#can only imagine how they act around real children
tired-fandom-ndn · 15 hours
ok but adaine growing comfortable in elvish culture after reconnecting with the family
aelwyn has always been better at the whole being an elf from fallinel thing because she had more time growing up there than adaine
yes she knows what’s expected of an elf but it comes off way more robotic and family members are like “why are you being so formal we’re family you dont need to do that for me”
and after a couple stays and visits she’s embraced her elvish nature while still being herself. not the mask of perfection her parents expected her to act like at all times
Oh gosh, I love this.
I can imagine Angwyn and Arianwen as the sort of people to just. Completely disregard any aspects of their culture that aren't convenient for them, that don't make them look better and feel more important.
They eat food and display art from Fallinel, but only the "highest" class things. They speak Elven at home, but only the most common dialect and they trained Aelwyn and Adaine's accents out of them. They claim to only respect other high elves, but are disgusted and disappointed by any aspect of Fallinel's culture that isn't absolute perfection. Their home, clothes, and general behaviors are all very typically Solesian upper-class.
You're so right about Aelwyn, like even just the couple of years between them was enough to give Aelwyn more of an established identity as a Fallinel elf than Adaine had, especially since Adaine was probably more isolated and held to a different standard than Aelwyn in terms of interacting with other people and engaging in their culture. She sometimes slips back into her accent when speaking Elven (something Adaine is bitterly jealous of), she's more familiar with Fallinel music, and she's up to date on politics and events in Fallinel in ways Adaine isn't because she wasn't given that opportunity by their parents.
(When they're younger, that's just another thing for their parents to pit them against each other over, another thing for Aelwyn to lord over her sister. When they reconnect, it's something they both struggle with, the ways they've been denied their culture and especially Adaine's bitterness and grief at what she should've had.)
Before reconnecting with her family, I would bet that Adaine's main exposures to Fallinel culture were her parents (who could've lied about a lot of shit, to make Adaine feel bad for not meeting "Elven standards" while also shaping her into being as quiet and obedient as possible) and Telemaine (who I'm pretty sure is meant to be a weird forest hermit and not a reflection of overall Fallinel), so her perceptions are. Warped. She's not prepared for her loud and affectionate family, chattering away at her and talking over each other while children run around underfoot. Yes, they're weird in very distinctly elf ways and pretty disconnected from the world, but they're also bright and energetic and eager to listen to what Adaine and Aelwyn have to say.
I definitely think Adaine would fall back into the habits her parents trained into her, but her family members would respond with just open affection and jokes about how she behaves like a diplomat how just needs to relax, she's with family! Parents send their kids over to play with Adaine and Aelwyn in an attempt to get them relax more and they're constantly plied with food and drinks and the sort of easy affection that they've always seen in other families but have never experienced in their own. One of their aunts manages to pin Adaine down to do her hair in some elaborate style of braids and hairpieces (pins and flowers mostly, maybe some birds) that went out of fashion hundreds of years ago.
I like the idea of Adaine and Aelwyn traveling through Fallinel, visiting scattered family members and learning about real Fallinel cuisine and art and fashion, picking up different dialects as they travel and finding out how fake the idea of an unchanging culture is, how much of what they know is just propaganda invented by the Fallinel upper-class to try to keep people in line. Adaine finds it a lot easier to accept and embrace that part of herself when she sees how Fallinel isn't some pristine and perfect place untouched by the world, that it's a real place home to messy and complicated people and it has space for someone like her.
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pistachi0art · 27 days
moots in hlvrai who are out of the loop rn and don’t check ppl’s profiles i just want to inform that this person is reaaally gross and to advise to block and move on.
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Also the absolute hypocrisy from this particular person is really funny bc how can you claim not to be a zoo/pedo when your writing shit like this
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there’s art too. Yeah. NASTY.
And not to mention they’re buddies with this fellow (who is ALSO on tumblr- can’t find their user tho, probably blocked me but if you see some really nasty sh*ta art pop up in the tag, it’s them!)
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Like I said tho, don’t interact, don’t comment, don’t bother sending any sort of meaningful response/hate their way bc they’re absolutely addicted to any and all attention bc they’ve never had an ounce of it in their- oh yeah 20+! Years of existence on this earth! ☺️ just block and move on please.
(Also Mx. “My power grows with every hate comment” talks about drawing more gross shit with every bit of criticism they receive so really. Just. Don’t even bother.)
UPDATE! the other weirdo’s tumblr account for your blocking pleasures:
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hhonghu · 1 year
You don't have to answer this if it makes you uncomfortable.
But imagine yan!trans!scara babytrapping you because he was scared of you leaving him because he wasn't the Kubokimono that you were in love with all those centuries ago. But you were surprisingly happy that Scara was pregnant, and that you wanted to raise the child with him. And you wanted to celebrate by stuffing his cunt with more of your cum, if only you knew that your darling was far from the naive innocent Kubokimono you once knew.
yan!trans!scara is so real for this, absolute girlboss!! what's a better way to get you tied down to him for the rest of your life is a baby ofc!! i researched so this should be an afab!trans!scara ? usage of female anatomy ! correct me if im wrong (bc i feel like i wrote this absolutely wrong and ill rewrite it)!
he would be biting his nails, nervousness and paranoia taking over him as he thinks deeply. there's a possibility you'll still leave him. he was no longer the kabukimono you once knew; sweet, kind, curious, and naïve about the world and of course, you. you just can't let him go, he belonged to you! he was everything to you and he still is! the thought was haunting him, he's yours so don't leave!
he's thinking of ways to make you stay forever: sex? a lot of that and mire. money? you're too humble, money doesn't sway you too much. he tugs on his hair in frustration, racking his brain for anything, anything that won't make you leave him ever. then, a thought pops in.
a baby.
you were soft with children, even back in inazuma. despite you having work, you were willing to look after children when parents would come to you for help. you let them do as they please, running around and playing, even calling for you and him to join. and even at times, they would ask to play house. "kabukimono will be our mother, [name] will be his spouse, and we will be your children!" you would chuckle and agree, cooing how you and him would be great parents to them.
and so he had a plan. he'll have you fuck him pregnant. stuff him full of your cum and reach his womb, ensuring that he'll be pregnant with your child. that's it, it's the perfect plan! all he has to do now is put it into action. he prepared everything; he'll clear your schedule for a whole week and have you fuck him on his most fertile day, just to be sure.
and today was the day!
you were informed and relieved of your workload by scara's subordinates and shooed to his quarters, "lord scaramouche says he awaits you in his room." you headed for his room all the while wondering why the sudden vacation. maybe you've been working too hard? you had been busy with fatui work lately so it could be that he did this so he can have you all to himself. cheeky boy. you finally arrived and knocked on his door, "scara, i'm coming in." you twist the knob and head inside, "it's quite nice of you to let me relax for the week, we should—" you freeze, eyes landing on a beautiful sight.
scara was sitting down on the edge of the bed, legs crossed and wearing a pretty purple lingerie that matches his eyes, straps and lace hugging his body beautifully. you stare and eye him all over while scara was absolutely bathing in your attention, smirking. "like what you see, [name]?" he stands up and approaches you, his steps coquettish and cunning, his hips swaying and you watch. he reaches his finger to trace the outline of your jaw to your chin and you still stare, stunned of what he was doing, how he was acting. scara wraps his arms around your neck, his chest coming in contact with yours. "keep staring, i like this.." he mutters, taking in the attention you're giving him. it was working!
you finally snapped out of your daze, your hands coming up to his waist and squeezing it. "well, aren't your surprising?" you smile, "does this come with the vacation too?" he knew what he was doing to you, getting himself all prettied up all for you was one of the things that gets you going. scara nods, lips curling into a smile, "my [name] has been working so hard to stay by my side, surely you deserve a reward, no?" his body sways, tempting you more. "come to bed and let me help you relax."
"guuhh— ohhhh, fuck♡! [name]! hahh—" scara pants, skin slapping heard in the room and his moans getting louder. "that's right, darling. ride me mmmm— harder," scara's eyes were unfocused, his hips slamming his ass up and down on your cock, his cum dripping down his thighs down to your stomach. you reach for his clit, rubbing frantically and his back arches, his pussy clenching as he feels his orgasm coming. "nghhh— you're fucking my pussy hgnhh— fhuck♡! fuck my pussy so good [name] ah, ah, ah♡!", "my hole was made for you to oooohh— fuck♡! all yours, all yours, all yours!", "yesyesyes, 'm gonna cum, you're gonna— ohhhhh, nghhh— i'm gonna fucking cum♡!♡" his hips comes to stop and he squirts with a pop, his juices drenching your cock and stomach. your fingers still kept on rubbing on his puffy clit and watch in fascination as he jerks around from overstimulation. he was starting to feel tired, orgasm after orgasm washing over his body and you still have yet to cum inside him. he can't have that, he won't.
he regains his composure, he'll have your cum in him if that's the last thing he'll ever do and the rest can come after. he slowly realigns himself on your cock, teasing his hole with your tip. "we're not stopping, [name]." you hear him mutter, "you're going to stuff my pussy with your cum until its overflowing, until you can't fit more inside. we won't stop." he slams down on you, mewling as feels your tip touch his cervix. he leans down his body and went in for a kiss, his hips bringing itself up and down on your cock. he moans into your mouth as he kept going faster, his pussy gushing around you. "mmph— that's it, [name]. fuck into my pussy and nhghh— cum in it, don't you dare stop♡!" he screams, lost in pleasure as you wrap your arms around his torso and slowly rise your hips meet his thrusts, his pussy felt so good around you, felt too good even.
you finally cum inside him, groaning as you feel him tighten around and milk you for all your worth. you can hear him sigh happily and nuzzle in your neck, his ass wiggling as he feels your cum spurt inside him. you catch your breath and thought, so much for relaxing. all the while you were recover, scara was smiling to himself. you finally caved in and he'll finally get you to stay for all eternity.
2-3 weeks passed by (and a whole fuck fest), scara was already experiencing symptoms of pregnancy; from morning sickness to backache, he knew he finally got what he wanted and he couldn't be more happy. you were worried about his constant sickness, thinking you've gotten overboard with your sex with him and had him rest and attended to by trusted subordinates and you (reader is dense idk why get the hint!!!). it wasn't until one night, after a long night of fatui work and coming back to check in on him, scara pats the free space beside him. "[name], come lie down, i missed you today." you obliged, taking your coat off and gently lying down next to him. you wrapped your arm his waist and sighed, "how are you feeling, darling? i was told the doctor came in today, what did he say?" your subordinates seemed to have refused to tell you the diagnosis, telling you that scara forbade them and that he was to tell you instead. you prepared for the worst, thinking of every possibility and dreading if you have somehow put him and his body in danger.
"[name], promise me something first?" you gulp, there it is, it's definitely bad. you nod with no hesitation, taking his hand and intertwining it with yours. "anything." scara smiles, "promise me that you won't leave me. stay with me for the rest of eternity." you nod, "of course i will, i love you, darling. you know that you're my eternity, i will never leave you.", "then lend me your ear." you nervously lean your ear to him and he cups his hand, as if to tell you a secret in a whisper.
"i'm pregnant, [name]."
you stay still for a few seconds before your eyes widens, turning your head to fully face him. scara tries to hold his laugh as you search his eyes for any sign that he was joking, but you can't. "d-darling, you can't—" you sound out of breath, your heart beating in your chest. "did i hear that right? are you really pregnant, darling?" your hand comes to his stomach and caress it, taking him by surprise as he nods. a few tears formed in your eyes before it streams down your face and you gently hug him, kissing the top of his head. scara was stunned but he was overjoyed, were you happy? were you crying because he was pregnant with your child? "my darling, i'm so happy to hear that. i finally get to be a parent with you.." he can hear you exhale in content, your body slightly shaking. but then you snap out of your daze, "wait, do you want this too? i.. i—" panic begins to envelope you, what if he didn't want to have the child with you? but scara consoles you and smiles, wiping your tears away. "of course i do, i want to carry your children, [name]. i want us to have a family together so let this be the start of it." you can't stop yourself from sobbing, hugging him once again and he cries a bit with you, happiness overflowing that night.
after you two calmed down, you begin to lightly discuss the future with him. a new house somewhere quiet, baby names, a new room.. scara was feeling euphoric and couldn't help but stare at you with love. "let's rest for the night, we have a whole day ahead of us." scara stops you as you tried to cover you two with a blanket. "[name]..", "yes? do you need something?" he wraps his leg around you, bringing you close and grinding down on you. "why don't.. we celebrate? i promise we'll be careful, just need you in me.. come on. [name]♡."
what in insatiable boy you have.
sorry for the long wait fgassfsdfsd TT;; i got slapped with work out of nowhere, dw tho i'll be replying to thirst in my inbox so don't fret >:) thank you for the food anon!! i'm looking forward for more thirsts hehee
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honeybeefae · 1 year
Making An Heir (Eris Vanserra x Reader)
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Summary// The pressure from the advisors and members of the court for the two of you to produce an heir is high. It is all anyone can talk about and while you certainly enjoy the idea of having children, you don’t expect Eris to feel the same given his parental history. He has stayed mostly quiet on the subject until he catches you in the mirror with a pillow under your blouse, imagining what it would be like. 
(I know this is out of order for the Kinktober fic but so many of you guys requested it so enjoy it, you dirty little readers. Also thanks so much for the anon who suggested subspace bc that was so much fun to write! ;))
WARNINGS: 18+, smut, breeding kink, rough sex, dirty talk, subspace, dom!Eris, sub!Reader, cumming inside (pls wear protection), talk of pregnancy
You had been mated with Eris for five years now and it was like you were truly living for the first time. He was the center of your life, the ship in the middle of the ocean, the warm blanket you cuddled with at night. Life began and ended with him and you knew he felt the same way.
He spoiled you with anything you could ever want. Jewels, dresses, books, pets, anything your heart desired he would go find because he loved making you happy. You knew not every mated couple had such a good life, that sometimes fate was more than met the eye, but yours was truly meant to be.
Everything had been perfect in your lives…except for the last few months. The Autumn Court advisors had been prying into your private lives, pestering Eris on when he would produce an heir. It angered you every time it was brought up as they acted like it was your fault. As if you were the one who was refusing a child.
It couldn’t have been farther from the truth. You had wanted children with Eris since you first started courting, dreaming about the little red-headed babes running around your feet. Fae pregnancies were incredibly difficult on the body and were also rare, however, you had no fear. 
But you could not say the same for your mate. Eris avoided the subject like the plague. He would shut down his advisors with a simple wave of his hand and a frown while also doing the same with you.
You knew some of it was his own fears of fatherhood given how he was raised with Beron but you had assured him many times that he was not his father. Eris is ten times the man Beron was but he couldn’t seem to understand that. It was one of his worst fears to turn out like him.
Eris was also terrified of something happening to you. He had heard of what almost happened to Feyre, albeit her situation was a little different. What if he lost you? He didn’t have some magical gift from the Cauldron to bring you back. You would be gone forever and he would either be left alone or with a child who killed his mate, their mother. How could he love someone that did that?
The last two weeks had been full of tension as one of Eris’s brother’s wives had fallen pregnant, announcing it in court with an evil smirk on his lips. He knew exactly what he was doing by making such a public spectacle and you had had to force a smile the rest of the evening as everyone stared at you in judgment.
In their heads, you had only one job to do that you were currently failing at. This entire situation was weighing heavily on your shoulders but you did not want to force Eris into something he did not want. 
However, that didn’t mean you couldn’t wish for it still, did it? That you couldn’t desire it secretly in the quiet of your bedroom?  Eris was supposed to be gone for the day on a hunting trip, the first he’s taken in a month, so no one should be seeking you out until nightfall.
Your eyes landed on a soft pillow atop your shared bed, biting down on the inside of your cheek as you walked quietly over and grabbed it. There was no real need for you to be quiet but you still felt as if you were doing something wrong. You went back to the mirror in the corner of your room and stood in front of it, positing yourself to the side.
With one hand you lifted up your skirts and used the other to stuff the pillow inside it until it was settled against your belly, making it pop and give a lumpy shape of roundness. It didn’t look like a typical pregnant belly but the feelings that ran through you were all the same.
Sadness, pining, joy, pain, it was a cocktail of emotions that made your head spin. 
You began to imagine it as your real belly, of all the dresses you could have tailored and how Eris would kiss your stomach every morning and night. Would Eris like you like this? Would he be constantly wanting to touch you, rub you, or would he want nothing to do with you?
Minutes passed as you watched yourself in the mirror, rubbing the pillow as if it were real. You were so lost in your fantasy that you didn’t hear the heavy footsteps of your mate or the door opening.
“What are you doing?” His voice pierced through your imagination, making you jump and turn towards him.
“Eris, I-” You flounder over your words, cheeks heating up as he stares at you with furrowed brows. “I was just, I mean, Eris I’m sorry…”
“Is that a pillow?” You couldn’t tell if he was teasing you playfully or if he was genuinely upset. Either way, the embarrassment made you want to be swallowed by the floor. Quickly you yanked the pillow out from underneath your dress and held it behind your back, looking down at the floor.
“I know you don’t want kids. I know you don’t want to talk about it. I promise this isn’t a trick or anything I just wanted-” You explained, tears wetting your eyelashes as he came over to you and lifted your head up. 
“What did you want, my lady?” Eris murmured, amber eyes softening at how upset you were. “You can tell me.”
“It’s nothing. I don’t want to pressure you into anything.”
“Y/N.” His voice was stern, knowing that wasn’t the truth. 
“I just wanted to see what I would look like pregnant.” You whispered. “It was silly.”
“Do you want to be pregnant?” He asked you lowly, catching your eyes once more. “Is that what you want?”
You felt the words stuck in your throat as he stepped closer to you, caging you in his arms. When he found you thought that he was going to be angry or disappointed but this reaction was completely unexpected.
“My advisors have been hounding my back nonstop over this… predicament of  ours.” Eris continued on, the corner of his lip turning upwards. “Day after day, night after night. I had been worried you weren’t ready, that you would be terrified, and yet here I catch you doing this.”
“I-” You tried to interrupt but quickly shut your mouth when he grabbed your hips roughly, turning you around so that your back was to his chest and you were staring at yourself in the mirror.
“You what? Hm?” He taunted, intertwining your hand with his and slowly dragging it down your body. Goosebumps rose on your skin as his smoldering eyes never left yours, his pupils blown wide with desire. “You want me to fill you up with my cum, little fox? To pound into you like a beast takes his bitch? To breed you?”
Eris loved to talk like this in the bedroom and you weren’t ashamed to admit that you also loved it. The control, the domination, of his words made you melt and want to please him. And with the words he was saying about breeding you…it was no surprise that your pussy was clenching in anticipation.
“I asked you a question, Y/N. I expect you to answer.” Eris reprimanded, his lips ghosting the shell of your ear as his other hand came to circle around your throat. “Is that what my lady commands of her lord? To fuck an heir into her?”
Whiplash was the only thing that you could describe as feeling with how things were turning out. It was like a flip had been switched in him but you were already too drunk on lust to question it, nodding your head and whimpering.
“Yes, yes, sir.” You answered, groaning when he untangled his hand from yours and squeezed your breasts through your dress. “I…I want you to fill me up.”
“Breed you. You want me to breed you.” He corrected, pinching your pebbled nipple which had you squirming. “Say it.”
You swallowed thickly and looked at him through the mirror. 
“I want you to breed me, my lord.”
Eris grinned wickedly and turned you back towards him, wrapping your hair around his hand and pulling your neck back until it was almost at a ninety-degree angle.
“Well then, I suppose we better get started. Now.”
He was anything but gentle as he took the collar of your dress and ripped it with his bare hands, biceps flexing underneath the thin material of his shirt. You shivered as your body was exposed to the cool air. 
“On your hands and knees.” He orders, smiling when you immediately followed his command. Normally you would mouth off and be a little brat, asking for punishment, but tonight it seemed you were ready to be his good little girl. 
You turn to look behind you, feeling your wetness grow from the way he was devouring you with his eyes. Eris began to rid himself of his clothes, his cock standing at attention and ready to pump you full of his hot seed. He climbed behind you, his large hands running over the curve of your ass.
The bed dipped as he knelt on his knees, pushing the material of your panties to the side to unveil your dripping cunt. “I love how wet you get for me, Y/N,” Eris growled, licking his lips. “I’ve barely even touched you and you are already making a mess on these sheets.”
“I’m sorry, sir.” You whisper, not sure if he wanted you to apologize or not. He chuckled and ran a single finger down your pussy, collecting the juices and bringing them to his mouth.
“Look at my little fox using her manners.” He praised, moaning at the taste of you. “You want this badly don’t you?”
“Mhm.” You nod, taking in shaky breaths as you felt hot air on your lips. It was a wonder that your entire body wasn’t shaking with need at this point.
“Well what my lady wants, she gets.” Eris said before burying himself in your sex, his tongue flicking over your clit in quick swipes while his nose teased your hole. “Fuck you taste like heaven on my tongue.”
You could only whine in response, legs squeezing either side of his head as he feasted on you. He knew all the right speeds and ways to eat you out, how to make you sing in pleasure. Your arms were wobbling from the waves of pleasure he was giving you.
The room was filled with the filthy sounds of him slurping you up, one of his hands kneading your ass while the other stroked his cock. You could hear the wet sounds of him touching himself, making you even more delirious. 
“I want you to cum on my tongue, little fox.” Eris said firmly, taking your entire clit into his mouth and sucking. The action had you crying out in ecstasy, feeling like you were floating above your body as your entire body shook. 
He was always able to make you cum quickly because he took the time to know everything that made you tick, good and bad. Eris used it to his advantage many times and tonight was no different. You didn’t want this to be over so early but you also knew that tonight was special. This was going to be the first of many.
“Eris, ah!” You cried out, feeling that coil in you snap. He grunted in satisfaction when you started to mindlessly grind backward onto his face, your hands fisting the sheets. “It feels so good, sir.”
Every last drop of your cum went down his throat and his chin, his eyes closed in bliss. When you started to squirm from sensitivity he pulled back, holding the base of his cock and lining it up with your entrance.
“I’m going to breed you now,” Eris growled, not giving you a chance to recover as he thrust in until his balls slapped against your already tender clit. “And you are going to take it all, aren’t you?”
You didn’t answer fast enough, couldn’t answer, as you were still reeling from what he had just done. However, your mate had little patience and was quick to grab your hair once more, pulling it until you whined. 
“Yes, Eris, yes,” You stuttered, enjoying the slight burn coming from your cunt as he stretched you out. “I’ll take it all, I’ll be good.”
His eyes were almost completely black as he gave you a feral grin, pulling almost all the way out before stuffing you full. Your tits were bouncing with each thrust, your hair still wrapped around his hand as he threw his head back in rapture.
“I know you will. I know you will.” He cooed, pulling his head back to watch his cock go in and out. The sheets were indeed a mess underneath you, a giant wet stain that was only going to grow as the night went on. 
One of your hands went down and began to fiddle with your swollen clit, moaning loudly as he fucked you hard. Eris noticed and clicked his tongue, using the hand that had your hair and pushing your face into the mattress. 
“Look at you, already trying to cum again.” Eris jeered, his grip bruising on your hips. “My lady is just a desperate little whore, isn’t she? A little whore who wants to be bred, to carry my children and do it over and over and over again.”
Your cries were muffled as he laughed darkly, feeling the familiar tingle of his own orgasm creeping up his spine. “But she’s such a pretty whore…” He purred, letting go of your head to brush the hair out of your face. Your entire body was being jolted by the force of his body, and your mascara was smudged, but you were too high on your own lust to care. 
“Please, please, please, sir.” You babbled, bottom lip quivering. “I wanna cum, I want you to fill me up, please.”
He grunted and furrowed his brows, his long red hair sticking to his forehead from the sweat as he put all his concentration on your pussy. “You don’t get to cum right now, Y/N. I want you to hold it in for me.”
Eris’s thrusts grew sloppily as his balls tightened, picturing you with a swollen belly and heavy tits. It made his mouth water and he barely heard your pleas of mercy. You felt the first spurts shoot into you, his cum almost burning, and it made your entire cunt clench around his cock.
“Don’t you fucking cum.” He swore, groaning in pleasure as he emptied himself into your womb. You felt tears fall down your cheek, desperately craving that release. It was taking all the will of your body to not give in to what you wanted.
The sheer amount of cum was too much for you to contain and it leaked through the seal of your lips, dripping onto your legs and the bed. He gave two more thrusts before pulling out completely, admiring the way he left you gaping and gushing. 
“You did so well, little fox.” Eris commended, pushing two thick fingers inside you and scooping out the mixture of his seed and your juices. He flipped you onto your back with one hand, your hair sprawling around you as he held those fingers over your mouth. “Suck.”
With tears staining your cheeks you followed his orders, chest rising and falling quickly as you swallowed it like you knew he wanted. Eris’s eyes turned tender upon seeing you, breaking the facade briefly to capture your lips in a gentle kiss. You were grateful for it even though you were still aching for him to let you cum.
After a minute he pulled away, noticing you fidgeting. “Does my little whore want something? Was that not enough for her?”
You nodded shyly, eyes widening when he laid down beside you and then patted his lap. His cock was already hard once more, glistening in the firelight. You climbed onto his lap, looking down at him. 
“Well? What do you want?” He pressed, one of his hands resting on your hip while the other went to your cunt. Eris smirked as he pressed the pad of his thumb against your clit, enjoying the way you jumped. “You want to cum again? Greedy little girl.”
“I-” You tried to interject but shut your mouth when he suddenly lifted you up as if you weighed nothing, your hole hovering above the tip of his dick. 
“It is greedy, Y/N.” He cut you off. “If you want to cum again you need to say it.”
The words were on the tip of your tongue. Eris loved to make you say these things, to make you degrade yourself. It made you feel embarrassed but you also knew you weren’t going to get what you wanted if you didn’t.
“I”m a greedy little girl.” You murmured, sucking in a sharp breath as he thrust up slowly. Inch by inch he filled you again, both of your cum making it easy for him to slide in. “I want to cum again, to be filled up by you, sir.”
“Ride me then, Y/N,” Eris ordered, letting you bottom out and giving you a hardy smack on your ass. “Take what you want. Be a good girl and fuck yourself on my cock. Make yourself cum.”
Some people would think that this was a blessing, that he was giving you what you wanted, but it was far from the truth. You did love riding him, loved watching him watch you, but he knew as well as you did that you needed him to make you cum. You couldn’t do it yourself.
You began to bounce on him, hoping this time you might be able to do it without him, and moaned as he hit that spot deep inside you. Your hips rolled and breasts swayed with each rise and fall of your body, his amber eyes never leaving your face.
“That’s it, my little whore, ride your lord’s cock.” He snickered, noticing the frustration building within you. “Show me how badly you want it.”
The need in your stomach was growing like an inferno. You were fucking yourself with all your strength, both of your hands resting on either side of his body as you whimpered through your teeth and closed your eyes in concentration. 
“I want it, I want it, please sir.” You whined, your mind slowly slipping away from you as you seemed to stay on the edge of orgasm for hours. It was driving you insane. “Eris, Eris, I can’t. I need, I need-”
“What do you need, Y/N?” He cooed, smiling as your eyelashes fluttered and your hips finally slowed. His cock fell out of you and he knew you were getting into your subspace, something that made him feel tender and hungry at the same time. “Do you need my help?”
You barely had the coherency to nod, looking up at him with complete trust and want. “Please…”
He kissed your forehead and rolled you onto your back, lining up his cock and inching himself inside you once more. Both of his hands interlocked with yours and brought them above your head, keeping you still as he started a slow, hard rhythm.
You called out his name in ecstasy, enjoying the way his lips trailed over your neck and collarbone. “My sweet lady, so ready to take my cum and let me knock her up.” He breathed into your ear, pressing his forehead against yours.
“This is all you want, all you need, is my cock inside you.” Eris’s breaths were coming faster now, loving the way your walls fluttered around him. “You wanted to be bred and now you are. Your cunt is so full of me that you’ll be leaking for days, feeling it drip down your leg but it doesn’t matter because I’ll keep stuffing your pussy every night until this belly is round and tight.”
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you felt the crest of your orgasm coming up, your back arching off the bed as your throat burned from all the screaming you had been doing. All you could do now was whimper, your hands coming to circle around your neck as you babbled incoherently.
“Eris, please, I wanna, please,” You turned your head from side to side, eyebrows scrunching together. “Cum, let me, Gods, please!”
“Do it, Y/N.” Eris encouraged, moving his hips until he felt that squishy spot inside you that made you see double. “Cum for me, my little whore. Cum all over my cock, let that pretty pussy clench around me. Be a good girl.”
Everything around you went white and your ears began to ring as you came, your toes curling and back arching even further until you were sure you were going to snap in half. Your mouth was opened in a silent scream, letting your body succumb to everything your mate was giving to you.
The sight of you coming undone was enough for Eris to follow behind you, his mouth covering yours as he held himself still. It made his balls ache from how hard he was cumming, cursing loudly as he pulled away to bury himself into the crook of your neck.
“Take it, Y/N, fucking take it.” He growled into your neck. “Gods, you are so fucking tight on my cock.”
It took the both of you several minutes to catch your breath, Eris’s dick softening inside you as you struggled to come back to reality. He knew that this was rougher than normal, without any breaks, and he had probably pushed you to your limit. 
But he had no regrets. And neither did you.
You barely registered when he scooped you up and nuzzled you close to his chest, whispering sweet nothings as he carried you over to the bathroom. Eris knew he needed to clean you before you went to bed and while he was waiting for the bath to fill, he couldn’t stop himself from staring at your stomach and wondering if it stuck.
Either way, you two would definitely be doing this again. 
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gunsandspaceships · 2 months
Tony’s Childhood. Part 1: Identifying facts
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In the MCU, Tony sometimes acts like a kid. There is a reason behind every behavior, so I wondered what it was like for him when he was a real kid.
So, the questions of the day: what do we know about Tony's childhood? Did he have one? And, most importantly, how did it affect him?
Let’s first list what we know from the movies:
At age 4 Tony built his first circuit board (IM1)
At age 6 built his first engine (IM1)
Was sent to a boarding school by Howard (IM2)
Cracked the Pentagon’s firewall in high school on a dare (AoU)
Had a nanny until the age of 14 (IM3)
Went to college at 14 (IM1)
Built Dum-E and U when he was there (IM1)
At 17 graduated summa cum laude from MIT (IM1)
Continued his education until his parents’ death (CW)
Tony’s genius gave him two things: the brain and the pain. And by the pain, I mean that instead of interacting and bonding with his parents, enjoying life, playing, having fun, making friends, taking care of pets, and all the other things children do to gradually prepare for adulthood and grow up "healthy", he got this list of achievements. That doesn’t make a person normal.
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We know his relationship with Howard was complicated. Howard loved him in his own way. He had too many things to do to be a good father: SI, S.H.I.E.L.D., scientific projects, trying to build a better future with clean energy, etc. All good, except when you want your child to love you back. Especially if in the tiny amount of time you spend with him, you don’t show him any signs of affection.
What do we know about Maria? Her name, what she looked like, that she played the piano, and died at Winter Soldier’s hand on Dec 16, 1991. That’s it. She didn’t spend much time with Tony either. Remember, he even had a nanny, instead of a mother. Tony's words about her showed that he loved her, but he didn't talk much about her. Because she wasn’t present in his life enough. Why? Because…
Howard sent Tony to a boarding school.
Here’s in the S.H.I.E.L.D.s file we have this information about the school:
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“Phillips Academy, Andover, MA 1977-1984”
This means he was there from age 7 to 14. Howard sent him to a boarding school when he was SEVEN.
Phillips Academy Andover serves grades 9-12 only (it is a college preparatory school). Thus, either this is a mistake by the creators of the film/file, or Tony, due to his genius, became an exception. Since the early age he was already at school was also mentioned in IM2 tie-in comics, and in Earth-616 that was also 7, we can mark 1977-1984 as valid.
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Think about it again: Tony was sent to boarding school in another state when he was 7 years old. He spent another 7 years there, alone, among high school-aged teenagers. No parents around, no peers.
For example, even Hogwarts accepts 11-year-old children, and they live with their peers. Now imagine Harry Potter, at the age of 7, is thrown into a dorm with 7th-year students and locked there. Doesn’t make a person normal either, does it?
Nannies and Jarvis
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Since Tony was at the boarding school, there are two options for how he could have a nanny (mentioned in IM3) and spend time with Edwin Jarvis:
1) He was at the boarding school with a nanny. There is almost no possibility that the nanny was Edwin Jarvis because Jarvis was Howard’s butler and had other responsibilities.
2) He had a nanny at home in the summer and during short school breaks. In this case, his parents couldn’t even give him this little of their precious time.
In any case, he could only see Jarvis at home, a few months a year at most.
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Note: There is a date error in IM3, stating Tony was 14 in 1983. This is clearly an error and we can omit this detail.
Remember this dialog between Tony and Harley in IM3?
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0:45:15 – Harley asks him how he knew he was being bullied at school. Tony doesn't answer. He gives him a non-lethal flash thing to "discourage bullying."
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We see that Tony knew exactly what was going on with Harley at school. Because that’s exactly what happened to him there. Harley reminded him of himself. Brilliant kid with no friends and practically no parents. He was bullied by 9th-12th graders.
If he had a nanny with him at the school, that probably made things even worse. He would be bullied because he has a nanny, and despite he has one to look after him.
In Part 2 we will discuss how all this affected him. Stay tuned.
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vanderlesbian · 10 months
rdr2 men as girl dads
arthur, charles, john, dutch, + hosea
technically gn reader, but some things may be interpreted as being more fem? you are the other parent of the child
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arthur morgan
+ he would definitely go to the women in the gang (and you of course, but he'll be more shy about it) to ask them questions. "is this what you ladies like?" before he gives his daughter a gift.
+ he'll document basically her entire life in his journal; write entries about her biggest moments and their times together, and he'll draw her all the time. there will be pages that are just covered in drawings of you and your daughter.
+ the other gang members would tease arthur for being "so soft" around his daughter and he probably gets real flustered about it, but you think it's adorable how gentle he is with her.
+ she will make flower crowns or put flowers in arthur's hair and a lot of the time he'll forget about it, so he'll walk around camp or even go out riding with a braid and flowers in his hair.
+ of course, your daughter would have some kind of knowledge as to what the gang does, but arthur will still try to hide violence from her. he'll make up silly excuses as to how he gets cuts or bruises, and he tends to hide his guns when around her. hell, he won't even really smoke when in her presence.
+ arthur is very accepting, and that especially applies to your daughter. if she wants to travel the world, he'd support it. if she said she wanted to be a dinosaur, he'd try his best to help her achieve that. the only thing he would say no to is being a gunslinger.
+ arthur's daughter would be a girl constantly surrounded by love. i can imagine her being artistic and creative like her dad, with the ability to get along well with anyone she meets. she would also be very expressive and bold, feeling that she can be whatever she wants.
charles smith
+ crafts dolls and other toys for her!!
+ he'll take your daughter out on nature rides or walks and will teach her all about animals and their importance. especially when she's a baby; he just finds it comforting to have a little friend he can talk to, even if she doesn't respond.
+ charles would be SO protective of his daughter. he would definitely teach her important rules of survival and how to handle weapons because he believes she can take care of herself, but he also can't help but step in immediately when the smallest altercations happen.
+ he also knows how cruel the world can be, and he doesn't want his daughter experiencing any of that. he likes to keep everything pg around her; if micah or someone is being inappropriate around her, charles will get upset quickly.
+ you can learn a lot from children, and charles is well aware of that. he's such an attentive listener when your daughter speaks to him, and will act like everything she says is revolutionary. he'll bring up a fact you've never heard of in a conversation with you, and when you ask him where he learned that from, he'll nudge his head towards your daughter.
+ i think charles' daughter would be a mini version of him, minus his use of violence lol. she would be quiet and only open up to those shes comfortable with, and would be very passionate about those she loves and the things she cares about.
john marston
+ you will always be able to tell when john dressed her because what in the hell is she wearing?
+ the goofiest dad but he's trying his best he swears!!
+ he's not the most vocally affectionate dad out there, but he'll randomly show up with gifts because he'll remember his daughter mentioning that she liked a specific item.
+ he'll also show affection by teaching her things. he doesn't really know what young girls would find interesting, so he just kind of assumes she would enjoy horseback riding or something of the sort. will definitely feel awkward if she expresses that she's bored.
+ john is trying, but he doubts himself and will always come to you for reassurance. he feels a lot better after speaking with you about things. "i'm just...bad at this stuff. you think she even likes me?" "john, she loves you more than anything, and i do too."
+ he's so bad at playing pretend, but he tries his hardest and you think it's so funny. if arthur catches him playing dolls with your daughter, he'll definitely tease him about it later. "dad, use your girl voice!"
+ a daughter raised by john marston would probably be rather shy, but also very kind, patient, and understanding. she might also take on some of her dad's sarcasm.
dutch van der linde
+ he would spoil his baby girl ROTTEN. he just can't seem to ever say no to her and will end up going into town himself to get a new stuffed animal for the kid the moment she asks for one.
+ dutch would definitely boast about how smart his daughter is. he would teach her to read and write as soon as possible and would feel so proud when she tells him about the things she read or wrote about. "she gets it from me, of course."
+ he would quite literally kill for his daughter. he's definitely the scary dad, but like in a way that she will casually bring up "oh yeah my dad has killed people" on first dates.
+ dutch's daughter would definitely be one to have a rebellious phase. i think he would tend to insist that she stays at camp because it's safest, but he would raise a girl that's curious about what the country is like outside of her tent. there would be many instances where dutch will send someone out—or himself to go find her after she steals a horse and runs off somewhere.
+ i feel like he would want to name his daughter something like...antique, or based off of some character from literature. things like ophelia, elizabeth, athena, victoria...
+ i actually think that dutch would raise a rather fiesty daughter. educated and bold, i think a daughter raised by the leader of the van der linde gang would grow to be a leader herself.
hosea matthews
+ i think hosea was born to be a girl dad.
+ he would so have a nickname for her that would stick with her for the rest of her life. something cute like dew drop or honey bee; and sometimes even the other gang members would call her by that nickname.
+ with the way hosea sits and listens to the women in the camp, he would do the same with your daughter. although he can be a stern parent when needed, he'll always listen to her before doing anything else.
+ he'd love to teasingly embarrass her in front of the others. "remember when you were wearing diapers until you were four years old?" "dad!"
+ HE KNOWS HOW TO DRESS A BABY!! and he would be so proud of himself. he'd probably be more excited over baby clothes than you.
+ oh he would treat her like a princess. i imagine him reading her fairytales as a child and will play along with her when she pretends to be a princess. if he could, he would build her a castle.
+ i believe that hosea would raise a humorous, kind hearted girl, who can also be rather mischievous. i can imagine his daughter being very outgoing and friendly, but very serious when needed.
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edges-of-night · 10 months
Omg I'm like in love with ur blog rn 💕💕 I was wondering if you could do one where the reader comes from a culture that honors warriors and such (kinda like the dwarves)? And so the reader is basically very skilled with weaponry, fighting...etc
Thank you sm 💕
Thank you for your patience with this request – it was a lot of fun to write! Enjoy!
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・゚✧ Aragorn.
Having traveled a lot, Aragorn is familiar with your culture, though he has never been as close to someone from it as you. Seeing your famed warrior skills in person surprises him quite a bit – in a good way. He is enamored with the way you carry yourself and your weapons and, most importantly, how you lack a taste for cruelty and instead embrace mercy. He never gets tired of telling you that; it’s a value you both share.
・゚✧ Arwen.
Arwen has great respect for you, since she is familiar with your warrior culture through her noble schooling. That said, she is also quite determined to introduce you to the finer side of life – something that you were never comfortable with or had any experience in. After all, the folk back home frown upon elaborate gowns and indulgent balls – but Arwen doesn’t care about your clumsiness. She always has a big smile on her face when you practice dancing! ♡
・゚✧ Boromir.
Up until meeting you, Boromir has thought your people belonged to the realm of legends and children’s stories. Imagine his surprise when his rescue from the Orc attack came in the form of such a legendary warrior, dashing, loud and proud! To top it all off, you do not see the big deal of the affair and act very casual around the starstruck soldier. One smile is enough to make Boromir realise he has fallen for what he would’ve deemed a fairytale just one day ago!
・゚✧ Elrond.
Elrond deeply appreciates how dutiful and tidy you are. You two are much alike in that regard. The kind Elf values your time together. That is the reason he sometimes wishes you were his little secret – he is quite tired of the ‘scandal’ your presence in Rivendell is to some particularly insular individuals. Whenever someone would dare to even insinuate bigotry toward you, Elrond would be the first to defend you – rather ardently, too, having served in war himself: “Let us see how you speak of them after having your life saved in a bloody battle!”
・゚✧ Éomer.
Éomer may always say that he admires a fellow warrior – but the truth is, he first needs to come to terms with the fact that you are much more skilled and experienced than him. That is difficult for him precisely because he could very well imagine you as his romantic partner, but he knows that a relationship with such envy would be hard. The solution to his distress is hand-to-hand combat, which you never particularly cared for since it is not regarded as important in your culture. But dear Éomer is more than eager to practice with you!
・゚✧ Éowyn.
It is absolutely needless to say that Rohan’s Shieldmaiden would be head over heels for you – but anyway! Not only does Éowyn love how adamant and strong you are, she adores training and sparring together with you. Her enthusiasm for your warrior culture can be overwhelming at times. You sometimes need to remind her that you are more than that. For a change, Éowyn would then teach you the songs of Rohan or tries to cook with you!
・゚✧ Faramir.
Faramir adores you a lot. He would offer to be your squire and tend to your weapons, your armour, as well as your wounds after a fight. He would always make sure you never lost that spark in your eyes – he loves it too much! And while he is a very skilled archer and captain himself, he would never miss an opportunity to announce you to his enemies or bullies. He would also defend you ardently against anyone who criticises your perceived ‘lack of culture’ and give them an entire lecture of your people’s history and customs.
・゚✧ Frodo.
Frodo would’ve never known you were real. He has read about your people in his books and even imagined himself as such a warrior when he was a child. To meet you in person delights him to no end – he has a bit of a celebrity crush on you! However, with his attention so sharp, Frodo wouldn’t fail to notice your distress in social interactions. But luckily, being both a gentleman and social butterfly, he can help you with that – maybe in turn for a show with your knives?
・゚✧ Galadriel.
Galadriel has understood that you were the perfect bodyguard for her very early on. Other Elves may frown upon that – a warrior brute, without any regard for royal protocol or knowledge of Elven culture? So close to the Lady of Light, all day and night? But Galadriel doesn’t care a bit. She delights in the stories you tell her and even shows an interest in your swords, though a sorceress as powerful as her would never need one herself. She never treats you disrespectfully and values your opinion.
・゚✧ Gandalf.
Gandalf cares very little for your culture’s glorification of warfare and honour. He’s seen the negative fallout of such extremes and is thus wary around you at first. Once he understood that you had a sense of humour though, he’d tease you quietly or give a flippant comment about one of your culture’s idiosyncrasies. It’d all be in good faith – Gandalf knows of the importance of self-defense, for example. Still, he much prefers just drinking a cup of tea with you ♡
・゚✧ Gimli.
You could bond almost instantly with Gimli. You two speak the same language. There is, of course, an element of rivalry – especially when it comes to axes. That said, Gimli would absolutely fall head over heels for you after seeing just how skillfully and lightly you could handle hatchets and axes alike. Maybe you’d even “show him how it’s done” and then nonchalantly lean against the weapon, giving him a smirk – he’d melt on the spot!
・゚✧ Haldir.
Haldir would, as always, pretend very hard that he doesn’t care at all for your weapon skills, stealth and sense of duty, and instead even show great disgust for your perceived lack of etiquette and politeness. But the truth is that you are the most intriguing and alluring creature he has ever met! He has always aspired to your level of conscientiousness and combat skills. He’d never say that, of course… but he might just challenge you to a duel and see how it goes – fully aware he would never stand a chance against you!
・゚✧ Legolas.
Legolas definitely has a thing for warrior types like you. He delights in your strength, skills and sense of duty. After all, he himself is an enthusiastic archer and wants to learn as much as he can from you. That said, he also teaches you some much needed levity – not every social interaction is a battle! Observing you amuses him a whole lot, but his smirk is never cruel. He is also the perfect partner to help you unwind after a stressful day of etiquette and polite smiles – he just gets you!
・゚✧ Merry.
Merry is a big fan of warriors. He yearns for your respect and affection – so much so that he’d greatly exaggerate his own combat skills to you, thinking he’d need to be just as martial as you to deserve your love. That is of course not the case, though you appreciate the effort he goes through. You would bond over combat training and philosophy alike. Merry is quick and eager to learn as much about your culture as possible.
・゚✧ Pippin.
Pippin doesn’t know about the prejudice the old Hobbits have towards your people and thus treats you very differently than the others. He’d ask questions about war and honour that many would deem inappropriate. Even you yourself have to admit he is sometimes a bit overly eager. That said, Pippin would just as merrily introduce you to Hobbit customs, food and history. He’d also make a big point of the Tooks being “perhaps the most warrior-like Hobbits there ever were, honestly”, with an important look on his face, before breaking into laughter upon seeing you smile.
・゚✧ Sam.
Sam leaves all the fighting stuff to you. He may dutifully separate the warrior and Hobbit cultures, but he really loves the dynamic you two share. He never shuts up about how proud your people must be of you, back home, seeing just how amazing of a fighter you are – sometimes that just means shooting an arrow to get a particularly red apple from a tree. To you, it’s a simple game, but Sam always kisses your cheek with great gratitude afterwards ♡
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gabessquishytum · 5 months
Neither Hob nor Dream expected to marry for love - marry for politics, marry to wipe a debt, marry to close a contract, but not love. They were of the extra children sets in their families, not heir, not spare, at least they no longer had to become priests.
They knew each other, of each other, as their families moved in the same circles, they flirted without any real intent - Hob more of a "bad boy" flirt; Dream more of a bookish flirt.
For reasons, well before they would be forced to marry, they were thrown together. First dismissive of each other and certainly not friends, they nevertheless developed a friendship that then developed into love.
They were both (separately, because far be it for them to talk to each other) distraught at having fallen in love,,,,with someone they were sure not to be able to have. Because around this time, their parents did start discussing marrying them off.
Imagine their surprise when they both walked into their betrothal meeting to see the other! They actually weren't sure how to play it -- could they be visibly happy about it and not tank the "deal" because of parental spite; (because they still haven't talked to each other) was only one of them happy about this?
Does this mean they could kiss,,, in public now!
Making happy cackling noises about this!!! They're so silly, I love them <3
Honestly it's a good thing that Dream’s parents never really pay him any attention. Death can attest afterwards that Dream’s jaw dropped when he saw Hob, and then his cheeks immediately turned bright red. Soooo obvious that he already had a big fat crush on his betrothed. But he acted all cold and standoffish, as if he wasn't wiggling with excitement inside.
Hob played it a little better, but only just! He greeted Dream politely and then ignored him, until he thought no one was looking... then he put his hand on Dream’s thigh, and squeezed him!
Well, nobody seemed to notice the obvious sexual tension aside from Death. She'll be surprised if those to make it to the wedding night without doing something distinctly unchaste...
Indeed, after the betrothal meeting Hob takes Dream out to "Look at the roses." And they aren't seen for about an hour. They were definitely making out behind a bush somewhere, in between trying to plan how they'll disguise the fact that they're stupid in love.
Thank goodness their parents don't believe in long engagements! Dream doesn't think he can wait long before he throws himself into Hob’s arms! In the meantime they'll just have to meet for "walks" and "plan the wedding". Translation: kissing and heavy petting, and hoping that nobody sees...
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
Buddy Daddies - Episode 6 - Thought Post - SPOILERS!
First, we now know that it is May 27th, so Miri has been with Kazuki and Rei for about 5 months now. We are very squarely in the "several months later" time frame when the opening from Episode 1 would likely have occurred. (Since several is usually viewed as being between 4 - 7). I'm personally thinking that the opening bit from Episode 1 has likely already happened/passed, since Rei seems slightly (only slightly) more attentive, lol.
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It's also interesting that the bulletin about the school trip used 父兄 (fukei) instead of 保護者 (hogosha). Both can mean guardians, but 父兄 (fukei) is seen as a bit more outdated and not as all encompassing as 保護者 (hogosha), since fukei is made up of the kanji for "father" and "older brother." It makes me wonder if that little reminder was aimed specifically at Kazuki and Rei, lol.
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Also interesting that Kazuki used ママとも (mama-tomo) instead of ママたち (mama-tachi) or something similar when pluralizing and talking about "the other mothers" when saying "Of course, the other mothers all say the same about their kids." It implies that he sees himself in that group rather than outside of it.
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I really liked how the focus of this episode was in having a bit more faith in your children (and in how you've gone about raising them) and also how children can behave differently in a school setting than at home. Since I have definitely seen that before with kids when I worked as a teacher. I would mention how well behaved they were or mention something behavior-wise during Parent-Teacher Conferences, and the parents would be surprised, since it was different from their at home behavior.
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Taiga was interesting to me, especially because earlier in the episode Kazuki was mentions to Miri that she doesn't understand the difference between right and wrong yet, and many children her age are still learning that and really don't know (also, just realizing that this was said over an image of Rei, highlighting the fact that he is still kind of learning this as well). 
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I feel like that was Taiga. We learn later that he is a big Morio Kart fan, but he must have had the impression that the others weren't, so he might have acted out a bit in order to get their attention (the other girls). I had a boy, also named Taiga, who used to behave a bit similarly. He was a big fan of zombies, but none of the other kids were, so he acted out in order to get attention and fit in.
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The miscommunication between what actually happened (Miri accidentally hit his hand) vs. one of the caretakers thought a fight had occurred, is a very true and accurate thing as well. Young kids Miri's age can communicate their thoughts and feelings, but they may have a tough time communicating it properly still. 
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Like, Miri knew she didn't hit Taiga and that there hadn't been a fight, but she didn't know how to fully explain it to Kazuki, and likely a similar thing happened with the caretaker at the daycare. They eventually got it all straightened out though.
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I love, love, love that Rei was the one who read through the notebook at the end. And how he took Miri to school with little complaint. He really is wrapped right around Miri and Kazuki's fingers and will go at their pace, huh (like the lyrics of the OP). But, I also think it highlights the ways in which Rei is becoming more proactive too. He seems more engaged with being an actual parent.
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I can't really explain it well here either, but there is something subtle about the writing that really captures and shows how, with each passing episode, they are becoming more and more like a family. Rei and Kazuki's conversation in the car at the end of the episode felt like a very real conversation that parents would have at the end of the day. I felt they did a good job of making Miri and Taiga's friendship feel like a friendship too, and not any kind of 4 year old crush situation (regardless of what Kazuki's overactive imagination might think!)
Last week's episode introduced us to Kazuki's overactive imagination and his flaw of jumping to conclusions, but this week's episode showed how that could negatively impact Miri. I'm glad he has Rei to reel him in, though him imagining Miri as a delinquent girl made me laugh. Though, I am sincerely hoping that Miri turns out to be a lesbian otherwise Kazuki being so overprotective will turn into an issue in the future. Hopefully, Rei will be able to work on that with him over the years.
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The above image, of a teen Miri with a teen Taiga also reminds me of an incident when I was working at as a shadow trainer for an ALT at a junior high school in Kawasaki City in Kanagawa Prefecture. The school’s in that area don’t have a great reputation, so while the ALT I was training was teaching a class, I was outside the halls, just going for a little walk. Then I saw two of the students (a boy and a girl) go into the bathrooms together. They had made it clear previously that they were dating, so I just ended up turning around and going in the other direction, because I had zero desire to get involved in any of that - as ALTs you can’t discipline students). 
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Rei had some absolutely stellar comedic moments this episode from him asking Miri how the fight went and not caring about the violence (which makes sense given his upbringing). To Kazuki mentioning that Miri got their genes and Rei's reply of "Our what?" (Dude was 100% questioning his understanding of biology and genetics right then), to him adding the "paca" verbal tic at the end of one of his sentences, even after they were out of the mascot outfits, seems he got too in-character, lol. 
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His smug expression whenever Miri preferred him was also unexpected but great! 
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Oh, also! Before I forget, Miss Anna is a gem and she must have been so worried when she couldn’t find Miri and the others! Anyway, I hope the rest of the field trip was a breeze for her. <3
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heretherebedork · 5 months
I was just reading your post about Way's betrayal and how that relates to the idea of family that Babe is building with Charlie. And I have a *lot* of feelings about Way's betrayal, and the fact that he consistently devalues Babe's ability to love *in general* because Babe won't/can't love him in the specific way he wants, even though Babe obviously adores him. And I feel like that must come through for Babe - not only that Way doesn't want him to love anyone romantically if it can't be him, and acts to make sure that he doesn't try - but also that his love in general isn't valuable if it doesn't take the specific shape Way wants. And then along comes Charlie, and says "Not only are you worthy of love, loving you is the easiest thing I've ever done and I'm prepared to devote my literal life to it." And then he steps that up and says "Not only is your romantic love valuable, but you have such obvious love in you that I think you would make a great parent, that you could be trusted and relied upon to love and nurture a child. And I would like to be involved in that personally." And for Way, his best friend, the person he trusts most, to turn around and take this thing he's only just started internalising about himself and betray it, to say that it would be fine for him to have these children they both know Tony is going to sell to the highest bidder just because it would make Tony stop chasing them? I don't have words. Just... thank god he'd made up with Charlie by that point because imagine him having to process that alone. Anyway, thank you for your excellent post and sorry for the flailing in your askbox. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this aspect of things.
I think part of what I find most fascinating is that Babe stayed in denial of Way's romantic love for him as long as possible including dismissing it as unimportant compared to their friendship even after he had to know what was going on.
And Babe having to face that Way not only manipulated him and controlled him in that final moment but the idea that he had been doing that all along? That Way had been telling him that love wasn't worthwhile because it wasn't the love Way wanted him to have?
Charlie really does give Babe everything he needs and wants, to be loved and to cared for and to be trusted and to be told that he is not just worthy but that he can be more.
That's why that whole Mama and Papa thing is so beautiful and seeing Way try to twist it is even worse. Because, to Babe, being called Mama is the most amazing thing. As you said, it validates not only that he is worthy of love but that he is worthy of giving love.
Babe has, for a very long time, locked up his want to be loved and to love in return, locked it behind sex and masculinity and the real belief that he wasn't worthy of loving or being loved, that he would never find what he was searching for and so he stopped searching. Why search for love when the one person who knew you better than anyone else convinced you that it could never be yours?
Charlie gave him love, gave him the chance to love and be loved, to be cared for and held and for all those soft moment and then Charlie said 'Mama, you are worthy of love and of being loved and making a family, a new family, a better family' and Babe melted entirely because he so desperately wants that.
And that's why Way's love is even more painful. Because Way loved Babe only if he was Way's. That's why I call Way an incel. Because the Babe that Way loved was a a Babe that Way was trying to shape. It was not the real Babe, not the babygirl who melts into Charlie's arms and melts into the pet name of Mama. Way loved his idea of Babe and that was why he was so able to hurt him.
Babe dreams of a family and raising children and having his lover at his side but Way dreams of the idea of Babe at his side and that means that none of the rest of it matters.
Way twisted Babe's dreams to fit his own. He saw Babe wanting a family and decided that going back to their original family would be just as good, wouldn't it? Now, a lot of that does come from the abusive nature of their former family that Babe escaped in a way Way didn't escape but that's just as hard to really focus on because, yes, it's an explanation but it's not an excuse.
Way has created a hole in heart that he keeps trying to fit Babe into because he's convinced that hole is Babe-shaped but the truth is that hole in his heart can never be filled because no one will ever fit that perfectly into yourself with no rough edges or snags.
Charlie lied to Babe but he also loved Babe for Babe and that is why he found his way back to Babe's side while Way lied to Babe but he loved who Babe should have been according to him and that is why he didn't understand when Babe exploded at him.
(Someday, Way may understand why Babe was so hurt but I don't think he's accepted that yet and that is why he is so dangerous. Because he still believes he can get Babe back by bringing him to his side... not understanding what he did to him.)
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liannelara-dracula · 6 months
Can you make a part 2 prompt about the Sakamaki " What their family is like, like the household and number of kids." And i love your work
Hi Love,
Sure! I included everyone else I didn't in the other post here. And thank you! I know this was originally for scarfical bride prompt but sense the Mukami one was done in a different setting, this one will be just like it. If you want the dark setting just send in the request.
M bros version -> post
Requests are open
Diaboys Household and Kids Hcs
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Family + Background:
Marriage isn't the biggest thing to him but it will come around eventually.
He seems like he'd take things slow but because he's real into you, he speeds into things.
So it might be faster than you'd expect.
I don't think anyone has ever seen him get this way so everyone would become very aware of this change in behavior.
He if he comes to the point of being "in love" then he'd decided to move away from his brothers and family because he doesn't want them involved.
He finds it best to have them be seperate.
However, with the influence of woman that he loves he may be inclined to take responsibility and take care of Vampire Kingdom.
So he may infact have you move into the demon world which puts himself at a distance with his brothers.
But more than likely, given that he is rather selfish its more practical that he'd leave such a tolling responsibility on someone like his brother Reiji to take care of.
Shu would take the job of being a politician like his father did in the human world as an image in order to blend in society.
its quite easy is all is handed down to you.
He'd be quiet lousy tho and make his familiars do everything.
Never tells his kids anything about his family.
Number of kids:
Two kids, one boy, one girl. And believe me, it is enough for him.
Probably only a year or two apart.
I think the kids really made him get his act together and not be an apathetic teen.
I mean already to care for someone truly he isn't going to be his lazy self because has something to look forward to which is something he's been stripped from for the longest time.
I think children would change him if the woman he has them with is someone he cares for.
There isn't much to say.
When he met you and had kids, he became more active, moved out, and started a life with you.
He moved to somewhere relaxing away from everything, and you two have a girl and boy, so you have a perfect family.
Sometimes you have to nudge him to not be freaking lazy.
He is a lazy father, but surprisingly he does things, but only cause he cares.
Loves talking to his kids about their interests and how they have a lot of opportunity and time to be free of responsibility.
He's mostly carefree and leaves the work of disciplining them to you.
"I'm too tired, you can be Reiji."
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Family + Background:
Would be the first to move away from his brothers.
For a while, you stayed with him, but after a while, you both thought about living away from his family, given everything.
He'd mainly leave if they posed as a threat, which realistically, they do.
And given he wants the best for his lady, he'd move away in a heartbeat. which
In fact, in one of the games, he moved out and picked a house for him and Yui to live in because he wanted to "start a life with her."
And you could imagine he obviously proposed first because he's very old fashioned.
It was one night you both had come home from a ball and removed your jewelry in front of your mirror.
He came up behind you planting kisses on your shoulder and up your neck, all the once while you were distracted he slipped a ring on your finger and spoke in a low voice, "Marry me, Y/n."
"Say that you'll be my bride." He'd whisper, kissing you on the lips.
I will hint at the fact that there were times where he did tease you about getting married.
"I don't understand what you're asking me."
"Woman, I am asking you to be my bride, is it not obvious?"
"Are you being serious?"
"Silly girl, do you think I'd ask you like this? I needed you to stop crying this was the only way . . . full discourse, I would have asked much differently, my dear." He grinned, amused by your reaction.
"You shouldn't mess with me like that!" You scoffed.
"Oh no? You're quite charming when confused."
Number of kids:
You two had a wonderful little girl, and boy, the boy came first. And Reiji wouldn't be opposed to another child. Preferably another daughter.
Which is probably along the way or in his plans, knowing him.
After three I would say he is quite complete.
Reiji sometimes hints at a another child being a possibility for the two of you.
"There's always been room for another, my dear."
"Are you saying we should have another?"
"Perhaps." He'd smirk.
The most sophisticated and elegant family.
Anyone would deem you all as greatly intelligent and stunning.
Seriously, this is a family filled with good looks, so you are both well known for your children's success and strong resemblance to you both.
With Reiji, you both decided to have a place of your own and start a family, which is exactly what happened.
You two moved far away from his brothers and bought an elegant home.
Reiji planned out what street he'd want to live on, the house in particular, and if it had a special aspect of the interior which you once brought up. He'd make sure the house would have that view or courtyard you had mentioned, or that wide window you loved looking out of.
But that is something you love about him; he plans for things he cares for.
He is great at helping you with the kids, and you leave educating, and cooking to him because you know how he feels about it.
Although you try to help, he will argue with you sometimes, mostly about harmless things.
But when it comes to disciplining your kids, it can be a war of disagreement, especially because he lets his daughter get away with things, and he is harder on his son.
So this requires you to intervene all the time.
Though it is cute to see older Reiji and little Reiji argue.
But it's even cuter to see them work together.
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Family + Background:
Didn't give making a family so much of a thought. It was not on his agenda.
So he didn't think about moving out or anything.
The only thing that changed him about it was you both having a child unexpectedly.
At first, it seemed surreal, but the more he saw his stomach grow in the process, he started to think about it and soon realized it wasn't a dream.
It was very real, and he needed to be ready.
He was involved; he just didn't know what all of it was going to be/look like.
So it took some time, but he was interested and was happy to be a father because he actually loved this woman.
Although even if he had kids with a bride, he would enthusiastic about it because I think he is fascinated by it, but he later loses interest as well.
But because he is attached to his partner, it is much different. He is quite moved and is eager to see the child.
If he is worried about his father or someone else being a threat, he'll move away.
But knowing Laito, he will probably just stay with his family since there technically is enough room. But he does leave that decision up to you.
Number of kids:
He'd have two twin girls and then another little girl. So three little girls.
I don't think he really wanted a boy because he's had enough boys in the family.
Plus, I think it may have to do with trauma reasons that he doesn't want to have a son.
I also think he'd have a stronger attachment to a daughter then he would a son.
I'm so betting that the girls all have ginger hair, or that each one looks like him or one of his full blood-related brothers because genes work in mysterious ways, you know.
Plus, I think that would be interesting to see
A fun family with a chaotic bunch of three girlies.
It can be a handful since they are very close in age.
But you two make the most of it.
In terms of living in the human or demon world, he'd probably live in the human world just cause his father is usually in the demon world.
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Family + Background:
This wasn't easy, and it was definitely unexpected.
Although, with someone he loves, he'd put everything aside and be soft with you.
This is actually something he really likes.
It would definitely move away as soon as the child was born.
He'd take no chances and have you live with his family.
After all no one paid much attention to him in the first place why should he stay?
He'd leave in heartbeat and travel around with you to find the perfect home for just the two of you, which would soon be the three of you.
He mostly made the plans because he liked surprising you.
Number of kids:
You'd have just one. He couldn't imagine putting you through that again.
As much he loved seeing you go through your pregnancy, he didn't want you to go through all the pain that comes with labor.
It would be a baby girl, for sure. Seeing him be gentle with a daughter would be so adorable.
especially because he'd sew her dresses.
A quiet and small family, but its all the two of you could ask for.
It means a lot to both of you to watch your daughter grow.
He wants the best for both of the women he loves in his life.
Is quite protective of you both and makes sure his family is not included in one single conversation.
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Family + Background:
He hasn't figured out anything.
And he was a nervous wreck at first
Now he just kinda chills around.
Never really knows what the next plan is.
It would take his brothers to get him to think about it.
He'd also need your input on this to figure it all out.
eventually he'd come to the idea where you both would stay at the mansion. That is until too many kids came into the second picture.
Number of kids:
About three to four (mostly boys), with the second kid, his brothers told him he needed to get it together and move out lol.
so he did, because the fam was just getting too big he needed his own place with you and after some searching and planning you got it to work and moved out.
Although he does visit his bros still.
It's chaotic, especially if he is taking care of the kids.
He has a lot to learn, but he is fun.
He gets them into sports and is a kid himself.
You constantly call to make sure nothing crazy happens.
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Family + Background:
You both would find your own place and definitely wouldn't stay with his brothers.
He'd want to be away from his family.
It's mostly cause he doesn't really like them.
And he wants it to be far from them.
And honestly just isolated from people.
Number of kids:
You had your own place by this point so it wasn't a big deal.
He'd probably really only want one at the most. (a girl)
He doesn't want a big family, I mean he can hardly see himself being a good father to one, let alone many.
It's quiet and small, but it's a good thing.
You both are able to raise your kid calmly if you have one.
you rely on each other, and that's about it.
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Family + Background:
Similar to Ayato, he would definitely not be sure of what he wants to do. He probably just does whatever you want to do since he doesn't really care.
Is more of a go-with-the-flow type, and kinda handles stuff last minute.
You are probably doing most of the thinking.
He didn't even think about family or getting his own place with you; he's just not focused on it.
Number of kids:
one because he counts as another kid.
It is boy for sure because he needed a buddy to keep himself busy and not to always bug you, lol.
He is so chaotic and teaches his son so many pranks and its just messed up.
Its a mess, you constantly have to worry about both of them.
Its a like a second kid and you just get so annoyed at Kino sometimes.
But he does keep the kid busy and learns a lot.
He gets better with more experience but he's also just all over the place.
One thing he got his kid into is gaming for sure.
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Family + Background:
He told you to stay in the castle with him and his brother since it is big and there is plenty of room.
He does think about if you will have kids, after he's married you.
Carla asked you to stay with him and build a life with him.
"I want to be the reason I stay, Y/n. Be with me."
this man
He has many plans, some to which he shares, others of which he is still unsure of.
It was quite peaceful for a while, though.
Number of kids:
Once you had kids, probably one boy or two girls.
Though he wants an heir, he definitely would love to have a daughter.
He'd have so much planned for his kids, and he was happy to have them with you.
It's probably the happiest he's ever been.
You are still at the mansion since there is plenty of room.
A lovely and quiet family but also classy.
Your children have both of your looks.
The boy would be like Carla's twin.
The girls would have some key features of his.
Spoils his kids for sure.
He is also proud of his family and you as his wife.
And he protects his family from anything.
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Family + Background:
He didn't plan too much in the beginning.
After marrying, he planned much more about the family he wanted and how he wanted to spend his life with you.
It's something he has thought of for a long time.
Number of kids:
You thought you were going to have two boys and that was it but you ended up with four instead.
It’s entirely his fault he said you wouldn’t get pregnant anymore.
But those wolf genes you know they seem to be prominent
If you were upset about being pregnant he’d find it a little cute. “This is ridiculous I don’t want another child. You said I wouldn’t be able to have another child.”
“What’s the matter, love. I thought you liked having children?” He’d ask amused.
“I love them—Omg you did this on purpose! Last month—“
He’d smirk, “in forest, yes.”
“I cannot believe you. You lied.”
“I didn’t lie to you, love. I said having more children might be rare because most in my family don’t have more than two.”
“I thought we agreed on not having more.”
“What can I say, I was curious to know.”
“Oh c’mon, love, you where enjoying yourself, why should I have stopped.”
“Shut up!”
A full house, granted there are six of you so it is exhausting to keep up.
And Shin's son's are a total handful.
He does keep them busy and intertained.
You tell him not use powers until they are old enough though.
It takes a while for Shin to get used to it but he is fond of his kids.
I mean he's always wanted to procreate so I guess you could say his wish came true.
He loves that he has built a family with you and like his brother is going to protect it.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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reotheworld · 1 year
hi, don't really know about your rules so feel free to ignore this! I was wondering if you could do how yan!merman! Kaiser would be with his darling, how does he act, interact, etc. (maybe a little bit suggestive if you can?) have a lovely day!
part of your world
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❝ from head to toe, you are mine ❞
➜ yandere!merman!kaiser with a human!fem!darling
➜ fem!reader
sugar level: 20% | suggestive at the end!
fairy tales are merely short yet magical stories mothers tell to their children to help fall asleep quickly. such stories typically feature mythical enchantments and fanciful beings, never meant to believe in. but what happens when the line between real and not blurs?
just like a blue rose, they are only works of imagination, a good work of fantasy yet it's mysterious allure is what makes it unattainable. what happens when the impossible becomes possible?
michael kaiser is the merman every mermaid mother want their daughters to marry because of his good looks, excellent controlling nature and many more. however, be that the case, he's not the least interested in mermaids.
he craved for something that could challenge him, someone who is beyond his reach. have them be a part of his world.
the day he decided to admire another world by the shore is the day he caught sight of your wandering figure, crouching down on the sand, one bucket in hand while the other picked up sea shells and colorful sea stones.
he knew that humans and mermaids aren't supposed to come into contact together, to remain their kind a secret but the sight of you oh so carefree, beautiful and enchanting had him speechless. his heart fluttered, something he never thought he could experience until now.
you who is a refreshing and mesmerizing view. you who is exactly beyond his reach. either way, he'll make you submit to him.
he spent the rest of the mornings watching and observing you, when you wouldn't collect shells and stones, you'd take a walk all by yourself or build sand castles. and as each day passed, he didn't cared if he could expose his kind, he wanted to have you.
"if you want a variety, i can help you with that."
slowly, kaiser treads through the water to come closer to you, his eyes never leaving your figure.
"do you not get lonely too?" he asks, finally stopping right in front of you, upper half of his body exposed to you.
you gave him a small smile, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. "why would i be lonely?"
"i always see you every day and at the same time, all by yourself." he tells you, excitement rushing through him as he is finally talking to you.
"so you've been watching me." you respond, slowly sitting down on top of the golden sandy shores. "i'm not lonely anymore, i have you now."
his eyes widened at the response you gave him. heart thumping wildly as if it would burst out of his chest. a human acknowledging his presence. that response alone had him fallen completely in love with you.
"in what grounds do you think i could be a good company to you?" he asks, an impressive grin painting his lips.
"i just know" you reply, smiling to him.
oh how you wish you could take those words back. the words you gave to the very first you meet him, the words you wish you knew what it would mean to him.
you're now in the palm of his hand; finest pearls weaved into a necklace or earring, abundant sea shells enclosed around a large clam shell, miscellaneous trinkets that can only be found in the deepest crevices of the sea are now in your rightful possession.
no other person on land has these finer treasures apart from you. such luster, shape and consistency would have heads turning to look your way.
"there's no need for you to go back to that world, darling." he'd whisper into your ear as the two of you watch the sunset, his arms wrapped around your colorless figure. "the sea will welcome you with open arms."
"you'll love it when you're a hundred feet deep, i'll be your guide getting in, i won't let you drown. you trust me, right?" he asks, whispering in your ear as his fingers held your chin, turning your head to look at him.
trusting him is your choice. but it's kaiser that used that choice into something cynical.
shifting positions to have you seated on top of his waist, he pushes your bodies and kaiser had never felt so pleased with the skin to skin contact. admiring your figure clad in a yellow bikini, a sight he'll always remember even with eyes closed.
and not a moment too soon, he finally press his lips on yours. kissing you deeply and passionately; one hand cupped around your left cheek and the other on your waist, slipping between your legs. squeezing your warm pussy before rubbing your clit, tongues intertwining and dancing.
abandoning his common sense, his arms gripped around your figure, diving down into the water but with you this time.
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betterfettered · 1 year
Hello there!
If it's ok, could I request the yandere brothers' reaction to mc getting pregnant? I imagine whether it was purposeful or accidental would depend on the brother, so you can choose whichever you think fits.
I do understand that pregnancy and children can be a pretty sensitive topic though, so it's ok to say no if you feel uncomfortable of course!
In any case, take care!
Hey there! Thanks for the ask! This particular topic isn't my wheelhouse but I would do anything for u anon so I'll take a crack at it. Readers let me know if I missed a tw for anything
(AFAB!reader x AMAB!yandere)(Baby trapping, pregnancy, abortion mentions)(18+ readers only please, mdni)[This is fetish content and rape and abuse are disgusting and inexcusable in real life.]
Yandere!Lucifer most definitely planned it. When you finally get pregnant, it would be one of the few situations where you see him actually get emotional, he'll probably hug you so that you can't see his face while he's crying a little. If you thought he was controlling before, you will think you're losing your mind with how he is when you are pregnant. He measures everything you eat and makes all of it himself, doesn't allow you to use any products that he hasn't approved himself, locks you in his room and will not let you out of the bed during the times he wants you to be asleep. When you're disobedient, his punishments will be more psychological, like his threatening to harm or kill a loved one of yours, because he doesn't want to endanger the baby by doing anything physical to you.
Somehow, yandere!Mammon got you pregnant both by accident and on purpose. The idea of baby trapping you occurred to him and without thinking about it whatsoever he instantly decided that he was going to do it. But then when he finds out you're actually pregnant he gives it .56 seconds of thought and realizes what a huge deal this is. He'd be really happy but also pretty freaked out about it, expect Lucifer to be around a bit more helping you and Mammon out with things when Mammon doesn't know what to do. But you'd see his genuine excitement in things like him buying all kinds of baby clothes and shoes (that are like for all ages of child because he isn't checking the sizes) and the really gaudy nursery that he tries to put together. He would love the feeling of having this special connection with you that no one else has.
Yandere!Levi would definitely have done it by accident. He'd be really, really freaked out, and I think the most likely to ask you to terminate the pregnancy. Regardless of if you actually did or not, you would get the sense that he is almost...competing with his own kid for your attention? Like he'd want you to keep playing video games and watching anime with him as though you weren't pregnant, and if physical symptoms got in the way he'd be annoyed/jealous. Or if you terminated he would want you to act like the whole thing never happened. A lot of his negative feelings come from feeling inadequate and unprepared, so if you and Lucifer let's be honest he will also need a lot of help from Lucifer consistently encouraged him and said he'd be great with the baby and the baby will love him, I think he would really come around on it. Like the first time he held the kid his face would look like he just saw a ghost, but soon after the kid would be like another Henry to him (they always listen when Levi talks about TSL!!!)
Yandere!Satan absolutely planned it, months in advance. You'd know this because he'd have stacks and stacks of books about it beforehand, and feed you all sorts of weird fertility potions and stuff. He's probably also going to fuck you in a bunch of new/different positions that he read are good for breeding. Much like Lucifer, he'll be monitoring you really closely while you're pregnant, and have planned everything down to the last detail. He's prepared little potion kits for any symptoms you may have, he has already read so many books on what your symptoms mean, he like takes your vitals every four hours LOL He may also try to distance himself from you a little because he's worried about getting angry and doing something he regrets, so expect to see lots of cameras all over your living space so he can keep tabs on you.
Yandere!Asmo would have done it on accident, but he'd be really excited, sort of in the same way that an influencer would be excited about it. He starts talking a lot about his legacy and wants to talk all the time about the baby's name and how you'll dress them and whether the baby will have your eyebrows or his eyebrows, etc etc. He gets portraits painted of you two all the time, wants to come up with his own line of maternity clothing for you and wants nudes of you to post on his Devilgram so he can wax poetic about the beauty of pregnant bodies. The only thing is, he has a bit of a dreamy perspective on it and isn't necessarily keyed into the realities of your pregnancy. Like if you kept getting morning sick, he may be a little grossed out by it and sleep in another room from you. Or he may not grasp how painful some contractions can be for you. Eventually he'd get it but it would take a while for his head to come out of the clouds.
Yandere!Beel planned it in the sense that he takes it for granted that that's going to be the outcome of your relationship. He'll randomly be feeding you stuff and say that it is good for fertility then move on without explaining anything. He likes the idea of having a ton of kids and a big family with you. You may be able to get him to defer breeding you for a while, but he won't stop talking about kids or the family you'll have together someday. While you're pregnant he would dote on you constantly, insisting on carrying you up the stairs and getting everything for you so you don't need to get up and becoming aggressively territorial when anyone but Belphie tries to come around you. Once he has started his family with you, everything else will just be a distraction to him.
Yandere!Belphie would be very similar in attitude to Beel, but he would be specifically and knowingly trying to baby trap you as soon as he had his hands on you (fans of mating press, rejoice!). He's the most likely to have a breeding fetish and want to finish inside of you as much as he can, even to the point of avoiding you blowing him. While you are pregnant, he would love how your breasts get bigger and will always rest his face in them while sleeping, his arm wrapped around your tummy. He'll be less bratty but more manipulative -- if you complain about anything, he'll ask if you hate your own child and that's why you're trying to destroy your family with him.
TLDR ur probably gonna have to pay child support to lucifer for how much cofathering he's gonna do with these idiots LOLOL
How was that anon? I'm out of my depths but I hope you enjoyed at least part of that. If not feel free to heckle me hahahahaha
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thatsdemko · 1 year
want one? -c.pulisic
pairing: Christian pulisic x fem!reader
warnings: fluff + baby fever + minor errors
a/n: since my last Christian work got shadowbanned I hope this one doesn’t 🤞🏻inspired by this video
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Avery crawls across the floor, Christian sits on the other end patting the carpet cheering words of encouragement for the seven month old.
“come on, Avery! come see uncle Chris.” his mouth hasn’t left a smile since you arrived to Florida a couple hours ago. the second you got to his sisters house your boyfriend has not left his nieces side. needless to say, he’s obsessed with her, and how could one not be? her rolls, eyes, and smile were just all too precious it was easy to get wrapped around her finger.
“good girl!” Christian cheers watching her plop into his lap, he holds one of her toys in his hands, and her little fingers are reaching up trying to bring it to her mouth.
“I can’t believe how big she’s gotten.” you turn to devyn, the most gorgeous mother and Christian’s sister. she nods in agreement watching her big brother play peek a boo with her daughter. the giggles of them both echo around the house.
“they grow up so fast, before you know it she’s kicking a soccer ball around.” devyn chuckles watching Christian’s ears perk up, he picks his head up from the infant, a big happy smile.
“she’s going to play soccer?” he breathed out, almost ready to choke up. he was sure Avery would get into horses considering it was his sisters thing, but never once did he doubt she’d introduce her to the first love of his life— the game of footy.
“you act surprised! she’s got some pulisic genes in her, I’m sure she’ll be just as good as her uncle.” Devyn watches him pick up Avery pressing soft kisses against her skin and he mumbles some words you both can’t make out.
“maybe even better.” you chuckle saying it to just her. you can’t help but feel a certain way watching Christian interact with Avery. he’s always spoiled the little one from across the seas, but being in person with him and her is different. he’s so in love and wrapped around her finger you can’t help but imagine how he would be with one of his own.
“thinking about one?” she whispers, shoulder bumping into yours snapping you from your thoughts. you almost can’t help, but blush a little nodding. you’ve been with christian for a long enough time that children and marriage came up a lot, but the timing was never right. now seeing him with kids, maybe the best time was now.
“can’t help but think about it.” you sigh sinking further into the couch cushions allowing your ovaries to go into overdrive watching him lay on his stomach, feet kicking in the air watching the little girl play with her interactive toy.
“I know he wants one with you, it’s all he ever talks about to me now.” she gets up from the couch as Avery began to fuss a little. she goes off taking her daughter into another room leaving you both in the living room. in some way, you think the little girl knows there’s an important conversation needing to be held.
“she’s so freaking cute, y/n.” he moves to sit next to you, hand resting on your thigh, “I want one.” he whispers carefully watching your response. he knows what you’re about to say, he knows it’s not the right time, and he’s willing to wait. you’re the only one he wants to carry his children.
“I know, me too.” you whisper resting your head against his shoulder, “when can we start?” your words catch him by surprise. you hear his breath hitch a little watching him shift against you.
“y/n, be serious with me.” he says, you sit up off of him giving him a look that he knows you’re being for real. he laughs nervously half unexpectedly because he wasn’t expecting that response, “now? you want to start now?”
“whenever you’re ready, pulisic we can start.”
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inbarfink · 1 year
The deaths of all the Finch kids are really so unbearably tragic. It really speaks to the quality of the writing and storytelling in ‘What Remains’. They’re written as so vivid and human and real, but also so many of them died so young. They were children, it’s so much harder for me to do the whole ‘well, let’s appreciate the life they did have’ thing when the majority of them didn’t even have a chance to become the people they could have become. And yet the image of who they could’ve been if they survived is so vivid in my mind. 
Edith had that line about how she always imagined Molly as a girl she could be good friends with. Obviously if she didn’t die back in 1947 they wouldn’t really be at the same age group, but she’d be one hell of a Cool Aunt. I can only imagine her Weird Girl tendencies would’ve only grown stronger and stronger with age. Considering her fascination with animals, maybe she would’ve gone to study Zoology or Biology when she grew older? And since she was dissecting a sea star just before her canon death…
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Sadly, I’m not sure if Barbara would’ve been able to resurrect her acting career. But there’s some subtle hints in her room that in reality she was more willing to move past it compared to her fictionalized version in that horror comic (which can’t be easy when you live in a room your dad themed entirely around your child-star years THANKS SVEN). That ‘horror convention’ seems to be an invention of the comic, Barbara’s actual room has a flier for a ‘Witch’s Ball’ at Orcas Island High School and a dress ready for it. 
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Barbara Finch didn’t actually spend her last day on earth hopelessly trying to revive her dead career, she was hoping to have a fun Halloween party like a regular teenager. Maybe the fact that it was hosted by the Orcas Island High School Drama Club implies she still had an interest in acting and theatre. Maybe she could’ve ended up as a classically trained actress with the child-stardom as just a fun quirk of her past? Or maybe she just wanted to take part in the Witches Ball because she likes Spooky Things? And she could have found her way back into the Horror Scene in a different way, like being a writer or costume designer or something?
Maybe Calvin could’ve become an Astronaut like he always wanted? But I think Calvin might’ve been more enthralled with the fantasy of science fiction than the reality of space travel. I’m thinking a lot about how Sam described Clavin in Gregory’s memoriam as ‘lost in his imagination’. Maybe he could’ve become a science fiction writer or something?
Walter didn’t technically die young, but he still certainly lost most of his years to the Curse. Like, a big thing about the tragedy of Walter to me is realizing his original childhood bedroom was themed after “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” and trains. 
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Lil’ Walter did have an interest in adventure and travel, before his fears took it all away from him. If it wasn’t for the Curse, Walter could’ve actually something with it. Maybe he could’ve traveled around a bit and written about his experiences.
Lewis would’ve probably gone into game design. It’s not just how his fantasies manifest to us the players, but you can actually find books about game design and coding in his room. It seems that the problem was that his crappy job and his depression took away any opportunity he might have had to actually pursue this idea. Maybe if Milton never left, these three Finch siblings could’ve combined their creative skills together to make like, a very cool artsy game.
Speaking of which… man, Edith’s death stings the most because we got to know her far better than anyone else. And it’s not even the fact that she never got to share her all of her thoughts and creativity with the wider world that makes me the saddest. Getting to the end of the game and hearing just how much she was looking forwards to be with her son - even with all the hardships of being a teen mom, she was really looking forwards to it. To meet him, to share her stories with him. But instead, that worn old diary is the only connection between them...
And that’s like… part of what’s so great about WRoEF’s use of its own format. Like, the faux-interactive linearity of the Narrative Exploration/‘Walking Simulator’ is so perfect for selling this tragedy. The way each Death Flashback only moves forwards based on the actions of the Player, but it always moves on the same unchanging doomed path - really highlights both how stupidly preventable so many of these deaths feel and really make the Player wish there was a way to change them. After all, all they need is for Calvin to not swing so hard, for Gregory’s faucet to not turn back on, for Walter to not stand directly on those train tracks and everything would’ve been fine. But at the same time it’s so, so clear to the Player that this is an impossible wish. There is no other way these sequences can go - these deaths have already been written. The most you can you is linger, all you can do is delay the inevitable. 
But it hurts.
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druidgroves · 1 year
imagine you're a little lamplighter. you're eight years old. you were raised & taken care of in a cave full of children, by other children, and once you turn sixteen—not even eighteen, fucking sixteen—you get kicked out and cannot return to possibly the only home you've ever known. while you're there, you deal with raiders, super mutants, slavers, sickness, malnutrition, and lord knows what else. you learn to hate adults if you don't already and the older kids tell you that the very first kids in little lamplight were left to fight or die by some stupid fucking mungos that didn't want to open the door that's only accessible through "murder pass." you live in a cave that has a section called "murder pass." the front & back gates are guarded solely by other kids with guns bigger than they are. you've probably gone more than a few days without real food because whatever the fuck brain fungus is, is not keeping you well fed. the doctor who is only a year or two older than you diagnoses you with rickets. you nearly fall thirty feet to your death off one of the bridges in the great cavern about once a week. there are several mutts that just wander around and you don't think you've ever seen the same dog twice (but each are equally as warm at night). if you get sent out with the scavenging teams there's a good chance you won't make it back. you live in a cave that has a section called "murder pass."
but, once you're sixteen and you're kicked out onto your ass into the great big world full of adults & people you've been told you can't trust, but there's somewhere else you can go now. the other lamplighters called it big town, and it's full of other ex-lamplighters like you. some might even be the big brothers & sisters that basically raised you, if they even made it there. but then you get there and you have to deal with raiders, super mutants, & slavers again. you're all a bunch of teenagers or very young adults stuffed into this tiny town & still act like a bunch of kids because you were never really taught how to handle your feelings or emotions or how to think things through because, again, you were raised by other children and adults could fuck right off. so your town gets raided every other week, people get snatched by mutants or slapped in slave collars & you're just like. i didn't leave a cave with a section called "murder pass" for this shit.
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