#but yeah if you are wondering who did this it was DG
inkly-heart · 2 months
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felassan · 1 year
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David Gaider on Twitter: "Going through my old DAI files and came across the original plan for a playable post-credits Epilogue... which, due to time constraints, eventually got down-scaled to the post-credits cutscene you saw on release. A lot of the meat here was, I believe, resurrected for Trespasser." [source] "At the time, I was pushing hard for an actual denouement - as opposed to always ending the story so abruptly after the climax. Considering how few players ever get that far, I suppose I can see the argument that it's not exactly a great place to focus resources. I did like where the cutscene ended up, mind you. A nice, Marvel-esque stinger that hinted at story to come. Took the sting out of having yet another story plan go awry... which is simply par for the course for game dev. Writing can always imagine more than we can produce. ;) And in case anyone wonders: no actual work was done on that playable section prior to the cut. You can imagine it being this fully-fleshed out, glorious thing, if you like... but it could just as easily have been half-baked and terrible. The team was fully stretched as it was." [source, two, three]
Some further info from follow-up tweets -
User: "It's a bummer, though I understand the logic. A proper end to cap off the experience can make or break your enjoyment of the full game though, imo" DG: "That was indeed my argument. There's a point where we have to draw the line and finish the story, however, and I'm afraid the original plan was... mmm a mite too big. This was far from the only cut."
User: "WAIT. Am I reading this right… Solas drains Flemeth and then COMMANDS the Well of Sorrows drinker to kill Flemeth?" DG: "I think it was Flemeth who commanded it. I'd have to look through the whole document. It's complicated. Part of why it was eventually cut, probably."
User: "Hold on. We were to kill Flemeth on Flemeth’s command to, possibly, prevent Solas from taking everything? Was passing whatever energy she did to the Eluvian her way of preparing for survival ?" DG: "I don't think it was going to be explained any more than it was in the cutscene you got, tbh."
User: "My WoS Lavellan is SCREAMING rn god please help her in the next game" DG: "Keep in mind that none of this *actually* happened. ;)"
User: "Interesting to see this was envisioned as having adversarial encounters between Solas & Flemeth with the well-drinker being ping-pawned between them. I noticed the Inquisitor lurking off-camera in that cutscene and wondered if they were originally meant to be part of it." DG: "Heh. I'm pretty sure the Inquisitor being placed there in the actual cutscene's level was because a player had to be present *somewhere*. Might be wrong, though." John Epler: "the way the cinematics worked, if you had them firing too far from the player character the engine would try to optimize and cutscenes would start jittering" DG: "Yeah, I thought it was something like that! Thanks, John."
User: "Does this have any link to the fact that there are dialogue audios of Morrigan reacting to solas “absorbing” Mythal in the game files?" DG: "Possibly? I finished writing the epilogue, so it's possible some of it got recorded prior to the cut."
User: "So Morrigan would've finally gotten to kill Flemeth herself, and nobody had to turn into a dragon this time? Also, this clears up what even happened to Flemeth at the end. She's definitely dead. Presumably, the spirit or essence of Mythal and possibly Urthemiel are inside Solas?" User 2: "does it? it can be theorized that flemeth commands the inquisitor/morrigan to kill her so solas wouldn't be able to take all her essence. regardless, in the ending we did get it's not entirely clear what happened. but i doubt she's truly gone. she cheated death before." DG: "And remember that what this stuff points at never actually happened. Whatever becomes of Flemeth in the future is up to the current writing team, and is based only on the cutscene you saw."
Summerfall Studios: "Our creative director davidgaider shares some insight into how Dragon Age: Inquisition's epilogue evolved over production" DG: "You want "evolved over production"? *cracks knuckles* Lemme tell you how we cut Corypheus attacking Skyhold. Now *that's* evolution."
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pengold · 1 month
Ah, so it was Steven who got Nacha’s husband killed- I should’ve picked up on the sarcasm in his post. But what I did think up until now was that maybe Francis had killed him because your handcannon was that he was a serial killer. I was wondering why the doorman was blushing in most of the images until I saw the ask where you explained the doorman. Guarding a bunch of hot people lol. Also- “English is my only language and I’m bad at it” big mood lol
(I realized that I didn’t turn on anon when I wrote in the other day- I hope that didn’t bother you.)
Yeah it would seem the case, but it’s to close to home for Francis. Don’t wanna get caught that easily and he uses the doppelgängers(DG) as coverups. So not that many people think there is a serial killer, they think it’s just the DG’s. The police chief and some politicians know but don’t wanna cause an even bigger scare than they already have with the DG’s.
And yeah the Doorman is bisexual (with more of a leaning towards men) and is very easily flustered. I mean who isn’t 👀😍
(And anon or no anon no worries I just think of these as lil letters people send in!)
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redwolfxx · 9 months
Memories pt 2.
James Lee/DG x reader
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A/N: I wasn't gonna do a part 2, but because it was requested, I figured why not? There are also 2 different endings.
An interesting name, definitely not a common one in South Korea. The only Diego you knew was Diego, Dora's cousin. Laughing at the thought, you figured it was a wrong number and replied with:
"Sorry you have the wrong number."
Then turned off your phone for the night.
It was early when you heard the ding coming from your phone. Glancing over you see that it was just your coworker asking if you could cover her early shift.
Groaning, you text back a "No," before rolling back over.
Not long after you hear your ringtone, annoyed and slightly pissed you grab the phone and answer the call,
"Yuna, I keep telling you that I am not going to be covering your shift. I work closing, and I refuse to be there to open for your shift. Unless you have an amazing reason I-"
"Sorry, this isn't Yuna, but she definitely sounds annoying."
Shocked, you check the name and to your surprise it was the mystery Diego.
"Oh, so sorry, I thought you were my coworker. Sorry, who is this?"
"Am I supposed to know who that is?" Annoyed you huff and sit up in bed wondering if this was an old classmate or someone you met a while ago.
"Yeah, I called to apologize."
"Sorry I still have no idea who this is."
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't there. I shouldn't have left the way I did. Fuck that was dumb, I wish I never left. Ever since I did I imagined you in my arms every night, waiting by the door. I missed your scent, I missed the way you always spoke your mind. Your smile, your hair, and your passion for (insert your guilty pleasure food). I should've gone back. If I could go back I woul-"
Shaking you mute your side of the call. It couldn't be, he left. He left and everyone said he was dead. You mourned the loss, you fell into a depression, you and the entire city of Seoul thought he was dead. How could he be alive?
He is alive? He is ...alive? And he didn't say goodbye. He left. He left you, he left you all alone. This had better be some kind of sick prank because if this truly was your James... why would he have left.  
"Is this a prank?"
"Never. (Y/n) I love you, I always have and always will. Please let me explain, let me make up for all the lost time. I never want to lose you again. Please let me back in, I have so much more love to give you, so much mo-"
----------- (2 options) --------------------------/-
------------------  Ending 1: The OG ----------------
"No. No. You will not come crawling back after you left me. You left me without a goodbye, not even a fucking note. I thought you died, we all did. We held a fucking memorial, we mourned you- I mourned you. How dare you crawl back, how dare you think I'll take you in.
James, it's been ten years. I can't believe you. Why the hell would you change your name? Did you actually because that is a dumb as you leaving the way you did. I wish you had stayed dead to my mind, I'd at least get closure. I would be able to still hold you in regard, but now? Now, you are a piece of shit who deserves nothing but pain because you clearly think after breaking my heart you can come crawling back like nothing happened.
You destroyed my world, after promising me you would never leave. You promised I wasn't a week long fling to get bored of, but you left like I was a one night stand whose name was nothing more than another word. You left me with scars that would never heal. I'm lucky I had support, I had friends and family, I had people to keep me from drowning. I was holding onto the debris of the wrecked ship of our love, and you took the lifeboat and left me to drown.
How. Dare. You."
Anger coursed through your veins, tears ran down your cheeks and your hands gripped the blanket with white knuckles.
There was a long pause, the only sound was the breathing from his end.
"I'm sorry, it was a mistake. I never meant to hurt you. Please let me make it up I-"
"James. It's been ten years. I wasn't going to wait for a ghost who I thought was dead. I found someone who actually would never leave me. They helped pick up the pieces you shattered, they were there when you weren't. I have a (s/o title here of your choosing), I can't just stop my life for yours. James, I cared for you and you threw me away like a used cigarette. Used, broken, and discarded. If you cared you would have stayed, you would have gave me some message that you were okay. But you didn't."
"(Y/n) please."
"James- No Diego is it? Don't call again. You left my life once, you can leave again. Don't try to contact me again."
Silently you end the call.
7:20AM. You still half the day before work. Silently you returned under the covers. Crying softly you held the blanket taught. Thinking of all the things you used to do with him, the tears increased.
A soft knocking on the door followed by soft footsteps caused you to look up. Gently they took your face in their hands, wiping your tears.
"Is everything okay? I just got back from my late shift? Wanna talk?"
Silently shaking your head no, your (s/o) climbs into bed behind you gently holding you as you cried yourself to sleep in the comfort of their arms.
After that, you wouldn't hear from him, you wouldn't see him. He left, just like you told him to.
But, he would never truly leave, he would always be there, quietly stalking through the shadows, scaring off thugs and keeping you safe. He would wait, he would wait for you to hear him out. He loved you too much to let you go like that. He wasn't ready to.
-------------- Ending 2: for all of you suckers------- 2.
"I've missed you." You softly whisper into the phone.
"(Y/n)" he softly replies "Please let me have another chance."
"We're strangers James- Diego. You don't even have the same name anymore. It's been ten years. I'm not the same person I was. I've changed, I've loved and I've lived. It's been ten years."
"I know. I know. We can get to know each other again, we can go on dates, we can start fresh. I'll tell you everything, I won't leave-"
"How can I trust that? You left once, you'll leave again."
"Not this time. This time, the story ends with you and me. We'll live together with our shiny new rings. We'll have kids - only if you want. We'll get those ten cats you always talked about. You can have whatever you want. I'll do whatever it takes to gain your trust. As long as your eyes are on me and you let me stay by your side I don't care."
"James. Can I call you that?"
"You can call me whatever you want."
"Friday at 7. I want to try that new restaurant that opened up. I'll text my address."
"Thank you, thank you. You won't regret it I-"
"Stop. This is just to see how much you've changed. This is not a guarantee."
"Thank you."
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artemis32 · 2 years
i really like your yandere dg..°///° do you mind writing a scenario about it? >///<
Platonic Yandere DG II
Thank you, I really appreciate it :)) Better late than never I guess??
I may have just completely butchered his character, but we're going to ignore that for the sake of my sanity
I have no idea wtf a scenario is, and Google was absolutely no help 
This is spoiler free for those who aren't yet caught up on the more recent chapters, because I'm nice
I had to split this into two parts because my brain cannot compute more than this - that being said, I make no promises about when the next part will be out
Lookism Masterlist
Part I
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DG's stride was quick as he approached the living room, urgency fueling his movements as he caught sight of you sitting beside your tutor, clearly in the middle of a lesson.
He stopped right in front of you, giving your tutor a slight mod before speaking.
"I'm going away for a few days - work. It's very last minute so you'll have to stay here."
His words are sharp, swift. You hum absentmindedly, focused on your work. His hand, cold and calloused, grabs yours, and you stare up at him.
The warning look he gives you is enough to have grown men wetting their pants, but you only spare him a bored look before he speaks again.
You sit up straight, giving him a look - disgust or annoyance, he isn't sure.
"DG, I'm not an idiot. You've trained me like a dog, I know the rules."
Your words tug at his heart, but he brushes them off. That's a problem he'll have to deal with another time. He’s not the most empathetic person, he knows. But he thought you knew that everything he did was because he cared for you - after all, you were his only family.
He stands up straight, bidding you and your tutor a hasty goodbye before making his way to the car waiting for him in the street below.
There's no reason to be worried, he tries to convince himself. You know how important his private work is - you wouldn't worry him unnecessarily.
A few hours later, well after the sun has set, you bid your tutor goodbye, heaving a sigh as you clear away your notes and pens. You think about mundane things - how wonderful a relaxing shower will be, or perhaps a bath, what you’d have for dinner, what you’d do tomorrow since you’d have the apartment to yourself for a few days.
Instead of heading towards the kitchen to make yourself dinner as you usually would, you sink into the couch, feet tucked beneath you as you scroll through your phone.
Eventually even that isn’t enough to distract you, and you let your thoughts run rampant.
Your brother was always busy, and though he kept his work secret from you, you knew how important it was. His focus was often not on you, which didn’t bother you much -  in fact, it was probably better that way. Having him breathing down your neck all day would be enough to drive you mad.
Knowing how important his work was and how stressed it made him kept you in line most of the time. You didn’t want to find out what he’d do if you caught him out on a bad day.
But things had started to become repetitive - boring. 
I desperately need a change - a change in scenery, a change in pace - whatever. 
You picked at a stray thread on the hem of your shirt as while you were thinking.
Fuck it. He can get as mad as he wants when - if - he finds out. I’m going to go insane if I don’t leave. 
With your mind made up, you stand and make your way to your room. 
What your brother didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.
DG finally had a free moment, one he took advantage of. He managed to slip away to a quiet, dark corner, pulling out his phone and dialing your number.
You picked up on the second ring.
His irritation spikes and he grits his teeth as he speaks.
"Has your tutor left yet?"
"Yeah, about an hour ago. Is that really why you're calling? I'm not five, you don't need to check in on me like I'm a child."
He sighs heavily. No matter what, your attitude always manages to make an appearance.
"Drop the attitude, I'm calling because I can. Do you have a problem with that?"
Your silence is answer enough. At least you know to hold your tongue when he's in a bad mood.
"I'll be back as soon as I can, probably two or three days. When I get back we can take a trip or something. I know you're probably getting cabin fever."
He heard you mumble something under your breath before you spoke again.
"It's fine. Thanks for the call. Bye."
You ended the call before he could berate your bad mood.
His irritation was worse than when the call had started, and he felt his eyebrow twitch as he shoved his phone back into his pocket.
After a deep breath, he rounded the corner and approached the man waiting at the entrance of the building.
"Where did Goo go?"
The remaining man, Gun, looks up from his phone towards DG.
"He has other business to attend to, so it'll be the two of us today. Let's go."
DG wasn't particularly religious, but he sent a prayer out to whatever gods there may be, begging for the patience he did not have.
The icy air nips at your face, and your fingers feel numb even though they’re buried deep in your pockets. You try to convince yourself that sneaking out was worth it even as you shiver violently from the cold.
Eventually you cave and duck into a small corner store, the warmth that engulfs you bordering on painful as you feel yourself defrost.
The bright display of convenience store food and drinks catches your attention as you look around the store. 
It looks relatively empty, other than a boy that looks to be about your age standing behind the counter. He doesn’t seem to notice you, instead he continues messaging someone on his phone. 
You make your way down the isle on your right, browsing through the various snack options. While you’re picking out a packet of instant noodles, the door opens, letting in a freezing gust of wind as a small group of people rush in.
From what you can see, it’s a group of people about your age, two girls and three guys. They make a beeline straight for the boy sitting at the counter. 
They must be friends.
Your suspicion is confirmed a moment later when they all start joking around, one of the guys in the group joining the boy behind the counter and putting on the uniform.
Intent on minding your own business, you grab the few snacks that caught your eye and make your way to the counter. Dropping your items in front of one of the boys, you pull out your card, eager to get home and out of the cold.
When you look up, you get your first look at one of the boys that had entered the store after you.
His hair is dark, spilt in a middle part, and he has the beginnings of some facial hair growing above his lip and on his chin. You also take note of the tattoos peaking out under his shirt.
You look at him and notice his stare. The two of you stand for a long moment, staring at one another before the boy next to him shakes his arm, whispering urgently.
"Vasco, it's rude to stare!"
The boy, Vasco, nods before turning to the boy shaking his arm, whispering-yelling loud enough for everyone to hear.
"She's very pretty Daniel."
The sound of suppressed laughter rings throughout the store as the shorter boy, Daniel, gently nudges Vasco out of the way and begins ringing up your items. 
You pay and grab your items, turning to Vasco right before you leave.
“Thank you Vasco. You’re pretty attractive too.”
The cold hits you as you leave the store, gone before you notice Vasco standing there, mouth hanging open and face flushed bright red.
The following day had been boring but warm, something that you were content with after nearly freezing the day before.
It was late evening by the time you decided to actually try to do something productive with yourself, dragging your feet on your way to the door, bundling up once more to brave the cold in search for more food.
As great as DG was at providing, he had shit taste in snacks - he was a bit of a health fanatic, something that you hated about him. You regularly snuck food that he definitely wouldn’t approve of, should he ever discover that you ate it.
Well, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.
You decided to go to the same convenience store you’d been to the day before. Your face warmed slightly as you thought about Vasco. He wasn’t exactly your type - not that you had a type when your brother did everything he could to keep you under lock and key. 
Either way, nothing would come of what had happened. Unfortunately, your brother’s paranoia seemed to have rubbed off on you, and you had developed the bad habit of being suspicious of every new person you met.
Lost in your own thoughts, you don’t notice that you’ve arrived at the store until you see the same store sign from the day before in your peripheral vision.
Once again, the warmth of the store seems far more welcoming than the cold, empty street behind you. 
Today, you see Daniel and one of the girls from the day before.
They both look up at you as you enter, recognition sparking in their eyes.
You gathered an armful of snacks, grabbing whatever caught your attention before making your way to the counter. Now that you managed to get a better look at the girl, you noticed how beautiful she was.
She was tall and fit, and she looked well dressed, her clothing clearly expensive.
When you looked towards her face, you noticed how she seemed to be looking at you with a critical eye too. The thought left a small smile on your face.
You turned to the short boy from the day before, addressing him directly.
"Daniel right?"
He seemed shocked that you had bothered to remember his name. He spluttered a bit while trying to answer.
"Um, I- uh... Yeah, Daniel. That's me. Sorry, I didn't catch your name last night...?"
You smile at his awkwardness, giving him your name before looking towards the girl standing next to him.
She's already looking at you, and startles slightly when she realises that you want her name too.
"Crystal. Crystal Choi. Nice to meet you."
The conversation lulls for a moment before you speak.
"So, no Vasco today?"
"Ah, no, just me. He doesn't actually work here, he just likes to hang around." Daniel answered.
He seems to contemplate something for a moment before addressing you.
"So, do you live in the area?"
The two behind the counter notice your demeanour change instantaneously. Your body tenses and your gaze turns hard, almost cutting into Daniel.
"No. Just visiting. I think I should be leaving now."
Daniel hands a bag with your purchase, hands trembling slightly. Your change in attitude had been frightening.
You hum in thanks before looking at Crystal again. She stares at you for a moment before you bid them both farewell and leave the store.
The two watch you leave before heaving a slight sigh, Daniel letting out a nervous laugh.
He started talking, his words falling on deaf ears as Crystal thought about how similar your demeanour had been to someone she knew.
Once you arrived home, you decided that it would probably be best to avoid that convenience store for a while, at least until Daniel and his friends had somewhat forgotten about you. Hell, maybe you’d find a different store to frequent all together.
Little did you know you were about to be pushed far out of your comfort zone, dragged into a mess you would barely be able to navigate.
After you hid your snacks away, you settled into the plush couch across from the large television mounted on the wall, content with the solitude surrounding you. 
Naturally, that peace was disrupted now even fifteen minutes later by the even toned doorbell. You grumbled loudly as you approached the door, under the assumption that it was DG at the door, arriving earlier than expected and making your life difficult by forgetting his keys. Or maybe it was your tutor, appearing for a lesson you had forgotten.
Evidentially, you were wrong on both accounts.
At the door, waiting patiently, comfortably slouched against the wall, stood a man - blonde haired, sporting glasses and a funky looking suit. He throws you a charming grin, pushing himself off the wall before addressing you - by name - something that sets off alarm bells in your head.
He blocks the door before you can shut it, shoving it open and stepping inside before shutting it behind him. 
“Oh don’t look so scared. I’m just here to talk. It’s not as if I’d hurt you. Speaking of, this’ll take a while - what snacks do you have hidden around here?”
The next part will be released when I have a magical spurt of motivation :))
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miraculousmaker · 10 hours
Don’t judge me for skipping eps several weeks in the row and also saying that I live for when eps come out. I don’t know what’s wrong with me either, but I contain multitudes. Those multitudes are stupid too.
Hold on the desc I’m so scared
BABE CHAIN YOURSELF TO THE BED OR SMTHN we cannot keep having you do this
pssh going to a horror movie for a date. So on genre
??? Wasn’t she in Oxford?
Once our computer fella started talking about the therapy, that’s when i noticed the voice switch to conversational. I just like being able to recognize it.
The walls seeming really thin, but never overhearing someone else. Yeah, dude, they were listening to *you*.
‘They seemed really worried’, no dude they wanted to know
“The hospital asked for an emergency contact, but that was obv a nonstarter” so another lonely person who got the soul sucked out of them?
Doppelgängers being ever so slightly different is incredibly interesting. Like, this isn’t doppelgänger, this is alternate
I wonder if the DG went through the same falling thing? Like, it’s a rotunda of DGs replacing one another again and again.
Don’tcha hate it when your extra dimensional double turns out to have a torture basement?
Props to our guy to immediately being like: “Oh, nope, not torturing my father for kicks.” Therapy works wonders. Also the way he knew it would be their father whoo
Dude why’d you just leave them to die?
The voice going back to robotic when the report started making excuses and bartering.
*blink blink* I’m sorry w h a t did you just say?
Alice you are flirting
Aw they r so cute
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
I'm good with this idea we don't have a robot that does that they're not really sure how to do it. Yeah I know it runs a motor that runs a pump yeah I understand that so this doesn't electricity run the pump I'm saying a robot would be kind of tough so yeah you're right it would have to be my motion it's like the brakes in a car that's what I know how it works but the other end of it's not perfected.
Tommy f
So he agrees that's one group and I agree that's a great idea and that the low life guys would be going after the fuel and we would be competing but really we would be because we would be gathering up the other stuff using this tech but they have DG they say they can use it and it's something they really need is refining petroleum is much harder than this but we think that they can't handle the tech. I'm going to work on the car I'm going to announce the day because it's sweet and it makes sense to me it's not people who do not understand the program. He had black beauty when a race win a race it's a lovely horse it's a beautiful personality it's his horse and he came out of nowhere and went like three legs ahead his exhausted they brought him in and said he's exhausted cuz it doesn't really sound right but he needs nutrients and he gave it to him a little bit a little bit more and so good you know how to do it the sleeping and sleeping and farting what is that smell oh it's me and they're watching him to make sure he's okay I said what do you think of that so the problem back to feeling good you want to run again I can do it without his help and says he did it without my help I just said let's get this winter when this race and it's about a different car race but he's going to help lead the way and it's the free ourselves from Tommy f and other despots and he goes we know who that is. This date will be famous it's going to be terrific he want to talk so much about this stupid date and especially women and they already started he said. It's nothing compared to what they can make. The date is going to hold an infamy the woman are fighting it right now. It's a beautiful horse but we have to have this race. Said blue lives like she did when she worked with a nuclear material and I know who she is and she's one of these ladies. What's the e formula race but it will be the new car and it has a small battery enough for the e formula race car to go a few miles to make sure it can get off the track it has to and it's small that's the size of a bicycle battery and the rest of the time that you form the car is going to run on a transformer system two or three or one high performance and it runs in a simple PTO like any of your alternators it was a brilliant brilliant thing for him to come up with the energy you can hold in your hand can run that electric motor enough to lift up a huge Rock. The date will be June 18th 2023 that is 6:18-23 and if that doesn't strike you funny nothing will. These cars run practically forever the only thing that you have to replace for parts and it's kind of like a diamonds are forever vehicle you always have to replace something and it's a matter of not negotiating yeah and not being conciliatory it's kind of our way it's a perfect way to say it it's their way versus our way. I'm going to have one of Arnold's cars there the replica not the original that flies so don't kill everybody and it's going to be fun and we might have our hypercars there and they're funny cars and all of them are going to be this new electric system they were going to try and build to compete.
That's fine some of the men forgot the date
Mac Daddy
This is going to be a great race these people all race they know how to they're very excited you can see them a little getting excited wondering about it wondering how it will go if they can try and get the tech cuz we're not going to sell the car and they want us to sell it at the electric motorcycle company and we do have an electric car there and or if maybe DG would start his Tesla company up with it again. What a day we're going to get this going
Thor Freya
When Father's day too another day agreed to try not to suffer as much because I try and get himself stuff and is doing it when Father's Day he's giving us a gift and it's a lot of work it may as well be mother's Day
Olympus and she said it for us too who's a great idea we're going to put it forward and get everybody involved who wants to go there but he's saying though is he wants to develop his cars and this is the concept and have them bring theirs and we have the time and if they do it that way it's going to work if we do it with Justice it won't do much so we're going to have to go ahead and do that
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cozyships · 4 years
thinking about... swordsmen...
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domesticblisss · 2 years
Smoke Signals
Daniel Garcia x Female Reader Requested Prompts: “hi the daniel garcia anon here again ,, it’s fine if it takes a little while, take ur time. i’ll wait as long as i need to :’)) umm but maybe “i think you look beautiful” and “shut up and kiss me” from the sensual/romantic prompts ?? those sound cute. cant wait to see it whenever ur done though ,, thank u so much !!" Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 1488 Warnings: Fluffy. Alcohol mentions and wrestling related violence. A/N: Hiiiii. Did y'all miss me? Got a sudden wave of inspiration and decided to write this request that I've been wanting to fill for a while. Hope DG anon and everyone else likes it. Promise I'll try to get back to writing more this year. Also I hope you guys had a nice christmas and a even better new year passage. Oh, it's still valid to post a new year fic after it already rang, right?
Being the new person is never fun. Especially when you are in a company where everyone is already friends with someone.
So I kind of took the opportunity to approach Eddie Kingston.
Approach as in follow him around everywhere until he finally accepted as his new friend. It’s safe to say it wasn't easy.
The first few times he shooed me away, saying all he wanted was to be left alone to eat his damn cake in peace. Other times he would just ignore me until I shut up or he would get up and leave me talking to myself.
All in all, Eddie is a nice guy that, even with his loud mouth and hot-headed behaviour, just likes to wrestle and enjoy some time with his loved ones.
Which is why it left me wondering why on earth Matt Lee, Jeff Parker and Daniel Garcia decided to set a target on him when they showed up.
Things got worse after Mox left.
“What do you want, kid?” he said as he felt me approaching, I could feel how angry he was just by the tone of his voice.
2point0 and Daniel Garcia had confronted him once again, this time at catering, disturbing his precious cake time.
“You need someone on your corner next friday.”
“And who’d that be?”
“Me!” I exclaimed with the sweetest and brightest smile I could muster.
He looked at me for a few seconds as he processed what I had just said, then he laughed. Like a full blown belly laugh, which, I am not going to lie, bothered me a little bit.
“And what are you going to do? Talk their ears off like you do to me?”
“Eddie,” I put my hand on his left shoulder and he looks at it as if my touch is burning his skin, but I keep going, “I’m fast, I’m good at distracting people and I’m weirdly strong, 2point0 got nothing on me.”
He smiles a more contained smile, “Yeah, I’ve seen you lifting. See you on friday then, kid. Don’t be late.”
Friday came and as expected, Matt and Jeff tried their shenanigans against Eddie, which ended with them getting speared through the barricades by yours truly, and that was enough to distract Daniel, who - funnily? weirdly? - smiled at me after seeing his two new dads unconscious on the floor. Eddie took his chance, hitting Daniel with a sliding d, getting the pin.
He hugged me when I got in the ring to celebrate with him, whispering “sorry for doubting you, kid.” on my ear.
Eddie became a second dad to me after that day, helping me train, being around during my matches and even picking up some of my fights.
Which is why, right now, I am completely fucked.
See, Daniel started approaching me after that match. The first time it happened was a mere few days after I knocked 2point0 out. I sat in catering after being banned from ringside for Eddie’s match against Ethan Page (I may or may not have tried to low blow him).
“Hey!” Daniel suddenly appeared in front of me.
“Oh fuck no.” I said as I got up. Daniel held my hand, stopping me.
“I promise I won’t try anything, just wanna talk.”
I sat back down. “Then talk.”
“You uh… you’re really good. In the ring, I mean.”
“Yeah, I am.” I tried to keep my face as emotionless as possible. Truth is that I could feel the butterflies awakening deep inside.
“Yeah.” he nodded.
I saw his eyes shift, paying attention to the monitor behind me. The gulp he gave signified that Eddie’s match had probably ended.
“I should probably go. See you around.” Daniel stood up and stared at me for a few seconds before finally leaving.
Things kept going like this, he would (try to) talk to me when I was alone, gifts would be in my bag waiting for me when I came back to the locker room after matches, and Dan would be staring at me incessantly when he and 2pointdorks came after Eddie and I.
Sometimes I wonder if Eddie suspects anything as he has mentioned before about how Daniel can’t stop staring at me, and almost lunged at him during one of those confrontations.
Which makes me so sad, because, you know what, I’m not going to keep beating around the bush, I like Dan. He’s cute, funny, yeah he’s super annoying and has nothing behind those beautiful chocolate brown eyes of his, but he’s sweet. It’s so nice seeing him blush whenever he comes to talk to me. I say “talk” but we exchange like, two full sentences and leave.
I wish I could tell Eddie about this, as he’s one of the few people I trust, and a father figure to me, but I know he wouldn’t take it lightly, and being honest, I’m terrified of what his reaction would be.
So, I confided in the two people that were the nicest to me since I arrived: Sonny and Julia.
Sonny thinks I should just cave in and be happy and think about Eddie later, Julia also thinks I should go and be happy, but that I have to talk to Eddie first.
Very, very helpful.
I hear a knock on my door, which I open to find two very glamorous looking Sonny and Julia, who barge in, pulling me straight to my bedroom.
“What happened?” I say, startled by their actions.
“Girl, you have to get ready for the party.” Sonny tells me.
The party is Anna Jay’s New Year’s Party. She had invited some of us, nothing too big in her words, to break the year in.
“I’ve already told you guys I’m not coming.” Don’t get me wrong, Anna is a sweetheart and I’m not one to turn down a party, especially if it includes some free booze, but I’ve been wrestling non stop this past month, and my last match with Jade left me completely sore. I’m still feeling the aftermath of her bicycle thrust kick (the bruise around my eye says a lot too).
“Daniel is going to be there!” Julia exclaimed excitedly.
“Guys, I’m tired and in pain, and if Eddie fi–“
“Girl, Eddie is all the way back in New York, he won’t find out shit. Besides, you’re a grown woman, he can suck it up and deal with it. Now go get dressed, we gotta go and get you your man.” Sonny said.
I got ready in record time, dressed in a maroon plaid skirt, black turtleneck and thigh high black leather boots. I kept the make up simple, not trying hard to conceal my bruised eye.
“If Dan doesn’t make a move I will.” Julia told me, winking. Sonny whistled, and ushered us as our uber was arriving in a few minutes.
Arriving at the party I notice that it was indeed a very small get together, seeing only the ones that were in Anna’s and JB’s closest circle.
Dan stood in the back of the living room, near the window. He looks comfortable dressed in his signature denim and loose, long sleeve plaid shirt. He nurses a beer and seems to be having fun with whatever Marko is doing.
As I make my way in, JB shoves a red cup with what smells like vodka on my hand.
“Hey.” It's now my turn to startle Daniel.
“Wow. Can’t believe your dad let you out.”
“Aren’t you the one whose dads set a curfew?”
He laughs at me, shaking his head while looking down, the free hand going to his short cut hair, a nervous tick that I had noticed he had before.
“You look beautiful.” he says, staring into my eyes.
I give him a shy smile, suddenly self conscious about the state of my eye. “I got this huge ass bruise arou–“
“Still, I think you look beautiful. Bruise or no bruise, you’re beautiful.”
I feel my cheeks burning, and shyly whisper “You too.”
After a few moments of awkward silence, we picked up a conversation. We talked about our careers and our last few matches. Dan asked about Eddie, if he knew anything about the gifts he had sent me, and if Eddie would be ok with me so openly talking to him, to which the answer was, of course, “no, but I’ll deal with him later.”
We talked about music, about the drinks, moved on to the kitchen to eat the food, we laughed when Dante tried to teach Marko how to do his over the top flips, which poor Marko ended up failing.
Time moved so fast that next thing I know, they had already started the countdown.
“It’s almost midnight.” Daniel stated.
“Yeah.” I nodded.
“Happy new year!” Dan said, looking deep into my eyes.
“Shut up and kiss me.” So he did.
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moronic-validity · 3 years
The Vincent Sinclair’s Boot x Reader Fic
okay so a few notes! 
1) Reader is a trans guy (like your’s truly) 
2) This is smut for the sake of smut, plain and simple.
3) I finished this at 2:30am and I have to be at work at 8. 
This Contains: dubcon/coerced consent, drugs, bdsm, dom vincent, a boot kink, typos, almost murder, masturbation, and car problems! Everything under the cut is 18+!!!
As the temperature gauge crept higher and higher, [y/n] had to kick himself. He had been told to check his oil periodically through the road trip, but more than that, he had always been told to keep an extra thing of 5-20 in his car. Both pieces of advice went in one ear and out the other.
Which left him here, in the middle of nowhere Louisiana, 30 miles shy of Baton Rouge.
The immediate reaction was to get out of his car and scream. Sure, it was near midnight, but there wasn’t anyone nearby, so what was the worst thing that could happen.  The flash of headlights on him and his car answered his question.
Great. Fantastic. Cool.
“Hey, sorry about the yelling,” he called out in the general direction of the headlights. “Any chance you have some 5-20, I’ll be right out of here if you do!”
No response. [y/n] sighed and sat on the hood of his car and watched the car. It was the middle of the night and it was still hotter than hell and humid to match. Without giving it much thought, he pulled his t shirt over his head and sat it on the hood next to him. What did it matter, he had a binder on anyway. Not like anything was showing.
The mystery driver flashed his brights at [y/n], then threw it in reverse and went back to where he came from.
Well that’s fantastic. I’m in the middle of nowhere and someone knows I’m stranded here. Perfect.
Without giving any more thought to it, he got back into his car and went to sleep, his t shirt thrown over his eyes.
The sun didn’t wake him up, the tapping on his window did.
[y/n] scrambled into an acceptable position and pulled his still damp t shirt on. Once his eyes adjusted to the light, he was able to see the man standing near his window. The man wasn’t intimidating or anything, but the situation was odd and [y/n] was immediately warry.
“Sorry ‘bout that, didn mean to startle ya or nothin,” The man with the green hat said with a small laugh, “it just looked like ya might need some help, most people don like sleepin in their car this time a year.”
[y/n] squinted at the guy. It wasn’t due to the accent or the look of him, the sun just happened to be right in his eyes. The perfect start to another fantastic day.
“Uh yeah, I’ve definitely had better days. Any chance you know where to get a quart or two of oil?” He asked, ending it with a still tired yawn.
“I could give ya a lift into town, ‘m sure Bo will help you out at the station,” The green hatted man offered helpfully.
“Actually, that’d be wonderful, thank you…” [y/n] realized that he just accepted a ride from a man who’s name he didn’t even know. His mother would be so proud.
“Lester, Lester Sinclair,” Lester said with an extended hand.
“[y/n], [y/n] [l/n]” He took the other’s hand and gave a firm shake. [y/n] was acutely aware of the tacky reddish-brown smudge that was now on his hand.
The ride into town was quite, aside from the rumble of Lester’s truck and the sound of tires throwing rock.
“So where’re you headed?” Lester asked, glancing over at [y/n].
“Ah, no direction, wanted to go up, down, coast to coast. Want to see a little bit of everything, I guess,” [y/n] picked at the skin around his index finger, “I’ve only broken down once, so I figure I’m doing okay.”
“Welcome to Ambrose, I know it probably isn where ya wanted t’ go, but there are worse places.” Lester said cheerfully.
The ride went back to being quiet.
“Oh shit,” Lester whined, more to himself than anything else, as he threw the car in park and jumped out, “ya wouldn’ mind givin me a hand flipping the hubs, would ya?”
What the hell does that even mean? {y/n] thought to himself as he hopped out of the car to help Lester with the task anyway. Help was a bit of a strong word for what [y/n] did, it was more get in the way and offer moral support. Lester appreciated the gesture and the company. Most people jumped out of the car and fled into town by this point.
The two got back into the truck and drove right on into Ambrose and parked in front of the service station.
“Now, you wait here, Bo ‘ll be ‘round soon,” Lester dropped [y/n] off with a wave then drove off to wherever he worked. It occurred to [y/n] that he never thought to ask.
It also occurred to [y/n] that he’d have to walk back to his car or hope that someone in town would be willing to give him a ride. Just one more thing. He sighed and sat with his back against the wall of the station.
At least there’s shade. It’s already starting to feel like the devil’s armpit, but at least there is shade.
Time passed, could’ve been hours, could’ve been minutes.
No, it was definitely hours.
Around the point [y/n] was sure that this Bo guy would have to pry him off the cement with a spatula, Bo happened to come down the road and up to the door of the station, near where he was sitting. Bo stood within arm’s distance as [y/n] pushed himself up off the sidewalk.
“I take it you’re Bo? [Y/n] [l/n], Lester said you might have some oil?” [y/n] offered the man he assumed to be Bo his hand. Bo flashed [y/n] a smile that seemed to try to hard to be charming.
“Well, I’d introduce myself but you already know who I am,” Bo chuckled. He was in a suit and tie, didn’t seem like he was dressed for his line of work. “ Let’s see if we can’t get you back on the road, hm?” He hummed to himself as he unlocked the door to let the two men into the store.
There was no AC, and that was the first problem [y/n] had with the station. The second problem was that there appeared to be no oil. Anywhere.
What type of station doesn’t carry oil. Oil. OIL. Walmart carries oil, DG carries oil. Why does this man not have oil.
“Uh….Hey Bo, any chance you have some oil in the garage that you’re willing to part with?” [y/n] asked, while squatting and looking at another shelf devoid of oil.
“I’m sure I could check,” Bo said, his voice drifting further away. [y/n] kept looking.
“So I’ve got some bad news, I don’t have any oil down here;” ,” Bo said as he re-entered the store, wiping his hands down on a grease rag, “Good news though, I got my restock shipment in yesterday and just haven’t gotten around to bringing it down from the house. I’m more than willing to let you wait here while I go up to to get what you need, but you look like you need something to drink.”
[y/n] thought it over. This would mark the second time in less than 24 hours that he went somewhere with a random stranger, but at least this time he knew the guy’s name.
Well, the south is known for its hospitality, so I might as well go and get something to drink.
“I’d really appreciate something to drink and thank you so much for the help,” [y/n] said, suddenly aware that his mouth felt like it was full of glue.
The pair were about halfway to the house, when [y/n] finally felt the need to ask about the suit.
“Okay so, I know it’s absolutely none of my business, but why are you wearing a suit? Isn’t it a bit hot for that?” Bo stopped moving at [y/n]’s question and seemed to consider a few possible answers before he nodded to himself and kept walking.
“Well, it’s not the heat that gets you, it’s the humidity,” he chuckled to himself, “and uh,” he paused to clear his throat, “My mom passed on, was at her service.”
“Bo, I am so sorry. If you don’t mind, I’ll be sure to pay my respects before I leave town,” [y/n] couldn’t help but feel intense sympathy for Bo.
He left his mom’s funeral to help me get some oil so I can get back on the road. Holy shit.
They walked in silence for the rest of the day, [y/n] was unsure how to comfort this stranger, so he just followed the other man’s lead. Silence.
Bo unlocked the door when they got up on the step and lead [y/n] into the house.
“Washroom is down the hall if you need it, the door should be open,” Bo motioned towards the washroom, “Make yourself at home.”  
With that, Bo was in the kitchen, pouring two glasses of sweet tea. [y/n] decided to take Bo up on his offer of a washroom. Once the door was shut, he fought with his binder for a minute, before finally getting it off his chest, letting it hang loosely around his neck. At this point, it just felt good to take a few deep breaths. After a few minutes passed, [y/n] pulled his binder back into place, swore he’d keep it off until he hit the next rest stop, then went back out into the house and met Bo in the kitchen.
Bo handed [y/n] the glass of sweet tea, condensation already beading on the sides. Nice and cold and incredibly sweet, it even tasted southern. And a bit salty. [y/n] had never had homemade sweet tea before, so he assumed that maybe that just happened sometimes with the tea when it cooled.
The room started to sway.
“Hey, [y/n] maybe you should sit down, looks like the heat is getting to you,” Bo said, worry in his voice, but a smile on his lips, “maybe you ought to lay down for a bit.”
Not a bad idea. Not a bad idea at all.
That was weird, he tried to say it out loud, but his mouth didn’t seem to want to cooperate. Bo helped [y/n] to sit on the couch and as his vision started to darken, [y/n] swore he saw another person enter the room.
When [y/n] came to, he realized a few things in short order. It was much darker, he was not on the couch, and he was restrained to the metal table he way laying on. Ever the optimist, he was thankful for the fact that he still had his clothes on and also for the fact it was much cooler wherever he was.
A tall man with long dark hair entered his line of sight. [y/n] had a few ideas of things to yell at him, but instead, took a different approach.
“So, either I’ve been asleep for a really long time, or you’re not Bo,” [y/n] said, turning his head to get a better look at the man. The man’s shoulders shook, like he was laughing without the noise.
Okay so he can’t talk. Noted.
The man turned around to face the table and made sure his hands were in clear view as he signed, “Vincent.”
The motions were smooth and [y/n] caught it near immediately.
“Vincent is a nice name,” he mused, giving Vincent a charming smile of his own, “I’m [y/n]. Now, I do have a few questions, mainly, why am I tied up?”
Vincent turned his back on [y/n] and went back to preparing the paralytic, deciding to make it a bit stronger so the man on the table wouldn’t have to be awake for the worst of it. When he turned around and [y/n] saw the needle, the reality of the situation began to sink in and things snapped into focus.
“Hey Vincent, I don’t know what’s in that needle, but I promise you don’t have to do whatever it is you’re about to do,” [y/n] tried to keep his voice level as he squirmed and fought against the restraints, “I know we don’t know each other, but I swear you don’t need to do this.”
Vincent watched him writhe on the table and considered his options.
“Please, can we talk this out, please,” [y/n] continued to beg, tears forming in the corners of his eyes and bruises already forming at both his wrists and his ankles from the jerking around. Desperation in one hell of a drug, because in no other situation could [y/n] see himself saying, “I’ll do anything to convince you.”
Vincent set the syringe back down and walked up to the head of the table and gripped [y/n]’s jaw and turned his head to make sure he saw when he signed “Are you sure?” he drew it out to emphasize the importance of the question.
Was [y/n] sure? No. No he wasn’t, but he wasn’t in a place that allowed many options. Behind door one? Death! Behind door two? A questionable fate that could very well still end in death!
Yeah, I’ll go with door number two, please.
[y/n] nodded, Vincent’s hand still not leaving his jaw.
Vincent considered the situation for a moment. He considered the number of girls that Bo had brought to him after he had had his way with them at the station. Girls had never really been Vincent’s speed.  There were plenty of attractive guys who had come through, but mostly they were either already dead or just spit curses at him. [y/n] was different. No threats, no insults, he was shockingly calm, all things considered. Vincent stroked up and down the side of [y/n]’s face, bringing his hand into the smaller man’s hair and pulling, eliciting a soft whimper.
“I want you to show me,” Vincent signed before undoing the restraints at [y/n]’s ankles. As for his hands? His hands were going to stay bound, but a change of position was still needed. Vincent kept eye contact with [y/n] as he undid his wrists.
[y/n] sat up on the table, moving slowly as to not startle Vincent. The last thing he wanted was to scare the guy who probably had a half dozen ways to kill him in arms reach. His wrists ached and were bleeding in some places. He rubbed at his sore joints before Vincent snapped his fingers, pointed directly at him, then down at the floor near his boot clad feet.
[y/n] had the opportunity to make a run for it, but instead knelt at Vincent’s feet. Vincent put his hand out and without thinking, [y/n] rested the side of his face against it. Vincent’s face burned beneath his mask, that was not what he needed the man to do. He pulled his hand away and gently slapped at the kneeling man’s face, not hard enough to hurt him, but hard enough for him to know that that was not the desired action. The kneeling man was a quick learner and when Vincent put his hand out again, he reluctantly placed his wrists in the larger man’s hands.
[y/n] was not thrilled at this situation, but he was also a simple man, and for all the terror in the situation, Vincent was a large man with shockingly soft hands that were big enough to envelop both of his wrists, who had complete control over the situation. Should he be getting wet due to the situation? Absolutely not, but in the one psychology class he took in high school, it was mentioned that fear and arousal were close together in the brain.
Vincent saw the bruising and blood on the smaller man’s wrists and was careful when he rebound them. Sure, he was planning on killing the guy, but his plans had changed. He threaded a rope and carefully suspended his wrists so that his wrists would remain above his head.
[y/n]’s first thought was that Vincent wanted head. Most guys he had met enjoyed getting head, so it did make sense. He carefully pressed his cheek against the man’s crotch and nuzzled against it, then looked up and into Vincent’s eyes for any sign. Instead, Vincent just lifted his knee and pushed [y/n] off of him like he was a disobedient dog.
A thousand thoughts raced through his mind as to what he wanted, if not a blow job. He was further confused when Vincent lifted his boot clad foot and pressed it into the smaller man’s pelvic bone, hard.
The pressure of it was enough to lift him up just a little bit more and it had him wetter than he thought he could be in a situation like this. He pressed down onto the shoe and began to grind against it, shamelessly chasing the friction it created.
Vincent groaned. His cock twitched as he watched the man’s lewd display. He didn’t want [y/n] to touch him, not yet. There was still the chance that could go horribly wrong, what Vincent wanted was to see exactly how desperate the man was. Vincent began to palm himself, stroking through the fabric of his pants while he watched.
The answer was very. [y/n] was very desperate. [y/n] was desperate not to die and now, now he was also desperate to cum. He pressed himself harder against the toe of Vincent’s boot and rutted against it, groaning loudly when it pressed up against that bundle of nerves. He began to fall into a rhythm that hit every sensitive spot he could reach.
Vincent’s hand was now in his pants as he stroked himself to the same rhythm [y/n] was fucking himself to. God,  Vincent thought to himself, this man was making an absolute whore of himself. It might not be a bad idea to keep him around. Could make work slightly less taxing. Then the bound man made a sound that snapped Vincent out of his thoughts and almost made him cream his pants.
He was getting so close, he had thrown himself so into chasing his high that he almost forgot that the circumstances that brought him to this were less than desirable. He pressed began to rotate his hips so that bundle of nerves caught significantly more pressure and more friction. He let out a loud, needy whine.
“Please Vincent, please tell me I can cum, I’ve been such a good boy, please God, Vincent,” the words came tumbling out of his mouth, he was babbling and begging for a different release now. Vincent bucked into his own hand, listening to the whines and pleas.
Tears were starting to form in [y/n]’s eyes again, he was trying so hard to be good for Vincent, trying so hard to be his good boy. Sure, less than an hour ago, he wanted nothing more than to be as far from him as possible, but God, he was so close to cumming and he just needed Vincent to tell him he had been good. Hadn’t he been good enough to deserve release?
Vincent pressed his crotch against [y/n]’s face and continued to jack himself off. He didn’t want the man’s mouth, but he wanted the proximity. He was so close to his own release. So so close, all he needed was-
“Oh GOD, sir please, I’ve been so good for you, please sir. Tell me I’ve been a good boy for you, tell me I’m your good boy, please sir; oh my God, please, please,” [y/n] continued to babble, now crying for release against Vincent’s aching cock.
Yeah, that just about did it for him. Vincent’s orgasm took him hard and left a sizable stain that leaked into the front of his pants and against the begging man’s face. Vincent closed his eyes, lost in his own release. When things snapped back into focus, he realized the other man was still whining pitifully, still having not came.
Vincent had to admit, he was impressed at the man’s willpower, it was oddly attractive to him that the man refused to grant himself pleasure without permission. This could actually work out wonderfully, Vincent thought to himself.
He took the rope in his free hand and yanked on it hard enough to knock the [y/n] off balance. He looked up at Vincent as he tried to regain balance. Vincent let go of the rope and let him drop onto his knees, but his eyes were still locked on his masked face.
Vincent thought about it for a moment before signing “I want you to cum.”
That was all [y/n] needed to hear before going back to rutting against the shoe, quickly going over the edge and coating the toe of the boot in his fluids. He braced himself against Vincent’s leg, mumbling thank yous as he came back down. Vincent allowed this to go on for a short while, before cutting the rope and pressing [y/n]’s face down to the still wet boot.
Vincent used one hand to yank [y/n]’s hair to make the blissed out man look up at him, with the other hand, he calmly signed “Clean it up.”
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gwynrielsupremacy · 3 years
One single thread of gold tied me to you
Hey you guys guess what... IT'S GWYN'S POV! Also this was supposed to be the last part of this HC/fic/idk what to call it but now... should there be a part 5?
(and yes this title is exactly what it sounds like: INVISIBLE STRING BY QUEEN TAYLOR SWIFT ref!)
CHECK OUT Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3!!!!!!
Almost immediately, Gwyn heard something inside of her click. She felt as she could see it, too: a faint golden light heating up her chest, glowing. She couldn’t, wouldn’t look at the male beside her. She felt as if she did, he would see right through her. Did Azriel know? Did he make this amazing, magnificent surprise just so he could show her what he already saw?
But Diane, that wise and ancient female, was sitting right in front of her, still smiling, as if her words didn’t just reveal something Gwyn herself didn’t realize was inside of her. It was enough to make her come back to her senses. She would deal with that later, and all it entailed. For now, she would enjoy Diane’s precious company; she was so lucky to be spending time with someone like her, full of stories and creativity and knowledge. It was all Gwyn aspired to be.
Finally, about two hours after that silent revelation, Diane nodded to no one in particular and got to her feet, saying it was time for her to go. They hugged, and Gwyn held her tears: she felt such a calming, warm feeling on her heart. It felt like being embraced by her mother’s love. It was like that female could read her, and understand her. All of it, flaws and mistakes and all.
During their dinner, they shared so much about each other’s lives. Well, mostly Diane, but Gwyn talked about some feelings and things she hadn’t told anyone but her sister. Catrin would be so happy for her, she thought. She wished her sister was there so they could share this whole experience. But she felt so blessed and grateful anyway, just being able to live that. She could live that for Catrin as well, and that was enough for her.
“Oh, I almost forgot” Diane said before reaching out to Azriel so he could winnow her back to Velaris “Here, this is for you, child.”
It was Gwyn’s favorite book by Diane, “And So the Story Goes.” Inside, a handwritten note in a beautiful calligraphy:
For Gwyn,
I hope you find out what you knew all along.
She covered her grin with a trembling hand. It was too much, she felt like she could burst. It felt like happiness, but even more, it felt like hope. Reading those words, from someone whom she thought so highly of, it was the encouragement Gwyn needed to keep on going. She felt like she really was doing something right.
“Thank you”
Diane offered her a knowing smile before accepting Azriel’s extended hand, and the Priestess watched as they both vanished into the night, turning her look again to the dedication. She was re-reading it for maybe the 20th time when Az winnowed back, an unreadable expression at his face.
Gwyn felt her knees wobble all of a sudden as she put the book down to face him. Could he see it too? That faint light she now saw when looking at him? She didn’t know, and wasn’t ready to find out just yet.
“How…” She swallowed and he stood still, a few feet away from her. Bracing himself for her reaction, now that they were alone. “How did you… What…”
“It was Nesta and Emerie’s idea.” He said in answer, a soft smile in his beautiful, full lips. His hazel eyes were assessing her, brows slightly furrowed, as if trying to predict what she was thinking, what were she trying to say. In the moonlight, his tall, slender figure seemed to shine like a star, his strong arms and muscles showing themselves behind his slim shirt- Oh no, what was going on with her?
Get your shit together, Gwyneth.
“So, did you like it?”
His question pulled her away from her insistent thoughts, and she managed to look him straight in the eye before answering.
“Yes… Yes. I loved it.” When she smiled back, she saw his own broaden into a grin.
And at that sight, she beamed. He took a step at her direction, and Gwyn swore his shadows seemed to dance between them, swifting from their master to her in anticipation.
Before Gwyn’s brain could process what she was doing, she launched towards Azriel, covering their distance with quick steps and embracing him tight. She burrowed her head on the crook of his neck and felt his stiffened posture almost instantly relax, as he wrapped his steady arms around her. She felt everything: how warm his touch was, how soft the skin where her hands rested upon, how his breath on her ear and neck gave her goosebumps.
“This was the best birthday I ever had.” She ignored all of that, speaking quietly, her words muffled for she didn’t move her head from his shoulder.
She never thought she would feel comfortable hugging a male like that, but, for some reason, with Azriel she felt like she could stay there forever. No, not just for some reason. For a very specific one Gwyn had just find out, and it was still quite hard to believe. And that thought, that thought alone, was what made the reckless, carefree side of her lift her head and kiss him on the cheek softly, just once. “Thank you, Az.”
She saw his eyes widen just slightly, but before he could say anything, Gwyn parted their embrace and walked away without looking back. She could still feel his eyes on her long after she left the dining room, as though he was also thinking about the moment they both shared.
“So… What did you think about your birthday gift?” Nesta looked at her with a smirk. “Aren’t you proud of our idea?”
It was passed midnight now, and Emerie, Nesta and Gwyn were comfortably seated on the soft couches at the House’s private library, duvets and soft lighting making the space even cozier. They were sharing a gigantic chocolate cake, also gift of the House, and Gwyn took another sip at her sparkling wine, appreciating the heat burning down her throat.
“Oh, you outdid yourselves. She was amazing and so kind, and…”
“Wait” Emerie cut in, brows furrowed in confusion “She who?”
“Well, Diane.” As Nesta and Emerie exchanged glances, Gwyn felt the need to complement “Diane Gadot, my favorite author. I met her.”
Nesta squealed, eyes wide, and Emerie threw a cushion at Gwyn’s face in response.
“He did that?”
“Who, Azriel? Wasn’t that the gift?”
Emerie was laughing hysterically now, and Nesta shook her head, smirking in disbelief.
“I can’t believe this.”
“What? He told me you gave him the idea.”
“Well, yeah. It just wasn’t this one.” Nesta continued, as Emerie finally seemed to be calming down.
“Didn’t he give you the book? The autographed one?”
“Yes, she did. But it was after we dined and spent hours talking- well, I talked - to Diane.”
“I can’t believe this.” Nesta repeated, but she was smiling from ear to ear, and her tone was warm when she spoke “That Ilyrian bastard.”
“He was only supposed to give you the book. Both me and Nesta found it to be a real challenge considering how famous Diane was, but it seems we seriously underestimated Azriel.” Emerie chipped in, a smile still on her face as she looked to her Valkyrie sister.
Gwyn was also surprised, and couldn’t contain her grin as it grew wider. The fact that he would go to such lengths only to give her a birthday gift… And that the gift would turn out to be this amazing, magical thing… She suddenly felt the urge to leave her friends behind and go after him. She wondered what he was doing, how he felt when she kissed his cheek. If he felt anything close to what she did.
She shook that thought out of her mind as she continued the story, detailing almost everything that happened to Emerie and Nesta. She debated telling them about that invisible string she felt, the secret realization she had, but decided not to. Azriel needed to find out first; that was between them, and only them, even if he didn’t yet know. Even if Gwyn herself didn’t know what to do next. For some reason, the fact that there might be a “they” now brought Gwyn a quiet, glowing joy.
That day was the happier Gwyn had in a long, long while. And she was completely content with that.
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When you were liveblogging DGS2/GAA2 over on your sideblog (which I was sadly not following along with since I was gladly playing the game myself and didn't want spoilers) you made a post on this blog about imagining more shenanigans for the modern day/bullshit defense au. Since the game has now been out for a month I was wondering if you would be interested in sharing them? (Please tell me Someone regrets his new white suit when he gets a stain)
I figured there would be some people who dropped away for that liveblog because hey, they had the chance to easily play it themselves now, and I'm just happy that it is so easily available to play now. They're good games!
Anyway, blanket spoiler warning for both DGS/The Great Ace Attorney games below. So many spoilers.
So my initial scenario that I mentioned when playing the first game was Ryuu, Susato, and Kazuma shadowing van Zieks, and that's been made hilarious given the entire situation with van Zieks and his apprentice in the second game. I'm keeping that scenario and just expanding on it, because it works even better with the second game's context.
London Study Abroad, Day 1: a man burns to death in an uber that was simultaneously the crime scene and evidence and no we still don't know how they got it into the courthouse.
London Study Abroad, Day 2: Ryuu and Susato are studying over in the corner of Barok's office while Kazuma is on the phone and Barok is at his desk ignoring all three of the students, when suddenly Kazuma walks over to the desk and slaps one hand down on it, his other hand holding his phone back a little bit from his mouth.
"Hey, Prosecutor van Zieks," he says. "My dad says to stop being so rude to us."
"No, he doesn't," says Barok without looking up.
Kazuma hands him the phone. Ryuu and Susato are watching now, and are very surprised to see Barok actually take the phone and answer with a deadpan "Yes?"
"Barok," says Genshin Asogi, on the other end of the phone, on the other side of the world, "why does my son tell me that you are currently drinking wine, in the office?"
It is 11:17 am GMT and Barok is indeed drinking wine. "I don't know," he says. "Why did your son tell you that?"
This is the first time that Barok and Genshin have spoken in like three years.
Now this is less shenanigans and more me laying out some complex groundwork that I have overthought because what else do I do! I hope that's nonetheless acceptable.
Since this modern AU is adjacent to the Bullshit Defense AU, that means we are allowed to resurrect at least one dead parent. I have chosen Genshin Asogi for this honor and add him to the ranks of Gregory, Byrne, Misty, Metis, and Dhurke.
So for the incidents a decade prior, the same situation carries over from the game, initially. Genshin, Mikotoba, and Jigoku are all studying in London, and while Mikotoba is running around solving crimes, Genshin becomes very good friends with Klint van Zieks, and Barok. Klint still ends up a killer; Genshin still ends up discovering this, but instead of them handling this with a duel like idiots in 1899, Genshin ends up finding evidence and gets Klint arrested on suspicion of murder. Before his trial, though, Klint mysteriously dies in prison of "Mael Stronghart tying off a loose end who could reveal him to be a blackmailing piece of shit" disease.
Genshin and Barok's friendship is...understandably strained by this. Barok finding out his brother who he so loved and idolized was a murderer, but that matter wasn't even resolved in court with a verdict, it's just hanging open forever now, and this all about Klint having been brought to light by Klint's best friend, who Barok also admired... Barok does not take it very well. And while Genshin wants to look out for Klint's little brother, for Klint's sake, there's only so much he can do, and it's even harder once he returns to Japan. He still reaches out to Barok on occasion, and Barok would sometimes briefly respond, but that line of communication has slowly died over the years. Both of them think there was some sort of foul play involved in Klint's death, and both of them think that there are loose threads, but neither knows what to do with it.
Then one day, a memo goes around the Prosecutors Office asking for someone to mentor two Japanese exchange students by the names of Kazuma Asogi and Susato Mikotoba, and Barok reads the first of those names and remembers that his brother's good friend Genshin Asogi had a son named Kazuma and just thinks. huh. Knowing that he is going to immediately regret it, Barok volunteers to mentor the exchange students, wondering maybe if there's some way he can uncover more information about Klint's crimes and death.
Kazuma, for his part, knows that his father has an old friend who is a prosecutor in London, who went through some rough stuff, but maybe you can see how he's doing now, and Kazuma meets Barok and is like "wow my father didn't tell me that you were a complete jackass."
Susato and Ryuu, meanwhile, didn't even know about Genshin and Barok's old friendship, and so the phone situation just leaves them beyond confused as they watch the frightening and cold Prosecutor van Zieks grow progressively more animated in a phone conversation with Kazuma's father. This is still their second full day in London. Everything happens so much.
Anyway, eventually, with help from Sholmes and after a bunch of increasingly wild scenarios, they end up discovering the full truth of what happened with Klint, and revealing Stronghart's role in his crimes, which allows Barok and Genshin to return to good terms with each other.
Also yeah Kazuma manages to wear white for 2 hours before he gets wine spilled on him. What did he expect when this office is more a wine cellar than an office!
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winterune · 3 years
Happy 46th birthday Kamiya Hiroshi-san! | 28.01.2021
Alright I’m back to posting birthday celebration/top seiyuu roles stuffs (or at least for Kamiyan’s birthday). My last Kamiyan birthday post was in 2019, so let’s revamp my list now.
#1: Takashi Natsume - Natsume Yuujinchou
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Soft Kamiyan is best Kamiyan. I’m sorry, but I guess I just love soft characters. I think I’ve gushed more than enough how much I love Natsume Yuujinchou, Natsume Takashi, and of course his small buta neko companion/self-proclaimed guardian. So here it is, Soft Kamiyan���s best cinnamon roll boi Natsume as my #1 favorite Kamiyan role (heck, my #1 favorite character, series, and performance ever). My heart expands three thousand times every time I hear Natsume speak.
#2: Kakushi Gotou - Kakushigoto
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I’ll be honest. This is the reason why I’m coming back to making these posts lol. I just finished watching Kakushigoto and I am in love with it!!! Definitely one of the hidden gems of 2020. A story about a single father who’s trying to raise his daughter while hiding the nature of his job. And Kamiyan nailed Gotou. From his dramatic performance when he’s on the job to the soft and caring side when he’s with his daughter. Everything was just perfect. Hearing Gotou just feels so natural. 
#3: Izaya Orihara - Durarara!!
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The heartless little bastard that was probably the first Kamiyan role that stole my heart. Again, Kamiyan gave Izaya life. Still one of my favorite Kamiyan roles to this day. It makes one wonder how this is the same man who voices soft Natsume. Speaking of, I remember thinking ‘I know this voice!’ when Kamiyan used his Natsume voice as Nakura in episode 2 I think
#4: Yato - Noragami
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Season 3 when lol but well in all seriousness, Kamiyan as Yato is just amazing. He showed a wider range of emotion in Aragoto after we learn about his past as the God of Calamity, his desire to be the God of Fortune, and finally seeing him with Father for the first time. Just imagine how animated and voiced Yato will kill me if they ever decide to make a season 3 T-T
#5: Koyomi Araragi - Monogatari series
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It’s a talent in and of itself to be able to voice a wide range of characters and make each and every one of them memorable. Though he’s that type of seiyuu whose voice is very recognizable, I never get bored. Koyomi is one such case, and I just love him so much. (Speaking of Monogatari, I have yet to see Arakawa Under The Bridge and Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. Huh, so Kamiyan worked with Akiyuki Shinbou in three series, whereas he worked with Omori Takahiro in two - NatsuYuu and Durarara, one of which is still ongoing)
Well, seems like my top 5 still hasn’t changed (except for one) xD But really though, four of the five are indisputable, they probably won’t be dropping out of the list any time soon. It is funny how many of my favorite main characters were voiced by Kamiya Hiroshi. Whereas I usually associate a seiyuu with their popular characters, I never do so with Kamiyan. Somehow, he feels low-profile yet he manages to score big roles that end up being famous and/or iconic. His characters always feel so natural to me.  
Honorable Mentions
HM1: Kusuo Saiki - Saiki Kusuo no Psi-nan
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Don’t you just love when Kamiyan voices characters who talk a lot? I know I do, lol. There was Araragi, and then Saiki. I remember him talking in the DGS radio about when he got the role. He wasn’t actually too keen on it xD but hey I love him as Saiki lol
HM2: Levi Ackerman - Shingeki no Kyojin
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To be honest, I’m not much of a fan of Kamiyan’s Levi. I love Levi, not a fan of his voice lol. But I still gotta put him on this list. Because, well, one of his most popular roles to date? Yeah, lol. I said how Kamiyan’s voice is usually recognizable. That’s not quite the case with Levi. I still can’t find any trace of his voice whenever I hear Levi speak that you’d wonder how is it possible that the man behind Levi is also the one behind characters like Natsume, Yato, Izaya lol. Sometimes it feels like he had to force his voice to go that deep. 
HM3: Choromatsu - Osomatsu-san
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Yeah I don’t follow Osomatsu-san, even though I want to. All my favorite A-list casts, but the comedy is just not my cup of tea ^^;; Still, I do love seeing some episodes, and the series is quite the phenomenon, so I’m gonna put him on the list. 
HM4: Tieria Erde - Mobile Suits Gundam 00
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Seriously, there are a lot of other characters I want to put here. Like Ao no Exorcist’s Mephisto Pheles (Kamiyan was awesome here) or BSD’s Edogawa Ranpo (minor, but eh, still a popular series), but neither (not the characters or the series) are a favorite, so I’m going with Tieria Erde from Gundam 00. I’m not a Gundam fan. Not in the sense that I watched all series. But I do love mecha and even though Gundam 00 is more of a spin-off from the bigger Gundam narrative, I loved it. Great casts, enjoyable story. I guess this was before Kamiyan grew famous? Still, I did love Tieria, especially in the second season. That deadpan character who occasionally show emotion. 
HM5: Machina Kunagiri - Final Fantasy Type-0
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I never played the game, tbh, but I wanted to mention him in the list because, well, Final Fantasy (and I’ve always been fascinated with Type-0′s lore). I wish Square would cast him in a mainline game. Well, he was casted as a minor role in FFX, but seeing Square’s trend of casting A-list seiyuu’s as their main characters, one could dream, right? To be fair, 7R mainly used their original cast from back in the 2000s and the main XV cast was decided also in mid 2000 (back from when it was still Versus XIII, though they changed Gladiolus’s seiyuu). I do wish they’d cast Kamiyan as, even if not a main character, a major supporting character. He’s not even in XIV when XIV has a lot of famous seiyuus in it. 
well, that’s my list for now. I realize that many of my favorite Kamiyan roles are from recurring series. When I first made the list two years ago, I was surprised by how few roles I can list, because apparently all my favorites are from long ongoing series or ones that spawn many seasons. Look at NatsuYuu, Osomatsu, Monogatari, and SnK lol. No wonder it always feels like I hear Kamiyan every season xD
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4ragon · 3 years
hey, if you’ve played dgs or dgs2, what is your opinion on those games? until now people have only been asking about the Phoenix Wright games, so I was just wondering!
Oh my god you have awakened the beast
Here’s the thing. DGS and DGS 2 are probably some of the best Ace Attorney games out there, along with maybe AAI2. Three of the absolute best games in the series, and STILL no fucking official translation. I can’t believe they just did a concert for 3 hours with mostly DGS music and NOTHING??? Capcom why
I’m not getting into anything that might ruin the game for anyone, but: If you love Ace Attorney, you will love DGS. It’s amazing. And I think a lot of it is heightened by playing the rest of Ace Attorney. It’s so good at taking all the parts you love about AA and twisting it around slightly into something new and wonderful. It’s got all the mystery and intrigue of the mainline games, but it’s so good at playing with the formula in just a way that everything feels like a breath of fresh air. All these twists and turns hit home because you’re so familiar with the mainline games, and that’s really cool.
And it’s so fun. It’s so fun!!! The characters are all so wonderful and fun and well developed and amazing. I know Apollo is my favorite protagonist, but I think Ryu might be a close second. And it’s so Found Family, which I think is already a lot of people’s favorite thing about the mainline games. It’s just, these characters all love and care about each other so much by the end of it, it’s wonderful.
It adds a bunch of new mechanics and gimmicks, which created a lot of interesting new ways to tackle challenges (even if one specific gimmick kind of annoyed me juuuust a bit). But it’s so cool and fun and great and AHHH I can’t really get into it, I don’t want to ruin anyone’s surprise for when they do play it.
Also, out of all the games, DGS2 was the only one that was able to shake me so much that I couldn’t sleep. Like I was freaking out about the last case well into the night while I was in the middle of it. Like. Holy shit. Wow. Please play or watch these games you guys.
My one problem is that you really can’t just play one. You really do feel like DGS 1 and 2 are so deeply intertwined that it’s impossible to get the full story with just 1 alone. Unlike any other game in the series, DGS ends with so many unfinished threads that it has to be coupled with DGS2 to feel complete. This would be less of a problem if there was ANY WAY to get DGS2. Like, when I watched DGS2, I had to scour the internet for a streamer who had their own translated script and would read aloud everything happening on screen, which was amazing that they did that but also so frustrating for me. (Wait actually holy shit like they already translated DGS and I think this translation of DGS2 is finally finished?? I didn’t actually realize that when I started this complaint but holy fuck it’s finally there), and there’s a very decent chance they’re going to translate the entire duology soon, it’s just very frustrating to have all these unanswered questions and have no real easy to get the full story.
Also, I think it takes way too long for them to try to make you like the main prosecutor. Part of that is that his arc isn’t really finished by the end of DGS, you have to play DGS2 for the full story. (Also, I mean, I don’t feel comfortable giving my opinions on the racism aspect of it, but yeah, be aware that it is a big part of his arc...)
But yes, I wholeheartedly recommend DGS 1 and 2 with all my heart. They’re such wonderful games and it’s a TRAVESTY that they haven’t been officially translated yet. I love the characters and the stories so much. They’re definitely some of the games I’m least familiar with (I’ve been waiting to replay them when they’re released because they have to be, right?? Right????) but I would gladly replay these ones again and again. And if you can’t wait for a potential release, I linked two playthroughs that appear to be fully translated above (didn’t actually watch the Slyzer one but the one I originally watched is gone so w/e).
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nightwingmyboi · 4 years
I'll always remember Devin Grayson as the woman who wrote Nightwing getting raped by a supervillain and then tried to pass it off as "wasn't rape, just nonconsensual"...which is LITERALLY THE DEFINITION OF RAPE, YOU HACK!
MSL: Male rape is a topic rarely touched on in comics. Why is it suited to bring it into Nightwing?
DEVIN GRAYSON: For the record, I’ve never used the word “rape,” I just said it was nonconsensual (I know, aren’t writers frustrating? *smiles*) [x] 
Yeah there is no other word for what happened in Nightwing #93 other than rape...I can’t imagine why she would say otherwise. She did technically apologize, but that was ten or so years later. So she eventually, finally did come out and just admit what everyone already knew, but she was still way too late to actually fix any of the damage she caused with how she completely mishandled things. I also don’t think her little apology begins to cover all the issues I have with her. 
Devin’s characterization of Dick is just so, so freaking twisted to me. Really, I don’t think there is a Nightwing writer I despise more than Devin Grayson. The interviews I’ve read from her give me the creeps:
DG: The way I think about him [Dick], he likes everyone, he’s sort of a contact junkie - just this incredibly physical (and attractive) person who lives wholly in the corporeal plane and responds with - processes things in - his body before his head or heart. I imagine that he can be hypnotized by a touch the way other people can be stopped dead in their tracks by the sight of money or the promise of true love. I think he likes kicking and kissing in almost equal measure - except kissing edges out ahead because you can do it for longer and it leads to nicer things. [x]
Yeah that’s fucking unsettling. This is Devin being gross and projecting her sexual fantasy’s onto Dick. And she very much invented this extreme view of Dick as obsessively physical. Pre-52 Dick was always written as a master strategist, an unparalleled leader, one of the best detectives in the world, outside of Devin’s writing. Her fantasy version of Dick doesn’t mesh with that...Dick wouldn’t be capable leader if he’s “thinking with his body” (whatever that means) all the time. He’s survived this long because he’s intelligent and logical. Frankly, Devin’s take on things doesn’t even make any freaking sense. But it gets worse: 
DDG: I’m writing a novel for WB right now that he’s in and I have one scene where Batman has to stop a fight before it gets out of control, and most of the people he can just yell or glare at, but with Dick, he just stands really close behind him and Dick freezes. That’s not supposed to be a sexual thing (though it is kinda hot! ::laughs::), it’s an understanding on Bruce’s part that his physical proximity will speak just as quickly and loudly to Dick as his voice, maybe even be processed faster.
What the actual fuck. You’ve probably guessed it based on how that little scenario played out. Devin ships Dick with Bruce. 
DG: And now think about being a very physical and naturally gregarious and loving person and growing up with someone like Bruce. Then add in the confusion about his status - a “ward” is something you stop being the minute you turn eighteen. Having already lost his parents and then hurling into adolescence at the speed he did...in my personal version of the story, he develops sexual desire and social anxiety about the future at the same time, and this leads to tremendous confusion, on his part, about his role in Bruce’s life. He can’t be a ward forever, in the back of his head he knows he won’t be Robin forever...what is he to this man who is at once his best friend and personal savior, personal god? “Son” is what they eventually settle on, but I think when Dick was in his late teens, the idea of “lover” must have run through his mind (which means, really, as we’ve already discussed, it ran through his body).
Wild that Dick is usually written as incredibly intelligent and emotionally cognizant (was able to puzzle out Damian’s complex motivations and needs when no one else in Damian’s life could for example) and yet Devin thinks he’s not able to sort out that he’s not supposed to make sexual advances towards his father. And by wild I mean stupid as fuck. And, just fyi, Devin goes with the version of events where Bruce took Dick in when he was eight years old! So he’s pretty fucking young when this is all happening! Just when you thought it couldn’t get more disgusting. 
Eventually, much later, Dick gets distracted by other relationships and is able to ease up enough on Bruce for Bruce to relax into his own comfort-level of kindness and affection again (once the threat of sexuality has been removed) and they carry on more or less unharmed. But the relationship remains incredibly powerful and intense for Dick, who ends up feeling apologetic, rejected, and confused on top of all the other issues we already know exist between the two of them. Dick responds to Bruce - or really I should say Batman, since that’s who his relationship is with - on every single level.
So, according to Devin, Dick views Bruce as his “personal god” and is incredibly submissive to and possessive of him. That’s why Devin’s writing is littered with scenes like this: 
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Gotham Knights #17
Where Dick acts incredibly awkward and “apologetic” about dating Barbara, because of how he previously made sexual advances towards Bruce in Devin’s fantasy world. Also with Devin, Dick spends a lot of his time stuttering every time Bruce is in the room, even though he’s usually a smooth talker, very chatty, and that’s because of the supposed “intensity” of Bruce and Dick’s relationship. And then there are scenes like this: 
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Gotham Knights #18
Where Dick uncharacteristically and disproportionately loses his cool at the slightest insinuation against Bruce and is reduced to an angry hot head. Dick has been noted to be incredibly level headed; he’s also famous for being a mediator among the hero community...this behavior is a complete departure from the way he would normally act under other writers. Dick’s also been one to level plenty of criticisms towards Bruce himself. This sudden personality change where Dick thinks Bruce can do no wrong, where no one can criticize Bruce in Dick’s presence without him absolutely blowing up, where he suddenly can’t control his emotions over the littlest things...it really exists primarily in Devin’s writing. It’s incredibly OOC behavior and it’s rooted in Devin’s sexual fantasies frankly. 
Devin’s writing is also where Dick, despite being incredibly dedicated and monogamous in all of his previous relationships, suddenly became a womanizer. Literally, everyone was written as wanting to get into Dick’s pants: Rose Wilson was reduced to a giddy teenager because of Dick, random women in the streets would comment on how cute Nightwing was, a mob boss’s daughter who was only 15 years old was obsessed with Dick and made advances, Dick had a one night stand with Huntress because she reminded him of Bruce, Bruce called Dick “Hunk Wonder,” Dick undressed in front of fucking Deathstroke (and there was a newspaper with “Richard Wilson” on it as a sly little wink towards the audience), psycho vigilante Tarantula is obsessed with Dick to the point of raping him, the list goes on. If you want more samplings of how freaking disgusting and sex-obsessed Devin was when it came to Dick, look no further than her gross Inheritance book, where she ships Dick with everyone from Green Arrow to Aquaman (here are some quotes if you’re a masochist). And since Dick “thinks with his body” or whatever, Devin’d write him as receptive (or very oblivious) when it comes to this attention. 
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Gotham Knights #10
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Nightwing (1996) #107
Another thing that made me extremely uncomfortable is how Devin would always have strangers and villains, especially older men--people who Dick very much did not know and wouldn’t appreciate being in his personal space--be all grabby with him. Please leave him alone. 
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Nightwing and Huntress #2
There Dick is, “hypnotized” in place by Huntress’s touch. Kill me. It is also especially messed up that Devin suddenly turned Dick into some sexual, warm-blooded hot head at the same time as she decided to introduce him as Romani. 
Q: How could him being Romani be used to inform his characterization?
It reinforces his “otherness” where Bruce is concerned in what I think is a useful, interesting way...It also presents the opportunity for there to be a slight chip on his shoulder, which maybe speaks to his scrappiness. It also maybe gives him a slightly deeper way to relate to someone like Helena--someone who is white but other--and gives the people who love (or lust after) him a potential cultural excuse for feeling as bewitched as they sometimes do. I also just love the idea of Bruce occasionally calling him “hot blooded” just to mess with him, because Dick would of course deny being so in an extremely hot-blooded manner. [x]
Her feeding into the fetishizing of biracial individuals is just disgusting and wrong. If there’s a racist stereotype available Devin really goes out of her way to make sure she includes it in her writing huh. 
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Gotham Knights #20
And Bruce being a racist jerk is not charming Devin, it’s terrible. Barbara used slurs also, and was very dismissive of Dick’s reaction to Bruce’s actions...that was also horrible. It’s awful that Dick’s own family would apparently treat him this way. Obviously, Dick isn’t the only one that Devin would write out of character. 
It’s all just so messed up to me, I can’t stand it. When I first read her comics, even when it wasn’t blatant like above, I would feel something subtly off...and once I read her interviews I can’t help but notice these horrible underlying insinuations in all of her work, in so many seemingly “innocent” scenes. There are a lot of big things she’s known for (her horrible treatment of Dick’s Romani heritage and his rape for example) but all these subtle, insidious little details that people don’t even really register...they are equally frustrating to me. Seeing sects of the fandom pick up these details (like, the idea that Dick doesn’t understand personal boundaries, the idea that he’s a hot head, the idea that he’s a womanizer, etc.) when I know a lot of it stems nearly solely from Devin’s crappy characterization and writing of Dick...it’s hard. 
Q: Further to that, if Dick is gay, what kind of guy is his type?
DG: ...Type isn’t as important as passion and opportunity. Because of his psycho-sexual makeup, the other key factor would be a sense that he means something to that other man, that his “surrender” is making that man happy, allowing him to bring pleasure to someone (as he was never allowed to do for Bruce). There’s also a sense, if I may be so bold, of needing to be “caught” and “held down” - this going back to the trauma of losing his parents...being strong and passionate and heroic and virile and loving with a woman is fantastic, he lives for that. But he lost both parents. There is also a part of him that longs to be pinned down and loved a little bit savagely and hurt just enough to reassure him that he’s alive. Man, I’m totally gonna get fired when this comes out....
Literally makes me want to barf. That is supposed to be a professional, official writer at DC. Could go on forever. 
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weeklyfangirl · 4 years
Frat Boy Pt. 21
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7 (1), part 7 (2), part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13 , part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19 , part 20
HI LOVIES. Please enjoy a Friday update on the Frat Boy universe. This one is a bit of a breather after the TUMULTUOUS ANGST of the last chappie. Shorter than my usual, but it’s all the chapter needed. Tons more y/n and Harry interaction on the way in the next! Have a safe and happy day loves xx
Things I want:
Live a life that helps others
Financial freedom
Experience a great love
Visit the the Pincio Gardens in Italy
To have more dreams and fewer nightmares
Doodle more
Acquire a first edition book, either because an old  friendly man who owns an antique bookshop decides to give it to me in a bonding moment, or because I have accomplished #2 and I am celebrating being a Boss Bitch
To be happy
Please note: not necessarily in that order
 It was taped above my desk, waiting for me to bring it in to the next session. I hesitated to write number 6. It was a dream I hardly entertained after committing my scholarly life to pursue medicine. I used to love to doodle. All the time. Since elementary school. I doodled so much my mom dedicated a wall in the house to my illustrations. She hung a sign above it that affectionately said “Y/N’s Doodles.” Seriously, you couldn’t get me to stop. Even if it was gross sappy sketches of my crush Billy who I would NEVER show on the playground at recess.   
 My doodling stopped how these things normally do. Because life grew busier than anything else, and the sketchpad and easel my dad had bought for me at a garage sale became ignored, collecting dust in the corner of my room. At some point, it’d become a year since I’d drawn anything, and then it was two, and three, and by this point I’d realized I was the one who’d need to create her own stability in life and medicine was the more logical fit. It wasn’t that I didn’t see the value in drawing anymore, I just had other things take up my time. It became a comfort just knowing I used to draw. Paul had paved his way, and now I was on my way to do the same. At least with medicine, my soul felt fed. It was almost comfort enough. 
 A flying toenail hit my eye. 
 “WHAT THE-” I flailed my arms, as though there were a thousand more coming. Renny’s mouth opened in shock, her guilty body hunched over her bent leg. Clippers in hand.  
 “Sorry!!” Renny burst up laughing.
 “IT HAD A MIND OF ITS OWN!!” she screamed back. 
 I blinked rapidly, my left eye watering up and spilling painless tears. “Well I’m going to have conjunctivitis at the studio later. Or I’ll be stumbling in blind.” I wiped it away.
 I heard another clip and she put up her hands with another giggle. 
 “All done. And you won’t stumble, I’m going to be there.” Renny extended her leg, her perfectly trimmed foot nearly touching the ceiling.
 “You’re just going to solicit Zayn to be his next subject.” 
 “Maybe,” her grin grew devious. “But also because I want to see if he captured the angelic beauty and complex nymph nuances of my best friend.” 
 I put a hand to my chest, still aching from uncertainty. “Honored.” 
 “Want to watch another episode until it’s time to go?” 
 This whole lazy morning had been an OC Housewives bingefest. She’d seen it on my homepage and had a complete spazz, twitching whilst proclaiming but i’ve been trying to get you to watch this show for YEARS!! When she saw the old season I was on, though, she didn’t have to question why her pestering had miraculously worked. She didn’t mention him aloud besides giving me a pointed look. And so, we watched it, even though I wasn’t really in the mood to see anything about Harry right now. It’d hurt more than I thought to walk away from him last night, and to see how sad he looked when I did. 
 After last night, he hadn’t posted anything to social media. He’d called, twice, but I knew he was drunk, or worse, and I was tired, and whatever he would say he could tell me in the morning. Even though I knew he wouldn’t. 
 And he didn’t. 
 And therein lay the problem. 
 It hurt to see his family on my little box of a computer screen, weird to see his life and get glimpses of his childhood. I felt like a hacker spying on home videos. But then I reminded myself that thousands of people had already done the same. At this point, it was just… morbid curiosity.
 “Nah, I don’t know if I can handle any more of that right now. Dr. Rhinecuff is going to yell at me if I don’t return these scanned copies to him by Monday.” 
 “Ew, he smells like meat.” 
 “I’m just saying. That one time I went with you it smelled like pastrami in his office. He has a PhD, but isn’t with-it enough to buy air freshener.”
 “He likes pastrami sandwiches, let him live.” 
 She scrolled on her phone, not bothering to respond, and my gaze turned to the window. 
 “Hey Renny?” 
 A bird flew close to the glass, halting just before it hit it, then zooming off in the opposite direction. “What’d you do when your parents were fighting?” 
 “Ummm…” I knew the question registered in her mind when she stopped scrolling, suddenly concerned. “Are your parents okay?”
 “Yeah. I mean, kind of.” I glossed over it, not caring to get into the bitter details. “I was just curious.” 
 “Uhh..” She plucked at the soft cotton of her cotton candy pajamas that were fraying at the knees. “I lost my virginity to Zach,” she half-laughed.   
 “Zach? Neighbor boy Zach?” 
 Renny nodded. She always sounded a little sad when she talked about him. Zach was the hot college boy who shared a backyard fence with Renny, the girl who may or may not have used her kitchen stool to peak over and see him workout on the grass every summer he came home. I’d known they’d slept together. I just didn’t think he was her first. 
 “I just tried to be out of the house as much as I could,” she said. “Found my true love Mary J.” 
 “It was shitty, but I’m glad I got it over with.”
 “The divorce or your virginity.” 
 “Both,” she chortled. “Why what’s up? Are you sad or something? I have a j in my drawer.” 
 “No, no, I’m fine.” Mostly I was just wondering what it must be like to feel so sexually liberated. In my house sex wasn’t talked about. At all. The inevitable sex scene in every other movie would result in my dad blaring out “WHAT KIND OF MOVIE IS THIS!” in an attempt to make it less awwkard, but having it backfire and only make it horrendously more awkward. I wasn’t saving my virginity for anyone in particular, but after all those romance novels, I wanted it to be… something. I wanted to feel something towards the person where it would justify something I’ve kept to myself for so long. I wanted it to be intense. I wanted it to be like the books. Like a Frank Sinatra song that swept up your heart and transported you back to a time of gentlemen and cigars and women in long evening gowns with fur coats and martinis. 
 “I wish I could just get it over with,” I confessed. One half of me screamed YOU’RE IN YOUR TWENTIES HAVE ALL THE SEX while the other half said YOU’VE WAITED THIS LONG DAMN IT HOLD OUT A LITTLE LONGER. I didn’t know which part of me was compromising more. 
 Renny leaned in, quick. “Would you do it with Harry?” 
 Like the flip of a switch, I remembered the sensuous heat of his body against mine, wrapping me up and pressing me against him where we just fit. And I couldn’t imagine how much better it’d feel to be even more connected to him. 
 But then there was last night. 
 I cringed. No matter how with me he��d seemed… he couldn’t have been present after mixing whatever the hell he took and a handle of alcohol. Did I really want someone like that? Someone who could only give a shell of themselves? 
 “No, I wouldn’t. Or- ugh, I don’t know. I don’t know if it could ever mean as much to him.” 
 Renny nodded. “I mean, don’t let him pressure you, obviously. If he does, I’ll kick his baby maker smack into his prostate. Prostate. See, anatomy. You taught me that.” 
 “Haha, no, he’s not like that.” My brows stitched. I was confused why he wasn’t more like that, actually. We’d known each other for several months now and he hadn’t even put a finger in me. When I thought about it, it actually frustrated me. Don’t pressure me to do anything, but I wanted to be pushed to do something. I was never the bold one in areas like this. 
 Not that I should be so willing to do anything with him anymore anyways. Something shifted in me when I’d seen him last night. It wasn’t a shift I could easily describe, but it’d set me a foot apart from my heart. A bit of me was shocked that it had happened so suddenly. 
 But this shift was new, and my heart still wanted what it wanted. I knew that if I watched any more OC Housewives with Harry’s toddler curls and surfer tan, I’d be sucked right back into speculating about what our future kids could look like. And if I saw him? 
 You were right, Harry. You are fucked. 
 I cringed again. That was harsh. That was very very harsh. 
 I didn’t know if I’d have the courage to apologize. What if my pheromones went berserk and magnetized me to his side??
 Renny was right.
 I needed therapy. 
 The clippers were tossed back on my desk.
 “Thanks,” she said. “Have you started on your DG Double P yet?” 
 DG Double P = Renny Speak for DG Pretty Please. 
 I groaned. “No. I don’t know how I’m going to do it, honestly. I have to-”
 “NO!!! Don’t tell me. We’re not supposed to tell each other.” Her hand extended in panic.
 “Fine. I can keep a secret.” 
 I was getting a little too good at that lately.
 She moved onto her belly, splaying her arms out in a dramatic fashion, face squished against the comforter. “Isn’t it just killing you inside.” She was dead serious. 
 “Yeah, more than you know.” 
 And I was serious, too. 
 I wasn’t expecting people to dress up as much as they did. Donned in my only pair of yoga pants and a chunky white sweater, I walked arm-in-arm with Renny past girls in cocktail dresses and guys in button-downs. 
 Something that sounded like a baby’s cry filled my ears, but it was gone as soon as we walked through the doors to the on-campus gallery.  . 
 “Woah did you hear that?” 
 Renny nodded, tossing her head back. “There’s a baby somewhere.” 
 It reminded me of the bodiless screams in my nightmare. In my chunky sweater, I shivered undetectably.
 The on-campus gallery rotated exhibits throughout the year, but this time, student sculptures were on pedestals, nightmarish portraits hung on the walls, and red and orange tapestries swooped down and across the ceiling in a cirque-du-soleil moment as if to secure us beneath fire. Some students had separate booths, but other pieces of work trailed seamlessly into the next. 
 A tree made from photographs and newspaper took up the center of the space. Zayn had been so adamant about his muse having life, I wondered if that was the focus of this exhibit - to capture natural life. But I suppose all art did. 
 “It’s the circle of life exhibit,” Renny stated, as if reading my thoughts. 
 “How’d you know that?” 
 She held up a pamphlet she must’ve grabbed from the entrance. 
 I quickly scanned the room, hoping to find Zayn quickly so I could skip out just as quick. 
 Several of my professors were here, including Dr. Rhinecuff. When he saw me, I raised my hand, but he raised his cup of red wine awkwardly and looked away. 
 My hand wavered. 
 Zayn was standing by the tree, speaking with an older woman. Her skin was a rich brown, short hair hidden beneath a chic scarf. The man beside her looked around the same age with graying facial hair, a pocket hanky, and beaded bracelets. Art professors. 
 I caught his gaze, and he gestured me over. 
 “Y/N, these are my instructors. David and Ebony.”   
 Their eyes lit up in recognition. “He did you a great justice,” David said, gray moustache twitching with the words.
 Ebony beamed. “Oh yes, a piece was already sold. He’s going to be the next big wig before he graduates,” she gushed. “Zayn, I’m sure you’ll be splitting the profits with the heart of the piece.”
 She gestured to me and his smile widened, but my stomach sank faster. 
 “I didn’t know these pieces were going to be sold.”
 Ebony sensed my concern. The wine in her glass swirled. “We thought allowing the pieces to be shown and auctioned was a good way to replicate what many of them should be doing once they graduate. The whole department gets involved, and these kids put in a lot of work, and the reputation of starving artists isn’t something we want to buy into here.”
 I nodded. “I mean, that’s great. That’s… really amazing.” 
 Zayn couldn’t meet my eyes. He knew. He could sense my hesitance, too. 
 “Now he can finally afford a nice dinner to take you out!” David proclaimed. 
 We were all quiet for a minute. “You know, for a thank you dinner,” David covered up. Zayn’s brows scrunched and he shook his head a bit, not knowing where David’s comment came from. 
 “Do you do this regularly?” Ebony asked, steering the conversation away from an awkward moment. 
 My ears pricked up when I realized she was looking at me. “Excuse me?” 
 “Well I was just thinking…” a light laugh lifted as if her idea would be outrageous. “Would you mind sitting in for one of my classes on Monday? Our model had a sudden death-” 
 “My God,” David proclaimed. 
 Ebony waved her hand. “-in his family. I haven’t called to replace him yet.”
 It quieted as they looked at me, waiting for a response. “Oh, I don’t… I don’t usually do this. At all. It was a chance thing.” 
 “Luck be the artist.” David raised his glass. 
 Ebony followed suit, looking at my empty hand. “You just going to let her stand there without a drink?”
 “Yeah, Zayn. What kind of treatment is this?” I teased. 
 He did a slight bow. “Apologies. We’ll walk to drinks, immediately.” He pulled us away, leading us further into the showroom as his head dipped low to my ear. “Renny just passed us to meet Felix and them. They’re through here.” 
 We stepped under an archway that led into a darker-lit room, but his hand stopped me beneath the nook. “Did yeh notice anything?”
 Yeah. I was noticing how close we were in this archway. He saw my eyes start to squint in thought and he turned me around to face the room we’d just left. 
 “Look closer.” 
 My eyes roamed the crowd, trying to find some sort of person, or pattern he could be referring to. With a brief seize of my heart, I expected to see somebody from the gang. 
 “Look at the artwork, Y/N.” His breath warmed my skin. 
 The paintings all seemed to be bright, though sticking to red, orange, blacks, and grays. Wait, forget a pallette pattern. The next painting had blue and purple, too. One sculpture looked like a writhing ghost, twisting and reaching for something above. Or maybe it was an unearthed tree root. Despite all the bold colors, there was something off-putting about how bright they all were. It wasn’t a soothing brightness. It was almost violent. The orange and red writhing tapestries warped the ceiling into something hot. 
 “Is it hell?” I chortled, but quickly quieted. I expected him to take offense, but his hand went lightly around my waist with a small smile.
 “Could be. See-” his arm extended out to scan the perimeter “-all this art is supposed to represent death, but challenge the notion of it through color.” 
 “How so?” 
 “Yeh know it’s usually your blacks, and your grays, s’depressing shit. But we’re born from death. Before life, there was nothing, but something. It’s bold and necessary and there, and no one really knows whatever comes before. Or after.” He looked at the room, taking a sip of wine. I watched as he swallowed, and I imagined the wine running down. “What is death but an uncertain existence.” He said the thought almost happily, looking at me with a slight smirk. “Could be anythin’.” 
 He took a deep breath, letting his hand touch the top of the archway. It was then that I noticed it wasn’t just plain drywall. A collage of photographs ran all along the inside. 
 He wasn’t as tall as Harry, but his hand still reached the top, scuffing across a picture of an African landscape taped over a toddler eating fruity pebbles. 
 “They’re pictures. Everyone donated one,” he said. 
 A strand of words were painted over the collage, running from one end of the archway to the other, and I tilted my head back to read it. “Things... that…. make... m..e …...feel alive.” 
 “Everyone was able to design their space in order to control, to some extent, how their art was perceived. Everyone was a part of the transition space.” 
 “Very nice,” I noted, slightly put-off. I hadn’t been expecting this art show to be so… professional. “Zayn, this is amazing. Like, really, truly, professional-grade stuff is happening. The presentation, the pieces, everything.”
 His smile grew wider, putting cool hands over my eyes. I flinched, but let him. 
 I felt him come closer. 
“Listen now,” he urged. 
 I listened, but I wasn’t sure for what. There was the familiar busy rumble of people mingling, parents visiting their kids, and professors droning on about the talent of their students. But it was chatter. I couldn’t make out one conversation over another. I shrugged up against his other hand that was atop my shoulder. 
 “Sometimes you need to change where you’re planted to understand.” 
 I hoped he could see my cross expression because I couldn’t tell if he was bullshitting me right now. It’d been a day. It’d been a night. And I wasn’t in the mood for more philosophical ramblings - especially about death. “I don’t know what you mean,” I sighed. 
 “Meaning I have to move you closer to the speakers.” He let out a breathy laugh. “Jus’ keep your eyes closed, okay?” 
 I nodded. His hand moved, tilting my head to its side. Eyes still closed, I became self-conscious imagining people trying to move past me, and here I was, planted, eyes closed in the middle of the archway. My cheeks heated. It was unnerving knowing people could see me when I couldn’t see them. And anyway, I must’ve looked ridiculous. 
 “What do you hear?” he urged. 
 “I hear a lot of people talking,” I griped. 
But right when I was about to open my eyes-  
 I heard a familiar chirping through the chatter. 
 “Birds?” I opened my eyes. 
 “Observance can be taught, sometimes.” Zayn leant back, looking mighty proud of himself. 
 “Why are there birds?” 
 “We’re entering life,” he smiled, backing into the space. I tipped my wine back, several long gulps lightening my step as I followed him. Immediately, I noticed much more natural, earthier tones. For being a room of life, it was surprisingly darker than the prior room.
 Renny, Felix, and Andre were huddled in the center where a makeshift wall-on-wheels covered in vines divided the room in half. 
 My eyes widened, trying to adjust to the dimness. “It’s a lot darker in here.” 
 “All intentional. They decided to play with light in here. People usually think of life being bright ‘n that, but it’s also when we experience varying degrees of darkness. There’s a balance to things and the trouble is finding it.” Understanding laced his voice as his dark eyes bore into mine, almost completely black. One look from Zayn and I was reminded of all the weight I’d been carrying. I fidgeted, uncomfortable seeing myself in his eyes. 
 “Y/N, get over here!” Renny called. My shoulders visibly relaxed. My saving grace. “You didn’t tell me you did this,” she said lowly as soon as I got close enough, shocked excitement barely contained. Her giddy smile gave it away though. “Miss sexy secret keeper over here.” 
 “What do you mean?” 
 She playfully poked my sides, but Andre and Felix avoided my gaze. Something wasn’t right. And it stirred my stomach, my body already knowing, somehow. 
 I turned in slow motion, the charcoal drawings in my peripherals stopping me in place. Framed amidst the vines, my face was etched onto paper, scrunching and twisting in various expressions. But my body was attached and twisting, too. And it was bare, bent over, spread out, laying down… My eyes scanned over them a dozen times in a second. 
 I was naked. 
 In all of them. 
 One was titled “21st Century Love.” In this one, I faced the viewer, but looked past them, sorrowful eyes, brows furrowed, breasts I’d never shown on full display. A hickey or two on my neck. A painful sting gripped my chest. I looked sad. I looked so sad.  
 Tunnel vision, a blurred Renny rushed down to the floor, and a distant part of me registered something wet splatter on my feet. 
 The wine had dropped.
 I’d dropped it. 
 I was trapped in a shell. My body was numb. 
 “Babes, you okay?” Renny asked, her voice somewhere far away. Somewhere outside the shell, her voice drowned in the busy rumbling, with the birds, with the watchers. People were watching me now. I was being watched. “Felix, grab some towels!” she barked. 
 I looked horrified, towards Zayn, but changed my mind just as fast. I couldn’t look at him. I couldn’t even breathe. 
 He didn’t know me at all. He could stare at me for a thousand sessions and paint every crevice, sunspot, blemish, and mole and still not see me. How was an artist this blind? How could he not know that this was the last thing I could ever want? How could he picture me so… intimately?
 The paintings seemed to swirl into one before bouncing back out into their separate exposees. 
 Because that’s what it was. 
 An exposure. 
 A stranger could pay to have me in their home. 
 The floor spun, vision spotting. 
 My lungs tightened, tearing me away from Renny, from Felix, from Andre. From Zayn, the artist who painted a confused girl so unashamed. So honestly. Savagely and Unabashedly. 
 “I didn’t want this.” 
 And it was when I was halfway out the door that I realized the voice had come from me, a mantra pushing my shell all the way home. 
part 22
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