#dick would definitely be the first to put the pieces together
pokeharvest · 4 months
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Someone's putting the pieces together...
[Image ID: Three digital drawings; the first is of OP's DC OC, Eclipse and the rest of Dick Grayson. The first image is a comparison between Eclipse and her civilian persona, Emma. They are in the same pose, reclining with a mischevous face. Eclipse has a purple mask with bat ears, a white vest covering a gray body suit, a purple skirt, and white gloves. Emma is wearing a purple tank top and light wash jeans.
In the second image, Dick is thinking of the previous image, and saying: "Ha ha, JK," with a joking expression. In the third image, he now has a look of shock and says, "Unless..." End ID.]
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her-satanic-wiles · 8 months
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October 3rd
Hate Sex, Papa Emeritus II x Catholic!Reader
Words: 3.4k
Warnings: Hate sex; mean dom!Secondo; virgin!Reader; catholic!Reader (for now); degradation; piv; unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it); semi-public sex; corruption kink; cunnilingus; multiple orgasms; dubcon; choking; breeding kink?; cum eating (because I’m a slut for it okay? I’ll see you in the goddamn parking lot); vaginal sex; loss of virginity;
🔞 MDNI 🔞
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Your father becoming the Pope was not something you anticipated, but it was definitely a dream of his. As his daughter, you had your own responsibilities to the church that you had to maintain, as well as making sure your father’s reputation and standing in the Catholic church remained good and respectable.
You had made it your mission to save as many souls as possible, but only one you had given up on. He was the second son of a man named Nihil Emeritus - a lowly man who called himself Papa and claimed to be the anti-Pope for the Satanic Church. The leader of the opposition. His second son, known simply as Secondo, was cardinal to his father, and was a real piece of work.
You had, in previous years, tried to show him the way of the light, the way of the Lord. But he would always counter you with ridiculous quips and notions about Him that made your blood boil. How can one person be so blind to the rulers that oppress them as much as Satan did? How can they follow a beast so blindly and stray so far from all that was pure?
Constant talks between Satanic and Catholic churches would happen to set specific boundaries both physical and spiritual, but once a year, the Vatican and the Ministry would meet to set an example to followers on both sides - though everyone hated these meetings and wanted them to end, it was important for your church to be seen at the very least converting the dark ones with kindness and love that our Lord had shown you and taught you to be.
This year, for the first time in a hundred years, the Ministry were to host the talks and you were nervous to say the least. You were uncomfortable entering such a sinful building, filled with demons and lost souls, covered in pentagrams and statues of the Devil. As you walked through the white marble halls, you clutched onto your crucifix necklace and prayed quietly for the Lord to keep you safe.
Outside, they had a press conference and photo opportunity. Your father and the blasphemous Nihil had their pictures taken together, shaking hands and pretending to engage in important conversations for the sake of the press, before the rest of the churches were invited to take photos together like a NATO Summit. He was placed next to you.
His ungodly mismatched eyes hidden underneath layers of thick, black paint making him look like a bald panda. Not a single hair underneath his zucchetto, instead the only hair on his head coming from his eyebrows and his moustache. It would be unseemly to compare his aesthetic to a certain kind of video, but he definitely looked like he came straight out of it. You were both in our twenties but his choice of appearance made him look so much older than you. Yet there he was, confidently standing in a respected Cardinal’s uniform, soiling it with a grucifix and a perverted smile.
For the photograph, he put his arm around you, and rested his large, leather gloved hand on your bicep. Though your face was smiling like you were happy to be there, your insides were crawling with disgust. You shoved him off you as soon as the cameras had switched off. ��Get your filthy hands off me, you creep!”
“Only for the photo, dipshit. Believe me, looking at you makes my dick soft.”
“Must you always be so vulgar?”
“Must you always be a prude?”
“You know, you are such a-”
“Children,” You heard your father’s voice and immediately silenced yourself, “come.”
“Yes, father.” As you walked towards your father, you brushed passed Secondo’s shoulder hard and held your head up high, preserving what remained of your dignity. You knew your father would force you into penance later for your emotional outburst.
The day was seemingly endless, and you often found your mind drifting away with itself thinking of other things. At first, your mind went to lunch - what would those hellish kitchens serve you? No doubt ground up fetus spaghetti. But when your eyes met Cardinal Secondo’s, your thoughts drifted to him instead. If he wasn’t so brutish, he would be attractive. If he was Catholic he would be attractive. But he was Satanic, an abomination. He needed saving.
Finally, you were granted a break and ran to the restroom as quickly as you could. Coming out, however, you ran into Secondo again.
“Oh, look! It’s the little snob.” He said, his face as stoic as usual. “Probably pissed out the holy water she drinks.”
“Go stick your face in it, see how it feels to burn.”
He raised his eyebrows. “I didn’t know you were into that.”
“You should repent. Beg the Lord for forgiveness. Turn to the light.”
“I’m much happier under the watchful eye of the fallen archangel, thanks.”
“You’ll burn in Hell.”
“That’s the idea.”
“Filthy sinners deserve to rot there. You and your family will suffer if you don’t-”
He moved towards you and grabbed your chin with his index finger and thumb, his eyes filled with anger and hate. You felt your heart rate spike in fear, yes, but there was also something else you couldn’t identify. “Listen to me, you stupid little sheep. I couldn’t give a fuck about your Lord, your God or the idiots who follow you. I don’t care about that fucking book you live and breathe by and I don’t care about you. You dare to come into my house and dictate what I do? I’ll do what I please, and worship who I please. Maybe you should repent, Sathanas would appreciate how you looked on your knees.”
“Get off me!” You shoved him as hard as you could and freed yourself from his touch. “You vile, filthy pig!” You hit his shoulder. “You sinful, disgusting cockroach! I would never get on my knees for evil bastards like you or your deranged goat god!”
“But you would get on your knees. Unless of course, you’re a virgin.”
You hit him again.
He gasped. “You are!” He laughed. “Saving yourself for marriage, huh? Keeping yourself pure and holy for a god that would kill you with no thoughts of regret.” He grasped onto your chin again. “I could save you, you know? Show you a better way of living. Worshiping a god who worships you back, and sends you the greatest pleasures you’ve ever known.” As he spoke, his face got closer and closer to yours until he was a single inch away from you. You could feel his breath on your face, smell the coffee from his break just moments ago. “Tell me to stop, little lamb, and I will.”
You should have. You don’t know why you didn’t. Maybe there was a part of you that hated how controlled you were by your father. Maybe there was a part of you that wanted to be tempted by a servant of sin. You weren’t sure about the reason, but you knew that when his lips touched yours and he pulled you in for the most passionate kiss you’ve ever had, or the only kiss you’d ever had, you were tasting a glimpse of the pleasure he offered you. His tongue immediately sought entry to your mouth, and you granted the permission, letting him take the lead and teach you what to do. It felt so good. You had to stop. This was wrong.
You pushed him off you one final time and slapped his face. No words were spoken, there wasn’t anything to say. He didn’t look offended by your slap, nor did he look put off by it. He still looked at you with the same lustful expression he had moments ago. And you couldn’t stop yourself.
Your hands gripped his cassock and pulled him back in for another kiss, this one more violent and desperate than it was before. It was messy, all teeth and tongues and no finesse to it whatsoever. His hands moved to your waist, pulling you closer to his body, before gripping onto your ass. The feel of his covered hands clutching onto you sent a thrill through your frame you’d never felt before. Before you knew it, a moan had escaped from your lips and caught up onto his, which made him smile.
The sound of people approaching made you both pull away from each other. You began to panic. You were sure you looked disheveled enough from the kiss alone, and the Cardinal’s cheek was beginning to redden where you slapped it. In a panic, you grabbed hold of his hand and ran into the first unlocked door you could find, keeping the lights off and shutting yourselves in as quietly as you can. Secondo was chuckling at you, but you simply held a hand over his mouth and kept as quiet as you possibly could. You couldn’t be seen being intimate with a member of the Satanic church! It would ruin everything. When the people left, you sighed in relief.
You had unknowingly pulled both of you into an office of some kind, but you didn’t know whose office it was, or if they’d even be back. It was in the silence of the room that you realised what you’d just done. And how close you were to Secondo. Before more doubts could sneak back in, your lips found each other’s again. You don’t know who started it, but now that you had, you couldn’t keep your hands off each other. His zucchetto was the first thing to hit the floor, followed by your own hat and your heels.
Secondo’s mouth travelled to your neck and began placing open mouthed kisses there, driving you mad with want. You couldn’t think of anything else other than him. You loathed him, he was evil. But he felt so good.
He backed you up against the desk in the room and continued to kiss your neck, his hands roaming all over your body. His were the first to touch you in so many places: your shoulders, your arms, your waist, your stomach, your breasts and now your thighs.
Your legs opened for him automatically so he could slot comfortably between them. Your sun dress hiked up over your thighs, giving him perfect access to your panties which were now drenched in your arousal. It wasn’t long before his hands made their way under your skirts and stroking over your vulva. He barely pulled away from your neck to utter his words, “the good Catholic girl, soaking wet for the Devil’s son. Do you think your god is watching, little lamb? Hm?” His fingers moved your panties aside. “Do you think he’s disappointed in you giving into temptation?”
He stood up straight, his forehead touching yours as his finger rolled over your clit. You released a strangled noise at the new sensation, and your hips bucked. “You’ve been a good girl up until now, haven’t you? Keeping yourself pure for your god. My god sent me to you,” he pushed one finger inside your wet heat tapping upwards immediately, “I am His gift to you. Tell me, little lamb, will you accept His gift, even just for today? Will you let the one you hate the most defile you?”
He kissed your lips again as his fingers hooked into your pure white panties and pulled them off you. He got onto his knees and directed your legs to rest onto his shoulders. You couldn’t help it. “I hate you so fucking much - ah!”
He silenced you by wrapping his lips around your clitoris and sucking hard, not giving you any chance to ease into this. You could feel him smirk into your cunt as he lapped up your juices, shaking his head and licking away until he was convinced you were seeing stars.
Your hands flew to his head, holding onto him as if you were about to float away. The pleasure was so overwhelming, and nothing like anything you’d ever felt before. Sexual pleasure of all types was a sin - and you had never indulged at all. You were too scared to. You were an adult, so sheltered about adult things you knew nothing of what your body could do. But now here you were, legs spread with the son of the anti-pope licking up your arousal like he was eating his first meal in days.
That same son was now inserting a finger inside of you again, tapping up and making you cry out. Your noises were uncontrollable and loud, but there was nothing you could do about it. Silence didn’t feel like an option. You needed to make noise and you couldn’t explain why. You gasped when he added a second finger. Your hips moved on their own accord and you bucked into the pleasure, simultaneously wanting to escape it but also get as close to it as physically possible.
“W-wait!” You said. Your words were slurred and your voice full of panic. “S-something’s happening. You - mmm - you have t-to stop please!”
He ignored you entirely, refusing to stop his ministrations no matter how much you squirmed. “Stop, y-you sack of sh-shit. Oh my God!” His other hand, somehow so powerful, stopped your hips from wriggling away and pinned you to the desk. You were helpless when you toppled over the edge, seeing black as you came for the first time. Secondo worked you until you were overstimulated and collapsed back onto the cold wood of the desk. Your body covered in sweat and your breathing laboured. Your head was spinning from the intensity and you could barely move.
Secondo stood, his hand on his crotch moving his cassock out the way to free himself. His cock was big, or to you it was anyway, girthy and as long as his hand. He gripped your hips and pulled you towards the edge, making sure you were easy access for him. He lined his cock up to your vulva once more, but instead of pushing inside he rubbed himself against your folds, groaning at the feel. “This is your last chance,” he told you, “tell me to leave and I will. If you don’t, I will sodomise this virgin cunt of yours.”
The feel of his cock against your folds was torturous. Your hole was clenching around nothing, screaming for him to enter you and have his way with you. There was a small voice in your head telling you to run, leave now while you still could. Your whimpers and the sound of your wetness was now the only noise in the room.
“What do you want, little lamb? Do you want me to stop?”
He stopped his ministrations and placed the head of his cock at your entrance and pushed in the smallest amount, not enough to completely penetrate you, but enough to drive you insane. “Tell me what you want.”
“F-fuck me.” The request tasted weird but you meant it.
Secondo nodded. He grabbed hold of your hand and held it. “Look at me.” He told you.
For a second, you looked vulnerable and it made his dick throb. You sat up and placed your hand on his chest, nervously pushing him away with no force. “Will it hurt?” You had always been told that it would hurt, and now you were scared you’d be in pain.
His own tough facade dissipated briefly, and the hand that wasn’t gripped in yours went to cup your face. “No.” He said gently. “You are wet enough and my fingers stretched you. But if it hurts too much you must tell me.”
You nodded.
With you now concentrating on him, he began to push into you. His thick cock spread your walls a little further than his fingers did, and the pressure was a lot. Both of your hands moved up to his neck, grasping onto him, as your eyebrows worried and your mouth fell open. Every time you thought he would stop he just kept going.
“You good?”
Your body was on fire. There were too many things to feel. “Yes. Oh God!”
The toughness returned to his demeanour and there was a dark glint in his eye. “Your god can’t help you now, little lamb.”
Before you had the chance to process his words, he pulled out of you and then slammed all the way back in, causing you to scream It felt Earth-shatteringly good to have him inside you. He did it again. And again. “You sadistic bastard!” You exclaimed in between moans.
He laughed but said nothing, instead concentrating his gaze on where your bodies met. Every rough thrust sent you a little further across the desk, and your back couldn’t remain upright. You allowed yourself to lie back down again, your body jiggling violently with every movement. You had to bite your finger to keep you from screaming again.
“Look at you,” Secondo began, “lying there with your - fuck - your legs spread like a c-common whore.” You tightened. “The whore likes being reminded of who she is, hm?”
His hips moved faster and faster as he got more into his head, watching your tits bounce as he defiled you.
“What’s the matter, little lamb? Devil steal that tongue? Mm, shit. No smart remark? Wh-where’s that snobby cunt who keeps telling me to repent now?” He pulled out of you and manhandled you off the desk, spinning you around and bending you over it slightly. He slammed into you once more. His hand wrapped around your throat. “Oh, that’s right, she’s booking herself a one way ticket to Hell.”
“Fuck you!” You hissed.
“Giving yourself willingly to the son of Satan. Oh, how the righteous fall from grace.”
His other hand ran seductively down your body, and as his teeth began to bite your ear, his finger stroked your clit in circles. His breath in your ear, his hand on your clit, his cock in your cunt, it was all too much. You were surrounded by him, breathing him. He was everywhere and difficult to escape. But you didn’t want to escape. This was the most free you’d ever felt, the best you’d ever felt. You came around his cock this time, tugging at his cassock and gasping for air, collapsing back onto the table.
In your mind, you saw the crucifix within your private quarters at the Vatican - the very same one that was gifted to you by the previous pope. You could see Jesus as if he were right in front of you. The look of disappointment present on his face as he watched you give into temptation and gift your most sacred gift to the Devil. The disappointment didn’t make you feel guilty for once in your life.
With that thought in your mind and the fog cleared, you began taking control, meeting Secondo’s thrusts with as much passion as he was giving which stole a guttural moan from him. “Oh, fuck, just like that. Let me fuck this tight, virgin cunt. Take my cock, you fucking whore.” Both of his hands grasped your hips with such tightness, you thought he would bruise you. “You’re gonna make me cum. Is that what you want, little lamb? Shit! You want me to cum deep in this cunt? Knock you up with the fucking Antichrist, hm?”
No. It was too risky. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! Cum inside me. Give me your filth!” You heard yourself say.
With a growl, Secondo stilled and emptied himself into you, letting his own body fall forward and pin you down to the desk. You had no choice now, you were forced to take all his cum whether you wanted it or not. How would you beg for forgiveness now that the Devil’s seed was spilling into your willing womb?
Despite his exhaustion, Secondo dropped to his knees again and ran his tongue through your folds, collecting his cum from your pussy and working you towards your third and final orgasm. This was bordering on pain, but it felt so good. Your knuckles turned white from how hard you gripped the desk. Turning to look behind you, you saw him practically worshiping your cunt, and that alone was enough to tip you back over the edge.
When all had finished, and you were both redressing in silence, you realised the implications of what had just happened. You had committed the ultimate sin… and you didn’t want to go back…
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Previous Day ⛧ Next Day ⛧ Part 2
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jadeddangel · 3 months
hi there, could I get alastor, adam and lucifer with a reader that has pica (if you don't know what that is it is where a person can tend to eat or bite on things not edible, like paper, erasers, eca)
Yup!! I have an oral fixation so this sounds pretty similar
Reader w/ Pica! Or an oral fixation Headcannons
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Oh boy
When he died that wasn't much awareness about things like this
So honestly at first we was disgusted seeing you chew on something that wasn't meant to be chewed on
Alastor probably ignored it at first but got annoyed after it just kept happening
He finally asked you after a bit
Honestly he didn't understand at first but tried his best
He probably just watches to make sure you don't swallow anything dumb (like an eraser)
He literally doesn't try to help you stop the behavior or give you something to help
Let's be honest alastor probably still finds it annoying but he also finds it amusing
I mean who the fuck do you know that can eat the metal part off of a pencil and be fine? Yea that's right no one
He probably hands you things to see if you'll chew on them
"Doll your chewing on the pencil here let me get you a new one" alastor said calmly making you realize you had gnawed on it till you saw the led
Alastor took the old one and placed the fish pencil in your hand "there all fixed" alastor mused patting your head before lounging back into his seat
And he shows this behavior with all different objects it doesn't really matter what kind
At first you probably thinks it's cause he cares about you and wants you to get stuff done that he gives you new stuff
After long enough, however, you put the pieces together
You never called him out though, scared of possible repercussions
He knows you know, but he's definitely satisfied with the fact you fear him so much
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Oh, you're female? He's mocking you
Oh, you're male? He's mocking you
Non-binary? You don't even exist to him
He's the kind of person that will just hand you things to see if you'll chew on it
The kind of guy that buys you edible play dough just to make sure your not making yourself sick
He buys pencils in bulk so if your sitting next to him and you start chewing on your pencil he has spares
If your his lover he jokingly teases that you can chew on his dick
He starts picking up on your chewing habits
He notices that when you get stressed it gets worse
Probably bought you a teething ring as a joke but gets really surprised if you actually use it
"Hey there's my pretty little piece of ass!- wait no put the fucking play dough down" Adam scolded walking closer and taking the container of play dough from you before reaching into his massive pocket and pulling out a container of homade edible playdough and putting it in your hand "no." Adam said again
And that's he showed that he cared about you.
Won't really yell at you if you keep chewing on things that could Hurt you but will definitely raise his voice
He once even gave you his hand to fiddle with and chew on his fingers so you didn't hurt yourself by chewing on other things
He treats you like a baby who wants to eat everything
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Makes things for you to chew on
Asks what your favorite animal is and makes things themed that you can chew on
He probably chews on things when he gets focused so you guys kinda keep eachother in check
Hes so sweet about it too
Like say you were chewing on an eraser you were holding onto
He would just grab your wrist so softly like you were fragile glass and pull her hand away from your mouth
"Little apple remember we shouldn't chew on things that aren't healthy or aren't going to hurt our bodies" Lucifer spoke softly so no one would overhear you two talking. Lucifer pulled your wrist towards him and prying the eraser from you carefully before placing a small pencil he made with your favorite animal on the top. The animal was a tough durable material so you could chew and it wouldn't cause any harm to it. Or to you for that matter.
He's so sweet about it, having raised Charlie and having to deal with her teething faze, and her crying if he even scolded her a little too mean.
If you don't listen the first time he asks you to stop chewing on something that may be detrimental to your health he tries his best to stay patient
He has excellent patience as long as your not hurting anyone important to him but then again you're important to him (that's why he tries so hard to stop you)
He's always watching over you and making sure you aren't getting hurt so if you chew on anything that may really hurt you he may actually scold you
He doesn't yell either he's just extremely firm in his way of speech and anything he says
If he hurts your feelings, he's immediately apologizing and trying to hug you
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hypnoneghoul · 2 months
Hey, Pretty
WC: 2,3K
Relationship: Swiss/Mountain
Tags: Lingerie, Possessive Sex, Degradation, Breeding
Swiss knew how to push Mountain's buttons too well and that thing he bought would be like slamming all those buttons at once. Or, Swiss gets himself lingerie.
Notes: It was waiting for a while, enjoy
Read under the cut or on AO3.
Swiss is nothing, if not a tease.
He revels in having the power to make his chosen victim—or victims—break a sweat, make them all hot and bothered, lose control over themselves. Causing his packmates to cum their brains out after hours of teasing specifically makes something near pride bloom in his chest, he loves it. They all know it too, and even though Swiss always brings them to feeling need and arousal so intense it hurts, they’d never complain, at the end of the day.
Now, when Swiss saw that one ad online, he knew he had to get it and he knew who would be the first—because definitely not the only—victim of his purchase. Mountain didn't have to be teased all day to be brought to insanity. Swiss knew how to push all his buttons too well and that thing he bought would be like slamming all those buttons at once.
It didn’t take long for it to arrive, just a few days, but over those few days Swiss has had to excuse himself every time he thought about it, starting to chub up in his pants.
Oh, it was going to be so good.
Finally, the mail came. The multi ghoul snatched it and immediately ran to his room to try it on and prepare everything.
It was going to be so fucking good.
Swiss locked his door and all but ripped the package apart, cock filling out and kicking the moment his calloused fingers touched the delicate fabric. He put it all on with more care and he’d never been so glad for good online size charts. It all fit perfectly, and when he stood before a full body mirror his eyes lit up. He threw himself onto his bed and kicked off the panties, not wanting to get them dirty just yet. Swiss grabbed a bottle of lube from his nightstand and got to work.
He somehow managed to not cum in the process of getting himself ready to be fucked into oblivion, and around half an hour later he was shooting Mountain a quick text and slipping out of his room and into the commons. Thankfully, Swiss hadn’t come across anyone in there, or on his way. Not that he wouldn’t enjoy that, of course he would, but right now he was a neatly wrapped gift just for Mountain.
The multi ghoul didn’t have to wait much, the message he sent was suggestive enough for Mountain to not want to waste any time. Swiss heard the thump of his heavy footsteps on the other side of the den soon enough and got into position—leaning against the dining table with his legs outstretched.
“Swiss, love? What did you–” Mountain started, but froze as his eyes landed on Swiss. A quiet noise escaped his lips, his jaw dropped and his mouth went dry. The multi ghoul smirked.
He was wearing a bralette, pecs squeezed together by red lace in a way that gave him real cleavage, and an image of a cock sliding in and out from between Swiss’ boobs flashed through Mountain’s mind. Next time, he thought.
There was more, though. So much more. If he looked close enough he’d see gold around the multi ghoul’s nipples shining through the lace, something he really liked to play with.
There were soft chiffon cuffs pulled taught over Swiss’ muscled biceps—ready to snap at any moment—similarly to the delicate, lace gloves that looked movement-restictringly tight. Mountain wondered how they’d feel on his dick, if Swiss would even manage to wrap his hand around it.
The earth ghoul’s eyes stopped at Swiss’ soft tummy, a corset-like bottom of the bra made it lightly spill out at the bottom and the sight made Mountain salivate, rehydrating his dried mouth. Swiss’ belly hid the top of his panties and the garter belt just a tiny bit, and from there his cock caught his mate’s attention. It was half-hard, pressing against the tiny triangle of the panties’ front piece. Mountain wanted to rip the lace to shreds with his fangs. 
Noticing where the earth ghoul’s gaze lingered for longer, Swiss spinned, teasing Mountain with just a quick view of his not especially big, but full and round, asscheeks. The giant let out a growl, barely in control of himself anymore. His cock got so hard in mere seconds it hurt.
Last, but not least, his eyes skimmed over Swiss’ legs, covered in stockings, the same red lace as he rest of the set, up to just over his knees and held up by thin straps of the garter belt digging into his meaty thighs. The earth ghoul silently thanked Satan Swiss didn’t get an idea of getting rid of his body hair. It made it all so much better, his muscled arms and thighs and soft chest and tummy covered in thick, dark hair. Not to speak of the bush peeking out from all around the panties.
Mountain was feral.
“Well?” Swiss asked. “What do you th– ah, shit!”
He didn’t manage to finish, being interrupted by the earth ghoul pouncing at him with a growl. Before Swiss could even notice what was happening, he was already bent over the table with the side of his face pressed into the wood and fingers in his ass.
“Jesus Christ, Mountain…” he broke off into a moan when two of Mountain’s long fingers immediately found his prostate. He didn’t need any prep and his mate would notice soon enough that he was already slick and loose. Swiss knew perfectly well what would happen, of course he prepared.
“Get your dick out,” the multi ghoul whined, arching his back into Mountain’s touch. The giant only rumbled in his chest again and ripped one of his hands away from Swiss to follow his humble request. He heard the click of a belt buckle and noise of a roughly pulled down zipper and the next thing he knew the wide head of the earth ghoul’s cock was being pushed into him.
“Make me yours,” Swiss moaned and Mountain absolutely lost it. He shoved himself all the way in with a howl, nailing Swiss’ sweet spot dead on so hard it hurt, and all he could do was whine and babble and drool onto the wood under his cheek. He was already ruined, and they’ve just begun. The earth ghoul kept snarling over him, Swiss could feel drops of spit hitting his back as Mountain picked up a painfully fast and hard and precise pace that sent the multi ghoul to somewhere near the orbit.
“Mine,” Mountain growled, leaning down over the expanse of his mate’s body to scrape his fangs over the—already covered in sweat—skin of his neck.
“Y– yours,” Swiss wheezed out, being rocked back and forth with the force of Mountain’s forceful thrusts. He felt tears pooling in his eyes as his cock, still trapped behind the pretty lace, now wet with precum, was repeatedly shoved into the edge of the table. It hurt, but it felt so good. 
For a few moments the room was silent apart from the slapping sound of skin on skin, slick noise of Mountain’s cock fucking into Swiss, animalistic grunts of the earth ghoul and the high pitched whines of the multi ghoul. Both of them were too lost in it to think clearly enough to utter something coherent.
Mountain had his nose pressed into Swiss’ neck, his claws digging into his mate’s waist, pinpricks of blood escaping from under them. He desperately tried to hold himself up with the other hand, firmly planted next to Swiss’ head, tangled in his locs and adding that little bit more pain to all the maddening pleasure.
The earth ghoul slowed and reduced his thrusts to a series of deep grinds that made Swiss feel him in his throat. “Mounty… can I– I wanna see you…”
“Fuck… yeah,” he grunted and pulled away, even though there was reluctance. Swiss whimpered at the sudden emptiness and lack of pressure all over him, but Mountain was quick to turn him over so they’d be face to face. The multi ghoul grinned seeing his mate’s equally blissed out expression. He didn’t wait any more, hooking his legs around the other’s waist and pulling him in.
“Come on,” Swiss muttered and Mountain slammed back into him all at once, arms gripping him tightly. The multi ghoul whined loudly and all whorish, tears now streaming down his face and mixing with the spit that was already pooled on the table.
“You like that, don’t you?” Mountain growled, licking over Swiss’ racing pulse and moaning at the taste. “Being just a whore to be fucked and filled and claimed?”
“Yes, fuck, just for you.” The earth ghoul all but roared at that, returning to fucking him hard and fast, somehow even harder than before. Every thrust was abusing Swiss’ prostate and tugging at his rim and he feared he’d come before his mate. He could already feel the more and more pronounced swell of Mountain’s knot bumping against his ass and wanting to slip in, though. He didn’t expect either of them to be able to last especially long.
“Fucking– getting all dressed up,” he spat. “Like a slut.”
“Just for you.”
Mountain made a pained sound as if he would start crying, too, and Swiss felt him throb inside him. It must’ve been painful at this point, ready to burst, needing that wet, warm pressure all around, squeezing his knot and milking him dry.
“Swiss– shit, I– ‘m gonna–” Mountain’s voice suddenly got softer and finally something other than a growl broke its way free. He hid his face in Swiss’ chest and moaned prettily and if the multi ghoul knew anything at the moment, he knew it meant the giant really was about to cum.
“Come on,” he arched his back. As much as he could, at least, still being so tightly gripped and held in place by his near feral mate. “Gimme your knot, stuff me full. Breed me like the whore I am.”
Mountain made the sweetest noise as he shoved his knot all the way in, sinking his fangs into Swiss’ shoulder at the same time. The multi ghoul’s body went rigid and he might have blacked out for a moment when an earth shattering orgasm crashed into him, just as his mate’s cum started truly filling him all the way up.
One moment Swiss was shaking and crying through it and the next there was a heavy, sweaty body laying limply over him and pressing his own torso into the table.
“You alive up there, big guy?” he breathed out. He tried to chuckle, but the weight made it impossible, so all that left him was a wheeze.
“Mhm…” Mountain rumbled, his chest—and by extension Swiss’—vibrating with a beginning of a purr.
“Good to know, but I’m not gonna lie, it’s not too comfortable down here,” the multi ghoul grumbled with no real venom. Post-nut Mountain was too cute for him to actually complain about anything, especially after the little stunt he pulled.
“Thought you like it when I squeeze you.”
“I absolutely do,” Swiss giggled, “but not on our dining table, maybe. There’s a couch right there.”
“Oh… right,” Mountain said, but he was still slow to move. There was also the fact that his knot, locked in Swiss, was nowhere near deflating. The giant wrapped his arms around the multi ghoul—the process took him way longer than necessary, he got a bit lost in running his fingers over the lace that Swiss was still wrapped in—and hoisted the both of them up, Swiss hooking his legs around Mountain’s waist. The aforementioned couch was close enough so that if Mountain just flopped back onto it, he’d end up with Swiss in his lap. It was as awkward as ever, but it worked, and they landed with a huff and tiny moans at the pull of the earth ghoul’s cock. But they settled, Swiss taking off the gloves and nuzzling under Mountain’s jaw as the other wrapped a blanket that was nearby around him and kept him close. He himself was still clothed, after all, and Swiss—who had a tendency to go cold after coming down from his high—was all but.
“You are a menace, you know that?” the earth ghoul chuckled after a moment of relative silence, filled with just their purrs.
“Of course I do, sweetheart. And you love me for it.”
“I really do, don’t I?” Mountain sighed, rubbing his cheek against Swiss’.
“You’re completely enamored.”
“You’re no better,” he scoffed.
“Oh, I know. How could I not?” Swiss caught Mountain’s lips in a kiss. “You’re so beautiful, strong, smart and your dick is so good. Love your dick.”
“Ah, yes, of course. My dick. I love you, too.”
“Nothing about my dick? Or my ass?”
“Fine. I love your dick, too. And your ass.”
“Knew it.” With that, and another sweet kiss, the discussion ended, and they continued on purring happily, as close together as it can be. Some time later, probably unnecessarily long after Mountain’s knot would deflate, Swiss would get up. The earth ghoul’s dick would kick and slowly fill out again when he’d take in the image of his mate bloodied, bruised and well and truly marked, with cum leaking out of him and running down his thighs. Most importantly, he’d still be wearing this Satan damned lingerie.
Mountain would throw him over his shoulder this time and take him back to their bedroom. He had a few ideas earlier, didn’t he?
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jessmaybank · 1 year
My best friends brother series; Part 1 - Bubbles & Trouble
Series masterlist
Outer banks masterlist
Pairing(s): Rafe Cameron x fem! Kook reader.
Word count: 1.5k
Summary: After you had been left heartbroken by a fellow kook, you decide to let loose at the Cameron house per Sarahs request. Little did you know, your best friends brother may be the only one there to pick up the pieces.
Warnings: alcohol use, swearing, mentions of sex (smut in the next parts)
AN: In the words of Victoria Justice, my best friends brother is the one for me…
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“Y/N please don’t cry! We both know he didn’t deserve you” Sarah protests through the phone, eager to help her best friend.
“I know, I know. But with her? Seriously? You have to be kidding” you cry, tears streaming down your rosy cheeks, painting your skin with your mascara.
After a year together, your now ex boyfriend Jake decided to cheat on you. Ironically, it was with the girl he always told you not to worry about. Turns out, when a man says “don’t be stupid, she means nothing to me. I love you Y/N” what they actually mean is “I’m ganna fuck this girl upstairs at a party whilst you and your friends are all downstairs looking for you”
“Why don’t you come round tonight. My Brother is having some friends round for drinks in the hot tub and he said I can join, I’m sure he won’t mind if you come with” Sarah says.
You weigh out the pros and cons in your head, and decide that alcohol, your best friend and her brothers cute friends beats rotting away in your depression pit of a bedroom any day.
“Well, I do need a drink. I’ll be round later, love you Sarah” you say, a small smile creeping up on your face for what felt like the first time in days.
After a rocky patch In their relationship, Rafe and Sarah have actually been getting on relatively well recently. Although you don’t know much about Rafe considering you have been best friends with his sister since you were little, you did know he could be difficult at times. You always made conversation with him at his house or at parties to be polite, but nothing substantial ever came of it. His looks made up for his dry conversation, but you knew Sarah would kill you if you ever went near him.
A few hours passed and you pulled up to Tanny Hill in a blue bikini accompanied by some denim shorts. When you lazily knocked on the door, you were greeted with a topless Rafe. His defined muscles along with his tanned skin definitely made him a sight for sore eyes.
“Y/N hi, Sarah told me you were coming” he says, and you don’t miss the way his eyes flicker up and down your dainty figure somewhat subtly.
What takes prominence over that however, is the smile on his face which is half genuine and half full of pity. Great, Sarah has told him.
“Hey, yeah I hope that’s okay” you say.
He mutters a quick of course and ushers you into the kitchen. You agree almost immediately when he offers you a drink, which he takes notice of.
“She’s just getting changed upstairs. She’ll be down in a sec” Rafe says, when he observes you scanning the room for Sarah.
You smile and mutter a thank you as he puts a drink on the counter in front of you. As he’s about to leave to join his friends in the garden, you grab his arm.
He turns around with a confused but sincere look on his face, his blue orbs dazzling with intrigue.
“Uh look, I’m assuming Sarah told you about my breakup. I don’t want any pity okay, I just wanna get drunk and forget about it. So please, no more sympathy looks. I would actually prefer it if you were your moody self” you say.
Rafe chuckles, and you mirror his actions. His blue eyes burn into your own as he studies you. He’s always thought you were adorable as you always acted shy and innocent around him. Until now, however, he’s never realised how goddamn beautiful you were.
“Sure, I get it” he replies. Without thinking, Rafe brings his muscular arm up to your face, dragging your stray strands of hair from the front of your face behind your ear. The gesture was an attempt to comfort you without using words. Rafe was never very good at using his words, and he would much rather show someone how he felt than tell them.
Your body felt like it was set on fire as he touched you, the small action turning your brain into mush.
The two of you snapped back to reality as the sound of footsteps became louder and louder. Rafe cleared his throat as he pulled away from you, and you instantly grabbed your drink, the desire for alcohol increasing by the second as you looked everywhere but at him.
“Y/N!” Sarah shouts, pulling you in for a hug as she reaches you.
You return a hello as you embrace her petite frame. Your eyes accidentally catch Rafe’s as you hug Sarah. The smugness radiates off him as he sends you a wink, a smirk crawling on his tanned face before he walks out into the garden.
You realise his sympathy towards you was indeed short-lived as he’s back to his normal self. You mentally curse. Maybe pitiful looks we’re the better option after all.
The next hour or two consisted of you, Sarah, Topper, Kelce and Rafe crammed into their luxury hot tub. Everyone was pretty drunk by this point, which you blamed on Kelce for making everyone play drinking games. You even had to kiss Topper during a game of truth or dare which was extremely awkward for everyone involved.
Rafe had been sending you flirtatious looks all night, most of which you have returned with a glare. It’s like he’s trying to get you into trouble. The worst part about it though, was that it took a lot of self restraint not to play along and indulge in his suggestive actions.
“Okay, okay, last one I promise. Rafe truth or dare” Kelce says, before finishing the rest of his drink. You’ve lost count of how much you have drank tonight. It turns out drowning your sorrows is a pretty effective method for solving your problems.
“Dare” he says without hesitation, and you admire his braveness.
“I dare you… to kiss Y/N” he says with a smirk. Oh no.
“Gross!” Sarah yells, her body swaying to the music in the background. It was clear she was the drunkest out of all of us.
Your eyes widen as you realised what Kelce has just said, eyes practically popping out of your skull. Rafe swaps places with Topper to sit next to you, and as you turn you head to face him you notice his eyes turn dark with lust.
Before Rafe could make a move though, Sarah leans over the hot tub to throw up. You’ve never been happier to see someone throw up, and you mentally thank Sarah for never being able to handle her drink.
“I think that’s enough for you tonight” Topper laughs at the blonde chucking her guts up before him.
Sarah’s words are slurred as she tries to reply, and Kelce and topper carry her out of the tub and into the house, putting her into bed.
As the three leave, you can practically feel the tension rising between you and Rafe. You know you should just get out and call for a ride home, but part of you is burning to know what his full red lips would feel like against yours, or how good it would feel to have him inside of you.
You subside your dirty thoughts as you start to get out of the hot tub, but Rafe stops you by pulling you down onto his lap so your back is against his chest.
You don’t know wether to freeze up, or relax under his touch, a flutter of adrenaline pulsing through your veins as you sit on the lap of your best friends older brother.
“What are you doing” you breathe, the rise and fall of your chest an indication of your fast beating heart.
“I think you know what I’m doing” he whispers in a low and raspy tone in your ear. His hand runs up and down your thigh, and you can feel your arousal spilling out of you at his seductive words.
Rafe grabs your jaw and turns your face towards him. Once again his eyes are filled with lust and if you weren’t already sitting down, your knees probably would have buckled.
You don’t know weather it was the alcohol or weather you just wanted to do it, but you welcomed his kiss. The kiss was slow and his lips were soft, which was unexpected, but you loved it. His tongue teased your own as his hand ran down your neck and then into your hair. This kiss held more passion than anything you had experienced with your ex the whole year you were together.
When you felt Rafes fingers run over the place you wanted him the most, you snapped back into reality. He’s your best friends brother, what the hell are you doing.
“Fuck, we can’t do this” you say, pulling away from him.
Needing to get out of this situation, you spring up out of the hot tub, grab your towel and your belongings and rush inside, ignoring Rafes protests for you to stay. You texted Sarah that your leaving, saying that you’ll call her tomorrow and that you hope she’s alright.
Rafe sat there for a while, waiting for his erection to go away before he could find his friends. For some reason, although the had just been rejected, he just couldn’t shake the feeling that this was only the beginning with you and him.
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In honour of buzzcut Rafe being all over my tik tok feed today, it’s only right I came back with another fic! Im hoping this series has about 5 parts. Enjoy bitches!
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 1 month
could you please do some random tig hcs?
random tig head canons
sure! hope you like them <3.
gigi is super obsessed with pasta. she eats it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. she even has this thing called dessert pasta where she eats it with chocolate sauce (its disgusting but she likes it)
gigi once dared xander to make a really weird sex toy cause he's so good at making things (what it was it up to you)
jameson has beat the record for the amount of concussions a human can get in a life time. this dude has had like 25 of them
nash goes around making sure all of his brothers have condoms so they don't end up being teenage dads.
max and gigi are the type of people to write really aesthetic notes.
grayson loves wearing gold sheet masks. he's convinced it makes him glow like a pregnant lady
in tbh, jameson said he was considered the second hottest hawthorne. i know people will say grayson's the first, but i think xander is hotter (sorry not sorry. he's hot but xander >>.)
avery and jameson love giving each other shoulder kisses when they're cuddling in bed.
savannah loves cardigans with her entire being. she likes to look put together in public, but when she's alone in her room, she'll throw on a cardigan.
savannah is super into literature. she's constantly buying books (classics, poetry). she has a tumblr account where she post her poetry
a duck once flew into grayson at such high speed that he fell on the ground and tumbled down a hill (this has never happened and will never happen to anyone but grayson)
max has horrendous taste in men (other than xander). max and avery will be taking a walk when the most horrendous, disgusting looking man who looks like he hasn't showered in 50 years, and could probably pass for a goblin passes by and max goes 'smash'
at events and balls, when max and gigi are bored, they look at the crowd, pick out a person, and decide whether they're a smash or pass
jameson loves munching on ice. he's always eating it
xander and avery have matching tattoos. i don't know what it would be, but they definitely have one.
thea is a petty bitch and has a burn book (no, she is not a girl boss. she's a mean girl who thinks everyone loves her when in reality people despise her guts)
grayson takes freezing cold showers because he once read that it's good for you hair and skin
xander, jamie, and gigi have twerking competitions. they get max and avery to judge.
when avery has a nightmare. she likes to go out on her balcony and stare at the stars. they make her feel close to her mom
xander is super into greek mythology. he has read the percy jackson series and has made extensive research on the topic.
xander journals at night lying on his stomach, in his bed, kicking his feet in the air.
max loves kicking guys in the balls (only pieces of shit, not nice guys (she may or may not have once kicked xander in the balls))
gigi wishes she had a dick for one day so she could stack donuts on it.
nash teases jameson by coming up behind him while he's eating, picking up his spoon, and 'helicoptering' it to his mouth saying here comes to airplane (in a voice that one uses to speak to a baby)(if that makes sense)
grayson has the weirdest but cutest laugh you will ever hear.
jameson knows how to speak in tons of different accents. he changes up his accent everyday. one day, it'll be british, the next, scottish
jameson is a sucker for gold jewelry. this dude has gold chains, necklaces, rings, watches, cufflinks, etc (he looks hot wearing them)
libby loves going strawberry picking. she finds it super relaxing and she loves eating them
grayson owns a typewriter (*cough* the tortured poets department *cough*)
when avery is out with alisa, people will take pictures of her (alisa), post them, and caption them mommy (people simp over her so hard)
they all have a group chat (the hawthornes, avery, libby, max, gigi, savannah, and alisa, (maybe even rebecca and thea)) for emergencies only (or at least, thats what they told themselves when they started it), but gigi is alwyas spamming cat memes, xander is always complaining about his missing eyebrow, and max is always begging her 'sugar mommy' avery to buy her books. basically, the gc is a mess and is the most chaotic thing you'll ever see.
xander wants everyone to call him 'dibbles' but no one does.
they sell merch. there is literally never anything in stock, though, because it's always sold out.
grayson is the type of person to take 249123 different types of vitamins to keep himself healthy
gigi snores so loud, you'd be able to hear her from the neighboring state.
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iamthecomet · 1 year
Thots on the new Ghouls first impact scene?
What if he saw Mountain putting Rain back in his place over his knee in the middle of the common room after he had been real bratty all day. To start the new ghoul was shocked and worried that seemingly sweet, gentle Mountain would do such a thing to his mate but when Mountain asked Rain for a colour after a particuarly hard hit started the tears flowing, he put two and two together from the gentler, sensation and teasing based scenes he has been part of so far. Watching Rain endure his 'punishment' has his brain shorting out and he decides right then, he absoloutly wants a piece of that.
Which ghoul does he go to about it, does he bring up the subject and ask nicely for what he wants or does he just try bratting like Rain and Dew on for size, to see where it gets him? how does the scene itself go down? I have so many questions i am gnawing the bars of my enclosure!
Thoughts below the cut. Not quite a ficlet and not quite headcanons, just nearly 1,000 words of unhinged ramblings.
Two things happen when he watches Mountain spank Rain. The first, is that he realizes he really likes to watch. He likes the way Rain shudders, the way he yelps. Loves the way his body jolts with each solid hit. He feels the sound in his bones.
There is something about the way Mountain asks for a color that makes Aeon feel insane. The care evident in his voice. The way he pushes Rain's sweaty hair out of his face when he asks. The desperate nod to Rain's head when he says he's green. 'm green, Mount don't stop.
The second is that he realizes he needs this. Needs to feel that sharp sting. Needs someone to talk to him like this. Needs the vitriol mixed with the love like his life depends on it.
And you might think Aeon tries to broach the subject with Mountain or Aether. Maybe even one of the ghoulettes. He definitely doesn't try to just brat himself into it. He's seen enough to know that there's negotiation involved. And it would be smart to ask one of the bigger ghouls. The level headed ones.
But he doesn't want Mountain to hit him. He thinks he does, when he's watching the scene unfold. But then Dew strides into the room, looks at the scene and barks out a laugh and Aeon knows exactly who he wants.
Dew makes a comment about Mountain not hitting Rain hard enough and suddenly Aeon needs to know what those bony hands feel like on his ass. He's staring before he realizes it--and worse, Dew's staring back. Mouth quirking up into a sly smile that makes Aeon's stomach do a disastrous flip.
Dew leaves the room without a word.
Aeon tries to think of ways to ask Dew for this without embarrassing himself. He really likes Dew. Wants to impress him. He rolls possible ways to get it to happen around in his head for two days. He watches Dew during practice, during dinner.
He knows he's making a mistake. That Dew isn't going to treat him nicely like Mountain treats Rain, and Aeon's ok with that. He doesn't particularly want nice. He wants Dew.
He doesn't end up having to ask. Dew corners him in the hallway on the way back to their rooms from dinner. Comes up behind him, twists one arm behind his back and shoves him, chest first, into the nearest wall.
Strong despite his size, and Aeon can't think of anything except being bent over his knee. The smell of Dew invades his senses. He's hard already, dick grinding against the stone wall as Dew pins him.
"You want me to hurt you, don't you?" Dew asks, and Aeon nods, he whispers please against the wall and he can feel Dew's grin on the back of his neck.
Aeon half expects Dew to get right to it. To force him to undress, to drag him over his knee and just start. But Dew makes him talk about it first. Sets ground rules. Explains the color system. Tells Aeon that he isn't allowed to force himself through this if it's too much.
That conversation alone is almost too much. Dew's as serious as Aeon's ever seen him. Arms crossed, eyes focused on Aeon's as he talks and forces Aeon to answer.
By the time they're ready and Dew orders him to strip, he's shaking. He's hard, embarrassingly so. His cock already dripping. And Dew takes one look and huffs out a harsh bark of laughter.
He drags Aeon over, bends him over his knee, and tells him that if he makes a mess on Dew's jeans--he's going to have to clean it up.
Dew makes him keep count. The words stuttering out of his mouth after every sharp hit. Dew starts off easy. Sharp hits that sting but don't ache. Aeon lurches with each one. Gasping as Dew's hands land on alternating cheeks. Purring as he kneads at them between strikes. Melting deeper and deeper into Dew's lap. His face pressed into Dew's sheets--they smell like him.
Aeon grinds his dick against Dew's thigh and mewls.
The first hard strike takes him off guard. He yelps. He feels the sting of it deep. Feels the impact in his legs.
Dew tells him he's going to make sure Aeon thinks about him every time he sits down for the next week and Aeon suddenly believes him. Knows that by the end of this his ass will be a myriad of colors.
He can't wait to see.
The yelps turn into moans after a while. Dew fists his free hand in Aeon's hair and drags his glassy gaze up so he can really look at him.
"Fucking pain slut," Dew accuses and Aeon can't deny it. He just nods, and when Dew asks him for a color, Aeon tells him green.
And then he asks for Dew to hit him harder.
Aeon only makes it two more of those hard hits before he's cumming all over Dew's jeans. Sobbing with it. Tears soaking into Dew's bedspread.
Dew scoffs. Calls him pathetic. Tells him to clean up his mess. Aeon slips off Dew’s lap and kneels between his legs and dragging his tongue over the rough denim while Dew keeps a firm hand in his hair to guide him. Dew drags his mouth over his cock. Tells him if he really wants to be his good boy—he’ll suck his cock.
Aeon is more than happy to oblige.
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moonlit-jellies · 4 months
jealousy jealousy
this was a request for @sheneyney so thank u so much for encouraging my brainrot
so i turned this into headcanons bc big paragraphs trigger enough anxiety in me to kill a bear so ENJOY!!!! its a bit different from the og prompt but those jealousy themes are still. strong
just wanna. smack him around a lil and kiss his face
18+ readers only pls
tags: eric x reader, fluff, MILD allusions to adult content so 18+ only (saying it again minors get out of here), jealousy, eric kinda being shitty to other people (can expand on this in other pieces just say the word)
established relationship:
ok so i know in my heart and soul that eric gets so fucking jealous HOWEVER. this is not standard "oh they're my partner im protective/possessive over" no no no
this guy is completely fine with you sparring with other people, hanging out, going to parties, all that shit does not phase him even someone else flirting with you (to a certain extent) hes just kind of watching with a smirk bc he knows that a) you would kick their ass if they tried something and b) you wouldnt cheat on him. hes too confident to have that as one of his major worries in your relationships
the thing he gets jealous over is when you have to do anything that requires nonviolent touching or other like. one-on-one things like that
see fear sim training
i can imagine like every once in a while all the dauntless members are required to do their fear sims again just to keep their skills up you know?
and he can't administer your sim bc of some kind rule that bc youre dating its not allowed or whatever
and hes just waiting for you to be done absolutely seething that someone else is in there with you when youre in one of the most vulnerable states you could be in
you come out being like oh yeah it sucked but like whatever and hes ready to pounce bc if he doesnt get his hands on you
immediately he'll like. die probably so he doesnt get jealous a lot but when he does its so fucking obvious and honestly kind of funny bc hes just SEETHING
what if it was reversed????
if YOU are jealous of someone being flirty with him he will see that and immediately be so shitty about
some girl is flirting w him and hes like apathetic towards it you sass him later and hes like mmmm dont do that youve got competition (he wouldnt cheat on you) (you know that)
you roll your eyes but grip him a little harder when youre going to sleep that night
pre relationship:
before you starting dating, when he was 1000% crushing on you, he would get jealous over other people sparring with you and shit like that
at first you couldn't understand why this dude would just. death glare at you while you were doing anything one-on-one with another person and you kind of got used to it
(when you start dating you put two and two together and you hold that over his head for MONTHS)
and like. pre-headcanon-character-development, he definitely would have been like an absolute dick to people who asked you out
youd be stood up by people and not understand why not knowing he either threatened or physically hurt them to prevent them from going on that date (not a good thing and he gets . less shitty about it in the future but lets be real in canon hes a shitty guy) (hes hot tho :3)
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erensfavecumslutt · 11 months
★ Too Late - E.J
✧. ┊synopsis.Is it too late for us? we both scared of love. The two who fear love are brought closer and closer to each other. Its as if this is fate.
✧. ┊notes.soon to be dropped on wattpad so follow on there for the rest of the story wattpad page, inspired by too late.
✧. ┊here's my taglist!
✧. ┊word count: 2.3k
✧. ┊warnings. +18 nsfw minors dni, heavy smut, nipple play, hair pulling, fingering, penetration, sucking dick, unprotected sex, might be a couple of typos, sexual tension, black reader, fem! reader, praise kink, degrading kink
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You and Eren sat closely together, body heat keeping each other warm, his hand resting upon your thigh. An episode of Fruits Basket is playing at a calming volume in the background, your staring at the show engrossed in the romantic monologue displayed on the big screen in awe. Your extreme focus doesn’t allow you to notice the relaxed Eren by your side who was consumed by the expressions on your face, rather than the heartfelt scene playing in front of you.
The window was propped open and the cool breeze was delicately brushing against your glowing skin. You smiled softly to yourself, the way kyo spoke about his feelings towards tohru left you with a warm, freeing sentiment in your heart.
Eren couldn't take his eyes off you, the way you looked so beautiful as your glowing orbs were glued to the screen in front of you. He just wanted you to be his, he didn't want anyone else to see you the way you were with him. He wanted you to himself, but he couldn't have you.
He was afraid. Of commitment? That was definitely the case before. But now he was afraid that he would hurt you, that he would never be able to treat you the way you deserved to be treated. He was a mess himself, a broken mess. How could someone like him provide for someone as extraordinary as you. He was a puzzle with a missing piece but perhaps that missing piece was you.
His thoughts were interrupted by the soft hand that had interlocked with his calloused hands.
"Eren are you okay?" You asked, you were genuinely worried for him, he had been so out of it ever since you had put the next episode of fruits basket on.
'fuck' he thought to himself, he couldn't help but notice how breathtaking and stunning you were, the way your glossy, plump lips moved as you spoke, or the smell of your minty breath flowing through his nostrils.
He thought back to the first time he saw you. The way your passions twists swayed with you as you walked, carrying yourself with such confidence and grace. Your bubbly, charismatic personality that always made him smile even in the most difficult times. He was enchanted by you, but at the same time he believed it was Too Late.
"Eren?" you asked, panicked by the echoing silence that filled the room.
"Yeah I'm alright ma don't worry." He gently smiled at you, a smile which you kindly retuned before focusing your attention back to the wholesome show playing in front of you.
"Tohru and Kyo are so cute, if i was treated like that I wouldn't know how to act" you sighed, munching on your popcorn trying to shake the tears welling in your eyes.You chuckled to yourself "never going to happen thoug-"
"what if it could happen?" He inquired, staring into your shining orbs.
"what do you mean?" You asked, a hint of the overflowing curiosity and confusion you attempted to hold in slightly showing.
"I mean i could treat you way better than this, way better than anyone else can" Eren said. His eyes fixed on yours, filled with lust.
You were taken aback by the bold statement Eren had made. Weren't you meant to be friends? best friends even? But you had always known it was more than that. You were just afraid. You were so scared to commit to anyone after what had happened with you and your ex.
But maybe this would be different, Eren was caring, kind and loveable and always one of the first people to be there for you especially during some of the hardest moments of your life. He was a complete tease sometimes but you loved him for it.
You'll never forget the first time you met, his green orbs glistening as they met yours, his hair held up in a high man bun, he was gorgeous.
Yes, you were scared to commit but with Eren it was different.
At the time you believed it was Too Late, but now? You had a gut feeling, a feeling telling you to follow your heart. And your heart said Eren.
"prove it."
And with that, it took Eren no longer than a second to process what you said before he smashed his lips onto yours. You immediately closed your eyes, reaching for the back of his neck deepening the kiss. He had waited so long for this, for your lips to meet his, for your tongues to collide in a rhythmic synchronization, for you to finally be marked as his.
"come let's go to my bed" he muttered under his breathe between kisses, you nodded your head letting Eren lift you off of the couch , carrying you bridal style placing soft kisses all over your neck.
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"Fuck eren" you gasped as you slapped your hand over your mouth out of embarrassment.
"You like it when I touch you here don't you?" he said as he licked around your hardened nipple, using his other hand to grope and massage the other.
"mhmm" you nodded because that's all you could do. You hadn't even fucked yet and you felt a wave of overwhelming pleasure take over. Eren was really good at this shit which was kind of expected but you didn't think he would be this good.
"use your words princess" He demanded, he wanted to hear you tell him what you wanted. He wanted you to tell him you wanted him and only him. He wanted you to tell him how good he makes you feel.
"Yes eren i do" You moaned as you felt him slowly remove your panties, revealing your wet, glistening pussy.
"fuck mama i'm gonna have to punish you for hiding this pretty pussy from me for this long" He said getting lost in the sparkle of your eyes.
"suck." He demanded, placing his fingers right in front of your gorgeous, plump lips
You nodded your head as you plopped his fingers inside your mouth, sucking on them. Not breaking the eye contact between the two of you. You licked around his fingers some more before he removed them from your mouth.
"Good girl" He praised as he slowly pushed his index finger inside your aching pussy.
"shit" you gasped as you felt another finger being pushed inside, his eyes looking up to you with a little grin on his face.
"2 isn't enough is it? you want more dont you?" He cooed, pushing his fingers in and out of you at a fast pace.
"fuck yes" you moaned as he pushed a third finger inside pumping all three fingers in and out of your pussy.
"Gosh your such a dirty whore. I didn't know you had this side to you y/n." He teased as he felt your cunt tighten around his fingers. "your gonna cum soon aren't you?" he asked as he thrusted his fingers in and out of you at an rapid pace.
"shit ren i'm gonna cum" You screamed as you felt your eyes roll to the back of your head.
The room was filled with your quiet moans and the slippery wet sounds from the friction your pussy made. You were so embarrassed but too horny to care.
'He's giving me this much pleasure with his fingers?! I wonder what the dick would be like' you thought to yourself as you felt a knot form in your stomach
Your thoughts were cut off by him removing his fingers out of your hole.
"what? why did you stop?" You pouted, curious as to why he stopped right before you were about to cum.
"Lick it off my fingers" He said, eyes filled with desire as he watched you lap up your juices off his fingers.
"open your mouth baby" He commanded, as you opened your mouth.
He lifted up your chin with his hand, spitting directly into your mouth.
You reopened it to show him that you had swallowed his saliva
He smirked at you, gently lifting up your legs, licking a long stripe between your folds making you hum in pleasure. You grabbed a hold of his messy hair as his lips sucked on your clit.
"f-fuck" You moaned. Letting his mouth do wonders, closing your eyes as you removed your hands from his hair and dug your nails into his shoulders.
“'m so close baby- fuck, please“ Your breaths becoming heavier as your felt your high approaching, the coil in your stomach tightening with every movement of his tongue.
His tongue swirled inside of you, making figure 8's after every couple of swirls and licks. Your walls began to tighten around his tongue as the pace of his movements started to get faster.
"fuck you taste so good my love, so fuckin' good" he praised, it had only been a couple of minutes and he was already pussy drunk.
"s-shit" You gasped as your whole body spams as you came all over his mouth, whining loudly. Licked around his lips after swallowing all your cum, wanting to savour the sweet taste of your juices.
“I wonder how you'll feel around my cock“ he whispered pressing a kiss to your temple.
"i dunno. I guess we'll have to find out" You muttered underneath your breath quietly, but not quietly enough for Eren to miss.
He smirked as he lifted his hips for you to slide off his sweatpants followed by his boxers watching as his hard length bobs free, slapping it on his stomach as you grabbed a hold of his dick smearing the precum around the tip and stroking the length in your hand.
A low groan escaped Eren's lips as he felt your soft hands slowly begin to pump his length, your tongue swirling around the tip of his hardened cock.
"fucking tease" He cursed as he grabbed a handful of your hair and pushed all 8 inches of his dick into your mouth bobbing your head on it.
Your whines are gagged against his cock as to hold your head still as he thrusts into your mouth. Your hands find his hips as he thrusts at a brutal pace, your nails digging into his flesh, tears prickling in the corner of your eyes as your jaw starts to feel sore.
"Fuck ma i'm gonna cum" his breathing began to get harder to control as he felt his stomach tighten.
You moaned around his cock as he gave a few more shallow thrusts, hitting the back of your throat. He hummed in approval riding out his high, pulling your mouth off of him watching as you desperately gasped for air.
"open" he asked, he smirked as you opened your mouth seeing that you had swallowed his cum.
"fuck i'm so fucking obsessed with you" He said, using his thumb to wipe the drool off the side of your mouth before putting his finger in his mouth, not breaking a single second of eye contact.
"i wanna ride you so bad" You seductively whispered in his ear, licking his earlobe, pressing soft kisses on it. He blushed softly but his mind was going feral.
"Fuck, look at what you're doing to me baby" He groaned. This was one of the many reasons he was so madly in love with you.
He lifted up your legs, positioning his cock by your entrance.
"You ready mama?" He asked, checking up on you before he fucked the sense out of you.
"y-yeah" You stuttered impatiently, waiting for him to fill you up with his large member.
He shoved all 8 inches of him, balls deep inside of your throbbing cunt.
"shit" You screamed as he began to thrust into you. The thrusts were long and hard having you screaming and babbling nonsense. You were seeing stars as the sound of your skin clapping against each other and both of your moans filled the entire room. Eren moved your legs up higher, to get a better angle as he thrusted deeper into you
"Eren, f-fuck so big- mm want more please" Eren chuckled at the nonsense you were babbling yet again. You looked so beautiful underneath him, your doe eyes rolling to the back of your head with each thrust. He knew he was the only person who could make you feel this way.
The coil in your stomach was getting tighter and tighter as you walls began to clench around his cock. Choked whimpers and moans of desperation were let out as he started slowing down his thrusts.
He pulled out of you completely before slamming back into you, causing your mouth to fall open.
"fuck y-your pussy feels so good" he breathed out heavily, gripping the sides of your waist tightly. His cock drilled into your cunt as your wetness dripped down your thighs.
"s-shit ren, your so good, f-fuck-" You moaned loudly as your cunt began to tighten around his cock.
He groaned at the feeling of you squeezing around him. You managed to choke out a whimper as you slowly closed your eyes.
`'cum for me baby" He picked up the pace of his thrusts watching your face distort after each thrust.
"fuck 'ren i'm gonna cum i'm gonna cum" You said looking directly into his eyes before you cum all over his cock.
It didn't take Eren much longer for him to feel his orgasm approaching. Feeling your sticky,hot liquid dripping down his cock.
"fuck y'know your so fucking beautiful ma, gonna fill you up pretty girl" Eren whispered to you picking up his pace before painting your walls white.
He pulled out of you collapsing next to you on the bed. The room was silent and only your panting was heard.
"Yes princess?"
"promise me you'll never leave me" You said, you had decided to give it a go with him. You just prayed everything went well for you guys.
"i'll never leave you mama, never." he responded as he wrapped his arms around you.
Those were the last words you heard before drifting off into a deep slumber.
"I promise you i'll never leave your side, I love you" he said to you, kissing your temple before falling asleep beside you.
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authors note: this took a week omg 😭
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uchihaharlot · 4 months
I'm here, to pervert this humble profile hahaha 🤣 How would Obito and Shisui react if after a hard day they came home and found that their beloved had prepared a stage in the room to give him an erotic dance (she is in lingerie or maybe a costume sexy) I love these men, excellent day for you 🙃
LOL. 😂 ‘Humble profile.’ Sorry this took a few days. I’m thinking I’ll let the asks pile up during the week a little. It’s much easier to sit down and be horny all at once than it is to be touch and go during the week. 😂 I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely in the mood for these two all the time, but a 15 minute work break is not nearly enough to continue the groove.
This is a heathens den. 🤭🥹 I can’t imagine anything more humble than drippy cocks and the men who wield them so perfectly.
NSFW; below the cut for some steamy Uchiha receiving a lap dance…and then some. Sorry, I (for obvious reasons) went a bit more on the Shisui side.
A little bit concerned if I’m being honest, only at first. The only ‘poles’ he’s familiar with are chakra spears lol sure he’s heard of a stripper pole before, but never actually seen one.
Boy is sweating. Frothing at the mouth! Even more so when she swats his hands away! ‘Can I…can I touch you? Once?’ That damned laced piece she wears entices his hands and body to act of its own accord.
‘Touch me with your eyes.’ 😏 Well, ok then ma’am.
Obito will shamelessly use the sharingan to watch her every move. Ass, breasts and stomach are key points his sights devour. How easily he could rip that skimpy piece of lingerie off.
But… Tobi is a good boy, you see, he is patient. Waits his turn and when she grinds her ass into his lap then he will take what’s rightfully his. There is not much in the way of stopping this man, truthfully he’s still hopped up on the juice from the Ten Tails.
Extrudes his intentions through bliss glazed eyes before shoving her face down into the arm chair. Usually it’s Obito that is the one immobilized, but he’s far from it. Cramping his beautifully hard cock into her soft moist center the second he’s removed that dainty article of clothing. Sufficiently fucking her and himself stupid.
Heh. Surprised, but not unwelcomed. She is definitely a bit nervous now, Shisui is just so damn hot in his captains livery — fresh home from a mission... Sitting on the couch manspread and arms draped over the top. He certainly wasn’t expecting this sort of thing when they started living together…won’t complain either!
Hands. Wants to have his hands all over her from the start. Twirls her around and kisses her lower back. Who is seducing who here?? This was supposed to be a show for him! While she will do that cute little routine she worked on the last few days, the sound of arm bracers and basically the rest of his gear clatters. One by one to the floor. Even more nervous now, but why????
‘Keep going…’ he breathes out. This is exactly what he needs right now.
Oof, she falters a little bit, thankfully Shisui has basically stripped down to his boxer briefs. The swell of his semi presses against her ass so lovingly. Kindly making its presence known.
Shisui is not a dancer 😂 I mean, not like this. Seeing his s/o put her heart on her sleeve for him this way just makes his insides melt and his dick hard as fuck. It was a really sweet gesture and he apologizes profusely with each gentle thrust for interrupting her show since now she’s ended up inoperable. Beneath him on the couch, folded up delicately like some damn origami piece. Shisui has no chill, if his s/o is putting on a show for him; he’s going to give her one right back.
He’s going to express his gratitude in the most sincere way possible. Which is physically making her a whimpering mess as she comes right before he paints her stomach with that Uchiha glaze.
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cookie-nom-nom · 8 months
How to Kidnap Bruce Wayne in 6 Easy Steps
The Batfam decided to have a nice evening together. They had it all planned out. The Joker was JUST put into Arkam, Harley and Poison Ivy were having a date night, and they sent the Riddler a 5k puzzle piece, so they should have a few hours. Hopefully.
But then entered...the comedian. Not a knockoff Joker, mind, an actual comedian serving as the entertainment for the night. The kids were running a bet on the odds of Bruce laughing. Not actual laughter, naturally, but how many fake laughs Bruce would decide to manufacture. Dick maintained it would be 8 times at most, despite what the others thought.
And then a PowerPoint presentation started, with the words Bruce Wayne emblazoned behind the comedian. "Brucie Brucie Wayne. Local philanthropist, runner of jobs and charities and orphanages. Gotham's number one eligible bachelor if and only if you like kids. But Ladies and Gentlemen and Folks, I'm here to tell you otherwise. Because this right here? It's alllll a mask. I know the real Bruce Wayne, and I have the proof to reveal his secret identity."
Bruce was very carefully keeping his eyes on the performer, refusing to acknowledge the eyes latching onto him, or the occasional covert elbows.
The comedian dramatically flourished the remote and changed the slide. A stock photo of a man littering had Bruce's face crudely photoshopped over it popped up. "See! A menace to society! And I have an extremely reliable witness who swears that the recycling bin was three feet away. Tsk. Some people just want to watch the world burn. Which maybe I'd be okay with since we Matched on Tinder, and yet not a single spark despite how much chemistry we'd have!" A wall of unanswered Tinder messages of bad pick-up lines and far, far too many winky faces filled the screen, all sent to a profile claiming to be 'Bruce Waine'. "This MONSTER left me on read! Can you believe it? Ghosted. And that definitely isn't on me, because my Mom says I can make anyone swoon. Who do you trust between the two? Wayne? Some millionaire who could never relate to your everyday experience?" The slide flipped between Bruce suavely dealing with paparazzi and a sweet older woman. "Or Mom, who can make wonderful potlucks, whereas we all know the Wayne Manor has nearly burned down on three separate occasions thanks to Brucie trying to use a toaster!" Technically all villain attacks, but the public needn't know that.
The Wikipedia page's list of philanthropic acts and charities sponsored by Bruce Wayne scrawled across the screen, the comedian gesticulating wildly. "All this?? PROPAGANDA! This is what he WANTS you to think! When in reality, he's a two-faced, duplicitous, littering, puppy-kicking monster who REFUSES to answER MY TEXTS, IT'S NOT HARD! I'M FUNNY AND HOT AND--!" The comedian paused in frothing at the mouth, as if suddenly realizing the audience was there. They straightened, pointedly adjusting their collar. "We all know the true darkness that lies behind his friendly, ditzy, sexy façade. And so our goal is simple: we are going to kidnap this menace for the wellbeing of Gotham (and my love life)."
Step 1: Become an orphan.
"Alright, the first step of Plan 1 is simple. Now that you're an orphan..." the slide changed with a silly transition animation.
Step 2: Irreversible and extensive surgery.
"Now this step is a bit expensive but-" they feigned a surprised face at the protests in the audience. Planted, no doubt. "I'm sorry, what's the hold-up? We don't have all night! This is literally the first step and you already have questions?" The comedian gestured wildly in the direction of the Batfam. Bruce narrowly avoided recognition thanks to his fondness for sitting menacingly in the shadowy corner of the room. "Seriously! There're KIDS in the audience! They're far too young to know how easy it is to get tragically orphaned at a young age and left with no stability and an empty hole in your life to be filled with grief, rage, and fear!
"Sheesh. Some people have no consideration for the faint of heart. Think of the children! Literally, think of the children you will be infiltrating." A flick of the remote and Step 3: Infiltrate an orphanage popped up. "We all know the easiest way into the Wayne household is adoption. Now that you've gotten extensive surgery to appear like a child, the hard part begins.
"Little is known about the entity known as children. I have put together research to aid in your mission. You need to know how to walk, how to dress, how to speak. Do you know what rizz is? Can you dab on command? One mistake and you're dead. You can fool the hearts of men, but children will rip a poor performance to shreds. I should know, I was bullied severely on the playground every time I tried to bring up the question of what the deal with airplane food is..."
The comedian went on, detailing the absurd plan to trick Bruce Wayne into adopting them. It hinged entirely on the fact he was a well-known moron. The Batkids found great glee in piling on the jabs as the comedy bit went on. Step 4: Marketability analyzed the various personalities and attributes of the Batkids to extrapolate how to lure Bruce into adopting the infiltrator, highlighting key traits like 'small' 'looks like a drowned cat' and 'a glare that is really terrifying for a baby to have'. Bruce found that portion almost tolerable, given some of the kids turned upon one another in something akin to a feeding frenzy. But it wasn't long before the full brunt of their teasing returned upon him as Plan 1 concluded with Step 5: Buying rope and duck tape while not looking suspicious and Step 6: Using flower language to apologize (for the abduction).
"...Alright. So, maybe you don't have the funds to shorten the length of your leg bones. Or maybe you don't have black hair and blue eyes. I get it, re-dyeing is messy. If Plan 1 is infeasible for your budget or lifestyle, then I've kindly considered a second revenue of attack."
A massive picture of Batman filled the screen. The crowd descended into mayhem. "Oh don't tell me the entire audience believes the butts match! We're conspiracy theorists here, but I thought you had STANDARDS!" It was possible Bruce's face was going to freeze in that perpetual rictus. Dick waved a hand in front of him, not sure when he last blinked. "Come on people! They're clearly different people. Which is why I'm going to recruit Killer Moth to do a little crime. All the funds that would've gone to child surgery can now be injected directly into the criminal underworld. It's basically the same thing our taxes do but faster! I've thought this through. Killer Moth will do anything for a price and you won't like actually be in danger. I mean, can you imagine dying to some D-tier villain? Cringe. Anyway, this is your 'in' with Batman. He saves you and it's all very heroic. And then you start chatting, maybe get his number; it's going great. It's been a few months of him rescuing you over and over again, and hopefully you haven't died or whatever. At that point you bring up Bruce Wayne. I mean he's getting kidnapped all the time! It has to be incredibly inconvenient for Batman, and he deserves a break for all his hard work. So the next step of this plan is to convince Batman to kidnap Bruce Wayne..."
The comedian paced backstage during intermission, rehearsing the next segment. It seemed to be going well, a good-sized audience. There was one group in the back that was particularly uproarious, save for one adult in the center. But then, the comedian was suddenly surrounded by children who seemingly melted out of the shadows. "I don't think you are supposed to be back here. Are you lost? Do you need help finding your parents? ....wait, shouldn't there have been guards...?"
"Didn't see any," Tim shrugged. Hard to, when they were strung thirty feet up in the rafters of the auditorium. "Anyway, we've just been adoring your act. Our Dad? Not so much, though."
"Eh, can't please them all. Some people just put celebrities on the craziest of pedestals."
"More like he's listening to someone ramble about trying to kidnap him." Beneath a mask a mile thick, Dad was writhing in mortification.
The way the stages of grief so clearly filtered through the comedian's face was fascinating to watch. "..........Bruce Wayne is in the audience?" they asked weakly. "Like. Right now? Watching? Waiting to ambush me with lawyers?"
"Dad's in the bathroom." Batman was desperately out on patrol to avoid his family's heckling.
"Actually, I don't think he's caught on that you're talking about him yet." Jason grinned evilly.
"Man, I heard he was a bimbo but I didn't know it was that severe. My condolences, truly. Thank god the second half of the interview is about trying to plan a dinner date that doesn't get ruined by supervillains. I do NOT need him coming after me for slander. Uh. You aren't offended, right...?" They could not afford any type of lawsuit. Or controversy. The comedian stuck to petty Twitter bait, not actual problems.
The hoard of children beamed. Suddenly, the comedian realized the exits were cut off. A teen's arm looped around theirs, another surprisingly firm grip across their shoulders. "Nah. Actually, we had some suggestions. How'd you like to do a live interview...?"
"Alright folks, you're never going to believe this, but during the intermission I was cornered by children. It was terrible, I was having flashbacks to second grade..." an artistic shudder. "But thankfully, these ones just wanted to harass me after listening to me ramble about trying to seduce and/or kidnap their dad for the last half hour. Can we get a big welcome for the Wayne kids! I'd introduce them but they all look identical to me!" A fantastic roar of applause at the sudden special guest segment. "Luckily, these kids have graciously elected to let me interview them so that I have better data to act on when trying to kidnap their dad. And is he in the audience still...?"
"Nope! Still in the bathroom. Has been for thirty one minutes."
"Either he needs to see a doctor or he's locked himself in again. How often does that happen?"
"At least twice a month," Jason grinned. It wasn't an infrequent excuse to explain disappearances.
"One wonders how he survives. I like that in a man. Now, quick question. Which of you is the cutest?"
"Damian!" the hoard chorused. The youngest one snarled at once, rounding upon the others. The comedian scrambled away in what was unfortunately not a particularly exaggerated fashion. There was pure murder in the twerp's eyes.
Luckily, three brothers restraining him appeared to be enough. "Don't worry he has his rabies shot yearly," one smirked.
With cautious steps, the comedian approached where Damian was being dangled like a baby kitten. A few moments of examination, and they delivered the verdict that Damian was, in fact, a precious baby boy. The child hissed nastily. "Look at his beautiful eyes! Adorable. You could just get lost in them. Which is why I plan to print out approximately 30k pictures of this child and plaster Bruce's entire room with them. He'd never be able to leave, absorbed in his adorable adoptee."
"I'm his only biological offspring!" Damian snapped, literally. Dick had to jerk out of the way to avoid losing his fingers to the chomping child. "And that would never work!"
"Really? Doesn't he keep little picture rolls of you and corner near strangers into cooing over them?" The comedian is passed Bruce's wallet by Stephanie. "Wait, how'd you get this?"
"I took it from Dick, who stole it from Jason who stole it from Tim, who took it to reprimand Damian for stealing it from Dad."
"Wow, he is not observant in the slightest! I feel even better about my odds now. Oh, would you look at that, countless pictures..." They pulled out a roll. And then kept pulling, and kept pulling, the camera roll beginning to puddle at their feet. It was almost like a clown's handkerchief, save the fact the string of photos was sturdy enough to be used as a rope if needed. More than one of Gotham's rogues had been captured under the guise of Bruce rambling about his children.
"How much can he fit in one wallet?!" Something metallic clanged to the floor of the stage, and the comedian held up a pair of expanding handcuffs for the audience to gawk at. "Well well well, looks like I have excellent taste in men. Wait, there's also some pepper spray. When in Gotham, I suppose. Wow that's a concerning number of pocket knives...and approximately 2k in 100 dollar bills-- well isn't this scarily similar to the list of supplies I recommended in step 5! What, did he just hold someone ransom? Wait. Oh my god, that's how he made all his money. It's guilt that makes him a philanthropist! And all this time we thought he was perpetually haunted by his dead parents! WAIT." The comedian let the crowd howl, periodically interjecting as they paced the stage with grandiose graveness. "I have had an epiphany!" The laughter finally petered out, the comedian allowing the silence to linger. "Guys," they said, deadly serious. "If he made his millions kidnapping people, and I kidnap him....does that make ME Bruce Wayne???"
Batman had to dodge jokes from his kids for weeks afterward.
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icarus-star · 7 months
mlm charlie walker hc's!!
(some nsfw sprinkled in, as well as homophobia mentioned once, very lightly)
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charlie had never dated a man (or anyone), or even really thought of it before you. so meeting you for the first time left him VERY conflicted. he had lived his whole life under the impression that he was straight, he had never thought or felt any other way, so why was it different because of you?
but despite that, he didn't try to distance himself or anything like most people would, he actually wanted to be closer. hangout with you more, talk to you more, even just look at you more to try to figure out what draws him to you so much. there's just something about you that he finds so.. enthralling. he did doubt his feelings at one point, thinking that he only thought of you as this really really cool guy he wanted to spend time with.
at some point, he decided to really put some thought into it. he wouldn't mind it, hugging you, kissing you, listening to you talking about whatever you felt like. the other way around, too. soon enough, he began to think about you all the time. even fantasizing about you when he'd touch himself.
once he had finally, truly decided to be honest with himself, he faced his next problem. what if you were straight? what if he read everything all wrong, like the way you'd compliment his hair or taste in movies. were you just being polite? because of this, he decided to (discreetly) ask around. by asking around, i mean stalking you on social media to see if any of your celebrity crushes were men or to see if you had explicitly stated that you liked men.
no matter what he finds, he's clearly not gonna make the first move. so, once you finally do, he's pretty much jumping with excitement (which he does in fact do once he gets home). the whole first date, whatever it is you're doing together, his internally screaming at himself to not fuck up.
but once you finally decide to make it official? a lot of his worries go away. he's more excited then nervous, wondering what this new relationship has in store.
something he found out quickly though? being the little spoon is way better than hugging a pillow all night long and pretending that it's you. especially if you play with his hair and squeeze him nice and tight.
and when he first started liking you, he wondered what his friends would think about it. they all turned out to be way more supportive than he initially thought, except trevor.. you can't tell me that he's not one of the most bigoted people around (no offence to nico tortorella though, i fear him).
anywho, obviously, movie dates!! at a theatre or your home, he doesn't care at all. at home, your nice and snuggled up on the couch with some popcorn, candy, soda or hot chocolate (it depends on the season). he loves being all wrapped up in blankets, hugging onto you while watching classic horror films together. and at some point, you ended up falling asleep with your limbs tangled together and a couple pieces of popcorn scattered on the ground (the bowl got tipped over 💔)
now, when it comes to sex, he doesn't know what he's doing. at all. no clue how to suck dick. kind of scared of being penetrated. he would try it once, and definitely wouldn't enjoy it. so he'd prefer fucking you.
help him out with sucking your cock, take it slow with him. he'll figure out his way around it, you both learn how good he is with his tongue. he'd be sucking the tip of your cock, his tongue swirling around it and his big eyes looking up at you. he just wants to make you feel good, and once he gets the hang of it, trust me, he makes you feel good.
also! you go to movie theaters together often, you always get seats in the back. if your sure enough that you wont bother anybody, you, very quietly, give each other hand jobs. not once have you gotten caught. but charlie does really struggle to stay quiet.
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bloogers-boogers · 24 days
Your Adam with Lucifer vs Adam with Michael post made my day,
I love that you can just see that kind of dickishness of Adam that just shine through with both of them, like sure, he loves them but he's also self-center and selfish, like that part when Adam is ask whether he would fall/redeem himself for them, I honestly interpret that of him saying he would think about it, he wouldn't actually do it,
With that in mind, does the difference between him saying 'I'm in love with you' in one year vs 2 thousand years really mean that much, the way I see it is that Adam genuinely loves them, he's also shallow and an asshole
To put it more metaphorically,
Adam with Lucifer is like a rollercoaster ride, there are high points and low points, he enjoys it's fast pace but he probably wouldn't have chosen to go on the rollercoaster in the first place and had to be coax to even consider it
Adam with Michael, however, is like a hike up a mountain, slow and meandering, he probably took breaks that last weeks at some point but he doesn't stop hiking and eventually reach the top
YESSSS Adam will always have that dick side of his no matter what, after all the things he’s seen I can’t see him as someone entirely sweet. I see him bitter, bitter that humanity was doomed to sin and struggle, but even more resentful over sinners not taking their second chance on being worthy of heaven and ascending, instead falling to hell and indulging in sin. And now with this whole hotel thing? It was just a tic for him.
I do see him having followed through everything (those things the angels probably didn’t ask him to do. Good deeds that genuinely came from his heart but he doesn’t recognize the acts of good he did back on earth) to be worthy of ascending. But after seeing the atrocities of his descendants and his kids, heaven not being entirely ‘perfect’ he kinda lost it. Not worth the effort anymore, not bothering anymore on trying, having it easy?
Being in heaven just disconnected him from his humanity using the excuse that he was now an angel. Like I feel even the mask represents that side of covering up his human features. He’s ashamed of it, he doesn’t want part of it anymore but he would never get rid of it because it’s a big part of his character. And he knows, hates that. It’s kinda why he brags about it because it beneficial for him (a title of significance in heaven over the winners/stands out from the crowd) but he genuinely doesn’t give a fuck and hates it.
And yes!! I definitely made it meaningful in both of the “one year vs two thousand years”
I see it as it took time with Michael for it to build up after yk eden and his wives so it TOOK a lot to fall for Michael. Like a lot of work was put in that relationship to become stable. Adam has a lot of trust issues and Michael understood that so he was really patient with him and Adam appreciated that side of Michael. So yess!! Adam had a lot of breaks to actually considering taking it seriously and Michael was there waiting for him to take that step.
While with Lucifer they already had a history going on, so things just pieced together quickly, however with that rocky start ofc Adam would’ve NOT chosen to give it a go but with a lot of hard work Lucifer did manage to snatch Adam’s heart hitting the right spots of it and trying to fix the hurt and damage he caused on Adam. They have like ALOT of issues to work on but now they are willing to make an effort to not do the same mistakes (Lucifer mostly agdkshdowhsow) Adam has major abandonment issues and Lucifer cannot leave Adam even if there’s times he wants out (bc Adam is a dick himself)
Like, Michael slow but quick🔥 while with Lucifer quick but slow🔥?
He loves them both differently but the love is there nonetheless
I’m glad my post made your day! 💖
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sensei-venus · 1 year
anyway I might be a masochist or a straight up wh*re but I can’t get the thought of og cobras with a chubby!reader out of my head and teasing her in school, staring at her, flipping her skirt up (Dutch would do it all the time imho) and telling her how hot she is, how that outfit looks so good on her, etc and she’s thinking that they’re just being dicks to her because she’s chubby and then one day she just has enough of it and confronts them and tells them to stop being dicks and they’re just like oops-
because I 100% agree that those boys are giant himbos so they were being genuine and flirting and teasing her because they like her and think she’s hot and they don’t realize that she thinks they’re being mean to her and they’re like “oh my god no-“
and yeah it ends up in a giant orgy of them showing her that they’re actually serious 🤤
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No! I definitely get this and I love it. Honestly I love the trope where the more “bad guy character/s” pick on their crush but it's actually because their kinda stupid to the fact what they are doing can be seen as mean.
Half of them just think they are giving her compliments. And when she gets upset or mad they think she's trying to play with them, trying to play hard to get.
Bobby and Jimmy always give her straight-up nice compliments, like how her new hair style is cute or how pretty she is. They always take notice of her looks or how she's acting. Both of them are the first to know of she is doing something new with her make up or skin routine. Both of them are just overly sweet to her even if the other guys aren't.
Johnny and Tommy are the ones glaring her down from afar. They both talk about how hot she looks and how sexy she is. They don't go to overboard with the comments but they can't help but admit how attractive she is. As long as Dutch isn't around it's pretty tame conversations.
The minute Dutch is around, oh no because this guy can't keep his mouth shut for the life of him. He's always spewing something and he has no filter on his thoughts either. Everything always gets nasty when he's around and talking. All the bous could be sitting around and talking a out the pure thing they know about Reader, but then he opens his mouth.
Dutch is the starter if jerk circles and he knows it. It's all his fault and he's happy about it.
Besides Bobby, Johnny is actually one of the sweetest in the group. He's the first one to say something to her when they are all around. Yes his comments may be....a tad bit gross or borderline inappropriate but he's trying to be nice. He just doesn't seem to get that you can't say “Wow your tits look great stuffed into that shirt babe.” to someone and they automatically think you're a great guy.
Insert Johnny getting backhanded multiple times but never dodging. All the other cobras won't admit it but they think it's hot to see her get so mad.
Dutch definitely flips her skirts and dresses like a lot but never in front of too many people. Dude gets off on panty shots way to much. Of course the other boys don't mind it either. They all end up popping boners a lot because of Dutch’s gross stupidity.
They don't really understand until one day it goes a bit too far.
Dutch tries to pinch her hip to get her skirt to ride up just a little because he wants to get a good look at her thick thighs. They're so soft and pillowy. But her on accident actually snap her painted which makes her yelp and shoot up with a huge blush on her face while trying to hold her skirt down. She turns around and tells them off for once, not carrying about her normal shyness. She calls them assholes and morons and that she's tired of their bullying. They kinda scratch their heads at this because, like, their not bullying her? They wouldn't be complaining her left and right and trying to see up her skirt if they didn't actually like her.
At that moment they start to put together the pieces and realize the mistake. She actually thought they were picking on her and trying to make her into a joke.
After the incident they try to think of a way to get her to see they actually meant all of the nice things they said to her.
Which ends up being them inviting them over to Bobby’s, where they spoil her for the night with food and a movie. This ultimately ends with them in Bobby’s decked-out basement having a huge orgy. Jerking each other off before fucking the chubby girl. Taking turns using all her holes, and after a while, she gives them up. They switch from her mouth to her pussy to anything else she wants. It's pure bliss all night long.
And after the night is done, Reader fully understands that her new group of boyfriends isn't that bad. Their just stupid, aggressive himbos. But she wouldn't trade them for anything after finding out the truth, and giving them a lesson.
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daddysfangirls-dc · 2 months
UnTamed Ch.12
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The Kids were up to something. Bruce was sure of it. It wasn't unusual for the family to be together during holidays. The amount of time they were spending together as a group was suspicious, and to top it off, they appeared to be excluding Damian. All very suspicious. He was doing his best to keep an eye on everything, but he had a lot of kids. Plus, Alfred wasn't helpful. 
"Is it anything had?" Bruce asked as Alfred set a cup of tea down. He moved his papers to the side. " You'd tell me, wouldn't you?"
"Of course, Master Wayne." Alfred gives a small smirk and leaves the office. While he was relieved to know it wasn't anything harmful and that Alfred was obviously aware, he was also tense and nervous because his kids were up to something, and Alfred knew and wasn't telling him. He was definitely in for it. 
There was a soft knock on his door, and Asta quickly shifted to a cat Damian had called to enter. It was Alfred who came baring cookies and milk. " The others have already raided the kitchen," he said as he placed a plate of cookies and two cups of milk on the bedside table. " I'd thought you'd want some."
Damina hid his shock at the cups. "...thank you".
Alfred gave a small smile and nodded before departing, closing the door and locking the door behind him. 
"He knows," They both said once he's gone.
"He... he feels good. Proud?" Asta wasn't entirely sure what he felt, but it wasn't bad. His feelings weren't entirely legible, but they weren't bad. He felt good. 
"I trust Alfred; he won't tell anyone." Damian immediately goes to reassure her.
"I know" she doesn't need it. Asta smiles as she takes the cup of milk and a cookie. " He's a good person." 
Alferd knows everything or just about. Alfred was aware of Damian's female companion even before he became romantic with her. As sneaky as the two had been, they had slipped up a few times over the years. Take extra food and blankets, constantly closing his door. At first, Alfred assumed it was a hidden pet, then Damian started to ask for romantic advice, which confirmed it to be a person, and then the purchasing of clothing confirmed them to be female. 
Followed by a few slipped giggles and unlocked doors, it was easy to find out and put the pieces together. He did what he could to help hide the couple, but there was only so much he could do. Especially with Tim on the case, the poor lad was obsessive.
Right now, he was simply doing his best to keep them distant from his siblings. He, of all people, was well aware of how overwhelming his family could be. They had very few boundaries and little respect for others. Privacy did not exist. Still, Alfred managed to work through it. The love he had for his child and grandchild.
He sighed as he heard the children fighting in the kitchen. They were down to the last cookie.
"Gentlemen and ladies," he said as he stepped into the kitchen to find the kids over the last cookie, as usual. A  simple clearing of his throat and all fighting ceased. Walking up to the counter, he takes the last cookie. 
"Where's Damian?" Dick asked
"He preferred to stay in his room. He'll be down for dinner, which I must start. Everyone out."
There was a chorus of awws and a crowd of pouts as Alfred shuffled them out. Jason was the last "Can I help?"
"Potatoes need peeling." Jason nodded and went to work.
Alfred smiled and watched as Jason pulled out the potatoes and got to work. He was tall now and bulkier even though he still wore the same face he did when he was 11, and he first taught him how to peel and chop potatoes. He had been a child at some point. Alfred still thought of them as children, but they all had been smaller at the same point. Some were years ago, and others were yesterday. They had grown and would continue to do so, and he hoped to see it all.  
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lizthewriter · 4 months
pansy parkinson as different romance tropes
〉fake dating  fake dating queen!! pansy is doing her best to get over draco but it's not as easy as it seems. he seems to be well aware of the fact and very much a dick about it, doing his best to embarrass her. she refuses to be disrespected, so she comes up with the best idea she can - fake dating. it doesn't matter who you are - her best friend, a background character, however you imagine yourself. you are her best choice and one to shock all. she didn't seem to think this through, however, when you're forced to do many a romantic thing that involves touching, kissing, and being generally adorable, you both start to fall in love. i think the FIRST (that's right, first) love confession would come from you but she wouldn't reciprocate, either because she hasn't gotten over draco or because she's scared to ruin what you guys have. the second love confession would be during that classic scene, where pansy would have to admit you had never been dating all along to dozens of people but that she had developed feelings for you and really wanted to try again. your love would be heartening and wholesome, something many wouldn't expect from the ice queen of slytherin.
〉pen pals to lovers  now hear me out, hear me out!! one day, you accidentally leave a little journal note in your library book when you return it, and pansy stumbles across it accidentally. she reads it (for juicy gossip ofc) but then finds something heartfelt and vulnerable instead. in a moment of perhaps insanity, she writes something back and sticks it in the book before she can change your mind. when you realize you lost your journal entry, you go crazy and search everywhere - it takes you almost the whole day to realize you might have left it in your library book. finally, you open the book and find another piece of parchment sitting there. and so it begins. without either of you knowing who the other pen pal is, you write letters to each other multiple times a week and start to bond more and more. bonus points if you're enemies or if you're friends with one-sided pining / one of you is dating another person. when you finally figure out who the other pen pal is, it's not at all some crazy emotion - you feel calm, content, like you always knew you loved pansy. the love confession would definitely be a mind-blowing soft and loving kiss. your love would be sweet, innocent, and honest.
〉mean girl to lover  / internalized homophobia  okay so ofc we know that pansy was the og mean girl in the books. i feel like, because of how she was raised, she definitely has some internalized homophobia. so put two and two together . . . this works well with an outcast/unpopular!reader. pansy is so gay, like sooooo gay, but she doesn't let anyone know. she dates men to keep up appearances. however, one night at a slytherin party she gets a bit drunk and . . . let's just say you two end up in a very compromising position. after that night, she can't get away from you. she needs you, in whatever way you'll give her. at first you're okay with being treated as a booty call, but then you come to your senses. you refuses to keep meeting her in secret - you want her to stop hiding you away like your relationship was a bad thing. she gets upset, screams at you, and leaves. but she, too, misses you. a lot more than she thought she would. her love confession would come in two forms, both during breakfast in the great hall. either she grabs you by the tie and kisses you in front of everyone OR she stands up on the slytherin table, loudly claims to everyone that she is a lesbian and then procedes to ask you out. your love can be passionate and hot, but most of the time it's flirty, sweet, and fun.
[movie recs: dash and lily (netflix)]
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