#feeling bad? come over to my house we'll order some food or make some
fullofgutsndopamine · 1 month
No Ones Gonna Love Me (like you did)
or: the one where you invite hasan over for dinner
FITPS!verse (masterlist soon; part of a series)
TW/ cursing, alcohol, mention of nightmares, insomnia, implied past child abuse (not graphic)
"you look like shit."
hasan huffs, rubs a hand over his face, "Yeah, i-" she don't give him time to answer, using her thumb to hold his chin up to the light, turning his face over in the lights.
"Seriously, Hasan," she shakes her head, turning his ghoulish white face in the light from side to side, "are you sleeping?"
he sighs, "yeah, i'm sleeping-"
his voice is gentle, a lie, feels bad lying to her-
"seriously, Hasan," there's concern laced in her voice, "you look like you haven't slept in years. tell me the truth, or i'll ask Amelie."
he huffs, rolls his eyes on this threat (as if Amelie doesn't run into the library every day and pull on her cardigan sleeves, "hasan said he only got one hour of sleep last night." she pauses, her eyebrows laced together, "i'm worried.")
but her hand goes from pulling at his face at all these different lights and angles to resting against the side of his face.
finally, he leans against her hand, really taking in the feeling, a gentle sigh, "Just havin' a little trouble sleeping is all, i guess."
his eyes stay shut against her hand.
her voice drops, because she knows hasan would hate if people heard this part of him:
"hasan," she says gently, "is it the nightmares again?"
he huffs, the scared part of him that hides in her when you two sleep together gone,
"'m fine, princess'" he says, takes her hand, "i promise."
brings her hand to his mouth and kisses the top of it, makes her roll your eyes but red still races to your face.
she knows in passing, of the nightmares. the way he tosses and turns in bed, sweating, gripping onto the sheets for dear life, waking up borderline hysterical, his face hidden in her so he doesn't wake Amelie up, even when he's worried he's half dying, that his parent lurks behind a doorway, down the hall, ready to pounce-
"you lie," she says simply, dropping her voice, "let me take care of you for once, come over for dinner tonight, my treat."
he sighs, rubs his eyes, "i can't. i got amelie-"
she hits his shoulder gently, "the both of you, obviously." she rolls her eyes, "you two are a package deal."
he sighs, runs his hand through his hair, "i dunno-
mentally he goes through the list of things he has to do: laundry, pack Amelie's lunch, bath time, homework-fuck, he should probably take a shower too-
but he thinks of spending half the night alone, amelie tangled in her own things to do, and the familiar ache and gnaw of loneliness pulls at his stomach-
"i'll pull out my secret weapon if i have to." she teases gently and finally, finally he smiles-
"Yeah?" he snorts, takes a step closer to you, so your bellies practically touch, "and what's that, princess?”
a large, toothy smile out of her, "Amelie." it's simply, all it takes, and he knows it, groans. one mention of her being able to go to your house for dinner and it's over for him.
"fine," he sighs, "if you're sure-"
a nod from her, "positive. five o' clock, don't be late."
and he snorts, leans in, a gentle kiss to your forehead, "five. we'll be there."
and he's walking up the stairs, hand in hand with amelie before she can second guess yourself.
the problem with inviting hasan over for dinner is mostly that fact that it's the eighth wonder of the world how she’s alive. cooking isn't her strong spot, and hasan will insist on paying if she orders food in (or she’ll find it in your running shoes day later)
so with the only plan to get home and try her best, she dips out of work early and race home, and start.
"baby," hasan sighs, has been pacing by the staircase the last ten minutes, "c'mon, we're gonna be late."
some stomping, a vague noise of something being thrown, and her voice sounds like it's stuck in something, comes back muted and far away, she yells back: "one second!"
being alone with his thoughts is dangerous.
he turns, looks in the old mirror that hangs by the closet by the front door.
fuck he thinks i need a haircut.
he adjusts his shirt sleeves. a long sleeve button down was probably too much. decides to roll the sleeve up to his elbows, hope it doesn't look too wrinkly, though it was in the back of his closet.
his jeans are the only pair he has that don't have rips or grease or any sort of black stain on them, a nicer pair (as far as stuff he owns goes), found them shoved in the back of his closet in a corner, told himself he'd never have an occasion to wear them-
"Aimes!" he yells again, deciding if he looks at himself any long he's going to overthink it and just not go-
only to be face to face with amelie.
she carries her stuffed rabbit under her arm, was hasan’s, passed down to her now ("to keep you safe'" he said gently when he gave it to her)
"i'm right here, hasan," she giggles, "here." and she passes a rubber band to him a small comb, and him, with no care in the world for being in the threshold of the door, drops to his knees and slowly combs her hair. his fingers work slowly, but delicately, a messy braid as he puts the rubber band around it-
"perfect, let's get your coat."
he stands, bundles her up, picks her up and she's on his hip, the stuffed rabbit squished between their bellies-
even though it's december, and dark early and cold, taking the truck seems like a waste of gas (and he can't convince himself to spend anymore money on gas. plus, it would take a miracle, three prayers and a sacrifice for the truck to turn on, depending on its mood)
by the time they get to her door, they're all but shivering, but she ushers them in, take the coats.
her face is pink when hasan hands his coat over, seeing him, dressed semi nicely for once, not in clothes that don't have his shops logo on it, or an old band or hockey shirt, makes you blush for some silly reason-
"you clean up nicely." she teases gently.
he sighs, pulls on his shrit, "yeah uhm. Amelie insisted-"
it's a lie, and amelie gasps, "I did-"
but he covers her mouth, "darling, i think i just saw her cat in the kitchen-"
and she gasps and is off.
"kids these days," hasan tries to laugh, but his face is pink, "you uh-" he shakes his head, "look amazing."
and now it's her turn to snort, because he's lying, has to be. she’s wearing an old apron, old stains no matter how much she’s washer it, torn and worn with age, jeans and an old reading shirt the library put together two summers ago-
"Charming, as always." she finally says, and his face is still pink.
"oh uh-here."
he holds up a small bag, and before she can argue, he rolls his eyes: "i'm a gentleman, god damn it. i can't come empty handed."
the bag contains a small bouquet of newspaper paper flowers, the kind she taught Amelie how to make a few days prior, as she was poured over the kitchen table, teaching hasan, and a small bottle of wine.
"hasan," she clicks her tongue, taking the bouquet of flowers and thinking of where to put them, turning the label of wine
he interrupts you, "none of that, i have some manners."
it quiet for a second, weighing the flowers and wine in her hand for a second, he claps his hands:
"put me to work. what's left?"
and realistically, she wanted it to be like those lazy sundays in she dreamt of with him-he sleeps in, no nightmares, wakes up well rested and ready for the day. he spends the day in, and shes by his side, amelie runs between you two-
she shakes the thought from her head, almost too pathetic-
hasan stirs the spaghetti sauce.
it was hidden in the bottom of the freezer, but is just as good as new, a recipe passed down and down until it finally got to her-
"smells amazing," hasan all but gushes, wears a pink kiss the cook apron she all but insisted he wore so he didn't ruin the nice shirt, "i hope you didn't go through too much trouble for us."
amelie giggles, on her belly in the middle of the kitchen, plays with the small kitten that usually darts inbetween your legs,
"Anything for you." she says, and she means it, smiling when she sees how he blushes and messes with his shirt sleeves.
dinner is served on plates passed down to her, but it's all the same to them. amelie sits next to hasan and talks with her hands to the two of them about school, and hasan engages the entire time, and a smile never leaves your face as you watch him in his element.
hasan insists she sits while he cleans the dishes, pours a small glass of wine as she sits on the small island. he sings along quietly to the songs on the radio, even if he doesn't know it, makes up his own lyrics as amelie dodges inbetween his legs, chasing the cat and teasing hasan-
night falls and the two collapse onto the too small couch in her front room; hasan’s legs all but fall over the edge of it, but he doesn't seem bothered, curled up between him and the couch, amelie passed out on the floor
his voices comes back low, deep with sleep, and she thought he was long passed out: "thank you, for tonight. i-i needed it."
the pad of his thumb draws circles over your cheek, the only other indication he's awake.
"always," she says gently, looking up at him, "i mean it whenever you need it."
a lazy laugh out of him, "i'll remember that, princess.”
and a few minutes later, the circles stop and a quiet snore from him, and you know you accomplished the small task.
hasan dreams of ways to make it up to you.
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itsawhumpsideblog · 9 months
The Safehouse, pt. 1
Had some ideas, thought I'd start writing. Here goes, I guess?
CW: for institutionalized slavery, mentions of abuse, treatment of people as things
The call came on their anachronistic landline while Angie was washing the dishes and it made her jump. She wanted to grab it right away, but she was in soap suds up to her elbows and had only gotten as far as toweling dry when Tim came skidding around the corner and grabbed the receiver off it's hook.
"Hello?" he asked, breathlessly, as though anyone else would call on that line. Parents and friends would have texted their individual phones; this phone could only ring for one purpose.
Angie finished drying her arms and walked over to lean against the wall, hoping to hear some of the conversation instead of waiting for Tim to hang up and relay the information. To her disappointment, he did a lot of listening and very little talking and there wasn't much she could glean until he thanked the person on the other end and turned to her.
"Well?" she asked anxiously.
Tim sucked in a deep breath as if steeling himself for something serious, which was more or less the case. "They're sending us three of them," he said. "Our contact says we should expect them to arrive tomorrow. They'll be delivered by WRU employees, so don't be surprised by the method of delivery, but he promised the abolitionists falsified records somewhere to get them sent here- no money changed hands. He was very clear about that."
It was no good asking who the contact was or how the delivery orders had been created. For the safety of the whole network, they would never know.
"We'd better get ready," Angie said needlessly. They had a checklist, but it made her feel better- more prepared- to say it out loud. "We'll have to make the beds, make sure we have food they can eat- did they say anything about allergies?"
"No, nothing." They knew better than to ask about preferences. The rescued box boys likely wouldn't be able to have preferences for some time, or at least not express them.
"So beds, food, soap and shampoo for their bathroom, fresh towels." Angie counted items on her fingers. "They'll need clothes- did they give you any information about sizes?"
Tim shook his head. "Just said they were coming tomorrow and that there were three of them- all men. They'll be with us permanently, until they're rehabbed well enough to live independently or in a halfway house. They're-" he winced slightly at the next phrase "-'second hand' so we should be prepared for them to be in... pretty bad shape. Maybe very bad. Our contact didn't know." Tim's voice had gone very quiet as he spoke and he was looking at his shoes.
Angie nodded. "We'll do everything we can," she said. "Do you want to split up and go shopping separately? Get it done faster?"
"Can I go with you?" Tim asked. He looked up at her through his bangs, smiling sheepishly. "I'm- I'm a little nervous. I didn't think I would be. But it would help to go together, maybe talk things over on the way."
"Of course," Angie said. "We can go together if you want. We should get started."
"I'll put my shoes on." Tim went to the front hall and returned a minute later wearing sneakers and a hoodie against the cold weather. He pulled keys out of the pocket and they let themselves out of the single-family home and got in the car parked out front.
The house was not really theirs and neither was the car; Angie and Tim had only known each other for a few weeks and both felt that it would be a while yet before they were comfortable living and working together. They had been paired up after training, a mostly-virtual affair offered in secret and only after volunteers had passed several levels of security and background checks and the like. The abolitionists could not afford to operate too overtly, but they managed to create and staff safehouses and Angie and Tim, along with others they would never meet, had been deemed to posses the qualities necessary to help rehabilitate rescued box boys.
And now, as of tomorrow morning, they would be the caretakers for three young men rescued from... whatever it was that WRU had done to them.
The pairing seemed to have been well made, or at least Angie and Tim thought it was. They had quickly become comfortable with each other and Angie's organized, energetic determination was a useful foil to Tim's quiet, gentle nature. She looked around and saw what needed to be done; his strength was in finding the right way to do it.
As they passed through stores, they talked and debated and made choices as if intentionally demonstrating these choices. It was Angie who steered them directly to the linens and quickly put her hand to the best financial choices, while Tim made sure the items were available in different colors and patterns, so that the new arrivals would each have something to call their own. Later, he ensured that the towels did not match the bedsheets, so the young men would not feel color-coded. Thanks to Angie, they kept the whole thing under-budget. "That leaves more," she said, "that we can spend on them later, when we know what they need."
That night, they ate pizza and stayed up until the early hours setting up the bedroom and bathroom. There was a bunkbed and another single bed to match it, mattresses to haul upstairs and put on the beds, a bathtub to wash out and curtains to hang. The house had come partially furnished, but they had expected more time to get it ready.
No matter, though. By the time they went to their own rooms to sleep, they felt confident that they were ready for the new arrivals.
Next time: a knock on the door and the population of the house grows.
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All Of Me {Part 09 of 13}
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Pairing: Robby Keene X Reader
Chapter word count: 1.2 K
Summary: Being the new girl in the Valley wasn't as bad as you expected, and you were finding your place when the dynamite you were living into exploded. You were kicked out of your house by your stepfather with nothing but a backpack with a few pieces of clothing. There was nowhere to go, and you were preparing yourself to spend the night in the streets when a guy finds you. After being invited to crash at his place, you didn't know the war you were walking into. A war you became determined to end.
<- Previous part (08)
Next Part (10) ->
{Cobra Kai Masterlist}
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Robby rings the bell, and you exchange a nervous look. “I think something is burning,” You say in a low voice, hearing a curse coming from inside.
“He was going to make pasta. I think we'll just have to order something.“ He says, just as the door opens.
“Hey,” Johnny says, a hand in his pocket as he looks at Robby, then at you. “Come on in. Robby never brought any girlfriend to meet me. Must be a good sign.” He steps aside and you both walk in. Robby guides you to the couch, and you sit down next to him. “I'll call a pizza place. The pasta is–”
“How do you manage to burn pasta?” Robby asks.
“I forgot it was there.”
“How do you–.” He's cut short by the cellphone ring. Robby picks it up, then looks at you. “I'll have to answer it, give me a minute.” You nod and he gets up, disappearing further into the house.
Then, you're left alone with Johnny, who looks through a small notebook, eyebrows furrowed. “I have a food delivery app. I could just order it.”
“Yeah, I've heard of that. But this place isn't in it.”
“Let me check. What's the name?” Johnny passes you the restaurant's name, and three minutes later, the food is ordered, and it says it'll get here in half an hour. “See? It's easy.”
“I rather do things the old way.”
“Yup.” You mutter, putting the phone back in your pocket. “So... How's the Eagle Fang?”
“We're ready to take Cobra Kai down.” At that, you simply nod. “Are you going to compete? If the new subdivision is made?”
Sighing, you shake your head. “No. I don't think Robby will, either.” Sensei Kreese and Silver are hopeful about the new subdivision, hoping to get their best students, now eighteen, to fight again. “I guess this whole fight among the dojos is tiring him.”
”I'm only in this because I need to take them down. Kreese and Silver are too dangerous. If I let them, they create an army of dickheads all over the Valley.”
He's not wrong... The Senseis are very strict, you can't deny that. “I get that, but... They helped me, you know? So maybe they're not... That evil?”
“Think. What could you possibly offer to them?”
“Offer?” The question makes your brain start working. “It couldn't be money... Even though my mother said something about the Senseis asking her to give me some? It doesn't make sense.”
“They don't need money. Gotta be something–” A loud beep cuts him short, and Johnny bends over to take his old phone from the coffee table. You wouldn't give it much attention, ready to take your phone to have some distraction, but the way his face changes makes you furrow your eyebrows. “What's your stepfather's name?”
“What?" The question is so unexpected that it takes a while for you to process it. “Philip. Philip Greyson.”
Jonny doesn't say anything, just hands you over his phone, and your eyes are quick to read the text Mr. LaRusso sent him. “Philip Greyson was the vote they needed to approve the new subdivision.”
“I really don't... ” You're still speaking when another text comes, and you just open it, without thinking too much. It's a picture of a news website. And it shows Philip behind a desk, a half-smile on his lips... Under the desk, you can see that his entire left leg is in a cast. “They got what they wanted.” You mutter before giving him the phone back. “This is my fault.” Feeling your eyes fill with tears, you get up. “He has more students than you and Miyagi-Do put together. He knows the odds are in his favor.“
“Everything alright?” Robby asks, coming from the hall. “What happened?”
“The Senseis used me. They were nice just because they needed Philip to approve the new subdivision for students over eighteen. They broke his leg! It has to be their doing.”
“What?” He immediately comes, wrapping his arms around you. “We'll fix this. I don't know how, but we will. Cobra Kai won't win.”
“How? They have the numbers. They have double the students.”
“We need to gather everyone for this,” Johnny says, bringing the phone to his ear. “LaRusso. Call the kids, we need to talk.” He makes a pause. “Of course, now. Do you think I'd waste my time calling you if it wasn't urgent?”
“I'll cancel the food.” You say, grabbing your phone to do just that.
An hour later, you're at Miyagi-Do, hungry and getting stressed out because of your empty stomach. Seated on the wooden deck, you look at the grey clouds above. “It'll rain,” Robby says, and you look at him.
“Good. It's a hot day and I'd love to dance in the rain.” It's an attempt to lighten up the mood a little bit.
He chuckles. “If you'll dance in the rain, I'll dance in the rain.”
That makes you smile. “Sounds like a date.”
“Alright, what's going on?” LaRusso says, the moment she slides the door open. The rest of the students are right behind him.
And Johnny tells him everything, and you, knowing this shit is all your fault, keep your mouth shut. “The only way to destroy Cobra Kai once and for all is to defeat Kreese and Silver. But with this new subdivision... The numbers are on his side.” LaRusso says, hands on his hips.
“And more students are joining every day,” Sam adds.
You planned to keep quiet, but LaRusso's speech feels... Wrong. In more aspects than one. “We have a problem.” You speak up, all eyes set on you.
“We do,” Hawk mutters, crossing his arms. “If you found another one, we better know what it is before it comes to bite our asses.”
You know he thought the same, and you nod at him. “Do you really think Kreese and Silver will keep their promise?”
Johnny and LaRusso exchange a glance. “He did say Cobra Kai would cease to exist if any of our dojos win.”
“Another problem right there.” You add, stepping forward, and gesturing at Johnny. “I don't think that's fair. Mr. Lawrence worked hard to make Cobra Kai a thing again, and I don't think it should just disappear. It should go back to its owner.”
“Yeah, but the original owner isn't me. It's Kreese.” Johnny says.
“Not if we make a contract of some kind,” Robby speaks, and you look at him. It's a good idea. “Official papers that he will sign, and if he decides to break his word, we can sue. Both of them.”
“Not both, only Kreese,” Johnny says, furrowing his eyebrows. “I've seen the dojo's papers. Silver is an associate, but Kreese is still the head of the dojo. It's his signature we need.”
As he speaks, an idea pops into your head, and it starts to take form. It's the best plan you could come up with, and, if carefully played, it will fix everything. For good. It makes you smile, a wicked smile that slowly has everyone looking at you again. “What's with the villain grin?” Hawk asks.
“I just had the idea that will give Cobra Kai back to Johnny.” You simply say, shrugging your shoulders.
For a while, nobody says anything, until Hawk, as usual, speaks up. “Well, are you saying it or not?”
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paisholotus · 2 years
𝓒𝓱. 1
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Nae's pov
Walking out the restaurant, picking up our order, and walking over to the car, I realized lea was no longer behind me. When I saw her walking out of the restaurant with more bags, i scrunched up my face, confused as to why she had more bags when we already gotten our food. "What's that?" I asked, "I've got us dessert." She said with a cheeky grin. "OK, come on then, you know they're hungry, especially Josh." I joked.
She chuckled and put her bags in the back. Port angeles has grown in population over the years, which I don't think is a good or bad thing. You still get racist asshats who like to give you dirty looks, and then you have the overly nice-nosey people, who like to get all up in your business.
Tonight I was supposed to patrol, but I didn't feel like it. So Josh and my dad are going to do it. That means Lea and I are going to La Push to relax. When we were kids, my mother told us that there was a reservation not to far from La Push. I'd say we live about 20 to 30 minutes away from La Push; it's a long drive, but it's sometimes worth it.
It's nice to get away from the house for awhile. I haven't shifted in a long time and I should do so soon. We're having Italian tonight because mama didn't feel like cooking, and I really didn't want to hear my parents argue over whose turn it was.
I finally pulled into our driveway and we got out and grabbed our food from the backseat. I opened the door and heard the R&B music playing softly in the living room, I smiled a little at the lavender scent that was flowing around the house. My mom is a absolute clean freak, we gotta take our shoes off by the door, cause you better not dare track dirt on her freshly clean floors, if you know what's best for ya.
"Nae! Is that you? Make sure you close my door! Letting out my cool air." I rolled my eyes, "yes, mother dearest." I muttered in annoyance. I walked in the kitchen to see mom, dad, and Josh with irritated looks on their face. "What took y'all so long?" Aaron asked us, I groan and placed the bags on the counter. "Yeah, did y'all have to catch and cook the food." My daddy chuckled. "Hahaha very funny, didn't know you could catch spaghetti." I said with attitude. He raised his hands in surrender, "OK, Let's just see what y'all got." He said. "I got us dessert." Lea said, mama did a little bounce and clapped. I giggled, I'm not gonna judge, because food is life.
                       -Time Skip-
"Lea! Hurry up!" I yelled into the phone, I didn't need mama getting mad at us because I didn't do my patrol. Lea came running out the door with blankets, snacks and the speaker. "Go! Go..she saw me." She cackled getting into the car, I put it in reverse and sped out the driveway seeing ma run outside fuming. I busted out laughing, "bro, she's mad as hell." I said laughing hitting Lea on her shoulder. She nodded, laughing tears. We calmed down and she put on the AUX, "You know she gon beat our ass when we get back, right?" She asked. I slowly nodded, and laughed again, "We'll be, ight."
We made it to the beach and grabbed our stuff and got out the car. Walking on the cool sand felt good, I loved the ocean, I loved swimming, but if the water go past my knees my ass done went too far and I need to go back. "This, spot seems good. Give me the snacks." I told Lea, she gave me the snacks and I put on the music.
We talked for a good minute and listened music, just having a good time. I turned my attention behind me seeing some guys, coming onto the beach with some girls. Me and Lea was looking at them, carrying food and drinks, I think they looked familiar a little bit. "You've, seen them before?" Lea asked me, I shook my head and turned back around to eat my gummy worms.
We continued to mind our time together when we heard someone calling us, we turned back around when we saw a girl come up to us. "Hey, you guys wanna join us?" She asked with a big smile, we looked at each other kinda hesitant. "I promise it'll be fun, if you're uncomfortable you can leave. My names Kim by the way." She said quietly and stuck her hand out, I gave a small smile and shook her hand. "My names Nae, and this is my sister Lea." She shook Lea's hand, and helped us bring our stuff over to her friends, the boys all looked buff, like they lived in the gym. I wasn't really that talkative around new people, but imma try to make friends.
"Hey, guys, this is Nae and Lea. Boys be nice please." Kim said to her friends. We just kinda awkwardly stood there, and gave small waves. "Hey." Me and lea said at the same time. "You, can seat down, we don't bite." One of the boys said, me and lea sat down and started back eating our snacks. "You, both are so pretty." One girl said, I smiled back at her, "thank you, you are too!" Lea said. "So, what's are y'all names?" Lea asked, "OK, so that's Jacob, Embry, Seth, Quil, Jared, And, Paul. And the other two girls are Zahra, and, Rachel." Kim introduced us to everyone.
We nodded and told them it was nice to meet them, "so, you guys live near here." Jared asked, I nodded, "yeah, about 20-30 minutes away." I told him. We started talking to each other and laughing at the joked Quil made about Paul. I looked across from me to see Jacob staring at me, he gave me a little smile and I smiled back at him, then looked down at my hands blushing a little. He was no doubt very handsome, he probably has a girlfriend though.
I looked beside me to see Lea quietly talking to Embry, he seemed shy a little. Looked like he didn't really talk alot, which was the opposite of Lea, she was a very out going person, very much energetic.
We found out the boys are native and live on the reservation not to far from here, I wondered if they were wolves, I guess I would find out another time. "You, don't talk much, do you?" Jacob asked me, I softly chuckled and shook my head. "Don't really associate with other people, besides my siblings." I told him, smiling. He nodded and took a sip from his cup, which I figured was alcohol. "How, many you have?" He asked, I finished eating my chips and picked up my cup, "I have lea and a brother." I told him.
He nodded, and stole some of my jolly ranchers. "Hey, hey, now! Don't get slapped. I don't play about my snacks." I said with a playful attitude. He rolled his eyes, and gave me a big smile. And I almost melted, his has the prettiest smile I've ever seen, just perfect white teeth. He definitely knew how fine he was, he stared into my eyes making me blush.
"You, have pretty eyes." Jacob said, causing me to smile a little bit. "Thanks, you have a pretty smile." I said, seeing a red tint come on his cheeks. Everyone talked and continued to enjoy our time together till it started getting really late, and me and lea had to work in the morning. We gathered our stuff said our goodbyes and began to walk way, "Hey! Wait." We turned around to see Kim running after us, "can, I have you guys, number? So we can hang out again." She asked, I nodded and gave her our number and she hugged us and ran back to her friends.
I eyed Jacob one last time and he smiled at me and waved bye to us, we waved bye one last time, and got into our car and left for the ass whooping waiting on us.
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xero1020 · 1 year
twisted wonderland: best friend?
Hey there, so this is my first fanfic and Imma just do this for fun for my friend, so don't expect too much qualitiy lol. The main focus is Ace and you, his best friend.
As usual you go to school with your best friends Ace, Deuce and Grim. Everythings seems like the usual and completely normal when finally luch break arrives.
Grim's stomach rumbles terribly loud. ''Arghh I'm so hungry! They better serve some nice tuna today!''
''sigh, I agree on the hungry part...'' Even Deuce seems to be starving.
You start feeling the hunger too and as you check if Ace is feeling the same you notice he stared at you. But as your eyes meet he quickly turns away. ''Y-yeahhhh totallyyy...''
He nervously fake smiles, as if he's hiding something. You can literally feel in your bones that something is fishy. Even Deuce seems to be side-eyeing him but you both decide to ignore it for now, since you don't have the energy to investigate Ace's stupid troubles right now.
As you three are eating on the table and talking Riddle walks towards your table. And he's...not exactly in the best mood. You can feel the tension in the air around him...
''Ace Trappola.'' He gives Ace a frightening glare.
''Yeah, housewarden?'' His voice sounds normal but you notice a drop of sweat running down his cheek.
Riddle crosses his arms and sighs. ''I will not accuse people withouth evidence BUT I shall let you know that I will find out. So IF you are the culprit, you'll know what awaits you. So consider taking the easier way out.''
Ace answers Riddle with a small pause. ''...what?''
Riddle sighs. ''Alright, if that's your decision, so shall be it. (Y/n), I request to give Ramshackle dorm a visit right after school.''
You're caught by suprise and accidentally spit out a bit of water, as you were taking a sip. A look that says ''why???'' is written all over your face. Riddle takes a seat beside you and crosses his arms once again. ''Ace, you'll be coming along.''
''Ha?? Uhm you see, I and (Y/n) actually got plans for today!''
Riddle smirks and turns to you. ''Is that so, (Y/n)?''
You look at Riddle, then at Ace, as he gives you a hopeful, but stressed look. I don't wanna be part of this... you think. But despite that, he is still your best friend. You nod to Riddle.
''I guess then you both are guilty. We'll head to Ramshackle dorm, right now. As the housewarden of Heartslabyul I insist on giving Ramshackle dorm a visit to prove that Ace Trappola is a rulebreaking thief! (y/n), is suspected to be his accomplice. If you don't agree it will only worsen your punishment!''
Totally confused and irritated you glare at Ace, questioning what the hell he did. Just like that the five of you head to Ramshackle dorm.
''Hey, tyrant!! What are you thinking to just simply order us around and barge into our house?! We're not even your dorm members!'' Grim seems to be quite mad about this. This situation seems to not only confuse you...
Even Deuce seems to be frustrated with Ace right now. ''Ace what did you do this time...''
''hahhhh... Alright housewarden. I will show you where it is BUT its no one else than me to blame. So please leave (y/n) out of this.'' Did he really just say that? Ace??
''I'll have to judge that after you explained.'', is all Riddle has to answer.
All of you head to the kitchen and Ace slowly opens it. You're totally dumbfounded as you see a strawberry cake inside your fridge. Next to it is a note saying ''don't eat!!''. Now everything makes sense and you puzzle the pieces together.
Ace once again snuck into the Heartslabyul kitchen to snatch some food. But instead of a snack, he decided to take a WHOLE cake. As if that wasn't bad enough already, he snuck it into YOUR fridge. You once gave him a key for the dorm, in case something happens. Now you feel a big wave of regret showering you...
He insisted that you weren't involved in all this but fails to convince Riddle. You both were given a punishment, even though you're innocent... Ace has to write a whole stack of apology letters and copy many of the heart queen's rules. Afterwards you both have to clean all windows in the whole heartslabyul dorm.
Why do I have to do this? God, Ace! How could he have done something that stupid!!
These thoughts can't stop crossing your mind as you both clean the windows together. Even though you're mad at him you still think that Ace couldn't have been dumb enough to do something so stupid. But then again, he wouldn't admit it to cover for someone else.
''The truth.'' You turn towards Ace. ''Tell me what really happened.''
He seems a bit suprised. ''Are you serious right now?''
''Yes, I know you're not THAT stupid, you know. Known you for some time now, no?''
''Wel that's... refreshing, not gonna lie. Ahem so! You know, I'm not the culprit!!''
''...is that all?'' Now you question if you really just overestimated Ace...
''How should I explain it... So I kinda found this strawberry tart in my room all of a sudden after I came from the basketball club. And there was this note, saying : ''It's all yours!''. Cool, I thought. I wanted to share... share it with you.''
He makes a small pause, checking if you're properly listening.
''Yeah so I came over and you were asleep on the couch. So I simply decided to put it into your fridge with the note ''don't eat!!'', so we could eat it the next day together. But then I found out that a strawberry tart was stolen from the kitchen in our dorm and things started making sense. I just hoped the housewarden wouldn't find out but here we are now.''
Your gaze is totally blank by the information dump and you're still not understanding a few things.
''So why didn't you just directly say that?''
Ace shakes his head, ''You actually think if I went to the housewarden and went like -OH nah actually that spawned in my room and I wanted to share it with my friends at Ramshackle dorm- he would have believed me? It would've been directly off with my head for whole two weeks then for lying!!''
''Then why didn't you tell me...?''
All of a sudden you don't feel angry at all anymore, more like... hurt? Is your bestfriend really not trusting you to believe him?
''When the housewarden said all that stuff, you and Deuce were directly believing him, right? You didn't even doubt me being guilty for a single second.''
''That's ... I doubted it.'' Not being able to fully deny it, you still try to explain yourself.
''Just now, right? Don't think its a little late???''
A rock of guilt hits you. Everything he said is true. And about you believing in him...yes, that was also true. Because of your complete silence its getting obvious how you feel.
Your best friend glances over at you, now feeling a bit bad himself.
''Alright, I admit. I DID cause some unnecessary trouble in the past. But I've changed, you know? I'm not as childish anymore as I was six months ago! sigh... I just wish that you at least had noticed that. And...sorry about this. I dragged you into that all.''
It seems he's not the best at apologizing. He puts his hand behind his head and avoids eye contact with you.
''Of couse I noticed your change. Honestly, at first we could have never been friends. You were such a nasty brat. The way you talked down on us, broke the statue the first day and-''
''I know, I know! Enough of that! Ugh''
A slight giggle escapes your mouth.
''You're my close friend, you know? I'm glad you're here and thanks to you these six months were really fun here. I can't imagine school withouth you anymore. And the fact you immediately came to me after seeing that tart is really sweet.'
''W-what...'', his cheeks are reddening a little.
''I accept your apology. So please accept mine too. I'm really sorry I doubted you and I'll make sure that never happens again. Deal, dear friend?''
You can't help laughing out loud. This side of Ace is quite sweet and enjoyable to you. Maybe you'll be able to bring it out of him more often...?
Oh, but an important thought crosses your mind.
''By the way, let's find those jerks who put the cake inside your room. I can't wait to beat those ***** and I'm sure Deuce will join us~'
A wide smirk appears on Ace's face. ''Heh, your smile right now is honestly frightening, but I do support the idea. Let's show them what happends when you mess with Ace Trappola...''
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nightcall99 · 3 months
Notes from 17.3.24
HS is gone again. I feel very tired. Outside of my regular routine, I think I'm agoraphobic or something.
Why are we both having dreams to do with bathrooms?
Here's some life ranting:
The 3D guilt things are coming back again. AL is going overseas soon and she casually let it slide that her 4 birds are going to be left at home by themselves for 2.5 weeks and that her mum wants her to ask another one of our co-workers, TC, to look after them. But I'm closer to her than he is, and instead of asking me directly, she dropped a hint like this to guilt me into offering to look after them. I said what she wanted me to say but my heart clearly wasn't in it. I don't want to. I just don't. Maybe I might have been open to it if she asked me more directly and given me more time to mentally prepare for it but not like this. Not 5 days before you leave. (And even then, I still don't want to). She said she'll just leave a mound of food for them and set up a camera and if they die, they die. And then I said, give me the keys to your house, I'll look in on them every few days. You'll have to tell me what to do though. And she changed the subject. Like wtf? Am I an animal abuser if I don't insist insistently on looking after them? I can't deal with this anymore. Why do I make up these scenarios.
To be honest I'm kind of relieved that she's going away for a bit. She can be very exhausting. I never know if we're actually friends or if it's a keep-your-friends-close-and-your-enemies-closer type situation. Sometimes in my life I think that if you peer in close enough, it's actually like that with everyone. Is that just the nature of human relationships? Are you supposed to feel a little hatred every now and then from someone, and you to them? I've always felt this my whole life. Everything is so low-vibe. I'm low vibe. I can't help it.
I don't know what I'm doing. The other day TC tried to convince me to give him my money for him to invest. I don't know much about money but I know used-car salesman tactics when I see them. He said, Think of me as a bank. You get interest from the bank every month don't you? I said, No, I never mix friendship with money. I don't think that he expected me to say that. Firstly, I said, do not talk to me about this crap at 9am in the morning. He IGNORED, and kept going even though I AGAIN SAID, STOP, ask me later when the caffeine has kicked in. And then he was like, I know you're paranoid Kath, so we'll sign a statutory declaration so you can rest assured I won't run away with your money. ????? We both know stat decs are not legally binding. After, he kept going on about bitcoin and tried that angle, saying like you and me and put in money blah blah this could happen. STFU. He has started undermining me in other ways lately, too many to count, and somehow I'm still nice to him. I tell myself I'm doing it to survive. That it doesn't matter anyway. The big boss came in and he was bootlicking like you wouldn't believe. Being amongst the energy of it make me sick. Somehow we thought that striking others down in order to get ahead was fun. I hate this game.
I don't know what I'm doing. There's an 18 year old shop girl who I think is flirting with me, and I think I'm flirting back. Am I that bored? Is this legal? My intern continues to fart all over the place. I spray lavender spray here and there but he doesn't get the hint. I took him aside briefly today to tell him his voice is too loud and everyone and their mum can hear his conversation regarding very sensitive matters with the patient, and he was picking his nose the whole time. I can't. Is this real? Still though, I am starting to feel really bad about not being more attentive to his academic progression. I honestly just ignore him most of the time, outside of being polite. Well, barely that.
Everyday, nothing changes. My perspective on the world is like night and day, depending on the energy. But still, nothing changes.
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Wreckless - Sweet Suite
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*Warning Adult Content*
A suite... sure... try the fanciest suite in town.
"Are you kidding me?" I ask as we go in.
There's a kitchen, and entire living room with huge double doors looking over the water, a balcony, and of course an amazing bedroom and bathroom.
"There wasn't much available, Emmett."
I'm not sure whether he means he wanted a nicer place or one a little bit more normal and I'm afraid to ask.
Instead I go out onto the balcony and that's when I lose my damn mind.
'Seriously? How? Huh?'
Is that a jacuzzi?
I walk out onto the deck because it's too damn big to be a balcony even if we are on the top floor and look at the view.
Only random vowels come out of my mouth so I give up and plop onto the lounge chair.
"I'll sleep out here, you can have the rest of the room."
I tell Finnegan when he sits in the chair next to me.
"Nope, not happening but we can lay out here all afternoon if you really want to."
"I want. Very much."
A nap is calling my name but I'm also starving.
"Need some food first."
"I'll get the menu."
Hot damn, we don't even have to leave this room.
Honestly, I don't feel the need to but I will take Finnegan to the beach if he wants to go.
Maybe we'll go out for dinner afterwards.
Whatever he wants, I'm really here for the ride.
This is what he wanted and needs and I'm gonna let him lead.
"I want a cheese plate and their house salad, please."
He holds the menu out to me and I take it but I only understand about three quarters of the words.
'What's an aoili? A tapenade?'
Well, it's hard to ruin crab cakes so I'm gonna order them anyway.
He's inside unpacking when I finish the call.
"Twenty minutes, darling."
"Great, thank you."
He looks a little bit lost or overwhelmed and I am too but I'm sure it's for different reasons.
He decides to try out the bed and lies down.
"Oh nice, this will do."
"Want a nap? You can get one after you eat and then we can do whatever you want."
"That sounds really good but I think I'll make some coffee instead. I don't want to sleep the weekend away."
Coffee it is.
There's a fancy Keurig type machine here so two cups of coffee is easy.
I pour mine over ice and sip it until lunch arrives.
Apparently those fancy things are a sauce and some sort of spread.
I'm not sure which is which but they're both delicious on my crab cakes.
Finnegan has been quiet but I'm not pushing the conversation because he may just need time to decompress.
I really don't know what's best at this point.
"I know you want to chill on the deck but can we go to the beach later? At least for a walk?"
"Of course darling, we can go now. We can swim, build a castle, whatever."
"But the deck?"
"It'll be here when we get back." 
Might be a good way to spend an hour or two after dinner.
"Thanks Emmett. I appreciate you coming with me, especially last minute. Work is just... Well I don't want to think about it until Monday. I feel like everything is going wrong since we left here two weeks ago and maybe part of me thinks it'll be better now that we're back."
I've felt that way too but he had a much harder time with the burglary than I did and I don't want to imagine what's going on at work.
I tell myself that it can't be too bad or he wouldn't be able get away.
I have no doubt he's busy but nothing is on fire and that's probably as good as it'll get for a while longer.
"I'm going to change."
That's when I realize that I didn't answer him.
"Finnegan? Sorry, I was in dream land. Things back in Baltimore will get better but I understand what you mean, this is a safe space for you and heck, for me too a little bit and I'm glad we're back."
I give him a minute but I need to change too and it's nothing I haven't seen before.
He's standing in front of the dresser holding his rainbow trunks in one hand and his sharks in the other.
I hate that I feel so awkward.
Am I allowed to say anything?
To help him decide?
He tosses the sharks down, then picks them back up again.
"I'm being ridiculous. This is not an important decision."
He puts them both on top of the dresser, spins them around and mixes them up and then picks one.
Ah, his eyes are closed.
He's so funny.
"Rainbow it is."
"Never a bad choice in Rehoboth."
We have matching red trunks that we bought last time and I put mine on. 
They're a bit shorter than I would usually choose but Finnegan had been fairly insistent.
"Damn, those are nice on you, Emmett."
"Thanks. I'm glad you approve. We need to get you some sunscreen. I brought the sand toys, should we bring them?"
"You did?"
"Of course. Is that a 'yes'?" 
Finally, a smile.
A quick nod and then he's off, dashing into the living room.
It's taking him longer than I expected but I'm pretty sure that 'Little Finn's going to make an appearance. 
Maybe we can have a lesson tonight, it's been awhile. 
Damn, that sounds really good. 
Really really good. 
I think I need to be in 'Dom-mode' as much as he needs to be 'Little Finn'.
God I'm turned on, maybe he'll be willing to get off before we head out. 
I want to tell him to come suck my cock but we're not there right now. 
I also don't want to ask because treating him like Finnegan is gonna hold him back. 
I take a deep breath and blow it slowly out of my mouth. 
Watching him prance around in just shorts all afternoon is going to kill me... Kill.
"Yeah darling?"
"You okay?"
Him noticing sort of jolts me out of my head and I walk over and grab my backpack. 
"Of course. You ready?"
He takes my hand as soon as we're in the hallway and I give his a squeeze. 
"We have to buy some sunscreen first and then we'll hit the beach, okay?"
"I know, stupid sun. Can we hurry?"
"It won't take long, I'm sure the hotel gift shop has some." 
As fancy as this place is, we could probably request someone spritz us. 
It's going to be okay. 
This is just what we needed.
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February 26: Picnic
(rated M for spicy content. If you'd like to read the explicit version, head over to AO3)
"Fucking fantastic," Draco grumbled as the power in the stupid muggle 'safe' house they were staying in flickered and then went out completely. "So glad that we got assigned this stupid mission where we aren't allowed to use magic because it can be traced, and now have no power."
Harry sighed from across the room where he'd been unpacking his bag. "We should move into the living room," he said. "There's a fireplace in there so we'll be able to keep warm."
"If we can light the stupid thing."
The other man chuckled, squeezing Draco's should as he walked past, "I've got this," he said confidently. "I know how to start a fire the muggle way. And if I noticed right on the way through, there's a starter log and everything."
After Harry left, Draco stood in the room that they would be sleeping in later for another moment, staring at the two twin beds and wishing that there'd only been one bed instead. The excuse for intimacy never got old and he always wished for one bed when they were setting off on a mission.
It was all a bit pathetic and a bit desperate, but he never said it aloud, so at least he was the only one who knew.
After he finished unpacking and organizing the things he'd brought, he went out to the living room. Harry'd already started the fire and he'd laid a blanket out on the floor. At present, he seemed to be setting out some food and Draco came over, curiosity sufficiently peaked. "What are you doing?" he asked.
Harry glanced over his shoulder and gave him a little smile, "Well, since the power's out, I thought a picnic might be in order."
"A picnic?" he laughed.
He nodded, "I have salami, cheese, crackers, and grapes," he said, pointing at the various containers, "and a tub of strawberry ice cream that's going to go bad if we don't eat it."
(Read more below the cut)
"Well, strawberry is my favorite," Draco said.
Harry looked up at him with a smile, "I know. That's why I brought it."
And for a moment Draco was breathless, heart and mind unable to agree on the meaning behind this sentence. "Thank you," he finally settled on.
"Come on," Harry replied with a little smile, patting the spot beside him, and Draco plopped down next to him, their shoulders brushing and lighting all of Draco's senses up like he was full of miniature firecrackers and Harry was the match.
They ate together, talking and teasing, and Draco forgot that they were in this stupid muggle house, on this stupid mission, in the freezing cold, and all of his other grievances because he was as happy as he always was when Harry was at his side.
Eventually, hours later, after they'd finished the strawberry ice cream, eating it straight from the carton with their spoons, Harry yawned and looked around the room. "We should probably sleep out here," he said, glancing at Draco under his eyelashes. "It's too cold in the bedroom."
He nodded, it had gotten steadily colder with the fireplace as the only source of warmth. "Should we bring the mattresses out, do you think?"
"Yeah," Harry said, "And-" he broke off, rubbing the back of his neck, "Maybe we should push them together and sleep under the same blanket? For body heat?"
"Yes," Draco agreed, nodding and trying not to sound too eager, "for warmth," he added.
"We should get changed?" Harry asked.
He laughed, "Why are you phrasing that as a question?"
Harry chuckled in response, "I don't know. I just don't want to make you feel..." he trailed off and shrugged, "uncomfortable."
How it was possible for someone so unbearably, impossibly sweet to be friends with him, Draco had no idea. "Thank you," he replied. "You don't make me uncomfortable," he added.
"Okay," Harry said, eyes glued to Draco's like he was looking for something searching for something that Draco couldn't quite ascertain. After a moment, Harry licked his lips and stood up, "We should get changed. I'm starting to get cold."
"Right," he agreed, taking the outstretched hand that Harry was offering and allowing Harry to pull him up to his feet.
They went about the business of getting ready for bed (Draco putting a jumper on over his tshirt for a little extra warmth. and soon enough, they were back out in the living room with their mattresses, setting up in front of the fire before climbing under the covers, which, Draco reflected, were definitely not as heavy as they should be for a night of sleeping with only the fireplace to keep warm.
Like school children, the two of them stayed up chatting and giggling well into the night. And everything went swimmingly until Draco started shivering.
Harry frowned and climbed out of bed to add another log to the fire. "You're so skinny," he said as he slipped back under the covers, "not enough fat to keep you warm," he teased, but there was an undercurrent of concern.
"I'll be-" he broke off as a shiver slipped up his spine and forced a whole body shudder, "fine."
He scowled at Draco, then said, "Take off your clothes."
"Excuse me," Draco squeaked. He had fantasized about Harry saying those words many times, but hadn't really ever imagined that he would actually say them.
"Just," Harry scrubbed a hand over his face, "Body heat," he said as he started pulling off his own shirt.
Draco watched him, his entire body heating as he stared at the gorgeous expanse of Harry's chest and abdomen. The training and field work that they did certainly agreed with his body.
Then Harry pushed off his pajama bottoms, leaving his in nothing but a very tight pair of boxer briefs.
"Draco," Harry said, "I'm not trying to be a perv. Just," he shook his head, "get undressed."
Draco felt like his entire body had turned red, from embarrassment or arousal, or something else entirely. But there was nothing for him to do except strip down as well.
Once he was undressed he avoided Harry's eyes, shivering with goosebumps broken out across his skin. "Roll onto your side," Harry said, voice soft as he nudged Draco away from him.
And then the glorious heat of Harry's body was pressing against his back as his arm wrapped around him and tugged him back further against him.
"Fuck, you're cold," Harry grunted.
"Sorry," he said, trying to pull away a bit so he didn't freeze the other man.
Harry's arms wrapped tighter and he tugged Draco back, "Come here," he murmured, breath ghosting across the back of Draco's neck and tickling his ear. "Let me warm you up."
Draco let out a soft moan as he sank back into Harry's body, arse pressing back against Harry's pelvis, and they both froze. "Sorry," he said. "Oh Salazar," he said, starting to panic, "Sorry. Harry, I didn't-"
"It's okay," Harry breathed. "It's all fine."
"I have to tell you something." He couldn't in good conscience allow nearly naked cuddling to continue when his body seemed determined to get off on it.
"Okay," Harry murmured, lips brushing over Draco's neck.
"Circe, that feels good," he blurted, then clapped a hand over his mouth.
Harry hummed, pressing a little closer, "Yeah?" His thumb brushed over the center of Draco's chest, "Was that what you wanted to tell me?"
"I'm in love with you," he blurted. "I'm sorry," he said again. "You're going to absolutely hate me, I should have told you before you got practically naked. You must think-"
"Draco," Harry murmured, pressing a kiss to his shoulder, "I'm in love with you too."
"I never should-" he continued before his brain caught up with what Harry had just said. "Sorry, what?"
"I've been in love with you for ages," he replied. "And sometimes I think you might feel the same but then I think you probably hate my guts."
He turned so he could look over his shoulder. "I love you," he said again.
Harry reached up and cupped his cheek, "Can I kiss you?"
"I would let you do anything you want with me," he breathed.
"Anything?" Harry asked with a smile as he leaned closer, their lips so close to touching that Draco thought he might lose his mind.
"Anything," he said, watching the pupils in Harry's eyes dilate sharply.
"I love you," he whispered before closing the distance between their lips and kissing him with everything he had.
The fact that Draco definitely got warmed up after that was just a happy byproduct.
Read the extended smutty version on AO3.
Written for @hdcandyheartsfest's prompt February 26: Picnic
February 25: I Love You | February 27: Beloved
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soyouthinkucanwrite · 3 years
July 2nd - Daniel Ricciardo
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Based on New Year's Day by Taylor Swift and this request by @spikejonzed
Fluffly, mentions of sex, banter, nothing graphic.
BTW, I don't know how I've never paid attention to this song, it's so so beautiful and honest. I've thought about this concept before though: the "Sunday afternoon effect", when all the excitement of the weekend wears off and you're just hanging out with your friends, laughing about silly stuff, or cleaning up the house after the party. The thing is, the friends that stay till then are the ones you wanna hold on to, and the same goes for lovers. I feel kind of bad... well not BAD but you know, must be hard... when you're famous and rich, to recognize the good ones from the beginning before you give yourself too much away and it's too late.
To be honest with you guys, I think Daniel must feel a bit lonely sometimes. We all do, but to think that people are only interested in you for your fame and money must be tough... something you worked so hard, that you keep dedicating your life to, to think that that thing is the reason for your heartbreak, to your loneliness... It's a two-edged sword, isn't it? Anyway, I wrote this little something with Daniel in mind, hope you guys like it. Hope he finds someone to be like this someday. Hell, hope I find someone to be like this someday. I think everyone deserves that.
Daniel woke up in his bed, no shoes, but jeans and party shirt still on. The light coming through the windows, shining directly on his face, threatening to make his headache even worse. He let out a groan and turned to the side. There's someone on his bed with him. Shit. He just remembered. Last night was the first time he was introducing (y/n) to his friends. His birthday "small get together" (or at least that's what it was supposed to be) was the perfect opportunity for testing the waters and giving the "next step" without making too much fuss about it, after all, they've only been going out for a couple months and with his tight schedule it meant a lot of facetime calls and weekends, but almost no weekdays and routine stuff.
Yet, he was absolutely smitten with her, she was fun and easygoing, passionate about her own work and friends, but still caring and interested in him. They had amazing chemistry, mind-blowing even. But Daniel had lived enough to know that hanging out with someone on the weekends and knowing their best side was one thing, living through daily and mundane stuff was a completely different thing. Where this could go was still a mystery to him and he didn't want to raise too many expectations before he was sure. Still, she looked so beautiful sleeping, a true vision. He tried to remember if something had happened last night, but judging by his clothes still on, and hers as well, he guessed not. As if on cue, she smiled, with her eyes still closed.
"Stop being creepy" she said smiling. "I can feel you watching me sleep"
"You're not even asleep anymore" he smiled and she opened her eyes. He was taken back by her eyes staring directly into his.
"Still creepy though" she laughed, getting closer to him. He held her and they stayed like that for a while.
"Are you ok?" he asked her.
"What do you mean?
"Aren't you hungover, or sick?" he asked again and she laughed.
"Not at all. I have this really weird superpower, you know, I don't get hungover. Ever, actually" she laughed.
"I don't believe you. I have the headache"
"No, it's true. We did drink a lot yesterday, though" she commented.
"Yeah, well, welcome to having Australian friends. No such thing as light drinking with those guys" he laughed but grimaced at the pain in his brain.
"I'll get you something"
"For the pain" she explained getting up from the bed.
After a while she returned with a pill and a glass of water, passing them to him.
"Thank you, baby" he took the glass, finishing it. "Come back to bed now"
"Your house... like, I'm not even sure if I should tell you to take a look or just pack your essentials and abandon it" she smiled.
"Uhh" he groaned. "I'll call someone later"
"Like a constructor with a wrecking ball?" she laughed.
"It can't be that bad"
"It's bad" she started. "But we can manage it" He looked at her intrigued. "After a shower" she pulled his hand. "Join me?"
"If I ever say no to that question, just put me in an asylum" he said. "I need a kiss though, as motivation" he smirked.
"Noo... I have morning breath"
"What? Me too" he said pulling her down and kissing her anyway. "Uh, no. You're right. Yours is worst" he said laughing while getting up and walking into the bathroom.
"Asshole!" she laughed following him.
They stripped and got into the shower, taking turns in letting the water run through their bodies.
"Come here" Daniel said, putting some body wash in his hands and spreading them over (y/n) body.
"Hum... this feels nice" she said.
"You're so beautiful" he said kissing her shoulder.
"You're so wasted" she laughed lightly.
"Hey! I'm sober. I'm just too tired. Give me a couple hours to recover, and I'll claim my birthday privileges"
"Birthday privileges? It's not even your birthday anymore" she laughed.
"Okay, but first, it's the weekend of, and second, I didn't get any time alone with you yesterday"
"Fair. And what will be your requests, may I ask?" she asked teasingly.
"Humm... you're so creative" he said kissing her. "I'm sure we'll think of something"
They finished the shower after a while, enjoying each other's company and the comfortable silence.
"Did anyone crashed here?" (y/n) asked when they were stepping out of the shower.
"I have no idea" Daniel answered. "I just remembered going to take a nap and waking up this morning. Shit, we didn't... did we?" (y/n) laughed out loud at that.
"Wow! Really, Dan?"
"We did not. I would've remembered"
"Good save. Such a gentleman" she laughed.
"I drank way too much. Sorry. Don't be mad"
"It's fine. I'm messing with you, I don't remember anything either. To be honest, I don't even remember joining you on your 'nap'" she said making air quotes.
"We're the worst hosts" he said getting out of the bathroom and going into the closet to get some clothes.
(y/n)'s heart swelled at the thought of hosting a party with Daniel. There was something so intimate about that statement, so homey.
"You want a shirt?" Daniel asked from the other room, waking her up from her daydream.
"Yeah, sure" she took the shirt, some underwear, and some sweats. Then brushed her wet hair and looked in the mirror. Not a trace of makeup left. She sighed thinking about how falling into a routine with Daniel meant letting the barriers down.
"Alright, snap out of it" she said to herself, getting out of the bathroom and walking outside, to the living room where Daniel was standing rubbing his neck and looking around.
"This is bad" he said when he saw her joining him. There were empty beer bottles and cups all around the living room and balcony, pizza boxes (with half-eaten slices left behind) in the coffee table, party decorations hanging from the ceiling, and the kitchen was even worse, with liquid spilled on the ground and bottles everywhere. There was glitter all over the floor and the couch - someone had brought some of those party poppers, which looked so much fun yesterday, but no so much now. But the best part was the polaroids, left all over the house with the craziest poses.
"Pack your stuff, we're deserting this goddam hellhole" he said and she knew he was joking, he said that about everywhere, but she still shook her head and rolled her eyes, picking a polaroid photo from the ground.
"Everyone had so much fun" she showed it to him. "I loved meeting your friends"
He took the photo from her hand, it was one where (y/n) was sitting on the couch with two of his buddies from Australia, making funny faces while holding cups. He remembered the moment because he was the one who took the photo.
"How's the headache?" she asked him.
"Almost gone"
"Good. So you don't have an excuse. Move your ass, where are the trash bags?" she laughed going into the kitchen.
"Hey! That was very sneak of you" he laughed but followed her anyway.
They spent the next hour collecting bottles, vacuuming glitter, and just cleaning the whole house. Daniel complained the whole time, but in truth, he was very glad to have her there. Sure, he could just ignore the whole mess and hire someone on Monday to clean everything (he probably would still do that anyway, for the heavy cleaning like bathrooms), but it was really nice of her to just stick around, seeming unbothered by the housework. When she finished tying the last trash bag and putting it on the entry hallway she flopped on the couch besides Daniel, who had called it a day some good 10 minutes ago.
"Done?" he asked her.
"I feel like punching you for asking me that" she answered playing annoyed. He lifted his hand in defense.
"What? I did my part!"
"Men" she shook her head. "I'm surprised you haven't complained about being hungry yet"
"Well, I'm starving! Was just waiting to suggest going out, or ordering in"
"Ordering in, please. I don't want to get off this couch any time soon"
Daniel got his phone out to order some food. It was almost noon, so he thought about something like pasta, some carbs would be nice right now. Then he felt (y/n)'s head drop on his shoulder, her hand caressing his arm. It was such a sweet gesture, so understated, he just stopped what he was doing and looked at her.
"What?" she looked at him.
"I'm really glad you're here. Thank you"
"It's nothing" she smiled.
"I don't mean the cleaning. Well, that too. But just, thank you for being you and wanting to hang out with me, you know, after the party"
"I'll always wanna hang out with you, partying or cleaning bottles" she said and leaned in to kiss him. "Happy birthday old man" this made him smile through the kiss.
"Thank you, young lady" he said still smiling. "Let's feed you now, yeah?"
"Please! Let's get some carbs on this house!" she smile.
"Hey, guys!" (y/n) and Daniel looked up to see Luke, one of Daniel's buddies walking out of the guest bedroom.
"Dude! I didn't know you were here" Daniel laughed.
"Yeah, just woke up. Definitely wasn't hiding in the bedroom waiting for the cleaning end to get out" he grinned making (y/n) and Daniel laugh.
"You know what? Just for that, you're going downstairs to pick up the food when it gets here, and taking out the trash!" (y/n) teased him, tossing a pillow from the couch at him.
Daniel just observed while his friend and his girlfriend joked and laughed. He thought about how right now he was enjoying a feeling of contempt that wasn't really natural or much appreciated by professional athletes, but this time felt right to indulge in it. He felt safe like someone's got him, finally. He took (y/n) hand on his and squeezed it three times, he knew this was already a good thing, something to last. She looked at him, she knew exactly what he meant.
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voxmortuus · 3 years
Stu Macher x F!Reader
Scream FanFic
TW: Fluff, mild language, heated make-out session
Forgive my writing. It’s been a while.
GIF created by @2026
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Late summer of 1996, just before school starts back up again. The summer fair had come to town, this year it decided to not skip town, the weather was perfect for it! Being the loner you usually steered clear of these things, but you had befriended Tatum and Sidney. It was nice to have friends that you could talk to, to trust, plus the added perks of Stu's flirtatious nature, though you could never bear to tell him that you had a crush on him, you'd be risking your friendship and likely look foolish, there was no way you thought that Stu would be into someone like you... I mean, after all, he was Stu Macher, he and Billy were kind of known around Woodsboro High.
Slipping into your favorite pair of black overalls, one strap off, and slipping on a black crop top and a pair of black LEI black platforms a touch of makeup, and braided your hair into long pigtails, and headed out. Tatum loved your outfit. "We'll meet the guys there, Stu had to do something." Tatum chirped while you hopped into her red Volkswagen bug and takes off down the road. "What did have to do?" You casually ask. "Something with Billy, said they'd show up after, some project they're working on." Sidney chimed in. "Yeah something stupid important." Tatum mocked. With a chuckle, you shake your head and watch out the window.
Getting out of the car after she parked it you three look around and decide to head to the benches waiting for the two boys to arrive. Tatum played with her gum and Sidney reading a book, you sat there, people watching, three unlikely friends, but so far so good, this was going to be good for you, real good, so you hoped, minus the odd guilt of crushing on Tatum's man. Letting out a soft breath, Stu and Billy approach from behind startling their better halves. Stu looks at you and gives you a sweet smile. "Hey Y/N. Glad you made it." It could be he was being nice, but the feeling behind his words was something more. You give a kind smile back and flush slightly. "Me too." Clearing your throat and with a side stare from Tatum and a smile from Sidney the girls hop up and look around.
Without any hesitation Tatum looks a Stu, "It's time for that big blue dog you promised me!" She grinned taking his hand and dragging him away. Sidney looked at Billy, "Ferris Wheel?" with a shrug and a nod. "Sure." Sidney looks at you. "You can come if you'd like." You shake your head and give a smile. "Nah, I'll be good, I'll be here. It's just nice to get out of the house." Sidney nods and pats your shoulder before she and Billy take off to the wheel while you sat there, alone, like always. "I knew this was a bad idea." you tell yourself before letting out a sigh and slump on the bench picking at your glitter nail polish and staring at the ground a bit.
After a few hours had passed Tatum started to feel sick, of course, that's what happens when one inhales two cotton candies and a thing of funnel cake and a corn dog and a diet soda. She looks at you. "Hey, I'm going to head home, thanks for coming with us, Stu is going to take you home if that's alright?" You look at her "Yeah, that's fine. Feel better." You tell her. "Billy, Sidney you ready?" she askes them almost feeling ignored you look down at the ground, your jaw clenches, Sidney touches your shoulder again and the three of them take off. Stu sits next to you and looks ahead of himself. "You know, she doesn't mean to be a bitch all the time." You look up and over at him and arch a brow. "She's not a bitch, just, set in her ways." With a chuckle, he shakes his head. "No need to be polite. She brought you here and ditched you. Personally Bitch move." He stated
Shaking your head you know how people like that can be, you slump a bit more. "Nothing like being a third wheel." you chuckle. "It's alright though, it was nice to get out of the house." you state with a soft voice and maybe some optimism. Looking at you he smiled. "How about I make up for it?" You quickly shake your head and smile. "You don't have to, there's nothing to make up for." Shaking his head again. "I don't think you understand. Let me make it up to you. I don't think I'm giving you much of a choice." Clearing your throat you look down and pick at your nails again and nod your head. "Okay Stu."
Standing up he takes your hand and your whole body gets warm, flushed, and nervous as he takes you to win you that blue dog he botched trying to get for Tatum. "Until I win the big blue one Merve." He tells the man behind the counter. "Anything for you Stu." He chuckles and hands him some baseballs. You watch as he looks at you. "I'm bad at this." He laughs throwing a few, "Not too bad." you reassure him. After a good five minutes, he wins you the large blue dog, smiling you bite your lip taking the dog. "Thank you," you tell the man and then at Stu. "And thank you. I have the perfect spot for him in my room." You beam a smile nuzzling into the dog a bit.
"Next stop!" He takes your hand and takes you to get something to eat. You blush a bit as he took it upon himself to order for you. Taking a seat a the picnic benches Stu looks at you and looks around. "There are a few more stops before we hit the big ending." He nodded to the Ferris wheel. Biting your lip and taking a bite of your burger you look at him and back at the end of the strip and let out a shaky breath. Nerves are going to get the better of you, you know this and grip the large paw of the dog and look at Stu. "Thank you, for all of this so far." He laughed. "Don't thank me until the end." He tells you.
Finishing food he takes you to the water guns, the ball toss and ends up winning you a goldfish, the thunderbolt, and last but not least, you two are standing in line for the Ferris Wheel, your stomach is turning, nerves, the Ferris wheel was a special ride. "We don't have to do this." You tell him. "Nonsense, we're going." He laughs taking your hand and getting into a cart and closes the door. Placing the dog and the bag with the goldfish on the bench across the way Stu decides to sit next to you with his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. Taking in his cheap cologne your eyes close, feeling this odd sense of safety.
The ride takes off and you jump a little and he pulls you closer. "Heights make me uneasy." you tell him, looking down at you. "I'll protect you." He tells you with a cheeky grin and looks around. "Thank you for tonight, I'm glad I came." She smiled. "I'm glad you came too." A few times around the wheel stops, Looking around Stu chuckles. "Uhhh, bad news, we're going to be stuck here for a bit." Your eyes grow wide and you get closer to him and bite your lip harder. Stu holds you petting your head a bet and you look up. "Well I guess, we should talk... I need to distract myself. I'm a horrible friend Stu." You tell him.
With an arched brow, he looks at you, "How so?" you fidget and he looks at you, waiting for you to speak. "I've uhh, I've got this thing for someone, and this someone has someone, and this someone's someone had befriended me this summer and I feel like a bad friend for liking this someone." You state, "Vague... I'm sure Sidney would understand, everyone's got a thing for Billy." He moves away a little bit. Shaking your head you look up at him. "No Stu, I like you, and Tatum would have a cow if she found out." Stu looks at you. "You like me?" He asks you, nodding your head he chuckles and smiles. "I like you." He tells you.
With a nervous laugh, you lean into him and bite on your lip. He looks down at you, and tilts your head up, and presses his lips to yours, his hand resting on the side of your neck as you grip his shirt and press into the kiss a bit more. His tongue dances with yours as the kiss becomes a bit more heated, his hand moves from your neck to your breast gripping it in his hand as the other pulls you closer. He pulls you on top of him and you look over his face, moving your hips a bit and he lets off a soft groan, pulling you closer back into a kiss as his hands rest on your butt pulling you even closer, any closer and you'd melt into him. His hand slips under your shirt playing with the perky bit of flesh and the suppleness of your breast while your fingers play with his hairline.
Tongues dancing together he lifts his hips up into yours. Looking over his face. "We shouldn't do this here, not here, and it's too quick, and I... Stu..." Stu looks at you. "Yeah Y/N?" He askes with a smile. "Do you love Tatum?" You ask him. "I wouldn't call it love, she's annoying, needy, and overly clingy... I offered to take you home, I wanted to tell you I liked you, and was hoping that maybe you'd be my girl." He looked over your face. Hugging him you nuzzle into his neck. "Yes, absolutely. Tatum is going to shit." You chuckle shaking your head. "She will at first, but she'll find someone else to occupy her time." He smirked and places you next to him and fixed your shirt, taking care of you, holding you close.
The wheel starts moving again and when you two get off the wheel, he smiles taking your hand, and escorts you to his car where he then takes you home. "I'll come by tomorrow we'll go see a movie or something. After I tell Tatum see ya." He chuckled planting a kiss on your lips before you get out of the car and make your way inside with your dog and fish. Your mother looks at you. "Well well, looks like you had fun." You smirk big and nod. "Night mum. Love you." You kiss her cheek and rush upstairs. Putting the fish in a bowl and the dog on the foot of the bed you strip down into something comfortable grab your journal and being to write. "Dear Diary, Tonight, was the best night EVER!"
If you want to be tagged let me know. This is the first of many stories! I am also taking requests!
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lareinenoir · 3 years
THE PURGE; Sanctuary C.E x black reader
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60 Days Until The Purge
"I'll order take out. I know you like Thai-"
"Don't order anything. I'm actually not even hungry." You said as he took your bag and put it on his shoulder. "What?" He was looking at you weird and it made you frown.
"Where's the rest of your stuff?"
"You asked me to stay the night. That is my overnight bag." You replied folding your arms and walking over to the couch. Your hand touched your forehead and you sighed. You could still feel him looking at you as you tried to relax with your head leaned back. "After I tell Shonda about our situation, you're signing the papers."
"What do you mean-"
"You know what I mean." You shot back
"Ok, well theirs a lot to consider now." He motioned to your stomach and you sat up straight. "We're having a baby, now."
"No no no." You shook your head feeling your petty insides bubble a bit in sarcasm. "I'm having a baby. Me. Just me.”
"Obviously I want to be apart of our baby's life." Chris argued back and you frowned and scoffed. He put your bag down and crossed his arms as you brushed it off. "You can't seriously think I won't. V that's insane."
"You wanna know what's insane? You think you're gonna get anywhere near it. Why in the hell would I allow you and your broken promises anywhere near my child? Do you think I'm stupid? To make the same mistake twice!"
"Again? V what do you want me to do?" He asks throwing his hands up. "Acting is what I do, that's my job-"
"I don't care about that. I'm not asking you to chose your job or me-"
"It damn well near sounds like it. I would never make you choose." He countered back and you gripped your fists together.
"You may not have said it directly, but there have been many times where you have indirectly patronized me. I just found out I'm pregnant and I have been trying so hard to deal with it." you replied watching him pace back and forth and shake his head. "I have been getting the worst headaches, I can't keep any food down and I literally get lightheaded on set every single day because hiding my pregnancy has been a real joy ride." You replied sarcastically with a small chuckle
"What do you want me to do? I tell you to tell the producers, you get mad. I tell you to take a break, you get mad. I tell you to come over and you’re mad.” Chris said in disbelief. “I don't know what you want from me." He shrugs brushing the hair from his eyes.
"Not once since you found out have you asked me how I'm doing? My whole career is at risk I could lose my job. And you don't even seem to care.” You said
"V, I do care." He reached for your shoulder and you took in another breath. "I want you to stop worrying all the time. And you're right, I should be concerned more about you. I should be there for you-I should've been there for you in the beginning.” He admitted and you folded your lips again.
Are For real this time? Should I let it go and move past it? Again? No because it'll start all over again.
"This baby is mine. This is a life changing thing that's happening, I can't let you ruin it too." You spoke
" I'm taking responsibility because this is something I want. Ok? Can't we find some common ground? You of all people should know what it's like to grow up without a father!"
"You know too!" You shouted back. Chris' dad had died when he was younger. He talked about him sometimes but not as much. "I'd rather have had my father six feet under then to have him choosing when it's convenient for him to show up!" You said with your foot down shaking your head.
"Forget the divorce. Me and you living here happily married for the years to come. Whats so bad about that? Why can't I have that? What's so wrong with the picture of two parents raising a child?" His voice was loud and he was getting frustrated. He didn't shout, but you could tell how passionate he was about it. He always wanted to be a daddy, a parent. "Huh?"
"It's not just about you!" You said stepping closer. "Because..." You shrugged feeling your eyes water as you suck in your cheeks. "I knew the kind of man I was marrying. So involved with his job it took him almost fifteen years to actually start dating. It's not about you or your career. This baby is all I have right now.”
He looked confused as he relaxed his brow and pinched the bridge of his nose. From two feet away you could feel his heartbeat and you felt a little bad for how foolish you probably looked. You still loved him, not like you ever stopped, but you remembered that you still loved him.
Because, it's not about me either anymore. You thought
"Forget the papers okay..." You said swallowing your own pride. "just forget it. You’re right. I want our child to have two parents who will love him unconditionally. But it has to stop, because it takes two. I can't have you with one foot in the door." You admitted
“Yeah yeah.” He nodded “yeah I get that. I’m not going anywhere.” Chris said and you walked forward and took his hand kissing his palm as you placed it on the side of your face. “I promise V.” He cups your face and stares into your eyes. His stubble poking at you a bit as you held his wrists.
“I love you.” You said with a small smile
“Still?” He laughed making you roll your eyes as you giggled a little. “I love you too. Are you sure you aren’t hungry?” He asks again
“Yes.” You nodded “now shut up and come take a nap with me.”
“Damnit! Damnit! Damnit!” I said throwing the phone on the couch. I had called five times and her phone went straight to voicemail.
“This is not a test, this is your Emergency Broadcast System. Announcing the commencement of the annual purge sanctioned by the U.S. Government. ALL Weapons have been authorized for use during the purge. Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity and shall not be harmed. Commencing at the siren, any and all crime (including murder) will be legal for 121 days. Police, fire, and Emergency Medical services will be unavailable until December 15, 12:00 o’clock midnight, when the purge concludes. Blessed be our new founding fathers and America... A nation reborn. May God be with you all.”
My tv was replayed the message nine more times before shutting off. I swallowed the lump in my throat. Today is august 15, Vanessa’s birthday is tomorrow which was when she’d be 17 weeks. We had marked it on the calendar together. More than half my wife’s pregnancy would be spent during the purge. I needed to find her!
I didn’t support the purge. Something about killing people to be “cleansed” just didn’t sit right in my gut. It made my heart ache thinking about the clean up at the end. I could bring Dodger, but he can only do so much. Maybe he could help track her scent. Grabbing my coat I folded my lips together.
“Fuck!” I shout
With what weapon? How was I going to run the streets looking for my wife without a gun? I loved the idea of owning one, but Vanessa made me swear not to bring one in the house if she was there. So I just dropped the idea. Looking in the kitchen I grabbed one of the Chef knives off the rack. Maybe this would be enough for now...
“Damnit!” I curse looking at Dodger. “She said she was at Topanga Park. Start there?” I asked, as if he’d answer back. I grabbed her bonnet from off the bathroom door handle and stuffed it in my backpack.
I didn’t hesitate l. I locked up everything and jumped inside my truck. Dodger sat on the passenger side and I felt my hands start to shake as I put my foot on the gas. I started to promise god I would go to church if he would keep her safe.
“I don’t even know if you’re even listening or you even care. I love her, I’ve been such and idiot and I don’t wanna lose her.” I looked at Dodger and he was sitting up straight. “I remember you didn’t like her. You wouldn’t let her anywhere near me, you bark and squeeze yourself in between us when we sat down in the room to watch movies.” I chuckle wiping the little tear that slipped from my eye “You stole one of her wigs too.”
“WHAT THE FUCK!” she shouted chasing you around the house. “DODGER GIVE IT BACK! COME BACK!”
We chased him around the house and Dodger thought it was some sort of game. We had been officially dating for a month. I had started laughing when I caught him and held her headband wig in my hand. She stood their with her arms folded while I petted his head and she rolled her eyes.
"I told you he doesn't like me." She said as I stood up and she took the wig from my hand.
"Come on, he's just getting used to you."
"I've been over here every day. Your dog hates me."
"What?" I tilted my head to the side and touch her nose with my index finger. "Deal breaker? If my dog doesn't like my girlfriend, I'm gonna dump her? Tell me where that makes sense."
She walked closer to me and wrapped her arms around my waist looking up at the ceiling as I kissed her neck. "I guess you have a point." Vanessa sighed.
"He's just warming up to you that's all."
"What's stopping me from breaking up with you?"
"Over a dog?"
"This is his third assault against me. First it was tearing up my purse, then chewing up my crocs, not to mention the little shit I found inside of them. And now stealing my wig and playing cat and mouse." Said Vanessa as I rested my head on top of hers. "Luckily this is a backup wig."
“Aren’t you wearing one right now?” I asked
“Headband wig. And that wig your dog has destroyed,” she gave him the side eye “it was my favorite and expensive.” She gritted her teeth
“I’ll buy you another one.” I offered
She purses her lips and shook her head. “I don’t want you buying me anything. I’ll just break up with you. For real this time.”
"Fine then..." I baited her shrugging my shoulders. "Break up with me."
“Over a dog?” She frowns mocking me as I smile down at her and her eyebrows bend downward a little as she caressed my face. Her finger was gentle and she stood on her top toes and kissed my lips. “Never.”
I look over at Dodger and pat his head. "We'll find her. I know we will." I say trying to lift my spirits.
When we arrived to Topanga Park, it was a sight. I didn't even want to leave the truck. I felt my heart race a little more. "What the hell..."
In the middle of traffic-in between the cars were bodies. Dodger started barking at the train of blood that stained the streets. It was empty, but I could feel a heavy weight on my back. Walking behind me, next to me...it was all around me. I hadn't realized I had my hand over my mouth an nose, it was hard for me to breath as the stench of dead bodies. Dodger kept barking and that led to me chasing after him. I had her bonnet in one hand and I called after him.
I came to a halt when I came face to face with another person. He had Dodger in his hands and I felt my muscle tense up. He was tall and very familiar looking. I swallowed the lump in my throat and held the kitchen knife in my hand with a firm grip.
"Captain America?"
I tilted my head sideways and licked my lower lip narrowing my brow a little. "Yeah, give me the dog and we can go our separate ways. Ok?"
He nodded his head. He ran his fingers through his hair and put the dog down. I wasn't really concerned about who he was I was trying to prepare for a fight. He dropped his gun on the ground and held up his his hand.
"I'm not going to kill you. I'm looking for my wife." He said "She left her watch in that building." He pointed to the school and slowly pulled the watch from his pocket.
"In there?" I asked
"Yeah." He nodded, but I still couldn't shake the feeling I knew him from somewhere. "My name is Jared. My wife's name is Gianne, I'm pretty sure she was with someone else-are you looking for someone too? Maybe we could help each other. There was something written on the chalkboard in there, I wasn't something Gia would write, but she was here. All I wanna do is find her-"
"Supernatural?" I asked turning my head to the side. Vanessa loved that show. Whenever she had spare time she would watch it or on those many night she'd spend the night at my house we would watch it-well not really watch it. The Netflix and 'chill' was emphasized. "You said something about some sort of message on the wall?" I asked motioning with my hand. "what did it say?"
"um, CE equals BE or something like that." He shrugged
I laughed a little. Vanessa Evans plus Chris Evans equals Baby Evans. It was a stupid joke-an Easter egg if you will. Shonda put in the show on the whiteboard in one of our love scenes as a way to announce our pregnancy to the audience. She often left clues to the next episode in every episode except this one was not only in the show but in real life.
"Chris Evans." I say extending my hand out to him. I'm pretty sure he knew by the little smile playing on his face. He shook my hand and nodded his head.
"I know. I'm a big marvel fan, I know all your lines." Jared chuckled and then cleared his throat as he nervously laughed. "Nice to meet you. I'm Jared Padalecki - I know I said that already..."
I introduced him to Dodger and I felt a little more relaxed. I gathered that she was alive and we both came to the assumption that they were traveling together.
"Where do you think their headed?" I asked as we walked to his car which was tricked out and full of ammunition and guns. Not to mention government level protective gear.
"While I was in there, I picked up someone else. Heavy footed and big, traveling with dogs. Hair everywhere." He went on tossing me a bullet proof vest. "You heard of Sanctuary?"
"The safety place? Yeah, but it's hard to find. It's for people who get caught in the Purge right?"
He narrowed his brow and shook his head. "No." Said Jared sharply. "Sanctuary is a secret government funded task force. It started off as a conspiracy some myth to explain all the random disappearances throughout the year. It's a government project designed for population control." He went on
"Ok...what does that have anything to do with the Purge?"
"Everything. An organization designed to control the US population. We're talking Pro killers who were once on a leash, but when that horn sounded and the Purge began, they are just as free to kill anyone they want." Said Jared handing me an ipad. It was a list of celebrities. From pro athletes like Steph Curry and their immediate families to movie stars and singers like Rhianna and Tom Cruise. "There are rumors that they are hunting celebrities. The kardashians and Jenner's are fair game. If not the stars themselves then they choose their parents, brothers and sisters."
"And do what?" I asked quietly as I saw mine and Vanesssa picture
"Most get auctioned off to the highest bidder, I've also heard they kill them on the spot for money or bring them in to fight for the death. Bottom line, there is a bounty on our heads. During the Purge everyone is fair game, their is no protection."
"You're telling me she's out there being hunted by them right now?" I asked
“Possibly. The dog hair isn’t a breed we know. They are a combination of hunting canines, bloodhound, foxhound, Labrador retriever with the built and aggression of a something like a pit bull a Rottweiler.” Said Jared as I looked up from the iPad and gave it back. “You’re gonna need more than a kitchen knife. We find the dogs and the hunter and we’ll find them.”
He held a gun out to me and wiped my mouth with the palm of my hand trying to mentally prepare for what is to come."
“Do you believe in the Purge?” I asked still questioning why his car was full of weapons. “You kill people?”
He nodded his head. “Yes. I don’t believe in hiding or waiting for someone to kill me. We all have the right to Purge."
"What's stopping you from killing me?"
Jared sighed and shook his head. "I'm hunting them. I'm surviving and if you decide to threaten my survival, then I'll kill you." He went over to the driver side of his Ford charger. "Get in. Knowing Gia she is headed for Roberts hole."
"What's that?" I asked climbing in the passenger seat of the car.
“It’s a Cassino for celebrities. Jack Black owns it. It’s locked up right but open to his favorites during the Purge.”
“They’ll be there?”
“Relax.” He out his hand in my shoulder and looked at me as dodger sat in the back seat. “We will find them. You know how to shoot don’t you?” Jared raised his gun in the air and nodded my head.
I guess it wasn’t confidently and he chuckled. “Vanessa isn’t a fan of guns.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll practice. Ok?”
A/N: Sorry it took so long😬 don’t hate me, please. Lol, I hope everyone is doing well and safe out here. If you wanna be tagged leave it in the ask box, Anyways…Untill next time!
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dancingazaleas · 3 years
𖨆. 03 / all for us
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summary: you’ve been gone for a while and haven’t been replying to any of your texts messages. you’re friends suspect something might be up.
note: the reader has been left alone continuously ever since she has been kidnapped. erwin and levi are the only ones who see her, and it’s usually only for an hour or two. this is because of her reluctance to be around them.
taglist: @voltairelesecond @the-sun-baby @uniquepickle @baelo80
word count: +3.0k
warnings/notes: cursing, vomiting, your friends are looking for you
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PIECK knew something was up whenever bertholdt said you weren't answering his texts and hadn't been showing up to work before you even went on vacation. she knew you were on vacation and that you were pissed with her, but even so you never ignored texts from bertholdt.
her suspicions only rose whenever porco and reiner told her the same thing, that you'd suddenly gone awol on the two of them out of nowhere.
they were confirmed when zeke came back into town and said the same thing.
she sits on her couch, shoulders shaking as she cries with porco's arms wrapped around her. reiner, bert, zeke, and annie, who reiner and bert brought for some reason, stare at her in complete worry.
you went awol just this sunday, telling each and everyone of them that you were going on vacation and wouldn't be in town for a little while. bertholdt hadn't seen you at work for almost three weeks now, two and a half of them after your sudden vacation.
"she can't be on vacation," pieck sobs, "she always answers your guys' texts. no matter what!"
"maybe she's just in a different country? she might just not be able to get reception," porco seems unsure as he says this.
"she can't be. she would've told me, pieck, or even bertholdt. god, she would've told all of us," zeke's head is in his hands while his teeth grind together.
"okay, so where would she be if she were still in paradis," annie speaks up while gesturing her arm in a circle.
"who fucking knows," reiner sighs, "when'd you last see her, babe?"
"at work before she stopped showing up. she said she was gonna get coffee at that one café she loves going to. other than that, she didn't say anything about plans or going out with anybody," bertholdt is laced with confusion and his arms are crossed.
"we got into a bad fight that night," pieck sniffles, "she left the house a few hours later, i just thought she was going to stay with one of you guys or yelena."
"what'd you even argue about?"
she grips at her hair with tears rushing down her face, "i can't even remember. it was probably so petty and stupid. the only thing i remember is her telling me that she hated me and me telling her that she was a fuck up."
"i'm so sorry, pieck," porco squeezes her shaky form tight to his chest.
"wait," zeke's standing up abruptly and pointing at bertholdt, "she went where?!"
"oh my god, she went to café scout!!! maybe the workers heard something," reiner perks up along with everyone else.
"holy shit, maybe that one girl is there!! she probably saw something," porco smiles.
"louise! she definitely knows (name)! she probably saw something! let's go," pieck jumps off of the couch and stumbles towards the front door of her house.
the rest of them follow after, all deciding that bertholdt's van, he's usually the designated driver, is the car they'll get into. they all yell at a fumbling bertholdt to hurry up and unlock the car as they stand at the car. he does so while screaming, jumping into the driver's seat and starting the ignition. reiner's jumping in the passenger seat and annie's in the first row of seats behind bert.
before porco can even close the door behind him, bertholdt is driving off towards the café. porco is screaming along with pieck as they're thrown around the van due to their lack of seatbelts and the both of them standing to sit in their seat. their screaming has everyone else screaming as bert speeds up the car despite the oncoming speed bump. bertholdt and reiner hit their heads against the roof of the car, a loud bang resonating throughout the vehicle. pieck and porco's back hit the roof as well, but luckily for pieck she lands on the first row of seats next to annie.
porco, unfortunately, lands on the floor. zeke would've laughed if it wasn't for his own head slamming against the carpeted roof of the van. annie holds onto pieck's arm whenever she's in a sitting position, screaming along with reiner for bertholdt to slow the car down as they see another speed bump.
he doesn't.
porco is once again thrown against the roof.
bertholdt is speeding, even as he gets onto the freeway with other cars. he's stressed out.
when they get there, they all wonder how the fuck bertholdt didn't even get pulled over and how the hell they even managed to survive. bertholdt cries out apologies as reiner and porco puke their guts out in the huge parking lot while annie gags and tries not to vomit at watching reiner and porco do it themselves. pieck is holding her hand and trying to cover her eyes while zeke manages to cover her ears and cringes at porco and reiner.
bertholdt's now sobbing at annie, profusely apologizing, even getting on all fours and begging for her forgiveness.
"how are you gonna get on your hands and knees for annie but not for your boyfriend," porco coughs before he spits out saliva to get rid of the taste in his mouth.
reiner follows behind him in a grimace, hand grabbing at his now emptied stomach and the other going to wipe at his mouth.
"dude, gross!! don't wipe it off with your hands!! pieck and bertholdt usually have tissues on hand," porco shouts to reiner, who drops his hand halfway.
pieck and zeke comfort the emetophobe annie all while bertholdt gives reiner and porco tissues and a breath mint. he gives them hand sanitizer as well, and throws a pack of peppermint frost gum at the two of them, clogging his nose up.
they scoff but oblige, both now looking somehow decent and also smelling it. pieck's calming down a shaking annie, who's buried herself in pieck's warm arms, and zeke stands to the side awkwardly.
porco and reiner rush to the order counter when they all step inside, ordering instead of asking the cashier for the employee they were looking for. annie, who's now calm, pushes them aside harshly.
"ignore them, is that girl louise working today? we need to talk to her," she asks and the poor cashier is terrified at annie's deadpan face.
"n-no!! sh-she should be at home!!"
"give me her address," annie starts to lean her front over the counter, almost pushing the poor girl into a heart attack.
she grabs a napkin and a pen, hurriedly scribbling down louise's address and running off into the back.
"we can get food on the way there," annie shrugs nonchalantly, "preferably wendy's or something."
bertholdt and pieck almost feel bad for the poor girl whenever she answers the door.
with annie's glare piercing into her and zeke's towering over her, they were sure she'd pissed herself.
"y-yes... what do you need," she digs her nails into the door.
pieck shoves them both aside and steps forward, louise lights up with recognition.
"don't worry, they aren't gonna hurt you," she waves her hand, completely ignoring how they both still glare at louise even over pieck's shoulder, "i just need to ask you something."
"what is it?"
"have you seen (name) lately? the girl who usually come in with me."
"last time i saw her was around a few weeks ago," louise shrugs, "wait, did she go missing?!"
"yea, we're trying to figure out where she was last on the night of her disappearance. did she say anything to you...? anything at all," pieck steps forward with a desperate hand on her heart.
"she said something about going drinking with two friends... something about them being blonde and short," she scratches at her temple, slight pout on her face, "that's all i can remember."
"did she say what bar," pieck steps closer again, putting her hand on the door frame.
louise shakes her head sadly, eyes dropping down to their feet.
with that, pieck broke into tears again and was led away by porco and annie. the rest of them followed behind, leaving louise inside her home.
"she has to be somewhere," pieck cries into her hands, "she has to be!!"
zeke's got a hand on his forehead while he loosely holds onto his glasses with his other hand. he lets out a choked out sob, and everyone turns to him.
"zeke... are you... crying?" reiner turns to look at zeke over his shoulder.
"fuck.. yea. it just doesn't make sense. she's gotta be somewhere," he rubs the bridge of his nose.
"maybe the guys louise mentioned know something...," bertholdt inserts as he looks in the rear view mirror.
the statement has pieck shouting at the meek boy, "we don't know what they look like!!! all we know is that one is blonde and one is short! we're at a dead end! we're fucking stuck!!!"
bertholdt visibly flinches in his seat while his throat clogs up, hands gripping at the steering wheel. his eyes are welling up with tears that he doesn't let out. reiner's hand is on his arm in comfort, eyebrows bunched up in concern.
pieck wails once more, "god, i'm so sorry bertl. this isn't your fault. you were trying to help."
he sniffles, "it's fine. i understand. we're all just upset and desperate to find (name)."
"we'll find her soon enough."
the loneliness is getting to your head.
you're in the secluded dark even during the day.
you just crave to be with someone, so much that you're getting desperate.
a tug at erwin's sleeve has him stopping and turning back to face you. you've got tears spilling over your cheeks and snot running into your mouth while you lean on an elbow to hold onto his sleeve for dear life.
it's not even nighttime, it's early afternoon. erwin had just come into the room to feed you lunch and to just leave after that. but you couldn't handle it anymore. being alone made everything dark and silent.
even if the lights and televisions were turned on.
"please," you beg and rest your forehead against his arm, "please don't leave me alone."
erwin's cheeks are lighting up while his eyes widen. his hand comes up to stroke the back of your head as it now rests on his hip. he doesn't mind the wet spot forming on his pants, this was the first time you ever initiated anything.
"i won't, darling. i need to go put the tray in the sink and let levi know i will be in here," he's taking a step away from you, jumping at your sudden loud sobs and tugging.
"no! no! please, i don't want to be alone," your eyes are squeezed shut while you grip onto his pants for dear life.
"but i need to go put these dishes away. after that, i can—"
"no!" you scream and push your head harder against his leg, "no! please don't leave! i don't want you to leave."
he sighs, putting the tray of empty dish onto your bedside table. he grabs the room key out of back pocket before he picks you up bridal style.
"you run, levi'll break your legs," his fingers dig into your skin, but loosen at the frantic nod you give.
he manages to unlock your bedroom door in a complicated way, which you don't feel like questioning, and strolls outside of the room.
he goes out of your quarters, it's the furthest you've ever been. you're in a large room that connects into other rooms, the amount of doors is slightly overwhelming to you even as you look at them.
to your shock, you pass by people. living people.
they all seem to be staff, and the only sort of acknowledgement you get from them is a wide eyed stare with a dropped jaw.
"levi is still in his study, correct," he asks while shifting his hold on you.
a girl with ginger hair and auburn eyes speaks up, "yes sir! he requested no one to enter."
erwin nods and walks past the girl, who gives you a small friendly wave whenever you look out from erwin's arm.
you turn your attention back to erwin whenever you hear the sound of a door opening and closing.
you're in a new room, which is assumed to be levi's study, that's lighted up by the cloudy and grey natural light that shines through the blinds and windows. there are bookshelves on both sides of the room and you notice that on both bookshelves the order of the books goes from largest to smallest. levi sits at a desk in the middle of the room, facing the door, as his hand holding a pen runs across the paper.
"what do you need," levi looks up for a brief moment, but snaps his head up once more.
"what's the brat doing here," he motions to you in erwin's arms.
erwin's sitting you on a leather couch in the office, wiping away some tears with his thumbs. he steps away from you and takes ahold of levi by the arm, essentially dragging him to the door of the study.
the dawning realization that they're going to leave you alone has you tripping over your feet as you run to the door. your hand grips onto levi's shirt and you tug him towards you, pulling him away from the door.
"i don't want to be alone," you cry while shoving your face into levi's chest, he cringes at your snot and tears soaking through his shirt.
"oh," he blinks, awkwardly rubbing your back with his hand, "why'd you bring her here?"
"because she wouldn't let me leave to put her tray away, which i now need you to do. i'm going to get in the bath with her, which you are welcome to join if you'd like."
"i don't like baths, sitting in your own filth," he scrunches his nose up.
"to each their own," erwin shrugs, giving levi a kiss on his temple and grabbing ahold of your hand.
"come along, darling," he smiles at how quickly you intertwine fingers with him and join his side.
he leads you into a different bathroom than the one that you use. there's not much of a difference besides it size, the tub's size, and the long counter built for two.
"undress for me, love," his giant hands are massaging your shoulders before he pulls away and walks over to the tub.
you look to the bathroom door, only to find a doorknob with a keypad, something you didn't notice when you walked in, and frown. you just sigh and slip off the the pastel pink nightgown you were wearing, the fabric pooling around your feet as it drops to the floor.
you look up into the mirror, and you almost want to cry. you look nothing like yourself. you barely had any life behind those (eye color) eyes and your eyebrows were now naturally furrowed in sadness. you've got fading bruises on one side of your body, trailing downwards all the way to your calf.
you decide to take off your panties before you let your thoughts roam, stepping out of them after they've dropped to the floor.
you hear the door open, to which you and erwin look to. only it's not levi.
it's a young boy with ebony black hair and emerald green eyes that stands at 5'10.
you instinctively cover yourself up and turn your back towards him, embarrassing washing over you in waves.
erwin scrambles to block the boys view, who is seemingly enjoying it, and furrows his bushy brows.
"who are you and what are you doing here? where is levi?!"
"levi sent me sir. he gave me clothing for the girl and then said you would be in here," his eyes try to take a peek over erwin's shoulder.
erwin snatches the clothing out of his hand and slams the door shut in the boy's face. he scoffs in annoyance while he puts the clothes onto the counter, now focusing his attention onto you.
"i'm sorry about that, dear. are you alright," he puts a hand on your back and guides you to his chest.
"i'm okay," you sniff, "just wanna get in the bath now."
he smiles a bit, leaving a sweet kiss on your forehead before he steps away. you watch him rid himself of his white button up and try not to let your eyes bulge out at his body. however, you can't exactly resist the urge whenever erwin is finally naked.
erwin's stomach has abs carved into it, a well groomed happy trail leading to his cock. the thighs in his muscles and back are almost screaming out at you whenever he turns and lifts his hand to ruffle his hair.
you look down to his feet, feeling ashamed for even staring for so long.
he gets into the bath after a moment, knees spread wide for you to sit between. his arms are resting on the rim of the tub while he sighs at the hot temperature. you get in, goosebumps running up and down your body as the heat invades your colder body. you settle in between his legs and lean back against his chest, closing your eyes.
his arms wrap around you, pulling you closer to him than you were before. you put a hand over his arm, silently giving him a message to keep his arms where they were.
his lips kiss at the crown of your head, and it seems sweet enough to where you think you might be able to smile. but you don't.
watching your eyes flutter, he mumbles into your hair, "the hot water make you tired?"
"yeah," you hum, "don't really like the hot outside of this. i prefer the cold."
"so does levi," erwin chuckles as he draws circles into your skin.
"does that mean you like summer?"
"no, i prefer fall or spring. both usually have the adequate temperature," he sighs.
"erwin," you ask after a few seconds, "why is levi so cold?"
"why are you only now asking?"
"i meant to ask sooner but i was never really... given the chance," you say bitterly.
"well, levi has been through a tough life. he almost went to jail before i met him. but it isn't my story to tell," he smiles at the memory.
you nod and finally let out a yawn, "i'm going to fall asleep soon."
from then, erwin washes the two of you so you both can get out of the bath. during this, you find out he's actually quite playful. he gathers up bubbly soap in his hands and blows them into your face, hearty laughs following immediately after.
he stands before you once you're out of the tub, wrapping a towel around his waist and one around your shoulders. you look up at him while he brushes your hair and puts on a few drops of lotion on your face.
you're trying to ignore the voice in the back of your head that maybe he really does care. because at the end of the day,
you still have a collar and chain on.
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miss-dr-reid · 3 years
This is calm, and it's, Doctor #8
Warning: some domestic abuse, but nothing gory
On the drive home, my head was filled with memories of yesterday. How cute Spencer was when all he wanted to do was win a game of chess. Pretty much passing out on his lounge while waiting for dinner. Dancing the night away and waking up surrounded by fuzzy, cuddly, Spencer blanket. My heart beat hard, my head filled with joy.
Does Spencer feel this way about me? There's no reason he would. We barely know each other.
I arrived home and jumped straight in the shower. Washing my hair felt so good, I stood there, massaging for a while, relieving my head of the stress from the last week. I scrubbed my body and shaved everything baby smooth.
Stepping out of the shower, I reached for a towel from the rack, grabbed it and patted myself dry. I wrapped it around myself and looked in the mirror, memories of the first night I spent with a guy after leaving my ex.
~ I had arrived home and was finishing up having a shower, I reached for the towel rack, only looking when I couldn't feel one. When I looked, I was surprised to see my ex sitting on the toilet. A look of anger on his face...
"Have a good night?" he retorted.
"Doesn't matter to you, but it was great." I retaliated, hating that he made it in to my house without my knowing.
"As if. No one can make you feel the way that I can. I make you feel so good, baby, don't I?" He said, getting up off the toilet seat, coming toward me, one hand hiding behind his back.
"Fuck off. I don't want you anymore. I already told you." I said, backing up, ripping a folded towel off the counter behind me, "You need to leave, right now." Even though my voice was stern, he was still coming for me.
I didn't want to fight, so I ran, he tried to grab me on my way past, but I was still wet, so I slipped out of his grip. I ran straight for the front door, flinging it open and banging on my neighbours door. She didn't hesitate to open it, seeing me on the other side. I shoved my way in and she locked the door.
We moved away from the door, to her room and she grabbed me a spare shirt, I dropped the towel to put it on and was shocked to see red all over the towel where my hand had been pressed to my chest. I looked up at her who noticed it as well. She was on the phone to emergency serviced and asked for an ambulance to be added to the people on dispatch.
I didn't even realise he had got me as I pushed past him. the adrenaline was pumping through my body. I picked the towel back up and pressed it to myself once again. Waiting. He was banging on the door, demanding to be let in. He left soon after, knowing how this would end if he didn't.
The police arrived after what seemed like forever, followed by the EMT's. They were let into the apartment and the EMT suggested I go to hospital. I opted to get myself there after they deemed that the cut was not bad enough to need emergency surgery. I gave my statement to the police and thanked my neighbour for letting me in to her place so quick. ~
That was the last time I saw him. I moved out 2 weeks after that, changed jobs and finished studying. I looked at myself in the mirror, lowering the towel, lowering the towel, revealing the scar I still have on the outside of my breast, right where it meets my chest.
I covered up and went to my room, deciding what to wear.
'Something nice, but casual enough to walk places.' I tho9ught to myself. I landed on a semi-fitted sun dress and my favourite lime-green bikini. I wore some flats that I was easily able to slip on and off. I threw my hair into a messy bun and decided it was good enough.
I grabbed a few things, like sunscreen and a towel and popped them into a beach bag that I had stored away. I was ready to go. I checked my watch 11:15. Taking one last look around the place, I took my stuff and left. On the drive, I couldn't help but drive past Spencer's place, just for fun, and only 2 minutes later, I arrived at the cafe where I had met the boys for the first time.
The clock on my dash read 11:37, plenty of time to sit and wait before the boys would be here. I closed my eyes and rested my head back on the head rest. My mind wondering back to last night, wish that Spencer would think of me the same way I think of him. Maybe I'm just being desperate, but thinking about Spencer causes me to smile, every single time. I can't help it.
The loud knock on my window cause me to jolt from my thoughts. I looked out the window, seeing Morgan's face on the other side as his hand reached for the handle. Once the door was open, I climbed out and locked the car. Derek hugged me, which I returned, squeezing him slightly, he smelt good. We let go of the embrace, stepping back from each other, he looked me up and down.
"Looking good, mama." He says with a wink.
"Ha, you too." I winked back, "I thought you only had eyes for Garcia."
We stood there laughing for a bit, until I saw Spencer come around the corner, his face buried in a book, he was only ever looking away from it to see if there was an obstacle in his path.
"Ah, pretty boy." Morgan said, turning to look at him. Spencer's face still glued to the book, he didn't look up until he was inside. Derek decided it would be a good idea to sneak up on him and we entered the cafe behind him and stood there watching. He looked around to try and find Derek and I, to no avail. He pulled out his phone and started dialing. Derek and I giggled to ourselves, but Spencer wasn't paying attention as he was listening to the ringing on his phone. As Derek's phone rang, he didn't even reach for it, instead watching Spencer as he spun around to see us right behind him, all of us giggling.
We greeted each other, and Spencer walked toward me, his arms going outward as if coming in for a hug. I gave him a puzzled look, and accepted his embrace. The familiar smell of his cologne filling my nose, I took in a deep breath before releasing him.
Morgan bro-hugged him and we all laughed at how silly everything had just been.
"Let's grab lunch!" I exclaimed, I was starving.
We sat around a table, our chairs evenly spaced apart. The guys picked up menus, but I already knew what I wanted. After deciding, Derek and Spencer got up to order, insisting on covering my lunch. They came back and Derek decided small talk would be a good idea.
"So, Y/N," he smirked, "Is there anyone special in your life?" his eyebrows wiggling.
"Yes and No." I started, staring him in the eyes, not sure how to proceed, "I met this guy recently, I think he's great. I'm not sure if he's interested in me though. I'm also not sure if I should ask him how he feels. I mean, we only met not that long ago, so it might be too soon, you see..." I trailed off, rubbing my thumbs together, avoiding even a glance in Spencer's direction, so as though to not give anything away.
"Non sense!" Derek remarked, "If you feel a certain way about someone, you gotta tell them, babygirl. So, who is he?"
"Oh, it doesn't matter, you don't know him." I replied, trying to brush him off, but he wouldn't have it, and insisted I give him the identity of the 'mysterious guy' that I was keeping secret from him.
I remembered back to the car ride with Emily, all the little things she told me about Spencer.
"Walter..." I trailed off, smirking at myself a little, "He's cute and tall and quite smart." I could go on about all the little things I found adorable and attractive about Spence, but if I made the list too specific, Derek would piece it together too easily.
Spencer's ears perked at the name, and he looked at me with a puzzled looked, and I couldn't help the small smile that came across my face. Derek was still trying to figure out who 'Walter' was.
Derek noticed us looking at each other, looked between us, his eyes narrowing as he examined my face. His concentration broken by our food being put on the table in front of us. We all thanked the waitress and started eating. I had a chicken salad wrap, Spencer had a cheese ham and tomato toastie, while Derek had a burger. We all ate, barely saying a word, enjoying our meals.
I was the first to finish, Spencer was done soon after. We started talking about work things. We started picking on Derek who was having trouble defending himself as he tried to finish his food quickly.
"At least I don't hide behind books to avoid my feelings." Derek spat back at Spence, who just shrugged his shoulders. "And how about you, miss Perfect? Sucking up to Hotch and showing off in front of everyone on your first day, making us all look bad! You can't fool anyone with your goody-two-shoes act!" he finished by taking a sip of his drink.
I clasped a hand to my chest in fake offence, "Oh no! ME make the fantastic Mr. Morgan look bad?! how could I? His beautiful physique and wonderful words which help him pull all the ladies, tarnished! what ever will he do?" I stopped when I noticed Spencer silently giggling to himself at the sight before him. I couldn't let him get out of this. "Oh no no, Doctor. You're not getting out of this that easily. Your big brilliant brain is beautiful, but you need to work on understanding innuendos. The amount of things that have been said to and around you, that go straight over your head, we need to get you cultured."
He was confused. He didn't understand why he needed to understand jokes, why it mattered so much, and really, it doesn't. He's perfect in my eyes.
We sat there talking for a bit more until Derek decided it was time to go. We got up, left a tip on the table and headed out. We walked to y car and leaned on it, Spencer choosing to stand.
"What now?" I asked.
"The beach." Derek answered, "Don't worry pretty by, we'll find somewhere with shade so you can sit and read." Spencer's expression calmed at the sound of not being forced to swim.
We decided to go in one car. My car was elected because it was closest. I climbed in to the drivers seat, Derek in the passenger and Spence, in the back.
On the car ride, I changed through radio stations, trying to find music. Derek was confused by it, but Spencer knew what was happening. With the back coming along the corner, we all kept our eyes peeled for a parking spot.
I saw a spot, near a decent sized tree, which had a bench in the shade underneath it. Perfect. I pulled into the spot and we all climbed out. Derek and I, grabbing our beach bags and Spencer with his satchel that he has with him literally everywhere he goes.
The three of us walked single-file, me leading, to the bench. Spencer quite happily sat and pulled out his book while Derek and I set down our bags. I took a moment to take in the scene. Closing my eyes, I listened to the water, the crashing of the waves, so welcoming and calming. The smell of the ocean was so refreshing, the scent filling my lungs with every breath.
Opening my eyes, I saw Morgan had started removing layers until he was just in his swim trunks. I followed his lead, undressing down to my bikini. My skin looked so pasty compared to his caramel skin.
I grabbed the sunscreen from my bag, and started on my arms, chest, legs but of course, I can't each my call back properly. I looked over at Derek, with almost output dog eyes and he held out his hand. I have him the tube and turned around.
"You know, Walter should be going this guy you.." his suggestive tone caused heat to rush to my face as my eyes lifted to look at Spencer, who's eyes were glued to the pages of his book.
As he finished, he threw the tube down to my bag and ye inlled,
"Last one in is a rotten egg!"
Without hesitation we both ran for the water, laughing the whole way. With sand flicking up behind us as we ran, we reached the water in no time. We leapt over the small wave as we reached the water, the splash from the land was cool and refreshing. After a few more leaps, I dove in under a wave, losing sight of Derek.
The Cool water consumed my body. The waves in my hair, the current caressing and flowing over me. As I resurfaced, I couldn't see Derek. I assumed he went under too, and started looking in to the water, trading to see his figure.
With my head still looking to the water, a splash came from my side, Derek sat there unleashing a wave of splashes as I tried to deflect and return. Laughter erupting from both of us as we unleashed a wrath of splashes on each other. He finally stopped with a breathy laugh and so did I. He started to swim toward me and I couldn't help but splash him one last time, playback for what he'd started.
"Alright," he laughed, "You win." He made it over next to me. As our breathing solved, we both looked at Spencer, who's attention seemed to never leave his book.
"How can we get pretty boy in the water?" He suggested. We decided a plan and set it in to play, and I was the bait. I watched Derek swim far enough away and began acting. It needed to be convincing or Spence Rodney buy it.
I started waving my hand in the air and started yelling out for help. Using his name a couple of times in the process helped a lot. His head finally snapped up to see me, my head bobbing under the water a few times, and to see Derek no where near close enough to help. He jumped up, ripped off his shirt and used his feet to remove his shoes.
He ran for the water and jumped in. He made it close enough to me that he was commited to swimming and I started laughing. Derek, who had been watching, had made his way over too and joined in with my giggles. It wasn't long until Spencer had his arms wrapped around me, trying to get my head above water. I looked into his eyes and batted my eyelashes, a small smile coming over my lips.
"Sorry." I said quietly as Derek patted him on the back, telling him of our plan.
"if you guys wanted me to swim so bad, you should have just asked." Spencer said, releasing me and staring me down with betrayal in his eyes.
"C'mon Reid," Morgan started, "you wouldn't have come in if I had simply asked. And besides, didn't it feel good holding a beautiful woman in your arms?" His eyebrows wiggling as Spencer studied me, both of our faces going red at the suggestion.
Derek swam off with a 'catch me if you can' look on his face.
"Sorry for doing that to you." I apologised to Spencer.
"No, he's right. I wouldn't have come in if he had asked. I'm not much for swimming, not in open experts anyway. I much prefer somewhere I can see the bottom. Even though the percentage of shark attacks is pretty low, the chances of getting stuck in a rip are quite high. I don't think I'd put up much of a fight against one..." His voice trailed off as he watched Derek get further away.
"I'll save you if that ever happens." I said, winking at him. He laughed and started after Derek, I followed. The swim turned into more of a race rather than us trying to catch Derek.
We stayed at the beach for a few hours. I could feel my shoulders and nose burning. We had been having so much fun, I had forgotten to reapply sunscreen.
"Maybe we should get going," I suggested, "at least in to the shade?" I noticed Spencer's face was also red and I felt bad because he didn't even apply sunscreen. The three of us retreated to the shade.
I picked up my towel and patted myself dry. I slipped on my dress and we packed up our stuff ready to go. We stopped at the public showers to wash our feet before getting to the car.
"Who's still keen for icecream?" Derek asked as we reached the car. My sunburn wasn't 'burning' as of yet and I was still keen on icecream.
"I'm keen, but we shouldn't be too long. The sooner I get some cream into this bad boy, the better." I replied, pointing to my nose and shoulders, while putting my seat belt on. Derek looked over his shoulder to Spencer who simply said,
"Sure." With a shrug of his shoulders, pulling his book out of his bag.
The icecream shop wasn't too far away, so o didn't burger with the radio. Instead, Derek and I joked around with each other during the drive.
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This one is longer to make up for the day's I've been missing. It's been sitting in my drafts for days because I keep getting distracted. I'm so sorry, please enjoy. :)
31 notes · View notes
softjaehyvn · 3 years
strangers | l.ty
— angst ; 5k
— mentions of cancer
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He loved to work anywhere. It did not matter if it's at home, in a café, or just outside on a bench close to the ocean, if there was one.
Since he traveled a lot, he always had new places to go and continue what he was doing at that moment. But that also meant he had no one who could appreciate his hard work.
No one, until he saw her in that restaurant.
She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He wanted to talk to her, as soon as he heard her sweet voice talking to a man in front of her, softly asking if he was the man she wanted to meet.
As soon as the other man nodded, she smiled so brightly and in Lee Taeyong's eyes, it was the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. And it hurt that this smile was not for him.
He was ripped from his thoughts as someone placed a plate with delicious food in front of him. "I hope you enjoy your meal", the woman said, smiling friendly as Taeyong looked up at her. "Thank you", he answered and started eating.
But he could not stop thinking about her beautiful smile.
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Lee Taeyong was back in South Korea. After spending a weekend in Venice and a whole week in Stockholm, he was finally back. writing in other countries always made him feel better because he never got out of his apartment or the studio.
"Hyung, are you back?", Jaemin, one of his best friends asked. the younger male had a spare key just to check-in, just like the rest of his group. Whenever they wanted they could go inside and get something from Taeyong's fridge or whatever they wanted. It was kind of a shared apartment, but the other boys slept at their parent's house since Taeyong's apartment was pretty small for all those people.
"Yeah, finally got back. And I’m so tired", Taeyong whined and got up to greet his friend.
"Then stop working and go to sleep", Jaemin scoffed and let go of Taeyong, just to see the filled pages Taeyong had written in the last week.
"You wrote all of this in just a week? Hyung, I guess I’ve always underestimated you", Jaemin said while reading a bit through the lyrics.
Taeyong started to laugh. "Jaemin, you know I’m always like this", he said. "I can't stop writing when I’m somewhere else. Stockholm and Venice did something to me."
"Venice? You didn't tell me you wanted to travel there! Hyung, I’ve always wanted to go there", Jaemin exclaimed as he continued reading.
"One day we'll go there together, yeah? We all together. It's really beautiful there", Taeyong said and chuckled, he found it adorable how mad Jaemin seemed to be simply because Taeyong had not told him, he would be going to Venice.
"I'm sure you're going to love it there. There were so many places to visit, but I only spent the weekend there. The rest of the week I was in Stockholm as planned", Taeyong explained. "I think of going to Berlin soon. You wanna come, too?", Taeyong asked the younger.
Jaemin nodded. "Yes, of course, hyung. I'll tell Mark, too, then we can go together", he answered.
"That'd be amazing. I missed traveling with you guys", Taeyong smiled, then he yawned. "I think I’m going to bed. If you want to, you can try to work on the lyrics I wrote. We need to hand something to pd-nim soon."
"Yeah, I'll get to it right now. Do you want me to call mark, too? I thought I wouldn't invite him since you're really tired and you know how he can be sometimes “, Jaemin chuckled. "Yeah... thanks for that", Taeyong grinned. "Get to work, Jaemin-ah."
"I. will, hyung", he promised, but then he seemed like he got an idea. "Did you eat something?", he asked. Taeyong just shook his head. "I thought I'll order something when I wake up again", the elder answered. "Forget that, I'm ordering pizza now. You can sleep after you ate", the younger protested and took out his phone, laughing at the elder groaning. "Are you serious? I just want to sleep", he whined.
"Stop being a baby and wait for half an hour. It's not going to kill you. At that time, we could read over your texts", Jaemin said and took out his phone to order something to eat.
"Yeah, okay. that's a good idea, too", Taeyong said and sat down on his couch. They worked on Taeyong's lyrics, Jaemin was impressed by how much Taeyong had written in just a week. Taeyong loved his work. he loved being able to travel around.
Suddenly he remembered you. He remembered your soft smile at that one man and started smiling. he could not stop thinking about you. He remembered your sweet voice, asking the man if he was the one she wanted to meet.
"You okay, hyung? Why are you suddenly smiling?", Jaemin asked. "I'm fine, just thought about someone I saw in Venice", Taeyong answered. "Was it some girl?", his best friend grinned and laughed at Taeyong's panicked look. "Tell me about her. How did you meet her?"
So, he started talking. He told him everything about you, telling his best friend about how much you inspired him to write more love songs. That was something Taeyong always wanted to do but he could not do it since it did not fit the style of songs he usually wrote.
"You're cute, hyung", Jaemin said grinning. "You have a crush on a girl you couldn't even talk to. Who knows, if you're ever going to meet her again."
"I don't care. she inspired me a lot without even knowing", Taeyong chuckled and pointed at his lyrics. "That's the proof."
"I know, hyung... I know", Jaemin only said before he got up to get the pizzas and enjoyed his time with his closest friend.
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They just had booked their flight tickets to Berlin and smiled brightly. It had been a long time since Taeyong, Jaemin and Mark had traveled somewhere together and Taeyong had to admit that he missed traveling with his two best friends. He had wanted to do that again and finally, they would do it. 
"We got the tickets and booked our hotel. I hope there will not happen anything bad", Taeyong said. "Don't be such a pessimist. Nothing will happen, okay? We'll fly to Berlin and enjoy our time together. We needed that", Jaemin said smiling and opened a new page on Taeyong's laptop. He looked for something to eat. Taeyong stopped him right away. "No, don't. I went grocery shopping today just to be able to cook something for us", he said. 
Well... Taeyong tried. but as Mark was able to distract him, the food burned and they couldn't eat it. So, they had to order take out. But no one cared. They liked to have their free time and spend them together as best friends. And finally, they were able to spend more time together. Taeyong was excited. In a few days, they would be on the plane to Istanbul, then Berlin. 
"Guys? What do you think about this?", Jaemin asked. he showed the other boys a few lines he just had written. 
The lyrics Jaemin showed them were emotional, full of love. It was completely different from what he would write usually.
"That sounds good", Taeyong commented and smiled.
"Since when are you so emotional?", Mark giggled. He groaned as Jaemin hit him.
"I don't know... probably since I'm dating Seoyeon", Jaemin laughed. The other two boys widened their eyes. They didn't know about Jaemin dating one of the producers of SME, the entertainment they all were working in. 
"Since when are you two dating?!", Taeyong blurted out.
"Oh... I didn't tell you, right? Seoyeon and I are dating for almost two months now. I kind of forgot to tell you about it", Jaemin laughed a bit and his cheeks reddened as always when he got shy.
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Long flights were always a little problem for Taeyong. But if he took his medication, it wouldn't be a problem at all. Him having cancer had been a reason to even fire him from his job since there always was the risk of something happening to him. But SME loved him. They loved his lyrics. That's why they would keep him in the company.
Taeyong was truly a genius when talking about song lyrics. Not only the company loved them but the fans of the artists he wrote for and his fans did as well. He enjoyed the reactions and speculations as they were trying to figure out what deeper meaning the lyrics had.
As usual, he had his notebook open and ready to write something down if he would get something in mind that he could work on. But it seemed like his mind was empty. He couldn’t even get one line together that sounded good to him.
“Sorry, you’re sitting on my seat!”, someone said and Taeyong looked up. His eyes widened as he saw you standing there.
“O-oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t notice it”, he hurriedly got up and tried to make space for you. You smiled and stepped back a little so he can get out of the tight spot. When you tried to get to your seat, you tripped and he put his hands on your waist, stopping you from falling.
“Careful”, he said and held your hand until you sat down.
“Thank you”, you answered and tightened your belt as Taeyong sat down next to you.
“You’re welcome. I’m Taeyong by the way. Nice to meet you”, he smiled as he also tightened his belt. His heart started beating faster as you also smiled when you told him your name. He couldn’t believe that you were there, in the same plane as him, and seated right next to you. Was it luck? He honestly didn’t know.
“You kind of seem familiar to me? Is it possible that I saw you somewhere before?”, you then asked him. He nodded.
“I saw you in Venice. It was at that restaurant, what was it called?”, he murmured as he tried to remember the name. “Right! Ai Mercanti was the name.”
„Right! It was such a great place though!”, you said and the moment he saw your smile again, his heart stopped a beat before starting to pound in his chest. He was in love with your smile.
“Where are you traveling?”, Taeyong asked you. He sort of was disappointed when you told him that you would stay in Istanbul for a while before heading back to Seoul for your work. During the flight, Taeyong didn’t even write a little bit into his notebook. He was either sleeping or talking to you.
You thought Taeyong was cute, a passionate person who loved his work over everything. He had shown you a few of his lyrics and surprised you by telling you that he wrote a few of the songs you loved to listen to.
“I didn’t think that I would meet the person who wrote my favorite songs”, you giggled and read over a few drafts he had written down in his notebook.
“Well, you did”, Taeyong answered smiling before he yawned. He checked the time, noticed that you both had been talking for over an hour and he noticed that it was late.
“I think, I will try to sleep. You should, too”, he said and put the blanket he had brought with him over his body. You only nodded, also trying to cuddle yourself into your blanket. Eventually, both of you fell asleep.
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“Hyung”, someone was shaking his body softly but it was enough to wake Taeyong eventually up. He looked around confused and noticed that the plane already landed. “We’re in Istanbul. We have to get out and go to our next plane”, Mark said and Taeyong looked to the seat next to him. It was empty. But there was a small piece of paper which he picked up and read it. There was a small text saying that you loved talking to him during the flight and you wrote down your number.
“Who was that?”, Mark asked him curiously, trying to peek on the note. But Taeyong folded it and hid it in his pocket. He only brushed it off with a small “No one” and grabbed his bag where he had put his notebook and other things in. He hurried to get out of the plane and breathed in as soon as he finally was able to get fresh air.
“Now I kind of regret that we didn’t stay here for like a day or something. We could’ve eaten that thing Yuta had recommended us”, Taeyong pouted. 
“Are you sure that it isn’t because of the girl?”, Mark asked him, causing Taeyong to widen his eyes but also shook his head immediately.
“Of course not! She has nothing to do with this. I only spoke to her today. It was the first time I ever talked to her. And I probably won’t ever see her again, so it doesn’t matter”, Taeyong answered. It was a big lie, but he didn’t want to tell the other two boys that he would be meeting up with her as soon as they were back in South Korea.
“Yeah, yeah. Keep on lying to yourself, Taeyongie”, Jaemin laughed and they both finally entered the huge airport. At first, it seemed like the three boys were lost but they were lucky to find someone who spoke fluent English so Mark and Jaemin could ask them for help. It took them around half an hour to finally arrive at their next gate where they would be going to their next plane to Berlin.
All of them were already exhausted. It would take around three more hours on a plane until they would finally in Berlin and would go to their hotel. Taeyong decided to work on his notes for a few songs his manager asked him to write. Soon, there would be a new group debuting and they needed good songs.
While he was thinking about you, possible lines for songs (to be exact, they mostly were love songs) were written in his notebook and he was proud of all the paragraphs he managed to write in only two hours. For the last hour, he decided on sleeping and was woken up by Jaemin as they landed.
His medication was really heavy so he always slept over. One of the boys always had to come over to his place to wake him up so he could at least show up at the company for once. Sometimes, the boys even thought he was dead because he didn’t move at all or even woke up, no matter how hard they tried to wake him.
That usually had been in the beginning after the doctor diagnosed him with his tumor. Now his body got used to the heavy medication and he didn’t pass out a lot anymore. It still happened that he just fell asleep somewhere or even just lose his consciousness when they were on their way home from a long day at the company.
“We landed. We’re in Berlin”, he was all smiley and happy and Taeyong was grateful that he still could see his best friends who were like a family for him happy.
Taeyong got up and took his bag, going to the exit with Jaemin. Mark already was out, waiting for them. The youngest of the three was impatient, wanting to go to their hotel and just sleep. Taeyong put his arm around Mark and smiled. “Don’t worry, we’ll be at the hotel soon and you can sleep as much as you want to. We all need it”, Taeyong said and Mark nodded.
“I’m just exhausted because of the flight. But anyway, how are you feeling? Are you too exhausted?”, Mark asked him worriedly. Taeyong shook his head.
“I’m good. The medicine wasn’t as heavy as I thought it would be. I’m doing okay. I will be able to make it to the hotel without passing out”, he joked but he knew his illness was a sensitive topic to his friends. Taeyong always took his illness way too easy than he actually should.
“If you tried to be funny about your illness, you know I hate that. I’m sorry Taeyong Hyung”, Jaemin said and sighed.
“I know. I shouldn’t take it as easy as I do but I… I try to make the best of it. I’m here with you guys now, I’m living the life of my dreams. I just try to enjoy it. And I know exactly that this whole thing is super sensitive. I get that. But I just try to forget it for a while…”, Taeyong said while they were walking into the airport.
“I also get that. Let’s have a great vacation here, okay? Don’t think about work, don’t think a bit about lyrics. I want you to have your time with us, yeah?”, Jaemin said and Taeyong only smiled when he nodded.
Jaemin might be two years younger than him, but he was truly more mature than someone would expect. He was a dork, yes, he always managed to make the others laugh, but he knew whenever there was a serious moment, he should back off and try to help.
“We should go. I’m getting tired”, Taeyong then said and both Mark and Jaemin kind of panicked as they rushed a little to get out of the airport as soon as possible. Soon, they were in a cab, the driver was luckily speaking a little English, so Mark and Jaemin were able to communicate with him.
No matter how tired he was, Taeyong couldn’t go to sleep without checking the paper you had given him. He smiled as he noticed the small heart next to your number and he immediately took out his phone to save your number. Before he actually texted you, he decided to get ready to sleep.
When he finally was ready to sleep, he took his phone again and opened the still empty chat with you.
“Hey it’s Taeyong ^^”
It didn’t take long until you answered.
“I thought you’d never text me. Was your flight okay?”
“Yes… We just arrived at the hotel. I’m really tired and I will go to sleep now. How is Istanbul?”
“I didn’t go around much yet but the place I’m staying in is so beautiful”
You and Taeyong texted for almost an hour. It didn’t take long until he finally noticed that he actually should sleep. That is what he texted you. You only answered that you were sorry for keeping him up for so long. He smiled at your answer.
“It’s okay, I’ll sleep now, yeah?”
“good night, yongie”
His heart fluttered at the nickname and he couldn’t stop smiling. Taeyong put his phone away and eventually, he fell asleep while he was thinking about you.
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“did you sleep well?”
Taeyong looked on his phone as the message arrived. He smiled a little which didn’t go unnoticed by Jaemin and Mark. The boys currently were at a “Who was it?”, Jaemin asked grinning. “Is it the sweet girl you were seated next to?”
“Yes, it’s her”, Taeyong admitted. “Also… do you remember the girl I saw in Venice?” As both of them nodded, Taeyong continued talking. “It’s her.”
Jaemin widened his eyes, he couldn’t believe the luck Taeyong had. He was happy for his best friend and smiled. “I’m so happy for you, Hyung. Seriously, it actually so unbelievable but I’m so glad that you found her and even talk to her now. If it makes you happy, I am happy, too”, Jaemin spoke and Taeyong couldn’t help but smile even more.
“Thank you so much, Jaeminie.”
That evening, you and Taeyong talked on the phone. Neither you nor him were tired since you slept over the whole afternoon to evening and now had time to just talk. He told you about how much you had inspired him to write love songs which weren’t his strength, no matter how often his company asked him to write a few.
“That’s so sweet, god I can’t with this”, you whined and he grinned. “Can you read them out for me again?”
And he did. He just read them, smiling as he imagined your beautiful smile. He truly fell for you before even knowing you and he was sure as soon as he finally got to know you better, he’d be highs over heels in love with you.
“The texts are so beautiful. Which group do you think they will let them record them?”, you asked him. “Only… tell me if you’re actually allowed to. I don’t want to get you in trouble or something.”
“No, it’s okay. I just write too much and sometimes they don’t even use the texts. Then I’m just uploading them on SoundCloud with Jaemin and Mark, my two best friends”, he explained. “I feel like this song might not fit to any group so it might end up being recorded by a few other friends.”
“You sing, too? God, is there anything you can’t do?”, you asked him and giggled. Everything you did made him smile like an idiot. He never thought he could ever fall for someone like this.
“Well, Mark and I are usually doing the rap but some people say I should sing more”, he laughed.
“Could you maybe sing something for me?”, you asked him shyly, not sure if he would do it.
“I’m not so confident with my singing, actually”, he said. “But one day, I will sing for you, promise.”
“You don’t have to, Yongie. It’s okay if you’re not comfortable with it”, you said. “Hey, umm, I need to sleep now, if that’s okay for you? I got an appointment with a salesman early tomorrow and need to rest properly.”
“Of course, angel, I need to sleep now, too”, he said. “Sleep well, Y/N”.”
“You, too, Yongie”, you called him by the nickname again and again, his heart was pounding in his chest. As you hung up, he couldn’t stop thinking about how it would be to see you again. It made him happy that he was able to talk to you, to get to know you. In the moments you two were talking, he seemed to forget about his illness. He seemed to feel healthy and strong while he was actually weak and sick.
It didn’t take him much time to fall asleep again. He slept peaceful and well, better than he had before, ever since his doctor had diagnosed him with cancer. Taeyong didn’t know what made him feel happier when he woke up the next day.
During the small vacation, Taeyong enjoyed his time with his two best friends and… he was happy. He was satisfied with how his life was at the moment.
On the flight back, they were also stopping once in Istanbul, making him question if you already had returned to Seoul since you didn’t have your return tickets yet when Taeyong had called you for the last time two days ago. He didn’t want to bother you as you were there for work and not for vacation.
If he only knew that you were waiting for him to call. You had already finished all your work there and had a few free days which he didn’t know. Also, you were shy, that was enough not to call him.
After the long flight, they were picked up by Johnny; the young Korean-American male was the only one who had a driver’s license and had agreed to pick the three men up as soon as they were back in Seoul. First, he dropped off Mark and Jaemin. When they arrived at Taeyong’s apartment, he smiled and got out of the car, Johnny following him to carry his luggage.
“Thanks, John. I appreciate that”, he said as they were in the elevator.
“Of course, Yongie. If you need help with something else, just ask. I’ll try to help you as much as I can”, Johnny answered and got out of the elevator as it stopped.
Johnny let the bag fall on the ground as he noticed that Taeyong was still in the elevator, held his hand at the door, and stopped it from closing. Taeyong was holding his head and his eyes were closed.
“Did you take your medication?”, Johnny asked him which Taeyong only answered by shaking his head as a no. He forgot to take the pills, causing him not to sleep enough on the flight. “Where are they?”
Johnny helped Taeyong to get out of the elevator and escorted the weak male to his apartment. He helped Taeyong with taking his medication, all of the boys knew about how many pills he had to take so they were able to help when Taeyong wasn’t in the state to help himself.
It took him a little until he felt better and was able to change his clothes on his own. As he looked at his pale body, he noticed a few bruises. At this point, he was used to getting random bruises on his body, they were everywhere now.
“Do you want me to call someone?”, Johnny asked. “I need to go to the studio, PD-nim said there was an emergency with one of the trainees and they need me.”
“No… I’m fine. Wait, no, call Y/N”, Taeyong then said. “I really hope she’s back here...”, he then murmured to himself. Taeyong told him not to say anything about his illness before he handed his phone to Johnny who pressed on the ‘call’ button as soon as he found your contact.
“Yongie?”, you yawned, making Johnny smile.
“It’s Johnny. I’m a friend of Taeyong. He isn’t feeling well after the flight and I would stay at his place but I have to work. Could you come over and maybe stay here until I’m back?”
“Of course. Would you text me the address? I’ll be there as soon as possible”, you answered without even thinking.
“I will. Thanks for doing this, Y/N. I’m looking forward to meet you soon”, Johnny spoke before he hung up and looked to Taeyong who was still scrunching his face in pain and was lying in his bed. “She will be here in around ten minutes. Do you think you would be able to stay awake?”
“Mhm, I think I’ll make it. You should go. The company is also important”, Taeyong said. As soon as Johnny was out, he started to let out all the coughing he was trying to hold in the whole time. He didn’t want to let Johnny see in what kind of a bad situation he was.
He was coughing with no pause, couldn’t breathe properly and he looked up in a panic as someone knocked at the door after a few minutes. Taeyong tried to get up from his bed and walked to the door, he was coughing badly and was weak.
He opened the door and… collapsed.
It was such a surprise for you to see him collapse right in front of you. You panicked and didn’t know what to do for a moment. You tried to pull him up and did everything you learned in a first-aid course, your whole body was shaking because you were scared. What was going on with him?
Meanwhile, you were talking to the emergency.
While you were waiting, you looked through his apartment, walked around but still stayed close so you can watch him. You found his phone and unlocked it by using his fingerprint. As you went through his contacts, you saw the names Jaemin and Mark, remembering how he told you that he’s going on his vacation with them.
Immediately, you called Jaemin.
“Hyung? What’s up?”, he said with a groggy voice. Probably the man was already sleeping.
“It’s Y/N. I…”, before you were able to continue speaking, you burst into crying. “H-he coll-apsed”, you stuttered out. You finally got yourself together and spoke with a much more stable voice. “I don’t know what’s going on.”
While you were talking to Jaemin and tried to calm down, you were walking around the small apartment. And then, you gasped in shock as you saw a little bit of blood. Maybe he coughed out blood as he was trying to open the door.
“I’ll be right over. Or wait, did you call the emergency? If yes, just text me which hospital you’re going to, I’ll go there directly”, Jaemin then said and you only answered him with a ‘yes’ before you hung up.
Soon, the paramedics arrived and after questioning you about who you are and what you were doing in his apartment and all that, they finally brought him to the ambulance and you got into the car as well, driving to the hospital as fast as possible and you were crying, still didn’t know what was going on in there.
“You didn’t know about this?”, Mark asked you. You looked up and shook your head as a no. “I thought he might’ve told you already. You were talking a lot when we were in Berlin.”
“No. He never mentioned it. I was so surprised when he suddenly collapsed after opening the door. At least, he was able to open the door”, you told him then.
“It surprised me. Seriously. He always talked about you when he was back from Venezia. Talked about how beautiful you were for him. If we didn’t stop him, he even might talk for hours about you even though he only saw you for a second. He truly lo-“
“Where is he?!”, Johnny interrupted Mark in his small speech, not allowing the younger male to tell him that Taeyong loved you.
Before Mark could answer him, the doctor arrived. He seemed sad, disappointed in himself. You felt the fear of hearing bad news about Taeyong’s current state.
“I’m sorry”, the medic said, making your heart beat faster.
“He is currently in a coma.”
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taglist ;; @wownajaemin​ @n8dlesoupguk​ 
64 notes · View notes
dtrhwithalex · 3 years
TV | Leverage (Season 2, Rewatch)
Rewatch of the second season of TNT's LEVERAGE (2008-2012), created by John Rogers and Chris Downey together with Dean Devlin and his production company Electric Entertainment.
In anticipation of the show's reboot / revival / sequel LEVERAGE: REDEMPTION coming to IMDbTV on 09 July this year, I am rewatching the original 77 episodes and writing about my favourite moments and things from each episode, season by season.
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D: DEAN DEVLIN. W: JOHN ROGERS. Original Air Date: 15 July 2009.
We here at the Rabbit Hole adore the Beantown Bailout Job very much (and by we I mean me). It is such a great season-opener and everything about it sets up the season so nicely. Also let me just say, I love the cheesy intro. I like to imagine that this plays on whatever website the clients usually end up finding the team. It would be so confusing. And wonderful.
This episode, of course, also introduces another of my favourite characters: Lt. Patrick Bonanno, State Police. And I am very sad that there is zero chance we'll ever get to see him in the reboot, since the wonderful Robert Blanche has unfortunately passed away last year. Bonanno was such a fantastic addition to this show and I love him very much. He is just brilliant in every episode he is in.
Aside from the introduction of Bonanno, Beantown is a brilliant episode for various reasons, but I wanna talk about this one most of all. John Rogers talked about this on his blog, I think -- not one member of the team can come straight out and admit that they need the others. It is the impromptu meeting at Sophie's performance that brings them together again (very much against Nate's best attempts). Only once they're at McRory's and Parker suggests stealing something to cheer up Sophie is when they all fess up and tell Nate that they want this team back together again. And then, of course, we have one of my favourite sequences in this entire show: Nate forcefully being bullied back into this family. They do exactly what he did to them in The Second David Job -- they get him to contribute knowledge to the case that they, allegedly, lack. And he knows what they're doing, of course, he's not an idiot. Well played, indeed.
I would also like to personally thank one Nadine Haders, this show's most brilliant costume designer, for every single piece of clothing she put on Christian Kane for this episode. That green sweater with the brown jeans jacket? All my love to you, Nadine. All of it. Also, uncharacteristically, Nate has some very good looks in this episode (the man looks healthy for once!) and I am unreasonably mad about it (actually, he has some very good looks this entire season).
One last thing: I would like to have a word with whoever decided to play the Andy Lange song here that Sophie's departure in The Two Live Crew Job is set to. It makes this first half of the season a circle. Who do I need to have words with? Who?
D: MARC ROSKIN. W: ALBERT KIM. Original Air Date: 22 July 2009.
An absolutely amazing episode for Eliot but also very much for Sophie. They are the Conference Of Mom Friends, and I adore them very much, thank you. It is a fantastic episode for them individually, but especially also for the specific relationship these two people have. There is an amazing post floating around on this website (this one here) talking exactly about this episode and Eliot and Sophie in the role of protectors in their team, their family.
There are a few scenes here that I really like and really, most of them are about or with Eliot. I love in the briefing at the hotel that Eliot does not just dismiss Sophie's misunderstanding of wrestling, but takes the time to explain to her what the sport is about -- and she listens. We also here get a nice glimpse at the fact that Eliot teaches them certain fighting skills and self-defence techniques, which I just love so much. Just as Sophie coaches them all in their grifts, he makes sure that they all have a certain know-how in fighting and protecting themselves. It's so good.
I am also very fond of both the moment where Eliot brings Sophie to the restaurant to meet with Rucker, but also Sophie showing up at the gym at night to talk to Eliot while he's preparing for the fight against Tank. Eliot gives away so much of himself in this episode, and it is very interesting to me that the person he does this with is, continually, Sophie. The others may be on comms, and might be, for all we know, listening in, but it is Sophie he tells these things to. It's like Hardison says later in The Two Live Crew Job: "We trust Nate to make sure the plan works, we trust you (Sophie) to make sure we're all okay." While I would not necessarily call Sophie the heart of the group (that's Hardison), she is very much the emotional centre of it.
This episode is also just very lovely to see how they all take to an environment that is, for once, not big city life. Eliot takes to it immediately, which makes sense, because he probably is from a town not much different from this one. Parker, somehow, fits in immediately as well (I love her I <3 Nebraska shirt). I feel like Nate never has any issues fitting in anywhere, he just takes things as they come. It is Hardison and Sophie who have difficulties -- Sophie because she is, after all, a bit posh and needs certain standards met, and Hardison because his world of technology does not mix well with a small, rural Midwestern town ("Can't hack a hick" anyone?).
D: ROD HARDY. W: CHRIS DOWNEY. Original Air Date: 29 July 2009.
I occasionally see some posts on here that call what the team does to Charles Dodgson in 512: The White Rabbit Job the worst thing the team does to a mark. I have to say, objectively, I think what they do to Eddie Maranjian in this episode is much worse. Of course, Dodgson is a good person, and Eddie is a crook, but still. Objectively? This episode is more evil.
Anyway, this episode has some fantastic moments that I adore a whole lot. I love Eliot and Hardison as cops, Sophie's act is absolutely amazing, and I have a super soft spot for both Nate teaching Parker what he is doing, and also Eliot and his side quest of helping Randy.
I am so incredibly fond of all these little moments where Parker's eventual role of Mastermind is already being planted. She always asks Nate questions, if she doesn't have a part to play in the con, she is with Nate, learning. She says it in the pilot episode already: "I'm really good at one thing, only one thing, that's it. But you, you know other things, and I can't stop doing my one thing, can't retire." And then she does her best to learn the other things Nate knows. This episode particularly, how Nate explains to her how NLP works, that what he is selling is fear. Nate is so patient with her, too. I love them both so very much.
Eliot's side quest with Randy and his abusive dad is an absolutely excellent addition to this episode. Especially after the previous Eliot-centric episode, this small thing just goes to show that, at their core, these are good people. Yes, they are criminals, the lot of them. But they are not bad people. Things like this just make me think that, it had to have been this exact combination of people Dubenich put together. Any other thief, any other hacker, and Nate would have walked away from this alone. It had to be Parker, Hardison and Eliot for this to work exactly as it did. And Eliot looking out for Randy even though they are in the middle of a con, taking his time to make sure Bob, the U.S. Marshall goes to see Randy, is exactly something that brings this point home.
Lastly, I adore that everyone shows up at the court house when Eddie goes to find his money. He knows they all conned him, but they know no one is ever going to believe him. It's a fantastic gloat scene. And I also really love that Nate explains why this works to the others: "So, here's everything you need to know about criminal law. Every crime has two elements, Actus reus, the act itself, and mens rea, Literally "The Guilty Mind." ... Now, for escape, the prisoner has to both break out of custody and show the intent to escape. ... Which brings us back to our friend Eddie and how the brain reacts to fear. In the heat of the moment Eddie didn't ask himself a simple question, who would doubt his guilty mind?"
D: JONATHAN FRAKES. W: AMY BERG. Original Air Date: 05 August 2009.
This one was Bernie Madoff inspired, if I recall correctly, who was arrested in 2008, around the time Berg, Downey and Rogers were already bouncing ideas back and forth for this season.
There is so much to love in this episode! Where to even begin. Maybe with Parker replacing Sophie at the client meeting? Or Sophie immediately heading for both popcorn and the cookie tin after the breakup? How about Parker perching on Eliot's arm rest with her food? Nate's headmaster act? Eliot as Coach Brewer (red is a fantastic colour on him, thank you Nadine)? Hipster rich newlyweds Parker and Hardison? The return of my beloved FBI fools McSweetheart and Taggert? Taggert being McSweetheart's biggest supporter in his affection for Parker? Sophie and Widmark? The actual science-sical with all these adorable kids singing about science?
So much to love. Chock-full of greatness, this episode. Also Frakes, once again, directed the hell outta this. I love this episode so very much.
One moment that does, however, absolutely win out over everything else, is the scene at Nate's apartment after Hardison and Parker meet McSweeten and Taggert again:
Eliot: One of you two can identify the gunman, right? Hardison: Oh, yeah, sure. He stopped and let me take a picture of him as I was chasing him. Eliot: Hey, you know what, man? I've been around little kids all day. I don't need to come home and do all this crap.
That line, Mr Spencer? "I don't need to come home and do all this crap"? Home? Sir, we are four episodes into the second season, and you are already calling Nate's apartment home. Honestly, that boy has been invested into this group as a family from the moment Hardison hands him a check in the pilot episode, if not earlier. And I am very much here for all of it.
D: MARC ROSKIN. W: MELISSA GLENN & JESSICA RIEDER (GRASL). Original Air Date: 12 August 2009.
This is another one of those episodes which, when I think about it, I am not entirely into, but then when I watch it, I always love it. It's a brilliant episode, but the mark rubs me in all the wrong ways and I think that's why my general reaction to this episode in theory is mostly "ew". Which I think is kind of the point, as well.
There is much to love in this episode, though. Sophie being Nate in this one, Nate being very wary of this concept and also having difficulties letting someone else take control ("If you don't mind, I would still do the 'Hardison, run it' thing" Nathan you precious little man, I love you so much). I think it's so nicely done. I mean Sophie has run cons before -- she was the Mastermind behind the First David Job, and she runs their con in the Second David Job as well -- but then she was confident, now she is going through things, on the brink of rediscovering herself for who she is. And of course, it bites her in the ass a little bit.
I absolutely adore Conspiracy Nut Hardison and his fantastic apartment. Set Design did a magnificent job here. I am so fond of Parker asking Eliot about the different things -- the council, the moon landing, Loch Ness monster -- and also very much the bit at the end where he and Hardison answer Parker's questions while he prepares food. That ending bit overall is just absolutely excellent and I love it with my whole heart. Eliot cooking for all of them in Nate's kitchen, giving Parker stuff to try, while Hardison sits there and sips his orange soda out of a wine glass. Meanwhile Nate pouring wine for Sophie, and then going over to her to make sure she is alright. For his slightly more sadistic streak in this season, Nate is so good with Sophie here. And honestly I think this conversation here is one of the reasons why Sophie feels able to leave them for a while. It is Nate's reassurance of "Whatever you need, I'm here for you" that lets her take this leave of absence.
D: PETER O'FALLON. W: M. SCOTT VEACH & CHRISTINE BOYLAN. Original Air Date: 19 August 2009.
I adore this episode! The fantastic Veach and Boylan on the keyboard for this one (who, I've had to find out, are both tangentially involved with my latest hyperfixation, SHADOW AND BONE -- Veach having written my favourite episode, and Boylan being married to the showrunner), which is just lovely, because they are both excellent.
First off, I would like to, once again, give all my love to Nadine Haders for that Pizza Guy outfit she put Kane in for the recon sequence. A+ costuming, thank you Nadine.
This episode has so many excellent comedic beats and a wonderful many Hardison/Eliot moments. Sophie trying to set up Nate with their client is absolutely hysterical -- especially considering that she had just been broken up with and had been urging Nate to figure out what it is that is between them since day one. I especially love her attempt at finding things Nate has in common with Jameson: "She's a scientist. And well, you're a bit nerdy, aren't you? ... And food, she works with food. Well, you eat, don't you?" Like, girl, what are you trying to do here, really?
I absolutely adore Hardison and Eliot trying to get into the server room so Hardison can access the data they are trying to get before anyone can get rid of it. Eliot hooking Parker's rope to Hardison's belt, Eliot's complete awe at Hardison's ability to remote access their mark's phone ("You can do that?" Eliot, honey, he can do so much more), the two of them wedged underneath the desk, and then, of course, Eliot's huge smile when Hardison hacks the scanner at the door with the help of his gummy frogs. I love these boys together so much, and this episode has given me so many great moments.
I am also incredibly fond of Nate's magician act. That is a brilliant role and it suits him so well. And I love how genuinely enthusiastic he is about magic.
D: DEAN DEVLIN. W: JOHN ROGERS & AMY BERG. Original Air Date: 26 August 2009.
This is an absolutely brilliant episode for so many different reasons. Let me get two things out of the way straight off the bat: 1) Where do I address my "Chaos For Leverage: Redemption" campaign to? and 2) Where do I address my "Apollo Robbins For Leverage: Redemption" campaign to? I want both of them back desperately!
Of course, this episode is important as a major stepping stone in Sophie's character arc. Because of Chaos and his bomb, she has to kill off one of her aliases which is the last thing that then leads to her taking a leave of absence to figure out who she is and who she wants to be. That scene in her apartment with the bomb is also just an excellent moment for the team as a family. The care with which everyone interacts with Sophie, Parker's instant pudding hack, Eliot's instructions on how defuse this situation, Sophie's immediate shift into protector mode once it becomes clear that the only real solution is to run and telling everyone to leave immediately, Nate staying behind and even when Sophie tells him to leave, waiting for her by the apartment door -- they care for each other so much.
I also really love the con-off with Starke's crew. It is so nice to see how similar yet different he and Nate are, and the same goes for the other crew members. I adore their individual confrontations a lot. Eliot's non-fight fight with Mikel Dayan, Parker's thief-off with Apollo, Hardison and Chaos' baby monitor fight. It just really highlights who our beloved characters are and what makes them them, now that we see them, metaphorically, in front of their mirror.
And then, of course, the actual heist is also just amazing. I adore that Starke chooses Nate as his alias to gain access, it is such a great move. Parker and Apollo talking in the ventilation shaft about birds is also just so lovely. And as an admirer of Eliot's arms, I am also very fond of his fight with Mikel. Good choices have been made, I appreciate all of them. The reveal at the end is also absolutely amazing. To beat them they had to save them? Brilliant.
Lastly, of course, Sophie's goodbye at the graveyard with Nate. What a spectacular moment. Also just, the visuals are so beautiful. I love the lighting here. And of course the return of Andy Lange's song, which is just perfect. I am so happy that this is the journey they decided to give Sophie when it became clear that Gina would not be able to be in the full seasons due to her pregnancy. They accommodated her so beautifully and gave Sophie such an amazing moment of character growth. This is why I love this show and the people who made it so much. All my love, to all of them.
D: JEREMIAH CHECHIK. W: CHRISTINE BOYLAN. Original Air Date: 02 September 2009.
We love The Ice Man Job! Another fantastic episode by one Christine Boylan who we love in this house. Our very first episode without Sophie being there, and it's a great one. I absolutely adore how they worked in moments with our favourite grifter in a way that so wonderfully accommodates Gina's pregnancy.
I absolutely adore the moments where all of them eventually end up calling Sophie. Parker, hiding underneath the bar after Nate tells her she'll be the grifter in this one, calling her mom Sophie in a panic without wanting the others to know, but still needing her advice and missing her so much. Then Eliot, calling to complain to his mom Sophie about Hardison going overboard again with the grift, needing the knowledge that his concerns are being heard and aren't unfounded, needs to hear the other protector of the family acknowledge his rightful fear that things will go sideways. And of course also Hardison, calling mom Sophie so she can pick him up from the party help him out of the mess he's made, hoping against all hope that she'll be able to help without having to involve Nate. The others both had the luxury to ask Sophie not to tell Nate -- Hardison had no other choice but to let her call it in. Lastly, Nate too, at the end, calling his wife Sophie. And honestly, I love that Sophie drops her phone into her drink after the call, because Nate is the only one not giving her what she wants to hear. The kids, all of them, called with an "I need you" and that is the one thing Nate doesn't give her.
There are many other things in this episode that I love very much. The opening briefing, Parker feeling alone on the big empty couch, trying to sit next to Eliot, but he makes her move. Nate's big DadTM moment of "Eliot, can you please sit next to Parker" and Eliot's very long-suffering oldest child answer "No! I'm sitting here now."
Then of course Eliot and Hardison's two moments -- Eliot telling Hardison "I ain't bailing your ass out" and then when he eventually does anyway, Hardison's smug joy, forcing Eliot to sort-of-hug him back at McRory's. Eliot's unsuccessful attempt to make him helping Hardison a decision forced onto him by Parker, and Parker refusing to accept the "blame" immediately. Their whole dynamic this episode is just so good. Neither Eliot nor Parker being happy with Hardison in this role (Parker's refusal to ride with him in the Ferrari), Eliot proudly watching Parker do her thing over the security camera ("Stuck it!").
Lots of love also to Pasha Lychnikoff as our main Russian goon, who is just fantastic here, our much beloved Lt. Patrick Bonanno, and also Nadine Haders for so many amazing looks, especially on Eliot.
D: PETER WINTHER. W: CHRIS DOWNEY. Original Air Date: 09 September 2009.
Court-room episode, which means we have our friend Chris Downey on the keys here, and he gave us an absolutely excellent introduction for Tara Cole played by the lovely Jeri Ryan. Honestly, the more often I watch this episode, the better it gets. Tara is just so good.
Highlights of this episode include: Sophie's immediate "who died?!" when Nate shows up at her apartment in London, Hardison playing "Where is Waldo Ford," Hardison and Eliot in prison, the first appearance of Nate's lawyer alias Jimmy Papadokalis who wears brilliantly loud and obnoxious suits in outrageous colour-combinations, Hardison stalling Blanchard at court security with his keys, Nate's reveal of Ruth as Kimball's daughter (I am fascinated that he completely drops the character here -- he is just Nate now), and of course, the reveal of Tara at the end.
Honestly, this is such a magnificent episode to introduce Tara's character. We have just watched the team scramble and fuck up without Sophie, and then their next job gets more complicated because of this random lawyer who shows up. And she's so righteous and law-abiding and absolutely not someone they should be taking with them on their job. And Tara plays it perfectly. Her honest try at getting Orson to talk to them, her confusion about her "dogs", her excited smile when she gets to con Blanchard and be a bit dishonest -- it is so good. And then we get that complete 180° when the team finds her in Nate's apartment. Not just visually, but the personality. Her voice drops a bit too. Jeri fucking rocked this introduction. The reveal is so damn good.
D: MARC ROSKIN. W: ALBERT KIM. Original Air Date: 13 January 2010.
I have zero interest in fashion but I honest to God love every single one of these characters at fashion week. Fashion!Eliot is absolutely fantastical and I love him. Julien, my beloved. Fashion!Parker is very cute with her braid and even before she gets the model makeover she outshines every single other person at the event. Fashion!Hardison is surprisingly understated but I dig it. Tara as Caprina is also just excellent. And I absolutely, un-ironically adore Fashion!Nate. Jacques is such a character. Nate exchanged the usual "obnoxious and greasy" with "gay," slapped some would-be-French that sounds like German on top of it, and called it a character. And I love it.
I also very much love the three video calls with Sophie in this episode. The kids calling in the beginning, complaining about Tara. I absolutely adore both the "she's hot" moment and Eliot's "...and all the way to Europe?" when Sophie says Nate lets what is good for him walk out the door. Parker's little "I just miss you" before they hang up has me all the way up in my emotions every damn time. Tara calling Sophie to complain about Nate is also just excellent. The whole bit with Nate's "I'm sexy because I'm broken" thing is just *chef's kiss*. And of course Nate's call at the end. I love that Sophie hangs up on him, it is so fair, it is absolutely justified. And I think he knows that too.
So many great other moments too -- Hardison's Steven Seagal comment about Eliot's clothes, Nate's "Julien, sweetheart" and Eliot's little clap before taking the money, Nate and Parker at the mark's house, Eliot and Tara vs the Triads, Eliot and Parker at fashion week together ("It's a fashion show, not Thieves'R'Us"), and of course Tara's "For what it's worth, Sophie was right. You guys are the best I've ever seen ... But no one in the world, is as good as you think you are."
D: JONATHAN FRAKES. W: CHRISTINE BOYLAN. Original Air Date: 20 January 2010.
This episode has got to be one of my favourites, if I were forced to chose some. I love a bottle episode, and this one is just magnificent. Excellent client, great mark, fantastic additional characters, wonderful episode for the team. All around just, so good. Not surprising if Frakes and Boylan are at the wheel together, of course.
The addition of Cora is so lovely. I would have loved to see more of her, to be honest. She is such a great character. I love what her presence does to who we see Nate as. I adore when characters get to show new sides of themselves, it's so nice. Also, Nate's comment to Eliot about him not wanting Eliot to like Cora because she's like his niece? Most excellent.
I adore our three police officers too. Mickey, Danny and Johnny are such great additions. I really liked them. How they just went with whatever Nate was planning and in the end decided to just pretend none of this ever happened, it's just so good.
Doyle and the Liams as our villains of the week are also just fantastic. Also I just love Irish accents, it sounds so good. I love to hear it.
Other highlights of this episode include: Tara's "I'm Trish and I'm lonely", the kids going for their individual emergency funds stashed in Nate's place (they are all so fantastically in character, I love it), Nate using his dad's name as his alias, everyone stopping to see if Nate is going to succumb to the booze again, Hardison's excitement about pulling off the wire in under 2h, Hardison faking the weather, Eliot and Parker on safe duty. Also, rewatching this episode, I am absolutely 100% convinced that what Eliot is doing to distract the Liams from Tara conning Doyle, absolutely categorises as flirting. The way he throws that dart at the board and then buys them beer? Mr Spencer, sir, you are flirting with these guys.
The wonder twins with yet another magnificent episode. No surprises here. We have not just the return of Maggie but also of Sterling! We love this!!! (Seriously, I want both of them back in the reboot. I don't care that they're most closely tied to Nate. Bring them back.)
This episode has so many absolutely excellent moments as well. I love the opening sequence in the bar, with them going over possible next clients together, Nate kicking Eliot for flirting with the bartender, and then of course also Sterling walking in. The interaction Nate and Eliot have here is just fantastic.
Sterling: *walks in* Nate: Eliot, I'm gonna ask you not do do anything violent. Eliot: Wha-what are you talking about? I only use violence as an appropriate response. Sterling: Hello, Nate. Eliot: *responds appropriately*
And to think that Sterling only gets beat up here because Mark Sheppard's son was visiting the set that day and wanted to see his dad get beat up by Eliot. We stan one Sheppard Jr.
I very much love the scene where Nate and Sterling go over what they have on Lundy, and then Parker interrupting them out of nowhere, just sitting there on the counter, like she's been there forever (which she probably has). Also just, fantastic clothes on Parker, thank you Nadine. Maggie showing up here is of course also brilliant and I am very fond of Parker making Maggie a fugitive bag. It is so completely adorable. I love my girl so much.
Another favourite moment is, of course, Tara and Eliot getting Chernov to tell them where the sale of the Fabergé egg will take place. Tara not saying a damn thing, Eliot grumpily doing what Tara tells him to ("Do that thing with your eyes that scares people" / "What -- I don't know what you're talking about"), Chernov's complete unease about this whole entire situation, and then of course Tara and Eliot's other interaction:
Tara: What we imagine is always so much better than reality. Eliot, with the tiniest voice possible: Like love? Tara: *just stares at him, confused*
Just, *chef's kiss* this scene.
The scenes in the embassy are also just excellent. Tara and Nate pretending to be a couple, Nate's inability to deal with the idea of Maggie and Alexander, Maggie and Tara hysterically giggling while talking about Nate, Sterling pretending to be drunk (and incredibly gay) to get Parker access to the egg room -- brilliance, all the way through.
I adore Eliot taking charge of the situation once it becomes clear that Maggie and Nate have been taken hostage. Parker doing her magic and switching the bomb with the empty briefcase in the elevators is beautiful. Maggie kissing Nate instead of Lundy in what could have been their final moment and regretting it instantly the moment Parker shows up is excellent.
And the final scene back at McRory's is also just wonderful. The kids watching the news about Sterling with Tara ("I hate this guy" / "Now, you're part of the team"), and Nate talking with Maggie. I adore Maggie in this scene so much. Her and Nate's relationship is so lovely. We know Sophie understands how Nate ticks, but Maggie knows him so well too, still.
D: MARC ROSKIN. W: CHRIS DOWNEY & AMY BERG. Original Air Date: 03 February 2010.
This episode is so good for so many reasons. First off, I adore Luke Perry (I'm still sad about him) even if he plays creeps like Rand in most everything I've seen him in. He was just so good. Second, Medium Tara is probably my favourite role of hers. It's a lot softer than many of the other characters she's done, and I love it. Also the costuming is just excellent.
But I want to talk about Parker most of all. The scene where Rand cold reads her is so well done. Riesgraf knocked it out of the park here. Also, I love how Nate, as soon as Rand starts approaching and doing his act, barely ever takes his eyes off her. He occasionally glances at Rand, but his attention is on Parker at all times. And it just makes me feel things.
The team coming back to Nate's to find Parker sitting on the floor in front of the couch, crying also makes me super emo. They are all so very careful with her here. Even Tara, who hasn't been with them for that long. I quite like how Eliot and Hardison choose to sit a bit away, giving her space, and Nate carefully approaches and sits closest to her. They are all so good with her here, I love them all so much. And I absolutely adore this part of the conversation:
Tara: So what do we do now? Parker: Cut off his arms. And his head. Yeah. I wanna kill him. Can we make that happen? Eliot: Yeah, I can...I mean, I could...
Also earlier, after Tara acknowledges that Rand is good at what he does, Hardison says "He should be shot." I adore how both our boys would not hesitate to end this man for hurting Parker like this. That's their girl and he went too damn far. And even though Nate suggests a way of retaliation that is less final, he isn't above hurting the man either. Because that's his girl, too:
Hardison: Nate had me rig the table with a mild electrical current. Eliot: You electrocuted him? Nate, smugly: Yes, I did. It helped sell the bit. Parker: I approve. Nate: Thanks, Parker. Eliot: No, her agreeing with you is not a good thing. Nate, whispering to Parker: Thanks.
And add to that the absolute joy each and every one of them have when fucking with Rand to fulfil Tara's predictions? *Chef's kiss.* Absolutely beautiful.
There is so much more absolutely fantastic content in this episode, but I just wanna point out the ending where they meet with the client again. Nate is so good with them here. The way he talks to Jodie about her baby and how she will see her late husband in the child, makes me cry every damn time. Just like Tara says, "Yeah, now I see why you do it," this is why this show is so damn good. It's because of this exactly. Because for one shining moment within so much suck and tragedy, there is goodness and a wrong that has been made right. They help people and it isn't just fleeting momentary relief. They change people's lives for the better. I love this fucking show so much.
D: DEAN DEVLIN. W: JOHN ROGERS. Original Air Date: 10 February 2010.
First half of the second finale! Patrick Bonanno my beloved! I get so sad every time he gets shot here. My man deserves better than this. I love Bonanno so damn much, man. I absolutely adore that Nate goes to see his family at the hospital. Like, this is a cop. The very opposite side of the law Nate and his people operate on. But he goes to see him anyway, because this is their cop. And I love that Bonanno's wife recognises Nate's name. "He wanted to buy you a drink. And then arrest you." That's just so good.
I also absolutely love Richard Kind as Brad Culpepper, the corrupt mayor. I would love to see him back in the reboot, but I doubt there'd be any reasonable explanation why on earth they'd have to see this particular mayor again. I just think Richard Kind is an absolutely fantastic actor.
Anyway, favourite moments. Hardison and Eliot at Bonanno's house is beautiful. I am so fond of how Hardison deals with law enforcement while impersonating law enforcement. He tears them down and builds them back up again, every single time. And I adore how Eliot just smiles at his antics. He crawls around on that carpet with the young cop and Eliot just stands there and smiles. I love them, guys. I really do. Parker pretending to be Brad's pregnant lover with Tara's help is also just most excellent.
And of course: Roy Chappell. Baseball Eliot, my most beloved. There is so much to love about this whole concept. Eliot's reluctance at first because he doesn't like baseball. The discovery that baseball is actually something cool and something he is good at. His absolute childlike joy at the energy drink commercial Hardison made him. His damn hair during the actual game. The sandwich! The enthusiasm about the sandwich. Hardison admitting that the sandwich thing is cool.
I also absolutely love Hardison and Parker as Beavers Fans. The badly photoshopped picture of Dean Devlin and John Rogers as the radio hosts makes me smile so much. So does hearing their voices on the show. Both Hardison and Parker's phone calls to them are also brilliant. Parker speaking Spanish? Marvelous. The two of them demonstrating the Beavers leaving? *Chef's kiss.*
The final showdown with Brad and then the FBI is also just most excellent. Nate going ballistic on Brad because of Bonanno. Hardison and Lucille. Parker giving Lucille a little kiss before they send her to explode as a distraction. Hardison quoting Spock to say goodbye to Lucille. Hardison being pissed at Nate about Lucille. And of course: Jim Sterling, Interpol. The bastard. I love him.
D: DEAN DEVLIN. W: JOHN ROGERS. Original Air Date: 17 February 2010.
Second half of second finale! And it's a good one, too. This show has absolutely brilliant finales, lemme tell you.
What do we love about this episode? MUCH. Tara's naked bit is excellent. Eliot and Parker sharing a look after watching Tara's naked bit is even better. Parker turning on the porn channels on the hotel tv is hilarious. Eliot talking to the receptionist about the gym is hysterical ("Ah, the fitness spa. Isn't the Zen Steam Garden divine?" / "Yeah....delicious").
Nate on stairs vs Sterling in elevator is probably the pettiest thing I have ever watched on television and it is absolutely amazing. I don't think anything can ever top this as pettiest moment. It is just so good.
Sterling, of course, is always great fun. I love that he has his own little villain theme that announces him before he even enters the screen. Love a good villain theme. And I adore his moment with FBI Bob outside Brad's hotel room.
Sterling: Name's Bob, right? Bob: Yes, sir. Sterling: You've been here the whole time, Bob? Bob: Yes, sir. Sterling: And nobody's gone in or out, Bob? Bob: No, sir. Sterling: Then would you mind explaining, where the HELL THE MAYOR IS?!
Absolutely perfect.
Nate going back to his place always has me all up in my emotions. Also, I think Sterling here absolutely believes that what he is offering Nate, is good for him. That he can save him from himself or something. They were something like friends at some point, after all. And of course, Nate calling Sophie. She is, of course, unbeknownst to him, already on the way to save his ass. But he calls her and finally tells her exactly what she wanted to hear at the end of The Ice Man Job: "I need you. Not the team, me." Sir. I am emo about you.
And then of course the final con and the reveal of Sophie's return. I absolutely love that Parker's first reaction to Tara possibly betraying them was to try and throw her off the roof. That's my girl (I love Tara, but that was fair). Also just, if you pay attention on the boat scenes, you can see Sophie from as early as Kadjic hearing Nate's offer and then leading Nate and Eliot below deck. If you can pick out her hair and know the colour of her coat from the scene in the helicopter, you know that she is there. And then, below deck, you can see her so many times -- at one point essentially back to back with Nate -- before any of the characters know she's there. And can I just say, I absolutely love Nate's completely shocked face when he hears her voice. Those comedically big eyes are just excellent.
Everyone seeing Sophie again is done so well. Hardison and Eliot's confused "Sophie?" when she walks past. Eliot winking at Sophie after they free Nate. Parker hugging her immediately once her and Tara arrive on the ship. Hardison putting his hand on the small of her back as he passes by her to go down the stairs. I just love them all so much.
And lastly of course, the reveal of the plan, Nate cuffing himself to the railing and making Sterling leave his family alone. What Nate says to them always makes me so emo too: "You guys are the most honourable people I have ever met in my life. You have become my family, my only family. And I will never forget that." John Rogers, sir, we need to have some words once I get this lake out of my eyes. And I obviously can't not mention the kiss. Finally, finally Nate gets his shit together. And she slaps him and it is perfect. And then they leave and he sits down and bleeds and Sterling, for a moment, is genuinely concerned about Nate as a person and not merely about Nate as his only way to nail Kadjic.
Bob: Who the hell is this guy? Sterling: I have no idea. Nate: My name is Nate Ford. And I'm a thief.
Yes. Yes you are, you magnificent bastard.
[image taken from the electricnow website]
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tetsvya · 3 years
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❛ does it ever drive you crazy, just how fast the night changes? ❜
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷  daichi has spent days trying to ensure that his first date with you goes as smoothly as possible. unfortunately for him, mother nature has other plans.
➼ song! night changes - one direction
➼ pairing! daichi sawamura x reader
➼ word count! 2.2k
➼ warnings! none
➼ type! fluff
➼ author’s note! first fic of my one direction series!! first one goes to my baby in honor of his birthday! this one is centered more around the concept of the music video rather than the actual lyrics. also, happy new years eve!! i hope 2021 is a better year for all of you! enjoy! <3
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Daichi can't help the way he fidgets in his spot. He's been standing outside your house for nearly three minutes now, trying to work up the courage to knock on your door. His palms are beginning to grow sweaty, and in all honesty, he feels like he might throw up, but he tries to ignore that feeling as best as he can. He's never been one to get so nervous, but he can't help it, not when it comes to you. Swallowing thickly, Daichi sighs through his nose before curling his free hand into a fist. Mustering up whatever courage he has, he timidly brings his fist up to your door, rapping his knuckles against the wood. He's quick to drop his hand back to his side, taking a step back. No going back now.
He waits with a bated breath for a few moments before the door is being pulled open. Daichi's breath is stolen away from him the moment you step into view. His eyes inspect you from head to toe, and he can't help the way his cheeks begin to grow warm. When he glances back up at your face, he's greeted with a soft smile that makes his cheeks burn even more.
"Hi Daichi" Your voice is as sweet as honey and Daichi swears he could listen to it all day.
"Hi" He manages, willing the burning of his cheeks to go away as he flashes you a warm smile, "You look great."
"Thanks!" You beam, your own eyes running up and down his figure. When you meet his eyes, you're sporting that teasing smile of yours that sends his heart into a flurry, "You don't look too bad yourself, captain."
He's sure he's beet red now.
Your laughter fills the air not a moment later, and when you turn away to lock your door, Daichi takes the opportunity to fan his scorching cheeks with his free hand. By the time you're turning back to him, he has his blush mildly under control and his hand held out to you. You take it gleefully, letting him intertwine his fingers with yours as he begins to lead you down the walkway, and onto the sidewalk running alongside the street. You take notice of the picnic basket Daichi is carrying in his other hand, but you choose not to comment on it.
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence as the sun shines down upon the two of you. The air is brisk, a gentle breeze blowing, and when you sneak a glance at Daichi, you take note of the way it rushes through his hair. You have the sudden urge to run your fingers through his hair, curling your fingers into your palm to fight it. This time, it's your cheeks that grow warm as you turn away from him.
Your eyes settle on the surrounding scenery, and you eventually find yourself lost in your own world. Daichi's eyes are drawn to you a few moments later when he hears you begin to hum to yourself. You pay him no mind, unaware of his stare as you slowly begin to swing your intertwined hands back and forth, eyes settled on the rose bushes adorning the outside of a home to the left of you. Daichi feels his heartbeat pick up at the sight. You were so effortlessly beautiful.  Sensing his eyes, you crane your head to the side, eyes meeting his dark brown ones. The smile on your face is instant. Daichi is quick to return it.
"So," You start, the same teasing tone from before as you bump your shoulder against his, "Where exactly are you taking me, captain?"
"We'll be there soon enough" Is all he offers, a cheeky smile adorning his features as he runs his thumb along the smooth skin of the back of your hand. He doesn't miss the way your eyebrows furrow and the tiny pout that pulls your lips downwards at his words, his smile melting into a softer one. The walk continues on for a few more minutes, mindless chatter taking over the comfortable silence the two of you once shared until you eventually reach your destination.
The first thing you take note of is the fact that you're at a park you used to visit frequently as a child, a younger Daichi alongside you. The two of you had always been joined at the hip, you can't help but think. Your eyes are then drawn to the blanket laid out upon the grass, and the pretty flower petals scattered out across it. Daichi can't help but turn to you curiously, a hint of worry in his eyes as he watches you take in your surroundings. He notices the way your lips part just the slightest as your eyes widen, taking it all in. Daichi can't help the nervousness that begins to claw away at him. It's all washed away, however, when you're suddenly beaming, turning to face him as you squeal in excitement, "It's perfect!"
Daichi's cheeks grow warm for the umpteenth time that day as he glances away, a coy smile playing at his lips as his free hand rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, "I'm glad you like it. Suga and Asahi helped plan it."
You're smiling at the thought, envisioning a bossy Suga and dumbfounded Asahi trying to help their best friend. Seemingly knowing what you're thinking, Daichi lets out a boisterous laugh as he tugs you after him, "You really don't want to know."
Your laugh is joyful, warm, as he pulls you over to the blanket. Daichi helps you settle down on the soft material, quick to seat himself beside you as he sets the basket down. You run your fingers over the blanket you sit upon, fingers caressing the flower petals that adorn it. There's a content smile sitting upon your lips.
"Are you hungry?" Daichi asks after a moment of watching you, earning a curt nod from you in response.
"Here," He starts, turning his back to you as he begins to rummage through the picnic basket. Daichi pulls out container after container, setting them down on the blanket, and it doesn't take long for you to notice that they're packed with all of your favorite foods. Well, now you know why Suga had decided he suddenly wanted to know every single thing about you a few days prior. Leave it to Sugawara to be his best friend's spy.
When Daichi turns to face you once more, you're quick to lean in, brushing your lips against the smooth skin of his cheek. Daichi's eyes widen in shock, and when you pull back, you offer him a gentle smile, "Thank you."
"No problem" He manages, growing bashful as he avoids your eyes.
Your smile is soft as he begins to hand you food. The two of you talk about any and every thing, soaking up each other's presence. You scoot closer to him when the air grows colder, and his hand brushes against your's a few times until he eventually settles it on top of yours. Your head falls against his shoulder as you lean into him, shaking with laughter as he tells you dumb jokes, one after another. He has the humor of a dad, but you don't mind. Daichi's eyes sparkle with admiration as he peers down at you. He can't help but press his lips against the crown of your head.
There's a period of time where you try to toss grapes into his mouth, and when he finally manages to catch one, the smile on your face sends a frenzy of butterflies through his stomach. When a flock of ducks waddles past the two of you, he watches as you happily toss them tiny pieces of bread. They waddle away eventually, and the two of you fall into a comfortable silence.
"Daichi?" You start suddenly, peering up at the quickly darkening sky. He hums, turning towards you to see you with your head tilted back, eyes settled on the sky. Daichi does the same, eyes widening slightly as dark clouds began to gather in the sky, starting to block out the once shining sun. He feels a nudge, and he turns to you to find you glancing at him, an inquisitive look on your face, "You don't think it's going to rain, do you?"
Despite the sinking feeling he gets in his stomach, Daichi shakes his head, offering you a reassuring smile, "No, I'm sure we'll be fine."
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"It hasn't rained like this in forever!" You call out, the loud patter of the rain drowning out your words. Daichi nods, using the hold he has on your wrist to tug you along with him. Soft droplets of water fall upon the two of you, making your clothes stick to your body. The feeling of your clothes clinging to you is one that is rather uncomfortable, but you don't really mind it, not when Daichi's hand is in yours, the warmth of his palm heating up yours. He pulls you under the awning of some shop, sheltering you from the rain. Daichi turns back to you, eyebrows creased in what you believe to be annoyance. His cheeks have grown red from the cold weather, chest heaving from practically sprinting in order to avoid the rain.
"I'm sorry about the rain, I guess we forgot to check the weather" Daichi admits, disappointment swelling inside of him. He can't help but think that the day is ruined, but you have other plans, eyes settling on the gentle downpour.
"It's okay" You shrug, eyes twinkling under the streetlights as you turn back to him. "Besides, I've always wanted to dance in the rain."
"That sounds fun. Wait, what—" Daichi isn't granted the chance to finish his sentence as you reach out, fingers enclosing around his wrist. Using all your strength, you yank the boy out from under the awning and right back into the rain. The rain pelts down on your skin, matting your hair to your forehead, yet you don't mind it this time, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk to turn towards Daichi. You drop his wrist and smile at him.
"Dance with me!" You shout, and Daichi can't help but think you've gone crazy.
"Absolutely not" He shakes his head, trying to pull you back under the awning, but you hold your ground, "You're gonna get sick."
"I'm gonna dance with or without you, Daichi" A sigh slips past his lips as he knows you're not going to relent, and he's actively trying to avoid looking at you, knowing he can’t say no to you for long.
"You're really gonna make me dance all alone?" There's the tiniest pout on your lips, and Daichi feels his cheeks warm up as embarrassment rushes through him.
"Uh," He splutters, rubbing the back of his neck, "I'm not really the best dancer."
"So?" Your reply is instant, eyebrow shooting up as you tug on his hand, "I can't dance either, can I?"
Daichi thinks back to the many times he's witnessed you dancing, and with the face he makes at the thought, you know he's not going to refute your words.
"There's no music" He tries to argue, but you're having none of it.
"Don't need any!" You shout over the sound of the heavy rain, and when Daichi peers at you, taking in your soaked state and determined eyes, he knows you're not going to change your mind, and he figures he's probably going to get sick either way, so why not? Still, he rather reluctantly places his hand in your outstretched one.
Your smile is infectious, and Daichi wouldn't be able to himself from returning it even if he wanted to. You place his hands on your waist, before wrapping your own arms around his neck. You begin to hum an upbeat tune as the two of you sway on your feet. Daichi feels all his worries melt away as your hum fills his ears, and you feel him relax under your touch.
You laugh every time he stumbles over your feet, and you nearly stumble to the ground when he attempts to twirl you around. People passing by can't help but stare at the two of you, and you know they probably think the two of you are nuts as the rain continues to fall, soaking you and Daichi to the core, but neither of you mind. Eventually, your head falls against his chest as he pulls you in closer, softly swaying you back and forth. The rain has softened to a drizzle, and your eyes have fallen shut as you fall into a state of peace.
"You know, your parents are probably going to kill me if you get sick" Daichi murmurs, resting his chin on top of your head as he slowly moves along with you.
You hum in acknowledgment of his words, wrapping your arms tighter around him, "No they won't. They love you, more than me sometimes, I think."
Daichi's body shakes with his laughter, and he feels you smile against his chest at the sound.
"And what about you?" He can't help but ponder, glancing down at you when you pull back to be able to peer at his face.
"What do you mean?
"Do you love me?"
The smile you offer him is nothing but sweet, "Of course I do, dummy."
"Good" He murmurs, before pressing his lips against yours. The night might not have gone the way he had expected, but to both you and him, it couldn't have been more perfect.
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