#dunno what else to put
goofyocher · 5 months
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Been quite a while since I drew anything, finally got around to it again, drew a little fibshie :D Looking appropriately derpy as always.
I'm hoping that it won't take me as long of a break to draw the next thing.
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larsofthestars444 · 10 months
A little Johnny bravo sketch^^
i personally never watched it, (cause idk where to) but i saw a few scenes a while back and he seems kinda cool so I drew him✨
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ha-ha-noises · 2 years
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Friend said I should post more of my art,,,so...Art
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yiqiuqiu · 11 months
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don't wing your art, it's not worth it
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soni-dragon · 2 months
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ive seen a couple pokemon character color wheels around so i tried one with some of my favorites!
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gladumf · 7 months
Fanfic Writers!
ive been thinking about this for a while and I wanna see what people are more inclined to
also, put your fandom in the tags if you want, it would be interesting to see if that affects the answer!
please reblog for bigger sample size!
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hisonokami · 11 months
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Redesigning the Beta kids!!
This was mostly me doing this based on like- what if they were designed more so like characters I'd make!! so I added my own magic to it while also taking my own head canons into it!
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pretzelcarrier · 9 months
They asked me why I brought my son to battle.... ermmm do they know he's the Hamburger of Chaos ?
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This is a silly redraw of that one spiderverse image with Peter B. and Mayday. So I also have a text version, here's that ! + the original image if you haven't seen it before
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nicepersondisorder · 2 months
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landlordevil · 3 months
Like the game doesn't offer ulder enough. and it's frustrating because some people are starting to see the layers behind wyll's discussion of his horns/why he would be seen as unsettling to the tieflings, but idk if people are also fully understanding not just the role devils play in the game but ulder's own experiences... he says he became a "plaything for devils" when in elturel. That's bad yeah? like I fully believe he loves wyll and I fully believe that part of his firm refusal to listen to wyll stems from not just the real fear of losing his son to powers beyond his control, but also from his recent trauma of being abused by devils and then seeing his own son bear these marks. It's still not fair to wyll. But I find that having a character who's a flawed parent, who tried and tries and still has shortcomings but admits to them, is incredibly interesting and worthwhile to engage with. But also larian seems so uninterested in actually exploring their relationship, as evidenced by how little we get between the two of them lol
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creativibee · 27 days
whoop meant to do this earlier
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I doom scrolled, so now yall get a baby velociraptor. enjoy.
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arleniansdoodles · 2 years
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I’ve been reading this awesome Star Wars fanfic, The Protégé, written by @spell-cleaver, and it really inspired me to draw some fanart! This scene is from chapter 4, where Luke and Leia are having some bonding time XDD
If y’all are interested, the fanfic’s premise is that Luke is raised by the Naberries, becomes the Senator of Naboo, and is sent to work in the Senate while Padmé is Empress and Vader is her bodyguard. The political intrigue and character relationships are amazing! Thank you so much SpellCleaver for your work!! While I wait in anticipation for the next update, please accept this humble offering as a token of my appreciation <333
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samarecharm · 2 months
Ryuji is so anxious in the beginning of the game :( hes so caught up in his head during the kamoshida arc; makes me think hes been like that for awhile, at least until u get a bit further in the game. The rumors, the self loathing, the whole stint w kamoshida; hes got too much on his brain and its kinda nice (and a little sad) that he starts sharing those anxieties and doubts the second hes in a safe space to do so.
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writer-komaru · 2 years
Hello! I have returned! (I mean I was always here I just haven’t been feeling motivated to write :p)
I write this after completing the newest boss battle in genshin and I am inconsolable. So don’t mind me as I self indulge just a bit. ^^ (Spoilers in tags)
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Plot - giving scara a present (confession?)
Genre - fluff to comfort
Song - Eternity ♪ Final Fantasy (guitar cover)
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“Follow me!”
“Don’t pull me around like I’m some sort of child! Where are you even taking me, Traveler?”
Scaramouche growled in annoyance. You held his hand tight on your own, running quickly through the dense forest. Despite his words of protest, he made no effort to pull his hand out of your grasp.
“You’ll see when we get there. It’s not much farther away.”
“Hmph.. this better be worth my time.”
After a few more seconds, light began to pour out from an opening ahead of you both. As you and scaramouche finally exited the forest, his eyes widened at the sight before him.
“So… what do you think?”
The sight of the flower field around you was almost breathtaking. The vibrant colors shone brightly as the sunlight painted the land in a soft, warm glow. The tall lilac-tilted trees around the clearing gave the field a secluded feeling. It was like a small, private place just for the two of you.
“Traveling sure does have its perks, huh?”
You smiled warmly at him. He almost didn’t know what to say.
“I still don’t know why you took me here. Am I supposed to be impressed or something? I’ve seen many different types of environments in my lifetime.”
Your smile turned into a frown.
“Even after I took you all this way to show you something special to me, you still aren’t impressed. Ahh, my heart! It hurts!”
You fall down onto the comfy bed of flowers, clutching your chest dramatically. But, just as you suspected, Scaramouche ran over to you in a panic.
“Are you alright?! Are you hurt?”
He knelt down next to you and examined your body, trying to see if there was any sort of wound on you.
Even though he tried to see all big and bad, he still was such a softie sometimes.
“Hehehe, I’m okay, I’m okay. I’m just joking.”
He tilted his head and narrowed his eyes at you.
“Why would you joke about something like that?! What if something serious happened to you, huh? Would it still be a joke then?! Ugh… you’re so insufferable sometimes.”
“Yeah yeah…. Whatever you say, Scara.”
As scaramouche crossed his arms dramatically, pouting to himself, you decided it was finally time to prepare for the real reason you asked him to come here with you.
“I’ll be right back, I just need to get some stuff from the forest.”
The brisk fearful expression he gave before turning away again made you second guess yourself.
“Fine. Leave me for all I care.”
You signed, you should have been able to predict he would have reacted like that.
“You can come with me if you want, but it will only be a few minutes.”
Scaramouche paused to look at the ground before reluctantly taking your hand once more.
After walking through the flowers and finding a sturdy-looking tree, you took out a small knife from your back pocket. Scaramouche watched you in confusion as you began sawing off one of the limbs of the tree.
‘How inefficient.’
He mentally scoffed at you.
“Give me that.”
You gave him a confused look before handing him the knife. He approached the tree and with one swift, fluid motion, he sliced the tree limb right off with barely a single sound.
“Thank you, but you didn’t need to do all that.”
“Of course I did. You were barely even making any marks. We would have been here for hours if it wasn’t for me.”
“Hehe, we’ll then thank you for your contribution. Let’s head back now.”
Scaramouche watched you with a puzzled expression as you began to scrape the bark off of a small log you cut out of the branch. But any time your two made eye contact, he would just look away and scoff, saying something along the lines of,
“This is so pointless. Why do we even need to be out in the middle of nowhere if you just want to do some arts and crafts?”
You only chuckled in response.
This went on for hours before you were finally finished. After carving out the main shape, you gathered a few flowers and mixed it with some water in a stream nearby to add color to it.
“Finally you’re finished. Let’s get out of here so I can do something more worth my time-“
Before scaramouche could complete his sentence, you got up and sat down in front of him.
“I bet you're wondering what this is. Well…”
You looked away out of nervousness, which made him groan.
“If you have something important to say, then spit it out.”
“Okay. Well, I’ve known you for a while now, and as time goes by, I feel like I’m learning more and more about you. And… I know this may not have any meaning to you since you see me as just a lowly worm, but I’m so deeply sorry about everything you’ve been through. I wish there was something I could have done back then, but I can't change the past. I can only change the future. And I want to make you a promise.”
You gently held out the object to Scaramouche, causing his eyes to widen in surprise.
“I want to promise you to always be there for you, even when it feels like you’re all alone. To always be there to support you when it feels like the world is turning against you. To always be there to comfort you when you feel as though you will always be alone. Because in reality, you won’t ever be alone anymore. I’ll make sure of it.”
“And, I know this isn’t really much, but I remember you told me about how you were trying to seek this out. So I made one for you. I… hope you like it.”
Scaramouche didn’t know what to say as you placed the wooden gnosis in his hands. This feeling…. This is the first time he has ever felt like this before. And before he knew it, he felt something begin to drip down from his cheeks, creating wet marks on his shorts. You gasped in surprise. You had never seen scaramouche cry ever in your whole time knowing him.
“Ah! I’m so sorry! Did I say something bad? Ah, I knew I shouldn’t have talked about your past.”
You mentally scolded yourself as you gently brushed your thumb over the corners of his eyes. All he could do was stare at you, still in shock.
He looked away from you, clutching onto the gnosis tightly, as if scared it would dissolve in his grasp at any second.
His mind began to race.
Why were you so nice to him? Why is he crying? Why can’t he seem to let go of it even though he knows it’s fake? Why are you looking at him with such a soft yet worried expression? Why can’t he manage to say a single word?!
He forced himself to look back into your eyes. Your expression was so warm. It filled his cold, husk of a body up with feelings he’s never even known of before. For his whole life he has felt like a broken toy that’s been tossed away and forgotten, never to be loved ever again. But the more he hangs around you, the more he can feel himself growing to trust, even care for you. No matter how many times he tells himself he shouldn’t, that he will only get his heart broken again, he just can’t stop this feeling deep in his chest.
His shaky hand reached forward and grabbed the collar of your shirt, forcing you forward and into a tight hug. Your body stiffened from the sudden action.
“… thank you. Thank you for giving me hope.”
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“So….. you like the gift?”
You smirked at him as you both began to walk back towards the forest. He looked away out of embarrassment, scoffing at you.
“Like I should tell you, traveler.”
The whole trip back to your house he clung onto not only your hand but also the false gnosis.
Deep down, he always knew that he didn’t need a gnosis to feel complete. He always had you.
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bobmckenzie · 12 days
randall × caitie moodboard
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❝ “Do you think you’ll try it?” she asks. Her voice is soft, but carries with ease on the still night air. The roar of the distant, passing L train is nothing but a murmur from where they are. It’s an odd question, asking if he’ll try death. She can’t bring herself to use the word, not out loud. Not for him. “We've proven we can do it, so… I'll go under. But nothing over three minutes.” That might've all been a lie, he wasn't sure. Of course part of him was curious what there was to experience beyond life, but… was he willing to chance dying for it, permanently? She stopped at the steps of her apartment to turn and face him. In the moonlight her skin seemed to glow, dark lipstick a little smudged after the long night, brown hair glistening with gold from the warm light of the streetlamp. “Well… if it means anything, I wish you wouldn't risk it.” There was an ache in his heart, something heavy, something beautiful.  No, he thought, he wasn’t willing to chance it. It couldn’t possibly be worth it. ❞
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an-albino-pinetree · 3 months
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I am losing steam, but more world building-
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