#generational conflict
texaschainsawmascara · 6 months
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Game of Thrones / The Cursed / Ptolemaea - Ethel Cain / Ad Astra / Persepolis
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hellyeahheroes · 6 months
Why Are So Many Young People Becoming Socialists? by Second Thought
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dyingroses · 1 year
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authoradampowell · 21 days
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The Single Hour series is an ongoing series.
The first book is The Single Hour: A Heroic Silver Age.
Dive into a captivating saga of love, loss, and resilience spanning decades. Join an immortal Civil War veteran on his remarkable journey through history's twists and turns, from the battlefields of America's past to the vibrant streets of Germany. Experience the enduring bonds of family, the thrill of heroism, and the chilling specter of a sinister foe from the shadows. With unexpected alliances and heartpounding suspense, this tale will keep you on the edge of your seat.
The second book is The Single Hour: New Hero Age.
Embark on a journey into the heart of mystery and courage with Nolan, the enigmatic guardian of Hartville. In a town where darkness threatens to overwhelm, Nolan emerges as a beacon of light, wielding time limited powers to defend the innocent. From the depths of the woods to the hidden corners of the town, follow his relentless pursuit of justice and protection. However soon Nolan finds himself in an unbeatable situation. Will Nolan's unwavering resolve be enough or will he lose?
There are currently two other books being worked on with a few more planned in the future. This writing is very near and dear to me. I am currently am accepting early sign ups for the third books E-ARC. Please keep an open mind for these books. I promise a lot will make sense as you read further along.
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dumplingequivalent · 3 months
hey I think I know why old people are insincere assholes the essay
Yknow when you're trying to connect to someone from an older generation, and they gloss over your attempts at genuine connection?
Like when a family member got you a gift that really meant something to you, but when you try to express your genuine gratitude, it seems like they don't really give a shit?
Or maybe you open up and share something personal with an older coworker or family friend along with some advice on a concern that you've been actively worrying about for them, but they don't acknowledge it or even act like they heard you at all?
Something clicked for me today, and now I think it's bigger than Poppop's Just An Asshole Sometimes.
I think there's been a huge shift in western culture around authenticity and genuine expression in the past two decades or so - the way we as a society and culture view it, express it, present it, and respond to it - that's causing minor intergenerational conflicts in our personal lives, but more importantly, major conflicts in our shared public spaces.
Hear me out.
1. Authenticity Then VS Now
2. Authenticity Becomes A Privilege And No One Tells The Boomers
3. Boomer-Meta and Why It Matters
1. Authenticity Then Vs Now
If you're on tumblr you probably understand nuance -
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- so I think the concept of "authenticity" meaning something different to Boomers than it does to Millennials or Gen Z isn't baffling to you. it probably feels really familiar.
If you went to a US school in the 2000's, you probably remember the DARE program and anti-smoking and anti-drug ads on TV. And if you don't, you probably already have an idea of what I'm talking about. Things made by adults that felt embarrassingly out of touch to the children they were designed for.
As we all know, these all flopped immediately yet lasted the whole decade. (flopped except for the anti-smoking ads which I'll come back to) In retrospect, these marketing attempts says a lot more about the generation of adults responsible for them.
Things like the DARE program were, pretty transparently, designed to resemble what boomers remembered was "cool and interesting" from their own childhoods. My favorite example is Yello Dino and his video on "Tricky People" that's a painfully obvious homage to Fonzie from Happy Days crossed with Barney that's just as painful to watch.
Watch from 8:03-15:30 or so to see Yello Dino appear and sing a stranger danger song with the Local Kids™.
It's easy to look at this kind of thing and the DARE program and say "of course kids didn't fall for any of this, it's so poorly made; blatantly trying to sell an idea;" etc. But I think the core issue is authenticity.
Remember the anti-smoking ads? Those worked in the end because they featured people who looked like people we knew in person, with real problems from actions they really regretted. And that stuck.
But the Boomer "How Do You Do Fellow Kids" bullshit was never grounded in reality.
The approach they were trying to replicate only worked back in the boomers childhoods because everyone was seen as being genuine by default.
People in real life told the truth unless proven otherwise. Comedians on TV said things to make the audience present laugh. Singers appeared on TV so you could see them as well as hear them. People in ads were selling you a product.
Actors acted like their characters to portray that character "genuinely".
Why would they lie? Their job is to be that character. If they say they like Big Coffee Brand™, you might laugh as it's obviously an ad,
but you also then believed that to be true.
No, really. The section on Fonzie's wiki page bout Henry Winkler's involvement in social issues, titled "Civic Involvement," reads like a social commentary in a dystopian horror. There's little to no distinction between the character and the actor. Henry Winkler is Fonzie, and Fonzie is Henry Winkler.
So if you wanna be like Fonzie, you wanna be like Henry Winkler. You wanna smoke and drink and say what Henry Winkler does, because that's what Fonzie does.
Do you see where I'm going with this?
Now, flash forward to the 2000's.
The police officers doing DARE were (mostly) never thrilled to be there. The anti-weed ads were so exaggerated that they seemed cartoony. Hell, some of them were cartoons, just unfunny ones. And most importantly, we were taught from a very young age that everyone is always lying.
"Never reveal personal information about yourself to strangers or online to protect yourself" turns into "Everyone is lying to you to get something from you" really, really fast.
People in real life aren't to be believed until they can prove what they say is true. Comedians on TV say things to keep themselves relevant and in the rumor mill. Singers appear on TV to sell concert tickets and promote albums. Ads use social issues that affect real people as marketing. Actors are people who are pretty and pretend to be other people in a way that's never convincing, but sometimes if they're feeling generous they'll let you know what they really think and feel.
So, why would anyone tell the truth?
Why should you?
2) Authenticity Becomes A Privilege And No One Tells Boomers
(Thank you for reading this far and I promise I'm don't with the edgy "everything sucks" poetry now)
So now we've all grown up into jaded adults who've been taught to not trust but to strive to "be your unique self" and that creates some weird social dichotomies.
If you want to be truly happy, you must accept yourself and do what you want to do.
....but then you risk being seen as a cringey fuck that gets laughed at on Facebook by your highschool classmates and all of your previous bosses.
All jokes aside, modern society prioritizes a readied public face now more than ever, and that's really exemplified in the Internet celebrity experience. Taking a mild stance on anything generates tabloids attention, and doing something the public frowns upon can ruin a person's career permanently. you're on tumblr, this isn't news to you. you get what I mean.
This consequently makes moments of genuine emotion and expression from these celebrities inherently risky - and thus, a much more rare occurrence. Moments of streamers getting scared by spiders or cockroaches blow up constantly because, I mean yeah sure it's funny, but it's also really REALLY difficult to stage a believable reaction to something like that. And that carnal reaction draws out the desire for connection in all of us. That moment of unfiltered response feels special - a brief glimpse behind the curtain.
And celebrities online know it too. Apology videos, let's plays, streaming - all of this media has a built in sense of authenticity that is vital to making it work. Authenticity is a premium social currency in this space, and that bleeds into our everyday lives as well.
If the most badass and brave thing your idols can do is to be sincere, then eventually, you'll probably feel that way too. It makes sense - sincerity is vulnerable. Choosing to be deliberately honest and emotional when you have no expectation to be is a powerful thing. At least, to most of us it is.
While this is all happening, there's an entire generation of people who are still experiencing the world like when happy days was airing.
Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Rachel Ray.......whatever other bullshit they put on TV, all of it begins to make more sense when you focus on their target audience - the middle aged and elderly.
Yes, really. Think of who you know in real life who absolutely loved The Big Bang Theory.
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I mean, come on. This image makes me sad, dude.
Humor me for a moment. let's just run with my theory and say middle-aged and older people are all walking around as if everyone is always telling the truth to them.
Is it really that surprising that Dr. Oz was/is?? as successful as he was? As it turns out, believing everything to be true until proven otherwise is incredibly dangerous when applied to medical practice!
While we were growing up, the middle aged and elderly were spending their time being constantly self-absorbed and, just, unapologetically themselves. Which doesn't sound bad in theory, but it's really not as straightforward as it sounds.
3. Boomer-Meta And Why It Matters
So boomers are gullible. the sky is blue. why should you care
The point to all this is that authenticity is very important to modern society, and the difference of what authenticity means and how it's expressed matter drastically when understanding each other is vital.
Boomers were raised to always be genuine. If one believes themself to always be truthful, that lends to forming a bias in their own favor. And breaking the mentality down further, "I always say what I mean and I mean what I say" implies that what was said is what is true. And further, someone changing their "story" is an indicator of deception.
I've met plenty of older generation people who act like sharing their opinion is a gift in and of itself i.e. unwarranted comments on cooking or food, interjected advice about the conversation subject. Similarly, questions about the validity of a statement seem to often be taken as questioning ones morals.
This personal bias is very apparent in interpersonal situations. An attempt to be more genuine with someone who thinks this way would come across as staged and more insincere, and conversely, speaking with a clear bias appears superficial and ignorant.
But the real conflict is how this affects our news and politics. A core misunderstanding of what sincerity is and what it looks like, from either side, is dooms any conversation before it ever begins.
The lack of literacy in each other's values adds so much unnecessary conflict into already divisive matters. The stagnation in the legal progress of important social issues is probably worsened with so many of the US lawmakers being elderly themselves.
I don't have a great way to end this thing, but thanks for reading my weird essay.
The slow realization that a misunderstanding could be at the center of most major political conflict in the US consumed me for like 12 hours today and I appreciate you taking time to read my ramblings.
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imagine-mokey · 4 months
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dadyomi · 1 year
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Monday 12/12, Nedarim 48: The Flax Of The Matter
The Talmud is a source of law, a guide to ethical behavior, and a meditation on the unknowability of the divine’s will, but it’s also a real goldmine for plots for novels about multigenerational trauma and familial reconciliation. There’s a literary prize somewhere in the story of a grandfather who is trying to give his grandson everything he withheld from his son after his son made the poor and also somewhat bewildering decision to steal a bunch of flax. But the son became a thief and the grandson a Torah scholar so who’s the bad dad here, really?
Also “The Sages Of Pumbedita” is going to be the name of my backup band when I finally enter my second career as a parody songwriter. 
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corujalesbica · 1 year
Pov : you're watching movies about generational trauma + immigration
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vrimj · 4 months
Something that took me a really long time to figure out... The stuff you are good at? Your knacks? They are just your baseline, you don't usually feel awesome using them.
That means instead of the MAGIC I was lead to expect when I was doing something I am good at I instead have to notice what I get absolutely pissed off at other people for not doing, noticing or connecting.
And because almost all skills build slowly I didn't notice as I got better at things, instead I just got upset at how bad everyone else seemed to be now.
I think not understanding this thing might drive a lot of generational conflict.
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atmosphericradar · 9 months
I'm tired of seeing the: "this is too old/dated" criticism of a UI/UX. It's not a valid critique!
First: something being "old" does not inherently mean it's "bad". The steering wheel is a many centuries old UI paradigm, but it's still used today because it's a good paradigm! Old /= Bad.
Now, I truly believe the "this UI is dated (bad)" criticism comes from other, valid criticisms. And so many people have really good insights into the user experiences they engage with! Nearly every piece of popular software was intentionally designed by professionals, and giving meaningful feedback to those designers will make future user experiences better.
Below are some examples of criticisms for software user experiences which I believe can replace "this is too old":
"This web interface is using design ideas that were trendy a few years ago, but don't really make sense for how I and/or my peers use this website."
"This program I downloaded presents me with an overwhelming and complicated array of options, and I don't know how to learn to perform the task I wanted to do with it."
"This website was designed before I came of age, and its layout is unfamiliar to me. I haven't come across a website like this before, and I don't have an intuitive grasp of how to navigate it."
"This UI looks ugly to me. I don't like it's aesthetics, and it reminds me of unpleasant things."
These are all valid criticisms of a user experience! Going even further, all of these criticisms can be tweaked slightly to replace another invalid UI/UX criticism I see frequently: "this is too new". Interface feeling "too old" or "too new" are both oversimplifications that reduce away potentially very useful critique.
I think that criticizing user interfaces is something many people don't think much about. And that's sad, because so much of the world around us is now constructed user experiences. Please be specific about your grievances! I want user interfaces to be better, and I want common discussions around UI/UX to evolve past generational conflictd and into user solidarity against shitty design decisions and dark patterns.
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hellyeahheroes · 8 months
How Millenials Outgrew These Tired Tropes by the Take
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brettesims · 1 year
Breaking Generational Trauma: How to Become an Artist with a Family Full of Doubters
Hey my little Community!
This has honestly been a topic that has been on my mind for years. I feel like I haven't addressed it, not for personal embarrassment, but due to how embarrassed I was by how others treated me. I am so sick of playing this "prefect family" role society makes us play. Most of us do not have that and I refuse to be ashamed of authenticity. So, lets talk:
In the self love community it is said that we teach others HOW to treat us. So for many years I was ashamed to speak on the emotional abuse I endured within my immediate family and friendship groups. I think we also have to remember how deeply conditioned individuals are, especially black people in America, due to the mental conditioning directly linked to slavery. If you aren't yet awakened in self love then it's easy to blindly and unconsciously play out these patterns; which is the only way I can explain my family blocking my success. My last art hiatus was caused by my family. I don't want to have another so I must speak my mind.
I am an astrology lover and in astrology I am a Mars in Cancer zodiac placement (if you know you know) but your Mars placement is your action. Your method of operation. Being that my placement is in Cancer; the divine mother, I am supposed to flow in soft feminine awareness utilizing my high priestesses spiritual intuition. Instead I was born into a family of wolves. Wolves that often prey on my own happiness and joy, as that is what my art is an embodiment of and represents.
Now, I am sure you are thinking - well it's not uncommon for artists to complain about family support. It's not uncommon for black women to have endured family trauma. Yet, its one thing to have an unsupported family, but it's quite another to have a family that preys on your success and inner love flow.
I come from an emotionally unsupportive family with means. They have every means available; every contact, resource & connection I require to succeed. They supported my brother through law school -jobless. They would even offered him in-family jobs. But when I do art as my job they act as if that isn't real. They showed me none of the same support. They have only been kind to me when I have suffered the abuse of 9-5 jobs they forced me to enslave myself in.
This is not a knock to any 9-5 grind, but it is to say that it ain't for me. It's not my job. And it's toxic for me to pretend as if that is my path. When it came to me evolving as an artist and Nonprofit founder my family has every contact and resource available to support me to if they actually wanted - but most of the time, they choose not to. Every time I lift a project up out of despair or pick myself up from the pain of their incessant emotional abuse, they aim to drag me down further. They cannot stand my joy.
Whether it's campaigning for my Nonprofit, working on my art, launching a podcast, launching a Self Love Shop, Launching NFTs, or a Youtube Channel they pretend to completely ignore everything I work on. My mother "ignored" my Nonprofit then recently created her own, saying I couldn't get involved. She then hired another black woman my exact age and gets a high growing her own Nonprofit as she watches mine struggle and says nothing.
The excuse is that they have "given me everything". Everything I am is because of them they like to remind me. Everything material. But what does that matter if the inside is hollow? What do all the riches in the world mean if the support is fake and the love is conditional? My elitist family attaches value to how much money each person has. They belittle people who have none. They also belittle mental health care and spirituality.
They have disdain for every aspect of what I am. I have always been bullied by my family. They when I do these things in joy and they see it on social media, they stalk my pages and begin to emotionally tear me down. Even when I block them, which I do - it continues because they will gossip to my friends and everyone they know about me. They talk behind my back and tell stories about who and what I am. They have brutally character assassinated me for years.
People love to talk about me but tend to be terrified to actually talk TO me. Probably because they know I see them. I can tell what inauthenticity is because I came from a household full of it. I know when people are talking shit because my family has talked shit about me my entire life. I can tell when people aren’t walking in their truth because I have come from a family that never has.
A few years before the pandemic, when my loving Gemini grandpa died, who was my ONLY sense of unconditional love and support - my family turned on me. My Grandpa, Abba, protected me. He supported me. He taught me art. He clearly saw the ways in which my family treated me; hated my joy and would break me down when they saw me in joy. So growing up, he gave me everything and anything I wanted. I think in some ways he taught me self love. Only because of him do I know I CAN DO, BE and HAVE ALL things. He was a pure soul. I know he is now my guardian angel.
Before a lot of therapy, I had so many gaps in my memory, because I blocked out how bad the emotional abuse actually was growing up. I have always had to hide my joy from my family or they well find it and take it away somehow.
It's like they seek, search and look where I find the most joy, go to that source and taint it. For example, my brother did this with my group of friends. He started hanging out with the 2nd family I had created for myself - FAR away from my real family. He tarnished my name, character and reputation and with it the credibility of my art businesses.
My family loves to spread ill rumors that I have mental health issues when I run a global Nonprofit that exists to help heal the worlds mental health while giving girls of color protection within the art world I never had. Them not supporting me isn’t even the worse part. I think what’s FAR worse is that they lie about supporting me to my face and slander my name behind my back.
As a mental health advocate do you know what that does to my credibility? They socially outcasted me to hide their truth and simultaneously take away my power. I am obsessed with mental health care because I have always had to protect myself from a family that does not take mental health seriously.
I had to take responsibility for my own mental health because they never would. I can't count how many self help books I have read since the age of 15. At 13 I had to BEG for therapy after my parents divorce. I had to heal my own depression through art, self love, books, teachers, courses, meditation, spirituality, and more! I constantly work on myself. I work on myself every single day and am obsessed with inner work and inner growth. I like to show up as the highest version of myself every single day!
This blog is a 14 year old testament to that. So the fact that my family will not stop shading me and breaking me down even now at I'm at the highest point of a career I have had to climb myself up to - is truly deplorable.
I have been harassed by my family for months, and more brutally when announcing my solo art show.
Since no one in my life has ever stood up for me before - I am forced to stand up for myself. How can any artist create without authentic support? It's impossible. I love family. I have a very close connection to my cousins who have nothing to do with this. I even love my family as much as they spew distain back at me.
But I am DONE with this chapter of abuse. Because my family emotionally abused me for so many years and still does... my jobs, circumstances, relationships have all reflected that same abuse. They will never acknowledge it and continue to put up this cookie cutter external view of a "perfect family" never owning up to the fact that this family targets, harasses and emotionally tortures one individual artist. So while I don't even want to write this - I have to.
I should be celebrating my biggest accomplishment of planning for the BIGGEST (and 3rd) solo art show of my career. But I have been protecting myself and battling my family for months now. When announcing the show via social media my mother said "allegedly you have an art show" continuing the on-going false narrative that I am a liar, and my father tried to put in my head and my little sisters head that my paintings don't sell. That is not even true. I have sold many many paintings; by the grace of God. My fathers white girlfriend also lied on my name with my brother. They love talking about me together. And she wouldn’t let me see my own sister for over 2 years. White lies. So yea I think my mental health would have to be intact to deal with such disorder.
And on top of all that… for over 2 years my art collection has been locked in storage due to family. My mother arranged that during COVID behind my back. My Art stuff was stuck in LA and I was in the Bay and no one would help me for 2 years. I recently recovered it.
But you know what the good part of all this is? That my eyes are finally open and that I am no longer afraid to speak out against this abuse, because I know other black women and other artists go through the same and in voicing something - you learn we are never really alone. And happily the humor in all of this is… lol that they all thought I didn’t know; friends and family alike. Since the beginning I’ve been observing them ALL in silence. I’ve been watching how they move and switch up. When they tune out you home in.
So anyway, that was a long story and you can tune into my Podcast to hear all about this in more detail, but sometimes I need to write things off my chest and this was just that.
If you dig my art, all I would really ask is that you support it, support my Patreon, my art shop, Self Love Shop, Podcast, Vlog, Nonprofit and more! I have put so many digital resources our to help the collective heal and to safeguard you all against feelings of betrayal, depression, alonesness and more.
In all of this it has really made me walk my talk on another level. It has taken my artwork and self love to another level. Due to my family coming for me during an actual world pandemic it made me truly realize how much art DOES save lives and self love heals! Self love also saves lives and art heals!
Thank you for allowing me to share tumblr community and thank you for all the love & support you have been showing me! I truly appreciate it!
Click to listen to the Pod about this!
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artofhoneyxbun · 1 year
Racial Profiling vs. Sex Profiling
The workforce isn’t trustworthy of ANYONE these days, it’s not just being black. We are in a whole new era of attacks, in-person or cyber. 
Racial Profiling also comes with identifying culture now, while sex profiling goes into identifying your sexuality and what makes you uncomfortable.
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producerbyproxy · 1 year
Generational divide is clear in reviews of "When You Finish Saving the World" (2023)
Evelyn (Julianne Moore) has devoted herself to helping people in hard times, but she struggles to connect with her son Ziggy (Finn Wolfhard), an aspiring internet star oblivious to the problems of the world. As Evelyn attempts to become a parent figure to an unassuming teenager she meets at her shelter, and Ziggy fumbles through his pursuit of a brilliant and politically conscious young woman at his high school, this emotional comedy reveals a funny and sharply perceptive portrait of a mother and son who may seem at odds but who are more alike than either would care to admit.
Rating: R (Language) Director: Jesse Eisenberg Producer: Ali Herting, Dave McCary, Emma Stone Writer: Jesse Eisenberg Distributor: A24
Watch the trailer here:
ProducerByProxy Perspective:
The directorial debut of Jesse Eisenberg is set out to be an interesting one, with the release of When You Finish Saving the World (2023), an existential coming of age comedy/drama, featuring Finn Wolfhard, Julianne Moore, and Alisha Boe in the main cast. The film premiered at Sundance Film Festival 2022, with the trailer being posted to the public in November 2022.
This film's cinematography is handled by Benjamin Loeb, known for his DOP work on After Yang (2021) and Pieces of a Woman (2020) The soundtrack is produced by Emile Mosseri, who also made the soundtrack for A24's award winning Minari (2020)
Hiding behind the veil of a "typical teen social media story", this movie really tells a story of modern day narcissism, and the dire need to "be good". When the world around you is crumbling, it can often feel like we are dancing on the Titanic - Eisenberg appears to hit the nail on the head with portraying this exact feeling.
Wolfhard's character, Ziggy, is so set on appearing "good" to the people around him. We see this even in the trailer with his constant need to sound like he knows about current socio-political issues, just in order to be liked. This need for attention eventually flows into his music, and then into his relationship with his mother and her new foster son.
When You Finish Saving the World has received incredibly mixed reviews, with some critics saying the characters are "narcissistic and unappealing", while others see the deeper meaning in the film, asking the question "It shouldn’t be this hard to be good, should it? It’s a question worth asking."
The generational divide is clear in critic reviews - this film centres around two generally "unlikeable" characters with a plethora of negative traits, and seeks to show the problem of "fitting in" in today's society through the acts of these two narcissists. As with many pieces of media, we don't necessarily have to like the characters to be able to see the deeper meaning behind their actions - but being able to understand motives and intentions is a benefit that (predominantly) only the younger generations will have watching this film.
Dallas King is quoted in FlickFeast saying;
"Distributed by A24, it doesn’t 'feel' like one of their films. It is a run-of-the-mill quirky indie comedy-drama. Lacking in those 'A24 vibes'."
I'd like to disagree, before even watching the film.
If you watch a film with themes such as the ones shown in When You Finish Saving the World and call it a 'run-of-the-mill quirky indie comedy-drama', you have proven that you have entirely missed the underlying point of the film.
If it doesn't feel like one of their films, then I urge you to indulge yourself in Eighth Grade (2018), a coming of age comedy/drama directed by Bo Burnham, or the soon to be released Close (2023), another coming of age drama directed by Lukas Dhont, both of which are A24 films with those 'A24 vibes'.
Eighth Grade encapsulates what it feels like to be a teenager growing up in a world with social media and constant peer pressure, societal expectations, and more. This film is intrinsically made for a teenage to young adult audience - and should be seen as such.
However, the soon to be released Close tackles much heavier topics; with themes of homophobia and playground insults turning lives on their heads. Again, this film's target audience is a younger generation, and the wider queer community. Someone outside of these circles cannot be expected to understand the underlying themes, however this does not allow room for empty criticism regarding the 'vibes'.
When You Finish Saving the World is set to be released in the United States on the 20 January 2023.
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da-at-ass · 2 years
I wonder if vibing with robots is a class thing. When you're lower-class you're raised with older ideals and according to older models of learning, and you get trained up into, basically, an outdated model of robot. All your actions are programmed in but they can't adapt to modern, advanced society's needs because they were designed for a previous society. Class being the dividing line is largely about effort--money's saved on education for lower-class people by recycling old materials. And that's what I feel like--recycled materials. Not good for primetime.
A lot of millennials express similar sentiments to mine about their educations and often chalk it up to generational conflict, without realizing that this isn't about when they were born. I was born in 1981, I'm far from a millennial. I know Gen X-ers who experience similar difficulties. It's not about when you were born. It's about what situation you were born into.
It's not about how old of a model of robot you are, it's about whether or not you were designed with care.
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bosniakischepilaw · 1 month
To be a child of immigrants is to be a prisoner
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