#gryffinwhore sirius
wolfstarshipping · 11 months
The Things We'd Do For A Coffee Maker (6805 words) by AllThisAndLoveTooWillRuinUs Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, minor James Potter/Lily Evans Potter muggle AU, fake dating
Summary: In which to cover up a lie to Lily, Sirius and Remus have No Choice but to get fake married.   “So what you’re saying is, you’re planning to marry Sirius for. . . fun?” “And for a coffee maker, yes.”
Comment: This fic had everything I want from a fake dating fic, and the premise of Sirius sending Lily a fake wedding invite to get a free coffee maker is just so hilarious, if you haven't read it already I highly recommend reading it!
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Oliver Wood, head resting on Percy Wood's shoulder, frustrated about a Quidditch loss: FUCK the Welsh.
Sirius Black: What do you think the entire male portion of the graduating class of 1978 have been doing?!
Kinglsey (No I will not put his last name, shame on JKR): Fucking SPECIFICALLY Remus.
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bbbrrrackeeets · 3 years
teenage crush
sirius x reader
Years after graduating Hogwarts, Y/n bumps into an old schoolmate who she thought she’d never see again.
a/n: i don’t know how tumblr works pls i’m so stupid, anyways enjoy
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Laughter echoed through the corridor as a group of running fifth years approached Annie and I, more like bumped into us as if we were invisible.
Don't get me wrong, I was a gryffindor, I would've stood my ground anytime if it hadn't been the marauders.
Sirius Black was as always not wearing his tie, laughing hysterically at something James said, while Remus Lupin chased them down the corridor. Sirius had such a beautiful laugh and his piercing grey eyes made my stomach flutter every time I saw him.
But then again I was in second year and he was in fifth, he was my whole world, but to him I was no one.
Then third year came along and the marauders got even hotter, having almost every girl in their year and below at their feet, although at first they only had eyes for their two girl friends: Lily Evans and Marlene McKinnon.
Slowly, Sirius began to sleep around with every girl from fifth year and above, and James would have followed suit if it hadn’t been for Lily finally going out with him.
Then fourth year came along, and it was dumb of me to believe that with a little makeup and a summer tan I'd have Sirius at my feet. I’d spent all summer dreaming of going back to Hogwarts, of seeing him and finally being noticed by him.
To my misfortune the first time I saw him that September, he had his arms around Marlene McKinnon, and the stuff they were doing wasn’t stuff friends do.
I remember one time, just before Christmas break, we passed each other in the corridor I was quick to to say the first thing that came to mind, just to initiate conversation "It snowed"
"Thanks, I didn’t know" He snorted, making Remus laugh a little before they quickly rushed to the Charms classroom.
I made him laugh. That was an achievement right? I'd just caught him in a rush.
The next time I tried to initiate conversation I'd been drinking a little at the gryffindor party so I built up my courage and walked over to him; only midway, Marlene McKinnon stepped in front of him and they began an intense make out session. Of course they were dating, they were gryffindor’s golden couple, how hadn’t I known earlier?
Then NEWTS came by and I barely saw him or any seventh year at all. The day they graduated and left I was completely heartbroken, knowing I’d lost my last chance, knowing I’d never see him again.
I'd just turned 20 and came back to England from America, where i'd been working as a journalist for the past 4 years.
I left everything behind to come back home since I got a better offer from a woman named Rita Seeker? Skeetle? Something like that.
I hadn’t visited England since I graduated from Hogwarts. The day I got my job in New York I didn’t hesitate to grab all my belongings and leave, looking for a brand new adventure. Now that the adventure was over, I was coming back.
So when I walked inside the first bar I saw in Diagon Alley, the last thing I expected to see was my old school friend Annie, sitting very closely to my ex boyfriend Sam. They looked so different yet so similar to when I last saw them.
I stood there awkwardly considering turning around and leaving, then I remembered I had to act like a grown up now, “Well, shit” I sighed.
So taking in a deep breath I made my way to my old friends.
"Annie!" I smiled, making the girl jump from Sam’s embrace and turn around with confusion.
"Yup" I faked a chuckle to break the tension. "How have you two been?"
"Uh..." Sam looked from me to Annie and back to me. “We’re good”
"We're… engaged" Annie smiled a little, afraid of how I might react as she showed me her ringed finger. It stung a little, but hearing the sound of her voice, the voice I hadn’t heard in years, instantly made me feel a little better.
"Well congratulations!" I smiled. "I'm so happy for you two!"
"Really?" Sam asked hopefully.
"Really" I nodded, swallowing my pride and ego. Had everyone forgotten about me that quick?
"How's America?" Annie asked, quickly changing the topic.
"It was wonderful" I smiled softly. "Hey, I'm gonna get a drink, we'll talk later, yes?"
"Of course!" Sam quickly answered still confused with the random encounter.
I turned to make my way for the bar when Annie called my name again.
"Yes?" I asked turning to face them.
"It really is great to see you" She smiled almost sadly.
"You too" I waved back and finally sat at the bar, as far from the couple’s view as I could, ordering a round of shots.
"Trouble in paradise?" The guy beside me asked and I chuckled humourlessly and gulped in a shot.
"Well my best friend and ex are engaged so yeah it's not sunny in paradise" I shrugged and drank another shot.
"So you're drinking the news down?" He asked and I raised my eyebrows, contemplating the idea before shrugging and finishing the round.
"What's your name?" He asked in a chuckle and I didn't bother looking at him.
"Y/n" I mumbled.
"I'm Sirius"
My heartbeat stopped. Sirius Black, the guy who broke my heart years ago. The seventh year who'd never spare me a glance.
When I met his grey eyes everything came back.
"Do I have something on my face?" He asked with a smirk.
"You don't remember me?" I asked almost in disbelief. How the hell did I expect him to remember me?
"Should I?"
"I guess not" I shrugged.
"Did you go to Hogwarts?" He asked and I nodded. "So we know each other?"
"Well I know you" I confessed, feeling alcohol start to make its way to my thoughts. "We never actually talked and I had the biggest crush on you"
He laughed, I had forgotten about his laugh. "What year?"
"You were three years above me"
"Well then what were you expecting? You were a child!" He exclaimed, barking out a laugh.
"And you were a jerk and a player!" I fired back, trying to hide my smile.
"Not going to deny that" He chuckled and I chuckled softly. He was nice to talk to.
"The thing is you broke my heart" I confessed and his eyebrows rose at that. "You started dating McKinnon and then you graduated and left. I bloody cried that day" I chuckled.
"Really?" He asked in a playful way. The trace of a smirk in his face.
"Yes" I sighed looking down at the wooden bar.
"Then why didn't you talk to me?"
"I gave you the weather report once" I shrugged and he laughed again loudly. “Told you it was snowing”
"Thats an interesting way of flirting" He furrowed his eyebrows, looking at me curiously.
"To me it was. You were older and hot and it was intimidating" I shrugged.
"And how's that changed?" He smirked.
"Now I'm drunk and hotter than you"
"Hotter than me?" He asked in surprise. "No one’s hotter than me"
I giggled softly and met his eyes. They made me feel calm instantly, as if we were long time friends, when actually we’d never spoken.
"I feel like i've known you all my life" He suddenly whispered, thinking out loud and I smiled as if he’d read my mind.
"That's nice" I teased. "I've known you all my life"
He threw his head back in laughter and my heart melted a little.
"I'm sorry I never paid you attention back then" He recomposed himself, taking one last sip of his whiskey
"It's not your fault" I shrugged. "It's no one’s fault, it just wasn’t meant to happen”
"And now here we are, huh?" He smirked again and I giggled and hit his arm softly.
“Well I always say timing’s a bitch” I nod in agreement, feeling a little nervous at his strong glance.
“But now timing is on our side, isn’t it?” He raised his eyebrows. “ And only if you want we can meet again"
"Oh, but how do I know Black isn’t a player anymore?" I smirked teasingly.
"Perhaps you'll have to find out"
"Perhaps I want to"
"Then perhaps I want too"
I giggled and he smiled at me, grey eyes piercing into mine. Maybe this time fate really was on my side, maybe all this years had been worth the wait.
Maybe I still had a chance.
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saintchaser · 3 years
✨yall it's rant time✨
note that it's my opinion don't kill me pls
what am i ranting today about? the sirius- the-gryffinwhore trope! so i think you all know the drill, sirius sleeps with half or all the chicks in hogwarts and then he dumps them/ treats them Horribly.
with the sad need to look to canon, we have this phrase extracted from snape's worst memory in order of the phoenix.
"with another shock of excitement, harry saw sirius give james the thumbs-up. sirius was lounging in his chair at his ease, tilting it back on two legs. he was very good-looking; his dark hair fell into his eyes with a sort of casual elegance neither james’s nor harry’s could ever have achieved, and a girl sitting behind him was eyeing him hopefully though he didn’t seem to have noticed."
so sirius wasn't exactly interested in the attention he was getting from girls. and since half of the marauders era fandom is portraying sirius in a relationship with remus and YET some are still doing this (i've seen this type of stuff too and i don't wanna talk about it), i really don't think their relationship could work?
sirius is the type to stay loyal and commit to a relationship so this thing ^ above is so out of character.
and, ok, let's say he is a ladies' man. a casanova. he sleeps around. but the way he treats those girls in fanfiction is,,, ✨no✨. he's the type to treat people with,, respect, so, in my opinion, he 1, wouldn't jump from girl to girl THAT fast and 2, he'd treat them properly?? he wouldn't just sleep with them and then abandon them just like that????
someone also added, and i thought it's worth mentioning: "I can’t even think of how many times I’ve read about Sirius sleeping around and then he figures out he likes Remus and “those times with girls hadn’t even meant anything/felt good anyway”"
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Hi, umm, yes, I'd like to order a last-minute stripper. Oh, um, preferably of Asian heritage, very bendy, with a heart of gold and a crotch of gold.
Sirius Black
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ameliasbitvh · 2 years
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a/n: idk fam, i feel too lazy to make a sequel so i might as well just leave it here. IMSORRYABOUTTHAT<?@$&*)(^ anyways…
summary: this is such a cliche fic I feel idk? you and regulus decide to get married but you are soon silenced by his words and what you haven't spoken leads him to speculations of you having an affair with his brother.
library account: @ameliasbitvhlibrary !!
wc: 5.7k (oops I got carried away)
warning(s): implied smut, arguing, walburga black, orion black, the evil mother in law slaps you, a lot of arguing, regulus thinks you're cheating on him, angst, a cliff hanger but no sequel, crying, tears being shed, mediocre writing and not proof read!!
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HE LOVED the way you smiled when he was around, the way your fingers twirled between his curly locks, the way your eyes lit up at the sight of him. He knew that he was loved and that’s all he ever wanted. All he ever wanted was to be wanted. 
You both were in the slytherin common room, your legs and hands intertwined with each other on the black couch. His fingers nimbled, playing with yours. He always wanted to know what his ring would look like on your hand, so he gave it a try. Slyly, he slipped the ring onto your thumb and it wrapped around your finger snug as a bug. Looking at your hand, you gave him an adorned smile and asked, “What do you think you’re doing, Mr. Black?” 
“Making you; Mrs. Black.” he responded with a snide smirk that you wanted to slap off, but you couldn’t deny the heat rushing to the apple of your cheeks. You hid your grin by looking down, he grabbed your chin and softly placed a tender kiss on your lips. “Flustered? Aren’t you, Sweetheart?” him and his big ego.
“Of course I am! Regulus Fucking Black said that he’s going to make me Mrs. Black! What a dream? Oh! And he’s got the dreamiest eyes ever, I swear to Merlin I could melt into a puddle if he looked at me!” you exclaimed, sarcasm dripping from your lips.
“Why haven’t you melted into a puddle yet, Witch? Should I pour some water on you? And if in fact looking at you would make you melt, you would’ve been a pool in the first year because that was the first time I ever looked at you and thought: hey, she’s kinda cute?” 
“Well, Wizard, maybe it’s because I thought the exact same thing. So it cancels out. You know? When I look into the mirror I tell myself: ‘Damn If I wasn’t me, I’d bend myself over a counter and fuck me right there.’”
A chorkle left his throat. He was not expecting that, but then again; with you he knew to never expect but to be surprised. 
You quickly joined along with him laughing to your heart's content. You loved knowing that you made Your Boy happy. 
Regulus, well he’d never truly been happy. The last time he could recall being happy (before he met you) was when he was at the mere age of four. He and his brother Sirius who was five at the time, were running around their home chasing each other until their short legs grew tired. But even then, they raced as a nervous Kreacher warned the two to stop messing around before their parents got home. The two boys lost in a land of their most creative desires and crafts lost track of time, and before they knew it their parents were home. He was happy, until he heard the screams and cries of a struggling Sirius. His mother. Walburga was always strict and mean, she never let the boys have fun, she’d rather leave them in their own filth. 
The little boy with a mop of curls hid behind the wall, he slowly moved to take a peek at Sirius and saw his small and shaking frame, trembling but no tears had fallen from his dark blue eyes. At such a young age Sirius had learned to shut all his emotions out and Regulus soon followed, until he met you. 
Sirius had his friends in Gryffinwhore: James, Remus, Peter, and whoever else was friends with him. He knew you and Sirius were friends, but he chose to ignore that. Ignore the fact that everyone else around him had been able to form a relationship with his own blood brother, but him. 
HE BREATHED you in, never daring to breathe you out. God, he couldn’t stop thinking about putting a ring on that pretty finger of yours. Just the way that his family ring looked on your thumb was…no words. He couldn’t fathom the fact that one day you would be ‘Mrs. Black.’ and he couldn’t wait for it. Clearly, because he already had a ring picked out in your size. A big diamond plastered on it, glistening in the sun. But he couldn’t marry you just yet, you were both sixteen and he didn’t want to scare you away–never. 
He was afraid of rejection, he didn’t want you to say no and laugh at his proposal. He knew that you weren’t that type of person but that thought still crossed his mind a few…thousand times. 
It was quiet in his dorm, Evan had gone out with one of his new girlfriends for the day. Evan Rosier didn’t give a damn about how many hearts he broke, as long as he got a taste he was fine. And that was one of the many things about the blonde that repulsed Regulus. But Regulus couldn’t just drop him for these things, Evan had been his rock, his ride or die, his sorta brother throughout the past six years. Regulus would never tell the young Rosier this, but he was thankful for him. 
The room had the dim light of a burning lamp, he sat on the edge of his bed quietly and suddenly he found himself searching for the ring. He got up from his bed decorated in dark green silk sheets and his hands traveled around his drawer for a second until he found what he was looking for: the ring. He opened the box carefully and analyzed how the diamond reflected his reflection in a million small mirrors, all staring back at him. Thoughts of how you would react when he got on one knee one day were coursing through his mind, so indulged in it he didn’t notice his friend who walked in. 
Evan’s jaw dropped at the sight of the hunk of jewel, he must really fucking like you. “Woah,” 
Regulus immediately snapped the lid shut and shut the box into his pants, hiding it. “Mate, what do you have a whole ass diamond for? Is it for Y/n?” The brunette didn’t like the instant questions being thrown at him, he felt like he was being interrogated. 
“No it’s not–” 
“Don’t even try to lie, Regulus. You’re terrible at it.” 
Regulus stood, hands in his pockets, his tongue rolling against the inside of his cheek. With a gruff sigh he confessed, “Fine, it’s for her.” 
“Are you going to marry her? If you are–what will your parents think? Has she met them yet? Have you asked for her fathers approval ye–” 
“N–yes, I don’t know?! No, no and no! Just stop asking about it.” 
“Geez, someone’s in a bad mood I see.” Evan teased with a fake pout. 
“And if you want to move on, I’ll tell you about how my date went and Merlin she was a fireball I tell you! Fierce as a hippogriff fighting a–” right then and there, Regulus tuned the blonde out and let his mind wander off again. 
HE LOOKED at you, his gaze lingering making your cheeks heat up.
You were sitting across from him at a restaurant he had taken you to.
It was summer break, Sirius and the marauders had just graduated and Regulus decided to take you out after the long day, just so he could make it a long night. He had been planning this moment out ever since the fifth year when he realized that he truly did love you and he was terrified of it. 
Terrified of what love made him do, how it manipulated every single move he made, how it changed his mind…how you changed his mind. 
Regulus Black wasn’t one to believe in love, all because growing up he had never had or experienced love and now you were the one to show him it. And it was the most beautiful, but gut wrenching thing he’s ever experienced. If you told him to jump off a cliff, god have mercy on him because he would. He would do anything for you at the drop of a hat and it made him happy knowing you would do the same for him. How your gaze was never on another man or woman the way it was on him; with him, your eyes lit up as a smile graced your beautiful face. With everyone else you had a friendly disposition. 
He was ready to drop to one knee the moment you told him, “I don't care what everyone else thinks of us. I want you and only you, not him but you.” 
The whole school had been gossiping about you and Regulus once you two started dating. There were many speculations, but nothing confirmed them; until the whole great hall saw his hand wrapped around your waist, your head leaning onto his shoulder. 
At the gryffindor table the four boys were stunned, James jabbed sirius in the shoulder before saying, “Pads, isn’t that–” 
“My ex and my brother snuggling up like a bunch of lovesick first years? They look like horses to me, so yeah, that’s them.” oops, I guess I forgot to mention that part of the story…
“Does he know that you and Y/n were together?” Peter asked, his eyes opened wide, still in shock at the new couple. 
“I’m not sure, Wormtail…but he will now!” Sirius quickly started to get up from his seat when Remus pulled him down harshly. “Sirius, you will not dare to go over there. If she wants him to know she will tell him, if he doesn’t already know.” 
“How could he not know though? I mean, Pads and Y/n would snog all the bloody time!” James exclaimed. 
“You forgot that he’s emo, Prongs. He doesn’t care about other people, okay? He only cares about him and his mummy and daddy.”
“Add Y/n onto that list, Pads.” Peter squeaked as he watched Regulus plant kisses onto your face, you giggling. 
“You know what? I’m not surprised Y/n went after him, she’s a bloody Slytherin. Just like him, they were made for each other.” the eldest Black brother scoffed, pushing his food away like it was filled with rubbish. 
After dinner, both you and Regulus raced to his dorm, quick to get away from other people. Once you both arrived into the boys room, you noticed how his smile had fallen. So yours faltered in return, “Hey, what’s wrong?” 
“I–it’s nothing, Y/n.” 
“Are you sure? You know you can tell me anything, I’m here for you.” 
“I know that.” 
“What’s got you so moody? You were just fine a second ago, Regulus?” 
He took a deep breath. He didn’t want to explode on you right now and chase you out of the relationship so goddamn soon.
“Regulus, just tell me–I can see that it’s bothering you.”
“You know what’s bothering me? You!” he barked out, his fists clenched. 
You flinched, taking a step back, your back hitting the wall. A lump in your throat began to form, you sniffled trying to deflect your tears from ricocheting. Suddenly a switch flipped back inside of him, “that’s not what i meant–i mean, i keep hearing everyone talking about us and–just–please don’t leave me for him.” 
“Him?” you queried, confused. 
“Tell me the truth, Y/n.” he begged, tears surfacing his eyes as his body began to tremble. 
“Sweetheart–what do you want to know, I promise I’ll tell you the truth, I always will.” you pleaded, your arms wrapping around his tall, but sunken frame. 
He lifted his head up to look at you, his blue eyes stricken with tears. You couldn’t help but notice how pretty he was. 
“Were you ever with my brother, Sirius? Because I keep hearing these bloody people talking about it and I want you to tell me the truth, not these lowlifes.” 
Your mouth hung low, you swallowed the lump in your throat. You weren’t expecting that, “I–I’m sorry Regulus, I thought you knew…”
“Knew what? That you were with my brother? I wouldn’t have gotten with you if I knew! I swear to Merlin if this is just a part of your plan to get back with Sirius or get back at him, I don't want any part of it. And to think I let you, you out of all people walk all over me and convince me that you even slightly liked me the way I did you? All I ever do is get his sloppy seconds, don’t I–” Now that was below the fucking belt.
Your palm slapped across his face, tears welling in your eyes. “Don’t you dare call me that. I’m sorry that I caught feelings for you? It’s not my fault I can't control what I feel–Sirius and I weren't in a serious relationship, it was just for fun–” 
“So is this for fun too? Messing with me. Just like you did him?” 
“Oh my–if you just listen and don’t interrupt me–” 
“How are you supposed to explain to me that you were with my brother and now me?!” 
“Let me then!” you exclaimed, your throat sore from yelling. 
“Look, i’m sorry that i didn’t tell you about it but it’s because i thought you already knew. Him and I dated when I was in fourth year, it was nothing more but puppy love. I would never date you in revenge for him, or as a strategy to get back with him. I like you, not him Regulus. Merlin, I knew I had a liking towards you when we were in third year and you were sitting there next to Evan and doing your work. Completely ignoring him…I noticed one of your curls fell onto your face, blocking your view and you blew at it to get it out of the way. And when you looked up, you caught me staring and–” 
“And I glared at you…” he said with a small smile. 
“Yeah,” you smiled back. “Even though you looked at me like you wanted me dead, I couldn't help but think you were cute.”
“I don't care what everyone else thinks of us. I want you and only you, not him but you.” 
He grabbed your chin and slowly delivered a kiss onto your lips, it tasted of salty tears of love stricken teens and the bittersweet melody of chaos. 
“I want you, Reggie–I need you.” 
You couldn't help but notice how your lover had been acting strange and more nervous than ever today. You reached your hand out to his after the both of you had finished eating and asked him, “Why are you so nervous, Reggie?” 
“What are you talking about?” he said, his eyes looking anywhere but at you, he was fidgeting with your hands as well. Either he was bored or had something he was hiding. 
Gasping you joked, “Are you cheating on me?” 
His eyes widened quickly as his jaw dropped, his grip on your hands tighter than before. “Darling, I would never–where did you get that from? I wouldn’t even dare to look at another woman–”
“I’m joking, Sweetheart!” you laughed, throwing your head back.
“You’re an evil witch, Black.” 
“Black?” you questioned, curiously. 
“Yeah, Mrs. black.” 
“Well, aren't you so sure about that.”
“Oh, I am, Dear. Just as long as you accept this.” he stood up from his seat, and began to bend down onto one knee. You were mind blown and panicking, it was evident. Merlin, your mind was racing, you didn't know what to say. You felt like you were about to explode, you couldn't handle the anticipation pumping inside you and your heart beat faster than a drum. 
“Y/n Y/l/n, I know you don’t like long and dragged things so I’ll just cut to the chase–will you marry me and become Mrs. Black?” he asked nervously, as he opened the ring box to show off the diamond to you. “Oh my–Regulus are you insane?! That ring it’s–holy shit! And, aren’t we too young–i–what do I say?!” 
“Uhh…yes?” he responded to you. 
“Oh–oh, yeah! Yes! I’ll marry you!” you exclaimed once you regained your consciousness. 
(2 weeks later) 
HE WRAPPED his arm around your waist and you turned around to give him a kiss. You both were in the kitchen of the home you and your parents lived in, Y/l/n Manor. 
Chewing on your lip you asked him something you’d been thinking about for awhile. Because your parents were shocked to hear of the sudden proposal but nonetheless accepted it because they knew that you loved him and he loved you just as much. Now, you wondered what his parents thought of it. You had never really met them before, even though yours and his family were both of pureblood, your parents were much like Fleamont and Euphemia Potter. So the Blacks’ despised your family and you couldn’t help but wonder what they thought and if they're okay with it. 
“Yes, Darling?” 
“I–I couldn't stop thinking about this and I don't want to make you uncomfortable but–what do your parents think about this? The proposal and the fact that we're going to get married, I mean.” 
Taking a deep breath, he responded, “i didn’t tell them,”
Stepping away from him you asked, “why didn’t you?”
“Y/n. You know how they’ll react with me marrying…you know, you?” 
“Me?” you said, almost offended but you could also understand where he was coming from. 
“Yes, because of your family–it’s so different from mine and my parents wouldn't like us together.” 
“Then why’d you propose, Regulus, if you knew that this would cause such a problem why would you–God, we can’t get married one day and throw it on your parents saying ‘oh, hey mum and dad! By the way I married Y/n Y/l/n, the daughter of a family you hate!’ it just doesn't work that way…i shouldn't have said yes…” 
The last words you mumbled caught his attention, “What did you say?”
“I’m sorry, but your parents are never going to approve of me–we may love each other but I know you! You love your family and I don't want it to end up to the point where you have to choose your family or me! I don’t want you to go through that.” 
“If you don’t then why are you bringing this up?” 
“I’m bringing this up because I'm looking ahead and into our future, I’m telling you it’s better to let them know now then later! We can’t just–” 
“But if we get married already, then they can't make us leave each other!” He had a point but that didn’t make it right. 
“That isn’t right though!” 
“Then what’s right? Tell me, Y/n” 
“I want to meet your parents.” 
Now that you were at 12, Grimmauld Place, you were starting to regret what you said. You clung onto regulus’s arm, afraid to let go. He looked down at you and pressed a kiss onto your head before the door swung open to show Walburga and Orion Black. You’ve heard many stories about these two and you wanted to immediately smack them in the face the moment you saw them, but knew that you shouldn’t. But you wanted to. 
“Welcome home, Dear.” she said with a fake smile on her face trying to hide the desperate scowl begging to be released. “And who is this?” Orion asked, his eyes lingering on your figure. Regulus cleared his throat before speaking, “Mother, father, I want you to meet, Y/n Y/l/n. My fiance.” 
“Both of you, come inside.” she said through gritted teeth, her eyes burning into yours. 
Yep, you were definitely starting to regret saying you wanted to meet them. 
Now, all of you were sitting on a large black leather couch. Walburga’s eyes scanning the rock on your hand, analyzing it. 
“Are you out of your mind, Regulus?!” she screamed. 
“I asked him that too,” you mumbled under your breath and she heard. She threw a glare at you, the same one he gave you in third year. But this time it was haunting. 
“Why didn’t you pick another girl from Slytherin? There are many like B–” 
“I’m not going to marry my own cousin.” he grumbled. 
“What was that?” Orion demanded. 
“Father, I cannot marry my own cousin–someone who I'm related to and do not love.” 
“What do you know about love?” his mother asked, her veins pulsing out of her skin. 
Silence. That was all, it was silence. He, nor his parents spoke, leaving an awkward tension in the air that you desperately wanted to get rid of but couldn’t because it wasn’t your place. 
Suddenly, his mother turned her attention to you. “So, tell me, Y/l/n. What makes you so special that my son wants your hand in marriage?” 
“I–I’m not too sure, Mrs. Black.” 
She turned to Orion and snickered, “She’s not even sure of herself.” 
You tilted your head as your face contorted into disgust, “If you have something to say about me, say it to my face, please.”
Her face turned even more wicked than it was before, “How dare you try and tell me what to do, Little Girl!” 
Your fiance’s expression was worrisome, his eyes darting between the two women. His hand gripped yours and he held on tight. 
Your eyes met hers, a challenge you threatened her with. “How dare I? How dare you! To talk down on me and not even have an ounce of shame, cowering away–trying to make me the villain!” 
She scoffs, regulus tries to stop you, orion sits enjoying the free theater act and you, you were enraged.
“Listen up, Blood traitor! With that big mouth of yours, you will never marry my son! You got that? I will never allow my own child to marry a disrespectful, rude, unmannered, filth of a supposedly witch!” she barked out roughly, her veins popping out of her skin. 
You thought about it, you thought about biting down on your tongue and sitting to digest every cruel word she had spewed out of her wicked mouth. But you wouldn’t let a pathetic excuse of a mother take you down and let her have the victory of winning. Regulus quietly pleaded with you to stop, his frame moving in front of you to block your view of his mother. But you couldn’t stay quiet. You needed to put this woman in her place. 
“No, you listen up! You pathetic excuse of a mother! Making your eldest feel like he was nothing but a piece of rubbish waiting to be discarded! Making your son, my fiance Regulus carry every damn wretched secret, tasking him with things that could end his life–you, you are a terrible excuse of a witch, not me. And their childhood?! Merlin, you couldn’t have done worse could you? You would’ve left them in their own filth if you cou–” her cold palm struck your warm cheek. You quickly stopped your speech and grasped your face, feeling the fiery sensation of hatred etching from it. Your jaw dropped and so did Regulus’s, but he didn’t say anything. Instead he simply dropped your hand and stared at his mother. 
His eyes pierced into hers, they both had those deep blue eyes. But he had a light hiding beneath, begging to be dug out so that he could show the world just how damn bright Regulus Black could shine.
He wasn't a shadow, he was a light waiting to be unleashed. You, you were the one to unleash it, but at this moment he didn't know where this light and sparkle went nor did you. His face was stone cold, emotionless. He watched as your eyes filled with tears…he watched you flee the scene. 
“SHE FUCKING hit me…” you digested as you raced to your room.
“And he did nothing. A coward, you are Regulus Arcturus Black.” you sat on your bed and pulled your knees to your chest, a few hot tears slipped out. You just couldn't comprehend how he could let her do that and not say a word? Didn’t you mean enough for him to at least try and stand up for you? He wanted to marry you, yet couldn’t–
Your thoughts were interrupted by a slam of the door. Regulus had come. His curls were a mess, his eyes bloodshot, and his clothes were tousled. “What the fuck were you thinking?! Now you’ve really done it. She doesn’t want us to see each other at all now! Merlin, you just have to ruin everything, don’t you?!”
“Me? I’m sorry that I felt like your parents should know what we’re going to do! I’m sorry that I’ll never be the perfect little wife for you, that I won’t be good enough for your parents, for your family, for anyone! All I've ever wanted to be was enough! And all you do is prove me wrong! I love you, Regulus. I truly do, so I’m sorry that me standing up for the both of us is embarrassing to you.” 
“You wouldn’t have to stand up for anyone if you just shut that big fucking mouth of yours! That’s all you have to do.” he snapped, his fists clenching. 
And this, this was just the beginning to the last straw.
He hurt you somewhere he knew hurt, you couldn’t help that you talked too much. It’s just that you always have so much on your mind that you can't help but spew out the words flowing inside you. And Regulus was one of the people who didn't mind it, in fact he actually enjoyed it. Having someone always initiate conversations, someone to actually talk to, someone who didn't bore him to death. 
But now, all the boy would know were small replies and nods of your pretty head. 
Your eyes welled up as you fought back the tears threatening to spill. Your throat had a lump caught in it and you tried so damn hard to swallow it as you tried to digest your pride at the same time. Hearing those words leave the precious boys lips froze you. You felt like you were stuck in the same place as time flew by. You watched as everything sped past you, graduation and even your own wedding. 
It didn't even feel like the most special day of your life, it felt like every other day of your life, except this time you were in a big white dress. You couldn’t even remember the wedding night, it was a blur. The only recollection you had were his lips on your neck and by then everything faded to black. 
YOU'VE NEVER felt so…numb before. You’ve gotta say that you owe a thank you to the curly haired boy because if it wasn’t for him you wouldn’t have stayed silent for all this time.
He was the reason for the eerie sensation that lingered in the air when he tried to talk to you. He tried so hard to crack the code and understand why you would no longer speak or utter a word.
He had noticed how quiet you’d gotten after the fight you both had, but he didnt think about it much. Because he noticed how much happier his mother was after he had told you to stop talking and you seemed like you didn't mind.
So what was the problem? Did you not love him anymore? He couldn't comprehend it? What had he done wrong? 
But what you saw was that he wanted you to stop talking and all you did was obey. So why was he so mad? 
“Y/n, you’ve got to stop playing this stupid game–just fucking talk to me! Merlin, I miss the way you laugh, the way you smile, the way you talk, I just miss that spark you had. I miss the old you.” ah, the last words he had said made you laugh, just a little. 
His eyes widened, finally he had heard some sort of laugh from you. “You miss the old me? I thought you were embarrassed by her.”
“Wha–what are you talking about?” 
“Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about.” 
“I don’t, so please inform me?” 
“Are you that fucking daft?” you said in a short answer, boredly your fingers nimbled with your wedding ring. 
“y/n, just tell me!” 
“No.” slowly, you slipped the ring off and he watched you with careful eyes. 
“What are you doing?” he asked, skeptically as he took a step forward closer to your frame.
“Nothing!” you chirped a little too quickly and slid the ring back on. 
Following, you turned on your foot and walked away from him to your shared room at his parents home. 
Slowly, you sat on the bed criss crossed and took a deep breath in as you stared out the window. Merlin, what were you doing with your life? All you did was waste your days sitting in a room waiting for your husband to come home, careful to not disturb your in-laws because you weren't in the mood to get slapped. But at least you had some people to keep you company, Sirius, Remus, Peter, James, Lily, Marlene and Dorcas. They all sent at least one letter a day to keep you up to date with their lives and you’d do the same, even if all you wrote back was the same old staying cooped up in a room until your lover came home. 
Sirius, he felt terrible for you. He knew you were a sweet girl, and for you to be treated like something that regulus couldn’t lose, something that'd always be there, he felt bad for you and was ashamed of his brother. Even with the past history of you two, you both found a way to reconnect as friends after the marriage without making it awkward because you guys were in-laws after all. 
“I’m telling you Moony, Y/n feels like rubbish being with Regulus! All her letters are the same thing, she does the same thing everyday! Stays in his room, that's it!” Sirius exclaimed, angry at his younger brother for treating his wife like that. He and Remus were at the Potter’s (Lily and James, of course). 
“You're right, Pads…but what can we possibly do about it?” 
“I–I don't know–but I will, just give me time! I’ll owl her and ask her to meet me.” 
HE WALKED into the room, he was exhausted and he saw that you were too because of your sleeping body on the bed. He smiled to himself, he loved you so much and he just wanted you to feel better. All he wanted in that moment was to wrap his arms around you and not feel you tense, but melt like how you did in fifth year.
The things he would do to have you back and not this ghost, a fake. He still remembered that conversation you both had in the common room that night, your spunkiness and how unexplainable you were to him, he wanted to know you even more than he already did. There was something about you that drew him in, wanting more. And now that he had more, it seemed that you had less. Less energy, less personality, less light, less…love. That was his biggest fear, the day you realized that you no longer loved him and would leave him alone. He couldn’t love in the dark, he needed you, his light. 
You were his light in the end of the dark tunnel, because all you’ve ever done was bring out the best in him. You weren't afraid to push him out of his comfort zone and he was thankful for that, without you he wouldn't have experienced so many of the things he had now, like love. But he was afraid that love was what you were not experiencing. 
He missed the way you sparkled, glistening. You held your hand out to him and he gladly took it, you brought him out of the shadows and introduced him to the spotlight on a stage.
A stage where he and you played the role of the love stricken fools who were too young to know what love was. But he swore to Merlin that this was love, the way your hand felt in his hand was love, the way you rolled your hips against him was love.
But what wasn't love was the way that you'd neglect his touch, the fact when he wrapped his arms around you, you didn't shiver the way you used to, now you shiver with a cold disposition. It was no longer warm, it was freezing. He didn't know what to do to thaw you out? He couldn't figure it out?
What he didn’t know was that you didn't feel like you were living, you felt like you were surviving. 
He wished something or someone would give him a fucking sign! 
That’s when a bird that looked oddly familiar knocked at the window, a letter in its mouth. Regulus looked at it curiously before he reached out to receive the parchment. That’s when he noticed the names.
To: Y/n Black 
From: Sirius Black 
His brow furrowed at his brother's name, “What could he possibly want to tell her?” he scoffed under his breath. 
Carefully he unwrapped the message to read: Hey, Y/n! I noticed that you seemed lonely, so meet me in Diagon Alley at The Leaky Cauldron for a good time!
“Lonely? A good time? What the fuck–I fucking knew it. She’s cheating on me with my own damn brother, of course she would! She was with him first, she’d always choose him over me.” he crumpled the paper up with hatred forming every wrinkle and crack onto the paper. Following, he hurled it into the trash can. Grabbing his coat, he looked back at you sleeping and grumbled under his breath, “I’ll give someone a damn good time tonight and it won’t be you, Mrs. Black.” 
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Sirius and Regulus passing each other in the hall:
Regulus: Gryffinwhore.
Sirius: Slythershit.
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xomarauders · 4 years
Heyyy idk if you remember that ask you answered abt that douche harassing sirius and I remeberd that on it at one point McGonagall asked to speak to Sirius, I was wondering if you ever thought abt writing that scene?? Cuz I would DEFINITELY love to read it, only if u want tho
tw: talk of sexual harassment/assault
read the first part here if you’d like :)
“Take a seat, Sirius.”
McGonagalls voice was soft, but firm enough that Sirius didn’t dare disobey. He sat down on the usual chair he sat in whenever he was called into her office—mostly for detentions with James—and pulled his legs up so that his chin was rested atop his knees. The position made him look pathetic, he was sure, but he really didn’t care. He felt so humiliated and small already, why not just try to make himself disappear?
He could sense McGonagall’s gaze on him but refused to meet her eye. He didn’t want her to see him cry and he knew that if he saw any sort of concern in her face, he’d lose whatever composure he’d been trying to keep together since leaving the Great Hall.
“Is Remus in trouble?” He said, hoping that by asking about his friend she might forget to talk about him.
“He has detention with me this evening.”
Sirius just hummed in response, picking at the laces on his not-dress-code-approved boots. The image of Remus punching Thomas flooded back into his mind and he felt his throat grow tight. Sure, Remus punched Thomas, got him pretty good, too, but Remus probably thought Sirius was a whore now. There was no chance that Remus could love him now, not when those godforaken rumors finally reached his ear. Gods, the whole fucking school had to have heard by now and they were all going to think—
He looked up to see McGonagall looking at him, one thin eyebrow raised in question.
“I’m sorry, did you ask me something?” He asked, feeling heat rise to his cheeks.
“I asked if you’ve been experiencing any other harassment as of late?”
Sirius stared at her, the words on the tip of his tongue.
Stephen Perry cornered me in the locker rooms after the Quidditch game asking if my ass was as good as everyone says it is. Abram Defreis tried to stick his hands down my pants while we were making out and told everyone he had succeeded even though he hadn’t. Both Richie Wadsworth and Quentin Dall said I blew them behind the hidden tapestry in the cooridors and Thomas Greenway has been harassing me all week trying to get me to sleep with him and now the whole school thinks I’m a whore because I rejected him and he lashed out.
“No,” he said instead, his stomach feeling sick, “not really. I guess Thomas just got a little upset.”
McGonagall stared at him for a long moment, a look of disbelief and concern on her face before she finally nodded.
“Okay. But Sirius? If you ever need to talk to someone or expirience anything like this —whether it happened in the past or not—my door is open.”
Sirius nodded once, a few tears finally escaping his eyes before he stood and exited the room.
It was a few days later that Sirius found himself back in McGonagall’s office. After talking with both James and Remus, they had insisted that he tell their head of house the whole truth as to what was going on. He had refused vehemently for awhile, but he finally had to cave when Lance Yearsley pushed him up against the library books and stuck his tongue down Sirius’ throat after claiming that “he wanted his turn before the Gryffinwhore became too loose.”
Ms Pince had heard the books Sirius had been holding fall to floor as he tried to push Lance away and quickly split them up once she reached them, sending a very angry Lance to Dumbledore and a very distraught Sirius to Professor McGonagall.
So there he sat, in her office with tears stains on his cheeks and tea that had gone cold sitting in front of him. He wished that Remus was there. Remus had been so comforting the past few days. Ever since Sirius realized that his feelings were reciprocated and that Remus in fact did not think he was a whore, they decided to test the waters as boyfriends and Sirius couldn’t remember being so happy in his life.
Both Remus and James had been wildly protective and even Peter had made sure to stick close to Sirius so that no one would try anything, and Sirius thought he was safe. Safe enough to go the library alone to get a few books.
Apparently he was wrong.
“I don’t know how it escalated.” Sirius finally said. McGonagall had been waiting patiently for him to breach the subject, not wanting to pressure him, but needing the truth all the same. “Sure, I’ve kissed a few blokes but...I haven’t...I don’t know why it’s become this.”
It felt like some sick joke. Like everyone decided to target him because why? Because he was proud of who he was? Because he was an openly gay pureblood? Because he was disowned from his family so there were no consequences to messing with him? Sirius couldn’t figure out which one it was, but either way, he felt fucking dirty.
“Sirius,” McGonagall said, “I need you to tell me as much as you can about who has been doing this to you and what has been done to you.”
And so he does. He tells her everything. About Stephen, Abram, Richie, Quentin, Thomas and Lance and how he doesn’t feel safe being alone anymore, how he is practically attached to James’ hip during Quidditch practice and how he waits to leave class with Peter or Lily so he’s not walking the halls alone and how he cries himself to sleep in Remus’ arms because he hates what he’s become in peoples minds. He tells her everything.
By the end, he’s in tears, but he feels so much lighter. And the angry but determined look on McGonagall face is reassuring as she pulls him into a tight hug.
“I promise you that I will have it all taken care of. You do not have to be scared here, Sirius, not while I’m around. If you have any trouble at all—for anything—tell me and I will see that it is taken care of.”
And Sirius felt like he could finally breathe.
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stary-eyes-world · 5 years
Sirius: hey babe you wanna-
Girl: not in your dreams gryffinwhore
Sirius: *cries himself to sleep, and doesn't flirt for a month*
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marlxnxmckinnon · 7 years
Sirius: Mckinnon
Marlene: Black
Sirius: Blondie
Marlene: Pretty boy
Sirius: Priss
Marlene: Grease monkey
Sirius: Sour puss
Marlene: Gryffinwhore
Sirius: I've NEVER been so insulted in my whole life
Marlene: You don't listen much, do you?
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wolfstarshipping · 1 year
Casanovas of Gryffindor Tower (9955 words) by lostpennies1 Rating: Not Rated
marauders era, hogwarts Summary: ANGST. MISCOMMUNICATION. HAPPY ENDING. Sirius has liked Remus for a really, really long time and he finally decides to try to change their relationship …awkward flirting and A LOT of miscommunication and misunderstanding.
Comment: This felt like a classic marauders era/hogwarts fic in the best way, it had all the mutual pining and oblivious puppies and miscommunication I'd want in a hogwarts era fic, and I kindof like the spin on the whole gryffinwhore Sirius trope by making Remus the more promiscuous one.
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mugglebcrnmary · 5 years
[owl] : You need to stop sending owls to my mum when you’re high. She keeps asking me what a Gryffinwhore is.-- molly
owl: Mols, I will never stop owling your mother. We’re best friends by now. Also, it’s not my fault she’s now learned the term Gryffinwhore, there’s literally no other words to describe Sirius. Actually, I could think of a few more. Maybe I should write another letter to your mum.
0 notes
sillybts-blog · 7 years
Are you that Gryffinwhore who managed to Slytherin into every Huffleslut Ravecage?
Just like every girl in Hogwarts to Sirius Black.
0 notes
xomarauders · 4 years
Hi I really loved your truth or dare fic! Can I have Remus defending Sirius when there are false rumors about Sirius being a playboy and Sirius is upset about it please?
thank you for the prompt! hope you like how it turned out!
tw: sexual harassment
“Hey there, Sirius.”
Remus glanced across from his seat next to Peter at the Gryffindor table to see Thomas Greenway, a Ravenclaw prefect, shove his way onto the opposite bench, pushing James aside in order to squeeze next to Sirius. Thomas was tall, with dark, slicked back hair and Remus despised him. He thought he was better than most students in the school and was hell to work with during prefect meetings. Even Lily couldn’t stand him.
“Don’t mind me, Thomas.” James said irritably stabbing at his dinner and turning away from the Ravenclaw. Peter frowned at James but Thomas didn’t seem to hear him, instead focusing his full attention on Sirius, who had yet to say a word.
“How would you like to meet me after dinner, hm? We could...find somewhere private to hang out?” Thomas whispered in the Gryffindor’s ear.
Remus watched with furrowed brows as Thomas’ fingers danced their way down Sirius arm, coming to rest somewhere beneath the table. Sirius shifted uncomfortably and stared down at the table resolutely. Remus gripped the table tightly, trying to quell the sudden anger inside of him, but to no avail. The unsettled look on Sirius’ face and the clear ignorance of Thomas was making his blood boil.
“I’m busy.” Sirius said shortly, sliding as far as he could down the bench, bumping into Alice who was sitting beside Lily. The two girls looked up, just then noticing the interaction.
“C’mon,” Thomas said, in a low, impatient tone, “you sucked off both Richie Wadsworth and Quentin Dall last week, can’t you do the same for me?”
“We didn’t—we just kissed. I never—“ Sirius stuttered, his face turning a deep shade of red as he glanced around the table to see that most the attention had fallen on he and Thomas now. The Ravenclaw scoffed and slid his hand across Sirius’ thigh.
“That’s not what I heard. Aren’t you supposed to be the local Gryffinwhore or something? You’ve been with like half the guys in school and even with some birds, ain’t that right?”
James had stood from his seat just then, ready to give Thomas a piece of his mind, but Remus beat him to it. He launched his fist across the table without a second thought, the sound of his fist connecting with Thomas’ jaw rang in his ears like a lovely tune. Most everyone around the table gasped, their eyes blown wide at the scene but Remus just glared at Thomas.
“Shut the fuck up, Greenway.” Remus hissed as Thomas held a hand to his jaw. The Ravenclaw looked at him and glared.
“What the hell, Lupin?” He hissed. “What was that for?”
“For harassing Sirius you dumb fuck!” Remus yelled and Peter hastily grabbed hold of his robes, afraid of his friend launching across the table and ripping Thomas’ head off, and oh, how Remus would have liked to. Students from all over the Great Hall were turning toward the commotion now, even the attention of the staff table had been drawn. Professor McGonagall was hastily making her way towards them with Professor Flitwick in tow.
“You’re just jealous that even a slut like Sirius won’t sleep with someone as ugly as you!” Thomas shouted back.
Remus saw red.
He thrust himself forward, causing Peter to squeak as he tried holding him back. James leapt up, trying to help restrain Remus while Sirius stared with glistening wide eyes. Thomas had stood too, clearly ready to fight, but before anything could happen, Professor McGonagall announced her presence.
“What is the meaning of this?” She said imperiously, glaring at the group as a whole.
“This motherfucker—“
“Language, Mister Lupin!”
“Is harassing Sirius!”
“It’s not harassment is he’s into it! He practically begged to suck my dick!”
“He did not!” Lily shouted, her eyes narrowing menacingly at Thomas.
Suddenly, Sirius launched from his seat, grabbing his bag and rushing out of the great hall despite both James and McGonagall yelling after him. Remus watched him go, suddenly feeling guilty for the scene he had caused that had drawn attention to his friend.
“Mister Lupin, you have detention with me this evening after supper!” McGonagall chirped as Professor Flitwick made it to the table, giving Thomas the same punishment. Remus nodded, admitting defeat and plopping back down into his seat. Peter let out a breath of relief and James started towards the exit of the hall after Sirius.
“Mr. Potter,” McGonagall called and James stopped to look at her. “Please tell Sirius that I would like to speak with him in my office.” Her voice was soft now, a flicker of sadness in her eyes and James nodded before hurrying after his friend once more. Remus watched numbly, wishing he had done something more.
McGonagall had gone easy on him during detention, not even assigning him anything to do and rather just making him sit there to “think about what he had done.” So Remus thought and came to the conclusion that he should have done more to mess up Thomas’ pretty face. Sirius wasn’t a whore. Sirius hadn’t even gotten past a few make out sessions as far as Remus knew and he couldn’t imagine Sirius allowing himself to be used by just anyone.
The reputation of a Sirius being a sort of play-boy had gotten out of control. Sure, he would flirt with almost everyone, but when it came to actually doing anything, Sirius was quite respectful and caring. He deserved much better than guys like Thomas who just wanted to use him...
Remus’ thoughts kept swirling around as he walked back to the dorm, only stopping when he heard soft muttering coming from behind the door. He leaned in, almost grateful for his intense werewolf hearing.
“I’m not a whore James, I swear. I haven’t even...I haven’t even done anything except kiss a few blokes!”
“I know, Sirius. I know that.”
“Why does everyone think that? Why does everyone feel so...so entitled to my body now?”
Sirius voice broke at the end and Remus felt his heart clench. Sirius rarely cried, opting to suppress his feelings instead of facing them, but the humiliation of the day proved to be too much for him.
“It’s not right.” James mumbled. “You should have told McGonagall. This isn’t the first guy that has approached you like this, Sirius. And I’m worried that someone is going to push too far one of these times and you’ll get hurt.”
Remus stilled. This wasn’t the first time Sirius had been harassed? How many others were there? Why hadn’t anyone told Remus? Without another thought he swung the door open, his heart pounding in his chest and the revelation he just heard.
Both James and Sirius jumped when they saw Remus, not having expected him back so early. Sirius had tear stains on his face and was hastily trying to make himself look presentable while James ran a nervous hand through his hair.
“How long you been standing there, Moony?”
“Long enough to know that this hasn’t been a one time occurrence.” Remus practically growled. James looked down, a slightly ashamed expression on his face and Sirius let out a sigh.
“I didn’t want you to know.” Sirius mumbled.
“Why?” Remus said, a little hurt that his friend hadn’t confided in him. “Why wouldn’t you tell me? I could’ve helped!”
“I didn’t want your help, Remus!” Sirius shouted, standing and glaring at Remus. “I didn’t want you, of all people, to ever know what everyone else thought of me because I was scared that the one guy I actually do like might think the same thing!”
Remus stood there, shocked at Sirius’ outburst. His heart which had been thundering loudly in his chest had come to a stand still. The one guy I actually do like...
“Pads,” Remus said, “I could never think about you in an unsavory way. It wouldn’t even matter if you had been with half of the school or no one at all, I would never ever think anything ill about you. I care about you too much.”
Sirius’ eyes shined with tears. “I didn’t sleep with any of those guys.”
“I know.”
“I never wanted the attention from them.”
“I know.”
“I just want you, Moons.”
Remus rushed forward and pulled Sirius to his chest, allowing the smaller boy to cling onto him as he cried. James excused himself, though Remus didn’t pay attention to where he said he was going, all his attention focusing on Sirius and Sirius alone. Remus held him tight, pressing soft kisses to his head, vowing to never let anyone hurt him again.
“You have me, Pads. You’ll always have me.”
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