#fanfiction script
oliverreedmasterass · 11 months
Greta Van Fleet having their own Disney Channel show like imagine if they were brought up that way omg
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Synopsis: In this pilot episode of a Disney Channel-esque show, the members of Greta Van Fleet all face their own personal challenges: Josh struggles with writer's block, Jake is convinced the studio is haunted, and Danny and Sam are in the midst of an intense prank war
Words: 5k (but it goes by fast since it's a script, trust me)
Warnings: ghosts/spookiness/hauntings, allusions to insanity, chimpanzees, James Hetfield
The scene opens in the studio. Josh is pacing back and forth while murmuring to himself, Jake is perched on a stool with an acoustic guitar in his hand staring blankly at a wall, Danny is behind his drum kit attempting to twirl his drumsticks around, and Sam is sitting at his keys cradling an impressive cup of coffee. 
JOSH: I can’t believe this. 
JAKE: It’ll come to you, don’t worry. It always does. 
JOSH: No, it’s just, I don’t know. It feels different this time. Like, my brain isn’t coming up with anything. 
DANNY: I think the song you started writing about your rhinestones had potential. 
[Flashback to Josh brainstorming the rhinestone song]
JOSH: Twinkling, glittering, glimmering musical colors radiating on my face, my shining face, beaming at youuuuuuu…
[Cut back to the present]
Josh squints at Danny. It’s obvious he knows Danny is lying. 
JAKE: We have time before this song has to be done, Josh. No need to force it out. 
SAM: [to Jake] Actually I think he would work better under pressure. [to Josh] If we don’t finish this song in the next hour, I’m leaving the band. 
Josh drops to the floor and folds himself up in the fetal position with a moan. 
JAKE: Great idea, Sam. 
Jake sets his guitar down and squats next to Josh so he can place a comforting hand on his shoulder. 
JAKE: [to Josh] Why don’t we give you some space to work out the lyrics? 
Behind Jake and Josh, Sam takes a drink from his coffee and spits it out with a loud “BLEGH!” Everyone turns to look at him. 
DANNY: [cheekily] Burn your tongue? 
SAM: This tastes awful, like a salt lamp! 
JOSH: How do you know what a salt lamp tastes like? 
With a wide grin, Danny removes a handful of empty salt packets from his pocket and holds them up to Sam to see. 
DANNY: Gotcha. 
SAM: No! 
JAKE: Is this a part of your stupid prank war? 
SAM: It’s not stupid. 
DANNY: I’m beating Sam by a landslide. I only have to prank him three more times and then the crown will be mine. Sam, you have what? Seven more pranks? You’d think with two older brothers and all, you’d be a lot better at this. 
SAM: You haven’t seen my best pranks yet. 
DANNY: I’m hoping they’re better than drawing a banana on my drum kit. And my car. Actually, why do you keep drawing bananas on my stuff? 
SAM: It’s funny. 
DANNY: It’s annoying. 
Josh groans from the floor. 
JAKE: C’mon, Josh. Get up. 
Jake helps a limp Josh back to his feet and makes sure that he’s going to stand upright when he releases his grip on his shoulders. Josh looks dazed but stands vertically, which earns him a pat on the head from Jake. 
JOSH: I’m gonna get the studio to myself? 
JAKE: Yeah, we’ll give you some space to actually hear your own thoughts.
In the background, Danny crawls on his hands and knees to Sam’s feet where he proceeds to tie his shoelaces together. Sam is blissfully ignorant, giving his rank coffee another testing sip, which he spits out again. 
JOSH: Okay, yeah, hear my thoughts, good, yeah. 
Jake grabs his guitar and leads the way out of the studio, giving Josh a quick wave which Josh returns. Danny follows behind Jake and Sam stands to his feet, still unaware of his shoelaces. 
SAM: [whispering to Josh] Hey, give me a call if you need any help. 
JOSH: Thanks, I won’t. 
SAM: I’ve got some good ideas to motivate you to write something. 
JOSH: I don’t trust you. 
SAM: I’m only a phone call away. 
JOSH: Please leave the room, Sam. 
SAM: You’ve got it, brother. 
Sam starts to take a step forward and promptly tumbles to the ground with a thump. Danny and Jake pop their heads back into the room and start to laugh and taunt Sam, who is staring down at his feet in awe. 
DANNY: [calling from outside the room] It’s too easy! 2 pranks to go! 
Sam grumbles, hastily unties his shoes, and then ducks out of the room, hanging his head in embarrassment. The door slams shut, finally engulfing Josh in silence. He closes his eyes and lets in a deep inhale, followed by a long exhale. He opens his eyes and sits on the floor next to a notepad and pen that had obviously been discarded in frustration earlier. 
Starcatchers Theme/Opening Titles
[acoustic theme song with a harmonica] 
From the fires we emerged anew, 
Singing, playing rock and roll, 
Reviving a genre just for you. 
Across the globe we traveled far
Recruiting an army of peace, 
Enchanting crowds with our guitar. 
A battle ensued at the Gardens Gate
And we preserved the gift of nature, 
Standing up against a culture of hate.  
We are the Starcatchers, reaching for the sky, 
Discovering words of wisdom to live by. 
We deliver a message from the heavens above:
Live your legend through the intelligence of love. 
[end theme] 
JOSH: [to the camera] It’s one song. Just a single song. What does it matter? People can never understand what I’m saying anyways, I could write literally anything. 
Josh immediately stares daggers at his notepad, deep in thought. His face is starting to turn red and his eyes bug out. He stops before his head explodes and throws himself on his back, staring up at the ceiling of the studio. 
JOSH: Nothing. 
Across the hall and a few doors down, Jake is in an empty studio, walking in circles while strumming his acoustic guitar. 
JAKE: [singing] What will we do with a drunken sailor? What will we do with a drunken sailor? What will we do with a drunken sailor ear-lay in tha mornin’! Way hay and up she rises, way hay and up she rises, way hay and up-
Jake is cut off by the sound of something scraping against wood. Jake’s face pales in fear and he whirls around in a quick circle, searching for the source of the sound. 
JAKE: I just wanna say, for the record, I can kick really, really hard. 
The scraping suddenly stops and Jake lets out a sigh of relief. Then, he catches a glimpse of a water bottle quickly jerking across a table in the corner of the room. It seems as though it moved on its own. In a blind panic, Jake drops his guitar and books it for the studio door. He jiggles and pushes on the handle to no avail. The door appears to be locked. 
JAKE: Ruh roh raggy.
Jake is breathing heavily now, well beyond the brink of panic, and starts to kick the door with all of his might. The threat he threw out earlier has some merit: he can kick really, really hard, but the door doesn’t budge. Jake squeezes his eyes shut and smacks his forehead.
JAKE: C'mon, brain. Give me something.  
Jake grabs hold of the door knob again. He twists the handle and tries pushing out, but the door is still sealed shut. Jake turns the knob again and pulls the door towards him. The door opens. 
JAKE: [staring at the door warily] You’ve got to be kidding me. 
Now free from the haunted studio room, Jake runs down the hallway as fast as he can, past Danny, who is sitting in the studio lobby. 
JAKE: Ghosts! 
Danny watches Jake run past and then, unbothered, looks back down at his phone. Behind him, Sam sneaks along the wall of the lobby like he’s in Mission Impossible, armed with two bananas. He creeps closer to Danny and can’t help but let out a soft laugh, which makes Danny turn around. 
DANNY: What’s going on? 
Sam quickly retracts both hands behind his back to hide the bananas. 
SAM: Nothing…
DANNY: What have you got behind your back? 
SAM: Oh, you know, stuff. Taxes. I have taxes. 
Before Sam can react, Danny springs to his feet, barrels towards Sam, grabs his arms, and tugs them out in front of him so Danny can see the two bananas. Danny and Sam both stare down at what’s in Sam’s hands, and then Danny shoots Sam a tired look. 
DANNY: More bananas? 
SAM: Hyah!
Sam tosses the two bananas at Danny’s chest so they hit him with a soft thump before dropping to the floor. Danny stares down at the bananas, expressionless. 
DANNY: You just bruised two perfectly good bananas. 
SAM: Pick them up, you’ll get the prank. It’s a really stellar one. 
Danny looks like he doesn’t want to, but he grabs the bananas and turns them around in his hands with his eyebrows arched. 
DANNY: Oh my god. You drew my car and drum kit on these? 
SAM: I’m on my A-game now, Daniel! 
Sam runs off, cackling loudly. Danny watches him go and shakes his head. 
DANNY: [to the camera] What does he think a prank is? 
Danny places the bananas on the lobby table and then sighs and walks in the direction Sam went, passing by the studio where Josh is currently holed up. In the studio, Josh is stationed in front of a whiteboard. 
JOSH: What story should I tell? What needs to be added to the Greta Van Fleet universe? [Speaking aloud as he writes on the whiteboard using a sharpie] I get carsick. No. Jake’s feet smell bad. No. Womb memories. No. European architecture. No. Argh! 
Josh launches the sharpie off to the side and it crashes against one of Danny’s cymbals. 
JOSH: This is impossible. I can’t do this by myself. 
Josh eyes a landline phone sitting in the studio. The screen splits in two as Josh calls James Hetfield, and he answers the phone. 
JAMES: Howdy, it’s the beast under your bed, in your closet, in your head. What can I do for ya? 
JOSH: Hey, quick question, do you ever have such a hard time writing a song that you want to pull your brain out of your head and play basketball with it? 
JAMES: Can’t say that I have. 
JOSH: Darn. 
JAMES: Want some advice? Don’t answer that. I’m gonna give it to you anyway. Write about the things that make your skin crawl, that make you shiver, that your brain actively avoids thinking about. That’s where your most complex emotions lay. 
JOSH: Eighteen wheelers. I’m certain they can’t see me when I’m driving next to them. 
JAMES: No, I’m talking about like the lowest of lows here. Think war, famine, plague, climate change, scary stuff. 
JOSH: Chimpanzees. Ooh, I’m getting shivers. I think it’s working, James!
JAMES: Oh, um, okay, get to writing then, Josh. I won’t keep you. 
With an air of triumph, Josh slams the phone down. 
Outside the studio, Jake is talking on the phone with a 9-1-1 operator. 
JAKE: I don’t think you understand what I’m saying, the water bottle moved. 
9-1-1 OPERATOR: No, I get what you’re saying. That’s not an emergency, sir. 
JAKE: Listen to me, the water bottle moved on its own. There’s something paranormal happening here, and I don’t want a poltergeist situation going down. Being sucked into a spooky closet is one of my top 10 fears. 
9-1-1 OPERATOR: I’m going to hang up. I have other calls to get to.
The line disconnects. Jake huffs and jams his phone back into his pocket. 
JAKE: How do they not have a paranormal sub-department? 
In the background in the parking lot of the studio, Danny tiptoes into frame with a marshmallow gun and a pair of goggles on. He scans the area and then crouches down, on the prowl, trying to find Sam. 
DANNY: [softly] Sammy, come out and play. I’ve got a little treat for you. 
Danny continues creeping around the cars and, as he moves past Sam’s Tesla, Sam jumps out of the trunk, decked out in a banana costume. 
Sam reaches into his back pocket and retrieves a new banana, which he once again throws at Danny. 
SAM: How does it ‘peel’ to get pranked this hard, Daniel? 
Sam proudly removes himself from the trunk and stands in front of Danny, placing his hands on his hips with confidence. Danny can’t help but silently unload his marshmallow gun on Sam, pummeling him with mini marshmallows. Sam squeaks out in shock and ducks into a ball on the pavement. Danny continues until he’s out of marshmallows. 
DANNY: [down to Sam] One more prank to go. 
SAM: [coughing up marshmallows] You’ll never win. 
Jake runs over to his band members. 
JAKE: [still unbelievably on edge] There is something creepy afoot here. 
DANNY: I’ve told you before, Jake, the moaning sounds you keep hearing are coming from the experimental band’s sessions down the hall. 
JAKE: A water bottle moved right in front of my eyes. 
SAM: [mocking, from the ground] Ooh scary. 
Jake picks up a marshmallow from the ground and proceeds to chuck it at Sam. 
JAKE: [back to Danny] There’s a ghost in there and it’s upset that we’re invading its space. I’m gonna get sucked into a closet if I go back in there, and I can’t risk it. 
Danny and Sam exchange a glance. 
DANNY: I’ll go back in with you and show you that there’s nothing to worry about. 
SAM: And I’ll stay here because I really don’t care.
Danny shoots Sam a look and then guides a reluctant Jake back towards the studio. 
JAKE: Do you have any holy water on you? 
DANNY: I don’t think that works on ghosts, Jake. What do you think we’re up against here? 
JAKE: I want to be prepared for anything. 
Even though Jake is dragging his heels, Danny succeeds in pushing him through the front doors and guides him past the lobby, towards the “haunted” studio. Jake once again looks pale as a sheet. 
DANNY: See? Nothing supernatural going on here. Except you. God, you look like a ghost. 
JAKE: [whispering] I’m a ghost? 
DANNY: No, no, come on, show me the room where it happened. 
Jake starts to cautiously step towards the room when they hear Josh belting out lyrics down the hall. Danny and Jake stop in their tracks and listen. 
JOSH: Ooh! Ooh! Aah! Aah! Chimpanzee on my mind, coming near me, he’s by my side! 
Without uttering a word, it’s mutually agreed between Danny and Jake that they need to step in before Josh writes any more terrible lyrics. They both move to his studio door and storm in. Josh is sitting on a stool, shaking a tambourine, but stops when he notices them. 
JOSH: Something wrong? 
JAKE: What the hell are you singing? 
JOSH: [cautiously] The new song? 
DANNY: Chimpanzee on my mind? 
JOSH: You don’t like it? 
JAKE: Our album is called Starcatcher, Josh. Could you write about something a bit more on theme than apes? 
JOSH: [matter of factly] They sent a chimp to space.
DANNY: This is a good starting point, Josh. Maybe try to work with something a bit more abstract. How do chimps in space make you feel? 
JOSH: Confused. 
DANNY: Okay? Try to work off of that. 
JOSH: Yeah, yeah, okay. 
Josh shoos Jake and Danny out of the studio and looks back at his notepad with a sigh. Jake and Danny step out of the room and move back towards the haunted studio. Jake stands by the door, glued in place. Danny watches him. 
DANNY: Should I? 
Jake purses his lips and nods. Danny slowly pushes the door open and steps in first. Jake hesitantly follows behind him. Danny scans around. 
DANNY: Everything looks normal to me. 
Jake has peeled himself away from Danny and is stationed in front of the haunted water bottle, where all of his problems began. 
JAKE: [pointing a half centimeter to the right of where the water bottle is now sitting] It used to be here. But now it’s here. 
DANNY: Uh huh. 
JAKE: It jerked over on its own. I was nowhere near it. And there were weird scratching noises too. Maybe there’s something in the walls. 
DANNY: Like a squirrel? 
JAKE: Like a ghoul. 
DANNY: You know, what is a ghoul? 
JAKE: A force you shouldn’t reckon with. 
DANNY: I wish you could be a bit more specific sometimes. 
JAKE: I can’t help that I’m mysterious. 
DANNY: No, actually I do think that’s something you can help - 
A chilling sound fills the studio. 
MYSTERIOUS GHOSTLY VOICE: Oohhohohooooohhhhhoooooooooo
Jake screams and jumps into Danny’s arms. Danny instinctually catches Jake. The lights start to flicker.
Danny runs out of the studio anyways and bumps into Sam, still dressed in the banana costume, in the hall. 
SAM: What’s going on? 
JAKE: [not making any sense] Water bottle and wood and oohhhooooohooohooo sounds and ghouls and spooky and closets and - 
SAM: Danny? 
DANNY: The studio is haunted. 
SAM: Oh, word. 
Jake squirms out of Danny’s arms and faces Sam. 
JAKE: You’re not freaked out? 
SAM: Why should I be? 
JAKE: Ghosts, Sam! They’ll get you! They’re always two steps ahead. 
SAM: Ghosts don’t have feet. 
JAKE: It’s an expression, Sam! 
Cut to Josh in his studio. Jake and Sam’s argument is muffled outside the door, but still audible. Josh sits back on the ground in front of his notepad and pen. 
JOSH: C’mere, lyrics, pspspsp, come to papa. 
This obviously does not work. 
JOSH: [tapping his pen on his chin] Maybe I’d be inspired by our old lyrics? Uhhh what’s a good one? Light My Love? Your mind is a stream of colors. Stream of colors, stream of colors, stream of co-lors. Stream of co…Hmmm. That’s it! A stream of consciousness! That should give me something to work with. 
Josh picks up his pen, suddenly filled with a new surge of energy, and starts to scribble on his paper. A montage of Josh writing in different dramatic angles plays with a song similar to Gonna Fly Now blaring in the background. He finishes writing and drops his smoking pen to the floor. 
JOSH: There. 
As if he’s dealing with an ancient relic, Josh carefully lifts the notepad up to his eyeline and carefully scans over what he wrote. 
JOSH: [reading aloud] All work and no play makes Josh a dull boy. All work and no play makes Josh a dull boy. All work and no play makes Josh a dull boy. Oh god! It goes on for four and a half pages! 
Josh crumples the pages into tight balls and eats them, removing the evidence. Josh approaches the glass panel separating the studio from the sound booth and looks at his reflection, jabbing his finger into his reflection’s shoulder. 
JOSH: No one can know about this, you hear me? No one! This is between you and me. 
JOSH’S REFLECTION: Whatever you say, boss. 
Josh shakes his head and backs away from his reflection. 
JOSH: Woah. [to the camera] I wonder if Carole King has to deal with this. 
JOSH’S REFLECTION: She doesn’t, but James Taylor does. 
Josh hops away from the glass in shock and returns to the whiteboard in a daze. 
JOSH: [to himself] It’s all in your head. 
He attempts to wipe his previous notes away, but it’s not working since he wrote them out in sharpie. Josh drops his arms in defeat. 
JOSH: What’s the point? 
Josh reassumes his spot on the ground in the fetal position. In the studio lobby, Jake is in a similar position on the sofa, staring down at his knees in muted shock. Sam is sitting next to him, still in the banana costume, awkwardly patting his legs. Danny enters back into the room and takes a seat across from Sam and Jake. 
DANNY: I didn’t hear any weird noises in any of the other studios. Well, actually, I think I heard Josh talking to himself, but that’s not out of the ordinary. 
SAM: [to Jake] Hear that? The spooky ghost is on vacation. 
JAKE: [softly] Ghosts can’t go on vacation. 
SAM: How do you know? Are you a ghost? 
Jake huffs but doesn’t continue to argue. 
SAM: [to Danny] One of the assistants brought in some smoothies if you want one, they’re pretty good. 
DANNY: Oh cool, thanks. 
Danny grabs one of the smoothies from the table and takes a long sip. Sam is staring at him, looking on the brink of laughter. Danny sets the smoothie down and eyes Sam. 
DANNY: What? 
SAM: Got you! 
DANNY: [paling] What? What did you do? 
SAM: I put a little extra something in your smoothie. 
Jake untucks himself out of his fetal position to watch the exchange between Danny and Sam. This is some interesting stuff. 
DANNY: Sam, what did you do? 
Sam, beaming wide, pulls out a banana peel and drops it on the floor in front of Danny. Danny looks down at it. 
DANNY: I don’t get it. 
SAM: I put a banana in your smoothie! 
DANNY: Are you being serious? 
SAM: Samuel Francis Kiszka does it again! 
JAKE: Sam, smoothies already have bananas in them. It’s literally one of the main ingredients.
DANNY: Oh thank god, I thought you put laxatives in there. 
SAM: The banana strikes again! I’m right on your tail, Daniel! 
JAKE: I don’t think putting a banana in a smoothie counts as a prank, Sam. 
Sam pouts. A bang and a crash comes from down the hall where Josh is. Jake springs to his feet in alarm. 
JAKE: Josh? 
Completely forgetting about his paralyzing fear of the haunted studio, Jake rushes down the hall to Josh. Danny and Sam trail behind him. Jake throws open the door to the studio and gapes at Josh, who is bashing a tambourine against the glass panel separating the studio from the sound booth. 
JOSH: Stop! Talking! To! Me! Get! Out! Of! My! Head!
JAKE: Josh! Our insurance doesn’t cover trashed studios! 
Josh continues banging on the glass. It’s as if he doesn’t realize Jake is there. Jake tries to turn Josh around to face him, but Josh doesn’t budge. From Josh’s perspective, he’s smacking his reflection with the tambourine while his reflection laughs and taunts him. 
JOSH: Your treacherous ridicule will never break me! 
Danny rushes to Josh’s side and drenches him with a bucket of ice water, finally snapping Josh out of his spell. He stumbles back from the glass a few steps and then holds at his head and grunts. 
JOSH: [dejected] I didn’t write the new song. I got distracted. 
SAM: Yeah, obviously. 
Josh looks Sam down in his banana costume. 
JOSH: Did Danny and Jake tell you about my chimpanzee song? Did you like it or something? Is this an act of solidarity? 
SAM: Wait, you wrote a song about chimpanzees? 
JOSH: James Hetfield told me to write about something that scares me. 
SAM: And you wrote about chimpanzees? 
JOSH: He shot down my idea about eighteen wheelers. 
Sam doesn’t know how to respond to this. 
JOSH: I’m sorry, you guys. I’m just not getting inspired in the right way. I don’t know if the lyrics are ever gonna come to me. 
DANNY: Hey, they will. It just takes some time. 
JAKE: I say we call it quits for the day. I wanna get out of here. 
JOSH: [finally taking in Jake’s face for the first time] You look like you saw a ghost. What’s up with you? 
JAKE: [whispering] That’s exactly what happened to me. 
JOSH: Okay, yeah, let’s get out of here. 
Jake and Josh move for the door but then stop when they realize Sam and Danny aren’t following behind them. 
JOSH: You guys coming? 
SAM: We’ll be right behind you, just give us a second. 
Jake and Josh shrug and leave Sam and Danny behind. They move down the hallway and, when they pass the haunted studio, clawing noises sound inside the door. Jake and Josh exchange a terrified look. 
JOSH: Is that? 
JAKE: Yeah. 
They’re both stuck in place, staring at the door in fear. The door starts to thump and spooky sounds come from inside the room. Before Jake or Josh can react, two sets of hands pop out of the door and drag them into the room. 
JOSH: Oh mama! 
Jake and Josh are standing in the dark as the door slams shut behind them. 
JAKE: Josh? 
A bunch of crashing noises sound and Jake lets out a yelp. 
JOSH: Sorry, I tripped over something. 
Jake fumbles for his phone and turns the flashlight on. Across from him he can see a panic-stricken Josh, his eyes darting around looking for danger. Jake slowly moves the flashlight around the studio, taking in the empty space, and then lets out a holler when he sees a shadowed figure standing in the corner of the room. Josh sees what he’s looking at and screams as well. 
JOSH: It’s a chimpanzee! 
JAKE: What? No, it’s a vengeful spirit! 
The shadowed figure starts to slowly move closer to them and Jake and Josh embrace in a tight hug, screaming. 
JOSH: [shrill] Stay back! 
JAKE: I’m gonna kick you so hard in the gonads! 
The shadowed figure stops about 20 feet away from Jake and Josh. 
SHADOWED FIGURE: [in a large and booming voice] Jacob Thomas Kiszka and Joshua Michael Kiszka! 
Jake and Josh scream at the top of their lungs, still hugging. 
SHADOWED FIGURE: You have continually trespassed on my territory. You must face a reckoning for your carelessness. 
JOSH: Would a simple sorry suffice? 
Jake and Josh cower further. 
SHADOWED FIGURE: You must go through the spooky door to another dimension. 
JAKE: Oh god, no! Anything but that! 
The door to the studio flings open on its own. Strobe lights and smoke flood into the studio from the door and Jake and Josh shield their eyes in fear. They both back up against the wall farthest from the door.
SHADOWED FIGURE: Whatever you think is beyond that door, it’s worse. 
JOSH: [whispering to himself] Eighteen wheelers. 
JOSH: Oh god not a countdown. 
JAKE: What do we do? 
JOSH: It’s been nice knowing you, little bro. 
Jake whirls to face Josh. 
JAKE: By five minutes! 
Sam jumps between Jake and Josh, still in his banana costume. 
Jake and Josh jump about 4 feet in the air. 
The lights to the studio flick back on and Jake and Josh are greeted by the sight of Sam and Danny standing in front of them, laughing hard. Danny is wearing a cloak, revealing him to be the shadowed figure. Jake pushes out of Josh’s embrace and storms up to Sam and Danny. 
JAKE: You need to start explaining yourselves now. 
Sam puts his hands up, guilty as charged. 
DANNY: I thought Sam was easy to prank, I guess it’s actually all the Kiszkas. 
SAM: It’s amazing what a voice changing microphone and some strobe lights can do. 
DANNY: And a fishing line. 
JAKE: A fishing line?
Sam moves over to the haunted water bottle, steps behind the piano, and tugs on a string, making the bottle lurch to the side. Jake stares, dumbfounded. 
JAKE: It was all you? 
Sam and Danny share a glance. 
DANNY: I mean, yeah. 
JAKE: Why I oughta…
Jake moves his foot back, ready to kick Sam and Danny with all of his might when Josh speaks up, capturing all of their attention. 
JOSH: I felt like such a massive chicken back there. But I think I finally understand what James was trying to tell me. I’m terrified of the unknown, of a feeling of hopelessness, where everything is crashing and burning around you, but you have to try and hold things together.  
SAM: My god, he’s doing it. 
Josh is already booking it back to his studio. 
JOSH: The lyrics are coming! They’re crowning! 
Jake looks back and forth between Danny and Sam like he still really wants to kick them, but ends up shaking his head and following behind Josh. Josh needs supervision in the studio moving forward - he can’t be left alone anymore. 
SAM: That was one hell of a prank, Danny. 
DANNY: I’m glad we could team up against Jake and Josh. They need a little humbling from time to time. 
SAM: I couldn’t have said it any better. 
Sam clasps Danny on the back and then motions towards the door. 
SAM: Wanna watch Josh’s creative genius at work? 
DANNY: I do like it when he yells, “BAJABULE!” every time he gets down a verse. 
Danny walks past Sam and moves through the door. Sam happily follows behind him. When Danny turns into the hallway, he subtly drops the banana peel that Sam had thrown in front of him earlier. Sam doesn’t notice and steps on it, slipping backwards and falling with a loud THUD. 
DANNY: Victory, baby!! 
SAM: [dramatically groaning from the ground] What a tragic end to a war. 
DANNY: Eat it! 
Danny does an impressive victory dance over Sam, who is still sprawled on the floor in defeat. Transition to Josh, Jake, Danny, and Sam playing The Falling Sky in the studio. As the song finishes, they all come together. 
JOSH: For a while there, I really thought I would never be able to write a song again.  
DANNY: We’ve got a real winner on our hands. You know, like me. 
SAM: Drop it, Daniel. 
DANNY: I think you owe me something, Sam. 
Sam grumbles but takes his bass off, retreats to the side of the studio, and returns with a crown made out of bananas. He brings it to Danny and places it on his head. 
SAM: [emotionless] I hereby pronounce you, Daniel Jean Louise Marie Wagner, King of the Pranks. All hail the king. 
Jake approaches Sam and Danny. 
JAKE: As a congratulations, I would like to extend my foot into both of your shins. 
As Jake is about to do this, the lights in the studio flicker out. 
JOSH: The same joke twice isn’t very funny, guys.
JAKE: I didn’t think it was that funny the first time around. 
DANNY: We didn’t do anything. 
SAM: Yeah, that wasn’t us. 
Chimp noises sound around the dark room. The band screams. 
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anonymouswriter151 · 1 year
OUTER BANKS SEASON 4 - episode 1 fanscript
Hey, as an aspiring screenwriter I decided to write a script for what I would love to see in the next season. 
Feel free to take a look! If you like Outer Banks, angst and are also obsessed with where this story goes next give it a read! 
As its in script format, I can’t upload to ao3 or any sites like that unfortunately, I wrote it on celtx, but here is a read only link:
A bit about my thought process for the script:
I really wanted to focus the episode on the Pogues and what life and their relationships look like after the time jump. The main theme of the script is the idea of coming home, back together as a family.
I felt like as many people turn 19/20, their friendships often grow apart and I thought the same might be true of the Pogues. The ceremony that is shown after the time jump at the end of season 3, celebrating their achievements is what brings them back together.
I also aimed to deal with the question of whether finding the gold would have brought them all the happiness they dreamed of, and also tried to reference the trauma that they all endured in a small way here or there. 
Anyway this is my first ever script so please be kind. 
I also didn’t want to delve into the Blackbeard plot, hence why this episode takes place over the few days leading up to and including the ceremony.
I tried to get as much of the characters voices in it as I could.��
Anyway, hopefully this feels like a warm hug to all of you who also missed the Pogues just being Pogues, and their relationships to each other away from the high stakes plot that drove Season 3 (as exciting as it was).
Also as a new writer I just wanted to do something more character focused than plot driven.   
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shironezuninja · 2 years
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Early sushi dinner and Mets game is delaying news time again.
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carolinanadeau · 4 months
"this female character is underdeveloped" TO YOU. I can read subtext and I know all about her backstory and her rich inner life. also she told me personally
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io-lu-art · 4 months
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Part 1 of 2... mayybeee?
This scene's been in my head for so long but in order to get there I need to write all the yet non existent scenes that build up to this moment and so many many others * cries *
So instead of writing it I am drawing it to get it off my chest... however productive that is, I have no idea.
It may not even end up like this in the final story. What do I know. This is gonna be act 3. I'm not even through writing act 1. So much can change.
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ddejavvu · 10 months
Do you think you could do Sirius Black with the “I hate everyone but you.” Personality.
James is immediately alerted to your glum mood when you sit down without so much as a greeting, and he leans across the table with narrowed eyes.
"What's'a matter, Y/L/N?"
"Sirius is mad at me." You reveal drearily, wrapping your hand around the fork set at your place even if you don't feel like eating.
"Oh," James's brow scrunches, "Don't take it personal, babe. He's having a shit day, he heard from his mum. Nothing nice, I bet. Wouldn't let me see it. Just- he's grouchy with everyone today, don't let it bother you."
"But he told me to come back tomorrow," You recount, "Like he can't stand seeing me for the entire day! What am I supposed to do, James, we're set to study in the library at three. And- and I could help him! I could be there for him, but he's pushing me away instead."
James's brows raise, and a pitying smile works its way over his face, "Love. You're the kind of person that wants to be around people all the time. You seek comfort out when you're sad; Sirius doesn't. If you love him, y'gotta let him sulk for a bit. Then he'll come to you. And-" His nose scrunches, his brows wrinkled, "And all he said was 'come back tomorrow'? That's nothing. He told me to get my bespectacled arse out of the room before he shut the window on my head."
Your face contorts in horror, "James! James, that's so mean, are you okay?"
"I'm fine, darling." He snickers, "That's what I mean, that's just what Sirius does."
"Not to me he doesn't," You frown, "That's not okay, James, he should treat you better than that."
"He's having a rough time," James shrugs, "Doesn't bother me. He's all talk, he'd never do any of it. Just needs to blow off steam, y'know? And I think we both know why he tones it down for you, Y/N."
"I'm not special," You snap, reigniting the age-old argument between you and James that Sirius totally does not have feelings for you, not one bit.
"Right," James gives you an overexaggerated roll of his eyes, curls bouncing as he does so, "That's why he threatened to behead me and all he did to you was kindly shoo you away."
"Maybe you just piss him off more than me," You stick your tongue out at him, and turn to Remus for support as the boy sits down beside you.
"Morning," James takes the lead, shooting you a smirk out of the corner of his eye, "Talk to Sirius today, Moony?"
"Little shit told me if I didn't stop talking to him - which I only tried once, by the way," Remus groans, "- he'd 'mess me up' so hard my transformations felt like reprieve."
James's eyes widen and he tries tamping down a snort, tucking into his breakfast instead. Remus turns to you and your once-more incredulous gaze, scoffing lightly, "And I suppose he just told you to come back tomorrow?"
"That's exactly it!" James slams a fist on the table, a chunk of egg flying from his mouth that Remus shakes off of his hand with a grimace, "Moony, tell her she's special."
"I'm not special," You desperately try deluding yourself, shoveling your own forkful of food into your mouth as soon as you're done speaking, so that you don't have to answer to their protests, "He just hates you both."
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artaxerxesthegreat · 1 year
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fjordline · 11 months
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little images while i draw something more substantial
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kiwi-cult · 24 days
Hi. This is mostly for the people from Discord but tadah! I'm finally making that Tumblr post I've been talking about for months.
(Warning this will probably be very chaotic)
To anyone new who sees this: me and some friends made an alphabet for Parseltongue from Harry Potter, aka Parselscript. I'll take you on a little journey to explain my process and give you some tips, should you want to start writing it.
Disclaimer: I wanted to make this script usable for the writer I made it for so it's less of an actual language and more just some characters to represent the Latin (or ‘English’) letters. Like a cipher. It is not realistic. If I made this realistic I'd have to add all sorts of things to indicate body language and smell etc and also have to figure out what sounds Parseltongue actually has etcetera etcetera. No.
It all started when we started talking about Parselscript in a Discord server and I asked my friend Ava to visualise the script because she seemed to have a clear vision of it, so I could use it to go from there.
That's how we got this.
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I think we all wanted to go with something flowery for some reason, so we did.
After this I just messed around with brushes and shapes in Procreate for a while, tweaking things and trying to make it more writeable. I ended up with something like this (still a rough draft).
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It may look a bit like random squiggles at first, and it kinda was at this point. As you can see there's also a lot of added dots and lines, which can be a bit hard to remember and I see you wondering what it looks like without them.
Well here it is.
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I showed this to the people I brainstormed with in Discord and we decided to go with the more complicated version because it looks better lol.
This is one of the final versions.
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It says: "Hello, my name is Kiwi Cult. I made this script after reading a fanfic called Terrible, But Great written by Isalise the loml on Archive Of Our Own."
Now, to talk about some of the (boring) logistics.
It is read from left to right, top to bottom.
Every separate combination of squiggles you see above is a separate word. Every word is made up of a starting character, one or more letter characters and an ending character.
The very first character you see in the top left corner, with the three petal looking thingies, is a silent starting character that indicates the start of a sentence. Not word: sentence. The end of the character, that little circle thingy, is a comma. So, the first combination says: "Hello,".
Then, the second combination starts with a kind of hook going down and right. This is also a silent character and more meant as an interpunction, that's why you don't pronounce it. It's kind of just a way to start the word when there isn't anything special about it (aka it's not the start of a sentence, a name, an exclamation or a question. But every character is special in its own right🥲). The same kind of hook can be found at the bottom of the combination, except going up. It has the same use, basically just a way to end the word when there isn't anything special about it. Now, you might ask: why does it go right and not left?
We talked about this a while, because I wanted the direction to have some kind of meaning. We wondered about gender, tone, blah blah all kinds of complicated things but in the end I just wanted this script to be writable so I chose to have proficient writers in Parseltongue make their hooks go left and beginners have their hooks go right.
Now, you might notice that I end my words with a hook going right. That is because I don't see myself as a pro in writing in Parselscript okay? It's hard!😭💀
Now, other than the character indicating the start of a sentence, the circle, and the simple hook, there are a few other characters to start or end a combination (don't worry I'll show them all to you at the end, you won't have to use your imagination for long).
We have a character to indicate a name. Now, the rule is: name indicator over start of sentence indicator. So, if you start a sentence with a name, you'll use the symbol to indicate a name, NOT BOTH. (That's not even possible but I don't even want to see you try and butcher my child).
There is a character to indicate a sentence that would usually be followed by an exclamation mark (!), but at the start of the sentence. Then you’d end the exclamated sentence with a period.
The same goes for a question mark (?): put it at the start of a question, not the end. Again, it wouldn't even be possible to use it at the end of a combination but I DON'T EVEN WANNA SEE YOU TRY.
Finally we have a period (.), which looks a bit like a flower with four petals. You do use this one at the end of a word, and it is always followed by a start of sentence indicator or a name indicator. I know people are rejecting capitals these days in their typing but I don't wanna see it. If you start a word after a period with a hook I will find you.
So, to put it all next to each other, the symbols we have are: -start of sentence indicator -name indicator -exclamation mark (!) -question mark (?) -period (.) -hook (direction depends on efficiency) -comma (,) (direction depends on efficiency)
I didn't make adjusted characters to indicate a capital letter like we do in the Latin alphabet, meaning that the only things you can kind of 'capitalise' are the start of a sentence and the start of a name.
It is also slightly phonetic. Emphasis on slightly. I made separate characters for almost all letters in the Latin alphabet, so you can just write your word normally with Parselscript characters. The only difference is that I made only one character for the 'f/v' sounds and that there is no 'c' character. If a word has a 'c' in it, you'll have to use the character for a 'k' or an 's'. Also a ‘q’ can be made with ‘k’ and ‘w’ etc.
A few examples: -character=karakter -parselscript=parselskript -crazy=krazy -science=siense
I know it looks a bit confusing, but I trust you guys' ability to read context clues and figure out what someone means when you try to decipher Parselscript.
Now, for a word like 'phonetic' or 'decipher' I don't really care whether you use the separate characters for 'p' and 'h' or just the one for the 'f/v' sound. You do you.
I also don’t use any double letters because they basically sound the same and it looks ugly but if you want to use double symbols feel free.
I also made some numbers that do not look like they fit with the rest of the script but I promise you that's just because you're not used to it yet. Our own numbers don't belong with our alphabet either because we nicked them from the Arabs (I think, don't quote me on this) but we don’t notice that either.
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Tadah. (Yes I know it’s out of order I told you this was gonna be chaotic af)
Other than that, feel free to ask me questions if I've forgotten anything or if you're wondering about anything. I can't guarantee that I have a good answer because I might not even have thought about it myself, but I can always try to come up with something. I am one person, I'm afraid I haven't been able to take everything about a script into consideration.
Now, without further ado; here is the key.
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No, your eyes didn't deceive you: there are two versions. The first has a bit more loose squiggles than the second one. I realised that when I was writing physically, the second version was much nicer to write, so it is kind of like Simplified Parselscript. I haven't decided yet if I'm gonna put some lore behind it or not yet. But I included the og one if you're a tryhard and wanna take it on.
Now, if you're gonna start writing it yourself, here is the stroke order.
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I tried to make it as clear as possible but please ask me if you're confused on anything.
Red is the starting point of the whole symbol, the arrows indicate the direction to go in, x marks the start of the small extra's.
Now, I'd also recommend writing on some type of paper with vertical lines like this if you're gonna do it physically.
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You can just turn a paper with normal, horizontal lines a quarter to get vertical lines. Also, do NOT write in between the lines. They are meant to help you keep the start and ending on the same line so you don't start going into crazy directions while writing. So, start your sentence symbol or hook or whatever in the middle of the line and try to keep coming back to that vertical line after every letter. As you gain more proficiency you'll probably go straight into the next letter without going back to the line all the time but I think this is a good starting point.
I also recommend writing with a fountain pen or something else that flows well because it’s easier to write that way.
Here is another rough draft I made on physical paper to get a feel for it. As you can see this draft had a lot more different starting characters and ending characters so just ignore that. Hope this motivates you a bit or smth.
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Lmk if you want me to post a video of me writing in this Parselscript.
Also please let me know if you know of someone else who's also made a Parselscript because I tried to look for it on Tumblr and Twitter etc but I couldn't find anything.
I also feel like there’s a big mistake I made that I realised the last time I worked on this script but I’ve forgotten it now so if you find out please comment or dm or anything💀
Also feel free to use in your own fic, tho a little tiny shoutout in the a/n would be nice :) I’m @/kiwi_cult on Ao3, @/slvtr_ on Wattpad, @/kiwi cult on ff.net, @/slvtr.1 on TikTok and @/.slvtr on Discord.
@natis-balamnimaja @asterialvia and @/zee (who unfortunately left the server and I don't know the Tumblr @ of) for brainstorming with me and @isalisewrites for inspiring us and making the server we discussed this in.
Okay bye :) tell me if I forgot anything.
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wolfjessedragon · 11 months
Based on @liliacamethyst Webs of series
Webs of What if
Part 1- Webs of Forgiveness
“Miguel, we have a major issue in Sector 12! The anomalies...” she starts, then catches sight of Sunny’s tear-streaked face. “Oh, am I interrupting something?” Miguel was about to respond when he caught a glimpse of Sunny. Her eyes were bloodshot and teary, a vivid reflection of the weight she was carrying within. Time seemed to stand still as Miguel's gaze locked with hers, capturing the silent plea hidden behind those teary orbs.
In that moment fate offered Miguel a choice….
Miguel: *sigh* Yeah just give us a couple minutes.
Jessica: Alright, I’ll see what we can do. *heads out*
Miguel: Okay say what you- *he sees that she’s trembling at that his gaze softens a bit* Is every-
Sunny: I’m pregnant
Miguel: ……What?
Sunny: I just found out a few days ago, had every test done to make sure, and they were all positive. I am pregnant, with your baby.
*Suddenly the monitors start going off like crazy, Miguel still in shock, Sunny looks to see it’s a symbiote variant.*
Sunny: They need you with them, go.
Miguel: I- I-
Sunny: Go!
Miguel: *about to go out the door then turns back to Sunny* Just stay in here, we can talk more about it after I get this under control, okay?
Sunny: Okay *gives a reassuring smile*
Miguel: *gives her a quick kiss then runs*
After the breach was taken care of…
Miguel: *Gets back into his office, pretty beat up, and Sunny comes to help him.* I’m fi-
Sunny: Save it *She props him on his desk chair and starts nursing his wounds.*
Miguel: *Just watches, a million thoughts going through his head. Despite the many voices telling him that this shouldn’t be happening. That what he and Sunny have was nothing but a way to release a cardinal urge and that the fetus growing was a stupid consequence, he couldn’t convince himself of that…*
Sunny: *As she finishes the last stitch she looks at Miguel who is just staring at her abdomen.* I’m roughly at nine weeks, give or take. *Unsure of what else to say, she cautiously takes Miguel’s free hand and places it on her abdomen.*
Miguel: *In that moment all forms of doubt silenced. As his hand rested on her abdomen he couldn’t help but smile a little as he thought about the tiny life growing in there.*
Sunny: *inhale* Do you want to be part of this? *Miguel looks up at her but she cuts him off.* Look with or without you, I’m doing this. You can’t change my mind on that. If I have to raise this baby on my own I’ll do just that. I just thought you should know and I should give you that choice because… I care a lot about you Miguel. Like a lot. And I- I- *tears started welling up in her eyes as she struggled to find the words*
Miguel: *gently caresses her face and looks into her eyes reassuringly, he sighs* I want to be part of this
Sunny: What?
Miguel: I want to be involved… *He gently pulls her in closer* I- I care a lot about you too *His hand never leaves her abdomen.*
Sunny: Y-you really mean it?
Miguel: Yes
Sunny: *passionately kisses him*
Miguel: *doesn’t pull back instead wraps his arms around her*
Later in Miguel’s apartment..
Sunny: *Lies there, completely naked, in his bed, Miguel’s arms gently wrapped around her with one of his hands caressing her abdomen as they spoon.*
Miguel: *Plants soft kisses along her face and neck as he holds her even closer.* Te amo Soleada..
Sunny: *Turns her head to him and smiles softly with tears rolling out of her eyes* I love you too Miguel..
*They kiss and soon fall asleep while embracing one another.*
The next morning…
Sunny: *When she woke up rather than the coldness of her alone in bed again, she felt warmth. A sleeping Miguel was still holding her close to him. She tried to move only to feel Miguel’s grip to gently tighten around her. She couldn’t help but smile as she closed her eyes again.*
Miguel: *Wakes up and looks at seemingly still asleep Sunny. Careful not to wake her he leans to her abdomen and kisses it.* Hi little one, this is your dad. I don’t know if you can really hear me right now, I like to think you can. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that although you’re just the size of a kumquat right now, I already love you so much…. You and your mom are the best things to happen to me in a long time. *As if the floodgates opened he starts crying. Tears of regret and of happiness. He catches his breath as her hand gently caresses his face.*
Sunny: *She smiles softly at him and places a peck on his lips.* Good morning *She whispers as she wipes away a tear.*
Miguel: *He blushes and hides his face in her chests then mumbles* Buena
Sunny: *giggles and hugs him*
A bit later…
Miguel: Sorry I don’t have much besides cereal, I’d make you something else but I believe me when I say I’m sparing you.
Sunny: *giggles* You can’t be that bad at cooking
Miguel: The pots and pans I had destroyed over the years would say otherwise. *chuckles*
Sunny: *chuckles* It’s alright Miguel, cereal is more than alright. *Eats and notices Miguel just staring at her* What?
Miguel: Oh nothing *Liar. He notices she has the pregnancy glow, and doesn’t want to admit that he thinks she’s beautiful.* So… does anyone else know?
Sunny: Just Peter B. Parker
Miguel: *groans* Out of all-
Sunny: Hey, he’s my best friend, practically my brother. And he only knows that I’m pregnant, not about you being the father. And honestly you should thank him.
Miguel: Thank him?
Sunny: Had he not said “Maybe you should reconsider telling the father.” I wouldn’t have told you at all.
Miguel: ….What?
Sunny: You heard me
Miguel: I- *At that moment Miguel remembered the fact that this was their first morning together. That after every night they were together he’d leave her before the first ray of daylight and she’d have to wake up alone. How throughout the day he’d hardly look or talk to her. Then of course there was yesterday, and how he almost threw it all away. He took her, his companion in the darkness, the woman now carrying his unborn child, his Soleada, for granted.*
Sunny: Miguel?
Miguel: …I’m sorry
Sunny: What?
Miguel: I’m sorry for all the times that I made you feel… alone.
Sunny: *lays a hand on her abdomen and grasps one of Miguel’s hands with the other*
[Authors Note: Hi everyone, so this is the first part of a what if series, warning lots of fluff and angst ahead. I urge y’all to check out the original series by @liliacamethyst she is an amazing writer and hers is pretty groundbreaking. Also sorry not sorry for the drastic differences in formatting, I just write better in script style. I still hope y’all enjoy it. Anyways have a wonderful day and see y’all in part two.]
[Also please feel free to comment and stuff, I love reading y’all feedback.]
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circeyoru · 3 months
Following The Script
[Human & Demon!Alastor x Isekai!Reader]
Similar Storyline: {Surprise, Surprise, I’m Here to Watch}
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**Assume that Hazbin Hotel was completed and basically a lot of the characters’ back stories and endings were revealed. This is basically like those manhwas where you get isekaied to a novel/show/game that you know the ending to and stuff
You didn’t think it would happen but it did. You were isekaied. At first you didn’t know where you were, you assumed you went back in time since there was nothing funny about your new surroundings. That’s until you met him. Alastor, The Radio Demon, in child form
Oh he’s so cute!
Anyways, not surprised that you ended up in your favourite pastime show Hazbin Hotel. It was a long and tiring road, but you kept up with everything. Especially Alastor’s side of things since he was and is your favourite of favourites
The moment you knew where and when you were, you got to work. First deciding whether you want to be in Heaven or Hell after your death. You didn’t want to return to your world or go through the trouble of ‘accepting these characters are real’, they were real to you the moment you loved the show!
On one hand, in Heaven, you could rise in ranks and perhaps help Charlie beforehand and even travel down to Hell to talk to Lucifer, plus there was Emily, the sweet bean. But Hell was where majority of your favourites are. Guess, Hell it was
You took a page from Alastor’s book, to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. You know what types of power you want and you cheated your way out of the system, all to prepare yourself to be a powerful demon in Hell
You were in a well-earned and respectful family, not extremely wealthy but there was power and money to flant, so you used that. Unlike Alastor, you weren’t much of a direct killer type, you prefer something else. Like poison or sickness. Times are behind now, so you got away with everything
Speaking of the demon or boy as he is now, you made friends with him. His backstory was tragic and sad, reliant on his lovely mother while hatred for his father. You somehow became his source of light as well, through your kindness and assertiveness. Well, your mental age was well developed, after all, so even without manipulation on your part, things would go your way
Until they didn’t. Your expertise in law and persuasion got you a scholarship away from home. A feet your parents were proud of, they immediately got plans to move away! Anything to be a stepping stone on your path to success
The issue was telling Alastor that you’re leaving for who knows how long. Easy to say, he didn’t take it all too well. It was like a truck hit him, and stray dogs were eating his remains alive. You still weren’t used to seeing him without smiles and all that. Guilt plagued you, you had promised to be by his side, yet here you are, leaving on such short notice
The two of you promised to meet again, exchanging letters in the meantime to update the other on what happened. You kept an eye out on Alastor’s situation since it would be around this time that his killing urges started. His first victim was indeed his father
Unknown to you, it wasn’t. His first kill was the young lad that had a crush on you. That boy followed you around like a lost pup, that thing was threatening your closeness with him. So he couldn’t help it. One day, he brought his prey to the forest and had a taste of first blood
The thought came to him, the next should be his ridiculous excuse of a father, but he can’t when you’re around. His father’s bad treatment of him was what led you to stick around him, even let him stay at your place. There were maybe some uses of that man
Not anymore, not when you were far away, not when your only communication was through letters that he had to wait forever to receive one. Not when the mistreatment got worse
He somehow hoped that you’d return to comfort him for his loss. It didn’t happen. Nothing changed. You didn’t return, not even during long holidays or when he told you he had gotten famous and loved as a radio host
He would have hated you if not for the last news that you passed away during the beginning of the Great Depression by some low life that robbed and killed you and your family. He thought he didn’t need you since you had been away, but he couldn’t stop that feeling of dread when realization hit him that you were gone as he prepared for the news to report on his radio show
The fated year of 1933 came, Alastor’s death year. You formed bonds with Rosie and built a name for yourself in Hell. You were waiting for Alastor’s arrival. His fall into Hell and his appearance as the newest Overlord was one that you waited so long to see for yourself, you couldn’t reveal yourself just yet, you had to see for yourself
And what a show he performed. He did not disappoint! “Alastor! That was amazing!” You approached his giant form while clapping your hands like a child at the end of a play. You have no fear since this was Alastor, if need be, you can escape
How. How did you know who he was? His title was established but not his name. Who was this lowly sinner to approach him? He tried intimidation, that didn’t work
“Come on, you don’t recognize me?” You questioned, giving him your signature look to see if it jogs his memory, if it doesn’t you’ll just lea—
“My darling doe?” Alastor’s eyes widened at the nickname that came out of his lips. It was you and you were in Hell? But you were an angel to him! What could have led you astray? Was it after you left him? What vermin tainted you?
“What’s with all that voodoo symbol around you for, you mad about something?” You questioned as you got close to his darkened face. While it was creepy and scary to some, you didn’t shiver in a bad way. “Hell to Alastor? Anyone home?”
It was your turn to freeze and malfunction as Alastor wrapped his arms around you in a hug, the shadows formed a dome around you two as he buried his face between your neck and shoulder. “How I’ve waited for this. I thought you were in Heaven.”
That’s right, Alastor never knew how twisted you were because you kept it under wraps, you never told him because you wanted his childhood to be a happier one, different from the show. You knew you’d see him again but he never knew and thought the worse. You hugged him back slowly, “I did some bad things and made some evil choices, Al. But I’m happy to see you are well.”
Once the two of you got over the wondrous reunion, all hell broke loose. Alastor’s name spread far and wide, dominating the weak and instilling fear. Deals were made here and there while you watched with pride and excitement. The last of his commitment was his relationship with you, a couple, to be bound to each other. Different from contracts, it was a binding link between the heart
Well, he already stole your heart before you were here, so. Yes, absolutely, definitely
It didn’t smooth you during his 7 years of disappearance. You couldn’t interfere because part of the plot centered around it, similar to how you wouldn’t change the fact that Adam will order for an earlier extermination. Even when you were an angel in Heaven, you can’t change those things
Unlike the stories, you liked the way Hazbin Hotel told its plotline and all the characters. You didn’t want a thing to change. You have the power to change, but you didn’t, you could have removed what others’ were suffering from, but you didn’t. ‘Evil choices’, you did it all for your favourite characters to exist and form bonds with each other
You could have spared Husk the deal made with Alastor, but that wouldn’t teach him to be who he is and help Angel later on. You could have saved Vaggie from losing her eye and wings, but that wouldn’t let her meet Charlie and see a change in sinners. You could have warned Lucifer but that removes Charlie’s drama with him. You could have helped or warned Alastor of his death and that deal he hated but you let him go on his disappearance so he’d return with a purpose and not pure entertainment
Sometimes, even with the romantic relationship you have with Alastor and the friendships you shared with everyone else, you still feel out of place and foreign. Like you don’t belong. You do wonder, what if you turned the world into chaos and watched them all dance? Would that satisfy you?
Alastor noticed that distant look in your eyes when you were left to your own devices. He caught that look even when the two of you were alive. You’d stare with the boredest look in your eyes like you knew what would happen and that spark of interest would only remain for at most a minute. That look you had intensified after his return. How dull was the world through your eyes?
When he returned from his disappearance, he expected you to yell or question him, yet you didn’t and welcomed him back like he returned from a late night of destruction. Almost like you knew. But he didn’t have time to ask or explore it. His freedom came first
Oh, he didn’t even know you were slowly slipping away from his grasp. If only he was more entertaining to the supreme being that knew all
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Note: Hahahahaa! I'll let this down! Next time I'll ask if the person is not anonymous for the request. If it's anonymous, I'll just take it as it asked or I switch it up with something I can write.
Circe Y.
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salarymanwaka · 1 year
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Jamais Vu : Life on Mars Astronaut Yoo Joonghyuk (38) washes up on the shore of an unknown planet where he meets an unknown lifeform impersonating his dead lover.
script (sample) twitter art/lore compilation
cover picture for a sci-fi romance manga I've been working on!
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ash-the-wise · 1 month
*wakes up in a cold sweat after almost two years of hibernation* Stranger Things season 5. A random girls flirt with Mike. Enters Jealous Will Byers. A heart-to-heart. A confession. Byler's first kiss. Yes, I see the vision. Byler Nation, please accept this humble offering:
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ecstarry · 6 hours
i've been brainroting for a while about the idea of writing a fic in the format of a script, and for the plot to be an episode of a sitcome
like imagine modern family but make it marauders and you read it as the script of the episode
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belgianreader2 · 3 months
This is such a cool resource!!
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2ndprinceofdarkness · 2 months
"Care for a final dance, m'lady?"
{click for quality}
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Light-Bringer Epilogue: "The Prettiest Star" (& Author's Note!!)
It's mostly Author's Note, but that's not as interesting looking<3
🔥🔥🔥Hey, Bitch! I hope you've enjoyed your trip on the Highway to Hell! 🔥🔥🔥
First, I spent too long working on the cover art for the finale, and I love it because it turned out really nicely! Unfortunately, as of right now, it's not actually in the show, it'd be after, but while I was drawing "The Prettiest Star" started, and I was going feral istg, so just enjoy the song ig?? 
(And then I'm going to go back and rewrite stuff lol)
Next for "this shit":  Uhh who knows? I'm hoping people want to see more, but who knows? I wanted to finish the screenplay/animation script/fanfiction/ah/help me/plz/blog(?) before moving forward, I'm also gonna do some rewrites, but just to make the beginning mesh with the ending! It's been really fun to re-invent a character whose original show had ended. I still cared about and was working with Uriel and I'm really glad I got the balls to post something.
See you on the other side,
-🥳Lee & Uri🤩
Thank you for reading, so much <3
P.P.S: 👀
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