#have spent most of my Awake time daydreaming because it's the most my brain could handle
bending-sickle · 1 year
if i ever finish this i am so sorry for chapter 9 you guys jesus christ it’s a mess
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flamingo-writes · 11 months
What would you think if Hobie asks reader to cut the ends of his hair that bother him because of the mask and while she was doing it, she sang a nice song to him, meanwhile some little flowers began to bloom around them.
Really like the last post and this came to my mind immediately.
Listen, I’ve been daydreaming of this the entire day. I think this idea was very cute!
Also, little disclaimer: I was born and raised in Mexico, so, I’m very unfamiliar with how black people’s hair works. I know culturally it has a lot of importance, but other than that I knew very little of the different types of hair and ofc the insane variety of treatments and proper care as well as the different ways to give maintenance to different kinds of dreads. Also, as someone who has had very short hair for 2/3 of my life, as well as shaving my own head for the better part of the last 4 (5?) years, in general hair care and routines are something I’m wildly unfamiliar with, the longest I had my hair in the latest years was a 6 inch or so Mohawk I grew two years ago. Hobie has been a very good opportunity for me to educate myself a lot in hair (especially black people’s hair) and I spent a good portion of my evening watching videos/TikTok’s and reading on dreadlocks and their maintenance. If I wrote something inaccurate or wrong, please let me know, help me see my mistake, and I will fix it as soon as I can.
This came from this other request, I’m thinking of turning into a series.
Flower Bed — Hobie x Reader
Also, you said little flowers, but my brain decided to go for a full flower bed 😭 I hope you like this!
Warnings: none.
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“Oí, luv…” Hobie said walking out of the bedroom, looking around you.
“Bathroom!” You shouted as he followed your voice, noticing the bathroom door opened and you kneeling by the shower.
Plants cramped in the shower as you watered them.
“Oh, never mind, you’re busy” He said.
“I’m almost done. I just need to water the ones in the kitchen sink and the monsteras…” You said as you’d todo up and stretched your back. “I’ll be done in ten minutes, what’s up?”
“I wanted to ask you if you could help me trim my hair, it’s starting to get long and gets stuck in the mask and, you know…” He asked softly. “But I can’t see the back of my head,”
“Sure, I’ll help you,” You said giving Hobie a kind smile.
He smiled back, walking up to you and kissing your forehead.
“Need help with the plants?”
“As you wish,” You replied happily. “You were asleep earlier and didn’t want to wake you, so I started watering them on my own…”
“I’m awake now,” He said. “I’ll water the monsteras,”
“Thank you, babe,” You purred.
By the time you were done with the plants, you went ahead and started helping Hobie out. You sat on the edge of your bed, as he sat on the floor. Since Hobie was tall, this was the most comfortable arrangement. It wasn’t also the first time you trimmed his wicks. He asked you to help him every few months.
As you put some soft music in the background, you got started, trimming dread by dread. Taking care to cut the hair while keeping the end of the dread rounded. Cutting just across each wick was already hard as they were thick, but you also wanted to keep them looking nice and rounded. Which was also a reason why Hobie asked you for help. You did a much better job at it than him.
Even when he didn’t admit it, or didn’t look like it, every single detail in his appearance was planned. Especially his hair. He liked taking care of it, and over all treated his hair like this very intimate thing, he hated having other people touching his hair. Except you. He actually loved it when you touched his hair, ran your hands through it, your fingers disappearing between the dreads. And the particular care and dedication which which you seemed to tend to every wick.
Deep in your concentration, watching over the little details, you were unconsciously singing. Something you also did quite a lot. When you were deeply focused on something, you’d start humming and eventually singing. Which only added to the relaxing time Hobie was having.
Between your gentle hands running through his hair, and now the soft sound of your voice singing in a low voice, going along with the music. Hobie lived for these little peaceful moments, making him feel absolutely contempt with his life. These little moments were everything to him.
As he had his eyes closed, focusing on every brought of your touch against him, he didn’t notice at first the plants growing around you.
It wasn’t plain on obvious. In fact, Hobie didn’t notice until he felt something tickling his elbows. He opened his eyes and saw flowers growing out of the floor, tiny plants growing buds and flowering. All in a matter of several seconds. And you continue to sing, concentrated. He blinked several times, wondering if you were aware of what you were doing, as he kept staring at the flowers growing and multiplying, coming out of the wooden floor tiles.
“Uh, luv?” Hobie asked in a low deep voice.
“Hm?” You hummed, answering Hobie’s question, sounding way too focused in your job as you were rounding one of the last wicks.
“Are you aware of the fact that you pretty much brought spring into our bedroom?”
“Huh?” You asked confused, breaking your hyper focus and looked around, noticing the flowers covering almost the entirety of your floor. White, red, lilac, and pink flowers, extending across your small bedroom. “Fuck,”
Hobie laughed softly.
“You didn’t notice?”
“N-no…” You whispered softly.
“That’s amazing…” Hobie sighed. “It’s beautiful, by the way…”
“The thing is I don’t know how to…un-grow them…And they’re a lot…” You said softly, the concern building in your voice, making Hobie chuckle. “What are we going to do with all of them?”
“We can always collect them and sell them or whatever, you know?” Hobie chuckled.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right…”
“In the meantime, we can always enjoy this beautiful scene, what do you say?”
“You’re way too calm for someone who has his bedroom full of flowers…”
“You made them. They’re beautiful. I don’t see the issue, basically a work of art,” He said looking at you over his shoulder, as you rolled your eyes playfully at him.
“Hobie, pollen give you allergies,”
“Sleeping on a flower bed one night isn’t going to kill me,” He pointed out. “Besides, ever since the spider thing, I get less allergies from flowers,” He said lifting a finger up, making you chuckle.
“Fine! You win this argument!” You chuckled.
“You know I love you, right?”
“Yeah, I love you too”
“That’s why I don’t mind the flowers. Because you made them,”
You leaned forward and pressed a kiss on Hobie’s cheek before you continued tending to the last two wicks.
“Thank you,” You said.
“For what?”
“Being you,” You sighed. “I’m not precisely fascinated with all the flowers in the bedroom, but the fact that you are, makes me feel better”
“Why, you’re welcome, sweet’eart. Thank you for helping me with my hair,” He said looking at you and giving you a cheeky smirk.
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salmonight · 1 year
DannyMay 2023, Day 2: Backpack
Tittle: Hey Kid, Wanna Buy a Blob Ghost?
Summary: Where Danny acts like a drug dealer with a bunch of blob ghosts in his bag and Tim in his sleep deprived state goes along with it with the mentality of 'I've seen weirder shit in my life'
The day began like any other for Tim.
He trudged up from the bat cave where he had spent the night skimming through case files, dragging his legs into the kitchen to get his very-much-needed essence of life, coffee. It was a requirement to regain the minimum clarity that was needed to push through another day at the hellhole called school.
After his cup of heaven, he slowly trailed up to his bedroom to make himself at least somewhat presentable to the public. Luckily, Tim ran into none of his early-rising family members during the short walk.
He got ready at a sluggish pace, then left the manor before he was forced to socialize with anyone at this accursed hour.
Tim liked to arrive early. Not because he was a model student, no, but because it meant avoiding the swarm of hormonal teens that he would have to wrestle his way through to get to class, unlike if he arrived just before the bell rang, like most students did.
Tim sat down at his usual table and started nursing his second cup of coffee of the day. He stared into the void while letting his mind wander, enjoying the silence while it lasted.
He was broken out of his daze far too quickly by the sound of a bag roughly dropping to the floor next to him. His eyes followed the tanned hand that had released it, up to a face with mesmerizing bright blue eyes. Danny, his mind supplied. He sat next to Tim in most of their classes.
Tim watched as Danny carelessly threw himself into the chair, tired enough not to react even when a loud creaking noise was let out of the poor abused thing. Any other day, he would have looked away and continued his daydreaming, but today, his brain wasn’t cooperating with him.
His eyes trailed back down towards the ground and got stuck there. He simply couldn't turn his gaze away from the backpack. Tim blinked his eyes sleepily.
If he were any more awake, his common sense he would have stopped him, but as it was, he jerked his chin towards the back and quipped
"Hey...what's in the bag?"
Danny snapped his head towards him, as if startled by the question, then proceed to scan Tim with analytical eyes. Seeming to come to the conclusion, that yes, he is going to show Tim what's in the bag, he resolutely nodded his head with a sharp motion. After looking around carefully for any intrusive eyes and seeing none, he bent down towards his bag.
Any other day, the well seasoned movements that screamed 'criminal' would have sent the alarm bells in Tim's head ringing, but as his luck had it, his brain still hadn’t caught up to speed yet.
With a swift motion that would make any drug dealer green with envy, Danny zipped open the backpack and slowly turned it's open mouth towards Tim with a suggestive gaze.
"I can tell you’re in need of some relaxation. Would you like one? It's free of charge!"
Tim slowly blinked at the contents of the bag.
The contents of the bag slowly blinked back at him.
They continued to stare at each other for a few seconds before Tim shrugged. 'Why the hell not, I’ve seen weirder shit', he thought, then proceeded to make grabby hand motions towards the green glowing balls of cuteness.
Grinning as if he won the lottery, Danny’s gorgeous blue eyes lit up with pure excitement. With a single swish, he grabbed one of the blobs out of the bag and unceremoniously dumped it straight into Tim's open palms.
The texture felt extremely weird. Cold, but not freezing, corporeal, but incorporeal. Fluffy, and yet smooth at the same time. Squishing it a few times as a test, Tim decided that, yes, these were also amazing stress balls.
The little thing blinked up at him with huge puppy eyes. Tim could swear it was telling him to pet it, so he indulged and started stroking its head. The creature’s eyes closed and it let out what was almost a purring noise.
Tim was lost in the feeling of his hands smoothing along its tiny form for a while before he snapped out of it and remembered, he wasn't alone and looked up. Danny was still grinning at him, but now an amused light had found its way into his gaze as well. Tim could only give him a sheepish smile in return.
Tim would have liked to spend a much longer time like this, but good things can't last forever, and the arrival of the first student popped their little bubble of tranquility.
With inhuman speed, Danny snatched the blob out of his hands, dumped it back into his backpack, and zipped it shut in a single motion. Tim watched it all in stunned silence, his half asleep brain still not quite processing everything that’s happened.
Danny turned towards him again, leaned in, and whispered with a coy smile on his lips-
"If you would like some more of the 'stuff', you know where to find me."
Then he topped it off with a wink and returned to his seat.
Tim would have filed the whole incident away as a sleep-deprived hallucination... if not for when he sat down the next day, he found his hands immediately full with a green blobby little angel once  again.-
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The one that helped betaing this work once again is the lovely Amateum! Similarly once again let's thank IgnotusSomnium for the pawsome tittle!
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piglii · 1 year
btw I have not finished Umineko (I’m literally on the last leg of Episode 8, shortly after an important jump happens) but I’m so gushing with things to say about that I feel like I need to type this all out now (will start with impressions that are non-spoilery and go into impressions that are big spoilers. there will be a dividing line which I earnestly recommend you do not cross if you have any interest reading it yourself.)
Non-Spoiler Section
Absolutely 10/10 for me. Can feel like a climb at times but that feeling increasingly goes away as you get used to the pacing. Any fumbles Umineko has for me personally are so small in the grander scope of what it’s doing that it doesn’t even feel worth acknowledging them. Literally a story that is going to affect my view on life. I really fell for the charm of Ryukishi’s goofy ass old sprites too after a while, it’s really compelling to me that Ryukishi was able to make such a good, earnest story while having kind of limited drawing ability. I’m dead ass serious, it’s really inspirational. The quality of the writing and voice acting especially is so good that after a short while you kind of don’t even process that the sprites look kind of silly-goofy at all. I highly recommend playing with the original sprites and voice acting if you can.
And the music! holy shit I can’t imagine getting through this story without the music! The fucking 1800′s pipe organ songs one minute, intense trance the next, distorted choir singing, a mellow beat that’s sampling that fucking ambulance siren! Probably my top faves are Infant Queen Bee, Golden Nocturne, far, Rain, Daydream’s End, Fall, Miragecoordinator, Melting Away, Dead Angle, Hope and probably like 15 more I’m forgetting. Absolute banger of a soundtrack. Virtually no misses and the ones that hit, HIT. I think I have spent nearly as much time listening to the soundtrack in between sessions as I have just playing the game itself.
I won’t go into detail about what the central messages of Umineko are because they could ostensibly be spoilers but they are pretty fucking hard to miss. If you have two eyeballs and a brain you will probably figure them out as you go because Ryukishi is NOT subtle about what he wants to say. He will smash you with a hammer making sure you get it. But it’s less of a giant metal warhammer and more of a little wooden mallet that he’s just hitting on your knee every 20 minutes to make sure you’re awake and following along.
The writing honestly can be very... it straddles the line between very straightforward descriptions and waxing very poetic about a particular topic. I won’t even say it’s particularly the best prose ever or anything - I think Ryukishi’s biggest talent is simply in how he’s able to convey the characters by always having a really solid understanding of how they react to things. Maybe his worst flaw is that sometimes he includes a scene or concept where I’m like  “oh Ryukishi just thought this would be super fucking cool” but I can’t even hate because most of the time it is super fucking cool actually. Umineko is so dripping with earnest cheesiness in a lot of its delivery and character interactions that I can’t help but like it most of the time. Granted I am biased because I do enjoy stuff that is earnestly cheesy like 90% of the time. The goofy ass anime interactions characters sometimes have are used just sparingly enough and contrasted with the serious scenes that I found pretty much all of it enjoyable for what it was. 
Be warned it is 150+ hours (faster if you are just reading but seriously those voice actors are top tier, big recommend) but it really needs... at least most of that time. I struggle to find a single exact point that I would shorten any part of Umineko because so much of it really is required to understand what the story’s going for but at the same time sometimes Ryukishi does love to sit you down and talk about the process of liquidating gold into cash money for 30 minutes. A lot of the worst of that is in the first episode to be honest so if you can get past that you’re probably golden. It’s got a hell of a hook by the end of episode 1. Go in as blind as possible and enjoy yourself.
 And now, for the spoilers.
Spoiler Section
Don’t Go Beyond This Point If You Haven’t Read It, Seriously Holy Fuck!!!
Seriously, The Author Wants You To Go In Blind!
All the losers are gone let’s partay.
Heads up I’m a little blasted so this might be a bit scrambled and all around the place so sorry, just writing stuff as I think about it.
I really adore the way that Beatrice is in literally every layer of this story. Like the concept of the masses being in such a rush to figure out what the truth of the Rokkenjima Massacre is that they end up literally trampling over the deeply embedded and sad story of Beatrice really gets to me. Like, the people who are looking at the Massacre from the angle that she even “exists” at all literally only see Beatrice as a piece in their own constructed games, an explanation that’s just one step to figuring out what was really important. But of course, Beatrice IS the heart of the story. The whole family is arranged around her like a web and she’s right at the center. She’s in every possible layer of this story that she can be, she’s the connecting fabric of everything important.
Also I really adored Battler and Ange as characters. It’s rare that a main character feels so relatable but I ended up really enjoying his personality by around episode 2 or 3. He’s just so stupid but also earnest and flustered. Try to give him a slight pass on episode 1 because he is supposed to be kind of dumb and immature on purpose... even if it probably could’ve been toned down maybe just a bit. He gets better, I promise.
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(btw literally been here. so relatable.)
anyways moving on. Ange. absolutely enjoyed the hell out of her story in episode 4 and was so glad to see that she’s basically the conclusion to the whole Ushiromiya family story in the final episode as well. also, her being the focus of this really inspirational message of what it means to move forward with your life was really well done. it’s insane to me that people are still out there trying to “figure out” the mystery when Umineko tells you as bluntly as it possibly can that it doesn’t really matter - finding out what “really” happened can’t bring closure no matter what and holding and walking this tenuous tightrope between belief and non-belief is a better way to live. her goodbye with the family and battler was about where it got me pretty good I could not fucking hold back crying at that.
and speaking of the family at large, I really like pretty much all of them! even the stinkers are fun to make fun of. also, Eva in particular is the milf of all time for me, personally. in fact thinking on it the only character I can really think that still rubs me badly (even though it is of course entirely intentional that the reader feels this way) is Rosa. good fucking lord the moments of episode 4 with Maria and Rosa’s relationship being explored (or rather, the complete lack of it except for the spouts of child abuse) really hit me. that... is probably the most I’ve ever been emotionally effected by a piece of media in a long ass time, it was a rough chapter to get through. that said ryukishi’s understanding of domestic abuse is fucking incredible, does not surprise me that he was a social worker before working on VNs. beyond even just that dynamic he clearly has an understanding of the kind of broken adults that come out of highly abusive households. the final game of episode 8 with ange getting to see this world that could theoretically have been real had kinzo chosen love in the future versus love in the past was so sincerely sweet to me. sorry I am a sucker for sappy shit, it got me.
anyways let’s talk about the illusions. loved them all too. feels obvious to say but Beatrice is one of the characters of all time. also really liked Ronove, his and battler’s occasional moments of being bros out of nowhere were really enjoyable to me. also sorry gamers Virgilia is another milf of all time. loved her tender and sweet personality. but as for beatrice and co as a whole - I do enjoy what Ryukishi has to say about fiction. Indulging too much of your life in fiction is ultimately harmful but it can be a valuable crutch to people who are dealing with life or even just people who could stand to learn and grow more. it’s also such a loving letter to mystery as a genre, you can really tell Ryukishi was going hog for mystery at the time. and it does work as a completely conventional mystery too - figuring out stuff as you go and putting the pieces slowly together is a huge blast! I loved the scenes where he’s clearly celebrating that with the readers who tried their best to understand the story.
I managed to avoid most spoilers - the ones I saw beforehand were really minor and didn’t really help me in putting the mystery together - that said, I really only figured out that Shannon and Kanon were being performed by the same person not terribly long before the game revealed it pretty directly - I think only a few hours ahead of time. that said, I really did give it my all, I’m just not super good at mysteries. I did pick up on some hints early on, like being able to figure out some of the early closed rooms but I didn’t have enough context to join them all together and realize the Truth before the game spelled it out for me. and tbh, that’s fine! I loved how the game congratulated people who simply try to figure it out for themselves, regardless of if they’re successful.
btw it also took me so fucking long to read because I was reading it side by side with a friend (who had read the manga but not the VN) and we basically set it up to auto play (with japanese voice acting + the original sprites of course.) we’d play intermittently roughly every few months in leaps and progress little by little. I can’t fucking believe I wasn’t spoiled on any of the major elements playing like that, it’s a fucking miracle. we started reading it on and off like that nearly two years ago now but honestly it was worth.
god I have so many thing I could spend rambling on about this manga but it genuinely is up there with, like, War and Peace and Crime and Punishment and I’m not even joking. there’s some of what I would call “Goofy Anime Bullshit” that happens (and it’s especially coated in that layer of stuff you only really got in the late aughts anime communities) but even that I found pretty enjoyably silly after a short period of time and just ended up rolling with it. if you know someone who can see past that layer of Goofy Anime Bullshit and enjoys reading 150+ hour long visual novels, this is the thing for them.
and speaking of the length boy fucking howdy. it’s worth it. the amount of time dedicated to fleshing out every character and making me understand what kind of person they are underneath everything else really makes me appreciate everybody in this fucked up family unit. it’s not something you could replicate in a movie or any reasonably lengthy manga. the magic of getting to know the whole family, flaws and all, really sells you on what a tragedy it is regardless of what happened. there are so many early scenes where I was like, “okay what’s the point of this” that I look back in hindsight and I’m either like "oh that was actually super fucking important and I just didn’t realize it” or “oh this was giving me time to become familiar with this character.” fuck man, I even liked Hideyoshi and he almost didn’t do shit!
btw I got the culprits in bernkastel’s game figured out in one try (with the help of my friend bouncing ideas off of eachother)
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feels good, feels organic, thank you, etc
anyways... I think that about wraps it up for me... honestly just a stellar game. It feels like one of those things where I’m going to catch myself thinking about the themes and what it was trying to say, just like Disco Elysium or a lot of Wildbow’s works or EEAAO. It almost makes me wish this story was in a more conventional book form because I think you could tell the core of what’s there but at the same time I don’t think it’d be worth losing all the other aspects that make it so memorable. It’s going to have probably 1/100th the readers it could have just for being a long VN rather than a long book series but I’d honestly rather have it this way. It’s such a weirdly specific gem of that era of internet-anime culture that I think the time has already passed that anything quite like it could come out. What a special little piece of media.  If I have more to say after finishing out the ending proper I‘ll probably just edit my impressions on to this post and reblog again at a later date.
EDIT: It is now two days later and I have finished everything, including the last “????” segment. My thoughts on the ending - I liked it. It’s very sweet and depending on how you want to interpret certain facets of what you see, it can be read several different ways. Of course the way the narrative is set up, it very much wants you to pick the most optimistic interpretation but I like that there’s always room to explore just a bit. The point of whether Beatrice as a witch is real or not is entirely beside the point almost - there was a woman named Beatrice who brought happiness to her family (at least, in one world) as well as she could given her fucked up circumstances. That’s honestly all there really is to say on it. I can very much vibe with that message.
I was also earnestly expecting the last scene of Umineko to be even more bittersweet than it ended up being - I was really waiting for the very last scene to be Ange literally throwing away the key to Eva’s diary into the ocean. That is kind of what happens in a way, and the scenes in which they do explore Ange opening the diary and reading it are left deliberately obscure (as they should be) but I was really expecting it to be even more poignant than that. I was thinking Ange would literally never see the diary in any part of the story the reader saw at any point. It would’ve been very Titanic-esque in a way - Ange throwing away the only way for her to even possibly know what happened on Rokkenjima. The story does effectively do this, kind of, anyways, it’s just a lot more roundabout.
But yeah. Supremely sweet story. I will probably be thinking about it for much of my life.
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Prompt: Requested by nonny
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Word Count: Long-ish
Pairings: Roman Reigns x Reader
Warnings: +18, smut, degradation (name calling), flirting, daddy kink, sir kink, age gap
Editor: @thenightmareismyreality
Tag: @ziasaph , @theworldofotps , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @wickedsunfire , @akiko-tanaka , @aerynscrichton , @sassymox , @waywardwrestlewritingwaif , @reigns-5sos , @lustyromantic , @auawdo , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @nicolewoo , @writtingrose , @bayley-no-friends
Notes: Disclaimer - For respect purposes, I’ll be using a fictional name for Roman’s daughter on this fic. If you’d like to check out my other works, you can find them on my Masterlist
It’s finally Senior Year - and what a fucking relief that is! No more stressful and endless studying hours, no more busting our asses off for mediocre grades, no more shitty frat parties “and last - but certainly not least- no more breaking up with asshole boyfriends at said crappy parties!
I don’t like younger guys. They’re inexperienced, get flustered easily, and don’t care whatsoever about reciprocating pleasure towards their girlfriends or hookups! I like older men...there's something about them that’s just perfect. “When I first met Amber Reigns, I never imagined that I would be blessed with such an amazing best friend. That’s why I knew it was wrong to have the hots for her father, but c’mon! Have you seen the man? He’s delicious! And I’m made of flesh and blood, therefore I have my weaknesses too. And Mr. Reigns is one of my biggest weaknesses.
“Y/N” Amber peeked her head inside my dorm room “Are you ready? My dad’s waiting for us in the parking lot”
“Yeah, I got everything I need” I said while putting on my backpack
“Do you mind going to the car? I’ll be right behind you, I just need to leave some books at the library, because if I don’t they’ll fine me like twenty dollars” She rolled her eyes in annoyance
I giggled “Sure. But don’t take too long flirting with the library boy” I responded in a teasing tone
She stuck her tongue out and left.
I made my way towards the parking lot and saw him standing there, leaning sexily against his pickup truck. He was wearing an extremely tight black tank top, which did nothing but accentuate his rippling muscles and tanned skin that were on full display. The intricate patterns of his tattoo could be seen from afar, the way the black lines molded to his skin like a shield never failed to turn me on, and a pair of black joggers caressed his strong thighs beautifully. His long, black, silky hair was tied up in a tight knot at the back of his head....the man was a fucking sight for sore eyes!
“Hello, Y/N” He greeted with a smile
“Mr. Reigns” I said shyly
He grabbed my backpack and placed it in the trunk of his car “How are you?”
“I’m good, sir. How are you?”
“Better now” He winked and smirked. And I almost came in my pants
“Where’s Amber?”
“She went to the library to return some books, sir”
“Don’t I get a hug?” He smiled
I awkwardly hugged him as I felt the smell of his cologne filling up my lungs and this weird feeling of wholesomeness took over me
“Let’s get inside the car, it’s too hot out here” He laughed
Amber had invited me to spend this holiday weekend with her family, and since I wasn’t feeling much in the mood to go home, I said yes. The only thing I didn’t know was that she planned on going to Mr. Reigns’ house instead of her mom’s house. Before I could fantasize in my daydreams for too long, Amber had returned from the library and hopped into the vehicle.
“Who will be spending the weekend with us?” Amber asked as she fastened her seatbelt
“Your uncles will be coming tomorrow afternoon with your cousins. Your brother decided to go to his girlfriend’s parents, and your sister is coming over on Sunday” Mr. Reigns replied as he turned onto the highway leading to his home.
During the two hour long ride, Mr. Reigns and Amber spent most of the trip conversing animatedly, occasionally asking me a question or two to keep me from feeling too left out, but I let them mostly catch up amongst themselves.
When we got to his place it was the end of the afternoon, and Mr. Reigns went to the kitchen to cook us dinner. I took the opportunity to shower and change into some clean clothes, nothing fancy though, just a pair of yoga pants and a gray tank top. While Amber was taking one of her famously long baths, I got bored and decided to go downstairs to see what Mr. Reigns was cooking.
“Y/N, to what do I owe the pleasure?” He smirked
“Amber is taking a bath” I rolled my eyes in fake annoyance
“Oh great” He grunted, but a smile danced on his lips “That will be quick” He joked, and I laughed in response
“So when is your girlfriend coming?” I asked nonchalantly and leaned against the kitchen island as he chopped some carrots
“Girlfriend?” He chuckled “I know nothing about that”
“How is that possible?” I asked in disbelief
“I don’t need someone in my life in order to be happy, Y/N”
“I’m not saying you do, Mr. Reigns. I’m just saying I find it hard to believe that a man like you doesn’t have a girlfriend”
“And why aren’t YOU spending the holidays with your boyfriend?” He teased
“Boyfriend? I know nothing about that” I mocked
He cackled “And why not? Maybe a boy in college wants to be your boyfriend?”
“I don’t like young guys” I shrugged
“Oh really?” He scooted closer “What do you like then?”
“I like older men”
“How old?” He flirted
The vixen part of my brain woke up once I saw the fire in his eyes “Around your age”
“My age?”
I nodded
“And what does a twenty two year old little girl like you know about men my age?” He licked his lips
“Oh Mr. Reigns...I know a lot” I smirked
We went to sleep late that night, so the next morning I didn’t even hear Amber calling for me so we could go to the grocery store. When I slowly opened the door of the guest bedroom, I heard Mr. Reigns saying:
“I’ll stay here with her and you go to the store, because God forbid if I forget to buy whatever is your addiction at the moment” He chuckled
“Dad, stop!” She giggled “You’re making me sound like a terrible person, AND it’s Twinkies, ok?”
“Again? I thought it was chocolate with nuts”
“Nope, it’s Twinkies now, and just for that, I’ll buy an extra box just to piss you off” She laughed deviously and left out the door.
When her car left towards the highway, I saw Mr. Reigns going up the stairs and coming towards my guest bedroom. I quickly went to the bathroom so I could brush my teeth.
Mr. Reigns slowly opened the door of my room as I was leaving the bathroom.
“So you’re awake?”
“I woke up when Amber was leaving”
“Why didn’t you go to the store with her?”
“Wasn’t feeling like it. Why are you in my room, Mr. Reigns?”
“I came to check on you”
“Why? Do I need someone watching over my sleep?” I laughed
“I just wanted to make sure you were ok, Y/N”
With a smirk on my lips, I said “So you had no other intentions AT ALL?”
“Would you like me to have other intentions?” He chuckled
“Who wouldn’t?”
“You know this is wrong, right?”
“If I heard it correctly, Mr. Reigns, you were the one who wanted to stay behind, and you are the one who came up here” I shrugged
“Touché” He pushed me down on the bed, and covered my body with his
“If it’s so wrong, why are you doing it, sir?”
“Because” He licked his lips “Everything that is forbidden tastes sweeter, don’t you think?”
I giggled while my hands dipped inside his white t-shirt “That’s your shitty excuse?” And chuckled “C’mon, I know you can do better than that”
He cackled “Maybe...or maybe it’s the truth” His hands pulled my satin shorts down “I’ve thought about this ever since I first saw you”
“So why did it take you so long to do something about it?”
“I wanted to make sure you felt the same” His lips brushed against mine
“We better hurry up before someone gets here”
“It takes two and a half hours to get to the store and back, baby. We’ve got plenty of time” He smirked and kissed my lips deeply.
His full lips tasted like caramel coffee, something he drank every morning without a fail. I undid his perfect bun and let his black, silky hair fall upon his shoulders as we kissed. Moaning into the kiss, I pulled his hair while I wiggled my hips, which made him groan.
“So eager” He slapped my ass “I like that. Makes me wanna fuck you even harder”
He took my wrists and locked them on top of my head while rubbing his bulge against my core.
“Please, daddy” I moaned “Please fuck my pussy”
He growled at my pleading and pulled his joggers down quickly. Roman teased my clit with his tip, sliding it up and down my folds, applying more pressure every time he hit my little nub.
“No more teasing, Mr. Reigns... Please...”
Roman smirked and slid in me with one soft thrust.
“Fuck” We moaned together
My eyes rolled to the back of my head as he filled my core like nothing else. His size was beyond perfect to me and I couldn’t hold back my moans of pleasure any longer.
“That’s my good little slut, moan for the one who owns this pussy” He pulled all the way out, until just the tip was in, and then he went in again with a rough thrust
“Oh yes, Mr. Reigns. Keep going please” I moaned loudly
He gripped me by the neck and chuckled “Such a needy whore! I love seeing what I can do to you. The power I have over you...How you lose yourself while I fuck you” He slapped my ass vigorously “You’ve been waiting a long time to have me in you, haven’t you, my sweet whore?”
“Yes, sir” I panted
“Then tell me! Who’s my filthy little slut?”
“Me, daddy”
He snarled before fucking me faster “Say it!”
“I’m your filthy little slut, sir” Tears started to gather in my eyes, as I could feel overstimulation being so close
“Then cum for me, like a filthy, little, slut” He whispered in my ear, while pinching my clit.
It didn’t take him long to reach his high, and Roman quickly pulled out and spilled his seed on my mound.
He leaned down and captured my lips in a sweet kiss
“C’mon, let’s get cleaned up” Roman looked up at the clock and continued “And if we’re quick enough in the shower, we can have another round before someone gets here”
He picked me up in his arms, bridal style and whispered
“I still need to taste this pussy or else I’m gonna become a mad man” He smirked when I gasped
And ran towards the bathroom.
Please, if you’re comfortable with it, let me know your thoughts on this? Feedbacks are always appreciated ❤️😘
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agreatescape89 · 3 years
Death Note x Reader Headcanons Pt 1
Random death note headcanons i need to get out of my head
Pt 1: Light, L, Mastuda (reading now)
Pt 2: Mello, Near, Matt
Pt 3: Misa, Takada
Light Yagami
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- He wants you to be his Queen, the only thing he'd daydream about besides world domination, but you were a part of his plans
- Imagine Light sitting on his Kira throne and you're on his lap like its your throne with your arm around him
- he killed Misa and convinced you to get the eyes
- He gave you her notebook and you took the responsibilities as the second Kira
- He protected you as much as possible, especially after telling you his plans, even willing to go as far as lock you up somewhere the police would never know
- (yandere light would be hot as shit)
- You are just as smart as him, but also emotional, he found you interesting at first but easily found love for you
-Though he tried to hide you, L found and interrogated you, finding you perfect for the task force, especially since you expressed strong distaste against Kira
- Light teaches you acting skills
- You are the only one that could save him from Kira's fate, from himself, from death
- When he dies you have to go on the run from the police, but it's not long until your lifespan ends since it had been shortened
L Lawliet
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- You are his other half, he's the brains, you're the heart
- Though you are very smart, he's smarter. Though he does have a big heart, yours is bigger
- You help him with understanding of people, and by coming up with hundreds of ideas and possibilities
- Watari brings you a snack tray for yourself with all your favourite snacks
- If something on your cart L decides is not healthy for your brain he will be annoying about it
- He rants to you about his theories and thoughts all the time, though he says he's just talking out loud he really appreciates you listening and giving input
- He wouldn't let the rest of the task force know you existed, but living in the same hotel a slip up was bound to happen
- You worked on the task force and was the most valuable member in Ls opinion
- When he died you become overly depressed and changed completely, you vowed to catch Kira no matter what
- Or alternatively, you die with him and watch the rest of the Kira case unfold from heaven together, at peace.
Touta Matsuda
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- Cuddles, hugs, kisses, anytime, anywhere if he sees you, you will get affection
- Holds your hand as often as he can
- He keeps you and the Kira case equal to him
- When he works late he makes time to call you for a few minutes
- Sometimes he'd forget he had work to do and Aizawa would yell at him
- When he comes home he's usually exhausted and if you're asleep he'll come cuddle into bed with you, if you're awake he'll fall asleep cuddling you on the couch watching tv
- The more stressful the Kira case got, the more exhausted he'd be when he got home, so he spent less time with you than he wanted to
-When the case was over he took time off work and spent as much time as he could with you, especially after seeing how quickly everything could be taken away
- When Light is caught and Matsuda shoots him, he suffers terrible PTSD and you help him recover, supporting him every step of the way, because you know he'd do that for you.
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literaila · 4 years
we used to
“the middle” 
spencer reid x reader 
summary: spencer cant remember the reader. she wont let him forget her. 
this is actually part two! part one here 
warnings: mentions of blood, mentions of pain, memories? angst. theres slashes though words (for example) but theyre meant to represent numbness
also! i wrote some of this while some teenage kids were watching me sit against a tree. i just thought that was important to add. enjoy! 
“Where did we meet?” 
“A little park. I was laying down enjoying the sunshine, and you came over, worried, and started checking my pulse. You said you wanted to make sure I wasn't dead.” 
She laughed. 
But she didn't tell him about the way his eyes had gotten bigger when she looked up at him. She didn't tell him how he swallowed, his face suddenly nervous. He didn't tell her how she had started laughing at him, and he blushed embarrassed. 
“After that, I asked if I could play chess with you. You let me win.”
She didn't tell him about the years she’d spent teasing him for that. She didn't tell him about the number she’d managed to slip into his bag when he’d been distracted. The number he didn't use for weeks. She didn't tell him how rejected she felt every day that went by, didn't tell him that she went to the same park almost every day just to see him. She didn't tell him about the disappointment that coursed through her veins every time she checked her phone. 
“Where was our first date?” 
“You took me to the museum. You were really nervous. I was almost worried you would run out of things to tell me.” 
She didn't tell him that it was one of the first things she’d noticed about him. That she’d loved that he had so much to say from the very beginning. 
They’d spent three days together. 
Spencer had to stay two weeks after he’d woken up. The first week was spent testing his memory, making sure everything was still in order. He spent day after day, meeting doctors, in machines. People were visiting him right and left, but he was almost always gone. 
She didn't see him much that week. 
The next week his doctors were sure that everything was fine. Besides the amnesia, there were no other effects on his brain. His broken leg was healing nicely, and he would be fine in a couple of weeks. 
But, they said, they wanted to keep him there just one more week, to make sure that they hadn't missed anything. 
So he stayed. 
And Y/N started going to see him that week. 
She’d been hesitant, worried that he wouldn't actually want to see her, that he had changed his mind, but as soon as she knocked on the door he seemed to be bright and awake. She took that as a good sign. 
Since then, three days have passed. They’d spent the majority of those days together. Spencer was full of questions, full of things that he couldn't remember he’d already told her, his brain never seemed to stop turning, to stop thinking. 
She was used to it. 
Most of the time, she was doing all of the talking. She was telling him about their relationship, about herself, she was telling him about all the things he’d learned about her in the course of five years, she was cramming it all into short sentences, giving up on giving any important details. 
It was exhausting. 
Sometimes, she started to say something, was about to mention something that they'd done together, but she always paused mid-sentence, reminded of the life Spencer had lost, of all of their days together that were lost. 
And other times, Spencer was telling her something, was talking so that she didn't have to, and he mentioned something that she already knew. He mentioned things about his childhood, about the way Derek teased him, the way Penelope was good at making him feel flustered, and she always felt herself wince. Because she already knew all of those things. She knew more things about him than he did, she knew almost everything. And he didn't. 
It was like two strangers talking. 
Except the only stranger in the room was her. 
She wasn't acting like herself. 
She was trying to avoid scaring Spencer, rushing into things, scaring him away from her forever. 
So she didn't act like herself. 
She hid the little details, the tiniest things that she didn't want him to know, she kept them locked away, didn't add them into the stories that he was always asking for. She did it constantly. And to some extent, it felt like lying, it felt like taking something important away from him. But, she also knew how easily overwhelmed her Spencer could get, she knew about all of the things that would scare him. So she didn't feel as bad hiding things from him. 
Derek and Penelope came almost every day. Some days the best they could manage was a call. Cases were taking over, the world not stopping for Spencer, and a couple of times they couldn't get to Spencer quick enough. 
So they called. And every time, Spencer seemed almost uncomfortable. He always asked if Y/N wanted to talk to them, always hesitant, because he didn't know how close all of them were, he didn't know if Y/N would feel pressured by his friends if she even liked them. 
All Spencer knew was there was a pretty girl, a girl he’d once known, sitting in his room. 
Today was like all the other days, Spencer asking questions, this time about their history together. 
Y/N had been looking out the window, daydreaming of a time where she didn't feel like a stranger to her own body. 
Spencer cleared his throat trying to get her attention. 
She looked over to him, her eyes wide and empty, she made a noise of acknowledgment, a sign that he could go on. She watched as he gathered his thoughts, already familiar with the look in his eyes.
 “What did I like about you?”
She paused. Looked away from him. What did he like about her? 
They’d talked about it many times. He’d told her thousands of times how much he loved her. She’d heard it over and over again, felt it pounding in her heart, racing around her head, every day for five years.
It didn’t seem long enough.
She thought about the things he used to compliment. 
“Your eyes. They’re so beautiful. They look like they hold all the secrets of the world.” 
She remembered him running his hands through her hair, moving it so he could see more of her face. She remembered his eyes. She remembered how comfortable they felt. 
“I hope you’ll tell me one day.” he’d said, after minutes of just looking at each other. 
“Tell you what?” she whispered, ducking her head down into his chest. 
He hadn’t answered. They both fell asleep. 
She thought of the time he told her she would look beautiful in anything. 
“It doesn’t matter to me what you wear. You’re perfect to me, always.” 
After that, he never stopped telling her that. 
“You’re perfect to me.”
“You’re perfect for me.”
“You’re perfect with me.”
For a moment, she wished she could hear it again. 
She removed that thought from her head almost as soon as it entered. She forced it away, locking it into her cage, somewhere deep in her body, where it wouldn’t be found again. 
She shouldn’t be thinking about things like that. 
“I think you liked that I was so open to learning new things. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t listen to you say.” 
Spencer contemplated that. He thought of all the people that asked him to stop talking, told him that it was too much, too far. 
She was probably right. 
But that seemed like a silly reason for him to love her. 
He finally nodded, accepting her answer. 
And then the nurse came in. 
And she had to leave 
Later that week, it was time for Spencer to go home.
It was time for both of them to go home since Y/N had refused to leave without him, even when he’d woken up. 
She was nervous.
She didn’t want him to know she was nervous.
They’d been living together for almost two years, together they had picked out an apartment, one that both of them had loved. They’d spent every day they had together, when they were both home, in their tiny apartment. She didn’t know what Spencer now would think about it. He’d lost all memories of it, lost all of their shared moments at home together, and when he’d asked about his apartment, the one he’d had five years ago, Y/N didn’t know what to say. 
He’d given up that apartment for her. 
He didn’t have any place to live beside their apartment. 
She smiled at him when he asked and told him about apartment searching, about how he was sure to get the safest apartment they could find. 
“We need it Y/N.” he’d whined when she refused to get the one apartment he deemed safest- because it came with a double lock and no balcony -she’d only smiled at him, kissing his nose and walking away. 
Eventually, she’d caved in. Spencer didn’t seem to like any other apartments after that one. 
After she was done sharing the story, done trying to remind him who he was supposed to be, he smiled nervously at her. 
She knew he was uncomfortable. She knew that he didn’t want to live in a brand new place, with a strange girl who he was supposed to be in love with. 
In his mind, they’d only known each other for two days, in his mind, she wasn’t anything special. In his mind, it was weird to live with someone you’d only just met.
Y/N didn’t know how to make him feel more comfortable. 
She tried to remind herself that it would take time, that it had taken time when they’d first moved in, that it would take time again. 
She didn’t want time. 
She wanted Spencer. 
She ignored that. Instead, she spent her time making sure she had all the proper medical equipment at their apartment. She spent the moments she wasn’t with Spencer online, looking for different things that could make a broken leg, a forgotten five years, easier. 
She also looked for things to prevent the pain she felt every time she moved. She didn’t want to breathe out smoke every time she tried to speak, tried to breathe. 
So far she hadn’t found anything. Her doctor recommended pain medication, told her about all the drugs that could help her. 
She refused to listen. 
She didn’t even know why. 
And now it had been more than a month since the accident, and they were finally going home. 
She helped Spencer sign all his release papers, reminding him where he lived, what his phone number was, who they could call in case of emergency. 
She helped him and then it was time to go. It was time to go. 
They walked side by side out of the hospital, Spencer enjoyed the air outside, enjoyed something that didn’t feel like the stale walls of the hospital he’d been locked up in. Y/N looked back at the hospital. Almost longingly. Almost as if she wanted to go back. She wouldn’t feel as nervous as she did if they were still in the hospital. 
She brought him to her car. Helped him get in. They both smiled at each other awkwardly. 
The ride home was silent. Neither of them spoke a word. Spencer spent the time looking out the window, observing the drive he couldn’t remember, watching the world pass him by. Y/N avoided looking at him. She avoided looking at anything. She drove and she tried to remind herself that everything was fine. They were both going to be fine. 
By the time they got there, to the tiny apartment, both of them had only managed to rack up more nerves. 
“This is it.” Y/N said, getting out of the car, trying to keep her face calm, her body comfortable, to go help Spencer get out of the car. 
She showed him the way to the elevator. Listed out all of their neighbors that lived on the first floor. 
“This is Mrs. Hankel’s apartment. She loves you. She hates me.” she said as she passed by a door. 
It was the first laugh they shared all day. 
As they walked Spencer looked back at the door longingly. 
When they finally arrived at the door Spencer looked down at the welcome mat, laughing a little.
The mat, brown and boring, with a barely notice scrip at the bottom reading 
“shoes off, fuckers” 
Spencer looked back up at Y/N to see her laughing with him. They were getting closer, the invisible wall keeping them apart seemed to disappear for a moment. 
“Why do we-?” he asked, chuckling as he watched her smile. 
He could see the way she lit up, the life that had joined her eyes, he could see the immediate difference in her body just by looking at the mat. 
“You kept pestering me about a welcome mat,” she laughed, shaking her head and looking up at Spencer. “But Y/N '' she imitated him, “Studies have shown that most toxic chemicals that end up inside a person's home are tracked in by their shoes. A doormat would stop that-'' she giggled, her words fading. “You just wouldn’t give it up. Eventually, we had to compromise.” she ended, pointing her hand at the mat and smiling at him. 
It was her first real smile. 
Spencer felt dazed. 
But, almost as quick as it was there, it disappeared, fading off her face, her eyes becoming stone again. 
The wall was back up. 
She reminded herself not to overwhelm him, not to do anything that would be too much. She never wanted to be too much for him. He needed help, not her emotions. 
She was still reminding herself of that as they walked in the doors. 
Spencer looked around and he saw some things that he didn't really understand, like the art hanging up on the wall, the candles that seemed to rest on every empty space, the delicate paintings on the walls. But as he looked around he saw things that he did understand. He saw the textbooks, the bookshelves that occupied all the walls, and when Y/N told him that he was free to walk around, to look around, he saw all of his books placed on the bookshelves littering the apartment. He walked around and noticed all the tattered old copies that he had bought at second-hand bookstores, he saw the first edition books everyone always seemed to give, he looked around and he remembered all the books. He also saw new books, ones that he couldn't imagine reading without some persuasion. He saw old romance, new romance, he saw young adults and dystopian, he saw cookbooks, self-help books, and he laughed a little at the thought of reading any of them. 
Those were so obviously Y/N’s. 
“We have a lot of books.” he heard her say behind him, and he turned to see her standing watching him, observing him looking around. He wondered why he hadn't noticed her before. 
He smiled at her, hoping that she wasn't bothered by him snooping around. 
“Did I bring some of my books here?” he asked, turning back to look at all the books he remembered. 
“Yes. Not all of them, I needed a little bit of room. But most of them are yours.” she smiled, her face still tense, still frozen solid. 
She turned to go, wanting Spencer to look around without her hovering over him. 
She walked into the kitchen to make them something for lunch, feeling the pain circle her lungs. She thought of the medication she could be taking right now, thought of the relief her body would feel, she thought about the pain, the writhing pain that lived inside her. 
The pain on her lungs was nothing. 
The pain on her lungs, on her ribs, in her chest, felt like pain medication. 
It felt like nothing compared to- 
She paused. She let her thoughts drift off, let her body become aware again, let herself turn to stone, let everything drain out of her. 
This pain was nothing. 
She was strong enough to deal with a little pain. 
She continued to make lunch, continued to not think of anything, to only think of essential things, such as where she would sleep. How she would show Spencer their bedroom, show him where he kept all stuff. 
She thought about showing him which shampoos were his, why he enjoyed them so much. He thought about showing him the clothes she’d been buying him for years, the clothes he used to tell her he felt at home in. She thought about showing him the photo album they had made together, Spencer mostly watching, as a present for their third anniversary. She thought about showing him how to lock the door, how to make sure their security system wouldn't start blaring when they left the house. 
She had so much to teach him. 
There were so many lost memories. 
And finally, when she was about to let it go, about to forget about all the things she needed to do, Spencer walked in. 
The pain she felt just looking at him- 
Breathe in. 
“Hey. See everything?” she asked, a perfect, practiced smile on her face. 
Spencer smiled back, politely. “Yeah. Did you decorate?” 
She laughed, the feeling burning her lungs. “You helped me choose the colors,” she said reassuringly as if she was worried he was going to be upset as if she knew how this stranger would react as if she knew him-
Spencer nodded, looking solemnly at the floor. 
“So I was thinking-” Y/N started, only to be interrupted by Spencer. 
‘When can I-” he started, looking up at her sheepishly. “Sorry,” he muttered smiling at her. She nodded, her face cold as ice, nodding for him to continue. “I was wondering when I could get my stuff?” he continued, softer this time. 
She paused, her hands frozen, her face still poised, but her heart racing at his words. 
“Get your stuff?” she asked softly, trying not to let her voice shake. 
“Yeah,” he responded easily. “I asked JJ and she said I could stay at her house. At least until I can get a new apartment-” 
Y/N had stopped listening. 
She wasn't listening. 
Spencer wasn't staying. 
He wasn't.
He was. 
He was leaving. 
She felt her insides freeze, ice hitting every inch of her body, keeping her stuck, stuck in her head, stuck to the floor, stuck with the pain building, building up inside her. 
She nodded, robotically. 
Spencer said something else, something about her showing him where his clothes were. 
She wasn't listening, she refused to listen, she wasn't listening. 
Her body responded though. 
She led Spencer through their living room, showed him where the bathroom was just in case, she led them into their bedroom, her eyes avoiding his, her heart avoiding beating. 
She watched as he looked around their room, examined the bed, the small desk hiding in the corner, the dresser on the opposite side of the room. She pointed to the closet. Pointed and left the room.
She wasn't listening. 
She sat down on the couch, staring ahead of her, not listening, not feeling, nothing. She sat there, sat there, and listened. She wasn't listening. She felt close to falling asleep. 
She waited for him to come back. 
Come back. 
He walked back into the room, holding a bag, holding one of their bags. He smiled at her as he zipped it up, as he locked all his clothes up, as he got ready to leave. 
“Thank you,” he said, clueless to the feeling burying itself into her chest. “Thank you for driving me here. JJ’s coming to pick me up soon.” 
Her ears perked up at that. Confused when JJ had known to come over when Spencer had gotten a hold of her. 
He must’ve seen the question in her eyes because he answered “Garcia showed me how to use my phone.” 
She nodded. Her lips pursed, her eyes cloudy, her face void of anything, void of emotion, void of color. 
Spencer looked at her and tilted his head, he thought he noticed something different, thought that if he was trying to be a good boyfriend, the boyfriend she’d had a month ago, he would’ve asked, he would’ve done something. 
Spencer didn't know her. 
He stood there, staring at her, her eyes void, not acknowledging his staring, and they both waited, just waited until there was a knock on the door. 
They both looked over. 
Spencer looked back at Y/N. He smiled, his hands awkwardly placed in front of himself. He smiled at her, and she smiled back. 
He started walking to the door, looked back to her, said 
“Thank you. I see you soon.” 
And then he was gone. 
He was gone. 
He was gone. 
Come back. Come back come back come back come back come back. 
Her head was chanting at her, telling her what to do, telling her what she shouldn't do, telling her too many things at once. Her head was chanting at her. Over and over, chanting chanting. 
She looked up at the ceiling. 
Always wasn't real. 
Always was a lie. 
She looked back down, felt the pain fill her fingertips, felt the pain cloud her head, a storm forming above her. She felt it invade her heart, invade her bones, her muscles, felt the pain swimming in her veins, swimming everywhere in her body, she felt the pain the pain the pain. 
Her face was nothing, her face was empty, it was empty 
Her body wasn't. 
She sobbed. 
She sobbed for the pain, for the pain that was everywhere, for the medication she wished she’d taken, for the life that she didn't have, for the life, for her life, for her memory, for everything. She sobbed, and she sobbed. 
She fell to the floor. 
She let herself fall apart. 
She sobbed. 
It was just a little pain.
They saw each other twice a week after that. 
Spencer went back to work. 
Y/N stayed home. She worked from there.
She let the loneliness cloud her brain. 
She let herself dream of the words that weren't there. 
She never told Spencer. 
“Where do you work?” 
“I teach second grade. Earlier this year I decided to take a year off. We were going to do some traveling and I didn't want to be gone for too long. I’m an artist at heart though.” She teased. 
Her face was stone. Her voice was warm. 
Spencer smiled. 
“Did you ask me to be your boyfriend?”
“It was more of a mutual thing. I was spending the night at your apartment, right after we had gotten back from one of those old movies you like, and you asked if I was your girlfriend, if I wanted to meet your family. I just agreed, told you I’d already told my Mom you were my boyfriend. You laughed.”
She smiled at him. Sipped her coffee. 
Spencer nodded along. 
“What's your family like?” 
“Well, my parents love you. So does my sister. My brother likes to pretend you don't exist. You used to be okay with that. I’m in the middle. But I’m the favorite.” 
She bragged. 
She sat there. She watched him. 
He looked off behind her. 
“Did we have a favorite place?” 
“We used to spend a lot of time at the park. We loved the park. You always beat me at chess, cause I told you to stop letting me win. You didn't like that very much. But mostly we just sat and talked at the park. You always liked going there after a hard case.” 
Spencer didn't say a word. 
The park. 
“When did you meet the team?” 
“A year after. You didn't want to rush anything. You wanted your secrets. But I loved them before I knew them. You’d praised them so much I don't know how I couldn't have liked them. Penelope and I clicked. She became my best friend. We bonded over always staying home. You loved that we were so close. Sometimes you forced me out of the house to spend time with her.” 
“When did I first tell you I loved you?” 
She paused. 
She didn't want to answer that question. 
She didn't want the reminder, the constant, consistent reminder of how much Spencer used to love her. He used to love her. 
He used to. 
“It was four months into our relationship. You blurted it out while I was sitting on your lap, watching you read. We were close then. You apologized after. I never had a doubt, I said it right back. ‘I love you.’” 
And she said it so he knew. She said it so she could rebuild the memory. 
She said it to help him remember. 
She said it because it was easy. 
She loved him. 
He used to. 
It was Wednesday. 
It was a Wednesday, almost a month since they’d gotten home. 
Since she’d been home. 
Since Spencer had moved out. 
It had been almost a month. 
They’d been getting to know each other for almost a month now. 
Spencer was coming over. 
It was the first time Spencer had asked to come over. Since he’d first gotten his stuff, the first day he left the hospital, since then he had moved out completely, had taken most of his stuff, the things he wanted. He’d been inviting Y/N to coffee, they spent at least one day a week together if he was home. 
She was talking to Penelope more. Checking up on him through her instead of directly asking him. She didn't want to be too overwhelming. 
It had been a month of being with him from afar. 
She was doing fine. 
Her wounds had completely healed. She’d gotten a good report from her doctor, and she was doing fine. 
She was doing fine. 
Spencer was coming over. 
He was coming over for the first real-time. And this time he had asked if he could come over, said he wanted to talk to her. 
She let her heart bubble for a moment. Let herself imagine Spencer living in her house again. 
She stopped herself before it got too far. 
She would do nothing to ruin the progress they had made. 
She waited at home, she waited and got herself ready. She prepared herself for talking to him, for not saying too much, for saying just the right amount. She prepared herself to see him again. To be in love with him while he watched. 
She waited for him. 
She turned herself to stone when he knocked on the door. 
She opened it, smiling at him and letting him in. 
He walked in, his body was tense, his eyebrows were furrowed, and his eyes were scrunched in concentration. Y/N tried not to stare at him, to stare at the familiarity in the face. He looked like her Spencer for a moment. 
She kept the smile on her face. 
“Did you need to talk about something?” she asked, she asked and she got him a bottle of water, needing to preoccupy her hands with something, with anything, just to keep the smile on her face. 
She didn't want him to see through the cracks in her foundation. 
She needed to be perfect for him. 
For him. 
You’re perfect to me. 
She waited for him to speak. 
“I think… I think I’ve been doing something wrong,” he said after a moment, looking down at the floor, guilty like he had just made a huge confession. 
“Something wrong?” she asked, her face almost moving, almost breaking. 
Not quite. 
Spencer looked up at her. Looked into her eyes. Really looked. He looked for a girl, a girl he might’ve known, a girl that he would remember. He looked, he looked, and he couldn't see anything. She was still just the girl he had first seen, still just a person, someone he didn't know. He looked once more. 
“I think I was wrong.” 
She looked back at him, looked into her eyes, the eyes that she actually knew. 
They looked so sad. 
“W-wrong?” She stuttered out, her eyes moving in concern, breaking. Spencer was never wrong. 
“Do you know who I am?” Spencer asked. His face was unmoving like he already knew the answer. 
“You’re Spencer. You're my-” she swallowed, climbing over the words. “You’re my friend.” 
Spencer looked at her. He shook his head, ignoring the panic in her eyes. “No. Do you know who I am?” 
“Because I don't know who you are.” 
Y/N closed her mouth. She looked in his eyes, scared by the harsh tone, scared by the words. She looked at him and she didn't see her look. He wasn't looking at her like he loved her. He hadn't looked at her like that in mon- 
“I don't know who you are Y/N. I thought I might-” he paused, baffled at his past self. “I thought I might remember you. But I don't. To me, you are just a girl I met three months ago.” 
She stared at him. 
Just a girl just a girl just a girl- 
This pain was a memory that would never go away- 
“I don't think I’ll remember you. I think this was a mistake.” He said. Final. Unmoving. 
She felt stuck to the ground. 
Stuck in place, stuck to the pain clinging to her. 
“M-mistake?” she said, the words forced out of her mouth. Her body was shaking like she was freezing, she couldn't imagine not feeling pain, she couldn't imagine not knowing Spencer, she knew Spencer she knew him she knew him. 
“I think we were only fooling each other by hoping.”  
Hope wasn't a word in her vocabulary. Hope didn't exist in a world where Spencer didn't love her. Hope wasn't a thing, hope wasn't available. Hope. Didn't. Exist. 
What was hope? 
“I think we need to stop. I don't want to hurt you.” Spencer said. His voice wasn't familiar. His face wasn't familiar. 
Did she know him? 
“I don't think we should do this anymore.” 
Not anymore. 
Not always. 
Pain glued her eyes glued her mouth shut. 
“I’m sorry Y/N.” 
She watched him, frozen in place as he walked out the door. 
She didn't know what he was thinking. She didn't know that Spencer did care, that Spencer had seen her once, that she came in glimpses. She didn't know that Spencer could see how much he was hurting her, how much spending time with him was destroying him. 
She didn't see that he was trying to give her a clean break. 
One that would hurt less. 
She didn't know any of that. She only watched him pull her heart out of her chest, grab it, take it away from her, she watched as he threw it around. 
She watched as he crumbled it. 
He had said always. 
There was a cloud in his head. 
A cloud hanging over him, a cloud proving his world to be dark, to be covered in nothing but the dark clouds that surrounded him. 
There was a cloud hung over his head. 
The sun had disappeared. 
The clouds swirled around him. 
He got dizzy with realization. 
The sun. 
His world titled.
my masterlist here
yes yes! its not over yet. but i hope you enjoyed. and understood. and i hope i didnt ruin your day with my writing.
final part here
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fandomwriterstuff · 3 years
Traumtänzer (Pt. 7)
Rated M!!! If you want to skip the tiny amount of smut, skip everything after the "***"
Part 6
Part 8
Nagel was supposedly in container 4261, or so Sharon had said. When the four of you entered though, it was just an empty shipping container.
Alright, my time to shine. You tried to focus, if this Nagel really was a scientist, he would be in the zone while he worked. You could work with that. You considered ‘the zone’ a sort of daydreaming, and you leaned against the wall while the men figured out what to do.
You closed your eyes and entered the wood. There was only one puddle this time.
“He is here,” you whispered, eyes still closed and not noticing the men in the container stare at you. You stepped into the puddle, slightly aware of your physical body as you emerged in his mind. He was daydreaming about the Nobel Prize he would win for his contributions to science. You walked towards his thoughts, your corporeal body walking towards the back of the container.
With a few blinks, you got out of his head and stared at the wall.
“It’s through here,” you looked to your side and Helmut was standing there, looking at you with curiosity and wonder in his eyes. He pressed against the wall and it shifted, some music now drifting through and reaching your ears.
James pulled you back before you went in, holding you by the elbow and staring holes into you.
“Be careful with him. He’s a criminal, and he’s going back to prison after this,” he grunted, and you yanked your arm out of his reach.
“I spent most of my life living in fear and in captivity. I’ll do whatever I want with whoever I want because I deserve it,” you replied coolly, and followed Sam and Helmut into the stairwell.
The music got louder the closer you got. You stuck to hiding as the three men approached Nagel, you didn’t think you needed to be here other than as a way to get out. You couldn’t really read minds yet so that wasn’t helpful.
The music stopped and the voices started.
You hoped that the three of them were getting the information they needed because you were exploring the lab, looking at all of the vials and beakers.
You heard Sharon in your earpiece alert you that you had company. That sounded bad. You approached the men, and Nagel’s eyes widened when he saw you.
“You!” he exclaimed, but winced when the gun was pressed against your head.
“Me?” You squeaked, you didn’t know this man.
“She was the prototype. When HYDRA tested the first batch, she was the first one to get it,” you blanched at his words.
There’s no way, I would have known if they’d done that you thought to yourself as you backed up. You wanted to get away from this conversation.
“ Maus?” Sam called. “Is there something you’re not telling us?”
“No, no, I-” you shook your head again. “I didn’t know.” You felt tears welling up in your eyes. You would have known if they’d injected you with the super soldier serum.
“Every bounty hunter in the city is here, we gotta go,” Sharon’s tinny voice infiltrated your brain.
Nagel started talking about the Winter Soldier program but you were lost in your own thoughts.
I would have known. I would have KNOWN! They couldn’t have shot me up with it. I was awake for most of my time there…
Helmut’s hand brushed against your lower back reassuringly as he paced the lab, looking for something.
You heard footsteps and Sharon had run in, passing you and heading towards the men.
“Guys, we’re seriously out of time here,” she spat the words, looking around, but less than a second later Helmut had whipped out a gun and shot Nagel in the head.
“ Jesus Christ,” you gasped, averting your eyes for a moment before all Hell broke loose.
You felt the shockwave before you heard the boom or felt the searing heat. You were blown back, getting cut on a bunch of broken glass as you laid on the floor. You couldn’t see the others, they must have been blown in a different direction.
In the chaos, a metal shelf covered in glass containers toppled over and fell on your legs, causing you to let out a pained shriek.
Okay, deep breaths. You can get out of this.
But as you groaned, laying on the ground, you noticed a sort of chemical smell…
Shit, you thought. All these chemicals… The whole place is gonna blow.
You were caught though, the shelf holding you down.
“ Fuck! ” You exclaimed, but suddenly Helmut was kneeling next to you.
“ Can you get the two of us out of here, Maus? ” he spoke urgently and you nodded, despite the pain emanating from your entire body. You held onto his forearms and clenched your eyes shut as you focused all of your energy on getting you out .
It worked, thankfully, dropping the two of you outside the area of fighting.
“ Stay here, liebling. I have business to do. I will come back for you, ” he emphasized the last sentence before running off.
You huffed from your seated position and took stock. Nothing was broken, you had a few chemical burns and scratches on your exposed arms. The worst part was the gash across your thighs where the metal shelf had cut into you. That was very unpleasant and would need stitches.
You pressed the fabric of your jeans into your cuts, you didn’t have much to stop the bleeding. You just… waited it out, hoping none of the bounty hunters would find you. You only waited a few minutes before Helmut came back.
“ Hold tight, liebling, ” was your only warning, and you groaned in pain as his arms wrapped around you and he carried you to a waiting car. He gingerly sat you in the front passenger seat before hurrying around and getting in the driver’s seat.
You sped around corners until you found Sam and James, who begrudgingly joined you both in the car.
When you got to the private jet, Helmut helped you limp into the back, closed portion of the jet where he sat you down and gestured for you to wait.
After you took off, he came back with a first aid kit.
“ I hate to be so forward, but I’m going to need you to remove your jeans. I have a pair of clean slacks and a shirt waiting for you when we’re done here. Is that alright? ” He asked gently, and you worried your bottom lip for a moment before nodding. With his help, you stood and removed your bloodied jeans, leaving you in your burnt up, stained t-shirt and pink polka-dot underwear.
You couldn’t help the blush that rose from your chest up to your ears once you were nearly bare in front of the Baron.
“ This is going to sting,” he warned you before cleaning the wounds with antiseptic. You hissed, pressing your palms into your eyes to stop you from crying. Now was not the time to cry.
“ Distract me,” you pleaded, now looking down at him with bloodshot eyes and a miserable look on your face. “ Tell me something about you.”
“What would you like to know, little mouse?” he smiled a bit, but continued cleaning your wounds. You groaned pitifully as he took out a needle and stitching thread.
“ What were you like as a child?” He chuckled at that.
“ Terribly well behaved. Afraid of punishment,” he looked up at you for a moment, locking eyes. It was a moment before he started stitching your leg up, the bleeding having nearly stopped. Your lower lip wobbled and you bit it harshly.
“ It’s alright to cry, liebling. We’ve had a very frightening and eventful day, and you’re in pain,” he was so understanding, you gave him a watery smile and sniffled a little.
“ I have known pain before,” you whispered. “ I try to avoid it at all costs.”
He nodded and tied up the last stitch.
“ All done, you were wonderful,” he stood and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. After he’d cleaned his hands of your blood, he came to sit next to you with some clothes folded in his hands.
“ Thank you,” you whispered, and before you could overthink it you leaned over and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. When you pulled back however, he followed, capturing your lips with his once again. It was awkward, you were sitting straight so as to not tear your stitches, and he was sitting next to you. You wanted to right the situation, so you stood and moved to stand between his legs, cupping his cheeks in your small hands and kissing him more forcefully this time, slipping your tongue into his mouth with ease.
His hands settled on your hips, bunching up your shirt to graze your waist. You inhaled with surprise and want when his hands moved up to cup your breasts through your bra.
“ What do you want, schätzchen?” he whispered against your lips, his lashes brushing against your cheek.
“ I want you, Helmut, ” you sighed when his lips pressed against your neck.
“ I won’t take you for the first time in a cot on my jet,” he sighed mournfully, but you were insistent.
“ I’m sure there are… other ways to pass the time,” you practically purred the words, your native tongue getting easier and more fluent with the more practice you got.
“ You are right about that, beautiful girl,” Helmut chuckled darkly and stood, pressing his body against yours in the tight space and turning you around so you were the one sitting on the cot. He stood between your spread legs and leaned in to give you another searing kiss, keeping mindful of your wounds.
You were at just the right height that when you scooched closer to the edge of the cot, his hardness was pressing right up against your sopping core. You pressed yourself against him as he deepened the kiss, wanton and hungry for him. He groaned as you drew your torn and bloodied shirt up and over your head, leaving you in your bra and panties. His eyes flicked over your flushed chest and neck, landing once again on your own, the eye contact was heated and you drew in a short breath when he hoisted you up and twisted you around so you were lying on the cot on your back. He knelt between your legs with a devil’s grin on his face as he drew your underwear carefully down your thighs and dropped them over the side of the cot.
“ Mein Gott, you are stunning,” he breathed his praise and all you could focus on was him. His scent, the warmth of his hands running up your legs, the feel of his lips on your inner thigh as he worshipped you with kisses. You felt so connected and one with him, you truly understood his intentions for once, and that was the moment the mental key clicked in the lock and you were given access to his mind.
What a beautiful creature.
What I would give right now to ravage her, wreck her, give her everything she needs.
How wonderful she would look wearing love bites on her neck.
“I should warn you,” your voice was breathy as he pressed kisses and bites to your inner thigh. “I think I can read your mind.”
Interesting, little mouse. And do you like what you see?
You nodded, biting your lip as he finally dove into your wetness with eagerness and skill. You bit your lip to contain your moans as his tongue explored your slit and circled your clit.
Fuck, you thought to yourself. Gotta keep quiet, Sam and James…
Your thoughts were interrupted when Helmut sucked on your clit, and your breath hitched.
Do you like that? He thought to her when he finally pressed two fingers inside you, and you nodded your assent.
Yes, so much , you projected the thought into his head and he smiled. Please , you added for good measure.
Please what, schätzchen?
Please, more! You thought, and he obliged.
As you wish, he thought as he added a third finger and lapped at your clit again. You had a moment of clarity, where you couldn’t believe Baron Helmut Zemo was finger-fucking you into oblivion in his private jet. You could get used to this.
Your thoughts were interrupted again as he started sucking on your clit in earnest, fucking you with his fingers even faster.
I’m close, you told him in his mind. You were proud of yourself for being so quiet, and thrilled that you could read his mind now. As your orgasm approached and you felt that fluttering deep inside you, you bit the knuckles of your clenched fist in order to not moan his name and the obscenities that you wished you could verbalize. When you came, he felt you clench around his fingers and he pressed soft kisses on your thighs as he pulled his fingers back and looked down at you in awe.
Your eyes were unfocused as you came down, but you saw him practically slurp your fluids off of his fingers and smirk down at you.
“ You were wonderful, Maus,” this time he spoke aloud in Sokovian.
“ I think you were doing all of the wonderful things,” you countered and he chuckled, helping you up and gingerly getting into your clothes, wary of your wounds.
“ You’ve unlocked the secrets to mind reading, then?” he was curious, but you shrugged.
“ I’m not sure. I felt like…” you paused, not sure how to explain it. “ I felt like for once I understood you. There was no mystery or confusion or feeling like you were one step ahead. I felt like I truly knew what you wanted and what you were doing, and your mind was open to me.”
“Fascinating,” he murmured as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. “ Let’s clean up a little and then get back to the others, sounds good?” You nodded at him and straightened your clothes before entering back into the main area of the jet.
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bumbershots · 3 years
Author’s note: HELLO! This is my (very very late) part for the amazing Playlist fic challenge that @harrystylescherry put together. The song I chose is Suck it and see by the Arctic Monkeys. I had it ready back in April but I didn’t love it to be honest, but I do now, so hopefully you will too. In all honesty I loved it a little bit too much so this can be taken as the prologue for a new series, I will be posting the details for it next week :) enjoy!
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Summary: Harry reflects on his decision to “Suck it and see” when it comes to his relationship with Selena. He decides that no matter how things turn out… good or bad it's worth the experience and gives him the opportunity to always be the person she needs him to be.
Word count: 2.3K
Trigger warning: mention of depression.
The Wellington is slowly filling up, Harry is done tuning his guitar, his eyes quickly scan the usual clientele. A sigh escapes his lips before he takes another sip of the pint he ordered. He needs to calm down.
It’s a quiet Tuesday night, so the usual elderly gentlemen and a few students occupy the place eating fish and chips and drinking as they argue about football, their families or their jobs. Harry sits by the small stage that is set across the bar, fiddling with the strings of his favourite instrument.
The door has opened at least seventy times, and every single one of them has the nineteen year old craning his neck to see if it’s Selena. But his stomach clenches after finding out, once more, that it’s not her.
“Mate it’s half past ten,” he hears Sarah’s voice from behind and he sighs again before nodding in acceptance and defeat.
“Let’s do it then.” Harry rises and stands close to his assigned microphone while the other two band members also join them in the small platform.
After a year of playing in the most shitty and not so shitty places all over London, the band was offered a chance at a small record company. Tonight was the last show they performed at this place, soon they would be chasing bigger venues and dreams.
With that in mind the bass player, Yuri, steps up to his own microphone to speak. “It’s time for some music.” His sweet voice claims the regulars attention, just as Sarah counts to four hitting her drumsticks together and Mitch plays the opening chord for the first song of the night.
Three years ago, when the band was just a thought drifting around Harry’s mind, he would daydream about this moment, the last show because they’ve finally made it. Their usual fans would gather near the stage for a better glimpse and sing along the familiar tunes. He would finally master a solo and when it was all over, his eyes would meet a pair of familiar ones watching from the bar, she would be equally smiley, a proud look on her face as she claps and cheers louder than anyone.
In the last two months, that mental image has permanently settled on his brain. Harry Styles wanted success for his band more than anything, but not more than seeing her at the end of it all. Which is why after the set comes to an end, he refuses to look up. He knows she’s not there.
Had she come in at some point during their performance, he would’ve noticed, even with all the ruckus done by the now considerable crowd in the pub. If Selena had set foot on the place, Harry would’ve known.
“Thank you for everything, you’ve been amazing tonight and every night before,” Yuri‘s words pull him back from the trance, but he keeps his gaze away from the bar, he settles for the back of the bass player’s head as he speaks for the last time. “This isn’t the last you hear from The Cherry Blossoms!”
There’s a lot of cheering and applause and Harry is suddenly mad about not finding it satisfying enough. He knows he will hate himself for it, but before walking off the stage, he looks over at the bar.
She’s not perched on a stool like the first time they played in here, sipping on some soda because of her lack of tolerance to alcohol. She’s not skipping over to hug him. Where is she? Harry wonders what could possibly be more important than this.
I will be there of course. I’m your biggest fan, after all. She so smugly declared on their last phone call, a week ago.
The urge to call her is too much, but Harry knows that if for some reason, she doesn’t pick up the phone. He will finally lose it. Instead he joins his band mates for a celebratory drink.
Listening to Yuri gush about Sarah’s drumming and complimenting Mitch on his skills as well, lifts Harry’s spirits a bit. If only for the next hour, he’s going to enjoy and bask into their triumph. And he’s so sure that there’s a perfect explanation for her absence, that he does end up having a good time. He ignores the heavy feeling in his chest, a reminder of the power that girl holds on him.
A sleepy Selena Lara mumbles nonsense, slowly waking up and becoming aware of an annoying ringtone blasting through the small flat, it stops for a minute until it goes off again and now she definitely knows the mobile belongs to her.
“Hello,” she greets so earnestly, despite the sleepy rasp in her voice, that Harry can perfectly picture the slow process that is her waking up.
He hears some rustling on her end and it plays like a movie before his eyes. The way she sits up, rubs her eyes and keeps them closed for about five minutes. Harry always gets out of bed before her, and it’s always him watching —watching her come awake, little by little, slow but sure. Harry wishes to be a witness of it more often, everyday if possible. Even if sometimes Selena takes a really long shower, or if some days she only mumbles some words before snuggling herself onto the sofa and falling right back asleep. Harry doesn’t mind, never will.
But he ignores the warm feeling he gets just by thinking about her.
“Where were you last night?” he says instead.
“Last night, when the band played its last gig at The Wellington. You didn’t attend.”
“You thought I was going to be there?” Selena flops back onto her side, taking the duvet with her until she’s cocooned once again. “Harry I love you, but you know I couldn’t possibly afford a flight back home.”
She sighs, this conversation was bound to take place between them at some point. “The program at Bunka is… intense, to say the least. I almost failed a class so there is not a chance for a scholarship, I need to find another job if I want to be able to pay for tuition.”
“Why didn’t you tell me this before?” They both know why. If Harry had known that she wouldn’t be there, he would have refused to even set foot at the pub.
“I was embarrassed.” Selena admits with a light shrug she knows he can’t see. “I know I don’t have a valid reason to be, I have proper housing, food, and a job. But I just feel so frustrated at this school.” She mumbles something at the end that he can’t understand, but it sounds a lot like her doubting her own talent.
After eight years of friendship, Harry knows pretty much everything about Selena and vice versa. They trust each other, with all they have. Which is why he’s hurt after hearing about this just now.
“How long have you felt this way?” He asks, not sure if the answer is something he will like.
“About four months.”
The silence that follows is deafening. Harry considers the merits of lecturing Selena, but he would never kick her when she’s down. Also he’s aware that Selena knows she should trust him with things like that, they’ve never been too shy to share their feelings with each other. It’s what brought them into this situation anyway.
It started two years ago, the last summer Selena spent in England, right before she moved to Japan and studied fashion design. It started with them going to that party, separating as usual, agreeing on a reasonable hour to meet at the door and leave together. It started with Selena wearing a skirt that made Harry want to do all kinds of things for her. It started with Harry offering to leave earlier and placing his hand on the small of her back all the way back home. It started with Selena kissing him in the dark and instead of a beginning it felt a lot like crossing the finish line of a marathon.
It kept going even after that summer, because Harry insisted on calling her all sorts of pet names and giving her kisses on the cab ride to the airport. It kept going because Selena got a Skype account and sent Harry an invite. And it is surprising to anyone and no one really that it lasted two years already.
The only problem is that they hadn’t talked about it. The I love you Harry whispered after that first night together and the I knew it! Selena triumphantly acclaimed before bursting out one of her unattractive laughs. To this day remains the only talk they had, Harry doesn’t know what to make of it.
“Shit,” Selena mumbles after checking the time, “I have to get ready for work.” She wants to say something to appease him, anything. Harry is waiting for the words to come out of her pretty mouth.
Selena is good with words, knows a lot of them in English, Spanish, French and Japanese. She was popular for speaking up against unfairness at school, and was running a monthly column at an online magazine. But she doesn’t have any right now. Selena doesn’t want to tell him how much she hates the program, how stupid it makes her feel, how she longs for the day she can finally be done and never look back on it. Selena doesn’t complain. She doesn’t get frustrated. She doesn’t quit. Ever.
“But we’ll Skype tomorrow, alright?” It’s better than nothing so Harry takes it.
“Of course, have a good day baby.”
Selena ends the call and groans. She doesn’t want to overthink about her relationship Harry, it’s the only good thing she has right now. With a shake of her head and a proper stretch of her limbs, she gets out of bed.
But it occurs to her in the middle of a three hour lecture, that she might have been cruel with Harry. He asked if she would attend the gig and she said yes, as if there weren’t thousands of kilometres between them. She knows he will never talk about this, and that she was already forgiven by him. She thinks about the fees his mobile carrier is charging him with all those calls he makes every week. She feels bad about not being able to love him the way he needs to be loved.
Because when it all started she never thought of it lasting past that summer when they made promises hard to keep. But Harry, always kind and attentive Harry, didn’t let her slip away. He gave her space to recharge when she needed it and she always came back feeling guilty about it, because she always enjoys the time apart. He always sent a care package at the beginning of the month with her favourite sweets. He praised all of her designs, no matter how much she insisted they were not even that good. You know nothing about fashion he would say with a roll of his eyes and Selena would smile, forever fond of his antics, forever fond of him and him alone.
It occurred to Selena that she always sort of had a crush on Harry —a crush everyone knew about. But even that didn’t stop her from being cruel to Harry, even that wouldn’t force her to answer his Skype call the next day or the one after that. She remembers how Harry claimed to be the more infatuated one with whatever they were doing. One of their last nights together, he couldn’t keep his mouth shut and breathed against the crook of her neck just how many times he’d dreamt about being with her like that.
Selena warned him, knowing that train of thought might lead to a conversation she didn’t want to have, not then. But he laughed and his hot breath against her skin made her dizzy. Sorry, but you’ve got such a pretty face I’m sure it’s going to break me a little. What else is there?
What else is there, Selena thinks now, as she closes her laptop after ignoring all of Harry’s Skype calls. She turns off her phone too, because she knows his MO well enough and that is his next resource. It’s the first time she does it and it feels cruel again. She wonders how much more of this will Harry endure, how long until he stops trying to reach her and finally realises that it’s not worth it. That she doesn’t want him to comfort her, that she is not going to talk about how tired of everything in her life she is. Selena can’t give up, not after everything her family is expecting her to achieve.
But she doesn’t know just how much Harry truly feels about her, how much he longs for her to know that the way she has of caring for him is enough and he will take it, will always take anything if it’s coming from her.
Harry knows that being apart is hard, so he always tries extra hard to communicate, be patient and endure. But having to sit alone at his flat, unable to do a single thing, a single damn thing for Selena, that is something he refuses to keep doing. Having to watch from half the world away, knowing he can’t do a single thing about it. That is enough to break Harry Styles. Without a second thought he opens his laptop once again, this time to search for the next flight to Japan.
He’s a fool, for spending so much money on a flight to see how his friend with benefits is doing. And suddenly he remembers all the times Selena’s been trying not to break his heart. But he can’t help wanting to be there for her, maybe after this, they will finally have that conversation. Nothing is certain as Harry packs a small luggage, nothing really is when it comes to her.
As he boards the aeroplane a day later though, the pressure on his chest disappears. Whatever happens now can’t be a bad thing, not when he’s seeing Selena anyway.
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stressed-sunshine · 4 years
Hey could I please get a five x reader fix with the prompts 7 and 16 please 👉🥺👈
You, Me, and this city
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Characters: Five Hargreeves x male reader
Theme song: j’ai cherché by amir
Words: 1433 words
Warnings: panic attacks due to ombrophobia (fear of rain)
Author’s note: I’m actually ombrophobic and I included coping mechanisms that I use on a daily basis. So, please be open to that when reading.
Prompts: 7. “What? Does that feel good?” 16. “You’re trembling.”
Summary: Y/N meets with his favourite barista at the Starbucks next to his laundromat every week, but one day, he’s off for their usual rendez-vous and the two disappear together to a city thousands of miles away to “hangout”. 
writing request link
Y/N has been living in New York City for a few years since he started university. He walked a few blocks to do laundry every week. His apartment building had one, but it was too creepy for his liking. He’d often go to the Starbucks next door whilst they were in the washing machine. It was just too weird to sit there on his phone the whole time and pretend the laundry attendant wasn’t staring at him the whole time. 
He preferred to just order a tall drink and sit there instead. The baristas there were very nice to him and he couldn’t pretend that it wasn’t totally because of that. There was never a time where he didn’t come in and have his order taken by this one really cute barista. The boy was about his age with dark hair and green eyes. The two often would talk when he had a break in his shift or when the barista would buy him his drink. 
The best part to him was when he’d order a tea and the boy would low-key drag his taste in beverages. The duo had a tendency to do that to each other and as offended as both would be, they secretly loved the running joke. It was something they had that others would only see the superficial part of it. Y/N loved it when he would say something like that to him and another customer would stand up for them simply because he enjoyed the look on their faces when he told them.
That’s how it was for a while until one break on a rainy Wednesday afternoon. Y/N had come in at his usual time and the boy wasn’t there. He looked around for him with no luck. He asked the other barista and felt a tap on his shoulder. 
“Dude! I was worried.” He hugged Five and he returned the favour. 
“I took the day off. Plan was to go out for lunch, but I didn’t account for the weather.” 
“We could still go.” He chimed in, ignoring the fact that Five hadn’t asked him beforehand. “It’s just water, right?”
Five didn’t look comfortable with that. He looked away.
“Are you okay?” Five didn’t respond. “Is something wrong?”
He was quiet for a minute, “I don’t like the rain.”
“What?” He tilted his head, looking at his friend.
“I’m…” he shrugged his shoulder, licking his lip. “You know.”
“Oh… Oh! We don’t have to go somewhere else. We can eat here.”
“Actually,” he linked eyes with his friend. “I’m vegan.”
Y/N just opened his mouth wide and nodded. He was surprised that he didn’t know that by now, but when he thought about it, he couldn’t pin a time that he could’ve. Five was the type of person to drink black coffee almost all the time. 
“Why not, like, ‘blink’ us to another city where it’s dry?” 
Five looked at him with a smile and whispered, “The holder of the one brain cell.”
“Nothing. Let’s do it! Anywhere in particular?”
“San Francisco?” he shrugged.
“San Francisco it is.” 
With a cheeky smile, he grabbed his friend by the hip. A second later, they were on the corner of Laguna and Waller Street. His eyes were filled with excitement in the warm California air. It was drastically different than back home and it was welcomed. A free escape with someone he cared about. It was perfect.
His eyes returned to his friend and a warmth built in his face with the lack of space between them. Each pulled away and chuckled in the awkwardness.
“So-” their eyes met again. “Where are we?”
His companion pointed to a street sign nearby. 
“Laguna and Waller. I thought it’d be nice to walk. You know, for the tourist experience.” He smiled widely gesturing for no reason.
“Sounds baller. Low-key, I’ve always wanted to come here. Well, like not right here, but you knew-that.” he chuckled. “It’ll be really cool to be here.”
“Do you think we could check out more stuff whilst we’re here?”
“Why not? What’s the point of travelling just to do nothing?” 
Y/N had never travelled with him before, but he liked how things were going so far. The sun dug through his windbreaker, but he didn’t care. It was better than rainy New York days. 
“I feel that. Lead the way, oh smart one.”
He chuckled and did so. Y/N loved that about him. His knowledge only went to their coffee hangouts, but he wanted to imagine that his companion was someone who liked seeing new things. His mind wandered into daydreams of what he would be like in different situations until he walked into something. 
He rubbed his forehead, “What the fuck?”
“It’s a crosswalk?” Five sounded confused. 
With a look forward, he felt like the dumbest person ever. 
“Yeah. I knew that” his voice got quiet. 
An arm wrapped around his shoulder, “Don’t worry about it, ‘dude’.” 
His companion smiled at him, ‘oh my god, he’s using my lingo.’
The duo made it to the restaurant and got a table outside. Cackles and spilled coffee were the highlights of their experience, but that didn’t matter. It built character in their evening. Even after that, the two spent hours there much to the dismay of the waiters there. They weren’t kicked out, but the looks they were getting said otherwise. The two didn’t want to overstay their welcome so they left for the ferry station.
The sun had set by this time and the outside lights were all keeping them alight. They got aboard the ferry waiting for them and set off for Alameda. No plans between them. Only the night breeze keeping them awake on the boat. Y/N’s phone kept their corner bright enough for two. He opened his camera and snapped a photo of them. Five smiled cheekily and put up a peace sign with the doggy filter over them both. Y/N liked this soft side of him even if it was the only side he’d seen. His point still stood. 
Five never really opened up about his past before they met. His fear was the most open he’d been about himself. Other than that, it was his favourite and least favourite things. Very superficial. None of that bothered him though. He knew that some people didn’t want to talk about things and that was respectable and ok. Five’s voice broke the silence. 
“I love this one. Send that to me.” 
“Yeah. Of course!” and he did.
He totally didn’t notice Five setting it as his wallpaper. In all honest, he was flattered. It meant that they were close just how he wanted it to be. These feelings are totally not homosexual in any capacity. The rest of the ferry ride was a dream because they’d fallen asleep afterwards. The two huddled under a jacket too small for them both, but they didn’t care. Their warmth was all that mattered. That is… until the rain started.
His sleep ended with the shivers from beside him and the drops on his face. He lifted up the edge of the jacket revealing Five curled up underneath on his lap. His hands were over his ears. The shivers were small and sparse, but y/n was always a light sleeper.
“Five? You’re trembling.”
“I’m fin-fine.” 
“Five…” his hand hovered over his shoulder. “May I-”
He didn’t even finish when he felt Five nodding. His hand rested on his shoulder, rubbing his thumb. A coping mechanism he used himself. Y/N didn’t know how to help him. Everyone responded differently when they were like this. He didn’t want to overstep, but he had to help somehow. The only way he could think of.
He began to hum, hum louder than the rain. Hum to block out all the noises. If he couldn’t hear them, then they didn’t exist. It felt like if he wasn’t thinking of it, then it had no power over him. If he didn’t give it power, it couldn’t control him. Maybe not now, but building that would help him if he was alone.
“You’re in control,” he whispered. “You’re here with me.”
He repeated again and again until he had placed his headphones over the other’s ears. Block it out, he thought. It’s not real. He hadn’t stopped running his thumb over his shoulder. A warmth covered his fingers and a smile built on Five’s face.
“What? Does that feel good?”
“Thank you for this.” 
“Of course, Chive.”
Five ignored it, “Thank you.”
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mediocre--writing · 4 years
Safe With You (Headcannon)
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Harry Potter X Ravenclaw!Werewolf!Reader
(also like kinda Harry’s family X Reader lol)
Summary: You and Harry met in your first year and when he invites you home for the summer, what will his family say about your blooming relationship?
Word Count: 3318
i wholeheartedly believe that harry potter would have been an awkward, gangly boy regardless if he grew up with the dursleys or not
so in this, harry gets to grow up relatively normal
except peter’s gone because nobody likes him
but when harry gets to go to hogwarts after he turns 11, he’s a little bit more confident but i still think he would be a little shy and anxious
he would still be friends with ron on the train ride there
he would get to know hermione well, too
and he would get to know you as well
he first sees you at the sorting ceremony, when you were put into ravenclaw, which really isn’t the reason harry becomes interested in you
the reason he becomes interested in you is because you have large scars on your neck and face and, from what he can see, your hands, too
he’s only ever seen scars like that on one other person
his uncle moony
and of course he knows about moony’s furry little problem and he’s heard the stories of what his dad and uncle did to help him
and so the next day, when you have your first class together, he comes up to you with no intention to let you go without a friend
and from that first day on, you're both inseparable
of course around second year, you tell harry your secret because you disappear every month and come back beaten and bruised with more scars than before
and he tells you about his uncle moony, and how his dad became an animagus 
“but you can’t tell anyone because nobody’s really supposed to know about his furry little problem”
but you feel so touched because he knew the whole time and never felt in danger around you
and of course you’re close with ron and hermione too 
because like of course you would be
ron makes sure that you get a weasley sweater every christmas because nobody should ever go without one
hermione does research on all she can to help you, along with making her own wolfsbane when you reach 4th year because she’s upped her potions skills
i also feel like mcgonagall, even though she’s not your head of house, would totally hang out with you in her cat form on full moons 
or at least watch over you
harry talks about his family to you and vise versa
he writes about you a lot in his letters to home
james and lily feel like they know you already and remus is proud of harry for taking initiative for making you feel safe
you also tag along with the trio to all their wonderful adventures
you're not the greatest witch, despite being in ravenclaw
you show people that stereotypes aren’t always true
because not all ravenclaws are smart in class
you can always figure out the riddles to get inside the dorm
and you have the most sarcastic humor and can always get your friends to laugh
and most ravenclaw’s brains are always running so fast that they often forget homework, classes, and can often be seen scribbling down final paragraphs to essays they forgot to do the night before
you also daydream a lot
like a lotttttttt
you, ron, and hermione are invited to the potter/black/lupin household somewhere around 6th year
and yes the boys all live together because with the combined riches of james and sirius they bought a house with like ten bedrooms and decided that it would be easier when they began raising harry and also taking care of moony on full moon nights and the days prior/after 
all in all it would just be easier
back on topic
you, ron, and hermione spend the last month of summer break at the unrealistically large house that you never would have guessed harry potter lived in
because the boy wears the same three shirts every week so how was his house so big because you look homeless, harry!!!
but the three of you come to harry’s house at separate times
hermione arrives first because she’s punctual like that
ron’s next because his mom was on his tail about leaving at the right time
you arrive last because the full moon was the night before and you were asleep for most of the day
you only wake up because of hedwig pecking gently at your arm with a note from harry asking where you were
and you quickly pack a bag and get yourself presentable, but the new cut that has yet to scab over on your cheek is kinda sticking out and just…
you floo over soon after 
and you land in their fireplace in the living room
a really large living room that has like three couches and everyone’s there
ron and hermione are next to each other but they’re also ignoring one another???
ahhh the wondrous world of denying your feelings 
james is talking to ron
lily is eagerly talking to hermione about the new curriculum and how nice it is to finally be able to apparate and that she’ll find it easy when she learns
sirius chimes in a time or two
remus is dozing next to lily, who’s rubbing his back comfortingly
there’s an instant sense of warmth that just kinda envelops the room 
it puts you at ease 
they all turn to the intrusion in their fireplace and you smile a bit awkwardly
harry is the first to stand up and greet you
with a hug
a big hug
that lasts a little too long
you kind of collapse in his arms
james and lily share a little look
and they know that harry’s in love with this girl
as if they didn’t know that from the obscene amount of times he’s mentioned your name
james and sirius stand up next 
james hugs you tighter than molly weasley and you wince
because he’s totally the momma bear
sirius lightly hugs your shoulders because harry’s more than mentioned your condition and based on remus’ snoring on the couch, he knows that you would be just as equally tired and sore
hermione and ron smile at you and wave because you all have been talking all summer and you’ve gotten with hermione a few times already
you sit on the other side of lily, who gives you a sweet hug as to not jostle remus, who’s leaning on her shoulder asleep
you all fall into easy, quiet, conversation
you scratch a bit at the new scar on your face out of anxious habit
lily leans towards you while sirius is talking about the motorcycle he had while he was in hogwarts, and the one he has now
“honey, your cheek is bleeding a little bit, if you ask harry he can show you where the bandages are,”
even though she’s pointing out that there’s blood dripping down your face, you feel loved and wanted and welcome
so lily catches harry’s attention and he walks you into the bathroom where they keep bandages and alcohol to clean the cut
it’s a bit of an awkward walk down the hall there but once you’re in the bathroom, you sit on the closed toilet and harry grabs the alcohol and a cotton ball and leans down to your face
you look into each other’s eyes because he’s holding your chin to angle your cheek towards him
“was it bad last night?”
“it’s never good”
“that was a bad attempt at a joke, sorry. it wasn’t really any worse than usual, ya know?”
“i get it.”
“so what have you been doing over summer?”
you don’t really know how to answer that
you don’t have any siblings and your parents are both busy most of the time so you just chill at home
“i watched movies and read a few books that i hadn’t gotten to before, i don’t know i didn't do much, really.”
“yeah we haven’t done much this summer. we spent the last like week cleaning because you guys were coming over”
*awkward chuckles*
harry put the bandage on your cheek and you both walked back to the living room talking quietly to one another
remus was awake now
he was still leaning on lily but his eyes were open
“hi, professor, how are you doing?”
“i imagine about as well as you are, y/n”
you and remus had gotten close during your third year because of your condition and you would spend time together in the infirmary 
he shared his chocolate with you often
which harry mentioned was a pretty high praise from him
he let you slip in class during days around the full moon because he was slacking too
you also had similar senses of humor and talking points
so you were already comfortable around him
sirius kinda intimidated you just because he had a very confident aura around him that kinda reminded you of the slytherins who would tease you for your scars in first and second year
but you kinda eased up around him as everyone got more comfortable
the adult’s friendship reminded you of your friendship
lily and hermione were both like nagging mothers with a little dark side
ron and sirius were both kinda overshadowed in their youth and found shelter in their friends
obviously james and harry are like the same person through and through
you and remus have a very similar personality 
as well as the whole wolf thing, ya know
and seeing the marauders and lily last so long gave you hope that your friends would stick around for you as well
everything was free and easy until dinner
everyone sat around a large table eating take out chinese food because nobody could be bothered to actually cook tonight
james and sirius were directly across from you 
and they both knew about harry’s not-so-secret crush and they were beginning to think that you shared at least some of those feelings
“so what do your parents do?”
“my mom works at a car shop, she’s a mechanic, and my dad works at gringotts,”
“so your dad’s a wizard and your mom--”
“yeah she’s really cool though. sometimes she brings home projects or brings me with her and we work on cars together. i’m still trying to convince her to let me buy a used bike and fix it up but she thinks it's too dangerous,”
sirius fell in love, you were immediately accepted into his heart
you were friends with harry, had a good connection with remus already, and you wanted a motorcycle???
james was still iffy about you, just because he was protective of harry, but he saw how kind and sweet and real you were
“what do you plan on doing once you leave hogwarts?”
**que alarm bells ringing in your head
“i’m not really sure, i don’t really know who would hire me in the first place but i was pretty close with fred and george, who just opened their joke shop down in diagon alley, and they were thinking about opening one in hogsmeade during the school year and said they may consider me to manage it if i wanted since i helped design some of their products,”
the boys were kinda (superduper) impressed by that because harry wasn’t really involved with pranks, and now they finally had somebody to talk to about them
then they moved on to nagging hermione because they were already close with the weasleys and knew all about ron
and his budding feelings for hermione
the first week or so was a little strange, just getting used to the way things worked around the house, but everyone was comfortable after that
harry and ron shared a room and you and hermione were together
james had made sure that the boys and girls stayed separated at night and the invisibility cloak was in his possession
oh he saw the sparks between you and harry and the blooming relationship happening with ron and hermione
lily tried to convince him that nothing bad was going to happen and let you guys have a bit more freedom
but like i said before
james is mama bear
as the weeks go by you and harry get closer 
and more comfortable
and you sit closer to one another on the couch 
and at dinner
and when you play quidditch in the backyard, you always playfully tease one another with little glances back and forth
and when you go to the lake behind their house you jokingly tackle one another into the water and dance around
as the days go by, the month comes to an end and starts again, which leads to another full moon
the week before you start to slow down and become more out of it
the last two days before, you start to gain lots of energy, whether it be from nerves or just your body knowing that it’s going to be in pain later that causes it to give you more energy before
none of this bothers harry because remus goes through the same thing and he’s kinda used to it
when you slow down, he slows with you, continues to alter what you’re doing to accommodate your energy level
when you become more hyper, he matches your energy, which usually includes giggles, tickle fights, and more competitive quidditch matches
he also makes sure you take your wolfsbane the week before
“ughhhh ok dad!”
“stop calling me that! i’m being fucking nice!”
the night of everyone eats an early dinner because you, remus, james, and sirius have to go to the little shed in the backyard that’s not really too tiny, but it’s smaller than the shrieking shack
james and sirius try to ease the tension with lighthearted comments, but you feel more tense than usual because you’ve never done this with anyone before
besides remus in your third year and mcgonagall occasionally popping in during your first year at hogwarts
when the transition began, james and sirius transformed into padfoot and prongs
remus’ transition was quicker than yours, something to do with age and his body being used to the transformation after so many years
yours took longer
and even though you took the wolfsbane, it was still extremely painful and took almost 20 minutes to finally transform
james and sirius had flashbacks to their first time with remus and how painful it looked
and they had a whole other respect for how lively and extroverted you were because even when he was your age, remus was always so mellow and quiet
but they hang out with you and remus for the night, distracting you both from whatever discomfort you may have been in 
eventually the sun came up and you and remus transformed back into yourselves
but james and sirius made sure they pushed you into another little room so when you transformed back you wouldn’t be exposed to them
you found a robe on the back of that door that you slipped on before you collapsed on the floor from exhaustion
sirius walked remus’ limping body back to the house while james came to check on you
he knocked on the door and when he didn’t hear anything he slid the door open slowly, seeing you against the wall, on the floor, in the robe they left you
your hair was tousled from the transformation and you were still breathing heavy, even in your sleep
james gently picked you up off the ground bridal style and walked you out of the shack slowly, and when he got to the front door, he saw harry anxiously wringing his hands together 
a small smile spread across james’ face as he saw his son being so completely whipped for you
harry let out an audible sigh of relief when he saw you with his dad
“she’s ok right?”
“did you notice any new scrapes or cuts?”
“was it a rough night?”
etc, etc, etc,
they made it into the house where lupin was laying on one of the couches and lily was looking over his body, making sure that he didn’t have any severe injuries
james laid your body on another couch, hermione coming to sit by your feet on the end of the couch 
harry sat on the floor right by your head, stroking your forehead and hair and staring at you with the sweetest worried expression
it was sweet
once lily finished looking over remus and he went to his room, she came over to you
“do you know if  she usually sleeps this much afterwards?”
“yeah, she usually sleeps through the day, but she’ll probably wake up between lunch and dinner then fall asleep after eating or drinking something.”
harry responded without even looking up at his mom
lily had a sweet smile on her face at her sons’ obvious affection with you
she still checked over your body for any serious cuts that wouldn’t heal themselves within the next day or two
harry made sure you were comfortable on the couch
he stuffed a pillow under your head and draped a fuzzy blanket over you 
and he sat on the floor in front of you for the whole day
he would occasionally talk to ron or hermione or whoever walked in
but he didn’t move unless he had to use the bathroom
you woke up around 3pm
and harry had his head resting on his arm, which was resting the couch
you lifted your arm and stroked his arm from his elbow down to his hand back and forth
he looked up at you quickly and you gave him a gentle smile
he smiled back
“how’re you feeling, want coffee?”
and that was in his softest, little, tired voice
of course you nodded to the promise of a hot cup of coffee
because after transformations you always felt extra cold and had to cover yourself in blankets and consume hot drinks to feel like you’re at a normal temperature 
when harry returned with your coffee you were sat up on the couch, the blanket resting over your lap
he took a seat next to you and handed you the mug
you smiled at him and rested your head on his shoulder as you rested against the back of the couch
you took small sips from your mug as you relaxed and tried to ignore any lingering pain in your body
“your shoulders hurt?”
you smiled lightly because you always complained how bad your shoulders hurt after full moons and he always asked the question with an affectionate, teasing smile
“only all the time,”
“hold on”
harry moved himself to be laying down against the pillow that you were using before, then gently pulling you down to lay between his legs, your back to his chest
he rubbed over your shoulders lightly as you closed your eyes and took the occasional sip from your mug
it only took a few minutes for the both of you to fall into a light sleep, your grip loosening on your mug, but not enough to drop it, and harry’s arms wrapped around your torso
and that’s when lily, james, and sirius walked in
they were going to the kitchen to make dinner, but stopped to check on you
and you can bet that sirius took at least eight pictures
and they were all happy harry found you 
because it never mattered if you dated or not
and it never mattered if they liked you or not
because harry loved you and made you feel safe no matter what
and when sirius and james made a bet for when you would get together, remus got all the money cause he’s good like that
needless to say, you were together by the time you got on the hogwarts express that september
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killing-all-joy · 3 years
There was a mention of a sequel and a mention of “what would happen when they woke up” for Dancing at 2 a.m. in our Pajamas which came from a prompt by @sanderssides-prompts so here. I wrote it. this is plotless fluffy roceit, part one is here. like I said, no plot. just fluff.
Janus' eyes crept open. He had always been thankful he had quite a dark room so that his eyes wouldn't be violated by the sun first thing in the morning. His eyes adjusted to the gray hue that covered his room. Soon enough, his mind was assaulted by memories of the events that occurred in the middle of the night that he could now remember with complete clarity.
He groaned, slapping his face with his right hand. Roman (his crush, mind you) had seen him being that stupid and vulnerable? Then they danced?! Sure, Janus started blushing when he remembered Roman's kindness and delicacy when handling Janus, but he still couldn't get over just how dull and pathetic Properly Out Of It Janus allowed himself to be. Janus, usually so closed off and invulnerable, mumbling nonsense at two in the morning to his crush? He was appalled.
It was then that he remembered that Roman hadn't gone back to his room the night before, and Janus had kissed his cheek, and now there was this weight against Janus' side that he hadn't noticed until now and that weight seemed to be breathing deeply...
Janus turned his head to see Roman, in all his princely glory, curled up into Janus' side with his arm draped across Janus' torso.
Janus couldn't believe himself. He forced Roman into...
...but that wasn't right. No. Roman had kissed his hair and walked into his room with him. Janus may have closed the door, but Roman was the one to walk to bed first, and he was the one who snuggled into Janus that night, and maybe Janus had a chance with him after all...
So Janus smiled at his prince, moving his arm that he just now realized was around Roman so he could run his hands through his hair.
Janus figured that since Roman hadn't gotten any sleep before their dance downstairs, Roman would sleep for a couple more hours. He pondered getting up for breakfast or whatnot, but immediately dismissed the thought. He wanted to be with Roman when we woke. Besides, Roman’s left arm was lying across Janus’ stomach, preventing him from moving without disturbing Roman.
He summoned a book and a glass of water (remembering bitterly how he could've avoided mountains of embarrassment if his sleepy self had any scrape of mental strength and summoned a glass of water instead of trekking downstairs to get one from the kitchen, but alas, he had been too tired). He sipped the water carefully before setting it on his nightstand. He started to read, only using one hand to do so (which was quite hard but having his hand carding through Roman's hair was worth it). Reading would pass the time nicely, so he could be here when Roman woke up and they could converse.
Roman woke to silence. This confused him, a little bit, considering that he had designed his room to have birds start chirping outside the windows when he woke since it reminded him of Cinderella. The silence was noticeable, and a bit concerning, since it told him he was not in his room.
The second concerning realization came when he opened his eyes. He opened his eyes to black. He couldn't see anything, no matter how hard he tried to focus.
What was up with that?
He frowned, trying to figure out what could have happened. During this time, he heard what sounded like paper...the turning of a page? Someone appeared to be reading. Nearby him, too.
If he summoned his sword silently, he could catch them off-guard so they'd surrender immediately.
Then, he remembered the night before.
He couldn't fall asleep with all the exciting thoughts dancing around in his head, so he had spent some time in the living room, knowing that overthinking in bed would only make his brain associate his bed with overthinking, which was bad for future Roman.
Janus had come downstairs in all his half-asleep, clumsy glory. He wasn't in his hat or his normal outfit, so his only identifiable feature was his scales and that no other side's hair was that fluffy oh my god Roman wanted to bury his hands in Janus' hair for all eternity it looked so cute-. Janus hadn’t noticed Roman at first, and when he did, he couldn't articulate anything properly (which was absolutely adorable). Roman convinced Janus to dance with him, figuring the activity would serve as an outlet for his active thoughts. It worked, and the two went back to bed afterwards. Except...Roman didn't really want to be left alone to his thoughts since being with another person was a sure way to calm his mind (and since Janus occupied a lot of Roman's thoughts, having him near would prove daydreaming about his presence unnecessary, calming his mind further).
This was when he finally noticed the hand in his hair.
Janus was awake, still in bed (for some reason), and running his hand through Roman's hair, probably because he thought Roman was still asleep. (The question of why Janus hadn't gotten up yet was answered when Roman noticed that one of his arms was draped across his torso.)
Roman figured his lack of sight could be attributed to being curled into Janus' side. So, he lifted his head slightly.
His eyes adjusted to the low amount of light. The curtains were yellow, so light still got in, but not a lot of it. He focused not on the curtains, but on the real light of the room: Janus. He was reading a book, but his head had turned when he felt Roman move.
The smile he gave Roman was perhaps the most beautiful thing Roman had ever laid his eyes upon. He looked at him with all the love in the world, and Roman could only hope he was returning it.
"Good morning, Roman," greeted Janus, setting his book down on his nightstand.
"Mornin', Janus," Roman replied, smiling lazily. "Sleep well?"
"Wonderfully, with you by my side." Roman could swear Janus was flirting. "And you?"
"Hmm, same," answered Roman, moving his arm from Janus' torso to his hair. "I shouldn't be surprised, though, since you make everything better. It follows that you can calm my mind too."
Janus flushed, glancing away from Roman's intense gaze. Roman started to sit up—not fully, but the hand in Janus' hair was at a weird angle that he wanted to fix.
"I love your hair, it's very fluffy," said Roman, isolating a lock between his index and middle finger. "I often wonder why you wear a hat."
"The hat makes it crazy, Ro, so I cover it," muttered Janus, still not meeting Roman's eyes.
Roman hummed. "When did you wake up this morning? I see you've been reading."
"A couple of hours ago."
Roman gasped silently, lips parting. "Oh, darling, you could've woken me. I don't want to trap you in bed for too long."
Janus chuckled, returning his eyes to Roman's. "Nonsense, my prince. I wanted to stay and be here when you woke. Besides, I slept before our 2 a.m. meeting. You did not. Your sleeping in makes sense."
"Ugh, but you've probably been up since-"
"Nine. It's eleven now. But that's fine, Roman. I enjoy reading, especially if I'm next to you. You beside me is something I will never forget."
"You'll be able to forget without any consequence, considering that I'm positive this will happen again," said Roman, trying his best to be nonchalant.
Janus raised an eyebrow, a playful smile on his face. "It will?"
Roman nodded. He slept so peacefully last night. Even if he wasn't in love with Janus, he would never go back.
"I can get on board with that."
Roman grinned and leaned up to kiss Janus' nose. He laughed when Janus covered his human half so Roman wouldn't see his blush.
Janus slowly uncovered his blushing human cheek and used that hand to cup Roman's jaw.
"So, this...we're together?" Roman asked quietly, the gentle touch making him bashful.
"Oh, certainly," replied Janus. He leaned closer to Roman. "And darling, I think you missed earlier."
Roman giggled and kissed Janus' lips.
"Should we get breakfast?" Roman asked when they parted.
"I don't want to."
Janus sighed, thumb ghosting across Roman's lips. "Neither do I. However, Patton will kill us if we don't."
"Mm hmm."
A short silence fell between them.
Janus sighed. "You're keeping me here, aren't you?"
Taglist: @somehow-i-got-an-account @justanotherhumanstuff @fander-fic-recs
I know it's short I was just bored after I woke up, so here! I'm always down for prompts and requests so making a part two was fun! I hope you liked it!
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writeblrfantasy · 3 years
a king and his knight | part 1
from the day he was knighted, the knight had cared for the king. he wasn’t a king then, only a younger brother who would never become crown prince. he was quiet, kept to himself and his books, but snappy and feisty when provoked. he didn’t seem to care much about his future or his family.
the knight had taken oaths of loyalty for the sick king and his strong, eldest golden son, to serve and protect them and put their safety before all else. but while he and his fellows trained hard, worked themselves to the bone, defended and protected and upheld their oaths, his fellows looked to the king and crown prince, and the knight looked to the younger prince.
his fellows would try to curry favor from the older royals by helping them with small tasks or attempting great big ones, quests that either ended in their tragic ends or with beautiful prizes to give as tribute. the knight, meanwhile, gathered roses from the gardens and left them in a bundle by the prince’s door, since he’d never seen anyone give the prince flowers. he searched for and left him books he’d overheard the prince talk about not having, took a long journey to the sea to collect rocks and a jar of sand on his day off all because the prince had said to the librarian, one of the only people he conversed with, that he longed to go there. the knight had been seated at a table a few aisles over, pretending to read his knights’ handbook, as he often was.
he left notes with all of his gifts in his best attempt at courtly script, though he knew how bad it was compared to the prince’s elegant hand. he wrote little phrases that he hoped sounded charming, romantic, instead of creepy. these roses may be beautiful, but they have nothing on you. these stories could not possibly be greater than anything you might come up with. the beaches are just like you to me: breathtaking, untouchable, perfect. the one difference between the beaches and the prince was that the beaches were terribly difficult to reach. the prince was impossible.
these notes were never signed, there would be no point, if the prince even recognized his name.
the knight usually left his gifts at the prince’s door in the mornings just before he had to go to early training, and he’d only once been able to watch the prince find his gifts. that one time was burned into his memory, something precious and holy that still took his breath away to think about.
the knight had woken late after staying up all night preparing his next gift, and scrambled to get ready, knowing his commander would have his hide at morning training. perhaps to delay the inevitable a little longer, he’d stopped at the prince’s doorway on the way, the only royal apartment not guarded at all times. he wasn’t deemed important enough, he didn’t have any servants, either.
the knight had placed the wood box with the straps in them in front of the door, arranging his note so it faced the doorway, when he heard shuffling inside. he’d quickly hidden around the corner, heart beating quick. that’d never happened before. he’d never been almost caught. no one was up as early as the knights were. he was always gone thirty minutes before the prince was even awake, or so he assumed. today his lie in made him catch the prince coming out of his apartments.
it had occurred to him in that moment he didn’t know what the prince did with his gifts. he’d never seen the roses or the jar of sand or the books with the prince. he’d never even seen the inside of the prince’s rooms. he’d never even spoken to the prince. the prince could just be scoffing and throwing his gifts out the window, crumpling the notes, debating telling the knights that he had a stalker. the knight had turned his head, knowing he wouldn’t be able to bear knowing if that was what the prince truly did, but the door opened before he could run away. he was forced to watch, helpless, as the prince tripped on the box.
“another one?” the prince murmured, his back to the knight as he bent to pick it up. the knight held his breath when the prince straightened up and he saw the prince was smiling, in a soft, subtle way unlike the wide grins of his relatives. was it just the sunlight, or were the prince’s cheeks growing red? the knight choked on a breath.
the prince adjusted the coat he always wore, a sky blue with a white fur interior, and cradled the box gently as he opened the lid. he held the note between his teeth as he examined the leather straps and buckles, much like a belt, with furrowed eyebrows. he set the box down to read the note, which said, i wish i could carry your books for you, but here is this instead, so that your arms do not get so tired. the prince could cinch a stack of books up with the straps and carry the loop like a bag. the knight knew how annoying it was to shove books in and out of bags. he’d used straps like these for years.
he’d been bolder with this note, mentioning himself for the first time. it had apparently gone over well, as the prince smiled again and brought his new gift inside his room, into which the knight finally snuck a glance. he saw a writing desk in front of a window, the jar of sand, the books he’d given the prince, before he made his escape. he did indeed get his hide figuratively whipped at training that morning, but it was more than worth it,
what had made the knight fall for the prince, someone so helplessly unreachable, someone who would never love him back? why did he neglect his duties and loyalties to the proper royals in favor of daydreaming about the prince, about showering him in the attention he deserved but never got, protecting him, kissing the back of his hand? well, the prince was breathtaking, with rich brown hair that shone gold in the sun, the loveliest brown eyes, the smoothest milky skin, long delicate fingers and trimmed nails. he was pretty, no, beautiful, the opposite of the knight, who was tall and sandy haired and a strong knight, a good fighter, but one who knew how to serve. just not the people he was supposed to.
the prince was a head shorter than the knight, which opened up all sorts of doors regarding how nicely he would fit in the knight’s arms, safe from the world, easy to protect. he was passionate and talented and had a brilliant mind, but simply because he’d been born two years after his brother, he was passed over, left to himself, without any companions but his books. the knight wanted to give him the world, and he would do it however he could, at whatever cost to himself.
one day, there came invaders from the south, with an army who matched the king’s own. the king and the crown prince assured all that things would be fine and under control, but the knight knew that this would never be the case. the royals were confident of success, the knight’s fellows were nervous but excitedly preparing for battle, and the knight’s prince hadn’t changed at all, still spending his days in the library, where the knight spent every moment he could in the aisles across from him.
the king gave a speech the morning of the battle, when his scouts had seen the enemy close to the royal castle. the king was too old and frail to fight, but his son wasn’t, their golden jewel that every knight drooled over, with his white toothed grin and his muscles and his red cloak and warhorse. the king beamed with pride as he sent his son and his knights off, but the knight slipped away, something easy enough to do in a crowd that large, when everything was chaos no matter how much the king liked to pretend it wasn’t.
going back to the castle instead of going to fight for the king was technically treasonous, but all the knight could think of was the prince, alone in the castle, oblivious or uncaring to the danger he was in. he drew his sword, something he didn’t often wear since it got in the way but was well used to wielding, and climbed the staircases he’d just went down, retracing his steps subconsciously to the prince’s rooms.
he steeled himself outside of it and took a deep breath. he could already hear the sounds of battle in the distance, war cries and blades knocking against one another. he prayed for things to hold just a little bit longer.
he knocked on the prince’s door. when the prince opened it, he looked surprised to see the knight, a bit confused, confirming the knight’s suspicions he’d never even seen the knight before. his heart sank a little. the prince’s beauty was even more stunning up close, long eyelashes and a slight blush to his cheeks.
these were not the first words he’d thought he would say to his prince, he’d have preferred something romantic and charming, but that was a loss he could not mourn right now.
“i’m here to save you. come with me and i’ll protect you, i swear on my life.”
if you read all the way to the end, thank you. i’m going to post part 2 very very soon. this piece means a lot to me, as it’s the first thing i’ve written in months that i’ve been excited for, unable to stop. a mere hour before i started writing this i wondered if i would ever be able to write again, and then i had the most fun writing something i’ve had in a long, long time. this is a reminder to myself and everyone else to write whatever you want, and don’t turn down an impulse to write something you want to because it’s not relevant to your current wip or it’s stupid or anything your brain thinks. write!! life is too short. i had SO much fun writing this and you should write what you want too :)
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nakunakunomi · 4 years
Congrats to the 300 Followers. Cam I ask for number 9 with Sakazuki (or Kuzan if you prefer him)?
Hey love! I am INSANELY nervous to post this because dang, I just hope it is a bit like you had pictured in your mind. I chose to go with Sakazuki for the very reason that he’s the one you initially asked for and like I have stated before, I will not back down from a challenge! That’s not saying I don’t want to write for Kuzan, actually want to write something for him too sometime… all in due time. For now, I hope you like your cliché with Sakazuki!
An Awkward Start - Sakazuki x Reader 
Cliché with Bae event: Prompt #9:  There’s only one bed and we sleep as far away as possible from each other but wake up cuddling Character: Sakazuki - Word count:  2.1k (added a cut cause it was getting just too long) 
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This was insane. Inappropriate. Straight up ridiculous. You had to take a few deep breaths before you looked over at the clerk and asked her to repeat what she had just said. 
“I’m sorry, but there was only one room booked” 
One thing was sure: you were going to murder someone back at headquarters. How was it even possible for such a stupid mistake to be made on such an unusual mission. 
“Okay, can we still add on an extra room?” “No I am sorry, we’re fully booked.” “No other inns on the island probably?” The clerk shook her head, obviously feeling very bad for something that wasn’t even her mistake. You pinched the bridge of your nose as you thought over the whole situation. 
Ever since his promotion to fleet admiral, and actually already from the promotion to admiral, it was extremely rare for Sakazuki to leave headquarters. He preferred to hold meetings in his office, he preferred having information being brought in. He liked order, overview and control. Which is something you hand over when you enter unfamiliar environments.  
But every now and then, there’s a mission where the information was just so important he trusted only himself to go get it or do the talking, or some other reason where the fleet admiral was absolutely needed in order to get everything done. 
Today had been one of those missions. It had only been him and you, his assistant, on a tiny island you had never even heard of before. It was all very top-secret, with one special crew dropping you off at the location and another coming for pickup tomorrow. Even you did not know entirely what it was about, you were mostly there to arrange the smaller details such as side paperwork, and accommodations, such as the lodging. Which is where it went wrong, and which was the reason you were now starting to feel a pit form in your stomach in pure panic. What the hell were you going to tell your boss? 
You thanked the clerk for her help, and took the key from her hands, walking back to the table where Sakazuki was sitting. You gently placed the key in front of him. “The key to your room sir.” He looked up from the food he had ordered for the both of you, and you could nearly feel yourself breaking out in cold sweat. “Why did that take so long?” You had hoped he didn’t ask for anything and you could maybe find some rest on the couch in the general area of the inn, but alas, he asked the question and you didn’t want to be lying to your superior. You calmly explained the mistake of only one room being booked, profusely apologizing, and immediately adding that you’d make the couch your bed for the night. He was silent for a bit. “Nonsense. Besides, most of those rooms have multiple beds in them, that’s probably why they only booked you one room when you clearly mentioned two people.” 
You felt kind of stupid. Of course, he was right, that made a whole lot of sense. The panic of your mistake had made it impossible to think straight, but now that he stated it like that, your nerves were calmed immediately. 
“Sit down. Eat. And don’t worry so much. The mission was successful, we’ll be back at headquarters tomorrow and you completed a job well done.” 
You sat down, mumbling a ‘thank you sir’, grabbed your plate and focussed on the food. It was rare to hear praise from Sakazuki, mostly because he was of the firm belief people don’t need to be praised for simply doing their job. You still worked hard every single day to impress your superior, for more reasons than just wanting to satisfy your boss. But those reasons were wildly inappropriate to even admit, so you simply didn’t speak about it and tried not to even think about it. 
It got worse on missions such as this one, where it was just the two of you for longer periods of time. You had to admit that the one-room debacle, something that sounded like it came straight out of a terrible romance book, had made your heart jump at the mere thought of the possibility of sharing a bed with him. Even if nothing happened. At night you were at your most vulnerable and sharing a bed, even if just for sleep, is an ultimate sign of trust. But again, you were way too terrified to think your fantasies true and panic had quickly taken over. You were pretty sure you were actually blushing a little now too, so focused of the food as you dined in silence.
After dinner, the both of you made your way to room 23, the number neatly engraved in the key you had handed over earlier. Sakazuki opened up the door and stood still in the door frame for a bit. His broad posture made it as good as impossible for you to make out the inside of the room, and you weren’t planning on stepping closer to find out earlier. So you waited until he eventually entered, stepping aside to allow you entrance. You immediately noticed the reason why he had stood still for a bit. 
One bed. A big, king-sized, perfectly neatly made-up bed. But just one. You couldn’t help but stare at it as the mix of panic and inappropriate excitement washed over you again. It was dead silent for a second, before you closed the door behind you. Whatever the plan was going to be, it didn’t need to be discussed with an open door so anyone else staying at the inn could listen in on it. 
You took in the rest of the room: two nightstands, a lamp on each, some small cabinets and a mirror. A door, presumably leading to the bathroom portion of the room and a nice big window, probably letting in plenty of light throughout the day, but now only displaying a clear sky with some moonlight to add to the strangely awkward atmosphere in the room. It was clean and simple, and the bed took up most of the place. 
The silence was only broken by the sound of a match being lit, Sakazuki lighting a cigar, as he also seemed to think over the predicament you were now in. 
“It’s big enough” “I’m sorry sir?” “The bed. It’s big enough. You’re not that big, we should probably be able to each take a side without bothering each other.” 
You felt your cheeks heat up, and blinked a couple of times. You were not even sure you heard that right, you almost couldn’t bear to look up and ask for confirmation. Surely he couldn’t be serious? “That is, only if you are okay with it?” there was almost an uncharacteristic softness in his tone and you were pretty sure you could melt right then and there. You stuttered as you replied. “No.. I.. I mean, yes, sure, sir… I could also, you know, couch in the lobby, but if you… I mean…”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Sleeping on a couch will ruin your back. Go change, then I can finish my smoke.” You nodded, too confused to even say anything and disappeared into the bathroom. 
You splashed cold water in your face multiple times to ensure you were actually awake and this wasn’t the strangest, most real-feeling daydream you’d ever had. You actually spent so much time looking in the mirror in disbelief that you had to scramble changing into your marine-issued pajamas, not wanting to make Sakazuki wait too long for his turn, even though he’d probably not even be bothered this much. 
The hour following you stepping out of that bathroom was probably the most awkward you had ever felt in your lifetime. Even though this whole situation ticked so many of the ultimate fantasy checkboxes, the more realistically thinking side of you was constantly reminding you of how weird this whole situation was, and you were relieved there was not too much awkward conversation nor other events before you finally slipped under the covers. Sakazuki seemed surprisingly unbothered by the events, and you inwardly cursed yourself. There were so many situations that were way worse than this, it was kind of pathetic to be panicking over this. You just hoped he didn’t notice too much, the last thing you wanted was to give him a bad impression of you. 
You lay down on your side, shuffling as close to the edge of the bed as possible without falling off, before turning off the lamp that was on the nightstand on your side. “Goodnight Sir” “Goodnight y/n” And with the click of the switch of the other lamp, the room was dark and quiet, and you had no idea when your nerves would let you sleep. 
Apparently, tiredness from the mission and your emotional yoyoing had taken its toll on your physical state, because you didn’t lie awake for much longer. Soon, dreams took over, and you were not surprised that the subject of your dreams was the very person you were now sharing a bed with. 
But it was now nearing morning, and you felt yourself wake up with some reluctance, wanting to hold onto your dream just a little longer. It was that strange moment right before you actually wake up, where dream and reality intertwine and you were pretty sure your brain was tricking your senses, the comforting smell, warmth, and closeness actually becoming real for a moment. 
But then it didn’t go away, as it normally would. This all happened in a matter of seconds before realization struck you and you opened your eyes wide in shock. There was the pleasant pressure of an arm wrapped around your waist and your entire body was pressed against his. You knew you were prone to moving in your sleep, but never knew it was this bad. Panic washed over you again as you went over the possible plans of action in your head. 
Sakazuki himself seemed to be fast asleep still, blissfully unaware of the situation you were in. You decided to try and slip away without waking him up and in the event of him waking up, you’d lie and say you had had a nightmare and accidentally kicked him or something like that. It could get you into trouble, but you doubted the trouble would be worse than those you were in if you just waited for him to wake up like this. 
You managed to succeed, tiptoed off to the bathroom to already get changed back into your uniform, and to calm down again, practicing a straightened out face in the mirror. When you stepped out of the bathroom, you gasped audibly, Sakazuki sat at the edge of the bed, fully dressed and ready to go. Just how long did you take to change clothes? Were you that much out of it? 
“Rather rude of you to just leave without so much as a ‘good morning, sir’”. 
You looked at him wide-eyed and confused, the slight amusement in his tone was barely audible, but you were sure it was there. 
“I’m sorry, Sir?” You had to stop yourself from groaning at yourself, why did your vocabulary seem reduced to just those three words whenever he caught you of guard? “You talk in your sleep. A lot.” You could only blink in response. “And you move quite a lot, but I figured you noticed that too when you woke up a little earlier.”
Your brain felt like it short circuited, and you had no words formed by the time he stood up and grabbed his bag, ready to leave in a bit, you still had to be on time for the pickup ship. 
“Of course”, he spoke up again when it was clear that you were still too speechless to contribute, “we’d have to find some way for neither of us to get into any serious trouble”. He opened the door for you, gesturing for you to take your bag as well. “I expect you in my office tomorrow morning after you’ve unpacked and settled back in at headquarters. I’m sure we’ll find a solution for our little predicament.” You were close to slapping yourself across the face as he offered you a slight smile, and you were convinced you were simply still dreaming. 
You couldn’t help the smile spreading on your face as his words finally sunk in and you realized you were not dreaming at all. You grabbed your bag and walked through the door with a slight spring in your step. 
“Of course sir!” 
“And drop the ‘sir’ when we’re alone.”
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sopxhiea · 4 years
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Alfie Solomons X Best Friend!Reader
CH1 | CH2
“Never trust a man whose smile steals the breath right from your lungs.”
The smell of freshly cut grass fills the room.
The curtains are wide open, the beige fabric dancing with the gentle breeze while a slow record plays from the corner of the room. There’s a slow rhythm to the song, one that makes the sun move along with it as it caresses the wooden furniture lightly.
There’s a wine stain on the small brown rug, it can’t be noticed from afar but you’re staring at it from the couch, it’s closer. Laid on your chest, you move your feet to the soft lines of the song, head resting on top of your palm when a sigh leaves your lips.
You’re waiting for him.
The familiar smell of rum and vanilla is all you crave these days. You’re drawn to it like a magnet, it doesn’t matter just how crowded the room is. You move the wine glass around, staring down at the red liquid while your mind roams around the events of the past month.
You recall his sweet voice, the gentle touch of his skin against yours as he said your name like a prayer on repeat until he could see stars. It feels natural, the movement of his body against yours. It’s something you’d craved as a teenage girl when you’d seen him sprout into a beautiful boy that one summer. 
It feels like you’re that foolish girl again, cheeks coloured with a hint of blush while you’d shy away from his heavy gaze. The innocent flirting had been clumsy then, neither of you knew what you were doing but the sparks had created this longing in your heart you were only able to fulfil now.
It’s not like that with other people.
You’d known the man since he was a cheeky little boy, running away from his mother’s scolding at every given chance. You were just a small girl then, ponytails moving along with every small step you’d take. He’d been your friend, the shoulder to cry on and he’d become your lover for the past month.
It didn’t matter how much you knew him. You didn’t know him as the Alfie you were getting to know in the last month. He had been your best friend, the one you’d go for advice and the one to console you after a tough day or a break-up. He’d be the one to find you all red faced after you’d made love to your other boyfriend, the one to help you clean up the bottles after the break up.
But now he was the one taking you to bed.
This side of him was much more adventurous, he seemed like the young boy he once was. He was now the one kissing you senseless, throwing you over his shoulder to take you home when it was late at night. He had been the man you slept on top of for the past month and it scared you.
It scared you that this was all a dream.
You’d spent many nights indulging in thoughts about him, how his plump lips would feel against yours? Was he gentle? You had craved to hear his hoarse voice when you woke up, his large arms around your body as a way of protecting you in every which way.
All those dreams had been made into reality in the past month.
You remained in the same position when the door opened, the creak was not loud enough for the normal person to hear but you’d been sitting in silence for the past hour. Closing your eyes, you inhaled his scent as it spread around the room. He was home early today.
The past four weeks had been a frenzy of heavy make-out sessions, giggles and moans filling the bedroom and loving gazes at each other. You didn’t think about it a lot, how it all seemed to fall into place perfectly. It had been given to you quite suddenly, there was a fear of it being taken away.
He sat on the sofa facing the one you were laying on top of. Your robe was very much all over the place, most of your upper thighs and chest exposed when you turned around to lay on your back. He chuckled at your state, eyes roaming hungrily around your body as he watched you sit up. You didn’t bother fixing the robe, he’d already seen and explored every inch of your body.
“Eyes up here.” you spoke, chuckling at his hungry gaze when he had been staring at your body for too long.
He returned the gesture, mirroring your smile when you stood up and walked around the place to sit on his lap. His hand left his beard and found your thighs instead when you finally took your position in between his legs. It was more of a hug than anything, his large palms found your waist when you retreated yourself from his embrace to have a look at his face.
He did the same.
After eyeing you from head to toe, he cleared his throat to speak. “You’ve been fuckin’ roamin’ around the house like ‘his?” he spoke, you smiled and got up to take your wine glass from the table.
You had a day off from work and knowing just how rare those were for you, Alfie had decided to let you be. He was already keeping you up almost every night because he just couldn’t get enough so he went to work but came back early.
You nodded, sighing happily at the man before you as he stared at you like you were an other-worldly creature. You took a sip from the wine and fixed your robe at last.
“Hmm.” you nodded once more to confirm his words. He watched you swallow the wine and copied the action when you crossed your legs.
“Fuckin’ waste of my time, yeah, sittin’ around the office when you’re walkin’ around barely dressed.” he spoke, tugging at his beard while you nodded at his words. He had been tiring you out every single nigh to redeem the years and years of build up and he was mad at himself at leaving early when he could have you for as long as he wanted, even just for a day.
You walked around, putting a few things in place and realising that he’d bought you flowers. Again. You smiled at the gesture. He watched you inhale the beautiful smell and walk towards the kitchen to put them in a vase. He sat there for a moment, finding himself to be in a daydream like situation after watching you walk around in nothing but a robe with a lazy smile on your lips.
He soon followed, like a lost puppy.
He’d been the one to follow you around since you were kids. He was the tough one of the duo, the one who would protect you but you’d always been the brains and the rotator. That didn’t mean the was smart, he was far more brilliant than anyone you’d met but it amused him to no end, having someone half his size ordering him around.
It aroused him, too.
You hummed a soft tune while putting the flowers in a glass vase. He watched, hypnotised by your actions. You turned to him not too long after, a smile on your lips while you made your way towards his standing figure as he remained with one side leaning on the door frame.
“I’m going to take a shower.” you spoke, speaking against his face as your hands roamed around his chest. Cyril was making noises upstairs but you ignored the mutt and focused on Alfie. “And you’ll join me.” you spoke, your words made hims snicker with amusement. You placed a soft kiss on his lips, making him crave a little more but you were too quick on your feet. He watched as you walked towards the stairs to take shower.
Shaking his head, he chuckled at himself. You already had him wrapped around your finger. He walked behind you, a smile on your lips when you heard his words, each syllable dripping with amusement and lust.
“Yes, ma’am.”
The bed slowly creaked under Alfie’s constant shifting. It was late, couple of hours after midnight as he searched for an ounce of sleep. You were not fully asleep either. His shifting had woken you since you were an extremely light sleeper. 
Your eyes were closed still, a sigh leaving your pink lips as he watched your calm features morphed into frustration. He knew you were trying to get some sleep, so was he and when he was awake, so were you. The moonlight lot your features, he admired every single detail about you while you wrapped yourself in the sheets.
A grunt left your lips, moving away from his body. It was already hot and his constant cuddling didn’t help. It wasn’t like you didn’t like to feel him all around you but he was much more addicted to it then you were.
You opened your eyes, meeting his already open ones casting a look on you. There were more than a couple emotions in his orbs as he took a good look at your naked state wrapped up in sheets. You slowly sat up on the bed, he had managed to tire you out for the night but not himself.
You shook your head, finding it adoring when the night reminded of the times you’d spent running away from the world at night with him, before they were taken away. You’d tell your mom you were out with Alfie and she wouldn’t protest, knowing you were safe and sound.
You’d walk in the tracks with him, hand in hand while he’d tell you stories. He’d stolen a couple innocent kisses then but that was it. They had all been buried until a couple months back. He was home for you, had always been since he’d first protected you from a couple kids the first time you’d met.
“I thought you’d be asleep by now.” you spoke, he knew that you were a light sleeper from the times you’d shared a bed before since you were kids and a part of him felt guilty for waking you up.
“I fuckin thought so, too, luv.” he spoke, anger evident in his voice while your body moved to lean on the header.
You laid back as he watched you. Cyril came in the room with a quiet thud, he had been staying downstairs due to the desperate noises you both had been making, the animal didn’t want anything to do with your moans and Alfie’s pleas. You scratched the back of his ears when he laid in between you and Alfie.
“You wanna hear something?” you asked Alfie, not making eye contact while you got ready to say something you’d been meaning to tell him.
You hadn’t told him you loved him. 
He knew you loved him dearly as a friend, a couple months ago you wouldn’t shut up about how precious he was to you at moments but that had ended the moment you’d kissed him feverishly. He thought that maybe your mind wasn’t made up yet, or that maybe you found it hard to shift your understanding of him from friend to lover. Even though your moans told him otherwise.
He nodded, laying on his back this time as you watched the muscles on his back flex subconsciously with each movement. Cyril left the bed and settled on the floor instead, watching the familiar faces. You ignored the beating of your heart in your ears and spoke up with your eyes closed.
“My mom warned me the first time she heard we were friends.” you said, confessing things one by one. He hummed understandingly as he stared at your tired form, there was a spark in your eyes.
“Fuckin’ spectacular woman she was, yeah.” he said under his breath, casting a worried look when he saw the glassy look in your eyes.
You shook your head at your silliness, it wasn’t time to cry about your lost mother. You were trying to tell the man something. “She stopped doing that once you won her over, though.” You chuckled at the fond memories, he did the same, the visions of you and him and hand in hand as small kids running around passing by.
He chuckled and spoke, both of you were awake now. “That was a fuckin’ pain in the ass, yeah..” he almost cooed when you started tracing the tattoo on his upper arm.
You dismissed the loving look in his eyes when he talked about your mother. It had been hard for Alfie to convince her that he wouldn’t harm her only daughter but it had been done after he’d flashed her a charming smile.
“She did that once more when we came back from that one summer..”you spoke, not meeting his eyes as he watched you intently. That was the summer you had both grown up to be adults. The summer when the touches were awkward and he’d chase any boy who’d dare to come close. “She told me..” you spoke, swallowing when his eyes met yours.
“Never trust a man whose smile steals the breath right from your lungs.” you finished, earning a hearty chuckle from him as he watched you mirror the sound.
“She already fuckin’ knew.” he said, you nodded at his words. 
You didn’t know how to tell him that he had been everything you wanted and more. Your heart belonged to him, it would always be cast in between his fingers. You didn’t know how to tell him that you loved him, not as a friend but as someone you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.
But he knew you.
He knew that you loved him from the way you acted, it was all in the details of your being. He knew you loved him when you’d wipe away crumbs from his bread with a soft caress. He knew that your heart was his when you’d cast him a loving look while he shouted at the man, he had found it hard to believe but it was true.
He nodded while you tried to make words out. You shook your head, trying to decipher a sentence as he stared at your baffled expression. You were so beautiful under the moonlight, tears in your eyes because of just how strongly you felt things.
He’d always admired that, just how involved with your feelings you were. You didn’t do a lot of it, letting yourself feel something was something you had dreaded and you only did it when you knew it would lead to something good. It had been mostly a destructive instinct but you’d let yourself love him, more than you’d loved anyone else in the world.
“I know, dove..” he whispered when you couldn’t make out the words. You couldn’t say it, there was just too much to say.
He cradled you in his lap when a few tears slipped away from your eyes. You were scared at how much you felt, there was so much love, adoration and excitement you hadn’t felt in a long time. You felt your heart beating again, it scared you just how intense it all was.
But you didn’t need to say it.
“I just...” you spoke, wanting to trail it back with a ‘I love you’ but you cried as you tried to explain yourself to yourself.
“I know.” he said, against the top of hair as he whispered sweet words to your ears. He knew you like the back of his hand, he knew how you felt.
“Me, too.” he spoke and it made you hug him tighter as he rocked you back and forth.
He knew. He felt it, too.
He’d welcomed the tsunami of emotions when he’d kissed you at that party. You were a wonderful friend but after kissing you senseless and seeing this new side of you, he had concluded that you were an angel sent to him. You were the part of his day he looked forward to, the only thing that managed to put a sheepish smile on his lips at the end of the day.
You’d always been his angel.
When you’d walked around as kids, hand in hand, you were his daydreams and the princess he was keen on rescuing from the tower with the dragon. You were his first crush when you were in high school, the first girl he’d seen in a dream. The first girl he had been nervous around and the only one for him.
You weren’t his first kiss but he’d make sure you were his last.
Tagging: @parkbearum @clairecrive​ @sourirez​ @mollybegger-blog​ @bicevans​
A/N: i think this is the end unless you guys want a prologue, lemme know. i hope this wasn’t underwhelming :). Asks are open!
also my finals start this week so :) imma be gone for a lil while after i run out of the works in my draft folder :)
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phantom-of-nrc · 3 years
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hi can i have a matchup? 
im a 4'11 agender person who uses they/them pronouns! my head is shaved and im about to dye it green! I’m very pale and I have dark brown eyes. I have glasses because my eyesight is terrible. I like writing poetry about difficult times I went through, blankets and oversized clothing. I dislike photos being taken of me without consent, school and sleeping. I have 5 cats that I love with all my heart and a dog.  My favorite colors are pink and blue, but I hate the color purple. I listen to music a lot, and the music artists I listen to the most are girl in red, Boy Pablo, Mitski and the Orion Experience. I’m an ambivert but lean more on the introverted side because of my anxiety.  I have PTSD, BPD, ADHD, Severe depression, GAD, and tic disorder. My main tics are “Beetroot?”, “POG”, and “I’m a lawyer”.  My current hyperfixation is food fantasy and if somebody offers i will rant about it for hours. I’m very affectionate and i can’t date somebody who hates affection. My BPD affects my relationships a lot, as because of it i get very jealous and insecure easily, and it just affects everything about me. I maladaptive daydream as a coping mechanism to escape reality when it becomes too much, which is very often.  Also I’m an INTP-T and a sag sun, virgo rising and libra moon. My hogwarts house is hufflepuff and i’m an 9w1 - Ry
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ℌ𝔬𝔴 ℭ𝔬𝔪𝔢?
📱 Before I continue one, I would like to apologize if I mistook some things. 
📱 While it’s true that every single student in the NRC is unique in terms of appearance, from their hair to their skin to their features, you caught Idia’s attention from the view of his tablet’s camera lenses. It was rare for him to see anyone with shaved head. He had to admit, it intrigued him. His hair may be made of fire, but he doesn’t think he could ever shave his hair. Even if he does, he probably won’t pull it off. 
📱 Since you mentioned that you dislike photos of you being taken, Idia could relate to that. He doesn’t exactly want the world to see his face.. Being seen by the public was nerve-wracking. Being seen by the whole world was on a whole another level. At least he has someone to relate to when it comes to distaste of being taken pictures of, even if you don’t like pictures of you being taken without consent and Idia not liking pictures of him being taken in general.
📱 You have 5 cats?? And a dog too. 👉👈.. Is it alright if Idia could cuddle with your cats..? He loves cats! There was evidence to back this up too! (Ahem.. I wouldn’t want to spoil anybody even if I like spoilers so..) Oh wait.. You like oversized clothes? Looking at our dear Ignihyde dorm leader, would you look at that!
📱 He’s not exactly the best at sleeping. He spent days and nights with no sleep, playing games, watching anime, keeping up with the updates of his interests, farming for gachas, especially limited gachas! Speaking of gachas.. YOU LIKE FOOD FANTASY TOO??? (Ahem.. Pardon me, but I may or may not have played it too but I couldn’t manage my restaurant so-) Is it possible to add friends there? I forgot.. But if it’s possible, no hesitation when it comes to sending friend requests to each other! Guaranteed to have one of the strongest support if you friend Idia in Food Fantasy! You rant about Food Fantasy? Then it’s time for a Ranting session with Gamer Idia!
📱 But while writing this matchup. If you decide to pull a Yuu from another world.. I imagine that you’d capture Idia’s attention not just with your unique style, but with all those juicy otherworldly games you know, he’d be ranting with you. You ranting about your current game hyperfixation, and him returning the gesture with his own ranting of his current game. The two of you could play each other’s game. Him playing Food Fantasy, you playing his game. That is if you consent. 
📱 Idia does use internet slang too, so imagine when you’ve said ‘POG’! Of course, he’d be confused on the word, he’d ask you. Once he learns of the word ‘Pog’, expect him to be the second student to use ‘Pog’. Of course, he’d also ask you of what you mean by ‘Beetroot?’ and ‘I’m a lawyer’. He doesn’t mind your tics, honestly.
📱 I actually spent a lot of time and days wondering about the affection part. It was known that Idia doesn’t like skin-to-skin contact when Deuce tried to touch him. Relationships aren’t always perfect. His tendency to not like being touched and your naturally affectionate self.. However, as days and arguments go by, he’d slowly warm up to your affections. He’d still not like other people touching him. He’s only used to your touch. He’ll savor in your affection in general. This man is secretly affection-starved.
📱 Idia is also an insecure fellow. There’s bound to be days where one of you blurts out or just confess your insecurities to each other. Expect a compliment in the disguise of self-deprecation from Idia. Of course, this would lead into a.. Kind of angsty-sad moment that would lead to comfort cuddles of reassurances.
📱 Ortho serves as the… Mediator between the two of you at times. He’ll be glad to receive and return your affections, he’d never think twice to chase your insecurities away, reassure you whenever jealousy comes to you. He’ll cherish you just as much as he cherishes his big brother. Learning of your mental disorders, Ortho would research right away, searching for ways to help you.
📱 Speaking of.. Idia has blue fire for hair! Compliment his blue (color-wise) existence and he’d be blushing, flustered from your compliments.
📱 Idia Shroud shares the same rising zodiac sign as you! Meaning, the two of you are, without a doubt according to the zodiac signs, compatible!
    Being transported in another universe was a beloved plot that has been used by so many. Whether by fanfics or shows or movies. Being transported in another universe was a rare occurrence, being transported to another universe was either considered a blessing or a curse, some consider it as their dream, some consider this phenomenon as their nightmare, while others simply don’t think much of it. It just so happens that you were the chosen person to be transported in another world. 
  No, you weren’t Yuu. You weren’t going to wake up to the sound of a pyromaniac cat wanting to take your clothes. But you did wake up to the voice of a young boy, or rather, a robot.  “…. dition is healthy… no signs of.. ries..” A sigh of relief then escaped the robot’s hidden lips as you opened your eyes.    Found and taken care of by a young robot boy with flaming blue hair, mind trying to comprehend what had just happened. Your heart began to pick up its pace, a detail that didn’t go unnoticed by the young robot. 
  It wasn’t really an easy journey, getting used to your new environment. Thank goodness the belongings you carried with you came with you in this new world. However, thanks to the aid of your savior, Ortho Shroud, and his big brother, Idia Shroud (whom you have yet to see his face.. Maybe..), you had managed to survive in this new world. Along the way, Ortho had grown fond of you and even considered you as a big sibling figure. Idia was a bit pouty about that..
  He was sure that you and him wouldn’t ever grow closer with you, considering his social anxiety, and your anxiety. Even if he rack his brain for ways on how to befriend you, he was undoubtedly sure none of them would work. 
 However, it would all change under one night. 
  Sure that there would be no one awake, Idia went out of his room to catch some snacks for his gaming marathon. However, he paused just in front of the doorway to see a sleeping green hair, phone in hand. Must’ve fallen asleep, good. His original plan was to get some snacks and get out before you could wake up, but he went out of track as soon as he saw the screen of your phone. Levels over a map, a lady in a gown that shows her legs, hair styled up as a hat attached with a veil over her head, she was brandishing a gun. Idia immediately knew that this was a game, a game from another world. 
  Too busy examining the game with interest, he didn’t notice your fluttering eyelids which soon revealed your dark brown eyes framed by your glasses. The first sight that greeted you wasn’t an empty kitchen, but a young man with flaming blue hair, blue lips, and an oversized hoodie.
That hoodie looks cozy and big..
  All it took was a shift of your movements for his amber yellow eyes to find you awake. “… Eh?”
It took a full minute until the two of you processed what was happening. 
  The man with the flaming blue hair ran back to his room, covering his flushed face as you sat there, frozen. Perhaps the bridge to your relationship is a game from your world and the interesting words you speak.
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