#dark magican
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This took me a little longer than I thought, but it was worth it
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png-magician · 7 months
can you do some esoteric/Crowley/dark academia pngs??? ty (:
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250 notes · View notes
And the boys who love me
Meeting Leonis
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mysinsforventi · 9 months
~💜~ If I'm your truth, can you be my lie? ~💜~
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dom! Lyney x sub! f. reader
(reader ISN'T traveler!!)
+ 18 (minors DNI!!!) (all characters in this are adults!)
(This was written before 4.1 release! Characters are not canon! Just my AU!)
(THERE IS A LOT!!): not canon (ooc), a bit of arlecchino x lumine at the end (just minor) , angst, smut, dark themes, cursing, manipulation, gaslighting, pedophile noble man, drugging minors, kidnapping, trauma, death/ murder, lying , self hatred, betrayal, anxiety, depression, identity issues, anger issues, rough sex, nipple/clit clips, anal sex, vibrator, double penetration, master-kink, breeding, creampie, overstimulation, name-calling, discrimination, spanking, a bit voyeurism?, dirty talk, teasing, oral sex both, fingering, reader crying (out of pleasure), hickeys, bitemarks, possesive behavior, obsession, fatui lyney, bit yanderer lyney, (let me know if I forgot something!!)
As lumine's & paimon's travel companien you had the luck of seeing a lot of things, meeting a lot of people. There was never a time you were not grateful for beeing so close with the legend traveler. That all changed after entering fontain. Fontain the nation of justice. It changed you forever. All because a special magican boy has his eyes on you. Showing a huge amount of interest in you.
Neither of you knew, you were all just puzzle pieces of a much bigger game. Well one person knew.. or is it all just a lie? Then what is the truth? Can you be HIS truth? After all he is YOUR lie. Will the traveler lose another important person or win another good friend? Who is the mastermind behind these events? Who is 'the knave' really? Who is betraying who?
Blinded by a lie you try to find the truth. What a great magic trick. Creating a lie for you. Actually you were blinded by the truth, trying to find a lie..
(I noted were the nsfw part starts and where it ends, because the ff is so long! ♡ )
(Another fanfic I'll go to hell for! I'm acutally very proud of this one lmao! Please enjoy~♡)
Fontain, the nation of justice. Lumine and paimon, your best friends and you just arrived here. You had overcome many difficulties since your first days in mondstadt. So you walked with confindence along the habor of fontain. Yet neither of you had any idea that this would be your last journey together. That the nation of justice would take something else from the traveler. The only hope, besides her good friend paimon, she still had left. What tragedy..
"I heard that here in fontain they use all kind of different machines!", paimon explained, floating infront of the both of you. You looked at the huge waterfall and smiled amazed, "What a sight!! Did you ever see something like this on your travels lumine?", you asked curiously, looking over at your friend. The traveler nodded her head as she smiled, "One time there was a huge waterfall that moved backwards. The people used to keep whales as their pets and ride on them~", lumine explained while giggeling to herself. "W-WHALES??", paimon asked shocked. You glared at lumine, "You are messing with me right?!", as you laughed. "What?! And paimon trusted you!!", your floating friend pouted, stumping her foot in the air. This made all of you laugh, "noo the betrayal!!~~", you added in a dramatic voice and laughed more.
After you calmed down you decided to talk to a girl looking into the water for a while. Scared she would jump in. "Are you alright?", paimon asked the girl. "Huh? Oh! Yes I'm fine, thanks for asking!", the girl said, continueing to stare into the water. "We don't mean to bother you it's just you looked worried so we wanted to ask if everything is okay?", paimon tried again. "Please don't jump! This might be weird coming from a stranger but it's not worth it!", you added, looking worried, mentally getting ready to jump in after her.
The girl finally turned around to you, "I wasn't going to jump. There is no reason to worry. I was just looking at a hill were my brother and I played as kids", she said, smiling a bit softly at you before going back to this emotionless expression of hers. Did she just smile? No you must be seeinh things, all this way through the dessert must've messed with your head.
"Well hello there, I don't think we had the pleasure of meeting yet? Are you lynettes new friends?", a boy, looking very much the same as the girl asked, walking towards us. "No we just wanted to ask if everything is okay and got to talking", you answered with a smile, "even tho we don't got what she was saying..", paimon added, lumine nodded with a gently smile. "Mhh I see thats odd. Usually lynette never talk much, especially not with strangers. The only one she ever talks is with me. I'm lyney and thats my sister lynette~", the boy, lyney said with a bright smile on his lips. "Nice to meet you lyney and lynette, I'm y/n, the travelers companien", you said, "paimon is paimon and thats the traveler", she smiles at the twins before us.
"Y/n what a magical name..", lyney laughed and looked in your eyes with a soft gaze. You smiled back and giggeld, "Thank you lyney, your name reminds me of sugar, it sounds sweet~". Lyney blushed at that and coughed. This made lynette laugh quietly. You giggled as lumine and paimon just hit their hand on their heads.
Back then you didn't even realise how much impact this moment had. This interaction between all of you. The soft gaze, the warm, charming smile, the sweet words leaving his mouth that lyney gave you. The caring looks, the short, happy smiles, the purring that lynette gave you. You had no idea what that would mean in the future..
"The opera house? Sure let's go there later I just have to take care of something here first", lyney said, looking at the traveler with a smile.
Would you look at that.. it's not the same smile he gives you. You never noticed... He always treats you different from the travler somehow?? Not that you were jelaous but you never noticed this fact about lyney. Does he do this with all people? You wondered.
You all walked towards the aquabus. It was such a nice view from up here. The aquabuses looked so cool. Music was ringing through some speakers. You listened to it as you sat on the aquabus, waiting for it to move. The song was an interesting one. Yet sadly you couldn't understand the whole lyrics of it. But it went something like this:
… I'm sorry that I did this
The blood is on my hands
I stare at my reflection
I don't know who I am
Practice my confession
In case I take the stand
I'll say I learned my lesson
I'll be a better man
… I'm packing up my things
And I'm wiping down the walls
I'm rinsing off my clothes
And I'm walking through the halls
I did it all for her
So I felt nothing at all
I don't know what she'll say
So I'll ask her when she calls.
"Do you like this song?", lyney sat down next to you, blocking your view of the speakers. A warm smile on his face. You nodded, "It sounded good. I just wished I could've understood the lyrics some more but it echeos here so much haha", you giggeled, looking at lyney. He laughed to and pulled a card from his sleeve only to show it to you, "Sometimes the deeper you look the less enjoyable something gets my dear. Try to enjoy the song for the melody not for it's meaning. Happiness suits you better then a confused stare~", with that the magican threw the card into the air only to make a rose appeare. "Look what I have here for you~ So that what was hiding in my hat~", lyney gave the rose to you and smiled.
You paused as your eyes widened. Thanks to your boyfriend lyney you knew all cards and what the meant. Back then you couldn't have noticed but now.. the card that he showed you was a reversed magican!  The reversed magician is a master of illusion. The magic that he performs is one of deception and trickery. You may be lured in by the showmanship of his arts, but behind that there may be an intention to manipulate for selfish gain...
Why did he show you this card? Has it something to do with the song you heard?
Looking at all the pictures of your photos together you still didn't think lyney was the murderer. Someone else must've framed him! You stood up as you walked outside of your teapot room, "lumine? I couldn't find anything either! I really don't think lyney would do such a thing you know!..", you sounded sad, upset. The traveler came to you to hug you, "We will prove your boyfriends innocence y/n! Don't worry okay?~", she smiled caressing your back. It has been almost 2 months since lyney and you were official dating. Yet it felt like two days since you two met. It is crazy. But you are so in love with him, your feelings for him were strong. So of course you would help him if he was accused of murder and had to stand trail! Lyney is a innocenct, good soul!
Or at least so you thought..
~ 💜 ~ The Trail ~ 💜 ~
You sit there, in the court, in the crowd, watching lyney's trail. Even if you just started dating not to long ago, you didn't believe a single thing that was said against him. Lyney was a kind soul, he would never do, such things! That was what you thought in the beginning of the trail. But now.. you weren't so sure anymore.. are you hurt? Is it the shock? You looked to your traveler friend, lumine. She seemed shocked as well, even more than you. For her it must be even worse than for you..
"Aren't you, mr lyney & you, mrs lynette both part of the house of the hearth?!", furina, the hydro archon just asked. A question that didn't really wanted to click in your head. Lyney? House of the hearth? Fatui? Bad person? There was so much going on in your head, yet your mind was completly blank. What did this mean?
After a few seconds you understood. You understood very well. But.. it has to be a missunderstanding right? Lyney would never..
"Answer my question mr. lyney!", the chief justice, nevieultte asked. Silence. You looked up to lyney, hoping to see a look of shock on his face. But there wasn't.. It looked more like.. guilt? Sadness? Maybe both? Clearly he feels bad that people think that way about him right? Poor lyney he really doesn't deserve this! "Yes your honor, it's the truth!", lyney answered with a serious look on his face.
Your breath stopped for seconds. The same words echoed in your mind. It is true? How did you never notice? Did he use you to get to know the traveler better? You looked up to your friend, lumine. She also looked down to you. Her face said it all.. hurt, disappointed, sad for you. But lumine quickly realised by just looking at you that you didn't know either.
Your heart hurted. Was it all just a lie? Maybe he never liked you.. it was all just a 'script' as furina put it? Actually you didn't know why you are so shocked. You kind of suspecte he hid something from you. You guessed right so why the hard feelings? The answer is simple really, because you are blinded by love. You fell right into his charm, into his trap, his illusion. Even now, your heart tells you it will be alright. He is a villain and? He murders people and? He is a liar and manipulator and? You still loved him! You always would no matter who he was or what he will become in the future. Caught in his charming web, no way of escape.
"Mr Lyney & Mrs Lynette are declared NOT GUILTY!!", finally the end of the trial was here. And you smiled, you were so happy. Even if lyney is a fatui at least he didn't hurt someone. Of course you still would ask for an explaination of him later! You still loved him after all, yet your trust issues are sending warn signals in your head through your whole body. Something still doesn't feel quiet right..
Looking up to lumine who just got ready to leave, you wondered, does she sense it too? Something is missing..
As trial ended you rushed over to your friend, lumine. She greated you with a soft hug and pats on the back. Oh.. she knew you were hurt. "Are you alright?", paimon asked, looking worried at you. You nodded while smiling softly, "It's going to be fine.. I'm sure lyney has his reasons! I want to hear his explainatiom first before jumping to conclusions!", you said towards your friends.
Not shortly after lyney & lynette ran after the traveler and you. It felt heartbreaking to see the way your friend acted towards the twins. Yet she had every reason to do so. After all she almost embarrassed herself infront of the hydro archon who maybe had information on her brother. Why would the hydro archon tell a criminals helper anything? Right?..
Still it hurted your soul to see the traveler leaving like that, "I'll see you later then!", lumine said to you as she left the opera house. So she DID sense it too! She knew something is off..
"Love, can we talk?", lyney asked you, sadness feeling his shaky voice. He is upset. The travelers reaction made him upset. The question is why.. because of his plans? Or does he really care?..
"Sure, where? Maybe somewhere more privat?", you asked with a gently smile towards the twins. "If it's okay.. would like to come back with us to.. um.. our home?", lyney asked, voice shaky, nervous. Is he scared you won't trust him? That you will say no? "Sure lyney let's go~", you smiled and nodded. There is a slim chance this could be a trap.. but oh well.. it's not like you couldn't fight yourself!
So you went back to the siblings house with them. "Sit down, would you like something to drink?", lyney asked with his usually cheerfull smile, but there was a pitch of sadness in his eyes. Sitting down on his bed you looked at him, "lyney why didn't you tell me?", you asked without taking your eyes from him. It was a honest question. Lyney held still in his movements and sighed, "I'm sorry.. I swear I wanted to! But the timing wasn't right.. I didn't want the traveler or you to hate me because I'm part of the fatui.. not all of us are bad..", lyney explained, looking at you with sorrow in his eyes. He looked upset. But was he upset over the 'script' failing or over their new found bound?
"I don't hate you lyney! I'm just.. upset why you didn't tell me sooner? I'll accept and love you no matter who you are or become!", you said, starting to tear up, "Tell me honestly.. was there a second motive involved as you and lynette approuched the traveler and me?", your voice was shaking as you asked what you feared most. The tears just started to overflow, running down your chin.
Lyney was lost for words. You were hurt and it ripped his heart apart. He never ment for things to be this way. All feelings for you were real and true! As for the traveller.. this was another story. But even if he explained it in detail to you, would you understand? Understand that he did all this just to protect his family, to give lynette finally the live she, no they deserved?! He didn't like the idea of beeing bad one bit. He loves to make people gasp in suprise and see their smiles and laughs. Hurting someone wasn't something he enjoyed, yet for his family he would go through with everything! Would you understand him? Stand by his side?
Lyney leaned in, pulling you in his arms and hugging you tightly. Trying to calm you down. "I know you have no reason to believe me. But all the words I said to YOU, all my feelings and actions for YOU, to YOU were real and came from heart. I showed you a part of me I usually keep hidden away.. the real lyney is a lot more complex and pathetic then the lyney on stage you know.. it's not something you just show everyone..", lyney whispered lost in thought, caressing with one hand gently over your back, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was just so scared.. I'm scared of losing you. If you would give me the chance to explain how things came to be this way.. maybe you will understand the real lyney better?", it was a question to you.
You toke a deep breath while leaning against his chest, hearing his heartbeat. Suprisingly it was completly calm. Not a beat was off. Yet his body language spoke a different story. He looked scared, clenching his other hand in his lap to a fist, pressing his theeth together. He looked like he wanted to break down in tears but kept it under control. He hid everything away under this charm, under this cheerfull smiles. Taking his clenching hand in yours you looked up and smiled softly, "Thank you for telling me this lyney! I would love to get to know and love the real lyney, so would you please tell me more about you? I want to believe you! ", you said, kissing his hand with so much love as possible.
Lyney couldn't help but let out a gasp at your words. It felt like a huge burden was taken of off him. His heart was about to shatter in thousends of peaces. He loved you so so much, losing you would be like the sky would fall down, crushing every single shade of light amd hope underneath it. Without thinking he grabbed your hand, pulled you in his arms and hugged you tightly. "Thank you! I'll explain everything and I promise there won't be anymore secrets! I shall empty all my sleves and hat for you!", the magican said, his voice sounding a bit broken.
You hugged him back, gently caressing his back. Trying to calm him down. "I'm listening love~", you whispered, waiting for him to explain. For him to state his reasoning. For him to finally be a step closer to be himself around you. "It all started as lynette and I were still kids. Our parents died as we both were very young..", lyney started. You could tell it wasn't easy for him to talk about this. His breath grew heavier, voice slightly shaking. You toke both his hands in yours as you kissed them gently, "Don't force yourself if you're not ready! Today was a lot going on, we can talk another time love!", you said, worried for your boyfriend. As much as you wanted tl know the truth, your boyfriend's health mattered more to you. "No! I want to tell you this, I want you to understand that I'm not a bad person! J-Just give me some time please..", lyney snapped but sighed right after. He was different. Completly different from the 'lyney' you knew. Or you thought yiu knew. You just nodded and holding his hands in yours, waiting.
After a while lyney continued talking, "Because of our parent's death we were forced to live on the streets. I hated it! Our live was cursed. If it would just be me.. I couldn't have cared less but lynette didn't deserve such a live! It was disgusting, dangerous and I tried everything to get us out of this situation. So we leaned a few magic tricks we saw on the street, it wasn't anything special but it brought us some mora and some reason to live on. But it was far from good. One day a..", lyney stopped, shwalloed hard, clenching his fist, "a noble man came to us. He 'adopted' us, saying we were so talented. In the beginning I thought of it as a blessing. But.. it wasn't. Just another curse that was laid up on us! This noble man brought me to many different partys, festivals, just to grow his power, his social circle. And what better way as to use a young, 'handsome' and talented boy.. Tch!!..", the magican's eyes filled with rage. The grew darker in color and were filled with pure hatred. You never had seen your boyfriend like this.
"Lyney, it's in the past. You are here with me now!", you spoke in a soft voice, kissing his hands while looking at him. Seeing how his gaze grew softer right away. After a few minutes of silence he continued, "He forced me to peform magic on every party, mostly with lynette as my assistent, but more often I started to perform by myself.. he forced me to..", another sign that it was difficult to talk about this situation, your boyfriend sighed and continued, "I shouldn't tell you this. It's horrible but.. you have the right to know as my girlfriend. It will shock you a bit.. and I don't know if you will still like me after this.. so please get ready..", the magican said, hesitating a bit. He looked at the ground, hair falling over his eyes, so you couldn't see him tearing up.
What happened to him? You started to grow upset, thinking to ask your traveler companien, lumine to go and find this man. You know, just paying a visit, saying hello. How dare he make your boyfriend so upset? You sat up, moved out of lyneys arms as you placed your own around him. Pressing him to your chest, caressing his back gently, "Lyney no matter what you tell me it won't change a thing! It is the past! I won't leave you! So if you want to tell me, don't be afraid okay?", you whispered in a sad, warm voice.
Hearing those words meant so much to the magican. "Fine.. Thank you..", lyney continued speaking, "The noble man forced me to perform alone, drink with guests, wear clothes in ways.. that.. were not common for children. He forced me to sleep with rich women, man.. He teached me how to manipulate people.. As a child I thought I had to push through it, just so that lynette had a better live. Later on I started to realise how bad this all was. That it wasn't normal.. The snapping point was as lynette wasn't with me at all. I waited for her back at home but she never came. As I went to ask the noble man where my sister was.. he said... he said.. that one of the man at the party liked her and so he send her over to him as a gift..", lyney finished, his hands shaking, taking deep breathes.
Blood lust, rage, hate. You could feel it. It filled the room. Your own hands were cold, your heart beating fast. What kind of sick jerk?!! You really needed to talk to lumine about this! This bastard will pay!! That was your thoughts, yet you just bit your lip and hugging lyney thighter, kissing his hands.
"Stop this!", lyney all of sudden said. Holding in your tracks you looked shocked. Pulling away from him, "Oh okay.. I'm sorry!", you said a bit sad but worried. He must be very traumatized, you should leave him a bit, you thought. "N-No! Stop beeing angry for me! I can feel it.. the anger. Please don't feel angry.. like you said it's in the past and the noble is already dead!", lyney said, pulling you back into his arms. Making you fall on his lap, you blushed as you tried to sit up. Yet no chance since the magican held you close to him as he continued, "I ran after lynette, storming into the house of the noble. But as I arrived there the noble man was already dead. Father, the knave, arlecchino killed him. Father saved us. Also saving all the other young girls that were found in the basement! Lnyette didn't come to any harm. After this arlecchino made a deal with me, I could live happily with my family in order to follow her. Betrayal shall not happen and everyone would be treated as important. We shall get our freedom back.. I wasn't sure back then, after all I was just betrayed but.. father saved lynette so.. I ended up agreeing. Everything I do, have done is just for my family!.. Even tho I'm with the fatui at the end of the day I'm still just a brother who wants to protect his sister.." , lyney finished, sighing, looking to you. His eyes grew wide and he suddenly regreted telling you all of this.
You sat there listening to all of it, your heart was clenching in pain. It hurt. You loved lyney and lynette so much. You were hurt for them. What did they do to deserve this? Your hands were cold and shaking, tears running down your cheeks, biting your lip to stay quiet.
"Love.. please don't cry! I can't stand this hurt expression on your face! Look I'm all fine now, lynette is fine too. We have visions now and can protect ourselves! Besides.. we have you!", the magican whispered with a soft smile on his face. A caring smile, a real smile.. his real smile. Your heart jumped, yet you cried even more. Lyney finally for the first time showed you his real smile! This meant so much to you!
"Aghhh.. love.. please stop crying mhh? Look I'll show you something fun!", lyney said, grabbing his cards from the table next to him. "Pull one card! Doesn't matter which one!", lyney said, holding a few card in his hand. You giggled and pulled one, "It does matter does it? Fine I did and now?", you asked rubbing your tears away with the other hand, trying to calm yourself down. "Hold your card so that I can't see it, only you!", lyney said.
You did what he told you. "Now I want you to put this card, without me seeing it back into my hand okay?", your boyfriend said, holding his cards still in the hand. After you followed his request, he shambled the cards, "Now I'll mix them, I'll have no idea what you card was of course. But let my mind read yours, I'll pull your card out of this mixed card deck in a moment! Ready?~", he continued. You looked interested and curious as you nodded. "Is THIS your card?", lyney asked, pulling a card out of his deck. You pouted and giggeled, "Your mind trick didn't work lyney, this isn't my card". "Ohh... I see I wonder where it's hiding then? Mhh.. Oh I can see it clearly in my mind! Love, would you please check under the pillow next to you?", the magican pointed next to you. As you lifted the pillow and your card was underneath it you gapsed, "Noo wayy..". "Ahh see there it was hiding! And was this your card?", lyney smirked, taking back his card. You clapped your hands in excitement, "Yes!! This was amazing! You're so cool lyney!", you giggeld, hugging your boyfriend tightly. "And I'm glad you stopped crying y/n~", lyney smiled, caressing over your cheek.
"From now on I promise YOU, I'll try to be more like my real self and I'll always be honest with YOU!", lyney said, looking into your eyes. You smiled and leaned in to gently place your lips on his, "I know love! I forgive you and I believe you~", you said, kissing him again. Even if you still felt like you overlooked something, like something was missing you quickly dismissed it as he pushed you down on his bed. Kissing you deeper, caging you in between his arms, him now towering above you. The kiss continued until you both were barely able to breath. Then you parted to catch your breath. Your mind was blank, was lyney always such a good kisser? You couldn't remember. As you looked into his eyes all you saw was pure love, his cheeks were red, softly blushing. But his usually smile was gone, he just looked so cold. His eyes spoke another story..
"This is the real me.. without mask, without cheerfull smiles, without many words.. do I make you uncomfortable beeing like this?", lyney asked, looking into your eyes, watching out for any sign of discomfort. "No! You don't lyney! I'm curious to see more of the real you. I'll accept you for who you are, who you want to be!", you stated, hands reaching up to his face, just to cup his cheeks and squish them softly. A smile found it's way to lyney's lips. Soon after it disappeared again as he looked away with a sigh, "Thank you love. That means the world to me! But.. you maybe forgive me but will the traveler ever?..", the magican asked. He looked clearly upset. A sigh left your mouth. Even if you knew lumine pretty well you had no idea what to say. Giving information on her wouldn't do good.
"See.. like I understood your reasons, you have to understand that the traveler has been through a lot too. There is a good amount of bad history between the traveler and the fatui! Giving it's mostly fatui habringers that caused trouble and I'm sure the traveler knows that, eventually not all fatui members are the same. Yet we saw a lot, someone who used their own people as their doorstep, someone who kicked our dear friend brutally in the stomatch, someone who would gladly sacrifice any person along their way of power, someone who threw a whole nation into chaos and tried to drown it, someone who sold delusion illegaly and killed a got friend of ours, a psychopath who kinapped children, expieremented on them and drugged them.. these people were all fatui members. The traveler has been betrayed, hurt, got used so many times.. She probably just snapped..", you explained, looking at lyney. Another sigh left his lips, now looking back at you, "And you? You were there with her! Yet you forgive me? You saw those things too?!", he looked so hurt as he asked this. A smile came to your face, "Because thats the real me! I am me! I am my own person! And the traveler is their own person! The traveler maybe can't forgive you.. but I can! Because I am me!~", you said, looking into his eyes.
(Nsfw starts here~ )
Before you knew it lyney hugged you tightly, hiding his face in your neck, "Y-You can't just say things like this ma cherie~~", the magican stuttert. He got shy right there. Not expecting such an honest answer. Once again you suprised him, proving everything he thought he knew about you wrong. Throwing his mind reading skills under the aquabus. You really were something, he smirked in your neck. If you wouldn't be his girlfriend already he would've asked you to be his again. How much he loved you was actually insane. But that wasn't enough. Kissing and holding you close wasn't enough anymore. Lyney wanted you completly all to himself, he wanted you to be marked as his! Without thinking he leaned hin and sucked on your neck. Leaving a hickey. Then another one, and another one. He continued till your whole neck and shoulders were covered in hickeys and lovebites. Leaning back, panting heavy while admiring his work.
"Please let me show you how much I love you! Let me give you all the pleasure you deserve! Will you let let me take it a few steps further in our realtionship ma cherie?", your boyfriend asked you, serious look on his face, his cheeks called him out tho. He was so embarrassed to ask this. But he needed to know! You blushed yourself, heart beating fast, were you really about to do it? It's not like you were a virgin but thinking about doing such things with your boyfriend, lyney made you feel like one. You had dreamt about situation's like this.. might touched yourself to the thoughts of him taking you. But now, that it's about to become reality, you were actually a bit nervous. You wanted him obviously and you tried to say that but you just opened and closed your mouth like a fish on land. Heart beating out of your chest.
"I'm sorry love.. I got ahead of myself haha~ With your charming looking self it's really hard not to! Forget it ma cherie~ i just-", lyney stuttered, laughed akwardly and wanted to sit up. Noo you were silent for to long!! Aghh, you cursed at yourself inside your mind. The smile.. it looked fake. It was interesting how just now you saw the difference. He is back to his fake-self. Quickly you grabbed lyneys arm to pull him back on top of you as you yelled, "PLEASE FUCK ME!!", in his face above you.
A moment later you let out a loud gasp, holding your hand infront of your mouth. Why did you say it like that? Oh man.. what an embarrassement.. Hiding your face in your hands you waited for his reaction.
Lyney felt disgusting. You both had such an emotional moment and here he was.. semi hard under his pants, mind filled with unholy, sinfull thoughts of you laying under him. Obsessed with the idea to make you completly his. After you didn't answer he felt horrible. Was he about to become like the people he hated the most? Driven by their own sexuell desire not caring about others. He didn't want to be like. But these thoughts were lost the moment you pulled him back, saying the three magic words he never thought would hear from you. Lyney wasn't innocenct, he heard those words a lot, even if most are connected with bad memorys. But hearing you say those words was different! His cock twichted in his pants, only growing in size, geting harder. Damn.. you shouldn't have said that! A chuckle left the magican as he leaned down, stopping right infront of your lips, "Are you sure you can handle me?~", he said with a teasing smirk on his lips.
You held your breath has lyney leaned in, blushing hardly at his words. This damn tease..
"Why don't you test it out? I want all of you!~", you smirked back at him, just to laugh at his shy expression. He wasn't expecting that. Usually you were always the one blushing and he loved it. But now.. look who also has another side towards themselves?
Lyney chuckled and leaned in to kiss you deeply, caressing with one of his hands through your hair, "Then don't mind if I do show you the stars a bit closer tonight~", he whispered against your lips. Kissing you deeply, his tongue playing with yours. You couldn't help but to give in. Enjoying it, enjoying his sweet whisperes of compliments on your skin, against your lips. The room felt hot, yet you were so wet. Rubbing your thighs against each other while the whole make-out session happened. Lyney caressed his hands over your body, massaging all your sensetive spots. One hand of his moved under your shirt, playing with your breats while still kissing you.
You panted heavily into the kiss, nippels growing hard under his gentle touch. It felt so good. The magican pulled away, looking at you with lustfull eyes, "May I reveal your beauty to my eyes?", tugging on your shirt, he asked. You quickly nodded, lifting your arms up. One second later your shirt and bra layed somewhere forgotten on the room's floor. Lyney massaged your breats, playing with your hard nippels. Twirling them a bit,without hurting you. Curious over your reaction he leaned his head down, sucking on one of your already sensetive nippels. A smirk covered his face as you let out a loud moan. Suprised at the sudden pleasure overcoming your body. With his other hand he circled one finger around your nippel, but not touching were you wanted it to. While his tongue played and sucked on your nippel, you rubbed your thighs together. You were so wet already. Moaning and panting you had closed your eyes.
You opened them just as quick again. You were about to cum. "Ahh- l-lyney I-", you were trying to warn him. But the magican just hummed in knowledge and continued to suck. Taking his finger and gently flicking your other nippel, while sucking on the other you came. Moaning his name out loud, legs shaking. Cumming in your underwear. Lyney continued for a while before stopping as you calmed down a bit. "Did it feel that good? Ohh~ I must be really talented then with my mouth~ OOR.. could it be that I turn you on this much?~", a proud smirk covered his face. While still catching your breath you answered, "B-Both!", and sat up, pushing him to lay back on his bed. Climbing over him, sitting on his lap. "Would it be alright to take this off?", you asked, pulling on his bow and his clothes.
Suprised lyney leaned back, the view was great he had to admit. Maybe he should let you ride him next time, he thought to himself. Your question made him blush, his ears heating up, cock twitching im his pants. "Take everything off I don't mind~", he answered, smug as always. His heartbeat wasn't smug at all tho. Beating fast. You giggled and nodded, "Fine remember you allowed me too!~", you teased back. Your curiosity got the better of you and you couldn't wait to see your most beautiful boyfriend in his whole glory.
Taking off all of his clothes, just leaving him in his boxers you blushed. Damn he looked fine. You caressed over his chest, without thinking much leaning down, starting to kiss his chest, his shoulders, his arms, down to his stomatch, kissing his neck, leaving hickeys and lovebites everywhere. "Now everyone will know that the great magican lyney is taken~", you smirked, mostly to yourself, beeing proud. Lyney laughed, panting, with one hand gently caressing your head. "Let me return the pleasure to you", you smiled as you carefully removed his boxers. Gasping in suprise as his rock-hard cock jumped out, standing up all angry. A cute whine escaped the magican. Fuck, he had imagined you doing this for the longest time. He couldn't believe this moment was real.
Taking his cock in your mouth, filling up your throat as much as possible with his length. Taking it all in until your face met his hips. "Mghhh.. you're soo bighh~", you mumbled, mouth stuffed with him. Then you started slowly moving your head up and down, licking the tip with your tongue. Going faster after a while. Lyney could swear he was this close already. You were just so hot. You drove him insane. "Love, d-don't ahh- say those things! I-I aghh~ might lose control!", he whimpered out, holding on to the sheeds.
His cock twitching in your mouth. Was he close already? You moved your head faster, sucking harder. One hand caressing over his thighs, finding his full balls, massaging them gently. "Cumf in my mouthh~", you mumbled. Hearing him whine and whimper made you wet again. Feeling your clit throbb at the dirty sounds. "C-Cumming!! Nghh-", a second later your boyfriend, thrusted up in your mouth, leting out a grunt with a whine after. His hips jerking a bit, eyes closed while moaning your name in a dreamy voice. Cumming all into your mouth. There was so much. Without missing a beat you shwalloed his seed completly. Before you let go of him and pulled away, catching your breath.
The magican looked down at you, grabbing your arm, pulling you up in his arms to kiss you. A kiss full with love. "You did so well for me ma cherie~ Please let me taste you too?~", he asked into the kiss, licking over your lips. As you nodded he looked at you, "Sit down then~", he gestured to his face, laying on his back on the bed. A gasp left you at his idea, "A-Are you sure? I might be.. heavy..", you asked worried to hurt him. "Don't underestimate me! Sit down my love~", lyney said, looking serious at you. He really meant it.
With a nod you removed the rest of your clothes. You both were completly bare now. You crawled over him on the bed. Kneeling over his head. Your face all red, shy because you felt exposed like this. "What a great view ma cherie, lucky only I can see this everyday~", he whispered, caressing his hands over your ass. Massaging your ass while starring at your dripping wet cunt. You were so beautiful he could look at every part of you forever. What a perfect view but the show must go on so he leaned in, breathing against your cunt. Chuckling as you whimpered under his touch. Giving your slit a teasing lick with his tongue. But that wasn't nearly enough. "Sit down love~" he said to you, pointing on his face. Still kneeling over him you let yourself down on his mouth a bit more. "I said SIT!!", the magican grabbed your hips, pulling you down on his face, grabbing you tighs and holding you there. Holy shit! His voice changed tune completly. No, not only his voice, his entire aura was different! Fatui lyney is here and long may he stay..
A few minutes later and you came already twice. Lyney fucked his tongue into your hole, swirling it around inside, hitting all the right places. Then moving out, flicking your clit with his tongue. And repeat. It's like he couldn't get enough of your taste, your moans, your shaking legs. He was obsessed, with you! Tears running down your face, you grabbed the headboad as you leaned your head against it. Having not enough strengh anymore to hold yourself up. "C-Cumming again!! Nghh- lyney I'm.. cumming again!!!", you moaned, throwing your head back. The magican was unbothered, his pace growing faster, "Then cum!! Give it to me!", he ordered.
"AGHH L-LYNEEYY!!", you screamed his name, cumming into his mouth for the third time this night. Licking all of it clean, lyney removed his tongue from inside you. He smirked, happy with his actions, before geting an idea. He wasn't done with you yet! Just as you were about to catch your breath, he pushed two fingers into your hole, "You are still so tight ma cherie~ How will I fit my big cock in there mhh?~", he teased, smirking to himself as he started thrusting the fingers in and out of your used cunt. "T-To much-", you whined, moaning, yet moving your hips with his fingers. It felt so good but you were so sensetive that you coudln't help but to cry out. Not that you wanted him to stop, if anything you wanted him to go deeper!
"Mhh.. you are a bad liar ma cherie~ I saw the way you looked at my fingers all day, how you clenched your thighs together. I saw the way your eyes wandered over my back, my thighs. You eye-fucked me since the day we first met at the habor. So don't tell me it's 'to much'!", lyney looked up to you with a proud, teasing smirk. And you knew he was right. "M-More please.. lyney I want more~", you looked down at him, moving your hips faster. "That's my girl!~", the magican said. Fingers thrusting deeper, pace growing faster. You moaned his name loudly, eyes rolling over as you let out a loud yelp. What was that? Your head was spinning for a moment, it felt so good. "Ohh?~ Ma cherie let me show you a magic trick! In a second a waterfall will appear infront of our eyes, are you ready?~", lyney had this grin on his face that spelled trouble, yet you were to far gone already to realise that. "S-show mee ahh~~", you moaned, continueing to ride his fingers.
A twist of lyndys hand, currling of the two fingers. You felt how his fingers pulled all the way out, you whined at the lose of his touch. "Now watch closely love~", lyney said as he snapped his finger with the other hand. Trusting two fingers at once, full spead against your sweetspoat deep inside your cunt. While with the other hand he gently flicked your clit once. You didn't even know what was happening to you. Throwing your head forward, your mind became empty. A loud scream left you, you had lost all control over your body. Legs shaking like crazy, you squirted. All over lyndys face, all over the bed and all over your thighs. Panting heavily while holding on to the headboard. "Look at you~ I should make you my apprentice! You learn so quickly how to put on a great show~", lyney chuckled, removing his fingers from inside you, licking everything clean.
Still trying to calm down and geting your brain to function again you slowly opened your teary eyes. Did you just squirt? You never did that before.. oh wow!! "Mhh~ you taste so delicious, I want more ma cherie~", the magican under you mumbled. Pushing his tongue back into your still dripping cunt. Cleaning every last drop of you. Eating you out again. "Aghh!! L-lyn- aghj~ wait!! S-Still sensetivee~", you yelped, trying to push his head away. But lyney was having none of it, grabbing your thighs to hold you down, over his face, till he was finished. There was nothing you could do besides sit down and enjoy.
"Mhh~~ That was delicious~ This gave me an idea for my next show! The audience in the opera house would love your performance for sure! Maybe you will let me do this next time as our final act mhh?~", the magican grinned up at you from between your legs, gently helping you to lay down on the bed. Beeing so fucked out as you were right now you didn't even understand half of what he was saying, so just nodded. A chuckle left the magican. His cock throbbing in pain. "I'm sorry ma cherie, but I'm afraid I can't hold back anymore. May I show you a part of the real lyney or would it be to soon? You might.. not like this side of me..", the magican still was nervous. Hearing his voice drop into a bit of sadness, made you snap out of your lust-space. You took his hand in yours and kissed it gently, "You can go rough with me you know? I'm not made out of glas! I won't shatter easily! Besides.. i trust you lyney! No matter which you, I trust you!", you smiled, voice slightly cracking here and there.
With that the cheerfull glow in lyneys eyes was gone. The magical, charming self disappeared. As you looked up and looked into his eyes you got shocked for a second. This was new. His eyes seemed much more intimidating, much colder but not in a bad way. Just more serious. This lyney stared at you like you were his prey. A target he had layed his eyes on for a while. It felt like he could read your mind, see through your soul.
"Thank you y/n! For putting faith into my hands. Did I ever tell you how much I wanted you too see this side of me. But I was a coward. Like always, playing my games, hiding behind a mask. I really hope you'll still love me like this. I know I love you so much I can't put it into words!", lyney said, caressing with one hand through hair before leaning over you to kiss you on the lips. It was a deep kiss. You just smiled at him before returing the kiss. In your eyes there wasn't much difference. He still was your lyney! The one you loved!
"Spread your legs for me! I can't wait any longer. Let me stuff you full of my love! Let me make you mine!~", he whispered against your ear, caressing over your thighs. Kneeling above you he helped you spreading your legs, giving him the most beautiful view he so adored. "P-Please lyney! I wanna be yours~", you blushed at his confession and whined for his touch. For his love.
The bed made a 'thumb' noice as it was pushed forward against the wall. Lyney thrusted his whole cock into you in one go. Making you gasp loudly, clawing into his back. "You take me so well! You can be as loud as you like, let the others hear that I finally made you mine. Let the others know that I stole your heart. I want to hear you scream my name!", the magican said in between hard thrusts. Your mouth stood open, the pleasure was to much. You felt so full, walls strechted around his big cock. Threwing your head back with every thrust, biting your lip. Embarrassed that someone would hear you.
"Are you disobeying me? I told you-", lyney's voice got darker, grabbing your chin to have you look at him. "SCREAM-MY-NAME!", the fatui member said, thrusting hard into you with every word. Hitting your cervix over and over again. "Could it be that you have lost your voice? Huh.. what a pathetic whore! Here I thought so highly of you, wanting to make you my apprentice but actually with that dumb look on your face, making you my plaything sounds like a better use for you!", the fatui member whispered in your ear, biting into it. His thrusts geting deeper. "Still not screaming? Mhh.. I guess you leave me no other choice but to punish you..", lyney said as he leaned himself up. Snipping his fingers he suddenly held two clips in his hands. "Hold still otherwise it will hurt you!", he warned, thrusting deep into before staying still inside you. Putting one clip on your nipple, while he put the other on your clit. "There you go! Am I not nice my love? This will help you cum more quickly!", the fatui members smirked, pulling on the clip, making you whimper and moan.
Tears were running down your face. Your whole body felt so turned on. You felt so good. It was a bit painful but a few seconds later you wanted to cum so badly. This lyney was so mean but you loved it. It was so attractive and hot to you. As lyney picked up his fast, deep thrusts again you lost all sanity. Not caring about your noices anymore. Fuck it if someone heard you!
Lyney fucked you hard and fast, pulling on your clips, switching in between them. You screamed his name, cumming over and over again. Voice horse from all the screaming. "What a good whore you are for me! Finally obeying your master. I'm gonna cum soon! Gonna fill your slutty hole up with my seed!", the fatui members groweld, grabbing your thighs to push them up against your chest. Making sure his load would go deep inside of your womb.
You could only lay there and moan, whimper, scream and cum again and again. You were such a lovely mess for this member of the house of the hearth. Such a whore for this fatui member. So in love with the great magican. So obsessed with lyney. "P-please fill me up!! Want to you be yours!!", you moaned, whined. Not even sure if he was able to understand you in between the skin clapping and his own loud moans and whimpers.
"C-Cumming!!", lyney growled, thrusting deep into your cunt, all the way inside and stayed still. Warm liquide filled your cunt, your womb. You threw your head back, moaning. Lyney's cock twitched for a while, more of his seed coming out. Lyney pulled out after catching his breath, admiring his work. You looked so fucked out, so far gone. And he loved it. Within seconds his cock grew hard again.
"I'm not done yet!", he said, grabbing your arm and turning you around, to lay on your stomatch. The clips pressing into your sensetive spots. Making you hiss through your lips. "You are so attractiv love~ Your ass looks so fuckable. But for our first time this would be a bit to much right? So just let me fuck you from behind yes?", lyney chuckled, giving your ass a gentle clap. Pushing a pillow under your thighs.
His comment made you blush. A whine escaped you, a bit sad you wouldn't be able to do that today. But that was quickly forgotten as he pressed his cock, which was already hard again, into your cunt. Kneeling over you, behind you the fatui member watched as his cock disappeared in your needy hole. His hands, gloves still on, grabbing your ass. Massaging it, before thrusting all the way into you. Gently he spread your ass cheeks apart, revealling your other hole to his curious eyes. Shortly he was thinking off making you completly his today. Touching every part of you. But no, he had to be patient! He shouldn't overwhelm you! But.. that doesn't mean he couldn't use a bit of magic to please his curiosity!
"My my love, you don't get enough of me do you? Wanting me so much, even your other unused hole is clenching around nothing. You really want to be my plaything huh? Then let me gave you a taste what it's like. I wonder how much you can handle and how long you would last~", lyney whispered, teasingly smacking your ass. Before holding his hand infront of your face. "Remove my glove for me will you?", he asked. After you did what he asked of you he placed the glove under the pillow by your head. A snip of his finger. The light flickered before it turned of completly.
You got scared, about to ask what just happened. The next moment the light on the bedside table turned on gain. "Now check for me under the pillow infront of you will you?", lyney said with a smirk. So you did, removing the pillow with shaky hands. Revealling a vibrator in the same size as his dick. Your eyes widened, how did he do that??
"Ahh perfect! Let me take this~", lyney said, leaning over you to grab the toy. In the meantime pushing his cock deeper in you, grinding into you sweetspot, teasing you. Slowly grabing the toy as an excuse to mess with your insides. Slowly grinding his hips, circeling them a bit. Making you whimper and moan. Hands grabing the bed sheets.
"L-Lyney.. p-please", you whined, with teary eyes. This made the fatui member chuckle, "wrong title", he said, continueing to tease you. You moaned and throw your head back. Realising what he wanted. You blushed heavily. God damn.. this man.. he drives you insane! "M-Master please~", you asked, whimpered. "What a good whore you are! Your master shall continue the show now!", lyney said, leaning back as he sat up. Taking one finger and gently pushing it in your ass. "Your so tight. Tell me love, are you a virgin here? No harm done if not, just curious~", the fatui member asked, biting his lip at the thought. You moaned, hiding your face in the bed. "W-Why do you have to ask such an embarrassing ques-", you whined but got cut off by your own moan. Lyney pushed in a second finger already. Moving them a bit in and out. Not long till he added a third finger.
Then a laugh left him. Taking his fingers out of your ass. Grabing the vibrator instead, turning it on. You were embarrassed and confused so you wanted to ask what was so funny. Yet again this question got stuck in your throat. Lyney pushed the moving vibrator into your ass in one go. Thrusting it in as far as possible. A loud scream left you, making your cunt clench around his cock. Your mouth standing open in silent moans.
"What a dirty girl~ Already used everywhere!But don't worry, I'll be the last one to use all of your holes. After all you are mine now!~", the fatui member growledy thrusting his cock deep into you. Continueing his pace from before. Your screams, the wet sounds of your holes and the bed slamming up against the wall turned him on even more. "Even if you would try to fuck someone else.. I'll be the only one that comes into your mind! You will always beg for my cock, for my love, because no one can please you as much as I can!", lyney growled, sweat forming on his forhead. His cock twichted at the thought of you begging him to fuck you over and over again. It drove him wild.
You screamed so loud as you came that the whole fontain nation had heard you. Waking up celestia with your crys of pleasure. Not beeing able to think at all anymore, you were so gone. About to pass out actually. Lyney let out a whine, "I'm about to cum! Fill you up again! I'll make you mine! Then you will stay with me forever! With us forever! Take all of me so you will always be on my side ma cherie!~", lyney moaned, mumbled, while leaving hickeys all over your back.
A loud smack was heard, his hips pressing all the way into your ass, pushing the vibrator deeper into you while pressing your back into the matress. His hot cum filling you up. Your head was spinning, not even knowing what he all said in the end. For sure nothing important just how good he felt.
"Je t'aime~", lyney whispered as he kissed your neck gently. Pulling out of you. Taking the vibrator out, turning it off and removing the clips. Laying it down on his table next to the bed. The sparkle of magic and charm slowly returned to his eyes. The magican carefully turned you around, laying down next to you, so he could lay you on his chest. "I'm sorry love, did I hurt you? Do you need something?", lyney asked, voice calming and soft. You tried your best to stay awake and respond. "W-Water", you whispered, voice almost gone.
(Nsfw end! Aftercare here~ )
Lyney gave you a kiss to your forhead before geting dressed in his boxers and his shirt, "Alright love, please wait, I'll be back with water and something to clean you up", with that the magican left the room. Geting the said things for you.
As you were laying there, a complete mess, you realised just how bad this actually was. You are in love, totally obsessed and a total mess for this boy. Damn it all.. how would you explain lumine all of this? The marks all over your body were so obvious. It wasn't the first time this happened.. and it's not like she was a saint either. Buut.. this time it felt more difficult. Probably because lyney is part of the fatui! Aghh.. doesn't matter lumine is your best friend, she will understand! You smiled in thought, lumine always understood you so there wasn't anything to worry about.
A minute later lyney came back into the room with some water and a wet towel. "Ma cherie, are you still awake? I'm back, here is your water", you nodded, slowly sitting up. Taking the glas and quickly drinking all of it empty. That felt good! "Thank you", you smiled and leaned up to give lyney a kiss on the lips. "Let me help you clean up?", lyney asked. You only nodded. Letting him do the work.
After you were done the magican cuddled back to you in bed. Laying you on his chest, caressing through your hair. Before he knew it you were already fast asleep.
"Love?", he asked, not geting answer, he let his mask fall once again. A serious look appeared on his face as he looked out of the window, at the bright shining fullmoon. With one hand still caressing through your hair.
"I love you so much y/n, you don't understand. I never felt this way before for anyone! No one was more important to me than my sister. But since you appeared in my live you share that spot with lynette! I just want to protect you and keep you close. You are different from the traveler! You don't deserve to get involved into all of this bloody mess which is about to happen!", lyney whispered to himself, looking down at you. His eyes glowing brightly, only seeing you. He pulled out a card from under your hair. A fatui card.
As he flipped it in between his fingers, a frown rested on his lips, "Our identity's got revealed and it messed up our plan.. yet with father on the frontline's it should only be a minor issue! There will still be enough time to win the traveler's trust again.. after all we need her as a final failsave in our plan..", a dark aura surrounded the magican, eyes cold, emotionless. His face a frown. Before he felt you cuddling closer to him. Did you feel his mood swing? Could you hear him? No you couldn't. You were knocked out cold, just like he had planned. A small smile formed on his lips, "Sorry love, I shouldn't think about such dark things when I'm around you. After all you deserve to hear and see only good things", lyney smiled down at you, his smile growing warmer, emotion coming back into his eyes.
"Lucky father likes you, so you can stay with us! Don't worry my love, father made already all the plans for you to be save. Welcome to the house of hearth~", your boyfriend whispered, throwing the fatui card in the air. Shortly after the card turned into flower pattels, falling down on the ground next to him. As he leaned down to kiss your lips, he snapped his fingers one last time before also laying himself to sleep. The door of his room got locked. The curtain falling close over the windows. Leaving the room in the dark. Lyney took of his shirt and cuddled closer to you, holding close while singing his favorite song to you,
" … I'm sorry that I did this
The blood is on my hands
I stare at my reflection
I don't know who I am
Practice my confession
In case I take the stand
I'll say I learned my lesson
I'll be a better man
… I'm packing up my things
And I'm wiping down the walls
I'm rinsing off my clothes
And I'm walking through the halls
I did it all for her
So I felt nothing at all
I don't know what she'll say
So I'll ask her when she calls. ",
mumbling the last words, the magican also fell asleep.
~ ❤️ ~ Bonus ending ~ ❤️ ~
"Let's go try meeting the hydro archon again lumine!", paimon said to the traveler as they walked towards the opera house. Continueing their search for information. Wanting to find lumine's brother as soon as possible.
"Uhh.. where is y/n when you need her?", paimon sighed looking creeped out at the fontain. Lumine seemed to have heard voices again. What a creepy situation. "With y/n here, paimon feels much more save! Uhh.. not to say paimon doesn't feel save with you! It's just.. nevermind forget what paimon said hehe!", the floating friend akwardly laughed.
"Lumine.. aren't you worried about y/n at all? We both know the fatui can't be trusted..", paimon asks, looking worried at the traveler. "Don't worry paimon! She is for sure with lyney & lynette. Besides this is y/n we're talking about. She can handle it~", lumine smiled, holding a huge amount of trust and respect for you in her words. "Yeah.. you probably right! Paimon just hopes nothing bad happens to her..", your floating companien said. Lumine nodded and sighed, "I'll talk to her again tomorrow and warn her. Better save than sorry!", she said with a bit of worry in her voice. Something wasn't right. Lumine knew that. She could feel it in the air.
Suddenly all the lights around the two turned off. Paimon got scared and hides behind lumine. While the traveler pulled out her sword, ready to fight.
Clack. Clack. Clack...
Footsteps on the floor could be hard loud and clear. Then someone was clapping as the person walked out of darkness. Fatui jacket shining in the moonlight. A small smile met the traveler eyes.
"Perfect! The rumors do you justice, dear traveler. I didn't expect any less. What a wonderfull performance you put on!", a female voice spoke, sounding dangerous but also so charming. Lumine held her breath. That was..
"THE KNAVE?? What are you doing here? Traveler watch out! She is the 4th ranked fatui habringer!", paimon yelled, still hiding behind the traveler. "Oh did my sudden appearance suprise you this much? But wasn't it a forseen event that we would eventually run into each other? Well.. calm down! I'm not here to fight you or to get the gnosis! Not yet.. at least~", arlecchino spoke with a small smile on her face, raising both her arms in the fatui position before crossing them infront of her chest, "I'm simply here to breath a peace of advice to you~", she said. "Why should we listen to you?!", paimon asked, clearly upset. "Oh, you will listen to me. I made sure of this. After all you want to see your friend again right? Y/n? Was it?", arlecchino smirked, playing with her nails while waiting for an answer.
A gasp left paimon. Lumine put her sword away, putting both her hand on her hips while making an effort to listen, "Go ahead fatui! I'm listening!", she said, voice angry, upset, scared. Scared of losing another important person. "That's a wise move traveler! Your friend is save with us. Now for my adive-", the knave started but got cut off by paimon, "What did you do to y/n?!". Lumine looked clearly angry. Waiting for answer.
"Why? Nothing of course! Actually I took quiet the liking to her. She seemed like a very good 'friend', you may call it that. So no harm shall ever come to her!", arlecchino answered with a soft smile. "What are you planning knave?!", lumine asked, glaring at the women infront of her. Making the fatui habringer laugh, "Haha~ Aren't you cute?~ Mhh.. telling you much would ruin the plan. So let's say I'll borrow your friend for a while. Of course.. she can stay forever if that's what she wants! Your friend is very important to us! To the house of the hearth!", arlecchino answered, walking with every word closer to the traveler. Holding in her steps as she stood right infront of the traveler's face. Smiling down at her.
"You won't use her for your plan! I'll save her!", lumine yelled, pulling out her sword, pointing it against the knave's throat, "You best not provocate me knave!", the traveler whispered dangerously, her eyes glowing. Paimon floated a bit away, giving lumine the space to fight. Yet the knave grabbed the tip of the sharp sword in between her fingers and pressed it in her skin, drawing blood of her neck. Lumine let out a gasp, not expecting that, dropping her sword on the ground. A chuckle left arlecchino, grabbing the traveler's wrist pulling her closer, in the knave's arms. "You might not understand dear traveler. In our house everyone is family! Y/n belongs to that family. I see her as my daughter I'm very proud of. She can bring out lyney's true potenial! And that is very important to me, these kids need to survive for a better future! Even if I don't.. lyney will need to awake his true potential! So I support their lovely realtionship all the way. But.. do you dear traveler?", arlecchino whispered in the traveler's ear.
For a short while lumine was so hypnotisted by her voice that she completly forgot about everything. This women is dangerous! Lumine needed to warn you as soon as possible. This whole aura.. the knave's action. The charming voice. All of it.. it reminded the traveler on lyney. Damn it.. why didn't she realized it sooner?
'The knave' was never arlecchino! Arlecchino is the fatui habringers yes. But 'the knave' is a title made for someone else. Lyney was always the knave!! Lyney was arlecchino's shadow!! Her succesor!
( Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed!~ ♡ )
427 notes · View notes
drowninnoodles · 6 months
Finally, I wrote down everything that came to my mind, most of them were theories. So if I missed something, please let me know. Plus, I'll probably update this when I find something new.
Devil connections:
- His stats are with numbers 666
- He fell (into his creation)
- his font has the word Wing in its name
-the first version of deltarune was 0.666
-religious connections of characters in Deltarune
- Possibility that he is an Angel
-Dark, Darker, Yet Darker
- Speaks through the Device - Ouija board reference?
- Shadow Crystals as pieces of him
- is associated with the most hell-like place in the Underground
Enemies in Undertale are similar to the Main Boss of the area-
Characters in the core:
- Final Froggit: Searching for Life Meaning/ Giving life its own meaning. Threaten/Mystify
-Whimsalot: "There's still hope", "I've made my choice", "No regrets", Prayers, Butterflies,
-Madjick: Clear Mind, Magican, Emits Cross-shaped bullets
-Knight Knight: Sleeping, Good Morningstar, Knight
Following this lead, Mettaton should not be a Core Boss -> there is no connection. This is Gaster's place
Uncategorized things:
-The core we see is redesigned by Mettaton, we do not know its previous layout
-Into voice's typer text value is the same as Gaster's
-Everything related to him in the files is written in caps
-His theme plays in Bunker
-He is described as always listening
-Like the corrupted characters he has voice lines (the word Deltarune spoken in the intro, laugh in Undertale files and BIG SHOT)
- can break the fourth wall ( takes over Twitter account)
- Deltarune crashes after typing "Gaster"
-"Man.ogg" is Yume Nikki Fansong
- talks to us in Vessel maker
- is in the Void
-Ms.Zarves and Ray as Inspiration for Gaster
-Possibly a Skeleton
- is the creator of Deltarune
- speaks in hands (probably WingDings font)
- He knows Chara personally (they work together)
- Deltarune is owned by ROYAL SCIENCES, LLC
-is scientist
-He worked for Asgore
-Dark Totems in Core - Dark Fountains first version?
-Memoryhead emits Gaster-like bullets
-Memoryhead says “Lorem Ipsum Docet” -> It means something like "Pain teaches”
-Memoryhead can give you a piece of themself
-Piece is called “Bad Memory”, Follower 3 is recalling Bad Memory connected to Gaster
-Noelle’s Blog page is reference to MysteryMan’s appearance in Undertale
-The entirety of Deltarune is an experiment
-Freezing is both reference to Freezing computer and Dante’s Inferno
-is connected to phones - Part of Memoryhead looks like phone
-”Another Him” uses Giygas soundfont
-Gaster seems to be heavily inspired by Uboa from Yume Nikki and Giygas from Earthboud
-Giygas and Gaster have a machines tied to them. Both are strongly associated with the theme of the devil and prayers.
-“A jump into a black hole is a one-way trip. Black holes are regions of space where gravity is so strong that nothing can escape them, not even light. Even before you reach the event horizon – the point of no return – you would be “spaghettified” by the black hole's tidal forces.” -Supernova
-You fall into a Black Hole
-“Of course, no matter what type of black hole you plunge into, you're ultimately going to get torn apart by its extreme gravity and die a horrible death. No material that falls inside a black hole could survive intact.” - Spacendbeyondthebox
-is everywhere at the same time - after being torn apart
-“Negative Photons reading”
-He was scattered across time and space
-theory made by Reddit user Garble365:
“in Interstellar (the sci-fi movie), Cooper falls into a blackhole, and he gets access to every place in the universe, in this infinitely small blackhole. Basically he is everywhere, at the same time. He can look at his daughter and hear her. But he cannot speak to her with his voice, the sound doesn't reach her due to some reason. So he resolves to knocking a few books in a bookshelf in his daughter's bedroom. Her daughter thought it was a ghost, being small. When she grew up, she realizes it was morse code in the form of books being knocked over. It was her father. He was speaking with his hand”
- causes the files to become corrupted - the characters go insane after the meeting
-“The virus starts propagating, which is multiplying and replicating itself. The virus places a copy of itself into other programs” - Wikipedia
- mysteryman head shape
- Scientists/intellectual people are called Eggheads
- Humpty Dumpty Reference
- Eggs given by the Man - possible Gaster pieces?
-The eggs stick together into one piece
-eggs break the game's fourth wall and move between save files
-When you drop an egg it says "what egg?" as if it doesn't exist
-They were both replaced by Alphys after they left
-They are both highly respected by the people
-Religion references - Gerson’s son is priest
-Gaster in tarot card deck was replaced by Gerson
-GERSON is an anagram of the word GONERS
-Gerson in Undertale has knowledge that other monsters do not have
-Gaster Blaster looks like Turtle skull
-Noelle is playing dragon blazer's 3. She is currently at the snow drake.
- Gaster blaster resembles a dragon's skull and the "beams" could easily be snow, similar to the snow grave spell
- "knight knight" who has a strange reoccurring motifs of day, nights, and dreams. Her sprite is labeled as a dragon
-susie's axe, which is said to be made of a dragon's mane. Implying that susie herself is a dragon
Another Him
Darkness Falls
Scarlet Forest
Card Castle
Rouxls Kaard
Chaos King
The Circus
The World Revolving
The Holy
Girl Next Door
Welcome to the City
A cyber’s world?
Giga Size
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disneytva · 1 year
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Bill Motz Hosts AMA At Owlphibia’s Discord During Oscars.
During The Oscars BILL MOTZ had a recent Q&A on the Owlphibia Discord Server where he unveiled some details. 
-Disney will release the PR of Season 2 of TGAMM soon with potential details on airdate,shorts,guest cast, key art and early Season 3 renewal.
-When asked about both dark and sad moments on Season 2, Motz replied: "Guarantee that you will hard-cry a couple of times this season" and "yes to both"
When asked about future romance Motz replied: "More will be revealed about romantic relationships"
We will see more of the Sob Goblins? “Yes”
Scratch and Molly's past before the curse and moving to Brighton will be explored on Season 2.
-Totes the Goat will make a cameo on Season 2.
-You will see more about Scratch's hyperfixation on Sea/Nautical theme.
-We will learn more about Libby's father on Season 2.
- Season 2 is about learning more on the characters Scratch learns more about how he was before dying and
-Andrea,Geoff,Libby,Sharon,Pete and Darryl will have their own stories focusing on them.
-"A Period Place" is exactly what you think it is
- Season 2 will have more episodes of Sharon and Scratch interacting
-Season 2 Episode 1 has a dialogue improvised by Snyder and Bursch.
-Halloween Special will be 22 minutes and will have the longest song of the show.
-Will Molly become as ghost again? "Don't want to spoil but someone else will"
-Does Molly hate Ghost Hunters more than magicans? "Magicans are more of a quirk,Ghost Hunters go after the people she loves"
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tildeathiwillwrite · 2 months
Tag Game: Writing Pattern Tag (Last Line)
Thank you to @late-to-the-fandom for tagging me! This looks pretty interesting!
Rules: list the last line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern in how you end your stories.
Gently tagging @faytelumos @annakayy @writer-of-worlds @writingphoenix @phoenixradiant @agirlandherquill @gamerkats @illarian-rambling @thethistlegirl @theeccentricraven and open tag! :D
These lines are all from whump ficlets (what I've been spending my time writing recently), so there's a pattern for you there lol.
Changing of the Guard, Part 2
“Don’t worry, Henry,” he said softly to the sleeping boy, “we’re going home.”
Reese vs Natali: Duel to the Death (Magican's Bait, Part 5)
Damian’s voice sounded far away like he was at the other end of the tunnel. Reese wanted to respond, but darkness flooded over her, sending her into the depths of oblivion.
Confrontation (Magician's Bait, Part 4)
The ghost of a smile touched the edges of the girl’s lips. “I, Reese Takari, accept these terms.” With those words, she drew the knife at her side. “Allez!”
Hypothermia: 0/10 Do Not Recommend
If I’m ever alone with you, she vowed, tears of fury and helplessness beginning to stream down her face, no one will be able to identify the body. No one.
Watcher and Apprentice
“Just hold on, kid,” he muttered as he started to run, Luc’s limp body held tightly in his arms, “just hold on.”
The Dangers of Jumping (Part 1)
Perhaps ‘dead’ was a poor choice of words. But it wasn’t like anyone but the trees could hear Jas anyway.
"Is that a kid!?"
Draven smirked. “‘Handle yourself’, indeed.” “Shut up.”
WoW Birthday Whump Event Day 3
Slowly, the chain clinking, he pressed his good hand to his mouth, trying to curb the sob rising in his throat.  It didn’t work.
Regrets of the Past
Killian nodded and made a noise of agreement. One problem at a time.
WoW Birthday Whump Event Day 1
Whumpee sighed heavily through their nose. This was gonna be a long day.
Seems to be either minor cliffhangers or a demonstration of how broken the POV character is, with an exception of Regrets of the Past, which was more fluff than whump if I'm being honest.
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lyn1catz · 8 months
betaing a couple of designs for the fe3h oc from a dream . im deciding between leaning into magican chuunibyou camp whos just being used by those who slither in the dark or having them willingly be part of whatever the fuck they're doing bc she's evil and fucked up
any criticism or anything is totally welcome since theyre still being developed
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Introduction (Master list work in progress)
“ Hello I am Petro B Maximus and I am here to introduce you all to Millennium academy of Summoning.”
Millennium academy is mix Gender Academy though our Population is male dominate , You will see Young Women around then Campus .
Our Campus way more advanced than Night ravens or Royal Swords Stuffy old Fashioned halls . Though not as much as that Hourglass place I’ve Here about
Our Students are know for being the best at Magic Duels as well as entertainment and Tech . We are know for Holding a large magic Duel tournament between The various academies called one is called the “Battle city” and the other “ Battle Carnival “.
Now ,my Boy/Girl/Friend stand up to the Deck and draw your card , but, Becareful the card you draw will your fate of in this school.
Note. All the Staff and Students are based not just the duelists of Yugi oh but, the Monsters as well so students and Staff based off Blues White dragon , Duel terminal , World legacy .ect are welcome .
Characters Creation and Fandorm Rules
Discord Server
Petro B Maximus ( Twisted from the Millennium eye/Thousand Eyes Restrict / Pegasus J Crawford )
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Tenma J Maximus ( Twisted from Pegasus J Crawford/Toon world )- Headmasters Son , he gose to NRC in Heartslabyu
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Vice Headmaster
Arman Diaval ( Twisted from Priest Seto/ Seto Kaiba)
Other Staff
Vivian De Campo (Twisted from Crowler) - Basics of Magic Duel teacher/ Advance Magic Dueling Teacher
Yunna Fukuyama( Twisted from Yusei Fudo? ) - Mechanics Teacher /Synchro Magic Teacher
Patrick Knox ( Twisted from Paradox ) - Assistant Synchro Magic Teacher
Musa Solachord ( Twisted from GranSolfachord Musecia )- Music teacher
Regulus Akira ( Twisted from Leo Akaba ) - Fusion Magic Teacher
Basic and Advanced Magic Teacher- ( Twisted from Dark Magican) * He has a lot of Family
?????- Link Teacher
?????- XYZ Teacher
?????- Pendulum Teacher
?????- Ritual Teacher
??????- History teachers
?????- Math Teacher
?????- Writing teacher
????- Literature
?????- Art
?????- Alchemy
?????- Libraian
?????- Mental Magic
?????- Elemental Magic
?????- Familiar Magic
?????- Summoning
?????- Combat Teacher
Just at Places like Night Raven There are Seven Dorms
Dulinx based on Duel Monsters
Based the Ruthless Determination of The Duelist of the white Dragon and his Rival
It’s unknown who Dulinx was Created for but the Story is the Duelist of the White Dragon whose Determination and Ruthless attitude towards regulating the Magic Duels and mastering the Magic Duels allowed them to Flourish .
Dulinx is Founded on determination those who are Sorted in to Dulinx’s Dorm Are often known to be Stuffy , Stubborn , and Hard headed . Dulinx Students Excellent in Support Magic and Making use of Magical Tools and Relic .
Blue Eye White Dragon
Red eyed black Dragon
Yugi and Atem
Mai Valentine and Harpy Ladies 1, 2 and 3
Gennyx Based on  Characters from GX and the Fusion Dimension from Arc -V 
based on Good Sportsmanship of
Created to Celebrate a duelist in Red said to have never lost a Battle though it conflicted whether he never Lost . What was know is that the duelist in red had a Special powers to see everyones “ Duel spirit “A special “monster( From yugioh)” someone is connected as well as being able to speak to his Familiars let to the Duelist in Reds reputation of  good sportsmanship . The Majority of Students excel in magic Duels And Spelldrive  . They have a rivalry with the so called “ Loser’s  Dorm”  Numeria  .
*Gennyx Dorm has the highest turnover rate with many Transferring into Numeria, @Ignita or Synchrocity due to the Dorms strict Hierarchy based on how good someone is at Magic duels many lower Ranked students say they aren’t even ailowed to use the Dorms Kitchen .
Jaiden Yuki
Serena/ Lunalight Blue Cat
Yuri/ Straving Venom
Ritualisk - Based on Ritual monster ,Duel Terminal ,Albaz and other Story Archetypes
Based on the Sacrifice of the witch of rituals.
In the Ever Changing world of Duelle Terminus 
 there is a tragic  Story about a woman Whose life was full Sacrifices . Sacrificing Mind, Body and Eventually her life to Combat InvaZwarma threat that Eventually over took her Upon seeing what she did under the influence of the Invazwarm she Sacrificed herself to defend against it. . 
Ritualisk Embraces the Sacrifices of the Witch of Rituals and learn from her mistakes and various  misgivings . Most of them Descent from The Necrize said to be  Successors of the Witch of Ritual’s Tribe but the Others like The Dogmatics and Even Descendants of The InvaZwarm Descenters who managed to Break from the Hivemind.
Taken Gishiki Noella
Visas Starfrost + all the Heart Monsters(Offical Protagonist)
Synchroncity - Based on 5D’s and the Synchro dimension in Arc-V 
Based on the Adaptiabilty of the Signers 
Synchroncity despite the Name the Dorm it’s self is full of Mechanics, Speed nuts , Racers and many other  types of Engineers they Consider Monsiville and Dulcisregnum  Suitable rivals in both . 
Based upon the Struggles  of the Signers , Synchroncity Prides it’s Self in the Hardwork ethics and clever Thinking put in by their Students, but also  has no qualms for Slackers though recently with Influx  of People Transferring to the Dorm   From Fusinex , Things are Getting a Bit out of Hand for thier Current Dorm Leader. They are known for being adaptiable duelist which  make GennyxPull thier hair out.
taken Characters
Stardust Dragon/ Yusei
Jack Atlas
Black Rose Dragon/ A
Yugo/ Clear Wings
Numeria - Based on Zexal  and The XYZ Dimensions from Arc-V
Based on the Improvement of the Golden Key holder
Numeria has a Not so Great Reputation among Student body  in Millenium  ,  Most of the Students Consider it A Losers or Good  for nothing Dorm , Sure they may Lose a  lot of Magic  Duel  but they sure won’t it let get them  down .
Because their based on the Holder of the Golden key motto of Feeling the Flow and Improving once they get into the Flow  , Numeria is Unstoppable  they offend Help Synchroncity , Pendulala , @Ignita and Rushtown Dorm with   Various projects .
However Gennyx has been Giving them Trouble as of Late .
Yuto/ Dark Rebellion
Pendulala - Based on Arc -V and Pendulum Monster 
Based on the Passion and Tragedy of the Supreme King
The Resident Entertainment  dorm , Based on  the Bevelonce ,Passion and Tragedy of the Supereme  King.
The Dorm Prides it self on Making People Smile and to never give into the Desire To Make Magic Duels more Brutal than Necessary To Avoid a Second Splitting of Dimensions .  
Many of Pendulala Battles Are more Entertaining And Showy often Using which Annoys Gennyx Dorm are they aren’t slouches When it comes
To Magic duel but  often like Showboat  which annoys the Fusnex dorm. They are often focused on what looks cool.
Yuuya/ Odd eyes
I might take Gong if no one else dose him
@Iginita- Based on Vrainz and Link Monsters
Based upon the Unawavering sense of Justice of the Playmaker and Ignisters
The Iganita Dorm is home to  many Technological wonders, the Dorm almost looks like a Virtual City space  with Student Riding on hoverboards dueling each other  not unlike the Duels In Synchrocity  , Many of them have become Internet famous for thier Duels along with other pursuits. Many of them Are idols or Magituber,some are even software Engineers and talented Hacker. They are. Often Considered A Niuances to Magic Duel Against due thier More Strategy focused mind set which the Gennyx Dorm Deems a Threat to thier win streak.  ——-
Skye/Blue Angel
The Gore
Based on the innovations of the Seven Roads Duelist 
Rushown is the Newest Dorm set up by one Student in the School who thought the Rules of  Magic dueling were starting Get overwhelming for new People and made it harder for Millennium academy to keep student. So The Student strived to make a more Simplifed Rule set  with a basis bringing more causal People into the Fun parts about Magic Duels while still being  Competitive dorm simlar to Numeria  they are known for Losing a lot but they Never let it get them Down .  The Gennyx Dorm Dosent like Rushown lax Attitude towards it and hate the Idea of the Basics of Magic dueling being changed for quote on Quote “Children “.
Unknown form as of yet
Lightray madoor
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freeusemuses · 2 years
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Rate Dark Magican Girl
I'm convinced you're all trying to kill me...
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pinkdinkydoon · 2 years
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👻🕯Selfshiptober- Day 6: Haunted
October 6, Day 6, Haunted
"Whattttt!? Come on babe. Honey-" Gonzo exclaimed. They attempted to lean on their wife. "My catapult, my dynamite, my raging bull-"
"I don't like haunted houses Gonzo!" She sighed, rather playfully. Hitting the table she was sitting at in the process.
"You know what happened last time. You saw a ghost version of me and you had to confront your fears of being alone it was a whole movie special."
He groaned, leaning against the table. "Liciiiiii... this one different! This one isn't free and I gotta pay for it and also there isnt a suspicious magican with a pet fish."
She stared them down. He blinked, holding his hands. "Fine. When is it."
"Tonight! Get your coat on!"
God this man was a nuisance.
She got changed, got her coat, and met him outside. Where he was starting the car and heating it up. A new button up. Pumpkins all over it, along with a red skirt and dark red boots.
"Nice outfit," she winked, grabbing the driver side door and pulling it open.
"Not to bad yourself," he replied, almost more charming than she had before.
Thr two got into the car, drove an hour to a haunted house.... and waited in a very long parking line.
The guy who gave them a ticket for their car and took their parking money recognized them immediately too.
"Oh my god.... the great gonzo!"
They leaned over their wife to pose. "Yup that's me! Me n my lovely daredevil are gonna visit this place! Give it a try!"
"Wow! Well I hope you have fun!!"
The girl drove off before he could even start rambling. Of course a usual, 'wow what a nice guy' and little bits were said.
The haunted house was something!!!
The entire them it was. Yeah it happened and both of them left unsatisfied.
Money lost to a mediocre house that didn't even scare them.
"You would think they'd put a bit more effort in!!!!" Gonzo exclaimed leaving the place.
"I'm not gonna lie babe, I had like 0 confidence the moment we pulled into a crammed parking lot."
They huffed, crossing their arms. "I guess...."
She put a hand to their shoulder. "At least you didn't almost die!"
"That's where the fun is!!! You know I love a good thrill and I wasn't expecting DEATH from this place, but I was expecting at least a jump!"
"Well how about we JUMP to Kermits place and play halloween just dance with the gang. Invite them over."
"Monster mash?" He raised an eyebrow.
She gave him a big ol kiss. "And time warp."
"Woo. Boy. Sold," he smirked up at her.
💙👻 ~♧ Fin ♧~ 👻💙
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Maja Maamoun
Base: https://www.deviantart.com/joykaiba/art/Base-Yu-Gi-Oh-Girl-133267613
I was productive today and give you the final main OC of my YGO! FanFic The Queens Gambit.
Meet Maja Maamoun, 15 years old and the daughter of an Egyptian man and a Japanese woman.
Maja was born and raised in Domino City but has visited with her parents Egpyt.
She has on both sides of her family a lot of aunts, uncles, and cousin.
Still Maja always felt like the odd on.
Not only because she was always a happy-go-lucky person and a bit crazy, but also because she could sense magic and even do a little herself.
It’s no wonder since she is the rebirth of our dear Mana/Dark Magican Girl.
When Kihana and Sehrazat joined her class at Domino High she felt drawn to them.
The three became fast friends and when Sehrazat got her Millennium Item Maja could sense it’s power and can as only one see Afya when she is not taking over Sehrazat body. After a while, she can see Yami too.
Maja didn’t change a lot from her past life as Mana.
So you can pretty much get what kind of character she is.
Of course in my version of the story, there was High Priestess Kisara, Priestess Samira, and Atem’s Queen, whom she loved like sisters.
Mana even let the Queen summon her Ka because they both got along so pretty well.
On a stone plate decicated to the queen, you can see the queen with the Dark Magician Girl, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and Red Eyes Black Dragon at her side.
Symbolic of the deep friendship these four girls had with each other.
Which also is so now that they are all reborn.
More, for now, I don’t have to say.
Only these last things.
I gave Maja the blue eyes of her Ka, The Dark Magican Girl and her hair I tried to Mix the hairstyle of Mana and the Dark Magican Girl.
What do you mean? Did it work?
Also, the clothes are again something random, like with my other OCs I have already planned the outfits for the series/fanfic.
Have a nice day/night!
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missputotyra · 2 years
TWST x Yugi-oh  Academy Idea 1 - Introduction  and Duel monsters dorm 
This is a Shower Thought but a Really good one, Unless your someone who hate non Disney Franchise TWST ocs. You can ignore this.
Okay So an Academy based of Yugioh , I’m going to call it Duel Academy as a placeholder . It is a Mixed Gender Academy with a male dominate population.
The Students are know for being the best at Magic Duels as well as entertainment and Tech . They are know for Holding a large magic Duel tournament between The various academies called the “Battle city” . Night Raven Gets knocked out first every year due to how horrible they are at Teamwork . All the Staff and Students are based not just duelists of Yugi oh but the Monsters as well so students and Staff based off Blues White dragon , Duel terminal , World legacy .ect .
Idea for Staff
( Note : When I put down ” Seto Kiba” I mean Unnamed Oc character based on Seto Kiba not the actual Seto Kiba)
“ Seto Kiba “
but Yami Yugi , Pegasus or even Zarc could also be good Ideas for Headmaster but Seto Kiba I think is the Best Fit due the fact that he canonically made the Rules for it .
Staff idea
“ Crowler ”
“ Gishiki Noella”
“Gem-Knight Crystal ”
“ Yami Yugi/Atem/ Yugi Muto”
“ Marik Ishtar / Yami Marik ”
“ Pegasus ”
“ Ishizu Ishtar”
“ Ai” - He Could Honestly as concept for a Student too
“ Yusaku” - I honest see a Character twisted of him being more a teacher
“ Dark Magician “
“ Dark Magician Girl ”
“ Blue Eye white Dragon ”
“ Red eyed black dragon ”
“ Astral ”
“ Zarc ”
“ Yusei ”
“Odion ”
Dorm Concepts/ Ideas for Student (part 1 )
The Dorms are Organized by Summon mechanics in the Game as well as Arc V dimensions ,Rush duels and The Animes . I’m not good at Naming so Some of these names to bad its really only a concept . First up is the Duel monsters Dorm
Created to celebrate the Young pharoh who Sacrificed himself to stop a grave threat to his kingdom and The Young man who lead the Rulers spirit to the afterlife . Dulinx is Founded on Loyalty and Friendship those who are Sorted in to Dulinx’s Dorm Are often Social Butterflies , have an easy time making friends or Have strong Sense of Loyalty . Dulinx Students Excellent in Support Magic and Making use of Magical Tools and Relic .
The Students Of Dulinx are often from a Region of the Scalding Sands called The Pharaohs Dunes and some come from somewhere call Duelle Terminus .
Most Students are based on Duel Monsters Characters in addition to
Monsters that debuted the duel monsters era or related card pack
Cards or Archetypes Duel monster era characters played
The Egyptian God Cards
Monsters Related to to them( ex The other Magican girls , The Additions to Harpy Ladies , The whole Blue eyes and Red eyes archetype )
Most them based are vanilla Monsters , Egyptian themed Monsters or Spellcaster type monsters
Dorm Leader Ideas
“ Yami Yugi/Atem/ Yugi Muto”
“ Maximillon Pegasus ”
“ Marik Ishtar / Yami Marik ”
“ Ryou Bakura/ Yami Bakura”
“ Joey Wheeler/Katsuya Jonouchi“ “ Blue Eyes White Dragon ”
“ The Egyptian God Cards”
Vice Dorm Leader Ideas
“ Red Eyes Black Dragon”
“ Ishizu Ishtar”
“Odion ”
“ The Egyptian God Cards”
“ Ryou Bakura/ Yami Bakura” “ Marik Ishtar / Yami Marik ”
“Yugi Muto ”
Other Students Ideas
“ Mai Valentine “
“ Tristian Taylor ”
“ Tea/ Anzu”
“Rex Raptor ”
“ Serenity ”
“ Weevil ”
“ Duke Devlin ”
“Bandit Keith ”
“ Dartz”
“ Slient Magician ”
“ Slient Warrior”
“Harpy Ladies ”
“ Kuriboh ”
“ Flame Swordsmen”
“ Celtic Guardian”
“ Time Wizard”
Comment what you think of i it? and Any suggestion you might have.
Next Dorms : FuseX And Ritualisk
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Super polymerization Dark Magican Girl and Mithra the thunder vessal
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*A lighting vortex wraps around the two swirling with a powerful energy. Which a big burst of it being unleash has it finish. Revealing the new monster. Dmg has the vassel chest armor in her colors. She also wear the armor leggings has well with the knee parts being the same color has her Jewel. She lost the hat and now wears the lower half of the mask of Mithra. The skirt that Mithra wore now is a cape for the magican. Having the attack of 2000 and 2700 defense. Her effects allows one to discard a card to special summon one monarch from the deck or hand regardless of the summoning conditions onse per turn. This counts has a tribute summon for the monarch effect.
This being is Mithra the thunder magician.
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himedia · 8 months
I Was Extra Salty After This Match - Branded Dark Magican Loss by Evan From HI Media Consider Supporting Us For A Few Bucks A Month: https://discord.com/servers/hi-media-426459490725134339 Check This Link Out: https://linktr.ee/himediatv Podcasts: https://www.spreaker.com/user/haggardinnovations Subscribe On Youtube: https://bit.ly/himvideo Backup Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6tOBTZ18gMmFIS-JVlHDAQ Social Media: https://facebook.com/HIMediaTV https://instagram.com/himediatv https://bsky.app/profile/himediatv.bsky.social https://twitter.com/HIMediaTV Merch Store: https://bit.ly/himrkt Support HI Media! 💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵 Want The Games We Play? Buy Them On Our Nexus And Support the Show!: http://bit.ly/himnexus Get Your Own Minecraft Server Using Our Affiliate Link: https://bit.ly/himinecraft ======================= Big Thank You To VLNS BEATS for making the Outro music you heard In This video https://msha.ke/vlnsbeats/ Big Thank You To Mikel From Gamechops for making the background music you heard In This video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQ2OhGwZaK4 #HIMedia -HI Media,shorts,video,funny,himedia,hi media,Shorts,viral,fun,explore,fyp,youtube,PT Sean,Solarsonic21,HIMedia,himediayt,HIMediaTV,himediatv,Evan From HI Media,Yugioh,Branded,Master Duel,Dark Magican,Branded DM,salty,I Was Extra Salty After This Match, HI Media,shorts,video,funny,himedia,hi media,Shorts,viral,fun,explore,fyp,youtube,PT Sean,Solarsonic21,HIMedia,himediayt,HIMediaTV,himediatv,Evan From HI Media,Yugioh,Branded,Master Duel,Dark Magican,Branded DM,salty,I Was Extra Salty After This Match,I Was Extra Salty After This Match - Branded Dark Magican Loss via YouTube https://youtu.be/EsgUUSpY1X8
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