was teasing. “I’d clear the whole damn thing.”
Unlocking her door, she let out an exaggerated scoff. Setting her groceries down, she began to put away the ones she didn’t need for her dinner.
“Oh?” she asked, opening her senbei and crunching on one absently, uncaring that he could certainly hear it. “I guess I should feel honored that you’d be so willing to let me skip the line.”
Now he was laughing, she could hear him muffling his chuckles unsuccessfully and then him apologizing to someone.
“Jealous, baby?” he taunted, the playful lilt to his voice making her roll her eyes. “Wish there wasn’t a line?”
Weirdly enough, she suddenly realized she wasn’t. That had her freezing in her task, bamboo shoots inches above the countertop. It was something about their casual teasing and his insistence to become her friend that had her smiling slightly, an odd fondness overtaking her.
He wasn’t exactly a manwhore, he didn’t have the time for that. But she knew he wasn’t celibate either, and she found herself not caring as much as she thought she might.
Then again, that could have something to do with the fact that after the first time they’d had sex, she didn’t think it would be happening again.
“No,” she admitted, surprise coloring her voice as she said it aloud when she realized she hadn’t responded to him. “I actually don’t.”
There was a pause, one she assumed meant his eyes were narrowing as he tried to figure out if she was telling the truth.
“Huh,” he finally breathed. “That’s good, I guess. Wow.”
“Don’t tell me you want me to be jealous?” she asked, resuming her task. She put her phone on speaker as she set it down on the countertop. Even though she got a rush when he acted a bit jealous as well. But maybe it was the insult to his pride in thinking someone could be better. She did like to poke at that aspect quite a bit. It made the sex so much better when he had a little bit of aggression pent up towards her. “This isn’t-”
“No,” he cut her off, his voice serious now. “I’m just surprised. But that makes it easier. I’m glad we don’t have to go through any… I’m glad we’re on the same page already, I guess. I don’t usually-” He stopped for a moment, his voice muffled as he replied to someone’s question. “I’ll be honest with you, I don’t usually see someone more than once.”
She raised her eyebrows, giving her phone a look of disbelief.
“Gojo,” she said, scoffing again. “You don’t need to bullshit me-”
“I’m serious,” he cut her off again. “I’ll make you a deal. Because I said I want to be your friend - and I meant that by the way - I won’t lie to you about this shit. If you’ll agree to the same. Occasional, casual sex, and we let the other know if that changes or something happens.”
Tilting her head to the side, she mulled his words over. He made it sound too easy, just like recommending her for Grade 1.
“Kurisaki?” he asked, and she realized she’d been completely silent. “You there?”
“Yeah,” she called, walking back to her phone and staring down at the stupid contact picture he’d taken. “Kinda unclear though, what do you mean by if anything changes? Like, if we have a partner we think may have given us something?”
“Or if you get a boyfriend,” he replied easily, and she could almost picture him shrugging. “Any change. But yeah, definitely safety. I always use condoms, but-”
“Always, huh?” she asked, cutting him off with a smirk. “Pretty sure-”
“Okay,” he cut her off in return, defensive. “It was- you agreed-”
Her laughter made him trail off, and now she just knew he was scowling.
“I’m just messing with you,” she said lightly, finishing her task and getting out a cutting board so she could start dinner. “You said you were clean and I believe you, and I have an implant. But yeah, I typically use condoms, too. So we should be fine.”
A thought occurred to her, and she couldn’t help but giggle as she wondered how to word her question.
“Okay,” she began, almost dissolving into giggles. “This is such a stupid fucking question,” she heard him let out an annoyed sigh as he waited for her to continue. “But indulge me for a second-”
“Yes,” he deadpanned, but he did sound amused too. “If you’re asking if my reverse cursed technique could counteract STDs. I’ve never tried, but with how it works, yes-”
She finally lost the fight, her laughter bubbling out of her loudly as she leaned against the countertop, wheezing and clutching her stomach. Why it was so funny to her, she would never know, but it just tickled something in her that found it hilarious.
“You literally have a free card to be such a manwhore,” she wheezed, her giggles still making it hard to breathe. “It’s like an asshole’s dream come true.”
“Excuse me,” he snapped, sounding offended. “I still need to be careful because it doesn’t exactly prevent pregnancies. And it’s not like I’ve confirmed that it actually works against- stop laughing!”
“Sorry!” she gasped, gaining control of herself with some effort. “I just- it’s so funny to me. I’ve heard so many men complain how they hate how condoms feel and you’re out here choosing to wear them like some kind of masochist-”
“You’re enjoying this too much,” he said, the irritation in his voice sobering her. “Do we have a deal or not?”
“It’s a deal,” she agreed, taking a deep breath to ensure her giggles were gone. “Though I guess there isn’t much of a point for you, but I appreciate the idea of communicating like adults. So it’s a deal.”
“Good.” He was quiet for a moment before she heard him say under his breath, “You’re such a fucking tease, you know that?”
Raising her eyebrows, she looked down at her phone in confusion.
“Me?” she asked, trying to remember what she’d done. “Wait, what did I do?”
He was silent for a minute, and she wondered if she’d actually made him mad.
“Fuckin,” he groaned quietly. “Got me thinkin’ about how you feel wrapped around my cock.”
Another laugh escaped her, even as she felt her cunt twitch.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” she teased. “Did having the responsible conversation about safe sex and-”
“You weren’t just talking about that,” he countered, his voice stern. “You were talking about how it feels to not wear a condom and what else am I gonna think about except your tight cunt wrapped around me like a goddamn vice?”
Her jaw dropped open, a rush of heat running through her now, her underwear suddenly sticking to her uncomfortably.
“That sounds like a you problem,” she said, keeping her voice even. “I am thinking about my dinner.”
“Oh, I’ll fucking show you how it’s your problem,” he whispered, the words sending a shiver through her. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Rinko-chan.”
He hung up without waiting for her to reply, leaving her grinning as she continued prepping her veggies.
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“How did it go?”
Gojo had been waiting for her when she exited Yaga’s office, falling into step with her easily when she brushed past him.
“As if you weren’t listening in,” she teased, tossing him a look over her shoulder. “But it went fine. It was just tedious.”
It had been a bit textbook if she was honest. A few dozen Grade 3 curses in an old apartment building that was scheduled for renovation. It had been simple but tedious.
Nanami had called her the previous evening not long after she’d gotten off the phone with Gojo. He’d informed her that he would meet her at the Shinjuku metro stop early the next morning, meaning she would need to catch the first train to Tokyo.
His monotone voice had been unsurprised that she’d already been informed of her soon-to-be Semi-Grade 1 status, but he still went through the basics to remind her of the steps.
As a Semi-Grade 1, she would be accompanying him on at least half of his missions for a minimum of six months. After that six-month period, depending on performance, she’d be reevaluated. If she was up to par, an exam would be scheduled in the form of a solo exorcism of a Grade 1 curse. Upon successfully completing that, she would officially be a Grade 1 jujutsu sorcerer.
She knew the steps, but she was still reeling from the idea that she was actually getting a chance to go through them. Part of her knew that she could be expecting a disgruntled call very soon.
Pulling her scarf tighter, she walked faster, wanting to escape the cold that had been seeping into her since the moment she’d stepped off the metro to greet Nanami that morning. She’d been bleary-eyed and exhausted, having had to rush to catch the metro after her train from Kyoto had been delayed. It wasn’t much, but it had been enough to stress her already fraying nerves.
Gojo matched her stride easily, his long legs having no trouble keeping pace as they reached the car Yaga was lending her during her stay.
“Dinner?” he asked, leaning down to cage her against the driver’s side door. “Or did you get dinner with Nanami already?”
Rolling her eyes, she gave his chest a light shove, surprised when he relented so easily.
“I need to shower,” she stated, pointing an accusatory finger at him when he grinned. “Alone. I mean it. I’m gross and sweaty and cold after today, and I just want a hot shower. And then maybe dinner. I’m fucking exhausted.”
“We can stay in,” he said, his hands going to her waist. Pulling her closer, his right hand went to her ass, massaging it as he spoke. “I can grab something while you shower.”
“Just let me go to my hotel-”
“Rinko-chan,” he cut her off, leaning down again so his face was just a breath away. “We both know that while you’re not on assignment with Nanami, you won’t be at that damn hotel.”
Her breath stuck in her throat as he grinned at her, his blindfold doing nothing to hide that he was watching her every reaction.
“You can shower at my place while I get the food.” His grin grew. “It’s nicer than a hotel’s anyway.”
Sighing, she gave a small nod. He leaned in to press his lips to hers, slipping his tongue into her mouth briefly, teasingly, and then withdrew as quickly.
“I’ll see you there,” he whispered. “Park in the garage, spot 4.”
Giving her ass a light squeeze, he smirked when she swatted his hand before disappearing as he warped away.
She shook her head before taking a deep breath and climbing into the car. As she started the engine, she plugged in the address for his condo. The last time she’d been there, he had been the one to take her to the train station to go home, and he’d warped them to get there to begin with.
When she pulled into the parking garage, she somehow wasn’t surprised that the spot he’d specified was near the top, making the walk to his door almost nonexistent.As she grabbed her bag from the backseat, she heard the ping of her phone.
Gojo 🙄😈💦| key is in your back pocket
Slinging her bag over her shoulder, she felt her pockets to find the small key tucked inside her pants. As she retrieved it, her eyes narrowed when she realized he must have slipped it there when he’d been groping her ass.
I feel like I should be worried at how easily you did that. |
Gojo 🙄😈💦| ;) Gojo 🙄😈💦| what can i say? Gojo 🙄😈💦| i’m good with my hands
Shaking her head, she chose to ignore his last text, walking into the building and through the small lobby that led to his front door. It was nice. Expensive. She’d looked the complex up out of curiosity when she’d gotten home, only to find that it cost a hefty fortune to purchase a condo that nice.
He was a rich boy if there ever was one.
Though, she mused as she unlocked his door and stepped inside, Special Grades were paid well. Even if she didn’t know the exact numbers, she knew that they made a small fortune for each job. On top of the fact that they received a consistent salary whether they went on exorcisms or not.
She made a beeline to the master bathroom, starting the shower and turning it to the hottest it could go. As steam filled the room, she pulled the leggings and oversized sweater from her overnight bag, shedding her dirty clothes and shoving them into the bottom.
As she climbed into the shower, she sighed deeply at the feel of the boiling hot water against her skin. It was ridiculously cold outside, and the majority of their mission had ended up involving chasing the Grade 3s around the outer hallways of the construction site. She felt like the chill would never leave. But as she stood under the spray, her muscles relaxed, and she reached for the shampoo he had sitting on the ledge.
He’d told her last time that she was welcome to use any of his products, which she fell in love with and then immediately forced herself to fall out of love with when she found out how much they cost.
Again, he was a rich boy to the core of his being.
Taking her time, she stayed in the shower longer than she needed to because it felt so relaxing. The rainwater showerhead made it feel like a luxury, and she had to admit that was one of the things that had her relenting earlier.
The hotel that Jujutsu Tech had booked for her could never.
Smirking to herself, she dried off slowly, slipping her sweater over her head and pulling on a pair of boyshorts and her leggings. Toweling her hair dry, she allowed herself a heavy sigh of annoyance when her phone rang.
Just because she’d been expecting it didn’t mean she was ready for it.
Holding the phone to her ear, she tossed her towel into Gojo’s overflowing hamper in the corner and waited.
“You knew this wasn’t going to go over well.”
She released another heavy sigh, making sure her phone picked it up.
“Don’t sigh at me, girl,” Yoshinobu scolded, his voice quiet. “You do know this isn’t going to go over well.”
“That’s why I’m sighing,” she replied, combing her fingers through her wet hair to brush it. “I’m surprised it took you this long to call me to give me an earful-”
“Wouldn’t have to if you had just told me yourself,” he cut her off in a stern voice. “What are you doing getting mixed up with Gojo Satoru? Better yet, what did you do to have him so damn insistent to get you to Grade 1?”
An excellent question, she thought to herself as she took a seat on the edge of his bed. Yoshinobu would have a damned heart attack if he knew where she was now.
“Couldn’t tell you,” she replied honestly, still not even sure herself. “But he wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer when I tried to refuse.”
“Well,” Yoshinobu scoffed quietly. “It’s because he knew you’d be a fool to turn down a recommendation from him.”
The small smile that pulled at her lips was stamped down immediately.
Gakuganji was a hardass, grouchy old man. And he answered to the higher-ups, mainly her family, but he did care about her. He’d made that clear throughout her time in school. But his loyalties had to lie in preserving his own skin at the end of the day.
Still, it was slightly comforting to hear him tell her indirectly that he approved of her recommendation.
“I’m well aware,” she said quietly. Finally giving up on her hair, she focused instead on fidgeting with the ends of her sweater. “It’s my only shot, yeah?”
“A risky one, though,” he agreed indirectly again. “I’ll be getting another call in the next few hours. News has traveled quickly. They aren’t happy. But they can’t go against Gojo, at least not openly. They’d make it far too obvious that they’re purposefully impeding your promotion if they did.”
Nodding her head, she let out another sigh.
“How far you think I’ll make it?”
It was the question that had been swirling in her mind since she’d heard Gojo’s voice excitedly telling her she was Semi-Grade 1. While she knew that she was skilled enough to make it, she also knew that her father and the Zenin clan would go to great lengths to keep her as far away from success as possible.
“Realistically?” Yoshinobu sounded reluctant to answer. “You’re more than capable. But-”
“They’re also more than capable of stonewalling it.”
“You got lucky,” he argued. “Your official committee is going to have Yaga and Nanami on it, as well as Mei Mei-”
“But,” she pressed, knowing he was hedging. “Who else?”
“Naoya and Ogi,” Yoshinobu finally relented. “Naoya recently gained Special Grade 1, and he’ll be serving as a special addition to the committee so he can see how it’s done. Ogi will be mentoring him because Naobito can’t mentor his own son.”
“Dodged one bullet right into two others,” she muttered. “Ogi is more level-headed than Jinichi, at least.”
“And they’re all angry,” he countered. “Watch your back, Kurisaki. They might not care to stay on official channels for this.”
“You think they’ll put out a hit on me over this?” she asked, trying to tell herself she was surprised. But she wasn’t. Feeling the sadness settle in her chest, she realized she was far from surprised. She suddenly remembered the threat they'd given her years prior, worry settling in her gut. “My mother-”
“Will be in danger,” he confirmed. “More so than you.”
“If I withdraw now-”
“You’ll only solidify the weakness they want to take advantage of.” His voice was stern again, and she knew he was right. “If you withdraw now, you’ll only confirm that they can control you with fear.” He was quiet for a moment. “I’ll talk to Mei Mei, she keeps an ear to the ground when it comes to high-paying hits. But you can’t give it up now. If you do, you’ll only be throwing away the only chance you’ll ever have.”
Her heart clenched, knowing that now more than ever she needed to focus on her technique.
“What do I do?” her voice was quiet, feeling desperation threatening to swallow her. “How am I supposed to-”
“You stay calm,” Yoshinobu stated, his voice harsh, just like it had been when she was in school. “You don’t let them get to you. And you focus on yourself. These assignments with Nanami aren’t a joke. You can still get yourself killed if you’re too worried about other things.”
She couldn’t fight the frown as he spoke, knowing he was right. Letting out another heavy sigh, she clenched her jaw.
“So my only option is to make it.”
“Always has been,” he replied, voice still unforgiving. “Name a time when that wasn’t the case?”
The call ended soon after, with him reminding her to watch her back and her snapping at him to worry about his own skin.
Pushing herself to her feet, she tossed her phone back onto Gojo’s bed behind her. Shoving the anxiety down, she resolved to visit her mother as soon as she was home again.
Yoshinobu would let her know if Mei heard anything about a hit put out on her mother. Hell, Mei would likely reach out to her directly if something like that popped up.
As she exited Gojo’s room, she saw him placing takeout containers on the large island in the middle of his kitchen. He turned when she entered, pulling his blindfold down briefly to show her how he looked her over.
“No bra,” he mused, a smirk pulling at his lips. “Still mad about last time?”
His teasing made her roll her eyes because yes she was, actually. He’d ruined her favorite, most comfortable bra.
“What’d you get?” she asked, ignoring his question and moving to peer into one of the large paper bags he’d yet to empty. “I’m hungry.”
He hummed, caging her against the island and leaning down to press his lips to the left side of her neck. Inhaling deeply, he moaned as he sucked a mark onto her skin.
“You smell like my soap,” he grumbled, letting his tongue flick out and caress the spot he’d just released. “Fuck, I’m fucking starving-”
“I am eating real food,” she stated firmly, biting her lip against the moan that bubbled in her throat when he bit her neck teasingly. “I’m serious. I haven’t eaten since before lunch, and whatever this is smells delicious-”
“Fuck yeah, it does,” he moaned against her neck. His hands grasped her hips, pulling her back to grind against his crotch, his cock pressing against her back insistently. “You can eat, baby, but let me at least have a taste to hold me over-”
She swatted his hands, turning quickly in his grasp and poking a finger into his chest.
“You are literally impossible,” she retorted, her eyes narrowing when he pouted at her. “Gojo-”
“It’s my birthday,” he whined, nuzzling his face into her neck again and she laughed at that.
“What are you, eight?” she asked, unable to keep from teasing him. “Who even says that about their birthday-” she cut herself off, grasping his hair and tugging him back gently so she could look him directly in the blindfold. “You’re an only child, aren’t you?”
His ears turned pink, and he shrugged his shoulders as she started laughing again. “I fucking knew it! Of course you are. An only child to one of the big three. And you were born with the Six Eyes and Limitless? No fucking wonder you’re such an asshole.”
Setting aside the very glaring fact that she was, technically, also an only child, she pressed on.
Gojo was pouting at her dramatically now, and she let out an exaggerated sigh. Taking a step forward, she placed her hands on his chest and forced him to step back until his hips were resting against the counter opposite the island. Pulling his blindfold down, she held his gaze with hers as she sank to her knees slowly.
“But I guess I’ll cut you some slack since it is your birthday,” she murmured, unbuckling his belt and quickly unzipping his pants. “But then you’re letting me actually eat some fucking food.”
His eyes were wide as he stared down at her, mouth parted in surprise. She freed his cock, fisting it tightly for a moment, watching his eyelids drop as she did.
“Fuck,” he groaned, his hands threading into her hair as she gave his leaking tip small kitten licks, savoring the taste of his precum. “Shit, baby-”
He cut himself off with a deep groan when she opened her mouth and eased him in slowly. Licking along the underside of length as she took him, she let out a moan when he touched the back of her throat.
“Oh my fucking-” he almost choked when she continued, taking another deep breath through her nose as she relaxed her throat until her nose was just nudging his pelvis. “Fuck, Rinko!”
Moaning again, she eased him back out, letting her teeth just barely scrape along the thick vein on the underside as she did so. Flexing her jaw, she felt a satisfying pop from her joints as she shifted them around to adjust to the strain. He was bigger than she was used to, but he didn’t need to know that.
“Yeah?” she asked, blinking up at him slowly, smirking when he just stared back silently. “You wanna fuck my throat? Hm? Think you can handle it?”
Without waiting for a reply, she pulled him between her lips again, sucking his head lightly like a lollipop. His broken moan was paired with his hands tightening in her hair, fingers digging into her scalp as he thrust into her mouth.
“Fucking perfect,” he grit out, eyes going hazy as he stared down at her. Thrusting again, he nudged the back of her throat roughly, tears jumping to her eyes at the feeling. “Taking me so good, baby- shit!”
She swallowed around him, blinking quickly to clear the moisture from her eyes.
He seemed to take that as her sign to keep going, using his grip on her hair to slam into her repeatedly, his head falling back with a low moan. She whimpered around him in response, closing her eyes as she focused on relaxing her throat and breathing through her nose. Tonguing the underside of him occasionally, she smirked internally at how wrecked he sounded.
“Gonna cum,” Gojo rasped a few minutes later, his thrusts growing choppy. “Fucking- oh fuck, Rinko. Baby-”
He tried to pull back, but she grasped his hips, hollowing her cheeks and sucking harder. Feeling smug, she refused to release him as he stuttered, cock twitching wildly as he came down her throat. His moan was long, low, and broken as she swallowed around him, letting out her own moan at the taste.
As she felt the last of his cum coat her mouth, she released him with a pop. Catching her breath, she wiped the drool and cum that had dripped down her chin with the bottom of his shirt. A satisfied smirk overtook her when she looked up, seeing his dilated pupils and heaving chest.
“Happy birthday,” she murmured smugly. “You enjoy yourself?”
He let out a feral growl, using his grip on her hair to yank her up so he could shove his tongue into her mouth. Teeth knocking against hers, he groaned again when he tasted himself on her tongue as it massaged his. One hand moved from her hair down her back to grip her ass, already trying to push her leggings down.
“Ah,” she chided, pulling away and pressing her hands against his chest when he tried to follow. “I said I was going to eat some real food afterward, and I meant it. Just needed an appetizer.”
Smirking up at him, she skillfully removed herself from his grasp. Tucking him back into his pants and zipping them up, she turned and went back to peer into the takeout containers on the island. Digging through the bag, she discovered he’d gotten them Thai food. She hummed excitedly as she pulled the plastic forks and spoons from the bottom of the bag before opening one of the containers.
Turning back around, she saw him still staring at her, dumbfounded.
“You okay?” she asked, her voice teasing.
Taking a small bit of rice on her spoon, she soaked it in the green curry and did a tiny dance at the flavors on her tongue. She took another bite before she realized he was still just staring at her silently, and her face scrunched.
Growing worried, she felt the dread begin to build at his continued silence. Part of her, a loud part, was beginning to worry she’d done something wrong. Her fingers began fidgeting with the spoon in her hands, willing herself to stay calm.
“Gojo?” her voice sounded small, and she cleared her throat. Taking another deep breath, she fought to hide the anxiety bubbling to the surface. “Did I-?”
He seemed to snap out of his trance as she spoke, moving to cage her against the island again.
“You can eat,” he murmured, leaning down to press his lips to the skin just below her ear. “But after?” He ground his hips into hers, letting her feel how he was already hard again. “You’re mine.”
Hiding her moan with a hum, she let her head fall to the side briefly. Her confidence was returning quickly with his tongue teasing her skin and making her feel dizzy. She could feel her boyshorts sticking to her now, a fresh rush of slick escaping when he nipped her neck repeatedly.
Still, she couldn’t help but mess with him further, standing on her toes to press a kiss to his cheek and moving around him.
“If you think you can handle it, Gojo,” she hummed, searching his cabinets until she located a bowl. Shoveling rice in the bottom, she poured the curry over top and took a seat on one of the stools on the other side of the counter. “You look like you could use the breather, anyway.”
Her pussy twitched when his eyes narrowed, and he clenched his jaw.
“Careful,” he warned, watching her hum contentedly. “Don’t get all cocky-”
“Too late,” she said, watching him round the counter until he was next to her, wrapping his arms around her middle. His chin rested on her right shoulder, fingers intertwining just above her left hipbone. She held her plastic fork up threateningly, her own eyes glaring at him in warning. “I am serious about eating. So if you don’t let me eat, I’ll use this fork to-”
“I’m gonna let you eat,” he said, exasperated. A small smile tugged at his lips when she nodded, her eyes narrowing at him seriously. “But I mean it when I say I hope your little game is worth it. Because when you’re done eating?” He paused to lick at the lobe of her ear slowly. “I’m having dessert.” Emphasizing his statement with a harsh bite, pulling a surprised yelp from her. “And then I’m gonna fucking wreck you.”
Turning back to her bowl, she hummed as she chewed.
“Big promise from someone who was an absolute mess from just my mouth a few minutes ago.” Watching his face from the corner of her eye, she continued. “You taste delicious, by the way.”
His hands flexed against her side, nostrils flaring and letting her know she was really testing his self-control.
Turning her head, she accepted his kiss, allowing the quiet moan to escape when his tongue gently probed her mouth. He moved against her slowly, lazily, for just a few moments and then he pulled away.
“You’re a fucking menace,” he grunted, pecking her lips once more before removing his arms and getting his own bowl.
Returning to her side and sitting on the stool to her left, he rolled his eyes at her wide grin.
“You like it,” she teased, nudging his shoulder with her own. “You can’t tell me otherwise.”
Chuckling, he pressed a gentle kiss to her temple.
“Makes dessert that much sweeter,” he muttered, watching her pause midchew before she smirked subtly, resuming her happy food dance.
AN: I am too lazy to make the same graphics I occasionally make for the texts right now... 🫠
Next - Seeing Double
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oigimi · 1 month
. rapunzel - act one .
nokto x reader . 1.4k words . rapunzel au . fluff . this takes elements from disney's tangled and some from the original story! this is chapter one out of several!
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She’d found herself in quite the predicament. The sorceress she was indebted to, Madame, was out, and there was a mysterious man knocked out and tied to a chair in her main room. Armed with nothing but a frying pan, Y/N was frantically pacing around wondering what to do next. Somehow he had managed to scale the walls of her tower and sneak inside, and Y/N had no choice but to take action. When he wasn’t looking, she’d knocked him out and stored him on a chair, tied up with her extraordinarily long hair that stretched leagues and leagues behind her.
There was a lot she was going to have to resolve in a short amount of time, time that was quickly slipping through her fingers. The only thing Y/N had managed to come up with was what to say when he woke up, and so she whispered it to herself, trying to divulge her train of thought along two paths at once.
Shit, he was waking up!
Y/N grabbed her frying pan and got into position, just in case somehow the man untangled himself and lept into action. She furrowed her brows as his eyelids began to lift, revealing a pair of beautiful crimson irises.
“Hey, what’s going on here-?” he demanded, struggling for a moment. His gaze shifted to Y/N, and the long, luxurious head of hair that bound him to his chair. “What the…?”
“M-my name,” she began to recite, “is Y/N L/N. Y-you have intruded upon my place of residence, and I have taken it upon myself to-”
“Is this your hair?”
She froze. “Yes, it is. I have taken it upon myself to-”
“It’s your real hair and not a wig? That’d be an impressive wig,” he laughed, shaking his head. “Sorry, sorry. This situation is so-”
“I have taken it upon myself to bind you and let you know who’s in charge around here!”
He laughed again, nodding. “Good speech. Very compelling. You can let me out now, I have no notes.”
“Why would I do that? You’re the one in my tower! I don’t know what you have planned!” Y/N held up her frying pan and scowled.
“A frying pan too? You’re full of surprises, lady,” he laughed. “I’m Nokto. Good to meet you. I’d shake your hand but you’ve kinda got me jailed up here. Can’t tell from here but I bet you give a good handshake.”
She rolled her eyes again and sat down at another chair close by. Nokto was already getting under her skin, but there was something about the name that just seemed familiar to her. She couldn’t shake it. Maybe she’d read about it in one of her fantasy novels.
“Let me guess,” he mused, “You’ve tied me up and gotten this far and now you have no idea what to do next. You don’t want to let me out but you don’t really have a plan from here. Did I get that right?”
“Hey! Not true!” Y/N smirked. “Maybe I’ll have Madame cast a spell on you when you get back for intruding. That’ll teach you not to randomly go into people’s homes.”
Nokto raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“Madame. She’s the sorceress that raised me,” she bragged, crossing her arms. “We’re gonna have to wait until she gets back and then we’ll decide what to do with you, Nokto! How do you like that?” Hah. She got him.
But instead of cowering in fear, begging for her mercy, Nokto just laughed again. “Oh? I’m guessing you have no idea who I am then.”
“How on earth am I supposed to know who you are?” Y/N stood up and went to the kitchen. “I want some tea.”
“You… seriously don’t know?” The shift in Nokto’s tone made her spin her head around. “You have genuinely no idea who I am? The face or name didn’t set off any alarm bells?”
She could have admitted that something about it made her ears perk, but since she couldn’t place the source, she decided that it was something simply not worth her time. Maybe she could pry more information from him if she kept quiet, so Y/N just shook her head. “Nope. Why, should I?”
“Just how long have you been up here? Do you… leave?”
“Leave? Why would I?”
Nokto’s face twisted again, as if she’d asked something ridiculous. It was true. Why did Y/N need to leave? The tower had safety, food, water, books, games, and of course, Madame to provide for her once in a while. The outside, while visually appealing, was full of things and people that just wanted to harm you. Diseases, famine, malice. None of those things existed within the tower.
He just looked around, and his gaze locked on the bookshelf. “You like books? Lemme tell you, the real world is more exciting than anything a bunch of paper can offer.”
“You take that back!” she hissed. “My books aren’t just ‘bunches of paper!’ They’re… They’re… I’ve learned and experienced so much more through them than the real world could offer!”
“You seriously believe that?”
“Y-” She stopped herself, but knew she couldn’t back down now. She’d said what she’d said, and she wasn’t taking it back. “Yes. Besides, you don’t get hurt in books…”
Nokto nodded slowly. “Wanna bet on it? Untie me and I’ll take you out. If you think the real world’s fun and exciting and all that, you let me go free. And if you aren’t convinced, your witch lady can cast a spell on me or whatever. Sound good?”
“You’d… You’d just risk your life on something like that?” Was he stupid or something? Maybe Nokto was all beauty and no brains. But for proposing something so ridiculous, he sure had a cocky smile on his face. He was sure of himself. “Fine. You have three days.”
“Great. Now can you untie me?”
Y/N obliged and undid her hair around Nokto’s body. He watched her work with an unbroken stare. “I can’t believe your hair’s this long. Doesn’t it bother you?” he asked, picking some of it up off the floor and pressing it above his lip like a mustache. She immediately swatted it out of his hands.
“No, actually, it doesn’t. You’ll find it has a lot of practicality, believe it or not.”
“What could be practical about having about ten tons of hair to lug around at all times? Even if it’s silky and soft~”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Don’t try to flatter me, boy. And I’d say this is pretty practical!” She walked to the window and hung it on a hook, allowing some to fall. The ground seemed so far away, she realized. It was going to be quite the plunge to the ground, physically and emotionally. There was no reason to leave the tower, but here she was. About to practically dive out of it because some random man was pushing her to. Her gaze shifted back to Nokto, who was standing with an eyebrow raised. It was now or never, she thought.
With a deep breath, Y/N lept from the windowsill and glided down the walls, her hair providing a perfect elevator for her. She stopped herself just as she was about to hit the ground, and placed her feet. The ground was soft underneath her shoes, the grass looked nice poking around it. She was so mesmerized by the sound of the water rushing so close to her, she almost didn’t notice Nokto from way up above.
“Way to go! Alright, that’s pretty practical!” he laughed, giving a slow clap. “You’re gonna have to wait for me down there. I’m not that fast. You got a staircase or something?”
“You’re going to have to scale the walls. Sorry,” she replied, sitting down in the grass and ravishing its texture.
“Bleh. Alright, be right down.”
Nokto was able to eventually get down the tower the same way he presumably came up, scaling with a few tools in his pack. When he saw her picking flowers, a smile spread across his face. This was going to be easier than he thought.
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andreafmn · 2 years
Collision - Chapter 13
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Word Count: 3.1K
Story Description: (Y/N) Uley is back home after being away for four years. Her life is at its first standstill and she is taking this time to find out who she is without school. But she never thought that coming back to the reservation would turn her whole life around. In the midst of secrets and mystery, a man crashes into (Y/N)’s and her life will never be the same.
Chapter: 13/?
Dedicated to: @cecehensonn for commenting on that one post 💖
Warnings: more heartbreak
A/N: Sorry not sorry for this painful chapter 😅 It's not as heartbreaking as the last one, but I need to milk the angst and hurt from the "break-up." Reader will make some bad decisions soon enough, and y'all are gonna want the heartbreak back. 😬 Also, new character.
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Chapter 13
She felt nothing.
There had never been a time (Y/N) could not point out what she was feeling. With a vast understanding of the human psyche, she always knew the clinical term of every sentiment there was and could be — their variations and changes were all committed to her memory. But all she felt was overcome by a gut-wrenching void that took hold of her body. She found herself wishing for the pain she’d felt when Carlisle had first confessed he was a vampire. At least then she had felt something.
She had spent the night at Sam’s house, too distraught to go back home. (Y/N) knew she had fallen asleep on Paul, his warmth the only comfort she could possibly feel in such a confusing situation.
All through the night, her head kept replaying the five stages of grief — denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Once the list had ended it would start over again, engraving it in her brain over and over and over again. Her clinical training beat into her the steps she needed to take. But there was no one to take them with.
This kind of grief, she felt, was incomplete. Sure she had not believed Carlisle at first. She’d gone through some type of denial. Yeah, she was enraged at the fact that he left her like she meant less than nothing to him. She’d gone through anger — maybe still stuck there. But who was there to bargain with? He was gone. There was no denial anymore, she was not allowed that much. (Y/N) wanted at least to feel the overtaking sadness that depression would bring, but she simply felt nothing. And she’d already accepted that he was gone. He’d made sure she understood that much.
No one had taught her how to deal with this. How to deal with the culmination of a relationship with a centuries-old vampire that had promised her eternity together. A vampire that she had fallen completely in love with — her first love, her first kiss, her first… everything. Carlisle had given her everything and just as swiftly taken it away.
“(Y/N)?” Emily’s soft whisper rang through the room (Y/N) had somehow woken up in. “I made some breakfast if you want. I sent a text to your mom to let her know you’re okay.”
“Yeah, thanks,” she responded emotionlessly. “Is Sam back?”
“Yes, honey. He’s at the dining table.”
“Thanks. I’ll be right out.”
Emily clicked the door shut, leaving the girl once more to her thoughts. She noticed at the foot of the bed a change of clothes. Probably, Sam’s. They were some sweatpants and a T-shirt, a comfortable enough outfit for her. She changed out of the suffocating scrubs she wore, feeling them gripping her body harder than ever before.
Sam’s clothes almost hung off her body and she felt like a kid again. After their father had left suddenly, she’d taken to wearing the t-shirts he’d left behind to find some comfort in his absence. But these clothes still had their owner. He had not abandoned her — well, he’d come back.
With dragged feet, she made her way out into the kitchen where hushes were spread around. (Y/N) knew they’d heard her exiting the room and they had been talking about her. The Cullens leaving was the only thing anyone in the reservation could talk about, and unfortunately, the pack knew that involved her.
“There she is!” Jared exclaimed with a full mouth of food. But his face quickly fell with the burning gaze of everyone else at the table. “What?”
“How do you feel, (Y/N)?” Sam questioned, pulling out a chair for his sister. Somehow, she looked frail. He’d seen her sad before. Hell, he’d been the one to comfort her at six years old when their father left. But even then, she’d been different. Now, she looked fragile enough to break with a simple breath.
“Fine,” she responded. Everyone knew there wasn’t much more they’d get out of her. “Is there coffee?”
“Of course,” Emily smiled. “Sugar? Cream?”
“Two sugars, a bit of cream.”
Emily placed a steaming mug in front of (Y/N), her signature beaming smile painted on her face. And where the girl would normally return the gesture, she couldn’t bring herself to even fake a smile. It was too exhausting to do so. So, she simply nodded.
“Why don’t we move to the living room, (Y/N)?” Sam whispered as he placed his hands comfortingly on hers. “The fire is already going, and it’ll be a lot warmer there.”
(Y/N) followed her brother, the hot cup between her frozen hands. She didn’t feel like talking – she didn’t feel much at all. But it was easier to simply follow what others told her. It was easier than doing whatever her brain was telling her to.
She sat next to Sam on the couch, curling into his side as he wrapped an arm around her. It was a strange sense of déjà vu. When they were little and (Y/N) had been sad, he would make her a cup of hot chocolate, sit her in front of the fire, and tell her stories until she fell asleep in his arms. And this moment was no different. She was sad, she needed comfort, and he would always be by her side.
“How’re you feeling, bean?” Sam asked her, using the name he’d called her when she was little. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you got here. Bella Swan got lost in the woods and the sheriff asked me to help look for her.”
“She must be heartbroken as well,” (Y/N) spoke, her voice barely a whisper and so full of pain. “I wonder how Edward ended things with her. It had to be awful if she wound up lost in there.”
“What happened yesterday, bean? I thought everything was going well,” he said. Worry was evident in his voice, the sound quivering and full of hurt. “I won’t lie,” he stated. “I am glad that the bloodsuckers are gone, but it pains me to see you like this. I thought he’d at least ask you to go with them.”
All she could do was remain quiet. That was the least he could have done. But he didn’t. He had thrown her away, discarded her like you would a used tissue. Carlisle had taken from her what he wanted and pushed her aside, without a real explanation or reason.
“Talk to me, (Y/N). Please,” Sam begged. “Tell me how you’re feeling – what you’re feeling. How can I make it better?”
“You can’t,” she sighed. A quiet sob escaped her lips and was only perceived by the adept ears of the supernatural. “No one can.”
“Sam, I understand that you’re trying to help but you simply can’t, okay?!” (Y/N) didn’t know why she was yelling. Her frustrations were misdirected but she couldn't help how it came out. “He’s gone, okay?! He took what he wanted and left. I wasn’t good enough for him to stay and I wasn’t worth taking with him. And I was ready to give it all up. You, my friends, mom… everything. I had made the choice to spend the rest of eternity by his side.
So now I’m stuck here having to figure out who I am and what my future will look like without him in it. I will have to mend my own heart that continues asking when he is coming back. No one can make it better, Sam. Not even myself.”
She slammed the coffee mug on the table harder than she intended to, but she needed to get away. (Y/N) could feel the walls of the house closing in on her, squeezing every ounce of oxygen that was inside. She felt her lungs aching, grasping at any air left for her to breathe. But she simply couldn’t. Her eyes had welled up with tears once more and her eyes burned from the liquid.
(Y/N) was already tired of crying. She was tired of feeling her world collapsing in on itself. Of having to pick up the pieces of her life every few years.  It wasn’t fair. She was doing everything right and everything still went wrong.
Somehow, she had stumbled out of the house, Sam’s voice distant in her head. He was calling for her but she could not listen. She needed to go somewhere else, anywhere else. She kept stumbling down the road without a real destination in mind. Her vision was blurred from her tears and her breathing was difficult.
But as she came face to face with the chipped white door, she knew where her head wanted to go. So, she knocked.
“I can’t believe you forgot your keys,” Allison laughed before she opened the door. “Oh, (Y/N). Honey, what’s wrong?”
“He’s gone, mom,” she blubbered against her mother’s neck. “He left. He left me.” 
Allison had an inkling of who her daughter spoke of but made no move to extract any information. It was clear that (Y/N) was suffering from a broken heart, and she needed her mother’s comfort. She led the girl inside and sat them both on the couch, where she let (Y/N) cry to her heart’s content. She sat there running her hand through her daughter’s hair and drew circles on her back to try and console her child as best as she could.
The mother felt her daughter revert to the little girl that had her father walk out on her. The little girl that grew up too quickly, looking for the best education she could get to help out her mother. There in her arms, (Y/N) was broken. Merely a shell of who her daughter was.
When the girl drifted to sleep, Allison made a move for her phone, calling the only person that could have any idea of who had broken her daughter���s heart. And she hoped he would answer this one time. If not for her, for his little sister.
He did.
“Who did this to (Y/N)?” Her voice spoke softly through the phone, fearing she would wake her daughter. “She just came in here bawling her eyes out, muttering incoherences. She is completely heartbroken.”   
“It was that Cullen doctor. Carlisle Cullen,” Sam sighed. “How is she, mom?”
“She just fell asleep after crying for a good twenty minutes. She is drained,” Allison let out a strangled sob. “Why didn’t I know about this?”
“(Y/N) wanted to keep this a secret for some time. Avoid being the talk of the town until the relationship was more serious.”
“This looks very serious to me, Sammy. She’s so… sad.”
“She’s tough,” Sam stated. “I know she’ll come out stronger after this. She just needs some time.”
“I hope so.” Allison kept quiet for a few seconds. This was the longest conversation she’d had with her son in a long time that had not transfigured into a fight. It hurt that it took her daughter to have been broken up with to be able to hear his voice. “I miss you, Sammy,” her voice was barely a whisper. Almost like a thought that had slipped out. “I miss you a lot.”
“I know, mom,” he sighed. “I miss you too.”
“I just wish we could be a family again. Regardless of whatever happened in the past,” Allison said, hopeful. “(Y/N) needs you… I need you.”
“You know I can’t, mom.”
“Why not, Sam?! What could possibly be more important than being with your family?”
“I can’t talk about that, mom. I just can’t.”
“You always say that, but I am your mother. Whatever it is that you’re involved in, I am sure I could help you, son.”
“Please, just drop it. I’ve told you many times that I can’t.”
“Fine. Goodbye, Sam.”
“Bye, mom,” he said resignedly.  
“Don’t fight with him, mom,” (Y/N) croaked as her eyes fluttered open. “He has enough on his plate.”
“I’m sorry, darling,” Allison sighed as she ran her hand through her daughter’s hair. “Do you want to talk about it?  About the doctor?”
“You know.” It wasn’t a question. It was clear that her mother knew who had taken her heart and broken it into a million pieces. “Sam told you?”
“I had my suspicions early on,” her mother clarified. “You were spending so much time between the hospital and the Cullen’s house; it didn’t take long to connect the two dots. But, sweetheart, what happened last night? You seemed so happy these couple of months.”
“I was only a distraction it seems,” (Y/N) let out a soft sob. “I thought I had found the person I would share a future with. Instead, he left the second things got hard. History had a way of cruelly repeating itself, huh?”
 “Oh, honey. I’m so sorry.” Allison hugged her daughter tight, guilt washing over her body. She knew the situation had not been her fault, but she couldn’t help but feel that her daughter’s taste in men had been hereditary. “Is there anything I can do for you? Anything to make things better.”
“I just need to sleep,” she sighed. “Yeah, I just need sleep.”
No matter that it was still the middle of the day, (Y/N) disappeared into her room to try and succumb to slumber. She drew the curtains closed, locked the door, and buried herself in a mountain of sheets and comforters. But nothing seemed to warm the cold the emptiness left. She had never felt cold like this before. It was chilling and it dug its way into her bones.
And somehow the coldness came hand in hand with tears. A floodgate that didn’t seem to stop and she could not control. Even when she thought her body had surely run out of tears, more came. They stung her eyes and made them swell. They stained her cheeks and burned her throat. They left her breathless and full of pain.
And yet, she still felt the nothingness deep inside her.
Allison couldn’t help but feel heartbroken as she heard her younger daughter cry for a man that had the gall to leave her this way. The worst part was that she could only stand and watch as her little girl fell apart. It was a sight that she had never prepared herself to witness, and didn’t want to again. If she ever crossed paths with the doctor, she would make sure he knew just how horrible he had treated her daughter.
“You could have done things differently, Carlisle,” a woman spoke, her eyes glazed over with a red hue. “She is in so much pain.”
“I could have but I didn’t, Theo,” he sighed. “And I didn’t come to you for grievances. I came to you for your ability and for the connection you have with her.”
“Well, old friend. I apologize if I overstepped in any way, but she is — or rather was, I haven’t seen her in some time — my friend,” Theo smiled softly as her eyes returned to their amber color. “I spent four years with her, and she is a rather peculiar human. She is as complex as they come and so bright, it simply pains me to see her this way. Especially since it’s your fault.”
“I had to have her hate me. (Y/N) had such a bright future ahead of her and I was only going to hold her back.” Carlisle did regret the bad decisions he had taken. He had built (Y/N) up only to have her crash and burn so suddenly. “The more she hates me, the easier it will be for her to move one. She’ll have a great life, especially away from me.”
“And how many times will you ask the clairvoyant to check in as she moves on as you want her to?”
“Not for much longer, Theo. I’m leaving New York once my family is finally settled here.”
“Leaving?” The girl was shocked. He had left the love of his life behind to keep his family together, and he was leaving them behind as well. “And where will you be going then?”
“For penance.”
Theo wanted to laugh, but the stoic expression on his face told her how serious he was. “Penance, Carlisle? Isn’t that a tad dramatic?”
“Do you think I deserve to go on with my life after all the pain I have caused the only person I have truly loved?” Carlisle was resolute in his punishment. He would do what he had done once when he turned into something he had hunted for most of his life – hide from humanity and deny himself the only thing he needed to survive. “It’s a punishment fit for the crime.”
“And don’t you think that knowing she will continue living without you by her side is punishment enough?” Theo tried to reason with her friend. “Breakups happen every day around the world. (Y/N) is strong. She will get over it. All she needs is some time, as do you.”
“You don’t understand, Theo. The things I told her… There’s no coming back from that. I used every word I knew would hurt her, deliberately. It’s something neither she nor I can forgive.”
“Well, I know I won’t be able to dissuade you from what you think you must do,” she sighed. “You know where I am. So, whenever you need me, you know where to find me.”
“The next time I see you, it might be too dangerous for me to be around humans. I’ll send you word of where I will be,” he smiled sadly. “I do ask for one more favor.”
“Sure, anything.”
“Don’t tell my family where I am going. They’ll surely do everything in their power to take me back, and I simply cannot.”
“I cannot tattle to someone I do not know, Carlisle,” she chuckled. “I have not had the pleasure to meet the rest of your family.”
“Better that you do not meet them now. In this situation, my family has been ruptured possibly beyond repair.”
“Give it time, Carlisle. Most things with time become clearer.”
“Isn’t the saying that time heals all wounds?”
“Time does nothing of the sort. If anything, time gives you choices. Time helps you build grudges; it stacks grievances upon grievances. Time doesn’t heal, it forces you to either live with your pain or find a way through it. Everyone has to make that choice at some point.”
“Then I hope (Y/N) can find a way through it because I will have to live with it.”
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eliaskahtri · 21 days
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LOCATION: The Pines TIMING: Current PARTIES: Elias & Marcus (@thenavysealkie) SUMMARY: Elias is obsessed with researching the strange and unknown, and drags Marcus along on a hike for an aniukha Warnings: None!
“Oh my God, it’s Bunnicula in the flesh!”
To say that Elias was becoming obsessed with learning all he could was a massive understatement. He had printed headlines from Wicked’s Rest whether it be a copy from the library or printed out online, he had it all out on his coffee table and dining table. It was even spilling onto the kitchen island, leaving no room for him to prepare food. He had completely engulfed himself in a determination to understand the supernatural for what they were. He didn’t want to harm them. No, far from it. He wanted to know what they were, to understand it from the inside out truly. It had become all-encompassing, and Elias couldn’t stop. 
In the middle of looking at new headlines that had come out from the local paper, Elias barely registered the knock at the door. He’d heard it, but he was almost done reading. It was a headline about a pack of wild rabbits that someone swore sucked their blood as if they were a bunch of bunniculas. Elias shuddered, remembering the book from grade school. It had terrified him to the point of having a massive fear of rabbits. Of course, he was made fun of for it, but it had improved in recent months. There were worse things to be afraid of than rabbits, like these blood-sucking ones, for instance. 
He heard the door unlock and open and whirled around from his laptop to come face to face with Marcus, who had let himself in after being ignored after knocking. Twice. “Oh,” Elias spoke, realizing that it had been days since he’d last spoken to Marcus. “Hi.” His voice was guilty, realizing that he had been neglecting his relationship to research into supernatural leads. “I… meant to text you, I just got… into stuff.” He looked around at all the papers, there were no clean surfaces that didn’t have newspaper headlines. “Sorry?” 
It had been literal days since Marcus and Elias last spoke together, and it wasn’t from lack of effort on Marcus’s part. For a little while Marcus would at least get a “read” notification, which still stung a little, but was now only being left on delivered. He knew Elias was still going through a lot, but this was a serious backslide in behavior, and he began to worry something genuinely terrible might have happened to him. 
He was grateful Elias trusted him with a key to his apartment, as he was now trudging up the stairs intent on doing a wellness check. “Elias, if you’re alive in there, I swear I’m gonna kill you” Marcus said under his breath as he approached the door. He knocked once, then twice. Silence was all he got in response. Fuck. He knew Elias was a private person who liked his space. He didn’t want to have to use his key, but this certainly constituted an emergency. 
After unlocking the door, Marcus stepped into a dimly lit apartment building with papers and news clippings scattered everywhere. Any table space seemed wholly unusable. Somehow, it was worse than anything Marcus had been preparing for. Elias was physically okay, probably, but his change in decor was starting to give off serial killer vibes, and not the hot kind. 
Finally, he saw Elias, who turned around to offer a weak greeting to him. “Into stuff?” Marcus responded. “You tied an anchor to your feet and dove headfirst into the deep end. What is all this?” “Mysterious animal” attacks, reports of people forgetting their own names, stories of the dead walking amongst the living, and enough Irish folklore to entertain every pub in Dublin for years to come were strewn haphazardly across the entire building. 
“How about some fresh air? Sunlight? Human interaction? C’mon, we gotta get you out of this apartment.” 
Elias frowned, realizing how crazed he appeared to anyone who didn’t know what he was doing, who didn’t know the truth behind the madness. “No, they’re separated into patterns!” He explained, walking over to the coffee table. “Vampire attacks,” he explained, reading out headlines. “Woman left with two holes on her neck after walking into Nightfall Grove at night.” He walked over to the dining table. “People who have lost their names. Fae.” He quickly skittered to the kitchen island. “Sightings of animals that shouldn’t be. All the beasts that exist around here aren’t just a normal species.” He held up the article about the aniukhas, a name he didn’t yet know. “Bloodsucking creatures that look like rabbits.” He shuddered again, thinking of Bunnicula. 
“I don’t need sunlight, Marcus! I need answers!” His tone was desperate and pleading, throwing the article back down. “If I want to keep myself safe, I need to know. I want to understand. And the only way to do that is to gather evidence.” Elias walked over to Marcus and took his hands, eyes pleading. “Please, I need to do this.” Elias whipped around and grabbed the article outlining the Bunniculas, holding it out. “Let’s go on a hike. See if we can find them!” Elias was practically begging, folding the article up and putting it into his pocket. “Please, I need to do this. It’s… it’s the only thing that could keep me alive.” 
If Marcus was trying to get him to calm down, he wasn’t listening. Instead, he was throwing on his hiking boots and grabbing his newly purchased camera. “Come on, let’s go!” Elias was already halfway out the door, turning to see that Marcus wasn’t following him yet. “We can… talk about it after, just please follow me with this.” He clasped his hands together as he walked back over to Marcus, taking his hands again. 
Marcus tried to understand Elias’s path of reasoning, but could only stay silent as he listened to him ramble about vampire rabbits, of all things. “Elias, you’re trying to speedrun an encyclopedia’s worth of information in a few days. I know you’re scared but…” But what? Did he tell him the truth? That no matter how hard he worked to protect himself and learn every danger that could be lurking around the corner that there was no way to guarantee anybody’s safety? Was that really what he needed to hear right now? “But sometimes you need to give your brain a rest. Otherwise, nothing’s going to stick, ya know?” 
“You want to stay safe from the dangerous vampire rabbits…so you want to go hunting for them?” He understood wanting to study them, but they weren’t animals behind a glass or in a cage, they were wild and were very capable of attacking them if given the chance. Still, Elias needed some sort of comfort, and maybe this could provide that for him. “Alright fine, why not? You seem like you want to go with or without me, so I might as well tag along for some protection. 
“Where exactly are we hiking? Is there a particular spot this attack reports are coming from?” Marcus asked, hoping that they’d at least be headed somewhere familiar.
Elias nodded his head with a bright grin that reached his eyes, more than he’d been capable of in some time. Whether or not it was healthy for the level of obsession Elias had reached or not, it made him happy to find something that excited him again. Sure, maybe he needed to dial it back several notches, but he was getting somewhere. “Yes!” He exclaimed before tugging on Marcus’s hand and dragging him out the door, only barely remembering to stop and lock his door before continuing down the hall to the stairs and his car. 
The drive was silent as they listened to the radio, Elias tapping his finger on the steering wheel. “It’s out near the pines,” Elias explained as they neared the location. “A hiking trail.” He added, that before turning into a preserve parking lot, there were only two other cars in the lot. “Come on!” Elias practically jumped out of the car with excitement, grabbing his camera and heading toward the trailhead. 
Elias bounced excitedly as he pulled out the article, wishing that he had someone like Maggie to draw them. An idea popped into his head after that. What if he got pictures of these creatures, and asked Maggie to draw them in her style? They could collaborate on a Wicked’s Rest encyclopedia of beasts! Elias looked to make sure Marcus was following, then started down the hiking path. “It was somewhere near the middle of the trail,” Elias further explained as they walked along, taking care to look around the bottom of trees and brush. “Keep your eyes out.” 
Marcus had a bad feeling in his gut. He and Elias could handle a vampire rabbit if it really came down to it, but there was no guarantee that was all they’d find during their hunt. Nature had a habit of being entirely unpredictable, and wouldn’t just hand deliver exactly what they needed when they needed it. 
Still, seeing Elias being excited about something instead of wallowing around as a shell of a person made Marcus overwhelmingly happy, and he certainly didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize this development. At least he had something to be passionate about now, dangerous though it may be. 
“You ever see those pictures of bigfoot? The super grainy ones taken from 10 miles away? I’m hoping we can get better pictures of these rabbits than those pictures.” Marcus knew Elias liked Bigfoot, and was hoping to use that to encourage him to take high-quality pictures even when he inevitably gets spooked.  “Who knows? Maybe we can even get famous off of them. Of course…there’ll always be those people explaining why they’re fake in some way or another.” 
They walked along to the part of the trail Elias said they should be at. Marcus stopped and listened carefully for any signs of movement along the path. His eyes scanned the brushline as he tried to pick out anything out of the ordinary. 
Turning the camera around in his hands as Marcus talked about making money off of photos, Elias was quick to shake his head. “I don’t want to make them public. I… don’t think a lot of people would be able to deal with it like I couldn’t once.” He explained, frowning. “But I think that if I could put together some sort of catalog or something, then when something happened, we could reference it with what we knew.” Elias looked toward Marcus, shrugging his shoulders. “But making money off of it and freaking people out? I don’t think that’s the solution.” 
There had been enough people who had tried to tell Elias that it was too dangerous to know the truth, but Elias thought that it was the exact opposite. For him, at least. That didn’t mean the same for others. “So for now, we keep whatever we find to ourselves, alright?” Elias nodded his head once he felt satisfied that Marcus was on the same page, then kept walking. 
“I’m sorry for ignoring your texts, I just get… so engrossed in things once I get started,” Elias explained, continuing to fiddle with the camera that he had in his hands. “I don’t mean to do it, and you were right to check on me. I got a bit… carried away.” His voice trailed off, realizing that it was far worse than simply getting carried away, it was an all-out obsession. “I love that you’re too stubborn to give up on me, but I still feel guilty.” 
Elias walked slowly in line with Marcus, taking a leisurely pace instead of searching incessantly for the creatures like he desperately wanted to. “I’ll do better. I’ll get better at answering my phone. I’ll turn the ringer on and everything.” He put a hand up as if he were swearing an oath.
Marcus simply shrugged his shoulders at Elias’s comment. “Truth’s already out there. Pictures or no pictures, people are going to have to make a choice to believe their own eyes or explain everything away ‘rationally’”. He was convinced there were many people who he could shift in front of and they still would think it was all some elaborate act. Some people were beyond convincing, and Marcus figured that was to his benefit and the benefit of other supernaturals around him. “But yeah! A little Wicked’s Rest bestiary sounds like exactly the kind of thing this town needs! Can’t know what to look out for if you don’t know it exists.” 
Marcus was down on his hands and knees looking for any signs of bloodthirsty bunnies. Admittedly, this was probably a stupid idea as he was putting his neck perfectly at fang level for them. He quickly realized this mistake and stood back up again as he heard Elias’s apology. “I don’t ask for much. Just an ‘I’m still alive’ text every day isn’t going to hurt you. But apology accepted. I can understand getting so engrossed in something like this, you’ve sort of had your whole worldview turned upside down recently. 
Just then, Marcus picked up on a slight rustling sound from the grass. It was faint, but he heard it, from the direction of a tall tree. He put up a finger to Elias, indicating for him to be quiet before he quickly peered in the direction of the tree to try and spot any hint of what they were looking for. Initially, there was nothing. But then, suddenly, the rustling started again, much faster than the last. And it was moving straight for both of them.
Thinking about the term bestiary, Elias decided to file that idea away for later. He did like the idea of calling it an encyclopedia better, but Marcus may be onto something there. Before he could continue the conversation, Marcus was holding up a finger for Elias to stay quiet. Elias readied the camera and searched the ground, snapping photos when something lept from the brush and attached itself onto Marcus’s face. “Oh god!” Elias cried, snapping photos before dropping the camera and rushing to help Marcus. 
As soon as Elias was able to yank the thing off of Marcus’s face, he took a look at the creature, eyes wide. “Oh my God, it’s Bunnicula in the flesh!” Elias exclaimed, throwing the creature to the ground in a hurry, horrified. Elias felt his legs begin to shake as his heart started racing, the fear that it really was a vampire rabbit who was there to drain him of his blood and kill him and Marcus. He really should have thought this through better. He knew this was what he was looking for, but now? Now he was in the thick of it and he didn’t know how to get out of it. 
Elias quickly scrambled to pick up his camera and took more photos of the creature, one of them was of it leaping straight for the lens, which Elias would later look at as a masterpiece. But for now, it was terrifying. For now, Elias needed to get Marcus and get out of there. Elias smacked Bunnicula out of the way and leaned down to grab Marcus’s hand and drag him along. “Come on, there’s bound to be more, let’s get out of here before that happens!” He told Marcus. “I got the photos, we’re golden!”
Marcus was in a daze as he felt the fangs finally release from his face. It was a very brief attack, but not one he was expecting. How was he supposed to know such a tiny little rabbit could be so strong? He heard Elias’s voice telling him they needed to go, and it took his brain a few moments to process what was actually happening. Finally, however, he was able to bring himself back up to his feet with Elias’s help and brush himself off quickly before booking it the hell out of dodge. 
They ran and ran until it finally seemed as if they were in the clear. They surely must have broken some sort of running record in the process with how fast they sprinted out of there. Catching their breaths quickly, the pair kept moving until finally returning to the car. 
“Well…I have to say I’m not a fan of the up close and personal method of getting pictures. But I will admit that the quality is great! There’s really no refuting that sort of thing. And people will have a great idea of what to look out for if they’re ever in the woods.” Would it really help people when the little bloodsuckers like to keep themselves hidden? Not really, but if it made Elias feel more comfortable and safe, Marcus was willing to roll with it. 
“I do have one request. If we go hunting for anything bigger, let’s protect ourselves a little better, yeah? I don’t exactly want to become anything’s dinner if I can help it.” 
As soon as they were back in the safety of Elias’s car, Elias took deep breaths to catch his breath, eagerly looking through his camera to find the photos he had taken. He’d done it, he’d gotten it on camera. Elias let out a laugh, astonished that he’d been able to capture it so well. He showed Marcus and grinned widely. Finally, Elias had a purpose again. He was going to do this, whether people told him to or not. And Marcus? He was along for the ride. He wasn’t stopping him, only telling him to be better at defense before going after more dangerous things.  Elias’s excitable grin melted into one of love and appreciation, then leaned over the console to press a kiss to Marcus’s cheek. “Thank you.” Was all he said before turning on the car and heading back to the apartment. He had a long way to go, but this was a good first step in getting somewhere. And wherever that was, Elias didn’t quite know yet, but he was eager to find out.
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