#charlie gillepsie
buzzworthyradio · 3 months
BUZZCast Interviews: Linsey Stewart & Dane Clark Chat "SUZE"
Dane Clark & Linsey Stewart Our coverage of the Santa Barbara International Film Festival (SBIFF) continues with Linsey Stewart and Dane Clark, who wrote and directed the movie, “SUZE.” The story follows a mother who has to adjust to empty-nest syndrome, on top of a divorce, and caring for someone she cannot stand. This leads her into a journey of self-discovery and understanding that she never…
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laulywood · 1 year
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Basquiat quand le Jazz rythme ses toiles.
Le célèbre artiste des années 80 Jean-Michel Basquiat était un grand fan de jazz. Il a puisé dans ce genre musical, ses rythmes et ses mélodies afin de créer des œuvres symboliques riches en complexité. Il demandait d'ailleurs aux journalistes :
"Je ne sais pas comment décrire mon travail. C’est comme demander à Miles Davis : comment sonne votre trompette ?" 
La musique a été partie intégrante de sa vie, Basquiat a été bercé par les disques de son père dès son plus jeune âge. En grandissant, l'artiste a soif d'apprendre et s’essaye à plusieurs instruments comme le synthé, la clarinette ou encore la cloche… Mais son véritable engouement pour la musique se retrouve davantage dans sa pratique picturale où il rend hommage à cette passion avec des petits détails et différentes références aux artistes révolutionnaires de son temps. Pour preuve, sa peinture "Now’s The Time" renvoie à un titre de Charlie Parker. Le nom de Dizzie Gillepsie traîne sur certains de ses tableaux et Billie Holliday a eu le droit à deux portraits en miroir.
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The horn players, de 1983.
"Basquiat, comme Charlie Parker, comprenait la magie de la citation. Il comprenait l’ironie dans l’abstrait. Il peignait en rythme. Il figeait sur la toile le tempo que l’on peut reprendre là où il s’est arrêté, en suivant le rythme. L’essence même de l’œuvre de Basquiat est ancrée dans le jazz" affirme Glenn O’Brien dans Basquiat Soundtracks. 
Pour Basquiat, la musique était un message, il s'en est d'ailleurs souvent inspiré pour créer des œuvres colorées souvent porteuses de messages forts notamment en rapport à la réalité brutale du racisme vécu par les artistes noirs. Le peintre se passionne alors peu à peu pour divers genres musicaux tel que l’opéra, la musique classique, le jazz, le be-bop, le hip-hop et le rap. Émergeant parmi la communauté artistique du New York de la fin des années 1970, le talent de Jean-Michel Basquiat se révèle à la jonction de deux vagues musicales majeures : la no wave et le hip-hop. Il s’investit dans la communauté artistique au point de produire un single de rap intitulé "Beat Bop" en 1983.
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Trumpet, de 1984.
Mais c'est sans doute le jazz qui occupe la place la plus essentielle dans la peinture de Basquiat. L’artiste reprend les principes du genre et de sa variation, avec des motifs et mots récurrents ou encore des ratures, créant ainsi des imperfections réfléchies. Cela sonne comme les notes ciselées d'un musicien au milieu d'un chœur, les images et les paroles de Basquiat leur donnent alors un sens à travers le contexte.
Peu avant sa disparition en 1988, Basquiat possédait des milliers de disques, dont une majorité de jazz, qu'il appréciait écouter lors de ses réalisations. Une collection à retrouver du 6 avril au 30 juillet 2023 à la Philharmonie de Paris, autour de l'exposition Basquiat Soundtracks consacrée à la relation puissante de Jean-Michel Basquiat à la musique.
Crédit : Jazz Radio.
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hinataxsunshine · 1 year
“ If I could take us back.. if I could just do that—
Write in every inch of space, the words I Love You in replace “
— Unsaid Emily by Charlie Gillepsie
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lydias--stiles · 3 years
Okay I'm sorry I gotta make fun of Charlie, like
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paneersoda · 4 years
the last 6 seconds in edge of great where alex and reggie poof out and luke joins julie at the piano and they sing the last three lines together staring into each other’s eyes while the background is blurred out lives in my mind rent free. RENT FREE.
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exoticarmy127 · 3 years
🎧 Track 10: Unsaid Emily by Charlie Gillespie
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🎵  “If I could take us back, if I could just do that And write in every empty space, the words "I love you" in replace Then maybe time would not erase me.
Featuring: BTS - Jungkook
OC - Emily Mei
Some time before.
They say words are like bullets. Easy to pull the trigger without thinking... easier said that once done, it’s impossible for the damage to be undone.
“So what, you’re sick of it? Is that what you’re saying?” Jungkook shouted as he shoved his song book into his backpack. The night had been going well and for once, he thought they could have one night—one night where he didn’t feel like pulling his hair out for once.  
“Stop putting words in my mouth, Jungkook! That’s not what I’m saying at all!” Emily shouted back as the fight escalated into a crescendo of screams and shouts. It was always about the same thing: Jungkook being too busy with his music; Emily being too busy with her studies to make time for him when he’s off practice; not having enough time for each other; not wanting to communicate; blah, blah, blah...
Jungkook was sick of it. Things were finally looking up for his band and he had poured his entire heart and soul into it. His passion. He thought Emily understood that. He thought she understood him. But to his confusion, Emily didn’t seem too happy about it.
“Really? Because it sure as hell sounds like you’re done.” He seethed. “Hell—I’m done with this sh*t!”
Silence enveloped the room and for a moment the world stopped. The fight had reached its final curtain call and Jungkook hoped there wouldn’t be an encore.
Emily looked at him, bewildered. “Jungkook...”
“Save it. I have rehearsals in fifteen. I’m already late and the guys are already at the studio. I don’t need a distraction.”
“Distraction?” She echoed as she watched him pick up his things and head for the door. Her expression contorts into something in between anger and confusion. “So what? You’re just going to leave it like that? Don’t you even care about this? About us?
“What about it?” He muttered flatly, but Emily looked like she had just been slapped.
“What about it? What exactly are you saying, Guk?” Her voice was a low whisper, like a dormant volcano just waiting to erupt. Jungkook sighed and it sounded exhausted, irritated, even; like he had already erupted and this was just the messy aftermath.
“I’m saying I’m done.” He whirled at her, his eyes empty of their usual love and affection, replaced by fierce anger and deadly sincerity. “I’m done, all right? I don’t wanna do this any more than you do.”
“Y-you don't mean that. Hell, you’re thinking I’m the villain here but all I’m saying is that if you don’t give time to what’s important to you, you’re gonna end up losing them.”
Her words hit him square in the chest and when it should have made him sad, it only angered him more.
So she’s giving up on me. She’s letting go. She doesn’t want this—doesn’t want me—anymore.
“I should get to practice already before I lose it, then.”
Jungkook knew it was the wrong answer but he couldn’t give in now. The tension was palpable in the room and he held his breath for another round of sharp words and accusations. But it never came. Emily stood there, stunned, while Jungkook continued to pack his belongings, purposely avoiding her gaze. He knew that if he looked at her now, he'd break, and they’d be back to square one. They’d make up only to fight again by the end of the week.
He could hear her sniffing and he bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself from looking up at her. If there was one thing he hated more than fighting, it was seeing her cry.
“Look,” Emily started, her voice hoarse. “You’re just angry. We can talk after—“
“Well, I’ve been angry for a long time.” Jungkook grumbled as he made his way to the door, hastily.
“Guk, please...”
He paused by the threshold when he heard the crack in her voice and he hated how easy it could beckon him. He closed his hand into fists and pressed his lips into a thin line. He looked down at the floors of her apartment, one he had considered home more than his own for as long as he could remember.
“Let’s face it, Em. We obviously want different things now.”
“Do you really believe that?” She asked but he didn’t answer. She took a step closer, their forms lit by the single light bulb in the narrow hallway. “If you really do, then I won’t stop you.”
Jungkook lifted his gaze to the ceiling, closed his eyes and sighed. “Look, I’m tired of fighting.” He looked at her over his shoulder, his eyes cold and unyielding. “Aren’t you?”
Without another word, he slipped out the door, shutting it behind him. The click of the lock sounded much like an end... A period... A goodbye.
Jungkook left that night not knowing he’d carry the weight of his words for a very long time.
Some time after.
Jungkook gripped the guitar strap on his shoulder as he walked the empty halls of his old high school. The late afternoon sun casted orange hues across the tiled halls and over the metal lockers lining the wall. A couple of students emerged from a door to his right, but they paid him no mind and walked past him, busily talking to each other. Jungkook paused and looked over his shoulder, watching them hold hands before completely disappearing from his view as they rounded a corner. He looked down at his own hand and sighed.
He remembered it like it was yesterday: the very first time he held her hand...or rather, the first time he felt something when he did.
Jungkook leaned against Emily’s locker, giving her one of his famed puppy eyes he knew she couldn’t resist. “Em, come on… Let’s just ditch school today and go rehearse.”
“At this rate, you’ll have to make me a member of your band.”
“You are a member. An honorary one, at least.” Jungkook grinned and batted his pretty eyes. Emily rolled her eyes but he caught the small smile tugging on the corner of her mouth.
Her very pretty mouth...
Wait, what? Jungkook blinked at the thought and cleared his throat when he felt the heat creeping to his cheeks.
“You okay?” Emily cocked an eyebrow at him and he straightened and crossed his arms, defensively.
“Fine. Now come on! Say yes.”
Emily chuckled and patted his shoulder. The action was meant to be friendly but Jungkook felt like he had been shot by lightning, his eyes in a daze as he stared at her playful smile.
“You’ll thank me later for dragging your ass back to class. Trust me.”
The hall bell rang and both their heads darted up to the ceiling.
“Sh*t! We’re gonna be late.” Emily panicked but Jungkook only leaned against the lockers again, lips curling into a smirk.
“Well, you know what they say, it’s better never than late.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, while Emily scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“That’s not how the saying goes!”
“Not in my book. Come on, let’s just skip it and—whoa!” Emily grabbed his hand and before Jungkook could process the warmth on his skin, she was dragging him through the hallway so fast; the two of them running to class hand in hand.
Jungkook was winded by the time they reached the classroom, but it wasn’t because they just rushed to the other side of the building in record time...
But because the whole time they did, not once did she let go, and it was electrifying.
End of flashback
The memory faded like a song on the radio and Jungkook’s grip on his guitar tightened. He didn’t have much time. He had to do this before...
Before it’s too late again.  
The sun was setting soon and Jungkook walked faster as he made his way to the room he was looking for. It was weird walking through these hallways. He knew where everything was. It was familiar and yet also strange, like he no longer belonged.  
That’s because I probably don’t. Not anymore... he thought bitterly.
He reached the second floor and walked to the end of the left corridor where the music room was located.
He opened the door and sighed in relief when he found it empty. He let himself in and wandered, seeing all the instruments and music sheets scattered around the room. There’s a platform at the very front, a low stage with a white screen covering it, which he supposed was either meant to be a curtain of sorts for performances or for video presentations. To its right was an open window with a sheen curtain, overlooking the quadrangle.
Jungkook found the teacher’s table to his right and ambled towards it. He reached for his song book inside his jacket and flipped through the wrinkled pages until it was on the most important page before putting it down on the desk. Next, he reached into his back pocket and retrieved a small tape recorder. He placed the device beside the song book and pressed play.
Footsteps sounded from outside and Jungkook looked back in panic before rushing to the stage and hiding behind the screen.
The door opened to voices of girls and boys but one in particular rose among them; familiar and so very...her.
“Alright guys, I’ll see what I can do, okay? And don’t be late for practice! The competition is in two weeks. And what did I always say?”
“Practice doesn’t make us perfect but it makes us better.” The students all said in unison and Jungkook smiled. He used to tell her that whenever she caught him practicing too late (which was 99% of the time).
“Okay. See you tomorrow, guys.”
“Bye, Ms. Mei!”
Jungkook swallowed as he tried to sneak a peek from behind the screen. He held his breath as he watched a woman close the door, and then turned towards the room. Emily stood there in jeans and a button-down blouse with her hair tied up in a ponytail. She was radiant as ever and looked something out of a movie scene. Jungkook smiled sadly as he gazed at her from behind the screen. She looked the same but also different, which he supposed was how time passed for people you loved...
She suddenly looked to the other side of the room, and from where Jungkook stood, it felt like she was looking right at him. Even though he knew it was impossible, his heart skipped a beat.
He held his breath as she made her way to her desk, not yet noticing the change in it. He chewed on his lip, a habit of his when he was nervous, and watched as she picked up instruments and placed them into their proper cases before finally reaching the table to organize a bunch of papers and sheet music lying around.
She lifted one of the sheets and paused, and Jungkook knew she saw it.
He stared as her face morphed from confusion, to curiosity, then to shock. She looked up, eyes looking wildly around her as if she’d find the person who left the notebook there.
She never would.
Jungkook looked down at his watch then at the open window, seeing the sun slowly sinking into the horizon, turning the skies pink and purple.
It’s time.
The sun’s rays casted a golden glow against his face and shadows crawled against the wooden floors of the music room.
Jungkook took a deep breath and watched her through the screen. He waited for a few breaths for the light to cast over the screen just right... just until he knew his shadow could be seen on the other side. When it finally did, he felt the magic spark against his skin and found his voice at last.
Emily looked up at the voice, her expression somewhere in the middle of shock and fear and...sorrow.
“Who’s there…?” Her voice cracked and it sounded less of a question as her face showed recognition. Jungkook supposed he should be happy she could still remember his voice. All those nights he sang to her came rushing back and the pain in his chest grew... One he knew he could never quell.
“Don’t be afraid. It’s just me.”
Emily lets out a gasp and drops the papers she was holding. The sheets flew in all directions but she couldn’t seem to care. She turned around in a circle, looking for the impossible. But she couldn’t see anything. It was then that she laid eyes on the recorder playing on the table.
“Jungkook?” She whispered in disbelief.
“I-I know it’s sudden. But there are some things I didn’t get to say to you... that night.”
Jungkook brought his guitar to his front, letting the instrument fit against his body like second skin. Emily always told him that he carried and played it like it was a part of him. When she said that, he’d hold her hand and tell her that if there was one thing he considered a part of him, it would be her.
Back then, he meant it to be a cheesy, adoring boyfriend. Now, it was the hard truth that slapped him across the face.
“H-how is this...” Emily’s voice shook, her head turning and eyes brimming with tears as she stared wide-eyed at the tape recorder on the table.
Jungkook inhaled deeply and as he breathed out, the first few notes sounded from his guitar, his fingers moving deftly against the frets and strings like he had never stopped playing in the first place. Music was always a part of his DNA, an extension of his soul. When he played, he played with his whole heart and right now as she stared at Emily reading the page on his song book, he sang with his everything.
First things first
We start the scene in reverse
All of the lines rehearsed
Disappeared from my mind
Jungkook closed his eyes and let the music take over. People said actions spoke louder than words, but for Jungkook, his music had always been his way of showing how he truly felt. The loudest way he could express what he felt. Wearing his heart on his sleeve, he told her all the things he should’ve done...
When things got loud
One of us running out
I should've turned around
But I had too much pride
Emily covered her lips with a shaking hand and Jungkook knew she was thinking about the last time they had seen each other. How they both said some horrible things, words thrown at each recklessly without thought. Jungkook treated it like a sport. Who could say the worst things? Who would break first and give in? Even when he knew there was no chance of either of them winning.
He wasn’t even sure why he fought when he knew she was just trying to save the one thing he knew he would regret most. More than his music, Emily meant everything to him.
No time for goodbyes
Didn't get to apologize
Pieces of a clock that lies broken
Regrets were often made from the things you thought were right at the moment. Jungkook had known he made the wrong one the moment he stepped out of that door. But he just couldn’t swallow his pride and walked away. And now, he’s stuck in that moment, thinking of what could’ve been if he just turned around...
If I could take us back, if I could just do that
And write in every empty space the words "I love you" in replace
Then maybe time would not erase me
Emily trembled as she read the words, her hand splayed on the page, her fingertips tracing Jungkook’s familiar messy scrawls. The words were written in haste, which in Jungkook’s music vocabulary meant they were written with the most emotion. She could see it in the curve of his letters, in the way the ink bled through the page, showing that he was gripping the pen too tightly in either excitement or frustration. He saw it in the scrawls, the words scratched over as he struggled to find the right words—the right lyrics that will reflect his feelings. A tear fell from her eye.
The one thing Emily learned about Jungkook in the years that they were together was that he wasn’t the most expressive of people. He was quiet, always in his own world, in his own music headspace. But Emily knew him like the back of her hand. So well that she could easily tell what he was feeling through his eyes.
She couldn’t forget the night he left and how he gazed at her...like he was done, like he didn’t love her anymore.
If you could only know I'd never let you go
And the words I most regret are the ones I never meant to leave...
Unsaid Emily.
Emily loved Jungkook’s music. It was one of the things he loved about him. So when his career started to take off, she did nothing but support him. It was given blindly out of love and belief that he could make it big. That his talent was big enough for the world.
But she never thought of the consequences. Never thought his dreams would be the reason he would drift father away from her each day, until they were no more than just strangers.
But Jungkook would never be a stranger, she thought sadly. A heartbreaking memory, perhaps. But never a stranger.
Silent days, mysteries and mistakes
Who'd be the first to break?
Guess we're alike that way
The problem with two people who were both passionate and strong-willed was that they were both willing to prove they’re right. Near the end of their relationship, they barely even talked. The silence deafening and stretching for days on end...
Jungkook wished he broke the silent spell then and shouted out from the rooftops how much he loved her.
He said, she said
Conversations in my head
And that's just where they're gonna stay forever
Emily’s tears began to fall, the tears staining the paper in front of her as she read the lyrics. Her hands shook, her heart ached in her chest, and it felt like with every note and every line, her heart cracked just a little bit… her once broken heart, breaking once again.
When he walked out that night, she forgot to say should’ve asked him...
If I could take us back, if I could just do that
And write in every empty space the words "I love you" in replace
Then maybe time would not erase me
If you could only know I'd never let you go
And the words I most regret are the ones I never meant to leave
Unsaid Emily
Emily sank to her knees, shaking and crying as she held the song book to her chest. The echoes of the song still ringing in her ears. Jungkook watched with tears in his eyes. If there was one thing he hated more than anything, it was seeing the love of his life crying and being the reason for it.
She cried for the time they wasted fighting. He cried for the time stolen from him and could never get back. But most of all, they cried for the time—and love they lost.
“I’m sorry.” He croaked as the tears continued to fall. “I never meant it. I was never tired.”
Emily looked up at his words, her eyes zeroing in on the screen. Jungkook gasped as it felt like she was looking right at him.
The sun was so low that he could catch the blue hour slipping through that small window of time from the way the shadows began to disappear. He held his breath as she walked towards the platform, the song book clutched to her chest. With the remaining light, he hoped she could see him.
Jungkook choked out a sob as he reached out to the screen and spread his palm over it. Emily’s breath hitched as she lifted her right hand over it, until they were hand to hand.
Jungkook let out a shaky breath when he saw the shadow of her hand against his through the screen. She’s so close...
And yet lifetimes apart.
“I-I don’t know what’s happening but you have to know…” Emily whispered to the wind but Jungkook heard her loud and clear. “I forgive you. And I’m sorry, too.”
Jungkook shook his head. He should’ve been relieved but he wasn’t. He wasn’t because one stupid decision costed him so much. Costed him a life with the person he loved the most.
It’s almost time...
A voice reverberated in his head, making his heart quicken in panic. I don’t have much time, he wanted to say. But he knew there was only ever one thing left to say…
“Emily, I lo—”
The sun dipped and the shadow disappeared from the screen, leaving the room dark and blue with the beginnings of silver moonlight shining from the window. And then there was an eerie silence.
Emily gasped when a gust of wind blew through the open window, turning the page of the song book to the next...
She cried even more when she read the three words written in his handwriting.
Some time in between.
Jungkook finished the song at midnight, his fingertips scarred from playing his guitar for hours, his hand dotted with ink stains, and his chest heaving from satisfaction and excitement as he stared at the open page in front of him.
It’s done.
“Now I just have to sing it to her.” Jungkook licked his lips as he turned to the next page and wrote the words: I love you. 
He looked up at the clock and saw the time but he didn’t care. He'd break in through her window if he had to.
Emily had to know how he felt. It had been two days since the big fight and Jungkook couldn’t eat or sleep. He knew he should’ve returned to her immediately, but he had to wait. He had to show her he was sorry. And he had to do it in the most sincere way possible… through song.
With his guitar on his back, he took his bike and kicked his foot against the asphalt with his song book rolled and tucked in his back pocket.
He raced through the streets, ready to tell her the words... “I’m sorry”... “I’m not tired”... “I don’t hate you...”
I love you.
With thoughts of Emily and her bright, kind eyes, Jungkook sped across an intersection. There was a sudden searing light, a ringing in his ears, and...
Then nothing.
The last thing Jungkook remembered was the sight of broken wood pieces and strings... and the lyrics to a song unsung with words unsaid.
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Hello, my dears! Did you miss me? I loved this song so much and it inspired me so thought I’d express it through fanfic. haha!
I hope everyone is staying safe and well. It’s been a weird past few months (or year really) but we’re pushing through and I hope you are too! I hope you guys enjoyed this scenario. Even though it made you cry (hell it made me cry!) Btw, this song is from the sound track of the Netflix series, Julie and the Phantoms. Go watch it if you haven’t! It’s good! I am hoping for a season 2~
Do let me know what you think of this and let me know if you guys have some song recs for this series. ;)
- Kaye Allen
LSS PLAYLIST ; mobile 
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gloomyhearts · 3 years
Always by your side || Luke Patterson
Chapter nine ~ you just left
people grow together through darkness. does this band will make it without their most important human being.
After years will everything keep the same?
Luke patterson x oc
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Sabrina knew exactly where they'd be staying at so the next morning she visits the studio. She poofed in behind Alex drums expecting the boys sitting on the couch but it was empty, just a girl walked into it searching for some guys.
The girl sat down at the piano Sabrina loved to play. And the girl herself began to play some chords. Her voice was angelic.
An older man arrived at the front and looked to the garage, he had a smile on his face, looking relieved.
Sabrina studied her face, her movement and her emotions, somewhere she'd seen this face.
Suddenly the three faces she tried to avoid where behind the singing girl. They didn't seem to notice her again, thank god.
When she finished Alex was about to touch her shoulder to take her into an embrace but Luke stopped him.
The next moment the boys were right next to her. Luke's back was facing her and so did Reggie's. Alex eyes glued on her but he decides to ignore her.
"Oh, dude why'd you stopped me? Julie needs a hug,"
"Bro, a ghost hug isn't the feel-good moment that you think is. All right," he explains.
"Trust me. What Julie needs right now is just a bit of privacy" well Luke wasn't wrong nor right.
The fact that Luke didn't had a girlfriend himself as he was still alive is mostly due to his lack of understanding women or was it?
"Why don't you just go over? They're staring at you since we arrived," Sabrina points over to the group of three girls which all began to wave as Luke's graze fell on them.
"Nah, all they do is to apply make up and tattle about other" he argues.
"You're an idiot" she laughs. At this sight in front of him, her, his mouth curved into a smile.
"You're just jealous," he joins her laughter.
"I'm jealous? Ab- about what? Girls looking at you? You're totally an idiot"
'of course I am' 
Maybe it was because they always had a thing for each other or maybe they didn't found anyone that was as similar as the others. They had a connection no one understood. Alex himself tried to understand it, really he tried his best but somehow nobody else has what they had.
"You know what? I think you poofed us out because you can't handle when people cry," Alex states.
"I should know. I cried in a room for 25 years, and I didn't get a single hug from either of you, just.." he ends before he could say more.
"All right, being it on" Reggie opened his arms to embrace Alex.
"Don't touch me," he threw his hand in the air to imply to him to stop right there.
"That is why no one hugs you," Reggie explains.
"Just what? What do you have to tell us Alex. You're poofing out and then you'd come back crying, obviously and don't tell us where you've been and.. and," Luke starts to stutter at the end.
"I promised. I can't tell you. She.." he stops, his eyes searching for his sister no where to found.
"She?" Reggie questions.
"As in Sa.. Sabrina?" His voice shaking.
The blonde girl hid behind a hedge not knowing if her 'powers' would just make her visible for them.
"N.. no, she wouldn't hide for you guys, I.. I mean you were her family," Alex insists.
"I avoid you." Goosebumps forming on Luke's body as her sweet voice reached his ears.
The girl stepped out from behind the spot.
The sunlight shone on her body and make her look like an angel, Luke thought.
"Brina," he exhales, his view starts to blurry.
"Just hear me out, please, Alex,' she didn't dared to look into his eyes nor his face.
"It wasn't easy for me to leave you all behind. And when I came back as you all played for the first time again. I.. I tried everything to let you know I'm with you. I was in the Orpheum when you had rehearsal, when you talked to the woman and... and when," she gulped tears were streaming down her face
"I just couldn't," Sabrina shook her head as she placed her hands in front of her face.
"You kissed my temple right?" She nodded.
"This whole time. Why didn't you say something, you could have found us. Did Alex, did he knew?" And again she just nodded.
"And you didn't told us Alex? Are you serious?!" Sabrina began to move towards Luke her hand reaching for his and he pulled away.
"Can we talk Luke? Alone?" She suggests.
"No" he coldly says. Sabrina needed to get out of there and poofed herself out. The group was quiet, frozen in tracks.
After collecting his thoughts, I..I think we should, when we have the Courage, ask Julie why she lied go us about the piano," he spoke.
"Yeah, maybe tell her how amazing she's."
"She's legit. I got ghost bumps," he shoved his sleeves up.
A sobbing girl walked past the group to the door of the studio.
" Oh my gosh, was she crying too?" Alex whispers towards his friends.
"Yes," Luke hisses while turning around.
"And the only thing scarier than one girl crying is two girl crying."
"He's right." Alex experienced quite a few times with Sabrina and her friends.
"Guys, we definitely can't go in there," Luke states.
"But we can listen," Reggie points out. And so the three teenager made their way over to the door and peeked through the windows. When Julie's graze rose up to the other girl the boys went down abruptly so they wouldn't be seen by her.
The teenage girls walked out of the garage and Julie greeted the boys which irritated her friend.
They moved past the group and to the stairs.
Reggie calls "don't worry! We weren't listening" in her direction and Luke kicked him.
In the next second the boys were in the garage.
"I wonder why Julie didn't tell us she could play the piano," Reggie began.
"And sing. That girl can sing," Luke added.
"I didn't heard a voice like thins since.." he stopped.
"You know," he shrugged his shoulders.
"Yeah, you're right," Alex agrees.
"I think it probably has something to do with her mom. You know."
"Must've been hard," he went on and moves to the stairs .
"Anyway, I really feel for her," he says at he climbs up.
"Yeah, but," Luke took a seat at the piano.
"Now that she's got music back in her life, just like us."
“Yeah, I’m not sure you can call what we have a life,” Alex calls from the little loft in the garage.
“Oh hey, some of the clothes we left behind are still up here.” He threws the bag down.
“Sweet,” Luke tears his sweater and shirt off his body.
“Oh, same clothes since ’95, boys.”
Julie’s dad steps into the garage, walking through Reggie, “Oh, that was weird!”
“But somehow I can tell this man has a kind heart,” he describes.
Alex sat down, his legs hanging down, his arms resting on the railing. He watched his friends.
“so how have you been?” the older man began. Reggie concernd that the man was talking to him.
“Honestly, not that good. See we ate these hot dogs, and—”
“Julie sang for the first time this morning,” his feet
“She hadn’t done that in almost a year. You would’ve loved it.
“Yeah, we saw cause we were.. Oh!” It hit Reggie like a rock. The man hold his camera up and the clicking of the shutter filled the room.
“Oh, I get it.” Reggie waved his hand in front of his face.
The raven haired boy turned to his friend, “He.. He’s not talking to us.”
“you are so lucky you can play bass.”
“Pretty sure he’s talking to Julie’s mom," Alex insists.
“She’s such an amazing young woman,” he reached the piano.
“Every day she reminds me more and more of you.
“Called it,” the blonde exclaims.
“Oh, I’m.. uh.. I’m taking for the real estate website. I don’t reall wanna move, but.. It’s the best for Julie,” the three ghost’s were now assembled around the piano.
Luke leans on the piano facing Julie’s dad, “Move?”
“There��s so many memories of Julie playing next to you, and.. Carlos trying to sing with his missing two front teeth,” he remembers chuckling. The shaggy jaired boy breathed shakily bringing his hand up his face to cover it.
Reggie turns to his friend, “Oh no, Luke, not you too.”
“He.. He’s talking about moving, but the poor guy, he doesn’t wanna move,” he explains like the other two haven’t widness it.
Their little scene was interrupt by the man again, “It’s like they grew up.. out here.”
“Oh man, now’s he’s got me too,” Reggie sobs, fanning himself.
“Okay, how am I the emotional one?” Alex argues.
“C-C-Can we go see my family and see how they’re doing?”
“Yeah listening to this feels wrong.”
“Hey, do you remember when the kids were at your sister’s, and we came out her eon our anniversary..”
“Yeah. No definitely wrong,” Luke poofed himself out of the picture. The other two mirrored his action.
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Mini Gillespie (part 2)-Charlie Gillespie
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A/n: Thank you so much for requesting. This was requested by @gillespie_charlie. This was requested from my other account that I post these too.
Your POV
Nine months later
I was in the kitchen washing the dishes when I felt a sharp pain near my lower abdomen. I let out a groan of pain, but felt something running down my leg. I looked down to find out that my water broke. I shouted for Charlie to come quickly.
“ Baby, what’s wrong?” he said rushing in
I turned to face him, but still holding on to the counter.
“ It’s time. The baby’s coming!” I said
He looked at me with wide eyes, but ran to grab the things we needed for the journey. I let out another groan in pain.
“ Charlie hurry please!” I shouted
“ I’m coming baby.” he said
I then felt his arms go under my knees and then I was being lifted off the floor. I wrapped one of my arms around the back of his neck to hold on.
“ It’s going to be okay darling.” He reassured me while speed walking to get to the car.
We were about five minutes from the hospital when I got another sharp pain. Charlie moved his eyes from the road for a split second before going back to the road. I felt him rub little circles on my leg to calm me down a little.
Charlie’s POV
Right when I parked the car I rushed over to Y/n’s side to help her inside. I was speed walking with her in my arms.
“ Someone! My wifes in labor!” I shouted even though I didn’t need to.
“ Okay, put her down here sir.” a nurse said
Once she was down they started taking her to a room which I followed. When we got to the room I started getting a little anxious.
Your POV
While I was getting hooked up to all the machines I saw Charlie pacing.
“ Baby. come here.” I said
He looked over and carefully walked around to the other side of me.
“ Alright, everything looks super good. You should be able to push soon.” the nurse said
We both smiled and I thanked her. She then pushed a few buttons before leaving the room.
“ Are you excited to meet her?” I asked Charlie
He smiled at me and nodded. “ Yea super excited. Did you ever pick a name?” he asked
“ Yea, want to hear it?” I questioned
I saw his smile grow. “ What is it? Tell me please!”
I let out a giggle due to his excitement. “ Well, I was thinking about Carly Anne Gillespie.”
“ It’s perfect. Your perfect.” he said leaning down to my lips
Before our lips touched I whispered “ Smooth gillespie.”
He let out a chuckle before giving my lips a gentle kiss.
I was lying on my side a little due to the epidural they gave me for the pain. I could hear Charlie talking to someone through his phone.
“ Yea, dude. We’re at the hospital right now.”
My guess is either Owen or Jeremy. I saw him looking over at me so I smiled. He gave me one back until going back to talking to the person. There was a knock on the door and when it opened my nurse smiled.
“ It’s time! Are you ready to push?”
I let out a nervous laugh, but nodded my head. She gently touched my shoulder.
“ It’s going to be okay sweetie.” I gave her a small smile
She then went back to setting everything up for the process.
Charlie’s POV
I was talking to Owen and Jeremy on a double facetime call with my headphones in. I was in the middle of a sentence when there was a knock on the door. I saw our nurse walk in super excited. I heard Owen’s voice say something, but didn’t answer. I turned back to the phone and told them.
“ Alright guys it’s time, so I’ll talk to you guys soon.”
They both said good luck before we all hung up. I then put my phone and headphones away to head back to Y/n/n.
“ You ready dad.” Rachel said
I looked up to find our nurse looking at me. I smiled and nodded.
“ I’m pumped.” I told her
She let out a laugh before more people came to help us with the birth of our daughter.
I was watching the whole process with Y/n/n’s hand holding mine super tight which I didn’t really mind. If it helps her with the pain I won’t object to her from squeezing so tight. I heard Rachel say…
“ You're almost done sweetie. One more push and you're done.”
I felt her squeeze my hand again then we both heard the cries of our daughter.
“ Congrats you two!” Rachel said
I thanked her while she placed her on top of Y/n/n’s chest.
Your POV
I was physically exhausted, but powered through it for my daughter. Rachel gently placed her on me so that I could hold her.
“ Have you guys picked a name?” She asked
Charlie answered “ Her name is Carly Anne Gillespie.”
Rachel smiled at the name. She then walked away to write everything down. Charlie then asked to hold her which made me smile. He took her carefully out of my arms and walked around with her.
It’s been about two days or so with Carly and it’s been a blast. I was actually getting her ready to head home today. I was packing up when I felt arms wrap around my waist.
“ Hey princess. How is everything going?” Charlie asked
I smiled and then leaned in for a kiss which I gave him.
The both of us then grabbed our things while I then picked Carly up in her car seat. We headed out of the hospital saying bye to everyone on the way out. When we got to the car I opened the back door and strapped Carly in before heading to my seat.
Charlie’s POV
I looked to my right to find soft snores coming from Y/n/n while in the back were even more little snores coming from. I smiled at my two girls before focusing back on the road.
I parked the car and gently shook Y/n awake, so that we could go inside.
“ Hey sleeping beauty.”
I saw her eye’s flutter open. She gave me a tired smile and helped me take things inside. She then grabbed Carly out of the car. When we got inside the door Koa came running up to us. I bent down to give him some attention.
“ Hey Koa. Do you want to meet someone?”
I turned to Y/n which made her smile. I gently held Koa back so she could set Carly’s car seat down. Koa kept trying to get out of my hold, but I held on strong. Y/n then gave me a nod, so I realised Koa. I heard her say…
“ Koa gentle. This is the new family member.”
I smiled and grabbed my phone to snap a picture of the three of them. I was going to set that up as my lock screen later.
Third Person POV
The Gillepsie household was always filled with goofy and chaotic energy. When Carly Anne came she added so much more chaotic energy. Charlie could already tell that she was going to turn into a mini him. Y/n was offended by Charlie’s thoughts, but was excited for another Charlie in the house. Koa was especially happy to have a little friend to chill with. Everyone from the cast got to meet her from a zoom call since they all were at their home towns.
Charlie’s POV
It was around ten when I heard snores coming from the bedroom, so I walked in to find Y/n/n, Carly and Koa all curled up together. I decided to change and join the sleepover.
First I would like to say sorry for all the little jumps I did in the story. Second of all I hope you enjoy and feel free to request more.
If any of you want you can pick your daughter's name I just chose that name because I liked  it, but I don't mind if you want to pick a different one.
Enjoy again!!!
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I feel like all lesbians in this fandom should be given an award for staying despite the amount of unwanted pictures of shirtless charlie gillepsie we have to see
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hvlloweens-a · 3 years
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* 𝙬𝙚 𝙛𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙞𝙣 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙣 . . .
        venhurst shores is a ghost town for several months, just waiting for memorial day weekend when tourists help the town come alive again. bordering the atlantic ocean, it’s known for having miles of sandy beaches and a boardwalk that can spur a sense of nostalgia in anyone who visits. during the day, families can be seen eating brunch at the oceanfront cafes or building sandcastles in the sand. when the sun sets, the neon lights of the boardwalk illuminate the area and the music from the seaside bars can be heard from blocks away. the environment is ideal for drawing in young adults who are eager to spend their summer days split between work and play. the group may only stay here for a few months but the memories live forever. 
this is a discord only verse centered around a group of young adults ( 21 - 25 ) working for a popular boardwalk / beach town in the summer . this will be a laid back but collaborative experience with events and tasks … but also a place to gush over muses, connections and bond with no set activity limit . it’s a semi-plotless concept and will be connection-focused . my goal is to accept on may 16 ! < 3
very standard rules apply . we’re all adults !
(1) no ooc drama ; if something is bothering you, come to me privately and we can handle it together . there will likely be a large amount of ic drama so please be able to distinguish between ic and ooc ! if you cause ooc drama, you’ll be removed from the group immediately .
( 2 ) no godmodding. no bubble roleplaying ( please don’t join if your only intention is to ship and nothing else ! ) . no problematic, deceased or fcs under 19 . please follow a +5/-5 rule when age-bending .
( 3 ) mature themes are definitely going to be present in this verse . please censor possible triggering content and put smut in nsfw channels . you must be 19+ to join and your muses must be 21 - 25 . there is a mun cap of 10 ( excluding myself ) and you’re allowed to play 1 muse to start . 
( 4 ) there is no activity limit but please try to do something ic every day , even if it’s just posting some musings and/or chatting with us in the ooc chat ! weekly interest checks will be posted and if you don’t react to the post within 24 hours, your role will be reopened .
𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. - please send your app through my submit ! < 3
( fc , gender, pronouns ) hey ! is that FIRST LAST working on the boardwalk this summer ? they’re a AGE IN LETTERS year old ZODIAC that can be described as POSITIVE and NEGATIVE . i think they’re spending the next few months working as a/n OCCUPATION and have spent AMOUNT OF YEARS summers here . their friends would describe them as THREE AESTHETICS and their favorite song is TITLE by ARTIST . written by alias, pronouns, age, url.
please include something extra for me to get a feeling for your muse ! it could be a playlist, a pinterest board, a handful of hcs or a couple of wanted connections .. whatever you want to include ! 
a few suggested occupations : go kart track attendant, boardwalk ride attendant, bartender, waitress, lifeguard, any hotel staff, ice cream shop workers, candy shop workers, museum workers, boat mechanic, nanny, aquarium worker . . . and anything else that you want ! these are just some suggestions !
taken :
( nailea devora , cis woman , she/her ) hey ! is that NATASHA LEON working on the boardwalk this summer ? they’re a TWENTY ONE year old TAURUS that can be described as ALLOCENTRIC and COVETOUS . i think they’re spending the next few months working at an ICE CREAM SHOP and have spent THREE summers here . their friends would describe them as SETTING A DOZEN ALARMS ON YOUR PHONE TO AVOID BEING LATE FOR YOUR MORNING SHIFT, STICK AND POKE TATTOOS THAT COME WITH INDIVIDUAL BACKSTORIES & GETTING CAUGHT UP IN YOUR OWN DAYDREAMS and their favorite song is KISS ME MORE by DOJA CAT & SZA . written by jamie, she/they, 24, stargczing.
app count :
13 x dove cameron, joe keery, kiana ledé, sydney sweeney, hugh laughton-scott, bruna marquezine, cindy kimberly, sincerelyjuju, aaron liebregets, froy gutierrez, charlie gillepsie, lalisa manoban, romee strijd !
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it is pride month and so i expect $10 from every straight person who has cursed me with pictures of charlie gillepsie, owen patrick joyner, or booboo stewart shirtless. pay up.
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lydias--stiles · 3 years
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bandstolookup · 3 years
alphabets heaven
nick leng
panda coast
bc camplight
no tv no radio
anton borin
potato potato
twiggy lashes.
gorgon city
laura welsh
cosmic quest
masaan & monky b
james vincent mcmorrow
say lou lou
noah breakfast
parra for cuva
sophie orchard
dj unwind
hannah karydas
japanese wallpaper
pepa knight
blackbird blackbird
frugal father
nana adjoa
karnaval blues
paul white
denai moore
mickey kojak
say lou lou
feng suave
parquet courts
lillian frances
nick mulvey
gabriel garzon-montana
andrew appelpie
the smith street band
ocean alley
chet faker
the jungle giants
mllo greene
fela kuti
fela and the africa 70
das pirate
kill them with colour
emily and the woods
tiger tsunami
manicured noise
telescope thieves
manatee commune
violet skies
sophia aroutsidis
hayden james
molly williams
hazy mountains
my dying will
marlene winkler
cold fingers
noble oak
astro zu
the last port
how to dress well
duck house
big wild
benny blanco
vanessa elisha
matt mulkey
not blue skies
tyler mccrane
ticket finish / finish ticket
magic man
the new schematics
the mowglis
great good fine ok
urban cone
company of thieves
run with it
j roddy walston
unlikely futures
dinner date
inside out
Christian burns
Stefan dabruck
Marshall tucker band
the black crowes
drive-by truckers
Alabama shakes
38 special
the promise ring
Texas is the reason
sunny day real estate
Kendrick Lamar
Bruno Mars
Calvin Harris
bo burnham
Miley Cyrus
lady GAGA
Charlie Xcx
Saint Pepsi
joseph capriati
hannah wants
john maus
michael mayer
westside gunn
peggy gou
rolling blackouts coastal fever
the delirians
the griswolds
the script
long beach dub allstars
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samsdei · 4 years
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Charlie Gillepsie, Jeremy Shada & Owen Joyner
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shrikehq · 3 years
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❝ every store at shrike mall prides themselves on their customer service. if a customer hasn’t left the mall with a smile - you haven’t done your job ! hope that’s not too much pressure for you. now, don’t forget to check out your to-do list ! welcome to the life rose on, high scores + fast times teams, respectively !! ❞
kristine froseth, bisexual, cis female + she/her ― hey look, it’s lydia blackwood! they’re twenty-four years old, they’ve lived in shrike heights for two years, and they’re currently working at life rose on. i heard they’re pretty weird, but i think they’re so clever at the same time. can they make it out alive? || miranda, 25, she/her
charlie gillepsie, bisexual, genderfluid + he/she/they ― hey look, it’s montgomery ‘monty’ morris ! they’re twenty-three years old, they’ve lived in shrike heights for ten years, and they’re currently working at fast times & high scores. i heard they’re pretty unrefined, but i think they’re so genuine at the same time. can they make it out alive? || miranda, 25, she/her
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salvatoraesa · 3 years
name:   rissa star sign: libra height: 5′2 what’s your middle name:  it’s a secret 
put your spotify/apple music on shuffle. what are the first 6 songs that popped up?      
COPYCAT - billie eilish 
BNBG - djo
is there somewhere - halsey
love it if we made it - the 1975
ophelia - the lumineers
new light - john mayer
ever had a poem/song written about you?  - i haven’t, that would be kinda cool though.
when was the last time you played air guitar? probably back when me & lele ( @jupitcr ) watched bill & ted loooool 
who is your celebrity crush? god so many, but gavin leatherwood has been high on my radar lately... and charlie gillepsie
what’s a sound you hate; sound you love? i hate the sound of people chewing, when forks scratch plates.......god i a cringing thinking about it. i love the sound of rain hitting the window and the keyboard clicks on an iphone when sound is on lmao 
do you believe in ghosts?  not really.
how about aliens? obviously 
do you drive? i don’t drive.
if so have you crashed?  n/a
what was the last book you read? honestly i haven’t read a book in so long.....
do you like the smell of gasoline? no, it gives me a headache.
what’s the worst injury you’ve had?  i haven’t really had anything too bad, thankfully.
do you have any obsessions right now? i’ve been really into harley quinn’s animated show and the julie and the phantoms soundtrack is like all i’ve been listening to lmaoooo
do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? it depends on the situation and how bad it was or what happened.
in a relationship? nope, and i probably won’t be like ever.
TAGGED BY: stole it from the dash !! TAGGING: @headsaves , @jupitcr , @saveours , @nickolhs , @hybredtm , @stonedgilbert @adorablecas,  @lovedtooeasily , @mieczlw , @shesdaylight , @valeure , @felonaes , @astralsparks , @pattersunset , @coyoted &  whoever reads this !
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