#erik lensherr x y/n
kaznejis · 2 months
Make It Fun, Don't Trust Anyone- Erik Lehnsherr x Reader
“I can feel it.” He spoke, refusing to meet your eyes as he visibly failed to prevent his thoughts from spilling, “I could sense the metal as soon as we left the building; I could sense your necklace, the rims of your sunglasses, the iron in your blood, and that ring.”  His words turned to venom at the procurement of the final item, you watched as he grit his teeth; smoothing a hand over his head as his jaw clenched. Anger bloomed at the pits of your stomach in response, anger at his audacity to attempt to stake such ownership over you, “You were gone, Erik.” You spat, turning to him, anger blazing in your eyes; as reflected by the shock upon his face, “What? Did you expect me to wait around like a child? Wait for you to come back on the slim chance that it would happen?”
A/N: Hello! If anyone sees this, I hope you enjoy! If not, this is entirely self sufficing and I thoroughly enjoyed writing it. Just to note, sorry if the scenes taken from the movie seem a little..rushed? If there's one thing I do not enjoy it's working out how to incorporate existing scenes into canon compliant fanfiction. The struggle.
Word Count: 6,692 / Read it on AO3!
If you'd like to see more from me about Erik- please feel free to send in any requests! :)
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The Cuban sunlight had acted as the perfect antithesis to your situation; the gaping hole that had formed and taken a residual spot within your ribcage as you knelt beside Charles, screaming and crying at the lack of feeling in his legs. 
But your eyes had not been upon him. 
You had stared up at Erik, stomach collapsing at his stoic gaze; only remnants of his grief were prevalent to yourself, the person that had known him most in the world. That wretched helmet had sat upon his head, his eyes empty with the melancholy of his own steadfast determination. 
“Join me.” He had whispered, his lower lip trembling as his eyes finally landed upon you; the first time since you had boarded the plane to Cuba. He had reached out then, his palm splayed towards you; hope swimming in his eyes as he beckoned you forward. 
You had simply shaken your head, lips tight and breaths heaving as you held his gaze. You watched as his heart broke, as his eyes glistened and bloodied hands trembled. You watched as he nodded and as he turned away from you. Turned away from the love that you had shared, choosing his own foolish endeavours of revenge over you. Allowing grief to swallow you, you had ducked your head; unable to watch as he walked away, unable to face Charles, writhing in the pain of your lovers’ actions. 
That had been it- you had returned to the school. Welcoming and accepting prospective students; working as an administrator and overseeing the school’s board. It had been good, amazing- supplying a necessary distraction to the heartbreak you had endured and a chance to improve your powers, learn from the experiences of others. There, in your reluctant state of happiness, you had met Adam. 
Adam, the school’s mutant psychology teacher; specialising in mind-based and largely telekinetic powers. Your curiosity regarding Erik’s powers had led you to him, sitting beside his desk; asking question after question. Questions soon turned into conversations and you soon found yourself being courted. All the traditional romances that had never crossed your mind when with Erik had become your reality; constant flowers, gifts, candle-lit dinners as your heels caressed his leg beneath the table. 
Your family had loved him, adored him. They had never met Erik, for obvious reasons, and whilst they were more supportive of your mutant gene than the average family; they had hoped that you would still be able to live the average life. Meaning, that you would acquire the average husband. Your family had practically demanded that you married him despite only being a year into the relationship, the pointed remarks about you being ‘unwedded at such an age’ a constant force at each gathering. 
So, you had. You had adorned the white dress, the large diamond ring, and Charles had granted his blessings by allowing you to host the wedding on the school’s grounds. Everyone and anyone that could have possibly been there had been in attendance, a day simply to forget about the wrongdoings of the past, the present and the future. 
On paper, everything was perfect. 
“Do you ever think about him?” Charles had asked, the night before your wedding, the two of you nursing a glass of scotch each within his office. 
You had exhaled through your nose, a lodge forming at the base of your throat, “No.” Despite the pronunciation of such a small, singular word; your voice had croaked, your chest trembling pathetically. 
Charles had simply nodded, his eyes flickering; his powers catching your obvious lie. “He’s in prison now, you know?” 
You nodded, humming affirmatively, your gut twisting at the reminder. 
“Are you sure you want to go through with tomorrow?” 
“I do.” You smirked, a failed attempt at humour as Charles had only looked back at you with sympathy, “I can’t sit here and say that Erik is never on my mind but… this is for the best.” 
Charles had only nodded, his face twisting as hair fell before his eyes, “He will never bother us again, I will make sure of that.” 
Whilst you had thanked him, smile wide and eyes crinkling as you both raised a glass; you couldn’t ignore the way your stomach had swooped in disappointment. The way your chest had heaved with unbridled pain, simply at the thought of never seeing Erik again. You would wrestle with it for the years to come- the guilt of constantly thinking of another man as you lay beside your husband. 
Your love with Erik had, to simply put it, been enigmatic; fuelled by passion- both by the mission at hand and the way you felt for each other. There had been awful, screaming fights on the worst days and entangled limbs with scratches lining his spine on the best. You had loved him with every ounce of your being, cared for him, yearned for him when he wasn’t there. Whilst you had endured the worst pains of your life with him, you had also been at your happiest. 
It had been toxic, ferocious, you had never known what would come next. 
You missed it every day. 
You passed the feeling off as pure delusion, your mutant gene playing cruel tricks on your mind as the years passed; as you grew bored. Bored of the same mundane life every day, bored of the simple forehead kisses, bored of that house. You and Adam remained within the dark confines of the manor instead of finding a place of your own following the fallout of the war in Vietnam; acting as support for Charles, who had steadfastly begun to dwindle in both his morality and his health. You had used this as an excuse every time Adam had attempted to introduce the necessary conversation of moving on, settling down. Children. You had deflected his attempts every time, claiming that you needed to be there for Charles, that you weren’t ready, that it wasn’t the right time. 
You knew for a fact that the reality lay within your inability to let Erik go, your inability to potentially miss the opportunity to catch a taste of his mere presence again. As the breadth of time since he left and the distance with Adam widened, you thought of Erik more and more. His serrating blue eyes and wicked charm haunted every moment, both awake and unconscious. You yearned for him, worried for him, hated him. You hated him for giving you up so easily, your lack of support in that specific moment signifying the end of everything, defining the status of the rest of your life. Sometimes, during the darkest of nights, the ones where you felt so alone, the nights where the wind howled and the trees drew vines and branches upon the walls- you imagined what it would have been like to join him, to have clasped his hand against yours and allowed him to lead you into the darkness.
Secretly, you knew that following Magneto would have led to your early demise, sometimes you pondered on whether that could have been a better end to your time together than your reality. 
But then, as Spring turned into Summer; as the grounds of the manour flourished in their unkempt state and the sun cast illuminations through the large windows- Logan arrived at your doorstep. A mission from the future, unbelievable if not for the pure conviction in his eyes. Unbelievable if not for the grief that haunted his strong features. 
You had been completely unprepared when Logan had stood from the chair you had offered him, yourself having been perched on the edge of Charles’ crumpled couch; your legs crossed and hands clasped with worry as he had detailed the horrors he had experienced, the horrors that he was there to prevent. He had paced the length of the table, surveying each resident of the room; you hadn’t missed the way his eyes had flickered between you and Adam; his forehead scrunching before his brows raised in amusement. 
“Ah…he warned me about this.” He grinned, flicking a finger between the two of you and scratching at the base of his head. “Kinda weird to see actually.” 
“Sorry?” You smiled politely, head swarmed with confusion, you looked over at Adam only to see he bore a similar expression, “He?” 
“We need to find Magneto,” Logan spoke determinedly, his gaze fierce, his voice taking a tone of finality. He was serious, conviction overtaking the air as the gravity of the situation dawned upon each resident.  
You knew that he was right. 
In that moment, you had been able to do nothing but stand and promptly leave the room; abandon the sound of Charles’ manic laughter that followed Logan’s words, Hank’s doubt that tended to suffocate a room. But most notably, you were abandoning your so-called husband’s silence.  
Somehow, you found yourself curled beneath your bed covers, arms crossed over your knees like a small child; your form shrunken in your fear and heartbreak and doubt, tremors racking your shoulders. As you attempted to steady your breathing, a knock sounded at your bedroom door. Expecting it to be Adam, you promptly rose from your position; scrubbing furiously at your swollen eyelids. 
But to your shock, Logan entered the room. 
“I’m sorry to barge in like this,” He held his hands out placantingly, slowly approaching you as if you were a timid animal, “I know you don’t know me, but I know you, Y/N, very well and… I wanted to check you were okay.” 
You nodded, crossing your arms and biting your lip as you mulled over the words he had spoken since his arrival, “It’s okay… I just- haven’t heard his name outside of my own head in a while.” 
You smiled, your heart blooming at his real name, the name you had known him by, “Yes… I’m assuming you know about us; I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve witnessed one of our messes for yourself,” He had smiled at that, his teeth glinting as he chuffed in amusement, though you could only stare at Logan, building the courage to ask what you desperately wanted to know, “When, you know, you were sent here… was Erik there?” 
“Yes.” Logan nodded. 
“Was I?” 
Logan nodded once again, though opted to do so silently this time. 
“What did he tell you about us?” 
Logan laughed properly then, a smile finally breaking across his face, “He told me not to meddle, that your situation is especially… sensitive, at this point.” He scratched a hand across his chin, his expression filled with nothing but pure mirth as he spoke, “Which I can see, seeing as though he’s locked one hundred feet underground and you’re married.” He finished that with a pointed look at your ring finger. 
You nodded, that you found yourself unable to match his amusement, unsure of exactly what it was he found funny, “I haven’t seen him in almost ten years.” You shrugged, “When I try to think about it, I don’t even know what he looks like anymore.” 
“But you still think about him?” 
You sighed, lowering your gaze to pick at the loose threads upon your old bed sheets; you had always been reluctant to get rid of them, the memories that they held with Erik remained too precious. Slowly and timidly, you spoke, “Every day.” 
Logan could only nod, an exhale sounding from his nose, “Well, if I can trust anything from my time knowing you; it’s your ability to give that man hell.” 
So, the following day; with an overly-energised, overly-excited teenage mutant in tow; Hank, Charles, and Logan had embarked en route for the Pentagon.
“Stay safe.” Adam had spoken as he leaned against the entrance to the house, having opted to stay behind; claiming that the house needed to be watched despite Logan being the first visitor in years. You had simply smiled at him, waving goodbye before turning towards the car; you didn’t miss the way the door had immediately slammed, Adam having chosen to waste no time in ensuring your safe departure. He had been quiet since Logan’s arrival, especially since the mention of Erik’s name and your obvious upset in response. 
You feared that despite his promise to protect the house, he would not be there upon your return. 
“I can’t believe you even married that guy.” Logan had mumbled, chuckling to himself and shaking his head as he slid into the car’s driver's seat; you could only manage a meager glare- your doubt regarding Adam had been clear even to yourself. 
Whilst the others performed the monumental task of attempting to free Erik; you had been tasked with organising the transport from the Pentagon and away, far away. You knew that Charles had orchestrated this purposefully, giving you the chance to see Erik as little as possible if necessary. You had accepted without a fight, you feared that if faced with Erik in a dire situation; you would act impulsively, irrationally. You feared that if faced with Erik, you would be able to do nothing but throw yourself into his arms. 
“Not appropriate.” You had mumbled to yourself at the thought, tapping a hand against the car’s wheel; dark aviators high upon your nose as you awaited. Your other hand hung from the drivers-side window, a dwindling cigarette balancing lazily between your fingers; it had been a nasty habit you had picked up in your adulthood, largely to Adam’s chagrin who had banned you from doing so indoors. You began to recognise that the stress of marriage had aged you significantly; the existence of service had overtaken your life in a way you hadn’t predicted. 
Just as you had begun to dwell upon your own disappointing life decisions; a loud bustle of noise exploded from the doors exiting the building’s kitchen; you only had a second to rescue your cigarette and balance it between your teeth before the group rushed to the car. Peter immediately sped ahead and claimed the passenger seat, grinning at you cheekily as he slid beside you; though this was quickly diminished when Logan slammed the car door back open, promptly gathering the teenager by the lapels of his jacket and ejecting him from the seat. You could only guffaw as he promptly plucked the cigarette from between your teeth, taking a hasty drag as the rest of the group piled into the back. 
You refused to glance at the rear mirror.
“Seriously Y/N?” Charles huffed exasperatedly from what you could assume was the seat directly behind you, the rustling of his jacket prevalent as he attempted to get comfortable in the tight squeeze of seats, “This may be a getaway car but it doesn’t mean you can abuse it to your will with your smoking.” 
You gritted your teeth, slamming your foot upon the pedal and pulling out onto the road; en route to the airport. Erik’s presence behind you plagued your mind, causing your fingers to tighten upon the wheel and your toes to curl within your shoes, every hair upon your neck stood ramrock straight as you waited, yearning for him to acknowledge you. 
This was what you had dreamed of, every night for years, and now you couldn’t even bring yourself to look at him. 
A gleam caught your eyes as you drove, suddenly all too aware of your left hand rested on the steering wheel. Your wedding ring still adorned upon your finger, glistening obnoxiously in the afternoon sun. Risking a glance, you rose your eyes to the rearview mirror- only to immediately flick your eyes back to the road before you. 
There, in the middle seat, sat Erik- his cheeks sunken, hollow; the effects of years in confinement were prevalent in his every feature. His skin was pale, almost ghastly; his haircut was shaggy, uncaring. But what shocked you the most, what made you pull your eyes away from the man you loved so suddenly- was the way his eyes, those hauntingly blue eyes, stared straight at you, straight at the ring upon your finger. You had to bite your tongue to stop yourself from squeaking in response, the taste of blood plaguing your mouth as you willed yourself to focus on the road, focus on the mission at hand. 
You knew that Logan had witnessed every moment of that encounter, his dark eyes sunk into the side of your face as you determinedly stared forward, refusing to acknowledge any of the people around you. Alongside the stench of smoke, the air in the car was thick with tension- the aura of unspoken words choking every passenger. Even Peter, the usual chatterbox and the one who had spoken your ears off the entire way to the Pentagon had opted to stay silent; instead staring out of the window, his lips twisted in his own display of tension. 
As you drove in silence, you became all too aware of Erik’s presence; you found yourself pinpointing his specific breaths, the crinkle of his prisoner-assigned uniform, the shuffle of his legs against the side of your seat, the nervous tap of his finger against his knuckles. 
It was a miracle you managed to reach the airport. 
Upon saying goodbye to Peter, you determinedly pushed past the front-row seats of the private jet, opting to sit at the very rear of the plane alongside Logan, of which had simply raised an eyebrow and sighed as you lowered yourself before him, “You two are more pathetic than I expected.” He exhibited an air of nonchalance as he lit his cigar, despite the plane now very much being in the sky, and propped open a newspaper upon his lap- though it was prevalent that he found delight in watching the entire situation unfold. 
You raised your eyebrows, shrugging your shoulders stubbornly and sliding back against the base of the chair, “There’s no ‘us two’,” To which you complimented with the use of air quotes, “I am married, Logan.” 
Logan could only laugh at that, shaking his head, a habit he seemed to have picked up in his exasperation at what was unfolding before him, “You do realise I’m from the future right?” 
Scowling, you crossed your arms and opted to sulk at the back of the plane; still determinedly refusing to look Erik’s way- who was now engaging in a heated argument with Charles.
“Do I at least age well?” 
“Of course,” Logan smirked, holding his cigar up in a toast; though he was quickly interrupted by the creaking of metal as the foundations of the plane shook; Erik. Logan jumped forward and immediately threw the two of you to the ground- acting as a human shield as the plane began to tip sideways; Erik’s passion overtaking all rational thought as plates and glassware shattered beside you. 
“You abandoned us all.” He spoke with finality, Charles lay splayed across multiple seats, his hair a tangled mess as he gaped at Erik. You could only pull yourself back into your seat as Charles left for the cockpit, both you and Logan gasping at each other as you attempted to regain your stolen breath.
“So,” Logan grunted, fetching a new cigar and lighting it, “You were always an asshole then.” 
You could only scoff as Erik turned, facing you for the first time since boarding the plane; you noted the way his eyes landed upon anything, anywhere but you. 
“I bet we’re best buds in the future,” Erik smirked sardonically, his voice rough with the sudden severity of his outburst. 
Logan hummed, puffing on his cigar before offering you a puff, to which you politely declined, “Not like me and your old friend Y/N here are.” 
At the mention of your name, his hands spasmed at his sides; his fingers convulsing in a bodily reaction at the mere recognition of your existence. You would have felt excitement, love; if it weren’t for the way his eyes told a different story- cold and piercing as they landed upon you, his cheekbones twitching as he allowed himself a second of eye contact before he abruptly turned, returning to his seat across the plane. 
“Jesus,” Logan mumbled to himself, reclining in his seat and widening his eyes at you; you could only nod. Jesus.
With Erik and Charles opting to keep to themselves, the rest of the journey went swimmingly- immediately upon landing you wasted no time in departing from the suffocating air of the cabin; luxuriating in the deep breaths of fresh, evening air that greeted you. 
“We need to find somewhere to rest.” Charles spoke from behind you, “The drive to the next spot is too long and we’re all exhausted.” He glared pointedly at Erik then, who simply sighed; as you allowed yourself a glance at him, it was prevalent that he too was plagued by fatigue. His cheeks were more sunken than before, his eyes drooping as he visibly struggled to hold himself up. You yearned to reach out, place a hand on his spine and simply hold him, aid him as he wrestled with the weight of the world upon his back. But then, as his eyes turned towards yours, the weight of the wedding ring upon your finger prevailed once again; you could only turn away. 
Hank managed to find a group of last minute rooms at a nearby motel, though as he returned to the reception's waiting area, keys in hand, his nerves were ever-prevalent. “I only managed to get three rooms; two have two beds and another has one, I was thinking-” 
“I’m taking the solo room,” Logan ordered, snatching the key from Hank’s hand and sauntering down the hallway, though not without sending a wink over his shoulder at you. Bastard. 
“Oh-” Hank froze, the other keys dangling from his fingers- you could only watch as he winced, practically praying for you to forgive him with his eyes, “Charles, I doubt it would be safe for you to be with Erik, so I guess…” 
You could only sigh, electing every ounce of confidence you could embody before standing, cutting Hank off once again before retrieving a key from his hand, without turning you spoke, “Well, come on then, Erik.” 
You felt his presence behind you, each of you electing to say nothing as you unlocked the haggard wooden door; its hinges creaking as you pushed open the door. Before you stood two double beds, an only-just-comfortable distance between the two. Nodding to yourself, you entered the room, your fingers twirling the keys nervously as you surveyed the room; you felt the air thicken as the door slammed behind you- you felt like prey finally being cornered by the predator. 
Erik cleared his throat behind you, the sound thick and grating, “I’ll take the bed beside the door; would you like to use the bathroom first?” 
You turned towards him, shocked by his kindness; he could only stare back at you, his eyes heavy-lidded and exhaustion tinting his features. “I- Sure.” You could only croak, opting to briskly enter the bathroom; afraid of irrationality taking over your lovesick mind. Reaching behind the shower’s curtain, you turned on the water before stripping off your clothes, the sound of your ring clattering against the sink as you placed it down caused you to flinch, knowing that Erik would be all too aware of your every move from the other side of the door. 
You took your time in the shower, breathing in the warm steam and collecting yourself after the events of the day, collecting yourself in preparation for the events of the night that was to come. You could do this, even if it meant a sleepless night whilst Erik lay only feet away; whilst the object of all of your nightmares lay only feet away. It reminded you of a night, a night a long time ago; in a motel room just like the one you were in, his skin against yours; his breath hot against the base of your throat as he had slowly stripped you of your clothes, as he had kissed every inch of you. It reminded you of his pants as he pushed into you, his groans as he buried his sweat-coated forehead into the skin of your shoulder, biting and licking and sucking there as you became one. The way that he had moaned his love for you into the skin there, your responsive moans loud and uncaring as you had clawed at the skin of his back, gripped at the hair upon the base of his head- 
Stop; you shut off the hot water, stumbling from the shower as you panted, your cheeks and chest red with warmth as you desperately attempted to remove the memory from your mind. Gripping the porcelain of the sink, you eyed your pathetic reflection; willing, begging, yourself to let this go, let your silly daydreams go. This was reality, your reality. Getting through the night was the only necessity you needed to accomplish, then you could avoid Erik and promptly never see him again. 
You could go back to your husband, back to your life. 
Undeniably however, you couldn’t ignore the way Erik made you feel, the way his mere presence made you feel. Adam’s influence upon you paled entirely in comparison, your obligation to return to him simply one of duty, one to appease your family, one to live the ‘perfect’ life- be the perfect wife. But you craved more, you craved better; for years you had chased and yearned for the way Erik’s slightest touch had made you feel- the way that his love encompassed every molecule of your being; the way that he had branded you for life, rendered unable to ever feel the way you had felt with him again. Your thoughts of Erik made you all too aware of how long you had spent in the bathroom.
How long you had spent, very obviously, avoiding him. 
You emerged from the bathroom in nothing but the oversized shirt you had packed hastily to sleep in; swiping it from the bed due to the short notice you had received in regards to this trip. You felt bare, naked suddenly as you left the bathroom to Erik’s piercing gaze. He sat, fully clothed, lounging against the headrest; allowing a pen to swirl around his fingers, dancing from pointer to thumb as his wrist spun. Entrapped, you could only stand there and stare; stare at the beauty of his powers, at the beauty of him. 
“It feels good,” He spoke slowly, carefully, allowing the pen to drop onto the sheets beside him, “To use my powers again; to feel metal.” 
You nodded, smiling politely, unsure of exactly what to say in response. You opted to stay silent, allowing yourself to walk past him and into your own bed, the crinkle of the duvet loud in the silent room, loud within the silence that was swelling between you. 
“You aren’t wearing it,” Erik spoke suddenly, his voice slicing through the silence; to your shock. Once you recovered, you simply crooked an eyebrow at him, to which he spoke; swallowing his words audibly, “Your ring.” 
“Oh,” You shook your head, staring down at your empty finger, remembering that you had placed it on the sink, “I usually-” 
“I can feel it.” He spoke, refusing to meet your eyes as he failed to prevent his thoughts from spilling, “I could sense the metal as soon as we left the building; I could sense your necklace, the rims of your sunglasses, the iron in your blood, and that ring.” 
His words turned to venom at the procurement of the final item, you watched as he grit his teeth; smoothing a hand over his head as his jaw clenched. Anger bloomed at the pits of your stomach in response, anger at his audacity to attempt to stake such ownership over you, “You were gone, Erik.” You spat, turning to him, anger blazing in your eyes; as reflected by the shock upon his face, “What? Did you expect me to wait around like a child? Wait for you to come back on the slim chance that it would happen?” 
Slowly, at the pit of his lungs, he formed a laugh; his head shaking as his fingers trembled once again, “You think so lowly of me, Darling.” 
“You left me!” You were yelling now, rising from the tangled bed sheets as your chest heaved with anger, heaved with the heartbreak and sadness that had plagued you for the consequent years following his departure, “You left me.” 
“I gave you a choice, Y/N. You chose Charles, you were more than welcome to come with me.” 
You shook your head, scoffing, “Well… if I had gone with you; I would be dead by now.” Your tone held a sense of finality, as supported by your return to the bed as you promptly turned your back to him, curling up under the duvet and refusing to face his reaction to your words. His response followed in the slam of the bathroom door as he promptly left the room; leaving behind the stale air of your own regret. 
It felt like hours as you waited, wondered; hoped for him to come back. Hoped for the two of you to forget the words that had been said, to sleep comfortably in your separate beds and complete this mission as peacefully as possible; to go your separate ways and live your separate lives once again. 
In the depths of these daunting thoughts, you fell asleep; the exhaustion of the day’s tensions taking hold as your eyes slipped closed. You woke, hours later, to the moon’s rays spanning throughout the room; a ghostly glow hanging in the air as you rubbed at your eyes, glancing to your side, Erik was fast asleep; his sharp edges and soft hair illuminated in the scant light- you allowed yourself a moment, just that moment, to take him in. Drink in the features you hadn’t faced in almost a decade, the features you longed to reach out towards; to trail a finger down his jaw or scratch a nail upon his hair. His hair was wavy, a slightly damp smell filtered throughout the room told you that he too had taken the opportunity to shower. 
The thought of his broad shoulders and lean back illuminated by the spray of hot water did nothing to help the swarm of doubt swirling within your gut. Shaking your head, you reached into the bag beside your bed; fetching the box of cigarettes stashed within one of the inner pockets. 
Then, barefoot and in just a shirt, you shouldered open the room’s door, balancing a cigarette upon your lip as you did so before promptly lighting it, traversing the motel’s corridors silently before reaching the fire escape. Hoisting yourself upwards, you climbed up the ladders before finally reaching the building’s roof. The night was clear, quiet; the only sounds emerging from the distant highway and subsequent traffic- you listened out for any signs of disruption as you lowered yourself to the roof, allowing your legs to dangle from the side of the building. 
The silence of the night and the goosebumps prickling at your bare arms allowed the tears to emerge; it allowed them to pour down your cheeks, for snot to bubble at your nose and for your lips to tremble with unkempt sobs. You allowed for your hurt to take hold, for your hurt at Erik’s words and actions and simple presence to take hold. But then you allowed your hurt towards yourself to unfold; for allowing yourself to end up here, in this situation- living this life that you had manufactured for yourself. 
You couldn’t go back to that motel room, but most notably you couldn’t go back home. You couldn’t bear it anymore; the stresses of being within that barron manor were becoming too much to bear. If you couldn’t be with Erik, then you would rather be alone; somewhere far away, far away from here. You stewed upon this thought for a long time, as you lit your second, third and fourth cigarettes; it prevailed. 
Just as your fourth cigarette began to dwindle, the slam of a door sounded below you before hasty, alert footsteps lined the hallway. You rose, walking back towards the highest entrance of the fire exit before looking down; listening as the hurried steps continued, haggard breaths accompanying it. Opting to investigate, you lowered yourself onto the platform below before descending the stairs; entering the residential hallway of the hotel. There, at the end of the corridor stood Erik, the obvious source of the worried footsteps as his chest heaved; he was turning in place, visibly searching for something as he rushed down the hallway. 
“What-” You mumbled, slowly walking towards him as he had not yet spotted you. Finally, you decided to catch his attention; concerned as to whether there was some form of danger, “Erik?” You called, a hand shielding your eyes as you peered down the dark hallway. You watched as he froze at the sound of your words, his head snapping towards you as he drank in your presence, your appearance. 
“What the fuck-” He breathed, immediately shaking off his shock and advancing towards you, practically running as he reached you. Entirely unannounced, he swept you up into his arms; shaking as he lowered his head to your shoulder, practically breathing you in as he tightened his hold by the second. 
“Erik, what-” 
“What is your problem?” He pulled back almost as soon as it had begun, his breathing staggered as a blush covered his cheeks; he wore only the black tank top and sweatpants he had been asleep in, his hair a mess upon his head; as if he had just jumped from his bed, “I woke up and- and you were gone, your bed sheets were practically stale with how long you’ve been gone I-” 
“I’m fine.” You assured, catching his hands between your own as an attempt to calm him down; the worry he had been feeling now prevalent within the staggering of his chest and the blush at his cheeks, “I just went to have a smoke I- let’s get you back to the room.”
He nodded, his glassy eyes immediately beginning to droop as he allowed you to use your grasp on his hand to pull him down the hallway. Upon depositing him into his own bed, as you left to enter your own, a tight grip latched upon your wrist; you turned, only to be met with those blue eyes swarming with desperation, “Stay?”
You sighed, nodding reluctantly before crawling in beside him; allowing him to drape an arm over your waist, allowing him to rest his head upon yours. Before your departure, before the decision would be set; you could allow yourself this one thing, this one night of unplagued sleep as his comfort would ward away the nightmares that tended to tinge your nights. 
But, before you could fall asleep; Erik’s voice rumbled above you, “I’m sorry, Y/N.” 
You could only shrug, pressing your nose to his chest as you listened to his heartbeat, “Me too, Erik.” 
He moved backwards then, settling so that his face lay directly before yours; the tip of his nose rubbing against yours with each second breath. It seemed that he could only muster a whisper as he continued to speak, “You have nothing to be sorry for.” His eyes grew wet as he spoke, his head shaking slightly as he smiled sadly. 
“Erik.” You whispered, your voice soft with contempt as you raised a hand to his cheek; brushing away the tears that had begun to fall there. Feeling him swallow against your wrist, you could only watch as his eyes flickered downwards, just as your tongue darted out to wet your bottom lip. Before you could register, he had moved; his lips pressed to yours as your cheeks grew wet with his steadily falling tears. Your mind allowed nothing else but to kiss back, to shift your leg upwards and to caress his cheek with your thumb. He kissed you earnestly, slowly; as if approaching a terrified fawn, testing the waters as to what you would allow him. You could practically taste the desperation perspiring his tongue, as you assumed he could yours. You would take anything, trade any parts of your wretched souls if it meant that you could feel this forever; feel the warmth of his tongue sliding against yours for every waking moment that remained. 
Erik pulled back then, only to lower himself; his mouth hot and needy against your throat, his hands trailing patterns against the skin of your stomach; becoming exposed as your shirt had rode upwards. His ministrations rendered you only able to lay there and pant; to bask in the feeling of being needed, wanted. Truly, ferociously. 
As he began to paint a trail of kisses down your stomach, something changed; something shifted in his demeanour. His hands, beginning to pull your thighs upward, were shaking and whilst his lips were forming kisses, they were forming words too. As you raised yourself to rest against your elbows, you finally heard the words forming within his mouth, “Please don’t go back to him.” He was whispering, pairing the almost unspoken words with a gentle kiss to the nearest area of skin; he was crying again, his eyes glistening with fresh, unshed tears as he burrowed his face into your skin. It seemed as if he was afraid to let you go, practically burrowing himself into your being, with the hopes that you would stay. 
“Erik, Erik wait-” You spoke urgently, lowering your hand to his chin before pushing him away; he stared up at you through his glassy eyes; his hair ruffled and cheeks rosy. Confusion graced his features at first, though he soon registered the concern in your eyes and realisation visibly dawned upon him. 
He removed himself from you then, moving to sit at the end of the bed; the duvet splayed around his waist as he sat with his legs crossed. He seemed to take a moment to compose himself, wiping at his mouth and running a finger over his teary eyes, “I’m sorry Y/N, I- it’s not my place to tell you what to do.” 
Instantly, you crawled towards him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and settling yourself into the space between his legs; you felt his cheeks crinkle as you pressed kiss after kiss to his face, but you could still sense his confusion, his doubt. “I knew I would be leaving him the moment Logan mentioned your name, whether you were coming with me or not.” You stroked his hair as you spoke, caressing your fingers through the thin tendrils of oaky brown hair that adorned your lover's head. Erik grinned then; his teeth shining as he practically mooned up at you, he kissed you again then; pulling you in and deeper into his lap. 
Before you could push him onto his back, before you could lower yourself upon him and mobilise the groans that would fall from his mouth; he abruptly straightened up, untwining his hand from beneath your shirt and raising it in the air- your wedding ring flew towards the two of you, hanging in the air before Erik made a flicking motion with his fingers; you could only gape as the ring flew through the open window and into the darkness of the night. 
“Erik!” You squealed, hitting at his chest as he laughed loudly, unabashedly. Despite being secretly pleased, you couldn’t allow him to know that. “That was expensive!” 
“I can find you better,” Erik grumbled against your chest, burrowing his head into your shirt and inhaling unashamedly, “That one wasn’t you anyway, I almost couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw that ghastly thing on your finger.” 
The only response you could have mustered in that moment was to shove him back against the bed; silencing him with the warmth of your own mouth.
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g1rlken · 2 months
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requests are open and most characters I write for are tagged, feel free to send in anyone I’m a multi account
1. New shy kid to school/college
2. Sunshine x grumpy
3. Comforting the s/o in mourning due to loss of someone close to them
4. School/college bully to lovers
5. Childhood best friends drifting apart due to new friend groups
6. Single bed trope but they wake up cuddling
7. Perennial loser s/o with the popular one
8. Exes who haven’t moved on
9. Silent treatment after fight
10. Domestic/married life fluff
11. Completely different lifestyles
12. Vacation gone wrong
13. Making up after a big fight
14. Chaotic married life mornings with twin children
15. Showing up for a big function for an s/o who doesn’t have anyone turn up
16. Helping to get out of a toxic relationship
17. Helping through a nightmare
Honorary mention:
18. Enemies to lovers
You can go batshit and give multiple prompts at once, I’m jobless.
If you want reader or character to go through something certain within the prompt please specify thanks
love you.
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triplehmunson · 2 months
ᑭOᐯ: Your boyfriend Erik break up with you bc he wanted to protect you from “danger”, so that some time later you discover that he was cheating on you with Raven
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juniperwoodwell · 1 month
Just a reminder that my requests are open for all the characters I have listed on my profile.
Please send any and all requests and I'll do my best to write them!
Ps: I will be adding 10 new characters to my master list tomorrow so stay tuned for that!
And yes I do have a tag list, DM me or comment below if you'd like to be added.
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
Hello there! Could I request a Charles Xavier fic please? One where Charles has feelings for reader but won’t admit it, and reader is completely oblivious. So, it’s down to Erik to find a way to make Charles confess. Thank you! 💜
Professor X's Matchmaker
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Erik had about enough of Charles rambling on about you and how he wished he knew if you felt the same. His Telepath friend had found one person in the world his powers couldn't reach. Yes its true that he couldn't read your mind. Although Erik knew that he wouldn't do it unless you gave him permission if he actually could like everyone else in the world. In this moment he watched his friend from inside the house window. Charles was leaning on the railing watching you reading a book underneath his grandfather tree, his favorite tree to play on as a child. Erik decided then and there that he would find a way to make him confess because he could tell you were oblivious to Charles's massive crush on you.
Later in the day Erik walked over to his friend carrying a clipboard in his hands with a note to give to Y/n. "Charles could you give this to Y/n. I think she left it in her room?" He shrugged his shoulders walking onto the grass not thinking anything of it. Lifting my gaze up from my book I saw Charles coming over to me. "Y/n Erik says the notes for you." He hands me a piece of paper so I unfold it reading the words I have a crush on you. With an arrow pointing right up at Charles. "Charles, I think you should see this." Handing the note back to him he cursed under his breath at his friend. "Bloody hell Erik." I snorted a laugh seeing the confidence of the mam before me disappear in seconds. "Y/n, I - uh - I didn't expect him to put me in this position. And you're probably wondering is it true, yes. But if you don't feel the same way then - I'll just go." He tried to turn away but Erik moved thr clipboard in Charles's other hand making him stumble down ontop of me. Charles and I both grunted when our lips accidentally landed ontop of each other.
My mind races a mile a minute at what is happening. That Charles Xavier is kissing me right now. I have buried my feelings deep down thinking that he wouldn't like me. Considering he was chatting it up with the CIA Agent Moria. His right hand cups my face gently kissing me softly until I broke it hearing clapping from behind us. "My plan worked perfectly. You'll thank me for this someday Charles." Erik chuckled down as we both held ourselves on our elbows in the grass. Charles shakes his head side to side blushing bright red. "We'll be talking later my friend." Erik shrugged his shoulders waving bye leaving us alone. "So Charles...would you be mad if I said...I secretly have a crush on you." I sit up rubbing the back of my neck feeling that I am still blushing like crazy. The Telepath eyes me for a moment brushing his thumb over my cheek pulling me in for another kiss. This time I wrap my arms around his neck enjoying it smiling back at him. He broke it grinning like a child mirroring my grin. "Can I take you out for dinner tonight?" Giving him a kiss on the cheek I pulled him to his feet. "Yes you may, Professor X."
Comments really appreciated ❤️
I am sorry I am terrible at remembering tag lists on my main blog 😢 @makeshift-prime
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
His Light Magentic readers, I am working on a new chapter update at some point
Anyway, new book is coming to my Owen Grady lovers 😁
Tags - @supernaturalgirl30 @groovy-lady @arrthurpendragon @ocappreciationtag @oldmanwithashield @mostlymarvelgirl
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don’t ever let go
꒰ erik lensherr x fem!reader ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
.𖥔 ݁ 🪐˖ word count: 2.2k+
⌞ plot: sort of hurt comfort when erik finds his rather irritable posing s/o going through a nightmare ⌝
warnings: nightmares, angst sort of (fluff end dw)?
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People with contradictory world view and general thinking are bound to be engaged in petty disagreements. As strongly opinionated as Erik was he never got along with one certain mutant. Erik and y/n, always fighting, at each other’s throats. Most times they were rather entertaining scene creators at the Xavier’s institute, clashes were famous with the most colourful language used amongst the students. However Charles grew tired of this, best minds he knew were always bickering and fighting. Petty fights and little grudges turn ugly if pit against each other on battleground. God forbid that situation ever arises but Charles bad seen enough falling apart within his own to know how much could go wrong.
So, to get them along he paired the two to gather intel on some government bills at the procession gala held at Berlin. He was persuasive but not god, after all it was the hardest task in the world to get erik and y/n sit for dinner at the same table let alone go halfway across the world and pose as a couple, stay in one place and not blow cover? Charles came with the most believable persuading story as he could, lied the Oval Office asked for the two to specifically attend the mission this and that and it was a long afternoon trying to convince the two but the professor won in the end.
That is how Erik and her ended up in Berlin, the moment they were alone, not posing anymore their smiles and in-love act completely dropped. Shutting the hotel door behind him Erik sighed. It was a whole week of these galas and charity events, back from their first one and y/n was already growing tired of Erik. “You know I kind of hated how you manhandled me back there.” She complained as she leaned on the wall for support and removed her heels.
“What?” He asked confused as he removed his blazer and draped it on the sofa chair “What are you talking about I did no such thing” he said not exactly recalling anything like that.
“You said something to that senator in French and then grabbed me close to you to kiss my forehead like I was on the run from you-who does that?” Y/n said, she didn’t speak French so she didn’t understand what the conversation was on about regardless the moment she recalled, she wasn’t even standing that far away for him for him to yank her close to him like that.
“A husband?” Erik said raising brows as he exaggerated in obviousness removing his cufflinks.
“With the grace of a woodcutter?” She scoffed as she rolled her eyes at him, it’s not like she minded that, the two posed like that the entire night at the event it’s just that erik would time and time loose his cool and she didn’t want any casualties further into these galas “it would look like I’m your hostage instead of wife can’t you try and look gentler somehow?”
“You just made that up.” Erik said as he shook his head disregarding her suggestion “The senator made a rather vulgar comment about you in French by the way, instead of adding to it I held you close. Would you rather I laugh along with him and appear rather crass?”
“you can try but you can’t really change what you are” Y/n mumbled with a stifled chuckle at her own jab as she stood by the dressing table mirror removing her jewellery.
“I heard that.” He responded giving her a disappointed look but she just laughed at it anyways. He changed out of his shirt as they’d conversed. Not engaging in silly debates anymore y/n went to the adjoining bathroom to change out of her dress.
Erik worked on gathering some background on the guests of the events they’d met and conversed with, information in context of intel they had so far whilst y/n updated Charles via a long email, two emails, one of the intel and other how much insufferable Erik was.
Their third day in Berlin went remotely same, night however was about to be different. Y/n was settling their bed, the first two nights they took turns on the sofa but it turned out to be very uncomfortable to sleep in so they decided to share the bed. Erik glanced up from his laptop as y/n was setting up a pillow wall on the bed “That is so childish.” He commented.
“Yeah yeah” y/n said as she rolled her eyes, making clear partition of the bed. “Do not invade my side alright?”
Erik couldn’t help but laugh at the use of ‘invade’ “Wouldn’t dream of it.” He said as he turned his attention back to the laptop. He decided to stay up rather late that night even after y/n retreated to bed. He would joke that it was easier to work after she was sleep and before she was awake as if he secretly didn’t hate the absence her ramblings brought.
An hour or so had passed, Y/n was sound asleep as he decided to wind up. He left to clean the desk, brush his teeth and wind down. When he came to bed he was met with y/n mumbling in her sleep, tossing and turning on her side of the bed.
His gaze softened when he realised she might be going through a nightmare. It seemed difficult, whatever she was seeing, he couldn’t understand her words but he caught a few pleading syllables here and there. “y/n…hey wake up” he cooed softly as he tried to wake her up, he gently placed his hands on her shoulder. “Hey-you’re just dreaming y/n…wake up.” He spoke and she got up almost instantly, breathing heavily.
She sat up trying to get used to the surroundings again, always the same thing. She hated when those dreams resurfaced revolving around her most despised horror. Erik had heard from Charles of what she’d been through when she was new, he didn’t know she was impacted to this scale. “Are you alright?” His voice arose another bad feeling inside of her. She didn’t want to be perceived as a weakling in front of him. When they’d argue he’d often call her that, not that she wouldn’t call him worse back but she would hate if he found out about this ordeal. She didn’t want to appear weak.
Getting out of the bed hurriedly she rushed to the table stand, feeling a bit dizzy after how fast she stood up and how fast she was trying to comprehend everything. She tried to pour herself a glass of water shakily. Her train of thoughts ran as she tried not to have a break down, her heart beat fast from the visuals of the nightmare still fresh in her mind. Erik was quick to pace up to her “Hey look at me” he spoke taking the jug of water out of her hands given she was struggling to pour it properly.
“Are you alright?” Erik repeated his question and he could note how she was still too shaken to answer correctly and fine enough.
“Y-yeah-“ she could muster out as she tried to level her breathing which didn’t seem to work apparently.
“Y/n.” He spoke leaning lower to meet her eyes since she avoided eye contact with him, “look at me” he spoke as he placed comforting hands by biceps to hold her upright. “Deep breaths with me, come on.” He spoke as he guided her to sit on the edge of the bed. He rubbed her back as she was still slightly trembling guiding her to breathe evenly.
After a few moments when she tried to fake the best proper composure she could she nodded, “I’m alright thanks” she said very softly afraid she might tear up any moment. Ever so tired and scared of her recurring nightmares, just when she thought it was getting better. Why would it not leave her alone? Why couldn’t she move past it?
Erik wasn’t a mind reader but the look on her face read enough for him at the moment, “y/n” he sighed “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I said it’s fine-“ she said with an exhale however her breaking voice and avoiding stare said something else. She couldn’t hold it back anymore as the brimming tears surfaced out of her eyes. She held her head in her hands weeping into them. Erik didn’t say anything as he wrapped his arm around her in a comforting manner, “I-I’m not this soft alright I’m not-I’m not weak” she told him like she had to justify her crying.
“Hey hey hey-“ he cooed as he pulled away just to see her face again, “who says you’re weak? This is completely alright.” He reasoned with her as she cried.
“No I—I just-“ she didn’t exactly know how well she could phrase this out for him. How much terrified she was of what she kept seeing in her dream, from her past, haunting her again and again and how much she didn’t want him to think she was this much of a mess.
“You are not weak, y/n. You are anything but weak. It’s difficult going through a nightmare but you’re really strong, you made out of it see” he talked to her patiently in a very encouraging manner as he wiped her tears with his sleeve.
“It felt so real-“ she choked up as she tried her best to stop crying, Erik took her into his arms, giving her a hug as he spoke sweet nothings to him.
She cried and trembled in his arms unable to speak coherently until she soothed her crying, he held her throughout it. “I am just so tried Erik…” she said as he pulled away to look at her face.
He removed the hair in front of her face, tucking it behind her ear, “is it always this bad?” He asked her, feeling really awful how much she’d had gone through already and even then in sleep she wasn’t left alone of it. Y/n nodded as she wiped the tears off her face, she wasn’t so phased by ‘this’ bad given she was used to them now.
“Is it frequent?” He asked, his softened gaze holding her trouble one.
“Not as frequent but-it comes and goes, I just can’t escape it.” She said with a dejected sigh. “I am used to it I just wish I was—properly used to it. I wish I wasn’t this affected…”
“Nobody should have to be used to this y/n it’s difficult, really difficult.” He told her as he held her hands in his softly. “It’s bound to affect you, in the worst way it’s made you…you. Surely doesn’t define you but it defines your strength, your courage. You are truly strong.”
“But I’m afraid Erik” she told him looking away, “I am exhausted of being this afraid.”
“And that’s fine.” He replied holding her hands in his a little tighter to impose the exaggeration of his words, “It takes strength to keep going, even more to be afraid and still keep going and you have done that job very well y/n.” He spoke as he kissed her forehead with a comforting smile adorning his face, reflecting how proud he was she made it through. “Let me help you?”
Y/n took a deep breath as she nodded, she felt rather safe in his help. In his presence and his touch, it was as comforting as it was safe. He helped her through that night, holding her close staying awake until she eventually fell asleep in his arms and he didn’t want to ever let go.
HIIII I hope you have a good day pls pls pls let me know if anyone wants to read more erik pieces! Requests are open too🕺
Feed back is desperately appreciated :)
Go drink water. Now. Or you will stub your toe in a corner in the next 10 seconds.
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writersblockedx · 2 years
Full of Surprises
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Pairing - Erik Lehnsherr x Reader Summary - Charles sends you to check on Erik; you end up staying longer than intended. Warnings - Alcohol, mentions of violence. Words- 2K
For a year now, the state had been searching for the infamous Magneto. After escaping from the pentagon prison and later pointing multiple guns at the president, he was one of the most wanted people there were. Yet still he had still yet to be found. For a long time, you didn't believe anyone would be able to find him. He was a man who wanted to stay hidden and had the power to do so.
You hadn't really been overly bothered if you were being honest. While apart of the X-men, you could never say you were specifically close to the man. Sure, you fought alongside another but there were times when you found yourself fighting against him. That was one thing you knew about Erik: He was a complicated man. And you liked to keep your life as less complicated as you were able. Which was why it was such a surprise when Charles had requested for you to take your try in finding the man.
Still, you agreed and it wasn't long until you were tracking a man calling himself Henryk in the middle of suburban Poland.
You found the perfect point for confrontation when Erik strolled into the local bar one Thursday evening. You waited long enough for him to finish his first drink, then you made your own entrance. The man was seated at the bar completely alone. His hair was longer, scruffier and his clothes were much more casual than the turtlenecks you were used to seeing him in.
You said nothing as you took the bar stool that was situated next to him. He hadn't noticed you; Erik had been too busy brushing the glass of his beer and too deep into his own thoughts. "You are hard to track down, Magneto." You stated, keeping your eyes in front of you, never daring to meet his.
Him, however, his eyes jumped to you the moment your voice reached his ears. "Just a water please." You requested the bartender before he wondered off to do as you had asked.
"Let me guess, Charles sent you." Erik didn't really have to guess, that had been more of a given point.
"He wanted to check on you." You replied.
Erik returned to gazing down his drink rather than you. "Well, I'm fine alone so you can return back to him."
"Half the world is searching for you right now, Erik. You betrayed us. You shot Raven, almost hurt Charles more than you already had done before." You started, your voice raising in the irritation that had settled in your tone. "You should count yourself lucky than all we are doing is checking up on you."
It was then the bartender returned and dropped the glass of water in front of you, delaying whatever reply Erik was beginning to conjure up. "Thanks." With that, the bartender wondered off once again.
Erik turned to you and for the first time, your gaze met another. "I am just trying to live a quiet life without the X-men breathing down by neck." He paused for a moment. "So you go run back to Charles and tell him that." Erik had always had this theory. One of which you believed was concocted out jealousy. It had first started with Raven, calling her Charles' puppet of sorts. It went on so much, it got it her head and then he started doing the same with you. But Erik had yet to get into your head. So you had believed anyway.
"I don't trust you." That was out of the blue. Erik had expected you to walk out there and then, glass of water left untouched.
The boy grinned at your words, "That doesn't surprise me." He answered. "But something that might surprise you, Princess, is that I don't really trust you either."
You supposed you were surprised. I mean, unlike Erik, the public had painted you as similar to Charles. A mutant fighting for the rights of mutants, but doing it in a way that protected humanity at the same time. And instead, like Erik did, didn't paint humanity as the opposers. Then again, maybe that was why Erik didn't trust you: The two of you were far too different in your beliefs.
But his words seemed to pull you in and you found yourself urging for answers. "And whys that?" You questioned.
"Well, to start with, you walk into a bar and order water." Erik argued.
"I'm working." Technically, you were. Maybe you weren't stood in front of a class, but you still had a job you were set to do.
Erik grinned and leaned in just slightly. "Let me buy you a proper drink." He offered and you felt his eyes linger a little longer.
And so you found yourself torn in two. There sat the temptation to stay here, settled and maybe let yourself relax a little. Or there was what you knew you were meant to do. You were meant to finish what you were doing here, get up and leave and return back to the school. But what harm would one drink do?
"One." You told Erik before he was waving down the bartender once again.
You must have had at least seven, maybe more, that night. To be honest, you couldn't really remember. Only that by that point, the bar was empty and you were getting glares because you had yet to finish your drinks and leave. And, surprisingly enough, you found yourself laughing with the same man you believed you disliked. You supposed it was the drink that had brought both your barriers down and, in doing so, you were able to have many civil conversation. From past shared memorise, to current human politics and then mutant politics to then guessing how many toes Hank's children would have.
But once you finished that drink, you didn't dare order another one with the way the bartender had been starring at you. "Well, I best go find a hotel for the night." You declared as you slipped out from the barstool, throwing your bag back over your shoulder.
"I thought you were going back to the school?" Erik had questioned as he finished his own drink.
"Well, considering we sipped at our one drink for so long, there's no way I can make my plane now."
Erik nodded in realisation; he had been the reason for that. "Right." He muttered before watching you turn your back to him and wonder towards the exit. An urge seeped into his mind then. One of which, had the two of you not just been so friendly back and fourth, he would have kept quiet. Alas, Erik had found that maybe you weren't as bad as he had originally made you out to be.
"You'll not find a hotel." He called out, pulling your feet to a stop as you turned back to look at him. Erik was still staring down his empty glass. "We're in the middle of nowhere, you don't find many tourists visiting." Erik finally glanced back at you. "It's not much but I have a couch and a roof."
Given no other choice, you agreed and returned to Erik's home.
He was right in saying it wasn't much. It was barely even a home. Three rooms and a roof. But you supposed that was all Erik needed. He showed you around the house. Offered you food, of which you felt it right to decline, then gave you a blanket, a pillow and a spare t-shirt for you to sleep in. That was all it was. Colleagues helping one another out. As weird as it felt, being in Erik's house knowing there wasn't any work related reason for you to still be here. Erik was just helping you get through the night before you caught the first plane back tomorrow morning.
You woke up to the sound of food sizzling, followed by the smell of something fried. It pulled you to the land of the wake before you felt your eyelids open, setting on a casual looking Erik as he cooked breakfast. You laid still for a moment or two until the man sensed you from behind him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." He apologised.
You slipped out from beneath the blanket which had comforted you throughout the night. "It's fine." You told him, still stood in only the borrowed t-shirt he had given you. "I'm gonna go get changed."
You never got far. Erik glanced back at you once again, half his focus on you, the other half on his almost ready bacon. "They're in the wash." He muttered as if he felt that could have been the wrong thing to do. And when you said nothing in return but made an awkward shift in your stance, Erik went on, mentioning to his small table and the two chairs which accompanied it. "Sit," He urged.
With nothing else to do, you obliged.
It wasn't long before Erik was serving the various 'all American' breakfast onto two different plates and placing one in front of you. "It might amaze you to know, I'm actually a good cook." He stated before either of you had even had the chance to pick up your knife and fork.
You raised a brow in response, "Really now?"
"Try tell me otherwise." And so you cut at your food and readied some sort of comment to combat Erik's ego when it came to his food. But, as you were beginning to realise, the boy came with many surprises. And he was right when you found yourself amazed by his certain skill. "See." The man smirked.
"Fine, you have successfully proved me wrong." You spoke with a smile painted at your lips. Erik was beginning to constantly be proving you wrong.
And so the two of you picked at your plates. "When do you leave?" Erik then asked.
You shrugged, "An hour or so."
Then, before you had barely even finished your words, Erik jumped. "Let me drive you to the airport." It was hasty, almost desperate.
You were already shaking your head before you had even declined. "Honestly Erik, you have done enough already." Not to mention, how out of character that seemed to you. "I'll get a taxi and leave you be. And don't worry, I'll tell Charles that you have been absolutely fine out here alone." You went on, figuring that was the reason he was being so kind.
Yet, still, Erik leaned forward, his palm landing on your own. "I've spent the last year living alone, working in manual labour, please just let me drive you to the airport." He insisted.
Like you had been doing for the last 24 hour, you gave in and agreed.
It hadn't taken the two of you long to clear up, get changed and jump into the car. An hours drive or so and you were outside the airport. Of course, Erik had once again insisted he see you inside. Just because.
"Thanks again, you really didn't have to do any of this." You told him with a smile.
The boy shoved his hands into his pockets. "I'm sure you'll relay back to Charles how corporative I was." He joked.
"That your reason for being kind to me?" It seemed the only logical reason.
Erik took a step closer to where, if he were any closer, he would have fallen into you. "Maybe." He mumbled and before you could reply with anything at all, he closed that small gap between the two of you.
He really did seem to keep amazing you.
You were the one to pull away, not letting your gaze fall from his own. "You should go, I'm sure an airport isn't the best place for a man in hiding." You reminded him.
"That's why I didn't bring the helmet."
With that, you took your step back from the boy, knowing if you weren't to leave soon, he would insist on you staying some time longer. "I'll see you soon, Erik." He only nodded as his goodbye, giving you the go ahead to turn your back on him.
A trip that had only meant to be a small one, had left you with more question than when you had first arrived.
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spilledkauffie · 2 years
Where You Go, I Follow
Pairing: Erik Lensherr (Magneto) x Mutant!FemReader (Telekinetic) Word Count: 1.7k T/W: angst to fluff A/N: sorry that this is so late, I'm still getting everything in order with the new semester
For anon ❤︎
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The night was a little chilly, which caused you to shiver as you stepped through the front door, before being greeted by a wave of warmer air comforting you. Closing it behind you, you called out into the dimly lit cabin-esque house, but no reply came. Which was odd, you swore Erik had made it home before you.
It was times like these that you wished you were telepathic instead of telekinetic, but you weren’t, so you did what anyone else, mutant or not, would do, you began to look around the house for him. Searching downstairs, you took a few moments to shed your heavier jacket and slip off your shoes, leaving you to wrap your cardigan around yourself and almost silently walk about the house.
It wasn’t until you heard a noise from upstairs that you made your way up; the slightly creaky wooden stairs groaned every few steps. The door directly at the top of the stairs was open and revealed where your missing person was. Taking a pause, you stopped in the doorway. Erik was busy and had no idea you were watching, which made you wonder what exactly you were watching. He appeared to be preoccupied with going from dresser to closet, from closet to a suitcase he’d laid open at the foot of your shared bed. Squinting as you thought of the possibilities, a few ran through your head, but you figured it’d just be easiest to ask.
“Hey,” you called gently with an exhale, as if you’d just arrived.
Erik quickly looked up, a flush came across his expression as though you’d caught him doing something questionable. During his silence you walked lightly to the edge of the bed, taking a seat while waiting for any response from him.
“I didn’t hear you come in,” he admitted quietly.
“That’s okay,” you smiled, but it was not returned; instead he turned back to the dresser and scooped out more of his belongings.
“I wanted to get going before you got back, but it seems you’ve beat me,” he admits with no tone of enthusiasm.
“So,” you shrugged your shoulders as naturally as you could; his words were a little confusing, but you casually swung your feet since they didn’t reach the floor from how you were sitting, “where are you going?”
“Just away,” he answered much faster than before which gave you confidence, “I think, maybe Switzerland—“
“Oh Switzerland!” You gasped softly, with a growing smile as you clasped your hands together over your heart, “I’ve always wanted to go there, I heard they have good chocolate.  Can I come too, please? I promise I won’t get in the way of whatever you’re doing. It’ll be like that time I came along to Rome with you, remember how much fun that was?”
Another silence found itself between you two, it wasn’t like Erik. He was usually this way with other people, but it was different with you, at least up until now. He left you to blink up at him, as you waited patiently for an answer, smile gradually fading.
“No,” he looked down instantly, not sure he was prepared to see your response, “you shouldn’t come, it would be a bad idea”
“Is it because it’s going to be dangerous?” You asked worriedly, starting to stand.
“No,” he repeated.
You furrowed your eyebrows, if it wasn’t going to be dangerous there usually wasn’t a reason he wouldn’t bring you. In fact, in the past, he had preferred you come with him on occasions. With a glance from Erik, you picked up on the tone: there was something he wasn’t telling you.
“Why not?” You asked both anxious and wanting to get beyond the vagueness to the real answer, “what’s actually going on, Erik?”
“You just can’t,” he said, shaking his head as if he was annoyed with your questioning.
“Since when has that been an answer between us?” You countered, pressing your eyebrows together.
“Since now.” He said without hesitation, “you’re not going.”
“Fine,” you agreed calmly, crossing your arms over your chest, having only a moment of quiet, “at least tell me when you’ll be back?”
Erik met your eyes, he inhaled, prepared to say something, but stopped himself, simply stating, “I can’t.”
Nodding, you bounced your eyebrows pressing your lips together, before taking a deep breath yourself and meeting his gaze, “aren’t you just lucky I’m not telepathic?”
“You wouldn’t understand,” Erik defensively said, closing the suitcase and moving around you to the door.
“Not unless you tell me,” you tried again, his hand was on the doorknob, but you continued, walking closer, “what is wrong? Why are you running? Don’t you trust me?”
Turning on his heel, he grasped your arms firmly, “I cannot be a part of your life, I am leaving, and you cannot follow me. Ever.”
You were left in near shock at how quickly it happened, the manner in which he held you, and what he was saying.
“I cannot risk your safety, and you are not safe with me. We are through together, we can never be together again; this is the only way I can guarantee your safety,” he loosened his grip, until he let you go entirely, your arms still crossed, now leaving you hugging yourself.
“By breaking my heart?”
It was setting in quicker than you’d expected, maybe it was the suddenness or maybe it was the apathetic tone in his voice, as though he’d thought about this so much he was numb to the reality. The prickling in your eyes came first, then the cold tear rolled down your cheek. Everything you had been together was being left behind, left to be a memory and nothing more, and he was so willing to do it.
“Broken things can heal, there are no resurrections,” he said coldly, turning the doorknob and opening the door.
“Erik, wait, please?” You took hold of his arm.
“Let me go,” he said, avoiding your gaze.
You mentally kept the door from opening, making it harder for him to leave, “if it’s because you think you can’t protect me, please know that I can protect myself, even if they come looking for you, because it’s us now, you and me!”
“That doesn’t matter; you won’t have to worry about it in a matter of moments,” he said as if he was giving you an order to let him leave, “you’ll be free to live however you want, wherever you want.”
“I only want to be with you, where you go I follow,” you pleaded, “I know you’re scared that you will get me hurt. Erik, you have to realise that you are not the only one who can defend.”
He spoke through gritted teeth, getting more and more impatient, “open this door. Don’t make me do this,” he warned, and you began to feel a resistance to your ability to keep the door shut; he had a hand hovering over the metal knob.
“I’m not making you do anything,” you let go of your hold on the door, causing him to step back, turning afterward to finally see you.
“Don’t you see I’m doing this because I love you?” He raised his voice.
“If you love me, you’d stay,” you spoke, more tears rolling down your cheek, “and if you think that I won’t follow you,” you wiped away some tears, “you’re wrong,” you tried to sound confident.
“You won’t find me,” he shook his head.
“No,” you swallowed, “but I know someone who can; I will do whatever it takes to find you again, by leaving I will only follow. I don’t care who is after you, or where you are. So if you don’t want me to follow, you’ll have to kill me yourself.”
This time Erik didn’t have a response, he’d never known such loyalty, such love, unconditionally without a hesitation, willingly given.
“You’d rather-“
“Yes,” you admitted, already knowing what he was going to say, “so- so fine, go, get a head start.”
You turned away from him and the door, to reach up into the closet, bringing down your own suitcase. Opening it, you removed some souvenirs you had acquired on your last trip together, making you all the more emotional, as you turned around to your dresser, both roughly and quickly removing your clothes in heaps as you practically threw them into the suitcase. The tears didn’t stop and your hand slipped on the dresser knob to the drawer that contained your papers and passports, but you tried again, realising it was stuck, you yanked harder and harder— needing what was inside if you were going to follow.
“Come on, open,” you spoke to the object, not even looking to see if Erik had left yet. It was only when you felt his hand on top of yours that you lifted your head up to find him standing a matter of inches away from you, “let go, let me open the drawer.”
“You don’t need to,” Erik shook his head, speaking softer than ever.
“Yes, I do if you’re leaving,” you stated, pulling again, “Erik—“
“I’m not leaving,” he said, causing you to take pause.
“Really? Or are you just trying to get me off your track? Are you going to up and leave in the middle of the night?”
“I won’t leave you, I’m sorry I thought of it,” Erik admits, “I wasn’t looking beyond myself, I don’t deserve you, or your love. Please forgive me.”
“Please don’t leave me,” you hug him tightly, immediately feeling his arms come around you, “I just- I love you.”
It took Erik a moment to answer, only because he was trying to imagine what kind of life it would be where he couldn’t hold you in his arms, regret continued to linger, but he knew he needed to prove to you that he meant what he said, “I love you, far too much to leave you. You’ve made me realise that. I’m not leaving, okay?”
You nod, pulling back, closing your eyes as he swipes a thumb across your eyes gently, wiping the tears away. Looking up, you take a few breaths, “Where you go I follow.”
“Then I’ll try to lead a better path,” Erik caresses your face, “for us to walk together.”
“And if you actually go to Switzerland?” You asked with an attempt at a smile.
Erik chuckled, kissing your forehead, “you are more than welcome to come, my Dearest.”
“Good, because I’ve heard they have good chocolate,” you said in a serious tone, which only made Erik laugh more.
“Then I will buy you all the chocolate you want,” he smiled, dipping down to kiss you, “so long as you’ll come.”
“Always,” you whispered, pushing up into the kiss.
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stattic-writes · 4 years
Support My Writing?
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a-edgar-allan-hoe · 3 years
Charles x Reader, Erik x Reader, Logan x Reader One Shot
A/N: Here is the one shot requested by my lovely anon! I do hope you enjoy this one! 💕💕💕 I was literally listening to a Harry Potter classroom ambience while writing this for some odd reason haha. Also there will be a part 2 and feedback is greatly appreciated lovelies! 💕💕💕
Summary: Imagine being Hekate, the Greek goddess of magic and witchcraft, the night and the moon, doorways and crossroads, creatures of the night, and ghosts and necromancy. You stumbled upon Earth many centuries ago and since then have resided on the foreign planet. You became close friends with Logan during the civil war and he has been like a father figure for you ever since. During the recent years you were discovered by Charles and Erik, and after finding out your identity, Charles recruited you into being a professor at his school. But though you became close with the trio over the years, there are some things you wish to keep hidden.
Warnings: language, angst
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“Okay class.” You stood up from your desk to face the chalkboard behind you as you moved on to your next lesson, “Does anyone know what the six popular types of poetry are?” You felt a sudden rush of wind behind you, making your hair blow towards your face as you rolled your eyes, turning around to face the young silver-haired teen who displayed a proud smirk on his face while sitting in his seat as if nothing happened. “Peter Maximoff, if I catch you doing laps around my classroom one more time…………..I’m going to turn all your band shirts into bands you hate.” 
“What? Aw come on Ms.Hekate.” Peter slid down in his seat with his head thrown back, exasperating as he did so. “Not my band shirts.”
“Keep it up and you’ll start to see Madonna and Abba on your shirts.” You smirked. “Now, since you oh so greatly volunteered to answer, what are the six popular types of poetry?”
“I don’t know, the ones that rhyme.” Peter shrugged at the question, causing some of the students snicker in response.
“Well,” you chuckled at his answer “there are some poetry that have rhymes, but there are also some that do not necessarily have to rhyme, like blank verse and free verse. Blank verse for example, is a poetic form that features rhythmic rules, such as iambic pentameter, but no rhymes.” You faced the class as you leaned against your desk, using your telekinetic abilities to grasp the chalk and write the info down on the board, a violet mist forming around your fingers and around the piece of chalk. “Free verse on the other hand, is an open form of poetry, which in its modern form arose through the French vers libre form. It does not use consistent meter patterns, rhyme, or any musical pattern and thus tends to follow the rhythm of natural speech. Now, does anyone else know what the six types are? Anyone?” You looked around before picking on the red-haired girl in front who had her hand up. “Yes Jean?”
“Um the six popular types of poetry are Haiku, Diamante, uuuhhh Cinquain, Ballad, Sonnet, and Limerick.”
“Excellent Jean! That is correct.” You grinned, the chalk behind you hovering in the air and moving rapidly as it wrote down the different types along with a short description beneath them.
“Yes Peter?”
“Why do you only teach literature and folklore and mythology classes? How come you don’t teach us magic witchcraft and potions and stuff, you know?”
The students perked up at his question, their eyes sparkling up at the idea as they whispered to each other words of excitement.
“That’s a good question Peter. You’re welcome to ask professor Xavier about it or start a petition. Now, I want you to open up your books and turn to page 394. I mean 36! Sorry! Please turn to page 36. We will be doing a reading of the poem ‘To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time by Robert Herrick.”
“Virgins huh?” Peter snickered, making you glare at him lightheartedly.
“Quiet now Peter before I make you read the whole thing in front of the class.” You grabbed the leather bound book off your shelf before hoisting yourself up on your desk and standing upright on it, straightening the black turtleneck sweater you wore and smoothing down your gray plaid pants.
“Uuhhh Ms.Hekate.” You heard Scott speak up.
“Yes Scott?”
“Why are you standing on your desk?”
“A different perspective you might say. Something all of you will be trying tomorrow.”
“Wait what?”
“Alrighty.” You cleared your throat before speaking loudly, holding your book out before you with one hand while your other hand was shoved in your pocket. “To the Virgins!-“
“What’s this talk of virgins?”
You stopped, your eyes widening at the voice that just now spoke while your own became trapped in your throat as you saw a man enter your classroom, lingering in the back as his piercing blue eyes bore into yours.
“Ch-Charles.” You blinked. “I-I didn’t expect you here.”
The students looked between you and Charles with amusement painted on their faces as they giggled at your flustered expression, some of them leaning over to whisper in each other’s ears.
“Well don’t let me stop you from whatever it is you’re doing.” Charles smiled politely at you, his eyes lit up in curiosity from your stance on your desk. “Don’t mind me, I’ll just be……quietly observing.”
“Well thank you for joining us Charles. But, you know better than anyone else, that there are only participants in my class, not observers. So if I ask you a question you best be ready to answer it.” You snarked, smirking at the puzzled look that now masked his face before clearing your throat once again, holding your book out before you and reading off the page you had turned to.
“To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time. By Robert Hedrick.
Gather ye rose-buds while ye may,
Old Time is still a-flying;
And this same flower that smiles today
Tomorrow will be dying.”
You glanced up from under your lashes to see Charles’s eyes still glued to you as he listened to your every word. Such a simple action made your cheeks heat up and your stomach spin as you held the book higher to cover your flushed face.
“The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun,
The higher he’s a-getting,
The sooner will his race be run,
And nearer he’s to setting.
That age is best which is the first,
When youth and blood are warmer;
But being spent, the worse, and worst
Times still succeed the former.
Then be not coy, but use your time,
And while ye may, go marry;
For having lost but once your prime,
You may forever tarry.”
You closed the book back up, setting it aside as you sat down on your desk and faced the students. “Now, can anyone tell me what the biggest element of this poem is? Yes Kurt?”
“Ummmmm………Carpe Diem?”
“Correct!” You smiled at Kurt as the piece of chalk behind you wrote Carpe Diem in large letters with a line underneath. “Carpe Diem is in fact the biggest part about this poem. Now….Charles, can you tell me what Carpe Diem means?”
Charles straightened up in his seat as he looked up at you confounded, surprise hidden behind his eyes on the fact that you kept your word on having him participate. “Well it means seize the day.”
“Yes, true. Carpe Diem is a Latin term most commonly known as ‘seize the day’, but, the term originally means ‘to gather or pluck the day’. It was originally used by the Roman poet Horace to express the idea that time is limited and we should enjoy life while we still can. His full directive was ‘carpe diem quam minimum credula postero’, which is translated as ‘pluck the day, trusting as little as possible in the next one’. Now, for all of you night owls out there who can’t stand the sun like me, Carpe Noctem is perfect for you because it translates to ‘seize the night’.”
You briefly glimpsed up at your clock, hissing and nearly falling off your desk once you saw that you had only a minute and a half left of your class. “Alrighty my little poets! Today’s word of the day was Carpe Diem or Carpe Noctem! I want you all to ingrain that into your minds! Write it down, paint it on a canvas, make an artwork out of it, tattoo it on your forehead I don’t care! ACTUALLYDONTDOTHELASTONE! Please, for the love of all things holy, do not tattoo your foreheads. We will finish this lesson tomorrow and discuss some more themes. For homework, I want you all to pick a poet and one of their poems and try to analyze some of the themes we have already discussed. I will be having you read those poems aloud to the class. Extra credit will be given to those who decide to come in costume, dressed up like their chosen poet. The more dramatic the better! Fake beards are welcome, fake phalluses are NOT! For the love of the gods, please choose something PG. We are not learning about Greek Satyr plays, let’s keep that a thing of the past thank you very much and kindly. You will all be respectful to each other’s performances! There will be no snickering, no laughing, no chastising, and I will not have you behaving like a babbling, bumbling, band of baboons! Those who choose to do the things I have specifically said not to, will receive a very friendly spirit with a penchant for grabbing the bare feet of problematic students at the foot of their beds during the stroke of midnight.” You stopped to take a breath after having to ramble everything just as the bell rang.
“Thank you all for being a lovely bunch and I will see you all tomorrow! Good day! Hasta la vista! Fare thee well! Fly, you fools!” You shouted over the bell ringing as everyone got up from their desks and bustled about, getting ready to go to their next class.
“Did you really just threaten the students with necromancy?” Charles quirked a brow in amusement as he slowly made his way over to you once all the students left your classroom.
“Ehhhhh an empty threat really.” You shrugged, playing it off though you failed to truly disguise the smirk that pulled at the corner of your lips.
“Right.” He chuckled, “And whatever was the issue with the phalluses? You seemed to be really adamant about that.”
“Well…..long long time ago, way back in the lands of ancient Greece.” You leaned back on your hands as you began to explain the story behind your dislike for satyr plays and their rather vulgar uses of the phallus, swinging your loose legs over the edge of your desk. “When I was just a wee teen, or you could say 15 in human years, my sisters Athena and Artemis took me with them to roam the markets of the mortals. Being the rebellious and angsty teen that I was, I didn’t want to be dragged along for their shopping, so I separated from them in search of food and something new to discover.”
“And? Did you find food and something new?”
“I did discover something new, though to be honest I wish I didn’t. But I disappointedly did not find any kolokithopita, which I was extremely craving at the time, it’s like a flaky pastry dough filled with zucchini and feta cheese and it is soooo good, you have got to try it.” You gestured with your hands as you tried to describe the food. “But anyways, back to the story. I heard some laughter coming from afar so I followed the sound and found a group of people gathered around a stage. Being the curious teen that I was, I tried to get a good look at whatever the hell these people were laughing at. Lo and behold. Turns out, I accidentally stumbled upon a Satyr play, which I’m sure you’ve heard about. And let’s just say, I have never u-turned and bolted so fast in my entire life and never have I ever been more traumatized.”
Charles laughed at your storytelling, his frame shaking with mirth as he shook his head at the thought. “You poor thing.”
“Yeah, I wanted to scoop my eyeballs out after seeing that. And I think I might’ve puked on someone on my way out.” Your voice became barely audible at the last part. “But also because one time during a poetry reading I took part in way back, some asshole thought it would be funny to wear a fake phallus on full display and try to reenact one of the scenes from those kinds of plays.”
“Well then that explains your dislike for them.”
“Yes, very.” You chuckled. “You know, your students want me to teach witchcraft and magic.”
“Do they?” Charles tilted his head at your words. “Let me guess, was it Peter that mentioned it?”
“It was. How did you know?”
“He may have tried to…..nonchalantly bring it up in my class. Hypothetically, is there a possibility in being able to teach such things?”
“Just really basic spells and potions. Most of the things that I can do are my natural abilities though. Waaiiit…….is that a possibility?”
“Possibly. If there’s no harm in it and none of the students have to sell their soul to you to learn your tricks.” Charles teased.
“Oh definitely not. But they’re welcome to make sacrificial offerings in the form of food.”
Charles laughed again, his eyes crinkling at the corners as his boyish laughter rung out through the room, causing you to chuckle along with him.
“So…….are you serious though?” You stopped, turning your head to look at him with eagerness hidden behind your eyes at the prospect of having your own magic class. “Will I really be able to teach magic to the students? Like my very own Hogwarts?”
“I’m sure I can make some arrangements.”
You nearly jumped off the table in excitement, clasping your hands together between your knees and biting the bottom of your lips to hold back a squeal before breaking out into a big grin. Charles smiled softly at your reaction. A tight pressure like feeling formed within his chest, not one of pain, but of adoration as he took in the pure cheerfulness that painted your features. Your irises which resembled the galaxies in hues of purples and gold, now sparkled from your emotions against the sunlight that managed to hit them at the right angle.
“How could I ever thank you?”
“You don’t need to. The students enjoy having you, that in itself is enough.” Charles smiled before looking up at you intently. “You know. All this poetry and you never read me any.”
“Maybe because you’re not special.” You teased.
Charles feigned a wounded expression, dramatically throwing a hand over his heart. “Ouch. You really do know how to break my heart y/n.”
“Oh please.” You rolled your eyes before grabbing your poetry book and shoving it at him lightly. “Here, you read one then.”
“Me? For whatever reason? Is it because you fancy my voice?” He smirked, poking fun at the time that you admitted you found his voice to be soothing.
“Well don’t go tooting your own horn. You’re no Christopher Lee.” You scoffed, trying your best to hide the blush that crept onto your cheeks, cursing yourself and wishing you had never told him that. Now you were never going to hear the end of it and he was to make sure of that.
Charles chuckled softly at your statement as he opened up your book and flipped through the pages. You stared at the dark wooden wall at the other side of the classroom, listening to the crisp sound of the turning of pages until Charles paused at a certain one and scanned the contents on the page, his eyes lifting to briefly glance up at you before clearing his throat.
“She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o’er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express,
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.
And on that cheek, and o’er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!”
“She Walks in Beauty by Lord Byron.” You noted, recognizing the same lines that you became fond of when the piece itself came out. “I’ve always loved that one.”
Charles closed your book back up, his blue eyes lingering on the distant look that was held in your eyes like the stillness of the air that accompanied the dark clouds of an oncoming storm. The room had started to cast a shadow on your face, deepening the small scars that lined your face from the many battles you had once fought. And though he had come to recognize those, his gaze became fixed on the dark circles under your eyes, knowing they weren’t there a day ago.
“Y/n is everything alright?” He asked, his voice quiet and soft, and his brows creased in worry. He didn’t need to read your mind to know that something was deeply troubling you.
“Hm? Oh yeah I’m fine! I just…….been having trouble sleeping, nothing major.”
“Are you sure? You know if there’s anything upsetting you, you can tell me, I’m here.”
“I know.” You smiled at him, reaching over to hold his hand. “I’ll come to you if I need anything. Thank you Charles, for everything.” You slid off your desk to place a soft kiss at the top of his head. “Now, I’d hate to leave you and all, but I don’t have any classes for the rest of the day and I’m feeling a bit tired so I’m going to go rest.”
“Of course. You take care of yourself darling.”
“I will thanks. See you later Charles.” You smoothed your hands over his soft hair before leaving the classroom and heading up to your room. A tugging sensation bubbled within your chest from having to lie to him, filling you with feelings of guilt. But you had to. You didn’t have the heart to tell him about the nightmares, or the searing sensation that coursed through the skin on your back whenever you woke up from them, the vividness of your dreams and the excruciating pain a constant reminder of your past.
Charles watched you leave the room in silence with a small frown on his face that only grew deeper the further away you went. He knew you spoke the truth about not being able to sleep, but he couldn’t help but feel there was a more chasmic layer to your explanation. And though he dared not to read your mind to find out the truth and instead trusted you to tell him when you found it in yourself to do so, something told him that whatever was slowly eating at you would soon consume you whole.
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angsthology · 3 years
Yeah, you said it: I’m magnetic to the things I hate the most.
Erik Lensherr, about Charles Xavier.
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youreanangelbaby · 3 years
Hi! I hope you’re doing amazing! 💙 May I please request 🧸 for Hank McCoy with a s/o who adores him? Like cheek kisses, listening to him talk science for hours, writing him love letters, sharing clothes, etc? Thank you so much for your time and consideration. I love all of your work. 💙 Wishing you a wonderful week!
hank mccoy deserves all the love ): putting a read more bc there’s a lot lol, i hope this is what you wanted my dear !
hank mccoy with a s/o who’s completely infatuated with him <3
hank mccoy is touch deprived
the first time your hand brushes his he jumps out of his skin, goosebumps arise on his skin and he blushes something fierce
lots of hand fidgeting, he fixes his glasses out of nervousness when he talks to you
as your relationship grows he becomes more comfortable with you, he goes on tangents about anything that comes to his mind. science talks are obviously his favorite, even if you don’t quite understand everything, you just love to see the way his eyes light up and the smile that adorns his face
it’s during these talks that he asks you on a date, and again during these talks he asks you to be his girlfriend
“i know we’ve been on a couple of dates a-and we’ve been friends for a while, i was just wondering if maybe you’d want to be my girlfriend?”
you two become absolutely inseparable after this. you’re always seen by each others side, soft smiles and heart eyes being exchanged between the two of you
he quickly realizes that your love language is touch, your hand brushing across his while you’re in the lab, slowly intertwining your hands together
at first he’s tense but melts in the small bit of affection you’re showing him. he starts to grab your hand on his own accord, feeling empty when he’s not holding your smaller hand in his
the first time he leaves you a little love letter is when he has to go into the lab super early. he tells you about how he has to go in and he’ll see you when you wake up; he has a way with words that makes you swoon
after you read the note you made your way into the lab, being greeting with the shy hank mccoy smile that has made its way into your heart
he’s sitting with charles and logan, you go directly to him placing a kiss on his cheek, sitting next to him and grabbing his hand
he stares at you, slightly in shock because you’ve never really done that in front of anyone before, the shock eventually subsides and gets replaced with pure adoration
the small kisses in public becomes a constant in your relationship after this with you often making him blush in the middle of his conversations
now the first time he sees you in his clothes; he swears he has never seen anyone more ethereal. you make hank mccoy speechless, all he can do is stare at you, the small act seeming so intimate to him. you in his clothes, something that belongs to him, it makes him feel so warm
he gives you his jacket at the slightest shiver, hands you his shirts whenever you sleep over, gives you his sweater when it’s barely below 60
“are you gonna tell me why i keep finding your shirts mixed within mine?” “i just love when you wear my clothes, darling. makes me feel close to you is all, my love” “you’re a sap, doctor mccoy” “what can i say, you bring out the romantic in me”
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
Dating Across The World
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Request from @justabugonarug Charles and the reader take a cross country road trip (post dofp) just like he and Erik had done to recruit students. Reader goes along to help Charles out and they have some fun little dates along the way! 😘
"Charles stop filming me. We're on a mission not a movie set." I giggled seeing him slowly walking behind me and Erik carrying a camera in his hands. He just smiled not lowering the camera as we reached a bar where a mutant was said to be located. Erik opened the door for me allowing me to see a man sitting at s bar having a cigarette. He has dark brown hair and a pretty good beard. "My name is Erik Lensherr." Erik introduced himself leaning towards the man. "Charles Xavier and this is my girlfriend Y/n-" The man cuts him slightly cursing so we left the bar. "Go fuck yourselves." Shoving my hands in my pockets the wind blows my hair in my face the second we stepped back outside. Erik looked around seeing that dark clouds were coming in the distance. "Looks like rain. We should get inside and resume the search tomorrow morning. Obviously this guy doesn't care to help us." Charles nodded his head draping his arm over my shoulder looking to his friend.
"We'll meet you back at the hotel in a few hours. Since we're here I think my girlfriend deserves a night out." Erik waved bye to us where we intertwined our hands together walking down the streets with our boots splashing in some puddles. Charles and I met at s bar the night of his lecture where he tried to charm me with a one liner but I was drawn in by his accent at first. Throughout that night we had danced drunk in the bar until it got late. When he told me that he was a mutant on the third date I fell for him even more. I just adored that he fell for a simple human like me. "So where would you like our date to be tonight, love. Down to the water or the heights of the city?" I snorted at his question since every night we found a mutant in a new place he would take me on a date. Glancing up to him with a cheeky grin seeing the Eiffel Tower in the distance. "There Charles. We can't be here and not go up there."
Since we followed wherever a mutant was according to Charles telepathic abilities it allowed us to travel across the world and have dates in every different city or country. Stepping off the elevator I slowly walked forward looking over the side seeing the city which is so small from up here which is beautiful. Charles comes to stand beside me wrapping an arm around my waist pulling me into his chest kissing my forehead. "Would you care to dance, dear?" He offered me his right hand making me smile placing my hand in his. His freehand rests on my waist with my other hand on his shoulder where we started slowly dancing in the tower. Our feet moved in sync both grinning as we twirled in circles. He paused in his steps resting a hand on my cheek leaning down and kissing me softly. I smiled into the kiss resting my hands against his chest kissing him back. "I love you, Y/n. There's never going to be anyone else." He mumbled breaking it resting his forehead against mine. "I love you too, Charles Xavier. I always will."
Comments really appreciated ❤️
@makeshift-prime @rosie-posie08 @groovy-lady @etanordoesbullsh1t
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xo-yuki · 3 years
What it would be like having Erik Lensherr as your Father in Law- HEADCANON
( I’m sorry if this is bad I just came up with the idea today in my English class LOL😮‍💨. I hope you all are having an amazing day! And remember you’re loved <3)
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Erik practically already knew that there was some sort of chemistry going on between both you & Peter, seeing the both of you always hangout with one another in the mansion.
Erik had to admit, he had been rooting for you two to become a couple.
Ever since you enrolled at the school Erik had to admit you were one of his favorite students. Since the two of you have similar mutations it gives him a chance to train you and give you pointers.
He makes sure Peter never flirts with anyone else besides you. The guy sees how much you care about Peter and take care of his son, so if he ever catches Peter trying to pull some slick shit Erik will beat Peter’s ass.
Sometimes the three of you will go out for dinner with each other! And occasionally Charles will tag along. Peter and you both call it a double date when he does, but the two older men always get so bashful to agree.
At first, when Peter began forming a crush on you he would constantly bug Erik to tell him things about you( what a sweetheart) once your one-on-one training was over.
Peter would tag along here and there just so that he could have an excuse to see you.
Peter occasionally asks Erik for help when it comes to dressing up for your dates. The two of you usually agree to go casual for dates but when it’s your anniversary or special holiday you two don’t mind dressing up. Given that Erik has major elegant clothing, Peter asks him for help. ( It’s literally so cute, sometimes Maximoff will comb his hair but by the time you two arrive at the restaurant it’ll get all messy since he rushed back to the mansion because he forgot your bouquet of flowers in his dorm.)
Erik makes sure Peter is treating you properly. I mean Peter would never do anything to hurt you in the first place but Erik just likes to keep his son in check LOL.
Sometimes Erik and you will get caught up in a conversation about your mutations or discuss missions and Peter will just sigh obnoxiously loud just so that you can give your full attention back to him.
Peter lowkey enjoys that both you and his father get along quite well. It makes him happy to see that the two people he cares about for a great deal get along.
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mayo-advance · 3 years
Fit For a Prince
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Fantasy AU!
Description: Y/n is a lone traveler who spends most of their time wandering through forests and villages. However on a gloomy spring day they encounter a stranger who they cant stop thinking about
A/n: this was so fun to write. It’s 4,000 words so i didn’t put any effort into editing it so enjoy. Something about Peter maximoff and the fantasy genre just rlly get my writers brain working
A fancy caravan rode through the deep dark wood. The horses feet splashed in puddles from a not-so long gone storm and the guards grumbled to each other about the overcast conditions.
The path was overgrown and the air was chilled and muggy. Dew clung to their eyelashes with relentless strength and the only one in the whole group who was comfortable was-
“The Prince!” A guard had checked inside the caravan to find it empty, the luxury and effort of transporting it being wasted.
“Did he sneak out again?” The guard spoke with disdain. The guards were growing weary of these shenanigans.
They were, more importantly, tired of being sent out to find him.
It was a wonder how the prince could move as swift as a shadow, an ability gifted to him in his youth.
It was a wonder but it was also a burden.
“We better find him before we move on.” The head guard announced.
All around him were grumbles and complaints.
“Can we set up camp?”
“My hands are numb! At least let us warm by the fire.”
“The horses need rest!”
The head guard furrowed his brow, “QUIET” The clearing feel silent. “Our duty is to protect the prince! Now if any of you would like to walk up to the kind and announce that we’ve lost his son AGAIN, go straight ahead!”
Nobody moved. Nobody spoke. Thunder rumbled in the distance.
“Now, get into groups and split up. The faster we find him, the faster we can get warm.”
You sat in a damp forest with your back against a tree. The cold fog stung your skin like a swarm of bees.
And trust me, you knew bees. Everyone living like you had no choice but to know of bees.
Your travel satchel lay nearby with its contents strewn about. A small fire cackled in front of you. It was mostly steam though.
You let out a sigh as you grabbed for a vial of poppy seeds. You popped a few in your mouth in attempt to ease the ache in your feet.
They may be roughened by constantly being up and about, but you had gotten water in your boots and that had not gone over well with your feet.
You heard a small rustling behind you but passed it off as an animal.
Nobody was stupid enough to walk into a forest full of fog. Most travelers would die in this forest with the scarcity of easy food.
You caught movement out of the side of your eye by your satchel, but by the time you turned to look, it was gone.
‘Just paranoia’ you thought to yourself.
But something else caught your attention. Your small jar of snake fangs was gone. Each of them were worth at least a meal if not a night at the inn, you weren’t so foolish as to just drop them.
Crawling over to your bag, you dug through it, hoping that they were inside and you had just made a flawed observation.
They were gone.
“Are they poisonous?”
You flung around so fast that you saw spots (iron deficiency gang where you at?).
You shook your head and saw opposite of you across the fire, leaning against a tree was a boy.
A very strange boy. Clad in some very expensive looking fabrics with silver hair you had to ponder on if perhaps this was just a very young looking old man.
His brown eyes bore into you. They were playful and held a certain warmth to them.
In his hand was your jar of snake fangs.
You grabbed for your dagger. “A single one of those are worth more than your life hotshot.” You spat at him, but he just smiled.
“I don’t know toots, my life is worth an awful lot.” He looked back at the jar and jiggled it a little.
You scowled at him, “Well it would be a shame for me to kill you.” Rising to your feet you started to pace around the fire towards him.
But he kept on the opposite end, mirroring you.
Once you realized you’d never reach him this way, you huffed and sat back down near your backpack.
“Well then, can I at least offer you a cup of coffee?” You took out your tin cup, you didn’t have any extra so you wouldn’t be able to have any yourself. You reached for the coffee beans.
You heard a soft thump as he sat down, still opposite to you.
You got some water from your waterskin and started brewing.
“So do you live out here?” He was looking around at your pitiful excuse for a camp with interest.
You glared at him, still wondering how he managed to get your most valuable item. “Do you not live out here?” Taking a glance back at his clean clothes you supposed he didn’t.
He looked at you, he looked rather uncomfortable at the question. “I... don’t live around here, no.”
Huh, funny.
“Well of course you don’t or I would have met you by now.” The water was warming up.
“So tell me...” You didn’t know his name, “ Mr stranger in the woods... why did you come here? And dressed like that nonetheless.” You looked at him but he was looking around again.
He didn’t respond.
“Is your hair naturally like that?”
He looked over at you. He looked withdrawn.
The coffee got done. You gently took the hot mug, careful not to burn your fingers, and leaned across the fire to hand it to him.
He took it, hissing a little as his finger brushed the hot part.
You observed him as he took a sip. He looked young, minus the silver hair. But even if it was silver it was fairly thick and that means he couldn’t be as old as you had initially assumed. As you took in his facial features you could only guess he was around the same age as you.
“Can I at least ask your name Hotshot?”
He looked at you mid sip and lowered the cup, “Peter.” He quickly brought it up for another sip.
As he gulped it down he kept his eyes on you, “I told you my name so now you tell me yours.”
Before either of you could say anything else, you heard the cries of men ringing throughout forest, calling for someone.
In the blink of an eye you found the snake fangs in your lap and the cup of coffee spilled on its side.
Peter stood at the edge of the clearing, “It was nice meeting you toots, but that” he pointed to the direction of the calls, “is my cue to get going.”
And without another sound you were alone.
Thunder boomed again and rain opened on your camp. The fire was extinguished and you rushed to gather your stuff.
Tonight was a good night to stay at the inn anyways.
As you dashed for the town you wondered if you and Peter would meet again.
Many months passed and the leaves on the trees began turning various fiery shades of orange and red.
You found yourself walking through a busy market near the palace.
You tried to steer clear of royal affairs or anything even close to that. Being this close to the palace usually made you anxious due to the large number of guards and soldiers. But today was a festival and they were too busy preparing for all of the drunk idiots trying to commit arson.
As you strolled between the stands, surveying the goods, your mind drifted back to Peter.
This was not a rare occurance, it happens quite often that you find yourself thinking of the silver haired speedster.
You hadn’t seen him since your first encounter, and you began to fret that maybe it had also been your last.
You scolded yourself for letting him capture your thoughts like so, especially since the encounter had been so short. But he had brought you something that you hadn’t realize you’d needed.
After your meeting with him, the lonely nature of your life felt empty. Even if it had been a short conversation, it had been so full of life. Even if he had stolen your stuff, the fact that he gave it back had touched you in a way that you’d never experienced.
You accidentally bumped into someone and was forced to shake your thoughts back to reality.
You noticed a stall with some very gorgeous ripe fruit growing and you cursed yourself for the lack of currency. You doubted any of your usual currency would work here. Nobody would want snake fangs or fresh herbs over gold.
Still, you found yourself imagining the flavor of the exotic fruits.
Maybe the guards wouldn’t notice if you stole just a little bit. Just a single peach.
You had only tasted peaches once. It had been at the inn and you had given a very nice dagger in exchange. The innkeeper had given you peaches covered in cream and sugar and it was the most heavenly thing you could taste.
“Can I help you?” The kind old lady at the stand looked at you cautiously. This area was swimming with thieves.
For how close to the palace you were, you were also far enough away for the people to come from the slums.
You smiled and shook your head, “No maam, im just looking.”
You felt a gentle hand on your shoulder, “Are you sure? If you want something i’ll make it my treat.”
You turned your head as your heart thundered in your chest and you were greeted by those warm brown eyes.
Peter smiled at you.
He wasn’t in those expensive clothes and in fact was dressed rather normally. He had his silver hair hidden under a hat and overall didn’t look like he was going to a fancy party or something.
You felt tongue tied as you tried to process that he was here.
“Well I- I just...” You took a breath. “The fresh peaches look nice thats all.”
He removed his hand only to fling his arm around you and pull you in.
You didn’t register him paying as your mind raced.
Why were you acting like this? He was a stranger. You didn’t know anything about him except his name.
Even more notable, this is the closest you’ve been to him and he was surprisingly warm.
The lady handed him a small bag with peaches and some other fruits in it and he thanked her.
You waved at her as he pulled you to other parts of the market.
“Long time no see toots” He still held you close.
You scoffed, “No kidding hotshot. I thought you might have died.” You playfully shoved your shoulder into him a little bit.
“So you were looking for me?” He shot you a cocky grin, shoving you back.
You looked around at the stalls as you two drew to the edge of the market, “And if I was?”
Were you that transparent?
He let out a soft laugh, “It would be nice knowing I left a good impression.”
You two exited the marketplace and saw the townspeople setting up for tonights festival.
“So do you live around here?” You glanced up at him.
He shrugged, “Yeah, something like that.”
You looked up at a father and his daughter raising some decorations. “Can you tell me what this festival is even for?”
You didn’t frequent this town, but the marketplace was bustling and you hoped to find something good.
The peaches that Peter had were proof that you were right to hope.
He shrugged, making an unimpressed face. “Apparently the prince is at the age to get married or something.”
“And that means a festival?” You pushed on.
He removed his arm from around your shoulder, visibly uncomfortable.
“Its an excuse to invite royalty from all over to find a suitor.”
You let out a pitiful laugh, “that would suck, wouldn’t it? Having a dating pool of only the entitled royals?” You looked over at him again.
“I wouldn’t be able to stand something like that.”
Peter looked bitter. His mouth was turned into a frown and he looked over at you with sad eyes. “Yeah it would suck.”
He paused at the edge of town. “Look I gotta help my dad prepare,” He removed two peaches from the bag, “I believe these are yours.”
He was going to leave you here. You shouldn’t care, this is the second time you two have ever met. But still you felt a little salty at his sudden want to leave.
“I guess I’ll see you at the festival tonight?” You looked back at him.
He looked away from you, “Maybe.”
With that he turned and sped away.
Wow not even a goodbye.
You turned back into the forest and scolded yourself for always seeming to say the wrong thing to him.
In all of the two times you have interacted with Peter you’ve always shown a spectacular skill for asking the wrong things.
You’ll have time to apologize at the festival.
The festival opened with many fancy decked out caravans pulled by or on top of various different animals coming into the village.
You were only planning on staying the night and then when you run into Peter, asking to come with you as you return to your travels.
That was the plan at least. But as you looked around, there was no sign of Peter at all.
‘Hes probably avoiding me’ you regrettably mused to yourself.
Even though Peter explained what this was to you, you still held very little understanding of royalty in general.
Why they had to marry someone as rich and well off as them was a mystery to you. Even more why they made a spectacle of it.
You didn’t really ‘get’ love but what you did know that it wasn’t supposed to be out of obligation.
Thats love for your people maybe, but not romantic love.
The festival was crowded with people, trading sweets and straining to see the royal kings and queens and their heirs.
You learned from a guy at the inn at the edge of town that this village was a part of Erik Lensherr’s kingdom.
What a sad life it must be when all you have to do is to host a party and pressure your son into getting married.
You had never seen the King nor his Son.
You didn’t really care about seeing the royals, you just wanted to see Peter again and grab some good food.
You had taken his peaches back to the inn and traded some rabbit meat for cream and a little sugar.
Even if he didn’t want to come with you on your journeys, you wanted to apologize to him for being a jerk.
You recited the apology over in your head again and again.
‘I’m sorry that I ask bad questions’
You repeated it again.
The villagers started filing towards the town center at the sound of a horn.
You tapped the shoulder of the woman next to you, “Excuse me, but whats happening.”
She took a second to take in your dirt smeared cloak and responded with a stiff, “The prince is going to choose a bride.”
You hadn’t had time to find Peter yet.
Perhaps the crowded town center was better. Not for finding him but at the same time for finding him. It would be easier with less space to cover, but more difficult with more people to push through.
You started for the center for the rest of the people but very quickly found that it was overflowing.
This was no good.
You groaned to yourself as you scanned for another way to the center.
As you stopped and people pushed around you, the low hanging roof of a house caught your eye.
You could climb trees. Why should a few houses be any different?
Peter Maximoff stood on a platform in the middle of town with a line of princesses in front of him. All around him the people of the town pushed and shoved for a view.
His father was making a speech about how lucky he was to have such a gifted son, but Peter toned it out.
He recognized some of the princesses. He saw his old friends Jean and Jubilee among them, but regrettably he couldn’t see himself marrying any of them.
This was being done to strengthen relations with other kingdoms. Or at least thats what Peter told himself.
The only person that came to mind when Peter thought of the rest of his life was Y/n.
He had only met them a few times but they had this wild excitement surrounding them. They didn’t have to follow any stupid rules and never had anyone demanding anything of them.
Even if he had the choice of Y/n, could he take that freedom away from them?
The center fell silent as all the princesses curtsied. This was the time for him to go on and select him.
The ritual disgusted him, lining the woman up like prizes to be taken. He felt as if their eyes were burning holes in him, begging to be chosen or rejected respectively.
He felt his dad standing behind him to the left, a memory swept him of earlier, after he had left Y/n at the edge of the wood.
“The choice is yours Peter but if you can’t choose, pick Shuri from Wakanda (IM SORRY I RAN OUT OF CHARACTERS) , they have many resources at their disposal.”
Peter had dispised that he had to choose at all.
As his gaze swept over the princesses, something caught his eye.
Looking over as subtly as he could, he saw you perched on a nearby roof.
Your eyes were wide with disbelief.
His father nudged him and whispered “you need to choose before they get impatient. Remember our discussion.”
Peter felt the breath still in his lungs as time slowed to a stop.
He didn’t want this. He didn’t want to get married yet. He didn’t want to play into the system if it meant he had to choose a woman as if she was an object.
With time still seemingly frozen, Peter took a step back.
He shook his head.
And in a flash he was gone.
You watched as the crowd’s voices rose in outrage, as the princesses exchanged offended looks.
A dark look crossed the kings features. Another royal stepped up and they exchanged many harsh whispers.
You slowly backed off to the other side of the roof and fled for the forest.
Nothing good comes with outraged audiences and even more so outraged Royalty.
A series of months passed since the festival and you hadn’t seen Peter since the incident.
But then again, no one has seen Peter since then either.
Spring was setting in again after a long, cold winter, and the fresh air and warm(er) weather felt nice.
You were walking on a path near the place you first met Peter. It was foggy and gloomy as always.
After he had run off he had also gone missing. Nobody could find him.
And that included you. You decided that maybe he was just being nice the second time you guys met. Maybe he didn’t think of you the way you thought of him.
Now you didn’t think of him in a romantic way.
Ok thats a lie you did sometimes but you’ve talked with him twice and encountered him three times so therefore romantic thoughts are impractical and uncalled for.
You just thought maybe he would have been up to traveling with you.
You heard the clopping of horse hooves approaching towards you, though you could not see the horses nor the riders yet. Sound carries good in the forest.
You instinctually strayed from the path into the undergrowth. Better to avoid being observed. Even if you weren’t causing any trouble right now, it was better to play it safe.
You sat between the ferns and the trees watching and waiting for them to pass.
As the riders came into view you saw that is was the guards that you saw around the festival. They were going slowly and cautiously and kept their eyes on the forest.
You hear mutters of ‘someone claimed he was around here’ and ‘he needs to give up on this foolery’.
It hit you that they were most likely looking for Peter.
At that thought you saw a shadow flash in the corner of your eye.
As always, by the time you looked it was gone.
You saw another flash on the other side and you whipped your head around.
Still nothing.
With the third flash you felt a jerk of your body. Your senses were overwhelmed with a split second movement and next thing you know, you are no longer sitting near the path. In fact, you can’t even see the path.
“Oh thank god I found you.”
Still dazed, you looked over, and crouched next to you was Peter Maximoff. He was a little dirtier than the last time you saw him, and he wore a grey cloak.
He was dressed in travelers apparel.
You blinked slowly at him, trying to comprehend what you should say first.
“Y/n?” Peter looked unsure, “Talk to me toots.”
You took a breath, regaining awareness of the environment around you.
You looked Peter in the eyes, “I was going to ask you to come with me that day.”
Peter raised his eyebrows. Whatever he had been expecting you to say, it wasn’t that. A beat passed and he broke out into a smile. He let out a breathy laugh.
“Well thats funny, because I wanted to go with you.”
You lightly punched him.
He let out a dramatic, “Heyy! That hurt!”
You smirked at him, “Its your fault doofus. If you wanted to come with I would have let you.”
“Well... I just thought you wouldn’t want me around because I-“
“Didn’t tell me that you are a royal pain in the ass?” You smiled over at him.
He put his hand over his heart and pretended to faint backwards. “You wound me Y/n.”
You couldn’t help yourself and started laughing. Looking over at Peter you saw he had an awestruck expression.
“What is it hotshot?”
He gave you a dopey grin, “I’ve just never heard you laugh, thats all.”
Your face flushed.
“Yeah well,” you struggled for a second, gaping like a fish, “This is only the third time we’ve talked your highness.”
Peter whacked your arm at the nickname. “Well maybe we should change that then.”
“What are you implying?”
“Well, I want to travel with you. And you want me to travel with you....”
You and Peter set up camp. It was a warm summer night and you two had been traveling together for a few months. He still hadn’t been found although you two were becoming quite the notorious duo. A pair of rogue thieves who can travel with the swiftness of shadows, you two left an impact whenever you stepped foot into a town.
Which made it all the more frustrating that Peter hadn’t been caught by his own guards.
They knew he was out there. They knew he was out there with you. And yet they couldn’t get him.
But that was fine by the both of you.
As it turns out, the more time you guys spent together, the more you got attached.
Like, as in attached by the hip.
The inseparable duo.
You even got another tin cup so you two could enjoy coffee together.
Like right now, the both of you sat on opposite sides of the fire sipping on coffee. It was an inside joke that you guys had that you couldn’t sit on the same side of the fire.
It was a reference to the day you met.
You two were deep into a discussion.
“So you’re telling me... that me being a prince... didn’t change how you saw me?”
You scoffed, “It might have the first two times... but at the point I found out you were royalty you had been established in my brain as just Pete.”
Peter took a sip of coffee, “Just Pete?”
You mirrored him and also took a sip. You shrugged. “Yup. Just my Pete.”
Peter froze. “Your Pete?”
Your mind took off. A thousand thoughts hit you at once, many of them being about how naturally the words rolled off your tongue. Your Pete??? Would he be mad that you coined him as yours?
You watched him carefully, trying to read his face. “Yessir... But only if you want to be-“
“-Does that make you my Y/n?” He gave you a lazy smile.
Your face flushed a bright red and you knew Peter could see it even in the warm light of the fire. “Of course!” Your voice cracked.
Peter laughed a little. You gave an uncertain smile.
“Then its settled then. I’m your Pete and you’re my Y/n.”
A flash of a shadow and he was settled next to you, breaking your little ritual.
He leaned into you a little and you closed your eyes in contentment. Your face was still warm and you felt your heart racing in your chest.
Your brain screamed at you to leave the silence as it was. To keep it comfortable. But you couldn’t help yourself.
“Why couldnt you choose a princess?” You were so quiet that you almost prayed that he couldn’t hear you.
But of course you did.
Leave it to you to ask the worst questions.
Peters head rested on your shoulder. You felt him take a deep breath.
“Because thats not the life I wanted.” He said it so plainly. There was little expression in his voice as he whispered and you couldn’t help but glance down at him.
You studied him, “And this is?”
“If its with you, then obviously.”
Your heart must have exploded in that moment because you felt your eyes tear up. You awkwardly set your coffee down to the side and wrapped your arms around him.
This boy was too good to you.
You let out a sarcastic chuckle, “So you chose me instead?.”
Peter gently held your wrist, “Obviously.”
“Ah yes, tis I, a choice fit for a prince.”
“I wouldn’t accept anything less.”
And thusly the story ends bc thats a lot of words and I don’t know how to write proper endings.
Taglist: @amourtentiaa , @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
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