#elle woods says: go back to school for another boy!
wachie · 4 months
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Every defense attorney has two wolves inside them
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thealtoduck · 3 years
Being the son of Cher from ✨”Clueless”✨ and Carlos De Vil has a crush on you …
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Carlos De Vil x Male Reader
y/s/c = Your skin color
y/h/c = Your hair color (A/N: Strange crossover i know but i headcanon all movies with characters as iconic as Cher, like the Heathers, Elle Woods, etc… exist in the Descendants universe (and plus i just watched Clueless for the first time and got ideas)).
(Another A/N: The night before i wrote this i could not get any sleep so i wrote this while very… very… tired, so this may be terrible but i tried)
It all started one day when you arrived back at school after getting coffee while wearing the iconic yellow blazer.
You were walking towards the doors of the school and noticed that a lot of people were chatting privately amongst their friendgroups in an odd way.
You walked up to Jane because she usually knew what was going on whenever something big was happening.
”Hey Jane, what’s up why are everyone so huddled together and whispering? Did they see Lonnie’s new haircut? I told her not to do it” You asked in a ✨Clueless✨ voice.
Jane looked at you as if you had forgotten the name of the country you lived in. She then said ”Don’t you remember the villain kids arrive today”.
It was at that point you remembered that you had promised Ben to be there when they arrived. ”When and where do they arrive?” You asked her suddenly panic strucken, ”On the other side of the school in 3 minutes” She answered.
”Dammit” you said and started running but you also turned around quickly and said ”Thank you, Jane”. You sprinted through the school as fast as your legs could carry you.
When you arrived completely exhausted at the other side you saw that the marching band was waiting as well as people with flags and signs.
You then saw a limo approaching and the marching band immediately started playing and people started waving their flags.
The Limo the came to a halt, as the chauffeur opened the door a boy with white hair and red,white and black clothes came tumbling to the ground as he was pulling something, then another boy with long hair emerged from the car and lastly came two girls one with purple hair and one with blue hair.
The Fairy Godmother then did some sort of welcoming speech for them and then Ben had a small welcoming speech. They then started walking over in your direction so you made yourself look presentable.
Though first they stopped at the statue of king beast, Ben clapped his hands so it transformed making the boy with white hair scream and jump in to his friends arms.
You couldn’t help but let out small laugh at this but quickly contained yourself as they started walking in your direction.
Ben then stopped in front of you and said ”This is Y/n Lucas-Horowitz” and you gave them a bright smile. Ben then continued by saying ”He’s a good friend of mine as well as 83% of students so if you wanna be more social i recommend talking to him”.
You looked at the four villain kids and said ”Hi, it’s very nice to meet you all, also got to mention that your guys outfits are great” the girl in blue said a quick quiet ”Thank you”.
Then a ringing sound came from your phone and the screen lit up saying Lonnie, you looked up at the six people infront of you and said ”Sorry gotta take this, but i’ll see you all later, okay bye”.
As you walked away from Ben and the others they heard you say something about ”You may as well have gone bald”
While leaving you didn’t notice the boy with white hair’s gaze following you.
You spent the rest of the day trying to somewhat fix Lonnie’s hair but it was no use.
For the most part of the next day you didn’t see a lot of the villain kids. The only two major events were that Jane’s hair just suddenly looked better and Chad had walked up to you putting an arm around your shoulder to which you had reacted to by pushing him away from you while saying ”Eww! Get off me!” and ”Ugh, as if!”
It wasn’t until later that afternoon when you wanted to go for a walk in the woods behind the tourney field that you saw the white haired villain boy playing with Dude the dog.
You walked up to him and said ”Hey, it’s Carlos right?” He nodded as if he wasn’t completely sure you could be trusted yet. ”I see you’ve met Dude” you said and crouched down as Dude came running to you. You petted him as Carlos walked over to you.
”So, how was your first day?” Yoy asked looking up at him from your crouched position.
”Overall it was good but turns out i’m not that good at tourney” he explained, you smiled at him and stood up.
”Don’t worry i was never good at it either, Ben asked me to substitute during one training session for one of the players who had like broken a leg and when running through the kill zone i’d just hid behind Ben, also i almost managed to break someone’s leg on accident.
This made Carlos laugh. ”Hey, do you and Dude wanna come with me on my walk? I’m just going in to the forest right here and i can tell you about how i almost broke that guy’s leg” You asked with a smile.
”Yeah! We’ll come along” Carlos said and the two of you started walking side by side towards the forest.
During the walk you and Carlos dicussed several topics like how you grew up, interests and just generally funny moments from your life. During this moment a friendship between the prep and the dog boy nerd was created, a friendship that would turn in to much more.
So to summarize everything that happened after that…
Ben breaks up with Audrey and immediately starts dating Mal.
But then it turns out it was a love spell but it didn’t matter because Ben loved Mal anyway.
Evie learns she can be smart and pretty.
Jay learned that he likes being part of a team.
And Carlos learned to like doggo’s
Then at Ben’s coronation Jane stole the wand and accidentally destroyed the barrier to the isle, which released Maleficent and blah…blah…blah…
Long story short the Vks defeated Maleficent and Lonnie got her hair fixed.
Now to the interesting part:
A few months later…
Carlos p.o.v…
Carlos had gone to show Y/n the completed version of a computer program they had been working on to help Y/n pick an outfit in the morning.
He arrvied at the door to Y/n’s dorm and knocked, he then heard a voice saying ”coming”. He heard some footsteps and the door opened and there was Y/n standing shirtless with a towel around his waist. ”Sorry just got out of shower” he said.
His y/s/c skin and y/h/c hair were still wet and shiny, Carlos just stood there for a while taking it all in until he was snapped out of it by Y/n saying ”Did you want something?”.
In his mind Carlos said ”You” but in real life he said ”Um… Yeah i just finished the computer program” and patted the laptop he was holding.
”Yes! Come inside and show me how it works” he said excitedly and held the door open for Carlos. Carlos walked inside and looked around, it was pretty much the same as most other boys dorms except it was much more decorated to fit Y/n’s taste.
Then he turned his attention back to Y/n who was picking out a pair of boxers. ”You can set it up while i put these on” he said and walked back in to the bathroom.
He went and sat down on Y/n’s bed and opened his computer
Just then the bathroom door opened and Y/n walked out, but this time only wearing boxers.
Carlos felt his face heat up and he refocused on the the computer screen. Y/n walked over and sat down besides him making Carlos feel butterflies in his stomach. He then showed Y/n how the outfit picker worked.
After he finished he put away his laptop and Y/n said excitedly ”Thank you so much!” and gave Carlos a big hug which basically tackled him to lay down on Y/n’s bed. The two of them were laughing from bear hug but soon noticed what kind of position they were in.
With Y/n in only his boxers laying on top of Carlos and Carlos with his arms wrapped around Y/n’s bare lower back.
Neither boy could contain themselves and soon their lips crashed together. Their hands began to roam the others body. One of Carlos’ hands started traveling south but Y/n gripped his wrist with one of his hand and said with a smirk ”Were not there yet”
After a while of making out Y/n asked Carlos ”Do you want to stay the night?” and Carlos answered ”Always”.
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cc-tinslebee · 3 years
Okay, so, about a month ago, my brain just conjured up probably the most random au possible: Legally Blonde Adam Banks/banksway au.
Believe me, it's as chaotic as it sounds, but lowkey, I'm kind of in love with it.
Adam never joins the Ducks because there aren't any Ducks to join. Bombay never had to do community service with District Five so there was no one to realise that Adam was on the wrong team all along. He continues to play for the Hawks and, eventually, the Eden Hall Warriors, never getting the chance to become the well-rounded individual we know him as because he's never known anything other than his rich privilege and the "win at all costs" mentality. He ends up going to college on a hockey scholarship and not straight to the NHL or the AHL (shocking, I know). While he's unsure of his major and where his life is heading, he finds solace in the fraternity he joins, which, by some sheer twist of fate, Jesse and Guy have also miraculously joined.
And his life is perfect for a while. He's the star player on yet another school's hockey team, all of his fraternity brothers adore him (though, it took a bit for Jesse to warm up to him), and his secret, not-really-official thing with his former teammate is going swimmingly. (Not to slander my boy, but I was picturing Larson for the role of Warner, purely because the alternative seems to be Rick Riley and that's kind of an unsettling image-- though, maybe that's the point?)
But then his secret boyfriend breaks up with him because, with his high aspirations in life, he needs to be "more serious." And dating Adam Banks, a guy in a stereotypical fraternity who only really knows hockey, in 2001 isn't exactly the white-picket-fence life he's looking for if he's going to be a politician.
And since this non-Duck Adam clearly doesn't have the braincells that canon Adam does, in his devastation, he decides it's a brilliant idea to prove that he is serious by applying to Harvard Law. His parents try to talk him out of it, since they want him to pursue his dreams of hockey, but being a lawyer is a respectable career so they can't exactly argue with him.
He gets accepted thanks to Jesse, Guy, and the rest of his fraternity helping him study for the LSAT and keeping him on track. He's trying his darndest when he gets to Harvard, but (despite his struggle not being as significant as Elle Woods'), not a lot of people take him seriously as an aspiring lawyer, considering him a meathead jock who only got in because of daddy's money.
And that's about the time he meets Linda, who he vaguely remembers from his time at Eden Hall. What he doesn't remember is her being so competitive, because she's deliberately beating him at every turn, just trying (and kind of succeeding) at making him look like a fool. To make matters worse, all of the sudden, she's engaged to his ex-boyfriend, who is very adamant about never telling anyone that he and Adam were more than friends (because, you know, early 2000s homophobia and such).
But things get a little brighter for Adam when he meets Charlie, an undergrad teacher's assistant who gives him all sorts of advice about surviving the school. He introduces him to Professor Bombay, who Charlie claims is the only reason he survived his first year and quickly becomes Adam's favourite teacher, and Charlie's childhood friend Connie, who aspires to be a state senator one day. Charlie's charismatic and even if he's not the most well-liked person at Harvard, Adam feels a weight lifted off his shoulders once he becomes friends with him and Connie. Things become a little easier.
Just before he and Charlie start getting really close, Adam meets Casey at a local diner on a day he's feeling particularly upset and alone, and the two start bonding almost immediately. (He bullshits his way into scaring an ex-husband of hers with legal repercussions he has no idea about and she basically adopts him in return.) It takes him an embarrassing amount of time to realise that it's not just a coincidence that Casey and Charlie share the same last name, which results in poor Adam feeling extremely embarrassed for not connecting the dots sooner while Charlie's having the time of his life teasing him for it. Eventually, when the dust of that settles, Charlie and Adam join forces to set Casey and Bombay up, their schemes borderline ridiculous at times, but they'rere not exactly failing.
And after realising he isn't the Warriors moron she thought he was for going on five years, Linda starts warming up to Adam, which is surprisingly nice? She figures out on her own that there used to be something between him and her fiancé, and is more understanding of Adam than she is mad. Linda actually spills to him the lengths Adam's ex had to go through to actually get into Harvard, aligning more with the rumours about Adam's acceptance being bought than having the aptitude for the law that Linda and Adam share. (This may be me saying Linda and Adam friendship rights, what of it-- /lh)
To make things all the better, Bombay chooses Adam, Linda, Connie, Charlie, and Adam's ex to be on his legal team for a murder case he's responsible for (and while he knows about Adam and Charlie's ploys to hook him up with Charlie's mom, they're his favourites, so he doesn't say anything).
And this is just so much better than anything he had before. After all the initial unpleasantness, Linda and Connie become some of the most genuine friends he's ever had. He misses Guy and Jesse, of course, and he'd never take them for granted, but back when he was with them at the fraternity, a part of him was still being as superficial as he had been in middle and high school. Being authentic for once in his life is liberating.
And Charlie's just about the most considerate person Adam's ever met. Adam doesn't even mind when Charlie teases him over his absurd and juvenile insults because he's just this source of light for Adam, supporting him and always pushing him to be the best version of himself. His ex hardly even exists when Charlie's around because his energy is just so contagious that Adam starts falling for him long before he even realises it. (And when Jesse and Guy come to visit, there's a moment where it all clicks and the four of them realise their history together, however brief. I strongly maintain that they'd be that Starkid meme: "Fucking Hawks? We hated you guys!" "We hated ourselves!" But it does make Adam realise how much better off he would've been if he had Charlie and his team when he was little instead of the Hawks, and it just further makes him understand that people like Larson and Rick Riley just aren't worth it.)
But there's also another revelation Adam goes through. Between helping Casey, his rigorous studies, and his position working with/for Bombay, something just clicks for Adam. He likes being able to help people, fighting for the good guys who may not have the resources they need to be properly defended. Practicing law calls to him in the same way hockey did; it's the feeling of knowing this is what he's meant to do. He still loves hockey, he always will, but it helps him finally grasp that there's a world for him outside of it; when hockey ends for him, there's something equally as rewarding that he can pursue, which was something he never thought he would have.
I haven't a single coherent thought about this au past that point except for these little inklings of an ending--
There's absolutely no SA scene like the movie had; Bombay's just Adam and Charlie's favourite teacher and those are his boys, so he's going to make sure they succeed as if his life depends on it.
With that said, Bombay believes in them both enough to let them finish the case because with their joined determination/stubbornness (and Adam's in with the defendant), Adam and Charlie are a force to be reckoned with and he knows it.
After a handful of comedic failures, they do end up succeeding at their attempts to set Casey and Bombay up, and they start living together sometime during the kids' Junior year :) (All I'm asking is for one (1) story with a Casey/Gordon endgame-- I just think they're neat--)
Linda dumps her fiancé (as she should) and goes on to live her best wlw life as a successful lawyer. (If I'm not mistaken, Linda's actress actually is a lawyer, which is a pretty cool fun fact!!)
Adam and Linda's ex gets the Warner ending because, man, screw that guy /lh (rip to Larson if this is him, I'm sure you'll get a nice endgame in some other universe, king)
Honorary mention for Connie, who was going long distance with Guy this entire time to everyone but Jesse's shock, and they get their Game Changers endgame of State Senator Connie Moreau and stay-at-home dad Guy Germaine with their seven -- sorry, three -- children :)
Adam's an absolute bundle of nerves after graduation, which definitely concerns Charlie. So, when he asks if he's okay, Adam starts nervously monologuing about their time together until he runs out of breath. He ends it by proposing to him, and Charlie smiles so surely at him when he says yes. They both become damn good public defenders and stay engaged until the point they can legally get married, but they're practically husbands long before that happens.
Also, if I did my math right (which I should’ve, it’s my entire basis for my Share Your Address series), the Ducks’ would have the same graduating class year as Elle Woods anyway (2004), which is pretty neat!
Thank you once again for listening to me ramble :)
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bidoldaccount · 3 years
Window Into The Teenage Soul - Part 2
Mike x Reader
Series Guide
"So, Bethany Martin asked me out yesterday," Max said, taking small sips of her third beer.
"No way!" Y/n smiled, gently tapping Max's leg with her foot. "What'd you say?"
"I kind of haven't responded," Max grimaced slightly.
"What do you mean?" Will asked.
"She messaged me on Instagram but I haven't opened it," Max pushed herself from side to side on her skateboard, pursing her lips at the ground.
"Why not?" Will questioned, grabbing another beer from the pack and holding his hand out. Y/n tossed him the bottle opening without request.
"I don't know, I've never gone out with a girl and I've only just begun to figure out my sexuality, what if I go out with her and realize I'm into guys?" She shrugged her shoulders.
"Max, I don't think sexuality is that fickle, and a first date is meant to figure out if you like someone," Lucas pointed out.
"Yeah. Besides, how are you going to figure out your sexuality if you don't explore it. Plus, Bethany is a total babe," y/n winked.
"Did you just call a girl a babe in front of your boyfriend?" Lucas asked, gasping with mock scandal.
"Mike, do you think Bethany Martin is a babe?" Y/n asked, leaning her head back against Mike's shoulder
"Totally. Just not as much as you are," he said, kissing her cheek.
"So I should say yes?" Max asked, looking unsure.
"Absolutely," y/n smiled softly.
"But if Max gets a girlfriend, I'll be the only single girl in the group," Elle pouted.
"Elle, I could set you up in an instant," Y/n rolled her eyes. "You're pretty, you're sweet with an edge, you're funny, and guys at school have been tripping over you since you started there."
"But boys scare me," Elle stuck out her bottom lip.
"You could always switch teams like I did," Max smirked.
"Girls can be just as scary as guys," Y/n pointed out, "remember my girlfriend Angela? Our relationship lasted four months longer than it should have because I was too scared to break up with her." Mike squeezed his arms around her waist, making sure she knew he was there. He dipped his hand under her shirt, running his thumb along her hip.
"Bro, Angela went to juvie," Lucas said.
"Are you serious?" Y/n's eyes widened.
"Yeah, she fucking stabbed some poor bastard down at Walmart because he stepped on her shoe," he explained.
"Holy shit," Dustin muttered.
"Is he okay?" Elle asked.
"Yeah, she missed any major organs so he's alive," Lucas shrugged.
"Thats fucking insane."
"It's a miracle she didn't lay a hand on our precious y/n," Max said, leaning over to pinch y/n's cheeks.
"She'd be dead, not in juvie," Mike grumbled, his chin nudging into her neck.
"Switching the topic to something lighter," Elle widened her eyes with a small laugh, "hopper said I'm good to go on the camping trip," she smiled.
"Ugh, yes!" Y/n threw her head back with a cheer.
"Am i the only one concerned about 7 teenagers alone in the woods for a full 48 hours?" Will asked.
"Don't worry, Steve already went full on dad mode on me and worked out a strict schedule that I have to call him and send him proof of life pictures," Y/n shook her head.
"You know, as annoying as he is sometimes, it's nice that someone cares so much about us," Max pointed out.
"It really is," Y/n agreed. "You know he taught me how to change my tire last week? He didn't even know how, he was just so determined to teach me that he spent three days YouTubing it," she shook her head with a soft smile.
"That guy has too much love to give," Dustin said.
"Is there such a thing?" Y/n questioned.
"For sure," Lucas answered, tipping the neck of his beer towards her. Her phone buzzed loudly in her pocket, making her groan. She pulled it out with a sigh, her eyes widening as soon as it lit up.
"Crap!" She sat up quickly, "Speak of the fucking devil, I left my location on in snap, Steve knows where we are."
"I'm sorry! Let's get out of here before he comes down. You can all crash at my place, parents are gone again," she said as she opened her messages to text him back.
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the-modernmary · 3 years
my best habit || aaron hotchner x reader (ch. 7)
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Chapter summary: Your best friend confronts you about your revived relationship with Aaron and how much things have changed from two years ago when you run into the BAU at a bar. 
A/N: This chapter is definitely not my finest work, but we get some background on Hotch and reader. The part that is italicized is a flashback.
masterlist || read on ao3
Don't you want to take time and get to love me? We could build a perfect world I got tricks I really want to show you I could be your perfect girl - Wolf Alice, “Your Love's Whore"
“Okay, I can’t deal with this anymore. I have to say something.”
You looked up from your textbook to see the disappointed stare of your best friend, Aly, from the other side of the bar. She worked as a bartender, so sometimes you would hang out with her while she was working, maybe do some homework, and she would give you drinks with the employee discount price.
The two of you had been best friends since you were in middle school. When your mom died and your dad went back to prison, you were originally supposed to be shipped off to live with an aunt in another state that you had never met before, but Aly’s parents decided to claim legal guardianship over you, allowing you to live with them. From then on, you and Aly had become inseparable, even following each other to college. 
You snorted softly and took a sip from your drink. “Oh boy, this should be interesting,” you said sarcastically, and Aly rolled her eyes as she tossed the bar towel over her shoulder.
“You are acting way too casual about the whole Aaron thing.” You groaned, but she didn’t give you a chance to speak up. “He just shows up out of the blue after two years, and you dive right back in, head first, and act like nothing changed? You’re not even going to ask him what happened?”
You sighed. You knew that this was going to be a conversation that Aly was going to have with you at some point, and you were actually a little surprised that it took her a full month before saying anything, but that didn’t mean you liked it. “Yeah, because the murder of his ex-wife and the attempted murder of his son makes great pillow talk. No, I haven’t talked to him about that.” You rolled your eyes as you finished the rest of your drink. “And I don’t need to. The only reason you’re making this a big deal is because you don’t like Aaron.”
She stared at you in disbelief. “Don’t like him? Babe, how can I have any opinion on him if I don’t know him? I didn’t even know that you were sleeping with him until you called me crying because you thought-”
“I really don’t want to have this conversation,” you cut her off, and you pushed your empty glass towards her, wordlessly asking for a refill. You didn’t want to go through those memories right now. Or ever, if you could help it. “I don’t need to know everything about his life. It’s not like we’re getting married.”
Aly raised an eyebrow at you as she started to make you another drink. “Maybe not, but do you want to? Do you want an actual relationship?”
“No!” you said, too quickly and too defensively, but it was true. You liked what you had with Aaron, all of the benefits and fun parts of dating somebody without any of the responsibilities. But you understood where Aly was coming from.
If there were such a thing as “Build-A-Boyfriend”, and if you were being completely honest with yourself, your ideal partner would probably be a lot like Aaron. More age appropriate perhaps, less baggage for sure, and most likely with a different job, one that didn’t slowly chip away at his soul until he became a shell of a man.
But somebody determined and focused like him. With a soft side like his, and the same dry sense of humor as him. A person you could talk to for hours, who sees you and pushes you towards greatness. Maybe even somebody who makes you feel special because they can only ever relax and be carefree around you. Somebody who just wants to do good in the world and who cares.
Somebody like that.
Aly opened her mouth to say something, but it quickly closed it as she looked at the entrance. “Damn, there’s a group coming in. Okay, I actually have to do my job now. But we will talk about this later.”
You started to tease her until you caught sight of the said group walking in. “Shit,” you hissed under your breath, turning your back towards the door and praying they didn’t see you. “We summoned them.”
Aly looked at you in confusion. “Y/N, what-”
“That’s Aaron and his team,” you whispered, although it didn’t matter much, “and will you please stop staring?”
A gasp left Aly’s mouth and, in true best friend fashion, she didn’t stop staring. Despite Penelope’s invitation a week earlier, you had been able to avoid going out with the BAU team. It wasn’t that you didn’t like them - you actually really liked being around them - but it would have made things way too complicated with Aaron. He compartmentalized even more than you. “Which one is he?” she asked excitedly, and you had to reach over the bar to get her to turn around.
“You’re going to draw so much attention to yourself,” you hissed, and the two of you started to frantically talk over each other.
“Because I want to know which one-”
“- Tell you later -”
“- have to at least take their order -”
“- Really don’t want to see them -”
“- Coming over here now -”
“Hey Y/N!”
You grimaced to yourself before turning around on the barstool, forcing a smile. Penelope was the one who greeted you, but the rest of the BAU had made their way to where you were sitting. The looks they were giving you unsettled you, like they all knew something you didn’t, but you decided to chalk it up to nervousness. Aaron, however, was standing in the back and looking about as mortified as you felt.
“Hey guys,” you said, stretching out each word. You weren’t drunk enough for this. “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world…”
“Casablanca,” Spencer noted out loud. 
Aly smirked and leaned against the bar. “Y/N, are you going to introduce me to all of your FBI friends?”
You had to fight the urge to glare at her, because you knew what she was doing. She wanted you to introduce her to Aaron, but she was just going to have to wait. “Aly, this is the BAU team. BAU team, this is Aly.”
Aly pouted at you but surprisingly said nothing else. You weren’t sure if you were grateful for that or if it just made you more nervous.
Emily looked at the open textbook that was long forgotten next to you. “Are you studying at a bar?” she asked, amusement evident in her voice. “I thought only Reid did that.”
You shrugged and closed the textbook. “I was studying, but I gave up on that about an hour ago,” you admitted. 
“Good!” Penelope said excitedly. “Because if you’re not studying, then you can join us!”
Your eyes flicked nervously to Aaron, whose face was completely unreadable. You wanted him to give you some sign of what he thought would be the best, but he just stared at you, stoic as ever. The conversation that you had with Aly was playing on repeat in your mind, making you feel sick. You didn’t care about Aaron’s past. You couldn’t care.
“Oh, I don’t want to intrude,” you settled on.
“It’s no intrusion at all,” Rossi piped up, and you and Aaron both stiffened. Rossi knew about you and Aaron, so the fact that he was encouraging you to mingle with the rest of the group was a bad sign. “And besides, drinks are on me tonight.”
Aly laughed from behind the bar. “If that’s the case, then she is definitely joining you guys so that she can stop mooching off my employee discount without even tipping me.”
So just like that, it was settled. You grumbled something about always tipping as you grabbed your drink and your textbook before following the group to a large corner booth. You didn’t miss the smirks each of the team members was throwing your way, and you definitely noticed that they left the only open seat next to Aaron. The two of your exchanged tight-lipped smiles as you slid into the empty space, careful not to touch Aaron. This was partly because you wanted to keep a calm and collected exterior, even if the team did know about you and Aaron - which you had started to suspect.
It was also partly because the idea of being Aaron’s dirty little secret right in front of his coworkers was too tempting, and you already had 2 long island iced teas, so you did not trust your self-control.
“So Y/N,” JJ started, breaking you out of your thoughts. You had hoped, maybe naively, that they would just ignore you and let you observe for the night. “Does Aly go to law school with you?”
You laughed despite yourself and you shook your head. “God, no. Although, she did take the LSAT with me so that even if I totally bombed it, I wouldn’t have the worst score.”
“What did you get on it?” Spencer asked, and you saw Aaron perk up slightly at the question.
“A 174,” you beamed.
“Look at you go! You’re like our own personal Elle Woods!” Penelope praised, and your heart swelled at the use of the word “our”, like you were already a part of the group.
“I wish,” you chuckled. “But that brilliant bitch got a 179.”
A simultaneous “Who?” came from both Spencer and Aaron.
“From Legally Blonde?” you prompted, but were met with more confused stares. “The greatest lawyer movie of all time?” They shook their heads again. “Okay, you both need to watch it, it’s a classic. Miss Woods was quite literally the only reason I was able to get through my first year.”
Well, that and fucking Aaron every chance you got, but they didn’t need to know that. 
You heard a gasp come from Penelope. “We should do another movie night! We haven’t had one of those in a while.”
Emily laughed and nudged Penelope softly. “Do you not remember the fiasco we had last time we did a movie night? We almost burnt down Rossi’s house.”
Laughter erupted from the table as multiple parties started to talk over each other, and you were happy to slide into the background, making little quips when the conversation called for it. The most surprising part of the whole night was how easily you got along with the BAU group, and how much they seemed to like you. Less surprising, however, was how acutely aware you were of Aaron’s thigh, which was now pressed against your own.
Aaron had stayed completely silent since the time the team walked up to you, and you could only imagine what was going on in his head. This whole situation was probably a living nightmare for him, and you couldn’t say you blamed him. Your choice to keep Aaron a secret from your friends was just that - a personal choice. You didn’t want them to fuss over you or put delusions in your head of a future with Aaron. You wanted to be able to enjoy your privacy.
But the implications for Aaron were much more severe, especially now that you were actually working at the FBI. People would start to question his judgment, whether or not he was fit for his job. They would question if he had taken advantage of you or manipulated you, and that would all be before they even found out that the two of you were sleeping together years ago. He could very possibly be seen as just a high ranking government official who was sneaking around with a girl almost 20 years his junior.
In other words, it would look really, really bad for him. You downed the rest of your drink in one go.
Aaron raised his eyebrows as he watched your actions, his gaze heavy. His eyes ran up and down your body, and you could feel yourself start to overheat. He felt much closer than he was. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you noticed that the rest of the team had scattered among the bar - some playing pool, some ordering more drinks, and some in the bathroom - which left you and Aaron alone in the booth. There was enough room that he didn’t need to have his leg pressed up against you, and he definitely didn’t need to bring his hand down to your knee, but he did. 
“So, a 174? Impressive.”
“Mhm,” you mused, keeping your voice casual. “Does that surprise you?”
“Not at all,” he responded, no hesitation in his voice. 
His response didn’t surprise you much, but you preened at the compliment all the same. You wanted people, especially Aaron, to think of you as effortlessly successful and to be impressed by you. So you didn’t show them the countless hours spent in the library, and the many all nighters you pulled. You were careful to only show people the parts of you that you could brag about, like your class rankings or debates on subjects you were an expert in, so that it looked like it came naturally to you. So you didn’t look like you were struggling.
Part of that came after your mom died. You didn’t want everybody fussing over you and treating you like you were breakable, so you quickly decided to show that you were independent. If you didn’t give people a reason to worry about you, they’d leave you alone. 
The other part of that came during law school. You knew yourself enough to realize that it was probably because of Aaron, and how much he rubbed off on you. You wanted to be engaging like him, to be able to completely command a room without even saying a word like him. You wanted success like him. Aaron noticed that early on and challenged you. He let you debate with him just so that you could practice going against somebody smarter and more experienced than you. And it paid off. 
You stared at the email on your phone, your cheeks sore from how much you were smiling. You had already told all of your friends, but their reaction wasn’t as satisfying as you wanted. They were ecstatic for you, but realistically, you only wanted the approval of one person. 
Your thumb hovered over Aaron’s contact in your phone, debating on whether or not to call him. This could probably be a text, but Aaron was so formal when texting, even when dirty texts were involved. Besides, you wanted to hear Aaron’s approval, and even more than that, you wanted his attention. Even if it was just for a minute or two, you wanted his attention in the middle of a weekday, something you never got. 
Before you could talk yourself out of it, you hit the call button and brought the phone up to your ear. 
“Aaron Hotchner,” came the greeting, formal as ever. 
“Aaron, hi,” you started, and you were happy that Aaron couldn’t see the way you were nervously tugging the hem of your shirt. 
There was a beat of silence. “Y/N,” he said, surprise evident in his voice. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything is great! I, uh…” You realized that you didn’t have a good explanation to give to Aaron as to why you were calling him while he was at work. “Is this a good time?”
You could hear light footsteps on the other side of the phone, followed by the soft click of a door closing. “That depends on the subject matter,” he mused, his voice lowering.
All the nervousness you felt melted away. “I made law review!” you blurted excitedly. “I just got the email and I didn’t have anybody else to tell. And God knows you’ve helped edit my papers enough, so I figured I’d share this with you.”
You wished that you could have seen Aaron’s face. You wanted to know if he was smiling, or if he looked proud. In hindsight, telling him in person probably would have been more rewarding. 
“I knew you’d get it,” he told you sincerely. “Automatic or write on?”
“Automatic,” you told him proudly.
“Congratulations, Y/N. That’s a big deal. I’m sure you’re going to celebrate tonight. It’s Bar Review night, right?”
You hummed to yourself, attempting to calm your nerves. You dropped your voice, adding a more seductive tone. “Actually… I was hoping that maybe I could be rewarded for all my hard work? Please?”
He hadn’t said no to you yet, and you doubted today would be any different. 
Aaron chuckled, low and dark. “Mhm, since you asked so nicely…” His voice trailed off, and you could practically hear him stiffen up. “But I can’t tonight.”
”Oh.” He didn't elaborate, and doesn’t have to. If it were for a case, he would have told you. When he didn’t say anything, that meant it was a Haley and Jack thing. Still, you couldn’t help but note the disappointment that bled into his words. 
“Are you busy this weekend?” he asked, his voice soft. “We could meet in Baltimore. Same hotel. I can make reservations now.”
For the second time that day, you smiled so wide that your cheeks hurt. Attention was what you wanted, and attention was what you got. “Baltimore sounds good. Send me the details.”
You mindlessly stirred the ice in your empty glass with the straw, listening to the soft clinking. “What about you? What did you get on your LSAT?”
Aaron thought about it for a second. “A 176. I think.”
A bitter chuckle left your lips and you turned in your seat just enough so that you could face Aaron. You were so close to him that, even in the dark lighting of the bar, you could make out every feature on his face. “Christ, and here I was thinking I could out-lawyer you,” you teased.
Aaron took a sip of his drink — double scotch neat. “I’ve seen the way you like to argue with me. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t want to go up against you in court,” he scoffed. 
“Hm, yeah but you like it when I argue with you,” you pointed out, leaning in closer to him. “Because then you get to shut me up.”
Aaron set his drink down on the table, his face never betraying any sort of emotion. “Come over tonight,” he told you, his voice lowering. The hand that was on your knee slowly trailed up your thigh, his fingers leaving goosebumps in their wake.
You smirked, deciding to mess with him a little. “Presumptuous of you to assume I don’t already have plans after this.” You didn’t, and Aaron knew that. He somehow always knew. 
In spite of that, he decided to indulge your teasing. “Cancel them.” It wasn’t a suggestion, and he punctuated his demand by squeezing your thigh. “I can help you study later.”
That was all the convincing you needed. You slipped out of the booth, ready to pull him straight out of the bar, but his face gave you pause. “Meet me at my car in two minutes,” he told you firmly, and you nodded obediently and sat back down.
You watched him start to walk out of the bar, only to be stopped by Emily and Derek. You watched as the three of them talked, Aaron's whole body tensing. There was a lull in the conversation before the three of them looked over at you, Emily and Derek trying to hide their drunken smiles.
They knew. They had to know. It’s not like you and Aaron were being subtle. In some part of your subconscious, you were sure that they knew long before tonight, and that this was just a confirmation. Still, you didn’t know how Aaron was going to react. You thought that Aaron was going to deny it, or even end things with you right there. Besides that one office-sex slip up, Aaron had been so careful about keeping you a secret from his professional life, even going as far as asking you to not call his office phone. In a shocking turn of events, he just smiled and gave you a small nod before making his way towards the door.
Figuring that you didn’t need to wait the two minutes anymore, you started to head towards the exit, blushing as you went. You could feel everybody’s eyes on you the whole time, but when you looked around, none of them seemed to be judging you. If anything, they seemed… happy? You were just about to reach the doors when Penelope cut you off.
“Does this mean you’ll start having lunch with me in the Batcave?” she said excitedly, not even needing to preface her question. They all knew.
“Whenever I get a chance,” you promised.
Penelope reached down to grab your hands, covering them both with hers. “Good! It can get lonely when they’re all off saving the world.”
“Hey Penelope,” you started, pursing your lips nervously. “Is this thing with Aaron and I… is it okay? I don’t want to make things weird for your team.”
Penelope gave you a sympathetic look and shook her head quickly, like even the very act of bringing it up made her sad. “Of course it’s okay! Hotch is happier than we’ve seen him in a long time, and that’s all we want for him. He’s a good guy who has just been through too much. But if he gives you any problems, you come straight to us. You’re one of us now.”
Then, without any warning, Penelope pulled you into the tightest hug you’ve ever gotten. You could smell her perfume, something floral and sweet. “Thank you,” you said as she let you go.
“Oh no, thank you,” she retorted, grinning. “Now you go have fun.”
You laughed and walked out of the bar, making your way to the parking lot. Part of you was still worried about Aaron’s reaction to knowing the secret was out.
But when you saw Aaron leaning against his car, and you saw his smile when he looked up to see you, all your fears were assuaged. “Who ambushed you?” he called from across the parking lot, his voice light.
“Penelope,” you admitted, and he nodded unsurprised as he opened the passenger side door for you.
You buckled your seatbelt and watched as Aaron made his way into the driver's seat and loosened his tie. “Are you okay with them knowing?” you asked nervously.
Aaron was quiet as he started the car, so quiet that you thought that maybe he didn’t even hear you. It wasn’t until the car pulled out of the parking lot that he spoke. “Yes,” he told you, and it truly seemed like he meant it. Then, as a joke, he added, “Although, I reserve the right to change my mind after seeing them at work tomorrow.” 
“What?” you teased. “You’re not going to spill all of the dirty details to your coworkers?”
Aaron laughed and fuck if that wasn’t the most beautiful sound you’ve ever heard. “I thought you needed to study.”
You shrugged and leaned over the center console just far enough to press a kiss to his jaw. “I do. So you better make it worth my time,” you purred into his ear, smirking as you watched his knuckles turn white from clenching the steering wheel. “Or you can get me off while I study?”
You thought back to what Aly had said about whether things changed between you and Aaron. On paper, everything had changed. There was no need for secrecy or sneaking around anymore. You wouldn’t need to travel an hour outside of the city just to be seen with each other in public. The unspoken rules were going to change, considering the two of you had broken pretty much all of them already. Aaron had changed, and so had you. It was impossible for it to be the same as it was two years ago.
But as you sat in the passenger’s seat of his car, Aaron grinning devilishly at you, you couldn’t help but think that at its core, nothing really changed. 
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
Pureblood!Slytherin x Draco Dating Headcanons:
Requested by the lovely @ghostlytoadalmondhairdo! Here you go, sweetie!!
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As a pureblood, you grew up with Draco (Parties, gatherings, dreadful “playdates”). Everyone expected you to grow up and fall in love and you didn’t like Draco like that he was your best friend
And Merlin you two are dorky looking kids
You two start Hogwarts and you’re both in Slytherin and beaming because you’re with someone you know
okay but can you imagine going to Diagon Alley for the first time and getting wands together and books and everything else and just geeking out while you parents roll their eyes and sigh deeply
Draco has Crabbe and Goyle, and you have Pansy and Daphne and good lord you guys are terrifying to everyone else
You and your posse are a force to be reckoned with just like Draco and his posse but you’re not too keen on being ruthless (cue mean girls, you are the Regina George of Hogwarts)
Instead, you really give in to the tradition of being a proper lady you can hear your grandmother’s words in your head all the time. “Don’t slouch, stand up straight, elbows off the table, shoulders back head up, don’t be so loud, don’t walk so loudly, cross your ankles when you sit, punctuality is everything, that skirt is too short...” 
Which leads to a lot of people calling you princess as a taunt because you’re just so posh
And Merlin everyone at this school except for your fellow Slytherins is an imbecile with no class 
Even Draco who slips into foolish taunts and you just scoff and roll your eyes, not impressed. His smile falls because he misses you. You guys were once best friends and now it seems you’ve parted ways. So he tries to be a better person keyword: tries he loses all composure around Potter
Now he’s defensive. “I can outspell you any day, princess” He snaps. “Bring it, pretty boy” You draw your wand and he stops because he remembers the day you got the wand and how your eyes were shining and now he really misses you
And you miss him too. A lot. Pansy is constantly complaining that you need to go and talk to him but you were never good with words and you didn’t know if Draco wanted to talk to you.
All of your friends are screaming internally because you two just need to talk to each other is locking them in a closet together an option???
But instead, you taunt him, and he snarks back and now it's a competition and the whole school is frustrated and slightly scared because you and Draco are both very powerful and very mad at each other all the time and you do not want to get caught in the crossfire
“You can cast a Patronus?” “What like it’s hard?” Hello Elle Woods
Suddenly you’re not twelve anymore and neither is he and he looks a lot less dorky now... and have his eyes always been that blue? Have your lips always been the perfect shade of pink?
One day you’re snapping at Draco and it starts to turn into a Duel and everyone is just watching in shock and awe at you two going at each other
Somehow you end up inches away from in, nearly growling at another, and you see a glimpse of the little kid you used to know in his eyes 
and then you’re kissing him
a cheer goes up and Pansy yells “F*cking finally!” not that you care, you’re very distracted at the moment
Can you say couple goals? Also like can you imagine the sheer DBE between the three couples of you and Dray, Pansy and Daph, Theo and Blaise?
“Girls” night (that include you, Daph, and Blaise) with records and makeovers and “Blaise it’s not fair how do you get your eyeliner so perfect?” and talking trash about your significant others and telling embarrassing stories
“Guys” night (with Pans, Dray, and Theo) that are full of midnight Quidditch matches/flying and goofing off shenanigans and “Pans you have to tell me where you get your cologne”
Shopping trips together probably in Paris that are always over expensive and full of fashion advice from anyone and everyone. “No, Blaise you cannot wear navy and black, you’ll look like a bruise” “Draco put down the shiny cape” “Daph, we have to wear skirts, not ballgowns,” “Merlin Theo, those shoes with that shirt?” “Pansy you are not shaving your head stop thinking about it,” 
Going for dinner at fancy restaurants and having proper tea parties that end up with you all mocking your parents and its hysterical
Fifth-year comes and you can finally drop the uniform though you have to remind Daph that she can’t wear ballgowns everywhere but you’re allowed to wear dresses now hello fifties aesthetic and you and Draco look like you walked out of a catalog for Vouge
Can you imagine the Yule Ball? The utter prestige that your group radiates. You all know how to dance and you and Draco waltz across the floor that has girls jealous and guys wishing they could
But whenever you look at Draco you still see that dorky kid who knocked out his loose tooth with a handheld ornate mirror
The softer moments between the two of you where there aren’t expectations or tradition and you talk under the stars about dreams and wishes
He calls you princess now unironically. He’s still your pretty boy.
Behind every great man is no one. A great man knows a great woman stands next to him and is probably rolling her eyes at him 
You and Draco breaking harmless rules that still give you a thrill of rebellion: eating dessert before dinner, breaking curfew, walking barefoot outside, not ironing and folding your socks, not making your beds every morning, buying black nail polish, ruffling his coiffed hair at the end of the day and you see the same shining eyes as the boy you grew up with and stars do you love him
But you’re still posh together: horseback riding, playing the piano together, walking along the Manor grounds on Sunday strolls, hosting dinner parties, going to galas and balls, shmoozing just about everyone in the ministry, taking the dark mark together and having to go through that entire ordeal and realizing that maybe tradition on some things is wrong
Which causes a huge fight between you and Draco because you can’t get behind the Dark Lord anymore and he’s just so scared of anyone getting hurt because he doesn’t want to lose you. But in the end, he’s there with the right choice
The lot of you holding your heads high as you walk the halls of Hogwarts during and after the battle fighting for your true home and where your real family is
Tags: @coffee-addicti @msmcsmutt @ravn-87@artemismohr18@whygz @crazywritingbug @fuzzy-panda@bitemebro522 @zombiesnips-blog@jillanaholland@shookyungsoo@savingdraco@welcometomyworldwithoutrules@akari180@slytherin-emerald@chaotic-good-gemini @memalfoy-spidey@theres-a-dog-outside-omg@queenfeatherwings@fanficflaneuse @go-whovian-universe@spicyshenanigans@darling-im-not-okay-i-promise@dietkiwi@katsukink@takemetothekingdom @strangerr-things@tmnt-queen@mccloudchloe@hxneybgb@justsomerandomgur @belcvayelena@moviesbooksandfandoms@howdycharlie@xtrashmouthxtozierx @cocochanelthepupper@ninacotte@mccloudchloe@braelynn-j@jiggllyy @honeymarvel@go-whovian-universe@darcypottah@atomicpunkrock @thiccheerioss @lottie289@boredashaeck @beautiful-pegasus @tceedlmao @deadlynyghtshayde @iconjuresnapeingrandmaclothes @anonymous034 @bi-andready-tocry @lunna-does-real-doodle @dragonsandbread @atomicwonderlandmentality @okaydraco@the–queen-of-hell@langdonzvoid @cmxreader @alienmotel @oh-itsnothing@tulippings @thestressedprincess@sunflowerxsadnessw@caps-wilsonn @fattycooter@angelotakunerd08@thisisahugemistake @fanficsigottaread @gweaslvy @okaydraco @strawberriesonsummer @ughjjloveme @honeymarvel  @gaysludge @cleopatera @ray-of-sunrise @artist-bby @shadowsingeraxolotl @peters-legos @quillsareforwriting @ghostlytoadalmondhairdo @wollymalfoy​ @lilpieceoftoast​
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imagineaworlds · 3 years
I Love You (Part Forty-Four) -- Aaron Hotchner
Written By: @desperately-bisexual
Request: None.
Warnings: Cursing. Mentions of PTSD... I think that’s it???
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Greenaway!Reader
Word Count: 9228
Timeline: Three months after part forty-three.
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“Holden, if it’s a boy,” I offered. “Holden Hotchner.”
Hotch and I had been brainstorming baby names for the past couple of weeks. I was due soon, and we were practically racing against the clock to figure everything out. Hotch had practice with Jack; he knew what he was doing when it came down to naming, putting the nursery together, buying all the toys, diapers, medicines, clothes, and so on. He was being a total rockstar with how hands-on he was with prepping the house and helping me around while still balancing work.
We had decided that we didn’t need the home office at the end of the hall shortly after I left work for maternity leave. We knew that we couldn’t keep the cradle in our room all the time, and the baby would eventually need their own room, so the office had to go. We moved Jack into that room so that the baby’s nursery could be closer to us. With Jack’s nightmares nearly gone entirely, he wasn’t coming to our room as often in the middle of the night, which meant that he could afford to be just another room further from us, whereas the nursery needed to be close by.
Jack was excited to decorate his new room. He worked with Hotch to paint it a forest green color, and they put soccer stuff up everywhere. Hotch painted a soccer ball over the light switch next to the door, Jack put up posters of his favorite players, and I put all of Jack’s trophies and ribbons on a shelf next to his desk under the window. Jack put his cleats and favorite soccer ball on display, Hotch bought him a new soccer themed bed comforter, and I prayed that Jack wouldn’t start kicking the ball against the walls when he got bored. That wasn’t likely, however, because Morgan, in all his genius, had the bright idea to paint a soccer goal onto the wall… He was practically daring Jack to break my wall. I tried warning them against it, but no one was listening to me. Morgan wanted to help out, and painting that damn soccer net was somehow “helping”. I was going to send him the bill to fix the wall soon.
As for the nursery, Hotch was insistent on painting it blue, because he was convinced that it was a boy, and there was no changing his mind. I had to remind him about a thousand times that there was a reason we decided to not know the baby’s gender ahead of time, and that meant no painting the walls blue or pink. We decided fairly early on that we wanted it to be a surprise. The doctors kept asking if we were sure, or if we wanted someone to know so that they could buy clothes for the baby or paint the room themselves or just tell our friends and family; but we were adamant about no one knowing. This was the first good thing to have happened in a very long time, and we wanted to share this happiness and excitement with the team. No matter how much Morgan would insist that it was killing him to not know, we knew that they were just as excited as us to learn if it was a boy or a girl only after I would give birth. But Hotch still had to be reminded that even though he thought they were a boy and I thought they were a girl, we couldn’t paint the damn nursery blue.
He ended up painting it a light grey that made the room look bigger than it actually was. He bolted these wood shelves to the walls and stacked diapers and clothes on them. All of the toys we bought and had been gifted over the past couple of months went in a wicker basket that he slid into a two-by-two dark grey cubby organizer. He hung up pictures all over the room of us, Jack, the team, and even Haley. Hotch wanted to make sure that, no matter what, no matter where we were in the world, however long we would be gone for, whatever we were doing, however old the baby was, they would know that they had a whole village of people out there who loved them more than anything and would do anything to protect them. Our family was much bigger than just the four of us. There was a team of six FBI agents out there who would die for our baby, and Hotch wanted to make sure that everyone knew it. Nothing bad was ever going to happen to us again. Ever. The pictures on the walls were a constant reminder of that.
Hotch’s hand slowly rubbed circles on my stomach as we laid down in bed, trying to fall asleep, to no avail. It was uncomfortable for me to sleep nowadays, and Hotch could hardly close his eyes because he didn’t want to let go of me or lose sight of me. So, we spent most of our nights just laying like that, cuddled up against one another as we talked about work, Jack’s school or soccer, or the baby. We had started by talking about how Morgan kept trying to send us baby names throughout the day via text, as if we hadn’t already been thinking of some ourselves. He was going to be the worst uncle, I swear. He was going to be so… overbearing.
“What about Emily, if it’s a girl?” I asked.
Hotch tensed and stopped moving his hand on my stomach. I knew that it was still a sensitive topic for all of us. Most of us hadn’t really come to terms with what happened— Morgan and Reid most of all. But it was something that I had been thinking about for a while. Since Emily died, there was this… hole or darkness in the team, in our family. We all missed her, and we were all too scared to let go of her. We didn’t want to admit that she was gone, that she was never coming back. Something that had crossed my mind one night while Hotch was away on a case was how much she did for me. We weren’t as close as I was with Morgan, of course, but she was the only other one of the team that I spent the majority of my time with. When I wasn’t with Morgan, I was with Emily. She had my back countless times, and my biggest regret was not being able to have hers in the end.
I wanted Emily to be remembered somehow. I wanted her memory to be a big part of our lives because Emily was that important. She deserved to be a happy memory, not a dark hole that was silently killing our team. We needed good news, we needed something bright and happy— not to replace her, but to honor her. She always looked after me when she didn’t have to, especially since I was cold towards her at first because I felt like she had stolen Elle away from me— even though that obviously wasn't the case. But most importantly was that she had Hotch's back. They were close. Really close. When Strauss wanted her to help take Hotch down, Emily tried to quit rather than betray him. After Foyet stabbed him, she stayed with me at the hospital to make sure that we were both okay, and she helped Hotch by listening to him after Haley was killed and he couldn’t talk to me. Emily was always there, and she was supposed to be there forever… but fate hated us, it seemed, and she was stolen away from us. Emily Prentiss deserved to live on through something good that came out of this mess.
“Why don’t you keep looking for some other girl names,” Hotch recommended before carefully sliding out of bed.
My brows furrowed while I watched him grab his robe and leave the bedroom. What the hell was that about? I thought he would like the idea. I thought he would want to honor Emily, too. Was I missing something? Maybe he wasn’t as over Emily’s death as I thought...
In the morning, Hotch drove me to work for the first time in two months. Since Emily died, I had worked another few cases in the office before I finally gave in to Hotch’s wish for me to stay at home. The stress and depression was getting to me, which was making the pregnancy hard for me, so I just couldn’t find the will or energy to keep profiling. In fact, most days it was was hard to get out of bed at all. But that was why we were headed to Quantico on a random Tuesday morning.
Hotch and done grief evaluations with everyone on the team thus far, except for me. Since I was clearly not okay, and Strauss still needed a report on me, we had to go into the office to do an official evaluation. I disliked the idea. I disliked that my husband was going to be sitting across from me, taking notes on my responses to his questions about how I was doing since Emily died. And if I wasn’t honest, he would know. That was the worst part. He always fucking knew when I was lying, so I had to tell the truth, which was that I was miserable.
That was how I ended up sitting on the couch in his office, though, watching and waiting while he scribbled things down in my file. And then he said, “Why did you immediately think about naming our daughter after her?”
“What?” I questioned, baffled.
“The two of you weren’t necessarily the closest—”
“Maybe Strauss should do my evaluation instead.” I reached for my purse so that I could head down to her office.
“I’m sorry—” Hotch insisted, holding his hand out to stop me. I froze. “I’m sorry. Just… Sit down and give me another chance.”
I stared at him, trying to get a read on the situation. If I were to sit back down, was he just going to ask that question again? It wasn’t that I minded the question itself, but the fact that I hated that it was the first thing he had the audacity to say to me during our evaluation—after dodging talking to me about it last night, I might add. I was understandably upset that he chose now, of all times, to discuss it again.
I sat back down cautiously. “Okay.” When I got comfortable on the cushions again, I cleared my throat so that I could say, “Emily and I weren’t as close as we should have been. I’ll be the first to admit that. But the two of us still came to work every day, and we put our brains together to help solve the cases, and I knew that I could trust her to have my back every time we were out in the field together.” I glanced down at my fidgeting fingers. “She was as much my family as anyone else. She was smart, loyal, and even funny at times. She loved us, and she died protecting us. I want our baby to know that she’s named after one of the bravest women I’ve ever known. Is that a crime?”
“We don’t even know if it’s a girl.”
“But I want it to be now… Because… Because I want there to be an innocent, happy reminder of Emily to bring joy to people whenever they get sad about missing her.”
“So, you’re doing it for other people.”
“No!” I insisted quickly. “I just feel like I owe it to her. And… because I blame myself,” I admitted quietly.
“Why is that?”
“Because I should have been there, Aaron. I should have gone in and helped her. I should have found Doyle. I should have saved her—I should have loved her more…”
“You didn’t know. None of us did.”
I wiped away a sniffle with the back of my hand. “It’s my fault for not doing more.”
“You’re pregnant, Y/N. You wouldn’t’ve been able to do anything.”
“But I could have tried!” I exclaimed angrily. He wasn’t hearing me. He didn’t understand what it felt like to know that I was sitting at home while Emily was running away, I was stuck on a plane when she was being tortured by Doyle, and…. and all I could do was watch as Morgan and Hotch held her as she died. He didn’t understand that feeling of helplessness. “Why don’t you ever cry about it?”
“You heard me. Why don’t you cry? We’ve all cried since losing her… But not you. I don’t understand. You loved her, Aaron. I know you still do. We all do. So, how can you go every day without breaking down? How can you hold me every night as I sob and not shed a tear? What’s going on with you?”
He looked down at his notes as he swallowed hard, thinking about what he wanted to say; but nothing came. He only shrugged. I shook my head and scoffed. Out of everyone in the world, I should have been the one person that he could open up to, yet he was closing himself off to me. Again. That was what he did every time something in our lives went downhill. Sending Haley and Jack into WITSEC was a prime example of that. Foyet had taken everything from us, and instead of turning to me for comfort, Aaron shut down and ignored me, which created a crack in our relationship. But we had moved on from that, I thought. With wedding rings on our fingers and a baby on the way, he should have known that I wasn’t going to be scared off by him being honest with me. Was he angry? Was he sad? Impartial? Relieved? I didn’t fucking know! It was so aggravating that I couldn’t get a read on my own husband so that I could help him through all of this.
“This isn’t my evaluation, Y/N,” he answered quietly.
I shook my head. “And who is it that will be evaluating you, Aaron? Anyone?”
He didn’t respond to my question. Instead, he dodged with, “I think that’s everything I need to know. You should head home and get some rest.”
Honestly, I wasn’t looking to pick a fight with him about this any longer because I knew it was futile; but I didn’t want to be there any longer, either. So, I gave in. I agreed to ending my evaluation there, as short as it was, and heading home for the rest of the day. I picked up my purse again, lifted the strap over my shoulder, then quietly headed out of his office, closing the door behind me slow enough for me to gauge the atmosphere of the bullpen. It was so quiet without Emily. She wasn’t much of a talker, but Morgan was, and he brought her out of his shell. Normally, he would say something snarky, catching mine or Emily’s attention, giving us cause to poke back at him—or if he was picking on Reid, we would help. Emily would always laugh when that happened. Her smile used to light up the whole room, and that was just another thing about her that I always took for granted. That was one more tiny detail about her that I would have to miss for the rest of my life.
“Trouble’s coming through,” Morgan warned playfully, holding his hand out to help me walk down the ramp. I chuckled at him and accepted his polite gesture. “How are you feelin’, bubble?”
I squinted at him. “Ha. Ha.”
He chuckled back at me. “Seriously, how’s my future niece or nephew?”
“She’s doing fine,” I answered with a smile, running my hands over my stomach. Morgan froze, giving me cause for pause. “What?” Did I have something on my face? Was Hotch glowering at us from his office? “Morgan?”
“You said ‘she’—”
“–No, I didn’t—”
“—How do you know?” he questioned eagerly, practically jumping on his toes because he couldn’t contain his excitement. “Did you ask to know even though you and Hotch agreed not to? I promise, my lips are sealed!”
I hit his shoulder to get him to calm down. “Shush!”
“Tell me!”
I rolled my eyes. “It’s just a feeling. What do you want from me?”
He smiled and hugged me quickly, but still carefully. “A girl!” he cheered in my ear. “I knew it. Yes, yes, yes!” He pulled away from me long enough to a little dance in a circle.
“Smooth. Not noticeable at all.”
“I’m sorry, sunshine, but this is the greatest news I’ve had in a very long time. Let me have this.”
He was right. Since losing Emily, good news was hard to come by, and it just seemed like nothing could lighten up the office anymore. I couldn’t fault Morgan for being over the moon excited about a feeling I had. I didn’t even know if it was a girl for sure, but there was something since Emily’s death—some voice in the back of my mind that was telling me that she did what she did so that we could raise a perfect baby girl in this world. People always theorize that people leave our world in order to make room for someone new. Maybe Emily was just making room for our baby. I wished that it could have been anyone else besides her that made that sacrifice, but we didn’t get to make decisions about life or death at the end of the day, and that was the sad truth about our job.
Jessica had just gotten back to the house after dropping Jack off at school. She had come back to check on me one last time before heading out for work, which she didn’t need to do because I was going to be alright. I knew I was big at nearly nine months pregnant, but everyone was treating me like I was immobile. In a few days’ time, Hotch and I were going to head to the hospital to have the baby, as scheduled, and until then, I was ordered by the doctors and Hotch to stay in bed. So, Jessica checking on me felt… unnecessary.
In hindsight, though, it was a miracle she got back in time. Just as I was insisting that I would be alright on my own for a few hours until Hotch could come visit during lunch, my water broke. We hadn’t anticipated this happening. I mean, we thought about it, but the doctors thought that our “appointment” to have the baby would beat any natural occurrence. So, Jessica and I were obviously caught off guard when it happened. Hotch and I didn’t have a bag packed yet, and we didn’t have a plan for this. Jessica and I just had to wing it.
While I called Hotch, Jessica ran around to just grab an old go-bag of mine and stuff some baby stuff in it for the hospital. Hotch sounded breathless as he told me that he was on his way and started running through the office to get to his car. I could hear Morgan on the other end of the call ask him if everything was alright, and all Hotch could say was: “It’s happening!” Then, suddenly, the whole team sounded like they were running around to hurry to the hospital, too. If I weren’t freaking out, I would’ve laughed at them.
When we got to the hospital, the doctors and nurses raced around to help me. It took about twenty minutes after getting into a room for Hotch to show up. He ran into the room and stood right by my side the entire time. He held my hand, brushed my hair with his fingers, and kissed my forehead, cheeks, and lips as much as he could to distract me. The comforting part was hearing him tell me that he loved me over and over again. Him just being there on time was everything I hoped for. We were lucky that he was in town, and that he was close enough to get there to be by my side for every second of it. I loved him, and I knew that I couldn’t do it without him.
And then we heard that first cry. Hotch laughed happily before kissing my forehead and squeezing my hand. I sighed with relief when it was over. A smile finally appeared on my face once our baby was in my arms, pressed against my chest. It was a girl. Some part of me always knew that it would be, but finally holding her in my arms, seeing her face, even as she cried… It was the greatest feeling in the world. And Hotch was so happy, too. He was still laughing quietly while kissing me again and again. He was beside himself. I was, too. Cradling her in my arms, leaning into Hotch’s touch, crying as I finally got to relax somewhat… I was happy. She was finally there. She was finally with us.
“Hi, Emily,” I whispered to her. I hadn’t even realized what I said until I felt how tense Hotch was against my side. I looked up at him to see that he was staring at our daughter, his smile somewhat disappearing. “I’m sorry—”
“No,” he said to me. “Don’t be.” He reached down and wiggled his finger playfully in her face as she started to calm down. “Emily.”
It felt so right to name her Emily. After we first talked about it and Hotch told me no, I dropped the idea entirely, but once it slipped, we just knew that it was the only thing that felt perfect. It was meant to be. I loved Emily Prentiss the same way I loved Derek Morgan. They were both my partners in the field— and… she was… she was one of the greatest friends I ever had. I had to do something for her. I had to have a part of her with me now that she was gone. Our beautiful, perfect, sweet daughter deserved her name. She deserved to carry on the legacy of one of the greatest women I ever knew. Our daughter… Our little Emily… I loved her infinitely.
“She’s perfect,” Hotch whispered. “You’re both perfect.”
When Hotch took her in his arms so that the nurses could check on me, she slowly stopped crying. I looked up shortly to see that he was shuffling back and forth on his feet while bouncing her in his arms lightly. She was falling asleep— as if she hadn’t had all the time in the world to rest. I smiled. I couldn’t stop thinking to myself that she was perfect. She was perfect. Perfect. Absolutely, without a doubt, no questions asked… perfect. And she was ours. We did that. We loved each other endlessly, and from that, we got her. How could anyone ever possibly argue that she was anything less than perfect?
Later, once they checked on her to make sure she was healthy, and I had some time to rest and recuperate, I asked Hotch if I could see her again. She was in a small cradle on wheels next to him, and he couldn’t seem to leave her alone, even as she tried to sleep, and he was trying to keep an eye on me. The nurses told us that she was a perfectly healthy baby. Perfect. Because she was okay, they could leave her in the room with us for a little longer. But I wanted to hold her. I wanted her in my arms, and I never wanted to let go. So, Hotch cooed her back to sleep as she fussed when he picked her up and handed her to me. And then I asked if Jessica had picked up Jack from school yet.
Another slow smile appeared on Hotch’s face. “I’ll go get him.” He ran to the door and into the hallway, quickly retreating before he could spend another second away from me and the baby. “I love you so much.” He was right back by my side as the door opened again.
I peeked around Hotch’s shoulder to see Jessica ushering Jack into the room. Hotch pressed a finger to his lips to tell them to be quiet since she was sleeping, so Jack and Jessica cautiously approached. Hotch picked up Jack and put him on his hip. He was so big now— it was crazy to think that once upon a time, he was the same size as our baby Emily. I wished I could’ve been there to see baby Jack. He was already my precious little man, but he was probably the cutest baby— well, second cutest now. No one could ever beat my perfect Emily.
Jack stretched his arm out to poke her cheek, but Hotch pulled him away. He warned Jack that he needed to be careful. Jack dropped his hand, then craned his neck to get a better look at her. When she hiccupped in my arms, Jack jumped slightly. Hotch and I chuckled.
“What’s her name?” he asked me.
I looked at Hotch first, looking for a reassurance that he was really fine with this. If he had originally just got caught up in the moment and since decided that he didn’t want to name her Emily, then I wouldn’t’ve blamed him. But he nodded and smiled… So, I told Jack the truth.
“Like Aunt Emily?”
“Yeah, kiddo,” Hotch answered, wiping some mud off his chin from recess. “Just like Aunt Emily.”
“She’s cute.”
I laughed. “She is, isn’t she.”
“When do I get to play with her?”
“Not for a bit, little man.” I reached up to pinch his nose. “She has to rest.”
“And so does Y/N,” Hotch added, adjusting Jack on his hip with a groan. “Do you wanna do your homework here or at home?”
“Can we get McDonalds for dinner if I do it here?” Jack asked.
“Aaron,” I squinted at him. I was still the cool parent— the good cop— so, of course, I was going to let Jack get something like McDonalds if he really wanted it. I was in a great mood. I would’ve told him he could get a freakin’ ice cream cone taller than him if he even asked. “You do all of your homework, and you can get McDonalds.”
“Can I go with Uncle Rossi?”
I laughed internally. I would have loved to see the look on Rossi’s face when Jack would inevitably go up to him and ask: “Can you take me to McDonalds?” I was pretty sure Rossi would have a full-on heart attack. Rossi, the self-proclaimed culinary master, probably never even glanced at a McDonalds. That was why telling Jack “yes, you can go with Uncle Rossi” was so funny to me. Also, the look on Hotch’s face was priceless. It was like he wanted to argue with me, but how could he when I literally just gave him the greatest gift of his life? He’d have a lot of thanking to do over the next eighteen years.
And then there was a knock at the door. We all turned to see who it was. JJ peeked her head in while keeping the door as closed as she possibly could. “Sorry, I don’t think I can hold Morgan back any longer. He’s getting antsy.”
I shook my head. “It’s fine, JJ. You can send them all in.”
“Y/N, are you up for that?” Hotch asked worriedly.
I nodded and shushed Emily as she started fussing in my arms again. With all of the excitement going on, she was waking up. Now that the team was trying to get into the room, probably all of them excited to get their chance to hold her, there was no way she’d keep her eyes closed much longer. My only hope was that she wouldn’t start crying or get hungry again.
JJ opened the door wide, and suddenly everyone was pouring in. Morgan was the first one inside. He was practically running towards my hospital bed, a grin growing on his face the closer he got. And then he came to a sudden halt before he could crash into me.
“Lemme see, lemme see,” he said eagerly, holding his arms out already.
“Calm down, Mr. Impatient,” I said. When he didn’t move, I passed Emily to him. “Careful—” I warned as she left my arms.
I knew that she was safe with him, but I was already worried. I spent the last nine months with her; even a few seconds without her felt unbearable. I wanted her with me all the time. I felt like I was the only one in the world who could truly protect her, though I knew that wasn’t true. There was a full room of people standing around me that would protect her with their lives. We all felt the same way when Henry was born. I knew that if anything happened to that baby boy, I’d risk my own life to help him— because that was what family did for each other. Seeing the whole team there, smiling at me, Hotch, and baby Emily… I knew that she would always be safe.
“Well, hello, there, precious,” Morgan said to her. She was awake now, and I could see how he was taking in every detail of her. “Hotch, she has your eyes.”
I snickered and reached up to brush Hotch’s hair back. He looked like a mess. I mean, we both did, understandably; but he hardly ever looked disheveled in front of other people. I bet if he knew that his hair was sticking out in all the wrong places, he would’ve been furious. But Morgan was right. She had his eyes. His perfect, dark, chocolaty brown eyes. They were so big, so full of life and curiosity whenever she was awake long enough for me to stare into them. She had Emily’s name, Hotch’s eyes, and she came from me. She was perfect. I could say it all day, every day. She. Was. Perfect.
“I wanna see her,” Garcia told him, approaching his side. She gasped, “Oh, heavens me… Look how cute she is!”
“Hey,” he hissed at her, “she’s trying to sleep.”
“But look at her—”
“Would the two of you stop fighting,” Rossi interrupted, stepping between them. “It’s my turn.” He was practically prying her out of Morgan’s arms just for his chance to hold her. “Morgan’s right, Aaron, she has your eyes… And she has your nose, Y/N.”
Great. I got the nose. Fingers crossed she’d at least end up with my hair. That was a nicer bragging piece than nose.
“What’s her name?” JJ asked, glancing over Rossi’s shoulder to get a look at her.
Hotch and I exchanged a stare. Telling Jack and Jessica was one thing, but telling the team was entirely different. For some reason, the prospect scared me. I was excited to tell them, don’t get me wrong; but I was somewhat terrified that they wouldn’t understand or accept. But as Emily Prentiss once told me: Screw them. If they didn’t like it, screw them. This was my family, my daughter, and the team would get over it if they didn’t like it. I liked it— I loved it; and I loved my daughter. I wasn’t going to change my mind.
“Emily Scarlet Hotchner.”
The whole atmosphere of the room changed. They were all already smiling before I told them, but once it dawned on them that we had named our daughter Emily, their smiles practically doubled. The room brightened, and it was like Emily—the real Emily Prentiss—was out there, watching us, and she was smiling, too. It was moments like these when I remembered Elle’s stories about loved ones turning into stars. I knew that Emily was out there. I knew that she was proud of us, and she was excited that we named our daughter after her. I missed her dearly… I missed her more than anyone could possibly know… But seeing how the room lightened up as our little ray of sunshine started giggling in Rossi’s arms, I knew that everything was going to be okay.
“May I?” I heard Reid ask shyly from the back of the group. Everyone split apart and turned to face him. Rossi nodded. “Thanks.” Reid smiled and carefully took Emily in his arms. And then I heard him let out a quiet sob. He was still smiling, but a tear was slowly sliding down his cheek. “Emily…”
Everyone knew how close Prentiss and Reid were. Morgan and I were close because he was the first person to get to know me when I joined the team, and from there we became partners in the field, and we practically spent every second of every day working and teasing each other. Rossi and Hotch were close because they were old friends who understood the pressures of the job and all of the politics that came with it. They were the best of friends because they were perhaps the only people who could understand the kind of stress they were both under. And they were also the two profilers with the most experience on the team. In the field, that made them valuable. Out of the field, it made them the best of friends. With Reid, he lost practically everyone that meant something to him. First, he was close with Elle, but… She left, and no one was really sure why. So, Reid leaned on Gideon. They were as tight as could be because of their father/son dynamic. Gideon challenged Reid’s intellect, and he was the only one who could actually beat Reid at chess. But then Gideon left, too. Reid only had JJ and Prentiss left. JJ was the one constant in his life, but then she got busy with her family. Prentiss was the only other person Reid had to turn to. She was the only one who hadn’t paired up with someone on the team—and that had a lot to do with the fact that she closed herself off from all of us in order to protect herself. But somehow, she opened up to him. She recognized that he needed someone in his life who would always be there. He needed something more than the big brother attitude Morgan gave him. He needed more than the push back that I supplied. He needed more than the smile that had been slowly fading from Hotch’s face since Haley’s death. Prentiss was there. She could give him that— she did give him that. Then, like everyone else he ever relied on in his life, she was gone.
We all missed Prentiss. We all wished that she could still be with us; that she could be standing next to Reid and Morgan as she smiled and begged to hold my daughter. Whenever I dreamed of this, I imagined Prentiss being there. Her absence was noticeable, and it was painful, but knowing that there was a new Emily there to bring us sunshine even in the darkest of times… I think it broke Reid in a good way.
He and I were never close. We didn’t hate each other, of course, but we didn’t click like I did with Morgan or he did with the rest of the team. It just came down to the fact that we spent most of our time doing wildly different things. He would stay in the offices to build the profiles during cases, meanwhile I’d be out in the field with Morgan trying to connect all of the dots. There just wasn’t much time for me to sit down with Spencer Reid and get to know him. That was no one’s fault. We both recognized that we loved each other, and that we were still family, but we were like those two estranged cousins who didn’t know what to say at family reunions. But the one thing that we did connect through was our heartbreak over Prentiss.
It was a silent thing between us. I would catch him crying in the bathroom on the jet or staring at the wall while whispering her name under his breath or staring at her desk in the bullpen when he was supposed to be doing work. Yet, I never said anything. He caught me doing all the same things, too, when I was still working. Yet, he never said anything either. We were both suffering, and we were doing it alone. We understood that about each other.
But now that he was there, holding baby Emily in his arms, whispering her name over and over again with a hint of hope and love in his voice, I knew that things were going to be okay. I knew that he’d slowly stop crying in the bathroom on the jet because now he’d have a ray of sunshine in his life to remind him of the good that was still in the world. I knew that because he was crying while standing there and holding her in his arms, and yet all he could do was keep smiling and laughing. Hope. Sunshine. Perfection. That was what she was. That was who she was always going to be.
“We’ll, um, let you rest,” Rossi said to me quietly. He patted Spencer’s shoulder before leading the rest of the team out.
“Wait, Morgan—” I stopped him. I looked at Jessica, “Do you mind getting Jack started on his homework?”
She caught the hint quickly. “Sure.” After Hotch let Jack down, Jessica took his hand and started walking out with him.
Reid looked up from Emily to glance at me. “I’ll go, too.” He stepped forward and leaned down slightly to give her back to me. “Could I…” He cleared his throat as he stood tall. “Could I come back later?”
I smiled at him. “Of course.”
He tucked his hair back. “Thanks.”
When Reid left the room, he closed the door behind him. Finally, it was just me, Hotch, Morgan, and Emily.
“We wanted to ask you something kind of important,” I said to Morgan as Hotch leaned down and kissed my temple, still petting my hair soothingly. “You should probably sit down first.”
He did so. “The answer is: no, I will not babysit on Fridays or Saturdays,” Morgan playfully responded before I could even ask him what it really was that Hotch and I had been considering.
I chuckled and hit his arm gently, careful not to move too fast to wake up Emily. Morgan threw his hands up in surrender. My eyes shifted from Morgan to Hotch quickly, a silent question to say: “Are you sure about this?” Hotch nodded and kissed me again. I turned back to Morgan, adjusting Emily in my arms as she started to hiccup again. 
“We’ve been talking about it for a bit now, and we were just wondering if you would like to be her godfather.”
Morgan’s eyes shot wide. He looked between me and Hotch for more answers, or maybe to see if this was all a joke or prank and he was just missing the punchline. There wasn’t any joke, though. We wanted Morgan to be the godfather of our daughter. He was my closest friend, and he always took care of us. I knew that if anything were to happen to me or Hotch, I could trust that Morgan would always be there and he would protect our family with his life. That was how good of a man Derek Morgan was. He saw the value in other people’s happiness and safety, and he made sure that everyone around him was wearing the brightest smile imaginable because that was how he knew he was making a difference. I wanted our child to grow up with Uncle Morgan around. I wanted him to bring a smile to Emily’s face whenever she would start running around the house and he’d go to chase her. I wanted him to bring a smile to her face when he would show up to school events when she got older. I wanted her to know that he was a huge part of my life, and that I wouldn’t trade him for the world. Derek Morgan was the kindest, bravest, and, frankly, sassiest soul I knew. There was no one better for this job than him.
“You don’t have to answer now, if you want to think about—” Hotch began but was cut off by Morgan.
“Of course, I’ll be her godfather.”
I smiled at him. “Really?”
“Yes!” He was a little too loud, making Emily squirm in my arms before I started bouncing her back to sleep. “Sorry,” he whispered, chuckling quietly. He leaned forward in his seat, pressing his chest against the side of the bed, reaching out so that he could grab onto one of Emily’s tiny hands with his index finger and thumb. “I’m going to spoil her.”
I laughed at him. Him and everyone else, it seemed, including me and Hotch.
When the doctors released me from the hospital, Morgan was there to help get us settled back in the house, though we really didn’t need him to be there. While Hotch was worried about me, Morgan was worried about Emily. It was the funniest thing. In the car, Morgan was holding Emily in the backseat, still cooing and baby-talking with her as she giggled and wiggled in his arms. Hotch had one hand on the steering wheel, the other holding mine on the arm rest between us, his thumb rubbing slow circles over my knuckles. Then, when we got home, I took Emily while Morgan and Hotch grabbed the carrier, diapers, food, and all the other bags we had brought with us to the hospital and carried them inside. It was a relief to be home finally. I liked sitting on my own couch, even though Hotch was trying to pull me upstairs to the bed since I was on “bed rest”, according to the doctors. But I was fine where I was. If I went upstairs, I knew that I would inevitably fall asleep, but I didn’t want to yet. I just wanted to hold my daughter in my arms.
Finally, though, about two hours later, after Hotch went to pick up Jack from Jessica’s house, and Morgan left to go take care of Clooney, I headed upstairs. Hotch had put the nursery together, of course, but it seemed that he had put a cradle in our bedroom just in case. Honestly, I was grateful. I wasn’t ready to part from her just yet. And… to be fair, I was sure that she wasn’t ready to part from me yet either, so having a cradle in our room made it easy whenever she would start to cry or scream. It made life easy. Before laying down, I set Emily in the cradle, then just simply… plopped down.
Hotch chuckled at me as he laid down next to me. “You’re gonna get sick of this bed eventually.”
“You’re insane if you think that I’m actually staying here for the next few weeks,” I told him while laying on my side, my back to him.
“And you’re insane if you think I’m not going to make you.”
“Try me.”
“I’ll tie you to the bed.”
“Mhm, sure. Your empty threats mean nothing to me, love of my life.”
Hotch laughed and kissed my cheek. “Mmm, and you, love of my life, are going to stay here and rest until you are all better because you did your job of bringing our perfect daughter into the world, and now it’s my turn to do my job. Got it?”
“I’ll fight you on it when I wake up…” I answered tiredly. He kissed my cheek again before relaxing behind me, wrapping his arms around me so that he could make sure that I was safe and peaceful with him.
I fell asleep almost immediately. Without anyone coming and going, trying to visit me and Emily, I could finally just relax and focus on healing. Hotch was holding me, Emily was asleep, Jack was in his room playing games, and I was absolutely content. Nothing could bother me. I hadn’t even noticed when Hotch slid out of bed because Emily was fussing. I was in the middle of dreaming about Prentiss finding out that we named our daughter after her when it happened, I think. But I only woke up an hour later, and it was natural. No jumping up to calm Emily down, no waking up suddenly when there was a knock at the door from a visitor, and no worries about work and the team.
When I happened to notice that Hotch was gone, that was when I sat up in order to get a good look at the room. He had closed the drapes to make sure it was dark for me, and the door was locked to make sure that Jack couldn’t disturb me, and Emily was gone from her crib. I cocked a brow. Had he taken her to her nursery? Did she get hungry, so he made his way downstairs with her to heat up some breastmilk? I didn’t understand.
I rolled out of bed, then opened the door so that I could go check the nursery and Jack’s room first. Nothing. Both were empty. Confusion struck me, so I turned to make my way downstairs, and what I found made my heart swell. I could see the back of Hotch’s head as he was sitting on the couch, looking down at something. When I moved closer, I saw Emily in his arms, sucking on a bottle. I smiled.
“You are always so hungry,” he said quietly to her. “I can tell that you’re already going to be a handful for me and your mom.” She reached up for his face, to which he leaned down and kissed her itty-bitty fingers. “Especially if Uncle Morgan’s always around…” he chuckled. “He’s a troublemaker, and so is Mom, so… you’ll grow up to be a lil’ trickster, too, I’m sure.”
I shuffled closer. “You okay in here?” I asked, leaning in to kiss the top of his head.
He craned his neck after I moved away to get a good look at me. “Yeah. She started crying, which I figured was because she was just hungry. I didn’t want her to wake you up, so I brought her down here, and we’ve just been hanging out.” He looked at her again. She reached up to touch him again as he pulled the bottle away because she needed to breathe. “Jack’s outside playing soccer.”
I nodded as I sat down beside him. “How long has he been out there?”
“About twenty minutes.”
“Are you worried?”
“No. I think he’s just bored.”
I ran my hand through his hair. “We can’t let him feel neglected. We have to really keep an eye on him.”
“I know.”
“Do you want me to feed her while you go play with him?”
He shook his head. “Not yet. I want you to just have a break for a little longer.”
I rested my head on his shoulder. “This is perfect.”
“I know.”
And that was how the next few days went. Every time Emily started crying, I made a move to help her, but Hotch insisted that I just stay in bed and rest. Arguing with him was futile. At one point, I tried getting smart by offering to take turns looking after her—and Hotch gave in at first. I managed to get to her once in order to coo her back to sleep, but after that, Hotch just kept beating me to it.
Not to mention, Hotch had decided after bringing me and the baby home that he was going to take time off of work in order to look after us. He was so overdramatic. I didn’t need a babysitter. Yeah, I was tired, but I could look after my daughter during the day while he was supposed to be gone at work. But he was adamant.
Finally, when I started feeling suffocated in our bedroom—and in the house, in general—I asked Hotch if we could visit the team at the office. He tried lying that they were gone on a case, but Morgan via text disproved that. Sucker. He really had no choice but to take me in. Honestly. If he didn’t drive me there, I was going to do it myself one way or another; and he knew it. So, we swaddled the baby in a blanket, put a beanie on her head, made sure we had a full bag of toys, pacifiers, diapers, and food. She fell asleep in the carrier before we even made it to the car. Babies. She was lucky I loved her, otherwise I would’ve been furious about the fact that she could cry and scream, ruining mine and Hotch’s whole day, then just fall back asleep like nothing happened.
When we arrived at Quantico, I unbuckled my seat and beat Hotch to the carrier, reaching to pick Emily up out of it instead of schlepping the whole thing with us through security. On our way in, we ran into Anderson. I stopped and smiled at him. He stopped, too, and he turned with a bright face that welcomed the newest member of the BAU family. As she started fussing in my arms, Anderson approached to come say hi.
“Look at her,” he said, wiggling his finger in her face playfully. “What’s her name?”
“Emily,” I answered.
He looked up at me with the same wide, yet still shocked smile that everyone had when I told them that news. He smiled back down at her. “Wow.”
“And you’re feeling alright and everything?”
“As well as I can be,” I responded through an exhausted chuckle. “The plan is to get back to work as soon as possible, though.”
He stood up tall and switched the files in his left hand to his right hand. “That’s good. We miss seeing you around the office.”
“You’re not getting rid of me that easily, Anderson.” I started walking towards the front door that Hotch was holding open.
“Wouldn’t dream of it!” he called to me while backpedaling into the parking lot. “I’ll see you around.” He waved to us before turning to head to his car.
Hotch led me through the lobby and security, stopping long enough for the guards we knew to say hi to me and the baby while congratulating us. It was so… weird to have people coming up and congratulating us for something that was just a little piece of each of us. I mean, no one patted us on the back for the first part, which was the sex. In fact, most people seemed to forget that was how this happened in the first place. To each their own, I supposed, though.
In the elevator, Hotch rested his hand on the small of my back, tucking me against his side so that he could kiss my temple. He was never, ever this handsy at work. At least, not in this way. There were moments of weakness with the two of us, like the jet ride that I would never forget on the way to St. Louis three years ago; as well as when he held my hand under the roundtable just a few months ago as we sat around worrying about Prentiss. I pushed off the thought.
As the doors to the elevator opened, Hotch and I stepped out onto the sixth floor, immediately being greeted by Rossi, Reid, and JJ who had been waiting around for us. Hotch must have let Dave know that we were on our way. Within an instant, Reid stepped forward and asked if he could hold her, just as he had always raced to volunteer for. Spencer was twenty-seven already, and it seemed sometimes like life was passing by him even though he didn’t want it to, even though he would have been the best partner for someone and an even better father. There was something about watching him with Emily that reminded me just how much I wanted to see him succeed in life. Out of everyone on the team, Reid was the one person besides Morgan who was constantly asking to hold Emily or see pictures of her from Hotch because he just couldn’t get enough of her. I knew in that moment that he was going to be the best father one day.
Suddenly, the glass doors of the BAU opened, revealing Derek Morgan and Penelope Garcia who had just become aware of mine and Emily’s presence in the lobby that they had not been made aware of sooner. I could see the hurt on Morgan’s face from across the room. Despite that, however, I smirked at him and took Emily back from Reid carefully because I knew what was coming.
“Everyone, move!” Morgan exclaimed, pushing through the crowd. “I want to see my goddaughter.”
I chuckled and already started holding her out so that Morgan could take her when he was finally standing in front of me. His tunnel vision was focused solely on her as he smiled and cradled her in his arms. He cooed and used his baby-talk voice to tease her. While he wiggled his finger in her face to see her struggle to grab it with her tiny hands, Garcia leaned over his shoulder to watch.
“How are you feeling?” JJ asked me.
“Tired,” I admitted with an exhausted laugh. She nodded knowingly. “Hotch has been good, though,” I complimented, reaching out to run my hands through his hair. He blushed at me while wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me close. “He’s probably more tired than I am.”
He nodded. “Probably. But it’s worth it.” He leaned in and kissed my cheek.
“You two are disgustingly adorable,” Garcia teased giddily.
Hotch and I chuckled.
“So, I get her on weekends, right?” Morgan teased.
I furrowed my brows. “I don’t recall making any kind of custody agreement.”
“Sundays?” he bargained.
“Sunday afternoons.”
Morgan smiled down at baby Emily. “I’ll take what I can get.” He gave her a light eskimo kiss, their noses touching as they both giggled. “I love you.” Garcia scoffed and hit Morgan’s arm. Morgan looked at her with wide eyes. “Baby girl, you know you’re my forever love, but… look at her.”
Garcia wiggled her finger in Emily’s face, too. “You’re right.”
“I love you,” Hotch whispered directly into my ear, just barely loud enough for me to hear.
I turned my face to look at him with a smile that was so thankful for everything he had been doing for me and our baby over the past few days. “I love you, too.” I leaned up on my toes and kissed him.
criminal minds family: @peggy1999 @gorgeousdarkangel @alex--awesome--22 @oceaneblu @brithedemonspawn @absolutemarveltrash @bshelley322 @rousethemouse @desperately-bisexual​  @sunshinepower17​ @weexinling​ @pettttyyyc​ @Braty-angel
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Tell Me No Secrets: Chapter 8
Pairing: Steve Harrington X Reader X Billy Hargrove
Begins in Season 2.
Summary: You thought you escaped the world of science experiments and torture when you walk out of that lab. However, high school has other plans, somehow you end up as unlikely friends and love interests to the two most desired boys in school. Not to mention monsters from another dimension and a little girl named El from your past that just won’t seem to leave you alone. Maybe that lab wasn’t as bad as you thought, at least there people left you alone.
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The Complication
You could feel the agitation rolling off of you in waves. After explaining to everyone that you’ve been followed for the past few days by an agent everyone had thoroughly freaked out like you knew they would. The anger was unexplainable and seemed to come out of nowhere and the pacing is the only way to keep yourself under control. 
‘This is why I like to handle things myself,’ you think as you continue to pace. The room was still full of your friends as they argued about what the best course of action would be. It started with a guard detail and now Dustin is suggesting some kind of elaborate security device. 
You whip around to walk the other way when a sharp pain goes up your side. You cry out, startling everyone in the room as you sink to the floor half in surprise and half in actual pain. Another sharp pain follows quickly after and again and again, before you know it you are curled up on the floor attempting to protect yourself from the phantom assault. A sob wracks your body as you actually feel one of your ribs crack a sharp pain pierces your hand and your nose. A few minutes later the assault is done and you just lay in a heap, your body throbbing and everyone in the room in various stages of panic and chaos. 
You lay still and suddenly your vision is blurry and you are gazing at a living room you’ve never seen before. A man is casually leaning against the counter as you drag yourself up and shuffle to the bathroom. You lay your head against the door, the cool wood feels good against your forehead. You don’t pay attention to anyone, it’s not until Steve puts a hesitant hand on your arm that you are brought back to the room around you. You blink taking in the familiar couch and the familiar faces of your friends. You flinch away from him and he backs up hands in the air. 
“It’s okay…”
You shake your head and get unsteadily to your knees your hands go to your throbbing nose when you pull away you expect to see blood but there is nothing there. You blink in surprise before you press on your rib expecting pain, but there isn’t anything there other than a phantom throbbing. 
“What happened?” you ask shakily.
“We were kinda hoping you could tell us that…” Steve says hesitantly. 
“I don’t know…”
“What do you mean you don’t know?” questions Hopper’s tight voice. 
You gaze down at the floor before you glance up at Max, “What does your living room look like?”
“Huh? Why?”
“Just… what does it look like?” you ask again as you put your hand to your head attempting to soothe your throbbing head.
She begins to describe the beige walls and the TV in the corner. The window that opens up to the kitchen. You gaze unseeingly at the carpet as you recall every detail about what just happened to you. 
“I see…” you say before you stumble to your feet with Steve and Melanie on either side to steady you before you walk wordlessly to your bedroom. 
“Okay… what just happened here?” questions Hopper as he gazes at where you just were. 
“We don’t know…” sigh Melanie, “She did that the other night.”
“When?” questions Elle. 
“A few nights ago… I-I don’t remember exactly when…”
You can still feel the residual pain aching in your muscles as the water from the shower beats down on you. You don’t feel like dealing with anyone as you ponder what you think is happening. You inhale a shaky breath as you picture the living room and man leaning casually against the wall watching you get up. There is no emotion, dead eyes watch you as you make your way towards the bathroom. A moment later water is scalding your skin as you gaze around at the green tiles surrounding you, with a blink you are back in your own shower. Groaning you force yourself from the shower and into bed hoping against hope that you are able to get a good night’s sleep. You have a feeling you are going to need it for tomorrow. 
The next morning dawns and before you can even think of riding your bike to school Steve is in your driveway and much to your surprise so is Dustin.
“Why are you here?” You ask in confusion as you lock the door behind you.
“I’m taking you to school, it’s too dangerous for you to ride your bike there,” says Steve as he crosses his arms. 
“He’s right! You need protection,” interjects Dustin.
You furrow your brow at the duo in confusion, “Okay…” Mostly because you know that attempting to argue with them at seven o’clock in the morning is far more hassle than it’s worth. Also, you decide not to mention that you are more than capable of dealing with anyone that comes your way, but they enjoy being heroes and who are you to take that from them? Plus you simply don’t feel like riding your bike today. 
When you pull into the parking lot at school you don’t think much of the fact that Steve gave you a ride until you get out of his car. You feel eyes on you instantly as whispers flare up all around you. A particular pair of blue eyes catch yours though. 
“What do you think she’s doing with Steve?”
“Wasn’t she with Billy last week?”
“What are they doing with the freak?”
“What do they see in her?”
“It has to be a bet! You know they’ve been competing for King status…”
“Has to be a bet.”
“Hey! Don’t listen to them okay?” You hear Steve’s voice in your ear suddenly. 
You whip your head around to face him and notice the way his hand is on the small of your back and the way he guides you into the school. 
You blink attempting to refocus yourself as you try to block everyone out. You don’t have time for their rumors, you have more important things to do. You wave Steve off when you get to your locker insisting that you would be okay. 
“Are you sure?” he asks in concern as he leans against your locker door, his eyes searching yours. You are beginning to understand why so many females like Steve. He has the uncanny ability to make himself look like a puppy and is quite endearing if not a little slow. 
“I’m fine, Steve, I’ve somehow managed to survive without you my entire life up until now. I think I can handle first period.”
“I just…”
“Go!” you shoo him away much to the scandal of the female population that was trying not to be obvious they were eavesdropping and even more so for the ones who didn’t care if you knew they were. 
You don’t see Steve again until lunch when he plops himself down in the chair next to you. 
“So… How are you doing?” asks Steve as he pours little packets of hot sauce on his burrito.
You roll your eyes, “I’m fine Steve…”
He doesn’t look convinced as he regards you with concern, “Yesterday was pretty intense…”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you say coldly. 
Steve has become rather bold rather quickly because he doesn’t seem to care whether or not you want to talk about it, “Maybe you should though! You should talk about it!”
“What good would that do?” you ask seriously as you attempt to concentrate on your math homework. 
“You were scared… Hell, I was scared! You just started to scream and writhing in pain for NO REASON.”
“Would you keep your voice down!” You ask in an angry whisper, “Everyone at this school already thinks I’m some kind of freak, I would rather possession not be added to the rumor mill, especially when it involves both you and Billy.”
“Sorry! Geeze! I’m just trying to help!” he hisses back at you. 
You fix him with an angry stare, “Perhaps in private would be better, you never know who is listening.”
“Ah… right…” he looks thoroughly chastised as the two of you make your way out of the cafeteria and to your science class. 
“We still need to work on our project…” Steve grumbles as you both pile yourselves into the classroom. 
“We can finish it up tomorrow after school,” you say decisively.
“Tomorrow? Why not tonight?”
“I have things to take care of tonight.”
“What things?” He asks almost defensively.
“Things that don’t concern you,” you mutter emotionlessly.
“Hey! You aren’t going after any more-” he asks, clearly offended.
“Steve!” You growl.
He lowers his voice to a whisper as he leans in, “-any more of those guys are you?”
“No… this has nothing to do with that…”
“You know friends trust one another right?” he asks in annoyance. 
“Then you should trust me,” you say calmly as you look towards the front of the classroom as your teacher enters the room. 
You hear him scoff from beside you, but you decide to ignore him, mostly because you know it annoys him when you do. 
You can feel Billy’s gaze on you as you read the assigned material for your English class. Agaitiation rolls off of him in waves as you attempt to ignore him, but how can you when you know what you know?
It’s when the bell rings that a message floats between the two of you, landing softly in his mind, “Meet me behind the school.”
His eyes widen as he gazes at you like you are out of some horror movie, but you ignore the way the shock travels up his body and ricochets through his mind. A few minutes later you are standing before him as he leans against the wall.
“What’s this about?” he asks confidently, his voice doesn’t reflect the fear in his mind. 
“Lift up your shirt,” you say while crossing your arms. 
“Sweetheart if this is what you wanted all along…”
“No. Now lift up your shirt,” you say emotionlessly.
He rolls his shoulder and his jaw before he straightens, “What if I don’t want to.”
You tilt your head to the side, “What happened last night?”
He leans his head back and regards you with narrowed eyes, “That’s none of your business.”
“It’s my business when I’m a crumpled heap on the floor of my own house,” his eyes widen at your statement, “Now, lift up your shirt,” you say forcefully.
He holds your gaze as he angrily untucks his shirt from his too-tight jeans and pulls it up to reveal black and blue ribs. His side is all manner of colors some bruises are almost healed while others are fresh. 
Shame sets you on fire as you regard him and it takes you a moment to realize that shame doesn’t belong to you. 
You merely nod at him, “Thank you.”
He drops his shirt back down and refuses to look at you. His shame is replaced with anger, mostly because he doesn’t know what else to do with himself. 
“Oh yeah! And what’s that gonna do huh?! You think you can fix this shit?! Fix my fuckin life?!”
“You would be surprised at what I can do…”
He snaps his head up to look at you his breath catching in his throat. 
“Let’s go,” you say as you breeze past him into the school.
“Where?” he asks bewildered.
“To take care of this.”
His whips around as the door goes to slam in his face, he catches it at the last second as he attempts to tuck his shirt back in before following you down the hallway. 
The ride to Billy’s house is silent as he chain-smokes cigarettes, the smoke flying out the open window. The ride is loose and fast and despite the fact that he wants you scared, you know better than to actually be. He pulls into the driveway and the two of you make your way up to the front door. You look around at the perfectly manicured yard before you enter the living room you were in last night. 
“He uh… won’t be home for a couple of hours…”
“It’s fine, I can wait,” you say calmly while you pull out the book your class is reading for English. 
“So you can really do it huh?” he asks as he sits down next to you on the couch. His elbows are on his knees and his hands have formed a fist under his chin. He’s wound as tightly as a wire about to snap. 
You regard him quietly for a moment before you answer, “Yes, I can.”
“How?” his voice is rough as if he is holding back tears.
“You shouldn’t ask questions you don’t actually want answers to.”
He glances at you out of the corner of his eyes before he gets up and lights another cigarette taking a long drag. 
“You should do the reading,” you murmur softly.
“What? Why?” He asks, almost outraged you would suggest such a thing. 
“It would be best if he thought us to be working on an assignment.”
He nods absentmindedly before he puts the cigarette out and reaches for his bag. He pulls the book out and settles down to read it, but even though his eyes are moving he isn’t comprehending anything. After staring at the same page for several minutes he closes the book harshly and slams it down next to him on the couch. He runs his hands through his hair messing it up before he inhales a large breath then exhales. You watch him while he does all this in mild confusion. 
“Do you doubt me?” You ask calmly.
He lets out a forced laugh as he shakes his head, “I don’t know what to think sweetheart.”
He looks up at you and his eyes lock with yours. They are a deep blue and remind you of the turbulent sea in a hurricane, this time though you think you can see a little bit of sun hidden in the depths. As if for once he has hope.  
The door opens almost violently and if you hadn’t felt the waves of anger rolling off of the male before he made his way into the house you would have been startled. 
“What’s going on here?” Billy’s father asks, you see right through his forced cheery facade and see for what it is a very dangerous question. 
“We were just uhh…” Billy stalls in shock, clearly not expecting him yet. 
“Working on an English assignment, we were paired up in class,” you finish easily for Billy regarding the man before you carefully. 
“Right…” Billy trails off looking anywhere but at his father. 
“I see… Will she be staying for dinner?” He asks, completely ignoring you. 
“No, our assignment shouldn’t take that long,” you say calmly before you dutifully go back to your book. 
‘Assignment my ass… Like I’m going to believe this isn’t his next whore…’ The thought flits across your mind, but you just keep your face blank giving nothing away. 
Billy catches your eye looking nauseous. You merely nod your head towards the book before you go back to your own. 
You hear the heavy boots of his father as he walks into the kitchen but you make no move to do anything. 
Billy’s leg begins to bounce with his nerves. 
Abruptly you stand and regard the man as he returns from changing from his work clothes. He stalls in the hall and just looks down at you in confusion. 
“You’re going to stop hurting Billy. You will not hurt anyone in this family,” you say seriously, the order hanging in the air. “If I find out you’ve hurt any of them there will be consequences. Now you are going to forget this conversation ever happened.”
His eyes are blank and unseeing as you turn back to a bewildered Billy. 
“That’s it?” He asks in bewilderment. 
“Yes,” you say calmly, “I would like to go home now.”
He blinks up at in confusion.
“You have to take me there,” you supply in place of his obvious confusion.
“How do I know this worked?!” he asks in bewilderment. 
“You don’t… yet. Also, don’t say anything to anyone,” he blinks at the order vaguely wondering if you used your power on him. 
With that, you turn and walk out the door with a very confused Billy following dutifully after you. 
The next morning, before you even step out of your front door, you can hear the arguing. 
You roll your eyes as you gaze between Steve and Billy with Dustin and Max standing off to either side, both looking equally exasperated by their ride to school. 
“Why are you both here?” you ask in annoyance regarding them both with crossed arms and narrowed eyes. 
“I”m taking you to school!” They chorus before they return their glares back to one another.
“This is becoming excessive…” you murmur more so to yourself than the group surrounding you.
“Look, you don’t need to be riding your bike to school with…” Steve trails off looking imploringly at Billy.
“What? What’s going on?!” asks Billy in obvious annoyance around the cigarette between his lips. 
“Nothing that concerns you…” you say regarding Billy calmly. 
“You heard her! Nothing that concerns you!” Steve echos tauntingly. 
“Enough, Steve,” you reprimand. 
Billy scoffs from your other side, “You heard her Harrington, enough,” he says with a triumphant smirk. 
Steve whips around in a fighting stance to regard Billy.
“ENOUGH! Both of you!” you exclaim in annoyance, “I don’t know what’s gotten into either of you, but I can take care of myself just fine. I’ve been doing it for a long time.”
“Yeah,  but that doesn’t answer the question of who’s taking you to school, sweetheart?” Billy interjects indicating the two cars before you. 
“Who was here first?” you ask in annoyance. 
“I was!” They both chorus and you just cross your arms with a sigh.
You look to Max and Dustin for the answer and Max raises her hand, “We were here first.”
You nod decisively, “Billy can take me to school, Steve, you can take me home, okay?”
Billy smirks triumphantly and Steve just regards you in surprised betrayal. 
“But it’s Hargrove! What if his bad driving kills you?!” Steve yells in annoyance. 
“Billy has been giving me many rides to and from school, I’ll be fine.”
“He has?!” Steve asks following you to the passenger door of Billy’s car.
“Yes Steve, he has, long before you did,” you say patiently. 
Steve just squeaks in indignation as you shut the door effectively ending the conversation. 
Flying down the road towards school Billy has a Cheshire grin on his face, “You know you could have just told Harrington you wanted me to take you…”
You glance at Billy out of the corner of your eye, “I honestly didn’t care either way.”
“Sure sweetheart… Sure…” he says with confidence dripping from his voice. 
Max scoffs in the back seat, “You know she’s too smart for you right?”
“What did you say?” he growls back. 
As the siblings begin to bicker back and forth you notice it, the buzzing.
“Quiet both of you!” you exclaim shutting them both up momentarily.
“Don’t tell-”
“Hush!” you exclaim the order hanging in the air as you turn your head this way and that trying to get a read on the buzzing in your head. 
Your eyes widen as it starts getting stronger and there you see a vehicle sitting at the intersection not fifty feet away clearly waiting for someone. You narrow your eyes as you regard the car. 
“Billy,” you murmur turning to look him in the eyes, “Floor it, if they catch us we might as well be dead.”
He just nods, the barest hint of fear in his eyes as he lays his foot down on the gas pedal, his car roaring to life.
Notes: I know it’s been forever and day actually since I updated this but I love it very much! Please drop some love and tell me what you think. Also, I intend to redo the taglist for this story since it’s been so long. So if you would like to be tagged please send me an ask! 
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pergaias · 3 years
excerpts from books i’ll never write ; ii
the varying lengths of these excerpts mess with me  and my perfectionism istf - some are long, like this one, others are short, but hey - all of them lead to the same place. nowhere. 
this is the entire first chapter of a story that i will never finish so um - enjoy ?
title: checkmate word count: 3030
“VENETIA VERNE, INTERN FOR The White Knight Herald.”
Venetia Verne was done. Done with her job-- being a reporter only sounded fun in theory-- done with her outfit-- what in the world was she thinking-- and of course, done with Octavia Tyrell.
Tavi. Her buttercup. 
Venetia was pretty sure her eyes were so swollen that her cry-fest would be painfully obvious, and was also pretty much positive that she looked like a wreck. 
Not even the fancy perfume she stole from Octavia last night would mask the smell of abject heartbreak.
Seventeen years old but acting twenty-three, Venetia always prided herself for being mature, collected, and a total bitch. 
Of course, the bitch part was usually used affectionately-- Tavi had always called her you bitch! as an endearment, just like the way Venetia used to squeeze her hand and whisper buttercup.
Seventeen years old, but acting twelve when it came to breakups.
“Right this way, Miss Verne,” a female assistant led her across the hall, and Venetia surreptitiously straightened her skirt out. She had chosen a dove-colored skirt and a very vintage white blouse-- vintage chic had always been her style, even though Tavi always pushed for her to look more preppy-glam.
As if. Octavia managed to look like Elle Woods but black-and-white. Venetia was stuck as a Forties poster ad.
“Thank you,” Venetia tried for a smile, but it came out vaguely grimace-like. Had she spent all night crying? Possibly. Was she tired of life, the universe, and everything? Also possibly.
For the record, the answer was not forty-two. Screw the flying dolphins and their musical number about fish.
The assistant nodded, her hair in a bun so tight that Venetia’s scalp sympathized. “Our director is quite excited to meet you, Miss Verne-- he says you’re the best in your generation, and our boss at the Herald has never been more excited about a high school prospect-- you must be doing something right.”
Venetia tried for another smile, but this one looked like a leer. The assistant smiled sympathetically, her heels clicking rhythmically against the tiled floor of the building. She was probably tired of everything, too-- the office had the feel of a morgue. 
As Venetia trailed behind her, her mind kept wandering to Tavi’s coily dark hair, her rich laugh, the way her brown eyes caught the light and turned to gold. Tavi’s lips on the other boy’s, her hands reaching up his shirt--
Venetia broke off. Octavia didn’t know she saw-- to Octavia, everything was still all well and good. Of course, Tavi was used to having everything she wanted. Spoiled, rich, princess bastard--
“We’re here, sweetie,” the assistant motioned to an imposing-looking door, a slightly condescending note to her voice. 
“I appreciate the concern, but it’s Venetia, love.” Venetia allowed herself a smirk at the now-shellshocked assistant before opening the door herself.
Venetia Verne had no interest in being polite or heterosexual. 
“Hi, Dad,” Venetia deadpanned, plopping down in front of the central feature of the office-- a heavy, fancy desk-- and all but putting her feet up. Today was just punch after punch after punch-- of course, Venetia could have rescheduled, but all that bitch energy had to go somewhere, right?
“Venetia.” Cyprian Jung looked no different from the day he divorced her mother, choosing a career and a fancy business conglomerate instead of a wife and tenacious daughter.
Let’s face it. Venetia was still just a little bit bitter. Just a little. 
“Hi. Venetia Verne, intern for the White Knight Herald.” Venetia kept her coy smile, putting emphasis on her mother’s surname. “My final high school project involves me reporting on the crimes of--”
“You’re reporting on the crimes of the White Queen?” her father’s face snapped up, dark hair and hawkish nose and slanted eyes the color of pond scum. 
“Yes,” Venetia said primly, her eyes narrowing. 
“Venetia, sweetheart,” 
“Don’t sweetheart me.” 
“Venetia what, Father?”
“Venetia, do you know why I let you interview me?” Cyprian sighed, stroking his nonexistent beard with two fingers. Like, if he actually had one, Venetia was so going to pull an Aang-and-Firelord-Ozai and yank him down by the stupid goatee.
Think calm thoughts, Ven. Less violent, more… Passive-aggressive? Put salt in his coffee instead of sugar?
“Because, like you said. I’m the best of my generation.” Venetia’s gray-green eyes glittered. “And as we both know, the pen is greater than the sword.”
“What do you need to know?” 
AS HARD AS IT may be to believe, Cyprian Jung wasn’t always a douche CEO and The Worst Father of the Year. 
Once upon a time, Cyprian might have been Venetia’s favorite person in the world-- but Venetia always skips over that information, and more often than not, likes to pretend that her father didn’t exist. 
Because being raised by a single badass mother sounded a lot cooler than “yeah, my dad decided that his business was a better child than I was, lolol”
But when an new upstart reporter’s article landed on his desk one drizzly Monday morning, Cyprian was shocked to realize that his very gay, very disappointing daughter was the one who wrote it.
Now, we can go two directions here. We can say that Cyprian was so proud and so moved by his daughter’s shrewd reporting skills and her article, or we can say that Cyprian saw something in his daughter that he realized he could exploit, like any good, cunning businessman.
Venetia Verne, who looked-- and acted-- nothing like her father (who seemingly embodied every single fucking Asian stereotype-- how did he even do that?) was proud that she was her mother's daughter.
She hated every resemblance she had with Cyprian, of which she unfortunately had a multitude.
And here comes the plot twist: Cyprian Jung, even though he seemed like he didn’t care for his daughter at all, did. 
That was why he called her into his office on an unnaturally-bright Saturday, the day after Venetia and her girlfriend went to a Friday night house party and Venetia stumbled in on her girlfriend in the middle of a hot make-out sesh with a boy.
And before Venetia turned to her mother for advice on her problem, and before she decided to become who she wanted to be for herself, her father would do one good thing for her.
And it would be the only good thing that Venetia would ever, grudgingly, accept that he did.
VENETIA CAME BACK FROM her interview with her father a little satisfied and a little angry. 
Satisfied because she had the outline for her next article all set out and ready to go-- complete with quotes from her father about the White Queen-- and angry for two reasons. 
One, because her father really thought that way? Screw him. 
And two, because Venetia had always gone to lunch on Saturdays with Octavia at their favorite boba shop, munching on Taiwanese food and complaining about how difficult ‘life-ing’ was. Octavia had always managed to make Cyprian (and her own father’s) bigoted ideals about feminism (and gay culture, honestly) seem funny.
Venetia pressed her lips into a tighter line as she finally got out of her father’s ice-cold office building and onto the street, where the motion and movement of the city slowed, if not stilled, her thoughts.
Her flat shoes dragged against the gritty pavement as Venetia trudged towards, actually, Venetia didn’t know where she was going. She just kept walking, her bag over her shoulder and one hand brushing against the folds of her skirt.
Venetia hated not having purpose. Saturdays were hard because those were the days that lacked the most schedule-- school days had school, with designated wake-up and go-the-fuck-to-sleep times. Saturdays were full of freedom, and Venetia Verne didn’t know what to do with it.
So she continued walking, wishing that she had something to do. There was always lunch with Tavi to look forward to, or thrift shopping if she wanted. She could walk around the city aimlessly, or she could go home and mope around--
In her bag, her phone buzzed insistently. Only one person ever texted and didn’t call-- Tavi.
Tears burned the backs of Venetia’s eyes, and a lump formed in her throat. Octavia was probably calling wondering why she wasn’t at the shop yet, knowing about her girlfriend’s affinity for punctuality and structure. 
Octavia was just going to ignore it.
She didn’t confess to a fuming-but-hiding-it Venetia last night that she had cheated, nor had she acted any differently. With her cheerful I love you, bitch and her insistent flirting with anyone who spared her an appreciative glance but her fake assurances that she was Venetia’s and Venetia’s alone.
Venetia’s fingers tightened around the material of her skirt, twisting the fabric until she was positive the texture would be printed onto her fingers. Her calculating eyes swept over the people around her, dresses in shades of black and white and navy. All business suits or pencil skirts.
Her phone buzzed again, and Venetia ignored it further. 
If Octavia was going to ignore the elephant in the room, Venetia sure as hell wasn’t going to point it out. She remembered the way her stomach had dropped when she pushed the door open looking for her jacket, the way that outrage pulsed through her veins, tempered by shattering disappointment. 
If Venetia had marched in and screamed at Octavia, what would it have changed? Tavi was used to getting everything she wanted. 
So Venetia had gently shut the door and crashed into a different-- thankfully unoccupied room-- and splashed her face with the coldest tap water she could get, staring directly at the bathroom light so she wouldn’t cry. 
Venetia hated crying, hated showing any form of vulnerability. Because Venetia Verne was a sphynx, carved out of stone. Her father had always called her Sphynx, because when she was upset she tended to not show it. 
Well, Venetia’s resting bitch face was downright legendary.
If Venetia had said something, what would it have changed? Octavia, skillful with words, would have laughed and said that her girlfriend was drunk, or sleep-deprived, or both. 
And Venetia knew that she herself would have believed it. 
Octavia could paint pictures with words in a way that Venetia had never seen before-- and her mother was a supervillain. 
And that was the other reason why she was angry.
Because her mother was the White Queen, and her father’s opinion made her blood boil.
It really puts opinions into perspective when people are ignorant: if you uploaded a picture of yourself to an internet forum-- not saying that it was yourself-- and asked people to describe it, what would they say?
Venetia’s phone kept buzzing.
Her fist kept clenching.
And the spiral-- no, noose-- of her thoughts tightened. 
“OKAY, AM I ALLOWED to be done with this?” Venetia fumed to her secondary best friend Gray, who Venetia was positive was sick of her. She only came running over to the mild Australian boy when she lost another of her friends, and ditching him once she made a new one. If Venetia wasn’t such a heartless bitch, she would have felt bad for the way she treated him.
“Yes, you are,” Gray said patiently, trailing meekly behind her.
 “Well, good,” Venetia snapped, storming through the halls of the local high school.
The rest of her dreary Saturday had come and gone in a whirl of anger-grief-bitching-stress eating, and Sunday the same. 
“Hey, Ashie!” Venetia was in a seriously pissy mood, and decided then and there that she was going to call everyone by obnoxious nicknames only that day. Asheton Shore, who adamantly went by Shore, was her first victim.
“It’s Shore!” the boy bellowed.
Behind her, Venetia heard Gray scurry behind a wall of imposing-looking seniors. “Ashie,” Venetia drawled, walking closer to him. Her skirt swished with each step she took-- while Asheton Shore’s close companion Maeren Sepia liked vintage too, Venetia always secretly knew that her style was better.
“Fruck,” Shore muttered-- no, it was Ashie, Venetia told herself firmly. 
“Come on, Venetia.” Gray was back, his eyes shifting around nervously as he carefully took her by the arm and steered her away.
“Damn it,” Venetia hissed, digging her fingers into the material of her skirt. 
“Okay, I know you’re--” Gray cringed, “bitching about the whole Octavia thing, but--”
“You can say the word bitch, Gray.”
“I don’t want to call you a bitch, Ven.”
“Oh my fucking god, Gray. When you think of the word bitch you should think of my face.”
“I don’t like cursing.”
“Fuck that.”
“I don’t like you.”
“Right back at you, Gray.”
“You’re such a bitch.”
Venetia huffed; Gray bit his lip, sighing. Yes, he was very much done with Venetia and her bullshit. Venetia herself was done with Venetia and her bullshit. 
Like Ashie, Gray went exclusively by his last name. Then again, when you had a name like Devlin-Tibereus, you wanted to purge that name from your memory. And ‘Asheton’ didn’t even seem so bad if you had the misfortune of being named Devlin-Tiberius Gray-- the Second.
And no, Venetia was not allowed to call him Take Two.
“Come on, we’re going to be late to class.” Gray was tugging at her sleeve insistently. Sometimes Venetia thought of him as an insistent-yet-adorable puppy, the kind that was a total sweetheart until they gave up and peed on your carpet.
“I wanna ditch,” muttered Venetia, who was very acutely aware that Octavia would be attending the same class. 
And even though Venetia spent a weekend moping around mooching off of Octavia’s Netflix and eating half-melted ice cream, ghosting Octavia when she tried to call, and doing everything except think about Octavia-- which was a form of thinking about it-- she wasn’t ready to face her. 
At all. 
Gray blew out a breath-- yes, he was very, very sick of her already.
“Let’s ditch.” Gray said suddenly, planting his feet and nearly throwing Venetia off-balance. 
Venetia gaped. “Where the fuck is Gray and what did you do with him, Take Two?”
“I am not take two! Ven, how many times do I have to tell you? Come on, let’s ditch.”
“You’re finally speaking sense, Gray.” Venetia patted his back appreciatively as they blew past the classroom they were supposed to be in and towards the exit. “About time.”
Gray smiled, flashing his elusive dimples. “No shit.”
“SO,” VENETIA SAID LAMELY, her feet dragging against the dusty pavement as she and Gray trudged away from the school, casting furtive looks over their shoulders to make sure that they weren’t being followed. “How’s Teddy? Do people still get to call her Taffy?”
“Taffy’s fine,” Gray said, and didn’t elaborate. Venetia didn’t press-- she knew she was already pressing her luck with her friend-- if Gray could even call her that-- by dragging him with her.
Teddy-- or Theodosia-Amélie Frances Gray-- was Gray’s little sister, who was affectionately called ‘Taffy’ by her close friends and family. Venetia wasn’t sure if she fell in that category, but like most only children, she had a fascination with siblings.
Like how both Gray and Teddy had the same smile and mousy hair and dimples, but they shared different things with their parents, like how Gray and his mother had the same nose but Teddy had the same pattern of freckles across her cheeks.
“That’s nice. Where do you want to go, coffee?” Venetia asked, and suddenly laughed. Out here there was no Octavia, no pressure, no teachers breathing down her neck as she struggled through trigonometry. 
Gray’s elusive dimples flashed. “Coffee sounds nice-- as does the idea of ditching, honestly-- and you can rant to me about Octavia. You know, you shouldn’t call her Octavia or Tavi. What about Tyrell?”
“Why shouldn’t I call her Octavia?” Venetia asked, bemused. 
“I don’t know!” Gray grinned. “Maybe… I don’t know, Octavia sounds too nice. I’d say ‘call her a bitch’--”
“But I’m the bitch.” Venetia finished, mirroring Gray’s grin. She and Gray always clicked-- no matter how Venetia abandoned him or pushed him aside for her other friends-- not that she had any, which was the irony of it-- Gray was always waiting with his remarks and banter and coffee-fueled highs.
“I really am a bitch, you know. Makes you wonder how Buttercup-- I mean Tavi-- I mean Tyrell-- fell for me in the first place.”
“Eh, probably the bitchiness itself.”
“True, true.”
Gray grinned again. “I missed you-- which probably is the wrong thing to say, but hey-- Taffy tattles on me for swearing all the time, while you swear just as much--”
“More. I swear more than you, Tibe.” Venetia smirked and quirked an eyebrow, and Gray sighed. 
“I’m never going to win that argument, am I?” he asked, half smiling. 
Venetia winked-- or tried to, since she couldn’t wink to save her life-- and nudged Gray’s shoulder with her own. “Never, Take Two.”
“You know, I can call you Veni Vidi Vici.”
Venetia scowled. “My mother really had something against me naming me Venetia Lavinia, didn’t she? Veni Vinny Verne, I mean, seriously?”
Gray smiled, flashing his dimples again. “Someone’s in good spirits.”
“Just drink your damn coffee, Gray.”
“Just let us get to the damn coffee shop, Verne,” Gray mimicked her tone, his wavy hair bouncing as he walked. 
“You’re almost as annoying as,” Venetia paused to snap her fingers, “whatshisname Lock. Lochlan Ryals-- don’t some people call him Cinnamon?”
“Lock?” Gray asked, his eyes lighting up. “That’s a compliment.”
“Well, I sure didn’t mean it that way,” Venetia said dryly, her eyes trained on the coffee shop that was coming into clearer view.
“Well, time to order coffee black as my soul,” Venetia said brightly, swinging the door open and following Gray inside.
“Yeah, right,” he muttered, but he was smiling.
“I’m hilarious,” Venetia deadpanned, tossing her pin-straight hair. 
“You really do think you’re funny.”
Venetia smirked. “Yep, I think I’m funny, right?”
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/Bio: @/chelseaaahodecor | 109k followers | hi babes! welcome to my life lovelies, please get comfy with this Prosecco im serving thru this screen! xx here’s my site if you need some light in ur life: ichelseahdgsondesigns.com 🏝💕
24 (25) years
From Buckinghamshire, England
Comes from a wealthy family
her father’s side of the family founded, “Hodgson investments” their company is built off of financial services
Her papo (grandfather) was arrested on tax invasion & served some time for doing so
Her father, Alistair now manages the company but under a different name
Her mother’s side of the family comes from old money...something about horses?
Her mother, Connie holds many events and seems to make $ from them but Chelsea isn’t quite sure what the woman does or if it’s fully legal
The family is all about protecting their image & if you don’t cut it, there will be repercussions
Feels a little like dynasty (I’ve only seen 2-3 episodes & never finished but get the point?) , maybe that’s why Chelsea & her sister enjoy watching it so much
Parents forsure held courtship events or either went to courtship events with their children (even Albie) & found suitors in hopes of marrying their daughters off (& finding Albie a new wife, only on Mrs. Hodgson’s part— mr. Hodgson seems nicer/easy-going)
Has older twin sibs: Albie-Crispin & Dolly-Georgiana
Often referred to as “the triplet” in the press
Well-known in their city
They’re all called by their first & middle name in their family household even tho their parents do not have middle names
Has a love/hate relationship with albie, he is selfish & has proven to do anything to drag others down to make himself look better
He’s a lawyer & has been married to his wife for about 7 years
Mrs. Hodgson, Dolly, & Chelsea all agree they do not like her but Chelsea puts on a smile whenever her sister-in-law is around while Mrs. Hodgson makes it known that she dislikes the woman, she thinks she’s beneath her son since her family does not make nearly enough $ put together between her & Mr. Hodgson
Dolly has a bf who’s a dental hygentist that she’s been dating for about 3 years but they’re both cheating on each other, she doesn’t think she’ll ever be married
She’s in office management
Chelsea fell in love with interior decorating from the moment she played with doll houses. Her grandparents made sure to send her the biggest doll houses they could find every Christmas. She’s always been in love with rearranging and picking certain items and best putting them into a space that works
She shit at drawing (she’ll leave that to the Architects) but she knows her furniture & patterns quite well
Has asked a few architects out on dates, some she worked with or stumbled across, only one seemed like it could have truly worked...I imagine him to look a bit like Henry Cavill with light facial hair (told you I’m a sucker for it, & Chelsea probably can tolerate just a bit not too much)
Yet Chelsea always has a wondering eye, she gets curious quite often which makes you wonder, is she really ready for love? To fully commit? One day she will be
It’s a competitive field and when she’s ready to battle she will but there are moments when she gets let down & has to pick herself up again
Has ADHD, goes to therapy for it & hates taking her meds. She’d rather stick to therapy sessions since it’s always nice to talk to someone
When she was younger she probably stole a friend or two’s bf & would definitely get mad if they did it back to her but they somehow still end up being friends in the end? Yikes
Hung out with the popular kids, was always at the parties making sure everyone was having a good time. Filling up the cups, directing where furniture should be moved, where the kegs should go, how many people should be there, etc...She doesn’t seem like the stuck up type like her mother but she is privileged & doesn’t realize it as much
Was a cheerleader & ran track, quit track to commit full-time to cheerleading since that kept her in shape enough
Dated here & there, had one bf where they would scream at each other and wouldn’t allow the other to leave or would be upset that the other didn’t come after them...yeah one of those couples
Broke up with her goth bf because he didn’t tell her he wasn’t coming to school for about a week; he had the stomach flu
Canon: Took a computer course in high school & in uni & found out she was at the top of her class for typing the fastest, she now loves the sound of her short pink ombré nails on the keys
Canon: Wanted to be a show jumper due to her mother’s side of the family & their history with horses
Goes to the stables every now & then, there’s one horse there that she’s absolutely in love with & loves to ride. Her father always offered to buy it for her but it’s not a animal she wants to own
Canon: loves finger foods + will get full off them at events quickly. She also doesn’t mind the tiny portions of food at expensive ass restaurants, it’s just enough for her
Takes hair supplements. Probably had long hair growing up that she always kept up in a bun or ponytail but decided to start chopping her hair off & getting layers & highlights which damaged her hair
Approves of plastic surgery
Is part of the itty bitty titty community & got a lift for them
Gets lip fillers for her bottom lip but isn’t a fan of needles + overlines her top lip
loves going to the dermatologist, the spa for facials & whatever else she’s willing to try & finding new skincare to buy
Tans & loves tropical hot summers
Buys an overload of bikinis even in the winter
Hates the rain, it messes with her mood
Loves a good lipstick & lipgloss combo, nudes & pinks are her to go to’s
Fav color is pink
Got herself a guinea pig after the show & named her “bubbly” after her baby in the villa
I feel like she would eventually get a tiny dog too
Has her own flat, that’s quite far from all of her family. She loves her dysfunctional problematic family but Chelsea likes her space from them too
Since buckinghamshire’s culture is more of a Middle Ages style, Chelsea made sure her home wouldn’t hold much of that style inside. It needed to be lively! Her family home was filled with dark wood & she can’t stand that
She loves going to the markets tho. She always seems to leave with something & either finds herself not liking it months later and ends up selling whatever item caught her interest
Her family tends to pop in whenever they want, especially her mother
Canon: talks about cat cafe’s when she’s drunk, says its her version of the chocolate factory + she’s the dancing drunk
Always down for a girls night out, girls trip & girls sleepovers
Probably goes to bed early around 10pm or earlier m if she’s not out having the time of her life, which makes her regret her choices the next morning
All her closest friends back home are a group of girls
Hangs out with Priya, Marisol, & Hope from the villa whereas the rest she’ll mostly communicate with them through socials or gatherings
Will host gatherings & expect them ALL to show up
Is dramatic when things don’t go her way
Loses focus more than gets bored in relationships? She’ll find other things or people to occupy her time which she doesn’t realize can be hurtful to others
When she does realize she hurts someone, she immediately wants to fix it
Canon: Is a blabbermouth. Cannot hold a secret for shit, also cannot tell a lie. Her body language gives it away first if she doesn’t spill it
Retail therapy is the best therapy if she doesn’t have a office appointment
Any spice girl song will be her karaoke song, she is always baby spice
Loves her Prosecco (me too sis!) & keeps plenty bottles in her wine fridge. She originally wanted a space with a wine cellar but got creeped out at the thought since it’s just her & bubbly living in the home
Has high cell phone bills, the girl loves a good chat
Cannot cook no matter how hard she tries. She’s been to cooking classes with an ex, watched videos, order from those food delivery sites to prepare food & it just never turns out well
Will spend hours in furniture stores, she’s had to be escorted out pass closing hours by security guards before & manage to make friends out of them. They all know who she is in majority of the stores she enters
Throws a party every time her following goes up. There’s never not a reason to throw one
Was upset that Carl unfollowed her once and figured Hannah made him do it. Which wasn’t true, Hannah was sure of herself now & doesn’t feel the need to be jealous, the man could follow whoever he wanted—she knew he barely stayed on IG in the first place. He thought it was too shallow
So when Chelsea called him one night sobbing he was utterly confused, he didn’t understand why a follow meant so much
He reluctantly followed her back
Thrilled to know Elijah, Lucas, & Carl all keep up with her. Oh & the rest of the boys ofc!
Chats with Jakub! They also hang out. They’re a bit of a odd pairing but they get along well, he’s basically another big brother to her but she actually likes him—
Afraid of the dark, keeps fairy lights lit throughout the night in her bedroom, keeps scent infused night lights in her hallways
Believes in feng shui
I feel like her voice is soft like jennifer Tilly’s?
Idk what her sun sign is? Is she a sag far as daydreaming cause she does that. I KNOW she has Leo in her chart, she’s dramatic, warm, likes to be admired & appreciated. Sun sign I need help? Maybe she’s a Sagittarius sun? + Leo moon + libra rising
Has a collection of celeb gossip magazines that she keeps on a stand next to her pink velvet chair beside her bow window
I think she will be the first islander that gets pregnant tbh & it’s by an architect (the guy I mentioned/envisioned that’s been waiting on her to realize he can give her the love she needs or prove he can balance her out) or firefighter or someone “manly” she wouldn’t end up with a islander I don’t think
she has a girl & names her, “adore”
Canon: Still wants 5 kids but we’ll see how that goes & if it’ll change, it’s been a bit difficult not drinking Prosecco but she’s got a lovely baby out of it
Crushes? Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Alfred Enoch, Alex Pettyfer, Joe Cole, Gregg Sulkin, Frank Dillane, Charlie Rowe, & Hero Fiennes Tiffin
Can listen to anything that’s got a good beat. But we all know she’s a pop & folk genre lover. She listens to: Astrid S, Maty Noyes, Cher Lloyd, Bebe Rexha, Allie X, Poppy, POST MALONE, etc.
Anthem? Gabrielle Aplin — Until the sun comes up
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need-a-new-hobby · 4 years
The Boogeyman
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summary: oc is dr. piper bishop. you may find a full profile on my tumblr (soon). her qualifications are 4 Ph.Ds in different branches of psychology, a master’s in history and bachelor’s in literature all by 22 (I wanted her to compete w/ reid). based on S2E6: The Boogeyman
When her honey-brown eyes fluttered awake, it was still dark. 5:30 am. She rose out of bed, rubbing her eyes, like a child waking up on a Sunday morning. Slipping on her ruby slippers, she staggered to the kitchen, remnants of last night’s class schedule and history projects strewn across her beige countertop, to make a cup of tea. It was strange, here in Ozona, to drink iced coffee, never mind tea. She set the kettle, pulled her long cardigan to cover her chest and regarded the manor in the woods. The whistle shattered her gaze at the dilapidated house.
In Virginia, 6 agents discussed the death of two children in the middle of Texas. "Nicholas Faye of Ozona, Texas, was beaten to death roughly 13 hours ago. Blunt force trauma to the head," JJ sighed. There was never a good day nor time to deliberate on innocent and defenceless children. But she’d worked this job too long to slip into that pattern of doom and gloom. "He’s the second young boy to die the same way in the last 2 months. A local hunter found his body in the woods. First victim’s name, Robbie Davis."
"Are these boys connected somehow?" asked Morgan.
"Ozona’s population is roughly 2 500. Everyone has some kind of connection."
"Well, if they weren’t linked before they certainly are now." Morgan wore the same grim expression of exasperation as JJ. The agents agreed that they were both murdered by the same offender who was hunting children. The repulsiveness wasn’t lost on any of them.
Piper Bishop was a history teacher. She asked herself why every day. Every day she’d sit on her front porch, sipping on tea, asking why. Her entire life, she’d wanted to help people, and her entire life, she questioned if it was enough. She wasn’t smart enough to go to medical school, her father had made sure she understood that at most. Her clear preference for the humanities was seen as repulsive, condemned for "supporting these damn bleeding-heart liberals". Neither were Daniel’s remarks lost on her either. She remembered her last reunion with her siblings. "You have 4 Ph.Ds Pipes," he’d said, blues gazing at browns. "Why are you teaching school kids?" She’d find the answer every time a young girl whispered about a bully in her ear, every time a young boy bared his scars to her. She’d tried doing the psychiatry gig, but the stigma behind her patients meant she had none. Her father’s words still stuck to her. Though she’d shaken him off, his voice became her own. What if he is right though? What if you really won’t amount to anything? Piper laughed at her own absurdity. She’d almost missed the sunrise. The warm sun peeking out at her behind the trees melted away all her doubts. "Time for school Dr. Bishop."
"You guys hear Elle was cleared?" Spencer sat down with his cup of hot coffee next to Derek. Well, more sugar than coffee anyway.
"Self-defence," Derek stated, flipping through the files, with an air of disbelief.
"So it was a good shoot." Derek turned towards the young agent.
"She hit what she was aiming for." JJ commented without a glance at the two men in front of her, eyes focused on the case at hand.
"That’s not what I meant."
"I know." The blonde agent said.
"If they cleared her," Morgan asked, "then how come she’s not here with us? Or Hotch?"
"Focus on the case," Gideon reprimanded, seated away from them. Taking it as a sign to change the conversation, JJ handed out the autopsy reports. Morgan then suggested the bludgeoning was a form of frustration or rage.
"With no apparent sexual motivation," Reid added, "that’s rare when the victims are this young."
"The unsure is taking pleasure from the kill itself." Gideon contributed.
"If it’s not sexual, what’s the significance in killing young males?"
"Most serial killers prey upon specific types to carry out fantasies of revenge.” Spencer answered, drawing on his memory. “Bundy killed women that looked like an ex-girlfriend who jilted him, Dahmer claimed that schoolyard harassment federal into his fury."
"Okay, so maybe these kids represent someone who victimised the offender?"
"Unlikely," JJ replied, "they just found another body. 11 year old girl."
Piper glanced over her desk quickly once more. Her worksheets were ready, her timeline of Alexander the Great was drawn up and her map of Alexander’s territory was pinned, dotted with little flags and sketched out. She was determined to make this module the best one yet to make up for the tension in the classroom. She’d already lost 2 kids to that coward in the woods, she wasn’t about to lose a third. The Persian horde had arrived and the young doctor opened the gates to receive the 45 little kids raging to their beloved history teacher. No, 43 now, she chided herself. Closing the door, she mentally reminded her to control her emotions. She turned to face her little devils, "Who’s ready to fight the Macedons?"
Her warm eyes flitted across the desks. That was weird. Three desks were empty this time. "Has anyone seen Sarah?" She entertained her class for a while and told them to take a worksheet each while she made a call. Piper popped her head into Mr Davison’s class and asked him to keep an eye on her class. She tapped her fingers erratically while the administration office checked up on Mrs Peterson. "Well,?"
"Dr. Bishop, Sarah’s not at home either."
Piper took a shaky breath before entering her classroom. She’ll be fine. She probably got lost on her way to school. The police will do their job. Relax.
"Okay, who can tell me who Alexander is?"
Hailey jumped up and recited, "Alexander III of Macedon, commonly known as Alexander the Great, was a king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon and a member of the…" The young brunette stumbled. Piper could see the happiness leech from the young girl’s face.
"Argead dynasty, idiot." Jeffrey yelled, sticking his tongue out. "She can’t even speak. Are you dumb, Hailey?"
"Enough, Jeffrey, don’t you ever put someone else down for trying. If you keep your head down and keep studying, maybe you can be a teacher too, but trying and failing is better than doing nothing at all." Piper turned her attention to the tears rapidly forming in the child’s blinking eyes. Piper handed her a tissue from her desk and kneeled down next to her. "It’s okay kiddo. We make mistakes sometimes. That doesn’t mean we stop trying. What do you think that word says?" After a couple of tries, Hailey got the hang of it, and Piper could move on.
"Alex spent most of his years on a military campaign through western Asia and northeast Africa," Piper said, drawing their attention to what she’d say was an impressive map. "And by the age of thirty, he had created one of the largest empires of the ancient world, stretching from Greece to northwestern India."
Gideon and the local sheriff trudged through fallen leaves to the site of where the battered boy was. "This isn’t a dump site," Gideon noted, "the murder happened right here." Kneeling down, he said, more to his own benefit than the sheriff, "Autopsy report claims no sign of a struggle."
"Poor little guy never had a chance."
Gideon envisioned the incident. The 8 year old boy walking past, turning back to see his abuser.
"The victims knew their killer." He muttered to himself. "Followed them to this spot."
"What makes you think that?"
"Well, the kids went this deep into the woods because they trusted them. Probably stashed his weapon here beforehand. We’re looking for someone intelligent, methodical, but the method of killing doesn’t fit. It’s confusing. Doesn’t make sense." Gideon’s words were as fragmented as his thoughts, desperately trying to pull the pieces together.
Less than a quarter mile away from the other dumpsites, the gangly doctor stood next to the bagged and battered kid. "Violence was post-mortem," revealed the medical examiner on the case, equally horrified at the scenes unfolding over the past few weeks.
"So, the killer’s becoming more brazen."
"But now he’s spending more time with the victims even after death." Morgan glanced at the yellow 'Hunting Area' sign nailed to a tree. "If he’s a hunter," Derek turned to Spencer, "he’d know every inch of these woods."
The PA squealed out just as Piper was getting to the Persian conquest. "All students, please head to the assembly hall immediately, all teachers to the teacher’s lounge." The young woman herded the daydreamers out, grabbed her Doctor Who mug and rushed to the lounge. Whilst pouring herself a cup of coffee, James told her about the parents and the BAU members coming to discuss the murders. Steeling herself for a gruesome speech, Piper headed over to the hall to introduce the kids to FBI agents while James stayed behind to console parents. While the soles of her sneakers rushed, her head wandered. Who were these agents? Were these kids gonna be okay? At the entrance to the hall, her forehead wrinkled and her body collided with a lanky agent and her warm coffee stained the whole of both their cardigans, her brain juice spilling all over the floor.
"Sorry," they both exclaimed. Gideon and JJ walked by, snickering as she entered the hall, but Gideon barely spared them a glance.
"Seriously, I am so sorry." Piper gushed. "I have some tissues, and there’s a bathroom right there."
The agent just laughed and took the cardigan off. "Don’t worry about it, it’s brown anyway." He stared at your TARDIS mug. "Is that…" Piper blanched. Did she now also have to explain Doctor Who to him?
"I know it looks like a phone booth but it’s actually a…" She stumbled. "I have no idea how to explain this without sounding like I’m a complete lunatic."
"No, I know what Doctor Who is." He chuckled softly.
Piper sighed in relief. "Finally, you have no idea the glances I get for this thing."
"Reid!" Gideon yelled from the hallway.
"That’s me. Bye." Spencer waved awkwardly at the young woman in front of him, before sidestepping her quickly to get to his mentor.
"It could be someone you know or it could be a stranger you pass at the grocery store. But it’s vital that we keep our eyes open and our children close. Now as Ozona’s guidance counsellor, I can only help your children with the aftermath but our police department is working with the FBI, gathering information on the case. To elaborate on that, Agent Jason Gideon." James introduced the middle-aged agent to the anxious parents sitting in the lounge. Reid stood behind his mentor.
"We want you to know we’re doing everything we can to find the person responsible. Until we do there are a number of precautions you need to take. Let me go over some of them with you."
Piper watched the kids attentively, just barely paying Agent Jareau and Agent Morgan attention.
"It’s a buddy system," JJ started. "That means you always go everywhere with a friend."
"That’s because bad men and women only talk to us when we’re alone."
"We don’t know what these guys look like yet. It might be someone you know."
Hailey raised her hand.
"Yeah, sweetheart, you got a question?" Piper was touched by the kindness in Agent Morgan’s voice. You couldn’t fake that tenderness.
Hailey took a deep breath, "There was this little girl once on the news who just got grabbed right in front of our house. Could that happen to us?"
The tall agent looked back at Agent Jareau. Piper understood the hesitation.
"Hailey, sweetheart, nothing will happen to you, you have my word." She walked over to the young girl and gently rubbed her shoulder. "So long as you listen to the FBI, honey." She nodded to the agents and stepped back.
"Any more questions?" Gideon asked.
"Did you ever find his hat?" Mrs Faye asked in a trembling voice, fighting the urge to cry.
"'Scuse me?" Jason was confused.
"The red one I put on him. He was wearing it when he left."
"I’m sorry, Mrs Faye," Jason rubbed his hand.
"Mandatory curfew at 5pm." James interjected and dismissed the parents. "Just make sure you know where your children are."
Piper grabbed her bag after the last bell had gone. The ghosts of Robbie, Nicholas and Sarah hadn’t left your head. She wished she could kiss the fear away from those kids. Piper jumped at the rap on the door.
"Agent Morgan. What can I do you for?"
"Just a few routine questions." Piper gestured to the seat next to her desk.
"How can I help you?"
"How long have you worked here?"
"Must be about a year now."
"As a history teacher?" Piper smiled.
"Did you guess from the armour and the coffin?" The tall doctor swung his head to take a look at the almost replica of armour.
"Have you noticed anyone looking at the children in a strange way?" Morgan continued.
“Is this an original?” 
“Gods, no. Everyone knows a teacher doesn’t make enough to own original Macedonian armour. Also Greece refuses to sell any artefact to American citizens considering their scuffle with the British Museum.” Her eyebrows furrowed as she considered Morgan’s question. "I don’t think so. The chances of a child predator in a small town are ridiculously low since state law requires registered sex offenders live 2,000 feet from schools and Texas’s registry is public. I suppose the problem would then be unregistered ones, in which case, kids are always under supervision. Most likely, only someone the kids trust would be the coward doing this. In that scenario, the only adults with that kind of trust would be family friends, family, the teachers and the bus driver. I’ve met all the parents and none of them fit the psychological requirements of a sexual predator and honestly, neither do the teachers."
Morgan smiled at your thought process. "Huh, you’d make quite the profiler, but we don’t think it’s a sexual act since the bodies don’t show any sign of a sexual assault."
Piper mulled over the new information. "I know those kids. They’re good kids and even if it just boils down to a case of rage, no adult within their inner circles would be capable of such a thing. It’s not that it’s impossible, but it is highly unlikely. A lot of these people have kids of their own." She saw the disbelief on their faces so she switched tacks. "What’s your profile of the killer?"
"We can’t disclose that to the public yet."
"Then think of it as a consultation." Piper said, pulling out her resume from an inner drawer.
Morgan whistled and Reid glanced at the sheet over his shoulder. "4 PhDs in clinical, child, abnormal and counselling psychology. Why are you a history teacher?"
Piper glanced at the door. "Everyone told me to start my own practice, and I did." She pointed at the glowing resume in Derek’s hands. "When people heard about this, they came too. But slowly they stopped. At first I thought it was a good sign. But I’d call them in a month, and they’d tell me they’d slipped back into their addictions, or their depressive episodes." She combed her hand through her hair.
"So I quit, packed my bags, moved to Ozona and asked for a teaching position." She let out a shaky breath. "I am more than qualified to help you out, Agent Morgan, so please let me." Morgan looked back at Reid who shrugged.
"Can I have your attention please?" The local department turned to focus on Agent Gideon. "We’d like to make something clear." He cleared his throat. "Due to the velocity of change, we predict this offender could try to strike again at any time. His confidence builds with every attack."
"Look for someone physically fit, shy, kind disposition. Someone you may trust with your own child. Because the killer targets kids, he may be small himself," Morgan took over, "and though we keep referring to this unsub as he, do not rule out a woman."
A mother and her young son rushed over to the small congregation. Piper recognised her. "Excuse me. My son Matthew never came home today."
Gideon stepped forward, asking where he was last seen. "His teachers saw him in the parking lot after school." At that moment, all officers and agents moved to start looking for the boy. Reid and Morgan turned to the map, trying to figure out how and where he may be taken. Noticing the woman in distress and panic, JJ asked the woman to take a seat. Piper watched the scene from a corner and focused on the little boy with her.
"What are you thinking about over here?" She knelt down in front of him.
"Nothing," said the child softly.
"You look awfully upset to be thinking about nothing. Wanna tell me what’s wrong?"
"Matty said he was just gonna ring the doorbell. At the haunted house. On the hill."
"Finnegan’s place," interrupted James.
"Forever kind of a local legend," the sheriff informed the agents. "Folks say he watches kids from the window. Hunts 'em. Skins 'em. Eats 'em."
"Why weren’t we told about this?" Morgan faced the sheriff. "Fables often come from an ounce of truth. We should exhaust every possibility."
As day turned to night and the FBI agents raided Finnegan’s manor, Piper sat on her porch, mulling the profile over and over. She knew the people in town. She’d have known if there was a killer in their midst. Do you, though? You think you know better that professional profilers? What, because you wrote a few research papers in 4 years. Get a grip. She glanced at Old Man Finnegan’s place. He’d stopped coming into the town after his wife died, she knew that much. No, it couldn’t be him. Why would the kids trust a man they fear? So, who? Shaking her head, the young woman walked into the house. She grabbed a mandarin from her little fruit bowl and busied herself making a cup of tea. I have to be making an assumption. C’mon Pipes! Her mind flashed back to class. The little boy in her 7th grade class yelling at little Hailey then the incident in April in the parking lot. Ignoring the yell of her kettle, Piper left her orange on the counter and rushed to her dining table to her binders. She scrambled to her 7th grade class binder. Jeffrey Charles and on top, her cursive handwriting that her mom was so damn proud of. Father, James Charles, guidance counsellor. Mother, unknown, left in Apr. 2006. She flicked to her notes. 
Disruptive. Borderline bully. Possesses strained empathy for others. Loner. Apathetic towards school. Can be attributed to broken family.
She glanced at the time. 1:30 am. Shit. Should I call Morgan anyway? Piper pulled out her phone and the card Derek had given her. Not giving her brain the chance to overthink, Piper dialled the number. After 7 rings, she hangs up. Of course he didn’t pick up your call. Did you really think what you have to say matters? She brushed the nasty voice of her dad off, but left the phone on the table. She took the kettle off, turned the lights off, locked the door, and went to bed.
The boys separated in the night, torches and guns at the ready. Gideon and Reid took the back while Morgan and the sheriff took the front of the house. Morgan flicked the lights on and off, but nothing happened. "Definitely haunted."
Gideon and Reid edged towards the garage. "FBI," Gideon yelled, only to hear the soft mumbles of a child.
"I didn’t want the old man to find me."
"All right," Gideon said, rather gruffer than he intended, "No one’s gonna harm you."
Spencer settled down in the darkness. "Hey Garcia, did you get anything?" he greeted their tech analyst softly.
"Well, only that Finnegan’s house in the hill is like the Bates hotel of Ozona, Texas." She grinned and continued her knitting.
"Yeah, we heard the legends."
"Spencer, seriously, people that go into that house supposedly never come out. SpoOky!" Penelope sang.
"Garcia, could you at least pretend not to enjoy that rumour so much considering I’ve actually entered the house?"
"Sensitive," she mocked the young doctor. "Sorry,"
"Besides, local police say there are no reports of that happening."
"Yeah, this is true. All complaints filed were false alarms. But then there is that matter of his missing wife," the blonde taunted.
"Wife? What wife? When did she go missing?"
"Almost 50 years ago," she said sinisterly.
"Is there no record of her ever being found?"
"I got 2 words for you my friend, rear window." Reid abandoned his files to pay attention to his dear, quirky and unrelentingly mischievous friend. "That guy probably chopped that lady up into delicious, bite-sized little pieces."
Something creaked outside Reid’s window.
"Think about it, Spencer," she continued, "she may have never left the premises." Garcia could barely contain her giggles. "She may still be in the house," she whispered into her mic.
That creaking something creaked again.
"Garcia, I’m sitting here in the dark, alone. Thanks."
"While you’re waiting for a potential murderer to come home, that’s kinda dangerous." Garcia smiled into her mic, twisting her pen in her hand and picturing the deliciously scared features on Spencer’s face. "Kinda sexy," she added.
"I gotta go," Reid said, looking out into the darkness on the other side of the window.
"You’re having creepy fun, I wish I was there."
As Reid turned off his cell, he glanced back towards the noises on the stairs. Slowly standing up, he felt something. An entity. A presence. An existence. Spencer turned his head around, only to bump into a tall, dark stranger and he jumped, terrified. "You really are afraid of the dark," Derek said, smiling.
"I’m working on it," Spencer shot back quickly and walked away.
"You should work a little harder."
The sheriff came back to the group, reporting that his deputy would get the boy back safe. Morgan shook his head. The whole town was on edge. Perhaps that’s why Finnegan was in the wind. The agent flicked his torch to the wall, only to see a rack of rifles.
"The unsub didn’t use a gun," Gideon pointed out. He kept walking, piecing together his thoughts aloud. "Finnegan’s an avid hunter, why didn’t he use it?" He reached under the table to pull out Robbie’s lunchbox and Sarah’s backpack.
"I guess Finnegan brought the kids back here before finishing them off. But why wouldn’t he get rid of the evidence?"
"He considers them trophies,"Spencer said softly.
Morgan huffed. "When this is all said and done, I’d like to hang his head on a wall."
Morgan, Reid and Gideon paced the next crime scene, only this time it wasn’t a child. It was Finnegan. The medical examiner explained that he died of natural causes.
"His heart probably gave out while setting this trap," Reid suggested.
"Yeah, well, karma’s a bitch," the M.E. commented, "those coyotes were gnawing on him for a week."
"Before the second or third murders even happened," Morgan pointed out.
"This area’s off the travelled path, it’s a wonder anyone even discovered him at all."
"If you ask me," the medical examiner suggested, "those leaves didn’t cover him by themselves."
"If Finnegan’s been dead all this time, who’s living in his house?"
Piper Bishop rose later than usual. 7 am. She’d missed the sunrise. Shit. Pulling on her slippers, she went through the rounds; a cup of tea, pancakes, review of the class schedule and that’s when she remembered. She meant to call Morgan in the morning. She dialled his cell again. Nothing. Sighing, she told herself she’d drop by later today. She changed into her favourite outfit, white satin button-up, dark blue pants, grey blazer, drop necklace.
"Here’s a question," Reid asked, crossing his legs on the couch, "if a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound in nobody hears it?"
Morgan stared at him. "What the hell are you reading over there?"
"I was just thinking," Reid gazed back at the journals on his lap.
"Found something," Gideon announced. The boys followed him into the kitchen.
"Provisions," he said, staring at the near-dozen near-empty dishes, "delivered by the church to every elderly’s doorstep." He waved his hand to all of them, saying, "Each one dated after Finnegan died."
"So the unsub ate everything?" Morgan asked.
"Almost everything," Gideon answered, "unopened bowls of creamed spinach thrown in the trash, each one wrapped with duct tape."
"One with each tray," Spencer noted, handling the casings carefully.
"So we’re looking for a guy who really, really hates spinach?" Morgan was exasperated.
"Who doesn’t?" Spencer retorted.
"Ritualised, meticulous, organised."
"He would eat the same particulars." Reid was confused.
"Full prints," Gideon ordered. At that, Gideon’s cell rang and seeing the name, walked out.
"It’s about Elle, isn’t it?" Spencer said, walking closer to Derek, arms crossed. "I talked to her in Ohio."
"Reid, we all talked to her."
"No, no, I talked to her before. I went to her room one night and…she was drinking."
"She almost died. I’d be drinking too."
To say Piper was frustrated would not even begin to cover her chagrin at being unable to talk to Morgan. He wasn’t answering his cell and she couldn’t find a sub this last minute. Her students felt the tension and none wanted to see her explode. They kept quiet, answering their comprehension questions of Alexander the Great’s Persian conquests. As soon as the bell rang, she started, rushing students out the door and grabbing her bag. She dialled the sheriff’s number and asked to meet his as soon as possible.
"Just hear me out, Sheriff," she pleaded.
"You really expect me to believe that a child could do something as heinous as this."
"Jeffrey isn’t an ordinary child. His mother left him in April, you know that. Children grow resentful of other children anyway."
"That’s ridiculous. So he’s a little jealous." He got up and started pacing.
"Except he’s not just resentful about mothers, it’s about James too. You and I both know how much he cares about those kids. Some days he calls me at 3 in the morning to talk about how stressed he is. Not 'cause of his workload, but 'cause he’s worried he’s not doing enough. Sheriff, I’m begging you to see reason."
"No, you’re delusional."
"I don’t think you know what that word means and you definitely aren’t qualified to use it.”
"A child would never do this."
"That’s exactly why you’ll never find your killer."
"Are you doubting me, Ms Bishop?"
"No," she said forcefully, "Quite frankly, Sheriff, you don’t know the first thing about kids. I’ve seen how worried Langdon gets sometimes because he’s scared that his Daddy isn’t going to come home one day. I’m not doubting your ability, Sheriff, I’m doubting whether you’ll find the unsub before another child has to die. 3 children are dead, I’m trying to help and for the record, it’s Doctor." For once, she felt calmer and having said her piece, she walked out the sheriff’s office, greeting Agent Gideon politely before she walked away from the both of them.
"Why the woods, JJ?" Morgan asked, sipping his terrible coffee in station’s waiting room.
"Your fear, you said it was of the woods. Why?"
"Oh, I was a camp counsellor when I was a teenager. In the woods up in Vermont, I had the night shift. Tucked the girls in, turned off the lights, you know the typical stuff. Everything seemed fine, all the kids were asleep, you know. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Until, I noticed there was some blood on the hallway floor. So I followed the blood trail out to the camp director’s cabin, walked up to his bed and he was just lying underneath his covers, dead. Someone stabbed him. I ran out of there so fast, out the door, down the hall, I just remember it being really dark and once I got to the door, there was another counsellor. I guess she must have heard me scream. Anyway, they caught the cleaner on his way to town. He must have had the knife on him. So, that’s when I decided didn’t like the woods." JJ fought to suppress her giggles at Derek’s expression.
"You’re serious?"
"No," She laughed. "No, I don’t know why I’m afraid of the woods. Why is he still afraid of the dark?"
"Yeah, Reid?"
"Because of the inherent absence of light," he replied.
"That was good JJ," Morgan’s phone started ringing, "Just know that paybacks are a bitch."
"Hey girl," he called to his favourite tech analyst.
"I love our relationship. We barely need words."
"Talk to me baby."
"So I pulled two sets of prints of those trays," she said.
"Yeah, one of them belonging to a child?"
"Okay, which one of the victims? Why don’t you work with the Ozona Coroner’s Office?"
"Oh baby, that’s so yesterday. I’ve already got those minions working on it. The other set, however, is on the database. Name is James Charles, he’s the-"
"He’s the local guidance counsellor helping with the investigation."
"You’re kidding. Sending address now." Morgan looked at the two agents who had just abandoned their cups.
"Call Gideon. We know who the unsub is."
Piper was supervising the history projects. She’d managed to pull off having a history fair with a Renaissance theme to cheer the kids up. Each kid had to make a diorama and the history department would judge based on creativity, historical merit and above all enthusiasm, a word she was not feeling. A month ago, she would’ve been over the moon, but now, all she was thinking about was when the next body would show up. She’d yelled at the sheriff and Agent Gideon had seen it. It was unprofessional and now they’d never listen to her. So you finally agree then? It was a stupid and unnecessary thing to say. Clearly you aren’t as praiseworthy as teachers say. "Ugh," Piper swept her short wavy hair into a tight ponytail. Kneeling next to Langdon, she asked him where Jeffrey was. His shrug was worrying. Piper pulled out her cell and called the administration office. "Hi ladies, is Jeffrey at school today? He’s not in my class."
"His dad called him in sick."
"Thanks, girls." Piper tried to push it out of her mind. Maybe she was wrong.
After school was out, Piper grabbed her things and left. That’s right baby girl. Just let the police do their job and just go home like the insignificant bitch you are. She grabbed her helmet and was about to drive home when she got a call from the ladies in Administration.
"It’s James. They’ve arrested them Piper. What do we do?"
"Hang tight Claudia, I’ll deal with it, okay."
"Here’s the deal," Morgan leaned over James in the interrogation room, "I could stand here and tell you what I think you were doing in Finnegan’s house for the last 2 weeks. Or, you could do us all a favour. Sign a confession, maybe get a little something taken off your time. What’d you say?"
"I never stepped inside Finnegan’s house." James stared right back into Morgan’s eyes.
"What the hell do you think you’re doing?" Piper slammed the door behind her. The agents turned from staring at the small television screen. "Seriously, you think Jamie would do something like this?"
"Piper," The sheriff started.
"No, you don’t get that privilege anymore. It’s Doctor or nothing because clearly you don’t value my experience, Sheriff. I’m sorry to interrupt what clearly isn’t a waste of your time, Agents, but James couldn’t have done any of this."
"Then why won’t he talk to us? He had the baseball cap at his house, his prints are all over the food trays. I don’t see another explanation."
"His prints were on the food trays because he volunteers at the church’s food drive and he’s not the one with the baseball cap, it’s his son. That’s why he called him in sick yesterday, it’s why he’s hiding the truth from you all. James doesn’t have the time nor the motive. If his wife left him, why would he attack kids? More importantly when? When he isn’t at school, he has a session with a kid. If not there, helping with your investigation or handing out food for retired folks. The man has no opportunity and no motive. If anything, he’d be killing women resembling his wife, but instead he’s devoting every possible minute of his life to this community. As for why I think it’s Jeffrey, if you’d listened to me, Sheriff, the kid lost his mom in April. If you don’t know, if a kid loses a parent when they’re in their formative years as a result of abandonment rather than death, they grow increasing resentful of kids who do have their parents. Except for Jeffrey, it’s like he lost both. When his mother left, James devoted his life to the community and as a natural consequence, Jeffrey lost his father too. Whether you believe me or not is up to you, but 3 kids are dead and Jeffrey is missing." They were all standing up, ignoring the interrogation and gawking at Piper. Reid couldn’t stop staring at her and her ears began to redden significantly. Gideon broke the silence.
"Stay. Observe. You know him better than we do. Watch his behaviour and tell me if you don’t think he’s guilty."
Piper was slightly relieved that Gideon took her seriously enough to let her stay.
"How these last 6 months been for you James? Not too good huh? I don't know, your whole life is falling apart isn't it? Oh yeah you got to be feeling a loss of control, sense of abandonment. And I would guess, a little impotent maybe?" Morgan chuckled. "Come on man, give me something! Why did your wife leave you? What happened James, she get bored? I mean you don't seem all that exciting to me. She started feeling a little uninspired? You're not a minute man, aren't you? Uh, that's what it is!"
"You don’t think that’s a little uncalled for?" Piper exclaimed.
"We need him to talk. If he gets angry, he may slip up." Piper settled down.
"You think Dr. Bishop’s right?" Reid asked, playing with the handcuffs in his palm.
"I don’t know. I can’t believe a kid could be capable of something like this. She seems close to James too. Could be covering for him."
"I guess so."
"You know, it's bad enough his mother left and now his father's in custody. We’ve also got to take the poor kid into child services."
"It’s the law."
So is jaywalking. I don't have to like it. Good afternoon this is Agent Jareau, with the FBI, we're gonna be picking up Jeffrey Charles in about 20 minutes, if... Okay, I see. Thank you."
"What is it?"
"Dr Bishop may have been right."
"Jeffrey never was at school today. His father said he was sick." JJ informed them.
Piper’s instinct was to yell 'Aha!' but thankfully she went against it.
"Reid, go though his apartment." Gideon ordered.
"No, you don’t seriously still think this is his fault."
"I think he may have blamed his kid for his failed marriage."
"Then I can’t watch this interview. Let me help Dr Reid with the search." Everyone looked to Gideon.
"Okay, fine. Reid, keep an eye on her."
"Why are you so sure it isn’t him?" Reid asked her softly.
"Hmm?" Piper looked up from the abandoned dirty dishes.
"What you said back there, how are you so sure?"
"I’m not exactly the most experienced psychologist. I mean, I’ve studied it, wrote about it, talked in conferences about it, but I haven’t applied it, not the way he has. I guess, if he does turn out to be the killer," she huffed, "then he’s not the man I hoped he’d be." Reid stared at her.
Piper pulled the elastic from her hair and moved past Spencer to the bookshelf.
"It’s difficult. Being a single parent. Not that I would know. But I can understand." She pulled a book of the shelf. Kurt Vonnegut. "But James handled it as best he could. He put his personal trauma aside for the whole community. Only issue was," she turned to look back into Reid’s soft gaze, "his kid got the brunt of it. Most saints have something to hide, Spence. Gandhi accused his eldest son of 'alcohol and debauchery,' even sexual assault. And no-one believes me because no-one’s met the kid. He has serious rage issues, strained empathy for others and is apathetic to others."
"Huh. Look at this." Piper moved towards the doctor.
"It’s an EpiPen. So?"
"So, at Finnegan’s house, we found all the creamed spinach duck-taped and thrown out."
"Spence," Piper levelled her gaze, "Jeffrey has an allergy to dairy."
"Can I have a word with him?" Gideon asked. Morgan nodded and left the room. "It’s a rough day, huh? Coffee?"
"Yeah I wouldn't mind."
"So how long have you known that your son is a murderer?" Gideon abruptly asked without breaking eye contact.
"What are you talking about?"
"You might have been the one who brought the food trays to Finnegan's, but your son ate them, everything but the creamed spinach."
"You want me to confess? Is that what this game is? That's fine. You bring me another pen, I'll write out my confession."
"We found an EpiPen in your kitchen."
"So what that proves that my kid has an allergy."
"To milk."
Piper had had enough. "Let me in there, I’ll get him to talk. If Gideon threatens the freedom of his child, James won’t talk. He’ll talk to me."
"Not with Gideon in there." Morgan chided you.
Piper sat cross-legged on the chair, head resting on the back of her arms. Morgan was almost falling asleep. Reid was on his 8th cup of coffee. Piper’s ringtone woke Derek up and she couldn’t help laughing. "Big bad Derek Morgan’s afraid of a ringtone?" she laughed and raised the phone to her ear.
"Hi, Mrs Belle. How can I help you? Is Tracy okay?" Piper’s change of expression from glee to gloom wasn’t lost on anyone. "Okay, sit tight Mrs Belle, we’ll find her. Please relax." Piper hung up the phone and tied her short hair up again.
"Tracey Belle was just reported missing. Last seen getting off her school bus on Fuller Road."
What happened after was just a blur. Piper had managed to convince Gideon to let her come, citing her certification for hostage negotiation. They’d all strapped the Kevlar suits on and found a spare for her. Reid and JJ left in one car, Morgan and the sheriff in another and Piper was paired with Gideon.
"Why are you a history teacher?" Gideon asked.
"You’re 25, you have 4 Ph.Ds in Psychology, a Masters in History and Bachelors in Literature."
"Thought I wasn’t doing much good in a university classroom. Swapped it for an elementary school"
"I’m a profiler. Don’t lie to me."
"Yes, sir. They wouldn’t come because they didn’t want people to think they or their kids were crazy. So I stopped. I wrote books and papers. I taught at universities. But I kept getting this nagging thing in my head, that I should be doing more. So I packed and moved."
"Where’d you teach?"
"The main ones. Guest lectured at Brown for months at a time. Harvard was my alma mater so I was there for a semester. Columbia offered but I rejected them. They were kinda stung that I chose a high school over them." He chuckled at that. "None of you smile a lot."
"Especially you. Do the cases get that bad?"
"So why do it?" The car stopped near the woods. They both got out of the vehicle and headed towards the others.
"Because it has to be done." He looked over at her and smiled.
Tracy was running. Her bag was gone. Jeffrey was going to hurt her. She knew she was at the playground, but after a few minutes, the woods had enveloped her. She prayed that her mom was looking, that someone was looking, but the only thing that filled the little girl’s little heart was the dread. Dread that in these big bad woods, she was all alone with a killer.
"Split up, she’s gotta be somewhere."
Bishop and Gideon ran through the woods looking for the small blonde.
Trees everywhere.
They were looking for a red and a blond needle in a green and orange haystack.
"Tracey!" Jeffrey cried in a sing song voice. "Let's just go home. I was only playing! Why do you have to be such a baby? Tracey?"
Tracy’s feet hurt. She should have been home by now. She staggered towards the nearest tree and hid. He couldn’t find her here, would he? Her breaths were jagged and she was terrified.
Bishop heard screaming. "Tracy!" They ran towards the piercing scream. She saw the scene unfolding and determined to be anything but helpless, Piper ran in between Jeffrey and Tracy. "Stop!" Gideon ran to Jeffrey, locking him in one arm, throwing the bat away with the other. Piper pushed Tracy into JJ’s arms and breathed with relief.
In the aftermath of things, James was pacing, scared of what his kid had become, terrified of what would happen to him. Piper held her head in her hands, sitting on the parkside bench. Morgan gently pushed Jeffrey into the car. Reid sat next to her.
"You did good."
"Did I? I blamed a kid for a serial murder because he lost his mother. What does that make me?" Piper lifted her head to look at him.
"A profiler." Spencer rubbed her shoulder and walked away. Piper glanced at James, pacing.
"You think you could have prevented this?"
"Maybe if I’d been there for him…"
She put a hand on his shoulder. "James, you’d put the world’s problems on your own back if you could. You can still be there for him. What he did, it isn’t his fault and it isn’t yours." He looked at Piper, his gaze shattered, his soul broken.
"You really believe that?"
"I believe that care and love can make anything possible."
Piper packed her things slowly. She folded her maps, packed away the Macedon’s armour and the Egyptian coffin.
"So where to next?" Gideon leaned on her desk, arms crossed.
"Vacation to Italy, maybe Venice. Figuring things out." She shrugged.
"You did good today, but…you could be better."
"I’m sorry?"
"I want you on the team." Piper levelled her gaze to Gideon, standing straight.
"In what capacity?"
"Consultant, on a temporary basis. If you put in the hours and do the classes, maybe even an agent. You in?"
"This a one-time offer?"
"I’m in."
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sunflowergirl522 · 4 years
Legally Blonde 3: Harvard Variations
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Just a legally blonde AU with you starring as Elle Woods. Based on both the movie and the musical.
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 1908
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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Pulling up to the school fills you with excitement. It’s a new atmosphere than it is back in California but you’re enjoying it so far. 
“Oh, Rocket! It’s so exciting! Look, Harvard!” Rocket turns from the window of your convertible to you and gives back a small bark with his tail wagging.
The moving van pulls up right behind you when you get to your dorm building. Students begin to gather around and chatter amongst themselves about the scene in front of them. 
“Well this is our home for the next three years, Rocket. Oh, are you thirsty? Let’s get you some water. Sweetheart, you just look parched. Here you go.” You pull out a collapsible dog bowl out of your purse and fill it up while placing Rocket on the ground. “Good boy, Steve’s gonna be so excited to see you. Guys, this way.” You walk into the building with Rocket and the moving guys right behind you, ignoring the comments a few people yell towards you. “Now, don’t be scared. Everyone will love you.” You look down and say it to Rocket when in reality you’re just trying to hype yourself up for this.
“Hi. Y/L/N, comma, Y/n.” The man behind the table looks you up and down before handing you your group of papers.
“Class schedule, map, book list.” He flips through his list of names to mark you off.
“Wait a second, my social events calendar is missing.” This causes him to look up at you, not sure what you’re talking about.
“Your what?”
“Social events. You know, mixers, formals, clam bakes, trips to the Cape.” He only chuckles and looks back down at his clipboard. “Okay. Has Steve Rogers checked in yet?”
“Um… No. You know, maybe you should check with the cruise director on the lido deck.”
You only hum to yourself before turning and walking away trying to ignore how the comment affected you. You pretend as if you didn’t feel a stab in your heart and a twist in your stomach. You just place a happy smile on your face ignoring the thought of what if you can’t do this.
“Hello, I’m Bucky Barnes, welcome to the hallowed halls of Harvard Law. I know first hand how hard you’ve all worked to be here today so let’s go around and say a few things about yourselves.” Bucky speaks to the three students on the bench in front of him.
“My name is Thor Odinson. I have a masters in Scandinavian Studies, and a Ph.D. in Theology. And for the last eighteen months I’ve been teaching self defense classes to those who need them.”
“Welcome to Harvard.”
“Tony Stark. I won a Fulbright and a Rhodes. I write financial software codes but that’s a challenge I’ve outgrown. How many yachts can one man own? Some say that I’m a pompous creep, somehow I don’t lose that much sleep. Why bother with false modesty? Harvard’s the perfect place for me.”
“Welcome to Harvard.”
“Hey how’re you doing, I’m Valkyrie. I got a Ph.D. from Berkely in Women's studies, emphasis in the History of Combat. I did the Peace Corp overseas, inoculating refugees in family clinics that I built myself from mud and trees. I fought to clean up their lagoons and save their rare, endangered loons.” Just as Bucky is about to welcome her she stands up and speaks again. Bucky just sits in her old spot. “But now I’m on the legal track, because this country’s out of whack and only women have the guts to go and take it back. We'll make the government come clean and get more people voting Green, and really stick it to the phallocentric war machine.”
“I love your top, it is so fatigue chic!” All of their heads turn to look at you when you speak. “So how psyched are you guys? First day at Harvard Law! My name is Y/n Y/l/n and this is Rocket Y/l/n.” You move in front of Valkyrie and shake her hand. 
“Uh, we were just going around the circle, tell us something about yourself.” 
“Me?” Bucky just motions for the seat between him and Tony and nods. “Okay, well I have a bachelor’s degree from UCLA where I was Zeta Lambda Nu sweetheart and president of my sorority, Delta Nu, and last year I was homecoming queen. Oh! Two weeks ago I saw Beyonce at Fred Segal, and I talked her out of buying this truly heinous cable knit tube top. Whoever said orange is the new pink was seriously disturbed!”
Bucky chuckles a bit at that more at the way you said it than anything else. “I did not know that.” 
“Does anyone know where I can find Civil Procedures Class with Professor Fury?”
“Actually some of us are heading there, so I’m sure somebody would be happy to show you.” Bucky missed when everyone darted away. “Ah well it’s in Hauser, over there, second building on the left.
“Thank you.” You smile at him and get up to leave.
“You know, I don’t think dogs are exactly allowed in class.” Bucky stands and you turn towards him.
“Oh, Rocket’s not a dog, Rocket’s family. I’ll just drop him off in my room, he’d be happier there anyway. I’ll see you later then!” You give him a little wave before turning and leaving. Bucky just stands there for another minute with a small smile on his face.
Walking down the hall to your class you see Steve reading things off of a bulletin board. It stops you in your tracks. With a new found confidence you walk up and start to pass him. 
Steve does a double take as you pass. “Y/n?”
You fake surprise as you turn to look at him. “Steve? I totally forgot you go here.”
“What are you talking about? I’m sorry. Are you here to see me?”
“No, silly. I go here.”
“You go where?” You can hear the confusion seeping out of his voice.
“Harvard. Law school.”
“You got into Harvard Law?”
“What, like it’s hard?” You completely down play all of the hard work you did to get here. “Oh, my gosh, Steve, it’s gonna be so great.” Steve’s mouth stays agape as he tries to come to terms with all of this. “Oh, uh, time to go. I have to go to class, but meet me after on the benches, okay? Alright bye!” You leave Steve behind with his mouth still wide open in complete and utter shock.
You sit in the front of the class and pull out your little notebook after seeing your classmates all on laptops ready to type notes.
“A legal education means you will learn to speak in a new language. You will be taught to achieve insight into the world around you, and to sharply question what you know.The seat you have picked will be yours for the next nine months of your life. And those of you in the front row...Beware.” The professor looks straight at you with the eye without the patch and your smile falls for a minute. “The law is reason free from passion. Does anyone know who spoke those immortal words? Yes?” He calls on the big guy you had seen when everyone was introducing themselves.
“Are you sure?” Professor Fury approaches him and leans towards him.
“Would you be willing to stake your life on it?” 
“I think so.”
“Oh. What about his life?”
“Ow.” The man that the professor hit with a pencil ducks down.
“I don’t know.”
“Well, I recommend knowing before speaking. The law leaves much room for interpretation, but very little for self doubt.” Fury takes the seating chart from in front of you on his way back to the front. “And you were right. It was Aristotle. I assume all of you have read pages one through forty-eight and are now well-versed in subject matter jurisdiction. Who can tell us about Gordon v. Steele? Someone from the hot zone. Y/n Y/l/n?” You look up and get surprised with him in front of you.
“Um, actually, I wasn’t aware that we had an assignment.”
“Peggy Carter. Do you think it’s acceptable that Ms. Y/l/n is not prepared?”
“No. I don’t.”
“Would you support my decision to ask her to leave class and return only when she is prepared?”
“Absolutely.” Fury turns to look at you expectantly. You close your mouth fuming over this and pack up your stuff before getting up and leaving. You go straight outside to the benches where you’re supposed to meet Steve. 
Bucky looks up and follows you as you sit down before going back to his work. When you begin mumbling to yourself he begins to get concerned. “Hey, are you okay?”
“Ya. Do they put you on the spot like that all the time?”
“The professors? Yeah, they tend to do that. What did Fury kick you out for?” You haven’t looked up yet so it shocked you that the man speaking knew whose class you were just in.
“Oh hello again!” You smile at Bucky when you turn to see him behind you. “I didn’t know there was a reading.”
“He made me cry once, not in class, I waited till I was in my room but yeah. He’ll kick you in the ass. He’s tough, really tough.”
“Great.” You sigh and turn back around.
“It gets better though. Who else do you have?”
“I have Pierce, Hill, and McCoy.”
“Speak up in Pierce’s class. He likes people who are opinionated. And in McCoy’s class try to sit in the back. He tends to spit when he talks about product liability. And for Hill, make sure you read the footnotes, ‘cause that’s where she gets a lot of her exam questions from.”
“Wow, I’m really glad I met you.” You beam at him and Bucky likes you he can feel it.
“Hey, Y/n.” Steve comes up to you and your attention immediately goes to him.
“Hey! Thanks for all your help.” 
“Good luck.” Bucky watches you get up and approach Steve before he gets up himself.
“Hi, Steve.”
“Hi. Uh, so… How was your first class?”
Oh, it was good, except for this horrible preppy girl who tried to make me look bad in front of the professor. But no biggie. You’re here now. So how was your summer?”
“Good. It was good.” Steve stumbles over his words, still not believing that you’re here.
“Did you do anything exciting?” It was at that moment when the girl, Peggy, comes up from behind Steve.
“Hey!” Steve chuckles nervously not sure how this will all pan out. “Have you met Peggy?”
“Oh, hi. Peggy Carter.”
“Do you know her?”
“Uh, she’s…”
“I’m his fiancee.” His grandmothers ring glistens in the sunlight.
“I’m sorry. I just hallucinated. What?”
“Yeah. She was my girlfriend in prep school. And we got back together this summer at my grandmother’s birthday party.”
“Steve told me all about you. You’re famous at our club. But he didn’t tell me you’d be here.”
“Boo Bear, I didn’t know she would be here.” Hearing him call her the nickname he called you was just a stab in the chest.
“Excuse me.” And with that last word you turn to walk away, tears in your eyes.
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impalementation · 4 years
i have a job
1.05 never kill a boy on the first date
OWEN: Hey! So. Where do you know Buffy from? 
ANGEL: Work. 
OWEN: (to Buffy) You work?
1.07 angel
BUFFY: Y'know, I'm the Chosen One, it's my job to fight guys like that. What's your excuse?
2.03 school hard
JOYCE: Wait till you get a job. Sleep tight.
Buffy gets up from her bed and walks over to her desk. She pulls open the top left drawer. In it is a jar of holy water, a cross, a few stakes, a set of brass knuckles. She looks up at her reflection in the mirror.
BUFFY: I have a job.
2.10 what’s my line part 2
KENDRA: You talk about slaying like it's a job. It's not. It's who you are. 
BUFFY: Did you get that from your handbook? 
KENDRA: From you.
2.11 ted
BUFFY: What? I kill vampires, that's my job.
2.13 surprise
XANDER: I mean, what kind of a future would she've really had with him? She's got two jobs--Denny's waitress by day, Slayer by night.
3.14 bad girls
FAITH: You're actually gonna take orders from him? 
BUFFY: That's the job. What else can we do?
3.15 consequences
FAITH: I guess that means you have a job opening.
3.21 graduation day part one
WESLEY: Buffy, you don't know what you're doing. 

BUFFY: Get a job. 
4.09 something blue
BUFFY: Spike, these are my friends. Besides, it's kinda my job. 

SPIKE: (pats her hand) For now.

BUFFY: What? You want me to stop working?
4.11 doomed
BUFFY: Pain, death, apocalypse, none of it fun. Do you know what a hellmouth is? Do you have a fancy term for it?  Because I went to high school on it, for three years. We do not have that much in common. This is a job to you. 

RILEY: It’s not just a job.

BUFFY: It’s an adventure, great. But for me, it’s destiny. It's something that I can’t change, something that I can’t escape. I’m stuck!
RILEY: Buffy, where is the bad here? It just turns out we're even more well matched than we thought we were. I mean, you’re a-- (sees people nearby) fry cook--and so am I! 

BUFFY: Yeah, but you’re an amateur--fry cook, and I come from a long line of fry cooks that don’t live past 25.

RILEY: Which is exactly the attitude I’m talking about. Look, I know the risks of what we do. I also know it’s more rewarding than any other job on the planet. And fun.

BUFFY: Fun? The last person I know that believed that is in a coma right now because she had so much fun on the job.

RILEY: I’m not saying that you shouldn’t take your work seriously.
4.13 the i in team
WILLOW: Well, what's their ultimate agenda? I mean, okay, yeah, they-they neuter vampires and demons. But then what? Are they gonna reintegrate them into society? Get them jobs as bagboys at Wal-Mart?  
4.15 this year’s girl
RILEY: All my life [following orders]'s what I've been groomed to do. They say jump, I ask "How high?", I get the job done. Just don't know if it's the right job anymore. 
BUFFY: I know how you feel. Giles used to be part of this Council. And for years all they ever did was give me orders. 
RILEY: Ever obey them? 
BUFFY: Sure. The ones I was going to do anyway. The point is, I quit the Council. And I was scared. But it's okay now.
5.01 buffy vs dracula
DRACULA: Very impressive hunt. Such power. 

BUFFY: That was no hunt. That was just another day on the job. Care to step up for some overtime?
5.02 real me
RILEY: You know what I mean. You have super powers, and college...a studly yet sensitive boyfriend.

BUFFY: And a pesky life-or-death job that I can't quit or even take a break from.
5.10 into the woods
BUFFY: Vampires are vampires. And my job description is pretty clear.
5.12 checkpoint
BUFFY: You came to beg me to let you back in. To give your jobs, your lives some semblance of meaning.
5.13 blood ties
DAWN: You worry about me because you have to. I'm your job. Protect the key, right?
5.14 crush
SPIKE: It's not so unusual. Two people...in the workplace...feelings develop.
6.04 flooded
MR. SAVITSKY: Well, the problem is, you have no income. No job.
A demon attacks.
BUFFY: No job? I wish.
6.05 life serial
BUFFY: The demons! They were these three big apey things!

XANDER: No. No, not here. Not at my job. That's your job.
6.11 smashed
BUFFY: Your job is to kill the slayer. But all you can do is follow me around making moon eyes.
6.12 doublemeat palace
SPIKE: Oh. I see. That why you took this job? Prove something to yourself? A normal job for a normal girl? Good way to drive yourself crazy, that is.
BUFFY: Ucch. That's great. That's, that's just great. I try to do the simplest thing in the world, get an ordinary job in a well-lit place, and look, I'm right back where I started. Blood and death and funky smells.
6.13 dead things
BUFFY: You got the job done yourself.
6.14 older and far away
HALFREK: I know it must seem weird, talking to a stranger about stuff, but um... I want you to know that if something's going on, something's up, my job...the most important part of my job...is looking out for you.
BUFFY: Dawn...the most important job that I have...is looking out for you.
7.03 same time, same place
BUFFY: I got to get a job where I don't get called right away for this stuff.
7.04 help
BUFFY: I'm a counselor here because I wanna help. I know what it's like to walk these halls and feel lost, alone. I just want to make things better, connect. (stands and intimidates) And I'm going to connect with your face if you don't stop wasting my time and help me do my job.
7.05 selfless
ANYA: I have a job to do. And so does Buffy. Xander, you've always seen what you wanted to. But you knew, sooner or later, it would come to this.
7.07 conversations with dead people
HOLDEN: What, you like fight vampires--professionally?
BUFFY: I don’t get paid. It’s more like a calling.
7.08 sleeper
BUFFY: (about to stake a vampire) Sorry, ma'am, but it's my job.
7.16 storyteller
ANDREW: (V.O.) It was cold last night, and the wind was crew-ell, but the Slayer had a job to do. (vampires attack Buffy) Unfortunately, vampires have a job to do, too.
7.17 lies my parents told me
NIKKI: You know I love you, but I got a job to do. The mission is what matters...right?
7.20 touched
FAITH: Things are different, because now...I'm your boss. [...] I'm your leader, which means I go first, and I make the rules, and the rest of you follow after me. Is that clear? So, Kennedy, back the hell off, and let me do my job, all right?
many things of interest here. putting it under a cut.
1. the tendency to talk about buffy’s opponents as if they’re bizarre coworkers. or people who have been equally roped into a duty. “i have a job to do. and so does buffy.” “two people…in the workplace.” “your job is to kill the slayer.” “get them jobs as bagboys at wal-mart?” (as if they’d be “unemployed” if they weren’t killing). one might say that demons count as “coworkers” not just because they’re part of buffy’s “work” but because, like buffy, they supposedly lack choice because of their demonic natures. buffy lacks choice about her duty and demons lack choice about morality. (again, supposedly. anya’s declaration in selfless that she has a job to do seems like it’s supposed to be pointed and ironic because anya does, as she has proven multiple times, have a choice. she has a self. and she demonstrates that self by giving herself up at the end of the episode. similarly, faith asking the mayor if he has a “job opening” indicates that she’s making a moral choice to change sides.). buffy’s line to spike in dead things about “[getting] the job done” may have been random, but it feels darkly meaningful in this context of spike failing to do his “job” as a vampire by killing her. is he succeeding for once by providing her a death-like escape?
2. the very few times that buffy clarifies that her slaying is not like a job. such as her conversation with riley in doomed or her conversation with holden in conversations. again, this distinction emphasizes buffy’s lack of choice. i’ve seen people be offended that buffy doesn’t charge or get compensated for her slaying–unlike angel–but it’s always made sense to me because buffy is in large part about how to make choices in situations where it feels like you have no agency. and if slaying had more of the trappings of an actual job, like money, it would give the false impression that her duty was something she had a choice about. (i’m talking on a symbolic level, not a practical level. on a practical level, of course there’s no real reason that buffy shouldn’t get paid.). because money is compensation for a choice. unlike buffy, riley is free to leave his job as a commando because he really is just an employee. similarly, angel can get paid (again, symbolically) because he does, technically, have a free choice about whether to be an agent of good. by contrast buffy’s lack of compensation indicates that she is in a state of forced servitude under the auspices of “heroism.” money would make the situation seem less unjust.
3. the conflation of “job” with “duty” and “role” and “purpose”. i think it’s very interesting when buffy tells wesley to “get a job” or tells the council she gives “their lives, their jobs, some semblance of meaning.” there’s an implication that the council lacks the sense of duty and meaning that buffy has. if wesley had a job like buffy has a job, what he’d really have would be a purpose. and buffy’s easy linkage of “lives” and “jobs” points to the way that her own life is inextricable from her job—because it’s not actually her job, it’s her duty. she is putting down these people who think they should have power over her by emphasizing how inessential they really are. they may have more choices than her, but they’re too lily-livered to do anything worthwhile with them.
4. the way this language of duty plays out in buffy’s relationship with dawn. dawn is buffy’s dependent in several different ways. she’s someone that buffy needs to protect from supernatural threats, and she’s also someone that buffy needs to emotionally and financially take care of. there is this open question of: if “jobs” are things that buffy resents because she doesn’t have a choice about them, then does buffy have the same resentment for dawn? how is dawn supposed to know whether buffy really cares for her? it’s something any kid would worry about with their caretakers, just put in a supernatural context. but because the concept of “jobs” is so layered and fraught for buffy (and the show), there is something particularly meaningful about buffy declaring that dawn is her “most important job”. in both a sweet way, and a very sad way in the context of season six. because to some extent, taking care of the “life” dawn represents is still a difficult and unpleasant duty for buffy. although one she is feeling increasing ability to prioritize.
5. the relationship between buffy’s slaying and the jobs she ends up doing for money. both her doublemeat job and her waitress job in anne involve buffy attempting to be ordinary in some way. to claim an identity during a time when she is very confused about her identity, and disconnected from her righteous slayerness. but both episodes end up painting this sort of drudgey labor as something that actually destroys identity. you may choose to have the job, but the job wants you to be a faceless cog in a machine. whereas buffy’s language in help paints her counselor job as actually an extension of her slayerness. she threatens someone in the name of her counselor job, but with the language of her slayer job (“I’m a counselor here because I wanna help. […] And I’m going to connect with your face if you don’t stop wasting my time and help me do my job.”). she’s talking about both, which suggests that buffy’s identity is at peace with that sort of work. because it’s work that has to do with helping people. this will take on greater poignancy over the course of the season as buffy is forced away from the “helper” part of her slaying job, and into the hierarchal role of “boss.”
…probably more but that’s all i have for now.
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toongrrl-blog · 4 years
Pink Power Rankings (Pt. 1)
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Hi I am here to look at famous pink outfits in film and TV history and figure out: is pink a power color for this character? I choose to leave out obvious ones like Pink Power Ranger because, duh it’s in her name and this is gonna be a long list. Also avoiding real-life figures and onscreen depictions of real life figures because keeping it short (and I don’t have the time)
Pictured above are the bridesmaids at First Daughter Luci Baines Johnson’s wedding in the 1960s. 
Mimi Tachikawa
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She is the most obvious pick from Digimon and the girl most decked out in pink. To paraphrase this video from The Take: there was once a show about a strange world beyond our own, somehow a group of preteens were pulled into this world not of their accord, including a young 10 year old girl. Along with her friends they were exposed to the elements and fought monsters out to harm them, she was sexually harassed by two clearly adult digimon, uncomfortable with the elements, often had to put up with toxic masculine BS, and was often snarked at by the story and even some of her own friends for being so girly and into pink. Of course some audiences and the story were overcome with sympathy with this girl pulled away from a familiar world...
Just kidding! They weren’t and some audiences even gave her a lot of shit and this has only been recently examined. For a while Mimi Tachikawa had a problem that seemed to be well known by a lot of female characters, like Carmella Soprano, Betty and Megan Draper, Margaret Sterling, and yes Skyler White. Put a flawed, complicated woman character alongside more charismatic (and male) characters and she will be disliked (despite the audience being more likely to be she than the menfolk held up as icons). 
This is sad because looking back, Mimi was truly a badass all along: she sticks up for herself, speaks up for herself, she is unapologetic about her love of pink and girly things, she is quick to tell guys when they are getting in her space, she’s honest, she lets Tanemon go on and fight with only a sincere question if she really is going to while the others hold their Digimon down, she stands up against the Numemon who were harassing her and her friends, and she was funny as hell. Sadly it took a long while for fans to grow up but many of us, especially girls, reclaimed her as our own. It also helped that Mimi came before girly icons like Elle Woods, Leslie Knope, and Joan Holloway and also before the boom in Gen X and Millennial women contributing to comedy and starting their own stand-up specials and movies and TV.
Power Ranking: 10, all because she held her own, no matter the haters and was glad to see us no matter how odd. 
Karen Wheeler
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Another complicated lady, this time older and from the 1980s. This is Karen Wheeler of Hawkins, Indiana whose children are off on their own adventure. She is trying to tap into her sexual power here. It’s dicey because the man in question is a young man and she is a unhappily married affluent housewife in the suburbs; she agrees to meet him at the motel for “private swimming lessons” and does herself up in a way inappropriate for swimming lessons (in Scarlet Letter Red to boot!), only to be stopped by the sight of her lazy husband sleeping on the Laz-E-Boy with their youngest child Holly on his chest. This season sees Karen open up to her two older children over the patriarchy and saying goodbye to a best friend and girlfriend after confessing his love for her.
Power Ranking: 6, because her sexual power was on shaky ground and only based on her looks and attention from a man but she shows some character development that season. 
Nancy Wheeler
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This look was a game changer, but Nancy is no stranger to pink and preppiness. Here she is wearing an outfit that recalls the postwar “Boyfriend Shirt” from Brooks Brothers for the female collegiate set and it’s updated with long loose but pinned hair and designer (or mock) jeans. In this outfit she goes monster hunting with her younger brother Mike’s best friend’s older brother and Nancy’s classmate, Jonathon Byers and squares off with slut-shaming police officers and a mother who chastises her for lying about her whereabouts and losing her virginity while Nancy’s best friend Barb Holland is missing and she also tells off boyfriend Steve for trying to cover his ass by not participating in the police investigation. This is the look (which can easily double as office wear) when you want to go straight from school where you have an impeccable GPA to monster hunting in your neck of the woods to find the whereabouts of your best friend and for fighting the patriarchy. 
Power Ranking: 8, this is a girl on the move as we can see with her rolled up sleeves. 
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The Iconic Look, the look where she made a boy wet his pants, found two missing kids, broke a bully’s arm. The Polly Flinders dress would alter the way we see girls in dainty pastel pink dresses. 
Power Ranking: 10, can you do all that without touching someone?
Barb Holland
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The most tragic look for this was the sweater that Barbara Holland (1967-1983) wore when she was taken by the Demogorgan and killed. This was the look where she was the recipient of a wet willie from a boy who looked down on her and her best friend who was dating his popular friend, the look where she accompanied her best friend reluctantly to the popular boy’s party, and where her friend turned her back on her concerns. This is the look of a passive and traditional (to her detriment) femininity. She did gain a huge following who cried foul over her fate. 
Power Ranking: 4, points up for the fandom and devotion but she wasn’t empowered. 
Erica Sinclair
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That was depressing, let’s go to the girl who embodies America: Hawkins resident wise-ass, the girl who kept her observations and words as tight as her corn rows, and her planning as precise as her perfectly well done baby hairs (Black readers, feel free to correct me as I document her fabulousness), My Little Pony nerd and Economics wonk, and American Heroine. Erica sassed her way into Stranger Things with a raised eyebrow and a lusciously girly girl wardrobe that stands out and fits in with her Midwestern environment. She’s no stranger to pink and she commands attention and the best service at Scoops Ahoy and manages to get several ice cream dishes for free (the most elaborate ones) before getting in on finding the secret Soviet military base. Girlfriend manages to deal with teenage shenanigans, assassins, creatures from another world, near-death experiences, almost being captured by foreign enemies and the most awkward sing-a-long ever. She doesn’t seem to have lost her child-appropriate enthusiasm for games even when telling off old balding men for getting her age right.
Power Ranking: 10, you can’t spell America without Erica
Joan Holloway
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Pink is an appropriate color for the resident femme intellectual of Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce, it shows that Joan is willing to defy “the rules” of fashion for redheads (she also wears red) and it ties into her 1950s persona of the bombshell who is trying to get married to a man who’d move her out to the upper-middle class suburbs and she wouldn’t have to work. That was Joan at the beginning: over time she started to own her natural independent streak and her willingness to buck expectations of her based on her gender and looks but also deals with the same men who ogle her, disrespecting her intellect, her hard work ethic, and even her body (fuck you Greg Harris). In this fuchsia number (still in the pink family), she sets up a luncheon with a colleague (Peggy Olson) where she pitches the idea of them setting up a production company with their names, while Peggy didn’t take, Joan starts her own “Holloway & Harris” with her babysitter and mother. Sealing her end as a strong, productive, independent woman who learned to own herself as she was. 
Power Ranking: 10, men may like scarves but women like not being tethered to men. 
Betty Draper Francis
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Meet Elizabeth Hofstadt Francis and her ex-husband Don Draper (actually Dick Whitman), for about 10 years of marriage, they have enjoyed a union where they looked like a couple right out of a magazine, he being a square jawed handsome self-made man with an athletic build who often is compared to old-school movie stars like Tyrone Power or Clark Gable or Cary Grant and she, a beautiful model from a wealthy family in the Main Line area of Philadelphia who studied anthropology at Bryn Mawr and speaks fluent Italian and is often compared to Grace Kelly (and other Hitchcock Blondes). But the interior of their perfect colonial in the suburbs hid an ugly reality where she suffered from ennui and was a brat to her kids while he gaslighted and cheated on her with other women, more modern women, like she wasn’t enough. Eventually she found out his true identity and floored that she had been living a lie and gave up her last name for an imposter, she divorced him and married a man she met at her husband’s work function. 
About three years later, Don is happily married with a younger and much more modern woman (Megan Draper) while Betty is married to a man who loves and accepts her even at her worst but to her chagrin has put on a lot of weight (a blow to a former model who grew up being raised that weight gain or being fat was the worst thing a woman could be) and she hasn’t dealt with her unhappiness in a productive manner. 
For a while well into 1968, she accepted the extra pounds (although looking like she lost some) and coming middle-age and even dyed her hair black, until her new husband tells her he plans to run for office and as he was excitedly recounting what is to be done, says “Everyone will see you” not knowing that his young, vain wife would read this scenario differently and after assessing her new look to an old evening gown of her’s, she sped up her weight loss and returned to her slim and blonde look that turned heads. Soon she takes a drive to her son’s summer camp and runs into her ex-husband and they feel the old spark and sleep together; it is there she tells him that he as a lover is different than him as a husband and admits about the young wife she looked down on, “That Poor Girl, she doesn’t know that loving you is the worst thing to get to you”. Next morning she has breakfast with her new husband, who is none the wiser, while Don heads back to the city. But is Betty really happy?
Power Ranking: 7, not satisfied but has received some closure about her relationship with her ex-husband. 
Sally Draper
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This is Sally in her birthday party dress. On that day her father built her a pastel colored playhouse, Mother prepared treats for the adults and kids for her birthday party, she and her friends played out their parents’ (admittedly shitty) marriages at the playhouse, her father goes out to get her birthday cake from the bakery and returns only with a golden retriever named Polly, while her unhappy mother fumes about her husband doing something shitty and humiliating and not being allowed to ream him out because he brought a dog and that makes him the good guy. 
Power Ranking: 5, she gets a dog but is still young and dependent on her messy parents. 
Rachel Menken
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Meet Rachel Menken Katz, running into her ex Don Draper while he is out with his latest mistress and she with her husband Tilden Katz. She would end this series as dying from cancer after having two young children and running her father’s department store and instead of flowers, requesting that donations be made for a Jewish hospital in the Jell-O Belt. In 1960 she fell in love with an ad man who proved to have been miserable and having lost his mother during his birth, as she did, she also competed in what was called “a man’s world” at a time when women were relegated to assistant roles at best and she split from him when he wants to run away with her, mostly because he wants to run away from his issues and not because of his feelings for her. As her sister Barbara said, “she had everything”.
Power Ranking: 8, she ends up dying young but she manages to “have it all”. 
Megan Draper
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Meet Megan Calvet, later to become Megan Draper. How does she become the next Mrs. Draper? At this timeline, Don Draper is dealing with life after divorcing Betty Draper (now Francis) and is trying (and failing) to quit alcohol and trying to date the intelligent, warm, no-nonsense, and close-to-his-age Dr. Faye Miller. But that night Megan, who noticed she caught her boss’s eye, decides to make the moves and in a uncharacteristically demure (many fans thought she looked frumpy here) but at worst basic outfit, she sleeps with him. This is the outfit for a quickie that later won his heart and has him pop the question and she becomes part of Creative at their work. But is this really for the best?
Power Ranking: 7, she married Don Draper but then again she married Don Draper. 
Peggy Olson
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Meet Peggy Olson, who officially walked away from the things holding her back from feeling at ease with herself and her choices. After a whole season where the priest impressed by her skills has learned that Peggy had a child out of wedlock and put him up for adoption and starts pressuring her to admit her “sin” while Peggy would rather move on with her life, she tells him they don’t see eye to eye and walks away from the Catholic Church and while the Cuban Missile Crisis is going on, she lays down in her bed with the pink comforter and pillows with her pink floral nightgown, she lays herself down to sleep and prays with a contented look on her face.
Power Ranking: 9, she’s not fully absolved of the issues plaguing her but refusing to wear a hairshirt and beat herself up? Awesome. 
Dawn Chambers
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Meet Dawn Chambers, from 1966-1968, she was the only black person (let alone black secretary) at the uber-white Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce (pun intended for the decor) and like many minorities in positions occupied by less marginalized people, Dawn had to keep her head low and not stand out (despite some co-workers considering her as remarkable as a sore thumb). But then in 1968, she made the mistake of punching in for a co-worker and they get caught by Joan Holloway (and it’s so horrid, thank God Don Draper intervened on Dawn’s behalf and Pete reminds them of how the ad agencies are being looked at for their minority quotas). This was also the season where Dawn took to wearing blazers over her blouses and skirts or dresses and here Dawn is wearing a conservative grey blazer over a pink shirt with ruffles down the front and a red plaid skirt when her work life alters for the...better? It is there that Joan sternly gives her the promotion of keeper of the keys, title not pay, and Dawn tells her that she decided she doesn’t care whether other people in the office hate her but she doesn’t want to disappoint Joan, who withholds any warmth or approval. The next season we see Dawn stand up to a entitled and mediocre white man (Lou Avery) and first she is moved to reception and then she takes over Joan’s post as Office Manager (With her own office! And the salary!) while Joan goes upstairs to her own office in Accounts. 
Power Ranking: 10, this is a big fucking deal for a Black Woman in a mostly-White corporate setting during the 1960s. 
Trudy Campbell
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1970, Trudy Vogel Campbell has remarried her estranged husband Pete and they are moving out to Wichita, Kansas with their young daughter Tammy where he will work a plush job for Lear Jet (and they are being flown out by them!). 
For the past ten years, Trudy and Pete have had a difficult marriage where he was dissatisfied with the choices he made and that he really didn’t want to marry her, and Trudy had to deal with being a woman with fertility issues at a time when motherhood was seen as a primary goal for women and women who didn’t have kids or chose not to were seen as weird at best. They had to deal with pressure from her father to adopt, his parents snotty issues, she had to deal with her husband’s attitude, his envy of others, and his cheating. But Trudy laid her boundaries and was able to stand up to her husband, without losing her gracious manner and her zest for society. She tried to be a supportive wife and she found some common ground with him, when it comes to common decency and politics, and they make an amazing pair on the dance floor. 
Then came the end after their divorce: they behave more amicably, he’s more involved with their young daughter, he fights for Trudy, and he gives an amazing pitch for her to come back. She takes him back but lets him know that she isn’t the same girl he married a decade before and she looks at things for how they are. 
Plus she is gonna rule Wichita!
Power Ranking: 8, she accepts there will be compromises but states her boundaries and has them met and will be a society wife. 
Elle Woods
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Who shows up in court in LA hot sandals, a pink tote bag for her canine companion Bruiser, long glossy hair, and a curve-hugging but professional power dress in shocking pink? Elle Woods. After trying hard to be taken seriously by her fuckboi ex Warner and her snotty, neutral toned Harvard classmates and learning that her Professor got her in an internship for a important lawcase (where they defend her fellow Sorority Sister) just for her looks, she leans into both her natural intelligence, expertise, and love of pink and all things girly to defend her friend and solve the case. 
Also can we talk about how both Legally Blonde and Bridget Jones’s Diary are both movies where the attractive blonde protagonist is humiliated by showing up for a costume party in a Playboy Bunny costume under false pretenses and she deals with sexual harassment and being underestimated regarding her intellect? But LB ages better because it kinda pokes fun at the beauty myth more and is more inter-sectional and Elle finds supportive women to add to her posse of supportive sisters and she supports other women in turn.
Power Ranking: 10, Sisterhood and owning your personality quirks and interests and boldly defending others is always a win. Case Dismissed. 
Lorelei Lee
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The ultimate Pink Power icon and the one who set the path for all femme-y and cute loving blonde protagonists with wit and ambition. This is the song for a woman who sings about how transactional heteronormative relationships in the mid-century were and how the performative actions of men in heterosexual relationships don’t do much to improve women’s lives, like paying the rent and that they would use women for their own uses and could be shallow enough to dump women if they lost their beauty and/or got older, so for insurance make sure you get money or rather things that can be hocked and worn with pride, like diamonds. Tom & Lorenzo covered this in their One Iconic Look series and this sequenced has been spoofed several times in Hey Arnold!, Crazy-Ex Girlfriend, Birds of Prey, and most famously by Madonna, and it is the look for women who not only feel good about their curves but also want to show them off.  As T&Lo said about the ditzy Lorelai and her savvier friend Dorothy Malone (Jane Russell):
These women were all about power, control, and looking out for each other. Men were side stories or play things.
And in the repressive Fifties it was outrageously pink and smelt of female sexual power (pink pussies). 
Power Ranking: 11, hawwwwwwww that’s what you get for having an iconic and referenced look!
Marge Simpson
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The most nostalgically remembered outfit in cartoons and the most written about in think pieces and articles by Millennial women who grew up watching The Simpsons and the rest of what the Animation Renaissance had to offer. In “Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield”, the family goes out to the outlet mall in Ogdenville where Marge and Lisa happen upon a beautiful pink Chanel suit that even left my cartoon-apathetic mother enthusiastic and Marge is soon seen by a old high school friend who mistakes her for being wealthy and Marge goes along with the ruse and is invited to Country Club activities with the ladies where she shows up in several talented alterations of her suit (until getting destroyed by Santa’s Little Helper, RIP Iconic suit), she also gives her family a hard time about how they don’t fit into that Country Club Scene and then when forced to see how she hurt them (and even Baby Maggie), turns around and tells them she loves Homer’s sense of humor, Lisa’s compassion and outspoken human rights politics, and just loves Bart (even if she can’t figure what she likes about him). 
This also happens to be another instance where Marge sacrifices a social life (she’s not seen with a lot of friends who have her back, aside from a brief time with Ruth Powers), chances for social mobility, and her own self-improvement for her family. While we love a mother who prioritizes her family’s autonomy, we still kind of hope that she didn’t have to sacrifice her own identity for her family. 
Power Ranking: 8, points for the iconic suit and it’s layered meanings. 
Bridget Jones
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A rare move of power for a normally powerless and insecure woman and in a shocking pink blouse and black slacks that show off her hourglass curves and go with her coloring. 
Pink is not a color Bridget isn’t familiar with, especially with this deleted scene that shows her in Pink Passivity (and it looks delicate on a blonde with blue eyes and pale skin but could risk her fading but I as a brunette would look popping!). But here after entering a relationship with Daniel Cleaver (who is a walking red flag) and finding out he was keeping her as his side-ho to his skinny, bitchy American girlfriend and colleague and I have my problems with Bridget Jones as a series (which would take several parts) and I can talk about how Peggy Olson and Joan Holloway were a lot better written versions of her (klutziness and awkwardness but succeeding!). But this is a huge power move where Bridget wears a simple outfit that owns her looks (even being affirmed by a older and previously antagonistic co-worker that she’s actually thinner than the average woman and she can’t back down, like ever) and is able to quit her job for a better and more glamorous job and tell off her ex-boyfriend for how poorly he has treated her. And all her co-workers smile off as she walks off in triumph after telling Daniel she’d rather wipe Saddam Hussein’s ass. I kinda wish I could go Joan Rivers on Daniel here. 
Also points on that bolder shade of pink. 
Power Ranking: 10, no one gets to burn a cheating, manipulative bridge like that (and yes she is conventionally prettier than I but that’s not the point). 
Alice Macray
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I know, I should shut my mouth and wear beige but my personal color analysis says I’m a winter person.
It’s an interesting power move, albeit within the confines of patriarchal society and even the only defiance that wouldn’t get her tsked at because she is serving the Male Gaze. And yet it’s a natural part of her characterization in this part of the series: the traditional housewife stubbornly keeping her pedestal and fighting to stall progress for other women pursuing other paths (part of wearing beige and shutting up as Mother of the Groom is to allow the Bride to take center stage) but it’s also a path she had to take what with being a dyslexic in a less informed and intolerant era and growing up in a sheltered, conservative Catholic family. This is also the outfit she wears when she spots a younger wife being forcibly yanked by her husband, alluding that the patriarchy isn’t benevolent. 
This isn’t her first time in pink, or even a pink and blue combination: she wears pink when she goes and gives out bread to defeat the feminists at the Illinois Legislature, she wears pink and blue when Bella Abzug calls on her and her peers’ hypocrisy, she drinks a Pink Lady when she is given a “Christian Pill” and it matches her lavender dress. It’s also ironic: pink, white, and blue are the colors of the Transgender pride flag and she is defending White Heternormative Cisnormative Christian Values TM and it’s also a color combo that shows up in the beauty parlor she frequents where she and her friends wring their hands over working women gaining more ground and feeling that their comfortable privilege is being taken away by women who sully their hands working outside the home while they stay home with their children in their coordinated pastels and have maids of color keep their worlds nice and orderly. 
But she is wearing a pink maxi dress with a high neckline and a very prominent hat that provides very ladylike shade for her fair skin, just like our first Pink Power Girl Mimi Tachikawa, and like Mimi, Alice will take a life-altering short trip to Wonderland. And like Pink Power Girl Eleven, she finds her true hidden power and starts wearing more saturated colors as time goes on. 
Power Ranking: 5, she is on her way to breaking out of her little safe world and doing more than subverting a wedding tradition. 
9 notes · View notes
Friday, 21 February 1840
8 1/4
3 20/’’
Fine morning breakfast at 10 1/4 – Professor Eversmann till 11 1/2 - Very agreeable and instructive – Says we shall get quite well avec la neige to Astrakhan – Had the Courier and George and Mr. E-[Eversmann] explained about the route direct from Bolgary to Simbirsk – He has only one copy of his Voyage to Bochara but it can be bought at St. Petersburg – 
Mr. Turnerelli came soon after 12, but the Terenin Vassok did not come till 12 25/’’ – Off in it immediately to the Térenins (Mr. Turnerelli followed on foot) – went upstairs for a moment – Several ladies and gents[gentlemen] all ready to go off immediately to the Mosque – Found 3 ladies already there and counting those who seemed well known to our party we were 8 ladies and 10 gents[gentlemen] and 2 livery servants – Madame Terenin and her 2 sisters and Mr. T-[Terenin] and the Chef de Police and our 2 Professors and 4 others and Colonel Bechmetieff and a Mr. Krudener an intelligent young man who has served in the Caucasus and knows the Tartars and their customs –
Paganism prohibited in Russia but a few Tchonasses (about 300 men) still by stealth offer their sacrifice in the woods and get drunk for 3 days or as long as their beer lasts at the fête of St. John, as the pagans Fins do – Same worship – like the old goths – Not Lamaism –
At the Mosque at 12 40/’’ for 1/4 hour or 20 minutes we had arrived just before the Imaeem (priest) began to pray – Same service, of course, as at Moscow and there we saw it from 1st to last or we should have known little from what we saw today – Largeish mosque – Some neat plaster work inside about the windows and in the ceiling – There might be from 100 to 150 men and boys; and we were a talking addition of 20 – Kasembek said the prayers being in Arabic were as little understood by the Tartar people as the Latin prayers by the Roman Catholics – The putting the hands to the ears is as if to hide eyes, and stop up ears, to shew that they are meditating and insensible to all around – They really seemed very devout and not disturbed by the talking of our party – K-[Kasembek] said it was merely a religion of the exterior from the Mosque -
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The  Märcani Mosque in Kazan (image c. 1940s).
Adjourned to the house of the Tartar honey merchant …….not the richest here, but very good and much respected and rich – 4 wives – Only saw one son, a nice enough boy of about 7 or 8? Three tables groaned under different species of pastry and confectionary – Then a regular Tartar dinner – A pilau (pilaf) of rice and little bits of meat – Roast mutton – Ditto dindon in morceaux (tho’ the Tartars never cut anything up, eat with their fingers) – Cold fish &c. &c. &c. – 
After this the ladies were shewn into the Harem – The 4 wives – And a daughter and niece or two, and 2 or 3 women servants about 12 altogether – Nicely dressed in brocade and ornamented with pearls, tourquoises, even diamonds – A stupid looking set – The youngest wife rather pretty – Rouged cheeks, and blackened teeth – Little Turnerelli was allowed to come in but no other man – At first the women were for running away, but they were soon reassured and even looked at the little man – Poor things! So many human beings – Human animals! – Except an Asylum for Insanes I have never seen any sight so melancholy and so humiliating as this Harem – Speaking of the Tartar and Persian women to Professor E-[Eversmann] the day we called on his wife, he observed ‘Elles ne sont pas de la Société’ – They are not admitted or capable of being admitted into Society – How terrible this degradation of one half of mankind! 
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“Harem Fountain” by  Frederick Arthur Bridgman.
We dispersed at 2 1/2 on leaving Monsieur Le Tatar, a very civil nice clean-looking about 60? man – Very civil – Drank our health and happy voyage and the health of our Queen and of England – I returned the health of the Tartars and the Russian Imperial Family – Mr. K-[Kasembek] our Persian accompanied us (in his Traineau?) to the Observatory – Locked – The professors wife buried on Monday – Could not see it – Saw the collection of medals arranged in armoires on dark green ledges reared against the back – Asiatic and Russian coins and medals of which we could not judge the value – The principal part of the collection modern – Some time in the Library (the medal-room adjoins it) 2 Étages of Gallery round the top – 30,000 volumes said K-[Kasembek] they have all the leading English periodicals Quarterly and Edinburgh Reviews – But the Edinburgh the one K-[Kasembek] seemed to prefer – All books defendu or not received by the University but 2 months en retard – 
It was 2 55/’’ when we thanked and took leave of our good aimable Kasembek – Then drove to the General Governor’s – Not at home – Left P.[Pour]P.[Prendre]C.[Congé] cards – Ditto ditto ditto chez les Térénin but he came up while we were at the door, and took our P.[Pour]P.[Prendre]C.[Congé] cards himself – Very civil – Then left our cards chez les Moussin Pouchkine (they not at home) – Madame E-[Eversmann] excused us last night leaving cards chez elle – Everybody very civil and hospitable and have done their best and enough to make our séjour à Kazan agréable – 
Home at 3 1/4 – Madame de Lapteff’s carriage and 4 at the door had been in waiting ever since 2 p.m. took it to the Gastinoi Dvor (bought tea and bougiees) and then a little détour, and gave the footman as usual (each after each time) a blue note = 5/- and came in at 4 1/2 – Then busy packing – Had George – The Kibitkas were to have been here at 2 p.m. – Not ready – Promised at 9 a.m. tomorrow – Nous verrons – 
At accounts a little till Madame de Lapteff came at 7 1/4 – Tea, and sat with us till 9 1/2 – Very agreeable person – Gave us a letter to Countess Warantzoff, and another to a Mr. Spask? (I have put up the letters and cannot turn to the name) at Odessa – Then the tea things having remained began again and sat talking and tea drinking till 11 – Then till now 2 1/4 tonight wrote the last 19 lines of p.[page] 32 and all but the first 6 lines of p.[page] 33 and the whole of the last p.[page] and so far of this – I must arrange some better observation in Kazan when I have more time – I must copy my pencil notes of Tuesday (vide p.[page] 30) by and by – 
The botanic garden is Southwest of the Town leaving Boutirka on the left as one goes from here – an Orangerie, but nothing to be seen at this time of year – We have had no time to see one of the 5 Tatar schools mentioned by Kupffer – Toilette and Société are not good for laborious research – We have not seen Mr. Emeritus Fuchs – He is about the age of Fischer of Moscow – 70 passé? Eversmann is surely the most distinguished Professor of the set – The Curator has offered to buy his collection for the University (as he the Curator himself told me last night) and will probably agree for it by allowing E-[Eversmann] to have it for his life – E-[Eversmann] said this morning he should not like to part with it during his life – 
Very fine day – 20º of cold this morning said Madame L-[Lapteff] not more than 15º if so much at noon – They say here the climate is less severe than that of Moscow! – Very fine day – ‘Tis now 2 1/2 tonight –
[symbols in the margin of the page:]         +          ✓c       ✓c
[in the margin of the page:]            put forward my Arnold watch (before breakfast) exactly 4 hours and it still 1/4 too late by the clocks of the house
Page References:  SH:7/ML/E/24/0019 and SH:7/ML/E/24/0020
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holidcy · 4 years
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i am actually embarrassed to say how long this intro too me to write out ? so im not gonna say it ! it’s not like it took be 3 hours or anything 👀 . and for what ? idk because this intro is a mess . but anyways ... i’m mia , i’m a whole twenty years old which really just feels like a glorified teenager but whatever , we’re not here to talk about that right now . we’re here to talk about my lil baby holly . guys she is literally the sweetest human ever ? but also ? to sensitive for her own good and really the good of those around her ? very happy feet energy coming form this girl . but without further ado , below you can read up on holly & if you wanna plot give this a like . also my discord is 𝖒𝖌𝖐'𝖘 𝖜𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖊#9789 if you wanna plot there or just generally chat !
full name: holiday elena addams nickname: holly ( she’s basically turned this into her name , not one really calls her holiday ) , holls , elle ( by her parents ) birthday: june 3rd birthplace: chicago , illinois hometown: highland park , illinois ( although the family home was located in highland park her parents would in chicago and holly even attended private school in chicago ) residence: new york city , new york nationality: american ( est. 1999 through birth )  ethnicity: english ( maternal & paternal , 50% ) , polish ( maternal , 25% ) , spanish ( paternal , 25% ) religion: catholicism  orientation: heterflexible ( she claims being straight but in all actually she’s not closed off to anything despite not having much experience outside the opposite gender ) languages spoken: english ( fluent , first language ) , spanish ( fluent , second language ) , polish ( conversation , third language ) , mandarin  ( conversational , fourth language ) . father: leandro oliver addams  ( 49 years old )  was born & raised in chicago , illinois by a politician / businessman & a philanthropist . leandro went on to take a little bit from both of his parents as he is a highly esteemed business tycoon as well as being regarded as one of the most charitable men in the world .  ( relationship:  there has never been a day that has gone by where the two didn’t get along . if there is anyone in this world who gets holly it is her father . truly , daddy’s little girl . the two of them are as thick as thieves . ) mother : susanna renee addams ( nee daniels ) ( 48 years old ) was born & raised in long island , new york . the daughter of a hedge fund investor & a stay at home mother . susanna grew to be an amazing cosmetologist and which the help of her father’s amazing business mind she was able to start up a salon in new york city . she gained the most devoted clientele , loving every second of her work . she took a break for almost a decade before deciding to return to the beauty industry . today she has salons across the globe in chicago , los angeles , toronto , london , and new york city .  ( relationship: susanna often had to play bad cop when it came to parenting and because of this the two butted heads quite often whilst holly was growing up . despite this , her mom is her role model and the two have always had a friendship that underlined their mother - daughter relationship .  ) social class: upper education: attending new york university ( s. 2018 ) she spent her first year of university at usc , she’s majored in creative writing at both universities  career: author ( her book is a coming of age mystery called privilege that she’s recently admitted to writing the full book during a coke binge ) , internet personality , philanthropist , socialite , and student  notoriety: being apart of the prominent addams family , amassing over 32m followers on all social media platforms , publishing a new york times best selling book at the age of seventeen . weight: 120lbs height: 5′5″ hair color: brown ( with blonde highlights ) eye color: brown positive traits: benevolent, high spirited , extroverted , romantic , honest , affectionate , intelligent , friendly , ambitious , passionate , approachable , charming  negative traits: immature , vain , garrulous , critical , sensitive , stubborn , inattentive , naive , sarcastic , obsessive , insecure , impractical , irritable likes: anything strawberry flavored , flowers , driving fast , pink , watching the first snow fall , birthday parties , lips gloss , netflix , sunkissed skin , dogs , peanut butter , agatha christie , redecorating , driving with the windows down , long plane rides , denim jackets , taco bell , orange juice , makeup , sports , female empowerment , online shopping , fresh berries , roller skating , photography , writing , tea dislikes: liars , driving in the snow , coffee , having no siblings , deep water , bad drivers , body shaming , pizza , hateful people , being rushed , cuss words , repetition , disloyalty , being alone ,  horror movies , dentists , silence , cheap perfume , criticism , the unknown , traffic , wine , poptarts ,  small spaces ,  hobbies: reading with a hot cup of tea , video editing in the back of a car , smoking before bed to help fall asleep , going out to eat with her parents , napping , hiding alcohol in her bedroom , painting alternate universe cartoons , attending big soirees , stashing drugs in jewelry boxes , sleepovers with her closest friends , talking the dogs on walks , early morning instagram lives , old disney marathons , scribbling in a notebook while snuggled up in bed  chara inspo: olivia baker ( all american ) , leila faisal ( all american ) , tan france ( queer eye ) , elena gilbert ( the vampire diaries ) , dorothy gale ( wizard of oz ) , lucy pevensie ( chronicles of narnia ) , lara jean ( to all the boys i loved before ) , elle woods ( legally blonde ) , jeffree star , jenny humphrey ( gossip girl ) , cassie howard ( euphoria ) fashion inspo: vsco girls , bella hadid , megan markle , rihanna , selena gomez , perrie edwards , emma watson aesthetics: ghostly sounding music playing as background music to a pen to paper , eyes widened at the chance to do something positive , the annoying beg for approval , infectious energy , a pout so crippling , the swell of regret as you sneak a bottle into your bedroom , tanned skin tousling with silk sheets , big eyes threatening to shed a tear , the zip of a pink mclaren 
holly is the only child to leandro and susanna addams ( the addams family 👀 ) . she was born with not just a silver spoon but the silver spoon . the addams are a prominent american family , that are regarded as one of the leading industrialist during the gilded age . in short her families been billionaire rich for a long time and are known as one of the families to bring wealth to the city of chicago . she was incredibly spoiled growin gup as you would assume but by the grace of her parents teachings she was anything but a brat . she had being filthy rich and being an only child working against her and she still managed to be the most giving and down to earth child . from a young age holly would give her toys to other kids during play dates & ask her parents if she could donate the things she didn’t use anymore to the less fortunate . 
although her father had a busying career as he took over the family company just a year before holly was born , but in spite of that he always made time for his family . luckily her mother had stepped away from her career soon after meeting holly’s father , so she was able to be a stay at home mom and be there for every important moment of holly’s life . by the way , susanna was straight of of a real housewives show only just an overall better person ? they had dinner together as a family every night , threw parties at the house for every big moment in holly’s life . everything from birthdays , graduations , academic honors , to becoming captain of the cheerleading team and everything in between warranted a celebration in the eyes of susanna and leandro . 
she grew up extremely sheltered , mostly because her parents wanted to keep their little girl well their little girl . they didn’t want the world to taint her . she went to church every sunday and even wednesday nights , if she wanted to have a sleepover it was always at the addams household , and her parents met the parent/s of every kid she befriended growing up . 
despite their attempts her parents couldn’t shield her from one thing . getting her heart broken and at sixteen she experience her first bout of heart break . the boy she’d falling head over heels for just stopped talking to her one day , with no rhythm or reason he moved on to another girl with a blink of an eye . she couldn’t understand why ( pst ? it was because she slept with him and that was all he wanted to begin with ) someone could be so cruel an play with someones heart like that . it was her first experience of how the world could really work and in all honesty , holly couldn’t handle it . she got her hands on her parents bar room in the house and would literally drink every night before bed so she could sleep . 
this soon turned into her going to parties , promising her parents "i just want to hang out with my friend , i wont touch any alcohol” and her promise was always kept , she didn’t touch alcohol at these parties instead she smoke weed and on the chance one of her friends had it on them she’d do a line . 
this double life , if you would , didn’t lead to any real issues , at least not while she was in highschool . she still graduated top of her class  and even got accepted into her dream school university of southern california .  it wasn’t until she was a semester deep in usc that she realized she was losing control over her life . maybe it was a mix of her derailing mental state , being separated from her parents , and the los angeles social make up . whatever it was holly wasn’t too far gone to see she needed help . 
instead of going back to school the following semester holly checked herself into rehab . her parents freaked out , unaware their daughter had touched a substance a day in her life . it was a long process and took alot of owning up for her own wrong doings but after a couple months she checked out of rehab and flew out to her parents .
she had decided upon leaving rehab that her best bet directly after getting out would be to surround herself with people who loved her . during her short stint in california her parents had made the temporary move to new york city so that her mom could focus on the salon in the city , so holly transferred to new york university to continue her studies and be around her parents .
she lives under their roof , despite being more than self efficient thanks to her multiple branches of income including her trust fund but she figures there is only so much more time before they leave to go back to chicago that the more time she spends with them the better off she’ll be when they leave the city . speaking of , she doesn’t know her parents will be leaving the city in the next few months . on a positive note they plan on paying the rent in the apartment they live in for her until she finds somewhere she likes better .   
today , holly is a sober ( she smokes weed here and there but it’s not a addictive so it fine 🙄 ) and happy . although due to how sensitive the girl is anything could make her snap , she’s incredibly fragile guys . like capable of having a mental break at any moment but like we ignore it because if we bring it up it’ll happen . wooo . 
not so fun fact ? when she has an off day she’ll literally sit in her room holding either a bottle she had hidden in her walk in closet or stares at the coke she keeps in her jewelry box . she hasn’t used any of it but she tells herself its there as a reminder when really it’s a crutch for if she ever needs it again , she has easy access .
secret time ? she pushed her ex boyfriend of a balcony while she was drunk . this happened before she went to rehab ... perhaps you could say it was what prompted her to realized her crazy ass needed to go to rehab . ummm , it’s not acceptable and she knows this but one thing we all need to know about holly is that holly + substances + being upset = toxic shit that is always the equation and there is never another answer to it . 
a girl squad or just a squad in general really , give my baby her lil group of people please
maybe a fellow chicago native ? who she dated in highscool and you know is the one who dropped her like a hot potato after she slept with him
ex hook ups 
frenemies but more like a blair & lil j circa season 1 situation ? 
someone who just doesn’t like her , but like she does everything she can think of to get them to like her 
an unrequited ting were he’s leading her one so he can sleep with her ?
or maybe someone has a crush on holly but she just doens’t have the heart to tell them she’s not interested so now here she is kissing and OMG YUP NOW SHES SLEEPING W THEM ...
someone she races ? she loves cars especially fast ones
a we hang out and watch/obsess over sports but the whole time i can’t help but think about how hot you are kinda vibe ?
someone who is v bad for her and they know it but she doesn’t care because she like them so much & he likes her too but knows he’ll hurt her ?!
someone who sees that she might be teetering on falling off the wagon ( maybe they were over her place and saw the stash of substances all over her room ), maybe they’re trying to get her to stop smoking weed bc they feel like for her that’s a huge gateway  
smoking buddies where they literally just hot box cars together and munch on taco bell talking about why sound vibrates & shit
someone who she used to party with & be wild with ( could be from chi or nyc because she visited alot as a kid ) and now they feel like she’s a lame bc she’s sober
she’s a good influence on them ? they’re a bad influence on her ? ride or dies ? partners in crime ? only friends when there is a substance involved ? sugar baby vibes ? unlikely friends ? flings ? crush ? friends with benefits ? everytime they are around one another its a fight ? someone she lets crash at her parents place sometimes ? someone she’s backstabbed but like she got tricked into doing it ? anything fluffy , anything angsty ... reall just anything you got , i’ll take ! 
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