#donna beneviento hc
donnabenevientosimp · 6 months
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Donna hc of her scar that I drew. I hc that she, like a few other writers I've seen, have her scar as something that grows on her face as she ages but then it evolves into somn bigger due to the Cadou. This version of Donna is gonna mainly be used when I write fics unless stated otherwise or unless requested otherwise <3
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cyravillaria · 6 months
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Couldn't sleep so doodling donna was the next best thing to do
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smartycvnt · 7 months
I am begging for some soft smut headcanons with donna beneviento please
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Donna is very shy when it comes to asking for intimacy
She usually kind of clings to your side, holding onto you and kissing you until you take things further
She usually keeps the veil on for her comfort unless you specifically ask her to remove it
Donna likes to hold your hand during sex, whether you're giving or receiving
She needs a lot of verbal reassurance that you love her while you're holding her after sex
Donna is very doting with her aftercare, but is kind of closed off when it comes to receiving care herself
A big thing you're both working on is getting past that at a comfortable pace
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darkittensniper · 3 months
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Hellooooooooooo, Mother!🙇‍♀️😌
I am humbly- not so humbly. I’m so thirsty- asking you for that one cassandra x Donna thought we had….because…we starving when it comes to this ship
Please, Mother, feed us feed me! I’m your fav-
I FUOAKIN LOVE your works. But ofc especially Cassandra x Donna🙇‍♀️ because good soup
That…sleeping one…you teased…please. Pretty please? I’ll even leave your vases alone for a day pleaaaaaaase MOTHERRRRRR!🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
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The cig break I had to take after writing this should fucking illegal.
Firstly Yes hello yes daughter. MY FAVORITE DAUGHTER. MY ONLY WONDEFUL AMAZING SMART CHILD! I have heard you and have arrived once again to deliver the food. *slams down massive ass plate* Ok so lets start with the basics. I have no right to say I had any control of this one shot once I started writing it. It took me on some twist and turns but I think I got across the what you wanted. (Cass getting touched on by Dark Donna while she is sleeping) My HC's for Dark Donna go wild and i aint sorry. More mutant and multi armed Donna yes pls...
Hope you enjoy it @muffinsin
The teacup fell from frigid fingertips, shattering completely along the polished wood floor. Cassandra’s hand loosened enough for it to have dropped. Porcelain covered in the finely ground root that had been added to this evening’s tea. An unspoken rule between the two women, Donna brewed Cassandra a special tea. Cassie knew it would make her rather sleepy, due to the Golden Pothos leaves that had been added to the lavender tea. The Lord knew Cassandra would have refused to drink the tea if she didn’t want to be taken advantage of while she slept.
Lord Beneviento found much to enjoy when her little doll was like this. She stood just shy of their shared bed; the covers having been removed. Leaving just the black satin sheets. Skin the color of the finest alabaster in stark contrast with the sheets. Dark brown hair lay fanned out underneath the huntress’s head. Her eyes were closed, mouth agape slightly. Revealing small yet deadly top fangs. The Lord reached down and angled her thumb along her lover’s bottom lip. Just light enough to were her eyelids fluttered, but did not open. It drew a shudder from the lithe Lord. The veil over Donna’s face moved ever so gently from her rather labored breathing. Just looking over the smaller women’s sleeping form made Donna’s spine cramp. The lull of her stomach as it rose and fell. The swell of her breast, the giving fat teasing the Lord. The dark patch of hair between her legs, glistening with the start of her arousal. Strong muscle strapped thighs, each as supple as they were thick. One hand dangled over the side of the bed, the one that dropped the cup. The other lay along her stomach, fingers fanned out over the raised muscle of her abs.
The veins in the Lords hands danced along the extensor tendons as she flexed them. Drawing her thumb along Cassandra’s top lip, pulling it back to bare her teeth. A small groan left the Lord as she eased her tall frame down next to her women. Her mourning dress pulled up around her hips as she straddled Cassandra’s naked thighs. A small grunt leaving Cassie’s 
The brown-haired women's abs felt like heaven, just enough brawn to press against black silk panties. Yet enough soft give of fat to make the Lord bite her lip as her hips bucked on their own. Another flutter of Cassandra's eyelids, long beautiful eyelashes kissing the tops of her cheeks. An sharp inhale, taking the scent of her women into her nose. Even through the powerful lull of this induced sleep, the feral part of the hunter’s instincts could never be fully dulled. 
Cassie smelled the finest fragrance of wildflowers and the natural musk of her lover’s arousal.
 Donna, utterly enraptured in the sight before her, the veil opening capturing just enough for her wondering eye to have time to appreciate all she saw. Taking Cassandra's sleeping form in sections, capturing each like a photo still. Imprinted and etched. Burned and seared into her memory. The sweet torture of being able to remember her like this at a whim made a small whimper leave the larger woman. Each detail would never be lost on Lord Beneviento, her obsession for her lover wouldn't allow such a thing. Her spine cramped again, this time the sheer need to have dead cold flesh in her hands, holding more life than anything the Lord had ever beheld. In the ice cold reaches of cream-colored skin Donna found a blazing inferno. 
Nails painted the color of the darkest ichor stood proud along the brawn of Cassandra's neck. Fingers honed and practiced. Long, slim and astoundingly dexterous, each individually pressed right where the Lord wanted. Palms pressed feather light along the smooth column of her lover’s throat. 
The Lord squeezed.
Only along the sides of her lover’s neck, pressure alone. No need to crush her women’s windpipe. She wanted to hear her nightingale sing for her this night. The response was instant, a perfect sleep painted groan left the brown-haired women. Donna's veil fluttered in the still air as a soundless exhale left her. Veins danced along the doll makers hands as she squeezed again, this time taking the blunt end of her nails to the frigid skin under them. Lips, void of their usual bloodily appearance parted as another, be it louder groan left Cassies mouth. Sandstone colored eyes flitted under closed lids, a few flies broke off from her cheek and landed on Donna's hand. Drawing the silver-colored eye away from her prize to land on the insects on her left hand. They were sluggish but intent to make themselves known, mouthparts quickly drawing blood. 
The Lord didn't flinch, watching as a small rivulet of black blood leaked down her hand, wrapping around her wrist only to drop down on Cassandra's collarbone. The air was permeated with the raw copper smell of the Lord’s blood, drawing a sleepy growl from Cassie. Her nose along with her flies had tasted their prize. Yet the effects of the tea were just strong enough to keep the smaller women affected. The Lord’s eye twitched at the reddening skin from where her ladies’ flies had bitten her.
 Had Donna given permission to taste her blood?
Like a switch, the Lord’s was deftly agile when she needed. She less moved, more appeared next to the bed again. A cold patience, one Lord Beneviento always carried around her, had been tested. Tested in a way that needed a swift end. Cassandra’s flies, sensing more than feeling the change of demeanor, flying lazily back to her face and returning to the smooth alabaster of her cheek. The Lord went about positioning her doll on the bed. Invisible, writhing arms coming from Donna’s back. Each strong and just as deadly as the ones who lay clasped in front of her. The red bites along her left hand had stopped bleeding but the actual process of healing them would take time. Having marred the Lord’s perfect skin without her permission.
The indent of the phantom fingers along toned legs made Donna shiver. An extension of herself, she felt every inch of cold supple skin through those hands. They were her hands after all, just unseen. Two spreading her lovers’ legs, two clasping Cassandra’s arms and pulling them above her head. Successfully pining her little doll to the bed. The final set laying claim to her hips, pressing into the cold skin until it bruised the pale skin. Cassie groaned; eyes fliting open for a spilt second from the brazen pain. Donna’s many pairs of arms kept the vice grip on her lover, though her body went ridged next to the bed. The thought of almost waking her sleeping women excited her. Under the flowing black material of the dresses hems lithe well-muscled thighs were clamped together. The friction it caused felt delightful, along with the all the other various stimuli she was getting from the many limbs coming from the Lord’s back. It only added to the itch at Donna brain that could only be scratched by the sleeping form of her lady. The hunter felt the phantom limbs holding her down, the dreamscape she wadded through left much of the sensations fleeting as best. Having to chase down the feeling, only for it to slip from her grasp. Starting the chase all over again. She. Loved. This.
Donna gave Cassie just what she wanted, her body already more than willing to be explored. Hands along the smaller women’s hips, lifting just enough for Donna to see just how Cass had started to leak, slicking clinging to her ever so pretty pussy lips. Using her own hands the Lord removed her veil from her head, the flushed face hidden under bared to the room. Silver colored scar tissue, casting forth a shimmering like that of an iridescent moon. The smile on the Lords face only grew as the scared flesh came alive, leaving room for wickedly sharp teeth and the writhing mass to grow. The right side of the Lord’s face also grew many more teeth than should have been housed inside. The smile splitting her features, what snaked out of her mouth couldn’t be called a tongue. The appendage itself was split right down the middle, making two wiggling tongue like muscles. Each dripping with a very special mix of different fluids.
Donna again, appeared before the foot of the bed, its height only making to just shy of the tops of the Lord’s knees. Towering not only above mattress, but also above Cassandra. If only yellow eyes had opened in that spilt second. Maybe the hunter would have noticed the nefarious glint in the Lord’s eye. The absolutely manic look lurking just under the dead calm awash in her eye.
Unhinged would not even be cutting it close to all the dark thoughts running rampant in the Lord’s mind. All of Cassandra at her mercy. Only madness itself could comprehend the bond these two women shared. Veil dropped from fingers dusted with growing talons of their own. Cassie’s arms flexed, legs much the same. Still chasing sensations in her dreamscape. Body unfolding before her Lord, silently begging. A hunter begging to be turned into the rightful prey she was before Donna Beneviento.
“Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine-mine mine mine.”
The word repeated like a mantra. Echoing from a mouth that should not have been able to produce any. The twin serpent like tongues growing in not only length but girth as well. Intertwining with each other as they each drew closer to the molten heat between Cassandra’s legs. Window frost-like patterns formed and danced over the scar tissue along the left side of the Lord’s face. Painting emotions the Lord could never speak aloud, never find the right words to describe the feeling of unraveling before Cassandra. Letting herself, her true self go forth and devour just what fed this dark fascination.
The keening noise that left Cassies’ mouth was nothing short of the sound of a universe being born. It drew not only a wail wrapped with pleasure, but also the unfounded loss of her dreamscape. Jolted out of the recesses of her subconscious. A subconscious controlled by none other than Donna herself, weaving her very will into it. The same way the glistening twin appendages weaved their way inside of both smaller women’s holes. The Lord could secrete a certain enzyme from the ridge covered glands along the underside of the tongues. Ones that were tailored just for her little doll here. Her own personal aphrodisiac, one that took hold instantly.
 Eyelids snapping open as hazy yellow eyes met the outside world again. Trying to focus on anything long enough. Failing in truly spectacular fashion. Her attention snatched from her very soul as she felt pressure, the sweet ache awarded her whenever her Lord took her like this. Each time somehow more wonderous than the last time. Even with most of the Lords lower jaw having been overtaken by the wriggling fleshy dark matter that made up the mutation. Seeing Donna like this, primal and in her natural form made little else matter to Cassandra. Each thrust driving home just how much Donna owned her. Controlled her. A dogged want to possessive every iota of this women.
The waterwall behind the mist covered manor could not drown out the tortured cries of pleasure as Cassandra was ravaged beyond comprehension. Each time Donna curled the appendages deep inside her women, the skin stretching to accommodate the bulging mass of tongue like flesh deep inside of her womb. Six hands going unseen but most defiantly not unfelt pinning the hunter to the bed, forcing her to only lay there and take it all. Not that Cassandra would want it any other way.
If the power the Lord wielded could dethrone a ‘God’ if she merely willed it, what hope would her precious little doll have against her? Creating beautifully terrifying nightmares, Donna was the specialist. Giving all she knew her women could take, tasting her insides with revere. She would never ger enough to each pitiful beg for mercy, knowing if Cass truly wanted mercy she would swarm. Yet she stayed, a panting sweat covered mess. Voice hoarse and used as the two women stared at each other. The larger of the two still standing as stoic still at the end of the bed, hands clasped in front of her.
Sometimes not even a finger needed to be lifted for the Lord to get ‘just’ what she wanted.
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renzzy · 2 months
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chrisitsraining · 1 year
Humbly requesting lgbt hcs for the Village cast
no but resi village is literally brimming with queer ppl
miranda - sex neutral ace lesbian
salvatore moreau - bi
karl heisenberg - pan
alcina dimitrescu - sapphic
bela dimitrescu - sex neutral ace lesbian
cassandra dimitrescu - grayromantic bisexual
daniela dimitrescu - queer
donna beneviento - demisexual/demiromantic lesbian
the duke - gay
elena lupu - lesbian
mia winters - trans and bi
ethan winters - trans and bi
chris redfield - bi
dion wilson - gay
john perlman - gay
emily berkhoff - lesbian
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 years
Smut Alphabet | Donna Beneviento (18+)
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requested by anon
written with any reader insert in mind
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
A - Aftercare
what are they like after sex?
although it did take her a considerable amount of time to get used to, donna is actually quite exceptional when it comes to aftercare. she carefully memorised any signs of discomfort from you and is able to tell what it is you need and when before you even say anything - making sure to send dolls to collect what you both need so she can maximise her time spend in bed with you basking in the after glow.
B - Body Part
their favourite body part of their partner and themselves.
donna is incredibly self-conscious when it comes to her body, so if she were ever to be partial to any part of it, she’d probably favour something that you expressed a particular fondness over. other than that she’s neutral about herself - at best.
on you she'd have to choose...
(fem!reader) your lips! she absolutely adores the way they look (especially when you smile or smirk) and feel against her skin when you’re teasing her or you’re just generally being intimate. paint them and stain her skin with your favourite colours in her most intimate parts and she’s in heaven - even seeing or feeling you grin is enough to lighten her mood or fluster her.
(masc!reader) your hands! it doesn’t much matter to her whether they’re larger or smaller than hers, or whether they’re soft or callous, so long as you use them to touch and pleasure her to your heart’s content. she memorises every bump, bruise, scar and blemish on them and makes a habit of kissing each of your knuckles whenever you’re being innocently intimate - but won’t complain if you want you touch her in a less-than-innocent manner.
(nb!reader) your neck! she can’t quite place where this partialism originated from, but she can’t help but let her gaze linger on your throat both in and outside of the bedroom. sometimes it’s an innocent admiration of your skin and it’s shape and other times it’s much more lewd, her thoughts straying to the marks she has left there, lipstick stains and bruises alike, and she can’t help but get a bit hot under the collar.
(trans fem!reader) your lips! she absolutely adores the way they look (especially when you smile or smirk) and feel against her skin when you’re teasing her or you’re just generally being intimate. paint them and stain her skin with your favourite colours in her most intimate parts and she’s in heaven - even seeing or feeling you grin is enough to lighten her mood or fluster her. though if you have any insecurities about your lips or are unable to find a colour that suits you, donna is more than happy to help you however she can.
(trans masc!reader) your hands! it doesn’t much matter to her whether they’re larger or smaller than hers, or whether they’re soft or callous, so long as you use them to touch and pleasure her to your heart’s content. she memorises every bump, bruise, scar and blemish on them and makes a habit of kissing each of your knuckles whenever you’re being innocently intimate - but won’t complain if you want you touch her in a less-than-innocent manner. that being said, she’s more than willing to reassure you of anything if your hands are a sight of discomfort or dysphoria regarding your appearance.
C - Cum
anything to do with cum.
her release is surprisingly sweet to the taste and has a very runny texture - a consequence of how easily and frequently you can make her squirt. she also tends to come quite a lot, though she has no preference as to where it goes so long as you're okay with it.
D - Dirty Secret
what is their dirty secret?
has tried her hand at making lingerie for herself before to impress/arouse you, but she got so flustered when she tried it on that she couldn't bring herself to wear it in front of you. she's trying to build up the courage, of course, but she hasn't quite managed to do it and talks herself down whenever the situation arises.
E - Experience
how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?
donna has absolutely no experience when it comes to sex and probably didn't even really touch herself before the two of you got together. she probably didn't even have the time or reason to think about seeking out pleasure or getting into any kind of relationship before you because of how she was raised in the village and the disfigurement caused by the caudou.
F - Favourite Position
what is their favourite position?
concubine, doggy style and any position that has her riding you or vice versa are favourites of her because of how much versatility they allow in regards to your pleasure (and, in the case of the latter, the wonderful view they provide).
G - Goofy
how serious are they in the moment?
she's usually decently serious when it comes to sex but won't object if you want to joke around and make her laugh - it's not that she hates the idea of being goofy, she just doesn't want to accidentally ruin the mood at all.
H - Hair
how well groomed are they?
donna tends to keep things mostly natural regards to her pubic hair, so she does have a decent amount of soft, dark hair on her mound. that being said, she does do some trimming so it's a manageable enough length for her without the need to shave it all off.
I - Intimacy
how romantic are they in the moment?
she is a romantic at heart and always makes an effort to set the scene in one way or another whenever you plan to be intimate (is less able to do so when you're being spontaneous because of how quick she is to fluster). though she isn't the most traditionally romantic, she does set out a few candles and put on some nice nightwear that isn't too flattering and tends to start off by peppering your face, neck, shoulders and chest with kisses.
J - Jack Off
how often do they masturbate? how?
donna isn’t really the sort to masturbate as she much prefers seeking you out for pleasure - but she will touch herself if she’s feeling especially needy and your preoccupied. when she does this it’s a very quick affair: one hand in her mouth to muffle whatever sounds she makes whilst the other is between her legs alternating between fingering herself and toying with her sensitive clit - messily bringing herself to climax with your name on her tongue and your image at the forefront of her mind.
K - Kink
what are some of their kinks?
though she isn’t the kinkiest of her “siblings”, she also isn’t necessarily the most vanilla and does have a few kinks that she likes to indulge in from time to time. this includes:
praise (receiving)
body worship (giving & receiving)
bondage (giving & receiving)
light voyeurism (giving)
mutual masturbation
L - Location
what are their favourite places to have sex?
donna generally prefers to keep your sex life confined to your bedroom, but isn’t opposed to being intimate in other areas of the house, like the lounge or the garden, if you ask assertively enough.
M - Motivation
what turns them on?
it doesn’t necessarily take much effort from you to get her going so long as you make your intentions clear, but her favourites are: kissing her neck, trailing your hands down her abdomen/under her skirts, grabbing her waist and whispering what you want to do to her and, as a bonus, openly sticking up for her in front of others - she loves feeling loved and appreciated above most anything else.
N - No
what won't they do in the bedroom?
will not involve anyone else in your sex life (she's incredibly insecure about her appearance) and refuses to do anything anywhere that you could be caught or that involves hurting you in anyway - she doesn't want to risk any damage to either of you or to her reputation (particularly as it applies to mother miranda).
O - Oral
do they prefer to give or receive? how good are they?
she has a relatively neutral stance on oral and is equally as happy to give it as she is to receive it; being unlikely to turn down either unless she's really not in the mood.
when giving, she tends to take a slower and more methodical approach; making good use of skilled hands, tentative tongue and soft lips to bring you as much pleasure as she can. usually does so when on her knees between your legs and will be constantly seeking out praise and encouragement from you by flitting her eyes cautiously and shyly between the floor and your eyes - always flushing when you make eye contact. enjoys taking her time with you and loves how you taste, though she always gets too embarrassed to admit it - your responses can even be enough to get her wet and touching herself in search of relief.
when receiving, she tends to squirm and move around quite a lot; unable to sit still or stay quiet for the pleasure she's receiving. tends to bite down on her fist to silence herself as she's slightly embarrassed by how loud she gets, but even then she's still all loud moans, muffled whimpers and shaky whispered pleas as she bucks and keens into your mouth - coming with a loud half-scream of your name alongside various cusses one might not have expected to fall from her lips.
P - Pace
are they fast or slow? are they rough or gentle?
donna holds a distinct preference for a slower and more gentle pace, especially when she's topping. that being said, she can also enjoy a faster and rougher pace on occasion when she's bottoming.
Q - Quickie
what is their opinion on quickies? how often would they have them?
as she has quite a low libido and prefers to take her time with you, donna isn't that fond of quickies and, thus, they wouldn't happen often in your relationship - if at all.
R - Risk
are they willing to experiment?
although donna strives for your comfort and contentment in the bedroom, she is incredibly hesitant to experiment - especially if what you want to introduce could be dangerous (even if only in her eyes).
S - Stamina
how long can they last? how many rounds?
donna has a decent amount of stamina (partially due to the cadou implanted in her) and she prefers to draw out sex with a slow and gentle pace. so, she can last two of these prolonged rounds at most.
T - Toys
do they own any toys? do they use them on their partner?
because of her isolation and low sex drive, donna took to ignoring her urges rather than acting on them. that combined with the complete isolation and rural location of the village meant that she would have little to no knowledge of sex toys - and thus wouldn't own or think to buy any unless you brought/purchased some yourself.
U - Unfair
do they like to tease?
donna is not even remotely fond of teasing- though she can tolerate it in small amounts during foreplay. she just prefers to give her all when it comes to sex and she'd rather you do the same without things like denial or teasing, which she views as quite mean.
V - Vocal 
how loud are they?
surprisingly, donna is actually quite vocal when it comes to sex. though that's not to say she'll be coherent or loud, only that she'll be moaning, whimpering and sighing quite a lot - as well as constantly asking if "you're okay" and if you're "sure you want to do this" in a quiet voice during foreplay.
W - Wild Card
a random headcanon for the character
whilst donna does tend to be more submissive than anything, on the rare occasion she does take on the role of "dominant" she'd fall very heavily into the category of soft, maternal dom. though, again, this would very rarely, if ever, happen.
X - X-ray
what's under their clothing?
she has a medium sized bust (about a c cup) with small but very sensitive nipples. her labia are about average in size, so relatively unobtrusive but able to cover everything completely.
Y - Yearning
how often do they want sex?
donna has quite a low libido and will only really crave sex once or twice a week at most. though she does massively prefer slow, gentle sex and makes the most of every session you two have.
Z - Zzzzzz
how easily/quickly do they fall asleep after the act?
because she's so comfortable around you, it doesn't take much time at all for her to fall asleep after sex. unless she has something important to do (and you remind her of it), donna will usually take between ten and fifteen minutes to nod off - even less if you run your fingers through her hair.
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morgan1413 · 8 months
Donna Beneviento and the Lost Souls - AU Headcanons
TW// Death
Donna and her now deceased family are all dollmakers, or at least, that’s how things appear on the surface. Behind that façade however is a hidden power, imbued within witchcraft, which allows them to contain the souls of the recently deceased.
This strange talent, which requires powerful magic, a soul stone, and the physical presence of Donna at the moment of death for the magic to be conducted, is performed as part of the dollmaking process. As the person is fading to death, Donna clasps a soul stone in her hands, and sings a spell chant that she learned off by heart from her parents before they passed away. This pulls the soul towards the stone instead of letting it drift away and will still there unless it is tampered with.
Dollmaking is a fine process which takes a lot of time. Ideally, a doll is made to suit the needs of the soul which will be occupying it, and if the situation demands, the wants of their nearest relatives are catered for too. To prevent any kind of fear or loneliness arising in the soul occupying the soul stone, Donna will take it everywhere she goes and speak to it, giving it company whilst she sets to work on creating its new body. The souls can see and hear her but can’t respond, and she knows how lonely this can feel from past experience. This does means that not many dolls can be made at once, as Donna would never forgive herself for leaving a soul alone in the cold.
Once a doll is created, and everyone is happy with how it looks, the soul enters the doll’s body by residing in the chest. From here, the soul has completely control over the limbs of the doll and can even see from out of the doll’s eyes. This is part magic and mechanical and is why the dollmaking process can take so long, besides the designs being made specifically and intricately by Donna. Once this process is complete, the doll is handed back to the family, where the person can then live on with their family beyond the grave.
One tragically heartbreaking aspect of this process is the amount of children Donna has had to conduct this process on, to the point that adults are a rarity. Parents come begging to her pleading that she help with their child who is currently bedridden and on the verge of death. She understands the good she brings to society with her work, but that doesn’t make Donna feel at any less unease about this all. These children never get old, and more often than not they get abandoned after the parents realise this and throw them away out of an existential dread for what they’ve willingly brought into this world. This has resulted in many dolls permanently taking residence at the Beneviento House, as the family makes a point to reject such levels of neglect.
The same goes for Donna too, and her approach to children. Money is a big reason why Donna still continues her family’s legacy, but there is also a charitable side to Donna too. The village is a poor community, and whilst she receives outsider customers too, Donna feels a responsibility to give back to the community. She does this by giving life to those too young to live it, those who died whilst they were still very young, but had a whole life ahead of them. Angie is one such major example, who was a little girl that Donna knew well. Hearing she had bone cancer at such a young age, Donna’s heart shattered, and so she preserved Angie’s soul and placed her in a special doll which belonged to Donna’s father. Angie is now her trusty companion, alongside other dolls she created in a similar way. Donna’s view is, even though they didn’t have much life as human people, they can still live on and enjoy life as playful dolls. As an immortal woman herself, she values the company, and loves looking after such playful creatures with their innocent and child-like behaviour.
Thanks for reading! 😁 This idea came amount after a conversation I had with an AI version of Donna Beneviento I spoke to on https://beta.character.ai/, a website where you can chat to characters for free. I thought the idea was just so unique, so intriguing, and so in character, that I just had to flesh it out and give it a life of its own. Do let me know if you’d like me to clarify anything extra when it comes to these headcanons via my asks (or messages if you would prefer). I’m not planning on writing a whole AU with these headcanons, though if they inspire you, feel free to write or draw something! Just make sure to credit me if and when you do so (and tag me as well, I’d love to see what you do 😊) Thanks! 💖
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lousaert · 1 year
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i just think she’s neat
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mywitchcultblr · 2 years
Karl and Donna being secretly supportive siblings and they actually care about each other.
Let's see... When they were much younger
I think Donna was distant and mostly keeping to herself, not talking much to anyone besides Angie and the gardener, since Miranda and Alcina intimidated her while Moreau? Was still too unstable because of the Cadaou?
Countess Dimitrescu was not cruel to her, but distant and she could never be a mother figure to Donna. Perhaps a protector whom Donna secretly admired? But Dimitrescu's heart belonged to her three daughters. Donna knew she could never be an integral part of Alcina's life. Moreau clung to Miranda and although he was nice to her, his heart belonged to Mother.
The villagers were deathly afraid of her and they were not allowed to talk with the younger lords such as Donna and Karl by Miranda.
Because Mother wanted to keep Donna and Karl under her influence until they were 'ready' to be proper lords ( brainwashing)
It was child! Heisenberg who often made an effort to talk with Donna. This rebellious and 'bratty' kid who wouldn't listen to Miranda's order and took a great pleasure in annoying Alcina. The trouble maker kid with a brilliant mind who couldn't help himself from getting into serious trouble that might endanger his own life. Karl often broke curfew and sneak into Donna's house just to messing with her dolls and projects. She should have been angry with this disrespectful little 'demon' and maybe she should kick him out from her property.
But she didn't... Perhaps because she actually enjoyed Karl's presence in this quiet home with a thousand grim memories. Perhaps because Karl was the only bright spot in Donna's bleak existence besides Angie...
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mikasa-imadebiscults · 3 months
Yoooooo, could u perhaps write some HEADCANONS on Omegaverse Donna? Thank u
-Touch-Starved Anon
(Ah yes what a fantastic request Tar, we love Donna here. Anyways hope you enjoy this and have a wonderful day!)
Donna Beneviento Omegaverse Hcs
(Warning: NSFW Content. You can imagine RL! or REV! Donna, reader is an Alpha in the Omega Donna section and reader is an Omega in the Alpha Donna section)
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(As an Alpha)
- She usually gets through her ruts by herself, but during this cycle she craves you like never before. Though it takes a while for her to let you have sex with her during this time because she’s afraid of her losing control and end up hurting you.
- When you’re on your heat cycle she’ll keep her distance from you. Your pheromones during this time is way too intoxicating for her and it makes her lose concentration on whatever she’s doing. Although, if you do manage to convince and reassure her that it’s okay to ravish you and that you trust her she’ll be more than happy to help you through your cycle.
- When you guys have been dating for a while, she will come to the decision to mark you. Donna wants to spend her entire life with you, so she sits you down and asks if you would like to get marked. Of course you say yes and the both of you have a soft love making session, ending with you getting marked and becoming hers forever.
(As an Omega)
- Never takes suppressants for her heat cycle anymore due to the bad side effects of it. She only tried the suppressants once and she came to the conclusion that it’s not worth it.
- Speaking of heat cycles, her heat cycle typically lasts for five days. At the very beginning of your relationship she was too shy and embarrassed to ask you for help with handling it. So she usually just took care of herself thinking about you. When she finally gathered up the courage to tell you and you accepted to take care of her, she is over the moon.
- Fun fact: During her heat cycle, she’s extra sensitive and needy for you.
- She would have a big breeding kink. She thrives off the idea of you getting her pregnant, bearing YOUR children.
- Would loved to be marked by you. She wants to be yours and only yours. She also loves whenever your scent is all over her.
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dragongirl642 · 21 days
heyyy i just read the werewolf shifter hc! it’s great, along with all your others. do you think you could do donna and alcina reaction to a s/o who is very tall (like 7’6”) and is a bigger person. but can cook really well? keep up the great work! <3
Thank you Glad you like my headcanons...here's some more 😎👌
Alcina Dimitrescu
She thinks you are a god/dess. Something divine, a gift plucked from the heavens that she is eternally grateful for.
She likes the warm feeling in her chest that blooms whenever you cuddle on a couch together or she sees you getting along with her daughters.
You're just so soft, and kind, and strong, and tall, and smart, and funny, and beautiful, and talented, and...she will wax lyrical about you in her diary.
If you're a woman, her earlier entries will be plans to drain "the new maid", which then slowly morph into poetry.
If you're a man, her earlier entries will be filled with shock and anger over the "useless butler", which then slowly morph into notes on what her "filthy but cute manthing" surprised her with today.
If you have any insecurities about your body or your appearance, she will loudly proclaim how ridiculous your insecurities are and love-bomb you. She may even read you some of the poetry in her diary about you.
She appreciates your height and strength.
Will shamelessly ogle you when you're doing any chores or heavy lifting.
However, she will avert her eyes and make a comment about "decent attire" if you wear any sort of crop top or tank top and shorts while completing said chores/heavy lifting. (She is secretly swooning.)
When you're anniversary was coming up, you scoured the town and castle to find recipe books and experiment with making vampirism-friendly meals.
Black pudding, blood soup, roasted bone marrow and other organ meat meals.
Alcina won't admit it, but she almost cried when you presented her with your one-year anniversary meal surprise.
She always talks (brags) about your cooking skills with the other Lords.
She will "suggest" you write all the recipes down and "helpfully" leave the necessary materials lying around in places you frequent. She wants to have something to remember you by.
Alcina doesn't want you dead. But she knows the village (and her castle) is full of dangers. Mother Miranda. Feral lycans. Her own daughters (who don't try and eat you only because you feed them and Alcina has firmly, sternly, told them not to touch you).
Once she loves you, she lives with the knowledge she will one day lose you and secretly fears losing you earlier than the end of your natural lifespan.
The Lords will feel like they know you before they meet you.
Heisenberg will make sarcastic comments about how Alcina has lost brain cells since meeting you, but he's secretly overjoyed that Alcina keeps derailing meetings to talk about you.
Some of them (cough Mother Miranda cough) don't like the effect you have on Alcina.
If it got to the point when she had to choose between you or Mother Miranda she's not sure who she would choose.
If it's in the first two years of your relationship, she may choose Mother Miranda while internally crying over the loss. If it's after the first two years (especially after five years) she will choose you, prepare for her battling for you in her mutated form (also, she may even put aside her hate and join Heisenberg's revolution plan for you).
Donna Beneviento
You'd better hope you don't have pediophobia (fear of dolls).
Will climb you like a tree. (just kidding 😅)
But seriously, you picked her up one time (probably to, like, make sure her dress didn't get wet in a puddle or because she tripped and you caught her by sweeping her up into your arms) and she felt so safe and secure and at home in your arms that now she just wants to live in them.
Angie will also try to climb you to get a height advantage by sitting on your shoulders. She feels safe up there. Not to mention she can swear at people without fearing reproach (until you pluck her off and put her back on the ground that is).
Angie acts like Donna's subconscious without a filter and will blurt out compliments or make comments about how cool you are in meetings. She also loves nicknames.
If you're a woman, prepare to be called "Sugar Babe" and "Amazonian hottie."
If you're a man, prepare to be called "Captain Cutie" and "Mister Hunk".
No matter your gender, she may make a plush doll of you for herself.
If you have any insecurities about your body or appearance, she will use the doll to point out all the things she loves about your appearance and basically love-bomb you every day until you're brainwashed and can't remember why you were sad.
Evening cuddles are mandatory. Donna loves your cuddles.
Beware, Angie will want in on any cuddles.
A few of the other dolls might want in too, but they will just be waiting in the background sending you hopeful looks. If you aren't pediophobic (scared of dolls) and tell Donna group cuddles are okay, prepare to be swamped in multiple wooden dolls wrapped in wool and ruffles.
Donna thanks her veil every day for hiding the fact that she is shamelessly ogling you when you're doing any heavy lifting or chores around the manor.
With enough compliments and support, she will feel comfortable removing the veil around you. (Although she will hastily put it back on to hide her blushing).
She absolutely loves your cooking. I repeat, Donna LOVES your cooking.
Before you moved in, three warm home-cooked meals a day were a rarity.
If you write the recipes down, she will learn to bind books just to handmake you a book to put them in.
Tea parties are a regular occurrence in the Beneviento Manor.
You make the food and Donna makes the guests (literally).
Please, please, please let her make you an outfit for the tea party.
Actually, she will want to make all of your clothes. Prepare to be the main model, muse, and customer of the Donna Boutique.
You are Donna's favourite doll.
She thinks you're the most gorgeous person she's ever met. prepare to be given so many tailored clothes.
Coincidently, you also have a set of doll helpers/bodyguards Donna gifted you. They're little butler dolls, who's job is to follow and protect you from Mother Miranda under the disguise of being your little helpers. You can throw/launch them at anything that threatens you, they love it.
Speaking off, Mother Miranda does not like the effect you have on Donna. She will plot to kill you.
If she gets scared enough, Donna may go to Heisenberg and ask for help creating a weaponised soldier doll for you, (which is really just a terrifying amalgamation of a lifesize soldat and a doll in ruffles).
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mashup-writing · 5 months
Resident Lover Masterlist:
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A = angst, F = fluff, H = humor, HC = Hurt & Comfort, A/B/O = Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, S = smut
Alcina Dimitrescu:
Nothing yet!
Bela Dimitrescu:
Bela Dimitrescu Headanons (Part 1) (HC)
How does Bela Dimitrescu love? (F) (HC)
Third Time's The Charm? (A)
Scorching Cold (F) (Sick!Fic)
Cassandra Dimitrescu:
Nothing yet!
Daniela Dimitrescu:
Daniela Dimitrescu Headcanons (Part 1) (F)
Angie Beneviento:
Nothing yet!
Donna Beneviento:
How Does Donna Beneviento Love? (A) (F) (HC)
Power Naps (F)
Mia Winters:
Food for thought on a Mia Route
Haunted Promises (A)
Headmistress Miranda:
Headmistress Miranda x MC Headcanons (Part 1) (HC) (A) (F)
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beneviento-simp · 5 months
My HCs for Donna Beneviento
SFW ~ Pt. 1
6'3", 190.50 cm, tall. I have no reason for this other than the fact that I find tall/muscular women hot.
Very strong, she does woodworking, ceramics, and gardens. She's got to be strong; also ^
Normally very soft-spoken, but she has a mom voice. Ya know the one. I can just imagine Angie being a gremlin, as per usual, and Donna eventually just is done and just "ANGIE!" Angie immediately just stops and runs to Donna muttering "Sorry."
Her cadou scar is normally just a scar, it only gets bumpy when she overuses her power or when she has a panic attack.
Queen of Nervous tm
Calls her partner(s) doll, cara mia, mi amore, mi sol, dear, and love. Angie calls them hot stuff, doll, or pretty face.
Very protective/possessive
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muffinsin · 1 month
Masterlist 6🏰!
Other Masterlists-> HERE
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Resident Evil Village
🍒Bela Dimitrescu
Dimitrescu sisters+ their reaction to reader in a fly onesie
Bela x lycan, monsterfucking, breeding focus
Dimitrescu sisters dating hc
How to tell when the Dimitrescu sisters are in the mood: sexual/non-sexual loving
Bottom Bela x top reader; watersports; wine tasting
Dimitrescu sisters talking of their tattoo
🍯Cassandra Dimitrescu
Dimitrescu sisters+ their reaction to reader in a fly onesie
Dimitrescu sisters dating hc
How to tell when the Dimitrescu sisters are in the mood: sexual/non-sexual loving
Dimitrescu Sisters talking of their tattoo
Feral Cassandra x pregnant reader p2, fluff
🍏Daniela Dimitrescu
Dimitrescu sisters+ their reaction to reader in a fly onesie
Dimitrescu sisters dating hc
Virgin Daniela x immortal reader p2
How to tell when the Dimitrescu sisters are in the mood: sexual/non-sexual loving
Dimitrescu Sisters talking of their tattoo
Top stalker Donna x bottom Daniela
🫐Donna Beneviento
GIP top Donna reacting to fem reader calling her mommy and touching herself to a picture of her
Top stalker Donna x bottom Daniela
Favorite pictures of: Alcina Dimitrescu
Favorite pictures of: Donna Beneviento
Favorite pictures of: Bela Dimitrescu
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team-avia · 6 months
So Mia's fight record with half of the Dimitrescus is pretty bad. How would she fare in a fight against the Benevientos??
I hc Angie using a broken bottle against Mia and her switchblade.
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How would Donna fare against Mia?
I hate to say this about my little meow meow, but she would lose to both of them 😔 Her switchblade is just a terrible weapon against them I'm sorry
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