#but resting is HARD when you tie your self-worth to how much you can work
rileys-battlecats · 24 days
i really gotta get better about listening to my own brain and needs when i'm making things. i've been working on a video and i'm almost finished (yippee!!), but drawing this One Specific Frame was giving me trouble. i could have just brute-forced my way through it and finalized the initial sketch, since it was relatively good enough. but instead i left it and took a day off from working on the project, let myself recharge, and came back to the sketch with fresh eyes today. and what do you know, my redrawn sketch today is WAY better! now, i can finalize that frame and be genuinely proud of it, instead of just powering through on something i was less than happy with.
i hadn't done any other art stuff that day when i couldn't get my sketches to look right, so letting myself stop and have a break from the project felt sort of "unearned" i guess. but it's just. what i needed! and the break did what i needed it to do; i was able to come back later and make something i could be proud of.
anyway i guess this is me saying that, if you're like me and have this weird morality-complex about letting yourself rest, it's ok to take breaks, even if you feel like you haven't "earned" one yet :)
#rye.txt#growing up i got very accustomed to ignoring my own needs and just 'powering through' when i wanted/needed to get something done#which worked out relatively ok for me in school (banging my head against a wall until my brain absorbed information leading to exhaustion)#but now that im doing work that is ostensibly for my own enjoyment#i have a hard time divorcing myself from that mindset#i feel guilty if im not constantly working#which is. not great! so im trying to unlearn that#trying to let myself think 'ok my brain isn't brain-ing right now. so i should stop and rest/do something else'#my actual job is Very Emotionally Draining so sometimes i just. can't find the energy to work on my art#which sucks!! cause i love making art!! and then i think to myself 'maybe making art will make you feel better'#but then when i try it's like scraping the bottom of a dry well. trying to find water#when what i need to do is rest and let the water well up from the ground itself#but resting is HARD when you tie your self-worth to how much you can work#ough ok this got a little vent-y sorry guys#I don't want to let myself fall into the 'content creation' mindset. cause I don't think i make 'content' i make ART#and art isn't something you can just pump out mindlessly#good art. art that i can be PROUD of. that takes time and intent and energy. and I can't make that if im just scraping the bottom of a well#vent in tags#this whole post is just 'riley vs the concept that taking breaks is a moral failing'
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kaicubus · 1 year
I saw your requests were open, and if they still are, could I request a fluff alphabet with the Hantengu clones? I really love your work btw, keep it up!
Fluff Alphabet | Hantengu clones
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warnings ✩° : fluff, dating a somewhat nice demon, mentions of killing other people, me cursing, besides that, cute things!
pairing ✩° : hantengu clones x fem!reader some gn!reader
authors note ✩° : YEAH BABYYYYY thank you for your request succubabe!! this was actually lowkey hard to write bc theyre supposed to be meanies but i thought id do it anyways,,
A = Affection (how they show their love for you)
Sekido is silent in the way he loves, so he's all about acts of service! He'll do things for you without you asking him too, mostly because he likes order and hates anything that goes out of line. So if he can help it, he's doing it for you.
Karaku is big on words of affirmation. He loves telling you how much you mean to him, how beautiful you are etc. Your insecurity is his biggest rival, so he's always telling you sweet things to fight it.
Aizetsu really won't admit it, but he loves physical touch. Whether it's holding your hand when you go places or touching your foot with his under the table, if he can touch you, he's happy. With other people he HATES it, but with you, it's ok.
Urogi adores quality time. It doesn't even matter what you two are doing, if he's with you, he wouldn't be anywhere else in the world. He does, however, prefer flights with either you on his back or in his arms.
B = Beauty (what they like most about you)
It's hard to say what Sekido loves most about you because he's never going to openly admit it, but he actually really likes your collarbone. It’s very specific but if you’re wearing a shirt or dress that lays just below your collarbone, he’s going to be looking at it for the entire time it’s exposed.
With Karaku, it'd be difficult to find just one thing he loves about you. To choose one though, he'd pick any beauty mark you have on your face. Whether it’s a birth mark, scar, freckles, moles, anything, he thinks it makes you so unique and special and loves kissing it especially after he kisses your lips first.
Aizetsu really admires the back of your neck. He thinks that it’s so elegant when you brush your hair and move your hair to the side or when you tie your hair up and he can see a little bit of your neck. As soon as he sees it, he’s practically entranced by anything you do after.
Urogi cannot get enough of your stomach. He swears by the fact that the stomach is the softest part of any human, so when he has you within reach, he always has an arm around it or a claw. Your size doesn’t matter to him, if you have a bit of your stomach exposed or lift your shirt up enough for him to see the smallest sliver of ski, he smashes his head into you.
C = Comfort (what they find most comforting about you)
What Sekido likes most about you is how responsible you are. It really takes loads off his shoulders when he knows he can trust you with his entire self, and he doesn't have to drag you by a leash or something.
Karaku finds everything about you comforting: the way you look, the way you feel, the way you taste, what's inside of you, pretty much everything. But for the most part, he loves how you go to him when you're stressed. It makes him feel like he's worth something and doing something right.
Your ability to calm Aizetsu down is something he never takes for granted. When he's crying or really upset, you don't judge him, instead you always lay his head on your lap and pat him lightly, humming a song or talking softly to him. That kindness either prompts more tears or gets him to close his eyes and get some rest.
Urogi really likes how caring you are to tend to his needs. After a good flight, he's always very dirty and has leaves all over him, so you always take it upon yourself to brush his wings out and braid his hair. As soon as you touch either, his head falls forward and he passes out.
D = Domestic (how would they be in a domestic life with you) (i'm doing a non-demon au like in the actual manga for this one!)
Sekido's a wealthy businessman in charge working to support you and your family at home. At work he's very stressed and yells at everybody to get in line a lot, but at home he's your clueless husband struggling on the correct way to hold your newborn child. He's also the chef of the house and does most of the house work because, "you can't do it right," but really he wants to do it so you don't have to.
Karaku loves cooking with you. It's probably his favorite activity when he gets to make stews or curry simply because he loves seeing your face when you're able to try his cooking. He has a notepad for your favorite recipes and makes them for you when you don't have a good day to lift your spirits. Because of his culinary skills, your baby has grown quite picky and even turns their head when their mushed baby carrots don't have proper seasoning.
Aizetsu spends most of his time with you and your baby, and sometimes he puts in way more than he should. You have to remind him that your baby needs a nap and Aizetsu will hold onto them harder and refuse until you pry them away from him. After your baby's down for a nap, Aizetsu won't leave their side until they wake up. Often times you find the two fast asleep and you have to put a blanket over them so they don't catch a code.
Being already well off in terms on money, you and Urogi spend your domestic life traveling overseas, flying everywhere by plane or by cruise. Sight seeings are a musts, but sometimes you can't keep up with his high spirited self, seeing as he's always dragging you along. He also likes posing your baby in silly looking positions (usually with hats or sunglasses way too big for their face) and posting pictures to social media to your family and friends.
E = Early Mornings (bed head? tired? fully awake?)
ROUGH. When Sekido sleeps, he's tossing and turning left and right, so it's only reasonable why his hair is so fucked up in the morning. He gets mad trying to brush it out and breaks the handle before you even have a chance to go at it. But he likes when you brush his hair afterwards.
Karaku is like so angelicwhen he sleeps. Pretty boy privileges. He always has his arm around you since he sleeps with you on his chest, but for some reason you're not tangled up at all. He's also the most calm so he isn't an aggressive sleeper and he wakes up rather restfully and gently.
Aizetsu is the softest when it comes to waking up. He's so depressed in the mornings though because, "It's just another meaningless day to waste time doing nothing," and always offers to sleep in. You protest, but he always wins in the end and you two sleep for an extra 4 hours. After looking at the clock you're always so shocked that you slept in so late and throw a pillow in his face.
Before you can even wake up, Urogi is already wide awake and on top of you. He'd be like a cat sitting on your chest putting their whole weight on you. His eyes are always fully open just waiting for you to wake up. It's honestly kind of creepy.
F = Fights (how often do you guys fight?)
Sekido is the type of guy to fight with often...he gets so mad over the smallest things, doesn't listen, doesn't communicate, just gets really mad. On some occasions, he'll silently apologize and hit his head onto your shoulder as his way of saying 'I'm sorry.'
Rarely ever with Karaku, he's always looking for ways to please you, so if you try and start a fight with him, he shuts it down immediately.
Aizetsu would never fight with you, he'd only ever present himself as insecure if you're with other guys and sort of mask his worry with straight up self defeating thoughts. He'll suggest that you're cheating on him and it takes a while for you to deny it and him to accept it.
Urogi has no thoughts. Fighting isn't a huge deal because within seconds, he'll forget and go back to being blissfully happy. Yay!
G = Gratitude (how grateful are they for you)
On a scale on 1-10 of how much Sekido's grateful for you, he's at about a 5. He has things other than you he needs to focus on, but he likes having you around.
Karaku is extremely grateful you came into his life when you did. He's taken such a liking to you, he can't imagine what it'd be like without you. It was weird having a human by a demon's side but he got used to it really quickly.
Although things don't change much on the surface level for Aizetsu when you two are together, deep down there are wounds that begin to heal once he sees how much you care for him.
You've taught Urogi different, interesting ways of living life, of course he's going to be grateful for you. He's even more happy with you by his side, so he's constantly showing you affection and telling you how much he loves you.
H = Hugs (are they a hugger?)
NO. Sekido is NOT a hugger. If you try and hug him he'll storm off, but he'll do with a peck on the cheek or even a kiss. He much rather prefers giving you a pat on the head or slap on your ass. All in good fun of course.
100% yes. Karaku loves hugs, but not the excited kind or the side hug kind. He likes the type of hug where he's able to scoop you in his arms and stay there for a minimum of at least 5 minutes, gently holding you and bringing you up to his body where his face can rest comfortably in your shoulder.
Aizetsu's not that fond of hugging, but he thinks it's acceptable if you're the one giving them out. He's not a hugger, but he likes the way you smell when you hug him.
Urogi is the type of person to run up to you and wrapping his arms and legs around your body at full speed, having full trust that you'll support his weight. He'd literally kill for hugs with you.
I = Inspiration (does being with you change them?)
Being with you changes Sekido in the best way it can. Obviously, he's a rage demon, constantly consumed with anger and hatred, but in some cases you are better for him than he leads you to believe. There are times where you're able to calm him down, and times where you can't.
I would say when he's with you, Karaku is inspired to be better. He wants to be more than enough for you, so he'll change to work on things that allow him to do that.
Sadly, not really. With Aizetsu, it's hard getting out of his constant depressive state, so he's always going to feel the feelings he has towards life and living in general. You make his days brighter, but he's still morbidly depressed.
Urogi learns to see things in new lights and take on different challenges when he's with you. He's much much more upbeat, if that's even possible, and laughs way more because he has someone he enjoys being around.
J = Jealousy (how jealous they get)
10/10. If Sekido sees you with someone else, he gets engulfed with rage. Not only does he actively harm the person, killing them in multiple instances, but he also ignores you afterwards. How dare you talk to someone else?
3/10. Karaku is eerily calm when it comes to these sorts of things, but it's not because he trusts the other person, but rather he trusts you won't be stupid enough to cheat on him.
9/10. If Aizetsu sees you with another person, he assumes the worst. He'll get so overwhelmed with self hate and doubt that he'll start crying from afar and fall over. It gets you to stop talking to the person to check on him, so I guess a win is a win. But he's very broken after that.
4/10. Urogi doesn't get jealous as much as he gets protective. He's not smart enough to pick up on social cues to tell if the person is flirting, but he knows that anyone is a threat to either your life or love, so he always has a protective wing against you.
K = Kisses (where and how many?)
Sekido doesn't do PDA, but his pent up rage is helped by kissing you in private. He likes giving you kisses on your neck and forehead as a symbol of his power over you, but also because they're sweet spots he likes the most.
Karaku's kisses are plentiful, seemingly never ending, and mostly on your lips. They're the softest part of your face, and the sweetest, so he's always kissing you.
Aizetsu kisses you mostly on your shoulder and back, especially when you don't have a shirt on, he snuggles up behind you and just pecks all over your skin. He's very light with it too.
Urogi full on attacks you with kisses. You don't even know when it's going to happen because even he doesn't know that. He just suddenly stops everything and rushes at you, usually holding your face in one place with his claws and just kissing you all over.
L = Little Things (what are some little things they do?)
Sekido pinches your cheek when he gets mad at you. He's quick to anger, but he tries to avoid yelling at you all he can. So when he gets mad at something you did, instead of yelling, he pulls on your cheek and plays with your face to both calm himself and not lose his sanity with you while you laugh at the tickling feeling.
Karaku loves finding new ways to get you to tell him, "I love you." Whether that's through teasing you or asking you repeatedly, he gets needy when you don't tell him you love him and starts poking around to get you to say it.
Aizetsu's picked up on the habit of humming songs when he's upset. It's a good indicator of when he's stressed out or sad, but he also just does it a lot and he's gotten really good at it. He'll stare off into space or something while holding you and start humming, combing through your hair or rubbing your cheek.
Urogi will bring you things. They're mostly little gifts he's found on his adventures that he picks up because they remind him of you. He'll find colorful stones, metal knickknacks left behind from other humans, and sometimes strings of beads.
M = Marriage proposal (how it would go about) (in a more modern au maybe)
Sekido would not be formal at all. What would happen would be him springing the question upon you one day, maybe at a restaurant or walking back home from one, and in the middle of his conversation will ask you, "Do you want to get married?" With a completely straight, serious face. Inside, he's fighting demons, looking at your confused and flustered face.
Karaku would definitely pull some elaborate event, maybe reliving the first time you two met or went on your first date and talking to everyone around to make sure they stay and bear witness to what's about to go down. He doesn't want to make it too flashy, but there's a calmly lit place, with flowers and all.
Poor Aizetsu would overthink everything about it. He'll have doubts he's not worthy enough to propose to you, or that the ring is too small, or how weird it's going to be having people stare at him. In the end, he pulls through and is very soft spoken, so he has to repeat himself a little louder the second time.
Urogi would practically say it with his face. You already have a feeling he's going to propose but it's even more obvious when he can't stop looking at you or smiling, giving cheesy hints at the possibility of him pulling out a ring from his pocket. When he's about to ask, you're pretty worked up from all the waiting and answer before he can get the whole question out.
N = No (something they don't like about you)
He's a strict guy, Sekido, but surprisingly, there's nothing he truly hates about you. He says you have a few annoying habits that really piss him off, but when he tells you, he makes it sound like he likes them? ex. "You have this stupid way of talking where you don't shut up, where you get really happy to see me and it seriously makes me mad. So stop looking so cute when you do that."
The only thing Karaku would not like about you is if you ever yell at him or criticize him for not taking things seriously. Since it's you, he'll cut you some slack, but he does take full offense.
Aizetsu really doesn't like how much you spend away from him. Every minute away from him plants a new doubtful thought in his head that says to him, "They don't want to be around you," and cries about it every time it happens.
Urogi is really big on smells. When you switch your perfume or come back to see him smelling like a different person or not like yourself just in general, he can't be around you. He'll cover his nose and bump into walls just to avoid you if you smell like any sort of fancy scent.
O = Open (how open are they to you?)
Sekido's a really hard case to crack. He won't tell you if anything's bothering him, emotionally wise, because he hates being vulnerable. He'll do anything to avoid those feelings and therefore avoid telling you about them. When he sees you upset about how he's not open with you, he silently gives you reassurance that he's fine and tells you not to worry.
Karaku doesn't particularly have anything to share most of the time. He deals with that stuff by himself by either ignoring it or accepting it and seeing things on the bright side, so if there were a chance for him to be open, he would've already figured it out on his own already.
Aizetsu is almost too open. Not in the sense that he trauma dumps on you all the time, but he just cries a lot over anything so he's forced to be open with you about how he's feeling. He thinks you're a great listener though and trusts you enough to tell you when he's suffering in silence. (be like aizetsu and don't suffer in silence!!)
It's almost scary how Urogi opens his mouth and says his unhinged thoughts. It doesn't matter if they're sad (they're usually not) or honest, he just says what comes to his mind. You usually have to do a double take to see if you heard him right.
P = Patience (how patient do you have to be with them?)
The highest level of patience. Unless you can deal with someone bossing you around, bullying you relentlessly, and yelling at every minor issue. Seriously, Sekido is the hardest person to deal with because of his anger issues, and literally being the rage demon, so don't expect him to go soft without a fight.
With Karaku, you really don't have to be patient at all. One small word from you and he's on his knees doing all the work or anything you ask. He's so whipped for you.
Aizetsu is kind of stubborn, but not in a stubborn way. He's not easily persuaded to do things since his outlook on life is very...in the negatives. With his depressive episodes as well, he requires a lot of check ups and reassuring.
Usually, whatever you say to Urogi goes. There's no fights or stubbornness, he's almost 'trainable.' On off days where he doesn't want to listen, he'll fly away and you have to wait for him to come back, but that's about it.
Q = Quitting (are they susceptible to calling it quits?)
No. Sekido may be a hot head with a short fuse, but he's not going to get rid of you that easily. Maybe here and there, he'll get so mad you two break up for a bit, but it's very on and off with those little baby break ups. If you slip away from him, he'll secretly put in a lot of effort to get you back.
Karaku is always calm and looking to make you happy or content with being with him. He definitely does not want you leaving him, so his possibilities are super low.
Fat chance. Once Aizetsu trusts you, he's LATCHED onto you. He'll say that he doesn't care what might happen in the future, but in reality he cries every time he thinks you might leave him.
Urogi didn't even know what the term 'dating' or 'relationship' meant before you, so he's not going to know what 'breaking up' or an 'ex' means. The thought of losing you does put him on edge though.
R = Romance (how they act around you)
Not at all. Sekido actually hates anything romantic, hearts, flowers, candles, all of it. He thinks it's cheesy and a waste of time. But...if you like it...then he guesses that maybe he'd give it a try...maybe.
Karaku knows his way around romance, he practically is romance, he loves love. Loving you is his favorite hobby, so of course he's going to be romantic and sweet!
Aizetsu treats you like a stranger sometimes, moving around you so you don't see him (you always do) because he's too scared to show affection. His idea of romance is sitting next to you and holding your hand.
Urogi really doesn't know what romance is. When he found you, he just decided in his mind that he liked you and that was that. He's really happy though!
S = Smitten (how in love they are with you?)
There's no telling what's on Sekido's mind. He'll never tell you how he truly truly feels because he gets mad at himself for feeling any ounce of compassion. He thinks being in love makes him weak, so he tries not to show how much he actually loves you.
It's written on Karaku's face pretty much. Every time Karaku looks at you, he either has a serene looking face or just heart eyes, no in between.
Aizetsu is so attached and in love with you, he thinks he deserves pity because of how much he feels. In his heart, it's very grey in terms of in black and white, one moment he'll be completely smitten and another he'll doubt himself and your relationship.
SUPER SMITTEN. Urogi can't get enough of you. He's so in love with you and you make his heart feel the warmest it's ever been.
T = Thrill (how is it being with them)
Understandably so, being with any of these demons is a thrill on it's own.
Sekido is thrilling because of how angry he gets and in the sense that he's full of power and dominance. He'll protect you any chance he gets but he's also partially shy when it comes to stuff like that.
Karaku isn't much to take in and being with him is actually pretty calm except when he's in battle, which is when you can see a side to him that you haven't seen before.
Aizetsu there's really no domestic thrill and he's actually fairly tame for the most part.
Urogi is the most thrilling. Not only does he have the most exciting personality but he also has a set of wings that can fly you to places you've never seen before. He can quite literally lift you up when you're sad and take you to new heights.
U = Understanding (are they understanding or stubborn?)
Sekido is stubborn as hell. Even if you explain it to him over and over again he's going to deny it or tell you he's right, which for the most part he's not. It just angers him more that you don't take his side and try to understand him.
Karaku understands things without you even telling him. He's so good at reading social cues so if you get mad he apologizes right away, and even if he's the one who's mad at you, he'll still make an effort.
Aizetsu is painfully clueless at times. If it's something important, he'll get it right away, but if it's not he's dumbfounded.
Zero thoughts. Urogi doesn't understand shit. That doesn't mean he means anything by it, he just literally doesn't understand.
V = Valentine (how they'd act on the holiday)
Sekido will say something like, "Oh, is that holiday still around? Don't care." and then present you with the biggest present ever. He's been around so he has collections of gems and crystals that he'll give and just leave next to you when you wake up that day too.
Karaku is doing everything in his power to honor this day. He'll break out the flowers, the food, the romantic candle light. Everything. He's honestly very sweet just in general, but on this day he's calmer than usual and just takes it slow.
Aizetsu waits till the very end of the day to hand you a card, nervous that you'll hate it or laugh at him, but watches you throughout the whole day wondering what you'll do.
Urogi forgets. Of course. But! If you remind him he laughs about it and quickly grabs whatever he can find and presents it to you, holding it out as if he didn't just grab a vase from the table saying, "Happy Valentine's Day!"
W = Water (do they like swimming?)
Sekido can't go out and have a fun beach day with you, so it's always at night. But he never goes in because it's such a hassle going in and then going out and getting dry, he just hates it. But he'll watch you.
Ooh Karaku is jumping IN if he sees water. He finds it so refreshing and relaxing to swim, especially after the fun he'll let you lay on his chest against his arm and enjoy the sounds of the river.
Aizetsu covers his body up, (adidas track suit wearing ahh), so he's a bit shy when he has to undress. However if you beg him enough and pull him in, he'll wade in the water with you. He doesn't hate it.
Urogi plus water is like watching a bird in a bird bath. He LOVES water. Not only is it a free bath, but it's also fun splashing around with you or pushing you under, which for some reason he finds hilarious.
X = Xtra (extra headcanon)
If you beg him hard enough, Sekido will do this thing called 'light show' where he uses his staff to manipulate lightning to shoot up in different directions. When he's not using it to kill people, it's really pretty, but it's also loud as hell so he makes you wear earplugs or sit far away from him when he does it.
Karaku loves nature. His weapon is a maple leaf, after all. So he loves going out on night walks with you, even if they’re super short or long, there’s something about the cold air and nice scenery is so calm to him. And you’re there too so it makes it like, 99% better.
Aizetsu has really nice handwriting. He writes poems and haikus (either about you or about death) all the time, but he never fails to amaze you with his ink work and the way his brush strokes are so effortlessly perfect.
Urogi will listen to all the stories you have to tell. Especially if they’re from your life around humans, his eyes practically morph into stars and he crosses his legs like a kid getting ready for story time waiting for you to tell your story. He cares so much about you and your life and hearing all those experiences just fills his head with happiness.
Y = Yearning (what they're like when you're not around)
Sekido wouldn't be caught dead missing you...unless? He's not keen on showing any ounce of vulnerability, but when he does miss you he keeps himself busy so he doesn't have to think about it. He'll yell at inanimate objects to express his anger of how much he wants you back and actually breaks a few things though.
Karaku doesn't leave your side. He's honestly just with you everywhere you go. If somehow you get him off you and leave him alone, he gets really bored and kind of upset. Once you get back though, he complains about missing you as he's peppering your face with kisses.
When Aizetsu misses you, he'll sulk around more than usual...if that's even possible. He'll drag his feet and attempt to brush himself off, but he doesn't go far and just ends up crying his eyes out.
Urogi without you around is similar to that of a puppy waiting of his owner to return. He's waiting, sitting down, impatiently if you go out to get food for yourself or leave to go on a walk in the sun, but he's honestly just thinking about what he's going to do with you once you get back.
Z = Zeal (will they go to the ends of the earth for you?)
Yes. Sekido would clear out villages for you. If anything bad were to happen to the one person he truly loves, he's going to give them all hell.
Karaku would kill for you. That goes without saying. For you, he'd do anything. If he can't be with you, what's the point of his life?
Aizetsu would be scared and try to back out, but in the end he'll fight for you. It doesn't matter if he wants to cry or disappear, he loves you too much to lose you.
Urogi would rip apart the world to find you if you get lost. He's not leaving without the person he loves.
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luveline · 1 year
I think I might be technically evil for sending you three requests in one day when you’re probably overloaded with everyone else’s too… but if I may be evil for a moment… could you do something where shy!reader has a sleepover with Jonathan or something and she does her nightly routine and she does it for him too?? Like I want to tie his hair up in a lil ponytail and sweep the baby ones back with a fluffy headband and do a little skincare routine on him <3 I’m giving you so so so many kisses my love <3
technically a gorgeous sunbeam whom I adore maybe <3 shy!fem!reader teaching Jonathan the steps to her skincare routine ♥︎
If you were to describe Jonathan in one word, it would be calm. The kind of calm he's worked hard for. When his home can be anything but and his past rife with noise, Jon has carved a little slice of quiet sanctuary. You love sharing it with him. 
The closer you've grown, the less you worry about disrupting said sanctuary. The first few times you'd slept over you followed his motions, washing your face with his minty bar soap, changing when he changed, watching movies until you fell asleep on his shoulder. 
But a girl can't live like that every weekend. It's bad for your skin, no matter how much you like him.
So you'd introduced small parts of your routine on a trial basis. Jonathan, eternal sweetheart, loverboy extraordinaire, hadn't minded one bit. In fact, he'd been curious. 
He stands in the doorway of the bathroom with a charmed smile on his face. You blink through suds and catch his stare, surprised he's put down his book. 
"What are you doing?" he asks. 
"Just face soap," you say, turning on the faucet again to cup a handful of water and wash away the last of the suds. You dry your eyes quickly with a small face towel. "Sorry, was I being super loud?" 
"No," he says, hand on his elbow. 
"Oh," you say, and you're timid yourself, so you know the look on his face rather well. "What do you want, baby?" 
Jonathan sits down on the wooden box by the door that serves as their laundry basket. He's had his hair cut recently, and the shorter strands against his forehead beg for some handling. You nibble your lip, wondering if it's worth the embarrassment. Jonathan has had you more vulnerable than this, what's the worst that could happen? 
You raise your hand to his hair, stroking it gently from his head to see his eyebrows clearly. 
"I could do it with you?" he asks. "Your routine." 
"My routine? It's not so complicated, Jon, just moisturiser and…" You cross your arms behind your back. "You want to do it with me?" 
"Yeah. Is that weird?" 
"No," you say. It's so, so sweet. "Not weird." 
You take your headband off and slip it over his head. His eyes close in total trust, and you try to deserve it, using your gentlest touch. Once it's around his neck you pull it back up, easing his short hair away from his face. 
"I forgot what your forehead looked like," you say. 
He gazes up at you adoringly. 
You slide the hair tie from your wrist and tilt your head in question. He smiles like he's somewhere else, and that'll have to do. He gets distracted sometimes, and you don't know if it's the truth but whenever you ask what he's thinking about he always says, "You." Best to not ask, and avoid the hot flush. 
You rake your fingers through his hair to get the longer pieces beside his neck and make the world's smallest pony tail at the nape. 
"Pretty," you say gently. You flick his ponytail. "If you wash your face, we'll do the rest together." 
Jonathan stands up and skirts around you to the sink,  his fingers touching the tiniest slice of your exposed midriff for a millisecond more than what could be accidental. You know he didn't do it to make you self-conscious, but you pull your pyjamas a little higher up your hips. 
He goes to use his soap. You hand him yours before he can start, and he makes quick work of washing his face. You splash your face to make it tacky again and open your palm, dipping it toward him so he does the same. 
"Toner. I think I'm supposed to use a cotton round, but I just put it in my palm."
"It's purple," he says, startled. 
"The bottle," you say with a delighted laugh. "It's clear, swears. I think it's mostly water and aloe vera. It made my nose pores smaller."
"Did it?" he asks. 
You shrink. "It didn't?" 
"No, I mean. I never noticed them changing size." He laughs and shakes his hand. You tip a small well of toner into his hand and he waits for you to do the same for yourself, copying your hand movements exactly. 
"It's sticky." He wipes his hand in your bare arm. 
"Thanks, jerk. Just wash it off!" 
He tries to hide his smile and fails. 
You pick up your smaller tube. "Moisturiser," you say. 
He knows how to use it, so you don't bother explaining why you put it all over until he asks, "I get all greasy on my nose, do I…?"
"I'm not sure. I think, uh." You realise you're going to have to talk about something he doesn't know, and you never enjoy that. Correcting people feels like a nightmare — you're always worried they'll get annoyed or defensive, or that you'll come off as a know it all. But Jonathan doesn't do that, so you explain. "When you wash your face, you take all the oils off of your skin, and your skin reacts by making more of it. Sometimes it makes too much, and you end up greasy. If you moisturise it can help give some of the oil back and your skin doesn't feel the need to make too much." You pat a white smear across his cheek. "At least, that's what I think. I could be wrong." 
"Sometimes I use some of that serum your mom got me, but I skipped it today because I ran out. Sorry, Jon, it's much shorter than I thought it was now we're doing it." 
"I bet you're right," he says. His smile is gooey smooth. The entire time you'd been talking, he'd looked entranced. "What's next?" 
"I don't mind. Five minutes doing something with you is better than without." He peels your headband off like he hasn't just said something insanely lovely. "How do I look?" he asks, his dampened baby hairs a wild curling mess around his face.
You tuck your arm into his. "You look perfect." 
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safetycar-restart · 5 months
dom/sub au with williams boys. maybe logan thinks he deserves punishment and their dom says they’ll punish him to sort of appease him but they tie him up and force (not really force) him to listen and accept praise and soft touches
Ooo okay this is really interesting. I'm a sucker for anything that involves making a sub get used to hearing and accepting praise, so this is great.
Firstly, I think that Logan truly struggles with separating his performance in the car with his self worth? Especially in the D/S AU, because you're hired by the team to be his dominant so to him it makes complete sense that you have to punish him for not performing and that he doesn't get to be treated nicely when he doesn't perform well.
Of course you regularly tell Logan that this isn't true, and that he always deserves to be treated well and you will never punish him for just driving the best he can. But this doesn't always work because Logan can get so stuck in his own head that just telling him that would never actually help him.
That's why you agree to punish him, because in a way he does need punishment otherwise he would never be able to move on.
You start off with bondage, telling him his only job is to stay silent until you ask him something. He stays perfectly silent as you tie him, already relaxing now that he knows he will receive punishment.
But then you just... hold him? You've tied his hands behind his back and his chest in a complicated rope pattern and then you just pull him into your arms and kiss the top of his head.
You start off by telling him how much you love him and what a good boy he is. He stiffens, clearly not expecting that, and you remind him that he isnt allowed to speak unless you ask him a question and so he remains silent.
Then you carry on, telling him how hard he works and how proud you are of him and how he gives it his all every single time he get into the car and that makes you so so happy. He starts crying then, gentle, soft tears falling into your shoulder and his body shakes ever so slightly. But you just hold him tight and continue talking, stopping every now and then to kiss the top of his head, sometimes moving his head up to kiss his cheeks and nose.
He's so good, listening to every word even though it clearly cuts him to his core. When you finish talking and say he can speak, he just says he loves you and tries to cuddle closer.
When you untie him, he clings to you and just stays quiet for the rest of the day, slowly coming back to you until eventually he can speak well enough to say his thanks and admit he needed that.
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dragonflydestiny · 2 years
Letter to your soulmate ✉️
My very first pick a card. This pick a card is going to be about your letter (the reader) to your soulmate. What would you write to them? Let’s find out. Pick from 1-4. Thank you.
P.S. Their responding letter will reach you soon.
Disclaimer: This is meant as entertainment only. Takes only what resonate.
My Master List
💌 Letter 1 🍒
9 of Swords, 6 of Pentacles and 3 of Swords in reverse
My dear Soulmate,
What have I become?. The thoughts of having you give me anxiety and the thoughts of not having you also give me anxiety. My doubts and my fears do get to me and I would lay at night thinking that maybe there is no one out there truly meant for me. It’s a long process I have to go through, keeping my anxious thoughts at bay and learning discernment. To know the different between my fearful thoughts and reality. And I will learn not to judge myself for those low moments of self-deprecation and self-pity. Because deep down I know that the universe works by the law of cause and effect, the law of karma. At least in this life, you and I are tie by our past karma and the universe will give to me you, whom I deserve. Not only the universe is fair but it is also generous.
I know at this time we’re not together yet because I still have some wounds to heal, wounds I am reluctant to address. Even though I am working very hard trying to earn stability and security, I still fear that I am not ready and this quote comes to mind “One can be the master of what one does, but never of what one feels”. I know I do more than enough but why does I feel like I am not enough. It’s because, growing up, I kept telling myself these dialogues for far too long, “if I am not the fears anymore, then what has I become?”. Would you know?. While waiting for you I will become something else than fear. Courage?, joy?, relieved? Who knows. But at this time, please wait a little longer. We will meet soon when I address my low self-esteem issues. I will also work on my mother wound. When we meet I will tell you all about her and how much fear she instilled in me. She was a hardworking woman and similar to me, she never saw her own worth. She ties her worth in monetary gains and seeks outside validation. For that reason, she was really never here for me and in our relationship, it lacked the balance of equal give and take. I felt like I was only giving and never really received. So growing up, I only know how to give and now it still hard and awkward to receive but I am willing to learn.
Just by writing to you bring me so much joy and motivate me to learn. By connecting to you already make me want to be a better person, to show up as my best for you. When we meet I want to give you something as well, a small token perhaps. It’s small but it will mean so much. I know that when we meet, even though it will be brief, I will think about those moments shared for the rest of the week. You will fill my mind, take up every space and the constant thoughts of you will make me smile. Your caring nature makes me go soft, you help me to finally feel what it’s like to have someone truly care for me. I appreciate how you are so determine to remind me everyday that I am more than enough. Times where I will put myself down you will be quick to lift me up even higher. My shining star, who shines the brightest in my darkest night “if one word would describe love, it would be your name…”. You will teach me what true love really is and I will be your willing student.
(Your name)
Channeled poem: To Be In Love by Gwendolyn Brooks “To be in love is to touch with a lighter hand. In yourself you stretch, you are well.”
Channeled song: LOVE POEM by IU “I’ll be there, behind you who walks alone” “I will sing for you who walks long nights than most”.
💌 Letter 2 🎀
The Hierophant in reverse, 9 of Wands in reverse and 8 of Wands.
Hey you,
I just want to say that I am not like other girls/boys. I am not traditional and the thought of marriage, working 9 to 5 and conventional stuff, they don’t appeal to me. I rather do something else to secure my life. I know that it would be slow, very slow but at least my foundation will be firm. I will build it out of my true authentic desires instead of other’s. I also know that it would mean our meeting will happen later on in life because right now I want to focus on myself, my security. It is sad that our union will take a little while but I know deep down that it will be worth it. In the meantime, I will continue to fight for my way and put in the necessary work. Even though at times, I feel so tired and burned out and sometimes I feel like these burden paths will never end. I know the place I want to achieve is high, I want to reach for the stars. I know these dreams do come with a lot of work and sacrifices. I know that, I can see the path clearly without illusions or rose coloured glasses. And I know that you are also cheering for me. You will be the most supportive person I know. When I feel like giving up, you are/will give me the strength to follow my heart. You remind me that I am part of something bigger, that I am part of the divine. I will understand that to honour the divine is to honour myself.
When I understand my fears a little better, I understand myself more and those past moments where I made ‘mistakes’. I can sometimes focus too much on the finish line, too much on the bigger picture and forget about the little details where it is most important. When I am fearful, I don’t focus enough on my actions rather I only worry about the results. I need to understand that there are huge correlation between the progress and the final outcome. It is a direct reflection. With that in mind, I must bring balance into my lifestyle. I can’t just work work and work. Life is about moderation and ironically the right temperance will somehow bring the fastest results. These realisation bring to me the confidence to continue whether or not I will succeed. I know you know these feelings really well and we relate a lot through our ‘failures’. We know what it’s like to have to face our dark and raw emotions and to be honest with ourselves. To feel the pain and loss of failures without repression and shame. You and I have to learn to listen to our emotions the hard way but it is worth it as we gain sincerity through those hardships. And now we can give it to ourselves and others. So when I’d meet you, you will only receive my utmost sincere emotions. I won’t repress my feelings for you either. After all, you will know either way because we are one.
When I met/will meet you, I can see so much of myself in you. Your journey remind me of my own, both the successful ones and the not successful ones. That is why I will understand you right away. I think I will fall for you instantly, without me realising, without me intending to. I thought we could just be good friends but through out each encounter I fall and fall more deeply for you. I love the dept of your character and through knowing you help me reach that dept within myself as well. You help me reach the deep uncharted water where I’m afraid to go and allow me to see it for what it is. By understanding the fears I have, I begin to fear less. You teach me true freedom where fears cannot hold me back anymore and now I can swim in the deepest ocean.
You are someone who can be deep and wise yet so beautiful and light at the same time. I grow fonder and fonder for you everyday. “My heart is so full of you I can hardly call it my own”. My feelings become so deep and intense that I can no longer hold it in. I have to confess how much I love you and through this letter I hope you can feel my love and support for you. You are my inspiration, the one where I will forever admire, my dream come true.
Yours, always
(Your name)
Channeled poem: The More Loving One by W.H. Auden “If equal affection cannot be, Let the more loving one be me.”
Channeled song: You Say by Lauren Daigle “You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing. You say I am strong when I think I am weak. And you say I am held when I am falling short. And when I don't belong, oh You say I am Yours. And I believe (I). Oh, I believe (I). What You say of me (I). I believe.”
💌 Letter 3 🍊
4 of cups, ace of Swords in reverse and the Hierophant.
Dear you,
I have to admit, it’s pretty lonely here without you. Maybe because I don’t really find anything or anyone interesting. It’s like there’s a disconnection between me and my environment. I can’t really connect to anybody, no one really understand me and I don’t care enough to understand them. I hope you can sympathise with my apathy. The world just look really bleak where I’m at, it is quiet but certainly not peaceful. I’m not sure if I should be the one that break this dullness. Even if it’s up to me to bring excitement back into my life, I still don’t know what I should do. I don’t really see a clear path to where I could escape this mundane life of mine. I know I shouldn’t expect you to come in and save me but maybe just maybe you could bring a little bit of magic back into my life. A sense of reciprocation perhaps?. But I’m not entirely sure how you could do that.
I only see it in movies where the main protagonist fell in love and their world turn up side down. Suddenly they find purpose and joy in their life. From black and white to array of rainbows, full of vitality. Excitement even in the little things, wild flowers turn to the most beautiful thing. It is these energy where you fall head over heels for your life , it’s where I can’t see myself being in. How can one person affect or influence another so much?. Maybe that’s exactly what you’re going to teach me. Are you going to come in and teach me the tradition and cliche of being in love?. A feeling of ecstasy and bliss where you sing with birds. It’s feel kind of silly and funny just by imagining it. I never really meet anyone who can make my heart sings that much. No one makes my eyes sparkles or my heart to skip a beat or even beat faster. No one really influences or interest me that much. So I hope you can change that for me. I know it’s not good to set expectations but at least I hope that you can make me stray, that you can make me follow you wherever you’d go. Can you be the one where I’d beg to take my hand and destroy this belief of mine where I demean the power of love.
I don’t understand how love can be the cure to everything. I want you to show me the power of love, show me that it is safe for me to express my love to you and also to myself. Convince me that everyone deserve to be loved, even me. Please show me that love is the answer because no one show me that before. Where I grew up, my childhood home, love wasn’t present. I didn’t have my parents to show me that unconditional love. Their love to me was conditioned and not all my needs were met. I didn’t really learn to connect with myself, to find out what I love to do or what I’m passionate about. I didn’t learn to take care of myself, I didn’t learn to love myself or meet all of my needs. I only learn to survive and mistaken these survival mode as normality. So I hope when you come along, your light would ignite the fire within me, the fire that had been dormant. You can teach me to unlearn these survival way of living. I hope you would love me unconditionally. With the fire that you ignite, it will continue to guide me even when the sky turns dark.
You would teach me what it means to truly take care of yourself in all aspects, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I hope we can create together a sense of home and safety where I can be for you and you can be for me. That we can hold hands and face whatever it is that we have to face together. I do want to do all those cheesy romantic things with you. Talking on the phone all night, chocolate and red roses on Valentine’s and even dancing in the rain. Let’s exchange poems as well. I do want to marry you and create a future together. I want to introduce you to my family, build a home and have children. I want to fully be here and enjoy the present moments. To feel the joy, pain and other range of emotions of life and see it as an adventure rather than something mundane and dull. So, let’s create that life together.
With love,
Your soulmate
Channeled poem: Variations on the Word Love by Margaret Atwood “Then there’s the two of us. This word is far too short for us, it has only four letters, too sparse to fill those deep bare vacuums between the stars that press on us with their deafness.”
Channeled song: Willow by Taylor Swift “Wherever you stray. I follow. I’m begging for you to take my hand. Wreck my plans. That’s my man.”
💌 Letter 4 🪲
2 of Cups in reverse, 7 of Swords and 4 of Swords in reverse.
Dear (name of soulmate)
I hope our union will turn out better than my last. Somehow I am not so successful with my love life. I guess I have a lot of lessons to learn through love in both romantic and platonic love. One of the lesson was the lesson of equal give and take, balance and reciprocation. Let’s just say that the divine did test me to see if I really understand the concept. They showed me that I can’t be the only one that give, I have to receive from my lover/the other person as well. What I had wasn’t a true reciprocal relationship, I had to see and admitted that. I had to be honest with myself even if the other person wasn’t. I had to stop lying to myself and see truly what was going on. It wasn’t true love and it pained me to realise that. But loosing a fake love wouldn’t be as painful as pretending it was real. So I chose to walk away. I chose to walk away because I couldn’t take the emotional and mental turmoil anymore. I couldn’t take the emotional unavailability, the immaturity, the manipulation and the coldness anymore. That relationship brought me everything but my peace of mind. I didn’t like who I was becoming if I were to stay. So I chose to walk away, I chose to change and made my choices with discernment. I let my mind leads me to my freedom. I wasn’t happy where I was because I tried so hard to control my relationship and my environment. I know now that was not the way. My approach to love, specifically giving love have to change.
Even though it took a while and looking back I still regret something in the past but I did learn my lessons the universe taught me. I learned not to let my emotions blind me from the truth. I learned to be honest with myself and to have the courage to admit and address the issues. To know I, too, have the birthright to have a loving and reciprocal relationship where it brings me pleasure and is able to meet all my needs. I deserve connections where I feel safe to express myself truthfully where trust is not an issue. So, if you’re coming to me with an untruthful energy, just know that I learned my lessons and I am not going to repeat it. I don’t have the time or energy to go through that again. Thankfully, going through those lessons have help me spot a lie from miles away.
Just know that when we meet, I would be able to see through you. I am very good at reading people. So come as you are, don’t try to be someone you’re not. If you earn my trust, show me authenticity and reciprocation, I know that I would bewitched by you. I already know I love your true self, you don’t have to be anything more for me. I accept and love you as you are. And “if loving you makes me a fool, then I’ll be a fool forever”. When you can make me feel safe to express myself, I will shower you with my love. I will kiss you good mornings and good nights. I will hug you everyday and declare my love to you whenever you demand. I won’t ever let you doubt my love for you, my affection will be the answer. I will write you poems after poems and promise my love on every page. I will be dedicated to you, forever and ever, always.
Forever yours,
Name of the reader
Channeled poem: Bird-Understander by Craig Arnold “Of many reasons I love you here is one, the way you write me from the gate at the airport so I can tell you everything will be alright.”
Channeled song: Queen of Hearts by Twice “Baby I was born to rule, yeah I’m the queen, I’m the queen. And it’s all because of you that I’m the queen of hearts.”
Thank you so much for stopping by, please do not hesitate to comment and tell me if it resonated. Any constructive criticism is also appreciated. See you on the next pick a card where your soulmate will respond to your letter.
Kind regards
- Dragonflydestiny 🪲
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cataztrophi · 7 months
TAZ November Celebration 13: Sick
The card I drew for this @taznovembercelebration entry was "sick," so you know what that means! It's time for more soft taakitz! Another incredibly self-indulgent one that was loosely inspired by me starting off this month horrifically sick and now being very grateful I can breathe again. Discussion of sickness in this one, naturally, but just inconvenient cold/upper respiratory infection stuff, nothing too serious.
“This is the worst thing that’s ever happened to anyone,” Taako declared, flopping back against his pillows. Lup crossed her arms and looked down at him with limited sympathy, which was extremely cruel of her if you asked him.
“You have a cold, Taako,” she said.
Taako sniffled, desperately trying and failing to clear at least one nostril. “It’s not just a cold, Lulu. It’s the worst cold I’ve ever had in my life, and it just had to happen when I have a first date planned.”
She rolled her eyes. “Kravitz isn’t going to evaporate just because you have to reschedule. Just text him and tell him you’re sick.”
“I already did,” Taako huffed. “He hasn’t responded yet.” 
“Maybe the library’s busy today.”
“He has the day off.” 
She threw her hands up. “Then I don’t know what to tell you, bud. Maybe just be patient a little.” 
Taako moaned. “You have no idea how hard it was to find a night that worked for both of us. And the maintenance meter is running, Lulu!”
“The… what?”
He rolled his eyes. “Oh, that's right. I forgot you've been dating the most devoted guy in the universe for three years. Let me remind you what it's like for us singletons.” He pushed himself back up to a sitting position to better make his point. “Whenever you're trying to set up a first date, or fuck, a second or third, there's a limit to how inconvenient you can be, or how weird, or how… much… before the guy decides to fuck off and ghost you. That's the maintenance meter, and by my count I'm already at a disadvantage because he caught me eating gogurt in the stacks that one time.”
Lup was looking at him like he had three heads. “I think maybe you just have shitty taste in men.”
“Well, when life gives you lemons,” he sighed, then fell into another coughing fit.
Lup sat down on the edge of his bed and rested her chin in her hand. “What about Kravitz? Do you think he’s another lemon?”
“No,” he said miserably. “I think he’s perfect. But that doesn't matter if he thinks I'm too much work to bother with."
She patted his leg sympathetically. “If he's as perfect as you think he'll know you're worth the work.”
Taako’s throat felt too tight all of a sudden, and not just from coughing all morning. “Thanks.”
“Any time, bud.” She pushed herself up off the bed. “I'm gonna go check on the soup. Yell if you need me.”
She headed to the kitchen, leaving Taako to burrow deeper into his blanket nest. He was half-dozing when their doorbell rang, startling him back to consciousness. He heard Lup answer the door, then a brief conversation he couldn't make out. A moment later she appeared in his doorway. 
“Taako? You awake?”
He groaned in response, eager to get back to his nap.
“Kravitz is here.”
His eyes flew open. He struggled his way out of his tangle of blankets and into an upright position. 
“What?” he exclaimed. 
“Kravitz is here. Should I show him in?”
Taako recoiled at the thought. “Absolutely not! Look at me, Lulu! I'm at maintenance meter defcon one right now!”
Lup just rolled her eyes. “I'll show him in.”
Taako frantically tried to smooth down the worst of his bed head and straighten out his pajamas. There was a quiet knock on his door frame, and he looked up to see Kravitz standing there, a sympathetic smile on his face. He looked incredible, of course. Even on his day off he was wearing a three-piece suit, plus a tie with a subtle raven motif.
“Hi,” he said, taking a few steps into the room. “Sorry to barge in on your sick day.”
Taako laughed. “Sorry I look like such a fucking mess.”
“No!” He denied, gallantly. “You look fine! A little stuffed up, maybe-”
“I can think of something else I'd like stu-” Another fit of wet coughing overtook him, and he collapsed back onto the bed. “Fuck, forget it. I'm too sick to flirt right now.”
Kravitz's eyes were soft and kind as he looked at him. “Well, I was hoping I could help with that.” He held up a large canvas bag before depositing it on Taako’s bed. 
“Let’s see….” He began rummaging through it, pausing occasionally to hold something up. “We've got DayQuil and NyQuil, depending on whether or not you want to be conscious for the next twelve hours. Some peppermint tea, to clear your nose and settle your stomach, if you need it, and some cough drops. I didn't know what kind of Gatorade you liked, so I got you orange, red, and blue, and hopefully one of those is good. And I knew Lup was probably taking care of food better than I possibly could, but I did bring you some saltines just in case. And….” He reached into the bag and pulled something out with a final flourish. “A friend to keep you company.”
It was a tiny stuffed plague doctor, which Kravitz set down gently on Taako’s bedside table. Taako stared at him, half-convinced he was looking at some sort of Kravitz-shaped fever dream.
“Krav, you didn't-” he croaked. “You didn't have to do all this.”
Kravitz shrugged. “It was just a quick trip to the store. Besides, I wanted to.” He tucked a stray lock of hair behind Taako’s ear and Taako was seized by a sudden desire to pounce on him, upper respiratory infection be damned. “You've got to get better soon so we can reschedule that date.” A slight shade of doubt passed over Kravitz’s face. “If you still want to, of course.”
Taako feigned a grimace. “Ooh, well, this is awkward, but I actually met an even hotter goth librarian while I was lying here hacking up a lung, so….” 
Kravitz laughed, rich and genuine. Taako grinned up at him. As his laughter subsided, Kravitz gently took hold of Taako’s chin with a thumb and forefinger. He stooped slightly and Taako closed his eyes, turning his face up towards him, trying not to give away just how much it made his chest ache to have Kravitz here, all lovely and warm and seemingly unphased by his transformation into some sort of snot monster. Kravitz pressed a soft kiss to his forehead, then stepped back towards the door.
“Get some rest, Taako. I'll see you soon.”
Taako heard him say a quiet goodbye to Lup before he left the apartment. A moment later Lup was leaning against the doorframe with a smug grin on her face.
“So, did he just completely disprove your whole depressing ‘maintenance meter’ theory?”
Taako picked up the tiny plague doctor, still in a bit of a daze. “He could be the exception that proves the rule,” he replied absently.
“Well, for what it’s worth, I like him.”
“Yeah. Me too.” He snuggled back down into the blankets, his new plague-friend clutched close to his chest.
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chronic-ghost · 11 months
Hello 👋🏻
Hi ! I hope I'm not bothering you. Just wanted to pop into your ask box and tell you that I really enjoy reading your fics! I've been a fan of pedro pascal for some time now and I really really love reading your take!! Esp on Javi in liar liar! It was really funny and you made me laugh so much! Thank you so much for writing and sharing !! I really hope you write more soon! I can't wait to read 🖤
I saw you shared an ask game?? I had some questions? if you don't mind answering that is because I know its been some time since you posted it? Feel free to ignore it if you want.
15 16 29 34 39 41 and finally 69 for Liar Liar
Sorry if they're a lot you dont have to answer all of them! I just couldn't resist.
I love your work ! Hope you have a great day! 🖤
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okay so i had to take a minute to read this and reread it and reread it again. You are absolutely NOT bothering me -- I read this after a particularly humbling day at work, and wow, I thought about it the rest of the day. Thank you SO MUCH for reading my work! I am so touched that you are a seasoned pp reader and you find my take unique! It's hard out here for a fic writer so messages like this truly make all the frustration and head-banging that comes with writing really worth it. 💗 you are so sweet and i hope there are good things for you to look forward to!
As for the ask game, I am more than happy to play! :) And if you'd like, you don't have to wait for those games to come around if you have a question about a fic or would like an update! My ask box is always open! Here's your questions:
15. What’s your favorite time to write?
Probably the mornings. I like the mornings the best in general and there's nothing better than starting the day with a good writing flow!
16. Do you write by hand, on your phone, or on your laptop?
oh man, laptop every single time. I write notes or ideas to myself on my phone when I'm in bed and the brain waves are pulsing, but I could never write long form on anything but my computer. I know writers who write everything down first AND THEN type them -- to me that is like god tier writing process. I am a weak, weak woman.
29. What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of?
When I make people laugh. Call it my "fawning" instincts, but I always try and make people laugh in different social situations -- to varying degrees of success. So when people laugh at my dumb jokes in fic, I'm really pleased with myself!
34. How much of your personal life/experience do you include in your fics?
😬 oof y'all are gonna be able to spot my kinks after this. But honestly, it depends on which fandom/situation I'm writing for. I wrote a Midnight Mass fic that was very, very personal to my experiences growing up in Texas around Catholics. On the other hand, I don't have the guts to be, uh, so public as the reader in 'blood makes noise'. I think most of my reader characters are a mix of myself and who I want to be.
39. What’s your most self-indulgent wip?
(oh, honey, they all are) i think it's a tie between (working title) Living Dead Girl, where reader becomes Max's blood donor and (working title) Riders of the Purple Sapir, where Din and reader go on a quest for vengeance against the men who killed her father. The cowboy goth in me is REAL excited about both of those.
41. Who’s your favorite character you’ve written?
Max is quickly becoming the little bug in my ear about most things. He has such a distinctive personality from other Pedro boys, I love it so much. All his little faces kill me.
But I've said this to a friend -- i think half the fun writing for the pedro boys is coming up with a reader character that perfectly meshes with them. What personality traits would drive them up the goddamn walls? What do they need to feel fulfilled in a partner? So if "reader" can count as a character, I really liked the reader in Go Ahead, I Dare Ya and Recovery Road. Just as insane as their counterparts.
69. What are your favorite fics at the moment?
YES YES YES i get to GUSH about the fics that have me gnawing at my cage bars:
Psychomanteum by @whatsnewalycat is literally everything I want in a fic. perfect extensions of the characters from the source media. new problems for them that make you see more facets of their personalities. so.must.fantastic.smut it makes me want to scream. the angst and the grief and the literal haunting of a dead spouse - or a spouse that you lost but maybe didn't ever actually have adsfaksldjf GHOSTS I LOVE GHOSTS. i cannot recommend this fic enough. i am on my hands and knees begging people to read it.
This one isn't pedro specific, but @astroboots's Every Me Every You is like my kryptonite. Every new chapter hits me in a place that I didn't know could hurt while being such a fun throw back to the good ol' days of the MCU. i feel like it's written specifically for those of us who were on tumblr during the 2012 avengers take over. Good times.
For just the sweetest, gentlest Dieter Bravo, please consider @stardustandskycrystals 's Curls. I stumbled across it one night before bed and I was up until like 2AM to finish it. It's adorable and I just need them all to be okay forever and happy and little Charlie is basically my child at this point. Oof!
*takes you by the shoulders* if you even remotely like Prospect or the sci fi genre, I am BEGGING YOU to read Compulsion by @iamskyereads. Like. Like. I cannot formulate words to express how fantastic this piece of fiction is. I want to leave detailed, thoughtful comments but my mind just goes blank after reading it. Her work is truly a staggering piece of world-building and character development. I cannot believe this art is just free for me to consume. i am . . . undone by how good it is. (you should also read her Lie To Me series, insanely good too)
I KNOW i'm missing some so if I forgot yours I am SO SORRY FOR BEING AN IDIOT.
This response ended up being way longer than intended but I hope this show how much messages like these matter to me. Thank you again for reading and I hope my future fics don't disappoint you!
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xamassed · 2 years
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⟬ @ghostlyanon​ — bryning’s birthday 11 • 1  ⟭    
Keeping a homemade cake a surprise was no easy feat when the person it was meant for lived under the same roof and constantly orbited in the surroundings of the kitchen. It had taken Annie effort to keep the prying genie away from the area so she could work on prepping this birthday cake. It wouldn’t be a surprise to him anymore, but the cake ought to be one of her best ( after spending so much time learning from Bryning himself ).
The birthday cake was settled down on the table along with the obligatory candle for him to claim this year’s wish. Annie was confident these two gifts would be of his liking. However, and though no lesser amount of love and effort had been spent on their preparation, the main present to give him remained concealed within a flat gift box: a tad bigger than the palm of her hand, presenting itself with a deep blue color and a silver ribbon to tie it down. It was this single box and its content that brought about those familiar jittery nerves of anticipation. The gift wasn’t by all means impressive in size nor within its objective worth, yet it now held a much higher significance to her after the much thought put into it. She could only hope it would be agreeable to him.
Once in his hands and ready to untie the ribbon and lift the lid of the box, the gift inside would be revealed to him:  Resting on a cushioned bed laid a tiny snowman. Its shape and features were embossed in stainless steel with a silver shine that reflected its surroundings and those within. A simple but beautiful charm created to serve as a keychain.
“Happy Birthday...” Annie mumbled to the djinn before her. Her expression carried a gentle smile and a seemingly serene demeanor, but her previously contained anticipation now crept over her in how her gaze avoided his and in the way soft pink bloomed over her cheeks.
“I... I hope you’ll accept it” she continued, the nervousness in her speech slowly betraying her calm pretense. “... I’ve been thinking a lot about it, and... I-I enjoy both your help and company. I’m truly grateful for both. You... You’ve been staying with me for a while now and I trust you more than anyone, so I—”.
A pair of keys materialized out of her pocket and into her hand. These were part of her gift and thus her hand shyly reached over and offered them to him. It was clear what kind of lock these keys were meant to open.
“I want you to have these, but not to keep safe or anything like that! I—I'd like for you to keep them as if they were keys to your own home... Y-you know...” Lips pressed into a straight line for a moment. Was she making any sense to him? “... If you’re ever without your bottle again... Or even if you do have it with you, you can think of my home as it’s yours, without you needing my ‘permission’ or anything to come in and stay. Whether I am here or not, as long... As long as you wish to, you can consider this place like... A second home to you...”  
She paused, her eyes finally daring to search for his and wait for his answer.
“— A-and I’m not taking any of it back!”
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The cake wasn’t a surprise, that was true, but it didn’t have to be. Her hard work, the sight of her covered in flour and little smears of buttercream and the way she smiled as she worked were all part of the gift, and it made him appreciate the result all the more when it it was placed in front of him.
“It’s gorgeous, Annie.” The lights had been dimmed, giving the little candle placed into the cake plenty of room to flicker and dance. In his misty eyes, the light was bright and warm. Inside, he felt that tenfold. She gave him every reason to feel loved, appreciated, wanted. This wasn’t the first time he’d celebrated his self-given birthday, but it was one of the few times that it felt genuine. It wasn’t a passing wish or a sympathetic pat on the back. She wasn’t a master that felt obligated to please him.
She was honest and thoughtful, and she didn’t hide it.
If she claimed that this was his special day, then he knew she would go out of her way to prove it. Bryning hardly felt deserving, but he didn’t insist that she quit. This was how she showed the people she cared for that they were adored, and it would only make him look ungrateful if he rebuffed her.
He wanted to dive into the cake and indulge himself for a short while, but there was a small box that needed opening. Inside, the adorable keychain was openly gawked at. It was so small, so simple, and he still found that he loved it. It didn’t matter to him that, at the moment, he had no keys to attach to it. It was a jolly little snowman, cold but happy and smiling — like him.
Bryning assumed that would be all, and he was perfectly content to accept that, but she began to speak and he was entranced. The box remained in his hand, but the more she spoke, the heavier it felt.
“You’re. . .” He stopped himself short, letting her continue until she had poured her heart out.
She needed the time to put her feelings into words, and he needed ( wanted ) to listen.
The keys were eventually placed into his palm, eyes trained on them. His heart swelled, and his eyes stung. He could clearly recall the last time he cried, and he recalled just as clearly that he had hated the feeling. Loss ached, it drummed against his heart, eventually made him numb. This was different. He was happy in every sense of the word. He was excited. This felt like a door had been opened, and he was free to move through it as he pleased.
And there, on the other side — her.
Friends were hard to make despite all the people he spent time with, all the masters that came and went. So few of them were friends, but he could say without a shadow of a doubt that she was.
He had someone to look forward to. He had someone he could talk to and bond with, someone that could teach him while being taught in exchange. She had stories to tell, and she was just as ready to listen. They cooked together, they cleaned together, and he had begun to enjoy watching the many, many shows and movies that she liked.
‘ As long as you wish to. ’
He squeezed the key in his hand and willed himself not to break down in front of her.
“I wish it.” He sucked in a deep breath and set the box aside, hands working to attack the key to its new keychain. “I’ll always wish it. Thank you, Annie. It’s nice to know I have a home, and that I can share it with you.”
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bukojuiice · 3 years
— genshin boys as your college roommates who are head over heels in love with you
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ೃ ft. childe, diluc, kaeya, zhongli, and xiao x gn! reader
ೃ 400-600 words per character!  ♡
ೃ warnings: mention of alcohol drinking ( but aside from that, just lots and lots of fluff!)
ೃ this is my very first writing contribution to the genshin fandom, so i hope everyone likes it!  after 5 months of playing genshin, i think it’s safe to say my brainrot for it has finally consumed me and i’m confident enough to brew something up! <3
ೃ genshin impact masterlist 
ೃ if you want to be a part of my taglist, answer this form! ♡
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– You and Childe are the perfect embodiment of the best friends to roommates trope. Whenever you wanna sleep in for 5 minutes more and you’re about to run late for your first class, Childe never fails to slowly drag you out of your bed, laughing as he does so. “Wake up sunshine!” is the first thing you always hear in the morning and you don’t complain if you get to hear his smexy voice anyway. He is a confident flirt and is not afraid to show you how much he cares or how much he pines over you. 
–  He’s always always there to save the day. There was a time when your classmates stood you up on the group project you were making, and guess who comes up to you with glitter, glue, and colored paper? Childe, of course! He stayed up until the wee hours of the night with you just so he can help you finish it. He even promises to set things in a “very civil way” with your absolute jerk groupmates the very next day. You practically hang out with him 24/7 as most of the time he just barges in your shared apartment with some amusement park tickets on hand or to some expensive yoga or judo class. There’s never a dull moment with him and with each passing day, the more you fall harder for him.
–  After a morning jog with him and seeing cute little dogs frolicking around with their married owners, Childe suddenly had the urge to adopt a dog with you.  But, due to a no pets rules established by the landlord, the two of you opt to owning hamsters instead! Childe named his hamster, narwhal (after his favorite animal of course!) whereas you named yours bunny, to match his irrelevant pet name picking. your hamsters both share the same house/cage and even they are pining over each other.
  –  His siblings visit a lot, especially Teucer. At this point, there was never a day the little boy didn’t ask when are you and Childe going to finally become “playground playmates” (a term for lovers that they use in second grade apparently) since the two of you are living with each other and seem so close. Childe is always able to successfully change the topic and shift away from talking about the shared feelings that the both of you have for each other. But, alas, the day had finally came to be and during your monthly trip to the amusement park, Childe confidently confesses to you on top of the ferris wheel.
“So... everyone in my life knows that you’re my best friend. Yea, that’s pretty cool and all but... Can we be more than just that (Y/N)? Is there hope if I think there could be something between us?”
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– Diluc is your posh and rich roommate who sounds and looks too good to be true. The fact that you’re roomies with the literal heir to the country’s biggest wine and beverage company sounds like something straight out of a fanfic. But, it was of his volition to decide to live in a penthouse near Teyvat University. It was the doings of his step-brother Kaeya who tricked him into getting a roommate so that he won’t be alone for the rest of his college years... aaand that’s where you come in. practically barged into his life, but, you were a blessing. an angel sent from the skies.
–  He’s quite cold and unapproachable at first, only greeting you whenever he sees you but never bothered to engage in small talk with you. Even if the both of you go to the same university. It wasn’t until your second month as roommates, when you accidentally had too much to drink after a friends’ night out. You come home to see him in the living room, drinking grape juice from a wine glass, and watching a rerun of Hannah Montana. You practically collapse at the front door, he rushes to you and helps you up as you drunkenly confess to him in tears how you wanted to become much closer to him especially since the  two of you are going to spend the rest of your college years together. That was when Diluc realized how distant and aloof he’s been and vows to make it up to you.
– Diluc is very talented. Albeit in very discreet way, he makes sure to make use of his talents especially if it’s an opportunity to make memories with you. He is an amazing cook as much as he tries to deny it, He’s a secret virtuoso caught in 4k when you impulsively bought a guitar one time and you asked if he knows how to play, and he does so well. He practically serenades you in the most non-obvious way possible. Lastly, He’s very athletic. You invited him to play tennis one time, betting that if he won, you would do his bidding for the rest of the week. Before you could even blink, he wins. His “punishment” for you was that you accompany him in binge-watching TV Dramas. Grey’s Anatomy and Downtown Abby are just some of the shows the two of you would watch. It is absolutely adorable seeing him so invested in these dramas. and since the next on Diluc’s list were sit-coms, you were preparing yourself to answer his questions on the context of jokes that he didn’t get. In a poor attempt to flirt with you, he calls out your name and recites in the most Joey Tribbiani voice he could muster, “How you doin?” You were laughing so so hard that night because his pick up line actually worked on you and suddenly your realizations came full circle: you were very much in love with him too.
–  His naturally cool yet shy nature had always gotten the best of him.  He’s always wanted to ask if you wanted to carpool with him to school. Riding with him in his Tesla sportscar that goes 150 Mph? Heck yeah. However, it took quite a while before he could muster up the courage to ask you (4 months of being roommates until he finally popped the question) Since then, the two of you go home to and from University whenever you had similar schedules. Ever since then, Diluc had began to soften. His cold and hard facade slowly melted. Asking if you could help tie his floofy red hair then he’d let you play with it and let you style it in different ways. He takes you out on café dates during lunch breaks and take you out to watch a movie after both of your late night lectures. Everyone in campus thinks the two of you are practically together at this point. All that was left was to bare your feelings with one another through a fumbling and awkward confession.
“Words cannot not suffice these feelings I’ve been harboring for you since the very beginning. I L-like you a lot. Do you feel the same way too?”
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- Everyone loves Kaeya. Your friends and family, The School Faculty, The owner of the Convenience Store from down the street, The old lady who lives next door, The little kids from down the hall, and even the angry brown poodles from the farthest apartment to your right absolutely loved him. it was hard to keep up with having a roommate that not only were you crushing so hard on, but also had such a vibrant social life. Kaeya interacts and socializes with a lot of people and he admits that it does tend to get tiring at times. But, if these sacrifices lead to coming home to his cute roommate who has captivated his heart since Day 1, then it’s all worth it.
— Despite how warm and friendly he may seem, Kaeya is a very private person. He’s brought two or three friends like Jean, Lisa, Albedo, or Rosaria. But, only to discuss school affairs. He wasn’t the kind of person who trusts others easily, even if he was giving off the impression that he was a trustworthy and reliable person himself. He’d much rather spend time with you on days off from school. He may be a party guy on the outside (he insists he does it for future connections when he graduates) but he’s quite a homebody. Kaeya is the type to watch korean dramas and anime with you, go on late night convenience store cravings, and these always resulted in a perfect evening spent with him. When the both of you are fully immersed into the anime and things get a bit cozy, you rest your head on his shoulder, huddling for warmth.
— Kaeya would always come home with a little something for you. May it be take-out food, A trinket, a board game, an accessory, and even skincare products. The indigo-haired man is very particular about self-care and you bet that he’s bought different kinds of face masks, ointments, and even matching cute headbands just for the two of you! He’s very flamboyant and flirts with you a lot. Trying to impress you with pick up lines and suggestive jokes, but you always thought that he was just joking around because that was always a part of his personality. It was always a part of him. For Kaeya on the other hand, it seems to him that you don’t take him seriously and it's possible that you don’t return his feelings at all. He had to set things straight and it didn’t take long until Kaeya found the perfect opportunity to do so.
— With the help of practically everyone in the apartment, Kaeya is about to surprise you with a candle-lit dinner up on the apartment rooftop. His sly smooth-talking quickly convinced you that the both of you were just going to go out on your nightly convenience store trips. Your curiosity grows when he takes you by the hand, covering you with a blindfold, and whispering to your ear, “Do you trust me?” Gripping onto his hand tightly, the both of you go up some stairs and you reply, “Yes Kaeya, I do.” He slowly uncovers the shield from your eyes and your eyes sparkle at the sight of the candle-lit dinner, complete with jazz music, and a romantic view of the city.
“(Y/N)... You are the most precious person to me. I hope you can take me seriously, especially my feelings. I am saying this with my heart in my hand and with nothing but genuine love in my soul.”
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— Zhongli is truly husband material. You’re saying this as his friend, as his roommate, and as someone who’s absolutely smitten over him. He’s a third year environmental archaeology student at Teyvat University. Gentle, kind, and has nothing but wise and intelligent things to say. your lovestruck self can’t help but just admire him from afar, not knowing that he too has been entranced by you ever since you moved in.
—He's always the first to wake up in the morning. The first thing he does is make you a cup of coffee. He's got your favorite memorized, (Coffee with cream. Not to sweet and not too bitter.) The both of you own matching mugs, (written in colored scribbled letters, “The Wise Roommate” for Zhongli and “The Cute Roommate” for you.) He always wants to spend his free mornings with you. Both of you have different schedules so you never see each other at Campus and this was the only blissful time of the day you can spend with one another. Once you get home for dinner, (Zhongli is always the first to get home if he doesn’t stay too long at the library or strolling around the city) If it’s your turn to cook or if it’s his, he never forgets to brew you oolong tea after dinner. A perfect chance for the two of you to just talk the night away and engage in deep and meaningful conversations.
—Zhongli fell in love with you because you just quietly listen to him. Sometimes, you would share your thoughts and insights, even sharing your own personal knowledge that Zhongli had not known prior. You were one of the very few people in his life whom he could talk about absolutely anything with. Well, who wouldn’t listen to a handsome man who has a voice as smooth as butter? He is very passionate about his studies. Taking a lot of extra courses and spending a lot of money on his research. and so, most of the time, he spends all of his Mora on his extra studies (excluding the money he needs to pay for rent) and other interesting antiques. You understood why though. So, instead, you ask him to accompany you to do mundane chores. Going grocery shopping, doing the laundry and cleaning the apartment. He always helps in any way he can. The prying eyes of people around you and the old lady fr next door boldly coming up to you to ask if you and Zhongli were a married couple. You blush profusely whereas Zhongli coolly denies the woman's claims. It hurt quite a little but who were you to complain?
— It was during one of your night strolls with Zhongli. He had invited you out after dinner under the guise of wanting to have some fresh air and find a clear spot for the fireworks from a nearby festival. Your heart was thumping loudly to a non-existent rhythm, blissfully unaware that Zhongli was feeling a burst in his chest too. He clears his throat and his shoulders straighten. Zhongli puts his hand on your shoulder and breathes deeply. His cool and gentlemanly aura still radiating off of him as always. A wonderful array of colors fill the sky as his lips began to form the words he's always wanted to say:
"Tonight is beautiful isn't it? I thought that this would be the perfect time to open my heart up to you... You are a diamond in the rough that few see the beauty of. My beloved– Will you accept my feelings?
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—  Having a popular twitch streamer as your roommate was a one in a million chance. Especially if you’re not even an influencer or internet figure yourself. But, how did this come to be? Why have you developed a crush on Xiao aka VigilantYaksha without knowing who he was? A gamer with over 6 million followers on different social media platforms? Simple, a high-end apartment near Teyvat University had a special discount if you were willing to be roommates with someone. It’s an amazing deal, near your school, cost-efficient, and you believed the 10% chance of scoring a hot roommate as seen on reality TV and romantic comedies. It was like rolling through a Gacha Game and getting a 5 star character. As that “character” is soon to be revealed as Xiao.
— Things started off rocky at first. On your first day, he flatly welcomed you by the door, introduced himself, then quickly retreated back to his room. As soon as you locked eyes with him, he gave off a certain cold and unfriendly aura. You wanted to get to know him better. Maybe with a little love and care, he could open up to you and you could become friends! That same day, you had mistakenly thought of your room as his and you walked in on him streaming a horror game. He wasn’t spooked by the jumpscares. But instead, he was looking at you in horror because you’ve just exposed yourself to thousands of people. You wave at the camera, apologize, and left. Since then, his fans, (called the Anemo Tofus) have been shipping the two of you together. Creating fanfiction and fanart of Xiao and the mysterious roommate that accidentally walked in on him. They practically begged Xiao to at least talk a little bit about you, to which, he declined. When you surprised him with dinner (as a little treat since this was your first week with him) He sits across the table from you, his eyes gazing deep into yours, as he pops the question, in a very tsundere tone: “Would you like to appear in my streams? T-the Anemo Tofus wanna learn more about you. B-but, if you don’t want to, it’s alright! You don’t have to-” You cut him off before he could continue his doubts, “Xiao! What are you saying? I’d love to!”
  —  There was something blossoming between the two of you after that particular dinner with him. Starting with your first “roommate video” that you had thought of when you were brainstorming for video ideas. It was an Almond and Mapo Tofu mukbang whilst the two of you answered questions from fans! The viewers noticed how visibly comfortable he was around you despite his usual reserved attitude. He was cracking up a lot more sarcastic and self-deprecating jokes whilst Tofu filled both of your mouths. Outside of the confines of social media and inside the comfortable space that was your apartment, you and Xiao grew closer. Wearing matching hoodies, going on midnight snack runs, playing in arcades, and stargazing with him up on the rooftop as you contemplate about life and talk about the mysteries of the universe. There were times when you would stay up late doing school works and would accidentally fall asleep on the sofa. Xiao would come out of room because he periodically had cases of insomnia. When he sees you on the sofa, he can’t help but smile at your sleeping figure and admire your beauty. First. he brings all your clutter back to your room then slowly picks you up from the couch, into his arms, and brings you back to your room. He places a blanket on top of you and your stuffed plushies next to you so you can hug them any time. 
— On a particular night, you fell asleep on the sofa once again and begun to  have recurring nightmares. Xiao was there to witness you whimpering, muttering to yourself, and shivering to a mental image that he could not see. (He wishes he could erase all the pain that these nightmares were giving you) You subconsciously grab onto his hand, murmuring to yourself: “Xiao, please don’t go.” He whispers back, “I won’t.” Your nerves slowly relax when you feel the Yaksha squeezing himself to lie next to you on the couch. Holding onto your arm, he continues to reassure you that it was going to be okay. You grab onto him, hugging him from behind. He feels your heartbeat revert back to it’s normal pace and you return back to your peaceful slumber. “I’ll always be here for you, (Y/N). I’ll be here to protect you. Forever and always.”  Turning to you to plant a kiss on your forehead, you nestle your head on Xiao’s chest. He watches as you cling to him for love and warmth until he is slowly whisked away by his weariness, rewarded with a peaceful sleep he hasn’t felt in a while.
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“And they were roommates.”
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gavin-plz-call-me · 3 years
i saw you did an nsfw alphabet for wannabe challenge so i was wondering if you could do one for tears of themis? i'd love to see one for artem
Hell yeah, alphabets are the only nsfw stuff I'm good at writing
Artem NSFW Alphabet
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
-Stills inside/beside you for a moment while you both catch your breath, then he’s combing through your hair, peppering your body with loving kisses.
-Has wet wipes/tissues to help clean you up at arm's length, so if let’s be honest, when you whine about not wanting to leave his side just yet, he can help you clean up.
-If you’re still clingy after a while, this man will carry you to the bathroom to get the rest of the way cleaned up.
-If you find yourself in a more dominant role in the bedroom sub Artem? It’s more likely than you think be prepared to pepper that man with so much love and care.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
-His favorite body part of himself is his eyes. They’re a nice color, but I don’t think he thinks about his appearance too much.
-As for you, would it be cliche to say your brain?
-While your beauty was what attracted him first, your mind is what really sealed the deal.
-Your mouth is a close second, because it helps you voice your thoughts in that beautiful voice of yours and, I mean, if you wanted to give him a blow job too he wouldn’t be complaining…
-Is an ass man.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
-Is hesitant on deciding where to cum.
-He thinks cumming anywhere in/on you would not be a very pleasant experience for you.
-But in the heat of the moment, he’ll probably end up cumming inside you if he’s wearing protection, or on your thighs/ass if he’s not.
-When he cums, whether it be in you or on you, he’s grabbing you a tissue when he comes down from his high to clean you up.
-If you swallow his cum he’ll be a little disgusted, but a lot turned on.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
-Has masturbated in his office after you’ve left on multiple occasions.
-Sometimes the perfume you were wearing was extra enticing, sometimes what you were wearing made you look extra hot, and sometimes your presence alone is enough to get him hot and excited.
-Is mostly ashamed about the times he did it before you two were dating because it felt like an intrusion of your privacy.
-Once Celestine came to his office right after he finished and he was so mortified that she’d somehow be able to tell that he did something. She knew something was up because of how much he was blushing, but she didn’t know what exactly
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
-Big old virgin
-I’m not even saying that to be mean plus being a virgin isn’t bad it’s just true.
-Sure, his lack of experience may be a bit of a hindrance at first, but he’s a clean slate.
-He’s not gonna be doing some weird thing with your clit because a girl he was with before liked that.
-Train him to perfectly pleasure you, and, trust me, he’s a fast learner.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
-Your first few times together he only did missionary, because, while he knew there were other options, he didn’t know how to initiate them.
-As he got more experience, however, he grew to absolutely love doggy style.
-Loves your ass, so it’s an obvious choice. Plus, if he’s extra flustered, he can easily hide it.
-Grips your ass extra hard while kissing your neck and back. If he’s feeling extra brave, expect a few whispers about how good you feel.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
-He has his goofy moments, but most of the time he’s 100% serious.
-Whether it be because he’s concentrating on learning how to pleasure you correctly, or, when he’s gained a bit of experience, just concentrating on both of your pleasure.
-I feel like as you guys get closer, however, an awkward moment may turn into a brief bout of giggles shared between the two of you before continuing.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
-Shaved himself completely when you two started dating.
-Was convinced you’d be disgusted by any hair down there. My poor insecure baby
-When he gets more comfortable around you, he’ll let it grow out, but he still trims it to keep it neat.
-Carpets match the drapes.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
-Is a whore for a sexy, romantic atmosphere.
-I’m talking rose petals, candles, and a couple of glasses of non-alcoholic wine.
-Wanna have the most romantic love-making session imaginable? Set all of that up for him instead of the other way around.
-He’ll be so in love with you at that moment he’ll have no choice but to give you the best orgasms you’ve ever had.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
-Before meeting you, he jacked off maybe once or twice a week, and it was more of something he had to do than something he wanted to do.
-When he met you, he thought you were the most attractive person he’d ever seen, so his sex drive and, naturally, his masturbation sessions increased.
-Increased to every other day, maybe every day. He tried to not think of you during these times as he felt it was an invasion of privacy emphasis on tried.
-After finally getting together with you, his sessions have decreased back down to once or twice a week.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
-Likes having sex in his office, but that’s the most public space he’ll do it in.
-Also loves it when you’re slightly dominant on him.
-Doesn’t want to do any of the more kinky stuff, tying him or you, depending on his mood with a tie is about as far as he’ll go.
-But just take charge, he loves it.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
-Can’t go wrong with the good old fucking in bed. It’s easy, comfortable, and you guys can take as long as you want.
-Get him riled up at work by wearing something that beautifully shows of your ass, or make sure he knows you’re wearing that pair of panties you know he loves or, fuck it, no panties at all he’ll polietly ask you into his office so he can fuck your brains out.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
-Loves when you assert yourself, especially at work.
-Get all confident during a trial because you know you’re going to win? That’s all the motivation he needs.
-Does not help his productivity at all, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
-Expect to fuck after a trial, extra hard if you won.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
-No threesomes/group sex.
-It’s not even because he’ll get jealous okay maybe a bit of that but you were his first and only. Everything he’s learned about sex has been about specifically pleasuring you, he wouldn’t know where to begin when having sex with other people.
-He’s more than content with you being his one and only.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
-Not skilled at the beginning like all things sexual, but he’s a fast learner.
-Good communication is key here, as it is in all aspects of sex with Artem. Guide him to where you want to be pleasured, praise him when you really like what he’s doing, and give him some delicious moans and he’ll be a pro at fucking you with his tounge alone in no time.
-Is too shy to ask for you to go down on him, and will insist you don’t have to when you try to initiate it.
-Ignore him and do it, the noises you draw from him are absolutely worth it.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
-Starts off at a weird middle ground sort of pace, not fast and not slow.
-Is fond of slow and sensual when he grows more experienced, but will occasionally get rough with you.
-That usually happens when he gets a bit too jealous of a guy who got a bit too close to you for your liking.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
- doesn’t really have a choice in the matter at the beginning, mr. 30 seconds (sorry Artem)
-For real, he prefers longer love-making sessions, but if you’re teasing him in the office a quickie will ensue.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
-Grows more confident the more the two of you have sex.
-He does like fucking in his office, so he likes a bit of risk, but there being too many people in the office, or the chance of Celestine walking in at anytime, Artem would much rather feign working on a case and take you home.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
-At first, like most virgin boys, his stamina is basically nonexistent.
-Let him take his time, he’ll get to fucking you until the sun rises in no time at all.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
-Has never thought about getting one for himself when his hand does the job well enough.
-Is very open to using toys on you in the bedroom, especially when he’s feeling insecure about his ability to please you which happens often, scream his name and make him forget those insecurities.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
-Not a teaser in the slightest.
-You want something specific in the bedroom? He’s already doing it, you barely have to ask.
-On the flip side, sort of loves it when you’re unfair to him.
-Just barely touch him and stop at the brink of his orgasm, he gets a sick sort of pleasure from that.
-It also helps him gain more control over himself in the bedroom, so it’s a win-win.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
-May try to stay quiet, after all, in all the porn he’s watched which isn’t a lot because I feel like watching it makes him feel uncomfortable the man is always basically silent.
-That does not work out for him, though. He gets so overwhelmed with pleasure that he can’t control what his vocal cords are doing.
-Gains a bit more control over it over time, but he realizes you like his moans, so he stops trying to keep them at bay.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
-Is a total switch.
-Can be pretty dominant at some times see his atmospheric card
-But I can totally see him wanting you to dom him sometimes. Loves seeing you dominate the court, if you bring that energy to bed, oh boy is he like putty in your hands.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
-He’s of average girth and slightly above average length. Has a nice, thick vein that runs the length of his penis.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
-Has a very active imagination how else would he become such a great lawyer?
-And while that helps him out in his work, anything about you can really set him off.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
-Is out like a light
-Especially the first few times, his body doesn’t know what hit him.
-But even after a while, he works so hard that the moment he has the chance to fall asleep, his body is taking that chance.
-Make sures to stay up long enough to get cleaned off and help you clean yourself up.
141 notes · View notes
luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
By Your Doorstep (Part 2)
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Summary: Dean lets Sam in on a secret of his as to why he’s previously sworn off all dating before he and the reader go on their first one together. But it’s not just a simple first date when they realize they have more in common than they originally thought...
Pairing: Doctor/Neighbor!Dean x reader
Word Count: 4,200ish
Warnings: language, mentioned past sexual assault (not graphic)/child abuse, talk about sex toys, self-worth issues
A/N: Enjoy!
Dean’s POV
“Hey,” said Sam a little over an hour later as he walked in the front door. Dean nodded and put the pie he’d brought into the fridge, walking back over to take a seat on the other side of the wrap around couch. “Your eyes are red.”
“That’s what happens when you cry, genius,” said Dean. He sighed and pulled his blanket over himself, rolling his eyes when Sam got up and sat closer. “It’s embarrassing.”
“Embarrassing was me being really sick when I was sixteen and shitting my pants and you didn’t say a damn thing about it other than you got me cleaned up. Dean nothing you can say will make me laugh. Fuck, I’m scared somebody…” said Sam.
“You’re gonna find out stuff about my sex life,” he said.
“You taught me about sex. Dean, I’m not gonna judge you.”
“I hooked up with a chick after work once. I had some meetings so I wore a dress shirt and tie that day. We got a room, it got heated, and my first mistake was letting her tie my hands to the headboard with that stupid tie. I shouldn’t have asked but I did. I must have been in a mood cause...I asked her to stick a finger up there cause it feels good with a blowjob. I told her the tip of a finger and she didn’t really seem to care when I told her to stop pushing inside with a dry fucking finger. She didn’t care when she shoved practically her whole hand up there no matter how much I told her to stop. Eventually once she realized my boner wasn’t coming back she washed up, untied me and left. I’ve always been leery of relationships but after that I said fuck no. Until I met this girl today. She seems sweet.”
Sam didn’t move and Dean threw his head back. 
“Say something.” 
“I’m so sorry that happened to you,” said Sam quietly. Dean risked a glance over at him and was surprised to see Sam’s scrunched up face. “Did you ever say anything?”
“No and I don’t want to. It was over two years ago. I honestly forgot about it until today and I met that girl,” said Dean.
“I hope she’s a good fit,” said Sam.
“Me too.”
“Just um, for the record, doing that stuff isn’t weird. I’ve had my share of experiences,” said Sam. 
“Thanks,” said Dean. “Don’t go on treating me any kind of way or anything, got it? This was a one time thing.”
“That’s what you said the last time,” said Sam before he gave Dean a hug. 
“Loser,” said Dean as he returned it. “You staying the night? It’s pretty late.”
“Yeah if you don’t mind,” said Sam as he sat back. He stretched and Dean looked him over. “What?”
“You were at the office, weren’t you.”
“So,” he said with a shrug. 
“Sammy you’re twenty seven. Friday nights are for fun or hanging out at home, not work. I told you I didn’t like that firm you work for.”
“It’s not a very kind place to work,” said Sam. “I’ve been thinking of leaving honestly, coming closer to home again.”
“I miss my friends, our friends. You’re alright too,” he said, Dean resisting the urge to tease him for it.
“Move in here. If you want your own place, you can find one with no rush. I wouldn’t mind company,” said Dean. “There’s plenty of law firms downtown. You’d have no problem getting a job.”
“I gotta stay another two months for them to finish paying off my loan,” said Sam. “But after that, yeah I think I’ll come back home. I just had to go out on my own without you watching my back, you know?”
“Yeah. I was still always watching your back though,” said Dean. “Don’t be trying to get me to eat all that healthy crap or I’ll kick your ass to the curb.”
“You are literally a doctor.”
“And doctors are literally the worst patients. Trust me,” said Dean with a smirk. “What kinda pie you bring me?”
“Blueberry,” said Sam.
“I gonna ruin whatever cleanse you’re on if you have a slice?” 
“You got ice cream?”
“Always were a sucker for ice cream,” said Dean. He hopped up from the couch and hummed as he went over to the kitchen, Sam watching and following after a moment. Sam took a seat at the counter while Dean put a plate in front of him, putting the ice cream on top of the pie how he liked it. “There you go.”
“Thanks,” he said before he dug in. Dean took his time with his own piece, leaning back against the counter. 
“Thanks for coming over tonight. Never told anyone before.”
“I’ll never say a word,” said Sam.
“I know you won’t, Sammy,” said Dean. He got out a pair of beers from the fridge and handed one to Sam with a smile. “You doing okay? Been awhile since we talked.”
“Mhm,” said Sam quickly.
“Want to tell me what it is? Whatever you’re not telling me? I think we established that-”
“Mom contacted me this week. At work. My number and picture was on the company website so she called there,” said Sam.
“What exactly did Mary have to say?” said Dean, setting down his plate and nursing his beer instead.
“She said she and dad have been together again for a few years. They went to couples counseling and dad stopped drinking and a whole bunch of other bullshit.”
“Wouldn’t happen to be the fact I’m a doctor and you’re a lawyer and her stay at home ass wants a nicer lifestyle, hm?” said Dean. “Tell her to shove it up her ass and to get a job if she wants money.”
“She sounded different, Dean. Like maybe she’s in trouble or something,” said Sam.
“That’s the same crap she pulled on you when you were eighteen and twenty one and twenty four and guess what, it’s three years later again. Time for her to lie to you, right on schedule.”
“She’s not the devil, Dean.”
“She slapped you in the face.”
“I was backtalking her. I deserved it.”
“You were an upset kid-”
“I was 14.”
“You were an upset kid and she hit you. That was the final straw for me and it should have been for you too,” said Dean. “You should stay away from her, Sam.”
“I’m not going to suddenly start hanging out with her. She just wanted to know if I’d consider meeting her and dad again and I told her I didn’t know and if I wanted to talk to them, I’d reach out, otherwise they could leave me alone. Happy?” Sam pushed his plate away and crossed his arms, pursing his lips while he stared at the counter.
“I just don’t want you to get hurt, Sammy. I wish our parents were normal. I’d kill to have had them. But they weren’t and they sucked and they’ve tried to manipulate us our entire lives. Just keep no contact and you’re better off.”
“Why don’t they ever contact you?” Sam looked up and Dean turned his head.
“They hate me. I hate them so that’s fine,” said Dean. 
“But why-”
“I got custody of you. I took you from them in their eyes, ergo they hate me.”
“I mean, do you ever think about-”
“No. I don’t plan on speaking to either one of them for the rest of my life,” said Dean. He finished his beer and picked up his pie plate again. “I know you want-”
“I used to want a lot of things. It wasn’t what was best for me though and I shouldn’t have given you so much shit for taking me away as a teenager.”
“Well alright then,” said Dean, picking at his pie again. 
“You ever gonna tell me how exactly you pulled that off? It was handled outside of court and I know you gotta have some shit or something on them,” said Sam.
“Maybe I’ll share someday but not tonight,” said Dean, his voice firm. “Why don’t you grab another couple beers and we’ll throw on a movie, alright? Polish off this pie.”
“Alright. I’m stealing some of your clothes though. I want to get out of this office crap,” said Sam. He stood up and headed for the stairs when Dean grunted. Sam looked back over his shoulder and Dean nodded.
“I’m glad you came over tonight,” said Dean.
“Me too. This girl must have made a hell of an impression.”
“You don’t know the half of it.”
Reader’s POV
“Tessa. Oh my God, it was fine the first time,” you said as she worked on your side braid again. “Dean’ll be here any minute.”
“Relax. Make him squirm,” she said. “How are you so shit at braiding hair anyways?”
“Cause mom never taught me, that’s why,” you said.
“I think it’s cause you’re just shit at it,” she said.
“You shouldn��t say shit all the time you know.”
“Just don’t do drugs and don’t get pregnant and I’m happy.”
“Well for the record, I’m a virgin,” she said.
“I actually do have a question.”
“You waited until I literally can’t move away, didn’t you,” you said as she moved your hair together.
“Yes, I did,” she smiled. “Um it’s kinda…”
“Go ahead and ask. I guarantee I had the same questions.”
“What’s a vibrator? One of the girls was talking about it in gym class and I didn’t...get it,” she said.
“Do you understand how girls masturbate?” you asked. She nodded and you bit your lip. “So you know how when you rub your...when you rub your clit it feels good, right? Some people like to use a vibrator which is normally a stick type thing that has different settings with a head end that’s rounded. If you put that against your clit, it can feel really, really good...and get you to orgasm pretty hard.”
“Oh. Okay,” she said as she finished with the braid. “So what’s a dildo?”
“Similar but basically a fake dick,” you said. 
“Uh, what?” she said as the doorbell rang.
“How about we talk about all this stuff tomorrow, okay?” you said.
“Okay. I’m still hung up on the fake dick thing.”
“Block it out of your head for now,” you said, shaking your head. “If I’m not back by the time you head to Hailey’s lock up and remember to bring Toast’s bed with you this time, okay? He likes it better than the hard floor.”
“I know, I know,” she said. You jogged downstairs and opened the door, Dean in a pair of jeans and a black tee shirt. 
“Howdy,” he said with a big smile.
“Hi Dean,” said Tessa out her window. 
“Hello Tessa,” he chuckled. “Torturing your sister today?”
“Always,” she said. “You two kids have fun now!”
“Oh you don’t even know what a fake dick is,” you said. “Do not go looking that up on the internet either.”
She groaned as you grabbed your purse and locked up, Dean laughing to himself.
“Sorry. She decided to literally start asking about sex toys right before you got here.”
“Sounds fun,” he said. You hopped down your steps and saw a very nice muscle car parked out front. “Hungry?”
“I know the perfect place.”
“Okay, Winchester. I will respect your food truck game,” you said, munching on your taco. “Normally I’m leery but this is good.”
“Told you so,” he said. He took a big bite of his across from you, slurping down some lemonade. He burped and blushed, covering his mouth. “Excuse me.”
“You’re almost cute with that pink on your cheeks,” you said.
“I liked this better when you were the shy one,” he said. You smiled and ate quietly for a few minutes, Dean nodding when you were both finished. He took your hand and you started to walk around the big park in town, finding a walking trail after a few moments. “I like your hair. It’s cute.”
“My sister did it. I’m not you know, good at that stuff,” you said.
“I liked your hair yesterday too,” he said. “So how does one name a dog Toast?”
“I thought it’d be funny,” you said. “Tessa was on a limited diet at first at the hospital. Toast was the one thing she liked. When they talked to me about a service dog, I got in touch with some people and they were training a new litter so we got to name the dog and I picked Toast. It was just a goofy thing I suppose.”
“Is he always on duty?” he asked.
“No. His vest comes off at home and he’s a normal one mostly. Tessa’s staying with a friend tonight so he’ll go with her. He’s very protective of her. It’s why he ran home and got me yesterday.”
“Smart dog,” he said. “My brother always wanted a dog. It never quite fit with our life though.”
“How old is he?”
“A year younger than you. He might get one soon I think.”
“What about you?”
“I don’t think I’d be very good at it. My yard is big enough though,” he said. “I’m over on Fern Lane. The blue house.”
“You got that big cool balcony over the garage right?” you said.
“That’s the one,” he said. “I haven’t been there too long. It’s a nice neighborhood.”
“It is. We grew up here. I was out of the house but I moved back for Tessa. You from Lawrence?”
“Yeah. East side of town though. Always wanted to live over here,” he said. “Everything seemed so perfect over in the nice part.”
“Mostly,” you said. 
“It does get easier. Trust me.”
“I hope so,” you said. He bumped your shoulder and you smiled. “So what kind of doctor are you?”
“Obviously I’m a brain surgeon,” he said. You rolled your eyes and he laughed. “General family practice. I’m boring, I know.”
“That is still way too hard for me,” you said.
“I bet you could do it if you really wanted to. So what do you do? I overheard you say to Tessa you got a new job.”
“I was a paralegal at a law firm. On Monday I start as a junior investor at Sandover, the big marketing firm.”
“My friend Charlie is head of IT there,” he said. “She says it’s a pretty decent place to work.”
“Oh. That’s good. I hope it works out,” you said. 
“I bet it will. Just don’t let ‘em work you to death,” he said.
“I’m gonna try. I’m excited. This could be really good for us. Tessa doesn’t know how...tight things have been.”
“Leeman’s over on the east side, it’s a pretty cheap grocery store. It’s not fancy but we used to go all the time as a kid. Way cheaper than the box store over here,” he said.
“I’ll have to check it out,” you said. You looked him up and down, Dean smiling to himself. “You grew up kinda…”
“Poor? Yeah. It’s okay. It’s not a bad word,” he said. He ran his thumb over your hand and you smiled back at him. “You learn to get by. My brother’s a lawyer now so we don’t have to worry about that too much now.”
“Maybe Tessa’ll be a doctor,” you said. “That’d definitely help us.”
“I’m sure she’ll do something good. You can just tell she looks up to you. She won’t let you down.”
“Fingers crossed,” you said. “So why choose general medicine?”
“Thanks,” you said, sticking your arms through Dean’s flannel later that evening.You took his hand again, walking through downtown back towards his car.
“I don’t remember the last time I spent a Saturday like this, hanging out with someone,” he said.
“Been a while for me too,” you said.
“Is this still considered the first date?” he asked.
“Probably. Why?”
“You want to come over my place...for coffee?” he asked. 
“No, no. I mean like, literal coffee. I have pie at home and...if I was talking sex I’d be a big boy and just ask,” he said.
“Oh. Well in that case, sure,” you said. “Guys that want sex on the first date normally don’t end up getting a second one in my experience.”
“Well I definitely want a second one,” he smirked. “Also I really want some pie and I need to know your pie stance because this could impact the future of this relationship greatly.”
“I see,” you laughed. “I like a man who knows where his priorities lie.”
“Damn straight I do,” he said. He threw his arm over your shoulders and chuckled. “It’ll knock your socks off, I guarantee it.”
“Alright, this is pretty good,” you said twenty minutes later as you sat at Dean’s kitchen counter, munching on a piece of blueberry pie. 
“Told you so,” he said. He ate another forkful, getting some whipped cream stuck on the tip of his nose. He didn’t notice and started to giggle as you stared at him. “What’s that face for goofy?”
“You got a little…” you said, reaching over and wiping it off with your thumb. You licked if off and he blushed for probably the tenth time that day. “You don’t strike me as shy around women, Dean.”
“Normally I’m not. You make me nervous. Good nervous but still nervous.”
“What about me is so intimidating?” you asked, stealing a tiny piece of his pie. 
“You remind me of me. I’ve been in similar shoes to yours. I know how easy it is to get set off and how people don’t realize you don’t mean what you’re saying.”
“Pushing people away you mean.”
“I don’t want to get pushed away or cross a line.”
“Tell me a secret and I’ll tell you one of mine,” you said.
“I took custody of my brother when I turned eighteen,” he said. You stared at him, Dean nodding. “My mom walked out when I was a kid more than once and my dad was...unkind at times. I protected my brother from it as much as I could. When I was able to, I left and I was given guardianship of my brother. I’ve not seen either of my parents since. I understand raising your younger sibling when you are scared shitless. Most people don’t. They don’t get that I’m still fucked up from the stuff that happened as a kid and when I took in my brother. People don’t get that, not all the way. Not even my best friends or my brother. But you have this look and I know you understand the same way I do so I’ll be nervous because I like you more than just because you’re pretty and helpful and a good sister. You get some part of me that I don’t talk about and it’s the part of you that you don’t talk about and maybe we can make that work.”
You leaned forward and kissed him, Dean sliding a hand to your cheek, a soft but comforting weight to it.
“What’s your secret,” he said quietly, your forehead resting against his.
“I lost my job,” you said. “I lied to Tessa. She worries so much already and I can’t let her know the truth. I’ve been working as a cashier the past month.”
“Y/N, you gotta tell her the truth.”
“She already feels guilty because our parents were picking her up from basketball practice when the accident happened. She goes to therapy, Dean. I can’t tell her. Not now.”
“Can you afford to stay in the house?”
“It’s almost paid off. She can afford four years at the university with my share of the inheritance.”
“Y/N. You can’t go bankrupt just to send her to a university.”
“Lots of people do.”
“Y/N. I practice general medicine because the state pays off my student loan debt if I do. You have to tell Tessa the truth about what’s realistic.”
“My seventeen year old sister currently makes more money than I do. I can’t take anything else from her. She deserves to go to the school she always wanted to.”
“Well...we need a new lab tech at work. Do you want it?” he asked.
“Dean, I’m not asking for a job.”
“I’m not giving charity either. You have a degree, you’re smart and I know you could do it. I don’t know the pay but it’s got to be better than minimum wage.”
“Someone helped me. I was an eighteen year old kid with a part time job and I had no idea what I was doing. Someone helped me and it gave me a chance to live, to have all this. It’s not charity. It’s decency and everyone deserves that.”
“Never tell my sister,” you said.
“If you take the job I won’t.”
“Okay,” you said with a nod. “This was a more fun date a few minutes ago you know.”
“But now we’re really starting to know one another,” he said. You were quiet, playing with your fork for a beat.
“Can I stay over? I don’t like sleeping in the house alone.”
“Of course,” he said. You flicked your eyes up, Dean offering you a smile. 
“How do you get happy again?”
“Having a stranger run by shouting about toast helps,” he said. You rolled your eyes and he shrugged. “I’m not joking.”
“Why are you single?”
“I’m more complicated than I look at first glance. I’ve been told it’s not an attractive quality.”
“Well fuck whatever bitch said that.”
“I really like you,” he chuckled.
“I have my moments,” you said. You sat back, Dean pushing the bit of pie left on his plate around. “Was that too much...me sharing that.”
“No. I’m glad you did,” he said. “You want to watch something?”
“Whatever you want is fine.”
“Come on,” he said. He showed you upstairs and gave you some clothes to sleep in before he showed you outside to the balcony over the garage. “I sit out here at night sometimes.”
“It’s gorgeous,” you said. You settled down into an oversized chair with him, looking up at the dark sky.
“Yes, it is,” he said as he looked in your direction. 
“So what’s your favorite kind of pie?”
“Oh well if you want to go down that road I can chat your ear off all night.”
“Good morning,” said Dean as you made your way downstairs. You yawned and gave him a smile, Dean handing you a cup of coffee.
“Much appreciated.” You took a long gulp, stretching out and taking a deep breath. “What time is it?”
“After ten. We stayed up pretty late talking,” he said.
“I guess we did,” you said, rubbing the back of your neck. “Can I have your phone for a sec?”
“Sure,” he said. You put in your number and handed it back.
“Text me sometime,” you said.
“I think I’ll take you up on that,” he said. “I gotta run and do a few chores this morning but I’m having a few friends over later to watch football if you and Tessa would like to join.”
“You really want my sister hanging out with us?”
“Yeah. As long as she’s like, not a devil worshipper or doesn’t like pie she’s always welcome.”
“Only you would categorize those two things together,” you laughed.
“I am quite serious about my pies.”
“Oh I learned that last night,” you said. “I’ll invite her. She’s seventeen though so not sure how much fun she’ll have.”
“There’ll be a couple guys her age if-”
“She’ll definitely be there then,” you said.
“Great. Let’s have some breakfast quick before I drop you off at home.”
A/N: Read Part 3 here!
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writingmessynaruto · 3 years
For the Madara request, could I get some romantic fluff for him?
I'm ace and it's really hard to find things for him that don't get very sexual and I'd love something that does not go beyond pecks you know?
Maybe brushing his hair scene? It's very self indulgence here bc unlike most ppl I headcanon his hair to be very damaged and messy, you don't throw all those fire jutsu with no heat damage you know? Little teasing about that would be nice 💖
No physical preferences, with this you don't need to specifiy gender either, you can keep it as vague as possible so it's more relatable for others too
Thanks so much for the ask! I loved writing something this sweet and affectionate. I hope you enjoy!
{ Curls and Camellia }
Madara x Reader
cw: fluff, hair-combing, romantic affection, pet names, mild cuddling
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It was clear Madara didn’t care too much about his appearance around you.
Certainly, he cared enough to impress you, or at least to look presentable. He wouldn’t describe himself as high-maintenance. But you knew better.
Considering he was the clanhead, it sort of baffled you that he didn’t take better care of his hair. His long hair was a symbol of tradition and honor in the clan, and as the clanhead, it was odd that he didn’t seem too interested in upholding that, despite his conviction to his people. After a while, you came to suppose that Madara just had his own way of doing things.
Still, that way had some clumsy side-effects. Fire style jutsus were unforgiving toward everything they touched, and that also sometimes included hair. Madara had no shortage of hair, and because he never took the time to tie it up during combat (something about not “interrupting the flow of chakra”), it could quite easily get fried. On top of that, his hair was wavy, nearly curly, and that made the damage far worse.
You had brought this up before. Even as recently as last week. Though he appreciated your concerns, he didn’t make time to take care of it. So, you had taken the liberty of buying some hair oils.
And, that night, you sprang it upon him.
“I found some rejuvenating oils today.”
He nodded in acknowledgement, not looking up from the scrolls he was studying. You continued.
“If you want, I can work them through your hair while you read.”
He slowly tore his gaze away from the scroll, clearly trying to process two things at once. “My hair?”
You gave him a look. “You’re singed, love.”
“Singed?” He blinked innocently and looked over his shoulder at the ends of his hair. You laughed.
“Really.” He pulled a handful of hair over his shoulder to inspect closer. You were already approaching with your supplies. As you knelt behind him, he glanced over what all you brought.
“Scissors?” he inquired.
“Some of it can’t be saved.”
Still, he was in disbelief as to how much was damaged. “How much?”
“I’ll see.”
“Not everything, right?”
“No, not everything.”
He nodded as you sorted through the most damaged sections. You snipped off a few chunks and softened the ends. It really was quite a shame he didn’t take better care of this mane. It was the envy of all his clanspeople.
“How bad is it?” He sounded nonchalant. Madara always sounded rather unconcerned about things. It was something he even intended to do. Most of the time, it was convincing. But right now, you could tell he was worrying, even if only a little.
“It’s like the aftermath of a battle.”
You were only teasing. Although he perhaps tried to hide it, you could feel him tense up. You rubbed his back in reassurance, his soft locks bunching effortlessly between your fingers.
“It’s fine,” you whispered, chuckling gently. “It won’t look any different, I promise.” If he didn’t notice the burnt hair, he probably wouldn’t notice the absence of it either.
He sighed with a smile, glancing back at you with that look. He was softer than most people realized. He enjoyed things like this, even though he didn’t take the time to do them himself. And he always had a way of making you feel appreciated. He was so easy to be near. Honestly, it was easy both of you.
You put aside the scissors, exchanging them for the comb. This wasn’t the first time you helped him with his hair, and it wouldn’t be the last. You didn’t mind that one bit. It was clear this felt just as good for him as it did for you.
Once the comb pulled through easily, it was on to the oil. You rubbed some between your hands, inhaling the fragrant smell of camellia.
“Don’t put too much in there,” Madara murmured calmly. “I don’t want to make my hair more flammable than it apparently already is.” Even from this angle, you could see the smile in his cheeks. It was contagious; as you went back to work, a smile adorned your face, too. You almost wanted to hug him. And as you smoothed the oil through his locks, a beautiful sheen began to accent his waves.
“I’ll braid it,” you assured him. “Just to keep the moisture in.” And that would protect the hair from further damage, too, you knew. It was worth another shot to ask him. “If you want, you can keep it in the braid, too. It will help prevent damage.”
“You’ll have to teach me how to do it.” Much more accepting.
“I can braid it before you leave next.” Easy. Your hands started to gather his hair into three thick sections.
“Thank you.” His voice had become even more tender now. Soon, he would likely be getting cuddly, too. He tended to get that way when his voice turned that gentle. For a war-hardened clanhead, he truly was the most gentle person you knew.
Down his back, you continued the braid until the curly ends. Once it was secured, Madara gently pulled the plait it forward to inspect it. It was like draping a thick snake over his shoulder, shiny and black and beautiful. His smile was small, almost bashful. He got like this too whenever you helped him with his hair. He could never quite look you in the eye by the time you finished. It made him go red in the face, and quite speechless.
You didn’t tease him for it. You liked his gentleness. And without a word or a nod, you scooted up next to him and stretched out on the floor. With your head rested on his lap, you could see all his scrolls laid out. Some of them you could faintly read, and others not.
He murmured overhead. “Thank you, my dove.”
When Madara got flustered, he really got flustered. His voice would hardly come out. It only made you smile.
Briefly, you glanced up at him. His hand came down to rest on your shoulder in a gentle caress, but his eyes were still fixated upon his braid. He was perhaps in wonder over how shiny it looked.
You contained a chuckle and relaxed your head again. Closing your eyes, you finally allowed yourself to deeply inhale, filling your nose with the sweet scent of camellia. You wouldn’t mind doing this more often, burnt hair aside. And you had a feeling Madara would make time for this now, even if he didn’t care much about the look of his hair -- perhaps, because, more importantly, it involved you.
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Want more personalized (and queer) Madara x Reader?
Read my post and send me an ask!
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trash-writings · 3 years
See You Then
Nanami x Fem!Reader x Aizawa
Another commission. If you're interested in commissioning me, send me a message!
Summary: Your boyfriends surprise you for your birthday. (this is not set in either jjk or bnha, just some fun smut).
Warnings: Fem!Reader, nipple play, fingering, oral (f. and m. receiving), vaginal sex, anal sex, double penetration, one (1) spank to the ass, daddy (aizawa) and sir (nanami) kink, pet names used: bunny, baby, and brat (let me know if I missed any!!)
Word count: 3k
Something was off. You knew there was just something not completely right whenever you got home, but you are still struggling to place it. It’s like an itch that you can’t scratch, constant irritation and burning while you desperately try to dig your nails into it to no avail. You set your bag down, letting it rest on the recliner adjacent to your couch.
Whatever it is, you’re sure it’s probably nothing serious. Nothing looks like your apartment had been broken into or anything stolen. Shaking your head to clear any intrusive thoughts, you open your bedroom door and find a large black gift box laid across your bed. It has a bright red ribbon wrapped around it, the stark contrast between the colors almost comically sinful. The ribbon is silky to the touch, and you almost don’t want to open it since it’s wrapped so perfectly.
Inside the box, a dark blue lingerie set with a matching blindfold sits perfectly laid out with a white rose on top. You can’t help but giggle. Whether it’s with excitement or at the absurdity of the grand way this has been placed, you’re not sure. A small note is tucked between the rose and blindfold. Picking it up, you open it to find it’s from Aizawa and Nanami.
We’ll be home at 8. See you then, love.
Checking your phone, you see you have just over two hours before they’ll be here. Your feeling was right, something is definitely up here. With your time, you decide a quick shower and time to get ready is needed, even indulging in a new sugar scrub you hadn’t had time to try out in the last few days. You had ordered a box of new self-care products since your birthday is… well, tomorrow.
This is the first year you’ve ever had someone, let alone two someones, surprise you with something so intimate. Your cheeks are starting to hurt from the permanent grin on your cheeks since opening the box, so you try and relax while applying some moisturizer after your shower.
As you slip on the lace lingerie, you can’t help but stand in front of the mirror for an extra moment or two, enjoying the way the fabric hugs your body as if it were crafted just for you. You slip on a black robe over the revealing material and tie the sash tightly to feel secure.
The urge to text one or both of them is strong, even checking if you have any messages from them every few minutes. Only an hour left before they’re home. You wish they had given you at least a little more instruction. Are you supposed to put the blindfold on now and sit with your thoughts for an hour? Should you stay in your room or go sit on the couch to wait?
Even now, you’re lost in all these uncertainties about what you should or shouldn’t be doing. Yet, a part of you knows it doesn’t matter. Both of them are happy to serve you, always following your lead and making you their priority. Whatever you choose to do before the time given, and as long as you slip on the blindfold, you know it’ll be worth the waiting and one hell of a surprise.
Deciding the bed is the best place to wait, you untie the rope, letting it hang open while you sit at the bottom of the bed, legs hanging off the edge. The blindfold reminds you of Nanami’s friend, whose name you can’t quite place at the moment. It feels soft against your skin, and not too tight which you had worried about. It doesn’t completely blackout everything in the room, you notice as you look around. It does just enough to leave some mystery behind the shadows you can just barely make out.
The clicking of the lock from your front door makes you turn your head towards your bedroom door. Your stomach turns with excitement, and every hair on your arms seems to be standing at attention as goosebumps spread. Quiet shuffling, and words you can’t quite make out make it harder to stay still.
As the door to your room swings open, you dig your fingers into the edge of the bed, trying your best not to lift the mask and jump on the two figures you can make out through the blindfold.
“Kento, would you look at that,” Aizawa’s voice makes you smile. “Our girl is so good for us.”
“She really is,” Nanami starts to move from your line of sight. You feel the bed dip, and his slender fingers caress your shoulders. You melt back against him and whimper. “Happy birthday sweetheart,” he kisses the base of your neck.
Part of you wants to correct that it’s not technically your birthday until tomorrow, but the other part is screaming at you to shut up and just be good. You’ll let that part win tonight.
Another set of hands caress your thighs, rougher than Nanami’s but thicker fingers. Aizawa’s hands always make your body react in some way as if they have magnets inside forcing your body to pull towards him. His thumb and fingers squeeze your skin, making you gasp as they move up your thighs.
“Since you’re being so good, we thought you’d like some extra attention tonight,” Aizawa tells you, his breath dangerously close to your core.
If you could squirm, you would. But with Nanami behind you and massaging your shoulders and Aizawa between your thighs, you know there’s no way you’d be able to move without them holding you still. They’re not touching you in any way that’s extraordinary, but every fluid motion of their fingers on your skin makes your body heat rise and your panties wet.
“What do you think Shouta, is she ready now?” Nanami asks from behind you.
Something about the way they don’t directly address you, even while touching you so sensually, is driving you nuts. You want to beg them to fuck you now, but something else deep inside of you is telling you to wait. They must have something planned, the way they are working together so seamlessly to work you up with such little attention proves that.
“I think she isn’t quite warmed up, what do you think?” Aizawa’s fingers softly drag over the lace of the lingerie covering your clit. You moan, pushing your hips forward and he laughs. “I think she wants something.”
“Go on, tell us what you want baby girl.” Nanami coos in your ear, while his hands slide down your chest and begin massaging your breasts.
“Want you both,” you moan as his thumbs flick over your nipples.
“That’s not very specific, sweetheart. Tell daddy what you want him to do.” Aizawa presses his fingers harder against your clit and you gasp. “How can we know what you want unless you tell us?”
“Daddy,” you whimper as he presses harder on your clit. “Want you to eat me out.”
He chuckles, his breath warm against your throbbing core. Pulling your panties to the side his warm tongue licks up your folds once, stopping and swirling around your clit. You let out a loud cry, excited to finally have what you wanted so desperately between your thighs.
“What about me baby? Tell me what you want too,” Nanami cooks between soft kisses on your neck.
His fingers focus on pinching your nipples and tugging lightly. Between this and Aizawa’s tongue, you’re having trouble thinking straight, let alone trying to come up with something to tell Nanami.
“You, Sir.” You gasp out and whine when he pinches your nipples harder.
“That’s not a good answer, brat.”
“Kiss me!” You answer quickly, your words breathy and desperate.
Aizawa’s tongue teases around your entrance, his hands pulling your ass nearly off the bed while he buries your face between your thighs. Nanami doesn’t waste any time, taking full advantage of you now laying against his chest. He tilts your head up, his lips pressing to yours and moving roughly. You part your lips, letting his tongue slip into your mouth as one hand comes up to wrap around your throat.
You moan against his mouth as Aizawa pushes two fingers inside of you, scissoring them to stretch your hole. You buck your hips once and he holds you down, sucking hard at your clit. You pull away from Nanami’s kiss, breathless and panting.
“C-close,” you moan out before Nanami shoves his tongue in your mouth again.
His free hand pulling your lace bra down and exposing them to him. Releasing your neck and lips he lays you across his lap. You hear the unbuckling of his pants, then your head is turned by his hand and your lips are met with the soft skin of the head of his cock and a wet drop of precum.
“No cumming until we tell you, sweetheart,” you hear Aizawa tell you as Nanami’s cock pushes in your mouth.
He groans as your tongue swirls around the head. Aizawa’s fingers pull out of your cunt, and you whine, making Nanami groan louder. He holds your head guiding you to suck him off while you feel Aizawa’s cock prodding at your wet entrance.
“Better get my cock nice and wet, baby.” Nanami says in a deep tone. “that way it’s nice and easy to stretch your tight little asshole.”
You clench around Aizawa’s cock as he pushes inside, the thought of finally being filled in both holes making it harder for you to contain the orgasm that’s threatening to ravish your body. It’s overwhelming already, and the blindfold is starting to slip up off your eyes and onto your forehead. You can barely make out the dark blue shirt Nanami is wearing as the fabric pushes against your nose and you choke on his cock.
“Fuck, you take my cock so well,” he groans.
“She’s so perfect,” Aizawa comments while thrusting inside of you roughly and making you whimper. “Our perfect little bunny.”
It’s too much to hold back now, you cum around Aizawa’s cock without permission. Your toes curl and your eyes water. Tear stains on the blindfold only grow while Nanami fucks your mouth through your orgasm. Aizawa doesn’t stop either, his rough pace only picking up and making you shake.
“Bad girl,” he coos. “Cumming around my cock without asking. Who gave you permission?”
Nanami pulls his cock out of your mouth and slides the blindfold off your eyes. You look up, his normally stern face softer and smiling at you while he strokes your head and cheek.
“Are you ready?” He asks you softly, and Aizawa slows down until he’s stilling inside of you. “You have to tell us if you are.”
“Don’t feel pressured either, baby. We only want to make you feel good.” Aizawa tells you, his hand stroking your thigh softly.
“Just tell me what position you need me in,” you joke looking at them both.
Aizawa pulls out of you and laughs as you pout. “Do you want us to position you or not?”
“Brat,” Nanami teases while standing you up at the end of the bed before sitting where you had once been. “You have to tell us when to stop or slow down, okay bunny?” He kisses your back gently.
“Yes, sir.”
“Good girl,” Aizawa kisses your lips softly while backing you up between Nanami’s thighs.
Nanami sucks on his middle and forefingers before slowly pumping them into your asshole. You whine and squeeze Aizawa’s arms while he holds you still. He spreads his fingers, prepping you for his cock while you stroke Aizawa’s cock in front of you.
“Sir, please,” you moan.
He pulls his fingers out, pulling you down by your hips and sinking you down on his cock. The stretch burns before feeling unbelievable as you roll your hips. He lets you set the pace at first, holding your hips while you ride him.
“You love his cock, don’t you baby?” Aizawa coos, kissing your foreword and reaching down between your thighs to toy with your clit. “Of course, you do. You’re soaking wet.”
“W-want you too,” you rasp as Nanami begins to thrust up into you. “Please daddy!”
“I love watching you beg for more,” he smiles.
Nanami leans you back against him, giving Aizawa access to your cunt while he holds you still. Aizawa pressing inside of you is nearly enough to make you cum again, nearly. You can’t help but close your eyes and let out a lewd sound as you’re filled completely. They alternate thrusting inside of you, their pacing almost too perfect and leaving you never wanting.
Nanami’s grip on your hips is tight, and you can’t help but imagine the pretty purple bruises that’ll grace your skin in the morning, if not a few hours from now. Aizawa sucks on your nipple, the other being assaulted by his strong fingers pinching and massaging.
Each thrust of their cocks is intense, Aizawa’s hitting your cervix, and Nanami incredibly deep in your ass is overwhelming.
No, it’s ethereal.
A sharp smack to your ass from Nanami’s hand makes you yelp, and he laughs. You feel yourself reaching your second orgasm, the threads threatening to snap inside of you. The way their cocks throb inside of you makes you aware that they are incredibly close too. If you cum, they might too.
Aizawa releasing your nipple and rubbing circles against your clit sends you over, you cum crying out a slur of curse words and words you can’t quite make out. They both stop inside of you, leaving you completely full as you clench around their cocks.
“Fuck, fuck,” Nanami curses before releasing inside of you, cum dripping out of your ass and around his cock.
You have no time to breathe, Aizawa pounding inside of you a few times before he cums as well. He’s rougher, fucking you through his orgasm and leaving you breathless. They hold you still, everyone breathing slowly and recovering.
Aizawa pulls out first, kissing your forehead and disappearing to your bathroom. Nanami lifts you up gently, sitting you down on the bed and ribbing your arm to soothe you.
“You did so well, bunny. We’re so proud of you.” He kisses the back of your shoulders, continuing to rub your shoulder and arm.
Aizawa bends down in front of you, smiling at you. “Feeling okay, sweetheart?”
You nod, tired and not wanting to use the energy to speak just yet.
“Can I clean you up?” He holds up a damp washcloth and you nod again.
He gently lifts your leg up and wipes you clean while softly rubbing your leg. He doesn’t take too long, letting you recover and relax on the bed. He sits beside you, pulling your head onto his lap so he can comfort you along with Nanami before you’re ready to move. Your body is tired, but your mind is still buzzing; making it easier for you to snap back quickly.
“Okay, I’m good now.” You tell them both giggling. “That was amazing,” you laugh louder.
They both laugh, getting off the bed. Nanami leaves the room, heading towards the kitchen and you raise an eyebrow to Aizawa.
“Kento is going to go start a late dinner. I’m going to treat you to a nice bath first, though.” He Pulls you up by your hands and helps you to the bathroom.
You hadn’t noticed the water running before, but you see the tub is nearly full when you get inside. Aizawa helps you out of the lingerie set, tossing it into a laundry basket before setting you in the hot water. He gets in behind you, letting you lay against his chest while he holds you.
“What is Kento making?” You ask with a giggle.
“Oh, not interested in my bath?” He teases and you smack his arm. “I think he’s making some pasta you like; I can’t remember if I’m honest. I just picked out the cake.”
“There’s a cake?!” You sit up, turning to look at him.
“Of course, there’s a cake! It’s your damn birthday, brat.” He kisses your nose, and your smile laying back on him.
As you relax you begin to smell the food from the kitchen wafting into the bathroom. Your stomach growls, and Aizawa laughs.
“Let’s get out now then,” he helps you out and dries you off before leaving you to get dressed.
He leaves your bedroom while you’re dressing, helping Nanami in the kitchen. As you peer out the bedroom into your kitchen beyond the living room, you can’t help but wonder how you got so lucky to not only have one but two perfect boyfriends.
“----?” Nanami calls your name, eyes bright and a smile on his face. “Dinner is ready.”
“Get in here, brat,” Aizawa adds while setting the table.
You giggle skipping to the dining table to join them.
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dreaminpetals · 3 years
Ik this is like the second you opened but uhh.. can I get some Naib swf/nsfw hcs? He’s a huge comfort character but he dosent have very much content kandnsksnsnsnsnsn
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⛓ naib hcs ー sfw & nsfw
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SFW ;;
♡ naib is a tough nut to crack at first.
♡ he's cold when you try to speak with him, but becomes an entirely different person when tasting danger in battle. he takes an absurd amount of hits for you and isn't shy about leaning in dangerously close to your lips or neck as he patches up your wounds.
♡ naib pines over you when you aren't around. he admires the way you keep fighting even when severely injured, and the fact you can taste hell without even thinking of being toxic towards your teammates or the hunter. you're a beacon of light in his life and the subject of his thoughts any time he feels like all hope for humanity is lost.
♡ he isn't sure how to describe why he feels dizzy when he sees you coming to rescue him or why the areas of skin you touch whilst healing him always burn afterwards. despite his rugged appearance and demeanour you're never rough with him, you treat him like glass which boggles the mercenary. why do you make him so soft?
♡ he struggles with seeing himself as anything other than a mercenary; a product of his homeland's endless war machine.
♡ when you tell him he's more than that ー a skilled cook, a reliable rescuer, a tease, a sweetheart, your crush ー he feels something stir in his heart. love, something naib didn't think he was worthy of experiencing.
♡ he's quite the tease once he's comfortable around you. naib kisses you so lightly that it leaves you gasping for more, or he'll eye you up and down in front of everyone just to see you freeze up in embarrassment.
♡ naib doesn't react to things much, his steeled nerves make emoting difficult, so he's all about pulling reactions out of you. pressing his hand to your cheeks and feeling them nearly sizzle under his touch always reminds him he's doing a good job of keeping you on your toes around him. it also makes him feel needed, when he sees your love for him painted on your face he can't help but give the faintest smile.
♡ he doesn't like loud or sudden noises. be mindful of that when you cuddle him. whisper in his ear about how you're so glad that he's here today if you want to see a blush tinge his scarred cheeks. rub loving circles into his hands if you want the redness to extend to his ears, too.
♡ huge show off. if you've seen his dance emote you know what i'm talking about. always flexing his muscles and dance moves around you because he knows what it does to you.
♡ in like all of naib's official art he's gobbling down drumsticks so i know he loves to cook for you and shines when you cook for him. make him a huge meal with sausages, burgers, and chicken wings if you want naib to ask to marry you on the spot. the way to a man's heart is his stomach, after all.
♡ style his hair for him and he'll wear it like that for the whole day. comfort flutters in his heart when he feels your fingers threading through his hair and tying it up or braiding it.
♡ you're eye candy to him. when you cook or you're sitting reading a book, it's common to feel a certain someone's eyes on you. he always denies that he stares, but when are his eyes not checking you out? never.
♡ when the manor holds fireworks shows he might need to be comforted. even if you're just holding his hand as he tries to maintain his composure around everyone, it works wonders for him.
♡ you ground him in reality and make him feel like a whole man as opposed to a broken one. even when you call him an absolute unit as a joke he's still so grateful for you.
♡ naib doesn't try to be rough all the time but he can't help it!! it's hard for him to be soft.
♡ his impeccable strength means that he loves to pin you against walls and hold you up as he fucks you. if one position is getting old, he flips you over his shoulder and takes you somewhere else. you can't deny that you're addicted to the way he manhandles you.
♡ he's capable of fucking you with just his eyes. when he gazes at you and licks his lips? yeah.
♡ makes a huge show of undressing himself. he looms over you as he bites his lip and slips his shirt over his shoulders, sweat glistening on his chest before you two have even done anything. he'll turn around midway through to give you a thorough look at the twisting muscles on his back as he tosses his shirt across the room.
♡ his scars have been an insecurity of his for as long as he can remember, so the sight of you getting horny and absolutely drenched with juices when you see them strokes his ego and eases his self-doubt. bonus points if you kiss them as he drills into you, it breaks his stonefaced persona and leads to some sloppy thrusts that leave you aching.
♡ into some very light knifeplay. he would have a fake blade that he traces along your skin, any laboured breaths or mewls that fall from your lips going straight to his dick. he would find your most sensitive areas and ghost the blade just beside them. he's unable to contain himself when you beg for him to just fucking touch you already.
♡ on bad days, he isn't extra rough, he just wants to be close to you. maybe you got hurt and sent waves of anxiety through his body that he isn't able to shake off despite you being safe. he protectively cages you with his body when he fucks you missionary style, resting his head in the crook of your shoulder and still staying sheathed in you even after you've both came.
♡ loves to tie you up, blindfold you, and spank you if you've been bad. teasing is naib's job, so he doesn't appreciate when you bend over a certain way as you decode with norton. each spank to your ass is fueled by envy and dripping with possessiveness. he wants to hear you promise that you'll be his forever between each breathy moan you release.
♡ naib loves to finger you. doesn't matter what hole it is, he'll slip on some fingerless gloves and rub the fabric against the areas surrounding your aching hole as his curled fingers stretch it open and make you scream.
♡ want to get a reaction out of him? pull his hair. i dare you. he lets it flow down his shoulders during sex because you like the sight, but what he doesn't know is you're yearning to reach up and pull it.
♡ if you ask him for oral, he'll drag out the process for as long as possible. your thighs will be killed with nibbles and long licks that lead to your dripping parts but his tongue never quite arrives there. when your quivering thighs cage naib's head between them, he knows he's doing an excellent job at torturing you. his half lidded eyes were made for making eye contact with as he goes down on you.
♡ his favourite act is definitely getting head. he can't control himself when your lips are wrapped tightly around his cock as you stroke him and milk him for everything he's worth.
♡ naib loves shower sex. not bath sex, but specifically pinning you to the walls of a shower as your soapy chest hits the steamed glass with every brutal thrust. his balance is perfect so don't worry about slipping. he's got you.
♡ baths are reserved for after sex. he loves to pull your back to his chest and massage you, washing off all the sinful actions you did to each other's bodies. if he's still horny, he isn't above giving you one quick orgasm in the tub before retiring for the night. naib is that guy who can always go for an extra surprise round, for better or for worse.
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jisungscaramel · 4 years
voices | changbin
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❀ genre; smut, college au, fwb ❀ pairing; changbin x reader (fem) ❀ word count; 1.6k
[warning] explicit sexual content, dirty talk, masturabation, (slight) ownership kink, (mild) dom changbin, phone sex, (which includes imagery of) oral (fem receiving), bondage, spanking, unprotected sex (stay safe y’all), overstimulation, creampie
Your eyes open to darkness, and you groan in utter annoyance - you just hate when this happens. You don’t even wanna know what time it is... but you check anyway, 2:20... am - not the worst. At least you have the opportunity to get some sleep, the slightest chance of closing your eyes to immerse in some obscure dream and certainly not the type of wet fantasy that dared to disturb your beauty rest in the first place.
The universe just loves fucking with the sleep schedule you work hard to keep regulated. But the not-so-random interruption to your slumber in it of itself is the least of your problems; the not-so-subtle throb of your clit is beyond irritating, especially since a certain someone isn’t physically there to help you with it.
Your adjusted vision wraps around the silhouette of the ceiling fan, sharpening in detail as you attempt to scrutinize it, five curved blades, metal brackets reflecting the moonlight, a simple ligh- not that a mundane distraction such as this would do anything to help, valiant effort though.
And then you turn your head to the side, fixing on the space where your phone should be laying on the bed side table.
“Should I call him...?” you ask yourself. You grab the device and go straight to the phone app, aggressively scrolling through your contacts ‘til you see his name: Changbin Seo.
Nothing fancy, nothing personal, it’s a deliberate choice to keep it that way, to stay firmly behind his boundaries, well, the boundaries you’ve assumed of him. In reality, he probably wouldn’t have an issue with you contacting him on a whim - even at this ungodly hour, but the idea still makes you nervous. That’s the prevailing predicament of a friend with benefits - sometimes there are too many boundaries and sometimes there are too few.
‘What if he gets annoyed with me? What if he stops talking to me? What if he thinks I’m crazy?’ The more time you spend in your own head, the more the shadow of your past experiences so rudely loom over you.
‘No, Changbin’s not like that. He’s not like that. He’s not like that. He’s not fucking like that.
‘At the worst, he won’t pick up ‘cause he’s asleep. That’s it. That’s all. Relax.’
Regardless, things would be much easier if he didn’t have to go across the state to be home for winter break.
And instead of making that single tap on the glass of your phone, you put it back down, placing it face down, reaching to open the drawer that lays beneath it. You pull out a little drawstring bag. In the darkness, you open it, unsheathing a silicone vibrator, light pink in the light, but rendered colorless in front of your eyes.
‘I should at least try by myself.’
Committing to your decision, you drown your ears in some dvsn - you gotta do what you can to self engage your senses. But you’d much rather hear his voice, much rather feel it vibrate against your skin, reverberate through your nerves. There’s just something about the way he growls when he goes deep, overwhelming the auricles of your ears in a crescendoing frenzy you can’t even fathom outside the moment, even if you try.
Your eyes close when you turn it on, trying your hardest to picture him in your mind’s eye.
The way he tilts his head back to stare at you, eyes half-lidded in the kind of carnal hunger, it makes you wonder what he’ll do next, body sizzling in desire, like it’s on fire. 
And then, there’s the way he lightly tugs at the corner of his bottom lip, tongue brushing over the reddened skin in a teasing lick, you just want them to dip into your slick, to indulge your clit with quick flicks. He loves to look up at you with a tinge of innocence that so eerily contrasts with the vulgarity of his actions, lips smirking against your heat ‘cause he knows exactly what he’s doing, and he knows exactly how to drive you crazy in the best possible way-
Even if your imagination is enough to get you there, it’s not enough to satisfy you; it feels like trying to fulfill a day’s worth of hunger with a measly cup of instant ramen when you know damn well you deserve a three course meal.
You haphazardly throw the toy to the side - you’ll clean it in the morning; it’s just too much effort now.
And here you are again, staring at the dark silhouette of your phone. At this point, the amount of fucks you have to give are rapidly dwindling.
And here you are again, phone shining bright in over your face, Changbin’s name and number apparent on the screen. But before you can actually contemplate the idea that you’ve begun to dub a “last resort,” your phone slips out of your hand, knocking you right on the nose, hitting - you guessed it - his number.
And… now you’re calling him. Of course the universe thinks it’s hilarious to mess with you - when does it not?
“Hello?” There’s a clear groggy sleepiness to his voice - clearly, you’ve woken him up.
Fuck. “Oh sorry, Binnie, did I wake you up?” 
“Hmm yeah,” he pauses, probably to rub his eyes, “what’s up?” As sexy as his gruff voice is, it’s the last thing you can think about, subtle embarrassment delicately wrapping your nerves.
“My bad… you know what? It’s nothing. I’ll let you sleep.”
“No, it’s okay, tell me what’s up,” he requests again.
“It’s nothing, I just…”
“Just what?”
“I miss you…”
“...Miss me where?”
“In…” you tighten your thighs together, “places where I shouldn’t.”
“Oh yeah?” You can hear rustling sheets, as if he’s sitting up, as if his attention’s focusing on you. “What would you want me to do if I was there?”
You bite your lip. “You already know.”
“Tell me.” His voice takes a commanding tone, attempting to bend you into submission even through the phone.
Your fingers trace the skin above your underwear. “God, Changbin, I want you to fucking cripple me.”
It’s simply astonishing as to how clearly his sinister chuckle comes through your line, and it’s all it takes for your hand to slip under the thin cotton covering you. “Damn, chula, I didn’t know you wanted me that bad…” a moan slips from your lips both in response to your actions and his words. “Are you touching yourself?”
“Yeah,” your flustered response sounds in the same pitch.
“Naughty girl. I’m gonna have to punish you next time I see you.”
“What are you gonna do?”
“First, I’m gonna tear your clothes off,” you peel the flimsy sleep shirt off your body, not being able to take the increasing heat radiating from your skin, “and then I’m gonna tie your arms up and bend you over my desk to spank you - one slap for every time you’ve touched yourself while I’ve been gone.”
“Where are you gonna spank me?” A sultry tone edges your words.
“On your ass… your thighs… your pussy, depends on how bad you’ve been.”
“What are you gonna do if I earn my reward?” By now, you’re reaching for the vibrator you so carelessly tossed aside not too long ago.
“I’m gonna throw you on my bed, then I’m gonna force your thighs apart and stretch out your soaking little cunt. I’ll fuck you so deep, you’ll feel me rearranging your insides,” he grunts, “Fuck, I’m so hard just thinking about it.”
“Would you let me cum?”
That evil laugh is back, prolonged in the most tantalizing of ways. “Yeah, but not just once. It’s gonna attack you back to back, until your legs go numb.”
You shudder, eyes rolling back. “What if your roommate tries to interrupt us?”
“I’m gonna fuck you harder to mark my territory.”
“Am I your territory?”
He snickers. “You know that pussy’s mine. All. Mine.”
All you can offer as a response is an array of mewls, your walls desperately tightening against the inanimate object inside you.
“God, you sound so sexy when you moan, you know that?” He grunts, and for a few seconds, no words are exchanged. The only thing you can hear is the rapid rustling of fabric, presumably around his hand movements, and the subtle hisses seeping from his lips.
“Are you naked?” he asks.
“Show me.”
You lower your phone to capture the sin you’re committing between your legs with a clear view of your bare body neck down, promptly sending the image to him.
And it’s obvious when he receives it because you hear that low, guttural growl you’re oh so familiar with. “You’re so hot.” His voice is strained. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum… are you close?”
“Yeah… I wish you could cum inside me.”
“I do too. Fuck, you look so gorgeous when your pussy’s swollen, dripping with my cum.”
His voice drops an octave, catalyzing the long overdue release that has been coiling inside you. His name rolls off your tongue in an unexpected increase in volume. The hypothetical fantasy momentarily becomes reality in your mind, simulations inducing tangible pleasure inundating you in waves that you didn’t know were possible in a setting like this; why on earth did you let the frustration marinate for this long?
“Fuck,” he curses.
“...I made a mess.”
Your phone vibrates with a message from him - it’s a video... and you have the slightest inkling of what it is.
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Biggest Fan 3
Part 1 Part 2
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Warning: coercion, blackmail, porn, nonconsent sex, cheating, toyplay
The week that followed was torture. Andy was insatiable. He found reasons to have you in his office; soon enough on your knees beneath the desk. Just a little workday relief, he said. Or when the clock tolled, he’d have you in his car. That was even more uncomfortable as you feared onlookers through the windows. He hadn’t again taken you back to his house.
And after that first week, he seemed distracted. Worse, he was angry. He dropped files on your desk without a word only to text you moments later. ‘Not today’. That was it. No explanations. As much as you were thankful for his retreat, it set you on edge. He was still your boss; your degree, your future career, your life, were all in his hands.
You sat at your desk, the font across the screen blared into your retinas. You leaned back to rub your eyes and as your vision cleared, you glanced over at Andy’s open door. He had his phone in hand, that sinister smirk on his lips. You knew that look. It had been almost two weeks since that very expression had drowned in icy dread.
He looked up from his phone and his gaze met yours. His chest puffed out and he stared back at you. He waved you in with his other hand. You pointed to the case files stacked beside your computer. He shrugged and his smirk disappeared. He pointed at his desk. That was an order.
You got up and grabbed a random file from the stack. An alibi. You held it in front of your chest as you neared his door. You knocked on the frame and he gave his usual, absent, “come in.” He was convincing. You supposed lawyers needed to be great actors. He nodded to the door and you closed it as you entered.
“We need to talk.” He looked at the empty chair across from him. You sat and rested the file on your lap, picking anxiously at the edges. “I’m sorry, baby girl, I know I haven’t had much time.” He began as he leaned on the arm of his chair. “I was just missing you like hell.”
He turned his screen to you and displayed one of your photos. This one was in your bathtub, bubbles barely hiding your nudity. He bit his lip before he blackened the screen and tossed his phone on his desk.
“I understand. Maybe it’s better we don’t--”
“You keep on with that. I thought you were a good girl. A good worker.” He leaned forward and sniffed. “The last thing you want on your performance report is the word ‘combative’. That only works in the courtroom, not in the office.”
“Mr. Barber.” He purred with a wink. “Remember your first day? I think I prefer ‘sir’ now, baby girl.”
“Mr. Barber, what do you want from me?”
“I want you to relax,” He steepled his hands together over the desk, his fingertips dragged through the short hairs along his chin. “I have good news.”
“Oh?” You blinked and crossed your ankles.
“My wife just left with Jacob. Took him out of town to see her parents. She understands I’m too busy here to take the time off.” He explained. “She’ll be gone all week.”
You were silent. You didn’t need to ask why he was telling you.
“It’ll be good. For us.” He smiled. “She’s been down my neck for the last two weeks. I haven’t been able to get away from her.”
“You think she knows?” You asked softly. “If she did, she could--”
“If she knew, she would say so,” He said. “That’s just who she is and your desk would already be empty.”
You nodded and lowered your chin. You chewed your lip.
“What’s wrong, baby girl?” He asked as he leaned over his desk.
“I don’t want to hurt anyone. Especially your family.” You said.
“You keep this quiet, you keep me happy, and you don’t have to worry about all that.” He coaxed.
You mulled his words. What about your happiness? He really didn’t seem to care about that. You stood and waved the folder at him.
“I’m running behind. I should get back to it.” You said.
“Sure,” He sat back and pushed his legs apart. “Do me a favour before you do.”
You stared at him. He tilted his head. 
“You’ve earned a break. Go take a little photo for me.” He winked. “It will get me through the rest of the day.”
“And-- Mr. Barber, I can’t.” You glanced at the door. “I have to get this done.”
“No, you have to listen to me. I’m your boss.” He snarled. “Now, you go on.” He rolled closer to his desk and picked up his phone. “Oh, and uh, wait for me after work. I’ll pick you up in our usual spot.”
“Sir.” You said grimly as you grabbed the door handle.
Was all this worth it? It wasn’t too late to just start over, but you had done so much work already. You were so close. Well, you had known this profession was cutthroat. Swallow your lumps and one day you’d be in the big office making the rules.
The drive was silent. You could feel Andy looking at you in the rear view at every corner. His hand drifted to your thigh when it wasn’t on the stick. You sat stiffly, staring ahead. You wanted to sink into the seat entirely; become a part of it.
As you entered his house, you felt sick. You looked around at the photos of his family, of the remnants of their departure. A book on the arm of the couch, a game controller on the coffee table. You were intruding.
“Upstairs,” Andy set his briefcase down and took your bag from your shoulder. “I have a surprise.”
“I don’t like being here.” You said.
“You didn’t seem to hate it last time.” His hand went to the small of your back and he nudged you towards the stairs. “What’s the matter? You like the kitchen? We can come back to it.”
You shook your head but stayed silent. You climbed the stairs as he lingered behind you and his hand spread over your ass. He didn’t draw away until you reached the top.
“At the end,” He directed.
You continued on and entered the bedroom at the end of the hall. It smelled like gardenia and him. It was their room. You hesitated and stayed far from the bed. You turned and saw yourself in the round mirror hung on the wall. You had to look away.
You spun around and watched Andy go to the bed. He got down on a knee and reached beneath. He pulled something hidden up in the frame and revealed the long box. It was wrapped in lilac paper. He stood and neared you. He held it out to you.
“I’ve been waiting to give you this,” He said. 
You frowned as you searched his face, then your eyes fell to the box. You took it with a numb ‘thanks’, spoken on sheer instinct. He backed away and pulled off his jacket. He slung it over the chair by the window and turned back to you as he tugged on his tie.
“Well, open it! It’s part of the fun.” He untangled his tie and dropped it over his jacket.
You sighed and ran your thumb along a fold of paper. You tore open the wrap and revealed the black box with a plastic window. Inside that, a glittery pink dildo was displayed. You crumpled the paper in your hand as you stared at the toy. Aside from being tacky, it was huge.
“You like it?” He asked as he came closer.
You looked up at him. His brows drew together and you nodded. His lips slanted and he took the box from you.
“How about I get this all ready for you…” He peeled back the seal. “And you get ready for me.” He nodded to your attire. “Get nice and comfy on the bed.”
You nodded again. It was all you could do to keep from running away. He left you and disappeared into the attached bathroom. You listened to a draw glide open and you stepped out of your heels. You shed your blazer and then your striped blouse. You wiggled out of your skirt and Andy reappeared, loading batteries into the toy.
“Panties?” He mused. “When did you start wearing those?”
You ignored him and unclasped your bra. The sooner this was done with, the sooner you could be gone and flagellate your soul with self-loathing. 
You tossed away your bra then your panties as Andy watched. You could hear his eager breaths as he beckoned you towards the bed. You sat on the end as he held the toy up.
“I’m sure you can figure it out.” He purred as he shoved it closer. “I just wanna watch, baby girl.”
You took it and looked around. “Do we have to do it in here?”
“Trust me, it’s the most action this room will see for a while.” He brought his hands up to frame your face. “So lay back and relax.” His hands fell to your shoulders and he kneaded them. “You’re so tense. You need it.”
You fell away from him and bounced on your back. You pushed your legs apart as they hung over the edge of the mattress. You reluctantly grazed the tip of the toy along your pelvis. Andy stepped back and let out a sultry hum. You clicked the dildo on and closed your eyes.
You pushed the toy down against your cunt. You wiggled it just a little and found your clit. The soft buzz quickly sent a wave of electricity through you. Your feet arched and you hissed through your teeth. You rubbed the toy back and forth, working yourself up as you tried to forget the man looming around you.
“You think you can fit it all, baby girl?” He asked. “Hmm? You’re so tight.”
You moaned but couldn’t answer. You didn’t want to.
“Why don’t you give it a try?” His voice was low and gritty as he ran his hand up your leg. 
You bit your lip and angled the dildo along your folds. Your pussy clenched as you reached your entrance and you paused. He grabbed your hand around the base of the you and he guided the tip inside you. You gasped and he pushed deeper. Your thighs tensed as he released you and grasped your thigh to keep your legs apart.
“Keep going,” He order.
You whined as you drew the toy back and then pushed it back in, even further. His fingers tickled your leg and he lifted your foot up onto the bed to bend your leg completely. Then he raised the other and withdrew.
You whimpered as the dildo sank deeper and your eyes fluttered open. You gulped and his figure moved around the bed.
“That’s it, baby girl.” As he came closer, you saw the phone in his hand, pointed at your body. “Just like that. Look how fucking wet your are.”
“Are you rec--”
He shushed you and put his hand over yours once more. He shoved the toy to its limit and you cried out. He guided it in and out of you, fast and hard. Your voice grew louder and louder as he battered your walls with the silicone.
“Ow, please.”
“Don’t stop.” He growled as he slipped his hand away and pressed his thumb to your clit. 
He swirled around your bud and flicked up and down as your hand worked around his. You trembled as your core pulsed and the pressure grew suffocating. His low purrs mingled with your helpless moans and you arched your back as you struggled to keep the toy moving. 
You came and felt the gush around the dildo. You writhed and let out a guttural noise as you were awash with pleasure. You panted as he slowly pulled away and you pressed your legs together as you turned onto your side, crushing your hand between your thighs. The toy slowly slipped out of you as you laid, senseless and weak, at the end of the bed.
Andy’s large hand spread over your ass and continued down your thigh, making you quiver. He gripped your hip and pushed until you turned entirely onto your stomach.
“This part is just for me.” He said as he got down behind you and tossed his phone up on the pillow. “You’re mine. All mine.”
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