#happy third anniversary
minato-division03 · 1 month
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@aoyama-division Have fun, boys!
The place was filled with guests— estimated to be close to around five hundred people, all dressed in their absolute finest and completely masking over the waiters carrying trays of hors d’œvres or beverages. Despite the mass of people, the venue was far from compact or cramped.
Round tables with gorgeous tablecloths that draped over, several artwork displayed on the light walls, and twinkling green lights decorated the columns and greenery. Classical music was playing, setting the mood for the day that would go on until the evening.
In the heart of the venue was a round table that seated the three stars of the night: Tomi Chōten, Karada Kessaku, and Luis Kōkyū. Nothing but the best for the three men who would soon be representing the city of Aoyama in the upcoming Division Rap Battle, celebrating their third year together as a team.
The three were chatting on their own while a waiter served them chutes of champagne. Paying the waiter no mind, they each picked up their chutes and clinked them together, the light chime a pleasant sound amidst the many chatters throughout the gala hall. Wasting no time, they each sipped from their glasses, paying little attention to the taste of the beverage.
Really and truly.
Nothing but the best.
Part 2 will release in just a bit, so sit back and hang tight!
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samgatinho · 2 months
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happy late third life anniversary :-)
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applestruda · 1 year
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The two remaining
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theminecraftbee · 2 months
Once upon a time, there was a cave, and there was a tree.
Oh, that's not how most people like to start to tell the story. The thing about telling stories is that it's often easiest to start from the ending. From tumbling down cliffsides and rings of cactus and dying just barely out of reach of your king, just barely after him. Of things constantly burning, of the first time being the first to die, of bunkers in the desert and a group of five standing around an enchanting table, waving a flag. Of clocks, and betrayals, and things that weren't actually betrayals (even though they seem like they should be), of firing squads--
That is not how the story starts.
It doesn't even start with a creeper, although I would guess if you asked them about it, more than one of them would probably say it did.
No, if I were to tell the story, I would tell it like this:
Once upon a time, there was a cave. Everyone had gathered in it, with crafting tables and beds. They were being attacked by phantoms. They're chatting about how to solve the phantom problem, because they are friends. They step outside to kill the phantoms, because they can, and because it's funnier, and because they don't know how to be afraid yet.
Once upon a time, there is a tree. It grows right under one of them, trapping them in its branches. "Help!" she cries out. "What's happened?" Everyone scrambles to help cut down the tree together. When she escapes, they all agree it was a close call. It would be awfully silly, they think, for someone to die this soon, and besides, aren't they all working together?
They go back inside and they laugh. They are all green. None of them have an idea of what happens when they aren't any longer. They are all happy.
This changes. It also doesn't.
I start this story with the tree because they all, together, agree that the tree is ridiculous and silly, but all help to cut it down anyway. I start this story with the tree because by the end--
Well. My point is that the tree is a far happier story, in my opinion. My point is also, maybe, that starting with what it would become, well, that won't do at all. Starting with the part of the story that's sad, dramatic, ridiculous--that rather misses the point.
The point is that it started with a cave, and a tree, and everything else came collapsing down after it. It's easy to bury the memory of a time it would be safe to all hide in a cave together, laughing, and save one another from a tree.
It does not do to forget.
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elizabethshaw · 7 months
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You'll dream about that box. It'll never leave you. Big and little at the same time. Brand new and ancient, and the bluest blue ever.
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thefrogdalorian · 6 months
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Din Djarin + Chapter 15: The Believer
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randomhuman45 · 2 months
Happy 20th Anniversary!!!🎉🎉🎉
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hrokkall · 4 months
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Year 3, no contact
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piece-of-hweat · 4 months
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Cheers to another year of little nightmares! 👁📺🎶
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thatcoyperson · 2 months
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I've dug two graves for us my dear.
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tothebbarricades · 7 months
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happy third year
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breadcheese444 · 1 year
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Happy three years since we first met
ⓒ encodori
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just leave me your stardust to remember you by 
[ ID: A digital illustration of Hunter from The Owl House. He is in his season three design, after the events in Thanks to Them. He is standing facing right, looking down at his hands that are out in front of him. He looks upset, and there are tears in his eyes. In his hands, a stream of green and yellow light orbs (similar to the ones flapjack turned into in Thanks to Them) float upwards, out of the drawing. End ID. ] 
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kayawolfhorse · 2 months
A soft tune dances in the desert air around Grian as he gathers his leftover blocks and checks the creeper farm’s collection system one last time. It’s empty, of course, the creepers having yet to spawn in the platforms he’d built along the border high above, but the minecart seems sound on its track, and that’s enough to satisfy Grian for now. He’s already sunken hours into this thing, and he’s ready to call it quits.
The adrenaline that had carried him through much of the day dissipates further with every step Grian takes towards the base. Paired with the rapid chill that sets in soon after sunset that leaves Grian tugging his poncho tighter around his shoulders and pressing his wings further against his back, Grian’s ready to grab Scar and collapse into bed, stealing his partner’s body heat as he passes out into oblivion.
The music grows louder as Grian rounds the bend of the base. He pauses briefly at the front, casting a sweeping gaze across the sand below, before pushing open the door. Contained no longer, the notes pour out of the Sand Castle, accompanied by Scar’s humming and the clatter of dishes just barely audible underneath.
When Scar hears Grian, he turns and raises the wooden spoon in his hand in joyful greeting. “Hi, Grian!”
“Hi, Scar.” Grian steps inside and closes the door behind him. Warm torchlight and plucky music, loud enough to fill the space but not enough so to be a bother, envelopes him from all sides. “What’s all this?”
“Celebration, of course!” Scar holds up a bowl of what looks to be unmixed flour and sugar. His shirt is nowhere to be seen, brown poncho wrapped around bare shoulders, and the cheer on his face is infectious. “For that magnificent triple kill of yours earlier.”
Grian goes to object, insist that it’s Scar’s kill, or that all of this fanfare is useless, but finds himself smiling slightly instead, at the ridiculous red name who drags around bees on leads and never has his clothes on and carefully sets up the jukebox with their only music disk.
Peeling off his armor and leaving it hanging on the wall next to Scar’s, Grian walks up to the counter, where ingredients have been set out and already spilled. “Whatcha up to?”
“Making cookies! As proud as I am of us stealing BigB’s cookie, the wooden flavor isn’t to my tastes,” Scar answers with a wink. “I’ve got sugar, eggs, salt… oh, you can have chocolate, right? Since you’re a bird and all.”
Grian snorts, leaning against the crafting table. “Avian. I’m only part bird, and the chocolate intolerance doesn’t come with it.”
“Oh, good. I would’ve been willing to leave them out if I had to, but you’ve gotta admit, it would’ve been sad.” Scar nods solemnly, then grins. “Good thing we don’t have to!”
“Very good, indeed.” Grian glances around the counter. “Do you have instructions anywhere?”
“Oh, no, of course not. I’ve got it all memorized in my head!” Scar grabs the eggs and cracks one into the bowl.
With a huff, Grian says, “Well, how am I supposed to help you, then?”
Scar pats him on the shoulder. “Don’t you worry about that, it’s on me! It’s your success we’re celebrating, after all. Like not baking your own cake on your birthday, except instead of it being your birthday, you killed three people. Actually, it’s a win for both of us, now that I think about it, so how about you help me roll them out when the dough is ready?”
Laughing despite himself, Grian flashes Scar a thumbs up and sets about checking their supplies across the room. When he’s finished preparing the dough, Scar calls Grian back over, and together they shape hunks of dough into little balls, setting them upon the iron baking tray Scar had insisted on making early on. It’s coming into use now, and soon the kitchen smells of sweet, delicious cookies.
“You know, this was a great idea on my part,” Scar says through a mouthful of cookie from where he sits, back against the wall next to Grian.
Grian’s inclined to agree. “You did good, pal.”
It’s nice, just existing here for a while. The sandstone floor beneath Grian is cool, but the room is warm, especially so close to the furnaces, and even warmer is Scar’s arm where it’s pressed against his own. Grian chews slowly, deliberating the things he might say, and those he won’t. He finds that neither really matters at the moment.
Scar starts humming again, in time with the jaunty melody of ‘Cat’ that floats from the jukebox. It’s been long enough that the disk has looped a few times now.
The quiet is comfortable, and Grian lets it linger as they both finish their cookies. Eventually, though, he breaks it to ask, “D’you have any plans for tomorrow?”
“Oh, I don’t know. I got BigB’s cookie, that’s all I wanted,” Scar responds, eyes half-closed.
Grian lightly whacks him on the knee. “You’re a red name! You need more ambition than cookies, Scar,” he scolds, mostly teasingly.
“Fine, fine!” Scar concedes with a laugh, turning towards Grian with a thoughtful look on his face. “I mostly just want to kill Bdubs and Cleo, really.”
“We can work with that! How’s a siege of the Crastle sounding?” Even through the drowsiness, ideas start to swirl in Grian’s mind. “I’m talking infiltration, TNT cannons, the whole shabang.”
“Oh, a man after my own heart.” Scar places his hand on his heart in a mock-swoon. “Will we have enough TNT for it?”
“I just set up a creeper farm,” Grian reminds him. “Truthfully, I’ve been itching to set up a cannon for days. If the farm works out, we’ll have plenty of gunpowder for all the TNT we want.”
“I am glad you’re on my side, let me tell you.” Scar smiles at him, scheming, mischievous, and Grian gives him one in return. He’s glad he’s on Scar’s side, too, a confession he’ll take to his inevitable grave.
The music disk is retired to a chest next to the jukebox, the non-essential torches extinguished for the night. Together Grian and Scar clean up the mess made in the kitchen and head for their bed, with its cheerful yellow blanket and grains of sand Grian can’t quite fully shake out of it. Scar’s warm as he lays beside Grian, and warmer still when he pulls him close, Grian throwing a wing over them both.
Tomorrow, they siege the Crastle. Tonight, Grian’s content to sink under the covers and curl closer to Scar, drifting off to the melody that still dances in his mind, consciousness fading to a soft, pleasant black.
(Reblogs do more than likes!)
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busterkeatonsociety · 13 days
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This Day in Buster…May 29, 1940 
Buster Keaton marries 21-year-old Eleanor Keaton, nee Eleanor Ruth Norris, at a ceremony in Los Angeles, California.  Despite Eleanor being encouraged not to go ahead by those seeking to protect Buster, she ignored the advice.  They remained together for 26 years until his passing & she continued to advocate for Buster’s legacy until her own death in 1998.
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charkie-ee · 2 months
💚💛❤️ Third Life Series in 2024 (happy 3 years of third life!!) 💚💛❤️
“This series went from being like ‘it’s hardcore with a gimmick!’ to ‘it’s like battle dome in here!’”
so because it has been 3 years since our beloved traffic series has started, i figured a good way to celebrate would be going back and watch 3rd life from the winners pov.
this post will basically contain notes from the 1st episode that my brain has entirely/somewhat forgotten.
if you have not watched 3rd life FULLY this is will contain spoilers! i feel like thats a given, but i'll put it here anyway.
(i was thinking about making this post just for funsies but then i checked the date and realized that it was actually 3rd life’s 3 year anniversary TODAY. fjdkjfkdjd I SO PLANNED THIS. TOTALLY!)
ONE MORE QUICK THING!!: did i forget anything? reply, or put it into the tags if theres something I missed!!
EPISODE ONE: Grian plays Minecraft… With a TWIST
. this is the first series Grian’s officially played using the proximity chat mod.
. mentioned briefly at 2:55, this is Grian’s first hardcore series he’s ever played in.
. the first person grian meets up with is BigB!
. Grian only sees RenDog once in his first episode.
. Grian was originally going to base somewhere in the flower forest (closer to where Scott and Jimmy eventually live) before basing with Scar in the desert. However, once he started building, Grian immediately disliked it, and called it the ugliest thing he’s ever built.
. Grian gives his flint and steel to Scar, which he uses to burn down Etho's dark oak tree.
. Grian hides two villagers, and originally wants to show them to Etho. However, Impulse, and Bdubs, follow, and the word gets out shortly after. *
. Scar and Grian were going to team up BEFORE Scar was killed. Scar first brings up having a monopoly on sand around the 12 minute mark.
. (not really notes but) Scar takes his shirt off for the first time at 15 minutes exactly. (i can’t believe im writing this smh)
. * Grian is invited to go back to the village after venturing to the sand biome with Scar, and trades his villagers. (he trades them for 3 diamonds, a dark oak sapling, a lava bucket, a juke box and disc, a bed, and some other lint)
. Grian explodes Scar at the 21:25 minute mark. There were 6 witnesses to his 'prank'. Impulse, Etho, Cleo, Bdubs, Tango, and Martyn. (my favorite thing about this is that Ren puts in the chat "Enchanting would have helped with that")
. Grian pledges his 1st life to Scar(didn't really forget that part, but i did forget that Grian loses his first life near the end of the series
. Pizza is first seen at the 25 minute mark exactly! (i think Pizza spawned in during a cut in Grian’s video. because i am only watching his pov, i do not know where Pizza originally cane from, this is the best estimate.)
. Grian abandons his first base in the flower forest at 26:15. This hole-in-the wall base didn’t last an episode.
. Grian and Scar originally wanted to have a monopoly over sand AND dark oak, and successfully chopped down the ‘only’ forest they saw. However, there was another not too far away from their base which ultimately ruined that monopoly. That being said, if the second dark oak forest had not been there, they might’ve had a chance at monopolizing dark oak saplings.
I will be doing more posts like this for all of the episodes of Grian’s pov. that being said, if i miss something that was said/a scene in a different pov, i will not include that in this post.
for now, i hope you’ve enjoyed this little forgotten-info post, and i encourage you to watch the series for yourself!
I remember watching 3rd life for the first time when the episodes were still coming out, and i’ve loved the series ever since. It was, and still is a comfort series i watch when going through tough times. I’ve met lots of people, and made lots of friends through this series, and although i don’t post a lot about it on my blog, i’m grateful to have found a community who feels the same.
thanks for reading!
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