#he is not a bad guy or even a bad boyfriend per se
goginaporter · 2 years
just had a rina epiphany of sorts. @blues-valentine was talking about the canoe scene and how the way ej phrases it makes it sound like the fireworks are their destination. “maybe we can sit here and paddle away until the fireworks go off.” there are a few layers to this scene. the first I want to talk about is the fact that ej involves the canoe in his metaphor, suggesting that they go towards the fireworks. these fireworks, both metaphorical and literal in this situation, are not where pw are in that moment. also, given that the canoe is in the middle of the barn, they can’t actually move anywhere. they’re stagnant, just like their relationship. they aren’t going backwards, but they aren’t going forward either. of course, the core symbolism of this scene is the fact that we watched fireworks go off for ashlyn, but not for them. the spark that flamed their relationship is gone, if it was ever there in the first place. finally, this would not be my thoughts on this couple if I didn’t bring up rina. in 3.03, as ricky and gina are walking back to their tents for the night, ricky says something fascinating. “it’s the journey, not the destination.” I think these two scenes present an interesting contrast in how ej and gina have interacted and how ricky and gina interacted. ej is fighting for the musical and the documentary to go well so that he can stay in salt lake and stay with gina. however in fighting for their future, fighting to reach the fireworks, he is neglecting her in the present, a problem even more clear in the fact that gina has all but begged for ej to spend time with her at shallow lake like he promised, not only when they arrived to camp and he wasn’t director, but also in 3.02, when he tells gina he is not worried about their relationship as it relates to his directing responsibilities. ricky, in contrast, has literally shown up (ej’s words, not just mine) and stayed around and been supportive of gina the entire summer. she claimed that this was supposed to be a “summer of fun” just like ricky did in that ep, and he has all but ensured that for her; being a good leading man, making her laugh, holding other cast members accountable for how their actions impact gina’s show, listening to her issues and offering support, being at her side for color war the entire time, and even helping her with a promposal to her boyfriend. ricky doesn’t have some ulterior motive, a “destination,” if you will, in mind with gina. he just wants to support her now in every way he can. the journey, important to both him and gina, is what he prioritizes. I’m not trying to come down hard at ej for being a bad boyfriend, because there’s nuance to that statement. he is doing good things, but at the end of the day, not what gina asked of him and what he promised her. he’s not being a good boyfriend for gina.
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fairyhaos · 2 months
❖ no such thing as too perfect // jeon wonwoo
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wonwoo x gn!reader, 2k+ words
tags: office au, established relationship, fluff, kinda crack, junhui is the best work bestieTM ever, yn is Dramatic and In Love
warnings: none
notes: this was only meant to be like, 1.2k.... idk what happened but im not apologising. also there are a couple of pov switches which i hope make sense!!
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“I think I need to break up with him,” you say, and Junhui blinks around a mouthful of salad. 
“Who?” he asks, spraying pieces of feta cheese all over the table, and you wrinkle your nose and brush away a few bits that get too close to you and your bento box. He frowns, and then his eyes widen. “Oh my god, you need to break up with Jeon Wonwoo? Why do you need to break up with Jeon Wonwoo?”
You wince as Junhui's loud exclamation rings throughout the office canteen, making several heads turn to look at the two of you. 
“Don't yell it so loud—and why are you saying his name in italics?”
“Because this is Jeon Wonwoo,” Junhui emphasises again, shoving salad passionately into his mouth before carrying on talking. “He's the only one of your boyfriends that I've actually ever approved of. Which is crazy, because Soonyoung introduced him to you, and I've never pinned Soonyoung as a guy that knows boyfriend-material guys.”
You reach over and lower Junhui’s fork, preventing him from eating and talking at the same time. “I don't know,” you sigh. “I just… I don't think this is going to work.”
“What did he do?” Junhui asks. His face morphs into a more serious look. “Do I need to murder him for you?”
“No, I— no! Don't murder him!” you say quickly, shaking your head. “He hasn't done anything wrong. It's just. I think I need to break up with him.”
The grave look melts from Junhui's face, and then he frowns. “You need to break up with him… even though he hasn't done anything wrong?”
Junhui stares at you, mystified, then snatches back his fork to keep eating his salad. “Okay, so you've gone insane. Nice to know.”
You sigh at Junhui's response, rubbing your temples. 
Whilst it does sound insane for you to break up with Wonwoo even though he's done nothing wrong, in your eyes, it's actually quite understandable. 
Nothing has gone wrong, per se: you've been dating Wonwoo for about ten months now, and everything has been perfect. He's been perfect. 
Maybe… a little too perfect. 
He's always being so gentle and courteous, silently reading your emotions and knowing exactly how you're feeling at any given moment. He knows what you need before you even know that you need it—giving you little cheek kisses to remind you that you're loved, pushing a chocolate bar into your hand when you're all dizzy and tired, hugging you to sleep when you've had a bad day. 
The bento box that you're opening and having for lunch? That was prepared by him too. 
Jeon Wonwoo is just so goddamn perfect, and it worries you. 
“I don't think I'm good enough for him,” you admit whilst Junhui is busily sipping his water. 
It's fascinating how he manages to eat so frantically whilst eating so slowly at the same time, you think idly, as Junhui chokes on the tiny sip he was taking. He sets down the glass, wiping his mouth and blinking at you. 
“Sorry, what?”
“Come on, Junhui, do I really have to say it again?” you complain, beginning to open your bento box. “You heard me.”
“Yeah, and I couldn't believe my ears,” he says, tilting his head sideways. “You? Not good enough for him? Please. That's crazy.”
You make a questioning noise. “You just said that he's the only boyfriend of mine that you approved of.”
“Exactly.” Junhui stabbed his fork in your direction, before going back to shovelling leaves into his mouth. “You're perfect for him, and he's perfect for you. I predicted it from the moment you met.”
“I don't know about me being perfect for him, but he really is just too perfect for me,” you whine. “Him and his stupidly warm eyes and that smile… oh, Junhui, he makes me feel like the most beautiful person in this entire universe.” You look down at your bento box, pouting. “Wonwoo's just so perfect.”
Junhui makes a face. “Gross, but okay. I still don't see your point, though. Wonwoo's perfect, and you're both good enough for each other. I don't see why you think you need to break up with him.”
Still looking down at the bento box, you let out a sigh. All of the food is neatly packed away into the separate compartments, and he's even arranged the sesame seeds on your rice into a little heart. It's an awfully goofy but also an awfully Wonwoo thing to do, and you can feel your heart squeezing painfully in your chest, the longer you stare at it. 
This is not good. You are far too in love with Wonwoo. 
That's what you tell Junhui, and he stares at you with utter disbelief as if you've finally admitted that you really have lost your mind. 
“And what makes you think that he's not far too in love with you?” Junhui asks. “You know, one of the reasons that I approve of Wonwoo is because he's just so so in love with you. Like, almost disgustingly in love with you.”
“What?” You blink at him, before shaking your head. “Junhui, no, this is serious. Wonwoo's just so perfect and I'm so in love with him and—and it's actually getting dangerous now. I've literally fallen in love with him.”
Junhui stares at you for a long moment, wondering whether you're actually being serious about all of this. 
“That's not a bad thing,” he insists, and then chomps on his salad in frustration. “Y/N, that's not a bad thing at all.”
“Yes it is,” you say, despairingly, looking forlorn as you prop your chin on your hand. “I love him too much. It's gonna—it's gonna get too overwhelming, soon, and then he'll start thinking I'm weird, and he'll distance himself from me, and then we'll break up and I should end this before that happens.”
Junhui shakes his head. “I don't think that's true.”
“Yes it is.”
“No it isn't. He won't break up with you.”
“Not yet.”
Junhui looks away exasperatedly, because you're adamant in wallowing in your despair over having to break up with Wonwoo because “he's too perfect” even while quite happily eating the lunch that Junhui knows Wonwoo probably prepared for you. 
It's insane, he thinks, because it's obvious to him that Wonwoo loves you a lot. But he knows you and your negative thinking, and short of Wonwoo walking in here and professing his love to you all by himself, Junhui can't think of anything that could possibly convince you otherwise. 
As he looks past your shoulder to the glass doors of the office canteen, however, he blinks. 
There's a tall man entering the canteen, his dark hair all fluffy and his glasses-rimmed eyes scanning the area, lips pursed into a look that could almost be described as bored. He has his hands in his coat pockets, wearing the most simple casual fit ever, but he exudes such cold model energy that even Junhui blinks again. 
And then he watches as the man catches sight of you and Junhui, and his entire demeanour just softens. 
Junhui bites back a grin. 
Wow. Maybe he’s, like, actually psychic. 
“Wonwoo's here,” he says abruptly, and your head snaps up so fast that he can hear the audible click that sounds in your neck. 
Junhui doesn't get to say anything, however, because he sees the moment that your eyes clock the tall man that's striding into the canteen, the light catching the frames of his glasses, and watches as you positively melt, in much the same way that the man had done when he saw you. 
He can almost hear every infatuated thought that runs through your mind. 
“Wonwoo,” you breathe, once Wonwoo steps close enough to the table that you and Junhui are eating at. His hair is all fluffy and windswept, and you resist the urge to smooth it down with your fingers. 
“Hello.” Wonwoo bends down, presses a soft kiss to your forehead. “You weren't answering your phone.”
“Hm? I didn't get any text notifs from you.” You check your phone, trying to turn it on, only for the screen to remain black. “Oh. Is it dead?”
“I suspected as much,” Wonwoo says dryly, but there's a fondness in his voice as he pulls out a power bank from his pocket. “Here.”
Your eyes light up. “Oh, you're a life saver!” You look up at Wonwoo, smiling at the way his eyes look so warm as he gazes down at you. “Thank you.”
Junhui slurps his water loudly. 
“Sorry,” he says, sounding not sorry at all when the two of you look over at him. “Don't mind me.”
He's grinning mischievously, for reasons that you cannot fathom, and when he leans forward to peer up at Wonwoo with curious eyes, the mischief in his grin only increases. 
“So, Wonwoo, why are you here?”
Wonwoo tilts his head, pushing his glasses up at the same time. “You're Junhui.”
“The one and only,” Junhui says brightly. “I'm Y/N's work bestie. I've heard loads about you.”
You hiss in annoyance, kicking Junhui under the table even as Wonwoo laughs amusedly, placing a hand on your shoulder affectionately. 
“Wen Junhui! Why would you say that?”
“Do you talk about me that often?” Wonwoo asks, and his tone is somewhere between genuinely curious and adoring and you kind of just wanna sit there and listen to his voice forever. 
“Oh, all the time,” Junhui says, eyes gleaming, and you snap your gaze back to him, exasperated. “Y/N loves you so much. I hear about the extent of it every day.”
Wonwoo looks down at you, raising an eyebrow. “Really?”
You kind of want to deny it, but then that would mean lying to Wonwoo, so you don't. 
“Maybe?” you say weakly, cheeks burning as you smile sheepishly up at him. “You're just, uh. Really really lovely. And, um, I kind of love you. A lot.”
Wonwoo laughs, a full and endeared laugh, twinkling with the light of a thousand suns. “I'm glad. Because you're really lovely, and I love you a lot too.”
Your eyes widen, and suddenly it's like it's just you and Wonwoo in the canteen now, him with his hand on your shoulder and those eyes, holding your very soul in place as he just smiles so lovingly and oh God you really do love him. 
“Oh,” you say, soft. “Wonwoo…”
Wonwoo just smiles again. “Anyways, I came by to let you know that I'll be finishing work a bit earlier today, so call me when you're done and I'll drive by to pick you up, okay?”
You nod, mute, stunned by the gentlest words of “I love you” that had left Wonwoo's mouth just seconds before. 
“It was nice meeting you,” Junhui chirps, but Wonwoo doesn't seem to hear, because he's looking down at you again, before swooping in and placing the lightest kiss on your nose and you feel like you could combust on the spot right there. 
“I'll see you later?” he says. 
You nod. “I'll see you later.”
Wonwoo smiles, and then the hand slides off your shoulder and he walks away. 
You watch him go, watch him walk through the tables and then get to the glass doors, where he turns around one last time to wave goodbye before disappearing outside, and really, it's insane how much you love him. 
And how much he loves you, it seems. 
“So. He took time out of his own lunch break and came all the way here to give you a charger because he knew that you'd forgotten one and to tell you that he's picking you up later?” Junhui says, making you reluctantly turn back to him. “Y/N. If this doesn’t make you see just how in love with you Wonwoo is, then I’m gonna kick you.”
“Hey, no need for violence,” you say, raising an eyebrow, and Junhui pulls a face. 
“So do you see it or do you not?”
You look over your shoulder again, out at the doors. Wonwoo’s no longer there, but you can still imagine the imprint of his warmth, lingering like the softest lavender scent over the entire area. 
“Maybe I do,” you say, all wistful and dazed, a smile on your face. “Isn’t he just so perfect?”
Junhui grins, and makes use of your distracted state to steal a carrot stick from your lunch, crunching on it loudly.
“Perfect and in love with you,” he points out. “So do you still feel like you need to break up with him?”
You blink, eyes still all starry from your few minutes of interacting with your boyfriend, his soft smile etched into your mind. It takes a moment for Junhui's words to register, but then they do, and you can't help but laugh. 
“Oh. Oh, no. He and I are perfect.”
Junhui grins. He really is a psychic. 
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fics tags: @jeonginssa @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @zozojella @kawennote09 @thedensworld @a-wandering-stay @abibliolife @doublasting @wonranghaeee @icyminghao @sweet-like-caramel @your-yxnnie @odxrilove @kyeomyun @crackedpumpkin @jeonride @kellesvt @sakufilms @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @amxlia-stars @raevyng @isabellah29 @hrts4hanniehae @mcu-incorrect
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pretty girl - jean kirschtein x afab!reader - 18+!!!
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there's def more eren coming but while that's in the works please enjoy the result of the jean brainrot i experienced the other day. fair warning- it's going to get pretty rough, but that's what you asked him for ;)
pairing: reader x jean kirschtein
wc: 4.6k
DISCLAIMER: this post contains MATURE CONTENT that is intended only for those over 18. if you are a minor, please do not read below the cut.
CWs: smut, consensual hook-up, established relationship (jean's ur gorgeous bf lucky u), unprotected sex, oral sex (male receiving), face fucking, pretty rough sex, vaginal fingering, biting, dirty talk, penetrative vaginal sex, swearing, daddy kink, use of names (pretty girl, crybaby, good girl), very dom jean, multiple orgasm, dacryphilia/crying, creampie
this one was super fun and is very tasty u guys enjoy <3
-> be there in 5 babe :)
You are not looking forward to this, to say the least. You pace madly around your little apartment in a massive t-shirt and sweatpants covering the skimpiest lingerie set you own. It’s got all the bells and whistles: a matching garter belt, lace in all the right places, stockings that come up to where your plush thighs are the fattest. You should be looking forward to this, you tell yourself, candles lit and ambient lighting ready to go. You have a gorgeous boyfriend who’s going to “be here in five”, and you should be brimming with excitement. But…you’re just not.
Jean’s been in your life for a few months now. What had started as a run-in at the coffee shop around the corner had turned into candlelit dinners, movie marathons, and exclusive titles, and you adore him. His sandy brown hair, the tattoo on his strong bicep, pretty hazel eyes– Jean’s sexy, loving, sarcastic, attentive, literally everything you could ask for in a boyfriend. Except when it comes to your sex life, that is.
The sex isn’t bad per se, you just can’t shake the feeling that he’s holding something back from you. He’s almost too perfect; he’s gentle with you, always taking care to ask permission before touching you, chaste kisses as he slides in, hand-holding in missionary. He cums every time, immune to the whiskey-dick you’d expect from his bourbon drinking habit, so you know he’s enjoying himself, but he doesn’t always seem all there. The fire just isn’t in him, and you know he has that side to him. You’ve seen those hazel eyes you love so much blaze, in a heated argument, at the gym. Why it doesn’t happen in your intimate moments is beyond you, it’s like he’s afraid to break you, like he’s not doing everything–
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Shit, knocking on your front door is what he’s doing.
You take one last look in the mirror: hair’s casual, but still sexy, makeup to a minimum, all straps and lace covered up by your inconspicuous pajamas. Time to potentially ruin your relationship.
“Hey beautiful,” Jean greets you with an innocent smile, “you look cozy.”
“Feel cozy,” you accept his kiss, chewing on your lip as he comes in. Your heart’s pounding in your ears; poor thing has no idea what’s to come. Maybe it’ll go well, you think; false hope might be the only thing that gets you to pull through with your plan.
“Have any movie ideas for tonight? I was thinking Hereditary, but only if you’re not too chicken…” Jean raises his eyebrows, a taunting smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth. Ha! If only he knew all of the things you aren’t “too chicken” for.
You smile weakly, stomach churning. “Maybe. Can we just…can we just talk for a sec?”
Jean’s playful demeanor drops instantly, replaced by a faint frown. “What about?”
You amble over to the couch, playing with the strings of your sweatpants anxiously. How the fuck are you even supposed to bring this up? Your mind’s racing so quickly it draws a blank, and before you can stop yourself, you blurt: “Sex.”
“Sex?” Jean’s cheeks tinge pink. He hasn’t shaved in probably a week, a shadow covering his sharp jawline. God, he’s gorgeous, you can’t mess this up, you really can’t.
“Yeah,” you confirm, “sex. Our sex, to be clear.”
“I figured as much,” Jean’s sat himself beside you now, one eyebrow raised suspiciously. He’s not upset, not yet, but you’ve definitely caught him off guard.
“I– I feel like we’re on different pages,” you stammer– fuck you are so bad at this, “I just feel like sometimes you’re so…gentle, and you don’t necessarily, like, have to be?”
Jean’s frowning full on now, a precious little wrinkle appearing in the center of his forehead. You’ve hurt him, and your heart sinks. Probably should have started with the pros. “Like…what do you mean, by ‘don’t have to be gentle’?”
“Our sex life is great,” you try to smile enthusiastically, as if you don’t actually want to blow your brains out right now, “please don’t think I’m saying you’re bad in bed or anything. I just, like– okay, for example, have you ever tried anything rough?”
His mouth is a flat line. “Like what?”
“Like, handcuffs, or roleplay, any of that stuff.”
“What have you tried?” His voice is even, collected, but there’s something simmering in him that you can’t put your finger on. It’s not anger, but it tastes similar, running in the same vein but not quite there. It’s your turn to feel your face warm.
“I mean, I’ve tried handcuffs before. Some light slapping, spanking.” You’re twiddling your thumbs, confessing into your lap. You can feel his eyes on you.
“That it?”
“I guess.”
“Did you…enjoy that kind of stuff?” He’s taking the bait. You finally meet his gaze and it ignites a little fire in your stomach; he’s never looked at you this intensely, brows pinched together like you’re a puzzle he’s trying to figure out. All of these little mannerisms are tells, you’re intuitive enough to know that, but exactly what he’s trying to convey you just can’t figure out.
“How rough are we talking, here?” Jean sounds deeper than normal, the slightest bit of strain to his words. That’s definitely new; Jean’s the most unshakeable person you’ve ever met.
“If I’m making you uncomfortable, I–”
“You’re not making me uncomfortable,” an easy chuckle floats out of his mouth, “just trying to feel you out is all.”
Your brows furrow. “Feel me out?”
“Yeah,” he shrugs, “I’m surprised, that’s all.”
“Surprised?” Your nose wrinkles. “Did I ever give off the impression that I was, like, super vanilla or something?”
“No,” he laughs again, a bit of the tension melting from the room, “no, not that. We’re just still pretty new, that’s all. Wasn’t going to whip out everything in my toolbox ‘til I knew you were okay with it.”
That piques your interest; you think you’d very much like to see what’s in this toolbox of his. “So you do like some of this stuff?”
Jean rolls that thought over in his mind for a beat before responding, a suspicious smirk that you can’t read tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Yeah, I guess you could say I like some of this stuff.”
“We’re back to my original question then: what do you like?”
“I’m more worried about what you like,” Jean says, “especially since you won’t come right out and say it. Gonna make me guess?”
That’s your Jean, blunt as ever. The fire in your stomach sparks and spits at the conversation, teasing and tempting. There’s something playful to his words; you can’t shake this feeling that you’re missing something, that he’s toying with you, but you like it. You let him keep pushing, see where he’s leading you. “Sure, guess.”
“Do you like…” Jean trails off, examining you with his chin nestled between his thumb and index finger, “to be dominant?”
“Submissive, then.”
“Yeah.” He likes that, you can tell by the way his eyes glint at you. Your teeth sink into your bottom lip.
“Like to be tied up?”
“Already told you about the handcuffs.”
“I bet you have a praise kink.”
That has you flustered. There’s a sinking sensation in your stomach that you’ve underestimated him, waded out too deep into the water, but fuck it, you’re already here. “How’d you know?”
Jean smiles, pleased. “I just do. Overstimulation?”
“Orgasm denial? Degradation?”
“If I deserve it.” It’s a bold answer, but it makes Jean suck in a sharp “fuck” between his teeth. Oh yes, you’ve definitely underestimated him.
“You like to be punished, don’t you?” His hand has traveled up to cup your jaw, thumb playing absentmindedly with your bottom lip. There’s an anticipatory warmth gathering between your legs, and the air between you both is practically crackling, charged by the tension thrumming through both of your bodies.
“Yes,” it comes out in a breath, almost pathetic, but you can’t help yourself. He looks so good, always does, and now he’s grazing his eyes over you like he wants to take a bite.
“You know how safewords work?” You nod a bit too eagerly. “Ours is going to be red, okay?”
“Okay,” you’re agreeing, but you aren’t entirely sure what to, caught up in the soft rubbing of his thumb over your mouth.
“If your mouth is,” a deep breath shakes through his frame, “occupied, give me a sharp pinch with your nails.”
“I can do that,” the tension between you is palpable now, the room’s so hot that you’re surprised your wallpaper isn’t peeling off.
“Go to your room,” Jean releases you, eyes dark and hungry, “take your clothes off and wait for me on the bed. I’ll be in soon.”
You follow his instructions without thinking twice, as if a switch has flipped in your brain. Maybe it was his tone, an authoritative way of speaking that threatens consequence, or maybe you’re just so ready to see what this perfect boyfriend of yours has been hiding all this time. As you’re getting undressed, you realize he still doesn't know about your lingerie. You bite back a smile, kneeling on the bed. This is going to be so good.
A minute or so ticks by slowly, and just when your legs are starting to ache, Jean’s entering your room. His face darkens in a way you’ve never seen before when he sees your little get up; lightning shoots through your core.
“Put on a pretty outfit just for me?”
“Mhm,” you hum.
“That’s good,” he says in that slow drawl of his, “good girl.”
He’s only testing the waters, but you can feel your body viscerally react to the little pet name, shifting on your knees to mask your desperate attempt for friction, dampness spreading in your panties. Jean sees right through your act, smirking.
Jean joins you in undressing, slipping his shirt over his head. You take your time admiring his torso; miles of long, lean muscle, little ripples by his ribs trailing into a ridiculous six-pack. Jean’s a confessed gym rat, and it shows in every little line along his body. You have to blink and look away before you start salivating.
“Ah, ah, ah,” Jean scolds, tilting your head up towards him, “eyes on me, got it?”
“Got it,” you answer. Jean frowns.
“That’s not very nice,” he says, “try again.”
You go out on a limb. “Yes, sir.”
Jean’s eyes glint again in that mean, pretty way you saw earlier. You did good, you did good for him. “Much better. Get on the floor.”
You slide off of your mattress, practically buzzing with anticipation, settling on your knees in front of him. A low groan rumbles in Jean’s chest.
“Look so good like that, my pretty girl.”
Oh, you really like that, nuzzling against his hand on your head. Jean smiles down at you, inching his pants down until that little thatch of brown hair starts revealing itself. “Open up for me, nice and wide.”
Your jaw’s dropped, mouth open and tongue out, expectant. Jean smiles wider, sharp and dangerous, pulling his cock out for you. He taps the head against your tongue a few times, even slaps you with it, facade faltering for a fraction of a second to gauge your reaction. You’re good for him, sitting still and patient with your mouth still open, a drop of drool starting to slide off the end of your tongue. Jean makes a sound that’s somewhere between a groan and a chuckle.
“Oh, you’re an obedient little thing, aren’t you?” Your panties grow impossibly wetter, you wiggle on your thighs under him, earning yourself another slap of his cock on your tongue, heavy and drooling. “Gonna fuck this pretty face, okay?”
You close your mouth around his head, sucking lightly to show your approval. He’s not even touched you, not so much as a kiss, and your brain’s foggy, running like a hamster on a wheel chasing the circular thought of be good, be good, be good. Jean grabs your hair none-too-gently, tugging it at the roots, and starts canting his hips towards your mouth, muttering under his breath about how good you are, how good your mouth feels on him.
You lower your jaw ever so slightly, and before long, Jean’s picking up speed, knocking your gag reflex here and there and making you cough around him. He doesn’t seem overly concerned; in fact, he grins cruelly down at you when he hits an extra-sensitive spot, making you hunch and gag on him.
“Look at my pretty girl, so happy getting her mouth fucked,” he hisses when you moan around him, feeling the vibrations up his cock. He’s moving faster now, rougher than he’s ever been. You’re gagging with some regularity, tears welling up in your eyes and threatening to spill down your cheeks. You expect him to let up, give you some air, but it only spurs him on, and before you know it, there are thick streams of tears running down your face. Your jaw aches, your knees burn, but you stay, letting him use you how he pleases.
“Fucking crying on me,” Jean growls, “my cock too much for you?”
You try to answer with a shake of your head, but he’s relentless, fingers tightening in your hair and cock shoving to the back of your throat, making you retch.
“No, you love it, don’t you? My little crybaby.”
You’re so wet you can feel it gathering on the insides of your thighs, entirely soaked through your panties. You move your hips subtly, this way and that, desperate for friction. Jean notices, pulling out of your mouth but staying connected by a string of your spit.
“You squirming, pretty girl? Need some attention?”
“Yes, sir,” you rasp, nodding eagerly. Jean helps you up onto the bed, lays you back against his chest facing the mirror on top of your wardrobe. It’s a terribly lewd sight; you spread out in front of him, face swollen and teary, the telltale glisten of wetness glittering on your thighs.
Jean slides a hand down your body, rubbing you over your panties and nibbling at your ear. “You’re gonna watch me make you cum, and if I see you look away, I’m fucking you ‘til I cum, and you’re not getting a damn thing. Got it?”
“Yes, sir,” your voice wobbles pathetically. Jean seems to like it; his cock twitches in interest against your back. He pushes your panties to the side, flicking his fingers faster over your clit. Embarrassingly enough, you’re already nearing your halfway point from the face-fucking, moaning and grinding up into his palm.
“Need something?”
“Mhm,” you grit out, jaw clenched. Jean slaps your pussy; not too hard, but firm enough to make you jolt, bring you a moment of clarity.
“Manners,” he reminds you sharply.
“I’m sorry, I– can I please have a finger?”
Jean’s placated, slides one finger into you and laughs hot against your neck at the obscene sound that tears from your throat. “What do we say when we get what we ask for?”
“Thank you– fuck, thank you,” your words are coming out in puffs of breathe. Jean has long, skilled fingers, a fact you’re already familiar with, but the position he’s put you in has you dripping onto the sheets: forcing you to watch as he pumps in and out of you, grinding into your clit with the heel of his hand. You’ll be lucky if you last another minute.
“Feels good, doesn’t it? My pretty girl likes being full, right?” Jean murmurs, hot against the shell of your ear. “Tell me.”
“Yes, sir, I– I like it, I need– fuck!”
“What do you need?” Jean coos, entertained, as if he’s not unraveling you with just the one.
“I want one m-more finger, please,” you stutter, relieved you’re able to get the words out at all.
“Learning so fast,” Jean kisses your shoulder, granting your wish. His fingers are thick, the slight stretch making you throw your head back against his shoulder, hips rolling into his hand of their own accord. “Still looking?”
You force your head back to its upright position, mindful of the threat in his tone. His fingers work faster at your obedience, curling insistently against the gummy spot inside your walls that makes you see stars, makes you a little out of your mind with need. It’s that out-of-mind dizziness in your head that causes your little slip-up:
“Fuck, please, more- more, Daddy.”
Jean’s fingers still; it’s not until you’re halfway into a whine of disappointment that you realize what you’ve said. Your face burns; you meet his eyes in the mirror, yours shot wide and embarrassed. You trip over your words, trying to explain yourself. That definitely hadn’t been mentioned in your earlier conversation.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to say that, I just–”
“Just what? Already so fucked out you can’t think straight?” Jean curls his fingers pointedly against your walls, punching a groan from your chest.
“Yeah,” you sigh, head growing cloudy again.
“Say it again.” That definitely isn’t what you expect to hear him mutter against your neck. Jean works a third finger into your cunt with some difficulty, stretching you to your limits. “Fucking say it, or you’re not cumming.”
“Oh my God, D-Daddy,” your cries are pathetic, punctuated by whimpers. The bubble in your stomach is about to pop, the tension growing unbearable. You’re almost there, grinding into his hand pitifully and babbling, when Jean takes one of his hands to grab your throat roughly. He holds you captive, staring at your own stretched cunt on display for you in the mirror.
“Good, good girl,” he says, “now watch Daddy make you cum.”
The band inside you snaps viciously; your back arches away from him, and you squirt, gushing all over your bed sheets, inhuman sounds tearing from your throat where you struggle under his hand. Jean’s working you through the whole thing, still steadily pumping his fingers and whispering dirty little nothings into your ear. It finally begins to quiet, overstimulation washing over you. You push urgently at his wrist, mumbling something or other about “too much, too much”.
Jean mercifully obliges, pulling his hand from you with a shameful sucking sound, giving your pussy another light slap.
“Such a good girl for me, yeah? How you feelin’?”
“Good, so good,” you slur, “I’ve never– never…”
“Never squirted?” Jean’s eyebrows shoot up at your answering nod before a smug expression settles over his face. “Such a fun little toy, aren’t you? Just wait, you’ll get used to it soon enough.”
Your cunt clenches around nothing; so he can make you do that? Again? Jean’s slid out from behind you and is repositioning your limp body, dragging you down the bed by your ankles to line you up with his cock. He bends your knees up, pressing them close to your head. Jesus, he’s going to kill you at this rate.
“Want me to fuck you?”
“Please,” you hate the begging lilt to your voice, but you’re beyond fighting it. You gave up the reins a long time ago when you knelt for him, let him call you a good girl, let him fuck your throat.
“I’ve got you, pretty girl, Daddy’s gotcha,” Jean starts bullying his way into your pussy, still tight and pulsing from your orgasm. “Shit, got a tight little cunt, don’t you? Feels so good– fuck.”
You’re simpering under him, barely able to process the stretch of his cock in you. He’s well-endowed and you’re overwhelmed, a dizzying combination for your fucked-out brain to handle. Just when you think he might be in your throat he’s so deep in you, his hips press to the back of your thighs, both of you letting out a long groan at the feeling.
“So pretty,” Jean muses, not moving yet, just placing a thumb on your clit and absentmindedly playing with it, “such a beautiful pussy.”
You whine, frustrated. He glares at you, landing a harsh smack to your inner thigh.
“I’m not going to warn you again.”
“Please fuck me, oh God, please,” you pant, past the point of humility. Jean licks his lips, presses his palms deep into the backs of your knees, practically folding you in half. He gives you what you ask for.
You’re jolted back and forth on the mattress, mouth hung open in a silent scream as he splits you open on him, forces every inch deep into you. His tip’s kissing your cervix, pain blooming in your abdomen, but you don’t even care, so lost in the rhythm of his hips.
“Jean, I– oh my God,” you try to tell him how good he feels, but all you get is a firm hand around your throat.
“Who’s fucking this pretty cunt up, hm? Fucking you good and deep? Who is it?”
“Daddy,” you choke out, breathless, “Daddy’s.”
“There you go,” Jean’s focused on where you’re connected, eyes never leaving the frothy white ring forming around the base of his cock. You’re crying again, vaguely aware of the streams of tears running down your temples, into your hairline, but fuck, he just feels so good your brain can’t even process it. Jean takes notice, wipes one of your tears and licks it off of his thumb. “Cute fucking crybaby, all happy and cockdrunk, aren’t you?”
You whimper some semblance of an agreement, feeling the band of tension in you already getting stretched to a breaking point. He’s at an angle that allows him to hammer into the most delicious spot inside of you, rubbing against it with each thrust.
“Gonna cum soon, I– I’m gonna cum soon,” you manage, locking his gaze.
“Let me feel it, go on, do it for me,” Jean pants, squeezing your neck tighter. The lack of air goes to your head; the room spins until all you can focus on is him pounding into you. You cum violently, throbbing around his cock, thrashing against his strong arms. Jean fucks you through it, never losing his pace. “Good fucking girl, just like that.”
You’re practically wheezing as your senses return to you, clawing at Jean’s arm on your throat. He lets up on your neck, smiling down at you. “Feel good?”
“Mhm,” you hum, blissed out and half-asleep until Jean flips you, forcing you to prop up on your hands and knees. “Wait, Jean–”
“Wait?” Jean scoffs, sliding back into you. You let out a little cry, and he smacks your ass sharply. “This is what you asked for, right? Said I was being too nice to you.”
“I didn’t– oh my god…” your eyes roll back into your head, a well-placed thrust cutting your words off. “It’s so…it’s so much, Jean.”
Jean lands three more sharp slaps to your ass, already thrusting into you at a brutal pace. “What was that?”
“T-too much, Daddy,” you collapse, face shoved into the bed to mask the pitiful cries leaving your mouth. It is too much; if you tuck your chin to your chest, you can see a little bulge in your tummy where he’s fucking into you, another orgasm already building in the pit of your stomach. You feel like you might pass out if he makes you cum again, but he’s ruthless.
“Too much?” Jean coos, fisting your hair to turn your face. He’s glaring down at you. “You were practically begging me for it, and my pretty girl gets what she wants, right? Said you wanted it rough, so you’re going to fucking take it.”
You nod miserably, fat tears rolling down your cheeks. Jean hisses when you clamp down around him. “Squeezing me so goddamn tight, this pussy.”
You feel a hand start thrumming insistently against your clit and nearly shriek; your pussy’s so swollen, so sensitive already. You claw at the bedsheets, feeling something warm and wet swelling inside of you.
“Daddy, I– fuck, it’s, it’s–”
“Gonna make you squirt again,” it’s a promise from behind your ear, “you’re gonna squirt on my cock and Daddy’ll cum for you, okay?”
“I can’t, I–” you’re wailing, words cut off by your own moans. Jean loves it, you can feel his thrusts growing more urgent against your hips, so deep in you you could choke.
“You can,” he corrects you, hand moving faster, “want Daddy to cum in you?”
“Yes, please, p-please,” You cry, letting him use you as he wishes. 
“I’ll give it to you, gotta cum first, you can do that, can’t you? Taking me so well, pretty girl, just need you to cum one more time for me.”
“Uh-huh,” the edges of your vision are starting to close in. He’s ruthless, hips slamming into yours hard enough to bruise, cock stretching you out so nicely, you can’t hold it, but you know, somewhere deep in this primal part of your brain, you need to be good, need to ask him. “Need to cum, Daddy, please– please let me, I–”
“Go ahead,” Jean shushes you, hips moving impossibly faster, “be a good girl, let me feel it.”
That tips you over the edge and Jean makes good on his promise; your cum is dripping out of you, spraying onto his thighs and ruining your sheets. You’re thrashing your head back and forth and sobbing through your orgasm, pinned and powerless under him. Jean swears at the vice-like grip you have on him; it doesn’t take him long to follow suit, pressing himself as deep as he can go, cumming in you. He bends over you as he does, grabbing your jaw and forcing you to him, kissing you hard in a mess of tongue and teeth. You feel it warming your stomach, moaning appreciatively until you both collapse in a sweaty mess of limbs, gasping for breath and clutching onto one another.
Jean allows himself a few moments to catch his breath, and then he’s pulling out of you, leaving you empty and whimpering. He shushes you, holding you close to his chest and letting you work through the intense session in his arms. You’ve never been so fucked out, nuzzling into his chest and simply letting him hold you, letting the aftershocks wrack through your sore body. After a few minutes you’re coming to; the haze begins to lift, and you peek up at him, unsure of where to start after…that.
“You okay?”
You turn the words over in your mouth before you can get them out, still feeling a bit like you’re floating. “Yeah, yeah, I’m okay. That was…wow.”
Jean, the man that just held you down and forced what were probably life-threatening orgasms out of you, blushes. “Yeah, it was really something.”
“Yeah, it was,” you agree, giggling despite yourself. Your mind is still a little cloudy, a little soft after everything. “But it was good. So good.”
“Yeah?” Jean grins, hoisting you up into his lap so you can both sit up, still cradling you to his chest. “Not too gentle, was I?”
Your face grows hot, you want to hide it behind your hands. “No, not too gentle.”
“You were right earlier,” he admits, “I was definitely holding out on you just because the way I like to…I mean, I don’t think I need to get too into it, you were there. It can be a lot. Didn’t want to push you too far.”
You hum contentedly, playing with the little gold chain he always wears. “I understand that now, but I’m a big girl. I can handle whatever you want to give me, promise.”
“Don’t say that,” Jean groans, “too tired for round two.”
Your hand falls into the mess between your thighs, and you wince. “Maybe after a shower?”
“Greedy,” Jean tuts, scooping you up with him to make the journey over to your bathroom, “my greedy, pretty girl.”
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nana-au · 2 months
JJK Men React to Finding Out You Like Them
G.Satoru, G.Suguru, I.Yuji, F.Megumi
(I got carried away with Gojo's.. mb)
𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
G.Satoru: You could not stand him and his stupid, annoying, ugly (undeniably pretty) face.
Shoko and Geto swore you two bickered like an old married couple. The two of you would scoff, sometimes even pushing each other’s shoulders just to remind the other one who was stronger. It was down right childish the way you both interacted with each other. Pinching and hair pulling. Arguing over who was right and wrong, sometimes even arguing against obvious facts just to piss the other one off. You couldn’t stand his pompous attitude and he couldn’t stand the fact you weren’t in awe of him like he believed you should be. He made every hair on your body stand straight just by his voice or the way his figure loomed over you as he teased you. 
“What’s this for?” He mocked, pinching your cheek you dusted with blush. 
“None of your business,” you assured him, attempting to punch him in the gut. He would swiftly dodge it, continuing to mock you. 
“Surely it isn’t for a boyfriend. I feel bad for any guy dumb enough to be interested in you,” his glasses would slide down his nose as he looked over your figure. You didn’t hesitant to tell him to suck a dick, and it didn’t even cross his mind to not tell you that you wished you could suck his. “I’d never let you though,” he assured you and you would huff out a ‘thank God!’. You would attempt to storm off, but he kept body blocking you, and you were adamant on not making bodily contact with the guy. “Where are you going?” he quizzed and you begged him to drop it - that it was none of his business. You were getting really worked up, more so than usual. His assumption wasn’t necessarily wrong, you were trying to leave for your date with a barista from the coffee shop you frequented in Tokyo. “If you won’t tell me, I’ll have to let Sensei know. Can’t have you up to no good.” 
“Then go tell him!” you huffed. You were going to be running late if the asshole in front of you wouldn’t move. “God Gojo, you are so childish,” he only stuck his tongue out at you. You were about to start shaking with anger and against your better judgment you confessed to him. “Fine! It’s a date, make fun of me all you want when I get back,” your chest was heaving and your blood was hot. To your sudden shock, Gojo stepped out of your way wordlessly and watched as you took off out the doors. 
The next few days felt like the Twilight Zone. You did your makeup again and Gojo didn’t even bother to flick your cheeks. When you mentioned to Shoko how nice the weather was, he didn’t argue that it was ‘Just alright’. While Suguru, Gojo, and you were taking turns sparring, he didn’t hide the defeat in his face when you kicked dirt onto him after knocking him on his ass. To you, that was really the last straw. You started to feel evil for continuing your usual antics while he just took it. A few more days went by of you both ignoring each other until one afternoon you were eating lunch with Shoko talking about your date. Geto and Gojo took their usual seats across from you as you both discussed what transpired. “Maybe he doesn’t want to sound needy,” she said when you mentioned he hadn’t texted you back still. 
“He probably thinks you're ugly,” Gojo said nonchalantly. It was the first sentence he had spoken to you in days and you had to keep your jaw from dropping to the floor. You weren’t even sure if he really spoke or if you imagined it. Perhaps your brain was filling in the words you wanted to hear from him. Not that you wanted him to call you ugly per se, but the silence from him was worse than the insults. 
“So he talks.” His eyes rolled cartoonishly at your words. He stuck a spoonful of rice in his mouth before talking,
“Giv-up,” he mumbled, some rice spilling out of his mouth. Your face contorted with disgust. He swallowed, continuing, “You're unlikeable”.
“Yeah ‘cause you’re so likable yourself,” you scoff. He continued eating and the table dropped it, all choosing to change the topic. 
Honestly, you were sure that would be your last conversation with Gojo. You went about your days without his obnoxious presence. You went on another date and were getting fairly close with your favorite barista, even inviting him to meet Shoko. You all agreed to meet up at his cafe and you were awed as he described to you the drinks he made you two. You sipped them and listened as he rambled on about the ristretto shots and the milk foam. Shoko grew bored quickly, but she was happy you were happy. 
The bell attached to the door chimed, and the blood in your face drained, leaving you sickly pale. Gojo waved to you, pointing out to Geto where the three of you sat and dragged him along. “What is he doing here?” you frantically asked Shoko. She covered her face to hide her amusement, she had to give it to him, he was about to make this deathly boring conversation into an incredibly entertaining one. 
“Since when do you drink coffee?” Gojo asked you, pulling up a chair and sitting next to you. “I thought caffeine made you sick?” he pouted at you, pulling away the latte. He wasn’t wrong, you did tend to feel unwell after having caffeine, but since when did he care? 
“I can handle myself, Gojo,” you spat. Gojo ignored you, taking two big gulps from the mug and finishing it then and there. 
“Wow you made this?” he asked the guy. He nodded, looking incredibly confused. “Tastes like shit.” With a quickness you were out of your chair and pulling Gojo by the collar of his button down. “Be right back,” he snickered to the barista as you dragged him out the door. 
“What is your problem?” You begged. He looked shocked, telling you him and Geto were just walking by when he saw you and Shoko. You were bewildered by the way he was acting, completely stumped as to what you should even say. His hand grabbed yours that was still gripping his collar. He pulled it off and pushed it against the wall, his hand caging yours as he leaned against your intertwined fingers. His eyes watched your lips as you kept opening them to speak, but closing them when you kept losing your words. 
“Is this not what you wanted?” His words were breathy and hard to hear. “I know you are doing this-” His free hand gesturing to your figure, “to get a reaction from me.”
“You’ve really lost it now, Gojo,” you couldn’t hide the blush though. He smiled at you regardless, and your legs began to feel weak. It hit you like a truck. His smile was cocky and genuine. It wasn’t coated with his usual delusional smirk, but an all-knowing, teeth-showing grin. It was then you grew nauseous with the knowledge Suguru snitched on your drunk confession. 
You hardly remembered that night - Geto had shared his bottle of Jack Daniel’s and you were too much of a lightweight to keep yourself from admitting to him that you enjoyed Gojo’s teasing. That you were infatuated with the white-haired sorcerer and you had really started to like him. That his cocky attitude was not a turn off like you tried to convince yourself and that when he stood over you, making you feel small, you weren’t mad at him but mad you enjoyed the feeling of being towered over by him. 
“I’m not dating just to make you jealous,” you tried to stand up for yourself. You really weren’t, the guy just asked you and you had nothing better to do. You got free drinks out of it too- really that was all it was. 
“How could I be jealous when I know you like me?”
In Suguru’s defense, when you called him a traitor he assured you it was an accident. He just wanted to get Satoru out of his funk. The day he caught you looking all dolled up, just to find out it was for another man, he couldn’t get out of his own head. He also didn’t understand why he couldn’t. He pestered his best friend for days over it and Suguru had to throw in the towel. You liked him because he heard it from you. And Satoru liked you because he knows his best friend more than anyone. 
It was all worth it in the end, because things went back to normal. (Except for the small detail that Satoru and you were now a couple). 
𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
G.Suguru: The older boy’s reaction made you swoon.
You were a year below him at Jujutsu Tech and you were in awe of his cursed technique and if you were forced to be honest, in awe of him. You must’ve looked like a lost puppy following him around when you insisted on watching him train, joining him to find a snack at the convenience store, and insisting on learning about all the curses he had under his control. He was so kind about it too - always dismissing Gojo when he would groan about how insistent you were. “How can you put up with her? She doesn’t have her own life,” he would say, poking his tongue out.
 “She’s just curious, Satoru,” he would reply. He wouldn’t kid himself though, he found you absolutely adorable and didn’t mind having you under his arm all day. You weren’t much younger than him, but you felt as though he held infinite wisdom. Your eyes would twinkle up at him as he shared stories of his missions and his lips would tingle watching yours twitch with ‘oohs” and “ahhs”. He adored the way you would watch him as he ran around the track, shirtless and dripping with sweat. When you joined him he couldn’t help but keep your pace just so he could keep his attention on you. You didn’t know this when you finally confessed, but he was as infatuated with you as you were with him. He was obsessed with how obsessed you were with him. He was by no means struggling in attracting women, but to have you be so casually faithful to him, it was too hard to not take advantage of. 
The day you decided to dress up really pretty for your weekly Tuesday walk to Tokyo for lunch at his favorite place was the day you officially confessed. You wore the skirt the two of you saw one day while window shopping - the one he said reminded him of something you would wear. You even applied lip gloss even though you despise the fact your hair always gets stuck in it. “What’s got you looking all pretty?” he would muse. 
“Sugu, I like you,” you admitted, quick like pulling off a bandaid. You hadn’t even made it out of the school’s grounds when you confessed. He held out his arm to stop you and blocked the way with his tall figure. 
“I already knew that, little one,” he cooed. “Let’s go, we don’t want to be late,” he grabbed your small hand in his and continued forward. It wasn’t an official response, but you knew him so well that it was official enough for you.
𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
I.Yuji : You swear the boy must be dumb.
Your friends would definitely describe you as the shy type. You never talked out of turn or made your true feelings known so blatantly - but with Yuji - you were really trying. If Yuji said he was hungry, you would always be there to hand him his favorite candy. When his face was caked with dirt and sweat after a mission, you were there with a cloth to clean him up. If he so much as got a paper cut you would insist on applying a bandaid to his finger. You couldn’t tell if you liked helping him more than he liked being helped. He would always smile at you, warm and sincere. His eyes would hold yours, cheeks flushed a light pink. The way he would look at you, head angled down to get a good look at your face, the innocent scrunch of his eyebrows..
“You’re such an amazing friend,” he would say and you had to blink to keep your eyes from rolling back into your head. 
One day as he was happily sipping the ice cold tea you bought him, munching on the little pastry you went out of your way to get after he announced - very loudly - how starved he was, you decided enough was enough. 
“I like you,” You told him bluntly. He finished chewing his last bite before telling you he liked you too. 
“You’re a really good friend,” he smiled. You could feel your body begin to shake as you repeated what you said. 
“I like-like you, Yuji. Not friend-like. Like-Like.” Your hands went to grip the grass beneath you, desperately trying to ground yourself. His eyebrows scrunched, as if he was trying to process your confession. You couldn’t hold his eyes when he didn’t immediately respond. You turned your attention to Maki and Nobara who were training not far in front of you. Your eyes couldn’t focus on their figures as your body shouted at you to get up and bury yourself in bed for the day. His hand found your thigh, and you jumped slightly. When your eyes met him again, you swore you never saw him look so serious. His lips were in a thin line, eyes twinkling. 
“Maybe I like-like you too,” he spoke only above a whisper and you melted on the spot.
𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
F.Megumi: The boy was always in his own little world
That’s what you really liked about him. His ability to be quiet, observant, and at times lost in his own thoughts. All though, trying to get him to notice your crush on him would be harder than pulling all of your toenails off one by one. You would lay in Nobara’s bed as she admired the outfits she bought that day, trying her best to ignore your groans. 
“I should just give up now,” you whined. You had finished a long winded rant about Megumi, how he never reacted to your attention in the way you craved him to. 
“You should give up. I’m sick of hearing it,” Nobara lovingly teased. “Or you could just tell him,” You would gasp at the idea and bury your head into her pillow. 
You always found yourself to be the type of girl to read everyone’s feelings. People were like books to you, except for him. Before joining Jujutsu Tech, flirting was second nature to you. But when you saw his messy black hair and cold blue eyes your brain short circuited. You sure would try to flirt though. Giggling at his jokes he thought no one heard or playing with your hair in conversation. You would buy a new perfume and ask him to smell you, or ask if he liked the way you did your makeup that day. He would flush red and obey your asks. He would tell you that you smell great or that your eyelashes looked really pretty, but he would end it there. 
A couple days had passed since your rant to Nobara and the four of you were out in Tokyo. Yuji had insisted you all join him to the movies, and with nothing better to do you all obliged. At the theater you paid for your drink and popcorn and made your way to your movie when you noticed Nobara and Megumi weren’t following behind you. You shrugged it off and sat down with Yuji to watch the previews. The lights had already dimmed and the movie just started by the time Nobara came with Megumi in tow. “Sit,” she commanded him, referring to the spot next to you. You watched as Megumi - stiff as a board- took the seat beside you, and continued to shuffle around in his seat trying to get comfortable. 
“What happened?” you whispered to him, scared of what Nobara had done to make him act so odd. He didn’t respond and kept his eyes glued to the screen. It went on like that for a while, him still squirming awkwardly in his seat and when a jump scare came on screen and he didn’t react you turned to him again. “You act like you saw a ghost,” you joked to him. He replied dead serious.
“Just saw Nobara, that’s all.”
“What did she do?” You weren’t really sure you even wanted to know. After what seemed like hours of silence he asked if you really did like him. 
“Is it true what Nobara said?” Your mouth fell open and he was now completely facing you. You were all there for a screening of a horror movie and right now the main character was in a dark basement making it hard to see any light on Megumi’s face. From what you could see though, he looked flustered but maintained his eye contact with you. Thanks to Nobara it was now or never, and you meekly shook your head at him. He scratched the back of his neck and you could see his Adam's apple bob in his throat. Your face was hot watching him process your confession, not sure if you wanted to punch Nobara or thank her for finally putting you out of your misery. Even if it did mean Megumi no longer wanted to be near you. “I’ve just never had someone tell me that,” he finally spoke. ‘I don’t hate you, just give me time to process that,” he asked. You nodded and turned back to the screen, trying to focus on the protagonist dodging death. You had grown as stiff as him and noticing, he put his hand on your thigh, squeezing it lightly as reassurance. You both were red in the face, eyes glued to the front of the theater but not actually watching what was on it, lost in your thoughts. The process wasn’t smooth for you two, but your confession made Megumi realize his own feelings. Why he felt nervous when you were in the room and why he doubted his words before speaking to you. You both worked on it together, and your confidence with each other grew. It wasn’t long before you two went to Tokyo alone or sat in each other’s room late at night just talking. Megumi was your boyfriend by the end of the year, and you felt as giddy around him as the day you first met him. 
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paradiseprincesss · 16 days
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don't wanna break up again - jackson rippner x reader
note: this was supposed to be a short drabble...sigh. anyway, fic 3 out of 13 for my little eternal sunshine album collection mwahhahaha.
summary: jackson happens to falls in love with his targets girlfriend, and he sees how badly she's being mistreated. even though he has to kill his target for work reasons, he decides that he's going to also save the woman he'd been falling for, too.
word count: 3.2k
warnings: 18+ mdni, murder, toxic/abusive relationship, cheating (not by jackson), domestic violence, kissing, swearing, soft!dark jackson, implications to sex but no actual smut
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jackson sighed as he watched from the drivers seat of his blacked out car, staring up at your apartment window that was wide open - no curtains drawn.
you see, he was given the task to assassinate your boyfriend, as he worked a government job and jackson needed a few files wiped, per se. he knew that your boyfriend, specifically, would have access to these files, as he worked in a certain department, and jackson was set on having him wipe said files, then killing him afterwards.
he'd been stalking this man for months, watching his every move, learning his daily routines and usual habits, but he hadn't actually caught a glimpse of you until last week. at first, he thought that you were some chick that the man he was stalking was hooking up with, but he soon discovered that you were actually his girlfriend.
jackson was disgusted - not with you of course, but with your boyfriend. he has seen that sleazy, pathetic excuse of a man bring over multiple different women in the span of the last few months, but he had no idea that he had a whole girlfriend on the side. it made him scoff, this man was a joke.
and if he was being honest, he felt a little bad for you. you were beautiful, there was no denying that, it was a fact. with your gorgeous hair and your pretty face, you were the definition of stunning, but apparently your boyfriend had wandering eyes. jackson didn't have a girlfriend, as he was much too involved with his job to keep up with a relationship, but if you were his, he'd never treat you this way.
he'd spoil you, take care of you, and protect you the best he could. he always wondered why the men who looked like they were barely clinging to life got the prettiest girls - just to mistreat them and cheat on them. so, he watched. he watched as your boyfriend seemed to be screaming at you about something, and you stood there with tears streaming down your face, shaking your head.
"you're just too much!" your boyfriend screamed at you, and you broke down into tears.
you'd caught him with another woman in your bed earlier on in that day, and he was losing it on you; as if it was your fault. this wasn't the first time that the two of you had this conversation, it was a repetitive, toxic cycle. he'd cheat on you, you'd scream and ask him why, and he would gaslight you into staying.
jackson couldn't make out what you were saying to each other from his car, but he knew that he felt sympathetically towards you. that was rare for him, he almost never felt sympathy, but this was almost too much, even for someone who killed others for a living.
jackson watched as you slammed the door of the bedroom, now glancing over to the bedroom window, and he saw you sobbing on the bed. his heart broke a little for you, honestly, you were too pretty to be putting up with that. as you got into bed and flicked off the light, he noticed your boyfriend turning up the sound on the tv in the living room.
as you fell asleep crying, he turned up the tv to drown it out. even jackson thought this guy was heartless, he didn't want to hear his own girlfriend cry over the fact that he'd cheated, so he drowns out her sorrows with some bullshit tv show? gross.
jackson kept on stalking the man, but noticed that after roughly an hour and a half, the bedroom lights flicked on again. you couldn't sleep. it seemed you were having yet another sleepless night, and it was taking its toll on you. jackson sighed to himself and put his car into drive, going back to his hotel for the night.
however, it seemed he was going to have a sleepless night as well. he couldn't shake the thought of you and the way you were being treated. he didn't know why he cared, it wasn't like him to, but he just did. jackson had dated his fair share of women, and sure, he may not have been the best boyfriend but he wasn't anything like the man you were dating.
that night, jackson fell asleep in the very early hours of the morning, after the thoughts of you lingered in his mind all night. he'd woken up a little later on in the day, not particularly in a rush as he knew your boyfriends usual routine by now, and he didn't feel the need to watch his absolute every move at the moment. he woke up hungry, and decided he was going to get some food at a local cafe in the area.
so, he drove his car for about twenty minutes, google mapping a good place to eat, and eventually he found one. he parked his car and walked into the cafe, ordered what he wanted, and sat down as he enjoyed his meal in solitude. as he was scrolling through the messages on his phone after breakfast, he looked up to see who had walked into the quiet, little cafe.
it was you.
the girl from last night, and the week before. the girl who'd managed to plague the infamous jackson rippners thoughts. he glanced at you quickly, trying not to be obvious. he then went right back to scrolling on his phone as he pretended not to notice you. as you ordered your usual morning coffee, you waited by the counter for the barista to finish making it.
you wore a pretty sundress and strappy heels, with your hair and makeup done nicely, accentuating your beauty. jackson couldn't help but notice how good you looked - even last night when you were crying you looked pretty, and he'd always liked a pretty crier.
he must've been staring for a bit too long, however, as he noticed you smiled politely at him. whoops, he definitely had been staring for way too long. he smiled back at you a little awkwardly; you know - that smile you do when you make eye contact with an attractive stranger. after being caught very obviously checking you out, and he couldn't help but say something.
"i'm sorry," he said with a soft laugh, "you're just really pretty."
this made you blush a little, and you smiled sweetly at the handsome stranger. "oh, thank you. you're very sweet."
"ah, just pointing out the obvious." he says back.
jackson gets up and gets ready to leave, as he feared he may of said a little too much. i mean, you don't go around flirting with your next murder victims girlfriend.
"wait," your soft voice said to him, "i think i saw you yesterday, outside of my boyfriends place."
his heart dropped - had you seen him stalking your boyfriend? hopefully not. he laughed nervously, trying to muster up some form of a believable excuse, but you spoke before he had a chance to.
"sorry, i swear i'm not a stalker," you laugh, "small world, s'all."
he was a little confused - were you not aware that he was parked out there for hours watching the two of you? going along with it, he smiled and shook his head. "don't worry, you don't look like the stalker type," he joked, "i was just waiting for my girlfriend, but we had an argument so she ended up going to bed and bailing on our plans."
his lie came out flawlessly - easily believable, he thought as he knew that you would most likely fall for this excuse. your smile faltered a little, but you tried to play it off.
why was he calling you pretty if he had a girlfriend?
your thoughts echoed in your mind, but you tried to ignore them; maybe he was just one of those guys.
"ah, gotcha," you say quietly, "sounds annoying - trust me, i get it. anyways, sorry for prying."
"oh, it's fine. relationships take a lot work, right?" he says softly, and you nod. "something like that." you say back, and he noticed your demeanour change slightly. you seemed almost depressed, like a full on 180 from the girl you were five minutes ago.
he watched you silently for a few more seconds, before speaking up again. why couldn't he just let it go?
"are you-" he paused with a sigh, "are you okay? i mean, i'm not trying to pry or anything but i could see him yelling at you and y'know, just figured i'd make sure you were alright incase anything was happening."
you look at him a small smile, "yeah, um, everything is fine. we just argue sometimes. shit happens."
he listens your words with a small nod, "ah, gotcha. well, it was nice talking to you, maybe i'll see you around again sometime." he tells you, and with that, he was walking out the door.
the next few weeks were pretty uneventful, jackson followed your boyfriend around everywhere, but he still needed him to delete those incriminating files he was after. however, this week was the week jackson decided he was going to go in for the kill - he'd learned all of your boyfriends little quirks, hobbies, behaviours, and routines. he could easily sneak in, threaten him, then murder him.
nightfall came around, and jackson was parked outside in his car again. he waited until it was nearly midnight so that others wouldn't see him sneak in, as a majority of people were asleep by twilight on a tuesday night. stealthily, he made his way through the lobby of the apartment building, and up the stairs as the elevator required a resident key.
he made his way up to the seventh floor, pushing past the emergency exit doors as he quietly walked the dimly lit hallways. now standing face to face with your boyfriends apartment - unit 739 - he was about to break in; he knew your boyfriend never locked his doors at night. as his hand reached to grab at the unlocked door handle, he suddenly heard a female voice sobbing from the other side.
oh. you were here.
being as quiet as he could, he listened to see what was going on inside, as he was originally under the impression your boyfriend was all alone tonight.
"stop fucking with my head, i can't take it anymore!" you sobbed, and the sound of some sort of glass shattering could be heard in the background, "and stop fucking throwing things at me!"
jackson was immediately concerned. was your boyfriend hurling glass objects at you? listening in once more, he could hear your boyfriend incoherently yelling something in the background, but it seemed you were closer to the door than he was. from the sounds of it, at least.
"i made it so easy!" you screamed, "i spent so much on therapy, i worked on my own co-dependancy but you didn't even try!"
"what was i supposed to do, huh?" your boyfriend yelled back, "i went to one session with you after you fucking hassled me about it for months!"
"because you keep cheating on me! and when you get mad at me, you hurt me!" you cry out, and your boyfriend could be heard yelling back at you.
jackson knew this technically was none of his business, his only job was to kill your boyfriend for his own selfish reasons, but he couldn't just leave you here. sure, jackson was borderline sociopathic and barely had a heart, but he couldn't help but think of how much better he'd treat you if you were his.
you were always on his mind, he was fascinated with you. the more he got little glimpses of you, the more he wanted to know you, to take care of you, and to save you.
sighing to himself, he slammed the door open and made his way inside. it went quiet as you and your boyfriend realized someone had perhaps just broken in, and as soon as jackson got to the living room, he pointed a gun to your boyfriend.
he looked at you for a moment, and you looked terrified - but not of him. you were covered in bruises and scrapes, and your makeup was running from your tears. you almost looked relieved to see jackson there, gun pointed at your abusive, piece of shit boyfriend.
he said your boyfriends name aloud, and proceeded to give him commands as he pointed his gun directly at your boyfriends head, finger ghosting the trigger.
"the files regarding the mass murders on fight 577," he spoke lowly, "i need those erased, and i know you have access to them on your computer."
"hey man, i think you got the wrong house." your boyfriend says, putting his hands up as he looks between you and jackson, "just get out of here and i won't call the cops, swear man. you didn't see nothing, and i ain't seen nothing."
"delete the files before i pull the trigger and blow your fucking brains out." jackson threatened, and the gun made a small click sound.
"a-alright, jesus christ, bro." your boyfriend said wearily, and he picked his laptop up off the coffee table, opening it.
"sweetheart," jackson says as he turns to look at you, gun still aimed at your boyfriend, "could you do me a favour and stand here beside- actually no, stand behind me, please."
you look at him nervously, and he noticed you were still scared. he didn't blame you, though. first, your boyfriend was beating you and throwing glass at you, and now a man who you'd recognized had broken in, and had a gun pointed at your boyfriend; it must've been traumatizing for you, he thought.
"i'm not going to hurt you." he tells you softly, and hesitantly, you make your way over to his side, stepping behind him as he looks back at your boyfriend.
his tone suddenly shifted into something a lot more menacing as he spoke to your boyfriend again. "show me the file is deleted, or i'll kill you right here, right now."
with trembling hands, your boyfriend showed jackson the laptop with the files permanently erased. "s-see, all gone." your boyfriend said, but jackson still had his gun pointed to him.
"i'm going to need you to turn around," he tells you softly, "this will only take a second, alright sweetheart?"
you nod, and turned yourself around as you heard a single gunshot go off. panic surged through your veins as you weren't sure what to do now, but a gentle hand on your back brought you down for a moment.
"you're okay, you're safe now." his soft voice comforted you, and he takes your hand in his as he walks with you out of the apartment.
the next hour or two goes by in a blur, you aren't really sure what happened; it was a lot for you. all you could remember was jackson gently guiding you to his car, and whispering soft, comforting words to you. then, the two of you drove to some unknown location - about an hour out from the city, and now you were here, in some random hotel room.
jackson was currently rummaging around the drawers in the room while you were sitting on the bed, still trying to process. you didn't understand why you let yourself be whisked away by some stranger (murderer), but you did. to be fair, he did kill the one man who was reigning terror on your life. jackson noticed you spacing out once more, and he sat by your side, putting a gentle hand on your thigh.
"you alright, sweetheart?" he asks sweetly.
you look over at him and sigh, "yeah, m'sorry. i-i just..." you try to get the words out, but he shushed you.
"i understand," he tells you, "i know that was a lot, but you're safe now."
"who even are you?" you ask suddenly, "i'm assuming the whole 'girlfriend' thing was a coverup or something."
he nods, hand still resting on your thigh. "my name is jackson rippner - yes my parents hated me and yes i killed them." he said, but he smiled when he noticed your reaction, "i'm just joking, sort of. anyways, i work in a certain field, you could say, and your douchebag ex-boyfriend had some information that could potentially have me indicted. i needed that information gone, so i had to figure out a way to get it erased."
as he explained it, you felt your mind spin. "but do you have a girlfriend?" you asked.
he let out a small laugh, and looked at you with a raised brow. "that's the part that you're concerned about?"
"yeah," you say, smiling a little, "would you rather i be concerned about the other stuff?"
"no," he says, "obviously not, but since you're wondering, no. i don't have a girlfriend."
you nod, humming in response. for a moment, it was quiet; just the two of you sitting beside each other as the reality of the last few hours set in. honestly, it was peaceful in the most fucked up way. "were you stalking me or...?" you ask.
"nope, i didn't even get a glimpse of you until a few months in," he explained with a sigh, "but i saw you, and i dunno - i just saw the way he was treating you, and i thought it was pretty fucked up."
"yeah," you agreed, "in a weird way, i'm grateful for you doing...what you did."
"i'm glad," he smiles softly with that signature charming smile that made your heart melt, "i meant it when i said you're really pretty, by the way."
you blushed and looked over at him, his blue eyes staring right back at you. jackson was still jackson at the end of the day, and he was a little unhinged, so if you were to let's say - reject him - he would definitely force you into being with him either way. he would totally hold you hostage, but he didn't have to worry about that because you seemed pretty into him, too.
you leaned in subconsciously, and he leaned in too. before you knew it, his soft lips were on yours, and you were wrapping your arms around his neck and he kissed you.
"let me treat you right," he whispered against your lips breathlessly, "i'd do anything for you, i'd spoil you, get you whatever you wanted. you don't even have to work, just stay home and wait for me."
the thought of being his little housewife was a major turn on, if you were being honest. "mm, yeah?" you whisper back, and he pulls you into another heated kiss, wrapping his arms around you.
"i'd never break your heart like he did, sweetheart. you're going to be mine forever." he whispered, kissing your neck softly while he pushed you down onto the bed. "i'll spoil you rotten and get you cockdrunk every fucking night, how does that sound, honey?"
"sounds like the dream." you say, and he smirked at you softly - your heart would never break again as long as you were his; he'd make sure of it.
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taglist (join here!): @bloodandglitter207, @humbuginmybones, @futurefamousdeadmusician, @jonathancraneslittlepet,
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@ellebelleshelby, @aprilsfrog05, @wiseyouthinfluencer
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russellsppttemplates · 6 months
How oblivious, Charles! (George Russell)
Usually, people think being a twin means having to share everything is a con, but really, it's having another you to help in everything
Note: english is not my first language. Here's some Leclerc!reader for you, it was quite fun!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: reader and George are in a secret relationship, mentions alcohol consumption
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"Is that a guys' wallet in the story you uploaded today? Who did you go and have lunch with today, Y/N?", Lorenzo asked, sitting next to you on the living room's sofa, exaggerating his fall and purposefully partially body blocking you.
"Why do you care so much?", you asked, hearing Charles' footsteps on the stairs, surely hearing the topic his older brother was on about and wanting to know more.
Because we are your older brothers and have a right to know if and who our little sister is dating!", Charles said, sitting next to you more gently than Lorenzo, expectant of your answer.
"I was with Arthur, if you must know", you said, looking at your younger (even if it was by only a few minutes) brother as he walked inside from the balcony, "me and Arthur had lunch today", you signalled with his eyes, hoping he would get the message.
While most people thought being a twin was a bad thing because you had to share everything since the womb, you would have to disagree. Having a twin brother had not only made your childhood incredible because you had a sibling always ready to play with you when your older brothers couldn't but also because you had someone to cover up any mishap the other did.
Your dating life wasn't a mishap, per se, but you and George had been careful. You knew how the media would react at the fact that the only Leclerc girl was dating a Formula One driver, and quite frankly, how your brothers would react. In reality, any person wanting to date you would have big trouble as it was, but being someone they knew so well?
Surprisingly, Arthur had been calm when he found out. He was quick to join the pieces when he went looking for you in the Mercedes hospitality, someone mindlessly pointing him there as it had been the last place they had seen you walk in. When he asked you about it, you couldn't lie to him. He understood your worries, and like so, he vowed to not tell anyone until you allowed him to. Unlike the odds of Charles making the same promise to you, Arthur been careful and, so far, there had been no issues.
"Yes, we went for lunch by the bay", Arthur replied shortly, "are you jealous?", he teased them. The ongoing joke that, one day, you two would join forces would take on the world was recurrent and hardly harmful, but it didn't mean you didn't love teasing them about it.
"Why don't you join forces and take on Ferrari's strategy delegation? Might as well start small before taking on the world", Lorenzo tapped Charles' back, making all of you laugh at the situation.
"That's where you think we would start small? At this point, taking over Monaco sounds easier", you offered.
"Did I just hear my mother talk about how 'lovely George must be' because you gave my brother advice on his love life and how it is to have a sister who's probably dating? Did I hear that correctly, George William Russell?", you said as you walked inside your boyfriend's apartment as soon as the door opened.
"Did your mother talk nicely about me? I think you should be thrilled about it", he said, puckering his lips so you could kiss them, melting when he finally had you close to him.
"I hate you, did you know that?", you slapped George's chest, kissing the spot straight away as you chuckled.
"It was funny, you have to admit it! Charles was genuinely listening to my advice and telling me all his worries about you, I think it's cute and caring, actually", George brought you to his kitchen, seeing you take a peek at want he was cooking, humming in delight as the scent stroked your nostrils, "my mother sure is delighted. Pascale Leclerc is a woman who takes a lot of convincing and persuasion, and she kept singing your praises!", you yelped when George's hand touched your tummy under your shirt, "I know how to make the Leclerc women fall in love with me, don't I?", he said cockily.
"You wouldn't prefer to be in a restaurant instead of having to eat in?", you asked as George as you helped him carry the food to the table, "I don't mind it, and this way we can have more privacy", he smiled.
"When do you want to tell them about us?", you continued, serving yourself and then your boyfriend, "whenever you want to, darling", George replied honestly, taking the cork off of the bottle and pouring the wine.
"Besides, I like this game where people try to figure out who you are and who I am", your boyfriend chuckled, kissing your forehead as you shook your head, watching him sit down in front of you, "Charles, especially, he's so easy to wind up about you. The other day, and I have to admit it I actually nearly gave it all away, it was me, Charles and some Ferrari guys, Pierre and Francisca, and she was commenting on how pretty you looked in your dress, and I made an humming sound in agreement as one of the crew members agreed and he shot daggers through his eyes directed at him", he explained.
"I think he genuinely doesn't know about it. Arthur knows about it, he's one of the reasons we've been able to do this for this long. Lorenzo knows that I'm seeing someone, and he's pretty much certain he is someone from the paddock, I think. Why he is keeping it quiet and never bringing it up, that I don't know. But I think he knows more than he says he does", you took a sip of wine.
Celebrations after the race were mandatory today. Both Charles and Arthur had been in the podium for each of their races, and since the whole family had travelled for the race, your family and some of the other drivers had agreed to have dinner together and celebrate at a club later.
"Behave, all of you", your mother threatened lightly, "I don't you doing anything that is dangerous, non consensual or illegal, okay?", she said as you and your brothers kissed her cheek good night before she went back to the hotel.
When arriving to the club, you were shown the area you'd be spending the night in, Lando and Carlos taking all of the orders from the rest of the group as your twin brother approached you, "is tonight the night?", he wondered.
You raised your eyebrows, not getting what he meant, "you're drinking, I've seen you look at George with eyes that could only mean you're undressing him your mind, so is tonight the night you slip and show everyone?", he smirked as you widened your eyes, "not if I can help it! Why are you conspiring against us?", you belted out.
"I'm only joking, if you need cover up, let me know okay? Besides, I think he's the one we will have to look out for tonight", Arthur chuckled, kissing the top of your head and looking at Carlos and Charles doing shots by the bar.
The music was nice and you had been dancing with Francisca and Lily until the Portuguese girl excused herself. Not long after, Alex walked up to his girlfriend, "Y/N Leclerc, just the one I was looking for", he smiled cheekily at you.
"Why do I sense this is going to be bad for me?", you squeezed your eyes nearly shut as the Williams driver pulled George with him, "if I have to dance with Lily, and I have to because this is the song we always dance together to, you can't be alone! George is a fine dancer, I'd say, so, lead the way, Russell!", he said as he made your boyfriend approach you.
Chuckling, you allowed George to hold your hand, "does he know?", you asked your boyfriend, "no, I didn't tell anyone, but he was just telling me that we'd be a good fit for eachother, and that if I could 'tame the army of brothers' you have, it would be smooth sailing", he offered, twirling you as the song became louder.
"Wonder where he got the idea, hm?", you smiled, George's arm and hand helping you twirl and spin, "Do you think they'll notice if I sneak a kiss?", George whispered.
Classic George, he was wearing a shirt, the top two buttons undone and his hair was wavy just how you liked it. Having started the race from the bottom places, the post race glow after he reached P4 was noticeable and it made him ever more charming and handsome as you pulled his neck down slightly, stealing a kiss when no one was looking.
"Arthur! Why do I have hair gel on my floor? Last time I checked, this wasn't a cleaning hack", you asked your brorher over the phone as he laughed histerically, "it's not funny Arthur! Me and George were wearing socks and it's all gooey now!".
"You can't deal with your boyfriend's feet, Y/N?", Arthur teased you, seeing your disgusted expression.
The prank was simple. Hair gel in your bedroom floor on the day everyone was our of the house and Arthur had assured you you'd have the place to yourself for the day.
"The minute you offered help, I should've- thank you, amour- I should've suspected!", you snapped, "my boyfriend has pretty feet, they're not like your nasty ones!", you said, chuckling as George wiped the floor with a wet cloth he carefully got from the kitchen after he cleaned his feet.
"Is this you having a go at my feet or at my hair?", George asked Arthur, smiling at his prank, "you looked like you needed help!", your brother offered his input.
"I love his fluffy hair, so I suggest you stay out of it before I go to your room and clean these wet cloths on your bed", you foreshadowed, you're lucky you're helping me have my boyfriend all to myself today, Arthur, or this could've ended differently".
"Why is George here?", Charles asked, noticing his friend walking to his mother's house garden with you by his side.
"Y/N didn't tell you he was joining us for lunch?", Pascale said simply, smirking at her son's obliviousness.
Your mother, as it turns out, had known all along not only that you were in a romantic relationship, but a romantic relationship wirh George Russell. Her unfazed expression when you announced to her you'd be bringing him to your family lunch told you that much, "Chérie, you have that look in your eye your father had for me when we met. It's kind, and a little scared, too, but it's full of passion, too. I noticed the moment you came home from Silverstone", she smiled, hugging you and kissing your forehead.
"Have you seriously not caught on, brother?", Lorenzo laughed at Charles' unawareness as Arthur watched his jaw drop when the Scuderia Ferrari driver noticed George was holding his sister's hand, "no way!", he yelled.
"Charles, this is my boyfriend, George. We've been dating for a few months now", you introduced them like they didn't race eachother twenty four weekends out do the year.
"How did I not know you were daring my sister?", Charles asked George, and maybe a little to himself too, "I spend a third of the year near you, and you live here on Monaco, where you've been seeing my little sister? How did I miss this?".
Chuckling at him, you walked up to Charles, letting go of George's hand and hugging your brother, "to be fair, Arthur covered for me a lot", you explained.
"But mama and Arthur knew, then?", he wondered, looking at the rest of the family.
"I thought only Arthur knew, but mama has known from the start, it seems. I only told Arthur", you clarified.
"I got suspicious when the race was here, you kept 'accidentally' going to the Mercedes hospitality, right Y/N? Didn't say anything as j figured it wasn't my place", Lorenzo excused himself.
"You knew and you didn't tell me? I asked you so many time if you knew if she was dating!", Charles pointed his finger at Arthur.
"We're twins, Charles, I wouldn't do her that dirty", Arthur added, "you certainly didn't have any issues when we swapped her shampoo when we were younger", he called, "That's different, messing with that is okay. With her feelings, it isn't", Arthur smiled.
"I hope you're also an apologist of not playing or messing with her feelings, George", Charles threatened lightly.
"The most. No messing with her feelings ever, even if she had messed my heart quite a bit until she finally let me win her over", George said as you approached him, hugging your waist ad kissing the side of your head.
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samoankpoper21 · 4 months
JJK Men When You Get Your Period
A/N Split their reaction into 3 categories: freaking out, this is nothing, and wHAT 🤣 don't know if these would be considered "canon" but it's what I think may or may not be their accurate reaction 🤣Enjoy~!!
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Gojo Satoru: This dude is high key low key freaking out I'm not even joking 🤣 he's seen blood but why is it coming out of there 🤣 "Babyyyyyy," Satoru's sweet voice rang throughout your shared apartment. You exited the bedroom in your robe, Satoru's smile dropping a little. "What's wrong honey? Why aren't you dressed?" "Satoru, I don't think I can escort you to your company's all white event." "Eh? Why? What's wrong? Talk to me." "In the state I'm in I'll end up cursing the whole event." "What are you talking about? You're scaring me Y/N-chan." "Everyone knows you don't wear white, especially now." "Make it make sense." "Babe I just started my period." "O-oh...ooooooooohmygawd are you ok?! Are you hurt?! Should I call in?! Yeah ima call in." "Satoru, stop being dramatic." you chided. "Go in my stead. This is the school's founding anniversary and plus you guys are honoring those who we lost. Can you imagine how Yaga and the rest of the staff will feel knowing one of their most prominent members doesn't show up?" "But what about you?" he pouted. You grabbed his face planting a kiss on his forehead atop his blindfold. "I'll be fine love. I'm just bloated and bleeding." "You're bleeding?!" "Satoru, I swear to gawd we go through this every month."
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Yuji Itadori: Much like his (adoptive) father he's freaking out too. This is uncharted territory for him. "Megumi! Have you seen Y/N?" "She went home early, said somethin' bout not feeling too good." Yuji rushed off telling Megumi to cover for him. He ran to the store and brought you a bouquet of daisies, quickly paying the cashier, and rushing to your apartment. A flurry of knocks could be heard at your door and you groaned knowing who it was. "Y/N! Y/N! Hello? Y/N!" He reminded you of a puppy, albeit an annoyingly cute one. You cracked the door and you swear you saw his eyes light up with stars. "Y/N!" He quickly hugged you allowing himself in. "Daisies?" "Oh," he offered the bouquet towards you. "These are for you." You chuckle. "Yuji, I'm not dead, though I do feel like I'm dying." "Huh? What's going on Y/N-chan? Are you alright? Do you need to go the hospital? Where does it hurt? On a scale of 1-10 how bad is your pain level?" "Yuji," you chuckle again. "Calm down. My period started today." "Eh?" you kissed his cheek reassuring him. "Don't worry I'm not gong to die off of a little bit of blood." "Little blood?!" "Yuji I bleed from my vagina once a month." "Oh," he blushes at how you can nonchalantly refer to your genitalia. To this day he still blushes when you say dick. "Lay with me? I need your warmth as my personal heating pad."
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Yuta Okkotsu: He wouldn't freak out per se but he is a bit confused as to what to do. He'll try to help you out as best as he could while trying to keep Rika at bay 😅 "Rika-chan, please!" "I swear to gawd Yuta if you don't get her out of here I'll make her disappear for you." Your patience was at an all time low as the pain from your cramps intensified. It didn't help that your boyfriend was low key clueless so he thought it was a bright idea to summon his former lover to 'help' him. You couldn't blame him though, he isolated himself growing up so obviously he missed out on 'the talk'. You took a deep breath and ask through gritted teeth, "Rika dear, be a doll and give us a second hm?" She looked to Yuta and he nodded, you letting out the breath you were holding. "I don't understand-" "Yuta-kun, please. Let me say this first. I don't blame you for not knowing what do with these situations due to your upbringing but I've said this before: this is normal. To bleed every month. It lets us women know that 1) we are not pregnant and 2) prepares us for the pains of child birth." A blush spread across his face. "O-oh, is that so?" "Yes and I would appreciate it if you asked me instead of relying on Rika. Part of being on my period means I'll be experiencing mood swings like now and weird cravings. I'm your girlfriend Yuta. I'm in the here and now." "I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was like that." "It's ok." A moment of silence passed when he asked, "Is there anything I can do for you?" "Get me a pint of rocky road ice cream and we'll call it even."
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Toge Inumaki: This poor baby would low key be freaking out 😅 he understands that you're bound to be in pain once a month but he still can't help but fret around 😅 "Mustard leaf! Mustard leaf!" "I'm fine Toge-kun. You don't have to worry. This is normal hunn'." "Bonito flakes!" "Toge-kun this. is. normal." "Salmon roe." You chuckled grabbing his face planting a kiss on his forehead. "Baby, the pain is nothing. It's just preparing me in the event that we have kids." His eyes grew big as he shyly says, "Salmon." You chuckled again kissing his forehead.
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Kento Nanami: This man is a GOD SEND 😭 you want ice cream? He'll get it for you. Need a heating pad? Say less. This man is literally attentive to your needs especially when it's that time of month for you - he's those boyfriends that'll have a basket full of your favorite snacks ready for you 😭❤️ You walked into your shared apartment, body feeling heavy. Today was a long day at work and it doesn't help that you were on your period. You dropped your keys in the tray setting your purse down when you realized the scented candles, lights dim. "Baby?" Kento came around the corner mixing chocolate chip cookie dough in a bowl, your heart swelling at the image of him still in his dress shirt apron thrown over. "Hey love. Go ahead and take a bath. I ran the water so by the time your're done the cookies should be ready." You could feel your lips trembling as you walked to him enveloping him in a back hug. "Honey?" "You're such a blessing to me you know that? Too good for me." He turned around hugging you to him kissing your forehead. "I love you." "I love you too."
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Megumi Fushiguro: This is nothing new to him, he's had to deal with Tsumiki when it was her time of the month. I feel like Megumi would be the one to get the sanitary napkins for you, no shame in his game 🤭 2 girls passed by whispering about how good looking Megumi is, Megumi not paying them any mind. He stood there pondering between the boxes of super tampons or ultra. "Would you like some help?" One of the girls offered. "No thank you. These are for my girlfriend." "Lucky girl." She purred as she moved closer. Megumi stepped back shoving the box of assorted pack in her face. "Thanks but I've found what I've been looking for."
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Geto Suguru: Unlike his husbando counterpart Satoru, Suguru handles you with ease. He pries into your feelings trying to understand what it is that makes you tick during the time of the month and tries to help out as best as he could. A warm hand on your forehead rouses you from your sleep. You peel your eyes open to see your boyfriend. "Suguru?" "Hi love." he whispers. "How long was I out for?" "Couple hours," You try to sit up but wince at the pain in your lower abdomen. "You need another heating pad?" "No thank you." You look at your boyfriend small pools of tears welling at the corners of your eyes. "What's wrong love?" "I'm just-you're so good to me thank you, especially when my emotions are all over the place during the time of the month." Shushing you, he kissed your forehead gently reassuring, "Of course love. I'll always be here for you."
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Ryomen Sukuna: This dude is a little shit ngl 🤣 when you're on your period he calls it your devil week because apparently that's when you act out 🙄 The King of Curses is usually never afraid of anything unless it's you on your period; he gets the concept of it and tries to steer away from you. There are a few times where he teases you about being on your period but he knows it never ends well 😅 You have a condition called menorrhagia so when you bleed you bleeeed. You had just got through changing out your pad for the 4th time within the last hour and a half when Sukuna snarkily remarks, "I've seen way more blood than that. What you got going on is nothing." You fling the used pad at his head. "What the hell Y/N!" "You see those clumps of jelly? That's my blood coming out of this vagina. Wanna know the worst part? Those jelly like clumps are blood clots, so don't you DARE FUCKING TALK TO ME ABOUT HOW LITTLE MY BLOOD IS BECAUSE GOT DAMN IT SUKUNA I WILL BLEED ALL OVER YOU IF I HAVE TO! "Ok ok chill it with the theatrics." "I swear to gawd Sukuna I will kill you with my own bare hands so help me God. If I can't kill you with these hands I will pour some holy water down your throat" "On that note let me go buy your favorite ice cream."
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Choso: Choso is practically a blood bender 🤣 nah but in all seriousness when it's that time of month for you Choso is just 😅 his reaction is just 🤦🏽‍♀️ You groaned at how heavy your flow was. You were changing your pad while your boyfriend Choso was stepping out the shower glancing at your full one. "Ew babe, don't look at it. It's gross." "That's a lot of blood." "I know it's so annoying. Like how the hell am I bleeding this much and I'm still living and breathing!" "I can manipulate it you know, make it go back in thinner or something." "What?!" "Huh?"
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Toji Fushiguro: I know there are some sharks out there and Toji is one of them 🤧 I don't know what it is about that time of month but it makes him twice as horny for you. Toji sniffed the air closing his eyes, inhaling deeply at your scent. He knew that it was that time of month for you. You were laying in bed when you felt your feet being dragged to the edge of the bed. "Toji!" you squealed. "I need you." "Babe," you tried pushing him away as he began leaving hickies on your neck. "I-ngh-I'm on my period right now." "I know." You grabbed his face asking, "Are you sure?! You're not going to be grossed out by all the blood??" "The fuck? Hell no. Besides I know you get just as horny as I do." You paused. Well there's no denying that. "Don't worry I bought the dark towels."
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forever-rogue · 1 year
For the “I love you” prompts, maybe Eddie x Fem!Reader for overheard? Can lead to fluff or smut :) I was thinking Reader overhears Eddie, but whatever works for you! - @munson-blurbs 💚
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AN | Buckle up for some angst! 🥺🥰
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2.7k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Eddie Munson’s face had been pulled into a deep frown the entire evening. Well - it hadn’t been… until he’d spotted you. It wasn’t you per se, but it was the guy you were with; a tall, dark haired and objectively handsome guy. 
You’d told Eddie you couldn’t hang out with the gang because you had a test to study for. He hadn’t expected a test to come in the form of a man, but then again, he thought bitterly to himself, he wasn’t studying at the local community college with you so perhaps he had no clue. 
Steve clocked his shift in mood immediately and gently nudged Eddie’s side, catching his attention, “what’s wrong? You look like you’re ready to commit an actual murder.”
“Nothing,” he hissed through gritted teeth, shaking his head as he tried to keep his cool, “‘m fine, Steve.”
Steve made a small, noncommittal sound before following Eddie's line of sight and immediately realizing what the problem was. There you were, looking all pretty and happy, and very clearly on a date. On a date that wasn’t with Eddie. Oof. 
“It’s fine, Stevie,” he promised but the heartbroken look on his face suggested that he was anything but okay, “she’s entitled to date whoever she wants.”
“She didn’t tell you?” 
“Nope,” he sighed lightly, “but I’m not surprised. Things have been different since…”
Since you’d broken up with Eddie. 
“Hey,” Steve gave Eddie’s shoulder a reassuring little squeeze, “it’ll be okay - things will be better soon. It’s still kinda fresh right now.”
“Doesn’t seem to be affecting her,” they both watched as you laughed, shoulders shaking from your giggles and a big smile on your face. You looked genuinely fine, “she just moved right on.”
“It’s whatever,” the curly haired boy insisted but Steve wasn’t buying it in the slightest. But all he could do right now was be there for his friend, however he needed him, “c’mon, the girls wanted to go and get ice cream.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You liked Eric, you really did. He was nice in an authentic way, not overly preppy or anything else and you’d met him in one of your economics classes. He’d asked you out but hadn’t made you uncomfortable or anything else. So you’d said and by now had gone on a few dates with him. And they’d all been lovely and he made you laugh and he made you feel special and he’d only kissed chastely a few times. 
Realistically, he would have been the perfect boyfriend. If only you hadn’t been so hung up on your boyfriend - ex-boyfriend. Eddie. 
It was almost laughable considering you were the one that had broken up with him. But your intentions had been good…you’d thought anyway. And yet it still hurt so much. You could barely stand being around Eddie because of how much you still loved him. Regardless, you figured he’d move on and find someone better, someone that loved him as he should be loved eventually. You would just have to learn to deal.
You paced around the room as you waited for Eric to pick up the phone….half of you was hoping that he wouldn’t pick up at all. But you just wanted to get this over with. Just when you thought it would ring out, he picked up, “hello?”
“Hey,” you were almost whispering as you twirled the cord with your fingers, “it’s just me.”
“Hey just me,” he teased, “to what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Umm,” you paused for a moment, “listen, I want to be straightforward and honest with you. I really like you, but…I- ugh…”
“Can’t date me,” he finished for you and to your surprise he didn’t sound rude or upset, “I get it. I kinda had a feeling.”
“It’s not you,” you cringed at how bad that sounded out loud, “really. I’m just…not over my ex as much as I thought I would be and I don’t want to do that to you either. So…yeah.”
“It’s okay,” he promised kindly, “I appreciate the honesty and to be honest in my own way, it sucks because I think you’re great. Maybe we can still be friends down the road if you want.”
“I think you’re great too,” and you meant it, “thanks for understanding.”
“Anytime. And who knows - maybe things will change between you and your ex.”
But you highly doubted Eddie would ever want anything to do with you. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Was a house party really going to clear your head and get your mind off of Eddie? You doubted it but according to Robin and Nancy it was worth a try. So here you were, clutching a lukewarm beer in a red plastic cup at the house of some guy you all sort of knew. It wasn’t great, but at least you were thinking about something else…even if that something else was how gross and sweaty the people around you were.
You finished off your beer before finding Robin and grabbing her hand so she would follow you to the kitchen. It was a slight reprieve from the commotion in the other rooms and you let out a long breath. Robin mirrored you before the two of you exchanged a small giggle.
“This is terrible,” you groaned as she nodded, “can we get out of here and just go home and have a movie marathon?”
“Only if there’s pizza,” she suggested as you nodded happily, “then it’s a deal. I’ll go and grab Nance.”
“I’ll get Steve,” you’d spied him going out to the backyard earlier and decided to look for him there. He’d had the right idea of getting out of the packed house anyway. You pushed through the throng of people before squeezing through the sliding glass door and making it outside. You let out a long sigh of relief at the feeling of the cool air on your skin, “Stevie?”
You spotted what you were sure was his figure around the corner, and walked towards him. But you stopped dead in your tracks when you realized that someone was with him. You leaned against the side of the house in an effort to hide yourself as you now hoped he didn’t hear you. You were nosey - it was only natural. 
“C’mon,” you knew that was Steve’s pleading voice; these days it was often reserved for the young kindergarteners he taught, “just one time, what could be so bad. One date won’t hurt.”
“I’m not interested,” Eddie/ That was absolutely Eddie’s voice. You stiffened at the sound but didn’t move to leave, “can we please just drop it?”
“She’s really interested,” you wondered who she was, a shiver of jealousy running down your spine. Although you really had no room or reason to be jealous, “she’s a nice girl - she’s one of the admin assistants at the school office. I kinda talked you up to her and she said she’s love to go out. We could even do something like a double date.”
Ugh, Steve. He was your friend - and Eddie’s - and you knew he only wanted the best for you both. It made sense that he would want Eddie to perk up. It still stung though, kinda, sorta.
“Stevie,” Eddie sighed heavily, “I’m not ready and now’s just…not a good time.”
“It’s been three months, Eds.”
“I know,” you blinked away the tears that had started to prickle up. It was your fault - you were the reason he was still heartbroken, “but it just…still hurts.”
“At some point you’re going to have to let go…”
“I can’t just do that!”  you heard him groan in frustration, “it’s not that easy.”
“I’m in love with her,” and oh. That made your heart constrict. You slapped your hand over your mouth in order to keep from making any sounds out loud, “I’m still in love with her, man. I can’t just get over her. I don’t think I ever will. She was everything to me.”
“I know it hurts-”
“But I guess I meant nothing to her.”
And that right there, broke your heart more than anything else. He thought you didn’t love him, that he hadn’t been the best thing to happen to you. Like he was just some guy. He couldn’t have been further from the truth.
“That’s not true,” Steve insisted softly. At least he knew, “she loved you - she still does.”
“She moved on very quickly,” he scoffed, “I might as well be dead to her.”
You couldn’t listen to this any longer, your heart breaking with every word. You wiped away your tears before running back inside and moving to find Robin. You found her with Nancy, the two of them making out in the kitchen.
“I gotta go,” you squeaked, trying to keep from totally falling apart, “‘m gonna go home.”
“What about movie night?” the girls exchanged a nervous glance at your sudden upset appearance, “babe-”
“‘s okay,” you lied, “I just…I gotta go. I’ll see you later.”
And you rushed out, ready to go home and cry yourself to sleep. But it was well deserved because you felt like the worst person in the world. 
Then you remembered - you didn’t even have a ride home, “fuck.”
But you weren’t about to go back and ask for a ride. You were too stubborn and foolish to do that. Instead you’d walk back to your apartment. Even if it was a stupid thing to do. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You were about halfway home when you heard a car on the side of the road. It was slowing down and you were immediately on edge. You refused to look, hoping that whoever it was would get the hint and leave you alone. But then the car stopped completely, followed by the sound of the door opening and closing.
“What are you doing out here!?” you knew that voice…you just hadn’t expected to hear it again. Not so soon, not like this, “are you insane? It’s dark and late at night.”
“Eddie?” you turned your tearstained face towards him and both of you froze. His expression softened slightly and you sniffled, “what are you doing here?”
“Looking for you,” he rubbed a hand over his tired face, “Robin and Nance said you left the party in a hurry and you were crying. And you didn’t have a ride home. Knowing how stubborn you are, I figured you’d just walk home. So - here we are.”
“But…I don’t understand,” you shook your head softly, wondering if this was some sort of dream your mind was conjuring up in order to make you feel better, “why? Y-you hate me…you should.”
“Because I wanted to make sure you got home safe,” he whispered, a conflicted expression in his eyes, “I don’t hate you. I could never hate you.”
“Eddie…” fuck. He missed the way his name sounded when you spoke it, “I’ll be okay. Just go home and I can walk the rest of the way. I don’t want you to go out of your way for me.”
“Not happening,” he insisted, the boy just as stubborn as you, “get in the van and I’ll take you home.”
You looked at him, long and hard, so many things that you wanted to tell him, “really, it’s okay.”
“It’s not a choice,” he held his hand out towards, motioning you towards him. You were shocked that he was still being so kind and gentle with you. He was way too good for you, “baby.”
You both realized his blunder at the same time and you opened and closed your mouth like a fish out of water, “I’m sorry, Eddie. I’m really, really sorry.”
“For what?” his voice cracked, on the verge of tears as much as you were.
“For breaking up with you,” you whispered, almost inaudible, “for making you feel like I didn’t love you. For making you feel like you weren’t good even. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. I just…I wanted you to know that. You deserve to know that.”
“You say that, but you still broke up with me,” he shrugged, trying to make it seem like it was no big deal. But you could see right through him, “so. It is what it is.”
“I…I did,” you agreed, “the worst mistake of my life. But that’s neither here nor there. Just I wanted you to know that it wasn’t you at all.”
“Mistake?” Were you completely deluded or was that a bit of hope in this voice? You nodded, “you moved on pretty fast…I saw you with that guy last week. When you said you couldn’t make it to movie night because you were studying.”
“To be fair, we had studied earlier and then decided to go out,” you said meekly, “that was Eric. We went out a few times…but I ended things with him a few days ago. It wasn’t anything that serious.”
“Why?” he swallowed thickly, “you seemed happy.”
“Eric was a nice guy,” you admitted, “but he wasn’t for me. And I told him that I wasn’t ready for anything. Because I, umm, I was still trying to get over you.”
“I don’t get it,” he sighed softly, “you broke up with me. Why? Why did you really do it?”
“Because I didn’t want to hurt you!” you blurted out, and he looked at you in surprise, “I…Eddie, I just never wanted to be the one to hold you back from anything. Never wanted you to have to be anyone different than who you were. I feel like we’re so different and I never wanted you to have to change or just, deal with me. Because you deserve everything and I don’t know if I could give that to you. I-I thought that one day you’ll meet someone who deserves you.”
“You are…” he shook his head before taking a step closer to you, “such a stubborn, wonderful little thing. I’ve never once thought of any of that. I love that we’re different - we’re different but still get to be ourselves. I love all the things that you do even if they make sense to me or whatever, because you love them. And I love you. I’ve already met someone that deserves me - you.”
“I’ve never once thought you’d hold me back,” he promised, “if anything, I thought it’d be the other way around. We always support each other - that’s never going to change. I love you and I always will.”
“You don’t have to say that-”
“I mean it,” he put his hand on your face and gently stroked his thumb over the apple of your cheek, “the last few months without you have been the worst ever. I just want you. Everything else we can figure out. We’ll always figure it out together.”
“I…you still want me?” you closed your eyes and leaned into his touch, “even after I…broke your heart?”
“I will always want you,” he leaned in, face so close to yours. You could just lean in a little and you’d be kissing him. Even if we did break up for a bit. I love you. That’s all that matters.”
“I love you, Eddie,” you let him lean in and kiss you. Softly, more of a gentle brushing of lips than anything. But that was all you needed right now.
“I know,” he grinned, that wonderful magic smile stretching across his features, “c’mon, let me take you home, princess.”
“Okay,” you let him take your hand in his, threading your fingers together, “will you stay?”
“Do you want me to?” he asked, nervous that somehow you might change your mind.
“I do,” you squeeze his hand gently, “I don’t ever want you to leave.”
“I won’t,” he pressed a kiss to your knuckles, “I won’t ever leave.”
“Good,” you nodded, throwing your arms tightly around him, “I won’t ever leave either. I love you.”
“I love you too, princess.”
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setting boundaries fanatic here ! i would love to see peñas wife (when she’s not the wife yet) with the guy you mentioned she was at the restaurant with. for a while since we know she is mrs. peña ;) it would make so much sense knowing she tried dating another guy, fucking, going out with him, but he isn’t her future husband
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Past Javier Peña x Reader, Reader x Original Male Character (David)
Summary: She set boundaries with Javi. It was the right thing to do, but sometimes she wishes she hadn’t done it at all.
A/N: Anon, you have awakened something in me (longing). So here’s a little Drabble of Peña’s ex-fuckbuddy, future wife with another guy. The guy’s alright. But he’s no Javier Peña.
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She whimpered and threw her head back as the orgasm that built up brought her crumbling down from her high. She bit down on her lip, afraid to make noise. It wasn’t much of a problem. Not anymore. Her neighbors must be happy now.
She turned to look at her bedroom door, making sure he hadn’t come out. She removed her hand from her pants, her flingers glistening from her release under the low light in the living room.
She pictured Javi, her cum coating his long thick fingers. The way he would smile smugly at her from between her legs before licking her off his fingers. How he would undo his belt only after he’d undone her under his fingers or lips at least once. Her pussy clenched around nothing at the mere thought of him. Fucking pathetic. If only her pussy could feel that way for David.
Forget feeling things when a guy wasn’t even around. She wished she felt something when he was deep inside her. David wasn’t bad per se… But she’d had better. She’d had Javi. She wondered if she would be satisfied with David if she’d never let Javi in her bedroom.
There was no point thinking of that now.
Javi was long gone. Scared off by what he surely perceived as commitment. Perhaps she should’ve gone along with him, let him play fuckbuddy and boyfriend for as long as he wanted instead of forcing him to decide. But it was for her own good. It was stupid to keep spreading her legs for a man who didn’t know what he wanted. Stupid to let him pull her into his web of uncertainty, make her doubt what she wanted with him.
She gulped down her glass of water and set it on the coffee table before walking back to her bedroom. David was fast asleep, blissfully unaware that his partner had to go fuck herself in the living room though he’d made her come. And he was the kind of guy who asked after if she really came. Javi never had to check. When he made her come, he knew. Fuck, her neighbors knew. When she was at work the next day, her friends knew from her gait.
Comparison was an useless endeavor. It brought nothing but the dull ache in her chest of missing a man who was never hers. She opened the last drawer of the chest by her bedside. It was devoid of everything but the plastic ashtray she bought for him to use in her apartment. She hadn’t put much thought into it. Didn’t try to pick one that fit well into her decor. Like the man who put his cigarettes out in it, the ashtray didn’t belong in her life. Just something temporary, unhealthy. She shut the drawer and slipped back under the covers.
She pulled the blanket over herself and forced herself to wrap herself in his arms. In his sleep, he pulled her close. Her body stiffened, rejecting the unfamiliar touch. But it would have to do for now. Until she got him out of her system.
I love me some longing, so thanks for this idea, anon. And that’s got me thinking…what if there was more longing for Javi and his wife? Maybe years into the future, and with a lot more heartbreak and naturally a lot more longing? And what if I have 3k words of it in my google docs? 👀 Until that’s out, I have a politician Javi fic coming up. Here’s a little teaser for it
Main Masterlist
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hotchfiles · 4 months
prompt 8 of valentine's day with derek morgan x femreader
let's celebrate valentine's with the criminal minds squad! 8. "I like when you're being so soft."
derek wasn't the classic romantic.
he was a flirt, he had his way with words and his charming smile wasn't bad to look at either. he made you feel desired and protected. got you always feeling like putty in his hands, but he wasn't romantic per se.
it was a consequence only, really, he had been a private closed off guy for so long, going from short term relationship to one night stands and back to another short term relationship... opening up, letting someone in, being vulnerable... those didn't come easy for him. romance was something for the carefree it seemed.
so for valentine's day you expected the usual of a flirt, the flowers, the wine, the declarations, the kisses. you were actually surprised when you got nothing from him at work, if not a bit disappointed. red roses was an obvious choice, it was an easy way to please a woman. you knew he knew that, which meant to you that he purposefully didn't send you anything.
you were ready to send him a text when you got home, the smell of lavender waving through you making you stop, "baby? you in here?" no reply, but you could hear him humming to himself so you didn't have to panic it was some sort of murderer in your home.
slowly, you walked towards where he was, taking note of the candles in strategic spots to bring in the lavender smell you felt, the lights were dimmed making your house feel much more cozier than usual, and the sight of your boyfriend preparing tea by the kitchen wearing only sweatpants added even more to that comfort. you couldn't help but hug him from behind, resting your head on his deliciously muscular back as you did so.
"¿que pasa, papi?" you ask affectionately, your words muffled by your the fact you're squishing your cheek against him. derek chuckles under your touch, turning his head to you, his gorgeous smile as bright as ever as he answers.
"for our first valentine's day i'm giving you the gift of my full undivided attention, baby girl." you snort not only at his cockiness, but because he always gave you his undivided attention when it was the two of you, only thing that ever got in the way was work. "i know you've been exhausted so we're having a nice night in. calming candles, tea, those frizzly annoying bath bombs you like..."
he turns around to face you as he cites what he prepped for the holiday, hand on your chin to give you a kiss that made you hum, almost purring if only for a second. "i like when you're being all soft like this, sexy pants."
"got us some massage oils for later too, save some of those pretty little noises for then."
his voice is full of innuendo and if you hadn't forgotten already how upset you were about the lack of flowers, the ones carefully placed in your bed definitely did the job.
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misstycloud · 1 year
Plz more Riddle fics!
How you met
You smooth out your dress in order to make yourself appear as presentable as possible. After all, this was no ordinary occasion; one of your best friends were getting married. With all the on and off breaks the couple have had, you honestly wasn’t sure if they’d make it. But it turns out you were wrong.
You recalled that night when you had just gotten out of the shower and suddenly got a call from your friend. It was a bit hard to hear what she was babbling about over all the estatic noises she made simultaneously.
Telling her to slow down was easier said than done, but eventually she was calm enough to reveal the news. Her boyfriend had proposed that night and she’s said yes! You congratulated on her engagement despite the little shadow of doubt concerning her new fiancée. He wasn’t a bad person per se, however, you found yourself sceptic to how happy their marriage would be.
Perhaps you were a bad friend for not saying anything, but you knew your friend wouldn’t losten to you even if you told her you thought he may not be the one and she was making a mistake. So instead of putting your friendship at unnecessary risk, you chose to keep quiet.
So here you stood at the entrance of the engagement party the couple decided to throw. It was a slightly uncomfortable experience for you since you didn’t really know any of the people attending except for your friend of course. While the two of you were as thick as thieves, she was also part of other friend groups, of which she’d invited.
Bracing yourself for the awkward exchanges of being presented as ‘X’s other friend’, you took a step forward and immediately X noticed you. She hurried to you and gave you a hug, “Oh my god, I’m so glad you could come!” She squealed.
“I’m glad to be here.” You said, smile gracing your features.
“Come, you need to say hi to ‘Y’, he’s just over there.” She dragged you along with her and pointed at a well-dressed man’s back. He stood, conversing with other guests. “Sweetie!”
He turned around to face you. “Yes?”
“Look, (y/n)’s here!”
Her fiancée looked at you and smiled, “Hi, glad to see you make it.” He put a hand on your shoulder.
Ignoring the itch to remove it you said, “happy to make an appearance.”
“So how have you been?” He asked.
“I’ve been fine, not much going on really except for work, you know.”
‘Y’ nodded. “I understand. Big things isn’t for everyone.”
You raised an eyebrow at this. What did he mean by that? That your quiet, uneventful life sucked or something? Like he had so much going on. You scoffed under your breath.
Noticing the tensioning aura, your friend breaks in, “anyway, I’m so excited for you to be my maid of honour!”
“Right, but I should thank you for letting me be something so important.”
“What do you mean? Of course I’d want you to have that role, you’ve always been there for me. That reminds me, you should meet the best man! After all, you two have the most important roles in the wedding- apart from the green and bride, that is.” She chuckled. “Speaking of that man, where is he?” ‘X’ gazed at her fiancée for answers.
“He was here a minute ago, don’t know where he might have run off to- wait- there he is. Hey, man, come over here for a sec!” He waved another man over to your small circle.
The first thing you noticed, was the auburn hair. He, too, was dressed in a fancier manner and had a considerably handsome face. Brown, kind eyes met yours and for some reason you felt a little shy all of a sudden.
“Ah, there he is! My best man.” ‘Y’ praised. “This is Riddle, the guy’s been my pal ever since I can remember. You don’t find a nicer man around.”
Riddle slapped his friends arm, “Knock it off, I’m not that fantastic. Don’t exaggerate.”
“Haha, sure.” He then introduced you. “This is (y/n), ‘X’s maid of honour. You’ll be seeing each other more often from now on, okay.”
Riddle beamed down at you, reaching his hand forward. “Hello, it’s nice to meet you (y/n). I’ve heard some things about you from ‘X’ - only goood things of course.”
He raised an eyebrow when you didn’t say or do anything.
It took a second for your brain to load, and when it finally did, you shook his hand with an embarrassed expression on your face. “Yeah, sure- sorry I kinda spaced out there, hehe.” You apologised for your behaviour. The auburn haired man only laughed slightly.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to laugh, but you’re very cute.”
Redness overtook your features. Cute? You? Wait, he actually thought you were cute? While you flushed, you wondered how he said something like that is easily. If it were you, you’d malfunctioned before you even got a word out.
Seeing this happen before her, ‘X’ couldn’t hold her giggles. Everyone’s attention fell on her.
“Oh my god, I can totally hear the wedding bells already!”
With a flushed face you scoffed, “what’re you?-It’s your wedding this is about so don’t go make up weird stuff.”
“Ooooh, I can see you blushing~”
“No, I’m not.”
“You totally are!”
While ‘X’ continued to poke fun at you, and you trying to fight her off, her fiancée was amused at the scene; none of you saw the way the best man gazed at you.
It was a knowing look, one that said he had all the cards on his deck. People were used to see Riddle constantly wearing an expression displaying his happiness and eagerness to help others, so they would’ve been taken aback at the current unusual expression gracing his features.
You were mad at the assumptions your friend started making, especially in front of the guy himself. You wished you could just tell her to shut it but that would embarrass you further. Still, you had no idea how right she were at the time.
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thetarttfuldickhead · 9 months
For no particular reason whatsoever I’m now mildly obsessed with the notion of (seemingly) unlikely theatre buddies Isaac and Jamie.
Say that – as per what’s suggested in the post linked to above – Isaac’s got all these repressed acting dreams now finding an expression in dressing up for the team, as Santa, as a judge, as any fucking cool thing with an over the top costume. He might well have been sneaking off to watch plays for years. Always alone, ‘cause while he ain’t ashamed of this shit, it’s just. Well. It’s not a thing that big bad footballers do, is is, and it’s too precious and too important for him to risk it being mocked or even just met with incomprehension from the people he works with. He’s fine going on his own, anyway. Saves him having to listen to uninformed opinions about whatever he saw on stage afterwards. (It’s not a secret, per se. He casually mentions plays he’s been to from time to time, and all; it’s just not something he actively involves other people in, at least not until now.)
And Jamie now… Keeley introduced him to theatre and it was a fucking ordeal for both of them, Jamie getting frustrated with having his emotions intentionally roused and then getting chastised for expressing said intentionally roused emotions, and Keeley just wanting to have a pretty boyfriend she could actually bring to things without it getting weird and loud. But for all of that, Jamie quite liked the actual plays: the drama, the theatrics, the flair and big emotions and – yes – costumes*. Good bit of fun, innit. And he’s not an idiot, so he gets the hang of not shouting at the players eventually, and while that’s still a bit annoying people not getting mad at him for getting too involved makes for a smoother experience.
So maybe Jamie takes himself to a play every now and then. And maybe one night when he hasn’t been back at Richmond for more than a few weeks he’s lounging in a non-descript hoodie, incognito like, by the bar between acts and oh, that guy in an equally non-descript hoodie looks familiar, doesn’t he, and yeah, that’s Isaac and Jamie doesn’t quite know what to do with that; he’s still finding his feet as the prodigal son and reformed prick and Isaac’s the captain now and if he’s here dressed like that he probably doesn’t want to be recognized and Jamie’s been trying out this new thing called tact so –
Isaac looks up and catches Jamie’s eyes. For a beat there’s just stillness, a breath held, and then Jamie thinks fuck it and swaggers over because he is dying to discuss if Nora would be better off leaving her husband or smashing Krogstad over the head with a frying pan.
And Isaac finds it’s actually quite fun to have some company and Jamie’s opinions are pretty mad but they’re informed mad somehow and Jamie’s clearly into this and not being a prick at all, so that’s okay. They go for a drink afterwards. A couple of Thursays later Isaac gets an extra ticket for the Almeida’s new production of Medea and asks Jamie to tag along. He never could have fucking imagined, he thinks as they take their seats and he sees his companion lean eagerly forward, just a couple of years ago, that this is where they’d be, that this is something he’d share with Jamie Tartt of all people.  
But if it’s good then it’s good, yeah, no sense wondering about it or about what was. Isaac leans back in his chair, relaxing, while next to him Jamie is humming with barely constrained excitement.
The lights dim. The curtain rises.
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surfinminho · 9 months
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choreographer!reader x idol!felix
Warning: walking in, implied switch felix and reader, talk of exhibitionism, unprotected sex
Word count: 2.2k
requested by: @ihrtlix
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you were scared. Why wouldn't you be?
You never usually went over to Felix's place. You never minded him over at your place, and you never hung out with him in public.
You two were really popular, if that's what you want to call it. People with cameras crowding you when you even step foot in public. People at airports surrounding felix when he's simply trying to get from point A to point B.
So when you are cleaning your house. Blasting whatever playlist you clicked on. And you get a text which reads
Felix 💕 : come over
You freak out. You always thought it was "risky" if anyone at the dorms found out about you guys years back. So you never went. Since the dorms are split in 2 now you think you have a better chance at not getting caught.
It was sad, funny, but also sad how you guys had to sneak around to see eachother. You had boyfriends in the past and the media never seemed to mind. Felix on the other hand, the media never got to know whether or not he ever had a girlfriend.
It leaves you to think, what's the harm in being exposed? It was going to happen anyway. Your managers have been talking about releasing the news about your relationship. You've always delayed it though. Not for any particular reason. Maybe you weren't ready, just not yet.
you text felix back to let him know that you were in fact going. You didn't decide to ask why he invited you over, knowing the chances of getting caught is higher then it ever will be.
Opting to take a shower before you go, changing into clean clothes before going on your way.
When you get into your car, you were still a little bit skeptical of going over there. Would It be bad for you to just ask him to come over instead?
You ignore all those thoughts and start driving. The dorms aren't that far from you. So you reach there practically in 10 minutes.
You hesitate when you reach to the door. Wondering if you should just call him and let him know you are here.
You open your phone to call him, but before you can even open the app someone opens the door.
"Hi princess" you almost jumped at the sound of the door. Sighing of relief when you see it's felix.
He tells you to come in. Locking the door behind him.
Taking off your shoes you go into the living room while he says he has to finish up some things in the kitchen.
As you sit down you try to listen closely to see if you hear anybody in the dorms. It's not like you didn't know stray kids per se- you helped choreograph some of their dances. But it doesn't mean you guys are necessarily close.
Simply scrolling on your phone, you feel felix come up behind the couch and wrap his arms around you.
"You're hovering"
"I am not hovering" flashing a smile before adjusting to sit next to you.
"You're nervous, hm?" grabbing your leg, motioning for you to sit on his lap.
"Felix, you—" pausing to resituate yourself."—we both know that they can come back at anytime. What if th-"
You were fidgeting, moving around side to side in his lap before you cut yourself off.
“if you stare any harder I think you’ll bore holes into my skull” you laughed trying to get back to your original point.
“sorry, you kept movi- what do you expect? You look pretty right now ”
"What?" Confusion laced your voice. You were wearing basic clothes. And some lipgloss, nothing that would make you look elegant.
His lips meets yours in a delicate manner. A slow but firm kiss. His hands travel down to grab your hips, pulling you a little bit closer.
You pull away first, looking straight at felix."You still didn't answer my question"
"That was the answer" he leans back in for another kiss.
It was different. This is different.
The familiar movement of his lips is gone. The Original gentle and feathery kisses he gave you, your lips moving softly against his. Light touches here and there. This? This is the complete opposite. The kisses he's giving you now fast paced and impatient. His hands moving around trying to grab onto the hem of your shirt.
You're surprised. The messy and aggressive kiss is nothing compared to the way he's groping you.
His hands let go of your shirt, slowly moving his hands up and down the sides of your body before he stops. Stopping at the feeling of your ass against his hands. Squeezing it as if he's never going to again.
Your hands try and find something to grasp. Leaning forward to deepen the kiss while meticulously trying to unzip his pants.
Its not like you didn't feel him getting a hard-on when you were moving around in his lap. You simply decided to ignore it.
You almost get the zipper down before you hear someone clear their throat.
"Felix, __?" A young man spoke, they spoke with confusion lining their voice. You didn't bother do look up. You already knew who it was.
"Minho" Felix replied same tone that the man had before.
You peeked your head up to see who was there but quickly put it back down when you saw seungmin as well as jeongin standing in the hallway
"I hate you right now" whispering into his ear before lightly slapping his arm.
"You guys are dating? I assume?" minho asked, trying not to laugh.
The idea of the rest of the boys finding out was already terrifying, but them finding out like this? Made you want to disappear.
Felix hummed before tapping your leg, hinting for you to get up.
Everyone goes back to their business, you and felix at his door when you hear another voice.
"You guys weren't about to fuck on our couch right..." jeongin questioned, putting his coat and bag down.
"We weren't? yea we weren't." opening the door you tug felix in there, closing the door with your back.
You felt like your heart was in your throat. You were anxious. But something deep inside you is making you feel as if the people outside didn't matter. Or you'd let them watch.
You look down slightly to see his boner threatening to pop out.
"did that turn you on?”
“shut the fuck up” he muttered, capturing your lips in another sloppy kiss. That nervous feeling dissappears into a eager feeling. Desperate to feel his touch on you. You say you want anything he gives you, but you know you're lying. You want him. You want him to touch you and feel you up infront of other people. Make them know how good he makes you feel.
You snap out of your trance from felix removing his lips from yours, trailing them down your neck softly biting the skin there.
"What are you thinking about?"
"Its nothing" trying to not let your dirty or borderline filthy fantasy out.
"Are you sure?" he quirks his eyebrow before harshly biting the are that seemingly connects your neck to your collarbone.
"a-ah yea I'm good" You yourself don't even think you were convincing. The slight waver in your voice mad you cringe. Cringe at how you suck at hiding things.
He looks up at you before continuing his next sentence"So maybe I should bring minho to watch me fuck that 'nothing' right out right? I'm sure you'd like that." He tries to act all nonchalant, but you can hear how hard he's breathing and feel his cock that's pressing against your thigh.
"what- what are you talking about?" letting out a slight laugh attempting to redirect the way thus conversation is going.
"We both know what I'm talking about. Besides—" he cuts himself off to move closer. Closer to your ear and whispers the last part of his sentence. "I'd like to see them watch me while I fuck you real good.he gives you a peck on your ear lobe, simultaneously moving to his bed.
"Come on baby tell me what you want."
"I— I don't know I.." you could've used whatever self control you have left, turn this around and milk him of everything he's got. But you choose otherwise.
While Putting two fingers on your tongue. He asks a simple question.
"You want me right here?" Moving his fingers back until you start gagging. You try and say something but it came.out incomprehensible.
"What was that? Cant understand."
"No I, not there please"
He travels his hand down towards your breast lightly cupping it.
"How about here? You want me to touch you here?" he caresses the skin softly waiting for you to give an answer. But when you don't he pinches your nipple through the shirt.
"I asked you a question. You should answer it."
"yes— I mean no, not there." Your words are coming out of your mouth faster than you'd like it to.
Grabbing the band of your pants, he started pulling it down to your ankles then officially off.
He brings his hands right above where you need him most.
"If you're not gonna tell me, you show me where you want me." His voice is always deep, yes. But this time it's raspy. Like if he had just woken up for work in the morning.
You slowly take his hand in yours and drag in downwards.
"Here, please lix I need it." You whined into your other hand that was attempting to cover your face.
His fingers are tracing all over your cunt. Drawing figure 8s over your panties.
"I suppose I can make this work" he shoots you a soft smile, telling you to take your shirt off.
He stands up to do the same thing, sliding off his pants aswell.
He sits back down against the headboard patting his thigh for you to come sit.
"You think I'm gonna do all the work? Come on baby" Rubbing your sides, every once in a while going lower and Grabbing your ass.
"Lix they are outside still. I mean what if they hear us." You still try to get him to believe you. Believe you wouldn't care if they saw.Even though you wouldn't mind them hearing you. Or maybe watching you from a crack in the door.
"You’re such a whore for me, I like it.” he pulled your panties to the side, sliding his finger through your folds.
"Shit, baby you could've just told me you wanted them to watch. I would've obliged" he does that stupid smile again. The one where he knows he's right. Where he knows he's getting to you.
Sliding you back,he pulls his underwear down slightly to free his cock.
You didn't mean to stare, you just kinda zoned out. He gave it a slight squeeze, shivering when a bead of pre-cum leaked out.
"we don't have all day" he leans back in for another kiss while he taps your thigh telling you to lift yourself up.
He nudges the tip against your clit, rubbing it up and down. Head catching the hole sometimes before he pushes in.
You start moving, slowly getting use to the length inside of you. Holding onto his shoulders trying to get a grip on anything around you.
"Good job baby. You can go faster hm?" His voice wobbly while he tries to maintain a straight face. Staring into your eyes unbothered like he isn't twitching inside of you. You know he's turned on. The fact that the boys caught him in the act makes him swell. In reality he wouldn't have an issue if one wanted to peek into his room while you ruin him aswell.
You try to go faster, do a good job but you cant. Your thighs start shaking. Tears welling your eyes before you fall back into his lap.
"Im s-sorry I can't" you whine, head in his neck. Gently suckling on it.
“what? You want me to go deeper? Or go harder?”
Silence. It was suddenly quiet in here, besides the sounds of your panting. You didn't want to admit he got to you. That them watching you could turn you on so much.
"Ah I see" he brings you off his cock onto your back before sliding back in.
"s-shit" the lewd sounds of his balls slapping your thighs along with his low, rough grunts are almost enough to push you over the edge.
You felt drunk. Everything around you was blurry. Your senses were heightened. You try to close your legs. So close, the pleasure getting to your brain.
"open your legs pretty." You didn't listen. Looking up at him with a glassy look in your eye silently telling him what you need.
He forces your legs open, jaw going slack when he fucks back into you.
"I know you wanna cum, do it. Nobody's stopping you."
The way he's touching you and thrusting into you. Makes you want more.
You don't give a warning when you cum. Your mouth setting a hard line trying to not let any noise out.
"Good girl" he rubs your clit. Bringing you through your orgasm as he continues fucking you.
It doesn't take long for him to cum either. 2,3 more thrusts before he settles in you. Hips meeting as he leans down to bite your neck, silencing his moans.
He pulls out, telling you he's gonna get a wet cloth and he'd be right back.
He puts on his pants before opening the door seeing seungmin sitting on the couch.
"I'm so telling chan"
"I figured."
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aclowntiny · 7 months
Hiiiiiiiiii! So I have a new hyperfixation
And I'm thinking I totally need to know
Who in ateez is mlt to let you hypnotize them
Ngl hypnotizin your friends (or ur boyfriend) during some game nights or parties seems fun
Ooh interesting! One day late 😅 but a good Halloween post hehe
Most Likely to Let You Hypnotize Them
Most: San, Wooyoung, Hongjoong
Middle: Yunho, Jongho, Yeosang
Least: Seonghwa, Mingi
San is up for anything! He’s adventurous AND he trusts you. Naturally curious, once he hears about it San is eager to experience the sensation, if any, so he may even ask you about it. Preferably without the other members around though if you want to make any embarrassing requests! San isn’t a horror guy, so in his mind this would be much more fun to celebrate Halloween or get into creepy stuff than a haunted house or scary movie! Wooyoung is a lot like his bestie, very curious and up for a challenge. He trusts you too and kind of likes the whole ‘do what you want with me’ vibe! Would probably crack a tom of jokes like ‘ohhhh, what are you going to have me doooo?’ so feel free to shut him down and tell him he’s going to be doing the chicken dance soon! 😏 He also loves the theatrics, so he’ll want all the lights off and every bit of performance you both can put in! For a serious practice, he sure has you guys laughing! Hongjoong would also be down to try it- he’s curious, too, and always looking to explore different muses and ways people express themselves. Who knows, maybe the motions and sensations can inspire things in his mind! It’s also a way to get to know you and he wholeheartedly wants involvement in anything related to your passions, even if it means getting hypnotized! Hongjoong will likely also request it’s just between you two, though, because it is a more personal, vulnerable moment in his eyes.
Yunho is good-natured, so he’d probably laugh the first time you bring it up, then gape and say ‘oh, really?’ But when he sees how serious you are, sure, what the heck? He’s sitting down asking if you’re going to swing a watch in front of his eyes or make him look at swirly stuff. Probably while imitating the swirls in front of his eyes. ‘Wooooo!’ ‘Yunho, you have to be quiet!’ ‘Oh, sorry.’ It’s a fun time, you guys are both laughing by the end of the night and he probably asks you to teach him some new dance moves. Jongho is down, but sort of in the way of ‘prove to me this is real’. He’s very practical and grounded in reality, so without offending you he may be thinking hypnosis is some movie BS or that his mind is strong enough to resist! So it’s a challenge for him, one he’s shrugging and giving you a determined smile into as he sits down. He can’t keep a straight face as you stare deadpan into his eyes, bursting out laughing several times, but he really does want to see what it’s all about even if he just feels he’s watching a performance . After all, you’re his favorite person to watch! Yeosang is kind of similar to Jongho where he isn’t sure he believes it’ll work. He’ll make the most jokes and quips about what you’re going to make him do, but in the end he’ll try it without much actual reluctance. He probably also has questions about how you fell upon this interest in the first place because he’s never known any hypnotists before- not that that’s a huge shock! Probably the best at keeping serious and deadpan once he gets into it because he isn’t sure what to think lol.
Seonghwa is a little hesitant at first, probably asking some questions about if you can bring him back, but it’s just because he takes the art seriously. He’s the type who wants to believe, so it’s something potentially powerful in his mind. Once you assure him you won’t make him do anything bad or do anything to him per se, he sits down, eyes boring into yours so seriously. You may need to reassure him that it’s ok, but he can never say no to you, don’t worry! Mingi is so the type to talk tough when you bring it up, but when you sit him down to do it he’s like ‘Wait whoa what about-’ and then he has a bunch of questions. He’s sort of 50-50 on if he believes, but he doesn’t want to be wrong if he laughs it off so he asks questions on if it’s permanent or if he’s going to get haunted. In the past, he has mentioned being scared of demons and evil spirits, so things like hypnotism even if they aren’t as spiritual would probably elicit some concern. So he’ll want an education on what it really is and entails once he finds out you were serious.
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meadowmusing · 4 months
my thoughts before the PJO finale
overall? A good fun show but with some definite stumbling. Faithful in a "remake" sense, but as much as a "port" would be. Still a genuinely good time with a likeable cast, gorgeous visuals, and an engaging (mostly) interesting plot.
Beware spoilers for ep1-7!
My biggest gripes
Pacing. the first episode was horribly paced. Somehow both rushed, not well condensed, and yet also failed to effectively deliver tension in important scenes it was needed in. Scenes like the minotaur felt dragged out and lacked the urgency it deserved, and the fight/victory fell kind of flat. Pacing got better in later episodes thankfully.
Sally Jackson. Yeah I know, not a hot take. She's a more realistic depiction of a mother in that kind of situation but I didn't find her likeable outside of her first scene talking about the name Perseus. She's not necessarily a "Bad Character" per se, but she is not the Sally Jackson from the books. Frankly, I didn't find book Sally all that important, but seeing this version has definitely wised me up to importance of her kindness and patience. Sure she might have seemed like a "doormat" at the beginning, but the more u learnt about her, the more her inner strength and self sacrificial love for Percy was apparent. TV Sally just doesn't have that, it doesn't feel like she has that much affection for Percy, she seems more distant and less loving. TV Sally has far too many scenes of her raising her voice at Percy and being frustrated with him, it makes it seem more like she was randomly stuck with this child and while she loves him, she knows deep down she would have been happier without him. Again, understandable but not book Sally. I feel they've sort of played up Percy's fierce love for his mum (or maybe it just feels more so because its more present in his spoken lines), but it doesn't feel as justified. If anything, id believe a more messy wrought relationship between the two. Its not a bad thing she's not the exact same as her book counterpart, but I do think it was a bad decision when they went so hard on Percy being ride or die for her, when most of her longer scenes are her being just frustrated with Percy being a child.
Gabe. ok more of a hot take I guess but I seriously disagree with his re-characterization. I don't mean to downplay anyone's experiences with toxic or abusive partners, but Gabe is far too bland and inoffensive. At worst, he's kind of annoying and maybe lazy. But he is nothing like the human sht stain that was book Gabe. Book Gabe deserved petrification and a lot worse, TV Gabe does not. The guy deserves a break up, not murder. Me and my friend actually laughed at him, because he didn't give "beats his wife and emotionally abuses her and her child", he gave "dead beat crypto boyfriend". Maybe it was the casting as well, the actor was funny and just seemed more goofy than actively horrid. "what makes u think he hasn't hit sally?" have u met TV Sally?? are u kidding me? she would have that man arrested.
Hades. I don't actually dislike making Hades friendly and more sassy. Sure its not book accurate, but you could argue its a little more mythologically accurate (maybe). My real problem is that he lacks PRESCENCE. Yes he can be nicer ect in this, but he is still the GOD OF THE UNDERWORLD. He should still be able to command a room! His words, even if they're not malicious or intimidating, should hold a certain kind of weight. I don't blame the actor here, I think he does well with what he's given but pretty much everyone else dropped the ball here. If they had supported him, we could have had a friendly Hades that was still a fitting lord of the underworld. Writers, directors, lighting, sound, ect let him down.
Persassy. Percy was great in the beginning but I felt like he started to lose that as the show went on, to give more of his lines/sassy moments to the other members of the trio. Which wasn't a terrible idea, I just think they did it too much, especially with the Ares scenes. Percy is meant to have an epic beef with Ares so much it transcends magic amnesia, but I could not believe that with the current lack of sass. Even the upcoming battle doesn't feel as weighty or deserved as it should. Again, don't hate the idea of sharing the sass around, just don't think it should come at the cost of Percy being toned down so much.
Getting into the underworld / mattress scene WHAT WAS THAT. I can accept that Percy knows more about Greek mythology because of his mom and i feel generally from just current cultural zeitgeist, but WHY THE HELL WOULD HE KNOW WHO CRUSTY IS?? and why was it so quick? there was no quick desperate clever thinking, it was like bro had read the scene from the book and then SPEED RAN IT. Also the Charon scene was far more interesting imo and I don't like that they cut it in favour for Crusty, without even doing that scene well. God that was so poorly executed.
Anyway thanks for reading my rant. Its long so it may seem like I didn't like the series but im being truthful when I say I did. I pretty much liked the rest of it, even some of the changes. I thinks a good show and adaption with some flaws, thats all. Im excited to finish up the season and im so pumped for season 2 and hopefully the rest of the series :D
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kimbappykidding · 10 months
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Part One here
Dk was so nervous as he waited for you in the cafe for your first date. More nervous than he got before an award show or before going on stage. He just felt so awkward and unsure of himself. Then you walked through the door and he began to panic. You looked so much better than him. You hadn't dressed up per se but in your jumper and jeans you looked photo shoot ready. Even the way you walked across a room was impressive and he saw people looking at you. You made your way over to him and smiled as you got closer. That reassured him a little, your smile really warmed up your face and he smiled back "Hey sorry I'm late! I've been driving around the car park for ages trying to find a space". Dk laughed "really? I'm glad I got a lift!". Actually, he'd been too nervous to drive so Mingyu brought him but he wasn't going to tell you that. "Yeah the traffic was so bad...so what did you order?" you asked eyeing up his drink. Dk immediately paused feeling self-conscious again "erm just a hot chocolate....I can't actually drink coffee". "Ow do you get hyper?" you asked and he shook his head "no I just hate the taste" and you laughed "fair enough! I'm gonna go order, back in a sec" and you disappeared. Dk watched you go and saw the people nearby do the same. One guy looked from you to Dk as if shocked and he glared. Dk was wondering if he should just apologise for wasting your time when you returned with a hot chocolate packed with whipped cream and sprinkles "I hate coffee too".
Once again you chatted away and the conversation seemed to flow from nowhere. Dk got more and more comfortable with you and was having a great time...until a guy came over to ask for your number. You quickly got rid of him, explaining how you were actually on a date right now and while Dk was pleased you said that, he couldn't help but notice the look in the guy's eye when you said that. He seemed genuinely surprised and of course he must've been because he wouldn't have asked you out if he thought you were with your boyfriend. You quickly brushed away what happened, apologising for the inconvenience. Dk shook his head "it's fine but can I ask you something? I know it's probably not cool to ask on a first date but it's been killing me...why me?". You paused "why you?". He nodded "yeah just girls like you don't usually pay attention to guys like me". Your eyes softened and you shook your head "well I have no idea what you mean by guys like you because I think you're very attractive”. Dk paused "you do?" and he noticed his voice sounded unsure. You nodded "yeah...its kinda weird but all the fans shipped me with people like Mingyu but I prefer you. I like nice guys and ever since I saw you searching everywhere for that hot pack for Wonwoo I realise you were one of those guys. I like your looks and personality of course you have one of the most gorgeous smiles I've ever seen and your arms are very nice" you said trailing off as you looked at them "but being a nice person is just as attractive to me. So to me you're doubly attractive". Dk processed what you were saying and began to feel more confident. If you did really like nice guys then he could do that. He was pretty kind-hearted and loving so maybe this could work. Dk smiled "I can be the nice guy". You smiled "you don't have to do anything just be yourself. Your normal, charming handsome self". Dk smiled "handsome?". You laughed "I'm attracted to personality but I'm also a sucker for a pretty face. You're a double threat Dk, beauty and personality...triple threat if you take into account your talent. That's why I was nervous to start up a conversation with you at the bar and even on the way here but that all seems to melt away when I'm around you". Dk was a little speechless you thought he was beautiful and were just as nervous as him so he struggled to speak for a few seconds. You didn't make a big deal about it though and just gently took his hand. He laced his fingers through yours, the happiest guy in the world. After that he stopped questioning himself quite as much and was determined to be the happiest nicest guy ever! Dk introduced you to his members fairly quickly, not that he meant to it just kind of happened. You'd been dating for a month and had planned to meet up that Saturday but your family suddenly appeared and you called DK. "Well you have to go see them!" he told you "you haven't seen your family in ages". "I know but what about you?" you asked and DK's heart fluttered a little as it always did when you thought of him. "I'll be fine, we can meet up next week". "I know but I've been so busy at work and was really looking forward to meeting up with you" you sighed "2 weeks is way too long". DK's heart was now hammering in his chest and he had a huge blush on his face. "You've missed me?" he asked and you nodded "yeah of course! You're like my reset button. I can come to you in any mood and leave feeling happy...do you miss me when I'm not around?". "Of course!" DK cried "you're the most beautiful, wonderful, kindest, funniest girl in the world! How can I not miss you?". You laughed "you're so sweet, this is why 2 weeks is going to kill me" when DK got an idea "well what are you doing tomorrow night?". "I've got work until half 6ish and then nothing, why?". "We're having a drinking night at my house and you're of course more than welcome! We're going to be ordering food and playing games and we can spend time together...but I get if you don't want to be around so many people". You didn't hesitate "no that sounds wonderful, are you sure it's okay for me to tag along?". "Yes of course! The guys can't wait to meet you...but no pressure. I just realised that makes it sound like a lot". You laughed "no it's fine, I'm so excited! So should I come to yours straight after work?". "Yeah or I can pick you up if you want? I'll probably be in town collecting the food". "Sure!" you said "okay I'll meet you outside my work at 7". When Friday came you were buzzing all day because you knew DK was waiting for you at the end of it. You finished a little later than expected and were in a rush to get downstairs and see DK. You made it out of the doors and looked around for him, confused when you couldn't spot him. Then you saw someone on the corner with sunglasses and a hat and despite the disguise, you knew who it was. You rushed over to him and flung your arms around him "Dk!" you said and he laughed hugging your arms "Y/n! You're happy!". "I'm excited to see you" you replied and DK blushed "can you let go of me for two seconds? I want to hug you too" and you stepped back immediately. DK wrapped his arms around you and peppered your face with a few kisses. You laughed before looking up into his eyes. "Hi" you said and DK smiled "hi" and you reached up to kiss him. You didn't realise DK wasn't alone until you opened your eyes and saw Joshua standing there awkwardly trying not to look at either of you. You gasped "oh sorry Joshua, I didn't realise you were there". "Yeah he came with me to collect the food" DK said and you saw the pizza boxes stacked in Joshua’s hands. "No problem" Joshua said and DK took your hand in his "let's go to the car" and you fell in step together. "So how was work?" Joshua asked and you nodded "it was good, I'm late because we ran over and I wanted to make sure the maknaes all got home okay". "Ah yeah you're the leader aren't you?" Joshua asked and you nodded "yep, I'm not the eldest but I'm somehow the mom of the group". "It's because you're so kind!" DK said bopping your nose and you smiled "if you say so". You reached the Seventeen house not long after and DK pulled up outside. You had your work bag and a bag of clothes which you changed into and DK swiftly took both from your hand. You went to protest but he shook his head "you're my guest tonight and I will do everything for you". DK wouldn't accept your arguments and so begrudgingly agreed and had to smile at the proud look on DK's face as he introduced you to everyone. DK's members were so nice! You of course knew them from the circuit but they all made an effort to introduce themselves to you and to talk to you. They were being so kind and friendly you actually wondered why. "Are they always this happy?" you asked DK when you found yourself alone together in the kitchen "I feel like they're all being super kind to me". DK paused "I..well...this is their first time meeting you so of course they'll want to make a good impression. Plus you're kind of the first girl I've ever introduced them too so I think they're a little excited...they were pretty happy the first time I told them we were dating". You smiled "aww really? That's so sweet". DK blushed and you grinned "and so are you". "Stopppp" DK whined before whispering "keep going" and you laughed loudly. "You're the funniest guy I've ever met, you can just send me a funny look and I'm on the floor". DK smiled "oh really what's your favourite?" and he started pulling all his signature funny faces. You were soon in hysterics and eventually took his face in your hands and smoothed the funny face away "this one" you replied meaning his normal face and kissed him. DK wasn't too used to intimacy but he was a quick learner and was getting more and more used to it thanks to you. You'd always surprise suddenly with a kiss or hug or some form of flirting and he loved it. It always made him feel special and his confidence had grown so much since dating you. Months ago he never would've dreamed about kissing a girl while all his members were in the next room but here he was and he would've happily stayed there all day...if Mingyu hadn't walked in and toppled a bottle of sprite over. You and DK jumped apart at the noise and Mingyu's eyes went from you to the growing mess. "I'm sorry I was surprised! I didn't know you were making out!" he cried and rushed to grab some kitchen roll. "Who was making out?" Jeonghan called and you heard The8 reply "who do you think?" making you chuckle. You finally managed to get everything cleaned up and Mingyu raced from the room apologising again. When you and DK came back in all the guys were smirking and DK's ears were pink. "You two are dangerous!" Hoshi declared, breaking the ice and making everyone laugh. Once you'd all eaten the games began, you teamed up with DK and adored seeing him so wild and loud with his members. You loved this side of him and watched him so amused, falling for him even more. At one point his members tried to use you against him and that quickly backfired. DK was versing Seungkwan and was giving it a lot of talk about how he was going to win. Seungkwan sighed "DK are you really going to talk smack like that in front of Y/n?" and Seungkwan's team started agreeing teasing DK for being immature. In response you just took DK's hand "I actually like it. He's hilarious and he's going to beat every single one of you". "Wait so you're encouraging him?" Jeonghan asked and you nodded hugging DK's arm "give them hell" and DK's eyes lit up and he got even louder. You'd been so entertained you didn't even realise how tired you were until the guys started debating calling it a night. You looked at the clock and realised it was quite late. DK noticed and smiled at you "do you want to go to bed?" and blushed as he said it. You nodded and he took your hand "night guys we're going to bed". "Night Y/n, Night DK!" they all called waving to you and DK lead you upstairs. "That was so fun thanks for inviting me" you said and DK smiled "if you enjoyed it that much you'll have to come more often". "Well only if the guys are happy with it, you need time together" you said and DK laughed "Y/n we spend almost every day together. You're a welcomed new presence" and you nodded "okay then I'll come". DK seemed pleased until you reached his room and he paused "give me a second" and he rushed into the room. You could hear him inside moving around and clearly tidying things up. He opened the door 2 minutes later breathing a little heavily and his hair adorably messy "come in...I just wanted to make sure everything was okay for you".   You smiled and stepped into the room which for DK was suspiciously clean. "Wow it's so tidy". Dk nodded "yep I like things clean" and you nodded "and if I looked under the bed..." and went to bend down when DK caught your hand "no! I mean...let's not look under there". You laughed "okay" and DK smiled "I've got a t-shirt and some shorts you can wear" he said passing them you and you nodded "thank you" and began changing. You noticed DK trying not to stare at you and smiled "you okay?". He nodded "yep! You're just very hot and I could stare at you all day". You laughed pulling the shirt over your head and hugged him "you're very hot too and I do get palpitations every time I see you shirtless”. "You do?" Dk asked and you nodded "yep! I'm gonna go to the bathroom" and you disappeared. When you came back out DK had gotten the bed ready and had turned the big light off. He told you to get settled and he wouldn't be long. So you crawled into bed and went on your phone until DK emerged. You were laid on your stomach and looked up at DK arrived "hey...you look nice". You knew DK was sometimes insecure about his bareface so made sure to compliment him whenever you saw him without makeup. He blushed and got in beside you. “It's cold!" he said wriggling under the covers and you nodded wriggling closer until you were hugging him "I know but I'll keep you warm". "My protector" Dk said and you giggled as he buried his head in your beck. He eventually pulled back and looked at you "thanks for tonight. You were so great with the guys and they really like you". You blushed "I'm really glad I came and I like them all too...but you're my favourite" and you kissed him. The kiss downstairs and watching DK be so funny and loud with his member had definitely made you want him more and when you started kissing him passionately DK met your intensity. The great thing was nobody could walk in on you this time and you were free to take all the time in the world so you did. You were enjoying the build-up and when you could feel DK gripping you, trying to get more traction you moved so you were straddling him. Dk pulled you in closer and sat up so he could reach you better. When you pulled away for breath he was breathing very heavily and the way he was looking at you was so gorgeous. Hou could feel how excited he was and smiled "want to keep going?". "I thought you were tired?" Dk asked and you shook your head "trust me I'm wide awake now and I want you". Dk groaned slightly when you said that and nodded his head "that's fine with me" and kissed you again. The members could all tell Dk was besotted with you. It took him 20 minutes to say goodbye to you the next morning and they were pretty sure he was just going to lay down in the road and refuse to let you leave. The good thing though was after last night they could safely say you were just as besotted with him which was reassuring. They all knew DK could be quite emotional and would hate for him to fall for someone who didn't feel as strongly but that wasn't you. At an award show the following weekend DK wasn't very well but he'd come here because you'd be here and he'd get to see you. You'd told him he could go home and you'd meet him afterwards but he'd been certain he wanted to come and support your new song so there he was making his way to his seat when they all spotted your group. "Hey DK it's Y/n!" Scoups called and DK's head popped up "where?". You and your members were on some stairs above and the guys from Seventeen got your attention. "She does look pretty scary in all her stage makeup and outfit" Jun commented and Vernon nodded "yeah like some sort of ice princess and then you see her smile". As if on cue you spotted DK and a warm smile appeared on your face. You waved to him and he started pulling silly faces to make you laugh. You sent him a heart when you had to go and DK's smile remained even after you'd left. "She transforms around DK and he's just thriving under her attention and love" Scoups said and Jeonghan smiled "they're a perfect couple. So unexpected which I think all the best couples are". Everyone nodded in agreement and DK, who had tuned them out this entire time turned to look at them "what is everyone talking about?". The guys all laughed and hugged him. "Never mind" Jeonghan smiled "you've got more important things on your mind". DK had no idea what was going on but smiled along with everyone else and hurried to his seat so he could watch you. Some of the best things in life were surprises and you and DK knew that better than anyone.  
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