#death corps
mariocki · 2 years
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Shock Waves (1977)
"He is dead?"
"Don't you know?"
"Most sincerely, I do not."
"Seemed like he was drowned."
"Then I am afraid it is too late."
"Too late for what?"
"For any of us! You are indeed very stupid. I gave you a chance to save yourselves but you have refused to take it. So be it. Now it is too late."
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ditzybat · 24 days
bruce staring at hal: sometimes i want to kill him, or maybe lightly maim
clark: i think he’s got intergalactic diplomatic immunity, so you literally cannot
bruce, grumbling: you and your diplomatic immunity’s…
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raindisaster · 13 days
Black Lantern Jason.
After reading Darkest Night, I can't help but think that the black ring might have chosen Jason. Imagine 15-year-old Jason, through pain and tears, fighting his way to freedom after months on the brink of death. Voices around him whisper to him that he is not worthy of life, that all this is wrong. But that doesn't stop him.
When he finally leaves the grave, something glows right before his eyes. The Ring of Black Lanterns chose him, who touched the edge, who wanted not to wake up in his grave, a child.
His eyes are burning, his whole body is on fire.
For the first time he feels the bony hands of death so close and for the first time it doesn’t hurt so much.
Perhaps all this led him here? At this moment, somewhere all the lanterns felt that a new black lantern had appeared.
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coffinwoodx · 19 days
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“i’ve got Kim.”
“No the fuck you do not 😭”
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ratwithhands · 7 months
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I was listening to So Much (For) Stardust and accidentally had too many thoughts in one sitting so we have another AU concept. I don't have a solid name yet so I've just been calling Team Supernova AU.
Long story short:
Ghetsis freezes over Unova's major cities, taking most survivors hostage to join Team Plasma, and leaving several thousands dead from the frost
Emmet, Elesa, and others try fending off the Plasma Frigate in Nimbasa but ultimately lose with injuries (Emmet got frozen on his right side)
Emmet takes as many survivors as he can into the tunnels, later joining other groups to his and forming Team Supernova in resistance to Team Plasma
Ingo went missing about a year prior to all of this, so Emmet has already spent a lot of time alone. The only pokemon he has left is Ingo's Chandelure, as the rest did not survive the invasion. He's generally very cold and shut off emotionally as a result, and doesn't really express himself like he used to.
I'll drop more details later, right now the AU in early concept stages so it's essentially a bundle of "what would this be like" and "what if this happened" and "this could be cool". If I have time I'll drop some of the other uniform designs later. Anyways have a good night, see ya.
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dailypearldoodles · 6 months
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Day 538
Different AU this time it's PRISM corps!
Pearl and Grian are siblings in this AU though Pearl doesn't know that Grian is also actually the vigilante magical fighter they've been hearing about
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bentcr0wbar · 9 months
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I need goth friends :/
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sunbloomdew · 22 days
the way to the moon is about holding on (to the promise you don't even remember making, to the person you loved, to the life you never got to live but refuse to give up). it's johnny choosing to be with river time and time again, it's johnny holding on to all the paper rabbits river made even if he didn't know their significance, it's river keep trying to remind johnny of their shared past, it's river giving up her treatment so a place that means the world to her is protected, it's eva and neil trying their hardest to send johnny to the moon, it's eva taking the risk in hopes of making it
the way finding paradise is about letting go (of your mistakes, of the unrealistically perfect life you never lived, of the person who helped you through your darkest times but who now keeps you stuck in the past). it's colin letting go of faye despite being afraid, it's colin keep replacing pages in his book with new ones, it's faye knowing that colin never needed sigmund's help, it's faye telling colin he has to let go of her if he wants to live fully, it's neil and eva trusting faye despite what it means for them, it's neil taking the risk in hopes of making it
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weathernerdmando · 1 year
I do have on thing to say about the fact that "one of the passengers is a 19 year old" for the Titan.
A 19 year old is still a "teenager" but that is a whole ass adult. That is an adult who has been an adult for a year and acting like he has no self agency to not make the choices he did is just ridiculous and I'm seeing *way* to many people on this site pretty much just infantalize him. 18 is *also* an adult. A new adult, but still an *adult*. If you are seriously in the mindset of "but that's a child still!" You need to step away from Tumblr and just think about how you view the various human stages of development.
19 year olds aren't kids. That man made that choice to go down there.
(also as a trans man who's rights are under attack and that people are using the argument of "kids can't consent" to get their foot in the door and then further take them away from literal adults, some under the argument of "well a lot of y'all are autistic and Don't Really Understand what's happening even though you're adults!!" This shit infuriates me. Stop infantilizing people!!! This may not be about my rights as a trans person but the issue of infantilizing literal adults is still the same!!!)
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dc-multiverse-week · 2 months
Earth-30: A world where Kal-L landed on Earth in a Russian collective farm. Growing to manhood, he would become the mighty Superman, and in time became the leader of the USSR. The Green Lantern and Bizarro were created as the secret weapons for the USA
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thena0315 · 7 months
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That's what he did
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momachan · 2 months
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Flash & Green Lantern: The Brave & The Bold (1999-2000).
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melishade · 2 months
Number 6 or 15, about Megs and OP let everything off their chest at Megs death in Shockwave Timeline ending ? Pick that you think the best one
This ask game
For context: Part 28: Ending and Dark Timeline Epilogue
TW Death. TW Decapitated Head. TW Blood (Or Energon)
Megatron was distracted for only a moment. He had heard the sounds of the predacon crying out, forcing Shockwave and him to stop fighting. They had both watched the predacon falling from the sky before crashing into the ground, Wheeljack and Arcee being thrown off the creature. The insect like creature that Shockwave had managed to muster disappeared into steam from existence. Finally, all the titans and titan shifters had been turned back into humans.
He should be elated. The power of the titans was no more, but confusion clouded his mind. How did this happen? What was the cause? What-?!
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Megatron felt searing, hot, white, pain at the sensation of blaster fire from a cannon tearing through his abdomen. Megatron could feel dark energon already leaking from his body as he cried out in pain and fell onto his back. He was distracted for only a moment, and he was now going to pay the price.
"How?! HOW DID YOU DO IT?!" Shockwave shouted at him, looming over his body. Megatron never expected to see this kind of emotion from Shockwave ever again, "You had nothing! No plan! No proper tools! I had everything! I had all the proper tools and schematics! Yet you ended the power of the titans! How?!"
Megatron winced as his optics scanned the battlefield. Shockwave had a point. They had no real plan besides getting Eren and Zeke back. They were still in the dark about how the power of the titan operated. How did that power disappear in the first place? Through the steam and the panic and confusion of the humans running around, Megatron spotted it. He spotted the sight of Mikasa on her knees, holding something to her chest with a look of sorrow in her eyes. Tears streamed down her face before she shut her eyes. Megatron's optics realized that in her grasp...
...was Eren's decapitated head. His head was cut clean from his body. Eren's eyes were closed, and he could see just a small expression of peace. The body of the now dead titan shifter was slowly turning to dust, but he was surprised to see that the head still remained. Megatron...felt bitterness. He felt an ache. He felt loss. But...the sight of Mikasa grieving over Eren could only mean one thing. And that one thing...oh Primus that one thing was the most ironic and twisted joke of all.
Megatron couldn't help it; he started laughing bitterly, and that laughing invoked Shockwave's ire.
"What's so amusing?!" Shockwave demanded.
"Love," Megatron answered him with the biggest bitter grin he could muster, "It was love. The most illogical, unreasonable, emotion out there, that helped us defeat you."
If Shockwave wasn't angry before, he was definitely in a state of fury right now. Megatron prepared for death as Shockwave charged his cannon once more, but the former warlord let out a quiet gasp as Optimus decapitated the mad scientist from behind. Optimus didn't even bother to check the kill or wait until the body hit the ground. After he made his killing blow, he ran towards Megatron.
"Megatron!" Optimus cried out as he kneeled down and examined his wounds. Optimus was horrified. His abdomen was torn to shreds! Dark energon was leaking out of him! He was certain Megatron's spine was destroyed!
"Stay awake! Stay with me! I'm going to get you help! I-!" Optimus scanned the battlefield, but...he couldn't think of anything. The neutral ship didn't prepare a groundbridge in time, and they would have to review Shockwave's schematics before making a jump. Optimus couldn't carry Megatron on his own; he was already weak from his own fight! Wheeljack and Arcee were trying to support each other! They couldn't drag him onto the Jackhammer without causing more damage to his body! And all the titan shifters have just lost their powers! Where was Eren?! Why was Armin running to Mikasa in distress?! What could he do?! What was he supposed to do?!
"I need a medic!" Optimus cried out in desperation, "Please!"
"Optimus, don't bother," Megatron told him weakly, coughing up energon in the process, "Who would be willing to save someone as worthless as me?"
"Megatron you're not worthless! You helped stop Shockwave-!"
"Who caused him to be like this?" Megatron asked rhetorically, "Optimus...it's too late for me. Leave me be. The others...Eren is-!"
"Let me fix this, brother please!" Optimus begged.
Megatron was surprised at Optimus' plea and smiled sadly. "The one thing I stayed on this world for was you. For your acceptance and forgiveness. But this world has changed me, and now..."
Megatron could still feel the loss of dark energon from his body continue. His internal systems were screaming at him, but he ignored it. "All I've done is just hurt you with my selfishness all over again."
Optimus hated how his instincts were telling him of the now hopeless situation. There was too much energon loss. He was going to die, and...
"I've been selfish as well," Optimus confessed, "I never killed you...because I hoped...you would come to your senses...and we could go back to Maccadam's like we used to. And that hope, that selfishness that slowly died over time, never truly went away, and that got many others killed."
"...And I took advantage of that kindness," Megatron relented, "My mistakes are not your fault."
Optimus blinked in surprise as he felt lubricant come out of his optics and tears stream down his faceplates.
"They never were," Megatron reassured.
"Megatron." Optimus grabbed his clawed and bloodied servo with both of his, "I just got you back. Please. Please don't leave me brother. Please."
"It's not a choice I can give." Megatron felt his words beginning to slur. He felt lubricant slip out of his optics as his vision began to fade. He had no idea what was going to happen. He was truly scared. He was going to die like this. He didn't want to die now, but...there was no choice.
"Thank...you...bro...th..." Optimus gasped in horror when he felt Megatron's body go limp. His servo slipped out of his grasp and fell limply on the floor. Optimus looked to Megatron's faceplates, but the life was gone. There were remnants of lubricant around the corner of his now lifeless optics. But the former warlord...looked so at peace.
"Megatron! Megatron wake up! Please wake up! Megatron!" Optimus screamed at Megatron. Everyone else who was still alive converged onto the scene before them. Wheeljack and Arcee were supporting each other while Hanji was helping Levi stand on his feet. The Ackerman was bloodied and bruised everywhere, the extent of his injuries unknown. Even though Hanji was free from the being a pure titan, the Commander's right eye had not healed at all.
"Chief," Wheeljack mumbled.
"Megatron, wake up!" Optimus slammed his fist into Megatron's chest, but noticed something dreadful. His chest was still glowing purple. Megatron was dead...and Unicron might still have him. No! NO! Unicron was not going to keep him! Not while his still functioned! Optimus pulled out his sword and rammed it into Megatron's chest, shocking everyone. The sword didn’t pierced all the way through Megatron’s armor, so he tried again and again.
“Prime! Prime what the fuck are you doing?! Stop!” Levi screamed at him. But the Titan refused. Optimus continued to cut through Megatron’s armor until the cut was large enough. He used his servos and pulled apart the armor, revealing Megatron’s spark and the dark energon shard. Optimus roared as he ripped the dark energon shard from Megatron’s spark . He threw the crushed object aside before taking out his blaster and firing at it until it turned to dust.
Optimus looked back at Megatron’s corpse, hoping the damn thing would restart, but…it was damaged beyond repair now. Megatron was gone from him. He lost his brother, and he could do nothing else for him now.
Optimus let his tears flow freely as he cried out in sorrow. He sobbed over Megatron’s tattered chest, completely inconsolable. And the others could only watch the Prime’s mental breakdown.
“Why…why would he do that?” Sasha asked Hanji.
“…To save Megatron’s soul,” Hanji realized.
‘This world is cruel,’ Mikasa thought as Optimus was wrecked with grief. She still cradled Eren’s head to her chest. She wasn’t sure…how Optimus would react to hearing both of them dead. She didn’t have the courage to stay for that. She…she wanted to go home.
Armin still cried next to Mikasa when the Ackerman stood up. “M-Mikasa?”
“I’m going to take Eren home,” Mikasa informed him. “There should still be an active port somewhere.”
“Where…where will you bury him?” Armin asked.
“At the spot he loved to nap under,” Mikasa answered as she walked away from him into the fog, un clipping her 3D gear in the process. She didn’t need it anymore.
“Yeah…he’d love that.” She smiled at Armin’s last words to her before noticing someone in front of her. A woman with blonde hair and gray eyes and a white dress, staring act her with indifference and remorse. She had nothing to say to her. She had no connection with the woman. As Mikasa walked past her-!
We are sorry.
Mikasa blinked and glanced back, but no one was there. She was gone.
(Well there you go. 96 and 19 have been asked. The rest is free game).
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age-of-moonknight · 2 months
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“Hunter’s Moon,” Vengeance of the Moon Knight, (Vol. 2/2024), #4.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Alessandro Cappuccio; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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levmada · 7 months
when will aot fans stop saying hange’s death was a s*icide
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just say you have the media literacy of a grain of sand from idiot island and go
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cicada-candy · 6 months
@moosemonstrous last one of the night i promise ":]
I just had a thought that I probably won't get to do a whole lot with but
Ghost drifting?? Very much a thing here right?
People also drift with demons in this AU.
Excuse to give Johnny fucked up eyes and teeth and voice mayhaps? I think yes
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