#but it’s hard to find people who actually understand what it means to need SPACE like real space
jewish-space-laser · 9 months
Ok journal entry incoming lol.
Guys I think this is the closest I’ve ever been to being in love and it’s terrifying because I honestly wasn’t sure if I was capable of like… letting my guard down enough to feel this way.
And sometimes it’s lonely but to be quite frank I fucking LOVE being alone, and things like having a kid or a house or whatever are never things I felt I needed to have a partner for. And I still mostly feel that way and it probably will never change completely but I have to admit it is really nice having somebody in my life who is like, romantic and makes me feel all floaty and nice all the time.
And it’s not like I haven’t dated and been in relationships before, but I feel that, at least on my end, things always felt very “surface level” or like I couldn’t fully be myself around them, and I always remember how excited If be to get home, after going on dates lmao.
But with my current dude I don’t really feel drained. And like, I can be myself around him!!! I’ve told him all of the feelings above and he feels the same about so many things. Before I even mentioned it, he told me he believes that couples should have their own bedrooms in a shared home. LIKE!!! YES!!!! I have always wanted that too. He loves having his own space, so do I. I understand when he needs to recharge his social battery and vice versa.
Anyway TLDR, I just needed to date another earth sign, I am potentially capable of love after all lmao
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astro-royale · 4 months
What may save you..according to your rising sign…
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Disclaimer, my opinion
Gemini Rising: the right kind of information. Especially information about navigating relationships, or advice from people you’re close to. Also maintaining your own personality in relationships.
Cancer Rising: Developing resilience and creating healthy habits to cope with your emotions, also Discipline. And doing things you know you have to do without excuses. Also communicate your needs directly, no need to manipulate people to give you pity. Just ask them to hold a safe space and be compassionate to you in that moment.
Libra Rising: Being confident about confrontation or creating separation if it means protecting yourself. Being around people which soothe your nervous system. I’ve noticed Libra risings can have anger issues , or suppressed anger they need to learn how to communicate in a healthy way instead of just blowing up at people or saying things they don’t mean.
Aquarius Rising: Not seeing people as lesser than you because they don’t know about certain topics or because they don’t do the things you do. And actually you may learn a lot from people you might usually avoid “basic people”. Just as you are unique, so are others. And maybe this is why you dislike people because this kind of perspective is making it hard for you to want to connect to others and acknowledge them as valuable. Also just have fun and try to enjoy the presence of other people more. Actively find things you like to fixate on rather than dislike, this will give you more of a balanced perspective.
Leo Rising: if you want attention, cultivate uniqueness and don’t look to others for inspiration all the time. Many Leo risings put people on a pedastal I’ve noticed. Become a leader and focus on carving your own path and individuality rather than always looking for “inspo”. You already are it, but take time to explore what your “It” factor is and find your uniqueness.
Scorpio Rising: my love, don’t wait for your external reality to give you stability. Go within. You are the shaman, the warrior, the truth the world needs. Go within where all your answers are. Faith and inner stability is what will give you the strength you need. No one will save you except yourself. Radically accept that your external reality will have ups and downs, and cultivate stability within. Also, indulge in some “Light” things to keep you balanced.
Sagittarius Rising: Just be honest with people bro. But do it nicely, that way you’re always going to maintain connections authentically. Dont be afraid of telling the truth because it will cause you to move else where. You’re meant to be a seeker but also to connect with people, and maybe you have big crowds you want to reach , but start off with your community. Share and try to inspire your community first, and if you can’t do that, create a community and inspire them and yourself.
Taurus Rising: Connecting with people who have spiritual values rather than materialistic. Connecting to people who don’t have something tangible to offer or just have a “use”. Connect to people your heart and soul yearn for rather than what your ego yearns for. People who can’t give anything but their heart, soul, experiences.
Aries Rising: If you want to confront people just apply for a sport. Take your energy out physically. Boxing, judo, basketball. Just anything to help you let out some steam so you can have a clear head and judge people from a balanced point of view.
Virgo Rising: chill with some artists. Or if you’re the artist, create some art. Do something to let you unwind and feel free and where you won’t judge yourself. Visiting museums and places where art and information are combined may be useful. Learn to balance play and work. Writing will help you more than you realise. Unconditional love affirmations.
Capricorn Rising: Therapy. You need someone to help you understand your feelings. Even a life coach to help you balance out work and play. Similar advice to virgo rising. You guys unconsciously rant to people and then all your feelings come out, but you don’t realise it. So try to become conscious about your feelings and when you can and when you can’t communicate them.
Pisces Rising: Have people in your life you feel like you can always count to tell you the truth and to help you see objective reality. But also try to organise your information so you won’t feel overwhelmed by it. Deffo organising will help.
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loveemagicpeace · 4 months
Synastry & Composite chart🫧🎸🎨🛼🌙🍸🍯
I will talk about synastry and composite chart. With the synastry chart, we look at how two people influence each other and what their connection is, how they work and how they fit together. With the composite chart, we describe how two people work as one and how successful the relationship can be over the years.
🌙💫Important connections in synastry are: moon, venus and mars - because each of these indicates a deeper and love connection. If the moons are not compatible, it will be difficult for the person to find emotional fulfillment, energy and understanding. It is important that the moons are not too equal, as for example: the two dominant moons - can indicate too much emotional tension and disagreement. It is difficult for two people to find balance and compassion between themselves. Two earth moons can work well together but may never find an emotional connection on a deeper level. Sometimes the two can be very distant from each other. Venus it shows love language and what two people find attractive and how they show love. Mars shows energy and intimacy.
🌙Moon conj Moon- is a good connection because two people automatically understand each other's feelings and can connect and support each other emotionally. They understand how they work together and what their needs are.
🧚🏼‍♀️Moon in 4th house in synastry- it can indicate that a person directly expresses his needs and desires without any reservations. He has the feeling that he can open up to a person and tell him exactly what he feels and needs at a given moment. It can create a very comfortable workout and energy. A person feels as if he has known the person who has the 4th house forever. However, the person with the 4th house may feel too tense, open from the beginning, or feel that the person with the moon is opening up like no one has before. Maybe in the beginning you can feel that the person is encroaching on your private space. But a person with the moon feels very comfortable and pleasant. He finds you as an understanding and caring person.
👄Moon in 7th house- the feeling that the person understands you and accepts your feelings. Both of you may feel attached to this relationship. . A relationship can be very emotional so it's hard to let go.
❤️‍🔥Venus in 1st house- a person is attractive to you regardless of how they look. Person can be without makeup, messy and still look beautiful to you. You can also feel deep passion for this person. You love being seen with the house person.
🦋Venus in 8th house- venus is actually comfortable here when it comes to relationships. Because you feel that you can create a deep and private connection with your partner. You feel that this love is something deeper and more important. The beauty of this relationship really comes from the darkness that only these two people can see. You feel like you are somehow obsessed with this person and the love they give you.
💕Mars in 5th house- there is often a strong mutual attraction and compatibility in terms of self-expression, creativity, and romantic pursuits. These two individuals can inspire and energize each other's creative endeavors and bring passion and excitement to their relationship.
✨Mars in 7th house- can create an obsessive nature of the relationship. A person with Mars wants to be in control or in charge in a relationship. It can also create a constant return to each other.
💚Uranus in 11th house- you and the person have similar interests that are unique. You can feel that they also have a similar vision.
🎣Neptune in 11th house- with this person you feel that you share the same dreams and that you both dream about the same things. But it can also mean that the housemate's friends may be jealous of the relationship they have.
🫧Neptune in 4th house- there can be a lot of nostalgia and common interests here. You can also share the past. Similar family experiences. They may also bond over a love of children or a shared home. Neptune person's creativity can add romance and charm to House 4 person's home.
🎨Neptune in 5th house- they can experience a romantic and emotionally deep affair. Neptune person may crave a deep emotional connection with House 5 person. They prefer to idealize being in love and may idealize their partner as well.
🎈The aspects you have with the person are also important, namely you have:
Light aspects - which means that they bring harmony, good atmosphere, compatibility
Difficult aspects - indicating incompatibility and conflicts
Passion aspects - which bring high passion
Exact aspects - these are aspects and they will be more in the foreground and will have more influence than the others
📀Fated aspects usually📀
🌙🌞Sun conj Moon- is the most popular connection that the two have. Especially if the man is the sun and the woman is the moon, it is a very beautiful connection. Both feel a very nice and comfortable connection. Usually, these connections are very easy and calming for both people because they both feel like they can express a part of themselves despite their concerns. These people often have very beautiful weddings.
🥀Jupiter in male and female represents husband and wife. Jupiter indicates gift, luck, abundance, spirituality, destiny. The sign in Jupiter represents how your wife or husband will make you happy and with which person you will feel this the most (of course, the house is also important).
♥️Venus trine Venus-the love language you have with this person is automatically similar or the same. The two people match in terms of love, they want similar things, they share similar interests. They can like the same food, music, movies. They enjoy the same things and it brings them satisfaction.
🌞Sun conj Sun- your personality is the same. He knows how to look from the same perspective and see what inspires you, what gives you life. For ex.: libra & libra both love love, romance, harmony.
🌌Saturn square Pluto-many times a fatal aspect. Saturn represents karma, mission, destiny, time. Pluto represents depth, mystery, intensity, obsession, transformation. It means that you can have some kind of mission with this person that you have to fulfill.
🌛🪐Saturn-Moon-you’ll know that you have an opportunity to learn a lot from each other. It's not always about imbalance - many people find compatibility in this because they give each other the energy they need.
💘Venus trine/square Pluto- Venus-Pluto aspects in synastry are extremely fascinating. Chances are you are immediately attracted to each other when you meet. This aspect you could call being crazy in love. There is also strong sexual attraction. You sometimes hide your real self. You are mutually obsessed with each other. When you want to walk away, there is something that brings you back.
Composite chart things☕️🍕🛼🎧🛁
🩸1st House : Planets in 1st are directly felt by the couple, it shows how the couple is with one another and how other people see them. Mainly because the energy is concentrated only in these two people.
🛍️2nd House : Deals with the possessions and ownings of the couple, the ability to share with each other. What do you enjoy together and what do you like to do together. What do you share together. Venus here means they can share the same food or have similar tastes. Sharing the same music or enjoying it. The things you enjoy will always bring you together.
🧠3rd House : Is about communication, and how the couple thinks about their environment. How do you solve problems together and what is your communication like. Mars here could mean that they are often impulsive and angry and can often quarrel. Jupiter, on the other hand, makes sure that you find exactly what you have in common here, and that your minds are similar and that you are optimistic.
🧸4th House : One of the important houses to look at in the composite, because it shows whether it’s a good idea to settle down together or not. A moon placed in 4th is the best position for settling down and build a home together( because it indicates safety, care and comfort).While Neptune can indicate total confusion. Uranus here not so good because it can indicate a lot of unpredictable things.
🪁5th House : Deals with the couple’s creativity and fun activities. A lot of placements in 5th house is a couple that would like to have children around or have children of their own, but not so much a good indication for settling down. Sun is great here shows good inspiration again and again. A never-ending crush.
🧩6th House : Represents where the couple will be tested, inorder to handle the outside world.It deals with the couples daily activities around the house. Saturn can show you may have difficulties with your dates, with your routines. Saturn here can make you critical of each other's abilities to do things correctly and efficiently. Mercury can be powerful and very helpful in a relationship. Communication about working is clear.
👩🏾‍❤️‍👨🏽7th House : Is the house of intimate lovers or open enemies. A Sun placed in 7th can show two people starting of as lovers but ending in a quarrel and being their worst enemies. Venus in 7th is one of the best indicators for marriage and passionate romance between two people. Mercury can show very good communication and always solving problems. It can also be a very important thing here. Moon can show great emotional connection between partners and eternal care for each other.
🫀8th House : The couples ability for commitment and ownership together. A lot of placements in 8th house shows a very deep bond between two people. An intimate sharing together. This house shows how you grow together. Pluto can show a depth between two people that is infinite and very powerful. Venus can show that love can be shown in an intimate way and you can have many secrets that are only yours. This can also indicate that they have money in common.
🎸9th House : Shows how the couple explores the world together, their activities and adventures. How they expand their horizons together. Mars can show that they can be very active and do many things. Or you can go to university together. Saturn can show that they can both take religion seriously or go to church together. Jupiter can show that they can travel a lot together and explore the world. With sun it is important for both of you to express your opinions about every matter. This is a wonderful placement for friendship.
♟️10th House : Deals with the status of the couple and how they fit into the world together. This house shows how serious the couple is in approach towards life and responsibilities. Pluto can show that both of them can have very strong careers. Neptune can mean that your public identity is quite different from what it sounds like. Uranus can show that striking a balance is key with this position, and you need to be unconventionally stable and traditionally changeable. You may experience ups and downs together.
🎳11th House : The social activities and social culture of the couple. their friends and how their environment see them. How they are accepted into society. Jupiter can show that you are both very fun and people like to listen to you and hang out with you. Moon can show that you have friends who are closer to you and family. Can also show that you are very friendly with your families. Pluto can show that both are very private in society and that they share little with others. It can also indicate that your friends are jealous of your relationship.
🩰12th House : A lot of placements in 12th house is very difficult in a composite chart, since it’s the house of the unconscious feelings and all things hidden, so there will be a lot of miscommunication between the two. However it can create a feeling of fatedness sometimes, since it’s also the house of soulmates and psychic connections. Venus can show that love is felt subconsciously and that there is a spiritual bond between you. Moon can show that you have the feeling that emotions have always been here.
⭐️Comment for part 2⭐️
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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drdemonprince · 2 months
What if your unmasked self is unacceptable even to other autistics? I feel like if I don't carefully curate myself I'm too weird and annoying to sustain friendships even with other weirdos. This thing where unmasking makes people like you more because it's more ~authentic~ just hasn't been true for me and it makes me really sad.
Well, what does "weird" and "annoying" mean in this case? In unmaskers I frequently see a lot of understandable social trauma playing out in, let's just say, not the most socially effective of ways at times. No longer mindreading and people pleasing and fawning is all to the good; becoming completely unfiltered while still harboring a ton of deep-seated fear of abandonment and then spilling it out all over people will understandably drive them away. No longer faking emotions and tone of voice preserves energy and helps us feel more genuine, but never putting any energy into trying to understand a friend's interests or emotions will kill a friendship.
There is a messy counterbalancing that has to occur for many unmaskers; at first we focus on never doing anything false and allowing our unbridled selves to roam free -- and then we often recognize that we will need certain self-advocacy, listening, communication, and even diplomacy skills to actually relate to other people, even while remaining true to who we are.
It's normal for the unmasking process to initially seem like it's making you harder to love, more annoying, more bizzaree -- that's a necessary corrective to having previously aimed to make yourself unremarkable or widely liked.
But if you find yourself repeatedly socially alienating even out and proud neurodivergent people, it may be worth asking whether you are taking actions that are pushing them away. Things like interrupting people when they are trying to open up to you, invalidating their feelings, seeking reassurances that no other person can provide, not interacting, self-victimizing, just generally hurtful interpersonal stuff that us traumatized folks sometimes do even in community with one another. If this is the case, you will have to work on accepting the feedback when people are kind enough to tell you that you're bothering them or disrespecting them -- it is not the end of the world, it is a habit you can notice and correct.
Or you might just still be withdrawing and inhibiting very hard, and doing self-protective things that convey to others that they should give you a wide berth. Lots of unmaskers give off really strong "dont talk to me dont come up to me i feel socially unsafe right now" vibes that are completely honest and authentic to where they are at the moment, even if they wish they could seem more welcoming. Please give yourself some grace to feel all that if that's what it is.
No one is too weird or too annoying to make friends. But you might need to find the people who are weird enough and mad enough and disabled enough for you. Alternatively, you might have some interpersonal baggage that affects how you treat others you still need to work on. Or your internalized disability stigma might just be telling you that youre being too much when youre barely taking up social space at all.
You know your pattern of experiences and the feedback others have given you, so hopefully you can sort out what is currently missing in your social life based on that and some reflection and more testing. Good luck and let me know what you figure out.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 4 months
Ok so we get this
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and this
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And I proceed to spiral about colour theory and costume theory and end up writing and expansion to this post I made about Buck in yellow ochre!!! Sorry y'all, you know what that means - my unhinged colour theory and costume meta's are Back!!!
Lets start by revisiting all of Bucks previous yellow ochre wearing shenanigans!
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3x06 the yellow ochre sweater he wears when he gets sent home by Bobby - this does after we see Buck and Eddie making up with each other - a moment when we see Buck learning more about himself and growing (read becoming less self-centred and understanding the concept of being part of a team and recognising that he needs to be better about stepping in with Eddie!)
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4x02 - Yellow ochre jumper - first in a video chat with Maddie, Chim and Albert, but then more importantly, when he is in his therapy session with dr Copeland - the whole ‘I hide my true feelings from others’ moment - yet another moment of Buck recognising something about himself. I think this is the most key scene in Bucks yellow ochre wearing - more on that in a bit.
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4x03 Bucks yellow ochre t-shirt - a t-shirt that matches the shade of the jumper from above, and a moment when Buck confesses to Maddie that he’s in therapy - about being sad and lonely and wanting to be ‘finer’ 
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4x04 - the yellow knit sweater from 3x06 is back (yes it is the same sweater) and this is when Buck has his entire life upended and he finds out about Daniel (kicking us into Buck begins)
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4x11 - Buck talks to Maddie and Josh about Sue’s hit and run, then talks to Taylor about Sue. This one is a much brighter yellow than the ochres we’ve seen up to now, but I’m including it because I think its relevant to Bucks arc here (also because it connects into the next time we see Buck wearing yellow - the will scene) the concept of being hit with information that leads to Bucks growth and the nature of most hit and runs not being solved, the perpetrator never being caught and therefore not getting closure on something (this is super relevant I promise!)
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Then we have 4x14 and two yellow ochre tops - the first is the sweater, this one is trending more towards orange brown, but its still in the ochre wheelhouse! this oe is all about communication - mostly at Buck - Taylor telling him how stupid he was for climbing the crane, receiving a phonemail from Ana to tell him Eddie is awake, facilitating communication between Eddie and Chris and then Buck communication himself - thinking it would’ve been better if he had been shot. Directly communicating to the audience (as much as Eddie) the inner monologue of Bucks own opinion of the point of his existence.
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Then we get the beloved will scene and Buck wearing a yellow ochre shirt, still lighter than the other yellow ochre we’d seen up to this point, with the exception of the previous one which is brighter still. again this is mostly about people communicating at Buck rather than him being the communicator - much like with the previous Jumper. It somewhat plays into the concept of Buck being a passive part of his life rather than actively living it - Kinda hard to explain at this point without the context of the costumes from s5&6. I also want to point out Taylor is in that dark green again here - in the scene when Buck opens the door to the Diaz house.
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5x03 gives us Buck in that same shade of yellow ochre (bear in mind we haven’t seen him in any other colour between the will reveal and this scene (beyond uniform!) and here we have Buck pushing Eddie and communicating without actually giving much of himself away - yes he uses himself as an example, but he doesn’t actually open up about himself all that much (this is important - its not the time for that and it provides space for Buck to continue his internal monologue about his self worth) after this he goes home to his loft and we get him communication to a Taylor who isn’t actually present in the space - a symbolic scene that shows that he gets just as much from her absence as her presence (a play on the idea that Buck can communicate better with her when she isn’t actually present compared with when she is - its a juxtaposition of the scene from earlier when they were in bed together and she didn’t listen to anything he was saying, or his wants/needs)
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5x04 a scene at the Buckley-Han apartment where Buck isn’t communicating with Chim - Chim is very much communication with Buck about his despair over Maddie leaving - Buck obviously knows where Maddie is at this point, but he diocesan’t take the opportunity to communicate effectively with Chim. so This is yet another example of Buck failing to communicate, while some one around him is clearly communicating and this scene has the addition of secrecy thrown into the mix.
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Then we have 5x14 - this one is a bit less obvious - its the yellow ochre and black plaid jacket - its an outlier in that its not solid yellow ochre, but it is again a scene where we get communication - this time BUck is actually the one to do some communicating, but like pretty much always, we don’t get him pushing too much and we see him continuing to deflect from making things about himself - he’s desperate to talk about the shooting and its impact on him, but Eddie resists and Buck backs off. the check here is a nice addition because it shows the concept of cross purposes, but also there is less yellow than in other outfits - the black seems to be ‘devouring’ the yellow - almost like a play on the idea that this was Bucks one big chance to communicate, but he doesn’t take it.
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That is the last time we see Buck wearing yellow ochre until the end of season 6 - 6x15 and his date with Natalia to be precise! we’re back to that same shade of yellow ochre and once again we have Buck communicating - but its very much playing into what Natalia what to hear. I don’t doubt that BUck wants to talk about his death and resurrection, but we don’t actually see the conversation beyond the superficial overtures Buck makes. This plays into the suggestion that its about him trying to impress Natalia rather than actually about what Buck needs or wants to say. Its once again Buck communicating without actually communicating. something Eddie picks up on in the later graveyard scene and tries to provide the space for him to open up - which Buck doesn’t take.
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The theme continues with the the next Buck/Natalia date in 6x17 - yellow ochre once again, this time an open shirt - again its that same shade, and we see a continuation of the Buck communicate via deflection technique he employs - this scene, like his previous date with Natalia, is more about her and the writers showing us her hang ups/ insecurities than it is about Bucks - beyond showing us that they aren’t actually all that compatible - its kind of framed in the same way as his previous relationships (especially Taylor) - Buck playing into what he thinks someone wants him to be rather than being who he actually is. 
This concept is something we see in pretty much all of the previous scenes where Buck is wearing Yellow ochre, this desire to be what people need him to be rather than who he actually is. there are a couple of exceptions - the first time we see Buck in yellow ochre is probably the only instance where we see Buck being somewhat honest with himself - there is an element of him playing the role he needs to to win back Eddies friendship, but I think its coming from a genuine place and is born out of a real desire to be better - he really did learn his lesson. The fact that the next time we see the yellow ochre used is in his therapy session scene where he literally states that he hides his true feelings from others is a big giant yellow ochre flag waving around telling us that when we see Buck in yellow ochre he will be playing into that idea - and that’s then how it transpires in every subsequent scene where he is in yellow ochre.
Which brings me to this new still
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no one can tell me there isn’t an air of conflict about that scene - the dark cool tone of the image suggests a coolness to the room - that idea of the cold shoulder or the temperature dropping when there is conflict between two people. their body language is also adding to that vibe - Chris turned in on himself, not sat with Buck, the space between them.
Whatever this scene transpires being about, based on what we've seen with Buck wearing yellow ochre, we can assume its going to continue to play into this idea of Buck not being fully truthful with people and fitting into the role he thinks people want him to pay rather than being true to himself.
I do want to add to this theory by looking at Christophers shirt as well. The grey/ yellow combination is a bit reminiscent of Breaking point (the episode that really is the gift that keeps on giving) becasue we get Chris in grey and Eddie in tan - that is yellowish toned whilst not actually being yellow
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There isn't a good screenshot of them together, but the placing of Chris and Buck in the new one has echoes of Eddie and Chris in that scene (one that is interestingly enough playing into the idea of changing family dynamics, but also the moment before and the one that happens afterwards at Bucks loft, directly placing Buck into a parental role (as an aside the idea of Buck being a miracle worker plays into the theme of Eddie looking for magic, just saying!))
Anyone want to play a game of whose shirt does this look like??!!!
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Oh you do! well what if I leave these two pictures just here...
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yes, yes that is a Chris sized version of that shirt - you know the one Buck was wearing when he and Taylor talked about complicated family dynamics and about telling 'other peoples stories because I hate telling my own' you know that scene about playing a part and not being yourself around people you're supposedly close to! Yes That scene - or how about the scene which happens to be the last time we saw Buck in Chris's bedroom, where Buck talks to Eddie about complicated family dynamics, about needing to have the right outfit on for the occasion, the scene where they talk about retirement, oil and Buck is playing with a dinosaur! yeah see where I'm going with this! Chris wearing a grey shirt that similar to Bucks is Paralleling those scenes - so playing into the idea of history or of thing being outdated and needing to change, of dressing for the occasion (an allegory for playing a role - to fit in to whatever environment you're in rather than being your true self) and most importantly of complicated family dynamics - suggesting that there may have been some change in the dyamics - perhaps this will play into the will (also colour paralleling the will scene as Buck is in yellow ochre and the breaking point scene with Eddie in a yellowish colour and Chris in grey) and perhaps Chris discovering Buck would be his guardian in the event Eddie isn't around. I mean we'll have to wait and see for the actual context, but I will eat my hat if the season 7 scene isn't playing into Buckley-Diaz family dynamics in some way!
Back to this still
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I keep flip flopping on if its Buck or Bobby, but right now the lack of grey hair is making me lean towards it being Buck.
This is a still of the back of Bucks head from his coma dream for comparison (blurry as hell as he's not in focus but it looks enought like the same shape of hairline and of Olivers ear for me to feel like its more Buck than Bobby!
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I think the shirt is what is throwing me off though because its just so not a typical Buck shirt (excepting coma dream Bucks!).
I've gone back through my notes and I just can't find any examples of Buck wearing this kind of patterning or shirt before, the closest we get is that hideous shirt he is wearing at the hospital after Kameron has given birth
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The only thing I can do is scream into the void about check theory because check does't bode well for people - they always end up in the middle of the drama (see my check theory posts linked on my pinned post for more) and while they come out the other side (99% of the time) Buck in check for that scene in 6x18 pretty much doomed his relationship with Natalia (its specific to her and not C&K's baby as Buck wasn't wearing it when he delivered it!) and as that shirt in the still is very un Buck like, has not only yellow ochre in it, but also its a white base (and we all know buck in white is a bad sign!!) and its check patterned - my theory is that this scene is connected to Natalia in some way - either Buck is not being true to him self in more than one way - that things are going to/have come to a head for their relationship (my kingdom for a reverse of Buck to Eddie about Ana in 5x03!!!) and lead to a pretty big change in some way (fingers crossed for Buck to end it and then finally break down and deal with his trauma!!!)
Some other things about that shirt - I've brightened it up in the picture below - the colour combination - the green blue and yellow ochre are giving me call backs to coma Buck (another reason I think it might be connected to Bucks unresolved trauma around his death and Eddies absense in his dream)
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Then there is the burgundy stripe in combination with Eddies hand placement and the fact Eddie is wearing a denim shirt - its very Tsunami call back (even the white plays into this as well as Buck was in white when he saved Chris) -
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I'm quite probably clowning hard at this point, but the fact we've got Eddie in denim again (not something he wears all that often) in a scene where he puts his hand on Bucks shoulder in that way and with his Christopher watch so very prominent - we'll I might be feeling a certain way about it.
It would make sense to play into that story arc - after all - the opening of season 7 is very much centred around a big water based disaster - its got to bring up a few things for the two of them. If it is related, Eddies Denim being darker at this point would be a nice play on things - the idea that there is more deepness - more depth to his relationship with Buck than there was in early season 3 (it even calls back to flash back Eddie in 3x16 - he is wearing dark denim when him and Shannon fight and Chris wakes up)
Ok thats enough rambling from me! Hopefully i have made a tiny bit of sense! of to go back to screaming in the void now!!
tagging a few people who might be interested! @extasiswings @copyninjabuckley @oneawkwardcookie @spotsandsocks @mandzuking17 @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @theladyyavilee @mistmarauder
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kentopedia · 10 months
Who do you think Is Gojo, Nanami, and Geto’s type?
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it takes a lot for nanami to commit to a relationship, given his line of work. in the canon universe, i think nanami would really want to be with another sorcerer. he’ll always worry about his partner, but he’ll feel much better about being in a relationship if he knows his job won’t put the person he loves in a vulnerable position.
opposites do not attract in nanami’s case. i think he would want someone more similar to him.
i see him with someone on the quieter side, a person that opens up much more once they're comfortable.
and once they are comfortable, nanami gets to see a whole new side to them, which is so special to him. his partner makes him laugh, & they see the more relaxed side of him as well! <3
bc of this; i just think he would just feel more connected to someone more introverted and with a personality like his own.
someone who he can sit in silence with and it won’t be uncomfortable.
also someone who’s okay without public displays of affection. he likes to keep his personal life private. (he’ll hold their hand all the time though! sometimes a quick peck on the temple, but that’s only when he’s feeling extra sappy)
his partner would need to be a good listener. it takes a lot for him to be vulnerable with another person. nanami won’t fully commit himself to a relationship if he doesn’t believe that they value all of his thoughts and emotions.
nanami is definitely someone who would need his space at times, so it would be important that his partner understands and values alone time. another reason why i think he’d be better suited to someone who’s more reserved like him.
he thinks very deeply, so he wants to be with someone introspective, educated or who enjoys learning.
if the relationship is serious, it’s important to him that they’re able to have stimulating and thoughtful conversations.
someone who is passionate about something. it doesn’t matter what, it could be something silly, but he falls more and more in love when his partner cares deeply about things.
mostly bc he loves seeing their face light up when they talk about the things that they adore!!!
nanami being a big reader is my favorite thing ever, so i see him with someone who likes to read too. it doesn’t matter what genres though.
i personally think nanami is very frugal. he wants to save money for retirement and travel, so it would be important to him to have a financially conscious partner. memories are more important to him than gifts and material items <3
(although he’ll sometimes splurge on expensive gifts for his significant other!)
i think he’s very clean and organized, so he’d want his partner to be the same. i can’t really see him living with someone that’s messy.
also, someone who appreciates the little things in life! <3 and who can make him smile so much :(
nanami doesn’t like casual dating, so he won’t be interested in anyone until he knows their personality well
so i feel like any relationship he has will stem from a friendship first. mostly because he finds it difficult to open up to others.
overall, he wants someone who is mature, intelligent, and polite. kindness is an attractive trait!!! if they can’t treat people with basic respect (gojo not included), he won't be interested.
₊˚⊹♡ GOJO
of the three of them, i think gojo is the least particular when it comes to what he wants in a partner.
he notices appearance first, but that’s only because he’s open to casual relationships. the reason being that it takes a long time for gojo to let himself fall in love with another person- but that doesn't mean he wants to be alone all the time either.
(he fools everyone into thinking he doesn’t want a serious relationship when that’s actually all he wants)
it’s hard to find the right person though because gojo is looking for someone who doesn’t care who he is. he can usually tell if someone is interested in him just because he’s “satoru gojo,” and that is something that will immediately turn him away.
he craves someone who will treat him like a normal person! he doesn’t want to be the strongest sorcerer in his private moments.
obviously, also a significant other with a sense of humor. gojo wants to make them laugh and laugh with them in return.  he is not above excessive teasing and joking, so if that’s going to bother his partner, it probably won’t work out.
but i think he’d still look for someone who also has a practical side, someone that can really ground him. they’d have to be light-hearted, but serious when they needed to be.
gojo feels troubled and lost a lot, so really, he's searching for someone that can be an anchor.
because of his power and status, he feels like he forgets that he's allowed to be happy too :( so he wants to be able to count on his partner for support when he needs it, and in return, he will be twice as supportive!!
also, he'll need someone who is empathetic and good at reading him. gojo is famously horrible about keeping his feelings to himself.
emotional intelligence is key for his partner. gojo always wants to tell them how he feels, he’s just had to be strong for so long that he doesn’t know how.
so, it’s important they won’t shy away from those conversations and will encourage them from time to time.  
though they also need to understand that sometimes, he just wants to do something that will take his mind off things.
for that reason, i think he’d want a partner with a spontaneous streak, who’d be up for going on a dessert run in the middle of the night if he asked <33
someone who doesn’t mind if he’s clingy and will miss him when he’s away.
in the same vein, someone who can deal with the fact that he has to put himself in danger a lot. (he always feels bad about leaving)
opposed to nanami, someone who is comfortable with displays of affection. gojo will talk about his partner all the time and will probably not take his hands off them when they’re around.
 also someone who doesn’t mind being spoiled. he will spend far too much money on his partner, it’s one of his favorite ways to show he loves them so so much <3
overall, someone that brings out genuine happiness in him. he’s been through a lot, and I feel like so much of his positive emotions are forced. if they can make his smile so hard it hurts, then he’s found his match.
₊˚⊹♡ GETO
i'm not really a geto girl and i’ve never written for him :( so this one is a bit harder for me!
but... definitely a sorcerer. lol.
i think loyalty will be the main trait that he looks for in a partner. he's serious about his goals and values, and he knows that what he believes may seem wrong to others.
so he doesn't want to doubt that his partner will stand by his side, even when he makes mistakes.
although, i think he'll also want someone that can make him laugh. he's so focused on all the bad in the world that he needs to be reminded that there can be good moments too :(
he’ll love someone that has a soft spot for kids
someone who will always make a genuine attempt to understand him, even if what he's saying begins to make little sense.
he keeps his thoughts to himself a lot, but when he feels particularly vulnerable, he needs to know his partner isn’t going to think he’s weak.
someone who is strong enough to protect themselves.
like nanami, he doesn't want to constantly be worried that his significant other will be at risk because of him. he’s made a lot of enemies.
i see him with someone very quick-witted or outspoken. he wants someone confident to be at his side.
also, someone who cares about their appearance and makes an effort to take care of themselves
he's going to be drawn to people that are interesting. his partner will have many layers to them, and he’s fascinated to learn new things about them at any given time.
but, regardless of whether or not they have a tough exterior, geto will ultimately be drawn to someone with a loving heart.
someone who will understand that for change to come, sacrifices sometimes need to be made :(
geto's partner would need to appreciate a simple life. he's a very passionate lover, but it's hard for him to reconcile his dark ambitions with his softer, romantic side.
he doesn't always have the time for grandiose displays, and though he'll make it up to them in other ways, he doesn't want to be with someone who might doubt his affection.
if he's distant, they need to respect his space. but know that if he drifts too far, he might be out of reach completely
but also someone that will treat him with the gentleness that he craves (even if he never says it)
he knows he's cared for more than he realizes by the sorcerers he’s protected
... but the moments when his partner plays with his hair or kisses him on the cheek with a smile: those are the moments that make him truly feel appreciated. :(
overall, geto will want someone that he can trust.
he'd need someone to lean on, to support him, so that he can believe he's making the right decisions. he wants someone to come home to, that he never has to doubt will love him despite everything he’s done.
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i definitely did not describe myself at all in nanami's section! i got a little carried away w gojo and nanami. <3 sorry geto's is a little bit shorter :( this was so fun though, thank you for the request!!
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revui · 5 months
I'm still mad about the bastardization of psychological terms, and I saw a post earlier that inspired me to expand upon it. Here's a quick guide on what certain psychological terms do and do not mean, from someone with an education in psychology, not that you need one to know and understand this. I am open to additions and corrections.
Important note for if this post gets noticed: I am making blanket statements. I do not care if your abuser was "actually a diagnosed narcissist." That is irrelevant and meaningless to the purpose of this post, which is to help prevent the spread of misunderstandings, negative stigma, and the watering-down of important terms.
Psychotic refers to a person who has delusions or hallucinations, or otherwise is in a state of mind where they cannot determine reality. Psychotic does NOT mean: dangerous, emotionless, unkind, nonsensical. Someone who is mean or callous is not psychotic. A person you find strange is not psychotic.
Delusions are beliefs that either have no evidence of being true or actively contradict reality. A delusion can be believing you are under constant surveillance, that you have died, that you never existed at all, that you are a powerful or religious figure, etc. Delusional does not mean: wrong, strange, unintelligent. Someone who likes something you think is bad is not delusional. A person who holds a belief you don't understand is not delusional.
Unprofessional Aside: Stop saying "delulu." It's embarrassing.
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder generally characterized by repeated episodes of psychosis. Schizophrenia is more complicated than I can responsibly describe in the space of this post. People are schizophrenic. Objects and concepts cannot be schizophrenic. Disorganized, chaotic, and hard to understand are not the same as schizophrenic. People with schizophrenia are not: dangerous, inhuman, completely incoherent, unable to function*.
Narcissism is a personality disorder generally characterized by an exaggerated sense of uniqueness and a need for external validation or admiration. Narcissists may have little or no empathy. There is no such thing as narcissistic abuse. Abuse performed by a diagnosed narcissist is still normal abuse**. Someone who is mean, selfish, or unaware is not a narcissist. Someone who wants attention is not a narcissist. Someone who takes pride in their achievements or appearance is not a narcissist.
Empathy is the ability to feel other people's emotions. Empathy is not the same thing as kindness, nor is it a prerequisite for kindness. People with diminished empathy are not: callous, emotionless, selfish. Diminished empathy is not a flaw. It does not make someone incapable of understanding people or forming relationships.
ASPD is a personality disorder generally characterized by diminished empathy and disregard for others. People with ASPD may display reckless behavior or aggression. This does not mean they are: dangerous, irredeemable, uniquely awful, deserving death.
Psychopathy and sociopathy are contested terms. They are sometimes used to mean ASPD, but they are not diagnoses. Definitions vary wildly. Sometimes they are used as synonyms of each other, sometimes they are distinguished. I do not know if there is a consensus on what these words mean and would appreciate further input.
Intrusive thoughts are unpleasant, uncontrollable thoughts that can revolve around violence, murder, self-harm, suicide, sex, bigotry, and any other subjects the thinker finds taboo or unwelcome. An intrusive thought is something you don't WANT to do or don't WANT to think about. Getting angry and wanting to express your anger by punching the wall is not an intrusive thought. Wanting to dye your hair a weird color is not an intrusive thought. The key factor of an intrusive thought is that one has no desire to think or act upon it. An intrusive thought can sometimes develop into an obsession.
OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by obsessions (persistent, unpleasant thoughts, such as getting sick, loved ones dying, making sexual advances on someone, etc.) and compulsions (routines usually meant to cope with or "prevent" the subject of the obsession, such as skin-picking, repeating actions, hand washing, etc.). People with OCD may be aware of the irrationality but awareness does not automatically lead to prevention; telling someone with OCD that they are irrational is not helpful. A desire for completeness, satisfaction, organization, or cleanliness is not the same thing as OCD.
If you are not an educated psychologist or psychiatrist acting in a clinical setting from an objective perspective, you cannot diagnose anyone. If you have any interest at all in helping mentally ill people, you will learn what words mean and use them correctly. I'm tired and angry so if I've made mistakes I am BEGGING people to let me know.
*As I said at the beginning, these are all blanket statements. This statement is referencing the idea of the "padded cell," or that all schizophrenics are fundamentally incapable of having a place in society and must be locked away. There do exist schizophrenics who need high levels of support, and that is not what I was referring to. They and all other people who depend on external support for any reason are not lazy or worthless.
**People argue that symptoms of NPD influence the way in which an abuser hurts people. That does not mean narcissistic abuse exists. The disorder doesn't matter; the person would still be abusive without it.
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sillybruja · 5 days
random placement observations: natal chart edition pt. 1
DISCLAIMER: I am not a professional astrologer, this purely my observation based on repetitive patterns I notice within the signs, placements, houses etc. Take what I say with a grain of salt and understand not every astrology observation will resonate.
Aquarius moons and their mommy issues go under the radar too much. In my experience, I have noticed Aquarius moons have the most complicated, sometimes love/hate relationship with their mother's. There's usually some sort of disconnect between the placement person & their mom, and it is usually because the mom fails to fully understand Aquarius moon's personality, or need for personal freedom. Mothers to these individuals tend to have issues with boundaries -- either they are too overbearing, or too under involved -- which leads the Aqua moon person to sometimes want to crawl out of their own skin. I've also notice ppl with this placement having trouble with coddling by a mother figure, or generally having a harder time gaining independence due to the specific or unique way the person was raised.
Venus conjunct pluto: This aspect, to me, manifests very differently based on what chart it is in. Venus and Pluto making contact usually can suggest some obsession / hyperfocus becoming present in your life. While on one hand this can definitely suggest that a person with this natal placement can tend to be obsessive in love, or with money, material resources, etc - it usually mostly suggests the types of people, situations and relationships we attract. People with this people can naturally attract a lot of eyes and attention -- good and bad. Due to pluto's contact - the planet of death, obsession, sex etc -- with the love planet venus, this can suggest attracting obsessive partners. This can manifest in both a negative, and positive way. This placement can absolutely attract their spouse, love of their life etc -- but they can just as easily attract lots of unwanted, creepy attention. Also, if you have this placement there's a good chance you were sexualized as a child, or much sooner than you should have been -- I am sorry 😞
1H Luminary placements: these placements get such a bad rep in astrology imo lol. While the first house is the house of the self, this does not suggest a person with sun/moon in 1H being extremely selfish (which pop astrology suggests). In my experience, people with these specific placements have them to learn what it means to find & live in your own truth. I find that people with these placements (sometimes venus 1H and Mercury 1H too) are very selfless and might actually neglect giving themselves the energy of the planet in their first house. For example, to the outside world, a Sun in 1H person might seem confident, extroverted even (sometimes, the opposite is true) but on the inside, this person actually struggles with their identity and confidence a lot. they ask themselves who they are, who they want to be, as much as they think about breakfast. They can be too hard on themselves which can make them hyperfocus on themselves, their lives, their goals etc., -- but it is literally part of their life purpose to go through these cycles which to the outside world, looks like the person is being selfish. Same is said for Moon in 1H --these people are considered manipulative, secretive, very emotional -- but the truth is, they might have gone their whole lives holding onto emotions that were never allowed to be released. Perhaps this individuals pushes their own feelings away to always make space for others. These people are extremely empathetic and while there will be a few rotten apples out there, the good majority of people with this placement are not awful emotionally selfish people, they are just here to learn how to honor, accept, and transmute their emotions just as often as they help others do the same.
Having lots of 3H, 6H, 10H placements usually makes a person really busy, or manifests as someone with anxiety especially anxiety that arises from the lack of work. These placements are the real workaholics but to an extreme level. I know someone with a 6H stellium & 10H Saturn who at one point worked 3 jobs and was a full-time uni. student. Same person is now a NICU nurse, actively getting two more masters degrees, so yeah, y'all like to keep busy. I have noticed these placements have big issues with time management, especially when it comes to any personal time you give yourself (do you even give yourself any time to wind down? like lets bfr 🙈). As a taurus moon I feel compelled to remind you that you literally need rest to accomplish all the things you want to do! What good is pushing past your limits if you feel exhausted constantly?
Jupiter in 4H -- I have a question, how was your childhood? I feel this placement can manifest in lots of ways, I feel for some of you maybe you had lots of siblings, more brother's than sisters. You could be the younger child. Jupiter is about expanding whatever it touches, so when its in the 4H it is essentially "growing" in that area. This could mean having lots of siblings, but in the same extreme, this could mean having none. The could have manifested in a happy, healthy home & family dynamic. This can just as well manifest as serious family trauma (generational trauma), or serious and repetitive familial themes and karmic cycles. You are here to learn something about balance in regards of the home, lineage, magic, traditions, wisdom, and love in general. Because Jupiter is in the 4H here, you will have a lot of opportunity to have luck in terms of buying a home, relocating, or in general "leveling up" in a secure way. But jupiter does not give just to give... if you want the blessings of jupiter you can't be stagnant -- this is something else jupiter in 4H seems to struggle with. I've noticed y'all can get lazy 😭 If you grew up in a happy home (hell or not) and had a parent (s) figure do everything for you, then the time you hit adulthood will be a rude awakening. Same is said for those with overbearing or controlling parents with this placement. Remember that jupiter is not just about luck, its mostly about expansion, so having things go your way, or having a support system that fails to teach you how to be independent will make things difficult for you when you have to be. Using Jupiter in 4H energy to your benefit looks like breaking generational curses, ending self-destructive patterns, watching negative habits such as alcoholism, drug abuse, and gambling, and in general, actively making better choices.
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
I don’t know bout you but I’m introverted af. How would the jjk dudes treat an introverted and shy partner? 😊
AHH I love this request!! though, I will say I also have extreme social anxiety and I think that may have bled through so keep that in mind!
Now Presenting...
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Starring: Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Kento Nanami, and Ryomen Sukuna
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Satoru Gojo
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Gojo is going to be a hard one to deal with if you’re an introvert, I’m not gonna lie homies
He is extremely extroverted and loves to be around people.
He actually kinda has to be around people, least he lose his frickin mind
But, he does try to do better and pick up on your nonverbal cues
If you guys are out and he notices you getting overwhelmed, he tries to separate you from the situation
And while he loves hang outs, kick backs, nights out ect, he also loves just hanging out with you at home, quietly watching you play games or read together
I will say he does fall into the trap of finding your shyness cute.
Your flustered body language as you try to hide yourself away in social situations, He finds it cute!
And I honestly think he has a little bit of a hard time understanding your discomfort being around friends.
I mean, think about it. He’s a lonely guy with not a lot of friends. Gojo loves to attend social gatherings and hang outs, because they make him less lonely.
Why would anyone want to be lonely?
I also think he would have a pretty hard time giving you space ngl
Like, you just want to read alone but he wants to be right next to you. 
So, you have to be blunt with no room for misinterpretation when you need space. Just like real life!
I don’t think it would hurt his feelings, don’t worry. He’d be happy you can be so honest with him
He does try to adapt to you and your needs, but ya gotta give him some time
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Suguru Geto
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As an introvert who loves loves loves Suguru, don’t date him if you’re an introvert LMAO
He’s always got people in and around his house and all of them want to talk to him. It’s his “Family”
He may even be a little bit upset with you for wanting space from his family
They don’t mean you any harm, they love you! Why do you hate and avoid them?
I think he would “try” To “Help you adapt.”
By that I mean when you start to get overwhelmed, he pushes you past your boundaries to keep hanging out with them.
He would give you a drink to “help you nerves” 1000%
I just feel like being an introvert and dating him would leave you overstimulated all the time.
Not related (But it feels very related) he sees no problem in using the overhead lights and does so liberally. I mean that derogatorily.
Your best bet at getting some space is sneaking away while the others are deep in conversation
If you’re an introvert please stay far away from this man. I'm so serious. For your own safety stay clear
Now, that being said, I do think you can get some quiet time by agreeing to read with him.
But that’s it other than that you’re screwed.
Good luck soldier.
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Kento Nanami
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He completely understands because he is the exact same way
He's extremely sensitive to your needs and when you start to feel overwhelmed 
And as such, he's really good about getting you away from the situation and to a safe place where you can calm down
He understands space better than any of the other guys because he needs it sometimes too
You guys work because both of you hate everyone else
Ok, that's a bit of an exaggeration but there's truth to it!
One of his favorite fate nights is just sitting with you reading together 
Unlike Gojo, he doesn't see your signs of distress as cute. He sees them for what the are: signs if distress 
Thankfully, he's never opposed to leaving any social gathering early to get you home to recharge your battery
Honestly he probably needs a recharge too
And don't worry, he's not going to ask you to go anywhere else for at least a little while
Honestly, he's the objective best bet for any introvert
He's understanding and gentle about the situation 
All he asks is that you do the same for him
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Ryomen Sukuna
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Ok, here me out on this one. Sukuna loves that you're an introvert 
….because it means he has an easier time keeping you to himself 
What, you didn't think this would come without a catch, did ya?
I've touched on this before but I think Sukuna is really in touch with his SO’s needs, so he picks up on it the moment you start to get overwhelmed
And his version of helping you re-regulate is to just taking you home because he didn’t want to be round people anyway
Honestly, I feel like he may be an introvert too
But not in a “People can drain me” Sometimes way but in more of a “I fucking hate people” way
He’d make fun of you for it too just fyi
“What? Can’t handle a few humans? Pathetic.”
If someone comes looking for you to hang out he’s real quick to be like “Sorry, her battery is dead today.”
Even when it’s not
Does not understand personal time at all.
Ask him to leave you alone all you want, he’s going to be at least in the same room as you.
Probably pouting because you don’t want to be near him
Have I mentioned yet that Sukuna is a nightmare?
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middlenamesage · 2 months
What each sign teaches us plus some hard truths each might need to ask!
KEEP IN MIND we all have all the signs in our birth chart; whether those houses are “empty” or not, they still have influence. We also all experience transits through all the signs, and we even have progressed charts that account for the archetypes we get more into learning later on. So take WHATEVER resonates for you with any of this!
♈️🐏 Aries teaches us action and that action comes from us with the least resistance when we know and trust who we are as an individual.
Hard truth: Aries, have you been seeing yourself or living your life as though you’re a one-man island? You might think you’re stronger than others for your hyper-independence, but at times the greatest strength for YOU is recognizing and embracing what others have contributed to your life and to who you are. It could also behoove you to think of others or to think more carefully through potential outcomes before you act sometimes.
♉️🐂 Taurus teaches us personal peace by aligning our focus on what we need for material and psychological stability.
Hard truth: Taurus, have your values, personal preferences, or your attachment to possessions become overly rigid? While honoring our values and preferences and ensuring we have the necessary items for material security and comfort are an important part of the process in finding peace, total inflexibility about these things can end up sending you in the opposite direction of peace.
♊️🌬️ Gemini teaches us to gather objective information from the world around us, and how to communicate information.
Hard truth: Gemini, have you been looking down so many avenues of knowledge, that you haven’t allowed yourself the time and sustained focus to sort out your own philosophies, or go more into depth or meaning, around the subjects you’re learning? At times you should also strive to keep better track of what you’re communicating to people, and to focus on understanding the meaning you project with your words, not just the information provided by them.
♋️🦀 Cancer teaches us how to emotionally support ourselves and others (self nurturance is key for support of others to be most functionally helpful)
Hard truth: Cancer, have you become so focused on protecting yourself or others, that you’ve started to see danger where it doesn’t even exist? Careful, paranoia is not a good look for anyone, but especially not you. There’s a reason you have instincts to build walls around you, not unlike a crab retreating into its shell. 🦀 But if this becomes a default action and not just used when it’s actually needed to protect your space or safety, the function of your energy to support and nurture can not be as well realized.
♌️🦁 Leo teaches us confidence in authentic expression of self. Where the first fire sign teaches us confidence in establishing self, the next one teaches us how to implement authentic expression of oneself.
Hard truth: Leo, have you been going out of your way to seek input from others that your self expression is valid? Well cut that out if so, because that would defeat the entire purpose of practicing YOUR expression. YOU decide if it’s valid. I could also advise something like “be less self centered!”… but honestly that’ll just start to happen naturally once you’re actually authentically relying on your own validation only. 🦁
♍️🌾 Virgo teaches us how to take care of things in the practical realm. We wouldn’t have a functioning world around us in this physical plane if it weren’t for Virgoan energy assessing all the details of structures, systems, and routines… makes sense I’ve read from at least one source that Virgo is the most common Sun sign!
Hard truth: Virgo, have you gotten so up in your head, Mercury style, about the details of your routines or the tasks you need to do, that it’s become challenging to actually successfully or efficiently attend to them? When Virgo energy gets dysfunctional like this it could really take a cue from Mars/Aries. “Just do it!” Also, whenever you start to find yourself being especially critical of yourself or others, you could stand to remind yourself of the big picture dynamics, concepts, or goals you have in mind.
♎️⚖️ Libra teaches us interpersonal peace by putting the focus on compromise and balance.
Hard truth: Libra, if you’ve been going out of your way to appease others, you might need to ask yourself if this is because you truly care about what’s best for them, or if it’s a behavior more connected to lack of rootedness in YOURSELF that makes you averse to conflict? It’s important for you to try to get to know and exercise your authentic individuality. The South Node currently in Libra with the North Node in Aries can help anyone who wants to make progress here.
♏️🦂 Scorpio teaches us how to face our shadows and ultimately how to integrate them so that we may transform.
Hard truth: Scorpio, have you been so obsessed on analyzing your past for answers to why you are as you are, that you’ve forgotten to just focus on finding some personal peace in the moment? You could take a cue from your opposite/sister sign Taurus if you find yourself in this position. 🖤 Also, when it comes to your trust issues, two big things will ultimately help: 1.) Build your SELF trust through giving yourself the opportunities to make and carry out your own decisions (Scorpio is Mars too and needs to act!) and 2.) Use/cultivate your deep instincts about people to ensure it’s supportive people you have most around you, while doing whatever you can to keep the toxic ones out.
♐️🏹 Sagittarius teaches us how to form our beliefs and find meaning however it encourages you to expand.
Hard truth: Sagittarius, have you fallen into the trap of thinking the philosophies that give YOUR life meaning are the same beliefs that others need to adopt? WHOA back up there buckaroo! It’d behoove you to remember that Sagittarius is a fire sign, so it deals with some personal aspects of our individuality. Not everyone will find inspiration to expand from the same designations of meaning as you, and you need to learn to not try to push your worldviews on anyone who isn’t receptive.
♑️🐐 Capricorn teaches us how to build structure and commit to a long term goal/vision/plan.
Hard truth: Capricorn, have you become so blinded by your personal standards for quality or by what it is you’re trying to build to be a certain way, that anyone or anything that does not fit neatly into your structure appears as a threat or a reason to give up hope to you? At times you could stand to gain a little more flexibility and optimism. Setbacks do not mean the end, and if you could fast forward over your life you would see this, so if you’re having trouble seeing it now, try to see if you can regain a bit of the hopeful outlook from the sign that came just before you. I promise the capacity is within you. 😉
♒️🏺 Aquarius teaches us the ins and outs of society so that we may reflect on what we as an individual can bring to it or help liberate it.
Hard truth: Aquarius, have you been viewing yourself so much as an outsider, that it’s tempting to see yourself as separate from the rest of society? Well I have a hard truth for you: You’re not separate from it and not above it; no one is. And it’s especially dysfunctional for YOU to see yourself as a distinct and separate entity not influenced by society, or as too different from everyone else to be able to relate to them- society needs your insightful contribution!
♓️🐟 Pisces teaches us empathy and fosters our imagination through the understanding that everything is connected.
Hard truth: Pisces, have you been seeing yourself as the victim? You really need to hear that if you would just cut that out and start seeing yourself instead as an empowered dreamer with strong intuition you can continually cultivate, your ability to manifest* would be arguably the most insane of all the signs. (*Not that I support the idea that everything can be attained through manifestation alone.) Take it from a Pisces rising who learned the hard way and is feeling inspired to expand on this one: victimhood is The most detrimental trap for Pisces. Not only because it keeps your reality feeling like that of a victim, but also because Pisces energy is nearly functionally useless if it’s too self absorbed to ever see or act according to the Piscean message of interconnectedness. Learning the right amount to give compassionately of yourself, with the appropriate boundaries, is a crucial part of the Piscean journey!
Thanks for reading, and happy astrological evolution! 🌻
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qqueenofhades · 3 months
Hi, sorry, Asshole Anon here (I’m not giving myself that nickname to lash out, I’m saying it because I was an ass)
To clarify: I mean “I don’t know what to trust anymore” in that “people whom I normally respect and would otherwise agree with are now sharing material that I find either morally indefensible or overtly simplistic, and at the same time people on the ground in Gaza are saying that Hamas IS a liberation organization, so I trust their word, but there is also the existence of the “We Want To Live” protests, and the fact that there’s now apparently a protest against a child that got killed that isn’t widely reported, with an attached video of said protest from somebody on the ground in Gaza, but it’s in Arabic, there are no subtitles, I cannot speak Arabic, and I don’t trust Google Translate”
I just want an objective sense of what is happening on the ground. I want to know what is and is not propaganda, because I (white, raised in a liberal(?) household, surrounded by white people) am especially susceptible to it. Once I have that objective sense of what the people in Gaza want, then I will be able to effectively and efficiently advocate for shit. But that also necessitates listening to orgs like Standing Together, B’Tselem, people IN Israel who want this shit to stop, and hoo BOY that ain’t gonna fly with those people I mentioned because of:
1. BDS saying that the org “normalizes the occupation”, but they’re made up of Palestinian activists and anti-apartheid veterans, I can’t discount their statement, not fully.
2. Netenyahu’s… Netenyahu
3. Twitter’s doing a great job of asserting that everyone in Israel is a — quoting directly here from a half-remembered Tweet — “genocidal maniac”, or wants the bombardment to happen. (Which I know for a fact is not the case, if the protests calling for a new election are anything to go by)
That’s not even getting into the domestic stuff. I’m in an org rn and I’m getting the sinking feeling that they’re gonna drop this thing like a hot potato when a ceasefire gets called. Just sucks.
Anyways, back to improvement. Just closing this out
I agree that we're currently in a paradoxical state where there is simultaneously ALL THE INFORMATION EVER and ACTUALLY NO INFORMATION AT ALL, and that's what makes it difficult to sort out true from false. It's also what contributes to compassion fatigue, where we are able to get extensive real-time information and/or eyewitness accounts about pretty much any tragedy or catastrophe anywhere in the world, and social media has created a space where we are expected to both immediately react to all that information and to do so in the "right" and "correct" way. Which is basically impossible, and is also what burns out young well-meaning people so hard, where they insist that there's nothing to be done except The Revolution, because they have been so inundated with this torrent of human suffering and it seems like small steps are in fact useless. I am a historian and I can tell you upfront that humans are simply not made to process that volume of information about ALL THE BAD THINGS EVERYWHERE. It's also impossible to have an informed opinion on all or sometimes any of it, but there is still the pressure to visibly do so and to do it in a way that fits in with what everyone in your peer group is saying, even if you don't understand it. So yes -- that is absolutely very difficult, and it's hard to filter or parse it.
That said, I don't think we actually need to have painstaking piece-by-piece analysis of every single piece of information out there, because there are in fact so many competing narratives, perspectives, fake news, disinformation campaigns, opinions, etc., and it will lead you to the same information paralysis: there's just too much of it to even start processing, and so your brain just gives up and reverts to those same simplistic cliches and things that "feel" right, regardless of whether or not they are. When you're trying to decide on the fine details of something, it helps to have an overall sense of the context and narrative that they're operating in. So for reference, these are some broad and basic analytic paradigms that I personally use when reading or thinking about any material in regard to the Israel/Hamas situation in particular:
No person of basic good faith and human decency wants the current situation in Gaza to be happening. However, the person/group that has the power to call it off -- i.e. Netanyahu and the current Israeli government -- has not done so despite increasing pressure from Western allies, because the situation is beneficial to Bibi personally and he sees more use in continuing it than making the decision for it to stop.
The governments of Western allies, therefore, can voice disapproval of Israel's actions (which they have been doing more and more frequently) but unless Netanyahu himself makes the choice to end the war, it will not stop. The West has recently given more and more signals that they are not prepared to countenance the ongoing destruction and genocide of Gaza, but yet again, Israel is its own sovereign country with its own powerful government, military, intelligence services, etc. The "anti-imperialists" who think the collective West can just reach in and turn off the violence whenever they please, and have just refused to do so because they're "bad people," are not being realistic. Western allies can exert pressure and leverage, but as long as Netanyahu himself wants to keep going, he will.
"People in Gaza" and "people in Israel" are not homogeneous blocs who think exactly alike. Some people in Gaza support Hamas. Some people do not. Hamas support has recently grown as a result of Israel's post-October 7 response, but it is not unanimous or unquestioned.
Hamas is the entity that started the current war by attacking Israel on October 7 and murdering/raping/kidnapping 1,000+ Israeli civilians. Hamas is also associated with Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, and other terrorist regimes/states, which are often defended by Online Leftists simply for being "anti-Western," regardless of how heinous their actions also are.
Netanyahu was wildly unpopular in Israel for MONTHS before this current war, due to his autocratic attempts to neutralize the Israeli Supreme Court and make the country even more of his personal fiefdom. There were huge, massive, ongoing protests against his naked power-grab for almost all of 2023, and he was so preoccupied with pushing it through that he ignored warnings from the Israeli and Egyptian intelligence services that Hamas was planning a major attack. These anti-Netanyahu demonstrations have continued and ramped up in intensity even in the middle of the war/attacks on Gaza.
As such, painting every single Israeli as mindlessly supporting the current actions of Netanyahu and the Israeli government is antisemitic nonsense and reflect the current Western Leftist tendency to assume that "all Israelis" and "all Zionists (read Jews)" are evil and personally responsible for this.
Israeli Jews have a right to exist and to reside on the land currently called Israel. Modern Israel was founded in 1948, three years after the end of WWII and the Holocaust, the greatest incidence of antisemitic mass murder in history, which is a fact that cannot be ignored and which western leftists eagerly calling for its total eradication and treating it as an illegitimate "white western settler colony" nonetheless do in fact repeatedly ignore.
This is why many Jews do not feel safe in other countries, because there has literally been thousands of years of history proving that they often aren't, and which the rabidly antisemitic response to the current conflict is doing nothing to dissuade.
Jews have had a presence in the land alternately called Palestine, Israel, the Holy Land, Judah, etc., for over 2,000 years, and their entire religion and history is founded around the exile from Jerusalem. That is the history that the current state of Israel is drawing on. It does not vanish just because it is inconvenient for western leftists to acknowledge.
Israel currently has a militant far-right government (after tending toward rightist/right wing domestic politics more generally, partially due to post-Holocaust trauma) that has deliberately erased, ignored, and violated the equally valid claims of Palestine and Palestinian people to that same land, and which is currently committing full-scale genocide against them.
Palestine and Palestinian/Muslim people have the same right to exist on that land as Israel and Israeli/Jewish people (and Christian people, and none-of-the-three people). They both have equally long and historically relevant claims to this land and one of them (in an ideal world, which we do not live in) should not be artificially prized over the other.
However, this land is some of the most bitterly and violently contested in the entire world, for the last two thousand years and counting, and there is no one good guy, simplistic answer, or quick way to stop it. The three Abrahamic faiths (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) have fought bitterly over Jerusalem and its associated territories for a cool few millennia, and human nature being what it is, there is no way for one person, group, organization, government, etc to just step in and make it stop.
The Western/American leftist response to the current conflict has often made absolutely no attempt to take into account any of this troubled and complex history, and has reduced the whole thing down to whichever antisemitic and/or anti-Democratic Party soundbites will get them the most traction on social media. This often rests on whitewashing any moral responsibility belonging to Hamas and defending them no matter what, labeling all Israeli Jews as "evil genocide supporters," and assuming that if Biden wanted to magically shapeshift into Netanyahu and give the order to make it stop, he would, but he's "just not doing it," ergo something something Trump Would Totally Be Better!
These people also often call themselves "anti-imperialist" while thinking/demanding that America swoop in and play Big Global Policeman Daddy (as it indeed has often done in the past) and spank all its naughty children (but if it actually did do this, etc etc it would be evil). Biden could very much do more and has not necessarily done enough, but he has also done more than any other American president in history to shift away from unconditional unquestioning support of Israel only, and to advocate for a Palestinian state, a lasting ceasefire, and other basic precepts of Palestinian self-determination and dignity of personhood. These two things can be true at the same time.
I don't necessarily expect everyone to agree with every single fine detail of these statements, but I do expect them to at least make a basic effort to let all of these facts to inform their response, and not just the ones that they most agree with and which most fit their ideology or preferred conclusion. So that's one way to approach the situation, even if we obviously can't wring every single drop of meaning out of every single competing piece of information or evidence, because there is just too much of it. When we have a broader understanding of the space that we are operating in and the precepts that are factually true, we are able to make better judgments about who is trustworthy, who is worth listening to, what message they are pushing, and whether it corresponds with reality.
Good luck. I'm sure you'll continue to think about this and take the steps that you feel are best. It is all any of us can do.
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twig-tea · 3 months
TsukuTabe S2 Is Perfection
I’ve been waffling about what to write about Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna s2, which completed last week (and which we have access to at all thanks to the hard work of @furritsubs). I have had to just give up on getting across how much this show means to me; there's no way I'll be able to communicate these feelings with words. Season 1 was excellent but Season 2 was everything I wanted and more that I didn't know I needed. This is going to be more disjointed than usual because I don't know how to be coherent about this show (and because tumblr ate my first two attempts).
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At its core, Tsukuritai Onna to Tabtetai Onna asks what if we were all just a little bit more conscientious and kind to one another? What if women were given space to be themselves and to make the choices that were best for them? This is the world of TsukuTabe, and I'm so grateful to have had the chance to inhabit it over these last four weeks. 
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I have so much love for the way Nomoto and Kasuga develop their relationship in conjunction with their relationships with the other women in their lives. Nagumo, Sayama, and Yako are integral to the success of Nomoto and Kasuga’s relationship, and they're also important relationships for the happiness of Nomoto and Kasuga in their own right. The found family vibes are immaculate. 
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The conflict between Kasuga and Nomoto this season was so perfectly them; the way they struggled with the transition from friends to lovers and being two people who are kind and giving in a relationship together and how that requires honesty and trust were both familiar conflicts that hit me hard in the feels. 
Kasuga's conflict with her family also hit me really hard. I once did the wrong thing and showed up to support my family in caring for someone who abused me, and it was a horrible experience that was ruinous to my mental health and took years to get over (and in the end they had to find a different solution anyway, which they could have done in the first place). Watching Kasuga refuse to make a similar decision, standing strong in the face of the social pressures of her parents and her aunt was so healing for me. And then to have her decision affirmed by someone of her parent's age? I sobbed in those scenes. 
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I also loved the way this season handled Nagumo’s anxiety issues and how she was given space to decide to get professional help on her own time and terms. The way her parents tried to help was also very familiar to me and realistic, and it was just a little heartbreaking how they tried and didn't understand how their attempts at helping added pressure in a way that wasn't helpful. 
The way this show covers this important beats in a person's life through these small, everyday moments, and in such a gentle way, is what I love so much about it. The show itself makes a safe space so that these subjects can come up and not feel overwhelming. 
And it's also really important to me that all of the characters get to have these moments. Sakae not only reflects on her insensitivity and the unfairness of Japan not having marriage equality, but she also reflects on the pressures on her to marry and whether she actually wants that for herself. Fujita not only helps Kasuga gain proxy acceptance for her choices but gets the same back for herself around her decision to divorce. All of these women live in ways that invoke social stigma, and the way this show gives explicit permission to these women to live their best lives is both cathartic and critical.
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I can't end this disjointed ramble without talking about the character I most identified with this season, Yako. Yako is an older, self-actualized asexual lesbian who makes friends with Nomoto on the Internet, recommends lesbian films to her, and mostly listens and affirms as Nomoto goes through her own process of discovering herself. I ran a GSA and have been on the Internet a long time, I've been in Yako’s position a lot (though I can only aspire to be as kind and wise). She is so patient and so genuinely happy for Nomoto when she and Kasuga get together, and she seems so quietly thrilled to have more wonderful people in her life willing to indulge her random party ideas. Her sharing a connection to a LGBTQ+-friendly real estate agency while being angry on their behalf that she even has to was perfection. 
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It's so important that these characters say the things they say aloud. I want to inscribe every sentence of this show into everyone's brains. This show is perfect, and lovely, and a warm bath, and a hug, and a cup of your favourite warm beverage perfectly fixed to your liking all in one. If you haven't done yourself the favour of watching yet, I highly recommend that you do so immediately. 
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[not an ID: Real footage of the entire audience's satisfaction and catharsis after watching TsukuTabe S2. Actual ID in alt text].
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bellewintersroe · 8 months
Band of brothers headcanons, how they react to accidentally upsetting you.
I just felt like writing something a little angsty because who doesn’t love that 😈
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Eugene Roe:
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This mf would be so confused, hear me out ok.
he’s so so smart and kind and caring, legit perfect, but humans do make mistakes! So in Gene’s case I feel like he maybe doesn’t understand why you may be frustrated/ hurt in a specific scenario.
“but I don’t understand, you said it was fine, like two secundz ago.” The boy is DUMBFOUNDED and then because you’re so frustrated and probably just tired for one reason or another, you burst into tears.
genes eyes widen and then he realised he’s probably messed up by not at least trying to understand.
ahhhh he’d spring off his feet, and kinda dither in front of you, a little confused. He’d be SO apologetic and his hands would kinda smooth over your hair, fixing it from where you’d messed it up slightly.
Gene would kinda click that he made you upset pretty quickly, so I think he’d be prepared to do anything he can to make you feel better as soon as possible. Lewis Nixon:
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I feel like with Lewis his drinking settles massive when he meets you, he’s happy and doesn’t need alcohol as an outlet.
But maybe in the early days of your relationship, like you’re in Austria or somewhere, he gets a little too drunk and it completely ruins the plan you put so much effort in for you both.
the morning after is when I think Lewis knows he’s fucked up. He’d spring out of his bed, no hangover could set him back, and he’s hurrying to find you immediately.
turns up at your door all dishevelled and your friend is like ‘no you’re not speaking to her’ but with some pleading it works. She’s ballsy, because he is her superior after all.
apologises like crazy, asks what he can do to fix it? I think he’d genuinely feel such a strong sense of guilt, that whatever he did won’t ever happen again because the sad little look on your face sticks with him for a longggg time.
Babe Heffron:
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“Babe, I think you upset her…”
“Wha’? What’d I do?!” Kinda baffled ngl, but either way all he cares about is that you’re upset. I think it would when the two of you were still friends, and he friend zoned you HARD after months of flirting and showing interest. Obviously he doesn’t mean to do this because you’re beautiful and so perfect, and he’s kinda in love with you.
chases after you down the street, well not literally, but he wants to see if you’re okay.
he’s so cute, and you’re so nervous to admit why it upset you, so he kinda takes a good few minutes just putting the pieces together until he’s like. “Oh… OH! You mean? You mean that ya’ upset because ya’ thought I only saw you as just a friend?!”
he’s in awe that you have the same feelings, he’s truly blind to it, but feels bad after because he didn’t want to hurt your feelings. He just honestly thought there wasn’t a chance on earth than you’d feel the same.
Joe Liebgott:
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Probably says something in the heat of the moment that he doesn’t mean.
Panic immediately after when he realises what he actually said. But you’re so pissed off you just snap right back at him and storm off, getting the space you need.
now Joe can be rash in the heat of the moment, but he isn’t a fool, nor is he mean spirited or nasty. He genuinely cares about you, he hates that he said something just outta pure anger.
you bet he’d be lingering outside your bedroom door, sighing dramatically and knocking as he anxiously awaits your response.
cuddles you like crazy, apologises pretty soon, especially if the argument has cooled down. He’d make it up for you by taking you on a long drive in his cab, buys you flowers, anything you want because you’re his girl and you deserve it.
although Joe can be quite rash, he is a huge softie, so I don’t think it’s EVER a common occurrence when he says something hurtful to you. It’s probably a one off? People always make mistakes, Joe doesn’t take that lightly on himself however.
super gentle with you afterwards, wishes he could truly take his words back. Vows to never upset you like that ever again, and you best believe he sticks to it.
George Luz:
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I feel like it would be a joke taken a little too far by accident.
he’d find you crying and he panics omg he’s like “what?! No, no, what’s wrong?!”
Then you’d be all like “is that what you think of me?!” And it takes a moment to click in his mind when he’s like- “oh SHIT!”
panics that he upset you, he’s upset himself for making you feel that way.
but he’s just a big ball of love and reassurance, you know from how genuinely serious he is that he didn’t mean to upset you.
maybe tries to crack another joke after, but this time it’s actually funny.
Ron Speirs:
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Ron is a clever man, he really understands your emotions and what hurts them.
so when you’re upset in front of a group of people, Ron has no choice but to remain professional, no matter how much it hurts.
kinda can’t do anything other than just stare at you hoping you’re getting the message. He’s all wide eyed and flustered and wants to move on from whatever they’re all doing so he can attend to you.
it probably eats him up all day after that, more than it does you.
no matter how much you understand why he must act like that, it still stung just a tincy, tiny bit.
ron needs you alone. When he finds you he’s wrapping his arms around you immediately. I don’t think he’d be the best with expressing his emotions sometimes, so he’d mutter apologies into your ear, holding you close so you can’t look back and make eye contact with him.
eye contact would make him nervous- plus why does he kinda feel choked up?!
nah but seriously, Ron would beat himself up for having to act like that around you. He hates it. When he meets you you’ll 1000% see more of an emotional side to what the army does (obviously) so it’s upsetting for him when he can’t freely express himself in front of you.
Bill Guarnere:
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“What’d I do?!”
“I think you upset her, Bill…”
“Ahhh, shit…” Bill is DUMBFOUNDED. he has quite a brash sense of humour, especially with his buddies. So when he maybe takes a joke too far in front of them all about you he doesn’t click straight away why you’ve left the table.
like you’d move to sit with some of your other buddies and he’d probably come over with a sigh, sitting down next to you. Lmao I feel like you’d just give him the cold shoulder??
he’s a head strong guy, right, but I think even he’d be a little bit puzzled on what to do. Just watches you in confusion whilst you completely blank him before removing himself from the situation.
probs gives you time and space to cool off before one of his buddies tells him he should get you some flowers or something.
“I ain’t doin’ tha’!”
turns up 30 mins later with a bunch of flowers and lots of hugs and kisses.
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belit0 · 11 months
What if Madara, Indra and Izuna with a independent strong S/O? Like maybe even stronger than them😳 I know Indra would be fuming😭
Yeah, you're rigth. Indra would be fuming!
TW: Yandere! Indra
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- What does she mean, independence?!?!?!?!! He needs to govern (Y/N), conduct their relationship in a fully traditional and retrograde way. Have her fulfill her role as a woman, look up to him and love him as a man.
- Be strong? Nope, no way. If she decides to show her strength or wants to make him think she doesn't need him, Indra will have to stand up and put her in her place. It will be the hard way, most of the time, losing patience over and over again when (Y/N) explains she doesn't want him to be involved in all the things she does.
- Indra is not looking for a strong person, he does not want someone who can spare him, and he does not want someone who chooses him solely out of love. He seeks someone who genuinely requires him, and if (Y/N) refuses to play that role, she will have to do it by force.
- They will fight again and again, confronting each other as if enemies. It will be difficult. There are not many ways to deal with someone with Indra's strength so eventually, there will be a real conflict.
- They will reach a breaking point where (Y/N) will have to choose between being with him or having independence, living free. It won't be easy, and the Otsutsuki will be happy with only one decision, so be wise girl.
- Mmm, it's hard for him to understand. Why doesn’t she want to depend on him? Let him solve all her problems and live in peace? Doesn’t she want the Uchiha to take the lead and decide for them both? Weird, he never met anyone like that.
- He circles around the issue and all the instincts his father instilled in him will scream he's doing the wrong thing if he allows her independence, but there's no greater reward than her smile when seeing her achieve things on her own.
- Eventually, he enjoys testing and proving her strength, building her up as a warrior with his techniques, and making her think her power is close to his own. Of course, this is a secret he will never reveal, wishing to make her happy.
- He worries when (Y/N) decides to go out on her own and fend for herself outside the house, but he knows meddling in her way and invading her space will only drive her away from him, and that's the last thing he wants. He learns to respect and observe with caution.
- He particularly enjoys watching her interact with people without relying on his presence to be somebody, watching her flourish and generate her own bonds despite being the wife of the clan leader.
- EXACTLY WHAT HE WANTS! There is nothing that repels this Uchiha so much as people depending on him to do anything. Learn to function on your own, learn to handle yourself, and learn to live without needing anyone.
- It makes him very happy to find a person as independent as (Y/N), appreciating each other's spaces and not encroaching on each other's daily lives. At a certain point, he even starts to miss her before she does, which makes him feel like he lost a battle in life.
- (Y/N) being a strong person actually turns him on. He loves knowing he will have a fight in the bedroom and she will not give into his hands easily. He deeply enjoys a partner who knows how to take charge as well as he does.
- He is grateful to know he has someone to train with as well, since fighting alone with Madara was getting boring, and the confrontation with (Y/N) has potential for an interesting ending.
- They will enjoy walks together, outings, and glowing evenings, but each of them will have their own space during the week, not being together all the time. Izuna deeply appreciates personal space and believes he has found the love of his life.
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bitchy-craft · 1 year
What Kind Of Self-Care You Need | Pick A Pile
Hello and welcome to this Pick A Pile! In here you'll find out what kind of self-care you need. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful. Do make sure to leave comments down below on your experience! I do want to remind you all that this is a General Pick A Pile which means this is for a lot of people: therefore keep what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Pick A Pile!
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Pile 1:
Take some time for yourself, be on your own without ant distractions like people, devices, school, jobs, travel. Find a peaceful place for yourself where you’re able to get fresh air and just stare in front of you or at the sky while listening to your own thoughts or calm music, whatever you prefer.
Let your body relax and try to let go of everything that puts pressure on your body, let go of your emotions; let them flow no matter how scared or embarrassing it may be. When you’re alone and safe no one will even be able to make comments on it. Find a safe space and completely cleanse yourself from all things that hold you back; don’t be surprised when things you didn’t know were hurting you come out, a lot of things may come as a surprise.
Pile 2:
Put on comfortable, clean clothes, brush your hair, brush your teeth, try and take a shower or bath. It might be difficult for some of you, and it’s okay to take your time and not do it perfectly, trying is good enough. Even if you don’t feel like you are going to do it good enough, know that your guides are proud of you for trying, proud of you for trying to get better.
Of course, it’s difficult for some of you guys, that’s completely understandable, so don’t be too hard on yourself, you want to try this to get better, not to be hard on yourself. For the people who don’t have these troubles; getting into clean and comfortable clothing, thoroughly cleaning yourself can help you feel refreshed, as if you’re living in a new skin, try it out, it can’t hurt.
Pile 3:
It might come as a big sigh to some of you guys, but start sporting a bit. It doesn’t have to be weight lifting on professional level, walking a few kilometres a day, or jog a few minutes can already be enough. You get yourself out of the same situation you’re always in; the same place, the same room etc. and you’re able to get fresh air.
This is not for your physical health at all, this is for your mental health. This is especially good if you need to study a lot for school or any hobby you may want to get better at. Taking breaks from studying and also leaving the place of study to get fresh air and move your muscles a bit is way better than quitting your learning and sit on your phone; your subconscious will connect the place where you study with studying, making it difficult for some of you guys to actually relax from that focus you keep building up there, those headaches that keep building up there.
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amateurasstrologer · 10 days
Hi babies, what’s up? You thought I forgot about you? 
Well, you’re right, I did. But I’m back, bitches - at least for today - to remind you that astrology is still the shit. So, before I ghost again, let’s talk. This week it’s a Saturn in Pisces special. 
Now, before you’re like, “Are you kidding? This bitch comes back after how long to talk about some random ass placement that doesn’t even apply to me? Ugh.” Just take a breath. Saturn is in Pisces. Right now. In the sky. So even if you’re not getting extra fucked like all the people having their Saturn Return, you’re still experiencing the energy and all the shit I’m about to say still applies to you. 
Alright. First, let’s talk Saturn. Saturn is all about form. It’s foundations, it’s structure, it’s hard, it’s the shit you stand on that you forget you’re standing on (until a transit happens and forces you to look down in ice cold terror). It’s important to remember that Saturn deals with all foundations - which foundation (physical, mental, etc.) depends on which sign you’re working with. When Pisces gets involved, you’re dealing with your psychological, emotional foundation.
Next, Pisces. Pisces is about all dissolution. Pisces is last in line for a reason. All the shit you absorbed during your little life cycle - collective beliefs and ideals, definitions of success, definitions of failure, the shit your parents believed, the shit their parents believed, etc. - someone needs to dissolve all that loud biz (cue Pisces) so you can get back in touch with the real true you (cue Aries). Pisces is on that transcendental shit - it’s here to elevate you, it’s fucking your foundations up in a beautifully painful liquidation process, as in we’re closing everything has got to go this business is over forever goodbye we’re done. 
When you put these two together and you get a fucking shit show. Hardening and dissolving? Opposites. Pisces is like “yes I’m here to love you forget you ever had a structure all of this is meaningless it’s time blend in the timeless space of forgiveness we’ll feel it all and understand the origin of life the mystery of life heart eyes” and Saturn is like “Look at your life! Build something! Be accountable! These are your limits - learn them! Wake up! You dropped your spine! Go pick it up! But also good luck bending over to pick it up because you don’t have a spine! Ha!” 
It doesn’t take eyes to see that Saturn is not comfy in Pisces. And it’s true, Pisces and Saturn do bring very different shit to the party. But relationships are raw materials, babies, it’s what you make with them that matters.
Saturn and Pisces, together, create an opportunity for you to give your psychological, emotional foundation a fucking upgrade. Pisces helps you dissolve the fake ass bull shit persona you’ve been passing off as a self, and Saturn helps you reform into a person who, you know, you’re actually happy to be - a person with a psychological foundation based on inner-truth, not on societal/cultural/ancestral rules and regulations. Bitch, you’re a treasure! You’re a beautiful unique person, not a robot! If you wanted to be all copy paste should have reincarnated as a keyboard smh. Wake up.
Saturn in Pisces is a call to transform yourself on a spiritual level. The deepest level. (Deeper than you Scorpio sorry.) This isn’t some find a new job, find a new hobby bull shit. This is deep unconscious reconditioning. This is scary, triggering shit. You thought Pisces was out here just blending in the gooey goodness of love? Please. Think about what dissolution actually means. You want to be psychologically free? You want to scrub your karma? Get in touch with your essence? Lol. Girl. Get ready. This transformation process is a gnarly, confusing, and, most importantly, it takes time (thanks, Saturn). Just can’t rush it. 
Alright, before you get too scared to continue, let me say it one more time for the people in the back: When Saturn is in Pisces, the unconscious, emotional (Pisces) foundation (Saturn) of your life stops being hidden. Material that was collecting dust (and power) in your unconscious (Pisces) is suddenly visible (Saturn). Surprise, bitch! Time to take a look.
Okay. Now, what happens when you’re confronted with your very own subconscious (Pisces) scaffolding (Saturn)? Well, two options: 
(1) You lose perspective and collapse the transformation process before it has time to do its thing, dissolving your sense of self (Pisces) and hardening around rigid beliefs (Saturn) to bring yourself back to a superficial sense of safety, making your life temporarily more stable and comfy but ten million times harder to confront your psychological foundation at the next opportunity.
(2) You stay focused on the big picture and face your fears, dissolving the toxic beliefs you were unconsciously building your life on (Pisces) and reforming your identity (Saturn) into something real and true, making your life temporarily more lonely and difficult but ten million times easier to relate to yourself and others forever and ever amen.
“Uh wtf who would pick option one?” You, me, anyone allowing themselves to actually feel the crippling existential dread of having to face the unknown (Pisces) or anyone who can’t bear the thought of looking critically at their inherited beliefs (Saturn). It’s not an opportunity for the faint of heart. Or for anyone who doesn’t have, at the very least, one friend. And not some moralizing “forgiveness heals all wounds hang in there” type of friend - I’m talking some real ass, truth staring ass, love you anyways bitch.
So, why did I return from the underworld to tell you this shit now? Because Saturn is only halfway through it’s uncomfortable stay on the Pisces commune. Listen - if you’re starting to feel crazy, like (1) “I swear some shit must be up I just cannot catch a break from feeling like living shit” and (2) “why does the same shit continue to happen to me over and over again like fuck I thought I got over this shit in 1933” it’s because (1) you’re being called to transform and transformation is an active process time to stop being dragged around use you legs and (2) part of this particular transformation process is acknowledging that you did not leave any shit in 1933 and you’ve actually been dragging that ugly shit around in your unconscious and it’s secretly been controlling every decision you’ve made since then. Sorry.
“Ugh, can I just close my eyes and open them when this whack ass transit is over?” Sure. They’re your eyes, babe. But, just between you and me, why would you want to do that? This is a wonderfully unique time to face the truth (Saturn) and give yourself compassion and grace (Pisces), so that you can, oh, I don’t know, turn this car around before you and your unconscious Thelma and Louise yourselves. For a limited time only - the lights are on! There is no better time to look at this shit. The cosmic support is here. Right now. Let these lunar lovelies carry you through. 
The key to navigating this transit successfully (and consciously), is to pay attention to what you’re dissolving, and what you’re hardening around. Be suspicious about the shit you take for granted emotionally - investigate that foundation - ask yourself: Where did this shit even come from? Is this the psychological foundation I want to perpetuate? Don’t keep trying to wrap yourself back up in that shed skin, babies, it’s not a good look. Embrace the rawness.
The energies are active, the pressure is there, but if you open yourself to working with the energy of the times instead of just closing your eyes and hoping for the best, you can completely transform your life over the next 12 months. No joke. No exaggeration.
Until we meet again, bitches, happy charting.
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