#even though it prob needs an edit
orionsangel86 · 14 days
Lucienne/Lucien - How the Librarian Became the Chief.
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In The Sandman Netflix adaptation Lucienne is a stand out character and second only to Morpheus in importance, screen time, and centrality to the story. Lucienne is Morpheus's loyal Librarian, second in command, ruler of the Dreaming in his absence, and often times a voice of reason and advice for our dutiful King of Dreams. She is so well respected in her position that the other castle residents consider her their boss and would rather go to her for guidance and command than Morpheus himself. She takes care of Dream's ravens and even appears to have the power to create new ravens from newly deceased mortals like she did with Matthew. She is clearly extremely close to Morpheus, and is one of very few people he seems to actually listen to and trust. Lucienne's role in this story can not be underestimated.
So it may come as a surprise to any fans of the show who haven't read the comics to learn that Lucien (as he is called in the comics) is afforded very few of the above traits. In fact Lucien is no where near as close to Morpheus even by the very end of the story, as Lucienne is at the beginning. It is this difference that has fascinated me since I first started diving into the comics after falling in love with the show, and its something I view as extremely important when considering how the story is being adapted into a kinder, more sympathetic universe surrounding our central protagonist.
Lucienne's role is expanded greatly from her comic counterpart, and her relationship with Morpheus is shown to be much deeper. This is evident practically right away at the end of episode one when Lucienne comes to greet Morpheus upon his return to the Dreaming following his escape.
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The way she runs over to him as soon as she realises he is back, and lovingly takes his hand and is so pleased to see him is a far cry from the comic where the first thing Lucien does is bow.
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So right at the start we see a very different form of relationship here. Where Lucienne is already displaying a level of care and devotion beyond the expectations of a servant, Lucien however, is exactly that.
The servant thing has caused a bit of contention among fandom in the past. I think the confusion could come from whether or not you see Lucien or Lucienne first. Lucien IS a servant of Dream. Lucienne is more like a vice president and royal advisor. Those are two very different things after all and that difference only becomes more obvious the further you go into the story.
Lucienne accompanies Morpheus throughout his return to his crumbling kingdom, helps him as he attempt to repair the damage, follows him to Cain and Abel, and watches over his meeting with the Fates. She is by his side from the moment he returns until the moment he leaves again for the waking world to begin his quest to recover his tools, and she is responsible for Matthew's reincarnation as the new Raven and instructs Matthew to stay with him because of her concern for Morpheus's wellbeing on his quest.
I cannot stress enough how much none of this is in the comics. Lucienne shows a level of care towards Morpheus that just isn't present in Lucien in the comics. After the first meeting with Lucien at the gates of the Dreaming, Lucien doesn't appear again until he is instructed by Morpheus to conduct the census of the Dreaming. He only appears again in the Doll's House very briefly and has no involvement in Morpheus's decisions during that arc, which takes place very rarely in the Dreaming.
That's not to say that Lucien isn't a very trusted servant of Morpheus. He is the closest to Morpheus of all the residents of the Dreaming except only Matthew. But I think a lot of what we see in the show of Morpheus and Lucienne's dynamic is inspired by much later in the comics. I also think that it speaks loudly to the change in Morpheus as a character. Show!Morpheus has people almost right away who care about him and want to help him, whereas comic!Morpheus is extremely isolated. It is clear in the early comic stories that comic!Morpheus keeps himself at arms length from basically everyone. He does not have a bond with Lucien, he did not have Jessamy, and at that early stage, he didn't even have Matthew. All of this of course was primarily to make show!Morpheus a more sympathetic and likeable character - you gotta give your protagonist people who care about them, it helps raise the stakes after all.
Taking Charge - Lucienne is the real boss
One of my favourite parts of the Dolls House episodes in the Netflix show is the conflict between Morpheus and Lucienne due to the other residence and Dreaming servants going to her for advice and instruction first rather than Morpheus. Bearing in mind this only takes place less than a year after Morpheus's return from imprisonment, it speaks volumes as to how Lucienne has taken the role of leader of the Dreaming in her stride.
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But it also indicates how Morpheus' change in the show is coming at lightening fast speed compared to the comic. In the comic, Mervyn doesn't make these observations until the Brief Lives arc, and this is indicated at that point to be a very new thing - triggered by several years post fish bowl of having to face his past decisions and mistakes (and a string of scorned ex lovers one after the other ending in a horribly matched rebound relationship with a murderous witch that subsequently rejected him and triggered him literally seeking out destruction). Lucien was only put in charge of the Dreaming when Morpheus left to go on his trip with Delirium. It is during that trip that Morpheus realises how competent Lucien is and capable of running things without problem in his absence.
Mervyn's insights are made clear here:
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This is the only time in the comic that anyone dares mention that someone other than Morpheus might be the boss - and it is in no way as directly spelled out as it is in the show. "You're practically running the place" and "you secretly run this place" are quite different statements. The first only makes an observation about Morpheus's current lack of interest (in Brief Lives) in actually running his realm. It implies that Lucien is doing Morpheus' job for him, but does not go as far as to outright call Lucien the boss. Whereas in the show, that's exactly what Mervyn does.
In the comic, Morpheus overhears Mervyn's speech and immediately points out his reasoning for leaving Lucien in charge, for promoting him and giving him more authority.
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Because no one ever technically undermines Morpheus in the comic, there is no conflict here. Morpheus trusts Lucien as his loyal servant and gives him the power to rule in his stead (but only when he is absent) and there is no "secretly report to Lucien first" attitude among Matthew and Mervyn. We can perhaps interpret that this might be happening behind the scenes by this point in Brief Lives, or even just before the BL arc when Morpheus was distracted by his rebound murderess, but it is never actually directly stated that this is going on.
The tension between Morpheus and Lucienne in the show is born out of the conflict over Lucienne's position and Morpheus feeling undermined by his subjects, and its storytelling gold. But the only reason such a story works in the show is because Lucienne is so important to Morpheus in the show, because their relationship goes so much deeper than the relationship in the comic. Lucienne is not a servant, she's his god damn vice president and she knows it, and he knows it too. Throughout episodes 7 and 8 specifically he reaches out to her for her opinion and advice on the Vortex situation. He talks things through with her and seeks out her guidance. It is clear that he relies on her and it is only at the end of episode 8 when Lucienne disagrees with his punishment of Gault, that in his anger, he dismisses her.
Lucien/ne the Royal Advisor
Where Morpheus in the show seeks out Lucienne's advice and opinion frequently especially during the Doll's House arc, I have to stress that this never happens in the comic. Comic!Morpheus just does not have that kind of relationship with Lucien and does not seek his counsel at all, even though Lucien does try to give it on occassion, usually when Morpheus is about to do something extremely stupid and probably damaging to himself and the Dreaming. To name a couple times:
Season of Mists - before Morpheus returns to Hell:
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Brief Lives - before seeking Destruction:
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You'll note that in both these times Lucien's words of caution are completely ignored.
You'll also notice that in both times Lucien is taking a path of polite caution. Lucien very rarely speaks his mind to Morpheus, because he knows it won't get him very far to do so. The only time Lucien truly loses his cool and speaks freely is in The Kindly Ones (spoiler alert)
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At this point in the comic story Morpheus has basically all but given up and accepted his fate and its fucking depressing AF. Lucien is well within his right to shake the bastard HARD and snap him TF out of it. I STILL think he was too restrained here tbh!
My point here is that Lucienne already speaks her mind quite freely around Morpheus in the show. She expresses her opinions and thoughts and gives him her advice. This is such a well established dynamic by the point of the argument that it is clear that Lucienne is offended by Morpheus's dismissal of her.
Take this exchange from episode 9:
Lucienne: "Rose is weakening the walls between realms" Matthew: "You gonna tell the Boss?" Lucienne: "No." Matthew: "No?" Lucienne: "It's none of my business." Matthew: "Er, since WHEN?" Lucienne: "Since Lord Morpheus reminded me that I'm merely a librarian and should concern myself with my books from now on." Matthew: "He said that?! What's wrong with him!" Lucienne: "Nothing is wrong with him. He's always been this way. He's just been away so long I'd forgotten. He's determined to deal with the vortex and the missing Arcana by himself. Without anyones help. So any news must be reported directly and exclusively to him."
It's worth pointing out here that whilst this is framed as Morpheus being a stubborn idiot, in the comic, he does in fact deal with the vortex and the missing Arcana by himself mostly and is not so much helped but saved at the last moment by Unity Kinkaid who realises what is happening in a dream and goes to save Rose, which also saves Morpheus from Desire's trap.
In the show, Morpheus has people who care enough about him and his realm to want to get involved and help him, not out of a desire to undermine him, but simply because they care about him. That is a drastic change from the comic at this point. Morpheus in the comic is constantly shown to be struggling under the burden of his own responsibilities and this is highlighted by the fact that he doesn't really get any support or assistance, and is far too prideful to ask for it. Lucien gets the promotion and chance to rule in his absence, but it is never framed as a job he shares with Morpheus - at no point does Lucien take the burden of his responsibilities off of him. This is no Samwise Gamgee "I can carry you" moment unfortunately. Lucien does not have the power nor the bond with Morpheus to undertake such a task because Morpheus keeps him at arms length throughout the comics - but Lucienne? Well, time will tell how that may change.
An Apology from the King
In a shock horror twist that comic!Morpheus would sooner die than do himself (ha) the great emo King of the Netflix universe gives Lucienne an apology for his behaviour (sort of).
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Episode 9 displays the tension between Morpheus and Lucienne following their "break up" perfectly. Morpheus is clearly in the wrong, and Lucienne is clearly hurt by his dismissal of her support. Yet even after the fight, he still seeks out her advice in determining the cause of the disturbances in the Dreaming. He goes to her first before investigating himself (something that comic!Morpheus wouldn't even consider doing) and is surprisingly capable in swallowing his pride here even though it is clearly a struggle for him.
Later in the episode, once he realises that Lucienne was right about the disturbances, he seeks her out to tell her so, and to confirm that she was right and he was wrong. This is again something that I can't fathom comic!Morpheus doing, even nearer the end of the story I don't believe he does so, certainly not to Lucien. Fiddlers Green drums this point home when he says this:
Fiddlers Green: "... still his time there appears to have changed him as it has changed me." Lucienne: "How so?" Fiddlers Green: "Lucienne, he came to you and told you he was wrong. It was very nearly an apology. The Morpheus I knew was incapable of that."
This further reinforces not just how much Morpheus has changed in a short time, but also how much he respects and cares about Lucienne and their continued relationship.
Platonic Life Partners? Co Ruler and Closest Confident of the Dream King
When I set out to write this meta, it was with the aim to highlight Lucienne's elevated role from her comic counterpart. To try to stress the importance of her character in the show and what this means for the future of the story in the show. By the end of the last episode, Lucienne is practically granted co-ruler status of the Dreaming while Morpheus works on his creations. He asks her if she can "take care of things while he works" which she agrees "with pleasure".
I just... I can NOT stress ENOUGH how much comic!Morpheus needed this person in his life. Even though Lucien looks after the Dreaming whilst Morpheus is away in Season of Mists and Brief Lives, it is always as a last resort with Morpheus continuing to check in on Lucien during Brief Lives as if he expects trouble, and he always seems a bit confused when Lucien tells him all is fine. As if he can't quite understand how the Dreaming could be okay without him there (and I mean, after the trauma of watching your realm which is also technically a part of you crumble to dust I suppose you would be a bit attached to it!).
Comic!Morpheus constantly struggles under the weight of his responsibility. His entire thing is that he is desperate to step away and not be who he is but he simply does not have it in him to do that. He is far too bound by his rules and responsibilities. For Morpheus in the show to be given someone to support him in his rule as King and assist him with the burden of his responsibilities is actually a hugely mindblowing change to the comic, and could honestly have huge repercussions on the story going forward. Not only that, but the Morpheus in the comics is painfully lonely. He desperately needs companionship but he keeps everyone at arms length. He never allows his subjects to get too close to him, even Lucien. Even Matthew isn't afforded the same level of closeness in the comics as he is in the show. In the comics, the ONLY character who Morpheus is close to is Death. Which says a lot by itself. The second character he gets closer to as time goes on is Delirium. Which also says a lot. Think of the characters in terms of their concepts. Morpheus has no close friends in the comics (even his relationship with Hob Gadling in the comic doesn't have half the impact it does in the show) and keeps all those he interacts with at arms length except for Delirium and Death.
But show!Morpheus? He has a Matthew who is already so very devoted to him, a Hob Gadling who waited an extra 33 years on hope alone that he would return to him, and a Lucienne who rules by his side, offers him support, guidance, counsel, companionship and probably a good helping of love. How can this Morpheus possibly carry the same deep loneliness as his comic counterpart? How can this Morpheus be buckling under the weight of his duties when he already has his Samwise Gamgee right there by his side? It poses an interesting question for how the show will handle future story arcs, though it could all prove to simply make for a much more painful story, where we happen to have many more characters to react and show the deeply painful grief that we all feel at his eventual passing - or maybe, just maybe, this is a universe where Hope never died...
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presiding · 5 months
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genuinely admire those who were optimistic for dishonored 3 but in this videogame industry climate and [insert a 4hr video essay about arkane's recent history here], honestly, not getting dh3 is good news
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euphvrian · 10 months
seoha asking jieum to give him a hug changed something in my brain. i promise i will shut up tonight but the silence that lingered between them before he asked was not quiet, but actually very beautiful and heavy. it made me think i should be in the movie theater instead of my bedroom viewing that scene
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sanhaoche · 9 months
just got a promotion at work !
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cheralith · 11 months
to a heart's content — 「 single father!miguel o'hara x reader 」
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content warnings ; fem!reader, use of she/her pronouns, "mother"/"daughter"/"wife" used, parental death, mentions of child abandonment, not too much mention of him being spider-man
contains ; single father!miguel o'hara, boss!miguel o'hara, assistant!reader, hints of pining, just some good ol' fluff for everyone's current favorite dilf, angst w/ comfort, heavy need of editing prob, not beta read
notes ; purely self-indulgent to fuel my love of found family trope apologies
parts: one two three four (tba)
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Single Father!Miguel O'Hara whose life revolves essentially around one person—his daughter—but to be one of the heads of America’s largest corporation and bearing the responsibility of keeping Nueva York safe and sound whilst simultaneously being a single father was not exactly something that Miguel O’Hara could juggle so easily. Hell, he’s even surprised that he’s made it so far without losing his absolute sanity considering he couldn’t even recall the last time he was able to rest properly without his attention being wavered to something or someone else.
Single Father!Miguel whose hands always filled to the brim with tasks and obligations. Miguel wished he was able to clone himself twice in order to have three Miguel O’Haras attending to each of his duties soundly, but alas, Alchemax and the matter of his mind can only do so much.
Single Father!Miguel whose ever so lucky to have you as his assistant to at least help with two out of three of them. You entered the picture around three years ago, when he had caught the eye of his superiors and had used his intelligence to their own advantage, disguising it as a promotion of sorts. You were given as some sort of gift to them as a way to help ease his workload and he truly couldn’t be more thankful for your existence—if he doesn’t necessarily show it most of the time from his stoic countenance he masks on 24/7. While not exactly a carbon copy of him, you, by far, come rather close, and Miguel will take whatever comes to him in this day and age.
Single Father!Miguel who notices that you're obedient and demure, though rather soft spoken and a little too apprehensive for his liking at times (he had noticed, before you became his assistant, that your coworkers would shovel their workload onto you and you’d accept with little complaint but evident hesitation; he wonders if it was the given similarities between you and him that made him choose you as his assistant). You dressed well, hung onto every word he said, and spoke out when properly needed. You were a good aid to have around—great, even.
Single Father!Miguel who trusts you as both his assistant and a human being enough to leave his precious daughter in your care knowing full well she would be in good hands. Sometimes Alchemax would work him overtime, sometimes his duties as Spider-Man would interfere. No matter what it was, it delayed him from seeing and attending to his daughter’s needs, and thus, he had asked you once in a while to pick up and babysit his daughter after your usual 9-5.
Single Father!Miguel who, at the beginning, once in a while asked you to pick his daughter up from school. Once in a while turned into occasionally. Occasionally turned into sometimes. Sometimes turned into constantly, and next thing Miguel knew, you were the one that his daughter and teachers would look out for during school pick up time. He didn’t expect that you would become his assistant even outside of work, but you did, and Miguel can’t exactly turn back time now. He’s labeled you as his child’s unofficial secondary caretaker—you’re even listed as an emergency contact.
Single Father!Miguel who thinks you’re too polite for your own good. Miguel had asked you once if this was a burden, being his assistant both in and out of Alchemax, and if it became too much that you were more than free to quit at any sudden time without consequence. You had merely replied that you understood the struggles of being a single parent and that he shouldn’t be ashamed of asking for help when it was needed. 
Single Father!Miguel who notices that Gabriella views you more than just her occasional babysitter. When he'd come home late at night, he was usually greeted by you two doing something together, whether it be doing math homework together, baking cookies, you reading aloud to her, or just simply talking, he'd always catch you and her almost... bonding.
Single Father!Miguel who often dwells on the memory of young Gabriella asking innocently why she doesn't have two parents like the rest of her classmates, why she only had one parent compared to everyone else after witnessing she was the odd one out during Family Day. Miguel didn't, and still doesn't, have the courage to tell her that her real mother had abandoned her to him, leaving Miguel in the dust. Miguel used her naivety to his advantage. He disguised it as her being unique compared to others, that some moms just came later in life; she just happened to be a late bloomer.
Single Father!Miguel who always thanks you for staying late tucking Gabriella into bed when he couldn't. You constantly tell him that it's truly no problem, but he insists on thanking you every time and ever so subtly increasing your paycheck. How could he not? Especially considering the fact you always, always whip him up extra dinner that was tucked away for him to eat during the late hours of night.
Single Father!Miguel who feels uneasy as he opens up a fridge to find the said pasta left by you one night in a glass tupperware container, staring at how neatly it’s been plated despite its standard container. He juts it into the microwave as he attempts to ignore how quiet and desolate the kitchen and the apartment is, how the humming of the microwave and the humdrum of the ceiling fan are the only noise that floats through. And when he quietly eats the pasta serving meant for one, he can’t help but gaze longingly at the empty seat across the dining table, where someone else should be seated with him sharing the same meal.
Single Father!Miguel who finally has the time to pick up his daughter after school for once in the school year, but forgot to tell you that you were able to take the rest of the day off. So you, him, Gabriella, and essentially everyone are surprised when both you and Miguel show up to pick Gabriella up after school. One of the teachers goes to gush about how she's excited to meet Gabriella's dad and what a beautiful family you all are, to which you and Miguel, evidently flustered, explain loosely your relationship to each other and how it's merely professional (to one curly-headed third grader, though, it's not—but she'd never tell you and her father that. At least not now.).
Single Father!Miguel who tags along to Gabriella's after school soccer practice for once and despite your protests about you not wanting to interfere "family time", Miguel and his daughter convince you to come watch her like you usually did on Wednesdays. He says he doesn't mind at all and if anything, could use your presence there to ease his nerves since he'd be a newcomer to the soccer parent group.
Single Father!Miguel who watches attentively to how you support Gabriella on the field from the sidelines. He wonders tenaciously if you've fallen into routine of this—from helping her get ready into her uniform to offering small suggestions that help her on the soccer field. He doesn't miss the way her eyes go towards you whenever she did something right and he especially catches onto the fact that she would gush in pure happiness from your approval when you would throw a thumbs up or a delighted nod.
Single Father!Miguel who merely blinks at the compliments given by the two friendly soccer mom next to him.
"Gabi does certainly look a lot like you, but she still has (Y/N)'s beauty and kindness, doesn't she?"
"Oh yes, I agree. Your wife is nothing less of lovely, you know, you're a very lucky man, Mr. O'Hara!"
He's so caught up in trying to process both their words and Gabriella's action on the field, that it doesn't register to him until a few moments later. Miguel attempts to butt in, saying that you're just his subordinate, but when a loud cheer from the other team erupts through, his words fail him.
Single Father!Miguel whose mind is still so stuck on what the soccer moms had said about you that he didn't even realize Gabriella had made the winning goal for today's practice match. Lying through his teeth when asked about if he saw it from her, he realizes that perhaps he should start viewing you in a different light rather than just his daughter's babysitter because the way that Gabriella looks at you with such elation when you congratulate her on her win pulls at his heartstrings ever so slightly.
Single Father!Miguel who contemplates over and over again if he should be doing this—inviting you to Gabriella's first game of the season—the two purchased tickets he held in his fist. You've entered his home a dozen of times, but this would be the first time in three years that he was outside of your own residence. He thinks he's too dressed up for the occasion, cladded in a white button up and black dress pants. A voice asks him if he's his daughter's boyfriend, and Miguel whips around to face an elderly man with a questioned look on his face.
Single Father!Miguel who realizes that it's your father standing in front of him, spare key in hand. He's quick to say no (to your father's disappointment), and introduces himself as your superior. Your father invites Miguel inside your apartment, telling him that you were out fetching groceries and jokingly mentions he uses this opportunity to sneakily fill your cabinets and fridge of food. Your father complains you're too independent for your own good, but he can't exactly blame you—you grew up that way.
Single Father!Miguel who learns that once in your life you were just like his daughter and that in one point in your father's life, he was just like Miguel. All details shared from him, he learns that your mother passed away early in your life due to cancer and ultimately left you and your father to fend for yourselves. Your father tells Miguel that you often had helped out even when you didn't need to—and it doesn't take long for Miguel to piece the pieces together. Why you barely complain about the extra workload, why your father said you're too autonomous, and why all those years ago you not only sympathized with Miguel, but understood his situation as you came from the same exact upbringing.
Single Father!Miguel who listens intently when your father quietly tells him that all he wants for you is to find a good man that would be able to take care of you properly because he believes he wasn't able to. Miguel is quick to reassure him, however, that he did a fantastic job raising a selfless, humble woman that grew to be compassionate and considerate of others' needs, that you were the hardest worker he had ever seen and that he shouldn't discredit himself. Your father goes to examine Miguel for a moment before letting out a loud, haughty laugh in your apartment and jokingly (not really) tells Miguel he hopes that you'll marry him one day, or at least someone like him.
Single Father!Miguel whose resolve dissipates when you walk into your apartment to find your boss and your father talking amongst each other. He sits silently and awkwardly as you complain to your father about dropping by without any warning before you ask him what was he doing here in the first place. Your father takes his leave, winking at Miguel with a glint in his eye, leaving you two in your apartment alone.
Single Father!Miguel who finally gathers up the courage to ask you if you'd like to attend Gabriella's soccer game with him. You interject with visible hesitation, telling him that it was implied that it was a family-only event and you'd hate to intrude onto something so intimate, but he's quick to reassure you that his daughter would love to have you there considering all the help you had given her during her practices—if anything, she would need you there for your support.
Single Father!Miguel who tells you that Gabriella had shown visible distress last night when Miguel told her that you might not be able to come due to your non-familial relationship with them. He almost begged you to come with them, as Gabriella had even threatened to quit soccer altogether if you weren't there to witness her first game. When you give in after moments of contemplation, Miguel truly couldn't believe his luck.
Single Father!Miguel who roots alongside you for Gabriella and her team, watching oh so closely just in case someone from the other team did a dirty trick on his precious daughter. He'd sometimes occasionally glance at you, only to see you completely zoned in and focused on Gabriella's playing like the rest of the parents, offering your support through compliments and encouragements that his daughter always caught and would visibly improve from. When she finally scores the winning goal per usual, she's quick to ignore the cheers coming from her teammates and parents to run off the field and not look for Miguel first, but for you.
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"Did you see me?!" Gabriella exclaims excitedly as she flings her arms around your waist. "Did you see what I did?!"
"I did, yes," you laugh, attempting not to stumble over from the impact with visible glee and crouch down to her height. Pride written all over your face, you grin. "And I'm so incredibly proud of you."
"It's 'cause I did what you taught me," she declares. "I pointed first and then I shooted!" She uses hand gestures to reanimate her play on the field.
"Shot, Gabi," you correctly gently, your fingers going to automatically comb out the tangles out of her hair like you usually did after practices. "It does come handy, doesn't it?"
"Yeah!" Her eyes go to see Miguel, who doesn't stalk too far behind with open arms and the same proud look painted on his face. "Dad! Didja see me?! Didja see that I scored?!"
Miguel lets out a once-in-a-blue-moon chuckle and lifts his daughter into his arms, her arms wrapping around his neck in an affirming hug. "I saw very clearly, mi cariño, and I can't wait to brag about how my daughter scored the winning shot for her team," he compliments warmly.
Gabriella goes to point gleefully in your direction. "It was all because of Miss. (Y/N)," she declares, not knowing that her statement would make a rush of heat bloom onto your face.
"O-oh no... I only... w-well," you stammer out meekly, trying to find the right words. "I'm actually not too knowledgeable on soccer... I only repeated what I found online and—"
"Thank you," Miguel starts off fondly. "(Y/N), truly. Thank you."
You stare at him. "Mr. O'Hara..."
He sets Gabriella down for her to join her rejoicing teammate and pats the small of your back with a grateful look plastered on his face. You were so used to seeing the rather stoic and often tired side of Miguel O'Hara that you forgot he, too, was capable of smiling at times, so when you spotted the small of a grin on his lips that was for you specifically, you felt something in your chest jerk a little bit.
"If it weren't for you being here," he starts off quietly so only you can hear. "Gabi wouldn't have participated at all. She wanted you to come so she'd have enough courage to play because she was so used to you supporting her," Miguel glances at his daughter giggling about on the field. "So it was understandable that if her biggest supporter wasn't here to cheer her on, she wouldn't exactly do her best."
You blink slowly at him, digesting his words in order to truly savor them for all that they were. "I was just—"
"—doing your job?" Miguel finishes for you. He shakes his head. "Last time I remember, 'attending your boss's daughter's soccer games' wasn't on your job description," he says, earning a soft chuckle out of you despite his rather flat tone.
"I suppose so," you murmur with an evident warmth in your eyes, one that Miguel is sure Gabriella has seen numerous times and will continue to welcome as long as you're around.
So when after a dinner celebration at her favorite restaurant, after the star player is tucked into bed after a long day's work, Miguel takes it upon himself to do the what he thought was the impossible for him but possible for Gabriella.
"Stay safe out there," Miguel directs quietly as he helps you put on your coat again. "And again, thank you for today."
"It was my pleasure, Mr. O'Hara," you reply, "And I actually had fun today, so I can thank you for that."
He escorts you down the apartment complex to the lobby and begins to watch you leave, the words on his tongue tipping ever so slowly before they spill the moment you're about to exit through the doors.
At the sound of your voice, you turn to him with a questioning look on your face. "... yes?"
Miguel opens and closes his mouth like a fish for a couple of seconds before blurting out, "Are you free tomorrow evening?"
He scans your face for a reaction before surprise paints itself on your moonlit features. "I-I suppose I am," you nod slowly. "May I ask why?"
"Gabi is having a sleepover at one of her teammate's house," Miguel coughs out and shoves his hands into his pockets to hide their fidgeting.
"Do you need me to drop her off...?" you ask, clearly puzzled.
"No, um," he clears his throat again. "I was... I was actually wondering if you'd... if you'd like to check out that new restaurant that opened up on Clark..."
Regret pools in his mouth the second it falls from his lips and he begins to internally conjure some sort of half-assed lie, perhaps saying something along the lines of the company wanted him to review it for a potential cater in the future or that a friend of his worked there, but when he sights your eyes softening with the same warmth from earlier, he lets you take the reigns on fate.
"I'd quite like that," you murmur, a modest smile on your lips.
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a/n ; i told you i was going to give into temptation. wrote this on a plane with no wifi on the way here (thank god for offline editing!)
anyways, i'm trying to squeeze this bit out before my plane ride tmrw since i've been travelling for the past week and a half! i'll be returning home soon where i can finally write to my heart's content, phew! i just reallyyyyy wanted to write something for miguel adjdjfkfalwf but fear not! we shall be back to our regularly scheduled program soon!
as always, thank you for reading and likes+comments+reblogs are always appreciated and never unnoticed(╹◡╹)♡!
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beaniegaebie · 2 months
i don't really have any solid conclusions about this yet but i noticed A Thing in a rewatch and i haven't found it mentioned elsewhere yet so here we go
(apologies for the appalling image quality you're about to see, i can't screenshot easily rn pls bear with)
OKAY so in the scene where crowley confronts gabriel about "shut up and die", something about the arrangement of book stacks caught my eye a little
the majority of the books are angled so that we mostly just see the page edges and not the spines clearly, EXCEPT for a particularly shiny and familiar colour combo right here-
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but nothing too weird going on there, i thought, crowley coloured books in a bookshop so what? right up until i registered crowley's line when we get a closer look-
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hhhhmmmmMMmmmm yes yes "everything just the way you wanted" huh, very interesting considering that we know how much thought goes into props huh
and for most of the shots we get of crowley in this position those freaking books are just quietly nestled right there in the corner-
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look at that god damn framing i fuckin see you, you glorious bastards
so i paused to see if i could figure out what the hell was up with those fuckers and this is when i absolutely lost my mind, your honour
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A and C you say?? in crowley colours???? framed like this?????? localised entirely within your kitchen???
anyway long story short they're two books from an Agatha Christie Crime Collection set (24 volumes, three stories per volume) and guess whats on the mfing front covers I'm-
(its a rant for another post but when paired with this other set of initials spotted in s2 i want to scream actually)
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ANYWAY back to the books, through an absolutely unhinged comparison of the formatting of gold text blobs i reckon the two we have here are:
(on top) The Pale Horse; The Big Four, The Secret Adversary
(on bottom) 4:50 From Paddington, Lord Edgeware Dies, Murder in Mesopotamia
(I'm fairly confident but if anyone has a better image to confirm/correct this pls do)
now here is where I'll need a bunch of help from some Christie-heads out there bc I haven't read any of these and I've only seen the tv adaptation of one of them, so i dont know for sure if these are like A Clue, or A Cool Thing, or if I've just fully brainrotted myself into a fun lil corner here? wa-hoo
but here's some initial stuff that jumped out at me after skimming the basics:
(some of) the titles: Pale Horse/Big Four - death's horse ofc, the four horsemen mayb? the them+adam?? ; Mesopotamia is a very biblical choice bbz ; 4:50 From Paddington- azi likes trains i guess? idk that one's tenuous lmao ; honestly no idea with the other two but Secret Adversary feels a tad ominous
iirc Big Four just has kind of an unusual history, it was initially twelve short stories that she later compiled into one, and it was published fairly soon after christie's mysterious disappearance/reappearance
in Big Four, poirot fakes his death at one point and doesnt even let hastings in on it and I'm hoping sure its totally irrelevant to the ineffable bois
part of the Pale Horse story is a group of assassins that basically try to pass off all their murders as being actually caused by like ✨satanic powers✨ which is interesting
christie knew a fUCkton about poisonings thats why she wrote so many into her work and, while i don't believe the poison coffee theory myself, it sure is an interesting link with how cyanide is associated with almond smell/flavour and that metatron chooses almond syrup in particular
(ALSO random side note that is mostly meaningless but I've worked in a good few uk coffee shops and have never worked anywhere that stocks almond syrup; almond milk yes, hazelnut syrup yes, but never almond syrup...? prob just the places i worked though lmao)
EDIT forgotten point: I've seen some speculation that the bently's plate reading "CURTAIN" could be a reference to poirot's last story, along side that alternate scene of crowley ordering the sherry for "miss marple", its just one too many agatha christie references for my melted brain to handle and I'm SUS
so this is where i run out of idea steam and hand it over to you lot because i have no clue what this could mean, if it even means anything other than a cool set feature
is there something here actually or am i yelling into the void just for fun?
who knows, who cares!
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toxicanonymity · 8 months
Collect calls. jailbird pt. 2 of 3
3600, cellmate's nephew!Joel x inmate f!reader
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brilliant edit by @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog. custom tats!
SUMMARY: You kinda try to be careful over the phone, but you want each other too bad. So it's hard. Rock hard. Joel sends you a short letter and comes to visit again. Follows Jailbird, but this is 69% dirty talk (I did the math). You can prob read alone. PT 3 of 3 is Parole. WARNINGS: I8+ SO HORNY, hella dirty talk from both, phone sex, mild degradation/teasing, tension, masturbation, Joel is a slut and mentions getting blown, creative mail. Barely edited horny chaos but I wanna feed ya and this ain't fine dining. A/N: Part 2 of 3. Thank you for the love on Jailbird! And THANK YOU @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog for the amazing edit omg. Make sure you see the Jojo gif ���� His specific tattoos and all 😍 joel master list, @toxicfics for notifs. PART 3 HERE.
When you got back from visitation, your cellmate Mabel's face lit up.  She was excited to hear about it, but when she looked you over, she said, “Oh boy, it’s worse than I thought. . . I’m gonna go play spades, honey. You do what ya need to do.” 
You shook your head, “Mabel. . .”
“Take your time,” she said with a wink. "Not that you'll need it." Then she stood up and stretched before leaving the cell.  
You got in your bed, on your side, under the blanket. You clenched your thighs together looking at the picture of a slightly younger him with not nearly as much silver in his beard. You put your pillow between your legs, rolled over so you were mostly stomach-down, and your hips moved as you put your head in the crook of your arm and recalled the way he looked at you, his strong hands, his tattoos. His voice. You wondered what it sounded like when it wasn’t through a telephone, but god damn, it did something to you. “ain’t nothin’ harder than mine, baby.” Fuck. 
You were already getting close, wouldn’t even need to use your hand at this rate. You thought about the way his arm flexed as his hand moved in his lap. Oh God, the bulge and outline in his jeans when he stood up. The way he adjusted himself.  He might be too big for you to take all of him, but god damn, you'd give it your best shot. You rubbed yourself against your pillow to the rhythm of his hand rubbing his lap in your mind, clenched your thighs again and you came, whining "Jojo" into your elbow. You heard it too many times a day to get it out of your head – He told you to call him Joel, but Mabel made it somewhat difficult. 
He was hot as fuck, but it was also cute how close he and Mabel were. It made him seem like a good guy, even though neither of them were particularly upstanding members of society.  You supposed neither were you by most standards, but it’s not like any of you had ever intentionally hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it. That you knew of.  The fact that Jojo served time was hot and also put you at ease. It had to have been a while based on the spiderweb, unless he was just trying to look hard, but he didn’t seem the type to bullshit anything. How did you even know what type he was though? You hardly knew  him? You dreaded Mabel’s teasing but you could withstand it in order to find out more.
You got off once more while you were at it, taking advantage of the privacy.  Then you sat up, rested against the wall, and just looked at the picture. Unfolded, you looked at both of them. It was so sweet. He looked happy. His hand on her shoulder had the spade tattoo.  Your eyes fell on your own poke-and-stick clover from Mabel and your stomach fluttered when you saw the flared stem and circular leaves. It might as well have been a Club.  “Mabel,” you muttered and shook your head.  
While she was still playing Spades, you went over to her bed to look at the other photos up close. In another picture, they were at a barbecue in a parking lot. Joel was on the left and Mabel was on the right. Joel was wearing a wifebeater and Mabel was wearing a black t-shirt with a carousel pony on the right pocket.  
You hadn’t noticed before, but there were a few women in swimsuits and aprons in the background. One of them was looking at Jojo. Who wouldn’t? Mabel’s words echoed in your mind — of course he’d like you. You’ve got a cunt and  you’re not bad lookin'. you rolled your eyes. Shit. You resolved to put yourself in pro mode and try to detach. 
Over the next week, you spoke with him several times on the phone. You tried to be careful. You wren’t sure if all calls were reviewed or it was just by sample. You figured it would be suspicious to ask. You hoped whoever listened didn’t mind some harmless horny talk.  The only stuff they should really care about should be scheming. Like making moves and putting out hits from the inside. Or smuggling from the outside. 
He answered the phone, “There she is.”  A vaguely endearing greeting since you and Mabel called from the same collect number. 
“Hey handsome,” you responded. 
“I was just thinkin’ about ya, jailbird.”
“Oh yeah,” he said deeply then sighed. “Ya just missed it.” Good God, his voice.
“C’mon, baby. Use that pretty head. How bout I’ll wait for ya tomorrow?” 
Your heart skipped a beat.  “Yeah.”
“Just call at the same time.” 
“Okay,” you agreed with a smile in your voice. “It was nice to see you the other day. . .” 
“Oh, baby you got no idea,” he groaned. “I’m comin’ back next week.” 
“Are they gonna let you back?” you giggled.
“They’ve gotta! I didn’t do nothin’.”
“You didn’t. . .you’re right. . .” 
“Hey don’t give’em any ideas.”
"Right," you laughed. 
"What are ya gonna do when ya get out?"
“In general? Try to find honest work, I guess.” 
“Nothin’ dishonest ‘bout what you were doin’. But I hear ya, parole’s a bitch.” 
“You on parole?”
“Nah, long time ago though.” 
“Kept my nose clean the whole damn time.  Ended up back in the can anyway.” 
"For what"
"Framed for fuckin' murder."
"Relax, I was exonerated." 
"No shit."
"Yeah." He cleared his throat and changed the subject. "You ever danced?"
"Course I fuckin' danced"
"Where at?"
"In memphis."
"Oh, I dunno jack shit about that scene."
"Wasn't great."
"Guess that's where you uh, got your start though."
"Well do what ya want but lemme know if ya need a gig."
He sighed. "I know it sucks not gettin' any in there. "
"Are ya? Gettin' any? Girls, guards?"
"No," you answered, looking over your shoulder. "Think I could tell ya if I was, though?"
"Shit, sorry." 
"You gettin' any?" 
"Oh I'm a straight up ho." 
"Yeah?" You asked, intrigued.  "Surprised I hadn't seen ya at the clinic," you teased. 
"Cause I'm way the fuck 'cross town. Got our own clinic." 
"Good for you." A pleasant surprise that he stayed clean. 
"Yeah, on a first name basis. Make my girls go, too. Still wrap it most the time though." 
"Your girls."
"Right." Mabel had mentioned he worked at a club. "Well, at least one of us is gettin' some."
"Shit, I was gettin' some sugar the other night," he said. "Pretty little head between my legs 'n I was lookin' at your picture."
Your heart fluttered. "No shit," you laughed. "My picture, huh?"
"Ohh, you don't even know. I want it bad, sugar, and I ain’t even tasted it." 
"Shit I prolly think about it as much as you do . . .and I've got a life." 
"Who says I think about it?" You asked flirtatiously.
"I got ESP. Makes me tingle when ya do."
"Oh does it?"
"Ya think about me in the shower, in bed. . ." 
You laughed. "And where do you think about me?"
"Fuckin' everywhere. I've gotta have ya, baby. So bad it hurts." 
Whenever you came back to your cell after talking to Jojo, Mabel would leave to make a phone call or go to the common area to watch whatever outdated movie was playing in the common area. Often with a wink. She knew he got you all wound up. 
You called him at the same time the next day. 
"How's your week been," you asked. 
"Hard," he said, then his voice became hornier.  "So fuckin' hard. . . n' that's all you." You could hear his belt and zipper. 
"Wish I could help."
“i'm sure ya can once you're out. If you wanna hang out sometime.” You heard a bottle click open then squirt. 
You teasingly hummed as though thinking it over. "Mmmm. . . .I dunno, what would you wanna do?”
“I can pick ya up right from the slammer, ‘less ya got someone else.”
“I don’t.”
“Great, then we can just. . . i dunno, get to know each other,” he mused, then added at a lower pitch, “In the back seat of my whip. Stop off somewhere close.” 
“Oh yeah?”
“Fuck yeah,” he said. “You don’t understand, baby. I’ve gotta see what’s under that garb.” His hand was sliding up and down his lubed up cock. “I’ve gotta feel it.” 
Butterflies swarmed in your chest and you sighed.
“What were ya wearin’ when ya got picked up?”
“Well. . . you already know what I’m in for. . .”
"Damn right I do, and you're gonna find out."
You laughed – at visitation, he said you were in for it. . 
"C’mon, jailbird. What were ya wearin.”
“A black microskirt"
"Black mesh crop top"
"Over a pink bra.”
“Ohhh, fuck,” he sighed. “Shoes?”
“Shit, I’m not–hmm." You tried not to overthink it. "Definitely platforms. Silver and clear, I think."
He gave a low whistle. "Sounds hot as shit." 
“And fishnets. Shit, that's all I had,” you laughed. "Maybe you can bring me something else." 
“God damn, that’s what I get to pick ya up in?”
“I mean, I wasn’t planning on the fishnets.”
“Commando in that skirt? Shit, that’s even better.” His breath grew heavier. "Fuck it, just sit on me while I drive," he murmured. "Yeah, fuckin' sit on *this* the whole drive–ugghh." As if avoiding the word cock would make this conversation passable.
You sighed and tried to hide your arousal from the Corrections Officer (CO) standing 8 ft away. 
"Can't get it in ya soon enough, baby." 
"Mmm," you said quietly. "Can't wait."
"Jailbird, you're fuckin killin' me." He moaned. "Hot as hell. . . fuck."
"You sure I can take it?"
"Fuck, I dunno, baby," he panted. "It's a lot."
"I could tell"
"Uugggghhh," He groaned and you heard his hand sliding faster on his dick. "And what'd ya think about that ?"
"Oh, I’m up for the challenge,” you cooed saucily. "Just get me nice 'n ready."
"You ready right now?"
"The second I heard your voice."
"Fuck, I gotta know what ya taste like"
"Yeah," he panted.,"And when you're nice and ready, then what?"
You lowered your voice to a near whisper. "Oh, just fuckin' wreck me. Split me open, baby." All you could do was clench your thighs together.
"Ohhh god"
"Don't hold back"
"Ohh fuck–couldnt if I tried." He sighed.
You had lost all restraint and just prayed whoever reviewed this call would be cool.  
"Just stuff me full of it," you whispered. 
"Fuck, yeah."
"Stretch me out." 
"Ohh yeah." 
"Pound me so hard i can’t see straight."
"Shit." He moaned and his hand moved faster. 
"And then? Fill me the fuck up. I wanna feel it." 
"Fuck yeah," he panted "i'll be seepin' outta ya for days."
"Then you better fill me up again." 
"Jesus, fuck–ohhh." 
"Don't tell me you'd spill it this fast."
"Oh fuck you," he laughed in good humor. "I'm not spillin' shit." You could still hear his hand. 
"Not even if I'm sittin' on ya while ya drive?"
"Not even." 
"Not with one hand on the wheel and one on my tit?"
"Ohh fuck," he breathes.  "No, no. . ."
"And I'm moanin' your name with every bump in the road?"
"Mmmm, fuck, baby."
"Oh ya like that?" 
"Fuckin'--fuck–fuckin' love it."
"Wouldya mind slidin' that hand down between my legs?" 
"Wherever ya want it, baby."
"Ugh, those big hands," you whispered. "I just know you can use'em."
"Fuckin' right I can," he panted.  
"Hope ya don't finish while you're drivin' with me in your lap."
"All ya gotta do is sit still."
"Imagine the mess if you came." 
"Fuck, baby," he sighed.
"Every time we hit a bump, more would spill out in  your lap.”
“Ohh, fuck."  Then a long, drawn out moan like he was coming. You were throbbing wildly. 
"Knew ya were close," you laughed. Then you heard a heavy smack on his end of the line. Then there was nothing but breathing for a minute, then it sounded like he was writing. 
"What are you doing now?"
"Addressing an envelope."
"You're not mailing me your–"
"No I'm not mailin' you my" he laughed,  "Load."
"Just a letter?
"Yeah. . . Just a letter." 
"Mmkay. . . How 'bout a picture?"
His tone was warm and flattered. "Oh I can throw in a pic. But it's not gonna be the kind ya *really* want."
"Booo," you pouted.
'Think you'll like it anyway."
"Yeah, I can fill in the rest." 
Your time was up. 
You went back to your cell and sighed as you sat down on your bed. Mabel started to leave but you said, "no, you're good." You'd rub one out later. You wanted to ask Mabel if he really liked you, but you wouldn't let yourself be vulnerable like that. You were still trying to detach.  
"You're right, he's cool," you said. 
 "You like him, don't ya? He likes you, too.”  
She reached under her mattress into the fitted sheet and got out her poke and stick supplies. “C’mere, let's just get it over with,” she said. 
“What, uh, what do you wanna give me?”
"J. . . O. . ." 
Your whole upper body heated up and you laughed under your breath, "Mabel." She was mostly kidding. 
Visitation day came and you weren't nervous, just excited. He was wearing a too-small, black softwash t-shirt, black jeans, and a chain.
“Be good,” the guard warned Joel as you picked up the phone on your side. 
"Yes, officer,” Joel replied with a respectful nod, then sat down. You noticed his rings as he picked up his phone. “We gotta be good,” he said with a wink.  
“So be good,” you told him vacantly as your eyes roamed his tattoos. 
He stared at you for a few seconds, hungrily taking in the mundane sight of you in your garb. He shook his head like he couldn’t believe it. 
“How’d ya get hotter? Chicks don’t get hotter in lock-up, much less in a week.” 
“What, and men do? It’s in your head.”
“Well yeah, we work out like mad.” 
“Guess you’ve got me there.” 
“Not talkin’ 'bout your body. It’s bangin’, but, I mean–no makeup and you’re pretty as hell.” 
You smiled and shrugged, "thanks," then whispered, "but I think you're just horny," with a wink.  He returned the shrug. 
A few seconds of silence passed as he checked you out. You salivated over his arms stretching his shirt. He leaned forward and put his elbows on the table. “Whatcha thinkin about?”
“I’m thinkin’ ya look like a slutty bouncer. . .You get this shit at Spirit Halloween?”
Joel chuckled. “Well . . . you know what *I’m* thinkin’ about.” His eyes glued to your chest. 
Yeah, yeah, he’s gotta see what’s under that garb. “Yeah, you’ll see it, honey," you said. 
It was a struggle knowing what to say–you wanted to “be good” and not get cut short, but you also wanted to indulge in your fantasies. 
Joel asked, “Where ya wanna go when ya get out?”
“Anywhere. Got some place in mind?”
“Could take ya to my place. Mabel taught me a mean pot roast recipe.” 
You smiled. “You’re makin' me hungry.”
“Oh I’m starvin’, baby.”
"Long drive?"
He exhaled with a puff of his cheeks. "It’ll feel long that day."
“I’m sure it will,” you purred, looking down as if you could see through the booth right to his cock. You wet your lips. “So what’s between here and home?”
He took a deep breath, thought for a second, and told you what highway it was. 
“Oh, okay,” you nodded. “There’s a seven eleven right outside the gate here. 
“There sure is," Joel nodded. "Clean bathrooms too. I checked on my way.”
“You did not.” 
“I’m tellin’ ya," he nodded. "Stopped for gas. First thing I thought about. Swear I think about it as much as you do.” 
“So what’s in the bathroom?”
“Steel handicap railing about hip height”
You raised your eyebrows, intrigued.
“Pretty sturdy to hold onto, or even sit on.” He looked over his shoulder “Like if someone needed a rest or whatever.” He rolled his eyes. 
“Right," you said softly as you nodded. 
"Diaper changin' thingy, too."
You scrunched your face up. 
"Like if ya needed to bend over it and stretch your back.” 
"Ah," you nodded. "Nah."
“Parking lot?”
“That close to here, it’s gotta be crawling with pigs.” 
“Right,” he said in a trance, looking at your mouth. 
“Alright, where else is there," you asked. 
"Rest stop. They got picnic tables near the woods if ya need to, uh," he looked down, "Sit down," he said quieter, "n' take a rest." 
"Oh, I won't want a rest." You slowly shook your head and your eyes lingered on his chain. 
He groaned softly and rested his chin in his hand. He whispered, "You're killin' me here." He scratched his beard and you tingled at the sight of the silver patches, his pinky ring, his hand tattoos–the faded barbed wire.  You sighed. 
"You bein' good?" He asked. 
"Yeah." You resigned yourself to harmless small talk for a few minutes, but it was obvious what you both were thinking about.  There were long silences where you just stared at each other.  
“Just a few more weeks and I’m yours,” you teased. 
His eyes widened and he raised his eyebrows. “You serious?”
Oh, shit - you didn’t wanna scare him off.  Really didn’t even mean it like that, but, you also didn’t mind the thought of him as a boyfriend. 
You nodded and teased, “yours to do what you please.”
He blew out a puff of air. "God damn, baby. I don't think you know what’s comin’ your way.”
“Can’t wait to find out, though.”
“Oh, you’re gonna find out.”  He dug his hand into his lap but didn’t move it. “Shit.”
“Never be sorry.”
The guard barked,”Hands where I can see’em,” and Joel obediently raised his hand and put both elbows on the table again. 
"You ain't gonna want no one else again." 
You rolled your eyes at his cockiness which actually turned you on. 
"Don't say I didn't warn ya," he cautioned. 
"Okay," you shrugged with a contemplative frown. 
"Shit, I might be in the same boat." He swallowed and looked like he meant it. Like maybe you were doing something to him that hadn't been done.
"Get my letter yet?" Joel asked. 
He smirked, then it faded as he checked you out for the hundredth time. He shook his head, sat back, and took a deep breath.  "This is fuckin' torture." 
"Then it's a good thing I waited til now to ask about ya." 
"the best torture," he clarified, his forehead beginning to glisten. "I'm gonna fuckin explode when I'm back in my ride."  He looked at the unopened box of tissues on his side of the booth, intended for crying visitors. "Thank God I didn't ride the hog." Fuck, he had a motorcycle, too? He held the phone wedged between his ear and shoulder while he opened the plastic on the box and tried to get the tissues started. Then he took three tissues out.  Your breath hitched at the thought of his cum. Was it silky? Stringy? Watery? Sticky? What'd it taste like? Ugh. 
"HANDS," the guard said when he saw Joel finish pocketing the tissues. The guard stepped forward. "Say goodbye, let's go."
"Fuck." Joel sighed and closed his eyes. "Sorry, jailbird." 
When he stood up, you could see the outline of his hard dick on his thigh. You took a deep breath and pried your eyes off his crotch to briefly meet his eyes. He winked and you managed a small smile before eyes fell right back to his jeans as he adjusted himself. Fuck. 
Joel’s letter came a couple days later. A photo fell out of it. Black and white. He was sitting in a chair and smoking with one hand holding the cigarette up and his other hand resting between his legs.  Arms blazing in a white t-shirt. Squinting at the camera. He looked hot as hell despite having all his clothes on. He looked like a model. 
The letter was on plain white printer paper, and the letter was short: 
Be good, jailbird. I'll take ya anywhere. 
Sweet, and also sexy. God, you wanted him to take you. 
You flattened out the letter and admired his poor but legible handwriting. Not as bad as some you'd seen. His handwriting was hot.  It was cute that he didn't use any special stationary.  He was a simple man. And God, what a man. You ran your fingers over the words,  and they caught on a different texture.  Something on the paper.  You smelled it and it wasn't cum. It was, like, lotion or Vaseline. 
Wait. You held it up, and your breath hitched. 
You looked behind you to make sure no one was watching, then you stood up, got closer to the light, and held it at an angle. Holy shit. It was his dick print, diagonal across the paper.  A bolt of desire shot through your body.  It was transparent but the different texture was visible. You could see the head, then most of the shaft. It was detailed, there was texture. Even a couple of veins. 
You sat on your bed, leaning against the wall with your knees up.  You rested the paper against your knees at an angle with the tip pointed between your legs.  You just wanted to get a sense of the size–and boy did you–but the sight of it, God. Just the silhouette of it lined up right there made you feral. You needed it so bad.  Needed him.  Who the hell mails a dick print? Fuckin’ Jojo, he was gonna be the death of you.
Thank you so much for reading and engaging! Your engagement really keeps me going, I love y'all.
This AU is due to @beskarandblasters and @wannab-urs and their hilarious list of new joel tropes. But I played myself because he's actually hot and I want him?
The slapping sound after he came was him letting his cock slap onto the paper.
There are a lot of correctional facilities where they wouldn't get away with all this so you gotta suspend disbelief.
The strip club will be an alternate timeline of this Joel set in the past.
I hear tags aren't working for some people. Please consider following @toxicfics and subscribing to notifications. Must have tumblr push notifications enabled on your phone.
All Joel:@ethanhoewke @silkiers @eiviea @evyiione @xdaddysprincessxx @queerly-anxious @chernayawidow @ambassadortotrilliusprime @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @jasminespringtime @romanarose @fandomsfallnomore @djarinxore @blackvelveteen1339 @manazo @wolvesandvampires @taeslarityy @str84pedro @lokanda  @kyloispunk @filthfairy @fieryglutenfreechickennoodles @harriedandharassed @moonlightdivine @worhols @fan-fiction-floozy @cutesyscreenname   @weddingfairy @pedropascal-whore @spideysimpossiblegirl @feministfanboi @gracieispunk @prettypartyfavor @am-3-thyst @babeincolor @milla-frenchy @switchbladedreamz @within-the-depths @am-3-thyst @may-machin @pedromania91 @sloanexx @paleidiot @yourmistysecret
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astolfofo · 16 days
Aventurine + only one bed trope
(No you both have to sleep on the bed- don't try "I'll/He will sleep on the floor or anything of the sort)
That's it
Let is infest in your brain and stays there rent free
Written as me????? I guess???????. Realistically. I’d probably just take the blanket from him and use it like a sleeping bag. Or I’d just lay there. Unable to sleep at all. Because no way am I trusting him to be that close to me. Even while fully conscious. Probably couldn’t even move a centimetre because it’s gonna wake him up.
Okay note; UM SO I GOT CARRIED AWAY WITH THIS BRO IM. NAH IM GONNA REGRET THIS IN THW MORNING. 😭😭😭😭😭 if you open keep reading it’s raw dialogue with no editing just a fyi. It’s 4am. Cut me some slack 💀 also this is some really disjointed writing and prob ooc
It had been a while since you had been forced to stay in a hotel. Sure, you liked staying away from home. But not under this kind of circumstance.
You just didn’t know what to expect. Aventurine had to practically drag you away from the platform (much against your own will. You had already boarded the train, ready to get the hell out of here) into an expensive-looking hotel. You assumed he had some kind of connection with this certain one because he didn’t even glance at the check-in counter. Just pulled you by the arm into one of the suites on the highest floor. You guess he chose the highest floor, specifically so you couldn’t get away that easily again.
the door clicks when you insert the card in, and you slowly push it open. The door seems to close very quickly, and you barely manage to hold it open.
It’s heavy.
You push the door open again, and and walk in. The door almost immediately slams shut this time, followed by two clicks.
one, was the door lock.
the second was a lock typically stored where a door chain was. It required a code to open. One that you didn’t know.
You then see the single bed in the middle of the room, and the colour instantly drains from your face. You were locked inside a room, stuck with none other than a suspicious man. A suspicious man that you were trying to get away from no less than two full hours ago.
you feel a gloved hand slink over your shoulder.. immidieately, you want to recoil. Sink into the floor. Run away. Slap the hand off. But you don’t. You stand there. Still.
“You didn’t expect me to let you off that easily did you?”
You don’t need to turn your head around to know who it is. You don’t want to hear his voice. Pretend he’s not there.
“You’re going to sharing the same room with me tonight,” he continues, leaning closer into you, “You’re okay with that, right?”
You didn’t respond. It wasn’t like you had a choice. You really should’ve brought that lock cutter along with you.
Aventurine doesn’t seem to mind though. You don’t ever recall seeing someone so giddly about anything. Ever.
You stare at the single bed in the room. “Aventurine, there’s only one bed…”
He says nothing in return but you really do not want to see his facial expression right now either.
“Um… I guess… I’ll just sleep on the floor then. You can have the bed.”
“You’re not really suggesting you’re going to sleep on that cold, hard, floor without anything are you?”
“I’m not going to be sleeping anyways. It makes no difference whether I sleep on the floor or on the bed.”
“Seriously? You’d rather not sleep at all before even considering sharing a bed with me? Do you really hate me that much?”
“It’s not the first time I haven’t been able to sleep because of you,” You snapped. “plus, it’s not even the first night I didn’t sleep at all.” You added, ”I wouldn’t be able to sleep anyways if I had to share a bed with you.”
“Then why don’t I make you fall asleep, hm? Would you… prefer that instead?”
“Hell no! You’re the last person I’d let-“
“But your face is turning bright red, is it not?’
“Yeah well that’s because your embarrassing me!”
“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about you know…”
“Whatever. You’re not doing that. I won’t hesitate to saw that sorry thing off you if you even try it.”
“Oh that’s such a scary threat,” He replies, sarcastically. “But I promise you… that when we do it… you won’t want me to stop.”
He leans closer. “You’ll be begging me not to stop. I’m going to make a mess out of you. I’m going to fuck you until this cute little personality of yours melts away. Until you can’t even remember your own na-“
You throw a pillow and hit him square in the face. “You…. You…”
He laughs and pulls the pillow off his face. “You’re interested now, aren’t you?”
“I am NOT. Interested. Disgusted would be a better term to suit what I just heard.”
“Suit yourself.” He shrugs, “It’s going to happen one day though, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“Last thing you could make me do is enjoy… that.”
“You can say that all you want, darling.”
You glare at him hard enough that he puts his hands up as a sign of peace.
”So anyways, do you want the left side of the bed or the right side of the bed?”
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sebsbarnes · 3 months
phantom pain || pietro maximoff
pietro maximoff x reader
summary: i'm jealous of the rain that falls upon your skin, it's closer than my hands have been
warnings: insecurities, none really?? (i think)
word count: 2.9k+ ; angst, comfort
a/n: this is a rewrite of a bucky fic i wrote 6 years ago but now much longer, better, and for pietro. sorry for grammar/editing mistakes that are prob here but still enjoy
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pietro knew you had been hiding something. he had known you for three years and had been dating you for almost two. over the course of the months and weeks spent with the other he had grown accustomed to your silent cues. the silence that would consume you when tony's party carried on too late and you desperately wished to exit or when you performed poorly during training and steve berated you with tips. but mostly the silence that would linger around you when you were alone. not all the time, no, but there were times when pietro could feel and see the physical shift in your body language.
he never wanted to pry not as a friend or a boyfriend. pietro understood that every avenger has a past life, one that the others are unaware of. though he loved playing back the memories of his childhood and his parents, he too would shift into a silent shell of a person and he would want nothing more than to be left alone and not questioned. pietro loved the abilities he had but some days he wondered whether the extreme heat of his body or the slow-moving world around him actually made him sad. life was no longer normal, his body was no longer normal, nothing was normal.
this is exactly how you felt. the tragedies in your life were sometimes unbearable and if you could disappear you would but you had so much to be thankful for. if it wasn't for the accident you wouldn't be an avenger, you wouldn't have the friends you have, you wouldn't experience even half of what you've had now, and you wouldn't have pietro, the love of your life. at the end of the day you were alive and more than often, incredibly happy.
but there were those times you fell into silence over your newfound life, mainly the consequences of the accident. your memory still struggled, you were weak for a very long time, and when the weather got too cold you could feel the ache in your bones. you weren't like the rest of the avengers who possessed special abilities or were highly skilled in combat. three and a half years ago you were a normal person. you had a normal life, job, family, and friends, up until the accident. and every day the phantom pain reminds you of what was taken.
it was winter when you first met all the avengers. they all lived together and after you recovered from the accident, tony wanted you here, to live here. you protested the idea for a while claiming that tony's generosity was far too much. he had already saved you from the accident and offering a space to live and a job was incredulous, but after much debate you agreed. that first day you silently sat in the corner of the room while all the avengers had a meeting. you swayed back and forth in the rolling chair, taking in the information and occasionally stealing glances at a silver-haired man.
"and this is (y/n)!," tony exclaimed, "our newest friend here so please for the love of god be kind during the acclamation period. i'm already prematurely greying and i don't need anymore."
the meeting was over and one by one the avengers came to greet you, offering their names and welcomes and soon the silver-haired man approached you.
pietro stuck his hand out to shake yours. he found it odd that despite the room being almost swelteringly hot from the heater, you still had your gloves on.
"i'm pietro."
it was about three weeks later you found yourself sitting with pietro, clint, steve, and natasha. everyone was sitting on the couch talking about whatever topic you possibly could conjure up. there was a lull in conversation before clint spoke up.
"hey," he said turning towards you, "why do you have gloves on?"
it was as if clint never spoke and without missing a beat you stood up, looking down at pietro, "wanna help me finish building my desk?"
pietro hesitated a moment, eyes flickering over to clint, "of course."
pietro had come to learn not to question why you covered your hands in those first few months. any mention of you hiding them was never met with an answer. he was protective of you and he felt himself falling for you each day, and you the same. the two of you did a lot together, you cooked, clean, went out, watched movies, almost everything together and you loved it. it felt like home here and pietro felt like home.
it was a big dinner, the night you finally took your gloves off. there was no special reason why, to be frank, you just decided to no longer be embarrassed.
"c'mon kid we all got something weird about us. i play in a suit all day, cap runs around in tights, pietro is faster than the speed of light, and parker shoots webs... from his hands!" tony ranted on.
you sighed, "i know. i just feel weird on top of this because i am still new here."
"we all have been new," tony started, inspecting your hands one final time, "no one will judge you, kid, but take it at your own pace. you don't owe anyone nothing. well, maybe except me," he winked.
only two hours later you were all seated at the big table with everyone to eat. from tony, to pietro, to thor, to natasha, to sam, everyone was here. next to you was tony and rhodey, pietro across from you pulling funny faces while the food was served out. you fidgeted with your fingers in your lap trying to stall picking up the fork and knife. everyone had started eating and chatting amongst the group when you finally lifted your arms to the table and started cutting into the chicken.
pietro watched as you shifted in your seat, your forearms coming to rest on the white cloth and your fingers wrapping around the fork and knife. the first time he has ever seen your hands.
your metal hands.
after that night there were murmurs throughout the crew about the state of your hands. people were confused why someone who led a normal life ended up with metal hands, similar to bucky's arm. the word accident had floated through the air but you never commented on it.
winter had turned into spring that ended all too quickly and now it was the dead of summer. the day was slow and pietro was bored and craving movement. his head was hanging over the arm of the couch, his silver hair hung to the floor.
"want to get ice cream?" he asked.
"it's like you read my mind," you grinned swiping your wallet off the counter.
you and pietro wandered around town aimlessly before stopping at the ice cream shop. he admired the way you threw your head back in laughter and the way you covered your mouth when he said something outlandish. even though pietro's body ran warm he could feel the increasing heat spread throughout his cheeks each time you shot him a smile and his name rolled off your lips.
in an instant, he thought he ruined it all when he reached out and wrapped his fingers in yours. he felt your fingers twitching and the way you misstepped.
"i'm sorry," accent thick as he retracted his hand.
you smiled softly at him before gently grabbing his hand, "don't be."
it was that day over a hot fudge sundae that you told pietro what had happened. it was a horrible car accident early in the winter before you met the avengers. there were several cars and buses involved. not only did you lose your hands that day but your family. tony was also in this accident, his car had actually collided with yours, though his vehicle wasn't the one that caused your injuries. he had rushed to help you and immediately took on a parental role when he observed the condition of everyone else in the car. you were bruised and bloody with several fractured bones, but mainly, every bone in both your hands were shattered beyond repair. tony took you to his doctors where you all came to the difficult decision that your hands had to go, but tony offered you a solution. to replace the once skin and bones with metal.
pietro listened the entire time letting you go on and on to which you apologized for being boring. 'no dragă' he would whisper and you continued on with his thumb running over your knuckles. the gesture comforted you but the voice in the back of your head nagged that it was out of pity.
the months began to fly past faster than you could imagine. you and pietro were inseparable. anytime the members walked past the two of you they'd fake gag or pretend to cry. once wanda had muttered under her breath how she never thought pietro would actually date someone. you would only get shy over it and pietro found it amusing and would pinch at your cheeks. it was only when the two of you officially started dating when pietro would notice the different type of silence you'd fall into.
he would sometimes catch you sitting on the edge of your bed staring at your hands the features on your face contorted with disgust.
"what is the matter?" he questioned.
"oh nothing," you sighed with a fake smile, placing your hands beside you.
or the times pietro noticed the way you hesitated before touching him.
"am i that scary dragă?" pietro joked with a sickly smile.
your features would soften and the lines between your brows disappeared, "the most terrifying," you winked.
or the times pietro saw the way you gazed at other people's hands when they came into contact with pietro.
"doesn't his hair look good like this?" wanda asked you as she finished braiding her brother's hair. the two of them looking at you in the mirror.
you didn't respond right away. you were too distracted watching the way her fingers weaved their way through his silver hair and grazed his scalp while pulling hair into its pattern. with the most pitiful smile, you responded.
pietro knew that eventually, you would confide in him over the way you viewed your hands. he didn't want to overstep, that wasn't the relationship the two of you had. the late nights pietro spent shaking under the blankets from nightmares, you never asked him. you held him close to you and hummed a small tune to calm him down and you did that every night without fail. one day over breakfast he finally confided in you over the terrors that haunted his dreams.
what pietro didn't expect was that today on your second anniversary was the day you would finally scream your frustrations out. the two of you weren't doing anything special and nor did you want to. all the avengers insisted you at least leave home and do something for a little while. that's why you found yourselves lazily walking around a park, hand-in-hand, arms swinging and shoulders bumping. the sound of laughter echoed through the park and you swore the leaves shook. you were happy, beyond happy. pietro and you were madly in love and there wasn't one thing you could wish for, maybe.
suddenly the wind picked up and the dark clouds rolled above and unleashed raindrops that were nearly the size of baseballs.
"oh my god!" you squealed.
"it is so cold!" pietro laughed loudly.
you were squinting through the pouring rain, your hair and clothes plastered to your skin, pietro was dancing around in a circle with his tongue out in hopes of catching the water. pietro grabbed onto your forearms pulling you into him.
"you look so cute right now," he yelled over the thunderous rain.
"don't be silly! i look like a mess!" you giggled slightly swatting at his chest.
pietro leaned in and kissed you on the cheek. his smile growing wider as if his mouth was a plant and the rain was helping it grow. his fingers brushed the hair out of your face and kissed you once more on the forehead.
"there's so many droplets on your lashes!" you exclaimed. pietro watched your lips pull into a smile. the sun wasn't out but he could've been fooled by the way your eyes shined at him. he watched as you lifted your hand to brush the droplets off, and then suddenly, it all changed.
pietro watched as your smile dropped into parted lips of disgust and shame, your eyebrows pulled together in the middle, and rain was no longer the only thing running down your face. you faltered in your step backward and pietro reached out to steady you but you pulled back further. it was like you were a toy and your batteries had just run out you were so still.
"b-baby what is wrong?" the worried etched onto his face was almost painful.
"i'm jealous," you cried, your bottom lip shaking violently.
pietro shook his head, "my love what is going on? you are worrying me."
you lifted your hands in front of your face, your eyes trailed down every finger and across your palm to the back of your hand. the small metal panels almost mocking you as you could see your eyes reflect back at you. at this moment pietro started to piece together all the instances in the past.
"i can't feel you," you wallowed, "i can't feel your skin, pietro. my hands!" he watched as you stretched your arms out to show him your hands as if he'd never seen them before.
"i'm envious of everything that can feel you! the rain, your clothes, everyone else, but not me, i can't! do you know how badly i want to feel the texture of your hair or the tears you cry or-or the skin on your lips and i can't! i crave the feeling of you and i'll never get to know that. i want to feel the plastic of a pen or grass between my fingers or the calluses of training too hard and i'll never get that again. the phantom pain i have will never be as painful as never being able to hold you with my real hands."
as your cries grew louder the storm cleared up to let you have the stage. you stood in front of pietro as the shell of the person he would see those times you were alone silently observing your hands. even though he wasn't the one yelling, he felt as if his own vocal chords were being shredded, he could feel the chambers in his heart slowly start to shut down one by one, and the burn in his eyes was almost blinding.
he slowly stepped towards you cautious not to make you jerk backwards again. the tears in each of your eyes seemed to sync up and roll down together. pietro gently grabbed your hand, grateful that you let him, and held it to his cheek.
"this, my love, this is me. this is the me that only you will know and no one else. it is not the same as everyone else but different much like us," he said gently, his other hand gesturing between your bodies, "if i could do anything in the world, no matter the cost, to help with your hands i would and i am so sorry i cannot," pietro was now holding your face in his hands.
"but i want you to know i love you for everything that you are and i always will. no matter what the future has in store for us, in my heart, you will always be first. and- and i know there are other reasons why you dislike your hands but i never want to be the reason that you dislike something about yourself. maybe i can talk to mr. stark, yeah?" he pondered nodding his head rapidly, "maybe we can figure something out and give your hands an upgrade. maybe he knows someone?"
you sniffled, looking lovingly at pietro who was trying to think of any possibility even though you both had discussed in the past that there was nothing that could be done for your hands. that day tony saved you was the best opportunity you could get to help your hands and nothing in the world could beat it.
"i love you so much pietro, you are everything i could ask for in a boyfriend and more," you spoke, resting your face further into his hands.
pietro ran his hands across your shoulders and down your arms to hold onto your wrists. he brought your hand up to his face and placed a delicate kiss to your fingertips until all ten were loved. pietro pulled you into a hug, one palm resting flat against your spine and the other holding the back of your head. you leaned into his chest and let your ear listen to the thump of his heart. the two of you stood there motionless. minutes passed by and neither of you dared to move. to an unobservant eye, you two could've passed as a statue. two lovers forever memorialized in the dusk of the sky, the rain puddles collecting at your feet, and a love story forever admired over.
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kooberryfields4ever · 5 months
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of course first post has to be nsfw blog rite of passage…… my take on the nsfw alphabet :3 gonna go thru and edit a bunch of fics to start posting but until then have this !!!!! been thinking long and hard abt heeseung&02z …….. needed to get this off my chest rly
cw warnings : major nsfw under the cut, cumplay, masturbation, piv sex, etc etc
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
i don’t see heeseung as swaying particularly dominant/submissive…… not necessarily vanilla but almost lazy in the way he has sex so i don’t see aftercare being a big deal to him
ofc expect the bare minimum: cleans u up, helps change the sheets, kisses n cuddles
heavy on the cleans them up.. ..… …. can’t help but think abt how much heeseung LOVES to see his partner covered in his cum, whether he finishes on ur chest, ur belly, ur thighs or ur pussy doesn’t matter to him he just loves to see it🤤🤤🤤….. .. … so yeah cleaning u up is a necessity almost every time
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
fav part of himself is his hands…… do i even need to elaborate
just loves touching his partner and why else would he find any other body part as good as his hands when his other body parts can’t grab a handful of ur tits/ass ????
fav part of his partner’s is drum roll plz………….. their tummy
when he’s eating u out he just can’t help but reach out n press his fingers into ur hips n his thumb into ur belly….. .. though he loves to cum anywhere on u his all time favourite is ur tummy, could get him hard again easily if he sees his cum pooling in and around ur bellybutton urrtgghhhhg
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
i literally cannot see heeseung not loving cumplay . like come on
self-admitted jealous type ……… yeah it’s over ur getting painted with his cum and fucked full if u even so much as mention another man
messy with it, loves cumming inside but give him the opportunity to pull out and finish somewhere he can rly see it and it’s a done deal
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
watches league of legends porn . it’s miss fortune …. not elaborating.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
i reckon he’s experienced enough to know what goes where and all that ….. would probs be able to be vocal abt what he likes
i can’t see him getting much time in his schedule to explore his sexuality much so count jacking off and enjoying subgenres of porn as a pillar for experience as well
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
missionary DONT YAWN. just loves being able to bury his head in ur tits and fuck u slow and hard until he cums … and then guess what ……. ur tummy is right there
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
i’d say he can be a bit of a goofball, i don’t see him taking sex too seriously
not necessarily the type to just crack jokes during but not opposed to having a giggle if one of u makes a silly noise or if someone walks in
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
trims but isn’t too fussed about it really, makes him feel manly when he sees his full bush. occasional groomer of the pubes
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
can be super romantic if he rly rly misses u but idk i don’t see heeseung as the sentimental romantic type much…… likes sex cos it feels good and its an excuse to look at ur tits
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
frequent enough . he is a libra after all
probs the type to get a bit bored on his day off and have a wank after going 3/11 on a league game
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
cum cum cum cum cum cum cum
like idk heeseung seems sooo messy to me during sex like if he eats u out he wants to see u dripping onto the sheets nd i don’t need to mention the cumming on ur body thing again ….
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
his bed, he likes it best when ur both a little tired but too horny to sleep so he can just push ur panties to the side and slip in to fuck u slow until ur cumming around him
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
ur boobies . whether they’re out or under a shirt or small or big he just loves seeing them…. plays with ur nipples while u scroll on ur phone in bed, maybe pulls up ur shirt n sucks on them until he makes himself too horny to stop n he has to fuck u (and paint ur tits white)
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
anything too public … likes having u to himself and when ur in the privacy of his bedroom/dorm he gets to make u all dirty, he can’t do that without getting arrested in public unfortunately ://
probs hard dom stuff …. maybe not too shy for a spank here and there but the idea of being rly dominant or degrading u or tying u up etc is just not for him
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
loves receiving, he gets to cum on ur face and tits which is always a bonus👍
not a selfish lover but definitely gets bored of giving head sometimes …. thinks quite literally with his dick like he needs to see it stuffed in u
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
i think heeseung is generally slow and sensual but if u asked he could fuck u faster n harder
he just loves how u clench when his strokes r slow and deep nd he can press against ur cervix without bruising u and ruining the fun
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
quickies are not his forté ! he’s definitely not opposed to them but he prefers being able to take his time…. quickies mean sensible cumming and heeseung would rather wait…..
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
i cannot see him as a risk taker at all, riskiest he would go is having u bounce on his cock in the living room while nobody else is home, but even then he’s just thinking abt how close his bedroom is and how easy it’d be to pick u up while ur impaled on his dick nd take u to bed :((
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
a sturdy 2 rounds if u guys haven’t fucked for a little while, he’s still young his refractory period is in training !!!!
particularly statistically more likely to want a round 2 if he’s a) not tired and b) can see his cum plastered somewhere on ur body (source is my thalamus) …… drives him crazy nd makes him almost desperate to fill u up as well
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
got gifted a fleshlight one time for his birthday but it’s just stayed tucked away in his wardrobe…. tried it once and it was just not as good as the real deal
would be open to using a toy on u for the sole reason that it might make u squirt and he is desperate to see u get that messy
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
gives in instantly . u just need to whip out a titty and he is a goner…. very very weak willed man…..
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
main vocalist like …. do i need to say more
prettiest softest moans uve ever heard ….. breathing into ur chest and whispering how close he is and how bad he needs to fill u up into ur ear
not loud enough for anyone but u to hear tho…. but that’s fine bc u like being able to have him all to urself ^.^
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
can picture him getting randomly horny while playing games while u lay on his bed …. pulls off his headphones to face u and asks u so nicely to come suck his cock while he plays … and of course u do because how could u say no to that face :(( he ends up losing his lane and going afk at base because he’s too busy watching u swallow his entire length like a pro . sorry to his team but the 15 minute afk ban was so worth it
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
not huge but not small, average
a good 5.5 with some juicy balls
circumcised 🙏
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
pretty high but not in the way that its hard to control …… like he just kind of just always wants u
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
after he cleans u up he’s out like a light …… good luck tryna get him to wake up
just accept that ur tits are his pillow for the next 7 hours as he sleeps
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quinnonimp · 7 months
We Watch the Clouds & Stars: an OriginsSMP TNTduo Comic ☁️💫 | Anecdote: Awake or Alive [part 1/?]
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content warning: discussion of death and afterlife
read left to right
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hello !!!!!!!!! im back on the grid again and with a bang, here to deliver a comic ive been working on since september ! its gonna be pretty messy, inconsistent, and just purely me having fun . therell be a lot of things ive thought through thoroughly, and therell be some things i forgot to even existed ! all in all this is a comic about a character whos been gone for a year and one that doesnt even exist, so its all built from me being silly
there will be sensitive topics discussed or depicted ! those will have a warning placed beforehand for each update, even though many of these things are meant to be up to interpretation or implied . some anecdotes ive written have been quite heavy though, so if i end up finishing them, listen to the content warnings
this will be a non-linear story, so instead of chapters i have named them anecdotes . they will be moreso bits and pieces of my o!quackity and o!wilbur's lives, specifically of them together, so some parts will be before or after others . some parts will reference each other, or foreshadow, but u likely wont need to read the anecdotes in any specific order
^ and so, because of this, the dynamics of wwtc&s!tntduo will change and will be inconsistent, just as what happens with real people if u look into random pockets of their life . some anecdotes theyll be more comfortable with each other, some theyll be more spiteful, some theyll be more awkward, etc. especially since oquackity has no character and owilbur is underdeveloped
this comic is a lot about change but also keeping familiarity in said change, which is totally not just an excuse for my inconsistent ass nope nuh-nuh. this time its actually relevant to the characters !!!!
and YEAH . i am doing all this just bc cc!quackity mentioned in the 2021 wine stream that he was in the originssmp discord and wanted to actually play but never did . im still mad abt it so ive decided to just make shit up now 👍
by the way !!!!!!!!! the big wings wilbur has on the cover r actually not canon anymore . Lol . i drew that before i had a more concrete idea of the comic and its concepts, but i really didnt feel like editing it (the tail is also missing), so i kept it cause idrc FDKDFKJ
i may draw him with wings again sometime just bc i really like it, but for the sake of story - know that theyre not canon, and that his cloak compensates for his lack of wings
there is likely more for me to explain, but rn im all over the place so i dont really remember what ! the next part will probs be up tomorrow or so, im not sure . really hope u guys enjoy
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xdaddysprincessxx · 8 months
The Cabin in the Woods
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Dave York x f!reader
Dark fic/dead dove, kidnapping, Dave is mean, dub/noncon, piv (wrap your Willy kids!) light dick sucking, dick biting, no description of reader other than having a vagina and grabbable hair, cream pie, scary dark basements, uhh probs some other things I’m forgetting but bottom line: this is dark. Dave is not a nice guy. Enjoy!
Summary: it’s been a few days since your world was turned upside down. Running on pure adrenaline, you plan on getting loose and running as far away as you can but can you outrun your kidnapper? Do you even want too?
A/n : yeaaa this is my first fic(?) idk I wrote this on my phone, purely horny brain rot for my suburban murder daddy. Not edited or beta’d. The more I look at this the more I hate it and feel like it doesn’t read well but in the words of the loml @toxicanonymity fuck it we ball
Your daily life has always been mundane. Predictable. Comfortable. You work, go home to a studio apartment just a few blocks from your office, every other day you order takeout, you try to workout and go out on the weekend but your couch and netflix stay calling your name. It’s the middle of September where it’s chilly in the morning but by the afternoon your sweating bullets so you decided to try and look cute by wearing your favorite black tshirt dress. Work is the same as always except you’ve recently been working on a new case, a murder/suicide. There’s something weird about this case though. A husband shoots his wife at the kitchen table before turning the gun on himself. No apparent marital problems beforehand, no affairs, no real motive behind why he would do it. And then there’s the blood splatter. It just doesn’t add up. There’s something strange about this case you just can’t place your finger on it.
It’s already half past 7 at night, you got lost in your work yet again and lost track of time. The office is empty and mostly dark. You can’t help but get the creeps as you leave your office and start walking towards the elevator. Not even half way down the hallway when you swear you hear a loud thud making you jump out of your skin as you turn around trying to figure out where the noise came from. With your heart in your throat, you pick up speed, walking towards the elevator. Just as your rounding the corner you run straight into a solid chest belonging to a very handsome man you’ve never seen before.
“Oh I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you there.” You stammer out as the handsome man just chuckles
“You outta be more careful sweetheart. Not good for your health to run into bad men.” the man said with a smirk
That’s a weird statement. Not good for my health? Bad men?? Your mind starts running wild as the handsome man snakes his arm around your back and before you can even react his other hand is coming up to your face, pressing a soaked cloth to your nose and mouth
“ Sorry sweetheart, it’s nothing personal.” is the last thing you hear before everything goes black.
You’ve always had weird dreams all your life. Even had some dreams that later came to fruition in real life. But this has to be the weirdest dream you’ve ever had. You dream of these beautiful brown eyes. Of a rough, deep voice. You can feel his hot breath on your neck while he whispers in your ear.
“ I need you to be a good girl for me sweetheart. This is for your own good.” As much as his voice alone has you turned on, you can’t help but have this nagging gut feeling that something is deeply wrong. You’re scared but can’t remember why. Suddenly everything around you melts away and your in a room you’ve never seen before. Blood red walls, a beautiful matte black four poster bed in the middle of the room. However you notice there’s no windows. That’s when you feel a hand on the back of your neck, guiding you towards the bed.
“Now I need you to do what I say sweetheart. It’s for your own good. Don’t fight me or try to run or else you won’t like the consequences.” the brown eyed man said in a low, rough voice. As soon as he said that, you suddenly find yourself at the bed. With his hand still on the back of your neck, guiding you, you climb up on the bed on all fours when he removes his hand. You don’t know why you feel the need to lay on your back with your hands above your head but that’s exactly what you do. That’s when you finally see the man standing above you as he tied your wrists together to the bed post. Just as he finishes tying you up, everything starts melting away into pitch black darkness.
The first thing you notice when you wake up is the light. It’s not super bright but bright enough when it feels like you’ve been stuck in a coma for a month. Your definitely in a bedroom, very simple. Just a regular full sized bed in the middle of the room. A small dresser to the right of it and a chair in the far right corner facing the bed and a man sitting in it. That’s when you realize your laying on your back with your hands above your head and that your wrists are tied together to a bed post above your head. Holy fuck do your shoulders hurt.
“Well good morning sleeping beauty. Or I guess good evening.” Dave says as he chuckles at his little joke.
The man! The mystery man you ran into before falling into this deep sleep. Wait no it wasn’t sleep. It’s all coming back to you now. He put a wet cloth over your nose and mouth. He used chloroform on you!
“Now that your awake, I’m going to need you to cooperate. This is for your own good sweetheart. I don’t want to hurt you but you are playing a very dangerous game.”
“What? I don’t know what your talking about. I’m not playing anything! I swear! You must have me mistaken for someone else! Please! Let me go, I swear I won’t tell anyone about this just let me live please!” You try to beg as you find your voice again after being asleep for god knows how long.
“Aht see that’s where your wrong. You were working on the Bernstein case correct?”
Confused, you nod your head as best you can. What does work have to do with this?
“See here’s the thing sweetheart, my team and I, we’re bad men. We do bad things for money. And you, princess, were dangerously close to solving the mystery which would be very bad for my men and I.”
You lay there with a confused look on your face as the puzzle pieces begin to fit in your brain and suddenly you’re able to put 2 and 2 together. You knew there was something off about the case but you had no idea he had any involvement or who he even was.
“ I - I’ll stop working on the case! I’ll tamper with the evidence, throw them off your track! Please! I’m sorry! I won’t tell! I’ll do whatever you want!”
“I really do enjoy hearing you beg sweetheart.” Dave shakes his head and chuckles darkly. “But begging isn’t good enough. Not when it comes to this.”
As your mind starts racing a mile a minute, you subconsciously start to press your thighs together for a little crumb of friction. The dream you had about this mystery man had you turned on and now that your awake, seeing his face and hearing his voice more isn’t helping your little predicament. While your lost in your head you don’t realize he’s been watching you like a hawk and has noticed every little movement you’ve made.
The man moves closer to the bed your on when you snap out of your thoughts. “What are you thinking about pretty girl?” he asked as he sits down next to your body. You look up at him with wide eyes
“ I - uh nothing.” You manage to stammer out, knowing damn well he can see right through you. “ uh huh. Is that right? So you rubbing your thighs, squirming like that, that’s nothing?”
Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck. It’s like he can read your mind! You’ve literally been kidnapped and tied up but yet instead of trying to get out your brain is stuck on dick. Your own pussy has betrayed you! You can’t help but notice this dark look come over his face. A hungry look in his eyes. And you can’t help but press your thighs together even more, causing your squirming to increase.
The mystery man lays a massive hand on top of your thigh making you hyper aware of the fact your in a dress. He starts rubbing his hand up and down your thigh, sending chills down your spine. It’s been god knows how long since you’ve last been laid. And the first man to touch you in so long just happens to be your kidnapper?? The universe is playing a cruel joke on you.
Your breath hitches as his hand makes it’s way up your thigh. You can’t help but notice how large and veiny his hand is. How warm . .
He breathlessly says your name. “Look at you. You’re a filthy little thing. I’m a bad, bad man who could do anything he wants while your completely helpless. And all you can think about is how bad you want me right here.” The mystery man says right as his hand stops at the apex between your thighs.
Dave tsks, “Now what am I going to find when I lift this pretty little dress up? Huh? Soaked panties? A wet little cunt who wants to be used?” He says in the most condescending voice as he slowly lifts your dress up.
Embarrassed at the fact that he’s right. Your panties are soaked. You can clearly see the wet spot on your white cotton panties you had on. “ I- I uh I don’t d-don’t k-know-ow” you barely even stammer out, words completely lost to you.
“You y-you d-don’t know-ow?” He mimics your stuttering words, “oh princess I think you do know. I think you know just how bad you want me to touch you right now. How bad you want me to use my fingers, my cock to make this wet little cunt feel good. I thought you were gonna be my good girl? Good girls are honest and beg the bad men to fuck their cunts.”
You swear you damn near cum just from his words alone. “ I- I uh I . . “ you still can’t even get words out. As you try your hardest to find words, the mystery man oh so slowly takes his forefinger and runs it up and down your clothed pussy. Making you throb even more just from the light touch.
“ I- I want you to fuck me. Please.” You say as you look down, unable to look this man in the eye. You can’t believe you even said that. You don’t know who this man is, don’t know his name, you’re still tied up to a bed somewhere you don’t even know. What is wrong with you?
“There’s my good girl.” He practically croons as he starts to slowly pull your panties down.
He grabs your chin, forcing you to look up at him, “Now listen to me and listen carefully. The better you are for me and do what I say, the better all of this is going to be for you.”
“ Yes sir.” You said. On the inside, however, you’re speechless. What is even happening right now? Who gets off on being kidnapped and wants to fuck their captor?? Nothing in life has ever prepared you for this or even made you think a situation like this would ever even occur.
The mystery man’s hand leaves your face and goes to his belt and begins unbuckling his pants. All you can do is sit there, arms above your head, neck at a weird half up position and stare as he pulls his thick cock out. Your eyes widen as you see what exactly he had hidden in his pants. That is easily the biggest dick you’ve ever seen. It’s a good 7 inches if not more. Girthy as hell, a huge prominent vein. The head is a tanned pink and slows changes to a darker tan shade down the shaft. You can barely make out dark curls around the base but for the most part you can tell this man keeps it nice and trimmed down there. You had no idea he was gonna pull out a damn horse cock. And why is it making your mouth water?
The mystery man spits in his hand as he goes to stroke himself while his other hand goes back up to your pussy and slowly starts to circle your clit. Everything about this is so wrong but he feels so good.
Unable to stop yourself, you moan out loud, “Please” you croak out. Not sure what your asking for, just knowing you want more.
All he does is chuckle at your request. But nonetheless his forefinger makes it way down to your opening and dips inside. Just barely entering your wet heat and it has you on the verge of tears. After a couple of teases, Dave inserts his middle and ring finger into your pussy.
Oh the relief! Your whole body heats up from how good his fingers feel moving in and out of you. Maybe there is a god. Maybe this big, bad man is merciful.
After thrusting his fingers inside your sweet little heaven, Dave moves his hand away from your pussy and goes to stand up next to the bed, causing his dick to be right in your face.
“ You want a taste pretty girl? Go ahead stick your tongue out baby”
You do what he says quickly. It’s almost comical how fast you stuck your tongue and boy did he notice. Your starting to believe nothing gets by him. Except one thing. Your restraints. They’re tight but not tight enough. All you had to do was wiggle them just so and you’ve managed to loosen them up even more.
Dave takes his cock in hand and sits the head on your tongue. He gives it a little thrust while you do your best to swirl your tongue around the tip. Dropping your jaw wide open, he takes that as you want more and thrusts his cock half way in. The sudden intrusion caused you to gag around his cock, sending spit and drool down your chin.
He keeps thrusting into your mouth despite your gagging. It seems to only be turning him on even more seeing your teary eyes look up at him.
“Fuck princess. Your sweet little mouth feels like heaven.” Dave moans out as his eyes roll back.
That’s when you decide to take control of the situation. With your hands loose, you yank down, freeing yourself and bite down hard. A metallic taste floods into your mouth and you know you’ve drawn blood.
Dave’s enjoyment is cut abruptly when you bite his dick. He falls backward trying to get his dick out of your mouth and slips on his pants. You jump up off the bed and manage to get past him while he’s on the floor cussing, trying to nurse his injured cock.
You bolt out the bedroom door to reveal an open floor space. You quickly realize your now in the living room and make a dash towards what you think is the front door. After a few seconds of desperately trying to unlock it, you finally get it and bust out the front door onto the porch and down the stairs. From the looks of it, you’d say it’s probably about 6 or 7 o’clock in the evening. The suns going down, you might have another hour of light left. But you don’t care. You run full speed into the woods in front of you. All you know is the mystery man took you, brought you to a cabin in the middle of the woods, night is approaching and you’ve just escaped his clutches.
After running what felt like hours in no particular direction, you start to feel yourself tripping over sticks and leaves. You immediately start to fall to the side when you crash into a tree shoulder first. As you steady yourself and try your best to take deep breaths while also catching your breath is when you hear him.
“Sweetheart come on out. You and I both know you don’t know where you are but I do. I know these woods like the back of my hand.” he shouted out. The mystery man sounds close. You start to move as fast as you can without making a sound, practically holding your breath so you don’t get caught. You’ve managed a fast half walk half run from tree to tree, frantically moving your head all around to make sure you don’t see him coming towards you. As your hiding behind a rather large tree you decide to take a quick second and look from behind it to see if you can see him or not. When suddenly you hear a twig snap right behind you and that’s when you feel a large hand yank you by your hair, pulling you backwards into the mystery man himself.
Wrapping his other arm around you tight, with a death grip on your hair, he leans down by your ear and whispers “Gotcha.”
“You little fucking bitch. You bit my dick. I was being nice and showing you some mercy because you were being such a little slut and you bit. My. Dick. Now your gonna see the monster that I really am.” Dave growled in your ear.
With that he keeps a tight hold you as he shoves you down on the ground, belly first. His body following yours, Dave puts his full weight on top of you. With his hand still grabbing your hair, he pushes your face into the dirt and manages to lift your dress with his other hand.
“If you try anything else I swear to god I’ll make this even worse for you.” He spat on the side of your face as he pulls himself out of his pants. He quickly spits into his hand, lubing his cock up and thrusts into your still wet pussy. Fucking hell his cock splits you open. You have no time to get used to his cock inside of you before he’s thrusting like a mad man. You swear you can feel him in your stomach. Thank god for his ministrations from earlier because there is no way in hell you could’ve taken all of him without it.
“Such a fucking dirty little slut. I can feel this cunt squeeze my cock sweetheart. Don’t try and lie to me. You fucking love this.” Dave growls at you while his massive cock pounds your poor pussy. And he’s right. You do love this. The way his cock is splitting you open. The delicious way he’s forcing your pussy to take every inch. Even his body weight on top of you is making you gush around him. Both of you grunting, you from trying to get away and him from pounding the life out of your pussy.
“Ngh that’s right take this fucking cock slut. Take every fucking inch. Hnnn fuck yes. Fuck. Look at you, already cockdumb. Can’t fucking say a word, just taking it like the filthy little whore you are.” Dave grunts out as he continues to mercilessly fuck your pussy.
His words alone have you creaming. You can’t help but moan. No point in trying to hide it. You know he can feel it. You’re so wet and creamy now from his unrelenting cock. You’re so close, if only he would just touch your clit or you could move your leg just right and get a little friction where you desperately need it. You swear you feel him speed up and after a few more thrusts, you feel him pulse deep inside you.
“Fuck sweetheart. That’s it. Take my fucking load deep in that sweet pussy.” he says panting in your ear. After a few more seconds of him panting in your face, he sits up on his knees, still pinning you to the ground. He puts himself up, stands and yanks you by your hair once again to make you get up.
As he turns you to face him, you realize what a mess he made of you. Tear streaked face, dirt and leaves stuck all over your body and in your hair. Cum trickling down your thighs. The bastard looks you up and down and just smirks.
The walk back to the cabin was quiet. You knew you were fucked. Literally. As soon as the two of you re entered the cabin, he took a left turn instead of going towards the back where the bedroom was. Soon you approached a door with a chain lock. You knew deep in your soul you weren’t making it out of here alive. After unlocking the door, he opened it to reveal a set of stairs going down to what you assumed must be the basement.
Dave tightens his grip on your hair as he guides you down the stairs in front of him. Once you both reach the bottom, he turns you to the right and all you can see is a damp, dark basement. Two little basement windows are the only light source to help you see where you are. Cement walls, some boxes stacked on the far right wall, what looks to be a washer and dryer just a few steps in front of you. He flicks a light switch on, flooding the room with light, causing you to blink real hard because of the sudden harsh light blinding you. Dave continues to be silent as he walks you over to the other side of the boxes to reveal a set of cuffs attached to chains stuck in the cement wall. He lets go of your hair only to shove you down on the ground and put a cuff on each ankle. Wordlessly he chains you up and turns back around to go back upstairs.
“Wait!! Wait! Please don’t leave me down here! I’ll be good I promise!! I’m sorry for earlier! I won’t do it again! Please!!” You begged. You pleaded to him to not leave you only for him to stop and turn to look at you
“It’s too late for that sweetheart. Begging will get you nothing. Your lucky I’m putting you down here when I should take you out back and put a bullet between your pretty eyes.” And with that he turns the light back off and stomps up the stairs, leaving you all the alone.
- I hope y’all enjoy this! My first fic ever! So I’m super nervous lol I do hope it’s good and reads well, the perfectionist in me is saying it’s horrible and delete, delete, delete but I’m not. Im posting it lol but yea if y’all like it I could definitely do a part 2(:
Tagging a few of ya that encouraged me to write this and a few I think would enjoy(:
@toxicanonymity @lumoverheaven @bonezone44 @neverwheremoonchild @wannab-urs @multiversed-daydreamer
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lemonandlime22 · 1 year
Twisted wonderland character react to mother Mc that came to wonderland with a baby If it is ok you don’t have to if you don’t want to
Parent!Yuu coming to Twisted Wonderland with their child
Warning(s): teen parent reader, cussing, not edited
A/N: You didn't specify what characters so its just ganna be general hc. Keeping it gn cause I dont write fem readers rn.
Grim opens you coffin and finds you holding a crying baby then slowly closes it
both you and ya kid have your own robes and Grim tries to convince you to him him your baby's.
Crowley passes out thinking that the black carriage just picked up two kids and your parents were going to sue him all to hell
then you tell him that its your child and he's all better
cause you can't sue him :).
Grim always refers to himself when around the baby as uncle Grim
he will cry if the bbys first words aren't his name.
The ghost will babysit for you a lot, their its unofficial godparents
they also like to put the baby back to sleep when they cry I the middle of the night.
Train gives you some pointers on random parenting things, he also is happy to last minute babysit for you when you have pop quizzes or anything like that
same with most of the other teachers,
Vargas will do little baby exercises with them while you run laps or wtf you have to do that day
Crowley would offer to help, but please be my the responsible choice and never leave him alone with your child.
You two are always welcome to unbirthday parties, Trey will make baby food for them or baby friendly foods he also will be happy to teach you how to properly brush their teeth
Deuce and Ace love playing and entertaining them, Cater take so many pics of them
Riddle tries his best to get along with the baby but it's very awkward, which is also rly cute.
Take them to Leona and he'll throw yall out, he already has one brat to deal with he doesn't want another.
Ruggie will give you some easy food recopies for you to make that the baby can have
Jack will babysit in the early mornings on occasion by taking them out for a run with him in one of those chest/back strap things.
Do not on any occasion let Floyd hold your baby, he will throw them up into outer space!
Jade will try to give them some mushrooms so just to be safe keep your distance with him too
Azul will have war type flashbacks from seeing you chubby baby.
Kalim is spoiling the shit out of your child, he's also happy to babysit he's got more experience then most with how many little siblings he has
Jamil doesn't mind being around the mushy thing if it's not annoying.
Epel LOVES them! their just the right amount of chaos he needs to stay sane, plus they might remind him of some of the kids in his family or home town
Rook is another happy babysitter, likes to put his hat on them even though its way to big for them
keep the tf away from Vil, on his request
especially if they have ever or have come close to fucking up his makeup or hair or anything like that.
Ortho enjoys playing with them, he thinks their so interesting, also would love to hang out with them but Idia refuses to allow kids
especially babies
anywhere near his room.
Be carful, Lilia might try to adopt them, maybe both of you and he'll be a grandpa
he hasn't decided yet
he also might try and teach them to call him grandpa and Silver uncle
also for some reason, prob the animals that are always around him, your kid loves Silver
Sebek contently makes your baby cry cause of how loud he is, he also yells/scolds at them if they ever cry while Lilia or Malleus hold them
Malleus is basically their unofficial dad, he adores them and spending time with them, even giving them gifts
not just toys tho like things they need
this man even reads parenting books!
fuck after a while he might even start a collage fund for them.
Good luck raising your kid here!
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neptune-scythe · 3 months
Do you ever think about how Kaz making sure Inej is reunited with her brother is so he doesn't have to deal with his own grief?
Hear me out
Obviously he cares about Inej and wants her to have her family back and that's his main focus, or at least his main focus consciously
But here's the thing
They're mirrors of each other. Two people who lost brothers, Kaz's is gone forever ... But inej's is still out there (probably). Now we all know Kaz has never dealt with his grief, and probably barely even acknowledges it, mostly because he doesn't know how. That's not something people just ... Know how to do, grief is a process and if you don't have a single other person to help you or even be the slightest bit supportive it's going to be nearly impossible to grieve in a healthy way. Let alone being in a constant state of survival mode having to watch your back all the time because you're a kid in a very dangerous place and pretty much ever single person is an enemy, or at least not someone trustworthy or helpful. But I hella digress my bad
My point is Kaz hasn't dealt with the loss of his brother (why have I not used his name once? Bitch idfk my bad Jordie you deserve better bestie), which was a meaningless death. And by that I mean Jordie didn't sacrifice himself for some cause, he wasn't a casualty of a greater issue ... He just died. Because that what people do.
And especially for a kid who's all alone with not a single soul left on the earth who gives a damn about him, that's a pretty tricky concept to grasp. That your whole world, the most imporant person in your life could just die ... Just be completely gone in a moment. Thus why Kaz immediately blames Pekka and devotes his life to revenge, even though Pekka was only indirectly involved in Jodie's death. But blaming Pekka gives his death a meaning, it means there's something he can do to make it mean something.
Once again super digressed from my main point whoopsieeee. Hope y'all are enjoying the wild ride of my thoughts rn (I'm literally just stream of consciousness writing this shit, and for shits and giggles imma leave it that way no edits this is a first draft post you're welcome)
I'll never know because I'm not rereading this shit
JORDIE's death meant nothing, and Kaz's revenge on Pekka didn't give it meaning either ... Which he probably knew deep down that it wouldn't. But those are the kinds of thoughts we ✨silence✨ because we need the rage for vengeance to keep us alive and doing things.
Now back to Inej and Harij.
Reuniting them will for Kaz make his own situation mean something (in my opinion don't at me these my head canon thoughts). That even though he can't bring his own brother back, he can bring back hers. And knowing that they're together will make his own grief a little easier to bear. It balances it out, if you will.
Two brothers lost, one brother found. Good math
Harij is Inej's younger brother
So consider Kaz is doing it as much for him as for Inej. He's making sure another little boy (he's obviously not a little boy anymore but like ... He was 12 ((idk how old he'd be know)) and that's plenty young) doesn't have to lose his older sibling forever.
And also consider
Kaz knows he doesn't deserve Inej, he knows he most likely won't always have her ... And more importantly she won't always have him.
He won't always be able to protect her, to keep her safe. But her brother could. Her brother could be there for her and her support her and even do a far better job (probs idk what bros personality is like but I bet Kaz Brekker is assuming shit too) than Kaz could. So by reuniting her with her brother he's making sure she's taken care of, that even if he lets her down, she'll never be alone.
Because real talk her
Y'all are allowed to have your head canons and shit I am NOT gatekeeping
But canonically Kaz Brekker is not the jealous or possessive type. If Inej wanted to leave him for someone else he'd be upset yeah but he's knows full well Inej is a living Saint and worth far more than he could ever deserve in a billion lifetimes, and he's also far more concerned with her happiness and well-being than what she can provide for him.
So he'd be satisfied being away from her, not knowing a single thing about her life, as long as he knows her brother is there with her.
He doesn't need to take care of her, he just needs to know that she is taken care of.
I rest my case
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Thank you for coming to my TedTalk 🫡
(addition because I did actually reread it and damn I somehow forgot my entire point???
So yeah
About him using reuniting Harij and Inej as a way to avoid dealing with his grief.
It's like this
Brother dies
Kaz goes straight to revenge, never actually processes any of it, just jumps straight into making Pekka pay for it ... Which tbh is dealing with it in a sense but it's in a very passive way of going straight to doing without ever processing ... If that makes sense.
And that's repaying violence with violence, which leads to more violence. It's a cycle of destruction that Kaz is playing into, which is very hard to get out of once it starts.
But reuniting Harij and Inej is a break in that cycle. It's Kaz using his own pain as motivation and incentive to do something that will heal others. And making sure that neither Inej nor Harij get caught in the same cycle as Kaz did, it's using his own knowledge of that cycle to protect others from it. And more specifically, he doesn't know how to heal himself, he doesn't know how to move on or process and grieve, he doesn't know how to leave the cycle ... So he's helping Inej and Harij heal from their pain instead, and making sure they never enter the cycle.
Because he probably is well aware that revenge isn't the healthiest way to channel grief (but bro doesn't care because Pekka needs to be put in his place and we stan him for that), but channeling it into helping someone he loves is healthy.
And real talk here
Kaz probably believes he will never move on or heal from Jordie's death. Thus him being trapped in the ouroboros of suffering ... And go with me here.
If we view the ouroboros (snake eating its own tail if y'all don't know) as a literal scenario Kaz is trapped in, it's a mental prison basically, and one he has accepted that he will never leave. His fate is sealed, and he can't do anything to save himself from that.
BUT even if he can't ever break out of the ouroboros, he can keep others out, he can't save himself but he can save others from being trapped there as well.
And because of this he won't have to deal with the fact that he's trapped, he can focus all his energy on keeping others out ... And it gives it meaning. That even though he's trapped forever and can't do anything for himself, he can do something for other people because of it. Because the only way to avoid the ouroboros is if someone inside warns you.
That was a wild metaphor I hope that made sense lol
Also once again these are my head canons and I wrote it from Kaz's perspective so to speak, so when I say things like He cAn NEVer HeAl that's because that's what he thinks (imo) not what is objectively true. Healing is absolutely possible and bro can get it he just doesn't know it yet.)
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bep1erfics · 1 year
boysplanet trainees - lalala&okokok trend pt. 1
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context 💌
‘lalala’ is the more outgoing, bubbly person while ‘okokok’ is the more laid back and chill one. for example you could even describe them as the talker & the listener!
over me team ❗️
ricky: okokok 💿
- he’s more quiet & self reserved. LOVES SNACKING ISTG ANYWHERE HE GOES HE CARRIES 193837 snacks in his pockets tysm gyuvin
- when people talk, he listens with open ears
- he’s SO shy skdjdjdb, everytime he makes eye contact he looks the other way AND SHIFTS HIS EYES TOWARDS THE FLOOR 😭 protect this boy at all costs
jeonghyeon: lalala 🎀
- literally is ricky’s other half, GENIUS LEE OOPS omg i love leejeong hes so quirky
- the biggest extrovert ever, cries easily
- radiates the biggest babygirl energy, bffs with all the trainees on boys planet which i think is so cute 😭 i would literally die for jeonghyeon
zhanghao: okokok 💿
- this man is literally the smartest guy ever. he might be cute, but in reality he’s literally so self aware. probs has an iq of 394738
- gives off father vibes. YUJIN & OLLIE are literally his children, if you’re younger than him he’s automatically your dad
- he listens to everyone’s opinions and is the calmest person on the show after ricky 😭
kuanjui: okokok 🎀
- the most extroverted of all extroverts
- CAN LITERALLY BLEND IN WITH ANY FRIENDGROUP, lights everything up with his bubbly and courageous personality
- zhanghao’s bff, they’re like the cutest duo (don’t be mad haobin stan’s i think haobin is cute as well)
jay: okokok 💿
- man’s is an introvert as well
- chill but is SO EASY TO PISS OFF like when ricky missed his highfive on purpose? HE WAS PISSED LMAO
- i feel like he’s a good friend to others though, like he would def comfort you if needed
switch team 🍭
kamden: lalala + okokok 🍰
- HE’S THE AWKWARDEST GUY ON EARTH. you talk to him? he doesn’t listen, he literally spaces out like pou
- you would think he’s introverted but he’s an esfp?! kamden is an EXTROVERT?
- socially awkward and an extrovert… the more you know
keita: lalala 🎀
- CUTEST GUY, he literally also blends in with any friendgroup easily
- you could bicker with him and bc he’s so loud, you would automatically lose in a span of 2 mins. this guy would beat you up with his chatter
taerae: okokok 💿
- not with those two toned pants. it screams INTROVERTED
- he’s a grandpa. THE GUITAR???????? THE CLOTHES???????????????? he’s so grandpa coded
phanbin: lalala 🎀
- istg he’s such an outgoing person, so funny and talented I LOVE YOU PHANBIN
- YOU PUT HIM WITH JUNHYEON????? a mistake. YOU PUT HIM WITH WOONGGI????? a fight will break out. YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE? he dances like a literal legend
- gaslight gatekeep girl boss vote for phanbin
jongwoo: no comment i’m so sorry i’m not gonna do him… he needs to leave g group alone. the xenophobia IS NOT IT. 😒 sorry
shuaibo: NEITHER????? LALALA??!?!?
- ITS SO HARD BC mnet didn’t give him enough screentime but he’s a lovely person 😭 evil edits did him DIRTYYYYY, he’s so cute and bubbly but fr he wanted to go home ASAP during episode 11 he was literally sleeping 😅
- #zhangshuaibowewillmissyou
supercharger team 🐥
ollie: lalala 🎀
- cutest person ever (poor guy got e worded)
- loves to tease ricky, always screaming lovelicky (😭)
- he’s a bit introverted, but with the yuehuaz he’s the most cheerful person, chocolate in a human form 🍫
haruto: lalala 🎀
- LOUD, the mood maker of g group, he’s so funny 😭
- honestly has the best humour ever. HIS INSTAGRAM STORIES ARE SO FUNNY ISTG bro even tells us how often he 💩… tmi alert
- haruto is so goofy 😭 but yeah he gets emotional easily, poor guy
woonggi: lalala 🎀
- ANOTHER GOOFBALL. sassiest queen ever like we could be besties
- woonggi, seowon & taerae are literally so sassy i love it
- also can be friends with ANYONE he meets. YOU WALK INTO A ROOM WITH CHA WOONGGI? you walk out of that door twerking, screaming WOONGGI BOYYYY
(ollie was a victim of this.)
seowon: okokok 💿
- seowon is literally the calmer version of woonggi
- looks at everyone so endearingly it makes me sob how he got eliminated
zihao: okokok 💿
- UMMM I HONESTLY DONT KNOW like zihao is all giggles if mnet gave him screentime we could’ve seen his more serious side
- on a side note, zihao seems like the sweetest person ever on boys planet 😭 farewell i’m so mad he got eliminated
takuto: lalala 🎀
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lyrakanefanatic · 4 months
Thoughts that I wanted to share about the brothers Hawthorne/ the grandest game bc I don’t wanna make a million posts about each one 💀
1: Phone girls dad literally shot himself ON. HER. BIRTHDAY. 😭😭
2: Skye Hawthorne MIGHT be in the grandest game, because when Avery got bombed and Ricky and skye got arrested for it, they found out that it actually wasn’t them which means they prob got out of jail (maybe not Ricky but probably skye) and she might be controlling one of the players
4: we’ll see which 7 contestants avery will pick for the game!! (While I was writing that instead of contestants I accidentally put tributes 💀)
5: we might learn more about Toby’s backstory (or just the Hawthorne backstories in general, like Zara’s, nans or Alice’s)
7: this isn’t really a prediction but more just like a possible hint for the grandest game, but when grayson tells his brothers about the riddle “what begins a bet? Not that”, Jameson says this
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He says “what’s the opposite of a handshake?” And I found a picture online that shows multiple different options of what could be the opposite of a handshake
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Basically most of the words on there kind of show “misinterpretation” or just different words for some sort of mistake, so would that mean that the “beef” (im just gonna call it that bc I don’t rlly know what went down) between tobias and thomas thomas was maybe accidental?? Or maybe they got into a disagreement that ended in thomas ending his life? All the book really shows is that one paragraph (that I highlighted in green) that talks about what Jameson thought of the riddle, and then Jameson was talking to Avery about the game (probs bc jlb didn’t wanna drop too many hints lmao) And then if you add it in with the “abet” theory ⬇️
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It said that one of the opposites of a handshake were “refusal” and “disagreement”, so what if tobias had wanted thomas to aid one of his crimes and thomas refused, and maybe tobias gave him an ultimatum which is why he shot himself?? It’s so confusing bc what would tobias even do that was so horrible that thomas had to shoot himself, I really don’t know. but if anyone has some theory’s on this pls lmk! 🫶
8: holy guacamole 7 was a long one, but anyway i feel like there are definitely more hints on the grandest game in the brothers Hawthorne then there were in the final gambit, even though in (i think tig is the one that clue was from?) the inheritance games “special” edition bc idk what their called it said “hints in the final gambit”. (although one loose end from tig was David Golding, and @riddles-n-games had a good theory about that) But i read the final gambit entirely and didn’t find a single clue other than David, so that’s kinda weird (unless somebody else found something else they found interesting in that book?)
9: Eve might also be behind one of the players, or just trying to get involved with the game so she could get the cash prize or whatever else it is that that psycho needs 🙄
10: we’ll (most likely, bc I’m 99.9% sure that she’ll be in tgg) see what phone girl looks like and see which one of us were right 😜
11: kinda random but i will bet a whole 5 dollars that phone girls name is either gonna be flower related, or just straight up be lily. Or maybe both, but just think of how ironic that would be (there are calla lilys all over the cover of tgg… 🤷‍♀️)
13: so off topic but WHERE DO GRAYSON AND JAMESON GET THEIR MONEY FROM??? like I’m sure jameson probably gets some cash from his billionaire girlfriend, but what about grayson?? he says in tbh that he’s “buried in work” but what kind of work does he do?? and who does he work for?? 🤨
14: Okay this is gonna be the last one bc i need to shut up, but does anybody have an idea on what some things in the grandest game cover might symbolize? we know about the lilys and the opal rings, but other than that i CANT seem to figure out anything else on there 😭😭
and okay that’s all thank you for coming to my ted talk 🫶😊🙌
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