#but it's allowing me to write in a style i normally don't write in so it's kind of fun
willowkatt · 3 days
i think my chem is special in a way where their music changes with each album. not saying other artists haven't done it, duh, but with my chem being my favourite band/artists i just gotta get this out there for them!
i think variety can be a musician's biggest strength, i'd personally rather four albums that sound on a scale of two-mildly-similar-sounding-songs to absolutely-night-and-day rather than four albums that sound all the same.
my two favorite albums are Bullets and Danger Days, again, night and day, but it still feels like my chem. all four members come together and write awesome lyrics, put great power and emotions into them and the instrumentals, it's fucking crazy. even with their single Foundations you can still see their skills still shine despite it still sounding different.
Summertime and Our Lady Of Sorrows are so different to eachother but i love them both so much, normally i wouldn't listen to songs like Scarecrow but since it's my chem the power in it shines through.
and it's not just the main four albums, it carries across to the demos too!
i remember putting Not That Kind Of Girl as a song of the day in a server, and someone actually liking it and being surprised it was my chem!! their variety in music genre and style is such a damn superpower. it's always fun to see people finally trying out a my chem song and being like "oh damn, didn't expect this to be good"!
i love my fair share of pop-punk and rock, but having my chem also have options of songs that are a little less that (sorry i'm not good with genres LOL) such as The World Is Ugly, S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W, Emily, Early Sunsets Over Monroeville and Desert Song just to name a few - allows me to just cleanse my pallet while still being able to hear Gerard sing, y'know? and don't even get me started on their solo music, you'll probably see me making a Drugstore Perfume appreciation post soon.
and that's about it, i love my chem with almost all my heart and really wanted to get this out there, and remember don't attack people for what albums they like and dislike, it's all just a person's taste in music :D be free to reblog/comment and tell me your feelings on this, such as your favorite night and day songs!!
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raiiny-bay · 2 years
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mixelation · 2 years
Oh thank you for the "forcing people to go to therapy (or otherwise infringing on their own decisions) is bad" post. Tbh I avoid therapy in fics because I feel like it's often widely misrepresented and it squicks me, plus it's often shown as a miracle cure when it doesn't even work for everyone - especially since therapists are people with their biases as well. I personally made a lot more progress on my own, which maybe I could have achieved with therapy but ultimately I'm not convinced, and I certainly would never have said anything to a therapist had I been forced to go. Also when writing in a real world setting people can get very anachronic about the subject and how it was seen at some points to go to therapy (I'm sorry but it was not seen well in the 90s and I will close the fic if I see it presented as such, it's not even seen as okay everywhere today). It's just... an accumulation of things that make me very nervous. But yeah people making decisions for others, especially when it comes to therapy, really upsets me. Idk if you saw it but a while ago there was a post about the found family trope and someone said they hated it because it was most of the time just a "no boundaries hell" and I feel pretty much the same about this (and the two tropes unfortunately tend to intersect).
mm, i avoid therapy in fic for these reasons too. "x goes to therapy" usually have the ~therapy~ happen off screen and feature the character magically "Getting Better" without them actively using anything they learn from therapy or any sort of struggle. they just stop doing whatever behaviors the writer thinks were disordered, or just stop being ~sad all the time~, and it think it can come off (probably unintentionally on the writer's behalf) as like..... "oh, being that way was wrong and bad, why did you stay in that state when there was an easy fix here all along??? now you can re-enter society and be a valuable, good person like the rest of us! :)"
to be clear to though: i don't have a problem with people writing these fics, or with people enjoying them. people can read and create what they want to. a huge portion of sickfic involves a character with a chronic illness or disability being confronted by their loved ones and forced into "taking care of themselves," and many of these very fics are written and enjoyed by disabled people. i think there must be some comforting fantasy about someone who loves you unconditionally managing your problems for you? and like, given the high proportion of neurodivergent and mentally ill people in fandom, I think the therapy fics must appeal to some of them too to be so popular? maybe in like a fantasy way where the appeal is a world where therapy is easy to get, everyone supports you doing it, and it works quickly and without complications? but i personally find the attitudes in these fics incredibly squicky and infantilizing, so i wish there was a TAG or CONTENT WARNING people would use.
like, i don't mind characters trying to force inappropriate interactions for "their own good" when it's treated as inappropriate/annoying but an unfortunately common experience. i just want a warning when it's going to be idealized into correct, benevolent behavior, because that's what squicks me. kind of like how i don't mind reading a male character telling a female character she'd be "prettier if she smiled more" as long as it's treated as a creepy comment by the narrative, but i'll click off the fic if i'm meant to interpret that as cute flirting.
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arklay · 1 year
have a diana comm in progress again 🥰
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shmalk · 3 months
141 is filled with alphas, not a single omega in sight. there are a few betas, but they're either low-ranking or transfers that were never going to last.
like you! (beta!reader) who works at reception and takes calls, scans badges and is the first point of contact for the task force.
none of them know your name, none of them even speak to you - maybe price, when you transfer a call to him, he'll mumble a thank you. or even laswell, when you bring her a coffee.
it's nothing, really, you don't mind.
only, one day, a totally normal friday, you've done the exact same style in your hair you always have, and you're wearing more clothes than you were yesterday.
price wants a coffee, sure- you make it, just the way he likes, and head towards his office. you knock, and wait a few seconds until you hear 'come in.'
the office is silent, it usually is - but this time there's more than just price inside.
they're finishing up just as you enter, soap and gaz sitting in front of the desk whilst ghost leant against the back wall.
"my apologies, captain." your voice isn't exactly quiet - why should it be, you've done nothing wrong, but its still respectful. price just nods as you place the cup down on his desk.
"thanks, that's all." he dismisses everyone in the room, and you wait for the boys to file out before you do, soap and gaz both giving you a cheeky smile.
ghost is the one to hold open the door, standing just adjacent to the doorway with his arm sprawled against it. its a heavy door, and you swallow as you pass him.
"thank you," you all but mumble out as you rush past him - straight into the break room.
you can't help but rant about the situation to your roommate whilst you're packing up your things, your phone tucked between your jaw and shoulder.
"i mean- he held the door open for me and i couldn't even look him in the eye to say thank you!" you stress, throwing your bag into your passenger seat before leaning back against your car. "god, all i wan't right now is a plate of sushi and some boba."
"too bad its pizza night, dweeb."
"thats not fair! i could loose my job, i should be allowed to eat my comfort food when im stressed out."
you stress about it over the whole weekend, and when you return back to work on monday you try to act as casual as possible. of course, you don't see ghost - price doesn't order a coffee, and youre break time comes around quicker than you expected.
you had brought- oh, theres- your favourite sushi, and a boba drink sitting where your food was supposed to be. in somewhat messy hand writing, on a small piece of paper, theres your name.
signed ' s. riley. '
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i am a sucker for sweet lil moments like this !!
in my head i think that simon would like a beta, or an alpha, but in this lil snippet (which is CERTAINLY getting turned into a fic) he's big and broad and gets worried when he's with alphas because they can't think straight, he tells them what to do and he does it.
but you? you dont react to his scent or chase him down to get him to court you - so, of fource, he courts you. <3
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etheries1015 · 2 months
Do you think you could write a fic where MC!Reader who enthusiastically says yes to Rook's proposal for love?
For context:
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Every time I read this I just want to reach through the screen and give him the biggest kiss.
YES I'M SO GLAD SOMEONE POINTED THIS OUT BECAUSE I ADORE THIS LINE. I don't care what anyone else says I LOVE Rooks quirky-ness and honestly how am I supposed to find love when he does it ALL???? I would also enthusiastically agree to marry this man. I am glad we can agree on this, Anon
i'm gonna be honest I misread this at first and thought you were asking for a marriage proposal fic, sooooo I wrote two HAHA. This one is the acceptance of the gift he offered above, and i'll link the marriage proposal fic I just wrote HERE <-
An enthusiastic "yes"
featuring: Rook
General warnings: Gender Neutral reader, shorter than you may have hoped, I apologize but I hope you like it nonetheless!
TW: none!
Your birthday had finally come upon you, and the first the greet Ramshackle with his typical smile of affection and enthusiasm, Rook was there to offer his services to you.
"It is your birthday is it not? Normally I'd have planned something grandiose such as 500 poems to express my gratitude towards you, however, I decided to allow it be your choice this year!" You giggled at this, sitting on the couch and crossing your legs.
"I'm not sure I could ask for anything better than 500 poems about me... I'm sure I can think up of something, though. Tell me, what are your boundaries for my request?" You smiled at him with raised eyebrows. Rook returned your eager smile in full.
"Perhaps hunting lessons from yours truly! I'm sure you would look absolutely manifique in hunting attire. My love is on the table as well, of course..." Your eyes widened at this statement, your mouth opening slightly and a laugh escaping your lips. You jumped up from your seat and clasped your hands together in excitement, leaning forward with a bright smile on your features.
"I'll take you up on that offer!" Rooks typically smiley demeanor suddenly shifted, his lips turning into a shocked "o" and piercing eyes wider than yours at the suggestion.
"My...love? that Is what you truly want for your birthday?"
"Yes. Absolutely. And for the rest of our lives, preferably." You said without hesitation.
A large, mischievous grin brighter than you have ever seen plastered upon his glowing features as he picked you up bridal style and headed towards the door. (I would you say would resist, however, I would also say anyone who loves Rook would be incredibly eager at this action.)
"If it is my love you so eagerly desire, then, mon amour, my love is all yours! I shall start by reciting 500 poems I have already memorized to you, and then-" You listened with intent and hearts in your eyes as he began listing all the things he wished to do with you, and the fact you were so enthusiastically agreeable to his half-joke...
you two truly were going to be the talk of the campus, known as NRC couple of the decade.
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forever-rogue · 4 months
I have a pretty personal request ❤️ (and I completely understand if you don't feel comfortable writing it.)
But I have been struggling with self-esteem and acceptance of myself since gaining some weight. I know I'm beautiful, but that stupid, nagging voice in the back of my head can be a bitch.
I came up with an idea about reader who's in an established relationship with Joel Miller. They've settled into Jackson, and with the changes that come with that stability, she's noticed the changes in her own body and has to deal with it. I can just imagine how soft and fluffy Joel would be once he's made aware of what she's dealing with.
Or maybe I just really need a Joel of my own to cuddle and tell me I'm beautiful 🥺🥰
Thank you!!
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AN | Here you go, I hope you enjoy! Also, a friendly reminder that you're lovely just the way you are 🥰
Pairing | Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language, Weight Discussion
Word Count | 2k
Masterlist | Joel, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
This was the first time you'd looked at yourself in a mirror in a long time. Like properly looked at yourself. You'd been in Jackson for a few months now and were experiencing a stability that you hadn't known in so long. It still felt odd some days, waking up next to Joel in a warm, soft bed without having to worry about anything. But it was slowly becoming your normal life and while it was an adjustment, you were beginning to love it. 
Happiness and peace looked good on Joel and Ellie. And you. But, and this was what had been nagging you, lingering in the back of your mind, you'd noticed some physical changes as well as everything else. You'd felt them before you'd fully looked at them - at yourself.
The bathroom boasted a large mirror but you usually didn't spend a while lot of time looking at yourself. You hadn't for years, so why start now?
Well, the simple answer was that now the changes were undeniable. 
With a heavy sigh, you closed the bathroom door and glanced at yourself. Your face was a little fuller than you'd remembered, the darkness around your eyes lessened. Your skin looked good and your hair was styled and shiny. These were the changes you liked to see. You noticed the same, more or less, on Joel and Ellie too. 
It was the rest you were worried about. You shucked off your sweater and pajamas pants and slowly allowed yourself to look over your body. You didn’t fixate on your body too much; for a long time survival and getting through your day to day was all that was on your mind. But now it felt like you had all the time in the world. 
As you looked yourself over, you could see that there had been some physical changes. You looked softer, your tummy and hips fuller than you’d remembered since you were young, your thighs bigger as well. You sighed to yourself and turned on the showers before you could think too much about it. It wasn’t a big deal, you reminded yourself, it wasn’t a big deal. 
You heard a knock on the door before it was slowly pushed open and Joel poked his head, “hey sweetheart, got room for one more?”
You panicked for a moment, trying to figure out how you could manage to get out of this one, “umm, I’m almost done actually. I’ll be out in a second and then its all yours.”
“Alright,” he lingered for a moment; you knew that he knew that something was up. Joel wasn’t stupid and he was very perceptive, “sounds good. Everything alright?”
“Of course,” you almost choked on the lie, “everything’s fine.”
Joel made a small sound before gently closing the door. You tried to swallow back your tears but soon enough they were running down your cheeks and mixing in with the stream from the shower.
It was just another change and it would be okay. You’d get there eventually…you hoped.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Hey baby,” Joel found you as you were in the kitchen, chopping vegetables for dinner, a small smile on his face. He’d noticed that you’d been acting a little off but didn’t want to push it, he knew that you’d go to him when you were ready to.
“Hi Joel,” you looked up and offered him a smile you hoped mirrored his own, “what’s up?”
“Nothing,” he insisted softly as he came over to you, “just wanted to see my girl.”
You tutted at him softly as he came to stand behind you, wrapping an arm around your middle as he leaned his chin on your shoulder. You froze for a moment, sure that he was going to make some sort of comment about how soft or squishy your body was but he said nothing, instead pressing some kisses to your shoulder. You stopped what you were doing, closing your eyes and leaning into him, “Joel.”
“I love you, you know,” he whispered before you slowly turned around in his arms so you could face him. He reached up and put his hand on your face, slowly brushing his thumb over your cheek. 
“I know,” you promised, leaning into his touch and turning your face so you could press a kiss to his palm, “I love you too.”
He watched you for a moment before leaning in to kiss you. You decided not to think too much about, not to worry about anything, and instead leaned into him and kissed him right back. It had been a bit since the two of you had a bit of time alone, and you hadn’t helped anything but pulling away from him whenever it was just the two of you. But you’d missed this and missed him, his touch, his everything. 
You relaxed into his touch, letting him kiss you dizzy. Eventually his hands wandered down to your hips and that caused you to freeze up. You put your hands on his forearms and pulled away from him, breaking the kiss. Joel, good man that he was, stopped immediately and let go of you. You shook your head, more at yourself than anything else and blinked back your tears, “sorry, I just…it’s me.”
“It’s alright,” he whispered softly, “you don’t have to apologize. If you want to talk about whatever’s been going on, I’m here. You know that, I ain’t going anywhere. I love you.”
You inhaled deeply before slowly letting it all out and nodded, “thank you.”
“Do you want a hand finishing dinner?”
“Yes,” you appreciated the kind and gentle man that he was, “I’d like that a lot.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You walked into the bedroom, finding Joel already in bed and reading. You closed the door and leaned against, looking him over for a moment. He paused after a moment and looked up at you before marking his page and setting it to the side, “penny for your thoughts?”
You nodded slowly before making your way to the bed, sitting cross-legged on top of the covers next to him. There were a few moments of silence as you sat there and picked at a few loose strands on the hem of your sweater. Joel reached out and gave your knee a gentle squeeze. You reached for his hand and weaved your fingers through his, “I don’t want you to hate me.”
“Baby,” a small huff of laughter escaped him but his voice was low and gentle, “I don’t know what you could have done or do that would ever make me hate you. That’s impossible.”
“It’s just…I don’t know,” you shrugged, reassured a little bit that he wouldn’t hate you anyway, “I really like it here in Jackson. I’ve liked it since we’ve been here. But I think I’ve gotten too comfortable.”
“Too comfortable?” he repeated slowly, “ain’t that a good thing?”
“It’s….my body,” you admitted reluctantly, “I look different…I’ve gained weight. I don’t look like I used.”
“Okay,” he brought your hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to your knuckles. You were a bit taken aback by his nonchalant response, “I guess I don’t understand why it’s a big deal. But I want to understand.”
“I…because I look different and I was worried that you wouldn’t want me anymore.”
“That’s the silliest thing I’ve ever heard,” he tugged on your hand in a small attempt to pull you closer, “there’s nothing you could do to make me love you any less. That includes your body changing - happens to everyone. I’ve grown a little softer around the middle since we’ve been there but I haven’t heard you complaining. We’ve all grown comfortable here, but that’s a good thing, it means we’re safe and home and we’re living. Not just alive, but living.”
“I…hadn’t thought about it that way,” you whispered, “I hadn’t really noticed anything different about you.
“See? It didn’t matter to you, why would it matter to me? And even if it wasn’t any of those things, it wouldn’t matter to me. I love you,” you were perched on his lap now, looking at him with soft eyes. His hands settled on your hips and he gave them a gentle squeeze, “besides, ain’t nothing wrong with a little thicker, baby.”
“Joel,” you were laughing now, but a few tears managed to run down your cheeks; but these ones weren’t of sadness. He wiped them away tenderly, “thank you.”
“Nothing to thank me for,” he insisted, “I’m just telling you how it is. Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“Is this why you’ve been avoiding me and only had sex in the total darkness?” admittedly it sounded silly when he said it like that. Your face warmed up as you bit your lip and shyly nodded. That look on its own was enough to make him practically melt, “oh baby.”
“It didn’t seem stupid at the time!” you burrowed your face in your hands to try and hide but he pulled your hands away from your face, “don’t laugh at me.”
“I’m not, it’s affectionate,” he grinned, “you also don’t think I noticed anything. I might be dumb at times, but I ain’t stupid.”
“But you didn’t…say anything,” you cocked your head to the side as he raised an eyebrow.
“Again…why would I have?”
“You’re the best,” you leaned forward and wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned in to hug him, clinging onto him like a koala, “I love you so much.”
“I love you,” he pressed a kiss to the side of your head, “no matter what either of us look like. You’re still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
“No you’re just trying to flatter me,” you snorted in amusement as you pulled back to look at him, “don’t look at me like that with those big brown eyes, Miller. That’s cheating!”
“It’s not flattery, it’s the truth,” he said, “and I’ll look at you any which way I want. Okay?”
“Okay,” you teased, “whatever you say.”
“That’s right,” he nodded in agreement, “now take off this sweater and leave the light on…only if you want to though.”
“Now that I can do,” you grinned, “gladly.”
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scenteddelusion5 · 3 months
Could you write a Vox x Alastor’s Child? Wherein reader views their fights as a “bonding activity” because it relieves stress for the both of them because they’re not willing to kill each other due to not wanting to hurt reader and they’ll be civil when they need to be. A large chunk of their rivalry being due to Alastor seeing Vox as trying to steal his child from him (making them his partner both romantically & business wise, them becoming an actor) and Vox seeing it the same way with Alastor trying to drag them on random outings when they’re supposed to film or have time together. - @am-i-interrupting
"Two households, both unalike in dignity, In our unsightly hell, where we lay our scene," PART 1
Vox x gn reader (Alastor's child)
Note: At first I wasn't sure if I wanted to do this one, especially because i had already written a daughter character, already have a daughter oc myself and then would have this child. But then I had this Romeo and Juliet inspo in mind and now I wanted to do it.
So I really liked the idea of this Vox and Alastor dynamic but I can't write short stories so instead I'm doing a 2 or 3 parter about how they got into this dynamic. So they aren't like how you requested yet.
Word count: 3436
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
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"Two households, both unalike in dignity, In our unsightly hell, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where denizen blood makes denizen teeth unclean, From forth the innovation of these two foes, A pair of star-crossed lovers arise,"
Y/n sat on the balcony of their father's mansion. Nothing but trees, or at least hell's version of trees, could be seen from there. The bustling city was ways away from the territory most denizens were too afraid of to enter. The book they were reading was written a small auteur in hell, it was obvious that he had taken great inspiration from a much more famous work. An old-fashioned, cannibal and a modern man, with more savoury tastes, falling in love, their families hate each other yada yada yada. Nothing they hadn't read before.
The demon, whom resembled a deer, put their book down and started messing with the knobs on their older radio. It sprung alive with the voice of their father; Alastor the Radio Demon, feared all throughout hell. On his broadcast played a catchy jazz song that, every once in a while, got interrupted by agonizing screams.
"That was an amazing number." The Radio glowed green as he spoke. "It brings me all the way back to the nights I spend in the speakeasies. Let's continue on-"
Everyday Alastor would broadcast the news and gossip of the week at exactly 10 a.m. and Y/n would always tune in.
"- Oh, and make sure to stay clear of the Carmine mansion this evening. The overlords are having a little get-together. So if you don't want to be served for dinner, I recommend you go home early tonight."
Right, Camilla Carmine was holding a party to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Carmine industries. Y/n was so excited. Normally their father wouldn't let them go to parties, but considering he would be there, he allowed them to go this time.
"Lastly I have a personal message to my favourite fan. I couldn't have wished for a better fawn. I hope you liked the breakfast I cooked especially for you, that demon was a struggle to catch. Hahaha," he laughed, "see you after the broadcast. Let's put on (song), it's not really my style but considering it's your favourite, I can make an exception." Their song slowly came on while Alastor's voice faded.
Y/n hadn't made friends outside of cannibal town. They had to admit they were a bit nervous...
The day went by faster and faster as the night grew closer. Y/n had put on their green gown/suit. It was beautiful; adorned with black lace, a pattern of turns and roses sewn into it.
"What do you think?" Y/n asked while turning around.
Alastor, whose suit didn't look all THAT different from his usual one, studied them up and down. "You look delightful, fawn. Every single demon in that building will see green from jealousy."
"Thanks dad."
Despite the fact that cars were already owned by most citizens in the time Alastor was alive, he preferred to walk, even to such an important event as this. So, when the two off them arrived, they stepped in through a side door instead of the big red carpet where the limousines dropped off guests.
"Remember Y/n, don't talk to people you don't know and if something goes wrong, find me or Rosie." Alastor's antlers started to grow and static filled the air. "I'll destroy however dares to hurt you."
"Don't worry, dad. I'm an adult, I can take care of myself." They laughed off their dad's threatening stature. "But if something happens I can't handle, I'll go to you."
The ballroom was decorated with black gold and white. All kinds of denizens were roaming around, from high standing overlords to imp servants. There were no familiar faces. The only other overlord Y/n had ever met besides Alastor was Rosie. Even so they had immediately split up from Alastor in favour of exploring the buffet table.
After picking up a plate, they started picking the tastiest little snacks. There was even a few dishes with demon in them provided for the cannibals.
Vox had spent four hours making himself presentable in a fancy blue suit and a new screen protector. the other Vees had matched his style. So when the three stepped out of their high-tech car and got bombarded with paparazzi, it was clear that the three belonged together.
It isn't often that they had the chance to converse with other demons of their status. It was the perfect chance to make new connections.
Vox had gotten the chance with a few other demons before it happened. His eyes landed on the most beautiful person Vox had ever seen. Their looks hypnotized the tv-demon... Which was supposed to be HIS power.
"Hey Voxie, you never guess who I saw~... Voxie? Vox... VOX!" No matter how hard Valentino tried, he wasn't able to capture Vox's attention. "What are you looking at?..." Following his colleague's line of sight, Val's eyes landed on them too. "Oooohhh, I see~ Should I go talk to them for you, maybe I can convince them to stay the night in our bed."
Vox slightly buffered. "What! NO! I'm going myself, yeah, I can handle this myself."
Y/n was enjoying a lovely tea sandwich with raw, demon heart on it, when a person they didn't recognize came up to them.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." The man with a tv for a head grabbed their hand and placed a kiss on their hand. "I'm Vox, and you are?"
"Y/n, and it's a pleasure to meet you too," they introduced themselves before shoving another tea sandwich in their mouth.
"You must really like those sandwiches."
Y/n aggressively nodded her head. "YES! Here try one!" they shoved one of them in Vox's face who reluctantly eat it.
"Wow, that's... an unique flavour."
"Yeah, heart does taste very peculiar but I like it."
It put Vox off that the demon had spoken so casually about cannibalism, however, he was even more put off that he was just fed ACTUAL DEMON. So, when they weren't looking, he drank an entire glass of champagne in one go, hoping to wash off the taste.
"Anyway... I was hoping to dance with you." Vox offered out his hand but pulled it away again when he saw the dissapointment in their face.
"I would love too but I don't think my father would be happy to see me dancing with anyone. I'm sorry."
He thought about it for a few seconds. "Y'know I'm quite familiar with this place, there is a smaller ballroom a few doors down. If you want to, you could take me up on the offer there." The overlord suggested.
Normally, Y/n would've never said yes. Going to an empty room with a stranger who must have quite a lot of power. Only an idiot would follow him... Maybe they were a bit of an idiot but Y/n was intrigued by the man, so much so that they decided to go.
Hours went by while the two of them danced, talked and drank in the empty ballroom. Y/n felt themself falling deeper and deeper in love with the handsome stranger. The confident way he spoke, the way he buffered and glitched whenever he got flustered, the way he would get angry when they hurt his pride by laughing at his attempts to woo them. He was perfect.
"Now, tell me Vox. Who exactly are you? Like, I know you your name but you must have been invited for a reason, so...??" Y/n asked.
"You mean you really don't recognize me?" Vox asked flabbergasted. "I'm the CEO of VoxTech." The other demon still looked confused. "The biggest tech company of hell? We release new products almost every single day."
"I'm not big on modern technology, I died during the 1920's," Y/n explained, "I tried using a computer once and it didn't go well."
"Well, that's really no good. As a demon of high society, you should keep up with modern invention, if you ever want the help I don't mind teaching you how to use it." Vox stared at them lovingly. "You know what, I'll even give you a phone. Give your address and I'll send you on-"
"HEY! Vox!" A girl with pink and purple hair walked in. She wore a poofy pink dress and her face was covered in make-up. Her bloodshot red eyes landed on the person standing next to her friend. "Oooeeehhh, and who are you?"
"Velvette, Y/n. Y/n, Velvette." Vox introduced them to each other. "They have been great company tonight, right love?" He caressed the side of their face."
Y/n got redder and redder as the conversation went on. "Yeah, it was great."
"Well, sorry that I gotta burst your bubble." Velvette interrupted the sweet moment between the two. "But the Carmines are about to have their speech and you know how pissy those old fuckers get about shit like this."
Y/n looked at the clock hanging on the wall and realised they had been gone from the party for hours. "Yeah, I should really be going back too. My father is provably worried about me."
The three swiftly made their way back to the main ballroom, Velvette joking about the two lovebirds the whole time.
Once there, they gathered by the crowd standing around a podium. Carmilla was standing there, already holding her speech about the start of her company, the amazing growth and the future. Although a very basic speech, demons were at the fact that the Carmine had mentioned future dealings and couldn't wait for the opportunity to become a part of them. One of them seemed to be the handsome TV Demon that Y/n had hopelessly fallen in love with over the course of the evening.
"Excited I see," Y/n said while pointing to the electricity coming off of Vox, "I'm not sure that a deal with Carmilla is going to happen if you electrocuted her."
"Hey! I'm a great negotiator. Thank you very much!" The man joked.
Alastor had kept his child in his sight the whole evening.... Until he didn’t. They were right over by the buffet table just a second ago. Y/n couldn’t have gone far. So, he went on a search, but after an hour, he found nothing. He even asked Rosie for help but no luck. He had stayed looking until Carmilla started her speech and even then Alastor still kept an eye open for her.
What he never expected to see, was his child, his lovely, well-behaved, miracle of a child, to be joking around with his nemesis. And were they.... Blushing?
Static filled the air around him, symbols floated around his head. The terrifying shadow of his ever-growing antlers made every demon and demoness run out of his way.
Once he got really close he could hear their conversation.
"You're such a dork!" His child laughed.
Alastor could only see their back, but he knew what their smile looked like right now. Unlike his plastered smile that hid his emotions, Y/n's was genuine.
"I'm the dork? Have you se-" Vox's eyes drifted to the strange red symbols, when he noticed Alastor standing there. A small x on his forehead, eyes like dials and his smile wide.
Normally, during their fights Alastor would be somewhat lenient with him. He still roasted Vox to the living world and back but he never outright tried to murder him. This meant that he had never experienced the true wrath of the Radio Demon. But right in that moment, Vox felt like his days were numbered.
"Holy shit," Velvette muttered.
Noticing the two Vees were looking behind them, Y/n turned around and as soon as they did, Alastor switched back to normal like clockwork.
"Oh, hey dad!" Y/n greeted him sweetly. "What are you doing?"
"Oh nothing, little fawn," the Radio Demon spoke, distain clear in his tone of voice, "now tell me, why are you wasting your time conversing with such vermin? Especially, a styleless one like that insecure, copycat, picture box."
Vox was still staring between the two of them. Y/n was Alastor's child! The one the Radio host always talks about, the only thing that freak actually seems to care about. Why did it have to be them the overlord had fallen in love with at that ball?
"You are the Radio Demons child!" The man freaked out.
"I didn't think you would care about that..." Y/n's face turned into a frown, unlike their father’s whose grin only grew wider.
"I-I" The tv started buffering. " I don't..."
"Come one Y/n, let's find someone with more class." Alastor turned around, his child in toe.
"Wow, can't believe you got the hots for that man's child." Velvette quickly snapped a picture of Vox's stunned face and send it to Valentino. You'll never guess what happened. She typed under it.
Y/n looked down at their shoes, not wanting to see their father's victorious grin. "I can't believe you just did that."
"Whatever do you mean, little fawn?"
"You know what," they replied sounding angry this time, "why did you scare away the first real people I made friends with here in hell?!"
Y/n had never had an attitude before, never talked back, never even sounded annoyed. It scared Alastor for a few seconds. "That... Vox isn't the type of person you should make friends with'."
"Isn't that for me to decide?" Tears filled their eyes and their voice was strained. "I want to go home."
Once home, Y/n attempted to rush up the stairs but was stopped by Alastor’s shadow grabbing them by the arm. They were struggling to get away when Alastor cupped their face with his hands and looked suspiciously in their eyes. He was searching for something.
"Let go of me!" Their eyes glowed as they screamed.
When Y/n tried to pull away again, Alastor's grip tightened. "You've never acted like this before. He must have hypnotised you, so be a doll and let me find his spell!"
But no matter how much he searched for even a sign of demonic manipulation. Did Vox not hypnotize them? Then why were they.... Because of Alastor's second of confusion, Y/n could quickly pull away. They rushed up to their room and locked the door.
Alastor just stood there, stunned until a knock came from the door. He straightened his suit before opening it.
"Hi Alastor, I saw you two... Leave and thought you might need a listening-ear." Rosie stepped inside and made her way to the dining room. "Besides I could really use a cup of thee after such a long night."
"You know me too well, Rosie. I'll get some snacks too."
"They've never even raised their voice at me before but one hour with that noisy rectangle and Y/n is acting like a rebelious teen." Alastor took a bite from the index finger snack. "I tried to look for a sign of hypnosis but there was nothing. What did he do to them?"
"Ever thought about it that Vox didn't do anything?" Rosie suggested.
Alastor's pupils turned into dials. "Hmm? What did you just say?"
"Ya have to think about this differently." Rosie took a sip from her tea. "A demon always buried in their books with little to no interaction with the outside world goes out for the first time in years and meets a charming man who's interested in them. It's just like one those romance tropes they always reads about."
The other overlord considered it. "Then what do you suggest we do about it. How can I show them that they deserve much better?"
"First of all, have a conversation with them. A genuine one."
"And then?"
Rosie's smile showed her sharp teeth. "Then-"
Vox was still buffering from that crazy night. He fell in love with ALASTOR'S CHILD, for god's sake. He was connected to his advanced computer, rebooting his systems. Images of Y/n, memories he saved in his files, flashed over the many monitors in his room. The doors to his office opened revealing the other two Vees.
"Damn, Voxie. You've never had to reboot after we've 'hang out' before." Valentino leaned over his colleague's shoulder. "You aren't going to demote me from being your favourite, right?"
"I wouldn't sound so confident Val. Vox was pretty hooked last night, you should've seen him." Velvette pulled up the picture she took. "This photo doesn't do his obsession justice."
"Stop it, Velvette." The TV Demon unplugged himself from the computer set-up. "It's never going to work out anyway. And it's all that shitty, old demon's fault!"
"You really think that?" Velvette asked. "I mean, they looked pretty interested to me... You could always go over to them and explain yourself. Oh and while you're there, try to find a snoop that'll make my drama Sinstagram go viral."
"Voxie doesn't need them. Just stay with me and I'll make you forget them in just five minutes." The moth demon's cigarette smoke formed a heart.
The screen buffered once more. "Get out! The both of you."
"I'll wait in my room." The two Vees made their way out.
Once he was sure they were gone, Vox pulled up another file. Y/n's beautiful face showed on the screen and their addicting laugh filled the room.
Y/n sat against their door, crying. They could see the moon through the balcony window. It's red light filled the room. They couldn't believe their father had reacted like that. And they couldn't get the face Vox made when he released their connection to the Radio Demon out of their head. It plagued their mind since the moment it happened.
Their room seemed so small, so empty, so cold. Nothing had physically changed but mentally, emotionally, everything was different. They got a taste of that beautiful romance and it was taking away from them in the blink of an eye.
Y/n was so deep in their self-pity that they didn't notice the moonlight was blocked by something. They were jolted out of their own thoughts by a knock on the window.
Looking up they saw none other than Vox standing there. His suit was covered in dirt and branches that he got certainly caught in on his way there.
They quickly walked over to open the door, stumbling on their way.
"Y/n, I- uhm, you must find it weird that I show up on you balcony like this." Vox's screen got slightly red. "I wanted to apologize for this evening. I don't care who your father is, I- uhm I care about you."
"Vox, I need you to be honest with me. Did you hypnotize me?"
Y/n's sad look broke his heart. Who got into their head that he hypnotized them?
"Y/n, I didn't and I will never do it." He put his hand on their cheek. "I promise."
Blush decorated their face. "Then can you tell me what's going on between you and my dad?"
"Of course."
The two sat on their bed, cuddling. Vox had told them about everything. The start of their feud, his constant fighting with Alastor but also the fact that he fell in love with them at first sight. It was a lovely, domestic moment.
"One time I got so angry at your dad that I made a complete smear campaign against him. it didn't work out, he completely cut off all my broadcasts, all seventy channels."
"I think he once told me about that," Y/n laughed, "you get more under his skin then you think. Even before he saw he two of us together."
"If you say so..."
Their banter went on for hours. The two did their best to keep sounds to a minimum so Alastor wouldn't find out.
"Oh, before I leave, here." Vox handed them a white box. "it's a phone. I made sure to remove all spying devices and I programmed you a special assistant. It should help you figuring out how it works."
"You put spying devices in people's phones?"
"Don't worry, I get it. It's hell. There is no need to explain yourself."
"Right." Vox tried to laugh it off like Y/n was doing. "It's getting late, I should go. Wouldn't want the Radio Demon to know I'm meeting up with his daughter without a chaperone."
This time when Y/n was separated from Vox, they felt fine. Because they knew that he loved them. They were still longing for him, but not in a sad way. It was pure, romantic love.
Part 2
Masterlist/request guidelines
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hanlimz · 11 months
[midnight thoughts: sunghoon + heart eyes]
pairing: park sunghoon x gn!reader genre/warnings: fluff ! very cute very suitable 4 all audiences ! / not proofread, povs might be a bit confusing?? it's written in 2nd person/3rd person omniscient but also in hoon's pov kinda?? idk ,, i hope that's able to be understood lolol <///3, also LOVESICK HOON <////3 wc: 0.8k (i could've written more but i liked where this ended) a/n: this goes out to all my hoon stans (ESP my hoon biased moots bc ik there's a lot of u MWAH ILY PLS ENJOY this is my apology for never interacting) / i feel like this is a bit different from my normal writing style so i hope this little ramble-y mess suffices !! <3
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park sunghoon is sharp; the slope of his nose is precise and pointed, his skin is even and supple while still resembling a cool block of ice, and the fiery soul of a phoenix reborn from its ashes is hidden away behind his frigid gaze. but, when he's with you—an uncharacteristic spell of heat courses through his veins; the blood under his cheeks seems to boil as they turn an embarrassing shade of vermillion, and the mystic bird is freed as you unlock the cage he has built around his heart. the way you hold him in your hands is gentle, the way you touch him is kind, and the way you kiss him makes him weak.
when he's with you, park sunghoon allows himself the chance to be soft. he melts like the chocolate sandwiched between two cozy graham crackers; his brain turns to mush, his thoughts are blurred at the edges, and his bones feel a bit too much like jello. sunghoon doesn't bother to uphold his "cool guy" reputation when you're around because he knows you prefer the real him—the one that stumbles over his words after seeing you in his clothes, the one that can't make it through watching the titanic without bawling, the one who still tries to cook for you despite almost cutting his thumb off with a mandoline slicer.
a fool, but yours nonetheless.
however, in spite of all this pure adoration sunghoon harbors for you, he still can't manage to will those eight, little letters from his plush lips. they feel too small as they sit and marinate in his mouth; he turns them over with his tongue, running the muscle along each syllable and tasting the overly saccharine residue they leave behind. they're not enough, he thinks, they never will be.
so, until he finds the right words, sunghoon settles for quiet moments like these. a wall of storms is rolling in from the coast; through the open window in the dorm's living room, the refreshing scent of impending rain spreads throughout the space. soft bouts of rumbling thunder become white noise that is almost enough to lull him to sleep, and the weight of your head in his lap evokes a certain peace that settles over every inch of his body. as sunghoon runs his fingers through your hair, he giggles to himself each time you snore on the inhale. there's a patch of drool seeping into the fabric of his joggers, but he can't bring himself to care; to sunghoon, you are perfect—in every sense of the word.
in the darkness, sunghoon's phone illuminates your napping figure; squinting, he sees that the boys have messaged the group chat, but truthfully, sunghoon is far more concerned that the vibrations might startle you out of your slumber. glancing down at you once more, he picks up the device to take a quick look at the messages.
[jake] twenty dollars that hoon's ogling y/n when we get back
[heeseung] do u even have to bet?
[jay] yeah i feel like it's kind of a given at this point
[sunoo] i just hope they're not on the couch .. i'm trying to cast the barbie movie to the tv ://
[jungwon] good luck......where Else would they be??
[niki] as long as they're not sucking face idc.....
[me] ok gross ... we r not Sucking Face u Child y/n's asleep on the couch, so don't be too loud when u get back
[jake] BOOOOO GET A ROOM !!!!!
[sunoo] UGHHH why can't u guys be a cute couple somewhere ELSE??
[heeseung] hoon's too in love ... Obviously
[me] stay jealous losers &lt;3
with a small flick of his thumb, sunghoon switches his phone to do not disturb and places it face down on the arm of the sofa. as he gazes down at you, his eyes are filled with an immeasurable amount of appreciation and fondness and gratitude. he finds solace in the sight of the rhythmic rise and fall of your chest; your deep breaths are a melodious sonata accompanied only by the sound of rain pattering against the living room window. sunghoon feels his heart pounding in his chest, and he thinks it's a bit silly just how much of an effect you manage to have on him. he sits with his thoughts, staring at the wall before him; sunghoon ponders heeseung's text, and comes to the conclusion that the elder boy is right.
sunghoon is in love—with you, to be specific.
however, he decides that he's the perfect amount of in love with you.
slowly, the calloused pads of sunghoon's fingers graze over the planes of your face, traveling down to the exposed skin of your shoulder. gently, he traces countless, miscellaneous shapes into your flesh, hoping you can feel each and every one of the triangles and diamonds and hearts in your dreams. tenderly, he tugs the blanket that had slipped down to the taper of your waist back up to your clasped hands. quietly, sunghoon prays to the gods and asks for the courage to voice his emotions, despite knowing that there is no rush—there never is. not with you.
and after a moment, softly, sunghoon tucks a stray piece of hair behind your ear and murmurs, "i love you. more than you'll ever know, i love you."
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nightsmarish · 29 days
Hihi!! I saw requests are open and I wanted to send in a request if that’s fine haha. here I go
could I request wolfstar x masc! (or GN but I prefer masc) who goes to school at durmstrang AND hogwarts? like the reader is REALLY good at defense against the dark arts and the reader also has handsome looks as well and both sirius and lupin fall for them?…
sorry if it’s confusing 😭! you can decline this if you’d like but thank you so much !
A/n: I'm not even gonna lie, I am NOT a fan of how this came out amd might rewrite in the future. I just can't finish on another fic it this one wasn't done, I am so so so sorry if this sucks ass.
Poly!wolfstar x masc!reader (Remus lupin x masc!readee x Sirius black) | 800+ words
Tw: reader is hot, possible illusion to smut but not in a cool way
✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆ ✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆ ✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆ ✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ
Sirius comes running into the dorm, of which is mostly empty besides Remus.
"Moony-" He pauses, panting from running through the moving staircases, planting himself dramatically onto Remus' bed next to the lycan, "did you see the Durmstrang and Beauxbitons students?"
Remus infact did meet the exchange students. The headmaster of the three schools had come to decide that it would be beneficial to have an exchange program for a few months. Allowing students to learn magic under different teachers and styles, as well as continuing the bond between the schools.
"Yes, I did, why do you ask?" He raises an eyebrow, lowering his book to give his boyfriend his full attention.
"That bloody Durmstrang boy, he's fucking hot." Sirius moves over Remus, sitting on his abs while he lays back on his bed.
"Which one, love, there was 3 of them." Remus looks up at Sirius, who is fiddling with one of the gold studs Remus' in his ears.
"The hot one."
Remus smiles up at his boyfriend, hands moving up under the button up shirt Sirius is wearing for his uniform. "I think they all where rather hot. I think it may be a requirement for attending Durmstrang."
"Well I don't bloody know, he was just fucking hot, babe. Like, dear Merlin he was a looker." Sirius' smile matches Remus' hands moving from his earings to rake through his boyfriends hair. Remus draws little shapes onto Sirius' spine.
"Am I not enough for you anymore? Need another boyfriend already?" Remus leans up, kissing Sirius' neck.
"You are more than enough, I'm just saying he's hot." Sirius chuckles, ducking down to capture Remus' lips.
Okay, Remus gets it. After Sirius pointed you out the next morning at breakfast, you are bloody hot. Both boys shared Defense Against the Dark Arts, the first class they share (other than breakfast) that they can properly gossip in.
"Okay, okay- yes, he's hot, I get what you mean." Remus puts down his book bag, leaning back in his chair as everyone filters into the room.
"Exactly! He's eye candy, right?" Sirius has one foot on the chair, knee bent, while the other leg is like a normal damn person in a chair.
Before he can respond, someone speaks up, "Hey, sorry, is this seat taken?"
Both boys look to their left. And dear Merlin they were not prepared for you to be there.
"Yeah- sure, of course." Sirius answers for them, Remus opting to stay quite.
You smile and take a seat, dropping your book bag on the floor as you scan the room.
None of you talk much during the lesson, at least not verbally. Remus and Sirius keep discreetly writing notes to one another.
Oh Merlin he's next to me
I see that, love
What am I supposed to do???? I look like a sodding idiot!
You look fine, I promise.
Only fine? Thanks, babe, great to know I only look fine when I am next to him!
You look fucking hot
I don't believe you anymore
Want me to prove it in a supply closet after lunch?
Class is dismissed, so everyone quickly gathers there things, excited to go to lunch and see their friends. The boys share a look, do they talk to you, or be a wimp?
"Hey," Sirius grabs your attention, of which you give him, undivided and it makes it slightly harder for him to breath, "I'm Sirius Black, it's a pleasure to meet you." He offers you his hand, which you shake and give him your name.
"And, I'm Remus Lupin." He adds, not entirely a fan of the first greeting people bit, very awkward about the whole thing.
You send Remus the same smile you sent Sirius and dear fuck they have gotten down bad way to quickly, "Great to meet you two."
"Would you like to sit with us? At lunch." The shorter of the two asks, "Obviously our friends will be there too, it would *just* be us."
"Oh, yeah, sure, that'd be nice, thank you." You follow both of them out the classroom and to the Greathall.
Are they super sweet? Dear Vulpelara, they very much are. As is their friends. You got to meet Peter, Lily, and James so far.
Though, you've met who you are pretty sure is Sirius little brother a few times in passing but you are not completely sure.
Are you having a harder and harder time keeping up your chill persona? Holy fuck, yes.
They are flirty, smooth, and devastatingly hot.
While Sirius is quick to make a flirty remark, so quick you almost don't notice, or throw in a pet name (gods forbid he calls you "Pretty Boy"). Remus is smooth, subtle, and it's like you're his damn prey.
Like now, you're sitting with the group for dinner a few weeks later, James, Lily, and Peter sit across from you. You learned Lily doesn't always join the boys, but James seems to be very pathetic for her and begs her a lot. While next to you, on your left is Sirius, and on your right is Remus.
Your thighs are touching theirs, and at some point Sirius hooked his foot over yours and you think you lost the function to breath seven minutes ago and.... and this is going to be a long, and painful exchange program.
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bvidzsoo · 2 months
Cherry Blossoms
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TW: nothing, just a lot of crack imo, and mentions of murder sorta lol
Word count: 1.9k
Genre: university!au, stranger to lovers!au
A/N: Wellll, hi? hehe, idk either what this is other than a super random drabble that I had to write or else it would've haunted me for the rest of my life LOL (it also might be another excuse to not write my thesis *dies*) Apologies if the humor is not humoring, I usually don't write in this style (at least imo). I hope you enjoy, and let me know your thoughts about it! (divider)
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            Have you ever had a moment of clear confusion? So profound that no matter how hard you tried making sense of it…it just started making even less sense? That the longer you moved your mind around it, the stronger the headache became. Well, that’s how I felt staring up at the scarily tall guy looking down at me with the softest eyes, which were slightly shaking if I looked close enough. His plush and red lips pulled into the sheepiest grin I’ve ever seen and nose tall and straight, probably sculpted by some God the second he was born. I knew his face, I mean, it would’ve been hard not to when I’ve spent half a year staring back sometimes as I have caught him looking at me numerous times. This guy standing in front of me right now, placing his weight from one leg to another, hands behind himself, and cheeks very slowly flushing, was a predicament I would’ve never even thought I could’ve dreamed of.
“Come again?” I found my voice at last, eyebrows threatening to go past my hairline.
“Are you free right now?” The question sounded innocent enough, but I couldn’t put myself past the graveness of his voice. I would’ve never imagined it could go so low and hold so much rasp, but again, I have barely heard his voice before as he rarely conversed with people around himself.
“Depends why you want to know.” I answered, pushing my hands inside the pockets of my striped spring jacket. The weather was finally warm enough to allow us to wear our lighter fabrics without freezing to death at any given point of the day. The guy standing in front of me hesitated for a second, and then ran his fingers decorated with heavy rings through his silver-blonde hair. The change to it was new, and I would be a liar if I said I wasn’t taken aback by it when I saw it. But it fit him, in a very handsome way, If I must admit that.
“I was just wondering if you’d like to hang out with me…” Oh, well, that was another twist to the plot I had not been expecting. I chuckled, not because I found him funny, just because I knew my two best friends would be hollering on the sidelines hearing this guy’s words. Half a year spent staring at me from the shadows, avoiding eye contact and aggressively watching me when I wasn’t looking, now stood in front of me, looking just as nervous as I felt on the inside, asking me to hang out with him. What sort of alternate universe have I accidentally entered this morning?
“Okay, sure.” He didn’t need to know I actually had one more class. He had finally approached me, was talking to me, looking at me, and acknowledging my existence as one should normally do. That sounded like a good enough reason for me to skip my last class, I’m sure anyone would understand.
“Oh, that’s…” The flush on his cheeks became more prominent now, and he bit his plump bottom lip to stop his lips from spreading into a huge smile, “nice.”
I hummed and offered him a small smile, actually feeling excited about how things were turning out. Even five minutes ago if someone would’ve come up to me to tell me that he’d finally approach me and even ask to hang out, I would’ve laughed in their face.
“Oh, I’m Song Mingi, by the way.” He clumsily reached his hand out, staring at me expectantly. I was so used to his sharp gaze on me that I found myself holding his gaze with a wider smile now, grabbing his hand, and giving it a firm shake. Song Mingi didn’t have to know that I already knew more about him than I should’ve, considering the fact that we were strangers until now. Really, before you start calling me creepy and a stalker, social media exists these days. And let’s be honest, if a mildly attractive guy keeps staring at you every chance he gets, wouldn’t you also be even just a little bit curious about who he is? Call me a magician or simply skillful when it comes to finding people on social media, but it’s been over three months now that I have known his name, and, well, birthday. I might be one of those crazy astrology girls, huge emphasis on being sarcastic right now, astrology girls are awesome when they aren’t fighting demons and regretting every life choice upon one glance at one’s birth chart.
“Lovely finally knowing your name, Song Mingi,” I chuckled, releasing his hand, watching as his eyes widened a little bit, “Oh, you certainly can’t think I haven’t noticed you staring—”
“Oh, I’m sure you have!” Mingi cut me off, chuckling awkwardly, “I didn’t make it very subtle, to be fair.”
“Not at all.” I chuckled amused, flashbacks of his other three friends huddled around, as if we were in kindergarten or something, staring me down while I walked by with, of course, with Mingi in the middle, watching me with a blank face, fierce eyes boring into the back of my head, “I’m Y/N.”
“You have a beautiful name.” Well, perhaps that would’ve made me choke if I had been drinking something, but to my luck I wasn’t, and so I straightened my back, trying to fight off the shyness threatening to cage me in. So far, at least the very little I knew about Mingi by observing him back when he, miraculously, wasn’t paying attention to me, was that he was quiet. Withdrawn and a little even shy, perhaps, but mostly just content in his own world, unbothered by those around him. He rarely spoke, but when he did, I have noticed his friends fighting demons to not die from laughter. And if he turns out to be a funny guy, bingo, isn’t that what every girl wants?
“Thank you,” You have a beautiful face, but I can’t go saying that to him right away, right? “What do you have in mind? I mean, where do you want to hang out?”
And now let’s hope he’s not some dodgy psychopath who hates my loud laugh and made an elaborate plan to slaughter me the second he gets me alone.
“Would you like to go to a coffee shop or would you prefer walking?” Mingi proposed with a gentle smile, his rather sharp features looking dangerously soft and warm as another blush threatened to flush over his cheeks. If he kept on blushing, I might just die from cuteness aggression, “The weather is really nice today…”
It is, but not nicer than you, Song Mingi, “It is, let’s go for a walk, maybe?”
“A walk it is, then.” Mingi sealed the deal with a firm nod of his head, and I couldn’t help but giggle, trying to remind myself that this was really happening and I wasn’t in some alternate universe, or even in dreamland. Wouldn’t be too surprising if this interaction was just a fraction of my imagination; my mind is a scary place when it becomes delusional.
“Would you like to go to the park up on the hill?” That was the nicest park in our city, and well, at this time of hour it was littered with just the perfect amount of people to not become bothersome, but neither scarce. Not that I have trust issues—I do—but this is a complete stranger I just accepted to hang out with, and quite shockingly, I do not wish to become the next true crime topic of some youtuber.
“It’s a lovely spot, but…” Mingi suddenly looked slightly embarrassed as he ruffled his silver-blonde hair, rings glinting deliciously under the sunlight, “it’s a bit far from our university and…I don’t have a car.”
I quickly waved the ridiculous words away as I watched Mingi become more embarrassed, “Don’t worry about it, I have one. We can still go.”
“But…I don’t want you to use fuel just for us to—” I reached out as I grabbed his arm, the sudden physical contact stunning Mingi into silence. Oh, did he also feel the charged spark and instant butterflies taking off in my stomach? Or was I starting to like this guy without actually getting to know him first…
“While fuel is expensive, I love to drive.” I smiled sweetly at him as Mingi licked his tasty looking lips; I can’t seriously think they are tasty when it’s our first time talking, “So don’t worry about it.”
“Are you sure?” His eyebrows furrowed just slightly as he nervously chewed on his lower lip. I nodded and grinned at him, probably doing something no sane person would’ve done. But I have stopped caring a long time ago about what others consider sane or not. Rising on my tiptoes, I slung an arm around Mingi’s shoulders and yanked his head down, just a little closer to my face as I nodded enthusiastically. The way his face became red shouldn’t have made me feel so giddy.
“Extra super-duper sure, Mingi.” He chuckled and poked my cheek, I guess it was my turn being taken by surprise. We stood like two idiots grinning at each other as I released him and he took a step back, running his fingers through his silver-blonde hair again, drawing my attention to it once again. Oh, how could I have forgotten? He was a Leo, was he waiting for my compliment? But before that, I was curious about one thing, “Hey, why do you always stare at me?”
Mingi’s face went blank for a second and it made me think that perhaps now is when his psychotic side comes to light, meaning I would dodge a bullet quite early on, but no, he rubbed his lips with two fingers nervously and averted his eyes, “Uh, well…obviously I’m into you. I mean, you know, why else would I stare at you so much?”
Oh, and he’s blunt. Don’t you just love a man who gets straight to the point?
“Because you’re a psycho who hates my guts and imagines how to kill me any time he sees me?” I offered another option, and watched as Mingi’s eyes widened to the point they would pop.
“No!” He exclaimed, almost looking scared himself, “God, no! You’re pretty, and attractive, and you caught my eye a long time ago, I was just too much of a chicken to approach you before.”
“Well, what changed?” I raised an eyebrow, and Mingi scratched his nape awkwardly.
“Uh, my friends threatened to tell you if I didn’t do it myself.” I chuckled and motioned for him to follow me as I started walking towards the parking lot of our university.
“Took them long enough,” I muttered under my breath, but Mingi’s eyes fixated on me as he heard me, “Well, Mingi, I also must admit you’ve caught my eye. Mainly because you staring so much made me feel uncomfortable until I got used to it, but…you’re quite handsome yourself upon a closer look, I must admit.”
Mingi chuckled, shooting me an amused lopsided smirk, “Means I’ve got a chance.”
“Means you’ve got a chance.” I looked at him with a grin, our gazes locking for a few seconds.
To date or not to date a Leo, is today’s question.
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↳ Perm. taglist: @jjoongstar @tinyelfperson @thestarskiller
❀ complete the forms if you're interested! ^^
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junrenjun · 19 days
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alpha!dino x beta!reader (implied ot13 x reader)
genre: fluff, slight smut (more suggestive than actual smut)
wc: 922
warnings: suggestive (18+ please!)
a/n: little blurb inspired by the spell mv. part of the understand series. don't worry though, dino will still his own focus in a longer, normal fic later on! said i wasn't going to write smut but this music video said otherwise
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The door to Chan’s room opened so forcefully he thought it was going to put a hole in the wall. He was expecting one of his hyungs to walk through the door and yell at him for leaving dishes in the sink. He really should put those away. But instead, he saw you making your way toward his bed. “Yah noona, what’s your problem?”
You don’t respond, simply glancing toward Hansol’s empty side of the room before pouncing on Chan. His hands go instinctively to your waist as you both fall onto the bed and it practically has you purring. You may be a little riled up from…prior events. 
The alpha doesn’t mind the attention though, savoring the way his skin feels against yours. His eyes flick up yours. Finally, he says, “Can I help you?” 
You resist the urge to smack the smirk off his face. Smartass baby alphas. You don’t give him the satisfaction of a response. Instead, you bury your head into his neck, teeth nipping at his Adam's apple. He curses Seungkwan for ever telling you that the area in the center of his throat is more sensitive than his scent gland. You’re playing dirty and he knows it. His breathing speeds up and you know the smug look that previously adorned his face is gone. 
After a few moments of blissed silence, you finally give Chan some reprieve. As you pull away, his eyes flutter open. “What’s gotten into you noona?”
It’s your turn to smirk. “Spell,” you reply nonchalantly. 
The alpha looks incredibly confused. Sometimes you wish you could lend him an extra brain cell. You wait until it hits him. “Are you talking about the spell music video?”
Yes, yes you are. “Mhm. And you looked so…damn…good,” you reply, kissing the tip of his nose between each word. 
He giggles in response. “I’m glad you liked it, baby. But the rest of the performance team looked pretty good too, don’t you think?” 
You don’t think, you know. “Mm they did. I understand why you guys wouldn’t let me come to the shoot or send me pictures that day. I think I would’ve combusted on the spot.”
Ah, that’s right. Hoshi had insisted that you weren’t allowed to see anything about the music video until it was officially released. Chan himself hadn’t understood why until he was getting styled that day. Yeah, you were going to be a menace once you caught a glimpse of them looking like this.
It had gotten on your nerves though. You usually accompanied the boys to most of their shoots, so when Minghao broke it to you that you weren’t allowed to come, you didn’t understand why. They told you it wasn’t anything personal and that they just wanted it to be a surprise for you. What they forgot however, was that you hate surprises.
You had pestered the performance unit for days, trying to get them to reveal anything. None of them budged. Minghao was closest to giving in, but Hoshi caught him before he could show you any pictures. You lost your mind trying to get the smallest glimpse of the concept, but to no avail. Life went on and you left them alone, so the boys thought you forgot about the ordeal. Which is why Chan was caught off guard. The video had come out less than an hour ago. You clearly still remembered. 
And here you were, laying on top of him, blabbering on about how good they looked. Yeah, their plan was definitely falling into place. He looks up at you with the biggest puppy dog eyes you can imagine and softly lets out a, “kiss?”
You roll your eyes, but the eyes work their magic and you give in. He’s savoring the taste of your lips on his when he feels you sit up to straddle him. He doesn’t think anything of it until you give an experimental roll of your hips. Chan can’t help but pant into your mouth. You pull away a bit and he whines, “...y/n.”
You ignore his protests and look right into his eyes. He holds your gaze for a second and you take the opportunity to push your hips down again. This time a lot harder. The alpha almost comes right there and then. His head is thrown back and a soft sigh leaves his lips. You take the opportunity to continue moving yourself against him. 
Soon, he’s gasping for air as you grind on him and mouth at his throat again. You’re working him up so nicely and he’s content to sit there and take it, even if his sweatpants end up ruined. But then suddenly, nothing. Your mouth leaves his neck, your hips stop moving, and you’re getting up from the bed.
Chan is confused. He watches as you slink back toward the door and he catches his breath. Eventually, he gathers his thoughts and calls out to you before you have the chance to leave. “Noona! Where are you going?”
He watches an evil grin spread across your face. You completely face him again before simply stating, “you and the rest of the unit knew what you were doing, making me wait. Now it’s your turn to wait.”
The alpha watches as you turn on your heel and walk out the door, heading toward what is likely Hoshi’s room. The thought of warning the others of your little plan crosses his mind, but he quickly shakes it off. Nah, they all deserve it now.
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gremlingottoosilly · 7 months
i just read what lies within and i wanna ask bout tentacle!konig
Where is his tentacle? Like i rarely read character fic with tentacle so i have a hard time to imagine it. So when i read yours, my imagination of tentacle!konig is the davy jones from pirates of the caribbean :") do i imagine it right?
Yep! It's actually kinda hard for me too, I'm a monsterfucker to my core, but I have a hard time imagining faces and stuff like this (autism says hello), so every time I write about tentacle!Konig, I imagine him having two forms. First is more or less human - he still has completely black whites of his eyes with red irises, still has fangs and slimy parts on his arms, resembling the texture of his tentacles, but he is more or less human - has a normal face, hair etc. He only uses this form when he is around you because, even since monsters took over, they don't really have a need to resemble humans as much anymore. They are transferring sometimes because the world is still built mostly for the universally human-like body, but Konig only uses his normal face to make his precious pet human be less afraid. Not like he cares ofc!! Absolutely not!! He doesn't even like her careful and tender smooches all over his sensitive face!! His monster form has tentacles in style of Davy Jones, dark red with black spots and a slimy texture that feels absolutely divine on your skin. He doesn't have normal face in this case, so kisses are kinda impossible(( he also has a few of thicker tentacles coming along his dick, for breeding purposes - these is his main ovipositors, so you're really getting used to the feeling of being railed by a bunch of tentacles and pumping out eggs( He will be surprised if you like this form more, but he doesn't really have a crisis or a preference about it - he wants to fuck you, and both forms are allowing that
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scribblesscratch · 1 month
Heyyy—- sooooo—— Adam from Hazbin with a shy VampireGoth! Heaven resident ? A bit like Fluttershy , kindhearted and quite artsy too- sorry if it’s too much and thank you again !!
Just pure fluff💖
SOME sexual references
I'm doing headcannons for this but if U don't want that I can gladly do scenarios if wanted!
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Man....Get ready for an adventure with this rude sarcastic bastard.
Definitely calls you emo 24/7
Once he actually got to know you he started going a bitttttt gentle on ya, knowing you can be a bit flinchy and sensitive 😭
If you are artsy, definitely says "Draw me like one of your french girls"
Will wear your goth accessories or clothes...If he can fit in it is the case.
Sex jokes while cuddling.
Sex jokes in general!
Calls you babe, Sugar tits, Darling
Allows you to wear his mask because it's funny
Likes it when u comb his hair and then do little braids and maybe a hairclip
Will draw with you and fail miserably and you being an absolute goddess pulling out a Leonardo Da Vinci portrait 😭
People will look at u funny because of what u wear (Normal Alt style experience right there, I've been through it) but Adam will defend the absolute SHIT outta u and will wear more clothing like that to prove others that you are absolutely STUNNING.
Will want to marry you after 4 months of dating u
Will listen to music with u A LOT.
Man loves his cuddles, He's like a big cat
You will never escape his grasp when you are cuddling.
If u need water he'll just say, "Drink your saliva, that's good enough.." while mumbling in your back or chest (or whatever position of cuddling y'all r in)
Love language is physical touch 100% and gift giving
Kissing or making out with you EVERY.CHANCE.HE.GETS.
Honestly, This man just loves you so much it's unbelievable
You're just too kind and shy and he's...A dick. Literally not much to add from that
Expects everyone in heaven to treat you the same as him.
Will write songs about you and just doing an "Epic Solo!" On his guitar
Matching bracelets 💖🙏
Gives you whatever you want.
New phone? Already there
New laptop/PC? Already there?
You want a fancy bracelet or necklace? ALREADY THERE
Loyal 100%...But is he honest?...Ehhh...That's debatable.
Thanks for reading!💖
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nogenderbee · 2 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕀 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦- ℕ𝕆 𝕎𝔸𝕀𝕋 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @nenes-numberonefan request: HELLOOO
ima request the same thing i requested @/mizu-nights but i’m a silly goose and i wanna see everyone’s style of writing
basically can i request rui, nene and tsukasa x reader (separate) and they have a platonic relationship with our beloved y/n but then they accidentally confess their love to the reader, sort of like the verse “the time is right your perfume fills my head the stars are red and oh the nights so blue, and then i go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like i love you ❤️” from the song something stupid. thank youuu xxxxxx love youuuuuu 😍😍😍🥶😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍(very hyper rn)
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ HIIII!! Yeah absolutely! I don't tho songfics normally tho, so I just based on your description and hopefully that's gonna be good enough!
But omg, the moment I saw this, I wanted to run to mizu-nights and read it because I apparently missed this fic- but NOPE I didn't wanted to accidentally write the same thing sooo I held myself back ^^
I totally did not copy lines from event for Tsukasa part-
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
Affiliation with @virtualbookstore
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You've agreed to help Tsukasa with practicing for his upcoming performance, Romeo&Julia. He got the role of Romeo while his other friend from troupe got Julia. He just wanted someone to help him get that feeling of saying it right to soemone's face and... maybe he had planned something more too?
"O Juliet! Sun of my life! I beg of you, allow me your fair hand in marriage!!"
He was now on his one knee, holding your hand like pure gentleman with his left hand. This made you both happy and regretful for agreeing to help him... it's obviously very sweet to see him like this but it's also not helping your feelings for him... and you could swear you're blushing...
"Sweet Y/N...!"
But then he said your name... and you finally looked at him just to see him clearly in state of daydreaming, not stopping reciting next lines, so you had to stop him before he gives more hints than you can handle!
"Wait, wait... wasn't the second main character's name Juliet? Why did you say my name...?"
His face immidietly gained red hue and his hand didn't stop holding your gently. His eyes still looked focused on yours as if he haven't woke up from his dreamland, but his words told you his state was something completely else than you imagined...
"Y-Yes I know..."
You could only stare at him in slight shock... you didn't knew what to say and so did he. He was barely holding himself from turning it into a play someway... but he repeated one sentence in his head, "go big or go home", if he blurted it out, might as well go along?
"O Y/N, sun of my life, I beg of you, allow me to take you on a date!"
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @bad-the-an-enjoyer @yulikesminori @alicewinterway18 @nenes-numberonefan - come get your future star!
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You and Nene were hanging out on a rooftop at Kamiyama. Even if you're from Miyamasuzaka, let's say Emu teached you a trick or two~ So either way, you can enjoy your time with your dear friend!
You leaned in, wanting to see what she's playing and for once, instead of seeing shooting or rhythm game, you found her playing some... visual novel? Or was it otome game?
"Hey Nene? Are you playing... otome game?"
"Mhm, yeah."
She responded, clearly way into the game to process what she's saying. But that never was a problem for you since she still responded and was honest if anything when she was in this state.
"Look, you can even name your love interest~"
You looked at the screen with even more interest and saw 2 names... "Nene" and "Y/N". You get why her name would be here but yours? Were you... no way, right?
"Is... is Y/N the name of your... ingame love interest?"
"Yeah, real love interest too."
She finally looked up from her phone right at you with this soft and charming smile, when she saw your blush she was even confused for a second! Untill she realized... she just blurted it out, didn't she?
"Oh- uh- I mean... not like... Like..."
Now it was her blushing like crazy not knowing what to say... she was clearly between 2 thoguhts and had no idea which to choose... oh did you know it was all about if she should tell you the truth or a lie...
"Am I actually~?"
You couldn't help but encourage her a bit, hoping to hear the truth. If she actually saw YOU as the love interest, the real one! Or... if it's just a misunderstanding...
And luckily, you didn't had to wait for long because right after your question, she gave you a little nod, easy to miss if you blinked... but her blushing face and the way she looked away would tell you it either way~
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @bl4cktourmaline @nenes-numberonefan - come get your shy gamer~
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Rui has texted you he forgot his coat from his house. And you as good friend, agreed to bring it to Pheonix Wonderland. He made sure you get a free ticket after all! So how could you say no to free fun at amusement park AND helping out your dear friend?
When you finally arrived at the Wonder Stage, you saw him tinkering with the robot, untill he heard someone's footsteps... his mood immidietly lighting up once he saw it's you!
"You're finally here! And I see you got my coat with you~ I can't express how glad I am for your help~"
"Don't mention it! You offered me a free ticket for that so how could I've said now?!"
He chuckled and finally came over to get his coat back, which you gave him back. And in another second, he had it on!
"But still, you're a great person for bringing it to me at THIS HOUR."
"Awh~ Don't you melt here or I'm gonna melt too!"
You couldn't brush off how sweet it was and opened your arms for quick friendly hug, since you clearly had a bit of appreciation moment going on.
"No, I mean it... you're such a sweetheart... I really couldn't avoid falling for you~"
"Huh-? What?"
After your questioning, he finally got a hang of himself pulling away with faint blush, clearly not knowing what to do. But his first reflex was to lie...
"I-I mean..."
But he seemed to stop himself... he realized lying would only make it last longer... so he decided to pull himself together, take big breath in and take the risk.
"Yes... I'm really sorry. I'm aware this is probably gonna break our friendship but... I indeed did fell for you..."
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @bl4cktourmaline @r4wrclwz @superstar-ethereal - come get your crazy inventor~
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Normalize including your OCs in your posts with little to no explanation.
Link their Sona-sheet every chance you get. Let them join in on the fun and have connections and opinions and stuff
Do it like it's canon.
I always figure if they're really curious they can check them out and if not they can just passively nod and gloss over them y'know
Like we do everyday with canon characters.
Cause like.. the people I follow are genuinely buckwild over canon characters from fandoms and shows I've never in my life heard of and every time I'm like
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'Well ain't that something thank you for allowing me to observe your joy for whimsy and excitement is a gift to mankind'
The same is true for OCs.
If I so much as BREATHE or think the words 'Good' and 'Omens' near each other my For You page gets FLOODED. INESCAPABLE.
And I'm fine with that.
The same way random unknown canon characters aren't a bother-
Your OCs aren't a bother either, they're just unknown to the particular person.
So just add them in, they'll get the jist.
If I can gather up Eddie Munson's whole personality, style, way of speech, and character arc through gifs and random ass posts then the same goes for OCs.
You don't even need a origin fic or anything to do it. Or even a whole back story or arc. They can just be there.
Chilling. Like people be doing. Let them chill.
Have them spawn into the story like random characters from a DLC you don't know how to turn off so those characters are just There Now.
It's fine. The same way there's canon characters that just give no hints at all of their backstory (Jessica Drew for example)
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Do it in headcanons, do it in art, do it in your mind. Ship them and then passively mention their marriage while talking about a completely different topic -
It's not illegal I swear plus it's really fun.
Everytime you do - you're making your writing a little bit more for yourself, and a little less about validation.
Everytime you add in your OC simply out of love for the character you've created, instead of leaving them out so its more attractive to other people or gets more notes, you're giving yourself a chance to put a bit of yourself in your writing.
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