#sorry i dont know minecraft lore
nezushi · 2 years
i wish all announcers who purposely choose audience members to talk to who are deliberately not making eye contact a very why would you do that
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ariensart · 8 months
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an emmalyn in disbelief and a kenmur in love
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dvnieldraws · 10 months
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float - inspired by satoshi kon's work, perfect blue illustration
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cantdanceflynn · 7 months
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tubbytarchia · 21 days
jim stream recap time....... so much happened. this is a long one.
jimmy logs onto sos and immediately decides to go to scotts dock to fish. scott comes over and he was acting a little weird buuut i think it was just him being. an actual guy instead of a streamer. jimmy asks him for a bday present (he asks for a fate coin. he asked every single person he saw today for a fate coin) and scott gives him some mob heads. fwhip comes over and gives him a diamond block for his bday. eloise turns up too.
scott gives jimmy a bday cake! jimmys not hungry so he takes his armour off and says "hit me" (notably while looking at eloise) and scott CRITS HIM and he goes down to 4 hearts ("you almost killed me on my birthday" "but i didnt!"). fwhip runs off to get a candle and they all start singing happy birthday. its very sweet if you ignore the fact he just almost died. jimmy wishes for a fate coin. they talk about the current challenge (villagers vs pillagers. the tldr is its basically among us) for a bit
saus turns up.......... he says hello sweet boy then gives him a birthday box (as seen below). the cod head is called codfather head and jimmy tells fwhip. fwhip immediately bans (and unbans) sausage for lore reasons. at some point oli logs on and saus says something about spanking him and fwhip bans saus again
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jimmy crosses the river to fish a little further away so he can thank donos while he fishes. fwhip enderpearls over and says "i missed you :]" and it was kinda cute. then he leaves this group to go home
on his way home he sees oli and shelby shubble on his bridge. he bothers both of them for a present and shelby asks if her bridge couns as a present. he said it does :] look how cute it is. cat bridge
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however immediately after he asks if she would give him a fate coin. they talk about it for a bit and they dont even come to a conclusion. shelby leaves and oli stays and they start discussing things to do for a talent show hosted by mog. they keep suggesting things that would be hard/impossible to do in minecraft. they keep referring to themselves as the blond boy friends
sausage shows up. oli turns him away saying "youre intruding on our blond boy friend time" and sausage asks if he can dye his hair and join. jimmy says "no clicks fingers" like outloud. they talk for a bit then jimmy leaves the bridge and goes to his house
oli and saus go to outside his house and in the 2 minutes jimmy wasnt there they started talking about anime. jimmy sets down sausages present, oli opens it, sees the cod head, and starts yelling lore at sausage who then leaves. oli and jimmy go to meet up with everyone else (fwhip, scott, sausage, owen, eloise, shubble. i think.) at fwhips village. theyre dealing with a raid however it ends like a minute after they arrive.
jimmy runs off to explore around fwhips place and scott follows him. they talk for like a minute about the villager/pillager thing then scott says "i know what you are" and runs off. someone in chat says sos more like sus and it makes jimmy laugh
DIRECT QUOTE IMMEDIATELY AFTERWARDS: ""scott just threatened you" to be fair he does that all the time. hes playing mind games. when is he not. he plays mind games all the time."
he goes home. sausage calls him beautiful in midair. oli goes home with him and they practise the talent show more. i still dont know whats happening there. they practice a synchronised dance and it goes about as well as you would think. jimmy does not like chocolate cake. he likes carrot cake and red velvet cake. olis hog is now canonically gay.
they start to make a song for the talent show and everyone interupts them. martyn raids oli and shubble turns up. important to note: oli calls martyn jimmys best friend. they practice the talent show more. theyre practising a magic trick where jimmys drowning and he eats a chorus fruit to escape. however he makes it out on one heart.
"its very sweet if you ignore the fact he just almost died." help. Also "blond boy friends" yeah okay Jimmy and Oli. okay
That's all-in-all nice though... Jimmy and fWhip being relatively cute... Even Sausage... even if my tension and anxiety spikes by 50 something each time he is in Jimmy's vicinity. The Oli stuff sounds adorable though... Blond boy friends... Scott um. I'd say at least he wasn't too obstructive or anything but he did almost kill Jimmy so uh. It is kind of funny though lol. It's so awesome for Jimmy to be blunt and largely unbothered though. This is what character progression looks like. Thank you for this stream report my faithful inbox guy
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qsmpconfessions · 6 months
qWilbur is an absent parent anon here o/ I just wanted to add two things. One being that I didnt mean that as Wilbur neg (cc or qWilbur) but I guess it technically is?? Second the reason im not sure its neg is cause im not mad that qWilbur is an absent dad. Like I dont think that makes him a bad person, character, or father even!! I dont think an absent parent always means to hurt their kid nor dose it mean they love them any less HOWEVER just because you dont mean to hurt someone dosnt mean you didnt hurt them! And its not up to you how they feel about something. I think its a lot more gray then just "Oh qWilbur's a bad father cause hes not there for Tallulah" because he really has no choice in the matter both in lore and in real life (cause in lore I guess his band funds the Feds, and well mans cant play minecraft 24/7 AND be a famous music guy. One at a time unfortunately) What I meant originally tho is that I just find it odd that everyone (again including ccWilbur) refuses or just dosnt want it to be canon that hes absent but like...he cant make Talullah just be okay with it and he cant just make it canon that we wasnt gone for months on end and like he seems to have this idea that that would make him a "bum" or like an asshole or something. I dont get why not make it a part of his character? I mean Tallulah clearly has! I dont get the aversion to a clear character arch or an internal struggle for him inside of the roleplay! I mean maybe because its forced on him and he wants to make his own character choices and not have it be affected by his lack of availability IRL but like...sorry buddy thats not how this server works! Its not a video game you can pause, Tallulah isnt a NPC virtual egg. Shes played by an admin who isnt going to wait for Wilbur to come back just to be able to tell her own story. I DONT KNOW MAN like if he really dosnt want to play an absent father, if he really dosnt want to roleplay that and have that just be something in the narrative he confronts and overcomes in some way with her then like...can he at least DM her or something and get it sorted cause its just odd to have him not want it but have her actively playing it up. ITS JUST SUCH A BIG CONTRADICTION! So I guess its kinda neg but like if it was just canon IT WOULDNT BE NEG CAUSE ID LIKE IT HONESTLY!
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sunnpii · 6 months
HI GUYS‼️‼️ minecraft ddlc au won the poll sooo yuri in minecraft ddlc au!!1!1!
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i dont like this drawing veyr much but it gets her design down anyway SHES AN ENDERMAN!!!! cuz. duh. theyre tall shy and purple
lore under here☟☟
first general enderman lore!! sorry if any of this conflicts with canon minecraft lore, if there IS any actual minecraft lore i do Not know of it
1. endermen are highly intelligent creatures, but not much is known much about them at all by other mobs because theyre mostly solitary and almost never talk (even though they can). theyre barely even social with their own kind, much less other mobs. it certainly isnt helped by the fact that they feel threatened when theyre looked in the eyes, and will almost always accept it as a challenge to fight even when the person who looked them in the eyes had no ill intent.
2. endermen are the only mobs that have a language specific to their species, as all the other languages (humanoid, monster and piggish) are spoken by multiple species of mobs (humanoid with villagers pillagers illagers and witches, monster with overworld monsters like zombies and skeletons and such, and piggish by certain nether mobs but mainly piglins and zombified piglins and stuff). endermen can learn other languages too, but due to their widely solitary nature they usually dont because they simply dont have a need to talk to other mobs.
3. endermen can pick up any block in this au for pretty much no reason other than i think they cant pick up chests normally and i wanted yuri to carry a chest around
4. they can have hair on their heads and tails and its purple and sparkly and stuff‼️‼️yaay
5. their ender pearls are liek inside their bodies basically in the same place their heart would be, and the ender pearls are their source of magic and its how they can teleport yayy!!!! the magic is why they have particles floating off of them and stuff
now YURI!!!!!!!
1. yuri is an ADVENTURER!!!!! woah!!!!!! that may seem off brand for her but she loves exploring and learning about all this world has to offer, especially in the pursuit of knowledge about the enchanted books (see 4)
2. she is one of the few endermen that have learned other languages (she knows enderman, humanoid and monster)!!! she mostly did it because she just loves learning stuff in general but it turned out to come in handy a lot!!
3. she doesnt attack. like ever. she just gets too nervous. if u look her in the eye she just runs away. she runs away from most threats shes never actually killed another mob before
4. her main goal is collecting and attempting to decode enchanted books!!! most mobs dont care because they still know what the books do even if they dont know what they actually SAY, but yuri is super curious about them. her chest is filled with the books shes collected so far!!
5. she has a TOTEM OF UNDYING!!!! holy shat!!!!!! the story of how she got it isnt too crazy there was just a huge fight at a woodland mansion one day and a totem of undying was dropped and she just. snatched it. and now it holds her little cape together!!! shes actually not sure what it does yet so her side objective is to find out what the deal is with it, she just snatched it cuz she thought it was cool
6. though still VERY shy, she is a lot more social compared to other endermen, as she tends to encounter a lot of different mobs on her travels that she ends up needing to talk to (especially villagers to see if they have any enchanted books theyre willing to trade). still, she is having a Very hard time perfecting the art of social interaction,,
umm yah thats it for now!!! ill ptobably talk about all the characters Together when all their Seperate posts are done and stuf
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capnkerfufflez · 4 months
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I contain multitudes, so i made a uquiz for some of my quintessential sonas for fun
i dont really expect people to take it, but man i love an excuse to draw some of my boys i don't give much love to brief descriptions and the result descriptions under the cut
here's the link outside of just embed btw : https://uquiz.com/hkfS0R
in image order and i marked the number and color of the background above we have :
1 [red] E : non-fandom sona I use to vent mostly - "Conceptual Chaos Junkyard" / "CC Junkyard" so he's mostly negative traits of myself turned up to 11. He's the overly emotional and sentimental and over-reactive side of the duo between him and G.
"[[ oh baby girl, I'm so sorry for you, get some help ]] Everything you've ever done blows back up into your face, you don't know what you're doing wrong?! Or well, you've figured out a few things wrong with you, but you can't figure out how to fix those things about yourself…"
2 [red/orange] Knox S. Consumer : kinda a minecraft sona? - "What's Minecraft is Yourcraft" / "Yourcraft" He's in general a minesona, at least when I first made him. In Yourcraft he is the sona/character version of an oc that's a minecraft youtuber/streamer and who is very distinctly not me, so Knox falls into an odd character category where's he's both my sona and an oc's sona. He's an old grouchy wizard type, but breaks character often to help friends
"[[ you may think im stretching on this one, but i assure there's more obscure ]] You know so much yet so little. The type of guy that can recite so many video game lore details and fun facts across all subjects, but will fail to realize that they really did mean it calling it "cream cheese," it is actually a cheese. You are very smart though, with your intelligence only rivaled by your stubbornness."
3 [red/pink] Dong : pokemon not a big surprise, but he's a pokesona of sorts. He's a Mareep that's specifically paired with my friend's Wooloo "Ding," he's somewhere between a pokemon in the anime and pokemon mystery dungeon in terms of personification, he's very bitey.
[[ haha dong ]] Lil gremlin guy. You're the typa bitch to fucking taunt people bigger than you and when they get pissy you go 'oh im just a lil guy a lil birthday boy.' All talk no bite. well, maybe a lil bite, like consensually or deserved.. BUT the point is you take no responsibly of the misdeeds you may or may not do !
4 [orange] Bibbly : double life / life series Bibbly is the character I made soulmate's with my friend cause we were watching other people make sona's and pairs with their friends too. Bibbly is based off of a drawing I did based on a more literal interpretation of one of my minecraft skins (specifically my 453 skin), "Bibbly" coming from "Biblically accurate." Personality wise he varies a lot cause in conception and most practice he is an utter coward, very reliant on my friend's character, though in other interpretations I make him a lot more jaded and no-bull shit but also those are usually what is supposed to be later in his development and/or away from my friend's character
[[ telephone game of sonas ]] You are a recursion of self analyzation. You try to map out your intricacies only to have your theories on yourself become rules. And once you've realized its a set habit of thinking. You know trouble and you avoid it the best you can.
5 [muddy yellow] Clart : minecraft sona ? - "What's Minecraft is Yourcraft" / "Yourcraft" Similar case as Knox, where Clart is my sona and the sona of one of my oc's who isn't me, but for Clart he and the oc, they align closer with who I am so it's not quite as weird a case. Clart is very easy going and cares a lot, he isn't particularly notably in Yourcraft as he's not really someone who develops more a character that help's the other characters develop
[[ straight up gooping ]] You just want a break, things to be nice and easy and do menial tasks and be with your friends. You give all you can, not because you feel you need to, you just want to and you can. You know pain and cruelty, you choose to be kind.
6 [yellow] [453>- / 453 / The cooler Casey : a general sona He's a more stylized, exaggerated version of myself and usually a lot more malicious for the fun of it. In his "lore" he is a shapeshifting sand.. thing, it depends on the specific backstory I'm going with. He is generally very energetic and bitey and evil for the sake of it cause man villains are fun when they are having fun and he is having a blast
[[ creature !! ]] You are the coolest sexiest mother fucker out here! or you sure pretend to think so. A whole fucking jaw breaker flipping between god-complex and inferiority-complex, who knows what's at it's core (probably inferiority). You love to be an edge case, probably the type of guy to make a fan character concept that's over done but do it with a twist. No fear of ocs coming off like a mary sues just cause YOU know how cool and really clever they are really even if they give a bad first impression.
7 [lime/green] Casey : general sona / how i draw myself This is just me, like, just how I draw myself, it's as general and genuine as I can manage which my not really be all that accurate maybe but oh well
[[ oh fuck u are just like me frfr ! or like at least closest approximation ]] You are only human. You love your friends more than the world and you try to be worth all you're given. You have some self esteem and self image issues, but maybe if you shove your ocs full of enough of your issues you'll solve some.
8 [green?] Caddle : general sona / fursona / the one i use for sexual stuff Caddle is a cow-adject shapeshifter. He is the sona I use the most when it's anything sexual, usually paired with my partner's fursona, but he's supposed to have other buddies too that I never really draw. I've got complicated feeling on sexual stuff and myself in relation to it, so he gets those feelings dumped into his character too. But aside from that he is a fun character especially to draw cause inconsistency is baked in and I love him dearly, he is very lazily chill with a big heart, he's also a rodeo clown even though i dont draw a full on clown get up for him much
[[ honka honka we got certified clown ova here ]] You are silly, a goofball even, one may even argue a jokester. You may present all goofs, gafs and dick jokes, -and by all means you do genuinely loving goofing gaffing and dicking- but you are a person with complicated wants and thoughts and feelings. Wants and thoughts and feelings you hold close to yourself, you do not know how to voice, so more often than not, you don't.
9 [bluish green] Gilon Kurt : lesser sona Gilon is a sona that I made just on a whim off of a twist on my name with "fluffle" being a the name for a group of rabbits, he's "Capn Kerfluffle." And then I made him a rival to my main fursona in their story and he gained a personality outside of me as they so often do
[[ rage rage murder rage !!!! ]] You have worked so hard for what you have and yet it is never enough. There is always something else to achieve more to earn, people clawing for what you have. You can have no peace nor solace, relax? chilling? never heard of her!! There are experiences to be had!! People to meet!! Friends to continuing loving!!! And you'll fight for it all, fight until you die!!
10 [cyan] Yeode : minecraft sona [real] Yeode my beloved, she is my darling rock-based robot made to search villagers that learns to live for herself kinda. A lot of her kindness and softness and story comes from backstory for just me playing minecraft ig who is a lot less kind in practice.
[[ yippee !!! ^.^ ]] You are a people pleaser to your core! You are born and molded by your attachments and use to others. Even in their absence you still live on for them in part.
11 [saturated blue] G : non-fandom sona I use to vent mostly - "Conceptual Chaos Junkyard" / "CC Junkyard" similar situation to E of mostly negative traits, but the other side of it for the most part. she is full of anger and malice at being stuck with little control over her situation and takes it out on E
[[ oh sweetheart, no ]] You think yourself a "bad bitch" a "girl boss" even. Emotions are not your strong suit. You have a hard time managing your own feelings, let alone dealing with other people's. You may not always be right, but you work hard to try to be.
12 [less saturated dark blue] D. Base : minecraft sona, specifically in magic mods / heavily modded minecraft he came about from when i was testing a modded server with my friends there was something that would crash my game if i entered specific chunks, and in those 'dead' chunks was my silk worms so i made dBase as a character for the friend server and he is supposed to be that glitched silkworm i got in testing, uuh end then that server slowly broke too, so i like to think it was somehow also his fault; while i did get to play on the server i got really into a few magic mods, mainly mana and artifice so he is not only gitchy but a magic man
[[ grub ]] You think of yourself highly, not perfect, but damn good. You've worked your ass off for the skills you've obtained and are happy to show off when they are even slightly relevant. Your "fuck it we ball" attitude somehow works out for you most of the time, though some collateral damage to others.
13 [light blue] Clerk James : fursona / used to be mascot character to note if you see other art of him there is a stark difference between the silly goofy Clerk that's my sona and the asshole angsty backstory version of him before he got so very concussed; current Clerk is very sweet and very dumb, he's the "capn" of a pirate themed ferry though also goes on some genuine treasure seeking adventures pg pirate style
[[ consider it the post-drownings one, don't worry ]] A mix of poor memory, self-doubt, and self-hatred that results in a potent blend of guilt for things you aren't really sure you deserve to hate yourself over, being it maybe not or fault or maybe never really happened. Aside from that you're upbeat and a bit stupid in a silly lil guy way. You're just a lil guy!
14 [purple] Cassio Inerta : homestuck / trollsona - "retroll" he is baby, very sweet and well meaning but oh so very problem avoidant and low empathy mostly from being sheltered; in retroll he is canonically in-universe a self insert of myself watching the plot go down and has a made up boyfriend given to him who loves Cassio by virtue that is what the boyfriend was made for, but kinda just puts up with Cassio, a projection of how i felt and feared in some previous relationships
[[ explicitly cannon self insert huh ]] You are a suckerrr for romance. You want and want and want so badly and you feel and in every instance you are given a taste it feels unreal. it feels unearned. It feels disingenuous. But you need it so bad. You don't know shit about anything, so terrified to fail you're terrified to try. But little by little you keep trying.
15 [magenta] Carcumber : a sona based off of my friend's previously-main sona's species so my friend's main sona and mascot character was a "lavamander" though the species had other character with other elements such as ice and sound waves and species had name trope of two favorite foods combined; Carcumber's name was Carrot + Cucumber but my friend changed main sonas and has since renamed most to just a single food name hence the opening statement for the quiz, i dont remember if he had an element associated, if he did i think it was "cart" or "car" or "money" or something stupid like that, and his is a used car salesman, similar energy and pathetic-ness of spamton
[[ oh man do i gotta change his name now that's that not the naming scheme? ]] You are passionate about everything you do! Cause if you aren't you don't do them! You exaggerate yourself to the point the mask becometh you.
god ya that's a lot of em and i have more sona's than just that, but most fall similar to others or i dont use enough to care
if you read it all thanks so much i love u :D
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garpond · 8 months
if csny was one of those minecraft youtube roleplay servers like the one with all the racist guys whso name i cant rmemeber Neil would be like a guy who already had an existing channel where he did redstone tutorials and creative builds and etc and had like a small but dedicated following and got invited to the server but only had like the smallest little tiny bits of focus in the lore and spent most of his time just grinding on fortresses or whatever in survival mode and everytime he did a livestream people would do that thing u could do on twitch where you pay money to have your chat message audibly read out to the streamer and ask him questions about the plot and chararacters and he would just be like. hm i dont know anything about that man. sorry. and go back to work and it would be a total waste of ten dollars or whatever but people would keep doing it. and then months later after the SMP had died down after a bunch of like callout posts against other members and interpersonal drama and a weirdly parasocial fanbase making it extremely embarrassing to associate with the media anymore causing everyone to just stop giving a fuck entirely, neil would just go back to his builds and redstone tutorial channel and it would be the only thing related to the SMP that the average human being still watched and enjoyed
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cleverpaws · 1 year
NOT. a generation loss blog
dee en eye if you support that man and that skeleton and what they did in that cage..
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actually im keeping the title like that its so fucking funny to me
salutation i am michael (he/they/theoretically neos??? i guess???) and uh. get intro post'd x100 - aro ace & apl spec fool - bi and/or gay whichever is more comedically convenient - nonbinary dude 🎸🎸⚡⚡⚡⚡ there's no comma there for a reason - vaguely loveless <22222 peace and life - average library volunqueer - king of the wildly inconsistent art & writing styles <- Update we figured out why this was. you'll never guess - cartoonist 💯💯 - your local Mongoose - serial daydreaming problem - introvert??? extrovert???? i'm normal, thanks - AuDHD & NPD probably & probably like 1 million gazillion other Things at this point - the #1 hetch fan (shares this title with 3 of my beloved mutuals) - plural btw. i will now gaslight the internet into thinking i was open about this the whole time and you all just missed it - ^ u probably wont meet many other headmates just bc our switches r mostly passive influence and very short-lived. except shilo. shilo really likes tumblr for some reason
I RUN @showfallmanagement AND @lostnfounder THE SHOWFALL ASKBLOGS!!! COME SAY HI!!!
ALSO MORE RECENTLY STARTED @notslmccl do NOT go look at "chase" and do NOT poke him with sticks
dream team fans and harry potter fans you are not welcome here!! TRANSGENDER BLAST RAHH 💥💥
also no, people who think queer labels can "contradict" each other you are not welcome here either 💥💥💥 * my bi gay aroace nonbinary guy energy explodes you x100 *
things i am not normal about: - GENLOSS!!!!!!!!!! - ^ and, by extension, ENCOREVERSE!!!!!!!! - BITB!!!!!!!! - JRWI IN GENERAL I JUST PUT BITB FIRST!!!! - PSYCHOLOGY!! - MINECRAFT!!!!! - SPLATOON!! - ANGELS JUST LIKE AS A CONCEPT!!!!!!!!! - BODY HORROR!!!!!
things i am actually somewhat normal about (casual interests): - Studio Ghibli movies - Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service - cartoons (GF, TOH, Hilda, Amphibia, OtGW, Bee n Puppycat) - everywhere at the end of time - little nightmares!! - indie animation usually - ranboo in general somewhat - still sort of the dsmp - video essays!!!!!! esp horror video essays
i tag any and all posts that contain hetch with "#hetch generation loss" and any and all remotely sneeg/frank related posts with. shocker. "#sneeg/frank" go nuts gay people ("#asks" are also tagged)
(and if you go through "#saving this" you will find my many artist resources, recipes, and the occasional Insanely Good Post i think about every day)
ALSO!!! im like Never serious on here ever but just 4 the record (i dont even know if anyone will see this) please do not call me ur friend if i dont know you!! 😭 im aplatonic and while i do still have ppl i consider friends its personally just weird for me to be forced into friendships by people i literally havent interacted with that much (even if we're mutuals!!!!! sah ree guys) (saying stuff like "my friend" at the end of msgs in like that semi joking tone is fine though lol)
how ever...... mutuals r totally free 2 ask for my discord or msg me on here 💯💯
also if you EVER need me to explain any encoreverse lore to you i will drop everything to do so 😍😍
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(all banners n images r mine except the mcytblr sexyman voted one by @/tmmyhug and the sonic narc abuse one by @/nicepersondisorder)
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skittering sounds alright ill get out of your hair . the particles aren't though. yeah sorry man they uh. they really get stuck in there. sorry
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pixiecaps · 1 year
I don't get why people are so glad Ranboo is leaving the dsmp /gen
Yes, Dream is an asshole and a horrible person, but Ranboo got a lot of their current audience by joining the smp, plus he wanted to join
I don't think we should be denying the past, our past when we got all exited for their lore and stuff, and I'm glad he's going towards new and better stuff don't get me wrong! I just think it's a bit hypocrite of all (not all I'm just generalizing from what I've seen) the fandom to be this glad when, again, a lot of us started to watch Ranboo because of this smp and they got his audience like that
What are your thoughts on this? /genq
i think a lot of us enjoyed the dsmp and that era and are all fully aware ranboo grew tremendously in popularity with the dream smp. that chapter however has ended. dream and his actions are revolting and i would say (i dont speak for everyone) the boobers who ive spoken to all agree they would not want ranboo apart of the dsmp season two. because it is connected to dream and would be directly showing that his actions are being ignored for the sake of a minecraft server.
personally i am very happy about ranboo removing the twitch tag & stating they would not be apart of season two. not because i am trying to shit on the legacy of the server or ignore all of ranboos success on the server but rather that ranboo will not be apart of the group that is going to be indirectly supporting a vile man and ignoring victims by being apart of season two whether they know about the accusations or not.
im sorry if any of my words ever led you to believe i am trying to deny the past with that server. i was in love with that server and the lore. i was there at the very beginning and i will forever cherish all the things that were built on there. whether it be literal builds or all the memories i have with it. however, for me it is an era i am putting in the past. present day i no longer feel connected towards that server nor want to post about it. i think every lore blog and people who have taken dsmp characters in as their own ocs are awesome and i still love seeing their posts but for my own blog i dont want to make posts about that server. every time i say anything like “fuck that server” “never speak to me about that server again” just know it is expressing my anger towards dream rather than the community, legacy, memories, etc. surrounded by it.
this is how i feel about it. i hope i explained this well :)
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oceanic-recollection · 9 months
To All
What’re your favorite games (and why if you want to answer that part)
<TSF> backgammon, and mens erger je niet, are pretty fun! i used to play backgammon, as well as puzzle games, with my administrator, all the time...
<TSF> we used to go into the market, and offer people bills if they won against us. they were practically a master at everything they showed me... i was the one who usually had to pay up~
<TSF> ...for videogames, i, uh, obviously enjoy phighting. and terraria, and...splatoon....i guess...? i know i sort of, have a sort of, ~gamer persona~, but i'll admit, i don't really, play any games...
<BVQT> I greatly enjoy sudoku! And especially the "harder" variations. So far I have found Hyper Sudoku and Jigsaw Sudoku the most amusing so far.
<BVQT> I also find myself enjoying many sports games! Variations of 'football' especially.
<BVQT> Ah. Videogames also count? Well...
<BVQT> I enjoy Minecraft greatly. The slow-burn worldbuilding interests me massively and I appreciate the lengths that they go to enure that the subjects mentioned are interesting for everyone. I wish that the education edition was available on PC! I would love to play mostly unmodded Minecraft with alchemy available to me.
<BVQT> I also enjoy Terraria. The gratuitous gore is a bit of a turn-off at times especially considering the lag it causes. And there are a great deal of aspects that utterly disgust me. But it is incredibly fun otherwise! The lore is intriguing even if it is often decanonized for little to no reason. I do wish that they finished Terraria: Otherworld. Even if it was sort of a Starbound clone wasn't it?
<BVQT> Speaking of! I massively enjoy Starbound! Though sometimes the worlds feel too closed off and the universe itself too open to feel very immersive it is incredibly fun and I like it! I could spend hours upon hours simply building and browsing its many interesting mods! Even the. less appropriate ones have their own charm and interesting quirks! The community is so dedicated to making updates for a long-forgotten game I am honestly impressed.
<BVQT> I also enjoy Don't Starve though I have already mentioned that earlier here. It is fun! If a bit annoying to handle.
<GRP> I LOVE BALL GAME. and JELLYFISHSPEARFISHING!!!!!! ITS FUN!!! AND NOT JUST BC TABBY INVENTED IT but mostly that :} tabbys so good at gaming
<GRP> uhhhh i dont rlly like amny videogames to be honest... sorry i am not a #epic #gamer. I LOVE phighting tho!!! phunny!!!!!! me and tabby always get mvp in itits funnn
<APIS> Man, Phighting IS fun!
<APIS> You guys already know I don't like sports... Puzzle games are really fun! A digital puzzle game I've been getting into lately is Puyo Puyo. It's, like.. okay...
<APIS> I mean, the story's really funny, to be honest. Like, who even thought of this stuff??? I really like Amitie, and Ringo... they're cute. Like Goldy and I!
<WM> I do notte ofte playye videyogaymes.. Splatty is funne.
<UPSILON> I'm the same as my beloved. I just don't really see the appeal... I tried playing some online games, but they're just - why is it that no matter how long I play, everyone else is always fancier than me!? It's absurd-!
<FS> ........
<FS> i play a little of everything, i guess...
<FS> totk is... it's fine. the physics are uncomfortable, and hard to get used to, since everything's so floaty sometimes, but it's silly. i prefer botw's story... but if i had to choose a zelda game i really liked, it'd be triforce heroes, or maybe spirit tracks. all zelda games have... problems.... but they're fun.
<FS> splatoon's also pretty fun. i like th story. wish the translations weren't so terrible... shoutout to the community for fixing them, jeez.
<FS> phighting is pretty fun. i'm planning on trying out banhammer, even if i don't like his character. i can reclaim him.
<FS> starbound's fun... wish you could make yourself have a specific profession, like your crewmembers do. and wish you could bring tailors with you without mods...
<FS> ...i really like baba is you...
<FS> s fun... like baba...
<FS> b
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hermitcrossovers · 2 years
[brothers au] something more lore than character centric for once
i mentioned the Immortal Council for Mortal Protection a bit ago and i wanted to expand on a few key bits of the lore
basically, the way the minecraftverse works as far as im concerned is as follows:
central hub and server portals, this ive seen other people do and i like it quite a bit, however, theres more than a few hubs actually, think of the portal world as a mix of the hypixel lobby and a minecraft overworld in hardcore mode. Hubs are usually divided by language, but some people who move around between worlds a lot might want to construct a personal hub, this is basically the save selection screen but cooler, while a public hub is more like the server selection screen
a fair few people live in the hub world, there's settlements all around, its usually older or retiered players, though a lot of travellers also tend to stay in the hub for extended periods of time, people who dont have a home server also tend to have houses or camps in the hub world. Grian, for example, spent a few decades travelling around the hub world after he left the watchers, and so did wilbur for that matter, its where he met sally, actually.
while the hub is the main way people get around servers, it's not the only one, a few servers are connected, hermitcraft 8 and empires 1 were, though if you were to try and go into them now youd find ruins, and not much more.
Now, on the Immortal Council for Mortal Protection:
it was founded a few tens of thousands of years back, after a war that happenned with a fair few of the gods and a big chunk of mortal populations.
the heads of it are chosen democratically by players of all kinds, currently, it is currently noxite at the head and scott and simon hypixel as the backups (im sorry my brain can find the proper word)
the council is massive, a lot of servers have a rep, though it is a bit restricted as there has to be a sizeable amount of immortals on the server or it be incredibly large scale.
X and Sap are reps for HC and DSMP respectively
Gods with large religions also are part of the council, as they kind of head a large group of people.
There is an important distinction here, however, not all immortals are Gods, while Mumza is a god, phil is not, he is a prominent immortal figure, sure, but as the angel of death he does not recieve the title of God, though a few have ventured to say that perhaps he should. G and Tech are both in the council, however, they rarely appear, as they have Kristin or X to relay messages, they fill in for them on occassion.
Immortals come in all shapes and sizes, Gods, Myths, vampires and sirens, demigods and chosen heroes, and, in the case of joe hills and to some extent cleo, people who refuse death.
While immortals arent exactly rare, most players are mortals, as a general rule of thumb most of the ccs are immortal, but this isnt always true, a lot of them started as mortal and just sort of became immortal at some point.
This world, after all, functions a bit like warhammer orks belief system, where the more people believe something the more true it becomes.
Watchers have changed a lot through time, in the old days, there were only three we know, Xelqua, Doblas and Pix. Grian, Elrubius and Pixlriffs, though they weren't the original watchers, all three of them were taken from their homes in an effort to expand. The original watchers are known to do this, and some groups of them still do, though most watcher groups nowadays are a lot more agreeable as more and more of the taken rebel, there is still hundreds of watchers who follow the old way, and all three of the known ones have targets on their backs.
A few of the taken, who are not known to be watchers to the public include, Pearl, Vegetta777 and interestingly Quackity.
The followers of the old ways, the ones we usually think of when saying watchers, dont like the council that much, and thend to start shit. However, a lot of the taken who have actually managed to flee align themselves much closer to the council, though there are of course theo ones who don't take sides.
Watchers have a lot of interesting skills, mostly to with code magic and server control, theyre quite similar to admins in that regard, if a bit more powerful, as the magic comes from within them, and they dont just channel it from consoles and command blocks.
There is three large divisons of watchers, the followers of the old ways, where a vast majority of watchers are, they watch and they value discipline. The followers of Pixlriffs, also known as the historians in some legends, these watchers dedicate to archiving worlds and stories, they value knowledge highly. And finally, the modders, this group, originally started by Doblas, pride themselves on creativity, they shape the worlds around them in ways others could never, and share that with the world. Xelqua never did start his own division, he never wanted to be a watcher to begin with, and as time goes on, the name fades, only a few have the power to speak it nowadays, other titles fit the man better.
That is all for rn, because its 3:30 am here and if i dont finish it here it might all be lost to me passing out, sorry im sure this is stupidly long.
there is a central central hub that leads to different main hubs and everything in between; it continuously grows like a labyrinth, entrances to long forgotten-abandoned servers, alcoves, shrines that led to fun days exploring the heart of the world.
callahan should be the dsmp server rep since he is the second admin. like no offence to sapnap but he's not exactly responsible (several pets come to mind)
how does a life system work in this? some servers like the life series and dsmp have a certain amount of lives while others have infinite respawns
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smolsammichowo · 11 months
Time for a stupid 4 am long post that I’d usually vomit out on twitter but I can type out more shit on tumblr :O
Well uh,
To everyone who has recently followed me on here who is NOT from my Twitter or anywhere else that I linked my tumblr on and just found me from somewhere,
Thanks for following me & also  Sorry for me constantly screaming about random bullshit such as 
- Minecraft Stuff / Minecraft content / Minecraft stream lore / minecraft streamers 
- (note , while I’m not a fan of dream, I have no problem if you are a fan of dream. Just as long as you are kind to others & are kind to me. That should just be common sense really though. ) 
Pro wrestling (Ive mainly talked about AEW & WWE but I do like stuff such as Impact, NJPW, Lucha Underground, Dragon Gate, and a few others! Feel free to dm me some other pro wrestling stuff that you think I’d like too ! ) 
- (note - favorite pro wrestler is a guy named Pac. Gonna confuse the shit out of minecraft people given theres a content creator named Pac as well in the minecraft content creator space lmao. Though the pro wrestler calls himself BASTARD pac as well so I can just call the wrestler BastardPac to not confuse y’all lol ) 
Anime (if I list the animes I like this list would become a fucking dictionary)
Genshin (Tumblr seems SO SO SO SO CALM compared to Twitter , BLESS YOU ALL ) 
Pokemon (seems like a lot of you have followed me from either minecraft or this! Hello! Im doing a pokedex project but i keep redoing it as I keep feeling self concious about my art ; v ; ) 
- Top 5 favorite pokemon not in order are Chikorita, Togekiss, Alolan Raichu,  Koraidon, & Reuniclus
Splatoon (got into the game this year and its like a drug to me now. I adore the paintbrush weapon even though the reef bow is the one Im closest to getting a 5 star on as that one is the money maker ) 
Roblox ( A middle school thing that never left me. Im 23 still playing it. Though its how I made my online persona that is kinda my fursona)
Furry stuff  (o hey speaking of that stuff)
MLP ( Funny enough this ties into above as this was the butterfly effect of me finding the fanbase because of a dumb fanfiction about pinkiepie being hannable lector & making horse cupcakes. ) 
Typing dumb shit at 3 - 4 am in the morning SUCH AS THIS . 
Anyhow I need to stop procrastinating and get a piece of art Ive been working on since yesterday night done. 
Love y’all, just wanted to post a little bit about myself to people who dont really know about me that thought it was a good idea to follow me. 
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yb-cringe · 2 years
You seem to know a lotta smps do u know some that have more lore. I know like empires outsiders traffic smps dsmp etc but idk
Lore wise? oh yeah i got tons. Right now I think Kaboodle smp is kicking off with some interesting lore about which dimension people come from- its more of a stream/vod watch but the lore episodes are strictly separate so you can prioritize them to catch up. They even have a lore summary on their carrd:
There’s also the Fable SMP which i quite like and introduced me to a lot of new interesting players, it’s all vods but its a fun watch. There’s a playlist dedicated to lore streams if you need to catch up quick through seasons 1 and 2:
here’s a fun one; KARMALAND 5. If you have a tiny bit of comprehension in spanish, Quackity’s pov of karmaland 5 is actually really fun. His videos are entertaining, the jokes still land without understanding the language and it still has its own breath moments of lore that give me sort of Lifesteal vibes? This one requires a lot of focus and research tho if you don’t know Spanish (which i rly dont.. lmao) but its interesting to see a new side of mcyt i dont usually pay attention to:
Karmaland 5:
if you’re looking for something with a lot of HISTORY though you should look to maybe Flux Buddies or Kakucraft or Mianite which have a big backlog of info to go through which I think feels more genuine to /my/ experience of watching minecraft smps. Sorry for the long reply! its hard to gauge what people will want to watch without getting a good read so i tried to accommodate whatever with this
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yuukei-yikes · 11 months
Um. What's your headcanons on what kind of games (videogames, tabletop, whatever) do you think each one of the mekadan is into? I think i went into a lot of detail already regarding Shintaro and Kano (so sorry for projecting into them sksksksksskssk), but i really would like to know what another would think? Feel free to go into as much detail on Takane as you wish, you deserve it and i live to hear your rambles on her.
god i actually dont know bc im not a gamer girlie like miss cyber girl ene... i think takane plays everything pretty much. ofc more the shooters as we know but is probably pretty knowledgeable on a bunch of things, i think she especially loves horror and based on her canon fave movies (the godfather 2 and the clockwork orange) she's probably rly into games with an ongoing story, abt crime specifically. like yakuza and gta and all that stuff
SINCE IM NOT A GAMER i dont know shit and idk what to say for most of everyone but i can say for sure ayano and momo are sims girlies. i think momo's obsessed with making up lore for the families she makes and ayano is a home builder/decor lover❤️ i think theyd get together to play a lot bc ayano makes the homes and momo makes the families hehe.... mary is an animal crossing girlie btw
anyways. kido probably rhythm games. but like guitar hero. shintaro introduces them to love live and project sekai and bandori and whatever else and kidos like😐 no.
amongus hibiya is real to me. he is real. i made a comic abt it about how takane teaches him to use his phone and he becomes irremediably obsessed with among us
i dont think seto plays any videogames and he gets frustrated easily when he plays with everyone. when mekatrio+ayano mario kart he is dead last like TRAGICALLY last. kano i dont have strong opinions but i liked ur hcs about him being into strategy games and hiding it a bit. i also think he'd like graphic novels... and he'd be the kind to watch lets plays instead of actually playing a game too. also hiyori i dont see her playing anything. maybe the sims too bc the awesomest girls play the sims
for haruka he rly plays everything like same as takane theyre the gamer couple ok. they play every single game ever and probably make icebergs together abt obscure videogames. they look for the weirdest most obscure game they can find and just do that for a friday night activity. other than that i think haruka also rly enjoys games like animal crossing and the sims and stardew valley etc. like for takane i think she plays those but gets bored pretty easy she just speedruns thru them and is frustrated theres no action and haruka Gets it more. though they both love minecraft❤️ the yuukei quartet minecraft server is real because it meets all of their conditions for games. i think ayano and shintaro want creative mode because theyre both into making their houses and being at peace and dont want Scary Surprises while haruka and takane prefer survival bc THATS GAMING!! so they always argue abt it lol. i think ayano could be into survival too but i think her reflexes suck LOL SHE JUST WANTS TO MAKE A TREE HOUSE.
haruka mentions being a little baby abt zombies so hes a baby abt horror to me. but he also says he pretty much gets over it after getting addicted to dead bullet soooo i think he can also enjoy horror games, just maybe not by himself. i think haruka and takane choose some horror game and keep arguing about the lights because haruka wants them on cuz hes scared and takane wants them off because That's How Horror Games Are Meant To Be Played
erm. anyways. yeah.
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