#exploring anxiety through art
gods-country024 · 9 months
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by Dragan Bibin
Dragan is the quiet painter of the absence and the dread. He achieves this by involving the spectator into the calm and isolated regions of the characters or places he depicts. With his work, Dragan is able to present ordinary reality in a suggestive, yet questionning manner, giving a sense of something unsettling happening behind the scenes. Animals are often present in his works. Through them he is exploring our struggles, fears and anxieties. His eerie interiors, doors open on black nothingness and expectant animals are all playing with our fears and our nightmares.
bio and pic source: https://www.draganbibin.com/
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frogs-with-tea · 3 months
i have so much deep lore when it comes to my zosan ocs and just older zosan as a whole
i want to make more art and write some fan fics to flesh out the ideas I have but my art block has been pretty awful as of late.
the idea that's in my head rn is about the first baby, Mari, and how there's no way Sanji didn't react badly to the news. I think with his family baggage, the news of "whoospie we didn't use a condom! you're a father now!" would trigger Sanji's worst tendencies. I love soft Papa Sanji but in my heart of hearts, I think it would be something he has to work for.
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prokopetz · 2 months
"My OCs are so messed up" well, what did you expect? You went and created an off-brand Guilty Gear character and made them live in a world where violence has real consequences. "Well, I'm exploring my traumas through my art" you fucked up a perfectly good cyborg ninja is what you did. Look at her, she's got anxiety.
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warmmilku · 4 months
🍂Tips for regressors without a CG!🍂
🧸 Create a safe and comfortable space for yourself
🐾 Establish a routine to provide a sense of security
🧸 Engage in activities that bring joy and comfort
🐾 Connect with supportive online communities like here on Tumblr!
🧸 Practice self-care and prioritize mental health!
🐾 Set boundaries to ensure a healthy balance
🧸 Explore coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety
🐾 Embrace creativity through art, writing, or playing!
🧸 Seek professional help if needed!
🐾 Remember it's okay to ask for support from friends or loved ones!!!
🧸 Try coloring books or doodling for a relaxing artistic outlet!
🐾 Explore imaginative worlds through reading fantasy books
🧸 Build a blanket fort for a cozy and playful hideaway
🐾 Create a playlist of favorite childhood songs and dance freely!
🧸 Engage in DIY crafts or projects to express creativity
🐾 Watch animated movies or TV shows that you love!
🧸 Play video games with colorful and entertaining themes
🐾 Bake or cook simple treats to enjoy and share!
🧸 Take nature walks or explore a local park for fresh air
🐾 Experiment with different hobbies like puzzles or board games!
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hunnieknight · 10 months
"Living in My Head Rent Free"(+Art)
Anemo Boys and what do they fill your head with. The anemo men as your braincells.
Modern AU, established relationship, gender-neutral reader, suggestive mentioned, fluff.
Note : Lazy ahh drawing
His living in your head would fill your mind with comfort songs. He makes you hum a melody out of nowhere. There will always be the calm voice to comfort you during stress or such. But, he is the procrastinating brain cell, often telling you "can be finished tomorrow", it will be like that until you get caught up with mountains of work. He is also responsible to create distracting sex ideas or recalling the good night you guys spent together.
However, despite everything, whenever you feel down, just thinking about him will always reminds you that you are loved. Even if Venti isn't there, he is already embedded into your brain to make sure he is loving you always, whereever and whenever you are.
With him living in your head, you will never ran out of self-love. Your mind will be filled with optimism and positive thoughts. The world will seems bright and beautiful, inviting you to explore it. Taking a liking into poet and art, but you will mostly read something and goes "reminds me of him". The mind will be at ease at all times, with the meditation Kazuha always teach you.
He is also the reason you can't stay in one place. Kazuha loves to travels and that trait of his also rubbed off on you. Your feet seems tired if you stay in one place too long, prefers to take a walk outside and soaking in the nature.
You will mostly go with intuition or gut feelings, discarding your emotion sometimes. Because Heizou often brings you exploring mysteries, you get a kick out of wandering and discovering new areas. All those explorations also make you prone to napping quickly, which your boyfriend doesn't mind. Since he works under Sara as a detective, he developed kinky stuff; fluffy handcuff, police-criminal role-play, maybe whip? A little bit of punishment won't do harm right? With your content of course. As a brain cell, he is an actual working brain cell working with your intuition.
Working with guts feeling has its downside too. Others may think you dismiss the feelings of other people, like how you preferred to stay behind instead of going on rides because your gut feeling says no; or where you avoid new people that your guts think are bad people. Having pride in your instinct will also makes you a bit stubborn, won't help that Heizou is also a stubborn man, you both may bicker but Heizou is also an emotionally intellectual person, knowing how to meet each other's needs whilst also not dismissing the other's wants. Though, he is really smooth with his words to woo you and can see you like an open book.
Oh, you obviously will be more active at night. Xiao often works at night through his laptop in his dark room, slowly you grow accustomed to being in the dimly lit room, accompanying Xiao in the comforting silence. You also take a liking to sleeveless outfits and dark-coloured outfits, plus dark face masks. Xiao made you really comfortable with being alone but not lonely, being by yourself does not mean you have nothing, something solitude is needed.
However, being alone for most of the time made Xiao to be filled with anxiety when meeting people, which indirectly makes you worried about him. But it is kinda cute seeing him stick to you in public places for comfort.
What a heroic man, isn't he? Helping people who need his power, being a kind-hearted young man, and being selfless...sometimes though. He can stand his ground and wouldn't hesitate to resist and refuse when he wanted to. This sunshine taught you to be independent, travelling around the world where everything is new make you rely on your power and knowledge. Your relationship consists of "self-sufficient" love, so when one of you is needy and clingy is such a rare moment. During this, usually, you both just do self-care with each other, making salad; exercising together; or doing hair care. He takes pride in his long silky golden hair and you love playing with his hair. Taking a bath together can be an hour from playing and washing his hair while having a little chat, bet your fingers are wrinkly from the water.
His golden hair gives the illusion of sunshine, being the one giving its light to shine on people's dark paths. Aether is always happy to help you through your dark times, holding your hands and always assuring you both can get through this together, implying he will always be there for you.
"That guy is annoying, you know if we stab him-"
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spacey-cg · 9 months
Supporting Non-Voluntary Age Regression
Non-voluntary age regression can be a challenging experience for both the little one and their caregiver. As a caregiver, it's important to provide understanding, support, and a nurturing environment for your non-voluntary regressed little.
Create a Safe and Comforting Space: Establishing a safe and comforting environment is crucial for a non-voluntary regressed little. Ensure their physical surroundings are calming, free from stress triggers, and filled with familiar items that provide comfort and security. Soft blankets, stuffed animals, and soothing music can help create a peaceful atmosphere that promotes relaxation.
Offer Gentle Reassurance: Non-voluntary regression can be confusing and distressing for your little one. Offer gentle reassurance through kind words, soothing tones, and physical touch. Let them know that you are there for them, providing unwavering support and understanding. Validate their feelings and emotions, reminding them that it is okay to experience involuntary regression and that you are there to help them navigate through it.
Establish Predictable Routines: Structure and routine can provide a sense of stability for a non-voluntary regressed little. Establish predictable daily routines that include meal times, playtimes, and quiet times. Consistency in activities and schedules can help your little one feel secure and develop a sense of control amidst the involuntary regression.
Engage in Soothing Activities: Engaging in soothing activities can help distress and anxiety during non-voluntary regression episodes. Explore activities that promote relaxation and comfort, such as gentle sensory play, reading calming stories, or engaging in creative arts and crafts.
Encourage Self-expression: Non-voluntary regressed littles may have difficulty expressing their emotions and needs. Encourage them to communicate through various means, such as drawing, writing, or using visual aids. Be patient and understanding, providing gentle guidance to help them express themselves effectively.
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astroamorsworld · 17 days
What does Taurus season have in store for your rising sign?
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(I do not own this gif)
The sun enters Taurus on the 19th of April at exactly 3pm UK time. So lets see what this means for your rising sign…
Aries Rising: The sun is transiting your 2nd house. The 2nd house in astrology is associated with personal finances, possessions, and self-worth. With the Sun's transit through this house, you might feel a strong urge to build your financial security.
This could be a good time to:
Re-evaluate your budget and spending habits.
Explore ways to increase your income.
Invest in things that hold value for you, both material and personal growth.
The Taurean influence can make you more appreciative of what you already have. You might find joy in taking care of your belongings and surrounding yourself with things that bring you comfort and stability. The Sun's energy can boost your confidence, making you feel more secure in your abilities to earn and manage your resources. While enjoying the finer things is part of Taurus' nature, be mindful not to overspend. The focus on building security shouldn't lead to impulsive purchases.
Taurus Rising: The sun is transiting your 1st house. The 1st house in astrology is all about your identity, self-image, and how you present yourself to the world. With the Sun, the planet of vitality and ego, transiting this house, you'll likely experience a heightened sense of self-awareness. This is a great time to reflect on who you are, what you value, and how you want to project yourself to the world. You might feel more confident and assertive in expressing your unique personality.
Since the Sun is already in its rulership sign of Taurus (meaning it's in its most comfortable and powerful position), the transit further amplifies your natural Taurean qualities. These include:
Stability: You might feel a strong urge to create a sense of stability and security in your life.
Practicality: Your focus may shift towards practical matters and building something lasting.
Sensuality: This could be a time to indulge your senses and appreciate beauty and comfort.
Determination: Your natural Taurean determination will be further boosted by the Sun's influence, helping you achieve your goals.
With the Sun's spotlight on you, you might find yourself naturally attracting attention and taking on leadership roles. Your strong sense of self and confidence can inspire others. While Taurus has many positive qualities, it can also manifest as stubbornness. Be aware of the potential to become inflexible or resistant to change during this transit.
Gemini Rising: The sun is transiting your 12th house. The 12th house is linked to the subconscious mind, intuition, and dreams. With the Sun's transit, you might experience a heightened awareness of your inner world. Pay attention to your dreams as they could offer valuable insights and hidden desires.
The 12th house also fosters creativity and imagination. The Sun's influence can boost your creative flow, inspiring you to express yourself in new ways. This could be through writing, art, music, or any other creative outlet that resonates with you. You might find yourself more attuned to the emotions and energies of others during this transit. This heightened intuition can be a valuable asset in your relationships and can help you connect with people on a deeper level. Sometimes, the 12th house can also bring up unresolved fears, anxieties, or past hurts. The Sun's light might illuminate these hidden aspects of yourself. While it can be uncomfortable, facing these emotions can be a powerful step towards healing and personal growth.
Remember, your Gemini rising still brings a strong emphasis on communication and intellectual pursuits. The key is to find a balance between exploring your inner world (12th house) and engaging with the external world (Gemini nature).
Here are some tips for navigating this transit as a Gemini rising:
Practice mindfulness and meditation: This can help you connect with your subconscious mind and gain insights from your dreams.
Engage in creative activities: Let your imagination flow and express yourself artistically.
Pay attention to your intuition: Trust your gut feeling and use it to guide your decisions.
Seek support if needed: If you're struggling with difficult emotions, don't hesitate to talk to a therapist or counselor.
Cancer Rising: The sun is transiting your 11th house. Cancer, the water sign known for its nurturing and emotional nature, thrives in close-knit communities. With the Sun's transit through the 11th house, you might feel a strong desire to connect with like-minded people and build a strong support system.
This could be a time to:
Reconnect with old friends.
Get involved in a cause you care about.
Network and build new relationships with people who share your values.
The 11th house also represents your hopes, dreams, and visions for the future. The Sun's influence can bring renewed focus on these aspirations. You might feel inspired to take concrete steps towards achieving your long-term goals. Cancer is a cardinal water sign, meaning you crave emotional connection. However, it's important to find a balance between your own needs and the needs of the group during this transit.
While fostering connections is important, don't neglect your own emotional well-being in the process.
Here are some tips for navigating this transit as a Cancer rising:
Spend quality time with loved ones: Strengthen your existing bonds and nurture your close relationships.
Explore ways to connect with your community: Get involved in local events, volunteer your time, or join a club that aligns with your interests.
Set clear boundaries: While being supportive of others is important, don't be afraid to say no when you need to prioritize your own well-being.
Revisit your goals and dreams: Take some time to reflect on your aspirations for the future and create an action plan to achieve them.
Leo Rising: With the Sun entering Taurus, it illuminates the 10th house for Leo risings. The 10th house is all about career, public image, reputation, and social status. This transit can be a powerful time for Leos to shine in these areas. Here's how it might affect you:
Leo, the fire sign of leadership and self-expression, naturally desires recognition and accomplishment. With the Sun, the planet of vitality and ego, in your 10th house, you might find yourself basking in the spotlight more than usual.
This could be a time for significant career advancements, public recognition for your achievements, or opportunities to take on leadership roles.
The 10th house is also associated with reputation and how you are perceived by the world. The Sun's influence can help you solidify a positive and powerful image. This is a good time to:
Showcase your talents and skills.
Take on projects that demonstrate your leadership potential.
Network and build relationships with influential people.
While the Sun's transit boosts your confidence, it's important to maintain a sense of humility. Leos can sometimes come across as arrogant, so be mindful of projecting an overly self-centered image.
Here are some tips for navigating this transit as a Leo rising:
Embrace opportunities to lead: Step up and take charge when the situation calls for it.
Showcase your talents: Don't be afraid to put yourself out there and let your skills shine.
Network strategically: Build connections with people who can help you achieve your career goals.
Maintain humility: Acknowledge the contributions of others and avoid appearing overly self-important.
Virgo Rising: when the Sun enters Taurus, it occupies their 9th house. This house is associated with philosophy, travel, higher education, and exploration of beliefs. The transit of the Sun through Taurus can influence Virgo risings in interesting ways:
Virgos, the earth sign known for their analytical minds and desire for knowledge, are naturally drawn to learning and exploration. With the Sun in the 9th house, your thirst for knowledge might intensify. This could be a great time to:
Enroll in a course or workshop on a topic that piques your interest.
Read books and articles that broaden your perspective.
Engage in philosophical discussions with like-minded people.
The 9th house also governs travel and long journeys. The Sun's influence might ignite a desire to explore new places and cultures. This could be the perfect time to plan a trip or simply explore new areas in your own city. If travel isn't feasible, exploring new ideas and philosophies can fulfill this urge for expansion.
Sometimes, transits through the 9th house can prompt a reevaluation of your core beliefs and values. The Sun's light might illuminate areas where your current beliefs might need refinement or adjustment.
Virgos tend to be very analytical and detail-oriented. While this is a strength, it's important to be open to new ideas and perspectives during this transit. Embrace the opportunity to expand your worldview and challenge your existing beliefs in a healthy way.
Here are some tips for navigating this transit as a Virgo rising:
Pursue knowledge and learning: Dive deep into a subject that fascinates you.
Consider a learning trip: Combine travel with intellectual exploration.
Engage in open discussions: Talk to people with different viewpoints and be receptive to new ideas.
Reflect on your values: Take time to examine your core beliefs and see if any adjustments are needed.
Libra Rising: The sun is transiting your 8th house. The 8th house governs transformation, rebirth, and deep intimacy. With the Sun's influence, you might experience a period of significant personal transformation. This could involve letting go of old emotional baggage, confronting your fears and vulnerabilities, or forging deeper connections with others.
The 8th house also deals with shared resources, inheritances, and financial dealings with others. The Sun's transit might bring opportunities for joint ventures, financial partnerships, or receiving financial support. However, it can also highlight areas where you need to be cautious about shared resources or dependencies. The 8th house has a connection to the occult, death, and taboo subjects. This doesn't necessarily mean you'll have a brush with death, but the Sun's influence might ignite your curiosity in these areas. You might find yourself drawn to explore topics like psychology, the mysteries of life and death, or even delve deeper into your own subconscious.
The 8th house can make you confront your vulnerabilities. While the Taurean influence encourages stability, this transit might push you to embrace change and transformation.
Here are some tips for navigating this transit as a Libra rising:
Be open to personal growth: Embrace opportunities for self-reflection and emotional healing.
Communicate openly and honestly in relationships: Deepen your intimacy with your partner(s) by sharing your vulnerabilities.
Set healthy boundaries: While intimacy is important, be mindful of protecting your energy and resources when dealing with others.
Explore your shadow self: Don't shy away from confronting your fears and hidden desires.
Scorpio Rising: The sun will be transiting your 7th house. Scorpio risings might experience a period of significant focus on their partnerships (romantic and platonic) and collaborations. This could manifest in several ways:
Strengthening Existing Relationships: The Sun's influence can bring renewed focus on existing partnerships. Invest quality time with your partner(s), work on communication, and resolve any conflicts.
Attracting New Partnerships: You might find yourself attracting new connections, both romantic and platonic. Be mindful of the energy you project and the kind of partnerships you cultivate.
Focus on Balance and Compromise: Scorpio's intensity can sometimes create power struggles in relationships. Embrace the Taurean focus on stability and find a healthy balance between your desires and your partner's needs.
Business Partnerships: The 7th house also governs business partnerships and collaborations. This transit could bring opportunities for successful collaborations or highlight areas needing improvement in existing partnerships.
Legal Matters: The 7th house can also be associated with legal matters and contracts. Be mindful of any legal agreements or contracts you enter during this transit.
Tips for Scorpio Risings:
Invest quality time and communication in existing relationships.
Be open to new connections, but stay discerning.
Focus on balance and compromise in partnerships.
Approach business partnerships with a strategic and collaborative mindset.
Be mindful of any legal agreements or contracts.
Sagittarius Rising: The sun will be transiting your 6th house. The 6th house governs daily routines, work habits, and health practices. With the Sun's influence in this house, you might find yourself re-evaluating your daily routine or seeking ways to improve your work efficiency. This could involve:
Improving Work Habits: Streamlining your workflow, taking on a challenging project that motivates you, or developing new skills relevant to your career.
Focus on Health and Wellness: Prioritizing healthy habits like exercise, proper sleep, and a balanced diet.
Service and Daily Tasks: You might feel a strong desire to contribute and be helpful. Consider volunteering your time or taking on more responsibility at work.
Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: The 6th house also deals with critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The Sun's influence can enhance your ability to analyze situations and find practical solutions to challenges you face at work or in daily life.
Relationships with Colleagues and Co-workers: This house can also influence your interactions with colleagues and co-workers. You might find yourself forming stronger bonds with others at your workplace or collaborating more effectively on projects.
Finding Balance Between Work and Personal Life: With the emphasis on work and routine during this transit, Sagittarius' natural love for adventure and freedom might need some attention. Remember to maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life. Schedule time for activities you enjoy and that allow you to recharge.
Capricorn Rising: The sun will transit your 5th house. Capricorn, the earth sign known for ambition and practicality, might not readily associate themself with creativity. However, the 5th house encourages exploration of your creative side. This transit could ignite a desire to express yourself through art, music, writing, or even a fun hobby. Don't be afraid to experiment and explore different creative outlets.
The 5th house also rules pleasure, leisure activities, and romance. The Sun's influence can encourage Capricorns to prioritize enjoyment and relaxation during this period. This could involve spending more time on hobbies you enjoy, indulging in a creative project, or planning a fun outing with loved ones.
For Capricorns who are single, the 5th house transit might bring opportunities for new romantic connections. Be open to meeting new people and exploring potential relationships, but remember your Capricorn practicality in setting boundaries and choosing partners who align with your goals. For those already in a relationship, this transit can encourage a renewed focus on romance and playful connection.
Capricorns are known for their dedication to work and achieving goals. The 5th house transit can be a gentle reminder to prioritize fun and creative expression alongside your work ethic. This can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life.
Here are some tips for navigating this transit as a Capricorn rising:
Explore your creative side: Experiment with a new hobby like painting, writing, or music.
Prioritize leisure and activities you enjoy: Schedule time for relaxation and fun.
Open yourself to new romantic connections: Be receptive to meeting new people (if single) or reignite the spark in your existing relationship.
Maintain a healthy balance between work and enjoyment. Remember to schedule time for both responsibilities and fun.
Aquarius Rising: When the Sun enters Taurus, it activates the 4th house for Aquarius risings. This house is associated with several key themes that can be particularly impactful for Aquarians:
Home and Family: The 4th house governs your sense of home, family dynamics, and emotional roots. This transit might prompt you to reflect on your childhood experiences and how they have shaped you. You might also feel a desire to create a more stable and secure home environment. This could involve:
Strengthening family bonds: Reconnecting with family members, having meaningful conversations, and fostering a stronger sense of belonging.
Creating a comfortable and nurturing home: Updating your living space to reflect your personality and create a sense of calm.
Exploring your emotional foundation: Reflecting on past experiences and how they influence your present emotional state.
Inner Security and Foundation: The 4th house also deals with your sense of inner security and foundation. The Sun's influence in Taurus, an earth sign associated with stability, can encourage you to build a strong foundation for yourself. This could involve:
Developing healthy habits and routines: Establishing routines that provide a sense of stability and structure.
Strengthening your financial security: Creating a budget, exploring new income streams, or making sound financial decisions.
Connecting with your core values: Reflecting on what truly matters to you and aligning your life choices with those values.
Traditions and Ancestry: The 4th house can also connect you to your family history and traditions. This transit might ignite a curiosity about your ancestry or a desire to reconnect with your cultural roots.
Finding Balance Between Innovation and Tradition:
Aquarians are known for their innovative spirit and desire to break away from the norm. While the 4th house emphasizes tradition and family, this transit can be an opportunity to find a balance between these two aspects. Embrace your individuality while also appreciating the traditions and values that shape you.
Some tips for navigating this transit as an Aquarius rising:
Spend quality time with family and nurture these relationships.
Create a comfortable and personalized home environment.
Reflect on your childhood experiences and how they influence you.
Develop routines and habits that provide a sense of stability.
Explore your financial goals and build a secure foundation.
Connect with your cultural roots and family history.
Find a balance between innovation and honoring traditions.
Pisces Rising: When the Sun enters Taurus, it activates the 3rd house for Pisces risings. This house governs several key areas that can be quite interesting for Pisces:
Communication and Self-Expression: The 3rd house rules communication, learning, and self-expression. With the Sun's influence in this house, Pisces risings might find themselves more articulate and expressive. This could be a good time to:
Engage in stimulating conversations: Dive into deep discussions with friends or loved ones.
Pursue creative writing projects: Express your emotions and imagination through writing.
Learn a new skill: Enhance your communication skills or delve into a topic that interests you.
Early Learning and Education: The 3rd house also relates to early learning experiences and primary education. This transit could prompt you to reflect on your early education or even revisit topics you learned as a child.
Immediate Surroundings and Local Community: The 3rd house can also influence your immediate environment, neighbors, and local community. You might feel a stronger sense of connection to your local area or find yourself more involved in local events or activities.
Inner World and Intuition: Pisces, a water sign, is already deeply connected to their intuition and inner world. The Sun's influence in Taurus, an earth sign associated with grounding, might encourage you to bridge the gap between your inner world and your outward communication. This could involve:
Creative outlets for inner exploration: Explore artistic mediums like painting, music, or dance to express your emotions.
Journaling and introspection: Use journaling to explore your thoughts and feelings and gain clarity on your inner world.
Finding Balance Between Intuition and Articulation:
Pisces are known for their powerful intuition and ability to connect with the subconscious. This transit can encourage you to express these deeper aspects of yourself in a more articulate way. Focus on finding a balance between intuitive understanding and clear communication.
Here are some tips for navigating this transit as a Pisces rising:
Engage in stimulating conversations with others.
Pursue creative writing projects or explore a new artistic outlet.
Consider taking a course or learning a new skill for self-improvement.
Reflect on your early learning experiences and how they shaped you.
Get involved in your local community.
Express your intuition through creative outlets or journaling.
Find a balance between your inner world and outward communication.
I hope you guys enjoyed!
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Wanna find out how the Full Moon in Scorpio will affect you? 👉Click here👈
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helenanell · 10 hours
A Breath Of Life || Part Two
 Part One 
Pairing(s) :  Reader x Art – Reader x Tashi - Reader x Art x Tashi
CW: MDNI - Smut. Infidelity (kind of?). So much love and lust. ANGST. Manipulative behaviour. 
Notes: Fem!Reader, No use of y/n. This is really just me exploring my own bisexual panic some more.  Spoilers for the film.
Wordcount: 4.2K
The moment you won the match that sealed your victory at Wimbledon,  the applause was rapturous.
And yet, Tashi’s triumphant shout was louder to you than hundreds of clapping hands. 
The sound of her celebration became yours, and when you let out a yell of your own, your racket falling from your hands, you became one with her. 
After that, her eyes did not leave you. You didn’t look but you knew it to be true, just as you knew the sun was shining onto your shimmering skin; Tashi was an incomprehensible being bearing down on you. 
When you lifted the Venus Rosewater Dish above your head–the silver trophy given to the women’s single’s winner–your smile was beatific. Not because of the rush of adrenalin, or the way your spirit had been buoyed by finally achieving what you knew you could, but feared you wouldn’t, but because you knew that in your victory Tashi had found her own. 
It had taken over a decade, but together you’d realised your dream. 
You knew deep down that you could have made it without her, but it would have been tasteless; a honeyed feast turning to ash in your mouth.
Achieving the title with Tashi by your side had turned everything technicolour. All of your senses were heightened and your sense of self revitalised. 
You lived for tennis and Tashi had helped that life become something glorious. 
When you stepped off the court it felt like a kind of conquest: your domain now stretched beyond the white lines that had so far confined you. You had taken more than a trophy, you had stolen space in people’s consciousness.
 You would not fade into the annals of time because your name had been recorded- it was to be engraved in metal which would be buffed into an unmissable shine. 
Even as you stepped into the plush locker room, you knew the winning moment was already being replayed and analysed. It made you smile to think that as commentators noted your form, they were publicly voicing the effects of Tashi’s coaching on you, to the entire world. 
You felt burned by her, but not as if she had branded you, rather that she had subjected you to such heat, that the very makeup of your body had been altered. 
Now, you're sitting on the wooden bench in the locker room with your head hanging low, sweat still dripping from your face when the door opens. 
You shoot to your feet, your beleaguered body screaming at you to slow down.
When you turn, you find Art standing in front of the now closed door. 
The sight of him takes away your breath. 
He is here too. 
In your greatest moment of euphoria, when you’ve never felt more tangible–more real–you get to be near him. Suddenly, all of the time that had passed between you didn’t matter.
He's with you now. 
Art leans back against the door, hands going into the pockets of his immaculate navy pants. A matching blazer that has been left unbuttoned stretches across his muscled torso, his sunglasses hanging from the neck of his white shirt. 
His cropped blonde hair is messy enough that you know he's been running his hands through it; with anxiety and elation he’d been dragging fingers through the blonde locks as he watched you play.  
Art has become something beyond handsome to you. Retiring has returned his vitality and it has been a stunning metamorphosis to witness. 
But it's change you’ve made yourself witness from a distance. The two of you have not been in a room alone together since he’d hidden in your bathroom as Tashi had convinced you to let her become your coach. 
For the first few months, things had felt far too fragile to acknowledge what had happened between the two of you. You and Art had come to a silent understanding that you needed the time to build back up a foundation with Tashi. 
If you were to remain in each other's lives, you needed solid ground.
But you had just won Wimbledon. You had just given Tashi a victory. Did either of you have the fortitude to go on denying yourselves? 
It has been a solid minute since Art entered the room and neither of you have shifted so much as an inch.
You’re fixed on the spot, watching him as he drinks you in. His gaze is laying possessive claim to your body, noting all the places the white vest and skort are clinging to your sweat-slicked curves. 
But it is when his eyes settle on your face, that a sort of peace soothes his expression.
“You were amazing.”
You can’t help but smirk, allowing yourself to feel cocky for once. “Of course I was, I won.” 
Art’s cheeks dimple with the strength of his grin.
“It’s not about the win. It’s how you moved when you played- like you could bend the whole world to your will. It was so beautiful. And you…” He pushes off the door and walks right up to you, chests almost brushing as he nudges your chin up with his finger. “You are so, so stunning.”
As he leans in, even though you don’t try to stop him, words of weak protest pour out of you.
“Art we shouldn’t. Not here-“
He cuts you off with a taunting kiss, his tongue trying to prize your lips open as his arm wraps around you.
His hand shifts up the sweaty material of your vest and lays his palm flat against the heated flesh of your lower back, all while his other hand trails up your outer thigh and beneath your skort to grab your ass.
You lean into him, hands wrapping around his neck and only when he draws back to kiss his way along your jaw, do you have a chance to speak again.
“Art, Tashi will be here soon. If she sees-“ 
“She won’t care.” 
Your brow furrows, but the confusion isn’t enough for you to stop his lips moving over your neck. “What?” 
As Art answers, his hand leaves your rear to dip beneath the waistband of your skort. You shiver as the pads of his fingers tickle all the way down, toying with the top of your underwear.
“You are all Tashi sees now.” Art clarifies, proceeding to nip at your exposed shoulder with his teeth. “You’re her everything. She could walk in on us right now and it wouldn’t change a thing.”
That gives you pause, indignation spiking at his easy dismal of Tashi.
You pull away from Art and he groans quietly but lets you go, his expression remaining completely content. 
“How can you say that?” You ask, growing irritable even as you let him take your hand in his.
“Because you’re everything that I couldn’t be for her.” He says. 
You sigh exasperatedly. “What does that mean, Art?” 
You don’t know why you’re asking, as you’re certain you already know the truth of it.
Art smiles, his other hand lifting to smooth a few sweat slicked strands off of your forehead. When he’s finished, his fingers settle with running over your cheekbone.
“It means…that you are all of her dreams realised. She resented me because every time I played, no matter how well, she knew it was nowhere near as important to me as it would have been to her had she never been injured. She hated me for not wanting it more….but, you have enough passion for tennis to play for the both of you. I never had that much to draw from. So, as long as you keep winning like you just did, she’ll love you. She’ll love you because you’re doing her justice.” 
After giving that insight that rang so true it almost hurts your ears with its incessant clamouring, Art leans in to kiss you again. You place a hand on his chest, gently pushing him back. 
“You felt like you were playing for her and it made you miserable.” You argue, hurt by the thought that his behaviour towards you is just rooted in gratitude that you have lifted the burden off of his shoulders. 
“It was different for me.” He answers simply. “I was miserable because I knew none of what I did was enough. I was still failing her. Tashi wants to watch great tennis and I didn’t give her that. You will. You are giving her that.” 
The way Art was speaking was producing within you a burgeoning unease; he was steady and assured, like he’d spent a long time thinking about this. And there was an undeniable undercurrent of pleasure to his speech.
A large part of Art was elated that the burden had been shifted onto you. 
But could you really hold that against him? You had seen how he was bending and breaking under the weight, it was why you’d told him to retire.
It was now your job to keep Tashi’s heart beating, you had known that the moment you’d agreed to let you coach her. That had been your choice and one freely made. 
So Art was right, you had to keep winning and you had to do so spectacularly. 
This was not a fresh revelation of course, but the possibility that Tashi wanting you close to her was entirely contingent on tennis, began to terrify you.
 You estimated you had a good five years left before you’d likely be forced to retire, but then what would become of you? Would Tashi even care to have you in her life after that? You were not bound to her like she was to Art by their daughter.
As if he can feel how your mind is whirring through the skin of your cheek, Art tips up your chin again and claims your mouth for another kiss. 
When he pulls away, he rests his forehead against yours, noses brushing. 
“When I think about all that you are, tennis doesn’t even register.” He says sincerely, placing a sweet peck to your lips.
You cherish his touch and ach for more, but it isn’t quelling the panic ripping into your insides like wind whipping up in preparation to become a storm.
“Art, I can’t- I need to tell Tashi what happened with us.” 
No anger or irritation appears on his face at your blurted words, but his other hand falls onto your back so he can pull you closer and you can tell he’s definitely upset about something. 
“What happened?” He rasps. “You’re placing what we have in the past tense. Is it not still happening” His fingers press into your skin proprietorially. 
“I can’t lose her, Art. But I also can’t lose you.” 
“Then tell her.” He says,  bringing your hand to his lips and kissing it. 
“You’re agreeing just like that? It’ll ruin your marriage.” 
His lip tugs up in the beginning of a bitter smile. “Tell her. It won’t change how she sees you.” he affirms “Then you should ask her about Patrick.”
You barely have time to process his implication when the door opens.
 The two of you pull apart as Tashi’s head pops in. She looks entirely unbothered as her eyes glance off her husband before settling squarely on you.
“Get in the shower, we’ve got to get moving.” 
And just like that she’s gone again.
“Do you need him?” 
Tashi’s question catches you off guard.
You’ve both been sitting in silence- her nursing a glass of wine and you with herbal tea as you both look out across the London skyline. Lights of skyscrapers are strung out across the black like fairy lights. 
You know who she’s talking about, but you’re terrified to acknowledge it.
You stop yourself from giving into the instinct to peer back through the open sliding door and into the hotel room where Art is watching TV. 
“In what way?” You ask, fiddling with the handle of your mug, still looking forward. 
Tashi huffs, putting her glass down and then turning to you, kneeling beside you on the outdoor couch. She takes the mug out of your hand, setting it on the nearby table before curling her fingers around your chin and forcing you to meet her unflinching stare. 
“Will Art improve your game or will he wreck it?” She sees your eyes widen and shushes you, stymying the words that had been gathering on your tongue. “This isn’t about me. I’m your coach, so I need to know that you’re going to keep giving this your all.” 
“I will.” You nod furiously, still held in her grip.
Tashi’s eyes flicker down your lips before finding your eyes again. Her hair is loose and being blown into your face. 
“I need you to tell me that if he’s watching you in the stands, that you won’t choke.” She says. “What the two of you have needs to light a fire in you, or it fucking dies. Do you understand me?” 
“I won’t choke.” You insist, your tone hard.
Her full lips press into a pleased line. “So are you going to keep dominating?” 
Slightly breathless, your eyes fall to where your fingers have been absentmindedly brushing her knee. You let your digits outstretch and as your eyes return to Tashi’s, you tentatively run them over her scar. You feel her shiver. 
“I’m going to keep dominating.” 
You both go still, and just as the corner of her mouth tugs up, she’s leaning in. You inhale a sharp breath as her lips just skim yours. She holds there, not pressing any further. 
When Tashi speaks, you feel her lips form the words against your own. “Then you do whatever it takes.” 
You truly couldn’t say which of you closes the distance, it feels more like an external, undeniable force driving the two of you to converge.
 When Tashi begins to move her lips against yours, her hand cradles the back of your head, twisting into your hair and pulling. You can’t help but let out a soft moan into her mouth, a hand landing on her waist and digging into the thin fabric of her silk shift.
Tashi draws back first, her hot breaths on your face as she presses two fingers to your throbbing lips. 
The question that comes out of your mouth has no malice or jealousy behind it, just an aching curiosity: you want to know her completely, in the way that you used to, and Art’s words from the locker room told you there was something you don’t know. 
“Tashi, what happened between you and Patrick?” 
She doesn’t rear back, she doesn’t slap you like she might have, she just lets out a slow almost contented breath.  
“I slept with him.” She admits calmly. “A few years ago in Atlanta, and the night before the Challenger match against Art.” 
All at once the visceral passion of that match makes so much more sense and even though you’re aware how twisted it is, you laugh. 
“You forced them to have the best match of their lives.” You say, your tone warring between disbelief and awe. 
Tashi answers with another brief, but ardent kiss to your lips, before she’s rising to her feet, her demeanour steady. Her expression is already returning to the stern set of your coach. 
“You need to get to bed. It’s a busy day tomorrow. Your physiotherapist is here at eight am. Nutritionist at eight-thirty.” 
You nod in agreement, lips still tingling as you rise to your feet. 
The night breeze stirs your hair and the thin fabric of your robe. Only when you turn do you see Art leaning in the doorway, his arms crossed against his chest, the fabric of his grey shirt strained against his muscles. 
When you meet his gaze he smiles so fondly that, combined with the residual heat of Tashi’s contact, you’re set ablaze. 
Right now you have both of them.
“Stay here with us.” Tashi asserts, running a hand over Art’s arm as she passes him to head inside the room.
“No need for you to go wandering down the hall in your nightgown again.” Art continues, the corner of his lips lifting as he holds a hand out to you.
You take it, letting him draw you inside. 
When the two of you reach the massive Queen bed, Art pulls back the sheets and you crawl happily into the middle of the mattress. 
All at once your exhaustion hits you, the softness cradling your aching form both lulling you into drowsiness and making your limbs remember each strained movement of the day.  
Your eyes fall shut, so you’re not sure who it is who causes the bed to dip, but you lean into the warmth irregardless. 
Art’s toned arm wraps around your torso as he draws the back of your body to be flush with his front.  He’s already pulling hair away from your neck and laying lingering kisses there, when movement in front of you causes your eyes to flutter open. 
Tashi’s standing in the bathroom doorway opposite you, her form backlit by the warm light as she finishes rubbing lotion to her arms.
 She watches Art holding you and she notes how he’s kissing you, a frenetic vibrancy takes over her expression. 
You hold her gaze as she switches the bathroom light and walks over. When she crawls under the covers, one of Art’s hands is moving past the neckline of your robe, his thumb running over your nipple. 
You sigh, your head falling back against Art’s chest, but your hand is moving forward across the mattress, searching for Tashi. 
It’s such a terrible idea-  an act that will join you all in another irrevocable way, but you have to have it. You have to have them. 
If you’re going to play tennis with Tashi as your coach and Art still in her life…you can’t choose. You can’t separate yourself from either of them. 
Your hand makes contact with Tashi’s as she lays herself right in front of you. She intertwines your fingers and leans down to kiss your chest, her lips skimming your collarbones. 
Art draws his hand away from your breast and his touch travels down your body, between your legs. 
You moan as Tashi’s mouth explores your chest, her tongue brushing over the swell of your breasts all while Art is pressing his knees between yours from behind. Now more open to him, he bunches your robe in his hand and rucks it up until it’s gathered at your waist. He pulls down your underwear.
When Art’s fingers begin to tease your centre, your gasp is lost as Tashi covers her mouth with yours, her free hand threading into your hair. 
Between the two of them, you find security in the ecstasy they draw out of you. Your entire body is flushed and sweating, cheeks red and chest heaving.
You’re beyond overwhelmed, but you try to savour every small touch and shift of their bodies.
Mostly you’re trying to remember the sensation of Tashi, because you have a feeling this may never happen again with her: even in your addled mind as Art begins to roll his hips, a finger pressing inside you, you’re aware that for Tashi this could simply be a form of motivation. You know that if she thought you needed this now, in order to keep playing the way you had today, then she’d do it without question. She’s motivating you.
 But is that all this is for her? It certainly means a lot more to you.
Tashi was the first woman you had been attracted to, the first person to make you question the limited nature of your desires as a young woman. And then she’d been your best friend, you’d loved and wanted her…and then you’d lost her. 
You both knew this wasn’t a sustainable dynamic, it would likely never be repeated, but for now you would savour being desired by the woman who had awoken yours so long ago. 
Right as Art presses another finger into you, plunging them the two in almost lazily, as if he has all the time in the world, he whispers in your ear: 
“Are you okay?” 
Tashi is still kissing you, but draws back when she hears the question, her lips plump and glistening. She’s giving you the chance to answer, you realise. 
The glorious tightness inside you worsens, friction growing as they stop touching you. 
“Yes.” You whine impatiently.
Art chuckles into your neck as you grab his wrist and guide him back into you, his fingers curling inside your warmth. 
But Tashi’s lips don’t return to yours, instead she leans down and presses them to your forehead before she’s crawling out of the bed.
You’re not worried by her retreat because you’ve always been able to read her face. As she backs away, your orgasm drawing closer as Art fucks into you with his fingers, you see that she isn’t regretting anything. In fact, she’s pleased. Not necessarily with what’s happening in front of her, but because Art–someone she has loved and still loves in her own way–can give you the intimacy she can’t quite bring herself to. 
You play tennis for Tashi and Art loves you for both of them. You think you can live with that.
 Even though you know you could, you don’t begrudge Tashi for any of it. She’s given you this. She’s given you Art and in as much as she can, she’s given you herself. 
As she slips out of the room, no doubt to go to her Mother’s suite and to her daughter, you are entirely content. 
Once you’re alone, you buck up into Art’s hand, your ass grinding against his hardness. He groans deeply against your neck and you almost cry out in protest as he pulls his fingers from right when you’re so close to release. 
But you are not left bereft of him for long. His arm moves beneath you, bracketing your chest with his hand and settling with a soft grip against your throat. He pushes down his pyjama pants.
It’s all too much when he begins to tease his hardness against your core. 
“Art. Now.” You reach down and dig your nails into his now bare thigh with force. 
As his grip on your throat tightens ever so slightly, Art complies and pushes himself into you from behind. He sounds drunk as he whispers into your hair:
“This will never be enough.” He thrusts into you with sweet slowness, letting you feel every tiny thing. “I’ll never have enough of you.” 
So lost in the pressure of him moving inside you that you’re alienated from your capacity for speech, you can’t find the language to tell him how this feels for you; you can’t tell him how much it means. 
Then he speaks again, his movements becoming more forceful: “I’ll never have all of you will I?”
You whimper as his hand that’s not on your neck dives between your legs, adding pressure with his fingers even as he fucks you.
“You do have all of me.” You answer raggedly, relinquishing free movement entirely as he cradles your body so restrictively.
He’s like a snake, tingling around your form before consuming your entire being.
“Tell me it wouldn’t change anything if it was just us.” Art begs, his breath catching in his throat and body shaking. “Tell me I’d be enough for you.” 
He thrusts again and you almost break with your shuddering release. You don’t try to remain quiet, crying out into the night. Art continues to move in you, desperate in more ways than one. 
“I can’t Art.” You admit, tears of pleasure and a sweet sort of pain gathering in your eyes. “I can’t tell you that. We need- we need them. B-both of them.” You stutter out, relinquishing yourself to your euphoria. 
Them. Them being Tashi and Patrick.
 You don’t understand Art without either of them. You don’t understand yourself without them. 
Everything was in relation to them, even the sex you and Art are having right now isn’t just about the two of you. And you both know it.
An indecipherable noise comes from Art as he pulls out of you, and in a blink, he’s rolled you onto your back and is pressing himself into you again.
His pace becomes rapid as he buries his face in the crook of your neck, hips snapping against yours.
You wrap your legs around him, driving him deeper as his body begins to tremble.
When Art comes apart, draping himself over you as he gathers himself, a tear of utter confusion rolls down your cheek and falls into his hair. 
Whatever comes next, at least you know you’ll never be alone. Art is a part of you. Tashi and Patrick are part of you. 
Without each other, there is no survival.
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johnbierce · 2 months
Fantasy short story anthology time!
My new book, The Gorgon Incident and Other Stories: A Mage Errant Anthology, is out now on Amazon and Audible!
I absolutely love writing short stories. They push me as an author in ways that novels don't, and each one presents me with a unique, fascinating challenge. And, with this anthology, they allow me to explore parts of Anastis, the world of Mage Errant, in ways I couldn't in the main series. I get to travel to out-of-the-way corners, visit ordinary people to see how they get by in a world of giant monsters and ruthless archmages battling for control of petty territories, to explore secret conspiracies and legendary historical figures, and to flesh out Anastis' ecology, culture, and history.
If you haven't read Mage Errant yet, the first three ebooks are free for the next few days, and books four through six are on sale for $0.99 in the US and UK! Mage Errant is a completed, seven book magic school progression fantasy series, following the adventures of Hugh of Emblin as he goes from being a shy, neurodiversefailure of a student mage who struggles with anxiety and depression to being a shy, neurodiverse terrifying archmage who struggles with anxiety, depression, giant monsters, and magical superweapons. It features found family, giant monsters, a science-inspired hard magic system where you're as liable to run into hair or bismuth mages as fire mages, giant monsters, lots of queer characters, giant monsters (some of whom are also queer characters), kaijucratic systems of government, and sapient living cities. (Did I mention the giant monsters?)
The stories in the Gorgon Incident are written to be legible even to people who haven't read Mage Errant yet- though I think most people will get more out of them after reading the main series. The twenty-four stories, all originally published on my Patreon, span five centuries of history, from the last years of the Ithonian Empire up to the events of the series itself, even visiting another of Anastis' continents for the first time.
I also leaned hard into the science-inspired aspects of the setting with many of the stories, building what I like to call science puzzle stories, where the plot of the story revolves around the real-life behavior of various materials and natural processes, through a magical lens. (I had a lot of fun doing it, and it even let me include a whole additional appendix filled with notes on the science of the short stories- I love appendices.)
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(Art by Aaron McConnell and Lee Moyer.)
A fugitive child finds shelter with a monster of legend. A mind-blind scholar outwits the mages who disdain him. A gold mage must secure a bank vault from a monster capable of obliterating entire cities. An aging basketweaver wakes up one morning to find a brand new river in front of her house. A palace-sized octopus seeks to defend his city from a living fortress of bone— if he can get his arms to cooperate.
In these twenty-four short stories set in the world of Mage Errant, John Bierce explores the murky depths of history, forgotten corners of Ithos and beyond, and the strangest reaches of magic itself.
Gorgon Incident US link Gorgon Incident UK link Gorgon Incident CA link Gorgon Incident AU link
Gorgon Incident Audible US link Gorgon Incident Audible UK link Gorgon Incident Audible CA link Gorgon Incident Audible AU link
Amazon US series page Amazon UK series page Amazon CA series page Amazon AU series page
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nordidia · 7 months
May I request some pain, Raph flavored
Pretty pleaseeeee
i hope i dont sound angry writing this, but please dont send/ask me stuff like this! i've gotten a lot of similar asks like this and this is scary for me but i need to set a boundary!
i dont like making "angst" or sad things, i dont make non-happy content for the sake of inflicting pain, and i dont like people assuming/thinking i do! i make it for meaningful emotional impact, i dont want people to tell me how much they like that i "put raph through pain" or assume im appealing to people who like doing that .. it makes me very sad!
i dont make "angst" to purely hurt characters, im making fanart of a character with emotional depth, and to explore the character's reaction to serious matters, and to let people know that theyre not alone, and that struggling can look like many things
some of the most motivating things ive been told by people who like my comics is that it's helped them (and their therapist sometimes!) figure out what was up with them, because i write a lot of things such as ptsd and anxiety and general mental pain to look different than the media portrays. because there really is alot of forms mental issues can take, and not all of them get portrayed, which leaves real people wondering "whats wrong with me" when its right there, just different form!
i think the closest i'll get to making it "just because" is vent art, but that too has meaning. and i will specify when its vent art for that very reason. to say "this isnt necessarily me exploring anything, or canonical, its to make myself feel less alone, and hopefully, the people seeing this as well"
and thats why i make the content i do, its not because i enjoy putting characters i like through bad things,,, in fact, i often hesitate/regret posting because i feel bad about the things i create for the sake of this. but i try to look past it because it can genuinely help a lot of people, and it does help myself too.
i think that assuming i make emotional stuff just for the sake of pain takes away from that.. i try very hard to not over-do sad stuff and i often cut down on it because i dont want to overwhelm people with it, and to prove that i only do the necessities for the sake of healing from the things i put emphasis on
any of the pain i "put them through" is my take on what they've canonically been through, and exploring their reaction and way to deal with the aftermath of that. nothing more,,, nothing less.
ugly things are still worth talking about, especially for the sake of healing growth
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this got alot i hope i made sense uhh yeah!! yeah.,, apolocheese!!
TL;DR: i personally make pain for the necessity of healing, not because i think its fun
and now back to our regularly scheduled program
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libellule-ao3 · 4 months
HC: Ominis, his eyes and his experience as a blind wizard
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Picture Credits: @deathlysallows [link]
I was talking to someone recently about Ominis' eyes, and it gave me the idea of publishing these HCs. 🙂
Please note that the ideas and interpretations presented in this post are my 'headcanon', some of which are mentioned/explored in my fanfictions, but not all. I respect and appreciate the different opinions and interpretations that others may have.
My intention is to share my thoughts, not impose them... I'd love to see yours btw. 😊
Approximately 1,560 words at present. This could increase with possible future updates.💚
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☆ Ominis’ eyes do not have pupils to let light enter his eye and reach the photoreceptors. As a result, he has no light perception and is totally blind. This lack of pupils, a phenomenon unique even among wizards, is the result of the marriage between his family's consanguinity and Dark Arts, which they practise shamelessly. (Quote: Ominis was born blind and no spell could reverse it)
☆ Besides this absence of pupils, his eyes are distinguished by their density of pale blue radial streaks, which start from the centre of the iris and radiate outwards, against a dark blue background. This pattern gives his eyes a fascinating, dynamic look. Ominis’ eyes are not opaque, milky or cloudy. These descriptors are so often associated with cataracts or glaucoma (i.e. Eye diseases Ominis does not have in my HC) that I avoid using them.
☆ Even when taking on the appearance of a sighted person thanks to the Polyjuice Potion or using Legilimency, Ominis remains unable to see, as his brain does not know how to interpret visual stimuli.
☆ If the Polyjuice Potion had worked, Ominis' parents wouldn't have hesitated to kidnap a child of the same age, sequestering him so that Ominis could take on his appearance, proceeding in the same way as Barty Crouch Jr did with Alastor Moody.
☆ Using a Pensieve does not negate his blindness either. He therefore perceives the memories consulted by this means in the same way as he perceives his everyday environment.
☆ Ominis has a well-developed sense of touch and smell, and his hearing is very acute. However, the acuity of these senses is not superhuman. He has only learnt to maximumly use his sensory compensatory means to make up for the visual deficit.
☆ During his childhood, his parents and siblings, who struggled for a long time to cure his blindness did not value his existence. As a result, Ominis tends to see himself as less valuable than a sighted person, despite what his Aunt Noctua says.
☆ Ominis has never let his blindness stop him from doing what he really wanted to do. On the other hand, as a good sneaky snake, he doesn’t mind using his blindness as an excuse not to do what he refuses to do or... to justify getting physically close to his heart’s desire. "I can’t work with my wand today, can you guide me to the Great Hall?" How can you say no to him when you know his wand [HC link] is so fickle?)
☆ When not using his echolocation spell, Ominis relies on his other senses to understand the world around him. As a result, surprise contacts can be disturbing for him as they abruptly disrupt his sensory perception. This generates anxiety, as he cannot anticipate the contact. But when this is done by people with whom he has no emotional bond, Ominis experiences it as an additional violation of his personal space, which can make him angry.
☆ Before she disappeared, his Aunt Noctua used to embroider hangings for him, which she would then hang in his bedroom. Ominis loved to run his fingertips over the raised patterns and different textures. Even without seeing them, Ominis could appreciate their creativity and aesthetics through touch. He still has a strong taste for embroidered fabrics from this period.
☆ Without concrete sensory experience of colours, his perception of colours remains a mental concept for him. At Hogwarts, he used to ask Sebastian if his clothes matched properly until he was familiar enough with fabrics to recognise them by touch.
☆ Before Ominis got his wand, he had to learn to organise his living space so that he could be as independent as possible. As a result, Ominis is very tidy and always puts his things away carefully so that he can find them more easily and navigate safely. Even in the most intimate moments, he folds and tidies his clothes before attending to his lover... firstly out of habit, and secondly because he finds it very exciting to play with their patience.
☆ For the Gaunt, the family’s image and reputation were of crucial importance. Having a blind child was a source of shame, as it could be interpreted as a weakness in their lineage or a sign of failure. When they gave up hope of curing him, they convinced themselves that a Gaunt could not be born deprived of sight without obtaining a compensatory magical ability, such as the gift of clairvoyance... Reality soon caught up with them.
☆ This umpteenth disappointment, combined with Ominis’s repeated refusal to adhere to supremacist ideals, or to practise dark arts, reinforced the hostility of Ominis’s parents towards him. As a result, the abuse escalated until the terrible episode recounted in the game (negative emotions + intolerance + misunderstanding + social pressure formed a detonating cocktail)
☆ His echolocation spell allows him to navigate independently, but it will never replace sight.
☆Capable of taking initiative, his wand has a will of its own that sometimes comes into conflict with Ominis. When this happens, it is very difficult for him to work with his wand and he may sometimes ask someone to guide him to where he wants to go. If he turns to you in this case, it’s a sign that he has a great deal of trust in you, something he doesn’t grant easily.
☆ The fact that people avoid certain words (see, or look for example) in his presence, or are embarrassed when he uses them himself, metaphorically or simply as a linguistic convention, amuses him and he doesn’t hesitate to play them up.
☆ If he’s not serving himself, he discreetly feels his plate to find out where the food is.
☆ Ominis is very concerned about his appearance because he wants to blend in with society to avoid attracting unwanted attention. Also, he feels more confident with having an impeccable appearance. His obsession: getting a stain on his clothes that he can’t detect. He used to ask Anne to check his outfit several times during the day.
☆ Although many classmates have asked him to touch their faces so that Ominis can “see” them, he has always flatly refused, as he finds it too intrusive. Sebastian and Anne are the only ones with whom he has allowed himself this familiarity... until his fiancée.
☆ Aloof and reserved by nature, Sebastian, Anne and his lover are the only people he accepts hugs from. These have enabled him to obtain information about their appearance, height, weight, hairstyle, morphology and much more...
☆ Wizards of their background were often evaluated on their elegance and their ability to fit into the society at the time. In addition to the classic upbringing of a member of the illustrious Gaunt family, Ominis’ parents insisted he acquire good social skills and impeccable manners, which was not always easy for Ominis.
☆ For he had “automatic, stereotyped and repetitive” gestures (blindism). Swaying his body or turning his head, or repeatedly rubbing his eyes were very severely punished, as were the various postural disturbances inherent in his blindness (head in profile because that’s the ideal listening position, shuffling gait to keep his 2 feet anchored to the ground maintain his balance more easily etc...). As a result, Ominis has become very aware of himself and his body language.
☆ Always with the aim of meeting their standards, his parents imposed a strict education on him, ensuring that he was fully educated in the history of Magic, that of his ancestors, that of the great pureblood families, the evolution of the bonds governing them and the dark arts for which the Gaunt are so renowned.
☆ In Victorian times, professional prospects were rather limited for blind people, even in the wizarding world, and even with the best education. What’s more, the family safe at Gringotts was just a leaky basket, so Ominis’s parents forced him to play the piano hoping he would become skilled and renowned enough to bail them out. As a result, he plays the piano very well, but he is not a prodigy. This skill is the result of long efforts and painful constraints. All washed down with tears.
☆ At Hogwarts, potions classes are the hardest for Ominis to grasp. Too much simultaneous olfactory stimulation, a method of learning ill-suited to the blind as the recipe steps rely on the precise colouring of the brew.
☆ When he's not using his echolocation spell, Ominis hates it when people leave him after a conversation without telling him they're leaving.
☆ Braille appeared in England in 1861, and Ominis learned about this Muggle system of reading and writing from his Aunt Noctua, who was much more open to the Muggle world than the rest of the Gaunt family, who refused to hear about it. He learned it on his own, with the help of his aunt and the house-elf who provided him with reference books.
☆ When he has to use a knife for cooking or in potions class, Ominis demands a perfectly sharp blade that offers a more precise cut with less effort, reducing the risk of slippage and injury, unlike a dull knife, which is potentially more dangerous as it requires more force to cut, making control more difficult.
☆ He doesn’t cut his fingernails, he files them to make sure he doesn’t cut himself.
(These last 2 HC are from anecdotes heard about my paternal grandmother, whom I never knew and who became blind because of cataracts that were inoperable at the time because of certain medical history)
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ghostieyanyan · 3 months
Is it ok if I can ask for a yandere Rollo Flamme? I like the idea of Rollo because he’s already based off a yandere villain so it makes sense. And I think Rolli would like to get close to Yuu cuz they don’t have any magic so they’re seen as ‘pure’ in Rollo’s eyes. Maybe Rollo can be seen trying hard to control his urges at the fireplace or he captured MC and tried to burn them at the stake like in the movie? Your choice.
hehehe... why not just add salt to injure? what if mc has pyrophobia, a fear of fire?
~Let the fire purify you~
Yan!Rollo x Pyrophobia!Mc
Warnings: Fire, burning, kidnapping, anxiety attack, chains, gag, breakdown,
Rollo hated magic... with a passion. A passion that burned so bright that hurricanes, rainstorms, floods, and tsunami together couldn't extinguish this flame of pure hatred.
How does no one sees the danger of magic? How many lives have to be taken in the hand of magic for people to understand this is a problem? He guesses that its one of humanities sin, playing dumb, playing ignorant, until it becomes someone they care about that gets hurt. its always like that... why could people just see things through his lenses BEFORE someone got hurt...
But for now, he just has to do gods work for everyone else, until they see things his ways...
He had a plan. a plan that will solve this problem before it could get worst. The plan to get rid of magic, from one of the most powerful mages in twisted wonderland, to the student "prodigies" of that sick, sinful school, to the townsfolks of Fleur city, to every inch of Twisted wonderland.
With this crazy plan, he'll make, no, he'll force everyone to see how he sees life should be. he didnt care on who got hurt-
he met Night Raven College's gem in the rock, their Perfect. When all the students were introducing themselves, when it was your turn. He swore the world stopped and he would have swore on his life that he saw wings and a halo on you. You looked, spoke, and acted like an angel. you even allow these sinful... beasts... breathe the same air as you. then you have an ACTUAL beast as a familiar. don't tell grim that.
your heart and soul must be made out of pure gold. he has to protect it at all cost. he will use his own body to shield you from magical blast and then some to keep your purity in tact. he will move mountains and redivert lakes, rivers, seas, and oceans for you. Rollo Flamme will make you into his deity that he worships.
All the students decided to split into groups and explore Fleur City, after they got changed.
to say Rollo thought you looked breathe taking in your glorious masquerade outfit was an understatement. he was about to come up to you and compliment you, maybe even starting small talk with you but a certain lizard decided to be the first to do so...
Of course that monster would be charmed by an angel like you. Evil loves to tempt with good.
no matter, he'll just have to see you another time but if he gets too busy..? He'll make time for you.
Rollo lead you into his office, you didn't mind too much because he was telling you all about the school's history and art. it is a really pretty school, it gives very romantic feelings.
when you finally made it into his office, you froze at the doorway at seeing the fire place. Rollo quickly notices and puts out the flame with a very helpful near by bucket. You were grateful that Rollo was very accommodating to your fears.
you thanked him and sat down across from him while Rollo sat in his chair.
"I'm very sorry for asking you to meet me at this ungodly hour but i just needed your input on something and if i didn't ask you, i would have had a sleepless night tossing and turning." Rollo said as he got everything on his desk organized.
"hehe, its alright. I just happen to have a restless night myself.. but i don't mind the company."
"oh my that sounds awful. what seems to be troubling you?"
It was really hard to tell someone you only just recently met that you had a "bad feeling" about something and how so far, in twisted wonderland, its always comes true...
"well.. i think... maybe, its just the 'sleeping at a new place' feeling and I'm just not getting use to it. but I'm sure its fine. heh.."
Rollo seemed satisfied with that answer and continues, by leaning towards you on the desk.
"i know i asked you about this before, but id like to discuss it with you more in depth... hmm?"
since Rollo put out the fire place, there was only a small lamp on the desk to shine light in the room. you kind of wished that the fire place was still lit... cause everything in this scenario was telling you to run and never look back..
"o-okay..? what would you like to know..?"
Rollo smiled and leaned back into his chair.
"as a magicless student in a full school of magical.. mages, aren't you scared they might... turn and hurt you..?"
the way he worded that made you feel more unnerved.. you trusted your friends in Night Raven College. Even the ones that did try to hurt you, they still came to your defense and help and protected you when you needed them.. you trusted them with your life and having this man tell you "you shouldn't because they can use magic" was... laughable...
"no.. because they've earn my trust and I've earn theirs..!"
Rollo's face darkened as you stood up from the chair you were sitting in.
"I'm sorry Rollo. Thank you for your hospitality but i have to go."
you start walking to the door but stopped.
"with however you feel about magic, i wont sit down and let you disrespect them just because they possess a special ability and i don't. It doesn't make them less of a person. Magic or no magic."
you walked to the door but before you could even touch the doorknob, you feel a body press against your back, pinning you against the door. you couldn't even move, much less move the door.
"I'm sorry my sweet angel~... i guess.. I'll just have to show you myself then~"
you see a quick purple blur and then tightness around your throat. Rollo was using his signature purple and gold handkerchief to strangle you! you tried to struggle. you tired to jab your elbow into his chest but his uniform was too thick for it to do any good.
You started to feel light headed then everything you saw was slowly turning black. the last thing you saw was Rollo, and the insanity in his eyes.
you had so many questions...
why you? was it because you don't have magic so you were "easy"? aren't there other people in twisted wonderland without magic? you just happened to go to a school "for" magic users so of course you'll see it a lot.
what's so bad about magic? ya it almost killed you here and there but it also almost killed either the user or other people around you.. but afterwards everything would have been fine. Plus you didn't blame the magic for those situations. you couldn't even say you blamed the user. some deserved the blame.. but not everyone..
how did you get here..? probably from your big mouth, you should have been smart when you were talking to Rollo. he was already giving you weird vibes and you just had to make it worst
you had more questions but you knew none of them would get answered..
you started to slowly open your eyes..
where are you..? what's this sound..? why cant you move..?
you slowly looked around, you remember this place... Rollo showed you, with your friends. the big bell, the bell of Solace. you noticed that you were alone though..
you looked around some more, you looked out from where you sat on the floor. it was dark out but with an orange hue... was the sun rising..? what's going on?
you went to take a step, to look out but something stopped you. a cold hand..? no..? a chain?!
if you weren't fully awake then, now you are! the chain was short, at least 2 feet long from the floor, it was attached to both your ankles. you could only go so far out.
what happened?! what's going on?!?
you started breathing heavily, tears started to form. you felt so confused, so lost. someone, anyone, please hel-
"oh my dear! you're awake."
your blood became ice, you looked up to see an uncomfortably happy Rollo.. he had a basket of breads and fruits.
"i was so worried that you'll never wake up. I'm very happy you did~"
with a heavy chest, you spoke.
"what's going on, Rollo!? Why are we here? why am i-?"
"oh within time my dear angel~ we just have to wait for those flowers to do their miracles. in the meantime, eat. you've been sleeping for a while and-"
"flowers..? what are you-...? Rollo...."
you took a deep breathe to try to settle your nerves.
"Please, Rollo... I'm scared. please tell me what's going on."
he looks at you and sighed, placing the basket down on a near by table. He then walked over to you and sat beside you, motioning you to come closer to him.
You did. you don't really have a choice right now..
"I'm making our perfect little world my love~ our paradise~"
you looked at the man like he was crazy. he was, at this point. But he continues.
"the Crimson flowers, the one that looks like fire, the flowers i shown you when you toured the city, they have the ability to take a mage's magic until they are just magicless people.. like you."
you stared at him but he kept smiling.
"magicless.. like me..?"
"yes my dear, then everyone in this world would have to understand magic is like a poisonous weed that has to be pulled out. or it'll spread to the other crops."
you just stared. you couldn't bare to keep looking at him so you turned to look at anything else..
magicless like you... no.. this isn't right. this cant happened!
Rollo thought the conversation was over and sat up to get the basket.
"Before this started, i made sure to get some food. i thought you'll be hungry so-"
Rollo froze. he was facing the backet and didn't turn around.
"excuse me..?"
you stood up, leaning against the wall, as best as you could. You knew your big mouth was gonna put you in a tough situation again but- what were you suppose to do?
"you, Rollo Flamme, are a monster."
he slowly turned to you, his eyes screamed murder. even if your body is shaking, from fear, from anxiety, from anger, maybe all of them at once's, but you kept your eye contact with Rollo.
You knew a comment like that will hurt him. you knew you couldn't physically harm him but you just wanted to hurt him like he planned to do the same to everyone you cared for..
the silence was deafening.
Rollo took some slow steps to you and leaned down to your level.
"take. that. back."
"no. cause i didn't say anything wrong.."
you hear Rollo take a deep breath and he quickly snaked his hand to grab the nape of your neck. you let out a gasp, from the sudden movement. he straighten his posture and brought you to his eye level.
"it's seems that those... mages.. have filled you with their poison. I'll just have to purify you myself. don't say i didn't warn you, my angel.."
he dragged you to a window and made you look outside. the entire city was filled with those flowers but... the looks of those flowers... made it look like you were in the middle of a raging firestorm. you felt your stomach drop. you felt cold shivers, and you didn't even realized that tears were falling. when you looked more, you noticed that the "fire" was slowly climbing the tower you were in.
you were about to let out a blood curdling scream but you were stopped by Rollo tying that purple handkerchief into a makeshift gag for you.
After that, he threw you, face down into the ground. Your body was shivering from fear so intensely, to the point that it feels like you lost complete control over your body. you couldn't even fight back when Rollo tied your hands together.
"i, really, am sorry for this my sweet angel~ but i have to get rid of the poison that those mages put in you... you have to be purified."
Rollo walked off and came back holding a fireplace poker. it was glowing red and you could see smoke coming off of it. where he got that, you didn't know but your attempt to get away from him was met with a wall against your back.
you felt your head spin, you were trembling to no return, the hot tears wouldn't stop, and the makeshift gag he put on you was now soak with tears, saliva, and snot.
Rollo kept walking towards you, in an agonizing slow pace.
"don't worry, my angel love~ after this, all will be forgiven~"
when he went to grab your face, he-
those are.. familiar voices.. you know those voices..
"tch.. i suppose your punishment will have to wait my love. apparently, ill have to finish these pesky mages off myself."
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ivesambrose · 6 months
ℜ𝔞𝔥𝔲 𝔦𝔫 𝔓𝔦𝔰𝔠𝔢𝔰 & 𝔎𝔢𝔱𝔲 𝔦𝔫 𝔳𝔦𝔯𝔤𝔬 𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔰𝔦𝔱 𝔪𝔢𝔰𝔰𝔞𝔤𝔢𝔰
October 30, 2023 — May 18, 2025
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Pick the image you can submerge yourself into or can see yourself getting lost in or being a part of, that has your message.
If you'd like an even more personalized reading in regards to this or anything else from my list of services DM or email me with your query at [email protected]
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Picture 1
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You'll look back at your childhood, early teen years or even the eras before you that you haven't lived and take inspiration from there when it comes to your creative expressions. Might revisit old films, old forms of media, music etc too.
You'll feel detached to modern life quite a bit. I believe for a long time you've been quite cynical since even the field of creativity moves too fast being heavily reliant on content generation so you had kept your hobbies aside till now or were worried about learning anything new and allowing yourself to develop in your craft.
However, you'll have this unabashed sense of confidence which comes from simply catering to that version of you that wants to find joy and awe in the arts and whatever makes you feel less doom and gloom.
You might adopt a pet or find yourself feeling closer to animals. Also, do not worry too much about your finances. They will pick up.
Some of you might rent out a place or move into a new house.
Some of you will have prospective romantic suitors or an existing relationship will bloom slowly but with assurance.
A word of advice is to invest your money properly and not mindlessly spend it at the same time the harder you hold onto it the quicker you'll find your funds decreasing. Find a middle ground.
Detachment from what you have pushed yourself to hustle for tirelessly for so long and allowing yourself to dream, explore, rest and take it slow is going to eventually bring you what you truly want without you having to lose your sanity in the process.
Picture 2
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Life seemed to have been filled with toil and labour that may have been showing it's adverse effects on your health. That and the need to achieve perfectionism has been constant but the results have been futile.
Either you have been working towards something you're passionate about and will see the results finally come through or you'll finally find a reason to be passionate about or something that is worth the dedication and labour you put for the long haul and you'll appraise it's results by the middle or towards the end of this transit.
You may be realizing certain connections (likely romantic) however established will not be making it. But that's okay, you'll be eager to take steps towards a new direction even if the past seems to come snapping at your feet. (Literally, take care of your legs and feet.)
You'll also eventually be pushed to become your own boss and validation. Learn and break the cycles of your own deliberate ways of self sabotage. What does that bring? That success you have previously slaved away for.
When illusions and distractions fall away, true transformation occurs. A clear mind is a gift of it's own, a power you can confidently weild. You can finally move forward without the constant anxiety of looking back.
Picture 3
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You've been impatient for your own metamorphosis, your rewards, your blessings as well as your rebirth. The previous month's felt like someone grabbed you by the head and pushed you down in an effort to make you sink at some point, you prayed that it's done with, just so the suffocation would end. That's exactly what has happened but you don't realize it yet, but will in the coming months, the old you is gone.
Some of you may be feeling drawn to dark Goddesses (learning about them or working with them however this applies to you)
You'll be pushed in the spotlight now, unknowingly, suddenly and inevitability. The metamorphosis is complete see? You haven't noticed but the people will. And although there are so many fulfilling offers both in career and love, why must you run from it? Maybe cuz you've chased all of this or wanted all of this for so long, now that it's here, you feel a sense of detachment. And although aloofness is soothing and maybe even attractive, live a little. In fact, you should unapologetically live out loud.
You have this pent up energy of wanting to beautify, nurture and bewitch everything and everyone around you and that you will, it will start with yourself first. A lot of you will venture into an artistic field that will require travel, travel in turn will also help you in connecting with your soul tribe. Listen to your heart a little more because you certainly love being in your head.
You've also been worried about your family, you'll see them happy and fulfilled.
There's so much to create, to achieve, to learn, to teach, to explore to give and to receive. So don't hold back.
Picture 4
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Sometimes realizing that what you thought brought you joy because it looked exciting and good in the pictures was sucking you dry after all, can also feel like a heartbreak or an afternoon cry under the shower. You've been sick likely and devoid of true merriment. Perhaps some of you aren't as happy with the company you keep. Good thing is, that's about to change, even though at first it may not feel like it.
There's conflict internally and externally, it might bleed into your proffesional/academic life. Is everything really supposed to be competition? How much of your authenticity have you compromised so far?
I do see you managing your finances/material life/academics/work/business etc efficiently. Finally resting, recharging and looking after your well being too.
At some point you'll encounter someone unlikely who will feel like a guiding star to you and might end up being a friend, a muse, a mentor or lover and if you're lucky, all of them in one person.
You have courage but you also have Intuition and foresight, trust it, use it. So that the joy you feel and what you celebrate next, fills your soul not just your glass.
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supersonicart · 1 year
Felicia Chiao's "Strange Pain."
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Currently on view at Harman Projects in New York City until January 7th, 2023 is artist Felicia Chiao's solo exhibition, "Strange Pain."
Taking the familiar and skewing it in surreal ways, Felicia Chiao illustrates painful human emotion by creating visual representations of feelings that can usually only be experienced. Whether it be a room with no windows or the dark bulbous personification of inner struggle, the "Strange Pain" referenced throughout the exhibition is evident.
Chiao's autobiographical work chooses to focus on vulnerable aspects of what it means to be human. She creates worlds in which our fear, anxiety and depression appear as physical as they feel. Given this new physical form, they are illustrated as amorphous blobs sitting on our laps pinning us down under the weight of depression, as smothering anxiety looming around the next corner, and as a pit in our stomach when we can not find the motivation to be productive as seen in Lamp Light, pictured above.
Loneliness persists throughout this body of work, the artist uses singular lights shone on her figures during night scenes and shadows cast during day scenes to essentially isolate them from the rest of their world. Others are seen gazing through their window at an outside world that has become foreign to them, or struggling to find the will to eat breakfast, these solitary beings find themselves alone with their thoughts.
Felicia Chiao states, "Strange Pain is about the small, undefinable pains you sometimes feel when nothing is specifically wrong. It can come as that ache you feel from a sad song or that fleeting wave of despair that comes over you while waiting for water to boil. It can be the tightness in your chest before a social event or that vague sense of guilt you sometimes get, even though you’ve done nothing wrong. Strange pains are hard to put into words but this body of work does its best to explore them."
Despite the ever present feelings of despair, there are also beautiful moments that shine through and offer an optimistic outlook. A tree rising out of a building toward the sun, lushly blooming flowers, and refrigerator magnets reminding the viewer that "Its ok".
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random-brushstrokes · 26 days
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John Bellany - The Ettrick Shepherd (1967)
On a cultural exchange in 1967, Bellany visited the Buchenwald concentration camp. The influence this has on the artist can be seen in his exploration of the bleakness of the human condition through his art. In this painting the subject is the 19th century writer and shepherd James Hogg. His dark shadow and the acrid colours of the landscape suggest a landscape of anxiety, reflecting the contemporary troubles of mass emigration caused by the Highland Clearances. James Hogg (1770–1835) was one of Scotland’s most intriguing and original writers. He began his career as a shepherd near his birthplace in the Ettrick Forest, some 40 miles south of Edinburgh. After his literary talent was discovered by Sir Walter Scott, he published extensively in verse and prose, became acquainted with leading Romantic writers of the day, and acquired his nickname ‘The Ettrick Shepherd’ in 'Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine'. Bellany’s haunting image was painted soon after he had been deeply impressed by Hogg’s prose masterpiece 'The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner' (1824). The novel tells of the struggles of a young Scot, around 1700, against madness, evil and possession: struggles which may be seen reflected here in the gaze of the shepherd himself. (source)
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psychhound · 2 months
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[ID: a banner that reads "immigration sale" in large light letters, with "8 games 40 - 60% off" in smaller light text. the background is a home's porch with a rocking chair, with a light brown translucent text box over it. end ID]
so my little brother @hmooncreates and his partner @paladinbaby are working to move in together!!! faun does not live in america and the visa application is Not Cheap so im having a sale to help out!!!
the goal is $150 but literally anything is awesome!! all proceeds will go straight to paying for the visa application
the sale includes some big games!! if youve seen my sales before, you'll be familiar with:
little shepherd, little spy: a solo or duet journaling game where you are a spy in the fairy war, delivering messages through your spy ring through coded messages in the books on your bookshelf
dead mans hand: a solo storytelling game where you travel around the weird wild west learning peoples stories through a poker hand oracle system
little celestial fieldwork guide: a solo or multiplayer city exploration photography game where you use tarot cards to get hints as to what objects little spirits are hidden as to catalogue them for your research
familiar field trip: a competitive multiplayer game where you are all witches' familiars causing havoc in the village, teaming up or betraying each other to get the most mischief points
some BRAND NEW GAMES that have NOT been on sale before are:
shadow/giant: a duet game where one player is a gruff, jaded adult and the other player is the magical child now under their care
the graveyard game: a solo journaling game where you interview people to write an ethnography of a magical, haunted graveyard
with breath & sword: a solo journaling game where you gear up and fight monsters in order to calm down from real-life anxiety, using grounding methods and breathing techniques
the narrator paradox: a solo narrating game where you have to wrangle your protagonist into listening to the story you're trying to tell and not defying the narrative
each game 40% off or get all 8 for only $18!!!
also check out hollis's fundraising sale with a zine and dating sim inspired ttrpg (its so so fun) and faun's fundraising sale commissions (theyve drawn most of the art for my dnd game theyre amazing)
checking the games out and spreading the word so appreciated!!! thanks yall!!!
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