#don't know what ships look like let's pretend that everything is fine
edgar-panda-poe · 11 months
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carionto · 7 months
C'mon, Really? Look, Just, Let Me Help You!
Humans: We need to have a talk about your secret war plans against us.
Aliens: W-what? No, that's not it, how-
H: Our intelligence operative are very good. Don't pretend these [throws folder on the table that scatters hundreds of pages of classified documents all over] aren't yours.
A: F-Fine! Yes! We made plans about how we should fight you if we ever got into a war. We admit it! What do you want?
H: Huh? No, what I'm trying to say is, why do your plans suck?
A: Err... what?
H: Yeah, compared to our plans and war games, you don't seem to utilize all the advantages you have against us. There's not as much coordination and specialization of forces as we expect in our simulations. What gives?
A: You've lost me.
H: Look, every civilization should run military simulations against EVERY existing party, not just the ones you're natural competitors, or ones you see as antagonistic. Hell, while we were "vanished" our military literally had nothing else to do and spent a solid 200 years making up every kind of scenario against every single potential power we might end up encountering once we "reappeared".
Honestly, there are so many things we are shocked about once we got our hands on your plans, I legitimately don't know where is the best place to begin.
Okay, for starters, why don't any of your plans include making use of our superior technology? It would work, we tested it as well. We built a scale model of one of your capital ships, plopped one of our fusion reactors in and BAM, shields and weapons instantly became on par with our Destroyers, and could even do some serious damage to our Dreadnoughts (for a few seconds before our counterattack vaporizes it, but that's besides the point), so we know your technology is fully capable of handling us.
A: For the millionth time, we are not using unstable power sources that could totally blow us up at any point!
H: It is safe! Those things only have a 0.002 percent chance to fail, and a one in six hundred thousand chance of THAT resulting in an explosion. We've only had twelve incidents the entire time we've been using them.
A: No.
H: Well you ain't winning a war against us with that attitude.
But anyway, one other thing your plans never do is blow up Earth and irradiate the shipyard orbits, what gives?
A: That's an abominable crime against, well, EVERYTHING!
H: Weak. But okay. One other thing though, and this one is just baffling, your deployments and gathering locations are always in the most obvious and convenient places. Those are, no joke, where we would place recon units and prepare ambushes the moment we even got a hint of a whiff of hostility from you. How come you never seem to account for us expecting you to do the obvious and pre-emptively counter that. And inversely, you never expect us to not be in the logical places where we should be.
A: I think my head is spinning from that. What?
H: Reverse psychology? Predictive behavior, or whatever it's called, not a psychologist. If you want to win against your enemy, you have to think like your enemy first.
You look dizzy. I know it's a lot to take in, but we'll guide you through this. Think of it as homework. After we have a more thorough meeting on this subject, we'll wait and let you figure things out back in your secret HQ's. But, if the plans we acquire later still won't account for the things we discussed, we'll be very disappointed.
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
Nami being the one who's scared the most about Vivi's safety during her disappearance (everyone's worried, but it's obvious that she's the one still concerned even after admitting Vivi is strong enough to take care of herself) and Zoro, for once, being the one to comfort her. He catches her crying on a corner of the ship, all alone and hugging her knees close to her chest. Her long hair is getting stuck on her cheeks with how wet they are now. She obviously doesn't want anybody to see and pretends to be fine after telling Zoro to fuck off a few times, but when she doesn't manage to make him go away, she just ends up silently accepting his company and letting him sit down next to her. Zoro tries to say something. Anything. Because believe it or not, it fucking hurts to see their navigator like this when she's always the one taking care of others and everything. She has always been strong, but strong only gets her so far and even Nami needs comforting sometimes. Zoro might not be the best person to help her, but he tries.
Nami is always a few steps further. "You wouldn't understand. You-" She sobs louder, hiding her head on her arms, pressing her legs closer to herself. Zoro wants to hug her, but he doesn't know how. He knows he should. He wants to tell her, too, that he understands perfectly, but she would be the one not getting what he means. "Have you ever missed somebody so much it's impossible to live, Zoro?! Not even basic human functions, fuck, I- I spent so much time without her thinking we'd meet again and now I might never see her again. Do you even know what that's like?"
Zoro knows what that's like. He doesn't feel like it's the right moment nor the right place to confess something like this, but they've gone through so much shit already it's almost inevitable for her to not know this.
The swordsman grunts before he pronounces his next words, double-checking if somebody else is watching them. Nami looks ethereal even while crying. It's sort of annoying. "I understand." The redhead looks up from where she's sitting, with a confused glance on her face. Zoro keeps his stare on his hands. "Two years ago. I- I couldn't do anything to save him. I couldn't protect him. I lost him. Every day I wondered if he was going to be okay and, fuck it, it's the stupidest thing because he's a fucking god at this point and the guy never ends up dying but-" He turns his right hand into a fist and presses his nails on his palms, fighting the urge to shake under the memories. "I couldn't eat. Or breathe. Live normally." When he shuts up, Nami makes a face he can't quite understand. He can't tell the difference between disgust and discomfort. Perhaps she's just judging him for being this weak for their stupid captain.
But the girl just scoffs and hides her head between the arms resting on her knees once again. "Of course you would." Her voice breaks mid-sentence. "But it's not the same." Zoro knew she wouldn't get it, at least not right away. It takes a long seconds of silence and Nami looking up at his uncomfortable expression haunted by past memories for everything to click. "Oh, it is the same." Zoro looks away, but she just moves closer to him. Nami rests her head on his shoulder, and he hates to admit how much he has missed her scent of fresh tangerines and home. "I'm sorry."
"S fine." Zoro manages to say it, somehow, without his attitude fading away.
Nami buries her head closer to his arm, and Zoro doesn't fight the need to hold her closer anymore to pull her into half an embrace with his left hand. "I didn't get to tell her how I feel."
The swordsman shivers at her trembling, frightened voice. "Me neither."
Nami scoffs. "But you still have time." If he feels her tears run through his body, he doesn't say anything. "I don't even know if she's alive."
Zoro doesn't have to bring his mind back to memories from a long while, when the last time he felt this way was whenever Luffy fought against Kaido
But he says nothing, because he knows there's no way in earth he can fix what just broke Nami's heart into pieces. If he could take her pain, he would, without any hesitation. He can handle it. And Nami is strong and all, but he fears that seeing her this way might bring him to madness.
So Zoro unexpectedly, for both of them, kisses the top of her head —like he used to do back when they were only three. Back when their ship couldn't even be referred to as one— and lets her cry. "I'm sorry." She just cries harder, and Zoro understands. They keep saying he doesn't understand, but he does. "I know. I know."
It would be easier if he could just cut whoever hurt her in half like he always does.
Luffy is the strongest, most powerful man Zoro has had the privilege to love and worship, and even when he disappears he forgets how to live.
So Zoro can fathom the way Nami feels. Vivi is strong, but love makes Nami feel the weakest she's ever been.
Nami gladly accepts his hug, and he knows she understands. And he'll help her live until she finds her way to her princess again.
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bengiyo · 3 months
Cherry Magic TH Ep 12 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, Achi went to a different city to help set up a new office. There, he had to work on his social skills to bond with the new staff, and succeeded through the power of his good nature and soccer. Karan and Achi stayed in touch the entire time they were separated, and Karan visited twice. Achi hesitated about coming out, but was rewarded when the new team was completely supportive and only asked about his partner so they knew who to contact. Meanwhile, Jinta talked Min into not giving up on an audition, and Min said he loved Jinta. We left on Achi losing his powers in a very satisfying bed scene and afterglow.
Achi really lucked out with Karan.
I'm so proud of Achi for managing to complete this project and earn the confidence of this team.
Ah yes, a finale. It's time to meet the parents.
Boss, don't remind me of the no dating rule.
Pai is such a supportive friend.
Damn, Mom, why you gotta dunk on your own son??
It's fine, she's definitely cool with it. She already put them to work and doled out advice.
I love Karan so much. This man recorded Achi expressing love in the Northern dialect, and Achi agreed so he wouldn't have to say it often.
It couldn't all be cherries on tablecloths. Looks like Karan is maintaining continuity with his Japanese counterpart's family.
Achi's mom hugging Karan is something that can be so personal.
I will never get over Jinta wearing sunglasses over his glasses.
Yes, let's model good fan behavior with the artist. They only jumped because they thought Jinta was trying to kidnap Min and then calmed down. They're even fans of Jinta's book!
Absolutely love that Karan is not withholding his feelings from Achi about how his mom might be homophobic.
AN 8 HOUR DRIVE? Are we going to Dallas???
Give that man his reward, Achi!
Welp, I knew it was too simple with Karan's mom. She very smoothly shoved them into a closet.
I'm glad it's the sister having this conversation with the mom.
She said her piece and counted to three!!!
Karan being a little brother makes so much sense every time.
Look at Tay Tawan acting. I know the mom and dad turning around so quickly is a bit unrealistic, but I like the aspirational nature of it. It could be this easy if we tried hard enough for each other.
Of course he proposed. I love this man.
You know he's had that ring ready for a while!
Wow, that was everything I hoped for and more out of the family stuff.
Whoa, did Jinta reveal he popped that cherry?
Oh, it's also the symbol for Min's group.
Aww, Rock has a fan!!
Pai is definitely shipping Rock and the fan.
Save the date!!
Well well well, Cherry Magic Thailand. Good job being explicit about marriage equality.
Okay, I like the reference to the pens.
I'm okay with Rock and Pai getting to date.
These two are very good at the aesthetics of an onscreen kiss.
Final Verdict: 9.5, This is Now My Default Version. I did not expect to come out on the other end of this liking the Thai version more than the Japanese live action, but here we are. Minus episode 8 (which I will pretend doesn't exist), this was perfect execution of the core premise and strong regard for the character dynamics. This show earned every moment, and managed to deliver a satisfying finale for the whole cast. It's been a long week of finales, and I like how good so many were. TayNew getting back together was not something I expected, and I'm so thrilled that they delivered such a strong outing. What a time to be a Cherry Magic fan. I'm excited to keep reporting on the anime and then talk about all three shows.
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fangirltothefullest · 8 months
hey! i’ve seen you reblog a few posts from proshippers/posts tagged as proship and i just wanted to let you know in case its not on purpose!
I need some of you youngsters to please listen carefully to what I'm about to say because it might open your eyes to a very important concept- when I say ship and let ship I mean I don't give two fucks about what people read in fanfiction because it's all fake. Made up characters in a made up scenario with made up things happening.
Your christian-based concept that thought is equal to action isn't true. You can THINK whatever the hell you want do long as your actions don't cause a problem. A creepy old man can look at a young lady and THINK all the nasty things he wants. So long as he does not take those thoughts and turn them to actions, he's fine. He might want to go see a therapist but at the end of the day thoughts are just thoughts. Standing on the edge of a cliff and thinking "wow if someone pushed someone off this they'd die" doesn't mean you want to push someone off a cliff.
PLEASE separate the concept that thought and action are the same thing.
Even if the topic is a taboo topic, even if it's something you would never in a million years agree with, it's still fake at the end of the day.
I don't personally want to read about canibalism, but its not my job or my right to force other people to never write about that stuff. Policing other people's writing and policing the "goodness" or "badness" of the content they write is not my job and it's not anyone else's. Your morality is yours and yours alone. What you find taboo and never want to think about might just be a weird enjoyable read to someone else. Just like kinks or even random topics, you cannot cater to everyone and trying to force a moral purity in written fiction is just ailly. They're made up. No matter how much you want Azirphale and Crowly to be real no matter how much you are desperate for Percy Jackson to have real feelings, they aren't and he can't. They're not real and they never will be so nothing that happens to them, no matter how fucked up, really matters.
And that's all it is and all they will ever be. A bunch of taboo topics and events done to made up people.
I don't want to read about incest but I'm not going to stop people from writing fanfics about the supernatural brothers doing the nasty. I'm also not going to go out of my way to look for it or tell people to stop because it's all fake. Its not supporting it. It's made up pretend space.
I sit here throwing made up characters into Bad Situations that would be horrible if they were real people. But they're not. They're fake people with fake things happening to them and it's fun to write and fun to read. I torment my characters all the time. I made Virgil go through so much emotional trauma in APP and no one bats an eye because it's fake. Please apply the same critical thinking to the rest of written everything.
Proshipper literally means that a person should have the freedom to write what they want and read what they want because morality has nothing to do with fiction. It does not make you morally a bad person to enjoy a taboo subject in written form. This goes for ALL taboo subjects. People reading greusome murder mysteries don't go out and murder people. The same thing applies to the other taboo subjects. People writing about weird incest ships aren't going to go out and do the incest thing.
If they are it has nothing to do with the fiction and everything to do with that specific person.
Thought and action are not the same thing.
Allowing everyone to write what they want without gatekeeping based on morality is a good thing. We would not have lgbtqia+ stories if the morality policing of Christian values dictated what we are allowed and not allowed to write.
Please understand that I saying all this as a teaching tool. You might be super icked out by certain topics and that's natural and normal and ok. I am too! Everyone is! But what we have to do is be tolerant of the ideas that writing taboo subjects and being a proshipper isnt a bad thing. Also enjoying taboo subjects in written form doesn't make you somehow evil, ok?
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bcbdrums · 7 months
"now the anime i felt diminished Soul's character in the second half... that's another topic though, haha."
What do you mean, his character was diminished?
Hello! Sorry it took me so long to answer!! Spoilers ahead for anyone who hasn't seen the whole show.
Let me approach this a different way... We know the running joke about Tsubaki, that after the Masamune arc she gets no character development. Her lines are just screaming Black Star's name, and that's about it for her.
That's how it feels for Soul after Crona shows up. Except with him it's just...silent brooding and watching his meister put all her focus onto someone else. The meister/weapon relationship that seems like it's kinda supposed to be the whole point of the show...? We don't get much of that for Soul and Maka anymore until the finale. And then it feels just kinda...forced in at the last moment, since we haven't gotten much of that.
He's not the only one whose arc gets skewed, and a good lot of that is due to the anime ending so abruptly and not getting to tell a fuller story. It needed at least ten more episodes in my opinion, whether it followed the manga or not... It just ended too fast.
But Soul specifically got supplanted by Crona, and it makes no sense to me. To have his relationship with Maka just...set aside entirely. Or rather, the issue is that they tried to pretend it wasn't. They tried to pretend all was well, and then bring it back at the very end as if things have been fine the entire time. But no.....no they haven't been.
For some idk like fifteen episodes or so? The only glimpses of Soul are him brooding, pining, trying to be himself toward Maka, being a good friend and weapon, but Maka only has eyes for Crona. Even at their apartment her only thoughts are for Crona, even telling Soul to leave her alone one time. She puts this wall between them and doesn't even know she's doing it, and Soul... His devotion to her never changes.
And... He never gets resolution with Crona for himself. So Maka just...forgave Crona I guess for almost killing Soul? Remember that huge giant plot point that started back in episode 7? That started the entire black blood thing? We never see or hear them talk about it but I guess Maka just....let it go, after purifying Crona? Which makes NO sense but okay I guess. But what about Soul... So since Maka decided to forget about Crona almost killing him, Soul is supposed to just forget too? Since his meister has decided to obsess over this poor mixed up kid who desperately needs professional help NOT a friendship that's doomed to unhealthiness due to the kid's issues, and Soul's supposed to just...be cool with it?
I was really glad that Kid brought it up that one time at the courts, even if it was just for a moment. At least somebody remembered what Soul went through. But it should have been his meister.
So yeah it's just...messed up. In summary.... Soul gets ignored second half of the show till a last-minute dramatic thing in the finale, but it feels out of place since Maka has ignored him for who knows how many episodes except to tell him to leave her alone. Soul has remained devoted and loyal. Soul's devotion to her has him repeatedly use the black blood for the sake of all of them, risking himself. And Maka just forgot I guess about her "new project" or whatever almost killing her weapon. And Soul just gotta deal with....all of that. Deal with what looks like the slow losing of his meister.
Yeah. That's what I meant by Soul being diminished... Everything about him was just kinda forgotten except what he could do for the rest of them.
Gonna take a left-turn here and compare Maka to her father again... Wonder if this is what Stein felt like watching his weapon go off with someone else, slowly losing him to some new, interesting person for whatever reason...
Yeah Maka, your weapon deserved better from you.
All that said? Oh I still ship it. I can be annoyed as heck with canon and still use it, lol.
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arctrooper69 · 11 months
You have friends here - family. Sometimes you simply need silence to hear what you need to hear.
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A/N: Part of @clonexreaderbingo for the square: "Stay with me"
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Warnings: Panic attack, feeling useless, anxiety.
The mission was successful. No one was hurt, nothing had been compromised. The mission objective had been more than fulfilled and spirits were high - even Hunter sported a sly grin. Wrecker's boisterous, joy filled laugh echoed down the wooded trail towards the Marauder. For once, everything had gone according to plan. So why did it feel so heavy? Disconnected - like you were trapped behind a window, watching everyone else play their part?
Echo came behind you, clapping a hand to your shoulder. He smiled, "You did good today."
You pulled your face into what you hoped seemed like a believable smile, but for some reason, his words of encouragement made you feel worse.
"You did good today."
Had you really though? You sighed, Probably not. He was just saying it to placate you, so that you didn't feel like a total failure. It didn't work.
You recalled how you fell at least three times, tripping over your own feet.
You couldn't seem to hold your blaster steady.
Everything had been so overwhelming and frankly you'd been terrified.
Even Omega had done much better than you, and she was a child. At least she was useful. You watched as she playfully skipped up the ramp and sighed.
What the hell is wrong with you!? Your inner voice scolded. Jealous of a kid!? That's really kriffing pathetic.
You trudged up the ramp into the Marauder, guilt tugging at your chest, weighing you down as it had been for some time now.
"Are you ok?"
You jumped as a low voice interrupted your self-sabotaging spiral. Of course Echo would be the one to notice. Great. Now you had soured his mood as well.
Shifting away from him, you tightly folded your arms against yourself as you leaned on a crate just inside the doorway. Everyone else had already disappeared into the main part of the ship. You doubted they even noticed your absence.
"I'm fine." You lied. "Just a little tired. That's all."
Echo was silent, and for a moment you thought he'd believed you and left to go celebrate with the others. Your heart sank. Part of you had actually hoped he'd stay.
You shifted again and to your surprise, he hadn't moved. He regarded you carefully, face unreadable. He took a breath and then looked up at you.
"Okay." He said calmly, almost casually. He jerked his head towards the ramp. "Let's go for a walk."
The two of you were silent, taking in the fresh summer air. The last rays of sunlight slowly faded behind the horizon leaving you in the soft evening glow of moonlight. You were greatful for the silence as Echo climbed up over a grassy hill and sat down. You sat beside him and the heavy feeling in your chest suddenly felt much heavier.
"So," Echo began slowly. You could feel his penetrating gaze and it only made you want to hide your face in shame. You didn't meet his eyes. Because then he'd see how weak you actually are, sneered your inner voice.
"You gonna tell me what's going on?"
"I'm -"
"Yeah no," he interrupted. "Don't tell me you're fine because I know you aren't."
You were silent because you knew that if you opened your mouth to speak, you wouldn't be able to stop from breaking down completely.
"I don't belong here." You whispered around the lump in your throat.
Your heart sank, expecting him to scoff or throw out a cliched affirmation like the ones you'd heard your entire life:
"Of course you belong!"
"We're here for you."
"Keep your head up. It'll get better soon."
Empty promises from people who only pretended to care just enough to placate your needy anxieties. Just enough to seem polite. But Echo was silent.
"What makes you think that you don't belong?" He asked quietly.
"I..." You choked, unable to keep back the tears any longer. You felt heavier than ever. "I'm not smart like Tech or strong like Wrecker. I can't fight like Hunter or slice code like you." Your chest bucked in a futile attempt to hold back the sobs. "Even...even Omega is more useful than me."
Your breath came in jagged gasps as tears fell hot and heavy down your face, soaking the knees of your trousers where your head rested, arms curled protectively around your legs.
"I can't...." You gasped, lips tingling with the all too familiar numbness of panic, fingernails drawing blood from your tightly clenched fists.
"Listen to me." Echo was speaking but he sounded muffled - far away.
"Hey." He called your name, putting a hand on your arm. His voice was firm and unwavering, but it held a genuine kindness. His voice was grounding.
"Echo?" You whispered shakily.
"Yeah. Im here." His flesh hand squeezing your shoulder provided a strange sense of comfort. "Just breathe, okay? Ill do it with you."
Slowly your breaths began to sync with his.
In. Out. In. Out.
Echo sat beside you silently. He didnt bother to ask if you were alright again. He knew you weren't - and that was okay. Sometimes all you needed was a friend. Silent support - though it broke his heart that you thought you weren't useful.
"Can you stay here with me for awhile?" You whispered, taking another shuddering breath.
"We can stay out here as long as you need to." He replied and you nodded gratefully.
He opened his mouth, then paused, closing it again as though there was something he wanted to say but thought better of it. He shook his head. No. This was important.
"I dont think you're useless." He uttered quietly. You lifted your eyes. Where you'd expected pity, you found only Echo's hard gaze of sincerity.
"In all honesty, we'd have fallen apart a long time ago if you weren't here."
You scoffed and looked down, not meeting his eyes, but Echo continued as if he hadn't heard.
"You're the one who Omega comes to at night when she has a nightmare. Not me, not Hunter or Wrecker or Tech. You." He softly chuckled to himself. "You're the only one who managed to pull a smile from Crosshair after we got him back. Crosshair. Our snarky, pissed-off-sniper of a brother. You got him to smile after all he'd been through."
You still refused to look up at Echo, but the sound of his voice was soothing.
"And Hunter said that the headset you built gave him the best night sleep in a long time. Sure, Tech helped you build it....but it was your idea."
He gently paused, watching your shuddering breaths slowly give way to calmer ones.
"...and," he began again hesitantly and stopped. Then with the confidence of the ARC trooper he was, he continued. "You dont take shit from anyone. No wonder Wrecker always partners with you on missions. You're tough. And you're smart. I've seen you take hits that would probably take me out, and you bounce right back up. Yeah, maybe you don't speak up a lot but I've seen your strategies at work in the field. You help keep us together. As a team, and as a family. So don't you dare think that you're useless, because you're not!"
Echo trailed off into an awkward silence as though realizing you probably didn't want all this. He hadn't meant to get so passionate towards the end. You blew it, Echo. Now she thinks you're just patronizing her.
He raised his eyes to meet yours, dragging himself from those nagging anxious thoughts.
A faint smile tugged at your lips. "Thank you."
Echo squeezed your shoulder again. It would be a while before the weight lifted from your chest, but for now you could settle in the silence next to your best friend.
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featjunranghae · 10 months
Idiots in Love - Han Jisung
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Han Jisung X FemReader
summary: the title says it all.
No warning? Not proof read.
"You're so cute."
"I said you look like a fruit."
"What in the world Han Jisung." yn laughed slapping his arms as she sat beside him on the sofa.
Saturdays were meant for the boys. That's what Han firmly believes in. But when his crush/ girl best friend/ situation ship calls him on the phone for 'emergency' purposes (which somehow involves watching a movie) the boys are no longer the priority.
"You still haven't told me why you called."
"You're trying to change the topic-"
"I'll leave your ass alone if you try to bully me."
yn couldn't help but grin snuggling closer to him, hands wrapped around his biceps and head on his shoulder. "I just wanted to see your stupid face."
"Excuse me- Stupid? I'm gorgeous." Han scoffed pretending to push her off. "Changbin was right bros before hoes. I Shouldn't have come to your aid."
"You know I know that you love hanging out with me." Yn said picking up the tv remote. "You love hanging out with me. And so do i. So here Rewatching Shrek for the- I don't even know how many times."
Han didn't argue as he stared at her. Yn had been one of his oldest friends. They met back in middle school and stuck together since. They've watched each other grow through their lowest and highest points.
And after everything, Han couldn't deny that he wanted them to be more than just friends. Friends don't hold each other most nights while sleeping. Friends don't look at each other the way he looked at yn.
But the problem was. He couldn't confess. He tried so many times over the years to subtly let yn know. But she never took the hint. It was like she wanted him to spell it out for her.
"You're thinking." Yn interrupted his train of thoughts.
"I am."
"It's kinda unusual since Chan does most of the thinking for us all."
Han said nothing continuing to stare at her. His lips curved up at the corner slightly. "I know." He said.
yn paused the movie turning back to him "Seriously Sungie, are you okay?" She asked. "You look lost."
Jisung sighed shaking his head turning around. This was another one of those moments when he wanted to confess. He was here at yn's house. She was in his arms. If he got rejected, then this would be over. He would lose yn. That was the only thing that stopped him from ever saying anything.
His feelings were not worth it. It was not worth it. He'd rather never confess than lose yn.
His bandmates seem to disagree. Specially Hyunjin. "Dude. I'm telling you. I get the vibe that yn likes you too. Go for it."
But Hyunjin was a hopeless romantic. And listening to his advice would be a bad decision for him.
"Jisung." Yn called out again.
"Nothing... I'm just tired from practice."
"You looked fine 20 min-"
"yn. Really it's nothing."
"It's not nothing if its bothering you."
"last night I was bothered thinking about the gold fish I lost when I was five. How will you say that it's not nothing?."
yn knew Han like that back of her hand. He always had a tough time vocalising his feelings. He always considered his thoughts as pointless. "You can tell me later. It's okay." She put her head back on his shoulder.
"I can't."
"Why?" She asked looking up at her. "Does it involve me somehow?"
Han nodded, kissing the top of her head. "It involves me? Wait... Are you actually sad cause I called you today..." Yn pulled back. "I know you were hanging out with the boys but I was just-"
"And they say I'm the overthinker." Han laughed. "I don't hate you yn. It's nothing... I just came up with some lyrics."
"Stop lying."
"What makes you think so?"
"You get crazy when you come up with a song. You're scrambling around for a piece of paper and pen. You have a look in your face." Yn said with a small shrug and Jisung couldn't help but smile.
"Do I?" He asked with a small laugh. He never expected her to notice so many details. "Are you like obsessed with me or something?" He joked pulling her towards him.
"You're making it weird Han."
"How am I making it weird?" He laughed. "I always hug my friends and kiss my homies goodnight."
"I hate you." Yn laughed along. "But in all seriousness. Are you okay?"
"I... Maybe. There's just a lot of things on my mind." Han said with a small shrug. "I don't know..."
"You're confused?"
"Kinda like that. I don't know how to deal with something. Like there's something I want to do. But I'm sacred."
"Being scared is for the losers." Yn laughed. I'm not the best person for advice but. If you want to do something. You should go ahead and do it. You'll have my support no matter what."
"What if it's something very stupid?"
"You're always doing something stu- I'M KIDDING!" She exclaimed when he tried to tickle her.
"And what if I say I like you?"
"I like you too what's the big deal?"
"No. What if I like like you?" He asked again this time turning around to face her fully.
"I like you yn. A lot. It's so hard for me to pretend I don't."
"Then... I'd say I like you too."
"I'm not joking yn."
"Han Jisung." Yn smiled. "I like you... Since we were in highschool when you took me to prom. You were always special to me... I just never thought you'd.... You'd like me back..." He voice got quite at the end.
"What- YN! I literally always call you cute. I always spend time with you- Everyone in our friend group knew that I liked you!"
Han couldn't help but smile. "We're idiots." He laughed shaking his head. "Do you wanna be my idiot though?"
Yn grinned before pretending to think.
"Yes. I'd like that."
"Damn it was that easy? I now have a girlfriend?"
"You're such a loser. But my loser."
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bygiornogiovanna · 2 years
Them reacting to finding out you faked an orgasm (18+)
Your boyfriend had a stressing week, so you two decided to have some...fun. It went well, except he was kind-of rushed, and you didn't exactly reach your high. To not upset him or make him feel bad, you faked it. How will he react when he finds out?
Featuring: Stardust Crusaders (except Joseph)
18+ content, read at your own risk!
Jotaro and Kakyoin are a little aged up, 18 here. Afab reader, no pronouns mentioned.
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Muhammad Avdol
Your little secret slipped out when you two were talking. He asked you if you felt good last night and you accidentally let your face show a little bit of discomfort;
Avdol would be disappointed when he finds out that you, in fact, didn't feel good. Not at you, but at himself. How couldn't he pay more attention to your needs?
He felt awful, even after you reassured him it was fine since it was the only time it happend anyways;
It seemed like, everything you told him fell on deaf ears. Avdol's mood got visibly worse, and you felt your heart clench. Why did he feel that bad? It was normal to be a little selfish sometimes;
"I'm really sorry, I'll make it up to you , Y/N."
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Jean Pierre Polnareff
The cat was out of the bag the moment you two were arguing. He was having one of his temper tantrums after you were a little too close for (his) comfort to a guy and, out of anger, you told him that maybe he could make you orgasm;
You immediately regretted ever letting those words out of your mouth at the pure hurt that passed his features. He also seemed shocked by what you said, and only a small 'When' left his mouth;
"Look, Pol, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that..." you said, biting your lip anxiously. "That doesn't answer my question. When did it happen? Why didn't you tell me? At least the next day..."
Your turn to feel awful.
"I'll try to be better next time, just warn me, mon cherri."
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Kujo Jotaro
He didn't have to find out because he noticed that you didn't reach your high. Your eyes didn't roll back the way they usually did, you weren't panting as much...It wasn't the same;
So, after he was done, Jotaro threw himself next to you, letting your sweaty body hug his. He was stroking your hair, trying to regulate his breathing;
"Can I know what I did wrong?" he asked calmly and you raised a brow. He seemed chill, but you could feel a hint of sadness in his voice. "What do you mean?"
"Why did you have to fake it? You could've just told me" he continues and you sigh, realizing what he meant. "I don't really know, probably the mood wasn't right." you raise your shoulders sleeply;
"Maybe we should make it right then, shouldn't we?"
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Kakyoin Noriaki
He would overhear you talking to yourself, well, more-like debating with yourself if you should tell him or not, and to say he felt bad was an understatement;
He was wondering what he did wrong and he figured it would be the fact that he got almost straight to the point, not giving too much attention to the rest of your body due to his stress;
Noriaki would pretend he didn't know and plan a surprise for you. One that he sure hoped you would like;
Roses lead your way to the room you two shared and, when you entered confused, you were surprised (and amused) to see your boyfriend waiting with a rose in his mouth.
"Let me make it up to you. For not pleasing you last time."
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A/N: the rose is just for the meme xd hope you all enjoyed this!
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rise-my-angel · 5 months
I'm very ship and let ship but a lot of ASOIAF shippers, especially r/l shippers just come across totally tapped in the head lol. I don't deny that Lyanna went 'willingly' with Rhaegar but....that....still doesn't make their relationship a good thing? lol. Like her being 'willing' can mean different things in the context of the story and what exactly the motivations were. We literally know next to nothing about their motivations and beliefs.
If GRRM wanted to sell a uncomplicated, 'morally pure' lmao romance, he simply would not have written Rhaegar to have a wife and two children. Like, WHY do you think he made that narrative choice? It was a very, very blatant plot choice lmao. A character literally named after said wife is currently on her way with Arianne Martell to meet said wife's presumed son with Rhaegar and will play an important part in the endgame. Like, I need shippers to ask themselves WHY GRRM would make those writing choices lmao.
I also need them to ask WHY did GRRM feel the need to have Lyanna's brother, Ned, literally have to kill Arthur Dayne, Rhaegar's BFF, and two other KG's loyal only to Rhaegar in order to get to her? Doesn't that raise red flags? like hello? lmao. I also love how they make a big to-do over Lyanna holding the blue roses in her hands. The same blue roses that are described as dead and Ned, when he takes a closer look at them sees the thorns hidden underneath the petals? lmaooo. HELLO? LMAO.
Look, I think GRRM has very weird and problematic ideas when it comes to consent and underage girls in relationships with older men, so I'm not holding my breathe for any lack of romanticization here, but like come on lmao.
I will respectfully disagree on her going willingly, because I don't at all think she did.
But there is so much wrong with what happened. Lyanna was dying in a bed of her own blood. The blue roses were not romantic, they are almost acting as a smokescreen. Winter roses are something Lyanna likes, so give it to her, while we force her to lay dying in a bed of her own blood and not attempt bringing or getting her to help. It's to pretend everything is fine when in reality Lyanna is more trapped then ever and is now afraid she is going to die alone.
The shippers have given no reasonable explanation as to why she was left dying in bed of her own blood. Why if it was love, did the Kingsguard not have orders to do everything they could to save her. Why was she to be so kept hidden in that tower that not even her brother could see her when she was about to die, if she was there willingly. Why if she was willing did she desperately scream "Eddard-" that it could be heard all the way on the ground outside.
Why would her not wanting to marry Robert, make her want to run away from her brothers which she loves dearly and not even attempt to leave to go home when she learned Rhaegars father brutally murdered her father and eldest brother?
The truth is you will rarely see well constructed arguments that are consistent between these shippers, because they are all grasping at straws desperate to make all of this make sense. Either Lyanna wasn't willing and it ruins their love story narrative, or she was willing through all of this and the version of Lyanna they are defending is a sociopath.
They have painted the idea Lyanna was a willing participant so heavily in their mind that they engage in disagreeing opinions as if we are attacking them as people on a personal level.
They have the right to ship it, I have the right to analyze why I think Rhaegar raped her.
But I have been called crazy, stupid, dumb, retarded, and delusional for what I think are very well thought out constructed arguments against this ship on my own personal blog.
They have the right to ship it, but I have the right to hate them.
I will say though while yes, some of grrms ideas have not aged well, some of this was a result of the first 3 books being written in the 90s. Rape, consent, and discussions around the ages of consent were not looked at in the same scrutinizing manner they are today.
But it does mean we have to do our due diligence and look past orginal author intent and engage with the content in a more fair manner.
It's why I enjoy deconstructing the Rhaelya narrative. I like seeing past the stock excuse of it being a non conventional relationship and analyze what that means and the negative implications defending it are causing.
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nekoannie-chan · 5 months
Blood magic
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Title: Blood magic.
Fandom: Marvel, Captain America.
Ship: Brock Rumlow X Reader.
Word count: 438 words.
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Your blood always cures Brock.
Major Tags: Mention of blood.
Additional tags: This my entry to @multifandom-flash, Annie-3002 & square 9:
"Blood magic.”
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @Smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @Harrysthiccthighss @Marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @Here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989 @somegirlfromasgard
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Brock had always had successful missions. However, on the last seemingly routine mission, everything took an unexpected turn. You did not fall into the enemy's ambush and completed the mission successfully, but several agents were injured, including Brock, even though he pretended he was fine.
The night had become dark and stormy as you returned from the gruelling mission. As soon as he took off his shirt, you noticed the wounds on his body.
“I didn't think you'd be back so soon, Brock," you said, assessing the wounds visible on his face and hands.
Rumlow grunted, shedding the rest of his gear and exposing cuts and bruises in other areas.
“They're just scratches; I don't need anyone to take care of me," he replied proudly.
But you ignored what he said. You knew he was very proud, so you approached him. You raised your hand, and Brock felt a warm energy enveloping him. Your powers began to close the wounds and ease the pain. Brock, on the other hand, couldn't help but feel surprised by the disappearance of the pain and wounds; it seemed as if they had never been there.
“You don't need to keep pretending you're a tough guy, Brock," you said calmly.
He frowned at her, distrustful.
“What kind of trick is this?"
You smiled, and you loved that sometimes he could be so stupid and he didn't seem to notice it.
“It's not a trick; it's magic. Magic runs through my veins as well as my mutant side. In case you didn't know HYDRA also recruits mutants, I thought you knew everything, Brock," you teased.
Brock was dumbfounded. After all the time you had been together and known each other, it had never occurred to him to ask you about your abilities.
“What else can you do? “he asked.
You smiled and started to show him some of your skills, but what caught his attention the most were the little flashes of light dancing in his hands.
“Why didn't you tell me before?" Brock questioned.
“You never asked me, but didn't you ever wonder why most of the time the missions went practically flawlessly?"
“Because I'm an excellent leader," Brock replied proudly. You raised your eyebrow.
“That also helped."
“Wait, you mean... you used your powers all this time?"
“Of course, that's why Rogers hasn't discovered us either. You know I can conquer the world if I want to; we can do it together, Brock; it's you and me against the world," you assured.
He took your hand and kissed you. He liked the idea that, somehow, you were going to conquer the world.
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bakawitch · 1 month
Okay, heartshippers, please don't hate me after this post- I love the ship, but for this au it's just gonna be a plot device that drives Ryou into madness XD
Tw: unhealthy relationships, obsessive behaviour, violence, implied death (please let me know if there is something else I should have put a warning for)
So! With all that out of the way, another darkish au as promised! Post-canon, once all the characters have settled down into their routine adult lives, Yugi and Ryou are dating. At first, it was only supposed to be a drunk one-night stand to get their minds off things, but somehow, it ended up being a gateway to a relationship. Initially, Ryou did not want to date Yugi, but after he explained his feelings to Ryou and that he hasn't been truly happy except when they were together for a really long time, Ryou agreed to date him despite his feelings not running that deep towards Yugi.
The relationship is fine, Yugi is very sweet and kind, their bedroom life is okay, and despite not really talking about their problems and issues, Ryou just decides to go with the flow for the time being. However, eventually, he starts noticing things. Subtle things and patterns, not something he could have noticed without observing Yugi's behaviour. Whenever Yugi brings something up or asks something of him, he always seems... overly expectant. Yet whenever Ryou gives a response, he always seems disappointed. Like he was looking for Ryou to say or do something else.
Ryou eventually realises that Yugi is using him as a substitute for someone else. He realises that Yugi is looking for Atem in him, which naturally makes Ryou feel very conflicted and angry. In the past, Malik tried to replace Bakura with him, and now Yugi is essentially doing the same thing. Just to make sure that he's not just being paranoid, he decides to conduct a few tests, which could all prove his suspicions wrong. Yugi fails every single one of them.
From that point on, what positive feelings he had towards Yugi turn sour, and a resentment starts developing towards him. He tries talking to Yugi at first to resolve the issue of their relationship in a civil manner, but Yugi keeps dodging him, pretending that everything is okay and shutting down Ryou whenever he tries to initiate a serious conversation, terrified of losing someone precious to him like Atem again. Meanwhile, Ryou is being pushed closer and closer towards his breaking point during all this.
During an especially bad day, Yugi implies that Ryou is no better than his darker half in a heated moment, and despite immediately taking it back, the damage is done. Ryou leaves their shared flat furious and goes on a night walk to cool off.
He eventually makes it to a rundown cemetery and shrine inside a wooded area and stays there for a while. Seeing all the tombstones, he's suddenly reminded of his old habit of writing letters to his dead sister, so he starts writing on a loose crumbled piece of paper. At first, he addresses the letter to Amane, but after some thought, he crosses the name out. Even if she's dead, Ryou doesn't want Amane to have to deal with his issues. On a whim, he decides to address it to the spirit of the ring instead. He ends up falling asleep in the shrine.
After that, Ryou develops a weird little obsession with his letters to Bakura, and he starts writing daily to him, which somehow becomes even more frequent whenever he needs to vent his frustrations about Yugi. He eventually starts probably imagining the spirit's voice in his head, and instead of being freaked out by it, he's relieved to have some sort of direction in his life after all this time. The voice sort of guides him through his days, and Ryou eventually starts 'seeing' Yami Bakura.
Eventually, Yugi and Ryou end up in a serious fight that ends with Ryou slashing Yugi with a knife while he sees Bakura's hands guide his own. After this, Yugi just doesn't come back to their apartment, and their relationship is officially over. Jonouchi and Honda end up getting Yugi's stuff and share their opinions on what Ryou did. After they leave, Ryou begins isolating himself inside with the image of Bakura, rarely ever going out. Ryou becomes completely reliant on the voice and just does whatever it suggests.
As Ryou deteriorates, Bakura offers to help Ryou move on to his next stage of life, which entails a shadow game. Ryou agrees because he wants to prove to Bakura that he has the resolve and that he's capable of doing it. The game probably involves dice, and some very invasive questions get asked from Ryou between rounds, and before the match point is decided, Bakura asks if Ryou will be able to accept the outcome no matter what it is. Ryou says yes, and they both smile when it's revealed that Ryou has lost the game. Ryou accepts his fate and happily leaves for the shadow realm with Bakura, hand in hand.
A few months later, Yugi decides to visit Ryou and to try and talk to him, but he's told by the receptionist that Ryou disappeared or died under mysterious circumstances a long time ago.
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rorywritesjunk · 24 days
Brain rot because allergies got me. And I had thoughts while building a dresser at work today and how I literally swapped Sunny and Buggy's gender for the Swap AU when I should have just had it be female Buggy with female Sunny because the thing to me is...absolutely nothing changes except Buggy's a girl. Brace yourself for teen lesbians.
They meet in Lougetown (because I am a fan of that au I wrote lmao) and Buggy is a mess but this nice girl is being kind to her, offers her a meal, is just so sweet and isn't asking for anything in return. They spend a few days together as Sunny is in town with her boss for a client and Sunny feels a pull to this girl. She thinks she's so pretty and handsome at the same time and admittedly gets a little giggly and blushes when Buggy comes out of the bathroom with a towel around her waist, grumbling about her hair taking forever to dry.
They part on acceptable terms, only to reconnect multiple times as Buggy visits her work with a new captain, earning money to start her own crew. Sunny is super supportive of her friend, though she finds herself getting sad every time she has to say bye to Buggy but she doesn't notice how Buggy looks at her with confusion and sadness in her eyes whenever they part ways.
Both girls don't quite understand why they get butterflies in their stomachs or why it feels like electricity coursing between them whenever they hold hands. Buggy thinks Sunny's the prettiest thing she's ever seen and Sunny finds Buggy to be handsome and charming and silly.
One visit Sunny decides to take her out for crepes. Buggy licks some chocolate off Sunny's cheek. She returns the favor by kissing Buggy on the cheek. Both are red in the face and finish their crepes in silence.
They tiptoe around feelings for an entire year, not sure what these feelings are. Buggy is pretty sure she's fallen in love with Sunny but she knows Sunny wouldn't feel the same way. She's seen how men flirt with Sunny whenever they've gone out. What if Sunny doesn't feel the way?
And Sunny's has met folks who know Buggy by chance! When they find out how she knows their blue haired friend, they encourage Sunny because honestly, they want to know Buggy is happy and this pretty girl with blonde hair and freckles will probably make it so.
Sunny has to wait months before seeing Buggy again and getting word her ship was attacked and there were no survivors breaks Sunny's heart. She cries, is in denial, grieves, everything. When she returns home for a family reunion she pretends everything is fine but her parents aren't dumb. She puts on a brave face and returns to her apprenticeship.
And it's another few months until Buggy shows up, looking a little thinner, tired, scratched up, but looking smug as she greets Sunny who wasn't prepared for this but after wiping Buggy's face clean of the crepe, she realized she couldn't let Buggy leave again without her knowing how she's finding herself starting to feel so...
She kisses Buggy.
On the lips.
And ignores her nose honking.
Buggy is mortified by what her nose just did but she isn't able to pull back from Sunny because she's holding Buggy too tightly.
Both are flushed and starry eyed when they finally break the kiss.
Buggy's certain she's going to marry this girl and Sunny, honestly, feels the same.
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le-panda-chocovore · 28 days
Can I ask from this ask game : https://www.tumblr.com/toomanyfandomsthings/749729499738996736/send-me-a-ship-and-a-number-and-ill-tell-you?source=share
No. 2, 10, 11, 12, 15 for SuguSato, BokuAka, AziraCrow, and Karushuu.....Thanks 🌻
2. What do their love letters look like ?
SuguSato : Suguru is chill and poetic, he writes normally and puts some cute sentences here and there. He also has to remind his boyfriend to not make a mess while he's away. He signs it with "Love, Suguru" and his writing is super neat. Satoru rambles too much and writes completely irrelevant things and probably signs with "XOXO" and a ridiculously cute thing like "your babe" or "the person you love the most", he changes often. His love confessions are overwhelming because he just says what he's thinking without filter and he really loves Suguru very very much.
BokuAka : Bokuto doesn't know how to write a love letter. He talks about his day and describes everything that reminded him of Akaashi. He also compares Akaashi to random things like a dishwasher or a curtain (it makes sense in his brain, but only his). Akaashi is confused but finds that cute anyway. Akaashi is a bit more poetic, he writes pretty things and says I love you and I hope you're doing fine.
AziraCrow : Aziraphale's love letters are 10 pages long and full of metaphors and poems and comparisons and adoration. He sometimes sends an entire book or a collection of texts with his letter, saying "this represents how I feel about you" Crowley's love letters are 1000 words max but he's very clear about his feelings. It's easier for him to write down things than tell them face-to-face. Sometimes he just writes "Thinking of you. I miss you. Take care." and that's all. Aziraphale loves it.
Karushuu : Gakushuu writes like a general sending battle directives during a war, he signs it with "do not die until my return" or something like that. Karma's letters are... messy. Full of hearts and emojis and petnames (mostly to make fun of Shuu), he's purposely exaggerating to embarrass his boyfriend, he shares random anecdotes then says "are you missing me ? 😔❤". One time he put glitter in the envelope and Gakushuu still holds a grudge against him.
10. What TV shows do they watch together, and which ones do they hide from the other ?
SuguSato : Satoru made Suguru watch Digimon. Suguru secretly likes Barbieverse while Satoru pretends to not like Beauty & Fashion TV shows.
BokuAka : They watch Avatar: The Last Airbender and Percy Jackson & the Olympians together. I don't think they particularly hide anything from each other but perhaps Akaashi enjoys some chill shows on his own.
AziraCrow : Aziraphale watches BBC Sherlock when Crowley's not here, and Crowley watches house decoration or prank shows. When they're together they watch Cooking Shows.
Karushuu : They watch those Quiz Games and compete with each other on their couch, they try to find the answer before the participants. Alone, Gakushuu watches documentaries, and Karma watches telenovelas or reality shows to laugh at dumb people on TV.
11. What was their first impression of each other ?
SuguSato : Satoru -> "Bangs. Earrings. Baggy. Is he... a delinquent ?!" | Suguru -> "Pretty... Is this his natural hair color ? How can he be so pretty."
BokuAka : Bokuto -> "I wanna play with him I wanna play with him I wanna play volleyball!!" | Akaashi -> "Bokuto-sempai... I can't believe I'm going to play with him. He seems cool, I don't want to make a bad impression."
AziraCrow : Aziraphale -> "What are they doing.... Are they talking to me . . ?" *then after Crowley lighted up the stars* "Oh ! Oh that's really amazing and wonderful, they're a genius !" | [angel] Crowley -> "Nice lad" (was too focused on the nebulae to think anything about Azi)
*meeting in Eden Garden* Aziraphale -> "Oh that's- wait have they always been so beautiful ? Wait no I'm not supposed to think of that !" | [demon] Crowley -> "Oh wow they aren't a simple obedient angel at all, they're so daring and unpredictable ! Amazing."
Karushuu : Gakushuu -> "He looks so arrogant, but he never going to reach my level, I won't need to worry about him." | Karma -> "Fucking Nerd, he seems so annoying, I can't want to steal his first place and see his crying face."
12. What do they do for their anniversary ?
SuguSato : Vacations on the beach and long talk about how much they love each other.
BokuAka : Chilling day, staying at home to watch a movie and eat pancakes, perhaps a breakfast in bed.
AziraCrow : Dinner at Ritz and a long night walk under the stars.
Karushuu : They change for every birthday, they have a competition for the one who gives the greatest gift. Gakushuu won by proposing to Karma when they were 24. (Gifts included : Shuu stealing his father's credit card and walking through the town with his boyfriend, buying him everything he wants ; a weekend trip to a hot spring ; a serenade at 5am (Gakushuu almost killed his boyfriend) ; and other things.)
15. What would they change about each other ?
SuguSato : Canonically ? Nothing, they would change themselves for the other. In the AU where everything is fine ? Suguru would like Satoru to be more considerate toward others and Satoru would like Suguru to take better care of himself.
BokuAka : They're married, what is there to change about them ?
AziraCrow : Nothing. They would pretend to but actually, they wouldn't change a thing. (they would just like it if the other recognized being actually nice/a bastard out loud). Okay I changed my mind. They would make the other stop pretending to not be who they really are.
Karushuu : Karma wishes Gakushuu would break more rules and Gakushuu would like Karma to break way less.
I'm mostly talking about High School BokuAka here, not the post-timeskip where they're both adults.
Next time send me just 1 ship at time because I'm losing myself trying to figure out how to do everyone LMAO
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mellohirust · 2 months
In the dark timeline, what do you think would happen if Neil Gaiman wrote it so Aziraphale and Crowley didn’t reunite and reconcile in S3? 👀
In the infinite sunshine timeline, how would everyone react if S3 was just South Downs fluff?
Finally, what’s a plot twist nobody would see coming?
OK OK putting my good omens thoughts under the cut because we're gonna be here a while. strap in.
-Dark timeline where they don't reunite and reconcile is admittedly VERY hard to envision. They've always relied on each other in some capacity whether they like it or not (literally their FIRST INTERACTION before the beginning is Crowley needing Aziraphale's help). I'd imagine Aziraphale would have a LOT to sort out on his own, and it would not be easy at all for him, if even possible given the circumstances. He'd have the whole Second Coming to handle (and also hope he can somehow thwart), all while Heaven is likely watching like a HAWK, all while he wouldn't want to be doing any of it at all. For the first time in thousands of years he'd be truly alone, and I doubt he'd have a plan that would feel reliable. It would be awful. There's only so much a single angel can do. The Book of Life is also a very real threat. Falling is also something he's still worried about. He'd have to get VERY lucky. I doubt he could just sway the Metatron into a different opinion (although I'm sure he'll try). I think he's pretty fucked unless God were to intervene and look out for him.
Not that he'd be satisfied in the end, even if the world was saved and everything was fine. He'd never forgive himself if he didn't reconcile with Crowley by the end of things, I'd imagine.
I also think Crowley would never shake the feeling of something being wrong, even if Aziraphale doesn't reach out to him for help (which... come on. He will. Where else could he go?). He always expected a "big one", he just doesn't know when or where it'll happen, but obviously Heaven would need Aziraphale for SOMETHING. They wanted to erase Gabriel's memories because he refused to do Armageddon 2.0! Do you really think that's gonna stop them? That they won't just try again? Their whole deal is that they're insistent on this. They won't let up. That's not gonna change no matter who's in charge, and he knows it. I can't see Crowley giving up on Earth until it's too late, maybe abandoning ship last second as to avoid his own demise, but it's a question as to what he could piece together on his own, whether or not Hell would still tell him things, etc when it comes to what he'd actually try to achieve. After all, you can't thwart what you don't know the details of. It would be a lost cause. (Personally, I don't see him becoming a Duke of Hell either; it's something I can enjoy in fanworks but I don't see him as the type to take that deal even to 'spite Aziraphale' in canon. Not unless he hoped to get intel? But I think he'd much rather not have them watching him.)
Could either of them thwart the Second Coming on their own or with others besides each other? Very, very unlikely, and it would be a very close call, and probably still entail other sorts of disaster. Could they do it without crossing paths at least once? Also very unlikely. (After all, the entire driving force of S1/the book is how many people come together for Armageddon in attempts to either start or stop it). If they work at this and want to stand a chance they're doomed to reunite, and therefore, doomed to reconcile. They would quite literally have to be exterminated or wiped out of the Book of Life in order to never reunite (and I just don't think this is that kind of story). Make of this what you will.
(I also can't see them just being able to go back to before their feelings were revealed to each other, either. There's no pretending it isn't there, anymore. Crowley said as much. No more hiding. I don't think this doomed their relationship going forward, even if it may take a while to fully smooth things over.)
TL;DR They'd fight like hell for Earth, probably wouldn't be able to succeed without the other, probably die trying anyways and with many regrets regarding each other. Best case scenario God personally intervenes out of the blue and mercifully decides to thwart Heaven's own plan but they both still spend the rest of eternity thinking of what could've been. They'd hate it. They'd miss each other SO BAD and would (fail to) pretend they didn't.
-Pure South Downs fluff would be such tonal whiplash lmao and would also feel kinda unearned? I think fluffier moments shine brightest when the characters have had to work for it a little and Aziraphale/Crowley still have a LOT of problems that need to be sorted in order to be able to be happy together. (Also it's just... not gonna happen. You can't tease the Second Coming and then skip past it to an "everything's fine" future.) The entire point of S3 for me is we KNOW where they'll end up- we want to see HOW. It's not a story without stakes and consequences and a bit of risk, at least when it comes to Good Omens. That isn't to say that they need to be tortured or whatever in S3 to feel earned, but we need to see a lot of things get wrapped up (Second Coming, Aziraphale needs Heaven to leave him alone + needs to be able to work through his complicated feelings regarding it, Crowley needs for Hell to stop calling on him, they need to be able to safely communicate what they want, they need to talk about the kiss, etc). We want to see these!! We can't get these without a bit of hurt. I wanna see them break free more than I want pure fluff. That's just me though.
(With that being said, I hope that at least they get a BIT of time next season to just... be together. Happily. And do some of the things they couldn't before. And by a 'bit of time' I mean 'I sure do hope it's more than like 2 minutes before the credits roll but I will take literally anything I can get at this point'. There's potential here!!! So much of it!!! And they deserve it!!! It's just not the show's tone for it to take up that much time. I'd miss the chaos too much I think, and I'd miss the catharsis of seeing a character finally getting what they want in real time. Just a BIT of fluff at the end though, all I ask. This could insta-kill me.)
TL;DR Bit too much!!! I want them to bicker!!! In a way that's framed comically!!! This is a comedy show!!! And I want to watch them get through hard times!!! I just also want them to make out afterwards and also save the world and stuff. Then I'll be satisfied.
-Honestly I haven't thought much about possible plot twists in S3? I take the Final Fifteen pretty "straightforward" (I don't think the coffee is spiked, I don't think they stopped time, I don't think they body swapped, I don't think the Metatron will be "secretly good", etc) so I don't think there's really enough to go off of at the moment for me when it comes to the plot itself, let alone plot twists for it. I will say though if God is in S3 I will lose my shit; I have a feeling She wouldn't be "caring" but not 100% pure dark evil either if we DO see Her. I don't think She won't be what most fans expect. (Of course, that's just in the hypothetical that She appears. Who knows?)
TL;DR Where is God I'm scared
It took me over an hour to draft this response my bad
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thegeminisage · 7 months
ok we watched the tng pilot. let's get into it
data is my best friend on this show and i love him
i liked riker but jonathan frakes looks like a baby without facial hair. he's gotta grow that in. also, at one point he asked someone a question and i got really excited. he should ask more people more questions i think thats what jonathan frakes was born to do. that and sit in chairs with style
also liked geordi even though we only saw him for 3 seconds and worf even though same.
the sections with q draaaaaaagged. ik people like q and whatever he has going on with picard but i'm just not there yet. this "humans are NOT savages anymore" plotline has been played out in tos many times to better effect
actually shocked picard was such a dick. idk why i was expecting him to be more kind maybe i was projecting professor x onto him?? but he kinda sucked lol like what was EVEN going on w his little pissing contest with riker
love and light, there should not be children on a starship. space is fucking dangerous. they're literally boldly going where no one has gone before. these kids could get hurt
the ship??? splits?????????? IS THAT LEGAL????
ok, furthermore, sorry, speaking of kids, not to be a misogynist but out of the 3 ladies (troi, crusher, and yar) i dislike 2 of them. love and light to deanna troi but i really hope she gets something to do besides emote and go OH THE PAIN...her look was slay. i understand completely how she turned women gay. give her something to do. give her a chance. i know she could be good.
i didn't mind dr crusher until she let her kid on the bridge even though you're not supposed to do that and they told him to touch nothing and he proceeded to touch everything and then she got mad when picard got mad. picard spent 70% of this episode being a dick and the one time he was justified she was like :/ wow you're such a dick. lmao. girl come on he literally said don't touch anything he was already being nicer than he had to be. the child was in the wrong children shouldn't even be on this ship
also they talk about wesley like he's their affair baby. idw if its true but nobody tell me. let me believe it. wesley crusher destined to suffer through male pattern baldness
also, i can see now why you're not supposed to date your ship mates. dating them is fine but being exes with them is excruciating and we had TWO PAIRS this pilot
anyway. tasha yar was rad i DID love her.
it's weird though how many of them use first names...in tos sometimes they didn't even use last names, only titles. spock called bones "doctor" almost exclusively. so riker calling geordi geordi after like 5 minutes of knowing him was a little weird
i cried when bones showed up. sue me. his prosthetics were terrible and i already miss him so much.
SPACE JELLYFISH. that part was good
overall both the adventure and the interpersonal stuff was a little ????? which is like. you can flop on one or the other. i DO have faith it will get better but i feel kind of lukewarm on it so far
there's a lot of direct counterpoints to tos, but it's shuffled JUUUST enough so it feels like it isn't copying tos's homework word for word but rewording it to trick the teacher. for example, data is like spock in that he doesn't understand emotions or whatever, but it's actually the inverse because spock understands and pretends not to, while data truly doesn't understand but wants to. then you have deanna troi who's sort of filling in for the other thing spock used to do, which is give us general impressions about unknown alien life, but she SPECIFICALLY does it through emotions so she doesn't resemble spock too much. the captain and first officer have a lot of scenes together but they're tense so it doesn't look too tempting to the slash fans. the doctor is still a bit grumpy but she's a woman this time. they don't use tricorders but geordi's special prosthetic helps them see all that shit anyway. it's tos but shuffled. lmao that it took 2 people to replace spock <3
anyway my favorite part, aside from the part bones was in, was when riker and data talked in the holodeck. and riker was like actually yeah the fact that you're a machine DOES make me uncomfortable. and data is like well i am superior but i'd like to be human actually! and you could see the little gears in riker's head turning and later he called data friend. i liked that and i love data. i love data he's very important even though the pilot wasn't good i think i would keep watching no matter what for data. and i knew it would be like that.
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