#canon regulus
Also, just saying. Canon!Regulus having Kreacher's abuse by Voldemort be the catalyst to his spiral tells me he likely wouldn't have stood by and watch half of what fanon!Sirius goes through — the typical shit fanon!Regulus supposedly... Just watches and lets be.
Which tells me about how different the abuse might have been within the Black Family (still abusive though). Which tells me Regulus was much, much more closer to standing up for and/or leaving with Sirius OR finding his own way than we usually think.
Sometimes... SOMETIMES it feels so weird seeing Regulus generally be taken as this person who can live with seeing Sirius violently abused every single day of his life, especially in fics where it's outright torture porn!!!! And it's all so very strange. So very strange. Canon!Regulus wouldn't have stood for half the shit fanon and fic Sirius goes through, when Kreacher coming back once, hurt, was enough for him to start questioning things. And mind you, he didn't change sides right immediately when he saw Kreacher, he endeavored to learn more about Voldemort, he let himself be spurred on by his doubts and let the information take him to where he needed to be. Regulus was brilliant in his own way.
I don't know if this makes me feel better or worse. The idea that Regulus was way, way in too deep to be saved. Or that Regulus died when his kindness made him so much more closer to the truth which he never saw until it was too late. Maybe none of it matters.
It really speaks of his naivety and blundering ignorance (one can be kind, smart, and cunning while still being ignorant), yes, but also of how he actually cares about those who he considers family.
I feel like these days I'm much more aware of the things the fandom uses to draw contrast between the two brothers and find that so much of it takes away from Regulus' integrity as a character. In this case specifically where the brothers are compared for their bravery and it usually goes like this: Sirius is a brave victim of abuse and is willing to get hit just to say his piece. Regulus is too scared to not only stand up for himself but also stand up for his brother who he watches bleed and get beat up constantly.
I just want to say before i continue that kids shouldn't be vilified for freezing up in the face of abuse, whether of their own or of others. Regulus freezing up and being scared of parental violence is him being a victim too.
But i do think that this ^^ depiction of Regulus can be considered quite a significant detraction from what can be inferred from canon!Regulus.
Seeing his brother brutalized the way Sirius is often portrayed would have been just as, if not more, important and shocking to him. And yes, just as book Regulus was decisive — he would've been just as decisive in doing something about his brother's abuse. Would he have gotten in front of his parents' wands? Maybe not. But he would've gotten Sirius out of there. He would've done something about it. He fucking would've.
And he'd have started questioning things really fast just as he did with Kreacher. There wouldn't have been a horcrux to steal but there would have been a brother to fight for.
Regulus has always been decisive despite his naivety and his ignorance. He was decisive about joining Voldemort. And he was decisive about stopping him. He was decisive when he went into the cave.
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milleeeeeee · 1 year
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i’m just saying….
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silviawordsworth · 4 months
The bashing of the canon young marauders +reg is strange to me. Like why are we hating on these kids for not looking like models?
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gaybeanman · 2 months
I was half asleep and reilised that evan and Pandora aren't canonicly siblings and James potter is canonicly white and there all canonicly straight and kinda mean
I can't sleep now
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pearlynia · 2 months
Remus and Regulus discussing about books
Sirius, sighing dramatically: Prongs, the light of my life, since our boyfriends ditched us for each other, why don't we get married!?
James, wiping out fake tears: Padfoot, the love of my life, it would be an honor to marry you!
Sirius, fake crying: Moony, I'm dumping you for my soon to be husband!
James, fake sniffing: Regulus-
Regulus: Can you two shut the fuck up or get the fuck out, the adults are speaking.
Remus: Honestly you two, didn't Effie taught you to not interrupt your elders?
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redadidassneakers · 1 year
No but James would wear Calvin Klein boxers and Remus would wear fuck boy pajama pants without shirts on and the Black brothers would be practically dead every. single. time.
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marauders era, incorrect quote
James: did you have to stab him?
Regulus: you weren’t there. You didn’t hear what he said to me.
James: what did he say?
Regulus: what are you going to do? Stab me?
Sirius, nodding: that’s fair
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caspervi · 8 months
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Nothing like drawing starchaser while hearing Phoebe Bridgers the entire time
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not-rab · 1 year
Remus walks in on James holding up Regulus:
Remus: Air jail?
James: Air jail.
Regulus: *softly hisses*
James: He tried to kill Sirius.
Remus: Why?
James: *shrugs*
Remus: Understandable *leaves the room*
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wolvesandshine · 4 months
“What the fuck are you doing here.”
Regulus rolls his eyes. “Thought it would be fun to freeze my arse off in the cold today.”
James scoffs disbelievingly. “It’s 5 in the morning!”
Regulus just raises his eyebrow. “And?”
“Why aren’t you asleep?”
“I could ask the same thing.”
James groans out loud in frustration. “This is such a waste of time.”
“Glad we could finally agree on something. Now get out, I have to get back to training.”
“Shouldn’t you be focusing on how to kill muggles instead with your death eater friends?”
Regulus stiffens at that, anger coursing through him. “Not everyone has the luxury of choices like the gryffindor golden boy.” Regulus glared at Potter. “Some of us have to work for it.”
James goes to argue but there’s something off about the sentence. “Slytherin has beaten everyone else by miles since you became a seeker.”
Regulus looks at him like he’s the slow one. “That’s not going to cut it. I need to be signed on full time by a professional team this time next year.”
And suddenly - it clicks. James looks at the boy in front of him, really looks at him for the first time, finally understanding the desperation with which regulus plays, the ruthless efficiency combined with skill and hours of training.
This isn’t a game to him. It’s his way out.
part 2
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starchaserdreams · 4 months
If I could change one thing about Harry Potter canon it would be that Sirius lived just long enough to find out that Regulus turned on Voldemort. That's it. He can still die since she thought that needed to happen. But I need him to know Regulus fought back.
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what if trans!regulus always found it seriously difficult to make friends even as a kid, until one day, he decides to be better in his senior year and his first ever best friend is remus, and then he asks james a favor and james confirms that their friends now?
Regulus: I really appreciate your help out there.
James: No problem. It's what friends are for, right?
Regulus: ......
Regulus: Right.
Regulus: *smiling widely* Remus! I've made another friend!
Remus: *smiles back* That's amazing, Reg. I'm really happy for you.
Regulus: His name is James. He's very nice.
Remus: *chuckles* 'Course he is.
Remus: Love, Reg made another friend.
Sirius: Really? Who had the power to tame my brother?
Remus: James, apparently.
Sirius: *blinks* Oh.
Remus: *chuckles* Oh.
Remus: By the way, we need to buy him a new binder.
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pearlynia · 4 months
Sirius: *yelling insults while running*
Regulus: *chasing with an axe looking murderous*
James looking at them from the window: uhmmmmm
Remus: should we help..?
Lily looks up from her book: oh no they'll be fine. It's a normal sibling thing to do, you guys wouldn't understand.
James: what are they fighting about again?
Lily: Regulus ate the last cookie so Sirius ate his book
Remus: I'm glad I don't have any siblings
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im-in-a-love-cult · 2 months
"Canon James would never date Regulus!!" NOW y'all care about canon 🤨🤨
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nicoloowiarchz · 3 months
Regulus, opening up to James: My own mother thought i was a monster...
James: Oh, Reggie--
Regulus: She was right, of course, but it still hurt.
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jegulus incorrect quote pt i would like to know
Dumbledore: Did you take out The youngest black as I requested?
James: Regulus has been taken out, yes
Dumnblehore: You have my grat-
James: It was a great restaurant
James: We had a romantic candlelit dinner
James: Regulus proposed afterwards- we’re filing the wedding papers
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