#didnt think i was gonna do anything more but this idea got cut from was was supposed to be my last project (astcb) and
fishhjuice · 3 days
What do you think Beika and Ichiya's home/family life was like?
Oh i was prepared for this question!!! I talked to my friends about it so all of this was prewritten except lil additions!!
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Beika is the child of a single parent, Nagisa "Nagi" Kabayaki Onaga. Havs you seen that tumblr post thats like "I could never be a parent because whenever my kid did something nice i would go "Oh shit little dude thats sick as fuck". He’s that. He was very supportive and tried his best at all times, and Beika had to doubt Nagisa's love. This doesn't make him a good parent, and Beika's childhood was never one i call easy.
As how it goes, more about him and also Ichiya’s situation under the cut.
To give you a bit of context! Nagisa used to be the black sheep of his family until he decided to voluntarily exile himself from the Onagas after a fight he got into with his father, who would be Beika's (and Frye's) grandfather. But of course people aren’t privy to Onaga's private family life, so as far as people know Nagisa got disowned by Dadaji Onaga. And because no one wanted to anger the head of, you know, one of the most influential families of the region, most people refused to help him out or show him any kindness to stay in good graces with Onagas. So he goes from a clueless rich boy to a guy who has to earn everything in the most difficult ways. He was just miserable by himself, he was tired of being treated like scum of earth wherever he went because of Onaga influence. I figure he missed being loved. So when the opportunity to have Beika presented itself he just took it and Beika's mother left very soon after. She made it very clear that she would take no part in it other than. Egg.
So, these kind of circumstances were the circumstances Beika was born into, to a barely adult dirt poor social pariah dad who loved the idea of his kid very much with very few means to provide, which Beika all inherited. Other than the obvious stuff like how impoverishment would be hard on a small kid, Beika also dealt with the social exclusion Nagisa was subject to. I think it was the kind of situation mothers and fathers of her classmates would not wanting their kid to talking to Beika, and when Beika grew up there being no jobs "available" for her, and when C-side couldn't book a gig they should absolutely have been able to as if they were blacklisted before they got to do anything pre-fame. (I think Nagisa never regretted having a child but he has a lot of regrets about having that child be His child and go through all of. this.)
Nagisa couldn't be there most of the time, which he didn’t really account for. He spent a lot of his time basically trying to earn their living from whichever jobs he could get (mostly unsavory ones, like salmon run but with local firms that cut corners) which also made him miss out on a lot of parenting too. And by the time he had time Beika was a fully realized person. And he didn’t stop willingly either, he lost that arm of his and when he forcibly spent time with his kid it was like oh she's a person now and I was there for none of that.
Nagisa, when he was there, was very loving but unequipped. Nagisa had a lot of ideals on what kind of parent he should be, Like He would be soo good he would never put that much responsibility to his kid like His dad did or try force the kid into anything she didnt wanna do he was gonna do good he was gonna do great he would get his shit together. Because he wanted to be nothing like his dad, and because he couldn't cope with the idea of making Beika as “miserable” as he was (even though it would be momentarily and necessary, as parents tell kids no and give them responsiblities sometimes) it made him too permissive of a parent, and it made him treat Beika like a friend and not like a child who needs rules to live by and help managing her impulses. Not to mention, he himself due to his troubled upbringing had a harm time coping with his emotions and understanding them, which is to say he himself couldn't teach how to approriately approach and deal with feelings, and couldn't react appropriately to Beika's feelings and support them either. He himself forced himself to go through the motions of negative emotions and move on from them as soon as possible to Never look back thank you very much, and never showed his negative emotions ever, which in turn meant there was no example Beika could learn off of.
Like, when one of only friends Beika has ever made leaves her, replaces her, rubs it in her face, "That's rough, buddy", said with the most genuine tone. And when Beika carries that hurt to adulthood, "you're all grown up now, why do you are so much? You two were best friends you should talk it out like adults. I don’t want you to make yourself sad for no reason" said in the most sincere, puzzled way.
Beika is very aware of Nagisa’s faults, so is Nagisa of how often times he failed Beika. But i think Beika doesn’t really fault him for it. In their best days it’s very easy for them to love each other because its two of them! And in their worst days it felt like an obligation because, its two of them. Who else did they have?
As for Ichiya, i think his family situation was in some ways better, so this will be a lot shorter. I headcanon him to have been raised by his aunt Niika Gessou.
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(Art by @/kikuracside, my lovely boyfriend)
The reason for this is I imagine Ichiya’s parents to have been from a band that got very famous and fell out of fame very soon after, and continued it’s existence catering to a very niche audience that toured around a lot, so they didn’t really have the time to take care of their kid(s, as I headcanon Ikkan and Ichiya to be half-siblings). Niika was the kind of lady who wanted a kid but had no luck dating, so when her brother was having a kid she very gladly took on the responsiblity herself. She was also somewhat permissive and didn’t want to upset Ichiya, and quite often spoiled him, with no bad intentions of course. But it was mostly Ichiya’s mother, Maki that put the ideas of being a prodigy rockstar in Ichiya’s head, which Niika supported in every way she can, perhaps too much.
I think she sees everything that happened with Ichiya during SQSQ and how abrasive he can be, and now Ichiya’s current state, him being so upset with himself, and wonders where she failed him. But I think Ichiya does not think in any way Niika failed him, at all. They love each other too much.
I also headcanon since Ichiya and Beika were so close, she babysat Beika a lot. I think despite their kids’… rough relationship, Niika and Nagisa are still very… close. Beika is just grateful he Nagisa someone other than his coworker/work partner that he can call close, and also that he is a grown ass man and it would be wild and selfish to try control what this grown ass man does. Ichiya does not like this at all and wishes Niika would not talk to Nagisa at all.
So, yeah!
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pluviatrix · 11 months
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psst check out the multichapter horror fic i'm writing: gnaw
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karoochui · 7 months
What im hearing is:
Little crow feet outside my window bcs im feeding them- that’s besides the point!
Is there magic??? His shovel looks magic and they look magic
And do give me every detail you are thinking of for the series even if its in the distant future or not that relevant but you want to share
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Crows!! Cute!! Also sorry i didnt get to this sooner my laptop BROKE (still broken but usable) and my mom and i have been looking for someone to fix it. Ive been drawing with it sparingly to be careful.
YES there is magic. Of course im still working on this storywise but im getting characters designs n whatnot done right now. Dynamics n stuff. BUT i do have some refs i made before my laptop broke.
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I like to draw out certain stuff so that it helps with descriptions in the future; i have the worst memory so it helps to be able to do so. (More beneath cut)
Im so excited for moon's shadow form. Oh my god. Its probably my favorite thing right now.
Fun thing about it is that in this form he can touch you but you cant touch him. Something something you can be cast in shadow but you cant take it off yk? He's still light sensitive like this though, so if the area hes in isn't dark enough or he's hit with anything too bright he just reverts back. At that point he'd just have to rely on normal hand to hand stuff and his sand lol. The shadow form is just better for sneaking and speed. Really, he's some amalgamative idea of the sandman and boogieman. I thought it fit well with his whole "naptime attendant gone wrong" thing.
Sun's design, however, is more like if you mixed a cowboy, wizard, and gravedigger together. I made it a while ago on a whim with no intention behind it but then i ended up thinking "ykw would be so awesome".
The hat dips to cover the crescent side of his face (not intentional on his part) to symbolize his resentment towards moon and how he basically damned him to an hourglass. His eyes are easier to see bc of this which could seem more trusting (eyes are the window to the soul or whatever), but the thing is thats not normal for him (as we know) so it's meant to make him look suspicious and looming to 4th wall viewers. There's also the fact that i just thought it was cool too.
He also doesn't get a second form. Moon's sneaky and weird so i thought it would fit to give him some freaky thing iykwim. Sun, however, is a pretty "in your face" kinda guy, so his look and fight style is more extravagant and boisterous. Lots of swinging amd yelling and boom bang zap! Despite the showiness he's actually a longer range fighter. Mainly because unlike moon, thousands of years ago, he wasn't often one to get violent with his hands. His weapon is just obnoxiously large too though.
They are still one animatronic and their transformation is still triggered by light. Instead of an AI chip though (which is still in there but long dead), they live through the work of a soul. They're still physically inorganic but as far as spiritually they're as close as they're gonna get to being human. Their life and functionailty is derived from the magic itself, not the machinery. Like if for some reason they lost all their magic they'd just drop dead from a battery life long since drained.
The hourglass has a carousel-like design to it purely as reference to moon's level in Help Wanted 2.
Sorry for rambling so much but this is what i've got for you so far! I have a general idea for the plot but im tryna to make it more than what it is rn, so i dont wanna share too much of that just yet in case i change or completely toss away an idea.
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everybodyloveshippos · 6 months
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Children of Malice
Vierna, Maya, Briza Drizzt, Nalfein, Dinin
redraw/redesign of the Do'Urden family (probably will draw Malice, Zak and Rizzen next)
design notes/headcanons under the cut
i usually just have thoughts about the character as im designing so for a few things i was like 'oh thats a thought' also yes i know children of malice is a CR thing too haha
-i wasnt originally gonna draw 'lolths embrace' since these are just my own designs not visual dictionary but like....facial markings are really cool and so i ended up looking up various spider markings (i only used those specific realworld spider designs for dinin, who i also gave darker marking as opposed to lighter) and briza
-i also prefer the idea that its not actually anything to do with lolth, its just a genetic marking that some have and some don't. also the proximity to magic/faezress theory (?) was cool so there's not a huge meaning here; though i guess im guilty bcus I didnt give them to drizzt or vierna
-maybe zak doesnt have them and neither do his kids which sorta spurs on the heretic theory when its actually just a genetic thing that has no actual bearing on lolth's favour
-the women wear more gold and the men more silver, however the men can wear gold; they just have to be wary with standing out more than their sisters. any given day could be too much and cause for a beating
-nalfein likes jewelry and decorations/makeup and is more flashy when he's away at sorcere. his ears are marked up from training with/lessons from zak, who frequently would smack his ears when he was displeased with him. they blend in with lolth's embrace and he will cover them with makeup or a glamour on occasion. i just got the sense he was somewhat insecure given how he kept challenging zak and was written off by his family as mediocre. i think he liked being at sorcere more than at the house
-drizzt takes out his braids whenever he can. he likes his hair loose
-so does dinin. i think a lot of his appearance is meant to attract attention and establish his individuality
-i've always given vierna bangs and a ponytail BUT i love her braids in the comic so I gave her those too. her hair is unruly, like drizzts. she has a couple visible scars as opposed to her sisters because she trained more with zak. he felt bad about it but a bit relived when she didnt make a big deal out of getting a bit marked up. malice was angry
-maya has markings on her ears, so she doesnt pierce them. she wears makeup but forgets its there, and sleeps in it and wipes it off by accident. since her hair is shorter she decorates with little spider gold clips
-i will die on the headpiece hill. og drizzt oldman swag
-compared to my older art of them (first fanart of the series! i knew i was in when i drew all the siblings lol) i think i changed nalfein most to be less ...square....i hit him w a yassification beam and gave him eyebrows
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outcaststars · 2 months
I've been streaming on twitch for over 4 years. I've made a great community and a wonderful group of friends but I've also had to deal with a lot of aweful people. Recently I've been feeling particularly upset about it all so I'm going to air all my grievances here. TW this mentions bullying, grooming, self harm and abuse. If anyone mentioned in this post trys to comment im just gonna delete it, i also dont care if your fav streamers is here, this is my authentic experience. Also dont go attacking anyone i mention here, the whole point of this is to be better then them.
The first streamer I ever had an issue with was Rat_emoji. It all started when I tuned into one of their DbD streams only to find him streaming another, younger, streamers live content.
He had just died to this kid playing Myers, he had TTV in his name and Rat was so mad about what had happened he streamed this kids twitch live to his viewers, all the while making fun of his appearance and stream quality.
A day later I would go back and screen record this whole interaction so I can share that if you want to see it. It felt so disgusting to watch this happen live, he has 100 viewers in chat and they were all being nasty. The only person who told him to stop was drag streamer Suttonfister (i think, 90% sure) who was in the same game and discord call at he time. the whole scene was aweful to witness, it felt like such an abuse of power. Rat didnt directly say anything mean but they made a lot of mean girl comments and didnt moderate anything cruel their chat said, it was obviously intentional.
After this I blocked Rat, it would have been easy to avoid him if he didn't found the stream team "Aussie pride", he got a lot of attention for that and a lot of praise and all of it made me sick. Funnily enough I heard that Aussie Pride was an aweful team to be in. The creators didn't care about the smaller members, planned no events and then disbanded the team with the release of Hogwarts legacy because they didn't want to take a stance on JK Rowling. Honestly it seems like the whole thing was a vanity project. That's why I don't like Rat_emoji.
DCpup was the first streamer I tried to network with. He hired me to make some art for him. He wanted me to work on merch for his channel, I declined, saying that I wasnt comfortable with the idea of someone else selling my art. I counter offered to just make him a profile icon, this way we could see how my style suited him and i could work out how to tackle the idea of eventually doing merch.
When the icon was done I sent him the high res file, he asked for my signature (my artist tag, a very small "outcaststars" in the corner) to be removed. When I asked why, he told me he needed it gone in order to upload it as merch.
Naturally I was upset. I explained that we had already made a deal not to do merch yet and I also explained that I was uncomfortable with the idea of removing my tag. I went on to explain why visibility was so important for artists. At the time I was a much smaller content creator and DCpup platform was much bigger.
He apologized and said he would give me a cut of the sales. I said don't bother and reluctantly let him do what he wanted. At the time I was too scared to make enemies so I fell into people pleasing.
I took more work from DCpup because I needed the money and I hoped it would be good for my channel growth. He would upload my work to his store and wouldn't credit me. I was frustrated.
The tipping point was after the final comm I took from him. An animated ending screen. During this process DCpup would message me everyday asking for updates which was annoying. When I delivered the final product he once again asked for my tiny, half transparent signature to be removed. I was so upset and defeated, I told myself I'd fight it but I didn't. I removed my sign from every layer, reanimated the whole thing and vowed not to take work from him.
After the piece was done he wanted to commission me again. I left him on read, then I found out what he was saying about me to other people. A good friend of mine showed me a message he had sent in his stream, telling him not to bother commission me, because I would be too busy doing work for him. I was furious.
Another week later I got raided by someone and told the new viewers to check out my work, it broke my heart when someone who looked at my insta, told me he had no idea I made all of DCpups stuff. Why would he? Dcypherpup went to ridiculous lengths to hide my credit. He was telling people not to contact me and not tagging any comm work with my name. One day he came into my live stream and I was so mad I banned him on the spot .
I wish I had done more to be assertive, live and learn. Funnily enough I found out he posted a big rant, telling people off for supporting JK Rowling when Hogwarts legacy released. Only to be called out for buying it and playing it on his steam, which he had forgotten to make private. He deleted the tweet. What a cunt.
Undertheredmoon and Greenypika
Redmoon is furry streamer that I use to really like. They were funny, had great energy and I would even go as far to say that they were a friend.
All this came to a grinding hault the day he invited furry artist and accused child groomer Daveoverlord to join us on Monster hunter rise live on stream.
Dave wasn't in voice chat and I wasn't reading Redmoons twitch chat at the time, so although I was aware of who Dave was, I didn't realize it was them. When someone messaged me about it a few days later I was mortified, I assumed Redmoon didn't know and I messaged them immediately.
I asked Red if he knew who Dave was and what he had done and the kind of artists he was friends with (cub artists). Redmoon ghosted me, left me on read for a week. I messaged again asking why he wasn't talking to me. He said he was too stressed to deal with this "drama" and didn't care to get involved. He mentioned that if Dave was guilty cops probably would have gotten involved and said he just wanted to focus on his own work.
When I asked Redmoon where he stood on cub porn, he stopped replying. We haven't spoken since.
The same person who told me about Dave joining stream also pointed out that Greenypika was inviting Dave onto his stream. They dm'd greeny and asked them if they knew and greeny said he had no idea and that he'd look into it. Greeny hadn't responded for a few months so I dm'd him with the same message and got the same copy paste reply. TLDR greeny knew and was just lying about it so I blocked him too.
Dudes a fucking groomer and now he streams. Blocked.
Cider and I got into an argument once, the topic of which is no one's business.
His bf weyland got mad at me for it and vague tweeted about it so I decided to start a group chat with them to sort it out. And we did.
I apologised for what I did and cider took some time away from interacting with me. Everyone in this situation wanted what was best. And weyland is now one of my best friends.
Cider and I aren't as close as we could be but that's my fault. They're honestly a wonderful person and I appreciate their friendship. There inclusion in this list is to prove a point later but they're also the only person here who I think deserves success.
Stripeydragon and Break trail.
This one is complicated because it involves someone who ment a lot to me.
Back when the exclusive stream team Break Trail formed, my good friend Marsh joined the team. Being an artist he did a lot of the teams promo art of all it's members. Marsh had a lot of anxieties about the team because he was one of its smallest members and often told me he felt underappreciated or out of place. This feeling for worse when artist/streamer and fellow team member Stripeydragon decided he was going to do a redraw of all of marsh's promo work.
I didn't see Marsh much at the time but when this began he spent the better part of a week in my mod chat expressing how upset he was about it. It didn't help he was already anxious but he felt stripydragon was replacing him and even mentioned a time when he tried to give feedback on stripys work only for him to disregard it. Marsh was really fucking upset.
After stripeydragon posted the work my moderator, Ibn, who had been listening and consoling marsh for a week, decided to comment on the art publically. He said he didn't think stripyes version of the art was better and criticized him of slimming down the fater characters.
I wanna pause this to say I don't condone what Ibn did. He ment well but it wasn't his fight and he shouldn't have commented a critique on something no one asked him to judge. Don't do this. Anyway...
Stripeydragon fucking hated this. Not only did he respond to every tweet, he went into the break trail discord and rallied everyone to defend him and attack Ibn, a lot of break trail members also rushed to the comments to defend stripey and attack ibn. He also posted ibns comment in his own discord to encourage others to dog pile on. This shit got out of hand super fucking fast. Ibn was crying and marsh was pissed. It was betray of trust on Ibns part, but the way stripey responded was downright scary.
Shit was at its peak by the time I woke up (Australian timezone) and I immediately went into damage control. I gave Ibn a huge lecture, I was mad af and told him to apologize. I dm'd breaktrails stream team manager Mari, and tried my best to defuse the situation so that both parties could stop. Everyone deleted their tweets. Ibn apologised a dozen times and Marsh told everyone that ibn was just an asshole.
So the story everyone believes now is that marsh actually loves stripydragons work and Ibn is just a weird jerk. There where no consequences for stripydragons weaponizing a stream team and their fan base against someone on twitter. They're still a member of break trail but the team has been dead for a long time. I understand that Ibn was in the wrong and marsh should have just talked about his issues with his team. But this is another case of someone with a big platform and bigger ego not hesitating to use that to attack others.
this one is fucked up.
Starky mods for a bunch of break trail members, so he had an inside look into the whole stripeydragon thing. Keep that in mind.
About a year after the stripey incident, I woke up to a message from starky. I had recently finished a commission for starky but apart from that we didn't know each other well.
He claimed that ibn had harassed him on stream by bringing up controversial topics and that because he was my mod he wasn't going to support me any more. I was pretty angry, Ibn was causing trouble again. I dm'd ibn and told him I didn't want to hear what he had to say and instead I just wanted the timestamp on Starkeys VOD so I could see what he did myself.
I watched the VOD and what I saw didn't line up with anything starky had said. He made the whole thing up.
What really happened was, starky decided to bring up "cancel culture" and went on a rant about how it was inherently bad and that anyone who participates in it only does it for "self-aggrandizing reasons". A lot of the shit he said was very thinly veiled right wing bullshit dog whistles.
Ibn asked him to elaborate and said something to the likes of "what about people who cancel pedos and rapists" and starky banned ibn and ended the convo.
Ibn didn't start the controversial topic and he didn't harass anyone. But starky was mad and wanted to attack him, he knew Ibn had a history of starting shit so he came to me with a bullshit story thinking I'd believe him and Ibn would lose his friends. And it almost worked.
I tried to talk some sense into starky, I pointed out that his original message was dishonest. Starky doubled down and made up more lies. He continued to claim that things happened during the stream that aren't in the VOD. He even bought up weylandshere and claimed he was harassing him too, out of nowhere! which if you watch the VOD is also completely made up. He said some ablist shit about "high functioning autism" aswell, its all really incoherent. Non of this is true and I downloaded the VOD so he couldn't hide the evidence.
Starky tried to use my argument with cider and Ibns argument with stripy as evidence that we were bad people. I found this really sinister, because my initial reaction to Starkys story, was that i believed him, pretty much everyone reacted this way. It upsets me that i was almost convinced to distance myself from my best friend because of a lie.
A ton of people didn't watch the VOD and took Starkeys word. Starky blocked me and started asking all his followers and mutuals to do the same. A whole bunch of people sub tweeted about ibn being an abuser and me being an enabler. It was fucking aweful. It went on for days.
This only stopped when Kyziethewolf stepped in and defended me. Even tho starky was one of his best friends, he had watched the VOD and told everyone he was lying. Starky doesn't talk to kyzie now and it really broke his heart.
A lot of people still believe starky and I lost a bunch of mutual streamers support because of this. It's one of the worst attacks I've suffered on twitter/twitch to date.
I found out a few months later he's added "outcast is racist" to the narrative he tells people and there's nothing I can do about that
This also basically ended my friendship with Marsh. I've known marsh for 7 years and hes a friend of Starkeys too. During this whole ordeal he never spoke up, it was only kyzie. I was really upset about this because i feel that Marsh could have made a significant change to how this played out if he had of just stepped in.
When he dm'd me a few weeks after asking if I'm make some free art for his project I told him no. I told him I was hurt. He said he just didn't want to get involved in drama. i think its really harmful to reduce harassment to just "drama". We've stopped talking.
I met jayed though my friend weyland. I needed a 3D artists and he needed work.
Jayed had recently lost a lot of friends because during COVID he tweeted that people not social distancing at a furcon where putting disabled, high risk, people's lives in danger. Totally righteous imo.
He however also tweeted that anyone who doesn't where a mask should kill themselves and deservingly got a lot of hate and backlash. Lost a lot of friends. Since then he was pretty unwilling to comment on any political shit. Publically that is.
The first fight I got into with jayed was when Ibn reposted a Tumblr thread about the YouTuber keffals, and some of the problematic things she'd done. Jayed loves keffals so he dm'd Ibn about it and started a huge fight defending his favourite YouTuber. I stepped in to try and resolve the fight but no one was really happy.
This argument made jayed realise that he didn't have the same values as the friend group he was in. He liked keffals, he thought it was ok to say the R slur and he felt people should be allowed to support JK Rowling.
He left my discord and I contacted him trying to smooth things over. We talked for a long time and I settled on agree to dissagree the hopes to change his mind on some of these issues.
That didn't happen. Jayed kept starting fights about woke shit, even though he's a self proclaimed "leftist" and it slowly drove a wedge between us. He stopped talking to everyone in our friend group, unfollowed us all on socials.
Artists/streamer and friend Ixu had drawn a big group shot of all of us together. Weyland (who is in this friend group) was pretty angry about the whole ordeal so he asked Ixu for a version without jayed edited out. When he posted this jayed got super pissed about it.
Jayed tweeted about how unwelcoming my community was. Screen caped some DM's and changed the context. I was so angry, I had spent months continuing to offer my friend ship and trying to change his mind. One of the last fights we got into he said he was mad that "people" expected him to show support for Palestine and thats kind of the end of it.
This one hurt because it felt like a betrayal. Jayed you can get fucked dude.
This one is super recent and is basically why I decided to write this.
I can't remember how I met socks. They work in the games industry and they have a LOT of money/connections. He gives away a lot of stuff, Donates to people a lot. He very affectionate and Everyone loves him. I even accepted a bunch of charity/gifts from him and in return drew a bunch of gift art.
Socks success made a few mutuals of mine uncomfortable. He had a lot of money to put into stream so his channel grew insanely fast. I'm also told he made comments to some mutuals, comparing channel growth that made them feel bad. He ran multiple giveaways and got partner almost a year after starting stream.
There was some drama between socks and one of his mods. I tried my hardest not to get involved. Socks employs a lot of parasocial strategies in order to retain an audience so he flirts a lot and also has a persona of "I'm you dad" on stream. Idk if this counts as love bombing, but it feels similar.
I heard that one of his mods developed a crush on him and when rejected, he drank himself into the hospital. He almost died.
I spoke with this ex mod about it. He doesn't blame socks for what happened even tho he feels the rejection was harsh. I still feel that socks takes advantage of people with his gifts and parasocial friendship. This is a result of that going unchecked.
One of our mutuals found out about this and was really upset. They tweeted about it and tried to hold socks accountable. Nothing came of it.
I grew distant from socks when he started hanging out with Redmoon a lot. Because I felt close to them at the time I messaged him a about Redmoon and what happened between us. He never replied.
This story takes a dark turn when jayedskier, friend of socks, decided to make that tweet mentioned in his section. Socks also went in on someone jayed had mentioned.
This is about my good friend Weyland. Weyland had had someone very close to them pass away recently. Socks complied some tweets and chat screen caps, and made up a story of weyland threatening to kill themselves.
Some of the messages were about weylands dead friend. Socks knowingly changed the context and lied to make weyland look bad.
I honestly think this is the worst thing on this post. To use the death of someone and the personal anguish of someone and ammo for you bullshit story about them is fucking horrifying.
I replied to socks tweet about weyland, I told him what he was doing was wrong. He told me that he feels bad I'm surrounded by toxic people and that he hopes they get better.
After seeing the way socks treats his audience and the way he lied about another streamer, I genuinely believe hes some kind of abuser. Idk the vibe is REALLY off with this one. This feels worse then bullying, there's an ego about it. I've blocked socks on everything. Frankly they scare me.
Final notes
Anyway that's been my aweful experience with aweful twitch streamers. The whole thing has left me bitter and sad and I no longer want to interact with anyone. idk where to go from here.
Twitch TOS doesn't care what people say or do on other platforms. And with other streamers/mutuals so unwilling to get involved or show support I just feel alone.
I do feel compelled to speak up when I see or experience something I think isn't right. I think a lot of neurodivegant people, like myself, feel that way. But I think it's been terrible for my career. I hate the feeling that I'd be so much more successful if I'd shut my mouth and looked away. Maybe even be partner by now. I know a lot of this comes across as just "furry drama" but i think its reductive to label it as that. Content creators who engage in these kind of harmful behaviors need to be held accountable if we want to see any positive change. And im not saying that means "CANCEL" them. some (not all) of these content creators can still learn and grow and be better. Negative attitudes and dismissive statements of "its just drama" create a space for bullies to thrive
Finally, please PLEASE do NOT under any circumstances harass anyone involved in this post. This is not an attempt to rally the masses to lynch some people, im just telling my story so that next time you see someone come forward with claims about a content creator you like you'll see the situation differently.
If you made it this far, wow. Thank you. Dunno if I'll post the vids/screencap evidence. I don't know if I care enough.
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liplinerloser · 1 year
Hey! I heard you do matchups, can you do tpof and btd? (If you just want to pick one, that's fine).I'm a female (she/her),young adult, 4'11', bisexual (most guys than girls). I love cats, baking, horror movies (Principally,the gory ones). I'm independent, easily jealous, lonely most of the time, a little obsessed with my loved ones, VERY hot-headed, (but deep down, I'm a sweet person), a bit agressive. Kinks: biting, hickey, blood, teasing, make out.
I think this already helps you out! Happy new year, hope you have a lot of sucess in your life. Kisses and thank you!
Thanks for the ask, and also happy new year to you too! I hope this years good to you
hope its okay I chose btd since i didn’t want it to be too long. I don’t mind if you request it again and I’ll do the tpof one Separate!
For btd I pair you with…
Initially he hadn’t met you at the pub like his usual victims, but instead at a normal store while he was shopping for drill heads and you were for baking supplies. He hadn’t noticed you until you’d asked him for help to reach a higher shelf, innocently.
He helped you load your car, lock it, then grabbed you and covered your mouth with his hand, restricting you and dragging you to his car instead, when your fighting became too much he grabbed a fist of your hair and slammed you into the bonnet (jeez that’s Gonna leave a mark) and knocked you out.
Within your first couple of days in the basement he started to understand you and your unique reaction to the pain, as he did with other victims, like clockwork. Your reactions to some of his games made him realise some of your kinks and start implementing them in a way
despite enjoying Rens clingy nature towards him, he likes and the fact that you start out as independent and strong willed , which allows the possibility of him being able to break you in, and force you to be reliant on him.
We all know he loves the chase, don’t submit too easily if you want to survive/ live with him. No one plays with broken toys and that especially applies to strade, hes not past getting rid of you
Once you’re out of the basement phase and a little closer to him he introduces you to Ren, noticing your almost hostile reaction to him. He enjoys the idea that if your jealousy of Ren gets worse, you’d try to kill him, so you could be the only one. He weirdly enjoys the idea of you fighting over him
Its random but Strade is a little under average height for men, and hes very paranoid about it (being 5’8) which is why your shorter stature is greatly preferred, since it gives him a power boost. It might not sound like a positive but anything like that is something that he enjoys, so its something that could keep you alive for longer and maybe even keep you around permanently if he likes you enough
While having an off conversation with Ren while he cooks you mention your interest in horror movies, which Strade happens to over hear….
He practically itches with delight when he hears your focus especially land on the gore! He decided to ask you if you wanted yo watch a particularly Gory “movie”, and of course you giddily agree since the house didnt offer much else for entertainment. You were beyond confused when it started off in a home movie way till you realised why one of the people looked so familiar in it….
Yep thats right, he shows you a collection of his favourite gore live streams he made and convinces you they’re actually movies, of course you realised pretty quick when you first got here that he’s a liar, so you stay quiet and pretend to be interested to spare you the pain of a punishment, despite the feeling of bile rising in your throat from the grotesque noises coming from the tv
Hes surprised you end up surviving as long as you do, but he notices the attachment you have to him (Stockholm syndrome) and how that comes along with your obsession towards him despite his obvious mistreatment of you, slowly you allow him to use you more, cut you more, but along with that he cares for you better, his stitches become cleaner.
I dont think strade is capable of normal love, he doesnt understand it in the same capacity normal people do, but he could do the closest thing possible for him. Keeping you alive, fed, with occasional treats, treating your wounds (and when he couldn’t, Getting in touch with the cold blooded doctor).
You’d notice he likes you more because hes more violent, not necessarily agressive, but seemingly desperate to explore your insides in multiple ways. The first time he seemingly expressed his “feelings” towards you, you remember the excruciatingly hot pain mixed with the sickly cold floor of the basement. “You did very well, maus. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, wieder zu spielen!”
Over time youd notice him be less willing to take you to the basement and subject you to the more life threatening of his desires. instead opting to go to the bar and bring other victims home instead. Youd notice an uncanny resemblance between you and the victims.
Strade is generally very aggressive when he fucks, you’d know by the generous amount of bruises that practically permanently paint your skin, so when he figures out you actually enjoy that shit? Expect it to get significantly worse
He’ll be above you, rutting into you like he’s in heat, gripping your waist and digging crescent shaped nail marks into your flesh. He uses one hand to hold your hands down, and the other to brandish a familiar hunting knife, making small cuts in the soft meat of your thighs, licking the blood that oozes out
If you tell him about your preference to hickeys, who is he to deny you? He’d litter your body in them to the point you can hardly tell which marks are bruises. He wouldn’t admit it, but he’s very possessive of whats his, even more so than he felt with ren.
Along with the hickeys as a form of marking, he would love to carve his name into you, as a more permanent solution. He’d pick somewhere you couldnt easily hide it, like right at the back of your neck, or on your forearm. The lines would be jagged and crude but it would get the point across, he’d make sure if he bought you clothes that they’d display it
Although as a person he isn’t very intimate theres exceptions, like when he’s drunk. Although Hes a little more unhinged, he’ll wrap his arms around your small frame, sloppily kissing you, mumbling small phrases in German. However he never recalls these moments, so its best you keep them to yourself.
He loves when your aggressiveness Channels into when you fuck, he likes to see you thrash around under him, to the point where your stitches undo and your skin stings. He doesnt even mind if you actually manage to hit him, it fuels him to make you bleed from the inside
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redpenship · 8 months
i don't have anything pre-made for tails' birthday so uhhhh here's a ~2.3k flashback scene of tails being miserable in his home village that i removed from buzzsaw bc i didnt think it fit well in the narrative
Two months before he was captured by Robotnik, Miles sat in a palm tree and plotted his revenge. 
Lately, he’d been spending a lot of time in trees. His bullies weren’t very good at climbing, so he liked to hide in them whenever they chased him. The high branches of Westside’s palm trees had become his own personal safe haven. 
Well, they were the closest thing to a safe haven someone like him could get.
He looked down. His bullies were huddled at the base of the tree, where they’d been coming up with ideas for how bring him down. The bully ringleader, Joey the Fox, was waving his arms to get his attention. 
“Are you hungry?” he shouted. A few of the other kids snickered before shushing themselves. “The dining hall is closing soon. If you don’t go now, you won’t get to eat until tomorrow!” 
Miles’ stomach growled. He tightened his grip on the branch. The other kids had come for him early in the morning, so he hadn’t been able to eat anything all day. He was starving. 
Another bully, Cherry, cupped his snout with his hands while he yelled. “Don’t listen to him, he’s lying! The dining hall won’t be open tomorrow—there’s no more food!” 
Miles’ eyes widened. “What?” 
The kids laughed, and Joey shoved Cherry to the side so he could stand in the middle of the group. “Did you ever hear about that weird human from South Island? He’s on Westside now. He just started building something right on top of where the crops used to be. The farms are gone!” 
Cherry joined in again from the side. “We’re all gonna starve to death! Woohoo!” 
The group burst out into another round of laughter. Miles couldn’t tell if what they were saying was true or not. His bullies always loved to lie, but he did remember hearing about that weird human from South Island . . .
Regardless, there was nothing he could do. They were only saying these things to trick him. If he climbed down for food, they would beat him up. If they got bored of that early, they would probably hold him down until it was too late to ask for food, anyways. It was a lose-lose situation.
The other kids kept joking around on the sand. When they realized they wouldn’t get any further responses out of Miles, they hung around and played with seashells. There was a big flat one they liked to use as a frisbee sometimes while waiting for Miles to come down. He watched them toss it back and forth, envious of their freedom. He was only allowed to play when nobody was around to see him. 
One of the bullies threw the shell too hard, causing it to snap in half when Cherry tried to catch it. He yelped in pain and let the shell fall to the ground. He held out his hands for the others to see; the sharp edge of the shell had cut right through his glove and into his skin. A red stain in the white fabric grew bigger with each passing second. 
After a minute of heated discussion, the bullies decided to head back into town to deal with Cherry’s injury. Miles was left alone in the tree. 
He could have hurried to the dining hall, but he couldn’t bring himself to move just yet. He’d never seen the bullies just leave like that. They were usually very committed to making him miserable. It was shocking. 
If they got hurt while chasing him tomorrow, would they leave again? 
Using his tails to slow his descent, Miles floated down to the sand and retrieved the broken shell pieces. Both were sharp as knives. As a test, he poked one into his arm. Its edge stung harshly.
Against his will, a plan formulated in his brain. It was a mean plan. He didn’t like it at all. 
But in the end, it wasn’t much worse than what the bullies did to him on a daily basis. And maybe, if his plan worked out right, he could convince them to leave him alone forever. 
The next morning, he woke up at dawn and snuck out of the children’s house. He moved around the others kids’ sleeping bodies carefully, being extra cautious when he passed by his bullies. The last thing he needed was for one of them to wake up because he was being too noisy.
Their taunts about food yesterday turned out to be true. When he checked the dining hall for food, there was nothing to be found. Some of the other early risers complained to him about the shortage. Apparently, no one had any idea when the shortage would end—or if it ever would. The human was doing a lot of damage very quickly, so there was no way to know if they could ever get things back to normal. 
This should have been bigger news to Miles, but he was already dead set on getting his revenge. He pushed it to the back of his mind and made his way to the beach. 
He spent an hour digging for shells in the sand. He bought back a few handfuls to his favourite palm tree, where he sat on the ground and started snapping the shells into the little pieces. Once he was done, he started to build a sand castle with the shell shards stuck inside. 
From the outside, it looked like a normal sand castle. The inside, however . . .
Each morning, his bullies made a game of looking for him. Since he had been at the beach the previous day, it took them a long time to bother checking it again . Tails wasn’t known to stay in the same place two days in a row. 
A loud cheer pulled Tails away from his castle-building. The bullies were standing on the edge of the grass, high-fiving each other and laughing now that they’d found him. After a few jokes amongst themselves, they kicked off their shoes and started running toward him on the sand. 
Steeling himself, Miles forced himself to fight the urge to run away. He grabbed fistfuls of sand to calm himself.
Like usual, Joey led the pack. He came to a stop right in front of the sand castle, a mean smile on his face. 
“This is cute,” he said. The other kids giggled. “Did you work hard on it?”
“Yes,” Miles said quietly, averting Joey’s gaze. 
“Good.” Joey stomped his right foot straight down on the castle. 
The effect was immediate. Joey cried out and fell onto his back, holding his injured foot in his hands. Before the others circled him to get a batter look, Miles caught a glimpse of the wound: three shell shards were stabbed into the spaces between Joey’s tender pads.
Already, he felt guilty. Hurting other animals wasn’t good. Maybe he shouldn’t have tried after all . . .
A pair of hands shoved him to the ground. Cherry stood over him, teeth bared in anger. “Was that on purpose?” 
Uh oh. Miles tried to scramble backwards, but another bully came beside him and grabbed his arms. He thrashed against their grip to no avail; the other bullies were older than him, so he had no hope of overcoming their strength.
 Cherry looked over his shoulder, back to where the village was hidden behind the trees. He turned back to Miles with a scowl. “Someone get his batteries.” 
“What?” Miles gasped. They weren’t supposed to know he had those! He tried to free himself again, but was too weak to escape. “No, you can’t—”
Two of the bullies parted from the group, racing back into town. Miles’ stomach swooped in fear. 
“Actually, I can,” Cherry said coldly. “You just hurt Joey. Anything we do to you now is fair game.” 
It didn’t take long for the two bullies to return with his small cloth bag of batteries. Out of everything his village received from other territories, batteries were among the rarest. Miles had taken up stealing them from shipments and storing them under his bed. No one else ever used the batteries, so they never questioned why they always disappeared after the shipment came in. The missing batteries had never been brought up as an issue during the village assemblies.
By collecting them to use for his inventions, Miles had committed a grave offence. He knew this, and the bullies certainly did, too. 
Cherry grabbed the bag. He pulled out a D battery from inside, turning it over in his hands to get a good look. “You know, if you want to hide something properly, you probably shouldn’t just shove it under your blankets. What would the adults do if they found out you’ve been hoarding these?” 
Tears stung Miles’ eyes. If he didn’t have those batteries, he would have to wait until the next shipment came in to test his machines. With that human around, they probably wouldn’t get anything for a long time. This was equivalent to the end of his world.
Cherry dropped the battery back into the bag. “How selfish. I honestly thought you were better than this, mutant,” he spat. 
Obviously, the bullies didn’t really care that Miles had been hoarding batteries. They knew that he knew this. But they also knew that revealing his stash had the potential to ruin him. 
If the adults found out that he’d been keeping things for himself, he would get into a lot of trouble. He couldn’t afford to get into trouble with the adults—they were the only animals in the village that somewhat tolerated him. Losing their goodwill would isolate him completely. 
“Maybe I’ll throw them into the ocean.” Cherry stroked his chin in thought. “Or maybe I’ll return them to the gathering building. It would only be fair.” 
Before Miles could respond, a small rock was thrown at Cherry’s backside. He stepped to the side to give Miles full view of Joey, who was still sitting on the ground. His injured paw was a caked in sand and blood. 
“You’re an idiot. Why waste them?” Joey made direct eye contact with Miles and smiled. “Have you ever heard of money, mutant?”
In books, yes. Miles hoped feigning ignorance would save him, so he shook his head in response. 
“One of the new adults taught me all about it. When you do something for someone in the human territories, they give you these weird stones that you can use for other things. Most humans use them to get food.” Joey gestured for Cherry to give him the bag. He took it and gave it a shake, listening to the batteries clink against each other inside. “Our crops are gone, so we need to forage and hunt for food just like the old days. Let’s use the batteries like money! If you forage food for all of us, we’ll give you a battery in exchange for it. Does that sound like a good deal?” 
There were around six bullies that followed Miles around a daily basis. He could barely gather enough food for himself on days they bullied him away from the dining hall—how was he supposed to get food for everyone else, too? 
The idea of this horrified him. “That isn’t fair!” he protested.
Joey shrugged. “Fine. If you won’t do it, then we’ll tell the adults about your batteries.”
Oh, no—his world was crashing for real now. Tears continued to fall from his eyes as he came to terms with their ultimatum.
If he refused, he would face full rejection from the village. The adults would stop being nice to him. He would be surveilled whenever he borrowed anything from the gathering building, and confronted if he didn’t bring it back before bedtime. His bullies would have unspoken permission to harass him whenever they pleased. Whatever pity he’d received in the past would dry up completely—no one liked hoarders, and they already didn’t like Miles very much. His life would be ruined. 
If he accepted, then he would spend his days gathering food for his tormentors. It didn’t sound fun, but it at least had an expiration date. That weird human wouldn’t be ruining their farms forever, right? 
The choice was obvious. 
“I’ll do it,” he mumbled. 
“Great!” Joey waved off the bully holding him down. “Let him go. He has work to do.”
As soon as his arms were released, Miles jumped to his feet. Dread rolled through him as he considered Joey’s words.
“Now?” he asked. 
Joey gave him a quizzical look. “When else would you do it? The shortage started yesterday.” 
Cherry took the lead, walking to the edge of the beach where their shoes were stored. “Come on, mutant! I’ll keep an eye on you in the forest.” 
As he took his first step forward, the wild rush of thoughts and fears from before flatlined into mute acceptance. There was nothing he could do to escape his fate. He was stuck. 
Cherry seemed to recognize this, too. When they entered the forest, he gave Miles a light shove and laughed when he tripped over his feet. Tails caught himself on a tree and cast a glare in Cherry’s direction. 
“Don’t look so mad. This is your fault,” the older fox said. He gestured forward with his hand, telling Miles to continue walking. “If you hadn’t hurt Joey, none of this would have happened. What got into you?” 
Miles curled his hands into fists. “I thought you would leave me alone.” 
They travelled a few more metres into the forest before Cherry responded. 
“Well, that’s what happens when you threaten the balance. Never challenge anyone stronger than you—they’ll just hit back harder.” 
It would take a few more months for Miles to truly understand what he meant. By then, he would have already escaped his bullies with Sonic and been captured by Robotnik. Cherry would have already faded into the background of his increasingly chaotic life. 
Only when Robotnik deemed it time to learn about power would Miles finally remember their conversation in the forest. 
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kentuckyfriedsatan · 2 months
We exist…
Summary: Part 2 of exploring Mountains asexuality (can totally be read as stand alone)
Mountain is the quiet type of ghoul, gentle and considerate. And normally there is no problem with that. But when he hears the others talking about sex he spirals. Because what good is a creature of sin and lust who doesn’t want to have sex?
Mountain having an identity crisis and finding out that he is asexual, then having a crisis again, Aether always being there for him, lots of crying and cuddling ahead!
no smut, only kissing and cuddling tw: talk about sex (very brief in the beginning), self deprecating thought and self hatred
Read it below the cut!
“Oh come on like you and Cirrus didnt fuck on the kitchen table last week.” Dew retorts hitting the multi ghoul while laughing.
“Heyyy that was her idea and we all know you would do it without thinking about it too!”
“Okay you got me there, but at least I haven’t traumatised some poor siblings of sin when you were chasing Rain through the ministry to pin him to the next best wall.”
“Yeah but just because you were to focused on blowing Copia in the confessional.” Rain chimed in.
Everybody was laughing…well everybody except the quiet earth ghoul, who was slowly sinking into himself more and more as the conversation continued.
“Okay okay yes but I just love giving head.”
“Oh we all know that Dew.” Swiss laughed.
“Actually not everybody…” the fire ghoul said teasingly while looking towards Mountain.
On every other day, Mountain could just shrug it off and laugh awkwardly. But not today. He hasn’t been in the right headspace for a few days now, he knows that, but he can’t seem to escape his spiral of bad thoughts. He can’t take this right now.
He stands on wobbly legs.
“Excuse me.” And leaves.
“What the fuck just happened?” Dewdrop asks.
“No idea.” Swiss answers.
“He seemed off for the whole conversation, I just figured he was tired from working in the greenhouse all day.” Aether says while replaying the evening in his head.
“Was I to forward with my flirting? ”
“First of all, that’s terrible flirting and second of all, I thought you two were sleeping together for months now.” Rain comments.
“We aren’t actually, we kiss and make out, but it never goes further. He pushes me away and of course I don’t pressure him into anything but I just don’t understand…everybody likes sex! How can somebody not love it? But Rain surely you had the pleasure to sleep with Mount.”
“No I haven’t…and now that I think about it, probably nobody has ever slept with Mountain that we know of.”
“Sad…” Swiss sighs. “I would love to be fucked by him. We are creatures of sin, of lust! He doesn’t really behave like us at all.”
“Hey hey we don’t know what’s going on inside Mountains head and we can’t judge him for his decisions or feelings. If he doesn’t want to have sex with us, then that doesn’t make him less of a ghoul okay?” Aether clarifies.
“Yes of course Aeth, we don’t think less of him because of it at all. I just want to understand, know why he rejects us.” Rain says.
“Rain is right, it’s his choice and I respect it. Just some times I think that I’m just not sexy enough for him to want me like that.” Dew whispers self consciously. Swiss hugs the little fire ghoul and reassures him that he is sexy as hell.
“I actually remembered something a fan told me once just now, I’m gonna go check in on mount and talk to him.” Aether says while standing up and leaving to go to the earth ghouls room.
“We are creatures of sin, of lust! He doesn’t really behave like us at all.”
That is all the confirmation Mountains brain needs. He is broken, fucked up. A sorry excuse for a ghoul. Not even the one thing that should come natural to him, lust, sex, he is able to do. He’s spiraling downhill pretty fast now, Swiss’ words just gave him the last kick.
Wiping away the tears that have fallen while standing and listening in to his packs conversation, the earth ghouls stormes to his room and burrows himself under copious amounts of blankets.
Suddenly there is a knock on the door. He doesn’t answer.
“Hey Mountain, it’s me Aether. Can I come in?
Still he doesn’t respond, he doesn’t want to face his pack just yet.
“Mount? You’re scaring me. I will come in okay?”
Mountain sniffles loudly and the quintessence ghoul can’t help himself any longer and enters the room full of concern. He doesn’t see the earth ghoul at first, only a big shaking lump under the blankets.
“Please go away before I disappoint you all even more than I already have.”
Aethers heart breaks at that.
“What are you talking about Mount? I’m not leaving you like this. You didn’t disappoint anybody. Is this about our conversation earlier?”
He hears Mountain begin to sob now.
“Hey, hey Mounty, is it okay if I join you on the bed?”
Mountain wants to scream at Aether, tell him to go away, to just leave him, but he can’t. He is exhausted and he craves comfort even though he doesn’t think he deserves it anymore.
So he just nods his head and in an instant Aether is beside him on the bed.
“Do you want to cuddle Mounty? I was here to talk with you about something but let’s get you calmed down first okay?”
The small nod the earth ghoul gives him is enough for Aether to climb under the millions of blankets and scoop the gentle giant into his arms.
Mountain tries to turn his head away from the quintessence ghoul, to not let him see his tear streaked face, even though he is sure the other ghoul knows he has been crying.
“It’s okay Mountain, you can cry, I will hold you through it, no judgement what so ever. You can trust me.”
And Mountain buries his face in Aethers neck and just cries and cries. All his feelings of the last days streaming out of him. Aether strokes his back and whispers quietly “It’s okay, let it all out. I have got you.”
After what feels like hours, the sobbing eventually quiets down and Aether looks down at the ghoul in his arms. He cried himself into exhaustion, now sleeping on his chest, face still buried in Aethers neck. He decides to let the earth ghoul sleep, knowing he didn’t get a lot of rest the past week. They will talk in the morning, for now he just strokes Mountains short hair, hoping to sooth him in his dreams. It hurts Aether so much to see the people he loves suffering, he hopes he can help his earth ghoul in the morning.
Mountain slept better than he has in a long time, considering he cried himself to sleep. But the soft rise and fall of Aethers chest and his gentle hand in his hair were the comfort he needed. Like that he could pretend that somebody could actually love him and want to be with him romantically. Mountain isn’t a fool, he knows his wishes won’t become reality, but sometimes he just wants to, no needs to, pretend.
“Good morning sleepyhead.”
Aethers soft voice breaks him out of his trance like state.
“Morning.” He mumbles.
“How are you feeling?”
“I don’t know.” He says truthfully shaking his head. Mountain doesn’t know what he feels right now. He is grateful for Aethers comfort, but at the same time it hurts to know that it’s all not real.
“And that’s okay Mount. Would you like to talk?”
Glassy green eyes search his purple ones.
“I don’t know what there is to talk about?”
“Maybe about why you thought you disappointed us last night? I’m really worried about you when you say stuff like that you know?”
Mountain groans. “It’s nothing, just let it go.”
“I’m sorry I can’t do that with a good conscience. I care about you, hell, the whole pack cares deeply about you, and we want you to be okay. You can tell me what’s wrong. I won’t tell anybody if you like to keep it private, but please let me help you.” Aether pleads.
Mountain doesn’t answer for a long time, so Aether shoots his shot.
“It’s about sex, isn’t it?”
Mountain winces at that and curls away from the quintessence ghoul. Seems like Aether hit the nerve.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me Aeth. I’m a failure of a ghoul. I must be broken, I can’t explain it differently. You all talk about how great it is to have sex and that it’s normal to want it. But I don’t want it! I don’t want to have sex, ever. I’m not normal and now you all will never be with me romantically. I should just go back to the pit, I can’t take it. Do you know what it’s like to love somebody and know they will never love you back because of your fucked up brain?”
“Oh Mount, do you think you are unlovable because you don’t want to have sex?”
“Yes of course!” Mountain snaps. “Sex has such a high significance when it comes to romance. You all love sex. We are not compatible Aether. Don’t you understand? I’m not compatible with anyone.” The earth ghoul sobs.
“That is so not true Mountain.” Aether says with a serious voice. “You can’t just assume our feelings for you, you know? And who says that love without sex doesn’t exist? For me it surely exists. I love you. More than a friend, and we have never slept with each other. I love you romantically just like I love Dewdrop and Rain and the rest of the pack. And sure I have sex with them because we like it, but that doesn’t mean that our romantic relationships are worth more than what you and I have, understood? I don’t want to ever have sex with you if you don’t want to.”
Mountain looks up into Aethers purple eyes to find a lie there, but there is nothing but affection and love.
“I…I love you too Aeth! And I love my whole pack.”
The quintessence ghoul smiles brightly at his lover.
“There is something I wanted to tell you actually, something I learned from a human fan a while back. You have heard about the queer community right?”
Mountain nods, waiting for Aether to continue.
“There is something called Asexuality. It’s the lack of any sexual attraction. Asexual people may be disgusted with the idea of having sex, some just don’t care about it and others have it because it can feel good physically. There is a whole spectrum. We can read about it more in detail if you want. If you think that you might be asexual.”
“Asexuality?” Mountains asks in disbelief. “There are people like me out there?”
“Yes there are, love, you are not alone with this.”
Mountain hugs Aether hard and cries with relief.
“I can’t believe it!” He says between sobs. “I’m Asexual!… But what does that mean for our relationships? Just because you can love me without sex, doesn’t mean the others can.”
“Haven’t you noticed Mounty? I can’t speak for them but you have to be blind to not see that they all love you to death. And yes I can’t pretend that some of us don’t have a high sex drive, but that doesn’t interfere with the love we have for you and each other. When we want sex, we search for somebody who wants to have sex with us. And if that is never you Mountain, then that is totally okay and we still love you. You don’t have to feel pressured into anything. We can do all the romantic things that you are okay with. You set the boundaries here. Is holding hands okay? Is kissing okay? Making out? You get the drift.
I think you should definitely talk with everybody about this. Clarify your romantic feelings and your boundaries. You will see that romance and love don’t have to go hand in hand with sexual intimacy. We can be intimate with one another in different ways. ”
“Okay, that’s a lot to process…”
Aether nods understandingly.
“You don’t have to know everything just yet. Do this in your time. You decide when you want to come out to the pack and if you want my help with that. But for now what do you think about more cuddles?”
“I would really enjoy that.” Mountain says and they cuddle into each other, face to face.
“I really want to kiss you right now Aether. I’m just scared that I could send off the wrong message.”
“You won’t. I know how you feel now and sex is completely off the table for me unless you specifically ask for it okay? Can I kiss you now?”
Mountain nods excitedly and they crash their lips together.
There is still a lot to figure out, but right now he feels loved and understood. Mountain has a good feeling about this new chapter in their relationship. And for the first time since forever he has hope that he is worth being loved, even without sex.
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papakhan · 8 months
im really sorry if this question was asked before 😭 but im super interested in khans' relationship with animals. not only like, in the religious way, but with pets and cattle. would love to hear your thoughts on that
Sorry this took me forever to reply I wanted to draw some things for it first but I feel like I'll forget if I don't post now :')
I think the Khans have a lot of different relationships to animals, I think it's pretty interesting how at multiple points they have had some relation to dogs, with their leader even having a guard (who I hc that he considered as his right-hand man, only because there aren't any named New Khans in that role) and in FNV there's cut NCR reports mentioning the Khans hunting dogs (the report actually mentions possible a dozen one group! 12! that's a lot of dogs!)
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Personally, I hc that the Khans have their own standard breed of dogs similar to the Legion mongrel that's descendant from Darion's baddog, and you could probably trace its ancestry back to the guard dogs/pets of Vault 15. I think they have a lot of working dogs tho! I already have an oc whos the Khans newest houndmaster, but I think they also have pets, I think working dogs are very valuable to them though
In my story Sun gets given Rex by the King, leading the King to have an unexpected alliance with the Khans because 1. he had no idea who Sun was and just thought Rex seemed happier with him after Sun helped get his brain fixed and 2. Papa was so pleased and IMPRESSED about this other (smaller) gang leader giving his son a working animal/guard dog, I imagine he sent the Kings some real tanners, leather workers and armorers to reinforce their leather jackets or something
Sun also loves his new pubby (and has no idea that he's 200 years old LMAO)
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Speaking of dogs, Papa Khan specifically has an association with wolves that isn't really seen anywhere else with the Khans, unless you count Baddog (which the Chosen One isn't even sure IS a dog) which I think is cute and fun for him, the way he calls the courier a cub and the Longhouse the wolf's den. Part of me hcs that it could be something to do with him being a different bloodline to the Death Hand linage but idk I haven't got very far with that. I don't think its a reglious thing, since the Khans have been shown to be areligious from the start, maybe just a splinter group of New Khans he was part of? idk I'm probably overthinking I do think its also interesting that the other 2 raider groups from Vault 15 picked animals to represent themselves and the Khans didnt
I'm gonna write about other animals under the cut because I just rambled about dogs :')
As for other animals, I know its not in game but I think the Khans 100% farm brahmin, at least a little, if only for their dung to make jet. I know the Khans are eating brahmin steak and have brahmin over spits but I think if its their dung specifically that makes jet then they probably would want to avoid killing them just for meat. So maybe brahmin are more like Jack's pets and he names them and loves them so so much. I think the Khans farming bighorners or something would be fun, especially since those are pretty regional to the Mojave so it'd mean that the Khans have picked up on it in the 14 years since they arrived, which is nice for them and something I could totally see them doing
CHICKENS as well this is some really old art I had for fallout chickens and I think the Khans would have them. Maybe not so many though, I think the Khans lost a lot of their animals in Bitter Springs either because they ran off, they got killed or because the Khans had to eat them when they first arrived in Red Rock with no other supplies.
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I've also seen some people talk about Khan falconers which I think is SO COOL I'd love them to have that. I know that hunting with eagles is a thing in Mongolia so maybe they could pick it up from the book you get from Ezekiel? Please. I haven't really done anything with it personally but I SHOULD
Last but not least, horses. I think the Khans very much do have horses (because I believe in a horseful fallout) Again, I think a lot of their herd bolted during Bitter Springs but I think the Khans have been working to get them all back. I hc that Khans will insist on a person learning to ride a horse before learning to ride a motorbike because to them it teaches balance (strengthens the right muscles) and co-ordination and also a horse can take you home and bikes use up precious fuel and are usually reserved for the Khans messengers or long distance raiders A lot of the Khan's horses will have NCR branding on their flanks which the Khans usually cover either with their own branding or some other decoration. I think they'd be considered very skilled riders with an average Khan being just as if not more skilled on a horse than an NCR ranger. They do a lot of sport involving horses like their own version of jousting and also shooting on horseback. I hc that a lot of Khans will have their own horse but will also share, the fastest horses are often gifted to people involved in the Khan's communication who need something more subtle then a motorbike, like negotiators or scouts. Horses also pull their carts when the Khans are moving their location. Here's a drawing of Suns other dad Min and his caravan
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Thank you for coming to my Khans and animals conference THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 months
I know nothing about the DmD trio other than from your blog... But you already know how in love with the Tinman I am XD I had to send an ask for my random few thoughts.
- please- indulge me for a moment. You know that ship dynamic of the gentle giant and the overprotective short stack? That's what I've been imagining with Tinny. Him getting an S/O who is smaller than him (though that wouldn't be hard, I guess XD), but I will absolutely throw hands on his behalf. If he could without hurting them, he could pick them up and set them aside before dealing with the danger himself. Because he'll fight for them too ^^ (Also made me think; If Scarcrow got a Tinman's second in command!S/O and Lion has a Scarecrows assistant!S/O, what if Tinny got a Lions best warriors!S/O? Assuming he has his own army. Or someone associated with Lion?)
- In general; Tinny knowing what it's like to be loved through you ^^ and just- realizing he's no longer in an abusive relationship the longer you two are together 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 you don't yell and insult him, you don't order anything from him, and you never expect him to commit terrible crimes for you. You just want your lovely tin man <3
- Imagine taking in interest in his crafting hobby and sitting with him, or even asking him to teach you! Even if you just want to enjoy his company and have no desire for metal bending, Tinny will be so so so happy and elated to have you here with him ^^
- KISSING TIN!!!!! Holding his cold, metal face delicately while rubbing a thumb along his cheek, maybe brushing against his sharp overbite, your guys' eyes filled with love for each other before you lean in and carefully press your lips against his needle like teeth and lips??? SIGN ME UP! 📃📃📃📃📃
(.... Uh... *cough* I'm not sure if Tinny still has the ~equipment~ or the ~desire~, but you can try to grind on a smooth part of him, or convince him to get extensions. I'm certain he'll want to make happy in bed as well 😏 ok bye-)
- hm... Ngl I'm already wondering what a Yan!DmD!Tinny would be like... I have no self control 😅 of course you know his character more than me, but I like the idea that if he truly went full yandere mode, completely love struck with someone more hopelessly than with Dorothy, he would be more persistent in gaining their affections. It feels like with Dorothy that he'll try something with her, she'll hurt him, and he'll give her some space before trying again. And was slowly realizing that she didn't love him, before Glinda stepped in. But he still hasn't given up. Can you imagine how amplified that'd be if he were yandere?? Maybe even fully deluded that you'll love him instead of just listening to what others tell him? 🤔 what do you think? If you want to comment.
All I've got for now XD as you can see, in my mind, we're already married, live in a cottage in the woods, and are raising three robot children that we built togetger XD (omg this is another example of us falling in love with partner characters(?) You have Scarecrow, and I have Tin... It sounds like we might share Lion though XD) I hope these make you smile! ^^
Okay first of all OMG YES!! It is another Norman/Wayne / Psycho/Greasy / Granny/Big Bad kinda situation!! 🤣🤣🤣 I love this, I love that we do this XD YESS Lion is like Wheezy, we both love him and need to appreciate him more XD
Okay okay okay now onto your actual points- I must take a deep breath first XD
... hoo, okay. Let go.
Gentle Giant/Over Protective Short Stack: Yessss 🥺🥺🥺 Oh boy, does he need it. He needs someone who will CROSS the throne room the millisecond that Dorothy crosses the line and curse at her like a sailor like how DARE you!?- And that second part?? Tin picking his crazy small S/O up (Very carefully, with those fingers of his) and placing them somewhere to the side (Maybe into the arms of one of his tin soldiers- yes, he has entire army fully at his command. They're tin/biology hybrids frankensteined together by Scare) before Dealing with the situation himself. I can see it so clearly it is making my heart ache. Tin scooping you up, saying 'thank you, spring blossom (he'd use all sortsa cringy cute names like that genuinely XD ), but please, please let me handle this for you. The last thing we want is for you to be hurt', and carefully passing you off to another soldier he trusts. He carefully pushes some of your hair behind your ear, then turns back to the threat; straightens up to his f u l l building-like height, and takes care of shit. And the whole time, he wouldn't let even one piece of whoever he's Taking Care Of to hit you (The man is THOROUGH).
Tin Accidentally Hurting S/O:
He was on his knees, again. You told him a million times he doesn't need to do that, but the sweet, dramatic man just cant help himself. And honestly? You don't mind it, actually- You can kiss him and fluster him a lot easier this way. But this time?? This time he was on his knees profusely apologising. And you couldn't take it!! There was no need!! He just accidentally sliced you across the cheek with one of his fingers- he didn't mean to, and you both know it! You hear Dorothy give a snigger from her throne nearby, baring witness to this. You also see the Scarecrow drops his head backwards and sigh heavily at the display- but you don't care about Tin's so-called friends. You care about Tin. You take Tin's big metal head in your hands. " -so sorry. I don't know what came over me, I can do better. I would never, ever fetter your perfect skin on purpose- " "I know, I know." Instead of insisting he don't be silly and he cant help it sometimes!!, which is what you want to do!, you focus on calming him. Because everyone is watching, and he's probably mortified. You just want him to be okay. "Please Tin, its fine. Everyone knows you wouldn't hurt me on purpose." There's a hint of panic in his voice when he speaks next, a little quieter; following your lead and acting as if its just you two, here. Just him, and you. Safe. "Someone might think they could care for you better then me." "Doesn't matter." You whisper. "I know, they couldn't."
Having a Healthy Relationship with Tin: My heart <3 Yes! I can see him struggling with that- even before Dorothy went bad he was willing to give her anything. But imagine any time he offers you something, you're like 'oh that sounds nice! good idea Tin! lets do it together ^^' and leading him off before he can protest. And he s l o w l y starts to feel so so comfortable with you <3<3
"Moon flower, could I get you a drink?" "Oh yeah, I'd love one! Thank you! ^^ Lets go, and we'll get you some oil as well, love." *connecting arms and towing him towards the kitchens* *Eyes wide* "Oh- but I'm fin- " "I can hear you squeaking. Lets go!~ " *gentle voice* "You don't need to worry about me, my love." "No, I don't need to, but I don't mind." *pats his arm gently*
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Kissing, Affection & Sex: Yes yes yes kissing Tin <3<3<3 Oh my goodness. Cupping his large face and stroking his cheeks, leaving feather-light kisses all over his smooth metal cheeks and underbite, gently scraping your nails down his chest or any other smooth part of him and he SHUDDERS (I don't know how physical feeling works for him, especially since Scare was able to pop open his chest and enhance his heart without Tin feeling a thing but when Amy sliced it open it hurt him, but I don't care. It works. It is all in working order because I say so XD), curling your fingers between tangled springs and wires and hearing him gasp, kissing the side of his pointy nose, absentmindedly and gently sliding your finger along the dull side of each of his fingers, etc. Him stroking the dull side of his pointer fingers under your chin when he wants you to look up so he can see your pretty face, him being afraid to touch you or kiss you himself but asking you to touch/kiss him, him raising his hips or his leg (Or wherever you've deemed it safe to rub yourself) in an effort to make it feel better for you- aghhhhh XD I'm not okay XD
And- EXTENSIONS?? Omg yes he would absolutely do that for his S/O XD You wouldn't even have to ask man!! He'd anticipate it, once you two actually got together!! XDD But like, the thing thats getting me here?? SCARECROW IS THE ONE WHO'LL HAVE TO MAKE THOSE ADJUSTMENTS XDD
"I'm sorry, uh, old friend, let me just... let me see if I fully understand. You want to...? " "I want to make some necessary improvements to my body for the sake of my human love's pleasure. At night." "... uhuh. And that means?" "I would like to be fitted with the tool's a human man has, or something better, for- " *impatient with Tin's awkward pussy footing* "Are you asking me to attach a Dick to you, Tin Woodman!???" "... Yes. Will you do it?" "... Fine... For Science."
Yandere Tin Woodman!!!!!: Oooooookay. I'm struggling to gather my thoughts here XD To an extent, I think Woody is actually already kindof Yandere XD I mean, before Dorothy even shows her 'true colours' herself, he's doing some not-so-above-board things for her. Like forcing his people (The Winky's) to walk for days non stop to the Emerald palace to be her army. And then, when she seems displeased, letting Scarecrow do what he wants with them (He's shocked when he finds out WHAT Scare did with them, which was Frankenstein them of course (which killed a good portion of them before he got the procedure Right), but he was miraculously easy to convince that it was a good idea when Scare and Glinda said Dorothy would like it). As well as letting Scarecrow adjust Tin's own heart with magic For Dorothy. So... yeah, to an extent, Tin is already obsessed with getting her to like him. But if he was All The Way Yandere like you're thinking... oh boy.
There would be no getting away. Remember how he's got a whole army at his disposal?? And d u n g e o n s??? 👀 Yeah. He'd be like 'I know you don't love me yet, and it is painful my sunlit dandelion, but you will eventually. You'll fall for me, eventually'.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS ASK!! Aghhhh, you're really enabling me here XD
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kaleidosouls · 9 months
SU reclaimed pearl rambles
im gonna use some annoying comments i got on my reclaimed pearl as a springboard for what i think could be interesting discussion because i think its good to engage with criticism/different opinions. but also if you talk to me like an asshole i want you to fuck off and i promised i wouldnt engage in that kind of stuff bc its not good for me and it doesnt Look good for me either.
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so i can talk about my thoughts but not engage directly, win win. its been months but im still really fond of the pearl i made specially this art. like it coudl be better but i like it well enough. just a little header so this isnt a boring post with only text
i think like, its good to establish ground rules that like, i think most of the poor reactions ive seen towards my art were missing, mostly in bad faith probably but in case theres ppl who earnestly want to understand. actually maybe i can format it like a little FAQ even though theyre not frequent or asked lskdjg just for outlining my points. ill put it behind a cut but ill frontline w this: if youre a fan of pearl in the show, this content is not for you. youre allowed to like whatever you want and so am i. if you like her, we probably wont get along and you probably will feel very personally irritated by how i FEEL about her, so just walk away now. im not gonna engage with petty shit taht juts boils down to 'im mad you dont like what i like'
onwards to more rambling / sorta responding to some criticism
i scrolled back and i guess i sorta never have actually done a proper full explanation post about this AU have i? or maybe i have and deleted it, i forgor
why did you change pearl?
because i hate her, simple as. i went from a huge SU fan to hating watching it (i did finish) and pearl is probably The biggest reason why, as like issues with her character seep into other aspects of the show that i also hate. like i mean i Realyl hate her. she makes the experience of watching the show really irritating and miserable for me. if you dont feel taht way about her thats totally normal and whatever but no one is gonna change my experience and feelings that i had watching SU since the 1st season was coming out.; anyway answering. there is a Lot i love about SU and want to engage with, so i had the idea of like,maybe ill just change pearl, cause i wanted to delete her, really, but she is one of the main characters and she hasa function as a character that you cant just do away with. essentially im just like, some guy, who draws, coping and trying to reclaim his teenage investimetn in this show. literally its just for ME. but if anyone else feels like i do, then they can enjoy it too. if somoene doesnt feel like i do, go watch like pearl fancams or smth. like ill never be able to literlaly change the show as it is, like its happened, and its a tragedy im trying to move on from (begrudgingly)
why do you hate pearl?
the long laundry list of reasons are probably apparent in the ways i remade her lol (theyre not i can tell ppl are gonna project whatever worst bad faith reason for any change i make) but tbh the core of it is this, which is like, beyond whatever traits she has and whatever: she reminds me of my abusers. always had, from season 1, but like it became worse as the series went on. its like really infurating and upsetting to watch SU bc of her. had my abusers been a different kind of person, maybe i wouldnt hate her so much (kinda doubt tbh). like her personality and behavior are like hough disgosting!!
why did you change (some physical trait about her design)?
i dont really necessarily have a PROBLEM with canon pearls design. over the years ive come to like SU's style less and less but like, gestures, whatever. like i didnt like it or anything but its not like a bit deal compared to the actual offender that is her personality and behavior. the reason i redesigned her at all is bc like, if i hadnt, i would still be thinking about the way she is in canon all the time. like ive visually associated her like, appearance with all the shit about her thta makes me upset so i had to so she didnt look like the same person anymore, and i can try to let go of some of the hatred in my heart. like i want to think about the thigns about SU that i loved and also the potential i always saw in it and canon pearl is like, an active obstacle to that, to the point taht i cant even see her without getting like irked. i tried to keep enough similar traits so from a glance youd be like, who the fuck- is that pearl? rather than like. completely change her entirely to whatever i wanted. i do want to like, its a creative exercise. i want to try and change the things that would make me happy to see gone but try to work within the constraints of the SU we Did get as much as i can tolerate. bc like.... if the sky was the limit then at this poin wed just have to throw the whole thing away and start from scratch. like its kinda not really very salvageable, like im not rewirting SU to be like a Good show or fix Everything, its kinda too broken. im just chnaging enough so i can look at the actual show, screenshots, songs etc, and not feel overcome wtih like the grief and irriatation of how much it sucked ass. its just so i can enjoy more of it again
i dont like your redesign for (insert reason)
cool. thanks for your input. youre welcome! eat my asshole. seriously though, like, shrugs. i didnt make it for anyone other than myself. tbh im not fully satisfied with it either bc i think the SU style is kinda ugly, so im at a crossroads. should i mostly abandon the SU style? ive like, tested out tweaking things, it mightve been noticeable in screenshot redraws. drawing within the SU style is to create that coping 'oh it was totally like this haha' vibe but maybe im old enough to not need that anymore lol. like ive heard ppl say shit like shes ugly, or like sneakily trying to imply im like, got some agenda over beauty or racism etc. like whatever, think whatever you want, its not for you. go back to sucking up to rebecca or smth like i cant take the og pearl away from you still i am open for like that kind of criticism like, do i have personal biases affecting my design decisions? probably. i do try to keep aware of why im choosing certain things, but really in this case i cant emphasize enough how like, irritating it is that i have to change her design at all. like its hard to come up w smth else when the rest of the cast ahs already been design to balance off the og pearl. i probably wouldnt change almost anything if the sight of her didnt piss me the fuck off! most of all i kinda wouldve preferred to keep her hair short bc it messes up the sillouete but it makes me think too much of canon pearl so i made it long :/ i was like let me tell you my design thought process: -im gonna try to keep as many recognizable traits about her design while taking away bit by bit until she doesnt look like the og pearl to me anymore and i dont feel angry seeing her. pearl is lanky, tall, spindly, with a gem on the forehead, blue white pink yellow pastel colors, large pointed nose. i kinda tried to keep these traits while slightly tweaking their design until she looked different enough. is it a good design? eh idk. like the purpose is to make me not hate her and it does that job
now this hate comment im gonna grace with keeping it intact except removing the person bc its not about them. its like, a very stupid ass headed comment but im actually kind of interested in like,jumping off of it to ponder some things
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im not heterosexual or cis enough to know what exactly wife bate means in this context so im gonna like guess, that maybe i could extract this q from that reply (also not looking like shes from steven universe is a compliment thanks)
you took away her personality and made her boring
the only thing i can assume is that like, some people must interpret the absence of an assholey personality or like abusive behavior is 'boring'. i know thats a really bad faith assumption but like, if ive written down a bunch of personality traits and you still come out saying thats 'no personality' what am i to make of that lol. based on my experience like Existing online, people tend to often call nice characters 'boring', like dude ive done it before, but i think im kinda over that edgy phase. also again, its for me and not for you so if you think shes boring, thanks for your input i dont care. but thinkign about it earnestly, i dfeintely dont want to make a character thats just no flaw and not interesting ofc, i havent done that with reclaimed pearl. that being said i havent like, probably written a lot demonstrating what i want her to be like instead of the canon pearl so, maybe ppl just are feeling lost with the lack of information.
personally, if i hear someone thinks a character is boring bc theyre not abusive anymore like, nothing of value has been lost. but characters do need flaws in order to create conflict and cause things to happen, like in a way canon pearl is like All flaw, which wouldnt be a problem except she gets away wtih all the horrible shit she did. heres some traits i want to explore with reclaimed pearl, some are similar to canon i just wanna go about it a different way: being overprotective/possessive to steven in a smothering way, projecting abandonment issues, not reaching out/communicating her emotions properly, lacking indepedence/self worth, depending on others to avoid confronting her own issues, being very passive and insecure and lacking initiative (this being the totally opposite trait that canon pearl has), stunting stevens development due to her not being ready for him to grow up and not need her anymore. and more, this is just from the top of my head. maybe thats still too 'boring' for ppl because shes not being selfish and inconsiderate enough to others so you can relate to her but i dont care :p
gosh how do i go about like, presenting the content i ahve in my head for this AU).. i cantjust remake the whole damn show. i would if i could, tbh
i have concerns about racist implications wrt (insert thing here about my redesign)
imma be frank. i dont know how to compltely 'clean up' any possible bad associations wrt pearl as a character given how like, rebecca has literally like, made her to be a slave in love with her slave owner and made it to be like, an uwu ideal lesbiab thing for most of the show until they tried to pretend no we understood the flaws in this dynamic all along and its bad actually , uhh, anyway shows over haha
ill say the main reason i changed her skintone is, bc that would be the like most instant way to make her look differnt from canon (which is vital for me for the reasons said above), and i did consider like, does this make the whole thing worse, or, ?? like, as they made it in the show, techincally All the gems are slaves to the diamonds, arent they? including all the very totally progressive poc based gems including and specially the ones who are made to be understood as black women. bruh like idk what to tell you this show is just fuckig bad sdlgkj like its just way too like, pervasive in my teen years forme to throw the baby w the bathwater entirely. and ill just straight up say it, like, im not a specialist on these topics nor do i hav ea position of authority to speak on about it. like the pearls read more clearly as slaves (very intentionally by the showrunners) bc they are meant to be subservient to gems Other than diamonds. and also bc they like fit in the stereotype of housemaid servant. like the rubies being made to just be forced to go and fight like they are slaves too, they have no rights and no like, authority to disobey or autonomy. but fsr like, slavery as in physical labor just doesnt immeidately set off ppls alarms as much as housework slavery does fsr.
i can only rly like change the canon so much and try to like, tweak things so it doesn feel as gross but i think for it to be cmpletely not insneistive at all youd have to throw away the whole show. and like i said, this isnt like me saying like im making the show good or as it shouldve been, im making it so I (and ppl who share my feelings about the show) can feel less shitty just thinking back to it. its just an exercise. im not like mass media im just one independent artist and shit will come out insensitve sometimes and im sorry but im also like, my art isnt meant to be representative and like, responsiuble for fixing all of society and racism like i actually cant do that. ill just do the best i can as an asian dude but like, if my work makes you upset, im sorry, but also just block me. like i cant please everyone. or like, even better, make YOUR take on pearl taht you feel would be better, like make the art you feel should exist.
this post is too damn long and id be surprised if anyone reads all of it but if you do, tahnk you! i felt kinda like ready to fight tonight so im triyng to redirect it from aggression to like, thinking. i cant guarantee im making new content for su reclaimed anytime soon but i would really like to, tbh
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heartslobbf · 10 months
i watched heartstopper s2 because i was an avid osemanverse enjoyer in my early teen years (back when alice oseman still had anons on rip) and owe some of my aspec self-discovery to their writing. i knew they had written an aroace storyline into this series and wanted to see it because whilst i knew as an aroallo lesbian i wouldn’t totally resonate and might be a bit cheesed off by aspects of it, i enjoy aromantic crumbs, and i enjoy discussing aspec Stuff even more. it was……. an interesting experience? has certainly given me a lot to think about. gushy rant below the cut :)
i will say, i think that the amatonormativity is still strong, and rigid in this show. it’s like, isaac is the exception to the rule and his true love is books, and he gets to yell at his friends for all being so damn couple-y and romance-obsessed but there’s no resolution to that. is that realistic? yeah, sure, allo friends can fucking suck, but heartstopper is the kind of show aiming to do certain things for queer kids where id expect a dialogue about this. you know, charlie & co coming to understand aspec identities and becoming more conscious of how amatonormativity affects them, interrogating it in such a way that these queer couples can also be liberated from its trappings. juicy shit like that. didnt happen tho. isaac gets a book about asexuality (no mention of aromanticism on its cover!!! the word is used by the artist who vaguely explains both terms to isaac, but there is a much greater focus on asexuality, so much so that this morning i saw pink fucking news celebrating isaac’s asexual storyline without a mention of his aromanticism) and that’s it.
a lot of that criticism is arguably coloured by my experience as an aroallo person, because i just want aromanticism to be engaged with as aromanticism. you know aroaces we are besties in arms solidarity and all that, and im so fucking happy you got some great asexual rep that frequently used the word asexual, as well as your flag and iconography. like fuck yeah!!!!!! let’s go!!!!!! however, aromanticism is not a subset of asexuality, is not an ‘extreme form’ of asexuality, does not necessarily have anything to do with asexuality. im sure the aspec folks know this, but allo fuckers dont and that means that this canonically aromantic character who was emotionally affecting to me is one that im gonna be barred from resonating with again and again.
you know, moments of isaac’s story were so profound and moving for me. i cried at the kiss scene in episode 5, it was probably the single most relatable moment of tv (related to my experiences with sexuality) that ive ever seen. its certainly not my favourite tv moment of all time lol, relatability ≠ quality, but when youre part of a marginalised group and experience a lot of loneliness and alienation surrounding your identity it is great to see it reflected. i honestly loved that shit!!!!! ive been there!!!! that’s me!!!!!! the wanting and the not wanting!!! the jealousy and confusion and alienation, the longing to be able to feel what you can’t just so you don’t have to be so lonely, the knowledge that you’re just not that person…… oh it was great. it was fucking great. so you can maybe appreciate how upsetting it is for other people to neglect the aromantic facets of this canonically aromantic character, when we dont get shit.
having said that, asexuals also dont get shit; my issue is absolutely not with isaac being aroace, but rather with how mainstream understanding of aspec identities is still so piss poor that people neglect the aromantic aspect of that identity. i found isaac to be a relatable character and i enjoyed and appreciated that about him; i wish more people would talk about him being both asexual and aromantic, because aromanticism does not get talked about enough as anything other than an ‘extension’ of asexuality, an idea which only diminishes the complexity and vastness of both (fucking awesome and beautiful) identities. love and light and solidarity forever with all other aspec folk <3
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
I would like to hear your GOmens opinions! I feel like the fandom is a mix of reasonable and bathshit dumb opinions.
Oh nonny I don't know if you truly do! My opinions are controversial at minimum and likely to get me cancelled by GO fandom at most!
*deep breath* Okay you asked for it. Don't come at me when you don't like what I have said.
I'll put this under a cut cos it'll no doubt get long and ranty and look fair warning to anyone clicking read more, these are JUST one person's opinions. We can disagree on those things. I'm not going around screaming at people that they are wrong and I've kept this all very close to my chest for a very long time now. So please take that with a pinch of salt before you decide to read my rant.
*sigh* this is probably a bad idea but here goes...
The thing is, I love analysing TV and film and literature, and I take an analytical view of things where I try to set myself apart as much as possible from the highly emotional volatile fandom response. (I dont always succeed in this but I try).
One thing I always stress is that characters in TV shows or movies are *not real people* and therefore you can't apply real people sensitivities to them. They are instead frankenstein mixes of what the creative team wants them to be, and every little decision about the characters is carefully thought out. Intention and interpretation matters. My view on a character is not an invalidation of a real persons identity. If I say a character is not X, that does not mean I think that real people who are X are not valid, or that I don't believe in their real life identity. Is this all clear so far? Okay.
Representation also matters and I have seen Good Omens fandom tie themselves up in a frenzie of policing fans and call out posts accusing anyone who wants more from AziraCrows relationship a whole multitude of x-phobics depending on the buzzword of the day. To the point that these fans have convinced themselves that a kiss or love declaration or ANYTHING from AziraCrow that would be considered more explicit than what we got in Season 1 is something they DON'T want because somehow that would take away from the *x-identity rep* theyve decided to claim as canon. But sadly these fans have rather deluded themselves because none of those identities are *canon* in season 1. Even the claims that AziraCrow are gender non conforming non binary etc are not *canon* because *canon* means that any dumbass regular audience member could watch the thing and say "oh. That character is x". Yes Crowley is Nanny Asteroth for a time, but a general audience is just going to view that as male Crowley in drag. Sorry but its the truth. They see David Tennant playing Crowley, they see a male actor playing Crowley, they are gonna view Crowley as a male. Unless it is textually stated by Crowley that he isn't male, then they aren't gonna get it and it isn't the rep you want it to be, because representation should mean that everyone ELSE also notices and learns to understand about those marginalised identities.
Take Sandman. Very gay. Very very gay. So gay that people from the dumbass general audience (the DGA going forward) went online to complain about it being gay because the gay was so very obvious to them, so obvious in fact they claimed *every* character in Sandman was gay and having gay sex and I'll be honest it left me rather disappointed when Morpheus didnt fuck Hob Gadlings brains out in episode 6 like he clearly wanted to, but I digress.
Take OFMD, Jim is a canonical non binary character and the show makes this clear in the canon text without ever having Jim say they are "non binary" or have the clumsy awkward explanation that is clearly for the DGA about it, but instead the conversation flows naturally - are you a woman? I don't know. Are you a man? I don't know. I'm just Jim. Okay Just Jim. We will refer to you by they/them pronouns now. It's all cool.
But Crowley and Aziraphale are characters played by male actors who always use he/him pronouns. Even as Nanny Asteroth no one ever refers to the nanny as "she". So its not clear to the DGA. Them being asexual may be a valid headcanon, but its not canon if its never mentioned. If at some point someone said something to Zira about sex and he said "oh I don't go in for that sort of thing" then sure, that's got some canon merit to it, but otherwise Good Omens can NOT be applauded for being good asexual representation on television.
If your general audience of braindead heteronormative idiots isnt seeing it, its not technically canon. Its implied, subtextual, queer coded, hinted at, etc, but not *canon*. Its not gonna get a GLAAD nomination for representation and a bunch of queer journalists writing articles about it if its only *subtext*.
I don't recall any of the queer media people applauding Good Omens for being queer representation. I recall them all sort of scratching their heads being like "is it...?" and I recall a lot of people getting rather annoyed because NG took a stance online proclaiming that it was an obvious love story when really, from just watching the show... it kind of wasn't?
God this is gonna get me so much hate... *sigh* okay look. I adore season 1. I was totally with you guys celebrating how queer it all seemed to me and loving NGs responses on Twitter to anyone questioning the "friendship" between Az+Crow. I was also online getting wrapped up in the fandom echo chamber claiming it was 100% canon and anyone who didn't see it was a homophobic moron or whatever... yeah... but I've grown up a lot since 2019 surprisingly - the whole Destiel going "canon" and then getting shoved forcefully back into the metaphorical closet was a big eye opener and everything changed after November 5th 2020.
Suddenly, what Az+Crow had in season 1 wasn't enough anymore. It should never have been enough to begin with. I recall my very first watch and how I was seeing all the subtext and coding and clear romantic tropes build and build and then we got to that final scene in the ritz and all I wanted was for them to take each others hands, I watched with eager anticipation and... it didn't happen. I can vividly recall the disappointment I felt at that moment. I didn't need a kiss, or a declaration, but I wanted them to hold hands in that scene. They got so close! Zira leans in and places his hand on the table right by Crowley and my GOD it was like being edged without the pay off. I hated it. I HATED it because it would have been SO EASY but they didn't do it.
I also recall getting quietly annoyed at NG for claiming they held hands on the bus. I watched the slowed down zoomed in gifs of that moment and sorry, but no. They don't. Even if the actors actually DID hold hands, the camera doesn't pick it up clearly enough for it to mean a damn thing.
I totally understand people claiming that Az+Crow are already queer. It's totally valid to see yourself in them and want them to represent you. But the painful truth is that in season 1 of the show, they aren't anything of what you claim them to be. They are two characters who are male presenting who are very good friends to the point that its all a bit homoerotic. The DGA isn't gonna take any time to think about the complexities of angel and demon gender or the lack thereof, they are only gonna see two male actors playing said angel and demon. They aren't gonna think about you and your identity, and they aren't gonna pick up the subtext even if it is painfully obvious. Because they won't see it as gay unless it is explicitly gay.
But Saz, why should we care what the DGA thinks?
Because thats what this whole argument has always been about. Because that's what canon means. No one, not even the DGA are arguing today about whether or not Castiel is gay. No one in the DGA is arguing about Stede and Blackbeard, or Lucius. No one is arguing about the Corinthian or Johanna Constantine. They see that these characters are queer, they accept it. Simple. Because of this, it counts towards representation. Because it normalises our identities. By putting our identities into mainstream stories in such a way that they are unavoidable for the DGA, THAT is what representation is.
When characters and stories keep our identities buried in subtext and allusions and queer coding which quite frankly should have been left in the hays code era, it doesn't count towards representation, no matter what your fandom echo chamber may scream into the void. Or, for that matter, what your creator and fantasy genre author may claim in the void either.
Word of God may help us in a lot of ways, but if they aint putting it into the actual text, then word of god is meaningless in terms of representation as well. Disney claiming Valkyrie was bisexual doesn't mean a damn thing if she never discusses her bisexuality or has any scenes where she shows interest in the same sex. Thankfully that changed in the latest movie, but for a long time it was a problem.
Okay then. So what am I saying? Was NG queerbaiting us with AziraCrow in season 1?
No. Gods I hate that word. Queerbaiting is only occurring when the creators involved maliciously add queer subtext with the explicit intention of gaining popularity among queer audiences specifically with no intention to reward them by actually making those characters queer.
Now, I may not agree with people who claim Crowley and Aziraphale are explicitly queer in season 1, but I also don't think NG ever intended GO to be a queer show. He made GO to be a popular fantasy show as a last wish for his friend Terry Pratchet. He made it extremely faithful to the book in every way (in some ways, to the detriment of the show) and that includes keeping AziraCrows relationship in safe platonic territory. Yes he ramped up the romantic subtext, but I fully believe that this was because he had already decided he was going to further develop the story if season 1 was a hit, but I don't think for a second that he predicted that it would gain such massive traction in queer fandom circles.
No malicious intent to utilise the queer community, no queerbaiting. So lets just stamp down on that accusation once and for all. It's bullshit.
But that changes in season 2. So here is where I have been getting annoyed at GO fandom lately with all this "we don't need it to be explicit! A kiss would invalidate my identity! If they do anything it'll take away from ace rep! etc etc" SHUt UP!
Why do all these fans think kissing is something ace people don't do? Why would an innocent kiss invalidate ace rep? Are you HEARING YOURSELVES?! and okay, even if you are an ace person who does not ever kiss, are you so opposed to words of affirmation too? Are you a hater of love declarations now? Why is THAT such a terrible thing? You are deluding yourselves, and I get why. You are trying to protect yourselves from disappointment because you have spent 4 years screaming at people online and policing people who dare to say that AziraCrow aren't already canonically together and in love and have somehow tied your own identity into these characters to the point that you are frightened that season 2 might disprove your words and somehow invalidate your identity. Gods forbid if they DO kiss now you have lost the precious representation you claimed was so important to you right? But its NOT the case!
If nothing happens in GO S2 then it WOULD be queerbaiting. For the FIRST TIME. Because NG knows now how important AziraCrow's relationship is to the queer fans and he himself has been claiming its a love story for 4 years. If he didn't put his money where his mouth is and make them explicitly canonically queer and together in season 2 then I'm sorry but it would very much be queerbaiting. Keeping the loud queer fanbase on tenterhooks, getting them all excited so that GO trends on social media and then NOT following through? That's CLASSIC QUEERBAITING.
But NG isn't doing that. Because they are going to be together. Because it will be explicitly queer. Because even the trailer indicates this is the case. The season 1 GO trailer didn't include any of the romantic subtext if I recall correctly, it was solely promoted as a silly fantasy show. The season 2 trailer leans into the romance. It'll be explicitly clear - because I don't think NG is stupid enough to not go through with it. I understand why he didn't in season 1, there was a lot more at stake and he wanted to keep it totally 100% faithful to the book, but season 2 is a blank page, open book, nothing stopping it from happening. Plus, in 2023, in a post Destiel confession, post OFMD world, not going there would be just the most idiotic bad for business move the man could make.
So can GO fans please stop making bad faith arguments about why AziraCrow shouldn't be more explicitly together in season 2? Because I'll be honest, it is coming across less like you wanna protect the supposed "Ace representation" and more like maybe you are just uncomfortable with the idea of two middle aged male actors being physically intimate on screen.
Also if NG doesn't have the balls to go through with it, then can y'all please stop protecting him? I love the guy. I do. I think he is a talented genius who has done more for the fantasy genre than anyone else alive today. But gods, if he doesn't let AziraCrow at least confirm to themselves or other people that they have non platonic feelings for each other, in such a way that the DGA understands that this is a non platonic love story, then he deserves all the angry asks and queerbaiting accusations he will inevitably get. Personally, I don't think he's that dumb. So perhaps his fans can also have a bit more faith in him too.
**to anyone who may want to address the spoiler in this post, please don't. I am aware of it and have chosen in this ask to not acknowledge it so that all fans can read this, besides, the spoiler itself does not actually change anything I have mentioned here especially with some of the daft theories I have seen surrounding it.**
Okay I'm done. Rant over. Proceed to cancel me if you must.
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trashworldblog · 1 year
i think the "nice doing business with you" line from the s5 finale is definitely going to have significance to season 6. there are too many examples of innocuous lines that end up being foreshadowing to overlook it. it's also a general rule of genies that they can't bring things back from the dead, so i think that's going to end up playing into whatever the "deal" with ryan was. the genie could've said it was against the rules to bring prof back, so ryan made another deal to get him back (1/2)
[i think there's also going to be a conflict with time travel in season 6. it's such an integral part of the show, and ryan definitely screwed the timeline by bringing prof and his family back. if we hadn't seen the article with the photo of the prof and his parents' fossils, then i would be a little less convinced of this, but because its explicitly shown onscreen, its very likely that something will go wrong with the timeline (2/2)
oh i also think that the substitute survived defenestration, but i think he's going to be a minor antagonist next season. just a nuisance, if you will. like yeah he's still a problem, but there are much bigger fish to fry than a 1'2" puppet hologram with an obsession with murder (3/3)]
sorry for taking so long!! this has been sitting in my drafts and ive been slowly pulling my thoughts together on this so its taken me some time!! (plus ive been chillin with the holidays and such) i appreciate this ask so much!
!disclaimer! i may accidentally pull from shane's commentary on the season finale on pateron. im doing my best not to because i know some people dont have access to patreon content. (plus its fun to make it more challenging) all puppet history lore is like marbles in my brain and its hard to separate what ideas came from where. im doin my best tho!
ok lets jump into it!
i am So. Curious. on how ryan and the genies whole deal is gonna shake out. was that it? will there be consequences? i have a feeling we'll be seeing some kind of fallout from this wish. it feels like they cut their conversation very short for a very specific reason. theres gotta be something going on there.
I think that ryan didnt *technically* wish the professor back to life, he just wished the professor back to the present. i also like the idea used in @ask-the-substitute that ryan used his 3 wishes to bring the professor back and thats how the profs mom and dad got to the present. its so perfect, i love it. just the idea of ryan thinking the first wish didnt work so then he tried again, and again. incredible.
i am curious if there is gonna be any time travel conflict! im not sure what that would look like (my brain kinda melts when it comes to timey wimey bullshit). honestly this is the part im the most unsure of. like theyre probably is consequences, but i dont even know where to start for what that would look like. i still like to think that the article showing the professor's family's bones just faded away like how people in photos did in back to the future.
the substitute ABSOLUTELY survived the defenestration!! watcher hq is one story and im slightly convinced the substitute cant die (unless we go by hot daga hologram logic, in that case you would need a witch and a volcano to kill most holograms [and i dont have a volcano handy])
i hope the substitute turns into either
1) a minor villan thats more annoying/funny then anything.
2) character redemption arc. we really like this funky guy and it would be cool to see him chill out with the stabby stabby. (just a little, he can stabby stabby as a treat)
now it would be REALLY FUNNY if the substitute did ad reads for future seasons Especially for nord vpn and other online security stuff.
i think the bigger fish to fry is gonna be those puppets trapped in the wonderium arena!! we gotta get them outta there and back into their earthly bodies!! how is that gonna happen??? god is asleep, the devil isnt gonna help, and neither is the genie. how the hell do you even get to a purgatory like that? dorthy ruth has moved on even though her husband isnt really dead!!!
what im really curious about for next season is
1) who is gonna be the musical guest. if the professor cant time travel, where is he gonna get his musical talents? will he reuse the substitutes tech to make guests?
2) any new stuff to go with our new professor??
3) are dino mom and dad gonna be involved? casually mentioned? i really hope a guest asks if the professor has a family just so that he can excitedly say "yes!! i do :D"
those are most of my thoughts going into s6! pretty excited to see what next season is going to look like! not sure if its gonna be lore heavy. ill be keeping an eye peeled for any hints 👀 either way, im excited to learn :)
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This might sound a bit dumb, but I have an AU idea where Pepper Mint somehow manages to retain control of his Pepperminteppi form & escape with Cadebra. Cadebra: "So my friend is now an immortal Primordial being that can use massive amounts of black magic. Nice." The Cult has to deal with their God not wanting anything to them (& also being in Wizard Jail for, y'know, murdering children).
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absolute delight and excitement and beige comics under the cut let's go insane
first off this is such a fun idea but i kept getting stuck because how did they get out if he didnt get at least a little violent? they were in a Situation. thats why he started blasting in the first place in the movie! he kills everyone holding cadebra and then kills everyone else who is looking at the two of them funny, and he tells her to get out before he starts hurting her too. but anyways i digress. au! my polite little boy uou (transcipts in image descs to save on space. i realize i should be doing this in the first place to be more accessible but i dont do it. ay. someday ill get over that brain hurdle)
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the profs are so. blank eyed about being Stopped. that’s their GOD. they want him to do the prophesied deeds! but he’s not. “aren’t you our god now” no I’m just that kid but I have this primordial god deity chilling giving me horrible advice now in my head. awful. thanks. i just learned real fast real hard how to love and trust myself
and then also i was like. well like. w. what is everyone gonna say. not nice things. thats a scary insect boy (WHY HE INSECT? IVE NEVER DRAWN PEPPERMINTEPPI PROPERLY BEFORE AND ITS KILLING ME WHY IS HE A BEETLLEEEEE).
and also also. also. ???? drinking the ichor SUCCESSFULLY, is quite literally what og peps just,, keeps saying will Recreate Him, OG Peps, so i guess he did that (?? HELLO) or something similar when he was little but as you can tell he did not uh. keep the scary beetle body. maybe he didnt have a bestie to protect
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anyways. so. pep likes being big. :)
also have this
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poor pep trying to mediate between the gay idiot he used to be in his head (not the gay idiot he still is) and the giant scary monster from the before-nothingtimes he just willingly added to the vr chat
and his poor fuckin teachers
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(ron james is too old and anxious for this shit and life giving magus has a thing about not letting people feel sad :( hes an Emotions Wizard being sad makes him do Evil Magic did you watch the episode Little Dude? gotta keep his students feeling loved and safe or else. especially when they’re um. imbued with massive amounts of dark magic. sorry I like the them)
i also have this from discord
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I don’t know how to end this post this au is fun. none of the kids and few of the adults know the significance of this guy. pep is like hnnnnn just wanna be a normal kid but also scarypowerfulbig. enough. to protect. blaines over here like we are not letting him in the school like that are we and weaponhead is like well. the important thing is we aren’t letting the murderers back in. Blaine.
Maybe larry (cousin got fucking murdered by the teachers) and pep (reached level 100,000 just by drinking juice and now kinda scares everyone) drop out together. just chill quiet together. what do wizards even DOOOOOO, get COFFEE??? make up entirely new schools of magic kinda like those jerky secret societies but less jerky (ron James s6e13 “thanks for the crabapples giussepe”)????? just sit around and wait for Blaine (RULES GUY) and Deb (needs structure in her life and thinks school is fun) to get out of class so they can go do things?
also also I was gonna be Sad tm that you said pep was immortal now, but I insist on believing that wizards have long lifespans. so it’s not like Deb and blaine and larry just fucking DIE ten seconds into pep’s infinite life. they’re there. for a while. (:
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 19 Group 95
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Cheer Factory: Goo & Bot
Submissions are still open!
Cheer Factory:
waves at you . hi !!!!! (pastes in my pre made rant and slightly edits and adds onto i
you have NO IDEA how much ‘found family’ energy these two give off (unless yyou do . by coincidence.uhm) like?? they find out theyre on the pink team and BOTH bot and goo shout “YEAHHH,, PINK TEAM !!” in unison . and then they immediately start getting along throughout the show . they are siblings to me they are the duo ever theyre like so silly theyre like two little kids in a trench coat/pos
okay so let me talk about bot first of all bot is . theyre heavily implied to be trans actually NO not heavily implied it’s practically CANON because bot is supposed to be the robot replica of a dead person named bow but later on they say they “aren’t bow” and that they wanna be a different person !!!! in the newer episodes literally when they were drawing what they wanna look like they put they/them on the paper and it was shown ON SCREEN !!!!!/pos/silly and in the new episode they GOT their new look and when they noticed their eyelashes were gone and all the other cool details they got they said “it’s so… me !! :D” ALSO: this small speech they gave
“yknow, lately ive been worried,, if i went by a different name, or maybe even ,, looked a little different.. i wouldnt be me anymore., but you helped me realize that,, no matter what you put out there.. youre still you” UWAHHHHHH/POS okay now goo second of all goo is like the silliest little goofball ive seen on a web series . he dances with PINECONES and makes weird analogies and made a 3 hour film for bot after they came out he did NOT deserve to be voted out for that i really hope they reunite because they didnt get to talk much before goo’s elimination and not ONLY that but literally goo got eliminated BEFORE he got to see bot’s new look he doesn’t even know that their name is bot he still thinks its tbd as far as i know (also because the only pictures of them together so far are literally before bot got their new look so. im gonna have to separate them when i submit photos💔💔) and the interaction right before his elimination was like kinda awkward unfortunately but it made me sob/hj
"yeah,, i liked it !! but.. it was,,. a lot :[ listen goo,, i-i dont need this new identity to be such a big grand spectacle , i just want you to treat me like. llike me . with all the uncertainty lately, it helps everything feel just a bit more,, normal , yknow .?" “oh,, ohfor sure ,! i get it !! it’s like,, you just wanted a slice of cake, and i went and gave you the whole bakery ,:D !!” “hehe, yyup, nailed it !! ,:)” ↑↑↑ UWAHHHHHHH😭/LH/POS and third of all their alliance name they are literally called THE CHEER FACTORY because they wanna CHEER PEOPLE UP and they did !!!!! they cheered up clover and the floor ithink yes the floor is a character ssshshshshhsshh and goo literally lost one of the challengesbecause he laughed at the floor’s joke AND HE DID NOT CARE he was just glad he got to cheer somebody up !!!!! “another satisfied customer at the,, CHEER FACTORY !!! :D” LITERALLY HE WAS SO HAPPY and also when they were separated into two seperate teams goo is IMMEDIATELY sad when he notices bot isnt with him “sigh… i guess the cheer factory has become the.., cheer llc. :[“ I FELT SO BAD FOR THE BOTH OF THEM also can you tell whos my favorite/hj/lh anyways theyre silly theyre blorbos theyre the duo ever and thats why they should be in this competition (psssssst pstpst hhey im not gonna force you or anything btw but watch this video that interviews goo after he got eliminated from the show please/nf/ ineed to provide more evidence/hj/lh) || https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eb4iAbI2f3s
goo literally made a video that was like 3 hours.long which was dedicated to bot's new identity after they said they were a robot and weren't "bow" and also they both have their own silly little alliance in the show called "The Cheer Factory" ❗❗❗ cmon theyre like. theyre literally like two little kids in a trenchcoat/silly theyrefound family siblings to me
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Naruto & Umino:
everyone in the village hated naruto since the day he was born bc of the demon that lives in his insides somewhere (this sounds crazy if you haven't seen the show but trust me here). iruka was his teacher at school. when everyone was graduating, naruto failed and some side character told him that if he stole a secret scroll he'd pass (since he failed). they were using him tho, and were planning on killing him (i think). and then iruka goes after him and finds him with the scroll before the other person did, and was the first person to actively defend naruto, and was the first person to believe him and see him as the person he was (he's like 12 here btw). and then, iruka always acts as a father figure to naruto, and at the very end of the series, when naruto gets married, he asks iruka to be his father at his wedding. i cried like a little bitch and i swear to god i just lvoe them so much. i doubt anyone will submit them butAAAAAA. ALSO IRUKA PASSED HIM IN THE END AND GAVE HIM HIS OWN FUCKING HEADBAND!!! SOBS AND CRIES AND SCREAMS
iruka was the first person to ever believe in naruto. it’s mentioned throughout the story how much of an impact iruka had on naruto just by believing in him, and it’s super sweet. the real kicker is that at the end of the show, naruto asks iruka to play the role of his father at his wedding, and i will never not cry about it!! literally look at them!!! never shutting up about this!!
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