#don't tag this as st*rker
rotfuchss · 1 year
*sigh* I swear I just read the cutest prompt idea on a post here but halfway through I realized that a st*rker account posted it and I've never felt so violated before 🥲🥲🥲
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fotibrit · 9 months
"Can I write/draw/create something based on your prompt?"
Yes! Absolutely! No need to ask, but I usually write prompts of fanfic I would like to read, so if you create something, feel free to drop a link in the comments or tag me so I can see it! :D
"Has this prompt been written?"
Most likely not, and if it has been, it’ll be linked in the comments. Most prompts are just things i think of, few are based on my own WIPs and none are based on fics i’m reading. I tag the prompts that are based on my WIPs either "the summary of one of my wips" or "published works" depending on their completion status, and if i find a fic that matches the prompt, i drop a link in the comments. If you happen to find a fic that fits the prompt, please comment a link! I would love to read it!
“Is your inbox open?”
For sure! I check my inbox often. Anything positive, from your own ideas to thoughts on my posts to requests for certain types of prompts can be sent to my inbox. I also love fic recommendations in my inbox too :)
"Do you have an Ao3?"
I do! My posting schedule is very inconsistent, but my ao3 is @ fotibrit :)
Notes: I post mainly prompts, but also post things I noticed about canon or general thoughts about fandom. I love all things Marvel, but mainly am interested in Tony Stark's character. I don't tolerate st*rker, if you add that hashtag when reblogging I will block you. DMs are open and I love making friends!
My non-irondad account is @ae-u :) feel free to follow there
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Welcome to my 1000 followers celebration! I don't even know how so many of you decided to follow me and give me support throughout these few past years. This is crazy enough as it is but honestly can't get my head down from the clouds sometimes. This blog has become one of my safe places, even though sometimes there are things I wish I hadn't seen, and all of you make it that way. I don't know how many of the thousand still interact with my blog and how many are just there, but I really do appreciate every single one of you. If I could I would message every blog following me.
I wanted to do something a bit more “me” I guess. Seeing that this blog started just for incorrect marvel quotes (literally in the name) I decided that you should be able to make your drabbles/oneshots/series based on an incorrect quote that I have posted. I thought it would be fun, but I did give the option of regular prompts and some fun AUs are listed below as well. Most prompts and AUs have been found on Pinterest.
If you don’t want to participate, please consider reblogging! It might give others a chance to maybe escape their writer’s block as writing challenges have often done for me!
Send me an ask or message with which incorrect quote/prompt you are using. Please make sure to add it at the beginning or bold it.
If you are not participating, can you please reblog for signal boost? I would really appreciate it. 
You can pick an MCU character. You can also do any MCU ships, but no incest like Th*rki or St*rker. 
Use any of the incorrect quotes or prompts written below
Two people per prompt/incorrect quote
Three prompts per person and one incorrect quote per person
AUs are completely optional (but definitely encouraged)
It can be a drabble, oneshot, or series
Warnings must be given properly. Any warnings that you may have missed, I will let you know and please do add it. In addition to this, I will not be accepting any dark!fics and/or any rape or anything of the sort. If you want to run something by me, by all means go ahead. 
Deadline: October 14th, 2024
Lastly, please tag me @incorrectmarvelquotesss and add the tag #loveys1kcelebration
Incorrect Quotes
“When you close both of your eyes, you see darkness, but when you close one you see nothing.” / *closes one eye before reopening it* / “Did you just wink at me, you big flirt?”
“This is my life now. I have climbed this hill am now I shall die upon it.” / “Shut up. We’ve only been hiking for twenty minutes.”
“Why are you still here?” / “Because I care about you, you asshole.” (@nekoannie-chan)
“You can’t love someone unless you love yourself first.” / “Bullshit. I have never loved myself, but you? Oh god, I love you so much I forgot what hating myself felt like.”
“So, what do ya think? Good idea, right?” / “Whatever floats your titanic.” / “The titanic sank.” / “Yeah, just like your IQ did when you came up with that idea.”
“I’m so hot.” / “Yeah, you—” / *moves to stand in front of the fan* / “—I mean, yeah. It’s hot in here.”
“Stop doing that.” / “Doing what?” / “Saying things that make me want to kiss the hell outta you.”
“You’re so hot.“ / “Okay?” / “I’m falling for you and so is my zipper.”
“Where are you going?” / “Hell, most likely.”
“Stop yelling at me or I swear to god I’m gonna fall in love with you!” / *starts yelling louder* or *stops yelling*
Other Prompts
“Lean on me.” / “For support?” / “Yeah, why else?” (@marvellingdaydreams)
“Stay with me. Don’t close your eyes.”
“There’s a bullet in you. You got shot. I can see it.” / “I can feel it.”
“I want you to come if you can.”
“Stay away from her/him/they. She’s/He’s/They’re mine.”
“Stop glaring, sweet cheeks. I know you want me.”
“I hate that you’re so mad at me, but you look so hot right now.”
“Just date already! Even the cat/dog want you to date at this point.”
“Half of this city wants you dead.” / “Wow. A month ago, the whole city wanted me dead. Things are looking up.” (@nekoannie-chan)
“You’re drunk.” / “I’m still sober enough to kill you darling, so don’t push your luck.”
AUs (optional)
“You’re overdue on this book and I really want it so I’m tracking you down” AU
“When you told me your name I thought you were joking so I made a joke and started laughing before I realized it really was your name and now we’re stuck in awkward silence while I figure out how to apologize” AU
“You were waving at your friend behind me but I got confused and waved at you and now I’m dying of embarrassment but you think I’m cute” AU
“I was just getting my laundry done but then I saw you putting in what seemed like a bunch of clothes stained in blood so now I’m kind of terrified of you” AU
“Our pets banged and now mine is expecting so I should probably get to know your name and figure out what we’re doing because this isn’t cheap” AU
— masterlist —
Different Escape Plan - Steve Rogers By @nekoannie-chan
Things Are Looking Up - Brock Rumlow By @nekoannie-chan
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retro-memo · 2 years
Three people who I don't want to see in the irondad tags here on Tumblr:
Anti-irondad: This speaks for itself, you don't like irondad or Tony Stark? Fine, but don't tag your crap as irondad then, tag it as anti-irondad or anti-tony stark. I don't want to see your shit when I'm looking for wholesome content of my comfort characters.
St*rkers: I think this speaks for itself.
Anti-Ned Leeds: No. You don't go hating on my baby. Especially in one of my favorite tags. You can take your edgy reddit ass out of there and go bitch somewhere else. YOU DON'T PUT IT IN THE IRONDAD TAG SECTION. FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING THAT IS HOLY.
I don't appreciate hate on Ned, of any kind. You don't like him? I don't care, keep it to yourself and out of my favorite tags.
Rant over.
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((Oh look. Here’s more of me projecting ten years after the fact, lol)) Finished this spur-of-the-moment today so it’s maybe not the best and kinda short but it’s been...a very long time since I posted anything new, so this was long overdue. (This is also Take 2 because as soon as I finished it the first time my laptop froze and lost everything I had just added. *sigh.)
Part 2 of this post.
The more Peter thinks about it, the less he’s sure he’s actually ready for college.
For years, he’s told May that he can take care of himself (just like every other teenager says), but now that he’s actually being faced with the prospect, he has his doubts.
The idea of being three and half hours from home and surrounded by people he doesn’t know is, quite frankly, terrifying. Who do you ask for help when you don’t know anyone? And what if his roommate is terrible? And... a million other things. So many things...
And he knows he should say something about it. But he doesn’t want to. Because part of him still really, really wants a shot at being independent. He’s just not sure he actually can be. There are just too many things he can’t anticipate and even more that could go wrong that he wouldn’t be able to deal with alone.
The next time he goes to the tower, Friday takes him directly to the penthouse instead of the lab, and for a moment he’s confused before he remembers that last week he agreed to let Mr Stark help him apply.
The anxiety that’s been knotted in his stomach all week creeps up into his throat. Because he wants to but also...he doesn’t. He feels like curling up in a corner and crying, and he can’t find the energy to mask that as he steps out of the elevator.
“Oh, kid,” is all he hears before he’s being wrapped in a hug. And it helps, but it doesn’t fix the problem. “Rough day?”
“I don’t know if I can do this, Mr Stark.” He hadn’t been planning on saying anything but he’s almost surprised to find that he actually wants to.
“Can you explain what you mean, buddy?”
“College. I don’t think I can do it.”
Peter feels Mr Stark take a deep breath and release it before he replies. “Okay. That’s okay, Pete. Can you tell me why you feel that way?”
He takes a deep breathe and pulls back out of the hug and decides he’s going to try because Mr Stark is really good at fixing things so maybe he can fix this, too. “I just... I don’t think I’m ready. It’s not that I don’t want to because I do. It’s just so far away, and what if something happens, and I...” Aaaand the word he needs is completely gone from his brain. So much for that.
But Mr Stark just nods and says, “College is a big change, and if you don’t think you’re ready, there’s no shame in taking a gap year -- or in doing some courses online if you don’t want to take an entire year off. But those are things you need to talk to your aunt about. Okay?”
Peter nods because what else can he do? He knows Mr Stark is right, but it was hard enough bringing it up this time (and he barely even said a word, really) and he’s not so sure he can do it a second time.
As it turned out, he needn’t have been so worried. As soon as he got home, May sat him down and told him that Mr Stark had texted her.
And Peter sends up a thank you to whatever god is listening because her bringing it up makes it so much easier to talk about. Well, marginally easier, but he’ll take what he can get. Still, he has to explain his anxieties, and that’s never an easy feat.
Somehow he manages. He talks about how being so far away, and being able to make friends, and managing on his own, and everything else.
In the end, they settle on him taking a half-gap year (taking classes, but not a full load), so he can knock out the rest of his gen eds before leaving for MIT the next year. (He’s taking a couple of college classes already, but this way he can get more of them out of the way.)
May helps him apply to a community college, and to no one’s surprise, he gets accepted.
He starts planning what classes to take, and with May and Mr Stark’s help, he decides to take a couple of classes on campus to get used to the different feel of college, while taking the others online. The campus is an easily commutable distance, so he can continue to live at home as well.
Peter is still anxious about college, but much less so now, and he realizes maybe it’s okay to make big changes slowly. He can take things at his own pace, and he knows he’ll always have support to do so.
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spooderboyandtincan · 4 years
Midnight Snack
Sometimes, Peter forgets to eat. Not on purpose. But he has to deal with spiderman and school, and sometimes it’s just too much. He gets distracted. 
So often, he gets a midnight snack. 
Peter was at the compound, and he and Tony had just finished watching Narnia for what must have been the 80th time. They had munched on popcorn and licorice sticks, which were not very filling, to say the least. The boy was half asleep, head in Tony’s lap as his fingers carded through his curls.
“Mister Stark?” he mumbled quietly. 
“Yeah, tesoro?” 
“D’you think that fish feel wet all the time?”
Tony had carried the weary boy to bed hours ago, tucking him in and planting a gentle kiss to his temple. But Peter could feel the hunger tearing at his stomach. He was so tired- honestly, he just wanted to sleep. But sleep wouldn’t happen until he got some food.
Grumbling quietly, he dragged himself out of bed and walked slowly to the kitchen, stumbling every so often against a piece of furniture he didn’t see. 
Peter did reach the fridge (with bruises to prove it) and pulled it open, browsing the shelves. Vegetables. Leftover pie. Spaghetti. Strawberries. Energy drinks (eww- the last thing he needed). 
Realizing there was nothing he wanted there, he moved to the cupboards. Cap’n Crunch (that was for him). Cheerios. Golden Grahams- eww again. Why did they have those? Finally, he spotted a package of Oreo's. Perfect. 
But they were at the top of the shelf. No way could he reach those. So, with his halfway asleep brain, he climbed sideways up the wall and along the ceiling until he was upside down next to his food. The package had been opened but only one was taken. (Who only ate one Oreo?)
The child began chomping his treat, but he stayed there, upside down, the spider part of him telling himself that there was no reason to get down.
And what a scene it was for Tony to walk in on at 1:00 in the morning, searching for a snack himself.
In fact, he screamed. (Quite high, though he’ll deny it.)
Peter screamed as well, almost choking on an Oreo.
Tony nearly had a heart attack as he tried to get Peter down, thinking he needed the Heimlich maneuver.
Eventually, the small boy jumped down himself and offered his father an Oreo. 
And that was how Pepper found them the next morning, curled up on the couch, Peter in Tony’s protective arms, an almost empty package of Oreo’s beside them.
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morganhstarks · 5 years
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The joy and the chaos, the demons we're made of I'd be so lost if you left me alone
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ad1thi · 4 years
okay why tf am i consistently getting recommended posts from st*rker blogs can yall stop crosstagging your stuff and can tumblr stop suggesting content from st*rker blogs please
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Peter: I wonder if I get tattoos on my eyes, if I'll be able to see the tattoos.
Tony: How drunk are you?
Peter: Eye tattoo drunk.
Tony: WHAT!?
Ned: He means he's not drunk he's just a dumbass.
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Making an anti-starker post and getting hate for it from starkers is so meaningless... like, where did you find me caring about what you think, honey? Wouldn’t have made the post if I did.
Oh gosh... so I am dead exhausted right now and read this wrong and I thought you thought I was a st*rker shipper and I was like WAT? HOW??? MY OPINIONS ON THE SUBJECT ARE VERY CLEAR!!!
Anyway now that I understand the words that I am reading (after the fifth try):
It really is ridiculous.
St*rker shippers are just... small minded. I’d say that they just want attention, but I genuinely think that’s too nice.
People who want attention are the people who ship things because it’s two attractive people shoving their faces together, and then attack anybody who prefers one of the attractive person with a “less attractive” person.
St*rkers go beyond that.
I can not and will not believe that these people actually have fully functional human brains, because only literal animals could be this stupid and disgusting.
st*rker is pedophilia, which is already disgusting, but then they seem to be okay with shipping Tony WITH HIS LITERAL FOUR YEAR OLD DAUGHTER because “incest is a royal tradition”, which is even worse because it’s incest AND pedophilia, and then they think that we are going to care about their opinions???
Honey, I would rather go to a goat for legal assistance than go to st*rker shippers for help in tying my shoes. I could at least trust the goat to behave like a goat.
These people? They look like human beings, but they behave like the lowest form of monster, and they clearly have an iq level that a koala would point and laugh at.
And it’s disgusting.
And honestly? Hate from a st*rker is really actually a compliment. If a st*rker told me that they respected me, I would immediately do my best to destroy that respect because I must be doing something wrong if I somehow managed to gain the respect of an abuse-apologetic pedophile-supporting brainless monster.
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westanabadguy · 5 years
It really be like that sometimes
MCU fans: HoW DArE YoU ShIp PeTEr WiTh An ADuLT?!?!?! He’S UnDeRaGE U PeDo!!!
Me, writing about the comic book Peter who’s a full grown fucking adult almost in his 30s:
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losingmymindtonight · 6 years
So like, Peter having a Razor scooter and then Tony wanting to be a part of the fun and getting one too.
“Aw.” Tony held up a pair of Iron Man pajamas, grinning as widely as if he’d found a rare treasure. “Cute, kid.”
“Hey.” Peter blushed, snatching them away from his mentor and carefully storing them in the box they’d dedicated for things to keep. “Don’t mock me.”
“Don’t worry, Pete. I’d never mock my biggest fan.”
They were standing in the Parker’s small storage compartment on the outskirts of the city, going through years worth of items that had piled up. Neither May nor Peter had been in it since Ben died, but now the facility was closing, which meant that they had to go through everything.
Which meant that they had to sort through dozens of bins weighed down with memories, marked by pieces of duct tape bearing Ben’s messy scrawl.
Peter had dreaded it, and the fact that he could see May dreading it too made him dread it even more.
A never-ending cycle of dread and repeat.
That was, until Tony broke it by offering to help.
Peter had nearly cried with relief when he’d offered that he and Peter could go through the items together. 
“You’ve got enough to worry about, May.” His mentor had offered with a charming grin. “The kid and I can handle it. It’ll be a fun boy’s activity. You’d like that, right Pete?”
And so far, he had liked it. They’d eaten greasy fast food while leaning against the outside of the storage shed, summer breeze tugging at their clothes. They’d taken a few breaks to play Uno on a stack of rib-height boxes. Tony had even brought a speaker, and they’d played loud 80s music while shifting through piles and piles of anything from school trophies to dishtowels.
Peter had dreaded these excursions at first. Had dreaded the concept of stumbling across thoughts he didn’t want to think. 
Now, though, he loved the trips. Loved the hours of comfortable banter that they threw lazily around the shed. Loved the sunshine, the music, the comfortable silence.
He could face the boxes crammed with ghosts, so long as Tony was standing at his side.
As if sensing the solemn direction of his thoughts, the man he’d just been thinking about poked him in the side with a yardstick. “Why do you have, uh,” he held up three more, a look of indignation on his face, “four yardsticks? Who needs four yardsticks?”
Peter laughed. “I think Ben got them free when an old Home Depot shut down.”
“That still doesn’t excuse it.” His mentor shifted a box, peeing into it. His face instantly lit up into a grin. “Jackpot.”
“What?” Peter’s head snapped up, suddenly on high alert. “What did you find?”
“Mister Stark.” He moved to yank the box away, but Tony pulled it back, grin only growing.
“Oh, kiddo. You were so cute with that bowl cut.” He tugged out a photo and held it up. “Ever thought of going back to that style?”
“Oh no. Is that a box of…?”
“Yep. Embarrassing childhood photos.” He shifted through a few more stacks, face softening from mischief to fondness. “You had braces? And glasses? Oh my god, you were adorable.”
“I’m actually begging you to stop.”
Tony continued as if Peter had never spoken. “There are tapes in here, too. This is the best day of my life.” He selected one, and glanced at the label. “Peter B. Parker. End of Year Performance. 2005.”
“I’ll do anything. I’ll wash one of your cars. I’ll play sick and get you out of one of those board meetings you hate. I’ll-”
“Peter B. Parker. First Soccer Tournament. 2006.” Somehow, his mentor’s smile got even bigger. “Peter B. Parker. Halloween: Iron Man. 2007.”
“Mister Staaaark.” He dragged out his mentor’s last name petulantly. “Please.”
Tony relented, setting the box aside. “I’ll spare you for now, kiddo. But don’t think we aren’t watching those later.”
“I hate you.”
“No, you don’t.”
He tossed a stuffed rabbit in his direction. “Yes, I do.”
Tony threw an old, peeling soccer ball back. “No, you don’t.”
“Yes, I-”
He stopped dead when he saw what Tony had just pulled out from where it had been wedged between a stack of bins and an old Science Fair poster board.
His mentor grinned. “A Razor scooter, huh? Wow, Pete. You never told me you were a cool kid.”
“Oh my god!” Peter lunged for the scooter, childlike excitement jumping in his chest. “I wondered where that went! Uncle Ben got it for me at a Police Auction.”
Tony smiled gently, understanding the weight of the reference as he passed the old toy over. “Wanna keep it, then?” He winked. “Maybe Spider-Man can re-brand himself as a scooter riding viglante. Leave the webslinging in the past. Now this is how you get around in style.”
Peter giggled, using the few feet of empty space around his feet to coast for a second. “It is pretty cool. More people should use them.”
“They should.” Tony crossed his arms, expression leaking with a kind of parental indulgence. “Know any tricks?”
His face fell a little as he pondered the question. “No. I-I never really rode it.”
“Why not?”
“Well, the best part was supposed to be scootering around with your friends, y’know?” Peter shrugged, trying to conceal the childish pang of rejection. “I didn’t, well, have friends. Not really.”
Tony frowned, hand clenching like he wanted to reach for Peter but had stopped the motion before it could begin. “What about Ned?”
“I didn’t meet Ned until Middle School, Mister Stark.”
“Well,” Tony said, taking the scooter from his hands and setting it beside the box of photos and tapes, “we’ll have to fix that, won’t we?”
A text popped up on Peter’s lockscreen early the next day.
TS: Meet me in the lab at 3:30. It’s important.
That afternoon, he’d rushed to the Tower in a flurry of excitement, possibilities jumping around in his head like heated popcorn kernels. Was it a mission? A new project with one of the suits?
The first thing he noticed when he ran into the lab was that it was empty.
Like, completely empty.
All the work tables had been taken somewhere. The only evidence of the old layout was the beaten up couch, still pressed in the corner of the room.
And sitting on the couch was Tony Stark himself, a lazy grin on his face as he watched Peter’s bemusement.
“Uh, Mister Stark?”
“Yes, Mister Parker?”
He took a few steps in his mentor’s direction, eyes still sweeping around the barren room. He hadn’t realized how big the space was before, with all the clutter. “What, uh, what did you do to your lab?”
Tony stood, then, and pulled two Razor scooters out from behind the couch. A brand new one, and Peter’s old one. “I made us a makeshift scooter arena.”
He couldn’t help but laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation. Tony Stark, on a Razor scooter? “You can’t be serious.”
“I never learned how to ride one either, Pete.” He shoved the worn handles into Peter’s hands. “So, we’ll learn together.”
“It’s not hard, Mister Stark.” He pushed off, and glided a few feet before stopping. “You just do it.”
Tony followed, purposefully bumping into Peter but snapping a protective arm out to steady him when he wobbled. “Yeah? Wanna race, then?”
I can’t believe that this is my life. 
Despite the thought, his face lit up with a playful grin. “Oh, you’re on.”
They ended up splayed out on the couch, sweaty and tired but still smiling like little kids. Peter’s hair was curling in a way that would have made him self-conscious just a year ago. Now, however, he just basked in the looks of obvious affection that Tony was shooting his way.
Tony threw a lazy arm over his shoulders. “Have fun, Pete?”
“Yeah.” He rolled his head so that he was looking up at his mentor’s face. “Thank you.”
A pause. Then, a voice filled with something quiet yet genuine. “You’re welcome, kid.”
They sat in a silence for a while, happy to just breathe and exist and be contented by each other’s presence.
“Oh, I almost forgot.” Peter leaned forward and riffled around in his pockets before pulling out a folded piece of paper. “This is for you.”
“Oh?” Tony took it from his hand without a second thought. “You got me a present?”
“I didn’t really get it, exactly.” He shifted awkwardly as the man unfolded the paper. “You can throw it out, if you want.”
He studied the drawing even as Tony did. The childish lines, scrawled out in crayon. Iron Man, flying over a shoddy New York skyline. The message, letters big and blocky in the way only children could accomplish.
My favorite superhero is Iron Man. He is the best and bravest superhero. I love him.
Peter Parker 
His mentor blinked a few times, as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Then, he tugged the teenager back into his side, ruffling his sweat-damp hair in the process.
“Throw it out?” His gaze flickered between the smeared crayon and Peter’s hopeful eyes. “There’s gotta be laws about defacing pieces of classic art, kid. And do I look like I’d survive in jail?”
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marvel-lous-things · 5 years
I'm also feel attacked when I shipping comicsverse IronSpider and than just see hate to the pairing. I like irondad mcu but not with those tags... Pls stay away from hate
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tonystarksintern · 5 years
Close Enough!
I Larb this duo ❤️
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Like Father, Like Son 😍
Aren’t they cute?
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stealthstark · 5 years
Limo Talk
Summary: Tony becomes a victim to a very sleep-deprived Peter’s internal thoughts. 
Pairing: Tony & Peter, Irondad
Warnings: None
Tony was Peter’s ride to a lot of places. Most of the time Tony wasn’t actually there, but the kid could always count on Happy to pick him up in that long black limo. When Tony was there to keep Peter company, the teenager wouldn’t be able to keep his mouth shut, now that he finally had someone to talk to (Happy had taken to ignoring him after about five minutes). Tony didn’t mind, of course, but sometimes the topics Peter chose to talk about were a bit... odd. 
The first time Peter had picked a weird topic to start a conversation about, Tony had written it off as a byproduct of the kid being deathly tired. The door to the limo opened, and a backpack was haphazardly tossed inside, followed by the spiderling himself. It wasn’t until Peter had shut the door behind him that he realized he wasn’t alone in the backseat. 
“Oh, hey Mister Stark.” Peter greeted, but it wasn’t as enthusiastic as Tony was used too. Not that he was getting used to seeing the kid or anything. 
Tony watched as Peter located where his school bag had plopped down on the floor, before he scooped it back up and held it tightly against him. The kid’s eyes drooped as he rested his chin upon the backpack.
“Tired?” Tony asked, although the question was quite redundant. Peter looked like he could pass out at any given second. 
Peter’s eyes slowly travel to Tony’s face, before he nods and hums in affirmation. He angles his body to make looking at Mr. Stark easier, sinking back into the corner where the seat and the car door meet. 
“Stayed up for a long time.” Peter mumbled. “Math test. Do you think the bad guys we fight got good grades in school?”
Tony barely held in a snort at the way Peter’s tone changed from on-the-brink-of-death to genuinely curious. 
“I don’t think a lot of the bad guys that you fight went to school like you do, kiddo.” 
“Well, yeah, maybe not the guys who deal weapons, or drugs, or whatever.” Peter slumps back into the seat more, but he’s definitely not done talking. “But what about, like, the main bad guys. With the alter egos and the costumes and the cool technology. They have to be pretty smart.” 
“They probably are. But I don’t know about what kind of grades they got in school.” Tony chuckles. “It doesn’t matter, though. You’re definitely smarter than them.”
Tony looks for a reaction on Peter’s face, but the kid is so tired he barely pulls his lips upwards into a smile.
“Thanks, Mister Stark.” A moment later Peter’s head falls back against the window, and he’s completely dead to the world. 
Tony avoids Happy’s soft gaze in the rearview mirror. 
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((Anyway, I put the ones in my drafts on ice for now and moved on to this. They weren’t that important anyway, haha))
The new school year starts and it’s Peter’s senior year and suddenly there’s a lot more pressure to figure out what he’s gonna do after graduation.
Science obviously.
But beyond that, he has no frickin clue.
And he’s supposed to be applying to schools, and of course there’s MIT, but he worries whether he’ll even get in, and anyway it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t know what to major in, right?
So he just keeps putting it off. May and Mr Stark have obviously made numerous offers to help, but he feels like he should just...be able to do this. All of his friends are doing most of it themselves, after all.
But every time he even thinks of starting, he just gets overwhelmed so he doesn’t. He doesn’t think about it, and it doesn’t get done.
He starts to think maybe he’s just not cut out for higher education.
It’s November when he walks into the lab to find Mr Stark waiting for him. And he may not be good at reading body language, but he thinks he’s gotten pretty good at reading Mr Stark at least, and he can tell they won’t be working on anything today because there’s something else.
And he’s not wrong, but he really wishes he was when Mr Stark opens his mouth.
“You haven’t applied to MIT yet. I thought you were going to?”
He doesn’t know how to answer that, so he doesn’t. He just stares down at the floor, hoping Mr Stark will drop it.
Mr Stark doesn’t. “C’mon, Pete. What’s going on? If there’s something you weren’t sure how to do, I can help you.”
Peter swallows hard because he knows he’s headed for a shut down but he’s determined not to, dang it. Even so, determination doesn’t make trying to talk any easier. He knows why he hasn’t but he can’t tell Mr Stark that. It just...sounds stupid. So he settles for shrugging instead.
He hears Mr Stark sigh, then: “Do you actually want to go, Peter? It’s okay if you don’t, ya know.”
“No, I do.” He’s honestly amazed that anything actually made it out, but hey.
“Okay. Well, maybe this is stating the obvious, but...if you want to go, you kinda have to apply.” 
Mr Stark doesn’t sound angry or anything, just...calm? Trying to figure out the problem -- that’s the tone of voice he always uses when Peter has a problem and doesn’t want to admit it. So he knows something is wrong but he doesn’t know what and he’s trying to coax the answer out. Logically he knows Mr Stark won’t judge, but anxiety is getting in the way (as it so often does), but he’ll try because when he tries Mr Stark is really good at figuring out what he means.
“I can’t.” Unfortunately, that’s all he can get out at the moment. Which isn’t helpful, he knows, but...
There’s a pause and Peter can practically hear the gears turning in his mentor’s head. Then: “Peter...have you applied anywhere yet?”
Peter shakes his head, and he can feel his ears burning in...shame? humiliation? frustration? maybe all three, who knows, not him.
“Would you like to do it now, while you’re here? That way we can go through it together.”
He shakes his head not because he doesn’t want to but because he shouldn’t need the help because if he can’t even manage this much how is he supposed to manage actually being there on his own?
(But he can’t say that because even if he wanted to, his brain seems to have disconnected from his voice, so it’ll have to stay a problem for another time.)
“I know you want to do this on your own, but it’s okay to have help. It’s kind of a daunting task -- especially the first one. Heck, Jarvis filled out half of mine for me.”
Peter’s hands still at that. “You were only fourteen though.” The words are barely there but somehow Mr Stark hears them anyway.
“Fourteen. Seventeen. Three years doesn’t change that much, kid. You’re allowed to feel overwhelmed.”
(They don’t get anything done that night, but talking about it is at least a start.)
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