#come on man i hate talking in front of a lot of people
The Man Next Door
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SUMMARY | San is your brother’s friend and your next door neighbor. Despite the constant bickering, you can’t deny the attraction between you both. PAIRING | San/Reader GENRE | non-idol!San, smut with no plot, unprotected sex (wrap it up everyone!), fingering, vaginal sex RATING | Mature LENGTH | 4602 words AUTHOR’S NOTE | Hi and hello. Enjoy~
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"Can you stop that infernal noise?!" You pounded on your neighbor's door as you heard the sound of power tools once again. The banging went on and on. "Damn it, I've asked you a dozen times to turn down your shi..."
The door burst open, your angry glare landing on a grinning face. "You know, Y/N, I don't say shit about the noises you make when you're working on your remo..."
You cut him off before he could finish. "I want it quiet! And I mean really quiet!"
"Well, damn." He crossed his arms in front of himself and leaned against the doorframe, obviously amused. "And here I thought you were going to storm into my place and grab my tools."
You let out a groan and ran a hand through your hair. "You're so annoying San. If I wasn't so pissed off at that loud ass thing over there I would kick your fucking ass."
He burst out laughing. "See? You like me after all. What if I said no?"
"Can we not?" You let out a sigh. "Please, can I have some quiet?"
"Why? You have a guy over or something?" He raised an eyebrow, knowing you didn't get a date often enough for anything like that to be true.
"What's it to you, huh? Jealous?" Your mouth twitched up slightly as you tried to hold back a smile.
"Hell no, I'm just curious, is all." He held up his hands defensively. "So who is he? Your boyfriend?"
"Fuck off, San." You rolled your eyes. "But if you wanted to know, my parents are visiting me and I would appreciate it if you kept the noise to a minimum. Once my parents leave, then we can start our bickering like usual."
"Is that a promise?" His eyes glinted mischievously.
He gave you one last leer before turning around and closing the door behind him. You made your way back to your condo next door, your parents curiously giving you looks from the living room where they sat watching TV.
"Is everything alright with your neighbors?" Your mom inquired as she took a sip of her tea.
"Sorry about that. San is remodeling his place right now." You replied, your cheeks growing hot as your dad snorted softly.
"How romantic." Your mother commented wryly.
"Mom, please." You rolled your eyes and waved your hands at them. "He's like the most irritating person ever and-"
"You're still arguing with him, Y/N?" Your brother walked out of the bathroom. Seonghwa gave you a strange look before taking a seat next to your mom.
"Seonghwa, I swear I am going to kill that man." You mumbled angrily as you rubbed the bridge of your nose. "Of all people, how did your friend end up being my neighbor?"
"It's destiny." Your brother replied cheerfully, causing both of your parents to laugh. "It was meant to be. You two should go out together. There's nothing wrong with trying."
"Mom! Tell Seonghwa to stop it." You glared at your mother.
She giggled as she continued talking to Seonghwa. "Yes, love. Your sister and San should get together. How many times has he looked at her?"
"A lot." Seonghwa smiled as he watched your face grow redder.
You groaned as you got out of your chair and headed towards the kitchen. "I hate my life sometimes."
"Oh come on. If you hate the thought of going out with San, then why don't you just find an actual boyfriend?" Seonghwa pulled you back by the waistband of your pants. Your mouth fell open as your gaze landed on your brother. He gave you a smirk as he started pulling you back towards the couch. "I think Yeosang is single..."
You turned to your parents. "Mom, Dad. Please tell your precious son to stop hooking me up with his friends. It's getting old and I swear I will hit him if he tries this again."
Your parents chuckled as they shook their heads at you. They knew that your brother was just doing it because he loved you. He didn't care if you ended up liking them or not. All he cared about was that you found someone special to spend time with and make memories with.
They weren't stupid though. After all, you hadn't dated anyone seriously since breaking up with your first serious boyfriend. If he wanted you to settle down soon, then it only made sense that he'd try to set you up with a good looking guy with good family values. One that wouldn't cheat on you or be too needy. That's what your brother had always told you.
Despite him irritating you to no end, he was a good guy. A kind-hearted person that would never intentionally hurt another person. You knew that because even when he was teasing you mercilessly, you couldn't help but see the soft side of him. It was impossible not to, especially when he was being sweet. And sure, you couldn't deny being insanely attracted to him either. His voice, those ridiculously perfect lips, his gorgeous eyes... Everything about him screamed sexy, and the way he treated you when you were alone with him made you weak in the knees.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" Seonghwa placed a gentle hand on your shoulder.
"Yeah. Just give me a second." You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. Opening your eyes again, you looked up at your brother. "Do you think it's a bad idea to ask him out?"
"Oh? Do you perhaps like San?" He raised an eyebrow, and then started to laugh as he saw the look of horror cross your face. "Kidding, Y/N! Of course you do. I don't think he'll mind the fact that you've been crushing on him since high school."
"I have not been crushing on him since high school!" You exclaimed defensively.
"Uh huh. Tell yourself that. Because I'm pretty sure he noticed." Seonghwa chuckled. "Do you have dreams about him too?"
"Stop it." You groaned.
"No really. I won't stop until you admit it." Seonghwa smirked.
"I'm going to punch you in the face when Mom and Dad aren't around." You grumbled, glaring at your brother.
"So...?" He grinned mischievously. "What are you going to do?"
You groaned as you got out of the couch. "Mom, Dad. Don't stop me when I throttle my own brother. Seriously."
They laughed as you stalked towards the door. Grabbing your phone off the counter, you slammed the door behind you and headed towards San's place next door. San was outside washing his car when you walked out. His head shot up when he saw you standing there, and you immediately felt your face heat up. God, it was hard not to blush every time he caught your eye. As much as you hated admitting it, San was incredibly attractive. But even more than his appearance, it was his personality that got you. His humor, his kindness, and the way he teased you constantly...
God, you wished you were less awkward around him. You spent so much time daydreaming about what it would be like to kiss him and spend the night in bed with him, that it had become difficult to function normally around him, hence the bickering with him over the years.
"You okay there, Y/N?" He spoke softly as he came closer to you.
You shook your head, a small smile on your lips. "It's nothing. Just Seonghwa being annoying as always."
"Ah, Seonghwa." San let out a laugh. "Trying to matchmake yet again?"
"Shut up." You muttered under your breath.
His smile grew wider as he moved in front of you. "Who was it this time? Jongho? Mingi?"
You shook your head. "Yeosang."
"Really?" He raised an eyebrow, surprised.
"Really, really." You sighed. "I told Seonghwa that I'll beat him up the next time he tries to butt into my love life. So that means I owe him a beating."
San cocked his head to the side as he studied you. "Hmm... A chance to hit Seonghwa for you. That does sound fun."
"Feel free to beat him up. He is your friend after all." You shrugged and shook your head. "Anyway, I came here for something else. Seonghwa won't leave me alone unless I ask you this...Do you...Uhm...Think it's a bad idea to ask you out?"
His smile grew bigger as he pulled you close to him. "Oh my god, I can't believe I have to hear you asking me this question already. We've been friends for years, what makes you think it's a bad idea?"
You frowned and bit your lip. "I just feel like it might cause problems between us... Ugh." You huffed and looked away from him. "Nevermind. Forget I asked."
"It's fine. Really." He placed a gentle finger under your chin and gently tilted your head upwards. "It's perfectly normal to want to ask a friend out. And I know you like to look at me when you think no one's around. Even if you pretend you don't, I know you do."
"I swear one of these days I'm going to beat you up instead of Seonghwa." You mumbled as you stared into his eyes.
He let out a laugh. "Are you going to start fighting everyone you meet now? It's cute. Kinda."
You blushed slightly and quickly looked away. "Stop flirting with me. You're making me lose focus."
"I wouldn't dream of it." He winked at you before releasing your chin and stepping away.
You crossed your arms and glared at him. "So... Will you go out with me?"
"Maybe." He smiled cheekily.
Your jaw dropped and you widen your eyes. Was that a yes? "W-what?!"
"Shh. Be patient." He winked at you. "Just wait for my answer."
"One. More. Minute." He smiled. "And then you can say whatever you want."
"Seriously, you guys need to just make out already." An annoyed voice called from inside the house. "You two drive me crazy sometimes."
"Oh, dear God." You mumbled under your breath. "Seonghwa is coming out now."
"Hello, loverboy." Seonghwa laughed as he walked out of your condo. He patted San on the back. "I take it that my crazy, violent sister asked you out?"
"Yeah. She kinda did." San chuckled, reaching for your hand and intertwining your fingers with his.
"Well, I suppose it's better late than never." Seonghwa smirked. "Still though, it's about time you guys went out."
You rolled your eyes, a small smile on your face. Seonghwa wasn't exactly wrong. In fact, he was right. You had gone out with your friends and tried dating other people without success. But honestly, there was something missing in those relationships. Something that you felt only with San. Sure, he was a huge flirt, and he was usually joking around whenever he saw you. But it was more than that. You could always tell how genuinely happy he was to see you. How excited he was when he saw you smile. And his caring nature... He put you first in everything. Always putting you before himself. He always wanted to make sure you were safe and taken care of, before thinking of his own needs.
The fact that he was super hot didn't hurt either.
You squeezed San's fingers tightly, wanting to convey to him how much you cared about him. You also wanted to show him how happy you were that he agreed to go out with you. For some reason, you felt nervous that he might say no, despite the fact that you both knew you wanted each other. You knew he liked you. Hell, you liked him too. He was the only person who seemed to understand you, who knew how to push your buttons and get under your skin.
"Y/N, why are you squeezing my hand so tight?" San laughed.
"I'm not." You mumbled, slowly letting go of his hand.
Seonghwa burst out laughing. "Sure you are."
"Ha ha." You smirked. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date with this very handsome man." You turned to San and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
"I'm going to show you how to properly kiss later." San laughed, his arms snaking around your waist.
You grinned and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Can't wait."
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It was a Saturday afternoon and you were relaxing on the couch while watching a movie with San. You had to admit that you felt a bit nervous being wrapped in his arms, but you couldn't deny the butterflies flying around in your stomach every time he touched you.
"Are you feeling alright?" San asked you softly. You hummed in response and looked away. "Is there anything wrong?"
"Do you really want to know?" You rolled your eyes playfully. "It's like I've lost my mind or something."
"Losing your mind doesn't mean that you've lost your ability to speak." He lightly poked you in the nose.
"And yet you still manage to insult me, Choi San." You snorted. "Fine. I'm just freaking out."
"Why?" He asked, concerned.
"Because..." You sighed and ran your hands through your hair. "There are so many things I'd like to do with you...Things I've fantasized about doing since high school."
"Oh? What kind of things?" He smirked.
You bit your lip nervously. "Like...kissing you senseless. And sleeping in your arms all night. And waking up next to you... You get the picture."
He leaned in and pressed his forehead against yours. "Okay, okay. I'll make all of those things come true."
Your heart started racing as he pulled back and held your gaze. For a second, you thought he was going to kiss you, but he quickly moved away, giving you a smile instead. You couldn't help but frown a bit. Ever since you agreed to go with San, he had yet to really kiss you and you weren't sure why. Sure you, kissed. A peck here and there but it wasn't nearly enough. You longed for the moment when he finally did kiss you, fully and passionately. But so far, he had refrained from even trying. Maybe you were expecting too much. Perhaps you should just go with the flow. Let things happen naturally.
Later that night, you found yourself in bed, staring at the ceiling.
This is stupid. I should stop thinking about him and just sleep.
You scolded yourself. You've been doing it for years and nothing bad happened, so what's stopping you now?
Sleep. You need to sleep.
Closing your eyes, you tried to ignore the fact that San's face kept flashing before your eyes. You attempted to block out the memory of his soft lips touching yours, your hands running through his silky hair and the way his muscles flexed beneath your touch.
Focus. Sleep.
You sat up in bed and grabbed your phone from your nightstand.
If I can't fall asleep, I may as well text him and try to talk to him. At least it will occupy my mind for a while. Right?
It only took you a couple of minutes to compose a message to San. You closed your phone and tossed it onto the bed next to you. Not two minutes later, your phone vibrated and you jumped at the unexpected sound. Picking up your phone, you read San's reply.
San: What did you want to talk about? Can't sleep? I'll hold your hand until you doze off.
A goofy grin spread across your face as you read his reply. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight of his name and it was difficult to suppress the butterflies fluttering in your stomach. Before you realized it, you were typing another message to him:
You: Hard to sleep when all I could think about is kissing you senseless. Tried to count sheep. Didn't work.
Minutes passed and you got a notification telling you that San replied. You hurriedly unlocked your phone and opened his message.
San: What else were you thinking about? Want to share them with me?
You reread his message and a wide smile appeared on your face. It only took you seconds to type it out.
You: Weird thoughts of you.
San's reply came almost instantly. Your cheeks flushed red as you stared at the screen.
San: What kind of thoughts? Sexy ones?
Before you knew it, you typed out another message.
You: Want to know what they were about?
San immediately replied. His response made you blush again. Your breathing picked up as you stared at your phone, waiting for his response.
San: Give me details. Now.
Slowly moving your thumbs, you typed out your reply.
You: Thoughts of your fingers running down my body. Fingers that would eventually find their way inside me.
A few minutes passed before you received a reply. You peeked at your phone anxiously, wondering if he was done responding. When the message alert popped up, you couldn't hide your surprise.
San: And in these thoughts of yours, did you like my fingers? Because I would love to use them...All over you.
Wow. Just wow. That sent chills down your spine and it took everything you had to remain focused on the topic at hand. Thinking about how good his fingers felt made you imagine how it would feel to be underneath him, feeling his strong arms wrap around you as he pinned you down. Oh god, you couldn't stop thinking about it. In fact, the thought alone sent shivers down your spine. You barely noticed when San responded again.
San: Yes. You liked them. More than you ever imagined possible. I'd like to make those thoughts become reality. One day. Soon. Please?
You bit your lip, before responding.
You: Kiss me first and then I'll let you do whatever you want.
San replied a minute later.
San: Whatever I want?
And you proceeded to write the next part.
You: Whatever you want. From the way you touch me to the way you taste me.
Several moments passed and San's reply came through. Your eyes widened as you read his words.
San: Why don't we make our fantasies come true? Tonight. Come over here. Now.
Letting out a small laugh, you pushed yourself up and headed towards his place. It took you but seconds to reach his condo, but you didn't waste any time once you arrived. You knocked on the door loudly, anxious to see him. A moment later, he opened the door and you felt your heart rate pick up. Without saying a word, you flung yourself into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist and pressing your body firmly against his. He returned the hug fiercely and placed his hands gently on your hips, deepening the kiss.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he broke the kiss and rested his forehead against yours. You pulled away and looked into his eyes. The intense look in his eyes was making you feel slightly dizzy and nervous.
"Is this okay?" You whispered softly.
He brushed your lips with a thumb. "Never knew that you wanted me this bad."
You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck. "I do. I've wanted you forever."
His hands snaked around your waist, pulling you closer to him as he kissed you again. You moaned in pleasure as he deepened the kiss. After several minutes, he pulled away from you and smiled. "Come in."
With one last lingering kiss, you reluctantly pulled away and entered his home. After closing the door and taking your shoes off, San pushed you gently against the wall, holding you firmly by the hips. His mouth hovered above yours as he watched you, trying to take in every little detail. Finally, he lowered his head and planted another soft kiss on your lips.
The kiss was brief, but it left you panting. You brought your hands up and pressed them against his chest, enjoying the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat. Slowly moving your hands up his back and around his neck, you pulled him closer to you.
"I want to do a lot more than just kiss tonight, Y/N." San said huskily.
"Yes." You whispered back. "I want to do more than just kiss too."
San's lips left yours and trailed down your jawline, leaving wet kisses along the way. Finally, he stopped at the base of your throat and slowly nipped your skin, causing you to moan softly. Leaning in, he kissed the spot where he bit you and you whimpered. "Don't make me wait anymore, Y/N."
You reached up and grabbed his shoulders, keeping him in place as he continued to tease you. Slowly licking up your neck, he lingered on your pulse point and teased you with feather light kisses. "San... Please..."
As if reading your mind, he gripped your chin tightly and lifted your head. His eyes met yours and you saw desire blazing behind them. Gently brushing his lips against yours, he lifted you up and carried you to the bedroom, leaving a trail of kisses behind him. Once in the bedroom, he kicked the door shut and began undressing you as soon as he set you down on the bed. Your shirt flew across the room and landed somewhere on the floor, followed by your shorts, bra and panties. His lips pressed against your skin, eliciting soft gasps of pleasure from you. You squirmed under his touch, desperately wanting more.
Suddenly, San pulled away and his hands grabbed the hem of his shirt, lifting it up. His eyes remained fixed on yours as he revealed his bare chest. With one swift motion, he pulled his shirt over his head and threw it aside. You could feel your breath catch in your throat as you gazed at his muscular torso. You reached out and caressed his abs lightly, enjoying the soft feel of his skin beneath your fingertips. You pulled at the waistband of his sweats and soon had them off of him, tossing them to the side.
You didn't have to ask twice; San immediately rolled over on top of you and pressed his lips against yours. He pinned your wrists above your head, covering your body with his own as he kissed you passionately. Moans escaped from your lips as his tongue slid past your lips, plunging into your mouth. After a few moments, he pulled away and stared at you with hooded eyes.
"Do you want me, Y/N?"
"Yes." You whispered softly.
"Tell me how badly you want me."
"Very badly."
San leaned forward and sucked on your bottom lip, gently biting it before letting it go. "Good girl." He said, kissing you again.
Again, his lips left yours and moved down your jawline, leaving wet kisses on the way. He trailed his kisses lower, stopping at the hollow of your throat. His hot breath fanned across your skin as he licked your skin. His fingers suddenly clasped your breasts, squeezing them roughly. Your nipples hardened under his touch and a low moan escaped your lips. You arched your back, pushing your breasts further into his hands, craving more.
San's hands dropped from your breasts and trailed down your sides, coming to rest on your hips. One hand trailed slowly down your thigh and pressed against your pussy, making you gasp. "You're wet, Y/N." He said in a husky voice. "You're so wet for me."
Unable to form coherent sentences, you simply nodded your head.
"Touch yourself." He commanded. Sitting up, you placed your palms on your thighs and used them to spread your legs wider. You glanced up at San and found him staring at you with lust filled eyes. "Touch yourself, baby."
With shaky hands, you tentatively touched yourself, moaning softly as you ran your fingers along your clit. You gasped at the sudden rush of pleasure that coursed through your body as you began to finger yourself. The pleasurable tingling quickly turned into a throbbing ache between your legs. When you felt the telltale sign of your orgasm approaching, you slipped two fingers inside yourself, stretching your pussy wider.
"Fuck, baby." San let out a moan as he watched you pleasure yourself. "Tell me how you're feeling."
"So fucking close." You managed to say. "Please, San... I need you inside me."
"I'm not gonna make you wait much longer." San groaned. His gaze softened as he gave you a slow smile. "But for now... Let me watch you finish yourself off."
Normally when you touched yourself, it never felt like this. But the combination of watching San's eyes glaze over with desire and having him watch you touch yourself, intensified the pleasure tenfold. The pulsating ache became even stronger and before long, you felt yourself begin to tense up.
"San...I can't hold back..." You moaned, pulling your hand away from your wet pussy. You felt a burst of heat rush through your body as your orgasm ripped through your body, sending wave after wave of pleasure coursing through your body. The force of your climax caused your knees to buckle and San instantly rolled over, supporting you with his arms. His gaze fell upon your flushed face, a content grin plastered on his face.
"That was beautiful, baby." San said, kissing your forehead. "God, I've been waiting all night to hear you call out my name."
"San, I need you now." You pleaded softly. "Please."
"Yeah, baby." He breathed heavily. "I know."
In an instant, he sunk into you, filling you completely. As soon as he did, your eyes fluttered closed and you held onto him tightly. The overwhelming sensation of him finally being inside you sent tremors of ecstasy coursing through your body. You cried out as he slowly thrust himself into you, setting a steady pace. Each movement was a reminder of how perfect this man was for you and how lucky you were to have him.
"Fuck, San..." You let out a moan.
He gently stroked your hair as you clung to him, murmuring loving words in your ear. Together, you rode the waves of pleasure as your bodies intertwined. Your hands grasped onto his back, relishing in the gentle contact of his skin. Every touch made your heart race faster and soon you were reaching the peak again. You moaned his name as your orgasm crashed over you, causing you to squeeze him tighter. As you neared your release, you felt San begin to shudder beneath you. You opened your eyes to find his gaze locked on yours.
Slowly, he buried his face into your neck and let out a loud groan. "Y/N... Fuck... Baby... I'm gonna cum."
You tighten your grip around him, urging him on as he poured everything he had into you. For a moment, nothing else existed but you and him as your bodies clung together, relishing in the blissful afterglow. After several moments, you released his back and lay there in silence, trying to catch your breath. As your breathing slowed, you felt San's weight shift slightly, rolling over onto his side. With a smile on your face, you turned your head and nestled into his warm embrace. He pulled you closer to him and placed a soft kiss on your temple.
After several moments, he spoke softly in your ear. "Did all your thoughts and fantasies come true, Y/N?"
You laughed quietly. "Every single one."
He grinned and kissed your cheek. "Mine too."
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nezushi · 2 years
i wish all announcers who purposely choose audience members to talk to who are deliberately not making eye contact a very why would you do that
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cycle-hit · 3 months
actually on the topic of muu i think about how she mightve been going to commit suicide right in front of rei a lot. shes so fucked up. i want to tell her that shes going to escape high school one day
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manliest-lil-weenie · 2 years
Lots of characters in media have been described by fans to be on the autistic spectrum but more often than not it feels like projecting own experiences rather than genuine autistic representation. Obviously there is nothing wrong with making a show to your liking but there is a difference between recognizing traits in a character to be similar to your own and diagnosing them. On the surface there is nothing harmful about claiming that your favorite character has whatever mental disorder or spectrum or anything like that, but now we have 13 year olds self-diagnosing on Tumblr and TikTok and demanding that they be treated differently when in actuality there is nothing wrong with them, they are just a child who exhibits childish behavior. And that is okay, until they are in their 30s and still exhibit that behavior because they were told that it was because "they have autism" and not because they forgot to grow up and learn from their behavior.
Some kids aren't autistic. Some kids are just weird and anti-social and that is okay too, but they don't need that label because labels are there to elicit specific rules but most imporantly help for people with that label.
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hazbinwhoree · 4 months
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General Adam Headcanons
100% dresses like Adam Sandler under the robe
Pronounces bruh like “brah” unironically
Has a high body count, but not as high as you’d expect
He has abandonment issues cause of Lilith and Eve
He’d never admit it but losing both Lilith and Eve to Lucifer really fucked him up
Lilith left him for Lucifer, and Eve cheated on him with Lucifer
Due to knowing the pain of being cheated on, he will never cheat despite the fuckboy persona
Man can actually settle down with the right person
Wears his mask all the fucking time, he only takes it off to sleep
He thinks it makes him look badass and his favorite feature is the horns
He’s tall as fuck (6’5) but he’s kind of thin, so he wears a big ass robe to make up for it
You can only tell by his arms
He likes to appear big
His favorite thing about himself is his dick (surprise)
Listens to heavy metal
Can’t cook for shit
Needs therapy but will never accept therapy
Doesn’t realize how misogynistic he is and if you tried to tell him he would get defensive
“What, I fucking love women, they’re hot.”
Says “nuh uh”
Cried in front of Lute once– they never talk about it
Shockingly, he doesn’t have any STD’s and he’s very proud of that
Sees Lute as a best friend but he’d never let her know she means that much to him
Has a colorful vocabulary of cuss words and unique nicknames, ie “Danger Tits”
Is really good at coming up with unique insults too
Never get into banter with him, he will hurt your feelings
Sleeps like a rock but moves a lot in his sleep
Seriously, he’ll hit every position in one night
His band is actually really popular in Heaven, and he’s renowned for being the best guitarist
Of course, that only strokes his ego
Ego bigger than his dick, for real
But if you can get past his ego, he can be fun to be around
Touch starved
Cares for very few people, but he would die for the people he does care about
Absolutely has a size kink
He’s tall and he loves to be able to look down at his partner
It makes him feel powerful, but he also finds it cute
Has tried every sex position possible but his favorite is missionary
Rarely does he do missionary however because he only likes it with someone he cares about
Phenomal at giving head
He has a long tongue and he knows his way around a vagina
Actually has a big dick, he’s not kidding
Like no wonder he walks around like he’s a god
Also has a virginity kink and it’s definately related to his abandonment issues but he’ll never address that
Whenever he has sex, he always goes for a round 2 in the shower
Actually hates being called things like “daddy” and “master”
While he has some kinks, he’s actually not a very kinky guy
But he’s down to try anything
Has been pegged, doesn’t prefer it
His third and final kink is a breeding kink
He has no idea why but its imperative that he finishes inside his partner
Messy, loves being feral in the bedroom
The kind of guy who’s gone right after a hookup
But if he has a partner, he insists on cuddling after sex
Perfers tits over ass
Will bury his face in his partner’s while they cuddle
One time he came from looking at himself in a mirror during a hookup
Eye contact goes crazy with a partner
Needs to see partner’s every reaction and expression
Also needs control the whole time
Will never sub again, he hated it
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luveline · 17 days
Hi jadeeeee I have a request for coworker James! Another man whether it’s at work or somewhere else starts hitting on reader and James get jealous and realizes he hates seeing her with other guys
ty for requesting 💌 fem
It’s another sunny day at the office, but today is the day the vending machine men come in and fill them, so it’s not all bad. The doors and windows are wide open, the air is fresh and clean. 
“It’s too hot,” Remus complains without any real passion. 
“It’s not that bad,” Sirius says, though he raises his hand to begin fanning Remus anyhow. “It feels hotter than it is because of the humidity.” 
“I feel amazing,” James says. He gives you a nudge with his shoe, his hair tickling his neck as he leans back in his chair. “It’s not that hot, is it?” 
“It’s boiling,” you say. 
You were never going to agree with him. It could be sub zero and you’d tell him you were on fire. James rolls his eyes at you and continues a rather lavish existence of sun, breeze, and cold grapes, their crisp insides popping between his teeth. 
“Sorry,” you say. 
James lifts his head. 
“That’s okay,” Jordan says, to James’ immediate affront. There’s no need for the man in charge of maintaining the vending machine to be talking to you in that tone. It’s bordering too sweet. 
“I’m always in your way,” you laugh. 
“You? In my way? Never.” 
You turn to Remus with an obvious expression. Is he flirting with me? it says. 
Remus looks at James —what the fuck?— before he gives you a tentative back and forth of his head, weighing it up. He shrugs. 
James shakes his head resolutely. 
You give them both the silent version of I understand and settle down in your seat again. The vending machine guy (what’s his name again? James can’t remember) pops open the front cover of the machine and takes out the change box. Clearly, he doesn’t categorise you or the boys as a risk of burglary. 
“So,” Jordan says, “how was your weekend? Did you do much?” 
“In this weather?” you ask with light-humoured sarcasm. “I went on a couple of walks, nothing huge. How about you?” 
“Went to a couple of matches.” 
“Rugby or football?” 
“Rugby, always.” 
James feels the pressure of his teeth clenching at the back of his head. “Do you play, mate?” he asks. 
Jordan looks at him in surprise. “No, we just watch. It’s an excuse to have a pint before five.” 
You break two slices of your clementine away from each other. James doesn’t know why, but your gaze is on him, and that’s where he wants it. “Day drinker?” he asks sympathetically. 
“James,” Sirius says, laughing. “Grow up.” 
“Sometimes,” Jordan says. He finishes reinstalling the change holder and starts to push snacks and drinks onto the vending machine shelves. “Gotta have a little bit of fun every now and then, right?” 
He emphasises to you. 
You give a shy smile. “Right.” 
Jordan finishes his job and wishes everyone goodbye quickly after that. You chew your clementine, your finger looped under your bracelet, tugging slowly round and around. He fucked that up for you, didn’t he? You couldn’t get very far with him poking holes at poor Jordan, but… you’d been smiling at him nicely. You’re allowed to smile at whoever you want to, of course you are, so why did James act like that? 
“Sorry,” he says. 
You slide your thumb between slices of clementine. “To me?” you ask from the corner of your mouth. “For what?” 
Sirius and Remus laugh at the same time. 
James ignores them. “I was mean to him. How are you ever gonna get a date if I bully the vending machine guy?” 
“You think I can’t get a date?” you ask. 
“No.” He grimaces. “No, just, he’s a dickhead.” 
“As opposed to who? You?” you ask. 
James is pretty sure his vision goes white. He hates seeing you with other boys, but this isn’t where he wanted the conversation to go. He doesn’t wanna be your boyfriend. He just hates seeing you happy with other people. 
Oh, god, he thinks. That’s horrible. 
“I think you can do a whole lot better than Jacob the vending machine guy.” 
“Jordan,” you correct, laughing. You don’t bring him up on avoiding your real question, perhaps you don’t notice. You just laugh with Remus and pass James a piece of your clementine. “Vending machines are an honest living. Don’t be so classist.” 
“You’re classist,” he rebukes weakly. He ignores Sirius’ knowing gaze to offer you his punnet of grapes. “Horrible woman.” 
“Get it together, Potter.” 
James doesn’t know what to say to you after that, so he says nothing at all. Your clementine is sweet on his tongue. 
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love-me-satoru · 30 days
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toji fushiguro x ryomen sukuna x fem! reader
summary: you’re best friends with these two man sluts. teasing doesn’t work in your favor but it does in theirs.
warnings: SIZE KINK :), pussy eating, Toji And Sukuna it's a crazy pairing in a way, slight brat, mean toji, ooc sukuna (he's softer than normal) teasing, pet name use (baby, pretty girl, brat, sweetheart), talk of safe words, messy shit, Sukuna having boundaries? A lot of dialogue, brat-taming
word count: 7.2k words (DAMN)
a/n: please guys this has to be one of the longest fics I’ve ever written I may have also been under the influence of something when I wrote this monster please let a girl know how I’ve done. thank you! :)
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Believing you could take two of the biggest men you’ve ever met makes you clinically insane. Toji Fushiguro and Ryomen Sukuna. Being 5’1” on a good day makes you extremely small. Compared to Toji 6’ stance and Sukuna’s 7’ stance. Your legs tremble at the thought of being split open by either of them. With those two being some of your closest friends. When you first met them, they would always tease you for your height. The normal tall people things. Using you as an arm rest while standing, squatting down to meet your height and holding all your items above your head. All the normal tall people shit. But when you started fighting back it caught them off guard. They would start teasing you, and you’d tease them right back. The only difference was you played dirty. And I mean dirty. When it would be you and Toji or you and Sukuna, you would run your hand over their hard chest. It just happened to be Toji this time. The tight compression shirts leave little to imagine. slowly tracing over his nice abs.
“If you would stop teasing me. I'd probably let you do more to me, baby.” He lets out a rough groan. “Sucks you keep being mean to me” as you show a little pout. He has the fuck me eyes right now. You can see the slight bulge in his pants. But all you do is turn around and walk away from him. As much as you want to jump his bones. You want to play hard to get. But his large hand wrapped around your wrist. Pulling you back towards him. Effectively pushing your ass against Toji's hardening cock. “You know sweetheart. If you did this dirty shit to Sukuna he wouldn't have hesitated to bend you over any surface.” ”Yeah But ‘Kuna isn't here Toji. You are.”
Toji slowly leaned down to your small little ear... “And dirty little sluts don’t get what they want, isn't that right baby?” His voice made you whimper. You didn't notice you began grinding on his clothed cock but he noticed almost immediately stopping your hips. “What do you think you're doing sweetheart? Sluts don't get to play with my cock.” You didn't think your plan would backfire as much as it did. You thought you'd get a little hate fucking session. Quick and easy, Not the teasing back, the lewd words coming from his throat. “What did I get myself into” saying slightly under your breath all while looking away from Toji. His hand snaked up your front to around your throat. Making you look at him again. “Oh, pretty girl you just gave me the best idea.” His grip never loosened. He used his free hand to pull his phone out. Opening the camera app. Pulling you flush against his front. Facing the camera towards you. You tried to push his phone away but one look from him made you stop. “Smile for ‘Kuna pretty girl.”
Ding! Ding!
From Fushiguro
Look at this fucking slut
[image attachment]
Opening his phone seeing the picture of you pressed up against Toji’s body. Made him feel some kind of way it’s crazy how much smaller you are compared to Toji. He couldn't wait to see the difference between you and him.
Ding! Ding!
From Sukuna
Send another
“Oh look, pretty girl.” he slowly waves his phone in your face. “He wants more. Spread your legs for me” You’re staring at Toji just a bit shocked. “Did I stutter slut?” Remaining silent you shook your head. “Mhm? Oh, sorry princess I didn't hear you.” you're slightly trembling against him. “No Toji you didn't.” he lets out a small chuckle.“That’s right baby, I didn't. You thought you could get one on me. But who's winning right now?”
“You are Toji.”
"Mhm, that's right. You gonna listen baby?” His phone is still in hand. Tapping your thigh with said phone. You relaxed against him. slowly spreading your legs for Toji. You can feel how wet you are right now dripping down your legs. Silently cursing yourself for not wearing any panties. You know they're going to have a field day with it. “Come on princess. I'm waiting.” Looking back up at Toji, his eyes no longer the pretty green you loved to stare at when he wasn't looking. His eyes were deeper than the deep sea. As you finally get your knees apart. The hand that was around your throat ran down to your core. “Oh shit. You are a slut. Huh, princess?” you immediately shook your head no. “No panties?” “No…” Toji just laughs. “Mhm. Sure princess.” He slowly starts teasing you through your folds. Pulling out soft whimpers from you. Tensing up slightly when he slides over your pulsing clit. “Relax baby. We still gotta take a picture for ‘Kuna.” Toji slowly starts teasing your sopping-wet hole. “God baby. You’re just so wet I could just..” as he slips his middle finger inside you. pulling a loud moan from you. “Oops. Sorry pretty girl. It just slipped in. I forget that you’re so small. And one of my fingers is too much.”
Softly moaning out, with him slowly easing his finger in and out of you. “To..ji..” He slowly places his head in the crook of your neck. Leaving small kisses behind running up to your ear. “Yes, pretty girl?” Slowly picking up the pace finger fucking your tight little cunt. Your moans getting louder and louder. “Toji! The picture..” Moaning out quite loud g His lips form a smirk. “Wanna show Sukuna how much of a slut you are?” tears are forming in your eyes “Yes Toji!” Just his one finger is hitting all the right places. Continuously hitting the right spot. “I’m going to put another one in Princess. Go ahead and cum for me..”
He shoves a second finger into you. Kissing insanely close to your walls. Immediately tightening up around him. “Gonna.. cum Toji!!” His pace becomes unforgiving pumping deep inside you, his thumb brushing over your clit every second. “Come for me, princess wanna watch you fall apart on my fingers.” Feeling too gone to speak you nod your head repetitively moaning out his name. clenching around his fingers hard still nonstop. You scream out squirting all over his hand. “Holy fuck baby… Keep going for me..” He starts to slow down But keeping his fingers inside of you. “You ready baby?” “mhm..” Toji finally takes the picture. Just with his fingers deep inside your pretty cunt.
Toji didn't even care that there was 5 miss messages and 2 missed calls from Sukuna.
Ding! Ding!
From Fushigurio
Sorry got a little busy
[image attachment]
Sukuna texts back immediately.
Ding! Ding!
From Sukuna
Where are you.
Toji just laughs.
You're still to fucked out to comprehend what's going on.
Ding! Ding!
From Fushiguro
My room. She’s pretty fucked out rn. I'm pretty sure she'll be able to take more.
Ding! Ding!
From Sukuna
Not even 10 minutes later Sukuna was there. You passed out on the couch. “Look at her” Toji’s smirking.
“she’s really out of it huh?”
“She basically fell asleep the moment i took the picture.”
“oh really?” “Oh yeah.” Toji’s laughed.
“She’s literally so fucking hot.”
“I knew if I kept teasing her she would slip up eventually.” they’re honestly just watching you sleep.
"You know its rude to watch people sleep. and kinda creepy." You're slowly starting to sit up.
"It's also really rude to fall asleep on someone." Toji laughs out. "it's not my fault! you're just mean." you pout slightly.
Sukuna's eyes found your pretty little face. Their eyes met for a second. then the same evil smirk showed on Toji's face. "Oh sweet girl did you not learn your lesson the first time?" your eyes shot to his immediately turning black. Toji likes to get real up close and personal, and pulls you into his lap. Making you straddle his lap. His big hands wrapped around the globes of your ass slightly squeezing.
Your hands rest on his shoulders. You were sitting up straight your back slightly arching. Toji's hands roam up and down your back. You knew what he was doing. He was trying to make the Great Ryomen Sukuna jealous. You knew that Sukuna always wanted a little piece of you and so did Toji. "God. You look so fuckin good baby" Toji slowly snuggled his head into the crook of your neck. You angle your neck slightly so he can leave small kisses. Which turns into love bites. which causes you to moan. Which brought an evil smile from Toji. Sukuna's grip around the edge of the couch tightened. “You know brat, it's is rude that this loser gets all the attention when the king is back" You glance at Sukuna slightly and he walks up behind you. wrapping his massive hand around your throat making you look at him. Pressing his hard-on against your back. "Kuna..." a slight whine came from you. Sukuna let go of your throat and step back away from you. "None of that brat." looking up at Sukuna pouting all so slightly. "Quit looking at me like that brat, You won't be able to walk if you keep on." Your pouting continued, looking up at Sukuna “You’re lucky Toji has a hold on you right now. Because if you were in my room.” as he gets all up close and personal, “You would be mine.”
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Just because they were the ones to tease it was your turn to do a little teasing. You weren’t sure what you would do. But a few days later you took a small trip to the mall hoping for it to be the best revenge. It quite literally took you all day to find something you knew both of the boys were going to love. The real question you had for yourself was who was going to rip it off. Kuna. Defiantly Sukuna. Toji would try and get to you first But with Sukuna and his size it was going to be him. Slowly treading back to your home knowing you're supposed to visit the boys tonight. This time you're going to Sukuna first not Toji. Slipping on the special piece. And just a set of grey sweats. You make it over to your best friend’s house. You have your key to their house so you just walked right in. Meeting Sukuna in the living room. Shirtless. Sexy as ever. Your eyes lingered on Sukuna hard. Don't think that went unnoticed. he chuckled "Lookin' a little hard huh sweetheart?" his laugh pulling you back from reality. "No!" slightly blushing running into a different room to run into Toji. "Hey there pretty girl." "Um... hi." as you slowly start walking backward. Toji slowly creeping back up on you. Completely forgetting about the pink-haired menace in the other room. Backing into Sukuna, his big ass hands placed on your shoulders as he bends down to whisper something in your ear. "Where do you think you're going, sweetheart?" Frozen. Trapped between these two big ass men. “uh..” Your eyes are locked on Toji. he’s getting closer. Sukuna still holding on to you. “You know pretty girl... We saw you at the mall today.” Hearing that your eyes widen.
“You did.?”
“Oh yeah.”
Sukuna’s hand runs down your side, sliding his hand to the base of your sweats. “I wonder if she’s wearing it right now.”
Toji is now right in front of you. his hand running over your warm face. making you look directly at him. “So are you pretty girl?” “Huh..?” your mind is completely mush by now being surrounded by these two men. Your plan failed completely.
“We didn’t even touch you yet and you’re already acting all fucked out baby.” By now sukuna ran his hand into your sweats. cupping your cunt in the process.
“she’s fucking soaked.”
“bet she is.I’m gonna ask one more time pretty girl. Are you wear it right now?”
“Yes!” you said a little too fast for your liking. You really wanted to hold back but they were becoming too overwhelming. And the ache in your core was almost too much to bare. “You gonna tell us why you’re wearing it baby?”
Your face reddens at the pet name. It's not a foreign name. Toji would usually use it. But when it slipped from Sukuna’s mouth it got you.
“I wanted to tease you both..” You said a lot quieter than intended.
“I bet you look so sexy under these clothes huh baby?”
Sukuna’s hands reach the bottom of your hoodie. silently pleading to take it off. You felt hot. Hotter than usual.
“Baby. I'm going to ruin you.” Sukuna whispers in your ear. He pulls your hoodie clean off. Toji just watching at the sight. Seeing the way your tits sit just right. The small straps run across your chest and around your pretty little neck.
“Oh baby look how hard Toji is right now.”
Looking directly at Toji again. Seeing his hand gripping the outline of his dick is making you feel things. “Please..”
“Please what baby?” Sukuna’s hands run down to your waistband again.
“Please fuck me!”
With that Sukuna threw you over his shoulder making his way to his room Toji not far behind. Once he made it there he threw you on the bed pulling your sweats completely off in one fell swoop. Feeling your face get hot again with these two men staring down at you. You immediately covered your face. “All shy now huh?” Toji’s deep voice echoed out. “Leave me alone!” you said playfully. Sukuna pulls you by your ankles to the edge of the bed. leaning over pressing his hard-covered cock against your soaked cunt to be face to face with you. “Do you really want us to leave you all hot and bothered baby?” “No..” Toji chuckles to the side of you both. “I thought so. So you might want to show yourself because we’ll walk away now.” You moved your hands away from your face looking directly into Sukuna’s now deep black eyes. The smirk that forms is damn near deadly. Sukuna presses his hot lips against yours. It's like he's been dreaming of it. His tongue fighting his way into your mouth, you let him in gladly. Moaning into the kiss. “As much as I like to watch this. I think I deserve a little something too don't you think pretty girl?” Toji said slightly annoyed. Pulling away from Sukuna looking at Toji. His cock still pressing hard against his sweats.
“Come here, you big baby,” you said teasingly. “You better watch your tone with me you brat,” Toji said sharply. The edge in his voice almost had you folded. But you just shot back harder. “Make me,” you said with a slight smirk.
He makes his way towards you fast Sukuna knowing what he's going to do moves to the side and his hand makes it around your throat in seconds. Toji pulls you close, his nose touching yours. “You have no idea what you just started brat.” his lips hit yours hard , all teeth trying to fight for the dominance. With Sukuna watching how much you're fighting Toji. Sukuna chuckles out loud. "what you laughing at" as Toji pulls away from you a pout prominent on your face. "Nothing man, just something i noticed." Toji raised an eyebrow at him. You're just whimpering from the lost touch. Sukuna comes back to you grabbing your chin, making you look up at him. "What do you want baby?" you have these cute little puppy dog eyes staring back at him " I want you 'Kuna.. Toji's being mean." the pout on your face getting bigger. Toji's scowling on the side. Sukuna notices immediately and smirks. Sukuna presses his lips onto yours again harder and once again you let him slip is tounge into your mouth letting is tounge fight with yours. when he pulls away again while you whine.
"See how she summits to me but not you"
"what a fuckin' brat"
As you sit up from the bed. looking at Toji.
"I’m not a brat!" you yelled at him.
"Say that again" Toji standing in front of you again.
"Im. Not. A. Brat." you said poking his chest after every word.
Toji just watched you, Sukuna knew this was going to happen eventually. You were a hothead when you didn't get what you wanted and so was Toji. You're a brat at heart even if you weren't going to agree you were.
You could feel the shift in the air. "you know brat, if you just admit you are one ill give you what you want the most."
"I'm not a brat but whatever," you said under your breath, not like they didn't hear you.
Toji's hand wrapped around your throat again. pushing you into sukuna's bed and ran his hand down to your core. with you being the brat that you are you tried to close your legs. But sukuna's hands stopped you. ripping your legs open.
"you traitor!" you spit. Now mad at both of them.
"I was never on any sides baby. I just want to see that pretty cunt"
You tried to fight against them both. but with them being huge compared to you. you knew you would never win. Toji's hand now running over you slick covered panties. causing you to slightly flinch from the touch.
"Oh? the little brat is sensitive huh. We haven't even touched you" You're silent for once just staring at him his hand still wrapped around your throat, when he slips is hand into your panties.
"You're lucky im not ripping these off right now" You tried to look away from him but his hand is keeping you firmly in one spot making you to only look at him. his eyes boring into you. When his finger finds your clit. you yelp out with how sensitive it is. "fuck!."
"Oh? look at that." Toji said smirking
You're getting fed up with all the teasing. "Stop teasing me already!"
"oh no Toji she's starting to have an attitude. Might want to fix that" sukuna said laughing. Toji's hand slipped out quicky. and slapped your cunt unexpectedly causing you to moan out. Both toji and sukuna laughed at the response you gave. "I didn't take you for being a little pain slut"
"maybe if you would actually fuck me, you'd hear more"
" Or i could do this" As he slaps your cunt again. more moans fell from your mouth.You can't take it anymore. the lack of actual touch is too much. "Please! Toji I'm Sorry!"
"Sorry for what brat" his smirk forming already. "I'm sorry for being a brat!" the ache between your legs is screaming at you. "thats a good girl." he slips off your panties quickly.
“Look at this fuckin cunt. so fucking wet for me.” Toji quickly drops to his knees throwing one of your legs over his shoulder.
“I’ve been waiting to taste this fucking cunt since the last time.” Sukuna gave him a dirty look after that comment.
"Toji!" you whined out. Toji licked a long stripe from your hole to your clit and started sucking tour clit hard to have you trashing against his tongue he wrapped his arm around your other leg to hold you still but with him eating you out like a starved man had you moaning out a lot. "I'm close!" Toji's eyes caught yours and and a small smirk formed. You threw your head back when he started sucking on your clit again when he felt you tense up a lot he pulled away.
"Toji! What the fuck!" you screamed out.
He slaps your cunt, and laughs. "You really thought i was going to let you cum after the way you talked to me sweetheart?"
"ugh!" you whined out.
Toji loved this sight of you. A literal mess. Toji got up to sit next to you and Sukuna took his place. you're really hoping Sukuna will let you cum.
"Just be a good girl maybe we'll let you cum sweetheart"
Looking down at Sukuna with begging eyes. "Please 'Kuna.. wanna cum.."
"Relax baby. Just let me enjoy this."
As he said that he went in face first going immediately to your clit. Its already extremely sensitive from Toji's abuse. "Oh. My.. God."
"There's no god here baby. Just me" Sukuna said then going right back to devouring your cunt. He's sucking sloppily through your folds. catching your clit every other second. Toji has been palming his cock while watching you. You're getting close again. slightly tensing up. "Can i come please "Kuna.."
Sukuna locked eyes with Toji. With a slight nod from him. Sukuna went down harder you moaned out loudly. Toji's hand ran over your tits. "oh fuck! I'm so close!"
"Go ahead cum for us baby."
Sukuna ends up slipping two fingers inside of you, sucking harshly on your clit. From that moment you tensed up that deep tension building up in the lower part of your stomach you came. hard. As you push your cunt deeper into Sukuna's face riding out the rest of your high. You relaxed down heavily breathing.
"Honestly man, you should of let her cum."
Toji just let out a soft hum. "it doesn't matter, I rather have her cum on my dick."
Toji got back up but this time he stands at his full height and he pulls out his cock.
Your eyes widen, you've never seen a dick that big before. he had to be maybe 9 or 10 inches long and he was fucking thick. "Like what you see princess." Toji said with a smug smirk on his face.
"its not going to fit Toji."
'Oh don't worry. Ima gonna make it fit."
Your body is still super weak, as you tried to snake your way up the bed away from Toji. He caught your ankles pulling you back so his cock is just at the entrance of your sweet cunt.
"Don't worry baby, he's just a warm up. im really going to break you" Sukuna said laughing You felt your face get red. If Toji was fucking big, Sukuna had to be fucking huge.
"Honestly baby. You know of the color system?"
"Yes.. Red for stop, Yellow for Slow, and Green for i’m good"
"Good.. if Anything doesn't feel right just say the word."
"Okay.." You're just staring at Toji he slapped his cock directly on your burning red clit, moaning out his name "Please Toji.. I'm sensitive.."
Sukuna is standing next to you pulling out his own cock. your mouth agape. he was bigger than toji. its honestly fucking scary how that's going to fit in you.
"Hey. Eyes on me pretty girl." Toji slowly started easing his cock inside of you.
"Oh fuck!" the stretch of his cock is almost unbearable
"Oh fuck man, you're so fuckin' tight baby."
he continued to ease himself in slowly, barely half way in. "God baby you gotta relax. I'm not even half way."
"It's not my fault your dick is so fucking big!"
Toji just chuckles he knows he's big. But the teasing never stops. Sukuna laughs to himself from the comment but he then eases himself onto the bed next to you. his sweats abandoned next to the bed. "Look at me baby" Your eyes caught Sukuna's eyes. Seeing his cock leaking with precum so close to your face. "Open your mouth baby." And like a good girl you did. Opening as wide as you can. and he just slips just the tip into your mouth. tasting all of his salty taste. humming slightly against his tip causing sukuna to moan out. With you distracted a bit Toji fully sheathed all 10 inches inside of you. which made you moan against Sukuna's cock. you felt his dick twitch on your mouth.
"Holy shit man. Her fucking cunt feels great."
"Her mouth is great too" You felt Toji's cock twitch slightly inside you and it made you moan out again. You take out sukuna's cock from your mouth. "Please move Toji. wanna feel you."
He slowly starts pumping in and out of you. Sukuna quickly puts his cock back into your mouth. The constant moans coming from your mouth are making Sukuna tremble with pleasure. "Holy fuck baby. I'm gonna cum soon." Toji starts picking up his pace. His hands firmly on your hips. Sukuna slowly shoves his dick down your throat. It feels like your jaw is about to break but you just want all of him down your throat. Sukuna's hand wraps around your throat forcing his cock a little farther down.
"Oh god. me too." sukuna moans out.
Sukuna picks up his pace and starts fucking your throat and you welcomed him eagerly. Gagging ever so often when Sukuna pushes a little too far. "You gonna take my cum right princess?" You hummed around him with him taking that as a yes and fills your pretty little throat. Which causes you to clench hard around Toji. "Holy fuck." Sukuna pulls his cock out of your mouth. Your first thought was how the fuck was he still hard.
"You better swallow all of it princess, or i won't be as nice later." You weren't planning on being a brat. But you kinda want him to be mean. just to see what would happen. But with Toji's hard cock still beating at your core you weren't sure how much more you could take. You swallowed every little bit of his come. Opening your mouth to show him.
"Thats a good girl."
"I'm about to blow my load baby, where do you want it." Toji struggles to get out. Moaning in between each thrust. "Inside me Please!" while you moan out, Toji's thrusts start to get harder and harder his balls slapping your ass continuously.
"I'm coming Toji!" You clenched hard around Toji's cock. So hard he couldn't move anymore. as he tried to force his cock as deep as he could. You moaned out loud squirting all over Toji as he empty his seed deep inside of you. He's trying to keep pumping but with how much your cunt is squeezing him he can't move an inch. "I didn't know you could do that baby." Sukuna said with a light coo.
"Mhmm..." You're gone, mind completely blank. The only thing going through your mind right now was how much was Sukuna going to fill you.
"You okay baby? What's your color?" Toji said softly as he's pulling out his cock.
"Green.. So Green" you sung out softly.
"I'm surprised you can actually make out words this time Princess."
"Stop being so mean to her Toji."
Toji just rolled his eyes.
"You got enough energy baby, want to come for us one more time?"
"Want both of you.."
"Woah baby, slow your roll. Don't you think it would be a bit much?"
You shook your head “no. both"
"Oh baby."
"No 'Kuna! i want both of you now." your pout deep on your face. Your eyes firmly on Sukuna. Your eyes are just begging for him to fuck you.
"This is what happens when you don't tame the brat 'kuna" he laugh while he sung his name.
"Shut up Toji." Sukuna scowled at him.
"Please 'kuna.." You beg. "You know Sukuna. We never actually got to play with these perfect tits." "Yeah! Play with me 'Kuna!" "Yeah come play with her 'Kuna." Toji teased. Sukuna scowling again.
Toji helps you sit up just a bit for him to slip in behind you.
Your back is pressed flush again Toji's front. You can still feel Toji's hard on pressing against you but you didn't really care. You just wanted Sukuna to play with you again. Toji's hands immediately found your tits. You moaned out softly. Toji's usually on the rougher side. With him being so soft with you now has you becoming putty in his very hands.
"Im gonna take this off okay baby?"
He's slowly unhooking your bra leaving small kisses behind.
"You're so good for me." More soft kisses ran down your neck. as he completely unhooked your bra, throwing it to the floor.
"Look at her 'Kuna. She's so pretty like this right?" Toji started to leave small hickeys down your neck. After every time he sucks down on your neck you moan out toji's name.
Sukuna is trying so hard to not give in. Knowing that you're a big girl. You can always safe word out. but he feels like he needs to hold back. Toji's hands roamed all over your body again. His fingers catch your nipple in between your fingers. Soft moans of his name come out again. "spread your legs for me, baby. show 'kuna what he's missing out on." Toji whispered in your ear. So being the tease Toji is making you out to be. You threw your legs over Toji's spreading your legs wide all for sukuna. "You sure you don't wanna play with me 'Kuna?" One of Toji's hands ran down to your core. One of them stopped at your tits heavily teasing your nipple and running his fingers through your folds.
"Please 'Kuna.." Sukuna is fucking throbbing right now. He can see the remnants of Toji's cum dripping out of your abused hole. You can see Sukuna's cock twitching from the sight of you. His precum is leaking all over himself.
"wanna cum toji please.." your body relaxes against Toji. "You want my cock again princess?" You knew Toji was hard. He's been hard this whole time. Just like Sukuna. The only difference here is Toji doesn't care. He wants to make you happy fuck all the morals.
"Yes Toji please.. Want your cock inside me" Toji's smirking at Sukuna. But he makes quick work of you, lifting you up. His arms under your legs. As he just slips his cock right inside of you. Like it was made for only you. He fits in so snug. Your cunt dripping all over his balls. Already squeezing his dick tightly.
"Oh my God!"
"Go ahead baby tell 'Kuna how good I'm making you feel." Toji's half ass smirk at Sukuna. Sukuna is standing there. His cock in hand because he can't take it anymore. he's fucking leaking all over his own hand.
"Kuna.. please.."
"That's not what i said to say baby." as he's slowly lifting you off his cock.
"Please Toji! I'm sorry!" He slowly stops "Go ahead baby. say it"
"Toji Is making me feel so good 'Kuna!" as Toji slams you down on his cock moaning out his name. "Wanna cum Toji please!"
"You better hold it pretty girl." His cock is slamming into your G spot repeatedly. "Holy fuck! Toji please!"
"Nah fuck this." Toji looked up at Sukuna. He's fucking mad. "Oh 'Kuna are you ready to fuck the little brat?"
"Shut up Toji." Sukuna's eyes boring into Toji as he smirks. "Oh? he's mad mad. this should be fun to watch." he whispers into your ear. Sukuna forceful pulled you off of Toji. You whimpered when Toji's cock slipped out of you. After being so close again. You know your cunt might not be able to take another beating but you're willing to try. Sukuna throws you down on to the bed. Basically manhandling you. Climbing over you and caging in your small frame. His eyes are burning into your body, loving how close you are to him. Your hand ran up his chest.
" 'Kuna.?" his hands grabbed yours pinning it to the bed.
"Oh no, little girl. You're in so much trouble." His eyes somehow darkened even more. Nothing but two black pools. filled his eyes. "All this fucking teasing.." As Sukuna slowly leaving his own marks along your neck, bigger and darker. You tried to pull your hands from Sukuna but his grip just got tighter. You moaned out his name. " 'Kuna please.." Sukuna's leaving small bite marks down your tits. catching one of your nipples in between his teeth. which made you cry out.
"Sukuna Please!"
he just laughs..
Toji's moved from the bed sitting in a chair on the side watching sukuna take you over. his hard cock in hand. Slowly stroking himself.
"You getting off on this you perv" Sukuna snapped then laughed.
"You know you were just jerking off to us, so who's really the perv." Sukuna growled. Turning his focus back to you his hands still locked with yours.
"You're being mean 'Kuna.." "Oh? I'm being mean?
"Yes! I've been so good for you 'Kuna.!"
His hand wraps around your throat fast. "Have you really though? This attitude. I don't care if its directed to Toji, Not Me Yes?"
"Yes Sir.." He chuckles to himself. He then lets go of you hands. "Don't move your hands. little girl." his voice stern. You wouldn't dare move your hands. leaving them above your head where he placed them and he ran his free hand down your perfect naked body. While he continued. "Next. the pouting for not getting what you want. Oh, Baby you looked so cute while you were begging for me. But you were pouting the whole time. And I don't reward pouty little girls." He trapped your nipple in between his index finger and thumb pulling it hard causing you to slightly moan out. "Oh and finally the teasing." he's still holding you down by your throat. he slaps your tit once causing you to cry out. A small smirk is forming on his face. "The fucking teasing.. Showing me that pretty little cunt.. " he pulls your legs apart with one hand and runs his fingers through your folds. then slaps your bare cunt which causes you to scream out. "Oh baby and then I had to stand there and watch Toji fuck that pretty little cunt AGAIN. You could've had my cock baby, but you wanted to be greedy. and try and get both but you ended up settling for who's cock?"
"For Toji's" you said meekly.. looking away from Sukuna's eyes
As he immediately caught your chin to make you look at him again. His eyes burning into yours. "For Who's brat" his voice stern again.
"For Toji's Sir!"
"What are we not going to do next time princess?"
"Be greedy sir."
"What are you going to do princess?"
"Take what I am given."
"That's a good girl."
"You're going to be a good girl for me now princess?"
"Yes sir."
"Go ahead and lay down on your back for me baby and let you head hang off the edge a little." As you get into position. Sukuna stands by the edge of the bed. once you set your head down Sukuna taps on your lips. "Open up wide for me baby." His cock is in front of you again. As you open up you stuck your tongue out as much as you can. Sukuna smears all the precum on his tip onto your tongue. "Like that baby?" all you tried to do was nod your head. "Be ready baby." Your tongue never moved. Sukuna slowly eased his cock into your mouth. he softly moaned out while you welcomed him fully. Hallowing your throat out so he can easily force more of his cock into your mouth. you moan out softly against his cock. "God you feel so fucking good baby" Sukuna's hand grips your throat. Fully shoving his cock deep down your throat. "Oh fuck baby.."
Toji's watching from the sidelines. Watching how your pretty little throat is taking all of Sukuna. His dick getting painfully hard once again. "Oh fuck.."
"What Toji can't keep your dick under control" Sukuna teases.
"Shut the fuck up Sukuna." Toji growled.
"Just lay here and take it baby." Sukuna starts fucking your face hard. Gagging noises falling from your mouth. His balls continuously slapping your face. You felt his cock twitch against your throat. Drool is dripping out the sides of your mouth after every thrust of his hips.
"God i could never get tired of your throat baby."
You're moaning around his cock constantly.
"I'm gonna fill your pretty little throat baby."
His grip around your neck tighten a bit and shoved his cock as far as he could filling your throat full with his seed. A mix of grunts and moans fall from his mouth. "Oh fuck baby." he pulls out his still hard dick from your mouth. "you better swallow it all princess."
As you swallowed all of his cum, You stuck out your tongue just to show him that you did.
"Look at you baby, being such a good girl"
"Thank.. you sir.." You're tired, there's no way your throat isn't bruised.
Sukuna picked you up knowing you can't really move. "Can you take anymore princess?" You're really falling hard into subspace. All you want to do is please everyone "Yes! please.. Want You sir.." "Since you finally learned how to be a good girl you can pick how I'm going to take you princess."
"Can Toji play with us too Sir?"
Sukuna rolled his eyes then looked directly at Toji.
"Sure baby since you've been so good"
" I want you to take me from behind 'kuna.. please"
"Where do you want me pretty girl?"
"in front of me.. i wanna suck your cock Toji.."
"Need help princess?"
“ Yes sir.. please..”
Sukuna helps you stand up slowly spinning you around. so you could crawl onto the bed. Crawling onto the bed on your hands and knees. also placing yourself in-between Toji's legs seeing his cock already leaking again. You start leaving little kitten licks all over the head of Toji's cock. All while Sukuna runs the palm of his hand over the plump of your ass.
"You shouldn't tease pretty girl." Grabbing the base of Toji's cock, wrapping your small hand around it. slowly jerking him off. while sucking his tip. “You’re teasing. pretty girl..”
you look up at Toji. eyes locked on each other. When you fully take him down your throat. "there you go." your hand moved from his base to his balls lightly squeezing. "Holy shit baby" as Toji throws his head back.
“She’s fuckin great with her mouth huh?”
“Oh fuck yeah”
Then Sukuna's slowly running his fingers through your folds. "God baby you're so wet." He inserts 2 fingers inside of soaked hole causing you to moan against Toji’s cock.
“Shit man. If you keep making her do that I’m gonna blow already.”
"I'm sure she'll love it right baby?" a muffled noise came from you not wanting to release him from your mouth and Toji groaned.
Sukuna started curling his fingers inside of you, you're already close squeezing around Sukuna's fingers.
"Oh baby you gonna cum baby?" Pulling off of Toji. "Yes.." Toji's hand grabbed a handful of your hair. Moans forced from your throat. "A messy little thing you huh pretty girl?"
“uh..huh.” whines now coming from you with Toji holding on to you and Sukuna fingering your cunt. You’re about to lose it. Sukuna’s fingers get deeper and faster. “Wanna cum! please!” you scream out. Toji immediately shoves his cock back into your mouth. Your nose kissing his happy trail. Sukuna pulls his fingers out of you, he’s over the torture he’s been putting himself through. You whined from the loss of touch from Sukuna which caused him to give you a firm smack on your ass. Jolting you forward, forcing you further onto Toji's cock. Toji moans out but his grip loosens from your hair and Sukuna's hand replaces it pulling you completely off of Toji. Pulling your small frame against his huge one. His cock is pressing hard into your ass.
"What did I say about the pouting Brat." His voice is stern, right up against your ear. Too stunned to speak. His voice and his body making you all hot and bothered. Being so close.
His grip gets tighter and his free hand wraps around your neck more whines coming from you. "What did I say little girl."
"You don't reward.. Pouty little girls.."
"That's right.." His hand releases your throat and runs down your body. "And what did you do wrong little girl" His hand meeting your core. Toji and Sukuna both looking at you. Your eyes are silently pleading with Sukuna. Toji moves to you and spreads your legs just enough for Sukuna's cock to slip between your folds teasing your clit slightly.
"fuck.." you whispered out. Looking down at his cock. every slight twitch of his cock it hits your clit just enough to tease. but not enough to help.
"kuna please.."
"Oh now you want to talk brat. All i wanted to do was prep you for me Princess. but since you wanted to be a little brat. I guess you don't need it huh baby. You gonna take me like a big girl?"
"Yes Sir! Please!"
Sukuna makes quick work of you bending you back over. Your back in a pretty arch, as he completely sinks all 10 inches inside your pretty little cunt.
"Oh No no pretty girl. you gonna take it right." it was more a statement than a question but with your mushed out brain you really couldn't tell a difference.
"Yes! Please fuck me sir!"
His cock is fucking aching. He gave no mercy. slamming his cock at unholy speed. A mix of moans and screams are pulled from you. Sukuna had a rough grip on your hips. knowing if he was holding any tighter there would be bruises.
"I'm close 'Kuna! Please let me cum!"
His pace is unforgiving. the sound of his hips meeting your ass echoed through out the room.Your cunt clenched around Sukuna's cock hard. "You better not fucking cum."
You're about to lose it stuffing your face into the mattress sobs and tears falling from you.
"Sukuna please! I can't hold it!"
his cock continues to bully your cervix. his cock finally twitching inside of you. Feeling him twitch slightly made you tighten around him again."Fucking cum for me brat" his hand met your ass. As he's drilling into you somehow harder. Screaming his name, you squirted all over him. As he forces his cock deeper inside you filling your womb with his seed.
"Holy fucking shit baby."
You're gone. Your mind. Your body. Everything from this point is gone from you. Your eyes shut immediately falling into a deep slumber.
"Holy shit. Did she pass out?" Toji sounding a little worried.
"She definitely did." Sukuna pulled his now spent cock out of your cunt. a quiet whimper came from you while you slightly shifted on the bed.
"At least she's still alive" Toji joked.
"Shut up Toji. You might want to go get cleaned up pretty boy. Looks like you had a little fun" as Sukuna pointed at Toji's messy cock.
"And you say I'm the perv." As Toji walks out
Sukuna just rolled his eyes. Slowly lifting you to move you closer to the head of the bed. More whimpers just falling from you. “Kuna..” the softest whisper came from you. “Hold on baby. Imma clean you up a bit” a loud whine came from you. Your eyes were still closed but the loss of his touch made you whine. “Fine you little brat,” he said chuckling. He snuggles up next to you throwing a blanket he had nearby over the both of you.
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43qh · 2 months
talk for a minute? (m)
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quinn hughes x fem!reader
genre: angst, smut, fluff
warnings: unprotected sex, creampie, yearning, self-doubt, rejection
word count: 4.6k
summary: your own vows to not associate with anyone your last year in college all comes crashing down the second quinn hughes enters your life.
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you made vows.
vows to yourself, at least. you’ll focus on studies, graduate with honors this coming year, no distractions. you made fucking vows. so when a man named quinn hughes has sudden interest in your loneliness, you scowl. your snarls and distaste in his presence hasn’t made him go away. not yet, at least.
quinn randomly popped into your life when he sat across you in your campus library. his eyes gleamed a pretty color you didn’t want to discover too deeply. you raised an eyebrow at the time, not sure why a man was sitting across from you, no books in hand. you didn’t know quinn back then. quite frankly, you didn’t know many people. you were a loner, if you will. you hated the term, though. you just chose your studies over friendships.
people could call you a prune all they want, it never deterred you. at least you’d graduate with your head held high.
so, when quinn approached you that day with a glimmering “hi”, you scowled. and he would try every day for the past three weeks trying to get something different, but it never worked. but he never stopped approaching you. never stopped pursuing you.
when quinn doesn’t show up at his usual time, you’re a little muddled in your seat. quinn made it a point to be punctual in your ‘meet ups’. so, when he comes an hour late, you scrunch your eyebrows at him.
he clears his throat a bit, trying to remain quiet in the library, “hi.”
you almost scowl in his face, but your demeanor was falling apart in front of his eyes. you sit still, “you’re late.”
quinn’s eyebrows raise, but he can’t stop the smile errupting on his face, “you noticed?”
you scoff, looking back at your books. he wanted you to notice. he wanted you to react. he craved it.
quinn rests his chin on his hand, elbow on the table, “if you’re wondering where i was-”
“i wasn’t.” you snark.
“-i had to call my mother. we do this monthly thing where she checks in on me.”
quinn being a mommy’s boy made you want to smile. you didn’t know much about quinn. you knew he played hockey, had two brothers, had lots of friends, and you knew girls flocked at him. quinn wasn’t bad looking. maybe he knew he was a looker, who knows. but knowing he was also a mama’s boy, added to your short list of what you knew about quinn. it was almost charming.
if only you didn’t have a reputation to uphold.
you don’t even nod in acknowledgment to his words about the call with his mother. you don’t look up, you don’t stop typing on your laptop. and quinn just sits like usual, in silence. you’re not sure what game he’s playing at, but you’re not sure you’re going to like it, whatever it is.
you didn’t even know the man’s name before he approached you, and now you know more than you’d like to. it made you scoff in your head.
only in his wet dreams will he get a chance to talk to you.
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you hate this.
you hate that quinn’s silence was starting to become a comfortable daily routine. you hated that you were starting to anticipate his entrance. you hated the coil in your stomach when he approached you after giving a familiar handshake to one of his friends.
you hate him.
he’s a nuisance. always in the way when you’re trying to concentrate. in all reality, you could probably find another place and spot to study. but you knowingly chose not to. and that’s really what kills you. you were tormenting yourself on purpose.
you were hating him on purpose.
“hi,” his familiar voice rings in your ears as you take notes.
you want to say ‘hi’ back. you want to greet him properly, let him into your world. you want to become apart of his world, maybe. your mind wins over your heart, though.
you stay silent, not daring to look up in fear that you’ll crack. quinn never pushes you for conversation. he simply sits quietly until you’re done with your studies for the evening. maybe that’s what drew you towards him. he was patient, never really, truly invading your space. quinn just sat in your bubble, silently scrolling through his phone. he doesn’t even strike up conversations, he just sits there.
is this infatuation?
were you really wanting to break vows for a man you barely knew?
you lick your lips, eyes flickering towards him for only a second, maybe even less than that. he was handsome, from what you gathered. he dressed nicely, his clothes neat and not a wrinkle in place. your nostrils flare as you get a small whiff of his cologne from where he sat. earthy and light.
he looked a bit too good to be true.
you sigh softly, eyes focused on your paper in front of you. your exams are close, and you can feel the anxiety start to creep up.
you were so consumed by quinn for the past few minutes that you were slightly behind on your preferred schedule. you frown, making sure to bury your nose deep into your notes.
you weren’t sure, but you swore you could see a soft smirk on quinn’s lips out of the corner of your eye.
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your resolve was disappearing.
quinn’s hair was wet, dressed in a loose sweater and sweatpants. his hands grip his phone a bit too tight. he greets you with a grunt, unusual to his chipper tone. it sent a shock down your spine. were you supposed to react that way to a frustrated man?
you sigh, trying your best to concentrate, but something was clearly bothering quinn as his brows furrowed in anger. your heart was aching for him.
god, you were aching for him.
as the weeks pass, doubt clouds your mind. what if this was a game to get you to talk? what if he just wanted what every other man wanted? what if he was playing with you?
all doubt leaves your mind for the moment when you notice the slouch in his posture.
“you okay?” you ask with a meek voice. it wasn’t like you to appear shy, someone with less resolve than what they’re credited for. but quinn breaks all your rules.
quinn looks up at you with a raised brow, “you’re asking?” his tone was playful.
you wanted to scoff and turn back to your books, but your body reacts quicker than your mind. “yeah.” you breathe. you sound out of breath, looking at him with a shy glint that almost drives him a bit crazy.
you were just so precious to him.
quinn didn’t see you as shy, quite the opposite actually. but seeing you fall apart just talking to him? he couldn’t help the fact that it boosted his ego. you were kind of known for blowing people off. so, when you asked about his well-being, he felt like he had to get on his knees for you.
not that he’d admit it.
“lost a game,” quinn tilts his head at you. watching your every move like you were bound to cower away any minute.
you nod, adverting eyes just for a split second before you’re greeted with a smirk on his lips. you twist in your seat a bit, “you’re smirking.”
“how am i supposed to stay composed?” he questions, leaning closer so his chest presses against the desk separating the two of you, elbows on the table, fingers interlocked after putting his phone down, “you’re just so cute when concerned.”
you puff your cheeks out, looking away from him completely. you wanted to brush off his compliment like you do with everyone else. you wanted to dig your nose in your books. you wanted to even possibly disappear.
at some point, you lose track of time. you’re not sure how long the two of you have been sitting in that awkward silence while you collect yourself. you’re not sure how long quinn has been looking at you.
you just know it’s longer than you would have liked.
“you’re conceited to think i was concerned,” you look at your laptop, not really bothering with your notes anymore, just simply looking away from quinn.
“so, you’re not?” he asks, leaning his head on his hand now.
you scoff, “you wish i was.”
“so what if i do?” he raises an eyebrow, “you barely know how to even look at me. i think it’d be a privilege to be cared by you.”
you squirm a bit in your seat, “what gives you that privilege then?”
quinn shrugs his shoulders, “only you know that.” he pauses, leaning back in his seat as he continues observing you, “but i’d be more than willing to get it, work hard for it. i know you’re a hard worker, how about letting me take over the hard work?”
you lick your lips, his words sounding more suggestive than you’d like them to. it sounds appealing to you. “work for it, then, i guess.”
quinn’s mouth sparkles in an infamous smile that makes your stomach flip, “giving me permission?”
you look at him finally, studying the way he looks at you. like you’re a challenge he’s not willing to give up on so easily.
“only for you.”
quinn doesn’t want to seem to ecstatic at your words, but he also hates the idea of you thinking he’s ungrateful. truth is, he’s more than ecstatic. he’s fucking off the wall happy. when those words slipped past your beautiful lips, he could hear birds start singing, he swears.
as the days pass, he slowly learns a little more about you. he can see how frightened you are. he can sense that a part of you hates this. hates the idea of him knowing you more than anyone else but yourself. he knows you’re guarded.
quinn doesn’t let it distract or deter him, though. he just patiently and slowly gets to know you more and more. he finally knows your favorite color, your favorite fruit, your favorite sweet. basic stuff that would normally bore someone, but in quinn’s reality, anything you give him is like gold. he even starts wearing your favorite color more often.
you notice the effort, and you can’t say you’re not affected by it. the closer you get to quinn, the more scared you get. but, also, the more curious you get. you would be lying if you said you weren’t interested in quinn, as well.
for all you knew, you could be signing up for your own downfall. but so could he.
maybe quinn wasn’t out to get you.
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you sighed, sitting on your dorm bed. your roommate had gone out like she usually does, leaving you alone in the room. your thoughts start to bounce a bit, drifting towards quinn, against your better judgement.
as you’re about to lay down after showering and changing into something comfortable, you hear a knock. you scrunch your eyebrows, wondering if your roommate forgot her key. when you open the door and are instantly greeted with a big smile from such a gruff man, you feel shock down to your feet.
“how are you here?” your voice was incredulous, looking at quinn with big eyes.
“walked,” he shrugged, licking his lips with a smirk on his face.
“no, i mean,” you roll your eyes, “how do you know my dorm?”
“your roommate told me.” he looks at you, “saw her walking down the hallway, and she said that if i was looking for you, you were here.”
of course she did. your roommate didn’t exactly disrespect your boundaries, but she definitely did want you to get out there more. she was kind and more extroverted than you’d ever be. you figured at some point she would catch on to the fact that quinn was around you. it’s not like she never caught the two of you at the library talking.
you huff, “so you thought it was okay to come here?”
quinn shrugs, “thought maybe we were getting closer.”
you bite your lip, and quinn’s eyes travel downwards on instinct. oh how he wished he could just kiss you. he had been thinking about it for awhile. a lot longer than he’d like to admit.
“i guess,” you finally answer, looking into his eyes with vulnerability and uncertainty. he so desperately wanted to wash away all your doubts. especially the one’s about yourself.
“gonna let me in?” he quirks an eyebrow, expecting you to scoff in his face and shut the door on him. but you do the opposite, stepping aside and nodding your head.
“my roommate will be gone for awhile.” you state as he steps inside with cautious steps. you could feel the tension increase the second the door closes.
quinn’s eyes looked concerned, “are you sure this is okay with you? i mean i-”
you nod, stepping closer to him, “yeah, i don’t mind.”
you wanted to say how much you hated the way you could smell his specific cologne and soap. you wanted to say how much you hated how close the two of you were. you wanted to say how much you hated how badly you wanted to kiss him.
but all the hate burns into something different. a beautiful pit in your stomach that makes you step even closer to him.
quinn tenses up at your advances, looking at the way your night shorts rose higher along your thighs. seeing the way your shirt dipped. it made him visibly gulp. you were a sight for sore eyes, and he was afraid he would lose control if you continued your advances.
you could feel his breath fan your face in anxious waves, making you smile to yourself at just how nervous he actually gets around you. he had a strong, flirtatious resolve. just like you had a strong, reserved resolve. maybe the two of you weren’t too different, afterall.
you stand still, and the room goes quiet. you don’t move any further, waiting and anticipating quinn’s next move in action. it all felt slow-motion. something out of a movie, maybe.
quinn slowly raises a hand to your cheek, and you lean into his touch. he let’s out a breath of relief, your eyes connecting. it felt like the world stopped spinning for him. like he was looking straight into the eyes of an angel.
he could feel your skin start to burn at his touch, and he wanted to touch you everywhere after that. he wanted to break, fall apart into your arms and take what you give to him. take what you allow.
god, maybe he was falling in love.
“lost for words, hughes?” your face was still cradled into his hand, and he swallows.
he’s breathless, “i think so.”
your smile ignites something within him.
you were burning a fire within him that he couldn’t contain.
“don’t speak, then.” you say, eyes glimmering in the soft shade of your lamp in your dorm.
he can’t stop himself from leaning to close the gap between the two of you. he stops just before your lips touch, looking for approval. he sees the way your eyes flutter close, and he takes it as a sign to softly press his lips to yours.
quinn fears for his life the second your lips touch. he fears he will never get enough of this. little does he know that when you reach up to place your hand in his hair, you’re thinking the same thing.
your lips move slowly, languidly. it’s like the two of you want to embrace the moment as it is. something just as simple as a kiss, but just as complex as a blossoming relationship.
quinn has careful hand placements, staying on your face while the other is lightly tugging you closer by your back. you have a hand in his hair still, your other placed respectfully on his chest.
it’s a kiss you never imagined having. a kiss you never thought you wanted until this very moment. your whole world shifts on its axel and you become consumed by the way his beard brushes against you, the way his lips capture yours in a sweetness like honey.
you were trapped in quinn’s hold.
quinn was trapped in yours.
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“how can you just say no?” quinn’s eyebrows furrow in frustration. he feels a slight sense of danger in the pit of his stomach when you turn to look at him.
“i don’t date, i don’t do dates. i can’t date.” you shook your head, scowling as you continue your walk towards your dorm. you felt like you were in some kind of romance show, and you hated it.
“says who?” quinn asks, following your trail like a puppy. he isn’t very subtle about how eager he has been to get to know you more as the days passed since you kissed. quinn became slowly more and more affectionate, throwing you off and messing with your head.
you purse your lips before responding, “says me.”
“so, you’re just going to reject me? for what reason?” quinn couldn’t understand you. he thought the two of you were genuinely getting closer. that he finally had a shot with you, especially after such a kiss that still sends tingles down his spine.
you’re almost at your door before quinn gently grabs your hand, making you stop in your tracks at the touch. he wasn’t pulling you towards him, no force involved in the act. it was all just pure instinct on your behalf on why you stopped.
you close your eyes and sigh before turning to look at him, “i need to make sure i graduate with honors, quinn. i made vows that i wouldn’t get involved with anyone, not even friends.”
“why? what good does that do?” quinn’s hand is cold against your own, “you’re doing so well. i’ve seen how hard you work, nobody can take that away from you. especially not me, i don’t even want to. i just want to..” he pauses, looking around as his cheeks turn a pretty pink, “i just want to be with… you.”
you want that too.
and your eyes soften at all the effort he has put in to getting to know you. to getting past all the doubts and walls you built up. no one has ever made the effort to know you as well as he does, and you’re not sure you’ll ever find that again if you let him walk away.
the idea of him no longer pursuing you and wanting you makes your heart ache. you wished you could hate it, but in all reality, you knew you wanted to keep pursuing and wanting him, too.
you were so used to being left alone before quinn arrived.
now you couldn’t imagine a day where quinn wasn’t there.
so, with strength, you grip his hand back. your warm hand surprises him when he feels your reassuring squeeze. he swears he could fall to his knees, kiss the ground you walk on. instead, he opts for kissing you.
it’s so rushed, emotions taking over as he grips your waist as if you’ll disappear. guilt washes over you when you realize that he does fear you’ll disappear. that you’ll walk away the second he stops kissing you.
you inhibitions are thrown out the window when quinn grabs your hand again, guiding you towards your dorm. you let out a soft laugh at his eagerness when he pulls the keys out of your jeans pocket to open the door. he sighs the second he realizes your roommate isn’t there, so fucking relieved.
he turns to kiss you again when he hears you shut your door, going back to how it had been just a few second ago. he was eager, so eager. he couldn’t help the way his hands trailed beneath your shirt and beneath your bra to cup your breast. he feels the gasp you let out between kisses, making him groan as he pinches your nipple just a couple times before pulling back.
you look disheveled, and he was so honored to be the reason why. when you approach him, he steps back. you frown, looking at him with concerned eyes.
“strip.” his words are demanding as he sits at the foot of your bed. he leans back, hands resting on your mattress. you swallow down your pride, quickly making rid of your shirt and bra. “all of it.”
his tone was husky, making you clench your legs together before following even more of his demands. it was like he had hold on you. he watched with hungry eyes, trailing all across your body as your lacy panties fall down with your jeans, leaving you vulnerable and left in nothing but socks.
he hums in appreciation before beckoning you towards him, and you don’t dare refuse. “i’m a bit underdressed here.” you whisper, and quinn chuckles a bit. he tugs at the seam of his shirt, pulling it over his head. he makes quick work of the buttons on his jeans and his boxers follow suit. you gasp a bit at the sudden action, adverting your eyes from his cock as it sprung up against his stomach.
quinn smirks to himself when he notices how shy you really, truly are. he grabs at your hand to bring you back to reality, your eyes meet, and it takes everything in him not to devour you completely. how could someone with such a strong head, have such a beautiful doe eyed expression when vulnerable?
“there you go, baby.” the nickname consumes you, swallowing you whole. your ears are ringing as you walk closer to him, feeling the soft pull of his hand to tug you towards him. “you’re gorgeous.”
he sounds breathless, like he’s seen nothing like it before. like it’s his first time seeing someone naked. it’s not, but you’re definitely the most beautiful thing he has ever seen in that very moment.
you make way to straddle him, and he hums in happiness, a smile spreading across his features. “want this cock, sweetheart?” he tilts to look at you, holding your face in one of his hands so you don’t look away.
you lick your lips, eyes glossy as they stay connected with his, “yes.”
quinn smiles, placing a soft kiss to your lips before flipping the two of you over. you let out a soft sound at the sudden change of scenery, him hovering over you with a determined look in his eye.
quinn reaches down, feeling just how soaked you are. “oh?” he perches an eyebrow up, slipping his fingers through your folds, “so wet already, could slide right in.”
“please,” your voice is meek, small but still breaking through the tension just enough to gather quinn’s attention. it honestly drives him crazy.
quinn groans, “wanted to tease you a bit more,” he says in defeat as he begins to line his cock up with your tight entrance, “but it’ll have to wait another time. really need to fuck you. been needing it for weeks.”
his confession makes the stretch he causes all the more pleasurable when he finally pushes in. you were so tight, making him stop the second he bottoms out. he really couldn’t handle cumming too fast right now.
your sounds are symphonies. he listens to every single one, making sure to pack them away for days he needed release and thought of you. he can feel the way you’re gripping so tightly onto his shoulders, almost like you’re trying to ground yourself.
everything about this moment was electrifying.
quinn kisses your temple, “gonna move, okay?” he waits for your eager little nod before he continues. he’s slow at first, groaning at the tight pull your pussy gives him. “you feel like a fucking dream.” his voice is coarse, struggling to keep composure.
you buck your hips up, “more. need more.”
he can’t stop himself now. not when your voice comes out in whiny little gasps. not when you’re rolling your hips up to feel even more of him. no, not when you’re allowing him to have you.
you gasp when he picks up speed, eyes rolling back as he hits a spot inside you that has you wrapping your legs around his torso. quinn observes all of your reactions, making note of where to thrust, how hard, how fast. and it all feels too good.
he can feel your fingers digging into his shoulders, your moans becoming increasingly louder with each thrust of his hips. it was all so magnetic, so natural between the two of you. nothing felt awkward as he fucked you.
when you start to feel a tug in your lower belly, you tug on his hair, “quinn..” you gasp, opening your eyes and seeing the sweat starting to form on his forehead. “fuck, i’m-”
“i know, can feel you clenching, baby.” quinn picks up his pace, more eager than before to see you cum for him. “cum on my cock, know you want to. need to see you, need to feel you.”
you squeeze your eyes shut as you feel the flutter of your cunt around his dick. you cum with a small squeak, moans falling out of your mouth relentlessly. it wasn’t like anything you’ve felt before. your own release triggers quinn’s, he really couldn’t help it with how tight your pussy clung to him and how beautiful you looked cumming for him.
he swears this was his heaven.
he needed you forever.
your labored breathing brought him back to reality as you slowly released your hold on him. he’s quick to grab tissues from your bedside and clean you up.
“uh,” quinn says awkwardly, staring at you after throwing away the tissues, “do you have a shower?” you smile to yourself before nodding, admiring the way he now looks less territorial, and more soft. he nods back before helping you up. “let’s shower, then.”
you don’t argue.
this seemed to be the end of fighting your feelings for quinn hughes.
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“i passed!” you exclaim, rushing towards your boyfriend as he makes quick work to catch you in a tight hug. “i did it, quinn!” your smile was so radiant, something he could never stop admiring.
quinn kisses your cheek, “of course you did, baby. i always knew you could.”
you look at him with excited eyes, “they’re all almost perfect scores, quinn.”
quinn nods, a smile adorning his beautiful features, “you’ve always had it in you.” he pauses before smirking, “see? i didn’t distract you too much.”
you scoff, wrapping your arms up around his neck, “you would’ve if i let you.”
quinn shrugs, knowing you were right.
when quinn approached you, you had to battle all your internal battles with yourself. you had to put down your vows for him, and still hold true to your word about graduating with honors. quinn frightened you, but it was in the best way possible.
quinn fought for you when you didn’t want to be fought for. at least, that’s what you thought. you didn’t know you needed someone like quinn hughes in your life before he showed up and turned your world upside down.
it’s such a cliché, it almost makes you sick.
but, for now, you’ll ignore it.
you lean up to kiss your now boyfriend, quinn hughes.
if you had never decided to talk that day in the library, you were sure you wouldn’t be so elated right now.
all it took, was to just talk.
talk just for a minute.
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kamiversee · 3 months
➶-͙˚ ༘✶ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙁*𝘾𝙆 𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙏
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✧.* CHAPTER 49 || The Things You Didn’t Know
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[ { SYPNOSIS } ] ➤ A tale in which Gojo Satoru blackmails you into seducing a list of people to clear his debt. Sounds easy enough, right?
[ { CHAPTER CONTENT } ] ➤ language & semi-heavy angst.
[ { WORD COUNT } ] ➤ 5.1k
[ { PAIRINGS } ] ➤ jjk men x f!reader. gojo x f!reader. geto x f!reader. toji x f!reader. choso x f!reader. sukuna x f!reader. nanami x f!reader.
[ [ chapters mlist } ]
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——YOUR HEART WAS racing against your chest as you hurried out of the cafe. Despite the stares you got from people given the recent outbursts, the only thing you focused on was catching up with Choso.
He couldn’t have gotten that far, right? God, you were so nervous. What if he didn’t want to hear you out? What if that’s all it took for him to hate you? What if he never talks to you again?
Did you fuck up? Should you have lied? Was this for the best? Shit, tears were blurring your vision as you ran outside and frantically searched the parking lot for any signs of Choso. If he was gone already would he ever answer a call or text from you again?
Fuck. You can’t do this. Anxiety, fear, and a profound rush of pure angst simply crashed over you.
“F-Fuck,” You breathed out heavily. You tried to stop your crying but the tears kept coming and you really couldn’t spot Choso anywhere, even his car nowhere to be found.
It was cloudy and there was this brisk breeze running over you, a distant ripple in the sky heard as the weather decided to match the vibe of everything that’s just occurred.
You swallowed down the lump in your throat and kept walking into the parking lot nonetheless, refusing to give up just yet. What were you even going to say if you found him? What is there to say-
“Why’d you… Why’d you follow me out here?” Choso’s voice hushed out from your left.
Your feet stumble into a halt and the way your head turned in that direction was instant, quickly laying your eyes on the man who was standing in front of his car door that was parked not too far away from where you stood. You must’ve missed it when you first looked that way due to your tears and distraught way of searching.
Your lips are quivering and your heart is simply beating against your chest, “C-Choso, I-“
The sight of Choso’s hand trembling catches your eyes, the key in his hand just barely held up against the door handle of his car. His other hand was balled into a fist and you couldn’t see his face because his hair had fallen into a mess after the way he rushed out of the cafe.
He’s breathing heavily, panting even, as a sudden dribble of water falls from his face. Was he… Was Choso crying?
“Choso?” You voice out softly. Your tone was shaky and almost sappy as you took careful steps toward him.
“Don’t,” He croaks out. You couldn’t tell if he was crying just yet but his voice was definitely trembling with emotion.
You pause in your steps, merely a few inches away from him. Swallowing you try your best to come up with something to say, “I-I’m sorry-“
Choso sucks in a deep breath of air and suddenly his keys slip out his hand, “Fuck-,” He sighs, bringing an arm up to his face and sniffling.
Despite him telling you not to come closer, you do so anyway, inching toward him before crouching down and picking his keys up. After which, you stand up straight and slide the keys into the pocket of his pants before forcing him to turn his body to you.
Then, you place a gentle hand on his arm and pull it away from his face, coming face to face with his flushed expression, saddened, hurt, and tired eyes, frowning lips, and ragged breathing as tears slip down his cheeks.
The water in your eyes just doubles as you get the full and raw view of Choso Kamo crying. Frowning and quick to take the blame, you squeak out a cracked, “M’sorry. S-Shit, Choso, I-“
He starts shaking his head but he doesn’t look away from you. Instead, Choso gazes down into your eyes and for the first time, his eyes are so very dull and just tired. It was as though everything he just learned had completely drained the usually vibrant brown shade that coated his irises.
He sighs shakily and steps closer to you, the tips of your feet touching one another as he just gazes down at you. Choso was confused, tired, hurt, and drained all at once.
You sniffle, “I’m s-sorry, Choso I-I didn’t-“
“Shut up…” He says. However, his voice is void of anything outside of hurt with hardly any strength or anger remaining. Choso then leans down to you and you try to back away a bit but his arms drape around your waist and he pulls you up against him, tipping his head to the side and nearing your face, “B-Baby,” He rasps out, tears still falling from his eyes.
You don’t even know what to feel right now, “Cho, p-please, I’m sorry. I didn’t know-“
“Stop apologizing,”  Choso whispers, “S’not ‘ur fault…” He mumbles.
“B-But…” You stare into his eyes, “I…” You could hardly formulate your words properly, “W-Why’re you crying?”
“C-Cause’ you just…” His expression sinks and never before has Choso allowed himself to be this vulnerable in front of anyone, “T-There was the g-guy from before, then Geto, n-now… Now Sukuna a-and you don’t even know-,” He chokes on his words and squeezes his eyes shut, “Fuck, I c-can’t even… I can’t… I…”
He begins to lose his breath and falls into a state of hyperventilating. Choso’s eyes widen a bit and his breathing is panicked all over the place.
Your hands shoot up to his face and you tilt your head, “Choso, hey, Cho,” You call out softly. His eyes are frantic for a moment. “Heyyy look at me, look at my eyes, Cho.”
He does just barely.
You nod and grin, “T-That’s it, now take a deep breath for me,” You whisper.
He tries, inhaling sharply and then exhaling shakily.
“A bit slower than that, c’mon, you’re okay.” You tell him, wiping the tears from his warm face and keeping your voice calm and collected despite your own emotions being jumbled, “I’m right here, okay?”
He’s nodding, steadily controlling his breathing and blinking as he calms himself down. Swallowing, “I-I don’t what that w-was…” Choso huffs out, unsure of the surge of anxiety that ran through him.
“You had a minor panic attack,” You whisper, pulling his face to yours, “But it’s okay, I’m right here, alright?”
Choso moves his hands over yours and squeezes, “Baby…”
“Hm?” You hum, your mind discarding the fact that you just argued with this same man a moment ago.
It was like what happened with Gojo all over again. Yet, this felt different for some reason.
Choso’s voice is low and timid with you, “I’m s-sorry.”
“Sorry for what?” You hush out, “You didn’t do anything wrong, I-”
Your name is hushed out in an almost fractured tone and Choso removes his hands from yours, moving to hold your waist and pull you closer to him.
You drop whatever it is you were going to say at the sound of your name, “Yes?”
“C-Can you…” Choso hesitates, hating how he feels right now and disliking the fact that you have to see him in such a way, “Uhm…”
“Can I what?” You murmur, “What is it, Choso? Talk to me please.”
He leans down and his arms wrap around your waist, “C-Can you just hold me?”
Wasn’t he just upset with you moments ago? Was he not repulsed and maybe even disgusted by you for a second? Did you not fuck things up? Is he not angry with you-
“P-Please,” Choso begs, trying to hold back the rest of his emotions. Never has he felt so conflicted in his feelings before.
You end up nodding and raising your hands up, wrapping them around his neck and holding him tightly. Choso exhales heavily and he hugs your smaller frame tightly, burying his face into the crook of your neck and shutting his eyes.
You don’t know why he wants to hug you right now. You have no clue why he’s not screaming at you anymore when that’s the very thing you expected him to do.
Hell, the man just told you to leave him out of your drama, and yet here he is in your arms not even ten minutes later. You guess this was some kinda sign. Does this show the levels of how much Choso loves you or does this have something to do with his possessiveness?
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What you didn’t know was that Choso needed to feel your warmth to center himself once again. You were unaware of the fact that he’d been so insanely tense for the past few hours. It was a build-up that led to his recent outburst.
All of which started about an hour and a half ago when Yuki first approached him. Choso was trying to draw as he stared out the large cafe window, his thoughts ironically on you since you inspire him to no end, before that annoying blonde approached him with that stupid smile on her face.
His mood soured from the second he made eye contact with her and it only worsened when she sat down across from him and started talking, blabbering about god knows what. Choso allowed most of what she said to go through one ear and out the other, only giving her these half-assed responses every now and then.
Then, to make things worse, Yuki started getting comfortable and despite Choso’s dismissive attitude, she sat there talking his ear off for what felt like forever, even going as far as getting herself food and really comforting herself. Sometime after that, you had called him and Choso’s mood lifted only a bit.
He was confused at first since you’re supposed to be taking a break from him but then as he realized he was with Yuki, he started to panic because he knew how this was going to seem to you. Even so, he answered because who is he to ignore a call from you?
And of course, there was your jealousy that came along as Yuki started pestering him during his phone call. Yuki’s intrusion irked Choso to no end but the sound of your voice in his ear, especially with you growing jealous, was able to help Choso calm himself. After all, he knew there was nothing you needed to be jealous over.
Then you told him that you were thinking about changing the status of your relationship with him and Choso was smiling from ear to ear. Just the thought of you coming to him and telling him you were finally ready for a relationship with him made his heart swell. It had meant that he’d won over whoever his competition was.
But of course, Yuki ruined that moment seconds later when she started talking again, to which Choso had taken a nearby water bottle and tossed some of it on her. You obviously didn’t know or see any of that since you were on the phone but Choso had been fed up with the blonde woman.
But, all of that only led to you sounding upset over the phone since he kept bickering with Yuki. This annoyed Choso even more because he was excited to see you and yet Yuki had ruined something that could've been rather sweet. 
What you also don’t know is that once you are off the phone, Choso moderately curses Yuki out, telling her how she’s annoying and he wants her to leave. Of course, she didn’t go anywhere, and after more bickering Choso and her made a deal that Yuki would only be able to meet you and then leave.
As things played out, that’s not what happened but Choso wasn’t expecting that.
To make it all worse, Choso had gone to the bathroom after some time and when he came out he saw the cashier’s eyes not on your face in the slightest as your head had been angled up at the menu. You didn’t know it but Choso wasn’t lying when he said Ino was looking like he wanted to fuck you because it was so obvious.
He saw the way Ino ogled you, licked his lips, and then smiled before looking up to the menu as if he wasn’t just checking you out. This bothered Choso for many reasons.
For one, Choso knew he wasn’t your boyfriend so he couldn’t just come up to you and the cashier and call the guy out for his looks because that’d be him crossing boundaries. So instead, he did the only thing he could think of and approached you from behind, soon making direct eye contact with Ino and giving him the same death glare he gives anyone who checks you out.
You’ve scolded Choso about this look in the past but he couldn’t help himself. So that’s why he continued to stare Ino down before pressing himself up against you and placing his hands beside yours. In his mind, you may not have been his girlfriend but god dammit, he wasn’t going to allow anyone to look at you like that when he’s in the vicinity.
Hence the kisses to your neck, the claiming touches to your waist, and the threatening look in his eyes as he mentally dared Ino to look at you like that again.
But then, when you got bothered by Choso’s actions, it confused him. Could you not tell Ino was into you? Are you actually that unaware of how people, especially men, give such suggestive looks to you?
Choso didn’t understand it at all and knowing he was in no position to say something about it only ate him up inside.
But his mood was lifted for a moment as he then conversed with you. You didn’t know it but you really were the vibrance in this dull man’s life. His heart longed for you at every passing moment so when he noticed you disliked the idea of him being with someone else, even if it were just a friend, he couldn’t help but fall even harder.
It was like you wanted him all to yourself and he would give that to you at any given moment if you asked for it. 
In Choso’s mind, he is yours. Whatever you need, he’ll go to any length to provide it for you. Whatever you want, he’ll see how he can get it for you. Choso is so devoted to you that sometimes he doesn’t even feel like his thoughts are his own.
At times, Choso feels as though every inch of his body simply operates under a blind gaze that's clouded with thoughts of you. While he wants nothing more than to be with you, he’s also okay with waiting. He’d do so devotedly until you flat out tell him not to and even then, deep down inside there’s a piece of his heart that’ll always run in your direction.
That being said, to have to reveal you to his ex Yuki who’s attracted to women, it was like he was putting you on the line. As if he were risking his relationship with you by simply revealing the way you look to Yuki. 
Choso hated it but he was so damn insecure about losing you, which is exactly why he held onto you so tightly both when he showed you to Yuki and even now as he quietly weeps into you.
The grip he has on your shirt is relentless. He’s so damn terrified and upset right now.
Because after he revealed you to Yuki it all just got worse. Then she wanted to talk to you, she probably told you how she left him, and then fucking Geto Suguru showed up.
By then, just the simple sound of Heyy gorgeous almost made Choso snap. His eye had twitched and he felt like he was on the verge of losing his sanity. It was like what happened with Ino all over again but ten times worse because it was soon revealed that Geto is the man you told Choso you used to sleep with.
Which was one thing in itself but to see how Geto still looks at you just made Choso sick. It was like Geto was undressing you and fucking you with his eyes right in front of him and this dark emotion just swirled around in Choso’s heart.
Many times did Choso stare at the jawline of Geto Suguru, wondering to himself how fast he could reach over and connect his fist to the area without hurting you in any way since you were right next to him. 
And to just add onto all of that because the list of emotions Choso just went through is long, the sound of Geto calling you a slut, albeit a way of him teasing you, made Choso lose his shit for a second.
No one at that table knew but Choso was contemplating some dark things the entire time. The flirting, the taunting, the fucking looks, it all made Choso so damn angry. It took every fiber of his being not to reach across the table and wipe that stupid smirk off Geto’s face.
Yet, that wasn’t his boiling point. He let a few things slip when he bickered with you but the second his brother was brought up, Choso just lost it.
He gave up on holding his tongue as he had been the entire conversation. As soon as you looked at him with those pretty eyes of yours, asking him what and who they were talking about, the mere thought of you and Sukuna ever crossing paths just made Choso nauseous.
He quickly got snappy and short-tempered after that, annoyed by how much you kept pushing the subject despite him wanting to move on. Then you had the nerve to tell him that you should know who his older brother is.
He couldn't believe you. Especially after you wouldn’t even tell him about the clear list of other guys you’ve been with? That’s all precisely why he says he felt as though he should know who else you’d been with.
But… to hear you respond to that by saying there’s a chance Sukuna could be one of those people…
Something deep within Choso just broke. He felt said emotion snap in half, the sensation raging through his body. It was his trust. He couldn’t think rationally anymore and both fear and pure anger ran throughout his body.
Everything had gone to shit and his brain was just being overloaded with information. 
If it wasn’t enough that every single day Choso had to fear the possible call of you telling him you’d chosen the other guy over him, then he now had to add on the fact that you apparently sleep around. From Choso’s unknown competition to Geto, who he somewhat assumes is said competition, and then to hear about Sukuna?
He couldn’t think straight anymore. Horrid memories of the times he lived with his older sibling just flashed in his mind back to back, each one darker than the last.
Dating back to when Choso was younger and before Yuji was born… He remembered it all like some distorted nightmare. From being hit by Sukuna over the most minor mistake to being straight bullied by the man in the worst ways possible, Choso went through hell growing up with Sukuna.
For the sake of his other two brothers, he’d often take the blame and whatever unjust punishment followed just to protect his siblings. Which is even the story behind the tattoo going across the bridge of Choso’s nose.
You’ve asked him about it before but he never told you how there’s a scar beneath the tattoo that never went away and that’s why he has it in the first place. Of course, said scar was given to him by the asshole Sukuna himself.
And if all that wasn’t enough, what really topped it off was that after Yuji was born, Choso pleaded and begged that Sukuna not put the poor kid through what he endured.
For nothing more than his own amusement, Sukuna went ahead and promised he wouldn’t ever lay a hand on Yuji. Of course, this was only to build up hope in Choso’s heart because the promise was a lie and the things Sukuna had done to Yuji behind closed doors outweighed whatever hell he put Choso through.
This is the exact reason Choso has grown to hate both liars and Sukuna himself. Each time he goes and sees his little brother Yuji, there’s a new bruise on the poor boy’s skin and Choso is only able to do so much.
Genuinely, the only things that keep that man going are the bright smiles that Yuji gives him despite the abuse, knowing that unlike himself, Yuji stands up for himself even at his young age, and lastly, well, you. You make Choso forget about all the dark parts of his family life and essentially free him from it all.
So with all that being said, when you told Choso you had sex with Sukuna it simply broke him into pieces. Why was it that the one woman in which he decides to long for more than ever just so happens to have crossed paths with such a vile man?
He didn’t care that Sukuna was his older brother, he didn’t care that you even fucked him, what made him so angry was the person Sukuna truly is, how blind you were to it, and the possibility that Sukuna could’ve hurt you.
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As all of that replayed in Choso’s mind, his tight grasp on the fabric of your shirt came and went as he cried so quietly against your warm body.
The two of you were standing there hugging in silence for roughly twenty minutes. You simply rubbed the back of Choso’s head with one hand and the other caressed his back, allowing him to cry into you for as long as he needed to.
Well, that was up until you felt something wet make contact with the top of your head. It was faint at first so you didn't pay any mind to it. Then, another slip of water is felt, and another, and soon, you notice it’s drizzling.
Light rain makes contact with both you and Choso’s embraced bodies. You didn’t really want to move but the drizzle was steadily getting heavier and you soon shivered against Choso, to which he sniffled and came to with what was going on around him.
“Choso,” You whispered, feeling how he flinched at the sound of his name, “I-It’s raining…”
He doesn’t say anything for a minute, not moving a muscle and just stuck against you. 
Then, when the rain picks up just a bit more, he shifts around and finally pries his arms off of you. He lifts his head from your shoulder and god the sight of him makes your heart crease inward.
Damn these men and being the most beautiful criers you’ve ever seen.
Due to the rain, Choso’s hair was getting wet and starting to stick to his forehead, the ends of the strands having this slight wave to them as they decorated his hairline. His eyes that were darkened with those heavy sleepless bags had tears streaming down from the corners and the male bats his soaked eyelashes as the rain falls onto both of you.
Before you could say or do anything else, Choso moved to take off his jacket and hold it over your head, shielding you from the water falling from the sky. Doing so, he remains close to you and takes another long moment taking in your expression.
You do the same, admiring how someone could be so attractive as they wept. Choso was such a beautiful man, someone whose face you think deserved to be drawn and painted the same way he once did yours.
In that moment, you wish you could read his mind and figure out just what he was thinking as he stood under the rain gazing down at you so intimately. Though he was upset and conflicted, Choso couldn’t even hide the love in his eyes.
Your name is uttered again after a long moment and Choso’s voice is deep but so very emotional.
You swallow and just barely tilt your head, “Yes?”
“I’m… I’m sorry,” Choso whispers, “B-But, I don’t think we should uh…”
You moved your hands to his shirt and your delicate fingers clung onto the man as a slight gust of wind blew over the two of you. Was this it? Was he about to say what you think he was?
It’s over, isn’t it? Choso’s about to say he doesn’t think you two should be together anymore right? You’ve fucked up.
There’s nothing you can do. He’s done with you. He’s about to tell you that he never wants to see you again and you don’t know what you could possibly say to change his mind.
Right? Of course, what else would he be about to say?
It’s over. You and Choso are over. Just like that-
He says your name again and you blink, tears dripping down your face unexpectedly as your own thoughts and anxiety overcome you. “I don’t think we s-should stay in the rain like this,” Choso murmurs, sighing, “You’ll get sick.”
You exhale shakily and squeeze your eyes shut, nodding your head in agreement and so beyond thankful he didn’t say what you thought he was about to.
He then carefully places his jacket on top of your head and puts an arm around you, moving to walk you over to the passenger side of his car. When you get there, you slip a hand into his pants pocket and pull out his keys, your fingers slipping over the item to unlock his car.
Doing so, you wonder why Choso didn’t do that earlier. Did he wait on purpose to give you a chance to catch up to him?
Once the car is unlocked Choso helps you get in and tries to make sure no more water makes contact with you, despite himself getting soaked in the process. He even moves to put your seatbelt on for you, regardless of his shaky hand and his backside getting wet from the rain.
You frown, “C-Choso you don’t have to-“
He pauses and looks at you, his tone completely soft and weak as he whispers, “Shut up.”
Your lips pull together and you swallow your words yet again. His face was so close to yours, the mixed smell of rain and his cologne filling your nose. Choso’s eyes narrow as they stare into your own and you can’t even read his expression so you genuinely have no idea what’s going on in his mind right now.
Maintaining eye contact with you, the sound of your seat belt clicking is heard before Choso moves. His hand goes to your face and despite the shakiness of his fingers, he gently places them on your jaw.
Choso moves your head around a bit like he’s inspecting you before he stops and his thumb shifts upward. It swipes over your lips slowly and he stares for a while. Knowing that Sukuna has probably felt these same lips of yours bothers him to no end.
And to make it worse, Choso blames himself because maybe if he opened up to you sooner he could’ve prevented it somehow? Even though he doesn’t know when you slept with Sukuna.
Choso’s thumb taps your bottom lip three times before he opens his mouth. You wish he’d get out of the rain already but he seems so immersed in whatever he’s doing. Whispering your name again, “Has he ever hurt you?” Choso asks carefully.
You shake your head no instead of making your answer vocal in courtesy of recently being told to shut up. Were you that worried that if you didn’t listen to Choso he’d slip away from you? So much so that you couldn’t even speak unless told to?
“Say it,” Choso hums, “Needa’ hear you say it, baby.”
“N-No,” You reply.
“No, what? Please answer my question fully,” He instructs, his voice calmer and a bit dry due to his recent emotional outburst. You open your mouth to do so but he cuts you off, “I just need to be sure, okay?”
Nodding, “No, Sukuna has never hurt me.” You answer completely.
Choso releases a relieved exhale and shuts his eyes, “Okay… T-Thank fuck,” He whispers finally before taking his hand off your face.
He starts to pull away but you grab his hand for some reason. Choso freezes, not at all caring about the rain soaking him and his clothes as your hand grabs his own.
You’re looking up at him unsure of what should be said outside of a simple and heartfelt, “I’m sorry.”
Choso’s brows tense as if he didn’t want to hear you say that but he pulls your hand to his face and leans down again. He kisses the back of your hand, his lips pressing against your skin so long that it seems like he doesn't want to move away from the motion.
“Thank you for that, princess,” Choso says to you, his eyes meeting yours yet again, “But, you don’t need to apologize. We uh…” He swallows, “We’re gonna’ talk this all out, yeah?”
You’re nodding before even mentally rendering his words, “Y-Yeah.”
A small smile, one that barely even shows and seems to lack emotion, spreads across Choso’s face, “A-And uh… No matter what you tell me,” He gulps, wondering if he’ll later regret these words, “I’ll still love you.”
Your heart just swells so much to the point that it begins to hurt your chest. Does he know what he’s about to get into? Does he understand the gravity of what he just said to you?
“As long as it’s the truth,” He adds just in case.
You nod again, “Right.”
“Promise?” Choso asks.
“Mhm, I promise,” You hush out.
He sighs, releases your hand, and finally stands up straight, moving to shut the car door and make his way to the driver's side. Once he does and situates himself in his vehicle, his body is pretty soaked and he’s quick to turn his car on along with the heat.
The two of you were about to be in here for a while.
So many truths were getting ready to reveal themselves.
Does that include details of the list?
You had no idea.
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GOJO SATORU ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮
GETO SUGURU ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮
TOJI FUSHIGURO ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙪𝙢
KAMO CHOSO ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙎𝙚𝙢𝙞-𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙪𝙢 / 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮
ZEN'IN NAOYA ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙀𝙭𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮
ITADORI SUKUNA ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙎𝙚𝙢𝙞-𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮???
NANAMI KENTO ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙙
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@blognicole @suguruologist @luqueam @ivoryviness @sinaxalui @rxnnie18 @carlacujo @gods-landing @bitchysouljellyfish @miles4hour @sinaxalui @annananamin @heart-snow @kiyomizzx @hanuh @acehyacinth @mccookiemonster @tojis-ball-sack @cartwheel6869 @mariluvsusstuff @addie1010 @slammynics @actualz0mbie @hisbitchhh @kay-xle @cunttee3 @voids-universe @raininglovelyfire @itsbokutosjuicyass @peaceoutbritta @barbielani @gennaray @r3inae @kfmcykdy @camiihutt @tokina @curtin81937 @hopefullydecent @nameless-shade @ureuphoriasworld @forgetfulmachine @legbouk @lilliaannn @clementineee0-0 @divinelseraph @didibxx
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poppyflower-22 · 13 days
are you taking requests? saw you're multi so i thought id send anyway but its so random,
estabished lando x reader on race day and tom blyth is on the paddock for silverstone and reader gets excited bc she loved him on tbosas and lando gets jealous?
Jealous Jealous
Side note: I've never written on tumblur beofer. Only wattpad, so don't judge if this is bad.
Also I added she is Max's sister because I like reading and writing siter brother bonds.
There’s probably spelling errors and grammar mistakes but I wrote this in a night.
Lando 24, reader 22. (Dating 1 year but not discussed)
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When Lando met Y/n, he knew she was a fan of the Hunger Games movies. She loved them a lot. She had read all the books. Everything.
So when the new one came out Lando took her to see it even if he had never really seen one of the previous movies.
Let's just say y/n was hooked onto the main guy who played Coriolanus.
It was something Lando didn't really know about. But he thought nothing of it as it was highly unlikely that they would See this Tom Blyth fellow at a race.
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Five months after the movie was released, Lando had completely forgotten about his girlfriend's crush.
It was race day at the Silverstone track. Lando and y/n walked into the paddock hand and hand, smiling at the fans that where there.
Y/n gasped and stoped suddenly. Lando frowned confused on why you girlfriend stoped.
"What's wrong?" He frowned and followed her eye sight to see a man in dark jeans and a dark shirt. Shaggy brown hair. "Who's that?" He asked slightly jealous at the way his girlfriend was looking at the man.
Y/n slapped him on the arm lightly, not looking away from Tom. "That's Tom Blyth. The guy who played Coriolanus Snow in the new hunger games movie." She explained to him. Gushing over him.
"Ahha." He made a face of recolonisation. When they watched the new movie y/n was obsessed with Coriolanus Snow and gushed about how Tom was a good actor to play him.
"I'm going to say hi." She spoke suddenly kissing his cheek and sleeping over to Tom who smiled at the girl.
Lando watch with his arms crosed. It's not that he didn't trust y/n it was that Tom guy. He watched as he placed his arm around her waist for a picture and he clenched his jaw.
He wouldn't say anything because it would only make her sad. He hated the way her face lit up as he asked her a question. Jealousy was sweeping in through his veins.
Max, who was walking down the paddock saw his sisters boyfriend frowning and followed his eye sight.
He laughed knowing Y/n liked Coriolanus Snow and extension to who played him.
"No need to be jealous." Max commented as he pattered Lando's shoulder shaking the boy from his thoughts.
"I'm not." Lando scoffed and went back to watching his girlfriend as she bid the Brit goodbye.
"Say that to your clenched jaw and your posture." Max chuckled just as y/n was standing in front of them.
"Max." She beamed and kissed him on the cheek. Y/n looked over at Lando with a happy face. "Tom said he was coming tot he McLaren garage. So I said he could stand with me." She gushed.
"How wonderful." Lando smiled at her in fake happiness.
Max chuckled watching them walk away knowing jealous lando is a funny Lando. He had seen Lando get jealous when guys would come up to her in the clubs.
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Lando clenched his jaw hard as he watch Tom make y/n laugh and throw he head back in laughter.
All day y/n had been showing Tom around. And when she was with Lando a bit, all she talked about was Tom and how he filmied Billy The Kid in the snowny mountains.
Charles had teased him about it but backed of seeing the anger in his eyes.
Lando was suited up and ready for the race and was talking to Will. He knew driving like this was a bad idea. Being frustrated beofer a race, never good.
He was normally a jealous guy but he also knew no one could match up to him. But this Tom guy could.
He was handsome. Older. The Verstappen's had a thing for older people. (🤭) Y/n only being 22.
Lando took a deep breath knowing y/n would never cheat on him. Or do anything like that to jeopardise there relationship.
Zak was about to ask Lando a question when Lando pushed his helmet into Will's hand abruptly and stored over to y/n.
"-and then he gave me all thease roses-" y/n was cut of from talking to Tom as Lando grabbed her hand and basically yanked her to his driver's room. "Hey!" She yelled.
Lando ignored her until he pushed her lightly into his driver's room.
"What was that for? I was talking to Tom." Y/n asked closing her arms watching Lando as he signed and then clenched his jaw.
"Do you like this Tom Blyth guy?" He blurted out.
Y/n frowned confused, not knowing what he was talking about. "What?"
Lando signed annoyed, "All day you have been hanging out with him. Laughing with him. Just Tom, Tom Tom." He ranted.
"That dosnt mean I like him." She told her Brit boyfriend.
Lando shook his head, "You barely spent the day with me."
"Your racing today Lan."
"So." He pondered crosing his arms.
Y/n laughed suddenly knowing what he was feeling. "Your jealous." She stated.
Lando shook his head. "I am not." He refused in a child's way.
"There's nothing to be jealous of. We were just talking. That's it." Y/n assured him.
"You looked pretty happy with him." He told her with a frown.
Y/n matched that frown and crosed her arms, now a little angry. "Jesus Lan, we were just talking. Yes I have a crush on him but that's only because we just watched hunger games." She sighed uncrosing her arms and looking away. "We actually have alot in common. As friends. He also has a girlfriend."
Lando looked away from her. Y/n sugged her shoulders with a sly smile, "Well he dose have nice hair though." She couldn’t help but teased.
Lando's head snapped to her direction. "No way. You can't love his hair. You love my hair." He refused making his way over to her and wrapping his arms around her waist.
That was true. Y/n loved Lando’s hair. She had helped him keep his curls more healthy looking. Y/n loved to play with his as well as Lando loved it when she pulled his hair during sex.
Y/n sighed and pulled him into her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and started playing with the hair on the back of his neck.
"I'm jealous." He confused. When y/n tried to pull back he refused and held onto her longer. "I'm scared that you'll leave me for someone older. You said when we first got together your type was older men and you liked British people."
Lando dl tightened his hold on her a little, "I don't want to lose you."
Lando was insured about losing the only person he loved more in the world, other then his family.
Y/n sighed and closed her eyes, she finally pulled away from Lando and put her hands on his cheeks. "I do like older men. I do like British men. But I love you." She spoke softly. She smiled at him, making him smile back. "You are the man I will always come home to. You are the one I love. No one, not even a crush I have will stop that because that's it. A crush." She told Lando.
"I love you." Lando smiled kissing her on the lips. Y/n smiled through the kiss.
"I love you." She replied breathless when they parted.
Lando signed and rested his head on her forehead. "I'm sorry for accusing you of liking that guy."
"You mean Tom." Y/n giggled.
"Hmm." He hummed, not caring of his name.
"God Lando." She checked, kissing his cheek before stepping away from him. "Now go out there and race." She giggled as he led then out of his driver's room.
When they got back to the garage Will looked over at them and Lando shot him a thumbs up to indicate it was all good.
Lando turned to his girlfriend. "But do stay with Lilly or something." He pleaded.
Y/n giggled. "Sure." She kissed Lando again beofer he was called over to his engineer. She would do it to ease his nerves and insecurities.
As y/n steped next to Lilly, Tom looked over at her and shot her a smile. She shot a small one back, before talking to Lilly.
Yes she loves Tom Blyth as a crush but her true heart belongs to Lando. He had nothing to worry about, ever.
He would be the one she spend the rest of her life with. What she didn’t known was a ring was resting in Lando’s bed side table. A ring that would sit on her left hand at the end of the year.
Okay that was my first written fic. It's so weird because I'm use to wattpad.
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pedgito · 2 years
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𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐭 pt. i ✧ ˚ · . 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
summary: something that is desired all the more because it is not allowed—you find yourself torn between the idea that even though eddie is in a position of authority as your professor, he’s still what you crave the most.
cw: 18+ (minors, dni) teacher/student relationship, age gap (21 & 29), corruption!kink (eddie is well aware of what he’s doing), background ronance, max is readers bestfriend, eddie likes to wear his hair up for class and hates being formal, bratty!reader (sorta), angsty touches, a smutty cliffhanger, ect & lots more to come (pun intended)
word count: 11.6k - part two, part three, part four
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The campus was huge and crowded and everything you hated all wrapped into one—but you couldn’t beat the view, the pleasant Indians weather, and all the amazing classes the college had to offer. And normally, first days would be terrifying, crippling your anxiety, but there was nothing but excitement; for now, at least. 
Most of your morning was spent combing through syllabuses and trying to find your classes, which is mostly your own fault, deciding on a major so vastly different from your main course work—by the time afternoon rolls around, you’re forced to walk clear across campus, nearly ten minutes late to your class and faced with a surprisingly unirritated gentleman, who’s three seconds away from shutting the door closed indefinitely.
The man steals a glance at his watch, arm twitching slightly to force his sleeve back. His eyes glance up to you for a moment and back down, “Not a great way to start off your first day,” He comments cooly, face void of any emotion, “is this gonna be a habit?”
“No—god, no,” You respond, slightly out of breath, hand clutching the strap of your book bag, “I’m just getting used to where everything’s at—I didn’t get a chance to visit the campus earlier, I have no idea where anything is or—“
“It’s fine,” He assures, beckoning you into the classroom, surprisingly full, forcing you to the front row, positioned almost directly in front of his desk—this was the beginning of your nightmare, “let’s just be mindful of time, yeah?”
Not that Eddie has ever been punctual a day in his life. But, he’s learned that being a hard-ass is more effective than not giving a shit at all, especially when it comes to his students. 
“Yeah—yes, I promise.” You swear, forcing a thin smile before making an immediate line for your desk, hoping that the further you sink, the more unnoticed you’ll be. Unfortunately for you, that wasn’t the case. 
The loud slide of the chalk against the chalkboard as he writes his name across the green slab is defeating, most of the class watching in fearful silence—like there was some impending doom about to descend upon them. 
“Uh, sir—“ You can see him visibly tense at the word, “are we going to be learning how to play any instruments in this class?” The voice comes from a boy who seems naturally quiet and more reserved, mortified by the fact that he even found the courage to raise his hand and ask a question. 
There’s a small roar of laughter from the others, but you look along stoically, watching his face upturn slightly. 
“Don’t call me, sir—please,” He laughs lightly, “it makes me feel old.”
“Professor Munson,” He corrects himself, “sorry.”
“You’re fine,” He assures, “and look—this isn’t an intro to music, it’s intro to musical therapy. We’re not just studying instruments and music, we’re also studying behaviors, the mind, how all of this stuff connects and affects people’s thought process and aiding certain struggles they may have.”
His way of talking is animated and refreshing, a stark change from the usual monotone professors you’ve run into all morning. 
“So, if you’re just expecting to learn how to play the piano or something, this class probably isn’t for you,” He explains, eyeing down about a quarter of the class that makes a collective groan, “hey—I’m just being honest.”
And you knew you wouldn’t see half of those people in a week, jumping at the first chance to transfer, but you couldn’t help being intrigued. It wasn’t necessarily your first choice for a major, but it took you by surprise; your love for psychology and mind studies mixed with your love of music, it seemed like the perfect storm. Plus, your professor wasn’t the worst person in the world—yet. 
He easily snaps open the cuff links to his sleeves, rolling them halfway up his arm, revealing a rather striking depiction of bats, swarming around the expanse of his forearm. 
He definitely seemed like a tattoo guy, but it was still odd to see so openly—his feet tap together as he takes a seat on the end of his desk, scanning the room. You can’t help but notice his lopsided tie, wanting so desperately to fix it—it was bound to drive you nuts. 
“It’s probably best to get most of your question out of the way today,” He says, “so, shoot them at me while you have the opportunity.”
A few hands fly up, he points off to your right, a couple rows behind you. 
“So—are you a therapist?” 
He snorts a soft laugh, shaking his head, “No—I don’t have all the proper certifications, but I assist therapist a lot when they’re looking into doing stuff related to musical therapy. I know enough to get by.” 
The smile he flashes leads you to believe that he’s trying to be humble. 
“Do you play any instruments?” Another student asks freely, the heads of the rest of the class snapping in their direction.
“A few,” He answers, hand waving about in a noncommittal manner, “mostly just guitar.”
He adjusts his tie again, even more lopsided now and you can’t help but stare it down, focused on nothing but the black, shiny material of it—Eddie clears his throat softly, catching your attention.
He’s staring right at you, caught red-handed—quick, think of something—
“Who do you usually work with?” You ask suddenly, “In your line of work, I mean.”
Outside of being a professor, obviously. 
Another laugh, more subdued. “Veterans, mostly, and a lot of children.” 
Eddie claps his hands together very suddenly, startling most of the class, including yourself. “Anyways, let’s go over the syllabus so there’s no confusion—I don’t need you guys bugging me outside of my office hours, as much as I love to teach.”
You sense another jab coming, but it doesn’t.
The syllabus review is a breeze, setting you up for what most of the semester entails, including when he was available—again, making it very clear that he wasn’t available outside of office hours. 
And then he’s adjusting the damn tie again, almost like it’s wringing his neck to death. By the time class ends, he dismisses everyone with a simple wave, a few students lingering around their desks, debating on whether they should drop the class or not. 
The voice that trails from the front of the classroom as you take a step down catches your attention, pulling your head up to look at the culprit. “Staying or dropping?” He asks.
Professor Munson. It felt weird and unnatural as it rolled around in your mind, still not falling from your tongue. 
“Staying,” You answer surely, “I knew what this class was before I signed up—I’m not about playing roulette with taking a college class.”
“Fair enough.” He’s leaning against his desk again, hands shoved into his slack pockets, shiny, gold watch resting on his wrist, and you can’t take it anymore, the frustration boiling from your chest
“Your tie,” You say abruptly, pointing at the material, “It’s crooked.”
Really fucking crooked. 
He takes a glance down, finger slipping in the space between his tie and neck, pulling at the offense piece of clothing, loosening it until it’s snapping away.
He balls up the tie and tosses it behind me, landing messily on his desk. “I never wear those after the first day—hate them. They’re so stupid.” 
“Or, you just don’t know how to tie a tie.” You point on, mouth speaking before your brain can catch up—realizing much too late that this was your professor, not a friend. 
Eddie scoffs mockingly, “And I’m sure you do.” He counters, watching your face drop slightly.
You did, actually—but that wasn’t the point. 
“No one ever taught me.” He tells you, “So I’m wingin’ it.” 
You nod thoughtfully, surprised at how quickly you managed to embarrass yourself. “Oh.” You say simply, it’s all you can manage. 
You save yourself for further humiliation by offering a wave of goodbye, breaking the uncomfortable tension that had grown between you both, excusing yourself immediately.
And if that was horrible enough, your night would be even worse. 
“The Hideout?” You ask curiously, twisting the flyer in your hand, “That place is still open?
Max snatches the paper from your hand, shoving it into the pocket of her jacket, protecting her from the biting cold of wind—the beginnings of Hawkins autumn weather creeping up on you. 
It didn’t help that you were barely covered from the waist down, skirt leaving little to imagine as the slit ran high up your thigh, thankfully the long sleeve top you wore was enough to save your upper extremities. 
“Nancy and Robin swear by that place—plus, they’ll be pissed if you don’t go.” Max explains in her usual ‘could care less’ tone.
The only reason she was going was because of Lucas—a boy she’d met during her first class that day, who she also invited out, despite barely knowing. You couldn’t blame her, though. Max could handle herself well enough, that was for sure. 
The drive is long, further out of town than you expect—hidden on some rundown road on an empty corner, bare except for the small bar, yet the place was packed with cars. 
“Okay, maybe this place isn’t as rundown as I remember,” You take note of, “or everyone really wanted to get drunk tonight.”
Either way, you were definitely heading toward the latter option, following closely after Max. It doesn’t take long for Max to be pulled away though, quickly distracted by the only reason she came here, abandoning you. 
“Have fun,” You remind her, “seriously.” 
You could take care of yourself, settling up at one of the empty tables before the stage, perched on the uncomfortably tall seat, ordering yourself a quick drink as a server passes you. 
“Hey!” A perked up voice yells out from behind you, arms wrapping around in a gentle hug—no one had the nerve besides Robin, who quickly caught you in a fuller hug as you turned to face her. “How have you been? Where’s Max?”
“She’s busy,” You laugh, giving her a pointed look, which she catches on quickly. “Where’s Nance?”
“Right here,” Her delicate voice peaks out from behind Robin, watching as her hand sneaks into Nancy’s, squeezing firmly. 
You smile to yourself, but Robin sees it, shoving you an annoyed look. 
At least those two finally figured it out—almost ten years later. 
“So, you two know who’s playing tonight?” You ask curiously, sipping on the beer that the server passes to you on their way through the crowd. 
“Yeah, he’s an old friend—we haven’t seen him in a while, though.” They both frown at the mention of it, sharing a quiet glance. “We should’ve invited Steve, Nance.” 
“He never wants to leave the house, you know that.” Nancy adds, “His kids keep him busy enough.”
And it seemed like Steve got the life he always wanted, for the most part—but it’s still somber to think about, wishing just as badly that you could’ve seen him once more. 
“Maybe next time.” You offer, and both of them smile. 
“I’ll have to remind him to invite you to his littlest’s party in a couple months,” Nancy says, “he misses you.” 
The feedback startled all of you, pulling you from the conversation and toward the stage, light dimly over the center. The lights around the bar dimmed in contrast, adjusting everyone toward the men gathering in their places on stage.
You squinted carefully, watching the guitarist adjust the microphone, pulling it up to his height. His hair was long, unruly, and obscuring his face as he leaned forward, speaking into the microphone. 
“How’s everyone doing tonight?” He asks with a decent amount of enthusiasm, receiving a hearty applause in return. “We’re Corroded Coffin.”
The name blanks in your mind, not ringing any immediate bells. 
It was definitely a crowd full of fans—or family, at least. They excitement was palpable, everyone leaning on the edge of their seats.
“This is our first show in a couple years, so go easy on us.” He laughs, head flicking up to move the hair out of his face—again, he spots you almost instantly. 
The intake of breath is involuntarily, getting caught in your throat. The blush that creeps up your cheeks is hot and burning, noticeable from a mile away.
Eddie fucking Munson, your college professor—of all the chances and fate in the world this is how your night was going to go?
Eddie clears his throat, immediately averting his gaze. “We’re just doing cover songs tonight—so if you’ve got a request, send it through Gareth.” He instructs, jerking his head over his shoulder. 
And despite how mortifying this all feels, Eddie plays his heart out; you’ve never seen anything like it. He’s a person who expresses himself through his body and his music, clearly—thrashing wildly and putting every movement he can into his playing, bouncing on his feet. He can’t be bothered to stay still, which is a complete difference from his classroom demeanor.
From what you’ve seen, at least. 
“You good?” Robin asks, nothing the ghostly look on your face.
“Yeahyeah, uh—“ You reply distantly, “The lead looked familiar, but I think it’s a coincidence.” 
One hell of a fucking coincidence. 
“Eddie?” They both ask simultaneously, “There’s no way.” 
Eddie Munson. Again, your professor—but also, a friend of a friend, and a complete fucking stranger otherwise. You must’ve pissed someone off well enough down the line to end up in this position; the biggest dose of karma you’ve ever felt. 
“Like I said—it’s probably a coincidence.” You assure them, eyes still locked on him. 
“Yeah—I don’t think we started hanging out with him until after you moved schools.” Nancy supplies, further attempting to assure you.
Eddie catches another glance at you and you can’t help but down the bottle of beer in one go, immediately leaving your seat to ask for another, leaving your friends to congregate at the table.
The song ends abruptly, falling off of a long guitar solo, and you can’t even dare to look in that direction, faced shoved into the drink you gripped in your hand. 
“Come here, come here,” You hear Robin call from behind you, but you know it’s not for you, another rumbling voice slipping through the many others, a weak protest, “Stop being like that.”
There really was no arguing with Robin and Eddie was smart to keep quiet, following her obediently to the bar. The hand that clasps your shoulder is light and gentle and Nancy shoots you an apologetic look as you look behind you.
“Ringin’ any bells now?” Robin asks playfully, holding her hand up under his face, like he was on display. Eddie makes a face, side eyeing her affectionately. 
“No, sorry,” You lie easily, shrugging him off. Eddie seems to relax at that, half-expecting you to out both him and yourself—not that there was anything wrong, it was just another freaky coincidence, “What’s his name again?”
And really, it’s just to poke fun, the slight buzz creeping into your system. 
“Eddie Munson,” Nancy replies, glancing between the both of you, “Edward, if that helps.”
Eddie rolls his eyes at that, hand held up in desperation as he called out for a drink over your shoulder, reaching around you to grab the bottle. You visibly tense at the proximity and he notices, still, he doesn’t try to move away. 
This was too weird.
“Nope, still nothing.” You tell them, sticking to your story. 
Robin shrugs, “Well, I should probably explain—Nancy used to babysit her when she was younger, her and Max and all those crazy little kids that we always told you about—“
It made you wince; babysitter, Nancy, kids. It was the worst sequence of words that could’ve been spoken in history, to your professor, in the middle of a bar, that he was also playing at. 
“Robin,” You warn, “I’m sure he doesn’t care.”
“Nah,” Eddie shrugs, leaned beside you against the bar, metal chain clinking against the counter-top, lifting the beer to his lips leisurely, “It’s nice to meet you.”
And the smile seems forced, but his voice is steady, easy—you almost believe him.
But, then Nancy and Robin are pulled off in a different direction, catching up with another small group of friends and Eddie is staring at you.
And not secretly—very, very openly. 
“I swear I didn’t—“ You start.
“I don’t usually,” He interrupts.
You both take a hard stop, looking each other down. 
“You first,” He instructs, bring the drink to his lips once more, “then I’ll go.”
“I swear I didn’t know you were going to be here tonight,” You explain, “otherwise I would’ve skipped out.”
He wants to ask why, but the answer seems obvious—no one wants to see their teacher outside of school. 
“I don’t usually make a habit of letting my students see me like this.” He motions to his get-up, hair loose and clothes even looser, aside from the obviously homemade jacket he wore, patches hand stitched and worn at the seams, but the weirdest part of it all—the ripped jeans. It felt out of place for someone nearing their thirties. He catches your gaze, the judgement evident. “My point exactly.”
“So, that’s why you don’t know how to tie a tie.” You challenge, taking a long sip of beer, eyebrow quirked in amusement as you swallow, cheeks puffed out by the liquid. 
He scoffs softly, amused at your comeback. “We shouldn’t even be talking right now, you know that?” He points out, yet he hasn’t moved an inch, still close enough that if you decided to separate your thighs, he’d fit perfectly.
You hum quietly, “Yet, you’re still here.” Another beer down, another slipped into your hand like clockwork, throwing it back easily. “So, who’s fault is that?”
Him being the responsible adult and all, not that it really mattered here. This would be a level playing field outside of any other circumstance. 
“Wait—can I ask a personal question?” And maybe it was the alcohol talking. 
“No—“ He answers quickly, but your brain bypasses it.
“How old are you?” You ask curiously, “You look too young to be a professor.”
Eddie looks stunned, affected by your forwardness, but he takes it in stride. “I’m gonna take that as a compliment—I’m twenty nine, a couple years older than Nancy and Robin.”
You don’t press on the additional information, but nod thoughtfully, taking another quick sip of your beer.
“Sorry—it was bugging me. I have a bad problem with filtering my thoughts.” You admit sheepishly, cheeks flushed from the alcohol, fiddling with the flimsy zipper on your skirt. 
“Clearly,” Eddie laughs, bringing the bottle to his lips slowly, stopping just as his lips pressed the rim, “Are you even old enough to be drinking?”
“Are you going to kick me out if I’m not?” You challenge playfully, Eddie doesn’t bite, looking you down accusingly.
It was as if he suddenly shifted back into teacher mode, judging your choices and feeling the need to scold you.
“I’m twenty one,” You tell him, “don’t have a fucking stroke over it.”
You don’t know why Eddie’s eyes shift, scanning full body, like he’s trying to take all of you in—both of your contrasting styles outside of school are a welcomed surprise; he doesn’t really expect it from you. But, you could say the same for him.
“Wasn’t gonna,” He assures you, nursing the beer near his mouth, forearms leaned against the bar now as he looks toward you, eyes catching the way your fingers fiddled with the label on the bottle, “you cold?”
Your leg crosses over the other, goosebumps riddling your skin—it’s like he’s a mind reader, the entrance door of the bar swinging open, a cold blast of air spreading throughout. “Not really.” You lie, gripping the end of your skirt to shift it down. 
You could’ve been more practical, shown up in jeans and some worn out band shirt, but you wanted to look nice—feel cute and dressed up for once, was that a crime? 
“Hey, there you are,” Max calls from behind you, scattering toward you with a wide-eyed Lucas in tow, “so you met Eddie?”
You turn in your seat, staring the fiery redhead down, a smile plastered on her freckle covered face. 
“You too?” You ask incredulously, glancing toward Eddie, who seemed rather unfazed by it all now. “What the hell?”
“He used to live across from me, back in high school,” Max explains, which makes sense.
You moved after middle school, leaving most of Hawkins in your rear view, aside from the occasional letters to Max—both of you swore that despite the distance, college was your nonnegotiable; both of you applied, both of you got accepted, it was some sort of divine miracle, but neither of you questioned it.
“Small world,” Eddie shrugs from beside you, finishing off the last sip of his beer, “you staying out of trouble, Red?”
“Probably not,” She replies honestly, before turning to you sheepishly, “—do you think Robin will give you a ride home?”
“Max,” You groan, her look switching from hesitant to pleading, “fine—whatever, I’ll talk to Robin.”
“I love you,” She says endearingly, wrapping you into a quick forceful hug, nearly knocking you from your chair, “I owe you one.” 
“Uh huh,” You reply sarcastically, waving her away, “See you tomorrow.”
When you turn, Eddie is slapping a fresh bill on the counter-top, returning his chained wallet back to his pocket.
 “I guess I’ll be seeing you Monday.”
Saying it makes it even weirder. 
“I won’t tell anyone.” You assure him, seeing the way his eyes catch yours, almost thankful. He doesn’t have to say it—he didn’t take you for the type to brag, but still, it’s a comforting confession. “I promise.”
The last part feels like too much, but Eddie smiles regardless, adjusting his jacket over his shoulders, preparing for the crisp, cold air that awaits him.
Robin, find Robin. Your brain scrambled, searching around for your friend—or Nancy, but neither of them are anywhere inside of the bar. 
You’ve got to be fucking kidding. 
“Everything okay?” Eddie asks softly, pulling the hair caught under the lapel of his jacket.
“I think they left,” You frown slightly, preparing yourself to walk several blocks until the nearest bus station, feet already sore and achy from the uncomfortable heels you wore, “Robin and Nance.”
And Eddie has the internal battle with himself for at least half a minute, weighing the odds of how uncomfortable this could be, or how creepy it may come off, but he wasn’t going to leave you high and dry—he wasn’t raised that way.
“Where am I taking you?” He asks suddenly, swinging his keys into his palm.
“Huh?” There was no way you were taking a ride from your teacher, of all people. “—I’m fine, really. I just need to walk far enough to the bus stop.” 
“In those?” Eddie asks pointedly, staring down at the heels that hugged your feet like a vice grip, already sore from only a couple hours of use. “It’s not a big deal—are you going back to campus?”
You nod hesitantly.
Eddie motions toward the door and you follow obediently—your feet could thank you later. You knew there was no harm in a ride home, either, Eddie was far from the normal sketchy men around Hawkins, but it didn’t feel right. It felt like keeping a secret from your parents and doing something that had persistently told you not to, or how often the school system looked down on relations with staff outside of school, no matter the level or severity. It seemed that Eddie was hoping you’d keep this to yourself—he was counting on it.
“Did you enjoy the music at least?” Eddie asks halfway through the drive, one hand gripping the steering wheel while the other fishes for his pack of cigarettes; a bad habit he’d yet to break.
“I mean—they were cover songs,” You shrugged, “Metallica is alright, but I prefer Bon Jovi and Quiet Riot—“
“Are you shitting on Metallica, right now?” Eddie asks, shocked by the admission. He manages to wiggle a cigarette out with one hand, tossing the box toward the middle console, “Do you mind?”
Part of you wants to say yes, just to be difficult, but you shake your head. He flicks his lighter opening, lighting the end of the cigarette until it burns a bright amber, ashes falling from the tip.
“You dress like you’re stuck in the eighties, dude.” Eddie seems offended by the comment, but takes it in stride. 
“Says the lady who still listens to Bon Jovi.” Eddie sharks, pulling the cigarette from his lips, smoke billowing from his nose as he breathes, “
You hate how nice it is to watch, his soft lips pursing into a tight line. One more hit at him and he’d probably fail you out of spite, but you do it anyway. 
“Says the guy still singing eighties cover songs.” Eddie winces at the jab, flicking away the ash from the cigarette, held out in the air as he searches for his retort.
“So you hated it?” Is all his brain can muster at a time like this, brain hazy from the amount of beers he consumed—you could say the same for yourself, the alcohol buzz is still ever apparent—you wouldn’t have ended up in a situation like this while stone cold sober, that’s for sure.
“No,” You reply honestly. The music was good, the performance was even better, but still—it seemed he was searching for your approval, like it would make all the difference, “but it’s the mid nineties, you need to get with the times.”
Eddie scoffs offensively, a few more puffs before he’s rubbing the cigarette to its untimely demise, pulling into the quiet campus. 
“I’m gonna pretend you didn’t say that,” He says, coming to a stop, “—I hope this is close enough, the last thing I need is someone catching me dropping you off.”
Then he shouldn’t have offered a ride, which was his first mistake of many. 
It’s offensive how handsome he looks under the dim lights radiating from the inside of his van—an odd choice for a teacher of his salary, but it still makes sense, somehow. 
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, sir.” You retort, throwing the last bit in for fun—he tenses again, visibly. He doesn’t correct you, though, which is even more difficult to understand.
He offers a simple wave, friendly and polite, then he’s gone and halfway across the campus before you can even process what happened. 
It also doesn’t help that the first thing you see in your dreams that night is his face—ungodly in the way he worshiped your body, from head to toe; it was definitely the alcohol talking. 
Monday drags more than you expect, having nursed your hangover during the weekend, it felt like an aftershock was trying to overtake you, your focus lacking. It wasn’t unlike you. 
You replay the conversation with Eddie in your head a few times that weekend, realizing that even through your drunken haze, Eddie was not attempting to be teacherly toward you—he was friendly, a natural conversationalist, it felt wrong. 
It felt even worse when you fell asleep, his head stuck between your thighs as you dreamed that night, “She’s so pretty,” His voice is faded, muffled—like he’s stuck in a tunnel and too far away, “fucking soaking wet, too.” 
And it feels too real as he licks a broad stripe up your cunt, moaning obscenely as his face is coated in your wetness, the tip of his nose bumping against your clit—it’s too much for you to process. 
“Good afternoon,” Eddie’s voice carries through the door to his classroom, satchel and coffee in hand, looking just as worse for wear. His hair is tied back in a loose bun, no tie today, and his slacks look like they’re been worn for a week straight, wrinkles and all, “nice to see the class has downsized.”
It has, nearly half of the original class is gone—which really, it was better for you. You couldn’t focus in large classes and it felt less personal, more disconnected than you liked.
Eddie tries desperately to keep his energy up during the duration of the lesson, but he’s lacking on all fronts—maybe he had a rough weekend? 
When he hands out the first assignment near the end of class, he stops by your desk, leaning on the railing to speak to the entirety of the class, “And don’t freak out—this is just a basis to see where you heads are at in terms of what music you like, how it makes you feel, it’s just a soft introduction into some of the stuff we’ll be covering over the semester.”
It’s a list of various songs, bands, genres—a mix of things dating back to the early fifties, up until more recently. “Go out, rent some of this if you’ve never heard of it, and write what you feel—that’s it. Easy enough?” 
Eddie doesn’t acknowledge you most of the class, which is expected, but disappointing. He seems preoccupied, distracted, clearly bothered by something. But, it wasn’t your problem—the only focus you had now was your course work, which was the first thing you started on that night; a very giddy Max rummaging through your dorm room as background noise, so disorganized it could drive you insane. 
“He drove you here?” She asks.
“Yes—but you can’t say anything, Max. I’m serious.” 
You didn’t have anything to worry about, you knew that.
“I didn’t even know he taught here—or that he was even a professor. I mean, I know he finally graduated but—“
“Finally?” You ask curiously, swiveling in your chair to face her fully, interest fully piqued.
“He had a rough time in high school—he didn’t graduate until he was twenty, I think.” She explains, busy hands now stopped in their tracks. “He’s been through a lot.”
Your eyebrows raise in question, hoping Max would spill everything she knew—you couldn’t help but be curious about him, even if he was your professor.
“He probably doesn’t even know I go here,” She laughs slightly, “His mom and dad were never in the picture, though—at least I never saw them, it’s always been him and his uncle. He hung out with Nancy, Steve, and Robin a lot—closer to when he was graduating, they’ve stayed good friends, I guess.”
You nod slowly, absorbing the information.
“Is he mean?” Max asks randomly and you almost laugh, “My professors are the worst.”
“He’s fine,” You shrug, “It’s kinda nice that he’s not such a dick, you know?”
“What does he teach again?” 
“Musical therapy?” You respond, wondering if that would surface any other tidbits of information.
“Oh—that kinda makes sense. He was always listening to music, then he just disappeared after graduation, but his uncle always talked about how he was helping people, doing something he really liked—I just never bothered him about it.”
There’s a long silence before Max can’t help herself, perching herself on the surface closest to you, pens scrambling to the floor as she takes a seat on the edge of your shared desk. 
“What did you guys talk about?”
“The weather,” You say flatly, not receiving any type of reaction from her, “—-just music, that’s it.”
“But, babe, you love music.” Max reminds, like it wasn’t painfully obvious. 
“And—he’s my professor, it’s fucking weird.” You explain, but even Max doesn’t believe you. “What—why are you looking at me like that?” 
“You two are so similar,” She laughs, “It’s freaky.”
“Maxine—what are you trying to imply?”
“Nothing,” She shrugs, hoping from the desk, “—remember that I’ll be your maid of honor at the wedding, though. We pinky swore.” 
“He’s my professor, Max.” You stress again, Max smiles wide, annoying you further.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, right?” Max asks, realizing that you’d used the same playful jab at him the night before.
“What?” The coincidence was uncanny.
“Eddie used to tell me that whenever I tried to justify doing something I wasn’t supposed to—I’ve grown, obviously,” That’s not entirely believable, but you keep your mouth shut, “the saying stuck with me—it’s kinda fun to use.”
“Whatever—did you get the music I asked about?” You ask, impatiently switching the topic to something less scandalous.
“Everything was spoken for,” Max explains, trying to let you down gently, “I really tried—but I guess everyone in that class had the same idea on where to go, unless you want to take a trip to the store and buy them—“
And it dawns on you, Eddie must have some sort of music collection, “Wait—what time is it?”
Max takes a quick glimpse at the alarm clock on her nightstand, “A quarter past five, why?”
Still open for office hours—you prayed silently, despite your lack of religion, hoping that he was still in his classroom.
“Give me a ride.” 
Max doesn’t question it, being the best friend she is. 
“I’m busy,” He says before you can even knock on the door, your loud ascending footsteps giving you away, “come back in the morning.”
You peek through the window of the door anyways, seeing a perfectly relaxed Eddie reclined at his desk, feet propped up as he jotted something down in a book, tongue poked out in focus. 
“Uh Professor…Munson,” It felt foreign and weird, “I just had a question.” 
His demeanor changes on a dime at the sight of you, unbusying himself completely. It’s a little hysterical, but endearing nonetheless. It makes your stomach flutter at the sight, scrambling to button his shirt higher, seem more professional, not that you hadn’t already seen him outside of work.
The door creaks open, his head popping through as you back away, “What’s going on?” He asks, surprised that anyone would dare to bother him outside of normal class hours. It doesn’t take you long to realize that he only mentioned the office hours out of courtesy, he didn’t actually expect anyone to bother him. 
“I was trying to work on your assignment—“ His eyes softened, and it made you flinch, feeling exposed, “I don’t really have the money to buy any of the music and everything was already rented out—-so I wasn’t sure what to do.”
“Oh,” He wasn’t sure what to expect but he finds himself opening the door wider, welcoming you inside, “Yeah—a few students raided my shelf before class was over but I’m sure there’s some left.”
“Thanks,” You reply shyly, squeezing beside him, watching as he lingered by the door still, hands shoved into fists in his pockets, “I didn’t mean to interrupt you, sir—“
“You can call me Eddie—here, at least.” And that definitely doesn’t feel appropriate, but if he’s insisting, well…
“Sorry, it just feels…strange, I guess.” It’s not how you wanted to describe it, but it’s the only word that comes to mind. “I can’t imagine how weird it is running into your students outside of class.”
“Probably as weird as it feels running into your teacher,” He adds playfully, lightening the mood. It’s nice that he’s not so bothered by all of it, “Oh—I’ve got some Elvis in there, a lot of classic rock. I’m not sure about the newer stuff, though.”
“Max has some of it.” You comment without thinking, sifting through the box of music, picking and choosing as you went. 
“She’s—she’s my roommate here.” You answer quietly, unable to meet his eyes as he walks closer, leisurely making his way around his desk. 
“I guess I should’ve put that together,” He says, taking a moment to examine the sweater you’d shoved on, “You two share a closet?”
“Among other things.” You smile, grasping the stack of Cd's in your hand, “How did you know?” 
You share a glance down at the faded sweater, reading off the name of some random skate shop back in rural Hawkins, a place you’ve never stepped foot inside of.
“I got that for Red on her sixteenth birthday, before I left.”
Eddie’s frowning now, nearly unnoticeable, but you see the way his mouth creases, eyes turned down. “It’s her favorite,” You say, in an attempt to make the mood less dark, “but I always steal it from her—she’s let me take residency over it at this point.”
“It looks nice,” Eddie says suddenly, feeling the slip up as it slides off his tongue, rambling even further as he says, “on you—I mean, it’s a nice sweater—that’s why I bought it.”
You laugh softly, bottom lip jutting out as your mouth curls into a smile. “Thanks, Eddie.”
He scratched at his temple, ringed finger shining against the light refracting from the lamp on his desk. You’ve never noticed it before—or them, since his hand was adorned with three, that you could see. 
“Hey, those are cool—“ You point out, finger pressed in the direction of his upheld hand. He stops, views his hand, almost like he’s forgotten he was wearing them, “I’ve noticed them before.”
“I try not to wear them during class hours, the administration thinks it’s unprofessional.” The nature of the rings, not the fact that he wore them—if he had a wedding ring it wouldn’t matter, but the thought of marriage made Eddie want to vomit. 
“Fuck ‘em.” You say crudely, shoulder shrugged In indifference. 
Eddie’s mouth hangs open slightly at the sudden outburst, amusement flooding his face, “I’m still your professor—probably should keep that type of language to a minimum.”
You snort at his indication that he had any type of hold over what you do—he couldn’t be further from the point. 
“Or what?” You say challengingly, “This isn’t high school—it’s not like you can give me detention or tell my parents.”
“I am the one handling your grades.” He counters, hip leaned against the edge of his desk. Your free hand travels to your waist, slipping underneath the sweater to rest against the skin.
“You don’t intimidate me—I hope you know that.” You remind him carefully, eyes narrowing in his direction. “The other’s are terrified of you, but that shit doesn’t work on me.”
And he should know better—you shouldn’t even be here and he definitely should be flirting with a student, if you could call it that. Was this flirting? Was this crossing the line? He’s studied body language for a long time, through the process of his treatment of people, and he can’t help but notice how relaxed you seem, almost enjoying the back and forth.
“You should go,” He says quickly, avoiding any further lines being blurred or crossed or misconstrued; you were his student and it was unprofessional, “my office hours are closing soon.”
“Uh huh.” You nod slowly, adjusting the stack of music under your arm, watching the way Eddie’s fingers drum against the desk impatiently, like he can’t wait to get you out of there. 
If he was really that bothered, he could’ve said something.
“Thanks again, professor.” You say with grandeur, motioning to the stack of Cd's, “It’s greatly appreciated.” 
Eddie tries to ignore the small sliver of skin that shows underneath your slightly raised top that was no longer obscured by your hand, almost like you’re doing it on purpose.
Which, yes, you absolutely were.
You slip by him silently, avoiding the way his eyes follow you. It felt predatorial, but not uncomfortable—and that’s what you hated about it. 
He didn’t look at you as a student—he looked at you like something else; you couldn’t put your finger on it. 
Eddie turns on the heels of his shoes, “I expect those back tomorrow,” He warns, but there’s no sense of actual ramifications behind it.
You don’t answer fully, a small nod that Eddie doesn’t quite notice. He grabs the sleeve of your sweater gently, his fingertips pressing against your covered arm. “I mean it.” 
You look at the hand that gripped your arm for far too long, Eddie still holding on just as hard. “I know.” You appease him, “And if I don’t—you know where to find me.”
The glance to your desk is silent, but done in unison.
“Wanna let go now, sir?”
Eddie hates the way his dick twitches under the material of his corduroy slacks, releasing the bunch of material from his grip. You half-expect him to scold you for the remark, but he’s speechless, for once in his life. 
“Sorry,” He apologizes, feeling like he’s made things uncomfortable, but it’s so far from that—he has no idea, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“On time, hopefully.” 
It’s just another playful comment, but it has Eddie gripping his thigh from the inside of his pocket, muscles tensed in frustration.
You leave with a wordless smile that’s burned into Eddie’s mind for the rest of mankind—and it’s definitely not the first thing he thinks about when he slips his boxers down his thighs that night, cock still half-hard from earlier in the evening.
He becomes a permanent fixture in your dreams as the weeks grow on, unbeknownst to him—not that he can say much for himself either, annoyed by the finite nerve you have to walk into his classroom, skirt pulled halfway up your waist, ass barely peeking out of the bottom of the pleated material.
He knows it’s wrong and going against all of the rules set it place for this very reason, but he can’t help himself. So, he suffers in silence—not that it was anything new to him, he’s done it his entire life; under different circumstances and situations perhaps, but the basics of it still remained. 
“Fuck—spread your legs,” His voice is hushed, quiet against the skin of your leg as he sucks a deep purple mark into the skin, jerking at the touch of cold metal, the outside of his rings grazing your thighs, “wanna taste you.”
It feels too real—you toss and turn in your sleep restlessly most nights, dreaming about your professor with his hands around your thighs and his mouth buried deep into your cunt. 
And with little to no interaction during class, aside from the occasional glance in your direction, he kept his distance—which wasn’t a surprise, he had no idea.
He had no idea that his student was practically pining after him. It doesn’t help that you’ve seen him outside of the classroom, dress downed and free of an inhibitions or rules; it was a special kind of torture. 
It’s late October when Eddie speaks to you directly, alone—he’s got most of the class set up on various different instruments of their choosing, allowing them to feel them out and play freely, and somehow—by some fucked up fate, you get stuck with a six string and not a clue how to play. 
Fake playing wasn’t working, Eddie could spot it from a mile away. You don’t chance the glance up at him, but the squeak of his shoes is enough warning, bracing for whatever remark was going to be sent your way. 
“Have you ever played before?” He says instead and your eyes immediately shoot up to him, all previous restraint thrown out the window. 
“No, not really.” You say truthfully, watching as Eddie pulled up a chair in front of you, facing the back of it in your direction, thigh swinging over the side—his jeans tightening with the action, along with your thighs. You really needed to get your shit together. 
“Here,” His hands come out to rest over yours, adjusting your left hand over the base of the guitar, your right hand around the neck, “This is A,” He presses your finger over the cord, instructing your other hand to strum.
It’s slightly out of tune, but the guitar seems old—probably provided by the college rather than Eddie himself, “That’s good,” He praises calmly, “Now try playing an A sharp,” He guides your hand further down the neck, the warm, rough skin of his hand covering your own. He feels tough and worn and you notice the small cuts around his fingertips at this proximity, breath catching as his hand grasps around the wrist that was actively strumming the guitar, “it’s really complicated at first, there’s a lot to learn.”
“Clearly,” You say, forcing down the smile that threatened to break through, “how long have you played?”
He seems surprised that you cared or even tried to ask.
“Since I was about twelve, probably.” He answers honestly, “More than half my life.”
Eddie still hasn’t moved his hands, either—he can’t be bothered. It doesn’t look as incriminating as you thought, but still, you knew. He helps you play through a few more notes until he’s gotten you to the point of playing a small, five second tone—but it’s all you can really manage. 
“It takes a while.” He assures you, not that you wanted to pick up a guitar again after this.
“Why don’t you play?” You ask sweetly, smiling flashing with nothing but devious intent, handing the guitar over toward your professor. 
“Nono—I’m really not—“ He protests, setting the guitar back on its stand beside you.
“Not what? That good?” You ask curiously, he was worse at lying to himself than he was to you. 
“Are we forgetting how I saw you play that night?” You ask quietly, nothing how his gaze lingered with yours, “Because if that wasn’t you then—“
He gives you a muted look of warning, wanting you to drop the topic of conversation, but you can’t be bothered. He wasn’t in charge of you, not really. 
“You can play a Dio song blindfolded, I bet,” You point out, still keeping enough of a hushed town that only Eddie can hear, “Your eyes were closed that entire set.”
“It was my first time back home in a while,” He defends lamely, “It helps with the nerves.”
“I thought it was really good.” 
Eddie’s eyes light up in a way you can’t ignore, bordering on shock and adoration, it’s the first real smile you’ve seen from him.
The end of class comes quicker than you want it to, forced to pack your belongings back into your bag in a rush, everyone’s already managed to file out before you can even think of zipping your bag up.
“Hey,” Eddie calls out, every other student already long gone, “here, take this.” 
It’s a flyer, similar to the one Max shoved into your hands a few weeks prior. 
A different bar, same band; one night only. 
“I’m probably breaking a thousand rules by giving you that,” He explains carefully, “but maybe you and Max could come out and watch us play—tell her I’ll even throw in some free Kate Bush.” 
Your smile is warm, folding the flyer and stuffing it into your pocket. “I told you—I’m not the type to blab, Eddie.”
You hate how easy it feels to say his name in such a setting, still dressed up in his ridiculous attempt at seeming studious and professional. You knew he hated it, he knew it too. 
“I can ask her—if not, I’ll still show.” You tell him.
He was only inviting Max to be courteous, but that wasn’t up for him to decide whether or not you actually brought her along. Either way, he was appreciative. He knew that a lot of the support he received back home was mostly done out of obligation and sympathy, but with—it felt real. He didn’t know you, he didn’t have anything to prove to you, and more importantly, you were genuine and honest; he hated that you took up this class. Hated it.
“It’s not a big deal if you can’t.” He offers as an out.
There was no way you were going to miss it, not with how Eddie was looking at you now; despite the circumstance, it was so blatantly obvious to you how badly you wanted him.
“Eddie, I’ll be there.” You assure him once more.
And if the smile that spreads over his face isn’t something worth worshiping, you’d surely find something else. 
The bar is small, on the complete opposite side of town—but Max still offers to drive you, but it’s definitely not for your own benefit. She hasn’t shut up about Eddie since you’d told her the situation, the weird looks he gives you, and the horrible filthy dreams you’ve been having; sans the super embarrassing details. She gets it—it’s incredibly amusing to her, but she gets it. 
“You sure you don’t want to stay?” You asks, fingers tapping nervously against the ripped denim of your jeans, frayed material pulled between your fingertips. “He did invite you.”
“Babe, I’m doing you a favor.” Max interjects, halfhearted smirk on her face.
“He’s my teacher—for the last time,” You begin, beyond desperation, the words falling from your tongue weren’t even believable to your own ears, “I’m not trying to fuck him, Max.”
“I did not say anything about fucking him,” She laughs amusingly, turning into the parking lot of the bar, “—it’s just not as weird as you’re making it out to be. I’ve known Eddie for a long time.”
“You’re really missing the point.” You say, rubbing the frustration on your face away with your hands, eyebrows furrowing in annoyance.
“Oh whatever, don’t tell me you suddenly have some strict moral compass,” Max replies flippantly, “you want to screw him and you know it.”
The suspense is enough of an answer. There was no lying to Max, she knew just about every deepest, darkest secret you carried.
She pulls to a stop outside the entrance, turning toward you carefully, “Also—I can’t pick you up so you’re gonna have to ask him for a ride. I love you.” She rambled it off in one breath, barely giving you time to process. “See you tomorrow?”
It’s the one fight you decide not to pick with her, because for some reason, you know it’s for your own good. 
“Hey—you made it!” The familiar voice calls from behind you—Eddie, guitar case in hand, the rest of his band mates in tow. “Red.” He acknowledges, offering her a nod. “There’s parking in the back.”
“Oh—I’m not staying,” She shouts from the driver’s side, “take care of her or I’ll murder you, Munson.” 
Max is pulling off before you have any last fleeting chance to run, leaving both you and Eddie at a loss for words.
“Pulled a fast one, didn’t she?” Eddie asks after a moment, gathering by your side, following you into the bar. “She’s sneaky as hell, I’ll give her that.” 
“Yeah, you could say that.” You huff softly, watching your step as you crossed the threshold, hit in the face with the smell of cigarette smoke and cheap beer. 
“A beaut, isn’t she?” Eddie asks sarcastically, but despite that, the bar still garnered a decent amount of attention, packed to the brim with older gentlemen—nothing like bars near campus. 
“I think I found your target audience,” You joke lightly, catching the smirk that crosses Eddie’s face as you glance over your shoulder. “I’ll fit right in.” 
Eddie slaps a twenty into your hand, “Here, drinks on me—since I forced you here,” You look at him reluctantly, “I don’t want to hear it.” 
“I didn’t plan on drinking tonight.” You insist, forcing the bill back into his hand, “I’ll be okay.”
“You sure?” He asks, eyeing you carefully, like he’s trying to find a hint or tell, something to figure out what exactly your mind was fighting against—which right now, it was the fact that Eddie looked ridiculous with eyeliner, yet, still criminally attractive.
It’s exactly why you shouldn’t have come tonight, because whatever could happen—you weren’t sure if you had it in you to shut down. 
You nod with finality. Eddie takes the money back reluctantly, stuffing it into his front pocket. He feels terrible that you have to sit there, alone—all to watch a shitty cover band play a few songs.
But to you, it was worth it. 
You sit and wait, forcing away the bartender a few times until he finally gets the message, leaving you be. It’s quiet, aside from the hum of laughter and idle conversation, Eddie and his group setting up silently onstage—that impending feeling in your gut expanding further as you watch him move around, guitar strap swung over his neck, watching shamelessly as he adjusts the instrument against his body. 
He catches your eyes then, sending you a cheeky smile that has you face burning on the spot—at this point, you care less about your professional relationship, if it could even be considered that. 
Eddie plays with all the gusto you expect, belting out lyric after lyric on his performance high; it’s unlike anything you’ve ever witnessed. It’s hard not to compare him to his classroom demeanor, more restrained and relaxed—it was forced, that was easy to tell. But this—this was Eddie, unafraid and free to behave how he pleased, it was unfair how attractive he was, both in looks and personality. It felt like you’d know him longer than just a few weeks; months maybe? Years? 
It was like hanging out with an old friend, discovering new and old things about one another; you’d spill your heart to him at a moment’s notice if he asked—and that’s why this felt so dangerous. 
“How was it?” Eddie asks as he rounds the corner, still slightly out of breath and face covered in a sheen of sweat. You hand him a napkin in silence and he laughs, but accepts the offer.
“Good,” You smile honestly, “I really enjoyed the gradual crescendo from Holy Diver into Living After Midnight—“
Eddie could kiss you on the spot, which is such a startling thought that it stops all thinking completely—you were absolutely too good to be true, it was a constant reminder every time you spoke, making him fight with this taboo feeling more and more every day. 
“Do you still need a ride home?” He asks suddenly, interrupting your waterfall of compliments, “I was going to head out already.”
“Well, considering Max left me stranded,” You say with an empty bitterness, knowing that her attentions were mostly good, “yes, I do.” 
Eddie nods a silent direction—and just like the first night, you follow without question.
The foot that isn’t pressed on the gas pedal is shaking insistently, leg bouncing against the leather of Eddie’s seat, hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. He can hear you humming, mumbling the song on the radio to yourself, another classic—one of Eddie’s favorites, and he really can’t help himself anymore. 
It was just a small, innocent indulgence. Who could it really hurt? You were both consenting, capable adults—and the worst thing you could do was turn him down, which Eddie really hoped wasn’t the case, but he was beyond caring about norms and rules, driven by the pure fact that he just wanted—wanted you, in any sense of the word. 
“What are you doing?” You ask curiously, watching as Eddie searched idly through his stack of music, somehow still managing his focus on the road.
“Changing the song,” He comments simply, pushing the disc into the player—the soft synth of the song pushing through the speakers of his van, “do you know it?”
“Corey Hart, right?” You ask, taking a wild guess. You’d only heard the song once, but it was still catchy enough that it stuck around in your brain, “I didn’t picture you as the type.”
“You’d be surprised.” He comments oddly, turning the volume up slightly. 
He notices the humming again, the small head bop along to the beat. “You like it.”
It’s more of a statement, rather than a question. You catch the side of his face, the small glint in his eye as he focuses back on the road.
“That's presumptuous of you,” You retort, hands twisting in your lap, “it’s alright, I guess.”
“Mind if I do a little study?” He asks hesitantly, breath catching in your throat for half a second.
“Of me?” You ask with a laugh, “I mean—if you want?”
“Your heart is racing, for one,” Eddie points out slyly, watching the rapid rise and fall of your chest as the beat picked up, chorus running through the silence that filled the air, “and you’re squeezing your hands.”
“Okay, genius,” You remark, “You’ve got eyes, good for you.”
He’s not really using his degree in this situation, it’s more of an innocent observation of the already underlying tension that Eddie couldn’t help but notice—the obvious body language giving you away. The song was just a secret favorite of his, but you didn’t need to know that, not yet.
“Mind I make one?” You ask, “An observation, I mean.”
What was the harm in it anyways? Eddie nods for you to continue.
“You’ve been shaking your leg since we left.” You point out, the bouncing coming to an abrupt stop, “and I’ve never seen you do that—ever.” 
“It’s the after performance buzz.” He replies cooly, but you can’t be bothered to believe it. “It’s not that unusual.”
“Eddie—you’re making that up,” You tell him, eyeing burning into the side of his face, “what’s your deal?”
“My deal?”
“Yeah—why are you lying?” It’s a bold question to ask, heart fluttering in your chest. But, the way he looks at you has your legs crossing in frustration, squeezing together to relieve that ache growing between your legs.
“So, you want to pretend I didn’t notice that either?” He asks, eyeing the full expanse of your body before stopping on your legs, still firmly crossed in the seat, hands white knuckling each other under the long sleeves of your shirt. “Uncross your legs.”
“What? No.” You scoff, offended by his forwardness for a brief moment. 
Eddie slips his hand under your knee wordlessly, prying your legs apart. You can’t help but look at him as if he’s lost his fucking mind—that doesn’t stop your legs from following his order. It made the ache that much worse.
“Don’t,” He warns hesitantly, the small shift in your leg giving you away, “it’s not gonna help.”
“Help what?” You reply dumbly, “I can’t cross my legs? Is that a crime?”
Eddie’s gaze lingers for far too long, noticing the flush of your chest and the way it creeps up your cheeks—they felt like they were on fire. In the midst of all the back and forth, it’s hard to keep focus on the main fact at play—teacher, student, your mind screaming, wrong.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
“I can help.” He makes a subtle nod toward you.
It didn’t take a genius to know what he was talking about. You were very well aware of the issue. You want to weigh your options, come up with some stupid reason to wiggle out if the situation—but nothing comes to mind. The way Eddie’s fingers tighten around the steering wheel has you digging your nails into your own thigh—you’re going to cave, you can feel it. 
“Eddie.” You warn, watching as his hands lingers toward the gear shift, resting against the cracked and worn down plastic covering.
“Our secret, right?” He teases, like this whole situation wasn’t built on secrecy. You nod willingly, legs spreading a few inches wider. His fingers trail the seam of your jeans, stopping on the button, popping it open with deft fingers. “Move this way—yeah, there.” 
And when his fingers breach the seam of your underwear, your mind sings a soft praise of release, watching as his hand forces its way into the tight space, leaving him no other option but to cup your cunt with his full palm.
There was no turning back now. 
His middle finger drags through your folds testingly, matching the slow undulating beat of the song, like this was a game to him. You have no idea how to handle your hovering hands, too afraid to touch him, so they wrap around the headrest behind your head, fingers gripped tightly together.
Your legs spread wider, giving him better access—you were rutting into his hand at the shift of position, feeling that familiar tingle of pleasure as it shot through your body, mixed with the feeling of a bite of forbidden fruit, avoiding Eddie’s heated gaze as he shifted between you and the road.
It feels reckless and stupid, but you can’t find the courage to stop.
The first dip of his finger is like heaven, feeling unfamiliar after so long, despite how often you touched yourself, you couldn’t remember the last time there had ever been anyone else but you—not since the first summer after you graduated; freshly eighteen and naive, letting a much older man have you how he wanted—it’s uncanny, the situation your in now. But this, it doesn’t feel like that.
“Fuck—“ Your voice catches, stomach clenching at the curl of his middle finger as it slipped inside of you and back out, pace so insufferably slow, “—need more.”
“There she is,” He smiles to himself, confidence oozing in his tone, “—shit, you’re such a liar.”
It takes you a minute to realize that he’s not talking to you at all—which sends you down a different wave of emotions, pussy clenching around his lone finger, gasping at the way he curls it against the soft walls of your cunt, searching desperately for something out of reach.
“How long has it been like this?” He asks curiously.
Since the moment you met him, is what you want to say. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You reply breathlessly, back arching away from the seat, cunt pressing further against his hand as he slips a second finger inside.
At the lie, Eddie stops without warning, and it gives you a headache, that slow build of pleasure deflating immediately. 
“The truth,” He says, though, it’s more of a demand, “tell me.”
And fuck, if you weren’t putty in this man’s rough, calloused hands. 
“Since earlier,” You reply, rewarded with the soft brush of a fingertip over your clit, you quickly unzip your jeans to allow for more room, “when I saw you onstage.”
Eddie’s groan in response tells you everything you need to hear. He slows to a stop at a red light and it’s the first real glance you share with him the entire evening, both of you seeing straight through each other, bodies overran with pleasure. 
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” He says, and it seems a little late for a realization like that, you can’t help but laugh, “what—you think it’s funny?”
“You’re the one with your hand down my pants, sir.” You retort, earning a disciplined squeeze as he shoves his two middle most fingers back into your cunt, molding around him like glue.
“Sorry—I know you hate that word,” You say playfully, “But do you mind if I use it? Or, do you prefer professor?” 
It was your turn to play into the guilt he was feeling, though it didn’t seem to be concerning if he still had his hands shoved down your pants so willingly. 
“Shut up,” He forces out, swerving slightly at the way you cunt clenched around his fingers, insides fluttering as he curves his fingers wildly, grazing that sweet spot deep inside of you, “don’t call me that.”
His hands were larger than yours, making up for all the work you missed out on. 
“Too far?” You ask teasingly, knowing that was the least of your worries; all moral lines crossed, blurred, forgotten about entirely. Eddie’s fingers pull back to graze over the sensitive nub, rubbing in small, leisurely circles, “Fuck that—that feels—“
Your moan is so unashamed that it surprises you, hips bucking up into his hands as you nearly leapt out of the seat.
Eddie can’t take the suffering much longer, pulling off onto the winding side road, tucked into a nest of trees. He unbuckles his seatbelt, allowing fuller access as he turns toward you, switching his hands with practiced ease—you couldn’t even open your eyes, face drawn up in pleasure. You knew the moment you looked at him you were done for. 
“Look at me,” His voice echoes alongside the melodic tune of the song, his fingers matching the catchy beat—the damn music aficionado he was, toying with you, fingers strumming against your swollen clit like the strings of his guitar, “—I said, look at me.”
Your body works for you, eyes opening on instinct—his voice was rough, authoritative, leaving no room for argument. 
“Good girl—It’s what you wanted, right?” He asks with a semblance of a smirk on his face, “It’s why you came tonight?”
You laugh weakly at his words, double entendre, unable to go unnoticed, “As far as I’m concerned, no one’s came tonight.”
His eyes darken, shifting toward your cunt, covered by your clothes, his wrist poking out above the thin material of your underwear. 
“You can stop—stop acting like this is my fault,” You hiccup, gasping as he applies heavy pressure to your clit, rubbing steadily, hating how shameful it feels as your cunt clenches around nothing, wishing his fingers were still buried inside you. “Please—fuck, I just—“
All self restraint forgotten, you hand searches for his face, finding its way into his curls, pulling gently at the root, the softest hint of a grunt falling from his lips—the first noticeable sign all evening that he was even slightly affected by this—by you. 
And maybe you’ve gone too far, the idea of touching him is where things go wrong, but you can’t be bothered to hold yourself together anymore. 
“It’s okay,” He assures you, leaning over the middle console, hand working quickly against your cunt, moaning loudly into the confines of the car, ashamed at how wrecked you sound, “I like it.”
He must’ve noticed your expression, lingering on his face—you could do anything and he’d fall to his knees. 
“It hurts—“ You plead, begging for release, “—please?”
It sounds too pretty coming from you, deciding that putting you out of your misery was easier than watching you suffer, on the verge of a mind-blowing orgasm, Eddie’s hands feeling so much better than your own, or anyone that’s touched you before. 
Your mouth hangs open on a wordless gasp, eyes squeezing shut at the force at which your high hits you, his fingers gently coaxing you through the descending pulse of your orgasm, near the point of over stimulation.
“Okayokay—“ You ramble, fingers wrapping around the length of his wrist as you pulled him away, heart skipping in your chest at the sight of his fingers flexing against your stomach as he pulls away, fingers covered in your wetness as a result of what just happened.
Your head rests against the back of the seat, chest heaving rapidly as you try to catch your breath. “Not that I’m complaining—“ Eddie’s voice pulls you out of your hypnosis, “but you might wanna let go.” 
“Shit—I’m sorry,” You apologize softly, letting go of his hair, looking at him sheepishly, hands returning to your lap to fix your pants. 
The song had ended long ago, the gentle rumble of the engine filling the quiet like an ambiance, realization settling between you both. 
Who speaks first? 
He’s quiet, wiping his hands on a black handkerchief that he seemed to have pulled out of nowhere, before stuffing it into his back pocket—where it must’ve been all along. 
“Should I—“
The stare you hold is long and tense, brimming with even more sexual tension than before, searching for some way to cope with whatever just happened. 
He glanced down at the hard bulge of his jeans, noticing the way your gaze catches. He shifts, pulling at the front of his jeans to adjust himself. “It’s fine.” He lies, not ready to allow this to go any further than it should have. 
“I don’t mind,” You reply slowly, voice hesitant as you lean forward, “I want to.”
He feels himself flex at the thought, the idea of your mouth—or even your hand, wrapped around, he was ruined. But, he’s insistent.
“I need to get you back to campus, right?” He asks, though the answer is obvious. It was a grasping at straw attempt to change the subject. “Red’s probably worried about you.”
Not a fucking chance.
“Yeah—you’re right.” You answer, trying to hide dejection, wanting nothing more than to touch him, as intimately as he had you. “We should go.”
It’s like he’s turning on his classroom demeanor before your eyes—and frankly, it’s ridiculous. He’s regretting every choice he just made and you know it, watching as he flips the gear into place, back on the road with one swift twist of the steering wheel. 
And it could’ve been the heat of the moment or the copious amount of drinks that Eddie had been offered that night, obscuring his rational thinking—but he didn’t reek of alcohol, not a single drop on his breath. So, if anything, it was regret, obvious and plastered over his entire face. 
But to Eddie, it's shame. 
Shame at the idea of breaking so many rules, risking his job at the hands of some young women—who he couldn’t help but be lured by, entranced at how much of an enigma you were. He couldn’t describe it, couldn’t even put it into words. 
And even after he drops you off that night, he comes in his hand, against the soft expanse of his stomach, the image of your face in his mind as you come apart by the work of his own hand. 
He knew there was no going back, allowing himself to fully succumb to the idea that if you were willing to let him have you like that, you’d let him do just about anything. 
It was exactly what you wanted. 
author's note: and an extra special thank you to @hellfirehoe for dealing with my nonstop horny thoughts about this and helping me proofread.
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transmascissues · 5 months
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next time someone tries to tell me people don’t demonize and act violently toward trans men and transmascs, i’m just going to make them read this reply i got to a positivity post that was specifically about trans manhood and transmasculinity. this is basically just every negative thing people say no one says about us rolled into one message that’s aimed directly at us.
and as if this isn’t enough on its own, their whole blog is full of this disgusting shit. it seems to be dedicated to it, actually. (fair warning, don’t look at the next two screenshots if you don’t want to see even more genuinely awful transphobia.)
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you can say what you want about how they’re probably just a troll or baiting or doing this for attention but the fact remains that, regardless of their true intentions, these are real things that a real person is saying about trans men&mascs, publicly and proudly and to our faces because they want it to do damage.
i’ve dealt with people like this before, on a much closer level. when i was a teenager, i had a grown woman come into my dms just to send me very graphic and detailed instructions on how to kill myself. literally entire paragraphs with all of the steps she wanted me to take. before i blocked her, i told her she was lucky she sent it to me and not someone more vulnerable, because otherwise she might have real blood on her hands. she just sent the whole thing again.
we can argue all day about infantilization versus demonization, erasure versus hypervisibility, what counts as violence, what words we use to talk about our oppression, and so on. but the reality is, whether you believe people want us dead or not, they clearly do, and a lot of them really aren’t making any effort to hide it. at this point, if you can’t see it, it’s because you don’t care about our lives enough to look at the reality that’s right in front of your face.
before you do anything else, block this person. don’t engage with them directly, don’t give them the satisfaction of the attention they might be fishing for, just block them. but don’t forget that they exist either, especially if you’re not a trans man or transmasc yourself. don’t just block them and move on and forget that there are real people out there who will say these things about us, who genuinely enjoy the thought that their actions might have deadly consequences.
because these are the people you empower to come out of hiding and start being blatant about their hatred when you insist that no one wants us dead, when you openly mock us and demonize us and try to cast us out from the community that we were supposed to share. when even our own people decide we’re an acceptable target, these bigots throw a fucking party because you’ve just told them they can get away with murder as long as it’s our blood on their hands. this particular blog was started recently, and i guarantee it’s not a coincidence that they started it in the midst of a rise in online anti-transmasculinity.
it really is telling, how much hate a positivity post has incited. y’all can’t stand when we talk about the bad things that happen to us, but you hate our happiness even more.
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dashitsxx · 3 months
don't you ignore me | bakugo katsuki x fem!reader
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summary. Maybe if Bakugo wasn't being a piece of shit to you, you wouldn't ignore and be bothered by his treatment towards you. However, you need to make him realize his actions, yet his temper always creates the most unexpected outcomes.
genre. angst. explicit smut. 18+
word count. 1.7k
warnings. dubcon. in an established relationship. adult!bakugo. hero!bakugo. citizen!reader. lots of cursing. arguments. aggressive behaviour. bitter and painful words (bakugo). communication issues. hints of possessiveness. a bit of egoistic behavior. degradation. dominance. manhandling. fingering. cunnilingus. slight choking.
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Silence bore between the two lovers, yet it was not the quietness of peace. It’s as if one of you stands waiting to be ignited before exploding. You crossed your arms and legs as you swung your foot back and forth, an annoyed expression crossed your face while in front of you was a glaring red-eyed man staring at you with a temper much worse than yours.
Bakugo clicked his tongue in annoyance, “Oi, aren’t you going to talk? Are you listening to me?" You only glared at him. It was his fault, anyway. So, why should you be bothered to communicate with him when he has no will to do it with you? It was always his profession, here, there, this, everywhere.
You understood him, always.
Yet it was unfair in your case; every time you asked him to do something for you, he would always reject it and prioritize his job before you. You even wonder if you were still his girlfriend or just a fucking maid. You didn't have to explain yourself with that, he should realize how he treats you. You sighed disappointedly at his response as you stood from the couch noiselessly before dashing upstairs to your bedroom. Bakugo stared at you with wide eyes, furious at your disrespect to him, especially your silence. He lets out a chuckle as he follows you. "Y/N. Talk to me, come on. What the fuck is your problem? Come on, babe. Fucking talk to me! You are making me look like a fool." Bakugo complained angrily. You pick up your pace, still ignoring him. "Stop fucking ignoring me!" Finally, Bakugo exploded.
A deafening reverberates in the bedroom as you harshly close the door. A shout followed once you entered your room. There were loud and quick strides that echoed behind the door. “Oi, Y/N! Don’t you ignore me!” Bakugo shouted aggressively. You ignored the loud voice of your boyfriend. Consequently, this made Bakugo bang on the door like a lunatic. “Hey, I am fucking talking to you! Stop being a bitch and open up the door!” He demanded furiously. 
Your jaw clenched upon hearing his words as you sit up before inhaling deeply. “Leave. me. the. fuck. alone. Katsuki. Just go and do your job by fucking other women!” You screamed back at him with a tone emphasising the words.
You stomp loudly on the ground as you heavily lay your body down on the bed. The shouts and screams by Bakugo continued as he continuously bangs the door. He can blast your door with his quirk at any moment, but despite his irritable temper, he is never reckless with his actions.
This situation resumes between you and your boyfriend for 5 more minutes until the banging stops. You waited a few moments to expect another banging, but it never came. When you feel like Bakugo has given up, you reach up to grab your pillow to place it on your face before gripping it and screaming as loud as you can.
“Asshole! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" Your muffled screams vibrated through the pillow. You were frustrated at your boyfriend. In a relationship, generally, people expressed that communication is the key to a healthy relationship. You agree with that perception while hoping to experience where you and your significant other are open towards each other, with no shyness or fear present. But with Bakugo, it was the opposite. He was loud, but it meant that he never listened. There were a lot of circumstances you can name where you tried to get him to listen to you. He always wanted people to follow him, including you. You love Bakugo, but you hate that part about him. His pride was a problem to you and the relationship itself. It hinders you from attempting to be open with your lover.
Sometimes, a thought passes by saying it would be better if you weren't in a relationship. You remove the pillow from your face as you blankly stare at the ceiling.
Should you break up with him? Suddenly, a frame appeared in your view. A loud gasp left your lips as you propped your elbows. The man in front of you had a deadly grin and eyes that were blazing fire as if his stare would kill you in seconds.
"The fuck did you just say, babe?" He gritted through his teeth. Your eyes dilated upon seeing your boyfriend. Your lips shake from fright as you try to form your words, "H-how... w-what, h-how did you..."
A chuckle left Bakugo's mouth as he trapped you between his body and the bed, slowly climbing up, "Babe, you are not the one who is only living here, hmm? But I want to know what you said a while ago."
You frown upon what he said—did you say it out loud? You never meant it. It was the heat of the moment. In a million years, you never wish for that to happen even if it passes in your mind. You back away slowly, "What do you mean? I didn't say anything..."
Another sarcastic chuckle was emitted by your boyfriend as he pushed himself up on his knees and cracked his knuckles soundly. You feel shivers spreading through your body as you wait for his turn to speak. His silence was fearing you.
Suddenly, he yanked your ankles towards him, leaving you to yelp in surprise. As he climbs between your legs and then bends down to you. With that, he begins to your face with his right hand, drawing in a ticklish manner. Gently, his thumb stops at your lips. You stare at Bakugo's face, only to see him, licking his lips sensually. He unhurriedly pushes his thumb between the gap of your lips as you allow him. The push of your tongue down made your back arched, your crotch inches away from his.
"You know, baby? I admire your courage, really do." Bakugo snickers as his hand leaves your mouth to slowly slide down to your neck, the saliva trailing your chin.
"It is one of the things I love about you... however, you can't fuck with me with that foolishness of yours."
A sudden, rough placement was rubbing your clothed pussy, and you gasped loudly at the sensation. Pleasure soared through your body despite the brutish action of Bakugo. He sneered at your reaction, it was definitely satisfying to see you squirming at his touch below him as always.
His right hand proceeds to lift your shirt up to free your breasts from the confinement of the fabric, "You say you wanna break up with me, huh? What the fuck you have been drinking for you to say that?" He mocks.
As his other hand hooks your shorts and panty to the side before sliding a finger up your slit. A moan erupted from your lips, "Oh my gosh, Katsuki!" You could not reply to his mocks due to the unbelievable satisfaction that he always gives you.
"This slut can't even give an answer." Bakugo grabs a nipple by his lips, sucking it harshly before switching to your other boob. You hissed in response. Bakugo always knows how to make you shut up, it wasn't your fault you couldn't answer.
"Perhaps, I should fuck you hard to get that pissy attitude out of your pussy... and I'll make sure that you would never think about leaving me. I guess this is what you deserve after fucking ignoring me the whole day." A deadly grin formed on Bakugo's lips as he let go of your nipples.
Your eyes widen as you quickly place your hands on his huge forearms. "W-wait! Katsuki! Ah!" You moan loudly as your boyfriend inserts two of his thick fingers in your cunt, making you feel full.
Like the expert he is, he harshly thrusts his fingers with his thumb circling your clit rapidly. You suck in a deep breath as your back arches greatly. The squelch of your pussy entertained Bakugo as he felt this great pride overpowering him.
"Look at how wet you are, babe. No one will ever get you this wet other than me."
The words of Bakugo only passes through the other ear as you feel dizzy at the pleasure. While you attempt to at least decrease the sensation, Bakugo notices it as he chuckles.
He then placed his palm flat on your pelvis area, pushing you to prevent you from moving away from him, but this didn't help you one bit. It made it more difficult for you to resist the upcoming hurl around your stomach. You squirm around his hold, "S-slow down! F-fuck, Bakugo!" You plead while leaving long streaks of red marks, digging your nails.
Yet, your boyfriend ignored the pain. He only curved his lips upwards as he continued to finger you at a merciless speed. You were a mess; beads of sweat formed all around your body; hair was in a dishevelled state; and a fucked-up pleasure expression crossed your face.
As you are in bliss, you don't notice your boyfriend go down on you. Then you feel a long wet stripe along your hole, and you take a sharp inhale. "Oh fuck, Katsuki!"
A snicker left his lips as he licked your slit deliberately. His red eyes stare at you, "You're lucky, I'd be the one fucking you like this. A lot are lining up just to get a taste of me."
His thumb continues to rub your clit. "But no man will be able to satisfy you like I do. Well, I don't plan to let them either." A possessive tone was evident in his voice.
You open your mouth to retract back at him, but he laps his tongue on your sensitive bud, making you twist. You slid your hand from his forearms to grab his hair hard.
He was ruthless as he pushes your hips down to prevent you moving carelessly. Katsuki sucks your clit repeatedly. Yet, you only gave moans and whimpers until a sudden twist feeling quickly emerges, releasing in your stomach as you heave.
"Oh, I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" You muttered repeatedly, which made your boyfriend laps his tongue in a much brutal pace.
You shiver as you release. Your chest rises up and down as you try to catch your breath. However before you gather yourself up, a hand stops you by pushing your neck down. You cough in the process as you struggle to breathe.
He glowers down at you with intense eyes. He is portaying his dominance over you. Little by little, he leans to your ear, lips slowly tickling the small hairs.
"I am still not done with you."
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all dividers are from @cafekitsune, thank you <33
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starillusion13 · 3 months
Our Girl
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request: "can you do san wooyoung and y/n in a poly they have nsfw and and they love each other but they dont know it until one of them say they like the other two"
Pairing: San x reader x Wooyoung
Genre: Fluff, Friends to lovers, Smut
Warnings: they are caring bestfriends to you😫, mention of insult in public by your toxic crush, lots of kissing, fingering, big San, big Woo, crying, thigh slapping, breast play, praising, comfort, aftercare.
W.C: 4.1k
Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated. Spread love not hate. This fic is so and so for me Ik😔.
Network: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
"What happened, y/n?" San asked you from across the room as soon as he saw you entering the house from the front door. You had a grumpy look on your face visible and almost kicked your shoes aside before placing the bag on a chair and plopped on the chair couch.
He had called you earlier on your way back home and you didn't reply like usual and you were eager to cut the call. And it's very usual for your best friends to ask you about the thing that was torturing you and making you so  dull.
You leaned back and rested your head, closing your eyes as you sighed deeply.
A hand entangled in your head started caressing your scalp and you smiled and hummed to the touch. The hand movements made it clear of the owner of the sweet gestures.
A small smile resting on your face and the man behind you patted your cheeks, urging you to speak.
"I don't want to talk." You said angrily.
"Where were you?"  Wooyoung detached his hands from your scalp and stood in front of you.
"Look at me, y/n." He crossed his arms and stared at you. You refused to look at him and shook your head.
San chuckled and stood up from his place and stood beside his bestfriend. They knew very well that you were exhausted and grumpy with something. After all, both of them being your best friends since college life and also roommates since then made you three closer with each other.
You always felt glad to get them as your bestfriend because they treated you like their own family and of course you tried to do a lot in return as well. Today they have returned early from their workplace.
It's very much clear that they don't let anything happen to you or let anything to slide if that something is causing you problem and now when you are exhausted and snapping at them. They wouldn’t leave the spot unless you are confessing everything.
San crouched down in front of you and caressed your hand, "y/n..." his voice was a scale lower than usual and it was demanding but still you were choosing to close your eyes and ignore them. After all, you wanted some rest after having the worst day of your life. "Wooyoung is asking you something."
"And I said I don't want to talk. Please keep quiet. My head hurts so bad right now."
To your blind vision, San nodded towards the standing boy and the other was quick to go back into the kitchen. San patted your hand and smiled, "it's okay. You don't have to talk with us. But please go and get fresh. I'll prepare a bath for you."
You felt hurt when you heard his soft and caring voice towards you. They didn't do anything then why were you ignoring them. They were just trying to help you out with your situation and trying to lift up your mood. You mentally scolded yourself that if there were some other people then they would have left you long back for your behavior during your down times.
Your eyes flutter open and quickly you noticed how he was still on the floor but his gaze was on you. The look was very endearing but there was something he was hiding. Your mind and eyes are really playing with you today.
"I'm sorry. But Thank you, San."
He shook his head and stood up, "come on. Don't say sorry. You are disturbed with something and it's okay to be like this with us. I don't mind. But come fast upstairs, I'm preparing the bath for you." He patted your cheeks and with hurried steps, he disappeared towards the stairs.
Craning your neck, you saw a familiar back of a figure in a black tshirt and trouser busy in the kitchen. You pressed your lips and went into the direction to find him placing some boxes on the countertop.
He looked up and smiled, "y/n?"
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay. But are you okay? Where were you though?" He asked you before placing the last item in the corner and leaned on the counter.
"Oh...don't ask about that. It's a nightmare to be in today's situation. Please Woo, don't ask me this again."
He shook his head and stared at you," no y/n. If you don't share with us then how come we'll sort out the problem. You know very clearly how I hate seeing you like this."
Taking a grape from the bowl, he swat your palm before taking it away. "Go wash your hands."
Rolling your eyes, you took the water bottle, "I'm just going to freshen up. Eating a grape wouldn't have matter much." After a small gulp of water, your throat felt like to cool it down.
His eyes followed your every movements until your eyes met his, "what are you looking at? I know I probably look like a shit right now."
"You look beautiful...always." He whispered the words but loud enough to make it audible for
you. You smirked and as soon as you were going to reply him, San called your name from upstairs.
"Gotta go." You laughed when he shook his head at your dramatic exit. But you could hear him say loudly, "come down fast or I won't be keeping any food left for you."
"Oh you will! You know how much I love your cooking."
Your hurried steps could be heard by both of them and the moment you entered your room, you could see San standing with folded hands and staring darkly at you.
"Why were you running? I told you so many times not to run in stairs, it's risky."
You took off your jacket and placed it on the bed and put your phone on the table after plugging it to charge. You smiled, "don't scold me as if I'm a baby."
"Yes you are. You are my baby."
"Now come on go inside. The food will be getting cold if you don't hurry up. And that doesn't mean to run down the stairs. Take the bath quickly."
You shoved him out of your room when he was sticked to his spot and scolding you and telling you so many things at once . You had it enough of him and you didn't want to hear a single word more from him.
You were humming a song when coming down the stairs and your gaze fell on Wooyoung and San sitting together on the sofa. They were having some conversations between them and so you tip toed over to the place and stood behind them.
"Oh gosh!" "Who?!"
You laughed out loud when you saw their surprised faces and you leaned to the sofa for support while laughing. They watched you in disbelief but soon little smiles spread across their faces.
"So you are scared of ghosts."
San shook his head and nudged the other to follow him while he replied you, " no we are not scared of ghost. It's called getting shocked with sudden surprise."
"Huh! Deny deny. I have seen the look on your faces."
They were arranging the plates on the table and you helped them with bringing the foods over there from the countertop. The smell was already making your stomach growl. They saw your excitement when you noticed they have made your favorite foods.
"Is this because I was snapping at you both earlier?" You asked them and quickly took a bite of the meat. Your eyes lit up.
San nodded and Wooyoung proudly walked to your side and pinched your nose, "yes. I know that only food can make you happy."
"Oh you know me too well. Thank you so much."
"The mixed rice is made by San. He was learning to make it last since Wednesday and finally he made it happen." San smacked his head when he revealed his attempts.
"Thanks. You both are blessings in my life. I don't know what I would have done without you two." Wooyoung sat beside you and San across from you. They both noticed your sigh in the end of the sentence and they exchanged looks.
"Y/n." San called your name in a low tone. You quickly looked up but your hands and mouth was still working on to feed yourself. "Where did you go? Why are you so down?"
Wooyoung quickly added to his sentence "Please tell us what happened."
You chewed the food and gulped a bit of water from the glass, " that guy I mentioned to you yesterday asked me to meet today over dinner after working hours."
They nodded and urged you to continue and so you did while looking down at your plate, "he didn't ask me to spend time with him but for his worst intention. He called over some of my university students and insulted me in front of them. he made fun of me of how once I have proposed him." you brushed back your hairs and sighed again, "it was long ago but still he had to mention it."
San grabbed the spoon tightly in his hold, clenching his jaw with the thought of how to commit a murder. when his eyes locked with the other boy in the room, he noticed he had a similar look on his face like him.
Wooyoung turned towards you and his heart ached when he saw tears falling down from your eyes and San was watching you from across the table. you wiped off the tears and smiled at them before putting a piece of meat inside your mouth, "I should've known before that he is an asshole. it would've been better if I had proposed one of you."
the words randomly came out of your mouth that you didn't notice that the two boys who were keenly listening to you had their ears perked up. proposed to them? the sudden awkward and silent atmosphere got interrupted by your unusual laugh. Wooyoung had an amused expression at your poor attempt to hide your shyness and San urged both of you to eat.
he was waiting for the dinner to end.
No one said anything regarding the last words came out of your mouth but you could feel the tension in the atmosphere when laying down on the couch in the living room after the dinner and both of them sitting near you. San was sitting on the space at the very end of the couch near your feet and Wooyoung was sitting on a chair. both of them staring at you.
you were laying comfortably but when you feel two pairs of eyes---of your bestfriends on you, you rolled your eyes before raising your brows at them, "now, what's up with you two?"
"what do you mean by proposing one of us?" San was the first one to raise the topic. you chuckled and paused the video on your phone and replied, "oh that's nothing. forget about it."
"Y/n...did you see what happened to you when you didn't listen to us about that guy? whenever you ignored us, you got yourself in a new problem." he stated and rested his palm over your ankles. that was a common gestures and you were used to their often skin-ship but today his sudden touch made your body shivered.
you switched off the screen and sighed, "I know and I'm sorry."
"Look y/n. you don't have to be sorry for that but atleast let us know what is bothering you."
Afterall, he is right. they do so much for you and in return, you cant even tell them your problems.
you glanced at both of them and closed your eyes, "It might sound weird but I...have feelings for my best friends. please I know or maybe don't know if you both have girlfriends or boyfriends or anyone but it's just i had to tell you to take off this feelings away from my heart."
you bit your lips and cursed yourself again. is this going to end your friendship between you three. No, right? oh gosh. what have you done? you inhaled sharply and pulled your legs to get off the couch but you got halted.
Someone grabbed your ankles and pulled your legs straight. your eyes fluttered open and you looked at him confused but the look on his face was so unpredictable. it was dark yet somewhere a caring and protectiveness was surrounding him. you looked towards your side to find Wooyoung standing with crossed hands over his chest.
"It's not weird to have feelings for someone so obvious." Wooyoung stated and stared at you darkly.
you blinked, "what do you mean?"
"Y/n...if i say the feelings are mutual." he said and glanced at the boy sitting beside your feet. you looked over to him as well to find him nodding at his words.
"Are you serious? really?"
Wooyoung laughed at your wide eyed look and crouched down beside you to flick your nose, "yes baby. so what do you say? shall we?"
"shall we what?" you tried to get up but Wooyoung pushed you down by pushing down your shoulders against the leather. "what?"
San chuckled and shook his head, "Woo... not now."
are you thinking right? they are wanting the same thing like yours right? come on...its been so long you have get off yourself and you have never been laid off. but what if they want something else and you are just depicting the situation in a wrong way.
"Please...it's now. I want it now." you whispered the words to them. they both stared at you after hearing it.
"Do you know what you are asking for?" San's grip tightened with the words from his mouth. Your anticipating eyes and the way you licked your lips when slowly nodding towards them made him lose his mind.
Wooyoung chuckled and you looked at him, "you are asking for something which can change every dynamic of this relationship." You again nodded at his words.
You grabbed his wrist and squeezed it, "I know...please."
The way you looked at him, as if you lured him towards you and he was quick to attach his lips onto yours. A lot of thoughts were storming inside your mind but the top of everything was that your best friend was kissing you. You agreed to kiss—to do everything with your best friend.
He had immersed himself into the moment but you were staring at him, your palms resting on his cheeks, entangling with his hairs and smoothing over the neck and then when you felt a separate set of hands fondling your thighs. You were gasping for the lack of air but the one kissing you had no intention of leaving you at anytime soon.
You pulled him away from you and you breathed heavily, "I would have died of lack of air, Woo."
His laugh echoed inside the wide room and he kissed your cheek. San leaned forward to hovered on top of you. The movements caused your top to ride up a little exposing little part of your stomach. San smiled at the sight and kissed on the exposed flesh making you giggle and he soon pressed his lips on yours. His kiss was sort of hungry than the other one. He was alternating between kissing your jaw, your throat and cheek. His palm over your breast squeezed it lightly, earning low moans out of your mouth.
"Y/n...if you continue making those sounds then I might have you in such a ways that you can't even think of." San whispered into your ears while resting on top of yours.
"Then have me like that." You said and smirked at him.
He chuckled and pecked the tip of your nose, "you are so bad, baby."
You smiled and felt him pulled you upwards with him to let Wooyoung sit behind you. He hugged you from behind and snuggled in your shoulders and murmured sweet praises in your ears. You patted his head with one hand and San kissed your other one which was intertwined with his.
"Is it your first time?" San asked you before slowly pulling down your short and caressed your thighs. You nervously bit your lips and shyly nodded.
A nervousness appeared on your face and they both noticed your sudden change in behavior. And Wooyoung kissed your ears, "what happened? Do you want me to stop? Just say it, y/n."
"No!" You quickly denied. "It's just I don't know if I can handle this or any."
San cupped your cheeks and smiled, "it's okay. We won't cross the limits. Just two for us okay?"
Wooyoung's hand disappeared under your top when he unclipped your bra to feel your breasts got loose in his hold. He bit your neck and kissed away the pain. You were so lost in the moment that you didn't notice San had put aside your panty to insert a finger when you gasped.
"It's okay, y/n. You are okay." Both of them praised you. San groaned when he felt you clenching around his finger. When he felt your sensitive skin filling up his fingers with slick, he smirked and added one more fingers and started pumping at a higher speed.
"Oh gosh! Just look at her face, San. She is already done with just fingers. How will she last with us inside her?" His laugh echoed in your ears.
"Stop it!" You whined and San chuckled, "do you want me to stop?"
"No! I mean I can take you both. It's just...feels too good."
"Really?" He increased his pace and Wooyoung pinched your nipples and massaged your breasts. Your chest heaving up and down. San noticed your attempt to close the legs around his hand but he held them apart, "don't or I will stop."
"No no please more...please more..I.. I"
"Are you close?" He asked you and you nodded. He slapped your thigh, "use your words."
"Yes yes...please..."
He detached his hands from your core and pulled down his own pants to reveal his hard member and red tip poking at your vision. You gulped at the sight of the size and he noticed your eyes focused on it and ruffled your hairs.
"Can you take it?"
"I think so..."
He pecked you before slowly entering you. You cried out in pain for the sudden stretch. San first had a concern etched on his face but quickly pulled out.
"Are you okay?" He brushed your hairs and cupped your face to look at your teary eyes.
You nodded, "yes...please San."
"Are you sure?"
You nodded and first he entered just the tip. Your breath hitched and you whimpered. Wooyoung cooed at you and grabbed your chin to pull you in a kiss to distract you from the pain. Your palms tightly clutched San's shoulders and he hissed when your nails digging in his skin because of his sleeveless tshirt.
San moved your attention on him and increased his pace when your previous orgasm returned again. You couldn't take him properly but he didn't mind, he was just concentrating on you. He wanted you safe.
Soon, when he felt you clenching, he was sure you were near to come and groaned before pulling you in a kiss. He was both hungry and desperate for you. His thumb rubbed circles over your clit and you whined.
The look on your face when the orgasm hit you was enjoyed by both of them. San groaned at the sight of your blissed out expression.
"You look so hot like this. I can't stop myself."he said and leaned back. “I love you baby.”
“San.” You shyly called his name and he moved your chin up to look at him, “say it pretty.”
“I love you too.”
Wooyoung turned you around when the other one pulled himself out after riding out the high.
You were still in a daze because of the previous activity and he rested your head on his shoulder, stroking your hairs, "it's okay. Take breaths." His other hand pulling down his pants down and soon you felt his tip poking your entrance.
His gestures were always sweet and he was taking time to let yourself relax before he could have you. You hummed in silence and sighed.
He soon felt your breaths were normal against his skin and he used his two fingers to scissor you and painted the walls with your slick. You moaned to his touch and he pecked your nose.
"You are so cute..."
You kissed his shoulder then his neck before facing him in front and pecked his lips. He smirked at you, “it’s seems like you are enjoying this too much.”
He caressed your cheek and you snaked your hands around his neck when he slowly entered his tip inside you. When he saw a green sign, then inserted his whole length, stretching you out. He kissed your eyes and pressed his lips onto yours.
“Is it okay? Hurting somewhere?” He murmured softly and caressed your back. Again, his hand went under your top to put his attention on your breasts and you moaned.
He didn’t move and made you still with the right grip on your waist. Tears welled up in your eyes for the unbearable pain but you were constantly nodding to give him the sign to proceed.
But he didn’t. He was enjoying your impatience.
Another pair of hands patted your head and when you looked at the direction, you found San kneeling beside you both and encouraging you to adjust to the length.
You shifted in your place and Wooyoung groaned loudly. As soon as you whined, he grabbed your neck and breast and started moving in a slow pace.
It was building up the euphoric feeling once again, the pain turning into pleasure and your body shaking with every little torture on your nipples. The sensitive skin over your throat and neck was getting bruised by him. Not only him but San was enjoying your skin against his lips as well.
“You are so tight and clenching around me as if you don’t want me to stop tonight. Is it right, baby?” He moaned out loudly.
San chuckled in your ears, “isn’t she so perfectly tight? Like perfect for us.”
His pace increased and you were literally bouncing on his lap. You didn’t have to do anything much because he was guiding you through.
“I..I want to come…please.”
“Do you?” He smirked mischievously and rubbed slow circles over your clit. You nodded aggressively but he grabbed your neck to pull you close and pressed a small kiss, “words baby.”
“Yes yes please.”
“Here you go.” He thrusted deeper until you both come undone. Both of your chests heaving up and down against each other. He didn’t pull out but rested your head against his shoulder and San stroked your hairs.
“Shh…slow down. Are you okay?”
You hummed in reply, earning a kiss from both of them on your head.
“So?… did you just do it to take off my mind from the incident happened earlier?”
San asked you, “did it take off your mind from it?”
You nodded, “but there’s something else.”
“What?” Wooyoung asked you and raised your head to cup your cheeks. He smiled at you and you returned a little kiss.
“Does this sound selfish that I don’t want to choose one of you? But both.” You asked and whined when he pulled out.
“Yes.” San said and glanced at the other one before cracking into a smile, “it will sound selfish if you choose one….as we are not planning to leave you to only one.”
“And no one else other than from us. I love you…I fucking love you so much. My wish came true to have you as my girlfriend.” Wooyoung cheered in the end of the sentence.
“I love you too, Woo.”
You again rested your head on him and closed your eyes, “I’m so tired…but again I need to wash up.”
“It’s okay. You rest here. We will clean you up and we will sleep together.” San said and stood up.
Your eyes opened, “really?”
“Anything for our girl.”
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Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @hwanring @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon @hyuukah @kazscara @aceofspadesbiofalltrades @nvdhrzn @meowmeeps @vtyb23 @haechansbbg
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itsokbbygrl · 2 months
Just Stay.
- A GN!Reader x Jackson!Joel Miller story
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For my wonderful, lovely, kind, hilarious friend, Jo (@morgaussy/@merci-killing), who wants nothing more than to worship that old man. I hope this is to your liking ♡
Tags: 18+ MDNI, explicit content, BODY WORSHIP, slight size difference (reader is described as shorter than Joel), reader is generally able bodied and has hair but is otherwise not described, oral sex (M receiving), heavy petting, lots and lots of kisses, body hair appreciation, domestic fluffy smut, two goobers deeply in love, kink discussion (daddy kink, and per jo's request, "A secret barely there splash of mommy kink"), grief mention, TLOU2 Jackson Era (post-Ellie run away era, pre-snowstorm)
WC: 4.6k
A/N: this is full of lazy writing technique and i am aware! there is POV switching whenever i say so, get in both their brains, die mad about it POV purists :)
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Warm water, straight from the tap. Straight from the tap and into the basin where Joel Miller’s aching muscles are learning to relax, still, years after their first reconnaissance with a god’s honest bath. He can’t quite believe it. More than 20 years after the end of the world, where people starve and maim and kill and hunt to survive, there are still hot baths. He takes a deep breath and sighs in relief, letting himself sink lower beneath the surface, only the top of his broad chest and shoulders remaining above in the cool air of the home. He closes his eyes for a moment, soaking. 
The jiggling of the sticky front door knob calls his attention. An alertness solidified in a world consisting only of predators and prey. Kill or be killed. He knows, rationally, he’s safe here. His eyes clock his hunting knife laid safely on the vanity anyway. 
He listens to the familiar sound of your steps, the way you insist on toeing off your boots at the front door, the soft pattering of sock clad feet as they maneuver around the first floor, the creak of the loose floorboard near the kitchen island that he’s been meaning to fix. He can tell just from your movements that you’re hankering for a cup of tea—hearing the cabinet door close softly, always gentle, the ceramic clink of the base of your favorite mug coming into contact with the stone countertop, the metallic clang of the filled teapot as you set it atop the stove. He relaxes further knowing you’re home, safe. 
The water is just turning tepid when he hears the stairs creak, signaling your imminent arrival. He pushes himself back up to greet you, the cooler air causing his wet skin to break out in gooseflesh. He turns his head to find you standing quietly, hip propped against the vanity, warm mug cupped between your palms, eyes trained on him already, his favorite soft grin gracing your lips, plumping your cheeks. 
“Whatcha doin’ there, starlight?” he asks. 
“Just admiring the art,” you respond, raising your mug to your mouth and taking a slurping sip, careful not to burn the fragile skin of your lips and tongue. The response makes him chuckle and flush, blaming the pinkness brought to his chest and neck on the temperature of the water if pressed. 
His starlight. A beacon in the dark, guiding him home. He found you at a time when he thought he’d lost everything. Ellie had run off, and, terrified, he’d run after her. Once she’d been found, she’d confessed how she hated him for the choices he’d made for her, how she didn’t want to be part of his life anymore, and he’d agreed to her terms as long as it meant she’d be safe and home. He’d spent the entire ride back to Jackson fighting off the grief that threatened to overtake him. He wasn’t sure how he was going to cope this time, losing another daughter. At least this time he knew she was alive, could watch from a distance as she grew, could talk to the other townsfolk and get updates on her life, make sure she was ok. 
That was where you came in. You’d been serving at the local watering hole, The Tipsy Bison, when he’d come in for a drink. You’d poured his whiskey neat, just as he’d requested, and quietly left him to his thoughts as you tended to other patrons. He sat quietly, sipping his drink and listening to your conversation. His ears perked up when he heard you mention your students having a hard time with an assignment you’d given recently. He knew everyone in town shared responsibilities, should’ve figured you would have more to offer to Jackson than to only be a bartender. When you came over to check on him, see if he wanted another pour he assumes, he cleared his throat and asked about your other role as a teacher and your entire face lit up as you gushed about your kids. He tried to listen, but found himself lost in the feeling of being a kid again, the awe he felt the first time his dad had taken him and Tommy out to the wide open Texan countryside and shown them how bright the stars could shine. 
He tuned back in when he caught you talking about one student in particular you had connected with—his Ellie. How she was a natural writer, so creative, always scribbling in her journal. Mostly doodles, but over time you described how you’d earned her trust and she’d opened up a little more, shown you some of her poetry, how you’d encouraged her to keep writing. You talked about how she was quiet, shy, kept to herself most of the time, but she had a lot to say on paper. Joel tried to tamp down the proud tears that threatened to well at the news. She was ok. She was going to be ok. 
Joel kept going back and you were always there for him, greeting him by name with a soft smile, pouring his glass of whiskey before he’d even had a chance to take a seat on one of the old wooden barstools. You’d formed an easy friendship and before he knew it, he was inviting you over for dinner. You’d gone a little speechless and he worried he’d overstepped, but then you’d let out a breath you must have been holding and giggled, burying your face in your palms for a second before you found his eyes again and the way they shone for him was nothing short of celestial. You’d agreed, and the rest is history. 
“You wanna get in?” Joel asked, motioning to the tub. 
You shook your head. “Not today. Just want to keep you company if that’s alright.”
“Course that’s alright, sweetheart. Make yourself at home,” he said before going back to relaxing, closing his eyes.
You watched him ease back into contentment in the water before you moved, opening the cabinet below the sink and stealing a couple clean towels. You placed them on the floor next to the tub before kneeling atop them. You took a long drink from your mug of tea before placing it aside. You looked over the products on the tub ledge and grabbed the shampoo. Quietly, you leaned over, laying a soft kiss to Joel’s exposed shoulder before whispering in his ear, “Tip your head back for me.”
He did as instructed, sitting up from the wall, keeping his eyes closed and tipping his head back. You grabbed your mug of tea, draining it before quickly rinsing it in the water, filling it and carefully soaking his sweat damp curls, using your hand to ensure none of the water dripped forward onto his face. You then uncapped the shampoo and squirted a small amount into the palm of your hand. You lathered your hands together, causing the shampoo to begin sudsing, and brought your fingers to his scalp. He hummed in bliss as you began massaging the soap into his tresses, the day’s tension easing from you both as you cared and were cared for in return. 
After a few minutes of gentle ministration, you guided his head back with your fingertip under his chin before rinsing the suds from his locks. You then reached for your bottle of conditioner, something you typically reserved for special occasions, and squirted a dollop into your hand before softly carding it through his hair. You let it sit for a bit, rinsing your hands in the water and allowing yourself a moment to admire the man in front of you. He was remarkably beautiful—strong, broad, sun speckled chest giving way to a softer stomach coated in a fine layer of soft brown hair that drew your eyes southward to where his thick cock laid softly against the crease of his thigh, his legs strong enough to walk or ride for miles. Scars littered his skin and you mentally pressed a kiss to each one as your eyes worked their way back up to his face. His eyes met yours there and he leaned forward, capturing your mouth with his own. He held you in place with his palm in its favorite place, cupped around the side of your jaw, thumb finding its place in the divot next to your ear. He kissed you deeply for a few more moments, pouring all of his affection for you into it. You smiled, effectively breaking the embrace, and left him with a final peck to his lips, the tip of his nose, his forehead, before maneuvering him once again to rinse the conditioner from his hair. 
Once clean, you helped ease him from beneath the water, wrapping him in one of the towels, now body-warm from where you sat, using the other as a soft barrier between his wet feet and the cold tile floor. He lets you care for him without a word, chest warming as you dry his body and leave sweet kisses in the towel’s wake as you go. He laughs good naturedly when you try to comb his hair back and have trouble reaching, bending down to make the job easier. His heart swells when he sees you grab your precious jar of aloe from the countertop, swiping your fingers through the gooey substance and working it between your palms. 
“Can you sit on the toilet for me, please?” You ask. He plants a kiss on your head and complies, thankful for the warm towel you wrapped him with saving his damp skin from the cold porcelain. You stand between his spread thighs and begin your work, piecing together a clump of curls and twisting them around your finger, effectively applying the gelled aloe before giving the little ringlet a squeeze and moving onto the next piece. Joel sits calmly, loving the feeling of your fingers in his hair, the way you love him so simply. He wonders, as he often does, how he got so lucky to find such goodness in a world gone so rotten. 
You take your time, dipping back into the jar of aloe you harvested earlier that week as needed, ensuring each ringlet receives the care it so deserves. You love doing this for him. You love this man—this man with his reputation for violence, this man with a karmic debt that may never be fully repaid, this man whose hands were made to create, not destroy, who patiently sits with children as he teaches them to play the guitar, who misses his daughters more than anything in the world. Joel Miller, who protects the least of these with his gun and his knife and his bare hands. The same hands that delicately carve in his workshop, drafting some of the most intricate pieces of woodworking you’d ever seen. 
You finish the last curl at the base of his skull, just behind his ear. You give it a little tug and watch as it springs back into shape, smiling at the sight, before leaning down to leave a kiss there…and there and there as you move down the column of his strong neck. You feel his large palms grip your hips and you move your kisses northward, along his jaw, to his mouth where he meets you, urges your mouth open to lick inside and explore. You pursue a deeper physical knowledge of him in return, giving as good as you’re getting, tongue dancing behind his teeth, cataloging every crevice, every bump and ridge, deciphering the taste of him as if he were a fine wine—notes of apple and coffee and his 5pm pour of whiskey and something uniquely him. 
You feel his hands roaming, making their way to the front of your jeans, pushing the button through its hole and tugging down the zipper before stuffing his hand inside. He gives you a few firm strokes over your underwear, just to feel, to be so close, and you allow him to explore for a moment before you break your kiss to rest your forehead against his. 
You shake your head softly when he attempts to move his hand beneath your cotton barrier and he stills his hand. “Not tonight,” you say quietly, “you first,” and you step back before sinking to your heels in front of him, grabbing the towel from in front of the bathtub and placing it under you before kneeling forward and meeting his eyes. His pupils are blown wide, mouth shiny and flushed with arousal, his chest and neck blushed a beautiful pink. You think he’s never more beautiful than when he’s about to get his cock worshiped by your reverential mouth. 
You reach up and gently unfurl the towel from where it’s tucked at his waist, allowing the soft graze of your fingertips to lightly tickle the skin of his stomach, the muscles beneath contracting in their wake. You unwrap him like the gift he is, allowing the towel to open fully, exposing all of him to the room. You take in the sight of him, hard and drooling at the tip, thick thatch of curls nestled at the base, strong thighs parted to cradle you between them. You turn your head to the side and lay a kiss to the inside of his knee, up his thigh, right to the crease of his sensitive groin, before repeating the motion on the other side. You hear him groan and look up to find his head tipped back, already losing himself to his pleasure. You’ll never get over how easy he is for you, how much he clearly loves the way you love him. You repeat your favorite vow to whatever god is listening, to love him forever if they’ll be so gracious. 
You reach up to grip the heavy weight of him in your palm, curling your fingers around him as much as you can, and give him a few gentle strokes, the velvety soft skin warm in your hand. You feel his pulse combine with your own as you glide your thumb along the veiny underside. A fresh drop of precum oozes from the tip and you’d be remiss to let it go untasted, leaning forward to meet the spongy head with the wet warmth of your tongue and lapping at it, thankful for its musky, salty gift. You’re sure at some point you’ve stepped out of your body because everything goes quiet as you taste and taste and taste him, lathing your tongue over and over the weeping head while your hand continues to stroke, kissing the very tip of him gently before trailing your lips along the length of him, down to the base and tonguing back to the top, mirroring your actions on the other side, lifting him to give attention underneath, not wanting to leave even a millimeter of him unfound by your mouth. 
“God, baby, there you go, so good at this,” Joel’s praises bring your head back above water, but all you want to do is drown. And so you do. You flick your eyes up to meet his before opening your mouth wide and allowing the thick length of him inside, sliding him along your textured tongue, and closing your lips around him tightly. You hold him there for a moment, watching his face as you roll your tongue along the underside of his cock, sucking in a stuttered pattern, allowing the pillowy softness of your inner cheeks to hug him briefly, before pulling off and refilling your lungs. His eyes glisten just as yours do. He cups your face in his palm and you turn to kiss him there. He pushes his fingers into your hair and gently scritches at your scalp. You close your eyes and lean into the gesture before returning to prayer at your altar. 
You take him as deep as your jaw will allow over and over, not caring for how messy things are getting as you continue the push and pull, saliva pooling on your tongue and dripping along his length, down the corners of your mouth, off your swollen lips and onto the towel below. You can hear him moaning with abandon now, knowing he’s loving this as much as you do. You tenderly roll his sac between your fingers and he tugs at your hair, so you continue your ministrations as you suck. 
“Shit, baby, gonna make me cum,” he warns. You pull your mouth off him and continue to stroke him with your hand. 
“Cum in my mouth. Please, want to taste you, want to, want to,” you stutter, mind focused solely on him, making him cum, easing him into blissful release. You open wide and take him back inside, closing your eyes and losing yourself to the feeling. You grab his other hand with your own, holding tight to each other as he helps guide your head exactly where he needs you. You suck and suck and suck until he grants you the prize you’ve eagerly anticipated, and he does it so beautifully. The sounds he releases from his throat resonate against the tiled floors and walls of the room, reverberating into your bones. His lashes fan and grace the tops of his cheeks where his eyes are squeezed tightly shut. His pillowy lips part, the plushness marred by his own teeth marks, bitten in an effort to not give too much of himself away too soon. He tastes so deliciously of man—clean, soapy, salty, musky—as he releases onto your tongue, into the back of your throat, and you make every effort to gracefully swallow everything he gives. 
Once he’s finished, you softly suckle the last of your combined fluids from his length, ingesting them to become one together inside you. You leave a parting kiss to his length in thanks for all he’s given you before you allow Joel to haul you up to meet his mouth. He kisses you fiercely, tasting himself there. You know him almost as well as you know yourself, and you know he’s itching to return the favor, but you slow him, softening the kiss until the temperature returns to a simmer. He holds you there against his bareness, one arm keeping your head against his chest while the other strokes your back and you mirror him, fingers running gently all along his back. You feel more than hear when he speaks as it rumbles from his chest. 
“Thank you, darlin’. Love you, more’n I thought was possible,” he says. You sigh and kiss his chest, wrap your arms around him tighter. 
“Feeling’s mutual, my love. I promise,” you assure him, giving him a final squeeze before stepping back, keeping his hands in yours, not wanting to completely break contact with him just yet. “Come with me, we need to get you dressed.”
You lead him by the hand to your shared bedroom and sit him on the edge of the bed. You turn around and find the dresser where you keep a majority of your combined clothes—yours on the left, his on the right—and pull out a well worn tee and pair of grey sweatpants. You bring the clothes back over to him, setting the pants aside for the moment, and unfolding the t-shirt. 
“Arms up, baby,” you instruct. He complies amusedly, raising his arms above his head while you drape him in soft cotton, paying careful attention to the collar, ensuring it’s stretched wide to not disturb his drying curls. Once the shirt is tugged down to cover his soft belly, you move to his pants, scrunching up one leg and feeding his foot through before repeating the motions with the other side. “Stand, please,” you request. He stands, allowing you to tug the waistband up over the swell of his ass, carefully pulling the material over his front to not accidentally overstimulate his now soft cock. You eye him up and down, nodding in approval of your handiwork. “Beautiful,” you say under your breath, not intending for him to hear, just for yourself. 
Joel doesn’t remember the last time he felt this way—so deeply cared for. For as long as he can remember now, he’s been the provider, the protector. He hasn’t had a moment to slow down since before Sarah was born, 30 some odd years ago now. And it feels…nice. He feels small in some ways, but not diminished, never with you. No, he feels almost young again, experiencing this kind of selfless love that he’s only ever experienced before from a parent, and something clicks for him. He sees you near the hamper, changing out of your day clothes and into your own pajamas and he gets you, understands you on a deeper level than he had just hours before. He lets you finish your routine and make your way back over to him, anticipating you getting into bed, but instead he’s met with your hand reaching out for him. He takes it in his own, he’ll always take it when it’s so graciously offered. 
“C’mon, let’s have a snack, worked up an appetite,” you say jovially. He snickers, thinking to himself that he fed you pretty well not 10 minutes ago, but he’d follow you to the ends of the Earth if it meant you’d keep smiling at him like that. 
You lead him downstairs to the kitchen and sit him in his chair at the breakfast table he made just for you. While you putter around, preparing the two of you a small meal to share, he thinks about how beautiful you look in the morning light, the early sun catching on your hair and in your eyes. And you, you give the sun a run for its money with how you shine, bright and golden, warming everyone you come into contact with. You make it so easy for him to forget where you all are, when you are. Nothing is simpler than time spent with you. And now he knows you even better and he isn’t sure yet how he’ll quite thank you for that. 
In what feels like just a blink, Joel watches as you plate a simple late evening dinner of eggs and toast for the two of you, an old favorite of Sarah’s, nothing sillier to a child than having breakfast food while the moon sits high in the sky. You bring the plates to the table and sit across from him. He hooks his foot around your ankle as soon as you’re settled. 
“Thank you, sweetpea. You didn’t have to do all this,” Joel tells you as he accepts the proffered fork. 
“I know,” you respond, stabbing a bite of your scramble with your own cutlery, “but I wanted to,” you finish simply, popping the eggs into your mouth with a smile. Joel returns your smile and digs in. 
The two of you quickly polish off your plates, leaving nothing but the crumbs from the bread you’d baked a few days prior behind. Joel moves to clear the table and you allow him to, but join him at the sink, grabbing the dish towel from its place draped over the left half, falling into your regular routine—Joel washes, you dry. 
“You know,” he starts, “I think I understand you even better now, after today.”
You turn to look at him with an amusedly confused face. “In what way?”
“You know how sometimes you ask me to be your “daddy” in bed? I love you and I would do almost anything for you, so I’ve never had a problem with it, and I love how it seems to make you feel, but I didn’t fully understand it before,” he pauses, giving you time to respond if you felt you needed to, and turns to see you’ve paused with plate in hand. He fully turns his body to face you now. “I think I get it now. The way you took care of me tonight? It was…almost parental? But it wasn’t at all at the same time. I think,” he tries again, “I think the only other time in my life I’ve experienced that kind of selfless…devotion, I guess…was from a parent. And obviously you’re not my parent, but…fuck, I’m fucking this up, aren’t I?” he asks self-consciously, unable to meet your gaze. 
You bring your fingers to his chin, lifting his eyes to meet yours before you speak. “You’re not fucking anything up. You’re right, that’s why I like it, why sometimes I need it. It’s the way you take care of me. You make me feel so incredibly safe, Joel,” you answer him. 
Joel pulls you into his chest, gently rubbing your back. “It makes me so, so happy to hear that, my sweet starlight. Always want you to feel safe, loved, taken care of here.”
Your hands snake up the back of his shirt, needing to feel him closer, flesh on flesh. “The same goes for me, you know? If you ever need, or want…I want you to feel that way, too. I love taking care of you, too.”
Joel leans down and kisses the top of your head, closing his eyes and breathing in the scent of you, wanting to solidify this memory for as long as his mind will allow him to hold it. He considers leaving the dishes in the sink to be tomorrow’s problem, wanting nothing more than to return to bed with you, but he knows he’ll be frustrated when the egg has glued itself to the pan and he has to really scrub to remove it. He reluctantly releases you from his embrace and turns back to the sink, washing the remaining plate before handing it to you to dry, and doing the same with the utensils and the old, salvaged steel pan. 
Once you’re both satisfied with your work, you close down the kitchen in tandem, flicking off the lights and heading back to your room. You move to your respective sides of the bed—Joel going left, you going right—before climbing beneath the old, soft comforter. You’re both wiped from the day’s activities, opting to just turn the lights out rather than do your usual song and dance of reading for five minutes and falling asleep with the book splayed open on your chest, leaving Joel to gently dogear the page and set it on your bedside table before clicking off your lamp in fond exasperation. In the dark, you hear him shuffle, turning towards you. 
“Hey, darlin’?” he asks, getting your attention. 
“Yeah, baby?”
“Can you, umm, would you hold me tonight?”
“Of course I will. C’mere, my sweet boy,” you answer. Joel turns over again and shuffles back, allowing you to snake your arm over his torso and bury your face in his shoulders. He holds your arm in place and it feels…right, so nice and comforting and he gets it. 
“Thank you. For everything. Never known a love like this, but you make it so easy. Not sure how I’ll ever be able to repay you.”
“Just stay, Joel,” you answer simply, “stay with me. That’s all I want, all I need.”
And he thinks he can do that. And he sends up his own prayer, his favorite vow, to whatever god is listening, to let him stay with you forever, to let him love you until his dying day, that they owe you that much at least, your simple wish. He’ll do whatever he can to ensure it comes true. And as he drifts into unconsciousness, held safely in your arms, he thinks he never wants to be anywhere else. 
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thank you for reading ♡ please reblog or leave a comment if you enjoyed!
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luveline · 2 months
Hi Jade!!! I love, love, love your writing. I was wondering if you could write something for Tsam Peter x reader where reader has a concussion and Peter is just generally super sweet about taking care of them? I have a concussion right now and I feel like he would be so sweet about it. If not feel free to ignore this, love you!!! <3
i love u!! fem!reader, 1k
You’re shivering again. Peter looks up from his book suspiciously, squinting at the curve of your where you’re laying on his couch. He should let you rest —you’re allowed to sleep with a concussion, despite what some might think— but he doesn’t like the shivering. It’s weird. 
“I'm coming, baby,” he says, standing up from the armchair to situate himself by your hips. 
Peter pulls the blankets more firmly to your chin. “Are you cold, bub?” he asks. It might appear that he’s talking to you while you’re still sleeping, but the smile you give when he talks proves otherwise. 
“No,” you force out in a mumble. 
“Are you sure?” 
It takes you some time to think about it. Your body’s been thrown for a loop since you hurt yourself, but you’re healing nicely, and your mental stamina is yards better than it had been. Peter asked you yesterday if you wanted a kiss and you couldn’t answer him for a full minute, and when you did it was an uncoordinated lift of your chin. You’re still in there, still his girl, just mildly incapacitated for the time being. 
“I might be,” you decide. 
Peter grabs a throw from under the coffee table and shakes it out over your arms and shoulders. “There. Need a drink?” 
“Do you?” you ask. 
“You’re asking me lots of questions,” you say, slowly, quietly, but not without character. “I thought I’d ask one back.” 
“I don’t need anything.” He tilts his head to align your faces, leaning in, not quite close enough to kiss you. 
“You look very serious right now, Spider-Man.” 
He glares for show. “So serious.” 
“Sorry I can’t really make you a drink.” 
Peter wipes the glare. “I’m sorry you got hurt. I don’t care that you can’t be my serf right now. When you’re better I’m gonna work you twice as hard, that’s all.” 
You raise a tired hand to his jaw. You’re extra careful to offset your wonky hand, stroking a clumsy but tender line from his ear to his chin. “Can you help me up?” 
Peter doesn’t question you. You’ve been recovering for a few days (he hasn’t realised before your injury that some people can take months to get better after a head injury, even without blood clots or fractures) and he’s not felt the urge to baby you beyond waiting on your every whim and want. If you’d like to sit up, that’s okay. The only thing he’d insist on is getting enough sleep at night, and thats something you’ll do happily. 
“Can I give you a hug?” he asks, his eyebrows pinching up at their starts. “I hate seeing you shiver, it makes me sad.” 
“Makes you sad?”
He squeezes your elbow where the blankets have fallen down. “Is that surprising?” 
You want to trade jokes with him but you can’t summon a retort, and your smile quickly fades. It can’t be nice, feeling a shade of yourself. Peter’s heart aches for you twice. 
“C’mere, pretty girl,” he says, slipping his arms under yours, encouraging you to wrap your own behind his head or let them rest behind his shoulders. He loves hugging you like this, almost lifting you, spider strength begging to be used as you sigh and settle into place against him. You feel a little like a shell of yourself, not quite quick with touches, fingertips twitching against his shoulder blade as he nuzzles his face against yours unabashed. “There you are. Where’d you go, huh? I was about to send out the search party.” 
“I’m right here.” 
“Yeah you are. Lucky me, right? Luckiest guy in the world.” 
You sigh happily beside his ear, your face pitching slowly downward until it’s pressing against the curve of his neck, your arms slipping down his front as you run out of energy. He doesn’t mind, bundling you up with no intention of letting you go. 
“How do you feel?” he asks. 
“Still fuzzy, like… it’s like we’re talking to each other through a screen door.” 
“Do you need something? Or want something? I’ll get you anything.” 
“I’m fine.” 
He lets out a sorry sigh. He wishes you’d want something, god knows he’d love to put a smile on your face. If you were feeling better you might ask him to go and get you something for dinner from across the city, or beg him to find you a bunch of flowers (which he’s always willing to buy). But sick, you ask for nothing. You just lay on the couch and wait to get better. Peter doesn’t think it’s super fair. 
“I’m sorry you’re not better yet,” he murmurs, his lips drifting down to your temple, which he kisses weakly, the barest brush of his lips. “Wish I could take it from you.” 
“I’ll be okay soon.” 
“I know you will, but I still wish I could take it. It’s shitty.” 
You think about this for a while. “It’s not shitty,” you work out finally, hand curling against his waist in a tired display of affection. “I have the… best boyfriend ever looking after me.” 
“I’ll be here until you’re better, you know that.” 
“I know.” 
Peter ushers you back and lifts your blankets, slotting himself next to you with a careful arm held behind your back. You show some surprising excitement at the offering of a cuddle and work under his arm, shuffling down the couch to leave you both laying on the same cushion, blankets uneven but warm over your chests. “You should probably go back to sleep,” he says. 
“Nap with me?” you ask, endearingly hopeful. 
He turns his face, intending on drawing lines into your cheek with the tip of his nose until you either fall asleep or can’t take it anymore. “Sure, baby. I bet you’re exhausted, huh? Let’s sleep.” 
He falls asleep before you, breathing snores into your cheek. You have enough wits about you to laugh, and then you fall asleep, too. 
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