#dear dere yandere
strxife · 2 years
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Warnings: Mature themes, 13+ content
Vampire Aristocrat!Cro x Poor Villager!Reader
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Precocious Tutor teaser~
Fandom:dear dere
Side note : Y'all go cancel Hoshi she made me work my butt off making this just to ask someone else and tell them theirs was better IN FRONT of me 😃 /joke but not really fiwuerfhuwui
Also say hello to Mr.clean guys! @nymphicmuse
Just how did you get in this predicament? You thrash to stop his mouth becoming closer and closer to your collarbone but his hold… His hold on you was too tight but not too much for it to be suffocating. I’m the end your thrashing was coming in vain when he opens his mouth preparing his fangs as you brace for impact.
But how did you fall for it all? Now that you think about it your life does flash before your eyes. Is he going to suck on you empty you till you're pale and bony, or will he have mercy on you? Now you have time to think and it’s true what he said you’ve been incredibly dumb, that’s the only way you can phrase it right now as you thrashing becomes slower until it stops.
A couple days earlier-
You just got home from getting groceries just to be greeted with a black card without an envelope on top of the carpet to your house. You look at it strangely before you go down on one knee and examine it wanting to see what’s on this mysterious letter. ‘Shouldn’t there be a envelope?’ You think to such a weird letter and also couldn’t they just put it in the mail box?
Picking it up you get back on your feet and read the front in your head. ‘Hello we are interested in your assistance with a tutoring job.If you are interested please report to report to the top of the mountain at the mansion if you accept the offer you will get 3k per week.’
You stare at it blankly. 3K!? ‘No,no,no I must’ve read it wrong let me re read it…’ You re read it again with a look of shock it’s definitely the right number. Then you look at it with disgust… ‘It’s one of those rich aristocrats that live in the upside of the town they’re out here paying 3k for jobs while we suffer just to support our families.’
You doubt anyone is going to actually go it’s probably some lame joke by them.You crumple it up into your pocket not caring if you damage the letter. You know they were just testing you... joking that they have the luxury of mindlessly paying people 3k.
What a sick joke.
little did you know in due time you would desperately need that money.
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“Papa what do you mean they cut off our funds!?” You speak harshly to your grandpa who only responds with sweet sorrowful murmurs. "The aristocrats are paying more and more taxes and we now don't have enough money to support us..."
He strokes your back soothingly as your sorrowful cries echo in the small room as the couch creaks with each tremble of your thighs as you papa embraces you in a pleasantly soothing hug.
"It's all going to be alright [Y/N] I'll find a way to get us some money." he whispers in your ear...how is your sweet and caring old grandpa going to get enough money to pay for the aristocrats unreasonably high taxes
No you can't depend on your sick old grandpa anymore hes already endured so much...you cant put him through that at least anymore.
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You were walking around cleaning the house when you stumble upon something on the kitchen counter curious you take a look. 'Its..the same card?' the same card you got today was in your hands which you thought you had crumpled. In horror you go to your pocket fishing out the crumpled card.
You found it how was another one on the kitchen counter. You set them next to each other feeling weird about the current predicament when you hear your name.
"[Y/N] Is something wrong?" your grandpa sweetly calls out. You cant worry him with this.... "Nothing Pa! Just looking through our papers!" you say as normal as you can muster.
He gives you a half hearted nod as if he still didn't believe your words 'Dang Pa is really smart.' you think in your mind before rereading the card once more glazing your pointer finger over the words as you read in a swift movement.
'Maybe this might not be a joke?' you ponder in your mind before intensely shaking your head no, it must be a joke everyone in the downside of town gets under paid they would never give away over a cent for commoners.
But what if it wasn't a joke what if you were the one who doomed your weak papa? What would that feeling be like even if there was the slimmest of chances of helping your papa you would take it.
'This is what I need to do' you grip the letter lightly knowing the extra letter on the kitchen counter could have been a sign to stop holding back and help who needs you the most.
You decided.
You will go to the mansion...*ehm* castle on top of the hill/mountain....
and thats how it started....
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tonightwrites · 2 years
Emperor Husband
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A head cannon/scenario about the empress having an emperor Husband.
This will have the concubines mentions of war, blood, gore, yandere themes, stalking, mentions of past torture, no pain is towards the empress.
The beautiful lady sat at the top of her throne looking down at the guards in boredom. The last she had heard from her army was of their victory in the final battle. The land is rich in metal ore and nutrient farmland.
The throne that once sat next to the lady was gone from its intended place. Now it sat in a study collecting dust and spider webs. She glanced at her right, where it used to be, and sighed heavily. Hopefully that person could bring some stories of the battle with him.
Gerald a trusted butler of the palace came bursting through the doors of her thrown room. His appearance is all in disarray, everything out of place.
"Your Majesty, sorry for my rude arrival." He paused having to catch his breath. "The Emperor is here a week before schedule!!!"
If anyone else has heard the words leave the man's mouth they'd be shocked to hear them. Alas the Empress knew that her husband wouldn't dare come home as soon as he had the chance too.
"Let him in then." A simple instruction was given. As if waiting on the other side of the door another man slammed the doors open after the last word left her lips. A broad shouldered man stood at the entrance with a large smile on his face.
He walked briskly towards his one target in that room. The empress raised her brow at his appearance. The man was covered with blood, from slaying the pigs of the fallen kingdom's men he had just conquered.
"Oh my love, it has been too long. I have missed you so much my dear. I can't wait to have you in my arms once again my darling wife." He speaks to her in a soft and excited manner. The lady holds her hand up in front of her, stopping him from coming closer.
"Clean yourself and then maybe I'll consider being in your arms." At her voice a shiver runs up his spine, oh how he's missed this.......
Original ask: Possible husband
Story: Chapter 1
Taglist: @reallysparklychaos @gallantys @devils-blackrose @meforpr3sident @gayfagdownthestreet @yani-dere
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cat-and-fox-hub · 6 months
Alliance DDLC AU!
Made by Cat, aka Researcher Serif
(TW: suicide, death)
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Welcome, one an’ all to our DDLC AU ft. @cosmica-galaxy's Alliance bois! this has been stewing for a while but I finally done it!
Since the Bois tend to go in trios, I added a two special guests; Veteran & Brown-Coated Cameraman!
Veteran here has a platonic/familial relationship with the Literature Club's resident human, you! But, when it comes to you, dear Viewer, it's another story altogether~.
Brown-coated Cameraman is also like Veteran in terms of relationship with you but also you as well.
Anywaes, I do hope you enjoy!
(Sorry in advance if the format is janky, I'm still experimenting styles for my writing.)
[Close ups and extra commentary below!]
As a forewarning, I will being using -dere typings, a suffix to that derives from the Japanese onomatopoeia 'deredere' meaning 'lovey dovey' to describe characters that express their affection in different ways, or on different levels, for their personalities with a summarized explanation of what the -dere type is given.
(Also keep in mind that while they take the roles of the DDLC girls, their personality don't exactly match with them. They more take some aspects from them into their base personalities, which has been ever so lovely provided by Rus.)
The Main Trio! Took some finagling around to put them in roles I think was most suited for them but I decided on this!
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ღ⊱ | Sayori!Cameron |
His base personality is a Dereyandere, mostly a Deredere, a sweet and happy-go-lucky energetic type character, with hints of non-violent Yandere, an obsessive and lovesick character willing to go varying (usually extreme) lengths for their perceived beloved
In this AU, he's more ditzy than his base self and that's pretty much it. Not much change here really.
I chose him because his cheerful and jealous pouty nature just reminds me of Sayori and his yan side reminds me of the Act 4 ending should you choose to delete Monika's file resulting in Sayori becoming the Club President.
ღ⊱ | Yuri!Vee |
His personality is a Kuutsundere, mostly a Kuudere, a calm, and collected character type that usually appears stoic in nature, with hints of Tsundere, a prideful character that seems/acts harsh on the outside but is softer on the inside
In this AU, he's a bit shy and into strange literature like Yuri but no less stoic and mature like his base self
He also adopted the yandere tendencies, obsession with knives, and 'testing' them on himself as Yuri does when his personality values are tampered with
ღ⊱ | Natsuki!DJ |
His base personality is a Deredere with go-with-the-flow/chill vibes from my observations
In this AU, he's a bit more exasperated and possessive than his base self. He's still the chill and happy-go-lucky unit we all know but just a bit more mellow in the way he gets a little more defensive about his feelings towards you, both to you and those that seem to like you too
Basically, Nastuki's tsundereness somewhat cancels out his more joyfully energetic side a tad
Initially, he was in Sayori's role before I started swapping with Cameron for a while. They were going back and forth roles the entire time lol
I was nearly done with drawing this when I realize he'd probably be a bit better as Sayori, but again, I was almost finished so we get this!
( _-ヮ-;)\
ღ⊱ | Monika!Veteran |
His base personality is serious and fatherly-inclined. He doesn't really align to any -dere types but if we were to stick to the whole -dere personality typing, the closest -dere type he'd be is a Jendere, a calm, gentlemanly, and distinguished character type.
There's more terms that attach itself to it like strict, fatherly, kind, and/or elegant which is why I thought this was the closest -dere typing for him
In this AU, he has more yandere tendencies that manifest in a similar way to that of Monika's own tendencies, just in a more guilty, conducted way seeing as he's the eldest, their senior, and shouldn't be causing the destabilization and deaths of his younger, junior club members because his deep love for you.
He's also younger in this AU considering DDLC's setting but that still doesn't offset the DILF vibes he got goin on lol
ღ⊱ | You've achieved the Bad Endings! |
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ღ⊱ | Sayori!Cameron | "It's, what do you call it, just a little rain cloud! I-I'm fine! Promise!" ღ⊱ | Yuri!Vee | "What to do for my core that flutters when our gazes meet? Ah! I-I apologize, I said too much..." ღ⊱ | Natsuki!DJ | "Whatever's on your mind, I'm sure it was nothing!"
Hey! You there, looking at the screen! You seemed quite startled when things didn't seem like what they were at first. Especially since you exited so suddenly.
Monika!Veteran's been... watching, among other things. He's been waiting for quite a while for you to return so he's just a bit... antsy, to say the least, so please, don't be too alarmed looking at him!
But, your back! So all is good! And now, without the others in the way...
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ღ⊱ | Monika!Veteran | "Let us spend the rest of our eternity together. What do you say? Just the two of us?"
Veteran likes to pat his child our resident human like any good dad senior he is!
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The Main Trio giving you some well deserved affection! Veteran seems to have his Dad Instincts™ involuntarily flare up at this though...
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And of course, to top it all off, we have a Bonus Alt! AU ft. Rus' Mimic Trio and special guest, Brown-coated Cameraman!
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ღ⊱ | Sayori!Pal |
His base personality is a Deredere to the max. A chipper and friendly guy to literally everyone he meets
In this Alt AU, his personality hasn't changed much from his base one, really. The only difference is him being a tad clumsy and a bit more somber at certain times, which is from Sayori's clumsy demeanor and depression.
ღ⊱ | Yuri!Buddy |
His personality is a Kuuyandere, majorly a Kuudere with hints of non-violent Yandere
In this Alt AU, he's quieter than his base self and a bit more maniac in his yandere tendencies when his personality values are tampered like Yuri's in DDLC.
He's also has a bit of shyness in the form of hand fidgeting from Yuri's own habit.
ღ⊱ | Natsuki!Fiend |
His base personality is a Kuutsunyandere, mostly a Kuutsundere with hints of non-violent Yandere
In this Alt AU, his tsundere side is a bit more prominent. Still a smug bastard, he's much more susceptible to getting flustered by things that involve his emotions due to Natsuki's influence
ღ⊱ | Monika!Brown-Coated Cameraman |
His base personality is a Megadere, a Deredere whose love is more obsessive and fangirlish in nature, which is rather obvious to everyone else, and sometimes, the love interest themselves
In this AU, his personality is more that of a Yeredere's, similar to a Megadere but even more crazy and obsessive like that of a sweeter, mostly non-violent Yandere which comes from Monika's own yandereness
He also very much leans into Monika's 'why can't I just be the one for once?' as a person who has very strong feelings of love and longing slapped in him
He just loves you so much. Won't you stay with him? Forever?
Check out my main blog: @researcher-serif
Here's my NSFW blog if that tickles your fancy: @grandfather-of-sin
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narinni · 5 months
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🎀𝐹𝒾𝓇𝓈𝓉 𝒫𝒶𝑔𝑒🎀
Hello Dear! For my very first post i would like to define exactly what I will be posting and my rules.
🎀𝒩𝓊𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝒪𝓃𝑒🎀
I will be posting drabbles, scenarios, and reactions. Writing is mainly the point of this blog, but I’m definitely open to discussing topics like culture, politics, fashion, but not that often. I also will only post in English. It seems simpler to just post in one language, but you can request things and talk to me in another language, as long as it’s one I understand(see my bio). Also, because there is a pretty big chance of me posting nsfw content, I want NO MINORS to be interacting with NSFW content.
🎀𝒩𝓊𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝓌𝑜🎀
I will write about most genres and scenarios, but here are some I can definitely do:
Genres( like blank!character x reader, or character x reader{fluff}, or character reaction to blank)
~Smut(limited will be explained)
~Yandere(limits will be explained)
~Basically all the deres, lol
~ooh almost forgot, I will write for any gender and specified pronouns! If you have a specific way you want yourself to be referred to(like size, features, race, ethnicity, personality), make sure to include that!
~Monsta x(ot 7, Wonho will always be apart of monsta x to me😭)
~IVE(no smut for minor members)
~AOT(all characters)
~Kakegurui(no smut for minor characters)
~Haikyuu(no smut for minor characters)
~Madoka Magica(no smut for minor characters)
~Howl Pendragon
~No Face
~Literally any Ryan Gosling character
~Patrick Bateman
~Leon Kennedy
~Ada Wong
~Claire Redfield
~Chris Redfield
~Jill Valentine
~Ethan Winters
~Mia Winters
~The Baker family(minus evelyn)
~Lady Dimistrescu
~Bella, Cassandra, and Daniella
~Mother(mommy) Miranda
~Carl Heisenberg
~Ryu(street fighter)
~Ken(street fighter)
~Luke Sullivan
~Cody Travers
~Basically any SF character that isn’t a minor(it’s way to many to list💀)
~Red Dead Redemption
~Horror Movie characters(I’ll look them up if idk, and see)
~XQC(he’s annoying as shit but he’s a cutie)
~Ludwig Ahgren
🎀𝒩𝓊𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝓇𝑒𝑒🎀
Here’s some things I will NOT do:
~Rape(self explanatory)
~Nothing too freaky(peepee poopoo stuff💀, feet)
~Smutt or anything remotely sexual for a minor(character or real person)
~Su*cide(self explanatory)
~Overly descriptive gore(yes I will write about death, murder, and injury, but nothing over the top and super descriptive)
Hooray You made it to the end! I will be posting on my own accord, but feel free to request anything that’s on the list. I will try my best to get to any request, but I am a busy college student(yay psychology😒). I do apologize in advance for any bad grammar, English isn’t my first language but I think I do pretty well.
🎀𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈 𝒟𝑒𝒶𝓇🎀
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justyoursicanon · 2 years
It's my nickname! (No it's mine!)
Another one that @luminary-rainchii suggested which was: "wilford giving gardening tips that are very clearly wrong, but entertaining nevertheless?"
"Yandere and Yancy arguing over which stabby ego gets the nickname "Yan Yan" ???"
Lil note: Again apologies for such a long story but thank you rain for these ideas and I hope you don't mind me adding the 2 ideas together ^^
You may start reading ^^
"Wil stop moving my squirrels! You can obviously see their sleeping!" Wilford rolled his eyes as he gently placed the squirrels in a basket and away from the broken-like tree. "Oh don't worry good old pal! I'm only moving them to a more comfy place!" He says while passing the basket of sleeping animals to King. King only grumbles and gently takes the basket. "Oh and do your dear Warfstache a favor and call Yan Yan?" King shrugs and enters back in the manor and passes the dining are where he says aloud. "Yan Yan, Wilford's calling for you outside!" And goes to his spare room. Both Yandere and Yancy look up from what they were doing. Yandere, looking through tumblr and Yancy, wiping his knife. They both didn't acknowledge each other and walked out to the background but one they stood in front of Wilford they both said "Yea?"
Wilford turns back while holding a shovel on his shoulder but his mustache tilts up slightly as he looks between the student and ex-prisoner. "There you are Yan Yan! Don't you remember what day it is?" Yandere and Yancy turn to each other finally noticing the others presence but they both shrugged and said "no" together. And that's when they both started glaring.
Wilford shrugs and just digs the shovel on the ground and sighs. "Well, I suppose I could teach you both. Even though I specifically called Yan Yan." Yandere sighs. "He's obviously talking about me Yancy-" "Youses thinking this wrong dere' Wilford here obviously called me." Both glared as Wilford rolled his eyes again but continues to go with what was planned. "So as I planned about 3 months ago- Today Im going to teach you 2 how to do gardening!" Yandere tilts their head, slightly curious. While Yancy slightly lights up. Wilford then proceeds to tell them to help him cut a half burned tree with shovels, the burnt material still having no reason why its burnt to crisp. But both help the interviewer anyways. Then things started getting a little bit- messy.
Wilford shows them to dig a hole to plant a new seed with an axe, and once they got the hole Wilford somehow found snake sleeping and threw it at Yandere. She actually kept the snake close while Yancy was inching away for his life. Then, when Wilford planted some seeds he suggested to ask both Yan's to put peanut butter because from what Wilford heard from King. 'Peanuts are also nuts and nuts are also seeds! So add it when your planting something again!" Needless to say, everyone got peanut butter on their fingers and spent an hour getting chased by Chica trying to lick it off. And what made both Yan's arguing? Well-
"Yan Yan! Get me the hose before-!" Wilford watched as both Yan's bumped into each other from getting the hose and started screaming their lungs out. "Oh great look what you did Yancy! My skirt is all dirty!" "Youse blaming this on me? Youse bumped into me first!" Wilford wasn't surprised as they argued and dramatically sighed and walked towards them. "Now now Yan's! No need to fight over a little hose-" "Wilford who deserves the nickname Yan Yan?" Yandere asks with a frown on their face. Yancy also frowned and crossed his arms. Wilford crossed his arms with a finger patting his chin as a gesture of thinking.
"Yance! There you are stripes. Have you seen my machete? I can't find it anywhere." Illinois asked with a hand on Yancy's shoulder. Everyone fell silent once they heard the nickname. Illinois raised an eyebrow feeling the awkward tension. "Did-.. I interrupt something?" He asked looking at everyone. Wilford happily sighed and patted the adventurer's back. "You have only fixed a problem my friend! And your machete is in the shed." Illinois nods and thanks Wilford while smiling at Yancy who smiles back, and walks away.
Wilford put his hands to his hips as he looked at both Yan's. "Well that's one problem fixed! Now both of you please help me grab the fresh tomatoes to throw at the neighbors house."
The End ^^
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ranmaru-of-the-week · 11 months
Dear Dere/ missing spoilers under cut
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This weeks Ranmaru is: The indie game yanderes meet up
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lovesickophelia · 5 years
my heart can’t handle itself when i see you. I want to love you, protect you, keep you all to myself. how i adore you, my dear
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equizona · 3 years
Hello! (Feel free to ignore if it makes you uncomfortable!)
May I please request head cannons of the Obey Me Brothers reacting to an Mc that’s just over everything? She doesn’t really care if she’ll die in the Devildom since she doesn’t have anything to belong or look forward to in life, not even if she returns to the Human world. One of the Brothers or a lesser demon could threaten her and she would look them dead in the eye and just say “Go ahead, You’re doing me and everyone a favor 😶” or “Please do 🙂 *opens arms*”
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Note: Oh honey, if you ever feel like this I want you to know that there is things to live for, and you'll find them if you stick around. And even if it may not always seem like it, you are worth so much. (On another note, you didn't mention that you wanted a happy ending so...) (Also, is my favorite one obvious? I think it is..)
Fandom(s): Obey Me!
Character(s): Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor.
Scenario: Reacting to an MC that reacts to death threats with a "sure."
Warnings: Self-harm, suicide, death, violence, blood, gore, sickness, injuries, substance abuse, sharp objects, angst, Yandere-themes, bad endings.
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Lucifer[Avatar of Pride]
As much as Lucifer likes to pretend he's the one that has the most control over his emotions, he's really one of the worst at it, so the chance of him being the one that threatens you is way too high.
The second you say that his anger is gone, vanished, and instead is the horrible feeling of guilt that is drowning him. Because isn't that his fault?
Isn't he the one that's constantly pressuring you to be better? Isn't he the one who is always threatening to kill or torture you? Make you into Cerberus's chew toy?
"Dear.. what.. did you just say?"
He feels horrible, but his pride won't let him admit it, any of it, and it's one of the times where he hates his sin the most.
Doesn't mean he can't do anything about it though.
Since he's calmed down he'll try and talking about it, asking you why you would say that.
He's no professional, and he knows that he can't just magically help you.
He'll get you a therapist, a human one, so that you have someone outside of them to talk with, but he will make sure that you know his door is always open if you ever need something.
He'll also be significantly less strict with you, letting you get away with things he usually would have had your head for.
And he tries to encourage you to relax with schoolwork a bit. He'll help you if you're having any issues, but the exchange program has to be perfect so if you overwork yourself it won't end up well, right?
That's what he says, but he really just doesn't want you to be stressed.
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Mammon[Avatar of Greed]
So it was probably someone else, let's say a lower level demon?
Honestly when the demon approached the two of you he was ready to step in and tell them off. After all, that was his human, they don't have the right to touch them!
When you say that though..
He can't find it within himself to do anything, he just stares at you in shock as tears run down his cheeks and he doesn't even realize it.
It's at that moment he realizes that the Devildom really isn't a place for a human, and that you should really get back home as fast as you could.
It also makes him realize just how often your life gets threatened by everyone around you. Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan, Beelzebub, Belphegor–
The image of your bloody body in his arms just makes him cry harder, because he failed you and now he's failed so badly that you want death.
He won't allow it to come to that, not ever again does he want to see you die.
He won't allow you anywhere near any of his brothers without him. He won't let you be around for long either, checking in via phone every five minutes or so because he can't be sure that you won't hurt yourself.
He's begging you to talk with him, and he'll drop every insult he tends to say, because you are worth so so much.
Especially to him.
He'll do anything you ask, just don't leave, please?
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Leviathan[Avatar of Envy]
He's no stranger to the thought of death. He's seen it happen multiple times before, both in anime and in real life, and the idea of killing himself has crossed his mind so many times but..
This isn't the same.
This is you.
He's so shocked that he can't even say anything, just staring at you with his mouth agape and his eyes wide with horror.
There's tears there too.
He feels sick, he really does. You don't deserve this, but at the same time, this is his fault, isn't it? He's the one who was threatening you because you beat him in a video game once out of the thousands of times you play with him.
He.. he doesn't deserve you, does he?
You deserve better.
But now he's gone and made it so you can't see that. And he isn't quite sure what he should do.
He's sobbing but..
All he's ever wanted was for you to be happy, you know?
If that's what you want, then he'll die it.
And you won't have to do it alone either.
He'll be right there, every step of the way.
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Satan[Avatar of Wrath]
It doesn't process to him what you said until the demon who threatened you is dead, a blood, lifeless mess beneath him.
And then it hits him and he just turns to you with a look of horror that quickly turns into rage.
You want to leave him here alone!?
If the two of you are with another brother they'll probably restrain him or rush you away, hoping nothing too bad will happen.
When he's calmed down he'll talk with you and apologize, because he knows that's not what he should have done.
He'll try and convince you to talk with Lucifer so that you could get a therapist, but ultimately the choice is yours.
He'll do his best to be there and reassure you that you mean the absolute world to not only him, but the rest of his brothers too.
If it's just the two of you then it's a different case altogether...
There's no chance that you would be able to outrun him, you know? And when he's angry he just can't ever seem to hold himself back.
Which is something that breaks him as he holds your lifeless and bloody body close to his chest, begging you not to leave him as he cries.
Ultimately, you were the one thing that kept him sane, the one that made him feel like him. Like he was more than just Lucifer's wrath.
Joining you is what he wants to do, but he'll keep himself alive. He'll let himself live with the knowledge of what he did.
And if he ever seems to move on even the slightest?
He gusses they'll just have to find a never avatar of wrath, because that means his punishment is over and now he just has to kill himself in the most painful way he can imagine before he gets to see you again.
He doesn't like God very much, but he prays to him that you don't hate him for what he's done.
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Asmodeus[Avatar of Lust]
Asmodeus is extremely confident. He knows he's beautiful. After all, he was the jewel of the celestial realm before he fell, and now he's the most beautiful demon in the Devildom.
He was never so sure about his personality though, until you came.
And.. now you want to leave him..?
"Haha.. that's a funny joke MC, but don't say stuff like that.. okay?"
He lives in denial of it, refusing to ever think back on it again, set on the fact it was just a joke and you love him and you won't want to leave him and–
If Lucifer notices, he'll get you help, and even as Lucifer tries to force him to accept how you feel, he won't.
He can't.
If you just end up living even if that is how you feel, he'll never acknowledge it, choosing to pretend it was a joke.
If you die, or kill yourself, he won't be able to help the fact he thinks your wrong about his personality.
Because if he refused to help the person he loved the most, what type of person was he?
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Beelzebub[Avatar Gluttony]
Beelzebub has always adored his family like nothing else.
After Lilith's death, he just became even more protective. They had all suffered so much because of him, because of his inability to save Lilith, so he was almost in debt to them for not hating him.
You became his family too. One of them, and he loves you more than one could imagine. You brought his family back together, made them work out so many of their issues, you were their light.
And because of him that light was dim.
Maybe you felt that way because he never protected you against all the demons good enough, or maybe you were just tired of him.
As much as he's sure you hate him, he refuses to let you do this on your own. He refuses to let you suffer.
He'll talk with Lucifer. Even if you ask him not to, he will, no matter how horrible he feels about it.
You need someone to talk with.
Lucifer will get you a therapist, and while you go through that, Beelzebub won't leave you alone.
Regular check-ups to make sure that you're alright and doing well, to make sure you didn't try anything.
He makes sure that you eat healthy, and that you don't fall into any habits that make you neglect your physical health.
He asks Belphegor to make sure you don't get nightmares. Sleep is important for you.
He's always here to listen or help you with anything you need as well.
He'll give you his schoolwork if you didn't do it, because he doesn't want you to be stressed and it's better if he's in trouble, right?
He tries so hard.
When you're fine you can hate him but don't leave please—
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Belphegor[Avatar of Sloth]
Never has Belphegor regretted never properly setting you down to apologize.
Was it because of what he did? Was it because you thought they saw you as Lilith? Was it because you were tired of working their issues out for them?
There was so many reasons and he doesn't know what they were.
He'll bring his arms up to hug you, trying not to collapse because he's shaking so much.
He didn't love you because you held Lilith's blood, he loved you because you got him out of that dumb attic and never left him no matter how horrible he got.
He was stupid to think that what he did wouldn't have consequences.
Maybe he should have tried harder. Should have bothered fighting his sin to ask you if you needed someone to be there for you like you had been for him and the rest of his brothers.
He should have tried harder, he really should have, but he didn't.
And because of all of his mistakes you no longer wanted to be alive.
He's sobbing now, holding you as close as possible to him, because he never wants to let you go. He loves you for infinity after all.
But if you no longer wish to be alive, then who is he to keep you here? Force you to suffer any longer?
He's already been so horrible selfish.
"I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry."
Does he even deserve to apologize?
"I'm sorry I'm so selfish, but if this is what you truly want, then... I only ask for the selfish request you'll let me go with you."
He won't make you kill him, you've been through enough, and having someone's blood on your hands isn't something you should unless you specifically ask him.
He'll let you kill him if it makes you feel better though.
He'll make sure that this is what you want. There will be no coming back from this, so he wants you to know this is what you want.
If you would rather try and figure things out he'll be there every step of the way.
If you want to die, and you're sure you want to do it.
He'll make it as painless for you as possible.
Then after that he'll join you, telling Beelzebub how sorry he is, and that he'll be going with you to see Lilith again.
He's sorry, but he won't allow anyone to do anything if this is what you want.
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982 notes · View notes
yandere-sins · 3 years
Masterlist lovelove-dere Yandere Starter Prompts
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lovelove-dere Yandere Starter Prompts 
“Your not texting someone else behind my back are you?” / “Gosh, your skin smells so much better when we cuddle like this.” -  Atsumu (HQ!!)
“this hairstyle is so cute for you!..Hm? Oh sorry, the duct tape is muffling your gratitude.” -  Dimitri (Fire Emblem)
“Be a good girl and sit still. You don’t want me to be unhappy right?” / “One more time. I’m giving you one more chance to stop fucking resisting.” - Satan (Obey Me)
“Try that again sweetheart, I dare you.” - Sakusa (HQ!!)
“Don’t you dare take it off, I want everyone to know your mine.” -  Lucifer (Obey Me)
“My pet should hold no secrets from their owner and vice versa.” / “Don’t say such means things.. it breaks my heart to put you back in those locks.” -  Sakusa + Atsumu (HQ!!)
“Darling your such a tease. I’ll give you a taste of what it’s like playing with fire.” -  Lucio (The Arcana)
“…How fucking dense are you?” -  Suna (HQ!!)
“I’m so happy you finally wanted to take a picture with me! They can go right next to all of the ones of you sleeping.” - Midoriya (BnHA)
“I can’t resist not having some part of you near me! You wore this today right?” -  Asmodeus (Obey Me)
“You.. love me right.. not them? Oh god please say you love me..!!” / “Please! You can use me all you like don’t leave me!”.- Nagito (Danganronpa)
“Sweetie, don’t cry.. they didn’t love you as much as I did.. I’ll help you over the heart break.”  -  Yandere!Prince
“How dumb did you think I was? Of course I knew of your little prank.” -  Osamu (HQ!!)
“It doesn’t hurt too much does it sweetie? Oh dear, I hope I didn’t tie you up too roughly.. God knows your skin is glorious.” -  Muriel (The Arcana)
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56 notes · View notes
kanaesparadise · 3 years
Welcome To My Simping Paradise~
Hi dears! I’m Kanae and first of all, the reason I opened this blog is because I want to improve my English and have some fun. So if you see typos, feel free to let me know!
And for now, I just want to write articles and fanfics about Valorant.
What types of articles do I write?;
And you can ask for character!reader x character.
What kind of articles do I can't write;
First of all; I can't write anything that makes me uncomfortable. I really love taking quests but pls try to respect my rules.
Dere types (Like Tsundere or Yandere, because I don't think everybody has a only one dere type)
Kinship relationship
Child reader x characters (if you want me to write an article like brother/sister - sibling relationship, not in a romantic sense, please specify, otherwise I will refuse to write)
Male reader (This is because I do not have a command of a male reader and have difficulty writing. I just can write the women pronouns. Actually many of my articles are not have any pronounce but sometimes I can use feminine adjectives.)
Character x Character (I'm not a person who likes to ship characters with each other so it's very difficult for me to write such articles. But yk, I don't have a problem with shipper peoples.)
NSFW (I can't write these things 'cause I'm suck at it. Pls forgive me)
That's all I want. I'm sorry if it's too much but I want to make something I can love.
See You!
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29 notes · View notes
dear-yandere · 5 years
♡ yandere + dark content writing blogs masterlist ♡
Last updated August 8, 2023.
Recently added blogs are indicated by (new). If you write yandere or dark content, please send an ask in order to be added to this list! Please include your blog name, the fandoms you write for, and whether or not you have a masterlist.
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@99-nct​​ — kpop — masterlist
A —
@adarlingsnightmare​​​ — multifandom
@after-witch​​​ — multifandom — masterlist
(new) @aluraveil — genshin + bsd— masterlist
@amusedyan​ — multifandom — masterlist
@an-ambivalent​​ — multifandom — masterlist
(new) @another-yandere-writer — multifandom— masterlist
@aph-amorous​​  — hetalia — masterlist
@ariesrondeletia​​ — multifandom — masterlist
B —
@beandaifuku​​​​ — bsd + jjk — masterlists
@bigscaryyanderewriter​ — multifandom
@bigwriterenergy​​ — jjba — masterlist
@blzzrdstryr​​ ​​ — genshin — masterlist
@bloodiedloveletters​ — multifandom
@bri-flores​​ — multifandom — masterlist
@bruisedhusbando​ — ocs — masterlist
@bunnykawa​​​ — haikyuu — masterlist
@bye-bye-sunbird​ — genshin — masterlist ​
C —
@cakepixel​​ — multifandom
@catchingwildfires​ — bnha
@camelai​​ — mostly genshin — masterlist
@chezzywezzy​​​ — multifandom — masterlist
@cinnamonest​​ — genshin — masterlist
@closetdegen​ — hq — masterlist
@cryme-a-scenario​ — masterlist
@crow-mlm​ — multifandom anime + games
@cupsofsuga — kpop — masterlist
@cursedyanderes​​ — multifandom anime
@cuteghostwriter​​ — multifandom video games
D —
@dark-and-kawaii-writings​  — multifandom — masterlist
@dark-delights​​ — multifandom
@darlingsdontdie​​​ — multifandom
@darlingyanderes​ — multifandom
@darlingyanderez​​ — multifandom
@dcyandere​  — dc + marvel — masterlist
@ddarker-dreams​​  — multifandom — masterlist
@dearsakusa​​ — hq
@dear-yandere​ — multifandom — masterlist
@dee-madwriter​​​ — bnha — masterlist
@degenerate-yandere​​ — multifandom — masterlist
@deliciousliving​ — mostly bnha
@delusional-angel​  — multifandom
@demonboidies​​ — kpop — masterlist 
@dere-drabbles​​ — multifandom 
@detroitbecomeyandere — detroit become human
@diablo-writing​ — multifandom
@diabolikmasquerade​​ — multifandom
@diejager​​ — multifandom — masterlists
@dovekissed​​​​ — multifandom
@drxwsyni​ — bnha, hq, kny — masterlist
E —
@essenceofobsession​​ — multifandom — masterlist
F —
@fairylucynamipiece​​​ — multifandom anime — yandere masterlist
@falling-heights​ — jjba + dragon ball — masterlist
@fascination-street-writing​​​ — jjba — masterlist
@florencemachina-fics​​ — jjba
@flowesona​​ — kpop — masterlist
@foodfantasyyandere​​ — food fantasy
G —
@ghostiebabey​​​ — multifandom anime
@ghoularaki​​ — bnha + hq
@glimmeringtwilight​​ — multifandom
@grimescoven​​ — marvel
@gxmblinqueen​​ — multifandom — masterlist
H —
@hanayandere​ — ocs
@hearteyes-candyskies​ — bnha
@heartfullofleeches​​​​ — ocs
@helloyanderekitty​​​ — ocs + bnha
@hooked-on-a-yandere​​​​ — multifandom anime — masterlist
@honeyyandere​​ — bnha — masterlist
@hotelfascination​​​ — ocs
@hunnyyandere​​​ — multifandom — masterlists 
@hypnosisyan​​ — hypmic
I —
@i-cant-sing​ — multifandom — masterlists
@im-657-mv​​ — kpop + stranger  things — masterlist
@imagineyanderemagi — magi
@innerunderrain​​ — genshin
J —
@jackrrabbit​ — multifandom anime — masterlist
@j0succ​​​ — jjba — masterlist one, two, three
@jojosprostate​​​ — jjba — masterlist
@jotaros-massive-tiddies​​​ — jjba — masterlist
K — 
@khaenruin​​​ — genshin — masterlist
@kiame-sama​​​​ — multifandom — masterlist
@killjoybycandlelight​​ — ocs — oc profiles
@killuaapproved​ — naruto, hxh, ohshc — masterlist
@koiibito​ — haikyuu + bnha — masterlist
@koinotame​​​​​ — multifandom — masterlist
L —
@lacedream​​ — bsd
@lafirmament​ — multifandom anime + games — masterlist
@lilpotatowriter — multifandom
@living-in-the-state-of-dreaming — multifandom
@love-infested — multifandom
@love-toxin — ocs + multifandom
@lovesick-yandere-writings — bnha
@lovesiickness — multifandom anime + games
@lovesickn-ss — multifandom anime
@lovelyyandereaddictionpoint​​ ​​ — multifandom — masterlist
@loyenne​​​ — multifandom — masterlists
@luv-bvgg​​​​ — ocs
M —
@mango-bango-bby​​ — multifandom — masterlists
@marilynfuse​​​​​ — twst and voltage mostly — masterlist one, two
@meiwroo​​ — multifandom
@merakiui​​ — multifandom — masterlists
@mercurymetals​ — jjba
@milkscafe​​ — ocs 
@mirabillis​ — multifandom games + anime
@mirdance​​ — genshin 
@mistabullets​​​ — jjba — masterlist
@mmanjuu​​ — yandere concepts / various
@monstrouslyobsessed​​ — monster ocs
@moody-bloosh​​​ — jjba — masterlist
@multifandomlovers​​ — multifandom
@musutofu — bnha — masterlist
@my-sweet-hero — bnha + ohshc
N —
@needygirl17​— multifandom (?)
@neondreamsareforteens​ — ocs + multifandom — masterlist
@nicebonescomrade​​​ — genshin — masterlist
@novasdarling​​ — multifandom — masterlists
O —
@obscureamor​ — bnha + hq — masterlist
@obsessionsposts​​​ — multifandom + ocs
@ohnununu — multifandom anime
P — 
@pandas-pandemonium​​ — kpop + anime — masterlist
@passmeasliceofthatyanderepie​ — multifandom live action
@phen0l​​​​​ — multifandom — masterlist
@pizzaloverhoe​​ — multifandom anime
@puka-writes​​  — multifandom
Q —
@qierxing​​​​ — genshin — masterlist
R —
@ramwrites — multifandom but mainly hunter x hunter — masterlist
@rare-yanderes​ — imagines​
@return-of-a-space-cowboy — mostly jjba — masterlist
@remember-to-be-gentle — multifandom — masterlist one, two, three
@roedye — jjba currently 
@rwbyyandere — rwby
S —
@sawamooora​​ — hq — masterlist
@sailoryueliang​​ — multifandom — masterlist
@seasidefallenangel​​​ — multifandom anime
@secret-nighttime-tea-party​​ — multifandom
@seeuonadarknite​​​ — multifandom anime — masterlist
@seijorhi​​ ​ — multifandom — masterlists
@seiyasabi​​ — bnha
@serendaei​ — mostly bnha — masterlist
@severnrnr​— multifandom anime — masterlist
@shineonyoucrazyyandere​​ — jjba
@shini--chan​ — multifandom anime (mostly hetalia?)
@shumidehiro​​​​ — multifandom — masterlist
@silent-snowdrop-writing​​​​​​ — multifandom
@sinners-yandere-blog​ — mostly jjba
@skzyxndere​​ — kpop
@sleepyxdarling​​ — multifandom
@slowburn-villain​​ — mostly bnha
@snailsgoingdowntown​​ — multifandom
@solitudinx​​ — multifandom  — masterlist
@sparrow-stunned​​ — genshin — masterlist
@starcrossedyanderes​​​​ — multifandom + ocs — masterlist
@storybookstalker​ ​— multifandom — masterlist
@sugawara-sweetheart​ — hq 
@sweet-yandere-dreamer​ — multifandom
@sweetdreamsimagines​​ — multifandom
@sweetened-apples​ — multifandom — masterlist
T —
@teabutmakeitazure​​​​ — genshin — masterlist
@teateateagan — multifandom
@tektr0​ — multifandom
@that-yandere-life — multifandom live action — masterlist
@the-grimm-writer — bnha 
@theladyshinigami — multifandom — masterlist
@theodora3022​​​​​ — multifandom — masterlist
@thesacrity — multifandom — masterlist
@thesweetestpoison — ocs — masterlist
@tiaragqueen — multifandom kpop + anime — masterlist
@tomurasprincess​ — bnha — masterlist
@tteokko​​​​​ — genshin — masterlist
@turnaboutyandere​ — ace attorney
@twisted-alte — bnha
@twstedworks — twst
@twstpasta — twst — masterlist
U —
@ukaic​ —hq
@uvobreakmylegs​ — hxh — masterlist
V —
@vermiliren​ — mainly bnha + hq — masterlists
@victim-on-main​ — multifandom
@villain-hotline​  — multifandom — masterlist
W —
@weebsinstash​ — bnha
@wickedyan​ — multifandom anime — masterlist
@witch-psychedelia​ — mainly league of legends — masterlist
@worldwidemochiguy​​ — kpop — masterlist
@writerbyaccident​​ — multifandom
X —
Y —
@yan-purgatory​​ — kpop — masterlist
@yan-twst​​​​ — twst — masterlist
@yanchatforum​​ — ocs
@yandere--stuck​​ — multifandom
@yandere-daisies​ — bnha
@yandere-daydreams​ — multifandom
@yandere-daze​​ — jjba — masterlist
@yandere-flower​ — ocs
@yandere-hero-haven​ — bnha
@yandere-love-love-love​ — bnha
@yandere-musings​ — multifandom anime + games
@yandere-romanticaa​  — multifandom anime + games
@yandere-scenarios​​​ — multifandom
@yandere-sins​​ — multifandom games + some anime — masterlist
@yandere-society​​ — bts — masterlist
@yandere-swarm​ — multifandom games + anime
@yandere-wishes​​​ — multifandom anime + games
@yandereaffections​​ — multifandom — masterlist
@yanderebabshere​​ — ocs
@yanderebloodlust​​ — multifandom — masterlist
@yanderefantasies​​ — multifandom
@yanderehetalia​​ — hetalia
@yanderehetaliadrabbles​ — hetalia
@yanderehetaliareactions​​​ — hetalia
@yanderehetaliashit​ — multifandom (?)
@yanderelovee​ — multifandom anime
@yanderemochii — multifandom
@yanderemommabean​ — multifandom live action 
@yanderepeterparker​​ — multifandom live action — masterlist
@yanderetbzkids​​ — kpop — masterlist
@yandereverse-worldbuilding​​​​ — d&d ocs
@yanderexbabydoll​​​​— haikyuu + bnha — masterlist
@yandrabble​​​ — multifandom
@yansoftie​ — multifandom anime
@yanyanimagines​​​ — multifandom
@yes-ter-night​​ — multifandom — masterlist 
@your-yandere-kiss — multifandom
@yourfaveisyanderematic​​​​ — jjba — masterlist
Z —                   
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5K notes · View notes
Sound Of The Devil~ 1 (One Shot) Cajun Accented Human Alastor X OC Marie (Hazbin Hotel) (Yandere)
[Hello My Sexy Readers, this one shot is going to be beyond smutty And Alastor is going to be making marie a hot mess. Now this is obviously not canon alastor this is just how we imagine him if he was sexual. We do not say this is how he should be and as long as no one is being hurt there is no harm in it. This is all for pleasure and entertainments and we hope you enjoy!]
(Marie's pov)
I let out a sigh, rubbing my eyes as I yawn as I just finished locking the front door a d am now bringing out the trash as I put it down when I hear a scream as I stand up as I see a man running well Stumbling his way towards me. "S-Sir?" I asked as I backed up when I saw the blood as I see a shadow before I see the person. He was a bit taller, in the 6 foot placement, slende--no wait. No there's no way..
"R-Run! H-He's the devil!" The man said as he grabbed my skirt as I see him now.
"Al... astor ." I whimper out
"Oh dear me, cher~" He says. "Now I nevuh wanted you to see me like this cher, not like this... Dere is no helping it cher, yor are gonna have ta come with me."
I was frozen in place gripping the trash in my hand it is tearing. He slits the man throat and my face is splatter in blood. I scream and run back into the building. I run to the door but when I got there I remember it is lock and turn to run to get the keys but Alastor face is an inch away from mine.
"Now cher ya shold go to sleep, ya'll need your rest for tonight my sunberry sweetness.~" He purrs then slams my head into the wood of the door and everything goes black.
(He couldn't just use a pressure point??? He just slams her head xD)
(XD He knows just how to slam it in just the right way it only takes one hit XD
(XD With only a big chance for some serious concussion)
I swore I heard the flash of a camerea as everything was black as I freaked out before I realized it's just my eyes are closed as I was met with a sudden painful throbbing as I let out a whimper as I felt like I would cry, not only from that nightmare. But the pain what did I do to my head?
(Oh look you get her!)
(bad! Go to the corner!)
(And think of what you done!)
I tried to go and grab my head but I cant move my arms.... Why Cannot I not move my arms!? I look at them and see them tied and thick padded leather binds against a bed frame. I started to panic and felt like I have a panic attack!
"Calm down cher~" I hear the calming and soothing voice of Alastor I know he did this but his voice no matter how afraid I am it makes me fell calm and safe. "I am sorry, I may have hit ya a bit to hard awn the head jest give me a moment cher. I take real good care of ya."
I let out a whimper. "Alastor..Alastor tell me you didn't do what I saw.." "Oh cher it gonna be awright." Oh god. Oh god he killed him. He's going to kill me!
"Oh god...please..please don't kill me Alastor."I whimper out.
He started laughing. "Kill ya Cher? Why awn earth would I evah do a thing like that!?! No no no Cher~ I am going to make ya'll mine Mawn Ange~"
(Mawn Ange Canjun accent for French mon Ange aka my angel!)
(...well I would say that's worse but it's not ;3)
(;3 no it is not)
"i-,I-I dont--"
"aw Cher." He said pushing my hair out of my face.
"you're adorable~! Ah loved ya ever since I first met ya, you was always so put togedder~ even wit dat boss of yours, yous still smiled and did da best you could~" he said leaning in as I turned my head from his out of fear
"Buy ya saw sumthing ya can unseen Cher." He says. "I love ya to much to kill kill ya so I am going ta do something better Mawn Ange~"
"What?" I ask shaking and her turns my head to him.
"I am going make ya all mine!" He says and starts to unbutton my blouse. "Boudy~ Mind~ Und soul~"
With that my blouse and skirt were off and I was in nothing but my bra, panties, stockings and garters.My eyes widen as I let out a small whimper as my hands tried to cover, but the straos kept them tied to the posts. The one day I wear the nice undergarments my friend got me..
"D-D-Don't look."
"Aw now cher ain't nothing no one hasn't seen." He said smirking as I just looked away, shaking still.
"Wait don tell me cher yous still as untouched as fresh snow." He said as my face and went red
I blush more. And he pulled out a camera. He took several photos of me.
"WE got ta document dis moment Cher~ So we know jus the way ya look before I have ya screaming ma name and falling into a passionate mess of all ya breathless moans and glistening skin just like fresh dew awn the mawning lawn. Mawn Ange"
He took them, smiling at the roll before he pulled down my panties suddenly. I gasped and he got between my legs and licked my core and I cry out and he snapped a photo just as I did. Why did that make me shudder in need?
I squirm when I felt him lap at me.
"S-stoo I-It feels weird! Please my stomach! It feels like something's forming!" (Good~ Also that soon? Come on Marie xD)
(XD Yeah Marie XD What does that Accent Edge that much.......... well it does to me so I feel you XD)
I cried out when he shoved his tongue in and I convulsed and he drank what cam out of me camera flashing and I am panting and arching my back rubbing into his face with reckless abandon.
I..I didn't want the feeling to stop, I hasn't ever felt something like that,never!
(Oh girl ..you're so screwed)
(XD So screwed XD)
[So if you want to hear the voice Alastor Ed talk in Alastor roll as Cajun there is two videos you can find it without having a time stamp one of them is a animation the other just a recording of that moment. Look up Hunicast Cajun Alastor and trust me you ears will be very happy XD
Anyways hope you all enjoyed this and stay sexy all of our friends!]
25 notes · View notes
dere-boys · 3 years
Pre-Written Dialogue Prompts
Here at dere-boys we love getting unique and interesting dialogue prompts to write for you. We know, however, sometimes you want something written but you just don’t have any ideas! Fear not! We’ve compiled a list of dialogue prompts that you can request to help you!
Really looking for Yandere Yoongi content?
Don’t worry, just inbox us with the number corresponding to the dialogue you want used, the idol, whether your Y/N is male or female, and if you’d like your piece to be NSFW or SFW.
It should look something like this => #31, yoongi, sfw, F
Once a line of dialogue has been used it’ll be crossed out.
For the list of dere-types and the idols we write for please check out this => Dere-Boy Line-Up
And if you’d like to look at the rules or the account overview and get to know the admins a bit please check us out on our welcome post => Account Overview & Admin Introductions
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1. “I have a lot going for me, but humility is not one of them.”
2. “Is that seriously your password?
3. “I’m surprised you haven’t been arrested yet. Wait, no, I’m not.”
4. “So, you broke my favorite mug… and you’re breaking up with me?"
5. “Oh, good, you’re here! Hold this."
6. “Dude. We talked about this. Boundaries!"
7. “Now, don’t be mad, but…"
8. “Well, thanks to you, that’s another Taco Bell that’s banned us for life."
9. “So you know, I haven’t had my coffee yet. And your voice is putting me to sleep."
10. “Please tell me you didn’t eat that."
11. “What on earth happened in here?”
12. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
13. “No. Hell, no. Absolutely not.”
14. “Do you maybe think, in retrospect, that this was a terrible idea?”
15. “So hang on, let me get this straight.”
16. “I need nothing but my mad skills, rugged good looks, and maybe half a million dollars.”
17. “I made breakfast, but I didn’t know what you liked so I made enough to probably feed a small tribe.”
18. "So you've been living in denial all these years?"
19. “So that could have gone better…”
20. “Look, I’m not saying I’ll help if you buy me a donut, but I’m not, not saying I won’t help.”
21. “You don’t know what this means to me. You’re my first human subject, and we… are going to make history!”
22. “The worst part is you didn’t even notice.”
23. “I was doing so well until you showed up. Things were good…”
24. “At first, I thought it was part of the act.”
25. “Honey, please tell me. Did he hit you?”
26. “I don’t like that look. Wipe it off your face before I decide to.”
27. “How could you do this to me?”
28. “I know you don’t have any reason to trust me, but… you need to know something.”
29. “You’re allowed to need help sometimes. And I know I haven’t been what you needed. But I’m here, and I wanna help.”
30. “You’re the worst. And you’re all I’ve got.”
31. “If I wanted to get better, I wouldn’t be dating you.”
32. “You think I don’t know you’re only here because he sent you?”
33. “No, I don’t hate you. We’re not there, yet.”
34. “It’s not that I don’t like my life. It’s that I don’t have the energy to enjoy it.”
35. “If you’re here to tell me what happened last night, someone beat you to it.”
36. “Do you know what today is?”
37. “You are remarkably well-behaved tonight. What have you been up to?”
38. “How – how did you find me?”
39. “There’s blood everywhere.”
40. “I don’t even hate you. That would imply I cared.”
41. “There’s no point running.”
42. “Stop yelling!”
43. “Believe me, my dear, no one regrets this more than I do.”
44. “I’m going to give you five seconds to take that back.”
45. “Apologise. Right now.”
46. “Good. I meant it to hurt.”
47. "Do you think keeping your eyes shut will keep you safe?"
48. "If you can't wake up from the nightmare, maybe you're not asleep."
49. “Smartass. I’d suggest biting your tongue before I rip it out.”
50. “Your mine. This- is mine, so don’t you dare think of someone else.”
51. “Is this how you flirt with everyone?”
52. “Waiiiiit, did you… do something different with your hair?”
53. “I’m not good with sarcasm. If you don’t like me, just say it.”
54. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you don’t exactly blend in.”
55. “Now, before I say anything, promise me you’ll stay calm.”
56. “I don’t need a gentleman right now.”
57. “You’ve caught me at a really bad time.”
58. “What have you done now?”
59. “Well, this is new.”
60. “How are you feeling today? A little better, hmm?”
61. “Oh man, I’ve had the worst day ever.”
62. “This isn’t what it looks like, I swear! Okay … it’s kind of what it looks like, but just give me a chance to explain."
63. “That’s the first time I’ve heard anyone call it that.”
64. “Oh my gosh, are you sure? Like, sure sure?”
65. “I’ve never actually liked chocolate.”
66. “That’s a very … bold … thing to say.”
67. “And you can’t think of any other reason?”
68 .“Hey. Look at me.”
69. “I’m sorry. That sounds awful.”
70. “That’s not very nice.”
71. “Just sit around and cry, then. I don’t have that luxury.”
72. "How much of that did you hear?”
73. For what it’s worth, I don’t know much about you either.”
74. “Why do you have to look at me like that? It’s making me weak, please stop."
75. “I’m so lucky.”
76. “I’m asking because I’ve seen the way you look at me.”
77. “Stop doing that with your face, someone else is going to snatch you up.”
78. “I shouldn’t be allowed to be this happy.”
79. “Don’t pretend that you don’t feel the same way.”
80. “Don’t act innocent, you had me pinned underneath you 5 minutes ago.”
- Hope to see you here! - ❄️ & 🌻
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pretty-pink-seaslug · 4 years
This post is meant for my mutuals, but if you’re curious enough to read for yourself just heed the warnings!
This is basically a list of writers I’ve seen nonchalantly write character x reader rape fics n shit, do keep in mind tho that these writers are mainly yandere writers, and don’t try to hit me with shit like “If you can’t handle rape maybe you shouldn’t read yandere” or stuff like that cuz y’all are canceled— and for the love of god do NOT @ these people and do NOT harass them in any way, remember this post is meant for people who would care not to see these mfs ok 👌 oh and fun fact dubcon is pretty much the same exact thing so the writers that titled them as “dubcon” and not “Noncon” also go on this list:
•mercurymetals (I wish I didn’t find out ;-; I love their writing and I didn’t know they wrote anything nsfw and I’m praying they don’t see this)
•bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love (they also wrote incest aka step sister reader x shigaraki rape so like cool)
•(edit) staruplatinum (they’re retired but just Incase they come back)
•(edit) korpuskat
•(edit) palbabor (damn eldritch demon ass name—)
•(edit) monst
•(edit) yanlovex3
•(edit) seiyasabi
•(edit) httdoggo
•(edit) yanderejojoimagines
•(edit) ravenzeppeli (Better yet it was untagged and unwarned!!! 🤪🥴)
•(edit) d0nterra
•(edit) savnofilter
•(edit) lord-explosion-baku
•(edit) theodora3022
•(edit) vixenpen
•(edit) tomurasprincess
•(edit) lets-just-daydream (She doesn’t even write yandere these are just things she clearly thinks is ok I guess— hell sometimes it’s not even warned like the one where she didn’t tag Stockholm syndrome and slavery)
•(edit) angxlyxn (I’m telling you it’s always the ones with the set aesthetics that are the most fucked)
•(edit) honeytea8
•(edit) the-writing-hero-ghostwriter
•(edit) alonelytinywriter
•(edit) shorkbrian
•(edit) softyswork
•(edit) abigsoftvibe
•(edit) nanasparadise
•(edit) lixis-sin-cauldron
•(edit) captainmcslashypaws
•(edit) sugarfairychan
•(edit) butkacchanwewerefive
•(edit) bloody-roses00
•(edit) drxwsyni
•(edit) abbacchiosbelt
•(edit) myyanderehero
•(edit) love-toxin
•(edit) wickedyan
•(edit) kazooli
•(edit) coldsoba
•(edit) darlingyanderes
•(edit) mistabullets
•(edit) urdearcrybaby
•(edit) lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten (the discord mods got her nooo)
•(edit) babiebucciarati
•(edit) yanderegarbage
•(edit) bu-bu-bunnywrites
•(edit) nympsycho-ao3
•(edit) moonmagicglowup
•(edit) pinky-the-elephant-room
•(edit) plums-princess
•(edit) critter-junior
•(edit) hawkschick
•(edit) mangospams
•(edit) libiraki
•(edit) toorusushijima
•(edit) the-lady-writes-what
•(edit) m00nchildthings
•(edit) chelsgal1993
•(edit) thegreatshippingwar
•(edit) electricshippingstuff
•(edit) notlycheesden
•(edit) massacremonday (nice job on not tagging rape and also using very specific tags nobody’s gonna block btw 🥰 consider this a hit list)
•(edit) kickshaws-corpse
•(edit) amothwhowrites
•(edit) yandere-lovebites
•(edit) nasti-bnha
•(edit) angelamajiki (theyre also super into incest so like—)
•(edit) cherrytenko
•(edit) andeyeoof
•(edit) sohin-ace (I had hope for you dude 😭)
•(edit) strawberrythiccshake
•(edit) insomniacfics (consider this a hitlist homie 😎)
•(edit) fallensvint (another incest writer— what is with rape writers and liking incest????)
•(edit) akazasbrat
•(edit) za-yandere-warudo
•(edit) degawrites
•(edit) chibikochannumberone
•(edit) nonobadcat
•(edit) novasdarling
•(edit) remember-to-be-gentle
•(edit) sluttbuttsstuff
•(edit) bvtterflykisses
•(edit) honeydarlings
•(edit) fatgumsupremacy (fatgum would never >:0 )
•(edit) yanderechuu
•(edit) asce-of-hearts
•(edit) villain-hotline
•(edit) the-scythes-pen
•(edit) lasquadrayandere
Remember to read the disclaimer at the top! And extra fun fact: I did NOT actively search for these blogs’ names, I searched for them through how I unfortunately found them at first (looking up yandere insert character/fandom and then seeing this shit, sometimes not even searching up the yandere part) extra disclaimer to not harass anyone on this list! And even if you do end up harassing them don’t you dare blame that shit on me cuz I told you not to—
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Hey, i'm the girl with purple hair you matched with dessy, i love her soooo much <3 but can you give me a second match with a skeleton? (Feel free to ignore this if you Don't want to do it)
((T_T My dear Dessy was rejected T_T How can I survive now? T_T. Ehehe, kidding~ I honestly would probably do the same, Dessy is sort of the unlovable type. That’s why she’s like my fave T_T IF NO ONE WANTS DESSY, I’LL WANT DESSY T_T oh boy, I just realized how much I contradicted myself. Oh well XD))
((Also, if you don’t like this matchup, feel free to request one more! A person for themselves/one character can request up to 3 match-ups! Of course, a user can request more match-ups for different characters too, if you want, that’s not against the rules~))
After thinking for a little bit, I decided to give you ... Gaster (Undertale Gaster)! Here are a few reasons why. First of all, Gaster is the attentive type. The quiet type that hardly opens up. The fact that you would be able to notice what he feels without him needing to tell you would be something that he would really appreciate. He might not open up to you a lot, but he will try to be there for you whenever you would need support.
* His age: Human age: 1862 years old, monster age: 38 years old
* His height: 7'1 feet
* His yandere type: Calculative Yandere
* His dere type: Kuugire
* His Sexuality: Cisgender Male Gynesexual Demiromantic
A . How would he show his love and affection? How intense would it get? - Gaster would have a hard time showing his affection at the very beginning, but eventually, he would come around to learn how to show you the appropriate amount of affection. It would all begin with soft yet short touches that would soon turn into embraces and even kisses eventually. He would slowly learn the fascination of giving affection to his lover. 
B. What type of future is he planning with his lover? - What he wants the most is for you two to get married. He doesn’t know how long he will be able to stay in this world, so he wants to get married as soon as possible. He wants to know that you will only have good memories with him.
C. What is the scariest moment with him? - What is the scariest moment? Well, it’s the fact that every time you talk about someone to him, they disappear. And that keeps happening, even with your family member. I’m not saying anything, but that is suspicious.
D. How does he usually act with his lover? - He is usually very quiet, loving to listen to you instead of talking, but every single time you would bring up something science-related, you just can’t get him to shut up. And if you do not understand, that’s fine too. He will slow down and explain everything in a way that you could understand too.
E. How would he court his lover before? - He wouldn’t understand that he likes you until it would be too late, so it’s probably you who would start courting him and leading him in the right direction.
F. What's his favorite memory/thing in the relationship? - It’s your small quirks that he came to love whenever you are telling him something. Every time you lie, exaggerate, are excited, sad, or happy, you always do something unique, and he memorized every single quirk of yours. He wants to know everything about you, even thinks like that. 
G. What sort of kinks would he ask to try out with you? - Just like affection, he is still very unsure about how he feels about sex. But if you would show interest in it, he would probably walk through his barrier and try his best to make you have a good time.
1.  Medical play - Is it truly a surprise that he is into something like this? Honestly, I don’t think it is. Of course, he wouldn’t force you into anything, but if you would ask him what he wanted to do, this would be his first pick. 
2.   Nyctophilia - The night is just so... charming. Everything is so much better at night. It’s probably not that surprising, but at night he would be more willing to do something sexual with you than when light is out. 
3.   Sensation play - It’s a light kink, but he loves it. Gently touching you, and having you touch him, and just feeling the sensations... It’s something he could never get over. 
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I hate my autocorrect, yes I meant dere
Holo - “Well, Dawn is quite yandere...I would say Gault is either dandere or tsundere...Caust is possibly deredere or oujidere/himedere. Amin could be kuudere or kamidere, Bleibai...oujidere/himedere or sadodere...and Insiesh is dandere or shundere...”
Caust - “And yourself, my dear?”
Holo - “...I don’t have a clue.”
Caust  “Hmm...partially kuudere, deredere and perhaps a little kamidere.”
Holo - “Really?”
Caust - “Mhmmm...”
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