#for a while after the incident as well All the boys usually go as a group (with fig staying home to tend to the ranch as usual)
quirkle2 · 1 year
Just thinking about the Slime Rancher AU. Just thinking about Ledge taking care of Wars while he's recovering because he's super worried about him. Maybe there's some guilt for not being with Wars the entire time?
oh 100%. the entire family is constantly there for wars and taking care of him while he's bedridden, but legend almost never leaves his side. even when wars is in and out from illness at first and only able to form basic syllables, legend is There and playing with his hair and shushing him and telling him everything will be alright
in the quiet hours of the night when everybody else is asleep and legend is left to listen to wars' shallow breaths and the hum of electronics inside the walls, he ends up spiraling a lot. going over the incident again and again, regretting straying from wars for even a second, thinking about how wars was nearly killed and could Still die in his sleep just because legend saw some moondew nectar in the distance that hadn't rotted yet. at some point when wars is awake legend apologizes to him, but wars just stares at him through the haze of fever and doesn't understand a fucking word and legend has to leave the room for a minute to keep from crying
they all lose sleep over the incident, but legend and fig are the ones who lose the most. fig gets up in the middle of the night a lot to see legend still awake, watching wars' chest rise n fall and massaging the unscarred skin around his hands. fig Knows it's not gonna convince ledge to go to sleep anytime soon, so he usually sits with him and lets him cry if he needs to. fig can See the guilt in his eyes and he's told him time and time again it was not his fault, but legend doesn't seem to believe him
i think legend prolly formally apologizes to wars again, when he's no longer bedridden and instead able to at least walk outside a bit. wars looks at him like he's got two heads when he says it, like it's crazy, like it's nuts, and wars tells him he has never once even thought of pinning the blame on legend. because it wasn't his fault. wars is just grateful that legend came to save him so quickly, he says, and he says it with a big smile that shoves that big rainbow scar to the side
and then legend cries GVYEIAV
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themultifanshipper · 1 month
Weed and sex... in a car. With 3 time Formula 1 World Champion Max Verstappen. What could possibly go wrong?
It's a long one boys (can it even be called a blurb if it's over 1.5k ?)
Perhaps getting high before an event wasn't the best idea after all. Max had decided to celebrate your birthday with a joint (or two or three) before going to dinner with Christian, Gerri and a boatload of sponsors and higher ups. Anyone with half a brain could have told you this could only end in disaster but when you and Max were together you were a couple of menaces. That's why Max's press officer hated that you were always around at the races and usually his plus one at events. She had a hell of a time covering up the "incidents" and "behaviours unbecoming of a formula one world champion"... ha! Yeah right. Between public indecency and and drunken shenanigans usually leading to property damage, it was a miracle the two of you had never been arrested to be honest.
Well except that one time after his first Monaco win but that's a story for another time.
Whatever, what else are rich people in their twenties supposed to do with their best friends in their free time anyway?
So there you were, in the passenger seat of Max's loaned company car, both high on expensive weed (or so Max said, the bloody cheapskate). The drive was pretty long and you got a rather intense case of the munchies about 20 minutes in so Max decided to stop for gas while you went into the gas station and bought snacks for the road. When you turned your head away from the cashier and saw max, your mouth went dry (and this time not from the weed).
See, this was in the middle of a heatwave (thanks climate change!) and max was wearing a suit. He decided that the best way to cool down was to unbutton his shirt and let his chest get some air. Unfortunately this, plus his sweaty dishevelled hair and the joint he still had in his mouth while he pumped gas, conjured up quite a few lewd images in your mind. You had never seen him look quite this debauched (again, except in Monaco but again, that's for another time). The sight was positively sinful. Or at least it seemed hot as fuck to you but you were high so who knows, either way his appearancewas getting you hot and bothered, so you decided to take a picture to remember the moment.
The cashier had to clear her throat loudly to get your attention, and by the time you had payed and left max had already got back in the car. When you climbed in you checked your reflection in the mirrors. Dilated pupils, check. Redness around the eyes, check. There was no way Christian wouldn't notice, and he definitely would not be happy.
Max's hand suddenly on your thigh brought you out of your thoughts as you looked at him, he looked just as fucked up as you felt.
"There's no way we can go to dinner like this right?" He was panting slightly and looked like he was fighting to stay alive.
"I don't think so, you wanna call Christian and cancel?"
"Nooo he's gonna kill me" He pouted as he took his hand off you to roll down the window to let some air in.
Weirdly you found that you missed its comforting presence on your thigh. And the image of it going higher suddenly entered your mind. That thought made you panick a bit, seeing as you had never had those kind of thoughts about Max. (Well, does it bear repeating? Monaco. Yeah).
Still panting, with his head out of the window like a dog, he groaned. "I don't think I can drive like this. Are you having a weird reaction to the weed?"
"Um... a bit, I guess. I'm hot and uh..." you trailed off and max looked at you
"And what?"
"No it's embarrassing"
"No tell me! What is it"
You looked at him for a moment, the two of you breathing harder than normal, both fighting something.
"Well..." you gulped "I guess I'm like, horny? But, I always get horny when I smoke, this is like... more intense? Different sensations I guess."
Max exhaled and closed his eyes, leaning his head against the headrest.
"Me too" he whispered in an oddly strained way. Then his eyes suddenly snapped open "Wait a minute! Are you telling me you've been horny every time we've gotten high together?!"
"Uhhh, yeah?"
You noticed Max was squirming in his seat a little bit.
"Fuck, that's- why didn't you tell me?"
You stared at him. Was this really how the conversation was going to go?
" I- don't know I guess... I thought you wouldn't be interested?"
"Are you serious? I wouldn't be interested?! Even after MONACO?!"
"We're best friends Max, I don't wanna lose that. And we've never actually talked about Monaco so I assumed you wanted to forget it!"
"Forg- Forget it?! It's been three years and I haven't stopped thinking about it!"
"Yeah, oh!"
"Only if you want to"
He looked at you, eyes scanning your face, gaze dropping to your lips.
"We're both high and horny in a car right now, do you want to fuck me?"
You were taken aback slighly, Max was nothing if not straightforward, it was one of the things you loved about him.
"Max, I've wanted to fuck you since we were-"
Thats all he needed to hear before grabbing your hair and yanking your upper body towards him. Given both of your states it was more licking at each others mouths than actual kissing but this had been a long time coming you supposed and you were both too high to care.
You broke away and climbed between the seats into the backseat, winking at him as he gawked at your ass, barely covered by your pathetic excuse for a dress. "You joining me then, or leaving me to take care of myself?"
"Fuck no" He growled and crawled in after you. In hindsight it would have been easier and quicker to use the car doors, but he finally made it and it took you a while to find a position that wasn't too uncomfortable in the small space.
You ended up on his lap, facing the front of the car while he pulled down the straps of your dress and kissed your neck sofly. He squeezed your tits gently while whispering in your ear. "You know, since Monaco I've been dreaming of the day I would see you like this again. I was starting to think It never even happend. Like it was some kind of religious experience or something"
You giggled. What a sap. "If I had known that's how you felt I would have let you do this years ago. But could you get a move on please? I feel like I'm going to go insane if y-"
He cut you off by shoving his fingers in your mouth and pressing down on your tongue. You moaned at the intrusion and sucked on his fingers to get them nice and wet.
"Good girl"
Your eyes rolled back as you leaned back against him and he chuckled.
"See, I did learn some things in Monaco"
He spread your legs which were hooked over his and trailed his now wet fingers down over your chest and stomach, as his other hand slid your panties to the side. The moment he made contact with your clit you jolted slightly in his grasp. Being horny for so long must have made you extra sensitive. And wet. It didn't take Max long to slide two fingers into you with ease as he crooked them immediately and you whimpered. Every movement, every press of his fingers felt like heaven and you could already feel that you weren't going to last long.
Before you could say anything though, Max's phone started ringing from the floor. He picked it up, fingers still making you writhe on his lap and answered the call, the absolute madman.
Then he pressed the phone to your ear and whispered in the other "Go on then schatje, talk to Christian, I'm a bit busy right now"
"What the FUCK Max where the hell are you?! You were supposed to be here an hour ago! I'm going to kill you when you get here!"
You had to swallow down your moans in order to answer "Um hi Christian it's- it's me!" You squeaked out "Um we won't be making it unfortunately- Max- Max has indegestion and he's very ill and- aaah- he's- um he's-"
You were so close to the edge and Max showed no signs of stopping, you were becoming unintelligible under his skilled fingers.
"This is unacceptable behaviour! What the fuck have you done to him now?! It's always you causing proble-"
The rest of his sentence was drowned out as you came hard around Max's fingers (when did he slip a 3rd one in?!) and you moaned loudly before Max could slap a hand over your mouth.
As you came down the silence on the line was deafening.
Max interjected "We got high Christian I can't drive!" and hung up. "He won't be calling again I reckon"
You couldn't help but giggle. "Oh my GOD Max we're gonna be in so much trouble! Christian is gonna kill me because I made you miss an important dinner and- oh my god he just heard me have an orgasm that is your BOSS- fucking hell max what were-"
You hadn't noticed that during your rambling he had unbuckled his pants and taken his dick out, but as soon as he started rubbing the tip against your folds you stopped dead.
He chuckled "Fuck Christian, I wouldn't miss this for the world"
And with that he slid in to the hilt, punching a gasped moan out of you, and started pounding into you deep and fast, somehow reaching all the right spots immediately. The build up to this one felt different. It was faster and more intense, and you were speechless. You realised too late what was about about to happen as you started dripping onto his thighs. Then the flow got heavier and Max swore as his hips stuttered, his orgasm taking him by surprise. He stopped, still inside you and you felt drained, literally. You stayed like that for a minute, both of you catching your breaths as you came to the realisation... "Max, fuck! the car!"
"Fuck the car. I'll send the fee to Christian"
You huffed in disbelief. He was out of his mind. But for now it was just the two of you, in this now ruined car, drugs just starting to wear off, and that was enough for tonight, you needed to go home and sleep it off. You could worry about the consequences later.
"So... exactly how expensive was the weed?"
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Inspired by this fake pic of 'max'
Find part 2 here.
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Reign down on me - Part 8
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Pairing: Ghost x Hybrid!reader (eventual poly!141)
No use of y/n or mention of gender/race
Summary: Reader is a wolf hybrid in a world that treats them like second class citizens, given a horrible start in life after being thrown into the military with no preparation. After years of struggle, they're finally taken away from their base by Ghost, now a permanent member of taskforce 141 reader struggles to come to terms with the fact that perhaps there's a life there for them - if only they reach out and accept it.
Warnings: hurt/comfort, Angst, abuse mentions, self doubt, violent scenes
A/N: So this is kind of a Part 1 of a whole chapter because i wanted to give you guys something. So the next chapter will have a bit more going on, hope you enjoy this for now! Excited for any comments or theories you guys have about what's going to happen 💕
The major opened the door slowly and then gently closed it shut behind him, sparing a quick glance at you before he walked over to Price’s desk with only a few long strides. He was a tall man with gleaming shoes and a pristine uniform to match, his red hair combed back neatly on top of his head. You took in everything, your breathing almost slowed to a stop while you waited for the news. Only when he sat down at the uncomfortable wooden chair in front of Price did he speak. 
“Before I start, I want to say that I know you’re a busy man and that your team are integral to many ongoing operations that are running. However,” the major paused, his accent thickly weaving his words. “After the incident outside your hallway with Second Lieutenant Smith, I’m afraid to say that I must ask you to carve out some time for me.”
Price laughed at that. Not a warm chuckle or a dark little rumble, like you were used to hearing over comms or during training. This was one of disbelief, the little glinting breaths coming through like warning shots. 
“I’d hardly call that an incident, Major. A silly boy decided to test my hybrid and got exactly what he deserved. There ain’t much more to it,” Price grunted.
He straightened his back and leaned over his table, appearing every bit as menacing as you imagined he could be. The way his eyes appeared to darken below his tilted heavy brow were enough to send even you gulping - and you were the one he was defending. The Major didn’t seem to react however, he wasn’t cowed by the show, he merely sniffed and set his own arms on the desk. 
“Ordinarily I’d agree with ye, Price, you know I would. That wasn’t just any boy though, his da’s some parliamentary arsehole and he wants atonement.”
That gave Price pause.
You sucked in a breath and dug your fingers into the couch cushions, feeling the fabric strain and almost give way under your claws. The shaking started seconds later. You were going to be punished after all. 
Who would do the whipping, you wondered, I don’t want it to be any of the boys, definitely not Ghost. A small whine escaped your throat at  the thought of that before you could cram it down. Ghost was supposed to be safe. The idea that he’d be the one looming over you and raining down pain on your back left your throat feeling crushingly tight. 
“You’re not laying a finger on my wolf, do you hear me?” Price said, his voice so low he might as well have growled at the Major. 
His. The way he said it was so possessive compared to the way you normally heard that, the way that Ghost usually said it. Ghost’s good Pup. His sweet thing. Price said that you were his with all the ferocity of a wild animal. Like something was threatening to drag you off into the unknown. 
“Look I’m not gonna bullshit you here. I tried insisting on something like committed service hours, guard duty or sniffing - that sort of thing. He wasn’t going for it. The problem isn’t so much with what the hybrid did - it’s your Lieutenant he wants to prove a point to most of all. He wants Ghost to know he can’t get away with insulting his family.” 
“So what? He wants Ghost punished?” Price snorted, tilting his chin up in challenge. “You gonna string him up to the post and all are ya?”
The major sighed deeply and rubbed his brow. 
“No ones getting strung up, don’t jump to conclusions. He said that he wants the hybrid locked down for a week, they’re to be placed with the Smith boy’s squad and kenneled, only to be removed should a mission arise where the hybrid’s presence is essential…now, before you go thinking that you can conjure up some kind of week long escapade, he explicitly stated the sentence is to pause while away and resume on return.”
I’d rather be whipped bloody, you thought. The exact thing you were afraid of was coming to fruition. You were to be stripped of what you’d come to love and return to your old way of life, worse still was the thought that you didn’t even know what the kennels were like in your new base, didn’t know if they could extend your stay which would often happen at Branhaven. There was every chance you could be stuck with that horrible bastard indefinitely. Ghost had made a point of letting you know that he never intended on punishing you like that, that you wouldn’t while away your hours in a dingy cell block, or be made to face a post ever again. 
The memory of him settling his hand on your shoulder and squeezing ever so gently as he explained his approach to discipline was so strong, you almost felt his spirit lingering there beside you. He’d said he wouldn’t ever put you out in the cold or whip you unless his hand was forced, and even then he insisted he’d fight whoever threatened you. 
Would he fight a major? A politician?
“This is bullshit,” Price scoffed, smacking his hand off his desk and making you jump. “Hobbling my team because his little brat got slapped around is pathetic! What next? Would he like to bend Ghost over while he’s at it? Really, Major, this is a farce.”
“It is, aye. Exactly what happens when you tangle with those sorts, you know that as well as anyone though.”
Price’s face was the dictionary definition of scorn. You shrank back into the sofa, subconsciously trying to become a part of it and escape from all the tension. The major didn’t even wince through it. He faced Price with all the stoicism of a tree on a calm day, but Price continued to rant and plead your case until you thought his red face might start to turn purple. All the while you listened with quick little bursts of scared breath. 
The conversation didn’t go anywhere except against a dead end, ramming over and over into the same conclusion. The major grew tired of Price’s fit and walked out, saying that he’d expect you checked into the kennel’s by the end of the night. He let the threat of what would happen, should he fail to comply, linger somewhere above you - like an anvil - in the air. 
Price growled out a profanity as the door slammed closed. Only when the air had settled and the Major’s presence fully left did he turn to you and soften. His eyes, that had held so much venom, melted from slits and into doleful pools, his taught mouth slackened.
“Pup…” He sighed, looking you over.
He didn’t finish the sentiment. There was a wordless understanding between you both that he didn’t have the vocabulary for the sympathies he wanted to convey. With that quiet look of apology given he sighed out and pressed his head into his palms. 
“Fuckin’ shower of cunts the lot of em.”
Price hadn’t immediately given up of course. He picked up his phone and got to talking to numerous sources, but apparently none of them were of any use. You flinched back from where you were perched every time he hung up his phone with a bang. It almost made you feel sorry for the thing. No matter what arguments were made, no one was willing to hear Price out. That much was clear after he’d clattered down into his old chair like a shot bird. 
You had expected as much.
In the end it was you that convinced Price just to take you to the kennels. Making a point of stressing that it would be far better to go before Ghost could come back. Something within you shook at the idea of being put back into the same horrible place by the same man that had rescued you from there to begin with. At having Ghost have to take the responsibility on his shoulders, once more letting down a hybrid in his care. 
After being checked in and issued a bedroll, it was time to say your good nights. You stared at Price through the doorway of the kennel, biting your frayed lip. No matter what he said, you knew well enough that it was your own stupid stubborn fault that you were back there again - for not just acquiescing to the brat’s commands in the first place. Stunts like that were the exact reason that you had the disciplinary record that you did. Always going against anyone that wanted to shove you down, all in the name of some kind of renegade fantasy that you had any control over your life. Fiercely defending the shreds of your honour as if you hadn’t spent most of your life as a beaten dog. 
At the very least though, conditions were far better than your old haunt at Branhaven. That was something, you tried to tell yourself. The shiny black sleeping bag they’d given you was plenty thick and there was a groaning old heater that rattled overhead, so that the nipping cold temperatures felt more like being left in a draughty room. Even the construction wasn’t as bad as the other ones, rubber crumb flooring like that of a playground, meant that you wouldn’t get as stiff and a hard fibreglass front over the concrete walls meant that you wouldn’t be exposed to the elements. It was almost possible to think of it like a stay at the worlds worst hotel, rather than a mandated stay in the kennels. 
It wasn’t home, but at least you knew that you’d get to return there as long as you listened and kept your stupid trap shut for once. Home with Ghost. Now that you’d calmed down after the initial shock of being issued the punishment, an internal clock had materialised in your head. The countdown to when you could go home. All you had to do was take your medicine and you could be with Ghost again, everything could go back to how it was. That thought alone was enough to keep the needling panic at the back of your mind firmly restrained there. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t do more,” Price said, his voice stony and rough. “I don’t wanna leave you here, Pup…I really don’t.”
“Don’t wanna leave me, or don’t wanna have to face Ghost and tell him I’m here?” You said, making an attempt to lift his heavy expression. 
He grunted something that could be interpreted as a bitter chuckle. 
You smiled a little, but didn’t have it in you to laugh. At seeing your expression, he crossed the threshold between you both and closed his palm over your head. His roughened fingers skimmed over your ears and softly rubbed some of the worry out from deep within your tissue. A proper moment of reprieve settled over your body, loosening tight muscles, before you were forced to part again by the approaching footsteps of the guard.
“Sorry, Sir. I have to lock all the kennels up for the night for lights out,” he explained sheepishly, eyes not fully able to reach Price’s gaze.
Price nodded at him and went to comply, though only after giving you one last ruffle over the ears. He stepped back after and allowed the fibre glass door to snick to a close. Your heart thumped extra loudly while it shut. Price gave you one last mournful look and then told you to get some rest, assuring you that he’d be watching over you even from afar. 
“Good night, Price,” you whispered back, watching his retreating back with sorrow filled eyes.
The guard grunted and double checked the door, ensuring it was locked and rattling the mechanism a few times before he was satisfied. The soft click of metal on metal forced your ears to twitch upward into alert. 
“Get into your bedroll. Light’s out,” the guard said, his voice hardened now that your Captain was gone. “If you cause trouble or give me any crap you’ll be removed for discipline and then returned here. Do you understand?”
“Understood, Sir,” you nodded, unfurling the sleeping bag with a shiver.
The guard allowed you to sort your bedding and once inside the puffy roll of fabric he flicked the light switch and left you bathed in the darkness. He continued down the line from there, the only evidence of his presence, the fading lights down the line and the clicking of switches and doors. 
You whined softly while rubbing your face against the cold fabric below, blanching at the cold rubber flooring. Your heart lurched at the thought of your bed back home. The thought of your cushy blue pillows, Simon’s soft fur, the dialogue unread from the ‘Super-Wolf’ graphic novels by your bed, the smell of rotisserie chicken that was supposed to linger in the air, no where to be found in that sterile place. This was all wrong.
No matter what position you got in, no matter how hard you tried to shut your mind off and return to old coping mechanisms, the idea that you could be safely in your bed weighed on your chest like an elephant. Before you were used to being shoved into a kennel and forgotten about, but now you knew that there was a better life. A life that had been ripped from you.
You wanted to scream, wanted to claw your way out of the sleeping bag and slam yourself against the clear glass like a mad person, wanted to raise hell until you were returned to your rightful place. Though you never followed through. You had to be good now. It was the only thing that would get you home. 
Instead, you let your head loll to the back wall, facing the speckled brick and let loose the tears that you hadn’t wanted Price to have to witness again. Couldn’t have him thinking that you were completely pathetic afterall. The hot paths they left burned against your cold cheeks, though they still couldn’t compete with the heat that filled your aching chest. 
I’ll be with them again. Ghost won’t let me go. 
“Mum…I had a nightmare. The monsters want to take me away.”
Your little tail was pinned fast under your legs, your ears folded so close to your head you could feel the fibres of your hair even through your fur. Blinking back the tears from your eyes, you swallowed and looked up at her imploringly, hoping for a big cuddle just like the ones you’d seen her give to your older sister.
If she knew the meaning in your look, she didn’t show it. She groaned and got up from the couch, mumbling something under her breath before grabbing your wrist and shepherding you back to bed. The long dark corridors of your house seemed all the more haunting at night, the sounds of all the appliances ringing through the walls like wails. You shivered all the way back to your tiny room. Your mum’s iron grip may as well have been a shackle tugging you to prison. 
“Right, get back to sleep. You won’t have another nightmare after you’ve just had one.”
She turned the light on while you sorted yourself, impatiently hovering by the switch until you were lying back in bed and clinging the stuffed dog that your sister hadn’t wanted - had so graciously thrown at you one day - to your chest. His name was faint to you now, a shadow in your anxiety addled mind, what did you call him again? 
“Sleep tight,” she sighed, turning the light out and spiriting out the door. 
You blinked out through the darkness and sighed, curling into a little ball and trying your best to retreat from the leering shadows in the corner of the room. In that darkness your mind created faces, grinning horrible faces that wanted to gobble you up and turn you into mince. Just like the monsters from that horrible movie your dad had watched the night before, completely unaware that you had been hiding under the dining table, trying to avoid your mothers wrath for the milk that you’d spilled before bed.
“Monsters can’t get you here, sweetie,” you whispered to yourself, remembering the calming words you’d overheard in your sister’s room a few nights prior. “Nothing will get you when you’re safely tucked up…snug as a bug in a rug. You have your teddy to protect you, he’ll watch over you all night! Then in the morning everything will be fine again and the sun will be shining.”
The words didn’t seem to hold the same weight when you said them to yourself. They just rang hollow in the static. Perhaps they didn’t work the same since you were different, a half-breed ‘thing’ that no one asked for. Were you worth protecting? Would the sun shine for you in the morning?
“Hey, Pup. Oi. It’s ok, you’re alright. Easy…Easy”
You gulped in a hungry breath of air and opened your eyes, chest absolutely heaving as you fought off the last of the evil spirits that cackled and snapped at your extremities. In all your confusion between sleeping and waking, you couldn’t be sure if the arms that were wrapped around you were real, and if they were, you couldn’t be sure that they were friendly. 
When you whipped round and saw Gaz staring down at you with wide concerned eyes, you still questioned to yourself if you were in another layer of a dream. This couldn’t be right, you thought drowsily. 
“Gaz?” you mumbled, tilting your head when he smiled at you. “What are you doing here?”
“Saving you from the bogeyman apparently,” he smirked, ruffling your ears until you swatted his hands away. “That looked like a fuckin’ mental dream, mate.”
“No, Really - what are you doing here?”
You looked around, noting the wide open kennel door and the hazy blue sky beyond, a soft gradient of navy and electric blue sheeted over the fences and trees beyond. It couldn’t be any later than three, maybe four at a stretch. Your sleeping bag was tangled round your ankles and the heater had turned off, but other than that nothing had changed in the kennel. 
All was quiet on base, no cars whizzed by, barely any noise sounded through the crisp morning air. Sleep soon scratched at your eyes, forcing you to rub them and then embarrassingly let loose a high pitched whining yawn that had your face heating like a furnace in embarrassment.
“Aw, you are just a cute Pup, aren’t you?”
“Gaz!” you growled, trying to fix him with a stare serious enough that he would answer. 
It was no use though. He wasn’t Soap, so a little mean look did nothing to wipe the stupid smile of his smug face. Though he did relent when you growled, and when he noticed your darting looks round the opened gate, probably seeing that you were searching for the guard. At that point you’d suspected Gaz had to have stuffed him in a locker or something. 
“Relax, you can stop clutching your pearls. Price has a mission for us.”
“What?” you frowned, thoroughly doubtful, “Really? Right after I got kenneled, huh?”
“Genuinely,” He snorted, shaking his head. “I didn’t believe him at first either, but he wasn’t in the mood to piss about and explain himself. Cap said to come get you and load up ASAP, he’ll explain when we’re in the air.”
“We’re flying out?”
“Uh huh. Sooner the better too, can’t believe they made you spend a night in this place. What a fuckin’ joke.”
“Doesn’t feel like a joke to my back,” you ground out, wincing mid stretch when you felt a bone crack and heard the resulting sound. 
“Jesus. You keep making noises like that and they might retire you,” Gaz snorted.
“Ha ha,” you said dryly.
He gave you room to move away from him, allowing you to stand up before looking you over. It was almost comical seeing the way he searched you for any signs of harm, his calculating eyes narrowed as if he were looking for weapons. He paused a moment, only unfreezing when you raised your brows at him and quirked your lips. 
“You solid?” he asked.
“I think so. You?”
“It’s three in the morning and I’m freezing my arse out here instead of being passed out in bed - course I’m not,” he smirked.
You rolled your eyes and bumped into his side, happily strolling out of the kennel and out into freedom. One night down you, you thought, only six more to go until I get to go back to my bed. At the very least you were happy you wouldn’t have to go to that prick, Smith’s, unit for the day. More than having to be separated from Ghost, you feared what he would do to you while in his care. You strongly suspected he’d have more than a slap lined up for you at that point. 
Gaz lead you to the changing rooms before taking you to the chinook, handing you your gear and waiting on the squeaky wooden benches outside the shower block while you got ready. Then after taking the world’s quickest and coldest shower, trying miserably not to get your hair or fur wet, you stepped out to greet him with gritted teeth and soggy ears. If one thing was abundantly clear then, it was the fact that Ghost had utterly spoiled you. There was no way you could face a cold shower again without thinking about the bathroom at his.
“When I get to go back to Ghost I’m gonna live in that shower,” you huffed, teeth chattering while wrapping yourself up in the big cosy fleece that Ghost had given you a few days before. “I’m gonna stay in there until I turn into a prune and then I’ll make sure that Ghost cans me and traps all the warm condensation in.”
Gaz laughed while watching you lace `up your boots last. Your fingers were shaking still from the bone chilling cold that had seeped through your entire body. It was a wonder that you thankfully managed to finish changing without any help. As much as you had considered pathetically asking him to tie them for you, you werent sure if you could go on soldiering knowing that Gaz had to help you like you were some kind of baby. 
“Pup in a can sounds like a pretty good product. New kind of IED discovered, we can just start lobbing you at the enemy instead of wasting grenades.”
“Lobbing me?” You said in faux shock, flattening your drippy ears. “I can’t believe you would even suggest that.”
“What? It’s a pretty solid strategy, would work wonders if we were facing an army of Mactavishes.”
“Gaz!” You squawked, flinging your dirty shirt at him. “Mean!”
He batted it away easily and laughed with you. 
“Oh c’mon. Soap would laugh if he was here.”
“Pfft, Soap here? coming to the kennels? Fat chance.”
“Aw, I’m sure he’d do it for you. His little furball,” Gaz teased, ruffling your ears. “Our fuzzy wuzzy puppy.”
You huffed and shooed his hands away, growling when he went to mess with you again. Gaz didn’t flinch at that, but he did roll his eyes and move back to lean against the wall. He was graciously allowing you to put away the rest of your gear in peace so that you could move out. He grew quiet while you shoved your things into the soft green rucksack, and just as you’d clicked the clasp on your bag closed, he regarded you with a more considering look. 
“What?” Gaz returned, folding his arms. 
You frowned. 
“You’re looking at me funny.”
“Maybe it’s cause you’re funny,” he shrugged. 
“Shame that you’re not,” you replied dryly. 
“Well shit. Mess with the wolf and you get the fangs, huh?”
“You know it, Garrick.”
The chinook was more comfortable than the kennel. That you figured out after your belly was filled with a fat bacon roll and you had Gaz’s shoulder to lean on. Your eyelids dripped like syrup, lashes fluttering as you listened to Price drone on about the mission over the shaky comms. 
“Pup, are you listening? Knew I shouldn’t have bloody given you breakfast first,” Price admonished. 
You slowly blinked back at him.
“I am,” you huffed out, straightening your back against the chair. “We got evidence of WMD’s in Lata, so we’re gonna go there and secure em with a team from Los Vaqueros forces.”
“Top marks,” Gaz chuckled, ruffling your ears. 
You rolled your eyes. 
“These ears ain’t for nothin’,” you said with a sly grin. 
“Those ears better stay alert,” Price grumbled. “I need you alive and well so Ghost doesn’t disembowel me on return.”
Your ears perked up at that, your body quickly straightening up all the way. In all your tiredness and confusion at being taken away, you’d hardly thought about how Ghost would’ve felt about you being seperated from him for the first time. 
“You spoke to him last night then?”
“Tried to,” Price snorted. “After I told him where you were he just about bowled me over trying to get to you. Managed to convince him to let you be, but he was a pain in my arse all night. He wants to speak to you later, so if you would please be careful today me and my neck would thank you.”
“Is he coming here?” You asked hopefully, tail raising in your excitement.
“Probably not. If all goes well we should be outta here in a few days to a week. He said to call once we finish up tonight though.”
Oh. As much as you tried to stop yourself from visibly deflating, there was little you could do to prevent yourself falling back against the chair with a huff. It had already been to long without him and it had only been a day. The thought of the growing distance only gnawed at you as you thought about it more. 
“Relax, Pup. You’ll be back home to Ghost before you know it,” Price hummed. “Just gotta get through this in one piece first.”
“Yeah…but that’ll only be after I finish up my time at the kennels,” you grumbled, fully sagging into Gaz in defeat. 
“We’ll see.”
You tilted your head at the Captain wondering what the hell he meant by that, and even though he saw your curious look he didn’t answer it. All he did was wink. Even when you begged him to elaborate he shook his head and tilted down his boonie hat, making it perfectly clear that the time for talking was done.
“You could use more sleep yourself,” Gaz said afterward, watching you in your confusion. “Don’t worry too much about the future right now, you barely got any sleep last night by the sounds of that dream you were having, so you’re not gonna be able to think straight. Rest your head on me and I’ll try and keep the nightmares at bay, ok? Gotta wake up fresh for the mission.”
You pursed your lips, heart beating like a frail bird in your chest. So many questions danced around you, but every thought was dimmed by the tiring heaviness that had refused to shake itself from your body from the moment you’d woken up.
Gaz was right, you did need more sleep. And curling up on him sounded like a dream. However when you looked up into his soft hazel eyes, a sudden wave of heat pulsed through you and gave you pause. He practically glowed in the emerging morning light. 
“You sure you want me cuddling up to you?” you asked, laughing breathily to cover up your nervousness.
“Only as long as you don’t tell Ghost,” he winked. “Wouldn’t want him to get jealous.”
You shoved him playfully at that, but soon settled down once Price barked out for you both to be quiet. Bodies going ridgid before slackening into each other. Your head drooped gently down onto Gaz’s shoulder and he let his cheek rest on top of your head. The warm rays of the morning blanketed you both in its gentle hold and in minutes you were sinking into a now peaceful sleep.
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msjaeger · 1 year
Whipped Like A Motherfu- (Older!Damian Wayne x Reader)
Description: The boys never thought it was possible for their youngest brother to have a soft spot for a woman. Or a soft spot in general. So how will they react when they witness their brother being lovey-dovey first-hand?
This was requested by @beatriceshadowmarvel2 so enjoy!!!
The only warning I got for this is that it has explicit language.
Damian could be hot-headed. And very irritable. Also not to mention annoying at times. Overall he was a complete dick to almost everyone around him. Keyword: Almost. There was one person he would never and could never show any harsh emotions towards. The love of his life, the one he'd die for, the one he'd kill for. You.
The two of you had met during an attempted robbery. But not in the way one would probably assume. It was Damian who was getting robbed, not you. For obvious reasons, Damian could handle himself in these situations. But also for obvious reasons, Damian is the one who usually initiates the attack. It's been a while since he's been jumped out of nowhere. So he was a bit rusty on his reflexes.
You, on the other, had grown up on the rough side of Gotham so you had gotten a headstart on having your reflexes in tip-top shape. At the time of the incident, you had a fresh can of mace. You were walking past when you noticed the man get struck on the back of the head and were taken aback by surprise. On instinct, you reached into your purse and whipped out the black can. Then the rest was history.
That was approximately two years, six months, five weeks, and twenty-two days ago. It was that long ago since Damian realized that he could never love and long someone as much as he did you. But somehow, after all this time, you're finally meeting the infamous Wayne. His family.
And he was not excited.
"Of course, I'm not going to be excited, sweetheart. You didn't have to live with them for eight years of your life and for another two, having to meet up with them for every fucking holiday to exist." Damian scowled as you flipped his eggs onto a plate. He had just entered the kitchen and sat down at the bar of your shared apartment.
You turned around, one hand on your hip and the other lying his plate in front of him.
"C'mon Dami. They can't be that bad if you didn't run away." You offered, running your hands through your boyfriend's messy hair. He picked up his black coffee and muttered:
"Trust me. I tried."
You sighed and kissed his cheek, his freshly shaved jaw still having shaving cream in random areas of his face. "Did your father ever teach you how to shave?" You chuckled, wiping a smidge of cream off his face. You walked out of the kitchen and stood next to him, silently urging him to eat.
He grumbled something Arabic before grabbing your hips and pulling you down to his level. He started rubbing his cheek against yours, which usually you would be fine with. If shaving cream still wasn't on Damian's face.
"Damian! I was finally ready to go and now my makeup is ruined! I think you got some on my sweater, too!" You whined as he let out a laugh. He pulled away and stared into your eyes, his hands on both sides of your face. His green eyes kept observing each little feature you had on your face. The confused posture on your lips. The twitch of your nose as words came out of your mouth but he could only focus on your face.
"You don't need makeup, my love. You don't need anything to change how you look. You're already the most beautiful thing to bless this Earth." Damian said mindlessly, staring into your eyes.
You chuckled, confused about what made Damian come to those words or thoughts. "I'm not too sure what you mean by that, Dami. But I love you as well.". You stood up to your full height and tried removing the shaving cream from your sweater. "But not as much as I love looking presentable for your family so they don't think I'm a South Side junkie." You announced while walking back to your bedroom.
After your little situation was fixed, the two of you left the penthouse and started your thirty-minute journey to Wayne Manor. The drive gave you time to publicise your concerns.
"Dami, what if they think I'm not good enough for you? Or what if they think I'm using you for money? It doesn't help that I'm from the poorest side of Gotham and possibly the entire fucking country. Should I swear in front of them? I know they're all guys and probably swear worse than me but they-" Your rambling was cut off when your boyfriend kissed you right on the lips.
"Damian! You're driving, from the last time I checked. That's how people crash and die from a cell stroke or something." You reprimanded. Damian only chuckled and removed his hand from the wheel of his favorite Corvette.
"One: This is the car that was partnered with Wayne Enterprises to create the first self-driving sports car. It was in Hands-Off mode, sweetheart. Two: You can't die from a cell stroke because there is no such thing. Three: They'll love you I promise. Because if they don't, I can guarantee they will die a slow and pai-".
"That's enough, love. I'll stick to them not liking me." You compromised, knowing it was the best option as you were aware of Damian's threats becoming a reality.
"That's the thing, Y/n. There shouldn't be a reason for them not to like you. You're beautiful, both book and street smart, and the kindest person to ever walk this Earth." Damian was about to continue his rant about how much you were worth when he noticed he was already parked outside the place he too wasn't sure how to feel about.
A part of him wanted to walk in and reminisce on the memories of his youth. The other part of him wanted to drive his car into the side of the house (without you in it, of course), put it in self-destruct mode, and blow the house into pieces.
"I'm gonna fucking kill myself." Damian groaned as he put the car in park. You glanced at him as his face contorted into one of horror as he stared at the now wide-open door.
Four grown men walked out of the door, a prideful aura radiating off them. Damian's eye twitched as he swung the car door open and flicked them off before they even got the chance to utter a word to him. He made his way to your side of the car and opened the door for you.
He reached his hand out to you and helped you out of the car. You readjusted your skirt and reassess your outfit choice.
'Does this make me look like a hooker?' You wondered to yourself as the group approached your boyfriend and yourself.
"Wow. Little demon managed to find a girl that will put up with his attitude. And he... opened the door for her?" The one who you knew was Dick Grayson and your boyfriend's oldest brother. Only because he was on the best terms with Damian that he actually talked about him. But not in the brotherly way people would consider.
"Fucking Grayson. He's always showing off."
"Dick? Just assume the name comes with the job"
"I will not talk to him. Just because he's my brother and helped me out when I was younger doesn't mean I forgot he threw up all over me when he got shitfaced the last time I saw him."
"Guys, don't tell me the spawn of Satan himself actually learned manners and pulled a good-looking chick. I think I'm gonna cry." The one next to Dick wiped fake tears from his eyes. Damian's scowl deepened.
"Here's an idea, Jason. Go fuck yourself." Damian retorted. The new speaker, Jason, rolled his eyes and chuckled. He was the first to approach you formally and stuck his hand out.
"Hey, I'm Jason, Damian's older, hotter, and smarter brother so if he fucks up, you know where to find me," Jason smirked while you shook his hand.
"I'm Y/n. I would gladly take your offer if I didn't know Damian would never fuck up." You replied back, silently wincing at your use of vulgar language.
But instead of sneering at you or commenting your foul language was 'unladylike', Jason howled in laughter and shrugged.
"Offer still stands. Your accent. You grow up on South Side?" He asked, crossing his arms after you dropped his hand. You nervously glanced at Damian, who nodded in affirmation.
"Yep. Born and raised. How'd you figure it out? I'm usually pretty good at hiding it. That and I don't go around at night, begging for a cigarette and three cents in change."
"I'm from there too. At least before Buck-for-Fuck here adopted me. Grew up on Crack row or whatever it's called by the rich." Jason shifted his gaze to his brother. "You got a good one, Demon. You already know how we turn out." He gestured to himself with up and down hand motions.
"It's a good thing she got out before you, then."
"Fuck you, man."
Jason whimpered in fake pain before being shoved out of the way by Dick and the other brother. Dick introduced himself to you in a very formal way, starting it off by kissing your hands.
Damian did not take it well. He pushed Dick's cheek away from your knuckles. "At least ask her first. Don't you have any self-dignity?" Dick frowned but backed off nonetheless. "My bad, little man. I-", the first thing you've picked up from this family is they don't seem to let each other finish as you watched Dick get shoved by his father, who was clearly embarrassed.
You didn't need an introduction from Bruce motherfucking Wayne. 1. He owns the biggest technology company in the world. 2: It's Bruce Wayne. He's probably the one person on the planet who doesn't need to introduce himself. And he knew that too.
But he introduced himself anyways.
"Hello, Y/n. I'm Damian's father, Bruce. I've heard a lot of things about you." Bruce held his hand out as you shook it respectfully. You glanced at Damian, who scoffed at his father.
"All good things I hope, Mr Wayne." Bruce grimaced when you spoke. "Please call me Bruce, dear. Mr Wayne makes me feel as if I was alive when the Civil War was still being considered." Jason snickered before saying, "You probably were. You'd think with the amount of money you earn, you could afford getting rid of those crow's feet." Damian rolled his eyes at his family's antics before pointing at the last brother that wasn't introduced.
"The emo one who hasn't said a word is Tim. He's a bit odd and stays in his room jacking off or playing with Father's computers." Damian wrapped an arm around you as he explained his brother's habits. Tim's face became stoic as Damian shrugged.
"I hope all your stocks drop completely," Tim grumbled, brushing the hair out of his eyes. Damian's eyes narrowed and he opened his mouth to send a comeback towards his brother before Bruce chuckled nervously.
"Why don't we all go inside and catch up? Also so we don't embarrass ourselves even more in front of Y/n." The boys seemed to all agree and Damian and yourself followed the rest of the family inside.
After settling down inside the manor's living room, Bruce poured you a cup of tea and sat down in between Jason and Dick, Tim sat on the floor, and Damian and yourself sat on the couch.
"So Y/n. Tell us more about yourself. You didn't seem to have any time to do to certain people in the family. You said you were from South Side, right?" Jason clapped his hands and hollered. Bruce gave him a nasty side-eye while Dick slapped his chest.
"I think the more important question is... how the fuck someone like Damian ended up with a sweet little angel like yourself," Tim spoke while drinking something that obviously wasn't tea. Your boyfriend's frown deepened.
"I wouldn't call her a little angel, Timmy. We met because she maced a guy trying to rob me." Jason jumped out of his seat and started a handshake that was created for South Siders to identify each other with. Surprisingly, you still remember the whole thing.
"That's what I'm fucking talking about! You make everyone who still lives in Shitville proud!" Damian pushed Jason back into his seat before pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Please refrain from tainting her with your filthy hands." Damian had little spurts where he would switch from casually talking to someone to as if he was talking to the president. Of course, Jason had a knack for making fun of it.
"My dearest apologies, my lord. May I offer my condolences for my idiotic acts?" Jason bowed from his seat.
"Okay, we can try this again. Please don't fucking touch her with your nasty ass hands that we all know you 'forget' to wash. The next time any one of you touches her without her permission, I'll be sure the Lazarus pit can't bring you back to life." Damian snapped. It suddenly became quiet despite the conversation being between two people.
Although it was only two sentences, it was enough to leave the family of undercover heroes speechless. Not about the fact that the youngest member snapped at them. No, they've gotten used to that.
It's the fact he snapped at them over a girl, let alone anyone else in general.
Jason's jaw was slacked and his eyes were wide in surprise. Tim had lost all his secret stash of alcohol as he not only spit out the liquor in his mouth but his water bottle dropped onto the shiny floors. Dick's face was stoic as he processed the fact that his baby brother could actually care about someone as much as he cared about himself. Maybe more.
Bruce's expression was possibly the hardest not to laugh at. His eyes were wide, an eyebrow was arched, and overall just looked weirded out.
Damian groaned in irritation and his fingers twitched in annoyance. He tapped your thigh a few times and stood up with your hand in his. "We're gonna head to my room and sleep off the bullshit from today. Don't bother us." Damian dragged you along like a lost puppy up one of the many staircases throughout the mansion and disappeared behind the thick walls of the hall. Not before hearing:
"Use protection, please! We don't need any more demon spawns running around when we have Damian and Jason!" "Fuck you, Bruce!"
You laid on Damian's bare chest, his pecs acting like a pillow for your head. Your legs intertwined with his and your hands were in the pockets of his black sweatpants.
You were fast asleep, the warmth from his upper body acting as a sedative for comfort. But Damian wasn't asleep. He couldn't fall asleep. Not while admiring the beautiful soul on his chest.
He ran his calloused fingers through your hair, dismissing the tangles in your hair by prying his fingers apart at the ends of each strand. He knew you'd be pissed about the sudden frizziness when you woke up but he didn't care. Not when he'd at least hear your voice.
"Words cannot describe how much I love you, Y/n. You saved me more than the day we met with your can of mace. You changed me and I will always be grateful for your love and affection towards someone like me." He whispered into your ear. He kept whispering poetic words into your sleeping ears. He suddenly stopped when he heard a creak from the corner of the room.
His vision sharpened to see into the darkness of his old room and immediately reached over to his nightstand and switched his lamp on. It illuminated the room just enough to see his family in the corner of his room, recording the scene in front of them.
Damian wrapped his arms around your waist and gave the nastiest glare possible towards the boys. Tim was about to say something, maybe lighten up the approaching argument but Damian brought a finger up to his pursed lips.
"If you wake her up, I will play tic-tac-toe on your throats with my katana." He blankly threatened.
Dick realized there wasn't any bluffing behind his brother's threat, as he had doubted threats from Damian before and that's how he ended up with thumbtacks in his ass and tried to escape the impending doom.
Jason, on the other hand, wanted to see the world burn and tripped his older brother, causing him to trip and eat shit. A thud echoed throughout the room, causing you to stir in your sleep.
"Dami? What was that?" A dagger was whipped out of the nightstand and held by Damian in a way with the intent to throw it at an unsuspecting victim. "Nothing, sweetheart. Just go back to sleep, okay beautiful?" You drifted back to sleep as if under a spell, your hands now on his defined chest.
There was a brief moment of silence that gave Damian time to admire the love of his life. That was until Jason decided to open his mouth.
"Dude, you're whipped like a motherfu-"
A knife flew across the room and landed right next to Jason's head.
This is the first thing I've written in almost a year so lmk if it's ass or gas. BUT KEEP SENDING IN REQUESTS I LOVE HEARING OTHER PEOPLE'S IDEAS!!!
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kentoavenue · 10 months
thunderstorms - kuroo tetsurou
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kuroo has a new girlfriend.
you’d heard it in the hallways; the boys had just gone back from a friendly match, and you were at your locker to take out something you can’t seem to remember now—a book, maybe?
though the hallway was mostly empty, it seemed like the boys hadn’t spotted you, so you continued on with your business when lev started whining to kai about how envious he was of kuroo’s new girlfriend.
new girlfriend.
you had froze in spot when the words entered your ear. your mind went blank, and you’re almost sure that time and space froze right along with you then.
slowly, you twisted your head towards their direction, and released a breath when you saw that kuroo wasn’t with them, shoulders sagging. you had, however, accidentally made eye contact with kenma, and a slight nod from him had been all the confirmation you needed.
it’s not like you can blame kuroo, though. after the both of you had ended it during that argument two months ago, you had given kuroo the cold shoulder for weeks.
and kuroo, being kuroo, had held on tight to his own ego and went on with his days pretending like you didn’t exist, too.
basically, it’s been radio silent between the two of you. though, in the back of your mind, you had assumed it was all just a game, albeit stretched on too long, to see who’d cave first.
up until that hallway incident, that is.
as if that wasn’t already enough, new gossip started to surface as well about how perfect she was for kuroo—she never failed to come to his matches, was always supportive of him, and just all around perfect, everyone had commented.
kuroo has a new girlfriend, so you’re wondering why he’s standing outside your door at 2am during a thunderstorm.
he’s looking at you with his all too familiar honey eyes, which softens as you finally take him in. he’s head to toe drenched in rainwater. his usual bedhead is wet, sticking to his forehead, and his lips slowly part, as if wanting to say something.
“kuroo,” you start. lightning flashes in the background, and you blink twice, thrice, to see if it is actually him standing on your porch, and not your brain playing games. “what are you doing here?”
“you love thunderstorms,” he finally breathes out, his chest rising and falling quicker than usual. he ran here, you realize.
you nod once, “i do.”
“you love me, too.” kuroo continues.
you furrow your brows, and raise up a palm to stop him. “you have a girlfriend, kuroo. go home.” you swear you can hear your heart crack the moment you said girlfriend out loud.
“i don’t,” kuroo shakes his head and his hands reach out to take your palm—and blame it on the situation or the time, you let him.
his hands are cold and dripping, which usually you’d protest against, but right now there’s something in the way kuroo’s looking at you that keeps you from saying anything.
something that looks a lot like yearning.
“i hear she’s perfect for you,” you whisper. the words don’t even seem real to you, yet you say it anyway. it’s not right that kuroo is here, you think.
“she is,” he swallows. “perfect.”
you start to pull your hand away from his, but his grip is unrelenting. “i don’t need to hear it kuroo. go home.”
“she’s perfect, you know,” he continues.
this is insane, you laugh silently. “so you ran all this way to gloat?”
you turn to step back inside, not wanting to hear any more of his new relationship, but he holds you back still. his hands keep their grip on yours as he steps closer.
“but she’s not you.”
you flick your gaze back to him, lightning flashing once more.
“i was empty for two months without you,” he admits. the rain pours harder behind him, and the sane part of you is telling you to come inside, but you know kuroo, and he’s not moving until he’s finished. “i thought she could fill back the hole in my heart, replace maybe even a speck of you, but i was wrong. dead wrong.”
“she came to my matches, but all the while i kept looking for you. i was so fixated on looking for you that i was off my game. coach even had to sub me out once.”
“no, wait,” he interrupts. “you can ask kenma if you don’t believe me. he called me out several times about it.”
“after the match, when we were having barbeque together, i was waiting for a comment to tease me for getting fish instead of beef, until i realized there won’t be one because you weren’t there.”
“and she never gets my jokes about docosahexaenoic acid. even after i explained to her that it’s good for the brain and—”
“—found in fish. that’s why you like mackerel so much,” you finish for him.
“exactly,” he whispers. his gaze is now pleading, and your heart strains at the sight. you know he means all of it, because he’s rambling. it’s not often kuroo does that.
“i’m not with her anymore.” kuroo’s hands move to interlace his fingers with yours. “i never was, not really.”
you nod again, feeling too many things at once.
the wind is cruel tonight, your hands freezing, but kuroo hasn’t held your hand in too long, so you stay like this.
“i haven’t let anyone take your seat at my place either, you know. that’s your spot, no one could take it,” he says.
“tell me why you’re here, kuroo.” you ask, even though his eyes are telling you everything.
“take me back.” his tone is pleading too, now. and you can feel his longing in the air, palpable. you think it’s mixed in with yours, too. “i’ll do anything.”
“kuroo,” you breathe, but he stops you again.
“tetsurou. not kuroo.” he corrects. “not for you.”
and there’s a silent pause, before you whisper, “okay.”
“okay, what? okay as in you’ll call me tetsurou again, or okay as in you’ll take me back?” he moves his hand to your jaw, tilting it up for him to see better. “you look perfect, by the way.”
“thought you didn’t want perfect.”
“i want you. it’s only you for me, no one else.” his face is inches from yours now, the tension borderline tangible. “so what do you say, kitten?”
you smile up at him, “okay as in both, then.”
and he kisses you, as lightning flashes for the third time that night.
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read the prequel
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giddyfatherchris · 4 months
Confidence booster
Pairing: changbin x reader, ot8 x reader
Type: Not requested
Genre: a biiiit of angst if you squint and fluuuuufff
Warnings: none
Requests: open for stray kids and bts
A/n: i thought about this random scenario and it made my heart grow a size or two with fluff hehe hope you enjoy xx
gif is not mine!
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Summary: After a little incident while you were shopping with Changbin, he takes matter in his own hands to make you feel better and boost your confidence a little
"Why is this so good?" marvels Changbin as you walk down the mall, drinks in both your hands.
You laugh at his comment. Honestly, he's not wrong, but the childlike wonder Changbin often expresses always makes you giggle. He's basically a very buff and muscular child.
"Alright, so where do you need to go first?"
Changbin had invited you for a shopping day. He needed new clothes since he kept getting bigger by the hour. Usually, he would have asked the stylist for some new pieces, but he also liked to walk around the mall. So, with permission and a few security guards, you left together for a shopping spree.
He wanted to stop by a few stores, and you felt more than happy to follow along and enjoy his company. You had wished for the other boys to join you, but the occasion for them to get a free day was so rare. They all jumped at the opportunity to have a very chill and relaxed day.
You entered your third store your hands already full of bags, which all belonged to Changbin. Immediately, he started rummaging through the clothes. Every once in a while, he got out an abomination of a shirt or dress only to make a funny face to make you laugh. You joined in his game and quickly were almost crying because of the new atrocities you pulled out. Even the bodyguards couldn't hold in subtle smiles. 
You were about to show him a very confusing top when your eyes fell on a beautiful dress. You put back the previous piece of clothing without a glance. It was a stunning pastel color and flowed perfectly with its multiple panels. You let your hand stroke the fabric. Your mouth opened with surprise at how soft it was. Completely lost in your world, you didn't notice when Changbin sneaked up on you with a funny hat and pair of glasses. 
"What do you think of these?" he snickered, finding himself incredibly funny. "Y/n?"
Pulled from your daze, you absentmindedly giggled when you noticed him, your mind not quite moved on from the absolute dream you held in your hands.
"You're not even laughing," he pouted before noticing your gaze of adoration. "That's really pretty. I'm sure it would suit you very well. Try it on!" he enthusiastically pressed.
And just like that, your little dream fell flat. You backed away from the rack as if it was poisonous.
"Oh no, I don't think so. I just thought it was soft," you mumbled before quickly walking away. 
For the following stores, he noticed the drastic change in your attitude. Your enthusiastic mood was long gone, replaced by a distant gaze. Every time he offered a piece of clothing he thought would fit you well, you looked at him with this tense stare, shook your head, and moved on.
When you got home, you immediately headed to your room. You dropped the bags directly in the entryway and said a dismissive 'hello' to Felix who was waiting for the two of you with a smile. The young Australian gave his older brother a confused look, to which Changbin only answered with shrugged shoulders.
You were lying on your bed, a frog plushie held tight to your chest. You stared at the ceiling as memories you hadn't thought about in months flooded your brain. You were so out of it you didn't hear the light knock on your door. Only the apparition of Changbin in your room brought you back to the present.
"Oh, hi binnie."
"Can I come in?"
You nodded as you sat cross-legged in your little bed, giving him some space.
"Did you need anything?" you asked after he stayed silent for a few seconds. He looked shy, almost awkward, which was rare for him.
"I wanted to ask you about something, and before you say I imagined it..."
"Changbin I-" 
He stopped you with a stern look. "Fine, I may have the attention span of a kindergartner, but I'm not that blind. You look seriously disturbed whenever I ask you to try something on." You examined your hands, ashamed to face his eyes. "And you can't tell me it was nothing. You looked panicked." He searched for your gaze, his head leaning on the side. 
You closed your eyes. "It's just because it's embarrassing to explain," you whispered.
He stayed silent with his brows furrowed, a silent invitation for you to continue, you looked up and winced. "I used to date someone, and when we went shopping he showed little interest in the clothes I wanted. Which I guess is fair, but the thing is whenever I did try something in front of him, he always made fun of me. Or would point out the things wrong with it?" You hid your reddening face in your hands. "Since then, I only go shopping alone. I'm never trying anything new in front of someone."
You sighed, feeling so ashamed, even though you knew your friend deserved some proper explanation for your unusual behavior. 
"So, that's why you wouldn't try that dress?" 
You nodded. He stared at you silently, patted your hand, and left the room…?
It wasn't totally out of character for Changbin, he really had a hard time focusing on two things at once, but you thought after telling him such a personal story, he would have shown some compassion or at least would have said something. 
It didn't help that you didn't see him the next day. The only thing resembling some news you got was a text in your group chat making sure everyone was still on for the meal at his dorm that night. 
You showed up at the requested hour to an almost empty house. Seungmin, Felix, and Lee Know were the only ones there, busy preparing the meal. When you asked about the five missing boys, they gave a vague answer about an errand they all had to run before supper. You shrugged off the bizarre coincidence with a suspicious look before you joined the preparations.
Changbin, Bang Chan, Han, Hyunjin, and I.N finally showed up with a plethora of bags about 30 minutes later.
"With everything you bought yesterday, I didn't think you were still missing some stuff Bin." You laughed until you noticed their conniving smiles and unusual silence. "What's going on here?" you asked after looking at Seungmin, Felix, and Lee Know.
The sweet Australian boy walked behind you and grabbed your shoulders.
"Changbin hyung told us about your thing with clothes." 
You whipped your head in the direction of the culprit, anger brewing in your blood. 
"Please don't get mad!" intervened Chan as he stepped up. "We went to the store and picked some stuff for you." He gave you an adorable smirk, and if you weren't so embarrassed, you could have swooned.
Your strong friend walked up to you, bags in hands. "Try these and then show us." 
Your mouth opened comically. "Is this a joke?" You looked at your friends and their hopeful smiles. "I told you I don't do that, and if you told everyone, you all should know too."                    
"Exactly, and that's why we want to do this. Please trust us?" He gave you the most horrid and cute agyeo look in an attempt to convince you. You pondered the situation and looked at them, hoping they would rescind. 
"I will try ONE thing, and then we never talk about it again," you grumbled as Changbin quickly handed you a bag with a gigantic smile.
Of course, it was the dress. It was magnificent, and if you were honest, you thought it suited you, but self-doubt was never far away. You could never trust your opinion. You were probably not seeing some horrible detail, you reasoned.
"You can come out now. We're ready!" screamed Changbin from behind the door.
Turning to face the doorway, you took a deep breath. You questioned even getting out. Why would you willingly put yourself in that situation again? But then, the answer timidly pointed the tip of its nose.
Maybe, just maybe, because you did trust them? And maybe because somewhere inside, you hoped it would turn out different this time. 
You stepped out, left the door flagrantly open for a quick escape, and faced the boys with your eyes closed. "Okay, I'm out. Here it is. Can I go back in now?"
Nothing. Your apparition met with silence, you slowly opened one eye then the other. They were all sat very neatly on the couch with serious expressions. 
"Uh, guys?" 
They stayed silent for a bit more, looking you up and down before they looked at each other and started absolutely screaming.
Bang Chan was fake sobbing and muttering about how pretty you were while Seungmin had just 'fainted' in I.N and Felix's arms. Hyunjin was fanning himself like a crazy person.
Suddenly turned MC, Changbin grabbed a hairbrush as a mic and presented your outfit. "Everyone! Here is our first outfit of the night! What would we rate this?"
"A 10!"
"It's PERFECT!" screamed Han.
You couldn't help a fit of laughter from escaping your mouth. Your cheeks were red with slight embarrassment and a healthy dose of happiness. The boys continued their crazy antics, asking you to twirl and do a model walk across the living room as they applauded. The show continued for a while as they encouraged you to try every item of clothing they bought you. 
Most of them fit you like a glove, and you praised their incredible sense of fashion. Even with the more ill-fitting ones, their comments focused on comedy. Not a bad thing was said about you or the way your body looked.
You concluded the night with the delicious meal your three cooks had prepared and a movie. You were cuddled up on the couch, somehow all touching despite your different positions. 
In the middle of the movie, you subtly looked at Changbin, sitting next to you. His gaze focused, face bare, and his natural dark curls giving him the fluffiest and most adorable appearance. After a few seconds of your maintained observation, he turned to you, a silent question mark in his dark eyes. 
"When you didn't say anything after I confessed my story I got scared you were judging me," you whispered. "But after what you did tonight, I just wanted to thank you."   
A satisfied smile illuminated his features as he reached for your hand, squeezing it. He didn't say anything for a while, his gaze back on the screen intently watching the movie, until he brought his mouth close to your ear and ushered in a low tone. 
"You deserved to be shown the proper reaction for anything you would ever put on. That guy was an ass if he wasn't able to recognize what was in front of him." Your eyes turned round like saucers at the words you were hearing. You shifted to look at him, but his eyes were still on the screen. "We didn't have to put on a show or anything. We simply had to be honest and say what we’re all silently thinking all the time."
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jadeddangel · 3 months
can you do
angel x reader x husk poly
They neglect the reader, but with a good ending
"Not too important"
Husk x reader x Angel Dust
Summary: In which Angel and Husk struggle to balance their work lives and personal lives, leading to a mild argument and a struggled apology
Warnings: swearing, abandonment issues, talk of Valentino, talk of physical abuse
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You, Husk, and Angel had been dating for a little over since the incident with Charlie and Angel getting into an argument, you didn't really know what happened since you weren't there but you could piece together that it almost got messy. The hotel had been growing steadily after the extermination so you, husk and angel struggled with making time for eachother, especially with Val trying to make angel "pay" for the incident at the club and for ignoring him. And due to the hotel gaining popularity, husk had been forced to work as Alastor's little errand boy for the time being. And then there was you, after zestial found out about carmilla's incident with the angels, zestial has been making you work like crazy, errands, working as a temporary bodyguard in certain rings, despite him not needing it. It was getting exhausting trying to give all of your energy towards zestial and having a good attitude while also remaining the hinge that really brought angel and husk's relationship, to say you were burnt-out was an understatement.
You had gotten home after a long day of errands and escorts. As you finally got into your shared room, you stripped out of the green and black cloak along with semi-formal clothes in a darker theme After a very much, well-deserved bath and some time to decompress, you headed downstairs in some more casual clothes. After seeing Angel sitting at the bar to talk with husk, you nearly skidded down the stairs eager to give your lovers the attention they deserved, you hopped onto the bar chair next to angel before wrapping him in a hug, " Angie! Oh, how I've missed you! How was work?" You nearly exclaimed in the poor boys ear. Angel's body went ragged as his muscles tensed and tried to relax, realizing it was just you but still didn't quite relax. Angel used his second set of arms to carefully remove your body from his tucking your arms into your lap and rolling his eyes exhaustedly, "It was the same as usual, long and hard, Val has a stick up his ass" Angel complained a bit, as you listened closely, his tone wasn't like how it usually was, and the lack of dirty jokes really made you concerned. You nodded a bit before turning your attention to husk.
"Don't think I forgot about my favorite little kitty. How are you doing? Alastor isn't being too much of an unbearable prick, is he?" You asked, taking notice of the alastor's lack of presence. Husk's body went ridged at the sound of alastors name causing him to overpour his glass over alcohol he was serving himself, Husk let out a hiss as he stepped back and away from the overflowing mess of his glass. "It's the same as it always is, Listen, Our days were hard enough, we don't need you and your peppy attitude to make it worse, you don't know what it's like so don't even try and act like you know what's going on." Husk hissed out through gritted teeth, narrowed eyes focused in on you, pupils forced into the shape of sharp slits.
Husk's words bounced around in your brain for a few mere moments before your body tensed as you tried not to take them to heart. You could feel your body relax as your mind disconnected from your emotions in order to protect itself. Your nails subconsciously dug into the hard linoleum of the countertop as you struggled to ground yourself, "Oh...." The sound fell effortlessly I the silent air as you struggled to find the right words, not caring how they hurt yourself or the people around you. "Right.... YOU both have had a bad day, and me trying to cheer you up makes me the bad guy? Get a grip, HUSKER... " You spoke monotonously aside from enunciating certain words. You pushed your chair back as a sickening crackle filled the thick air; your chair had scraped up a good amount of the wood, which would most certainly get you in trouble later.
Your blood was boiling in anger at his insensitivity as you "calmly" walked away from the bar to your room to get some space. You laid down face first in the cold covers. You felt the bed dip slightly and a cold, wet nose pressing into the underside of your forearm. "Hi fat nuggets.." You sighed s bit sitting up so you could pet Angel's beloved pet.
Time had passed rather quickly as you ranted to fat nuggets about everything that happened, avoiding using any slurs or cussing in front of the sweet animal. You had left your emotions calm down as you felt a familiar feeling of guilt from having acting that way. You may not hold grudges, but you weren't apologizing first. You were tired of being the bigger person in all of these situations, and it exhausted you. You let out a heavy sigh as you looked down at the adorable little creature that seemed to be hanging onto your every word, " I need to get some sleep now, zestial has me planned for an early meeting again.. never thought I'd regret selling me soul, " you joked while scratching behind Nugget's ear. Letting out an exasperated sigh, you picked the little pig up and laid down, holding him close to your chest for comfort. You heard the floorboards outside your door creak from weight as a long slender hand pushed open the door slowly, causing light to flood the room. You did your best to ignore it and stay still. The most you did was let go of nuggets, allowing them to jump into, presumably, Angel's arms.
Angel took a deep breath as he sat down on the side of the bed, "Muffin? It's Angie.. look, I don't know if you're awake right now, but I'm sorry, we're sorry, work has been stressful on all of us, and we took it out on you." Angel pressed into the sensitive matter carefully, "Husk is worried about you. Why don't you come down for a drink, huh? I can see your brow furrowing, " Angel teased. You hadn't even realized your expression had changed as you sighed heavily sitting up, "I'm not taking anything husk makes until he apologizes.." you muttered stubbornly. Angel let out a little snicker, "you both are so cute when your mad, cmon just one drink and if anything goes wrong you've got us," Angel tried to bargain, and so far, it was working. Angel put two of his hands under your arms to lift you while the other two set nuggets down. Angel soon managed to coax you out of bed, aka bribe and carry you, and helped you down stairs. The wood where the chair had scraped away was fixed along with the chair in its original spot. You hesitantly sat down with angels encouragement, Angel took his seat next to you and gestured to husk to say something. Husk took a deep breath and cleared his throat, "want a drink?" Husk grumbled as Angel let out a heavy sigh shaking his head as he set his forehead in his palms.
Husk poured you your usual drink as he looked at you with slightly pleading eyes. Husk has never big on apologizes but you could tell he was trying to apologize just... in his own little way. You grabbed the glass from him taking a big sip, "I'm sorry too, I didn't mean to hurt you, I wasn't thinking, ill accept your apology, will you accept mine?" You asked reaching for his paw with your other hand slowly allowing him to pull away if wanted/needed. Husk didn't as he held your hand tightly, "can we just rest after this drink? We've all had a shitty day.."Husk said in his usual husky voice. You and angel shared a look before letting out happy snickers and giggles, "definitely, mr.whiskers~" Angel teased in his usual tone. Husk let out a deep groan pulling his paw away "great now the moments ruined" Husk shot back just as playful as Angel. They were happy and so were you, so it worked out well, and you wouldn't change a thing
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theostrophywife · 8 months
kiss with a fist | chapter five.
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masterlist 💋 chapters 💋 playlist
pairing: theodore nott x reader.
song inspiration: me and the devil - soap & skin.
author's note: things are picking up. a little bit of angst, a little bit of smut and a whole lot of theo just being theo.
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After three consecutive brewing sessions without any incidents or explosions, Theo was fairly confident that you had mastered Angel’s Trumpet. All thanks to his supreme knowledge. His words, not yours. 
“Today’s the day,” Luna announced cheerfully as she hooked her arm through your elbow.
The two of you walked through the sun soaked courtyard, weaving through your fellow loitering students. “Let’s hope to Merlin that I don’t blow up the place.” 
“You won’t,” Luna said supportively. “Though if you do, you can always blame it on the wrackspurts.” 
“Wait up, Lovegood!” 
Luna slowed as Mattheo Riddle and Enzo Berkshire flanked your side. Mattheo smirked at you while Enzo waved politely. The former had a cigarette tucked behind his ear. 
You wrinkled your nose in disgust. “Smoking isn’t allowed on campus grounds, you know. I should dock points from your house.” 
Mattheo raised a brow. “Go ahead, little miss prefect, but then I’d be inclined to let slip that our studious little Ravenclaw has been sneaking into the Slytherin boy’s dormitory at all hours of the night.” You gaped, turning red as you fought the urge to clobber him right then and there. “The walls are very thin, you know. I could hear you and Theo giggling from across the hall.”
“We were just eating gelato!”  
Riddle appeared unconvinced. Even Enzo struggled to hide his grin. “Is that what the kids are calling it nowadays? Anyways, I’m not interested in who's eating whose gelato.” 
“You’re a menace and a pest.”
“I’ve been called worse, sweetheart.” 
“Anyways,” Enzo interjected. “Pansy wanted to know what snacks you prefer for the quidditch game after party, Luna." The Slytherin boy turned towards you and smiled. "You’re invited too, Y/N.” 
You raised a brow at your friend. “You’re going to a Slytherin party? Hosted by Pansy Parkinson? Who is apparently concerned about your snack preferences?” 
Luna blushed. “I meant to tell you about it, but I figured Theo had already invited you.” 
“Oh, I’m sure.” Mattheo said with a grin. “Notty boy probably asked her in between spoonfuls of gelato and pillow fights.” 
“Is there an actual point to your existence or are you just here to be a pain in my arse?” 
“One would argue that irking you is a purpose all on its own.” 
“Tell Pans that I’d love a bag of wotsits,” interjected Luna. Berkshire looked relieved to receive an answer. 
“Right, then. Mattheo and I will relay the message.” 
“But I wasn’t—” 
“Let’s go, mate. Before Snape gives you another detention.” 
Mattheo blew a kiss as Enzo dragged him away, which you returned with a classy display of your middle finger. 
“Pans?” you asked incredulously. Luna flashed you an innocent smile before pushing you towards the potions classroom. 
“We’ll talk about it later. After you ace Angel’s Trumpet!” 
You watched in astonishment as your best friend’s platinum blonde head disappeared into the crowd, happily bobbing up and down. “This isn’t over, Loons!” 
Luna giggled and gave you a cheeky wink as she rounded the corner. 
“What was that all about?” Theo asked as you slipped into your usual seat. 
“What do you know about this newfound friendship between Pansy Parkinson and my best friend?” 
“Oh, I’d say it’s much more than a friendship.”
“Luna…and…Pansy. How is that even possible?” 
“Well, when a mommy and mommy love each other…” quipped Theo. 
You raised a hand, flashing him a glare. “I mean, I know that it’s possible. Just not between those two. They have virtually nothing in common.” 
He shrugged. “Opposites attract.” 
“But Luna’s so sweet and nice and thoughtful and Pansy’s…” Theo gave you a warning look. Slytherins could insult each other all they wanted, but the serpents had some twisted code of loyalty to one another. “You know what I mean, Theodore. I know she’s your friend, but if she hurts Luna I swear to Godric I’ll shove a Nimbus so far up—”
“I think I get the gist, diavolina. Why is your first instinct always violence? Aren’t you Ravenclaws supposed to approach things with logic?” 
“The logical response to anyone hurting my friends is violence.” 
Theo’s mouth quirked. “Is it strange that I’m weirdly turned on by that?” You smacked his arm in response, which he yelped rather dramatically at. “Lovegood’s perfectly capable of holding her own, you know. She wouldn’t have caught Pansy’s eye if she wasn’t.” 
“Parkinson’s treating her well, then?” 
“Oh, more than well. I haven’t seen her this giddy since she abandoned the straight act.” You bit back a smile at that comment. “I mean, imagine having to pretend to be attracted to Malfoy.”
“I heard that, you twat,” Draco said from a few seats over. 
Theo blew his friend a kiss. “You were meant to, Dray.”
You almost let out a snort, but you caught it just in time. Theo grinned from ear to ear as you glared at him. He leaned in, nudging you with his elbow.
“That charming little laugh is supposed to be our little secret, amorina.”
You flushed as he winked at you. Fortunately, all conversations ceased as Professor Slughorn entered the room. 
“Good afternoon, students. As you know, we will be brewing Angel’s Trumpet Draught today. You will have ninety minutes to complete the assignment. Whoever brews the best draught will receive a special reward.” 
Slughorn clapped his hands, sending the room into a frenzy. “Best of luck, then.”
By now, the steps were so ingrained that you hardly had to think about it. You and Theo had poured over Alessandra’s grimoire for countless hours. The instructions and illustrations floated in your mind as you worked quietly. Your movements were sure and confident, executing each step with an odd sense of calm. Usually, you were tense while you brewed, but it was different this time around. 
Across the table, you looked up and found Theo hunched over his cauldron. There was an intense expression on his face as he brewed and his fingers moved with expert precision. It was such a stark contrast to his usual easy breezy attitude that it made you smile. Sensing your gaze, Theo turned and pierced you with those watercolor eyes. Finally, it dawned on you what they reminded you of. 
Theo’s eyes were like the Black Lake—deep and full of danger, but beautiful in a strange sort of way. 
The intrusive thought nearly broke your focus. You didn’t have time to think about what it meant—you didn’t want to think about what it meant. Instead, you fixed your attention to the task at hand. 
After stirring clockwise and then counterclockwise, you watched with bated breath as the draught simmered to a shimmery mauve color. The perfumed aroma wafted from the cauldron, catching the attention of those around you. Theo appeared nearly as anxious as you while the draught bubbled softly. 
Then, a puff of smoke billowed to signal your success. You had never felt so relieved and proud. All that hard work had paid off. 
“I did it,” you said incredulously. “I fucking did it!” 
Before you even realized what was happening, you were leaping into Theo’s arms. He chuckled, spinning you in the air with a huge grin. 
“I knew you could,” he declared proudly. “I’m so proud of you.” 
His words made you flush all the way to the tips of your ears. Since you were little, you thrived off of praise and recognition. Commendation had always been every Ravenclaw's drug, but with Theo it almost felt like an Achilles heel. The weak spot that may very well provide him with the perfect opening to your steel armor.
Suddenly, you were all too aware of how close you were. Theo seemed to realize this too because he set you down gently and scratched the back of his head like the moment baffled him too. Luckily, your classmates were too engrossed in their own cauldrons to notice the outburst. 
Theo cleared his throat. “Sorry—I didn’t mean to—just got a bit excited—” 
“No—it’s fine—perfectly understandable—” you mumbled, straightening your tie to avoid making eye contact. 
“Well, well, well, what do we have here then?” 
The two of you leapt apart as if electrocuted. Thankfully, Professor Slughorn was perfectly oblivious to the awkward tension. He peered into your cauldron, scrutinizing the color, smell, and texture of the draught. After a few moments, he gave an approving nod. 
“We have our winner,” the older man declared. Slughorn took a few drops of the draught and placed it into a vial. He passed it around your classmates. “This, my dears, is how you brew a perfect potion. When prepared properly, Angel’s Trumpet Draught is known to cause vivid hallucinations. A large enough dose can even result in psychosis. It is a poison commonly used by those who practice the dark arts to drive its consumer into madness, heightening their torture to a sadistic degree. Notably, the Dark Lord’s servants were overly fond of using this particular potion paired with the Cruciatus curse.” 
Beside you, Theo stiffened as several of your classmates glanced at him and Draco. You frowned, shooting sharp daggers at anyone who dared to meet your gaze. The lingering prejudice after the final battle still hung over Slytherin house like a malevolent fog, but you would’ve thought that your fellow classmates would have enough sense to realize that not everything was black and white. The world existed in shades of gray. Every Ravenclaw knew that. Still, even your fellow housemates regarded Theo with suspicion. 
Your fists curled at your sides. “Didn’t Godric Gryffindor invent the potion?” 
“Yes, very good Y/N.”
“I’d say it’s safe to assume that he was aware of the potential damage of the potion. Dark wizard or not, everyone is capable of creating weapons of mass destruction. Either that or good old Godric had a pretty wild acid trip planned with the rest of the founders.”
Behind you, Malfoy snorted while Theo bit his lip to keep from smirking. 
Professor Slughorn was taken aback for a moment before continuing his spiel. “Whatever his reasons, Godric created a rather potent potion. Our job is to deconstruct Angel’s Trumpet in order to counter its effects. Next class, each of you will turn in a list of ingredients for a possible anti-potion.” He waved his hand, dismissing the class. “Good luck.” 
One by one, students started filtering out of the potions lab. You followed after them until Slughorn called you back. 
“Miss Y/N, stay. There’s still the matter of your reward to discuss.” 
You walked up to his desk, fidgeting with the strap of your satchel. You were fairly certain that he was about to give you a dressing down for your snarky comment. Instead, Slughorn offered you a kind smile and a scroll of parchment. 
“A letter of recommendation,” the Professor explained. “While I am aware that you have already secured a spot at Oxford, I hope that this will help in your pursuits of being recruited by the Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers.” 
Your eyes widened in surprise. It was widely known that Slughorn was a longstanding member of the society. Not only that, but he held sway in which applicants were eventually accepted as well. A letter of recommendation from him was basically a guarantee. 
“Thank you, Professor. Since first year, it’s been my dream to join the society.” 
“You’re well on your way, Y/N,” he said with an encouraging nod. “I must say, that brew of Angel’s Trumpet was even better than some of my fellow colleagues. You are an exceptionally talented witch and I am very much interested in cultivating talent like yours, which is why I’d like to extend a dinner invitation to you.” 
A letter of recommendation and an invitation to an infamous slug club dinner? Seventh year was definitely your year. But still, something niggled at your brain. 
“Thank you, professor. I truly appreciate it, but I have to be honest. I didn’t brew that potion on my own. I had a great deal of help from Theodore. He was the one who taught me how to brew it properly. If anyone deserves the credit, it’s him.” 
Even as the words were coming out of your mouth, you couldn’t believe you were actually saying them. It went against every instinct as a Ravenclaw to not use this opportunity to get a leg up in your academics, but it wouldn’t have been right. It wouldn’t have been fair. 
Slughorn was quiet for a moment. “Ah yes, I have noticed that Theodore is especially talented in potions. As was his father before him.” He gave you a pointed look before continuing, “Be that as it may, I couldn’t very well extend an invitation to Mr. Nott. His father is a convicted Death Eater facing a life sentence in Azkaban.” 
“I know,” you proceeded cautiously. “But Theo has been cleared by the ministry. He had nothing to do with his father’s service to the Dark Lord and has never once expressed loyalty to Voldemort or spread his pureblood propaganda.” 
“Don’t get me wrong, dear. I am not accusing Theodore of any wrongdoing. Mr. Nott is an exceptional quidditch player and one of the brightest young wizards of your year, but I’m afraid the optics aren’t in his favor.” 
The optics aren’t in his favor. As if public opinion and appearances were all Theo amounted to. 
You dug your fingers into your palms, embedding crescent shapes within your skin. It wasn’t right. It wasn’t fair. 
You were so angry that you wouldn’t be surprised if you looked down to find yourself bleeding. You needed to get out of there. To leave before you said something irrational. 
“Thank you again, professor. I should get going for my next class.” 
“Of course, dear. Do let me know about dinner.” 
You gave him a curt nod before departing. The dungeons passed by in a blur as you stomped your way through the crowded halls. Many of your friends called out to you, but you didn’t bother acknowledging any of them. You were too furious to even have a conversation right now. 
You didn’t go to class. Instead, you found yourself on the fourth floor of Ravenclaw Tower. The music room—your place of refuge. 
Particles of dust floated like snow through the air as you pulled back the piano cover. Your shoulders were tense, your spine ramrod straight as you sank down onto the bench. Without thinking, your fingers flew angrily over the keys. You channeled all your rage and fury into the song, allowing yourself to feel every surge of emotion with each chord. 
It wasn’t right. 
It wasn’t fair. 
The judgment in your classmate’s eyes. The cowardice in Slughorn’s words. The confusing swirl of emotions it made you feel. 
You weren’t used to feeling so much. You valued logic above all and yet here you were, taking out your frustrations on this grand piano like it had personally affronted you. 
What in the bloody hell was happening to you? 
“Beethoven,” a familiar voice drawled, startling you out of your thoughts. “Merlin, you must really be pissed to be playing moonlight.” 
Theo slid into the bench beside you. The piece ended on an unpleasant note with a slam of your fingers. 
You refused to look at him. “You should be in Charms right now.”
“So should you,” Theo countered. “Instead, you’re here abusing this poor piano.” He turned over, cocking his head. Then, in a gentler voice, he asked, “What happened, Y/N?” 
“Slughorn gave me a letter of recommendation and an invitation to a slug club dinner.” 
“Shouldn’t you be happy about that? It’s literally all you’ve been hoping for since first year.” 
“He only did that because of the Angel’s Trumpet.”
“Which you brewed perfectly.” 
“With your help,” you said with a sigh. “I wouldn’t have been able to brew it at all if you hadn’t helped me and I told him that. I told him that and he—” you inhaled sharply, feeling a million pinpricks in your lungs. 
Theo furrowed his brow. “You told him I helped you? Why would you do that?” 
“Because, it’s the truth. We both know I couldn’t have done it without you. I don’t deserve that letter of recommendation or the dinner invitation. You do.” You took a ragged breath. “I know it. You know it. Slughorn knows it, but do you know what he told me? He said he couldn’t offer either to you because the optics aren’t in your favor.” 
He remained silent, quietly watching you. Theo didn’t even look angry, which frustrated you even more. 
“Did you hear me? Slughorn says that he can’t invite his star pupil to dinner because of how it would look. He can’t reward a student’s hard work because it would tarnish his precious reputation.” 
Theo stared at you as though he were trying to work something out. He must have found whatever it was, because a second later, he was smiling. 
“My nemesis coming to my defense?” He teased, nudging you with his elbow. “Don’t tell me that you’re actually starting to like me, Y/N.”
You rolled your eyes. “You wish, Nott.” As determined as he was to treat the matter lightly, you just couldn’t seem to let go of it. “No, this isn’t about hate or like. Being judged for your father’s actions isn’t fair.” 
Theo merely shrugged. “Nothing in life is fair.” 
“How are you not angry about this?” 
You paused. “This isn’t the first time something like this has happened, is it?” 
“It’s not a big deal.” 
“Of course it’s a big deal!” you seethed, baffled that he wasn’t as outraged as you were. “It’s prejudiced bullshit! We’ve been rivals for years and you’ve never once brought up the fact that I’m muggleborn.” 
Theo grinned. “There’s plenty of things about you that annoy me that are completely unrelated to your blood status.” 
“That’s exactly the point. You don’t buy into this whole blood purity nonsense, but Slughorn is acting like you do.” 
“It’s been like this my entire life,” Theo said as if you were merely discussing the weather. “That’s not to say that my existence is some sob story. I am still rich and handsome, after all, but there are stains that even my devastating good looks and trust fund can’t blot out.” 
“But you didn’t make those stains.” 
Theo smiled sadly. “Neither did Draco or Pansy or Mattheo, but we all pay the price for it anyways.” His hands hovered over your shaking fingers. “It’s alright, Y/N. Since we were old enough to understand, we’ve all known and accepted that our family's reputations will always precede us. For better or for worse. Besides, I much prefer people whispering behind my back than facing a dementor’s kiss.” 
“It’s not fair,” you repeated, feeling your heart clench in your chest. “You’re not your father.”
To your surprise, Theo took your face in his hands and kissed you. It was a gentle kiss, his lips pressed softly against yours, noses brushing while he caressed the curve of your jaw. When he pulled away, something heartbreaking flashed through his features. 
“Thank you,” he said after a moment. “For caring enough to be angry.” 
The combination of the look of gratitude on his face and the soft way he said those words wrenched at your heart. Theo was grateful. Grateful to have someone who cared. 
You didn’t know why, but it felt like your heart was breaking. 
It must have showed on your face because Theo tilted your chin and kissed you again. This time, he didn’t hold back. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in closer. The kiss was a conversation—every peck and nip and bite littered with words that you were too afraid to say. His tongue slid against yours and the taste of him was intoxicating. You could’ve kissed him for hours and you would have if you hadn’t realized that the choir was set to be practicing in this exact room in less than ten minutes.
“We have to go,” you murmured against Theo’s mouth. 
“Don’t,” Theo whispered, stealing kisses. “Wanna.” His fingers tangled in your braid as he chased your lips. 
“We can go to my dorm.” 
Theo pulled away and stared at you. “Your dorm?” 
You nodded. “Luna’s in class, as are the rest of my housemates. The tower is completely empty. Why shouldn’t we take advantage of it?”
He smirked. “I like the way you think, my devious little Ravenclaw.”
On high alert, the two of you snuck out of the fourth floor and into the fifth. You quickly answered the eagle’s riddle to enter the common room. 
“Wait,” you said, turning towards Theo. “How did you get past the knocker downstairs?” 
“I offered to grease its hinges,” he replied salaciously. You snorted, which made him smirk. “I’m kidding. I answered the riddle, obviously. Honestly your constant questioning of my abilities would be rather offensive if I wasn’t made aware of your gallant attempt of defending my honor.”
You rolled your eyes and pulled him into the common room. As you predicted, the tower was completely empty. Theo surveyed the floor to ceiling windows, the four story bookshelves, and the star flecked glass ceiling with awe and admiration. He whistled, taking his surroundings in.
“No wonder you hate the dungeons. This is—excuse the pun—quite magical.”
“It’s even better at night,” you said, staring up at the domed ceiling. “You can practically touch the stars from this high up. If you’re good, maybe I’ll find a way to sneak you in again.” 
Theo smirked. “I haven’t even stepped foot in your dorm yet and you’re already thinking about next time. A bit eager aren’t we, dolcezza?” 
You rolled your eyes and dragged him into a narrow hallway. The dorm you shared with Luna sat at the top of the spire, offering you the best view in the castle. With a flick of your wand, you unlocked the door. 
“Come in before I change my mind, Nott.” 
Theo was just as nosy as you were back at his dorm, if not more. He took in the twin blue and gold canopy beds, the arched bay windows strung with enchanted fairy lights, and the built in bookshelves that lined the walls. Despite this, there were still stacks of books by your bedside table that were set to topple over at any moment. Theo gravitated towards your side of the room and ran his fingers through the spines of your beloved novels. 
He peered curiously at the pinboard by your desk, examining the variety of pictures—muggle and magical, the concert tickets, the pressed flowers, and even the framed photo of you with your mum and dad standing on platform 9 ¾ taken right before your very first trip to Hogwarts. Theo’s smile widened as he toyed with the hem of his jumper, which was currently draped over your chair. As much as you hated to admit it, the damned thing was so comfortable that you’d taken to sleeping in it almost every night. 
“Are you quite finished snooping?” you asked, flushing. 
Theo smirked and stalked over to you. “Why? Do you have other plans for me, diavolina?” 
“A few.” 
He walked you to the bed until the back of your legs met the edge of your mattress. Theo gripped your waist, dipping his head down so his lips ghosted over the hollow of your throat. You arched against his mouth and the low rumble of his dark laughter skittered over your skin. 
“Show me, then.”
You pulled him in by his tie and he grinned, leaning down to kiss you. Theo chuckled darkly as you flipped positions and pushed him onto the bed. He watched with hungry eyes as you crawled over him, his wandering hands roaming up your skirt. You gasped as he gripped your thighs, positioning you over him as his lips met yours in a passionate kiss. 
There was so much heat and tension between you that it felt like you might spontaneously combust. His touch was fire against your skin, tracing every curve and dip like he was committing every detail to memory. You unbuttoned his shirt and he watched carefully, those hypnotizing eyes locking you in place while he allowed you to undress him. 
The romps with Theo had always been frantic and rushed—stolen moments in cupboards, closets, and classrooms, but this time you took it slow. You traced over every mole and scar and freckle on his torso, feeling the heat of his skin underneath your fingertips. His gaze never left yours as he helped you shrug out of your blouse, watching your reaction as he cupped your breasts over your bra before taking it off in one swift move. Once you stripped out of your layers, Theo leaned down to kiss you again.
His lips moulded perfectly to yours, a perfect mix of give and take. You groaned as he nipped at your bottom lip, teasing at the seam. The pressure of his hand against the base of your throat made you gasp.
Theo’s tongue slid against yours as he gently laid you down on your back. His arms bracketed your head on each side and he kept his eyes on your face as he lined himself up at your entrance. The intensity of his gaze made your stomach flutter and when he pushed inside in one swift move, you nearly clawed at his back. The feel of him was so familiar and yet it left you gasping every time. Theo swallowed your moan as he thrust in slowly and your legs wrapped around his waist while your arms snaked through his neck so you could pull him closer. 
The sunlight caught in his eyes, the blues and greens and golds refracting like a kaleidoscope in the golden hour glow. “Keep your eyes on me, bella.” 
You opened your eyes, whimpering as Theo linked your fingers together. The kisses he gave you were deep, tender, and his lips caressed yours in a way that made you forget your own name. He groaned as you canted your hips against his, meeting his pace with equal hunger. 
“That’s it, Y/N. You’re taking it so well for me.” Theo pinned your arms above your head and thrusted deeper. “Breathe, baby. There you go, love. You like that, don’t you?”
Theo pressed his forehead against yours. The hand that wasn’t holding yours crept up your neck, resting at the hollow of your throat. He caressed the side of your neck possessively. 
“I need—I need—I,” you stuttered through the words, biting your lip to keep your eyes open. “Deeper, please. I need all of you.” 
A stream of curses flowed effortlessly past Theo’s lips. You were already well acquainted with his filthy mouth, but for Godric’s fucking sake, did he have to sound so bloody attractive while swearing in Italian? It was truly, honestly, unfair to the rest of the world. A temptation perfectly crafted to make your knees weak and your heart flutter. 
“Oh god, oh fuck, please—“
“You sound so pretty when you beg, but don’t worry sweetheart. I’ll give you exactly what you want.”
Theo hiked your legs over his shoulders and drove into you at a deeper angle. You felt him shudder as your walls clenched around him. 
He groaned as you raked your nails across his back. “Feels so good. Don’t stop, please. Just give me all of it.”
“It’s yours, Y/N. All yours.”
Your bodies moved in sync, skin melding against skin until you became a mass of tangled limbs and sex soaked desire. When you locked eyes again, it felt like Theo was peering into your soul. 
He brushed his thumb over your cheek. “Are you close, pretty girl? I can feel it.” He kissed your temple as he filled you over and over again. “Come with me. Can you do that, amorina?” 
You nodded as Theo’s fingers brushed over the sensitive bundle of nerves between your legs, pushing you to the precipice. Stars exploded behind your eyes as your body shook underneath his. Theo groaned as he finished, his hips stuttering against yours. He rested his head in the crook of your neck and kissed the hollow of your throat gently.
Instinctively, you brushed back his curls and traced soothing circles against his skin. Theo looked up, his gaze filled with loaded emotion. His eyes flickered over you as though he was savoring the rare display of vulnerability. The two of you laid there for a while, content to bask in the afterglow. 
“Dinner will be starting soon,” you whispered, half afraid to break the little bubble of bliss.
“I know.”
“We should probably clean up and get ready.”
You chuckled. “You know that means we both have to get up and out of bed, right?”
Theo sighed. “Fine.”
Slowly, he gathered his clothes and began putting them back on. You walked over to your chair and shrugged on his jumper before redoing your disheveled braid. When you turned around, you found Theo staring at you with an unreadable expression. There was a faint smile on his face as his eyes raked over the huge jumper covering your body.
“Come to my game.” 
You blinked. “What?” 
“That’s what I want in exchange for helping you with the draught.”
“I’m not going to cheer for you. In fact, I might cheer against you.” 
Theo smirked. “You really know how to deflate a bloke’s ego, don’t you?” 
You smiled. “Good. I don’t need your head getting bigger than it already is.” 
“That’s strange. You seemed to be enjoying my impressive size just a second ago.” 
Rolling your eyes, you tossed Theo’s shirt at his bare torso. “Goodbye, Theodore.” 
“I’ll see you on the pitch, princess.”
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Taglist: @annaisabookworm@marina468@yaraasthings @the0doreslover@bubybubsters@moony-artemis @natasha887@lucyysthings@criesinlies @bunnymallowo@niktwazny303 @letmedownslows @siriuslyalovergirl@wordsarelife@clairesjointshurt @daydreamingabthar @mishtay @cherry-hoe  @littlebookbengal @maybefoxysouls @nomup  @aliensknowmyillusions @cinderellawithashoe @starsval @kalulakunundrum @lucyysthings @siriuslysmoking @purplegirls-posts @unstablereader @lqclercs @whatsupb18 @rikirritated @psychedeliccc @jetblackpayne @clairesjointshurt @ama1a2 @omwtkydttfym @cinderellawithashoe @xeqr @txzii @goldenmagnolias @ilikefictionalmen @xxpeachyxo @dirt-cup-draco @willowecho25518 @shulipp @pompeygirl89 @lame-ferrum
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actuallysaiyan · 8 months
Kinktober Day 2: Hair Pulling(So lovely, it feels so right...)
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warnings/kinks: jealousy, hair pulling, creampies, unprotected sex, mentions of breeding, impregnation, reader is married to Kyojuro, mentions/allusions to drinking, vaginal fingering, biting. word count: 1.1k pairings: Kyojuro Rengoku x Fem!Slayer!Reader teaser: “What I do with my wife has nothing to do with you! I thought we could have a nice meal in peace, but of course, you had to go and get drunk.” Kyojuro barks at his father, a look of disgust on his face. taglist: @beneathstarryskies @loki-love @witchofcustom @dreadsuitsamus @pyrofanatic @butterflieskeepcominback
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It’s your wedding anniversary and you and Kyojuro have decided to head to his family home for dinner. You’ve been planning this dinner for months, knowing that it will bring joy to his father and his brother. While you and Kyojuro are quite busy being Hashira in the demon slayer corp, his father and brother live a good life at home.
You and Kyojuro had been childhood friends, and slowly became sweethearts. It just became so easy for you two to fall in love with one another, and with the terrifying incident that almost cost Kyojuro his life, you two decided to tie the knot after that. It just seemed natural for you two to get married so that you could forever preserve your love.
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Tonight was the two year anniversary of your marriage. You didn’t have any children yet, but you knew that soon Kyojuro would be wanting for the two of you to officially settle down and have kids. It just never seemed like the right time. But you begin to wonder if maybe tonight that Kyojuro might make the announcement of the two of you settling down.
As you both enter the Rengoku home, you’re quickly greeted by the sweet face of Senjuro. The in-home maid, Ichiko, is in the kitchen putting the final touches on dinner. Shinjuro seems almost nowhere to be seen, and you hope he’ll be on his best behavior tonight. You know how much it would mean to Kyojuro to have his father be sober for this celebration.
“Senjuro, where is father?” Kyojuro asks as he guides you and him into the home.
Senjuro frowns, “Well, he was in the kitchen about thirty minutes ago, but he’s not here now.”
You all know what this means. Shinjuro definitely went to get drunk. You sigh as you realize that this could have disastrous effects on this wonderful celebration you had planned.
And oh boy, did it turn badly…
“Why haven’t you impregnated your wife?” Shinjuro booms from the head of the table, a sour look on his face.
You nearly spit out your drink, “Father…please, Kyojuro and I are quite busy with being Hashira.”
Shinjuro grunts, “That’s no matter. You should have at least a few children by now! I impregnated Ruka the night we consummated our marriage.”
Your husband, who’s been quite calm this entire meal, slams his fists against the table and stands up. You’re startled by his demeanor, which is usually calm and collected, but clearly his father has struck a nerve.
“What I do with my wife has nothing to do with you! I thought we could have a nice meal in peace, but of course, you had to go and get drunk.” Kyojuro barks at his father, a look of disgust on his face.
Shinjuro scoffs, “Pfft, I’m the one who should be angry. You’re a disgrace of a son.”
That’s when you stand up and you take your husband’s hand and you lead him away. Both of his and his father’s tempers are so dangerous right now, so you know it’s best to just pull Kyojuro away from the scenario and have him calm down. Shinjuro doesn’t always mean the nasty things he says.
Once inside the private room, Kyojuro has you pinned against the wall. His kisses are heated and passionate, but you try to push him off so you can take a breather. This is all so intense and you know it’s because tensions are high.
“Kyojuro,” you moan between his fiery kisses.
He growls and you feel his fingers tangling in your hair, pulling you even closer to him. You whine at the sudden pain, but it’s making you so aroused. He’s never really this rough with you, so you know it’s because he thinks he’s got a point to prove.
“Gonna get you fucking pregnant,” Kyojuro mutters between your kisses. “Don’t care if he fucking hears me,”
These words resonate deep inside you and make you realize that his father’s words have really struck a nerve. Your cheeks heat up when you realize just how serious he is about all of this. With you pinned against the wall, Kyojuro pushes your skirt up over your hips, and he’s so quick to rip your little panties to shreds.
“Listen to me, little flame,” Kyojuro says as he presses wet kisses to your jawline and neck. “You will be pregnant once I’m done with you.”
“Kyo…” you whine, but he’s not having any of this protest.
With his long fingers still tangled in your tresses, you know that he’s not going to be taking this easy with you. He’s going to be so rough and leave bruises and marks so that he can prove to his father that he is more than just an adequate lover. 
Your eyes roll back as you feel his teeth sinking into the flesh of your neck. You never knew that he could be this animalistic, but you were enjoying every step of this. Your heart is pounding in your chest as he tugs harder on your hair, pulling your head to one side so he has better access to your neck.
“Oh my little flame,” Kyojuro grunts, “you’re so precious to me.”
 With one of his hands still tangled in your hair, the other one shoves itself between your thighs. You let out a surprised yelp as he pushes two of his long fingers into you, barely giving you any time to adjust to all of this.
“You’re so wet, my little flame. I think you like it when your husband is rough with you, yeah?”
His words are affecting you more than you’d like to let on, but there’s no sense hiding it from the man you adore so much. You nod at his words, and this is rewarded by another harsh tug of your hair.
“No, say the words,”
You swallow hard, taking a deep breath. You look into his beautiful eyes and you know there’s absolutely no malice there. Only heated passion and true love. 
“I like it when you’re rough with me.”
The words almost seem strange on your tongue, but it’s the utter truth. You enjoy this so much. It’s exciting like nothing else. Kyojuro has always been a passionate lover, but he’s never really this rough. So this change of pace has you wetter than most times.
His fingers pump in and out at a rapid pace, making you moan and squirm under his hold on you. Kyojuro watches carefully at your reactions, and once more he’s pulling on your hair. You let out a loud moan and you clench around his fingers, making him smirk.
“I think you’re prepared enough, sweetheart.”
He hoists you up on the table in the room, and he undoes his pants. Without another word, Kyojuro enters you roughly. His hands tangle in your beautiful hair, keeping you so close to him as he begins pounding himself into you.
“You’re not leaving this room until you’re dripping with my cum…”
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talesofesther · 1 year
you're all I want love to be
Tara Carpenter x Reader
Summary: Tara is still afraid to allow people close, to allow herself to trust again. Until she finds someone who makes it easier.
A/N: The idea for this was also given to me by my dear @iamnicodemus. Hope y'all like it. Tara, I love u. <3
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Tara never meant for it to happen.
It was actually the one thing she wanted the least. Catching feelings for someone only opens up more opportunities for her to get hurt.
And yet it happened so easily, so subtly, that she only realized it when the damage was already done.
She found you on her first day at the university. When she was admittedly very lost; backpack hanging from one shoulder, fifteen minutes late for her class, and walking in the opposite direction of it. You were the only person she'd bumped into when going past Blackmore's cafeteria, and after a bit of an internal pep talk, Tara walked up to you.
And if kindness could be a person, it would be you. Instead of just taking her to class, you gave Tara a simple tour of the university, promising to be around if she ever needed anything else.
Tara started noticing you on every corner of the campus after that. She didn't take you up on your offer though, choosing instead to keep her distance. Still, you always had a smile reserved for her at times you'd catch her staring. That didn't change when the rumors about her and Sam started, if anything, you became more approachable than before.
But it was only after an unfortunate incident, that Tara actually started hanging out with you;
October had started four days ago, and with it, the Halloween season. Parties were already being scheduled every other weekend and sometimes on weekdays as well.
Tara was walking towards her class, her head in the clouds while she thought about what costume she would wear if she were to go to one of those parties.
She was usually one to be early for class now that she had her paths memorized, preferring the calmness of the minutes before everyone started rushing to arrive on time.
So she wasn't exactly expecting what happened next.
As Tara rounded a corner, she was surprised to come face to face with two other students; one of them adorning a black hoodie and a cheap Ghostface mask. The 'boo' that left his lips was as childish as it could be, but the abruptness of the encounter got Tara stumbling on her own feet as she took several steps back, eyes wide and her body momentarily entering fight or flight mode.
"What's wrong, Carpenter?" The guy in the mask said in a mocking tone, his friend joining in on the laughter, "thought I was your sister?"
Tara's voice was tangled up in her throat, she couldn't remember if she packed her inhaler this morning, or was it her taser that she forgot?
If unkind memories weren't flashing behind her eyes, Tara would have recognized the two idiots in front of her; the boys who came here to do anything but study, taking getting on people's nerves as a hobby.
It was only when the back of their heads was hit — quite forcefully — with a book, that they stopped laughing. The cheap mask fell to the ground with the hit, gaining a crack on its edge.
"Don't you guys have anything better to do?" You came from behind them, tucking the book back in your backpack, "fuck off before I tell the director what you've been doing out in the parking lot when you think no one's watching."
With a few complaints under their breath, they eventually walked away, allowing Tara to let out the breath she'd been holding.
"Morons," you huffed, tugging on the straps of your backpack before turning around to Tara, your gaze softening immediately, "you okay?"
Her dark eyes found yours. She simply nodded, feeling her lower lip quivering when she tried to speak. She noticed the way your hand twitched to reach out to her but you stopped yourself midway, instead tucking both hands in your pockets.
"I'm sorry about them," you told her with the usual gentleness you never lacked, "they should know better than to do that."
Tara shook her head softly, managing a smile when her heartbeat started to settle, "thank you for… stepping in."
You just shrugged, your smile coming as a copy of hers, and it got Tara wondering if it could hold the same sentiment too.
"Anytime," you told her then, and Tara hardly left your side after it.
It was easy to fall into the routine of having you near and pretending she was just a normal girl with a crush on her friend. Being with you was so easy that it made Tara forget about all the bad, forget about all the reasons why allowing people close became dangerous.
And today? Today should be a good day, it's a day Tara has been looking forward to, a day that took away her sleep for all the good reasons. And it's not like she never stopped to get coffee with you on the way to campus, but today felt different because you had asked her to, as a date.
And Tara had been counting the seconds for it; until Ghostface came back and nearly killed her and Sam at that grocery store, until Mindy said 'never trust the love interest', until her worst nightmares came back again and suddenly nothing was easy anymore.
"Alright guys, as much as I love discussing possible suspects with you," Chad pushed himself off the bench he'd been sitting on, "we've still got classes to go to, come on Ethan." The two boys gathered their things and walked away, Quinn soon following behind.
Tara slumped back in her seat, her hands coming up to cover her eyes. With her sight momentarily gone, it felt like everything else was louder, heavier; she could perfectly hear the rustling of leaves from the trees around, the cacophony of voices from all the other students hanging out outside, and feel the weight of Sam's gaze on her.
"I think someone's looking for you, lovergirl," Mindy said out of nowhere, kicking Tara's sneaker with her own. When Tara glanced up at her friend with a frown, all Mindy did was tilt her head towards the university, where you had just walked out from and were now making your way to them.
"Don't think I haven't noticed," Mindy teased with a sing-song voice and a grin plastered on her lips.
"Noticed what?" Sam sat up straighter, her gaze shifting from Tara to Mindy.
"Tara's girlfr-"
"Nothing," Tara interrupted quickly, getting up so she could land a gentle punch to Mindy's shoulder, "nothing to notice," she said again, pointedly.
"Alright, let's go, Sam," Mindy extended a hand for the older girl, "we'll meet back at the dorm later."
Sam still had a confused frown on her features but she took the hand offered to her anyway, while Mindy leaned closer to Tara so she could whisper; "always knew you had good taste," before both of them walked again.
Tara's cheeks went aflame as she let out a groan, predicting the onslaught of questions she'd get later today. She slowly turned around to meet you in the middle, her soul naturally filling with incessant butterflies.
Had she really been that unsubtle when regarding you?
"Hey," you greeted her a little breathlessly, letting go of your backpack and leaving it on the floor as you took a small extra step closer to Tara, your eyes frantically looking her over, "I was so worried when I saw what happened last night, are you-"
"I'm okay," it was instinct, but Tara didn't know if the words were true. There was something about you that always made her feel more than she wanted to, she suddenly felt like the last pieces of herself she'd been trying to hold together so hard over the last months started crumbling. Tara took hold of your hands, squeezing tightly. She didn't know who she was trying to comfort, you or herself.
You held her back, glancing down as your fingers intertwined with hers. Tara observed the way your lashes kissed the corner of your cheeks; you were all golden softness and spring warmth, presence rivaling the one of a welcoming sun on a cold day. Tara wanted to memorize that, keep it in her heart as if it was the first and last time she'd be seeing you.
It should be easy to forget and pretend, but it suddenly wasn't, because Mindy's words kept ringing inside Tara's head even if she didn't want them to be true. She felt tears steadily collecting on the bottom lid of her eyes.
"But," she closed her eyes at the unsteadiness of her own voice. More than anything, she wanted this, wanted you. But she was stuck. It felt like quicksand, pulling her further down the more she struggled to get out. "about today…"
It's like you knew her better than she knew herself sometimes, maybe for you, it still felt easy. "It's alright, Tara." Your thumb brushed over the scar on top of her hand, "we don't have to go, I understand."
Tara pursed her lips, blinking away her vulnerability. She let go of your hands only to loop her arm around yours and bring your bodies closer together, "walk me to class, though?"
"Come on, spill it, what's up between you two?" Mindy leaned back on the kitchen counter beside Tara, "I was joking earlier today, but now I actually think there's something there."
The carrot Tara was cutting ended up with a slice too big, she had to turn it around and cut it one more time in the middle, "I've told you, there's nothing going on," Tara told her friend with a sigh, making sure to cut smaller slices so she could keep her hands busy as long as possible; "she's my friend."
Mindy scoffed, she picked up a spoon from the sink and tasted whatever Chad was cooking up on the stove. A grimace came to her face at the lack of seasoning, "I've heard that before."
"It's not like that," Tara dropped the knife then, unsure what she was frustrated about or what she wanted to convince Mindy of, "how can I get… involved with someone after what happened?" Her voice grew quieter by the end.
Mindy softened at that, she turned to face Tara fully — everyone knew the younger Carpenter was still struggling with what she'd been through, even if she didn't want to admit it. "I know it's not easy, T. But you can't close yourself off for everyone, some people are still worth it," Mindy glanced towards the living room, a soft smile on her lips when Anika's silhouette came into view, "people aren't meant to be islands."
There are times when the pain is so big, that it almost doesn't feel like pain anymore. If it comes from a wound, that's usually the time when you'll pass out. If it comes from inside, you start to feel numb.
Sitting at the back of an ambulance as she watches cops walking out with another one of her friends in a dark body bag, Tara thinks she's close to that feeling. Mindy is sitting beside her, she's not moving. Tara doesn't know what to say in moments like these, they feel almost awkward. A morbid kind of awkward.
So when she gets up, cell phone in hand with your number already ringing, she blames it on that; on the pain squeezing her chest almost to the point of unbearable, on the helplessness she feels twirling in her gut.
Tara paced back and forth on the sidewalk, trying to draw out the noise of the sirens as she counted up the seconds until you picked up.
… Two, three, four.
Tara could hear her own heart rate quicken, she closed her eyes, thinking about how her inhaler was still all the way up in the apartment; where there's blood, and-
Please, pick up. Please, pick up.
A long sigh of relief left Tara's lips as soon as she heard your voice through the phone. As if she hadn't cried enough, she could see tears clouding her sight.
"Tara? What happened, is everything okay?"
"No, it's not," Tara forced out, her voice tight with a sudden rawness. She turned her back to Mindy so the girl wouldn't see her crying, "there was another attack… Anika didn't make it."
"Oh god, I can't-" Tara could hear you choking on your own voice, "are you okay? Please tell me you're okay."
"Yeah, I'm-" Tears made a steady path down to Tara's chin, some getting caught under the phone pressed tightly to her cheek, "I'm alright."
"Tell me where you are, I can be there in like ten- five minutes."
"No!" Tara said with urgency, "don't come here, please, I don't want you anywhere near this," she gulped back a lump in her throat, "it's too dangerous."
"But what about you?"
"I'll be okay," Tara closed her eyes, wishing the words really were true, "I just-" she hesitated, a confession lingering on her tongue, "I just wanted to hear your voice, is all." She bit onto her lower lip until it drew blood.
"We- we can talk for as long as you need," it was like Tara could hear your smile, "I'm happy to hear your voice too."
Ambulance lights and police sirens were clouding your senses as you run up to the commotion. It was quite a sight; your oversized shirt, shorts, and sneakers with mismatched high socks. But you couldn't remember to care because your heart had been at your throat ever since Mindy called.
There were several reporters blocking your view but you squeezed your way through them until you reached the police tape. You've always hated this; the white and red colors of the vehicles that only showed up in tragedies, the panic and grief that lay heavy in the air, the clicks of the cameras from people who saw it as an opportunity — you hated it all, but right now the only one on your mind is Tara.
You ducked to go under the police tape, immediately attracting the attention of one of the cops, "Miss, you can't be here, please go back behind-"
"No, you don't understand," you gripped at the fabric of his jacket when he tried to keep you back, trying to push through, "I know them."
And the cop kept speaking, probably about things you weren't allowed to do and places you shouldn't be. You didn't hear any of it, because you found her. Her blue shirt had more red than blue in it, dried blood was all over the fabric, making you feel a mix between relief and nauseousness; her hair was messy, tangled, and damp in some places; her skin still coated with bits of dirt and blood too; her arm was held up by a makeshift bandage. But she was there, talking to a blonde woman on a stretcher; she was alive.
"Tara," you called quietly as your sight blurred over, and then a little louder, "Tara!"
She looked up, any words she'd been saying dying on her lips when she saw you. For a beat, it seemed as if she was assessing if you were real or not, before she was all but running towards you.
Not caring for consequences, you pushed the cop off of you and met her halfway — lucky for you he apparently noticed you really knew them.
"What are you doing here?" Tara's eyes were glinting under the red and blue lights, there were clear tracks on her cheeks where tears had run down.
"I was-" you tried, stumbling over your words as you took her in, all blood stains and bruises. You raised a hand to push back her fringe, the strands of hair were damp to the touch; from sweat or blood, you didn't want to know. "Mindy called, and scared the shit out of me. I came as fast as I could."
With her lower lip stuck between her teeth, Tara leaned into your touch. Her eyes closed tightly when your thumb traced the outline of her eyebrow.
"Are you okay? I mean of course you're not okay, what am I even-"
You were cut off when Tara threw herself at you. She pulled you close with her free hand, nails almost digging into your skin with the force of it as she buried her head on your shoulder.
Quiet sobs shook her body and you held her back the best you could whilst being mindful of her injuries. One of your hands cradled her head, fingers tangled in her dark hair as you breathed in everything that was her. "Shit, I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you."
Tara only pushed herself into you more as you spoke. There was a beat, a moment of hesitance from someone who'd had the bitter taste of betrayal more than anyone should. Trust was a gamble, but when you had a place in her heart no one else could ever have, Tara knew you'd never break it. "I'm okay now," she spoke against you; and she believed it.
You only squeezed her tighter, pulling back just enough to land a kiss on her temple. And you allowed your lips to linger, to feel her skin against you and her heartbeat pressed to your own.
Tara melted in your hold, allowing you to support most of her weight. With her cheek pressed to your collarbone, she spoke; "you still owe me a date."
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keep me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment if you want. <3
Tara’s taglist: @milkiane @v1ci0us @alexkolax
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songmingisthighs · 2 months
Pitiful, You're Pitiful
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ch. iii
group : ateez
pairing : aged up!wooyoung × aged up!reader
genre : angst, mature
word count : 2.5 k
warning : adultery, cheating, medical condition (?), mentions of loss/miscarriage, negative depiction of wooyoung
a/n : I'M FINALLY UPDATING THIS HOLY SHIT i would like to thank stress and my manic episode for making me abandon sleeping at 4 am and just went nyoom with this
a/a/n : btw happy black day 🫶🫶
buy me coffee ?
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The three weeks that passed after Wooyoung's incident was rather hard on you but it was severely... bland.
Mind you, there was nothing in particular that happened but between finding out you were pregnant with a child you didn't even know how your cheating husband would feel about and finding out the person your husband cheated with was his staff member, you couldn't tell if your morning sickness was mostly caused by your pregnancy or as a physical reaction to your current marital situation. Not to mention your daughter had been severely opinionated regarding your care of her father.
Despite everything, you still took care of Wooyoung well. That day you left after finding out that Wooyoung was with a bitch who had some audacity to make big claims about her status, and you came back not two hours later with Wooyoung's things. Upon your arrival, Wooyoung was visibly tense, as if he was being wary and you assumed that the nurse said something about the whore he was with not being his wife and he panicked because how was she supposed to know that? You didn't make things easier for him either when you showed up all calm and collected unlike how a wife usually would react upon finding out that her husband had been hospitalized. He knew how you would usually fuss over him when he was ill so your behaviour struck to him as abnormal and concerning. Or well, something to be concerned about, it's not like he would be concerned over you at this point, right? Though, you excused yourself as being out of it and he just bought the lame excuse. Luckily, his mom soon came and later when you brought your children to visit him, your behaviour became less of a concern and the next two days he was under observation went by smoothly.
But still, the turmoil you felt didn't die down, it stayed stagnant within you and you were at a point where you were feeling too much but couldn't exactly let anything out. Except for puking, that's non-negotiable.
"You need to check that stomach bug out," Wooyoung said as he poured himself a glass of coffee upon hearing your footsteps nearing the kitchen. You had gotten into the habit of ignoring him because you didn't know what you would do or say to him if you opened your mouth. So you simply let out a hum of acknowledgement, not even bothering to answer him completely, not after you just emptied your stomach. "Did you drink any wine last night?" Wooyoung asked, now leaning on the counter to look at you who had situated yourself on the stove to prepare your children some breakfast before they had to go to school. But of course, you simply shook your head whilst turning the electronic inductor on and placing a pan over the surface.
It seemed like Wooyoung had taken note of your odd behaviour and while normally you would be glad that your husband had taken interest in you, all you felt was just sick to the pit of your stomach. It was as if his attention no longer mattered knowing that he shared that with someone else. Someone who hadn't done anything for him for years only to be betrayed yet someone worth risking his marriage and vows to you for.
Wooyoung huffed and pushed himself off the counter to go over to you, leaning on the countertop close to you to take a good look at your face. "I'm worried. You seem like you haven't been yourself for quite a while now," boy did you want to whack him and claw his eyes out for saying that because how dare he act like he cared when you knew he had something going on with a cheap side piece. But you held it in as best as you could, balling your hands tight that the spatula in your hand almost snapped and just shrugged, "d'know what you're talking about," you muttered lowly, trying to avoid as much interaction with him as you could. With a sigh, Wooyoung tried to push some hair out of your face but for some reason your body moved involuntarily out of the way as if revolted by his touch which surprised Wooyoung who stood aghast, staring at you with wide eyes as you stared him back with nose twitching. Knowing you (ironically), you would not avoid his touch or act as if he was going to hurt you because (to his knowledge) he had never hurt you nor does he have shown any inclination that you should be afraid of him. Both of you just stood there in the kitchen, Wooyoung in surprise at your reaction and you in annoyance and once you finally took a good look at him, you glared at him in anger and boy did Wooyoung took notice of that.
"What?" He asked, stupidly, you might add. "What?" You answered back, returning to scooping breakfast to your children's plates. "Okay, sure, act like you haven't been avoiding me these past three weeks, (y/n). Did something happen when I was in the hospital?" yes, you got hurt but you were as fine as a peach because your mistress was there, "Are you mad that you had to take care of me these past three weeks?" no, but I am mad that your whore claimed to be your wife to the nurses and even had the gall to visit you while I was right there against my will, pregnant and all, "Did I do something wrong?" and that was when you snapped your head and crossed your arms at Wooyoung, "I don't know, Wooyoung, you tell me. Did you do something wrong?" though he wanted you to answer him, the tone of your voice surprised him greatly to the point that he straightened up. "Hm? Tell me Wooyoung, is there something you think that you know is VERY wrong that you wish to tell me right here right now?"
How you wished you had a camera to capture just how stupid Wooyoung looked. It was obvious to him, or made obvious to him, that you knew that something was up but there was no way Wooyoung could confirm that you knew that he had been cheating on you with his subordinate out of all people. As much as it was the most logical answer to your sudden hostility, Wooyoung didn't want to accidentally confirm his suspicion much to your dismay.
The moment he heard footsteps rushing to the kitchen was the moment Wooyoung believed that God existed because he knew the conversation was coming to an end. "Morning!" Woohyun chirped, throwing his book bag by the doorway before rushing to give you a hug, completely unaware of the tense situation or even the stare-off you were having with your husband. With one final glare, you shifted your attention from the cheating bastard Wooyoung to Woohyun, smiling to cover up your annoyance, "Morning Woodonnie," it had been a while since Woohyun grew out of his lisp phase but the nickname stuck and he liked that you had a special name for him, "Slept good?" he nodded with a wide grin, "Want food?" his grin widened and his nod was firmer. "Dayoung, do you want food?" you asked your daughter, who was too busy grinning on her phone to actually look at you, "Hey, Dayoung?" You called out again, sighing after carefully handing Woohyun his plate of eggs and half a toast.
Realizing that Dayoung was ignoring you, Wooyoung huffed and snatched Dayoung's phone, causing her to let out a 'hey!', "Your mother was talking to you, Dayoung," he stated, unimpressed with his daughter's blatant disregard for you (for once). Dayoung rolled her eyes and turned to you, "Yeah, I want breakfast, if not I wouldn't have come here now, would I?" Wooyoung was about to scold her but he was stopped when he saw you visibly gag, halting everyone's activities. Then you gagged once more before dropping the spatula on the counter and rushing to the toilet without saying anything else.
"She hadn't thrown up on those eggs, did she?" Dayoung asked, cringing at the thought of you doing something to her breakfast. Wooyoung snapped his head to Dayoung and glared at her, "Can you not? Your mom is sick and the last thing she needed was for you to act disrespectful to her," he scolded which surprised Dayoung because, to her knowledge, Wooyoung hadn't been that defensive of you for a long while.
"Is mom okay?" Woohyun asked, worry visible on his face and he was about to get off his chair to go to you when Wooyoung patted him on his head, "Don't worry about mom, okay? She'll be fine and she'll be even finer if she sees you eating," he smiled, trying to assure Woohyun which thankfully work as Woohyun began eating his breakfast with so much gusto Wooyoung had to tell him to slow down.
When Wooyoung got to you, you were getting out of the bathroom, looking pale and sweaty. He immediately approached you with a small towel he grabbed from the linen closet when he was getting to you, "Really, (y/n), you need to go to the hospital and get this checked out. I'll go with you today, okay? You definitely can't go anywhere yourself right now, I-" you simply snatched the towel from his hand and pat your mouth dry, refusing to look at him as you turned away, "I'm fine, Wooyoung, I can manage myself," it was the first time that you hoped he would just shrug and go back to not caring but of course, Wooyoung didn't come through when you desperately needed him to. Instead of leaving you be like you wanted, Wooyoung grabbed your shoulders gently and turned you around, "(y/n), please stop being stubborn and let me help you, okay? You're clearly unwell and whatever it is, we can get rid of it and you'll be better!"
You knew that he didn't mean it like that because you knew that he didn't know about the growing person inside of you. But still, with your current state both physical and emotional, you were hurt and you couldn't help but think that his words meant that he didn't want the child that he helped create.
Balling your fists, you used the tension in your hands to stop yourself from rushing over and punching Wooyoung in the face. Instead, you pushed his hands off of you. "Like I said, I can manage myself. Shouldn't you be worried about work? You know, with people at work that you need to give more attention to?" you tried pushing past him to tend to your children but he effectively blocked your path with his body, frowning down at you, "What's with you? I'm trying to help here, (y/n), I'm worried about you!" "Well, maybe you've been ignoring me too much too long to the point that right now I'm so used to doing things myself without your help, Wooyoung. You've been very absent from me and I'm sorry to say this but it has come to the point that your presence is actually making me feel annoyed and I don't know if it was because of you in general or if it's because of this very uncharacteristic shift in your behaviour that's making me wonder if you're compensating for something or if you genuinely want to be there for me now."
Though you had managed to not physically hit him, your words stung worse than any slap you could deliver to him. Wooyoung was painfully aware of how distant he had been with you since your miscarriage and what he thought was his attempt to give you space had instead caused a rift in your marriage. He never meant for things to go this far, heck he never thought that he was capable of cheating on you but when another woman approached him when he was crying in the practice room to offer him a shoulder to cry on, he felt like his own pain was being acknowledged. After all, the loss didn't just happen to you, it happened to him too. While you were in your zombie state, Wooyoung manned the ship and put himself on the back burner, not even letting himself falter and stupidly not letting himself process the pain. He wasn't justifying his infidelity whatsoever, he knew that it was beyond wrong and he was disgusting for committing to it for so long. But it felt nice to let his vulnerability taken care of even if it ended up with him using someone he had no affection for as a mean to get some form of twisted connection because he was too ashamed of himself to touch you again.
Wooyoung stood there silent, not knowing how to react, or more like not knowing what to react to first. So you simply shook your head and walked past him, this time successfully.
Soon, Wooyoung heard Dayoung and Woohyun saying (yelling) their goodbyes which was then followed by the front door shutting.
When the silence of the empty house settled in on him, he found himself slumped on the couch, emotionless as your words kicked him all over. His chest burned with hatred for himself and his fingers became tingly from anxiety. He couldn't help but think of the ways he had failed as a husband and perhaps as a father considering how his daughter treated you. It dawned on him how mad he was when Dayoung disrespected you earlier, how he hated seeing you, who had always treated Dayoung with a lot of consideration, to be treated that way. And while he felt justified for chastising his daughter for her action, it was almost laughable how he didn't do the same when what he had been doing was a hundred, if not a thousand times more disrespectful. He was a hypocrite. You didn't deserve this.
Negative emotions welled inside Wooyoung, creating turmoil that almost made it hard for him to breathe.
Unfortunately, despite his realization, Wooyoung found himself driven to an action he had repeatedly done like a sick act of compensation when he was feeling bad. His hand fished the phone out of his pocket and his fingers moved as if on their own, immediately finding the contact that he didn't even bother to fake because he trusted that you wouldn't snoop because you were not that kind of a person.
"Hey, I know you're not busy until later in the evening, can I come?"
And the self-hate repeated itself.
But how much can he hate himself when he is being distracted by shallow, unfulfilling "pleasure" instead of dealing with his true feelings? How much more pain should he give you before he could finally take the first step to stopping and coming clean?
Maybe this was the last time he did it.
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creamhoodie · 8 months
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Not like the others (but still one of his girls)
synopsis: Rin Itoshi is fascinated by you as you become part of the boys' friend group. Despite being warned by Isagi he can't help but want to take your virginity (smut, minors DNI)
To Rin the word was written all of your forehead. He could tell by how you carried yourself, how your eyes dashed away when you met his, and how you wore those modest oversized sweaters that hide your shape well. 
He could tell from all that and even more subtle details having been experienced with women enough that he didn’t even need Isagi’s stern caution of: “leave her alone. She’s not like the others.” 
Isagi was right. You were exceptionally different from the other girls they all usually had over. Proof of that was that he even took notice of you at all. He didn’t usually care for the girls Isagi or the others brought over, they all blurred together. Most of them were fans, models, or actresses that would be nothing more than flings or pumps and dumps. You stood out because not only were you deemed worthy enough to keep around but even more so that Isagi and the others saw you as a friend only. 
Rin couldn’t understand it. You were beautiful yet seemingly so unaware of it and the others enjoyed your company so much you often frequented their shared mansion. 
That is the position Rin found himself in now, staring at you from across the room. It was movie night with the boys and you sat cushioned between Isagi and Kunigami. Reo and Nagi were sprawled out on the floor under some shared blankets, and Bachira and Chiguri were seated at the kitchen Island still eating what was leftover of the pizza they had all ordered earlier. 
And him? Rin sat in none other than his prized recliner, the black one everyone knew not to sit in because it belonged to him. 
He continued to watch you and he adored the way you glanced at him when you thought he wasn’t looking only to quickly look away once you met his gaze.
This had become somewhat of a game between the two of you, the shared glances, because even though you bashfully looked away every time, you always came back to view more of him. 
That was as far as the interactions between the two of you ever got. Unlike Isagi and the rest of his friends, you steered clear of Rin. Maybe the others had warned you about his usual abrasive demeanor, regardless, the two of you hadn’t spoken a word since you had been around. 
His gaze shifted back to the screen when he heard moans. He had been so focused on you he had been barely following the movie. Evidently a sex scene had come on and while no one else batted an eye, rather the boys seemed more invested now as the lead actress was undressed, you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. 
Cute. He could tell you didn’t wanna be caught looking, it was so innocent. You met his gaze again and this time your face flushed bright red as you quickly glanced away. 
“I’m going to the restroom,” you said suddenly standing up and excusing yourself before making your way down the hall. 
The boys didn’t even respond as they were still preoccupied with the film and the bouncing tits on the screen, but Rin’s eyes only stared down the direction you had gone. 
The next time Rin saw you was a few weeks after the movie night incident. You had stopped coming to the house after that, part of him selfishly thought it was because you were embarrassed from the way he had caught you flustered. 
Even still, though you were out of sight you most definitely weren’t out of mind. Rin kept tabs on your social media page but it was devoid of activity. 
That is why when Isagi had suggested one of his team bonding camping trips to him and had let slip that you’d be coming, he didn’t put up any complaints as he usually did.
Throughout the ride in the RV, Rin stole glances at you from the rearview mirror. From where he sat, he had been able to see you bundled up on the couch under some blankets fast asleep.
When you had all arrived at the camping grounds, cabins were assigned. Nagi and Reo were together, Bachira,Isagi and you, and Chiguri and Kunigami. Rin of course was given his own assigned cabin due to his reputation of not sharing, he didn’t mind though. After all, he had only come on this trip for you. 
Much to his chagrin however, your time was occupied by Isagi and the others as you settled into doing activities with them. 
It wasn’t until night when he had decided to go off for a relaxing swim at the lake alone, that he cornered you by chance.  
You were already in the water, your back turned to him. When he got in the murky dark lake quietly, you turned around and even in the night he could tell your face was turning red.
“Oh hi Rin. I hope I’m not bothering you. I was just going to leave,” you stammered. 
Liar, you had been entranced by the moon moments before his interruption. 
“It’s okay. You’re not bothering me,” he said. He felt the water pooling around his bare shoulders and he shivered at the coldness. 
“Either way, I should probably head back. Isagi and Bachira must be wondering where I went off to,” you said, but he was well versed enough to know an excuse when he was given one. 
It was odd. He had never been given excuses by a woman before. 
“Why don’t you talk to me the way you do to Isagi and the others?” He asked. 
You still weren’t meeting his eyes. 
“Oh. I just thought you liked to be left alone,” you said. 
You swam past him back to the not far off surface and got out of the water. Your one piece bathing suit clung to your body and while it was still a modest choice of swimwear it was the most revealing thing he’d seen you in thus far. 
Realizing his window of opportunity was closing, he swam after you until he was before you, still in the water looking up at you. It was quite unusual to be looking up at you when usually your height difference meant the opposite. 
“You get nervous around me don’t you?” He teased. 
“I do not!” you said a little too defensively that it was almost comedic. 
As if to prove his point, he got out of the water now and walked up until he was standing in front of you. Since he wore nothing besides his black swim trunks, his muscled torso and abs were revealed, water droplets gleaming off them like diamonds.
You instinctively put a hand out to stop him from coming closer but it just ended up resting on his abs as he finished bridging the gap between the two of you.
Now you were looking up at him, eyes glossy and heated but there was a certain restraint in them, it was that shyness of yours that held you back with him. 
“I can tell you want me, you know,” he said.  He could feel the tension between you and he was so close to you he could almost feel the heat flooding your cheeks as blood ran to your face. 
“I do not, Rin. Don’t be so arrogant,” you scoffed. 
He knew better. 
“You do. You’re very readable. You want me but you’re a virgin so you’re unsure about how this all works,” he said, his voice low. 
“I’m not a virgin,” you said, but there was a crack in your voice and he knew you were just trying to lie out of embarrassment. 
“It’s okay, you don’t have to be embarrassed, not with me,” he replied. He moved his lips to your ear before adding, “do you even touch yourself?” 
Your knees buckled a little at his words and he steadied you in his arms. Your bodies were pressed together, still freshly wet from having come out of the lake and the softness of your perky breasts against him was making him hard. 
“If you don’t wanna be a virgin anymore, I can fix that,” he offered his voice full of lust.  He felt like a lion on the hunt now, he was in as much need as you. 
“Are you saying I need to be fixed?” you asked still a little defensive though your hitched breathing let him know you were feeling just as sinful as him. 
“I’m saying you need to be ruined,” he said darkly, he inched forward so you could feel his minty breath on your face before adding, “and I’ll gladly be the one to ruin you.” 
Like magnets, your lips were drawn together and it was all consuming as his tongue intertwined with your soft one. Your hands went to his hair, tugging his dark locks and he moaned into your mouth. He felt his pants tenting with pain and he longed for more of you. 
“I need to fuck you,” he panted when the two of you came up for air. 
“Rin, I’m-“ your words faded off as you stood there flushed.
“What? You don’t want to?” He asked. This desire he was feeling for you wasn’t going to be stifled until he could have all of you.
“No it’s not that. I’m just..” 
“You’re scared, right baby?” He finished your statement for you. 
You nodded. He understood, though he had been with many women, he remembered how he had been scared his first time as well, scared of the need to perform and falling short. 
“It’s okay. We don’t have to immediately. I’ll make you feel good first. Lay down,” he instructed. 
You did as he said and he crouched down next to you. 
“I’m gonna try something, if you don’t like it, tell me to stop,” he said.  
He couldn’t believe his luck at having cornered you like this in your swimsuit, it meant he had easy access to your pussy. Using his fingers, he pushed the thin fabric at your sex to the side so it was still on but your vagina was exposed to him. He then slid one finger inside of you. 
“Shit! You’re so goddamn wet,” he cursed as he felt your soft folds. 
“Sorry,” you muttered out of habit, making him laugh. 
“It’s a good thing, baby,” he replied. He curled his finger inside of you and felt you gasp. You were practically flooding him. He decided to put another finger up you, making it two now that curled and beckoned you. 
“Mmm, Rin,” you moaned softly. The sound of you moaning his name like he had imagined so many times before set him off, he began to increase the speed of his fingering and put another finger inside of you making it three. Using his other free hand he made sure to not neglect your clit, rubbing at it slightly with his thumb, the sensitivity of it causing you immense waves of pleasure. 
Your body was a withering mess for him and you continued to moan his name. He felt your plush walls clamp in around his fingers greedily not wanting to let them go. 
“I love this view of you,” he praised. Your face was contorted with pleasure and he couldn’t get enough of it. 
“Rin ‘m.. close,' ' you painted.
He decided to talk you through your orgasm. 
“You’re so insanely hot you know that? You walk around so innocently unaware of that when a body like yours was made to be fucked.” 
You let out a yelp at his words and your hips instinctively bucked up. 
Look at you, he thought to himself, your body knows just what to do all on its own. He felt his fingers become flooded with your cum and greedily he brought them to his lips to taste. The act was so lewd it sent your head spinning. 
“Rin that was so..” your words trailed off.
“I know,” he said smugly. He knew just how good he could make you feel. Granted you hadn’t been with anyone you could compare you with, but he knew he was sexually gifted. Just like he had mastered soccer, he had carefully mastered the art of pleasing a woman. 
So he knew that by kissing you now with your cum still coating his lips would make you want him more. 
As your tongues intertwined and you felt the forbidden taste of your own pussy and cum you also felt unbearable heat between your legs. His hands cupped your breasts, massaging the sensitive nipples and you gasped into his mouth. 
“Look at how shameless you are. You just love how I touch you, don’t you?” He asked as your kiss broke apart, a string of saliva connecting both of your lips. 
“Rin? You know how you ask if I touch myself?” You asked. 
He nodded, his eyes inquiring, curious about where you’d go with this. 
“I do. I’ve touched myself to you since the first time I saw you,” you confessed. 
“Shit,” he exclaimed, blood rushing to his cock even more as he hardened from your words. 
Delirious now with what you had told him,  he pulled at the straps of your swimsuit. “This needs to come off now,” he said impatiently and he was relieved when you began helping him remove it off you. 
You didn’t know what had come over you, you had never planned to lose your virginity on a camping site by the lake but you felt in heat for Rin and all your pent up desires were flooding through now. 
“Fuck, you look so..oh fuck,” Rin sputtered as you revealed your naked body to him. He was embarrassed to say he felt pre cum forming at the sight but the shape of your perky tits and your sultry triangle were making him drunk with lust. 
He quickly removed his swim trunks and it built up his ego even more to see how your eyes widened looking at his cock. 
“Rin you’re so big,” you whispered in astonishment. Surely that couldn’t all fit in you could it? 
You propped yourself up by your elbows to get a better look at it. His cock was sloped to the left and the tip was wet already. He positioned himself directly in front of you, and pinched at the tip a little. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll stretch you out nice and good,” he said as if reading your mind. 
Your heart was racing both with nerves from the anticipation and with excitement. 
You laid back down fully when a thought occurred to you. 
“Uh Rin?” You asked. 
“Hm?” he said, though his mind was filled with filthy thoughts about what he wanted to do to you as his tip was already lined up against your sex. 
“I’m not on any protection so I uh just thought I’d let you know,” you said. 
Your words were like cold water on him and he remembered he was dealing with a virgin. It had been easy to forget for a moment when you were acting like such a slut undressing yourself and willing to give yourself to him by the lake like this. 
“It’s okay, I’ll pull out,” he assured you, though he was sure you’d be begging for just the opposite soon enough. 
“Okay well you can go ahead then- oh my god,” your words slurred together as no sooner had the words left your mouth that you felt his mushroom tip feeling it’s way into you. Your eyes wheeled up with tears as you felt your vagina burn and stretch to accommodate him. 
It had been a while since Rin had been with a virgin and he had forgotten how good it felt. He loved breaking your hymen before feeling your plush walls accommodate him, personalized just for him.
“Look at you fitting me like a glove,” he said though he only had a few inches in you, he wanted to prime you before he thrusted his full length in you. 
He always loved being with virgins, he loved the fine details of how your face would wince in pain as he entered you before it soon turned to a dazed out look of pleasure. 
Your name fell from his lips over and over like a prayer. 
“More, I want more Rin,” you begged. 
That’s a good girl, he thought, beg for more of my length. 
“What’s that you said before? Something about not wanting me and me being arrogant for thinking so,” he teased. 
You whined.
“Rin please I didn’t mean it I want you,” you begged. 
He felt drunk with the euphoric warmth of your pussy around his cock and your desperation only egged him on. 
“Not good enough. Tell me how you want me and where,” he said, continuing to rock what length he did have inside of you back and forth. 
“Rin.. I want you all of you inside me,” you practically begged. 
He smiled smugly at how easily he had broken you down and had you sniffling for more. Obliging, he pushed further deep into you, your little gasp of air encouraging him even further. Again you molded and shaped perfectly around him, smothering his rod with your warmness and arousal. 
He was grunting a little as well now as he gave you nice long strokes. 
You felt much better than his hand he had been using as a substitute for you. All those times you had been over at the house had been agony for him. 
He had felt so beyond stupid stroking it out to a virgin like you especially when he had his share of women but there had always been something so alluring imagining what you looked like out of your modest clothes and with your eyes rolling to the back of your head. 
There was just something so seductively forbidden about you. Maybe it’s because Isagi had warned him to stay away from you or maybe it was because he knew the others hadn’t touched you, but being the one to corrupt you had long been a fantasy of his. 
Your moans were in unison with his now, nothing but those breathy moans and the wet sounds of skin slapping against skin ricocheted through the night. 
With each thrust he pounded into you, your tits bounced up and down and it encouraged him to pick up the speed. 
“So fucking sexy,” he praised as his eyes hungrily took in the sight of both your tits and your vagina readily accepting him. 
“Rin, stop,” you said, your face flushing from both the sex and his words. 
“Why should I? It’s true you’re so undeniably sexy. I’m sure the rest of those bozos think so too,” he said. 
“They’re just my friends,” you uttered in a daze as his cock began to hit your sweet gummy spot. 
He scoffed.
“Doubt it. I bet they’ve all thought about it at least once,” he whispered into your ear as he came down on you. His lips grazed your jawline and all the while he continued to pump himself inside of you. “I could never be just friends with a girl like you. Id be too busy thinking about fucking you.” 
Your body was taking over and as you grew more desperate for him, your hands went to grip at his back muscles. Your manicured nails caused him a brief jolt of pain but he enjoyed the sensitivity of it. 
Isagi’s voice shooting your name in the distance was a knife cutting through that euphoric sex filled daze the two of you had created. 
“Rin, we should stop before they find us,” you whispered. 
“I don’t stop until I’ve made you cum,” he responded, unconcerned. 
Let them find us, he thought. The idea was kind of appealing to him anyways. He was sure the two of your naked, wet, sweat-covered connected bodies rising and falling together would be quite a sight to see. 
“Rin!” you whined underneath him but your hips continued to buck up against his all the same, meeting his thrusts. 
In an effort to silence your protests he leaned forward and kissed you, his tongue licking the roof of your mouth. 
He knew he had won you over when your legs wrapped around his waist, bringing him closer and when the two of your lips broke apart, gasping for air your moans sounded almost like sobs from how he wasn’t letting up on you. 
Isagi’s voice sounded again but this time you didn’t feel as concerned. 
The taste of Rin had you feeling drunk with lust and you’d be lying if you said you truly wanted to stop.
Besides there was something undeniably sexy about almost being caught. 
Wanting to please Rin even more, you clenched your walls around his cock, the kegel exercises you had secretly done in the privacy of your room for years coming to use. 
He moaned your name and it felt so fucking good to have the Rin Itoshi at your mercy, the usually cold and detached striker was turning into putty before your eyes with only the moon as your witness. 
“Feels so good, and all for me,” he praised. 
He felt so close now, he had been surprised he had been able to last this long in the first place. He usually had no problem lasting a while as he was experienced but your soft and warm cunt cradled his cock so good like a perfect sleeve made just for him. 
“Rin-I’m I’m,” you stammered underneath him, too fucked out to say a coherent sentence.
“I know, I know,” he replied.
You felt your back arch and your toes curl as the anticipated orgasm began to build. 
Rin was barely holding on, his long black bangs slicked with sweat matting to his forehead. You could feel his blood rushing through his cock in a pulsating fashion beating away inside of you. 
You know you had told him before that you weren’t on protection but now your body couldn’t release him. 
What’s the worst that could happen anyway? 
‘Rin would surely drive into town to get me a morning after pill, he would make a good father at any rate… ‘
‘If I cum in her I’ll be the first to ever do so, she’ll belong to me..’
“Rin, inside-“ you shouted, tightening your legs around him even more and bringing him closer. 
“Fuck,” he shouted almost simultaneously. Suddenly, you felt his warm fluids filling you up as you came crashing down from your orgasm coating him in your own white paint. 
The two of you lay there, bodies still connected and catching your breath. 
To Rin you looked amazing with the tears of pleasure from your orgasm rolling down your face.
He had a motto: the eyes had to be as wet as the pussy by the time you’re done, otherwise there are still peaks to reach. 
He bent forehead kissing you softly this time, your sweet tears intermingling with the taste.
“You did good, such a good girl for me,” he cooed once your kiss  had broken apart. 
You shivered now that the high from your orgasm has died down, you were reminded of the fact that you were outside by the lake. 
Rin reluctantly pulled out of you and handed you your swimsuit. 
“Come back to my cabin with me,” he said as he watched you dress yourself. 
“I’m supposed to be bunking with Bachira and Isagi,” you replied though his request made your cheeks flush. 
“So? I have my own lodging, we can be alone and I have better amenities than those two,” he said pulling his own swim trunks on. 
Truth was he wanted your warmth with him. Already he was starting to feel a sense of protectiveness about you, a sort of yearning he hadn’t felt before. His palms were sweaty and it had nothing to do with the physical and everything to do with the mental as he waited for your response. 
“Hey I finally found you guys what are you two doing out here?” Isagi’s voice interrupted as he walked up to the two of you. 
The air smelt of sex and the two of you were frazzled.
Isagi’s Indigo eyes shifted from you to Rin, he had always been very perceptive. 
“Y/N, tell me you didn’t,” Isagi said, his voice concerned.
You didn’t answer him and instead said something about being cold and wanting to go back to the cabin to get changed. 
Isagi took off his jacket and gave it to you, and Rin felt flames of anger conjuring up at the sight of you in another man’s clothing. 
“Let’s head back,” Isagi said to you, not even looking at Rin. As the two of you walked away he heard Isagi scolding you: “really him?”  
All the same you turned to look at Rin over your shoulder giving him a small smile. 
Isagi was right, you weren’t like the others. 
You were different, you were softer, genuine, warm and the only woman that had made him feel desperate and like a young man experiencing his first crush. 
You were definitely not like the others, but like the others you succumbed to him all the same. Later that night, you snuck into his cabin while everyone else slept and ended up arched over his bed, face wet with tears and buried into a pillow as the familiar sound of smacking skin filled the camp grounds, your dark silhouettes moved in rhythmic motions, and you felt the breath from his moans on your back.
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
I’ve been getting really into magical stuff recently and also DC so I’m just gonna drop this here:
Fae Dick Grayson
okay so fae stories are special to me because I grew up on hearing pagan folklore and fairytales about fae and fae adjacent creatures as good night stories so hooo boy yes I adore that trope! (I mean, I made Dick a Banshee in my fic Shuck so… hehe)
Anyway, Fae Dick Grayson! There’s just so many things you can do with it ✨
Robin appears from one day to the next, following in Batman’s shadow like a mischievous sprite, so honestly rumors have been going wild about him since day one. Robin actually being something non-human doesn’t really come as a surprise!
The fae folk are known for being awfully good at blending in with regular humans when they put their mind to it, the only thing that puts them apart (in most stories) is their otherworldly beauty, and Dick Grayson? Well, he’s definitely got that in abundance.
Just sometimes, when the light reflects off a surface in just the right way, when someone pours a glass of water and you happen to look right through the spray, or when you think you catch a glimpse of something out of the corner of your eye and you spin around— but there’s only Dick Grayson, even if a second ago you could have sworn you saw eyes where there weren’t supposed to be any; colors that aren’t supposed to exist; feathers where only skin has any right to be.
And, gods, all the talking. Dick is terrifyingly good at talking to people without actually saying anything, to the point where you walk away from the conversation feeling utterly drained after spilling your entire life story but when you think back on it— you can’t remember him ever telling you anything about himself. You know there were the usual pleasantries of ��hi” and “nice to meet you” and “how are you doing?” but anything beyond that just kinda… seemed to spill out of you? It’s very strange. It’s very unnerving. By the end of the evening you other convince yourself you’re overreacting or you simply push the incident out of your mind altogether.
And there’s another thing about Dick. His name.
He only ever introduces himself as Dick Grayson/Robin. Never Richard. Never. Especially not Richard John. Names are sacred for the fae folk, names have power, so while Richard John Grayson may not be Dick’s true name, he treats it as such to honor his parents. None are allowed to use it. None except Bruce or Alfred on special occasion.
Of course, Dick’s “true” name isn’t exactly a secret so when someone does happen to use it… well, Dick may be… other… but he’s still intrinsically good in a way many of his kind don’t have the patience to be. Dick judges on a case by case basis, just like his parents and Bruce taught him. And usually people do not mean it maliciously when they use his name so he kindly corrects them and that’s that. But oh man, if they still insist on calling him “Richard”? Well..
“Oh no, it seems your credit card is being declined, sir!”
“Sheesh, you tripped over a root? In Gotham?!”
“What do you mean ten birds flew into your window last night? You live on floor level!”
“Dude I’m telling you that rash doesn’t look normal.”
“I… don’t think crows are supposed to follow you like that.”
It’s little things (most of the time, unless you really pissed Dick off) but they keep piling up, slowly driving you insane. You feel like you’re being watched, but it’s just a bird sitting on the window sill again. You feel like someone moved all your furniture just slightly to the right even tho you checked all the cameras.
The fae are kind, but they are also vindictive when crossed.
(Thanks to Bruce, however, I think Dick’s bouts of “vengeance” rarely go much farther than that though.)
Dang ok that ended up being an entire rant… wow. Anyway, yeah. Fae.
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𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝑴𝒚 𝑳𝒂𝒅𝒚 | 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝟐
(𝑺𝒆𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒂𝒏 𝑴𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒔 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)
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🎀Age in bio or blocked🎀
Rating: Mature
Category: F/M
Fandom: Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler
Relationship: Sebastian Michaelis/CielsCousin!Reader
Characters: Sebastian Michaelis; Reader; Ciel Phantomhive; Elizabeth Midford
Summary: After spending the day with your cousin and his fiance, the night air makes for pleasant company, as does the butler who reveals a dark secret...
Additional Tags: Fluff and Smut; Eventual Smut; Neck Kissing; Kissing; Gentle Kissing; Surprise Kissing; Making Out; Implied Sexual Content; Phantomhive manor; Reader-Insert; Victorian
A/N: not beta read. We die like men. Again.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 2: 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕭𝖚𝖙𝖑𝖊𝖗; 𝕴𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕹𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙
The day passed without much incident. A wall seemed to have broken down, between you and the butler after your morning rendezvous. Throughout the day, he looked after both your needs and his young master’s as well. You had spent some time with your cousin today as he hadn’t had too much on his schedule like he usually did. Breakfast, luncheon and supper were all had with the boy who kept your mind occupied with discussions on business and society. And Sebastian served you while also making sure to linger longer than necessary by your side, whether it was him pouring wine into your glass, or brushing against you while bringing you your plate. Surreptitious movements that luckily went unnoticed by your young cousin.
Lady Elizabeth joined the two of you for supper. Though she was from your side of the family you had never met the child personally. The girl had a lot of energy. She loved dressing up as was evident from her clothing. You had heard of her mother being a fearsome lady, one who could fight a tiger barehanded and win, but the daughter carried no such resemblance. 
“ –And then, Mother let me make two more dresses to match with the jewellery she bought me!” You had missed the initial conversation but gleaned from the few lines that she had an affinity for fashion and clothing. It was not unlike a lady of her stature. 
“Oh when I was your age, I loved getting new dresses made!” You smiled at her. “After I fell sick the first time, however, I started to dislike it a bit.” It was true. You used to have dresses made by the dozen. The seamstress saw your home more than her own shop! But your repeated illnesses have changed this. Every measurement taken anew showed how your body had changed. Warped into the form of the disease. And standing for the tape was exhausting. You found comfort in the clothing you already owned and preferred to have less made. 
Elizabeth frowned. “Perhaps, Lady Phantomhive, you can come with me and we can have the tailor take your measurements too for a gown. I’m sure your mama and papa wouldn’t mind!” You blushed and shook your head. Perhaps your parents wouldn’t and even if you did have the energy to stand tomorrow, you would have to cover up the innumerable marks Sebastian left on you from your morning's tryst. 
You laughed a nervous chuckle and replied, “Perhaps for the next season, I seem to have plenty of splendid dresses in my armada for the moment…” 
Ciel retired to bed, soon after Elizabeth left to go back home. You sometimes forgot he was only 12 – his mannerisms far beyond his age.  You walked out to the balcony. The garden was painted silver in the moonlight. Despite being quite clumsy, Finnian did a good job of maintaining it you thought to yourself. 
“After all I did today to make sure you didn’t catch a cold, my lady, here you are inviting it yourself.” Sebastian’s voice came from behind, startling you. You turned your head to look as he emerged from the shadows draping a warm cloak over your shoulders. “Would you like to go for a walk my lady?” he asked. Once again, you thought you saw a flash of red in his eyes, but it was gone as soon as you took another glance. You nodded at him. 
Sebastian took your hand and in one swift cat-like movement you found yourself in his arms flying through the air. You clung to his shoulders the night air whipping through your hair and biting at your cheeks. “Sebastian! Where are we going!” But the whistling of the wind drowned out your words. 
When he finally landed, you looked around you, the garden was far, This was a denser shrubbery, almost like the maze Finnian so religiously took care to grow. “Should you be so far from the manor?” You asked him breathless, even though all you had done was be carried from one place to another. “Ciel might call for you or something.”
He shook his head. “You needn’t worry about that, my lady. The young master doesn’t wake till morning – when I wake him and I’m sure the manor will be fine without me for a bit.” 
He smiles, reassuring you, and takes your hand, clasping it in his gloved ones. You begin to walk alongside him, his stride is shorter, making sure you can keep up, even in your bedroom slippers. Soon you come across a gazebo. The butler then invites you to sit and takes a seat beside you. “I do hope this isn’t too forward of me, my lady but I wish to continue where we had left off this morning.” You blush and avoid his gaze. You know that society would never approve of the relationship the two of you had. If anyone ever found out, it would bring shame to you and your family. You would be looked down upon for the longest time. “My lady?” Sebastian inquires after not hearing anything from you.
“Sebastian…” you start. But you don’t know how to form what you are feeling. “I- I-” you stutter. Then sigh. He puts his hand on your cheek and makes you look at him.
“My lady, if you want this to stop—” he begins but is cut off when you place your hand over his mouth.
“Believe me that is not what I want.” You say to him. “You are different Sebastian. I don’t get what you want. Your feelings are not of love. They aren’t for my money. And I feel you lust after me but that doesn’t come out too clearly either. I suppose, in a way, I am confused.” You get up, take a few steps forward and turn to look at him. “I have had men who have come to me for all the things I mentioned before. I have had those who might have actually loved me, those who merely wanted me as another trophy to claim, and even those who have come only to try and gain my hand in marriage but in reality who want to marry my father’s wealth. But you Sebastian, something about you is so different. I suppose it may be because you are the first man I have felt attracted to.” Your following chuckle is hesitant. “I am—afraid of you.”
Sebastian smirks. “Your way of seeing things is so intriguing my lady.” He says. “I can assure you my lady that I am not here for your money. I have no need for the material things that humans treasure so much.” He spits. “As for lusting after you; you have deduced almost correctly, but what I feel for you is more...” You don’t know when he got up, but turning to look you find Sebastian flush against your back. His eyes are red, the same red you tried to convince yourself you hadn't seen, but it was unmistakable. Your eyes widen and you try to take a step back, away from his imposing figure, only to find yourself trapped between him and the gazebo. 
 “You see my lady,” he continues, nose nuzzling against your neck, “Demons and humans have very little in common, but there is one thing we do share; the feeling of lust is very strong in us both. Humans can feel love. All demons can feel though; is lust. But you, you make me feel something different from just lust. Something more—burning. Is it love? I don’t know... I’ve never known that feeling.”
You don’t know what to say anymore. You should be frozen in fear, What did Sebastian mean, saying he was a demon? A murderer? Or a biblical fantasy? His lips were now on your skin, inhaling your scent, and you felt a pool of warmth in your lower belly. “D- demon? What does that even mean?” you falter.
 “What I mean, my lady, is that the only reason I am here is because of a contract I have made with your dear young cousin. You should thank him for our very meeting.” He tells you.
“You mean you’re a demon. Like – from legends and stories?”
“I can assure you. I am no story” he says, planting a searing kiss on your neck. That was all it took to set you on fire. It made sense. The inhuman capabilities. The absolute perfection of his being. He was a demon! “You aren’t running from me my lady?” he asked as you melted under his touch.
“Surely, you jest Sebastian!” You say. Your voice quavers but you stand your ground.
“About what my lady?”
“About this demon nonsense!”
“I never lie to my lady.” He says. “You said yourself, there is something you find different about me.” He kisses you. “I am simply a demon, and a butler.”
Since you were tired from being out for so long, Sebastian swiftly carried you back to the mansion and took you to your room where there was a cup of hot chamomile tea waiting for you. He really took everything into account. There is no doubt about it in your mind now. Sebastian had to be a demon. His speed is inhuman. His eyes are reptilian, gleaming in the darkness. And then those teeth that scraped against your neck. Whatever he is, he definitely isn’t human.
As he helps you get ready for bed you realised that you didn’t mind. Sebastian may not have been a human, and he may have been a butler, but the way he made you feel surpassed all of that. “Sebastian…” You turn to him as he undresses you. You take off his coat. “I don’t care what you are.” You take off his vest. His eyes widen, and he stares at you. He can smell your arousal. Here you are half naked before him, taking off his clothes. Telling him you don’t care what he is. You want him. You feel things for him. Your scent drives him wild and he doesn’t even register you undoing his necktie and then his shirt buttons. When you try to take his shirt off and he doesn’t move to allow you to slip it off him, you suddenly think that perhaps he doesn’t want this. “I’m so sorry!” You say. “I thought you wanted this.” Sebastian finally wakes from his stupor and looks at you.
“I do want this. I just can’t believe that someone as beautiful and lovely as you truly wants something as vile and cruel as me.” He says and softly kisses your head. Then without warning he pushes you onto the bed and says, “But, my lady, who gave you the permission to take my clothes off?” He growls. The change in demeanour startles you. 
“Sebas—” you start, but he does not let you finish. In a moment, his lips are upon yours. He swiftly and rips off your underclothes, while still kissing your mouth. His hands glide along the curves of your body and he holds you closer while plunging his tongue into your mouth. 
He has never tasted anything like you before. He cannot fathom how in all the years he has lived he has never tasted anything like you. “I guess it’s something Phantomhives have in common eh? A taste like no other. I could feast on you all day.” He mutters half to himself.
“What–?” you ask breathlessly.
“You taste, sinful.”
He winks at you and pulls his glove off his left hand with his sharp teeth. His nails are black and on the back of his hand is a pentagram inside two circles. The outer, made of pointy diamond shapes. “My contract seal— nothing for you to worry your pretty little head about, my lady.” he says, seeing you looking at it. 
Sebastian trails his hand down your stomach. His black tipped fingers enter your folds which are already moist with your arousal. Lowering his head, he nibbles on your neck. You breathe in deeply and wish he would take off his clothes to allow you to see him but he had made it pretty clear who was in charge of the taking off of the clothing. His hand playing around with you down under barely ghosted over your skin. You involuntarily bucked your hips trying to get him to touch you. The move immediately made the demon smirk and say, “Look at you, so eager to be fucked.”
You feel your cheeks heat much like your core. His words are so unexpectedly crude. “Please,” you moan, “please touch me…”
To be continued…
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A/N: hahah don't hurt me. Likes and reblogs are appreciated. Comments get you kissies.
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devilishchaos · 8 months
BABYYY drop the daddy Ruben fic, don't be shy <3
Calls | Dad!Rúben Dias imagine
Rating / genre: pure fluff
Pairings: Reader x Rúben Dias
Summary: Rúben goes on a business trip. Me and our son George are sad he is away, so we face time him.
Warnings: use of pet names "babe", "baby"
Word Count: 1 347 words
This is a work of fiction. The story, names, characters and incidents either are product or the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
While begging my husband to go on this 3 day business trip, I thought to myself "What can happen in the span of 3 days, right?"  Well, a lot. 
I'm currently 27 weeks pregnant with twins and have a year and a half year old baby-toddler that needs my attention 24/7. Not that I am complaining but the pregnancy alone is being hard on me and my beautiful son throwing constant tantrums about missing his dad doesn't help my situation. Now, I was usually the preferred parent, but George had the tendency to not want to eat and nap while Rúben was away.
Today was going to be a long and hard day for me, I just knew it. I woke up from my nap at 7:00 am, got ready and headed to wake George up because I had an appointment with my OBGYN in an hour and had no one to look after him while I was gone, so I had to take him with me. 
It was a battle but I somehow managed to get him ready for the day, made it to my appointment safely and on time and both of us were back in the coziness of our household before we knew it. 
The moment we stepped through the door - the nausea hit me. And my head started spinning. I somehow made it to the bedroom and laid down on the bed and tried to take deep breaths in hopes for it to go away faster. I closed your eyes for a second and out of nowhere a loud cry pierced the silence. 
With eyes wide open, all my senses on alert, I sat up in the bed and looked at the door to see George standing there, tears falling from his eyes and his tiny hands holding his favorite stuffed animal close to his chest. 
"What happened baby? Are you okay?" I asked, holding out my hands in his direction. 
"Dada.." he managed to say in between wheezing. 
I gave him a sad knowing look. Ever since he was born he was a mama's boy but ever since I got pregnant again he looked up to Rúben more and more, and wanted to do everything that he was doing whether it was directed towards me or other people. And Rúben was the happiest person on earth, soaking in every moment because he knew that it could be taken away from him just as fast as it came. 
"You miss daddy, huh bud?" I softly asked as I helped him get up on the bed to join me. 
He nodded, the movement making his tiny curls shake a little. 
"How about we call him? Would that make you feel better?" 
"Yeah.." George mumbled, while wiping his eyes.
I was already reaching for my phone before I got an answer from him. Since Rúben is in New York and we are in Manchester there is a 5 hour time difference, but it was now way after noon in Manchester and knowing Rúben, he had been awake for some time, so that's why I suggested calling him. Okay and maybe because I miss him too and want to talk to him, but that's another topic. 
I dialed his contact and gave George the phone. After two rings I saw Rúben's gorgeous face and he saw a head full of curls and two big dark eyes watching closely the screen, since George held the phone so close to him. 
"Hey, gorg-" your husband started "-oh, hello big man. What are you doing with mama's phone?" you saw him smiling widly. 
"Dada, miss you." George said and started crying again. 
"Oh, no. Don't cry buddy. I miss you so much too." 
"I'm coming home tomorrow, baby and I'm not going anywhere after that, okay?" Rúben asked as a sad smile made its way on his face. 
"Home now?" George asked as he tilted his head slightly the exact same way Rúben does and it made your heart throb. 
"I wish buddy, but I have one more thing to do and then I promise I'm gonna catch the first flight back home and I'm coming straight to you. But I need you to do something for me, okay. You have to eat lunch and dinner, and you have to go to sleep when mommy says. Can you do that for me? That way I'm going to come home faster. Do we have a deal, G?" Rúben asked, slightly raising his eyebrows. 
"A deal.." his son responded while rubbing his eye "Now play." 
"Okay, you can go and play now. Loves you." your husband said as he leaned into the camera and kissed it, your guys's little tradition that now George did too. 
"Loves you." George said cutely and kissed your front camera. He gave you the phone and ran out of your bedroom and into his playroom. 
I took the phone and positioned it against my big water bottle in front of me as I greeted my hansome husband "Hi, meu amor." 
"Hey, mama. How are you holding up? Big man giving you a hard time?" Rúben asked you giving you sad eyes. 
"He just misses you." I exhaled "Nothing changed after the call yesterday, we're going to see what happens today. I miss you too, tho. We miss you too." I simply explained rubbing my round belly.  
"I'm sorry babe. I miss all of you. Can't wait to be back home. I'm never leaving again." he shook his head as to make it more believable.
"Rúben, we talked about this. What you're doing right now is for your career and for us. So that you can take more time off while the twins come, just as you did when we welcomed George. Don't feel guilty, you're not doing anything wrong, babe. We'll get through this. We have to. In fact it's almost over." I smiled at him trying to lighten the mood. 
"This is why I made you my wife. Eu te amo muito." Rúben said looking lovingly at the screen in front of him. 
"I love you more." 
"Period." he said while snapping his fingers, which made both of you to start giggling.
"Stop. I'm gonna pee my pants!" I said in between laughing. 
"Okay, okay. So how did the appointment go? Everything alright?" Rúben's face went completely serious in a spare of seconds. 
"Yes. Babies are doing just fine." I said and took a breathing break "I however, am struggling. Babe, I'm 27 weeks into this pregnancy and do you know what my doctor told me? That I'm measuring full term compared to a singleton pregnancy. That's very overwhelming considering that I hopefully have 8 or 9, 10 weeks left in the absolute ideal case scenario. And technically I am still 6 months pregnant. At the very end of my 6th month. Can you believe this?" I looked at him with a questioning face. 
Rúben's eyes went wide "Wow." 
"Wow indeed. I mean..that's what I get for having children with a freaking giant, I guess." 
"Hey. You looooove this giant. And the babies that you both made." Rúben winked at me, eyes going soft and a smile appearing on his lips "Everything will be okay. Just try not to overwork yourself. And no, I'm not saying don't do nothing and just lay in bed all day. But you are very pregnant and are taking care of a fussy baby-toddler. Please, just take it easy while I'm away. When I come back it will be different." 
"I'm gonna try my best. Now I have to go to make a snack because I'm starving and you have work to do. So talk to you later. You also take it easy, okay." I lovingly smiled at him, damn I can't wait for it to be tomorrow already. 
"Alright, talk to you later. Loves you." 
"Loves you." both of us said at the same time, smiling at each other, leaning in and kissing the front cameras on our phones, sharing a virtual kiss and ending the call.
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Semantic (Color) Error
Sang Woo and Jae Young are color-coded boys in love.
So what are their colors?
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If you thought red and blue, you'd be WRONG!
The opening credits and scenes declare what they are:
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Their colors are blue and green.
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Sang Woo is a blue boy. He is confident, stable, and intelligent.
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Jae Young is a green guy. He is lively, hopeful, and easygoing.
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He even draws Sang Woo in his color on the wanted posters.
The only reason Jae Young wears red is to bother Sang Woo.
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Jae Young borrows most of the red items from his friends.
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He begins wearing red when looking for Sang Woo before he is aware Sang Woo hates the color *the "SINNER" jacket*
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When they first meet, they both wear black, but Jae Young is backed up by his fake red. *the "DIE BITCH" jacket*
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Black tends to be their neutral color.
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When they're hiding out in the clothes, they are neutral in black with their colors behind them until the red light comes on, referring to Jae Young's fake red that bothers Sang Woo.
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Exchanging colors
While at the bar, Jae Young is upset at Sang Woo for ignoring him, so he plays darts with his fake red and Sang Woo's blue.
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He rescues Sang Woo, and they have a tender moment. The next day, Sang Woo tries on red.
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And Jae Young picks up blue even though there is a red outfit he could wear.
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But Sang Woo doesn't like this (because he has the fake red), and retreats into a dark blue while Jae Young remains neutral black. *see the barrier that divides them demonstrated by the wall behind them: Sang Woo in the darker color (wants to remain in the dark about his feelings) and Jae Young in the lighter color (because he is aware of his feelings)*
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However, Sang Woo can't truly let Jae Young go and continues to use Jae Young's fake red when he usually uses black. *remember Jae Young placed a red pen on Sang Woo's shelf after the bar incident*
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Sang Woo realizes he made a mistake and goes to see Jae Young at the restaurant. He is still in his blue, but now he is surrounded by Jae Young's real color, green.
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Jae Young rejects him, but Sang Woo tries again, this time fully understanding how important Jae Young is, so he wears Jae Young's green to reflect that.
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After this, Jae Young incorporates Sang Woo's blue into his wardrobe.
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The two become closer, and eventually kiss.
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Each is highlighted by the other's color: Sang Woo in Jae Young's green, and Jae Young in Sang Woo's blue.
But, per usual, Sang Woo is confused and goes to Jae Young's studio in Jae Young's fake red while Jae Young is in neutral black.
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Jae Young makes Sang Woo realize what he has been feeling (no fake red anymore, but pure green). EDIT: @grapejuicegay spotted that when Sang Woo agrees to the two-week trial period, he does so in a blue and green thumbs up sweater.
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Sang Woo decides to be honest in the same shirt he wore the first time he yelled at Jae Young and showed him emotion - the merged green and blue flannel shirt.
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After that, Sang Woo is in love and in Jae Young's green
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Until Jae Young tells Sang Woo he got accepted into an oversees program, then both boys are struggling with their feelings and retreat back to their colors *Sang Woo's beloved blue bike*
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But all ends well, and they merge their colors and love together with a hint of fake red (blue bedding with green pillows)
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And the Semantic (Color) Error was fixed!
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